Newsletter–August 9, 2016
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Lost Treasure
Online Newsletter
August 9, 2016
Feature Club — page 4
page 17 — Favorite Finds
6 Special Bonus Feature From
Lost Treasure Magazine
10 THers' News
18 Tips From the Pros
19 Calendar of Events
2 LOST TREASURE Newsletter 8-9-16
LostTreasure Are You the Winner of One of
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Feature Club
The South Alabama Historical
Research and Recovery Association
The South Alabama Stanley Norris, President the Main Hunt (tokens
Historical Research and Mike Burgess, Vice redeemed for prizes).
Recovery Association President
(Sahrara) is located in Mobile, George Yurcisin, Prizes will include metal
Alabama, and meets on the Secretary/Treasurer detectors, accessories,
first Tuesday of every month
at the Golden Corral in The Sahrara Shoot-Out silver and gold coins,
2016 will be held November Lortone Tumblers and more.
Tillmans Corner. 12th, 2016, rain or shine, in
The meeting starts Grand Bay, Alabama, at the For more information,
promptly at 7 p.m. and Grand Bay Middle School in contact Stanley Norris,
is over by 9. Arrive early and southwest Mobile County, 1 Sahrara President, at (251)
enjoy the buffet at the Golden 716-3282, e-mail s.norris@
Corral before the meeting, but mile south of I-10 Exit 4. live.com or log onto http://
it is not necessary to eat to Two big events begin with www.sahrara.com/
attend the meeting. a Poker Hunt (highest hand You can also visit the
wins a gold coin) followed by club’s Facebook page at
Club Officers: https://www.facebook.com/
4 LOST TREASURE Newsletter 8-9-16
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The Atlantic Ocean
Cursed Island
By Pat Hughes
Charles Island, part of the Silver Milford, Connecticut, in Long Island It is documented that he did visit
Sands State Park, is connected to the Sound. Milford on his last voyage, so per-
mainland by a sand bar, or in this haps he buried something in Milford
case a rocky bar or tombolo that is This was the place where the or on Charles Island.
submerged at high tide. Native American Sachem or Chief
lived in the summer months before The island was said to be cursed
Once an island is attached to the the Europeans arrived. three times, and people still die
mainland by a tombolo, it is called a around this island.
tiered island. Charles Island is con- The island was discovered in 1614
sidered one of the notable tombolo when Adriaen Block sailed through As recently as in 2009 a kayaker
islands worldwide. and mapped Long Island Sound. The went missing after his boat capsized
island appears on his hand-drawn right near the island.
The only ruins found on the island map found in the The Netherlands
is a Catholic Retreat Center from the National Archives. The first curse was in the 17th cen-
1920’s called the Aquinas Retreat. tury, prior to 1639, by the Paugussett
In 1639, the colonists called the tribe Sachem, whose tribe believed
Today the island is a protected island Milford Island. After Charles that the island was sacred and a
Black Crowned Night Heron and Deal purchased the island in 1657 it “spirited” ground.
Snowy Egret rookery and people are became Charles Island.
discouraged from going there. After the settlers defeated the
It is said that, in 1699, right before tribe, the chief said “Any shelter will
People have and do die here in infamous pirate Captain Kidd went crumble to the earth and he shall be
spite of being told to keep away. The to Boston where he was captured and cursed built here.”
rip tides are fierce and those who returned to London to be tried and
are not mindful of the incoming tide eventually was hanged, he offloaded There is no building that has last-
have been known to be washed off treasure on Gardiners Island off the ed for any length of time on this
the rocks while trying to get to or eastern tip of Long Island. island. And it is said that the Sachem
away from the island. was buried on the island.
This treasure was found, but it
This island is also known as Thrice was theorized that perhaps he also There is also the story that the
Cursed Island, and is a 14-acre island buried more of it along others islands island was sold by the Native
located a half mile off the coast of located in the Sound. American Chief to the colonists for
six coats, 10 blankets, one kettle,
162 LLOOSSTT TTRREEAASSUURREENeMwasyle2tt0e1r68-9-16
12 hatchets, 12 hoes, 24 knives and pirate’s curse given by Captain Kidd and Cape Verde. Diane weakened
12 small mirrors. If that is true, why himself in 1699. further after moving inland, at which
would he curse the island? point the United States Weather
He cursed the treasure that he bur- Bureau noted a decreased threat of
Perhaps it was because the story ied there, perhaps under a giant boul- further destruction.
continues that the colonists kid- der known as Hog Rock. Anyone
napped his daughter and sold her who attempted to dig up his treasure The storm turned to the northeast,
into slavery. This did happen in the would meet certain death. and warm waters from the Atlantic
early colonial era. Ocean helped produce record rain-
The last curse came in 1721 by five fall across the northeastern United
The Golden Hill Paugussett sailors who stole Mexican Emperor States.
Nation is one of the five tribes rec- Guatmozin’s treasure from a cave
ognized by the state of Connecticut, and brought it to the Connecticut On August 19, Diane emerged
but is not federally recognized at this island. into the Atlantic Ocean southeast
time. of New York City, becoming extra-
The Emperor put a curse on those tropical the next day and completely
Historically, they lived in much who had his treasure and, after four dissipating by August 21.
of western Connecticut before the of the five sailors died, the last sailor
arrival of the Europeans. hid the treasure in the basement of Damage from Diane was heaviest
the old Milford Inn. in Connecticut, where rainfall peaked
They occupied the region from at 16.86 inches near Torrington.
present day Norwalk to West Haven After it was discovered by a cus-
and from Long Island Sound inland tomer, the fifth sailor transported it The storm produced the state’s
for as far as they could navigate to Charles Island and the third curse largest flood on record, which effec-
by canoe up the Housatonic and came with it. tively split the state into two by
Naugatuck Rivers. destroying bridges and cutting com-
Hurricane Diane destroyed many munications.
Golden Hill was the site of the homes on the Milford coast in 1955.
tribe’s sacred spring. It was also the This was the costliest Atlantic hur- All major streams and valleys
first Native American reservation in ricane of its time. were flooded, and 30 stream gaug-
the United States, created in 1659. es reported their highest levels on
It formed on August 7 from a tropi- record.
The second curse came from a cal wave between the Lesser Antilles
Less ground effects.
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but closed. Perhaps its nickname,
“hard luck island,” has some merit
after all.
It is interesting to note that sup-
posedly there have been copper
coins found on the island by visitors
over the years.
There is also a theory that the
treasures may be under the water
under huge rocks on the northwest
side of the island. There are also sto-
ries of large rats that roam the island
at night.
Present visitors report seeing
glowing ghosts in trees and hear the
sounds of disembodied voices and
The Connecticut River at Hartford It is said that these two men spent Sources:
reached a water level of 30.6’, the their last days in an insane asylum, Hidden Realms, Lost Civilizations,
third highest on record there. but others say that they were behead- and Beings from other worlds, by
ed by the spirits of the Paugussett Jerome Clark, Visible Ink, Canton,
The flooding destroyed a large Native Americans who made the MI @ 2010
section of downtown Winsted, much treasure invisible. Algonquin Legends of New
of which was never rebuilt. England, Charles G. Leland,
A hotel was started in the 1880’s, Riverside Press, Cambridge, MA
In the hurricane’s wake, eight @1884
states were declared federal disas- Legends of the New England
ter areas and the name Diane was Coast, by Edward Rowe Snow,
retired. It was after this destruction Dodd, Mead, & Co., NY, NY @
that a park was created there. 1957
No treasure has ever been found com
on the island, but supposedly, in www.geocaching.com
1850, seekers came close. Author’s personal visit to
It is said that they found an iron http://vulcan.wr.usgs.gov
chest buried in the sand. As they The Deadliest Atlantic Tropical
attempted to open it, a “screeching, Cyclones, www.data:text/html.
flaming skeleton descended from charset=udl.8
the sky.”
Super Storm Sandy destruction in New Jersey.
It came into the pit where the
treasure chest was and the treasure
hunters dropped their tools and fled
the island.
When they returned to the island,
their tools and the hole were com-
pletely gone.
184 LLOOSSTT TTRREEAASSUURREENeMwasyle2t0te1r68-9-16
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THers' News
The simple rock dome discovered by the archaeologists, was presumably buried beneath
the Onon river for centuries. Photo courtesy of http://undergroundscience.net/archaelogy/
Tomb of Genghis sumably due to the fact that the site archaeology.
Khan Unearthed was located beneath the river bed for Born Temüjin (which means
A mass grave containing the hundreds of years, until the course of
remains of many dozens of human the Onon river changed in the 18th “of iron”), he was the founder and
corpses lying upon a large rudimen- century. Great Khan (emperor) of the Mongol
tary stone structure has been found Empire, which became the largest
by construction workers employed in The remains of a tall male and contiguous empire in history after
road building near the Onon River in sixteen female skeletons were identi- his demise.
the Khentii province of Mongolia. fied among hundreds of gold and sil-
Forensic experts and archaeolo- ver artifacts and thousands of coins. He is known for uniting the war-
gists were called on the site, which ring tribes of Mongolia and merg-
was revealed to be a Mongolian The women are presumed to have ing them into one before launching
royal tomb from the 13th century been wives and concubines of the a series of military campaigns in
that the scientists believe to be leader, who were killed to accom- China, Central Asia, the Middle East
Genghis Khan’s. pany the warlord in the afterlife. and even Eastern Europe.
The team of scientists affiliated
with the University of Beijing, has The amount of treasure and the He conquered more than 31 mil-
concluded that the numerous skel- number of sacrificed animals and lion square kilometers of land during
etons buried on top of the struc- people, have immediately led the his lifetime.
ture were most likely the slaves who archaeologists to consider that the
built it and who were then massacred site was certainly the burial site of a His legacy has taken many forms
to keep the secret of the location. really powerful Mongol warlord. besides his conquest and can still be
The remains of twelve horses found today, making him one of the
were also found on the site, certainly After realizing an extensive set of most influential men in the history
sacrificed to accompany the Great tests and analysis, they were able to of mankind.
Khan in death. confirm that the body belonged to a
A total of 68 skeletons were found man aged between 60 and 75, who He connected the East and the
buried together, almost directly over died between 1215 and 1235 AD. West through the creation of the
the top of a rather crude stone struc- Silk Route, a trade route that would
ture. Both the age, the date, the loca- become and remain for centuries, the
The content of the tomb was scat- tion and the opulence of the site main network of trade and cultural
tered and badly deteriorated, pre- seem to confirm that the tomb does transmission in Eurasia, opening
indeed belong to Genghis Khan. long-distance, political and econom-
ic interactions between the civiliza-
The incontestable histori- tions.
cal importance of Genghis Khan
makes this new discovery one of Genghis Khan also has an incred-
the most important in the history of ible number of descendants, as some
10 LOST TREASURE Newsletter 8-9-16
THers' News continued...
depicted in the contexts of Ice Age Similar finds in the past have
art, but on the whole almost nothing usually been interpreted as shaft-
is known about string, rope and tex- straighteners, decorated artworks or
tiles from the Paleolithic. even musical instruments.
The find is a carefully carved and Thanks to the exceptional pres-
beautifully preserved piece of mam- ervation of the find and rigorous
moth ivory 20.4 cm in length with testing by the team in Liège, the
four holes between 7 and 9 mm in researchers have demonstrated that
diameter. the tool was used for making rope
out of plant fibers available near
Each of the holes is lined with Hohle Fels.
deep, and precisely cut spiral inci-
sions. “This tool answers the ques-
tion of how rope was made in the
The new find demonstrates that Paleolithic”, says Veerle Rots, “a
these elaborate carvings are tech- question that has puzzled scientists
nological features of rope-making for decades.”
equipment rather than just decora-
tion. Excavators found the rope-mak-
Hohle Fels Cave in southwestern
genetic studies have shown that he
could be the direct ancestor of 1one
human out every 200 who are alive
In Mongolia alone as many as
200,000 of the country’s 2 mil-
lion people could be Genghis Khan
Courtesy of http://www.ancient-
Mystery of How Rope
Was Made 40,000 Years Ago
A key discovery by Prof. Conard’s
team in Hohle Fels Cave in south-
western Germany, and experi-
mental research and testing by Dr.
Veerle Rots and her team form the
University of Liège, is rewriting the
history of rope.
Rope and twine are critical com-
ponents in the technology of mobile
hunters and gatherers.
In exceptional cases, impressions
of string have been found in fired
clay and on rare occasions string was
www.LostTreasure.com Newsletter 8-9-16 11
THers' News continued...
ing tool in archaeological horizon
A rope making tool from Va near the base of the Aurignacian
mammoth ivory from deposits of the site.
Hohle Fels Cave in south- Like the famous female figurines
western Germany, ca. and the flutes recovered from the
40,000-years-old. Hohle Fels, the rope-making tool
dates to about 40,000 years ago, the
Treasure $4.95 time when modern humans arrived
Hunters in Europe.
The discovery underlines the
From LostTreasure magazine importance of fiber technology and
the importance of rope and string for
INCLUDES: mobile hunters and gatherers trying
to cope with challenges of life in the
• EQUIPMENT CHECKLIST Prof. Conard’s team has exca-
vated at Hohle Fels over each of the
• PERSONALIZED MAP SPACE last 20 years, and it is this long-term
commitment that has over and over
• MEMORY JOGGER again paid off, to make Hohle Fels
one of the best known Paleolithic
• SAFETY CHECKLIST sites worldwide.
• PLANNING GUIDE Hohle Fels and neighboring sites
from the Ach and Lone Valleys have
• DIARY been nominated for UNESCO World
Cultural Heritage status.
Fits in your pocket 4” x 5.5” The excavations at Hohle Fels
near Schelklingen in the Ach Valley
12 LOST TREASURE Newsletter 8-9-16 are funded by the HeidelbergCement
AG, the Ministry of Science of
Baden-Württemberg and the
Heidelberger Academie of Sciences.
Courtesy of http://www.ancient-
The rope-making tool is currently
on exhibit at the Urgeschichtliches
Museum in Blaubeuren. (www.urmu.
de) Photos Source: University of
Tübingen. Photos courtesy of http://
THers' News continued...
els-mystery-how-rope-was-made- thousands of years ago. the remains of a dozen amphorae
that were used to store wine, and
40000-years-ago-020920 According to data provid- various ancient structures.
Submitted by Len Myers. ed by Canal Patrimonio (Canal Guillermo Ortiz, a student of
the University Pablo de Olavide in
Heritage), an International Sevilla discovered the amphora with
the Roman denarii.
Amphora Full of Silver Archaeology Course is organized for
His finding is one that
Coins Discovered this site each year. the Archaeology Museum of
Catalonia does not hesitate to qualify
By Archaeology Student Although this activity has been as a "treasure" due to the number of
silver pieces.
The archaeological site of enriching knowledge of the site for
Meanwhile, National
Empúries (Ampurias), located in the past 70 years, excavations there Geographic explains that the 200
coins were found in good condition
the province of Girona, Catalonia, continue to provide more details on within a ceramic amphora that was
apparently hidden by its owner in the
Spain, is a unique site in the Iberian ancient life. 1st century BC due to a fire that hit
his/her home.
Peninsula which contains both the For example, a student enrolled
The silver coins have been tenta-
ruins of a Greek city -the colonial in the course during the current tively dated to between the years 115
and 81 BC.
enclave of Emporion, founded in campaign has recently made an
575 BC - and a larger, later Roman exciting discovery - an amphora
city which took over from the inter- holding two hundred silver coins
essful mTHeTedrhiasitseGsuRpioedcmeiaaBlnWmm1ii_xl2itpoagfryticcmaomelopprse..rqixodds 2/7-/ d2Ie0nn12aaridi1d (1ist:iino17gnu,AloaMrthdePerangsaetruiu1dse)n.ts com-
gives the archaeological site a privi- ing from Spain, Portugal, and Italy
leged role in the understanding of the have also discovered a small bronze
evolution of Greek and Roman urban ladle, known as a simpulum (a large
sites at the edge of the Mediterranean spoon/ladle used to extract wine),
This collection of vital treasure
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www.LostTreasure.com Newsletter 8-9-16 13
THers' News continued...
They have representations of been excavated, such as some pri-
Rome (a figure and a helmet), ani- vate rooms, a kitchen space, etc.
mals (elephants) and other symbols
(e.g. Victory) depicted on them. This house apparently belonged
to a wealthy family and occupied
The bronze simpulum and the the southern sector of the so-called
wine amphorae are mostly of Italian Insula 30: a set of buildings that
origin and correspond to a cellar of housed the public baths and was
a Roman domus (house). located between two main streets in
Roman Ampurias.
Part of this structure had already
SECURITY The recently discovered simpulum
WARNING DECALS (ladle used for extracting wine) can
be seen partially uncovered. (National
Protect Yourself and Geographic / Archaeology Museum of
Your Belongings!
Protect Your Detectors
and Your Property! Silver denarii were a benchmark
in ancient Rome well into the impe-
• Heavy duty vinyl self-adhesive decal’s warn that your rial era, with magistrates being
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• Frighten burglars away.
• Apply easily to glass, metal, plastic or wood. Most of the 200 pieces that were
• Ideal for home, apartment, car, truck, factory, ware- discovered come from central Italy,
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Click on this ad to order OnLine
or call 800-423-0029 Ext 2 Based on documents found in
Pompeii and other ancient Roman
sites, a6 person could have lived
quite comfortably for some time
with the value of the recovered coins.
The results of the excavations
from July 2016 will be very impor-
tant as they provide a look at the ini-
tial phases of the Roman settlement
of Ampurias – a time when the
subsequent amendments made dur-
ing the Augustan age had yet to take
Courtesy of http://www.ancient-
Submitted by Len Myers.
Missouri Girl Finds
1.53-carat White Diamond
By Betty Coors
On Friday, July 22, nine-year-
old Grace Houston, of Forestdale,
14 LOST TREASURE Newsletter 8-9-16
THers' News continued...
The Roman silver coins that were recently discovered in Ampurias, Spain
and the amphora in which they were held. Source: Canal Patrimonio/EFE.
Photos courtesy of http://www.ancient-origins.net/news-history-archaeology/
Missouri,visited Arkansas’s Crater searching, even if it meant searching has encouraged the pursuit of her
of Diamonds State Park with her alone! passion.
family for the first time.
While wet sifting alongside her They began planning a visit to
The temperature was about 100 grandmother on July 23, Grace dis- the Crater of Diamonds about six
degrees at the park that day, and like covered a 1.53-carat white diamond months ago and surprised Grace with
most of the country, Murfreesboro, in the park’s 37.5-acre diamond the news a few days before leaving
Arkansas was under a heat advisory. search area, the eroded surface of an for Arkansas.
ancient, diamond-bearing volcano.
The heat index was so intense that After an exciting diamond find,
the Houstons considered only look- Grace wants to be a geologist this family vacation turned out to be
ing for diamonds one day. when she grows up, and her family one that Grace will never forget.
However, Grace was determined
to find a diamond and declared that
she would return for a second day of
Missouri girl finds
1.53-carat white diamond.
www.LostTreasure.com Newsletter 8-9-16 15
THers' News continued...
The 1200-year-old blade presented at the Hordaland
County Council. Photo courtesy of http://m.thevintagenews.
When asked if she plans to make cover a 1,250 year old Viking sword “The common idea about Vikings
her gem into a necklace, Grace among some rocks near the road was that they wore big, metal hel-
immediately declared that was not when he sat down to rest while hik- mets, but they probably wore leather
an option. ing an old mountain trail in Haukeli helmets. The metal would’ve gone
(on the border of Telemark County, into making these fabulous weapons,
After someone else suggested that Norway). which have more like steel, it’s real-
Grace save it to place in an engage- ly high quality.” Source: Hordaland
ment ring, she replied: The sword was in excellent con- County Council, independent,
dition, especially considering its
“No! I would never put such a rare immense age. Norwegian archaeologists think
and special and precious thing into that the sword is part of a burial for
an expensive piece of jewelry!” The sword was taken to Hordaland a high-status person.
County Council, where local archae-
For now it seems that Grace's dia- ologists working for the council Wealthy individuals used to be
mond is destined to stay in its natural were elated to have the opportunity buried with hundreds of valuable
state, loved and treasured by a young to study such a beautiful artifact. objects: weapons, armor, riding gear
lady from Missouri. and even with their horses.
County conservator Per Morten
On another note, one more orange- Ekerhovd said, “It’s quite unusual to The Viking sword has now been
painted bottle remains hidden in this find remnants from the Viking age sent to the University Museum of
year's Prospectors' Treasure Hunt! that are so well-preserved. It might Bergen for further study and restora-
be used today if you sharpened the tion. Haukeli’s mountains are buried
The lucky finder will win: edge.” in frost and snow for six months,
An LED spotlight, Grill Daddy but due to climate change, artifacts
Pro, gemstone box, lunch buffet and Preliminary analysis shows that have increasingly started to turn up
drinks for two from Rattler’s Den the 30-inch (77 centimeters) iron along mountain paths in the last few
Restaurant, free admission for one to sword is from about AD750, and years. Because of this, more clues
Dino Dig, a white beaded necklace, according to Ekerhovd, it’s an impor- are revealed how the Vikings lived
and a free medium snow cone from tant find that will shed light on early and died.
New Orleans Style Snow Balls. Viking history.
This week's clue is, "Just nine Jostein Aksdal, an archaeologist
steps away from the Prospector›s Wrought-iron arms and armor with Hordaland County, plans to
Trail sign." Good luck! were expensive at the time and they begin excavation on the location
Courtesy of Crater of Diamonds were regarded as a high-status sym- where the sword was found; he says
State Park, www.craterofdia- bol. that “If we find several objects, or a
mondsstatepark.com tomb, perhaps we can find the story
Via e-mail The owner of this sword was behind the sword.”
probably a wealthy and influential
1,200-year-old Viking person and not some average Viking. Courtesy of http://m.thevintage-
Sword Found Could news.com/2016/07/04/a-1200-year-
Still Be Used Professor Alexandra Sanmark, a old-viking-sword-found-in-norway-
Goran Olsen was surprised to dis- Viking expert at the University of the could-still-be-still-used-today-2/
Highlands and Islands in Scotland,
16 LOST TREASURE Newsletter 8-9-16
Favorite Finds
Favorite Finds From Facebook
Claude McClain David DiNatale
Keith Sheldon
Laszlo Peter Eles William Jones
www.LostTreasure.com Newsletter 8-9-16 17
Tip From the Pros
Getting Down To Cases
By Jay Pastor
Protective hard-shell Soft carrying cases offer less ly that some sort of container
detector carrying cases construct- mechanical protection, but afford is desirable to hold all the
ed like suitcases are not simply simple portability, ease of use and
equipment that’s good to have
vanity items. storage, privacy, and a way of with you on a hunt (e.g., earphones,
For detectorists who travel on carrying ancillary items like digging tool, belt, magnet, camera,
planes, trains, and long-distance
buses, they guard valuable contents headphones and digging tools. notebook, phone, food and water,
from blows, vibration, theft, temp They’re particularly valuable for first-aid, magnifying glass,
variations, and mishandling. detectorists who travel with equip-
ment by municipal transportation compass, coin and trash holders,
Some accommodate a variety and a ground cover).
of detector configurations. Others such as subways, city
were designed by detectors man- buses, or street cars. Whatever method you choose to
ufacturers for particular styles of keep your equipment organized
Although detectorists who take and protected, there’s no question
their models, and are often detectors with them in their own
constructed to hold any that an organized approach
cars often feel no need for to THing can increase your
disassembled sections of the cases, most would agree that self-confidence and, quite
detectors securely in place. there are times when a case would
be handy to take along, and certain- possibly, your
successes in the field.
18 LOST TREASURE Newsletter 8-9-16
Calendar of Events
This section is provided by Lost Treasure magazine as a
free service for non-profit treasure clubs and organizations.
AUGUST Berne Town Park. The club will 24th – Grapeview, Washington.
20th – 21st – Sonora, California. again have over $6,000 in coins The 2016 MDAW Membership
Grab your sense of adventure and and token prizes to be given away, Picnic Hunt at Green Diamond (for-
your gold pans and head for the including 1,000 coins (all Barber merly Simpson) Recreation, 1052 E
Gold and Outdoor Festival at the coins or older except for a few sil- Mason Lake Dr. W, Grapeview, will
Mother Lode Fairgrounds 10 a.m. ver dollars). Last year the club gave be attended by resident members
-5 p.m. both days. Presented by the away five metal detectors as some of as well as metal detectorists from
Delta Gold Diggers and sponsored their token prizes. All members and communities across the state. Gates
by Gold Prospectors Association of families are invited to the picnic for open at 9 a.m., meet at 10. Will be
America. Bring the family for an free, so don't forget to bring a dish. to the left at the last covered picnic
old-fashioned good time and the For more information, e-mail rla- area near the baseball field. The cost
chance to bring home gold and [email protected] or call (518) 449- is $25 a person entry fee, Visa and
prizes. Events will include panning 2911. To view a hunt form, log onto MasterCard accepted. $25.70 swiped
for real gold, equipment demonstra- http://media.wix.com/ugd/7e8ab9_ card, $26 by phone or online. There
tions, claim jumper detecting hunt, b786c40e506344f0ae879ce6372cee will be silver halves, quarters, dimes,
prospecting seminars, a chance to 1e.pdf and coin sets along with additional
win buried treasure and in door manufacturer and donated prizes.
prizes. There will be vendors, infor- 17th – Long Branch, New For more information, contact Hunt
mation on how and where to go gold Jersey. Deep Search Metal Detecting Chairman Ron Sharer at mach9ron@
mining, and plenty of family fun. Club’s 25th Silver Anniversary Open wavecable.com or call (360) 275-
Admission is $7 for adults; children Beach Treasure Hunt at the Seven 6123.
12 and under are free. For more Presidents’ Oceanfront Park. Silver,
information, go to www.deltagolddi gold, jewelry and coins from the 24th – 25th – Java Center, New
ggers.com 1700 and 1800’s. For more informa- York. The 18th Annual International
tion, log onto http://www.dsmdc.org/ Hunt sponsored by the Genesee
SEPTEMBER or contact DSMDC President Donna Valley Treasure Seekers at Beaver
9th – 10th – Penticton, BC, Funk at (973) 219-5833 or e-mail Meadows Family Campgrounds.
Canada. The Okanagan Treasure [email protected]. There will be plenty of silver and
Hunters’ Annual Treasures in the tokens planted for each hunt and
Sand Open Treasure Hunt sponsored 18th – Lathrop, Missouri. The prizes include detectors, gold coins,
by Minelab, Garrett, Tesoro, White’s 40th Annual Open Hunt sponsored silver coins and many other items of
and Westjet Airlines. One hundred by the Mo-Kan Search and Recovery interest to metal detectorists. In addi-
percent of proceeds go to Pediatric Club at the Lathrop Antique Show tion to the hunts there will be raffles,
section of the Regional Hospital. Grounds. For more information, drawings and an amazing magic
Free breakfast and lunch for all e-mail Terry Theiss at outboundace@ show Saturday evening. The hunt
paid participants. Registration fee is hotmail.com, call Chuck Clevenger application is available for down-
$95. Registration form and flyer on at (816) 436-0697, or visit the club load at www.gvts.org or contact
the website at http://othc.info/index. website at www.mokansr.com John Howard at 34 Bayberry Lane,
php. For more information, e-mail Rochester, NY 14616 or jwhoward@
Chairperson Joanne Birch at okana- 24th – Waynesville, Ohio. The rochester.rr.com
[email protected] Ohio Detectorists Association’s Big
or Ken Dewerson kdewerson@shaw Fall Hunt at the park at 4966 North E-mail upcoming
.ca SR 42, rain or shine. For more infor- events to
mation, visit the club’s website at
10th – Berne, New York. www.odametaldetecting.com or con- managingeditor@
The Empire State Metal Detector tact Jeff Filaseta, President, at (937) losttreasure.com
Association’s 46th Annual Club 716-7160) or e-mail jfilaseta@hotm
Hunt and Picnic will be held at the ail.com
www.LostTreasure.com Newsletter 8-9-16 19