American Glass GalleryTM
Auction #16
Opens May 18, 2016
Closes June 1, 2016
Lot #172: Rare & Important Duffy’s Crescent Saloon figural bottle in cobalt blue
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American Glass Gallery • Auction #16, June 1, 2016 • 248.486.0530 •
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John R. Pastor
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This auction photographed and cataloged by John R. Pastor • ©2016 American Glass Gallery. All rights reserved. • Catalog design & layout by Owen Neils • Printed by Spartan Printing, Lansing, MI
American Glass Gallery • Auction #16, June 1, 2016 • 248.486.0530 •
Reference Key
Reference initials and numbers used in the description of this catalog refer to the following publications:
AHG American Historical Glass, Bessie M. Lindsey, 1967
AM The Decanter - An Illustrated History of Glass from 1650, Andy McConnell, 2004
AP Glass in Early America, Arlene Palmer, 1993.
BA1 Collecting The Cures, Bill Agee, 1969
BA2 Collecting All Cures, Bill Agee, 1973.
BB A Bit About Balsams, Betty Blasi, 1974
BH Classification and Documentation of Sunburst and Similar Scent Bottles, Bill Ham, AB&GC, 5/87
B/K The Glass Industry in Sandwich, Raymond Barlow and Joan Kaiser, 1989.
C Ink Bottles and Inkwells, William Covill, 1971.
DeG American Sarsaparilla Bottles, John DeGrafft, 1980.
DeGII Supplement to American Sarsaparilla Bottles, John DeGrafft, 2004.
DF Hair Raising Stories, Don Fadely, 1992.
DM Wistarburgh, Window Tiles, Bottles and More, Dale L. Murscell, 2007.
F Inks, 150 Years of Bottles and Companies, Ed and Lucy Faulkner.
FA John Frederick Amelung, Early American Glassmaker, Lanmon, Palmer, Hume, Brill, Hanson, 1990.
FB A.S.C.R. The wine bottles of All Souls College, Oxford, 1750 – 1850, Fay Banks.
G (Flasks) American Bottles & Flasks and Their Ancestry, McKearin & Wilson, 1978.
G (Blown Three Mold) American Glass (Chapter VI), George S. and Helen McKearin, 1941.
GBH English Glass For The Collector, 1660-1860, G. Bernard Hughes, 1958.
H American Bottles in the Charles B. Gardner Collection, Norman C. Heckler, 1975.
JB Patent and Proprietary Medicine Bottles, Joseph K. Baldwin, 1973
JEB Glasshouse Whimsies, Joyce E. Blake, 1984.
JH Glasshouses & Glass Manufacturers of the Pittsburgh Region, 1795 – 1910, Jay W. Hawkins, 2009.
JS In glas verpakt – European Bottles, Their history and production, Johan Soetens, 2001.
K Poison Bottle Workbook, Rudy Kuhn, 1988.
KW New England Glass & Glassmaking, Kenneth M. Wilson, 1972.
L The Red Book of Fruit Jars, No. 11, Douglas M Leybourne, Jr., 2014.
LI Pittsburgh Glass, 1797 – 1891, Lowell Innes, 1976.
Mc Two Hundred Years of American Blown Glass, Helen and George McKearin, 1950.
McK American Glass, George S. and Helen McKearin, 1941.
MW American Bottles & Flasks and Their Ancestry, McKearin & Wilson, 1978.
N Great American Pontiled Medicines, Frederick Nielson, 1978.
NCH The Blaske Collection of American Flasks, Norman C. Heckler, 1983.
NCH II The Blaske Collection: Part II, Norman C. Heckler, 1983.
Odell I Indian Bottles and Brands, John Odell, 1977
Odell II Pontiled Medicine Encyclopdia, John Odell, 2000
O&S Warner’s Reference Guide, Ed Ojea and Jack Stecher, 1998.
P The Glass Gaffers of New Jersey, Adeline Pepper, 1971.
RD Understanding Antique Wine Bottles, Roger Dumbrell, 1983.
RF The Bottle Book: A Comprehensive Guide to Historic, Embossed Medicine Bottles, Richard Fike, 1987
RH Collecting Barber Bottles, Richard Holiner, 1986.
R/H Bitters Bottles, Carlyn Ring and W. C. Ham, 1998.
RWL Antique Fakes & Reproductions, Ruth Webb Lee, 1950
T Collectors Guide to Saratoga Type Mineral Water Bottles, Donald Tucker, 2005.
U Collectible Character Bottles, Authur Umberger, 1969.
V Nailsea Glass, Keith Vincent, 1975
VdB Antique Glass Bottles; Their History and Evolution, Willy Van den Bossche, 2001.
WL A Wine-Lover’s Glasses, The A.C. Hubbard, Jr. Collection, Ward Lloyd, 2000.
Z Ketchup, Pickles, Sauces, Betty Zumwalt, 1980.
ZW Color Hutchinsons, Zang Wood, 1999.
- The dash is generally used to indicate that the descriptions are on opposite sides of the bottle or flask.
/ The slash is used to indicate that the descriptions are on different lines or surfaces of the bottle.
American Glass Gallery • Auction #16, June 1, 2016 • 248.486.0530 •
American Glass Gallery, Auction #16 • Closing June 1, 2016 PAGE 1
Lot 67
PAGE 2 American Glass Gallery, Auction #16 • Closing June 1, 2016
Lot 15: Extremely
Rare GI-76
Rough & Ready
Historical Flask
Zachary Taylor became a national hero and a
household name in 1847 when he and his forces
inflicted a humiliating defeat upon Mexican troops at
the battle of Buena Vista during the Mexican War.
Popular nicknames for General Taylor included “Old Zac” and
“Old Buena Vista” but it was “Rough and Ready” that really
caught on and became part of the American consciousness
of the era. The source of this nickname apparently came from
the General’s preference for plain, serviceable clothes and his
tireless efforts to have his men always at the ready for battle.
The following song, probably published during Taylor’s
presidential campaign of 1848, gives us some idea of the
sentiments of the time:
“I knew him first,” the soldier said
“Among the Everglades,
When we gave the savage red skins
Our bayonets and our blades.
I think I hear his cheerful voice.
—! On column! Steady Steady
So hard and so prompt was he
We called him Rough and Ready”
REFERENCE: American Bottles and Flasks and Their Ancestry by McKearin & Wilson
American Glass Gallery, Auction #16 • Closing June 1, 2016 PAGE 3
Choice Pickle, Food & Milk Bottles
Lot 146
Lot 149
Lot 145 Lot 141
Lot 140
PAGE 4 American Glass Gallery, Auction #16 • Closing June 1, 2016
Rare and Exceptional Beer & Porter Bottles
Lot 321
Lot 315 Lot 319
Lot 314 Lot 309
American Glass Gallery, Auction #16 • Closing June 1, 2016 PAGE 5
Colorful, Rare & Choice Historical Flasks
Lot 46
Lot 3 Lot 37
Lot 63 Lot 47
PAGE 6 American Glass Gallery, Auction #16 • Closing June 1, 2016
Lot 1 Lot 5
cal Flask, an early Pittsburgh district JACKSON Historical Flask, probably
glasshouse, 1825 - 1835. Bluish aqua- Keene Marlboro Street Glassworks,
marine, sheared mouth - blowpipe Keene, NH, 1825 - 1842. Yellow-
pontil scar, Pt; (a 3/16” chip, and a 1/8” ish golden amber with an olive tone,
flake on the top edge of the sheared sheared mouth - blowpipe pontil scar,
mouth; a 3/8” chip along the edge of Pt; (a little scattered, minor light wear
base that may have occurred when and a somewhat weak impression as is
the pontil rod was whetted off). GI-3. fairly common on this mold). GI-31.
A crisp, bright example. The mold is
noted by McKearin as “Extremely rare” Est.: $200 - $400 • Min. bid: $120
and does not come around often.
Lot 6
Est.: $1,000 - $1,500 • Min. bid: $600
Lot 2 torical Calabash, America, 1850 - 1860.
Aquamarine, applied sloping collar -
“GENERAL WASHINGTON” / BUST blowpipe pontil scar, Qt, pristine perfect!
OF WASHINGTON - EAGLE / “J.R. / GI-35. Note, there are some annealing
LAIRD. SC. PITT” Historical Flask, lines on the inside of the neck that oc-
John Robinson’s Sturbridge Flint curred during manufacture, and are not
Glassworks, Pittsburgh, 1825 - 1830. considered damage, but mentioned for
Aqua, sheared mouth - pontil scar, Pt, completeness. A spectacular example,
near mint; (a touch of light high point crisp, bright, exceptionally clean, no high
wear; somewhat weak impression in point wear, and filled with tiny bubbles.
the shoulder, and a ¼” area of minor in- A great example! Jim Becker collection.
manufacture lip edge roughness likely
due to some slag or oxide from the Est.: $175 - $275 • Min. bid: $100
glass batch). GI-6. A very rare flask. Ex.
Bob Mebane; Bud Lane collections. Lot 7
Est.: $2,500 - $4,500 • Min. bid: $1,400 “THE FATHER OF HIS COUNTRY” /
OF WASHINGTON - “E PLURIBUS Dyottville Glass Works, 1848 - 1855.
UNUM” / EAGLE / “T.W.D - ADAMS Medium to deep yellow olive, sheared
& JEFFERSON / JULY 4 A.D. 1776 mouth - blowpipe pontil scar, Pt, near
- KENSINGTON GLASS / WORKS mint; (a touch of minor light wear, a tiny
PHILADELPHIA” Historical Flask, 1/8” paper-thin open bubble at side,
Kensington Glass Works, 1826 - 1835. and a ¼” pontil flake extends to edge
Rich, medium emerald, sheared mouth of narrow base). GI-38. Scarce color,
- blowpipe pontil, Pt, near mint; (just good impression.
a touch of very minor wear, primarily
at edge of base, and a slightly weak Est.: $2,000 - $4,000 • Min. bid: $1,200
impression in the shoulder). GI-14. An
outstanding example, strong color! Lot 8
Est.: $5,000 - $8,000 • Min. bid: $2,500 “THE FATHER OF HIS COUNTRY” /
OF TAYLOR Historical Flask, Dyottville
WASHINGTON - EAGLE Histori- Glass Works, 1848 - 1855. Medium
cal Flask, probably Bridgeton Glass to deep bluish green, sheared mouth
Works, Bridgeton, NJ, 1845 - 1855. - blowpipe pontil scar, Qt; (some scat-
Bluish aquamarine, almost an ice blue, tered light wear, primarily on the reverse
sheared mouth - blowpipe pontil scar, and one of the rounded sides, otherwise
Qt, near mint; (some extremely light very near mint). GI-39 variant. Differs
interior residue or faint haze, some of from GI-39 in curvature of sides near the
which may wash out; a touch of light base, oval frame ½” from base, vs. 1/8”.
wear near edge of base, otherwise Beautiful color.
perfect). GI-27. This mold is listed as
“Comparatively scarce” but in our Est.: $700 - $1,200 • Min. bid: $400
view, should be listed as very scarce to
rare! A large, attractive flask.
Est.: $300 - $500 • Min. bid: $180
American Glass Gallery, Auction #16 • Closing June 1, 2016 PAGE 7
Lot 9 Lot 13
BUST OF WASHINGTON - (Reverse Flask, probably Doyttville Glass Works,
Plain) Historical Flask, possibly Philadelphia, 1850 - 1860. Medium to
Lockport Glass Works, NY, 1845 - deep yellowish green with an emerald
1855. Rich, medium to deep emerald tone, sheared mouth - blowpipe pontil
coloration, applied mouth with flat scar, Qt; (some light exterior wear, pri-
band - blowpipe pontil scar, Pt; (a 4” marily on the reverse, otherwise very near
crack on the reverse; some fine wear mint). GI-54. A beautiful example; bright,
around the band of the applied mouth). clean, nice color.
GI-48. Heavily whittled, rare, outstand-
ing color, displays very near mint. Est.: $500 - $800 • Min. bid: $300
Provenance: Ex. Tom McCandless
collection. Lot 14
Est.: $500 - $1,000 • Min. bid: $250 WASHINGTON - WASHINGTON
Portrait Flask, Lockport Glass Works,
Lot 10 Lockport, NY, 1850 - 1860. Aquamarine,
sheared mouth - blowpipe pontil scar,
“THE FATHER OF HIS COUNTRY” Qt, virtually attic mint; (just a minor, ¼”
/ BUST OF WASHINGTON - “GEN. paper-thin sliver-type flake along the
TAYLOR NEVER SURRENDERS” / edge of the base, otherwise perfect!)
BUST OF TAYLOR Historical Flask, GI-61. A scarce flask, wonderful condi-
Dyottville Glass Works, 1848 - 1855. tion, and with virtually no high point wear,
Bright, medium to deep blue green, as is often encountered.
sheared mouth - blowpipe pontil scar,
Pt, near mint; (a touch of very minor Est.: $400 - $800 • Min. bid: $250
wear; a couple of shallow open surface
bubbles). GI-40c. A rare mold with Lot 15
only a few examples offered at auction
in the past 15 years. Good impression, “ROUGH & READY” / BUST OF TAY-
excellent character, strong color! LOR - EAGLE Historical Flask, a Pitts-
burgh glasshouse, 1845 - 1850. Aqua,
Est.: $1,200 - $2,400 • Min. bid: $600 sheared mouth - blowpipe pontil scar,
Pt, near attic mint; (just a slight trace
Lot 11 of faint interior haze near the shoulder,
otherwise perfect!) GI-76. An extremely
“THE FATHER OF HIS COUNTRY” / rare and desirable flask, exceptional
BUST OF WASHINGTON - (Reverse condition! Only one other example has
Plain) Historical Flask, probably been offered at auction in more than 20
Lockport Glass Works, NY, 1850 - years. This example was found in an old
1860. Light to medium blue green, home southern IL, many years ago and
applied round collar - blowpipe pontil has never been in circulation.
scar, Qt, very near mint; (just a slight
trace of light exterior wear and a wisp Est.: $8,000 - $16,000 • Min. bid: $4,000
of barely noticeable, faint, spotty haze
on the interior of the shoulder that may Lot 16
wash out). GI-47. Whittled, and with
nice strong embossing. “LAFAYETTE” / BUST OF LAFAYETTE
Est.: $400 - $600 • Min. bid: $250 LIBERTY CAP / “S & S” Historical
Flask, Coventry Glass Works, Coventry,
Lot 12 CT, 1825 – 1835. Yellowish olive amber,
sheared mouth – pontil scar, ½ Pt, very
“THE FATHER OF HIS COUNTRY” / near mint; (a tiny sliver of roughness on
BUST OF WASHINGTON - (Reverse the edge of the crudely sheared mouth,
Plain) Historical Flask, probably possibly occurred during manufacture,
Lockport Glass Works, NY, 1850 - and only the slightest touch of high
1860. Medium to deep blue green, point wear, otherwise perfect). GI-86.
applied round double collar - large A crude, bubbly, seedy example with an
blowpipe pontil scar, Qt, near attic excellent impression.
mint; (a ¾” faint light surface scratch
near base, and a ¼” in-manufacture Est.: $800 - $1,600 • Min. bid: $500
stress line extends from the pontil, but
does not go through the thickness of
the glass). GI-47. A great example,
nice clarity, and good strong color.
Est.: $400 - $600 • Min. bid: $250
PAGE 8 American Glass Gallery, Auction #16 • Closing June 1, 2016
Lot 17 Lot 21
FRANKLIN - “T. W. DYOTT, M.D.” / probably Kentucky Glass Works, Louis-
BUST OF DYOTT Historical Flask, ville, KY, 1850 - 1855. Citron, sheared
Kensington Glass Works, Philadelphia, mouth - blowpipe pontil scar, Pt,
1825 - 1835. Aquamarine, sheared virtually attic mint! GII-24. A fantastic
mouth - blowpipe pontil scar, Pt; example, nice color, a very bold impres-
(some minor high point wear; some sion - even through the shoulders, and
light interior haze or “bloom”, primarily having almost no high point wear.
along the sides, but no other form of Ex. Alan Spear collection.
damage). GI-95. A comparatively
scarce flask. Est.: $1,200 - $2,400 • Min. bid: $600
Est.: $300 - $500 • Min. bid: $180
Lot 18 Lot 22
“LOUIS KOSSUTH” / BUST OF EAGLE - EAGLE Historical Flask, prob-
KOSSUTH - STEAM FRIGATE / “U.S. ably Kentucky Glass Works, Louisville,
STEAM FRIGATE / MISSISSIPPI” KY, 1850 - 1855. Rich, deep aquamarine,
Historical Calabash, probably Millford sheared mouth - blowpipe pontil scar,
Glass Works, Millford, NJ, 1852 - 1860. Qt, another great example, virtually attic
Aqua, applied blob collar with bevel mint. GII-26. Bright and clean, a great
- “PH. DOFLEIN / MOULD MAKER looking, impressive flask. It is easy to see
/ NTH 5! ST 84” (on base), blowpipe why these early Louisville molds are so
pontil scar, Qt; (a small patch of very popular.
faint interior haze on the reverse, other-
wise perfect). GI-112a. Extremely rare, Est.: $250 - $450 • Min. bid: $150
this variant lacking the “S. HUFFSEY”
on reverse. Ex. Roy Brown collection. Lot 23
Est.: $800 - $1,600 • Min. bid: $400 EAGLE AND SHIELD - “LOUISVILLE
/ KY / GLASSWORKS” Historical
Lot 19 Flask, Louisville Glass Works, Louisville,
KY, 1860 - 1870. Aquamarine, applied
BUST OF COLUMBIA - EAGLE / round collar with bevel - smooth base,
“B & W” Historical Flask, probably ½ Pt; (a ¾” band of minor, faint, interior
Kensington Glass Works, 1825 - 1835. haze near the base, otherwise attic
Aquamarine, sheared mouth - blow- mint!) GII-33, Comparatively scarce. A
pipe pontil scar, Pt; (just a trace of great example, bright and clean, virtu-
minor high point wear, otherwise, ally no wear, and with particularly bold
sparking attic mint). GI-121. A crisp, embossing. Provenance: James Becker
clean, bright example. A desirable collection.
mold noted as “Comparatively scarce”
by McKearin. Est.: $175 - $350 • Min. bid: $100
Est.: $400 - $600 • Min. bid: $250 Lot 24
Historical Flask, possibly an early
EAGLE - CORNUCOPIA Historical Pittsburgh district glasshouse, 1825
Flask, an early Monongahela or Pitts- - 1835. Aquamarine, sheared mouth
burgh district glasshouse, 1825 - 1840. - blowpipe pontil scar, ½ Pt; (a couple
Deep bluish aqua, almost a blue-green of minor areas of light interior haze; a
coloration, sheared mouth - blowpipe slightly weakened impression in the
pontil scar, ½ pint; (an 1/8” area of shoulder area as is typical for this mold,
minor lip edge roughness; a less-than- otherwise virtually attic mint). GII-60.
pinhead size sandgrain on the interior A bright, clean example with excellent
with a tiny 1/16” line, a small pinhead clarity and character, having a thick
open surface bubble). GII-15a. All the bead of extra glass running down the
condition issues are very minor. An ex- neck and into the shoulder.
tremely rare little flask, nice rich color.
Est.: $400 - $800 • Min. bid: $250
Est.: $400 - $800 • Min. bid: $250
American Glass Gallery, Auction #16 • Closing June 1, 2016 PAGE 9
Lot 25 Lot 29
/ GLASS, Co / WEST, WILLINGTON Flask, Keene Marlboro Street Glass-
/ CONN” Historical Flask, Willington works, Keene, NH, 1830 - 1842. Bril-
Glass Works, 1860 - 1872. Yellowish liant yellowish olive amber, almost an
olive through the center shading to olive yellow, sheared mouth - blowpipe
a deep olive near the base, sheared pontil scar, Pt; (a tiny sandgrain at the
mouth - smooth base, Pt, near mint; medial rib has a couple 1/16” legs, oth-
(just a touch of minor light wear, erwise an “out-of-the-mold”, absolutely
primarily on the reverse, otherwise finest possible example!). GII-72b, listed
perfect). GII-62. A nice bubbly, seedy, as “Rare” by McKearin. Extremely
example. strong impression, absolutely filled with
seed bubbles, great color and condi-
Est.: $300 - $500 • Min. bid: $180 tion. James Becker collection.
Lot 26 Est.: $250 - $450 • Min. bid: $150
Historical Flask, 1857 - 1873. Deep EAGLE / “GRANITE. / GLASS. CO”
golden amber shading to a dense - EAGLE / “STODDARD / NH” Histori-
amber through the neck and near the cal Flask, Granite Glass Company, Mill
base, crudely applied round collar with Village, Stoddard, 1846 - 1862. Medium
bevel - smooth base, ½ Pt, near mint; olive amber, sheared mouth - blowpipe
(some light scratches and minor wear pontil scar, Pt; (just a bit of minor high
on the reverse, otherwise perfect). point wear, primarily on the reverse, and
GII-65. Outstanding character, the a shallow ¼” sliver flake on the edge of
glass being filled with tiny seed the sheared mouth, also on the reverse).
bubbles, and there is virtually no wear GII-81. A nice clean example.
on the eagle! James Becker collection.
Est.: $225 - $450 • Min. bid: $140
Est.: $200 - $400 • Min. bid: $120
Lot 31
Lot 27
EAGLE - EAGLE Historical Flask, / N.H.” Historical Flask, probably
Coventry Glass Works, Coventry, CT, Granite Glass Company, Mill Village,
1835 - 1845. Yellowish olive amber, Stoddard, 1846 - 1862. Yellowish
sheared mouth - blowpipe pontil scar, golden amber with a slight olive tone,
½ Pt; (a little light high point wear as is sheared mouth - blowpipe pontil scar,
common on this mold, and some spot- Pt, pristine perfect! GII-82. A finest pos-
ty interior residue that would almost sible example with crude pebbly glass,
certainly wash out, otherwise perfect). an outstanding mold impression, and
GII-71. A nice light color below the virtually no wear. Perhaps one of the
shoulders, beautiful seedy glass. choicest examples of this classic Stod-
dard Double Eagle flask that we have
Est.: $250 - $450 • Min. bid: $150 seen. James Becker collection.
Lot 28 Est.: $250 - $450 • Min. bid: $150
EAGLE - CORNUCOPIA Historical Lot 32
Flask, probably Keene Marlboro Street
Glassworks, Keene, NH, 1830 - 1842. EAGLE WITH BANNER - (Reverse
Brilliant yellowish olive amber, almost plain) Historical Calabash, America,
an olive yellow, sheared mouth - blow- 1855 - 1865. Bright, medium “7-UP”
pipe pontil scar, Pt, mint. GII-72. A green, applied sloping collar - blow-
strong impression, beautiful color, and pipe pontil scar, Qt; (a ¼” area of minor
with no high point wear as is often the roughness on the edge of one of the
case. A great example! side flutes, and just the slightest trace
of typical light wear, otherwise virtu-
Est.: $200 - $400 • Min. bid: $120 ally attic mint). GII-143. A very bright,
clean, sparkling example. James Becker
Est.: $200 - $400 • Min. bid: $120
PAGE 10 American Glass Gallery, Auction #16 • Closing June 1, 2016
Lot 33 Lot 37
CORNUCOPIA - URN Pictorial Flask, MASONIC - EAGLE / “J. K / B.”
probably Coventry Glass Works, Cov- Historical Flask, Keene Marlboro Street
entry, CT, 1835 - 1849. Clear, light-to- Glassworks, Keene, NH, 1815 - 1825.
medium emerald coloration, sheared Olive yellow in the neck, upper shoul-
mouth - blowpipe pontil scar, Pt, attic ders, and lower half of the body, shading
mint. GIII-4. Note, there is some to light greenish aqua near the sides
very light interior residue. The cork is below the shoulders, heavy outward
stuck in the neck but could of course rolled mouth - pontil scar, Pt, very near
be removed to clean the interior, if mint; (just a touch of very minor, faint
desired. A very beautiful, and a very exterior wear, otherwise perfect). GIV-3.
rare color for this mold. James Becker Gorgeous, spectacular color, outstanding
collection. condition, strong impression! Ex. Paul
Richards collection.
Est.: $700 - $1,200 • Min. bid: $400
Est.: $10,000 - $20,000 • Min. bid: $6,000
Lot 34
Lot 38
CORNUCOPIA - URN Pictorial Flask,
Lancaster Glass Works, Lancaster, NY, MASONIC - EAGLE Historical Flask,
1849 - 1855. Light-to-medium bluish Keene Marlboro Street Glassworks,
green, almost a sea-green coloration, Keene, NH, 1815 - 1825. Greenish
sheared mouth - blowpipe pontil scar, aquamarine, sheared and tooled mouth
½ Pt, virtually attic mint! (just a bit of - pontil scar, Pt, near mint; (a small area
light washable interior residue, primar- of minor wear near the side rib; a faint
ily in the base). GIII-14a. A very scarce band of interior haze, barely noticeable,
mold having the dime-size depression near the center, and just a touch of minor
in the fruit above the urn, good color, high point wear). GIV-10a. A rare early
impression, beautiful condition. Masonic flask with a strong mold impres-
sion, excellent character and condition.
Est.: $500 - $1,000 • Min. bid: $300 Note; some light attic soot or “grunge”
remains in some of the crevices.
Lot 35
Est.: $1,000 - $2,000 • Min. bid: $600
CORNUCOPIA - URN Pictorial Flask,
Lancaster Glass Works, Lancaster, NY, Lot 39
1849 - 1855. Rich, deep blue green,
sheared mouth - blowpipe pontil scar, MASONIC ARCH - EAGLE / “KCCNC”
Pt, virtually attic mint; (a 3/16” and a Historical Flask, Keene Marlboro Street
½” narrow open bubble on the inside Glassworks, Keene, NH, 1820 - 1830.
of the neck; a paper-thin pontil flake Light-to-medium olive amber, sheared
extends to the edge of the base, but mouth - blowpipe pontil scar, Pt, virtually
cannot be seen on display, and only a attic mint; (a slightly weak impression in
minor trace of wear, otherwise perfect). the shoulders, but a nice clean example,
GIII-17. An outstanding example, having virtually no high point wear or
strong impression, clean, sparking, other issues). GIV-20. Listed by McK-
and in a much deeper color than most. earin as a comparatively scarce mold.
Est.: $500 - $1,000 • Min. bid: $300 Est.: $225 - $450 • Min. bid: $140
Lot 36 Lot 40
Lancaster Glass Works, Lancaster, “OHIO / J. SHEPARD & CO”, His-
NY, 1849 - 1855. Rich, medium to torical Flask, Zanesville Glassworks,
deep emerald, crudely applied round Zanesville, Ohio, 1822 - 1832. Gorgeous
collared mouth - blowpipe pontil scar, light yellow, almost a straw color, below
Pt; (a ¾” area of minor wear along the the shoulders, shading to a deeper yel-
lower edge of the oval panel; a touch low with some beautiful olive and honey
of minor high point wear, and some tones in the lower half of the body,
interior residue that would very likely sheared mouth - pontil scar, Pt, perfect.
soak out, otherwise excellent). GIII-17. GIV-32. Outstanding variegated color,
A very crude, bubbly example. Scarce excellent condition, a great example!
and gorgeous emerald coloration.
Est.: $2,500 - $4,500 • Min. bid: $1,400
Est.: $600 - $1,200 • Min. bid: $400
American Glass Gallery, Auction #16 • Closing June 1, 2016 PAGE 11
Lot 41 Lot 45
BLEM / “UNION” - EAGLE / “A.R.S.” torical Flask, probably Coventry Glass
Historical Calabash, A.R. Samu- Works, Coventry, Connecticut, 1830
els, Philadelphia, PA, 1858 - 1866. - 1845. Clear, medium olive green,
Light-to-medium citron green, applied sheared mouth - blowpipe pontil scar,
sloping collar - blowpipe pontil scar, Pt, near mint; (a little typical high point
Qt, perfect! GIV-42. Crisp, excellent wear and a couple of tiny, pinhead open
impression, nice color, outstanding surface bubbles, otherwise perfect).
condition. GV-9. An outstanding example with
a very strong mold impression, good
Est.: $400 - $600 • Min. bid: $250 color, and overall excellent condition. A
much better than average example!
Lot 42
Est.: $300 - $600 • Min. bid: $180
LOCOMOTIVE - (Reverse same) His- Lot 46
torical Flask, Lancaster Glass Works,
Lancaster, NY, 1849 - 1860. Beautiful, “CORN FOR THE WORLD” / EAR OF
medium to deep apricot coloration, CORN - MONUMENT / “BALTIMORE”
sheared and tooled mouth - blowpipe Historical Flask, Baltimore Glass Works,
pontil scar, Pt; (a hard to see, 1 ¼” crack 1850 - 1860. Yellow with a slight topaz
in the neck along with a 5/8” wide x 5/8” tone, applied double collar - iron pontil
deep neck repair). GV-1. A very rare scar, Qt; (a little fairly minor high point
and desirable color for this mold. The wear and a small, 1/8” flake on one of the
repair is exceptionally well done and corn leafs; a very faint ¼” band of light
displays as virtually attic mint. Fantastic haze on the interior). GVI-4. Beautiful
color having no trace of amber. color, strong impression, very scarce with
the iron pontil scar.
Est.: $400 - $800 • Min. bid: $250
Est.: $2,000 - $4,000 • Min. bid: $1,200
Lot 43
Lot 47
same) Historical Flask, possibly Mt. CORN - MONUMENT / “BALTIMORE”
Vernon Glass Works, Vernon, NY, 1830 Historical Flask, Baltimore Glass
- 1844. Deep olive with an amber Works, 1845 - 1855. Light to medium
tone, sheared mouth - blowpipe pontil golden with a very slight apricot tone,
scar, Pt; (a touch of typical light exteri- sheared and tooled lip - blowpipe pontil
or wear; a very minor 1/8” bit of rough- scar, Pt; (very shallow 1/8” flake on the
ness on the inside edge of the sheared top edge of the lip with a 3/16” area
mouth, and a somewhat weakened of iridescence on the inside of the lip).
impression in the shoulder area as is GVI-6. Extremely rare, believed to be
common on this mold). GV-5. one of two, or possibly three known in
this color. Ex. George McKearin, George
Est.: $300 - $500 • Min. bid: $180 Austin, Bill Pollard collections.
Lot 44 Est.: $8,000 - $12,000 • Min. bid: $4,000
Historical Flask, probably Coventry
Glass Works, Coventry, Connecticut, SUNBURST FLASK, New England,
1830 - 1845. Medium olive amber, probably Keene Marlboro Street Glass-
sheared mouth - blowpipe pontil scar, works, Keene, NH, 1815 - 1830. Clear,
Pt; (some exterior high point wear and medium green, sheared mouth - glass
a somewhat weakened impression, but tipped pontil scar, Pt; (a ¼” flake on the
no other form of damage). GV-9. inside of the mouth that likely occurred
when the cork was pried out, and a
Est.: $200 - $400 • Min. bid: $120 couple of minor, ¼ light scratches, oth-
erwise virtually attic mint). GVIII-2. A
clean, bright example with nice clarity.
Est.: $400 - $600 • Min. bid: $250
PAGE 12 American Glass Gallery, Auction #16 • Closing June 1, 2016
Lot 49 Lot 53
SUNBURST FLASK, New England, SLOOP - STAR Pictorial Flask, prob-
possibly Keene Marlboro Street Glass- ably Bridgeton Glass Works, Bridgeton,
works, Keene, NH, 1815 - 1830. Clear, New Jersey, 1846 - 1855. Aquamarine,
medium blue green, sheared mouth - sheared and tooled mouth - blowpipe
glass-tipped pontil scar, ¾ Pt, virtually pontil scar, ½ Pt, very near mint; (just
attic mint; (just a touch of high point a little light high point wear, otherwise
wear, otherwise perfect). GVIII-29. A perfect!) GX-8. A nice example of this
great example, bright, clean, outstand- comparatively scarce little flask.
ing clarity and condition. Sunburst
flasks are believed to be among the Est.: $175 - $350 • Min. bid: $100
earliest of the figured flasks blown by
the New England glasshouses. James Lot 54
Becker collection.
Est.: $300 - $500 • Min. bid: $180 - EAGLE Historical Flask, probably a
Pittsburgh district glasshouse, 1860 -
Lot 50 1870. Yellow with a strong olive tone,
ground mouth - smooth base, Qt; (the
SCROLL FLASK, Midwest America, mouth has been ground down but is
1845 - 1860. Clear medium apple otherwise a clean, sparkling example).
green, almost a grass green, sheared GXI-30. Gorgeous, rare color that is
mouth - blowpipe pontil scar, Pt, near unlisted by McKearin (this mold is only
mint; (shallow 1/8” flake and a very listed in shades of aquamarine). Would
minor pinhead bit of roughness on the make a good candidate for a professional
edge of the sheared mouth). Unlisted, repair. Ex. Robert Morin collection, NCH
- similar to GIX-11 (with defined space Auction 75.
between scrolls at center, but appears
to have an ill-defined 9-pointed upper Est.: $500 - $800 • Min. bid: $250
star). An attractive Scroll Flask, nice
color and clarity. Lot 55
Est.: $500 - $800 • Min. bid: $300 “FOR PIKE’S PEAK” / PROSPECTOR
- EAGLE / “CEREDO” Historical Flask,
Lot 51 Ceredo Glass Works, Ceredo, West
Virginia, 1861 - 1865. Medium to deep
Unlisted, Giant SCROLL FLASK, yellow olive, crudely applied mouth with
probably Midwestern, 1840 - 1860. flat band - smooth base, Qt, near mint;
Greenish aquamarine, plump pear form (some spotty light interior residue and
with large fleur-de-lis design, sheared faint haze, some of which would likely
mouth - polished pontil scar, 2 ¼ Qts, wash out). GXI-34. A great example
perfect. An uncharted mold, similar having a very bold impression, virtually
to the GIX-29a, but the only known no high point wear, and in a very rare
example having two large pearl shaped color!
beads on one side, and a single large
bead on the opposite side. This was Est.: $1,800 - $3,600 • Min. bid: $1,000
confirmed with noted flask expert,
Mark Vuono. See his article, June, Lot 56
2014, AB&GC, “The Gallon Scrolls”.
Est.: $1,500 - $2,500 • Min. bid: $800 - HUNTER Historical Flask, Ravenna
Glass Works, Ravenna, OH, 1860 -
Lot 52 1870. Medium to deep aquamarine,
applied mouth with flat band - smooth
“M’CARTY & TORREYSON” / (Star) / base, Qt, very near mint; (just a very
“MANUFACTURERS / WELLSBURG, slight trace of faint wear, otherwise per-
VA.” - CONCENTRIC RINGS & SUN- fect). GXI-47. A great example of this
BURST Scroll Flask, 1842 - 1850. comparatively scarce flask, having virtu-
Aqua, sheared mouth - iron pontil ally no high point wear, heavily whittled,
scar, Pt, virtually attic mint; (a minor, and boldly embossed. Provenance:
1/8” flake at the edge of the sheared James Becker collection.
mouth, otherwise perfect). GIX-48. An
outstanding example, bright and clean, Est.: $250 - $400 • Min. bid: $150
having no high point wear, and crisp
embossing. These flasks do not come
around often, especially in this nice
condition. James Becker collection.
Est.: $1,400 - $2,400 • Min. bid: $800
American Glass Gallery, Auction #16 • Closing June 1, 2016 PAGE 13
Lot 57 Lot 61
EAGLE / “A & CO” (in banner) NON” Historical Flask, probably a
Historical Flask, Adams & Co, Pittsburgh district glasshouse, 1865 -
Pittsburgh, 1861 - 1870. Light apple 1875. Aquamarine, applied ring collar
green, applied collar with flat band - - smooth base, Pt, near attic mint; (a
smooth base, Qt, virtually attic mint; trace of faint interior residue that would
(tiny, pinprick spot of roughness at likely wash out). GXII-41. Some nice
edge of mouth, otherwise pristine per- whittling and waviness to the glass.
fect). GXII-1. Almost identical to the Note, unusual with the ring-type collar.
example we sold in our sale last year, Est.: $100 - $200 • Min. bid: $50
this example has a very nice impres-
sion, and some tiny black specs and Lot 62
impurities in the shoulder area.
Est.: $200 - $400• Min. bid: $120 Co” - CANNON Historical Flask, Fahne-
stock, Albree & Company, Pittsburgh, PA,
Lot 58 1860 - 1872. Aquamarine, applied collar
with flat band - smooth base, ½ Pt; (a 1
Unlisted, “UNION” / CLASPED ½” band of faint interior haze around the
HANDS - EAGLE Historical Flask, center of the flask, otherwise virtually
probably a Pittsburgh district glass- attic mint). GXII-42. A scarce little flask
house, 1860 - 1870. Golden amber with a nice crisp impression.
with an orange tone, shading to a Est.: $100 - $200 • Min. bid: $50
yellowish honey near the sides, applied
ring collar - smooth base, Pt, near mint; Lot 63
(a touch of very minor exterior wear,
otherwise perfect). An unlisted mold, SAILOR - BANJO PLAYER
similar to GXII-28, but with marked dif- Pictorial Flask, probably John Chap-
ferences including 22 leaves on each of man, Maryland Glass Works, Baltimore,
the branches. Great color and impres- MD, 1849 - 1862. Clear, medium-to-
sion. James Becker collection. deep yellowish olive, sheared mouth -
blowpipe pontil scar, ½ Pt, virtually attic
Est.: $400 - $600 • Min. bid: $250 mint! GXIII-8. A comparatively scarce
little flask, heavily whittled, beautiful, in
Lot 59 a rare color, and with nice clarity.
Est.: $1,500 - $3,000 • Min. bid: $800
NON Historical Flask, William Frank &
Sons, Frankstown Glass Works, 1870 “FLORA TEMPLE” / Standing Horse
- 1876. Aquamarine, applied collar / “HARNESS TROT 2.19 ¾ / OCT.15.
with flat band - smooth base, Qt, near 1859” Pictorial Flask, Whitney Glass
mint; (a touch of scattered light wear Works, Glassboro, NJ, 1859 - 1865.
and a slightly weakened impression, Medium shading to deep apricot puce,
otherwise excellent). GXII-38a. A com- applied handle, applied tapered collar
paratively scarce mold. with bevel - smooth base, Qt; (a 3/16”
chip on the back edge of the lip along
Est.: $175- $275 • Min. bid: $100 with a couple of tiny, pinprick bits of
roughness, and some light scratches
Lot 60 and wear, primarily on the reverse).
“UNION” / CLASPED HANDS / “WM Est.: $400 - $600 • Min. bid: $250
NON Historical Flask, William Frank &
Sons, Frankstown Glass Works, 1870
- 1876. Aquamarine, applied collar
with flat band - smooth base, Pt; (just
a couple of faint, minor light scratches
on the reverse, and a tiny, pinhead
open bubble at edge of base, other-
wise sparkling attic mint!). GXII-39. A
beautiful example, clean, sparkling,
some nice bubbles and character, and
with a great impression.
Est.: $125 - $225 • Min. bid: $70
PAGE 14 American Glass Gallery, Auction #16 • Closing June 1, 2016
Lot 65 Lot 69
“FLORA TEMPLE” / Standing Horse SHEAF OF GRAIN - TREE Pictorial
/ “HARNESS TROT 2.19 ¾” - Picto- Calabash, probably Sheets & Duffy
rial Flask, possibly Lancaster Glass Glass Manufacturers, Philadelphia, PA,
Works, Lancaster, NY, 1860 - 1865. 1850 - 1860. Beautiful, medium blue
Smoky topaz with a slight olive tone, green, applied round collar with bevel -
applied collar with band - smooth iron pontil scar, Qt, near mint; (a small,
base, Pt; (a ¼” bruise along top edge less than 1/8”, iridescent surface bruise
of beveled frame; a little relatively near one of the side ribs; some light inte-
minor high point wear including some rior residue and faint haze, most of which
fine wear around the applied collar). would likely wash out). GXIII-47. Scarce
GXIII-23. A scarce and unusual color color, a bit more of a bluish tone than
for this mold. most, and rare with the iron pontil scar.
Est.: $300 - $600 • Min. bid: $180 Est.: $600 - $900 • Min. bid: $350
Lot 66 Lot 70
rial Flask, probably Lancaster Glass Historical Flask, Baltimore Glass Works,
Works, Lancaster, NY, 1860 - 1865. 1860 - 1870. Bright golden amber with
Medium blue green, applied collar with a slight orange tone, shading to a lighter
flat band - smooth base, Pt; (a 3/8” honey coloration along one of the sides,
x 1/8” open bubble at edge of base; applied double round collar - smooth
some moderate high point wear and base, Pt; (just a tiny, pinprick bit of
some interior residue that may wash roughness on the edge of the applied lip
out). GXIII-23. A good color for this and a faint ring of very light interior haze
mold, one that passes plenty of light. below the shoulder). GXIII-53. A nice
example having good color, condition,
Est.: $400 - $600 • Min. bid: $250 and almost no high point wear.
Lot 67 Est.: $500 - $800 • Min. bid: $300
WILL A / (Duck) / SWIM ?” Pictorial
Flask, probably Lockport Glass Work, “SPRING GARDEN” / ANCHOR
Lockport, NY, 1870 - 1880. Brilliant / “GLASSWORKS” - LOG CABIN
aquamarine, applied mouth with band Historical Flask, Spring Garden Glass
- smooth base, Pt, pristine perfect! Works, Baltimore, MD, 1851 - 1856.
GXIII-28. A spectacular flask. If there Aquamarine, applied round collar with
was ever a “finest possible example”, lower bevel - smooth base, ½ Pt; (a
this would probably be it! Outstanding small spot of light residue or faint inte-
whittling, bright, clean, crisp, virtually rior haze near the base that may wash
no wear, and very boldly embossed. out; a slight trace of minor exterior wear,
Provenance: James Becker collection. otherwise virtually attic mint!) GXIII-61.
A good strong impression and nice
Est.: $500 - $1,000 • Min. bid: $300 character with some scattered bubbles
and frothiness to the glass.
Lot 68
Est.: $175 - $350 • Min. bid: $100
Pictorial Flask, Westford Glass Works,
1857 - 1873. Yellowish olive amber “TRAVELER’S” / STYLIZED DUCK /
near the shoulders shading to a deep “COMPANION” - “LOCKPORT” / STAR
olive amber near the base, applied / “GLASS / WORKS” Pictorial Flask,
round collar with bevel - smooth Lockport Glass Works, NY, 1850 - 1860.
base, Pt, near mint; (just a touch of Rich, medium-to-deep blue green, crudely
light exterior wear, otherwise perfect). applied round collar - blowpipe pontil
GXIII-35. A good clean example filled scar, Pt; (a little scattered high point wear
with tiny seed bubbles. on the duck and shoulder of the reverse;
an in-making sliver of glass protrudes
Est.: $175 - $350 • Min. bid: $100 from below the applied collar on the
reverse). GXIV-6. Listed Group C, Rare
flasks #1, by McKearin. Beautiful color.
Est.: $2,000 - $4,000 • Min. bid: $1,200
American Glass Gallery, Auction #16 • Closing June 1, 2016 PAGE 15
Lot 73 Lot 77
“GRANITE / GLASS / CO - STOD- Pattern Molded Globular Bottle,
DARD / N H”, 1855 - 1862. Beautiful 24 ribs swirled to the left, probably
medium olive amber with some yel- Zanesville Glass Works, Zanesville, OH,
lowish tones along one of the sides, 1820 - 1835. Beautiful yellowish honey
applied double round collar - smooth coloration, globular form, outward rolled
base, Pt; (just a trace of faint wear, mouth - pontil scar, ht. 8”, sparkling
otherwise perfect). GXV-7. Nice mint! A fantastic example, beautiful
crude glass, good color, a strong light color, a good strong impression
impression. Often, these flasks have all the way to the base, and pristine
some distracting high point wear or condition!
other issues, but not this one. A clas-
sic Stoddard flask, and much nicer Est.: $800 - $1,600 • Min. bid: $500
than most! James Becker collection.
Lot 78
Est.: $500 - $800 • Min. bid: $250
Oversized, Pattern Molded Globular
Lot 74 Bottle, 24 ribs swirled to the right, prob-
ably Zanesville Glass Works, Zanesville,
“INDIANAPOLIS GLASS WORKS” OH, 1820 - 1835. Brilliant light to medi-
Lettered Flask, Indianapolis Glass um golden amber, globular form, outward
Works Co, 1870 - 1877. Deep aqua, rolled mouth - pontil scar, ht. 9 ¼”; (just a
almost a blue green coloration, ap- trace of typical light exterior wear, other-
plied mouth with ring - smooth base, wise virtually attic mint!) A scarce, desir-
Qt; (some scattered light interior haze able size having excellent near-perfect
in the lower half; a ¼” chip on the form, a good impression, great condition.
back side of the applied ring collar, Ex. Elvin Moody collection.
otherwise virtually attic mint). GXV-9.
A beautiful example, great depth of Est.: $1,000 - $2,000 • Min. Bid: $600
color. McKearin notes this mold as
“Rare”. However, there are less than Lot 79
six known, most having damage.
Pattern Molded ‘Grandfather’ Flask,
Est.: $800 - $1,600 • Min. bid: $400 24 rib broken swirl design, Zanesville
Glass Works, Zanesville, OH, 1820 -
Lot 75 1835. Rich golden amber with a slight
orange tone, flatten circular body,
“WESLEY. HAWKINS & Co / BAY sheared mouth - pontil scar, ht. 8 1/8”,
CITY / MICH” Lettered Flask, very near mint; (just a touch of minor,
America, 1873 - 1878. Aqua, applied light exterior wear and couple of small
tapered collar with flat band - smooth patches of faint interior residue, other-
base, Pt; (professionally cleaned to wise perfect). Similar to MW, color plate
original luster with a bit of faint interior XVII, bottom row, #4. Excellent form,
haze remaining; a 2 ½” hairline crack with the desirable ‘popcorn’ effect.
along the mold seam, and a ¾” area of Ex. Robert Chaudion collection.
chipping along the top of the mouth).
Extremely rare and historical, believed Est.: $2,000 - $4,000 • Min. bid: $1,200
to be the only known intact example.
To read about Wesley Hawkins and the Lot 80
bottle, see AB&GC, 4/16.
Pattern Molded Pocket Flask, 12
Est.: $500 - $1,000 • Min. bid: $250 “nipt” Diamond pattern, Henry William
Stiegel’s American Flint Glass Manu-
Lot 76 factory, Manheim, PA, 1769 - 1774.
Amethyst, compressed horseshoe form,
Pattern Molded Globular Bottle, sheared mouth - pontil scar, ht. 5”;
24 ribs swirled to the right, probably (some light exterior bloom and typical
Zanesville Glass Works, 1820 - 1835. light exterior wear). A very scarce flask,
Greenish aquamarine, globular form, outstanding form, beautiful color. See
outward rolled mouth - pontil scar, ht. Palmer, Glass in Early America, #351.
6 7/8”; (just some typical faint exte- These early Stiegel “pocket bottles” are
rior wear and a surface bubble on the some of the great “classics” of Ameri-
interior of the neck is partially open, can blown glass.
otherwise perfect!) These patterned
globs are very scarce in shades of Est.: $3,000 - $6,000 • Min. bid: $1,800
aqua. This is a good one, being in a
smaller size, with near perfect form,
and nice brilliant glass.
Est.: $800 - $1,600 • Min. bid: $500
PAGE 16 American Glass Gallery, Auction #16 • Closing June 1, 2016
Lot 81 Lot 85
Pattern Molded Pocket Flask, Pitkin Type Flask, patterned with 31
24 vertical ribs, probably America, vertical ribs over 31 ribs swirled to the
Pittsburgh district, or possibly a Mid- right, probably Mid-Atlantic region, 1800
Atlantic, or Philadelphia area glass- - 1830. Pale aquamarine, flattened
house, 1815 - 1835. Medium cobalt circular body, sheared mouth - blow-
with some deeper cobalt striations pipe pontil scar, ht. 6 1/8”, near mint; (a
swirling through the upper half of touch of very faint exterior wear, other-
the flask, elongated horseshoe form, wise excellent). Form and rib pattern
sheared mouth - pontil scar, ht. 6 ¾”; similar to MW, plate 89, #9. A scarce
(a ¼” chip on the edge of the sheared color for a early Pitkin flask, clean and
mouth; some scattered exterior wear). attractive with nice tight, fine ribbing.
Scarce, beautiful color, especially with
the deeper striations. Est.: $500 - $1,000 • Min. bid: $300
Est.: $600 - $1,200 • Min. bid: $400 Lot 86
Lot 82 Pitkin Type Flask, patterned with 32
vertical ribs over 32 ribs swirled to the
Pattern Molded Pocket Flask, 18 right, probably Mid-Atlantic region, 1800
pronounced vertical ribs, Continental, - 1830. Aquamarine, flattened broad
or possibly America, 1815 - 1835. ovoid body, sheared mouth - blowpipe
Beautiful, rich cobalt blue, elongated pontil scar, ht. 6 ½”; (a touch of light high
horseshoe form, sheared mouth - point wear near the base; a small patch
solid glass-tipped pontil scar, ht. 6 of minor interior milkiness near the base,
7/8”, perfect! Very similar to MW, and a bit of faint interior residue near the
plate 97, #5. A lot of flask for the shoulders that would likely wash out).
money, beautiful, early, and having See MW, plate 89, #10. Another nice
great character, the glass being filled example, this one with a nice bluish
with small bubbles. aqua tone.
Est.: $600 - $1,200 • Min. bid: $400 Est.: $400 - $800 • Min. bid: $250
Lot 83 Lot 87
Miniature, Pattern Molded Pocket Pitkin Type Flask, patterned with 30
Flask, 30 vertical ribs, probably East- vertical ribs over 30 ribs swirled to
ern United States, possibly South the left, probably Mid-Atlantic region,
Jersey, 1800 - 1830. Pale aquama- 1800 - 1830. Clear, medium sea green,
rine, flattened broad circular body, flattened oval body, sheared mouth -
sheared mouth - blowpipe pontil blowpipe pontil scar, ht. 6 ¾”, virtually
scar, ht. 2 5/8”; (some high point attic mint; (just the slightest trace of
wear and a somewhat weakened light exterior wear, otherwise perfect).
impression, but no other form of Similar in form and color to MW, plate
damage). Miniature pattern molded 89, #5. A great example, bright, clean,
flasks are quite rare. An interesting and with excellent clarity. Provenance:
little flask that was possibly blown as James Becker collection.
a whimsey, or child’s toy.
Est.: $500 - $1,000 • Min. bid: $300
Est.: $300 - $500 • Min. bid: $180
Lot 88
Lot 84
Pitkin Type Flask, patterned with 16
Oversized, Pattern Molded Chest- vertical ribs over 16 ribs swirled to the
nut Flask, 24 ribs swirled to the right, right, probably Mid-Atlantic region, 1800
possibly Zanesville, OH, 1820 - 1840. - 1830. Bright yellowish green, flattened
Aqua, large chestnut form, sheared circular body, sheared mouth - heavy
mouth - blowpipe pontil scar, ht. 7 glass tipped pontil scar, ht. 6 1/8”, virtu-
¼”; (some light spotty interior haze, ally attic mint; (just a touch of very faint
primarily on one side only; some scat- wear). Similar to MW, plate 89, #8. Good
tered minor scratches and exterior impression, very nice color!
wear, but no other form of damage).
A rare size for a Midwest chestnut, Est.: $600 - $1,200 • Min. bid: $400
similar to MW, plate 91, #10 (the ribs
on this example also converge at off-
center point on the base).
Est.: $300 - $600 • Min. bid: $180
American Glass Gallery, Auction #16 • Closing June 1, 2016 PAGE 17
Lot 89 Lot 93
Pitkin Type Flask, patterned with 36 Nailsea Type Flask, probably England,
vertical ribs over 36 ribs swirled to the 1850 - 1870. Beautiful teal coloration
right, New England, 1785 - 1825. Deli- with opaque white ribbons of glass
cate, light to medium yellowish olive, combed throughout, tall flattened ovoid
ovoid form, sheared mouth - blowpipe form, sheared mouth with small tooled
pontil scar, ht. 5 3/8”, near mint; (just ring-type collar - glass tipped pontil
a touch of very light exterior wear scar, ht. 7 3/8”, perfect. Beautiful,
and a slightly weakened impression, scarce color.
otherwise perfect). See MW, plate 88,
#2. Attractive light color. Est.: $300 - $500 • Min. bid: $180
Est.: $600 - $1,200 • Min. bid: $400 Lot 94
Lot 90 Poison Type Flask, Germany or pos-
sibly America, 1830 - 1850. Colorless,
Pitkin Type Flask, patterned with 31 flattened horseshoe form, 2-piece mold
vertical ribs over 31 ribs swirled to with an overall hobnail or crosshatch
the right, New England, 1785 - 1825. pattern, and corrugated sides, sheared
Clear medium olive, ovoid form, and inward rolled mouth - pontil scar, ½
sheared mouth - blowpipe pontil scar, Pt, near mint; (a shallow, ¼” flake at base
ht. 5 1/8”, very near mint; (a couple of edge, otherwise excellent). KU-27. See
tiny, pinhead size, or smaller, flakes on MW, plate 123, #8.
the rough sheared lip, otherwise per-
fect! Nice clarity, good strong impres- Est.: $175 - $350 • Min. bid: $100
sion, scarce rib count. Provenance:
Ex. George Austin collection. Lot 95
Est.: $600 - $1,200• Min. bid: $400 Lot of (2), Blown Three Mold, GII-27
Decanters, New England, 1820 - 1840.
Lot 91 Both are colorless, semi-barrel form
with tooled wide flared mouths - pontil
Early, Ribbed Melon Flask, Keene scarred bases. 1st example is a pint with
Marlboro Street Glassworks, Keene, (2), applied triple rings on the neck and
NH, 1820 - 1835. Bright medium period pressed stopper; 2nd example is
apple green, 20 wide, heavy, melon- a quart with “BRANDY” embossed on
type ribs, sheared and tooled mouth the shoulder, 16-petal base. Both are
- blowpipe pontil scar, Pt, virtually attic near mint with a touch of typical minor
mint; (a hard-to-see 1/8” flake on one exterior wear; a 1/8” flake on the edge
of the side ribs near the base, other- of the pressed stopper. The embossed
wise pristine). Attributed to the Keene “BRANDY” decanter is very scarce.
Glassworks, and likely one of their
earlier products. This one has that little Est.: $200 - $400 • Min. bid: $100
extra “eye-appeal”. Ex. Mike George
collection. Lot 96
Est.: $300 - $500 • Min. bid: $180 Blown Three-Mold Pitcher, New Eng-
land, possibly Boston and Sandwich,
Lot 92 Sandwich, MA, 1825 - 1840. Color-
less, bulbous body with beaded arch
Early, Ribbed Melon Flask, Keene baroque pattern, applied blown hollow
Marlboro Street Glassworks, Keene, handle, crimped and curled, sheared
NH, 1820 - 1835. Bright medium and tooled pour spout - circular foot
apple green, 16 wide, heavy, melon- with rayed base and solid glass tipped
type ribs, sheared and tooled mouth pontil scar, Qt, ht. 7”; (a minor 3/16”
- blowpipe pontil scar, ½ Pt, virtually area of roughness at edge of base,
attic mint; (just a light ring of faint otherwise perfect). GV-6. Per McKearin,
interior residue or light haze around the fragment of this mold was found at
center, otherwise perfect). A scarce Sandwich. A very rare, early pitcher.
little flask, and a little sweetheart of an
example. James Becker collection. Est.: $1,500 - $2,500 • Min. bid: $800
Est.: $300 - $500 • Min. bid: $180
PAGE 18 American Glass Gallery, Auction #16 • Closing June 1, 2016
Lot 97 Lot 101
Large, Freeblown Storage Jar, New Freeblown Witch Ball with Matching
England, probably blown at the New Stand, America, possibly a New Hamp-
Hampshire Glass Factory (Keene shire or Connecticut glasshouse, 1840 -
Window Glass Factory), Washington 1860. Amber with a slight reddish tone,
Street, Keene, NH, 1825 - 1840. Aqua- trumpet form stand and pontil scarred
marine, deep cylindrical jar with nearly funnel foot blown from a single gather
straight sides, outward folded rim - - tooled rim having a 4” dia; freeblown
blowpipe pontil scar, ht. 11”; (a little matching ball approx. 5 ¼” dia; overall
light exterior wear, otherwise perfect). ht. 11 7/8”, both are near mint; (stand
Ex. Joan Pappas collection, jar is pic- has a very faint exterior bloom, ball has
tured in her book, A Rare Collection of some light interior residue and a minor
Keene & Stoddard Glass, plate 1, 2nd ½” interior open bubble). Discovered in
row. (Book is also included in the Lot). Southern Maine.
Est.: $600 - $900 • Min. bid: $300 Est.: $250 - $450 • Min. bid: $150
Lot 98 Lot 102
Early Freeblown Milk bowl, probably Early, Freeblown Bell Cover, America,
Midwest, possibly Pittsburgh, 1810 probably South Jersey, 1820 - 1840.
- 1840. Medium cobalt blue, deep cy- Beautiful, clear yellowish green, bell form
lindrical bowl with nearly straight sides with nearly straight sides flaring outward
flaring slightly to a solid, outward rolled at base, tooled and outward folded rim
rim - blowpipe pontil scar, ht. 4 7/8”, - applied solid round knopf with pontil
rim. dia. 6 ¼”, base dia. approximately scar, 8 ¼” ht. x 7 ½” dia., perfect with
4 ½”, near mint; (some typical light only some faint stain around the folded
usage wear). Scarce, beautiful color. rim. These types of covers were utilitar-
Provenance: Ex. Darl Fifer collection. ian and used for a variety of purposes.
A beautiful example with some large bub-
Est.: $400 - $800 • Min. bid: $250 bles scattered throughout. Discovered in
Salem County, NJ, and likely blown there.
Lot 99
Est.: $300 - $600 • Min. bid: $180
Engraved Witch Ball on Stand,
America, possibly New England Glass Lot 103
Company, Cambridge, MA, 1840 -
1860. Colorless non-lead glass blown Large, Freeblown Globular Bottle,
in three parts and fused together, hol- New England, 1785 - 1825. Medium-
low corseted pedestal stand, applied to-deep yellowish olive, globular body,
foot with polished base - applied ball sheared mouth with heavy applied
with copper-wheel engraved stem and string rim - blowpipe pontil scar, ht. 10
floral motif, ht. 12 3/8”; (a bit of faint ½”; (some typical exterior wear and light
spotty interior bloom in the ball cover, scratches; a ¼” x ¾” open bubble on
otherwise perfect). See New England the interior of the shoulder, and an area
Glass Making, Wilson, Fig. 193. Great approx. 2” in dia. where the surface has
skill was required to create this piece. a rough texture and some streaks to the
glass, that occurred during manufac-
Est.: $200 - $300 • Min. bid: $120 ture). A nice early “Glob” with good
Lot 100
Est.: $500 - $800 • Min. bid: $300
Blown Witch Ball with Matching
Stand, America, probably Pittsburgh, Lot 104
1840 - 1860. Both are colorless with
opaque white loopings, vase with Freeblown Decanter or Table Serv-
compressed bulbous body, solid applied ing Bottle, New England, probably a
stem and flat circular foot with pontil Connecticut glasshouse, 1790 - 1820.
scar; neck flares outward to a sheared, Clear medium olive, decanter form
tooled rim having a 5 7/8” dia. ball cover, with an elongated neck and graceful
overall ht. 14 ¼”, near mint; (stand has tapering shoulders, sheared and slightly
a bit of faint interior milkiness). An in- flared mouth - relatively flat base with a
making tooling mark exists on the side of delicate blowpipe pontil scar, ht. 9 7/8”;
the bowl. See Pittsburgh Glass, plate 49. (a few faint light scratches and a touch
of typical light wear, otherwise perfect).
Est.: $700 - $1,200 • Min. bid: $400 A classic early serving bottle, with nice
form and character. These are known to
come in several sizes.
Est.: $600 - $900 • Min. bid: $300
American Glass Gallery, Auction #16 • Closing June 1, 2016 PAGE 19
Lot 105 Lot 109
Freeblown Chestnut Flask, New Fancy Cologne Bottle, American, pos-
England, 1785 - 1820. Clear, light olive sibly Mt. Vernon Glass Works, Vernon,
yellow, chestnut form, sheared mouth NY, 1830 - 1845. Deep tobacco amber,
with a crudely applied ring collar - deli- tombstone form with arched panels,
cate blowpipe pontil scar, ht. 7 7/8”, scroll and leaf pattern on the front
virtually perfect; (just the slightest trace - large flower petal above oval label
of faint wear, otherwise pristine). Nice, panel on reverse, sides with narrow ribs
slightly larger size; beautiful condition, and tiny beading, tooled and inward
color, and character, the “metal” being rolled mouth - blowpipe pontil scar,
loaded with tiny seed bubbles. ht. 3 7/8”, near mint; (a touch of faint
exterior wear, otherwise perfect). MW,
Est.: $300 - $500 • Min. bid: $180 plate 109, #12. Very rare in aqua, this is
the only known example in amber.
Lot 106
Est.: $2,000 - $4,000 • Min. bid: $1,000
Early, Freeblown Half-Size Decanter,
Continental, probably French or Bel- Lot 110
gian, 1770 - 1800. Clear medium olive
with yellowish tone, squatty decanter Fancy Cologne Bottle, America, 1835
form with gracefully sloping shoulders, - 1855. Medium to deep sapphire
sheared mouth with a crudely applied blue, tall slender rectangular form with
wide flat band - misshapen oval base concave corners, fancy plume or fern
with a high kick-up and blowpipe design on front, caduceus motif and
pontil scar, ht. 7”; (just a wisp of faint floral designs on side panels, applied
exterior wear, otherwise attic mint!) thin flanged collar - blowpipe pontil
Beautiful glass, nice character being scar, ht. 6 3/8”; (approx. 40% of the
filled with tiny seed bubbles, an inter- thin flanged lip is missing and a touch
esting base, scarce size. of light interior residue, otherwise
perfect). MW, plate 107, #11. Rare in
Est.: $600 - $900 • Min. bid: $300 aqua, this is believed to be unique as
the only known example in color!
Lot 107
Est.: $200 - $400 • Min. bid: $100
Early Patterned Utility Bottle, Medi-
terranean, or Middle East region, 1680 Lot 111
- 1720. Clear, medium-to-deep sea-
green with an emerald tone, profuse Blown Molded Oval Panel Cologne,
pinkish and strawberry puce striations Boston and Sandwich Glass Works,
swirled throughout, octagonal, each 1845 - 1870. Bright lime green with
of the eight panels embossed with a gilding on each of the panels, neck
double rectangular outline and two and shoulders, hexagonal body with
large “X” designs, crudely sheared six oval panels, wide flanged mouth
mouth with applied and crimped ring with original lily stopper - polished
collar - smooth base, ht. 9 3/8”, virtu- pontil, ht. 6 5/8”, incl. stopper; (some
ally attic mint. A rare, very early, and minor loss to the gilding otherwise per-
eye-appealing bottle, fantastic color. fect). Stopper is numbered 43, with a
matching 43 inscribed on the polished
Est.: $500 - $1,000 • Min. bid: $300 pontil. Identical mold pictured, BK,
plate 3110. Scarce mold, rare color.
Lot 108
Est.: $300 - $600 • Min. bid: $150
Early Blown Glass Roman Feeder,
Mediterranean region, 200 - 400 A.D. Lot 112
Greenish aquamarine, almost a light
sea-green, in the form of a bird with a Cut Overlay Panel and Star Cologne,
tooled flared head and pinched beak Boston and Sandwich Glass Works,
forming spout, ht. 3”, length 3 ¾”; Sandwich, MA, 1850 - 1870. Cobalt
(some typical glass degradation; minor cut to clear, cylindrical with alternat-
chipping at tip of tail as is normal with ing rows of stars and blocks, flanged
these objects). This shape is often mouth with original matching stopper
considered a baby feeding vessel and - large star pattern cut to clear on the
is also known as a “dropping bottle”. base, ht. 4” including stopper, perfect.
Beautiful patina, attractive frothy glass, Pattern similar to BK, plate 3290 (puff
overall excellent condition. box), but in the cologne mold.
Est.: $200 - $400 • Min. bid: $100 Est.: $250 - $450 • Min. bid: $140
PAGE 20 American Glass Gallery, Auction #16 • Closing June 1, 2016
Lot 113 Lot 117
Rare, Pattern-Molded Seahorse Scent Bell / “TELSSIER - PREVOST / A
Bottle, probably Eastern US, possibly PARIS”, America, 1860 - 1875. Light-
South Jersey, 1780 - 1830. Amethyst, to-medium blue green, rectangular with
ovoid body with tightly curled tail, ribs wide beveled corners, applied sloping
swirled to the right, applied quilled collar - early hinge-mold smooth base,
ribbons of glass along sides, sheared ht. 7 3/8”; (professionally cleaned with
and polished mouth - applied footed a little scattered minor exterior wear re-
and polished base, ht. 3 1/8”, mint. See maining). A nice crude, seedy, bubbly,
McK, pl.240, #21 for footed example. example. Most of these bottles are be-
A unique scent bottle possibly blown lieved to be American, and held double
as an offhand piece or whimsey, or to lavender water from France. They are
showcase the gaffer’s skills. Exception- very popular because of the embossed
al, one of the most ornate known. bell and range of colors.
Est.: $500 - $1,000 • Min. bid: $250 Est.: $175 - $350 • Min. bid: $100
Lot 114 Lot 118
Cologne Bottle, probably a South Bell / “TELSSIER - PREVOST / A
Boston area glasshouse, possibly PARIS”, America, 1860 - 1875. Medium-
Boston and Sandwich Glass Works, to-deep blue green, rectangular with
Sandwich, MA, 1860 - 1880. Fiery wide beveled corners, applied sloping
opalescent Robin’s-egg blue, obelisk collar - early smooth base, ht. 7 ¼”, near
form with two vertical ribs forming col- mint; (just a touch of typical light exterior
umns on all four sides, tooled ring type wear, otherwise attic mint). Nice rich
collar - smooth base, ht. 8 7/8”; (just color, strong embossing, this example
a bit of light interior residue, otherwise also being filled with tiny seed bubbles.
perfect!) See MW, plate 112, #12.
Beautiful, scarce color and mold. Est.: $200 - $400 • Min. bid: $120
Est.: $400 - $800 • Min. bid: $200
Lot 115 Lot 119
Lot of (2), Sandwich-Type Cologne Bell / “TELSSIER - PREVOST / A
Bottles, probably Boston and Sand- PARIS”, America, 1860 - 1875. Medium-
wich Glass Works 1860 - 1888. Medi- to-deep blue green, slightly more greenish
um to deep cobalt and plum amethyst, tone than the previous lot, rectangular
both are a flattened octagonal form with wide beveled corners, applied slop-
with a corseted bodies, tooled flanged ing collar - early smooth base, ht. 7 3/8”,
mouths - smooth bases, ht. 4” each; near mint; (a shallow 1/8” open bubble at
(amethyst example is near mint with a one of the base corners, and a couple of
touch of light high point wear and a bit tiny, less-than-pinhead size open surface
of minor residue in shoulder; cobalt ex- bubbles, otherwise perfect). Another nice
ample has a 3/8” strip of light dullness example, clean and attractive.
from the lip to the base on one side
and interior residue in shoulder). Est.: $200 - $400 • Min. bid: $120
Est.: $175 - $350 • Min. bid: $100 Lot 120
Lot 116 Bell / “TELSSIER - PREVOST / A
PARIS” (with 95% complete original
Bell / “TEISSIER - PREVOST / A label), 1865 - 1875. Beautiful medium
PARIS”, America, 1850 - 1860. Me- teal blue, rectangular with wide beveled
dium to deep blue green with a slight corners, applied sloping collar - smooth
emerald tone, rectangular with wide base, ht. 7 3/8”, near mint; (a 1/8” flake
beveled corners, applied sloping collar off the back edge of the lip, otherwise
- large rectangular iron pontil scar, ht. perfect). The graphic label depicting
7 3/8”; (a little interior stain, primarily a large bell has some staining and is
down one of the beveled corners on somewhat darkened from age, but is
the reverse, and a little light high point generally very legible. Gorgeous color,
wear near the base on the reverse, very rare with the original label.
otherwise near mint). A crude example,
strongly embossed, and with a great Est.: $300 - $500 • Min. bid: $150
looking pontil!
Est.: $300 - $500 • Min. bid: $150
American Glass Gallery, Auction #16 • Closing June 1, 2016 PAGE 21
Lot 121 Lot 125
Blown, Striped Inkwell, probably “J-&-I-E-M” Ink Bottle, America, 1865
Boston, possibly Boston and Sand- - 1890. Medium to deep chocolate
wich Glass Works, Sandwich, MA, amber, cylindrical with six block panels
1870 - 1880. Colorless with alternating around sides, domed shoulders, offset
pink and white stripes swirled to the neck with sheared mouth - “5” (on
right, domed form, ground mouth with smooth base), ht. 1 ¾”, very near mint;
original pewter closure and hinged cap (just a bit of light residue on the inte-
- polished pontil scarred base, 2 3/8” rior of the dome, and a partially open
ht; x 3 ½” dia, perfect! C #1381. Also, bubble on the interior). Similar to C
pattern and colors similar to tumbler #628. A nice clean example.
illustrate in BK, plate 3401. A rare, Est.: $250 - $450 • Min. bid: $140
fantastic early inkwell, beautiful colors,
excellent condition. Lot 126
Est.: $750 - $1,250 • Min. bid: $400 Umbrella Ink, America, 1840 - 1860.
Medium blue green, 8-sided umbrella
Lot 122 form, sheared and inward rolled mouth -
blowpipe pontil scar, 2 3/8” ht. x 2 1/8”
Rare, Figural Tree Trunk Inkwell, wide, virtually attic mint! A very attractive
probably eastern United States, pos- example, heavily whittled, clean and
sibly south Boston area, 1871 -1880. sparkling.
Clear medium green with an emerald Est.: $125 - $250 • Min. bid: $70
tone and some interesting pigeon
blood red striations scattered through Lot 127
the body, figural log form with bark
and branches on the sides, “PAT. JAN “J. - S. - D - U - N - H - A - M”, Amer-
/ 17. 1871.” embossed on interior of ica, 1845 - 1860. Aquamarine, 8-sided
the shoulder - improved pontil scarred umbrella form, sheared and inward
base, 1 7/8” ht. x 3” dia; (a touch of rolled mouth - blowpipe pontil scar, 2
minor exterior wear, otherwise perfect). ½” ht. x 2 ¼” wide, sparkling attic mint!
C #1422. An unusual and rare ink. C #116. A scarce St. Louis ink, having
nice character, brilliant glass, outstand-
Est.: $500 - $1,000 • Min. bid: $300 ing condition.
Est.: $250 - $400 • Min. bid: $140
Lot 123
Lot 128
“J-&-I-E-M” Ink Bottle, America,
1865 - 1890. Deep cornflower blue, “SHEETS - WRITING - FLUID - DAY-
almost a light sapphire, cylindrical with TON / O.”, America, probably an early
six block panels around sides, domed Ohio glasshouse, 1850 - 1860. Aqua-
shoulders, offset neck with sheared marine, hexagonal with a corseted body
mouth - “L” (on smooth base), ht. 1 and unusual mushroom-type shoulders,
5/8”; (lightly cleaned to original luster sheared and inward rolled mouth -
and near mint condition). Similar to C blowpipe pontil scar, ht. 2 ½”, near mint;
#628. A beautiful, scarce and desir- (just a trace of faint exterior wear and a
able color, excellent overall condition. bit of trapped residue inside the rolled
lip, otherwise perfect). An extremely
Est.: $1,000 - $2,000 • Min. bid: $600 rare ink, beautifully whittled, outstand-
ing condition, one that does not come
Lot 124 around often.
Est.: $500 - $800 • Min. bid: $300
“J-&-I-E-M” Ink Bottle, America, 1865
- 1890. Beautiful citron coloration,
cylindrical with six block panels around
sides, domed shoulders, offset neck
with sheared mouth - smooth base, ht.
1 ¾”; (a hard to see, shallow, 1/8” flake
along the top edge of one of the block
panels, a trace of interior residue,
otherwise very near mint). C #628. A
scarce, attractive color for this mold.
Est.: $700 - $900 • Min. bid: $400
PAGE 22 American Glass Gallery, Auction #16 • Closing June 1, 2016
Lot 129 Lot 133
Multi-Sided Inkwell, America, 1840 “GOODWIN & LEONARD” (label only),
- 1860. Medium emerald coloration, Master Ink Bottle, New England, 1855
12-sided cylindrical form, sheared and - 1865. Medium to deep olive green,
inward rolled mouth - blowpipe pontil cylindrical, applied sloping collar - early
scar, 1 ¾” ht. x 1 5/8” wide, perfect! smooth base, ht. 5 ¼”; (the bottle is
Similar to C #550. A crude, whittled, virtually attic mint, the original label is
beautiful example in a somewhat 99% complete with some expected
scarce color that is typically found in very minor wear, otherwise perfect). A
more of a blue-green tone. rare little master ink, outstanding condi-
tion, and character, filled with tiny seed
Est.: $200 - $400 • Min. bid: $120 bubbles.
Est.: $300 - $600 • Min. bid: $180
Lot 130 Lot 134
Early, Domed Inkwell, Granite Glass Half-Size, Early Dip Mold Snuff Jar,
Co, Stoddard, NH, 1846 - 1862. Yel- New England, or possibly England, 1800
lowish olive amber, almost an olive yel- - 1830. Clear, light to medium olive,
low, cylindrical with domed shoulders, square with domed shoulders, sheared
sheared mouth - blowpipe pontil scar, and tooled slightly flared mouth - sand
2” ht. x 2 ½” diameter, perfect! (a little type pontil scar, ht. 4”, near attic mint;
light content residue that should easily (just a touch of very minor exterior wear
wash out). C #573. A fantastic piece, and a bit of faint interior residue that
nice color, character, outstanding con- would probably wash out). See MW,
dition. An identical inkwell, as well as plate 75, #12. Beautiful color, excellent
shards of this mold, have been found clarity, scarce, attractive size.
on the Granite Glass Company site.
Est.: $500 - $800 • Min. bid: $300
Est.: $700 - $1,200 • Min. bid: $400
Lot 131 Lot 135
Blown Three Mold Inkwell, Coventry Early Dip Mold Snuff Jar, probably
Glass Works, Coventry, CT, 1820 - an early New England glasshouse,
1840. Deep olive amber, cylindrical, 1810 - 1830. Deep olive green, square
heavy disk mouth - plain base with with drawn-up shoulders, sheared and
blowpipe pontil scar, 1 3/8” ht. x 2 ¼” tooled mouth - blowpipe pontil scar, ht.
wide; (just a touch of very light exterior 6 1/8”; (a little light exterior bloom on
wear, otherwise perfect). GII-16. Simi- two of the sides, and in the shoulder
lar to C #1182. These little inkwells are area, some minor scratches and light
very early, often heavy, and used over exterior wear). A very crude example
a period of many years. They often with irregular shoulders and a slightly
have moderate, to heavy usage wear. off-center neck. Very crude with some
Although not a great rarity, this one is potstones (no associated damage), and
certainly a little nicer than most. frit through the shoulder area.
Est.: $150 - $250 • Min. bid: $80 Est.: $400 - $600 • Min. bid: $200
Lot 132 Lot 136
Labeled Umbrella Ink, America, Early Dip Mold Snuff Jar, probably
1840 – 1860. Medium olive with a England, possibly New England, 1800
slight yellowish tone, 8-sided umbrella - 1830. Medium olive with a slight yel-
form, sheared and inward rolled mouth lowish tone, square high-shoulder form,
– blowpipe pontil scar, 2 ¼” ht. x 2 domed shoulders, sheared, tooled, and
1/8” octagonal, attic mint! Similar to slightly flared mouth - sand type pontil
C#133. Complete and original label scar, ht. 6 1/8”; (some narrow rings of
reads, “Superior / Black Ink. / Prepared faint interior haze, a touch of exterior
By / E.S. Curtis, Boston.” A great little “bloom”, and a small potstone on one of
ink, beautiful and rare with the original the sides with a little iridescent “moon”
label! around it). A nice early snuff jar, the
Est.: $400 - $600 • Min. bid: $200 noted condition issues are all fairly minor.
Pictured on this page: (from left to right) Lot 123, Lot 117, Lot 50, Lot 174Est,.: $L20o0t- $147003•, MLino. btid2: $31,00Lot 78.
American Glass Gallery, Auction #16 • Closing June 1, 2016 PAGE 23
Lot 137 Lot 141
Lot of (2), Early Snuff Jars, America, Petal-Type Preserve Jar, Midwest,
probably New England, 1840 - 1860. probably a Pittsburgh district glass-
Yellowish olive amber and olive am- house, 1850 - 1860. Bright yellowish-
ber, both were blown in a dip mold, olive green, cylindrical, 4-pc. mold with
rectangular with beveled corners, 10 large petals around shoulder, applied
sheared and tooled lips - blowpipe mouth - red iron pontil scar, Qt, near
pontil scarred bases, ht. 3 7/8” and 4” mint; (a couple of tiny, pinhead size
respectively; (both are near mint with areas of roughness at the edge of the
just typical light exterior wear). A nice collar; a very shallow 1/8” flake at the
clear pair of early snuff jars. collar, and one on the body, otherwise
attic mint!) L#3067. A beautiful jar, nice
Est.: $150 - $250 • Min. bid: $70 color, clean and sparkling.
Lot 138 Est.: $1,200 - $1,800 • Min. bid: $600
Large Snuff or Utility Jar, probably Lot 142
England, possibly Continental, 1850 -
1870. Medium yellowish olive, 3-pc. Petal-Type Preserve Jar, Midwest,
mold, rectangular with beveled cor- probably a Pittsburgh district glasshouse,
ners, sheared and tooled mouth - early 1850 - 1860. Aquamarine, cylindrical,
smooth base, ht. 9 ½”; (just a trace 3-pc. mold with 10 large petals around
of very faint exterior wear, otherwise shoulder, applied mouth - iron pontil
perfect). A nice jar, excellent condi- scar, Qt, near mint; (a couple of tiny,
tion, scarce size. pinprick spots of roughness on the edge
of the collar; a small trace of very light
Est.: $175 - $275 • Min. bid: $100 interior milkiness in the shoulder and light
exterior wear). L#3067. An attractive jar,
Lot 139 nicely whittled.
“FISCHER’S - OIL - DAN. T. Est.: $100 - $150 • Min. bid: $50
/ FLEMINGSBURG KY”, America, Lot 143
1890 - 1910. Colorless, figural fish,
tooled ring collar - smooth base, ht. 5”, “POTTER & BODINE’S / AIR - TIGHT
perfect. A rare figural bottle that likely FRUIT JAR / PHILADA - PATENTED
held some type of watch lubricant, / APRIL 13th 1858”, a South Jersey
either sold, or perhaps given, as an glasshouse, probably Potter & Bodine,
advertising gift to their better custom- Bridgeton, NJ, 1858 - 1863. Aquama-
ers. A lot of workmanship in the mold. rine, barrel form, tooled wax seal mouth
Interesting and very unusual. - large sand type pontil scar, Qt, virtually
attic mint; (a trace of residue trapped
Est.: $175 - $275 • Min. bid: $100 in the groved wax seal). L#2388. A
classic, attractive early jar, outstanding
Lot 140 overall condition.
“ABSOLUTELY / PURE MILK” / Est.: $800 - $1,200 • Min. bid: $500
/ CREAM / JAR”, Thatcher Mfg. Co., “A. STONE & Co / PHILA” FRUIT
Potsdam, N.Y, 1886 - 1892. Colorless, JAR, possibly a Pittsburgh district
cylindrical, tooled square collar mouth glasshouse, 1865 - 1875. Aquamarine,
with original, correct quart Thatcher cylindrical, large applied collar with
glass lid and wire bail - “THATCHER internal threading, “A.STONE & Co / 3
MFG. CO / POTSDAM, N.Y.” (on / PHILADA.” (on lugged threaded stop-
smooth base), Qt, near mint; (some per) - early smooth base, Qt, near mint;
faint scratches behind the cow, on the (a 3/8” shallow chip on the underside of
interior, otherwise perfect). the threaded stopple; a 3/8” chip and
a minor 3/8” area of iridescence on the
Est.: $800 - $1,200 • Min. bid: $400 internal neck threads). RB #2748.
Est.: $600 - $900 • Min. bid: $300
An Amazing Time Capsule:
Represented on these two pages are
Lot numbers 262, 263 & 264.
Pontiled medicines and rare, unlisted, Pictured here is an exciting, recently
hair bottles from the Dr. J. B. Wheatley discovered cache of bottles from
Company, Dallasburgh, Kentucky with the Dr. J. B. Wheatley Company.
contents, packaging and labels! Examples include pontiled, unembossed
cylindrical medicines with original wrappers
and packaging, and early, smooth-
base, fancy hair bottles embossed, “DR
PRESERVER”. To our knowledge, these hair
bottles are unlisted.
All have their original wrappers, bundled in
packages of six, complete with twine and
packaging label. It is likely how they would
have been sold wholesale to a druggist
for retail distribution. They represent just
a portion of other interesting bottles and
artifacts discovered from a large, early
Cincinnati, Ohio estate.
The consignor included a few individual
bottles representing what is contained in
the un-opened packages. The medicines
include “Wheatley’s Spanish Liniment” and,
“Wheatley’s Spanish Pain Destroyer”. It
appears that each of the individual bottles,
including the “Grecian Hair Preserver”,
comes wrapped in an advertising circular
entitled Wheatley’s Journal Of Health.
Don’t miss this opportunity to add a few
of these scarce bottles to your display of
PAGE 26 American Glass Gallery, Auction #16 • Closing June 1, 2016
Lot 145 Lot 149
ACKER & Co / TEA SPECIALISTS / Pickle Jar, America, 1850 - 1860.
PHILADELPHIA / U.S.A. - (Man Rid- Aquamarine, cylindrical with five
ing an Elephant) - “FINLEY ACKER rounded body panels, horizontal rings
& CO / A / HG / REGISTERED” - (Tea above and below the shoulders, applied
Leaves), America, 1894 - 1900. Bright square collar - heavy iron pontil scar, ht.
yellowish green, square with a short 10 ¾”, virtually attic mint; (just a trace of
neck, factory ground collar and original faint exterior wear and an onionskin-thin
gold painted ornate crown stopper, open surface bubble that likely occurred
overall ht. 11”; (some faint interior haze during manufacture). Zumwalt, p.277.
near the shoulders, otherwise near Nice crude glass, sparkling clean, a “fin-
mint). Extremely rare. See Zumwalt, est possible example” of this scarce jar.
p.15, also pictured on the cover.
Est.: $400 - $600 • Min. bid: $200
Est.: $500 - $1,000 • Min. bid: $250
Lot 150
Lot 146
“W. K. L & Co” Cathedral Ketchup
Large, Cathedral Pickle Jar, America, Bottle (with 90% complete original label),
1860 - 1870. Rich, medium-to-deep America, 1850 - 1860. Aquamarine,
bluish green, square with beveled square with rounded corners, arched
corners, arched gothic panels, three gothic panels, three with quatrefoil
with quatrefoil design and beaded tre- design and beaded trefoil motif, applied
foil motif, applied ring collar - smooth double round collar - blowpipe pontil
base, ht. 13 5/8”, very near mint; (a scar, ht. 10”, near mint; (a little faint minor
few light scratches on the label panel, haze or “bloom” in the shoulder area; a
otherwise attic mint!) See Zumwalt, p. touch of light exterior wear on one of the
456. A great example with nice char- rounded corners). Zumwalt, p. 277. A
acter and crudeness, excellent deep scarce mold and extremely rare, possibly
color, large impressive size. unique, with the original label.
Est.: $1,400 - $2,200 • Min. bid: $700 Est.: $400 - $600 • Min. bid: $200
Lot 147 Lot 151
Large, Cathedral Pickle Jar, Wil- Lot of (2), “W. K. LEWIS & Co” Bottles,
lington Glass Works, Willington, CT, America, 1860 - 1875. “W. K. / LEWIS
1850 - 1860. Pale ice blue, square &Co” Peppersauce Bottle, and an
with beveled corners, arched gothic extremely rare, “W.K. LEWIS & Co”
panels with ribbed columns, sheared Extract Bottle. Both are aqua, pepper-
and outward rolled mouth - sand type sauce is round with 8-lobed panels and
pontil scar, ht. 11”, very near mint; (just fluted shoulders, the extract is rectan-
a minor patch of extremely faint haze gular with beveled corners, both with
on one of the sides, near the shoulder, applied double collar and smooth base,
otherwise perfect). Zumwalt, p.456. ht. 8 ¼” and 5 3/8” respectively; (pepper-
The middle of three sizes, a classic, sauce is near mint with a 1” band of very
early “Willington” Pickle Jar. faint interior haze; the extract has some
light stain and two, ½” fissures in base).
Est.: $800 - $1,600 • Min. bid: $500
Est.: $100 - $200 • Min. bid: $50
Lot 148
Lot 152
Cloverleaf Pickle Jar, New England,
possibly Keene Marlboro Street Glass- “MILWAUKEE PICKLE Co / WAU-
works, 1835 - 1842. Light to medium WATOSA, WIS.” Large Pickle Jar,
blue green, octofoil form, sheared, probably De Steiger Glass Company, La
tooled, and outward rolled mouth Salle, IL, 1879 - 1895. Medium golden
-blowpipe pontil scar, ht. 6 ½”, near amber, cylindrical, applied large square
mint; (a touch of light exterior wear and collar - “D. S. G. Co.” (on smooth
very faint, minor interior haze, primarily base), ht. 12 ½”; (just a slight touch of
near the shoulders). A scarce size, minor, light exterior wear, otherwise attic
scarce color, for a “Cloverleaf” jar. mint). See Zumwalt, p. 305. A large,
Provenance: James Becker collection. impressive pickle jar; the largest of
three known sizes. A scarce jar, nicely
Est.: $400 - $600 • Min. bid: $200 whittled, excellent condition.
Est.: $300 - $500 • Min. bid: $180
American Glass Gallery, Auction #16 • Closing June 1, 2016 PAGE 27
Lot 153 Lot 157
Lot of (3), “C.D. BROOKS / BOS- “A.M. BININGER & Co / No 375
TON” Pickle Jars, America, 1880 BROADWAY N.Y.”, America, 1863 -
- 1895. Medium amber and yellowish 1870. Beautiful topaz coloration with
honey amber, all are cylindrical with some subtle deeper apricot striations
applied square collars - smooth bases, swirled through the body, rectangular
ht. 7 ½”; 9 3/8”, and 11 5/8”; (the large with beveled corners, applied sloping
and medium examples are very near collar - smooth base, ht. 9 7/8”, near
mint with just a bit typical very light mint; (just a touch of light exterior wear
exterior wear; the small example has a and a little, very faint, interior haze).
little minor exterior dullness and a few This mold comes in an array of beautiful
light scratches and wear, but no other colors. This one is particularly attractive,
form of damage). Zumwalt, p. 60. A especially with the subtle striations. Ex.
very nice grouping. Diane Wheaton collection.
Est.: $250 - $450 • Min. bid: $140 Est.: $500 - $1,000 • Min. bid: $300
Lot 154 Lot 158
/ “NEW YORK” (on applied seal), BROADWAY N.Y.”, America, 1863 -
Rickett’s Glass Works, Bristol, England, 1870. Gorgeous, bright yellow green
1830 - 1840. Olive green, cylindri- with a citron tone, rectangular with
cal, applied sloping double collar beveled corners, applied sloping collar
- “RICKETT’S & Co GLASS WORKS - smooth base, ht. 9 ¾”; (it is difficult
BRISTOL” (on base), sand type pontil to tell, but the bottle has been lightly
scar, ht. 10 ¼”; (a 1” x 1 ½” hole in the cleaned, and certainly appears as virtu-
shoulder with two cracks, 2” and 4”, ally attic mint!). A scarce mold, brilliant,
extending from it). Extremely rare, this beautiful eye-appealing color, outstand-
bottle was blown in England for Abra- ing condition. Provenance: Ex. Diane
ham Bininger in New York, and believed Wheaton collection.
to be the earliest of the Bininger bottles.
Est.: $400 - $800 • Min. bid: $250
Est.: $200 - $400 • Min. bid: $100
Lot 159
Lot 155
Rare Bininger Whimsey, BININGER & Co. / No, 17 BROAD ST”
“DISTILLED IN 1848. / OLD (Crown motif on shoulder), America,
KENTUCKY / 1849 / RESERVE 1860 - 1875. Medium to deep olive
/ BOURBON / A.M. BININGER with a slight amber tone, square with
& Co. / 338 BROADWAY, N.Y.”, beveled corners, applied sloping collar
America, 1850 - 1860. Amber, - smooth base, ht. 9 ¾”, near mint; (just
barrel form with an 1/8” opening the slightest trace of minor exterior wear
in center of barrel, likely to ac- and a paper-thin, pinhead open bubble
commodate a spigot, tooled and sealed at shoulders to form 2nd barrel on the label panel, otherwise excel-
end, blowpipe pontil scar, ht. 6 ½”; (3/4” crack at base edge; some lent). A good clean example! Ex. Diane
overall light interior residue and stain). Ex. Diane Wheaton collection. Wheaton collection.
Est.: $400 - $800 • Min. bid: $250 Est.: $200 - $400 • Min. bid: $120
Lot 156 Lot 160
BROAD ST N.Y.”, America, 1860 - N.Y.”, America, 1860 - 1875. Medium
1870. Light golden amber through the olive, square with beveled corners,
center, shading to a yellowish honey applied sloping collar - smooth base,
coloration near the sides, flattened ht. 8”; (a couple of 1/8” spots of minor
teardrop form, applied double collar roughness, or tiny bruises, on the edge
- smooth base, ht. 6 5/8”, near mint; of the lip, otherwise clean, sparkling,
(just a touch of faint exterior wear, virtually attic mint). Scarce, small size.
primarily on the reverse, otherwise Provenance: Ex. Diane Wheaton
perfect). A great example, clean, good collection.
color, no lip issues, and very little wear,
as is often an issue with these flasks. Est.: $200 - $400 • Min. bid: $120
Est.: $500 - $800 • Min. bid: $250
PAGE 28 American Glass Gallery, Auction #16 • Closing June 1, 2016
Lot 161 Lot 165
WAY.”, America, 1860 - 1875. Medium & Co: / No. 19 BROAD ST, N.Y.”
olive yellow, square with beveled Bottles, America, 1860 - 1875. Golden
corners, applied sloping collar - amber and medium olive with a slight
smooth base, ht. 9 ¾”; (a couple minor yellowish tone, both are square with
scratches and typical light exterior beveled corners, applied sloping collars
wear, otherwise near attic mint). Beau- - smooth bases, ht. 9 ¾”; (olive example
tiful, attractive color with some nice is near mint with a touch of typical light
bubbles and character to the glass. wear; amber example has several irides-
Ex. Diane Wheaton collection. cent bruises, 3/8” to 5/8”, on the collar,
and some exterior wear and dullness).
Est.: $200 - $400 • Min. bid: $120 Ex. Diane Wheaton collection.
Lot 162 Est.: $500 - $800 • Min. bid: $300
BININGER & Co. / No. 338 BROAD-
WAY.”, America, 1860 - 1875. Medium Lot of (2), Bininger Bottles, 1860 - 1875.
olive with a yellowish tone, square “A.M. BININGER & CO: / NEW YORK.”
with beveled corners, applied sloping (rectangular slug plate on two panels),
collar - smooth base, ht. 9 5/8”; (some amber, square, applied tapered collar -
light interior residue and stain through smooth base, ht. 10”; (lightly cleaned to
the body, otherwise excellent). Some original luster; a 1 ½” annealing line at
of the light stain may wash out, but base corner). And, “DISTILLED IN 1848
otherwise should easily clean with just / OLD KENTUCKY / BOURBON / A.M.
a day or two in the tumbler, if desired). BININGER & Co. 338 BROADWAY”,
Ex. Diane Wheaton collection. figural barrel, applied double collar -
smooth base, ht. 8”; (some exterior wear,
Est.: $175 - $350 • Min. bid: $100 interior haze, and small potstone with
tiny 1/16” legs).
Lot 163
Est.: $175 - $350 • Min. bid: $100
& Co: / No. 338 BROADWAY, N.Y.”,
America, 1860 - 1875. Bright yellowish “AMBROSIAL / B.M.&E.A.W & Co” (on
olive, square with beveled corners, applied seal), America, 1850 - 1860.
applied sloping collar - smooth base, Medium amber, flattened chestnut form
ht. 9 ½”; (a couple of minor pinhead with an applied handle curled at lower
open bubbles and a shallow, ¼” terminal, applied mouth with flat band
open bubble on the “H” in “WHEAT”, - blowpipe pontil scar, ht. 8 7/8”; (just
otherwise virtually attic mint). A clean, a bit of very minor spotty haze on the
bright example, nice character with interior, near the shoulder; some overall
plenty of bubbles. Ex. Diane Wheaton fine scratches on the reverse). Nice
collection. strong impression on the applied seal.
Est.: $400 - $600 • Min. bid: $250 Est.: $175 - $275 • Min. bid: $100
Lot 164 Lot 168
“BININGER’S / OLD DOMINION - Freeblown Applied Handle Chestnut
WHEAT TONIC, - A.M. BININGER Flask, America, or Continental, 1840
& Co: / No. 19 BROAD ST, N.Y.”, - 1855. Golden amber through the
America, 1860 - 1875. Clear, medium midsection, shading to a deeper reddish
olive green, square with beveled cor- amber near the shoulders and base,
ners, applied sloping collar - smooth plump chestnut form with an applied
base, ht. 9 7/8”; (a little light exterior handle curled at lower attachment,
wear and faint, scratches, primarily crudely applied flattened ring collar
on the label panel, an 1/8” paper-thin below sheared lip - blowpipe pontil scar,
open bubble, otherwise, bright, clean, ht. 6 3/8”; (a very light 3” scratch near
and near mint!) Crisp, strong emboss- corner, otherwise near attic mint). See
ing, nice clarity and color, - no trace of MW, plate 48, #1. This example appears
yellow or amber in this one. to be a bit earlier than most.
Est.: $400 - $600 • Min. bid: $250 Est.: $120 - $180 • Min. bid: $60
American Glass Gallery, Auction #16 • Closing June 1, 2016 PAGE 29
Lot 169 Lot 173
“STRICKLAND’S” (with 95% original “SUFFOLK BITTERS - PHIL-
label), America, 1874 - 1877. Golden BROOK & TUCKER / BOSTON”,
amber, flattened teardrop form, applied America, 1865 - 1875. Gorgeous
mouth with flat band - smooth base, medium yellow coloration through
ht. 6 7/8”; (a shallow, 3/16” sliver flake the body shading to rich honey
on the applied ring; a paper-thin ¼” yellow in the head, and a clear
open bubble near the mold seam, straw yellow in the hind feet,
label has some staining and darkening figural pig, applied double round
from age). Very scarce with the original collar, length 10”, near mint; (just a slight trace of very light exterior wear;
label! The Strickland Co. was estab- a pinhead bit of minor roughness on the tail that you can feel, but is barely
lished in 1873 on Adams St, Chicago noticeable, otherwise perfect!) R/H #S217. Beautiful example, fantastic,
and listed as rectifiers and wholesale eye-appealing color.
liquor distributers in 1874.
Est.: $3,000 - $6,000 • Min. bid: $1,600
Est.: $125 - $250 • Min. bid: $70
Lot 174
Lot 170
“J. T. GAYEN / ALTONA”, probably ica, 1865 - 1875. Medium amber, figural
America, 1865 - 1875. Medium amber, Civil War drum below cluster of stacked
figural cannon barrel, crudely applied cannonballs forming conical shoulders,
round collar - smooth base, ht. 13 ½”; applied sloping collar - smooth base, ht.
virtually attic mint; (just the slightest 10 ½”, virtually attic mint! R/H #M58.
trace of faint exterior wear, otherwise One of the great classics of the figural
pristine!) J. T. Gayen is believed to bitters category and obviously a very
be one of the earliest distilleries from historical mold pertaining to the War
Altoona, Hamburg, Germany. Likely between the States. Excellent condition,
a copycat of the successful Bininger a great example!
cannon bottle. Finest possible ex-
ample, heavily whittled, outstanding Est.: $3,500 - $5,500 • Min. bid: $1,800
condition. James Becker collection.
Lot 175
Est.: $1,200 - $1,800 • Min. bid: $600
/ 1868” (with remnants of original gold
“CAMPBELL & SEAMAN / NEW paint), America, 1868 – 1880. Bright
YORK” Whiskey Bottle, America, golden amber shading to a light yellow-
1859 - 1870. Brilliant yellow olive, ish honey coloration above the waist
squatty square form with beveled and through the arms, figural Indian
corners, applied sloping collar - early maiden, sheared and inward rolled lip –
smooth base, ht. 8 ¼”, near mint; (just smooth base, ht. 12 3/8”, virtually attic
a trace of very faint exterior wear). mint; (a small tissue-paper-thin open
An extremely rare whiskey with great bubble on one of the arms, otherwise
eye-appeal! One of only a few known pristine). R/H #B226. Beautiful, out-
examples. Beautiful color, outstanding standing condition, nice color.
character, excellent condition! From
the same company that put out the Est.: $600 - $1,200 • Min. bid: $400
Old Continental Whiskey.
Lot 176
Est.: $1,200 - $2,200 • Min. bid: $600
Lot 172 / X / BITTERS - PATENTED / 1862”,
America, 1862 - 1880. Deep yellow-
“DUFFY” / (Rooster Perched ish olive amber, cabin form with 6 logs
on Crescent Moon) / “CRES- above the label panel, applied sloping
CENT” (inside moon) “SALOON collar - smooth base, ht. 9 7/8”, near
/ 204 / JEFFERSON / STREET mint; (some high point wear and a little
/ LOUISVILLE / KY.”, America, faint exterior bloom in the shoulder area,
1865 - 1875. Cobalt blue, figural primarily on the reverse). R/H #D108. A
pig, rough sheared mouth, length heavy, crude example in a scarce, desir-
7 ½”, near mint; (a 3/8” area of able color with plenty of olive tone.
iridescence on the inside edge of the sheared mouth that likely occurred
when the cork was pried out). Exceptional color and rarity. A great example, Est.: $1,000 - $1,500 • Min. bid: $600
strong embossing, virtually no high point wear. Considered by many to be
the top “eastern” whiskey.
Est.: $15,000 - $25,000 • Min. bid: $8,000
PAGE 30 American Glass Gallery, Auction #16 • Closing June 1, 2016
Lot 177 Lot 181
/ X / BITTERS - PATENTED / 1862”, / X / BITTERS - PATENTED / 1862”,
America, 1862 - 1880. Light to medium America, 1862 - 1880. Golden amber,
apricot with some beautiful salmon cabin form with 6 logs above label
tones in natural daylight, cabin form with panels on all four sides, applied sloping
6 logs above the label panel, applied collar - smooth base, ht. 10 1/8”; (pro-
sloping collar - smooth base, ht. 9 ¾”; fessionally cleaned to original luster and
(just a 1/8” onion-skin thin open bubble near mint condition with just a touch of
on one of the roof panels and some very minor wear remaining). R/H #D104. As
faint interior residue, otherwise perfect). noted in the R/H book, a very rare mold
R/H #D106. Slightly weak embossing as variant having 6 logs over a label panel
is common on this mold. A scarce color on all four sides (and rivet marks on two
with no amber in this one! of the label panels).
Est.: $1,500 - $2,500 • Min. bid: $800 Est.: $400 - $600 • Min. bid: $200
Lot 178 Lot 182
/ X / BITTERS - PATENTED / 1862”, - PATENTED / 1869.”, America, 1869
America, 1862 - 1880. Medium peach - 1875. Beautiful light to medium yel-
apricot with some lighter topaz tones lowish honey coloration, cabin form with
through the corners, cabin form with 5 logs above the label panel, applied
6 logs above the label panel, applied sloping collar, ht. 9 7/8”, virtually attic
sloping collar - smooth base, ht. 9 ¾”; mint; (a tiny, pinprick speck of roughness
(just a minor touch of light exterior on the edge of the lip, otherwise pristine
wear and a tiny, pinprick little flake on perfect). R/H #D109. A great example!
the edge of the lip, otherwise excel- Strong embossing, no high point wear as
lent!) R/H #D106. Slightly weak em- is common on these bottles, beautiful,
bossing as is common on the D-106 bright, clean, nice color.
mold. Another scarce, beautiful color.
Est.: $400 - $800 • Min. bid: $250
Est.: $1,500 - $2,500 • Min. bid: $800
Lot 183
Lot 179
“S T / DRAKE’S / 1860 / PLANTATION / X / BITTERS - PATENTED / 1862”,
/ X / BITTERS - PATENTED / 1862” America, 1862 - 1880. Rich, reddish
(with original front and back labels), apricot, cabin form with 6 logs above
America, 1862 - 1880. Medium golden the label panel, applied sloping collar
amber shading to a dense amber - smooth base, ht. 9 ¾”, near mint; (a
through the roof, and honey yellow very minor trace of wear and a 1/8”
through the corners, cabin form with paper-thin open bubble at edge of roof,
6 logs above the label panel, applied otherwise excellent). R/H #D106. Note;
sloping collar - smooth base, ht. 9 5/8”; the embossing is a little weak in the
(just the slightest trace of faint wear, upper shoulder as is fairly common on
otherwise attic mint; labels 98% com- these molds. A bright, clean example,
plete and darkened some from age). nice color.
R/H #D108. Unusually bold embossing!
Est.: $300 - $500 • Min. bid: $180
Est.: $200 - $400 • Min. bid: $120
Lot 184
Lot 180
“S T / DRAKE’S / 1860 / PLANTA- / X / BITTERS - PATENTED / 1862”,
TION / X / BITTERS - PATENTED / America, 1862 - 1880. Deep strawberry
1862” (with original front and back puce, cabin form with 6 logs above
labels), America, 1862 - 1880. Yellow- the label panel, applied sloping col-
ish golden amber with an orange tone, lar - smooth base, ht. 9 ¾”; (some light
cabin form with 4 logs above the label exterior wear, otherwise very near mint).
panel, applied sloping collar - smooth RH #D105. Beautiful color in sunlight.
base, ht. 10”, perfect; (front label is
99% complete; rear label approx. 90% Est.: $250 - $450 • Min. bid: $150
complete, both are darkened a bit
from age, but otherwise legible). R/H
#D110. Nice strong embossing, clean,
wonderful with the original labels.
Est.: $200 - $400 • Min. bid: $120
American Glass Gallery, Auction #16 • Closing June 1, 2016 PAGE 31
Lot 185 Lot 189
/ PATENTED 1866”, America, 1866 TERS”, America, 1870 - 1880. Light
- 1875. Beautiful, yellowish honey golden amber, almost a honey color-
coloration, figural fish form, applied ation, cylindrical, elongated “ladies-leg”
ring collar - “W.H. WARE / PATENT neck, applied sloping collar with ring
1866” (on smooth base), ht. 11 5/8”; - smooth base, ht. 12 ¼”; (just a touch
(just the slightest trace of faint exterior of minor, light exterior wear and a bit of
wear, otherwise perfect!). R/H #F46. very faint dullness, or exterior “bloom”,
As noted by Ring / Ham, the “F-46” otherwise excellent). R/H #R28.
mold with the offset neck is a scarce,
and this example also has plenty of Est.: $175 - $350 • Min. bid: $100
beautiful yellowish tones! Ex. James
Becker collection. Lot 190
Est.: $800 - $1,600 • Min. bid: $400 “OLD SACHEM / BITTERS / AND /
WIGWAM TONIC”, America, 1860 -
Lot 186 1870. Gorgeous raspberry puce color-
ation, barrel form, applied square collar
“DOCTOR / FISCH’S BITTERS - W.H. - smooth base, ht. 9 ½”; virtually attic
WARE / PATENTED 1866”, America, mint; (a potstone on the inside surface
1866 - 1875. Bright, light golden of the glass, near the side of the bottle,
amber shading to a lighter honey has a couple of tiny, minuscule, barely
coloration along the sides, figural fish visible lines, less than 1/16”, otherwise
form, applied ring collar - smooth pristine perfect). R/H #O46. A great
base, ht. 11 ½”; (a minor, 1/16” x ¼” example, scarce beautiful color with a
paper-thin open surface bubble on one perfect, flawless lip, and virtually attic
of the scales, otherwise attic mint!). mint condition.
R/H #F44. A great example, beautiful
color, nice and clean, and virtually no Est.: $800 - $1,600 • Min. bid: $500
high point wear as is often an issue on
this mold. Lot 191
Est.: $300 - $500 • Min. bid: $180 “BOURBON WHISKEY / BITTERS”
(with 85% complete original labels),
Lot 187 America, 1860 - 1875. Apricot with
some beautiful strawberry and pinkish
“THE / FISH BITTERS - W.H. WARE tones in natural daylight, barrel form,
/ PATENTED 1866”, America, 1866 - applied square collar - smooth base,
1875. Medium amber, figural fish form, ht. 9 3/8”; (a ¼” area of roughness, or
applied ring collar - smooth base, ht. small flakes, on the edge of the square
11 5/8”; (just a touch of minor, light collar, at the side, and touch of typical,
exterior wear, otherwise perfect). R/H minor exterior wear, otherwise perfect).
#F45. Another nice solid example with R/H #B171. A beautiful color having no
good embossing and much less wear trace of amber, and wonderful with the
than typically encountered. original labels.
Est.: $250 - $400 • Min. bid: $150 Est.: $400 - $800 • Min. bid: $250
Lot 188 Lot 192
TERED” / (Crown with Coat of Arms) America, 1860 - 1875. Medium to deep
“TRADE MARK / A.M.F. GIANELLI apricot with a slight copper tone in natu-
/ GENOVA”, Canada, 1870 - 1880. ral daylight, barrel form, applied square
Gorgeous medium pink amethyst, collar - smooth base, ht. 9 ¼”; (a couple
tapered cylinder form, applied square of light scratches and a little minor
collar - smooth base, ht. 13 ¼”; (just exterior wear; a couple of tiny areas of
a little light exterior wear, otherwise roughness on the square collar that you
very near mint!) R/H #R111. Excellent can feel, but are not easy to see). R/H
color, clarity and condition, a fantastic #G101.
example. Provenance: Jim Becker
collection. Est.: $300 - $500 • Min. bid: $180
Est.: $800 - $1,200 • Min. bid: $400
PAGE 32 American Glass Gallery, Auction #16 • Closing June 1, 2016
Lot 193 Lot 197
BITTERS”, America, 1865 - 1875. - PATD / MARCH / 1870 - KELLY’S
Beautiful medium emerald coloration, / OLD CABIN / BITTERS”, America,
rectangular semi-cabin form, applied 1870 - 1875. Medium amber, cabin
sloping collar - smooth base, ht. 10 form, applied sloping collar - smooth
¼”, near mint; (just a touch of minor base, ht. 9 3/8”; (a pinhead bit of minor
light wear and a little faint “bloom” roughness on the inside edge of the lip;
on one of the label panels, otherwise a shallow, hard-to-see 1/8” flake along
perfect!) R/H #A29. A great example the lower roof edge, otherwise very
having nice character and crudeness near mint). R/H #K22. This is the very
to the glass, and in a scarce color hav- scarce, to rare, 1870 variant blown for
ing more of a pure emerald coloration the St. Louis company, Garnhart & Kelly.
than most. Much rarer than the 1863 example.
Est.: $3,000 - $5,000 • Min. bid: $1,500 Est.: $1,800 - $3,200 • Min. bid: $1,000
Lot 194 Lot 198
(star) “BITTERS” - (13 stars and ACH / BITTERS”, America, 1865 - 1875.
eagle) - “JOHN. W. STEELE’S / NIAG- Golden honey through the center shading
ARA STAR BITTERS” - “1864” - (star) to a light yellowish honey in the roof
- (star) - (star), (with 75% complete, corners and along the sides, rectangu-
original labels), 1864 - 1875. Yellow- lar cabin form, applied sloping collar
ish golden amber, semi-cabin, applied - smooth base, ht. 9 3/8”, virtually attic
sloping collar - smooth base, ht. 10 mint; (just the slightest trace of extremely
1/8”, near mint; (an 1/8” open bubble faint wear, otherwise pristine perfect!)
on the inside edge, and a pinhead R/H #H155. A great example, very nice
spot of roughness on the outside edge color, outstanding condition.
of the lip; dried content in the base,
labels mostly illegible). R/H #S182. Est.: $1,400 - $1,800 • Min. bid: $800
Est.: $600 - $900 • Min. bid: $300 Lot 199
STOMACH / BITTERS”, America, 1885
“DR SOULE’S / HOP BITTERINE - 1900. Medium golden amber with a
/ 1872 - (Hop Leaf and Flowers), slight reddish tone in the lower half of
America, 1875 - 1885. Beautiful, the body, rectangular cabin form, tooled
light-to-medium ginger ale color- sloping collar - smooth base, ht. 9 5/8”;
ation with some warmer topaz tones, (a hard-to-see, tiny 1/8” flake along the
square semi-cabin, applied sloping bottom edge of one of the roof panels
collar with ring - smooth base, ht. 9 and a tiny, pinprick bit of roughness at
½”; (a little light wear and a couple of the edge of the lip, otherwise sparking
small patches of very faint dullness attic mint). R/H #H154. Very crisp, bold
near the base; a little faint, very light embossing - unusual for this mold.
interior haze, otherwise excellent). R/H
#S144.5. A scarce mold, rare and Est.: $200 - $350 • Min. bid: $120
outstanding color!
Lot 200
Est.: $1,500 - $3,000 • Min. bid: $800
CO. / PIQUA, O.”, America, 1885 - 1895.
“NATIONAL - TONIC BITTERS”, Golden amber, square with beveled
America, 1870 - 1880. Aquamarine, corners, tooled sloping collar - smooth
square with fancy roped corners, base, ht. 9 ¼”, virtually attic mint; (a tiny,
indented shoulders panels with dots, pinprick speck of roughness on the edge
applied sloping collar - smooth base, of the lip; a small trace of faint interior
ht. 9 ½”, near mint; (just a touch of mi- residue in the shoulder that would almost
nor, very faint, light interior milkiness, certainly wash out, otherwise pristine
primarily in the shoulder area, and a perfect). R/H #H155.5. An extremely
couple of tiny, pinhead flakes at edge rare mold, outstanding condition.
of base, otherwise perfect!) R/H #N13.
A beautiful example of this scarce, at- Est.: $400 - $600 • Min. bid: $250
tractive bitters.
Est.: $3,000 - $5,000 • Min. bid: $1,800
American Glass Gallery, Auction #16 • Closing June 1, 2016 PAGE 33
Lot 201 Lot 205
BITTERS”, William McCully & Co., BITTERS”, probably Pittsburgh, PA,
Pittsburgh, 1865 - 1875. Yellow with a 1860 - 1870. Very deep yellowish
slight honey tone, square with beveled olive (black glass), square with beveled
corners, applied sloping collar - “W. corners, applied sloping collar - early
McC & Co.” (on smooth base), ht. smooth base, ht. 9 ¾”, near mint; (some
8 7/8”; (professionally cleaned with fine high point wear, primarily on the
a little light ground wear remaining, back panel only, and a couple of tiny
primarily on the reverse). R/H #H195. less-than-pinhead size open surface
Plenty of yellow in this one, and very bubbles). R/H #H194. Another nice ex-
crude embossing. ample, this one being boldly embossed,
large letters, and a defined space
Est.: $100 - $200 • Min. bid: $50 between “DR” and “J”.
Lot 202 Est.: $300 - $500 • Min. bid: $180
BITTERS”, Lorenz & Wightman, Pitts-
burgh, 1863 - 1872. Yellowish citron “HORSE SHOE BITTERS / PATENTED”,
coloration, square with beveled corners, America, 1885 - 1895. Golden amber,
applied sloping collar - “L & W” (on square with beveled corners, tooled slop-
smooth base), ht. 8 ¾”; (profession- ing collar - smooth base, ht. 8 7/8”; (just
ally cleaned to original luster and near a little very minor interior haze, primarily
mint condition, with just a bit of minor along a couple of corners and near the
wear along a panel edge, and a tiny, shoulders, otherwise pristine perfect!)
1/8” flake at base edge). R/H #H195. R/H #H190. This bottle was never dug,
Beautiful color, excellent condition. This or cleaned, and appears to be an attic-
example has (8), small 1/8” rivet marks type find. The mold is almost identical
scattered by the beveled edges. to the later Hostetter molds. A very rare
bitters from Collinsville, Illinois.
Est.: $200 - $400 • Min. bid: $120
Est.: $250 - $450 • Min. bid: $140
Lot 203
Lot 207
BITTERS”, probably Pittsburgh, PA “DR RATTINGER’S / HERB & ROOT
1860 - 1870. Clear medium pure olive BITTERS / ST LOUIS MO.”, probably
green, square with beveled corners, Modes Glass Co., Cicero, IN, 1885
applied sloping collar - early smooth - 1895. Golden amber with a slight or-
base with six-pointed star design, ht. ange tone, square with beveled corners,
9 3/8”; (a ¼” flake at the bottom edge applied sloping collar - “M.G.Co” (on
of the crudely applied mouth, on the smooth base), ht. 8 7/8”, virtually attic
side, that is easy to miss, otherwise mint; (a pinhead open bubble at base
sparkling attic mint). R/H #H194. A edge). R/H #R12. A scarce bitters,
beautiful example, excellent overall sparkling clean attic condition.
condition, and great color, much lighter
than most of the other olive examples. Est.: $250 - $450 • Min. bid: $140
Est.: $400 - $600 • Min. bid: $200 Lot 208
WINE BITTERS”, Thomas Wightman
“DR J. HOSTETTER’S / STOMACH & Company, Pittsburgh, 1872 - 1883.
BITTERS”, probably a Pittsburgh Light yellowish honey coloration, square
district glasshouse, 1860 - 1870. Very with beveled corners, applied sloping
deep olive with a slight amber tone, collar - “TW&Co” (on smooth base), ht.
square with beveled corners, applied 9 1/8”; (a couple of very light scratches
sloping collar - early smooth base, on one of the side panels and a couple
ht. 9 ½”, near mint; (a minor 3/16” of small patches of very faint interior
and 3/8” ‘blemish’ on one of the side milkiness, otherwise pristine perfect).
panels where the glass is a little rough, R/H #R67. A great example of this fairly
or very finely pitted, otherwise virtually scarce bitters having crude, wavy, glass
attic mint). R/H #H194. Another early and nice color.
Est.: $300 - $500 • Min. bid: $180
Est.: $300 - $500 • Min. bid: $180
PAGE 34 American Glass Gallery, Auction #16 • Closing June 1, 2016
Lot 209 Lot 213
tucky Glass Works Co, Louisville, KY, TERS / BROOKLYN, / N.Y.”, America,
1870 - 1880. Medium amber, square 1885 - 1895. Medium amber shading
with beveled corners, applied sloping to a lighter honey color in the shoul-
collar - “KYG.W.CO.” (on smooth ders, rectangular with rounded corners,
base), ht. 8 ½”, near mint; (a few faint, tooled round collar with bevel - smooth
very light scratches, otherwise perfect). base, ht. 8 ¼”; (some fine light streaks
R/H #S13. A very scarce bitters, par- of dullness are swirled around the body;
ticularly with the Kentucky Glass Work some faint interior milkiness, primarily in
Co. on base. the shoulders, and a trace of very light
wear). R/H #Y11. A rare bitters that
Est.: $200 - $400 • Min. bid: $120 does not come around often, the noted
condition issues are relatively minor.
Lot 210
Est.: $200 - $400 • Min. bid: $120
America, 1875 - 1885. Beautiful me-
dium yellow with a slight honey tone, “DR McTAGGART’S / TRADE (MT
square with beveled corners, applied Monogram) MARK / LIVER BITTERS
sloping collar - smooth base, ht. 10”; / BRIDGETON N.J.”, probably New
(a paper-thin, ¼” open surface bubble Jersey, 1890 - 1900. Bright, yellowish
on the shoulder, otherwise virtually honey amber, rectangular with beveled
attic mint). R/H #S41. A very pretty corners, tooled square collar - smooth
example with plenty of yellow, much base, ht. 9”, attic mint. R/H Supplement,
lighter than most, and overall excellent #M63.5. Extremely rare, one of only
condition. two or three known. Per R/H, the only
known example was found in the home
Est.: $175 - $350 • Min. bid: $100 of a glassblower from the Wheaton Glass
Works, around 1900.
Est.: $750 - $1,500 • Min. bid: $400
Lot 211 Lot 215
TONIC”, America, 1875 - 1885. TERS”, America, probably 1776 - 1780.
Honey amber, square with beveled Aquamarine, six wide flat panels and
corners, applied sloping collar - a rounded label panel on the reverse,
smooth base, ht. 9 1/8”; (a couple domed shoulders, applied mouth with
of 1/8” spots of minor abrasion, one ring - smooth base, ht. 8 ¾”; (profes-
located on a beveled edge; a 3/16” sionally cleaned to original luster, oth-
flake on one of the base corners, erwise perfect!) R/H #C115. Extremely
and some light spotty interior haze rare, one of only two known examples
primarily along the corners and in the (this example previously sold by Jeff
shoulder). R/H #C180. A rare bitters Wichmann, and has now been cleaned).
with only a few examples being of- An outstanding bottle, unique in form,
fered at auction in the past 15 years. and exceedingly rare.
Est.: $250 - $450 • Min. bid: $150 Est.: $1,200 - $2,400 • Min. bid: $600
Lot 212 Lot 216
Golden amber, square with beveled BITTERS - RINDGE, N.H.”, probably a
corners and three indented panels, New England glasshouse, 1850 - 1860.
applied sloping collar - smooth base, Aquamarine, rectangular with wide
ht. 8 5/8”, perfect. R/H #L9. Another beveled corners, applied square collar -
rare bitters, great example, bright and blowpipe pontil scar, ht. 7 ¼”, attic mint!
clean. R/H #J37. A clean, sparkling example,
heavily whittled, and with some nice
Est.: $200 - $400 • Min. bid: $120 bubbles scattered throughout.
Est.: $250 - $450 • Min. bid: $150
American Glass Gallery, Auction #16 • Closing June 1, 2016 PAGE 35
Lot 217 Lot 221
BITTERS - RINDGE, N.H.”, America, America, 1865 - 1875. Medium golden
1850 - 1860. Aquamarine, rectangular amber, cylindrical, applied square collar
with wide beveled corners, applied - smooth base, ht. 8 5/8”, perfect. R/H
square collar - iron pontil scar, ht. 7 #L21. A beautiful example, nicely whit-
1/8”, near attic mint; (just a trace of tled, and with good color and clarity.
faint wear including a tiny, pinprick
bit of roughness on the edge of the Est.: $200 - $400 • Min. bid: $120
square; a pinhead open bubble at
edge of base). R/H #J37. A beautiful Lot 222
example, strongly embossed, heavily
/ BUFFALO, N.Y. U.S.A.” (with origi-
Est.: $250 - $450 • Min. bid: $150 nal neck, seal, and front labels; partial
contents), America, 1890 - 1900. Golden
Lot 218 amber, cylindrical, tooled sloping collar
with ring - smooth base, ht. 10 7/8”;
“DR. / MANLY HARDY’S - GENUINE (bottle is perfect; 90% complete, original
- JAUNDICE / BITTERS - BANGOR labels are darkened from age, but mostly
ME.”, America, 1845 - 1860. Aqua- legible). R/H #A55. Listed as “Extremely
marine, rectangular with wide beveled rare”. Label reads in part, “AMERICAN
corners, applied square collar - blow- STOMACH / BITTERS. / KING OF ALL
pipe pontil scar, ht. 7”, attic mint. R/H MEDICINES”. An early Harmer Rooke
#H35. Noted as “Scarce” by Ring label on base.
/ Ham, this example is perfect with
some beautiful waviness and whittling Est.: $150 - $250 • Min. bid: $80
to the glass.
Lot 223
Est.: $200 - $400 • Min. bid: $120
Lot 219 HAVEN”, America, 1850 - 1860. Me-
dium emerald, square with beveled cor-
“CLARKE’S / VEGETABLE / SHERRY ners, applied sloping collar - iron pontil
/ WINE / BITTERS / SHARON MASS”, scar, ht. 9 ¼” x 3 1/8” square; (a couple
America, 1865 - 1875. Aquamarine, of minor, paper-thin, ¼” open surface
large tombstone form with beveled bubbles, otherwise virtually attic mint!)
corners, applied sloping collar - A top example, nice deep color, excel-
smooth base, ht. 11 3/8”, near mint; lent clarity. A very rare bottle, believed
(just a touch of minor wear and a faint to be one of only about four examples
band of light haze near the base). R/H known in this size or mold.
#C160. A bright, heavily whittled, clean
example having excellent character. Est.: $3,000 - $5,000 • Min. bid: $1,800
For an in-depth look at all the Dr.
Clarke’s molds, see Bob Strickhart’s Lot 224
article in AB&GC, December, 2012.
Est.: $250 - $450 • Min. bid: $150 / PROV. R.I.”, America, 1850 - 1860.
Beautiful, clear medium emerald
Lot 220 coloration, oval, applied sloping collar
- iron pontil scar, ht. 9”, near mint; (just
“DANDELION / AND / WILD some typical, minor, light exterior wear,
CHERRY BITTERS / PRICE 50¢”, otherwise perfect). Odell, p.173. A big,
America, 1860 - 1870. Aqua, cylin- beautiful pontiled medicine, great color,
drical, applied round collar with bevel character, and condition with a nice
- early smooth base, ht. 8 7/8”; (some pebbly, whittled, glass texture. If you
patchy light interior stain, primarily have been waiting for a great example,
in the shoulder on the reverse and in this could be it!
the base; a touch of very light exterior
wear, otherwise excellent). Extremely Est.: $1,800 - $3,200 • Min. bid: $1,000
rare, - similar to R/H #D15, but slight-
ly shorter, and with a smooth base.
With an interior tumbling, it would
likely present as virtually attic mint.
Est.: $300 - $600 • Min. bid: $180
PAGE 36 American Glass Gallery, Auction #16 • Closing June 1, 2016
Lot 225 Lot 229
- ALBANY / N Y” (no periods after the PARILLA - NEW YORK”, America, 1850
“N” or “Y”), America, probably a New - 1860. Rich, medium-to-deep blue
York State glasshouse, 1850 - 1860. green with a slight teal tone, square
Deep tobacco amber in the shoulders with beveled corners, applied slop-
shading to almost black in the lower ing collar - heavy iron pontil scar, ht. 9
body, square with beveled corners, ap- 3/8”; (a very crude lip with a ¼” wide x
plied sloping collar - round iron pontil ¼” deep, open bubble on the top, and
scar, ht. 9 1/8”; (a touch of typical light inside edge of the lip, otherwise virtually
exterior wear and a minor 3/16” bruise attic mint). A bright, clean example,
on the inside edge of the lip). A rare outstanding character, heavily whittled,
and desirable color for a Townsend’s. strong color. Provenance: James
Becker collection.
Est.: $1,000 - $1,500 • Min. bid: $600
Est.: $400 - $600 • Min. bid: $250
Lot 226
Lot 230
- ALBANY / N.Y. - I I I I”, America, “SWAIM’S - PANACEA - PHILADA”,
1850 - 1860. Bright blue green, square America, 1845 - 1855. Medium-to-deep
with beveled corners, applied sloping yellowish green with a slight olive tone,
collar - very heavy, crude iron pontil cylindrical with 12 indented panels,
scar, ht. 9 3/8”, very near mint; (just a applied sloping collar - sand type pontil
slight touch of light exterior wear and scar, ht. 7 7/8”, near mint; (just a touch
a minor, ¼” fissure, or cooling line, on of typical minor exterior wear and a bit of
the base close to the pontil, otherwise very light residue, or faint haze, otherwise
perfect). Scarce, 4-slash mark variant, excellent). A nice example, crude, early,
rich, beautiful color, strong, very bold one of the classics. Provenance: James
embossing, and if you like crudity and Becker collection.
great pontils, this one is for you.
Est.: $400 - $600 • Min. bid: $250
Est.: $800 - $1,200 • Min. bid: $500
Lot 231
Lot 227
RILLA - ALBANY / N.Y.”, America, 1860. Light bluish green, cylindrical,
1850 - 1860. Rich, medium to applied sloping collar - blowpipe pontil
deep emerald, square with beveled scar, ht. 5 3/8”; (professionally cleaned
corners, applied sloping collar - deep to original luster with just a touch of very
squared base with a heavy “clo- faint haze remaining, but no other form
verleaf” iron pontil, ht. 9 ¼”; (some of damage). Odell, p.202. Very bold
typical, scattered light exterior wear embossing, nice color.
and some faint dullness, or ‘bloom’
on the shoulders, otherwise excel- Est.: $175 - $275 • Min. bid: $100
lent). Another nice color, great pontil,
a “beefy” example.
Est.: $500 - $1,000 • Min. bid: $300
Lot 228 Lot 232
RILLA - ALBANY / N.Y.”, probably MENT”, A New England glasshouse,
a New England glasshouse, 1845 - possibly Stoddard, NH, 1845 - 1855.
1855. Medium-to-deep olive green, Light honey yellow with a hint of olive,
square with beveled corner, applied cylindrical, tooled thin flanged lip -
sloping collar - sand type pontil scar, blowpipe pontil scar, ht. 4”; (profession-
ht. 9 ¼”; (just a touch of very minor ally cleaned to original luster with just a
exterior wear, otherwise perfect!) Ex- few light scratches and minor exterior
cellent condition, crude wavy glass, wear remaining; slightly weak emboss-
filled with minute tiny seed bubbles. ing in the shoulder area). A very scarce
pontiled medicine in a fantastic, eye-
Est.: $400 - $800 • Min. bid: $250 appealing, color.
Est.: $1,000 - $2,000 • Min. bid: $600
American Glass Gallery, Auction #16 • Closing June 1, 2016 PAGE 37
Lot 233 Lot 237
“J. GROUT” Medicine Bottle, New “PELLETIER’S - EXTRACT OF /
England, probably New London SARSAPARILLA - HARTFORD CON.”,
Glass Works, New London, CT, 1856 America, 1850 - 1860. Aquamarine,
- 1860. Medium emerald coloration, rectangular with beveled corners, ap-
cylindrical, sheared wide mouth with plied double ring collar - blowpipe pontil
an inward rolled lip - blowpipe pontil scar, ht. 10 5/8”; (a little exterior high
scar, ht. 3”, sparkling attic mint. Odell, point wear along the edges of the front
p.102. A labeled example indicates it panel and some minor, light, interior
was a ‘pain extractor’ for internal or haze, otherwise excellent, otherwise
external use, from Monson, Mass. A very near mint). DeG. #163. A rare
scarce little bottle, outstanding condi- sarsaparilla bottle, impressive, eye-ap-
tion, good color. pealing size, having nice character with
crude, wavy glass.
Est.: $250 - $450 • Min. bid: $150
Est.: $1,200 - $1,800 • Min. bid: $600
Lot 234
Lot 238
MATIC / CORDIAL - PHILADA”, “M’ CONNELL.s (backwards “s”)
America, 1845 - 1860. Medium yel- - SARSAPARILLA / CINCINNATI -
lowish olive in the shoulders shading to OHIO”, Midwest, Ohio, or possibly a
a deep yellowish olive near the base, Pittsburgh district glasshouse, 1855
rectangular with beveled corners, ap- - 1860. Aquamarine, rectangular with
plied sloping collar - blowpipe pontil beveled corners, applied large rounded
scar, ht. 6 1/8”; near mint; (a patch of collar - iron pontil scar, ht. 9 ¾”, attic
light haze, primarily on the interior of mint! DeG. #145, Odell, p.162. A big,
the back panel and inside one of the impressive, and extremely rare sarsapa-
shoulders only, otherwise perfect!) rilla, one of only two known examples
Some nice character to the glass, the without damage and believed unique
bottle displays virtually mint. with this lip treatment.
Est.: $1,800 - $3,200 • Min. bid: $1,000 Est.: $1,500 - $2,500 • Min. bid: $800
Lot 235 Lot 239
LOCKPORT / N.Y.”, probably Lockport CINCINNATI. O”, possibly a Pittsburgh
Glass Works, 1845 - 1855. Bright, glasshouse, 1855 - 1860. Deep, rich
medium to deep yellowish green, rect- aquamarine, rectangular with beveled
angular with concave corners, applied corners, applied, inverted sloping collar
sloping collar - blowpipe pontil scar, ht. - iron pontil scar, ht. 9 ¾”; (a shallow,
5 ½”, near mint; (just a touch of light 1/8” surface bubble on a base cor-
exterior wear). Beautiful, scarce color, ner was very lightly buffed, otherwise
heavily whittled, excellent condition! sparkling mint). DeG.#90. The surface
These bottles are believed to have held bubble is barely noticeable. A big,
sarsaparilla! See, AB&GC, Dec. 2015, brilliant, eye-appealing sarsaparilla with
From the Laboratory of, by R. Ciralli. bold, large embossing, in a rare mold!
Est.: $400 - $600 • Min. bid: $250 Est.: $800 - $1,200 • Min. bid: $400
Lot 236 Lot 240
LOCKPORT / N.Y.”, probably Lockport LOUISVILLE KY”, America, 1850 -
Glass Works, 1845 - 1855. Aquama- 1860. Aquamarine, rectangular with
rine, rectangular with concave corners, beveled corners, applied sloping collar
applied sloping collar - blowpipe pontil - iron pontil scar, ht. 9 ½”, near mint; (a
scar, ht. 5 5/8”; (a tiny, pinprick bit of touch of very minor, typical light exterior
roughness on the back edge of the wear, otherwise excellent!) Odell, p.123;
lip, otherwise virtually attic mint). A DeG #106. Extremely rare! A great
fantastic example, bright, clean, and example having outstanding character,
with outstanding character, the glass with a nice pebbly texture, and abso-
is absolutely filled with frothy, tiny seed lutely filled with tiny seed bubbles.
bubbles! Scarce color for this mold.
Est.: $800 - $1,200 • Min. bid: $400
Est.: $400 - $600 • Min. bid: $250
PAGE 38 American Glass Gallery, Auction #16 • Closing June 1, 2016
Lot 241 Lot 245
CINES, - LANCASTER, PA.”, America, America, 1845 - 1855. Aquamarine,
1850 - 1860. Aquamarine, rectangular rectangular with narrow beveled cor-
with beveled corners, applied round ners, applied sloping collar with bevel
collar with bevel - blowpipe pontil scar, - blowpipe pontil scar, ht. 5 ¾”, perfect.
ht. 8 ¼”; (just a trace of very light wear Odell, p. 15. Extremely rare, believed
on the reverse, near the base, and a to be one of four known examples.
light ring of extremely minor interior This one is filled with tiny, minute seed
haze, otherwise virtually attic mint). A bubbles. Provenance: Ex. Dr. Sam
big, attractive bottle with large, bold Greer collection, #196.
embossing, rare, and believed to be
unique in this large, unlisted size. Est.: $400 - $800 • Min. bid: $250
Est.: $1,200 - $2,400 • Min. bid: $600
Lot 242 Lot 246
(4th panel with oval indentation for pill CHERRY - PHILADA - I B.” (with 98%
box), America, 1855 - 1860. Aqua- complete, original label), America, 1850
marine, square with beveled corners, - 1860. Aquamarine, octagonal, applied
applied sloping collar with bevel - sloping collar - blowpipe pontil scar, ht. 6
deep circular indentation on base with 3/8”, perfect! (label is darkened a bit from
heavy iron pontil scar, ht. 8 ¾”; (just age, but otherwise excellent). A great ex-
a little light, patchy, interior haze near ample, very crude embossing, extremely
the shoulder, primarily on two panels, rare, believed to be one of only 3, or pos-
otherwise pristine perfect!) Extremely sibly 4, examples known with the original
rare! Believed to be one of only 3, or label. Label indicates for Consumption
possibly 4, known examples with the of the Lungs. Provenance: Ex. Dr. Sam
indentation for the pill box. Greer collection, #1783.
Est.: $800 - $1,200 • Min. bid: $400 Est.: $300 - $600 • Min. bid: $150
Lot 243 Lot 247
CATHARTIC - COUGH SYRUP 1850 - 1860. Aquamarine, rectangular
- AND LUNG / PRESERVATIVE with narrow beveled corners, applied
- PITTSBURGH.”, America, 1835 - sloping collar - blowpipe pontil scar, ht.
1845. Aquamarine, rectangular with 6 ¼”, near attic mint; (a couple of tiny,
concave corners, crudely applied pinprick bits of roughness on the edge
square collar - blowpipe pontil scar, of the lip that you can feel, but are not
ht. 5 7/8”; (professionally cleaned easy to see; a minor wisp of faint interior
with just a very slight interior haze re- milkiness, otherwise perfect!) A great
maining). Odell, p.104. A very crude looking bottle, and a beautiful, sparkling
mold, boldly embossed. Extremely example, very scarce. Provenance: Ex.
rare, believed to be one of only two Dr. Sam Greer collection #206.
examples known!
Est.: $300 - $600 • Min. bid: $150
Est.: $600 - $1,200 • Min. bid: $300
Lot 248
Lot 244
“TURNER’S / GONYZA & / / GINGER - NEW YORK” (with 85%
STYLLINGIA”, America, 1845 - 1860. complete, period label), America, 1850
Aquamarine, oval, applied sloping - 1860. Aquamarine, rectangular with
collar - blowpipe pontil scar, ht. 6”; beveled corners, applied round collar
(professionally cleaned with some with bevel - blowpipe pontil scar, ht.
scattered light exterior wear remain- 6”, attic mint! Label indicates, “PURE
ing, primarily on the reverse; a little / Bi-Carbonate of Soda / Warranted.
light interior haze in the neck). Odell, - Enough, when / combined with the /
p.242. An extremely rare pontiled Acid, for / 25 lbs.” An extremely rare,
medicine from Buffalo, NY, believed possibly unique example having great
to be one of only three known. eye-appeal. Provenance: Ex. Dr. Sam
Crude, whittled glass. Greer collection.
Est.: $400 - $800 • Min. bid: $250 Est.: $1,000 - $2,000 • Min. bid: $500
American Glass Gallery, Auction #16 • Closing June 1, 2016 PAGE 39
Lot 249 Lot 253
N.Y.”, America, 1850 - 1860. Aqua- dian) “TONIC / PREPARED BY / GEO.
marine, oval, applied sloping collar W. HOUSE”, 1845 - 1855. Aquama-
- blowpipe pontil scar, ht. 7 5/8”; (pro- rine, oval, sheared and outward folded
fessionally cleaned to original luster mouth - heavy blowpipe pontil scar,
with just a few minor light scratches, ht. 5 ½”, perfect. Odell, p.53. This is
primarily on the reverse, and a touch of the variant with the keyed mold on the
very faint haze remaining in the shoul- base. A beautiful, top example, heavily
der, but no other form of damage). A whittled, filled with tiny seed bubbles,
heavily whittled, rare Indian bottle that and brilliant sparking glass.
does not come around often!
Est.: $400 - $600 • Min. bid: $250
Est.: $400 - $600 • Min. bid: $250
Lot 254
Lot 250
- BUFFALO. N.Y”, America, 1845 MASS.”, America, 1845 - 1855. Aqua-
- 1860. Rich, deep aquamarine, rect- marine, squatty rectangular form with
angular with beveled corners, applied wide beveled corners, applied square
sloping collar - blowpipe pontil scar, collar - blowpipe pontil scar, ht. 5 ½”,
ht. 6 1/8”; (a tiny, less-than-pinhead near mint; (a little minor, very faint interior
size, minuscule flake on the edge milkiness near the shoulders and a pa-
of the collar, otherwise, “out of the per-thin, 1/8” open bubble on a beveled
mold”, pristine perfect). Very scarce. A corner). Odell, p.263. Excellent condition,
bright, clean, sparkling crisp example, and character, with crude whittled glass.
strongly embossed.
Est.: $175 - $350 • Min. bid: $100
Est.: $300 - $600 • Min. bid: $180
Lot 255
Lot 251
“TOMS. - RUSSIAN - LINIMENT”, PHILAD.A”, America, 1845 - 1855.
America, 1845 - 1860. Aquamarine, Aquamarine, oval, sheared and inward
square with beveled corners, applied rolled mouth - blowpipe pontil scar, ht. 4
sloping collar - blowpipe pontil scar, 5/8”; (professionally cleaned to original
ht. 4 3/8”, perfect. Odell, p.238. A luster and near mint condition with just
scarce, attractive little pontiled medi- a little faint interior haze remaining). N
cine. Not easy to find, especially in #400. One of the numerous early prod-
this attic-type condition. ucts put out by this company, one could
spend many years trying to acquire all
Est.: $150 - $250 • Min. bid: $80 of their various molds.
Lot 252 Est.: $100 - $200 • Min. bid: $60
TOR OIL - JAMAICA L.I.”, America,
1845 - 1857. Aquamarine, rectangu- “DUTCHERS - DEAD SHOT / FOR /
lar with beveled corners, sheared and BED BUGS - ST. ALBANS VT.”, Ameri-
inward rolled mouth - blowpipe pontil ca, 1855 - 1860. Aquamarine, rect-
scar, ht. 4 7/8”; (a tiny, pinhead bit of angular with narrow beveled corners,
roughness at edge of base, otherwise applied square collar - blowpipe pontil
sparkling mint). See Odell, p.215. scar, ht. 4 7/8”; (a touch of light interior
Nice character, crisp embossing. A residue, otherwise attic mint). A scarce
rare pontiled medicine from Long bottle, boldly embossed, and having
Island, New York. nice character with crude, wavy glass.
Est.: $200 - $400 • Min. bid: $120 Est.: $125 - $250 • Min. bid: $70
PAGE 40 American Glass Gallery, Auction #16 • Closing June 1, 2016
Lot 257 Lot 261
NORWICH CONN” (within rectangu- CORDIAL / BOSTON”, America, 1845 -
lar slugplate), America, 1845 - 1859. 1860. Aquamarine, cylindrical, applied
Aqua, cylindrical, applied square sloping collar with bevel - blowpipe
collar - blowpipe pontil scar, ht. 8 1/8”, pontil scar, ht. 8”, sparkling attic mint!
virtually attic mint; (two, tiny pinhead Odell, p.139. A fantastic example,
flakes, one at edge of collar, one at bright and clean, strongly embossed,
edge of base, otherwise pristine!) A and having outstanding character with
very scarce bottle, larger size, clean, whittled, pebbly, glass that is absolutely
heavily whittled, outstanding condi- filled with tiny seed bubbles.
tion. Note; the bottle was re-purposed
by another druggist and retains their Est.: $150 - $250 • Min. bid: $80
label for ALCOHOL. on the reverse.
Est.: $200 - $400 • Min. bid: $120
Lot 258 Lot 262
“A. LEITCH & CO / APOTHECARIES Lot of (24) Bottles of Wheat-
/ ST. LOUIS”, probably Midwest, pos- ley’s Spanish Pain Destroyer (in
sibly an Ohio glasshouse, 1850 - 1860. original, “as found” packaging),
Deep bluish aquamarine, almost a light America, 1850 - 1860. Bottles
blue-green, cylindrical, applied square (unembossed), are aquamarine,
collar - blowpipe pontil scar, ht. 5 7/8”; cylindrical with sheared and
(professionally cleaned to original inward rolled mouths - blowpipe
luster and near mint condition). A very pontil scarred bases, ht. 4 ¼”,
scarce bottle, bright, sparkling, and each with original wrapper and
beautifully whittled. advertising broadside. Four, unopened bundles, each with six bottles in “as
found” condition wrapped with original string and package label. See Greer,
Est.: $200 - $400 • Min. bid: $120
#1743, for single bottle example. Interesting and extremely rare.
Est.: $400 - $600 • Min. bid: $250
Lot 259 Lot 263
“DR CAVANAUGH’S / PILE SALVE Lot of (18) Bottles of Wheat-
/ ST. LOUIS M.O.”, America, 1850 ley’s Spanish Liniment (in
- 1860. Aquamarine, cylindrical, original, “as found” packaging),
sheared wide mouth with inward America, 1850 - 1860. Bottles
rolled lip - blowpipe pontil scar, ht. (unembossed), are aquama-
2 ¼”, perfect; (note, there is a bit of rine and light green, cylindrical
roughness and a couple of pinhead with sheared and inward rolled
divots in the body, on the reverse, mouths - blowpipe pontil scarred
that almost certainly occurred during bases, ht. 4 ¼”, each with origi-
manufacture when another piece of nal wrapper and advertising broadside. Three, unopened bundles, each with
glass, or tool, came in contact with six bottles in “as found” condition wrapped with original string and package
it, and is not considered damage). label. Prior to this discovery, the Liniment bottles were unlisted.
Odell, p.48. A scarce little bottle.
Est.: $400 - $600 • Min. bid: $250
Est.: $200 - $400 • Min. bid: $120
Lot 264
Lot 260
Lot of (6) Bottles, “DR. J.B.
OINTMENT”, America, 1850 - 1860. PRESERVER” (with original
Aquamarine, cylindrical, sheared wide labels, content, packaging
mouth with inward rolled lip - blow- box, and advertising circulars),
pipe pontil scar, ht. 3 ½”, perfect. A America, 1855 - 1865. Bottles
great looking little jar, sparkling clean, are colorless, rectangular with
strongly embossed, whittled, and applied thin flared lips - early
attic mint. smooth base, ht. 5”; (some
staining to the outer box; some content may have leaked). Extremely rare!
Est.: $200 - $400 • Min. bid: $120 The fancy embossed bottles are unlisted, and believed unique. Note the mis-
spelled embossing of “WHEATLEY”
Est.: $500 - $800 • Min. bid: $300
American Glass Gallery, Auction #16 • Closing June 1, 2016 PAGE 41
Lot 265 Lot 269
/ OHIO. PRICE $1.50” (with complete TROUBLE / LORRIMER INSTITUTE /
original label, handbill, wrapper, and BALTIMORE, MD. / U.S.A.”, America,
partial contents), America, 1856 - 1900 - 1910. Light golden amber with
1860. Colorless, oval, applied thin a slight orange tone, almost a honey
flanged lip - early smooth base, ht. 6”; yellow below the shoulders, oval, tooled
(bottle, label, and handbill are perfect; prescription-type collar - smooth base,
wrapper is darkened from age, and ht. 8 1/8”, “out-of-the-mold”, pristine
some minor tears). DF, p.52. Scarce, condition. Certainly a scarce hair
early flint glass variant, outstanding bottle, listed as “Rare” in the Baltimore
graphics of Indian on colorful red and Bottle Book.
blue label.
Est.: $75 - $125 • Min. bid: $40
Est.: $300 - $600 • Min. bid: $150
Lot 270
Lot 266
Lot of (3), Early Pontiled Hair Bottles,
/ OHIO. PRICE $1.50” (with original LON’S - MAGIC / HAIR DYE - No I - 197
label, handbill, and wrapper), America, / BROADWAY / N.Y.”, and “RADWAY
1856 - 1860. Colorless, oval, applied & CoS - CIRCASSIAN / BALM - 161
thin flanged lip - early smooth base, ht. FULTON St. N.Y.”. Aqua, oval, square
6 3/8”; (bottle, label, and handbill are and rectangular forms, flanged, inward
perfect; top of wrapper is missing). DF, rolled, and applied sloping collars -
p.52. Very scarce, outstanding graph- blowpipe pontils; ht. 5 3/8”; 3 3/8”, and 4
ics on original label that is virtually ½” respectively; (Bogle’s & Phalon’s with
identical to the previous lot, but with faint interior haze; Radway’s cleaned with
colors reversed! minor dullness remaining).
Est.: $250 - $500 • Min. bid: $140 Est.: $150 - $300 • Min. bid: $80
Lot 267 Lot 271
ST / NEW YORK”, America, 1865 - America, 1860 - 1870. Aquamarine,
1875. Clear medium to deep plum square with beveled corners and domed
amethyst, rectangular with bev- shoulders, applied sloping collar - early
eled corners, tooled square collar smooth base, ht. 8”; (a couple of tiny,
- smooth base, ht. 7”, attic mint. A pinhead-size, open surface bubbles,
scarce mold having the street ad- and a touch of very minor, faint interior
dress. This example is also a little haze, otherwise very near mint). A
lighter in tone than most, with good fantastic example in terms of character,
clarity, and beautiful “see-through” the glass being absolutely filled with tiny
color, almost to the base! seed bubbles.
Est.: $250 - $450 • Min. bid: $150 Est.: $200 - $400 • Min. bid: $120
Lot 268 Lot 272
America, 1865 - 1875. Bright yellow CANADA”, probably blown at a Western
with a slight honey tone, rectangular New York State glasshouse, 1855 -
with beveled corners, applied round 1865. Brilliant aquamarine, rectangular
collar with bevel - smooth base, ht. with beveled corners, applied round
7 1/8”; (a couple of areas of light, collar with bevel - early smooth base,
patchy, interior milkiness, otherwise ht. 8”, pristine perfect! An extremely
perfect). See DF, pgs. 7-8. A scarce, rare bottle produced by William Sweet,
very attractive, eye-appealing color. of Rochester, NY, for the Canadian mar-
ket. Outstanding character, very heavily
Est.: $200 - $400 • Min. bid: $120 whittled, pebbly glass, brilliant, clean
and sparkling.
Est.: $750 - $1,500 • Min. bid: $400
PAGE 42 American Glass Gallery, Auction #16 • Closing June 1, 2016
Lot 273 Lot 277
probably a Pittsburgh district glass- MALT, WILD CHERRY, AND THE /
house, 1865 - 1875. Bright, bluish HYPOPHOSPHITES / L.P. ROUTT,
aquamarine, rectangular with beveled RICHMOND, VA.”, Whitall-Tatum Co.,
corners, applied round collar with Millville, NJ, 1888 - 1891. Teal blue,
bevel - smooth base, ht. 9 1/8”, virtu- rectangular with beveled corners, tooled
ally attic mint; (just a touch of very mi- square collar - “W T & CO / U.S.A.”
nor high point wear near the shoulder, (on smooth base), ht. 8”; (a 5/8” chip
otherwise “out of the mold” pristine from the side of the lip; a few shallow
condition). Interesting to note, Dr. 1/8” flakes at base edge, a little minor
Keyser bought out Lindsey’s, also from interior haze). An exceptionally rare and
Pittsburgh. A rare, desirable mold. desirable bottle, and unique in this size.
Est.: $400 - $800 • Min. bid: $250 Est.: $750 - $1,500 • Min. bid: $400
Lot 274 Lot 278
KILLER”, New England, possibly / BLOOD PURIFIER”, America, 1865 -
Lyndeborough Glass Works, Lynde- 1875. Beautiful, rich deep bluish green,
borough, NH, 1867 - 1875. Greenish almost a teal coloration, cylindrical with
aquamarine, oval, large applied square eight indented panels, applied square
collar - smooth base, ht. 7 ¼”, near collar - smooth base, ht. 8 ½”, virtually
mint; (just a touch of typical very minor attic mint; (a very minor, tissue-paper-
exterior wear, otherwise perfect). A thin, 1/8” open surface bubble, or minus-
very interesting, and scarce, medicine cule bit of roughness on the inside edge
bottle. See Mike George’s article, of the lip, otherwise flawless, pristine
AB&GC, July, 2011, Dr. J.W. Poland: condition). An attic bottle and “finest
The Headache Killer! The good Doctor possible example” with strong emboss-
put out a number of early medicines. ing, outstanding color and condition.
Est.: $150 - $300 • Min. bid: $80 Est.: $1,500 - $2,500 • Min. bid: $800
Lot 275 Lot 279
America, 1875 - 1885. deep, vivid (Cluster of Grapes) - TONIC.”, prob-
cobalt blue, oval with strap sides, ap- ably Kearns, Herdman and Gorsuch,
plied square collar - smooth base, ht. Zanesville, OH, 1871 - 1880. Golden
8 ¾”; (a little scattered light exterior amber, hexagonal with a tapered panel
wear and faint scratches, otherwise neck, applied tapered collar - “KH&G
“attic” mint). The majority of these ZO” (on smooth base), ht. 11 ¼”; (ap-
bottles were dug in the south, as the proximately 1 ¾”, “u”-shaped crack at
company was located in Atlanta. An one of the base corners, and a pinhead
exceptional example. Very few are flake at edge of lip, otherwise displays
in this un-dug, “attic-type” condition, as attic mint). A very rare bottle with an
and even fewer in this deep of color! unusual form, great eye-appeal, and
beautiful, whittled, wavy glass.
Est.: $800 - $1,200 • Min. bid: $400
Est.: $200 - $400 • Min. bid: $100
Lot 276
Lot 280
America, 1870 - 1880. Light to - WARRANTED / ENTIRELY VEG-
medium sapphire blue, rectangular ETABLE / AND HARMLESS”, America,
with beveled corners, applied square 1870 - 1880. Clear, brilliant yellow
collar - smooth base, ht. 11 ¼”, virtu- with a topaz tone, square with beveled
ally attic mint; (just the slightest trace corners, applied sloping collar with ring
of faint exterior wear and a less-than- - smooth base, ht. 8 1/8”, virtually attic
pinhead bit of roughness on the edge mint; (a tiny, barely 1/8” sliver flake on
of the square collar, otherwise per- one of the beveled corners). A bright,
fect!) A very scarce, desirable bottle, clean, brilliant example with fantastic
particularly in this fine condition. Big, color, clarity, and character having some
impressive, great color. nice bubbles and stretch marks though
the neck.
Est.: $800 - $1,200 • Min. bid: $400
Est.: $700 - $1,200 • Min. bid: $400
American Glass Gallery, Auction #16 • Closing June 1, 2016 PAGE 43
Lot 281 Lot 285
(PINE TREE) / “MARK” (with 85% SPA / N.Y. - C”, America, 1868 - 1880.
complete, original label), America, Medium emerald, cylindrical, applied
1885 - 1895. Medium golden amber, sloping collar with bevel - smooth base,
rectangular with beveled corners, Pt, virtually perfect; (just a couple of
tooled sloping collar - smooth base, tiny pinhead open surface bubbles). T#
ht. 9 ¾”, attic mint; (85% complete, S-61. A great example having virtually
original, label is slightly darkened from no high point wear that is sometimes a
age, otherwise excellent!) A beauti- distraction on this mold, and beautifully
ful example, excellent condition, very whittled. A great pictorial mineral water
scarce with the original label. bottle. James Becker collection.
Est.: $175 - $350 • Min. bid: $100 Est.: $600 - $1,200 • Min. bid: $300
Lot 282 Lot 286
TAR CORDIAL / PHILA. - TRADE” Lyndeborough Glass Works, Lyndebor-
/ (PINE TREE) / “MARK”, America, ough, NH, 1867 - 1875. Emerald green,
1885 - 1895. Rich, medium to deep cylindrical, applied sloping collar with
blue green, square with beveled lower bevel - smooth base, Qt, very near
corners, tooled sloping collar - smooth mint; (just a trace of light interior residue,
base, ht. 9 7/8”, sparkling mint! or very faint haze, in the shoulder area,
Beautiful rich color, a little deeper than otherwise perfect). T# V-16:B. A good
many of the other blue-green toned clean example, beautiful color.
examples, and with some character
and waviness to the glass. Est.: $125 - $250 • Min. bid: $70
Est.: $200 - $400 • Min. bid: $120 Lot 287
Lot 283 “MISSISQUOI / A SPRINGS”, probably
a south Stoddard glasshouse, Stod-
“GERM, BACTERIA, OR / FUN- dard, NH, 1867 - 1873. Beautiful golden
GUS DESTROYER / WM RADAM’S honey coloration, cylindrical, applied
/ MICROBE KILLER” / (motif of sloping collar with lower bevel - smooth
man beating a skeleton) / “REG- base, Qt; (a minor trace of very faint
ISTERED TRADE-MARK DEC. 13. interior residue, otherwise attic mint!)
1887 / CURES / ALL / DISEASES”, T# V-16:B. Whittled, beautiful rich color,
America, 1890 - 1910. Honey amber, a great example!
square, tooled sheared mouth -
smooth base, ht. 10 1/8”; (a bit of Est.: $150 - $275 • Min. bid: $80
faint wear on the side panels, oth-
erwise excellent!) A great example, Lot 288
nice light color, exceptionally strong
Est.: $175 - $275 • Min. bid: $100 / SARATOGA. N.Y.”, 1866 – 1875.
Yellow with some deeper honey tones,
Lot 284 cylindrical, applied sloping collar with
bevel - smooth base, Pt, near mint;
“SASSAFRAS” / (Image of Eye- (a small raised ridge of glass approx.
cup below Eye) / “EYE LOTION / 5/8” in length on the reverse, with a
SASSAFRAS / EYE LOTION CO. corresponding crevasse below, that oc-
/ MAUCH CHUNK, PA.”, Whitall- curred during manufacture; an 1/8” flake
Tatum Co., Millville, NJ, 1890 - 1900. at edge of base). T #C-15:B, Type 1.
Cobalt, rectangular with beveled cor- Gorgeous color with plenty of bubbles.
ners, tooled prescription-type collar - James Becker collection.
“W T CO./ U.S.A.” (on smooth base),
ht. 5”; (professionally cleaned with Est.: $300 - $600 • Min. bid: $180
just a touch of minor wear remaining).
A scarce, pictorial, colored druggist-
type bottle, excellent condition, and a
different mold.
Est.: $250 - $450 • Min. bid: $150
PAGE 44 American Glass Gallery, Auction #16 • Closing June 1, 2016
Lot 289 Lot 293
YORK / SARATOGA. N.Y.”, America, / TRADE MARK +++”, probably a New
1866 - 1875. Medium olive, cylindri- England glasshouse, possibly Lynde-
cal, applied sloping collar with bevel borough Glass Works, 1870 - 1880.
- smooth base, ½ Pt, near mint; (just Rich bluish-green with an emerald
a touch of typical, very light exterior tone, cylindrical, applied sloping collar
wear). T# S-14:C. Scarce, attractive with ring - smooth base, Qt, near mint;
½ Pt, size. Nice character and crudity (lightly cleaned to original luster and vir-
with whittling and several pieces of tually attic mint condition). T# M-41:A.
slag mixed into the glass. A rare mineral water bottle, outstanding
condition and clarity.
Est.: $250 - $400 • Min. bid: $150
Est.: $500 - $1,000 • Min. bid: $300
Lot 290 Lot 294
America, 1870 - 1880. Yellowish emer- 1875. Medium to deep amber, cylindri-
ald, cylindrical, applied sloping collar cal, applied sloping collar with bevel
- smooth base, ½ Pt; (some scattered - smooth base, Qt; (a touch of very minor
light exterior wear and scratches, exterior wear; some crizzling to the
primarily on the reverse and a little on surface of the glass on the interior of the
the “W” and “Y” in “NEW YORK”; a shoulder, otherwise perfect). This was a
touch of faint dullness on one side). recent barn find in Massachusetts and is
T# M-8:B. It appears to be a dug bottle not a dug bottle. The crizzling may have
and would certainly respond well to a occurred from the glass batch.
light cleaning, if desired. A rare little An extremely rare, desirable, mineral
mineral water. water bottle.
Est.: $175 - $275 • Min. bid: $100 Est.: $1,200 - $1,800 • Min. bid: $600
Lot 291 Lot 295
TOGA. N.Y.” - (blank slugplate on SPRING / EATON RAPIDS MICH”
reverse), probably Congressville Bottles, both blown at Pittsburgh glass-
Glass Works, Saratoga Springs, NY, house, 1871 - 1875. Golden amber and
1880-1889. Rich emerald coloration, aquamarine, applied sloping collars with
cylindrical, applied sloping collar with bevel - smooth bases, “L&W” (Lorenz &
bevel - smooth base, Pt, perfect. T# Wightman), on base of amber example,
S-25. Listed as “Rare”, a nice clean, Pt. & Qt; (both professionally cleaned,
whittled, example. the amber example is otherwise excel-
lent with a touch of minor wear; aqua
Est.: $175 - $275 • Min. bid: $100 example has an interior potstone with a
3/8” iridescent moon and tiny radia-
Lot 292 tions, otherwise mint). Both are rare!
“ADIRONDACK SPRING / WHITE- Est.: $800 - $1,200 • Min. bid: $400
MHAedLLium/ Nto.Y.d”e, eApmeemriceLara,ol1dt8, 7c?1y?-li?n1d8r8ic3a.l, Lot 296
applied sloping collar with bevel - “CRYSTAL PALACE / PREMIUM /
smooth base, Pt; (a little scattered SODA WATER / W. EAGLE / NEW
light exterior wear, otherwise excel- YORK - (Crystal Palace) / UNION
lent). T# N-2:B. A scarce mold, GLASS WORKS / PHILA”, Kensington,
heavily whittled. 1853 - 1858. Teal blue, cylindrical, ap-
plied blob collar - iron pontil scar, ht. 7
Est.: $175 - $275 • Min. bid: $100 ¼”; (professionally cleaned to original
luster with some scattered light ground
Lot ??? Lot ??? wear remaining). A very scarce and
desirable moLldo,tfa?n?ta?stic color. One of
the great classics in pictorial sodas!
Est.: $1,200 - $1,800 • Min. bid: $600
American Glass Gallery, Auction #16 • Closing June 1, 2016 PAGE 49
Lot 297 Lot 301
ALBANY”, probably a New York State within Maltese Cross) MARK / BOS-
glasshouse, possibly Lancaster Glass TON / U. S A”, America, 1873 - 1875.
Works, Lancaster, NY, 1850 - 1860. Clear, medium blue green, squatty
Medium sapphire blue, 10-sided, ap- tenpin form, applied round blob col-
plied blob collar - iron pontil scar, 7 lar - smooth base, ht. 6 ¾”, virtually
¼”; (a tiny, pinhead flake on the inside attic mint. An extremely rare pictorial
edge of the mouth and just a touch soda bottle, the company was only in
of very minor exterior wear, otherwise business for two years. A great look-
perfect). A very scarce soda that is ing soda, strong embossing, excellent
definitely an “attic” type bottle. condition.
Est.: $600 - $1,200 • Min. bid: $300 Est.: $400 - $800 • Min. bid: $200
Lot 298 Lot 302
GLASS WORKS”, probably a Phila- Rich, deep blue green, cylindrical porter
delphia area glasshouse, 1850 - 1860. form, applied blob collar - iron pontil
Medium sapphire blue, 8-sided, ap- scar, ht. 6 ¾”; (some typical light exterior
plied sloping collar - heavy iron pontil wear; a tiny bit of minor roughness on the
scar, 7 3/8”; (just a trace of minor inner edge of the lip, otherwise excel-
exterior wear, otherwise attic mint!) A lent). A good example, one that does
bright, sparkling, clean example that not appear to be a dug bottle, and with
is about as nice as you could hope to a nice heavy iron pontil scar. In 1850
find. And, a scarce mold variant with Morrison T. Crawford was also listed as
the glasshouse embossing. Outstand- running a boarding house at 116 Main St.
ing condition, beautiful example. in Hartford.
Est.: $600 - $1,200 • Min. bid: $300 Est.: $300 - $500 • Min. bid: $180
Lot 299 Lot 303
- UNION GLASS WORKS PHILAD. CT.”, America, 1854 - 1860. Medium
/ SUPERIOR / MINERAL WATER”, to deep olive green, cylindrical, porter
Union Glass Works, Kensington, form, applied blob collar - iron pontil
1850 - 1860. Medium cobalt blue, scar, ht. 6 ¾”; (a shallow, 1/8” flake and
cylindrical, “mug-base”, applied blob minor bruise at edge of lip; a 3/16” chip
collar - iron pontil scar, 7 ¼”; (just at edge of base, and some light exterior
a trace of typical, very light exterior wear and fine scratches). Retains full
wear, otherwise sparkling attic mint). iron pontil and does not appear to
Another great “attic” soda, this one have been cleaned. See Bill Beckettt’s
was reportedly found at a yard sale in article on Connecticut Sodas, AB&GC,
Suffield, CT. Sept. 2012.
Est.: $500 - $800 • Min. bid: $300 Est.: $150 - $300 • Min. bid: $80
Lot 300 Lot 304
FACTURERS / CINCINNATI”, BEER”, New England, 1860 - 1872.
America, 1860 - 1870. Aqua with an Dense olive with an amber tone, virtually
ice blue tone in the base, tenpin form, black below the shoulders, cylindri-
applied round blob collar - smooth cal, applied blob collar - early smooth
base, ht. 7 ¾”; (two, shallow, approxi- base, ht. 7”; (a little light exterior wear
mately 3/16” faint iridescent bruises including a tiny, pinprick bit of rough-
on the inside edge of the mouth, ness on the edge of the collar; a shallow
otherwise virtually attic mint!) An ex- 1/8” flake on the back edge of the base
tremely rare and desirable Cincinnati appears to have been lightly buffed).
soda, beautifully whittled, and with The noted condition issues are all fairly
virtually no exterior wear. Believed to minor. A nice example of this early,
be one of only four known examples! crude, ginger-beer style bottle.
Est.: $500 - $1,000 • Min. bid: $300 Est.: $125 - $225 • Min. bid: $70
PAGE 50 American Glass Gallery, Auction #16 • Closing June 1, 2016
Lot 305 Lot 309
SARSAPARILLA” Stoneware Bottle, (within shield) - “L H”, possibly Hemin-
America, 1860 - 1870. Light tan glaze, gray Glass Co, Covington, KY, 1865 -
cone shoulders with large blob-style 1875. Deep tobacco amber, cylindrical,
collar, body tapering from the shoul- 3-pc. mold, applied sloping collar with
ders to the base, ht. 8 ¾”, attic mint! bevel - smooth base, Qt, ht. 9 3/8”, near
An extremely rare sarsaparilla, not mint; (some interior residue in the shoul-
listed in the DeGrafft book, outstand- der of the reverse; a paper-thin 1/8”
ing condition. flake on the top of the lip, and some
typical light exterior wear). An extremely
Est.: $300 - $600 • Min. bid: $150 rare early porter, believe to be only a
few known. An early bottle from one of
Lot 306 the oldest breweries in Columbus.
“B. WHITCOMB’S / SARSAPARILLA Est.: $1,200 - $2,200 • Min. bid: $600
/ BEER” Stoneware Bottle, America,
1865 - 1875. Mottled oatmeal-tone Lot 310
saltglaze with an attractive heavy
cobalt ‘blue-wash’ over the debossed “GEO SCHLEGEL & Co / COLUMBUS
lettering, cone shoulders with large O” (within shield), possibly Hemingray
blob-style collar, body tapering slightly Glass Co, Covington, KY, 1875 - 1878.
from the shoulders to the base, ht. 9 Dense tobacco amber, 3-pc. mold, ap-
¾”, perfect. A great example, and a plied sloping collar with bevel - smooth
very rare sarsaparilla from Portsmouth, base, Qt; (appears to be a dug bottles
NH, listed as “Extremely rare” in John with some scattered exterior wear, and a
DeGrafft’s Sarsaparilla book. ¾” scratch on the shoulder; the emboss-
ing is fairly weak, but legible). Another
Est.: $400 - $800 • Min. bid: $200 very rare bottle. Geo. Schlegel was only
in business for about two, or possibly
Lot 307 three years, the same time frame as
Charles Say.
PARILLA MEAD” Stoneware Bottle, Est.: $600 - $1,200 • Min. bid: $300
America, 1865 - 1875. Light grey
saltglaze with light cobalt ‘blue- Lot 311
wash’ over lettering and mouth, cone
shoulders with large mushroom style “C. SAY & BRO / COLUMBUS”, a Pitts-
mouth, nearly straight-sided body burgh glasshouse, or possibly Hemingray
tapering slightly from the shoulders Glass Co, 1875 - 1877. Dense olive
to the base, ht. 9 ½”; (a couple of ¼” amber, 3-pc. mold, applied sloping collar
chips on the underside of the collar with bevel - smooth base, Qt; (an 1/8”
and one at the edge of the base on body flake and some scattered exte-
the reverse). An extremely rare sarsa- rior wear; a couple of patches of light
parilla, unlisted in the DeGrafft book. exterior haze). A very rare bottle, the
condition issues are fairly minor. A light
Est.: $300 - $600 • Min. bid: $150 professional cleaning would likely restore
it to a near-mint appearance. Charles
Lot 308 Say was located at 50 E. 3rd Ave, and in
business for only two short years.
Midwest, possibly Hemingray Glass Est.: $800 - $1,400 • Min. bid: $400
Co, Covington, KY, 1850 - 1860.
Very deep tobacco amber, cylindrical, Lot 312
3-pc. mold, crudely applied sloping
collar with bevel - early smooth base, “WALKER / CINA”, Midwest, possibly
Qt, ht. 9 ½”; (a touch of washable Hemingray Glass Co, Covington, KY,
residue, a bit of typical light wear, and 1865 - 1875. Dense tobacco amber,
two, minor, 1/8” flakes on the edge of 3-pc. mold, applied sloping collar with
the applied collar, otherwise perfect). bevel - smooth base, Qt; (some scat-
This appears to be an attic find. The tered minor exterior wear including a
bottle likely pre-dates the Civil War. pinhead open bubble on the edge of the
Rare, and in excellent condition. lip, and an onion-skin-thin, ¾” open sur-
face bubble on the reverse, otherwise
Est.: $1,200 - $1,800 • Min. bid: $600 very near mint). Bubbly crude glass,
bold embossing, excellent condition. A
rare early Cincinnati porter.
Est.: $400 - $600 • Min. bid: $200