May 29, 2020)))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))
Newsstand Rate $2.00 Published byThe Bee Publishing Company, Newtown, Connecticut INDEXES ON
PAGES 36 & 37
2 — Antiques and The Arts Weekly — May 29, 2020 Auction/Show Calendars - Page 36 INDEX - Page 37
Memorabilia pertaining to the alarm industry: early burglar and fire alarm
equipment, photographs, catalogs, ephemera, etc.
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Period Federal and Classical Furniture
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Especially Southwest Estate of Lucy Jarvis, NYC.
Textiles, Kachinas, Pottery, Consignment deadline May 31
Early Jewelry, Baskets 203-266-0323
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Gallery Hours: Mon.-Sat. 11-5
JOHN C. HILL Leone’s Auction Gallery
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We are now accepting 845-876-8168
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absentee and phone bids.
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QA& May 29, 2020 — Antiques and The Arts Weekly — 3
Dale Chihuly
plex and labor-intensive process that was exciting to
The latest collection from American glass artist Dale Chi- explore.
huly is inspired by a Venetian technique dating back to
the Fifteenth Century. “Chihuly Merletto” unleashes the Did you have any help mastering it?
merletto caneworking technique into the modern Ameri- Is it technically difficult to execute?
can canon. Merletto, Italian for “lace,” has always been
known for its delicate web-like pattern that forces a geom- The technique is extremely difficult to master,
etry into a glasswork. Chihuly has exploded the geometry labor intensive in creating, and yet the more energy
into his signature organic forms that will debut at Seattle’s we put into it, the more elegant and effortless the
Traver Gallery on June 4 in a digital exhibition, viewable visual effect becomes. The finished work appears as
at We sat down with Chihuly to lace moving freely across the form, but the process
talk about life these days and how he adapted this ancient is a challenging artistic feat with many precise steps.
technique into his own language. My experiments with merletto stray from the classi-
cal Venetian examples, much like my body of work
James Mongrain and Dale Chihuly at The Boathouse hotshop, Seattle, Wash. in glass follows its own path, yet the inspiration is
© Chihuly Studio. All Rights Reserved. Photo Scott Mitchell Leen. unmistakable.
An inside view into the process can be seen here:
How are you amid the Has the technique changed at all from
pandemic? the Fifteenth Century to your works
today? Tell me how you’ve adapted it It’s said that for some Twentieth
My wife Leslie and I are staying positive and into your style. Century glassmakers, Scarpa for
well. The biggest challenge is being isolated example, that some of his techniques
from the rest of our team and knowing how In Chihuly Merletto, I depart from the traditional me- have already been lost. Why do you
many people in our community and around ticulousness of the classic technique to convey greater think merletto endured?
the world are suffering in these times. We feel visual energy and movement. As opposed to the more
very lucky to be healthy and to have friends, static mesh-like patterns of Fifteenth Century glass As is true with any tradition, a community of
family and colleagues who want to stay more from Murano, this collection is dynamic, with flexible people who share the joy of the activity and pass it
deeply connected, albeit virtually for now. lace patterns that flow around the basket forms. along to others is essential in sustaining a practice .
Looking on the bright side, I’ve enjoyed No one can say with certainty why some techniques
exploring virtual exhibitions with our gallery What is notable about the merletto endure and others don’t, but I believe merletto’s
partners across the globe, including our Sims technique? deep connection with Murano and its culture con-
Reed show in London, which has been ex- tributed to its long history.
tended through July. We’re also experimenting What gives merletto its distinctive look are many fine
with the digital debut of Chihuly Merletto at interlocking opaque lattimo threads encased within What about historical Muranese
Traver Gallery via online catalogs and videos. glass cane that is then fused to a molten glass bubble techniques that have endured, any
I have always believed in the healing and and embedded into the resulting work. It’s a com- others you really admire?
uplifting power of art. Especially in difficult
times, art, beauty and a strong creative com- Portrait of Dale Chihuly © Chihuly Studio. There is so much to admire in the work of Venetian
munity are essential. All Rights Reserved. artists. They often start so young as apprentices and
master complex skills long before art students in the
What does a day look like for United States have practiced with glass as a me-
you right now? dium. As a student, the time I spent with Venetian
glassmakers was probably the biggest influence on
Normally, I would be painting in my studio my own approach to glass. Not necessarily from an
or working in the hotshop, but now I spend aesthetic perspective, but from their approach to the
my creative energy from home. I am reflect- process, itself. My early understanding of glassblow-
ing and gathering inspiration for future proj- ing was that it was a solitary practice. In Murano, I
ects as well as drawing, corresponding with was exposed to the team approach to glassblowing,
friends and watching favorite films to un- which I incorporated into my own practice.
wind. Leslie and I have also been lending our
time and resources to supporting the local —Greg Smith
arts community through efforts such as the
COVID-19 Artist Trust Relief Fund and Path
with Art’s “Art Transforms Us” campaign.
Do you remember the first Mu-
ranese merletto piece you ever
saw? What were your impres-
I was first exposed to the merletto technique
in the late ‘60s when I studied glassmaking at
the Venini factory on the island of Murano. I
don’t recall the specific piece, but the delicacy
and precision of the work was awe-inspiring.
It’s very different to my own approach to
working with glass, which is more organic.
4 — Antiques and The Arts Weekly — May 29, 2020
Featuring Apollo-17 Medallions, Armstrong-signed Apollo 11 Flight Plan
Heritage Space Exploration Auction June 5
Apollo 17-flown MS68 NGC Silver Rob- Apollo 13-flown American flag on a crew- Apollo 1 crew-signed framed display, featuring a NASA
bins medallion, serial # 59 and with a signed certificate, originally from the person- photo of the crew scheduled to fly the first three-man Amer-
signed letter of certification that al collection of Mission Command Module ican space mission.
belonged to Gene Cernan, the command- pilot Jack Swigert.
er of Apollo 17. housed in a shadow box along NASA photo of the crew
with a 7-by-7-inch color photo scheduled to fly the first
DALLAS — One of approxi- Space Exploration Auction to Gene Cernan, the com- of Aldrin setting up an experi- three-man American space
mately 80 Silver Robbins June 5. mander of Apollo 17, who ment on the lunar surface mission. But astronauts Ed
Medallions that flew on Apol- spent roughly 22 hours walk- with the Lunar Module Eagle White, Gus Grissom and
lo 17, which once belonged to Headlining the sale is an ing on the lunar surface. visible in the background. The Roger Chaffee, each of whom
the last man to walk on the Apollo 17-flown MS68 NGC photo is signed by all three signed the image, died in a
moon, could bring $50,000 or Silver Robbins medallion, “Anything that went on a crew members. launchpad test fire in Janu-
more in Heritage Auctions’ serial #159 and with a signed lunar mission is in extremely ary 1967. One of the original
letter of certification belonged high demand,” Heritage Auc- An Apollo 13-flown Ameri- “Mercury Seven,” Grissom
tions’ Space Exploration can flag on a crew-signed cer- was the second American in
Framed Apollo 11 presentation, including a flown American director Michael Riley said. tificate, originally from the space on MR-4 Liberty Bell,
flag, a crew-signed insurance cover, a white NASA spacesuit “That this belonged to Gene personal collection of Mission and later flew on the first
and a crew patch by Texas Embroidery, all directly from the Cernan is additionally signifi- Command Module pilot Jack Gemini mission. This is the
Armstrong Family Collection™ and CAG Certified. cant, because there has not Swigert, with letter of authen- finest signed Apollo 1 display
been a mission to the moon in ticity is lightly mounted to a piece ever offered by Heritage
nearly 48 years. This is a very heavy 10-by-12-inch certifi- Auctions, and is accompanied
significant piece of space cate with the following print- by letters of authenticity from
exploration history.” ed statement: “This flag was Steve Zarelli (#190919-2107)
on board Apollo XIII during and PSA/DNA (#AH02415).
Also featured in the sale is a its flight and emergency
framed Apollo 11 presenta- return to Earth/ Apollo XIII/ Other top lots in the sale
tion, including a flown Ameri- April 11-17, 1970/ Lowell – include, but are not limited
can flag, a crew-signed insur- Swigert – Haise.” Astronaut to: an Apollo 16 lunar module-
ance cover, a white NASA Lovell has signed this flag: flown American flag from the
spacesuit and a crew patch by “On board Apollo 13 Space- John W. Collection; from Mer-
Texas Embroidery, all directly craft/ James Lovell.” cury Seven, the original group
from the Armstrong Family photo and NASA’s book,
Collection™ and CAG Certi- Because Apollo 13 followed a Results of the First United
fied. It is the fifth of just 11 free-return trajectory, its alti- States Manned Orbital Space
such framed collections ever tude over the far side of the Flight February 20, 1962, both
assembled. moon was about 60 miles signed by all and framed
higher than any other Apollo together, and flown medal-
Also, from Apollo 11 is a mission, so no American flag lions from the collections of
framed NASA “Final Apollo ever has flown farther from Alan Bean (Apollo 12); James
11 Flight Plan AS-506 / CSM- the earth than this one. Lovell (Gemini-7) and John
107 / LM-5” July 1, 1969- Young (Apollo 10).
dated book signed by Neil An Apollo 1 crew-signed
Armstrong to Los Angeles framed display, with letters of Heritage Auctions is at 3500
Times aerospace editor Mar- authenticity from both Steve Maple Avenue. For more
vin Miles. The flight plan is Zarelli and PSA/DNA fea- information,
tures a 13¼-by-10½-inch color
Eiteljorg Museum Chosen For Nationally Known Museum Programs
INDIANAPOLIS, IND. — The Eitel- Assessment for Preservation (CAP). um staff and management will gain venture between the American Associa-
jorg Museum of American Indians and Both programs will help the Eiteljorg insights into better serving their com- tion of Museums (AAM), and the IMLS.
Western Art recently received some strengthen operations and plan for the munity and improving the care of their
important recognition when it was future. collections and building. The Eiteljorg houses approximately
accepted into two prestigious national 9,000 objects in its collections, includ-
programs, the Museum Assessment Through guided self-study and onsite MAP’s community and audience ing historic and contemporary Native
Program (MAP) and the Collections consultation with museum profession- engagement assessment helps muse- American artworks and cultural items
als from MAP and CAP, Eiteljorg Muse- ums gather input from their constitu- and works by artists of the American
ents, develop a more nuanced view West. The museum’s collections depart-
Front exterior view of the Eiteljorg Museum. Jessica Strickland photo, about the community’s demographics ment staff catalogs and researches the
2013. and needs, respond to changing audi- objects, ensures their preservation by
ences and incorporate these findings monitoring and maintaining an appro-
into planning and operational decisions. priate storage environment, prepares
them for installation in the museum’s
By providing support for conservation galleries, rotates them into and out of
assessments of the museum’s collec- exhibitions and coordinates loans of
tions and building, the CAP program objects to other institutions.
will help the Eiteljorg identify preven-
tive conservation needs and prioritize The Eiteljorg Museum is temporarily
collections care efforts. closed to visitors due to COVID-19 and
will reopen as soon as conditions allow.
“We are excited to be chosen to partici- In the meantime, museum staff contin-
pate in CAP. The Eiteljorg is one of only ue to secure and protect the collections,
75 institutions nationwide that were maintain the building and prepare for
chosen for the Collections Assessment future exhibitions and programs. The
for Preservation,” Eiteljorg director of Eiteljorg applied for the two programs
museum collections Allison Evans said. before the temporary closure began,
CAP is supported by the Foundation for and the MAP and CAP peer reviewers’
Advancement in Conservation and the assessments will take place after it
Institute for Museum and Library Sci- reopens.
ences (IMLS).
The Eiteljorg Museum is at 500 West
The separate Museum Assessment Washington Street. For information,
Program began in 1981 and has served 317-636-9378 or
more than 5,000 museums; it is a joint
May 29, 2020 — Antiques and The Arts Weekly — 5
Guyette & Deeter, Inc.
6 — Antiques and The Arts Weekly — May 29, 2020
Nye & Co Estate Treasures Part I & II
Online Only May 27-28
Keith Haring (American, 1958-1990), untitled (Subway
Drawing), chalk on two joined sheets of paper, executed
circa 1982-84.
BLOOMFIELD, N.J. — A late ing. We will be closely monitor- Chippendale part-ebonized gumwood Kasten, New York,
spring auction just after Memo- ing our info@nyeandcompany. Eighteenth Century.
rial Day offers an eclectic mix of com account, as well as the
fine and decorative arts with a LiveAuctioneers and Invaluable the blending of both pop art and tive arts is a wonderful Eero Federal inlaid mahogany
focus on modern art and tradi- platforms.” street/graffiti art that Haring Saarinen tulip table being tall case clock, Aaron Wil-
tional European and American made so popular in the 1980s. offered from a posh Park Avenue lard, Boston, circa 1800.
furniture. The Estate Treasures The auction is headlined by two These works have not been collection. Also included are a
Auction, Part 1 and 2, online- small, but choice, consignments of restored and remain in the same pair of Knoll “Wassily” chairs For fans of William Shake-
only, is Wednesday and Thurs- modern art. The first is a group of state as the day they were that were originally designed by speare, there is a tremendous
day, May 27 and 28 by Nye & three Keith Haring subway draw- removed from the subway walls. Marcel Breuer in 1925. amount of theatrical and liter-
Company Auctioneers, starting ings from the estate of a private This is a unique opportunity to ary-related material being
both days at 10 am EST. collector who was heavily involved acquire works from a collector Traditional decorative art offered by the estate of a private
in New York City’s fashion and that traveled in the same social enthusiasts will be delighted Upper West Side, New York City
“In accordance with the New art worlds during the late 1970s and artistic circles as Keith Har- with a superb group of pieces collector. The group includes sev-
Jersey State mandate, we cannot and 1980s. The person lived, ing.” being offered by the estate of Wil- eral busts and miniatures of
open our doors to the public,” breathed and was wholly liam Hodgins, the highly regard- Shakespeare. There is also a
said Andrew Holter of Nye & immersed in the downtown New The second consignment of ed Boston-based interior design- superb portrait miniature, after
Company Auctioneers. “Howev- York art scene. modern art is equally as tanta- er. Hodgins was an Architectural George Chinnery, of John Philip
er, we plan to deliver clients a lizing: three Henry Moore plas- Digest, AD100 decorator once Kemble, the celebrated theatri-
seamless online experience, “This collector is the only person ter maquettes, also consigned by described as “a beacon of Ameri- cal actor. Bidders are encouraged
where we will strive to deliver who has owned the drawings a private collector. “These partic- can Classicism.” He learned his to check out the sale and not let
accurate condition reports and being offered in the sale,” Holter ular sculptures were given craft working as an assistant for the curtain fall without getting
images for all the items we offer- remarked. “These iconic works directly from Moore to Martha the leading design firm of Sister their bids in.
are highly collectible and exude Spencer, who worked at Perry Parish and Albert Hadley.
Green, which was Moore’s ate- People can bid in absentia and
Henry Moore (British, 1898-1986), maquette for reclining lier,” Holter said. “The maquettes Additional highlights include a online. An online preview will be
figure, plaster, 1945. passed from Spencer to her Federal mahogany tall case clock held May 14-28 at www.nyeand-
daughter and were acquired by Aaron Willard of the Massa-, www.liveauction-
directly from Spencer’s daughter. chusetts clockmaking family. and www.invaluable.
Each piece is a unique work of Additionally, there are two New com, along with bidding on these
art and were not cast. Moore’s Jersey Federal tall case clocks. In websites. Anyone looking for addi-
modern interpretation of the particular, one hails from Mon- tional images, condition reports or
female form is fluid, sensual and mouth County and is marked general commentary about an
delightfully austere. These Elias Sayre. There is also an object, is encouraged to email at
dynamic pieces are truly a sym- architectural Dutch influenced [email protected].
phony of curves.” Kasten from New York. This
piece has a superbly complex
Continuing the theme of the and extensive cornice that
modern aesthetic in the decora- defines it as a statement piece.
Baltimore Museum’s Matisse Study Center Gets
$3.5 Million To Endow, Hire Director
BALTIMORE, MD. — The Baltimore acknowledges their nephew and his wife, arly publications and exhibitions that Katy, Rothkopf, Maximilian Franz
Museum of Art (BMA) has announced who have continued the family’s legacy of will focus on Matisse and his important photo.
that it has received a gift of $3.5 million support for the BMA. The Cone sisters’ legacy to artists of the Twentieth and which traced the artist’s transformation
from a longtime museum advocate to 1949 bequest included more than 500 Twenty-First Centuries. When it opens in from a traditional landscape painter to a
endow the directorship for the Ruth R. works by the artist. To this group of 2021, the center will lead and support pioneer of Impressionism. Rothkopf is
Marder Center for Matisse Studies, paintings, sculptures, drawings, prints new research efforts, the development of currently organizing a show focused on
which is currently slated to open in fall and illustrated books, the BMA has symposia and public programs and the the still life paintings of Cubist painter
2021. In recognition of this generous gift, added more than 500 works, amassing presentation of exhibitions that contrib- Juan Gris, as well as an exhibition exam-
the position has been titled the Anne and the world’s largest and most comprehen- ute to knowledge of Matisse’s practice. ining the more than 40-year friendship
Ben Cone Memorial Director. sive collection of Matisse works in a pub- The center will also work toward the digi- between Etta Cone and Matisse.
lic museum. tization and publication of portions of the
As part of the news, the BMA has also collection, making it further accessible to The Baltimore Museum of Art is at 10
announced that it has appointed senior The museum first announced its plans audiences around the world. Art Museum Drive. For information, 443-
curator and department head of Europe- to establish the Ruth R. Marder Center 573-1700 or
an painting and sculpture, Katy Roth- for Matisse Studies in July 2019, creating Rothkopf joined the BMA in 2000 as
kopf, as the new director. In her position a new essential resource to support the curator of painting and sculpture. During
as the Anne and Ben Cone Memorial examination and presentation of her 20 years at the BMA, Rothkopf led
Director, Rothkopf will be responsible for Matisse’s contributions to the history of the reinstallation of the Cone Collection
the development of the center’s exhibi- art. Rothkopf succeeds Jay McKean Fish- and curated or co-curated several exhibi-
tions and public programs and will work er, the inaugural director of the center, tions, including “Matisse/Diebenkorn,”
with scholars, both at and outside of the who retired after 45 years of service to the first major show to examine the influ-
BMA, to support new research and the the BMA. She will take on her new role ence of Henri Matisse on the work of
creation of publications and digital on July 1, and will also continue to serve American artist Richard Diebenkorn;
resources on Matisse’s work and ongoing as senior curator of European painting “Cézanne and American Modernism,” the
influence. and sculpture. first exhibition to explore the influence of
Paul Cézanne’s paintings and watercol-
The Matisse collection at the BMA was The creation of the center offers fresh ors on American artists in the early years
first established through the vision and opportunities to present the BMA’s of the Twentieth Century; and “Pissarro:
philanthropy of sisters Claribel and Etta expansive Matisse holdings, while also Creating the Impressionist Landscape,”
Cone, and the named directorship supporting the development of new schol-
May 29, 2020 — Antiques and The Arts Weekly — 7
Basket & Backboard Rescued From Cleveland’s Richfield Coliseum Before Demolition—
Heritage To Offer Michael Jordan’s Hoop
From 1989 Iconic ‘Shot’ May 24
DALLAS — It’s called “The The 1989 Michael Jordan “The Shot” hoop and backboard from his-
Shot” — and nothing more. toric buzzer-beater against Cleveland Cavaliers
“Of all the famous buckets basket in which Jordan sank Photo of Michael Jordan making “The
Michael Jordan sank,” Sports “The Shot.” Shot.” Courtesy Heritage Auctions.
Illustrated recently noted,
“only one of them is iconic This is the rim and the back- the one from the north side of locations. The basket has been bidders to own an iconic piece
enough to be known simply as board from the so-called Pal- the court, where Jordan hit extensively studied, and an of sports history.”
‘The Shot.’” ace on the Prairie, the late that buzzer-beater, and its examination of game film finds
Richfield Coliseum that once twin from the south side. not a single deviation, save for The baskets come with a let-
It happened on May 7, 1989. stood between Cleveland and Both were rescued by a the loss of the protective pad- ter of provenance from Daniel
In the deciding Game 5 of the Akron, and the stanchion upon Cleveland-area property ding at the lower edges and Dzina, as well as a letter of
Eastern Conference playoffs. which they were perched. The developer named Daniel the inevitable fading of the authenticity from Heritage
With barely two seconds left piece, which will sell on May Dzina, who, in the 1990s, NBA logo sticker at lower left. Auctions.
on the tick-tick-ticking game 24 in Heritage Auctions’ Sun- approached Cavs ownership
clock. And the Chicago Bulls day Sports Collectibles Weekly about demolishing the struc- “This offering,” said Chris The winner will have to pro-
down by one to the Cleveland Online Auction, has every- ture and keeping its contents. Ivy, Heritage Auctions’ sports vide their own iconic moment.
Cavaliers, who had bested the thing the winner needs to Before it was razed by the auctions director, “is a once-in-
Bulls in each of their six con- reenact “The Shot” again and National Park Service, Dzina a lifetime shot for one of our Heritage Auctions is at 3500
tests that season. again, ad infinitum. Maple Avenue. For informa-
Jordan was then 26 years “The game-winning buzzer-
old, a rising star without a beater is the fantasy of every bought both baskets used dur-
title to his name. Even that kid who ever heaved a ball at a ing the Cavs’ 20-season run in
season would end in disap- playground hoop, and this was the facility.
pointment, with the Detroit the ultimate buzzer-beater Dzina eventually gave the
Pistons banishing the Bulls from the ultimate player,” said baskets to our consignor, who
from the playoffs (and Chica- sports consignment director installed them on the court
go’s first conference finals in Chris Nerat, based in Heritage outside a home in suburban
14 years). But even in defeat, Auctions’ Chicago office. “This Cleveland, where they
that moment when Jordan is one of those singular remained for two decades. As
sank that buzzer-beating moments that stands so tall in such, the baskets show limit-
jumper over the outstretched sports history you need not be ed, acceptable exposure to the
arm of the Cavs’ dinged-up a fan to know its significance, elements. But it’s not as
Craig Ehlo lives forever. basketball’s version of Willie though Mother Nature could
Mays’ ‘The Catch.’ The basket wash off their legend.
Because of what it heralded, — the unheralded but essen- The owner eventually want-
and what it said about the tial co-star of Jordan’s career ed to determine which of the
man who would become The highlight reel — carries such pair was the basket immortal-
Greatest of All Time. massive and undeniable ized by “The Shot,” and a bit of
appeal.” digging revealed the moment
Essays have been written had taken place at the north
about this moment. Documen- The winning bidder actually end of the coliseum. Fortu-
taries, too, including ESPN’s gets the pair of baskets in play itously, the baskets were
record-setting The Last Dance, at the Coliseum that night — already marked with their
have focused on this highlight
— “one of the best three sec-
onds in Bulls franchise histo-
ry,” The Jordan Rules author
Sam Smith recently wrote on
The Bulls took the series —
101-100 the final score of the
final game. But it’s not just
“The Shot” that lingers in the
memory. It was Jordan’s reac-
tion afterward — the iconic
leap, the shouting in a dead-
silent arena, the wild swinging
fists. A moment of catharsis
for the young man told too
many times in his burgeoning
career he would never win The
Big One. Moments after the
ball fell through the net, Jor-
dan would call it “my most
memorable shot ever.” It still
is, all those titles and myths
and documentaries later.
And now, the only tangible
keepsake from that moment
hits the auction block: the very
Sales Proceeds To Support COVID-19 Relief Efforts—
Sotheby’s MayDay Charity Auction
Raises $450,000-Plus
NEW YORK CITY & ing of support we received
LONDON — An online auc- for this special charity auc-
tion of incredible, exclusive tion to raise much-needed
and most importantly — funds for the International
virtual — experiences Rescue Committee and their
offered bidders the opportu- COVID-19 relief efforts. We
nity to converse with some are also extremely grateful
of the most fascinating to our partner Google for
names in music, politics, providing the support need-
science, culture and sports. ed to bring these virtual
With the online sale taking experiences to life, as well
place from May 1-8, all lots as sincerely thankful to
were offered without a each participant who so gen-
reserve and were transfer- erously donated their time
able and shareable, mean- for this important cause.”
ing winning bidders could
enjoy the experience them- The sale was led by a pri-
selves or share it with vate virtual recording ses-
someone else who would sion with Grammy award-
benefit from a boost in winning musician Sting,
these difficult times. which sold for $137,500.
Charles Stewart, Sothe- Follow the conversation on
by’s chief executive officer, social media using #May-
commented: “We are DayForCovid.
thrilled with the outpour- Sting, Eric Ryan Anderson photo.
For additional informa-
Newtown Bee_February_2018_2x6.indd 1 10/25/18 2:53 PM
8 — Antiques and The Arts Weekly — May 29, 2020
Heritage To Offer Art Glass, Art Nouveau & Art Deco June 4
Lalique Cactus table.
“Loïe Fuller” lamp by Raoul
Vase by George Woodall for Thomas a large selection from the Lot-
Webb & Sons. Tiffany Dragonfly table lamp. ton family of glass artists.
DALLAS — Each spring for 4 in Dallas, is more varied including the cover lot, an Related decorative arts many lots estimated below $500.
the last five years, Heritage than ever before. The sale exceptional vase by George include furniture by Gallé A catalog is available by request.
has compiled an auction opens with a strong selection Woodall for Thomas Webb & from a Dallas area private col-
devoted to art glass and relat- of Tiffany lamps, mostly from Sons, and a strong selection of lection with excellent prove- Heritage Auctions is at 3500
ed decorative arts with the one New York estate, led by an English cameo glass. French nance, a fine group of works Maple Avenue. For informa-
objective of meeting every especially pretty Dragonfly glass includes unique Emile on paper by Alphonse Mucha tion,, email Nick
taste and budget. The market table lamp, followed by a Gallé artistic vases, Daum and Louis Icart, Art Nouveau Dawes at [email protected] or
has shown considerable buoy- “fresh” collection of Tiffany cameo and an impressive and Deco bronzes, including a Samantha Robinson, saman-
ancy over the last few years, glass from a New York doctor, selection of works by Lalique, beautiful “Loïe Fuller” lamp [email protected].
with some record prices and a variety of American led by an “Oranges” vase con- by Raoul Larche, a collection
achieved. glass, including a unique signed by the family who were of erotic bronzes from a West
Steuben exhibition vase original owners, and a large Coast collection and various
“We attribute this to sourc- engraved by Sidney Waugh in group of colored vases. Rari- figural lamps. Of note is a
ing everything from private 1937. ties include three “Rapace” finely curated collection of
collections, estates and muse- drinking glasses, one of which rare vintage automobile mas-
ums” according to Heritage Some of the rarest and earli- is unrecorded in the catalogue cots, which combine well with
Auctions’ senior vice president est American art glass, includ- raisonné. Lalique glass examples
of special collections Nick ing exceptional Plated Ambe- including the classics “Vic-
Dawes, who directs the sale rina and other New England A large group of modern toire,” “Cinq Chevaux” and
from New York City together and Mid-Western glass, comes Lalique includes the popular “Vitesse.” Art pottery is repre-
with Samantha Robinson in from the estate of Dr Jerry N. Cactus table, unique Lalique sented by a rare Fulper table
Dallas. Black of Buckhannon, W.V., furniture from the 1990s and lamp and a collection of Brit-
who was passionate in his classic vases. Other modern ish artistic ware by Bernard
The selection this spring’s pursuit of rare art glass. The works by Daum and Baccarat Moore, Moorcroft and Clarice
Tiffany, Lalique & Art Glass Black estate provides 64 lots are accompanied by studio Cliff.
Including Art Deco & Art Nou- spread throughout the sale glass from Dale Chilhuly and
veau, which will be held June The main session of this auc-
tion will be conducted live from
Dallas, with provision for floor
and phone bidding. Session 2,
with more than 150 lots, will be
for internet bidding only, with
Wadsworth Atheneum Receives $50,000 Restoration Grant
For Public Sculpture
HARTFORD, CONN. — The Hale is Connecticut’s official tenced to hang for spying. A land granite. The sculpture’s Woods’ “Nathan Hale” was the
Wadsworth Atheneum Museum state hero and a national patri- British engineer in attendance placement at 600 Main Street is first public monument to be fea-
of Art has announced that it has otic symbol. Since no life por- at Hale’s execution purportedly an echo of the Revolutionary-era tured on the Wadsworth’s
received a grant from the Avan- traits of him exist, Woods’ heard Hale proclaim, “I only role the site played, when the grounds. Over the years, various
grid Foundation to fund the res- bronze creatively memorializes regret that I have but one life to residence of founder Daniel sculptures from the collection
toration of Enoch Smith Woods’ Hale’s youthful vigor and moral lose for my country.” Wadsworth’s family stood there. have been installed on the sur-
“Nathan Hale” (1889), the courage. The portrait shows The nearly 17-foot-tall sculpture rounding perimeter of the muse-
bronze figure displayed on the 21-year-old Nathan Hale Created for a state-run sculp- is complemented by two smaller- um, such as Tony Smith’s “Ama-
Main Street lawn of the muse- approaching execution with his ture competition where Woods’ scale, commemorative bronze ryllis” (1965), which remains on
um. Avangrid’s award of $50,000 right hand placed solidly across depiction of Hale was judged the plaques near the museum’s view today. Presently, a new ini-
will fund the conservation of the his chest, respectfully saluting runner-up, the design caught entrance memorializing Colonel tiative involving rotating loans
slightly-larger-than-life portrait his country. The Connecticut- the eye of museum trustee Jeremiah Wadsworth’s meetings of large-scale contemporary
of the Revolutionary War mar- born schoolteacher became a James J. Goodwin, who then with General George Washing- sculpture is revitalizing the
tyr, perhaps the first such inter- national legend when he volun- commissioned Woods to realize ton, the Marquis de Lafayette, presence of public art, and
vention since its installation in teered for a dangerous mission the sculpture, later donating it and Count de Rochambeau expanding the museum experi-
front of the museum in 1894. to go behind enemy lines and to the Wadsworth. The 8-foot- ence beyond the gallery walls.
The grant will also realize a report on British troop move- tall bronze was cast by M.H. “Nathan Hale” has been out in Today, Conrad Shawcross’
plan to illuminate the restored ments. The plan proved fatal: Mosman Foundry in Chicopee, the elements on Hartford’s Main “Monolith (Optic)” (2016) and
sculpture. Hale was captured and sen- Mass., and placed atop an equal- Street for 126 years. The green William Turnbull’s “Large
ly tall base made from New Eng- corrosion, typical of outdoor Horse” (1990) accompany
works made with copper alloys, “Nathan Hale” and “Amaryllis”
From left to right: Detail of Enoch Smith Woods’ “Nathan Hale,” 1889, bronze. Gift of James has significantly altered the on the Wadsworth’s front lawn
J. Goodwin, 1892.1; View of public sculpture installed on the Main Street lawn outside the appearance of the original for all to enjoy.
Wadsworth Atheneum Museum of Art, 2020. bronze surface. Francis Miller,
directing conservator of Con- The Avangrid Foundation is an
serve ART will lead the conser- independent, nonprofit organi-
vation treatment, in collabora- zation that funds philanthropic
tion with the Wadsworth’s investments that primarily
objects conservator. Expected to impact communities where
begin in the summer of 2020, Avangrid, Inc. and its subsidiar-
treatments will correct discolor- ies operate. Since 2002, the
ation and prevent deterioration Avangrid Foundation and its
of the metal. predecessors have invested more
than $24 million in partnerships
During the restoration process, that focus on building sustain-
interpretive resources about the able, vital and healthy commu-
work of art and the conservation nities; preserving cultural and
treatment will be installed on artistic heritage; advancing edu-
the protective fence surrounding cation; and improving people’s
the perimeter of the sculpture. lives. For more information,
Upon completion, exterior light-
ing designed by George Sexton
Associates will be installed The Wadsworth Atheneum
ensuring that the restored work Museum of Art is at 600 Main
of art remains a focal point on Street. For information, 860-278-
Main Street into the future. 2670 or
May 29, 2020 — Antiques and The Arts Weekly — 9
The Brock Family Artist:
A New Discovery In Virginia Folk Portraiture
MOUNT CRAWFORD, VA. — traiture in the lives of rural during this period, it is clear patriarch depicted in the Brock city’s famous Hollywood ceme-
The recent discovery of the middle-class Virginians in the that the profile as a distinct family portraits, was just such tery. With the destruction of
present group of Brock family early years of the Republic. genre had permeated the popu- an eager customer. Around Richmond during the Civil War,
watercolor miniature profile lar imagination to a substan- 1810, Brock commissioned this the Brock family migrated
portraits sheds new light on an The profile portrait, as an art tial degree in Federal America. unknown profile artist to take south, settling in Alabama and
as-yet unidentified itinerant form that touched all socioeco- It is no surprise then, that likenesses of himself, his wife, Georgia, where the portraits
portraitist working during the nomic levels in the United many of the patrons of back- and his growing family. Census have descended to the present
first decades of the Nineteenth States, was at its peak of popu- country portraiture from the records for the year indicate owner.
Century primarily in the north- larity during the first half of early Nineteenth Century that the Brock household in The appearance of the present
ern piedmont region of the Vir- the Nineteenth Century. Given elected to have a profile like- Madison Co., Virginia was a group of Brock Family water-
ginia backcountry. The group the deeply-rooted cultural ness taken of themselves, rath- busy one, with more than 28 color profile portraits on the
will be offered for sale in the appetite for all things Classical er than a traditional frontal people recorded, 12 of them open market represents a rare
Jeffrey S. Evans & Associates during the formative years of view. enslaved. By 1820, those num- opportunity to acquire an
Premier Americana Auction, the American republic, it is no bers had grown to 34 individu- intact, fresh-to-the-market
June 26-27. The firm has surprise that the profile por- Indeed, the demand for profile als recorded in the Brock group of Southern backcountry
already documented 20 works trait (a common Classical portraiture among the middle household, 18 of them enslaved. family portraiture from the
attributable to this hand, peak- device employed in coinage, class was great enough in the Clearly, Joseph Brock was Federal period by an as-yet
ing interest in the identity of architectural ornament and early decades of the Nineteenth established, and he choose to unidentified individual hand.
the artist and the lives of his other decorative arts in ancient Century to spur a new genera- mark this moment in the For additional information,
sitters. times) became an important tion of itinerant folk artists to growth of his family through or 540-
part of the national aesthetic travel the countryside in pur- profile portraiture. His oldest 434-3939.
In addition to the eight Brock during the Federal period. suit of commissions (think of son, Anselm Brock (b 1797),
family portraits, there are at William Weaver, Francis Ceze- would remain in Madison for
present four examples recorded Additionally, the invention of ron, Jasper Miles, Silon Hen- some time, where he is record-
in MESDA’s object database by mechanical devices, such as the kel, and Rufus Porter, to name ed in the 1850 census as a tav-
the artist and eight others in physiognotrace, that facilitated just a few). With smaller, light- ern keeper with $2,400 worth
private collections, two of which production and enhanced veri- weight materials to transport, of real estate. It appears that
were sold by JSE & Associates. similitude, as well as wide- mechanical devices to aid in the Anselm may have moved in the
While the artist’s identity spread interest in the pseudo- work, and a whole new class of late 1850s to Richmond, Va.,
remains unknown, the appear- science of physiognomy, played customers eager for profile like- where he is documented in an
ance of these eight watercolor a vital role in the rise of profile nesses, these new artists 1858 carte de visite photograph
profiles, completely fresh to the art in early America. From the thrived in America’s rural from a Richmond photography
market, adds a new dimension depiction of Liberty on silver areas. studio and later buried in the
to the story while more gener- coinage, to the portrait engrav-
ally enhancing our understand- ings of well-known individuals Joseph Brock (b 1771), the
ing of the role of art and por- by St Memin, to the significant
number of silhouettes produced
Expo Chicago Announces
New Dates: April 8-11
CHICAGO — Expo Chicago, together towards a set of
The International Exposition shared goals,” said president
of Contemporary and Modern and director of Expo Chicago
Art, has announced it will Tony Karman. “Moving our
present its ninth edition, April dates will enable our exhibi-
8-11, at Navy Pier. The deci- tors and partners in Chicago
sion to move the fair from its to focus on reopening their
traditional September times- galleries, launching their
lot to this coming spring was upcoming exhibitions and
the result of a collaborative begin the process of rebuilding
decision-making process — so that together we can pre-
conducted by Expo Chicago pare for this important con-
with galleries, collectors, insti- vening moment for the global
tutional partners and city offi- art community in Chicago
cials — to prioritize the health next April,” he added.
and safety of the participating
galleries, curators, and Since its inception, Expo
patrons traveling to Chicago. Chicago has remained dedi-
cated to supporting local,
In response to the rapidly regional and international
evolving social and business arts communities through its
environments, Expo Chicago role as a leading contempo-
put in place a plan that allows rary art exposition, presenting
exhibitors to provide non- one of the highest quality
binding deposits and, subse- platforms for curatorial pro-
quently, a flexible payment gramming and discourse
schedule for those participat- alongside its participating
ing in the exposition. In addi- galleries. With strong regional
tion, alongside expanding pro- support throughout the Great-
gramming and initiatives, er Midwest, both coasts, and
Expo Chicago has pledged to maintaining a growing inter-
make contributions to both national commitment from
the Art Dealers Association of Europe, Asia, and Latin Amer-
America (ADAA) and the New ica, Expo Chicago will contin-
Art Dealers Association ue to leverage its strategic
(NADA) from the proceeds of position in the center of the
the exposition. United States in the Spring of
“Art fairs are collaborative
enterprises in which the orga- Expo Chicago will be at the
nizers, galleries, collectors and Navy Pier, 600 East Grand
host city institutions, resi- Avenue. For more information,
dents and leadership work
10 — Antiques and The Arts Weekly — May 29, 2020
Change Of Pace For Bill Smith
As He Sold Online In May Auction
Auction Action In Plainfield, N.H.
PLAINFIELD, N.H. — It was We’re all making changes to Smith knew this Leopold Survage painting would do better
out of character for auctioneer figure out a way to operate in than estimate, but he was impressed by the $53,100 result
Bill Smith to sell in an online this climate.” that would propel it to the sale’s top lot. “Paysage,” oil on
only format as he did with his canvas, 15 by 24 inches, featured exhibition history to the
May 9 auction of 488 lots at Smith had on certain occa- San Francisco Museum and the Smith College Museum of
William A Smith, Inc. The sions sold online in the past Art. It came from the estate of collector Robert Raley and
auctioneer has a reputation and was familiar with the sold to a bidder in Texas.
for the exact opposite of an mechanics. His firm picked it
online-only sale, with a nearly up easily as it offered the popularize that aesthetic, as titled “Personnage S.I.” and
unwavering history of actively estates of the late Dori Cog- well as Milo Baughman. Lead- dated ‘63. Raley acquired it at
eschewing the platforms in gins of Siesta Key, Fla., a one- ing the LaVerne offerings was Sotheby’s in 1972, and bidders
favor of bidders in every seat time New York City socialite; an “Oriental Marriage Whirl” volleyed the 8¼-by-5¼-inch
and active bidding throughout and that of Robert Raley, an bronze and pewter coffee table work for 19 bids before it ham-
the gallery. Not only was that art collector who lived most of that sold for $5,400. A trape- mered down at over double
model untenable on May 9, his life in Delaware. Between zoidal hand-sculpted bronze estimate.
but it was unlawful, and those two estates and a hand- and enamel wall plaque, titled There were a number of
Smith transitioned with ease ful of other small consign- “Adam and Eve,” by the
and grace into the online bid- ments, the auction would pro- designers would sell for $4,500
ding platforms, in addition to duce $456,000. on a $1,200 estimate. A nine-
phone and absentee, that piece sectional sofa in orange
would make do for the time Coggins’ Siesta Key home upholstery by Baughman
being. was decorated in an Asian would produce $4,200. Lead-
midcentury style. She was ing her estate’s consignment
“I stomached it,” he said, known to rub shoulders with at $7,800 was a Paul Evans
“because it was necessary. furniture designers Philip and for Directional “Cityscape”
Kelvin LaVerne, who helped chrome-plated steel king-size
bed with silver reflective bed
coverings to match. other good lots in the sale,
including two carved jade ves-
Riley’s estate produced the sels that popped on their $500
Review by top two lots in the sale, led by estimate to bring $8,400.
Greg Smith, Editor a 15-by-24-inch oil on canvas Two silver flutes were desir-
Catalog Photos Courtesy from Russian/French artist able, including a $7,800 result
William A Smith, Inc. Leopold Survage (1879-1968), for a 28-inch-long example
In 18K gold was this bamboo motif lariat titled “Paysage,” that blew marked “Brannen-Cooper
necklace with tassel ends. Nineteen bids away its $3,000 high estimate Brogger Mekanik, 1827, Lon-
pushed it up over the $6,500 estimate to to catch $53,100. Eight phone don.” The other, which took
bring $10,200. The chain was 45 inches long bidders from the United $4,500, was marked “Verne Q.
and it weighed 132 grams. States, London and Germany Powell Boston” and measures
vied for the lot before it sold to 28½ inches.
Finely carved jade caused a stir when a lot of a buyer in Texas. The painting When asked on how the sale
two pieces brought $8,400 on a $500 estimate. had exhibition history, sport- performed against expecta-
ing labels from the San Fran- tions, Smith replied, “It did
cisco Museum, Smith College about 50 percent better. I was
Museum of Art and Moderne impressed. With the midcentu-
Gallerie Thannhauser. ry offerings, we found more
parties online for this type of
Behind at $13,200 was a thing than we might in our tra-
blue and red ballpoint pen ditional format. We had people
drawing by Jean DuBuffet, from California and all over.”
Smith’s next sale is on June 6,
and he noted that he will offer
a Matisse ink sketch from the
Raley estate that just returned
freshly authenticated.
All prices reported include
buyer’s premium. For informa-
Smith surmised that bidding got hot on tion,
these Louis Vuitton hard-case suitcases or 603-675-2549.
because they had their original keys. They
took $6,600.
We must credit Dori Coggins for her vision
on the pairing of this Paul Evans “Cityscape”
bed with the silver-tone bedcover and pil-
lows. The king size frame took $7,800.
A 93-piece set of sterling silver flatware by Buccellatti sold for
$7,200. It was a service for 16 in the “Feather Edge” pattern.
Bill Smith described Robert Raley as an art Dori Coggins rubbed shoulders with Philip Silver flutes found interest, including this example that
collector and the archivist of his family’s and Kelvin LaVerne, and she decorated her took $7,800. It was 28 inches long and marked “Brannen-
collection. Raley had purchased this Siesta Key, Fla., home in the midcentury Cooper Brogger Mekanik, 1827, London.”
8¼-by-5¼-inch work by Jean DeBuffet at Asian style. Among the LaVerne lots in the
Sotheby’s in 1972. Blue and red ballpoint sale was “Adam and Eve,” a trapezoidal
ink, it brought $13,200 this round. hand-sculpted bronze and enamel wall
plaque that sold for $4,500. It measured 40
by 33 inches and had a label from New York
City’s Seymour Gallery, Ltd.
May 29, 2020 — Antiques and The Arts Weekly — 11
12 — Antiques and The Arts Weekly — May 29, 2020
Nineteenth & Early Twentieth Century Paintings—
Heritage To Offer Fine European Art May 29
Henri Le Sidaner’s “La balustrade” (Hampton Court), 1908, DALLAS — Heritage Auctions’ May 29 Fine William Adolphe Bouguereau’s “Tete
ex collection Elaine and Perry Snyderman ($150/250,000). European Art Auction brings together a fine d’Italienne,” 1872 ($60/80,000).
selection of Nineteenth Century genre and aca- filles (Concerning what the young women are
demic painting, drawings and paintings by talking about)” was shown at the 1870 Paris
important early Twentieth Century European Salon ($20/30,000).
Modernists and a rich cache of Old Master
prints by Dürer and Rembrandt. Drawn almost Modernists working in a variety of styles and
exclusively from private collections, many of media are well-represented in the auction:
the works have been off the market for two Pierre-Auguste Renoir, Marie Laurencin,
decades or more. Jacques Martin-Ferrières, Frédéric-Auguste
Cazals, Marcel Dyf and Georges d’Espagnat,
The star of the auction, Henri Le Sidaner’s among others.
ethereral “La balustrade” (Hampton Court),
comes from the Chicago collectors of European Rounding out the auction is a selection of Old
Modernism, Elaine and Perry Snyderman. Le Master prints by Dürer and Rembrandt, many
Sidaner’s La balustrade belongs to a series of of them drawn from an important private Con-
11 canvases which the French artist developed necticut collection. Among the highlights are
from life studies he painted in England in 1907, Dürer’s “Saint Anthony reading” (1519)
completed in the studio early in 1908, and first ($10/15,000) and Rembrandt’s first state of
exhibited at Goupil Gallery in London, in “The star of the kings: a night piece,” circa 1652
March 1908. The exhibition created a wide crit- ($8/12,000).
ical stir, both in England and on the Continent.
La balustrade (Hampton Court) is the most Heritage Auctions is at 3500 Maple Avenue.
avant-garde and abstract of the entire series For more information,
and is estimated at $150/250,000.
A highlight of the French Nineteenth Century
offerings, Bouguereau’s “Tete d’Italienne” of
1872 once formed part of the distinguished col-
lection of the eminent Pennsylvania Railroad
attorney and his wife, Theodore and Mary Eliz-
abeth DeWitt Cuyler of Philadelphia
Particular highlights include a scene by Adol-
phe Lesrel of lavishly dressed Renaissance
women with their pages, seated on a terrace
framed by Gothic spires, awaiting the return of
the fleet ($20/30,000); Spaniard Lorenzo Valles’
magical “At the Villa Borghese” ($12/18,000) in
which elegant visitors are treated to the
delights of the Borghese aviary of exotic birds;
and British painter Sophie Anderson’s meticu-
lously rendered subject of a woman in a dreamy
natural landscape titled “At the Well”
($12/18,000). Frederick Bridgman’s early-
career work, titled “De quoi parlent les jeunes
Adolphe Lesrel, “The Return of the Fleet,”
Michigan Museum Seeks Materials Showing Pandemic’s Impact
FLINT, MICH. (AP) — A physical objects that help tell um staff. They could become ernment records, photos and get some details that would
Michigan museum seeking to the story of life during the pan- part of future exhibitions or news articles documenting otherwise be missed,” said
document the coronavirus pan- demic when it becomes safe to publications. what happened for many his- Geoff Woodcox, curator of col-
demic’s impact on the commu- do so. Community engagement toric events. Often missing is lections at the museum. “We
nity is asking for the submis- coordinator Jerome Threlkeld the human context — emotions, are approaching this with a
sion of journals, art, videos, The materials will become said this is an opportunity to personal stories and day-to-day genuine desire to include as
photographs and other materi- part of the museum’s historical have experiences, strategies, details that help the public many voices in this effort as
als. record preserving the story of opinions, photos and videos understand what it was like to possible.”
the Greater Flint community. shape the historical record of live through historic events.
The Sloan Museum in Flint Archival materials and arti- 2020. Digital materials can be sub-
initially will collect materials facts from the pandemic will be The museum said it has gov- “By encouraging people to mitted to www.sloanlongway.
online, but also will look for used by researchers and muse- start collecting now, we might org/covidscrapbook.
Housatonic Museum Receives 600-Plus
Contemporary Photo Gift
BRIDGEPORT, CONN. — The Housatonic Muse- es by well-known sports photographer Walter Iooss
um of Art at Housatonic Community College has Jr and photojournalist Peter Turnley.
announced that it received a donation of 615 photo- With works ranging from historic photos of Yogi
graphs by nine contemporary artists, including piec- Berra and Michael Jordan that graced the cover of
Sports Illustrated to a poignant moment at the
funeral of Princess Diana, and images of iconic rock
stars Mick Jagger, Tina Turner and Aretha Franklin,
the staggering compilation gives us a front seat to
£ history.
“It’s absolutely thrilling to add these stunning pho-
tographs to the museum’s collection” said Robbin
Zella, the museum’s director. “The works document
famous athletes as well as exciting sports moments,
significant political moments and our shared experi-
ences. This gift provides opportunities for students
and museumgoers to engage with these photographs
as historical documents and as a cultural resource.”
The photographs were donated by nine collectors
from across the nation, with pieces coming from as
far away as Tucson, Ariz., and Austin, Texas. Zella
was provided the opportunity to select the works
from an extraordinary array of images.
The full scope of work extends beyond the historic
to include a variety of photographic methods and
styles, to include photograms by Ralph Gibson,
painterly photographs of trees by Joyce Tenneson,
layered amalgams of word and image by David Selt-
zer, sensual studies of ocean waves by Sally Gall,
documentary photographs by Donna Ferrato, from
cowboys to street carnivals by Kristin Capp and
lovely landscapes of Ireland by one of the world’s
foremost photographers, Alen MacWeeney.
The Housatonic Museum of Art is in Lafayette
Funeral of Princess Diana, London, 1997, Hall at 900 Lafayette Boulevard. For information,
Peter Turnley photo. or 203-332-5052.
May 29, 2020 — Antiques and The Arts Weekly — 13
Hirschfeld Foundation Launches Online Exhibition Series
NEW YORK CITY — The Al Courtesy Al Hirschfeld Foundation
Hirschfeld Foundation (AHF)
has announced the first in a on, to share the criticism. For In addition to showing the being alone has never been so Go behind the lines of
series of online exhibitions an actor, if there is no one else artwork in detail as it has interesting. Hirschfeld’s art with “The
exploring the work of one of to take the blame, there is never been seen before, Hirschfeld Century Podcast,”
the most iconic artists of the also no one to share the credit throughout the exhibition are In keeping with the spirit of nominated as “Best NYC pod-
last century. The foundation with as well. The applause at links to videos of parts or the Hirschfeld, this exhibition is cast” by the 2020 Apple
has just opened a special the end is for only one per- whole of some of these solo free and open to everyone. Awards. A special episode
exhibition for these times: former. In many ways these performances. You can see The show is part of the AHF’s dedicated to the works fea-
“Socially Distant Theater: performers are all caricatures Henry Fonda as Clarence continuing mission to pro- tured in “Socially Distant
The Solo Show As Seen By in the sense they have exag- Darrow, Julie Harris as Emily mote interest in the theater Theater” will be available
Hirschfeld,” a collection of 25 gerated elements of their sub- Dickinson or Robert Morse as and the performing and visu- beginning May 20 from www.
drawings, paintings, collages ject to bring a whole life or Truman Capote. Or you can al arts.
and prints documenting a simply a story to life. So, in see Eric Bogosian, Whoopi podcasts, iTunes and other
half-century of solo shows. essence, Al Hirschfeld, the Goldberg and John Leguiza- To support its arts education popular podcast sites.
This special digital exhibit ultimate solo artist, is the mo channel a seemingly end- program, a special gift shop of
will be online for six weeks, ideal portraitist for this less parade of characters from merchandise connected to the To view the online exhibi-
through June 20, after which unique form of theater.” their solo shows. It turns out online exhibition is available tions, www.alhirschfeldfoun-
a new online exhibition will at www.alhirschfeldfounda-
be presented.
“In the world of the theater,
the one-person show is per-
haps the best situation and
the worst,” writes David Leo-
pold, creative director for the
AHF in the introduction to
the exhibition. “It is a
supreme test of assurance
and ability; of magnetism and
charisma. But the format is
also frightening; there’s no
one to play against, to lean
Huntington Acquires ‘On Gold Mountain’
Family’s Papers
SAN MARINO, CALIF. — The Huntington who owned the Dragon’s Den restaurant near
Library, Art Museum, and Botanical Gardens Chinatown.
has announced that it has acquired the papers
of Gilbert, Florence, and Leslee See Leong, Highlights of the newly acquired materials
members of two of the earliest and most prom- include portrait photos of Fong See, the patri-
inent Chinese American families in Los Ange- arch of the See family, in Sacramento during
les: the Leong family and the See family. The the 1870s; a family portrait of him with his
See family’s story was chronicled by novelist wife Letticie Pruett and their five children;
Lisa See (b 1955) in her nonfiction memoir, On and photos of the family on a trip to China in
Gold Mountain: The One-Hundred-Year Odys- the 1920s and the passports they carried. In
sey of a Chinese-American Family. addition to family correspondence, there are
photos of store merchandise from 1910-20,
The collection includes the papers of the business letters, and many photos of Fong
Leong family, including Gilbert Leong (1911- See’s antique shops around Los Angeles.
1996), a major Chinese American architect in
his time and one of the founders of East West “Fong See came to the United States in the
Bank; his wife, Florence See Leong (1909- 1870s,” said Li Wei Yang, curator of Pacific
1989); and their daughter, Leslee See Leong (b Rim collections at The Huntington. “He estab-
1945), the current owner of F. Suie One Co., a lished himself at first in Sacramento by pro-
highly regarded Asian antique store in Pasa- ducing and selling fancy underwear for Chi-
dena, Calif. The store was established in 1888 nese and American prostitutes. He later met
and is believed to be the oldest continually and married Pruett, who encouraged him to
operating Asian antique business in the Los pursue other enterprises. They eventually
Angeles area. moved from Sacramento to Los Angeles and
founded their antique store, F. Suie One Co.”
The collection also contains materials from
the See family, a small number of architectur- Many of the materials in the collection relate
al drawings by Gilbert Leong and drawings by to the F. Suie One business, including a ship-
the Chinese-born American painter, animator, ment manifest and other business records
muralist and lithographer Tyrus Wong (1910- from the 1930s; business cards, boxes and
2016), famous for his contributions to animat- paper bags; photos of store branches across
ed films, including The Walt Disney Co.’s Los Angeles; and exterior and interior photos
Bambi (1942). Among Wong’s works in the col- of F. Suie One Co. locations during the 1960s.
lection are drawings, calligraphy, homemade
Christmas cards and a set of hand drawn The collection also includes Leong family
menus that he designed for the See family, photograph albums, a few panoramic photo-
Portrait of the See Family, including Fong graphs of Chinese American weddings in the
See (second from left) and Letticie “Ticie” 1930s and photographs of Gilbert Leong and
Pruett (second from right) and their five Tyrus Wong.
children, 1914. Unknown photographer. The
Huntington Library, Art Museum, and The Huntington houses an array of materials
Botanical Gardens. for the study of the Pacific Rim. Geographical
coverage is strongest for China, Hawaii,
Japan, the Philippines and California, with a
current collecting emphasis on Japanese
American and Chinese American history in
Southern California. Previous acquisitions
include the Hong Family Papers, donated in
2006, which contain the legal files of Y.C.
Hong, one of the first Chinese American immi-
gration attorneys in California and the United
States. The Hong papers include immigration
files related to Fong See’s journey to China in
the 1920s to visit relatives and purchase
antiques for his business.
“As scholars have shown more and more
interest in studying the migration and ethnic-
ities of individuals and communities along the
Pacific Rim, The Huntington has increased its
focus on collecting materials that support such
research,” said Sandra L. Brooke, Avery Direc-
tor of the Library at The Huntington. “The Gil-
bert, Florence, and Leslee See Leong archive
fits perfectly with the library’s collecting ini-
tiative and will provide scholars with excel-
lent material for better understanding the
Chinese American experience in both a region-
al and transpacific context.”
The Huntington Library, Art Museum, and
Botanical Gardens at 1151 Oxford Road. For
information, or 626-405-
14 — Antiques and The Arts Weekly — May 29, 2020
This 1910 T210 Old Mill baseball Ichiro Suzuki’s jersey from his histor- This PSA Gem Mint 10 example of A superlative example of a Ted Wil-
card of “Shoeless Joe” Jackson was ic 2001 Rookie of the Year campaign Michael Jordan’s 1986 Fleer rookie liams Play Ball card from his finest
an SGC VG+ 3.5 and sold for sold for $49,200 after fierce bidding card almost doubled the previous season — the historic .406 campaign
$492,000. from both sides of the Pacific. record set in April 2020 when it of 1941 — smashed the standing
soared to sell for $96,000. record when it sold for $120,000.
Three-Day Sale Stars Babe Ruth, ‘Shoeless Joe’ Jackson & Michael Jordan—
Heritage Shatters Expectations With $12.5 Million
Spring Sports Collectibles Auction
Auction Action In Dallas
Babe Ruth’s 52nd home run bat of the 1921 season nearly doubled its $500,000 estimate to bring $930,000. This 1980 Oakland Raiders
Super Bowl XV Champion-
DALLAS — When the three days of sale were over there that can bring down the sports collect- ship ring belonged to defen-
and the final numbers were tallied, Heritage Auc- ibles marketplace,” said Chris Ivy, director sive tackle Reggie Kinlaw
tions’ Spring Sports Collectibles sale brought in more of sports auctions for Heritage. “Clearly a and went out for $31,200.
than $12.5 million – 20 percent above estimates, an great deal of uncertainty in ‘traditional’
extraordinary achievement no matter the moment. markets has sent a flood of investment This baseball signed by
This final number reached near-record totals. capital into the relative safety of col- Hall of Fame Negro
The sale commenced May 7, amid cautious opti- lectibles, and we’re so pleased to have Leaguers and Hall of
mism warranted by months of stronger-than-expect- been able to deliver such spectacular Famers Josh Gibson
ed sales, and ended May 9 a far greater success than results for our consignors at a time and Ray Brown com-
thought likely. Spring’s big win, courtesy titans when good news is a rare commodity.” manded top dollar at
called The Babe and MJ and Shoeless Joe, setting The three-day sale began with the $74,400.
expectations that much higher for the summer’s trading card highlights, which provided
sports collectibles sale. results from significant to astounding commanded top dollar at
Topping the auction was Babe Ruth, whose 52nd across the full range of eras, formats, $74,400. A ring commemo-
home run bat of the 1921 season nearly doubled its sets, singles and wax. The finest Ted Wil- rating the 2018-19 Toronto
$500,000 estimate to command a winning bid of liams Play Ball card from his finest season Raptors NBA Championship
$930,000. Following that was an exciting new lunch- — the historic .406 campaign of 1941 — season found a new owner at
pail “find” of 1910 T210 Old Mill baseball cards kept smashed the standing record with a $120,000 sale $63,000, a massive price for any ring
for a century by one family. Its star, “Shoeless Joe” price. Michael Jordan yet again validated his claim worn by front-office management and not a player.
Jackson, drew $492,000 for an SGC VG+ 3.5 exam- as king of the “modern” hobby with a $96,000 sale And an Ichiro Suzuki jersey from his historic 2001
ple. price for a PSA Gem Mint 10 example of his celebrat- Rookie of the Year campaign sold for $49,200 in a
But it wasn’t just the six-figure prices that were ed 1986 Fleer rookie, almost doubling a previous fierce bidding battle waged from both sides of the
worthy of note: One bidder spent $93,000 for game- record set only last month. A pair of Bowman Chrome Pacific Ocean.
worn baseball cleats used by Michael Jordan during draft prospect autograph superfractors, one of Chris- The final session on Day Three represented the
his brief flirtation with minor-league baseball. tian Yelich, the other of Francisco Lindor, each sold standard assembly of more modestly valued trading
“They were wrong when they said the Titanic was for more than $100,000, proving the newcomers can cards and memorabilia, but still consistently out-
unsinkable, but it appears there’s not an iceberg out indeed play ball with the old-timers. performed estimates.
Sales on the second day, May 8, focused on memo- Other highlights of the sale included a 1952 Topps
rabilia, which presented strength across auto- Mickey Mantle #311 PSA NM-MT 8 baseball card
graphs, game-used gear and general ephemera. A finished at $360,000, while a 1962 Topps Football
baseball signed by Hall of Fame Negro Leaguers wax box with 24 unopened packs was sealed with a
and Hall of Famers Josh Gibson and Ray Brown bid of $90,000. A 1941 Pee Wee Reese Play Ball #54
card in PSA Mint 9 made $72,000, the same price
achieved by a 1954 Wilson Franks Ted Williams card
Fight gloves worn in 1972 by Muhammad Ali in a
bout against Floyd Patterson II were knocked down
for $84,000. A 2003-04 Ultimate Collection LeBron
James #127 BGS Gem Mint 9.5-10, autographed
#225/250 realized $60,000. A circa 1918 Babe Ruth
original news photograph made $37,200 and the
signed and game-worn jersey and trunk for Kevin
Garnett during his rookie 1995-1996 season while
he played for the Minnesota Timberwolves were
snapped up for $36,000. A ticket stub for Michael
Jordan’s first NBA preseason game in 1984 finished
at $34,800 and defensive tackle Reggie Kinlaw’s
1980 Oakland Raiders Superbowl XV Champion-
ship ring brought a dazzling $31,200.
This pair of fight gloves worn in 1972 by Muham- Prices quoted include buyer’s premium as reported
Michael Jordan’s game-worn baseball cleats fin- mad Ali in a bout against Floyd Patterson II were by the auction house.
ished at $93,000. knocked down for $84,000. For additional information,
May 29, 2020 — Antiques and The Arts Weekly — 15
16 — Antiques and The Arts Weekly — May 29, 2020
Record-Breaking Online Bidding, Sale Makes $2.1 Million-Plus—
Cowan’s Bidders Put Hands In The Air
For Arms & Armor Sale
Auction Action In Cincinnati, Ohio
CINCINNATI, OHIO — the auction, a third of which The top lot of the auction was a #5 Holster Model
Record levels of online bidding were bidding with Cowan’s for “Texas” Colt Paterson with an extra cylinder that
sent Cowan’s May 6-7 Arms and the first time. Even in a virtual sold for $132,000 to a private collector ($125/175,000).
Armor auction well past its esti- environment, Cowan’s was able
mate on its way to a $2.2 mil- to accommodate phone bidders in the Arms and Armor catego- put into making this sale a mentary advertising tool given
lion two-day total. In a sign of who accounted for more than ry. Material in the auction was huge success.” to firearms and ammunition
the adaptability of the market- $680,000 of the sale’s total. sourced from across Hindman’s stores by the Union Metallic
place during unprecedented network of 12 regional offices, The top lot of the auction was Cartridge Company out of
times, a staggering $1.2 million “I couldn’t be prouder of our and staff from Cleveland, Chi- a #5 Holster Model “Texas” Colt Bridgeport, Conn.
of the auction’s total came from team here at Cowan’s and Hind- cago, Denver, and Palm Beach Paterson with an extra cylinder
bidders using internet bidding man,” said Bill Lewis, director helped the Cincinnati team exe- that sold for $132,000. The #5 Other highlights from the auc-
platforms. Cowan’s proprietary of Arms and Armor. “Our con- cute bids during the virtual holster model is generally held tion include an extremely rare
platform, Cowan’s Live, led the signors placed their trust in us auction. as the epitome of the Colt Pat- Colt Civilian Walker Revolver
way with more than $960,000 in a less than ideal environ- erson revolver. Just 1,000 units that sold for $39,600; a remark-
in total hammer prices. ment and I’m so pleased that “Our Arms and Armor team of the #5 model were ever made able double-cased pair of silver
we could deliver for them. I also put together an extraordinary and this particular example and gilt Colt 1860 Army Revolv-
The auction was conducted want to thank our bidders for group of property that appealed was in extraordinary condition ers with raised carved Mexican
virtually, with staff and bidders participating in an unusual for- to a broad range of collectors,” despite being more than 175 snake and eagle ivory grips for
participating from their homes. mat and persevering during a added Wes Cowan, Cowan’s years old. It sold to a private $39,000; a factory engraved
The unusual format did not much slower than usual pace.” founder and vice chairman of collector. “Big 50” Deluxe Winchester
dampen bidders’ enthusiasm in Hindman. “Seeing so many new Model 1876 short rifle made for
the auction. More than 1,000 The two-day auction marked bidders and the astounding The highlight of the long gun Egyptian Sultan and later King
active bidders participated in the first full collaboration amount of bidding on Cowan’s category was a rare deluxe fac- Fouad I for $32,400; a very rare
between Cowan’s and Hindman Live speaks to all the effort the tory engraved Winchester Parker Brothers AHE Grade 7
Cowan’s and Hindman teams Model 1886 “Big 50” lever auc- Pigeon Gun $30,000; and a
The top non-firearm lot of tion rifle that sold for $60,000. Union Pacific Railroad Henry
the sale was this Remington The rifle was in exceptional Rifle period engraved on the
Union Metallic Cartridge condition with the beautiful left side of frame with “UPRR”
Company wall display that marbled walnut wood somehow for $30,000.
made $28,800 ($10/20,000). managing to retain nearly all of
its high polish factory varnish Cowan’s is still accepting con-
over the years. signments for major Arms and
Armor auctions in the summer
A large Remington Union and fall. Both auctions will fea-
Metallic Cartridge Company ture more items from the same
wall display was the top non- institutional collection that con-
firearm lot of the auction sell- signed four of the top five lots in
ing for $28,800. The 54¼-inch, this auction, including the #5
framed, cased, displayed more Holster Model Colt Paterson
than 225 different types of orig- and Factory Engraved Win-
inal Remington cartridges, each chester Model 1886 ‘Big 50.’ For
individually labeled under- information,
neath. The case was a compli-
Selling within estimate was this Union Pacific Railroad Henry Rifle period engraved on
the left side of frame with “UPRR” for $30,000 ($25/35,000).
Selling above estimate, at $32,400, was this factory engraved “Big 50” Deluxe Winchester
Model 1876 short rifle made for Egyptian Sultan and later King Fouad I ($20/30,000).
Making $39,000 was this double-cased pair of silver and gilt
Colt 1860 Army Revolvers with raised carved Mexican
snake and eagle ivory grips ($20/30,000).
Bidders raised this rare Parker Brothers AHE Grade 7 pigeon gun to $30,000 ($30/50,000).
The highlight of the long gun category was a rare deluxe factory engraved Winchester This Colt Civilian Walker revolver sold for $39,600
Model 1886 “Big 50” lever auction rifle that brought $60,000 ($25/50,000). ($30/50,000).
May 29, 2020 — Antiques and The Arts Weekly — 17
18 — Antiques and The Arts Weekly — May 29, 2020
Lighting Brightens Dana J. Tharp Auctions
Auction Action In Willoughby, Ohio
WILLOUGHBY, OHIO — Dana J. tee and phone bids were accepted, with The top painting lot in the sale was the lot of two small (9¼ by 6¾ inches)
Tharp Auctions’ May 9 sale titled “Fine online bidding through LiveAuctioneers, marine oil on board paintings by Jan M. Beek (Netherlands). The consignor
Art, Art Deco, Lego 12” featured 477 Invaluable and AuctionZip. of the lot pledged to donate a portion of the sale proceeds to Habitat for
lots, of which more than 83 percent sold Humanity; the paintings sold for $1,190 to a private collector ($150/200).
for a total of approximately $63,000. Like so many auction houses have
Because the auction house was prevent- reported since the coronavirus caused A local collection of militaria was the Tharp explained that they were from
ed from holding a live preview, auction closures to be imposed, online registra- source for the second and fourth highest one consignor who had amassed a col-
house staff worked to accommodate cli- tions spiked. “We had a lot more inter- prices in the sale. A circa 1942 World lection that filled an entire house, which
ent inquiries with additional photo- net bidders; more than 2,000 for the War II British Airborne smock in an she has been selling off over several
graphs and more detailed condition sale. And we had more international unusually large and rare size brought sales…and there are still enough for
reports. Conducted online by a skeleton bidders than we usually do,” Dana $2,142, more than ten times its low esti- another sale. The collector never opened
crew working from the sale room, absen- Tharp said, speaking with Antiques and mate. Bringing $1,309 from a private the boxes and never assembled the kits,
The highest price for jewelry was The Arts Weekly after the sale. collector was an 1859 Civil War-era which are sought after by several Lego
$684, for this 18K white gold, emerald- Sharp’s Rifle that despite pitting buying groups. Prices for Lego lots
cut sapphire and diamond ring. The The lighting category got a strong throughout was in very good condition. ranged from $35 for an Advent Calen-
seller had been thinking of taking start from the beginning of the sale dar to $863 for a lot of Lego Mini Figs
them to a pawn shop but Tharp con- when the second lot — a pair of Arts and Fine art saw a good result with a pair from Series 1,2,3,4, most of which were
vinced them to sell them at auction Crafts-era reverse hand painted lamps of small marine landscapes by Nether- unopened.
and the gamble paid off ($250/400). with lighted bases — sold within esti- landish painter Jan M. Beek that sold to
mate, for $1,250. Halfway through the a private collector for $1,190, a land- Prices quoted include the buyer’s pre-
sale, a bronze six-arm chandelier cata- scape by Harry Spence that finished at mium as reported by the auction house
loged as style of Tiffany sold for $3,867, $684 and a floral still life painting that and may not include any applicable
the sale’s top price and a considerably exceeded expectations to bloom to $416. internet surcharge.
loftier value than its $75-150 estimate.
After the sale, Tharp confirmed that the A sizeable component of the sale, with Dana J. Tharp Auctions is at 4740
private collector who prevailed against 64 lots, all of which sold, featured Beidler Road. For information, 440-463-
other competitors thought it was “100 unopened Lego boxes and packets. 7158 or
percent” right and has shades for the
11½ inch diameter shade with acorn-
drop sockets. Another lot of lighting that
did well was a pair of Gothic Revival
bronze and brass two-light wall sconces
with brass bighorn sheep and lion
accents that the catalog described as
“stunning.” Bidding on the sconces more
than doubled the high estimate and the
pair brought $1,309 from a private col-
Topping the sale was this bronze six-arm
chandelier, which was cataloged as “style”
of Tiffany but the private collector who
acquired it for $3,867 was “100 percent” it
was the real thing; he also had period
shades for the acorn-drop light sockets.
Review by “These were found in a warehouse and were probably from
Madelia Hickman Ring, Assistant Editor the 1920s or 30s,” Tharp said, of this pair of Gothic Revival
bronze and brass double candelabra wall sconces that fea-
Catalog Photos Courtesy tured bighorn sheep and lions as decoration. After spirited
Dana J. Tharp Auctions bidding that pushed the price to more than double its high
estimate, a private collector won the lot for $1,309 ($400/600).
Bringing the second highest price in the The highest selling lot of 64 Lego lots on offer was this lot of
sale — $2,142 from a private collector — was minifigures from the first four series. Selling for $863, the
this World War II British Airborne smock, lot was comprised of series 1 (#8683) with 33 unopened and
circa 1942. Tharp said it was from a private nine opened; series 2 (#8684) with 44 unopened and 48
collector who collects military antiques; it opened; series 3 (#8803) with 64 unopened and series 4
is going into another private collection. (#8804) with 65 unopened ($200/300).
Tharp said it was of an unusually large size,
An unusual offering was this Hawaiian uku- which was the reason it generated so much
lele made in 1916. Tharp said it was made of interest ($200/300).
koa wood by a noted maker, Leonardo
Nunes. It more than doubled its high esti-
mate and sold for more than a song, for $863
This Civil War-era Sharp’s Rifle, 1859, fell a little short of estimate when a private collector Offerings of lighting got off to a strong start right out of the
snapped it up for $1,309 ($1,5/2,500). gate with this pair of Arts and Crafts-era reverse hand
painted lamps with lighted bases that was the second lot in
the sale. The lot realized $1,249 ($1/1,500).
May 29, 2020 — Antiques and The Arts Weekly — 19
Student-Curated Online Exhibition ART @ HOME
Investigates Richmond’s
Tobacco History
RICHMOND, VA. — Ten stu- Richmond has been an amazing Eric Carle Museum Shares Online Resources
dents in the American Studies way to tell the city’s history,” AMHERST, MASS. — Children’s book fans can a few days later by a video in which Art Educa-
program at the University of said Claire Tate, a UR senior take a peek inside the archives to see the original tors Meg Nicoll and Sara Ottomano provide
Richmond (UR) are launching a who helped curate the exhibi- Very Hungry Caterpillar artwork, learn how to encouragement and examples. Popular posts
new online exhibition that tion. “A commodity can reveal make pop-up books or take a workshop like have included making books with surprises, a
explores Richmond’s history an entire story of a city and “Exploring Diversity in Children’s Books.” While texture scavenger hunt and cardboard sculp-
with tobacco through stories that’s what tobacco does for the Eric Carle Museum of Picture Book Art is tures.
from the Seventeenth Century Richmond.” temporarily closed, staff are posting online
to the present. The student team resources for children and adults, all greatly in The Carle’s Bookshop team is sharing book rec-
curated the exhibition alongside The online exhibition accom- need of virtual options while they shelter at ommendations weekly on their blog, “Picture
associate professor Nicole Sack- panies the University of Rich- home. Field trips, collections tours and inventive Books We Love.” The blog includes book reviews
ley and Alexandra Byrum, assis- mond Downtown exhibition, art and reading activities are all now available of new and classic titles, and book lists curated by
tant director in the Bonner Cen- “Tobacco Made: Richmond digitally. booksellers and educators. The Carle Bookshop is
ter for Civic Engagement. Unfiltered History,” which will temporarily closed, but is still able to place select
open during RVA First Fridays The Carle’s art educators are bringing their book orders from a distributor that ships directly
From the Powhatan People to on September 4, and will feature hands-on projects to virtual visitors through to customers.
corporate giant Altria, the exhi- additional maps, advertise- their Art Studio blog, “Making Art Together.” The
bition explores the stories of ments, photographs and other blog includes weekly posts encouraging artists of New content continues to be added on The Car-
how tobacco has molded Rich- artifacts. all ages to make art in their “At Home Art Stu- le’s social media platforms and Vimeo and You-
mond’s culture, identity, econo- dios” using everyday materials found at home. Tube channels. Follow the museum on Facebook,
my and landscape. “In our age of smoke-free res- Each week a new activity is introduced, followed Instagram and Twitter at @carlemuseum or visit
taurants and offices, we can for- for online resources.
By highlighting public adver- get how much Richmond has
tisements, postcards and store- been made by tobacco. Even
fronts, the exhibition shares today, Philip Morris’s Richmond
both the filtered stories of Rich- plant produces 600 million ciga-
mond’s tobacco history as well rettes a day, more than half of
as unfiltered stories of tobacco, the nation’s supply,” said Sack-
which shine a light on enslave- ley. “This exhibition reveals sto-
ment, worker resistance, south- ries hidden on our streets and
ern agriculture, gentrification factories and invites others to
and more. investigate our city’s tobacco
past and present for them-
“I knew tobacco had been a selves.”
part of Richmond’s story but
looking at how much tobacco To view the online exhibition,
really touches every corner of
Fenimore Art Museum
Moves Three Major
Exhibitions To 2021
COOPERSTOWN, N.Y. — The weeks after New York State Antiques & The Arts Weekly introduces a new feature
Fenimore Art Museum has authorizes “Phase 4” businesses highlighting interactive ways children can continue
rescheduled three of its major to resume operation and all to engage with art, virtually or in person.
exhibitions which will now be appropriate safeguards are
presented during the 2021 sea- fully in place. Exhibitions on
son. These include “Keith Har- view upon reopening include
ing: Radiant Vision,” “Man- “Blue Gardens: Photographs by
zanar: The Wartime Gross and Daley;” “Hamilton’s
Photographs of Ansel Adams,” Final Act: Enemies and Allies;”
and “The World of Jan Brett.” “Prismatic Beauty: American
These exhibitions represented People and American Art;” and
the core of the museum’s 2020 “Elegant Line/Powerful Shape:
season and are now expected to Elements of Native American
draw large numbers to the area Art.”
next spring and summer. The
exact dates of the exhibitions In the fall, the museum pres-
will be released later in the ents “Albrecht Durer: Master
year. Prints” (September 19–Decem-
ber 31) and “Pete Souza: Two
“When it became clear we Presidents, One Photographer”
would lose half of the summer (October 21–December 31).
season to the pandemic, the Alongside are Fenimore’s
staff went to work to determine impressive collections of fine
if it was possible to reschedule art, folk art and Native Ameri-
any of the more significant can art on view throughout the
exhibitions. In the end, we were year. These collections include
able to work with lenders and the Eugene and Clare Thaw
successfully renegotiate the Collection of American Indian
contracts of our top three Art, which was exhibited at the
shows,” said Dr Paul S. Metropolitan Museum of Art in
D’Ambrosio, Fenimore art 2017.
museum president and chief
executive officer. “We are very Currently, all Fenimore Art
fortunate. It would have been a Museum programs and events
great loss for Cooperstown to have been canceled through the
miss out on such a strong sea- end of July.
son of world-class exhibitions.”
Fenimore Art Museum is at
Fenimore plans to reopen this 5798 Route 80. For information,
summer with a full roster of including a list of cancellations
exhibitions within a couple of and current virtual program-
Front of the Fenimore Art Museum.
20 — Antiques and The Arts Weekly — May 29, 2020
Gold Center Bowl With British Royal Family Provenance Leads Sale—
Heritage Fine Silver & Objects Of Vertu
Auction Exceeds $830,000
Auction Action In Dallas
This Tiffany & Co. 14K gold center bowl,
circa 1948, finished at $32,500.
A Hans Bolek Jugendstil partial-gilt silver A pair of Tiffany & Co. 14K gold candle- Leading the sale was this Rattray & Co., 9K gold center
standing bowl, made in Vienna circa 1909, sticks, circa 1948, brought $31,250. bowl, which was presented in 1931 to the Earl and Countess
realized $20,000. This pair of R&S Garrard & Co., partial-gilt of Strathmore, parents to Elizabeth Bowes-Lyon, wife and
A 287-piece Maison Cardeilhac silver flat- silver two-tier dessert stands, London, 1843, Queen Consort to King George VI of England and the moth-
ware service, made in Paris in the late Nine- made $11,250 er of Britain’s Queen Elizabeth II. It brought $60,000 after
teenth Century, achieved $15,000. being chased by several bidders.
DALLAS — The 9K gold centerbowl presented to Queen Elizabeth
II’s grandparents, the Earl and Countess of Strathmore, sold for
$60,000 to lead Heritage Auctions’ Fine Silver & Objects of Fine Vertu
Auction on May 5. The sale totaled $834,988 and boasted sell-through
rates of 99.1 percent by value and 95.6 percent by lot.
The Rattray & Co., 9K gold center bowl was presented in 1931 to the
Earl and Countess of Strathmore, parents to Elizabeth Bowes-Lyon,
wife and Queen Consort to King George VI of England and the mother
of Britain’s Queen Elizabeth II, at their home, Glamis Castle, by a
deputation of the city of Dundee in honor of their golden wedding
A circa 1880 Hermann Ratzersdorfer gem-set, partia- gilt enameled
silver-mounted and engraved rock crystal figural tazza, Vienna,
prompted bids from more than a dozen collectors before finishing at
$47,500; it was from an important Akron, Ohio, estate. The tazza fea-
tures an enameled cast satyr figure based on a print by Cornelis Flo-
ris. Resting on his head is a spade-form rock crystal bowl engraved
with scrolled foliage and set in silver mounts with grotesque masques
and a dragon-form handle with outstretched wings and a meandering
tail, all enhanced with white, red and green enamel.
Another gold center bowl, this example circa 1948 in 14K gold by
Tiffany & Co., New York City, finished at $32,500. Also by Tiffany &
Co., circa 1948, was a pair of 14K gold candlesticks that sparked com-
petitive bidding before closing at $31,250. Both lots came from the
New York City estate of a New York City industrialist who gave them
to his wife in 1948 as a birthday gift. Each candlestick and the bowl
are monogrammed “BJC” and to the underside inscribed “March 16,
A 101-piece Jean E. Puiforcat French silver flatware service for 24,
designed in 1928 in the Cannes pattern, more than tripled its high
estimate when it brought $21,250. The set includes 24 knives, dinner
forks, salad forks and teaspoons, as well as a vegetable serving fork, a
solid smooth casserole spoon, a set of sugar tongs and a salad serving
fork and spoon, each with banded necks and geometric outlined han-
dles. Another Tiffany & Co., silver flatware service, this a 190-piece
place setting for 22 in the “Crysanthemum” pattern, circa 1880, set-
tled at $16,250.
Other auction highlights included, but were not limited to a Hans
Bolek Jugendstil partial-gilt silver standing bowl, made in Vienna
circa 1909, that realized $20,000. A 287-piece Maison Cardeilhac sil-
ver flatware service, made in Paris in the late Nineteenth Century
achieved $15,000. A pair of R&S Garrard & Co., partial-gilt silver two-
tier dessert stands, London, 1843, made $11,250 and an American
silver tureen with cast turtle-form handles and finial, made circa
1865 by John Wendt of New York, was snapped up for $10,625.
Prices quoted include the buyer’s premium as reported by the auc-
tion house.
For additional information,
This circa 1880 Hermann Ratzersdorfer A 101-piece Jean E. Puiforcat French silver This American silver tureen with cast turtle-form handles
gem-set, partial-gilt enameled silver-mount- flatware service for 24, designed in 1928 in and finial, made circa 1865 by John Wendt of New York, was
ed and engraved rock crystal figural tazza, the Cannes pattern, more than tripled its snapped up for $10,625.
Vienna, prompted bids from more than a high estimate when it brought $21,250.
dozen collectors before finishing at $47,500.
May 29, 2020 — Antiques and The Arts Weekly — 21
Portion Of Sale Proceeds To Benefit Bryant Sports Foundation
Lelands To Offer Early Kobe Bryant
Game-Worn Shirt June 19
MATAWAN, N.J. — Only two Kobe Bryant early game-worn shirt to be offered at Lelands
months before becoming the first on June 19
guard drafted straight out of
high school, a 17-year-old Kobe Kobe Bryant, 17 years old, wearing his “Magic” jersey over
Bryant made a lasting impres- the Adidas T-shirt at half-time of the 1996 Magic Johnson
sion at the 1996 Magic Johnson Roundball Classic. Here he signs a program and takes a pic-
Roundball Classic. Held at the ture with a young fan at courtside.
Palace at Auburn Hills, Mich.,
Kobe’s game featured an ticket stub to the game. The shirt the kicks, and instead grabbed name was recently renamed by respected in the hobby.
emphatic poster dunk over even has a sweat stain on the his Adidas T-shirt, signed it, and Bryant’s widow Vanessa to honor Lelands is at 435 State Route
future NBA All-Star, Jamaal right sleeve. handed it to the consignor. their late daughter Gianna.
Magloire. The Adidas T-shirt he Lelands 2020 Spring Classic 34, Suite H. For information,
wore in the second half, auto- Immediately after the game The consignor is earmarking Auction closes on Friday night, or 732-290-
graphed by Kobe immediately Bryant, who was swarmed by the ten percent of the proceeds from June 19. The auction will also 8000.
after the game, will be up for media and interviewed by leg- the sale of the shirt for donation
auction in Lelands 2020 Spring endary color commentator Dick to the Mamba & Mambacita include numerous Kobe Bryant
Classic Auction on Friday, June Vitale for ESPN2, can be seen Sports Foundation, formerly high-end autographed cards and
19. still wearing the T-shirt. Shortly known as the Mamba Founda- photo-matched game-worn
after that interview, the consign- tion, a nonprofit charitable orga- shoes. Now in their fourth
Green Eyes Estate Sales in or managed to get face time with nization founded by Kobe Bryant decade, Lelands is one of the
Royal Oak, Mich., has selected Kobe and asked him for his to make a positive impact original sports memorabilia auc-
Lelands as their auction house of shoes. Kobe passed on giving up through sports. The foundation’s tion houses and one of the most
choice for this historic item —
one of the earliest Kobe Bryant
game-worn items ever featured
in a public auction. The shirt
sports an Adidas patch on the
left shoulder and a beautiful
Kobe Bryant full-name signa-
ture along with his high school
number, “33.” The Adidas Equip-
ment shirt comes with a letter of
authenticity for the use, PSA cer-
tificate of authenticity for the
signature and the consignor’s
Tiffany Foundation Announces 2019 Biennial Grant Recipients
NEW YORK CITY — The remains one of the largest sin- I used to only read about. I was tary), William Bailey, Phong
Louis Comfort Tiffany Founda- gle sources of unrestricted so fortunate to be an awardee. Bui, Alison de Lima Greene,
tion has announced the recipi- monetary grants to artists We are so lucky there is the Lyle Ashton Harris, Gerhardt
ents of its 2019 Biennial working in the United States Louis Comfort Tiffany Founda- Knodel, Charles LeDray, Kerry
Grants. These unrestricted today. The foundation original- tion.” James Marshall, Scott Roth-
grants of $20,000 each have ly operated Laurelton Hall — kopf, Robert F. Shapiro, Cindy
been awarded to 20 artists Tiffany’s estate at Cold Spring The awards are funded exclu- Sherman, Paul J. Smith, Rob-
working in painting, drawing, Harbor, Long Island — as a sively by the foundation’s ert Storr and Sarah Sze.
sculpture, photography, video, summer residency for its fel- endowment which continues to
craft and new media. The pur- lows and craftspeople. Since grow through dedicated fund- For a complete list of both recip-
pose of the funds is to give art- 1980, when the biennial com- raising. The foundation is ient winners and jury members,
ists the opportunity to produce petition began, a total of directed by a board consisting www.louiscomforttiffanyfounda-
new work and push the bound- $9,534,000 in awards has been of Angela Westwater (presi- For more information,
aries of their creativity. Recipi- distributed to 500 artists dent), Andrew Foote (treasur- 212-988-7700 or tiffanyfounda-
ents were chosen from a pool of nationwide, extending the er), Vaughn C. Williams (secre- [email protected].
110 nominees proposed anony- commitment of its founder “to
mously by national nominators help young artists of our coun-
— artists, critics, museum pro- try...and to assist them in
fessionals and foundation establishing themselves in the
trustees. A seven-member jury art world.”
selected winners for their tal-
ent and individual artistic Award winner and founda-
strength. In 2020, the founda- tion trustee, Kerry James Mar-
tion will publish a full-color shall, summarized his experi-
catalog documenting the work ence: “Few events are more
of grant recipients. This cata- exciting and encouraging than
log will also be made available being nominated to compete
on the foundation’s website, for prizes you can’t apply for. It
www.louiscomforttiffanyfoun- is the kind of endorsement that gets the wind at your
back, and since my 1993 Tiffa-
Established in 1918 by Louis ny grant, it’s been full speed
Comfort Tiffany, son of Tiffany ahead. It has also been an
& Company founder Charles honor to join the Tiffany board
Louis Tiffany, the foundation and serve with famous artists
Barrett Art Center Pop Up Show +
Fundraiser, May 11-31
POUGHKEEPSIE, N.Y. — The show is inspired by the ref-
The Barrett Art Center was erence photos taken by Tom
founded in 1935 with the belief Barrett in the early 1930s that
that a community inspired by inspired his own prints and
art can face economic and social WPA murals.
challenges with creativity, inno-
vation and compassion. Today, The Barrett also opens virtual
as the center moves through art exhibitions: “Margins” and a
the challenges presented by solo show from photographer
COVID-19, Barrett continues to Cheng Gong, “The Ten Precepts
be motivated by this vision, of Buddhism.”
making our exhibitions and
education programs accessible “Margins” includes select art-
to all through virtual galleries ists from all over the United
and other online resources. States and worldwide, with art-
works coming from as far as
The Barrett has announced Australia and Iran. This diverse
the opening of a Virtual Pop Up collection explores how various
Show, “inReference.” The online groups are marginalized by
exhibition features finished contemporary society, whether
artworks shown with the photo- it be based on immigration sta-
graphs that inspired them. All tus, race, class, gender, age, sex-
sales go toward supporting art- uality, gender identity or abili-
ists, local COVID-19 response, ties.
and basic administrative fees.
For additional information,
22 — Antiques and The Arts Weekly — May 29, 2020
Broad Photographica Collection Flashes At Rick Opfer
Auction Action In Timonium, Md.
TIMONIUM, MD. — Compris- absentee/phone format. Broad’s form well. standing in a park, a lot of them history. They’re a good buy for
ing 542 lots, the photographica collection of cameras and images “He bought condition,” Opfer were done on street cameras,” he something that’s nice to look at.”
collection of Jerome “Pepper” was collected over a lifetime, and said. “They would produce an
Broad was brought to sale at his interest ranged from early said of Broad. “He really enjoyed image in a minute or two. The Another Simon Wing example,
Richard Opfer Auctioneering, street cameras to daguerreotypes. doing it.” photographers would be in parks an Avax camera with non-original
Inc., on May 7 in an online-only/ Both of those genres would per- or on the street, and you could lens, took $1,476. Rising to $1,045
Opfer said that it was a plea- buy your picture on a postcard or was a Kodak #1 string pull with
Leading the sale at $3,751 was this 5-by-8-inch reduced half sure to sell the collection to a a small tintype for a penny or a key, Serial #15211, that had an
plate occupational tintype of a livery stable and its proprietors. truly knowledgeable group of nickel. It taught me something; owners signature in pen on the
buyers. I’ve seen them but I never under- case.
Review by stood the process. In many cases,
Greg Smith, Editor “We had people that had ques- they were the early polaroids — a Tintypes drew much interest,
Catalog Photos Courtesy tions, of course. We had a very picture while you wait.” and Broad had a specialty in
Richard Opfer Auctioneering, Inc. good photographer take the pic- occupational images. Leading the
A camera in a can was found in this Teddy tures so you could look online and Leading the early cameras was entire sale was a 5-by-8-inch
Camera model A. The company was from know what you were buying. We a Simon Wing four-tube in reduced half plate image of a liv-
Newark N.J., and the camera sold for $584. had what we would call a limited mahogany with intact bellows ery stable yard with a sign above
preview, where we would let one that sold for $2,091. a two-horse-drawn carriage and
person in. Buyers of this type of the employees spread out before
thing are so knowledgeable they’ll “It could take four pictures at the barn. It took $3,751. Bidders
tell you what to look for.” one time,” Opfer said. “That was also enjoyed a full plate image of
the most popular camera. The a graveyard scene, featuring
Opfer said that in all of his years thing is, for these wood cameras three men and two women amid a
of selling, he doesn’t believe he with the extending bellows, a lot field of headstones, that sold for
has sold a street camera, but they of them used mahogany and $1,169.
were many in Broad’s collection, brass, and there are some that
as well as a number of other rare are very rare. These things — just Two stereoscopic daguerreo-
cameras. decoratively — I think they are types drew good bidding, includ-
worth more than they bring. ing a lady in cape by Whitehurst,
“If you’ve ever seen postcards of These are old and they’re part of which sold for $1,046; and an
people riding bikes or people Bidders pushed this Victor image of a gentleman in a case
Button camera to nearly tri- that read “Mascher’s Improved
ple estimate when it sold for Stereoscope/ Philada. / Patent /
$1,845. March 8th 1863.”
A good full plate hardware store
tintype featured the “W.J. Allen”
store where he sold hardware,
stoves and tinware, sold for $677.
Seen in the image is a large tin
coffee pot trade sign hanging
above the doorway.
Rick Opfer is known for a fast-
paced auction and he dislikes
moving slowly. The sale started
with a simulcast, but he nixed it
as the sale went on as it started to
hold everything up. He proceeded
more happily with the online plat-
form and a bank of phone bidders.
“Buyers thought it was a strong
sale and it did well,” he said. “Peo-
ple are sitting home and they
want to do something. They can’t
get out to the markets, so they
buy in this fashion.”
Prices quoted include buyer’s
premium as reported by the auc-
tion house. For more information, or 410-
An Avax camera by Simon Wing was a nice
piece to look at. The lens was not original to
the camera, but it was made of mahogany and
bidders pushed the rare model to $1,476.
The proprietors of W.J. Allen Hardware are
seen in this full plate tintype that sold for
$677. The seller also sold stoves and tinware
and is seen at front with a corn sheller.
Mortality may be on folks’ minds as a graveyard tintype
brought $1,169. The three figures in the background appear
as specters themselves.
This stereo daguerreotype by Whitehurst Opfer said that this Simon Wing four-tube Three occupational tintypes in one lot included a stable
was housed within a nice case and featured camera could take four images at one time. boy with halter, a man with measures and a man with gen-
a woman wearing a cape and jewelry. It sold It had an intact bellows and was made of erator. The lot took $492.
for $1,046. mahogany. The example led the camera cat-
egory as it sold for $2,091.
May 29, 2020 — Antiques and The Arts Weekly — 23
Bakker’s Spring Live Online Fine Arts Auction May 30
Charles Hawthorne, Provincetown ($15/20,000).
William Zorach, “Father and Margaret J. Patterson, “Morning Glories”
Children” ($8/12,000). ($2/3,000). Rene Gruau, “The Stick Fighter” ($2/3,000)
PROVINCETOWN, MASS. — ings and works on paper include Two white-line woodcuts by Esherick and Salvatore Pinto
James R. Bakker Antiques, Inc., Byron Browne, James F. Clymer, Kathryn Lee Smith who learned will also be sold.
will conduct their Spring Live Arthur Cohen, Harvey Dodd, the single block print technique
Online Fine Arts Auction featur- Jerry Farnsworth, James Han- developed in Provincetown from Other important work by
ing property from a distinguished sen, John Hare, Charles Heinz, her grandmother, Ferol Warth- American artists offered in the
Provincetown collection, a New Tod Lindenmuth, William Little- en, will be offered in the sale sale include a selection by Mar-
Hampshire gentleman and other field, Bruce McKain, Ray Nolin, along with other white-line jorie Conant Brown-Bush, Rene
private collections at 1 pm on Heinrich Pfeiffer, Coulton woodcuts by Katherine Bal- Gruau, Charles Heil, Lawrence
Saturday, May 30. Waugh, Sol Wilson and George tivik, Ruth Hogan, Angele Kupferman and Maurice Sterne.
Yater. Provincetown women art- Myrer and Barbara Stoughton. Photographs by John Gregory, a
Highlighting a selection of mas- ists are well represented with Margaret J. Patterson’s, Morn- lot of Clare Leighton Design
terworks from the Provincetown paintings by Evelin Bourne, Jane ing Glories ($2/3,000) shows the Wedgwood New England Indus-
Art Colony is a rare 1905 oil Mumford, Ada Rayner and Helen contrast of color woodblock tries plates and a carved ebony
landscape of Provincetown Sawyer. Other works by contem- prints created from the multi- sculpture by Charles De Carlo
($15/20,000) by Charles W. Haw- porary Provincetown artists, block Japanese method as round out the sale with some-
thorne, founder of the Cape Cod John Clayton, Lois Griffel, Cyn- taught by her teacher Arthur thing for everyone.
School of Art, two important thia Packard, TJ Walton and oth- Wesley Dow. Prints by George
sculptures, “Father and Chil- ers will also be offered to the Elmer Browne, Albert Edel, James R. Bakker Antiques, Inc.,
dren” ($8/12,000) and “Girl with highest bidders. Morgan Dennis, Wharton is at 359 Commercial Street For
Cat” ($3/5,000) by William additional information, 508-413-
Zorach and a bronze by Chaim 9758 or
Gross. A diverse group of paint-
Clark Art Institute Announces Revised Summer 2020 Season
WILLIAMSTOWN, MASS. — response to the Clark’s land- public spaces around the Clark fabric, “Telluride Tunic” and and exhibition schedules will be
The Clark Art Institute has scape and to be in active dia- that opened in February 2020. “Valparaiso Green Cloak for announced at a later time.
announced a revised program logue with the natural environ- The exhibition features a new, Three” (2015 and 2016, respec-
for its summer 2020 season, ment and setting. Open to the site-specific installation, “Velo tively). The Clark Art Institute is at
reflecting changes necessitated public day and night, the exhibi- Revelo,” as well as two of the art- 225 South Street. For more
by its current closure due to the tion will provide unique access ist’s large-scale sculptures in Further details regarding the information,
global health crisis and the to artworks outside of the tradi- dates of the Clark’s reopening or 413-458-2303.
logistical challenges related to tional boundaries of museum
international travel and ship- walls.
ping restrictions.
Lin May Saeed’s first solo
Two exhibitions previously museum exhibition, “Arrival of
announced for summer 2020 the Animals,” surveys her draw-
presentations at the Clark have ings on and with paper, as well
been rescheduled for summer as sculptures in Styrofoam, steel
2021. “Claude and François- and bronze. For the past 15
Xavier Lalanne: Nature Trans- years, Saeed (German, b 1973)
formed” will be on view at the has focused on the lives of ani-
Clark from May 8 to October 31, mals and human-animal rela-
2021. “Nikolai Astrup: Visions of tions. With empathy and wit,
Norway” will open at the Clark she tells stories, both ancient
on June 19, 2021, for a three- and modern, of animal subjuga-
month presentation, closing on tion, liberation and harmonious
September 19, 2021. cohabitation with humans,
working toward a new iconogra-
“Although we are deeply disap- phy of interspecies solidarity.
pointed that we will have to wait Saeed often combines tradition-
another year to bring these al artistic formats, such as the
remarkable exhibitions to the sculptural relief, with nontradi-
Clark, we remain incredibly tional materials such as Styro-
enthusiastic about both of these foam. This petroleum-based,
shows and are delighted that we non-biodegradable plastic is
will be able to present them in easy for the artist to find, usual-
summer 2021.” Meslay said. ly secondhand, and to work
“The practical realities we con- without assistance.
front today make it impossible
to bring these works to the Unit- In celebration of the ongoing
ed States at this time. We prom- gift of Herbert and Carol Dia-
ise that next summer will be mond, “Lines from Life: French
worth the wait!” Drawings from the Diamond
Collection,” highlights works
Although opening dates have from the couple’s collection of
not yet been finalized, the muse- more than 160 French drawings
um will present the following and sculptures, which they have
exhibitions once it resumes reg- assembled since 1964. The
ular operations: works on view span the Nine-
teenth Century and embody a
The Clark’s first outdoor exhi- conceptual tension between aca-
bition, “Ground/work,” consists demic methods of drawing the
of site-responsive installations human form and freer approach-
by six contemporary artists pre- es that challenged those conven-
sented in locations across the tions.
pastoral setting of its 140-acre
campus. International artists The museum is presenting a
Kelly Akashi, Nairy Baghrami- yearlong exhibition of works by
an, Jennie C. Jones, Eva LeWitt, Pia Camil (Mexico, b 1980), fea-
Analia Saban and Haegue Yang turing three installations in
were invited to conceive of a
24 — Antiques and The Arts Weekly — May 29, 2020
Swann Offers African American Fine Art June 4
Jacob Lawrence, “Cutting Logs, #51,” gouache, tempera & Simone Leigh, untitled, salt fired stoneware, 2001
watercolor, 1942 ($250/350,000). ($60/90,000).
NEW YORK CITY — Swann 1905 to 1938 is expected to bring includes an elegant 1975, 25-inch David Hammons, and the 2007 acrylic on birch ply-
Galleries is set to offer a sale of $40/60,000. mahogany work by Elizabeth untitled, collage on wood “Lions Rock, Repeat,” at
African American Fine Art on Catlett, directly acquired from the $40/60,000. Emma Amos is fea-
Thursday, June 4, with works Jacob Lawrence’s scarce “Cut- artist by its owner. The work is board, 1965 tured with “A Well Balanced
spanning from the Nineteenth ting Logs, #51,” gouache, tempera expected to bring $100/150,000. A ($120/180,000). Meal,” acrylic and fabric collage
Century through the modern era. and watercolor on paper, 1942 2001 salt-fired stoneware vessel the late 1950s, shows the roles of on canvas with Kente cloth bor-
The sale was postponed due to leads the auction by estimate. by Simone Leigh, which repre- African women in their society der, 1990, at $30/40,000.
COVID-19 and will be held live Lawrence intended to paint a sents the artist’s exploration of ($120/180,000). Biggers was one The sale comes full circle with
online by the house. series depicting the rural life of the imagery of the black female of the first African American art- noteworthy works by contempo-
African Americans over a six- body, the romanization of primi- ists to visit Africa, sponsored by a rary artists. Allison Janae Hamil-
As the earliest work in the sale, month period in Virginia. He and tivism and fertility is present at UNESCO fellowship in 1957. ton is present with “When the
Edward M. Bannister’s serene his wife, artist Gwendolyn Knight, $60/90,000. Sargent Johnson’s Walter Williams is on offer with Wind Has Teeth,” archival pig-
circa 1890-91 Rhode Island land- had a change of heart, returning circa 1928 painted terracotta por- an example from his Southern ment print, in the artist’s frame,
scape, “Morning on the River, early. Lawrence never completed trait of a young boy is on offer at Landscape series: “untitled (Boy 2015 ($5/7,000); “Keeping the Cul-
Providence, R.I.,” oil on canvas, the series, though works from it $60/90,000. The sculpture is simi- in Field),” circa 1956 ($35/50,000). ture,” a 2011 color linoleum cut by
will kick off the sale with an esti- made it to institutional collections lar to the artist’s “Sammy,” which The sale will also include fine Kerry James Marshall
mate of $25/35,000. Additional — from this same series is “Fire- was illustrated on the cover of the postwar paintings by Norman ($8/12,000); and a 2016 etching
early works include a run of pho- wood #55,” in the collection of the 1928 Harmon Foundation exhibi- Lewis, Hughie Lee-Smith and
tographs by James Vanderzee. Smithsonian American Art Muse- tion brochure. Also, of note is Vincent D. Smith.
Most notably, a portfolio of 18 um. “Cutting Logs, #51” is offered Richmond Barthé’s “Feral Benga”, A run of acrylic on canvas works
mounted silver prints and sepia- here at $250/350,000. modeled in 1935 and cast in 1986. by Ernie Barnes stands out
toned photographs dating from The cast bronze sculpture repre- among the works on offer. Lead-
A strong showing of sculpture sents the culmination of Rich- ing the run is “In the Beginning,”
mond Barthé’s study of the figure circa 1970, at $30/40,000. The
in sculpture, anatomy and dance work comes framed with the dis- portrait of a young man by Toyin
in the 1930s, and his pioneering tressed wood from a weathered Ojih Odutola ($2/3,000).
realization of an ideal male nude. picket fence, which the artist While current restrictions will
It is estimated here at $40/60,000. chose as a tribute to his late father not allow for in-person examina-
— inspired by the fenced back- tion of the material, Swann Gal-
The sale will feature what is yard of his childhood home. Also, leries staff will prepare condition
likely the earliest work by David of note is “Marble Shooter,” 1969 reports and provide additional
Hammons to come to auction: a ($25/35,000); “New Shoes,” circa photographs of material on
1965 untitled mixed-paper collage 1970 ($20/30,000); and “Race request. Advance order bids can
on Masonite board, which carries Horses,” circa 1970 ($10/15,000). be placed directly with the spe-
an estimate of $120/180,000. The Abstract works include a bright- cialist for the sale or on Swann’s
work, a simple but powerful ly colored mid-career collage website, and limited, pre-
image of two raised, clenched fists “Aphrodite,” 1973, by Romare arranged phone bidding will be
with shackles blending into the Bearden. The work comes from available. Live online bidding
background, comes from the col- Bearden’s 1972-73 series “Pro- platforms available will be the
lection of the artist’s 1964 Los logue to Troy #1” and is estimated Swann Galleries App, Invaluable,
Angeles City College roommate. at $40/60,000. Late-career works and LiveAuctioneers. The com-
John Biggers’ significant oil on by Sam Gilliam include the 1998 plete catalog and bidding infor-
board painting “Women, Ghana,” acrylic and polypropylene “Horses mation is at www.swanngalleries.
circa 1960, created shortly after Upside Down” at $80/120,000, com and on the Swann Galleries
Emma Amos, “A Well Balanced Meal,” acrylic and fabric col- the artist’s travels in Ghana in App. For more information, 212-
lage on canvas with Kente cloth borders, 1990 ($30/40,000). 254-4710.
Club News Compiled by Madelia Hickman Ring
Vermont Antique Dealers in January. If you have a question about New Hampshire input, level of outbreak inclusion in this column.
Association (VADA) membership or would like to join VADA, and the assurance of safety of show Until next month…stay safe!
contact Jeff Noordsy at jeffnhol@shore- attendees, dealers, staff and all others Richard Bojko, [email protected]
This has been a very challenging time If you have a question about involved. There are a lot of moving pieces NHADA Board of Directors
for everyone in so many different ways. your dues, contact Trish Koptiuch. to the show, with timing always being of
Many dealers, shop owners and auction the essence. An announcement will come Transferware Collectors Club (TCC)
houses have all found ways of dealing The Shelburne Museum in Shelburne, shortly. The TCC Board Announces Postpone-
with the closings of businesses. They have Vt., has announced that it will not reopen ment Of The 2020 Annual Meeting.
come up with clever and creative ways to for the summer due to concerns related to NHADA welcomes new member “Every-
sell online through various websites and COVID-19. This is the first time in its thing 4 Everyone Antiques & Collect- In light of current estimates provided by
virtual shows, shop tours, estate sales 73-year history that its gates will be ables,” of Danbury, N.H. Owners are Steve the federal government that the COVID-
and auctions. Thanks to modern technol- closed. It’s very sad for Vermonters and and Michelle Young. For information 19 pandemic could be with us well into
ogy, this has been made possible whereas all who enjoy the museum and its exhib- about membership, please check out our the summer or longer, the TCC Board of
in the past most buying and selling would its, events and activities. We will look for- website at Directors has voted to postpone the 2020
have come to a standstill. Dealers are ward to its reopening in 2021. annual meeting, which was originally
selling and collectors are buying, and It is with sadness that we report the scheduled for October 15-18, until the fol-
hopefully this will continue until shops, Wishing everyone the best and hopes for passing of long-time dealer, Carole Hay- lowing year. This decision was not taken
shows and auction houses reopen. Thank seeing you all soon at shops and shows! ward. Carole and her husband, Ted, oper- lightly, but the health and safety of our
you to all who are supporting dealers dur- Stay well and stay safe. ated Yankee Smuggler Antiques in Rich- members, many of whom are senior citi-
ing this time by continuing to buy from mond, N.H. Carole and Ted were long-time zens, is of our utmost concern.
them. Vesta Urband, [email protected] NHADA participants. Carole also served
New Hampshire Antique Dealers on the board of directors as communica- Thanks to the dedicated efforts of mem-
Contracts for the Vermont Antiques tions director and later as show chair- ber Leslie Bouterie, most of the extensive
Dealers’ Show at Magic Mountain, Octo- Association (NHADA) man. Carole retired from the antiques planning already completed can still be
ber 2-3, have been sent out. If you have NHADA and the antiques world contin- business and moved to Keene, N.H. In implemented in 2021. Until we meet
not returned your contract, please do so. ue to muddle through the obstacles of recent years she moved to a home in again in the next year, we send our sin-
Note that no deposit is requested at this COVID-19. By this printing, many shops Georgia which was closer to her son. Our cerest wish for good health and well-being
time. If you have questions or have not in New Hampshire may be reopened. sincerest condolences to her family. for all members and their families. Con-
received a contract and wish to do the Questions abound regarding the August tact TCC President Scott Hanson (presi-
show, contact Trish Koptiuch at h121657@ Show and Antiques Week in New Hamp- With the constant flow of news relating [email protected]) if you have shire in general. At our last board meet- to shop openings, show schedules and any questions or if you would like to vol-
ing, multiple options were discussed with antique-related events, please forward unteer to help with the 2021 meeting.
Membership dues letters were sent out a decision postponed pending State of information to [email protected] for
May 29, 2020 — Antiques and The Arts Weekly — 25
From The Archives
As we approach Memorial Day weekend, we
look back to 1980, now 40 years ago, on the
greatest Memorial Day auction that ever was:
the Garbisch sale that set the record for any
on-site auction at $3.9 million. Sotheby Parke
Bernet called it “the greatest house sale ever
held in this country.” Dealers from around the
world flew in to participate in this auction,
which saw between 20 and 30,000 previewers.
You’ll find record prices, old friends, and some
of the greats in this review. —GS
26 — Antiques and The Arts Weekly — May 29, 2020
From The Archives
May 29, 2020 — Antiques and The Arts Weekly — 27
From The Archives
28 — Antiques and The Arts Weekly — May 29, 2020
From The Archives
May 29, 2020 — Antiques and The Arts Weekly — 29
From The Archives
30 — Antiques and The Arts Weekly — May 29, 2020
From The Archives
May 29, 2020 — Antiques and The Arts Weekly — 31
From The Archives
32 — Antiques and The Arts Weekly — May 29, 2020 Muckenthaler:
Art In Times Of Social Distancing
HEADSPACE FULLERTON, CALIF. — and Asia, notably the Smith-
The Muckenthaler Cultural sonian American Art Muse-
Center has found a new way um and the Pepsico Collec-
to bring art to the public. tion in New York.
As the museum is currently This initiative comes after
unable to hold exhibitions in the museum launched sev-
its indoor gallery, the muse- eral new free programs for
HEADSPACE IS A MINIATURE INTERVIEW COLUMN um has created a sculpture the Orange County commu-
THAT PROBES THE MINDS OF AUCTIONEERS, DEALERS, garden on “The Muck’s” nity, including a Drive-Thru
8½-acre grounds so the pub- Kids Art Kit Kiosk, Curb-
COLLECTORS AND CURATORS ON A WEEKLY BASIS lic can still enjoy art, with side Pick-up for Senior Art
DURING THE CORONAVIRUS OUTBREAK. plenty of room for safe social Kits in Anaheim and several
distancing outdoors. Several virtual poetry workshops
sculptures by local artist with Muck Artist in Resi-
Bret Price has been installed, dence, Katharine Zaun.
beginning with “Godot.” Museum chief executive
Price is a contemporary officer Farrell Hirsch com-
Steven Still sculptor of monumental ments, “We’ve noticed some
steel. Throughout his career, other arts institutions are
Principal, Steven F. Still Antiques, Price has been interested in in a state of retreat during
Manheim, Penn. the challenges of raw mate- the pandemic. That’s not
rial against the forces of our DNA. We have been
nature, first beginning his launching a new program
explorations in clay and at the rate of one per week
What are you gradually working up in size so far since mid-March,
and complexity to reach Courtesy Bret Price. because there’s a hunger
up to lately? heights of 35 feet and weigh- for it.”
I have been
keeping busy ing up to 7½ tons. Whether the work is large or The Muckenthaler Cultural Center, known
small, Price’s focus is to convey an unexpected affectionately as The Muck, is located at 1201
catching up on sense of movement and balance. West Malvern Avenue. For more information
all of those proj- Price has been collected into public and private or follow us on Instagram
collections throughout the United States, Europe and Facebook.
ects that I never
seem to have the
time to complete. Marsden Hartley:
Our yard and The Earth Is All I Know Of Wonder
house exterior
have never
looked this good.
I always have Marsden Hartley: The Earth Is All I Know
some antiques of Wonder, edited by Lærke Rydal Jør-
that need clean- gensen, Mathias Ussing Seeberg, foreword
ing, gluing or by Poul Erik Tøjner, text by Mathias Ussing
some other Seeberg, Randall R. Griffey, Jonathan D.
repair so I have been attending to those projects. Katz, Edyta Frelik, et al. Published by Loui-
In some ways this time has been nice in that my siana Modern Museum of Art, https://www.
schedule is usually very busy and this has forced; distributed by Artbook,
me to slow down and enjoy life a bit more.; Released January 21;
hardcover; 144 pages; $35.
How has work changed for you? reflections on the lasting influence of Hartley’s
I am usually out on the road practically every A concise survey of Marsden Hartley’s daring work written by world-renowned contemporary
day searching for antiques, but now I am stay- innovations in American painting, with reflec- painters, including David Hockney, Dana Schutz,
ing at home. I am spending much of my time tions on his work by contemporary artists. Shara Hughes, David Salle and Alex Katz.
adding merchandise to my website and work-
ing on my new Instagram account. All of my A defining protagonist in American modernism,
shows have been canceled into July and I fear the painter and writer Marsden Hartley (1877-
that more will be canceled until there is a vac- 1943) was known for the vivid, sharply contrast-
cination for the coronavirus. I am a show deal- ed colors and abstract geometry in his modernist
er and until people feel that they can safely depictions of mountainous landscapes and
attend an antique show, I will basically be out abstracted portraits featuring German military
of business. imagery.
In what areas are you finding success? Though he moved several times across the
I will be using my website as my main selling United States and briefly lived abroad in Europe,
venue until the shows resume. All of my pur- attending Gertrude Stein’s salons and drawing
chases are being uploaded to my website, so I inspiration from the German Expressionists,
have had some success with that venue. I Hartley always maintained a special apprecia-
recently participated in “The Brimfield Show” tion for the natural world and eventually
on Instagram and the sales were fine, but I returned to his childhood home of Maine to paint
still prefer to meet people face to face. local New England scenes. Along with a selection
of Hartley’s paintings, this book provides several
How do you think this will affect the Vertigo: Op Art And A History Of
industry in the long term? Deception 1520 To 1970
I do not feel that this will have long-term last-
ing affect on the antique business. I believe Vertigo: Op Art and a History of Deception 1520
that the antique business is a very personal to 1970, edited with text by Eva Badura-Triska,
and up close contact business. There is noth- Markus Wörgötter, Eva-Marina Froitzheim,
ing better than running your fingers over a Ulrike Groos, Sergius Kodera, Karola Kraus,
200-year-old surface and feeling the use and Charissa N. Terranova. Walther König, Köln,
wear in person. As soon as there is a vaccine, I; dis-
feel that antique collectors and dealers will be tributed by Artbook,;
back in full force touching and examining Released January 21; hardcover; 170 pages;
closely the objects that they love. $39.95.
Have any advice right now? A dizzying overview of sensory illusions in art, from
Try to be patient and stay safe. There are Piranesi to Riley. This eclectic volume presents a
many more difficult things that could happen deceptive game of the senses, covering a wide spec-
to you other than being told to stay home and trum ranging from panel paintings, reliefs and objects
relax. A vaccination will be found and things to installations and experiential spaces, to film and
will go back to normal. So stay safe so you will computer-generated art.
be around to see that day.
Op art works are by no means only directed at our
sense of sight. With their powerful effects and optical
illusions, they lead to experiences of powerful sensory
This heavily illustrated book includes, in addition to
op art originals such as Bridget Riley, Victor Vasarely
and Jesús Raphael Soto, references to anti-classical
art from the Sixteenth to Eighteenth Centuries such
as Parmigianino, Guido Reni and Giovanni Battista
Piranesi to works by modernist precursors such as
Josef Albers, Edward Wadsworth, Marcel Duchamp
and Brion Gysin that also use pulsating patterns,
beating and ephemeral after-images, paradoxical illu-
sions of space, and other methods of opticl illusion.
May 29, 2020 — Antiques and The Arts Weekly — 33
Isabella Stewart Gardner Museum Launches New Blog
BOSTON — The Isabella Gardner’s attendance at the dance inspired by the museum’s Thomas E. Marr and Son (active Boston, about 1875-1954),
Stewart Gardner Museum has 1897 unveiling of the Civil War “El Jaleo,” painted by John Sing- Teobaldo Travi in the North Cloister, Fenway Court, 1904.
announced the launch of a new Memorial on the Boston Com- er Sargent.
blog, “Inside the Collection,” mon. The sculpture pays homage The blog is accessible at https:// Museum is at 25 Evans Way. For
bringing visitors illuminating to Colonel Robert Gould Shaw “While we are lucky enough to information, 617-278-5156 or
stories of hidden treasures from and the 54th Massachusetts, a house 20,000 objects, most visi-
the museum’s archives and col- regiment of black citizens, and tors are familiar only with our The Isabella Stewart Gardner
lection. celebrates the talents of sculptor masterpieces. This new and
Augustus Saint-Gaudens, for exciting resource allows art lov-
The blog’s launch comes during whom Gardner was an impor- ers to go deeper, to discover the
the museum’s temporary closure tant patron. Highlights also overlooked, the funny, strange
to the public in response to include a feature on the muse- and fascinating objects that
COVID-19 concerns, and will be um’s first caretaker and protec- make our museum such a
a resource for visitors looking to tor, Teobaldo “Bolgi” Travi and a unique place. Many of their sto-
learn more and experience the deep dive into Gardner’s com- ries are revealed here for the
museum’s artwork and history missioned Minton tea cup with first time,” said Nathaniel Silver,
while its doors are closed. gold embossed letters, spelling William and Lia Poorvu curator
“Isabella”, recently restored in of the collection. “With the new
New entries written by the the museum’s Conservation Lab. blog, we can also offer a virtual
museum’s curators, conservators window into the fascinating life
and experts are posted every The blog features original text, and times of Isabella Stewart
week. audio and video content, includ- Gardner. We’re excited to share
ing a performance by All Ready, this resource with the public so
The blog launched with a selec- the museum’s Choreographers- they can explore the full rich-
tion of six different stories, each in-Residence from South Korea ness of her life, collection, and
detailing moments of discovery who created a Spanish-style legacy.”
— like archival material com-
memorating Isabella Stewart
Lynchburg Museum Examines Local Catholicism, Digitally
LYNCHBURG, VA. — The about the history of Roman of local Catholic churches, schools, impact of Lynchburg’s early Cath- dation. The museum system is
Lynchburg Museum System has Catholicism in the Hill City, priests, sisters and parishioners. olic communities live on. The St responsible for operating two
launched a new digital exhibit including rarely seen photographs The exhibit can be viewed perma- Thomas More and the Holy Cross museums: the Lynchburg Muse-
nently on the museum’s website parishes both continue to thrive um at the Old Court House and and carry on a rich legacy. Point of Honor, the historic site on
Daniel’s Hill. These museums
The first Catholic congregation The Lynchburg Museum looks care for more than 40,000 arti-
in Lynchburg was established in forward to sharing its exhibits facts and share the diverse stories
the 1830s after the arrival of Irish with the public using new digital of three centuries of local history
laborers who came to build the and virtual platforms. As always, with residents, tourists and stu-
James River and Kanawha Canal. the public is invited to share sto- dents of all ages.
Before the two local Catholic ries and add artifacts and images
churches presently in existence — to the exhibit. For more information 434-455-
Holy Cross and St Thomas More 6226 or www.lynchburgmuseum.
—there was St Francis Xavier, The Lynchburg Museum Sys- org or
built in 1843 in the 900 block of tem manages the public muse-
Clay Street. ums and archives of the City of
Lynchburg. Its mission is to col-
In tandem with the construction lect, interpret, preserve and share
of Holy Cross Catholic Church in the history and material culture
1879, formal Catholic education of Lynchburg, Va., and the sur-
began in Lynchburg through Holy rounding area. It is a division of
Cross Academy on Clay Street. the city’s Office of Economic
Later, Villa Maria School and St Development and Tourism, work-
Thomas More Catholic Church ing in partnership with the non-
were established as the parish profit Lynchburg Museum Foun-
continued to grow in the mid-
Sisters Catherine, Amelia and Irmina at the “Tree Chop- Twentieth Century.
ping Ceremony” on the future site of the Holy Cross Acade-
my on Langhorne Road, March 7, 1963, Courtesy of Lynch- At the end of the 2019-20 school —Nancy B. Marion photo. year, Holy Cross Regional Catho-
lic School will close after nearly
140 years of operation. This
marks the closing of the last
Catholic school in Lynchburg and
brings an era to a close. However,
the legacy of the school and the
Bea Nettles Gets First Major Retrospective
ROCHESTER, N.Y. — This first large-scale ret- phy. The catalog presents the most up-to-date
rospective of artist Bea Nettles’ 50-year career, scholarship on Bea Nettles, and is illustrated
“Bea Nettles: Harvest of Memory,” is on view at with examples from all of Nettles’ major series to
the George Eastman Museum was co-organized date, including her photographic and book works.
by the George Eastman Museum and Sheldon Bea Nettles has taught photography since 1970.
Art Galleries in St Louis, Mo. The show is on view Her classic alternative processes textbook, Break-
online through June 14 at ing the Rules: A Photo Media Cookbook, has influ-
The exhibition includes more than 150 photo- enced two generations of readers. She has deliv-
graphs and objects that represent the diversity of ered lectures and workshops internationally and
Nettles’ career. Nettles explores the narrative is recognized for her innovations in mixed media
potential of photography through constructed photography. Her images can be found in numer-
images often made with alternative photographic ous collections, including the Museum of Modern
processes. Combining craft Art, New York City; the
and photography, Nettles’ San Francisco Museum of
work makes use of wide- Modern Art, the Philadel-
ranging tools and materi- phia Museum of Art; the
als, including fabric and National Gallery of Cana-
stitching, instamatic cam- da, Ottawa; the Phillips
eras, the book format, man- Collection, Washington,
ually applied color and DC; the George Eastman
hand-coated photographic Museum, Rochester, N.Y.;
emulsions. Her imagery and the Center for Cre-
evokes metaphors that ref- ative Photography, Tuc-
erence key stages in a wom- son, Ariz. Her artist’s
an’s life, often with autobio- books are included in spe-
graphical undertones, and cial collections libraries at
her key motifs draw upon numerous museums and
mythology, family, mother- universities. She has
hood, place, landscape, received two National
dreams, aging and the pas- Endowment for the Arts
sage of time. Photography Fellowships
To accompany the exhibi- and grants from the New
tion, the George Eastman York and Illinois State
Museum and University of Arts Councils.
Texas Press have published The George Eastman
a more than 200-page book Bea Nettles (American, b 1946). “I Love Museum is at 900 East
that provides a survey of You,” 1987, from “Life’s Lessons.” Diffu- Avenue. For more infor-
Bea Nettles’ groundbreak- sion transfer print. George Eastman mation, 585-327-4800 or
ing mixed-media photogra- Museum, gift of the artist. ©Bea Nettles.
Historic Homes & Properties
34 — Antiques and The Arts Weekly — May 29, 2020 Compiled by Madelia Hickman Ring
Historic Properties For Sale
Old Phelps Dodge Hospital HANCOCK, MICH. — Quincy Mine Agent’s House is Forest Hall
an Italianate Victorian, built 1881, on 3.25 acres in the
Old Phelps Dodge Hospital, Ajo, Ariz. Keweenaw National Historic Park across from the His- Forest Hall, Milford, Penn.
AJO, ARIZ. — The building is situated on a 4-acre hill- toric Quincy Copper Mine and overlooking the scenic MILFORD, PENN. — Forest Hall is individually
Portage Canal. The 19-room house includes eight bed-
top site with a commanding view of the historic town of rooms, two parlors with fireplaces, 3½ baths in a listed on the Historic National Register. The origi-
Ajo and the surrounding mountains. The 28,779-square- 9,000-square-foot interior with high ceilings and the nal architectural drawings and blueprints are in
foot building was constructed by Phelps Dodge (now Free- original white pine trim. Two porches expand the exte- the collection of the American Institute of Archi-
port McMoRan) in three phases from the 1940s to 1960s. rior features of the house, which is accompanied by a tects Foundation in Washington, DC. In conjunction
The construction is primarily masonry with stucco exte- two-story barn with horse stalls. Significant rock out- with Grey Towers, Forest Hall is considered the
rior; footings and floors are poured concrete with rein- cropping with glacial markings show the geological heri- birthplace of the Conservation movement in Ameri-
forcement. The structure is in very good condition though tage of the area. A widow’s watch offers additional views ca. The first section was designed by Calvert Vaud
it needs renovations. The architecture is typical for the of the canal. (1860s part) and later section (1906) by Hunt &
period with Spanish and Arabic influences. The building Hunt.
features 62 rooms, including 33 bedrooms and 25 bath- For listing information, https://realestate.savingplaces.
rooms. org/properties/quincy-mine-agents-house/. Built in the French Normandy style, Forest Hall
was intended for use by commercial shops on the
The Old Phelps Dodge Hospital is at 515 West Hospital Trovinger Mill (Rohrer’s Mill) first floor, and for classrooms for Yale University’s
Road. For listing information, https://realestate.saving- Forest School, as well as a meeting place for frater- Trovinger Mill (Rohrers Mill), Hagerstown, Md. nal organizations on the upper floors.
HAGERSTOWN, MD. — Trovinger Mill is located on
Ford Schumann House Forest hall is at the heart of Milford Borough’s his-
5.0 acres along Trovinger Mill Road, about one mile toric and commercial district, 75 miles from New
Ford Schumann House, Aspen, Colo. north of Maryland Route 64 and three miles east of York City, next to the Delaware Diver, where states
ASPEN, COLO. — The Ford Schumann House was first Hagerstown in Washington County, Md. It is situated of Pennsylvania, New York and New Jersey meet.
along the east bank of the Antietam Creek with its The property consists of a main building, along with
designed in 1973 by Robin Molny, a Frank Lloyd Wright east gable facing the road. At the peak of the east two separate smaller structures. Its own parking lot
apprentice (1949-54), who settled in Aspen and became gable is a date stone marked “1771” with the initials has spaces for 31 cars. There is also a large marble
one of its early urban planners. Later additions have “J. R.” for the original miller, Jacob Rohrer. The Rohrer fountain in the parking lot. The main building has
added a spacious master suite and a short stair tower family kept the mill until 1818, and after changing six shop spaces on the street level, plus two sepa-
filled with extra rooms for guests, office, fitness and enter- hands several times, it was purchased by Joseph rate buildings each with street level shop space.
taining. Besides its unique modern adobe styling, the Trovinger in 1875. The mill is a three-story structure
most distinctive feature is a long glass wall that com- constructed of roughly coursed fieldstone, 30 feet wide For listing information, https://realestate.saving-
pletely opens up the living room to a long pool-deck and a and 80 feet long with the mill race running under-
panoramic view across the entire Aspen valley, including neath stone arches about midway along its broad side.
all four ski areas and many rocky peaks. Located in the The original undershot wheel was later replaced with 2020 Doris Duke
distinguished gated community of Starwood, about five a turbine in the 1840s; the turbine is still there. This Preservation Awards
miles from downtown Aspen. Five bedrooms, 5½ baths, structure is salvageable for someone who has resourc- Nominations Due May 26
2.3-acre lot. It is described as move-in ready. es and an interest in saving a historic structure. The
property is listed on the National Register of Historic NEWPORT, R.I. — The annual Doris Duke
For listing information, https://realestate.savingplaces. Places. Preservation Awards, a joint program of the
org/properties/aspen-modern-home-by-wright-appren- Newport Restoration Foundation (NRF) and the
tice/. Trovinger Mill (Rohrer’s Mill) is at 20308 Trovinger City of Newport, encourages excellence in his-
Mill Road. For listing information, https://realestate. toric preservation by recognizing exemplary
Quincy Mine Agent’s House preservation, restoration and rehabilitation proj-
mill-built-1771-restoration-project/. ects as well as education and advocacy initia-
Quincy Mine Agent’s House, Hancock, Mich. tives that have taken place throughout Aquid-
Meeting Of The Waters neck Island. This year’s deadline for nominations
is May 26.
Meeting of the Waters, Franklin, Tenn.
FRANKLIN, TENN. — Built between 1803 and Newport Restoration Foundation is calling
upon the local community to nominate projects
1810, this 16-room house has four bedrooms and 4½ completed within the last three years that have
bathrooms on more than 6,000 square feet. With a truly enriched and added value to the character
wine cellar and guest cabin, it sits on 18 acres. of the community through preservation. The
Named Meeting of the Waters, the house sits on the winners will be acknowledged at an awards
river at the confluence of the Harpeth and West event on Friday, September 11; details of the
Harpeth Rivers along the original Old Natchez event pending.
Trace. Restored in 2007, this home is museum qual-
ity and move-in ready. This home is perfect if you Award Criteria:
have an interest in historic preservation. Eligible recipients are individuals; nonprofit or
for-profit organizations; and federal, state or
For listing information, https://realestate.saving- local agencies. A wide variety of nominations are encouraged,
from small buildings to large, major rehabilitations
to minor restorations, landscapes or streetscapes
and education or advocacy initiatives.
All work related to the project or initiative
must have been completed within the last three
Nominations are welcome from Newport, Mid-
dletown and Portsmouth, R.I.
Properties that are currently (or anticipated to
be) listed for sale will not be considered.
Up to three awards are made annually. The
Nomination Review Committee reserves the
right to designate additional awardees under
extraordinary circumstances.
For additional information about the nomina-
tion process, including a listing of the informa-
tion that must be provided in conjunction with a
or email Alyssa Lozupone, NRF’s director of
preservation, [email protected].
May 29, 2020 — Antiques and The Arts Weekly — 35
The Ledger NHA’s 2020 Summer Fundraiser
‘Nantucket by Design’ Goes Virtual
As dealers shift their business to online venues,
we bring you The Ledger, a weekly report on NANTUCKET, MASS. — The that Nantucket holds for all of editor-in-chief of Veranda mag-
private sales from around the world. Nantucket Historical Associa- us with the unique programs azine Steele Marcoux. The line-
tion (NHA) has announced the we have developed for this up of distinguished design pan-
Keep Off The Grass Sign reformulation of its major sum- year,” says Kelly Williams, elists includes Meg Braff, Young
Seller: Chris Hall mer fundraiser, “Nantucket by chair. “Our beautiful island pro- Huh and Richard Keith Lang-
Where Sold: Facebook, “Brimfield Online” Group Design,” which will go virtual vides solace and comfort in so ham. The Design Panel is fol-
Description: Vintage, wooden, great surface, old and from July 30 to August 1. The many ways, and so, it is appro- lowed by All-Star Designer Pri-
untouched. Sign is 20 by 17 inches. fundraiser will feature an all- priate that we had chosen the vate Dinners, providing guests
Sold To: A Facebook Buyer star slate of luminaries who theme of ‘Sanctuary’ for this with the unique opportunity to
personify the creativity and year’s Nantucket by Design, dine virtually with renowned
Snake Root Cane passion of this signature event; well before we had any inkling design luminaries. It is chaired
Seller: Josh Steenburgh featured speakers include Ales- of what was to come. Like so by Gary McBournie and Wil-
Where Sold: Instagram, @TheBrimfieldShow Ameri- sandra Branca, Meg Braff, many other organizations, we liam Richards.
cana Show Richard Keith Langham, Young are working hard to develop an
Description: Nineteenth Century, with beady inset Huh and Ellen Fisher. engaging and inspiring event The NHA is proud to once
glass eyes, carved and natural form, 33 inches long. series while, at the same time, again partner with the New
Sold To: Instagram Buyer In its fifth year, “Nantucket by keeping safety paramount.” York School of Interior of
Design” celebrates the island’s Design. Ellen Fisher, NYSID
Laura Coombs Hills unique influence on American “Nantucket by Design” begins Dean and vice president for
Seller: The Cooley Gallery design. Now open to a global with the Design Luncheon, fea- Academic Affairs, designed a
Where Sold: Instagram, @cooley_gallery, and direct email. audience, this year’s phenome- turing one of the most talented university-level course that
Description: “Apple Blossoms and Silver,” pastel, 21 non brings together the world’s names in design, Alessandra provides students with a show-
by 17 inches. top talent in interior design and Branca. In addition to her house experience that reimag-
Sold To: Connecticut Collector will offer curated lectures, dis- design career, Alessandra is a ines several of the NHA’s his-
cussion panels, house tours, an businesswoman, entrepreneur, toric properties. Student
Boston Police No Parking Signs in-depth look into the NHA and author. Her work has been renderings will be on display
Seller: What’s In The Crate Antiques archives and the imaginative featured repeatedly in maga- during Nantucket by Design.
Where Sold: Facebook, Brimfield Live work of New York School of zines and she has been recog-
Description: From the estate of a Boston police officer, Interior Design (NYSID) stu- nized within the industry with Fisher will also deliver a
vintage, 1950s or 1960s, two of them. dents as they bring modern day awards from House Beautiful morning presentation on the
Sold To: Etsy Buyer life into NHA historical proper- Master Class and “Designer of history of design on Nantucket
If private sellers wish to submit sales to this column, ties. the Year” from the Merchandise in the Twentieth Century. This
please email your submission to [email protected] Mart. lecture will provide continuing
with image and information as formatted above. Participants will enjoy virtual education credit for both interi-
private dinners, a night at the The NHA will partner with or designers and architects on
museum virtual dance party, The Nantucket Summer Saturday, August 1.
and the Nantucket Summer Antiques Show, celebrating its
Antiques Show all through live- 30-year tradition of managing The three-day online extrava-
streaming platforms. Most fine antique shows on Nantuck- ganza concludes with a virtual
importantly, this year’s event et. A virtual preview party is Night at the Museum during
will deliver an exclusive Nan- chaired by Maureen and which guests will celebrate via
tucket experience no matter Edward Bousa and celebrates a live virtual dance party.
where you may be, and provide longtime supporter and accom- Chaired by Marla Sanford and
the vital funding for the NHA to plished designer Kathleen Hay Elizabeth Georgantas and hon-
continue its steadfast commit- as honorary chair. oring Phoebe and Bobby Tudor.
ment to steward and preserve
the heritage of Nantucket. Nantucket by Design contin- For information about Nan-
ues with a virtual Design Panel, tucket by Design,
“We are so looking forward to which brings together outstand- or Stacey W. Stuart, director of
celebrating the special place ing design talent, moderated by Corporate Development, 508-
228-1894, extension 130.
MassArt, Boston, Awarded $1.2 Million For Artists Of Color
BOSTON — Massachusetts $25,000- and $40,000-level governments and local arts non-
College of Art and Design (Mas- applicants will be invited to sub- profits, and culturally-specific
sArt) and the City of Boston mit full proposals. All submis- intermediaries serving Latinx
have announced that they sions will be reviewed by a com- and Indigenous communities.
received a $1.2 million award munity-based panel made up of
from the Surdna Foundation to self-identified ALAANA+ indi- For additional information,
support artists of color who live viduals. In September, the
or work in Boston through the $25,000 and $40,000-level grant
development of a new, three- recipients will be announced.
year regranting program titled
Radical Imagination for Racial Among the 11 regranting part-
Justice (RIRJ). MassArt, in part- ners, the MassArt and City of
nership with the Mayor’s Office Boston collaboration is unique
of Arts and Culture, will distrib- as a municipal-higher education
ute funds to artists seeking to collaboration, and as the only
advance racial justice through partnership with an emphasis
collaborative projects in their on youth as both participants in
communities. the process and as potential
grant recipients. The other
The award is part of a three- regranting partners are nation-
year artist regranting initiative al and regional in focus, and
through Surdna’s ‘Thriving Cul- include several learning clusters
tures’ program, which will sup- of organizations focused on
port up to 260 projects by artists impacting prevailing inequities
of color working with their com- in arts grantmaking. Among the
munities around the country to clusters are organizations
imagine and practice racially focused on the Southern United
just systems and structures. States, local cross-sector part-
nerships between municipal
The RIRJ program has been
conceptualized and structured
with an advisory group of Bos-
ton-area cultural community
leaders, professionals and youth;
and supported by a “Street
Team” of teens and young adults.
The mission of RIRJ is to sup-
port projects that authentically
reflect the interests, visions and
participation of communities of
color in Boston.
Artists, creatives or cultural
organizers who identify as
ALAANA+ (African, Latinx,
Asian, Arab or Native Ameri-
can), who are at least 14 years of
age and live or work in Boston
are invited to apply. For the pilot
year, the RIRJ program will
make 15 grants: ten grants of
$1,000; two grants of $25,000;
and three grants of $40,000.
Self-nominations will be accept-
ed starting May 18 through
June 8. In July, the $1,000-level
grant recipients will be
announced and a group of
36 — Antiques and The Arts Weekly — May 29, 2020
Returning To Print With JUNE 19 Issue
Auction DATE LOCATION AUCTIONEER PG 30, Auctions..........66
Previews 30, SAC Online Auctions.......58
22, May.......... Nest Egg............... 59 30, Nadeau’s.......... 54-55
Bakker Auctions 25, May.......... Nest Egg............... 67 30, Roland Auctions............2
Fine Arts.........................23 29-30, & Deeter........... 5 30, Roland Auctions..........21
Garth’s 29-30, Merrill’s................ 51 30, Roland Auctions..........64
Diplomat’s Asian & 30-31, Kaminski................57
Korean Collection...........41 31, Auction...........56
Heritage 31,’s Auction Gallery....68
Space Exploration............4 31, Thos Cornell Galleries........2
Heritage 3, June...................
Art Glass, Art Nouveau & 4-5, June............ Brothers..... 52-53
Deco.................................8 6, Brown Auctions......60
Heritage 6, June.....................Dallas, TX................................Heritage.................55
Michael Jordan’s Hoop .... 7 6, William Smith............65
Heritage 30, & Wooten.........62
Fine European Art...........12 Butterscotch Auctioneers.....2
Jeffrey S. Evans &
Associates ANTIQUES AND THE ARTS WEEKLY IS NOT RESPONSIBLE FOR ANY ERRORS OR OMISSIONS This is a free listing and therefore no credit will be given for any errors
Brock Family Portraiture....9
Jewelry & Silver.............41 ADVERTISING DEADLINES
Kobe Bryant Game-Worn June 2020 *Memorial Day • May 25
Neue Auctions All Color Ads Early Auction Display Regular Auction
To Benefit COVID-19 Thursdays Thursdays Fridays Mondays
Affected Dealers.............46 10am 10am 10am 10am
Nye & Co
Estate Treasures May 22 Holiday Deadline
Part I & II.........................6 *FrMi. aMya2y722
Swann Galleries
African American
Fine Art..........................24
Issue Date May 14 May 21 Mail Date
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May 29, 2020 — Antiques and The Arts Weekly — 37
Returning To Print With JUNE 19 Issue
Ronald Joseph Cavalier,
Modern Sculpture Foundryman, 86
Submitted by the Cavalier Family Haven Chorale, and loved singing A small celebration of life will
Ronald Joseph Cavalier, the opera. His acting career contin- be held in his honor post-COVID
ued throughout his life with his in Norwalk. If you would like to
foundryman the Associated Press most current works being the share condolences with the fami-
credited as being the first to use portrayal of various saints and ly, contact Jane Cavalier Lucas at
the ceramic shell technique to popes for Eternal World Televi- [email protected].
cast artwork into bronze, died of sion Network programs, most Donations to honor Ron’s life can
natural causes in Marietta, Ga., recently The Wolf in Sheep’s be made to The Best Friends Ani-
on April 28. Cavalier began his Clothing in 2018. mal Society https://bestfriends.
60-year foundry career at Scope org.
Precision Castings in Norwalk, During summer stock theater Ron Cavalier restoring
Conn., before starting The on Peaks Island, Maine, off of Henry Moore’s “King and
Renaissance Art Foundry in Nor- Kennebunkport, he met the Queen” from the Joseph H.
walk and later the Cavalier actress Cecelia Mary Mack, who Hirshorn Collection in
Renaissance Art Foundry in he married. The couple resided in Greenwich, Conn., circa 1973.
Bridgeport, Conn., where he used New Jersey when Cavalier was
the innovative ceramic shell lost drafted to serve in the US Army INDEX - 68 PAGES - INDEX
wax process to produce countless during the Korean War as part of
works. Across the span of his the “Bloody One” unit. Posted in ANTIQUES SHOW REVIEWS
career, Cavalier cast and restored Germany, he was a radio broad-
bronze, steel, silver, aluminum, caster for the Armed Forces Radio (Brimfield, Mass.) Brimfield’s Online May Edition A Virtual Success — “Feel The Brim!”.............................. 38
concrete, pewter and brass pieces Network with co-host Nick Cloo- (Online) 58th Annual Philadelphia Show, Online Only, Starts Strong Online Through May 28........................ 39
of small to mammoth proportions ney from 1953 to 1955. Returning
for some of the world’s most home from war, he and Cecelia AUCTION REVIEWS
renowned artists including Bran- moved to Norwalk, where he
cusi, Calder, Giacometti, Morre, began his foundry career, raised a (Plainfield, N.H.) Change Of Pace For Bill Smith As He Sold Online In May Auction....................................... 10
Nakian, Remington, and Rodin family of five children, and was a (Dallas) Heritage Shatters Expectations With $12.5 Million Spring Sports Collectibles Auction..................... 14
as well as contemporary artists member of St Matthew’s Church. (Cincinnati, Ohio) Cowan’s Bidders Put Hands In The Air For Arms & Armor Sale......................................... 16
Tomm Otterness, Sandro Chia, In 1987, he moved to East Haven, (Willoughby, Ohio) Lighting Brightens Dana J. Tharp Auctions...................................................................... 18
Brian Hunt, and others. He Conn., where he lived on Pequot (Dallas) Heritage Fine Silver & Objects Of Vertu Auction Exceeds $830,000................................................... 20
restored and preserved the Hir- Street for more than two decades (Timonium, Md.) Broad Photographica Collection Flashes At Rick Opfer....................................................... 22
shorn sculpture collection before before moving to Georgia in 2018. (Ashburn, Va.) Modern Filipino Tapestry Covers Estimate At Oakridge........................................................... 38
it left Greenwich, Conn., for (Beverly, Mass.) Martha Stewart Turkey Hill Test Kitchen Was Served At Kaminski........................................ 38
Washington, DC. He also serviced In addition to foundry life and (Long Beach, Calif.) German Imperial Jacket, Archive, March To Lead For Grenadier..................................... 38
many museums including the acting, Cavalier also was a docu- (Columbus, Ohio) Patriotic Pie Safe Heats Up Bidding At Garth’s................................................................... 40
Museum of Modern Art, the Met- mentary filmmaker. In the late (Denver, Penn.) Smooth Landing For Harbor Petroleum Sign At Morphy Auctions........................................ 40
ropolitan Museum, Hirshorn 1970s, his company Cavalier Pro- (Geneseo, N.Y.) Michael Jordan 1986 Baseball Card Takes Flight For Cottone................................................ 40
Museum and Sculpture Garden, ductions produced two films (New York City) Slam Dunk! Jordan’s Autographed Nike Sneakers Soar To New Record............................... 40
and the Smithsonian Institution. about art collector Joseph Hir- (Oakland, Calif.) Small Chinese Bowl Scores Big Price At Clars...................................................................... 40
shorn: The Collection that Became (Peterborough, N.H.) Japanese Woodblock Prints, Asian Art Headline For The Cobbs................................... 40
Cavalier was born in Brooklyn, a Museum and the award-win- (Sudbury, Mass.) Ming Dynasty Bronze Buddha Achieves Heavenly Price For Tremont................................. 40
N.Y., on May 10, 1933 to Alfred ning Life of Joseph Hirshorn. (Vineland. N.J.) Bertoia Signature Sale Succeeds With Joy............................................................................ 42
and Mae Cavalier. He was the (Cranston, R.I.) Trading & Trending Up: Single Owner TGC Trading Card Auction For Bruneau & Co............. 44
youngest of four, and his father A self-made renaissance man (St Petersburg, Fla.) Art Deco Jukebox Goes For More Than A Song At Burchard Galleries........................... 46
was a math and music teacher, and passionate entrepreneur, (New Hamburg, Canada) Sewing Machine Collection, Automobilia Stitch Up Sale At Miller & Miller............. 48
machinist, draftsman, bandlead- Cavalier also owned a Vermont
er, musician and Masonic Lodge dairy farm and planted and man- EXHIBITIONS
member. Growing up on Atlantic aged a vineyard on his lakeside
Avenue, Ron enjoyed neighbor- home in Benson, Vt., where he (New York City) Hirschfeld Foundation Launches Online Exhibition Series..................................................... 13
hood stickball, raising pigeons made wine. A die-hard New York Art At Home: Eric Carle Museum Shares Online Resources............................................................................ 19
and fishing on Coney Island. Yankee fan, he never missed a (Cooperstown, N.Y.) Fenimore Art Museum Moves Three Major Exhibitions To 2021.................................... 19
After high school, he studied at game on TV, he was also a devot- (Richmond, Va.) Student-Curated Online Exhibition Investigates Richmond’s Tobacco History..................... 19
the American Academy of Dra- ed Patriots fan. Athletic and (New York City) Tiffany Foundation Announces 2019 Biennial Grant Recipients............................................. 21
matic Arts in Manhattan, and health conscious, a lover of the (Poughkeepsie, N.Y.) Barrett Art Center Pop Up Show + Fundraiser, May 11-31............................................ 21
apprenticed in Maine summer outdoors, dogs, music, boating (Williamstown, Mass.) Clark Art Institute Announces Revised Summer 2020 Season................................... 23
stock theater appearing with and fishing, Cavalier led a (Fullerton, Calif.) Muckenthaler: Art In Times Of Social Distancing................................................................. 32
Dinna Barrymore, Lionel remarkably active life. (Boston) Isabella Stewart Gardner Museum Launches New Blog................................................................... 33
Standish and Kenneth Nelson in (Lynchburg, Va.) Lynchburg Museum Examines Local Catholicism, Digitally................................................. 33
South Pacific, Finian’s Rainbow, He is survived by his five chil- (Rochester, N.Y.) Bea Nettles Gets First Major Retrospective.......................................................................... 33
Oklahoma, Death of a Salesman, dren: Michele Cavalier McMa- (Huntington, W.Va.) Huntington Museum Of Art Brings Two West Virginia Artworks Back To The Mountain State......45
and Hamlet. He originated the hon, Cathy Cavalier, Chris Cava- (Paris) Christo To Realize Long-Planned Dream To Wrap L’Arc De Triomphe................................................. 49
role of Ghost of Christmas Past lier, Ronald Cavalier Jr and Jane
for the Music Theater of Connect- Cavalier Lucas of Weston Conn.; AND ALSO...
icut’s world premiere of Ebenezer, son-in-law Scott Lucas and
played Judge Taylor in To Kill a daughter-in-law Debranne Cin- Book Reviews
Mockingbird at the Polka Dot gari of Weston; grandchildren Vertigo: Op Art And A History Of Deception 1520 To 1970.......................................................................... 32
Playhouse, and was in numerous Melanie McMahon Ives and hus- Marsden Hartley: The Earth Is All I Know Of Wonder................................................................................... 32
performances for the Darien Din- band Regan Ives, Justin Lucas
ner Theater, Westport Communi- and wife Phoebe Dean, Halle Club News...................................................................................................................................................... 24
ty Theater and Stamford Theater Lucas, Daniel Lucas, Breanna From The Archives: The 1980 Garbisch Sale.............................................................................................25-31
works. Cavalier was a perfect Suden, Madison Suden; great- Headspace: Steven Still.................................................................................................................................. 32
tenor who sang with the New granddaughter Emma Michele Historic Homes
McMahon Ives; and loving dogs
Maggie and Buster. Historic Properties For Sale......................................................................................................................... 34
(Newport, R.I.) 2020 Doris Duke Preservation Awards Nominations Due May 26....................................... 34
Nakashima’s ‘66 International..............................................................................................................................................48-49
Thunderbird Sells At Rago Q&A: Dale Chihuly............................................................................................................................................. 3
The Ledger..................................................................................................................................................... 35
LAMBERTVILLE, N.J. — It was not the top lot in Rago’s May 13 Videos Of The Week....................................................................................................................................... 50
design sale, but it came with the most horsepower. A 1966 Ford (Indianapolis, Ind.) Eiteljorg Museum Chosen For Nationally Known Museum Programs................................ 4
Thunderbird that belonged to New Hope craftsman/architect George (Baltimore, Md.) Baltimore Museum’s Matisse Study Center Gets $3.5 Million To Endow, Hire Director.......... 6
Nakashima sold for $17,920. The car featured its original red inte- (New York City & London) Sotheby’s Mayday Charity Auction Raises $450,000-Plus...................................... 7
rior and custom nameplate that read “George K. Nakashima.” (Hartford, Conn.) Wadsworth Atheneum Receives $50,000 Restoration Grant For Public Sculpture................ 8
(Bridgeport, Conn.) Housatonic Museum Receives 600-Plus Contemporary Photo Gift................................. 12
The painted white car featured a hardtop and 390 cubic inch V-8 (Flint Mich.) Michigan Museum Seeks Materials Showing Pandemic’s Impact............................................... 12
engine. It had descended in the Nakashima family. (San Marino, Calif.) Huntington Acquires ‘On Gold Mountain’ Family’s Papers............................................... 13
(Boston) MassArt, Boston, Awarded $1.2 Million For Artists Of Color............................................................ 35
For more information, (Nantucket, Mass.) NHA’s 2020 Summer Fundraiser “Nantucket By Design” Goes Virtual............................. 35
(Los Angeles) Carrie Fisher Asked To Be Paid In Antique Chairs For Role In “Jay & Silent Bob Strike Back”...........38
Correction (St Louis) St Louis Sculpture To Honor Slaves Who Sued For Freedom......................................................... 45
(Louisville, Ky.) Kentucky Derby Museum To Donate Proceeds To Virus Relief.............................................. 46
The name of John Smiroldo was misspelled in our coverage of (Media, Penn.) Decorative Arts Trust Meets Fundraising Goal, Matt Thurlow Gets Haircut............................. 47
the Incollect/AFAShow that appeared in our May 22 issue. We (Hong Kong) Jonathan Crockett Named Chairman Of Asia At Phillips............................................................ 49
regret the error. (Phnom Penh, Cambodia) Carved Stone Turtle Unearthed From Angkor Reservoir Site................................. 49
38 — Antiques and The Arts Weekly — May 29, 2020
Carrie Fisher Asked To Be Paid In Antique Chairs
For Role In ‘Jay & Silent Bob Strike Back’
LOS ANGELES — Actress Car- role was that of a nun who picked
rie Fisher, renowned for her sharp the actors up while hitchhiking,
tongue and good wit, asked to be and who promptly kicks them out
compensated in sexual innuendo of her station wagon for an air-
that took the form of antiques for headed but genuine misunder-
her cameo role in Kevin Smith’s standing.
2001 film Jay and Silent Bob
Strike Back, Smith recently Fisher’s agreement for the role
revealed on Twitter. The Jay and asked for compensation in the form
Silent Bob series is wildly popular of a pair of antique beaver-hide
among its fans for bathroom chairs. When Smith asked her on
humor and its beloved protagonist set why she chose those, she
duo Jay and Silent Bob. Fisher’s replied, “I thought beaver was iron-
ic currency to be in your movie.”
Brimfield’s Online May Edition A Virtual Success—
‘Feel The Brim!’
A screen-shot from a short video Heart-O-The-Mart’s Pam Moriarty Brimfield online trading saw some Kate Corriveau waving her check-
taken the morning of Wednesday, cutting the ribbon to “open” the good prices. ered flag to virtually open Brimfield
May 13, when the gate opened for field the morning of May 13. Auction Acres, filmed live by Klia on
the New England Motel field. Twen- Friday morning, May 15.
ty-four hours after the field “virtu-
ally” opened, the video post had
been viewed by 2,800 people.
BRIMFIELD, MASS., & age, dealers and shoppers erated most prominently by authenticity. Not to be out- reason to hop in our cars and
ONLINE — The coronavirus alike turned their attention to Klia Ververidis Crisafulli. done, Instagram brought “the head north, but we have been
may have kept thousands of online forums to trade. Two of Hertans Facebook page post- best of Brimfield” to online monitoring the posts, videos,
shoppers from descending in the busiest sites on Facebook ed live videos of field open- shoppers with @TheBrim- dealer talks, sales and com-
typical fashion on this small were Brimfield Online, with ings (despite no shoppers to fieldShow launching a series ments from afar and will
town but it could not stop the administrators Tom Sloan, “run” onto the fields) and of shows under specific present extensive armchair
annual spring event from Michael Lord and Justin dealer posts in the order they hashtags. coverage of this not-to-be
going on. Prevented from Nash; and Hertan’s Antique would have taken place, giv- missed series of shows in an
making their annual pilgrim- Shows & Brimfield Live, mod- ing the “live online” format Antiques and The Arts Week- upcoming issue.
ly’s editors also missed the
German Imperial Jacket, Martha Stewart Turkey Hill Test Kitchen
Archive, March Was Served At Kaminski
To Lead For Grenadier Stewart’s Turkey Hill test
kitchen boiled over double esti-
LONG BEACH, CALIF. — A grouping of material from Impe- mate for $20,400 in Kaminski
rial German Leutnant Walter von Bullow-Bothkamp sold at Auctions’ May 17 sale. The
the top of the podium for $10,501 at Grenadier Auctions’ April kitchen was seen in numerous
19-May 3 sale. The lot consisted of a circa 1914 Braunschweig Martha Stewart cooking shows
field-gray attila for a lieutenant in the 17th Hussar regiment, and was a replica of the design
a solid silver matchbox holder, a scrapbook from his service in found in her Westport, Conn.,
Palestine, and a research archive. According to the auction home. It featured professional
house, “Von Bullow was a holder of the Pour Le Merite and a grade equipment and new
member of Jasta 2, 18 and 36. He was born on April 24, 1894 appliances. The sale also fea-
and was killed in action on January 6, 1918 near Ypres. He tured numerous other props
had 28 confirmed aerial victories and was the 35th highest from Stewart’s show, and was
scoring ace in the Imperial German Air Service.” the second sale offering Stewart
material that Kaminski has
For additional information, or launched in as many years.
For additional information, or
Modern Filipino
Tapestry Covers
Estimate At
ASHBURN, VA.— A 55½-by-75-inch
fabric tapestry attributed to Federico Agu-
ilar Alcuaz (Filipino, 1932-2011) was the
top lot at Oakridge Auction Gallery when
it sold for $12,160. The auction house said
the work was consigned by a contractor
who acquired it from the estate of a for-
mer Embassy staff member in exchange
for work.
Watch for a full review in a future issue.
May 29, 2020 — Antiques and The Arts Weekly — 39
Powered By InCollect, Through May 28—
58th Annual Philadelphia Show, Online Only, Starts Strong
By Madelia Thistlethwaite Americana found a new
Hickman Ring home for this mid-Nineteenth Century
ONLINE — Resched- molded sheet copper and zinc prancing
uled because of horse weathervane that had at one time
COVID-19 closures, been with Pam Boynton. Upperville, Va.
the 58th annual Phila-
delphia Antiques, Art Painted Pennsylvania-made furniture has a
& Design Show, now long tradition of selling at the Philadelphia
taking place virtually Show. Kelly Kinzle got the ball rolling when
on the InCollect plat- he sold this paint-decorated stepback cup-
form, opened without a board, attributed to Lancaster County, circa
hitch at noon on Thurs- 1840s. It retained its original grained deco-
day, May 14. Slightly ration and cream paint on the interior. New
less than 1,300 items Oxford, Penn.
were posted by 46 deal-
ers offering jewelry, One of two early sales with Marcy Burns
decorative arts, design American Indian Arts, LLC, was this small
and fine arts. The show Aleutian lidded basket made of rye grass
will remain online for and silk, circa 1900-19. It measured just 3½
24/7 shopping through inches high by 3¾ inches diameter. New
6 pm EST on May 28. York City.
According to Incollect
owner John Smiroldo, Spencer Marks, Southampton, Mass., sold Early results of the show debunk the theory
the show website saw this tiny treasure of a trompe l’oeil creel- that furniture is difficult to sell online; one-
nearly 9,700 visitors in form silver matchsafe, early in the show’s third of sales were of a variety of furniture
the first 24 hours, run. It was made in the London shop of forms. Peter H. Eaton Antiques closed the
6,400 of which visited Thomas Johnson, 1882-83. deal on this coastal new England Hepple-
in the first 12 hours white secretary with tambour doors. Wis-
the show was live casset, Maine.
Sales began immedi-
ately, with more than a
dozen tallied in the One of a few early sales of British
first 24 hours of the antiques was this George IV mahog-
show. The majority of any cheval mirror with Hyde Park
the early sales reflect- Antiques, New York City.
ed the American
emphasis of the show, though British taste was represented in
sales of an early Nineteenth Century Georgian pink gold and
agate snuff box and a late Nineteenth Century trompe l’oeil
creel-form silver matchsafe by Thomas Johnson of London,
both with Spencer Marks, Southampton, Mass. New York City
dealer, Hyde Park Antiques, who specializes in Eighteenth and
early Nineteenth Century English furniture, had traded a
George IV mahogany cheval mirror.
Native American antiques dealer, Marcy Burns, had sold both
an Aleutian woven lidded basket and a Zia polychromed pot-
tery jar.
Fine art sales were — at least in the first day — limited to
five works, four with Woodbury, Conn., dealer David Schorsch,
who found buyers for portraits by Ammi Phillips and William
Matthew Prior, as well as a watercolor picture of a parrot by
Enoch A. Titus and a diminutive watercolor picture of a girl
with red shoes. Philadelphia’s Schwarz Gallery sold a pastel on
paper winter landscape by Walter Launt Palmer.
The Philadelphia show often finds buyers for works made in
Philadelphia or surrounding environs. Sales of such pieces
could be seen in a Queen Anne walnut drop leaf table, made in
Philadelphia and later owned by the Gershenson family of
Michigan that Schorsch sold. A sampler worked by Mary
Hergesheimer of Philadelphia, circa 1808, was traded by Phila-
delphia needlework dealer, Amy Finkel of M. Finklel & Daugh-
ter; and from Lancaster County, Penn., dealer Kelly Kinzle
found a new home for a circa 1840 paint-decorated stepback
Folk art sales included a cutting board with “heart” handle,
with Olde Hope, and a prancing horse weathervane once owned
by Pam Boynton, which Taylor Thistlethwaite sold alongside a
circa 1820 classical mahogany cellarette attributed to the Nor-
folk, Va., workshop of James Woodward.
Check a future issue for a more extended recap once the show
To shop the 58th annual Philadelphia Antiques Art & Design
One of David Schorsch’s sales was this Queen Anne walnut Olde Hope packed up this mid-Nineteenth This sampler had been made by Mary
dropleaf table, Philadelphia, circa 1750. It retained its orig- Century carved pine cutting board with Hargesheimer in Philadelphia in 1808. The
inal finish on the base while the top had a mellow old pol- “heart” handle. New Hope, Penn., and New large (25¼ by 24 inch) size, house and gar-
ished surface. David A. Schorsch / Eileen Smiles American York City. den scene populated with animals and
Antiques, Woodbury, Conn. plants as well as a verse are all elements
characteristic of pieces made by Philadel-
phia schoolgirls in the late Eighteenth and
early Nineteenth Century. M. Finkel &
Daughter, Philadelphia.
40 — Antiques and The Arts Weekly — May 29, 2020
Smooth Landing For
Harbor Petroleum Sign
At Morphy
DENVER, PENN. — A Harbor Slam Dunk! Jordan’s Autographed Nikes
Petroleum Products porcelain Set New Auction Record For Any Sneakers
sign was expected to be among NEW YORK CITY — A pair of with seven of them new to set the bar even higher for our
the top lots at Morphy Auctions’ Nike Air Jordan sneakers — Sotheby’s. The result bested the second sneaker sale. We saw
May 13-14 Automobilia & made exclusively for Michael previous world record of tremendous bidding up until
Petroliana sale, and it did not Jordan and worn in 1985 when $437,500, which Sotheby’s the moment the sale closed,
disappoint when it sold for he played for the Chicago Bulls established in July 2019 for the with the value more than dou-
$44,000. Harbor Petroleum — have set a new world record Nike Waffle Racing Flat “Moon bling in the final hour alone.
Products was based out of Long for any pair of sneakers when Shoe.” That coupled with strong inter-
Beach, Calif., and this sign is they soared to $560,000 on national bidding from six coun-
circa the 1940s in extremely Sunday, May 17 at Sotheby’s. Brahm Wachter, Sotheby’s tries on four continents shows
clean condition. The airplane Following a bidding war that director of eCommerce Devel- not only the incredible appeal
seen at top of the 39-by-35-inch drove the value up by $300,000 opment, commented: “We are of Michael Jordan as one of the
sign is a Boeing 314 Clipper. within the final 20 minutes of extremely excited about today’s most recognizable and legend-
Watch for a full review in a the sale, the pair easily sur- record-breaking result! Build- ary athletes of all time, but also
future issue. passed the $150,000 high esti- ing off the momentum from our that sneaker collecting is truly
mate. Ten bidders from as debut sneaker sale last year, a global and growing market.”
Michael Jordan 1986 young as 19 years old partici- which previously set the record
Baseball Card Takes Flight pated across four continents, for a pair of sneakers with the For additional information,
Nike Moon Shoe, we wanted to
For Cottone
Japanese Woodblock Prints, Asian Art
GENESEO, N.Y. — The first lot Headline For The Cobbs
of Cottone Auctions’ May 16
Online Art & Antiques sale was a PETERBOROUGH,
1986 Fleer Michael Jordan #57 N.H. — A group of six
PSA baseball card in gem mint Japanese Twentieth
10 condition; it set the high mark Century woodblock
for the sale when it flew past its prints stamped into
$25/35,000 estimate to realize the lead at The Cobb’s
$76,700, more than three times May 16 225-lot Spring
its low estimate. According to the Fine Art, Antique &
auction house, the card of one of Ethnographic Auction.
basketball’s most famous players The group of 16 by
during his rookie year featured a 10½-inch prints, each
boldly colored sharp picture per- one depicting a home,
fectly centered and rated a grade building or structure
of 10, one of only 315 such cards and signed with char-
receiving such a grade. acters, brought
$10,540, well in
Prices quoted include the buy- advance of the lot’s
er’s premium as reported by the estimate of $350/500.
auction house. A future issue will Price quoted includes
feature a more extended sale the buyer’s premium
recap. as reported by the
house but may not
Patriotic Pie Safe Heats Up include any applicable
Bidding At Garth’s internet platform sur-
charges. Watch for a
COLUMBUS, OHIO — An more complete sale
American Civil War-era pie safe recap in a future issue.
in old green and yellow paint
and punched tin panels depict- Ming Dynasty
ing eagles, banners, powder Bronze Buddha
flasks and pistols scored the top Ascends Heavens
price of $8,100 when Garth’s
Auctioneers & Appraisers At Tremont
offered its 426-lot Country
Americana and Decorative Arts SUDBURY, MASS. — Tremont Auc-
sale on May 16. The safe, which tions’ May 17 sale of Asian art and
had an estimate of $3/5,000, had antiques featured among many high-
previously been handled by Tan- lights some Seventeenth Century tea
ning Antiques of Pittsburgh, ceremony items from the collections of
Penn., and was purchased by a Charles L. Freer, William Van Horne,
trade buyer from the Southern Hugo Munsterbeg and Alice Boney, as
United States. well as a single owner collection of Japa-
nese “tsuba” sword guards. Leading the
Prices cited include buyer’s 525-lot sale when it achieved $42,840
premium as reported by the auc- was a Ming dynasty bronze figure of
tion house. A more extensive sale recap to follow in an upcoming issue. Manjushri Buddha in the “royal ease”
mudra seated on the back of a lion; it
Small Chinese Bowl Scores had been estimated at $1/1,500.
Big Price At Clars
Price quoted includes buyer’s premium
OAKLAND, CALIF. — Breaking ahead of a more than 600-lot field as reported by the auction house but
of fine art and antiques offered at Clars Auction Gallery on May 17 may not include additional surcharges
was a diminutive bowl measuring 1½ inches high by 2¾-inch diame- for method of payment or internet plat-
ter that achieved $46,125, several times its $800-$1,200 estimate. form fees. A more extensive recap will
With an exterior decorated with leafy medallion panels and an inte- appear in a future issue.
rior decorated with six floral patterns, the bowl featured a six-charac-
ter Yongzheng mark and a box. It had provenance to the Senshutey
20th Anniversary Special Exhibition, “The Collection of Chinese Art 2.”
The buyer’s premium as reported by the auction house is included in
the price quoted. A more comprehensive review to follow.
May 29, 2020 — Antiques and The Arts Weekly — 41
Three works by Yoong Bae. A 1971-74 Seoul Cultural Center Director in charge of visiting Fulbright artists.
Garth’s Online Only Auction Feature Gentleman Diplomat’s
Asian & Korean Collection Closes May 31
COLUMBUS, OHIO — Garth’s Auctioneers & Apprais- collection representing the personal relationships forged Nineteenth Century Ximeng-type bronze rain
ers has announced the May 21-31 auction, “The 50-Year with several artists such as Yoong Bae (Korean, 1928- drum with applied frogs on rim and an overall
Asian & Korean Collection of a Gentleman Diplomat.” 1992) and Woong Kim (Korean, b 1944). Nearly 20 lots by verdigris patina ($800-$1,200).
The timed, online-only auction will feature more than Yoong Bae, who was recognized for “works of art that
150 lots of fine art; works on paper; decorative arts, infused Korean artistic traditions with elements from Bidding is open for this timed, online only event May
including pottery, silver; furniture; screens; scrolls; and modern Western art,” will cross the block. These Modern- 21-31 via For information,
more. Jeff Jeffers, Garth’s chief executive officer and ist lots will include mixed media, signed and dated 1982, or 740-362-4771.
principal auctioneer, worked closely with the consignor framed, height 54 by width 40 inches ($1/1,500), a water-
and noted, “While the gentleman still maintains an early color and ink on paper, signed and dated 1973, height
Korean ceramics collection, he hopes the items entrusted 15½ by width 18½ inches ($150/350) and a gouache and
to Garth’s will spark joy for another generation of collec- ink on paper, titled “Song of the Turtle,” signed and dated
tors”. 1976, ($100/200). Of the four lots by Woong Kim, who was
an instructor at the School of Visual Arts in New York
The consignor’s own joy for such objects was sparked in City from 1979 to 1982, a mixed media, initialed and
1958 when, at the age of 21, he was selected as a delegate dated 1983, carries the highest estimate of $900-$1,200.
to the International Farm Youth Exchange Program.
Those three months in Nepal gave way to a career of For- As head of the Cultural Center in Seoul, the gentleman
eign Service beginning in 1961 and continued for more collaborated with the artists who arrived in artist-in-res-
than three decades. The gentleman served in various idence placements awarded by the Fulbright Foundation,
positions with the United States Information Agency and planned the gallery shows exhibitions that culmi-
(USIA) in embassies in Savannakhet and Vientiane, nated their stays.
Laos; and in Pusan and Seoul, Korea; among other areas.
Vacation travel during those years and beyond took him Other items of note include a Nineteenth Century
to all parts of Asia, Africa and Europe. As such, his collec- Ximeng-type bronze rain drum with applied frogs on rim
tion of furniture, art and artifacts from these regions and an overall verdigris patina, ($800-$1,200), a Thai
reflects his appreciation for a variety of art forms and Bronze Buddha bust, Fourteenth or Fifteenth Century,
world cultures. which is a fragment of larger statue ($300/600), and two
silver bowls, probably Burmese, each heavily embossed
Of particular interest are prominent works from the (each $250/450).
John McInnis’ May 30 Sale Headlines Jewelry, Silver
AMESBURY, MASS. — John laces, earrings, watches and Bailey, a Gorham sterling silver ry-and-silver-collections. information, 978-388-0400,
McInnis Auctioneers’ online “Hi- bracelets. dessert set, a Mexican J. Viguera John McInnis Auctioneers is at [email protected] or
End Jewelry & Silver Auction” five-piece sterling silver tea set,
will take place on the LiveAuc- A Cartier 14K gold tank track as well as several other lots of 76 Main Street. For additional
tioneers and Invaluable bidding bracelet starts the sale ($2/3,000). flatware, hollowware and serving
platforms on Saturday, May 30; It will be followed by a Tahan R. pieces, salts, etc. Revolutionary War-era sword attributed to John Bailey
jewelry will begin the sale at 11 de la Paix raised jewelry casket, ($2/3,000).
am. a lady’s Art Deco platinum dia- According to John McInnis, “My
mond bracelet, David Yurman team and I have spent the last
This spring sale includes sterling silver necklace, Paula few months preparing for this
finds from a prominent Boston Crevoshay 18K gold earrings, a online event and we are thrilled
collector and other private 1927 St Gaudens double-eagle to offer our customers and collec-
New England collections. It $20 gold coin, Rolex watches for tors more than 400 lots of amaz-
features a selection of more both men and women, as well as ing, fresh estate merchandise.
than 400 lots of estate jewelry several other high-end pieces. Given its quality and range, this
and silver, including a full sale truly has something for
range of silver accessories and The silver selection will begin everyone and I am certain that
tableware, as well as designer at approximately 2 pm, with a all will discover many tempta-
jewelry by makers such as Mappin & Webb silver Asian tions at this can’t-miss sale.”
Cartier, Tiffany, David Yur- theme tureet ($2/4,000), a Tuttle
man, Rolex, Paula Crevoshay silversmiths sterling silver flat- Lots can be viewed at http://
and a selection of rings, neck- ware set, a period Revolutionary
War sword attributed to John log/167649_hi-end-estate-jewel-
Lady’s Art Deco platinum diamond bracelet Mappin & Webb Silver Asian theme tureen
($4/8,000). ($2/4,000). Cartier 14K gold tank track bracelet ($2/3,000).
42 — Antiques and The Arts Weekly — May 29, 2020
Toys, Banks & Holiday Gross Over $2.5 Million—
Bertoia Signature Sale Succeeds With Joy
Auction Action In Vineland, N.J.
Review by VINELAND, N.J. — The lead spite of the virus, it did great.
Greg Smith, Editor up to Bertoia Auctions’ Signa- And because of the virus it
Catalog Photos Courtesy Bertoia Auctions ture Sale on May 7-8 was had a lot of people at home
unlike any other, the preced- bidding away.”
Leading the sale at $45,600 was this Mikado ing six weeks best character-
cast iron mechanical bank produced by Kyser ized as unprecedented for the The sale was found online on
& Rex. The bank is in the blue table variant auction house and the world Bertoia Live and Live Auc-
and in nearly all original condition. at large. Locked down and tioneers, with a tremendous
Bertoia believed the player on this cast iron shut in, principal Jeanne Ber- amount of absentee bidding
doorstop, with a P on his jersey, may have toia said she took time to and a phone bank that had
played for the University of Pennsylvania. reconnect with many of her over ten lines going on certain
It came from a Minnesota collection and clients and collectors who hail lots. When the dust settled,
had sold at Bertoia in the past. It brought from around the world. there were over 500 success-
the top result of its category this round, ful bidders, with 27 percent of
catching $13,200. By late-March, the firm had them on Bertoia Live, 24 per-
just printed its 239-page full- cent on Live Auctioneers, 32
color catalog and sent it out to percent on the phones and 17
its bidder base as it moved percent to absentee.
forward with the annual two-
day spring sale, one of two “I think everybody who col-
marquee sale the auction lects was just excited and
house holds twice per year. anxious to be able to buy some
She was pleasantly surprised great quality toys and be
by their responses. entertained,” Bertoia said.
“I talked to hundreds of col- The sale offered seven nota-
lectors,” she said. “There was ble collections that folks were
a lot of excitement, people had no doubt familiar with. Among
gone through the catalog two them was the first install-
or three times cover to cover. ment of mechanical banks
It was a nice change for them from Bob Weiss, a Schoenhut
instead of watching the news.” collection from Charles Fos-
ter, cast iron autos from Dmi-
She noted that toys, by their tri Ilyinsky, mechanical banks
very nature, have an inherent and doorstops from Bill and
sense of escapism and nostal- Wendy Jones, the Christmas
gia. and holiday collection of Karyl
Newman, pressed steel toys
“In the antique toy world, from Butch Buss and the toy
toys put a smile on people’s and train collection of Nor-
faces,” she said. “Toy collec- man Schaut.
tors are, generally, happy. Of
course, all collectors are Schaut (1932–2019) was
happy to get something, but well-known in the industry as
there’s something special the promoter of the Atlan-
about toy collecting where tique City Antique Show, New
people reconnect with being a Jersey’s largest and longest-
child.” running indoor antiques show.
The sale was a moment of “Norman loved his trolleys,”
joy in an uncertain time. It Bertoia said, and sure enough
was successful by all accounts, a Lionel 2-7/8-inch gauge
settling in at a total gross of powered gondola and trailer
$2.5 million. sold at $40,800. The No. 200
Electric Express Car with
“It was an extremely strong original box and track was
auction,” Bertoia said. “It had originally made by Joshua
high quality, so we expected Lionel Cowen to be used in
the sale to do well and, in
Polichinelle Riding Tricycle, a tinplate toy
with paper mache figure, doubled estimate
when it took $10,200.
There were a number of Jerome B. Secor Catching $26,400 was this Marklin live steam Amerika
figures in the sale, but the auction house ocean liner, 28 inches long, from the Schaut collection. It
had never seen another Sister Lucinda At had twin funnels, three masts and six life boats.
Play. The figure sold for $20,400 on a $10,000
From the Bob Weiss collection came this Two similar German reindeer nodders were This Gendron pedal car, 44 inches long, tripled estimate
beautifully painted Kilgore Turtle mechani- sold one after the other, and both were when it sold for $9,000.
cal bank that took $24,000. The example was bought by the same collector who felt they
in pristine condition. When a coin is should remain together. They measured 18
dropped into the shell, the turtle’s head inches high, and this example sold higher at
pokes out. $22,800, though the other did very well at
$16,800. Both had $4,500 high estimates.
May 29, 2020 — Antiques and The Arts Weekly — 43
From the collection of Bill A large deluxe Carette limousine in original condition sold
and Wendy Jones was this for $14,400. It is 16 inches long and sold to a European bidder.
Halloween Girl doorstop.
Bertoia said it was only one
of four original examples
known. It sold between esti-
mate for $11,400.
store window displays. Also Bidders found this cast iron Bertoia had never handled This 1932 Hudson factory showroom model was reportedly
from this collection came an Uncle Sam mailbox stand another Belsnickle candy presented at the New York 1932 Auto Show. It measures 46
Ernst Plank Gauge 1, eight- irresistible as he sold for container figure with the inches long in restored condition and sold for $28,800.
wheel trolley that sold for $8,400 on a $1,200 estimate. crown-form candle holder The Hubley hill climber motorcycle had no issue climbing
$22,800. Other standard The leg had a repair, but on its head like this. That the bids as it sold for $9,000. Iron, 8½ inches long.
gauge Lionels would perform otherwise the 58½-inch fig- design is probably why Atlantique Antique Show promoter Norm Schaut loved
well, including $12,000 for a ure was in good condition. many did not survive. trolleys, and this Lionel No. 200 Electric Express Car exam-
No 101 and $9,600 for a No. 2. in a Mikado bank, produced Standing 20 inches high, the ple took the highest result from his collection at $40,800. It
All of these were in outstand- by Kyser & Rex, that sold for figure would best the $3,500 came with a powered unit and an unpowered trailer car,
ing condition. Schaut took a $45,600. The bank had the estimate to sell for $22,800. and was originally made by Joshua Lionel Cowen to be
liking to Toonerville trolleys, blue table variant and was in It had snow flecked compo- used in a store window display.
derived from the long-running excellent condition with origi- sition, mohair trim, compo-
comic cartoon that originally nal paint except for a minor sition face, rabbit fur beard A clockwork diorama from Schoenhut saw Santa Claus
appeared in the Chicago Post enhancement to the face of and blue glass eyes. peeking in through the window to check on the happy chil-
in 1908. Leading the trolleys the figure. Bidders climbed on Littco Products from the dren on Christmas morning. It doubled estimate when it
was a boxed example with top of one another to get a Jones collection. Bertoia said sold for $19,200.
train track that sold for shot at the Fowler sportsman it was one of only four original
$2,700, but even higher was a mechanical bank by J&E Ste- examples known.
comic character toy from the vens, in pristine condition,
series in pristine condition, that sold for $22,800. It was a The sale was largely bought
Eppie Hogg in Auto, that dou- single consignment out of by Americans, with only 16
bled estimate when it sold for Iowa, sold by the grandson of percent of lots selling interna-
$13,200. Bertoia called it one the original owner tionally. Bertoia said the pace
of the most coveted German was much slower than usual,
comic toys. Still with cast iron, an Uncle taking ten hours on the first
Sam mailbox stand, 58½ inch- day and 11 on the second to
The sale found remarkably es high, attracted 13 phone move through the sessions.
strong interest in Christmas bidders as it sold for $8,400 Still, she said she was thrilled
material supplied by the late on a $1,200 estimate. Door- with the results and said it
Lincoln, Neb., collector Karyl stops saw a number of ring- was a very successful sale.
Newman, a member of the ers, including a $13,200 result
Golden Glow Christmas col- for a football player doorstop The next Signature sale is
lectors club. Her collection with a P on his jersey. Bertoia planned for the fall.
was led by an early Belsnickle thought the colors and the let-
candy container, 20 inches ter might indicate it was a All prices reported include
high, that took $22,800 on a University of Pennsylvania buyer’s premium. For informa-
$3,500 estimate. Atop the fig- player. Behind at $11,400 was tion,
ure’s head was a crown that a Halloween girl doorstop by or 856-692-1881
served as a candle holder, and
Bertoia said she had never This eight-wheel Ernst Plank trolley performed ahead of
seen another form like it. expectations when it sold for $22,800. It had a hand painted
body with glass window inserts, opening gates at each
“She bought very high quali- doorway, and a clerestory roof with multiple signs and
ty,” Bertoia said. “Much of her lamps. Norman Schaut collection.
collection was in great condi- In mint condition, this Vindex salesman’s sample stake
tion, especially the paper die- truck was in a nice light blue color. It had a sample price
cuts and games.” label in the rear of the truck and had provenance from the
Donald Kaufman to the Dmitri Ilyinsky collection. At 9½
Nodders did very well, inches long, it sold for $7,800.
including two large German
reindeer. Both were key
wound and measured 18 inch-
es high. Each with a $4,500
high estimate and offered in
successive lots, both sold to
the same collector, the first
for $16,800 and the second for
$22,800. Coming in at $19,200
was a nodding Santa on a
nodding polar bear, which
Bertoia said was unusual.
Each had its own mechanism.
Two animated displays
would perform well against
expectations. A die-cut litho-
graphed cardboard animated
Santa Claus display, original-
ly produced for a store win-
dow, went out at $16,800. It
features a scene of Christmas
morning as a family gathers
around a tree and Santa is
distributing presents. A
Schoenhut clockwork diorama
was touted as the larger of the
Schoenhut Christmas living
pictures, and it sold for
$19,200 on a $9,000 estimate.
When the piece was in motion,
Santa’s head would pop up in
a back window to peak on the
The sale found its lot leader
44 — Antiques and The Arts Weekly — May 29, 2020
A 1999 Base Shadowless Charizard A 2000 Team Rocket 1st Edition At $13,750 was this 2000 Pokémon A 1999 Base Shadowless Blastoise
BGS 9 sold for $2,625. Dark Charizard BGS 9.5 caught Gym Challenge Blaine’s Charizard BGS 9.5 brought $1,250.
$1,375. in BGS 10 Pristine condition. The
card was one of only two known to
exist in BGS 10 condition and sold
for a new world record.
Trading & Trending Up: Single Owner TGC Trading Card
Auction Successful For Bruneau & Co
Auction Action In Cranston, R.I.
CRANSTON, R.I. — On May able and Live Auctioneers. The factory sealed booster box sell-
1, Bruneau & Co. Auctioneers catalog featured 180 lots of ing for $14,375. Aquapolis was
hosted an online-only auction Magic: The Gathering, Yu-Gi- the second to last series of the
of a Single Owner Collection of Oh!, and Pokémon cards bring- original Pokémon cards pub-
TCG trading cards. Bidding ing out more than 5,000 regis- lished by Wizards of The
was facilitated through bidlive. tered bidders. Coast, they are some of the as well as most coveted Pokémon trading
Auctionzip, Bidsquare, Invalu- The highlight of the day was cards by collectors. A close sec-
a 2003 Pokémon Aquapolis ond was a 2000 Pokémon Gym
Challenge Blaine’s Charizard
Leading the sale was this 2003 Pokémon Aquapolis factory Factory sealed booster boxes did well. This 2000 Pokémon in BGS 10 Pristine condition.
sealed booster box that sold for $14,375. Neo Genesis Unlimited booster box brought $7,500. The card was one of only two
Sixteen cards comprised this Pokémon Base Unlimited BGS Catching $3,375 was this 2000 Topps Pokémon Chrome known to exist in BGS 10 con-
9 card group and it sold for $2,500. Series 1 booster box. dition, and sold for a new
With eight cards, this group of Team Rocket 1st Edition world record $13,750. Outside
BGS 9 took $1,375. of the Aquapolis booster box,
factory sealed merchandise
drove collectors crazy through-
out the auction. Other booster
box highlights included a 2000
Pokémon Neo Genesis Unlim-
ited booster box for $7,500,
2000 Topps Pokémon Chrome
Series 1 booster box for $3,375
and a 2000 Pokémon Gym
Heroes Theme Deck Display
for $1,625.
Charizard proved to be the
most popular character of the
day with the second highest
single card being a 1999 Base
Shadowless Charizard BGS 9
selling for $2,625. In third
came a 2000 Team Rocket 1st
Edition Dark Charizard BGS
9.5 selling for $1,375. Other
auction highlights included a
16PC Pokémon Base Unlimited
BGS 9 card group for $2,500,
an 8PC Team Rocket 1st Edi-
tion BGS 9 card group for
$1,375 and a 1999 Base Shad-
owless Blastoise BGS 9.5 for
All prices reported include
buyer’s premium.
Bruneau & Co. Auctioneers is
always looking for quality Pop
Culture consignments, includ-
ing comics, toys, trading cards
and video games alongside
antiques and fine art. Bruneau
& Co. Auctioneers will be offer-
ing the remainder of the collec-
tion alongside other toys, com-
ics and collectibles Thursday,
June 25 at 6 pm EST. Due to
COVID-19 regulations in Rhode
Island, Bruneau & Co. Auction-
eers are running on limited
hours, if you have any questions
or require more information,
email them at info@bruneauan- For more information,
May 29, 2020 — Antiques and The Arts Weekly — 45
Huntington Museum Of Art Brings Two West Virginia Artworks
Back To The Mountain State
The Huntington Museum of “Tranquility” by Patrick Sullivan, 1939-41, oil on canvas, 26 “Harpers Ferry, Virginia” by Thomas Doughty (1793-1856),
Art (HMOA) has announced by 30¼ inches. HMA Purchase, 2019. 1825, oil on canvas on board, 16¾ by 24 inches. HMA Pur-
the acquisition of two impor- chase, 2019.
tant paintings for its collec- He worked only briefly as a upset world.” Sullivan wrote
tion. Both works relate to the painter, completing just 15 further, “After you have looked The Tiverton 4 Corners
history of art in the Mountain easel paintings during his at ‘Tranquility’ awhile turn it 4TH of July
State and are among the rar- short career. Discovered by to your right and look at it
est of their kind created by the important art collector sideways. You will notice the Antiques Show!
their respective artists. and gallerist, Sidney Janis, mountains form a sleeping fig-
Sullivan’s works were fea- ure resting in a calm, peaceful Thursday, July 4, 2019
“This is a wonderful addition tured at Janis’ gallery and manner. All is quiet and undis- 9 am - 4 pm
to the collection of the Hun- during the late 1930s and turbed. The trees, water,
tington Museum of Art and to 1940s were included for exhi- everything in the picture is in On the grounds of The Meeting House
West Virginia,” noted West bition at the Museum of Mod- a tranquil state, yet the pic- 3852 Main Road
Virginia department of arts, ern Art (MoMA) in New York ture is full of life — it sings. Tiverton, RI
culture and history curator City. “Tranquility” itself was The face of the sleeping figure
Randall Reid-Smith. “Visitors exhibited at MoMA in 1943. may be seen between the Admission: $7 (with ad: $6)
to HMOA will now be able to Though he achieved a brief branches of the tree on the For Show Info: Call 508-674-9186
appreciate these two amazing period of fame during that left.”
paintings that have contribut- period, Sullivan became Managed By Brian Ferguson
ed to the history of art in the embittered that he could not With the majority of Sulli- Email:[email protected]
Mountain State.” seem to make a living as an van’s works already in impor-
artist, so he abandoned paint- tant museum collections, L i t t LALnitttiqLue eCsoFmespttivoAnL
The first work, “Harpers ing. Thus, there are few exist- including two at the Museum LittLe &CoCLmApsstioC nAuto show
Ferry, Virginia,” was created ing works by this uniquely tal- of Modern Art in New York, AntiquesastuFrdeasyt, AiuvgAuLst 3
by the important landscape ented artist. one at the Smithsonian Amer- & CLAssi1C0:0A0uatmo-4:s0h0 opmw
painter and lithographer, ican Art Museum in Washing- s1a0t:u0r0daamy,-A45$u:140g080/uWpespretssmot3nM, FarieneRfooracdh,iLldirtetlne Compton
Thomas Doughty (1793-1856). While Sullivan was some- ton, DC, and two at the Ogle- under 12
Born in Philadelphia, Doughty what better known for works bay Institute in his adopted
was the first American artist that utilized a mix of land- hometown of Wheeling as well awd$/m2thiosisfsifoand!
who shied away from portrai- scape and elaborate symbol- as several whose locations are Shop for Antiques
ture and worked exclusively ism, “Tranquility,” which is today unknown, it was Admire Classic Cars
as a creator of landscapes. In considered the last of his mas- thought to be unlikely that View Art Exhibit
1827, he was elected to honor- terworks, is a pure landscape, the Huntington Museum of
ary membership in the containing the only known Art would ever be able to
National Academy in New anamorphic device in any of acquire one of his works for
York City, one of the first his paintings. Sullivan him- its collection.
important art organizations self wrote about his reason for
founded in the United States. creating “Tranquility” in 1941, “It had been four decades
remarking: since one of his paintings
The painting depicts the appeared for sale, so it became
intersection of the Potomac “In these days of nerve- a do-or-die moment for us,”
and Shenandoah rivers and is wracking events, it would be noted Fleming. “We needed to
infused with the atmospheric well for the artist to wield his act as quickly as humanly pos-
qualities that are a hallmark brush in the furtherance of a sible to secure this work as it
of Doughty’s paintings. Dated letdown in emotional distur- might have been another four
1825, the painting was likely bances which are inimical to decades before another
begun in 1824 when the the welfare of a mighty nation became available. Being able
famous ferry that gave Harp- such as ours... Artists should to acquire one of his master-
ers Ferry its name was discon- assist, therefore, in portraying pieces, and one that had been
tinued and was replaced with work that will help keep the exhibited at the Museum of
a covered wooden bridge. The nation calm and cool in all its Modern Art during his life-
bridge itself was completed in deliberations so that it may time, was a miraculous oppor-
1825 and two of its newly con- have the full use of its prow- tunity.”
structed masonry piers can be ess to erase from the earth the
seen in the background. Harp- foul, nauseating thing called The two paintings will be
ers Ferry was an important Nazism...It is my sincere wish shown later this year at the
junction point during colonial that those who look upon museum when the stay-at-
times, located both at the con- ‘Tranquility’ will be emotioned home order in West Virginia is
fluence of two major rivers the way the artist intended: lifted. For more information
and the site of the first reli- that it will give them a feeling on events and programs at the
able and regular ferry service of tranquility which is sorely Huntington Museum of Art,
that crossed the Potomac in needed in today’s emotionally visit or call 304-529-
that region. 2701.
“This work was an amazing
acquisition for our museum as
it has now become one of the
earliest dated landscapes
depicting West Virginia to be
housed in the collection of any
museum in the state,” com-
mented Geoffrey K. Fleming,
executive director of the Hun-
tington Museum of Art. “It has
been a privilege to bring this
work back home where it
The second work acquired by
the museum is “Tranquility”
completed between 1939 and
1941 by the most famous
naive/surrealist artist to ever
come out of West Virginia,
Patrick J. Sullivan (1894-
1967). Sullivan, who was also
born in Pennsylvania, moved
with his widowed mother to
Wheeling, W.Va., around 1910.
St Louis Sculpture To Honor Slaves Who Sued For Freedom awd$/m2thiosisfsifoand!
ST LOUIS (AP) — Efforts case, the US Supreme Court Jackson will depict a female
are underway to raise $1 mil- ruled black people were not slave inside the courthouse on
lion for a downtown St Louis citizens and did not have the a witness stand arguing for
monument to honor the hun- right to sue, angering anti- her freedom. They chose a
dreds of slaves who filed law- slavery advocates, KMOX woman because at the time,
suits for their freedom, lead- reported. the law was if a mother was
ing up to the landmark Dred deemed free then so were her
Scott case that pushed the Attorney Paul Venker, chair- children.
United States closer to the man of the Freedom Suits
Civil War. Memorial Steering Commit- “I feel it is imperative that
tee, called those who sued the descendants of slaves see
The goal is to unveil the “change agents” who altered themselves as strong people,
Freedom Suits Memorial in the way people thought about as survivors, and this sculp-
July 2021 on the east lawn of slavery in the United States. ture will certainly send that
the Civil Courts Building. In important message,” Jackson
an 1857 decision on Scott’s The 14-foot-tall bronze said.
sculpture by artist Preston
46 — Antiques and The Arts Weekly — May 29, 2020
Kentucky Derby Museum To Art Deco Jukebox Goes
Donate Proceeds To Virus Relief For More Than A Song
At Burchard Galleries
LOUISVILLE, KY. (AP) — The with the original race date of
Kentucky Derby Museum May 2 to funds that help people ST PETERSBURG, FLA. — Bidders liked what they
announced it will donate more who have been financially saw —and heard — at Burchard Galleries’ May 17 Vin-
than $10,000 of its proceeds from impacted by the coronavirus tage Antiques, Fine Art & Jewelry sale, which saw a
online merchandise sales to coro- pandemic. strong result in an Art Deco “Gabel’s Entertainer” juke-
navirus relief efforts in the state. box that surpassed its’ high estimate to bring $2,808.
“Customers realized it was a Made by Gabel’s Entertainer Co., of Chicago, the 5-cent
The donations will go toward great opportunity to purchase 24-record jukebox also featured documentation of its
Kentucky Governor Andy Bes- collectible Derby 146 merchan- schematics.
hear’s Team Kentucky Fund and dise while supporting a great
the One Louisville COVID-19 cause,” Patrick Armstrong, presi- Price quoted includes the minimum buyer’s premium
Response Fund, the museum dent and chief executive officer reported by the auction house and may not include
said May 12 in a Facebook post. of the museum, said in a state- additional surcharges for payment or bidding methods.
ment reported by news outlets.
After the 146th Kentucky Burchard Galleries Inc., is at 2528 30th Avenue North.
Derby was postponed from May The museum’s gift shop will For more information, or
2 to Labor Day weekend, the reopen on May 20 while imple- 727-821-1167.
museum pledged last month to menting social distancing and
donate 20 percent of online sales state health guidelines, museum
from collectible merchandise officials said.
To Benefit Local Covid-19 Affected Dealers—
Neue Auctions’ Offers Internet Only Sale May 30
BEACHWOOD, OHIO — Neue “Many shops have had to close dazzling Tiffany 14K white gold Masons” ($400/800). As for sculp- blue, should make $200/400.
Auctions has scheduled a Pan- and many shows have been can- and diamond ring is a strong can- tures, a 15-inch -all hand-blown Internet bidding will be provid-
demic Relief Auction for 11 am celled or postponed due to the didate for top lot of the auction. glass male torso signed by Dino
Eastern time on Saturday, May COVID-19 pandemic,” said Cyn- The 1.2-carat diamond is beauti- Rosin should fetch $1/1,500. ed by,
30, in an effort to support local thia Maciejewski of Neue Auc- fully set in a 14K yellow gold and BidSquare.
antiques and fine arts dealers in tions. “We have a reduced seller expandable shank. Lamps and lighting feature a com. Phone and absentee bids will
and around the Cleveland area. rate for these dealers, so bidders Quezel four-light hanging fixture also be accepted. Virtual gallery
The online auction will consist of can rest assured that any partici- The fine art category is plentiful. with matching sconces ($2/4,000); previews will be held via the Neue
many “old new-stock” antiques, pation in this sale will directly European works feature an oil on and a French Empire figural Auctions website, at www.
decorative art, fine art and jewel- impact these dealers who will canvas painting, “Two Pigeons on bronze two-light oil-lamp form
ry, all consigned by local northeast realize a greater portion of pro- a Ledge,” signed and dated 1879 chamberstick on a stepped green
Ohio dealers. ceeds from each lot purchased.” lower right by Italian artist Marz marble base ($500-$1,000). Neue Auctions is at 23533 Mer-
Tiffany 14K white gold and Sofra ($1,5/2,500); and a signed oil cantile Road, Suite 119. For infor-
diamond ring with 1.2-carat In addition, one of Neue’s bid- on canvas by Enrico Del Bono, A terracotta figure of Moses, mation, 216-245-6707 or cynthia@
diamond ($4/6,000). ding platforms — Liveauction- titled “Still Life of Flowers in Vase crafted in 1956 by F.Z. Gorse — will donate a portion with Surreal Landscape,” (1897-1986), carries an estimate
of proceeds from all first-time ($600/900). Paintings by Ameri- of $500-$1,000. Along the same
online purchases to the Meals on can artists will include an oil on theme, a pair of Italian silk and
Wheels COVID Response Fund canvas by Algesa O’Sickey (1917- paper embroidered works depict-
and the World Health Organiza- 2006), titled “Concert #1,” signed ing the Finding of Moses and
tion COVID-19 Solidarity lower right and matted inside a Moses and the Column of Fire
Response Fund. “Please help sup- 17-by-23-inch frame ($600- should reach $1,5/2,500; while a
port our local economy and your $1,000); and a graphite and pastel pair of German carved and gilded
favorite dealers by participating on paper work by the noted Cleve- wood boiserie panels is estimated
in this auction,” Maciejewski said. land School artist William Som- to fetch $200/400.
mer (1867-1949), titled “Stone
With an estimate of $4/6,000, a Rounding out just some of the
auction’s anticipated highlights, a
1909-D $5 Indian Head US gold coin, in cir- 1909-D $5 Indian Head US gold
culated condition, not professionally grad- coin, in circulated condition and
ed ($400-800). not professionally graded, has an
estimate of $400/800; and a Turk-
ish Bokhara carpet showing intri-
cate geometric borders in red and
Male torso signed by Dino
Rosin (Italian, b 1948), hand-
blown glass, 15 inches tall
(20 inches including the
base) ($1/1,500).
Quezel four-light hanging fixture with four
bronze shaped pendant links and Quezel
signed shades, with matching sconces
“Two Pigeons on a Ledge,” Marz Sofra, 1879, oil on canvas,
“Still Life of Flowers in a Vase with Surreal Pair of Italian embroideries depicting the “Concert #1” by Algesa O’Sickey (American, 1917-2006), oil
Landscape” by Enrico Del Bono (Italian, ‘Finding of Moses’ and ‘Moses and the Col- on canvas ($600-1,000).
1915-2006), oil on canvas ($600-900). umn of Fire,’ embroidery with gold and sil-
ver metallic thread ($1,5/2,500).
May 29, 2020 — Antiques and The Arts Weekly — 47
Decorative Arts Trust Meets Fundraising Goal,
Matt Thurlow Gets Haircut
Decorative Arts Trust exec- Thurlow’s son Trevor lops off a bit of his father’s hair.
utive director Matthew
Thurlow shows off a fresh
haircut after a successful
fundraising round.
MEDIA, PENN. — The Decora- Taylor Thurlow smiles as she takes a run through her
tive Arts Trust, like many other father’s hair.
nonprofit organizations, took a big
hit at the onset of the COVID-19 for Excellence and Innovation is a tions should be submitted to thet- ment fund disbursements.,
pandemic. In addition to member- $100,000 to fund outstanding [email protected] by To learn more about the mission email them at thetrust@decora-
ship contributions and donations, projects that advance the public’s June 30, 2020. The trust also wel- or call 610-627-
a majority portion of the trust’s appreciation of decorative art, fine comes contributions to endow the and programs of the Decorative 4970.
income comes from decorative art, architecture or landscape. prize, including appreciated secu- Arts Trust, visit its website at
arts programs in the United Nominations and self-nomina- rities and IRA and other retire-
States and abroad. With travel
restrictions, museum and historic
site closures, social distancing
practices and a general aversion
to travel in the interest of protect-
ing public health, the trust post-
poned the remaining 2020 sympo-
sia and Study Trips Abroad.
To find a way to continue to pro-
vide decorative arts resources
through digital means and a bian-
nual magazine as well as support
the administration of grantmak-
ing programs, Trust executive
director Matthew A. Thurlow had
a creative fundraising idea.
“GivingTuesdayNow was com-
ing up, and, like many of us, I defi-
nitely needed a haircut. So I
thought, why don’t I offer to shave
my head if we reach a certain
amount of donations?” Thurlow
shares. “Given that I’m working
remotely while homeschooling my
children, why not get them
The trust utilized social media
channels and e-blasts to request
$10,000 in contributions to its
new Critical Operations Support
Fund by May 5, the date which
the international group of non-
profit organizations that created
#GivingTuesday designated as
#GivingTuesdayNow to respond
to this crisis.
As you can see by the images,
trust supporters met the goal, and
Thurlow got a haircut from his
son and daughter, Trevor and
Taylor, with help from his wife,
Jen, a nurse practitioner at the
Hospital of the University of
As Thurlow states in his thank
you video that initiates the head-
shaving process, “There are so
many organizations in the cultur-
al sector that need your assis-
tance, and we’re grateful to have
you as friends of our organiza-
While these are very difficult
times for the arts and culture
communities, the Decorative Arts
Trust is committed to continuing
their grantmaking efforts as part
of their Emerging Scholars Pro-
gram as well as their new Prize
for Excellence and Innovation.
The Decorative Arts Trust’s
Emerging Scholars Program
encourages the next generation of
museum curators and decorative
arts historians through continu-
ing education scholarships, sum-
mer research grants, curatorial
internship grants, emerging
scholar lectures and exhibition
and publication grants.
The Decorative Arts Trust Prize
48 — Antiques and The Arts Weekly — May 29, 2020
Antiques and The Arts Weekly
Sewing Machine Collection, Automobilia Stitch Up
May Sale At Miller & Miller
Auction Action In New Hamburg, Canada NEW HAMBURG, CANADA — Toys, signs and historic objects crossed
the block for Miller & Miller Auctions Ltd., on May 9. Only two of the 578
Photographs, a model J instruction manual lots passed in the online-only sale, which included the Carl Koenig collec-
and two brochures for the 1930s Duesen- tion of nearly 100 sewing machines from international makers; a collec-
berg unfolded for $1,917. tion of American automobilia including dealer-issued literature and NOS
parts from brands Cadillac, Buick, Packard and Chevrolet; and the auto-
This 1930s board lithograph for Montreal- Review by mobile hood ornament collection of Stewart Ferguson.
based Dominion Cartridge Co illustrates Greg Smith, Editor
the company’s catalog of ammunition. The Photos Courtesy Miller & Miller Auctions Ltd “A month ago, we actually considered deferring this sale because of the
piece sold for $3,195 and led the sale. The unknown impact of the COVID-19 pandemic,” said Ethan Miller of Miller
blunt image is a remarkably sad one, with & Miller Auctions, Ltd., adding, “That would have been a grave mistake.
a polar bear parent standing up after its Despite the challenges facing the world, bidding was spirited and prices
cub was killed and lays motionless in the were stronger than predicted. We recorded our highest presale registra-
background. The cub’s sibling bends down tion rate to date.
to check on it.
Miller continued, “Selling without an audience to three carefully-spaced
At $2,094 was one of the earliest portable family members felt strange. Yet, as bids rolled in, it was quickly appar-
sewing machines. It was produced by Gro- ent that the sale was going to work out really, really well. As far as prices
ver, Baker & Co. of Boston, and dates to the estimated versus prices realized, this could easily be considered our most
1860s. There are fewer than 200 known successful sale to date. What do collectors want in the midst of a global
examples. Koenig collection. pandemic? The factors of rarity, condition and fresh-to-the market are
more important now than ever before.”
Leading the petroliana offerings was this A 1957 Chevrolet dealer album came with
Penn-Drake Motor Oil sign that measured every choice in the book, including its origi- Leading the sale at $3,195 was a 1930s board lithograph for Montreal-
27 by 21 inches and took $2,130. The colors nal color and fabric selection booklets. It based Dominion Cartridge Co illustrating all of the various calibers of
were strong but it did have some small sold for $1,704. ammunition the company produced. At center was a standing polar bear
losses to the porcelain on the outer edges. growling with one of its cubs slain behind it. It was awarded first prize for
a “Vintage Canadian Outdoor Collectible” at the 2007 Canadian Decoy &
Outdoor Collectible Association Meet.
Sewing machine collector Carl Koenig had a sign in his home that read
“And Sew it Was.” His collection represented very early model sewing
machines to those made well into the Twentieth Century from companies
around the world.
The collection found its leader in a Victoria “Family” model from the
1880s that sold for $2,343. The Victoria Sewing Machine Company was
based in Toronto and its machines were likely manufactured by or sold by
Gates & Company, who the auction house said shared the same address
for a time. The model resembles the circular design of Gates’ The Queen’s
Elliptic. Behind at $2,094 was an American model produced by Grover,
Baker and Co., of Boston, circa 1860s. It was an early example of the first
portable sewing machine and the auction house says there are fewer
than 200 known examples. The Singer Manufacturing Company was
well-represented, with a model 222k featherweight, circa 1954-55, fetch-
ing $1,619. A lot of two model 221s from the 1960s with their cases sold at
$1,619. By this time, Singer was producing sewing machines around the
world, and one of these was made in Great Britain and the other in Can-
ada. Two “penguin” walking presser foot accessories with original boxes
sold for $1,449 and $1,363.
Automobilia produced strong interest, led by a Penn-Drake Motor Oil
sign, 27 by 21 inches, that sold for $2,130. The sign was in strong condi-
tion with some small losses to the porcelain on the outer edges. A lot of
four 1930s Duesenberg sales brochures and owners manuals rolled in to
$1,917. A 1957 Chevrolet Dealer Album with original color and fabric
selection booklets over quadrupled the estimate when it sold for $1,704.
Hood ornaments produced some good results, including $1,192 paid for a
winged figure that once adorned a 1931-32 Auburn and $1,107 paid for a
man with a streamlined mohawk that appeared on a 1935 6-cylinder
A J&E Stevens Cabin mechanical cast iron bank led the toy category at
$1,704. It featured a teal-sided cabin with red front and an old label for an
Ontario bookseller. A professionally restored “White Rose” tanker truck
from the 1940s by Canadian company Minnitoys Otaco Ltd. sold for
$1,192. A group of tin litho cars followed, with a Carette touring car sell-
ing for $852 and a Citroen “Automobile Mecanique” with tilting wind-
shield bringing the same price.
Miller & Miller has three major auctions planned for the balance of
2020. The first is another online Signs, Toys & Historic Objects auction
that will happen on June 20. A Music Machines, Coin-Op & Advertising
auction is planned for September 19. A Watches & Jewelry auction is
scheduled for November 21. Whether these will be live gallery auctions
with an online bidding component, or online-only, will depend entirely on
the status of the COVID-19 virus.
All prices were converted from CAD to USD at press time and include
buyer’s premium. Watch the website for more details at www.millerand-
This streamlined winged figure Bidders liked the circular design on With teal-siding, a J&E Stevens Circa 1954-55, this Singer feather-
once graced the hood of a 1931-32 this Victoria “Family” model from Cabin cast iron mechanical bank weight model 222k came with box,
Auburn, and it sold for $1,192. the 1880s. From The Victoria Sew- sold for $1,705. manual, attachments and oil can. It
ing Machine Company in Toronto, it sold for $1,619. Koenig collection.
sold for $2,343 and led all of the sew-
ing machines in the sale. Koenig col-
May 29, 2020 — Antiques and The Arts Weekly — 49
Jonathan Crockett Named Chairman Of Asia At Phillips
HONG KONG — Phillips has dinary growth of Asia in recent mize business opportunities across
announced the appointment of years, both in terms of the success collecting categories. In addition,
Jonathan Crockett as chairman of of our Hong Kong sales and signifi- he will lead the auction house to
Asia, reflecting the region’s preem- cant increase in Asia’s contribu- further develop its brand presence
inent role in the company’s overall tion to our global sales,” said in the region by fostering deep
growth strategy. Edward Dolman, chief executive relationships with art collectors,
officer. “Jonathan has worked institutions, artists and strategic
Since joining Phillips in May closely with all our specialist partnerships throughout Asia.
2016, Crockett has been instru- departments to further strengthen
mental in spearheading the com- our cross-category approach to Among his major accomplish-
pany’s growth and business devel- highlight our auction offerings to a ments so far at Phillips, Crockett
opment across Asia. He helped broad range of clients across the oversaw the consignment and sale
establish Phillips’ regional head- region. In his new role, he will of “04.01.79” by Zao Wou-ki, which
quarters in Hong Kong, and has partner with Phillips senior execu- in May 2018 realized HK $ 69.9
overseen the rapid expansion of a tives across all regions to build our million (US $8.9 million), the top
team across eight major cities over sales and global presence, and con- price ever paid for a Zao Wou-Ki
the course of the past five years. To tinue to further develop the com- work from the 1970s. He has also
date he has supervised seven high- pany’s overall growth strategy for contributed significantly to Phil-
ly successful series of sales in Asia. As we celebrate our fifth year lips’ global sales, a notable high-
Hong Kong, with each season see- anniversary in the region, we look light was consigning Peter Doig’s
ing record results being set. In forward to building on our solid “Rosedale,” which sold for US $29
2019, Phillips’ total auction sales foundation by continuing the next million, setting a world record for
in Asia amounted to an outstand- phase of our sustained growth.” any living British artist. Another
ing HK $955 million, an increase notable achievement was initiat-
of 77 percent since 2016, when As chairman of Asia, Crockett ing his strategy for the Twentieth
Crockett joined as deputy chair- will continue working with Phil- Century & Contemporary Art
man of Asia, marking the highest lips’ top clients across the regions, department in Asia, which has
total in the company’s history in partnering with specialists and seen the region’s transactional
the region. the company’s strong regional net- activity grow by 195 percent from
work of representatives to maxi- 2016 to 2019.
“We have witnessed the extraor-
Carved Stone Turtle Unearthed From Angkor Reservoir Site
By Sopheng Cheang Thursday, May 7 while preparations were being
PHNOM PENH, CAMBODIA (AP) — Cambodian made to lift it out without damaging it.
archaeologists have unearthed a large centuries-old
statue of a turtle at the Angkor temple complex. Angkor was strongly influenced by Hindu culture,
The 56-by-93 centimeter (22-by-37 inch) carved and as a result, when a temple or other important
stone turtle believed to date from the Tenth century structure was built, sacred objects would often be
was discovered Wednesday May 6 during digging at buried in the ground underneath as a gesture to
what was the site of a small temple that had been ensure safety and good fortune. In several Asian
built on Srah Srang, one of Angkor’s several reser- cultures, turtles are seen as symbols of longevity
voirs. and prosperity.
Researchers pinpointed where the temple had
been and workers drained water off to enable the The dig also discovered some other rare artifacts,
dig, which began March 16, said Mao Sokny, head of including two metal tridents and a carved head of a
the excavation team of the Apsara Authority, a gov- naga, a mythical creature.
ernment agency that oversees the Angkor archaeo-
logical site. The Angkor complex is Cambodia’s biggest tourist
The bottom half of the turtle remained buried attraction, as well as a UNESCO World Heritage
site and is included in the Cambodian flag.
Mao Sokny said discoveries of such artifacts help
Cambodians take pride in their heritage.
This May 6, 2020, photo provided by Apsara Authority, shows a turtle statue displayed on
the ground of Srah Srang site in Siem Reap province northwest Cambodia. Cambodian
archaeologists have unearthed a large centuries-old statue of a turtle on Thursday, May 7,
2020, in an excavation at the famous Angkor temple complex in the country’s northwest.
(Apsara Authority via AP)
Christo To Realize Long-Planned Dream
To Wrap L’Arc De Triomphe
PARIS — Due to the COVID-19 Claude began creating works of art ments in Paris and in France.
pandemic, “L’Arc de Triomphe, in public spaces. One of their proj- The Eternal Flame, in front of the
Wrapped,” initially planned for the ects was to wrap a public building.
fall of 2020, has been postponed by At the time, Christo, who was rent- Tomb of the Unknown Soldier at
one year. The new dates are: Sep- ing a small room near the Arc de the Arc de Triomphe, will continue
tember 18 to October 3, 2021. Triomphe, made several studies of to burn throughout the prepara-
a project there, including, in 1962, tion and display of the artwork. As
Christo, in close collaboration a photomontage of the Arc de Tri- always, veteran’s associations and
with the Centre des Monuments omphe wrapped, seen from the volunteers committed to the values
Nationaux and the Centre Pompi- Avenue Foch. In the 1970s-80s, of the French Republic will ensure
dou, will create a temporary art- Christo created a few additional the continuity of remembrance and
work in Paris titled “L’Arc de Tri- studies. Almost 60 years later, the the daily ceremony of rekindling
omphe, Wrapped (Project for project will finally be realized. the flame that pays homage to the
Paris), Place de l’Étoile – Charles Unknown Soldier and those who
de Gaulle,” which will be on view “L’Arc de Triomphe, Wrapped” lost their lives fighting for France.
for 16 days. The Arc de Triomphe will be entirely funded by Christo
will be wrapped in 82,000 square through the sale of his preparatory “Thirty-five years after Jeanne-
feet of recyclable polypropylene studies, drawings and collages of Claude and I wrapped the Pont-
fabric in silvery blue, and 23,000 the project as well as scale models, Neuf, I am eager to work in Paris
feet of red rope. works from the 1950s-60s and orig- again to realize our project for the
inal lithographs on other subjects. Arc de Triomphe,” says Christo.
As a prelude to “L’Arc de Triom- It will receive no public funds.
phe, Wrapped,” a major exhibition, For additional information,
presented at the Centre Georges The Centre des Monuments
Pompidou, will retrace Christo and Nationaux, the government insti- Christo, “L’Arc de Triumph,
Jeanne-Claude’s years in Paris tution that manages the Arc de Wrapped (Project for Paris),”
from 1958 to 1964, as well as the Triomphe, is pleased about the collage, 2018, 14¾ by 10-3/8
story of “The Pont Neuf Wrapped, realization of a project that demon- inches, pencil, wax crayon and
Project for Paris, 1975-85.” strates its commitment to contem- aerial photograph on paper,
porary creation and that honors André Grossmann photo,
In 1961, three years after they one of the most emblematic monu- ©2018 Christo.
met in Paris, Christo and Jeanne-
50 — Antiques and The Arts Weekly — May 29, 2020
While isolation strategies breed distancing around the world, dealers, auctioneers and museums
are picking up the camera and making videos that not only speak to the time,
but sweep us away through art to places we’d like to be. Check out some of our favorites from this week.
Walden Exhibition At Schloss Hollenegg Castle BMA Director’s Cut: American Narrative Tradition
YouTube Channel: Dezeen Vimeo Channel: BMA Education
Virtual Design Festival (VDF) has teamed up with Schloss Hollenegg Graham C. Boettcher surveys the American narrative tradition in the
for the virtual opening of an exhibition exploring the wilder side of museum’s collection. He says, “By ‘narrative,’ I mean storytelling, and cer-
nature, including a live tour of the historic castle. Taking place in the tainly all art tells a story in some way in that it conveys information about
rooms of Schloss Hollenegg castle in Austria, Walden has been curated someone, some place, or some thing.” This is one video in the “BMA Direc-
by Alice Stori Liechtenstein to encourage people to stop regarding tor’s Cut” series and they’re all worth a watch.
themselves as “masters of the earth” and exploiting nature as a
resource. The castle, which dates back to 1163, is home to Schloss Hol-
lenegg for Design, a cultural programme established by Stori Liechten-
stein in 2015. The Walden show was due to open May 9 but the public
opening has been canceled due to coronavirus. Instead, it is opening as
part of VDF with a virtual tour of the castle by Liechtenstein on
Dezeen’s Instagram.
Humboldt Penguins visit the Nelson-Atkins Museum Virtual Exhibition: Japan’s “Art of Impermanence”
At Asia Society Museum
YouTube Channel: Kansas City Zoo
While the zoo has been closed, they’ve still been actively caring for the animals, YouTube Channel: Asia Society
including adding enrichment experiences to stimulate their minds. Friends at Experience “The Art of Impermanence: Japanese Works from the John C.
The Nelson-Atkins Museum of Art invited our Humboldt penguins for a morning Weber Collection and Mr and Mrs John D. Rockefeller 3rd Collection” from your
of fine art and culture. own home in this video tour of Asia Society Museum’s latest exhibition. Through
masterpieces of calligraphy, painting, sculpture, ceramics, lacquers and textiles,
the exhibition examines Japan’s unique and nuanced references to transience.
Objects in the exhibition span from the Jomon period to the Twentieth Century.
From images that depict the cycle of the four seasons and red Negoro lacquer
worn so it reveals the black lacquer beneath, to the gentle sadness evoked in the
words of wistfully written poems, the exhibition demonstrates that much of
Japan’s greatest art alludes directly or indirectly to the transient nature of life.
Introduction to the Yale Collection of Western Behind the Scenes— An Interrupted Exhibition,
Americana with Curator George Miles “Tudor Power and Glory: The Field of Cloth of Gold”
YouTube Channel: Beinecke Library at Yale YouTube Channel: Royal Armouries
George Miles, William Robertson Coe curator of western Americana, gives Due to the museum being quarantined, the “Field of Cloth of Gold” exhibi-
an overview of the Yale collection of western Americana. tion will not be completed as soon as curators would have hoped. However,
this behind the scenes peek lets you see all the hard work that goes into
creating a museum exhibition.