DIRECTORY.) Randall Andrew Charles, ironmonger, plumber & engineer, shoeing &. general smith Ridout James & Co. Limited, genera! printers & publishers of the "Weekly Reoord" St.Mary's Convent (Sisters of Charity) Salisbury, Semley & Gi~lingham Dairies Limited Smart Lucy(Mrs. ),dress ma. Church st Styring Frederick Henry Slade & Theodore W. brewers & maltsters, W,iltshire brewery WILTSHIRE. Street Jas. jun. frmr. Wallmead farm Tisbury Gas Oo. (Wm. Toms, sec) TiSibury &. Wardour Co-operative Society Limited (T.homas Hunt, sec) Tisbury Stores (The) (R. W. Davery, manager), & agents to W. & A. Gilbey Lim. wine & spirit merchnts Titt Edgar, maltster, Lawn farm Toms Wm. deputy registrar of births & deaths for T'isbury sub-district & sec. to the Gas Oo. Garton house Turner Emanuel, boot maker Victoria Hall Go TOLLARD ROYAL. 23t Vincent James, baker Wardour, Chilmark & Tisbury Stone Quarries (T. P. Li:Iy, proprietor), Gillingham Wastfield Job, butcher We.ekly Record (James Ridout & Co. Limited, printers & pubJshers ; pub .. l~shed wed) White Catherine Mary (Miss), high school for girls, .Arundell house. See advertisement Wilkins Emanuel, baker cellor, and held since 1892 by the Rev. William Henry Cooper M . .A. of Trinity College, Dublin, and F.R.G.S. The charities amount to about £r6 yearly, a.rising from [5oo invested in Consols by Mrs. Ann Jacob in 1780, and from £2oo similarly invested by Mrs. Mary Clutterbuck in 1784: the cost of keeping the family tombs in repair is deducted, and the remainder, together with a rent-charge of £3 on the Tockenham estate, is distributed among the poor who are not in receipt of parish relief. The soil is of a sandy nature; subsoil, rock. The chief crops are wheat and 8'0m6 pasture land. The area is 759 acres; rateable value, £r,8oi; the population in 189r was 138. Parish Clerk, Thomas W'hite. TOCKENHAM is a parish, 3! miles south-west from Wootton Bassett station on the Swindon and Bath seetion of the Great 'Ves·tern railway, and 11 south-west from Swindon, in the Northern divi&on of the county, Uricklade and Wootton Bassett 1mion, pe.Uy sessiond division of Wootton Bassett and county court district of Swindon, rural deanery of .Avebury (.Avebury portion), archdeaconry of Wilts and diocese of Salisbury. The 'Yilts and Berllis canal and the Great Western railway pas·s through the parish. The church of St. John is a small a:ncient Gothic stone structure, consisting of chan., eel, nave, south porch, western bell-cot with one bell: it was thoroughly restored in I 876 at the sole cost of a former rector, the Rev. J. J. Stanton: there is a handsome m()nument to the Goddard-Smith family, dating from 1692 : there are 150 sitt.ings. The register da.tes Letters received through ·wootton Bassett, which is the from the latter part of the I6th century. The living is nearest money order & telegraph office, arrive at 10 a. rectory, yearly tithe rent-charge £255· average £r9o, a.m. ·wall Letter Box cleared at 6.30 p.m. week days gross yearly income [265, net £Io6, including 36 acres I<'ree School (mixed), built in r844, for 6o children~ of glebe with residence, in the gift of the Lord Chan- average attendance, 32; Mrs. Cooper, mistress Cooper Rev. William Henry Hewlett B:~;yant Henry, farmer, Greenway Read David, tobacconist M . .A., F.R.G.S. Rectory Fry Wm. Chas. frmr.Tockenham manr Tuck Mrs. Elizabeth, shopkeeper Bartlett Mary Ann (Mrs.), shopkeeper Gough WiHiam, smith Wilkins William J ames, be€r retailer Bryant Frederick, f'clrmer Hathway Edwin, farmer, Shaw farm TOLLARD ROYAL is a parish and village on the the deceased formerly sat is a wooden cross, ori-ginally Dorsetshire border, and close to the bound·s of Cran- I rais.ed by the inhabitants of the .Alpine village near· borne Chase, ro miles south-east from Semley station on i which the sad event happened, and subsequently rethe Salisbury and Y.eovil branch of the London and moved and a stone cross substituted for it: a brass South Western railway, r7i south-west from Salisbury tablet on the wall surmounts the cross and records theand 8 sout'h-e,ast from ShaHesbury, in the Southern circumstances: there is also in the nave a recumbent divisi<m of the county, Chalke hundred, Tisbury and monument to Siir William Payne kt. ob. 1388: are· M·ere pet.ty sessional division, Tisbury union, Shaftes- 150 sitt,ings. The register dates from the year I777· bury county court dis,triot, rural deanery of Chalke The living is a rect-ory, average tithe rent-charge [434, (Tisbury portiDn), archdeaconry of Sarum and diocese of gross yearly va,lue [504, net [380, with So acres ot Salisbury. The parish is divided into four farms- glebe and residence, in the gift of and held since 1865 Higher Farm, Lower Farm, Corner Farm and Thorn by the Rev. Geoi·ge Howard Waterfall M . .A. of WorcesFarm; the paris1h is called Royal in consequence of ter College, Oxford. Here is a Primit-ive Methodist John, Earl of Gloucester, afterwaTds King John, hold- chapel, built in 1879. The principal landowners are Sir ing a knight's here; King John also held the chase 'rhomas Fvase.r Grove bart. and Lieut.-Gen . .A.. H. L. of Cranborne and used occasionally tJo reside here; the 1 pjtt-Rivers, of Rushmore, who is lord of the manor. name of his palace is still attached to a house in thE' i The soil is light and flinty ; subsoil, chalk and flint. neighbourhood. Tollard Royal church and the whole of i The chief crops are wheat, oats and barley. The area the parish are in this county, but the rector has t.ithes 1 is 2,807 acres of corn and down land; rateable value, of a district of 1,260 acres of land in the neighbouring [1,368; the population in 1891 was 440, of which 897 county of Dorset, oalled Tollard Farnham, and the cure acres and r93 inhabitants are in Tollard Farnham. of souls extends to the inhabit,ants of Tollard Farnham .Ashmore Ooilll!Don is I~ miles west. as well as Tollard Royal. The dhurch of St. Peter ad Parish Clerk, J. Burden. Vincula, f!r St. Pete.r in Chains, is an edifice of stone in Post & Telegraph O:ffice.-Mrs. Emily ·whitmarsh, subthe Go~hic style; It has chancel, nave of three ?a.Ys, postmist.ress. Lettern a·rrive from Salisbury at 6.50 north aisle! sou~h porch and a weS!tern tower contamn~g a. m. ; dispatched at 5.55 p.m. week days; sundays 5 bell~, with pmn~cles and embqmUed. par~pet, and m, dispatched at 3. 5 p.m. Postal orders are issued here, 1?82 1t was put mto thorough repair; ~t. stands ?n I but n{Jt paid. The nearest money order office is air higher ground 'than the few houses compri-.;mg the v1l- · Rand~ey lage : in the chancel there is a memorial window t() . . . , . . Lord and Lady Rivers, who died in .April, IB66, witlh~n Nat1?na~ Scho()l (mixed), Wlt~ residence for mistress.' forty-eight hours of eaoh other, and to one of their blllllt. m 1852, for 8o chil~ren, averag:e atJ:endance. 65: daughters, the wife of Captain .Arbuthnot, who, while on & chiefly supp~rted by Lieut.-Gen. Pitt.-Rivers F.R.S.' her wedding tour in Switzerland, was struck dead by Mrs. Cock, mistress . lightning, June 21st, 1865, eight weeks after her mar- Carrier.-Charles .A. Neale, to Salisbury, tues. ; & to riage in this church: in the wall nea;r the pew in which Shaftesbury on sat. returning same days Waterfall Rev. George Roward M.A. Bench Henry, blacksmith Humber Charles, keeper to Lieut.- (rector), Rectory Burden James, grocer & draper Gen. Pitt-Rivers .An till Sir COMMERCIAL. He:rbert Henry, farm bailiff to Thomas Fraser Grove bart Hancock Charles E. King John's hotel Lawes .Albt. organist of parish church Hart James, baker Neale Charles .A. farmer Harder George, farm bailiff to Lieut.- Penney Joseph, farmer Gen. Pitt-Rivers Targett William & Henry, farmers
232 TRO WBRIDG E. '\VILTSHIRE 1, R 0 W B RID G E. THIS ancient manufacturing town is on the line of the Great Western railway to Salisbury and Weymouth, on which it has a station, at the west end of the town, and on the bank of the river Mere or Biss, a feeder of the Avon; it is 97 miles from London by rail, and 99 by road, ro~ south-west from Devizes, 9~ north-west from Warminster, 10 north-east from Frome, II south-east from Bath, 5 north-west from Westbury, 3 south-east from Bradford, 5~ from Melksham, n! from Chippenham and 32 north from Salisbury: it is in the Western division of the county, the head of a county court district and petty sessional division, and a parish in the Melksham hundred and union, rural deanery of Potterne (Bradford portion), archdeaconry of Wilts and diocese of Salisbury, and includes the tithings of Staverton and Studley. The town was governed by a Local Board of Health of 21 members, under the "Local Government Act, 1858," from June 13, 1864, but under the provisions of the "Local Government Act, 1894," the Urban District Council is now the local authority; it is lighted with gas by a company formed in r824, whose works are in Gooseacre. The Trowbridge ·water Co. was incorporated in r873, and the works· were inaugurated on the 3oth September, 1874, when the water was supplied to the town by a temporary arrangement, and on this occasion was thrown over the church spire, a height of 159 feet; the water is obtained from the chalk hills, in the hamlet of Biss, where an adit has been made to intercept the springs, forming the principal source of the river Biss : from this adit the water passes into a main of about 7 miles in length, whence it is delivered to Trowbridge. The Compensation works at Semington consist .()f a pump worked by a turbine, by which the compensating water is lifted from a stream, called the Semington brook, and conducted partly in an open channel and partly through an iron main into the river Biss, at a point just above that where the cloth mills are situated, thus giving to the river at a lower point a quantity equal to that abstr:1eted at the source. The e11.gineer was the late Henry Tomlinson C.E; of Cambridge. The Kennet and Avon Navigation passes within a mile of the town, and crosses the railway by a viaduct, and joins the river Avon at Bath, which is navigable thence through Bristol to the Severn; the canal brings coal for the town and surrounding country. The parish church .()f St. James is an ancient stone structure, in the Gothic style, consisting of chancel, nave of ten bays, aisles, and north porch, and embattled west square tower, with pinnacles and surmounted by a spire 159 feet high, with a fine peal of 8 bells and clock: the entire building underwent considerable alteration and repair in r848, durmg the incumbency of the Rev. John David Hastings, and a restoration of much of its original architectural beauty, at an expense of upwards of £8,ooo: George Crabbe, the poet, was for eighteen years rector of this parish, and his remains were deposited in a vault in the chancel of the church: here are several monuments : the baptistery at the west end has been restored by Alexander Mackay esq. and the floor handsomely laid with mosaic marble; it has two iron gates: the interior contains ten stained windows, one in memory of John Clark, one to William "\Yillis, one to Maria "\Valdron and one to Sarah Maria Gane, daughter of George Webb: the church has sittings for 666 persons. The register dates from the year 153.8. The living is a rectory, gross yearly value £704, net [3oo, with residence and 67 acres of glebe, in the gift of trustees, and held since r894 by the Rev. Algernon Charles Dudley Ryder M.A. of St. John's College, Cambridge, and surrogate. In Castle street is St. Stephen's chapel .()f ease to the mother church, formerly a Baptist chapel: it has a Gothic chancel and handsome window, with a figure of St. Stephen, its patron saint; it is capable of seating soo persons. There is an iron mission room in Upper Broad street in connection with St. James' church. Holy Trinity is an ecclesiastical parish, formed in 1839; the church is a handsome stone cruciform edifice, erected in r838, at the west end of the town, consists of chancel, nave, transepts, south porch and western tower containing one bell and clock: it was thoroughly repaired and beautified about 1861, and again in 1884: it contains four stained windows, one being the east window, paid for by subscription, one to the Rev. the Hon. Digby Walsh, by the congregation, and two memorial windows to Charles Gane esq. and his wife: also a stone pulpit: there are r,033 sittings. The register dates from the year 1839. 'fhe living is a vicarage, gross yearly value [323, net [320, with residence, in the gift of the rector of Trowbridge, and held since 1893 by the Rev. Robert Ewing M.A. of St. John's College, Oxford. The area of the ecclesiastical parish is 833 acres; the population in 1891 was 4,786. St. Thomas is an ecclesiastical parish, formed in r87o. The church, in the north-east end of the town, was built at the cost of Thomas Clark esq. in memory of his father : it is a cruciform stone building in the Early English style, consisting of nave of two bays, aisles and transepts, south porch, with western bell turret containing 4 bells, and surmounted by a spire : there are 320 sittings : the east window is stained, and there are two others in the chancel, one to the memory of Miss Waldron, d. r87~. and the other given by Jesse Gouldsmith, in memory of his brother. The register dates from the year r87o. The living is a vicarage, gross yearly value £r54, net [150, with residence, in the gift of five trustees, and held since 188o by the Rev. William Henry Start. The Catholic chapel, Wingfield road, dedicated to St. John the Baptist, is a stone building, in the Gothic style, erected in r875, and has 280 sittings. The Baptists have chapels in Church street, erected in 1736, having 86o sittings: in Court street, built r8r3, with 84o seats: Particular Baptist in Union street, in r816, for 700 persons. The Congregational tabernacle, Church street, founded in 1771, has sittings for 715 persons. The Congregational chapel, Silver street, was erected in 1740, and has 240 seats. The Unitarian chapel, in the Conigre, was erected in 1820, with 400 sittings. The Wesleyans have three chapels, one in Manvers street, erected in 1826, and having 8oo sittings; another in Wesley road, erected in r87r, seating 350 persons; and the third at Islington, erected in 18r4, with 220 seats. The Salvation Army have a hall in Castle str.eet. A Cemetery of ten acres, at the Down, was formed in 1856, at a cost of £s,o45, having two mortuary chapels; it is under the control of a burial board of 9 members. The Town Hall stands on the east side of the Market House, immediately in front of the People's Park, and was provided by the liberality of Sir William Roger Brown, of Highfield, Hilperton, at a cost of £2o,ooo; Mr. A. S. Goodridge, of Bath, architect. The foundation stone was laid by Lady Brown in r887 ; and the building opened on June 14, I88g, by H.R.H. the Duchess of Albany : the style of architecture is partly of Queen Anne and the Elizab_!lthan perio-ds, with an adaptation to the present Victorian age, having gabled roof with a tower over the entrance : the material used is local stone, the face of the wa11s being Atworth in range work, with Corsham Down freestone dressings and cornices ; Boxground stone being used for set-off and copings : the fa~ade is richly ornamented with carvings and the royal arms and alsa those of the donor on the main gables: the tower, which is ro1 feet 6 inches in height, has two clock dials, each five feet in diameter: the quarters are chimed on two bells, and the hour struck on a third, weighing 14 cwt. : on the lower portion of the wwer appear panels, representing the staple trade of the town. The main doorway has boldly recessed piers and capitals, richly ornamented, supporting three concentric arches, delicately cut and of original design. The vestibule is floored with a handsome mosaic pavement, and has a tinted tiled dado 5 feet in height round the walls. The hall is well lighted and has polished columns of Purbeck marble, with moulded swne caps carrying semi-circular arches supporting the first floor : on the right side and facing the street is a cloak room for gentlemen and a room for solicitors and barristers. The noblest room on the ground floor is the Sessions Court, being 37 feet square : due provision is made for the bench, bar, jury, officials, with a gallery for the public. The grounds at the rear of the building, though small, have been tastefully laid out. The gables in the rear of the hall are ornamented with the Wiltshire arms and the arms of the lord lieutenant. The Police Station is in Stallard street; Superintendent Henry White, resides on the premises. The Savings Bank, established in r817, has offices in
DIRECTORY.] WILTSHIRE. TROWBRIDGE. 233 Fore street, erected in 1877. The Capital and Counties Bank Limited, and the Wilts and Dorset Banking Co. Limited, have branches here. The Conservative Club and the Young Men's Christian Association are in,Fore street, and the Liberal Club, in Conigre. The market days are Tuesday and Saturday; a. large cattle market is held on alternate Tuesdays ; and a pleasure fair is held annually on the sth, 6th and 7th of August. An horticultural show is held annually in August, and a cattle show in December. There is a drinking fountain in Fore street, erected November, 1876, by a native of Frome (Somersetshire). The chief employment of the inhabitants is the manufacture of kerseymere, broad and other woollen cloths, established here as early as the reign of Henry VIII. and now the largest in the West of England. There are also extensive breweries, foundries, and engineering and brick works. A large trade is also done in the curing of bacon, and the manufacture of beds and mattresses and brushes. Trowbridge, as far as regards the regular forces, is attached to the Western military district, the remainder of Wiltshire being included in the Southern district. The artillery barracks, on the Frome road, are capable of containing about 1so men, and are now (1895) unoccupied. The Widows' Almshouses, in Roundstone street, have an endowment left by Henry, Edward and William Yerbury in 1698, now producing £12o yearly, from lands and money in the Funds, and are for six poor widows; each inmate is paid £r 8s. monthly. The Old Men's Almshouses, in Union street, were built by public subscription in r86r, and are maintained by the income from funded property and by voluntary subscriptions. There are eight houses and each occupant receives 6s. weekly and usually a supply of fuel. The New Almshouses, at Islington, were erected in 1893 by George H. Palmer esq. in memory of his father. There are three houses and each occupant receives about 8s. weekly. There are charities producing about £n3 yearly, [32 of which are distributed in bread ; there were left by William Wallis in 16sz £zo and Edward Wallis £10; in 1661 Ezekiel Wallis £w; in 1692 Henry Wallis £so; in 1693 Mrs. Ann Wallis £zo; in 1700 Robert Pinchin £roo; in I704 Richard Singer £120; in 1721 Mrs. Ann Wallis £3o; in 1736 William Temple £zo; in 1773 \Villiam Temple £zo; in I8oz John Clark so guineas; and also £400 in stock, the interest to be paid to the organist of the church. In I692 Richard Bissie left £so, the profits to apprentice a poor boy; in 1724 James Singer left £zoo, the interest to pay for the education of ten poor boys ; in I73o Richard Shrapnell left £zo, the interest to pay for the education of one poor boy. In 1729 Joseph Halten left £zzo; in 1769 Robert Halten left £1oo; in 1781 Eleanor Temple £zoo; in 1809 Thomas Dundee £so. .A. Cottage Hospital, in the Halve, a new building on the most approved plan, was erected in 1883, and given to the town by the late Jesse Gouldsmith, and was established in IB7o for diseases and accidents; a piece of land adjoining was added in 1893, the gift of Mrs. Gouldsmith, which has been laid out with shrubs, trees &c. ; a small weekly charge is made for sick patients, but accidents are admitted free. There are four wards containing ten beds, and in 1894 there were 4I patients. Visiting days, Tuesdays 2 till 4; Fridays, 6 till 8 p.m. The Infectious Diseases Hospital, on the Bradley road, is under the control of the Urban District Council. A Public Soup Kitchen, for the gratuitous distribution of sonp, has been given to the town by Mrs. Gouldsmith, and is situated in Conigree. The Public Pleasure Grounds, consisting of about 4 acres, were opened in I884, and in 1887 were purchased by public subscription, and now vested in the Urban Council. At the same time the Queen Victoria Jubilee Widows' Fund was established, the invested capital of which amounts to £r,ooo. There is a public bathing place on the river Biss, under the control of the Rural District Council. George Keats, the poet, was born here in 1729, and died in 1797· The site of the old castle, held by the Empress Matilda. against Stephen, may be recognized by a mound called Court hill, but the castle itself has long disappeared. Trowbridge, in the earliest records called Straburgh, was formerly a, royal manor, which was given by Henry VIII. to the Somerset family, in whose possession it remained until the marriage of Lady Frances Seymour, daughter of .A.lgernon, seventh Duke of Somerset, with the Moarquis of Granby, afterwards Duke of Rutland, from whose family it was purchased by the late Thomas Timbrell esq. and is now held by WilliaJn Stancomb esq. of Blount Court, Potterne, who purchased the manor from the Timbrell family. The Prospect is the seat of John Perkins Stancomb esq .• T.P.; the mansion, pleasantly situ'3·ted, stands in a park of 20 acres. Bellefield house is the seat of Thomas Clark esq. D.L., J.P. Ea,rl Manvers is lord of the inferior manor of Trowbridge Dauntsey. The soil is mixed; subsoil, gravel. The chief crops are grass and wheat. The area is 2,400 acres; rateable value 1894, £40,244; the population in 189r was 1I,go1, including Staverton and Studley and 142 in the barracks ; and of the Urban District II,7r7. The population of the ecclesia,stical parishes in 1891 was :-St. James, 4,763; Holy Trinity, 4,786; St. Thomas, 1,722. Parish Clerk, St. James, George Sidney Cheverill. Sextons, Holy Trinity, 1Villiam Mead; St. Thomas, Gilbert. STUDLEY is a. tithing and ecclesiastical parish, formed in r8S8 from the civil parish of Trowbridge, adjoining Trowbridge on t,he south. The church of St. John is a plain stone building in the Gothic style, consisting of chancel, nave, south porch, and western belfry with one bell : the window is stained and 7 others e there are 180 sittings. The register dates from the yeall" r8s8. The living is a vicar.age, with residence, gross yearly value [139, net £r33, in the gift of the rector of Trowbridge, and held since 1882 by the Rev. Robert Runcorn Monteath M.A. of Edinburgh University. The Baptists have a chapel here, built in r85o to hold 120. The principal landowners am Messrs. James Huntley, of the Galley, Frome road, Trowbridge and John Milsom. The soil is clay; subsoil, loam. The land is principaHy pasture. The area is 397 acres ; the population in 189I was 283. Parish Clerk, Edward Gale. Pillar Letter Box, cleared at 9.30 a.m. & 7.30 p.m,; sundays, 9.30 !ll •• m. Letters through Trowbridge, which is the nearest money order & telegraph office, arrive at 7 a.m. & I & 7 p.m. ; sunday, 7 a.m. only National School (mixed), built in 18s5, with house for mistress, for IOO children; average attendance, 45 ; Miss Mary Crump, mistres·s OFFICIAL ESTABLISHMENTS, LOCAL INSTITUTIONS &:c. Post, M. 0. & T. 0., S. B., Express Delivery & Annuity & Insurance Office, 6 ·wicker hill.-James DonaJdson, postmaster Hours of attendai].ce For Sale of Stamps, registration of Letters &c. 7 a.m. to 9 p.m. ; sunday, 8 a.m. to 10 a.m. Postal Order Business, 7 a .. m. to 9 p.m. Money Order & Savingso Bank, Annuity & Insurance business & Issue of Licences, 9 a.m. to 6 p.m. ; saturday to 8 p.m. Telegraph business, 8 a.m. to 8 p.m. ; sunday, 8 a.m. to 10 a.m Inward Mails. Letters, hours of Town delivery: 7 & 10 a. m. ; I & 6.30 p.m Parcels, hours of arrival, week days only: 7·40 & 9.40 a.m.; 12.~5. 3.25 & 6.5 p.m Outward Mails. Letters, J:a,test hour of posting : Daily-Trowbridge Rural Deliveries, 5-45 a.m.; 1st Town delivery, 6.45 a.m Week Days only: London (rst Day), a.m.; znd Town delivery, Holt &c. 9·4S a.m.; South West of England, IO. IS a. m. ; Reading, Swindon, Melksham, Wilts, Weybridge &c. a.m.; Bath, Bristol & West of England, 11.15 a.m.; London (znd Day) & Devizes, 11.40 a.m.; 3rd Town delivery, 12.45 p.m.; Bristol, z.s p.m.; London (3rd Day), Reading, Swindon, Chippenham &c. z. I5 p.m. ; Bath, Bristol & West of Engl'and, 4.30 p.rn.; Frome, 5.40 p.m.; 4th Town delivery, 6 p.m. ; North of England, Ireland & ScotJ.and, 6.s p.m.; Southampton & South West of England, 6.40 p.m Daily-London (Night) & all parts, 9 & 9.20 p.m
234 TROWBRIDGE. WILTSHIRE. (KELLY'S Parcels, l'Btest hour of posting: Week Da.ys only 2 9· I5, 10.55 & II-5 a. m. ; 2.5. 4·30, 7.30 & 9 p.m Telegrams may also be dispatched from the Railway station Town Sub-Post, M. 0. 0., S. B. & Annuity & Insurance Office, 3 Hilperton. road-Mrs. l\Iary Grist, sub-postmistress. W.all Letter box cleared, 5·45• 8.55 & ro.5o a.m.; 1.45, 4.2o, 5.40 & 8.45 p.m. week days only Town Sub-Post, M. 0. 0., S. B. & Annuity & Insurance Office, 47 Gloucester road-Thomas Hewitt Watson, sub-postma.ster. Wall Letter Bo:x, cleared 5.5o, 8.50 & 10.30 a,.m.; 1.45, 5·35 & 8.40 p.m. week days only COUNTY MAGISTRATES FOR TROW13RIDGE PETTY SESSIONAL DIVISION. Stancomb John Perkins esq. The Prospect, Trowbridge, chairman Brown Sir Wm. Roger, Highfield, Hilperton, Trowbridge Quillard His Honor CamiHe Feli:x Desire D.L. Wingfield house, nflla,r Trowbridge Clark Thoma.s esq. D.L. Bellefield house, Trowbridge Clark William Perkins esq. Wyke house, Trowbridge Palmer George Llewellen esq. Springfield, Trowbridge Walker William esq. Longfield house, Trowbridge Clerk to the 'Magistrates, Chas. Atkins Oollins,, Fore st Petty Sessions are held at the Town hall the first wednesday in the month a,t 11 a.m. The following places are included in the petty sessional division :- North Bradley, Hilperton, Southwick, Staverton & Trowbridge Urban *James Charles Hanley *Henry Edwin Harvey *George Lansdown *Thomas William Lyles *John Perkins Stancomb *Ephraim Csher *Jacob Usher tHenry lllake tJohn Heritage Blake tThomas Clark tGeorge Coleman District CounciL Members. t J oseph Poynton Haden tJames John Hibberd tGeorge Snailum ~Sir William Roger Brown §Isaac Chapman ~William Perkins Clark §John Ellery Docking • J ames Drysdale Fred Milsom Garlick William Walker Marked thus * retire in r8g6. Marked thU's, t retire in r8g7. Marked! thus § retire in r8g8. Ordinary monthly meetings of the Council are held at the Town hall, first monday in each month at 3 o'clock Meetings of the :Finance & Building Committees will be held on the tuesday & friday previous to each council meeting at 3 p.m Clerk, Thomas Samuel Hill, Town hall, Silver street Treasurer, Alfred Parry, Wilts & Dorset Bank, Fore st Medical Officer of Health, Riclmird Tippetts Richardson M.R.C.S.Eng. Ching house, Hilperton road Surveyor & Sanitary Inspector, William Henry Stanley, Town hall Collector, John Heaton, Newtown PUBLIC ESTABLISHMENTS. Cemetery, The Down, William John Mann, Union street, clerk to the bnriaJ board; Geo. Sidney Cheverill, supt Cottage Hospital, The Halve, Nicholas Vincent Wise L.K.Q.C.P.Irel.; George Christopher Tayler M.D. George MayriSI Sylvester, Kirwan Francis Sylvester L.R.C.P.Edin. Henry Payne Ta[Yler M:.B.Camb. & Richard Tippetts Richardson M.R.C.S.Eng. medical officers; F. R. Willis, hon. sec. ; Miss Harriet Perkins, matron County Court; office, 68 Fore street; His Honor Camille Felix Desire Caillard, judge; Chairles Atkins Collins, registrar & high bailiff; John Mugford, sub-bailiff. The court is holden once a month alternately at Trowbridge & Bradford-on-Avon, generaHy on a friday, commencing at ro a.m. The following places are included in the district :-Bradford, Bradley (North), Chalfield (Great & Little), Cottles, Freshford (Somerset), HilP.erton, Holt, Keevil, Lenton, Limpley Stoke, :Monkton Farleigh, Road, Southwick, Staverton, Steeple Ashton, Stowford, Trowbridge, Westwood, Wingfield, Winsley & Wraxall (South) For Bankruptcy purposes this court is included in that of Bath; Edward ·Gustavus Olarke, Bank chambers, Corn street, Bristol, official receiver County Police Office, Stallard street, Henry White, superintendent; Henry Field, inspector & 5 constables Infectious Diseases Hospibal (Harry Ferris, caretaker), Bradley road Inland Revenue Office, 6 Wicker hill, Alexander Collins, supervisor ; J e.ffrey Richard Smith, division officer ; David Curlett, ride officer Hill'SI Hall, Silver street, P. L. Hill, proprietor Mark-et, Charles William S·beven/S & John. Heaton, oolledrors of tolLs Ma['t, J\-Lanvellls S>treet, Fooley, Son & Mundy, proprie;tQil"S Public Weighing Machine, Market hall, Silver street,. Charles WliHiam Stevens, weigher St. James' Hall, Unlion street, James Hi·soocks, keeper Town Fire Brigade, Wm. Renry iStanleiY, c.a.ptain, & 7 men; th.e escape & appliances an~ kept at ihe Market house, S'ilvel" street Town Hall & Sessions Court, David Giboen, keeper Volunteers. xst Wilts Rifles, Drill hall, Timbrell street; C Co. Capt. H. H. "\Yillis & D Co. Capt. James 1\Iackay, commandants; Lt. J. Walker; Surg.-Capt. H. P. Tayler M.B. medical officer; C. H. Smith, quartermaster-sergeant; Color-Sergt. Lewis' Fuller, drill instrctr. ; strength, 228 PUBLIC OFFIOERS. Cer1tifying Factory Surgeon & Medli<Jal Office.r & Public Vaccinator, znd District, "\Ves·tbury & Whorwellsdown Union & 2nd Distriot, MeJktsham Union., Niclmlas Vincent Wise L.K.Q.C.P.Ir-el. Lim:lfusfmne, Stallard street Coroner for WilJt,shire, Frede·rick Thom!Ws Sylve·s·ter, 6x Oa.stle stroot; deputy, Edward Moons Carless M. D. I I Long Sitree.t, Devizes County .A.coountant, Th,omas .1. Dring, County offices, S taHard street Inspector of Weights & Mea.s.ures•, Frank B,ea.rcLsley, I1mox, Coulllty Surveyor, Charles Sepltlimus .A.dye, County offices, S1tallard street Medical Officer & Public Vacclim1itm, Ist District, MeJk- ·sham Union & 3rd DistriCit, W eost,bury & Whmwellsdon Uni'On, George Ohrisl:Jop'her Thyler M.D. Lovemood house, Roundst,one s.txee·t Registrar of Marrifiges, John Merrett, r-4 Hill st. Trowbridge; deputy, J. H. Brown, West street, Trowbridge Reg-is.trar of Birtlhs & Deatlhs, Tmw'b:ridge Sub-district, Tilwmas S1amuel Hill, We,stlbourne :road ; deputy, Miss 1\I. Hill, Westbourne l"'Od, Trowbridge Sheriff's Offioer :flor the Oounlty o.f W!ilts, Oornelius Joseph Hinder, 34 Unlion street Supemnitenden't of Bolice, Hency "\'VIhlite, StaJlard stre.eb Superintendent Registrar of Births, Deaths & Marriages, William John. Mann, Uruion SltTee~t; deputy, Ed·ward Burche.Jl Rodway, Union street Tax OoUector, Georg,e Ernest Snnilum, 5 Church street Town Crier, "\Villiam Turner, Chslee street Relieving & School Attendance Officer, Trowbridge & Hilperton District, Samuel "\Villiam Roman, Marsh road PLACES OF WORSHIP, with time•s .of services. St. James' Church,Rev.Algernon Chas.Dudley Ryder M . .A.. rector; Rev. Lawrence Geo.Bamford M.A.& Rev. Fredk. EdWJard Richa.rd Holies,; I0.3o a.m. & 6.I$ p.m. ;''s service, rst & last sunday a.t 3 p.m.; ib:oly communion, rs.t sunrlay, after morming service, 2nd & 4th sunday•s at 7·45 a.m. & 3rd sunday in the month, after evell!ing service ; servrice on saints' days at 8 a. m. & on .wed. & fri. 7· 15 & 4.30 p.m. re•spedivoely St. .Tames' MiSision Room, Upper Bl"''ad st.reeot; 6.15 . p.m. ; thurs 7.30 p.m Holy Trinity Church, Rev. Robert Ewing M.A. vicar.; Rev . .A.rthur Webster Houg~hton B..A.. curate; 8 & 11 a.m. & 6.30 p.m.; holy oommuni<m, weekly; children's s-ervice, znd & last sundlay iru the month at 3 p.m St. Stephen's Chapel of Ease to St. Jama.s', situated in Castle SltreM; Rev. Frede.rick E. R. Holies, curate; I0.30 a.m. & 6.15 p.m.; wed. 7.30 p.m St. Thomas' Ohurclh, Rev. Henry Start, vicar; !0.30 a.m. & 6.30 p.m.; wed. 7.15 p.m.; holy cDmmunion, I'st & 3rd sun. & on chief fe,sltivals ; dhildren's special service, last sun. at 3 p.m St. John the Baptist (Cllltholic), Wli.ngfield road, the Hon. & Rev. Eve.rard .A. G. .ArundeH, prieiSt; mass, 11 a.m. ; holy communion, 8 a.m. ; coateohism 3 p.m. ; & everuing service 6.30 p.m.; mass, week day,s, 8 a.m, Church st.reet, Rev. JiOseph T11T111er; !0,30 a.m. & 6 p.m.; wed. 7.30 p.m Baptist (BeibheJsdia), OouTit street, Rev. Henry Saunders; I0.3o a.m. & 6 p.m. ; wed. 7.30 p.m Particular Baptist (Zion), Union s:treet; 10.30 a. m. & 6 p.m.; tues. & thuxs. 7·I5 p.m · Oong-regat:ional 'Dabernacle, Church street; 10,30 a.m. & 6 p.m.; tihurs. 7.30 p.m
DIRE(.,'TORY.] WILTSHinE~ TlWWBRIDGE!. ~35 Congregational, Silver street; I0.30 a.m. & 6 p.m.; wed. 7·30 p.m Unitarian, Conigre; I0.30 a. m. & 6 p.m.; wed. 7.30 p.m Wesleyan, Manvers street; 10.30 a. m. & 6 p.m. ; wed. 7 15 p.m Wesleyan, \Vesley road; 10.45 a. m. & 6 p.m. ; wed. 7· 15 p. m Rev. Richard But· terworth & Rev. F.Holmes Smith Wesleyan, Islington; thurs. 7·I5 p.m Salvation Army Hall, OastJ.e street; 10.30 a.m. 3 & 6.30 p.m.; daily, 7 p.m SCHOOLS. High School, Wingiie~d road (Western Counties Wesleyan Sdhoo1 AssQcia.tion Lim1ted), a new buildling Qof brick, was erected in 1890, at a cos•tJ of £3,500, to accommodlate 70 boys, of which 50 are board·ers; Jacob Usher, sec.; Thoma,s· Rus·sell Maltlby M.A. head master & Oharles W. Heywor<th B.A. assi&tarut mastroca.rving ; Benjamin .Aishenhurst, ma&ter; CoUrt street (Text.ile ), H. Led bury, sec. ; 93• Silver street (Art & Science), T. J. Halle~t, master; British row (Cookery), Miss Bridgman, superintendent NEWSPAPERS. Wiltsl:llire Times & Trowbl'lidge Advert!iser ; office, n Silver street; La'll!Sdown (B.) & Sons, publishers & propciffi'Ors ; publ.ils!hed every fl'iday evening for sat Tro"'ibridge Ohroruicle; office, Narrow Wine sb·eet ; Trowb:rri.dge & We~st Wi~t·s Prinlting· & Publish-ing Co. Lim. propl'iertJors; John Major Brindley, editor & m'anager ; pub%shed every fridlay even~ng for sa•turday King's l\funltlhly Jomnal ; office, 37 Fore street ; Edgar King, publis!her & proprietor; published I5th of each month RAILWAY STATION. Great Western, Henry A!brnlha.m, station mas•toer; & goods agent, Henry BurdeHj Noms CO:NVEYAN'CE. parcels 'fechnical Education Department (Wilt.s County Council), Charle·S· Henry Corbett F.C.S., F.E.l.S. organizing & general sec. County office•s, stl'eet• Na.tional (boys & girls), Ohurch Sltree•t, William James · 'Bus fl'om Lis.te'l', master ; Miss J a ne S'lade, Dl!ist•ress ; with resiGoorge & Woolpack hotels tQo Railway statllon CARRIERS. dence fGr master & mistress ; built in 1846 & enlarged in 1887, for 900 children; average at.tenckmce, 155 boy•s & 170 gci.r Is National. St. 'l'homas'•s (inilant.s), Timbre.U s.tree-t, MiEIS Alice Maud Whitmarsli, mistress; built in 1872, for 183 children ; average attendance, I25 Holy Trinity, National (girls), Stallard street, M.iss ~L A. Duffill, mis1ress; built in 1836, fQor 190 child!Ten ; average!:endanoe, 160 Haly Trinity N a.tional (boy•S· & infunlts ), road, Harry Moore, m31s.t-er; built• in 1873, for 200 child'l'en; average atltendanc-e, 194; a new infuntiS' school vva.s erected in 1892 to hold r86; average ruttellldance, I86 Lydia Gj,bSIOn, mistFess :British (inofa.n.ts), BT'Oad stl'eet, Mrs. Flora Burneftt, mj,st.ress ; for 230 children ; atl!;endance, 140 St. Step hen's National (infanrbs ), Qa,s,U•e str.eet, Miss Annie Salmon, mirstresos ; built in 186g, for 100 children; av~ra,ge· attendance, roo David Blai1ey, frQm t Woolpack,' 27 F.are stree.t, mon. wed. fri. & sa.t. 4 p.m. fOT North Brodle)'\ HeywiC)IOd, Westbury and Di1ton Mar.s!h Henry Hoomin, from '\Vhite Hart,' 44 Fore street, tues. thurs. & sat. 4 p.m. for North Bradley & W es'tbury Frede.rick BlliSJsett, from 'Woolpack,' tues. & thurs. 3.30 p.m. fo-r Roo.d Edward Blo-w land Rogers, from 'White Hart,' daily, wt 12 noon, to HilpertiQn & Steeple Ashton Thomas· Jordan, from ' ·white Hart,' tues. thurS'. & sat. to Rilperton & Btee'Ple Ashlt(ln Thoill'a•s Daris, from 'Wh.ilte Hla·rt,' 44 Fore street, sat. 3.36 p.m. for W· Ashton, Edin·gton, Tirill:lood & Wes•t Lavington Frederick Gumm & Thom&s Gilbert, from New inn, 22 Silver stree~t, wed. & sa.t. 4 p.m. to Keev~·l George· Hancock & David Wheeler, froom 'White Hart,' sat. 3.30 p.m. for Eding'ton & Tinhead Frank 'V'ha1tley, fl"()m Market inn, 42 Fore s•treet, sat. 3.30 p.m. for West Ashi1xm & Brotton London- :tlriti·s!h (b-o)ls, girls & in:fams), British row, Joel Edwrurd Stinchcombe, master; Miss Eliza,beth A.Sykes,mistress; Mis•s Looh Horn~. infunt1s' mistre~ss; built in 1832, fOT 520 dhildren; a1tJtendance, 220 boy•s & I6o gir1s; a new infl3.nt sochool was e•rected in 1893 by Swtton & Co. Charles Hem:y Smith, agent, 6o Fore st JiQohn P. Stunoomb iru memmy of his wife; it will G~obe Parcel Expre'Ss Co. Eidgar King, agt. 37 Fore st hold I6o; average attendance, I30 Midland Railway Cv. (•by can1al) (Walte·r Ohatterti:on, Technlica.l (Coulllty Oouncil), Duke· street, wood & stone manage·r); goods de'JlOt, InniQx PRIVATE RESIDENTS. Bush Hy. Edgell B.A. Ashtoru road Diplock Jn. Clarendon ho. Ashton rd Butterworth Rev. Richard (Wesleyan), Docking John E. Unity villa, West .. Adey Mrs. 31 Church street St. Audries, Wingfield road bourne gardens Angel Mrs. 2 Ashton street Candy Thos. C. Navy vil. Victoria rd Dodge Ernest, Rotherstone, ClarenApplegate Albert, I Roundstone street CaseHervey Stphns.Beechcroft,Studley don gardens Applegate\Vm.Laurel bnk.Hilperton rd C'hapman Isaac, Westbourne gardens DQo81 Mrs. Poplars, Studley Armitage John Dickinson, Woodhead, Chettle Ebnzr. Trowle cot. Trowle la Donaldson James, Brighton house, Green lane Chewings William, 3 Crofton terrace, C:arendon gardens Arundell Rev. & Hon. Everard A. G. Bradley road Drew Mrs. I Albany ter. Bradley road (Catholic), 8 Wesley road Chivers Mrs. 9 Wesley road Dring Thos. A. Edgbaston, Trowle la Avons Frdk. Rose vil. ·westbourne rd Clark Enos, 32 St. George's terrace, Drinkwater William Rawlings, :Fern Avons Jas. Ferndale vil.Westbourne rd Stallard street bank, St. Stephen's place Bailes The Misses, Victoria villa, Vie- Clark Thos. D.L., J.P. Bellefield house, Drysdale James, 7 Eastbourne terrace, t.oria road Hilperton road Eastbourne ;road Bannister Jn. Alien, 2 Oriel vils.Innox Clark ·william, Pevensey house, West- Dyer The }.Ilsses, Malvern, ClarenBannister The Misses, 6 Eastbourne rd bourne road don gardens Bath George, 7 Eastbourne road Cogswell James, Boyton, Ashton road Elliott Rev. William Allen (Cong.), :Bath William, 47 Harford -street Coleman Ebenezer, I The Down Westbourne road Beaven Frederick William, Court st Co1eman Hrbt.. 2 South vw. Wesley rd Evans Mrs. Fern bank, Westbourne rd Bendall Wm. Hayward, 24 Stallard st Collins Alexander, Pembroke villa Ewing Rev. Robert M.A. Holy Trinity Bethell Mrs. 15 The Halve \Vestbourne road ' vicarage, Stallard street Bevan James, 34 Duke street Collins Charles Atkins, St. Bees, Wing- Eyles William, 4 G:oucester road l3ickard Ephraim, 2 Wesley villas, field road Foley Edward, 5 The Halve Newtown Coombs Joseph, 2 Belmont villa, Foreman Miss, Lorne cot. Bradley rd Bird Herbert, Rock villa, Victoria rd Waterworks road Forrest Mrs. 35 Harford street Blair Andrew, Celandine, Avenue road Cooper John .Alex. 3 Eastbourne ter Forrest William, I Gloucester road Blair William, IO Castle street Corbett Chas. Hy. Greta vil.Avenue rd Gauntlett J oseph, 3 Timbrea street Blake Henry, Elmhurst, Hilperton rd Cordingley Isaac, Somerleaze, Vie- Gauntlett Mrs. 45 Union street Blake John Heritage, Homefield house, toria road Gaj Richard Henry, Albion villa, Polebarn road Coulson Philip Edward, Fern villa, Victoria road Bomford Rev. Lawrence George M.A. Westbourne road Gayton Frank, Eastbourne terrace, (curate of St.James')28 HilpPrton rd Cox Frederick, 6 Innox Eastbourne road Bowyer Elijah, 3 Stallard street Cox James Alfred, Westbourne gardens Gayton John, sen. IS Union street Brake Mrs. 6 Avenue ter.Gloucester rd Cray Mrs. Lower Studley Gayton John Henry, 2 The Down Brice Miss, 4 Hilperton road Croucher George, 6 Clarendon villas, Gayton Mrs. 2 Crofton vils.Bradley rd :Brickle Mrs. 25 Wingfl.eld road Ashton road Gibson John, Lyndale, Avenue road Bridgman Mrs. Woodcroft, Adcroft st Davidge James, 9 West street Gibson Jn. Hy. Eaton vil. Ashton rd Brindley John Major, 2 Alexandria vils. Davidson Cuthbert, Newburn house, Giddings John Sharlton, I Glenfarne Wingfield road Westbourne road villas; Polebarn road Brown Mrs. Barrington villa, West- Davis William, 3 The Down Goodwin Mrs. Madeira villa 1 Westbourne road Diplock Thomas, Skurrayfield, Wing- bourne gardens ,!Jurgess Frank Dix, 8 Westbourne rd field road 1 Gore John, 72 Fore street
236 TROWBRIDGE. WJLTSHIRE. LKELLY's GouldsmithMrs.Rodwell hll.Victoria Td Mackay Alexander J.P. The Grange, Rodway Edward Burchell, Adcroft ho. Graham Jn.Longrave, 4I Hilperton rd Victoria road Adcroft street Green James, 23 The Down )lackay James, Cockhill ho. Trowle la Rogers William. 32 Union street Gregory Arthur, 35 Church street ~Iackay Wm. Polebarn ho.Polebarn rd Rose Geo.Wm.Egerton,Westbourne rd Gregory Isaac, 42 Hilperton road Maddox Mrs. Belmont villa, West- RyderRev.Algernon Chas.Dudley M.A. Gregory Mrs. 42 Hilperton road bourne gardens (rector & surrogate), Rectory, Gregory William, 43 Hilperton road Malings Wm. 7 Crofton ter.Bradley rd Church street Griffiths Geo. Woodslea, Avenue rd Maltby Thomas Russell M.A. High Ryles Chas. Hy. Woodside, Ashton rd Gritton The Misses, I Carlton villas, school, Wingfield road Saxty Fras. TheHawthorns,Wingfld rd Wingfield road ~Iann Rev. Thomas, Sunnyside, Hil- Saxt.y Simeon, South view, Bradley rd Haden Charles, I7 Yerbury street perton road Saxty Solomon, Rutland ho.Bradley rd Haden George Nelson, Homefield ho. :VIannWm.Jn.Rodney ho.Roundstone st Slade Mrs. 27 Wingfield road Polebarn road Marchant Mrs. 45 Ashton street Snailum George, 33 St. George's ter. Haden Joseph Poynter, Hill view, Martin Samuel Fred(lrick, 2 Glenfarne Stallard street Hilperton road villas, Polebarn road Snailum George Ernest, Springfield Hall Mrs. I8 Grosvenor terrace, Mead Wm.8 Grosvenor ter.Glo'ster rd villa, Bradley road Gloucester road Messiter Ebenezer, 2 Eastbourne ter. Stainer Mrs. 67 Mortimer street Hanley Jas. Chas. Hill view,Wesley rd Eastbourne road Stancomb Arthur Parkins, Woodlands, Harding William, 35 ·west street :Vlillard Lewis, 3 Clarendon villas, Hilperton road Harrington Hy. Pyrmont, Bradley rd Ashton road Stancomb Edwd.Perkins,36Hilpertn.rd Harris Charles, 2 Innox Millington Hy.AvonView ho.The Down Stancomb John Perkins J.P. The ProsHart. John Foot, Claremont villa, West. Milsom Jn. East View house, Studley pect, Hilperton road bourne gardens Miuty Wm. 3 Clark's pl. Ashton street Stanley '\Ym. Hy. 32 Hilperton road Hatheral Solomon, I2 Park street Monteath Rev. Robert Runcorn M.A. Start Rev. William Henry, St.Thomas Hayward Jn. Edwd. ::19 Hilperton rd Vicarage, Stud1ey vicarage, St. Thomas' road Hayward Miss, Eastbourne terrace, Moore George, S-elwood ho. Trowle la Steedman '\Villiam, 24 Duke street Eastbourne road MooreHarry,Elmsleigh,Westbourne rd StevenS' Mrs. 7 Avenue ter.Glo'ster rd Hayward Mrs. Shirley, Westbourne rd Moore Reuben, Romeo vil. Bradley rd Stowe ;H(lnry, East view, The Down Heathcote Arth. Edginton, 7I Fore st Morris James, 25 Union street Summers Charles, 29 St•. George's Hewitt Lovell, Plasnewydd, Avenue rd Mortimer Skreen, 6 The Halve terrace, Stallard street Hibbert Jas. Jn. Stone ho. Frame- rd Mundy Herbert, 24 Conigree Summers' Edward, Westview terrace, Hill Philip Lawrence, I Timbrell st Muspratt Frederick, IO Trawls lane Bradley road Hill Thos.Sl.Roseneath,Westbourne rd Newth Ernes·t, 5 Clarendon villas, Swa•ine Absalom Rlawnsley, I Rock Hillier Wm. I Crofton ter. Bradley rd Ashton road villas, Frame road Hiscock Albert Sidney, Brookfield, :N orris Chas. Albt. 6 Stallard street Sylvester Fredk. Thos. 61 Castle st Wingfield road Norris Frank, Wavertree, \V(lstbrne.rd Sylvester Geo. Mayris, 62 Castle st Hobbs Mrs. 47 Ashton street Norris Fredk. I Wesley vils. Newtown Kirwan Fras. 13 The Halve Holderway John, Fern vil. Victoria rd Norris Mrs. I Bellemont villa, Water- Tayler George Christopher M.D. Love· Holies Rev. Fredk. Edwd. Richard works road mead house, Roundstone street (curate of St. Stephen's), St. Norris Waiter, 35 Stallard street Tayler Mrs. 14 The Halve Stephen's lodge, Clarendon gardens Oakes Mrs. Rossegarth, Bradley road Taylor Mrs. 30 Hilperton road Hought.on Rev. Arthur Webster B.A. Offer Clifford J. Woodleigh, Green la Thomas Mrs. 21 The Down (curate of Holy Trinity), 8 Crofton Oram Miss, 24 Conigree Tranter Edwin, Inglenook,Wingfield rd terrace, Bradley road Palmer George Llewellen J.P. Spring- Tucker Manoah, 16 Cross street Huntley James, Studley field, Hilperton road Tucker Mrs. 27 Hilperton road Huntley James, The Galley, Frame rd Papps Mrs. Chester villa, Ashton road Turner Rev. Joseph (Baptist), 28 St. Jackson Robt. Wm. M.A. '\Vingfield rd Parry Alfred, 64 Fore street George's terrace, Stallard street .Tenkins Miss, Fernside, Frame road Parsons Miles, 6 Eastbourne terrace, Turner Israel, 3 Gloucester road 'Jenkins Miss, 6oa, Castle street Eastbourne road Usher Ephraim, Ethandune,Hilprtn.rd Kelland Frank, 32 The Halve Parsons :Miss, 22 The Down Usher Jacob, 29 Hilperton road Kemp John, 31 Hilperton road Payne Thomas, 9 Eastbourne road Usher Lawrie, Ormonds, Victoria rd Kemp Jn.jun.The Laurels,Victoria rd Pearce Rev. Frederick, 24 Wingfield rd Walke.r J.s;ph.Westfield ho.Wingfield rd Kemp Joseph, roo Mortimer street Pearce William, Bradley road( Walker Wm. J.P. 136 Mortimer street Keyworth Charles W., B.A. High schl. Perkins Benj. Rock villa, Ashton road Webb Charles, 35 Hilperton road Wingfield road Perkins Joshua, 74 Fore street Webb Henry Mellish, Montrose villa, King .Arthur, Ad croft vil. Prospect pl Phillips John, 3I Ronndst-one street Wingfield road King John, 4 The Halve Philpott John Robert.s, The Cranbams, Webb Henry Pa.rker, Sarnia villas, Kington Mrs. 62 Ashton street Clarendon gardens· Wingfield road Knee Henry, 5 Eastbourne terrace, Pickard George Sidney, Clifton villa, White Frank Henry, Holles:ey, ClarenEastbourne road '\Vest'bourne gardens don gardens Knee Hy .• Tn. Rose bank, Gloucester rd Pickard Mrs. '\Vestbourn(l gardens Wickham Mrs. 2 Stallard street Lampier James, Park villa, Frome rd Pollard Henry James, 44 Castle street Wilkins Arthur Frederick, ::1 Fore st Lansdown George, Wingf!.eld road Pollard Mrs. I9 Yerbury street. Wilkins The Misses, \Vestcroft house, Lansdown Jacob, I7 The Down Poynton Miss, Homefield, Polebarn rd Conigree Lansdowne James, 3I St. George's ter. Randall Frederick, go St. George's ter. Williams Ernest, 17 Polebarn road Stallard street Stallard street Willis Frederick Raper, The Cedar!, Leak Oliver. Swanlow, Green lane Ileeves Mrs. Aldersley, Bradley road Hilperton road Lewis Chas.H.IAvenue ter.Gloucstr.rd Reeves 'Villiam, 4 Eastbourne terraoe, Wise Nicholas Vincent, Lindisfarne, Lewis John Rd. Buckholdt, Clarendon Eastbourne road Stallard street gardens Rich Mrs. 22 Wingfield road Woodfln Cl1arles Harding, 2 Trinity Linzey Mrs. Prospect villa, Islington Richardson Richard Tippetts, Ching villas, Stallard street Lister Wm. Jas. Fair lawn, Victoria rd house, Hilperton road Woodman Sl. 6 Crofton ter.Bradley rd Long Arthur, 23 The Halve Richman Mrs. 20 West street Woodwards Arthnr, I Eastbourne ter. Long Jsph. Courtfield ho. Polebarn rd Richmond Ebenezer, 79 Ashton street Eastbourne road Long Mrs. 25 The Halve Ricketts Mrs. 6 Timbrell street Yates Frdk.Wm.Glenthorne,Avenue rd Lucas Samuel, Avenue road Rison .Jabez, Hazelglen, Victoria road Yerbury Walter Chillian, I Rock road Lucke William, 62 Fore street Rodway Mrs. r8 The Down COMMERCIAL. Abrnh1am Hy. staJtJ:ion mi3Jster, Lamoorna, Clarendon grdns Adye Charles Septimus, County surveyor, County offices, Sta.ll~rd street ~\lder FI'ede11ick,, cart, van & waggon builder, veterinary farrier & gene,ral smith, StaJlard st'. & Irmox Ancient Order of F0Te1ste11s (Court Jolhn of Gaunt; Robt. Edward Rutley, S'e<!.), 22 Silver street .Ancielllt Order of Oddfellows (M-ount Ararat lodge; W. RobbinJs, sec.), 'Down hall, Silver st·reet (Victoria lodge; S. White, sec.), 2 Oastle stTeet Ancient Order of Shepherds (Sanotu.ary, John of Gaunt; Robert RuHey, scribe), Union stre6II: Alien So}omon, shopkeeper, 8 Timbrell street Andrews William & S10n, chimney sweepel'ls, 40 & 41 Union street Andrews Henry, carter, 2 Bowyers yard, The Halve An!!ell Wlilliam, boot maker,g Grosv6'11m ter.Gloucester rd .A.plin John Henry, chemist, 6 Silver street Applegate Will~am & Sons, wine, spirit, h-op, ale, Jl{lrter & cider merchants, I Roundsoone skeet & .c: Wiicker hl Applegate Mark, comcl. trvllr. I Pa.rk villas, Frome road Ar0hta.rd Edward, pict-ure frame maker, 5 Castle street AV'ons & Sons, brush ma.s. 26 Fore st. & Court solreel; Avons -Charles, plumber, I Hiiperton road Baden J-e<srse, gr·eengroc(lr, 6 Islti.ngton Bailey Eliza.betih A. (MTs. ), shopkeeper, 3 I Tim brell st Bailey John, baker, It Cro~s streeot Daily John, farmer & dairyman,HolbrO<Jk frm.H(}lbrook la
DIRECTO:RY. J WILTSHIRE: TROWBRIDGE. 231 BaJnton John, grocer & baker, 39 The Halve Barnard ·wm. Hy. wool brkr. Sunny ho. We!Jtb()urne gdns Barnes Thomas B. woollen cloth merclmnrt, Duke &treet Barra11t George, woollen cloth merchant, 36 Duke &t~reet Harrett Benjamin, brick & tile maker, Studley Barton &, drnpel'ls, 33 R'Oundstone sitroot Barton Emily Malliia (Mrs.), shopkeeper, 4 Bon street Baitlh John Henry, timber dmler, 78 Ashton Slbreet Brutlt.en J\fary Jane (M.irs.), apartments, 22 Trowle lane Baxter Waiter B. CQmmon lodging house, IO Hill street Boorosley Frnnk, inspect'OT of weight•s & measures,Inoox Beaven Henry, taJlor, 8 Hilpert.on road Be·avoen Samuel, tailor, WeSit Lynne, Traw1e lane Beaven WiUiam, tailor & draper, 50 Fore s-treet Beddin•gfie·Id Emily & Anrne (Mi•s·ses), day s~hool, I9 'l'he Halve 13ennett Clara (Mrs.), s-hopkeeper, III Frome road 13enn91t.t Ell en (Ml'ls. ), dye11s' age rut, II Fore street Biffen Fredk. ga;sfitte.r, Martin's buildings, The Halve Billei!Jt Alfred, tailor, 37 IsJington Bird A. Herbert & Samuel, cool mers. Railway stat.ion Bishop \Vm. & Son, watch mas. & jewellers,6 & 7 Fore st Bishop James, eamhemm·re dealer & boot repairer, 9 Narrow Wine street & confectioner, 65 Castle street Blackmore- Albert, sloopkeeper, r Ashton street Blair Frederick, iillsuranoo agent, Glenroy, Bradley rood Blak·e John H. & HeTITy, brewers, malbsters & millers (steam roUer), Union st.reet B::ake Robent, iillsurailJCe agent, roa, street Bloodworth Albert, fruiterer, 40 Sltallard street Bloodwortih Alfred, shopk•eeper, 8 HiU street. Bottomley Henry, reporter, Fe·rnlbank, N ewto•"'wrnn Bourne Jane Aim (Mrrs. ), coffee house, 28 Oastle Sltll'eet Bowyer Philpott & Oo. Limit•ed, baron curers, sau.sage manufacture·r's & millers (steam), Innox & pork bntohers, 39 Fore street Bowyer Thoma.s & Son, grocers & bakers, I Wat-erworks road & 69 Park st.reet Bradshaw Ann (::\<f~ss), apartments, 3r Wa.te'l"loo ter Brai·ser Eleanor (Mrs.), dres·s make-r, 27 Glouoester rd Bray Ann~e (Mis·s), dreS>s maker, 9 Harford street Hray Martha (Mr.s. ), shopkeeper, 43 Union stree•t Briti;;h C'T'3Js Light Co. Limited (Henry Sainsb'ury, man.), Ga.s WorkJS road Brookman Edward, draper, 4 Mor·timer ter. Dursley rd Brown Frank, draper, 2 Madborougih bldgs.Roundlstone st Brown J. H. deputy registrar of marriages, West ::;treet Buckpitt Wm. Hunter, Crown iillll & brwr.r2 Timbrell st Bull Charles, baker, 3 Broad stree·t . Bull Charles David, draper, r8 Silver street Bull Joseph, farmer, Bellefield, St.. Thomas? road Burn.ett Jn. Edwd. coach builder & wheelwr:iglh't,Shails la Bush George & Son, coach buiilde['lS & smiitlhs, S.tudley Bush Harry Edgell B . .A. solioito'l", 3 Olmrc!h street Bwsh John Jones, solicitor & commliSISiioneT' for oaths & perpetual commi•s-sioner for taking acknowledgement.s of deeds, Church street Butt William, shopkoope•r, r8 B<road st<ree:t Caine•s Charles, outfit·ter, 2 Ohurcih s•treet Cainoes Henry, pa.iillt'E'r, 24 Ca•stle. st.reeot Candy Thomas Joseph, hay, straw & oorn mer. Mal"sh rd Caprutal & Counlt:.ies Bank Limited (William Lucke, manager), 62 Fore stree•t; draw on head office, 39 Th<readneedde st•reet, London E C Oarr Ja;cob, shopkeeper, 42 Omigree Carter Emily (Mrs.), milliner, 7 H!ilperton rood Case Hervey Stephena, wholeoole baoon curer & .sawSiage· manufacturer, 32 Mlo:rilimer Sltree.t Cave ELizabeth (M1"S. ), laundreSIS, 63 DlLI'ISiey road Oave Jloosiab, woollen clQth dlr. I Mor:timer<ter.Du11Sley rd Cemeltery (W!i.l.liam John Marm, clerk to the burial bQard; Goorge Sidney Cheve'l"ill, supe'l"int·endent ), The DQwn OhiamibeTIS George, s1lwpkeeper, 33 Castle street Chapmon & Oo. bed & matltil"e!SoS mo.nurfaoturers, Duke st Ohapm:an Johanna & Olara (Millss.e•s-),Rprtmn'tls.28 Church Stt Ohapman Aillllie (:Mis!S), teacher of music, Bmdley road Ohapman Clara (Mrs.), mil:liine'l", 12 MOT'timer street Chapman JIQ>hn, glruss & china deale·r, 52 Fore street Oh~aro & Oo. builders, 46 Union street Che.ttle· EbenezeT, draper, 46 F<J!l'e stfl'leet Cheverell George S.idney, superintendent of cemetery, Cemetery Iooge, The Down Cheverell Frank, plumber & painter, 23 Ohu.rch street Ohive<rs Herbert William, solicitor, 8 Fore street Ohm·ch George Frederick, butch-er, 25 Slilver s-treet Ohurc'hm Mary Ann (Miss), dl'€1Ss maker, 13 <Ja,stle st Clark John Thoma.s, woollen cloth manufacturers, Studley mills, Stallard s.t;ree.t Cleveland William, butcher, 67 Ca.stle street Coke Alfie:rrt, sadd·ler, 4 Ohuroh street Coleman Brothers, bacon curers & sausage manufacturers, 7 Church walk; works, Lower Studley Coleman Amy (Miss), dress maker, Ilendleson, Newtown Coleman Artlhur Orlailldo, book•seller, II Church walk Ooleman George, acC'Ounltanlt, 34 F'OTe st·reet Coles John, fruiterer, 4a, Fore st. & fiorist, Bradley road OoUet-t Simeon~ beer retaliler, Court street Collet•t William, tailor, 6 Hill street Collier S. & Oo. woollen clo·th merchants, r2 Hill street Collier Ada (Mrs.), dres•s maker, ro West street Collier Edwin Jsplh. domestci.c machine'l'y agt.43 Ghurch st Ool!iffi' Wlilliam George, 'WOOllen, faotor, I2 Hill ~t1·eet· Oollins, Mann & Rod way, solicitors & secretaries to the Wilits & We·s.tern BUJilding Society & agent.s to .Provident Life & County Fire Offices, Union street Collins Alex. supel"Visor of inland revenue, 6 Wicker hill Collins Charles Atkins (firm, Collins, Mann & Rodway). solicitor, clerk to justices for petty sessional division of 'l'rowbridge & Whorwellsdown; registrar & high bailiff of the county court of Bradford & 'frowbridge & commissioner for taking oaths, 68 Fore street Collins William, stationer, sr Fore street Colonial Meat Co. (W. Rudd, manager), 30 Silver street Coniam Charlt!s, basket maker, 29 Duke street Cooper George Ambrose, ironmonger & carpenter, 54a• Castle street Cooper Lily (Miss), teacher of music,6 Park ter.Bradley rd Corbett Charles Henry F.C.S., F.E.I.S. organising & gtmeral secretary Technical Educa'Qion department "Wilts County Council, Stallard street Cordingley Isaac & Oo. engineers, iron & brass founders & millwrights; manufacturers of hydraulic, steam & hand lifts, pumping engines, donkey & fire pumps, elev&tors & grain warehousing machinery, loam & mortar mills, saw benches, rope wheels, shafting & all kinds of mill gearing, Innox Cornish George, Carpenters' Arms P.H. & brewer, 26 Roundstone street Cottage Hospital (Nicholas Vincent Wise L.K.Q.C.P.Irel. George Christopher Tayler M.D. George Mayris Sylvester & Kirwan Francis Sylvester L.R.C.P.Edin. Rd. T. Ri.!hardsan M.R.C.S. medical officers; F. R. Willis, hon. sec.; Miss Harriet Perkins, matron), The Halve County Court (Charles Atkins Collins, registrar & high bailiff) ; office, 68 Fore street ; court, Town hall, Silver st County Police Office (Henry White, superintendent; Hy. Field, inspector), Stallard street Cox Charles, watch maker, 45 Castle street Cox John, coffee rooms, 24 Fore street Cox Samuel, bill poster, I3 Back street Craddock Louisa (Miss), laundress, Studley Craddock Martha (Mrs.), laundress, 14 Ash ton street Crook Ebenezer, baker, West view, Bradley road Crouch George, milk seller, 30 The Halve Croucher & Co. photographers, Silver street Cullerne Thomas, shopkeeper, 27 Castle street Culverhouse John William, wine & spirit dealer, photographer & tobacconist, 7 Wicker hill Curlett David, inland rev. officer,I Clarendn. vils.Ashtn.rd Dallimore Emily (Miss), dress maker, 27 Timbrell street DalJimore Frederick, White Swan P.H. 6 Church street. Dallimore William, shopkeeper, 38 Union street Daly Frank, grocer, 30 Roundstone street Davey Stephen, chair maker, 33 Prospect place Davidge James & Co. coal merchants, 46 Stallard street [)avis Fras. Edwin, commsn. agt. Ivy vil. Wingfield rd Davis Martha (Mrs.), fishmonger, 6 Church walk Davis Mary (Mrs.), shopkeeper, 48 Timbrell street navis Samuel, plasterer, 5I Timbrell street Dawes Emily (Mrs.), wardrobe dealer, 5 Conigree Deacon Emily (Miss), dress maker, 30 Timbrell street Deacon Francis Henry, builder, 17 Wingfield road Deacon Joseph, commercial travf'ller, 3 Eastbourne road Denning Joseph, hair dresser, 15 Mortimer street Dewar Harry George, china, glass & hardware dealer~ 8 Fore street Dicks James Jones, carpenter, Bradley road Diplock Thomas, printer, Wingfield road & Conigree Docking & Co. cloth merchants, Stallard street Dodge Ernest, boot & shoe warehouse, 23 Fore street Doel Arthur, boot repairer, 4 Back street Doell Joseph, baker, 4 St. Stephen's place Donaldson James, postmaster, 7 Wicker hill Dowding Mary Ann (Mrs.), dress maker, 33 The Halve Drew Frank, coal dealer, 49 Timbrell street Drew Thomas, baker, I9a, Stallard street Dring Thomas A. county accountant, County offices~ Stallard street. Drinkwater Edward James, commercial traveller, Westview terrace, Bradley road Drinkwater Harry, carpenter, I8 Conigree Drinkwater Lydia (Miss), dress maker, x8 Conigree Duck John, boot & shoe maker, 42 Duke street Dunlop Alexander, travelling draper, 7I Park street;
~38 TROWBRIDGE. WII.A TSHIRE. [KELLY'S Dunlop Thomas, tailor, draper, outfitter & clothier; gentlemen's clothing ready made & made to order; mourning orders punctually attended to, SI Park s\ Dunn Henry Martyn & Co. wool merchants, Innox Dyer Fredk. William, pharmaceutical chemist, 45 Forest Ear le Roland, shopkeeper, 74 Park street Eastcott Lot, coffee rooms, 9 Duke street Edwards Edward, carter, 26 St. Thomas's road Edwards James Henry, boot maker, 40 Mortimer street Edwards Mary (Mrs.), apartments, 4 Wesley ter.Newtwn Edwards :Mitten, prestidigitateur, I Gas Works road Elkins Sarah Ann (Mrs.), dress maker, Rodborough villa, Clarendon gardens Elliott Watson, painter, 37 Timbrell street Elloway 'Vm. Hy. grocer & baker, I2 Newtown & I Back st Evans John Everett & Sons, grocers & ale & porter dealers, & agents for W. & A. Gilbey Lim. wine & spirit merchants, 48 Fore street Evans Henry Knee, draper, 2 Fore street Evans Samuel Cole, wine & spirit & ale & porter merchant &; brewers' agent, Church street Eyers James, coal dealer, 4 Dursley road Farr Isaac, shopkeeper, 31 Dursley road Farr Mary (Mrs.), coffee house, 7 Hill street Faulkner .John Rodgers, shopkeeper, 2 Timbrell street Feltham John, tinsmith, 36 Roundstone street Ferris Dorcas (Mrs.), refreshment house, 51 Stallard st Ferris Joseph, carpenter, 48 Conigree Firman Rbt. Steven, tailor, 20 Victoria ter. Wingfield rd Flay William, Three Tuns P.H. 54 Fore street Femington William Tom, draper, 30 & 3I Fore street Flux Emily (Miss), dresS' maker\ & milliner, 3 Marlborough buildings, Roundstone street . Foley, Son & Mundy F.S.I. auct.ior.eers, land & estate agents, brewers, innkeepers & general valuers, surveyors, general accountants & insurance agents, The Mart, Manvers street Ford Elizabeth (Miss), dining rooms, I2 Narrow Wine st Ford Isaac, scale maker, 44 Roundstone road Ford Mary (Miss), ham & beef dealer, 24 Roundstone st Foreman & Sons, tailors & breeches makers,Stallard st Forman Thos. Geo. commercial traveller, Clarendon gdns Fowler Sophia (Miss), apartments, 23 Union street Frame Fredk. Wm. Rising Sun inn & brewer, I4 Newtown Francis Edmund Moore, farmer, Cock hill, 'frowle lane Francis William Henry, carpenter, Bradley road Franklin Kate (Miss), dress maker, 13 Union street Friendly Societies' Medical Institute (G. S. Cheverill, sec.), 22 Silver street Fussell Henry, dairyman, Rosebank, The Down Gaisford Martha (Miss), shopkeeper, Studtey Gantlett Jane (Mrs.), aparts. Hughenden, Frome road Garlick Fred Milsom, butcher, 63 Fore street Garrett Bros. hair dressers & tobccnsts. 13a, Fore street Garrick Working Men's Club (William Burgess, sec.), 59 Castle street Gauntlett Chas. & do. bed & mattress mfrs. Union st Gauntlett & Sons, carding machine mfrs. Yerbury st Gauntlett Lily (Miss), boys' school, 25 Duke street Gayton Jn. & Son, plumbers & painters, 29 Church st' Gayton Samuel, cheese factor, 18 Stallard street George Hotel (Miss .Louise Tealor Wade, proprietress), 47 Fore street Gerring Edward, butcher, 21 Silver street Gerrish Frank, farmer, 12 Avenue terrace, Gloucester rd Gibson John Henry, conservative registration agent for West Wilts, 67 Fore street Giles George, farmer & dairyman, Lower Studley Gingell Annie (Mrs.), herbalist, 27 Round stone street Gleed Ann (Mrs.), tailoress, r8 Hilpertoo road Globe Parcel Express Co. (Edgar King, agent), 37 Fore sh Godwin George, grocer & baker, 3 Castle street Golledge Jacob M.R.C.V.S. vet.surgn.Rockville,Trowle la Goodwin Susan (Miss), day school, Westfield villa, Westbourne gardens Goodwin Susan (Mrs.), rfrshmnt. rms. Railway statim~ Gore John & Co. grocers, I2 Silver street Gore Charles Henry, boot warehouse, :t4 Silver street Gough Dorcas (Miss), beer retailer, waterworks road Gowen & Stevens, decorators & plumbars,45 Roundstne.rd Gowing Robert Henry, commrcl. traveller, 18 Yerbury st Grant James, Fox P.H. & brewer, 31 The Halve Greenland Samuel, stonemason, 19 lslington Griffin Albert Edward, Mark~t inn, 42 Fore street Grist Mary (Mrs.), toy repos. & post off. 3 Hilpertoh rd Groves Samuel, herbalist, n6 Mortimer street Gunning James & Henry, confectioner, 55 Fore street Gunstone & Stone, coach builders ; carriages repainted equal to new, dog-carts, gigs & carriages built to order, II Islington Gunstone Frederick, baker, !25 Church street Haines & Allan, boot k shoe makers, 8 Silver street Hambrook Frank, commercial trav. Ranmore, Avenue rd Haden George. Nelson & Sons, engineers & ironfounders, 13 Silver street & Stallard street; 123 Cromer street, London W C ; 4 Albert square, Manchester ; & Lower Temple street, Birmingham Harding William Robert, oooper, 2ra, Castle street Barman William, -shopkeeper, 66 Castle street Harper Jas. Hy. woollen waste&flock mer.122 Mortimer s\ Harris- Eli, plasterer, 21 Timbrell street Harris Elizh. (Mrs.)1 marine store dealer, 21 Timbrell st Hawkins Fredk. Geo. travllng. drapr. 35 TimbreU streefl Hawkins John, baker, 2 Hilperton road Hayball Levi, shopkeeper, Shails lane Hayman & Pearce, dentists, 74 Fore street Hayward Samuel H. carpenter, 7 Prospect place Heathcote Sarah (Mrs.), dress maker, 71 Fore street Heaton John, collector to urban district council, & of market tolls, 3 Wesley villas, Newtown Helps Arthur, beer retailer, 33 Mortimer street Henshaw Abraham, carpenter, Gloucester road Henshaw Mary Ann (Mrs.), apartments, Clyde villa, Westbourne road Hibberd Jas. Holly, Elephant & Castle P.H. 25 Castle st Hill Alice N. (Miss), dep. reg. of births &c. Westbourne rd Hill Annie (Miss), apartments, Tyntesfield, Trowle lane Hill Edgar Fear, draper, 23a & 24 Silver street Hill Elizabeth (Mrs.), shopkeeper, 104 Mortimer street Hill Fredk. woollen cloth dealer, 13 Mortimer street Hill John, saddler & harness maker, 15 Silver street Hill Mary Ann (Mrs.), apartments, 41 Timbrell street Hill Philip Lawrence, ironmonger, 9 Silver street Hill Thomas Samuel, clerk to the urban district council, registrar of births & deaths & vaccination officer of Trowbridge sub-district, Melksham union, ·westbourne road & Town hall, Silver· street Hillard Theophilus, oil, color & hardware dealer & hawker, 37 Frome road Hillier George, beer retailer, rag merchant & marine store dealer, Shails lane & 33 Prospect place Hillier Emma, beer retailer, 15 Upper Broad street Hillier Hichard, carpenter, 9 Crofton ter. Bradley road Hillman Elizabeth (Miss), dress maker, 14 Thomas street Hillman Frdk. Geo. grocr.&pork butchr. 25 Stallard st Hillman Job, jobbing gardener, 27 Union street Hill's Public Hall (P. L. Hill, proprietor), 9 Silver street Hinder CornelitlS Joseph, sheriff's officer for the county of Wilts, 34 Union street Hiscock Louisa. (Miss), milliner, 30 Church street His cock Michael William, shoeing & general smith ; specialities, palisading, railings, gates & every description of plain & ornamental iron work made to order ; repairs promptly executed; distance no object, 22 Castle street Hobbs Julia (Miss), tailoress, I Innox Hobbs Samuel, smith & machinist, 42 Roundstone street :qodge Richard, The Queen P.H. 9 Back street llolton Edwa.rd, plasterer, 5 Martin's bldgs. The Halve H(olton George, plasterer, 77 Park street Holwell Alfred, carpenter & wheelwright, Innox Roman Samuel William, relieving officer for Trowbridge, Studley & Hilperton district, Marsh road Horler Henry Albert, grocer, 32a, Mortimer street IIorler .Tames, shopkeeper, 1.7 Mortimer street Hoult.on Br.:>thers, photographers, I Park street Hudd James, florist & seedsman, 26 Silver street Hughes Thomas, shopkeeper, 49 Castle street Hulbert Rowland, furniture dealer, 26 Stallard street & wardrobe dealer, 8o Park street Hunt Gilbert Edward, tailor, 15 Park street Hunt William Henry, 1Voolpack hotel, 27 Fore street Huntley .Jarnes, hay, straw, corn & timber merchant, farmer &1icensed appraiser, wheat, barley, oats, beans, bran, meal, pollard, indian corn, oil cakes &c. agent for Spratt's patent & the Liverne Co.'s specialities, The Galley, Frome road & miller (water), Innox Huntley James Rbt. Goodfellow, farmer, Studley green Huntley Jas. Sidney, Black Horse inn & brewer, Studley Hurley Edwd. umbrella maker, 37 Roundstone street Hussey Wm. plumber, 63 Castle st. & Rockville, Trowle la Independent Order of Rechabites (H. Alley, sec.), Town hall, Silver street Inland Revenue Office (Alex.Collins,suprvsr. ),6 Wicker hl lsley-Edward, cabinet maker, upholsterer, underhaker, antique furniture dealer & general house furnisher, 28 Roundstone street Isley Philip, stone mason, I2 Conigree Jackson Robert William M.A. West Wilts Boys' college, Wingfield road Jackson William, .greengrocer, 6 Narrow Wine street J enkins Hy. hair dresser & newsagent, 3 Church walk Jenkins Sarah (Mrs.), beer retailer, 61 Mortimer street J ones William, draper, 48 Castle street
DIRECTORY.] WILTSHJRE. TROWBRIDGE. 239 Jones Charles John, solicitor, perpetual commissioner & commissioner for oaths, 73 Fore street Jordan Edward, wheelwright, 20 Frome road Joyce Maria (Mrs.), farmer, 64 Dursley road Keating J. & Co. plasterers, 37 New road Keene John, farmer, Drynham farm, Dursley road Keene W alter J esse, dairyman & poultry dealer, I Lyndon terrace, Dursley road :Kemp & Hewitt, woollen cloth manufactur~rs 1 Inno:x: & xsa, Silver street . Kemp Henry, draper, 3 Frome road Kemp John, farmer, Lower Studley King Edgar, draper, 37 Fore street Klngham Thomas Alien, bacon curer & grocer, I Castle street Kingman Edwin, boot maker, 49 Church street King"s Monthly Journal (published ISth of each month by Edgar King), 37 Fore street Knee Henry John, complete house furnisher, manufacturing upholsterer, cabinet maker, rronmonger&general warehouseman; iron & brass bedsteads, travelling trunks, carpets & bedding, 2I & 49 Fore street ; Church walk ; & 70, 7I & 72 Castle street Knee Richard, tailor, I35 Mortimer street Knight John, hawker, 2 Dursley road Knight Thomas, greengrocer, 47 Mortimer street Langtry .Albert, tempera'"lce hotel, 3 Hill street Lansdown B. & Sons, printers, booksellers, news agents, shipping agents .~ proprietors & publishers of the "Wiltshire Times & Trowbridge .Advertiser," II Silver street; works, Duke street Lapham .Annie (Miss), dress maker, 2 West street Laverton Samuel, shopkeeper, 39 Bond street Laverton ·wm. boot maker & coal dealer, 23 Court street Lawes James, farmer, Bradley road Leak Oliver, solicit::>r & commissioner for oaths & insurance agent, 9a, Silver street Ledbury Kate (Miss), dress maker, 57 Castle street Ledbury William N. accountant, I4 Union street Legg Florence (Mrs.), dress maker, 37 Park street Legg Hy. picture frame ma. 25 Forest. & II Hilperton rd Lertora Charles, co~mon lodging house, Shails lane Lertora Francis, shopkeeper, so Mortimer street Lewis Charles & Son, plumbers & painters, S New town Lindsey John, plasterer, 6 Tha Down Lindsey Joseph, shopkeeper, North view, Gloucester rd Linzey Edwd. bldr. & brickmaker,31 The Halve & Trowle la Lloyd .Josiah, confectioner, 5 & I2 Church walk Long Samuel A. beer retailer & tailor, Bristol row Longstreet .Albert, coal merchant & contractor, Railway station; & depot, Timbrell street ; & dairyman, Park farm, Frome road ; established half a century Lowe .Annie (Mrs.), shopkeeper, I I Gloucester road Lucas James, coal dealer, II4 Mortimer street Lucas Jas. Edwn. hair drssr. & tobccnst. Red Hat lane Lucas Lilhan (Miss), dress maker, 23 Stallard street Lucas Sarah Jane (Miss), dress maker, ss Stallard street Lucke William, manager of Capital & Counties Bank Lim. 62 Fore' street Lusty Waiter, .Anchor & Hope P.H. 27 Frome road Lyles Thomas, builder, Selwood, :Bradley road McCarthy Ellen (Mrs.), apartments, S5 Mortimer street Mace John, Beer P.H. I Stallard street Mann William John (firm, Collins, Mann & Rodway), solicitor, & ~ommissioner to administer affidavits in Supreme Court of .Judicature & perpetual commissioner for taking acknowledgments of deed·s by married women, clerk to guardians, superintendent registrar & clerk to tbe Trowbridge burial boar<4 Union street Marchant Edward .Aines, tea dealer, 32 Church street Marchant Sarah (Mrs.), shopkeeper, Thomas street Marks Mary Bevans (Miss), dress maker, 2 Roundstone st Marshman J oseph, apartments, 46 Timbrell street Mason Henry, furniture broker, S & 64 Castle street Masonic Hall (T. S. Hill, sec.), 9a, Silver street Massey & Browne, berlin wool repository, 41 Fore street Massey & Co. printers, 4I Fore street Mattock Charles, tailor, .Almonte villa, Newtown Mattock Emma (Miss), tailoress, S3 Dursley road Mattock .Tames, beer retailer, 24 Polebarn road Mattock William, tailor, 25 The Furlong May George, hair dresser, 2 Court street Mayell Eliza (Mrs.), apartments, 4 Stallard street Merrett John, baker & registrar of marriages, I4 Hill st Messiter Henry, King of Prussia P.H. 22 Hill street Midland Railway Co. (Waltel' Chatterton, manager), Goods depot, Innox Millard Brothers, engineers, 4 .Alma street :Millard Matthew, mineral water manufr. I3 Stallard st Millard Rose (Miss), milliner, II Narrow Wine street Millington .Arthur, teacher of music, 2 Olarendon villas, .Ashton road Millington Henry, pianoforte warehouse & organist of St. James' church, 6r Fore street Milsom John, horse dealer, East View ho. Studley Minty William, builder, 3 Clark's pl. .Ashton street Mint~ Sarah & Violet (Misses), day school, 3 Clark's place, .Ashton street Mitten Edward James, chimney sweeper, 6S Shails lane Mitten Frank, chimney sweeper, 9 Shails lane Moody Rowland & William, carpenters, .Alma street Moore Brothers, wool dyers, Court street Moore Ethel (Miss), teacher of music, Rockland v:Lla, Gloucester road Moore George, builder, dealer in building materials, fire bricks, roofing tiles, slates, stoneware pipes &c. 7 Castle street & brick maker, Canal road Moore Selina (Mrs.), shopkeeper, 2I Stallard street Moors George, smith, Innox Morley .Tames, refreshment rooms, 37 Stallard street Morrell Elizabeth (Miss), dress maker, S2 Park street Morris .Ahce (Miss), dress maker, Io Wicker hill Morris .Andrew, reporter, 5 .Albany ter. Bradley road Morris Elizabeth (Mrs.), shopkeeper, II Wicker hill Morris Samuel, grocer, I4 Fore street Morris Samuel, shopkeeper, 6S Mortimer street Mouland Emma (Mrs.), temperance hotel, S Wicker hill Muir Thomas, tailor, 57 Mortimer street Munda,y Oliver, tinplate worker, 3 Narrow ·wine street Murdoch John G. & Co. Limited, pianoforte warehouse, 66 Castle- street National Society for the Prevention of Cruelty to Children, l3ath district & West Wilts branch, Trowbridge District Committee (Oliver Leak, district correspondent). ga, Silver street Newth & Son, brush manufacturers, 43 Roundstone street Noble James William, White Hart P.H. 44 Fore street Noble Sarah .Ann (Miss), stationer, I6 Silver street N orris Henry Buckpitt & Frederick, Rose & Crown posting & livery stables, cabs to & from the station, wedding & pleasure carriages on hire & mourning coach proprietors, 36 Stallard street Norris Francis Burdett, furniture remover & parcels & goods agent G. W. R. Co. The Bridge, Wicker hill Norris Henry Buckpitt, Rose & Crown inn & brewer, 36 Stallard street Norris· Henry Moore, miller (water & steam), Lady Down mill, Canal road Norris Walker B. ironmonger, 20 Silver street Nurding John, domestic machinery dealer, Marlborough buildings, Roundstone street Oram Geo. assist. overseer & poor rate coli. S The Down Palmer & Mackay, woollen cloth manufacturers, Court & .Ashton mills, Polebarn road Papps .Albt,teacher of music, Collingwood, Westbourne rd Papps William, baker, 4I Mortimer street Paradise John, hawker, 54 Shails lane Parfitt Mary (Miss), shopkeeper, I4 Church street Parriss William Grove, ironmonger, I9 Silver street Parry .Alfred, manager of Wilts & Dorset Banking Co. Limited, & treasurer to the urban district council, 64 Fore S'tl'leet Pa.rsons Charles, grocer & baker, 40 Gloucester road Parsons Mary (Miss), ladies' school, 25 Duke street Payne D. A. & Co. bacon curers, sausage manufacturers, & pork butchers & poulterers, 28 Fore street Pearce "\Valter, New inn & brewer, 22 Silver street Pearse Thomas, watch maker, I5 Fore street Pepler William, taxidermist, 9 Mortimer street Perkins Benj. woollen cloth mer. Rock villa, .Ashton rd Perry Robert, George inn, & brewer, 2 Broad street Philips Samuel, grocer, 63 Ashton street Phillips Elizabeth (Mrs.), shopkeeper, 23 Broad street Pickard G. S. & Co. woollen cloth merchants, Stallard st Pickard Charles, farmer, Drynham farm, Dursley road Pickard Frederick, butcher, S Church street Pike .Albert, baker, :ro Tim.brell street l'ike Joseph, greengrocer, 6 1\fortimer street & marine store dealer, & trap proprietor, Court street Pike William, fishmonger & marine store dlealer, 2 Shails lanl6 & 2 Church walk Pinchin Edwin, butcher, II Church street Pinchin George, stonemason, IIO Frome road Pollard George, shopkeeper, 53 Islington Pollard H!:'nry, coal & timber merchant, Railway station Flhlarrl William Henry, Ship inn, Frome road Pope Edwin, Sun. inn, 2 Castltl street Porter Alfred, dealer in antique furniture, Chippindale, Sha.raton & other early English furniture, works of art, oil paintings, old engravings, china, curiosities &c. :ro Fore street Porter Hy.J'as.grocer, 4 & 5 1\!arlboro' bldgs.Ronndstone st Price Harry, tailor, Ashton road
240 TROWBRIDGE. WILTSHIRE. (KELLY'S Price John, road contractor, Islington Prichard James, boot maker, 37 Ca.stle street Prier.;t Martha (Mrs.), apartments, 2 Home Mill buildings, Castle street Primrose League (Nos. 882 & 1344) (E. A. Tranter & Miss• Evans, secs.), 67 Fore street Pritchard Charles, grocer, 47 Castle street Purnall Albert, tailor, S Church walk Raines Ann (Miss), dress maker, Studley Randall Arthur, commercial traveller, 20 The Halve Randall Eliza (Mrs.), laundress, Studley Randall George, painter, 93 Mortimer street Rand all Martha (Mrs.), saddler & harness ma. I Fore st Randall Samuel, boot repairer, I09 Frome road R:1wlingsFredk.bacon curer & pork butcher, ISChurch st Rawlings Henry, tailor, 5 Timbrell street Rawlings James, hawker, 19 British row lfuymond Thomas, baker & grocer, Islington Read Edwin, boot maker, 9 Prospect place Redrop William Joseph, comm. agent, 6 Westbourne rd Reynolds Alfred, coal dealer, 17 The Halve Reynolds• Eli, greengrocer, so Stallard street Reynolds "\>Villiam, beer retailer, I9 Sta.Uard street Rich William Edward, boot & shoe maker, I8 Fore st Richardson & Rimer, tailors & outfitters, 3S Fore street Richardson Richard TippeUs M.R.C.S. surgeon & medi· cal officer of health to the urban district council, Ching house, Hilperton road Richmond John, heddle & picture frame maker & joiner, 19 New town Rison James. Edward, Castle P.H. & brewer, 4 Ashton st Roberts George, grocer, 31 Mortimer st.reet Robins William, insurance Waverley, Frome road Robinson Ernest William, commercial traveller, 34 St. George's terra.ce, Stallard street Rodway Edward Burchell (firm, Collins, Mann & Rodway), solicitor & commissioner to administer oaths, Union street Rodway William Stenson, solicitor & commissioner for oaths & insurance agent, 13 Fore street Rogers George, ironmonger, 7 Church street Rogers John, shopkeeper, ss Castle street Rose George William, stationer, 66 Fore street Rose Mary (Mrs.), greengrocer, 6 Conigree Rose William, grocer, 29 Bond street Ruddle Tom Albert, shopkeeper, 49 Mortimer street Alhert, beer reJt. & br.ewer, 23 Roundstone, street Rudman Mary An'l. (Mrs.), shopkeeper, 25 New town Russell Rose (Miss), boot warehouse, ss Fore street Rutley Robt. Edwd. boot & shoe maker, 22 Roundstone st Sage Gertrude (Miss), dress ma. 5 Crofton ter.Bradley rd Sainsbury Henry, manager of gas works, Gas Works rd Sainsbury Jn. grocer & corn merchant, 4 & I5 Hill st St. James' Hall (James Hiscock, keeper), Union street Salter Samuel & Co. woollen cloth manufacturers, Home mills, 5 Fare street & Duke street Sargoont George, tailor, I Conigree William, confectioner, 49a, Church street Sartain ·william, shopkeeper, 64 Ashton street Savings Bank (Arthur Frederick Wilkins, actuary), open on sat. 6 to 7 p.m. 3 Fore street Sawyer John, grocer, I4 Fore street Saxty Albert, hair dresser & tobacconist, 43 Fore street Saxty Edwin, hair dresser, 4 Castle street Saxty John, tailor & hatter, 32 Fore street Scott Robert, hair dresser, 5 Shails lane Serine George, leather & grindery dealer, 5 Hill street Selfe William, house agent & pawnbroker, 33 Fore street Sheppard John, greengrocer & dairyman, 4I Round stone street & farmer, Prospect place Sherwood Sara.h (Miss), shopkeeper, I2 Back street Shipway Elizabeth (Mrs.), tailoress, 4 Wickham place, Castle street Shrimpton Henry, boarding house, 4I Stallard street Silcocks Aaron, stone mason, so Timbrell street Sims Albert, tailor, hatter, hosier, & outfitter, 6 Madborough buildings, Roundstone street Sims Henry, cycle & music dealer, 2 Hill street Sims M. L. (Mrs.), registry office for ladies & servants & govel"'lesses' agncy. 6 Miarlboro' bldgSI.Roundstolne st Sims William Henry, picture frame maker;9&1oChurch st Singer Manufa.cturing Co. (Francis William Newcombe, manager), II Fore street Slade Edwin, grocer, & ale & porter dealer, 17 Fore st s:ade George, Stallard ~nn, I] Stallard street Slade Joseph Reynard, watch repairer, Waterleigh,Bythe· sea terrace, N ewtown Slipper J. Shipley, dentist, 8 Fore street Slocomb Wm, shopkeeper & haberdasher, 34 Mortimer st Slugg Fredk. gasfitter, 9 Grosvenor ter. Gloucester road Smart Charles, swing boat proprietor, Gas Works road Smith & King, confectioners, 59 Fore street Smith W. H. & Son, newsagent, Railway station Smith Charles Henry, confectioner & agent for Sutton & Co. parcels carriers, 6o Fore street Smith Elizabeth (Mrs.), dress maker, 9 Hilperton road Smith J.effrey Rd. inland revenue officer, 6 Wicker hill Smith William, builder, 22 Church street Smith William, shopkeeper, 21 Hill street Snailum George & Sons, auctnrs. & valuers, 5 Church st Snailum Geo. Ernest, collector of taxes, 5 Church st Spencer John William, liberal registration agent for West Wilts, Liberal club, Coni.gree Spender James, fishmonger, 50 Church street Stainer Frederick, milk seller, 43 Frome road Stainer James, farmer, 6o Dursley road Stancomb Brothers, woollen cloth manufacturers, Cradle Bridge mills, Court street Stanley William Henry, surveyQr & sanitary insprctor to urban district council, Town hall, Silver street Star Tea Co. Limited (Hy. Overton, mgr.), 53 Fore st Stephens ·wmiam, Lamb inn, 12S Mortimer street Shphens William Baker, ca.rriage builder, carriages built to order, estimates free; new & second-hand carriages for sale, india. rubber mats & brake blocks waterproof aprons & all accessories, Castl~ Carriage works, Castle street Stephenson Wm. horse clothing manufr. 4 The Down Stevens Charles William, collector of tolls & weigher of public weighing machine, Market hall, Silver street Stevens James, boot maker, 9 Castle street Stokes G. & Son, gasfitter, 70 Castle street Stokes Joseph, greengrocer, 47 Stallard street Stokes Naomi (Mrs.), milliner, II Castle. -street Stone Eli James, shopkeeper, 45 Islington Stone Henry James, grocer, 9 For·e street Stratton & Sons provision merchants, 4 Wicker hill Strong Ellen (Mrs.), shopkeeper, 44 Park street Stuckey Samuel, grocer, 36 Fore street Stutter Thos. Geo. commercial trav. Glenmore,Avenue rd Summers Annie Elizabeth & Mer.ritt Anne (Misses), dress makers, 32 Duke street Summers Edward, farmer, Talbot farm, Wingfield road Sumption John, shuttle & bobbin maker, 77 Mortimer st Sylvester George Mayris & Kirwan Francis, surgeons7 & medical officers to G. "\V. R. & post off. 62 Castle st Sylvester Fredk. Thos. coroner for Wiltshire, 61 Castle st Sylvester George Mayris M.R. C.S. surgeon, & medical officer to Melksham union workhouse, 62 Castle st Sylvester Ki.rwan Francis L.R.C.P.Edin. physician &. surgeon, 13 The Halve Tadd Florence (Miss), dress maker, IO New road Tayler George Christopher & Herbert Paget, surgeonsp Roundstone street Tayle.r George Christopher M.D. surgeon, & medical officer ·& public vaccinator 1st Trowbridge district, Melksham union & 3rd district West bury & Whorwellsdown union, Lovemead house, Roundstone street Taylor Albert, draper, 13 Church walk Taylor Edwin Ernest, beer ret. 19 The Down & stone mason, 29a., Church street Technical Education. Committee (H. Ledbury, sec.); wood & stone carving school, 26 Duke street ; textileschool, Court st.reet ; cookery school, British row ; & art & ~cience school, ga, Silver street Technical Education Department (Wilts County Council) (Charles Henry C<lrbett F.C.S., F.E.I.S. organizing &> general sec.) ; County offices, Stallard street Thomas Thomas Gale, wheelwright, 11 The Down Thurlow Clement, fancy repository, 57 Fore street & toy dealer, Richmond villa, Gloucester road Tiley William, smith, I St. Stephen's place Tilling William, shopkeeper, 3 New town Tripp Fanny (Mrs.), dress maker, I8 Castle street Trollope Edward Hazel, chemist, 16 Fore street T.rollope Emma (Mrs.), dress maker, 42 Harford street Trowbridge Amateur Athletic Association (Oliver Leak,. sec.), ga, Silver street Trowbridge Book Society (John P. Stancomb, sec.),. Hilperton road Trowbridge Cattle Show (Geo. Snailum, se.c. ),Church st T.rowbridge Chronicle (Trowbridge & West Wilts Print-· ing & Publishing Co. Lim. proprietors; John Major Brindley, edit01r & manager; issued friday evening forsat.), Narrow Wine street Trowbridge Club (William Lucke, treasurer; John H. Blake, hon. sec.), Market house, Silver street Trowbridge Conservative Club (W. N. Led bury, sec.),. 67 Fore street Trowbridge Cycling Olub(P.J.Sampson, s-ec.), 47Fore st Trowbridge Grocer's Bread Co. (Herbert Edward Gover,. sec.), 4 Fore street •
DffiECTORY.] WILTSHIRE. TYTHERTON. 241 Trowbridge Co~o}'era.tive Industrial Provident Society Limited (James Drysdale, man. & sec.), grocers, butchers, boot makers & drapers, Church street, Church walk, & Mortimer street 'l'rowbridge Guardian Society (W. J. Mann, sec.),Union st Trowbridge Horticultural Society (James Huntley, sec.), The Galley, Frame road 'ti'rowbridge Infections• Diseases Hospital (Harry Ferris, caretaker), Bradley road 'Trowbridge Liberal Club House Co. Limited (William Harris, sec.), Conig.ree 'Trowbridge Orchestral Band (A. Papps, conductor), 1Vestbourne road 'll'rowbridge Soup Kitchen (Geo. Coleman, sec.),Conigree Trowhridge Town Band (Albert Haskins, conductor), Mortimer street 'Trowbridge Town Fire Brigade (W. H. Stanley, capt. ), Town hall, Silver street 'Trowbridge Town Football Club (George Snailum, sec.), Church street Trowbridge Town Hall (David Gibson, kpr. ), Silver st 'frowbridge Urban District Council Bathing Shed (David Walton, attendant), Ashton road Trowbridge Water Co. (Albert James Knowles, resident manager), 27 Silver street Trowbridge & West Wilts Printing & Publishing Co. Lim. (John Major Brindley, manager), printers, publishers k proprietors of the " Tr.owbridge- Chronicle," Narrow Wine street 'Tucker William Henry &; Co. woollen cloth merchants, Court hall, Castle street Tucker J ohannah (Mrs.), day school, Lynwood, Westbourne road Tucker Manoah, boot & shoe maker, 29 Fore street Turner Henry, shopkeeper, 70 Shails lane Turner William, farmer, Poplars, Studley Turner William, town crier & bill poster, 50 Castle st Usher Saml. marine store & earthenware dlr.46 Conigree Usher Thomas, coal dealer, ro Bond street Usher's Wiltshire Brevvery Co. Lim. (Ernest Williams, sec.), supply the finest & purest ales & stout ; price lists on application; established 1824, Manvers street & Back street ; & maltsters, Gas W arks road ; stores, Church place, Paddington green, London W ; & Long row, Victoria street, Bristol Vince Thomas, shopkeeper, 76 Dursley road Vincent James, butcher, 19 Fore street Wade Louise Tealor (Miss), George family & commercial hotel, 47 Fore street Waite David, tailor, 36 Timbrell street Waite Henry, toy dealer, 24 Broad street Waite John, heddle maker, 3 Park place, Frame road Wake George, farmer, Marsh road Wakeley Noah, shopkeeper, 39 Union street Wakely Sidney, hawker, 63 Mortimer street Walker William & Co. woollen cloth manufacturers, Stone mills, Court street & Yerbury street Walker Joseph, bed&mattress manufacturer, 75 Ashton st Wall Thomas, omnibus & mourning coach propr.47Fore st Waiter William, house agent, 3 Ashton street Warrilow William Robert, cycle maker,69 Fore st.&Innox Watson Thomas Hewitt, grocer & patent medicine vendor, 47 Gloucester road Watts Frederick, taxidermist &; tailor, 22 Union street Watts Roger, cabinet maker, 7a, Castle street Watts Rose (Mrs.), dress maker, 12 Castle street Webb John Henry & Sons, woollen cloth manufacturers, Bridge mills, Wicker hill Webb John, boot maker, Arch court, New town Webb Maria (Miss), ladies' school, 4 Roundstone street Webb Uriah, King's Arms P.H. &; farmer, 6 Castle street TYTHERTON (or Tytherton Lucas or West Tytherton) is a chapelry and small village; 2 miles east-northea~t from Chippenham station on the Great West ern railway, in the North-Western division of the county, Chippenham parish, hundred, petty sessional division, union and county court district, rural deanery of Chippenham, archdeaconry of Bristol, and diocese of Gloucester and Bristol The river Marden flows south of the parish, which is bounded on the west by the river Avon. The church of St. Nicholas is a plain building of stone, consisting of chancel, nave of three bays, nO'l'th aisle, and a turret containing one bell: it has a curious and very fine Norman font: there are 70 sittings. The separate register dates only from; previous to that date entries were made in the Chippenham register, which dates from 1578. The living is a rectory, annexed for more than six centuries to the vicarage of Chippenham, average tithe rent-charge (Tytherton) £129, joint net yearly value [193, including 17 acres of glebe here, in - Webley Jabez, baker, 52 Mortimer street \Veslev Arthur, coal dealer, 43 Shails lane West ·Wilts Constitutional Association (J. Hy. Gibson. sec. & registration agent), Conservative club,67 Fore st West Wilts Liberal Association(A.G.Smith,sec.),Conigree West Wilts Women's Benefit Society (William N. Ledbury, sec.), 14 Union street West Wilts Working Men's Conservative Benefit Society (William N. Ledbury, sec.), 14 Union street West ern Counties W esleyan Methodist School Association Lim. (Jacob Csher, hon. sec.; Thomas Russell Malt by M.A. head master; Charles W. Keyworth B.A. assistant master), High school, Wingfield road Wheeler Berkley, joiner & cabinet maker, Marsh road Wheeler William, recruiting sergeant, 41 Frame road White Albert, draper, Surrey villa, Gloucester road ·white Alma, confectioner, 4 Church walk White Edward Ellis, corn. traveller, Ivy dene, Avenue rd White Henry, supt of police, Police station, Stallard st White William, carpenter, Innox Whitmarsh Alice (Miss), dress maker, 56 Ashton street Whitmarsh Edwin, watch maker, ro Church walk Whitmarsh John, boot &; shoe maker, 12 Fore street Whitmarsh William, beer retailer, I Mortimer street Wicks Eliza (Miss), tobacconist, r Hill street Wicks George, Royal Oak P.H. 20 Union street Wicks Mary Ann (Mrs.), dress maker, 7 Timbrell street Wilkins & Co. clothiers, 7 Silver street Wilkins & Ryles, woollen cloth manufacturers, Conigree & Shails lane; & waste dyers, Gas Works road Wilkins Arthur Fredk. actuary of savings bank, 3 Fore st Wilkins Oliver, manufacturing confectnr.45Roundstone st Wilkinson Richard, photographer, 33 Church street Williams Charles, shopkeeper, 16 Upper Broad street Williams John, seedsman, 29 Silver street Williams John H. timber merchant, saw mills & tinplate box maker, Innox Willis Brothers, wool merchants, The Halve Wilts & Dorset Banking Co. Lim. (branch) (Alfred Parry, manager), 64 Fore street; draw on London & Westminster Bank Lim. London E C Wilts Friendly Society(B. Porter,sec.),Town hall,Silver st Wiltshire (rst) Rifle Volunteers (C & D Cos.) (Capt. J ames Mackay & Capt. H. H. Willis, commandants ; Sergeant Lewis Fuller, drill instructor), Drill hall, Timbrell street Wilts & Western Benefit Building Society (W. J. Mann & E. B. Rodway, secs.), Union street Wiltshire Times & Trowbridge Advertiser (B. Lansdown & Sons, publishers ; published friday evening for saturday, 11 Silver street & Duke street; & at Devizes, Chippenham & Warminster Wiltshire Oliver, plumber, 21 The Halve Wise James, farmer, Bradley road Wise Nicholas Vincent L.K.Q.C.P.Irel., L.R.C.S.I., L.~!. medical officer & public vaccinator No. 2 district Westbury, Whorwellsdown union, & 2nd district, Melksham union, & certifying factory surgeon, Lindisfarne, Stallard street Witts James, shopkeeper, 21 Roundstone street Woodman l''redk. teacher of music, 22 Gloucester road Woodward Matilda (Mrs. ),hair drssr.&tobccnst. Woolpack hotel (Wm. Hy. Hunt, propr.), 27 Fore street Wootten Enoch & Co. grocers, 17 Silver street Wratten Mary Jane (Mrs.), shopkeeper, .Ashton road Wyatt Mark, butcher, 4 Mortimer street Young Cloth 1Vorkers' Soc. (W. Parsons, sec.), Church st Young Men's Christian Association (S. Randall, sec.), 65 Fore street Young Charles, picture frame maker, 29 Roundstone st Young Louisa (Miss), dress maker, 14 Frome road the gift of the Dean and Chapter of Christ Church, Oxford, and held since r861 by the Rev. John Rich M.A. late student of that house, hon. canon of Bristol, rural dean of Chippenham, and also rector of Kellaways, who resides at Chippenham. The principal landowners are Samuel Francis Glossop Bythesea esq. of Freshford, near Bath; Frank Langton esq. of London; and Mrs. Palmer, Trowbridge. The soil is various; subsoil, gravel. Nearly the whole of the parish consists of pasture lands. The area of this chapelry is included in Chippenham ; the population in r8gr was 39· Parish Clerk, William Guy. Letters are received through Chippenham, which is the nearest money order & telegraph office, arrive at 7.30 a.m. & 6.30 p.m. Wall Letter Box cleared at 6.25 p.m. ; sundays, g.25 a.m The children of this place attend the school at East Tytherton WJLTS, 16
!42 TYTBERTON. Pinniger Henry Broome Williams Joseph Bull bailiff to Mr.T.T.Watson 'V !LT SHIRE. [KELLY'S Carter Geo. miller (,Scota mill Jones Ishmael, farmer Cole William, Wiltshire, farmer Powell George, carpenter Ferris Thos.Messiter,farmr.Stoke's fm Strange George, farmer UPA VON is a. parish and village, on the river Avon, which, with several small ones, have been invested in 3! miles south-east from Woodborough station on the Consols: there is also a small amount received from Berks and Rants extension branch of the Great Western land: £9 is given to the school, £9 to the poor and railway, d south-west from Pewsey, r8 north from £x r2s. towards the church expenses. A market was. Salisbury, 9! south-east from Devizes, and 12 south- granted by Henry II. in 1216; and in the reign of by-west from Marlborough, in the Eastern division of Edward I. in 1272, Hugh de Spenser procured a charter the county, hundred of Swanborough, Everleigh and of free warren. Here were formerly two annual fairs Pewsey petty sessional division, union of Pewsey, Marl- and a market; all are discontinued. Here was once a borough county court district, rural deanery of Potterne Benedictine priory, a cell to the Abbey of Fontanelle, in (Enford portion), archdeaconry of Wilts and diocese of Normandy, afterwards granted by Henry VI. to theSalisbury. The church of St. Mary is an edifice of flint monastery of Ivychurch, in exchange for lands in Claand stone, in the Early English style, and consists of rendon Park. There are the remains of an ancient and chancel, which retains a. piscina, nave of 4 bays, north extensive camp on the downs. The principal landaisle and north porch, with a square embattled western owners are the trustees of the late Captain James Fan& Norman tower, in which are 5 bells and clock: there is Alexander, who are lords of the manor, and King's Colone stained window: the church was completely restored lege, Cambridge, who own the great tithes, and William in 1876, at a cost of £2,65o, when the bays of a south Henry Alexander esq. The soil is chalky loam; subaisle were discovered : at the entrance to the chancel is soil, chalk. The chief crops are wheat, oats, barley and a Transition Norman arch, with dog-tooth carving, in a turnips. The area is 3,329 acres; rateable value,. fine state of preservation, and on each side are small [2,374; the population in 1891 was 471. openings: there is a Norman font, on which are some Parish Clerk, Henry Meade. grotesque carvings, and there are 300 sittings. The Post, M. 0. & T. 0., S. B., Express Delivery & Inl'egister dates from the year r687. The living is a surance & Annuity Office.-Joseph King, sub-postdischarged vicarage, net yearly value [97, with 2 acres master. The postal address, Pewsey S.O. Letters of glebe and residence, in the gift of the Lord Chancellor, are delivered at 7 a.m. & 4.30 p.m.; sundays, 7 a.m.;. and held since r88o by the Rev. Henry Edward Windle dispatched at 11.40 a.m. & 6.30 p.m.; sun. 6.30 p.m Ph.D. of the University of Rostock, and surrogate. Here National School (mixed), enlarged in 1894, for 77 chilis a chapel for Particular Baptists, built in 1838, to dren; average attendance, 65; Miss Mary Thrift, mist hold roo, and an iron Primitive Methodist chapel, to Police Constable, John Weston hold 6o. There are charities amounting to about Carriers.-Levi Giddings, to Devizes, thurs. & sat. &; [19 12s. yearly. Benjamin Young, in 1788, left £224, George Cave, to Salisbury, tues. & sat. St; Marlboro',sat PRIV.\TE RESIDENTS. Burfitt John, registrar of births & King Joseph, grocer, patent medicineAbrahams Joseph Thomas deaths,relieving & va~cination officer. vendor & shoe maker, Post office Alexander vVi1liam Henry & collector t.o the guardians for Lawrence Chas. Hinds L.R.C.P.Edin. Jenner Thomas, The Firs Netheravon district, Pewsey union surgeon, & m€dical officer & public Lawrence Charles Hinds, The Beeches Carter Henry uohn, grocer, draper, vaccinator 4th dist. Pewsey union,&;. Lewis Mrs patent medicine vendor & hrdwre.dlr medical officer to the rural sanitary Malcolmson Rev. James, The Cottage Cave George, carrier & shopkeeper authority, The Beeches Masterson Mrs Chamberlain Thomas, but-cher Meade Henry, saddler & harness ma Pearce Mrs Chismas James' George, 'farmer & Newman James, baker, grocr. & drapr Powell Mrs. Chapel house miller (water) Oram Susan (Miss), Ship inn Rowden William James, Widdington Coleman Caroline (Miss), apartments, Ridgley Sarah (Mrs.), bakr.& shopkpr Smith Mrs Sunny bank cottage Row den John ( exors. of), farmers~ Windle Rev. Henry Edward (vicar) Cook Edward, shopkeeper Manor farm COMMERCIAL. .Alexander ·wm. Hy. farmr.&landowner Bailey & Sons, builders, smiths, & wheelwrights Bilson George Franklin, carpenter Dewey William, baker & shopkeeper Rowden William James, farmer, coal Fuller J ane (::'.Irs. ), grocer & baker merchant & auct-ioneer, Widdington Giddings Levi, carrier farm ; & Devizes Grant John, blacksmith Springbett George, farm bailiff to Mr. Hobbs Jane (Miss), apartmts. Ivy cot Alfred Stratton King Henry, shoe maker Yates Alfred, Antelope inn UP TON LOVELL (in Domesday spelt Lovel), is a an aumbrey with dog-woth moulding: it will seat parish and small village, on the banks of the Wylye, I about 150 persons. The register dates from the mile north-west from Codford station on the Wilts, year 1712. The living is a. rectory, tithe rent• Somerset and \Veymouth branch of the Great West- charge, including 25 acres of glebe, gross yearly ern railway, 5~ south-east from Warminster, and value £299, average £247, net income £202, with resi· r! south-east-by-south from Heytesbury, in the West.. dance, in the gift of the Lord Chancellor, and held ern division of the county, Heytesbury hundred, since 1874 by the Rev, Herbert Frederic Crockett B.A. "\Varminster petty sessional division, union and county of Trinity College, OxfoTd. There il5 a. factory here, court district, rural deanery of Wylye (Heytesbury employing about 120 persons, in which wot>llen cloths are portion), archdeaconry of Sarum and diocese of made. Mrs. Ingram, T. K. Harding esq. Messrs. C. Salisbury. Tho church of St. Augustine of Canterbury Notley and James Dyke, are the principal landowners; is a small edifice, built in mixed styles of architecture, the land is all freehold. The- soil is chalky; subsoil, consisting of a chancel (built about n5o), nave, north chalk and flint; the chief crops are wheat, oats and and south porches (the latter used as the vestry), and barley; the area is 1,400 acres; rateable value, [1,748; low square tower with 3 bells: a small window in the the population in 1891 was 233. chancel is Early Norman: the building was restored in Parish Clerk, Edwin Hancock. 1892: on a stone in the wall over the south porch is the Post & M. 0. 0., S. B. & Annuity & Insurance Office;- date 1633, which date was also found to be carved on Edwin Hancock, sub-postmaster. Letters arrive by one of the bosses of the oak roof of the nave at the mail cart from Bath at 5.40 a.m. & 4 p.m. ; disrestoration of the church jn r8g2, a work carried out patched at 7.40 p.m. & 6.40 p.m. on sundays. The at a cost of £6oo: the ancient 12th century font dis~ nearest telegraph office is at Heytesbury covered during the progress of the work has been placed Wall Letter Box, near the Mill, cle~red at 7 p.m.; sunat the west end, on a new pedestal of Bath stone; the days, p.m church was also reseated in oak and a new oak pulpit Parochial School (mixed), erected in t8zr, with an and lectern erected; a defaced piscina was found on J endowment of [13 15s, yearly, for 50 children; averthe south side of the chancel, and on the north side age attendance, 50; Miss Kersey, mistress Clarke Lieut.-Col. Thomas Sydenham, Ransome Richard Haneock Edwin, carpenrer & parish The Manor Walker William J.P. Lovell cottage clerk, Post officer Coles Robert John Hulbert · COMMERCIAL. Upton Lovell ManufacturingCo.woollen Crockett Rev. Hrbt, Frdc.B.A.Rectory Day Harris,farm bailiff to Mrs.Ingram cloth manufrs. (Mark Fryer, man) Dyke J ames Fryer Mark, manager of cloth mills Whatley ·wm. grocer & beer retailer UPTON SCUDAMORE is a parish, 2 miles north of Warminster, rural deanery of Wy'lye (Heytesbury from Warminster station on the Salisbury branch of the portion), archdeaconry of Sarum and diocese of SalisGreat Western railway, and 2~ south-west from West- bury. The church of St. Mary the Virgin, in the Early' bury, in the ·western division of the oounty, hundred, English style, was restored in 1859: it consists of chanunion, petty sessional division and county court di!Jtrict eel, nave, north aisle, separated from the nave by two
ISU\EOTOBY .] WILTSHIRE. t1BOBFO:NT 248 pointed arches, north porch and a western embat•t.led landowners are the Marqusss of Bath, the trustees of tower with clock having 4 dials, and 3 b~lls, one of the late William Temple, W. A. Mackinnon, Charles whioh weighs about 9 cwt. ; it was the tenor and only Nicholas Paul Phipps esq. of OhaJoot, Westbury, and remaining one of a peal of three, and in 1882 the late William Henry Lavert.on esq. of Leighton, Wesbbu.ry . .rector added the two new bells at his own expense : the The soil is a strong loam; subsoil, mar I. The chief church contains a curious font of Norman date and two crops are wheat and some land in pasture; the area is mutilated effigies of the Scudamores, the family who 2,493 acres; rateable value, £2,6I7; the population in were the chief owners of the parish from the Conquest I89I was 256. to the reign of Edward Ill. : the porch has a finely sculp- Thoulst.on is a tithing, 2 miles north-west; Norridge, tured Norman doorway: all the windows are stained: a tithing, I mile south-west; Fulmer, I mile souththere are I8o sittings. The register dates from the west. year I654· The living is a rectory, tithe rent-charge Sexton, Richard Parker. £490, average £363, gross yearly value £388, net £270, Letters through W:llrminster, arrive at 7 including 23 acres of glebe, with residence, in the gift p.m. The nearest money order offices of Queen's College, Oxford, and held since I888 by the minster, "\Vestbury & Westbury Leigh. Rev. Robert Powley l\LA. of that college. Here is a telegraph office is at Warilllins-ter a.m. & 6.30 are at WarThe nearest chapel for Baptists. At Biss, l mile north, are the Wall Letter Box, cleared at 7.30 a.m. & 6.45 p.m. on ·sources' of the small river Biss, which flows to Trow- week days & 7.30 a.m. on sundays bridge, about 7 miles dis.tant: that town is supplied National School (mixed), built in I856, for So children; with pure water from these springs. The principal average attendance, 34; Mrs. Annie Daniells, mistress Borne James Brown George Collis, farmr. Biss farm Pearce Godwin, farmer, Millards farm Powley Rev. Robert M.A. Rectory Daniells "\Villiam, Angel inn Pearce John, maltster J ones ~<\.lbert Edward, farmer Pullin Fredk. farmer~ Keyfords farm COMMERCIAL. Jones Alfred, farmer Singer Daniel, farmer, Thoulstone frm Beale Rd. Hoskin, farmer,Norridge fm Norris Edward Hail, wheelwright White Uriah, &mith & faiTier URCHFONT (or Erchfont) is a parish and village, 5 age house and grounds have been much enlarged and miles south-east from Devizes station and 4! south-west improved, at a cost of upwards of £550. The register from ·woodborough station, both on the Great ·western dates from the reign of Henry VIII. The living is a railway, in the Eastern division of the county, Swan- vicarage, with the chapelry of Stert annexed, average borough hundred, Devizes union, county court district tithe rent-charge £294, gross yearly value £390, net and petty sessional division, Potterne rural deanery £2Ioj including 2 acres of glebe, with residence, in the (Enford portion), archdeaconry of Wilts and diocese of gift of the Dean and Canoll'SJ of Windsor, and held sine&. Salisbury. The church of St. Michael is an anctient 186o by the Rev. Skinner Chart Mason M.A. of St. structure of grey stone, in the DecOTated style, having Cath+arine's College, Cambridge; the rectorial t~thes,. a chancel, cleres,toried nave of three bays, aisles and value about £1,500 y~arly, are in the hands of the lay· transepts, south porch and square tower at the western impropriators. There is a Wesleyan Methodist chapel at. extremity, wit.h a turret and embattled parapet, orna- "\Vedhampton. A cemetery of I acre with lych gate was mented with pinnacles, and cDntaining a clock and S formed in I884, at a cost of about £400; it is under the· bells: there is a good organ: the nave is separated control of a burial board of 9 members. In r88o a.. from the aisles by Pointed arches supported by pillars, legacy of £I,ooo was left by Miss Eliza Compton for the-· and from the chancel by an arch with mQuldings of benefit of the pDor o.f the parish, and there are 200 much beauty and simplicity: this arch, owing to acres of land let out to the poor in allotments, propTes·sure from above, is slightly irregular in outline: ducing £3 per acre after all outgoings. Here is a: the chancel is large, and has a groined stone roof; it spring which is celebrated for this singularity, that contains a piscina which is cooval with the church: when other springs are at their lowest ebb this .flows. there is- another in the south transept of the same date, with greater rapidity. In a c.ornfield at Wichhams and much decayed: the porch has a stone ceiling Green are graves, kept with neat.ness and regularity, .covered with carving of a single design repeated many said to be the burial place of persuus who died during · times: a, small empty niche is above the outer door- the great plague. Simon Watson-'l'aylor esq. Erlestoko way; the east window, erected in r889, is stained: Park, is lord of the manor and princ~pal landowner. there are two stained windows in the s-outh transept in The soil and subsoil vary, but consist principally ofmemory of M·iss Hallilay, one put up by subscription by sandstone with some greensand. The chief crops are the parishioners in 1858, the other in the same year by corn, with some pasture; the area is 6,235 acres; rateher non-resident friends; there are also four other able value, £7,284; the population in I89I was 980 in ~tained windows in the chancel: the font seems to be the civil and I,055 in the ecclesiastical parish. coeval with the ohurch: in t.he chancel is a fine Purbeck Wedhampton is a tivhing I! miles east; Eastcot.t, a . marble monument with two busts in the centre, and on tithing, in the ecclesiastical district of Easterton, which either side a life-sized figure of a child: it was erected l!lee; Stert, a chapelry, is described separately; Crook~ t{} Robert; Tothill, ob. I753· senior clerk of the Privy wood, I! miles north-wes,t. Seal to George Ill., J.P. for Wilts, Middlesex and Kent, Parish Clerk, Jaoob Romain. and a Governor of Christ's, St. Thomas' and St. Bar- Post Office. Jonathan New, sub-postmaster. Letterstholomew's hospitals, in pursuance of his will, by Sir received from Devizes at 7· ro a. m. & 5-45 p.m. ; dis- 'William Pynsent hart. one of the executors: in the year patched thel'eto at 8.20 a. m. & 6.40 p.m. Sund>ays, I84o, the church was rest.ored at a oost of £r,ooo, and letters arrive at 7.Io a.m. & are dispatched at 8.2o· in I864 the building was entirely re-seated, and sittings a.m. Posrtal orders are issued here, but not paid. for So additqonal persons provided, the gallery removed, The nearest money order & telegraph office is at Mar-· the orga~ repaired and improved, and the chancel ket Lavington 'beautified, the whole costing between £7oo and £8oo, ~ational Sohool (mixed), for I8o children; average atraised by subscription; at the time of this restora.tJion tendance, I2o; - Hedges, master; l\Irs. Frances the whole of the seats in the nave were made free, and Harding, mistress th::l seats -in the aisles alone are now appropriated: Carrier to Devizes.-Worthy Snook, thurs. & sat. rethere are abDut 6oo sittings: also, since I86I, the vicar- turning same day; Robert Giddings, thurs .Atkinson Mrs. Erchfont manor Drew Tom Giddings, Lydeway Hibberd Elim, farmer, Wedhampton Bird Rev. George A.K.C. (curate), Edwards Edwin,lime brnr Wedhmptn Hibberd Joseph, rarpenter Wedhampton Edwards Thomas, blacksmitl1 Hibberd Robert, carpenter Gwyther Mrs. Wedhampton coUage Edwards Thomas \V. c'lrpenter Hiscock Charles, Clock inn Holloway Samuel Frederick Edwards "\Vm. farmer & cattle dealer Holloway Samuel Frederick L.R.C.P. Mason Rev. Skinner Chart M.A. Vicarg Fuller Harry, harness maker Edin. physician Roscoe Henry, Wedhampton Fussell Frederick Charles, grocer &t~ Hues Frederick, farmer, Lydeway Snook John Thomas Gerrish Ellen (Mrs.), Bell inn, Lydewy Huntley Jn.grocer & frmr.Wdhmptn COliMERCIAL. Giddings Jn. thatcher, Wedh.ampton Je:fferies George, farmer Giddings J oseph, farmer Lancaster Geo. yeoman & castrator Alien Thom'<ls, farmer, Crookwood Berry "\Villiam, farmer, Wedhampton Cemetery (Rev. S. C. Mason, chairman of the burial board) Combley Charles, ~aJ's Head P.H Davis Rober.t, farmer Draper Thomas, shoemak<)r Giddings Robert, fannc·~ & grocer Lyne Robert Wm. butcher & farmer Giddings Thomas, thatcher Martin George, farmer Goodman William, timber dealer Merrett Henry, blacksmith Gregory "\Villiam, farmer Miles James, farmer, Lydeway Hale Robt. farmer & mvrket gardene1· New Jonn. shopkpr.& seedsmn.Post off Harding Thomas, cr!rp'lnter Nuttland James & Henry, farmers Harris Felix, <shopkeeper · Oram Edward, shoemaker WILTS 16:1
24:4 GRCHFO.\T. ""ILTSHIRE. [KELLY 7 S Dram James, shoe maker & farmer Payne William, baker & shopkeeper Pinchin James, farmer Snook Bros. farmers Trimnel Geo. 'Vm. farmer, Frankland Walker Thoma~ George, farmer & rate collector, Fphill farm Snook 1\Iary (Miss), farmer ~nook Thomas, farmer Plank GilPs, farmer Rushen J ames, painter, Lydeway Scull ·waiter, farmer :"nook 'Vorthy, <':tfl'Ll't' .~farmer Stone James, miller (water) 'Veils .Tames, farmer, "~edhampton Witchell Jn. blacksmith, "~edhampton Stone Sarah (~lrs.), shopkpr. & baker chester, and held since 1891 by the RPv. Henry Tanner King- l\LA.. of Pembroke College, Oxford. Here are Wes1eyan and Primitive :\let.hodisst chapels. Charities amountin~ to £w, derived from land left in 1745 by the Honourable "\Villiam Rtanley, are di!"tributed yearly. A. L. Goddard esq. of The Lawn, Swindon, and the DPan and Chapter of WinchestE-r and the President and Fellows .of Magdalen CollPge, Oxford, are lords of the manor and principal landowners. The soil is clay; subsoil, chalk. The chief crops are grass, 'vheat and beans. The area is 4,513 acres; rateable value, J.;5,5 17; the popuiation in 1891 was 816. Nvthe, 2 miles eas't from Swindon • st.ation, and Hawpit, 4 miles east, are hamlets. Post & :M. 0. 0., S. B. & Annuity & Insurance Office, Lower ·wanborough.-l\Iiss Grace Palmer, sub-postmas1tress. Letterrs are received from SwindDn at 7· 15 a.m. & 2.55 p.m. & dispatched at 12.10 & 6.55 p.m. Bishopstone is the nearest telegraph office Wall Letter Box, at UppE'r 'Vanborough, cleared :no·on & 6.45 p.m. week days only at 12 A School Hoard of 5 members was formed 25 Sept. 188o; Waiter Winchcomb, clerk to board & attendance officer WANBOROUGH (a corruption of the old name of 1Vodens-lmrgh) is a parish, 2 miles north-east from Ohisledon station on the Midland and South W,es,tern Junomon railway, and 5 south-east from Swindon by coach road, but only 3~ by a bridle road, in the Xorthern division of the county, Kingsbridge hunrlred, Highworth and Swindon union, county court district, ann petty sessional division of Swindon, rural deanery of Cricklade, arc'hd.eaconry of Bristol and diocese of Gloucester and Bristol: it is divided into l!'pper anrl Lo·wer "'anborough. The church of St. A.ndrew is an an<>ient stone structure, in the Perpendicular style, consis1ting of chancel, nave of five bays, and aisles, north and south porches and remarkable as having a square Perpenrli<'- nlar embat.tled western tower with pinnacles, and .~ bells, and in addition a spire between the chancel and ·nave : there is only one similar church in England, which is at Purton, in this county: the church was, restored in 1830, and during the years 188o to 1885 the ehancel was new roofed, t.he walls of interior scraped and s<tucooed, and a tesselated pavement laid down, the walls of the church and tower new pointed, the south and part of the north roof fresh leaded, new troughing and tiles laid down carrying the water outside the churchyard, wooden steps in tower remo,·ed, and baptistery erected to receive the new font, at a cost of nearly £5oo: there are sittings for 400 persons. The register dates from the year 1582. The living is a Board School, built in 1832, with residenc-e for maSit~r. vicarage, average tithe rent-charge {,g2, gross yearlv at a cost of about £soo, for 180 children; average value £275, net {,230, including 85 acres of glebe, wit.h atltendance 49 boys, 37 s;rirls & 71 infants; James residenoe, in the gift of the Dean and Chapter of lVin- Sykes, master; l\Irs. Sarah Ann Wrigley, infant.s' mist PRIVATE RESIDENTS. Herring Jsph. haulier, Low. 'Vanhoro' Prince Jsph. mason, Low.,Y:mborough Cleverly Andrew, Tipper Warnhorough Hihbard Elizabeth (l\Iiss), baker,Low. Shepp:trd John, blacksmith, Lower Cookson Capt. Freville, Foxhill vVanborough Wanborou~h Ford-Deacon Mrs. The Firs Hinder William, farmer, Kite hill Sheppard l\Iary Jane (~Iiss), shop· George Jabez, Kite hill Holyoak Mary (Mrs.), frmr.Callis l1il1 keeper, Upper Wanborough Gou~h Thomas, Upper 'Vanborough Horton Noah, farmer, C'owenh~m Sheppard "~illiam, beer retailer,Lower Keevil Job, Manor farm .Tames Alfred Charles, Harrow P.H. 'Vanborough King Rev. Henry Tanner l\I.A.(vicar), Lower 'Vanborongh Smith Edwin, farmer & assistant Vicarage Johnson Alfred, farmer, Pond fa1·m, overseer & inspector of nuisances Smith Char1~>~, Rotten row Upper Wanborough No. 2 district, Highworth & Swindon Tydeman 'Villiam,lipper "'anborough .Tohnson Tho>!. butcher, Low.vVanboro' union, Lower 'Vanborough Keene Jonathan, dairyman, Harpit Smith George, farmer, Kite hill COMMERCIAL. Keevil Job, farmer, Manor farm Smith Jonathan, farmer, Harpit Arman John, farmer, Slate farm Kemble James Rrlward, farm bailiff to Smith 'Villiam, studgroom to Capt. Austin John .Tames, blacksmith,lTpper Ri<:"hard Kemble esq. Ridgeway F. Cookson, Foxhill Wanborough Kemble Ric-hard, farmer, Callis farm Smith William Hugh, farmer, Harpit Avenell .Toseph, haulier, RottE-n row Kent ·william, dairyman, Marsh Stratford Jn. beer rtlr. Low."'anboro' Deasley Jn. beer retlr. Low. "·anboro' King ""illiam, dairyman, Harpit Tanner John, farmer, 'Vanborough la Eray Jn. beer retlr. Up. 'Vanborongh Lee Edwd. carpenter, Low. "\Vanboro' Townsend Hannah (Mrs.), cowkeeper, :Bray Wm. beer retailer, Ca1lis hill 1 Lepley Sarah O,lrs. ), frmr.Stratton rrl Marsh Carpenter 1Villiam, carrier, Marsh ,Manners "·m.Burton, dairyman,Marsh Vockins Charles, Calley Arms P.H. Deacon Jas. Ablt. farmr. Lynch farm Xorris Hy. baker, ·ep. 'Vanhorough Upper 1Vanborough Ford-Deacon Joseph, farmer & land1 Ockwell rtlr.Low.,Vanhoro' "~hateley Saml. H. farmer, Plain farm owner, Parsonage farm 1 Painter Sarah (l\Irs.), dress maker, "\Vinchcomb 1Vltr. accountant, & clerk Fowler Evan, shopkpr. Up. "'anbnro' 1 Lower 'Vanborough & attendance officer to school boarJ, Fowler Geo. boot ma. Up.Wanhorough Palmer Grace (Mi.;;s), shopkeeper, & Upper 1Vanborough Gant.lett Edwd. farmer, Kythe farm I Post oiTice, Lower "·anhorongh 'Vinning Jn. farmer, Up. w·anborough Gibbs Charles, farmer, Mar~h 1 Parsons Jas. grocer, Low.,Vanborou~h 1Viseman John, farmer, Lotmead Goddard .Tn. farmer, Low. "\Vanhoro' Pavier Edwd. saddler, Low. 'Vanboro' I Wirdnam Sarah (~Irs.) & Waiter, Gosling Albert, farmer,Low."~anhoro' Payne Richard, builder, carpenter, nu- farmers, 1\Ioorleaze Coate Grant Edward, polic-e sergeant, Lower dertaker, house uecorator & wheel- 1Vright Amelia Ann(Miss),shopkeeper, Wanborou~h wright, Lower 'Vanborough Lower ·wanborough llaines Edmund, market grdnr,~Iarsh Pett William, Shepherds' Rest P.H. 'Vright Henry, farm bailiff to Richard Harper Thomas, dairvman, Marsh Ridgeway Kemble esq. Foxbridge Herring Jn. carpntr. Up. 'Vanborough' Pocock AlbertA. farmer, Inlands farm,
DI.RECTORY.] \\"114 TSHIRE. W Afu"\:IIN:::ITER. 245 \V. A R l\1 I N S T E lt W .ARMINSTER is a mark~t and union town, head of a crated in I 865 : eight acres of land were given for the county oourt district and petty sessional division and church, churchya-rd and glebe, by the late W. Temple parish, giving name to the hundred, and is in the West- esq. of Bishopstrow House, and his son, the late G. ern division of the county, rural deanery of Wylye Temple esq.; they also gave upwards of £700; the (Heytesbury portion), arohdeaconry of Sarum and dio- total cost was about £3,000: the church is an adaptation cese of Salisbury, and has a station on the Wilts, of 14th century architeoture, and comprises chanoel, with Somerset and Weymouth branch of the Great Western vestry and organ ahamber on the north side, and a nave railway, situated at the western extremity of the county with a north aisle of three bays, south porch and a and of Salisbury Plain, on the river Wylye, which is central turreot, containing one bell: the reredos of carved here a mill-stream, II4 miles from London, 4 south alabaster was erected in 1867, in memory of William from Westbury, 9 south from Trowbridge, 14 south John Temple, d. 1849: the chancel has three stained from Melksham, 20! south from Chippenham, 37 south- windows, one of which is in memory of ·walter Kerr west from Swindon, 17 south-west from Devizes and 21 Hamilton, Bishop of Salisbury, d. 1869: the brass channorth-west from Salisbury. This was a Roman settle- eel screen was given by ~Irs. Temple of Bishopstrow, im ment, and is mentioned in the Domesday Survey by the memory of George, her son, d. 1868: on the wes't wall name of Guermistre, and was then considererl ancient, there is a large S.erpentine cross, in memory of the Rev. and possessed many privileges. The town is at the John Rule, d. 1872: the font, the gift of the Misses junclion of the roads from Bwth, Frome, Salisbury and Temple, is of Painswick stone and Devonshire marble: Slhafltesbury, and consists principally of one street, about there is a. massive stone lych-gate erected in memory of a mile in length, lighted by gas and well paved, and was the wife of the late W. Temple esq. : the chapel has 300 governed by a Local Board of Health from June, 1867, aittings. until the present Urban District Council was established Here is s Congregational chapel, founded 1827, with under the" Local Government Act, 1894." 300 sittings; Baptist, 1812, wit.h 350; and Wesleyan, The Minster (St. Denys), at the western extremity of 1825, with 200 sittings. the town, was formerly an ancient stone structure in The Missionary College of St. Boniface was established various· styles, da.ting from the time of Edward Ill. but by the prese-nt vicar in 186o, for the training of young was completely rebuilt, with the exception of the tower, men who desire to devote their lives t.o the work of in 1887-89, from plans by Sir Arthur "\>Villiam BlomfieJd Foreign Missions. There are at presoent 20 students. A.R.A., M.A. at a cost of £1o,7oo, raised by voluntary The Community of St. Denys' was established by offerings: it is now a handsome cruciform structure, the Rev. Sir James E. Philipps ba.rt. in 1866, for thechiefly in the Early English style, and consists of chan- preparation of women desirous of assisting in missionary eel, with south aisle or chapel, olerestoried nave of five work abroad, Oi'" acting as nurses at home ; in conbays, aisles, south and west porches, north and south nection with it is St. Monica, a school foT young l.:adies. tTansepts, two vestries, and organ chamber, and· t.he The Sisters have schools for European and Eurasialll original central embattled tower, with pinnacles, which girls, at Murree and at Lahore, in the Punjab, in the contains a fine peal of eight bells; in 1881 a new treble diocese of Lahore, under the direction of "I Bishop and 2nd bell were given by Mr. George Thomas Vicary, Matthew. and numbers 3 to 7 were then recas·t: the organ, which The Orphanage of Pity consists of two houses, in was first used in 1792, is a very fine one, and was built which are 30 children; it has no endowment, and is t<> the order of King George Ill. fo-r Salisbury Cathe- supported by what is given from day to da.y: it is free dral : in the north wall. of the chancel is a stained win- to orphan children from all parts who are of legitimate dow given by Mr. H. P. Jones in memory of his son, birth. The Warminster Cottage Hospital was estaband the beautiful font of Hopton stone is in memory of lished in x866: there are II beds, and no patients were his daughter, Miss E. L. Jones, and with the mosaie treated here during the year 1!!93· In 1873 almshousee pavement around it was givoen by her brothers and for fvur aged women, with a. gift of 6s. per week each. sisters and tht-ir children in 1889: is a fine stained were erected by Mrs. Warren, in memory of her east wind<>w: the stained we&t window was erected in husband. 1891 by William Langley Feltham esq. in memory of his The Town Hall is an edifice, in the Elizabethan style,. father, d. 1856, and his mother, d. 1866; and there are erected in 1830 by the Marquess of Bath, and contain• sev·eral windows and m•e.m•orial brasses and numerous courts for the administration of justice, and rooms for mural monuments, dating from 1635 to 1649: the carved assemblies and for public meetings: the Local and s.tone pulpit was given by Miss Vicary : the church was Highway Boards meet here : pe.tty sessions are held re-opened by the bishop of the dioc~se on February 21st, here monthly, and the July quarter sessions for the 1889: the;re are sitiings for I,ooo persons. The earliest county: the County court is also held here: in 1888 dat·e of the register is 1556. The living is a vicarage, a considerable addition was made to the cell accommvtit.h~ rent-charge £40, average £3o, gross yearly value da.tion for prisoners a.t quarter sessions. £405, with residence, in the gift of the Bishop of Salis- Here is a silk winding mill, employing about 200 bury, and held since 1859 by the Rev. Sir James hands, also two large engineering and agricultural Erasmus Philipps bart. M.A. of Christ Church, Oxford, implement and steam plough works: there are also canon and prebendary of Salisbury. four large breweries, and malting carried on to a conOhrist Church, Samhourne, is an ecclesiastical parish siderable extent. A corn market is held on Saturday,. formed in 1838; the church was erected in 1831 as a and fairs on 22nd April, uth August and 26th October. chapel of ease, by subscription, aided by Parliamentary The Savings Bank, a fine building, in the Elizabethan grant: it is a plain stone building, consisting of chancel, style, was erected in 1852, at a cost of £2,ooo. There nave, north and south porches, square western embat- is also an Athenamm, with -about 150 members, and in tled tower, with pinnacles, eontaining a fine peal of 8 J connection is a Lecture Hall, erected in 1879 as a bells: the chancel was added in 187o, the interior re- memorial of the late Charles Bleeck esq. at a. cost of stored, and an organ inserted, at a cost of £I,35o, and £r,soo; there is also a literarv institution. in 1881 -the interior was again reSitored at a cost of Warminster is the head quarters of the 1st ·Wiltshire £1,400 raised by subscription: all the seat.s were then Rifle Volunteers. made free and unapproprialted, and £1,500 raised in The charities amount to about £320, a.rising from place of pew rents, yielding an income of £56 yearly: various bequest-s, and distributed in money, clothing. the church will seat about 960 persons. The register coals and food annually at Christmas. dates from the year 1833· The living is a vicarage, A track on the side of a hill to the north is called gross yearly value £3oo, net £130, including 3 acres of the Nuns' path. Of several ancient intrenchmentl!. glebe, in the gift of the vicar of Waorminster, and held J;Jattlesbury Camp covers upwards of 23 acres; and a since 1867 by the Rev. William Hickman M.A. of Wad- small one in Southleigh Wood is called Robin Hood's ham College, Oxford. Bower ; another crowns the larger of two abrupt snd The chapel of St. Laurence, a C'hapel of ease, and old conspicuous knolls, called Cley Hill, the parochial chantry of the reign of Edward I. stands near the Town boundary between Waxminster and Corsley passing ov~ Hall; it is of stone in the Early English style, and ha;.o the larger hill; it was formerly a custom for the nava and Norman western t<>wer, with a spire and one parishioners to assemble here on Palm Sunday. la bell, and is used for week day servioos : there are sit- Pitmead, '8 large meadow on the Wylye, 2 miles east tings for xoo persons. from Warminster, some beautiful mosaic pavements St. Jvhn the Evang~list's is a chapel of ease, standing and other Roman remains have bt>en di11covererl S>t at the eastern extremity of the town, and was conse- various times; in a vale of the same river ill' King
246 W ARMINSTER. WILTSHIRE. [KELLY's Barrow, one of the lafgest British barrows. in the eluding 63 officers and inmates in the workhouse and county: and on the summit of the conical eminence of 63 in the reformatory. The population of St. Denys' Copheap Hill is another large barrow, which was opened ecclesias·tical parish in 1891 was 3,770 and of Christ by Sir R. C. HD'are in 1809, and found to contain Ch]Irch, Sambourne, I,766. several skeletons. Cold Harbour was a Roman military Boreham I mile south-east and Bugley nearly I mile halting place. Numerous fossil remain& are also in north-west are hamlets. the soil. The Marquess of, who is lord of the manor, Sexton, The Minster, Joseph Carr, Church street; Granville Newton Temple esq. and Captain ,A.rthur Christ Church, Timothy Moore, Sambourne; St. John's, Howard Southey of Eastleigh Court, Bishopstrow, aN the Charles James, 67 Boreham road principal landowneTs. The area is 6,085 ac:res•; rateable SextoneS>s, St. Laurence, Mu. Mary House, St. value, £22,209; the popul:a;tion in 1891 was 5,563, in- Laurence cottage. OFFICIAL ESTAJ3LISHMENTS, LOCAL INSTITUTIONS &c. Retire r5th April, 1898. Post, M. 0. & T. 0., S. B., Express Delivery & Annuity & Insurance Office, Market place.-George Strode Manley, postmaster. Rev. William Hickman Caleb John Daniell' MAILS. London (xst day) & all parts .... Deliveries. 7· o a.m. Do. (2nd day) .................. 12.20 p.m. Do. (night) ..................... . 4.30 p.m. South Western Counties ......•.. 9.30 a.m. Salisbury . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . { 9· 30 a .. m. 4·3o p.m. fr~~!~J~.~~-~~~~~-~.~-~~~:~~-~ .. ::: ~:~~ ~:::} Dispatch. 10.40 a. m 1.40 p.m not on sun days 8.o p.m (with ~d. extra, 8.15 p.m) 7-15 p.m sun. 7.40 p.m 3·30 p.m 8.3op.m f sunday, l 7.40 p.m 3.10 p.m Bath, Bristol &c. (day) ............ 4.30 p.m. 3· to p.m Heytesbury, Wylye &c............. 8.30 p.m Money Order & Savings· Bank business transacted from 9 a.m. till 6 p.m. ; saturdays, 9 a.m. to 8 p.m Wfelegraph office is open from 8 a.m. to 8 p.m.; sundays, 8 to 10 a.m County Magistrates for the Petty Sessional Division of Warminster. Bath Marquess of, Lord Lieut. Longleat, W arminster (chairman of diVisiQn & of quarteT fllessions) Weymouth Viscount M.P. Widcombe house, Bath Heytesbury Lord M.A.. ; D.L. Heytesbury house, Heytesbury> S.O !()nslow Sir William WaHace Rhoderic ba.rt. D.L Pelly Sir Harold hart. Fifehead Magdalen, Gillingham, Dorset Barton Nathaniel Fletcher esq. M.A.., Sc.L. Childe Okeford, Shillingstone, Dorset Cookson Henry Theodore esq. Sturford house, Corsley, '\<V arminster Dodd George A.shley esq. M.A.. Stockton house, Codford St. Mary, Bath Everett Col. Jn. Fredc. The Close, Salisbury Hickman Rev. William M.A.. Christchurch vicarage, Warminster Southey Capt. A.rthur Howard, Eastleigh court, Warminster Yeatman-Biggs Col. A.rthur Godolphin R.A. Clerk to the Magistra.tes, Herbert John Wakeman, Market place• Petty Sessions are held at the Town hall every saturday at II.30 a.m. & on the fir&t thursda.y in every month at 11.30 a.m. The parishes & places compris~d in the division arc :-Bishopstrow, Boyton & Corton, Chitterne All Saints, Chitterne St. Mary, Codford St. Mary, Codford St. Peter, Corsley, Deverill Brixton, Deverill Hill, Deverill Kingston, Deverill Longbridge, Deverill Monkton, Fisherton & Bapton, Heytesbury,Rorningham, Imber, Knooke, Maiden Bradley, Norton Bavant, Sherrington, Stockton, Sutton Veney, Upton Lovell, Upton Scudamore, Warminster & Wylye Urban District C-ouncil. Board Room, Town hall. Board day; 2nd monday in the month at 4 p.m. List of members elected 1894· Retire I5th .April, I8g6. }<'rank Moody Richard Sly Joseph Smith Retire John Henry Neat • George Knight John Doel Francis William House Rev. Sir James E. Philipps hart 15th April, 1897. ' George Chambers John Wallis Titt William Frank Morgan Clerk, Herbert John Wakeman, Market place MedicaJ Officer of Health, Frederick I. Flower, Ivy ho Surveyor & Sanitary Inspector, William Thomas ScottBayley C.E. r Market place Collector, Robert Strong, Portway PUBLIC ESTAJ3LISHMENTS. Corn Market, Market place, James Low, manager Cottage Hospital, Frederick Is.aac Flower, Robert Lewis Willcox L.R.C.P.Lond. & John E. F. Hosking M.R.C.S.Eng. medical officers; Miss Wilks, matron nurse County Court, His Honor Camille F elix Desire Caillard, judge; Thomas Panting, registrar & high bailiff; offices, 8 High srtreet. The court is held' generally on a monday, bi-monthly, in the Town hall; the district comprises the following places :-.Ashton Gifford, Bishopstrow, Boyton, Bugley, Boreham, Codford St. Peter, Codford St. Mary, Carton, • Chitterne St. Mary, Chitterne A.ll Saints, Crockerton, Corsley, Deverill Brixton, Deverill Longbridge, Deverill Hill, Horningsham, Heytesbury, Imber, Knook, Korton Bavant, Stockton, Sherrington, Sutton Veney, Tytherington, Upton Lovell, Upton Scudamore, Warminster & W arminster Common For Bankruptcy purposes this court is included in that of Frome, Edward Gustavus Cktirke, Bank chambers, Corn street, Bristol, official receiver Certified Bailiff under the "Law of Distress Amendment A.ct," '\<Villiam Henry A.tkins, Weymouth street, ·w arminster County Police Station, walk, Thomas Jas. Robinson, superintendent, 1 sergeant & 3 constables Inland Revenue Office, held at the Anchor inn, Market place ; Alexander Collins, Trowbridge, supervisor ; Patrick Vincent Dillon, officer Stamp & Legacy Duty Office, George Strode Manley, Post office, Market place, distributor Temperance Hall, Silver street, Harry Debnam, manager Town Hall, Market piace, Mrs. A.nn Curley, hali keeper Volunteer Fire Brigade; engine station, George street, J. H. Noort:, 40 Market place, captain; T. J. Rushton, 32 George street, hon. sec Yeomanry Cavalry. Royal Wiltshire (Prince of Wales' Own Royal Regiment) (C Squadron), Viscount Weymouth, commander; Capt. G. L. Palmar, second in command; E: Parroll, quarter master; Squadron Sergt.-Major Frederick Bartholomew, drill instructor, g6 West street Volunteers. ISt Wiltshire Rifles ; Col. The Duke of Somerset, commanding; R. G. W. Chaloner, major; Capt. A.. E. Whitehead, adjutant; T. S. Hill, quarter master; head quarters, Market place; (F Company), Capt. George Herbert Wakeman; Sergt. Jas. Daly, drill instructor Warminster Union. Office, Silver street. Board day, every alternate monday at II a.m. at the Workhouse. The union comprises the following parishes :-Bishopstraw, Boyton, Brixton Deverill, Chitterne All Saints, Chitterne St. Mary, Codford St. Mary, Codford St. Peter, Corsley, Heytesbury, Hill Deverill, Homingsham, Imber, Knook, Longbridge Deverill, Norton BaY.ant, Sherrington, Sto(')ckton, Sutton Veney, Upton Lovell, Upton Scudamore & Warminster. The popu· lation in 1891 was 13,033; area., 58,450 acres; rateable value in 1894• £67,027
DIRECTORY. J "\\ .. !LT SHIRE._ W ARMINSTER. 247 Clerk to the Gillllrdli'ans & Assessment Committee, J"ames Wesleyan, George street, Rev. Herbert lVindross; 10.3' Merrick, Silver &tll"ee't a.m. & 6 p.m.; mon. 8 p.m.; wed. 7.15 p.m Treasurer, Francis J. N. Glass, Capital & Counties Bank, Market place SCHOOLS . .Believing Officers & Colloofurs to the Guardians, No. l Lord Weymouth's Grammar, Church street, founded in di,.:.strict, Goorge George, Ash walk; No. 2 district, 1704 by Sir Thomas Thynne, first VisoouDJt Weymouth. Richard William Foulston, Heytesbury Attached to the school are two scholiarships of the res~ Vaccination Officer, James Merrick, Silver st.W>t.rminster pect.ive value of £25 & £15, the fOTmer for proficiency •Collectors of Poors Rates, William Pitman Low for in Latin & the latter foT mathematics. 'l here is a. Warminster parish), Weymouth street, Warminster; sanaturium in connection with the sohool, & also a fin& & Sidney Charles Horlock (for Longbridge Deverill), sw~mming bath, for the use of the boys. 'Dhere ar& Crockeorton now 70 boys. Dr. Oharle•s Aloock M.A .• Ph.D. head Nedical Officers & Public Vaccinators, Codford !:lt. l~eter mas t • G T 1 M A w R '"' k ·er; "'-· . opp e esq. . . , . . mac ay esq. district, George Frederick Ohadwick L.R.C.P.Edin. B.A. & W. Bell esq. resident assistant masters; T. J. Codford St. Mary; Corsley & Warminster districts, Hallett esq. (S. Kensing,fon), drawing rnas•ter Frederic Isaac Flower, Ivy house, \Varminster; Hey- tesbury district, Hammond T. Hinton, Heytesbury; The School of Art is a branch of that at Salisbury, the Longbridge Devel'!ill district, James Bothwell, Horn- ma.s,te.~· fi'Om which teaches here; it is in connectrion ingsham with the Science & Art Department, South Kensingtoon, Superintendent Regis'trars, \VarminsteT sub-district, Ja;,. & occupies rooms a,t the Athenreum; T. J. Rushrton, Merrick, Silveor st. ; deputy, A. F. Lang, 1 , walk sec. 32 Goorge street :Registrars of Births & Doot'hs, Heyttesbury sub-district, :Missionary College of St. Boniface, Rev. Canon Sir J. E. George Frederick Chad wick, Codford S·t. Macy 1 d~puty, Philipps hart. M. A. warden ; Rev. John Francis W Jo&eph Ford, jun. Ood£ord s.t. Mlary; Lon.g'bridge M.A. principal; Rev. John T. Ke·rshaw M.A. viceDe'V'erill sub-district, J ames BathweU, Horningsham ; principal ~eputy, Miss C. M. Alien, i Warminster St. John's, Bore<ham road, built in 187I, for go chil• sub-district, Willia.rn RandaH, High street, \Yar- #ren; average a.tte·ndance, 81; Miss Ella Emmeline minSiter; deputy, Geol'ge B!ous.e, lligh st. Waorminst~r Muspratt, mi·stre&s· }legistrar .of Marriages. Warminster district, Henry J. Christ Church, Oommoon, built in 1872, for 100 children; Maxfield, Silver street; deputy,Edwin Young,Market pl av_erage attendance, go; Miss Georgina Greenwood, 'Vorlclwuse, Sambourn~ hill, a building of brick & stone, mistress erected in 1836, at tthoe oost of £700, & will hold 130 · Nat.i.on:al, Samborne hill, built in 1825, for 195 children; inma•tes; Harry Barling, ma!'lter; Rev. Will!iam Hick- average attendance, TOO; James Bar:tlett, maste>r m'<ln M.A.; Fvedel'ic Jsaac Flower, medical National (girls & infants), Samhourne· hill, built in 1825 1 o()fficer; Mrs. Louisa Ann Barling, matron for 195 ch~ldren; average 8/btendance, 100; Miss Con• School At.tenda.nce OomiDiittee. :Meets at the every alternUite monday after the Guard~~ans' me-eting. stance Hawkins, mistress National (girls), Vicarage st.:reet, built in 1883, for 1~0 children; average at.tendance, 70; mistTess (vacant) Nat~onal (infants), Vicarage street, built 1874, for 300 children; average a.t•tend1ance, 91; MliSis Edith Clark, mistress Clerk, Jame.s Merrick, Silveor street .Arttendance Officer, Robert S•tmng, Portway Inquiry Office.l's, · George George, Ash walk Foulston, Heytesbury & R. W. Bxitish (boys), The Close, built in 1836, for 250· dren; a'V'erage att.endance, no; John Lyle Martin,mstr Br.itish (girls), North row, built in 1704, for 150 chil· dren; average a•tttendlance, 100; }.fuss F. Jacob, mris.t British (mixed), Common, built in 1845, for 150 chiil- ~.. h w k!h. 1 t dren; average a.tltendance, 100; Miss Amy Green,mjst; J.ueet.s at t e Oil" ous.e every a ternate mon. a 11 a.m. BritisJh (infants), The Glos·e, built in 1836, for 50 chil~ Clerk, Thomas Ponting, solicitor, High street • dren; ave·rage lllttendance, 46; MDs. E. Button, mist Rural Dis<trict CouiiiCil. Treoa•surer, Frnnois J. N. Gla>ls, Oapital & Counties !lank Wilts Reformat'Ory, Frame road (f'or boy·s), certified Medical Offi-ceor of Healltih,Frederic Isaac l<"'lower,Churdh st December 23, 1856; Rev. 'William Moore M. A. manager; Santitary Inspectm, Roberrt Strong, Portway Oha.rle.s James \Valker, superintendent PUBLIC OFFICERS. Collector of Assessed & Land Taxes,Robt. Strong,Portway Clerk to Comm~ssioners of Taxes, Charle-s Albert B]l;eck, Market place fuspecotor under Contagious Diswses (An~mals) .Act, Food & Drugs Act & Explosives Act, Thomas Jam ea Robinso.n, County Bolice stattioon, .A!sh walk Superintendent of Police, Thos. Jas. ThobilllSoOn, Ash walk Town Crier, Sergoolllt Fielding, Portway Ve,Sitry Clerk & Bailiff of the Hundred & Manor, George Barber, Sav[ngs Bank V·e•terinary- Illlspe·c!tOil" unde'l' the Board of Agriculture & to Wilts Oounty Council for Warminster Division, Frederick P•ea•rson Bennett M.R.C.V.S. 5 Vicarag-e st J"oint Lessee-s of Market T•olls, Claude H .. Ba.rbei" & George Barbe•r, Savings Bank • PLACES OF WORSHIP, with time6 of service. The Minsteor. Rev. Canon Sir Jaanes· Erasmus P.O.iiipps lbart. M . .A.. vioar; Rev. James Senior Stuart & Rev. John T. Kel\Sihaw, cumtes; 8 a.m. (H. C.), •II a. m. 3 & 7 p.m.; wed. 11.15 a.m.; fri. 7 p.m Christ Ohurch, Rev. William Hickman M.A. vicar; P.ev. R. L. A. Westlake, curate; H. C. 1st & 3rd sund.ays in month at noolll; other sunday1s at 8.30 a.m. ; .p. a. m. & 6.30 p.m.; daily, 9·45 a.m.; wed. 7 p.m ~ St. John the Evangelist's, chapel of ease to the parish church; a a.m. (H. C.), II a.m. & 6.30 p.m. ~ wed. 7·3o p.m St. Laurence, chapel of ease, daily, except sun. 7.30 a.m. & daily, except fri. & sun. at 4.30 p.m. in win•teT & 7 p.m. in summer Christ Church, licensed school chapel, Common; 3 p.m llaptist, North row, Rev. George \Vatel'ls Roughton; 10.30 a.m. & 6 p.m.; wed. 7.15 p.m CongrPgational, The Close, Rev. Robt.M~lne McClumpho; 10.30 a.m. &; 6 p.m. ; thurs. 7.30 p.m NEWSPAPER. Warmilllster & We·s•t.bury Joournal, Benjamin W. Coate-$1 proprietor, Market place; published fri RAILWAY STATION. J e•sse Higgs, station mast-eT; J. C. Wall, agent to the Oo. ; office, Market plac-e CARRIERS. Chitteme, Laving.ton & DeV'izes-Henry John Smrith, from ' Old Bell,' s-aot ' Ohitterne-Pool'Ill!an, from '.And10r,' sat Co.dford, Deptford, Wylye & Langford-Thring, from 'Old Bell,' sat Oodford-Bowden, 'Thre·e Horse Shoes,' wed. & sat Orockerto:nr-Mark Hobbs, daily ; Scott, daily Heytesbury, Knook, Upton Lovell & Oodford-Bowden, from 'Three Horse Sh~s,' wed. & sart Heytesbury, SuttDn Veny & Tlitherington-George King, ' lHlite Hart,' daily Horningsha.m J os•eph Adlam, 'Old Bell,' sat. & .Arthur Adla.m, ' Old Bell,' sat Imbe'l'-Me·aden, ' Old Bell,' sat Kingston Deverill J ()Seph Stone, from 'King's Arms,' thurs. & sat. ; H. J. Meadeill, ''l'h.ree HoTse Shoes,' tues. & sat Longbridge Deverill (through Crockerton)-Hobbs, from ' King's Arms,' mon. & ~t. ; Soobt, from 'King's Arms/ daily Maiden Bradley-T'.aylor, 'King's Arms,' sat Monkton Deverm-l\lill.s, 'Old Bell,' wed. & fri Mere Hoopeor, from ' Three Hol'lse Shoes,' thurs Stockton & Salisbury-Flemming, 'Old Bell,' thurs.& sat Sutton Veny-Lapham, from 'Old Bell,' sat.; N'vrris from ' Old Bell,' daily "'iillcar.•ton-Dowding, '\Yhite Hart.' fri
248 WARMINSTER. '\VILTSHIRE. W ARMINSTER. PRIV.A.TE RESIDENTS. Goodman Miss, 30 George street Ponton Mrs. 6o BorPham road Alcock Chas. M.A.,Ph.D. (head master Gough Mrs. Victoria cot. Boreham rd Prangley Richard, 4 Silver street Lord Weymouth's grammar school), Grubb Mrs. 43 Vicarage street Pr.essly Mrs. Norbury, Boreham road Church street Hall John, 4 High street Price Miss, 88 Portway Bailey Mrs. Wm. 33 Silver street Halliday John Edmund, East street Price Miss, 10 High street Baker Arthur James, High street Hardick Thos.The Myrtles,Sambourne Randall William, 6o Portway Ball Mrs. 31 George street Hardick Wm. Hy. 21 Boreham road Ransom William, 13 Vicarage strebt Barber George, 56 Market place Harding Mrs. 1 Boreham villas Reason Francis, 4 Boreham terrace Barnden Miss, 24 North row Harris Eli, 33 George street Reeves Mrs. Rose cottage, North row Bartlett Mrs. James, 5 Boreham villas Harris Miss, 25 George street Reynolds Miss, 95 Portway Bastings Mrs. 22 North row Harris Miss, 97 West street Richardson Arth. Jn. 36 George st Bayly Francis Wilson, 48 East street Harris Mrs. 14 West street Ripley Rev. Frederick William M.A. Beaven Edwin S. 5 Boreham terrace Hayes Mrs. Ferndale, Boreham road Cambridge house, Sambourne Bedford Mrs. 36 Vi~arage street Hewitt Mrs. Lyndhurst, Boreham rd Ripley Misses, Cambridge ho.Sambrn Bell Edwin, Roseville, Boreham road Hickett George, 23 George streev Roughton Rev.Geo. Waters (Daptist)\. Bell W.(assist. master),Grammar schl Hickman Rev. Wm. M.A., J.P. (vicar 47 East street Bird Mrs. 37 Silver street of Christchurch) Rule Mrs. Treverbyn, Boreham l'Oad Bladwo-rth Thos. Belmont,Boreham rd Holton Mrs. 30 George street Rushton Thomas J. 32 George streeti Bleeck Charles Albert B.A. Manor ho Hosking Jn. Edwd. Francis :M.R.C.S., Rutty Mrs. 2 Christ Church terrace Bott Mrs. The Cottage, Church street L.R.C.P. The Chestnuts, Portway Ryall Edward Jai!I.Edendale, 'West st Bradfield Edward James, Oakfield, Hurlstone William, 3I North row SandersonSidny.Fair view,Boreham rd Boreham road Jennings Mrs. 2 St. John's terrace Shepherd Frederick James, jun. Th~t Brodribb Richd. Sherring, Market pl Jones Henry Parr, Portway house Beeches, Boreham road Bull Alien Wilfred B.A. (curate) Kershaw Rev. John Trafford B.A. St. Shore Ernest, 26 North row Butt Samuel Lewis, 61 Vicarage street Boniface college, Church street Sims Edward, The Aviary, lmber road Carpenter Miss, 23 Portway King Arth.Cullum,Christ Church cot Sly Mrs. 33 North row Chapman William, Sambourne house King Charles Henry, 24 Emwell street Smith Jsph. East End house, East st Churchill Edward, 36 Silver 8treet Lee William John, 22 Silver street Smith Miss, 6 Bore ham terrace Coates Mrs. 59 Vicarage street King Thos. Osborne cot. North row Sparey Miss, 46 East street Collier Stephen Payne; Corrymore, Ling Henry, 67 Portway Spencer Wm. Camberley ho.Imbt-r rd: George street Long Henry Charles, 34 Silver street Spinney Mrs.Summerville,Boreham rd Compton :Miss, 7ff Portway Low James, Rehobath Stent Mrs. Downside, Portway Coombs Thomas Burt, go Portway Low Wm. Pitman, 8 Weymouth street Still Jn.Wesley, Emwell ho.Charch st;. Cornish Jasper, 68 Portway Lucas Manoah, Rose villa, Portway Stuart Rev. James Senior ( curat.e). Orawley Rev.Charles David,27Silver st McClumpha Rev. Robt. Milne (Con- Teddington house Cross John, Preston house, East street gregational), 20 Portway Tanswell Waiter Jas.Hillside,Imoer rd Cruse Miss, Luxfield cot. Sambourne Mackay W. R.,B.A.(assistant master), Temple Miss, Treverbyn, Boreham rd Daniell Caleb John, Hampton house, Grammar school Titt John Wallis, Woodcock house Deverill road Mackrell Mrs. Craven ho. Silver street Toone William Carson, 22 East street Daniell Miss, Rose cot.Fore st.Commn Martin Mrs. 38 Silver street Topple Alfred George M.A. (assistan• Davies David, 9 Boreham road Maxfield James, 25 Emwell street master), Grammar school Davis Miss, 63 Boreham road Maxfield Mrs. Stephen, Vicarage st Trollope George, 2 Boreham terrace de-Gruchy Mdme.Emwell's Cross ho Miles Mrs. 91 Portway Vicary George Thomas, Boreham road Dixon Rev. Henry Lancelot M.A. 2 St. Milliard Thomas Charles, Sunnyside, Wakeman Geo.Hrbt.2 & 3 Bol:' vls: John's villas, Boreham road Boreham road Wakehmn. Hrbt.Jn. 2 & 3 Boreham vls D<>el John, Rock villa, Boreham road Mines Frederick, 6 Silver street Welsh Rev. Jn. Fras. M. A. (principal Dredge John, Church street Morgan Miss, 52 Market place of St. Boniface's coliegu), '' infrid Eawards Henry, 32 North row Morgan Misses, 4 Boreham villas lodge, Chur~h ~treet Edwards Mrs. 42 Boreham road Morgan William Frank, Highbury, Westlake Rev. Robert J ... ewis Augustus: Elling Mrs. John, 52 Market place Boreham road (curate of Christ Church), Ingll'side-,. Elling Miss, Norbury, Boreham road Mundy George Bailey, Market place Sambonrne Elling Richard, 54 Market place Nicholls Misses, g6 Portway White Edwin James, 77 Portway Everett Mrs. Jn.Avondale,Boreham rd Parker Joseph, 92 Portway White Mrs. 30 Boreham road Everett Rice James, 39 Boreham road Parsons Benjamin, Portway villa Whitehead Capt. RandJlph Edward .. Exten Mrs. 23 Emwell street Parsons Frank, 2I Portway Furneaux house, Church street. Feltham Wm.Langley,5 Weymouth st Payne Mrs. I3 Silver street Whittock Mrs. 17 Vicarage street Fielder Mrs. I St. John's terrace Pearce Miss, 10 Ash walk Wilkins Miss, 1 Christ Church terrae& Flower Fk. Isaac, Ivy ho. Church st Pelly (Blanche) Lady, St.John's lodge, Willcox Robert Lewis, 5 High street Foreman John Lewis, 26 High street Boreham road Willsher Jsph. Morley cot. Boreham rd Foreman William, South st. Common. Perrett Mrs. 34 George street 'Wilson Miss, Stoneleigh, Boreham rd Gaisford Mrs. 19 Pound street 'Philipps Rev. Canon Sir James F.ras- Windross Rev. Herber-t (Wesleyan},n. Gibbs William, Ingleside, Sambourne mus bart. M.A. (vicar), Vicarag~ st George street Gilbert Mrs. 49 East street Phillips Misses, 29 Church stre.:>t Wyatt Mrs. 94 Portway Gillett Mrs.xSt.John's vls.Boreham rd Pigott Misses, Stoneleigh, Borebam rd Young Mrs. 26 George street Glass Francis J. N. Market place Pouting Thomas, 6 High street Y<>ung Richard, 22 Portway COMMERCIAL. A'bbott John, house agent, 32 Silver street Alexander Fmnk, butcher, 24 Goorge Alexander John, manager at the silk works, so Pound st Applebee El[zabeth Jane (Mrs.), Weym<>uth .A:rms P.H. Emwell street Arthur Wa.lter, farmel", 6o Vl.icarage street Athenreum (George B. Mundy, treasurer; Frank Alexander, librarian), 32 High street Atkinll! William. Henry,county 1:ourt bailiff,3 Weymouth st Axford Mary Jane (1\Li.•SIS), prep11!1"8tory schl. 83 Portway Ba~ly E. & Son, maltster-s, Viooroge. street Ball Laura (Mi•SIS), dret~s maker, 9 Nori!h row Ba.m.sey ThomRIS, srrurth, 28 V~carage street Barber Claude Hamilton, auctioneer & valuer, 3 Boreham terrace Barbe.r George, actuary t~ the Savi.ings Bank, & vestry clerk, 1\foa.rke.t place Bartholomew Frederick, sergeant-major, drill instructor Royal Wilt'!! Yeomanry Cavalry, 96 street Bartlett & Co. Limited (Arthur J. Baker, manager), brewers & ma1t·sters, High Street brewery Ba.siS Rob-ert, gr<>eeJI", 8 Mklrket place; & Heytesbury .Ba.ssett Harriet (Mrs.), w.ardrobe dealer, Sambourne road Batchelor Henry, carperuter, West street Bavers.t<>ck Alfred, poultry salesman, 42 East stl"eet. Ba.verstock S.amuel, tailor, 44 Vicarage street Barvers.t<>ck Wm·iam, confectioner, 20 East street Bendle Waiter Jesse, engineer, I Borham terrace Bennett Frederick Parson M.R.C.V.S. veterinary surgeon & veterinary inspector under the Board of Agriculture &;; to Wi:rts county council for Warmin.ster div.i.slion, ,5. Vica• street Best William, carpenter, 40 Boreh'am rood Bigwood George, boot maker, 15 N()rth row Bird Fred. & Co. coal merchants, Tha.ilway station Blaxlworth Thomas, brewer, see Morgan & Bladwort'b. Blake Samuel, bakeq-, 43 Thst street Bl.eeck Ohas. Albert B.A. (fiTID, Wake-man & Bleeck~,. S10Liaitor & clerk to the commiss'ioners of income &lz land mx, Market plaoo Brown Oharles, Pnck Home inn, E3Sit ~treet Brodrlbb Richard Sherrlng, wholesale- grocetr &> wane & spirit merohant & importer ; agent for MessnBa•s'!> & C<l. Gulinnes·s & Co. Huntly & Palmer & C. &;; T. Hams, Marke•t p!ace Dull William Henry, commercial traveller, 29 Goorge sl Burgess Frank, grocer, 45 Vicarage street
DIRECTORY.] WILTSHIRE. W ARMINSTER. 24U Burgeo;os Henry, biH posteir, M~ms<h street, Common Burton George, hrurdle make;r, 67 West street Bush Frences (MJi,ss), dres.s· maker, 46 Boreham rood Bush W.illia.m, beeir retaileT, Deverill road Butche[' Robert & Son, plastere·N & dcrtrs. Church s•t BUJtcher Edwin! John, ~er, 21 Silver street Butcher Eliiz.aJbeth (Mrs.), Globe P.H. Chape~ st.Oommon Bwtcller Samuel, shoe m.aker, Fore street, Common Butle!l' Amy (:MT!s. ), mrilliner, II Market place Bu:ttx:m Jamp.s, milway c~ITrie!l', geneml haulier & shipping agent, Boreham l"'Od! & WiariDiinster station. Telegrams, "Bu,tton, Warmlill!S(ell'" Capital & Counties Bank Limi•ted (Francis J. N., malllllg~r), Market place; dmw on head office, Threadneed!le street, London E C Carpenter Ann (Mrs.), groceiT, Bread street, Common Oarson & 'l'oone, ironfounders & engine.evs, Ea.s.t street Carter Herbert, coal merchant, Portway cotrtage Oa•s.tle Fl"ederick ATtthur, drnpell", 21 Market p~aoe Chambers George, watch maker & jeweller, 37 Market pl Chi:non & Thorn, butchel'ls, 12 Market place Churchill Wil1iam, hair dretSserr, 9 High street Ooa.tes Benja.min Waiter, s.ta.tlioneT & printer, Market pl Coles J a ne (Mrs.), tailoresos, 28 Silverr s·treet Collier Charles Albert, butcher, 20 Market place Co-operative Boot Stores (Edward Russell, manager), 27 Eas•t st.re6t Coll"den Sidney Lancelot, ironmonger, 37 High street Corn Market (J,ame·s Low, manager), Market place Oorruish John, groce[" & wine mercharut, 3 George street Cowdry W.i.lliam, White Swan. P.H. East stree·t Oox haa.c, coal agent, Ra.ilway s:tatlion & ·woodCJOCk O:Jx Thoma;s, book biinder, Fore storeet, Common Cross Thos. Hy. mli.lller (steam & water), Small brook mill Cund1ick Fll"ed·e·rick, coa.l dealer, Deve·rill road, Worthy & George·, marke·t gardeners,Haygrove cot Curtci.s Eli, market· gardener, Brook street, Common Cull'lbis Frank, carpeoruter, II Pol'ltwlay LUJtlhell", plastererr, Imber road Cm"l:ills Luthe:r (Mrs.), cowkeeper, Bl'loadway Curtis Mia·rk, pl~a.stereor, 32 PQrtt.w3.y CurVis Pike, pork butcherr, Bread s·treet, Common Daly Sergt. Jaanes, drill irustiTuctor ut Wilt·s Rifle Volunte'el.'1s (F Co. ), 6 Ohrllis.t Chureih terrace Daniell Oaderb John, oorn dealer, DeverriH road Daniell William John, cow keeper, Bread street, Common Day John Gile·s, draper, 3 High stree•t Dewey Oorneliu.s, boot m'akerr, 83 Pound street D~wey Fredertick Frank, New inn, Silver street Hubelrt, boot & sili.oe dealer, 10 George street Dillon Pat·rick Vincent, irlliand revenue o:fficer,15 Silver st Doe>l John, corru & generol dealer, storeet Dowd~ng Amy (, dress mlakerr, 46 ChUJrch street Dowdiing Ann (MI"s.), boot & Slfi.De ma. Deverill rd. Corn Down Fraruces (Ml'ls. ), Bath ATms hotel, M'n·rke·t place Edm'llrdiS· Franci,s, wardrobe dealer, Bo WeiSt stree,t Evere•tt Will<iam Sttua.rt, grocer, 4 Mlarket place Everett Robert, saddler & harness maker, 47 Market pl flatt Samuel, saddler, 31 Market place Fie,lding James, bill posteT & town crieT, 53 Portway F·i·tz Ephraim J,ame.s, shoeing smith, East street Fi'tzpatrick WliH,ia.m Routh, teacher of languages, Derwent house, Boreham road F.Iint Oliver, baker, 33 High street Flower F~rederick Isaac, surgeon & medical officell' & pubLic vacoina.tor for Co.rsley & Warminster distrrl.ct.s, Wa'Tminst•er uiJiion & medical officer of health to rural & urban district counci~s. Ivy house, Church street :Flux Henry, grocerr, 2 Sambourne road Foren1an & Sons, tailors, breeche.s makers & hatters, Market place ; & at Frome & Trowbridge Foreman Albert, '\Vhite Hart P.H. George street Foreman Alfred, fal."Jnoer, Bore hill Foreman Frerle·rick, watch maker, 11 The Close Foyle Macy (MTs.), shopkeeper, 29 Portway Francis Louisa. (Mis.s), dress maker, 23 West street Francis Stephen, fishmonger & fruiterer, 28 East street Frnnklin Henrry, builder, q Silver street Fry Harry,f13rm ba.i.liff to the Marquess of Ba·th,Stalls frm Furlonge;r Tlimothy Edwal''(l., Organ inr». High street Futoher Frederick, phcrlographer, 36 H~gh street Gwisford Joseph, builde!T & contrnot'()r, 39 George street Gale Emma (Miiss), greengroceT, 56 Vicarage street • Garrett Joseph, greengrocer, 7 Bound street George Geo.:relieV'ing off.for Warminster dist.2 Ash walk Glass Francis J. N. manager of the Capital & Counties Bank & trea.surer to union & rural district council, Market place Grace Jane, (Mrs.), laundress, Bread street, Common Gray John, watch maker, 10 Market place Green William Henry, carpenter, 15 George street Greening Richard, dairyman, Damask farm Greenland Ja.mes Barber, decorator, Oak cot. Emwell st Greenland John Nathaniel, painter, 18 High street Greenland William Edmund, Rose & Crown P.H. East st Gregory Henry, saddler, 14 Vicarage street Gulliver George, watch maker, 45 Church street Guppy Albion, farmer & horse dealer, :Botany farm Haines George, sec. to the Oddfellows' Club, 97 Portway Haines Sarah Ann (Miss), dress maker, 97 Portway Hall John & Co. wholesale ironmongers & builders' iundriesmen, Weymouth street Hamblin Chas. coal merchnt. Station & 16 Vicarage si Hanham Robert, farmer, Butler's Coombe Hardick Wm. Hy. architect & surveyor, 25 High street Hardlng & Sons, auctioneers, valuers, estate & house agents & surveyors, Frome ; attend saturdays at Market place, Warminster Harraway & Scott, nurserymen, Warminster nurseries. Harvey Susan (Mrs.), farmer, Small brook Hawkins John, cowkeeper, Hillwood lane, Common Hawkins Samuel, laundry, Broadway, The Common Hayward Henry, jobbing gardener, 10 North row Hessey Emma (Miss), dress maker, 10 The Close Hicks Thomas, baker, 46 Market place & 33 High street. Higgs Jesse, station master, South view, Imber road Hill Ephraim, grocer, 17 George street Hill Mark, timber merchant & chair maker, Imber road. Hill Thomas, haulier, 7 Market place Hitchings George, Ship inn, & carpenter, High streelt Hitchings George, jun. tailor, Cannimore Bolton Frances Sarah (Miss), dress maker, 2 North row Holton Thomas, plasterer, Marsh street, Common Hosking John Edward Francis M.R.C.S., L.R.C.P. surgeon, The Chestnuts, Portway House Francis William, confectioner, 19 Market place Hudd Alfred, chimney sweeper, King street, Common Hudd George, chimney sweeper, Brook street, Common Hudd Peter, chimney sweeper, Bread street, Common Hughes James, cutler, 3 Emwell street Ingram Benjamin, gardener, 9 Sambourne road Inland Revenue Office (Patrick Vincent Dillon, officer),. Anchor inn, Market place International Tea Co. grocers &c. 50 Market place Jones Evan Baxter, draper, 12 High street Jones Henry Parr, land agent to the Marquess oi Bath, Portway house Jupe Charles & Son, silk winding mills, Pound street Kemp Henry, shopkeeper, 12 East street Kemp Henry William, boot maker, 62 West street King Caroline (Mrs.), Anchor P.H. Market place King Francis, bird stuffer, 23 East street King Samuel, colporteur, 8 Sambourne road King Thomas, accountant, North row Knight George, watch maker, 3 Market place Knott Henry Ma.yne, cooper, 59 Pound st. & The ClosEt Langley Ann (Miss), butcher, 5 Market place Langley Bessie (Miss), beer retailer, Brook st. Common Langley Edward Thomas, farmer, Gashouse farm Langley John, cowkeeper, Brook street, Common Lanning Waiter, ironmonger, 39 Market place Leaman Thomas Jas. tchr. of mus. & orgnst. 86 Pound si Lee Thomas Charles, grocer, 31 Market place Lewis Edwin Abraham, pork butcher, 31 East street Literary Institution (Thomas Pouting esq. sec. & treas.)',. Weymouth street Long Albert :Frank M.S.A. architect & surveyor, &. deputy superintendent registrar, Ash walk Lord Weymouth's Grammar School (Charles AlcocK. M.A., Ph.D. head master), Chuch street Low James, auctioneer, Market place Lucas Brothers, drapers 38, outfitters 18, & statione~ &c. 17 Market place Lucas Charles, engineer, 47 West street Lucas Charles Peter, haulier, 35 West street Lucas Thomas, Three Horse Shoes P.H. Market placeo Luke Sylvanus, plumber, 9 Market place Lush John, grocer & oilman, Marsh street, c;:;ommon Magnet Coffee House (Wm. Fix, manager), Silver street' Maidment Thomas, boot & shoe dealer & gaiter maker., 6 George street Manley Geo. Strode, stationer, & post office, Market pl Marsh Joseph, greengrocer, Princecroft lane Marshman Thomas, corn factor & seed merchant,. Market place 1\laxfield Henry J ames, cabinet maker & registrar of marriages, 15 & 16 Silver street Merrick James, clerk to the board of guardians & school attendance & assessment committees, & supt. registrar of births, deaths & marriages, Warminster union, &!;; vaccination officer, The Limes, Silver street Mills Isaac, boot maker, 29 East street Moody Fk. grcr. & furniture dlr. Fore street, Common Moody Richard, market gardener, Deverill rd. Common Moody William, market gardener, Deverill rd. Common
250 W .ARMINSTER. WILTSHIRE. [KELLY'S Moore Timothy, boot maker, Sambourne Moore William James, shopkeeper, 57 West street Morgan & Bladworth, ale, stout & porter brewers, W arminster brewery Morgan William Frank, maltster, 21 East street Morris Henry, grocer, West street Mundy George Baily, manager of the Wilts & Dorset Bank & treasurer to the highway board & urban district council, Market place Morshead William, tailor, I5 Vicarage street Neat .John Henry, painter, plumber, glazier & paperhanger, 40 Market place Norrish Elizabeth (Miss), milliner, 9 Boreham road Northover Henry.- jobbing gardener, I7 West street Oborne "\Villiam, grocer, I I High street Oddfellows' Club (George Haines, sec.), Market place Oliver John, machinist, I6 The Close Orphanage of Pity (Sister Ellen & Miss E. Harris, lady superintendents), West street Palmer ·Clara (Mrs.), dress maker, 3 Christ Church cots Papps ·waiter, boot maker, 7 Imber road Parker Charles Felix, insurance agent, 23 Church street Parsons & Son, builders, Weymouth street Payne Wm. Henry, provision dealer, 9 George street Payne William Henry, shopkeeper, Chapel st. Common Pearce Ann (Mrs.), dress maker, 21 Deverill road Pearce Oliver Giles, boot maker, 97 Pound street Pearce Joseph, boot maker, 23 East street Pearce Oliver, grocer, Fore street, Common Petherbridge Thomas John, engineer, 45 East street Pizzey Blakeney, farmer, Cannimore farm Ponting Thomas, solicitor, & clerk to the highway board, registrar of the county court & commissioner for oaths, High street Ponton Francla Henry, builder & contractor, SI Vicarage street Ponton Ponton John, builder & contractor, Ernwell street Pope Alfred Jos.eph, engineer & ironfounder, Boreham rd Prangley Jane (~'liss), dress maker, 26 Silver street Price Charles, brewer of the celebrated family bitter ale & stout, West Street brewery Price Charles, The Cock P.H. West street Price Frederick, tailor~ 27 George street Prince Sidney, butcher, 35 High street Pullen Francis Henry, fishmonger, 5 Silver street Pullen William, farmer, Parsonage farm Reason Francis, commercial traveller, 4 Boreham ter Richards Harry, chemist ·& proprietor of Rogers' (formerly Humbys') infallible evil mixture, the best remedy for swellings or boils about the heads and under the jaws of sheep, 33 Market place Richards James, Lamb inn, 4 Vicarage street Ricketts George, hosier & Qutfitter, 32 Market place Roberts Joseph, boot maker, 56 ·west street Robinson Thomas James, supt. of police, 4 Ash walk Royal Wiltshire Yeomanry Cavalry (Prince of Wales' Own Royal Regiment) (C Squadron) Viscount Weymouth; Capt. G. L. Palmer, second in command ; E. Parrott, quarter master ; Squadr"on Sergt.- Major Frederick Bartholomew, drill instructor), 96 West street Rutt Richard, pork butcher, 62 Vicarage street Rutt William, shopkeeper, 56 Vicarage street Ryall John, cowkeeper & coal dealer, South st. Common St. Denys' Home (Rev. Sir J. E. Plrilips bart. warden; ~ster Georgina, mother superior), Vicarage street . St. Monica's School fer Young Ladies (Sisters of St. Deny's), Vicarage street Savings Bank (George Barber, actuary; open from 10.30 a. m. to I p.m. & 7 to 8 p.m. tues. & sat.), Market pi School of Science & Art (Joshua Harris, art master; E. H. Smith, science teacher; T. J. Rushton, sec.), Athenreum, High street Scott & Smith, corn faciors, Market place Scott Henry, nurseryman, see Harraway & Scott Scott Henry, tailor, 26 East street Scott Robert Dixon, clerk of works to the Longleat estate, The Stalls Scott Stanley, painter &c. 25 East street Scott-Bayley William Thomas C.E. surveyor & sanitary inspector to the urban district council, I Market place Shepherd Fredk. J.Bell&Crown P.H. Deverill rd.Common Shepherd Frederick James, jun. Masons' Arms P.H. & brewer, East Street brewery Shore Agnes (Miss), dress maker, 26 North row Silco:x: Sidney, baker & grocer, 81 West street Siminson Henry, chemist, 2 George street Sims Henry, boot maker, I George street Skinner Elizabeth (Mrs.), laundress, 4 West street Sly Arthur & Henry, farmers, Folly farm, Common Sly James Henry, draper, 35 Market place Sly John, farmer, Coldharbour Sly Richard, grocer, 5 George street Sly Samuel, butcher, 4 George street Smith Edwd Hy. teacher of science, .Alma cot. Church st Smith John, grocer, & agent for W. & .A. Gilbey Lim. :wine & spirit merchants, 17 East street Smith John & Son, photographers, 96 Pound street Smith Joseph, corn factor, see Scott & Smith Snook Geo. William, King's Arms inn, Weymouth street Society for Promoting Christian Knowledge Depot (Ben· jamin Waiter Coates), Market place Stamp Office (George Strode Manley, distributor, Post office), Market place Steadman Henry, hair dresser & tobacconist, 16 High st Stephens John, haulier, Io West street Still John Wesley, boys' school, Enwell house, Church st Still J. W. (Mrs.), girls' school, Ernwell ho. Church st Strong E. (Miss), fancy repository, 4I George street Strong Robert, sanitary inspector to the rural district council & collector of taxes &i of rates for the urban district council, & school attendance officer, I2Portway Strong William, builder, Portway Stubbs Charles Seymour, cab proprietor, 22 George st Stubbs Henry Seymour, jobmaster, 85 Portway Summers William, leather seller &i boot maker, George !>treet & Market place Sweetland Herbert John, butcher, IS High street Taylor Jane (Mrs.), butcher, I Market place Taylor Martha Annie (Miss), dress maker, 30 North row Taylor Reuben, Ship & Punch Bowl P.H. Silver street Taylor Sarah (Mrs.), straw hat maker, 30 Vicarage st Titt Henry Charles, carpenter, Imber road Titt John Wallis, waterworks engineer & agricultural implement maker & steam plough proprietor, ·woodcock iron works Toogood James, painter, '\Yest view, Imber road Toogood William, gardener, 27 Emwell street Toone Joseph Vidler, pharmaceutical chemist, 43 Toone William Carson, agricultural implement maker, see Carson & Toone Town Hall (Mrs. Ann Curley, hall keeper), Market place Trollope Benjamin, tailor, I7 High street Trollope· William, baker, 3 East street Trollope Henry, marine store dealer, 3 Silver street Trollope Ellen Jane (Mrs.), beer retailer, 28 Portway Tucker Charles, coach builder, 13 & 82 Portway Tucker William, jobbing gardener, 28 North row Turner Charles '\Ym. shopkeeper, Brook street, Common Turner Jas. china & glass & furniture wareho. Market pl Turner James, grocer, 18 West street Wakeman & Bleeck, solicitors, Market place Wakeman Geo. Herbert, solicitor, 2 &i 3 Boreham villas '\Vakeman Herbert John (firm, Wakeman & Bleeck), solicitor, commissioner to administer oaths in the suprt>me court of judicature & to take acknowledgments of married women, clerk to the magistrates, &i clerk to the urban district council, Market place Wall J. C. parcel office, Market place Walker Charles James, superintendent Wilts reformatory Warminster Aerated ·water Co. (Uriah Grist, manager), Emwell street Warminster Cottage Hospital (Frederick Isaac Flower, Robert Lewis Willcox L.R.C.P.Lond. & John Edward Francis Hosking l\I.R.C.S., L.R.C.P. hon. medical officers; Miss Wilks, matTon) Warminster Cottagers' Garden Society (D. J. Tait, 1 hon. sec.), I 8 East street '\Varminster Gas Co. (Albert Frank Long, sec.& manager), 2I East street Warminster Industrial Co-operative Society Lim. (Martin Bush, manager), 8 East street Warminster & Westbury Journal (Benjamin Waiter Coates, proprietor; published fridays), Market place Warminster Work Depot(Sisters of St.Deny's),Vicarage st '\Vattley Charles, gardener, 27 Church street Watts .Ann (Mrs.),rope & sack maker & butcher,Silver st Webb & Co. upholsterers & appraisers, Market place Webb Samuel, draper, 27 & 28 High street '\Vebb William, corn & flour dealer, I3 Deverill road Wenlock Francis Wm. newspaper reporter, 35 Silver st West of England Sack Hiring Co. (Jn.Doel,agnt.),East 1t Weston Cecil Herbert Valentine, Star P.H. Vicarage st ·wheeler (Miss), girls' school, I9 East street Wheeler Henry .Jamea, nurseryman & seed grower, 19 East street White Uobert, locksmith & bellhanger, Portway White George, mealman, 7 George street White Matilda (Miss), milliner & fancy repository, x Sambourne road White Uriah, coal dealer, Deverill road, Common White Uriah, jun. shoeing smith, Portway & 3 North rolf' Whittock Emma (Mrs.), dress maker, 12 The Close "\Yightwick Hy. King, wine & spirit mercht, 53 Market pl
DIRECTORY.] WILTSIIIRE. WESTBURY. 25\. Wilkins Sara (Miss), preparatQry school, Vicarage street Willcox Robt. Lewis L.R.C.P.Lond. surgeon, High street Willcox William, Old Bell inn, Market place Wilson Charles, carpenter, 1:9 North road Wilts & Dorset Banking Co. Lim. (branch) (George B. Wilhhire Steam Paint Mills Co. white lead works, paint manufactrs. & oil & color merchants, Weymouth st Wiltshire Times & Trowbridge Advertiser (B. Lansdown & Sons ; published friday fQr saturday), Market place; & at Chippenham, Devizes & Trowbridge Mundy, manager), Market place; draw on London & Westminster Bank tim. London E 0 Wood Edwin, cycle maker, 21 George street Wyatt Emily (Miss), milliner, 8 George street Wiltshire 1st Rifle Volunteers (Lt.-Col. The Duke of Somerset, commanding; Capt. R. E. Whitehead, adju, tant; F Co. George Herbert "\Vakeman, captain); Hood quarters & Armoury, Market place Wyatt Mark, hardware dealer, 8 George street Wyld Willlam Perklna Thomas, wine & spirit merchant, Weymouth street Wilts Refmmatory for Boys (Rev. Wm. Moore B.A. man. ; Chas. Jas. Walker, superintendent), Frome road Wise James, coach builder, 18 East street Young A. G. & Co. printers & bookbinders, Market place Young Charles, boot & shoe maker, 13 George street Young Edwin, brush maker, 38 High street Young William Charles, confectioner, 14 George street PRIVATE RESIDENTS. Beadon Miss a Court, Heronslade Coles Mrs. Boreham house Pqrwell Rev. John B.A. (vicar of Hill Deverill), The ,Cotes Raby John B.A., B.Sc. Boreham villa Tyler "\Villiam, Vere de Lone cottage PRIVATE RESIDENTS. Greenland Henry John, Jasmine cot Hendley Mrs Timms Henry, Upton cottage BOREHAl\L COMMERCIAL. Best J oseph, baker & shopkeeper Bradfield Edward Jas. miller (steam & water) Coles Richard Edmund, farmer,Boreham house Coles Robt.Newbury,frmr. The Grange BUGLEY. COMMERCIAL. Cundick Geo. cowkpr. Laburnum coil Dunford Thomas, beer retailer Eversley Arthur, hp.rdle maker Fitz Jal:l:Uls, farrier & smith Hunt Rosella (Miss), laundress Reynolds Samuel, shopkeeper Turner John Edwd. Yew Tree P. H W arminster Wheel & Waggon "\V orks (A. E. Down & Co. proprietors) Wickham George, wheelwright Parrott Edwin, farmer, Bugley farm Walker Charles James, superintendent of Wilts Reformatory Wilcox Frederick James, farmer WEST WELLOW is a scattered parish on the Salis- There are \Vesleyan and Primitive Methodist chapels. bury and Southampton road, 4~ miles south-west from There is a mission hall at Canada, which was enlarged in Romsey station on the Eastleigh and Salisbury branch 1889; services held on Sunday evenings: it has 204 of the London and South Western railway, and 12 south- sittings. W~Iiam ·Shore Nightingale esq. of Embley east from Salisbury, in the Southern division of the Park, East Wellow, Rants, is lord of the manor and the county, Amesbury hundred, Salisbury a-nd Amesbury petty principal landowner. The soil is sand and loam; subsoil, sessional division, Romsey union and county court dis- sand and clay. The chief crops are wheat, barley and trict, rural dea;nery of Romsey and archdeaconry and dio- roots. The area is 1,397 acres; rateable value, £1,791; cese of Winchester. East W ellow, in Hampshire, and the population in 1891 was 631. West ·wellow ecclesiastically constitute a parish, known as Parish Clerk, Robert \V. Alford. East Wellow. The church of St.Margaret is an old flint and \Vest Wellow Common, Wellow "\Vood, Canada and stone building, chiefly in the Early English style, consist- Lower Green are in this parish. ing of chancel, nave of four bays, south aisle, south porch and a square western wooden belfry containing 3 Post, M. 0. 0., S. B. & Annuity & Insurance Office.- bells :it is situated in EastWellow: there are about 200 sit- Enos Pope, sub-postmaster. Letters received through tings. The register dates from the year ISJO. The living Romsey 8 a.m. & 2 p.m. ; dispatched at I2 noon & 6 is a vicarage, consolidated with East \Yellow, average p.m. The nearest telegraph office is at Romsey tithe rent-charge £183, net yearly value £160, with resi- Wall Box, Canada.-Cleared at 5.30 p.m.; sundays, dence and 26 acres of glebe, in the gift of William Shore 8.4o a.m Nightingale esq. and held since 1893 by the Rev. Robert There is a School Board for the united district of East & Herbert Fair M. A. of St. Peter's College, Cambridge. West Wellow; the school is in East Wallow Clifton John H Bundy Edwin, shoe maker J ones· \Villi am, farmer Fair Rev. Robt. Herbt.M.A.(Vicarage) Bungay Henry, farmer Martin James Biddlecombe, farmer, Baseman George F. Canada Cooper Henry, blacksmith, Canada Pins farm Hayward W. Canada Cole Thomas, farmer Mead William, farmer Hill Thomas Fielder James, shoe maker Mundy James, farmer Marriott Edward, Canada Hebditch Arthur E. shopkeeper Olden George, farmer Walker Rev. Frederick George Henvest James, farmer, Canada Petty William, builder COMMERCIAL. Hill George, farmer Smith Henry, shopkeeper, Canada Bennett George, Rookingham Arms Hill John, shopkeeper & baker Street John, shopkeeper & baker P.H. Canada Hutchins Oliver, Red Rover P.H Worraker Jesse, draper & grocer WESTBURY is a union town and parish, 109! miles existing is the borough seal, presented in 1597 by Matthew from London, 26 north-west from Salisbury, 4! north from Ley; it is oval and of silver, with an ivory handle, and Warminster, and 5 south from Trowbridge, and head of bears the arms of the town, surrounded by a legend. The a petty sessional division and county court district, in the borough formerly returned two members to Parliament, Western division of the eounty, rural deanery of Wylye but by the "Redistribution of Seats Act, 1885" (48 and (Heytesbury portion), al"chdeaconry of Sarum and dio- 49 Yict. c. 23), the representation was merged in that of cese of Salisbury. The Great Western line to SomersetJ the county. The church of All Saints is a very beautiful and Dorset passes through and the Salisbury branch building of stone, having chancel (rebuilt in 1863), nave, .forms a junction here. The town, which gives name to south and west porches, and a fine embattled central tower, the hundred, is very ancient, and is supposed to have been in the Perpendicular style, containing 6 deep-toned the scene of a.n engagement between Alfred and the Danes bells : the windows of the chancel are stained, and it is in the year 8go, to commemorate which there is a figure paved with encaustic tiles: in 1867 the whole of the stoneof a horse, of enormous size, cut on the side of Bratton work was restored, and a new floor put down, and the Hill, which is commonly called Bratton Castle; the soil church re-seated with oak, and a handsome pulpit probeing chalk, the figure can be distinctly seen for many ¥ided: the alterations cost between £3,000 and £4,000: miles, and in 1873 a committee was formed, by whom there are several fine stained windows : it contains, among the horse was thoroughly re-instated, at an expense of others, a fine monument to Sir James Ley kt. Chief Jus- £4o, and is now cleaned when necessary. In the town tice of the King's Bench, Lord Treasurer, and first Earl stands the Market House, erected in the year 1815 by of Marlborough of this family, d. 14 March, 1629: there the late Sir Manasseh Massey Lopes hart. and now used are 750 f!ittings. The registers date from the year 1566. as a Town Hall, in which the County Court is held bi- The living is a vicarage, with the chapelries of Dilton monthly. The town was iucorporated by royal charter in and Westbury Leigh, average tithe rent-charge £175, the reign of Henry IV., the municipal body consisting of gross yearly value £411, including 33 acres of glebe, with a mayor, recorder, and twelve capital burgesses with residence, in the gift of the Bishop of Salisbury, and held subordinate officers, and the Corporation continued to since 1890 by the Rev. Patrick Murray Smythe M.A. of be elected, although exercising no magisterial author- Keble College, Oxford, surrogate, and chaplain of We.stity, until the passing of the " Municipal Corporations Act, bury union. There are two Congregational chapels, one 1883" (46 and 47 Vict. c. 18), by which it was recom- for Baptists, and one for Wesleyans. Here is a cemetery mended to be abolished and it finally ceased in March, of 5 acres, with two mortuary chapels, and an entrance 1886: the only relic of the municipal insignia now apparent y lodge on the Rratton road, opened on the 12th of May.
252 WESTBURY • \VILTSHIRE. (K~LLY•S • 1857; it is under the control of a. Burial Board of 9 members. The Laverton Institute, erected at a cost of over £4,000, by the late Abraham Laverton esq. M.P. occupies an elevated position on the descent of the hill, at the south-west end of the Bratton road, and was opened on the nth of September, 1873'• and is a substantial structure of red brick with Bath stone dressings, with clock tower containing a clock lighted by gas ; the Institute has rooms in which various societies hold their meetings ; a. Technical School of Science and Art is held here, and also a Textile Class, in connection with the Cloth Workers' Company: the large room for lectures, public meetings, and musical entertainments will hold 320 persons: there is likewise at the rear a boys' British school, capable of holding 100 scholars, with separate approach. Public Baths were erected and presented in I887 by William Henry Laverton esq. J.P. '!'he trade of the town is chiefly in the manufacture of fancy woollen coatings and meltons, employing about 400 hands ; malting is likewise carried on, and there is a brick and tile works. At Ham, close to the railway station, are iron works, developed in 1857; there are two blast furnaces, one of which is now at work, producing over 400 tons weekly; the works employ about 200 hands. On the Downs, a sheep fair is held annually on the first Tuesday in September, and pleasure fairs in the town on Easter Monday and Whit Monday. A market is held on the first Monday in each month. The charities for distribution amount to £2oo yearly. John Matravers esq. by will, dated 26th April, I8I4, gave to his trustees £I,ooo, free of legacy duty, to purchase clothing for 20 poor women residing in Westbury. This place gives the title of baron to the family of Bethell. Leighton House, the seat of )Villiam Henry Laverton esq. J.P. is a no~le structure of stone, standing in beautiful park-like grounds, commanding fine and extensive views of the Downs and surrounding country. The chief landowners are the Right Hon. Sir Massey Lopes hart. P.C., M.P. who is the lord of the manor and hundred, )Villiam Henry Laverton esq. of Leighton, and high sheriff of the county, the Right Hon. Lord .Justice Lopes P.C. of Heywood House, C. N. P. Phipps esq. of Chalcot, Westbury, and E. E. Porter esq. of East Hill, Frome. The soil is green sand; subsoil, gault or dark clay. The parish contains II,901 acres, principally pasture, arable and down land; rateable value, £31,I84; the population of the parish, with Leigh and Dilton in 1891 was 5,634, including 67 officers and inmates in the workhouse, and of the ecclesiastical parish of All Saints, 3·337· Sexton, William Hart. WESTBURY LEIGH is a large hamlet 1 mile southwest, with some good old houses. The chapel of ease here, erected in 188o, is a building of stone, consisting of chancel, nave, south aisle, south porch and a tower, added in I88g, at the south-west angle and containing one bell: there are 300 sittings. Here are also two Baptist chapels. CHALFORD is a small hamlet I mile south. DILTON is a chapelry, in the parish of and annexed to the vicarage of )Vestbury, containing a few houses, about 2 miles south-west from the town of Westbury, and 3 north-west from Warminster. The chapel of St. Mary, standing at the foot of a hill, is a small but ancient building of stone consisting of chancel, nave, south porch,and a small turret with spire containing one bell : there are 100 sittings. The register dates from the year I585. John Wilkins' charity, of £go yearly, arising from invested property left in 1729, is for clothing, and the Castley charity, of £I5 yearly, for bread and clothing for the inhabitants of the chapelry. C. N. P. Phipps esq. is lord of the manor of Dilton. Dilton Marsh, Bratton and Heywood are ecclesiastical parishes formed out of Westbury, and will be found under their respective headings. Post, M. 0. & T. 0., S. B., Express Delivery & Annuity & Insurance Office, Edward street.-Miss Amelia Eyera, postmistress. Mails arrive from London & all parts, are delivered at 7 a.m.; (ISt day) mail arrives from London & all parts of the United Kingdom (excepting the counties of Somerset, Devon&Cornwall & neighbouring towns) & foreign countries at 11.35 a.m.; London (2nd day), 12.45 p.m.; London (3rd day), Bath, Bristol, Ireland, Wilts, Frome &c. 4 p.m. Box closes 10.20 a.m. (Ist day) Wiltshire, Frome, Wells &c. at 1.50 p.m.; London (2nd day), Reading, Swindon &c.; North of England, Ireland & Scotland, Southampton & South West of England, Bath, 2.45 p.m. ; Salisbury, 8.50 p.m.; last dispatch to London & all parts 8.20 p.m. or with extra stamp till 8.45 p.m. On sunday there is only one delivery of letters at 7 a.m. & one dispatch at 8.20 p.m. Telegraph office open 8 till 8 ; sundays,. 8 till 10 a.m Posrt & M. 0. 0. & S. B. Westbury Leigh.-Henry John Lanfear, sub-postmaster. Letters arrive from )Vest~ bury at 6.40 a.m. & 2.40 p.m.; dispatched at 1.5 & 7·5 p.m. ; sundays, 7 p.m Wall Letter Boxes, Warminster road, cleared at 10 a.m. & 1.35 & 7.50 p.m. ; Alfred street, cleared ro. 10 a.m. &. 1.45 & 8 p.m. ; Beerswell, cleared 10.5 a.m. & 1.40 & 7·55 p.m.; Westbury Leigh, cleared I2.50 & 7·5 p.m. ; Chalford, cleared 1.20 & 7.40 p.m.; & Railway station,. cleared at I2. 15 & 7.30 p.m • County Magistrates for W estbury Petty Sessional Division. Phipps Charles Nicholas Paul esq. D.L. Chalcot house,. Westbury, chairman Lopes Right Hon. Lord Justice Sir Henry Charles P.C.,. D.L. Heywood house, Westbury Laverton Wm. Henry esq. D.L. Leighton house, Westbury Clerk to the magistrates, Hy. Wm. Pinniger, Church st The division embraces the hundred of Westbury. Petty Sessions are held at the Town Hall on the second manday in each month, at II a.m. & also on every monday at I I a.m. under the Criminal Justice Act Public Establishments. Cemetery, Bratton road, Henry William Pinniger, clerk to the Burial Board ; Albin Randall, The Lodge, supt County Court, His Honor Camille Felix Desire Caillard, judge; Henry William Pinniger, registrar & high bailiff; William Cornish, sub-bailiff. The Court is held every alternate month in the Town Hall, at IO a.m. ;. the following places are within its jurisdiction :-Baynton, Bratton, Brook, Chapmanslade, Coulston (East) & Coulston (West), Edington, Dilton & Dilton Marsh,. Hawkeridge, Heywood, Hisomley, Short Street, Standerwick (Wilts), Tinhead, Westbury & Westbury Leigh For Bankruptcy purposes this court is included in that of Frome; Edward Gustavus Clarke, Bank chambers,. Corn street, Bristol, official receiver Certified Bailiff under the "Law of Distress Amendment Act," William Cornish, Alfred street, West bury County Police Station, Maristow street, Charles Smith,. inspector, & 4 constables Town Hall, Market place, William Cornish, keeper Volunteers. 1st Wiltshire Rifles (G Co.), Drill hall, Church street. Lieut. Frederick William Laverton, commander Westbury Union. Board day, tuesday, fortnightly at 11 a.m. at the Workhouse. The union comprises the following places :-West Ashton,. North Bradley, Bulkington, East Coniston, Edington,. Hinton, Keevil, Southwick, Steeple Ashton & Westbury. The population of the union in 189I was 10,166; area,. 31,567 acres; rateable value in 1894, £64,497 Clerk to the Guardians & Assessment Committee, Henry William Pinniger, Church street, Westbury Treasurer, Thomas Oldfield Bartlett, Westbury Relieving & Vaccination Officers & Collectors to the Guardians, No. I district, Waiter Henry Banner, Westbury; No. 2 district, Alfred Hall, North Bradley Medical Officers & Public V.accinators, Nos. I & 4 districts, Edward Peter Shorla.nd, Church street, West.. bury; No. 2 district, Nicholas Vincent Wise L.K.Q.C.P. Irel. Trowbridge; No. 3 district, George Christopher Tayler M.D. Trowbridge Superintendent Registrar, Henry Wm. Pinniger, Church street, Westbury; deputy, Henry Broome Pinniger,. Church street, Westbury Registrars of Births & Deaths, Bradley sub-district, Alfd. Hall, North Bradley; Westbury sub-district, Edward Peter Shorland, Church street; deputy, Walter Henry Banner, Westbury Leigh Registrar of Marriages, John Henry Hooper Hillman,. Westbury; deputy, Charles Paine, Westbury Workhouse, a building of brick, & will hold 340 inmates; Edward Peter Shorland, medical officer; J oseph Stat.• ham, master ; Mrs. Mary Statham, matron School Attendance Committee. Meets at the Board room every alternate tues. at 12 noon. Clerk, Henry William Pinniger, Church street, WestburyAttendance Officers, the Relieving Officers Rural District Council. Meets at the Board room every alternate tues. at 12 noon. Clerk, Henry William Pinniger, Church street, Westbury Treasurer, Thomas Oldfield1 Bartlett, Westbury
DIRECTORY.] WILTSHIRE. WEST BURY. 253 Medical Officer of Health, Waiter Hugo Re:d, Warminster road, West bury Sanitary Inspector, William Henry Stanley, Westbury Public Officers. Clerk to Commissioners of Taxes for Trowbridge Division & to Burial Board, Hy. Wm. Pinniger, Church street Collector of Poors Rates, Hy. Robt. Watts, Maristowe st Town Crier, John Gray, Fore street Places of Worship, with times of services. All Saints' Parish Church, The Rev. Patrick Murray Smythe M.A. vicar; Rev. John Kaye M. A. curate; 8 & II a.m. & 6.30 p.m. & daily, II a.m. & 5.30 p.m Chapel of Ease, Westbury Leigh, Rev. Charles Wood M.A. curate; 7.30 & 11 a.m. & 6.30 p.m. & daily, S-30 p.m St. Mary Chapel of Ease, Dilton, 3 p.m Baptist, Rev. ·wm. Paul Laurence; 10.30 a.m. & 6 p.m.; mon. & thurs. 7.15 p.m Baptist, Westbury Leigh, Rev. William Price; 10.30 a.m. & 6 p.m.; mon. & wed. 7.30 p.m Congregational (Upper), Rev. Samuel Pendred; 10.30 a.m. & 6 p.m.; mon. 7.15 p.m Schools. National (boys), Bratton road, built in r847, for rso boys; average attendance, 70; Alfred William Tuffin, master; (girls), Churchyard, built in 1873, for roo girls; average attendance, 6o; Miss Agnes Lansdown, mistress; (infants), Churchyard, built in 1873, for 120 children; average attendance, 79; Mrs. Rester Ann Timbury, mistress National (mixed), Westbury Leigh, for qo children; average attendance, 105 ; Miss Mary Harries, mistress British (boys), Bratton road, for 90 boys; average attendance, 65; Fredk. C. Grant; (girls & infants), Lower road, built in 1844, for 100 girls; average attendance, 70; Miss Susan Elizabeth King; (infants), Bratton rd. for 100 children; average attendance, 75 ; Miss Lydia J ane Read. This school is endowed with a legacy of £1,000 £2! per Cent. Consols, bequeathed by the late John Matravers esq Railway Station, The Ham, Saml. Martin, station master Booking Office for Parcels, ' Lopes Arms,' Market place Conveyance.-Omnibus from the ' Lopes Arll;ls,' to meei the trains Congregational (Old), Rev. John Clarke B.A.; 10.30 a.m. & 6 p.m.; mon. & thurs. 7.30 p.m Carriers to Trowbridge.-David Bailey, mon. wed. fri. & Wesleyan; 10.30 a.m. & 6 p.m.; mon. & thurs. 7.15 p.m sat.; Henry Bodman, tues. thurs. & sat WESTBURY. Barnes Waltr. sho{l maker, Church st Gray Jn.billpostr. & town crier,Fore st Bartlett Thomas Old.field, manager of Green Ann (, fruitr. Edward st PRIVATE RESIDENTS. Wilts & Dorset bank, & treasurer Green Henry, farmer & carpenter, l3artlett Thos. Oldfield, Edward street to the union & ruraJ. district council, Warminster road Bolter Miss, Church street Edward street Greenland Tihos. plasterer, Brath:m rd Brunker Miss, 2 Church terrace Bence Albert, grocer, Market place Hall Alfred P. & Co. coal merchant & Clarke Rev. John B.A. (O:mgrega· Bird John, shopkeeper,Warminster rd maltster, Alfred st. & Railway statn tional), Warminster road Bowen Eliza. Hatton (Mis'S), fancy Ham'blin Albt. coal mer. Railway statn Davis Charles Henry, Warminster rd repository, Maristow street Harris ma. Warminster rd Downes Mrs. Station road Brown Stepihen & Son, grocers & Hartshorn John William, The Oak Eyers Isaac, Edward street bakers, Cheap street P.H. Warminster road Flooks Miss, Warminster road Bull Frank Hy.butchr. Warminster rd Hillman John Henry Hooper, registrar Hall Alfred Pocock, Fontainville Burgess Jas. stone mason, Station rd of marriages, Church villa Hall Mrs. Alfred street Burgess John, builder & monumental Hiscox Silas, boot maker, Fore street Hillman Mrs. Church villa maSIOn, Brook street Hood Peter Wm.Ludlow Arms,Fore st Hoare John S. Westbury house Burgess Hy. grcr. & bakr. Market pl Hooper John B. manager at W. H . .James Mrs. 5 Church ter. Church st Capital & Counties Bank Limited Laverton'.s brick & tile works Jenkins Hy. Thompson, Church street (branch) (Harry Thompson Jenkins, Hulbert Thos. blacksmith, Fmgmore .Jones Ishmael, Church street manager), Church street; draw on Hunt Jn. King's Head P.H. Church st Kaye Rev~ Jn.M.A.(curate),Church st head office, 39 Threadneedle street, Hurle Fredk. butcher, Edward street Keates William, Warminster road London E C Jefferies & Co. drapers & outfitters, King Fredk. AugustuSI, Royston house Carr Alfd. chimney swpr. Oheap st Market place Lane Mrs. Bratton road Carr Elijah, chimney swpr. Cheap st Jefferies Arthur LenthaTI,giove maker, Laurence Rev. ·william Paul (Baptist), Carter Charles Wm. F. horse trainer Fore street Church st.reet & beer retailer, Alfred street Jenkins Harry Thompson, manager Laverton Wm. Hy. J.P. Leighton ho Cemetery (Hy. Wm. Pinniger, clerk to Capital & Counties bank, Church st Lucas Joseph Charles, The Green the burial board), Bratt.on road Jones Charles, farmer, Pound farm Moore The Misses, The Green Cogzell Olarissa (Mrs.), ironm<mger, Kelson Emily (Miss), fancy reposiPendred Rev. Sl. (Cong.), Lower rd Warminster :road . tory, Warminster road l'inniger Henry "\Villiam, Church st Oollyer Josiah, po:rk butcher & house King Joseph, shopkpr. Warminster rd Pinniger Thomas Clare, Edward st decorator, Warminster road Laurence Frank, shopkeeper, Fore st Reed W alter Hugo, W.arminster road Oornish George, fa.rmer, Lower road La.verton Abraham, woollen & worsted Shorland Misses, Ohurch street Cornish Mark, carpenter, Eden vale manufacturer, Westbury mills Shorland Edward Peter, Church st Cornish Wm. hair dresser, Alfred st Laverton William Hy. (Jn. B. Hooper, Smallcombe Isaac, Lower road Cosh George, farmer, Maristow street man.), brick & tile ma. Eden vale Smythe Rev. Patrick Murray M.A. County Court (Henry Wm. P.inniger, Laverlon Institute (Tom Selby, hall The Vicarage registrar), Town hall, Market place keeper) Stafford Saml. Tree, Warminster rd CouzenSI & Oo. drapers, Edward st Lear Geo. confootioner, Market place Taylor Mrs. Ferndale, Alfred street Orees Fdk. Wm. farmer, Gas farm Long Joseph, dairyman, Maristow sot Tennear John Ro'bt. Warminster road Davis Jn. Jas. draper, Market place Long William, boot & shoe warehouse Winter Mrs. Bratton road Deacon Hy.pork butchr.Warminsterrd & grocer, Market place Withers Miss, Brook street Deane John Richard, farmer, Brook fm ]\,fuby Charles Robt. farmer, Storridge Young Waiter, Warminster road Dicks Joseph, basket maker, Fore st Mal'lsh Susan (Mrs.), butchr. Market pl COMMERCIAL. Doel Sml. Jas. farmr. Frogmore farm Masonic Hall (Charles OJ-llins, hall .Adlam & Son, plasterers, Cheap st Downes- Danl. Geo. farmer, Frogmore keeper), Bratton road .Alford William Edward & Co. tailors Dunning Fredk. saddler, Edward st Mead Henry, brewer & maltster, War- & outfitters, Warminster road Elkins John, Crown P.H. Market pl minster road Angell Arthur Abel,boot & shoe maker, Elliott John, china dealer, Edward st Micha.el William,bookseller & stationer, Warminster road Eyers Amelia (Mi9S), postmistress, Edward street Atkins James William, farmer, Par- Edwa.rd street Miles Lot, farmer, Bratton road sonage farm, & railway goods agent, Faulkner John M.A. science master, Millard James, boot maker, Cheap st carman & general contractor, bus & Laverton Institute, Fairview, Brat- Morris Rose (Miss), pork but-cher, fly proprietor & posting, Church st ton road Church street Bailey Edward, refreshment rooms, Ford Jn. Whitt, refreshm~nt rooms, Neat Albt.plmbr. & glazier, Edward st Railway station Edwardl street O'Gorman Edward Aloysius, inland Bailey John (Mlrs.), dairyman, War- Freestone Ja.s. boot ma.Warminsterrd revenue officer, Market place minster road Fry Charles, grocer & tallow chandler, Paine Charles, chemist, Market place Bailey Louisa (Mrs.),drpr. Maristow st Warminster road Paine Wm. coffee rms. Warminster rd Bane William, draper, Bratton road Gale Wm. pawnbrkr. Warminster rd Parish Lending Library, Churcih yard Eanner Waiter Henry, relieving & Giles Gideon Doel, The Oastle P.H. Perks John, Lopes Arms htl.Market pi vaccination officer No. 1 district & Bratton road Pile Frank, coal mer. Railway station deputy registrar of births & deaths Giles Samuel Heclley, butcher, War- Pinniger- Hy.&Son,soiicitors,Church st Westbury sub-district, & attend- minster road Pinniger Henry William, solicitor, ance officer first division for rural Girls' Friendly Society (Mrs. W. registrar of the county oourt, clerk school attendance committee & col- Watts, sec.), Church yard to the magistrates, the commislector to the guardians, Lower rd Grant Geo.tailor & drpr.Warminstr. rd sioners of land, assessed, property &
254 WESTB'CRY. V\.lLTSHIRr;. (KELL'Y'S income taxes, rural district council, I Stevens James A1bert John, mineral Wood Rev. Char:es M . .A. (curate) the burial board, & clerk to the water manufr. Station road Woodcock Rev. Edward Walker school attendance & assessment com- Taylor Robert Raikes, ph{)tographer, COMMERCIAL. mittee:s, the guardians & superin- Warminster road Adey Arth. Geo. Prudential agent tendent registrar of Westbury union, T'echnical School of Science & Art Alley Thomas, baker & shopkeeper Church street (Jn. Faulkner:M.A,certified teacher), Bigwood Thomas, miller (steam &. Pinniger H~nry Broome, solicitor, Laverton Institute, Bratton road water); & at Dilton deputy supt. registrar, Church st Tennear John Robert, sec. & manager Boulton Bros. glove makers (driving) Pinniger Thomas Clare, solicito~ (firm, to the West bury Iron Co. L.imited, Case Phcebe (Mrs.), Phipps Arms P.H Pinniger & Son), Church street The Ham Chard James, market gardener Preece Harriet Palm er (:Miss), ladies' 'rilley Amy (Mrs.), Railway hotel, Crook Richard, shopkeeper seminary, Edward street Station road Cundick Albt. Wm. builder & contrctr Raines John, baker, Edward street Town Hall (William Cornish, keeper), Deane .A.lfd. beer retailer & dairyman Read Eliza (Miss), prepa.ratory school, Marke-t place Dutch William Charles, Anchor P.H Warminster road Tyrer Thos. Fredk. chemist, Cheap st Greatwood Mark, baker & grocer Reed Waiter Hugo M.R.C.S.Eng. sur- Watson John, White Lion P.H. & Knight George Hudden, maltster & geon, & medical officer of health to brewer, Market place hop merchant rural distrrot council Warminster rd Watts Henry Rolbert, watch maker & Lancaster George, carpenter Rhymer Sidney, shopk~epr. Church st collector of poor's rate, Maristow st Lanfear Hy. Jn. grocer, & post office Richards James farmer Brook farm Watts Wm. baker & grocer,Edward st Mile.s Hannah (Mrs.}, blacksmith Richards John,' farmer, 'Fairwood West Henry Francis, The Angel P.H. Millard Henry, wheelwright & grocer Sainsbury Esau (Mrs.), boot dealer, Church st.reet Millard Oliver, tailor Church street Wesl!bury Gas & Coke Co. Lim. (H. Scott Benjamin Edwin, grocer & bakr Sainsbury Wm. coal agent, Ohm·ch st W. Pinniger, sec.),, Fore street She.ppar~ .Absolorn, butcher Scull Arth. fly proprietor, Market pl Westbury Iron Oo. Lim. (John Robt. s;n~th S1dney, b~ker Scull Edward marine store dealer Tennear, sec. & manager), The Ham ""rute Henry, mlller (water) Market plac~ ' West bury Public Baths (Chas. Collins, i Whatley Charles, cowkeeper Sharp Thomas, grocer & fruiterer, S<upt.), Ohurch stre~t Warminster road Wheeler Jas. wheelwr1ght, Edward st CHALFORD. Shorland Edward Peter, surgeon, & W~lkins Rd.Hooper,gr.eengro.Ch~a~ st App~egate Stphn. baker & shopkeeper medical officer & public vaccinator Wilts & Dorset Bankmg Co. L1m1ted Elkins Giles, market gardener for Nos. I & 4 districts & medical (branch) (Thomas Oldfield Bartlett, Gunstone William, The Bell P.H officer to the workh<Juse & regist.rar manager), Edwar~ street; draw. on Stafford Sidney Francis, farmer, Madof births & deaths for the Westbury London & \Vestmmster Bank Lim. brook farm sub-district Churoh street London E C Singer Daniel: farmer, Thoulstone Wiltshire. (ISt) Rifle Volunteers (G Smallcombe Albraham chemist & wine Co. ; Lieut. Fredk. Wm. Laverton, DILTON. & spirit merchant, Warminster rd.; comma~d:er), Drill hall,. Churc~ st & farmr. & millr. (water), Penleigh Wyatt W1lham .A.lbert, pamter & uonSmallcombe Edward brewer & malt- monger, :Market place Bigwood Thomas, miller (water); & a.t Westbury Leigh Barne.s M3.tthew, farmer Bull Charles, farmer ster, Westbury b;ewery Young Men's Friendly Reading RoDm Smallcombe Edward, George inn,War- (Rev. John Raye M . .A.. sec.), Davies George, wheelwright, Standa· minster road Church yard Smith Geo. tinman & brazier, Fore st Smi·th Thomas, Wheatsheaf P.H. & butoher, Oheap street WESTBURY LEIGH. wick. (Letters through Frome) Elkins John & Chas. market gardnrs Francis Eli, market gardener Jones .A.lbert Edwd. farmer, Hisomley Rossiter Charles, farmer, Dilton farm Snelgrove Hy. baker, Warminster rd Singer Trhomas, farmer, Standawick. Stanley William Henry, sanitary inspector to the rural district council Price Rev. Wm. (Baptist), Ohapel ho Randall Henry Roberts Mrs. Highland villa Trask J ames John, Leigh home (Letters through Frome) Watkins Isaac, farmer and artificial water, as the canal runs parallel with the .Avon throughout this beautiful valley the entire distance from Bradford to Bath; the river From~ empties it9elf into the .Avon at Freshford. Westwood Manor House, now occupied as a farmhous·e, was built by Thomas Hungerford, yeomam of this par'lsh and the founder and benefactor of the church; although much reduced in size, tiDe house has Mme fine ~pecimens of oak ceiling one on the ground floor, which has 88 oblong compaTtments, each 18 inches long and 12 in width; the upper storey has the greater portiO'Il of a fine banqueting hall, having a. rich ceiling, wit·h pendent bosses and deep cornice with tracery. H. W. Tugwell esq. is lord of the manor and principal landowner. The soil is clayey; subsoil, clayey and parts heavy. The chief crops are wheat and barley. The area is 8o7 acres; rateable value, £r,887; the population in 18gr wa.s 540, including ro6 officers a.nd inmates of the Bradford Workhouse. Iford is a hamlet I mile no.rth-west. Here was once a Roman settlement. Iford Manor, the seat of Mrs. Rooke, is pleasantly seated on the banks of the river Frome, in grounds and park of about 6o acres. Sexton~Jss, Mrs. Cottle. WESTWOOD is a parish on the AvDn and Frome rivers, 2 miles south-wes·t from Bradford-on-.A.von, 3 north-west from Trowbridge and 102 from London, in the West ern diVJision of the county, hundred of El.stub, Bradford petty sessional division, union and county court district, rural deanery of Potterne (Bradford portion), archdeaconry of Wilts and diocese of Salisbury. The churClh, which is supposed to have been dedicated to St. Mary the Virgin, is an ancient structure, in the Early English style, consisting of a singularly small chancel, nave of two bays, north aisle. with exquisitely carved oak ceiling, square tower with four stone pinnacles, and containing 4 bells: the chanceJ arch does not spring from a like point o.n each side: the east window is stained : there are roo sittings. The register dates from the year r666. The living is a :rectory, average tithe rent-charge £135, gross yearly value [276, net £218, including rg acres of glebe, with residence, in the gift of the Dean and Chapter of Bristol, and held since r884 by the Rev. William Ruscombe Wollen M . .A.. of St. Catharine's Oollege, Cambridge. A Parish room was erected in 1892 adjoining the church. Here is a Baptist chapel, built in r865 to hold roo, and a Sunday school was erected in rBB5, and there is a Wesleyan chapel at Upper Westwood; built in 1862 to !hold 150. A cemetery of half an acre was formed in r883 at a cost .A School Board of 5 members was fo<rmed 24 July, of about [250; it. is under the control of a burial board 1882, Charles Patrick, Bradford, clerk to the board of 7 members. Here are freestone quarries. The Board School (mixed), built in 1841, & enlarged in r8g2, Bradford Union Houstl is in this parish, on the side of with residence, for 85 children; average 111ttendance, the Avon and Kenne<t canal, which crosses the Avon and 68; Miss .Ada Mary Smith, mistress the railway by an aqueduct near this spot, called Avon- Le!IJteJr.s through Bradford-on-Av.on, which is the nearest cliff; for particulars of Union, see Bradford-on-.A.von. telegraph & m<Jney order office, arrive at 9 a. m. Wall The course of the Avon from Bradford to Bath presents Lebter Boxes cleared at 8.50 a.m. & 6.25 p.m. & at a. series of rich and beautiful views: the valley is .A.v{)ncliff 7.50 a.m. & 6.50 p.m. week days only; & narrow, and abounds with wood, rock, meadow, natural Upper Westwood, 8.Io a.m. & 6.35 p.m.; sun. 8.Io a. m PRIVATE RESIDENTS. COMMERCIAL. Cemetery (A. Beaven, Bradford, clerk M:izen Mrs. The Laurels Bath Stone Firms Limited, quarry to the burial boa.rd; Samuel Rooke Mrs. Iford manor owners & stone merchants; chief Hobbs, sexton) Wollen Rev. William Ruscombe M.A. office, CDrsham Oottle .Alfred, farmer, Avoncliff (rector, & chaplain to the Bradford Burrows Thomas, gamekeeper to H. Godwin Herbert William, farmer union workhouse), Rectory W. Tugwell esq Godwin William, quarry owner
DIRECTO~Y.] ".ILTSHIRE. WHITSBURY. 255 Harris George, baker k beer retailer' Manners Emma (Mi~s), shopkeeper :Marsh John, farmer, Manor farm Hazell Alfred, farmer :MarS<h George Benoni, farmer Pyle Edwd. Cross Guns P.H . .Avoncliff Holdway Olara (Mr.s.), New inn WHADDON is a parish, 3 miles from 1\felksham and 3 north-east from Trowbridge station on the Great Western railway, in the Western division of the county, Mell~sham hundred, union and county court distroicl, petty sessional division of Whorwellsdown, rural deanery of Potterne (Bradford portion), archdeaconry of Wilts and diocese of Salisbury. The river .Avon and the Kennet and .Avon canal pass through the parish. The church is a smaJl stone building, Norman, of ancient date, having chanoel and nave, south porch with spire containing 2 bells, and was restored in 1879 by W. P. Long esq. when t1he stained east window was inserted: vhere is a splendid monument to Waiter Long, d. 1807, and one piece of sculpture, by Wesrt:macott, is in memory of Miss Katherine Long, of Wraxall : there is a brass to- Henry wng, d. 1612, and beneath the churc:h is a mausQleum containing the remains of the Golledge Jacob, farmer, Whaddon Grove farm WHITEP ARISH, on the borders of Hampshire, and on the road to Southampton, is zi miles south from West Dean s·tation on the Salisbury branch of the London and South Western railway, and 7 south-east from Salisbury, in the Southern division of the county, F:rusrt:field hundred, Alderbury union, Salisbury county court disrt.rict, Salisbury and .Ame·sbury petty sessional division, rural deanery of Amesbury (.Mderbury portion), a.rchdeaconry of Sarum, and diooese of Salisbury. The church of .All Saints is an edifice of flint and stone, in mix·ed styles, consisting of chancel, nave of four bays, aisles, north porch, with a small we·stern wooden belfry, containing a clock and 3 bells: in it are several monuments to the Eyre and St. Barbe families : conside-rable improvem·ents were made in the interior in 1869-70: it contains memorial windows to the Bristow family: there ar.e 300 sitt·ings. The register dates from the year 1559. The living is a vicarage, average tithe rent-charge £140, gross yearly value £150, net £120, with glebe (£4) and residence, in the gift of Mrs. Durie, and held since r 893 by t·he Rev. Julian Pattisson, of Corpus Christi college, Cambridge. Hel'e is a place of worship for 'Vesleyans and Primitive Methodists. Charities to the amount of £6 ros. yearly 3Jre distributed in clothing. Broxmore House, the residence of Mrs. Durie, is an elegant and spacious building, and the grounds and scenery around the house are beautiful and picturesque. Brickworth House, the property of Earl Nelson, is now occupied by J·ames .Al·exander'll'eff esq. Cowesfield House, tlhe seat of William Frederic Lawr.ence esq. M.P., J.P. stands on the southern slope of the Dean Hill, and commands extensive views over the country, including the New Forest and the Isle of Wight. Earl Nelson, who is lord of the manor;. Mrs. Durie, Mr. Laurence and Mr. Fort a11e the principal landowners. The soil is chalk, sand and gravel; subsoil, chalk. The chie-f crops are whe'<l,t, Long family sinoe 1778: there are So sittings. The registe-r dates from the year 1652. The living is a discharged rectory, annexe-d to that of Hilpe.rton, avernge tithe rent-charge £271, joint gross yearly value £401• net £300, in the gift of Waiter Hume Long esq. M.P. and held sinoe 1888 by the Rev. Samueol Thoodore Wood M . .A., B.C.L. of Christ Church, Oxford, who residoes a,t Hilpe-rton. Wal.ter Hume Long esq. M.P. of Rood .Ash .. ton House, is lord of the manor and principal landowner. The soil is clay; subsoil, clay and gravel. The land is chiefly in paSiture. The area is 383 acres; rateable value, £8oo; the population in 1891 was 18. Parish Clerk, Alexander Fillis. Letters through Trowbridge, arrive at 7.30 a.m. Trowbridge is the nearest money order office. The nearest telegraph office is at Hilperton The children attend the school at Hilperton I Redman Jn. farmer, Whaddon farm barley and turnips. The area is 6,316 acres; rateable value, £5,693; in 1891 the population was 1,037· Earldoms, 3 miles south, formerly extra-parochial, is now a parish with 37 inhabit·ants in 18gr. The area is 788 acres ; rateabJe value, £416. Melchet Park was formerly extra-parochial, but is now a parish in Romsey union and .Alderbury hundred. Melchet Park is the seat of Louisa Lady .Ashburton; the mansion is a noble edifice of the Composite order, built of red brick, reliev-ed with freestone, surrounded with lawns and shrubberies, in a park of 539 acres, commanding an extensive view of the surrounding scenery. The area of the parish is 830 acres; rateable value. £643; the popula,tion in 18gr was 37· Oowesfield, 2 miles east, Oowesfield Loveries, Alderton (or .Alderston), half-a-mile north, Whelpley, r mile west-by-north, and Cowesfield Esturmy are tithings. Plarish Olerk, George Beauchamp. Post & M. 0. 0., 8~ B. & .Annuity & Insurance Offioe.- Isaac Woodford, sub-posltima9ter. Leobters from Salisbury via Downton at 7.50 a.m. & 3 p.m. from Dean; dispatched at 6.10 p.m. ; sun days, letters arriv.e, 7.50 a.m. ; dispa1tohed 10.45 a.m. The nearest telegraph ·Office is at Dean railway station Pillar Letter Box, CQwesfield, 5·45 p.m. & g.15 a.m. sun National School (mixed), built in 1846, for 160 children; average wttendance, 120; & supported in part by an •endowment; William Henry Williams, master; Miss Emma Olements, mistresS' Carriers to:- Sa1isbury-Lampard, Fulford, J erred thurs. & sat. ; returning same days Southampton-Elkins' cart, tnes. & fri. days & P.enn, tues. returning same Letters marked thus * through Rom- Brown Tom, butcher Jukes James, blacksmith, Earldoms Keyswel1s Ernest Neville M.B. surgeon, & medical officer & public vaccinator No. I district. .Alder bury union, W esteria lodge sey, Hants.) Cawsey Henry & John, farmers *.Ashburton Louisa Lady, 1\feichet Chrumpion Charles, bailiff to W. F'. park· & Kent house Knightsbridge Lawrence esq. 1\f.P London S W ' ' *Clyma Jeremiah, farmer Bourdillon Stafford .Abbotstone Crook Thomas, shoe maker *Davies Cha.rles Fr~dk . .Ashmore house Drake Richard, draper & grocer Durie Mrs. Broxmore house Dredge· Charles, farmer Fort George H. The Oommon E!k~ns John, market gardener Keywells Ernst.NevilleM!.B.Westerialo Elkms ~_omas, shopke~per Lawrence William Frederic M.P.,M . .A., Foot Wilham, wheelwright J.P. Cowesfield house; & 6 St. Fulford George, farmer Ermin's mansions Westminster SW Gay .Albert, farmer & New University & Carlton clubs, Gill Albert, King's Head P.H London S W Green Henry, farmer Pattisson Rev. Julian, Vicarage Harrison .H.ugh, brick ~a. Cowesfield Shirreff Ja.s. Alex. Brickworth house Hatch Wilham, blacksmith COMMERCIAL. Andrews Henry, carpenter Andrews John, farmer Bartlett Jameg, farmer Hatcher Charles, farmer Hayes James, jun. blacksmith Hayter Jeremiah, farmer Hinwool Thomas, black9Illith Joyce James, White Hart P.R Lockyer Joseph, blacksmith Martin Mary (Mrs.), shopkeeper Newman Charles, farmer Newman James, mealman Page George, baker & grocer Penn Thoma-s, beer retailer Pritchard Tom, baker & shopkeeper Read Geo.Natib.aniel,butcher & beer ret Savage Chas. bailiff to G. H. Fort esq Snelgar Frank, farmer Stevens James, farmer Stride James (MDs.), farmer Symonds Samuel, farmer, Earldoms Till Henry, saddler Waters Fred, farmer Woodford Isaac, ooker & shopkeeper. Post office WHITSBURY is a parish, on the borders of Hamp- house, is in Hampshire. The church of St. Leonard, an shire, 3 miles west from Breamore station on the SaHs- ancient structu:re of rubble and stone, in the Early bury and Dorchester s·ection of the London and South English style, founded in the reign of Henry I. was WeSJtern railway, 8 south from Salisbury and 4 north- restored in 1878 at a cost of £1,550; it consists of chanwest-by-north fr()IIO Fordingbridge, in the Southern divi- oel, nave, west porch and square tower containing 9 &ion of the county, Cawden hundred, Salisbury and bells, the gift. of Edward Edwards esq. : the east window Amesbury petty sessional division, Fordingbridge union is stained, and there is also a small stained window in and county court district, rural deanery of Christchurch, the chancel, representing the paroron saint: there are and t~~rchd.eaoonry and diocese of Winchester: a small n8 sittings. The register dates from the year 1714. portion gf this parish, includoing the church and rectory The living is a reotory, average tithe rent-charge £zz8,
256 WHIT.SBURY. .WILTSHIRE. [KELLY'S pal landowners. The soil is chalk and light 11and ; 11ub• soil, chalk and sandstone. The chief crops are wheat and barley. The area is 1,824; rateable value, £648; the population in 1891 was 174. SextDn, George Earney . net yearly value [214, including 12 acres of glebe, with residence, in the gift of Edward Edwards esq. and held since 1893 by the Rev. Roynon Jones Washington Latimer, of Oharsley's Hall, Oxford. Delafaye's charity cl £6 xss. 8d. yearly, derived from £2oo Old South Sea ..Annuities, since transferred to New £2! per cent. Consols, left in 1762 by Cha·rles Delafaye of this parish, Letters arrive from Salisbury, 8.30 a.m. k 4·30 p.m. is applied for providing medicine and surgery for the The nearest money order & telegraph office is at Ford- :t!ick and industrious poor, and also for apprenticing any ingbridge ochild of poor parents belonging to the parish. In this Wall Letter Box, cleared a·t 8.30 a.m. & 6.30 p.m.; 'Paris-h is Whiltsbury Camp, an eminence supposed to sundays, 8.30 a.m have been an ancient British camp, and afterwards used National School (mix·ed), built by E. Edwards esq. in by the Romans. The Earl of Shaftesbury, who is lord 1871, for 45 children; average alttendance, 30; Miss of the manor, and Edward Edwards esq. are the princi- Ellen Druoo, mistress Latimer Rev. Roynon JDnes Washing- Hood Wm. wheelwright k Shopkeeper Nut'beem Moa.ry Jane (Mns.), farmer t<m, Re-ctory Jerrard Henry, farmer Ruddol•e Thomoa1s Sk·eats., farme~r Hewett Walte.r, beer retailer Morrice Joseph, fa.rmer, Castle: fa.rm Vine Richard•, farmer appearance of a piece of ornamental water. The representaMves of the late Admiral Montagu are lords of the manor and principal landowners. The soil ill clay, intermixed with greensand ; subsoil, flint and chalk. The chief crops are barley, oats, wheat and beans, and there is a large amount of pastur·e. The area is 2,765 acres; rateable value, [2,728 ; the population in 1891 was 548 in the civil, and 497 in the ecclesiastical parish . Parish Clerk, John Brown. Oare, form·erly a tithing of this parish, is now an ecclesiastical parish, and will be found under a S·eparate head. WILCOT (or Wilcott) is a village and parish, close to the Kennet and .A.v.on canal, 2 miles west-by-north from Pewsey station on the Great ·western railway, and 6 soUJth-west from Marlborough, in ilie Eastern division of the county, Pewsey union, Swanborough hundred, Everleigh and Pewsey petty se·ssional division, M1arlborough county oourb district, rural deanery of Marlborough (P.ew.sey portion), archdea.conry of Wilts and diocese of .Salisbury. The church of the Holy Cross is an Early English stone building, and consist·s of chancel, nave of two bays, north aisle and south porch, with a square embattled weSJtern tower, with four pinnacles and conta•ining one bell : there are 2oo sitmngs. The register dates from the year 1564. The living is a vioarage, net Dvayc0't Fitzpaine is a tithing in the parish of Wilcot, yearly value £120, with Tesidence, in the gifrt of the 1i miles north~easrt. representatives of the late Admiral Montagu, and held Rainscombe, a detached tithing of North Newton, was since 1856 by the Rev. Henry Smelt M . .A.. of Jesus Col- in 1885, under thl! Divided Parishes .A.ot, attached to lege, Cambridge. The churchyrard was ext.end.ed in 1886 Wilcot, and in 189::;a was included in the ecclesiastical by half an acre of land. Wilcot Manor House, an old- parish of Oare. fas.hioned gabled building of red brick, standing in a Posrt Office.-Mrs. Susan Laoey, sub-postmistress. Letsmall park, is the residence of Lindsey Bury esq. ters a.rrive from Pewsey S.O. at 7.10 a.m. k 3.30 Stowell Lodge, a plain stone building, the property of p.m.; sun. 7.10 a.m.; dispatched at II.50 a.m. & the represenootives of the late .A.dmiroal Montagu, now 6.45 p.m.; sun. 9 a.m. The nearest money order & occupied by Francis Je:ffery esq. standing on a slight telegraph offioe i.s at Pewsey !llminence at the north-western end of Stowell Park, at a National School (mixed), built in 1841, with residence short distance from the village, is finely wooded and of for teacher, for So children; average attendance, 47; about 40 acres; the canal skirts the south end of the Miss E. Saunders, mistress vark, Qver which, from the grounds, is a light iron sus- Carrier.-John Brown, to Devizes, thurs. ; k Martpension bridge, and from its well-kept banks has the borough, sat _ W1LOOT. Brown John, carrier & shopkeep~r Gillbert David, farmer k carpenter Gi1bert Sidney, ca-rpenter & -w'heelwrt Heath William, fa.rmer, East Stowell J ea.Il/SI Thom!IJS& MaT tin, surveyor of BUTy Lindrey, ManoT house .T ea111;;. Thoma.SI Martin, Wilcot lodge J' effery Francis, Stowell lodge Smelt Rev. Henry M . .A.. Vicarage. COMMERCIAL, Berrl" Marry C~fTs. ), dressmaker Brown Jam es, b1a,cksmith Highways :Ma,idimte.n.t Susannah (Mirs. ), farme.r, Manor fann Mi&se}brook Avis (~rs. ), dlre•s.smaker Nut1ey Edlwin P\hilip, Golden Swan inn, grocer, ba.ker, draper, china &i• dJr. bacon curer & news· agent Pearce George, thatcher Pearce John, woodman Pearce Thomas, thatcher Wheielell' _Ja.mes, 8ID-Ioe makell' DR.A.YOOT. Strong William, farmer WILSFORD (with Lake), near Amesbury, is a parish by one of his ancestors in the reign of Queen Elizabeth, and village on the river Avon, 5 miles north-west from and is a beautiful specimen of the style of t.he period: Porton sta,tion on the main line of the London and South it is picturesquely situated, embosDmed in woods: the Western railway, 2~ south-west from .A.m.esbury, and 7 park contains some fine elm trees. Wilsford House is a north from Salisbury, in the Southern divisi()n of the handsome mansion, the property of Sir Edmund Giles county, petty sessiona·l division of Salisbury and .A.mes- Loder hart. The Rev. Edward Duke M.A. is lord of the bury, Amesbury union, Salisbury county court district, manor of Lake, and Sir Edmund Giles Loder hart. of ruml deanery of .A.mesbury ( Amesbury portion), arch- Whittle bury, Towcester, NortJhamptonshire, is lord of deaconry of Sarum, and diocese of Salisbury. The the manor of Wilsford. Sir Edmund Antrobus hart. of parish church of St. Michael was rebuilt, with the ex- .A.mesbury, is lord of the manor of Normanton. The ception of the tower, in J858, at the sole expense of soil is light and chalky; subsoil, chalk. The chief crops Gil·es Loder esq. : it has a chancel, nave and south porch are wheat, barley and oats. The area is 1,603 acres of and Early Norman western tower containing 3 bells: land; rateable value, £1,216; the population in 1891 the church contains monuments <to the Duke family: was 197. there are 123 sittings. The register dates from the year Parish Clerk, Matthew Swatton. 1618. The living is a vicarage, with that of WoodfQrrl Post Offioo, Lake.-George Brock, sub-postmaster. Let· annexed, average tithe rent-dharge (Wilsford) £33· joint ters through Salisbury delivered at 7 a.m. & disgross income £36o, net £243• in the gift of the Bishop patched at 7·15 p.m. The nearest money order & of Salisbury. and held since 1892 by the Rev. John · .A. b Harrington Twining M . .A.. of Durham University, who telegraph office IS mes ury resides at Woodford: the Ecclesiastical Commis- National Sohool (mixed), built in 1858, for 40 children; «ioners allow £ 120 for a curate. On the downs av-erage attendance, 30; Miss Underwood, mistress are many barrows. Lake House, the seat of the Carrier to Salisbury.-George Brock, tues. thurs. k sat. Rev. Edward Duke 1\I..A.., F.G.S., J.P. was erected rS~turning same day Duke Rev. Edward ~ . .A.., F.G.S., J.P. Sidford Mrs. E Kilmi,ste.r George &i Simon, farmers, (,retired). Lake house Brock Georrge. ca.rrier & P.O. Lake Lake farm NewaH .A.rthur, Wilsford house- Lawrence. Wm. fNilr.Normanton faTm Sidford Frank, f·aTmer, Wilsford farm WILSFORD (or Willesford), near Pewsey, is a village -and parish, on the river Avon, about 2 miles south from Woodborough station on the Berks and Rants Extension branch of the Great Western railway, 6 south-west from Pewsey and 7 from Devizes, in the Eastern division of the county, Swa.nborough hundred, petty sessional division of Everleigh and Pewsey, Pewsey union, Devizes county court district, rural deanery of Potterne (Enford portion), archdeaconry of Wilts and diocese of Salisbury. The church of St. Nicholas is an ancient - stone structure in the Norman and Early English styles, consisting of chancel, nave, south porch and a square
DIRECTORY.) WILTSHIRE. WILTON. 257 embattled western tower, with .5 bells and a clock: the ley, oats, beans and roots. The area is 1,603 acres; east window and two others in the chancel are stained: rateable value, £1,244; and the population in 1891 wal' there are x6o sittings. The register dates from the year 197. IS88. The living is a vicarage, with the chapelry of Parish Clerk, James Gardiner. Manningford Bohune annexed, average tithe rent~charge Post Office.-Edwin Chamberlain, sub-postmaster. Let- £192, joint gross yearly value £270, net £198, including ters arrive from Pewsey S.O. at 8.30 a.m. & 4.15 !01 acres of glebe, with .residence, in the gift of the p.m. sun. 8.30 a.m.; dispatched at I0.2S a.m. & 5·5' Master of St. Nicholas' Hospital, Salisbury, and held p.m. sunday, 12 noon. The nearest money order k since 1881 by the Rev. William Wrixon Keating 1\L.A. telegraph office is at Woodborough of Trinity College, Dublin. The trustees of the late National School (mixed), built in 1848, for so children; Captain Wyndham are lords of the manor and the prin- average attendance, 28 ; Miss Alice Critchley, mistresscipal landowners. The soil is clay and chalky; subsoil, Carrier to Devizes.-Levi Giddens, of Upavon, passeschalk and green sand. The chief crops are wheat, bar- through tues. thurs. & sat Keating Re•v.Wm.Wrixon M.A.(vioar) Butler Danl.Wm.frmr. &mj~lle~r(water) Gardiner Cha.r:e.s, shoe maker Venner Frapcis Willirum Chamberlain Edwin, carpenter,wheel- Ga<Tdine.r James, boo-t & shoe maker COMMERCIAL. wright & .shopkeeper, Post office Oram Thoma's Grace, black£mith Brown George, bee•r retailer & Cleverley Harry & George, farmers, Rickett "\Vm. gamekeeper to Me·SISJ'IS. grocer Upper fa.rm John & Tom Harris· W:ILTON is a municipal borough, union town and parish, with stations on the South Western and Great Western railways, and is· near the confluence of the rivers Nadder and Wylye, 3 miles north-west from Salisbury and 86 from London, in the Southern division of the county, Branch and Dole hundred, petty sessional division '>f Salisbury and: Amesbury, Salisbury county court district, rural deanery of Wilton, archdeaconry of Sarum and diocese of Salisbury. The town is supposed by Baxter to have been the Caer Guilo, or capital of the British prince Caroilius, and subsequently an important seat of the West Saxons; it was certainly a considerable place previous to the Norman accession: in 871 King Alfred fought a battle against the Danes, who, although ultimately successful, sued for peace here, but in 1003 Wilton was partially devastated by Sweyn, King of Denmark : in II43 it was taken possession of by Stephen, who, however, was compelled to vacate it by the army of the Empress Matilda, by whom it was burnt: it was afterwards rebuilt : it was, in IS79. visited by Queen Elizabeth : in 1603 it was for a time the residence of the court. Wilton was at a very remote period the seat of a monastery; Wulstan, Earl of Wiltshire, is said to have commenced this· foundation by the erection of an oratory : thirty years after his death, Alburga, his widow, succeeded in raising this oratory into a priory: King Alfred, after defeating the Danes, erected a nunnery and transferred it to the sisters of the priory: JEditha, daughter of Earl Godwin, and the. virgin wife of Edward the Confessor, was educated here., and Maud, queen of Henry I. passed her early days between Romsey and this house: Wilton was the head of the diocese during the 10th and nth centuries : the episcopal see was transferred to Sarum by William the Conqueror, which caused the decline of Wilton : the borough first sent two members to Parliament in 23rd Edward I. but by the Reform Act the number was reduced to one, and by the Redistribution of Seats Act, 1885, lost its separate representation, and was made the head of a parliamentary division. From a very early period, prior to the reign of Henry I. Wilt<Jn has been a corporate borough : it was not included in the Municipal Corporations Act of 1835, but by an Order in Council, dated May 15th, 1885, a new municipal charter was granted under the Reformed Municipal Corporations Act of 1866. Under the new scheme, the old corporate borough boundary is extended, and includes the whole of the parish of WiltDn, with part.s of the parishes of Burcombe, South Newton and Fugglestone St. Peter. The old close. Corporation and the Local Board of Health is merged in the new governing body. The charter provides that the town shall consist of one ward, to be governed by a mayor, 4 aldermen and 12 councillors, who shall also discharge the duties of Urban Sanitary Authority. The first election under the Municipal Corporations Act took place in November, 1885. The town is lighted with gas from works the property of the corporation. The parish church of SS. Mary and Nicholas was built by the late Lord Herbert of Lea and the Countess of Pembroke in 1844, in lieu of the old one, at an expense of upwards of [4o,ooo : it is in the Romanesque style, consisting of chancel, with chancel aisles, nave of six bays, and aisles : the north front is raised on a. terrace approached by a flight of steps, and the central entrance of this front is through a deeply recessed porch within a rich archway, above which is a large and elaborate rose window: the campanile tower, Ioo feet high, containing 6 bells, at the north-east an!;le, is connected with the building by a cloister, with elaborately carved open arches : beneath the communion table the floor is composed of Italian agates and marble : the ceiling over this, as well as the chancel and altar~ piece, is beautifully i~lumina.ted in blue and gold : the pulpit is composed of Caen stone, supported by 16 black marble pillars: the body of it is beautifully inlaid with mosaic work, brought from the church of Santa Maria Maggiore : the lessons are read from a. lectern in front of the communion table: at the opposite end is the gallery, beneath which is the screen, e:.egantly, carved in stone : the font is massive, of black and variegated Italian marble : the church contains a marblebust of Henry, gth Earl of Pembroke, who held many· offices of state under George II. also monuments with , two r·ecumbent figures in white marble of the lat09- Countess of Pembroke and Lord Herbert of Lea : there . is• also a fine organ, presented to the church by the . late Earl of Pembroke : the windows are all stail'red _ -c there are sittings for 8oo persons. The register dates• -- from the year 1615. The living is a rectory, with .,._ Bulbridge, Ditchampton and Netherhampton a.nnexed, -. average tithe rent-charge £190, gross yearly value £422 •. net £179, with 10 acres of glebe land and residence, in -.. _ the gift of the Earl of Pembroke and Montgomery, and 1: held since 1867 by the Rev. Dacres Olivier M.A. of.i, · Christ Church, Oxford, canon and prebendary of Salis-- bury and rural dean of Wilton. Here are Nonconformist"' places of worship, with sittings as under :-Congregational, soo; PrimitiYe Metho-dist, ISO; Wesleyan, go; and Friends' Meeting- House, 70. In 1891 a. cemetery with lodge was built by the Wilton Town Council, on the ·· ·~ Ugford road, the ground co-nsisting of about 2 acres,...., given by the late Earl of Pembroke. In the Town t Hall hangs an extract from the will of R. Sumption esq. . which is as follows :-£4,000 in aid of the Free School;.· £I,ooo for the better clothing and apprenticing the chil- - dren; £I,ooo as a marriage portion for poor young : women, natives of the town, not to exceed £10 to each;~· also £2,ooo toward the clothing and support of five pn01· · men and five women above the age of so, residents of: the place for seven years previously. James Rawlence-> esq. of Bulbridge, gave £I,ooo for the endowment of a trained nurse for the poor. There are also many other charities in aid of the school and for distribution.. Wi1- ton is noted as the first place in England carpeting was manufactured : Messrs. Yates and Co. have a large faotlory here, where, in addition toQ Wilton carpets, the celebrated Axminster carpets are largely produced: there is also a large pianooorte-felt factory. Fair.s ar~ ••. , held on the 4th of May, for horses, and on Septemwr -- 12th for cattle and sheep, when between go,ooo. anri1 !' 1oo,ooo are generally penned, being one of the largest , , fairs in the west of England. At the Dissolution Wilton. 1 •• Abbey was granted to Sir William Herbert, afterwards·.,· Earl of Pembroke, who commenced the erection of Wilton House, the present stately pile, on the ancient · 11ite; the designs were by Holbein and Inigo Jones:: here Sir Philip Sidney is said to have composed the . " Arcadia ; " in this house, the seat of the Earl of Pem- . broke and Montgomery, is an extensive and beautifuicollection of paintings, several of them Vandykes, and one of the finest collections of that eminent aDtist, and ancient marble scu:pture, and also many suits of armour, several being trophies from the battle of St. Quentin, in 1557, at which an Earl of Pembroke commanded the English : the rive.r N adder flows through the grounds, and is crossed by an elegant bridge with an open Ionic. colonn~de; the park of 250 acres contains sDme fine. cedars of Leban<>n and a herd of deer. Pal't of the. tithing of Ditchampton belongs to the parish of Bur-. combe, but it lies contiguous to and forms part of the. borough of Wilton, and is 1 mile east from Burcombe, The Hospital of St. John, at Ditchampton, in the pa.ri&h. WILTS. 17
258 WILTON. WILTSHIRE. [KELLt's . of :Qurcombe, was founded by Hubert, B\shop of Sltrum, in u89, for two poor men and two poor women (who receive Ss. pe.r week) and a prior, who is 11ppointed by the Dean of Salisbury; the appointment is at present held by the Hon. and Rev. Canon Gordon. The names of the inhabitants of Burden's Ball, which belon~s to Soth Newton, are given here. Bulbridg.e is another tithing and adjoins the town. The Earl of Pembroke is lord of the manor and principal landowner. The soil is alluvial and clay; subsoil, chalk and gravel. The chief crops are wheat, barley and green crops. The area of the parish is 1,827 acres of land and 25 of water; rateable value, £7,812; the population in 1891 was 1,922, and of the borough, 2,120. Parish Clerk, Albert Musselwhite. Post, M. 0. & T. 0., S. B., Express Delivery & Annuity ·& Insuranoe Office.-Miss Elizabeth Mary Flt>ming, sub-pootmistress. Lett'N'S througli Saisbury, deliY"ered at 6.30 & ro.40 a.m. & 7.10 p.m.; dispatched at 8.5 a.m. r.1o, 4·35· 7.50 & 8.30 p.m. Money orders issued· & paid from 9 a.m. to 8.30 p.m. Postal telegraph office open from 8 a.m. to 8 p.m. on week days & from 8 .to 10 a..m. on sundays Wall Letter Box, Ditcha.mpton, cl.eared week days at 4.20 & 7.30 p.m.; on sundays at 7 p.m Wall Letter Box, Burden's Ball, cleared week days at 4.10 & 7.25 p.m.; on sundays at 6.50 p.m Corporation, 1894-95. Mayor, Councillor John Moore. Deputy Mayor, Councillor William Vincent Moore,jun. Aldermen. I!John Cope 11 Pardoe Yates I *William Vincent Moore I *Edward Slow Councillors. tSidney Henry Beckett I tJohn Montague Swayne tThomas Henry Pippette I :):John Wright tHenry Street I IJ George J<'ripp tJohn White UJohn Moore tJames Hinton Claridge ~William Vincent Moore, jun tGeorge William Rawlins I!Joseph William Ward Marked thus t retire in 1895. Marked thus t retire in 1896. Marked thus 11 retire in 1897. Marked thu;, * retir·e in 1900. Mayor's Auditor, Councillor Thomas H. Pippette Elective Auditors John Clarke Corby, West street & William Brooks Morris, South street The Corpo['ation mee•t a•t the Town Hall on the 2nd monday in February, May & August at 6.30 p.m. & on November 9th at 12 noon 'The ordinary meetings of the Urban Sanitary Authority take place on the last wed. in each month at 6.30 p.m Officers of the Corporntion & Urban Sanitary Authority. Town Clerk, clerk to the Urban Sanitary Authority & School Attendance C<>mmitte,e, Henry John King, The Square Treasurer, Matthew Henry Whitty Devenish, Wilts & Dorset Bank, Salisbury Medie~al Officer of Health, Charles Robel"t Stra.ton, L.R.C.P., & F.R.C.S.Edin. West street ll~rough Surveyol", Sani•ta.ry Inspector & Collector, Wm. Webb Henry Musselwhite, West stroot School Attendance Officer, Jn.Goulden, jun.Ditchampton Public Establishments. Fire Brigade, William H. W. Musselwhite, supt Police Station, Market pl. Inspector Thomas Longstone Temperace Hall, Market place Town Hall, Market place, Mrs. Page, keeper Volunteers. 1st Wilts Rifles (H Co.), The Square; Capt. John Alex. Tyndale Powell, commandant WiltOill Union. Wilton union comprises the following places :-Barford St. Martin, Baverstock, Berwick St. James, Bishopstone, Bower Chalk, Broad Chalk, Burcombe, Compton Chamberlayne, Dinton, Ebbesborne Wake, Grovelay Wood, Fifield Bavant, Fisherton-de-la-Mere, Fovant, Fugglest{)ne St. Peter, Little Langford, Steeple Langford, Nebherhampton, South Newton, Stapleford, Wilton, Great Wishford, Wylye or Wily. The popula.ti0111 of the union in 1891 was 9,894; area 56,205 acre&; rateable value in 1894, £3,49a. Board day, every alternate monday, at the workhouse, at. 2 p.m. Cle-rk to •the Guardians & Assessment Committee, George Munkhouse Wilson, The Square, Wilton & Bridge st. Salisbury Treasurer, John Pinckney, banker, Salisbury Relieving & Vaccination Officers, Bishopstone district, J ohu Croome, Din ton ; Wilt on district, Francis Wiles, The Square, Wilton Medical Officers & Public Vaccinators, Bishopstone dis• trict, Arthur Longman, Broad Chalke; Fovant district, Ohalloner Clay L.R.C.P.Edin. Fovant; Stapleford district, Charles Penruddocke L.R.C.P.Edtin. Wylye ; Wilton district, Charles Robert Straton L.R.C.P.Edin. ·west lodge, Wilton Supe.rint.end<ent Regist.ra.r, George Munkhouse Wilson, The Square, Wilton; deputy, Henry Marman, Wynd. hanl road, Salisbury Registrars• of Births, Deaths & Marriages, Bishopstone sub-district, John Croome, Dinton; deputy, John B. Coombs, Bower Chalk; Wilton sub-district, Francis Wiles; deputy, George James Carse, The Sq. Wilton Workhouse, South Newton, is a building of brick, built in 1836, & will hold 240 inmates; Rev. John Edward Golrdon Bond, chapltain; Charles Robert Stratun L.R.C.P.Edin. medical officer; Charles Ray, master; Mrs. Ray, matron School Attendance Committee. Meets at the ·workhouse every month on Mondays. Clerk, George Munkhouse 'Vilson, The Square, Wilton Attendance Officer, John Goulden, jun. Ditchampton Rural District Council. Meets a:t the Workhouse every month on Mondays. Clerk, George Munkhouse Wilson, The Square Treasurer, John Pinckney, banker, Salisbury Medical Officer of Health, Charles Robert Straton L.R.C.P.Edin. West lodge, Wilton Surveyor & Sanitary Inspector, John Goulden, jun. Ditchampton . Public Officers. I Assistant Overseer, Wm. Axton, North street, lVilton Collector of Poor's Rates, Robert Beckett, Stoford Certifying Factory Surgeon, Charles Robert Straton L.R.C.P.Edin. West lodge Inland Revenue Officer, Rd. Flynn, Ditchampton Town Crier, Robert Coombs, North street Places of Worship, with times of services. SS. Mary & Nicholas Church, Rev. Dacres Olivier M.A. rector ; · Rev. Thomas. George Wilton M.A. & Rev. Bertram Best Woolrych M.A. curates; 8 & 10.39 a.m. ; 3 & 6.30 p.m. ; daily, 8 a.m. & 5 & 7 p.m Congregational, Rev. William H. Jeffries, minister; 10.30 a.m. & 6 p.m. ; thurs. 7 p.m Friends' Meeting Room, Russell st. ; tr a..m. & 6 p.m Primitive Methodist, Rev. John S. Buckley ~ 10.30 a.m. & 6 p.m. ; wed. 7 p.m Wesleyan, 10.30 a.m. & 6 p.m Schools. National, West street, built in 1842, with residence for master & mistress, for 420 children; average attendance, 330; John Clark Corby, master; Miss Ellen Board, mistress ; Miss Kate A. Lloyd, infants' mist Park, bui1t & endowed! in: 1838 by Lady Herbert, for the education & clothing of 35 poor girls ; Miss Margaret Aikman, mistress Free, founded by Waiter Dyer in 1706, for 20 poor boys, who are elected by the Charity Trustees for the borough, & has subsequently received several additional endowments, notably £4,ooo by the will of R. Sumption ; the funds are now all invested in Consols, realizing £242 14s. yearly; John Coates, master . Railway Stations. Great Western, Edward Miller, station master SOIUth Western, Charles Ta.ncock, station master Carrier leaves 'Pembroke Arms' for Salisbury, tues. thurs. & sat. at 10 a.m. & 3 p.m. other dayss at 10 a. m. & returns from Salisbury at 12.30 p.m. & 6 p.m PRIVATE RESIDENTS. Ba.gnell Thomas, West street Buckley Rev. John Samuel (Primitive MM! Denmant Mrs. Bnrdons BalL Pembroke & Montgomery Earl of,Wil- Drew John, Ditchampton ton house ; Carlton & Constitutional clubs S W & St. Jam~s' club S W Carse George James, The Square Dyer Re'V.Arthur Charl•es.M.A.(.curate) Ford Mrs. The Square
DIR.EOTORY.] WILTSHIRE. WILTON. 259 ll~der Mrs. West street Courtney Ernest, tailor, No·rth street Simper Tom, butcher, West street Jeffrieso Rev. William H. {Congrega- Danrie1sr Henry, boot makeil.", North st Slow Edward, coach builder, :west end, The Squa.r~ Davison JMnes, tailor, West street Squibb John, boot maker,North street Kend:e George Robert, South stJreet Dowding George, fish dealer, North st Strwton Oharle.s RoOOrt L.R.C.P. & King Henry John, The Square ElEoO'tt Alfred, tailor, Wes.t street F.R.C.S.Edil'l.,L.S.Sc.sUTgoon,certi .. Lander Jame.s, Old Rectory house Elliott Ca.roline (Mrs.),slhpkpr.Soufu st fyin.g factory S'UJ.'!g'OOI1, & medical Lushington Mrs. Burdens Ball house EHiott Maurice, boot maker, South st officer of health. .to the urban saui• Mitchell Robert, North street El1iott Thgma®, builder, West street t.ary authority & rural district ooun,. Mottou Mrs. The Square Fleming Elizabeth Mary (Miss), pos't cil, & medical officer & pub;io vac• Na.hs<h M-n office, South street cinator to Wilton district, & medical Olivier Rev. !Prebendary Dacres M.A. Fleming Jame.s William, sadd::er & officer to the workhouse, West lodge (rootJOr) hl31l'Do~SIS makea", w.~st sJt.reet Street Geo.shopkpr.& beer ret.West st Pippette Thomas<, 26 We.s.t street Fripp Geo. Six Bells ihotel, North s>t' Stll-eet Henry, g-rocer, North street & Rawlence Mrs. George, The Square Fry .T10hn, butcher, Nort'h s·breet farmer, Ditchampton Raw:~mce·s, Bulbridger Giddings John, grocer, wine & spirit Stroud Wltr. furniture dlr. Korth st RawJence JW&. Edwa.rd, The Ohantlry me>rehant, Market place Sutton Edwin, Pembroke Arms hotel, .Shorloand Rev. Maitland Arthur M.A. Goulden John, jun. surveyor & saui- family & commeTcial hotel (curate) - tary inspector for l"'l.l"a'l diS'trwt Talbot & Wyvea-n Coffee Tavern (Hy. Staples Edmund, Nmth street council, & school attendance officer, Sidney Gray, manager),The Square Straton C.harle·s R~ert, Wes.t lodge Ditcha.mpton Taunton Jonathan, farmer, Burden's. Sta-aton Mrs Griffin (MrS'. ), linen draper, Market pi Ball farm Swayne Jn. Monta,gue J.P. The IsQoa.nd Harer Henry, wheelwright·, 27 West st Temperance Ha:l (William Lane,sec.), Wi~son Geo. Monkhousoe-, The Square Ha.rvey Geo. Victoria.Arms P.H. West 5t Market place Wilton Rev. Thomast Ge.orge (curate) Ha.wkins Martha (•), dres•smakoe.r, Terrill Walt!'1T F. ca,rrier, ·west street Wright ~lirs. \Vest s<treet Minster S'treet Thresher Fronds, irusur. agt. :::Jouth st Yate.s Ml'!s<. FoactoQry Holly Thoma.s, beeT retaile·r, North st Town Hall (Mlrs.Pa,ge, kpr.),~Iwrket pl Yates Pardoe J.P. Glencairn Hook Rd. GravelS M.P.S. pharmaceuti- ·ward Joseph William,draper, NoTth st COMMERCIAL. cal chemist, prerS~C~Tiptions• prepared West:ake Wm. F. a•Sisistant supt. Pru· Axton· William, grocer & as·sistant from the best drugs only, West st den-tiaJ! InsuraniCe Co. The ;3quare overS>eer, North s<tTee.t HO>pkins & Son, bntchers, West end ·whatley Jame.s, buildetr, \Vest stTeet Beckett Ma·ry Ann (Mrs.), Bell P.H. Hopkins< Sarah & E'liza:betl:u (Mis•seiS), W1hite Joihn, gl'ocer, North street Ditchampton milliners', We·st street Wile'S Franc.hs·, registrar of births, Beokett Richard, painter, North stl'eet Kendle Goorge Robert, land steward deaths & marriages for \Yilton sub• Beckett Sidney, bak6!1", South street to the Earl of Pembroke J.P.; office, dilstrict., & relieving & Ya·ccinat.ion Bell George, ·s'<lddler & harness maker, Wilt()[}o officer forWilton disrt:. The Square · Market place; & at Ste•eple Lang- King Henry John, solicitor, t•own cleTk \Vi~s•on George Munkhouse, so:icitor, ford, "\oVylye, & Booadohalke & clerk to urban s•anitary authority ·supt. regi.sbra·r & clerk to the guar· Binden Geo. dhmny.swpr.Ditchampton & urban ·school arttendance corn- die.ns, & the s.c'hool attendance & Blake Willia.m, co-a.J dealer, Market pl mitl!ee, The Square a.sse,Sis'Ill·e'llt OQIIIlmittee~s' of Wilton. Blake '\'Vm.iboot & shoe ma.Dtchmptn Lovelace Edwin J. draper,North s'treet union & clerk to the rural district BJanchettle Wm. E. h.airdr.s,sll'.North st :MitdheJJl Chas. ho111se s·tewa:rd to the council, The Square; & a,t Salisbury Brazier & Sons, plumbers,529 North st Ea.rl of Pembroke Wii ton Cemetery (\Y m. Bile'S, supt. ), Brazier John, plu.mber, •West street McKellow Duncan, head keeper to tihe Ugford• road Brewer A~bt. insurarnce '<lgt. ;Norili &t Earl o.f Pembroke Wilton Co-operative Soc:ety Limit.ed Brewer George, a.gricnltqral imple- Moor81 Henry Erne·st, grocer, West st (Robt. Sinca, managr. ), M311"ket pl ment maker, West. street l\Ioore \Vm. Vinoent, st Wiltml! Literary InS!titute (William B. CanningOha;;..Goo.h&ir dressT.North st Moore Wm. Vincent, jun. horg.e hair Morris~ sec.; 'Wait. ~ius•se}white, Call'e'w Heilll"'Y, tai:<lr, 8 North S'treet man, 46 West street librari-an) Cars·e Ge.orge James, de.puty reg~srtrar Mus<se.Jlwhite. Cha.s .. saddler,The Square WiltS! & Dors·ert Banking Co. Limited of birt·hs., deaths & marriages, for Mwsselwh.ite Wltr. sh·opkpr. Sil'voc st (agency)(open on mondays & thursthe· Wilton sub-district; & clerk of :Musselwhite w-ill:iam We'blb Henry, days from 2 till 3.30 ), Market place; the work;;. to bhe Ea•rl Olf Pembroke, stone ma,son, coiHectDII", borough. sur- dTao\V on London & West.minster The Square veyor & ·Sanitary inspector for urban Bank Limited, London E C Chalke Goo. Alid. bookseller, Wes't .sot sanitary authority, West s•treet WiltSJhi•re (1st) Rifle Volunteers (H Chalke Mary E. (Miss), haiberdasiher, Na,g-le. Rd. Flynn, in1arnd revenue Co.) (JQhn Alex. 'fyndale Powell, 41 \Vest street officer, Ditcl:lampt.on capt-ain), The Square Cl a ridge. J 3JS. H. grocer, Ditcha.mpton E. V. felrt manufr. RU!SISell Slbreet Wright Eliza (Mrs.), lauudress,Ditch· Clark Thomws, pluilllbeJ:, North st·reet Pembroke Arms Hotel (Edwin rurnpton Clifford Frrus. watch• repairer, Soutih st Sutton, pr0oprietor), family &J corn- Wrig'ht .Jn.Greyhound hotel,Market pl Coates< John, boa•rding school {free), meTc:ioal hotel Yates & Co.Limlted,manufacturers Nort'h street Pretty Rhoda. (Mrs.), ·SIChool, North st of Axminstell' & Wilton carpets, Oooke Edwin Haswell, whiting makN·, Randaa Jas. Thos. ironmngr. w~ st Royal carpet WQirks•; bran~eh fa-cBurden's ball Rawlence James., l•and agent & farmer, torie,s, Ca.stle S'treet, Saldsbury & Coombs Eliza (Mrs.), bill poster, Bulibridge Southampton; London warehouse, N ortk street RawldnSI Geo. Wm. blcksmth.Russell st 56 Bernem st W; 7 Mea.l street., CoombSI Geo. coal merch'Unt, North s1 Rood & Son, coal me.rohant!' ManiC'hetster; & at Elizabeth port, Coombs Roibert, t()wn crier, North st llidout J. & Co. printOO'IS, North street New Jea-sey U.S.A Oo>rp01ration G31sWorks{H.J.King,s·ec.) Ridout Arthur. beer retailer, Wesrt .st Young Elizaibeth (Mrs.), shopkeeper, Omltre'Y Arthur (MJ'!s.), beer retailer, Saunders George,boot maker, North st North street Burden's ball Shephe·rd William, grocer, North s<t Young Js'Ph. Jn. grocer, Burden's ball WILY, see Wylye. WINGFIELD (or Winkfield) is a scattered village and parish, situated on the Somersetshire border, I mile east from the river Frome, 2 miles south-west from Trowbridge station on the Great Western railway and 2~ south from Bradford-on-Avon, in the Western division of the county, Bradford petty sessional division, hundred and union, Trowbridge county court district, Potterne rural deanery (Bradford portion), archdeaconry of Sarum, and diocese of Salisbury. The church of St. Mary is a small old stone structure, in the Perpendicular style, consisting of chancel, nave, south porch, embattled western tower with pinnacles containing 3 bells : the church has been reseated and otherwise improved, and in r86r was enl"a.rged by the addition of a north transept, at a cost of £110, raised by subscription, when a stained window was also placed in the chancel : there are 190 sittings. The register dates frc.m the year 1654· The living is a rectory, tithe rentcharge £235, average £186, net income £r77, with r8 acres of glebe and residence, in the gift of trustees, and held since 1887 by the Rev. John Haydon Cardew B.A. of Exeter College, Oxford. There are two charities, one of the annual value of £+ for apprenticing boys; the other, of the annual value of £3, to be distributed among the poor of the parish. Midway Manor House was the residence of General Shrapnel, the inventor in 1785 of the shell which bears his name; on the pillars of the park gates are carved the names of 23 battles won with the Shrapnel shell. Wingfield House is the seat of His Honor Camille Felix Desire Caillard, county court judge. The chief landowners are Sir Victor Lewis Houlton G.C.M.G. and W. H. Laverton esq. of Leighton House, Westbury. The soil is friable clay; subsoil, gravel. The land is chiefly pasture, but some wheat is grown. The area is 1,383 acres; rateable value, £2,347;. the population in r89r was 302. WILTS. 17"
260 WING FIELD. Rowley is a tithing, Parish Clerk, George WILTSHIRE. (KELLY'S Harris. Postal orders are issued here but not paid. The nearest money order & telegraph office is at Trowbridge Wall Letter Box, Malt house, cleared a.t 9.20 a.m. &. Post Office.-James Hill, sub-postmaster. Letters ar- 6.45 p.m. week days only rive through Trowbridge at '7.15 a.m. & 6 p.m. ;dis- National School (mixed), built in 1852, for 6o children; patched at 9.25 a.m. & 6.55 p.m. week days only. average atendance, 53; Miss Martha Bradfield, mist Marked: * postal add.ress Bra<fiord- Couch Albert, bak~r p,ike ThomaJso, farmeT, Snarlton f31fm, on--AvQn. Couch Arabella (Mioss), dres•smaker Randall J'<!ne (Mrs.), laundre-ss *Baynton Hy. Summers,Midway manr *Couch Ge-OIDge Tucker, be-eT retailer Ra.ndoall Mlacy (Mio:IS), l'llundNliSS Calilla·rd His· Honor Camille Felix & farrmM", Oxtall farm, ~fidway Reading & Coffee Room (Jamers: Hill,. Desire D.L., J.P. (judlge of county *Gre€nhill Oharieos, fall"ffier, Stowford manager) c<mrts, WingfieM house Gu:ey Mary Jane (Mrs•.), farmer, Rumming Thoma•s, fa;rme.r, Trowle Cardew Rev. Jn. Haydon. B.A.Rectory Arnold?s hill Wadman James, farmer c:ark John Bayfield, The Green Guley Re.ginald, farmea-, Court farm Wadman John H. mriller (water) .. Hill Ja.mes, tea dealer, Post office Stowford mill COMMERCIAL. Kington lsoaoa.c La.ue, farmer, Willow ·windoei:.l Sa.muel,farmer, Ma;tthe.w's fm. Bevan John, painter :Moo re Sara'h (Ml"IS'. ), launda-ess• W ood·s FredeTick William, farmer & Cobtle Erne1st, laundry Pickard Job, baker m-al'bslte,r, Church farm WINSLEY CUM TURLEIGH is a civil parish con- property, is for distribution in money. The inhabitanbstituted out of that of Bradford-on-Avon in 1895· are employed chiefly in agriculture and in working in Winsley is a ·scattered village, and was with Limpley the freestone quarries. The Kennet and Avon canar Stoke formed into an ecclesiastical parish in 18.46, I mile passes through the parish in the valley. From thenorth-east from Limpley Stoke station of the Trowbridge hill may be seen the canal, river Avon, railway and and Bath section of the Great ·western railway, and 2 road, running at diffe-rent elevations side by sidewest from Bradford-on--Avon, in the western division of the through the valley. The hill Slides are clothed witht county, hundred, petty sessional diviSiion, union, and woods, where, through their bold, rocky character,. county court district of Bra.dford-on-Avon, deanery of cultivation in places is impossible; hence the valley Potterne (Bradford portion), archdeaconry of Wilts and appears beautifully wooded, and the foliage with ihdiocese of Salisbury. The church of St. Nicholas is in v.arying tints presents a scene of surpasosing love:iness. the centre of the village: it was rebuilt of stone in the At Avoncliff is the pumping station of the Bradford" Perpendicular style m 1841, and conslists of chancel and Waterworks, which supplies the res•erv-oir. The soil is nave and south porch: the old tower, c-ontaining 3 bells chiefly stony brash; subsoil, freestone; the crops areand a clock, which stood at the west end of the old boarley, oats, wheat and roots;. The area:, including church, now stands isolated, or only connected by a Limpley Stoke, is 3,247 acres'; the population in x8gy: passage to the g-allery of the new church: the church of the ecclesiastical district of Winsley and Limpleyis not remarkable for architectural beauty, but the St-oke was x,15I. tower is much admired, being one of the best kind of the Limpley Stoke will be found under a separate heading .. ancient saddle-back: the church was reseated in pitch pine Turleigh or Turley, is a hamlet h'lllf a mile south-east .. in 1889: there are sittings for 250. The register dates Parish Clerk, J!ames Forster. from the year 1724. Winsley is a vicarog·e, with Post Office. John Billing Pinney, sub-postmaster .. Limpley Stoke annexed, joint net yearly V'lllue of £231 Letters through Bradford-on-Avon arrive at 7 a.m. & and in the gift of the Dean and Chapter of Bri!>tol, 7.15 p.m.; sunda.y, 7 a.m.; dispatched at 7.10 a.m. and held since 1892 by the Rev. Reginald Waiter Angel & 7.15 p.m.; sunday, 7.10 a.m. Postal orden are Angel-Smith B.A. of Quee'ns' Col:lege, Cambridge a:nd issued here, but not paid. Limpley Stoke is thesurrogate, who resides at Limpley Stoke. Here is a nearest telegraph & money order office Wesleyan chapel which will hold 8o. Near the church W.all Letter Box, Turleigh, cleoared at 6.45 a.m. & 7·3ois a small gorge in the hill side called Danes-bottom, p.m. ; sunday, 6.45 a.m where, according to tradition, a battle was fought National School (mixed), built in 1866 & enlarged iD> between these invadsrs and the troopS! of Alfred. 1894, f-or 130 children; average attendance, g_8. ;, Min. Atwood's charity of £17 yearly, derived from funded Lucy Mary Phillips, mistress WINSLEY. Forster James, carpenter Bro-a.d Mrts. Dane villa Fors•ter Macy Ann (Mirs. ), dres.s.makell' Brook·s Geo\l'ge, Rose cottage• Bowyer Jabecz:, Ivy house Buckpitt James• Huntell', Bleak house Dyell" MTISI. M~nor house Grieve's 1\fi"'S'. '\V oodlandts Ryder Mrs•. Mm.,hill house S1aden Rev. CharleS~ Andrew M.A. (curate of St. Niehol.a·s•),Rock house COMMERCIAL, Bath StoneiFirmsCo.Lim.quwry ownxs Bowl€s Abel, farmer, Corkwell BTBdford-on-Avon WaterWorks(Pumping Stta.tion.) (Ge-<JII'ge N, engineer), Avoncliff Carteil' Tom, farmer,Ha.y & Haugh fms f)Q~k Chas. tea ~den.s, Mull'fhd.H :Dando Oha.rloes·, frumner, Ha;rtlev Da.y ~ancis George, fmrm~, Hay Dike George, farmer, Church fann Duck T'hom•a,s, carpenter Edm-ondiSI Ri.cha,rd, Seven Stal"s P. H. & bra-well' & milliner Davis J O'S>eph Freeman 'Dhoma.s Richard,flock manu- Han'ks- Mrs fa.cturer, Avoncliff Heal Henry, Rock s-treet • Holly Geo. tea gardns. Avonview ho J ohn•ston Mis•s, Brookla.nds lodge- · Lewi.s· Charl.tes., fall'mer, Hay P·arsons• Mrs. Grange 0I'Igan J ame,SJ,-shoein-g- & general smith, Sircoon Henry, The Hall all de,seoriptions of -agricultural im- Spacluma.n Edrwin, Cott.les1 lane p'€ments repaired T'lH)Impson Mrs·. Turleigh V'il:a. Pinney John Billing, bake~, grocer, Tucke-r Mrs be-er ret-ailer, bacon & ham curer, & When-eat Chall"le•S' He.lllry, Up~and's; coal men-chant, Post office; dealer Wilk.ins Mrs. Rock villa in •all kind·s of farm produce Smith '\Hlliam, farmeor, Great Ashlev - S•tokes Neltson, fa;, WilliSI1ey fa;rm Taylor Cha,s. fall'ltller, Lit,tjbe- Asih:ey Wheeie•r Henry, wood hurdle maker TURLEIGH. (Postal addtr•ess, Bradford-on-Avon). PRIVATE RESIDENTS. Appleg.ate Hu'betrt J.P. Turleigh house COMMERCIAL. Bai"iey Ohall'1C:S', co1ledo<r of rates Dainton Mark, ioibtbing gardener Davis· Ptr. mrkt. grdnr. Sunny bank Ev·ans lS'aac, shopkeeper Hrurpea- Eliza (M'r~. ),P:rince o.fWalesP.H Harper Hubell't, dairyman, Cottleos la Spa.ckman Julius•, f.armer WINTERBOURNE BASSETT is a. village and parish, 6 mileS! south-east from Wootton Bassett station, on the Swindon and Bath section of the Great Western railway and 9 north-west from Marlborough, in the Eastern division of the county, Selkley hundred, petty sessional division of Marlborough, Marlborough union and county court district, rural deanery of Avebury (Avebury portion), a.rchde:aconry of Wilts and diocese of Salisbury. The church of St. Oatherine is a very ancient stone fabric, chiefly in the Decorated style, which was restored in IB57, having chancel, nave, north aisle, and transept, south porch and western square embattled tower with pinnacles containing 3 bells, and several monuments to the Baskervilles, who were ~rettled at Rickarston: there is an Early English font: the church has 120 sittings. The register dates from the year 16Bx. The living is a rectory, average tithe rent-charge £soo, net yearly value £435, with residence and 40 acres of glebe, in the gift of Magdalen College, Oxford, and held since 1858 by the Rev. Henry Harris B.D. late fellow and tutor of that college. Lord Lilford is lord of themanor and the representatives of the late Lady Hollandare the principal landowne-rs. The soil is clay and loam; subsoil, clay. The chief crops are wheatr oats and beans. The area. is 2,210 acres; rateable value~ £1,205; the population in 1891 was 271. Parish Clerk, Robert Garrett. Pillar Letter Box, cloored at 6.15 p.m. & IO.I5 a. m. sundays. Letters arrive by foot post from Swindon at 8.30 !\.m. The nea;rest money order office is at Broad Hinton, & telegraph office at Avebury Parochial School (mixed), built in 1875; average attendance, 46; Mrst. Wedlock, mistress
DIRECTORY.] WILTSHIRE. WINTERROURNE MONKTON. 261 Harris Rev. Henry B.D. Reetory \Horton James, fa.rmer, Rahson Redman James, farmer, Manor farm Godden John Stephen,White Horse inn Howell Harry, farmer, Whyr Scott W&.t-eT, shopkeeper WINTERBOURNE DANTSEY (or Dauntsey, or· Burtt, of the Manor House, is liady of the manor, and Middle Winterbourne ), is a village and parish, in the Mrs. King Wyndham and C. E. Clark esq. are chief 1Journe valley, 2 miles south-south-west from Porton landowners. The soil is chalk; subsoil, same. The station on the main line of the London and South chief crops are wheat, barley and roots. The area is WeSitern railway, 4 north-east from Salisbury and 5 1,143 acres; rateable value, £921; the population in 'SOUth-east frQm Amesbury, in the Southern division of 1891 was 136. the county, Alderbury hundred, Salisbury and Ames- Figs bury Ring (or Clorus's Camp) is 1 mile south· bury petty sessional diviSI:ion, Salisbury county court east. -district, Amesbury union, rural deanery of Amesbury (Alderbury portion), archdeaconry of Sarum and diocese Letters arrive from Salisbury at 6.30 a..m. & 3.Io p.m.; -of Salisbury. The church of the parish was taken down dispatched at 2 & 6.30 p.m. Tbs- nearest money an x867 a.nd the inhabitants attend that of Winterbourne order & telegraph office is at "\Vinterbourne Gunner Earls, to which parish this is annexed. Here is a The children of this parish attend the school at Winter- -chapel used by the Methooist New Connexion. Mrs. bourne EarlSJ Atkins Mrs. Fern cottage Bryant SandM-, ca.rpenbelr Saunders Albert John, builder, farmer, lllake Richard, The Elms Burtt George & Frederick, farmers smith & wheelwright ~urnett Rev. Arthul'l Bernard B . .A. Hayter William, coal merchant Smith William J. shopkeeper Burlt Mlris-. Manor lrolllse King Charles, New inn Yates William, carrier ·wiNTERBOURNE EARLS (or Winterbourne), in the gift of the Bishop of Salisbury, and held since is a. parish and village, in the Bourne valley, 1} miles 1893 by the Rev. John Jam6'so Tall Wilmot, of St. John's south-west from Porton station on the London and College, Cambridge and M . .A.. by the Archbishop of South Wesotern railway, 3! north-east from Salisbury Canterbury. The poor of the parish participate in and 6 south from Amesbury, in the Southern division Tanner's charity, see Winterbourne Gunner, also in of the county, Alderbury hundred, SaliSibury and Ames- Cartwright's charity. The hamlet of Hurdcott, half a. oury petty sessional division, .A.mesbury union, Salisbury mile south, consists of a large number of cottages. -county court district, rural deanery of Amesbury There is a small Wesleyan chapel. G. M. Fort esq. of ~.A.lderbury portion), archdeaconry of Sarum snd diocese Alderbury House, who is lord of the manor of "\Vinterof Salisbury. The church of St. Michael is a fine bourne Earls, and Mrs. King Wyndham, who is lady of structure of flint and s-tone in the Early English style, the manor of Hurdcott, are also chief landowners. The ouilt near the site of the old church in 1868, and con- soil is chalk; subsoil, same. The chief crops are wheat, £isting of chancel, nave of three bays, south porch, barley and rootso. The .a.rea is 2,252 acres ; rateable -south aisle and square embattled tower with pinnacles, value, £1,549; the population in 1891 was 237. containing 5 bells: the east window and others- in the Parish Clerk, George Oalloway. -chancel are stained; the church serves for both this Letters a.rrive from Salisbury via "\Vinterbourne Gunner, pa·rish and that of Winterbourne Dantsey, as these two at 8 a.m. & 3.10 p.m.; leave at 6.30 p.m. Winterparisheos have been united for eccles[asticaJ purposes, bourne Gunner is the· nearest money order & .and the church of the latter parish has been taken telegraph office odQwn: the materia.! of the two old churches was used Wall Letter Box, cleared 7 p.m.; sundays, 10.45 a.m 'in the erection of the present church: there are 2.87 Na.tional School, for the use of this & the adjoining .sittings. The re.gister of this parish dates from 1567, parishes of Winterbourne Dantsey & "\Vinterbourne that of "\Vinterbourne Dantsey from 1561. The living Gunner, built in 1867, for xoo children; average is a vicarage, with Winterbourne Dantsey annexed, attendance, So; there is a residence for the mistress joint gross yearly value £250, net £230, with residence, adjoining the schools; Miss Dore, school mistresS~ PRIVATE RESIDENTS. Sutton Thomas Blake, Fairleigh inc:udes· cooking- &c.; pupi1s taken :Bre.adaJ:bane Marquess of K.G., P.C. Wilmot Rev.Jn.Jas. Tall M.A.Vicarage from abroad; The Poplars The Cottage; 19 Cavendish square, COMMERCIAL. Godwin John, farmer "\V & Mar~borough & Reform clubs, Barter Jarnes, carpenter & wheel- Sims Robert, farmer London S W wright, Hurdcott Stevens George, carrrier, Hurdcott 'Godwin John, Manor house Bek~n M. engine packing ma.nuf·achr Sutton Thomas Blake, farmer Griffiths Herbert, Shirley Beken Mary Jane (Mrs.), educational Williams Ann (Mrs.), Black Horse :Rose Charles home for ladies; course of study P.H. & blacksmith, Hurdcott WINTERBOURNE GUNNER (or Cherborough, Lewis Lloyd B.A. of Jesus College, Oxford. Here is a or Upper Winterbourne) is a parish and village in the Wesl.eyan chape-l. Tanner's charity of £12 rxs. yearly, Dourne valley, x! miles south-west from Porton station is derived frmn £soo New 3l per eent. Bank Annuities, on the London and South Western railway, 4~ north- left in 1848 by Miss Jane Tanner to keep in good repair east from Salisbury, and 4! south from Amesbury, in a monum.ent erected to her memory in the churchyard, the SoutheTn divisiGn of the county, Aldeil"bury hundred, the residue to be distribut-ed to the poor of the parishes Salisbury and Amesbnry pebty sessional division, .A.rnes- of Winterbourne Earls and Winterbourne Gunner in fuel bury union, Salisbury county court district. rural dean- and clothing. John Evans esq. of Cheltenham, is lord of ery Qf Amesbury (Alderbury portion), archdeaconry of the manor and principal landowner. The soil is chalk; Sarum, and diocese of Salisbury. The Bourne, a fine subsoil, same. The. chief crops are wheat, barley and 'trout stream, flows through this parish. The church of roots. The area is 1,481 acres; rateable vaJue, £1,143; 'St. Mary is a plain structure, built in the 12th century: the popui~tion in 1891 was 166. it was somewhat injured by the Cromwellians, and was Parish Clerk, George Brown. Tepaired in r8ro: it has chancel, nave, south porch, low Post, M. 0. & T. 0., S. B., Express Delivery & .Annuity :Square tower containing 2 bells: .i:t was restored in r885: & Insurance Office.-Mrs. Emma Smith, sub-post- 'there are So sit.tings. The regis.ter d•ates from the year mistress. Letters ~.rrive from Salisbury at 6.30 a.m. 11:573. The living is a rectory, average tithe rent-c'harge & 3.10 p.m.; dispatched at 2 & 6.35 p.m.; sundays. £x6.o:,, gros.g yearly value £178, net £130, includin~r 10.30 a.m re-sid·ence and 9 acres o! glebe, in t·he gift of the Lord 1 The children of the parish attend Winterbourne Earls Chancellor, and held smce r88g by the Rev. Edward · school "J,loyd Rev. Edwd. Lewis B . .A..Rectory Miles Thomas Edward, agricultural Sutton John Blake ( exors. of),farmer~ Gay Frank, farmer machinist White Richard &1 Son, millers (water "Palmer William & John, blacksmiths Smith Emma (Mrs.),grocer,Post office & steam) WINTERBOURNE MONKTON is a parish and ~maJI village, on the road from Swindon to Devizes, 6! "tniles north-west from Marlborough stations on the ~heat Western. and Midland and South Western junction -railways, and consists of four farms, in the Eastern <divisiQn of the county. Selkley hundred, petty sessional division of Marlborough and Ramsbury, Marlborough nnion and county court district, rural deanery of Avebury (.A.vebury portion), archdeaconry of Wilts and diocese of Salisbury. The church of St. Mary :Miagdalene is a sm11ll building of stone, in the Norman style, :and consists of a chancel, nave and south porch, with a wooden western tower covered with oak shingles and containing 4 bells : it wa.s completely restored under the direction of Mr. Butterfield in 1878, and is a fair specimen of an Early English village church : there are 150 sittings. The register dates from the year 1656. The living is a. vicarage, annexed to that of Berwick Bassett, average £182, gross joint yearly value £3-J.Z, net [,zzg, including 37 acres of glebe, in the gift of the Bishop of Salisbury, and held since 1887 by theo Rev. Ebenezer Anderson M.A. of Worcester College, Oxford, who resides at Berwick Bassett. Francis Willi2.m Leyborne-Popham esq. of Littlecote Park, Ramsbury.
~62 WlNTERBOLRNE MONKTO~ • Vv IL r:I:SHIRF.. ( l{EL:{.. Y' S .is lord of the manor and principal landowner, and the Letter Box, near the school, cleared at 5.40 p.m. Rev. Freeman Wilson holds the rectory farm. The soil week days & 9·55 a .. m. snndays is chalk; subsoil, clay. The ({hief crops are wheat, Parochial School ~mixed), built in 1856, with residence barley, oats and roots. The area is r,814 acres; ra.teable for mistress, for Bo children; average attendance. value, £813; the population in. 1891 was 214. 39; & supported partly by an endowment bequeathed Monkton Penning is r mile east. by the late Mr. Hitchcock, la;y impropriator ; Mrs. Parish Clerk, Henry Spackman, jun. Emily Spackman, mistress Letters through Swindon arrive at 9 a.m. The nearest Oarrie·r to Marlborough, Swindon & Devizes.-George money order & telegraph office is at .A.vebury. Wall Nash, tues. & sat Mills Mrs. dress maker Reynolds Joseph, farmer, 'Vest farm Viveash .A.nne· (MI'IS.), farmer Nash George, carrier Spackman Peter, beer retailer Waite Henry, baker & grocer Parsons .A.rthur Edmund, farmer WINTERBOU:QNE STOKE is a township, parish value £220, net £r8o, with residence, including tw() and village, 4 miles north from Wishford station on the acres of glebe land and is in the gift of Lord .A.shSalisbury branch of the Great Western railway, 5 west burton, and held since 1891 by the Rev. SMney William from Amesbury and 9 north from Salisbury, in the Wayet. Lord Ashburton is lord of the manor and chief Southern division of the county, union of Amesbury; landowner. The soil is light loam, on chalk. The chief hundred of Branch and Dole, petty sessional division crops are wheat, ba,rJey and oats. The area is 3,3~<; of Sali:.bury and Amesbury, county court distrid t•f acres; rateable value. £r,6r9; in r8gr the population Salisbury, rural deanery of Wylye (Wylye portion), was 249. archdeaconry of Sarum '3il1d diocese< of Salisbury. The The Conegall'th (or Coneygore, i.e. rabbit warren) Winterbourne stream flows through the parish. The is an earthwork, three-quarters1 of a mile north. Then~ church of St. Peter is an ancient structure of flint and are many barrows and earthworks·, among which is stone, in the Early Englis•lr style and consists of chancel, Long Barrow. nave, north and south transepts, north porch and square Parish Clerk, Edward Eyears. central embattled towe•r, containing 4 beJls: there nre Post Office.---:HeTbert Henry Dyer, Slllb-postmaster. two fine Norman doorways to the nave: the arch into Letters arrive from Salisbury at 8.35 a.m., 10.30 a.m. the south transept is of pure El:l"ly English detail: in & 3·55 p.m. ; dispatched 11t 5 p.m. in summer; 4- the chancel is a good piscina and aumbry, of Early p.m. in winter. The nearest money order & telegraph Decorated character: in the south transept is a piscina : office is at Shrewton the east window and two others< are stained: the pulpit National School (mixed), built in 1875• for 8o children; of carved oak is dated r62r: there• are< 120 sittings. average attendance, 35; Mrs. Edith Louisa Dyer,. The register dates: from the year 155 8. The living is mistress a vicarage, average tithe rent-charge £199, gross yearly Oarrier.-F. Grant, to Salisbury, tues. & ~>at Wayet Rev. Sidney William (vicar), Dyer Herbert Henry, grocer,Post office Grant FranK, carrier & farmer Vicarage Eyears Edward, carpenter Saunders Hy.Geo.farmr.Scotland frm Coles Cary, farmer, Manor house Lockyer Hugo, farm bailiff to Cary Sheppard Caroline• (Mrs.), Bell P.H J)yer Alfred, blacksmith Coles esq caravan on its way to Salisbury fair. Roche Court, at East Winterslow, a mansion of stone, surrounded by a park and pleasure grounds of about So acres, and the property of Earl Nelson, is at present occupied by Lieut.-Col. Henry Trafford Rawson. Sir Thomas Frase!" Grove bart. who is lord of the manor of w· est Winterslow, and Earl Nelson, who owns that of East Winterslow, are principal landowners. The soil is chalk and clay; subsoil, chalk, The chief crops are wheat, barley and oats. 'l'he area is 4,698 acres; rateablevalue, £3,816; the population in r8gr was 786. Shripple, a tithing, is, under the Divided Parishes Act~ transferred from Idmiston td this parish. By a Local Government Order, dated March 25, r883, all that part of the parish of West Dean situated in Wiltshire was amalgamated with Winterslow, and the remainder, situated in Hampshire, added to West Tytherley, Hants. Post & M. 0. 0., S. B. & Annuity & Insurance Office.- Arthur Shears, sub-postmaster. Letters from Salis· bury arrive at 9 a.m. ; dispatched at 5·15 p.m. Thenearest telegraph office is at Dean railway station Pillar Letter Box, Common, cleared at 5.30 p.m Pillar Letter Box, West Winterslow, cleared at 5· 15 p.m Schools. WINTERSLOW is a parish, on the road from Stockbridge to 'Winchester, 4 miles south-east from Porton 1tation on the main line, and 5! north-west from Dean ~tation on the Eastleigh and Salisbury section of the London and South Western railway, and 7 north-east from Salisbury, in the Southern division of the county, hundred and union of Alderbury, Salisbury and Amesbury petty sessional division, Salisbury county court, rural deanery of Amesbury (Alderbury portion), archdeaconry of Sarum, and diocese of Salisbury. The church of All Saints is built of flint, with stone dressings, and was handsomely .restored and enlarged in 1851: it is of mixed architecture, consisting of chancel, nave qf five bays and aisles, with embattled tower and low spire, with 4 bells, and contains an organ : there are some interesting monuments of the Thislethwaite family: there tlre 300 sittings. The register dates from the year 1598. The living is a rectory, tithe rent-charge £88o; average [652; net income £557• with 52 acres of glebe and residence, in the gift of the President and Fellows of St. John's College, Oxford, and held since 1893 by the Rev. James Coombe Noel M . .A.. of Trinity college, Dublin. St. John's chapel was erected on Winterslow Common, in I86o, in connection with the church: it was built by subscription, at a cost of £4oo, of flint with stone dressings: there are 130 sittings. The following charities are derived from 2i per cent. Consols left in 1871 by National (mixed), with schoolmaster's house, erected in Mrs. Sarah Curtis: £66 yearly, to be equally divided 1856, for 140 children; school (infant), with residencebetween 6 poor widows not under 6o years of age; £ 10 for mistress, erected in r833, for so children; averageyearly to the National school, and the interest of £600 attendance, 140; these two schools are under one to be distributed to the deserving poor in kind. On management; H. T, Witt, master; Mary Ann ParOcto her 2oth, 1816, one of the horses of the Exeter sons, assistant wail coach was attacked at the Pheasant Inn, or Winter- Carriers to Salisbury.-William Broad, tues. & sat. ; slow Hut, by a lioness, which had escaped from a Edwin Knight, tues. thurs. & sat EAST WINTERSLOW. Rogars William, wheelwright Williams1 Francis Edward, Winterslo" Whitlock Claude, farmer Hut P.H Trafford-Rawson Lieut.-Col. Henry, Roche court Knight William, farmer Nardell James,_ Crooked Billet P.H MIDDLE WINTERSLOW. Young Benjamin, blacksmith Young Elizabeth (Mrs.), beer retailer WINTERSLOW COMMON. WEST WINTERSLOW. Annetts Herbert, hawker Noel Rev. James Coombe M . .A..Rectory Annetts Waiter, baker & shopkeeper Broad William, farmer Clarke Rufus, wheelwright Hill Mrs Collins William, rake maker Collins Silas, shopkeeper Coleman James, carpenter Hobbs Samuel, beer retailer Collins Thomas, wood dealer Jiardy Alexander, painter & glazier King John, farmer Judd Sarah (Mrs.), farmer Horner Herbert, grocer Parsons John, farm bailiff to Sir Thos, Ranson William, shoe maker King William, farmer Fraser Grove bart Shears, Lot, market gardener Paler 'Villiam, farmer Rathbone Lewis, farmer Sheppard .A.ndrew, shoe maker Rogers Lewis, blacksmith Whitlock William, farmer Sheppard Ann (Mr,.;.), grocer WISHFOBD (or Great Wishford) is a parish and vil- the Salisbury branch of the Great Western railway, 3 lage, situated on the Wylye stream, with a station on miles north from Wilton, 6 north-west from Salisbury •
DIRECTORY.] WILTSHIRE. WOODFORD. 263 bread to ro poor people on Christmas Eve. The late rector (Rev. F. Williams) bequeathed, in r857, £70, the interest to be bestowed upon ten poor people on Christmas Eve in beef and bread; and in 1887 Miss Mary Smokem left £roo for a similar purpose. The Earl of Pembroke is lord of the manor and owns the entire parish. The soil is gravel and chalk; subsoil, chalk. The chief crops are wheat, barley and oats. The area is 1,664 acres of land and rs of water; rateable and 102 from Lo:ndon, in the Southern division of the county, Branch and Dole hundred, Wilton union, Salisbury- county court district, pettt sessional division, rural deanery of Wylye (Wylye portion), archdeaconry of Sarnm and diocese of Salisbury. The church of St. Giles, an edifice of flint and stone, was completely restored in r864: it consists of chancel (Early English), nave, aisles, south porch, and has a square western embattled tower, with 8 pinnacles, containing 5 bells and a -clock: it contains a monument to Sir Richard Grobham, obiit 1629, and also one to Sir Thomas Bonham and his wife and 9 children, dated i469: the chancel windows are stained: there are 195 sittings. The register dates from the year 1558. The living is a rectory, average tithe rent-charge £327; gross yearly value £340, net £280, including residence and 17 acres of glebe, in the gift of the Earl of Pembroke, and held since 1895 by the Rev. Frederick William Macdonald M . .A. of Queen's College, Oxford. Sir Richard Grobham, a former lord of the manor, endowed in 1628 almshouses for 4 old men and a housekeeper, each inmate receiving 6s. per week. £250 (now £392) were bequeathed by Daniel Oland, the interest of which is applied to binding apprentices and purphasing them tools, with an allowance of beef and , value, £2,318; the population in r8gr was 335· Parish Clerk, Edward Hunt. Post & M. 0. 0., S. B. & Annuity & Insurance Office.- George Young, sub-postmaster. Letters arrive from Salisbury via Wilton at 7.30 a.m. 12 noon & 1.30 p.m. ; delivered at 8 a.m. & 1.30 p.m.; dispatched at 12.10 & 6.30 p.m. The nearest telegraph office is at Wilton School, with master's house, built in 1722, & endowed by Sir R. Howe with the tithe of the extinct parish of Asherton, commuted at £72, is for the free education of 40 children; average attendance, 70: Thomas Fifield, master; Mrs. Fifield, mistress Railway Station, J ames Richings, station master Carrier to Salisbury.-Michael Petty, tues. & sat • .Ainsworth J ames Macdonald Rev. Frederick William M.A. Rectory Goulden George, coal merchant King James, shopkeeper Smith John, blacksmith Thatcher Elizabth (Mrs.), farmer Thatcher Joseph, farmer Spender Miss COMMERCIAL. Lever & Mundy, wheelwrights Petty Michael, Royal Oak P.H Scamell Henry, tailor Tutt Francis, butcher Young Geo. M. post office & baker Flower Waiter, farmer Scott Arthur, coal merchant WOODBOROUGH is a village and parish, situated and beans, and there is a large amount of pasture. The near the Kennet and Avon canal, with a station in the area is r,o14 acres; rateable value, £1,478; the populaparish. of Beechirtgstoke, on the Berks and Rants exten- tion in r8gr was 424. sion branch of the Great Western railway, 4 miles west At Honeystreet, r! miles north from the railway from Pewsey, 8 east from Devizes, 9 south-west. from station, passes the Kennet and Avon canal, whereon is an Marlborough, and 78~ from London, in the Eastern divi- extensive timber, slate and coal wharf, saw mills, and sion of the county, Swanborough hundred, Everleigh chemical manure works, belonging to Messrs. Robbins, and .Pewsey petty sessional division, Pewsey union, Marl- Lane and Pinniger Limited. Here is also a Workmen's borough county court district, rural deanery of Avebury 1 Hall, built in r887, to hold 150: several Roman coins (Cannings portion), archdeaconry of Wilts and diocese of have been found here. Salisbury. The church of St. Mary is a stone building, Parish Clerk, William Waite. in the ~arly English style, having a c~ancel, lofty nave, Post, M. 0. & T. 0., S. B., Express Delivery & Annort.~ aisle and porch and a turret With one bell: the nuity & Insurance Offioe.-William Thomas Giddings, pulpit and font. are of stone,. handsomely carved : the sub-postmaster. The postal address Pewsey S. 0. Let- ~ast and west ~mdows are stamed: ~n organ wa_s placed ters delivered at 8. 35 a.m. & 3.30 p.m.; sundays, m the church m 1~84: the _ch_urch IS seated. With open 8. 35 a. m. ; dispatched at 9 a.m. 3.40 & 6. 35 p.m.; benches and contams 26o sitjings. The register dates sun days 1 1 a m from the year 1567. The living is a rectory, average ' · . tithe rent-charge £236, net yearly value £290, with 70~ ·wall Letter Box, Honey Street, cleared 5·55 p.m.' sunacres of glebe and residence, in the gift of the Rev. days, 10·15 a.m • Edwin George Wyld B.A. vicar of Melksham, in this National School (within the parish of Beechingstoke) coun'ty, and held since r88r by the Rev. Jacob (mixed), for the united districts of Woodborough, Sturton M.A. of Trinity College, Oxford, J.P. Wilts. North Newnton, Manningford Bohune & BeechingThere is a Wesleyan chapel, built about 1844, to hold stoke, built in 1872, with residence for master, for roo. The Earl of Normanton is lord of the manor and r8o children; average attendance, r6o; Ernest Edward principal landowner. The soil is clay and green sand; Whitting, master subsoil, chalky. The chief crops are wheat, barley, oats Railway Station, Albert Edward Hawker, station master Eames Mrs. Nightingale villa FerriSI Franci~ William, inspector of slate, coal & oilcake merchants, imLane Ebenezer, Manor house nuisances to Rural District Coun- porters of slate & foreign timber, Lane Fredk. Robbins, Honeystreet cil & attendance officer to School manufacturers of chemical manures, McLauchlan Alex. Chas. Honeystreet Attendance Committee barge & boat owners & builders, Radcliffe Octaviu.s G. The Laurels Fiddler William, saddler & grocer steam saw mills, wharfingers & farRadcliffe Philip Delme, The Laurels Harvey Fredk. shopkeeper & bricklayer mers, Honey street wharf & Railway Radcliffe Rev. Alston William M.A. Hibberd Edwin, blacksmith Station The Laurels Oram &\Ward, dress makers Stratton Alfred, carpenter & whlwrght Sturton Rev. Jacob M.A., J.P.Rectory Ora!D Noah, boot & shoe maker Williams John Giles, commercial COMMERCIAL. Reading Room (Rev. Jacob Sturton, traveller, Honeystreet Beaven William Fox, farmer hon. sec) Wiltshire & Giddings, drapers, Post off Besant Geo.refreshmt.rooms & coal dlr Robbins, Lane &! Pinniger Lim. Eng- Workmen's Hall (Edwin Pink, sec), Chatterton Jas. Old Rose & Crown P.H lish & foreign timber, brick, tile, Honeystreet WOODFORD (MIDDLE, UPPER and LOWER). WOODFORD is a. parish, comi·sting of three Vlillages, plOOJs.antly situated on the west side of a valley, through which flows the river Avon, in the Southern division of tihe county, hundred of Underditch, Salisbury and .Amesbury pe.t,ty sesSiional divisrion, AmeS'bury union, Salisbury county court disrtroict, rura.l deJane·ry of .Amesbury (Amesbury portion), arehdeaconry of Sarum and diocese of Salisbury. Middle Woodford is 3 miles east from Wishford station on the Great. Western railway, 5 south-bywest from Amesbury and 4! north-west from Salisbucry. Upper Wood:furo 1s 5! miles north irom SalisbUTy, and Lower W'Oodiord 4 miles north-west. The church of All Saints i-s an edifice of flint and sto~ consisting of chancel, nave of tm:~ bay,s, ali.sles and south porch, and was (with the exception of the tower) rebuilt by subscription in 1845: the west-em squa<re tower contains 3 bells and & clock: the chancel, Wlith !fulrl.ned window, was built a.t the expense of the late ffiles Loder esq. the lay impropriator: th~T'e are 220 sitttiings·, The registell' dates from the year 1538, and is in good preiSiffi"Va,ttion. The living is a vicarage, annexed to Wilsford, average tithe rent-charge (Woodford) £134, joint gross income £36o, ne.t £243, with 2 acres of glebe and residence, rebuilt in 1832, in the gift of the Bish'Op of Sal!i,sbury, and held sJ.nce 1893 by the Rev. J oib.n Rall'rtinig'bon Twining M.A. of tlhe rniveDSity of Durham. In the pw.rish is Heale House, formerly the residence of the Hyde mmily ; after the battle of Worcester Oh'M"les II. fled to Henle H'Ouse, and was secreted there for 14 diays, by Mrs. Hyde, previous to his departure from England. Here wa.s formerly a palace of the BisihlopS of Sali.sbury, of which no trace remari.ns, excepting a few carved stones found by a former occupier of Court H!oUJS'e fa.rm, which standiS on a part of the site. The Ecc'l'6JslilaJS/birel Oommissione'l'l!, who are lords of the manor, and Sir Edmund Giles Loder bart. of WhittlebuTf, 'l'owceslt<er, Northants, who
264 WOODFORD. "~ILTSHIRE. (KELLY's owns the Hoole· estate, are chJe,f landowne·rs. The ~oil and subs10oil are chalk and grovel. The chief crops are wheat, bwrley and oalbs. The area is 2,270 acres of lia.nd and 22 of water; mteialble value, £2,oro; in 1891 the popul'<lltrion was 427. Parish Cl&k, John T'relYle. Pilla,r Letter Boxes, Lower Woodtfiord & Middle Woodford, cleared aJt 7.50 p.m. & 7·45 p.m. The noorest money ord€r & telegraph offices a:roe at Salisbury & Ame·sbury National School, with residence for mistre'ss, built in 1872, for roo children; a-verage attendance, 75; Miss Post Office, Upper Woodfurd. Jollm Wes·t, sub-pOSot- Croft, mistress m.aoster. Lelbters from Sali1sbury arrive at 5.Io a.m.; dispelbdhed aJt 7.40 p.m. The· money order & Carrier.-Tom teiegrnph offices all'e a.t AmeSbuTY & Salisbury thurs. & Slat King, Woodford to Salisbui'I.Y, on t.ue.s. MIDDLE WOODFORD. UPPER WOODFORD. LOWER WOODFORD. ·Twining Rev. John Harrington M . .A. (vbar) COMMERCIAL. Conduit Wm. blacksmith,& Bridge inn Flower Stephen Edwin, farmer Harding Harry, wheelwright Sheard Rev. Arthur Edward William B.A. (curate) Cooke Major William .Conduit James, baker & shopkeeper Dyke Thomas, bricklayer Hazard Charles, boot maker Merchant Charles, blacksmith Merchant John, bla.cksmith Braithwaite Montague Stanley,farmer, Manor farm Dear John, Wheatsheaf P.H. & farmar 'Treble John, tailor Denny Annie (Mrs.), grocer White Edwin, miller (water) Pic1dord Edwd. farmer, Heale farm Pile Elizabeth (Mrs.), farmer Keudell William, farmer, Court house WOOTTON BASSETT i.s a marklllt towru and parish 1 at the co·st of Sir Henry Bruce :Meux = it is a half-timbered (formerly a boTough), plea.santly sitlm.ted on an eminence structure, with oak staircase; the upper part forms a •overlooking a large extent of fertile and highly cu~•biva.ted reading-room and a museum, and contaallrSI the ancient coun1bry, witili. a station on the Swindion and Bath seot.ion ducking-Sitool, which l,md been remmed from here to of tll.e Gr·oot WeSibern rail"\"\o1ay, 83 miles from London, Devlize·s; the lower portion j,g. used as a market and corn si west from Swindon, 24 from Bath, 3S north from ' exchange. Hiring fa.irs areo held on the Tuesday before Sa1islbury, and 31 miles by roil, IS north from Devizes, the 6th of April, and Tuesday before the uth of Oct.Jj,n the Northern·sion of the county, Kingshrndge hulli- ber, irustli:tuted iru 1836, which ail'e· noody obw·~ete. A dll'ed, Cricklade and Wootton Basset!& union, Swiooon Large market is helld on the finst Wednesdh.y in every coulllty court district, petty ses.S!ional divilsion of Crick- moruth for ootltle. There are cha'l'litlies, producing about Jia,de and Wootton Bas·setlt, rural deanery of Avebury £52 yearly, left by Chail"les OompltiOill in I7oo, Rev . .(.Avebury por•t.ion), archd'OOOODJry of Wlilts and diocese of Oharles Pynner, Sir Francis Inglefield GaUimores, Lord Salisbury: it Wla•S forme~rly governed by a maym, two Clarendon's cha·rity (left in 1786); and Lord Clarendon, .aldermen aoo twelve oo.piltru burges•SetS, but Under th-e in 1824, Je,frt £100, the in1:eroslt to be given to the poor .proviS'iO!liS' of the Municipal Corpornlbiorus Act, I883, the not .rooeiving parochial reliief. There are brnnches here incorpor.a.tion coo.sed to exist in Mlarch, 1·886. The Wilts of the Capiml and Coun•ties :&nk LimlLted and the Wilts and Berks canal pa.sses Wlitihin half a mile south of the and Dorset Co. Limii·'ted. .An ancient hospit~al fuwn. W'OO'btlon Ba,SJS·e'bt WJars at the tlime of the Norman forme-rly e:rirsted here, and WlarS d€dlioolted to St. John, accession oaHed ·wooe,ton, and about a century af.te'l' it a.nd in tthe reign of He·nTy IV. WRIS unillted to the priory th6 property o.f the Il1a1SIS'elt·bs, from whom it of Brndenstt;oke. There is ·a saline spring on lVhit-ehill received the adjunot to its nnme ; it OOillsiS'ts of a single Fa.rm, in the pa·r:islh, the wa1ters of whlich are considered stre!"t nearly half a mile long, nera.r tih.e cerutre· of which beneficial. V~n·Slt·e•rne House, tlb..e old· ma1110r house, once a stands the Mark!et House and Town H~aH. The town wa·s roy>al res·idence, has b-een by Sir H. B. Meux 'firs't inoorpomtted by royal cilmll'te'r of Hell!ry VI. oon- barl. and is now occupied by his estalte agent, C. firmed by Quee•n El.i7..abelth and renewed witih increased T·I"epplin e.sq. :M.A. Sir Henry Bruce Meux ba.rt. of privileges by Charles 11. in a charter dated December, Dauntsey, is lord of the manor and chief landowner. 1679, by wfuic<h the corporn.ttion, co.I~JSisted of a mayor. two The soil is oolite brn:sih. ; sulbsoil, clay. The· land is aldermen a.nd twelve oapital burgesses, with a town chiefly in paSlture. The area is 4,•830 aores; roteable ·elerk and: ·subordina,te officers. 'l'h!e borOIUgh waSJ not va.lue, .f.I6,482; and the populat~on in 189I wars 2,200. included in the "MunicipraJ Oorpomtruons Act, I835.'' but Greenhill, I~ mriles sourtlh, and WOod.sihaw, I, are IW'als scheduled by the Mulllic.ipal Commissioners of I 876 ttithings in tihis pa.risih.. . .818 a place to which the Municipal Corpora.t.ions Act Patrish Clerk, Samuel Wihhsh.ire . .might be applied, arnd this &ahedule i.s annexed to the Post, M. 0. & T. 0., S. B., Express Delivery & Annuity "' Mu.ruieipa•l Corporations Act, I883" (46 & 47 Vicrt. c. & Insuro.nce Offioe.-Goorge W~atMJs, sub-postmaSlter. >t:8). The oorpom.t,ion hats since been a.bolished, and its Let,t·erM aNive from Swindon a.t 4.30 a. m. & 12 noon; prope·rty is vested iru trustees, of whom the lord of the deliveries comm•ence rat 7 a. m. I2. 10 & 6.5 p.m. ; dism.anor, Sir Henry B. Me~IX. bam. is one, and the·re are, patched at 3.20 & 8.20 p.m. ; sunday delivery at 7 a.m. ; besides, two aldermen and three elooted members. The dispatched at 8 p.m. Money orders are granted & 'i.lorou!Yh reotu:rn.•ed t.wo m&nlbe-vs to Parliament from z; paid between 8 ·a.m. & 8 p.m. Telegraph office open •Hen. VI. ( 1446-7) unltil the plllS!Siimg of the "Reform Act, from 8 a. m. to 8 p.m '1832" (2 & 3 Wm. IV. c. 45). The town is lighted with . . gas by a limited liability company, ~md has been much Pubhc Eslbabdii.slhmellllt·s. "improved. The church of St. Ba~iliolomew is of stone, C-emete·ry, Ed•ward Dodd, cle·rk to the burial board in the Early Eruglish styie, and COiliSirsbs of a chance·!, Oounty Polioo S~atlion, 'Dom Goddaro, sel."geant in charge, nave of five ba.~1s, and aisles, south Jl'O'l"Ch, and square & 1 oonstrable -embattled western tower containing 5 blells, and conrtains Fire Br.iQOade, Thomas LansdowUl, supt. & 10 men an orgran : in cleaning- the soUJth wall some years ago a Mia,rke~t Hlall curious, in a rude· sty!l-e, mts discovered of the Town Hilioll, Churroh, hall keepe'l' nmrdeor of Thomas a Becketl:: in I87I the church wa.~ tlhrotrtmgthly reslbored, at a oost of b€tween £ and {,7,ooo, by tlhe trusft-eers of the late Sir Henry Meux bal'lt.: in 1877 a st.a.ined w~ndow wa.s addrd in memory of the- 4th Eal"'l and Countes·s of Cla·reooon, and tlhere are .severtatl othe-r srta,ined wlindiowJS: in 1884 a clock was p}aoed in t-he tower alii a cost of £I50 by public sub- .scl'liption. Th~e Slit.tings for Boo persons. The re- ,gri.ster dra.tes from the year I584. In the vest.ry are 'Vlal1ious old d·eed!s and a l.isrt of vioaTs from I2oo. The 11Vting is a, a.ver.age ti1t•he rent-charge, £350, gro~rs yeaTly Vl!lllue £sn, net £310, inclurltin.g 92 acres of glebe, with l'esidence, in the ~ifit of Sir llenry Bruce ::Meux hart. and he.:d since I8Q3 by the Rev. Wil~iam Evan•!l Oock!Shott M . .A. of St. Ca.tlheTiine's Coli.ege, Cambridge, lrute ch.aphin to H.B.M. Embar~tsy, Oonsta.nt.inople. Hel'e irs a cihape~, with 200 s.itt.inrg<s; a Wes'leyan ohapel, built in I85S· soorting 200 persons; a Barpttirst cha-pel, buiLt in 1878. witlb.. Ioo sera>ts; and Primitive Methodi~t c'ha.pel, built in 1818, with sittrin~s for 400 per;;QnS, wlith vest>ry at.ttaohed. The Cem~BteTy of 2 acres, with two mor•tuary!s, wars opened in 1871 wt a oost of £2,ooo, and is 110vernffi by a burial board of 9 members. The Town Hall was thoroughly restored in I889, Crick1ade & Woot<ton Ba>Ssetlt Union. I Board day, alte.rnate wedinerSdays, at the workhouse, Purton, a.t 10.30 a.m. 'Dhe pa.rishes & p~e.ce.s in the Union are: .A·shton Keynes, Broaydon, Brrooad Town, Cl.iffe Pypard, Cricldade St . ~IJa,ry, Crick•lade St. Sampson, F~·sey, LaM on, Leigh, Lydiard Millicen:t, Lydiard Tregoze, Lynoham or Lineh1m, Mai"st10n Mia.isey, Puntorn, Tockert-.<tm, Woottton &ss-e11,t. The popniatt.ion of the uniWl m 1891 was I I,826;. rn•tea.b}e value in I89I, £88,542 Clerk to the Guardians & Assessment Committee, Harry Bevir, Wootton Bassett Treasurer, William Brewer Wetall"illllg, Swindon Oollootol's to the Guard~anrs, & Vaccina.tlon OfficeTls, First district, Isaac Wa1tJts, Wo()tton Bassett; Second diSJtriot, W. B. C, HovseH, Oricklade Medica.! Officel'!s, Nos. I & 2 d·ist·ricts, Joseph Miller Kirkman L.R.C.P.Edin. Woottan Basse-t.t ~ No. 3 district, Noah Beldon, Langley, Cricklade; No. 4 dil"rtriot, T. Sanlby Ooombe B..A., L.R.C.P.Lond.Purton PubLic Vaccinators, Nos. x & 2 dis-tricts, Joseph ~1iller Kirkman L.R.C.P.Edin. Wootton Bassft>t; Nos. 3 & 4 districts, T. Sanby Coombe B.A., L.R.C.P.Lond.Purton
• DIRECTORY.] 'VII.TSHIRE. WOOTTO~ BASSETT. 265 Supe·rintendent. Regist.ra.r, Edward Dodd, High Sttreet, '\Yoott.on Ha.sselttt; deputy, Iklbert Little, High strt>et, W ootton Ba.sset't Registrar of Births & Deaths, 1Vootton Bassett sub-dis,tr:ct, Isaac Watts, High street, Woorbton Bassett; deputy, Goorge W!iitlts, jun. '\Voottoo. Bassett; Cricklade sub~ diistrict, William B. C. Horsell, Cricklade ; deputy, Abija.h A. Ockwell; Cricklade negistrar of Marriages, Waiter Richard Armstrong, High street, Wootton Bassett; deputy, George Watts, jun. Church street, WOO'tri:on Bassett Workhouse, Purton, building of brick, built in 1838, & will hold 250 inmates, Rev. John Veysey, chaplain; T. Sanby Coombe B.A., L.R.C.P.Lond. medical officer; Sydney Mandrell, master; Mrs. Emma Mandrell, :lllatron School Attendance Committee. Meets at the Workhouse, Purton, on the days of the Guardians' meeting at 12 o'clock. Clerk, Harry Bevir, Wootton Bassett Attendance & Inquiry officer, Francis John Barnes, Purton Rural District Council. Meets at the Workhouse, Purton, every alternate thursday, at I p.m. Clerk, Harry Bevir, Wootton Bassett Treasurer, William Brewer Wearing, Swindon .Medical Officer of Health, J oseph Miller Kirkman L.R.C.P.Edin. Wootton Bassett Sanitary Inspector, Wootton Bassett Francis Armstrong, High street, Public Officers. Assistant Overseer, Robert Little Clerk to the Burial Board, Edward Dodd Stamp Distributor, George Watts, High street Town Crier, Samuel Wiltshire, Cemetery Places of Worship, with times of Services. All Saints' Church, Re,;. William Evans Cockshott M.A. vicar; 11 a.m. & 6.30 p.m Ba.ptist; 10.30 a..m. & 6.30 p.m.; thurs. 7 p.m Congregational, Rev. William H. Harvey; 10.30 a.m. & 6 p.m. ; thurs. 7 p.m Primitive Methodist, Rev. John Neville; 10.30 a.m. & 6 p.m. ; wed. 7 p.m Wesleyan; 10.30 a.m. & 6 p.m.; wed. 7.30 p.m Schools. Free, founded in 1886, by Richard Jones, of Nether Stowey, Somerset, & endowed with lands now producing about £21 per year; it is now amalgamated with the National schools: these were rebuilt in 186o National, for 300 children; average attendance, 48 boys, 43 girls & 6o infants ; William Pollitt, master; Mrs. Margaret Pollitt, mistress British (mixed), built in 1858, for 281 children & enlarged in 1892 for 325 ; average attendance, 162 boys & girls & 68 infants; James Smith, master; Mrs. Smith, mistress Railway Station, '\Vil:iam Marwood, station master Carrier to Railway Station-J. C. Wall PRIVATE RESIDESTS. Guy Edward C. Coxstalls Riddick Mrs. High street Haggard John, High street Rudler Mrs. High street Archer Jacob, Wood street .Ashfield Chas. Edmond, The Lodge Bathe Miss, High street Hale Mrs. High street Bumming John, High street Harvey Rev. William H. (Cong.), Smith Rev. Thomas Station road Smith J. G. Dorset house Jlennett John, High street Horsell Charles, High street Spackm'ln Miss, Summerfield villa Bennett Mrs. High street Horsell Howard, Dudley house Speck George, Old court .Bevir Hury, Lyme house Blake John Humphries Alfred Ricks, Fair view Teagle Mrs. Church .street Humphries. Mrs. High street Telling Edward, High street .Ilond Richard, High street iBull Jacob, Wood street Jefferie-s Edward, Ooxstru!ls Tombs Henry Coggan, High street KirkmaQ Joseph Miller, High street Trepplin Ernest C., M.A. J.P. VasCartwright Geo. N ethbridge, High st Castle Miss, CoxstaUsLeighfield Mrs. N ore, Marsh villa terne house Ca.stle Miss, High street Leslie Thomas, High street Twine Adam, High street Cockshott Rev. William Evans M.A. Mapson Mrs. Station road Warner Rev. George, High street Matthews Jacob, Coxstalls Weston Mrs. High street (vicar), Vicarage Day Mrs. Wood street Dodd Edward, High street Gantlett Mrs. High street .(}ibbs John, Coped hall Mundy Frank, High street Wheeler Joseph, High street Neville Rev. Jn. (Prim.Meth. ),High st Wiltshire Francis, High street Oswell Thos. St. John, Nore Marsh rd Woodward Abraham, Wood street Panting William, Wood street Woodward Mrs. High street Peckett Mrs. High street Wyatt William, High street COMMERCIAL • .Angel George, butcher, High street Angel John, jun. shopkeeper, High street .Angelinetta. John, greengrocer, Church street Angelinetta J.ohn, jun. shopkeeper, High street -Angelinetta William, furniture broker, High street Archer William, farmer, Black Dog farm Armstrong :Francis, auctioneer & corn merchant & sani· tary inspector to the rural district council, High street .A.rmstrong Walter Richard, surveyor & registrar of marriages, High street .A.shfield Charles Edmond., private school for young gentlemen, The Lodge Jlallard Frank l'erry, chemist, High street Bartholomew Alfred, carpenter, Coxstalls Bartlett Brotheil's, outfitters, High street "Bendry Isaac, tent proprietoll", High street Bevir Harry, solicitor, clerk to the magistrates of Crick· lade petty sessional division & rural district council, & clerk to the Cricklade & W ootton Bassett board of guardians, school attendance & assessment committees, 'High street Bew Thomas, cooper, High street Bond Richa. i, wholesale grocer, High street Boulter David, brick maker, Church street "Boulter John, brick maker Bristol Provision Stores, High street 'Bryant John, farmer, Hunt mill :Bryant .Tohn William, miller (steam), Hunt mill Bryant Uriah, ironmonger, High street Capital & Counties Bank Lim. (sub-branch) (Thomas Byrch, manager), High street; draw on head office, 39 Threadneedle street, London E C Caudwell Ernest, brewer, Steam brewery Cave George, grocer, High street Cave William, plasterer, High street Cemetery (Edward Dodd, clerk to the burial horrd) 'Chequer Henry, wheelwright, Coxstalls Church John, shoe maker, Church road Church William, shoe maker, High street Clarke William, Fox & Hounds P.H. Coped hall Comley Anthony, baker & grocer, High street Cook John Edwin, plumber & glazier, High street Corp Frederick, farmer, Old Park farm Cousens Lot, Railway Inn P.H. Station road Cricklade & Wootton Bassett Technical Education Committee (J. G. Hill, master), High street Dainton William, basket maker, Beaman's lane Dix Albert, blacksmith, Coxstalls Dodd Edward, clerk to the burial board & superintendent registrar, High street Easley Levi, furniture dealer, High street Eddolls Elizabeth (Mrs.), farmer, Bishop's Vowley farm Eddolls Waiter, farmer, Wootton Fields farm Flewelling Henry, plumber & glazier, High street Franklin Henry, shoe maker, Station road Gale Emma (Miss), milliner, High street Gough Frederick John, farmer, Woodshaw Gough William, farmer, Nore marsh Gray Samuel, beer retailer, Hunt Mill road Greenaway .A.lbert, beer retailer, Wood street Haines Fred, Clarendon Arms P.H. High street Hathway Harry, farmer, White Hill farm Hawkes Henry George, coal merchant, Wood street Hawkes Robert, tailor, High street Henley Lavinia (Mrs.), Cross Keys P.H. High street Henley Richard, baker, High street Henley Thomas, jun. farmer, Vasterne farm Hibberd Edmund, farmer, Little Park farm Higgs Joseph, baker & grocer, High street Hulbert Henry, farmer, Upper Greenhill Humphries Alfred Ricks, builder, High street Humphrles .Jamee. farmer & breeder of shire horses, Nore marsh Humphries Levi (Mrs.), farmer, Coped hall Hunt Charles, Red Lion P.H. High street
266 WOOTTOX B.ASSETT. WILTSHI~E. ( KELLY'S Hunt Harry, Castle & Ball P.H. High street Hunt Heber, baker & grocer, High street Hunt John, coal dealer, High street Hunt Mary (Mrs.), shopkeeper, High street Hunt William, coal dealer, Church street J efferies Edward, coal dealer, Coxstalls J efferies Albert Edward, coal merchant, Station Jefferies Robert, coal merchant, Vasterne wharf Jefferies Teresa (Miss), dress maker, High street King Hy. (Mrs.), ladies' boarding school, High street King .John Weston, ~;;addler & harness maker, High s11 Kinneir & Tombs, solicitors, High street Kirkman Joseph Miller L.R.C.P.Edin. surgeon & medical officer & public vaccinator, I & 2 districts, Cricklade & ·wootton Bassett union, medical officer of health for Cricklade & Wootton Bassett rural district council, High street Knighton Thomas, nurseryman, Coxstalls Lansdown Thomas, builder, contractor & house decorator, High street Lawrence Harry, shoeing smith & beer retailer, High st Leighfield Charles, farmer, Harris Croft farm Leighfield Henry, farmer, Hart farm Leighfield John, shopkeeper Leighfield William J. farmer, Woodshaw farm Little Robert, assistant overseer & deputy superintendent registrar, High street Mapson William, watch & clock maker, High street Marchant Clement, -m.achine agent, Wood street Marwood William J. station master Maslin Charles, draper, High street Miles Alfred, tailor, High street Miller Alfred, hair dresser, High street Mills James, linen & woollen draper, High street Moody Richard, beer retailer, Marlborough road Mundy Frank, manager of Wilts & Dorset Bank N ewth John, grocer, Wood street Oswell Thomas St. John, solicitor, Nore Marsh road Panting Henry, Beaufort Arms P.H. Station Parsons "\Villiam F. farmer, Hunt Mill farm Rawlings John, shoe maker, High street Renwick Alfred Andrew, Royal Oak commercial hotel, High street Riddick Silas, clothier & boot maker, High street Rouse Charles, rope & cloth manufacturer, High street Rudler Ernest Henry, baker, High street Rudler Thomas, Prince of Wales P.H. Coped hall Sainsbury Thomas, carpenter, Church street Salter William, cattle dealer Sellars Robert George, beer retailer, Wood street Sell wood William, watch & clock maker, High street Smith Charles & Son, ironmongers & smiths, High street Smith George, The Lamb inn, High street Smith Harry (Mrs.), butcher, High street Snell John, tobacconist, High street Spackman George, plasterer, High street Swindon & North Wilts Breweries Lim. (The) (H. Horsell, manager) Tayler .lames, Angel hotel commercial & posting house. High street Taylor Henry, mineral water manufacturer, High street Taylor Robert James, farmer, Callow Hill farm Taylor Thomas, paper hanger & plasterer, High street Teagle Thos . .A.rth. hair dresser & fancy repos. High st Technical Education Office (J. G. Hill, master), High st Telling Frederick, saddler & harness maker, High street Titcombe Thomas, haulier, Banner's ash Tombs Henry Coggan, solicitor, see Kinneiri & Tomb1 Town Hall (William Church, keeper) Trow Henry (Mrs.), farmer, High street Trow Henry, plumber &c. High street Trow Thomas, coal merchant, High street Tuck Henry James, chimney sweeper, High street Tuck Henry James, grocer, High street Tugwell James, coal merchant, Wood street Twine Bros. timber merchants, builders & contractor•, Vasterne bridge Twine George, beer retailer, Wood street Twine George, f-armer, Greenhill Wait Charles, seedsman Wakefield Isaac, wheelwright, Coped hall Wallis Albert, beer retailer, High street Wallis Robert, mason Wallis William, beer retailer, Wood street Watts George, grocer, stationer & news agent~ & stamp distributor, High street \Yatts George, jun. baker & deputy registrar of births, deaths & marriages, Church street \Vatts Isaac, relieving & vaccination officer, collector to guardians & registrar of births & deaths for sub-district of Wootton Bassett, High street Watts Sydney James, grocer & draper, & agent for W. & .A.. Gilbey Lim. wine & spirit merchants, High street Weston Fdk. (exors. of),grocrs.&provsn. factors, High st Wilding Thomas, Crown Hotel P.H. High street Wilts & Dorset Banking Co. Lim. (branch) (Frank Mundy, manager), High street; draw on London&; Westminster Bank Limited, London E C Wiltshire Samuel, parish clerk & town crier, Cemetery Woods George, pork butcher, High street W ootton Bassett Gas, Coal, Coke & Fitting Co. Limited (Robert Little, sec.), High street & Station road Wright James, corn dealer, High .street Young Charles, draper, Wood street WOOTTON RIVERS is a village and parish, 4! held since t86o by the Rev.William Jackson Brodribb M.A. miles south from Marlborough, 3! north-east from late fellow of St. John's College, Cambridge. Here is Pewsey station on the Great Western railway, and IS a Wesleyan chapel, built in r881, to hold so. The prin· east from Devizes, in the Eastern division of the county, cipal landowners are St. John's College, Cambridge, to Kinwardstone hundred, Everleigh and Pewsey petty ses- which foundation the manor belongs, and the Marquess sional division, Pewsey union, Marlborough county court of .A.ilesbury. The soil is chiefly greensand; subsoil, district, rural deanery of Marlborough (Pewsey portion), clay. The chief crops are wheat, barley and most l'oots. archdeaconry of Wilts and diocese of Salisbury. The The area is I,179 acres; rateable value, £I,I87; the Kennet and .A.voa canal, on which are two locks, passes population in 189I was 331. across one end of the village. The church of St. Andrew, Parish Clerk, Walter Skinner. built in the I5th century, is a Gothic building of flint, Post Office.-Thomas Farmer, sub-postmaster. Letters with stone dressings, having chancel, nave and a spire arrive from Marlborough at 7·30 a.m.; dispatched at containing 5 bells and south porch, and was completely 7 p.m. & sunday IO a.m. Postal orders are issued restored in I861 from plans by the late G. E. Street here, but not paid. The nearest money order & teleesq. R.A. at a cost of £I,Ioo, of which half was de- graph offioe is at Burbage frayed by the daughter of the late rector, the Rev. Thomas Stone D.D.: the church contains sedilia and two National School (mixed), built in I863, for go children; piscinre, and has 200 sittings. The register dates from average attendance, 61; supported in part by an enthe year I 728. The living is a rectory; tithes com- dowment of £4 yearly, left by Mrs. Briant; Richard muted at £405, average £3o8, net income £350, with 40 Dixon, master acres of glebe, and residence, in the gift of Brasenose Col- Carriers to Marlborough. John Aldridge, George Love· lege, Oxford, and St. John's, Cambridge, alternately, and lock & William Henry Witts, on sat Br3dribb Rev. William Jackson l\II.A. Crook William, rate & tax collector Lovelock Geo. blacksmith & carrier Rectory Davis Solomon, farmer Neale Philip, farmer, Church farm Goodman Mrs Deadman Thomas, farmer Popejoy Ernest, carpenter \Ye<>tbury Mrs Farmer Thos. baker & grcr.Post office Scriven Miss Elizabeth, farmer Haines James, farmer, East WiC'k frm Skinner Waiter, carpenter & whlwrght COMMERCIAL. Harding Daniel Tom, Royal Oak P.H. Smart John, boot maker Aldridge Jn. market grdnr. & carrier brewer, draper, grocer, boot dealer Spratt John, watch repairer, •draper Bu;;h Joseph, farmer & baker & boot dealer Carter William, farm bailiff to Mr. Henry Mrs. Martha, dress maker, Weeks George, shoe maker W. Rawlins, Manor farm Heathy close Witts Wm. Hy. carrier & grocer WORTON and :MARSTON are tithings, forming a of Devizes, rural deanery of Potterne (Potterne portion), small isolated village, on the road from Melksham k> archdeaconry of Wilts, and diocese of Salisbury: fm: civil Salisbury, 4 miles south-west from Devizes station on matters they are separate and independent, but were the Great ·western railway, in the Eastern division of formed into an ecclesiastical parish in I852 from the the county, hundred of Pott.erne and Cannings, in the civil· parish of Potterne.. Christ Church is a building of petty sessional division, union and county court district Bath stone, in the ;Early English style, erected in xs .. p_,
DIRECTORY.] \VILTSHIRE. .SOUTH WRAXH.ALL. 267 laid down in pasture. The area of this parish is:- Worton, 8gS acr-es; ol' Marston, 862 acres; rateable value of Worton, £2,610; of Marston, £r,520. The population of the ecclesiastical parish in r8gr was 476, viz. \Vorton, 303; Marston, 173. Parish Clerk, Thomas Harris Post Office, Worton.-Mrs. Catherine Sumner, sub-postmistress. Letters through Devizes, arrive at 6.45 a.m.; dispatched at 7.30 p.m. Potterne is the nearest money order &; telegraph office Wall Letter Box, Marston Common, cleared at 7 p.m Parochial School (mixed), built in 1844 & enlarged in 1Bsg, for 9S children; average attendance, 64; Alfred London, master ; Miss London, mistress at a cost of £1,100: it consists of chancel, nave and north and south transepts, west })Orch with western turrE'lt containing one bell : there a're 240 sittings. The register dates from the year 1841. The living is a vicarage, average tithe rent-charge £2s3, gross yearly value £372, net £286, without residence, in the gift of the vicar of Potterne, and held since I8S3 by the Rev. Augustus Edward Aldridge B.A. of St. John's College, Cambridge. Here are ·wesleyan and Primitive Methodist chapels. There are a number of charities, the collective yearly value of which .. amounts to about £so. The Ecclesiastical Commissioners are lords of the manor. The principal landowners ar·e Simon Watson-Taylor esq. of Erlestoke Park, Rev. Thomas Amoy Gaisford, Major Chaffey, and the trustees of the late Right Hon. Edward Pleydell-Bouverie P.C. The soil is various, but principally clay, with a subsoil of clay and sand; two-thirds Carriers to: of th«J land are pasture, and qu!lntities of butter and Bath-Henry Salter, sat cheese are made here; the remainder is being yearly Devizes-Alfred Phillips, thurs WORTON. Few ·william, farmer Pearce William, farmer Aldridge Rev. Aug. Edwd.. B.A.(vicar) Beadle General J es. Pattle, The Grang~ Bishop Mrs Fielding Frederick, farmer Stokes Gordon, baker & grocer Fielding James, farmer Watts Isaac, farmer Fielding Jesse1 farmer, "\Vorton corn Fielding Thomas, farmer l\IARSTON. Cam Miss, Roselands Chaffey .Major John, Prince hill Isherwood Rev. Albert (curate) Musselwhite Jbhn Flooks Fredk.frmr.& poor's rate collr Goodall Henry, farmer Biggs Charles, farmer & landowner & (.J.oodall Thomas, farmer poor's rate collector Harris Thomas, parish clerk, shoe Dyke William, shopkeeper & baker Jefferies Chas. & Edwd. farmers Maggs Henry, farmer Newman James J. "\Vorton home COMMERCIAL, maker & vermin destroyer Holloway Jarnes, gro(.er, carpenter & wheelwright N ash J ames, farmer · Bath Arthur, farmer, Lt,tsey farm Rristow Matthew, farmer Hunt Frank, blacksmith & farmer Newman Richard & Henry, farmers Korris Rose• (Mrs.), Plough P.H Phillips Alfred, farmer & carrier Phillips Elizabeth (Mrs.), farmer Phi~~ips James, jun. well sinker &c Salter Henry, carrier Butcher Shem, farmer & se·edsman, "'\-Vorton com:non Butler Noah, Royal Oak P.H Lifely John, cattle dealer Lifely William, cattle dealer Musselwhite John, farmer Oram Henry, cattle dealer Few Stphn.& & landownrs Pavey Benjamin, Rose & Crown P.H NORTH WRAXHALL and UPPER WRAXHALL. North Wraxhall is s village, and, including the hamlet of Upper Wraxhall and the hamlet of Ford, a parish, on the Gloucestershire border, in the North "'estern division of the county, hundred, petty sessional division, union and county court district of Chippenham, rural deanery of Chippenham, archdeaconry of Bristol and diocese of Gloucester and Bristol. North Wraxhall is 7 miles north from Box station on the Swindon and Bath section of the Great Western railway, 7 west-by-north from Chippenham, and 9 north-east from Bath. The church of St. James' is an anci-ent edifice of stone in the Norman style, consisting of chancel, nave of six bays, north aisle, south porch, and a western tower with pinnacles, containing one bell; a~ta€hed is a mortuary belonging to the Methnen family ; the porch is a fine piece of Norman work 1 all the windows are stained: there are sittings for 2so persons. The register dat-es from the year 1677. The living is a rectory, tithe rentcharge £37S• average £282, gross yearly value £4oo, net £3oo, including 87 acres of glebe, with residence, in the gift of Oriel College, Oxford, and held since 1866 by the Rev. Francis Harrison M. A. late fellow, tutor and dean of that college. There are two Congregational chapels, one at Ford, and the other near the Shoe hamlet. Legacies left by Miss E. A. Mabbett, £224 Jubilee collection, and £300 from Mr. and Mrs. Hooper, with increments amounting altogether to £833 6s. Bel. now held by the Charity Commissioners. Mr. John Howell, a native of this village, the founder of the house of Ho well and J ames, in Regent street, London, built two almshouses in this parish for four inmates, and endowed them with the interest of £3oo; the trustees are the rector for the time being and two persons nominated by him. Upwards of forty acres of glebe are let out in small allotments to the poor. The principal landowners are Major-Gen. Lord Methuen, who is lord of the manor, Mr. Isaac Holborow, trustees of the late Mr. J. J. Bown, Mr. Charles Frankcom, Mrs. B. Holborow, Sir John Poynder Dickson-Poynder hart. M.P. and Mrs. Walmesley. The soil is corn brash; subsoil, rock. The chief crops are wheat and barley, The area is 2,18S acres; rateable value, £1,891; the population in r8gr was 371. The land is particularly favourable for sheep. Upper Wraxhall is 1 mile south-west. Ford is 2 miles east, on the high road from Chipping Sodbury to Chippenham. . Post Office, near the Rectory, Sarah Neal, sub-postmistress. Letters through Chippenham arrive at 4·4S a..m.; dispatched at 8.30 p.m. Postal orders are issued here, but not paid. The nearest money order & telegraph office is at Marshfield Post Office, Ford, Joseph Blunsdon, sub-postmaster. Letters through Chippenham arrive at 4.15 a.m. & dispatched at p.m. Postal orders are issued here, but not paid. The nearest money order & telegraph o:ffice is at Yatton Keynell Pillar Letter Box, Upper Wraxhall, cleared at 8.5 p.m. ; k at the Shoe Hamlet the rector has put up a box, which is cleared every day at 8 p.m. at his expense National School (mixed), erected in 1870, at the expense of the present rector, for 100 children; average attendance so ; Mr. Bennett left the school the interest of £928 £2! per cent. Consols & Mr. Howell the interest of £300; Miss Catherine Matilda Martin, mistress NORTH WRAXHALL. Hughes James, haulier FORD. Widcomb'3 Henry, carpenter Hanison Re,-. Francis M.A. Rectory Roberts John Andrc!WS Jnhn Bailey, farmer UPPER WRAXHAl.L. Bird Thomas, baker Billett Abraham, wood dealer Holborow Mrs. George Blunsden Jsph. hurdle ma. Post office God win ;Herbert, farmer Frankccm Chas. farmer & landowner Croker Charles, 'Vhite Hart P.H Hall James, Shoe P.H Gent George L. farmer Hall Isaac, shopkeeper Holborow Isaac, jun. farmer Holborow John Edward, farmer Hillier "'\-Villiam, butcher SOUTH WRAXHALL (or Wraxall) is a civil parish aisle, and south chapel containing several monuments of formed I8gs, and ecclesiastical 1846, 3 miles north the Long family, south porch, with square western from Bradford, 3~ south from Box station on the tower, containing 6 bells and surmounted by a very Great Western railway and 5 north-west from Trow• curious gabled turret: there are several stained winbridge, divided into Upper and Lower Wraxhall, in the dows: it was restored in 1882 and has 17s sittings. The Western division of the countyt in the civil parish, register dates from the year 1672. The living was eonhundred, petty sessional division, union and county court stituted a vicarage in 1866, average tithe rent-charge district of Bl'adfor!l-on~Avon, rural deanery of Potterne £188, gross yearly value £288, net £203. with 2 acres of (Bradford portion), archdeaconry of Wilts and diocese of glebe and residence, in the gift of the Dean and Chapter Salisbury.- The church of St. Ja.mes is an ancient and of Bristol, and held since 1885 by the Rev. Octavius interesting stone structure in tlre Early Perpendicular Maunsell Grindon. Here is a C{)ngregational chapel, built style, consisting of chancel, nave of four bays, north in 1832, to hold 70. James Fussell and Maria Matilda
268 SOt;TH WRAXHALL. WILTSHIRE. [KELLY'S presumed to be the first house in which tobacco was used in England : the second wife of this Sir W alter Long is the heroine of the legend of the " White Hand : ,, the blue chamber has two inscriptions, a translation of which is "Every man is the workman of his own fortune " and " To be praised by the good and abused by the bad is praise alike :" a private chapel near the mansion has been converted into a farm house. The park which surrounded the place has been divided into fields and denud?.d of timber, but even in its decay Wraxall Manor House tells a tale of former grandeur. Wraxall Lodge is the residence of Erlysman Pinckney esq. J.P. Walter Hume Long esq. 1\I.P. of Rood Ashton House, is the chief landowner. The area is 1,6gr acres, and the population in x8gt was 337· Sexton, William Harrison. Fussell gave the sum -of £1,ooo on April 4th, 1874, to be paid after their decease ; this• amount has been invested, and now produces £25 per annum, which is laid out in coals and blankets, and given away annually on the gth Novembe;r to poor persons. Wraxall Manor House is supposed to have been built somewhere about the 13th century; the first recorded possessor was Robert Longe, in the commission of the peace 1426, and M.P. for Wilts 1433, and it has remained in possession of the Wraxall Longs ever since: the house at one period was leased to a Dr. Knight, who kept a school there, and much disfigured the house by plastering over the oearved ceilings and painting the oak panelled wainscots : the present owner has, as far as possible, reinstated the mansion in its original style: the banqueting room is .an Elizabethan erection, with finely carved oak panels, ;and a fireplace dated 1S98: the grand drawing-room, .enlarged during the reign of James I. contains a magni- Post Office, Tom Mortimer, sub-postmaster.-Letters ficent fireplace rising from the floor to the ceiling, which arrive from Bradford-on-Avon, which is the nearest is richly traced and has pendent bosses· with five small money order & telegraph office, at 7·1S a.m. & 6.45 carved statuettes, the centre being supposed to repre- p.m.; sundays at 7.1s a.m.; dispatched at g.1o a.m. :sent Pan, and the others are inscribed Prudentia, Arith- & 7 p.m.; sundays at 9.10 a.m. Wall Letter Box, metica, Geometrica and Justicia, the panelling, like all near the church, cleared at g.1o a.m. & 7 p.m.; sunthe apartments, being oak: in the old guest chamber, days at 8 a.m. Parcels dispatched at 9 a.m. & 6.50 p.m .tradition asserts that Sir "\V alter Long and Sir Walter National School (mixed), built in 1841, for 6o children; 'Raleigh used to smoke out of silver pipes, this being average attendance, sa; Miss Elsie Richards, mistress Grindon Rev. Octavs. Maunsell (vicar) Burbidge Edward, farmer, Ford Poole Leonard, farmer, Court Penon Mrs. Wraxall house Hancock Hy.Long's Arms P.H.& grocr Overton Charles, farmer Pinckney Erlysman J.P. Wraxalllodge Harford Andrew, farmer, Furlong Rudman Henry, farmer Harold Dinah (Mrs.), dress maker, Rudman Thomas, farmer COMMERCIAL. Rose cottage Smith Thomas, blacksmith Dainton John, shopkeeper Hosier Joshua, farmer, Norbin Summers Joseph & Jesse, farmers Greenland George, farm bailiff to Mr. Mizen Ruth (Mrs.), laundress Taylor Herbert, farmer Burbidge . Mortimer Tom, shopkeeper, Post office WROUGHTON is a pa·rish and village, on the road parish is "\Yroughton House, the property of William from Swindon to DeviLes, 3 miles south from Swindon Wyndham Codrington esq. at present occupied by the "Station on the Great Western railway and 9 north from Marques•s of Cho~monde~ey D.L.; Elcombe Hall is the Marlborough, in the Northern division of the· county, in residence of Miss Pavy, and Elcombe House that of .a detached portion of the hundred of Elstub and Ever- Henry Warman esq. The Dean and Chapter of J.eigh, and partly in Kingsbridge hundred and county Winchester and William Wyndham Codrington esq. are .court district, petty sessoional division of Swindon, in lords of the manor. Much of the land belongs to the .Highworth and Swindon union, rural deanery of Crick- Charter House, London. The soil is clay, sand and lade, archdeaconry of Bristol and diocese of Gloucester marl ; subsoil, cla.y. The chief crops are grass, whea.t, and Bristol. The church Qf St. John the Baptist and barley and roots. The aroo is 7,307 acres; rateable .St. Helen, an ancient Norman structure of stone, value, £r3,228; the population in 1891 W!ll·S 2,5n . .supposed to have been erected upwa.rds of Boo years, Overtown tithing is one mile south-east; Elcombe consists of chancel, nave of three ba.ys, aisles, south tithing, one mile west ; SaJthrop tithing, 2 miles southporch, and embattled western tower with pinnacles west; "Vestlecott tithing, 2 miles north. and S bells : there are several tablets to the Benet Parish Clerk, Richard Austin. family, one dating 1613, and five sta.ined windows: a Post, M. 0. & T. 0. & s. B., Express Delivery & Annuity new oak roof, raised to the original pitch, was added to & Insurance- Office. John Pickett, postmaster. the chancel in 188o, at a cost of £sso, defrayed by the Letters through Swindon, arrive at 3. 45 a.m. & 1 . 30 Ecclesiastical Commissioners, who are jQint rectors & d' t h d t & 8 · h h · . p.m. 1spa c e a 2.20 p.m. .30 p.m Wit t e VIcar, an arrangement made m the year 1876: there are sittings for about 4so: in the churchyard is Wall Letter Box, Overton, clea,red 7.30 p.m. week days a fine old yew tree, which wa·s in existence in the reign Qnly of Chail'les II. The register dates from the year 16S3· A School Board of 5 members was formed 21 April, The living is a vicarage and rectory, tithe rent-charge 1877; H. Copleston, Wroughton, clerk to the board .£287, £2r3, net income £27s, with 46 acres of & attendance officer glebe and residence, in the gift of the Bishop of Schools. Gloucester and Bristol, ~md held since 187S by the Rev. John Richard Turner M. A. of St.. Peter's College, Endowed, built in 1867, for ISO children; average attendCambridge. Here are Wesleyan and Primitive Methodist ance, 133, & supported in part by an endowment of chapels. There are charities of [17, left in 1743 by £ 20 yearly; Joseph Fisher, master 'Thomas Benet and his sister, MisSI Elizabeth Ben et; Board (girls), built in 1878, a•t a cost of £2,200, for IS6 the former left £ 20 annually for the parish school and children; average attendance, 140; Miss Mary Ann the £ 17 (before mentioned) interest of £ 300 invested in Priestland is the principal mistres•s, & has a residence Jand; Miss Elizabeth Benet left [2oo invested also in attached to the schoolroom land, which brings in about £7 yearly, and is given to Board Infant School, opened in 1877, for 200 children; poor girls upon enterin~ domestic ~Service. Here is. a average "<Jttendance, 130; Mrs. Elizabeth Butler, mist -reservoir, built by a company, to supply Swindon Old Oarriers.-William Cook; 'bus to Great Western railway and New Towns with water. The principal seat in the station twice daily; Mrs. Jl3ne Jerrome, mQn PRIVATE RESIDENTS. lVillis William George, Overtown Carey John, boot maker Cholmondeley The Marquess of, D.L. Collier William, market ~ardener Wroughton house ; & Carlton, Turf COMMERCIAL. Cook 'fhomas, beer retailer & White's clubs, London Adams Alfred, boot & clothing stores; Cook Wilham, miller (water) Ilarry Capt. Lionel E. Salthrop house & at New Swindon Cooper & Kirk, mineral water manfrs Craddock Edward A. Fairwater house Ashton Abraham, farmer, Lodge farm Copleston Henry, !andt surve.yor, clerk Cressy Charles Jas. Belgrave house Austin Amos, carpenter to sehool board ~ attendance Herring Alfd. Fawkes, Marlboro' ho Austin Richard, carpenter officer Parry Capt. Francis J.P. Markbam Balch William, farmer, Westlecott Cowdrey Francis, mason Pavy Miss, Elcombe hall Barrett Hungerford Henry, whPel- Cowley Enos, carpenter Prowse Miss wright, painter, carpenter &f'. ; all Cowley Isaac, ~>'hopkeeper Stevenson Rev. William Henry 1\I.A. orders receive prollliPt personal at- Cox & Hall, millers ( w:her) & farmers, (curate), Elcombe house tention Berklt>y farm Toomer Fras. Wm. Palmer,Woodhams Bathe Edward, dairyman Cressy Charles Ja.mes. surgeon & Townsend Henry Fox Bendrey Ernest, cowkeeper medical officer & public va.·dnator Turner Rev. John Richd. 1\LA. fvicar) Bridges John, grocen No. 3 district, Highworth &; Swindon Warman Henry, Elcombe h.,u .. ~ Buckland Henry, carpentPr union, Belgrave house l\'eb!J Sainsby, Brompton vtlla But!er Frederick. plasterer Croom Jas. Wm.farmer,11illbrook frm
DIRECTORY.] 'VILTSHIRE. Croom Martha .Ann (Mrs.), & Sons,· Kerr William Henry, grocer & wine & farmers, Rectory farm spirit merchant Farmer James, farmer, \Vood farm Kinchin Thos. R. P. farmr. Southleaze Farmer William, farmer, Dnck's farm Leader William, horse trainer Ferris Francis, farmer, Salthrop farm Lee Edwin, beer retailer Ferris George, livery stah1.,s Leighfield Patience (Mrs.), beer retlr Green Charles Law, surveyor to High- Lewis Charles, farmer, Hackpen worth & Swindon union Lucas John, dairyman Hall William, dairyman Matthews Daniel, farmer Hawkins Charles, beer retailer Maundrell John, farmer, Westleaze Hawkins William, grocer Morgan Alfred Edward, brickmaker Hinder William, baker Newman James, farmer, Chilton Hiscocks Ethelbert,frmr.Blagrove frm Pearce Geo. Edwd. farmer, Springside Hook Charles Edwin, farmer, Black Phillimore Henry, baker Horse farm Pickett Henry, dairyman & hutchP.r Howell Lewis, beer retailer 1 Pickett William, grocer Hughes Eli, baker 1 Pickett Jn. haulier, farmer, & post oil HuishSarah(Mrs.),frmr.Spencer's frm Priddle Henry, Ely inn Hunt Honor (Mrs.), dress maker Prowse Charles o& Son, saddlers Hunt John, blacksmith Prowse James Charles, ironmonger James William, White Hart P.ll Robjohns William Alfred, draper Jerrome Jane (Mrs.), carrier Rudman John, blacksmith YATTO:Y KEY~ELL. 2G9 Scutts Ebenezer, carpenter Stagg James Howe, Three Tuns P.R Stratford William, stone mason Struud Wm. John, house decorator Tarrant Edward & Frederick, t&ilors. Tarrant Richard, blacksmith Taylor John, thatcher Thrush Arthur, draper Titchener David, dairyman '\Vashbourn Tom, coal dealer & a!ll'istant overseer Waylin Frederick, beer retailP-r Westmacott John, grocer Wild Daniel, farm bailiff to G r·orgeThomas esq. Overtown Willis Wm. Geo. farmer, Onrtown Wiltshire Francis, coal mer~hant,. Wroughton wharf Winchcomb Benjamin, brick makt-r Wiseman William, farmer, EleJm 111~ Withers Robert, blacksmith WYL YE (or Wily) is a• parish and village, on the chapel. The charities amount to £25 yearly, arisingriver Wylye, or Wily, with station on the Wilts, Somer- from land and bequests. There is a Hall used for set and Weymouth branch of the Great Western :rnilway, meetings ~and entertainments, capable of seating ISO 6 miles south-easrt from Heytesbury, 12 north-west persons• and connected with it a reading room. There from Salisbury and 106 from London, 12s by rail, in the are some ancient camps near here, one of which i9' Southern division of the county, hundred of Branch and Belbury. The EaJ>l of Pembroke is lord of the manor Dole, Warminster petty sessionnl division, Wilton union, and the principail liaindowner. The soil is light loam~ Salisbury county court district, ru.ral deanery of Wylye subsoil, chalk and flint. The chief crops are wheat, (Wylye portion), archdeaconry of Sarum and diocese of oats and barley. The area1 is1 2,287 1l!Cres; rateableSalisbury. The church of St. Mary the Virgin was value, .£,2,S49; the population in 1891 was 418. rebuilt in 1844, in the Perpendicular style: it has a Deptford is a tithing, half 6 , mile north, the property chancel and nave, north aisle, south porch and square of the Duke of Somer.set. emba,ttled western tower with pinnacle.s, containing a clock and 4 bells, 3 of which lm·ve the following inscriptionS! respectively: "rs87, Geva Thanks to God," " r6g7, a shield of three bells," and the third, " a cross with Ave Maria;" and contains an ancient carved oak pulpit and sounding board and lectern, with the date 1628, which formerly belonged to the old church at Wilton, and Wl3.s presented by Lord Herbert: there are six sfained windows: a lych gate was erected in 1885 in memory of the Rev.-J. S. Stockwell (a forme·r rector) and his wife : it will seat about 300 persons. The regiSJter dates from the yooil' rs8r. The living is a rectory, gross tithe rent-charge £488, average £370, net income £260, including 7 acreS/ of glebe, with residence·, in the gift of the Earl of Pembroke, and held since x882 by the Rev. Henry- Clark Powell M. A. of Oriel College, Oxford. There is a Congregational WYLYE. Drew Edward Penruddocke Charles Powell Rev. Henry Clark M.A.Rectory Spier Miss Titt Misses Todrl Mrs. Newton house COMMERCIAL. Bell George, harness ma"ker Bryant Thomas, farm bailifl to ~Ir. T. H. Lush Bush George Sam, grocer & haker Dougbt.y Samuel, farmer .\;; builder Dowrlell J. & Son, farmers Pllurish Clerk, Edwin John Lush. Post, M. 0. & T. 0., S. B., Express Delivery & Annuity & Insurance Office, Deptford.-Thomas Dowdell, subpostmaster. Letters received through Bath at 6.26. a.m. & 5 p.m.; dispatched to Bla·th at r.s p.m. & to Warminster & at 6.40 p.m. week days & S·4o. p.m. on sundays. Wall Letter Box, near the church,. cleared at 12.4S & 6 p.m. week days & 9.30 a.m. on sundays National School (mixed), built in 1876 & enlarged in 1893, with house for master, for r2o children; average attenda111ce·, 70; Robert Snelling Richbell, master Radlwa.y Station, George Gait, station master Carrier to Salisbury.-Whittle, tues. & sat. & to Wa7- minster, Thring, sat coal merchants & Pretty Martha(Mrs. ),baker & shorkpr Herring Samuel, £wan inn Read James, carpenter & wheelwright Read Mary (Mrs.), shopkeeper Lush Tbos. Hy. !11rmer, l\lanor farm Moody Ambrose, plumber & y:-r.mter Morse William Edward, Bell inn, & pork butcher Penruddocke Charles M.R.O.S.Eng., L.R.C.P.Edin. physician & surgeon, & medical officer & puh1ic "taceinator, Stapleford clist. Wilton union Perrett Richard, general deabr Perrett Richard, jun. coal dealer Pretty James, butcher Sutton Henry Job, miller (water) White Waiter, draper Whittle Alfred, carrier Wyvern Hall & Reading Room (Mrs. Eliza Shergold, caretaker) DEPTFORD. Dowdell Thomas, Post office Lush Edwin Jn. farmer, Deptford frm Potter J ane (Mrs.), blacksmith YATESBURY is a. parish, smiles east-by-north from glebe and residence, in the gift of the, Rev. Henry L. Calne terminal station on a branch of the Great Western Guillebaud M.A. of South Grove, Malvern, and held since railway, in the North Western division of the county, x88g by the Rev. Ernest Delabere Guillebaud B.A. or Calne hundred, union, petty sessional division and county Trinity College, Cambridge. The manor is vested in thecourt district, rural deanery of Avebury (Avebury por- trustees of the late W. H. Pawson esq. who with thetion), archdeaconry of Wilts and diocese of Salisbury. trustees of the late Charles Harris esq. are the principal The church of All Saints is a handsome structure of Ave- landowners. The soil is chalk and clay; subsoil, chalk. bury stone with Bath stone dre<>sings, partly Norman and The chief crops are wheat, oats, barley, turnips and partly Perpendicular, consisting of chancel, nave of three pasture. The area is 1,639 acres; rateable value, £1,492;: bays, north aisle and south porch with square embattled the population in x8gx was 148. western tower, surmounted by pinnacles, and containing Sexton, Henry Hillier. 4 fine-toned bells: it was restored in x8s5, and the chancel, Wall Letter Box, cleared at 6.10 p.m.; in winter at 5.1oin which are some fine specimens of stained glass, rebuilt: p.m. Letters through Calne, -which is the nea.resl here is a very ancient Norman font: there are sittings money order & telegraph office, arrive at 8 a.m for 190 persons. The register dates from the year 1607. Church School (mixed), built by the rector in I8S6, with The living is a rectory, average tithe rent-charge £373, house for master, for so children; average attendance, gross yearly value £390, net £305, with 26! acres of 20; Miss Mary Jane Firth, mistress Fowler William, Manor house Cowing George, farm bailiff for the Hillier Hy. wheelwright & carpenter Guillebaud Rev. Ernest Delabere B.A. exors. of W. H. Pawson esq & assistant overseer Rectory Kimpton Giles, blacksmith Shergold Abel, shopkeeper Caswell William, shopkeeper YATTON XEYNELL is a parish e.nd village, on the road from Chippenham to Chipping Sodbury, 4 miles west-north-west from Chippenha.m atation on the Great We~tern railway, 12 north-east from Bath, in the North '\>Ve!rtern division of the county, hundred, petty sessional division, union and county courl district of Chippenham,
270 Y ATTO~ KEYNELL. WILTSHIRE. [ KELLY's DIRECTORY .J rural deanery of Chipp~nham, archdeaccnry of Bristol, soil, clay. The chief crops are wheat, ba:Hey, oats and and diocese of Gloucester and Bristol. The church of St. pasture land. The area is J,716 acres; rateable value, Margaret is an ancient building of stone, in the Decorated £2,563; the population in 1891 was 520. and Perpendicular styles, consisting of chancel, nave of Sexton, J ames Ferris. three bays and south aisle, north porch and a ferpell- p 0 & •r 0 s B E D I" & A.n · ._ d . u1 t "th k t d · 1 t · · b ll ost, M. . . ., . ., xpress e 1very nu1ty ""- lC a.r ower Wl croc e e pmnac es, con ammg 4 e s: Insurance Office.-Mrs. Elizh. Cleverley, sub-postmisa earved stJne rood screen of the 15th century, of very tress. Letters arrive from Chippenham at 3. 50 a.m.; fine workmanship remains: the church was restored in' delivered at 7 a.m. & 3. 30 p.m.; dispatched at- 10. 45 1868 at a cost of £1,672: there are sittings for 200 nersons.· & d Th · t d t f h Th 1 . -" . a.m. 3.10 9 p.m.; sun ays, 9 p.m e regis er a es rom t e year 1653· e Ivmg IS a Letter Box, Giddea. hall, cleared at 7·35 p.m rectory, average tithe rent-charge £290, net yearly value £3o5, including 97 acres of glebe, with residence, in the National School (mixed), with master's house, built in gift of trustees, and held since x88S by the Rev. Allan 1858, for 120 children; average attendance, 85; Ernes• Henry Lines Bolton B.A. of Caius College, Cambridge. Makey, master Here is a small Congregational chapel. The land is di- Carriers.-Slade, to Bath, sat.; Whittern, to Chippenvided among many freeholders. The soil is various ; sub- ham, daily Bolton Rev. Allan Henry Lines B.A. Eels Imanuel, farmer & contractor, Rectory Manor farm, West Yatton COMMERCIAL. Alderman Mary Ann (Miss), shopkpr .A.she Verinder Stephens, grocr.& bakr Broott Benjamin, farmer Fer:ris Helen (Mrs.), dress maker Gainey Thomas, Red Lion P.H Hawkins Thomas, cowkeeper Hughes Henry, farmer, Folly farm Hulands Eobert, blacksmith Clarke J onah, butcher Hulbert Waiter, farmer, Ivy farm, Cleverley Elizabeth (~Irs. ), farmer, & \Vest Yatton post office Cleverley Fred Joseph, agent White Star Steamship Co Cleverley John, baker Cooper Octavius J oseph, fanner Kibble GeDrge, Bell P.H Mallard Ellen (Mrs.), laundress Mallard Wjlliamj mason Marsh Gertrude&Hester(The Misses), farmers, Manor House f.nm Marsh Nathaniel Bennett, l.umerr Brooms farm Mason Levi, quarryman, Giddea l!all Pavy William, farmer Penney John, beer retlr. Giddea tall Slade William, farmer, Park farm Tavinor Jn.Alderman,bakr.Giddea hall Tompkins Edgar, farmer, Street f&rm Tompkins Wm. farmer, West Yattun West George, miller (water) Whitting Charles, farmer; Broomfield Wiltshire James, carpenter Wray Sarah (Mrs.), Crown r.H. Giddea hall ZEALS is a tithing of Mere, and was formed in 1848 Cambridge. Here are four almshouses, erected and en· into an ecclesiastical parish; it is on the road from Mere dowed by the late William Chafyn Grove esq. in memory to Yeovil, and on the borders of Dorsetshire and Ramp- of his mother. There is a Congregational chapel and a shire, about 4 miles north from Gillingham station on the British school carried on therewith; and a chapel for Salisbury and Yeovil section of the London and South Primitive Methodists. Zeals House (occupied by J. P. Western railway, about 9 north-west from Shaftesbury, Browne esq.) is the property of G. Troyte-Chafyn-Grove 7 east-by-north from Wincaiiton and 24 west from Salis- esq. the owner of the1 manor and principal part of the land~ bury, in the Southern division of the county, Mere hun- the mansion, about I mile west from Mere, is of stone, dred, Hindon petty sessional division, Sbaftesbury county and ple:1santly seated in al well-timbered park of about 40 court district, rural deanery of Wylye (Heytesbury por- acres. The soil is sandy; subsoil, clay. The chief crops tion), archdeaconry of Sarum and diocese of Salisbury. are wheat, oats and pasture. land. The area is 1,540 The church of St. Martin is a Gothic stone building, acres; the population in 1891 was 470. erected in 1846: it has chancel, nave with south entrance Post Office.-Tom Smart, sub-postmaster. Letters via porch and a western tower surmounted by a fine steeple: Bath, arrive at 6.10 a.m.; dispatched at 11.40 a.m, & the chancel is paved with encaustic tiles: on the north of 7.40 p.m. on week days & 7.40 p.m. on sunday. Postal the chancel is an organ-chamber, built in 1874, containing orders are iss'ned here, but not paid. The nearest an organ erected in memory of the late William Chafyn money order & telegraph office is at Bourton Grove: there are three stained windows to his memory, Schools. which were erected by his tenants: the church is seated National (mixed) (with class rooms & residence atwith open benches, and will hold 280 persons. The regis- tached), for 100 children; average attendance, 64; ter dates from the year 1846. The living is a rectory, "\V alter Bradshaw, master; Mrs. Bradshaw, mistress gross yearly value £495, net £290, with residence, in the British, for 8o children; average attendance, 77; Miss gift of the vicar of Mere, and held since 1871 by the Rev. Lucy Penny Warburton, mistress Leonard Ramsay Henslow M.A. of St. John's College, Carrier.-Edwin Mees, to Frome, man. wed. & sat Browne Jn. PercivaJ. J.P. ZeaJ.s ho Cox George, farmer Sharp Albert, carpenter &c Henslow Rev. Leonard Ramsay M A. Glover Jas. plumber, painter & glazier Sharp Thomas, millwright (rector), Rectory Green Joseph, local agent to G.Troyte- Smart Tom, butcher & post office Shut-a Robert, Winderbrook cottage Shafyn-Grove esq Turner Frank, baker White John Green Samuel, boot & shoe maker \Valton John & Co. drapers, grocers & CO:MMEJlCI..\L, Hart gill Constance (Mrs.)~ Dell & general stores Burpitt Charles, farmer Crown P.H ·white Wm. John, farmer, Zeals farm Carter Albert, shoe maker Perrett Ernest, farmer "'hite Herbert "\Villiam,farmer,Higher Carter Ebenezer, baker & grocer I Riddick Henry, grocer Zeals farm
K EL LY'S WILTSHIRE COURT DIRECTORY. I In order to afford space for the addresses, the abbreviation "esq." for esquire, has no longer been appended to each. name in the "Court Directory." It should be understood that such should be added to the name of every gentlemanin the following pages, to which no inconsistent addition is affixed. Abel Mrs. 3 Pembroke terrace, Queen's Alford ltobert M.A. Summerfield, Archer Rev. John, Epworth house, road, Salisbury Preshute, Marlborough Wyndham road, Salisbury Aborn George Lintell, Ball, Pewsey Allan Mrs. 2 Pembroke terrace, Queen's Archer Jacob, Wood street, ·wootton Abrahams Joseph T. Upavon, Pewsey road, Salisbury · Bassett, Swindon Abrahams Thomas, 2 Beulah villas, Allard Wm. Chapmanslade, Westbury Arkell Henry, Pen hill, Stratton St. Bath road, Devizes Allard Wm. G. Paul st. Corsham R.S.O Margaret, Swindon Ackley Wm. Benj. Herd st. Marlborough Allcorn Herbt. St. Paul st. Chippenham Arkell James, West Hill house, HighAdam Rev. Henry Thompson M.A. The Alien Miss, n New street, Salisbury worth, Swindon Vicarage, Chirton, Devizes Allford Thos. Church fields, Salisbury Arkell Thomas, Kingsdown, Stratton St. Adams Albert H. Belle vue north,Devizes Allsopp Rev. Richard Winstantey LL.B. Margaret, Swindon Adams Frederick Washington, Oxford Vicarage, West Lavington, Devizes Arman :Mrs. 45 Long street, Devizes house, The Sands, Swindon· Allwood Gideon, Market pl. Melksham Armitage John Dickenson, Woodhead, Adams J. Swindon st.Highworth,Swindn Ambrose Brigade-Surgeon J n. B. A. ,M. D. Green lane, Trowbridge Adams Mrs. I Poulton terrace, Trow- Southgate lodge,Potterne road,Devizes Arnold Rev. Cecil North M.A. Rulebridge road, Bradford-on-Avon Amos Mrs. Milbourn, Malmesbury ford, Salisbury Adams Mrs. 9 Trowbridge road, Brad· Amsden Benjamin, I Devonshire villas, Artindale Robel't Henry, The Manor, ford-on-Avon The Sands, Swindon I<'isherton-de-la-Mere, Bath Adams William, Wroxham, Springfield Anderson Major John Frederick, Ferrum Arundell of Wardour Lord D.L., J.P. road, Swindon lodge, Seend, Melksham Wardour castle, Wardour, Salisbury; Adey Geo. 28 The Green, Marlborough Anderson Rev. Ebenezer M.A. Vicarage, & Athenreum club, London SW Adey Mrs. 31 Church st. Trowbridge Berwick Bassett, Swindon Arundell Rev. & Hon. Everard A. G. 8 Adley Charles Coles M.I.C.E. Spring- Anderson Rev. William Philpot B.A. Wesley road, Trowbridge field, Holt, 'l'rowbridge Latton, Cricklade Arundell Rev. John Harris M.A. LudAdye Arthur, Prospect, Swindon Anderson The Misses, Codford St. well, Salisbury Adye Arthur H. B. 9 Woolley street, Peter, Bath Ash Henry George, 2 Belmont villas, Bradford-on-Avon Andrew Rev. W. J. I2 Bath rd. Swindon Devizes road, Salisbury AdyeCharles Septimus,Westbury house, Andrews A. FairViewho. Box, Chippnhm Ash James, I8 Northgate street, Devizes St. Margaret st. Bradford-on-Avon Andrews Edward, Amesbury Ashburton Louisa Lady, Melchet park, Adye Herbert Archibald, The View, Andrews E, Romsey, Hants ; & Kent house, Coppice hill, Bradford-on-Avon Andrews Mrs. Myrtle cottage, Atworth, Knightsbridge, London SW Adye William M.D. 9 Woolley street, Melksham Ashe Miss, Langley house, Langley Bradford-on-Avon Andrews Mrs. :r Rose cottages, Bemer- Burrell, Chippenham Adye William John Ale:x:. Church house, ton, Salisbury Ashe 1\Irs. Joseph, I Landsend 'Villas, Church street, Bradford-on-Avon Andrews Richard, Avon villa, Melksham Marshfield road, Chippenham Affieck Robert, 41 Prospect pl. Swindon Andrews Robt. 23 Belle Vue rd. Swindon Ashenhurst Benjamin, Woodmarsh, Agar The Hon. Herbert Welbore Ellis, Angel Mrs. 2 Ashton street, Trowbridge North Bradley, Trowbridge Stanton house, Stanton Fitzwarren, 1 1 Angel-Smith Rev.Reginald Waiter Angel Ashfield Charles Edmond, The Lodge, Highworth, Swindon B. A. Limpley Stoke, Bath Wootton Bassett, Swindon Agnew W. Swallowclift, Salisbury Angell John Benedict Oliver, Romsey Ashley John, Ramsbury, Hungerford Ailesbury The Marquess of, J.P. Leigh house, Studley, Calne Ashley Joseph, Great Cheverell, Devize3 hill, Savernake Forest, Hungerford; Annetts Thos. Vinery, Milton, Pewsey Astley Rev. Anthonv Aylmer B.A. Rec- & 36 Eaton place & Carlton club, Anset William Louis, Kelvin villa, St. tory, Everleigh, Marlborough London SW Mark's road, Salisbury Aston Rev. Edward Albert Henry M. A. Ainsworth James, Wishford, Salisbury Anstee Mrs. Lockstone vil. Gib,Nettleton Rectory, Codford St. Marv, Bath Ainsworth W.J. 2 Brunswick ter. Swindn Anstie Edward B. 3I Market pi. Devizes Atkins Mrs. Fern cottage, Winterbourne Alchin Charles Frederick, Woburn, St. Anstie Edward Louis, Hadleigh cottage, Dantsey, Salisbury Mark's road, Salisbury St. Joseph's place, Devizes Atkins Samuel Ralph, The Mount, Elm Alcock Rev. John Christopher M.A. Anstie Thos. B. 2I Northgate st. Devizes grave, Salisbury London road, Salisbury Anthony Rev. Thos. Ramsbury,Hungrfrd Atkins William Ralph, Melrose, WyndAlcock Chas. M.A. Church st. Warminstr Antrobus Sir Edmund hart. D.L., J.P. ham road, Salisbury Alderton Fredk. Minster st. Salisbury Amesbury abbey, Amesbury ; I6 Atkinson Mrs. Erchfont manor, UrchAldis Rev. John, 1 Albanv terrace, Trow- Grosvenor crescent W & United font, Devizes • bridge road, Bradford-on-Avon University club, London SW Atkinson Mrs. Montecello, Devizes Aldridge Rev.A. E., B.A. Worton,Devizes Applegate A. I Roundstone st. Trowbrdg Attwell Rev. William, 32 St. Margaret Aldridge Robert, Whittonditch, Rams- Applegate Frank, Woolley Hill house, street, Bradford-on-Avon bury, Hungerford Bradford-on-Avon Attwood :\Irs. Biddestone, Chippenham Alexander-, Conholt pk. Chute,Andovr Applegate Hubert J.P. Turleigh house, At wood Rev. George Henry Sanders, Alexander Edward, Bemerton, Salisbury Turleigh, Bradford-on-Avon Rectory, Bishopstone, Warminster Alexander Frank, Brambles, London Applegate Waiter, I Newtown, Brad- AndlandRev.J.H.,M.A.Dinton,Salisbnry road, Salisbury ford-on-Avon Ault Rev. Herbert, Vicarage, BishopAlexander John,Abbeyrow, Malmesbury Applegate William, Laurel bank, Hil- stone, Shrivenham R.S.O. (Berks) Alexander John, Milford hill, Salisbury perton road, Trowbridge Austen Mrs. 2 Grosvenor ter. Salisbury Alexander J. u St.Mary st.Chippenham Applin Miss, Berrybrooke house, Sedge- AustinE.M.Fairstead,London rd.Salsbry Alexander Mrs. Glan-yr-Afon, Holt, hill, Shaftesbury Austin Wm. 58 Market pl. Chippenham Trowbridge Apted Frank, 23 Park la. New Swindon AvonsF.Rosevl.Westbournerd.Trwbrdg Alexander W. Gloucester st. Malmesbury Archer Lieut. -Col. David J. P. Kings- A vons J ames, Fern dale villa, W estbourne Alexander Wm. Henry, Upavon, Pewsey down house, Stratton St. Margaret road, Trowbridge AlfordMiss Ellen, Swallowclift,Salisbury & Lushill house, Castle Eaton, High- Awdry Lady, Notton house, Lacock, Alfo: i Miss L. Swallowclift, Salisbury worth, Swindon Chippenham
272 AWD WILTSHIRE. [KELLY's Awdry Rev. Canon Charles Hill M.A. farnes Miss, The School house, Union Bays Edward,44Victoria rd.NewSwindn Hartham parsonage, Pickwick, Cor- street, Melksham Beach Capt. Archibald Hicks, Wick ho. sham R.S.O Barnes Miss, Seend, Melksham Downton, Salisbury Awdry Rev. Edwd. Chas. B. A. Vicarage, Barnes Mrs. Bath road, Melksham Beadle General Jas. Pattle, The Grangep Kington St. Michael, Chippenham Barnes Mrs. Church street, Mere, Bath Worton, Devizes Awdry Rev. Seymour, Manor cottage, Barnes Mrs. Seend grn. Seend,Melksham Beadon Miss, TheCorner,Latton,Cricklde Seend, Melksham Barnes Mrs. Shelburne road, Calne Beadon Miss a Court, Heronslade, BoreAwdry Rev. William Henry M.A., J.P. Barnes Thomas B. Meadowbank, East ham, Warminster Ludgershall, .Andover Town, West Asht~n, Trowbridge Beake George,4 Southbroom ter.Devize$ AwdryC.,J .P.ShawHill house,Melksham BarnettW.2Wilton pl. Wilton rd.Salisbry Beal George Nicholas, 16 Church fields. Awdry Edmund Mainley, London road, Barns Amos, Wood street, Swindon Fisherton, Salisbury Chippenham Barns William .Amos, Broom manor, Beale Frederick, 4 Manor rd. Salisbury Awdry J. W. The Paddocks,Chippenham Swindon Beale Thomas, 91 Clifton st.New Swindru AwdryPtr.Delme,39Marketpl.Chppnhm Barnwell Rev. Charles Edward Benedict Beard Rev. Jn. Arth. King st. Melksham Awdry Thomas, The Lions, Prospect M . .A. Southbroom, Devizes BeardT.MountScylla,Colerne,Chippnhm place, Corsham R.S.O Barrett Rev. Jas. S. Limpley Stoke,Bath Beaufoy Mark Hanbury M.P., J.P. AxfordF.14St.Martin'sChurch st. Salsbry Barrett William Henry, St. Paul street, Coombe house, DonheadSt.Mary,SalisAyde Alfred, Bristol street, Malmesbury Chippenham bury; &87 Sth.Lambeth rd.LondnSW Ayers Wm. Alfd. Ramsbury, Hungerfrd Barrington Mrs. Bulidge house, Ailing- Beaven Albt.J.TheElms,Holt,Trowbridg Ayliffe Dennis, High st. Marlborough ton, Chippenham Heaven .Alfred, 17 St. Margaret street,. Aylward Mrs. Holmeleigh, Milford hill, Barry Captain Lionel E. Salthrop house, Bradford-on-Avon ~alisbury Wroughton, Swindon Beaven E. C . .Arboyne, Bolt, Trowbridge Bacon Rev. 0., M. A. Atworth,Melksham Barter Miss, The Close, Salisbury Heaven E. S. 5 Boreham ter. Warminstr Badcock Joses, Lydiard, Swindon Bartholomew J.S.TheMoorlands,Devizes Beaven Fredk. Thos. J.P. The Retreat,. BadenMiss, 20Sheppardst.NewSwindon Bartlett Rev. Richard Grosvenor M.A. Holt. Trowbridge Eagnell Thos. West st. Wilton, Salisbury Church house, Shrewton S.O Beaven Fredk. W. CoUl't st. Trowbridge Eailes The Misses, Victoria villa, Victoria Bartlett Rev. Richard Grosvenor M . .A. Heaven Jas . .Alma vil. Lickhill rd. Calne road, Trowbridge Waddington, Chippenham Beaven Miss, Prospect ho.Holt, Trowbrdg :Bailey Major George James, The Clift, Bartlett Edward Elloway, Windermere, Beaven Mrs. 6 Gladstone villas, :Mount Chippenham Campbell road, Salisbury Pleasant, Bradford-on-.Avon Bailey Rev. George William, 2 Weston BartlettJn.G.Richmond vil.Malmesbury Beazley Mrs. Carlton villa, Shelburne. villas, Marshfield road, Chippenham Bartlett Mrs. Coburg place, Melksham road, Calne Bailey James, Dixon st. New Swindon BartlettMrs.J,sBoreham vils.Warminstr Beazley William Waiter, Genesta, ShelBailey Mrs. Gloucester rd. Malmesbury Bartlett Thos. 0. Edward st. Westbury burne road, Calne :Bailey Mrs. Wm.33Silver st. Warminster Barton Rev. W. D.Lowbourne,Melksham BeckettR.Stoford,SouthN ewton,Salisbry Baily Rev. Henry George M.A. Rectory, BartonA.2Penrosevils.Londn.rd.Salsbry Beckingsale Mrs. I Montague villasp Lydiard Tregoze, Swindon Barton Charles Herbert, Honey-Garston Wilton road, Salisbury Baily Henry, New road, Calne cottage, Oxford road, Calne Beddoe John M.D., F.R.S. Chantry, Eaily Misses, Thorn bank, Melksham Barton Miss, Coburg place, Melksbam Barton orchard, Bradford·on-.Avon Eaily Wm. II St. Paulst. Chippenham Barton Mrs. Bewley house, Marshfield,Bedford Arthur,46Causeway,Chippnhm Bain J. ,M.A.Marlborough coll.Marlboro' road, Chippenham Bedford Miss, Fox holes, Crockerton~ BaintonC.41a, Woolley st.Brdfrd-on-.A vn BartonMrs.Crowood,Ramsbury ,Hngrfrd Warminster Baker Rev. John William,Pickwick road, Barton Robert, Red lodge, Braydon, Bedford Mrs. 36 Vicarage st.Warminster Corsham R.S.O Pm·ton, Swindon Beer William, Lickhill road, Calne Baker .Arthur Jas. High st. Warminster Baskett Rev. John Givens Kirkaldy B.A. Beesly Augustus Henry, The Newlands~ Baker C. Durley, LeighHill,Marlborough Donhead St. Andrew, Salisbury Preshute, 1\Iarlborough Baker C. H. 26 Victoria rd.NewSwindon Bass Mrs. Fir lawn, Holt, Trowbridge BegbieMrs.TheVilla,LimpleyStoke,Bath :Baker Geo. Rose, Lacock, Chippenham Hastings Mrs. 22Northrow,Warminster Belcher:Frs.Wm.24-Market pl.Chippnhm Baker H.2Nelson ter .Devizes rd.Salisbry Batchelor Henry A. 2 Lawn terrace, Belcher John, 3 Prospect hl.New Swindn Baker Henry, 27 Long street, Devizes Hartington road, Salisbury Belcher T. Hastings rd. Corsham R.S.O Baker l\'liss, Castle street, Mere, Bath Batchelor John Edmond, x Petros 'V'illas, Belcher William,19 Prospect pl.Swindon :Baker 1\Irs. Mere, Bath Devizes road, Salisbury Bell Rev. George Charles M.A. The. Ealcomb Geo . .A.sBrunswick ter .Swindon Bateman George, 4 Gloucester villas, Lodge, Marlborough · Baldwin Jsph. 2oSt.Paulst.Chippenham Bath road, Swindon BellE.Roseville,Boreham rd.'\Varminster Ball Rev.Geo.Horningsham,Warminster Bates Frank J. Charlton, Malmesbury BellMiss,Manor ho.Sth.Marston,Swindn EaU George, Multum·in-Parvo, Whitley. Bates I<'rederick Thomas Burrougbs, 5 Bell Mrs. The Close, Salisbury Melksham Elm grove, Salisbury Bell T. J. Pickwick rd. Corsham R.S.O Ball Mrs. 31 George street, Warminster Bath Marquess of J<'.S.A. (lord Iieut. ), Bell W. Grammar school, Warminster Ball Mrs. Yew vil. Hilperton, Trowbridge Longleat, Warminster; & 48 Berkeley Bel' Wm.H.,F.G.S.,J.P.Seend,Melkshtn Eallantyne Jn.BraeVal,Seend,Melksham sq W & Carlton club, London SW Bence Rev. Canon George Wright M.A. BallardM.CorsbamCourt,CorshamR.S.O Bath:F.Sandown vil.Church flds.Salisbry Blunsdon St . .Andrew, Swindon Bambridge William Samuel Mus.Bac. Bath Geo. 7 Eastbourne rd. Trowbridge Bence Henry, Biddestone, Chippenham The Waimate,Pewsey rd.Marlborough Bath Wm. 47 Harford st. Trowbridge Bend Richard, 21 Lansdown rd.Swindon Eanbrook John, 1Springfield rd.Swindon Bathe Misses, High st. Purton, Swindon Bendall Wm. H.24 Stallard st. Trowbrdge BanfatherRev. Henry Wm. B.A. Burcott Bathe Miss, High st. Wootton Bassett BendreyE.Myrtle vil.Devizesrd.Swindn house, LittleBlunsdon, Swindon BatheMrs.Westrop ter.Highwth.Swindn Benett-Stanford John J.P. Pyt house, BannisterJ .A.20riel vil.lnnox, Trowbrdg Batbo Misses, .Amesbury West Tisbury, Salisbury :Bannister The Misses, 6 Eastbourne Batho Mrs. Amesbury Bennett Rev. Canon I<'rederick M.A~ road, Trowbridge Bathurst Lieut.-Col. Sir Fredk. Arthur Vicarage, Maddington, Chippenham :Barber George, 56 Market pl. W arminstr Thomas Hervey- bart. Clarendon pk. Bennett Rev. J ames Thomas, The· Barber Mrs. John, Daisydale, Swayne's Salisbury Manse, Highworth, Swindon close, Salisbury Batson Mrs. The Rookery, Ramsbury, Bennett Alfred, Hollybrook house~ Barclay Rev. Herbert William .A.K.C. Hungerford Broughton Gifford, Melksham Rectory, Allington, Salisbury & Rec- Batten Mrs.s Bath rd.Bradford-on-Avon Bennett Edward John, Manor farm~ tory, Boscombe, Salisbury Batten-Smith W.seeSmith-Batten,Calne Chilmark, Salisbury BarcroftPenroseJ.Amesbury ho . .Amesbry Baumgarten Capt. Edward Picton, Oare BennettF.J.Belle vue,Londn.rd.Salisbry Bardwell Rev. Henry Bagley, Orwell house, Pewsey BennettJ.High st.WoottonBasstt.Swndn house, New road, Chippenham Baverstock M. Church st. Mere, Bath Bennett Miss, Sopworth, Chippenham Baring Nigel, Littlecote park, Rams- Bayliffe Edwd.LowerSeagry,Chippenhm Bennet.t Mrs. sen. Whitehill cottage-,. bury, Hungerford Bayliffe Mrs. Eastfiold, Prospect place, Chilmark, Salisbury Baring Nigel, The Weirs,Chilton Foliatt, Corsham R.S.O Bennett Mrs. High st. Wootton Bassett,. Hungerford Baylis Percy, Langley road,Chippenham Swindon Barker Charles, 10 South st. Swindon Bayly Rev.PagetLambartM.A. V1earage, Bennett Saml. White, Lickhill rd. Calne Barker Miss, Greystone cottage, Pick- Road, Bath Bennett Thomas, 87 Brown st. Salisbnry wick, Corsham R.S.O Bayly Francis W-48 East st.Warminster Bennett Wm. 1 Eastcott hl.New Swindn Barlow Waiter Charles, Ashley Grove, Bayly Wm. W.Bishopstrow,Warminster Bentlif Philip, Rozel,Manorrd.Salisbury Box, Chippenham Baynham Rev . .Albert E., M . .A. Rectory, Beresford E. H. County asylum, Devizes BarndenMiss, 24Northrow, Warminstr Monkton J<'arleigh, Bradford-on-.Avon Bernard Rev. Canon Edward Russell Barnes Rev. Waiter L., M.A. The Rec-IBaynton Hy. Summers, Midway manor, M.A. The Close, Salisbury tory, Barford St. Martin, Salisbury Bradford-on-.Avon Berndt Robt. 34 Kingsbury st.Mar:boro' BarnesJas. Hastingsrd. Corsham R.S.O Baynton Mrs. Summerfield, Trowbridge Berry Valentine lsaac, Manor farm, Miss, High street, Pewsey road, Bradford-on-Avon Stert, Devizes
COURT DIRECTORY.] 'VILTSHIRE. BRO 273 .Berry F. West Amesbury ho. Am~sbury Blythe Rev. Robert,Ogbourne St.George., / Brader)'lrs. tWilton pl. Wilt on rd. Salsbry Best Lieut.-Col. George J.P. Charlton :Marlborough Bradley Frederick John, The Ferns, house, Salisbury Blythe Joseph Charles, Southridge house,· Dixon street, New Swindon ]:Jest :Mrs. Montgomery ter. Bemerton, Hindon, Salisbury Bradley Willhm, Bemerton, Salisbury Salisbury Boddie William M.B. Fisherton House Bradshaw Mr;;. t8 vVilton rd. Salisbury lBeswick R. J. 89 Clifton st.New Swindon Lunatic Asylum, Salisbury Brake Mrs. 6 Avenue terrace, Gloucester Bethell Mrs. 15 The Halve, Trowbridge Bodman James, Derry Hill, Calne road, Trowbridge Bethell Samuel, Oaklea, Bath rd. Calne Bodman Misses, Park View house, Brakspea.r Harold, The Priory, Corsham .BevanFras. A.Fosbury manor, H un~erfrd Quemerford, Calne R.S.O Bevan James, 34 Duke st. Trowbridge Boldero Rev. Henry Kearney l\LA. Rec- Brakspe'l.r Willbm Htywarl,ThePriory, Bevir Harry, Lyme ho. Wootton BassJtt, tory, Grittleton, Chippenham Corsha.m R.S.O Swindon Bolin~broke Viscount D.L. Lydiard park, Bramble Miss, Horningsham, Warmnstr Bewicke Capt. Percy Wentworth, Manor Lydiard Tregorze,Swindon; & White's Bray J. Unity ter. London road, Calne house, Cholderton (West), Salisbury club, London SW Breach James, Biddestone, Chippenham IBickard E. 2 Wesley villas, Newtown, Bolt,er :Miss, Church street, Westbury Breach James, Bowden view, Melksham Trowbridge llolton Rev. Allan Henry Lines B.A. Breadalbane Marquis of, The Cottage, .Biddulph Michael 1\I.P., D.L., J.P. Rec•ory, YattonKeynell, Chippenham Winterbourne Earls, Salisbury; 19 :Manor house, Kemble, Cirencester; & Bolton Mrs. Devaux pl. The Close,Salisbry Cavendish square W & Marlboro' & 19 Ennismore gardens & Reform & Bornford Rev. Laurence George M.A. Reform clubs, London SW Brooks's clubs, London SW 28 Hilperton road, Trowbridge Brent G. Luccumb ho.Edington,Wstbry 'Bid well Miss, 47 New Park st. Devizes Bond Re\·. Canon John M.A. Vicarage, Brewer Henry, 2 Lowden terrace, Shel- .Bidw-ell Mrs. The Buries, Bishopstrow, Steeple Ashton, Trowbridge I don road, Chippenham Warminster Bond Rev. John Ed ward Gordon J.P.' Brice :\'Iiss, 4 Hilperton rd. Trowbridge Eienemann Rev. Gustave Adolph J\I.A. Vicarage, South Newton, Salisbury Brickle Mrs. 25 Wingfield rd. Trowbrdge Cholderton (West), Salisbury Bond Chas. 15 St. Paul st. Chippenham Bridge Wltr. S. Landford cot. Salisbury Biggs Mrs. :r Northgate street, Devizes Bond R. High st. WoottonBassett,Swindn Bridges John, Lickhill road, Calne Bigwood Anthony, 4 Landsend place, Bone Rev. William l\Iiddleton lVI.A. Bridges William, Pouting, Melrose, :\'Iarshfield road, Chippenham Fonthill Bishop, Salisbury 1 Quemerford, Calne Billing ham Frank George, Avon cottage, Boni~ace Mr3. 'l'ewin house, Victoria Bridgman Mrs. Woodcrvft, A:l()l'oft Lower wharf, Devizes street, Swindon stre.~t, Trowbridge Eillington James, 42 Long st. Devize~ Bonner John, II4 Exeter st. Salisbury Brieger Mrs. Ramsbury, HungerforJ Bindley Robert, 2 Deveanx place, The Bonner William, Station vil.N ew Swindn Briggs Rev. Henry, St. Nicholas hospital, Close, Salisbury Boodle Alfred William, 1 Albion build- The Close, Salisbury Bingley Rev. Edward B. A. St. Mary st. ings, Bridge street, New Swindon Brindley John .Major, 2 Alexandra villas, Chippenham Booker Rev. Arthur Wellin~ton L\LA. Wingfield road, Trowbridge Birch Hy. Jas. 42 Belle Vue rd. Swindon Rectory, Sutton Veny, Warrninstar Brinkworth Edwd. St. Paulst..Chippnhm Birch L\'Irs.Fisherton, Delamere ho. Bath Booker Edward, 33 Long street, Devizes Brinkworbh G2orge, Brooktield, MarshBird Rev. George A.K.C. Wedhampton, Booker Ge.). High st. Purton, Swindon field road, Chippenham Urchfont, Devizes Borgino Mrs. 39 New Park st. Devizes Brinkworth John Prescot, Vine cottage, .:Bird Rev. John Joseph Strntt B.A. BorradaileRev.ErnestJ.P. Castle house, Marshfieldroad, Chippenham Vicarage, Colerne, Chippenham Mere, Bath Brinkworth l\Iiss, S.Jmerset vilb, St. Bird H. Rock vil. Victoria rd. 'frowbridge Bothams Alfred C. 39 Castle st. Salisbury Paul street, Chippenham Bird Mrs. Semington, Trowbridge Bothams John C. Church fields, Salisbry 1Brinkworth W.H.6Causeway,Chippnhm Bird Mrs. 37 Silver street, Warminster Bothams Wait. Church fields, Salisbury Briscoe Miss, The Green, Calne Birkbeck Rev. William J., M.A. Tower Bothwell James, Holywell house, Horn- Briscoe William Thomas, B.A., M.D. house, Fisherton, Salisbury ingsham, Warminster Market place, Chippenham BishopCharles,4Brunswick ter.Swindon Bott Mrs. The Cottage, Church street, BristolJ.Alexandrard.Ea"Tisbury,Salsby BishopG.'f.84Commercial rd.Nw.Swndn Warminster Bristol Miss, West End cottage, West Bishop John Dommet, Oxford rd. Calne Bouffier George, Bemerton, Salisbury Tisbury, Salisbury Bishop Mrs. Worton, Devizes Boulter S. New Zealand Goatacre, Calne Bristol Miss C. E. The Academy, AlexBizley Mrs. 48 Belle Vue road, Swindon Boulter Thomas, Union street, Melksham andra road, East Tisbury, Salisbury Blackmore Humphrey Purnell M. D. 44 Bound Mrs. 34 Long street, Devizes Bristol Miss Mary, The Academy, AlexSt. Ann's street, Salisbury Bourdillon Stafford, Abbotstone, White- andra road, East 'fisbury, Salisbury Blackmore Jeremiah, Heytesbury S.O parish, Salisbury Brittan James, 1 Ashley villas, Ashley, BlackweiiRev. WilliamHenry,Vicarage, Bourne Rev. George Hugh D.C.L. St. Box, Chippenham Charlton, Pewsey S.O Edmund's college, Salisbury Broad Mrs. Dane villa, Turleigh, BradBladworth T. B. Boreham rd. Warminstr Bouvard Rev. J. St. Joseph's pi. Devizes ford-on-Avon Blagrove George, Grovemont, Campbell Bouverie Seymour Pleydell, Crudwell Broadwayi.TheCottage,We.Knoyle,Bath road, Salisbury house, :Walmesbury Brock Lancelot de Saumarez, Langley Blair William, 10 Castle st. Trowbridge Boweu:Wiss, The Manor place, Sherring- green, Langley Burrell, Chippenham Blake Abraham, Hope villa, Station ton, Bath Brockman Lieut.-Col. W. L. r ::3outhgate road, Corsham R.S.O Bowes Jn.Ireland,CountyAsylum.-Devizs villas, Potterne road, Devizes Blake Alfred, Ash ton villa, Codford St. Bowker Ed win,Springfield house, Marsh- Brockmore Miss, Nor bury house, PurPeter, Bath field road, Chippenham ton, Swindo:a Blake A. Celandine,Avenue rd. Trowbrdg Bowie Edward, Belle vue, London road, Brodribb Rev. 'Villiam Jackson M.A. Blake Henry, Elmhnrst, Hilperton road, Salisbury Rectory, WoottonRivers,n'larlborough Trowbridge BowleyC. L.King's hill, TheSands,Swndn Brodrib bRichcl.S.Market pl. W arminster Blake John, Wootton Bassett, Swindon Bowley Wm. Ashton Keynes, Cricklade Brodrick Rev. Alan l\I.A. Rectory, Blake John Heritage, Homefield house, llowly Rbt. Brewin, 14 High st. Swindon Broughton Gifforcl, Melksham Polebarn road, Trowbridge Bowyer Ehjah, 3 Stallard st. Trowbridge Bromley W. E. Northgate, The Sands, Blake Lewis Henry, Bath rd. Melksham Howyer Jabez, Ivy ho. Winsley, Brad- Swindon Blake Mrs. 30 New road, Chippenham ford-on-Avon Brooks Geo. 22 Park lane, New Swindon Blake Richard, The Elms, Winterbourne Boy le Very Rev. George David M. A. The Brooks George, Rose cottage, 'furleigh, Dantsey, Salisbury Deanery, Salisbury Bradford-on-Avon Blakely George Thomas Edwd. Dunollie, Boyle E. Derrymore,Fowlers rd.Salisbry Brooks-Hill Frederick Augustus, BelviSt. :Nlark's road, Salisbury Bracher Rev. Alfred George, St. Mary's dere, London road, S<tlisbury Blakiston Rev. Robert 1\LA. Vicarao-e, street, Malmesbnry Brotherhood John, Oaklei()"h house, Lo:J.- Fisherton-de-la-Mere, Bath " Bracher Edwin, Townsend, Mere, Bath don road, Chippenham" Blandford Mrs. Deane house, Swallow- Bracher J. H. East Tisbury, Salisbury Brown Sir William Roger J.P. Highfield, clift, Salisbury Bracher Mrs. Broad Oak house, S3mley, Hilp3rton, Trowbridge Blasdale Rev. Hent'y J. Rose cottage, Shaftesbury Brown Capt. Lancelot, Guyer's housE', London road, Calne Bracher Reuben, 97 Exeter st. Salisbury Pickwick, Corsham R.S.O Bleeck C. A., B. A. Manor ho. Warminstr Bracher Wm. Teffont Ewyas, Salisbury Brown Rev. Rich:ud Garlicke M. A. Little B!eeck Mrs. William, Rectory house, Bradburne Frederick Ashe J .P. Lyburn, Somerford, Chippenham Froxfield, Hungerford Downton, Salisbury Brown Rev. W. Church fields, Salisbury Bliss John, King street, Melksham Bradbury Edward, Prospect lodge, Pros- Brown Albert, 13 Lon.s street, Devizes Bloom Thomas, Milford hill, Salisbury pect place, Corsham R.S.0 Brown E. C. Eas~ view, Purton Swindon Blucke Frederick H. Rowberry,Donhead Brad bury Thos. Marshfield rd. Chippnhm BrowiL'S. L. Portlan1 ho. Fishertn.::lalsbry St. Andrew, Salisbury I Bradfield Edward James, Oakfield, Bore- Brown F. J. Thurlow, Bath rd. Swindon Blunt William, 14 Park la. New Swindon ham road, Warminster !Brown Georgc, xn Exeter ~t. Salisbury WILTS. 18
274 BRO 'WILTSHIRE. [ KELLY 1 8 Brown Geo. F. Tally Ho lodge,Chippenhm Burdett Mis!', I<'yfielcl, Milton, Pewsey Carpenter Re\•, Harry William J\ILA. Brown Henry J.P. Blacklands pk. Calne Burges Re\•.JohnHart,39Long st.Devizes The Close, Sali,bury Brown Henry, 141 Castle st. Salisbury Burges Miss, The Wilderness, Box, Carpenter J. Stone la. Lydiard,Swindn Brown Hy. 12 Clifton st. 11\ew Swind,m Chippenham Carpenter Joseph, Manor home, South Brown Henry, Lyecroft,Bath rd.Devizes Burgess F. D.8Westbournerd.Trwbrdge Burcombe, Salisbury Brown J. South view,London rd.Salisbry Burkitt Rev. William Esdaile B. A. Rec- Carpenter Jose ph, She.burne road,Calne Brown M. Hullavington ho.Chippenham tory, Buttermere, Hungerford Carpenter Miss, 23 Portway, Warminstr Brown M. M. Nonsuch house, Cbittoe, BurmanJ.W.,M.D.Ramsbury,Hungrfrd Carpenter Mr!l. Ludgershall, Andover Chippenham Burn ReV". John Henry Theo.A.K.C.L. Carpenter William Alfred, Havering Brown Miss, The Grove, Hinton Parva, The Rectory, Great.Cheverell, Devizes lodge, Milton, Pewsey Shrivenham R.S.O. (Berks) Burnett Hev. Arthur Bernard B.A. Carpenter Wm. Canon sq. Melksham Brown Miss, River side, Castle st.Salsbry Winterbourne Dantsey, Salisbury Carre Hev. Francis William LL.B. Brown Mrs. Barrington villa, West- Burnett Mrs. 2 Hill side, Salisbury St. Katharine's vicarage, Savernake bourne road, Trowbrir:lge Burns Mrs. 3 Elm grove, Salisbury Forest, Hungerford Brown Mrs. Purton, Swindon Burrell Hev. Alfred G. 5 Trafalgar pl. Carre Mrs. 2 Laudsend villas, :\>IarshBrown Mrs. Washbourne, Broad Hinton, Bath road, Devizes field road, Cbippenham Swindon Burrows J. 25 Park lane, New Swindon Carse George James, 'fhe Square, Brown Mrs. J. Hillworth, Devizes Burrows Mrs. Dunkirk, Devizes Wilton, Salisbury Brown Mrs. W. Castle grounds, Devizes Burrows Mrs. 82 St. Ann st. Salisbury Carter A. J. South st. Corsham R.S.O Brown Mrs.W.River side, Castle st.Slsbry Burry Albert, Conock, Chirton, Devizes Carter George, I Elm grove, Salisbury Brown Mrs. W. Wyndham rd. Salisbury Burt Mrs. Kerry crescent, Calne Carter Miss, Castle street, Mere, Bath Brown SamuelW.Church fields, Salisbury Burton Alfred, King street, Melksham Carter William, x xo Exeter st. Salisbury Brown Thomas, 143 Castle st. Salisbury Burton Miss, 4 Weston villas, Marshfield Cartwrigbt George Netbbridge, High Brown Thomas, 88 Exeter st. Salisbury road, Chippenham street, Wootton Bassett, Swindon Brown W. Church ho. Potterne, DeV"izes Burtt Mrs. Manor house, Winterbourne CarwardineHev. Hy.Aiex.M . .A. Vicarage, Brown William, 139 Castle st. Salisbury Dantsey, Salisbury Ogbourne St. Andrew,Marlborough Brown William,West st.AldbourneR.S.O Bury Lindsey, Manor ho. Wilcot,Pewsey Carwardine Mis,, Bemerton, Salisbury Brown W. E. N. TheCttage.Chisldn.Swndn Bush Rev .H. C., M.A. TheClose,Salisbury Cary Joseph, 62 High st. Marlborougb Brown W. H.Beachcroft,Bath rd.Devizes Bush H. E., B.A. Ashton rd. Trowbridge Cary Joseph Charles, Rose cottage, Brown W.J.MiddleHill ho.Box,Chippnhm Bush J. J. TheGrange,Hilpertn. Trwbdge Salisbury road, lHarlborough Brown William Lewis, Avondale, Wynd- Bush Miss,Merton vil.London rd.Devizes CaryWilliamHenry,:Manor house, Steeple ham road, Salisbury Bush Wm. H. 3 South broom ter.Devizes Ashton, Trowbridge Browne Rev. William Charles, Vicarage, BusheE.,J.P.Manor ho.Gt.Chevrll.Dvzes Caryl Rev. Harry Alexander M.A. The Netheravon, Salisbury BushellT.l'lunton-with-Bodenhm.Slisbry Close, Salisbury Browne Henry, Amesbury ButcherMrs Prospect ho.Bath rd.Devizes Case Hervey Stephens, Beechcroft, Browne John Percival J.P.Zeals ho.Bath Butcher Wm. H. 36 l:;t, John st. Devizes Studley, Trowbriclge Browning George, Ferndale, Pickwick, Butler George, Nether Street, Brom- Cass Robert, Cottle's house, Farleigb Corsham R.S.O ham, Chippenham Wick, Bradford-on-Avon Brudenell-Bruce Lord Charles Frederick Butler H. Glen wood, London rd.Salsbry Cassey Thomas, Wyndham rd. Salisbury J.P. Wolfhall, East Grafton,Marlboro' Butler Miss, WestKennett,Avebury,Calne Castle Miss, Coxstalls, Wootton Bassett Bruges Misses, St. Andrew's villa, Low~ Butler Wm. G. Allington, Chippenham Castle Miss,Highstreet, "\YoottonBassett, buurne, Melksham Butler William Stephen, West Kennett, Swindon Bruges William, Semington, Trowbridge Avebury, Calne Cater C. 14 Marshfield rd. Chippenham BrugheraFerruccio VirginiaErnestoM.A. Butt Rev. Walter William Arthur M.A., Cator llobert, Bowden hill, Chippenham Marlborough college, Marlborough J.P. Vicarage, Minety, Malmesbury Caudwell Rev. Edmund SchuylerSutton Brunker Miss, 2 Church ter. Westbury ButtFrank, 32Catherine street,Salisbury M.A. Horningham, Warminster BrunsdenMiss, West hl.Hghwrth.Swndn ButtS. L. 6x Vicarage st. Warminster Cave W. 25 Sheppard st. New Swindon Brunsden Mrs. Gorse Hill house, Crick~ Butterworth Rev. Richard, St. Audries, Cavell Hev. Henry Theodore, Vicarage, lade road, New Swindon Wingfield road, Trowbridge ':' Staverton, Trowbridge Bryant HenryS. Bank ho. High st. Calne Byrch Thomas, High street, Swindon Cavendish Hon. Caroline, Berrybrooke Bryant W. G.Marshfield rd.Chippenham Cabell J. 26 Frome rd.Bradford-on-Avon house, Sedgehill, Shaftesbury Buchanan V en. Thomas Boughton M.A. Caillard His Honor Camille Felix Desire Chadwick G. F. Codford St. Mary, Bath The Close, Salisbury & Rectory, Poul- D.L., J.P. Wingfield ho. Trowbridge Chaffey :Major John, Prince bill, Worton, shot, Devizes Caird R H. Southbroom house, Devizes Devizes Buchanan Rev. Sidney James E. A. 4 Caish Thomas, Lickhill road, Calne Chaffey Arthur, Box, Chippenham Elm grove, Salisbury Calley Major Thomas Charles Pleydell Chaloner Capt. Richard Goldolphin Buckenham Mrs. Sturford cottage, J.P. Burderop park, Swindon Halmesley J.P. Melksham ho.Mlkshm Corsley, Warminster Calley Hev. J. H.,M.A.Chisledon,Swndn Chamberlain Mrs. Grove villa, Elm Buckland Rev. William John M. A. Han~ Callway William By. I Glo'ster villas, grove, Salisbury kerton, :\>Ialmesbury Bath road, Swindon ChamberlaineHev.Edward M. A. Blagden Buckland Miss, Netheravon, Salisbury CalvertFrederick,Whitehouse,Stratford- house, Keevil, Trowbridge Buckland Mrs. King street, Melksham sub-Castle, Salisbury Cbamberlaine Hev. William Henry,M.A. Buckley Rev. Canon Felix John M.A. Cam Miss, Roselands, Worton, Devizes Keevil, Trowbridge Rectory,StantonSt.Quintin,Chippnhm Campbell Rev. Charles Thomas E. A. Chambres Major Hegmald Gordon,Bray· BuckleyRev.J.S.Northst.Wilton,Salsbry Hodborne-Cheney, Swindon don hall, Minety, :Walmesbury Buckley Alfred D.L., J.P. New hall, Campbell D., M. D. Lornecliff, Calne Champneys Arthur Charles M.A. :v.Iarl· Nunton-with-Bodenham, Salisbury Campbell Harry, Dixon st. ~ew Swndn borough college, l\larlborough Euckley Miss, Nunton-with-Bodenham, Candy Thomas C. Navy villa, Victoria Chandler Frank, 35 Wood st. Swindon Salisbury road, Trowbridge Chandler G. 31 Kingsley st.Marlborough Buckpitt James Hunter, Bleak house, Cane H. Geo. 35 High st. Marlborough Chandler John Hottrop, 1 Strathearne Winsley, Bradford-on-Avon Canning Mrs. Bridge house, Chilton villas, Devizes road, Swindon Budden Mrs. 3 Clarendon ter. Salisbury Foliatt, Jiungerford Chandler Miss, Knapp brow, Pewsey Bulbeck Rev. Henry, Stourton, Bath Canning Thomas, Shaw, Melksham Chandler Thomas, Melbourne villa, Bath Bulgin Mrs. Rose villa, Melksham CanningW.B. Delapre, Manor rd.Sisbry road, Devizes Bulkley T. A.Standen ho.Chute,Andover Cannon H. Church st. Corsham U.S.O Chandler 'rhos. 3 Park ter. New Swindn Bull Rev. T. Steeple Langford, Bath Cannon William B. Hinton Parva, Chandler Thos_ Hicks, Rowde, Devizes Bull Alien Wilfred B.A. Warminster Shrivenham R.S.O. (Berks) Chaplin H. Rudge, :Froxfield, Hungrfrd Bull J.Woodst.WoottonBassett,Swindon Card Edward Austin, Redlynch, Salsbry Chapman Rev. Horace Edward ~I.A. Bull Mrs. Clyde vi!. Shelburne rd. Calne Card Mrs. Castle street, Mere, Bath Donhead house, Salisbury Buller Arthur T. Chisledon ho. Swindon Carder Thomas,59Windsor st. Salisbury Chapman Rev. Stephen Murray M.A. Bulley Frederic Pocock J.P. Marston hi. Cardew Rev. JohnHaydon H. A. Rectory, Semington, Trowbridge Marston Maisey, Fairford S.O. (Glos) Wingfield, Trowbridge Chapman Isaac, Cambridge villa, Pick· Eulley Mrs. Marston hill, Marston CardweliThomas Holme,Newnton house, wick road, Corsham R.S.O Maisey, Fairford S.O. (Glos) Long Newnton, Tetbury Chapman I.Westl::orne.gdns. Trowbridge Bull William Henry, Hill view, Pewsey Carey Rev. Tupper M.A. The Vicarage, Chapman Miss, Phyllis cottage, Holt, Bungey Mrs. St. Martin'!', Marlborougb Ebbesborne Wake, Salisbury Trowbridge BurbidgeMrs.BroughtonGifford,Mlkshm CareyFrancis,Parsonage farm,Stratford- Chapman Miss, 4 York terrace, Devizes Burchell Mrs. The Marsh, Calne sub-Castle, Salisbury road, Salisbury Burden James, 21 Wilton rd. Salisbury Carey:Mrs. Corton, Bath Chapman W. Sambourne ho. Warminstr Burder Rev. C. S.,M.A.Ham,Hungerfrd Carless Edward Nicolls M.B. n Long Chappel William Haighton M.A. Tra~ Eurdett Sir Francis bart. Ramsbury street, De•·izes falgar place, Preshute, Marlborough manor, Hungerford Carlton Saml. Mar low ho. New Swindon Chappell Albert, St. Paul st.Chippenham
• COURT DIRECTORY.] WILT~ HIRE. CRO 275 Chappell John, London road, Calne !Clutter buck Edmund Henry B. A., J.P. Cook MajorWm.Low. Woodfrd.Salisbury Chard Capt. Charles, Rowde, Devizes Hardenhuish park, Chippenham Cooke Miss, 20 Long street, Devizes Charlton Hon. Mrs. East Tytherton, Coates Alfred, 17 Endless st. Salisbury Cooke Mrs. Little Bedwyn, Hungerford Chippenham Coates Harcourt, 17 Endless st. Salisbry Cookson Captain Freville, Foxhill, WanCharltonH.Donhead St.Andrew,Salisbry Coates Mrs. 59 Vicarage st. Warminster borough, Swindon Charrington Charles Edward N. Burton Coates Mrs. Martin, Craig house, Bed- Cookson H. Theodore J.P. Sturford Hill house, Malmesbury win street, Salisbury mead, Corsley, Warminster Charteris Richard, Eastcourt house, Cobb Hy. Wm. South Newton, Salisbury Coole A. Vale view,Monkton Combe,Bath Crudwell, Malmesbury Cockshott Rev. Wm. E., M.A. Vicarage, Coole Mrs. Purton, Swindon Chatterton Waiter, Elm place, Frome Wootton Bassett, Swindon CoombA.Forestvil.Lowbourne,Melkshm road, Bradford-on-Avon Codd Rev. Alfred M.A. Monserrat, Lon- Coombe Hy. John, Union st. Melksham CheesmanT.2Chestnuts,Londn.rd.Slsby don road, Salisbury Coombe Thos Sandby, Purton, Swindon Chell Rev. William B.A. Mere, Bath Coddington Col. Hamelin Charles J.P. Coombes Mrs. I Lawn terrace, HartingChermside Mrs. Kingstead, Fonthill Wye house, Marlborough ton road, Salisbury Bishop, Salisbury Cogswell J. Boyton, Ashton rd. Trowbdg Coombs Jas. 20 Rolleston st. Salisbury Chettle E. Trowle cot. Trowle la. Trwbrdg Col borne Samuel, The Villas, Stratton Coombs John, Priory la. Corsham R.S.O Chewings William, 3 Crofton terrace, St. Margaret, Swindon Coombs Joseph, 2 Belmont villas, WaterBradley road, Trowbridge Colborne Thomas, The Cottage, Poul- works road, Trowbridgfl Chilcott :Mrs. Bath road. Melksham shot, Deviz~s Coombs Mrs.lvy cot.Ivy la.Chippenbam ChinnockS.4 Wilton pi. Wilton rd. Salsbry Colbourne Miss, Union st. Melksham Coo m bs Thos. B. 90 Port way, W arminster Chisman Tbos. Codford St. Mary, Bath Colbourne Mrs. Lowbourne, Melksham Cooper Rev. Frederick Wilson, ~LA. Chivers Herbert William, Manor house, Cole Mrs. Albany villa,Lickhill rd.Calne Vicarage,LongbrdgeDeverill,Wrmnstr Coppice hill, Bradford-on-Avon Cole Mrs. Jas. Church st.CorshamR.S.O Cooper Rev. Wm. Hy.H.,M.A.,F.R.G.S. Chivers John, Court cottage, Bishop- Cole Wm. Quint, Redworth, Amesbury Rectory, Tocltenham,Wootton Bassett stone, Shrh-enham R.S.O. (Berks) ColemanEbenezer,1 TheDown, Trowbrdg Cooper Frank, 86a, Salt lane, Salisbury Chivers Mrs. Manor house, Coppice hill, Coleman Herbert, 2 South view, Wesley Cooper John, 27 High st. Chippenham Bradford-on-Avon road, Trowbridge Cooper John Alexander, 3 Eastbourne Chivers Mrs. 9 Wesley road, Trowbridge Coleman Mrs. South st.AldbourneR.S.O terrace, Eastbourne rd. Trowbridge Cholmondeley The Marquess of, D.L. Coleman Waiter Thomlinson J.P. Lang- Cooper Mrs. Biclcllestone, Chippenham Wroughton house, Swindon; & Carl- ley Fitzurse, Chippenham Cooper Mrs. 5 The Green, Marlborough· ton, Turf & White's clubs, London Coles Rev. Richard EdwardB.A.Rectory, Cooper Mrs. Ham ter. Holt, Trowbrid~e Choules P.Dryden ho.So.Marstn.Swindn Corsley, Warminster Cooper Mrs. n8 High st. Marlborough Chubb Alfred, Corston, Malmesbury Coles Elias, Sheldon road, Chippenham Cooper Walter William, 3 l\lillbrook~. Chubb Alfred Wm.Burtonhl.Malmesbry Coles Mrs. Boreham house, Warminster Milford hill, Salisbury ChubbMontagu Hy.Burtonhl.Malmesby ColesRbt.Jn. Hulbert, Upton Lovell,Bath Copnall Hy.H .5 The Green,::\Iarlborough Chubb Mrs.ThePriory,Burtn.hl.Mlmsby CollardRev.EdwinCurwe.n,The Vicarage, Corben Charles Manship, Axholme, ChuggRev.J.Stratton, St.Margt.Swindn Stratford-sub-Castle, Salisbury Preshute, Marlborough Church Rev. Alfred John M.A. Rectory, Collard Miss, Shaftesbury rd.Mere,Bath CorbettCharlesHenry,Gretevilla,Avenue Asbley, Tetbury (Glos) Collen Daniel, Rowden hill, Chippenham road, Trowbridge · Church John Grundy, Westrop terrace, Collen George, New road, Chippenham Corbin D.G.Homi:1gton house,Salisbury Highworth, Swindon Collett Rev. Edward, Vicctrage, Bower Cordingley Isaac, Somerlene, Victoria Church Miss, High street, Pewsey Chalke, Salisbury road, Trowbridge Church Wm.Fras.3 Newrd.New Swindn Collett Joseph, Bower hill, Melksham Corfe Miss, Milford hill, Salisbury Churchill Edwd.36Silverst.Warminster Collett Mrs. 14 Devizes road, Swindon Corke Rev. Hubert A.lfred,The Vicarage, Churchill Mrs. Corton, Bath Collett Thomas, Atworth, Melksham Bradenstoke-cum-C.ack, Chippenham Clamp Miss, Pickwickrd.CorshamR.S.O Collier Rev. John T.Bemerton,Salisbury Corke 1\liss, Brinkworth, Chippenham ClareE.Park cot.Marshfield rd.Chppnhm Collier James W. Meadowside,Downton, Cornish Jasper, 68 Portway, Warminster Clark Enos, 32 St. George's terrace, Salisbury Cotes Major A1thur J.P. t;eagry house, Stallard street, Trowbridge Collier Stephen Payne, Corrymore, Upper Seagry, Chippenham Clark Herbert, The Poplars, Hilperton George street, Warminster Cotes Mrs. Purton, Swinrlon Marsh, Trowbriclge Collingwoocl Col. Henry, Elm lodge, CottellA.W.woVictoria rd.NewSwindon Clark J.B. TheGreen, Wingfield, Trwbrdg London road, Devize3 Cotter Major Francis, Ferndale, Wilton Clark Misses, Prospect ho.Bath rd.Devizs Collins Rev. John Ferdinando M. A. road, Salisbury ClarkM1sses, TheSplatt,Heddingtn.Calne Vicarage, Charlton, Malmesbury Conlson Phillip Edward, Fern \'ilia, ClarkMrs.Yuccavilla,TheSands,Swindn Collins Alexander. Pembroke villa, Westbourne road, Trowbridge Clark Thos. D. L., J. P. Bellefield house, Westbourne road, Trowbridge CourteenH. Ev• rsley, rotterne rd. Devizes Hilperton marsh, Trowbridge Collins Charles Atkins, St. Bees, Wing- Courtis Miss, Coburg place, Melksham Clark Waltr. T. Ferndale ter.Malm.esbry field road, Trowbridge CO\-entryHy.R.Monkton pk.Chippenham Clark William, Pevensey house, West- Collins Mrs. Bowden cottage, Bowden Coward Edward, Houndway, Devizes bourne road, Trowbridge Hill, Chippenham Coward Jas. Shaftesbury rd. Mere, Bath Clark William Perkins J.P. Wyke house, Collisson Rev. Sydney G-arbet, Holy Coward Richd. Salisl ury st. Mere, Bath Hilperton road, Trowbridge Trinity vicarage, Church street, Cowley Earl J. P. Draycot house, DrayClark-Kennedy Rev. Archibald Ewart Bradford-on-Avon cot. Cerne, Chippenham ; & Turf· B. A. Cadley, Savernake, Marlborough Colman Henry, High street, Pewsey & Marlborough clubs, London SW Clarke Lieut.-Co!. Thomas Sydenham, Colston Charles Edward Hungerford Cowlishaw Frederick,2o Bearfield buildThe Manor, Upton Lovell, Bath Athol ~I.P., D.L., J.P. Roundway ings,Huntingdon st.Bradford-on-Avon ClarkeRev.U.LangleyFitzurse,Chppnhm park, Deyizes; Carlton, Arthur's & CoxE.A.Sydney vi!. Bath rd.Chippenham Clarke Rev. John B. A. Warminster Wellington clubs, London SW Cox Frederick, 6 Innox, Trowbridge road, Westbury Combes Cyrus, Prospect house, East Cox J.B.Hownhams,Manor rd. Salisbury Clarke ArthurEd.Abbeyrow,Malmesbry Tisbury, Salisbury Cox James, 14 Bath road, Swindon Clarke Henry, Canon square, Melksham Combes Nicholas, The Lodge, East CoxJas.A.Westbonrnegrdns.Trowbrdge Clarke Joseph Albert, Sunnyside, Glou- Tisbury, Salisbury Cox Matthew Henry, Ivy cottage,.. cester road, Mahnesbury Combley Mrs. London road, Calne Orcheston St. Mary, Devizes Clarke Mrs. 'l'he Grove, St. Marystreet, ComptonRev.Thof'.H.Theclose,Salisbury Cox Mrs. 3-J. Fisherton st. Salisbury Chippenham Compton James, Wellclose house, New- Cox William Robert, B.A. NetherClarke Mrs. Station rd. Corsham R.S.O town, Bradford-on-Avon hampton, Salisbury Clarke S. T. Teffont Magna, Salisbury Compton Miss, Chitterne St. Mary, Bath Craddock Edward A. Fairwater house, Clarke William, Oxford house, Victoria Compton Miss, 78 Portway, Warminster Wroughton, Swindon road, New Swindon ComptonMiss,Thornhill cottage,Crocker- CravenMrs.Albany vils.London rd.Calne ClayChalloner,Manor ho.Fovant,Salsbry ton, Warminster Crawley Rev. Charles David, 27 Silver Cleather Rev. Geo. Ellis M. A. Rectory, Compton Mrs. The Spa, Melksham street, Warminster Brixton Deverill, Warminster Coney Lieut. -Col. Arthur Henry, J. P. Cray Mrs. Lower Studley, Trowbridge Clements Charles, 82 Brown st.Salisbury Middle hill, Box, Chippenham Creaton Mrs.F.Sutton Veny, Warminster Cleverley Wm. 13 St. Paul st.Chippnhm Connett John White, 3 Landsdowne ter- Cressy Charles James, Belgrave house, Cleverly Andrew, Upp.Wanboro'Swindn race, Marshfield road, Chippenham Wroughton, Swindon Cleverly Step hen J ames,Curzon st. Calne Cook Rev. Charles Henry, B. A. Teffont Cripps Wm. Hill brow ,Milford hl.Salisbry Clifton John H. West Wellow, Romsey Magna, Salisbury Crisp James, Lowbourne, Melksham Clutsom Rev.Arthur D.Potterne,Devizes Cook Alfred, London road, Chippenham Crisp Jas. Ellis, High st.Corsham R.S.O Clutterbuck Daniel Hugh J.P. Monk's CookE.Waldn.ldge.DevizesWick,DevizesjCrockett Rev. Herbert Frederick, B.A. park, Corsham Side, Corsham R.S.O Cook Hy. C. 33 Victoria rd.New Swindon Rectory, Upton Lovell, Bath WILT.:;', 18*
2i6 CRI WILTSHIRE. (KELLY's CrispJ.H.TheGrange,Lacock,Chippnhm Davis Rev. Charles Henry M.A. Rec- Dickson-Poynder Sir John Poynder hart. Crokat Rev. Robert Campbell, M.A. tory, Littleton Drew, Chippenbam M.P., J.P. Hartham park, Pickwick, Vicarage, Broad Hinton, Swindon Davis Rev. Weston Brocklesby M.A. Corsham R.S.O Crook Frederick, 14 High st. Salisbury Vicarage, Ramsbury, Hungerford Difford George,I Lansdown rd. Swindon Crook Jasper Cole, Moredon, Swindon Davis Rev. William Henry B. A. Vicar- Digges Rev. Dudley, Vicarage, Compton CrookMisses,Bellevue ho.Lickhill rd.Clne age, Avebury, Calne 1 Chamberlayne, Salisbury CrookMisses,Rose cot. Bower hl.Melkshm Davis Albert S. Meadow view, Church DimondRev .R. 36Harcourt ter.Salisbury Crook Robert, 15 Landsend place,.Marsh- fields, Salisbury Diplock John, Clarendon house, Ashton field road, Chippenham DavisA.R.2Melrose vils.Londn.rd.Salsby 1 road, 'l'rowbridge Croom George, Maiden Bradley, Bath Davis Cornelius, High st.CorshamR.S.OIDiplock Thomas, Skurrayfield, WingCroome Mrs. Gloucester st. Malmesbury Davis Francis Arthur, Lady's wood, field road, Trowbridge CroombeRogerJas. Castlest. Mere,Bath Sherston Magna, Malmesbury Ditcombe John, 39 Londonrd.Marlboro' Cross Jn. Preston ho.East st.Warminster Davis Hy.Chas. Warminster rd. Westbry Dixon Rev. Henry Lancelot M. A. 2 St. Cross Mrs. East Knoyle, Salisbury DavisJoseph, Turleigh,Bradford-on-Avn John's villas,Boreham rd.Warminster Crossle Rev. George Atkinson M. A. Davis Miss, 63 Boreham road,Warmnstr Dixon Chas.Alfred,Southcott ho. Pewsey Vicarage, Enford, Pewsey Davis Miss, Coombe Bisset, Salisbury Dixon Edwin, Glenavon, Wyndham Crossley Mrs.Landford house, Salisbury!Davis Nathaniel, Forest view, London road, Salisbury Crouch Mrs. Hillside house, Castle road, Salisbury DixonG. York ho. Wyndham rd. Salisbry Combe, Chippenham Davis Williarn, 15Park lane,NewSwindn Dixon Henry P. Southcott ho. Pewsey Croucher George, 6 Clarendon villas, Dawes Frederick Aston, The Limes, New I Dixon Mrs. The Chantry,High st.Pewsey Ash ton road, Trowbridge street, Salisbury I Dixon Percy, 2 Devonshire villas, 'fhe Crowdy John Campbell, Holdcroft, Dawes Miss, Prospect house, Quemer- Sands, Swindon Blunsdon-St.-Andrew, Swindon ford, Calne Dixon Robert Henry, Mulberry cottage, Crump Miss, The Green, Calne Dawson Rev. Richard M.A. Vicarage, Church street, Melksham Cruse Miss, Luxfield cottage, Sam- Sutton Benger, Cbippeuham Dixon Stphn. Brown, Church st. Pewsey bourne, Warminster Day Alfred, Sladbrook villa, Lucking- Dixon-Stewart Rev. John Fletcher, .CuffJ.Alexandra ho. Ea.Tisbury,Salsbry ton, Cbippenham Vicarage, Stanton St.Bernard, Pewsey Cuff Mrs. Chitterne All Saints, Codford Day Frank, Flintham lodge, Oaksey, S.O St. Mary Malmesbury DockingJohnE. Unityvilla,Westbourne Cull Mrs. Martin, Salisbury Day Harry, Ashford road, New Swindon gardens, Trowbridge Culley Joseph, 41 Prospect pi. Swindon Day Miss, 6 Grosvenor terrace,Salisbnry Docwra Mrs. I Dorchester villas, Bath Culliford Mrs. 3 Western villas, Marsh- Day Mrs . .Moredon, Swindon road, Swindon field road, Chippenham Day Mrs. 37 New road, Chippenham DoddE.High st.Woottn.Bassett,Swindon Culling Miss, Rhynwick house, Wilton Day Mrs. Wood street, Wootton Bassett, Dodd George A. J.P. Stockton ho. Bath road, Salisbury Swindon Dodd Misses, The Sands, Swindon . Cullingford F. T.M. I 8Victoria st.Swndon DayWilliam,LangleyFitzurse,Chippnhm Dodge Ernest, Rotherstone, Clarendon Cummins Rev. John Pollixfen B.A. Day Wm. F. Ashton cot. High st.Pewsey gardens, Trowbridge Marlborough college, Marlborough Deacon Arthur, 2 Alexandra villas, Dodson William Rippon, St. Andrew's Cunard C.The Limes, Kemble, Cirencstr The Sands, Swindon villa, Lowbourne, Melksham Cunington Capt. Edward Benjamin Deacon Arthur Wm. 'l'heSands,Swindon DoelJn.Rock vil.Boreham rd.Warminstr Howard, Foxhangers, Rowde, Devizes Deacon Mrs. 33 Bath road, Swindon Doel Mrs. Ashmore house, South wick, Cunnington :;\lisses, Southgate east, Deacon Thomas H. Newport st. Swindon Trowbridge Potterne road, Devizes Dean William,J.P.Newburn,NewSwindn Doell\1rs. Poplars, Studley, Trowbridge Cunnington Mrs. Southgate house, Pot- Deane The Misses, Cheney court, Box, Dolland Rev. Henry Burgh, M.A., terne road, Devizes Chippenham Lacock, Chippenham Curtis Alfred Barwick, Chatley house, Dear Richard, Milford house, Castle Domvile Rev. Charles Compton, M.A. Limpley, Stoke, Bath street, Salisbury Rectory, Nettleton, Chippenham Curtis James S. 2 Clarendon ter.Salisbry Decompoix Rev. Francis, Cross Hayes, Donaldson James, Brighton ho. ClarenCurtisMrs.Eversley ho.Elm gro.Salisbry Malmesbury don gardens, Trowbridge Curtis W.The Elms, Burbage, Marlboro' Dee Frederick James, 2 Clifton villas, DonovanCapt.'f.Westportho.Malmesbry Cuss Miss, Ash ton Keynes, Cricklade Bath road, Devizes DoreH. Yew Tree cot. Bromhm,Chippnhm Cuss Miss, Caleutt street, Cricklade Dee Mrs. 82 Crane street, Salisbury Dore John, West End, Bishopstone, Cuss Nevil John, High street, Cricklade de-Gruchy Madame, Emwell's Cross Shrivenham R.S.O. (Berks) Cusse Ed.The Close, Boscombe, 8alisbry house, \Varminster Dore Misses, Westrop terrace, HighCuvilje Miss, 8 Hnntingdon street, de Lavalette Marquise, Manor house, worth, Swindon Bradford-on-Avon Market Lavington, Devizes DorlingRev.E.E., M.A. TheClose,Salisbry .Dacres- Paterson Capt. Charles, St. Dell Rev. George Richard, :NI.A. Doswell Charles, 9 Landsend place, Osyth, The Sands, Swindon Hilperton, Trowbridge Marshfield road, Chippenham Dale Benj. Hague, Victoria st. Swindon DellC.Norman cot. London rd.Salisbury DoswellS.Edward, High st. Malmesbury Dale James, 6 Landsend place, Marsh- Dell Mrs. High street, Marlborough Dotesio Charles James, 3 Mason's lane, field road, Chippenham Dennant Mrs .. Burdons Ball, Wilton, Bradford-on-Avon Dale John, Corton, Bath Salisbury Dougall Keir Johnson, Manor house, Dalley J n. Lambert,Holt ho. Trowbridge Denner Mrs. Westrop,Highworth,Swindn Liddington, Swindon Daniell Rev. John Jeremiah J.P. Rec- Dennis William, Crockerton green, Douglas Miss, Godolphin High School, tory, Langley Burrell, Chippenham Crockerton, Warminster Milford hill, Salisbury Daniell Caleb John, Hampton house, Dent Douglas, Hurdcott house, Baver- Dowden J. Keith, Ewenville, Wyndham Deverill road, Warminster stock, Salisbury road, Salisbury Daniell Miss, Rose cottage, Fore street, deQuettevilleRev. William, M. A. Rectory, Dowding Rev. W. ,M. A.Idmiston,Salisbry Common, \<Yarminster Brinkworth, Chippenham Dowding Francis Edwin, Albion villa, D'Arcy William James Buchanan, Nor- Devas Rev. Artbur Charles M.A. The Causeway, Chippenham man house, Springfield road, Swindon Vicarage, Bath road, Devizes DowdingGeo.Slaughterford,Chippenham Darke Fitz Roy P. 2oQueen st.Salisbury Devenish Mathew Henry Whitty,West- DowdleW.26Silver st. Bradford-on-Avon Darke Harry Wm. The Laurels, Cause- leigh, Salisbury Dowland::.\irs.TheFirs,lVlilford hll.Salsbry way, Chippenham Deverell Miss, Belmont villa, Devizes DowlingJas.nVictoria rd. New Swindon Darley Richd. 56 St. Mary st.Chippnhm road, Salisbury Dowling Mrs. Deverell house, Preshute, Dartnall George Edward, Abbotsfield, Dew Benjamin, Dilton, Westbury Marlborough Stratford-sub-Castle, Salisbury Dewdney The Misses, Rockdene,Potterne DowlingMrs.r2 Langley rd.Chippenham Darwent Rev. William, High st. Devizes road, Devizes Down Mrs. :Mere, Bath Daubney Mrs. Giles, Seend, Melksham Dewe Rev. William Mills, B. A.. Rectory, Downes Mrs. Station road, Westbury Daunt Gen. W. Ashley ho.Box:,Chipnhm Landford, Salisbury Dowse Mrs. Market Lavington, Devizes Davidge James, 9 West st. 'l'rowbridge Dewey Charles, The Laurels, Donhead DrakeF. Langley Fitzurse, Chippenham Davidson Col. Alexander Chorley J.P. St. Andrew, Salisbury Dredge John, Church st. Warminster West Stowell, Alton Priors, Pewsey Dibben Miss, Stanbridge house, Holt, Drew Edward, Wylye, Bath Davidson Cuthbert, Newburn house, Trowbridge Drew Henry, Lickhill road, Calne Westbourne road, Trowbridge Dickenson Alfred, The Rockery, Bath Drew Jn. D1tchamptn. Wilton,Salisbury Davies Rev. Thos. Cynog, Shrewton S.O road, Devizes DrewMissManton,Preshute,Marlborough Davies Byam :\Iartin, Corsley house, Dickenson Edmund Henry, Eden farm, DrewMiss,Percy villa,Quemerford,Calne Warminster Chapmanslade, Westbury Drew Mrs. I Albany terrace, Bradley Davies C. F. Ashmore ho. Romsey,Hants Dickenson Henry, 3 \Vilton place, road, Trowbridge Davies David, 9 Boreham rd.Warminstr Wilton road, Salisbury Drew William, 22 Victoria st. Swindon Davies Mrs. Farleigh Wick farm, J:<'ar- Dickinson Capt. Hy. Bacon Fector, J.P. Dring Thomas A. Edgbaston, Trowle leigh Wick, Bradford-on-Avon Ashton ho. Ashton Keynes, Cricklade lane, Trowbridge
COURT DIRECTORY.] "riLTSHIRE. FOW 271 Dring Jas. Jn. Devizes Wick, Devizes Ellacott Jas.F.28KingWilliam st.Swindn 1Feaviour Mrs. 2 Causeway,Chippenham Drinkwater William Rawlmgs, Fern Ellen William, 44 Long street, Devizes Feltham W.L.5 Weymoutl1 st.Warmnstr bank, St. Step hen's place, Trowbridge Elling Miss, N orbury, Boreham road, Fen wick Wm. Red lynch ho. ~a lis bury Drummond Robert, Athol villa, Dixon Warminster Fergus Mrs. 40 High st. Marlborough street, New Swindon Elling Mrs. Jn. 521\T ark et pi. Warminster Ferris Geo. Manor ho. Milton, Pewsey DruryH.D.,M.A.s6Higb st.Marlborough Elling Richard, 54 Market pi.Warmnstr Ferris John, 64 New Park st. Devizes DryRev.T.,M.A.Rectory,Rusball,Pewsey Elliott Rev. William Alien, Westbourne Ferris Mrs. 2 Belgrave villa, Marshfield DryMrs.Cotham ho.-Devizesrd. Swindon road, Trowbridge road, Cbippenham Drysdale James, 7 Eastbourne terrace, Elliott Francis Mountjoy, Biddestone, Ferris Mrs. Conock, Cbirton, Devizes Eastbourne road, Trowbridg-e Cbippenbam Ferris Mrs.5Coppice hl.Bradford-on-Avn du Boulay l\lajor Dighy, Donhead ball, Elliott George, Springfield rd. Swindon Ferris :Mrs. Wilton Yil.New rd.Chippnhm Donbead St. Mary, Salisbury Elliott John, 103 Clifton st. NewSwindon Ferris Sl.s Coppice hl. Bradford-on-Avn Du Boulay Rev. Francis Houssemayne Elliott Miss, Camden house, London Few Mrs. Lindum, Manor rd. Salisbury M.A. Rectory, Heddington, Calne road, Cbippenham Fidler Harry, Teffont ~Ia~ma, Salisbury du Boulay John D.L., J.P. Donhcad Elliott Mrs.Roseland vil.Box.Chippenhm Field Richard, Colerne, Chippenham hall, Donhead St. Mary, Salisbury Ell is Rev. Phi lip Allan C. ,M.A.SaJisbury Fielder J obn Hy .Milbourn, lllalmesbury Duck Edward, Vine cottage, Pick wick, Ellis Ernest, 4 Church pl. New Swindon Fielder Mrs. I ~t. John's ter. Warmnstr Corsham R.S.O Ellis Sidney, Overton house, Brown Finch :Mrs. The Firs, Dilton, Westbury Duck Esau, Burton hill, Malmesbury street, Salisbury Finch Richard Tanner J\I.B. Fisherton Duck Thomas, 38 New rd. Cbippenham Ellis Wm. The Woodlands, New Swindon House asylum, Sali-;bury Duckett Rev.H.Gt.Bcdwyn, Hungerford Elsdon James, 35 Prospect pi. Swindon Finch William Corbin 1\'I.D. Fisherton Duke Rev. Edward M.A., F.G.S., J.P. Elsip James, Luckington, Chippenham House Lunatic Asylum & Bemeton Lake house, Wilsford, Salisbury ElwellRobert Reginald, Hampton lodge, lodge, Salisbury & Wexcomue, :Marl Duncan Rev. John M.A. Vicarage, Mill Highworth, Swindon borough street, Calne England Robert, Holt, Trowbridge Finlay Hev. Edward Bullock M. A. The Dunlap Rev. James Dunlap, l\I.A. High Ensor Jn. Artbur,East'l'isbury,Salisbury Lodge, Avebury, Calne street, Corsbam R.S.O Erskine Mrs. Zwilchenbart, Greenbill Fish ~ylvestr.R.Southamptn.rJ.Salsbry Dunn Lieut.-Col. Thomas Duncan W. house, Sutton Veny, Warminster Fisher Major A. Broad Chalke,Salisbury J.P.RC'wdeford ho.Bromhm.Chppnhm Estcourt Rev. Edmund Waiter M.A. The Fisher Albert Bulteel J.P. Court Hill Dunning l\Irs. 2 Bath road, Devizes Rectory, Long Newnton, Tetbury house, Potterne, Devizes DunsdonJn. Pickwick rd. CorsbamR.S.O Estridge Hy. W. Minety bo. Malmesbury Fisher John, 24 Victoria street, Swindon DunsdonJ.T.Pickwick rd.CorsbamR.S.O Estridge John Julius, Church farm, FisherMiss,6Kingstn.rd.tirdfrd.-on-Avn DunsdonMrs.Pickwick rd.CorshamR.S.O Sutton Veny, Warminster Fisher Samuel, Ferndale ter.Malmesbry Dunston Frederick Warburton, J.P. Ett.y Lyttleton, High street, Swindon Fiske Mrs. 5 Manor road, Salisbury Burltons, DonheadSt. Mary,Salisbury Evan~Rev.D.R.,B.A.Londonrd.Sahsbry Fitzmaurice Lord Edmond J.P. Leigh DupuyRev.Justis,S.J. Wardour, Salisbry Evans Rev. Henry Cotterell M.A. house, Bradford-on-Avon Durdin RC. G. Gt.Bedwyn,Hungerford Vicarage, Shalbourne, Hungerford Fleet wood Mrs. 3 Grosvenor ter.Salisbry Durie Mrs. Broxmore house, White- Evans Rev. 'V m. Downton, ~alisbnry Flew Robert A.Ashford rd. New Swindon parish, Salisbury Evans HaroldScott,Milford hill,Salisbury Flooks E.G.Linden l'lo. Bank st.Melkshm Durrant C. 27 Victoria rd. NewSwindon Evans l\Irs. 12 Elm Gro~·e ter. Salisbury Flooks Miss, Warminster rd. Westbury Durrant Reginald Graham M.A., F.C.S. Evans Mrs. Fern bank, Westbourne FlowerFk.I.Ivy ho.Church st.Warmnstr l\Iarlborough colleg.;, .Marlborough road, Trowbridge Flower Hy.Coopr.CodfordSt.:\Iary,Bath Dyas Miss, The green, Calne EvansMrs.T.SherstonMagna,J\Ialmesbry Flower Miss, 17 Rolleston st. Salisbury DyerRev.A.Chas.,l\1.A.,rilton,Salisbury Evans Vrilliam Boucher l\LB. Lower Flower ~Irs. Coburg place, Melksham Dyer John, The Headlands, Downton, Stratton,StrattonSt.Margaret,Swindn FloyerRev.J.Kestell B.A.Downton,Slsby Salisbury Eve A. Stewart M. A. Marlborough col- Foley A. 5 1\Iillbrook, l\Iilford hi.Salisbry Dyer The Misses, Glendale, 'fownsend, lege, Marlborough Foley Howard, 5 The Halve, Trowbridge Box, Chippenham ' Evenden Miss, 3r Bath road, Swindon Folkestone Viscount l\I.P., J.P. LongDyer The Misses, Malvern, Clarendon Everard Miss, TheHali,Laverstock,Slsbry ford castle, Salisbury; & 2 Balfour gardens, Trowbridge Everett Col. John Frederic J.P. The place, Park lane, London W Dyer Mrs. 84 Brown street, Salisbury Close, Salisbury Folliott Jn. Tamerton, London rd.Salisby Dyer Mrs. Manor house, Winsley, Everett Rev. Edward B.A. Rectory, Fookes William, Fairfield house, Pewsey Bradford-on-Avon Manningham Abbotts, Pewsey Foote Mrs. St. Osyth,The ~ands,Swindn Dyer l\Irs. 28 Sheppard st. New Swindon EverettR.Jas.39Boreham rd. Warminster FordF.12Trowbrdg. rd.Bradford-on-Avn DykeD.T.Market ho.Chambers, Salisbry Everett Mrs. John, Avondale, Boreham Ford Henry, East Tisbury, Salisbury Dyke James, Upton Lo,·ell, Bath road, 'Varminster Ford 1\lrs.r Dorset vils.\Yilton rd.Salsby Dyke Mrs. 14Market st. Bradford-on-Avn Every Richard, St. Mary's villa, Strat- Ford Mrs. The Square, 'Yilton, Salisbry Eames Mrs. Nightingale villa, Wood- ford rd.Stratford-sub-Castle,Salisbury Ford-Deacon Mrs. The Firs, Wan ... borough, Pewsey Ewart l\1rs. Broadleas, De,·izes borough, Swindon Earl Mrs. King street, Melksham Ewing Rev. Robert l\I.A. Holy Trinity Foreacre Alfred,2o Lansdown rcl.Swindn Earle Rev. Alfred M.A.Fovant,Salisbury vicarage, Stallard street, 'frowbridge Foreman C. 47 Winchester st. Salisbury Earle Rev. Charles Stratford ll.A. Little Exten Mrs. 23 Em well st. 'Varminster ForemanJn.Lewis,26 High st.Warmnstr Langford, Steeple Langford, Bath Eyers Isaac, Edward street, Westbury Foreman Miss, Lorne cottage, Bradley EarleMrs.2Woolley st.Bradford-on-Avon Eyles Wm. 4 Gloucester rd. Trowbridge road, Trowbridge Ear le V. H. Fernleigh, Hi! worth, Devizes Eyres E. Ray bridge,Lacock,Chippenham ForemanRbt.Stannrd.4r Bath rd.Swndn Eastmead Mrs. 3 Kerry crescent, Calne Fair Rev. Robert Herbert :\LA. Vicar- f<'oremanW.South st.Commn.Warmnstr Eatwell Charles, Springfield house, age, WestWelton, Romsey Forrest Mrs. 35 Harford st. Trowbridge Broad Town, Swindon Faithfull Rev. Wyndham James H. B. A. Forrest Wm. 1 Gloucestr. rd.Trowbridge Eatwel1Geo.67St. Maryst.Chippenham Rectory, Oaksey, Malmesbury Forrester Wm. Lea cottage, ::\Ialmesbry Eddington Wm. Clarke, Osborne house, Fane Edmund Douglas Veitch J.P. Forster )lajor Thomas Henry Burton, The Sands, Swindon Boyton cottage, Boyton, Bath Holt Manor house, 'l'rowbridge EddowesCharles,Maddington,Chippnhm Fane-De..-;alis WilliamM.A., J.P. Teffont Fort George H. The Common, WhiteEddrup Rev. Caaon Edward Paroissien manor, Teffont Ewyas, Salisbury parish, Salisbury M.A. Vicarage, Bremhill, Calnc Farebrother Aubrey H. B. 3 & 5 :New Fort Geo."M.,J.P. Alderbury ho.Salisbry Edgell Rev. Edward Betenson M. A., J.P. street, Salisbury i<'ortune James, Lacock, Cbippenbam Rectory, Bromham, Chippenham Farebrother Horace John Lloyd, 3 & 5 Foss Frank, r3 J\'ewport street, Swindon Edgeworth Rev. Roger, N unton-" ith- New street, Salisbury Foster D Greenland cot. Presh ute, Mrlbro' Bodenham, Salisbury FarquharJ., M.D.Burbage,Marlborough Foster Mrs. High street,Corsham R.S.O Edmeades Rev. Matthew Robert 1\LA. Farrant Geo. Herbt. Bemerton,Salisbury Foulsham Mrs. lngleside, London road, Great Bedwyn, Hungerford Farrant The Misses, Manor house, Salisbury Edmonds Mrs. The Cottage, High st. Bemerton, Salisbury Foulsham Samuel Robert, 2 Park vilhs, Bishopstone,Shrivenhm.R.S.O.(Berks) !<'arrant Mrs. Bemerton, Salisbury London road, Salisbury EdmondsRobt.~mith,Market pl.Salisbry Farrow E. F.TheAbbey brewery,Mlmsbry Fowle Fulwar Craven J.P. Amesbury Edmunds J.F.2oSt.l\Iary st.Chippenham Fawcett Lieut.-Col. Rowland Hill, Lud- Fowle Miss, Great Bedwyn, Hungerford Edwards George, London road, Calne gershall, Andover FowleMrs.Manorho.Durringtn.Amsbry Edwards Henry,32NorLh ruw,Warmnstr l<'awcett Rev. William M.A. Vicarage, Fowle William Hugh B. A., J.P. Chute Edwards Joseph, London rd. Chippnhm Somerford Keynes, Cricklade lodge, Chute Forest, Andover Edwards Mrs. 42 llorebam rd. Warmnstr Fawcett Sydney, 24 Church street, St. Fowler Mrs. Manor house, BeechingEdwards Mrs. Hilperton ho. Trowbridge Edmund's, Salisbury stoke, Marlborough Edwards Mrs. 2 Priory vils.Ne\1 rd.Calne Fawcett Miss, The Close, Salisbury Fowler Sir Thomas bart. J.P. Gastard Edwards Mrs. West Ladngton, Devizes Fawkes 1\Irs. The Priory, Cricklade house, Corsham R.S.O. ; & DevonElers Edwd. A. St. Mark's rd. Salisbury Fear Rev .HarryGeo. 'fhe ~1anse,~1arlbro' shire lodge, Marylebone rd NW,Londn
278 row WILTSHIRE. [KELLY'S Fowler Rev. Geo. Glo'sterrd. Malmsbry1Garlick Mrs. Lea, Malmesbury Gilmore James Boyd, Hallam house, Fowler Wm. Manor ho. Yatesbury,Calne 1 Garlike Jas.P.SuttonBenger,Cbippenhm Ogbourne St. George, l\'Iarlborough Fox Alfred,Clench house, Milton, Pewsey, Garniss Rev. T. J ., M.A. Pilton,Salisbry Gilmore Miss, 3 Newport st. Swindon :Fox Henry Elliot, Jeune house, Manor,Gaskell James, 2 Clyde villas, The Gilmour Mrs. The Beeches, Mere, Bath road, Salisbury Sands, Swindon Gishford Miss, 79 Newtown, BradfordFox Jn. R.Mattisfont,London rd.Devizes Gater Caleb William Oakley, South- on-Avon F()X ~1i~s, The Close, Salisbury I ampton road, Salisbury Gladstone John Evelyn M.A., J. P. BowFox Pitt-Rivers Lieut.-Gen. Aug. Henry GaultJ.G.OgbourneSt.George,Marlboro' den park, llowden hill, Chippenham Lane F. R. S. & the Hon. Mrs. Rush- GauntlettJ oseph,3Timbrell st. Trowbrdg Glass Fras. J. N. Market pl. Warminster more, Berwick St. John, Salisbury Gauntlett Mrs. 45 Union st. Trowhridge Glass James, Seend, Melksham Foxwell Mrs. King street, Melksham Gawthorne Edward W. 77 Castle street, Glass Miss, All Cannings, Devizes Frame E.C.Sandhayes,Corsley, Wrmnstr Salisbury Glass Mrs. Bank street, Melksham Frampton Misses, Aldbourne R.S.O Gay Rev . .Alfred Henry M. A. Rectory, Glassmau Ernest, 85 Brown st. Salisbury FrancisJ.Ea.Lynn,~th.Bradly.Trwbrdg Plaitford, Romsey Gleed Thos. Ashton Keynes, Cricklade Francis William, The Willows, North Gay George :Frank, Great Bathampton, Glover Rev. Josephus D.D. Alderton, Bradley, Trowbridge Bathampton, via Wylye, Bath Chippenham Franklin Mrs. High street, Cricklade Gay Jesse, Lea, Malmesbury Gobey Giles, Cleveland yilla, Ashton .Franklin Mrs. I4 ~pringfield rd.Swindn Gay Richard Henry, Albion villa, Vie- Keynes, Cricklade Franklin Thos.Lewis, High st. Cricklade toria road, Trowbridge Goddard Rev. Charles Frederick, The !<'rape George, Frape's vils. Malmesbury Gay Thomas, East Grimstead,Salisbury Presbytery, Uni n street, Swindon Frape Thomas, Frape's vils.Malmesbury Gayton Frank, Eastbourne terrace, Goddard Rev. Edward HungPrford M.A. Frayling Edmund, Shelburne rd. Calne Eastbourne road, Trowbridge Vicarage,CliffePypard, Woottn.Bassett Frayling George, London road, Calne Gayton John, sen. 15 Union street, Goddard Ambros~ Lethbridge M.A., Fray ling William, Shelburne road, Calne Trowbridge D. L., J. P. The Lawn, Swindon l<'ree William, 19 High street, Marlboro'1Gayton John Hy. 2 The Down, Trwbdg Goddard Fitzroy Pleydcll J.P. The Freegard James, Oxford st.Marlborough Gayton Mrs. 2 Croftou villas, Bradley Lawn, Swindon Freeman Adam Edwin, The Cottage, road, Trowbridge Goddard Horatio Nelson M.A., D.L., Road, Bath Gayton Samuel, 45 Trowbridge road, J .P. Manor house, Cliffe Pypard, Freeth .John,Pro•pectpl. Corsham R.S.O Bradford-on-Avon Wootton Bassett Freeth Miss, 2 Euclid villas,Malmesbury Gee Mrs. London road, Calne Goddard M1ss, 71 New street, Salisbury Freeth Mrs. 28 New road, Chippenham Gee Mrs. The Firs, ~ether Street, Goddard Mrs. G. ·wyndham rd. Salisbury J<'reeth Mrs. 2 Park villa~, St. Paul Bromham, Chippenham Godding Miss, 49 High st. Marlborough street, Chippenham George Edmund, The Limes, Wyndham Godfrey Ernest James, I Beulah villas, :Freeth Thomas, High street, Cricklade road, Salisbury Bath road, Devizes Prench ::\'lajor-General Arthur R.M.A., George Jabez, Kite hill, Wanb<•rough, Godolphin-Osborne Miss G. The Down C.B. U~·ford,XorthBurcombe,Salisbry Swindon house, Chicklade, Hindon Fricker Mrs. 10 St. Margaret st. Brad- George Mrs. Chestnut villa, Chitterne God win John, Manor house, Winterford-on-Avon St. Mary, Bath bourne Earls, Salisbury Prith Rev. Ed ward Black stone Cokayne George Thomas, Lowbourne pl. Melkshm God win J. H. Fairfield, The Sancls,Swindn B.A. Market Lavington, Devizes George Thos. 24 Park lane, NewSwindn Godwin Miss, The School house, Union Frogley Aaron, Hazelmero:~, Stmtton St.' Germain Edward, Brookside, Marsh- street, Melksham Margaret, Swindon field road, Chippenham Godwin The Misses, Lower Seagry, Frost John Toogood, Meath lodge, Pot- Gerring Waiter Waite, 86 Clifton street, Chippenham terne road, DevizeR New Swindon God win Mrs. 37 Bath road, Swindon Frowd James, The Warren, Savernake GerrishGeorge,J\'Ianor ho.Milford,Slsbry Godwin Mrs. 12 Church fields, Salisbury For, st, Hnngerford Gerrish Mrs. Bath road, Melksham God win Mrs. We:Iington villa, Oxford Fry Rev. Wil1iam, Bratton, 'Vcstbury GerrishRichard,42RlueBoarrow,Salsbry road, Calne .Fry Fre 1, Lower Littlecot farm, Hil- Ghoreton The Misses, I7 Southbroom Godwin William Arthur, Claris house, marton, Calne place, Devizes Devizes road, Swindon J<'ry ::.\Irs. Cobnrg place, Melksham Gibbs Bridger, Arnndel house, Salisbury Golding Wm. 82 Exeter st. Sali'lbury Fry Mrs. Lock villa, Foxham, Calne Gibbs Henry John, ;viilford, Salisbury Goldney Sir Gabriel bart. D.L., J.P. Fry Waiter, 16 Landsend place, Marsh- GibbsJ.CopeJ-hall,lVoottonBsstt..Swndn Beechfield, Corsham KS.O field road, Chippenham Gibbs Sydney, Old Rectory, St. Ann Goldney Francis Bennett,Langley lodge, l<'ulfordMisses,BarforJSt.::.\Iartin,Salsbry street, ~alisbury Langley Burrell, Chippenham :Fuller George Pargiter M.P., J.P. Nes- GibbsW.Ingleside,Sambourne,Wrmnstr Goldney Gabriel Prior J.P. Derriads, ton park,Corsham R.S.O.; & 47 Hut- Gibson Rev. Canon Herbert Favell M. A. Chippenham land gate, London SW Vicarage, Collingbourne Kingston, Golledge Rev. Henry Herbert Yeoman, Fuller John Michael Fl~etwoo<l J.P. Nes- Marlborough All Cannings, De,·izes ton park, Corsham R.S.O Gibson J. Lyndale, Avenue rd.Trowbrdg Gommer Miss, Ferndale, Exeter street, Fullerton Rev. Edward Appleton, High- Gibson John Henry, Eaton villa, Ashton Salisbury worth, Swindon road, Trowbridge Good Henry, Norton Butler J.P. Shrew· Fullford Charles, 47 Castle st. Salisbury Giddings E. J. 28 St. John st. Devizes ton lodge, Shrewton S.O Fullford George, 51 Castle st. Salisbury Giddings F. W. 28 St. John st. Devizes Goodall F. W. 20 Endless st. Salisbury I<'ullford Mrs. Waterloo villa, Southamp- Giddings J. ::.\1arket Lavington, Devizes Goodall W. Shaw hill, Shaw, Melksham ton road, Salisbury Giddings John Sharlton, I Glenfarne Goodenongh Rev. Leonard Wm. Victor Fulton Ham1lton,Milford grove,Salisbry villas, Polebarn road, Trowbridge M.A. 26 Faringdon st. New Swindon J<'urner James Kemp, 2Wood st.Swindn Giddings Misses, Stert, De\·izes Goodman Rev. Arthur, Mere, Bath FussellEdwd.G.Hardenhuish,Chippnhm Giddings Mrs. 28 St. John st. Devizes Goodman Charles, C'otham villa, St. Fussell Mrs. 5 Wyndham road,Salisbury Giddings Samuel, Fatsham cottage, Paul street, Chippcnham Fussell Wm.Samuel,TheHollies,Salisbry Atworth, Melksham Goodman Edward, 2 Cheltenham villas, Gabriel The Misses, The Green, Calne Giffard Henry Raycruft J.P. Lockeridge Bath road, Devizes Gaby Mrs. 'Vestbrook house, ChitLoc, house, West Overton, Marlborough Goodman Miss, 30 Gcorge st. 'Varrninstr Chippenham Gifford William W. Belmont villa, De- Goodman Mrs.Wootton·Hivers,~iarlboro' Gadd Richard,2 Church pl.NewSwindon vizes road, Salisbury Goodman Wm. Ramsbury, Hungerford Gaisford Rev. Arthur M. A. High street, Gilbert Edward, Croc.kerton, Longbridge Goodridge Miss, 43 High st. Sali'lbury Cricklade D.:werill, Warminster Goodwin Mrs. Madeira villa, WestGaisford Mrs. 19 Pound st. Warminster Gilbert Miss, r6 Endless st. Salisbury bourne gardens, Trowbridge GaleJ.Avonlo.Strtfrd.-sub-Castle,Slsbry Gilbert Mrs. 49 East street, Warminster Gordon Charles Wm. Wincombe park, Gale John Henry, The Park, Ogbourne Gilbert T. Alrna vil. Devizes rd.Salisbury Donhead St. Mary, Salisbury St. George, Marlborough Gilbert W. lngleside,Devizes rd.Swindon Gordon James Edward, 52 Endless Gale Mrs. Sunny lands, Milton, Pewsey Gilchrist G .N. 6 London st.New Swindon street, Salisbury Gale William, Lacock, Chippenham Giles Mrs. Ramsbury, Hnngerford Gordon Mrs. 52 Endless st. Salisbury Gale William Clare, Wood street, Calne Gill Rev. A. Perry, High street, Pewsey Gore John, 72 Fore street, Trowbridge Galpin Rev. Arthur J., M.A. Marlboro' Gillett l\1rs. r St. John's villas, Boreham Gosling Arthur, Lower Lawn, West college, Marlborough road, Warminster Tisbury, Salisbury Gantlett Mrs. High street, Wootton Gillies James King, The Bungalow, Gott Rev. Charles Rhodes B.A. 12 Park Bassett. Swindon Stratford-sub-Castle, Salisbury lane, New Swindon Gardiner Hev. George Edward M. A. Gillingham Henry, 44 Commercial road, Goudge Rev. H. L., M.A. The Theolo· Vicarage, Box, Chippennam New Swindon gical College, The Close, Sali~bury Gardiner Rev. William B. D. l\Iarlboro' Gillman Chas.II Church fields, Salisbury Goudge Jsph. 3 Church pl. New Swindon Gardner John, 2 Strathearne villas, Gillman C. Tresco, London rd. Devizes Gough George Isaac, Lansdowne villa, Devizes road, Swindon Gillman R. D. 3 Estcourt ter. Devizes Curzon street, Calne
COU.RT DIRECTORY.] Gougb Edwin, Sbelbourne road, Calne Gunning William, Curzon street, Calne H rdick Tbos. The Myrtles, Sambourne, Gough Henry, Northleigh, PickwiCk rd. Gutteridge Arthr. The Green, Marlboro' Warminster Corsham RS.O Guy Edward C. Coxshalls, Woot.ton H rdickWm.H.2IBorehamrd.Warmnstr Gough John, Lansdowne cottage, Que- Bassett, Swindon H rding I<'. Odessa cottage, Wilton road, merford, Calne Guy Wm. 5 Monday Market st. Devizes\ Salisbury Gough Louis, Shelburne roacl, Calne Gwatkin Joshua H.eynold Gascoigne H!trding John, Milford grove, Salisbury Gough Mrs. Victoria cottage, Boreham J.P. Mano~· house, Protterne, Devizes Harding:VlisseS,2-J.Ilarcourtter.Salisbury road, Warminster GwatkinMrs.Manor ho.Potterne,De\'izes Harding :\lrs. Bishop's Cannings,Devizes GoughMrs.G.Lawn vil.London rd.Ca1ne GwillimEdwd.Llewellyn,l\, Harding :\lr.•. IBoreham vils.Warminster Gough Thos. Upp. W<1.nborough,Swindon Preshute, i\Iarlborough Hflrding Mrs. Hindon road, East Tis· Gould M.H.,M.A.l\Iarlboro' C'll. :\larlbro' Gwillim James Sheward, Rozel, Kings- bury, Salisbury Gouldsmith Jesse D.Kemble,Cirence~ter bury street, Marlborough Harding Mrs. St. Mary's pl.Chippenham Gouldsmitb Mrs. Rod well hall, Victoria Gwyther Mrs. Wedhampton cottage, Harding R.Harcourt bridge rd.Salisbury road, Trowbridge Urchfont, Devizes Harding Richard, Lea, Malmesbury Gowan Mrs. Church street, Calne Habgood J. Mill house, Latton,Cricklade Harding Thos.Manor ho.Odstck.Salisbry Grabam John, Longrave, 4I Hi~perton Haddow Rev. W. Brinkworth,Chippnhm Harding Thomas Alfred, 2 Lorne villas. road, Trowbridge Haddrell J. Rtanley home, Wood st.Calne Junction road, Bradford-on-Avon Greatrex Capt. Thomas Price, Rose cot- Haden Charles,I7·Yerbury st.Trowbrdg Harding Thomas Kintr, Ashton Gifford tage, Lacock road, Corsham R.S.O Haden George, Rowde, Devizes house, Godford St. Peter, Bath Gray Alfd.Murray, 171\Iarket pl. De-rizes Haden George Nelson, Homefield house, Harding Wm. 35 West st. Trowbridge Gray Mrs. Bathhampton, East Knoyle, Polebarn road, Trowbridge HardingeHon.Rbt.Longfrd.frm.Salisbry Salisbury Haden Joseph Poynter, Hill view, Hil- Hardwick Mrs. Woolley grange, Brad• Gray W.J. Ivy dene, Wilton rd.Salisbnry perton road, Trowbridge ford-on-Avon GreavesMrs.Woodlands,LimpeyStk.Bth Hadley Edwin B. Shelburne road, Calne HardyJ.F.L.,B.A.Marlboro'col ~'[arlboro• Green Rev. J. Lawrence M.A. Bowden HadowRev.George Randolph M.A. Rec- Harence Mrs. Sedghill ho. Shaftesbury Hill, Chippenham tory, Calstone Wellington, Calne Hargreaves Mrs. Oriel lodge, Hilperton, Green George, Cbapmanslade, West bury Hadow Jas. Remington, Park cot.Devizes Trowbridge Green H. Elston hi. Elston, OrchestonS. 0 HaggardJ .High st. W oottn. Basstt.Swndn Harrington Henry, Pyrment, Bradley Green J ames, 23 The Down, Trowbl"idge HainesDanl. Havering ho. Milton, Pewsey road, Trowbridge Green Jas. I8Market st.Bradford-on-Avn Haines John, Elm field, Lickhill rd.Calne Harris Rev. Ellis Shipley, LL.M. The Green James, Silver street, Malmesbury Haines ~Irs. Amesbury Rectory, Rowde, Devizes Green James Lardner F.R.:Met.Soc. Hale Edward, Old Sarnm road, Strat- Harris Rev.Henry B.D.Rectory,Winter~ Tintinhull, Milford hill, Salisbury ford-sub-Castle, Salisbury bourne Basset, Swindon Green Mrs. Union street, Melksham Hale }<'rank, Belcombe farm, ~ewtown, HarrisA. 14Bartonorchd.Bradfd.-on-Avu Green T. Melksham rd.Holt,Trowbridge Bradford·on-Avon Harris Charles, 2 Innox, Trowbridge Green ·waiter, Bowdeu view, Melksham Hale Mrs. High st.Wool.t:t.Basstt.Swndn Harris E. I Prospect pl. Corsham R.S.O GreenawayMiss,Stanly.ho.Woodst.Clne Hall Col. Spencer, Manor house, Burton Harris Eli, 33 Georg~ st. Warminster Green hill J.<"rankU sher, King st. Melksham hill, Malmesbury Harris Ernst. C. 6 Endless st. Salisbury Greenland Henry John, Jasmine cottage, Hall AI fredPocock,I<'ontain ville, W estbry HarrisFrnk. Wm. 6Church pi. X ewSwndn Bugley, ·warminster Hall Fred, Bath road, Melksham HarrisGeo.Langside,London rd.Salisbry Greenly Rev. J. P.,B.A.Milford, Sa;isbry H<~ll John, 4 High street, Warminster Harris Henry, Morer:lon, Swindon Greenwood Capt. Henry Powys, 'l'he Hall Mrs. AHred street, 'Vestbury Harris Hy. Gco. St. Dunstans, Calne Cliff, East Harnham, Salisbmy Hall Mrs. I8 Grosvenor terrace, Glou- Harris Herbert Ja:nes, J.P. Bowden Hill Greenwood Thomas, The Cliff, East cester road, Trowbridge h0use, Lacock, Chippenham Harnham, Salisbury Hall Robert 1\Iichael, Haselmere, Elm Harris Howard,2oElmGrove ter.Salisbry GreenwoodThos. We.Kington,Chippnhm grove, Salisbury Harris John, High street, Cricklade Gregory Arthr.35Clmrch st.Trowbridge Hall W. Longford vi!. TheSands,Swindn Harris John, Rushall, Pewsey, Calne Gregory Hy. G. WestHarnham,Salisbury Hallett T.I. Widbrook,Bradford-on-Avon Harris John M. Chilvester lodge, Calne Gregorylsaac,42Hilperton rd.Trowbrdge Halliday John, Chicklade house, Hindon HarrisJsph.Manor ''il.Manor rd.Salisbry GregoryJVIrs.42Hilperton rd. Trowbridge HallidayJohnEdmd.East st. Warminster Harris Miss, 25 George st. Warminster Gregory Mrs. Io St. Paul st.Chippenham Hambidge J?rancis Henry, The Limes, Harris ~Iiss, Market place, Melksham Gregory Tom, Guernsey villa, Calstone High worth, Swindon Harris Miss, 97 West st. Warminster Wellington, Calne HamiltonMiss,Manr.ho.Seend,Melkshm Harris Mrs. 14 West st. Warminster Gregory W m.43Hilperton rd. Trowbridge I Hamilton Mrs. Manor ho.Seend, Melkshm HarrisMrs. Charles, TheW oodlands, Calne Grey William, 4 Park ter. New Swindon Hamilton Mrs. H. P. Bishop's walk, The Harris Thomas, J.P. South place, The Grieves Mrs. Woodlands, Winsley, Brad- Close, Salisbury Quarry, Calne ford-on-Avon Hamilton-Gordon Rev.TheHon. Douglas Harris Tom, The Grange, Calne; & GriffinFrederick,52 Fisherton st.Salisbry M.A. Leydcn hall, The Close, Salisbury Rushall, Pewsey Griffin J. Lucerne vil. Wilton rd.Salisbry Hamlen Miss, Dunkirk, Devizes Harris Wm.Alex.St.Paul st.Chippenham Griffin P. J .46 Commercl. rd.X ewSwindn Hammick Wm. M. The Close, Salisbury Harris Wm. Harris, TheElms, Chippenhm Griffith Rev. {)eorge Walter B.A. The Hammond Rev. Egerton Douglas M.A. Harrison Rev. Francis M.A. Rectory, Chantry, East Tisbury, Salisbury Chilton ho.Chilton Foliatt,Hungerford North Wraxhall, ChippPnham GriffithsG. ""'oodslee,Avenue rd. Trwbdg Hammond Alfred,4 Melrose villas, Lon- Harrison-:\>Iisses,2Eastfield,London road, Griffiths Herbert, Shirley, Winterbourne don road, Salisbury Devizes Earls, Salisbury Hammond Miss, yo8 High st. Marlboro' Harrison The Misses, Waterhouse, Griffiths Mrs. Gaspar cot. Stourton,Bath Hammond Mrs. High street, Pewsey Monkton Combe, Bath Griggs William Hammond, Providence Hammond Mrs. 4 Lansdowne terrace, Harrison Mrs. Ramsbury, Hungerford villa, De\'izes road, Swinion Marshfield road, Chippenham Harry Mrs. Sandpits, Sherston Magna, Grindon Rev. Octavius Maunsell, South Hamp Henry Joseph, Ivy bank, Victoria Malmesbury Wraxall, Bradford-on-Avon road, New Swindon HarstonA.D.Newton ho.Box,Chippenhm Grist Miss,8 Poulton terr<lce,Trowbridge Hampton Charles Henry, Springfield Hart Alfred, 26 & 28 Brittox, Devizes road, Bradfo:d-on-Avon Castle grounds, Devizes Hart Charles Frederick J.P. The Breach, Gritton The l\lisses, I Carlton vils.,Ving- HamptonMrs.East End,Pottern,Devizes Potterne road, Devizes field road, Tr0wbridge Hampton Mrs. 4 Sladesbrook, Stratford- Hart John Foot, Claremont villa, West• Grose Sml.M. D. ,R.N. Westbrn.:\Ie1skhm on-Avon bourne gardens, Trowbridge Grove Sir Thomas Fraser bart. D.L., Hanbury Edgar J.P. Eastrop grange, Hart Mrs. Laurel cot. Elm gro.Salisbury J.P. Ferne house, Donhead St. An- Highworth, Swindon Hart Mrs. Sweetland cottage, Bishopsdrew, Salisburv Hancock Chas. Langham pi. Road, Bath trow, 'Varminster Grove Rev. Hubert Farquarson M. A. Hancock F. S. St. John street, Devizes Hartgill John W. Layfield ho. Mere,Bath Rectory, Huish, Pewsey Handcock Alfred H. 2 Church street, Hartley Rev. John, Oare, Pewsey Grove Waiter John J.P. Manor house, Bradford-on-A.von Hartley Wm. 8 Eastcott rd. Swindon Berwick St. John, Salisbury HanksJsph.Pyke,Brinkwrth.Chippenhm Hartopp A. W. Maiden Bradley, Bath Grubb Mrs. 43 Vicarage st. Warminster Hanks Mrs. Turleigh, Bradford-on-Avon Hartopp Alick Wm.Gt.Clleverell,Devizes Guillebaud Rev.Ernest Delaber,Rectory, Hanlp,y James Charles, Hill view,Wesley Hartstonge- Weld Rev. Lorenzo M.A. Yatesbury, Calne rood, Trowbridge Rectory, Sopworth, Chippenham Gummer Henry B. Oakley, Roslyn, Hansars H. Luke, The Hermitage, Harvey H.ev. William H. Station road, Swayne's close, Salisbury Bemerton, Salisbury Wootton Bassett, Swindon Gummer Miss, DunAvon, St. Mark's rd. Hanson Rev. Edward Kington, M.A. HasemanG.F.Canada,W.Wellow,Romsy Salisbury Vicarage, )laiden Bradley, Bath Haskell Mrs. Wyndham rd. Salisbury Gundry John, 3 Church walk~ Devizes Hanwood Mrs. The Bungalow, Castle Has!am Frederick, 2 Millbrook, Milford GundryRichd.Hickley,Hillwrth.Devizes street, Mere, Bath hill, Salisbury Gunn Mrs. Biddestone, Chippenham HansonRe\·.Jn.Xth.Bradley,Trowbrilge Hast!ngs Thos. Chas. Purton, Swindon
280 HAS WILTSHIRE. Hassan Rev. Edward, Wavertree lodge, :-Ienstridge William, Craven house, South Hoare Sir Henry Hugh Arthur bart. J.P"~ Exeter street, Salisbury Newton, Salisbury Stourhead park, Stourton, Bath Hatch Alired, High st. Corsham R.S.O Herring Alfred Fawkes, 1\Iarlborough Hoare John S. Westbury ho. Westbury Hatch Frank, 23 Elm gro. ter. Salisbury house, Wroughton, Swindon Hobbs Capt. Herbert T. De C. TheHathaway George, New rd.Chippenham Hetherington R. II New rd.Chippenham Limes, St .. Mary street, Chippenham Hatheral Soloman, 12Park st. Trowbridge Hewer R. C. Rose cot. London rd. Calne Hobbs Francts R. The Cottage, Laver ... Haughton Rel·. Alfred G, The Croft, Hewitt Rev. James John B.A. Rectory, stock, Salisbury Benacre road, Melksham Teffont Ewyas, Salisbury Hobbs George, Kingsfield, Woolley s~ Hawkes Rev. Philip, King st. Melksham Hewitt C. E. Bolton M. A. Marlborough Bradford-on·Avon Haw kings Henry ,2 Belgrave villas, York college, Marlborough Hobbs Mrs. 47 Ash ton st. Trowbridge road, Salisbury Hewitt F. H., B.A. Marlborough college, Hobden Mrs. St. Mark's rd. Salisbury Hawkins Mrs. South pl. Corsham R.S.O Marlborough Hobhouse Sir Charles Parry bart. J.P •. Hawksworth Wm.6 East st.NewSwindon Hewitt Lovell, Plas Newydd, Avenue Manor house, Monkton Farleigh,.. HayHon.Mrs.Samuel,Clyffe hall, Market road, Trowbridge Bradford-on-Avon Lavington, Devizes Hewitt Mrs. Lyndhurst, Boreham road, Hobhouse Charles Edward Henry M.P.,. Hay Rev. Frederic Drummond M.A. Warminster J.P. The Ridge, Corsham Side, CorJaggard's ho.Crshm.sde.Crshm R.S.O HewittWm.The Spray,Ham,Hungerford sham R.S.O. & Naval & Military ClubHay Rev. Keynell Wreford M. A. Rec- Hext Rev. George B.D. Rectory, ~teeple London W tory, Garsdon, Malmesbury Langford, Bath Hobkirk Waiter, 26 St. 1\Iargaret street~ Hayden John M. 83 Exeter st. Salisbury Heygate Rev. William Henry Augustine Bradford-on-Avon Haydon Lieut.-Col. William Henry, M. A. Burbage, Marlborough HockleyW.J.3Nelson tr. Devizes rd.SlsbyBurnham Park, Malmesbury Heytesbury Right Hon. Lord D.L.,J.P. Hodding F. TheElms,Elm gro.Salisbury Hayes Alfd. E. Oxford st. Malmesbury Heytesbury house, He)·tesbury S.O Hodding Mrs. Selwood house, Barnard's Ha yes Edward, Oxford st. Malmesbury Hibberd Ebenzr. East Tisbury,Salisbury street, Salisbury Hayes Mrs. Ferndale, Boreham road, Hibberd Ebenezer, '"'ardour, Salisbury Hoddinott Edward, Cross road, Stratton• Warminster Hibberd James John, Stone house, St. Margaret, Swindon Hayes Waiter, Oxford st. Malmesbury Frome road, Trowbridge Hodgson Rev. CanonJohn Dryden M. A., Hayes Wm. A. Elm gro. Silver st. Calne Hibberd Rowland, Cleveland house, East J.P. Rectory, Collingbourne Ducis .. Haylock l\Irs. Amesbury Tisbury, Salisbury Marlborough HaynesJ. TheAvenue,Laverstock,Salsbry Hibberd Rowland, jun. Se! wood, War- Hogarth R.G.Milford ho.Castle st.Slsbry Hayter Charles, King street, Melksham dour, Salisbury HogarthThos.Regent circus, NewSwndn Hayter Mri. Codford St. Mary, Bath Hickett George, 23 George st. Warmnstr! Hogbin Geo. M. 16 Wilton rd. SalisburyHayter ::VIrs.The Grove,Box,Chipl1Cnham Hickman Rev. Wm.M.A.,J. P.Warminstr Hogg Rev. John, 39 Bath rd. Swindon Hayter Wlll. 14 Harcourt ter. Salisbury Hicks Mrs. 83 Brown street, Salisbury Holborow Isaac, The Cabin, Market HaywardJ.E.39Hilperton rd. Trowbridge Hicks-Beach Right Hon. Sir Michael place, Melksham Hayward J.Frdk.Aroona,Freshford,Bath Edward bart. P.C., l\I.P., D.C.L., Holborow Mrs. George, Upper Wraxhall,. Hayward Miss, Chirton, Devizes D.L., J .P. Netheravnn ho. Salisbury Chippenham Hayward Miss, Eastbourne terrace, Hickson W.'V·35Kingsbnryst.Marlboro' Holden Elliott, 21 Park la. New Swinda Eastbourne road, Trowbridge Higgins Mrs. 28 Harcourt ter. Salisbury Holclerway John, Fern villa, Victoria rd .. Hayward The Misses, Millbrook cottage, HilclebrandMrs. We.Lavington ho.Devzes Trowbridge Monkton Combe, Bath HilderWltr. Wm.36Prospect pi. Swindon Hole Miss, Monckton Deverill, Bath Hayward Mrs. Shirley, Westbourne Hill Rev. Arthur DuBoulay M.A. Down- Holgate Clifford W. The Close,Salisburyroad, Trowbridge ton, Salisbury Holiday Robert James, Ashgrove villa, Hayward Richard, Chitterne house, Hill Rev. Geoffry l\LA. Vicarage, East Dixon street, New Swindon Chitterne All Saints, Codford St. Mary Hamham, Salisbury Holland Fras. 26New rd. Chippenham Hayward T.Tidcombe manor,Hungerfrd Hill Charles, 32 Victoria rd.NewSwindn Holies Rev. Frederick Edward Richard,.. Hayward T. I Trafalgar place, Bath Hill Chas. Hamor M. D. The Hermitage, St.Stephen's lodge,Clarendon gardens,.. road, Devizes Box, Chippenham Trowbridge Hayward W.Canada, We. W elton,Romsey Hill G. Pembroke vii.London rd. Salisbury Holley Henry, West close, Codford St. Hayward Wm. P.Hilmarton lodge,Calne Hill Henry, 19 Park lane, New Swindon Mary, Bath Head Fredk, 57 High st. Marlborough Hill James Ledger J.P. Manor house, Rollick George, Spring villa, ChurchHead Vincent, 58 High st. ::Warlborough Bulford, Salisbury fields, Salisbury Head!am Mrs. Godolphin house, Elm Hill Miss, Rose villa, Purton, Swindon Holloway Jsph. Wm. Canal side, Devizes grove, Salisbury Hill Mrs. Middle Winterslow, Salisbury Holloway Miss, 21 Long street, Devizes. Heal Henry, Rock cottage, Turleigh, Hill Mrs. 10 New rd. Bradford-on-Avon Holloway Sml. Frdk. Urchfont, Devizes. Bradford-on-A von Hill~:Irs. TheParsonage, Downton,Salsbry Holly M. Fairstowe, Lick hill road, Calne Heal Simcon, 7 London st. ~ ew Swindon Hill Philip L. I Timbrell st. 'frowbridge Holman Chas. S. 37 Brown st. Salisbury Heard Rev. Thomas James)f.A.Rectory, Hill Thomas, West Wellow, Romsey Holmes Miss, St. Paul st. Chippenham Sherrington, Bath Hill Thomas Samuel, Roseneath, West- Bolton Mrs. So George st. Warminster Heath John E. Sunnybank, Great bourne road, Trowbridge Roman Rev. John F. Cricklade, Hindoo Somerford, Chippenham Hill William, Alderbury, Salisbury Honniball T. 16 St. Paul's st. Chppnhm Heath .Miss, West Lavington, Devizes Hillard John, Burbage, Marlborough Hony Rev. Charles William M.A. Heathcote Arthur, Edginton, 71 Fore Hillier Jn. 148 Clifton st. New Swindon Vicarage, Bishop's Cannings, Devizes. str<let, Trowbridge Hillier Miss, Rose vil.Bulkington, Hooper John, Castle st. Mere, Bath Hedges Mrs. Spa house, MiJdle hill, Hillier William, I Crofton terrace, Hope Jesse, 12 Marlboro' rd. Swindon Box, Chippenham Bradley road, Trowbridge Hopkins Isaac, BarfordSt. Martin,SlsbryHellyer Mrs. I Spire view, Crane Bridge Hillman Mrs. Church villa, Westbury Hopkins Thomas, Carnal, 41 St. John road, Salisbury Hilton Rev. L. K., M.A. The Theological street, Devizes Helme Col. George Coope J.P. Rowden college, The Close, Salisbury Hopkins Wm. Belle Vue rd. Swindon house, Chippenham Hi!ton Rev. Louis Kercheval M.A. The Hopper Miss, Quemerford, Calne Helms Thomas tlhinner, South View Rectory, Semley, Shaftesbury Border Charles, The Hermitage, Cranevillas, St. Joseph's place, Devizes HintonFredk.s8Victoria rd.NewSwindon Bridge road, Salisbury HemingtonRev.Chs.Castle grnds.Devzes Hinton H. Tooke M. B. HeytesburyS.O Horder Charles John Oakhurst, Millford Henbest .Frederick H. 4 Lawn terrace, HinwoodT.L.,J.P.:Ferndale ter.Mlmsbry hill, Salisbury Hartington road, Salisbury Hinxman Rev. John Newton M. A. Horder Frank, Millford hill, Salisbury HenbestG.F.2Everley vls.Fishrtn.Slsbry Vicarage, Durnford, Salisbury Border James, 72 Endless st. SalisburyHenderson Rev. Thomas Julius 1\I.A. Hinxman Edward D.L., J.P. Little Horder Mark Garrett, Rotherwood, F.lm Farley wardenry, Farley, Salisbury Durnford house, Durnford, Salisbury grove, Salisbury Hendley :Mrs. Bugley, Warminster Hinxman 1\Iiss, The Close, Salisbury Horder Mrs. West st. Wilton, SalisburyHeneage Major Clement Walker V. C., Hinxman Newton B.A. Lynden House Border Samuel Albert, The Hawthorn .. J.P. Compton Basset.t, Calne school, St. Ann street, Salisbury Milford hill, Salisbury Henley William Frederick,)lilford lodge, Hiscock Albert Sidney, Brookfield, Wing- Hore Mrs. Station rd. Corsl\am R.S.O Southampton road, Salisbury field road, Trowbrid~e Horler Frank, 8 Landsend pl. Marshfield! Henly Fredk. Chas. Market hill, Calne Hiscock Jn. ChristianMalford,Chippnhm road, Chippenham Henly Henry C. Curzon street, Calne HiscockWltr. Jn.1Market pl.Chippenhm Horne Jas. Upton Scudmore, Warminstr Henly Miss, Curzon street, Calnc Hitchcock Charles M. D. Fiddington Hornsby Hy. 11 London st.New Swindn. Henly Miss, Goatacre. Calne house, Easterton, Devizes Horsell Charles, High street, Wootton. Henly Miss, The Green, Calne Hitchcock :VIisses, Swallowcliffe, Hey- Bassett, Swindon Henly Mrs. Curzon street, Calne tesbury S.O Horsell Howard, Dudley house,Wootton Henry Mrs. 35 New Park st. Devizes Hitchcock William Charles, Manor Bassett, Swindon Henslow Rev. Leonard Ramo;ay M.A. house, Conock, Chirton, Devizes Horton John, Brook hous~~ Ashton Rectory, Zeals, Bath Hix N. East end, Potterne, Devizes Keyncs, Cricklale