Newsstand Rate $2.00 Published byThe Bee Publishing Company, Newtown, Connecticut INDEXES ON
PAGES 36 & 37
Tw o D e c a d e s O f S c h o l a r s h i p
Sugar chest attributed to Stephen H. White (1787-1857), Madison
County, Ga., circa 1830-50. Walnut and yellow pine; 24½ by 36 x 17½
inches. Cobbham Collection by William Dunn Wansley.
Churn, Crawford County, Ga., circa 1890. Stoneware with dripped
alkaline glaze; 18 by 12½ inches. Georgia Museum of Art, Uni-
versity of Georgia; gift of Helen Plymale and family.
Pitcher by Lucius Jordan (1816-?), Washington County,
Ga., circa 1884. Stoneware; 9-5/8 by 7½ by 7¼
inches. Georgia Museum of Art, Uni-
versity of Georgia.
ATHENS, GA. — “I just hate vapid exhibitions. I want a show to say
something, do something. It’s important to move scholarship along,” says
Dale L. Couch. Passionate advocate and eloquent spokesman, Couch,
curator of decorative arts at the Georgia Museum of Art and director of
the museum’s Henry D. Green Center for the Study of the Decorative
Arts, has been posing provocative questions about art as a tangible
expression of the American experience since his boyhood in Aiken,
Ga. Over the past decade, the curator, who joined the museum
after a long career at the Georgia Archives, has organized a series
of milestone exhibitions on Georgia art and design, displays often
accompanied by lively symposia.
Couch’s latest effort is the exhibition “Material Georgia 1733–
1900: Two Decades of Scholarship,” the subject of a related cata-
log of the same name. The upcoming Henry D. Green Symposium
on the Decorative Arts, titled “Georgia Matters: Celebrating Two
Decades of Scholarship,” is set for January 30-February 1. All
three initiatives cast a retrospective eye over the evolution of Geor-
gia studies while suggesting directions for future research. There is
a celebratory quality to the enterprise, which honors center and
symposium, both two decades old, and the curator, who is contem-
plating retirement.
Couch identifies landmark studies in his field. There was the 1970s
survey that culminated in “Missing Pieces: Georgia Folk Art 1770-1976”
at the Atlanta Historical Society, later renamed the Atlanta History Cen-
ter. He credits Deanne Deavours with simultaneously popularizing and
saving the state’s vernacular furniture and cites the former Atlanta dealer’s
( continued on page 30 )
2C — Antiques and The Arts Weekly — January 17, 2020
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January 17, 2020 — Antiques and The Arts Weekly — 3C
4C — Antiques and The Arts Weekly — January 17, 2020
January 17, 2020 — Antiques and The Arts Weekly — 5C
6C — Antiques and The Arts Weekly — January 17, 2020
QA& Spotlight January 17, 2020 — Antiques and The Arts Weekly — 1
Letters From The
Future King Through
The French Revolution
What are you drawn to when you think about the
French Revolution? Justice for the working class?
The Bastille? The beheading of Louis XVI and
Marie Antoinette? The rise of Napoleon? Let us offer another perspective: the personal letters from the Comte
D’ Artois, the future King Charles X of France, as he fled his country during the revolution and watched help-
lessly as his brother and sister-in-law met the cold judgment of the people. A trove of 75 letters from the future
king have risen from a basement floor to the top of the podium at Freeman’s January 30 sale. While it takes
“leaks” in today’s age to understand where a politician’s mind runs, here we have the raw, uncut personal letters
from a count and future king during one of the most important moments in French history — and they are
unsparing. Antiques and The Arts Weekly spoke with Roger Ross (RR), the consignor, as well as Freeman’s specialist
Raphael Chatroux (RC) to learn about their history and context.
Give me the background. Where did these are?” And he remarked they were ruined and Then what?
these come from? they needed restoration and they might be worth
nothing at all and who knows if they’re real? Well, RR: I sent them down to Alasdair Nichol at Free-
RR: I’ve been with my partner Eric Bongartz for I looked at them and thought they were real. And man’s. And then specialist Darren Winston and
14 years. So about 16 to 18 years ago, Susan, our right beneath them was this beautiful blue sleeve, I had an appointment to meet. We met at one of
good friend who passed away about five years ago, and stamped on it in gold lettering was “Comte the clubs in New York City, and he had his French
was selling her house in Orient, Long Island. We D’ Artois / King Charles X Of France / A Remark- colleague with him, Raphael Chatroux, and they
have a house on Orient Point, and we also lived able Series Of Seventy-Five Autograph Letters looked at them and said they looked pretty amazing,
near each other in the city. She was very eccentric To Comte De Vaudreuil / 1792-1804.” I opened but they needed to do further work. They got back
— she sold and gave a lot of things to Eric when it up and on the very top there were typewritten to me about six weeks later and said “Roger, we have
she sold her house, these included, and she gave a pages that had translated the letters, and it was amazing news for you. Not only are they authentic
large amount of her things to the Animal Rescue dated 1920. I open it further and there are these and great, but they’re better than we thought. We
Fund down here. Her predeceased husband, who magnificent letters in crème ivory paper. I would think there will be a lot of activity on these.” The
died 15 years before her — his family owned a say 5-by-6 or 5-by-7 inches. Some of them had 30 year 2020 is the 250th anniversary of the wedding
rare manuscript company, Madigan Rare Books on lines with the most magnificent penmanship, very of Marie Antoinette and the future King Louis XVI.
5th Avenue, for generations in New York. I have a minute, written by some very educated person, but
compendium of all the different letters that they not necessarily a king. It’s not bombastic, it’s not So what stuck out to you about
held at one time: from Marie Antoinette, Washing- huge, it’s not on big paper. So I was just amazed, the letters?
ton, Lafayette. They were selling them in 1920 for the majority had red wax seals about the size of a
$10, $12, $15. silver dollar. And I held one up to the light to see a RR: I have the 1920s translations here. On Novem-
watermark, and it had one. ber 19, 1792 — this is the translator talking about
What was Susan like? these letters — Charles, the Comte D’ Artois, had
RR: To give you an idea of how cool she was: her ( continued on page 10 )
husband won two Emmy awards. We shared a
cleaning lady, who is also a friend of ours. I went
to her house one time and I said, “Is that an Emmy
on your piano?” And she goes “Yes! Susan gave it
to me, she said it was her husband’s.” Next time I
saw Susan, I asked her why she gave the cleaning
lady the Emmy. And she said, “Roger, well I have
two!” So that kind of paints a picture of the kind
of wonderful, witty, great friend she was.
Where were you when you found the
letters again?
RR: So these letters were laying on the floor in our
basement — on the floor — in a plastic milk crate,
and Eric and I — Eric has the biggest heart in the
world — our friend is a manic French wine col-
lector, and he ran out of room in his cellar, so we
gave him half of our cellar. So we have 100 cases
of his wine down there now. And one day I said,
“We’re running out of space, so let’s clean a little.”
So I picked this crate up and put it on the washing
machine, and on the top were two signed books
from Theodore Roosevelt. Two volumes from
African Game Trails, editioned 300 of 500. And
I looked at Eric and I said “Do you know what
2 — Antiques and The Arts Weekly — January 17, 2020 Auction/Show Calendars - Page 36 INDEX - Page 37
January 17, 2020 — Antiques and The Arts Weekly — 3
At Pook & Pook —
January 17-18 Americana & International Auction
DOWNINGTOWN, PENN. — unusual signed print titled canes as well as a number of pieces of English redware will day, January 18, 8 to 9 am. A
This winter, just as folks fin- Signs by Robert Rauschenberg Victorian canes with carved also cross the auction block. A reception and extended exhi-
ish up counting down from ten is expected to fetch $3/5,000. terminals. small collection of Wedgwood bition will run from 4 to 6 pm
and singing “Auld Lang Syne,” An oil on canvas of circus per- fairyland lustre is included at on Friday, January 17. Anyone
Pook & Pook will offer almost formers by Heinrich Schlitt The sale continues with a the end of the sale. wishing to attend should
700 lots of antique furniture, shows a clown and a ballerina number of items from the New RSVP to info@pookandpook.
fine art and decorative acces- trying to coax a pig to jump England area. Furniture Gallery exhibitions are com. Wine and light fare will
sories from around the globe. through a hoop. Friday night includes high chests, dining scheduled for Saturday, Janu- be served.
Bidding both live in-house and ends with the property of Wil- chairs, chests of drawers, tall ary 11, 9 am to 1 pm; Wednes-
online will happen on January liam E. and Anne H. Lewis of case clocks, dressing tables, day, January 15, 10 am to 4 Pook & Pook is at 463 East
17 and 18. Columbus, Ohio. This collec- slant front desks, tavern pm; Thursday, January 16, 10 Lancaster Avenue. For informa-
tion includes a number of mid- tables and more. A New am to 4 pm; Friday, January tion, www.pookandpook.com or
Session one will begin at 6 Atlantic and New England Hampshire Queen Anne flame 17, 10 am to 6 pm; and Satur- 610-269-4040.
pm on Friday, January 17, fol- area pieces of furniture, folk maple high chest ($4/6,000)
lowing an extended preview art, redware, pewter, a sam- and a Federal tall case clock EXCITING NEW 2012
and reception. The collection of pler, glass, porcelain, brass from Massachusetts heavily PRE-BRIMFIELD EVENTS!
Jean and Eugene Jacobsen and silver. inlaid with line, paterae and
from Englewood, N.J., will fan inlays ($5/7,000) are high- Milford
start the auction with 49 lots. Session two starts at 9 am on lights. Accessories include Antiques Show
According to the Jacobsens’ Saturday, January 18, with a New England samplers, and- Over 100 Dealers in
daughter, their home was a Pennsylvania William and irons, Staffordshire, mirrors, Quality Antiques and Collectibles!
“living, breathing example of Mary spice chest, circa 1750, watercolors, burl scoops and
Early American furniture and with a herringbone and sprig bowls, baskets, silver, etc. Hampshire Hills Sports and Fitness Club
art” and “every family gather- and berry design on the door
ing was embraced by the ($50/80,000). Second up is a The sale finishes with a vari- 50 Emerson Rd. (Intersection of Rtes. 101 & 13)
warmth of the history of early watercolor fraktur birth cer- ety of consignments that come Milford, New Hampshire
American life and the skilled tificate by Johann Conrad Gil- from abroad. A set of six
craftsmen that artfully creat- bert ($4/7,000). The start of George III carved mahogany
ed the pieces.” Some highlights day two is filled with pieces dining chairs ($2/3,000) and a
from the collection are several from the mid-Atlantic region cutwork silhouette by Eliza-
pieces of furniture, including a of the United States. Furni- beth Cobbold of Queen Bess
Pennsylvania Queen Anne ture highlights include are up for bid $400/700).
walnut dressing table, circa shranks, tea tables, dower
1765, of a desirable small size chests, tall chests, corner cup- Other English pieces include
with drake feet ($7/10,000); boards, Dutch cupboards, a George III wing chair, two
the Captain James Mugford, a dressing tables, miniature fur- George II easy chairs, two
Revolutionary War hero from niture, tall case clocks, etc. A George III sofas and a George
Marblehead, Mass., Chippen- Pennsylvania Queen Anne III chest of drawers. Three
dale mahogany diminutive walnut dressing table with an
drop leaf table ($10/15,000); unusual arcaded and heart Four Great Buying Opportunities!
and a diminutive Massachu- cutout skirt is expected to Sundays 10am to 2pm
setts Queen Anne walnut high bring $7/9,000. A Berks Coun-
chest, circa 1765, with petite ty, Penn., black unicorn dower May 6 Pre-Brimfield Week
cabriole legs and pad feet chest retains its original deco- July 8 Pre-Brimfield Week
($10/12,000). Of note from the ration of rampant unicorns August 5 Antiques Week in NH
collection are several large flanked by panels with riders September 2 Pre-Brimfield Week
China Trade oil on canvas on horseback ($12/18,000). A
paintings, including one of the rare Lancaster County, Penn., 10 AM to 11 AM – Admission: $5
view of Whampoa Anchorage Hepplewhite cherry tall case 11 AM to 2 PM – Free Admission
from the south, circa 1840 clock by Martin Shreiner, circa
($15/25,000); one of the view of 1830 ($25/45,000) has musical No Sales Tax • All Indoors • Free Parking • Café
the Hongs at Canton, circa works that play seven tunes.
1840 ($12/18,000); and one of a Jack Donigian, Manager 781-329-1192
naval engagement on the Boca Day two has an assortment
Tigris, circa 1840 ($4/7,000). of decorative accessories, www.milfordantiqueshow.com
including stoneware, toleware,
The sale on Friday night con- whirligigs, folk art, trade Our 36th Year of Quality Antiques Shows
tinues with 110 lots of Histori- signs, baskets, chalkware, tin-
cal Staffordshire from a New ware, portraits, weathervanes,
York collection. Included will stoneware, fraktur, butter
be several interesting pieces, prints and more. Several
such as the Esplanade & Cas- quilts in a rainbow of colors
tle Garden New York platter will cross the block. An
($2/3,000), the Capitol Wash- engraved bronze sundial dated
ington centerpiece bowl 1689 has a face etched into it.
($2/3,000), the Dix Cove on the
Gold Coast Africa fruit bowl The appointment of Anthony
($2/3,000) and the rare four Wayne to major general of the
medallion platter with Jeffer- Legion of the United States of
son, Lafayette, Clinton and America, dated the 19th day of
Washington over a view of March, 1793, and signed by
Tunbridge Castle Surry and President George Washington
the Aqueduct bridge at Roch- could be considered the birth
ester ($5/10,000). Fine art fol- of the US Army. The Legion
lows with artists such as Anto- was formed after the Revolu-
nio Jacobsen, Stephen Etnier, tionary War as a standing
Donald Mosher, Peter Scult- army of professional soldiers
horp, Andrew Wyeth, Richard rather than state militias. It
Evett Bishop and others. Two was reduced in size and
pieces by Laurence Campbell rechristened the Army of the
(b 1939) include an oil on can- United States in 1796. A
vas titled “Winter in New designed Tiffany Studios tur-
Hope” ($6/9,000) and another tle back table lamp includes a
titled “New Hope Train Sta- patinated air root design base
tion Winter” ($6/8,000). An ($12/18,000). Also included are
a number of folk art carved
4 — Antiques and The Arts Weekly — January 17, 2020
Kodner’s Two December Sales Reach Total Of $1.98 Million
Auction Action In Dania Beach, Fla.
A number of signed Cartier pieces selling included a dia-
mond and 18K white gold “Love Bracelet” for $9,075.
DANIA BEACH, FLA. — Lux- ing auction market trends, the A 13.5-carat marquise cut diamond eternity
ury timepieces and jewelry firm’s president Russ Kodner, band brought $24,200.
drove Kodner Galleries’ Decem- G.G., AAA, and general manag-
ber holiday sales to a prosper- er Kevin Patrick Taylor have This Patek Philippe Nautilus
ous finish in 2019. The two jew- increased the share of jewelry sold for $114,950.
elry and gift auctions, December in all of its auctions. Jewelry
4 and December 18, doubled the now accounts for one-third of estate and vintage pieces. The December 4 auction rings, bracelets, necklaces and
offerings of estate jewelry, lots offered in Kodner’s bi-week- Internet bidding comprises began with two Patek Philippe pins were offered in a wide
watches and contemporary dia- ly auctions, with a focus on Aquanaut, one Patek Philippe range of pricing, from a few
mond and gemstone pieces. signed pieces from well-known the majority of Kodner auction Nautilus and one Rolex Sea- hundred dollars up. There was
Typically, Kodner features one brands, including Cartier, Van activity, augmented by a mail- Dweller Deapsea all selling at a something for everyone and lots
grand jewelry auction in Decem- Cleef & Arpels, Tiffany & Co, ing list of long-standing phone, combined $225,060. A number of great buys to be had. In addi-
ber. In keeping with the chang- Rolex, Patek Philippe as well as absentee and local south Flori- of signed Cartier pieces selling tion to the luxury watches there
da gallery bidders established included a diamond and 18K were rings, bracelets, cufflinks
This Rolex Daytona “Big A Nautilus 5711/1R went out throughout the gallery’s 113- white gold “Love Bracelet” for and money clips for the men, as
Red” brought $36,300. at $96,800. year history, including 40 years $9,075, a vintage Cartier gold well as an antique Louis Vuit-
at the current Dania Beach ingot pendant at $3,146 and ton steamer trunk that ham-
location. several Cartier rings and brace- mered down at $5,324.
A GIA-certified 5.76-carat lets.
diamond engagement ring The second year-end jewelry
hammered down at $58,080. Diamond jewelry featured auction, December 18, again
numerous eternity bands and featured a collection of men’s
earrings of varying styles, cuts watches with significant pre-
and sizes. A 13.5-carat mar- auction internet and gallery
quise cut diamond eternity interest and bidding. The collec-
band brought $24,200. A pair of tion included four Rolex watch-
46.50-carat pear and marquise es selling for a total $73,205,
diamond chandelier earrings including a Rolex Daytona “Big
sold at $78,600. A GIA-certified Red” bringing $36,300. Four
8.50-carat emerald and 48.88- Patek Philippe timepieces were
carat diamond necklace fetched offered, including a Nautilus
$72,600. A contemporary 35.25- 5711/1R bringing $96,800. A
carat round brilliant cut dia- vintage 18K Vacheron Constan-
mond bracelet was sold to a tin was sold for $10,890. In total
thrilled phone bidder for 12 watches brought a whopping
$16,940. Vintage and estate $398,937.
A pair of 46.50-carat pear and marquise diamond chande- A GIA-certified 8.50-carat emerald and 48.88-carat diamond A Cartier diamond and 18K
lier earrings sold at $78,600. necklace fetched $72,600. Panther ring was bid to $13,915,
while 10.60-carat diamond ear
studs went out at $58,080. A
GIA-certified 5.76-carat dia-
mond engagement ring was
also hammered down at
$58,080, and an AGL-certified
17.25-carat sapphire and dia-
mond ring sold for $13,310.
Demand for diamond and gem-
stone jewelry in every price
range was strong online and
through phone bidding.
The December 18 sale also
included an estate of contempo-
rary art, vintage Dunhill lug-
gage, coins and collectibles.
Combined, Kodner Galleries’
two holiday auction sales
totaled $1,980,200.
Prices given include the buy-
er’s premium as stated by the
auction house. For information,
www.kodner.com or 954-925-
January 17, 2020 — Antiques and The Arts Weekly — 5
On Jan. 16, Morphy’s Will Present
The Susquehanna Collection
Pair of 1770-80 silver-mounted American officer’s flintlock
pistols signed “Swietzer” and attributed (Lancaster County
Historical Society letter) to a Lancaster, Penn., locksmith
who died in 1788. Featured in multiple publications. Ex col-
lections of John S. duMont and Joe Kindig Jr ($50/100,000).
Pair of American Revolutionary War flintlock officer’s pis- Antique Furniture, Historical
tols, each inscribed for its original owner: “Robert Roberts Firearms, Decorative & Fine Art
1775.” Ex collection of R.H. Coleman, president of Reming-
ton Arms Co, extensive documentation ($50/100,000). In Single-Consignor Auction
DENVER, PENN. — On Jan- American Revolutionary War dates to circa 1770-1775. A rare politan Museum of Art and has
uary 16 at 10 am, Morphy Auc- period, with each gun dated and a long line of distinguished
tions will launch its 2020 roster marked for its original owner, survivor, it could reach provenance. In the early 1920s,
of gallery events with the 220- “Robert Roberts 1775.” Roberts $20/40,000 at auction. Both the suit was assembled by Dr
lot sale of a Pennsylvania col- served in the militia and par- tables have provenance that Bashford Dean, first president
lection. Dubbed “The Susque- ticipated in several engage- includes Joe Kindig Antiques, a of the Arms & Armor Society
hanna Collection,” the unique ments in Maryland, as well as multi-generational central and first curator of the Arms &
assemblage of furniture, deco- at the battles of Brandywine Pennsylvania specialty busi- Armor Gallery at the Met. Dean
rative and fine arts, Kentucky and Germantown in Pennsylva- ness established in 1934. used period elements in the suit
long rifles, powder horns and nia. While owned by R.H. Cole- A rare circa 1810 neoclassical of armor’s assembly, including
accoutrements was amassed by man, president of Remington brass and ormolu mounted components from the collections
a private collector over a period Arms Co, the pistols were fea- mantel clock would have been of Carl, Prince of Prussia; and
of 40 years. Its contents are a tured in the July 1972 issue of highly prized in any early Nine- the Princes Radziwill, Nieswiez
testament to the pride and The American Rifleman. They Circa 1510-20 composite teenth Century American home. Castle, Lithuania. The 75-inch
incomparable level of crafts- are accompanied by extensive Maximilian suit of armor, Made by Dubuc (Paris) for the armor suit is expected to reach
manship that typified Eigh- documentation, photos, letters assembled in the early 1920s American market, it depicts $75/150,000 at auction.
teenth and Nineteenth Century from former owners, plus sales from period pieces (some of George Washington standing
firearms, furniture and every- receipts dating from as early as royal provenance) by Met beside a monument surmount- Morphy’s Auctions is at 2000
day objects produced in the 1950 ($50/100,000). curator Dr Bashford Dean, ed by an American eagle. N Reading Road. For informa-
low-lying settlements alongside Perhaps the finest long arm in first president of the Arms & Beneath the clock’s signed tion, www.morphyauctions.com
the Susquehanna River, in the collection, a flintlock Ken- Armor Society ($75/150,000). enameled dial, the legend reads: or 877-968-8880.
Pennsylvania, Maryland and tucky rifle with the Pennsylva- “Washington First in War, First
New York. nia state seal on its patchbox is N.Y., confirms that both were in Peace, First in the Hearts of
attributed to Jacob Kuntz members of Camp Bell’s regi- His Countrymen.” Many surviv-
One would have to search long (1780-1876). Kuntz was born in ment and taken as prisoners of ing examples of this particular
and hard to find finer or more Pennsylvania’s Lehigh Valley war. A well-documented book model are unsigned, making
illustriously provenanced Eigh- and trained in Allentown. While example, the horn comes to auc- this one more desirable
teenth Century flintlock pistols the rifle from the Susquehanna tion with a $25/50,000 estimate. ($40/80,000).
than one particular pair to be Collection was made during the During the American colonial In addition to the Eighteenth
auctioned by Morphy’s. Made time Kuntz was in Philadel- period, the hallmark of an and Nineteenth Century items
circa 1770-1780, the silver- phia, its design shows many upscale Pennsylvania residence in the collection, there are
mounted guns are signed “Swi- Lehigh characteristics would have been an interior important earlier pieces, includ-
etzer” and are attributed to a ($40/60,000). décor featuring Philadelphia ing a rare early Sixteenth Cen-
Lancaster, Penn., locksmith The Germanic folk artistry of mahogany furniture, such as tury Maximilian suit of armor.
who died in 1788 but appeared Frietrich Leppert is copiously the elegant circa-1750 Queen It is similar to an example that
on local tax rolls as early as displayed on a 1782 New York Anne dressing table appears in “Of Arms and Men:
1760. The pistols were previ- powder horn with detailed ($30/50,000). The cabriole legs Arms and Armor” at the Metro-
ously in the collections of John images of a man smoking a long are richly carved with a shell-
S. duMont and Joe Kindig Jr pipe, a Georgian house, flora and-bellflower motif, the work
and have been featured in mul- and foliage; and a German-lan- attributed to the shop of Samu-
tiple publications. Additionally, guage inscription that trans- el Harding. The secondary
they were exhibited by the York lates as a soldier’s prayer before woods are poplar and cedar, and
(Penn.) Historical Society. battle. The names of both Lep- all brasses appear to be origi-
Together with a sizable archive pert and another militiaman nal. Another Philadelphia pro-
of supportive ephemera, the named “Schreibber” appear on duction, a Chippendale mahog-
guns are estimated $50/100,000. the horn. The Revolutionary any turret-cornered games
War roster of Tryon County, table with ball-and-claw feet
Another pair of exceptional
flintlock pistols comes from the
Whitney Exhibits Darren Bader’s Edible Exhibition
NEW YORK CITY — From empty, the washing, slicing, tory experience from everyday
January 15 to February 17, dicing and chopping of the objects that continues the art-
the Whitney’s eighth floor gal- produce in the Museum’s Stu- ist’s ongoing examination of
lery will be the site of “fruits, dio Cafe kitchen will be cap- readymade art, as well as his
vegetables; fruit and vegeta- tured on video and projected investigation of art as con-
ble salad.” The exhibition is in the gallery for visitors to cept, language, and commodi-
comprised of an untitled work observe. The fruit and vegeta- ty.
by Darren Bader from the ble salad will then be served
Whitney’s permanent collec- in the gallery and visitors will “Fruits, vegetables; fruit and
tion —acquired in 2015 and be invited to eat it. Museum vegetable salad’ is an opportu-
never before presented at the staff will refresh the artwork nity to be nimble in showcas-
Museum — featuring a selec- with a new selection of pro- ing a work from the Whitney’s
tion of fruits and vegetables duce, and the process will collection, and to collaborate
presented as sculptures on repeat. with an artist the museum
pedestals. Through this orga- first showed in the 2014 Bien-
nizing principle, Bader calls Scott Rothkopf, senior depu- nial. This work’s absurdist yet
attention to the formal prop- ty director and Nancy and sincere premise is particular-
erties of the objects’ colors, Steve Crown family chief ly apropos in our current cli-
shapes, lines and textures. curator, remarked, “Rigorous, mate, and I hope viewers will
funny, and strangely uncanny, engage through close looking,
At scheduled times through- Bader’s work tests not only questioning and salad-con-
out the week — Mondays, what an artwork can be but sumption,” said Christie
Wednesdays and Sundays also what a museum can col- Mitchell, senior curatorial
from 3 to 6 pm, and Fridays lect and how we display it. assistant.
from 7:30 to 10 pm — museum We’re thrilled to show this
staff will remove the ripened recent acquisition for the first Darren Bader (b 1978,
fruits and vegetables from the time, though we recognize it Bridgeport, Conn.) lives and
pedestals. Rather than dispos- might not taste as good as it works in New York.
ing of the produce, Bader has looks.”
instructed that a fruit and The Whitney Museum of
vegetable salad should be cre- In “fruits, vegetables; fruit American Art is at 99 Gan-
ated. While the gallery sits and vegetable salad,” Bader sevoort Street. For information,
creates a visual and participa- www.whitney.org or 212-570-
6 — Antiques and The Arts Weekly — January 17, 2020
Potter & Potter Auction Steals The Show At $355,000
Auction Action In Chicago, Ill.
How the Stars Bring Success, the Graysons astrology side-
show banner rose to $6,000.
Raymond & Company’s Menagerie for 1847 A program from Buffalo Bill’s first Wild
was estimated $4/6,000 and made $11,400. West performance was estimated $5/7,000
and delivered $9,600.
Circus, Sideshow & Oddities Comprise
Entertainment-Themed Sale
A contemporary imitation A banner illustrated with a tattoo artist made $3,600. Snap Wyatt’s (American, A circa 1900s-10s color litho-
Tsantsa-type shrunken head 1905-1984) Toney Moreno / graph featuring The Bless-
made $3,360 on its $600/900 ing bearing her male partner’s ner rose to $6,000. This circa Ha-Sue banner sold for ings ($1/1,500) flexed its
estimate. full standing weight on one 1930-era, expertly painted ban- $3,600. muscles at $4,800.
outstretched arm. And a por- ner advertised astrological ing the World’s Strangest Mar- as a puppy, as well as a copy of
CHICAGO, ILL. — Potter & trait lithograph of Barnum’s readings and was likely used ried Couple (Al Tomaini “The a 1987 newspaper story about
Potter Auctions’ circus, side- famous bearded lady, Annie inside a circus tent. Tallest Man in the World” and her.
show and oddities sale con- Jones, for an appearance at the Jeanne “The World’s Only Half
ducted on November 16 was Musee Castan in Brussels sold Archives of ephemeral mate- Living Girl”) traded hands at Photographs, books, antiques
one hot ticket. When the ham- for $3,360. rials, including photographs, $1,140 on its $100/200 esti- and other freak show-themed
mer fell for the last time, 68 letters, cards and stationery, mate. And a series of four late rarities rounded out this sale.
lots made $750-$1,500; 38 lots Larger scale circus and side- also caught the eye of discern- 1920s black and white photo- A program from Buffalo Bill’s
realized $1,501-$4,000; and show banners also made a big ing buyers. A collection of about graphs depicting a wood statue first Wild West performance
five lots traded hands at more impression on buyers. Several 350 photos of human oddities by artist Ito Yamashi landed at was estimated $5/7,000 and
than $4,000. important selections were from from the 1950s ($1,5/2,500) $780. The statue, created for delivered $9,600. It was pro-
the hand of carnival artist delivered $4,320. The images the firm Deakin Brothers, Art fusely illustrated and likely
Antique posters spotlighting Snap Wyatt (American, 1905- included those of giants, midg- and Curio Dealers in Japan the only surviving example of
circus highlights and perform- 1984). These included a signed ets, morbidly obese people, Sia- was considered perfect ana- the debut performance of his
ers of yesteryear took several Mule-Face Woman banner and mese twins, strong men, pierc- tomically. Wild West show on May 19,
of the top lot slots in this sale. his Toney Moreno / Ha-Sue ings, people with hypertrichosis 1883. A circa 1868 photograph
Raymond & Company’s Menag- banner. Each sold for $3,600. or albinism, snake charmers, Sideshow-related materials of American inventor Zadoc P.
erie for 1847 was estimated amputees and others. A collec- added a “can’t look away” vibe Dederick’s humanlike robot
$4/6,000 and made $11,400. A banner illustrated with a tion of Johnny Eck “Half Boy” to this sale. A wooden mallet designed to pull a cart, shot to
This rare pre-Civil War-era tattoo artist made $3,600. This materials and personal effects used for a carnival strength $1,680 on its $150/250 esti-
poster advertised the lineup of example, from the Modern realized $3,600. John Eckhardt testing game nailed it at mate. And a vintage guillotine
this little-known circus; its bor- Props collection, was rented for Jr (American, 1911-1991) was $2,640, more than ten times its cigar cutter made the cut at
der featured woodcuts of the use in film and TV productions, a performer and a film actor low estimate. Its head was $2,160 — more than ten times
exhibition’s animals, and its including Men in Black III and best known for his role in the embossed “Ringling Bros. and its low estimate. This silver-
center image depicted a band- the television series Gotham, 1932 cult classic film Freaks. Barnum & Bailey Circus/1919.” plated cigar cutter was
wagon drawn by a team of 16 among others. And a How the designed to resemble the well-
horses. A circa 1900s-10s color Stars Bring Success, The Gray- A group of 19 sepia photo- A contemporary imitation known beheading device and
lithograph featuring The Bless- sons astrology sideshow ban- graphs from the 1930s featur- Tsantsa-type shrunken head was mounted on a marble
ings ($1/1,500) flexed its mus- made $3,360 on its $600/900 plinth.
cles at $4,800. This rarity, estimate. This head was fea-
printed by Adolph Friedlander tured in an episode of the Dis- Prices given includes the buy-
in Hamburg, depicted the covery Channel series Mum- er’s premium as stated by the
strongwoman Madame Bless- mies Unwrapped. auction house. For more informa-
tion, www.potterauctions.com or
A taxidermized “Tootsie” the 773-472-1442.
Five-Legged Dog” fetched
$3,600 — more than twice its
low estimate. This lot included
a newspaper photo of the dog
January 17, 2020 — Antiques and The Arts Weekly — 7
Nye & Co.’s Collectors’
Passion Auction Slated For Jan. 15
Rare pair of First Period Worcester bough pots, English, Silver tankard by John Burt, Boston, circa 1760 (left),
circa 1770. and a George II silver tea pot, possibly Channel Islands,
circa 1735.
Main Focus Is Americana.
Timed To Start Just Ahead Of
NYC’s Americana Week.
BLOOMFIELD, N.J. — An responsible for preserving sev- Chippendale carved cherry- early cast iron firebacks and Weston, a photographer
auction focusing primarily on eral historic buildings in town. wood high chest of drawers, stove plates from the Eric known for taking photos of the
Americana and the traditional possibly Long Island, New Martin Wunsch collection. dunes at Oceano.
collecting aesthetics, and The collection is quintessen- York, 1760-80. Wunsch was an early and
timed to kick off just ahead of tial early American and fea- 1630; a Dutch School portrait highly respected collector of People can bid in person, by
Americana Week in New York tures early brass, silver, Chi- of a young woman from the early American furniture, sil- phone, in absentia and online.
City, is planned for Wednes- nese export porcelain, Chinese, Sixteenth Century; a silver ver, Old Master paintings and An online catalog preview is
day, January 15, by Nye & English and American furni- tankard by Boston silversmith early glass. currently in progress through
Company Auctioneers, online ture, Old Master paintings John Burt; and a selection of January 15 at www.nyeand-
and in the firm’s gallery, start- and early mezzotint engrav- brass dating from as early as There is also a selection of company.com. First-hand gal-
ing at 10 am Eastern time. ings. the Sixteenth Century. classic American folk portrai- lery previews will be conduct-
ture from the first-half of the ed Monday through Friday,
The sale is officially titled a Of note is the “D-Day” George Dovetailing nicely with the Nineteenth Century and a January 7-14 from 10 am to 4
Collectors’ Passion auction. III-style extension dining Carpenter collection is a col- group of self-taught and Out- pm; and Sunday, January 12,
“We invite collectors, institu- table, a historically important lection of first period Worces- sider art being offered from from 12 noon to 4 pm (but not
tions and the trade in New piece bearing a silver plaque ter porcelain from a private the NAMITS Collection. Art- Saturday, January 15).
York that week to come over to that reads, “This table was in Westchester, N.Y., collection. ists include Harriet Wiseman,
New Jersey by way of train, constant use October 1943 to Collected over 30-plus years, Charlotte Culot, Barry Simons Nye & Company Auctioneers is
bus or car,” said Andrew Holt- May 1944 for the deliberations this group boasts examples in and Robilee Frederick. at 20 Beach Street. For informa-
er of Nye & Company Auction- of General Eisenhower, Allied a variety of forms. Included tion, www.nyeandcompany.com
eers. “We’re located 15 miles Commander-in-Chief and his are pieces from the well- Continuing with the fine arts or 973-984-6900.
outside of the Lincoln Tunnel staff, who were then planning known and highly sought-after theme, there are some early
and are easily accessible, and the victorious Allied advance Zorensky collection. Another photographs by photographers
close to, mass transit centers. in Germany. It was also used private Westchester collector Edward Weston and his son
The sale offerings are well by General Marshall and Joint is selling a collection of Staf- Brett. The photos depict the
worth the trip.” Chiefs of Staff of the United fordshire cow creamers. dunes at Oceano, Calif., and
States Army when plans for D- are from the 1930s. All are
The auction is headlined by Day were put into direction American furniture is well signed and dated on the mount
property from the collection of while staying at Stanwell represented from a variety of and are examples of the plate
Ralph and Roberta Carpenter. House, England, May to June private collections, including a of light, shadows and texture
Ralph was a former Christie’s 1944”. Chippendale serpentine-front of nature. Of special note is an
representative from Newport, chest of drawers, a Classical Edward Weston photograph.
R.I., and the author of the Additional highlights include figured maple lyre base games This particular work bears a
book The Arts and Crafts of a 1775 mezzotint of Samuel table and a Queen Anne fan- personal inscription from
Newport, Rhode Island: 1640- Adams, printed by Reck and carved high chest of drawers. Edward to Gavin Arthur.
1820. Both “Bobbie” and Ralph Okey in Newport; a Haarlem Gavin was the son of Presi-
were fixtures in Newport and School oil on wood titled The sale also includes three dent Chester Arthur and like
“Musical Interlude” from circa
Ringling Welcomes Back Ai Weiwei
SARASOTA, FLA. — body of work builds on the suc- retreat outside Beijing. The
Acclaimed artist Ai Weiwei cess of his internationally Ringling will be the first
will return to The John and acclaimed “Circle of Animals/ museum in the United States
Mable Ringling Museum of Zodiac Heads: Bronze and to host the Zodiac Lego series
Art with his new “Zodiac” Gold” (2010) sculpture series, after its commercial debut at
(2018) Lego series, on view in which The Ringling hosted in Deitch Gallery in Los Angeles
the Keith D. and Linda L. the outdoor garden area of the in 2018.
Monda Gallery for Contempo- museum during 2017-2018.
rary Art until February 2. Both series celebrate Ai Wei- “The Zodiac” (2018) series
wei’s reinterpretation of the continues Ai Weiwei’s tenden-
The 12 portraits in the series 12 bronze animal heads repre- cy toward the accumulation of
are made entirely of Lego piec- senting the traditional Chi- materials, a creative method
es and measure 90 by 90 inch- nese zodiac that once adorned the artist has employed for
es each. The Zodiac Lego series the famed fountain-clock of many of his best-known works.
demonstrates the artist’s con- the Yuanming Yuan (Old Sum- His interest in amassing and
tinued focus on the zodiac ani- mer Palace), an imperial collecting connects with his
mal concept and this latest ongoing interest in how indi-
viduals relate to society
Ai Weiwei, “Zodiac,” 2018 Lego Bricks, Set of 12, each 90 by through experience. Weiwei’s
90 inches. Images courtesy of the artist; Jason Schmidt use of Lego bricks, usually
photo. considered a children’s toy, is a
poignant example of his singu-
lar art practice and the recon-
figuration of this basic mate-
rial, transforming the
narrative and nature of this
Steven High, the Ringling’s
executive director said, “We
are pleased to once again pres-
ent the though-provoking
work of this important artist.
His works, which are produced
in a multitude of mediums
bring awareness to global
issues including human rights
and freedom of expression.”
The John and Mable Ringling
Museum of Art is at 5401 Bay
Shore Road. For more informa-
tion, www.ringling.org or 941-
Newtown Bee_February_2018_2x6.indd 1 10/25/18 2:53 PM
8 — Antiques and The Arts Weekly — January 17, 2020 Compiled by
Antiques andThe Arts Weekly
Notable Prices Recently Achieved At Various Auction Houses
Staff and Correspondents
Across The Block
All prices
include buyer’s premium.
A Patek Philippe Worth Waiting For Jean Halter Beats Personal Best, Again, Galle’s Art Nouveau Pet Is Cat’s Meow
DANIA BEACH, FLA. — Patek Philippe watches For Alderfer At Morphy Sale
have been newsmakers lately, and Kodner’s holiday
estate jewelry, art and collectibles sale on Decem- HATFIELD, PENN. — A winter townscape by DENVER, PENN. — Tiffany Studios lamps may
ber 18 kept the trend going. A brand new Patek Jean Halter (1916-1891) that set a record for the have triumphed at Morphy Auctions’ 767-lot fine and
Philippe Nautilus 5711/1R-001 40mm 18K rose artist when Alderfer sold it for $20,700 in 2006 decorative arts auction on December 12, but a lot
gold watch sold for $96,800. The Patek Philippe topped its own record on December 12, bringing that captured the attention of many others was a
Nautilus Ref 5711 is the world’s most desirable lux- $27,000 from a Chicago private collector bidding on charming Emile Galle faience cat, which sold for
ury sports watch, according to the online The Watch the phone. Depicting New Hope along the Delaware $20,910 against an estimate of $600/900. This cat
Lounge, which says that the wait time from autho- River, the painting included many key elements of was 13½ by 7½ by 5 inches and glazed yellow, as were
rized retailers in the United Kingdom is around life on the river, such as ice skating on the canal, most of the French artist’s cats, and dotted with blue
eight years on average. Why so popular? The site horse-drawn sleighs and steam locomotives. Signed and white spots, signed on the underside “E Galle
said it can be summed up in six factors: quality, and dated 1957, it is one of Halter’s earlier works. A Nancy.” Every cat has glass eyes and a grin. Galle
scarcity, prestige, versatility, significance, and representative for Alderfer said that more Halter was a leader of the Art Nouveau movement in France
investment value. For information, www.kodner.com paintings will be offered in March. For information, in the mid-1800s, starting his art while working at
or 954-925-2550. 215-393-3000 or www.alderferauction.com. his father’s furniture and pottery factory. For infor-
mation, 877-968-8880 or www.morphyauctions.com.
Potter & Potter’s Magiciana Sale Enigma Machine Summons $106,250 Daum Nancy Mushroom Vase Emerges
Conjures Nearly $272,000 At Heritage Auction For World Auction Gallery
CHICAGO — Potter & Potter’s December 14 auc- DALLAS — A rare encryption machine used by EAST MEADOW, N.Y. — In a sale December 15 at
tion, the company’s final event of 2019, capped off Nazi German forces to communicate without inter- World Auction Gallery that saw nearly 100 pieces of
the decade in a most positive way, realizing nearly ception and translation by opposing nations sold art glass cross the block, pushing up the highest was
$272,000. Broadsides and posters featuring early for more than four times its opening bid to end at a 10-inch-tall Daum Nancy Art Nouveau cameo glass
Twentieth Century magic acts took many of the top $106,250. The cipher device was offered at Heritage vase with mushroom decoration that achieved
slots in this sale. A circa 1905 color lithograph of coin Auctions on December 14 in the World War II arti- $13,200 from a private collector bidding on the phone.
trick artist T. Nelson Downs (1867-1938) was esti- facts section of its Historic Flags of World War II A representative for the auction house said that all of
mated at $8/10,000 and delivered $15,600. This eye- auction. The Enigma encrypting machine was used the art glass sold, with many bringing three to six
popping poster featured a central bust portrait of by the German military from 1934 until the end of times the estimate; this mushroom vase made nearly
Downs, surrounded by vignettes of his coin manipu- the war, but fewer than 250 are believed to remain ten times its $1,5/2,000 estimate. For information,
lation act, ribbons of coins and red flowers. For infor- in existence. Many were destroyed by the Germans 516-307-8180 or www.worldauctiongallery.com.
mation, www.potterauctions.com or 773-472-1442. to prevent them from falling into the wrong hands.
This machine is a model M3 with the serial num- Bemelmans’ Madeline Sketch Triples
Record Price For Rare Adolf Loos bers of the rotors matching the machine itself, For High Estimate At Swann Galleries
Longcase Clock, Circa 1900 information, www.ha.com or 877-437-4824.
NEW YORK CITY — With the Eiffel Tower lean-
NEW YORK CITY — The December 13 design auc- Antique African Throwing Knife Hits ing in the background, an illustration by Ludwig
tion at Christie’s totaled $6,704,375 with the top lot Its Mark At $3,840 Bemelmans, “Sketch for Madeline,” more than tri-
pled its $6/9,000 estimate when it sold at $22,500
being a rare long case clock, MOUNT KISCO, N.Y. — An antique African triple- at Swann Galleries’ December 10 illustration art
circa 1900, by Adolf Loos, blade sickle-form throwing knife or tool, possibly auction. The 22½-by-15-inch illustration of Made-
which sold for $447,000 made of iron, hit its mark at the Benefit Shop Foun- line and Miss Clavel in a garden of flowers at the
against a high estimate of dations’ Red Carpet auction on December 18, selling Eiffel Tower is a gouache and ink on paper. Signed
$200,000, setting an auc- for $3,840. The knife is mounted and set behind in lower right image and captioned simply “Sketch
tion record for the artist. Plexiglas in wood box frame. Verso has label for Gal- for Madeline” by Bemelmans in lower left image,
The live sale included lery of Graphic Arts Ltd in New York. The knife mea- the published image is not identified. For informa-
works of iconic design from sures approximately 29 inches in length. For infor- tion, www.swanngalleries.com or 212-254-4710.
the Nineteenth to Twenty- mation, www.thebenefitshop.org or 914-864-0707.
First Century with out-
standing results in a group
of early Twentieth Century
Austrian Art Deco works.
An additional outstanding
result was achieved for
Koloman Moser’s rare
mantel clock, model no. S
771, 1907-08, which real-
ized $411,000 and achieved
a design auction record for
the artist. For additional
information, 212-636-2000
or www.christies.com.
January 17, 2020 — Antiques and The Arts Weekly — 9
Winter Associates To Host Sale Of
Items From Stoner Mansion
PLAINVILLE, CONN. — Win- Aerial view of Stoner Mansion, West Hartford, Conn.
ter Associates is ringing in the
New Year with a sale on Mon- Late Eighteenth Century American slant lid desk, four
day, January 13, featuring a col- graduated drawers, interior with valence pigeon holes over
lection of objects from the Ston- short drawers, 43½ by 40¼ by 19½ inches, and an 1803
er Mansion of West Hartford, American needlework sampler signed “Sally Pattesons.
Conn. This 1920s Tudor Revival Work. Made In The Fourteenth Year/ Of her/ age, 1803,” 21
home with its sweeping views of by 18 inches.
the Hartford skyline held fine
paintings as well as a model B pair of pearl and emerald ear- The auction catalog is available
Steinway semi-concert grand rings with a grape bunch motif, online at www.auctionsapprais-
piano in ebony with serial no. along with an assortment of ers.com ten days prior to the
490123. The paintings include a cameos and costume jewelry. sale.
large, framed Henry C. White Typical of Winter Associates
oil depicting a Connecticut auctions, there is an eclectic Winter Associates is at 21
landscape dotted with farm- variety of other items, including Cooke Street. For information,
houses, pastures and grazing books and ephemera, such as www.auctionsappraisers.com or
animals against an expansive two first edition Mark Twain 860-793-0288.
blue sky, an Allen Talcott oil
depicting a hillside view over- Henry C. White (1861-1957), “Connecticut Landscape,” oil books and a large quantity of
looking a valley, along with a on canvas, 21¼ by 29¼ inches, signed lower left “Henry C. postcards, correspondence,
collection of amusing Nine- White,” contained in older gilded and molded frame with stamps, early photographs, etc.
teenth Century genre scenes by artist plaque mounted at center. Also, a J.G. & J.F. Low Art Tile
artists including Charles Hunt, Works umbrella stand, a Min-
Alonzo (Alonso) Perez and Wal- ton Aesthetic Movement tile-
ter Dendy Sadler. The mansion serving spoon and fork by Dur- will be offered. mounted planter, toys, a World
furnishings to be offered include gin and a pair of Reed & Barton For those who wish to get a War II Japanese naval dagger
a selection of French-style mar- Burgundy pattern salad serv- and collection of banks will be
ble top chests and a large How- ers. Hollowware includes a Tif- jump start on a gift for a special offered.
ard Miller Millennium Limited fany trumpet-form vase, S. Kirk valentine, there will be vintage Previews are Sunday, January
Edition grandfather clock with & Son warming pot on stand jewelry, including a 14K yellow 12, from 2 to 4 pm, and on Mon-
elaborate inlay and carvings. and three-piece repoussé coffee gold fancy link 16-inch chain, day, January 13, from 3 to 6:15
service, two Gorham Plymouth 10K hardstone lockset/fobs, sil- pm, or viewers are welcome at
Other paintings of note five-piece tea sets, along with a ver pendant necklaces, includ- other times by appointment.
include a Frank Henry Shap- hard-to-find English sterling ing a Tiffany open heart and a
leigh interior portrait, a Charles nutmeg grater.
Woodbury seascape, a Charles
Warren Eaton shore scene titled Coins and currency from two
“Lake Como, Near Bellagio” and households feature an 1836
an oil landscape by Charles classic head $5 gold coin (AU),
Francois Daubigny, along with 1926 $10 gold coin (MS) and an
oils by Dan Truth. A handwrit- 1881 CC dollar uncirculated in
ten note by Fidelia Bridges GSA case. Also, a collection of
accompanies her gouache/ Confederate currency, including
watercolor winter landscape a $500 Confederate note from
with birds in flight. Bridges the seventh series (2/17/1864),
writes to a friend, Rose, whom along with Texas Treasury War-
she gifts this painting “to fur- rants (11) and other Confeder-
nishing the new home” with “a ate bank notes (more than 65)
subject which will please both
you and Dr Dunning.”
For those with an interest in
Americana, the sale will feature
a late Eighteenth Century
American slant lid desk; Queen
Anne chairs with rush seats
and Spanish feet; and a sam-
pler dated to 1803 by Sally Pat-
tesons with turkeys, peacocks,
doves, deer, etc. Verbal prove-
nance indicates that the sam-
pler was purchased in the 1950s
from Whitman’s Candy Co’s
Sampler Collection in Philadel-
phia. Furnishings will include a
Margolis chest of four drawers
and an unusual cellarette with
A Tiffany Persian pattern flat-
ware set (66 pieces) will be
offered along with other flat-
ware, including an Iris pattern
Lyme Art Association Presents
Reception & Two Shows: Newly
Elected Artists, Associate Artists
OLD LYME, CONN. — Lyme from January 17 through Feb-
Art Association’s “First Impres- ruary 28.
sions Exhibition” is a juried exhi-
bition of the Association’s Associ- “The Annual Associate Artists
ateArtist members,accomplished Exhibition highlights the range,
artists who have been success- creativity and excellence of our
fully exhibiting in selective Associate Artist members. This
shows at the Lyme Art Associa- exhibition includes a variety of
tion (LAA) for at least four years. subjects, media and styles:
This exhibit will include a vari- paintings or sculptures that
ety of media and themes: land- capture the range of human
scape, portrait and still life paint- emotion, the beauty and gran-
ings, as well as sculpture. deur of the Connecticut land-
scape, or the personal objects
In addition, the six new Elect- and surroundings of everyday
ed Artists who were inducted in life,” states Jocelyn Zallinger,
October 2019 will present their LAA’s gallery manager.
work in the Goodman gallery.
Thomas Adkins, Howard Park, An opening reception for both
Bob Perkowski, Deborah Quinn- exhibitions will take place on
Munson, Diana Roberts-Pas- Sunday, January 26, from 2 to
chall and John Traynor joined 4 pm.
the ranks of Lyme Art Associa-
tion Elected Artists. The Lyme Art Association is
at 90 Lyme Street. For more
Both exhibits will be on view information, 860-434-7802 or
QA&10 — Antiques and The Arts Weekly — January 17, 2020
( continued from page 1 ) My understanding is that even dur- Is the French Revolution still
ing the negotiations with the revo- modern?
already passed several months in Russia, and he’s lutionaries, Charles was still defi-
talking to the Comte de Vaudreuil, he says, and this ant, even though he was completely RR: Yes, you can make comparisons to situations
isn’t rote, “You have no conception of this country bankrupt. around the world today and in our own country.
and the people. The people and the soldiers are Plus ça change, plus c’est la même chose.
perfect because they are slaves, but the great lords are RR: Charles was unforgiving. Louis XVI once told
vile, hard and grasping.” This sends a double mes- him he was more of a monarchist than a king. ————————————————
sage; he’s saying they are slaves but he enjoys them
as slaves, and the nobility — they are “vile, hard and You have a French connection, too? What’s the context that these letters
grasping. They lick the feet of the favorite, but the are written in?
favorite is charming because he is sympathetic to us.” RR: My mother was a translator in the French
Then another letter: “It is more appalling than ever. Resistance and to an American General at the RC: These are letters that Charles, the brother of
The unfortunate king is being tried at present and close of the war at Orly airport. And then there’s King Louis XVI — known as the Comte D’ Artois,
beyond a doubt will be condemned. Perhaps the our house here in Kerhonkson, N.Y. I’m living and who will become the future King Charles X —
Convention will wish to keep him as hostage, but it is in one of the oldest French Huguenot houses wrote to his best friend, the Comte De Vaudreuil,
still very doubtful that the Convention can shield him probably in existence in the United States. The Joseph Hyacinthe François de Paule de Rigaud, as
from the rage of the people.” founder of my house, Jacobus Depuy-Dewitt, he was in exile. It really starts a couple of months
they were the royal guards to the king of France after the Storming of the Bastille and then it goes
He knew what was coming. in Fontainbleu. Sometimes, strange oddities con- deep into the year 1805 — a year after Napoleon
nect all of us. I’s coronation. The letters are written to Vaudreuil
RR: A letter Charles sent after he learned of Marie from pretty much everywhere in Europe. You have
Antoinette’s fate: “The cruel death of the queen..I You’re donating some of the proceeds letters written and sent from the first place he vis-
hope for nothing but vengeance.” from the sale? ited after he left the Palace of Versailles, Savoy, then
you have Italy, Germany, Prussia and Russia. The
And this stands in contrast to what RR: Ten percent to my good friend Dr Mehmet last letters are written from England, and especially
the queen said in her last letters. Oz for HealthCorps — that’s his foundation that London, where Charles sought refuge before going
“Let my son never forget the last he founded to end obesity and diabetes in our back to France in 1814.
words of his father, which I repeat youth and to work with behavioral health issues. These letters are written as Charles was fleeing
emphatically; let him never seek to Another ten percent to the National Ataxia Foun- the kingdom. Even if the Parisian people were not
avenge our deaths.” dation, and that is a disease that my partner, Eric, really after the family, per se, Charles was not re-
suffers from. 150,000 people suffer from this, and ally liked within the society, so his brother feared
RR: Exactly; she said just the opposite. There’s also that’s considered a small audience to the pharma- for life and asked him to leave the country. Until
a quote where Charles fears for his sister, Madame ceutical industry, so they don’t work on it as hard October of 1789, only a few members of the royal
Elizabeth [Élisabeth of France.] “They wish, it as other diseases that afflict millions. It’s similar family were still at Versailles; the rest of the ex-
appears, to marry the little Madame with a sans to Parkinson’s in that it diminishes the mobility tended family had all left. It was only in October of
culotte,” those are the revolutionaries. Then he goes of people. So that will be a nice opportunity to 1789 that the king was withdrawn from the palace
on “Alas my friend, it is 15 years since we fled our start with those two things. We don’t know what and sent to the Tuileries Palace in Paris, where the
country to escape useless death. Life was very dear it will go for. crowd could more easily watch him and see what
to me then; now I only live to ask God to cut short he was up to. By then, Charles had long gone and
my punishment and forgive me the happiness I was traveling all around Europe, where his cousins
enjoyed..” It’s so poetic, it’s tragic. or his brother-in-law and all sorts of members of
the extended family welcomed and allowed him to
stay for a certain amount of time.
January 17, 2020 — Antiques and The Arts Weekly — 11
How many royal contemporaneous ing on France’s situation and deploring its lack of Was there anything that you were
accounts of the French Revolution splendor. Those letters are less personal and more surprised to see in the letters?
exist? political in a way. Charles has been out of France
for a long time at this point; they reflect his views RC: It’s a segment of French history that French
RC: You have quite a lot of correspondence out on French politics and main characters, including people think they know very well. I was quite
there that are contemporary to the Storming of the Napoleon Bonaparte. Charles loathes Napoleon happy to read them, because if you think of
Bastille, but you don’t often find that many letters and somehow adopts the English attitude towards the French Revolution and the royal family as a
at once from a member of the royal family itself. France: the man needs to be stopped. family in a TV series or a sitcom, Charles X is
Other similar letters can be found in museums or not really your favorite character, so there’s not
palaces all around Europe. These letters are there- Do we learn anything new from a lot of sympathy for him. He’s quite narrow-
fore quite unique in today’s market. They are also these letters? Any new evidence? minded and privileged. Of course, he’s the little
fascinating in that they were written by the most brother, so he thinks everything is due to him,
outspoken member of the royal family. Charles was RC: These letters were already studied and tran- he’s not very respectful of his brother, he always
not educated to reign. He was the youngest brother scribed by a Leonce Pingaud in the late Nineteenth wants to be king but does not necessarily know
of Louis XVI and enjoyed a lot of freedom dur- Century. The letters were therefore known, and we how to lead; he never went on the battlefield,
ing his teenage years. To be able to read his words, were able to compare the published version with for example — he’s a little bit of a brat. So, it’s
unfiltered, is a pure privilege. the original letters. So, you don’t really learn any- interesting to see what he has to say; his speech is
thing new per se. But the feeling of touching a part completely free, as opposed to the very politi-
At the time, Charles was not of French history, physically speaking, is a unique cally correct letters of his older brother. It is also
regarded well by the French people. feeling. It is also interesting to be able to study quite fascinating to follow his chain of thoughts
Artois’ handwriting: beautifully preserved, elegant and understand what he thought was best to save
RC: At the time, no, because he spent a lot of and flowing. his family and then see revenge. You understand
money and supported members of the government he did not make the right decision, which he
that were not too popular in Paris, such as Calonne, What is your favorite letter? realized, too, in the end. It makes him even more
who implemented measures that ended up privileg- human, I believe, as he reacted on a very per-
ing the richest. Charles was also very young at the RC: The several letters in which Artois discusses sonal level.
time of the revolution, so he didn’t really have the the king’s trial are a strong read. Yet my favorite
maturity that Louis XVI had. He liked to party, to letter remains the one in which he discusses the In the great drama, is this where
go out, he had a lot of money to spend, and he did death of the Duchess of Polignac to his friend he matured? His coming of age?
it in front of everyone. He was not thought to be Vaudreuil. The duchess was an important character
overly sensitive to the poor and appeared selfish. at the court, the personal friend of Queen Marie RC: To an extent. When the revolution happens,
Antoinette and the cousin of Vaudreuil himself. it really is a shock for everyone. Yet Charles is
Let’s talk about the letters. The three of them were very close, and the news of almost automatically thinking of a counter-
her death was a real shock to Charles. In a way, he offense, and then revenge, so he’s still optimistic
RC: In my opinion, you have three different devel- expresses even more sadness to her passing that to he will get back to France in the end. I believe
opments within the 75 letters. the execution of Queen Marie Antoinette. the real wake-up call for him happened after his
The first letters, up to the 1790s, echoes Charles’ brother was sentenced to death and his nephew
questions and fears. He is wondering what to do Do you have any institutional interest? died: he was then second in line to the throne
in order to save his family and get them back onto and probably felt he had something to do.
the throne. The letters are extremely personal and RC: We have received some interest, but it is still a
reflect Charles’ ongoing interrogations. What is bit early to tell. We corresponded with some inter- —Greg Smith
particularly interesting is to compare Charles’ at- ested parties in Europe, and are hoping to attract
titude with his friend’s. In his response letters to Ar- institutional attention.
tois, Vaudreuil confesses he does not agree with his
attitude. Charles is much more vocal in his desire
to save his family with the help of other European
courts. But his friend, who was always thought
to be a liberal, believes that it is not the best idea;
asking for the other courts’ help would be consid-
ered a treason to the French people, who would
feel attacked by foreign countries. Vaudreuil always
advised Artois to remain close to the frontiers to be
able to get back to France if needed. His theory was
to be reactive, not proactive.
The second development is the most dramatic
one; it corresponds to the years 1790-94, where
Artois understands that there is no going back, nor
stopping the revolutionaries. His letters do not talk
about action anymore, but revenge. He already
knows restoring the monarchy will be difficult and
prefers to linger on what he will do to the criminals
that executed his family. To me, those letters are
actually the most interesting ones, because it is the
story of a man whose world is completely crum-
bling around him, whose brother is about to go on
trial, then die in the most tragic way. Of course, for
the reader, it is equally sad to witness Artois’ rage
and despair, but it also makes the correspondence
stronger: the most important page of French his-
tory is told by a man with completely unfiltered
words and mind.
The third development revolves around the later
letters, after the king and queen died, and it is
becoming clear that Charles and his family will not
get back to France anytime soon. There is more
bitterness in those letters, with Charles comment-
12 — Antiques and The Arts Weekly — January 17, 2020
Ahlers & Ogletree’s Estates Auction
Packed With 1,274 Lots, January 11-12
ATLANTA — A two-day, New Session one, on Saturday, Janu- Also offered in session one will
Year’s Signature Estates Auction ary 11, will be highlighted by a be a collection of signed works
packed with 1,274 lots in a wide collection of Chinese antiquities by Sergio Bustamante; a collec-
array of collecting categories is from the Han, Tang and Ming tion of Native American and
planned for the weekend of Jan- dynasties and notable works of Inuit works of art by John
uary 11 and 12 by Ahlers & modern art and design by George Nieto, Grant MacDonald, San
Ogletree, online and in the firm’s Nakashima, Clement Mead- Ildefonso pottery, Charlie Inuk-
gallery. Start times both days more, Alexander Calder, Pablo puk and Kenojuak Asheva;
will be 10 am. In addition to Picasso, Robert Rauschenberg, handbags by Versace, Armani
online bidding, phone and absen- Louise Nevelson, Marc Chagall and Balenciaga; and decorative
tee bids will also be accepted. and David Nash. accessories.
Star lots in session one will
include an untitled mixed
media work by Robert
Rauschenberg (1925-2008),
purchased at Sotheby’s in New
York City more than ten years
ago, with imagery of satellites,
utensils, 3D constructs, medal-
lions and more, signed and
dated “86” ($15/30,000); and a
massive Chinese Sichuan
prancing horse sculpture from
the Han dynasty (206 BCE-CE
220), 45 inches tall, at one time
an important element of a well-
furnished aristocratic tomb
Session two, the following day, Chinese Sichuan prancing horse sculpture from the Han
will feature notable period dynasty (206 BCE-CE 220), 45 inches tall, an element of a
antiques from Europe, Great well-furnished aristocratic tomb ($10/15,000).
Britain and America; signed art
by Camille and H. Claude Pis- an oil on canvas painting by 10 am to 5 pm; and January 10,
sarro, Allan Clark, Arnoud Andrew Melrose (1836-1901), from 10 am to 3 pm. An eve-
Wydeveld, Andrew Melrose, titled “Picnic on the Hudson,” a ning preview reception will
Willard Leroy Metcalf, Sir landscape scene with people on also take place on January 9
Edwin Landseer and others; a a picnic, cows grazing and a from 6 to 9 pm.
collection of modern Lalique train going by, signed and
Signed mixed media work by Robert Rauschenberg (1925- pieces and American Brilliant inscribed on verso ($10/20,000). Ahlers & Ogletree is at 700
2008), with imagery of satellites, utensils, 3D constructs, Period glass. Miami Circle. For more informa-
medallions, etc., dated “86” ($15/30,000). Offered in session two will be Previews will be conducted at tion, www.aandoauctions.com or
the gallery, January 6-9, from 404-869-2478.
Artist’s Process In Lichtenstein’s ‘Entablatures’
NEW YORK CITY — On look at a single pivotal series architecture, Lichtenstein’s
extended view at the Whitney illustrates how the gift allows “Entablatures” series repre-
Museum of American Art, the museum to examine the sents a distinctly American
“Order and Ornament: Roy artist’s work in new ways. derivative, one based in reviv-
Lichtenstein’s Entablatures” “Order and Ornament” high- alist, industrialized imitations
presents a concentrated selec- lights Lichtenstein’s inventive that were built en masse in the
tion of 15 works on paper processes and techniques early Twentieth Century. By
related to the artist’s “Entab- across drawings, collages, isolating these, Lichtenstein
latures” series, as well as a dis- prints, photographs and archi- traces the effect of mass pro-
play of preparatory materials. val materials, including one of duction and replication on cul-
the artist’s sketchbooks. The tural forms, much as he had
The first exhibition at the works included in the capsule done in his earlier Pop paint-
Whitney devoted to the artist presentation range from nev- ings of comics and consumer
since the Roy Lichtenstein er-before-exhibited photo- goods. A sustained investiga-
Foundation’s transformative graphic studies that initiated tion into pattern and repeti-
gift of the Roy Lichtenstein the “Entablatures” series in tion, the series also under-
Study Collection, this focused the early 1970s to the techni- scores the echoes of Classical
order embedded within the
cally complex prints that form contemporaneous serial struc-
its culmination in 1976. tures of minimal sculpture and
Inspired by the architectural Roy Lichtenstein, “Entablature VIII,” 1976. Embossed color field painting.
facades and ornamental screenprint and collage. Whitney Museum of American Art,
motifs the artist encountered New York; The Roy Lichtenstein Study Collection, gift of “Order and Ornament: Roy
around Wall Street and else- the Roy Lichtenstein Foundation 2019.141. © Estate of Roy Lichtenstein’s Entablatures”
where in lower Manhattan, Lichtenstein. is on view in the Susan and
the works in the exhibition John Hess Family Gallery on
address many of Lichten- watermark for material exper- architecture and hackneyed the museum’s third floor. A
stein’s central artistic themes imentation in Lichtenstein’s emblems of, in the artist’s closing date for this exhibition
while demonstrating a unique career. Multilayered in its for- words, ‘the establishment,’” has yet to be announced.
emphasis on texture, surface, mal and conceptual referenc- said David Crane, curatorial
relief and reflectivity. es, the series offers an incisive fellow. The Whitney Museum of
“The Entablatures series is and drily ironic look at the American Art is at 99 Gan-
an incredibly rich body of intersection of contemporary Named for the horizontal sevoort Street. For more infor-
work, representing a high art, Classical and modern structures that rest atop the mation, www.whitney.org or
columns in Classical Greek 212-570-3600.
German Expressionist Fritz Ascher Gets Retrospective
RICHMOND, VA. — “Fritz first retrospectives of German he mingled with artists such ing forms and medium.
Ascher: Expressionist” is now artist Fritz Ascher (1893- as Ludwig Meidner, Emil Nearly all the works in the
on view in the Harnett Muse- 1970), comprising of 70 paint- Nolde, and Jakob Steinhardt,
um of Art, University of Rich- ings and works on paper, rang- along with Max Beckmann, exhibition are lent by private
mond Museums, through May ing from early academic while developing his own collectors in Germany, the
24. The exhibition is one of the studies and figural composi- Expressionist pictorial lan- United States and Canada.
tions to the artist’s late color- guage.
ful, mystical landscapes. The Harnett Museum of Art
After the defeat of the Nazi at the University of Richmond
Ascher belongs to Germany’s regime, Ascher began creating is at 28 Westhampton Way. For
“Lost Generation” — artists art again while remaining information, 804-289-8276 or
whose careers were interrupt- largely withdrawn from soci- www.museums.richmond.edu.
ed or destroyed by the Nazi ety. Initially, he repainted
regime, and whose work was some of his existing works BIRMINGHAM, ALA. — The
largely underrecognized. Born with colorful dots and streaks exhibition “Ways of Seeing: Por-
in Berlin in 1893, to assimi- in an expressive version of traits” focuses on the art of por-
lated Jewish parents, Ascher pointillism. Turning away traiture across centuries and
showed interest in art at a from his figurative composi- cultures around the world. The
young age and enjoyed early tions of the Weimar era, he exhibition is on view through
success. He studied at the painted vibrant and richly tex- March 8 at the Birmingham
Königsberg Art Academy in tured landscapes using bright Museum of Art, 2000 Reverend
1909, at the age of 16. By 1913 colors and intense brush- Abraham Woods Jr Boulevard.
he was back in Berlin, where strokes, dramatically simplify- For information, 205-254-2565
or www.artsbma.org.
January 17, 2020 — Antiques and The Arts Weekly — 13
Local Restauranteur’s Collection Serves Up
Top Lots For DuMouchelles
Auction Action In Detroit, Mich.
DETROIT, MICH. — Head- not been identified through- and fruit by Severin Roesen, This pair of English grain-painted mahogany and caned
lining the December 13-15 out the catalog, out of concern that brought $13,640. library bergeres had provenance to a June 13-14, 2017, sale
sales at DuMouchelle Art Gal- for Schweizer’s privacy. His at Christie’s New York, where they had been acquired for
leries was the collection of name was finally disclosed to It is often a sign of things to $1,250 against an estimate of $2/3,000. DuMouchelles
Robert “Bob” Schweizer, the potential buyers shortly come when the starting lot of achieved $2,580 for the pair, despite one probably being a
proprietor of Schweizer’s Res- before the sale when it became a sale does well and a Tiffany later match. ($400/800).
taurant, a German restaurant clear that his provenance & Co., favrile glass and bronze
that became a Detroit institu- would benefit the sale. “Bob’s three-light lily-form table
tion during its nearly 130- things were here to be sold lamp that crossed the block
year existence. “Bob’s father and we were not encumbered first exceeded its high esti-
and grandfather were custom- by reserves. We had a very mate to bring $3,410. A few
ers of ours since our founding good preview and his collec- lots later, a Dale Chihuly two-
in 1927. They purchased beau- tion appealed to buyers piece work titled “Amethyst
tiful paintings and sculptures around the country.” Persian Pair” nearly doubled
by established artists to adorn its high estimate to close at
their restaurant and homes. Schweizer’s collection yield- $7,440. Towards the end of the
When Schweizer’s restaurant ed some of the top lots, includ- first day, a trio of Murano
closed in 1991, we sold its ing the highest-selling work
renowned collection, however, in the three-day span of sales,
in all those decades, we hadn’t most selling on the third day.
seen Bob’s personal collection Auguste Rodin’s “Burgher of
until we began cataloguing Calais” from the A. Rudier
his home,” said Joan D. Walk- foundry brought $34,100 from
er, president of DuMouchelles, a California collector. Another
prior to the sale. “This is one Rodin bronze, “Le Desespere,”
of the most exceptional collec- beat its high estimate when it
tions we’ve auctioned at achieved $21,080 from a Mich-
DuMouchelles in this decade.” igan collector, while a third
Rodin sculpture of a hand,
After the sale, Walker con- titled “Main Gauche,” almost
firmed that more than 300 doubled its low estimate when
items in the sale were from it finished at $9,920. Another
Schweizer’s collection, though highlight from the collection
the provenance had initially was a large still life of flowers
“This is one of the most exceptional
collections we’ve auctioned at
DuMouchelles in this decade.”
—Joan Walker, DuMouchelles’ president
According to Joan Walker, much of the Georg Jensen silver
in the sale was from the Schweizer collection. Standing tall-
est of those lots was this pair of Jensen candelabra that fin-
ished at $9,920 ($8/12,000).
Originally a gilt-bronze and glass table centerpiece, this The top lot of the three-day
circa 1850 French surtout de table had been converted into sale was Schweizer’s “Bur-
a coffee table. It demonstrates that antiques can be success- gher of Calais (Jean D’Aire)
fully repurposed and brought $19,480 ($4/6,000). by Ruguste Rodin, which a
California collector bought
for $34,199 ($30/50,000).
Review by The Schweizer provenance did not add significantly to the
Antiques and The Arts Weekly result of this Tiffany Acorn hanging lamp, which squeaked
Madelia Hickman Ring, Assistant Editor over its low estimate to sell for $4,340 ($4/8,000).
Photos Courtesy DuMouchelles
“Brown furniture” continues to struggle, Titled “Amethyst Persian Pair,” this Dale M.C. Escher’s lithograph, “Encounter,” was from an edition
but this late Sixteenth Century Italian Chihuly glass sculpture added color early of 200 and brought $10,965, five times its low estimate
carved walnut cabinet was an exception, on, nearly doubling its high estimate when ($2/4,000).
more than doubling its high estimate to sell it sold for $7,440 ($3/4,000).
for $2,790 ($800-$1,200).
14 — Antiques and The Arts Weekly — January 17, 2020
A few lots of Dunbar Midcentury Modern furniture offered early on the The colorful borders of this small but complete porcelain service for eight
first day generated considerable interest among buyers and this lot of four resonated with bidders, who chased Lynn Chase’s “Jaguar Jungle” set to
wingback chairs brought $8,255 ($600-$1,000). $4,650 ($1/2,000).
Numerous rugs and carpets blanketed DuMouchelles’ floors The sale included a few glass carnival figures from the been estimated at $100/200.
during the preview, the best of which was this Nineteenth bronzes by Marshall Freder- Schweizer collection that Traditional antiques charac-
Century antique Persian Bijar wool carpet that was approx- icks (American, 1908-1998), ranged in height from 10 to 14
imately 12 by 17 feet. It had an unusual animal design that some of which were from inches finished at $4,030, terized the second day of sales
included camels that must have appealed to bidders, who the Schweizer collection. more than ten times the on Saturday, December 14,
took it to $3,410 ($200/400). While this “Freedom of the $300/500 estimate. which began with Tiffany
The market for Severin Roesen (American, 1815-1872) has Human Spirit” was from sterling flatware sets, a Tiffa-
seen stronger days but DuMouchelles priced this large still another seller, it demon- The sale had several lots of ny hanging lamp and two Tif-
life of flowers and fruit correctly and it brought $13,640. It strated the freedom of the Dunbar Midcentury Modern fany favrile vases. The first of
was also from the Schweizer collection (8/15,000). bidding spirit and soared to furniture that bidders the flatware lots — a 97-piece
$22,320 ($15/25,000). responded to, including a English set — brought the
group of five lots offered con- median of the estimate at
secutively near the beginning $3,100 but bidders turned on
of the first day. A pair of ash the heat for a 65-piece set of
and walnut circular tripod Tiffany & Co., Audubon pat-
tables designed by Edward tern flatware set that brought
Wormely for Dunbar that $12,400. The green Tiffany
squeaked past their high esti- Acorn pattern hanging lamp
mate to finish at $5,080. It narrowly passed its low esti-
was followed by a tea wagon mate to bring $4,340. The gold
also designed by Edward favrile glass vases by L.C. Tif-
Wormley that brought $806. A fany were from the Schweizer
Dunbar walnut and rosewood collection and were estimated
buffet doubled its low estimate at $600-$1,000 and $400/700,
when it sold for $3,175 and a respectively. Both exceeded
Chinoiserie-style table with expectations, bringing $1,116
ten chairs, all by Dunbar, went and $930.
out at $2,480. Perhaps it was
knowing that a set of four Georg Jensen silver — usual-
Dunbar wingback chairs was ly a favorite among bidders —
the last Dunbar lot for a while brought strong results for most
that spurred bidders, but of the dozen lots in the second
interest pushed bidding to session. Leading the group was
$8,255 from an estimate of a Blossom pattern tea set with
$600-$1,000. matching tray that also car-
ried the heftiest estimate of
Other high points of note in $15/20,000; it found a buyer
the first day included $3,810 for $14,260. Bringing $9,920
paid for a large — 31 by 52 was a pair of Jensen three-
inches — Italian School har- light candelabra and a 102-
bor scene, a 103-piece Herend piece flatware set in Jensen’s
porcelain dinner service in the iconic Acorn pattern that fin-
“Queen Victoria” pattern that ished at $8,060. Walker con-
achieved a regal price of firmed that much of it was
$3,810 and the astonishing from Schweizer’s collection.
price of $3,175 was paid for 13
pieces of E. Dehillerin French “I didn’t know if people
copper cookware that had would appreciate them, but
they did,” was Walker’s com-
According to Joan Walker, Robert Schweizer had liked A Grosse Pointe Farms, Mich., estate con- Walker was pleasantly surprised at bidders’
these Murano carnival figures so much he had them on his tributed two Albert Bierstadt (American, response to this pair of circa 1930 rock crys-
mantel. Estimated at $300/500, the trio inspired festive bid- 1830-1902) Rocky Mountain landscapes to tal and bronze candelabra by Edmond Enot
ding, tumbling out the door for $4,030. the sale, both with provenance to the Ken- of Paris, which brought $5,715, more than
nedy Gallery of New York City. Offered con- five times its expectations ($1/2,000).
secutively, the first one to cross the block
brought $9,525 against an estimate of
$10/15,000; the second one, which had been
estimated at $15/20,000, did not sell.
January 17, 2020 — Antiques and The Arts Weekly — 15
A Michigan collector paid $21,080 for Auguste Rodin’s “Le
Déspéré,” which also came from the Schweizer collection
Animalier bronzes roamed throughout the three Finishing at $9,920, the best of several
days of sale, many of which were from the Sch- Picasso ceramics offered on the second
weizer collection. This group of three rabbits by day of the sales, was this “Edition Picas-
Jean Marie Magrou (1869-1945) was from anoth- so” ceramic vessel from the Schweizer
er seller but led bidders on a merry chase to fin- collection ($4/5,000).
ish well past its $200/400 estimate, at $2,790.
ment about a pair of circa session, with a Nineteenth Among the top jewelry lots Even though this Tiffany flatware set in the Audubon pat-
1930s Edmond Enot crystal Century group of three rab- in the sale was this 2.12- tern was relatively small at only 65 pieces, it came with its
and bronze candelabra, made bits by Jean Marie Magrou carat natural purple sap- original Tiffany blue tarnish bags and a fitted case. Bidders
in Paris, that had been esti- (French, 1869-1945) charmed phire and 1.5-carat diamond took it to $12,400, ten times its low estimate ($2,5/3,000).
mated at $1/2,000. In the end, bidders, who gave chase until ring with a 14K white gold
they sold for more than five it closed at $2,790. While the band. It sold for $5,938, bidders doing some pre-holi- at $3,100; and a pair of Sea-
times their low estimate, for rabbits were not from the Sch- within its $4,5/9,000 esti- day shopping. Several of the man Schepps 18K yellow gold
$5,715. A few lots later, a weizer collection, there were mate. higher priced lots were sold in turbo shell ear clips for
striking French gilt-bronze many animal bronzes in the acquired from Kennedy Gal- the last session and were led $3,720.
and glass surtout de table sale that were, including lery. The first, which depicted by a 2.12-carat natural purple
made into a cocktail table works by P.J. Mene and Irene a Rocky Mountain landscape, sapphire and diamond ring The remainder of Schweiz-
brought one of the highest Rochard. had an estimate of $10/15,000 that finished at $5,938. Other er’s collection will be offered
prices in the sale: $19,840 and brought 9,525. The sec- jewelry highlights included an in DuMouchelles’ next two
against an estimate of The Sunday, December 15 ond, a Rocky Mountain land- 18K yellow bold necklace that sales, the first of which is
$4/6,000. Brown furniture in session also started off well, scape, including buffalo, had finished at $3,810, a Cherny scheduled to take place Friday
the sale that was priced mod- opening with a landscape by been estimated at $15/20,000 18K yellow and white gold through Sunday, January
estly, very modestly, sold. A Johan Hendrich Masterbroek but did not sell. green tourmaline and dia- 17-19. Highlights from Sch-
late Sixteenth Century Italian that made $8,060 against a mond bracelet for $4,650; a weizer’s collection in that sale
carved walnut cabinet priced $4/7,000 estimate. Marshall Jewelry was sprinkled Tiffany & Co. 18K yellow gold will include more than 60
at $800-$1,200 finished at Fredericks’ bronze “Freedom through each session to tempt mesh necklace for $3,410; an pieces of Pewabic pottery. For
$2,790. of the Human Spirit” was 18K yellow gold mesh bracelet information, 313-963-6255 or
offered between two of the www.dumoart.com.
Three Picasso ceramic works Rodin bronzes and sold for
kicked off a section of modern $22,320, nearly making the
and contemporary glass and lot’s high estimate. The ses-
ceramics. First up was an “edi- sion featured a few stump-
tion” vessel with black and work pictures, all from Sch-
white face decoration that weizer’s collection, which was
made $9,920, well ahead of its led by one depicting a princess
$4/5,000 estimate. A Madoura near a castle with an estimate
plate with a bird flew away for of $400/800 that saw competi-
$3,410, followed by a Madoura tion to $5,715.
Plein Feu stoneware plate
titled “Diaulos Play and Faun” The Sunday session featured
from an edition of 100 that two oil on paper works by
finished at $4,340. All were Albert Bierstadt (1830-1902),
from the Schweizer collection. both of which were from the
Grosse Pointe Farms, Mich.,
Bronze sculptures were estate of Mary Jane Drummy
sprinkled through the second and both of which had been
The Schweizer collection contributed several stumpwork The selection of modern and contemporary art in the sale was topped by this untitled
pieces to the sale. The earliest — and the highest selling — acrylic on canvas work by Nancy Graves (American, 1939-1995). DuMouchelles had pegged
was this Seventeenth Century example that was sewn up at the market correctly and the work sold for $6,033, squarely within its estimate ($5/7,000).
$5,715 ($400/800).
16 — Antiques and The Arts Weekly — January 17, 2020
Heritage Ends Sports Year With $9.4 Million Auction
Auction Action In Dallas
A 1952 Topps Mickey Mantle #311,
PSA NM-MT+ 8.5 sold at $765,000.
This 1993 SP Derek Jeter #279, PSA The 1910-11 M116 Sporting Life Near Set (314/316) saw its estimate of
Gem Mint 10, drew $138,000. $200,000 squashed by the $324,000 result.
DALLAS — Heritage Auctions fur- tors agreed and it sold at $765,000. Sporting Life (Type 4) Miller Huggins A 2003-04 Upper Deck Exquisite Col-
ther validated its status as the indus- Perhaps the happiest consignor in that realized $43,200; a 1909-11 T206 lection LeBron James Rookie Patch
try leader December 5-7 as its three- Drum Tris Speaker brought $37,200; Autograph #78, sold for $228,000.
day, 3,000-plus lot trading card auction the event was the owner of the 1910-11 Lou Gehrig 1925 Exhibits sold at
commanded more than $9,437,190 on M116 Sporting Life Near Set (314/316), $69,000; and a 1933 Uncle Jacks Candy
the strength of dozens of world-record which saw its estimate of $200,000 Unopened Pack Babe Ruth, went to
results. This final major sale of the knocked out by the $324,000 result. $66,000.
year carries Heritage sports’ auction Other top performers included a 1911
tally to more than $70 million for the T205 Gold Border Walter Johnson, More recent highlights include a 1951
year. PSA NM-MT 8, for $63,000 and a 1922 Parkhurst Maurice Richard #4, PSA
E121 American Caramel Babe Ruth Mint 9 ($57,600); 1952 Topps Baseball
“We saw great prices across all eras (Holding Ball), PSA Mint 9, for $75,000. 5-Cent Unopened Wax Pack, PSA NM 7
and genres,” said Chris Ivy, director of ($42,000); and a 1986 Fleer Michael
sports auctions for Heritage. “The Likewise, the late Twentieth and Jordan #57, PSA Gem Mint 10
entrenched vintage collectors came out early Twenty-First centuries rocketed ($36,000).
in force, and the modern market is con- to new heights as a 1993 SP Derek
tinuing to gain strength and market Jeter #279, PSA Gem Mint 10, drew Heritage Auctions’ next major sports
share.” $138,000 and a 2003-04 Upper Deck auction is January 16 when it presents
Exquisite Collection LeBron James The David Hall T206 Collection Part
What would a sports auction be with- Rookie Patch Autograph #78, BGS III. On January 30, a special sale of the
out Mickey Mantle being represented? Mint 9, sold for $228,000. The iconic 1952 Topps & 1953 Topps PSA Set Reg-
“The margin of difference between this 1986-87 Fleer Basketball Wax Box, istry Auction will be held online in
example and the multi-million dollar beloved for its fabled Michael Jordan extended bidding format.
trio at the top of the population pyramid rookie, set a new hobby standard at
is nearly too small to perceive,” it said in $84,000. Prices, with buyer’s premium, as
the description of a 1952 Topps Mickey reported by the auction house. For more
Mantle #311, PSA NM-MT+ 8.5. Collec- Other highlights included vintage information, www.ha.com or 877-437-
sports items like a 1902-11 W600 4824.
Hopper House Exhibits Art & Wit Of Rodney Smith’s Photos
NYACK, N.Y. — The Edward Rodney Lewis Smith, “Twins in Tree, Snedens Landing, ened agnostic whose life-long master’s degree in Divinity
Hopper House Museum pres- New York,” 1999, 30 by 40 inches, archival pigment print. contemplation of human- from Yale University, while
ents, “Human in Nature: The kind’s relationship to God and also studying photography
Art & Wit of Rodney Smith,” on and beauty out of despair. to people, as humans attempt nature bled into his photogra- under Walker Evans. His
view until March 8. The exhi- Human nature and humans to make nature less unruly. It phy. “The secret for me in all work has been seen every-
bition features 20 black & in nature are two entirely dif- is partly a desire to organize my photographs is the loca- where, from the NY Times
white and color photographs, ferent propositions. Regretta- our environment, partly an tion, using the environment Magazine, Vanity Fair and
illustrating Smith’s enduring bly, destroying nature is attempt to one-up God. As a as a studio, editing with light. Departures to Architectural
love affair with nature. Smith’s clearly part of human nature. graduate of the Divinity I’m always attracted to a loca- Digest. Smith passed away
magical images are instantly Trying to improve upon School at Yale, none of this tion where the hand of man is unexpectedly at age 68, leav-
recognizable for the way they nature also comes naturally was lost on Smith, an enlight- apparent.” ing behind a large archive of
combine surrealism, style and work now being discovered.
humor, in the first major Unit- A longtime resident of Sne- His photography is in muse-
ed States exhibition of his dens Landing, N.Y., Smith um collections, including the
prints since his untimely pass- lived and worked in the same Museum of Fine Arts, Boston,
ing in 2016. environment that shaped Philadelphia Museum of Art
Edward Hopper. Similarities and the Houston Museum of
Museum director Jennifer in their art abound — an Fine Arts.
Patton writes, “Every few exquisite sense of design and
years, a photographer emerges composition, the use of light The Edward Hopper House,
on the world stage with a and shadow to create mystery Museum and Study Center are
unique voice and vision that and narrative, and the perfect at 82 North Broadway. For more
immediately sets their work integration of figure and information, 845-358-0774 or
apart from anyone else. Carti- landscape. Hopper once said, www.edwardhopperhouse.org.
er Bresson, Richard Avedon, “Great art is the outward
Irving Penn, Annie Leibovitz expression of an inner life in CLINTON, MASS. — The
— each has a style and the artist, and this inner life Museum of Russian Icons pres-
approach that defines their era will result in his personal ents “Emil Hoppé: Photographs
and distinguishes them from vision of the world.” Smith from the Ballets Russes” to
other talented but more pre- was not only looking for March 8. The exhibition pays
dictable image makers. Rod- meaning in his own life but homage to Russian impresario
ney Smith’s extraordinary for what it means to be Sergei Diaghilev who founded
photographs are destined to human. Photography was his the Ballets Russes and photog-
join the ranks of these mas- way of knowing himself and rapher Emil Otto Hoppé, who,
ters.” thereby knowing others. between 1911 and 1921, photo-
graphed the champions of that
Smith’s art is his response Rodney Lewis Smith (1947- illustrious company. The muse-
to the world — an attempt to 2016) was born in New York um is at 203 Union Street. For
bring order out of chaos, City. Graduating from the information, 978-598-5000 or
understanding out of confu- University of Virginia in www.museumofrussianicons.org.
sion, wisdom out of ignorance 1970, he went on to earn a
January 17, 2020 — Antiques and The Arts Weekly — 17
Outsider Art Fair For 2020
Features New Floor Plan, Curated Spaces
NEW YORK CITY — The itual and tied to indigenous Carlo Zinelli, “Quattro uomini verdi e uccelli su sfondo gial- Practice!,” which deals with
Outsider Art Fair (OAF) takes wisdom and the healing cere- lo (Four green men and birds on yellow background),” 1963, the professionalization of art
place January 16-19, at the monies of local shamans. The tempera on paper, 20 by 27½ inches. Collection of Oliana and its ramifications for our
Metropolitan Pavilion. New intricate patterns in the works and Alessandro Zinelli. culture. It will address the
features of the 2020 fair signify this deeper conscious- market realities, language and
include a redesigned floor plan ness and also communicate a Chicago). The stamps offer a their world in specific histori- criticism that can make art-
and revamped café, various strong relationship with unique glimpse into an alter- cal, social, regional and ists less adventurous, while
curated projects, special pro- plants, the earth and ecology. native United Nations of 25 national contexts. On view are considering the way that Out-
grams and first-time exhibitors The work of both artists “bogus” states. They are large- selected pieces from the Kuni- sider artists tend to be less
from Japan, India, Portugal, appeared in the film Icaros: A ly drawn from the former col- yoshi Collection, a portion of concerned with critics, cura-
Canada and various US cities. Vision (2016). lection of Jim Czyl (1947- CMA’s permanent collection tors, collectors and other art-
Participating galleries in the 2014), who wrote the representing young artists world conventions. Partici-
28th edition of the fair include “Relishing the Raw: Contem- “Cinderella Scene” column in who participated in the Feder- pants include Marilyn Minter
65 exhibitors, representing 35 porary Artists Collecting Out- Linn’s Stamp News from 1982 al Art Project (FAP), part of (artist), Lonnie Holley (artist)
cities, from ten countries, with sider Art” is an exhibition until his death. the Works Progress Adminis- and Laura Hoptman (execu-
ten first-time galleries. curated by Paul Laster (writer, tration (WPA) created in the tive director, The Drawing
editor, independent curator, “From the Perspective of a 1930s. The FAP offered free Center). The talk takes place
Among the first-timers are: artist and lecturer) of Outsid- Child” is an exhibition of art- arts education to people of all Tuesday, January 14, at 6:30
ACM Gallery (Tokyo, Japan); er art collected by contempo- works from the permanent col- ages. In concept and function, pm at the New Museum.
Arushi Arts (New Delhi, India); rary artists. Contemporary lection of the Children’s Muse- this open-door policy promoted
bG Gallery (Santa Monica, artists lending work from um of the Arts (CMA), which the arts as a valuable element Thursday, January 16, is VIP
Calif.); Howard Greenberg their collections include Polly houses more than 2,000 art- of society and an activity to early access preview, 2 to 6
Gallery (New York City); Les Apfelbaum, Maurizio Cattel- works by child artists from which every individual should pm, followed by vernissage, 6
Impatients (Montreal, Cana- an, Nicole Eisenman, Jenny more than 50 countries. The have access. to 9 pm.
da); Koelsch Gallery (Houston, Holzer, Chris Martin, Nicolas CMA permanent collection
Texas); Kushino Terrace (Hiro- Party, Julian Schnabel, Cindy sheds light on children’s art OAF Talks continue in 2020 The fair is open to the public
shima, Japan); MANICÓMIO Sherman, Laurie Simmons, and ideas from a broad range with a program organized and on Friday, January 17, 11 am
(Lisbon, Portugal) and Ste- Terry Winters and others. of eras and regions by provid- moderated by Bill Arning to 8 pm; Saturday, January 18,
phen Score (Beacon, Mass.). They are lending paintings, ing windows into how children (curator and contemporary art 11 am to 8 pm; and Sunday,
sculptures, photographs and have seen and represented advisor), “Just Don’t Call It January 19, 11 am to 6 pm.
The 2020 fair’s curated spac- drawings by such notable self-
es include “The Hummingbird taught artists as Vahakn Ars- Metropolitan Pavilion is at
Paints Fragrant Songs: Sara lanian, Morton Bartlett, 125 West 18th Street (between
Flores and Celia Vasquez Yui,” Hawkins Bolden, Eugene Von 6th and 7th Avenues).
an exhibition co-curated by Bruenchenhein, James Castle,
Brett Littman (director of the Howard Finster, Lee Godie, For information, 212-337-3338
Isamu Noguchi Foundation William Hawkins, Daniel or www.outsiderartfair.com.
and Garden Museum in Long Johnston, Mary T. Smith,
Island City, N.Y.), and the Janet Sobel, Miroslav Tichý,
Shipibo Conibo Center in West Mose Tolliver, Joseph Yoakum
Harlem, N.Y. Both artists, and many more.
Flores and Yui, live and work
in a region of the Peruvian Special projects at the 2020
Amazon where the Shipibo fair include a wall of 500
indigenous peoples are strug- “bogus cinderella” postage
gling for their cultural and stamps — stamps created for
social survival against defor- fictitious states to declare
estation and oil and palm their existence, but which hold
interests, which brutally no postage value — curated by
encroach on collective land Laura Steward (curator of
and lifeways. The work is spir- public art at the University of
Gibbes Museum Exhibits Elizabeth Locke’s
Micromosaic Jewel Collection January 17
CHARLESTON, S.C. — The ics at the Portobello market in the era’s fascination with the
Gibbes Museum of Art has London. She purchased her first classics and societal requisite
announced their newest exhibi- one in 1989 — a small rectangle travel to the “cradle of western
tion, “A Return to the Grand of the Temple of Vesta — and civilization.”
Tour: Micromosaic Jewels from reset it in her distinctive neo-
the Collection of Elizabeth classical style using hand-ham- The symposium will feature
Locke.” This exhibition consists mered 19K gold and cabochon jewelry designer and collector
of 92 examples of micromosaics stones. From there, her collec- Elizabeth Locke, associate cura-
from the private collection of tion grew and now features tor of American painting and
jeweler Elizabeth Locke. These more than a hundred micromo- decorative art at the Virginia
precious souvenirs were saics, most of which have been Museum of Fine Arts, Susan
designed for Grand Tour travel- mounted as precious jewels. Rawles and executive director
ers of the mid-Eighteenth to Some, still in the original pack- and chief curator of the Gibbes
late Nineteenth Centuries. The aging, show how they were pre- Museum of Art, Angela D.
exhibition will be on display in sented to Grand Tour travelers. Mack. “A Return to the Grand
the museum January 17-May 3. Tour” Symposium will take
To coincide with the opening place on January 17, 10 am to
“This exhibition is a fascinat- of the exhibition, the Gibbes 1:30 pm.
ing juxtaposition of antique and will bring together experts,
modern craftsmanship enabling scholars and the collector her- The Gibbes Museum of Art is
a lost art to come to life once self to discuss the Grand Tour at 135 Meeting Street. For more
again,” said Angela Mack, exec- of the Nineteenth Century and information, 843-722-2706 or
utive director of the Gibbes www.gibbesmuseum.org.
Museum of Art. “These pieces
are meant to evoke the memory “Roman Forum, Rome,” Nineteenth Century; Micromosaic
of a special experience, and we set in gold as a brooch, with alternating 6mm cabochon
hope that guests who come and aquamarines with side gold dots and 5mm faceted aquama-
see this exhibition will have a rines around bezel; 2-1/8 by 2-3/8 inches; Collection of Eliza-
similar response.” beth Locke (Travis Fullerton photo, ©Virginia Museum of
Fine Arts).
Now a lost artform, micromo-
saics were once popular memen-
tos made into jewelry, boxes and
paperweights, and sold to trav-
elers on their Grand Tour, a
travel phenomenon that became
part of the social fabric of aris-
tocratic Europe in the late
Eighteenth and Nineteenth
Centuries. The delicate jewels
passed out of fashion toward
the end of the Nineteenth Cen-
Jewelry designer Elizabeth
Locke first became fascinated
with micromosaics when she
lived in Florence, Italy. Years
after her sojourn in Florence,
Locke rediscovered micromosa-
18 — Antiques and The Arts Weekly — January 17, 2020
Tom Nicholas, “Late Autumn, Rockport Har- Tom Nicholas, “Pigeon Cove,” 1987, oil on canvas, 30 by T.M. Nicholas, “The Old Mill,” 2015, oil on can-
bor,” 2006, oil on canvas, 16 by 16 inches, col- 36 inches, private collection. vas, 36 by 36 inches, collection of Richard and
lection of Anne and William Newcomb. Valerie Beck.
Tom & T.M. Nicholas
A Father & Son’s Journey In Paint
T.M. Nicholas, “Gloucester Barge Workers,” 2011, oil on can- GLOUCESTER, MASS. — tions from the Allied Artists of related themes and is a past
vas, 30 by 40 inches, collection of Mr and Mrs Thomas A. Exploring 40 years of the artis- America, the Salmagundi Club, curator of the Rockport Art
Nicholas, promised gift to the Cape Ann Museum. tic collaboration between Rock- the American Watercolor Soci- Association and Museum’s Per-
T.M. Nicholas, “Old Harbor, Gloucester,” 2018, oil on canvas, port father and son Tom and ety, and the National Academy manent Collection. She lives on
30 by 40 inches, private collection. T.M. Nicholas will be the focus of Design. He was elected an Cape Ann and is a regular con-
T.M. Nicholas, “Warming Up, Gloucester,” 2000, oil on can- of the Cape Ann Museum’s exhi- Academician of the National tributor to the American Art
vas, 30 by 40 inches, collection of Mr and Mrs Richard bition, “Tom and T. M. Nicholas: Academy of Design and a Dol- Review. She has also written
Bianchini. A Father and Son’s Journey in phin Fellow of the American several books, including Antho-
Paint.” The Nicholas works, cre- Watercolor Society. ny Thieme, The Life and Art of
ated in the well-known style of Paul Strisik, N.A., W. Lester Ste-
the Cape Ann school of painting T.M. Nicholas, a student of the vens, N.A., (1888-1969), Harry A.
and curated from numerous pri- Montserrat College of Art, Vincent and His Contempo-
vate collections, will be on view studied with his father as well raries, Rocky Neck Art Colony
through April 12. as with the Rockport painter (1850-1950), A. T. Hibbard,
John Terelak. Working out of a American Master, and two
Born and raised in Connecti- studio in Essex, Mass., T.M., Charles Movalli exhibition cata-
cut, Tom Nicholas studied with like his father, exhibits widely, logs. More recently, she curated
Ernst Lohrmann, H. Fisk, and has paintings in museum col- — and wrote the catalog for —
the School of Visual Arts in New lections, and has won many Polly Thayer Starr and the
York. He has lived and worked awards. Alchemy of Painting. She was
in Rockport since the early also co-curator of, “Strokes of
1960s, running a gallery on As part of the exhibition’s Genius: Women Artists of New
Main Street with his wife, Glo- related programming, T.M. England,” for which she also
ria. His work in oil, watercolor, Nicholas and art historian wrote the catalog.
and gouache has received Judith Curtis will give separate
numerous awards and recogni- gallery talks. Curtis is a free- Cape Ann has long been recog-
lance writer specializing in art- nized as one of this country’s
oldest and most important art
T.M. Nicholas, “The Grand Canal,” 2014, oil on canvas, 30 by colonies and the Cape Ann
40 inches, The James Collection, promised gift to the Cape Museum’s collections contain
Ann Museum. examples of works by many of
Tom Nicholas, “Morning Coffee, Rockport,” 1996, oil on can- the artists who came to this
vas, 30 by 40 inches, private collection. region, including Winslow
Homer, Edward Hopper, Mars-
den Hartley, Cecilia Beaux, Nell
Blaine, Stuart Davis, Milton
Avery, John Sloan and Anna
Hyatt Huntington. At the heart
of the museum’s holdings is the
single largest collection of works
by early Nineteenth Century
artist Fitz Henry Lane (1804-
1865). A native of Gloucester,
Lane was a lithographer and a
painter, and his works displayed
at the Cape Ann Museum cap-
ture the town’s busy seaport in
its heyday.
The Cape Ann Museum is
dedicated to illuminating the
diversity of life on Cape Ann by
collecting, preserving and pre-
senting the interconnected sto-
ries of art and industry during
the past 400 years. Building on
the popular and critical suc-
cess of the 2019 “Homer at the
Beach” exhibition, 2020 marks
an exciting year for the muse-
um with the opening a new
campus in June 2020 at the
gateway to Gloucester. This
new campus, along with other
museum initiatives is aimed at
building greater audiences and
awareness of the institution
regionally, nationally and
internationally in anticipation
of the museum’s 150th anni-
versary in 2023.
The Cape Ann Museum is at
27 Pleasant Street. For more
information, 978-283-0455 or
Historic Homes & Properties
Compiled by Madelia Hickman Ring January 17, 2020 — Antiques and The Arts Weekly — 19
National Trust Awards Grants Totaling $1.6 Million
To Help Preserve African American History
WASHINGTON, DC — In ports communities to interpret, King, who drove the Chicago Hutchinson, as a wedding gift Pauli Murray Home and
2019, the National Trust for document and preserve the Black Renaissance of the early for his wife, Rosa Swinton. The Center for History and
Historic Preservation (NTHP) diverse stories and places Twentieth Century. home is part of a collection of
announced more than $1.6 mil- across the state. 14 properties on Edisto Island Social Justice
lion in grants to 22 sites and Clinton A.M.E. Zion Church God’s Little Acre that tell the stories of African (Durham, N.C.)
organizations through its Afri- The Preservation Society Americans and Gullah Geechee In addition to supporting the
can American Cultural Heri- (Great Barrington, Mass.) culture between the Seven- life and legacy of Rev Dr Pauli
tage Action Fund. of Newport County teenth and Nineteenth Centu- Murray, a Twentieth Century
Clinton A.M.E. Zion Church, (Newport, R.I.) ries, including during the African American human
In his announcement at Great Barrington, Mass., Reconstruction period. rights activist, lawyer, feminist,
2019’s Essence Festival, Brent Clark & Green Architects The largest and most intact poet, Episcopal priest and
Leggs, executive director of the photo. Colonial-era African burial Langston Hughes House member of the LGBTQ commu-
Action Fund, underscored the ground in the country, where I, Too, Art Collective nity, this home is located in a
importance of this work, not- The first black church in the story of slavery and the (Harlem, N.Y.) historically working-class, Afri-
ing, “The recipients of this W.E.B. Du Bois’ hometown has European transatlantic slave can American community and
funding shine a light on once been described as a “crucible” trade is told, brings life to the Langston Hughes, one of the is being restored in her honor.
lived stories and black culture, for the NAACP co-founder and stories of creative survival and foremost figures of the Harlem Satchel Paige House
some familiar and some yet civil rights trailblazer. Now perseverance by the first Afri- Renaissance, spent the last 20 Historic Kansas City
untold, that weave together the vacant, this unassuming wood cans of Newport. years of his life at this Harlem
complex story of American his- frame church also carries the brownstone. The home is Foundation
tory in the United States.” legacies of religious and cul- Harriet Tubman Home emerging as a community space (Kansas City, Mo.)
tural heritage for African (Auburn, N.Y.) that empowers artists and In 2018, a fire critically com-
This year’s funds, provided by Americans in Nineteenth and writers to create new works promised the home of famed
the Andrew W. Mellon Founda- Twentieth Century rural New In 1857, the abolitionist and through a diverse array of pro- Negro League pitcher and
tion, were awarded to key plac- England. freedom fighter Harriet Tub- gramming opportunities. National Baseball Hall of Fame
es and organizations that help Emanuel African Methodist man purchased this homestead, inductee Satchel Paige. The
the fund achieve its mission of now the Harriet Tubman McGee Avenue Baptist home is now in need of stabili-
protecting, restoring and inter- Episcopal Church National Historical Park. The Church, Stuart Street zation and planning for its
preting historic sites and (Charleston, S.C.) historic site documents more future use.
uncovering hidden narratives than 50 years of Tubman’s Apartments South Carolina African
of African Americans and their This pillar of Charleston’s work and comprises three prop- Bay Area Community Land American Heritage
contribution to the American African American community, erties: a home for the aged,
story. Grants are given across built in 1891, was the tragic infirmary and Tubman’s resi- Trust (Berkeley, Calif.) Foundation
four categories: capacity build- scene of the racially motivated dence. Established in 1918 as the (South Carolina)
ing, project planning, capital 2015 shooting of nine black first African American Baptist Recently celebrating its 25th
and programming and inter- parishioners. The Gothic-style Historic Evergreen church community in the area, anniversary, this commission
pretation. church, which is still in use but Cemetery this church moved to its McGee supports statewide efforts to
in need of major structural Avenue location in 1933. The promote and preserve sites of
The fund is a $25 million repairs, hosts the oldest Afri- Enrichmond Foundation church aims to transform its African American history across
multi-year national initiative can Methodist Episcopal con- (Richmond, Va.) Stuart Street Apartments into South Carolina. The organiza-
aimed at uplifting the largely gregation south of Baltimore. an affordable housing co-op tion seeks to develop financially
overlooked contributions of The overgrown Historic Ever- that will empower one of the sustainable approaches to pre-
African Americans by protect- Emmett and Mamie Till green Cemetery is the final oldest African American com- serve and increase its public
ing and restoring these historic Interpretive Center resting place of business exec- munities in Berkeley to pre- engagement.
sites and uncovering hidden Emmett Till Memorial utives and political activists serve cultural heritage through Texas Endangered Historic
stories of African Americans Maggie L. Walker and John housing. Black Settlements &
connected to historic sites Commission (Sumner, Miss.) Mitchell, Jr. It currently serves
across the nation. The center, located in the Tal- descendant families and the Fountain Hall, Morris Cemeteries
lahatchie County Courthouse, general public as a memorial Brown College Texas Freedom Colonies
External review for grant interprets Emmett Till’s mur- park, historic site and 60-acre
applications was provided by der and the response by his monument to African Ameri- Association for the Study of Project (Texas)
the Association for the Study of mother, Mamie Till-Mobley. Her can resilience and achieve- African American Life and Formerly enslaved people
African American Life and His- sacrifice and heroism in the ment from the Civil War era established Freedom Colonies
tory and the Hutchins Center face of tragedy ignited the Civil through the early Twenty- History (Atlanta, Ga.) after the Civil War to create
for African and African Ameri- Rights Movement and was a First Century. once flourishing and self-suffi-
can Research at Harvard Uni- calling cry for racial justice. Historic Westside Las Vegas Fountain Hall, Morris cient communities. The colo-
versity. Explored Landscapes of Brown College, Atlanta, Ga. nies’ historically significant
Nevada Preservation cemeteries, landscapes and
For information on the Afro-Virginia Foundation (Las Vegas, Nev.) With its distinctive tower sit- buildings are unrecognized and
National Trust for Historic Virginia Humanities The Historic Westside Las uated at the top of Atlanta’s contain unrecorded heritage.
Preservation or the African Vegas is an African American “Diamond Hill,” Fountain Hall
American Cultural Heritage (Virginia) segregation-era community housed W.E.B. Du Bois’ office, Treme Neighborhood
Action Fund, www.savingplac- Virginia Humanities will that experienced substantial where he wrote his seminal Revival Grants Program
es.org/african-american-cultur- establish and staff a statewide disinvestment after national work, The Souls of Black Folk. Preservation Resource Center
al-heritage. African American historic pres- desegregation efforts. While Located on Atlanta’s Westside, of New Orleans (Louisiana)
ervation advocacy and resource locally recognized as historical- this vacant and deteriorating New Orleans’ Treme neigh-
The 2019 grant recipients are team to expand interpretation ly significant, none of the area’s structure is the oldest surviv- borhood is considered one of
the following: of the historic places and peo- historic districts have been ing building associated with the oldest African American
ple affiliated with African nominated and no complete Atlanta University, one of the neighborhoods in the country,
African Meeting House American life in rural and survey of the full Historic West- first historically black colleges but a rapid rise in real estate
Museum of African American urban Virginia. side has yet been undertaken. and universities (HBCUs) in values has put long-time resi-
the South. dents at risk. This microgrants
History (Boston, Mass.) The Forum Hutchinson House programs will enable home-
The oldest extant black Urban Juncture Foundation Edisto Island Open Land Oregon Black Pioneers owners to maintain and make
church in America was built in Trust (Edisto Island, S.C.) Corporation preservation-friendly repairs to
1806 as a gathering place cen- (Chicago) (Oregon) their homes.
tral to the abolitionist move- As the oldest community Hutchinson House, Edisto
ment, early legal battles for meeting and performance hall Island, S.C. This 26-year-old organization Wright Building
education equity, and other in Chicago’s Bronzeville neigh- is dedicated to preserving the Greater Union Life Center,
struggles for justice. Today, it borhood, the Forum has been Currently in a state of deteri- history of African Americans in
inspires all generations to vacant for nearly 20 years and oration, this rare, intact freed- the state, telling stories that Inc (DeLand, Fla.)
embrace and interpret the was an essential gathering man’s home was built by Henry are often elusive in traditional Built in 1920, this building
authentic stories of New Eng- place for arts and cultural lead- Hutchinson, son of the formerly narratives, and educating the served as a grocery and general
landers of African descent. ers, like Nat King Cole and B.B. enslaved Union soldier James public through research, oral store for African Americans in
Designed by architect Richard presentations, exhibits and segregated Florida. Black-
Upjohn and constructed in publications. owned business pioneer James
1835, the school was the first Wright, who had ties to Booker
public education facility for T. Washington, empowered local
free black children in Boston. black entrepreneurs by leasing
retail spaces on the second floor.
Alabama Historical The building will soon be
Commission restored to its original purpose
of fostering economic develop-
Black Heritage Council ment for the Black community.
(Alabama) Photos courtesy National Trust
The Alabama Black Heritage for Historic Preservation
Council is the only statewide
organization in Alabama with
the mission to preserve African
American historic places. Cele-
brating its 35th anniversary
this year, the organization sup-
20 — Antiques and The Arts Weekly — January 17, 2020
Americana Week In New York
Shows, Auctions, Seminars And Special Events
ONGOING EXHIBITIONS Thursday, January 16 ums for Newport Restoration Foundation, Chris-
tie’s, 20 Rockefeller Plaza. To RSVP, rsvp2@
Master Drawings New York, exhibitions are on Seminars, Lectures and christies.com.
view January 25-February 1 in 25 galleries on the Special EventS
Upper East Side. A preview at each of the partici- 5:30 to 7:30 pm, Wunsch Americana Foundation
pating galleries will be Friday, January 24, 4 to 8 2 to 3 pm, “Panel Discussion: Mario Buatta and to present the eighth annual Eric M. Wunsch
pm; show hours are 11 am to 6 pm. A symposium the English Country House Style in America,” Award for Excellence in the American Arts to
hosted by Master Drawings Journal will be January with featured speakers Jane Churchill, Emily Laura Beach, Lita Solis-Cohen and Mira Nakashi-
28, www.masterdrawingsnewyork.com. Evans Eerdmans and Charlotte Moss, moderated ma; reception honoring recipients at Christie’s,
by Michael Diaz-Griffith. Sotheby’s, 1334 York 20 Rockefeller Plaza. To RSVP, rsvp6@christies.
“20/20 Collecting with Vision,” through March Avenue at 72nd Street. Free. To RSVP: 212-606- com.
31. Olde Hope Antiques, 115 East 72nd Street, #1B. 7130 or [email protected].
For information, 215-297-0200, [email protected] Thursday, January 23
or www.oldehope.com. The Outsider Art Fair, Metropolitan Pavilion,
125 West 18th Street, Early Access Preview, 2 to 6 Shows
“Inside Art,” Long-term exhibition from Janu- pm; Vernissage, 6 to 9 pm, $50; One-day passes The New York Antique Ceramics Fair, Bohe-
ary 18, Children’s Museum of Manhattan, 212 are $30, a three-day pass is $60. For information, mian National Hall, 321 East 73rd Street, 11 am
West 83rd Street. For information, 212-721-1223 212-337-3338 or www.outsiderartfair.com. to 7 pm, for information, www.nyceramicsfair.
or www.cmom.org. com.
Friday, January 17
“Illusions of the Photographer: Duane Auctions
Michals at the Morgan,” through February 2; Shows 10 am, “Cherished: American Folk Art & Toys
“Guercino: Virtuoso Draftsman,” through Feb- The Outsider Art Fair, Metropolitan Pavilion, from the Estate of a Private Collector,” Doyle, 175
ruary 2. The Morgan Library & Museum, 225 Madi- 125 West 18th Street, 11 am to 8 pm, $30. For East 87th Street. For information, 212-427-2730
son Avenue. For information, www.themorgan.org or information, 212-337-3338 or www.outsiderart- or www.doyle.com.
212-685-0008. fair.com. 10 am, Chinese Export Art Featuring the Tibor
Collection, Part II, Christie’s, 20 Rockefeller
“Making Marvels: Science & Splendour at the Auctions Plaza. For information, 212-636-2000 or www.
Courts of Europe,” through March 1; “The 10 am, Outsider Art, Christie’s, 20 Rockefeller christies.com.
Renaissance of Etching,” through January 20; Plaza. For information, 212-636-2000 or www. 10 am, “Mario Buatta: Prince of Interiors,”
“Jewelry for America,” through April 5; “Frank christies.com. Sotheby’s, 1334 York Avenue at 72nd Street. For
Lloyd Wright Textiles: The Taliesin Line, 1955- information, 212-606-7000 or www.sothebys.com.
60,” through April 5; “Aesthetic Splendors: High- Saturday, January 18
lights from the Gift of Barrie and Deedee Wig- Seminars, Lectures and Special Events
more,” through August 16. The Metropolitan Shows The Winter Show Opening Night Party, Park
Museum of Art, 1000 Fifth Avenue. For information, The Outsider Art Fair, Metropolitan Pavilion, Avenue Armory, 67th Street & Park Avenue, 5 to 9
www.metmuseum.org or 212-535-7710. 125 West 18th Street, 11 am to 8 pm, $30. For pm, staggered admission. Community Leader pre-
information, 212-337-3338 or www.outsiderart- view, 5 pm, $1,000-$5,000; Opportunity champion
“Memory Palaces: Inside the Collection of fair.com. preview, 6 pm, $500; Patron preview, 7 pm, $300.
Audrey B. Heckler,” through January 26. The Loan Exhibition is “Unrivaled: The Hispanic Soci-
American Folk Art Museum, 2 Lincoln Square. For Sunday, January 19 ety Museum and Library.”
information, www.folkartmuseum.org or 212-595- 5 to 9 pm, The Cornerstone of Excellence Dinner
9533. Shows & Award, honoring Pamela and David B. Ford,
The Outsider Art Fair, Metropolitan Pavilion, Honorary Chairs of The Winter Show, The Winter
“Land and Sea,” through January 23. The Salma- 125 West 18th Street, 11 am to 6 pm, $30. For Show, Park Avenue Armory, 67th Street & Park
gundi Club, 47 Fifth Avenue. For information, 212- information, 212-337-3338 or www.outsiderart- Avenue, individual seats $2,750, tables $25,000-
255-7740 or www.salmagundi.org. fair.com. 35,000. For tickets, www.thewintershow.org/visit.
“Urban Indian: Native New York Now,” Monday, January 20 Friday, January 24
through March 8; “Who We Are: Visualizing NYC
by the Numbers,” through September 20; “Culti- Seminars, Lectures and Shows
vating Culture: 34 Institutions That Changed Special Events The New York Antique Ceramics Fair, Bohe-
New York,” through February 9. The Museum of mian National Hall, 321 East 73rd Street, 11 am
the City of New York, 1220 Fifth Avenue. For infor- 6 to 8 pm, Opening Reception, “20/20 Collecting to 7 pm, for information, www.nyceramicsfair.
mation, 212-534-1672 or www.mcny.org. with Vision,” through March 31. Olde Hope com.
Antiques, 115 East 72nd Street, #1B. To RSVP, The Winter Show, Park Avenue Armory, 67th
“Artist in Exile: The Visual Diary of Baroness [email protected] or 215-297-0200. Street & Park Avenue, noon to 8 pm. For infor-
Hyde de Neuville,” through January 26; “Mark mation, 917-420-0669 or www.thewintershow.org.
Twain the Holy Land,” through February 2; Tuesday, January 21 The Art, Design & Antiques Show, Wallace
“Audubon’s Birds of America Focus Gallery,” Hall, Church of St Ignatius Loyola, 980 Park Ave-
ongoing; “Life Cut Short: Hamilton’s Hair and Seminars, Lectures and nue at 84th Street, 10 am to 7 pm. For informa-
the Art of Mourning Jewelry,” through May 10; Special Events tion, 203-920-1755 or www.rehshows.com.
“In Profile; A Look at Silhouettes,” January
17-April 5. The New-York Historical Society, 170 10 am to 6 pm, Americana Symposium, Lectures Auctions
Central Park West. For information, 212-873-3400 on the subjects of silver, ceramics, American furni- 10 am, Important American Furniture, Folk Art
or www.nyhistory.org. ture, folk art and needlework celebrating the Col- and Silver, Christie’s, 20 Rockefeller Plaza. For
lection of Barbara and Arun Singh, and Property information, 212-636-2000 or www.christies.com.
“Henry Arnhold’s Meissen Palace: Celebrat- Sold to Benefit the Museum of Fine Arts, Boston. 10 am, “Mario Buatta: Prince of Interiors,”
ing a Collector,” ongoing. The Frick Collection, 1 Featured speakers include Kee Il Choi Jr, Alice Sotheby’s, 1334 York Avenue at 72nd Street. For
East 70th Street. For information, 212-288-0700 or Dickinson, Richard Dietrich, Emelie Gevalt, information, 212-606-7000 or www.sothebys.com.
www.frick.org. Judith M. Guston, Stacy C. Hollander, Dean Thom-
as Lahikainen, Robert Lionetti, Robert Shaw, Seminars, Lectures and Special Events
“Edith Halpert and the Rise of American Folk Arun Singh MD, Gary R. Sullivan and Annabel 11 am, “Collector’s Choice: Shaping The Met’s
Art,” through February 9; “Rachel Feinstein: Westman. Sotheby’s, 1334 York Avenue at 72nd Collection,” The Art Study Room, The Metropoli-
Maiden, Mother, Crone,” through March 22. The Street. Free. To RSVP: 212-606-7130 or ameri- tan Museum of Art, 1000 Fifth Avenue. For
Jewish Museum, 1109 Fifth Avenue. For informa- [email protected]. information and registration, www.masterdraw-
tion, 212-423-3200 or www.thejewishmuseum.org. ingsnewyork.com/partnerships.
Wednesday, January 22 9:30 am to 3 pm, “Decorative Arts Trust New
“Heads and Masks,” January 7-February 7. York Antiques Weekend,” Day 1. Decorative Arts
American Primitive Gallery with John Molloy Gal- Seminars, Lectures and Trust, tour of Morris Jumel Mansion and Philipse
lery, 49 East 78th Street, Suite 7B. For information, Special Events Manor Hall. For Trust members; $400 for two-day
www.americanprimitive.com or 212-628-1530. event; membership, registration and additional
4 pm, Lecture on Paul Revere silver by David tour information at www.decorativeartstrust.org.
Wednesday, January 15 Wood, curator of the Concord Historical Society,
Christie’s, 20 Rockefeller Plaza. To RSVP, Chris-
Seminars, Lectures and tie’s silver department, 212-636-2250.
Special Events
4:30 pm, “Furniture Forward: A New Approach
6 to 8 pm, Christie’s Lates, preview of the auc- to Interpreting Doris Duke’s Newport Furniture
tions, music and specialist talks, Christie’s, 20 Collection at the Samuel Whitehorne House
Rockefeller Plaza. Free & open to the public; regis- Museum” by Erik Greenberg, director of muse-
ter online. For information, www.christies.com.
January 17, 2020 — Antiques and The Arts Weekly — 21
Americana Week In New York
Shows, Auctions, Seminars And Special Events
Saturday, January 25 2:30 pm, Asia Week New York panel discussion, Sotheby’s, 1334 York Avenue at 72nd Street. For
“Opportunities and Perspectives in Collecting Asian information, 212-606-7000 or www.sothebys.com.
Shows Art,” The Winter Show, Park Avenue Armory, 67th
The New York Antique Ceramics Fair, Bohemi- Street & Park Avenue. Free with show admission, Seminars, Lectures and
an National Hall, 321 East 73rd Street, 11 am to 7 seating is on a first-come basis. For information, Special Events
pm, for information, www.nyceramicsfair.com. 917-420-0669 or www.thewintershow.org.
The Winter Show, Park Avenue Armory, 67th 6 to 9 pm, Young Collectors Night Party, The Win-
Street & Park Avenue, noon to 7 pm. For informa- Monday, January 27 ter Show, Park Avenue Armory, 67th Street & Park
tion, 917-420-0669 or www.thewintershow.org. Avenue, staggered admission, $200-1,000, in
The Art, Design & Antiques Show, Wallace Hall, Shows advance.
Church of St Ignatius Loyola, 980 Park Avenue at The Winter Show, Park Avenue Armory, 67th
84th Street, 11 am to 6 pm. For information, 203- Street & Park Avenue, noon to 8 pm. For informa- Friday, January 31
920-1755 or www.rehshows.com. tion, 917-420-0669 or www.thewintershow.org.
Auctions Auctions The Winter Show, Park Avenue Armory, 67th
10 am, “Triumphant Grace: Important Americana 10 am & 2 pm “Fine Manuscript and Printed Street & Park Avenue, noon to 8 pm. For informa-
from the Collection of Barbara and Arun Singh,” Americana,” Sotheby’s, 1334 York Avenue at 72nd tion, 917-420-0669 or www.thewintershow.org.
Sotheby’s, 1334 York Avenue at 72nd Street. For Street. For information, 212-606-7000 or www.sothe-
information, 212-606-7000 or www.sothebys.com. bys.com. Auctions
1 pm, Audubon Prints, Natural History Engravings, 10 am, Nineteenth Century European Art, Sothe-
Travel Books, Maps and Atlases, Arader Galleries, Seminars, Lectures and by’s, 1334 York Avenue at 72nd Street. For informa-
1016 Madison Avenue. For information, 212-628-7625 Special Events tion, 212-606-7000 or www.sothebys.com.
or www.aradergalleries.com.
2:30 pm, “A New Dimension of Tradition: Important 5:30 pm, ArtTable panel discussion, “The Aesthet- Seminars, Lectures and
American Folk Art, Proceeds of the Sale to Benefit a ics of Femininity through the Ages,” The Winter Special Events
New Folk Art Initiative at the Museum of Fine Arts, Show, Park Avenue Armory, 67th Street & Park
Boston,” Sotheby’s, 1334 York Avenue at 72nd Street. Avenue. Free with show admission, seating is on a 5:30 to 8 pm, Connoisseurs Night, The Winter
For information, 212-606-7000 or www.sothebys.com. first-come basis. For information, 917-420-0669 or Show, Park Avenue Armory, 67th Street & Park
www.thewintershow.org. Avenue, 917-420-0669 or www.thewintershow.org.
Seminars, Lectures and
Special Events Tuesday, January 28 Saturday, February 1
11 am to 4 pm, “Decorative Arts Trust New York Shows Shows
Antiques Weekend,” Day 2. Decorative Arts The Winter Show, Park Avenue Armory, 67th The Winter Show, Park Avenue Armory, 67th
Trust, tour of Winter Show prior to it opening to Street & Park Avenue, noon to 4:30 pm. For infor- Street & Park Avenue, noon to 7 pm. For informa-
the public, followed by lunch and a tour of the mation, 917-420-0669 or www.thewintershow.org. tion, 917-420-0669 or www.thewintershow.org.
Upper East side apartment of Rhetta Felton. For
Trust members; $400 for two-day event; member- Auctions Seminars, Lectures and
ship, registration and additional information at 2 pm, Old Master & British Drawings Including Special Events
www.decorativeartstrust.org. Works from the Collection of Jean Bonna, Chris-
tie’s, 20 Rockefeller Plaza. For information, 212- 12:30 pm, Design in Dialogue, “The Past is Pres-
2:30 pm, “The Promotion of Hispanic Culture,” loan 636-2000 or www.christies.com. ent: Ancient Inspiration for Contemporary Effect,”
exhibition lecture series with Philippe de Montebello, by Achille Salvagni, The Winter Show, Park Ave-
chairman, and Mitchell Codding, executive director Seminars, Lectures and nue Armory, 67th Street & Park Avenue. Free with
and president, Hispanic Society Museum & Library, Special Events show admission, seating is on a first-come basis.
The Winter Show, Park Avenue Armory, 67th Street For information, 917-420-0669 or www.thewinter-
& Park Avenue. Free with show admission, seating is 11 am, VIP Tour & Lunch, The Winter Show, show.org.
on a first-come basis. For information, 917-420-0669 Park Avenue Armory, 67th Street & Park Avenue.
or www.thewintershow.org. Tour of the show and a catered lunch. For reserva- 2:30 pm, Contemporary Art in Dialogue, “Duveen
tions, Helen Kippax, [email protected]. Brothers: Tricks of the Trade from the Greatest
4:30 pm, American Federation of Arts Lecture, Art and Antique Dealers of the Twentieth Centu-
“Victorian Radicals: Dystopia and Utopia,” by Dr 5:30 pm, “Fourth Annual Master Drawings Week ry,” by Charlotte Vignon, curator of the Frick Col-
Tim Barringer, chair and Paul Mellon professor, Symposium: Master Drawings, Then and Now,” The lection and author of Duveen Brothers and the
department of art history, Yale University, The Win- Institute of Fine Arts, New York University, 1 Market for Decorative Arts, 1880-1940, The Win-
ter Show, Park Avenue Armory, 67th Street & Park East 78th Street. For information and registration, ter Show, Park Avenue Armory, 67th Street &
Avenue. Free with show admission, seating is on a www.masterdrawingsnewyork.com/partnerships. Park Avenue. Free with show admission, seating
first-come basis. For information, 917-420-0669 or is on a first-come basis. For information, 917-420-
www.thewintershow.org. Wednesday, January 29 0669 or www.thewintershow.org.
Sunday, January 26 Shows 4:30 pm, Design in Dialogue, “In Defense of Orna-
The Winter Show, Park Avenue Armory, 67th ment,” a conversation with Peter McGough, pre-
Shows Street & Park Avenue, noon to 8 pm. For informa- sented by The Magazine Antiques, The Winter
The New York Antique Ceramics Fair, Bohe- tion, 917-420-0669 or www.thewintershow.org. Show, Park Avenue Armory, 67th Street & Park
mian National Hall, 321 East 73rd Street, 11 am to Avenue. Free with show admission, seating is on a
4 pm. For information, www.nyceramicsfair.com. Auctions first-come basis. For information, 917-420-0669 or
The Winter Show, Park Avenue Armory, 67th 10 am, Old Master Drawings, Sotheby’s, 1334 www.thewintershow.org.
Street & Park Avenue, noon to 6 pm. For informa- York Avenue at 72nd Street. For information, 212-
tion, 917-420-0669 or www.thewintershow.org. 606-7000 or www.sothebys.com. Sunday, February 2
The Art, Design & Antiques Show, Wallace 6 pm, Old Master Paintings, Evening Sale, Sothe-
Hall, Church of St Ignatius Loyola, 980 Park Ave- by’s, 1334 York Avenue at 72nd Street. For informa- Shows
nue at 84th Street, 11 am to 5 pm. For information, tion, 212-606-7000 or www.sothebys.com. The Winter Show, Park Avenue Armory, 67th
203-920-1755 or www.rehshows.com. Street & Park Avenue, noon to 6 pm. For informa-
Seminars, Lectures and tion, 917-420-0669 or www.thewintershow.org.
Auctions Special Events
10 am, “Important Americana,” Sotheby’s, 1334 Seminars, Lectures and
York Avenue at 72nd Street. For information, 212- 5 pm, Design in Dialogue, “Curious Objects,” with Special Events
606-7000 or www.sothebys.com. Michael Diaz-Griffith, presented by The Magazine
Antiques, The Winter Show, Park Avenue Armory, 1 pm, “Earth & Fire: Four Millennia of Hispanic
Seminars, Lectures and 67th Street & Park Avenue. Free with show admis- Ceramics” loan exhibition lecture series with Mar-
Special Events sion, seating is on a first-come basis. For informa- garet Connors McQuade, assistant director and
tion, 917-420-0669 or www.thewintershow.org. curator of decorative arts, Hispanic Society Museum
8:30 am to noon, “Fourth Annual Emerging & Library, The Winter Show, Park Avenue Armory,
Scholars Colloquium,” presented by The Classical Thursday, January 30 67th Street & Park Avenue. Free with show admis-
American Homes Preservation Trust in conjunction sion, seating is on a first-come basis. For informa-
with The Decorative Arts Trust, George F. Baker Shows tion, 917-420-0669 or www.thewintershow.org.
Carriage House, 69 East 93rd Street. For Trust The Winter Show, Park Avenue Armory, 67th
members; graduated registration from $10; mem- Street & Park Avenue, noon to 4:30 pm. For infor- 3 pm, “The Values of Hispanic Art Traditions” loan
bership, registration and additional information at mation, 917-420-0669 or www.thewintershow.org. exhibition lecture series with Marcus Burke, senior
www.decorativeartstrust.org. curator of painting and sculpture, Hispanic Society
Auctions Museum & Library, The Winter Show, Park Avenue
10 am, Master Paintings & Sculpture Day Sale, Armory, 67th Street & Park Avenue. Free with show
admission, seating is on a first-come basis. For infor-
mation, 917-420-0669 or www.thewintershow.org.
22 — Antiques and The Arts Weekly — January 17, 2020
Watches Achieve $8.2 Million At Sotheby’s New York
Auction Action In New York City
NEW YORK CITY — Sothe- Patek Philippe Ref 5976 lim- Fetching $275,000 from an Won by an American private A private Middle Eastern
by’s December 11 sale of ited edition white gold and Asian trade buyer was this collector was the circa 1974 collector paid $300,000 for
watches was led by a Patek diamond set automatic fly- Patek Philippe, Ref 5711/1P Rolex Ref 5513/5517 stain- this Patek Philippe Ref 5033
Philippe Ref 5033 platinum back chronograph wrist- platinum automatic wrist- less steel automatic center platinum automatic annual
automatic annual calendar watch, circa 2016, went out watch with date and brace- seconds wristwatch made calendar minute repeating
minute repeating wristwatch, at $287,500. let, made to commemorate for the British military. wristwatch, circa 2010.
one of only 80 pieces ever pro- the 40th anniversary of the
duced, selling for $300,000. The Patek Philippe Ref 5033 Nautilus, circa 2016. A Patek Philippe Ref Modern Patek
was the first introduced to the by an offering of modern Patek 5711/1P nautilus platinum Philippes Dominate
The sale posted a grand market in 2002, encased Philippe Nautilus references, automatic wristwatch, circa
total of $8,230,250, with 76.4 exclusively in platinum. led by limited edition wrist- 2016, achieved $275,000. The The Day
percent sold by lot. In total, According to scholarship, the watches to celebrate the 40th firm produced a limited edi-
the firm’s New York 2019 firm produced the reference anniversary of the Nautilus. tion of 700 watches in plati- more than four times its
watch sales reached $23.5 in a series of fewer than 80 Produced as a commemorative, num for the occasion, each $60,000 high estimate and a
million, a 26 percent increase pieces. limited series of 1,300 examples, enhanced with an embossed world auction record for a
year-over-year. a Ref 5976/1G Nautilus 40th logo at 6 o’clock reading “40 double reference military sub-
A Ref 5079J yellow gold anniversary limited edition 1976-2016” and diamond-set mariner. The firm created the
Sam Hines, worldwide head minute repeating wristwatch white gold automatic flyback hour markers. historic military Submariner
of watches at Sotheby’s, and with enamel dial achieved chronograph wristwatch made upon special request from the
Katharine Thomas, head of $250,000. The reference was in 2016 achieved $287,500. The Appearing at auction for the British Ministry of Defense.
the firm’s watches and clocks launched in 2001, and to the vibrant blue dial is adorned with first time, a Rolex Ref These commissioned pieces
department in New York, best of Sotheby’s research, baguette diamond hour markers 5513/5517 military Submari- were designed to be worn by
commented: “We are thrilled only about 70 examples were and embossed with 1976-40- ner stainless steel automatic soldiers during combat, fea-
with the very strong results produced within a five-year 2016 to pay tribute to the excit- center seconds wristwatch turing the iconic military des-
from this sale, which saw period before the reference ing occasion. made for the British military, ignation ‘T’ below the arbor.
enthusiastic international was retired. circa 1974, soared to $262,500,
bidding from the United Prices given include the buyer’s
States, Europe, Asia and the The auction was highlighted premium, as stated by the auc-
Middle East, with a signifi- tion house. For information, 212-
cant number of new bidders 606-7000 or www.sothebys.com.
and buyers. The strength of
the market was reflected in
the tremendous results for
modern Patek Philippe wrist-
watches and Nautilus refer-
ences, which comprised 90
percent of our top lots sold
and were the overall stand-
outs of the sale. We were
equally excited to see such
strong results for a variety of
Rolex references, including a
new world auction record for
a Rolex ref. 5513/5517 Mili-
tary Submariner, which
achieved more than four
times its high estimate. We
are encouraged by the depth
of the market at every level
and look forward to carrying
this momentum into the new
Watch Sales At Christie’s Post
Combined Total Of $7.7 Million
Auction Action In New York City
Two Patek Philippe timepieces formerly belonging to the Bringing $350,000 was a A Richard Mille platinum Patek Philippe platinum
41st president of the United States, George H.W. Bush, were Patek Philippe 18K gold tonneau-shaped tourbillon perpetual calendar minute
right, an 18K pink gold automatic perpetual calendar wrist- automatic perpetual calen- spilt-seconds chronograph repeating tourbillon wrist-
watch with moon phases, manufactured in 1993, ref. 3940, dar wristwatch with moon wristwatch with power watch with Breguet numer-
$81,250; and an 18K gold automatic wristwatch with date, phases and leap year indica- reserve and torque indica- als, retrograde date and
manufactured in 1968, ref. 3445, $62,500. tion, manufactured in 1983, tion, circa 2008, RM008 AF moon phases, manufactured
ref. 3450. PT / 27, sold for $325,000. in 2007, ref. 5016P, was the
NEW YORK CITY — Chris- sold for $471,000. Other notable ican Icons was 100 percent sold, to the 41st president of the top lot, realizing $471,000.
tie’s Watches and American results included a rare Patek which featured a paired lot of United States, George H.W. 1876, created for Elbert E.
Icons live auction on December Philippe reference 3450, retailed two pocket watches belonging to Bush, with the ref. 3940 selling Farman, that sold for $62,500.
12 totaled $6,206,750. Com- by Tiffany & Co, which sold for Ernest Hemingway and Charles for $81,250 and the ref. 3445
bined, both live and online sales $350,000, as well as a rare C. Ritz that sold for more than realizing $62,500; and a one-of- The concurrent online sale
achieved a total of $7,726,875. stainless Rolex reference 6264, double the estimate, achieving a-kind Patek Philippe gold, closed on December 10 and
Musketeer Paul Newman, that $43,750; the two Patek Philippe enamel and platinum watch in totaled $1,50,1250. The top lot
The top lot of the live sale was realized $200,000. timepieces formerly belonging the form of a backpack, dated of the online sale was a Patek
a highly complicated Patek Philippe 18K World Time
Philippe reference 5016P, that The dedicated section of Amer- Enamel Dial, ref. 5131G, which
sold for $100,000.
Price given include the buy-
er’s premium, as stated by the
auction house. For additional
information, 212-636-2000 or
January 17, 2020 — Antiques and The Arts Weekly — 23
A Treasure Trove For Many —
McInnis New Year’s Sale Has $400,000 Result
Auction Action In Amesbury, Mass.
AMESBURY, MASS. — There It had a chiming moon phase have been easy to pass by. But
were plenty of photos online. movement, delicate fretwork, it was engraved “Dublin” on the
Should I go to the preview? The original finials and a surface lock plate, “I.M.” on the stock
answer, at least for this auction, that may have been original. and “Iohn Moody” on the butt
was definitely yes. There was a Brown served in the Revolu- plate. The catalog said that a
ton of quality and interesting tionary War, and the clock Sgt. John Moody served under
stuff both days at John McInn- remained in his family until the command of Gen. James
is’ January 3-4 sale, and you being consigned to this sale, Wolfe in 1759, when his compa-
really had to be there. It was along with several other items ny fought at the Battle of the
the only way to see it all and from the family. Another tall Plains of Abraham, where Wolfe
really compare, for example, case clock, which did not bring was killed.
one grain painted piece of fur- as much money, finishing at
niture to another, or one tall $1,063, had been made by Josh- Gallery director Dan Meader ready for the start of the sale,
case clock to another, or one lot ua Tolford of Maine. It was with the Columbian printing press at his side.
of Rose Mandarin porcelain to bought by his great-great- Two pieces of early silver were not thought to be American
another. Several people at the grandson, Timothy Tolford, and when they were cataloged. But buyers thought otherwise
preview commented that they his wife, Kathryn, of Falmouth, and the lot finished at $5,015 against an estimate of $300.
were glad they had decided to Maine. They had come specifi-
take a look for themselves, and cally for the clock and said that
this was in spite of the fact the family believed that only
that, as Dan Meader, gallery about four tall case clocks had
director, said, they took close to been made by Joshua (this is
14,000 photos for use on the probably not correct). They own
website to illustrate the more one other, and three clocks he
than 800 lots. made are owned by other fami-
ly members. This nice early
And you’d probably have seen Federal period example was
things you would overlooked signed on the dial, retained its
just looking online. There were original old red surface, finials,
close to a dozen tall case clocks, fretwork and original works.
numerous pieces of Eighteenth When asked, Timothy Tolford
and Nineteenth Century furni- said, “It was really just luck
ture — including a card table that we found that McInnis
said to have belonged to Daniel would be selling it. I try to
Webster — a collection of pew- watch for them, but I just hap-
ter, Chinese porcelain, a wide pened to be looking on the
selection of samplers, numer- internet last week and there it
ous paintings, ephemera, fire- was.” Another tall case clock of
arms, grain painted furniture regional interest was a circa
and storage boxes and a whole 1785 example made by Timothy
lot more. McInnis has been Chandler, Concord, N.H., which
turning up lots of good stuff realized $5,015.
The sale started off strong,
One of the tall case clocks, with the first lot cataloged as
made by Simon Willard and an Eighteenth Century Irish
marked on the dial “Warranted long gun, with Newbury, Mass.,
for Capt. John Brown,” along provenance, selling for $7,375,
with Willard’s name, was the well over the estimate. It was a
highest priced item in the two- well-worn example and would
day sale, finishing at $88,350.
Bringing the highest price of the two-day sale, $38,350, was
this Simon Willard tall case clock. The dial was painted “War-
ranted for Capt. John Brown,” along with Willard’s name.
Review and Onsite Photos by If you wanted a large Civil War-era 35-star flag, this might
Rick Russack, Contributing Editor have been the one you were looking for. It was 12 feet by 17
feet and embroidered with the initials “L.H.,” and the name
Additional Photos Courtesy of “Lucious Hotchkiss 238 Church St.” was written on it. It
John McInnis Auctioneers sold for $1,499.
It was huge but exceptional. A “Columbian” Photographing this floral quillwork and The Declaration of Independence, printed on cloth by Rob-
cast iron printing press invented by George stumpwork shadow box was difficult ert and Collin Gillespie in 1821, was probably the earliest of
Clymer in 1813 was designed to print large because of the three-dimensional quality of the cloth printings. The text is surrounded by numerous
documents at a single pass. It had a large the work. It was very well done, dated 1708 historical vignettes and it earned $7,650.
spreadwinged eagle and decorative cast- and realized $2,242.
ings on almost every surface. McInnis had
sold it twice before, but the buyers could
not arrange transportation as it weighs
close to a ton. Few exist in America, and it
sold for $4,720.
24 — Antiques and The Arts Weekly — January 17, 2020
From the same family that owned the Simon Joyce Kearn and Bill Driscoll from nearby Hampton, N.H.,
Willard clock, a sampler made by Mary were comfortably examining items during the preview.
Sparhawk at the age of nine, in 1807, When they told McInnis that this picture had been taken,
brought $4,720. It depicted a well-dressed he recalled that Bill Driscoll bought at his first auction,
man and woman, with a floral border and more than 40 years ago, and has continued to buy.
numerous animals.
Tim Tolford and his wife from Falmouth, Hollis Brodrick, a Portsmouth, description of this item. Anoth-
Maine, bought the tall case clock made by N.H., dealer known for selling er early printing of the Declara-
his great-great-grandfather Joshua Tolford well-researched historical tion, this one a broadside on
for $1,063. Family members own other material, bought the gun. He paper, printed by Eleazer Hun-
clocks made by their ancestor. disagreed with the catalog tington, Hartford, Conn., circa
description, saying that the gun 1820-22, sold for $4,720. It’s
actually belonged to the father considered to be one of the ear-
of the sergeant described above. liest broadside printings, fol-
Brodrick said the gun had sev- lowing two others done in 1818
eral markings indicating its and 1819. Prior to these three
earlier date, including the style printings, most Americans had
of the lettering for the owner’s never seen or read the text of
name and a dragon’s head and the Declaration. The original is
serpent included on the butt now in the Smithsonian in
plate. He said his research indi- Washington, DC.
cated the gun had been made
between 1695-1715 and actual- A Sheraton mahogany inlaid
ly belonged to a John Moody game table, said to have come
who lived from the 1660s to from Daniel Webster’s Frank-
1737, father of the John Moody lin, N.H., home, sold for $708. A
mentioned in the catalog, who cabinet card photograph of Sit-
had been born in 1704. He said ting Bull reached $1,416.
this research indicated that
this is one of the earliest guns There was a significantly
that has definite, documented, larger historical item sold, but
early American provenance, it would be difficult, if not
and added that he was delight- impossible, to display it in a
ed to have bought it. home. It was the third time out
An early broadside printing of the Decla- There were more than 100 pieces of Rose The sale included other his- for the remarkable (and huge)
ration of Independence, printed by Eleaz- Medallion porcelain. Quality varied, a cou- torical material, and two early Columbian cast iron printing
er Huntington, Hartford, Conn., circa 1820- ple of pieces were passed and these two tall copies of the Declaration of press, invented by George Cly-
22, sold for $4,720. It’s one of the earliest vases, not quite a pair, topped the selection, Independence were among the mer in 1813 and designed to
printings. going for $2,360. top prices of the day. An unusu- print large documents at a sin-
ally large version, printed on gle pass. We say “third time
cloth by Robert and Collin Gil- out” because McInnis has sold
McInnis Auctions lespie in 1821, finished at this press twice before. The first
$7,650. The text is surrounded time it brought about $3,000
by numerous historical and the last time it sold for
vignettes. According to the web- more than $5,000. But moving
site of Dillsburg, Penn., dealer the approximately 2,000-pound
Jeff Bridgman, this is one of the press presented both buyers
earliest known printings of the with the problem of moving it
Hollis Brodrick paid $7,375 for this early Irish musket that had been converted to percus- Declaration on cloth and was at a reasonable cost. Neither
sion around the time of the Civil War. His research indicated that it had most likely been printed in Scotland for the could solve that problem and
made between 1695 and 1715 and that markings on the gun indicated it had belonged to a American market. Bridgman’s McInnis permitted them to can-
John Moody, Newbury, Mass., who was born in the 1660s. Brodrick believes it to be one of website — www.jeffbridgman. cel the transactions. This time
the earliest guns with a documented American provenance. com — has an extensive it sold for $4,720. The cast iron
press is about 6 feet tall and is
This Boston breakfront was made to include a hidden compartment for elaborately decorated with a
storing a large 1845 map of the United States. The buyer, who paid $3,245, large spreadwinged eagle and
was an ephemera dealer who said he just wanted the map and would not other decorative castings,
take the large piece of furniture. which were originally gilded.
Clymer was American but
found his press difficult to sell
in the United States and moved
to London in 1817, where he
was more successful. Not many
have survived in America, but
one example is in the Museum
of Printing in nearby Haverhill,
Early textiles included two
with Marblehead provenance.
An Eighteenth Century crewel-
work coverlet was embroidered
with bands of trees and flowers.
It came from the Captain John
Brown family, owners of the
Simon Willard clock mentioned
above. The coverlet sold for
$7,080. A sampler from the
same family, made by Mary
Sparhawk at the age of nine, in
1807, brought $4,720. It depict-
ed a well-dressed man and
woman, with a floral border
and numerous animals. It was
bought by a dealer in the room.
The numerous pieces of early
January 17, 2020 — Antiques and The Arts Weekly — 25
One of the pleasant surpris- This folio of maps of China, identified as dating to the first opium war, 1842, was exceptional. It included a manuscript
es of the furniture portion booklet identifying each of the more than 20 maps and was titled Universal Dominions. Complete Atlas of the Tsing
of the sale was this cant Empire. Each detailed map was hand-colored and hand-lettered with Chinese characters, although the accompanying
back cupboard in old blue. booklet was written in English. It sold for $2,360.
Thought to have been made
in Hackensack, N.J., it fin- pull-down hand-colored map of initely have benefited by features. It was bought by a It was that kind of a sale. No
ished well over the estimate the United States, published in attending the preview. One of dealer in the room for $2,360. matter how well cataloged, it
at $8,260. Philadelphia by S. Augustus the items that deserved close He said that the maps had been was impossible to appreciate it
furniture included a cant back Mitchell in 1845. The break- examination was a folio of maps sold for $8,000 in a previous all from either of the two inter-
cupboard with reeded panels in front had clearly been made to of China, identified as dating to sale but had not been paid for. net platforms in use. After the
an original old blue surface. It provide storage for the map, the first opium war fought He added that he had been the sale, John McInnis said, “We
was believed to have been made and when the map was not on between Great Britain and Chi- underbidder at that sale and did about $400,000, and a
in Hackensack, N.J., and sold display a viewer would see a na’s Qing dynasty in 1842. The was quite pleased with this bunch of people came up to me
for $8,260. An Eighteenth Cen- normal breakfront with four British, of course, defeated the purchase. and said they had a good time.
tury Chippendale mahogany arched, glazed doors in the top Chinese and forced a treaty We had a full house both days
slant front desk with an elabo- section, over four paneled doors opening more of China’s ports The other item that had to be and people stayed until the end
rate interior, ball and claw feet in the base. It sold for $3,245 to to trade. The folio included a seen to be appreciated was a each day. Just a few things were
and a carved drop went out for an ephemera dealer in the room manuscript booklet identifying well-done paper and metallic passed, and I don’t expect any
$1,888. It was believed to have who said he had bought it only each of the more than 20 maps quillwork and stumpwork flo- problems with getting paid by
been owned by Franklin Pierce, for the map and that he proba- and was titled Universal ral picture dated 1708. The the internet buyers. We’ve been
the 14th US president and the bly would not take the break- Dominions. Complete Atlas of panel had been set into a later getting some really great stuff
only one from New Hampshire. front. The map, he said, was the Tsing Empire. Each detailed maple Hepplewhite stand from and our next couple of sales
A Rhode Island Queen Anne scarce and in fine condition map was hand colored and which it could be removed. The should be good ones. This one
tiger maple high chest earned since it spent most of its life hand lettered with Chinese difficulty with only seeing it via was a lot of work, but it was
$1,298. A Queen Anne lady’s rolled up in the special storage characters, although the accom- the many photographs was that worth it. Dan did a great job
desk on cabriole legs and trifid compartment. The map was 52 panying booklet was written in many of the decorative details getting everything ready.”
feet earned the same amount of by 66 inches and when on dis- English. Why it was made, or were made of rolled paper cones
money. play would hang in front of the by whom, is not known. The that were just under a half-inch Prices given include the buy-
breakfront’s top section. folio in which the maps are tall. It was not possible to see er’s premium as stated by the
One of the most unusual piec- stored is carved hardwood with the three-dimensional quality auction house. For information,
es of furniture was a Boston- As mentioned earlier, this was dragons and other decorative in a photograph, so it sold for www.mcinnisauctions.com or
made classical mahogany a sale where a buyer would def- just $2,242. 978-388-0400.
breakfront with entablature
that opened to reveal a large
Whitney Examines Craft In Art 1950-2019
NEW YORK CITY — The Whitney pres- son, explored weaving, both on and off the Betty Woodman (1930-2018), “Still Life Harmony Hammond (b 1944), “Hug,”
ents “Making Knowing: Craft in Art, 1950- loom, and painting on found quilts. By #11,” 1990. Glazed and polychromed 1978. Acrylic on fabric and wood,
2019,” an exhibition that foregrounds how employing marginalized craft media, they ceramic. Whitney Museum of Ameri- Whitney Museum of American Art,
visual artists have explored the materials, challenged the power structures that can Art, New York City; gift of Julia New York; gift of Rosemary McNa-
methods and strategies of craft. Beginning determined artistic value. Presenting Childs Augur 92.25. ©Betty Woodman. mara 2017.208a-b. ©2019 Harmony
in the 1950s — at a time when many art- these artists together reveals the profound period looked at art and its relationship to Hammond/Artists Rights Society
ists embraced fiber arts and ceramics to influence that craft had on abstraction devotional practices and often grappled (ARS), New York City.
challenge the dominance of traditional during this period. with an ambivalence towards organized es issues of the body and place. Liza Lou’s
painting and sculpture, “Making Knowing” religion. Arch Connelly, Robert Gober, monumental installation “Kitchen, 1991-
moves through the next seven decades, Subsequent galleries demonstrate how Mike Kelley, Lucas Samaras, Kiki Smith 1996,” is a handmade, life-size kitchen
presenting works that speak to artists’ artists working in the 1960s and 1970s fre- and Rosie Lee Tompkins used wide-rang- composed of sparkling beads. Through sub-
interests in domesticity, hobbyist materi- quently questioned why fine art was more ing materials, including quilts, found and ject matter and materials, Lou combines
als, the decorative, vernacular American accepted and valued than more vernacular sewn textiles, candles, artificial flowers the physical labor of domestic life and the
traditions, “women’s work” and feminist or utilitarian traditions. Among them, and beads, in artworks that reveal the painstaking making of an artwork. On
and queer aesthetics. The exhibition will Richard Artschwager, Eva Hesse, Yayoi relationship between the spiritual and the view for the first time here are recent
continue into January 2021. Kusama, Robert Morris, Howardena Pin- worldly. Working at the height of the AIDS acquisitions by Shan Goshorn, Kahlil Rob-
dell and Alan Shields experimented with crisis, several of these artists’ attention to ert Irving, Simone Leigh, Jordan Nassar
Drawn primarily from the Whitney’s col- unconventional materials such as rope, felt handcrafting objects attempted to provide and Erin Jane Nelson.
lection, the exhibition features more than and string, and in doing so influenced vari- an emotionally reparative experience in
80 artworks in a variety of media, includ- ous art historical movements, including the absence of aid from the government or The Whitney Museum of American Art is
ing textiles, ceramics, painting, drawing, Pop art, Minimalism and process art. In religious authorities. at 99 Gansevoort Street. For more infor-
photography, video and large-scale sculp- Shields’s “J + K, 1972,” the canvas border mation, 212-570-3600 or whitney.org.
tural installation. The more than 60 artists creates a satirically legitimizing frame for A gallery dedicated to artwork from the
represented include Anni Albers, Richard craft materials like strands of beads. mid-1990s to the present broadly address-
Artschwager, Ruth Asawa, Njideka Akuny-
ili Crosby, Robert Gober, Shan Goshorn, “Making Knowing” also highlights modes
Harmony Hammond, Eva Hesse, Sheila of making from the 1970s and 1980s fre-
Hicks, Mike Kelley, Yayoi Kusama, Thom- quently categorized as “women’s work.”
as Lanigan-Schmidt, Simone Leigh, Rob- While this phrase denigrated certain
ert Morris, Claes Oldenburg, Pepón Osorio, materials and aesthetics associated with
Howardena Pindell, Ken Price, Robert femininity, artists purposefully worked in
Rauschenberg, Faith Ringgold, Miriam these ways in order to question gender
Schapiro, Arlene Shechet, Kiki Smith, roles in both the art world and society at
Lenore Tawney, Peter Voulkos, Marie Watt, large. Artists such as Barbara Chase-
and Betty Woodman. Riboud, Harmony Hammond, Kim MacCo-
nnel, Elaine Reichek, Miriam Schapiro
“Making Knowing” is organized chrono- and Betty Woodman used cloth, embroi-
logically and thematically, beginning with dery, sewing and ceramics to elevate the
a gallery of works from the 1950s.Through- often-disparaged tradition of the “decora-
out this decade, artists such as Ruth tive” and to attest to the impossibility of
Asawa, Robert Rauschenberg and Peter tethering these techniques to a single use
Voulkos experimented with wire, scav- or means of expression.
enged fabric and clay. Others, including
Sheila Hicks, Lenore Tawney and Ann Wil- The works on display from the 1980s and
1990s exemplify how artists during this
26 — Antiques and The Arts Weekly — January 17, 2020
Auction Action In Sturbridge, Mass.
Including The Estate Of Laura & Richard May—
Country And Fine Furniture, Native American Material
And More At D.L. Straight
STURBRIDGE, MASS. — which began in 1977 and ceased by Richard in 2007. The
D.L. Straight Auctioneers hasn’t ceased yet. It continues sale at the Sturbridge Host
offered up 388 lots from six today under the guidance from Hotel was close to home: a
estates, including some from the next generation of Mays. 7-mile drive from their field.
the estate of Laura and Rich- The field is known for its one
ard May, on December 28 at rule: no early buying. To this Prior to opening May’s
the Sturbridge Host Hotel. day, dealers keep their inven- Antique Market, Laura May
tory under cover or in their ran the Sturbridge Antique
Anyone who has ever been to vehicles until the bell rings Show in the 1970s, an event
Brimfield will recognize that out at 9 am on the opening that raised money for the
name from their eponymous Thursday. Sturbridge Rotary Fund and
field that opens each edition the Operation Friendship
during the antiques mega- Laura May passed away in Fund.
week, May’s Antique Market, July 2018 and was prede-
Auctioneer David Straight
A running horse weathervane by A.L. Jewell brought the remembered Laura walking
second highest price of the day at $4,025, circa 1850 and 32 through his tent every edition
inches long. at Brimfield. “Laura would
The blue-painted spice chest at back brought $115, while come by and buy a piece of
the Dynomite box brought a bargain $23. stoneware from us, she always
did. She bought like everybody
David Straight stands with his top lot, a 1760-70 Philadel- else: a little here and a little
phia side chair that sold above estimate at $4,150. It sold to there.”
a Nashville, Tenn., bidder.
For all intents and purposes,
Laura and Richard May were
passion collectors. They bought
what they loved and did so
unsparingly. The first sale
from their collection at D.L.
Straight was a month earlier
on November 26.
“That sale went really well,”
auctioneer Dave Straight told
us. “We had a lot of unusual
pieces of stoneware and some
of the furniture sold well.”
Among the offerings from the
December sale was the cou-
ple’s collection of Native Amer-
ican objects and textiles, coun-
try furniture and
miscellaneous objects.
Following up with him after
the December 28 sale, Straight
related that he was pleased
and that things sold well
against their estimates.
Straight said that he had 114
bidders checked into his sale,
with another 2,500 checked in
on Invaluable.
The top lot of the auction was
cataloged as a 1760-70 Phila-
delphia side chair, with exten-
Review and Photos by
Antiques and The Arts Weekly
Greg Smith, Editor
The “Whistler Boy” sculpture is seen here leisurely presid-
ing over the smalls on this table. He brought $115.
A number of Native American textiles came from the estate This little stoneware jug was picked up A nice fan carving graced the central top
of Laura and Richard May. This one fared the highest, sell- quite a few times during preview. It fea- and bottom drawers on this Eighteenth Cen-
ing for $1,725. The Navajo blanket was circa 1910-20 and tured a cobalt blue bird and was by Brown tury highboy from Weare, N.H. It made $920.
measures 56 by 89 inches. and Hopkins, Chepachet, R.I., and lotted
with a stoneware wine jug, sold for $104.
January 17, 2020 — Antiques and The Arts Weekly — 27
Selling for $1,150 was this circa The makings of a farm were right here. An early carver chair in all origi- Laura and Richard May provided
1760-80 sackback Windsor arm- The sign sold for $104, while the Nine- nal condition, without any resto- this Eighteenth Century pine step-
chair. It was in mixed woods with teenth Century pine jelly cupboard rations seen, 44 inches high, sold back cupboard in gray over sage
original paint and a New England with a shelved interior sold at $230. at $1,150. green paint, with original iron rat-
origin. tail hinges and door latch, that sold
for $3,450.
sive carving, that sold above In early furniture, an oak bird mask with a removable
estimate at $4,150 to a Nash- carver chair in all original con- beak, still in its bright original
ville, Tenn., buyer. dition, full 44-inch height, sold paint, that brought $2,160
at $1,150. It was joined by a above a $400 estimate. It mea-
It was followed closely behind Seventeenth Century carved sured 11 inches high by 23
by an A.L. Jewell running blanket chest, thought to be inches long. Right behind it
horse weathervane, circa 1850 from New Haven because of was a Navajo blanket with a
and 32 inches long. It was in the carved wave decoration cross pattern, circa 1910-20,
original condition, without border along the bottom skirt, and measuring 56 by 89 inch-
bullet holes or repairs, and it that sold for $259. A circa 1690 es. It brought $1,725. Another
sold for $4,025. pilgrim century linen fold cab- similar example took $1,000.
inet chest went out at a mod-
Country and formal furni- est $173. Straight’s next sale in Febru-
ture finished between esti- ary will feature more tribal
mates, with cupboards proving “Certainly a lot of the things offerings from the May estate,
plentiful. An Eighteenth Cen- came from out West, the Mays along with country furniture
tury pine stepback cupboard had an affinity for going out from a Hardwick, Mass.,
in an early gray over sage there,” Straight said, of the estate.
green paint, with original iron Native American lots in the
rattail hinges and door latch, sale. Leading that category For additional information,
went out at $3,450. An Eigh- was a Nineteenth Century www.dlstraightauctioneers.com
teenth Century William and or 508-769-5404.
Mary two-piece pewter cup-
board in an old original sur- Dave Straight, right, takes a look at this Nineteenth Centu-
face sold for $748. In apple ry Native American bird mask with moveable beak and orig-
green paint, a Nineteenth inal paint. The mask sold above the $400 estimate at $2,160.
Century stepback cupboard
with a shelved interior and The auction had two lots from hooked rug artist Nancy Ger-
open top sold for $460. And trude Scott, Searsport, Maine. The example at back here,
from across the pond, a heavily featuring a black boy and girl, sold at $69.
carved English oak cupboard
with original ball feet, only 61
inches high, sold at $460.
Two William and Mary ball
foot chests would sell near
each other. At $1,500 was the
circa 1725 red-painted two-
drawer blanket chest with
replaced ball feet. And it was
followed behind by another
two-drawer example, this one
in old black paint, circa 1700,
likely Connecticut and with
original feet, that brought
D.L. Straight
A previewer takes a look through some of the decoys on
offer. The highest of the bunch was a late Nineteenth or
early Twentieth Century carved seagull decoy with origi-
nal paint, 22 inches long, that originated in Maine. It sold
for $403.
A William and Mary ball foot chest sold This bidder liked the look of the Jacobean- A previewer sizes up this circa 1880 hide covered glider
at $1,500. It was circa 1725 and in an style child’s chair. It sold for $81. horse. It brought $230.
original red paint, though the feet were
28 — Antiques and The Arts Weekly — January 17, 2020
Auction Action In New York City
At Sotheby’s, New World Auction Record
For Sports Memorabilia
A new world auction record for an Enigma cipher machine A plate from an early subscriber’s edition of
was achieved by this four-rotor (M4) Enigma that appeared John James Audubon’s The Birds of Ameri-
at auction for the first time. The fully operational machine ca, which reached $6.6 million, acquired by
from 1942 brought $800,000, far surpassing its high esti- Graham Arader.
mate of $500,000.
NEW YORK CITY — On the manifesto in existence, and The original Olympic Games manifesto sold Original Olympic Games
December 18 in Sotheby’s New was written in French by Cou- for $8.8 million — a new world auction Manifesto For Modern Revival
York salesroom, three interna- bertin as a speech he delivered record for any sports memorabilia, and
tional bidders competed for more in 1892 for the fifth anniversary nearly nine times the manuscript’s high Of Ancient Olympics Soars
than 12 minutes for the original of the French Athletics Associa- estimate of $1 million. To $8.8 Million
Olympic Games manifesto, driv- tion held at the Sorbonne. The
ing its final price to $8.8 million first modern games were orga- with the ethos of his speech serv- books and manuscripts auction, passing its high estimate of
— a new world auction record for nized shortly thereafter in Ath- ing as the foundation of the com- the edition featured 435 hand $500,000. Considered the most
any sports memorabilia, and ens in 1896, and the ideas mittee’s mission. In 1896, the colored etched plates depicting desirable of all Enigmas and the
nearly nine times the manu- espoused by Coubertin continue modern Olympic Games debuted 1,065 life-size birds representing hardest version to decrypt, the
script’s high estimate of $1 mil- to underpin the Olympic spirit of in Athens, and Coubertin’s 489 supposed species of the then- machine is an example of the
lion. Written in 1892 by French excellence and sportsmanship admonishment that the future of known birds found in the United famous German four-rotor
aristocrat, educator and athlet- that has made the games the sport would be democratic and States. The folio is an unusually Kriegsmarine Enigma cipher
ics advocate Pierre de Coubertin, preeminent international sport- international proved prescient large and brilliantly colored edi- machines, which were specifical-
the manifesto outlines his vision ing spectacle to this day. and lasting. tion, with the plates in very early ly developed for use by the
for reviving the ancient Olympic state. Commonly known as the U-boat division of the German
Games as a modern, internation- In his speech, Coubertin out- The previous world auction Double Elephant Folio — named Navy (Kriegsmarine) for com-
al athletic competition. lined his idealist vision for reviv- record for sports memorabilia for the size of the paper that had munication with the naval bases.
ing the ancient Olympic Games was $5.6 million for a jersey to be specially made for the pub- In pristine condition and with all
The manifesto led Sotheby’s as part of a wave of progressive worn by Babe Ruth that sold in lication — The Birds of America of its working parts, the machine
sales of books and manuscripts social movements taking hold in June 2019. has long been recognized as the was one of 15 Enigma machines
and history of science and tech- Europe and the United States, most important and most beauti- used at a German naval base in
nology, as part of Sotheby’s final and he drew connections to the Also crossing the block was an ful color-plate book ever pub- Trondheim, Norway, during
day of auctions in 2019. rise of athletics to other new early subscriber’s edition of John lished, and it is universally World War II. In addition to its
ideas, technologies and systems James Audubon’s The Birds of acknowledged as one of the most rare status as a fully functioning
Selby Kiffer, international that were propelling human America, which reached $6.6 important achievements in both Enigma machine, the M4 is par-
senior specialist in the firm’s progress and innovation, such as million — surpassing its $6/8 book illustration and natural ticularly unique, as it boasts
books and manuscripts depart- the telegraph, railways and million estimate. history. completely traceable prove-
ment, said, “Driven by competi- developments in scientific nance: seized by a member of the
tion from around the world, this research. Coubertin provides Richard Austin, head of Sothe- Sotheby’s third annual history Norwegian navy who specialized
record result stands as a testa- case studies on the state of ath- by’s books and manuscripts of science and technology auc- in radio and radar after the con-
ment to Pierre de Coubertin’s letics in countries such as Ger- department in New York, com- tion totaled $2.5 million on clusion of the war, the machine
vision of more than a century many, Sweden, the United King- mented, “It was a privilege to December 17 and was led by a was consigned to the auction by
ago, and the reverence with dom, France and elsewhere handle this exceptional edition four-rotor (M4) Enigma cipher his son.
which the Olympic games are around the world to show that of John James Audubon’s The machine. Appearing at auction
still held. It was a personal honor athletic endeavor was no longer Birds of America. We’re thrilled for the first time ever, the fully Prices given include the buyer’s
to serve as auctioneer, as this primarily the domain of military that it has been acquired by Gra- operational Enigma M4 from premium, as stated by the auc-
marks my highest price on the training but had evolved into a ham Arader, who shares our 1942 achieved $800,000, setting tion house. For information,
rostrum in more than three pursuit of individual excellence enthusiasm for Audubon and a new world auction record for www.sothebys.com or 212-606-
decades at Sotheby’s.” that had personal as well as soci- this icon of American art.” an Enigma machine and far sur- 7000.
etal benefits.
The original manifesto outlines Sold in a single-lot sale follow-
de Coubertin’s vision for reviving Two years after delivering the ing the conclusion of Sotheby’s
the ancient Olympic Games as a speech at the Sorbonne, Cou-
modern, international athletic bertin founded the International
competition. The 14-page manu- Olympic Committee in 1894,
script is the only known copy of
Throckmorton Fine Art Presents
Marcus Leatherdale
NEW YORK CITY — Throckmorton Fine Art was my favorite time in New York. I was in the
Marcus Leatherdale, “Andy Warhol,” 1985. has announced a special show of portraits and right place at the right time and I don’t think I
photographs by photographer Marcus Leather- have felt that way since. It didn’t matter if I was
dale that will be on view to January 25. broke; I felt this was meant to be. I met everyone
through Robert Mapplethorpe, Marcia Resnick
Taken from Leatherdale’s new book, Out of the and Larissa — and going out to Studio 54 at least
Shadows – Photographs New York City 1980- twice a week until Mudd Club opened. I was the
1992, (ACC Art Books) the show features dozens new kid in town, and I had a New York City
of black and white portraits and photographs of guardian angel.”
the celebrities and characters who peopled the
often chaotic and clamorous Downtown Art Scene The exhibition is a reminder that the over-the-
of the 1980s. top glitz and glamour of the ‘80s was in many
ways a smokescreen for a shadow casting a pall
Gallery founder Spencer Throckmorton says, upon the earth, a last hurrah akin to Weimar-era
“Leatherdale was just a 20-something trying to Berlin. Leatherdale’s work has appeared in The
get by when he began shooting often spontaneous New Yorker, Vanity Fair, Details and Interview
shots of the celebrated personalities partying at and has been exhibited at galleries and museums
the downtown clubs popular at the time. He says worldwide.
he didn’t realize he was archiving a raucous era
that would soon be extinct — he was just photo- Throckmorton Fine Art is at 145 East 57th
graphing his friends.” Street, third floor. For information, 212-223-1059
or www.throckmorton-nyc.com.
Leatherdale says, “The late ‘70s to early ‘80s
January 17, 2020 — Antiques and The Arts Weekly — 29
At Crystal Bridges Museum—
New Acquisitions To Collection By
Contemporary Female Artists
Marie Watt, “Companion Species (Speech Bubble),” 2019, Dyani White Hawk, “She Gives (Quiet
reclaimed wool blankets, embroidery floss and thread, 136- Strength V),” 2019, acrylic on canvas, 60 by
5/8 by 198½ inches. Crystal Bridges Museum of American 48 inches. Image courtesy Bockley Gallery.
Art, Bentonville, Ark., 2019.
Amy Sherald, “Precious jewels by the sea,”
BENTONVILLE, ARK. — Portland, Ore., artist Marie 2019, oil on canvas, 120 by 108 by 2½ inches.
Crystal Bridges Museum of Watt, a member of the Seneca ©Amy Sherald. Image courtesy the artist
American Art announced new Nation, is known for her “Blan- and Hauser & Wirth. Joseph Hyde photo
acquisitions to the museum’s ket Stories,” artworks that inter-
permanent collection — all by weave Indigenous knowledge, sewing circles. farcical and indicting persona (2019) is part of a recent series
contemporary female artists, intercultural exchange and per- This artwork is scheduled to go Miss Black Middle-Class 1955, that speaks to the resilience of
including Amy Sherald, Marie sonal biographies. Her work is in demanding attention for black Indigenous women, which White
Watt, Lorraine O’Grady and the collections of the Denver Art on view in the fall of 2020. women artists. These 14 photos Hawk honors through her paint-
Dyani White Hawk. Museum, National Museum of Lorraine O’Grady is a visual chronicle the invading moments ings. The acquisition features
the American Indian, Seattle Art of the performance. This artwork repeating diamonds in black and
Long before she arrived on the Museum and the Albright-Knox artist who addresses feminist is scheduled to go on view in white, painted to resemble quill-
national stage as an award-win- Art Gallery, among others. concerns and cultural perspec- 2020. work, sitting atop a shimmering
ning portraitist and was chosen Another work by Watt was fea- tives through a variety of medi- copper background.
by Michelle Obama in 2017 to tured in “Art for a New Under- ums, including performance, Dyani White Hawk is a Sican-
paint the First Lady’s official standing: Native Voices, 1950s to photo installation, moving media gu Lakota artist, an Eiteljorg “This acquisition will continue
portrait for the National Portrait Now,” an exhibition that was and photomontage. Her artworks Contemporary Art Fellow and a Crystal Bridges’ commitment to
Gallery, artist Amy Sherald organized and debuted at Crys- have been acquired by, among recipient of the 2019 United expanding the definition of
painted and documented a con- tal Bridges in 2018. other institutions, the Art Insti- States Artists Fellowship in American art while also intro-
temporary, black American expe- tute of Chicago.; Museum of Visual Art, among other awards. ducing White Hawk to new and
rience. In 2018, the solo exhibi- In the last several years, Watt Modern Art; Tate Modern; Muse- Her artwork has been collected existing audiences at the muse-
tion, “Amy Sherald,” was shown has been creating large textiles um of Fine Arts, Boston; and the by the Minneapolis Institute of um,” said Haynes. “This painting
at Crystal Bridges and the Con- through community sewing cir- Whitney Museum of American Art, the Denver Art Museum, fits beautifully with our strong
temporary Art Museum St Louis. cle events. “Companion Species Art. Her work was featured in Smithsonian National Museum collection of abstract paintings
(Speech Bubble)” (2019) was “Soul of a Nation: Art in the Age of the American Indian, Museum by artists such as Carmen Her-
“Precious jewels by the sea” is made of embroidered reclaimed of Black Power” at Crystal Bridg- of Contemporary Native Arts, rera, Agnes Martin, Alma Thom-
one of the monumental paintings blankets and thread by partici- es in 2018. Buffalo Bill Center of the West as and Emmi Whitehorse.” This
that she presented in her show of pants at various Crystal Bridg- and others. artwork is scheduled to go on
new work at Hauser & Wirth, es events, the University of This acquisition, untitled (Mlle view in the spring of 2020.
her first show with the gallery. Arkansas in Fayetteville, Art Bourgeoise Noire) (1980- White Hawk is known for her
Sherald depicted a group of teen- Center of the Ozarks in Spring- 83/2009), is a series of photo- intricate paintings that either Crystal Bridges Museum of
agers at the beach in a larger- dale and the Cherokee Arts graphs documenting O’Grady’s embed or mimic aspects of her American Art is at 600 Museum
than-life manner – the painting Center in Tahlequah, Okla., in first public artwork, a perfor- Lakota heritage onto canvas. Way. For information, 479-418-
is 10 feet high and 9 feet wide. the fall of 2018. The work mea- mance art piece in which she “She Gives (Quiet Strength V)” 5700 or www.crystalbridges.org.
The varying shades of monochro- sures more than 11 feet high wore a gown and cape made of
matic gray that she uses for skin and 16 feet long and incorpo- 180 pairs of white gloves, gave
tone contrast with her subjects’ rates words such as neighbor, away 36 white flowers, beat her-
brightly colored outfits and the companion, mother, father and self with a white cat-o-nine-tails
blues of the sea and sky, further brother, all rendered in unique and shouted poems that criti-
accentuating the youth’s pres- stitches reflecting the hands of cized the mindsets of the white
ence. This artwork is scheduled the many contributors of the and the black art worlds.
to go on view in early 2020.
In the early 1980s, O’Grady
made uninvited appearances at
openings at the New Museum of
Contemporary Art and Just
Above Midtown Gallery as the
Furniture Restoration Class
To Be Presented January 11-12
BALTIC, CONN. — Designed synthetic fills and various Fallon & Wilkinson is a furni-
for collectors, restorers, home- approaches to consolidation; and ture conservation firm founded
owners and dealers alike, Fallon cleaning and reconditioning old in 2000 by principal conservators
& Wilkinson presents a hands-on existing finishes, including meth- Tad D. Fallon and Randy S.
two-day workshop Saturday and ods and materials for in-painting Wilkinson. Both were trained at
Sunday, January 11-12, at its and blending repairs. Also, the the Smithsonian Institution’s
conservation studio. Topics cov- preparation and use of shellacs, Furniture Conservation Training
ered include loss compensation padding lacquers, synthetic resin Program and completed conser-
techniques, such as veneer options and French polishing will vation fellowships at the Metro-
repairs, molding and casting, be discussed and demonstrated. politan Museum of Art, the Pres-
ervation Society of Newport
County and the Mystic Seaport
Museum, respectively.
Participants are encouraged to
bring a small project to the work-
shop. Professional touch-up kits,
brushes and general restoration
supplies will be available for
optional purchase.
Class fee of $395 includes gen-
eral supplies and lunch on both
days. A ten percent discount is
offered to students, senior citi-
zens, IWCS members and prior
Fallon & Wilkinson students.
Class size is limited to 15 stu-
Fallon & Wilkinson is at 32
Bushnell Hollow Road. For more
information 860-822-6790 or
30 — Antiques and The Arts Weekly — January 17, 2020
Sideboard, attributed to James Alexander, Augusta or Washington, Ga., circa 1800-15. Oval waiter tray by M.W. Galt & Bro (active Washington, DC,
Walnut, birch, yellow pine and white pine; 46¼ by 73 by 33 inches. Museum of Early 1847-71), circa 1857, engraved: “Robert Toombs / from his / Min-
Southern Decorative Arts. nisota Friends. / 1857.” Coin silver; 1 by 21¼ by 12¾ inches. On
loan from Jim Carter.
Slab table or sideboard, probably Walton or adjacent County, “Mary Roberson Wilson,” unidentified “Captain John Wilson,” unidentified art-
Georgia, circa 1815-35. Yellow pine, 49 by 55 by 21 inches. Collec- artist (active McDuffie County, Ga.), circa ist, active McDuffie County, Ga., area,
tion of Robert Morris Jackson. 1815-25. Oil on canvas; 33 by 26 inches. circa 1815-25. Oil on canvas; 36 by 26½
The Miller Collection. inches. The Miller Collection.
Material Georgia 1733–1900
Tw o D e c a d e s O f S c h o l a r s h i p
( continued from page 1C ) Rich in silver and formal furniture, the Georgia is how American it is. The state transporting Lowcountry design up the
essential contributions to “Neat Pieces: show’s opening gallery features a clutch was not formed in a geographic vacu- Savannah River and into the Georgia
The Plain-Style Furniture of Nineteenth of pieces from Augusta. Painted furni- um, nor does it currently exist in one,” Piedmont.
Century Georgia,” organized by the ture, pottery, baskets and other vernac- he says, adding “We are connected as
Atlanta Historical Society in 1983. A ular material are arrayed in a second Georgians to our region and nation, “There is a presumed homogeneity
survey of Georgia decorative arts under- large gallery, the variety completing a and the scholarship produced under the within the American South. Nothing
taken by the Colonial Dames of Georgia composite portrait of a richly layered aegis of the Green Center has recog- could be further from the truth,” says
in the late 1980s resulted in “Hidden society. In all, “Material Georgia” fea- nized that.” Couch, pleased by the demographic
Heritage: Recent Discoveries in Georgia tures roughly 100 pieces, with addition- diversity “Material Georgia” achieves.
Decorative Art, 1733-1915” at the High al silver and objects displayed else- The curator points to high-style Fed- He notes that at the time of the Ameri-
Museum of Art in 1990 and hastened the where in the museum. eral furniture from Augusta, a former can Revolution at least half of Georgia’s
documentation of the roughly 5,000 trading center that supplied Georgia population was foreign-born and relates
works that form the core of the Green Couch, who was the 2006 recipient of and South Carolina, as a sophisticated an 1800-40 Piedmont, Georgia side
Center collection. a Georgia Governor’s Award in the expression of a national aesthetic. chair with thick sausage turnings and
Humanities and Arts and was named Included in the Augusta-area group is curvilinear slats to a group with Fran-
Mounted in the museum’s Philip the 2019 Museum Professional of the an inlaid walnut, birch and pine stage- co-Germanic associations. “This chair
Henry Alston Jr and Virginia and Year by the Georgia Association of top sideboard of circa 1800-15. Its prob- likely represents not only a major addi-
Alfred Kennedy Galleries, the current Museums and Galleries, rejects time- able maker, writes Robert Leath, chief tion to the well-established chair group
presentation arrays a large and varied worn assumptions about the South in curator and vice president of the Muse- but also indicates that there was a
group of Georgia furniture with an eye general and Georgia in particular. um of Early Southern Decorative Arts ‘Continentally inclined’ market for
toward pinpointing cultural influences, “Sure our stuff is distinctive but no (MESDA), was James Alexander, a them,” the curator writes.
regional styles and singular makers. more so than what you find in New Savannah-trained cabinetmaker who
England. What really hits me about established a practice in Augusta, thus Couch calls for more studies of Geor-
gia portraiture, stressing, “This impor-
Sideboard attributed to John Riley Hopkins, circa 1865-80. Turn-top table by Jesse M. Annis, Jasper County, tant aspect of our art history has lain
Yellow pine and black gum; 46 by 68 by 21 inches. Collection Ga., circa 1874. Yellow pine and/or cypress with pop- almost dormant since the publication of
of Joe and Marsha Piper. lar legs and ash brace; height 29 by diameter 59 the Colonial Dames survey Early Geor-
inches. Collection of Jeff and Michelle Finch. gia Portraits, 1715-1870.” As an entice-
ment, he includes in the display three
intriguing paintings of Revolutionary
War Captain John Wilson (1756-1847);
his wife, Mary Elizabeth Roberson Wil-
son (1765-1826); and their oldest son
David Wilson (1786-1827). By an as yet
unidentified artist, the pictures sur-
faced in the 1980s in a McDuffie County
estate among descendants of the sitters.
“These brilliant folk portraits point to a
gap in the history of Georgia art and
decorative art and are rare compared
with portraiture in our collection by
highly trained artists,” Couch says.
“Little silver was crafted in Georgia
after about 1830 because it was
replaced by industrially produced goods
from the North. Collectors resisted that
historical reality and missed the big
January 17, 2020 — Antiques and The Arts Weekly — 31
Edited by Dale L. Couch with contributions from Chest with residual blue paint, lower Southern Piedmont, probably
more than a dozen scholars, Material Georgia Clarke County, Ga., circa 1740-90. Yellow pine; 25½ by 44½ by 20
1733-1900: Two Decades of Scholarship is available inches. Collection of Fred and Beth Mercier.
from the Georgia Museum of Art at the University
of Georgia for $60 hardcover. Illustrating the
book’s cover is a chest of drawers decorated with
mahogany veneers and light wood inlay. It was
made in North Georgia, possibly in the Nacoochee
Valley, around 1805-25.
Basket, unidentified maker, active
North Georgia, circa 1830. River cane
and oak handles, walnut and butter-
nut dyes; 12¾ by 18¾ by 16½ inches.
Georgia Museum of Art, University of
Georgia; gift of Denny and Peggy Galis.
Olive spoon, retailed by J. Hayden, Masonic apron, possibly by Mrs Robert Carver,
active Columbus, Ga., circa 1850, circa 1834. Silk with watercolor and metallic beads,
engraved: “RTW to AMW.” Coin silver. linen; 16¾ by 15-3/8 inches. Georgia Museum of Art,
Georgia Museum of Art, University of University of Georgia; Gift of Emmett T. Bragg.
story that Georgia influenced the tions by Couch and Linda Chesnut, Couch credits the Georgia Museum of seeking different voices,” he explains.
national market,” argues Couch, who Daniel Chamberlin, Charlotte Crabtree, Art’s first curator of decorative arts, As ambitious as it is, “Material Geor-
features an elaborate tea and coffee Ashlyn Davis, Jeff Finch, Jenny Gar- Ashley Callahan, with encouraging gia” leaves much undone. “At least half
service made for Augusta mayor Abner wood, Brenda Hornsby Heindl, Maryel- interest in Twentieth Century Georgia of what remains to be found is still out
P. Robertson around 1854 by Clark & len Higginbotham, Robert A. Leath, design with such imaginative works as there. Highly provenanced objects are
Company, a local firm active in the mid- Joseph Litts, Keith M. McCurry, Caro- Southern Tufts: The Regional Origins turning up frequently,” says the cura-
dle decades of the Nineteenth Century. line Rainey, James Rooks and Kathleen and National Craze for Chenille Fash- tor, eager for the next discovery but
Staples. The heavily illustrated volume ion (2015), a look at the Southern Appa- pleased to have heightened awareness
“Pottery is arguably Georgia’s best- sells for $60 hardcover. lachian Craft Revival roots of the among the UGA students he regards as
researched and most heavily collected The vitality of Southern studies is state’s tufted textile industry, and Geor- society’s next cultural stewards. “We
craft expression,” says the curator, who also reflected in the upcoming sympo- gia Bellflowers: The Furniture of Henry expect and welcome changes in the
spotlights the Edgefield, S.C., influ- sium, which kicks off on Thursday, Jan- Eugene Thomas (2011), which examines study of Georgia decorative arts as the
enced artisan Lucius Jordan (b circa uary 30, with a keynote address by traditional furniture made by Thomas academic community shifts to broader
1818), Georgia’s earliest native-born MESDA curator Daniel Ackermann (1883-1965), an antiques dealer and questions that respond to the needs of
trained potter of prominence, alternate- and continues through Saturday, Feb- craftsman in Athens, Ga. Still relative- scholarship and society. These objects
ly recorded as a “free man of color” and ruary 1, at the UGA Center for Con- ly unexplored, modern and contempo- represent not just ‘art’ but also ‘evi-
“white.” Jordan’s work, ceramics histo- tinuing Education and Hotel. Register rary Georgia design will be the focus of dence,’” he writes.
rian Brenda Hornsby Heindl notes, by January 21 at https://www.hotel. the 2022 Green symposium. Couch also Located on the campus of the Univer-
“serves as a testament to a community uga.edu/events/henry-green-sympo- looks forward to a day-long program in sity of Georgia, the Georgia Museum of
of potters who worked together to fur- sium-georgia. Visit www.georgiamuse- April 2021 on African American issues Art is at 90 Carlton Street in Athens. For
ther their economic progress and to the um.org for a full schedule with speak- and perspectives on the decorative arts. more information, 706-542-4662 or www.
diversity of a field often seen as popu- ers and topics. “There is a richness that comes from georgiamuseum.org.
lated by white artisans by the second Georgia Museum Of Art
half of the Nineteenth Century.”
Wallpaper, Columbia County, Ga., 1850-60. Paint on paper, width 71-3/8 inches. The Museum of Early Southern
Textiles range from a circa 1770-75 Decorative Arts (MESDA) transferred panels from this set to the Georgia Museum of Art, which is raising money
sampler by Mary Smallwood (1761- for their conservation.
1791) of Midway, Ga., to a woven cover-
let of around 1850-60. It had been the
Green Center’s goal to survey Georgia
samplers, an ambition realized with the
2015 exhibition “Georgia’s Girlhood
Embroideries: ‘Crowned with Glory and
Immortality.’” Today the museum owns
several rare Georgia examples.
“Material Georgia” illustrates two dis-
tinct basketry traditions, one Cherokee,
the other Gullah-Geechee. A collection of
modern Cherokee baskets forms the core
of the Green collection and became the
basis for the center’s 2016 show “Chero-
kee Basketry: Woven Culture.” The earli-
est basket in the present display is a
circa 1830 Cherokee example by an
unknown maker active in North Georgia.
Woven of river cane, it has oak handles.
Published by the Georgia Museum of
Art and distributed by the University of
Georgia (UGA), Material Georgia 1733-
1900: Two Decades of Scholarship was
edited by Couch and includes contribu-
32 — Antiques and The Arts Weekly — January 17, 2020
Antiques and The Arts Weekly
Madelia Hickman Ring
Miller & Miller To Auction Pero’s Primitives Collection
IO, CANADA — An art, Oil on canvas rendering of a Clydesdale
antiques and Canadiana auc- horse by J.J. Kenyon (Canadian, 1862-1937),
tion featuring the collection of signed lower left, 23½ by 17½ inches (sight),
the late Don Pero — a quiet in very good, untouched condition ($3/4,500
but passionate collector of old USD).
school primitives, from pot-
tery to furniture to folk art — American Chippendale cherry drop front Diminutive Waterloo County painted cor-
will be conducted by Miller & desk with a fully fitted interior, four long ner cupboard, having a 12-pane single
Miller Auctions, Ltd on Satur- drawers with brass hardware and ogee glazed door above a drawer and door with
day, February 8, at 10 am bracket feet ($1,5/2,275 USD). two raised panels, with the original finish
Eastern time, online and in ($3/4,500 USD).
the gallery.
he later painted. He also ed to realize $3/4,500 USD. A fully fitted interior, four long from 2 to 7 pm on Friday, Feb-
“Don had an appetite for the painted portraits of winning tiger maple table having dra- drawers with brass hardware ruary 7. The 500-lot live auc-
items he collected, as long as horses at American tracks. matically splayed legs ending and ogee bracket feet, is tion has a start time of 10 am
they were authentic and in pad feet and a shaped expected to command Eastern time. Phone, online
important,” said Ethan Miller A diminutive Waterloo drawer with an embossed $1,5/2,275 USD; while a red- and absentee bidding is
of Miller & Miller Auctions. County painted corner cup- brass knob, should change painted pine postmaster’s accepted.
“Everything he collected had board, having a 12-pane sin- hands for $1,9/2,600 USD. kneehole desk with hinged
flair. For decades he was a gle glazed door above a draw- The table has a square top slant top and an upper section Miller & Miller Auctions,
patron of one of Canada’s er and door with two raised with notched corners. with 24 pigeonholes has an Ltd is at 59 Webster Street.
most renowned dealers — Ron panels, retaining the original estimate of $1,9/2,600 USD. For more information, 519-
O’Hara. Don quietly absorbed red and mustard grained An American Chippendale 662-4800 or www.millerand-
some of Canada’s rarest his- painted finish, is also expect- cherry drop front desk with a A preview will take place millerauctions.com.
toric objects. Now, these many
objects will be sold without
An oil on canvas rendering
of a Clydesdale horse by J.J.
Kenyon (1862-1937), signed
lower left and 23½ by 17½
inches (sight), carries an esti-
mate of approximately
$3/4,500 USD. The work is in
very good, untouched condi-
tion, but needs a cleaning.
Kenyon was a photographer
and a painter. He attended
fairs to capture images of
prize-winning animals, which
Nancy Spero’s Figural Works On Paper Versailles Reacquires
Make Danish Debut Rape Of Sabines Bronze
HUMLEBAEK, DENMARK — on canvas to work exclusively with atre theorist Antonin Artaud PARIS — On December
In 2020, the exhibition series Loui- paper as her pictorial medium. (1869-1948) gave new sustenance 11, the Palace of Versailles
siana on Paper presents the Amer- to her visual world. Incorporated reacquired a bronze depict-
ican artist Nancy Spero Spero was born in Cleveland, quotations and figurative repre- ing the Rape of the Sabines
(1926-2009). Her many-faceted Ohio, and trained at the Art Insti- sentations are characteristic of the for $4,975,096. The piece,
oeuvre challenges power of all tute of Chicago in 1949. Subse- work groups Artaud Paintings and which led a two-day sale of
kinds — political oppression, rac- quently, she spent several periods Codex Artaud, which were created the collection of the Count
ism and male dominance. The in Paris. In 1964, she settled in in the years 1969-73. and Countess of Ribes, was
human figure is the central motif New York City in a United States attributed to Antonio
and a unifying element. that had entered into the Vietnam In 1972, the first all-women and Susani (1558-1624) after a
War. Spero joined the anti-war nonprofit gallery opened in New model by Giambologna
The exhibition will be on view movement, participated in various York City — the still-existing (1529-1608) and set a new
January 23 to April 26. actions and became engaged in A.I.R. Gallery (Artists In Resi- world record for the artist.
groups such as Artists and Writers dence). Spero, along with five It had been in the collec-
The feminist pioneer Nancy Protest Against the War in Viet- other female founders, wanted to tions at Versailles in 1689
Spero will be introduced for the nam. In succeeding years, the war give the members of the gallery and was engraved with a
first time in Denmark when her became the most important theme the opportunity to be permanent- collection number “335”
works can be experienced in the in Spero’s art, and in 1966-70, the ly present in the art world. This between 1711 and 1713 but
South Wing at Louisiana Museum War Series arose, a succession of was also a decisive step for Spero, left the collection after the
of Modern Art. Early in her artistic more than 100 works that unre- who had not yet experienced sig- French Revolution, in 1796,
career Spero — as artist and activ- lentingly condemned the Vietnam nificant public visibility with her when it was given as pay-
ist — made the decision, in opposi- War. art. There, she exhibited among ment to the state creditor. In
tion to most of the American art other things her pictorial friezes 1865, the bronze joined the
world, to work figuratively. Later, Strong inspiration from the on long paper strips. A few years Ribes collection, where its
she chose to stop painting with oil French actor, dramatist and the- previously, Spero had decided significance became over-
exclusively to depict females in looked. It is one of four casts made during Giambologna’s
Nancy Spero, “P.E.A.C.E., Helicopter, Mother + Children,” 1968. her art — present-day, historical lifetime. For information, www.sothebys.com.
©The Nancy Spero and Leon Golub Foundation of the Arts / or mythological figures — and
VISDA. her revolt against the oppression $26.6 Million Cimabue Panel
of women in particular was from Declared National Treasure, French
then on, the prominent feature of Officials Block Export To Buyers
her art.
By Madelia Hickman Ring
Up through the 1980s and until PARIS — French officials have blocked the export of a
her death in 2009, Spero contin- Thirteenth Century medieval panel by Italian master
ued to confront injustice and inhu- Cimabue to the buyers of the work who paid $26.7 million
manity energetically. The realiza- for it when it sold in October at Acteon, an auction house
tion of the installation, “Maypole: north of Paris. “Christ Mocked” was discovered in the kitch-
Take No Prisoners,” at the Bien- en of an elderly French woman and went on to become the
nale in Venice in 2007 was another first work by Cimabue, also known as Cenni di Pepp, to be
high point. The original idea for sold at auction. The work was reportedly sold to two anony-
the installation — a maypole from mous collectors based in the United States. A statement
whose ribbons hang severed heads issued by the Ministry of Culture stipulates that the Minis-
— had already been developed 40 ter of Culture, Franck Riester, has refused to issue the
years earlier in a drawing for War export certificate, declaring the work a “national treasure”
Series. for a period of 30 months, during which time the French
government will try to raise the funds to acquire the work.
The exhibition is supported by
The Terra Foundation for Ameri-
can Art.
Louisiana Museum of Modern
Art is at Gammel Strandvej 13. For
information, www.louisiana.dk.
January 17, 2020 — Antiques and The Arts Weekly — 33
‘Marine Art Of Today & Yesterday’ Up At NYC’s Union League Club
NEW YORK CITY — Currently on view scenes, US naval vessels and battles, tugboats,
through February 29, the Art Gallery at the New York Harbor scenes and New England
Union League Club is featuring paintings by landscapes.
marine artists from the J. Russell Jinishian
Gallery, based in Stonington, Conn. Jinishian, Jinishian observed, “Since Sotheby’s, Chris-
who is returning to the Union League Club for tie’s and Bonhams no longer have specialty
his 25th year, is widely recognized as a leading auctions devoted to marine art and with no
authority on contemporary marine art and is galleries specializing in marine art located in
author of Bound for Blue Water, a guide on the New York City, we are happy to fill this void
subject. This new exhibition “Marine Art of and bring first-rate marine paintings to the
Today and Yesterday” focuses on the range of doorstep of New York collectors and connois-
marine art from the Nineteenth, Twentieth seurs.”
and Twenty-First Centuries.
Visiting hours are 9 am to 9 pm, daily. There
The exhibition includes more than 30 con- is no admission charge, men must wear jacket
temporary and antique paintings by marine and tie, and ladies, business attire.
artists from around the world, including Anto-
nio Jacobsen (New York/Denmark, 1850-1921), The Union League Club is on the corner of
A.D. Blake (New Zealand), John Stobart (Eng- 37th Street and Park Avenue.
land), Robert Salmon (Massachusetts, 1775-
1848), Tim Thompson (England), Don Demers The exhibition may also be viewed in its entire-
(Maine), Christopher Blossom (Connecticut), ty online at www.jrusselljinishiangallery.com.
Patrick O’Brien (Maryland) and many others.
Subjects include clipperships, classic yachting For more information, 860-245-4400 or email
[email protected].
Don Demers, “Handling the Gust,” oil on
canvas, 18 by 24 inches.
Clark’s ‘Travels On Paper’ Explores Nineteenth Century Travel Imagery
WILLIAMSTOWN, MASS. — For centuries, travelers Alexandre-Gabriel Decamps, (French, 1803-1860), “Siva with Siakumu Making Kava in Tofae’s House”
have made visual records of their journeys and eagerly “Cypriot Woman Smoking a Chibouk,” after 1828, (circa 1893), which depict Samoa, and “Behind the House,
shared their views of distant lands and unfamiliar loca- watercolor, gouache and touches of pen and black Nuuanu Valley, Honolulu, Rainbow on Mountains” (1890)
tions. In addition to their souvenir value for the person and brown ink, 5-13/16 by 4-3/16 inches. Courtesy painted in Hawai’i.
who makes them, such images often fuel an appetite for of Clark Art Institute.
travel among the people who see them — as advertisers severity of the desert in his 1853 drawings “El Aouila” Many Nineteenth Century artists considered etching to
and tourist bureaus well know. and “B’etoum.” be as spontaneous and expressive as drawing and uti-
lized this printmaking medium to capture the places
“Travels on Paper,” on view at the Clark Art Institute In 1890, John La Farge set off for a South Seas voyage they visited. Printed imagery allowed multiple copies of a
November 16 through February 9, explores travel pic- with the historian and writer Henry Adams. He would single image to circulate, resulting in scenes of foreign
tures — drawings, prints and photographs — that cap- return from the tour with nearly 200 watercolor sketch- countries, majestic monuments and picturesque views
ture the experience of being a traveler and image maker. es, often accompanied by jotted descriptions to serve as reaching a wider public. Jean-Baptiste-Camille Corot’s
With works drawn primarily from the Nineteenth Cen- reference material for later compositions. The exhibition “Souvenir d’Italie” illustrates how a single image can
tury, the exhibition provides a look at the power and includes three images from La Farge’s year-long wander- serve both as a sensitive personal remembrance and as a
influence of images long before the Instagram age. The ings: “Hut in Moonlight, Iva, Savaii, October 1890” and commodity in the print marketplace. The original etch-
exhibition includes 43 works by artists Camille Corot ing, from 1863, was printed on bright paper without any
(French, 1796–1875), Robert Macpherson (Scottish, circa inscriptions and was likely intended for the artist’s safe-
1815–1872), Alexandre-Gabriel Decamps (French, 1803– keeping or a gift for a close friend. The second example in
1860), John La Farge (American, 1835–1910), Thomas the exhibition dates from 1866 and, as indicated by the
Moran (American, 1837–1926), Félix Teynard (French, inclusion of the name and address of the printer (Auguste
1817–1892) and many others. Delâtre) and publishers (Alfred Cadart and Félix Cheva-
lier), was editioned for sale.
The speed and relative ease of travel is taken for grant-
ed in contemporary society. In the Nineteenth Century, In the fall of 1851, with little photographic experience
however, the opportunity to visit renowned sites and and no official backing, Félix Teynard embarked on an
experience faraway locales was limited to a privileged expedition up the Nile that ultimately resulted in
few, and the journey could often be perilous and arduous. “Égypte et Nubie” (1858), an ambitious album of 160 salt
Similarly, capturing images of one’s travels was a slower prints. Teynard’s arduous journey extended 1,000 miles
and more difficult process than what today’s smartphone from the center of Cairo to the Nile’s second cataract in
camera users know, particularly in the case of early pho- Nubia. “Colosses de Memnon, Gournah à Thebes” (1851-
tography, which involved excruciatingly long exposure 52) documents two monumental figures originally built
times and required photographers to haul heavy loads of in 1350 BCE, which guard the entrance to the tomb of
equipment and chemicals. King Amenhotep III and bear his likeness. After earth-
quakes around 1200 BCE and in 27 BCE destroyed the
Through drawing, the traveling artist captured private tomb and damaged the immense statues, Roman author-
reminiscences and fleeting moments that might be ends ities partially reconstituted the figures, which they
in themselves or could later serve as inspiration for a renamed “Memnon” after a hero of the Trojan war. The
more finished work. Jean-Honoré Fragonard’s (French, image illustrates Teynard’s tendency to focus on physical
1732–1806) intimate red chalk drawing “The Hermit’s traces of damage and decay in the ancient Egyptian mon-
Court in the Colosseum” (1758) depicts the already uments he visited. Unfortunately, despite his laborious
ruined state of the famous ancient Roman landmark that efforts, “Égypte et Nubie” received little public attention,
was captured by innumerable tourists and artists perhaps because the artist’s unorthodox approach did
throughout its history. not appeal to the average consumer.
In contrast to Fragonard’s relatively comfortable condi- The exhibition is organized by Anne Leonard, Manton
tions in residence at the French Academy in Rome, curator of prints, drawings and photographs, with assis-
adventurous Nineteenth Century artists who journeyed tance from curatorial intern Andrew Kensett, Williams
to the Sahara faced much more difficult travel. Eugène graduate program in the history of art, class of 2020.
Fromentin (French, 1820-1876), who had to be accompa-
nied by a French military escort because of unstable The Clark Art Institute is at 225 South Street. For infor-
political conditions in North Africa, documented the mation, www.clarkart.edu or 413-458-2303.
Tracing Regency Fashions Through Jane Austen’s Writings
Dress In The Age Of Jane Austen: includes chapters on Self, Home, Village, PO Box 290; White Plains, N.Y. 10605
Regency Fashion by Hilary Davidson; Country, City, Nation, World and Davidson’s
Yale University Press, www.yalebooks. fashion from ornamented to minimal. Writ- Conclusion. These major chapters are fol-
com; 2019; hardcover; 336 pages; $40. ten in an engaging yet scholarly fashion, the lowed by Jane Austen’s family tree, a list of
heavily illustrated and referenced volume Austen’s characters, changes in the way
The Regency period in England lasted from women’s gowns were made, 1790-1820, and
about 1790 until 1820 and the term refers to the glossary, notes, bibliography and picture
the reign of the Prince of Wales who took to credits.
the throne when his father George III was
deemed unfit to rule. The master author of The book is illustrated with paintings,
the period whose beloved books depicted this drawings, historic garments and fashion
world was Jane Austen; beyond the stories, plates — including many previously unpub-
her books described the clothing and the lished images — helping readers visualize
fashions of the age. As accelerated change the external selves of Austen’s characters as
saw Britain’s turbulent entry into the mod- clearly as she wrote of their internal ones.
ern age, its clothing reflected these transfor-
mations. Jane Austen’s observant fictional writings
as well as her letters provide an entry for
Dress In The Age Of Jane Austen explores examining the Regency’s rich complexity of
the varied ways in which people dressed in fashion, dress and textiles. For collectors,
their homes, their villages, the countryside, dealers and institutions who collect and
cities and meeting places. Austen “is foremost study Regency dress, the history of fashion
a social commentator,” Hilary Davidson and textiles, this is an invaluable and emi-
writes, “and dress is a nuanced social mark- nently readable book.
er... Her works are synonymous with the
fashions of the Regency period, awash with Hilary Davidson is a dress and textile histo-
high waists, heaving bosoms and cutaway rian based between Britain and Australia.
coats.” She is an honorary associate at the Universi-
ty of Sydney and has curated, lectured, broad-
Thus Davidson introduces the reader to her cast and published extensively in the field.
vehicle for tracing the changes seen in British
34 — Antiques and The Arts Weekly — January 17, 2020
Transitions Nantucket Historical Association Acquires
Memoir, Whale’s Tooth & Painting
The Museum of the African Diaspora
(MoAD) in San Francisco has named NANTUCKET, MASS. – The trustees of the Nantucket His- “Northern Whale Fishery” by William John Huggins
Monetta White as its next executive direc- torical Association (NHA) have announced the acquisition of depicts British whaling ships in the frozen waters of
tor. Previously a board member of the mu- three significant items for the permanent collection, including the David Strait between Canada and Greenland.
seum, White has served as interim director Milo Calkin’s memoir documenting his time aboard the Nan- William John Huggins. The painting is a dramatic depiction of
since August and has tucket whaleship Independence, an Albert C. Gardner tooth the British whaling fleet in the 1820s and 1830s, at a time
been involved with and the painting “Northern Whale Fishery” by William John when Nantucket whaling was at its zenith. The accuracy and
MoAD since its open- Huggins. These three acquisitions round out a productive year level of detail is astounding and the viewer can admire in pan-
ing in the city’s Yerba in investing in the NHA collection and bringing important arti- oramic fashion the whaling operations in the Arctic. It comple-
Buena arts district in facts back to the island for all to enjoy. ments other outstanding British pieces in the collection. Its
2005. A well-known purchase was possible with support from Kaaren and Charles
civic leader and res- Milo Calkin’s memoir fills a gap in the Research Library log- Hale, Shelley and Graham Goldsmith, Carolyn and Jeffrey
taurateur in the Bay book collection. The Independence completed five voyages out of Paduch, an anonymous donor, and the Richard E. Griffin Fam-
Area, White has served Nantucket before its final voyage in 1833, and the Research ily Acquisition Fund.
as managing partner Library held no records for any of them. This volume not only
of 1300 on Fillmore, describes the ship’s final voyage and its foundering in the “These are important documents of Nantucket history and
which she opened with her husband, chef South Pacific, but it also provides a colorful example of a young the whaling industry that paint a picture of the hardiness and
David Lawrence, in 2007 to help revive the man with limited prospects joining a Nantucket whaling vessel personal costs paid by Nantucket’s early residents,” said Dan
neighborhood she grew up in through food in an effort to change his fate. Containing stories of his life at Elias, the NHA’s Robyn & John Davis chief curator. “Donors
and music. sea, the journal’s passages depict his experiences with whaling came together enthusiastically to support these purchases,
off the coast of Japan, icebergs in the South Atlantic, as well as who through their generosity, made Nantucket that much rich-
The Fralin Museum of Art at the Univer- nine exceptional watercolor and pencil drawings. The NHA was er.”
sity of Virginia has named Laura Min- able to acquire this significant item thanks to support from
ton curator of exhibi- Susan Blount, Polly Espy Millard, Art and Diane Kelly and L. Nantucket Historical Association is at 15 Broad Street. For
tions. Minton joins the Dennis and Susan Shapiro. information, www.nha.org or 508-228-1894.
Fralin from Museum of
Fine Arts, Houston. A Albert C. Gardner of Nantucket was captain of the 1836-40
senior member of the voyage of the Nantucket whaleship Omega, but passed away
curatorial team, Min- on February 10, 1838, off the coast of Lima, Peru. The tooth
ton’s responsibilities depicts a three-masted ship flying an American flag and long
at the Fralin include pennant, with an eagle, shield, arrows and olives in its talons.
building a comprehen- On the reverse side is a willow tree and woman mourning at a
sive national and inter- monument that says “Albert Gardner Lost at Sea 1840.” The
national exhibitions schedule and curating Omega returned to Nantucket in the spring of 1840, which may
rigorous, scholarly have been the earliest his wife, Sophronia Nye Edwards, and
projects that provide their one daughter, Sarah, learned of his death. This tooth was
a foundation for trans- purchased with a generous gift from Janet and Rick Sherlund.
disciplinary and social-
ly engaged discourse. “Northern Whale Fishery “depicts British whaling ships in
Hannah Cattarin was the frozen waters of the David Strait between Canada and
promoted to assistant Greenland. The work is an 1835 copy of an 1828 original by
curator. In her new role
at the Fralin, Cattarin Exhibition Of Early European Open-Air
oversees gallery rota- Painting Reveals New Scholarship
tions and curates exhi- WASHINGTON, DC — An Paris; and Jane Munro, keeper of
bitions drawn from its permanent holdings. integral part of art education in paintings, drawings and prints,
the late Eighteenth and early Fitzwilliam Museum, Cambridge.
The new adjunct curator for Brazilian Nineteenth Centuries, painting The exhibition begins in Rome.
art at Museu de Arte de São Paulo en plein air was a core practice The study of ancient sculpture and
Assis Chateaubriand is Sandra Benites. for artists in Europe. Intrepid architecture, as well as of Renais-
Benites is the first indigenous curator to painters — developing their sance and baroque art, was
join the staff of a major arts museum in the abilities to quickly capturing already a key part of an artist’s
country. She is of Guarani Nhandewa heri- effects of light and atmosphere education, but Pierre-Henri de
tage and is currently a — made sometimes arduous Valenciennes’s influential treatise
doctoral candidate in journeys to study landscapes at on landscape painting, published
social anthropology at breathtaking sites, ranging from in 1800, went further to recom-
the Universidade Fed- the Baltic coast and Swiss Alps mended that young artists develop
eral do Rio de Janeiro. to the streets of Paris and ruins their skills by painting oil sketch-
Since 2004, Benites of Rome. es out of doors. Valenciennes
has worked in indig- “True to Nature: Open-Air advised exploring the Roman
enous education. She Painting in Europe, 1780-1870” countryside. This section includes
served as a teacher at at the National Gallery of Art examples by a range of European
an indigenous school presents some 100 oil sketches Jules Coignet, “View of Bozen with a Painter,” artists who followed his advice,
in the city of Aracruz, Espírito Santo, in the made outdoors across Europe by 1837, oil on paper, mounted on canvas. Gift of such as Michel Dumas, Christoffer
Guarani community from 2004 to 2012 and artists such as Carl Blechen, Mrs John Jay Ide in memory of Mr and Mrs Wilhelm Eckersberg and Johan
was a pedagogic coordinator at the Munici- Jules Coignet, André Giroux, William Henry Donner. Thomas Lundbye.
pal Secretariat of Education in Maricá, Rio Anton Sminck Pitloo, Carl Other sections focus on both nat-
de Janeiro, where she advised indigenous Frederik Sørensen and Joseph Mallord William Turner. On ural and manmade features that proved challenging to
schools in the region. view in the West Building of the National Gallery of Art painters, such as waterfalls, trees, skies, coastlines and
February 2-May 3, it presents dozens of recently discovered rooftops. Examples include rare studies by well-known art-
The Colonial Williamsburg Foundation studies and explores issues of attribution, chronology and ists such as John Constable’s “Sky Study with a Shaft of
has appointed Cliff Fleet, current pres- technique. Sunlight,” circa 1822, Fitzwilliam Museum; Jean Honoré
ident and chief executive officer (CEO) of The exhibition is organized by the National Gallery of Art, Fragonard’s “Mountain Landscape at Sunset,” circa 1765;
22nd Century Group, business professor at Washington, the Fondation Custodia, Collection Frits Lugt, and Odilon Redon’s “Village on the Coast of Brittany,”
William & Mary, and former president and Paris, and the Fitzwilliam Museum, Cambridge. It is curat- 1840–1916, Fondation Custodia.
CEO of Philip Morris USA, to serve as its ed by Mary Morton, curator and head of the department of National Gallery of Art is on the National Mall between
ninth president and CEO. Fleet has strong French paintings, National Gallery of Art, Washington; Ger 3rd and 9th Streets at Constitution Avenue NW. For infor-
ties to the Williamsburg community. He has Luijten, director, Fondation Custodia, Collection Frits Lugt, mation, www.nga.gov or 800-697-9350.
served as president of University Of Richmond Professor
the Jamestown-York- Wins National Award For Theatre Research
town Foundation since RICHMOND, VA. — Patricia Herrera, associate professor of Research Award was established to foster research in subject
2014 and as a board theatre, has won the 2019 Collaborative Research Award from areas underrepresented in US theatre scholarship, education
member since 2009. the American Society for Theatre Research, a national profes- and performance practice.
He also serves as vice sional organization that fosters scholarship on theatre and per-
chair for development formance. Herrera, along with colleagues from University of Maryland
strategy on the board and University of Texas Rio Grande, received the 2019 award,
of trustees of the Wil- The American Society for Theatre Research’s Collaborative for their collaborative efforts on a forthcoming public sympo-
liam & Mary Foundation. Fleet earned a sium “Revolutions in Sound.”
bachelor’s degree in history and religion
and graduate degrees in history, business “Revolutions in Sound” will bring together scholars from the
administration and law from William & United States and Canada to examine how minority communi-
Mary. He succeeds former president and ties use and create sound as a tactic of survival, resistance and
CEO Mitchell B. Reiss, who stepped down radical world-making. The symposium is February 28-29 at the
in October after five years in the position. University of Maryland.
“Bodies and power in performance produce meanings for
sound,” said Herrera. “This symposium will draw faculty inter-
ested in the intersections of sound, race and performance and
will offer new strategies for listening to difference today, and
sounding out revolution.”
The symposium will support the development of academic
work that will be featured in the November 2020 special issue
of the journal Performance Matters, which Herrera will co-edit.
January 17, 2020 — Antiques and The Arts Weekly — 35
Christmas Observed • Wed., Dec 25 January 2020 *Martin Luther King • Jan 20
New Year Observed • Wed., Jan 1 Mail Early
Issue Date All Color Ads Early Auction Display Regular Auction Mail Date
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10am 10am 10am 10am
Jan 3 Dec 12 Dec 19 Dec 20 Dec 23 Dec 24
Jan 10 Dec 19 Dec 26 Dec 27 Dec 30 Dec 31
Jan 17 Dec 26 Jan 2 Jan 3 Jan 6 Jan 7
Jan 24 Jan 2 Jan 9 Jan 10 Jan 13 Jan 14
Jan 31 Jan 9 Jan 16 Jan 17 *Jan 20 Jan 21
February 2020 *Presidents Day • Feb 17
Mail Early
Issue Date All Color Ads Early Auction Display Regular Auction Mail Date
Thursdays Thursdays Fridays Mondays
Feb 7 10am 10am 10am 10am
Jan 16 Jan 23 Jan 24 *Jan 27 Jan 28
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Issue Date All Color Ads Early Auction Display Regular Auction Mail Date
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March 13 Feb 20 Feb 27 Feb 28 Mar 2 Mar 3
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36 — Antiques and The Arts Weekly — January 17, 2020
Worcester Art Museum Blooms With Johnson Publishing Artwork
‘Flora In Winter’ January 23-26 Going On Auction Block
WORCESTER, MASS. — Sherman.” Related program- ed in submitting works of art to CHICAGO (AP) — Bankrupt Johnson Publishing Co.,
“Flora in Winter,” is a colorful ming includes special tours, flo- “Sculpted Flora” should email the former owner of Ebony and Jet magazines, will sell off
four-day celebration of art and ral design demonstrations, ginasantosucci@worcesterart. art that once decorated the company’s Chicago headquar-
creativity on view at the Worces- musical performances, family org no later than Friday, Janu- ters.
ter Art Museum (WAM), Thurs- crafts and intriguing tables- ary 17.
day, January 23 through Sunday, capes inspired by “Photo Revolu- Among the art to be auctioned January 30 at a New York
January 26. An elegant evening tion.” “Flora Euphoria,” the show’s gallery will be paintings, sculptures and other works from
celebration, “Floral Euphoria,” Although “Flora in Winter” is a evening event, is Friday, Janu- 75 African American artists. Among the pieces is an instal-
will be Friday night, January 24. beloved tradition at WAM, it is ary 24, from 5:30 to 8 pm. Music, lation by Carrie Mae Weems of seven framed photographs
always a delight and full of sur- hors d’oeuvres, a cash bar and with etched glass that chronicles the migration from the
“Flora in Winter” displays flo- prises. Coming as it does in the opportunities to tour the floral south of thousands of African Americans seeking to escape
ral arrangements inspired by darkest days of winter, it is a creations are all part of the Jim Crow laws and anti-black violence.
art from WAM’s encyclopedic welcome jolt of color and an event. Cost for members is $25,
collection. For the 18th year, vis- explosion of creativity. nonmembers, $40, youth 4–17, Johnson Publishing filed for Chapter 7 bankruptcy pro-
itors will explore the galleries, In addition, “Sculpted Flora,” a $10. Salisbury members are tection in April, citing debts and unsuccessful attempts to
encountering beautiful and community exhibit featuring invited to attend free of charge. restructure or sell the company.
evocative floral designs by some multimedia, flora-inspired
of the area’s most talented floral sculptures by local artists, will Tickets are available at www. In a July bankruptcy auction, Johnson Publishing sold
artists. This year’s theme, Epic be on display throughout “Flora flora2020.eventbrite.com. WAM its Ebony photo archives to a consortium of foundations
Bloom, is influenced by the cur- in Winter” in the Higgins Educa- is at 55 Salisbury Street. For for $30 million. Its Fashion Fair Cosmetics business was
rent exhibition, “Photo Revolu- tion Wing. Individuals interest- more information, www.worces- sold in December for $1.85 million.
tion: Andy Warhol to Cindy terart.org/events/flora-in-winter
or 508-799-4406. In 2016, Ebony and Jet were sold to Clear View Group, a
Texas equity firm.
Auction DATE LOCATION AUCTIONEER PG 17-18, Jan........ Downingtown, PA............... Pook & Pook.................43
Previews 18, Jan..............New Windsor, NY......... Mid-Hudson Auction...........47
Every Tues............ Coventry, CT...................... Weston’s....................48 18, Jan.................Pittsfield, MA.....................Fontaine’s...............40-41
Ahlers & Ogletree Every Thurs.......East Windsor, CT............... Golden Gavel.................44 18, Jan................Spring City, PA............. Rhoads & Rhoads.............52
Signature Estates 12, Jan................. Coventry, CT..................Ingraham & Co.. ..............46 18, Jan................. St Louis, MO....................... Selkirk......................42
Auction.. .........................12 12, Jan................. Freehold, NY..................Carlsen Gallery................48 18-19, Jan.............Oakland, CA............. Clars Auction Gallery...........45
Miller & Miller 12, Jan................ Glen Cove, NY...............Roland Auctions.................2 19, Jan............... Larchmont, NY................ Clarke Auction................39
Art, Antiques & 12, Jan................ Glen Cove, NY...............Roland Auctions...............17 19, Jan................ Rehoboth, MA............Americana Auctions............42
Canadiana......................32 12, Jan................ Glen Cove, NY...............Roland Auctions...............50 21, Jan................. Medway, MA................. Coyle’s Auction...............51
Morphy Auctions 13, Jan................. Plainville, CT............... Winter Associates.............48 22, Jan.................Cromwell, CT............ B&S Auction Service...........48
Susquehanna Collection...5 13-17, Jan.....amoskeagauction.com............. Amoskeag...................49 22, Jan...............Dania Beach, FL..............Kodner Galleries.............10C
Nye & Co 14, Jan.................Plainfield, NH............... William A. Smith..............44 23, Jan.................. Hatfield, PA..................Alderfer Auction.............11C
Collectors’ Passion 15, Jan............... Portsmouth, RI................ Gustave White................44 23-24, Jan............. Boston, MA........................Skinner......................8C
Auction.. ...........................7 17, Jan................Jewett City, CT............... Leone’s Auction.................2 23-24, Jan.............Hudson, NY..........................Stair.................. 4C-5C
Pook & Pook 25, Jan..................Camden, SC............... Wooten & Wooten.............7C
Americana & International 25, Jan.............. Mt Crawford, VA..............Jeffrey S. Evans.............10C
Auction.............................3 25-26, Jan........... Knoxsville, TN................ Case Antiques................3C
Showplace 26, Jan..................Bellport, NY............ Thos Cornell Galleries............2
Fine & Decorative Art & 26, Jan...............Los Angeles, CA........ Andrew Jones Auctions.......12C
Furniture........................38 26, Jan...............Middleboro, MA............. White’s Auctions..............46
Winter Associates 26, Jan..............St Petersburg, FL........... Burchard Galleries.............50
Items From 31, Jan................Jewett City, CT............... Leone’s Auction.................2
Stoner Mansion................9 22, Feb................. Litchfield, CT........Litchfield County Auctions.........2
29, Mar........... Bedford Village, NY....Butterscotch Auctioneers..........2
Show 2, May................. Rockport, MA.........Rockport Art Association........52
Previews Spring...................Newton, MA................Tremont Auctions................5
Outsider Art Fair.............17 EVENT 23-26, Jan............New York City................8C Sun........................Milford, NH....................3
24-26, Jan............New York City................17 Sun.................... New Milford, CT.................2
DATE LOCATION PG 25-26, Jan........... Columbus, OH..................3
31, Jan-2, Feb.......... York, PA.....................6C The Following Ads
18-19, Jan............ Syracuse, NY.................8C 6-9, Feb.................. Atlanta, GA.....................3 May Be Found
16-18, April........... Newport, RI................10C
Weekly Events In Last Week’s (1/10) Issue
Sat & Sun...........Farmington, CT...............12 9-12, Jan..................Atlanta, GA................ 3
Sun..................... Jewett City, CT..................2 10, Jan-30, Mar.... New York City.......... 12C
ANTIQUES AND THE ARTS WEEKLY IS NOT RESPONSIBLE FOR ANY ERRORS OR OMISSIONS This is a free listing and therefore no credit will be given for any errors
January 17, 2020 — Antiques and The Arts Weekly — 37
Decorative Arts Trust Announces $100,000 Prize For Major Arts Initiatives
By Laura Beach databases and conservation. A dedicated page on the trust’s
MEDIA, PENN. — The Deco- Collaborations among project website outlines the nomination The Decorative Arts Trust has established a $100,000 prize
rative Arts Trust has announced partners will also be considered. process. A five-person commit- to be awarded annually to a decorative arts, fine arts, archi-
a new $100,000 annual prize to tee will evaluate all proposals, tecture or landscape design project. Images courtesy Old
fund major arts initiatives. The “Although the trust by its which must be submitted by Salem and Museum of Early Southern Decorative Arts.
organization is calling for pro- name and nature is focused on March 31. Proposals should
posals for what it has named three-dimensional objects, our describe the defined mission
the Prize for Excellence and programming extends beyond and outcomes of the project and
Innovation, to be announced on the decorative arts to include include a budget, project time-
or about September 1. fine art, architecture, gardens line and list of key personnel
Trust executive director Mat- and landscapes. The award sup- and partners, if applicable.
thew A. Thurlow said the group, ports projects representing the Projects can extend 1 to 5 years
inspired by the leadership full diversity of those four dif- for final completion after the
shown by such foresighted enti- ferent fields,” Thurlow said. prize is awarded. Finalists will
ties as the Wunsch Americana be contacted by June 1.
Foundation, envisions the prize The trust has set a long-range
as a central component of its fundraising goal of $2.5 million “The trust has the ideal plat-
mission to support scholarship to permanently endow the form to administer this prize.
and broaden public apprecia- prize, fully funded for the first We look forward to advancing
tion for American art and five years at the $100,000 level. the trust’s mission while mak-
design. The prize complements The group welcomes additional ing a greater contribution to the
the trust’s existing program of financial support, including arts,” Thurlow said.
grants and awards for emerging contributions, appreciated secu-
scholars, summer research, rities and IRA and other retire- For information, 610-627-4970
curatorial internships and exhi- ment fund disbursements. or www.decorativeartstrust.
bitions and publications. org. For more information about
Three lead donors provided Talks concerning the new ini- the Decorative Arts Trust Prize
the seed capital for the prize, tiative began in early 2019 for Excellence and Innovation,
which underwrites scholarly among trust board members, visit www.decorativeartstrust.
endeavors undertaken by not- Thurlow and Robert A. Leath, org/prize, email thetrust@deco-
for-profit organizations for pur- chairman of the organization’s rativeartstrust.org or call 610-
poses such as exhibitions, print education committee and direc- 627-4970.
and digital publications, online tor of collections, research and
archaeology at the Museum of The Decorative Arts Trust is
Early Southern Decorative at 206 West State Street, Suite
Arts. 300.
Another NYC Tradition Vanishes:
Chelsea Flea Market Closes
NEW YORK CITY — In a weekly markets — Chelsea
2014 interview with Antiques Flea and Hells Kitchen Flea AUCTION REVIEWS
and The Arts Weekly, veteran Market — offering hundreds
flea market manager Alan of dealers. (Chicago) Potter & Potter Steals The Show At $35,000..............................................................................6
Boss, who has seen many mar- (Dania Beach, Fla.) Kodner’s Two December Sales Reach Total Of $1.98 Million.......................................4
kets come and go and noting Chelsea vendors held forth (Detroit, Mich.) Local Restauranteur’s Collection Serves Up Top Lots At DuMouchelles.........................13
then the recent closing of his in a nondescript parking lot (Dallas) Heritage Ends Sports Year With $9.4 Million Auction..................................................................16
indoor market, The Garage, on West 25th Street between (New York City) Watches Achieve $8.2 Million At Sotheby’s.....................................................................22
due to real estate develop- Sixth Avenue and Broadway, a (New York City) Watch Sales At Christie’s Post Combined Total Of $7.7 Million......................................22
ment, said that his Chelsea veritable bazaar where they (Amesbury, Mass.) McInnis New Year’s Sale Has $400,000 Result.........................................................23
Flea would be the last holdout offered a mélange of antiques (Sturbridge, Mass.) Country & Fine Furniture, Native American Material At D.L. Straight.......................26
from the golden age of the and vintage goods: from cam- (New York City) At Sotheby’s, New World Auction Record For Sports Memorabilia................................28
urban emporiums. “This is era equipment, paintings and
Chelsea’s last stand,” he said. empty frames to jewelry, EXHIBITIONS
smalls, clothing, photographs,
That surrender came on records and a smattering of (New York City) Whitney Exhibits Darren Bader’s Edible Exhibition............................................................5
December 29, as the city’s furniture. (Sarasota, Fla.) Ringling Welcomes Back A. Weiwei...................................................................................7
largest, and for some, best, (Old Lyme, Conn.) “First Impressions Exhibition” At Lyme Art Association...............................................9
flea market marked its final Real estate is the culprit for (New York City) Artist’s Process In Lichtenstein’s “Entablatures” At The Whitney...................................12
day, Boss unable to renew the the demise of urban flea mar- (Richmond, Va.) German Expressionist Fritz Ascher Gets Retrospective.................................................12
lease from the limited liability kets, abetted by eBay and (Nyack, N.Y.) Hopper House Exhibits Art & Wit Of Rodney Smith’s Photos.............................................16
company that owns it, accord- other online vendues. Even as (Charleston, S.C.) Gibbes Museum Exhibits Elizabeth Locke’s Micromosaic Jewel Collection................17
ing to a report in The New Chelsea was waxing strong so (Gloucester, Mass.) A Father & Son’s Journey In Paint At Cape Ann Museum........................................18
York Post. was the constantly changing (New York City) Whitney Examines Craft In Art 1950-2019......................................................................25
face of New York City, and (New York City) Throckmorton Fine Art Presents Marcus Leatherdale.....................................................28
Boss started his first flea on Boss told Antiques and The (Bentonville, Ark.) New Acquisitions By Contemporary Female Artists At Crystal Bridges Museum.......29
a corner lot in Chelsea in Arts Weekly that there were (Humlebaek, Denmark) Nancy Spero’s Figural Works On Paper Make Danish Debut..............................32
1976, with 11 dealers. Nearly no guarantees. “When a build- (Williamstown, Mass.) Clark’s “Travels On Paper” Explores Nineteenth Century Travel Imagery............33
four decades later he had ing goes up [here], we will be (New York City) “Marine Art Of Today & Yesterday” At Union League Club.............................................33
grown the business into two done,” he said. (New York City) Met Unveils Monumental Kent Monkman Paintings.......................................................38
Tolland Antiques Show AND ALSO...
Cancels On 2020
Across The Block..........................................................................................................................................8
TOLLAND, CONN. — The forward to the show, it was a Americana Week Calendar.................................................................................................................20-21
Tolland Antiques Show, put on heartbreak for me. But as I’ve Book Review
for 53 years by the Tolland His- said to the dealers, it’s not a Tracing Regency Fashions Through Jane Austen’s Writings...................................................................33
torical Society, has announced goodbye, it’s a ‘see you later.’ I Estate Sales................................................................................................................................................38
that the March 2020 show will hope we can revive it in a future Historic Homes
be canceled. year.” National Trust Awards Grants Totaling $1.6 Million To Preserve African American History...................19
Show director Mary-Pat Soucy Soucy said that while the His- Q&A Spotlight
told Antiques and The Arts torical Society turned a small Letters From The Future King Through The French Revolution.. ...............................................................1
Weekly that the Historical Soci- profit from the show last year, Transitions..................................................................................................................................................34
ety has found a major structural the urgency of this issue requires (Baltic, Conn.) Furniture Restoration Class To Be Presented.....................................................................29
issue in the belfry of the 1822 the fundraising team to dedicate (Paris) $26.6 Million Cimabue Panel Declared National Treasure.............................................................32
courthouse it owns and will need their efforts on guaranteed (Paris) Versailles Reacquires Rape Of Sabines Bronze..............................................................................32
to dedicate fundraising efforts methods. (Washington, DC) Exhibition Of Early European Open-Air Painting Reveals New Scholarship................34
exclusively toward that end, (Nantucket, Mass.) Nantucket Historical Association Acquires Memoir, Whale’s Tooth & Painting........34
with estimates for repair coming “Our first fundraising meeting (Richmond, Va.) University Of Richmond Professor Wins National Award For Theatre Research..........34
in at $250,000 to $500,000. is this weekend. We will be fund- (Dallas) Heritage Auctions’ Online Comics Auctions Expand To Two-Day Format....................................38
raising each and every month,”
“We had to make a hard choice Soucy said.
this year,” Soucy said. “People
that come to Tolland really look For additional information,
38 — Antiques and The Arts Weekly — January 17, 2020
Auctions At Showplace Previews Jan. 19 Auction
Rufino Tamayo (1899-1991) “Hombre en Barton Silver of Bangalore, India centerpiece, Charles and Ray Eames for Herman Miller Midcentury
Negro,” 1960, lithograph in colors late Nineteenth Century ($2/4,000). Modern lounge chair and ottoman, model numbers 670 and
($1,5/2,500). 671 ($2,5/3,500).
NEW YORK CITY — On January 19 at table. Among more traditional furniture Musicians” and two Yaacov Agam “Aga- bags by Hermes, Chanel, Fendi, Oscar de
noon, Auctions at Showplace will pres- is an antique Louis XV inlaid and mar- mograph” abstract lenticular prints. la Renta, Yves Saint Laurent, Bottega
ent choice selections of fine art, furni- ble top commode, an antique late Italian Veneta and more. Also in this eclectic
ture, silver, jewelry and decorative arts Renaissance carved wood cassone and a As usual, Showplace will offer mer- sale are two Louis Vuitton vintage hard
from New York City estates. pair of Italian carved wood and poly- chandise from distinguished addresses case monogrammed travel trunks, sculp-
chrome painted blackamoor stools. in the New York City and the metropoli- ture by Richard Etts, Irma Rothstein
Midcentury Modern furniture to hit tan area. This includes a selection of sil- and Daniel Capri, a modern Brutalist
the market includes a Charles and Ray Highlights in fine art range from Eigh- ver comprising a German covered bronze sculpture depicting a bound man,
Eames for Herman Miller lounge chair teenth and Nineteenth Century Conti- tureen, a late Nineteenth Century Bar- Dorothy Thorpe lucite candelabra, an
and ottoman with chocolate brown tuft- nental paintings to Twentieth Century ton silver of Bangalore, India center- Auguste Cain bronze sculpture of a
ed leather upholstery, an Eero Saarinen modern works on paper. Those with tra- piece with palm trees and columns sup- rooster and a collection of life-size Ital-
for Knoll tulip dining table, a pair of ditional taste will find works by Alfred porting a cut crystal dish, a regal ian majolica dog sculptures.
Mies van der Rohe for Knoll upholstered Friedlander and August Ritter Karl von Hazorfim menorah, an Austrian eagle-
“Brno” chairs, a Pace modern burlwood Pettenkofen, Gaetano Mormile’s “Man form menorah and other Judaica, includ- Previews at Showplace Antiques +
sideboard, two Paul McCobb brass and Riding Donkey,” a Dominique Baron ing kiddush cups and spice towers. Design Center are in progress through
upholstered ottomans, a Diego Giacom- work depicting a young woman bathing January 19.
etti-style metal and glass etagere, two and more. Modern examples include a A collection of designer clothing and
Willy Daro agate slab table lamps, Mau- large Nicola Simbari oil on canvas, Rufi- accessories includes garments by Dolce Showplace Antiques is at 40 West 25th
rice Villency dressers and side tables no Tamayo’s “Hombre en Negro” litho- & Gabbana, Alexander McQueen, Mos- Street between 5th and 6th Avenues. For
and a two-tier glass waterfall console graph, a Harry Elsas oil depicting “Three chos, Gellert-Kaden, Searle, Burberry information, www.nyshowplace.com or
and Bill Blass with scarves and hand- 212-633-6063, extension 808.
Met Unveils Monumental Kent Monkman Paintings
NEW YORK CITY — The Kent Monkman (Cree, b 1965), “Welcoming the Newcomers,” Wooden Boat People (Welcom- The museum’s Beaux-Arts
Metropolitan Museum of Art 2019, acrylic on canvas, 132 by 264 inches, courtesy of the ing the Newcomers and Resur- Great Hall, designed by the
has unveiled two monumental artist. gence of the People)” evoke the architect and founding muse-
new works by Cree artist Kent relationship between people um trustee Richard Morris
Monkman in the Museum’s Monkman commented, “In These paintings reference native to Turtle Island — the Hunt, opened to the public in
main entrance hall. “The Great creating these paintings I was Manhattan’s important role as name many Indigenous people December 1902. The grand and
Hall Commission: Kent Monk- inspired, not only by the his- a portal for immigration into use for North America — and ceremonial welcoming space
man, mistikôsiwak (Wooden toric artworks in the Met col- North America and also the newcomers to their lands. The has often been a site for art
Boat People)” consists of two lection but also by the history impact our rising sea levels will commission’s primary title from across time and cultures.
paintings — “Welcoming the of Manhattan itself. For thou- have on the millions who could derives from a Cree word mean- Today, Monkman’s commission
Newcomers” and “Resurgence sands of years, these lands be displaced in the not-too-dis- ing “wooden boat people” that joins a Middle Kingdom statue
of the People” — that will be on have been a meeting center for tant future.” originally applied to French of an Egyptian pharaoh and a
view through April 9. The trade and diplomacy for many settlers but is used here to refer Hellenistic period sculpture of
installation is part of a new Indigenous nations, including Featuring numerous referenc- to all Europeans who colonized the Greek goddess Athena
series of contemporary commis- the Lenape, until they were dis- es to works in the museum’s the “New World.” (circa 170 BCE)— both on long-
sions at the Met in which the placed by European settlers. collection, the two paintings term loan to the museum. Pre-
museum invites artists to cre- that comprise “mistikôsiwak: Prominent in each of the vious installations have includ-
ate new works of art to estab- related compositions is the ed work by Piotr Uklański
lish a dialogue between the art- larger-than-life figure of Miss (2015), Andy Warhol (2012) and
ist’s practice, the museum’s Chief Eagle Testickle, Monk- John Baldessari (2010) as part
collection, the physical muse- man’s shape-shifting, time- of related exhibitions.
um and the museum’s audienc- traveling alter ego, who pays
es. Monkman’s paintings reap- tribute to the tradition in Born in Canada in 1965,
propriate images, motifs and Indigenous cultures of the “Two Monkman is a Cree artist wide-
techniques from art history to Spirit,” a third gender and non- ly known for his provocative
express Indigenous people’s binary sexuality. Miss Chief, interventions into Western
experiences and histories, sub- whose name plays on the words European and American art
verting the predominate narra- mischief and egotistical, also history.
tives of Euro-American culture, refers to the Cree trickster fig-
while also addressing present- ure, who challenges conven- The Metropolitan Museum of
day issues. tional beliefs and wisdom in Art is at 1000 Fifth Avenue. For
traditional stories. information, 212-535-7710 or
Heritage Auctions’ Online Comics
Auctions Expand To Two-Day Format
DALLAS — Steady growth and had been ending a bit too late in
the opportunity to reach a wider the evening,” Heritage Auctions’
audience have prompted Heri- vice president Barry Sandoval
tage Auctions to change the for- said. “Of course, as always, bid-
mat of its Weekly Comics, Ani- ders can place their secret maxi-
mation and Comic Art online mum bids anytime during the
auctions into two-day events. preceding week.”
Under the new format, comic The weekly online comics auc-
books will be offered on Sundays tions have enjoyed success in
in each week’s sale. Original art, recent years, totaling $18,901,941
animation art and video games in 2019 — an average of $363,000
will be offered on Mondays. The per week. That included a record
new format will allow auction $573,095 realized in the Sunday
sessions to finish earlier. Internet Comics, Animation &
Art auction that closed March 3,
“We made this change to 2019.
address the one downside of hav-
ing so much quality material, For additional information,
namely that the live sessions www.ha.com or 877-437-4824.
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