American Glass GalleryTM
Auction #12
Bidding Opens May 14, 2014 • Closes May 28, 2014
Exceptional Union/Clasped Hands Flasks
Lots 44, 45, and 46
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American Glass Gallery • Auction #12, May 28, 2014 • 248.486.0530 •
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John R. Pastor
P.O. Box 227
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Phone: 248.486.0530
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This auction photographed and cataloged by John R. Pastor • ©2014, American Glass Gallery. All rights reserved. • Catalog design & layout by Owen Neils • Printed by Spartan Printing, Lansing, MI
American Glass Gallery • Auction #12, May 28, 2014 • 248.486.0530 •
Reference Key
Reference initials and numbers used in the description of this catalog refer to the following publications:
AHG American Historical Glass, Bessie M. Lindsey, 1967
AM The Decanter - An Illustrated History of Glass from 1650, Andy McConnell, 2004
AP Glass in Early America, Arlene Palmer, 1993.
BA1 Collecting The Cures, Bill Agee, 1969
BA2 Collecting All Cures, Bill Agee, 1973.
BB A Bit About Balsams, Betty Blasi, 1974
BH Classification and Documentation of Sunburst and Similar Scent Bottles, Bill Ham, AB&GC, 5/87
B/K The Glass Industry in Sandwich, Raymond Barlow and Joan Kaiser, 1989.
C Ink Bottles and Inkwells, William Covill, 1971.
DeG American Sarsaparilla Bottles, John DeGrafft, 1980.
DeGII Supplement to American Sarsaparilla Bottles, John DeGrafft, 2004.
DF Hair Raising Stories, Don Fadely, 1992.
DM Wistarburgh, Window Tiles, Bottles and More, Dale L. Murscell, 2007.
F Inks, 150 Years of Bottles and Companies, Ed and Lucy Faulkner.
FA John Frederick Amelung, Early American Glassmaker, Lanmon, Palmer, Hume, Brill, Hanson, 1990.
FB A.S.C.R. The wine bottles of All Souls College, Oxford, 1750 – 1850, Fay Banks.
G (Flasks) American Bottles & Flasks and Their Ancestry, McKearin & Wilson, 1978.
G (Blown Three Mold) American Glass (Chapter VI), George S. and Helen McKearin, 1941.
GBH English Glass For The Collector, 1660-1860, G. Bernard Hughes, 1958.
H American Bottles in the Charles B. Gardner Collection, Norman C. Heckler, 1975.
JB Patent and Proprietary Medicine Bottles, Joseph K. Baldwin, 1973
JEB Glasshouse Whimsies, Joyce E. Blake, 1984.
JH Glasshouses & Glass Manufacturers of the Pittsburgh Region, 1795 – 1910, Jay W. Hawkins, 2009.
JS In glas verpakt – European Bottles, Their history and production, Johan Soetens, 2001.
K Poison Bottle Workbook, Rudy Kuhn, 1988.
KW New England Glass & Glassmaking, Kenneth M. Wilson, 1972.
L The Red Book of Fruit Jars, No. 9, Douglas M Leybourne, Jr., 2001.
LI Pittsburgh Glass, 1797 – 1891, Lowell Innes, 1976.
Mc Two Hundred Years of American Blown Glass, Helen and George McKearin, 1950.
McK American Glass, George S. and Helen McKearin, 1941.
MW American Bottles & Flasks and Their Ancestry, McKearin & Wilson, 1978.
N Great American Pontiled Medicines, Frederick Nielson, 1978.
NCH The Blaske Collection of American Flasks, Norman C. Heckler, 1983.
NCH II The Blaske Collection: Part II, Norman C. Heckler, 1983.
Odell I Indian Bottles and Brands, John Odell, 1977
Odell II Pontiled Medicine Encyclopdia, John Odell, 2000
O&S Warner’s Reference Guide, Ed Ojea and Jack Stecher, 1998.
P The Glass Gaffers of New Jersey, Adeline Pepper, 1971.
RD Understanding Antique Wine Bottles, Roger Dumbrell, 1983.
RF The Bottle Book: A Comprehensive Guide to Historic, Embossed Medicine Bottles, Richard Fike, 1987
RH Collecting Barber Bottles, Richard Holiner, 1986.
R/H Bitters Bottles, Carlyn Ring and W. C. Ham, 1998.
RWL Antique Fakes & Reproductions, Ruth Webb Lee, 1950
T Collectors Guide to Saratoga Type Mineral Water Bottles, Donald Tucker, 2005.
U Collectible Character Bottles, Authur Umberger, 1969.
V Nailsea Glass, Keith Vincent, 1975
VdB Antique Glass Bottles; Their History and Evolution, Willy Van den Bossche, 2001.
WL A Wine-Lover’s Glasses, The A.C. Hubbard, Jr. Collection, Ward Lloyd, 2000.
Z Ketchup, Pickles, Sauces, Betty Zumwalt, 1980.
ZW Color Hutchinsons, Zang Wood, 1999.
- The dash is generally used to indicate that the descriptions are on opposite sides of the bottle or flask.
/ The slash is used to indicate that the descriptions are on different lines or surfaces of the bottle.
American Glass Gallery • Auction #12, May 28, 2014 • 248.486.0530 •
Lot 137 (Detail)
PAGE 2 American Glass Gallery, Auction #12 • Closing May 28, 2014
LaFayette Flasks We have the distinct honor of celebrated return visit to the young
offering an outstanding and United States.
diverse group of LaFayette In addition to flasks, LaFayette’s bust
appeared on all manner of things from
flasks in this auction, many of which badges and buttons to parasols and
cast iron stoves and his name was often
are shown below. From the extremely appropriated for newborn boys, ships,
towns and theaters.
rare GI-85a, to the relatively common
GI-90, there’s a LaFayette here for every
collector of American historical flasks.
LaFayetteOfthe18differentmoldsusedforthese For further reading on these historic
flasks, eight have a Masonic themeand beautiful flasks, see Antique Bottles
on the reverse. All of them were likely& Flasks and Their Ancestry by Helen
made between 1824 and 1830, during,McKearin & Kenneth Wilson.
or just after General Lafayette’s much-
Lot 8 Lot 13
Lot 17 Lot 11 Lot 7
Lot 9 Lot 12
American Glass Gallery, Auction #12 • Closing May 28, 2014 PAGE 3
Lot 188 “Rare Squares”
Lot 185 Lot 184
Lot 187
PAGE 4 American Glass Gallery, Auction #12 • Closing May 28, 2014
Exceptional Master Ink Bottles
Lot 109
Lot 112 Lot 113 Lot 116 (lot of 2)
Lot 110 Lot 117
American Glass Gallery, Auction #12 • Closing May 28, 2014 PAGE 5
Bold & Beautiful Bitters...
Lot 151
Lot 154
Lot 157
Lot 174
Lot 173 Lot 170
PAGE 6 American Glass Gallery, Auction #12 • Closing May 28, 2014
Lot 1 Lot 5
Historical Flask, Frederick R. Lorenz TVILLE GLASS WORKS PHILADA /
& Company, Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania, GEN. TAYLOR NEVER SURRENDERS”
1825 - 1830. Greenish aquamarine, / BUST OF TAYLOR, Dyottville Glass
sheared mouth - blowpipe pontil scar, Works, Philadelphia, PA, 1848 - 1860.
Pt., near mint; (just a little fine high Medium blue green, sheared mouth -
point wear and a slightly weakened blowpipe pontil scar, Qt, near mint; (a
impression in the shoulder area, other- very slight touch of exterior wear and a
wise perfect). GI-7. A rare and desir- couple of flakes, ¼” and 1/8”, that ap-
able mold, excellent condition, and pear to be refired, and almost certainly
with a stronger impression than most. occurred during manufacture). GI-37.
Beautiful color.
Est.: $2,000 - $4,000 • Min. bid: $1,000
Est.: $300 - $600 • Min. bid: $150
Lot 2
Lot 6
& JEFFERSON / JULY 4 A.D. 1776 Historical Flask, an early Pittsburgh dis-
- KENSINGTON GLASS / WORKS trict glasshouse, 1825 - 1835. Medium
PHILADELPHIA” Historical Flask, to deep aquamarine, sheared mouth -
Kensington Glass Works, 1825 - 1835. blowpipe pontil scar, pint, near mint; (just
Aqua, sheared mouth - blowpipe a very slight touch of high point wear
pontil scar, Pt; (a tiny, pinhead bit of and some spotty light interior haze near
roughness on the edge of the lip, on the shoulder, otherwise perfect). GI-68.
the reverse, and a couple of minor A rare early Pittsburgh flask with a very
1/8” flakes at edge of base). GI-14. A strong impression, and one that does not
bright, clean example. come around often!
Est.: $300 - $500 • Min. bid: $150 Est.: $3,000 - $5,000 • Min. bid: $1,500
Lot 3 Lot 7
Albany Glass Works, 1847 - 1850. C-T” Historical Flask, Coventry Glass
Aquamarine, sheared mouth - blow- Works, Coventry, CT, 1824 - 1830.
pipe pontil scar, Pt., attic mint! GI-28. Beautiful light olive yellow, sheared
A comparatively scarce flask, excellent mouth - pontil scar, Qt; (a fine hairline
condition, and a bright clean example spider crack with ½” legs near the “E”
with strong embossing. Also, a little in “Lafayette”, and just a slight touch of
harder to find with the sheared mouth. light high point wear, otherwise pristine).
GI-80. Beautiful with gorgeous light
Est.: $400 - $600 • Min. bid: $200 color, strong embossing.
Est.: $400 - $800 • Min. bid: $250
Lot 4 Lot 8
GLASS WORKS” / N Y” Historical / “S & C” - “DEWITT CLINTON” /
Flask, Albany Glass Works, Albany, BUST OF CLINTON / “C-T”, Coventry
1847 - 1850. Aquamarine, sheared Glass Works, 1824 - 1830. Clear light
mouth - blowpipe pontil scar, ½ pint, olive with a yellowish tone, sheared
very near mint; (a tiny, minor area of mouth - pontil scar, ½ pint, very near
high point wear on reverse, otherwise mint; (a partially open bubble on the
pristine perfect!) GI-30. Bright, clean, inside of the neck, a very slight touch
and with strong embossing. A very of high point wear, and a little light
scarce little flask, especially in this fine content residue that should easily wash
condition. A great example! Ex. Jerry out, otherwise pristine). GI-81. Strong
Strubel collection. embossing, almost no high point wear.
A great example!
Est.: $400 - $600 • Min. bid: $200
Est.: $2,000 - $4,000 • Min. bid: $1,200
American Glass Gallery, Auction #12 • Closing May 28, 2014 PAGE 7
Lot 9 Lot 13
ETTE / “T.S.” - MASONIC Historical / “COVENTRY / C-T” - STARS AND
Flask, Coventry Glass Works, Coven- LIBERTY CAP / “S&S” Historical Flask,
try, CT, 1824 - 1830. Clear medium Coventry Glass Works, Coventry, CT,
olive green, sheared mouth - pontil 1825 - 1830. Medium olive green shad-
scar, ½ pint, near mint; (a little light ing to a deep olive near the base and
high point wear and a slightly weak through the neck, sheared mouth - pontil
impression in the shoulder). GI-84. A scar, ½ pint, very near mint; (just the
very rare and desirable flask (listed as slightest bit of faint high point wear and
“Extremely rare” by McKearin), and a small open bubble on the interior of the
with good color; one that does not neck) GI-86. A good impression, great
come around often. character, and in a very scarce, almost
pure green color.
Est.: $4,000 - $8,000 • Min. bid: $2,000
Est.: $800 - $1,600 • Min. bid: $500
Lot 10
Lot 14
torical Flask, Coventry Glass Works, TUDE - KENSINGTON GLASS WORKS
Coventry, CT, 1825 - 1830. Yellowish PHILADELPHIA - E. PLURIBUS UNUM”
olive amber shading to lighter yellow / EAGLE / “T.W.D” Historical Flask,
tone below the shoulders, sheared Kensington Glass Works, 1825 - 1830.
mouth - pontil scar, Pt; (a little light ex- Aqua, sheared mouth - pontil scar, Pt,
terior wear, a tiny pinhead flake and ¼” very near mint; (just a touch of very minor
area of very minor roughness on the high point wear and a couple of faint
edge of the mouth). GI-85. Beautiful in scratches near base) GI-90. A bright,
natural daylight with the lighter yellow clean example with an outstanding, bold,
tones through the body. crisp mold impression.
Est.: $800 - $1,600 • Min. bid: $500 Est.: $300 - $500 • Min. bid: $180
Lot 11 Lot 15
Glass Works, 1825 - 1830. Aqua, WORKS PHILADELPHIA - E. PLURI-
sheared mouth - pontil, Pt; (profession- BUS UNUM” / EAGLE / “T.W.D” His-
ally cleaned to original luster and near torical Flask, Kensington Glass Works,
mint, but retains a little light oxidation, 1825 - 1830. Aqua, sheared mouth
or fine graininess, between the ribs - pontil scar, Pt; (a ¼” flake on the inside
and a little on the reverse). GI-85a. edge of the lip, a touch of very light
Extremely rare, only three known in high point wear, and a minor 1/8” open
aquamarine, and with one of the other surface bubble). GI-90. A beautiful, very
two being damaged. Variant with two attractive, bubbly example!
rivet impressions in the shoulder.
Est.: $300 - $500 • Min. bid: $180
Est.: $10,000 - $15,000 • Min. bid: $5,000
Lot 16
Lot 12
ETTE / “COVENTRY / C-T” - STARS torical Flask, Kensington Glass Works,
AND LIBERTY CAP / “S&S” Histori- 1825 - 1830. Aquamarine, sheared
cal Flask, Coventry Glass Works, Cov- mouth - blowpipe pontil scar, Pt, near
entry, CT, 1825 - 1830. Yellowish olive mint; (a small pinhead flake on the inside
amber, sheared mouth - pontil scar, ½ edge of the mouth and a very minor,
pint., near mint; (just a touch of very faint line of milkiness near one of the
minor high point wear and a couple of medial ribs, otherwise perfect).
minor open bubbles on the interior of GI-91. A great example of this scarce
the neck, otherwise perfect!) GI-86. flask with a very strong mold impression.
A great example with an outstanding
impression and crude, seedy glass. Est.: $400 - $600 • Min. bid: $250
Est.: $700 - $1,400 • Min. bid: $400
PAGE 8 American Glass Gallery, Auction #12 • Closing May 28, 2014
Lot 17 Lot 21
FAYETTE” - STARS AND EAGLE Portrait Flask, probably an early
Historical Flask, probably Knox & Stoddard glasshouse, Stoddard, New
McKee, Wheeling, West Virginia, 1824 Hampshire, 1842 - 1850. Yellowish
- 1830. Blue green, sheared mouth olive amber, sheared mouth - blowpipe
- blowpipe pontil scar, Pt, sparkling pontil scar, ½ pint; (a tiny, very minor
attic mint. GI-93. A beautiful example pinhead bruise at edge of base and a
of this rare flask having good strong little light interior residue that would
color, outstanding character, condi- almost certainly wash out). GI-114. A
tion and eye appeal. If you have been nice example of this classic little Stod-
waiting for great example, this might dard flask.
be the one.
Est.: $175 - $275 • Min. bid: $100
Est.: $4,000 - $6,000 • Min. bid: $2,500
Lot 18 Lot 22
“JENNY LIND” / BUST OF JENNY EAGLE - EAGLE Historical Flask, prob-
LIND - “GLASS WORK’S” / GLASS- ably Kentucky Glass Works, Louisville,
HOUSE / “S. HUFFSEY” Historical KY, 1850 - 1855. Beautiful medium
Calabash Flask, probably Isabella sapphire blue, sheared mouth - blowpipe
Glass Works, Brooklyn, New Jersey, pontil scar, pint; (the flask may have been
1850 - 1860. Rich, medium to deep lightly cleaned, but certainly appears as
emerald, applied sloping collared near attic mint; an 1/8” flake at side of
mouth with lower bevel - blowpipe sheared mouth that may have occurred
pontil scar, Qt, perfect. GI-99. Beauti- at time of manufacture). GII-24. Beauti-
ful, rich gorgeous color, excellent mold ful color, good mold impression, one of
impression and condition. the classics and still a lot of flask for the
money in this very desirable color.
Est.: $2,500 - $4,500 • Min. bid: $1,500
Est.: $2,500 - $4,000 • Min. bid: $1,500
Lot 19 Lot 23
LIND - “GLASS WORK’S” / GLASS- probably Kentucky Glass Works, Louis-
HOUSE / “S. HUFFSEY” Historical ville, KY, 1850 - 1855. Dense, virtually
Calabash, probably Isabella Glass black, “old” amber, sheared mouth
Works, 1850 - 1860. Bubbly yellow - blowpipe pontil scar, pint; (a shallow
green or citron, applied sloping double 1/8” flake at edge of the sheared mouth
collared mouth - blowpipe pontil scar, and two, very shallow, minor, flat flakes
Qt, near mint; (small potstone on the at edge of base, otherwise appears as
base with a couple of tiny, 1/8” radia- virtually attic mint). GII-24. An extreme
tions, and a small area of extremely rarity in color. McKearin notes a “Dark
faint interior residue or haze). GI-99. amber (black)” in the charts, but this is
Exceptional character and eye appeal believed to be the 1st example to be
being filled with tiny seed bubbles. offered at public auction.
Est.: $1,800 - $2,800 • Min. bid: $1,000 Est.: $4,000 - $8,000 • Min. bid: $2,500
Lot 20 Lot 24
STEAM FRIGATE / MISSISSIPPI / Louisville Glassworks, Louisville, KY,
S. HUFFSEY” Historical Calabash, 1855 - 1865. Deep aquamarine, very
probably a South Jersey glasshouse, crudely applied mouth with flat band -
1850 - 1860. Clear medium emerald smooth base, ½ pint; (lightly cleaned to
green, applied sloping collared mouth original luster and near mint condition;
- “PH. DOFLEIN / MOULD MAKER a partially open bubble in the neck with
/ NTH 5! ST 84” (on base), iron pontil some light milky residue). GII-33. A
scar, Qt, sparking attic mint! GI-112. comparatively scarce mold, attractive,
Exceptional example, rare color, out- bright, clean, and in a good deep color.
standing condition!
Est.: $300 - $500 • Min. bid: $150
Est.: $3,000 - $6,000 • Min. bid: $1,800
American Glass Gallery, Auction #12 • Closing May 28, 2014 PAGE 9
Lot 25 Lot 29
Historical Flask, possibly an early GLASS / Co / WESTFORD / CONN”
Pittsburgh district glasshouse, 1825 - Historical Flask, Westford Glass
1835. Clambroth coloration, sheared Works, 1857 - 1873. Bubbly olive
mouth - blowpipe pontil scar, ½ pint, amber, crudely applied round collared
perfect. GII-60. A very rare color mouth with bevel - smooth base, ½
(unlisted by McKearin), with only one pint, near attic mint; (very minor typical
or two other examples having been of- light exterior wear, otherwise perfect).
fered at auction in more than 20 years. GII-65. Nice character with plenty of tiny
bubbles throughout.
Est.: $1,500 - $3,000 • Min. bid: $800
Est.: $175 - $275 • Min. bid: $100
Lot 26
Lot 30
Historical Flask, possibly an early EAGLE - CORNUCOPIA Historical
Pittsburgh district glasshouse, 1825 Flask, probably Keene Marlboro Street
- 1835. Rich, deep amber, sheared Glassworks, Keene, New Hampshire,
mouth - blowpipe pontil scar, ½ pint, 1830 - 1842. Yellowish olive amber,
sparkling mint. GII-60. These little sheared mouth - blowpipe pontil scar,
flasks are very historical, but often pint, near mint; (some very minor high
times are troubled by high point wear, point wear, otherwise perfect). GII-73.
a weak impression, or other issues. A crude example having nice character
This example is much better than aver- with numerous sand grains and small
age with virtually no high point wear, potstones (no radiations).
flakes, or other issues, – a good one!
Est.: $175 - $275 • Min. bid: $100
Est.: $2,000 - $4,000 • Min. bid: $1,200
Lot 31
Lot 27
EAGLE - EAGLE Historical Flask,
“LIBERTY” / EAGLE - “WILLINGTON probably a Pittsburgh district glass-
/ GLASS, CO / WEST WILLINGTON house, 1860 - 1870. Light sapphire
/ CONN” Historical Flask, Willington blue, applied collared mouth with
Glass Works, 1860 - 1872. Beauti- flat band - smooth base, pint; (some
ful golden amber with some warmer minor high point wear and a very light,
orange tones near the base, applied superficial 1” scratch within one of the
round double collared mouth - smooth oval frames). GII-92. A scarce and very
base, Qt.; (just a slight touch of some pretty color for this mold.
very light exterior wear, otherwise attic
mint). GII-61. A big, beautiful flask, at- Est.: $800 - $1,200 • Min. bid: $400
tractive color, and with whittled, seedy,
bubbly glass. Lot 32
Est.: $600 - $900 • Min. bid: $400 EAGLE - EAGLE Historical Flask, a
Pittsburgh district glasshouse, 1860
Lot 28 - 1870. Yellowish lime green, applied
ring type collared mouth - smooth
“LIBERTY” / EAGLE - “WILLINGTON base, ½ pint, perfect. GII-95. A rare
/ GLASS / Co / WEST WILLINGTON and outstanding color for this mold
/ CONN” Historical Flask, Willington that does not wash out in daylight. In
Glass Works, 1855 - 1860. Clear, addition, a very strong impression and
medium to deep olive green, sheared no high point wear. Probably one of the
mouth - blowpipe pontil scar, ½ pint, choicest examples that you could hope
very near mint; (a very minor wisp of to find in this mold.
light wear near the shoulder on the
reverse, otherwise perfect!) GII-63. A Est.: $800 - $1,200 • Min. bid: $400
bright, clean example with nice color,
and a very bold impression. Very
scarce with the pontil scarred base.
Est.: $500 - $800 • Min. bid: $300
PAGE 10 American Glass Gallery, Auction #12 • Closing May 28, 2014
Lot 33 Lot 37
EAGLE Historical Flask, a Pittsburgh HORSE PULLING CART - (REVERSE
district glasshouse, 1860 - 1870. Light SAME) Historical Flask, probably Mt.
to medium sapphire blue, applied col- Vernon Glass Works, Vernon, NY, 1830
lared mouth with flat band - smooth - 1844. Yellowish olive amber, sheared
base, Qt, sparkling attic mint. GII-103. mouth - blowpipe pontil scar, pint;
A great example, bright, clean, in an virtually attic mint; (a slightly weakened
outstanding and rare color for this impression in the shoulder area, as is
mold, and also having a good mold im- typical for this mold). GV-5. A very nice
pression. Note; found at an estate sale example having virtually none of the
in the upper peninsula of Michigan, still high point wear so often found on these
having partial contents. flasks.
Est.: $1,200 - $2,200 • Min. bid: $600 Est.: $400 - $600 • Min. bid: $200
Lot 34 Lot 38
/ “OHIO / J. SHEPARD & CO”, His- probably Coventry Glass Works, Coven-
torical Flask, Zanesville Glassworks, try, Connecticut, 1815 - 1830. Clear olive
Zanesville, Ohio, 1822 - 1832. Rich green, sheared mouth - blowpipe pontil
medium to deep amber with a slight scar, ½ pint, attic mint. GVIII-16. A great
orange tone, sheared mouth - blow- example, scarce in this beautiful clear,
pipe pontil scar, pint, near mint; (just pure olive color (no trace of amber is this
a slight touch of light high point wear one), and in outstanding condition!
and an extremely shallow, tiny pinhead
bit of roughness on the sheared mouth Est.: $600 - $1,200 • Min. bid: $400
that likely occurred at manufacture).
GIV-32. An excellent example with a Lot 39
very strong mold impression!
Est.: $800 - $1,200 • Min. bid: $400 probably Coventry Glass Works, Coven-
try, Connecticut, 1815 - 1830. Yellowish
Lot 35 olive amber, sheared mouth - blowpipe
pontil scar, ½ pint, virtually attic mint;
MASONIC - “ZANESVILLE” / EAGLE (just a faint touch of very minor high
/ “OHIO” / “MURDOCK & CASSEL” point wear, otherwise perfect). GVIII-18.
Historical Flask, Muskingum Green A comparatively scarce flask, excellent
Glass Works, Zanesville, OH, 1832 condition.
- 1835. Deep blue green, sheared
mouth - blowpipe pontil scar, pint; (a Est.: $600 - $1,200 • Min. bid: $400
weak impression which is believed to
be the case with every known example Lot 40
of this mold; a little fine high point
wear). GIV-33. An extremely rare and SCROLL FLASK, Midwest America,
important flask, this example believed 1850 - 1860. Medium sage green,
to be the deepest in color. Ex. Beverly sheared mouth - red iron pontil scar,
Burbage collection. pint; (a 1/8” flake at the side of the
sheared mouth and a little roughness
Est.: $6,000 - $12,000 • Min. bid: $3,000 from glass extrusion at the mold seam,
otherwise perfect). GIX-10a. Listed
Lot 36 as a comparatively scarce mold, but
perhaps more interesting is the color,
ALL SEEING EYE INSIDE 6-POINTED aptly described by McKearin as “sage”.
STAR / “A D” - RAISED ARM AND Definitely a pleasing shade of green,
6-POINTED STAR / “G R J A” Histori- seldom seen in a Scroll flask.
cal Flask, probably a Stoddard, NH
glasshouse, 1842 - 1850. Beautiful Est.: $600 - $900 • Min. bid: $300
yellowish olive amber, sheared mouth -
blowpipe pontil scar, pint, near mint; (a
few superficial light scratches near base
on reverse). GIV-43. A very beautiful
example, almost olive yellow through
mid-body, shading to a deeper olive
amber near the base and shoulder.
Est.: $300 - $500 • Min. bid: $180
American Glass Gallery, Auction #12 • Closing May 28, 2014 PAGE 11
Lot 41 Lot 45
Pictorial Flask, America, 1850 - 1860. & CO” - EAGLE / “PITTSBURGH
Brilliant golden yellow, applied round PA” Historical Flask, Lippincott, Fry
double collared mouth - blowpipe pon- & Company, Pittsburgh, 1866 - 1867.
til scar, Qt, virtually attic mint; (a couple Medium golden amber, applied collared
of tiny, tissue-paper-thin open surface mouth with band - smooth base, Qt,
bubbles, otherwise “out of the mold” near mint; (a couple of light, superficial
pristine perfect!) GX-18. A brilliant, scratches and minor wear near one of
scarce, outstanding color for this mold the mold seams; a tiny flake at base
with plenty of eye appeal. The vast edge). GXII-13. Bright, clean, great
majority are in shades of green, it has condition, strong impression. Note; a
been 10 years or more since a similar scarce flask, the glassmaker being in
color has been offered at auction. business for only two short years!
Est.: $2,000 - $4,000 • Min. bid: $1,000 Est.: $600 - $900 • Min. bid: $300
Lot 42 Lot 46
- HUNTER Historical Flask, Ravenna / “E. WORMSER & Co / PITTSBURGH
Glass Works, Ravenna, Ohio, 1857 - / PA” Historical Flask, E. Wormser
1864. Medium yellow olive, applied & Co, Pittsburgh, 1860 - 1866. Olive
collared mouth with flat band - smooth yellow with a citron tone, large applied
base, Qt, near attic mint; (a couple of round collared mouth - smooth base, Qt,
tissue-paper-thin open bubbles and near mint; (a very minor bit of high point
a pinhead bit of roughness on top of wear and a tiny, pinhead flake at edge of
the mouth, otherwise mint). GXI-50. A base). GXII-15. Beautiful, rare and stun-
touch lighter in shade, and with a bit ning color, one that will definitely stand
more of a yellowish tone to the olive out in a grouping of flasks.
than some.
Est.: $2,000 - $3,500 • Min. bid: $1,000
Est.: $1,500 - $2,500 • Min. bid: $800
Lot 47
Lot 43
“FOR PIKE’S PEAK” / PROSPEC- & Co” - CANNON Historical Flask,
TOR - HUNTER Historical Flask, Fahnestock, Albree & Co, Pittsburgh,
Ravenna Glass Works, Ravenna, PA, 1862 - 1872. Aquamarine, applied
OH, 1857 - 1864. Medium to deep collared mouth with flat band - smooth
aquamarine, applied collared mouth base, pint, very near mint; (a slight bit
with ring - smooth base, ½ pint, mint; of faint interior residue, primarily near
(note, the flask has a very crude lip the base, that should easily wash out).
and some unevenness along the edge GXII-40.
that almost certainly occurred during
manufacture). GXI-52. An attractive, Est.: $125 - $175 • Min. bid: $70
comparatively scarce little flask, heav-
ily whittled and with an excellent mold Lot 48
Est.: $200 - $400 • Min. bid: $120 “A&DH.C” Pictorial Flask, A. & D.H.
Chambers Co, Pittsburgh, PA, 1865 -
Lot 44 1875. Aquamarine, applied collared
mouth with flat band - smooth base,
CLASPED HANDS - EAGLE Histori- pint, very near mint; (a small, 1/8”,
cal Flask, a Pittsburgh glasshouse, onionskin thin open surface bubble and
1860 - 1870. Bright, light yellowish a little faint interior residue that should
golden, applied collared mouth with easily wash out). GXIII-3. A scarce
flat band - smooth base, Qt; (just the mold. Provenance: Ex. Roger Sweet-
slightest touch of faint high point wear, land collection.
otherwise attic mint). An unlisted
mold, similar to GXII-6 (24 leaves on Est.: $150 - $250 • Min. bid: $80
left branch, 20 on right; 4 distinct ar-
rows in thunderbolt, pennant rippled
and with slightly different curvature).
Outstanding condition, beautiful color,
scarce mold.
Est.: $1,000 - $1,500 • Min. bid: $500
PAGE 12 American Glass Gallery, Auction #12 • Closing May 28, 2014
Lot 49 Lot 53
Flask, probably John Chapman, Mary- WREATH - STAR Pictorial Flask, possi-
land Glass Works, Baltimore, MD, 1855 bly Sheets & Duffy Glass Manufacturers,
- 1862. Aquamarine, applied round Philadelphia, PA, 1850 - 1860. Aqua-
double collared mouth - smooth base, marine, applied sloping collared mouth -
½ pint, near mint; (a touch of expected blowpipe pontil scar, Qt, mint. GXIII-43.
very light exterior wear). GXIII-8.
Provenance: Ex. Roger Sweetland Est.: $125 - $175 • Min. bid: $70
Est.: $125 - $175 • Min. bid: $70
Lot 50 Lot 54
“WILL YOU TAKE / A DRINK / WILL Pattern Molded Globular Bottle, 24 ribs
A” / (DUCK) / “SWIM?” Pictorial swirled to the left, probably Zanesville
Flask, possibly Lockport Glassworks, Glass Works, Zanesville, Ohio, 1820 -
Lockport, NY, 1870 - 1880. Aquama- 1835. Clear, medium citron green, out-
rine, tooled sloping collared mouth ward rolled mouth - pontil scar, ht. 7 ¾”;
with ring - smooth base, ½ pint, near (some typical light exterior wear around
mint; (a touch of typical, very faint the mid-body, otherwise perfect!) A rare
exterior wear on the reverse; the bottle and exceptional color for a Midwest
displays as near attic mint, but may Glob, nice tight ribbing through the neck,
have been lightly cleaned). GXIII-29a. good form, a gorgeous early piece!
Listed by McKearin as extremely rare, Ex. Darl Fifer collection.
a good clean example that does not
come around often. Est.: $3,000 - $6,000 • Min. bid: $1,500
Est.: $400 - $800 • Min. bid: $250 Lot 55
Lot 51 Pattern Molded Globular Bottle,
24 ribs swirled to the right, probably
SHEAF OF GRAIN - STAR Picto- Zanesville Glass Works, Zanesville,
rial Flask, probably Bulltown Glass Ohio, 1820 - 1835. Clear medium olive
Works, Bulltown, NJ, 1858 - 1865. yellow, outward rolled mouth - pontil
Vivid medium to deep emerald green, scar, ht. 8 1/8”; (just a touch of light
applied round double collared mouth exterior wear around the mid-body,
- iron pontil, Qt, attic mint. GXIII-38. otherwise attic mint). Another fantas-
A scarce mold in a spectacular color. tic example, outstanding color having
Strong, beautiful, and with a crisp virtually no trace of amber, and also with
mold impression. Another flask that good form.
will certainly stand out in a crowd.
Although McKearin lists this color in Est.: $1,500 - $2,500 • Min. bid: $800
the charts, we cannot find reference to
another example being sold at auction. Lot 56
Est.: $3,000 - $5,000 • Min. bid: $1,800 Large, Pattern Molded Globular Bot-
tle, 24 ribs swirled to the right, probably
Lot 52 Zanesville, Ohio, 1820 - 1835. Medium
golden amber, outward rolled mouth -
SHEAF OF GRAIN - STAR Pictorial pontil scar, ht. 8 7/8”; (a couple of very
Flask, probably Bulltown Glass Works, light patches of faint interior residue or
Bulltown, NJ, 1858 - 1865. Light to haze, most of which would likely wash
medium grass green, crudely applied out; a touch of very light exterior wear,
ring type collared mouth - blowpipe otherwise perfect). A scarce size being
pontil scar, Pt, near attic mint; (a shal- both a little larger in height, as well as
low pontil flake that does not extend to in body proportions. Also, nice clarity,
the edge, otherwise pristine perfect). color, and strength of pattern.
GXIII-39. A scarce flask, pretty color,
delicate thin whittled glass. Est.: $600 - $900 • Min. bid: $300
Est.: $600 - $900 • Min. bid: $300
American Glass Gallery, Auction #12 • Closing May 28, 2014 PAGE 13
Lot 57 Lot 61
Freeblown, Un-patterned Globular Blown Three Mold Decanter, New
Bottle, Midwest, probably Zanesville England, probably Keene Marlboro
Glass Works, Zanesville, Ohio, 1815 - Street Glassworks, Keene, New Hamp-
1830. Light yellowish golden amber, shire, 1820 - 1840. Medium yellowish
almost a golden yellow through the forest green, barrel form, geometric
center, outward rolled mouth - pontil pattern with diamond quilting and fluted
scar, ht. 8”; (a ¼” flake on the under- shoulders - applied sloping collared
side of the of the turned over collar, mouth with lower bevel - pontil scar,
an 1/8” open surface bubble, a touch pint; (just the slightest trace of very light
of typical light exterior wear). A fairly exterior wear, otherwise sparkling attic
scarce and difficult bottle to find, the mint!) GII-7. A bright, clean, beautiful
un-patterned Ohio globs being much example. Ex. Robert Morin collection.
more rare than the ribbed examples.
Est.: $2,500 - $4,500 • Min. bid: $1,500
Est.: $200 - $400 • Min. bid: $120
Lot 62
Lot 58
Blown Three Mold Decanter, Keene
Freeblown Globular Bottle, prob- Marlboro Street Glassworks, Keene,
ably Midwest America, 1810 - 1830. New Hampshire, 1820 - 1830. Medium
Medium apple green, globular body, olive green, tapered club form, geometric
sheared mouth with a crudely applied sunburst pattern, sheared and tooled
large string or ring type collar - blow- mouth - pontil scar, Qt, very near mint;
pipe pontil scar, ht. 9 ½”; (a little faint (tiny, hard to see, pinhead flake at edge
interior milkiness, primarily on one of base, otherwise pristine perfect).
side, less than a third of the body; a GIII-19. Strong pattern, good color, an
3/16” chip along with a ¼” area of excellent example. Recent find from a
minor roughness on the edge of the New Hampshire estate.
sheared mouth). Probably a very early
production piece from a small glass- Est.: $1,500 - $2,500 • Min. bid: $800
house. Bubbly and with nice color.
Lot 63
Est.: $200 - $400 • Min. bid: $120
Blown Three Mold Decanter, Keene
Lot 59 Marlboro Street Glassworks, 1820 -
1835. Yellowish olive with an amber
Freeblown Globular Bottle, probably tone, ovoid or semi-barrel form, geo-
Midwest America, 1810 - 1830. Light metric sunburst pattern, sheared and
aquamarine, globular body with slightly tooled mouth - pontil scar, pint, virtually
drawn up shoulders, sheared mouth attic mint; (just an extremely minor wisp
with a very crudely applied band of of expected faint usage wear, otherwise
glass - blowpipe pontil scar, ht. 7”, perfect). GIII-16. Typically found with
near mint; (a shallow open bubble on more of an amber tone, this is a very
the interior with a tiny bit of residue; attractive example.
a touch of typical light exterior wear).
Another early, very nice glob with a Est.: $500 - $800 • Min. bid: $300
large thread of glass swooping through
the body. Ex. Norman C. Heckler Lot 64
Blown Three Mold Decanter, Keene
Est.: $150 - $250 • Min. bid: $80 Marlboro Street Glassworks, 1820 -
1835. Colorless, ovoid or semi-barrel
Lot 60 form, geometric sunburst pattern,
sheared, tooled and outward flared
Early, Rare Size Freeblown Globular mouth, ground neck with period 3-mold
Bottle, Eastern U.S., or possibly Con- stopper similar to type II - pontil scar,
tinental, 1750 - 1780. Clear medium Qt, near mint; (an 1/8” partially open
green with a yellowish tone, small bubble on the top of the wide flared
globular body, sheared and slightly rim). GIII-15. The quart (GIII-15) mold is
flared mouth - glass tipped pontil scar, considerable scarcer and more difficult
ht. 5 ¾”; (some spotty light interior to find than the pint (GIII-16) mold.
stain, a shallow open interior bubble).
These bottles, being fairly heavy, often Est.: $100 - $200 • Min. bid: $60
have significant wear. This one is in
overall excellent condition. An early
glob in a rare miniature or half-size.
Est.: $600 - $1,200 • Min. bid: $300
PAGE 14 American Glass Gallery, Auction #12 • Closing May 28, 2014
Lot 65 Lot 69
Rare Blown Three Mold Flask, Pattern Molded Pocket Flask, 20
probably Boston and Sandwich vertical ribs, probably America, pos-
Glassworks, 1825 - 1835. Light apple sibly Midwest, 1810 - 1830. Light blue
green, chestnut form, sheared mouth - green, flattened circular body, sheared
pontil scar, ht. 6 ¼”, virtually attic mint; and slightly flared mouth - blowpipe
(miniscule pinprick bit of roughness at pontil scar, ht. 4 1/8”, very near mint; (a
edge of sheared lip). GI-3, Type 2. An little interior residue that would almost
extremely rare and important flask, one certainly wash out). An unusual and
of four known. See McK, plate 238, interesting little flask, very scarce color,
#4; MW, plate 122, #4, B/K, #1276 (for and with wide, melon type ribs.
bottle). Because of the workmanship, it Ex. Warren C. Lane collection.
may also be included in the pattern-
molded family or even a whimsey. Est.: $300 - $500 • Min. bid: $150
Est.: $2,500 - $4,500 • Min. bid: $1,500 Lot 70
Lot 66 Pattern Molded Pocket Flask, 16 verti-
cal ribs, Midwest America, 1820 - 1835.
Rare Blown Three Mold Flask, prob- Deep aquamarine, plump chestnut form,
ably Boston and Sandwich Glass- sheared mouth - blowpipe pontil scar, ht.
works, 1825 - 1835. Light yellowish 5 5/8”; (some typical light exterior wear
apple green, elongated horseshoe and a ½” area of dull metallic roughness
form, sheared mouth - pontil scar, ht. on top of the sheared mouth that may
5 ¾”; (appears to have one, possibly have occurred at the time of manufacture
two, finely buffed lip chips, the larger when an object touched the mouth of the
one being approx. ¼” wide by 1/8” in flask). The 16 rib count is certainly a little
depth). GI-3, Type 2. A rare and pos- harder to find than the 24 rib examples.
sibly unique form for this flask, a close
cousin to Lot #65. Another great rarity Est.: $150 - $250 • Min. bid: $80
in BTM, as well as Pattern Molding.
Est.: $750 - $1,500 • Min. bid: $400
Lot 67 Lot 71
Pattern Molded Pocket Flask, 24 ver- Pattern Molded Pocket Flask, 20
tical ribs, Midwest America, possibly fine ribs swirled to the right, prob-
Zanesville Glass Works, Zanesville, ably Continental, possibly Norwegian,
Ohio, 1815 - 1830. Beautiful light hon- 1815 - 1835. Colorless with a very faint
ey coloration, flattened circular body, aquamarine hue though the base, flat-
sheared mouth - pontil scar, ht. 4 7/8”, tened circular body, sheared and tooled,
near mint; (some typical scattered light delicate outward flared mouth - glass
exterior wear). A very pretty example, tipped pontil scar, ht. 4”, perfect. Color-
particularly in natural daylight. Good less pattern molded flasks are relatively
color, lighter than most! scarce, particularly as compared to their
aquamarine counterparts.
Est.: $250 - $450 • Min. bid: $150
Est.: $100 - $200 • Min. bid: $60
Lot 68 Lot 72
Pattern Molded Pocket Flask, Pattern Molded Spirits Flask, hon-
24 vertical ribs, Midwest, probably eycomb pattern with three large floral
Zanesville, 1815 - 1830. Bright golden type medallions, Continental, probably
amber shading to a lighter yellowish Austria, 1760 - 1790. Colorless, plump
honey through the mid-body, flattened spherical body blown in the German half
circular form, sheared mouth - pontil post method, sheared with an applied
scar, ht. 4 7/8”, very near mint; (just a ring type collared mouth - glass tipped
trace of expected very light wear). A pontil scar, ht. 4”, very near mint; (a
clean, bright, example. Classic, light very slight interior haze or “bloom” in
golden tone and high quality metal so the shoulder area, otherwise perfect).
characteristic of early Ohio glass. See McK, plate 239, # 10 & 11 for other
Ex. Warren C. Lane collection. examples of early Austrian flasks.
Est.: $250 - $450 • Min. bid: $150 Est.: $175 - $275 • Min. bid: $100
American Glass Gallery, Auction #12 • Closing May 28, 2014 PAGE 15
Lot 73 Lot 77
Freeblown Chestnut Flask, New Early, Diminutive Freeblown Flask,
England, 1785 - 1820. Delicate clear Northern Europe, probably Latvian,
yellowish straw olive, chestnut form, 1820 - 1840. Light apple green, flat-
applied ring type collared mouth - tened circular body, sheared mouth with
blowpipe pontil scar, ht. 5 ¾”, near a crudely applied ring collar - blowpipe
mint; (some typical light exterior wear pontil scar, ht. 4”, perfect. VdB plate
and fine scratches). Beautiful light 237 - 238. A very interesting little flask
color and clarity, and with plenty of with a distinctive form and mouth,
tiny seed bubbles and impurities. reportedly used to for containing Riga
Balsam, an aromatic oil used as a
Est.: $250 - $400 • Min. bid: $150 stomach bitter. These flasks are well
documented in Mr. Van den Bossche’s
Lot 74 book, Antique Glass Bottles.
Freeblown Chestnut Flask, New Est.: $100 - $200 • Min. bid: $60
England, 1785 - 1820. Bright yel-
lowish olive, almost an olive yellow, Lot 78
chestnut form, crudely applied
gloppy string lip - blowpipe pontil Nailsea Type Flask, probably England,
scar, ht. 5 ½”, near mint; (some typi- 1840 - 1860. Colorless glass with dark
cal fine, light exterior wear, otherwise blue and light pink loopings, cased
perfect). A pretty color, attractive with opaque milkglass, teardrop form,
example, nice crude collar. sheared mouth - glass tipped pontil scar,
ht. 6 7/8”, perfect. You can find these or-
Est.: $250 - $400 • Min. bid: $150 nate looped Nailsea type flasks in a great
variety of color combinations. Together,
Lot 75 they can create quite a beautiful collec-
tion that is still very affordable.
Early Freeblown Chestnut Bottle,
Eastern U.S., possibly South Jersey, Est.: $175 - $350 • Min. bid: $100
1740 - 1780. Yellowish olive green,
plump chestnut form with grace- Lot 79
fully tapering shoulders, outward
rolled mouth - blowpipe pontil scar, Nailsea Type Flask, probably England,
ht. 9 ½”; (a number of shallow open 1850 - 1880. Colorless with opaque
surface bubbles, a band of moderate white loopings accented with four
to fairly heavy exterior wear around wide cranberry-colored bands of glass
the mid-body). Absolutely filled with extending from the pontil to the sheared
bubbles. If you like crude, bubbly mouth, flattened ovoid form, sheared
glass, you will love this bottle. A and fire polished mouth - glass tipped
scarce color for this type of Chestnut. pontil scar, ht. 8 ½”; (some typical light
exterior high point wear on the flattened
Est.: $600 - $1,200 • Min. bid: $300 sides, otherwise very near mint). A
pretty flask, different with the added
Lot 76 vertical bands of color.
Freeblown “Bocksbeutel”, Ger- Est.: $150 - $250 • Min. bid: $100
many, 1830 - 1860. Rich, medium to
deep reddish amber, squatty plump Lot 80
chestnut form, sheared mouth with
an applied flat narrow string rim - Early Pattern Molded Leech Bowl,
blowpipe pontil scar, ht. 5 3/8”; (a probably England, 1860 - 1875. Trans-
couple of light scratches and some lucent light to medium Robin’s-egg-
minor exterior wear). This example blue, compressed globular form with 18
is a little smaller than normal and wide, melon type vertical ribs, sheared
also in a very attractive reddish tone. and outward flared thin flanged lip -
See VdB, plate 218. Ex. Charles B. glass tipped pontil scar, ht. 2 3/8”, near
Gardner collection, # 2911. mint; (a little faint interior milkiness near
the base, otherwise perfect). A beauti-
Est.: $100 - $200 • Min. bid: $60 ful little (traveling) leech bowl, delicate
scarce color, and particularly nice with
the pattern molding.
Est.: $250 - $450 • Min. bid: $150
PAGE 16 American Glass Gallery, Auction #12 • Closing May 28, 2014
81 Lot 85
(NOTE: canes are not shown to scale)
Lot of (3) Turtle Whimsies,
Lot 81 82 America, Bridgeton or possibly
Millville, NJ, 1890 - 1920’s. All
Freeblown 84 (3) are cobalt blue with drawn,
Glass Cane crimped feet, tooled heads,
Whimsey, 83 (2) domed shells, 5 3/8”, 6 ½”, and
America, 1880 6 7/8”; (one example is near
- 1920. Color- mint with a tiny flake on foot
less with bands and minor wear; 2nd example
of blue, blood red, with missing front feet; 3rd
and yellow swirled example with a missing rear foot and tail and a 3/8” flake at side of neck). A
throughout, hollow great lot of cobalt turtles. It is very unusual to find even a single cobalt ex-
shaft with a bulbous ample. Found in the Bridgeton, NJ area.
handle, sheared and
open tip, length 57”, Est.: $300 - $500 • Min. bid: $150
perfect! This example,
and the next three lots, Lot 86
were a recent find from
an estate in Maryland. A Freeblown Turtle Whimsey,
beautiful cane, outstand- probably a South Jersey glass-
ing condition. house, 1890 -1920. Greenish
aquamarine, figural turtle with
Est.: $150 - $250 drawn, crimped feet, tooled
Min. bid: $100 head, domed shell with crude,
pebbly texture, length, 6 3/8”,
Lot 82 near mint; (tiny bit of expected
light wear, otherwise perfect).
Freeblown Glass Cane A good, clean example. These
Whimsey, America, 1880 - turtles were typically offhand
1920. Opaque miklglass with pieces made at numerous glasshouses as early as the mid-1800’s, and often
red, blue and green candy utilized as doorstops or paperweights.
stripe threads of glass swirled
throughout, hollow shaft with Est.: $100 - $200 • Min. bid: $60
a bulbous handle, sheared and
open tip, length 49 ½”, perfect. Lot 87
A striking and different example.
Early Freeblown Milkbowl, America,
Est.: $150 - $250 • Min. bid: $100 possibly Midwest, 1820 - 1840. Beauti-
ful golden honey color, deep cylindrical
Lot 83 bowl with nearly straight sides flaring
slightly to a solid tooled and outward
Lot of (2) Freeblown Glass Cane folded rim - blowpipe pontil scar, ht. 5
Whimsies, America, 1880 - 1920. 1st ½”, rim dia. also 5 ½”, near mint; (some
cane is very pale aqua with dark blue light exterior “bloom” and exterior us-
and red strips swirled throughout; 2nd age wear and light scratches around pe-
example is colorless with yellow, tanger- rimeter of sides near base). A beautiful
ine and pale pinkish milkglass stripes; bowl with some subtle streaks of amber
both with hollow shafts and handles, swirling through the body. Also, plenty
sheared and tips, lengths: 48 ¾” & 42 ¼” of “earthy” honest wear.
respectively; 1st cane is perfect; 2nd has a
¼” crack and a little flaking at the tip. Est.: $500 - $800 • Min. bid: $300
Est.: $150 - $250 • Min. bid: $100 Lot 88
Lot 84 Small Freeblown Jar, America or pos-
sibly Continental, 1815 - 1835. Light to
Lot of (3) Freeblown Glass Cane Whimsies, medium sea green, cylindrical bowl with
America, 1880 - 1920. (2) Pale aqua, (1) color- straight sides, wide neck with a thin,
less example. Both aqua examples with hollow outward flared lip - glass tipped pontil
twisted shafts; clear example has a hollow shaft scar, ht. 4 1/8”, rim diameter 3 7/8”,
with tight twisting below handle, square shaft to very near mint; (some age-appropriate
midsection, followed by twisting to the tip; all with base and light exterior wear, otherwise
bulbous handles, sheared tips, lengths, clear: perfect). A scarce, eye-appealing, di-
42 ¼”; aqua examples: 54” and 55 3/8”; (tip on minutive size, wonderful condition. Also,
clear cane is missing, tip on one aqua cane may be very nice color, much scarcer than it’s
incomplete; the other is perfect). aquamarine counterparts.
Est.: $100 - $200 • Min. bid: $60 Est.: $400 - $700 • Min. bid: $250
American Glass Gallery, Auction #12 • Closing May 28, 2014 PAGE 17
Lot 89 Lot 93
Large Cream Jug or Pitcher, America “SKILTON FOOTE & CO’S / TRADE
or England, 1820 - 1850. Deep, violet MARK” / (Monument, Trees, Fence &
cobalt blue, compressed barrel form Barrels) / “BUNKER HILL PICKLES”,
with two, three-thread hoops encircling America, 1880 - 1895. Aquamarine,
the body, applied solid ear-shaped in the form of the famous Cape May,
handle - polished pontil scarred base, NJ lighthouse, tooled sloping collared
ht. 6 5/8” near mint; (some expected mouth - smooth base, ht. 7 7/8”, near
light exterior usage wear). See, The attic mint; (a tiny, pinprick bit of rough-
Glass Industry in South Boston, Kaiser, ness on the edge of the lip, otherwise
pl.35 for similar example. A beautiful, perfect). Z p.376. Scarce size, and with
early blown pitcher. Ex. Jayne DuPont very crisp, strong embossing.
Lunger collection.
Est.: $400 - $600 • Min. bid: $200
Est.: $600 - $900 • Min. bid: $300
Lot 94
Lot 90
Cathedral Peppersauce Bottle, Amer-
Pair of Small Blown Colognes or ica, 1845 - 1855. Deep aquamarine,
Vinegar Bottles, America, probably a square with gothic arched panels (two
South Boston area glassworks, 1840 with embossed windows), below trefoil
- 1870. Both are colorless, tapered designs on neck, applied round collared
cylinder form with nine flat panels, mouth with lower bevel - blowpipe pontil
applied round heavy bar lips - pol- scar, ht. 8 7/8”, perfect. A great example
ished pontil scarred bases, ht. 6 ¼”, of this bottle with good strong color,
near mint; (one example has a small outstanding condition.
pinhead flake on a panel edge, second
example has a light ring of haze on the Est.: $175 - $275 • Min. bid: $90
interior of the shoulder). A recent find
from a Massachusetts attic. Lot 95
Est.: $100 - $200 • Min. bid: $60 Large Cathedral Pickle Jar, America,
1860 - 1875. Aquamarine, square with
Lot 91 beveled corners, gothic arched panels,
three with scalloped designs around
“SHRIVER’S / OYSTER / KETCHUP edge, applied ring type collared mouth
/ BALTIMORE”, probably Baltimore - early smooth base, ht. 13 7/8”, near
Glass Works, Baltimore, MD, 1855 mint; (just a little spotty faint interior
- 1865. Beautiful apricot amber, cylin- milkiness in one of the corners and
drical, applied sloping collared mouth lower third of one panel). The noted
- iron pontil scar, ht. 7 ¼”; (lightly light haze area is minor. Very large size,
cleaned to original luster and near almost 14 inches!
mint condition with a little light exterior
wear remaining; a small pinhead bit of Est.: $200 - $400 • Min. bid: $120
roughness on the edge of the lip, very
likely in-manufacture). A very scarce Lot 96
bottle, bright, sparking, beautiful color,
and heavily whittled! Large Cathedral Pickle Jar, America,
1860 - 1875. Aquamarine, square with
Est.: $1,500 - $2,500 • Min. bid: $800 beveled corners, gothic arched panels,
three with quatrefoil design and beaded
Lot 92 trefoil motif, applied ring type collared
mouth - smooth base, ht. 11 5/8”, near
“SHRIVER’S / OYSTER / KETCHUP mint; (a minor, 3/16” shallow flake on
/ BALTIMORE”, probably Baltimore the edge of the rolled collar, otherwise
Glass Works, Baltimore, MD, 1855 pristine). Similar to MW, plate 74, #12.
- 1865. Citron green with a slight A bright, clean, sparkling example.
olive tone, cylindrical, applied sloping
collared mouth - iron pontil scar, ht. 7 Est.: $125 - $225 • Min. bid: $70
3/8”; (a dug bottle that does not ap-
pear to have been cleaned, with a little
light exterior wear and minor interior
stain, but with virtually all of it’s original
luster). Another eye-appealing, very
scarce color, highly whittled.
Est.: $1,500 - $2,500 • Min. bid: $800
PAGE 18 American Glass Gallery, Auction #12 • Closing May 28, 2014
Lot 97 Lot 101
Set of (4), “MILLVILLE / ATMO- Target Ball, England, 1880 - 1895.
SPHERIC / FRUIT JAR - WHITALL’S Cobalt blue, patterned in rows of small
PATENT / JUNE 18TH 1861” Jars, blocks or squares and with a blank
America, probably Whitall-Tatum & Co, center band, rough sheared mouth, dia.
Millville, NJ, 1862 - 1880. All are aqua 2 5/8”, perfect. A pretty ball with plenty
with “WHITALL’S PATENT / JUNE of tiny bubbles. Provenance: Ex. Alex
18TH 1861” on glass lids, original iron Kerr collection.
yoke clamps, PT, QT, 56 & 72 OZ; (PT, Est.: $125 - $250 • Min. bid: $80
QT & 56 OZ jars are mint with a couple
of minor flakes on edge of lids; the 72 Lot 102
OZ jar with ¼” bruise on edge of inner
lip, 1/8” flake on outer edge of lip). Target Ball, France, 1880 - 1895. Cobalt
RB #2181. blue, patterned with rows of large blocks
or squares and a blank center band,
Est.: $200 - $400 • Min. bid: $120 outward flared rough sheared mouth,
dia. 2 5/8”, perfect. Provenance: Ex. Alex
Lot 98 Kerr collection.
Est.: $100 - $175 • Min. bid: $60
Set of (3), “MILLVILLE / ATMO-
PATENT / JUNE 18TH 1861” Jars,
Whitall-Tatum & Co, Millville, NJ, 1862 “VAN CUTSEM - A ST QUENTIN”
- 1875. All are aqua with “WHITALL’S Target Ball, France, 1880 - 1895. Deep
PATENT / JUNE 18TH 1861” on vivid cobalt blue, quilted diamond pat-
domed glass lids, original iron yoke tern with center band, rough sheared
clamps, PT, QT and 72 OZ; (PT has a mouth, dia. 2 5/8”, perfect. Provenance:
sliver and 1/8” chip on inside edge of Ex. Alex Kerr collection.
lip; QT has a ¼” flake on outer edge of Est.: $100 - $175 • Min. bid: $60
lip; 72 OZ has an 1/8” flake on outside
edge of lip, a few spots of minor rough-
ness on inner lip ring). RB #2183.
Est.: $500 - $700 • Min. bid: $300
Lot 99
America, probably Whitall-Tatum & Co,
Millville, NJ, 1862 - 1875. Aquamarine,
1861” on domed glass lid - smooth un-
marked base, ½ pint; (the jar and glass
lip are perfect, the metal thumbscrew
and hardware is likely a reproduction).
RB #2185.
Est.: $175 - $350 • Min. bid: $100
Lot 100 Lot 104
“WW GREENER ST MARYS WORKS Lot of (2), 3-Piece Mold Target Balls,
/ BIRMM & HAYMARKET LONDON” America, 1880 -1895. Sapphire blue
Target Ball, England, 1880 - 1895. and bright, light golden amber, both
Cobalt blue, quilted diamond pattern are unembossed with rough sheared
with a center band, rough sheared mouths, 2 5/8” dia, very near mint;
mouth, dia. 2 5/8”, perfect. A very nice (both balls have just the slightest touch
example of this ball, a little deeper in of extremely light interior spottiness
color, and with strong, crisp emboss- or residue, most of which would likely
ing! Provenance: Ex. Alex Kerr wash out, otherwise perfect). The amber
collection. ball has nice character with some whit-
tling and unevenness to the glass.
Est.: $175 - $275 • Min. bid: $100 Ex. Alex Kerr collection.
Est.: $175 - $350 • Min. bid: $100
American Glass Gallery, Auction #12 • Closing May 28, 2014 PAGE 19
Lot 105 Lot 109
“HAYWARD HAND GRENADE FIRE Large, Sided, Fluted Master Ink Bot-
EXTINGUISHER / NEW YORK”, tle, America, 1850 - 1860. Beautiful,
America, 1875 - 1895. Aquamarine, deep yellowish olive green, 12-sided,
cylindrical with a diamond design large fluted shoulders, applied sloping
around the shoulders above heavy collar with tooled pour spout - large
“V” shaped vertical ribbing, tooled iron pontil, ht. 12” (gallon), near mint;
ring type collar - “DESIGN PATD” (on (a shallow ¼” x 3/8” flake at the edge
smooth base), ht. 7 5/8”, perfect, with of the base on one of the side panels,
original contents; (crimped metal clo- otherwise perfect). C #781. Ex. Wil-
sure is corroded). Note; scarce larger liam Covill collection. Believed to be
size for this grenade! a unique example and perhaps one of
the most impressive and eye-appeal-
Est.: $125 - $225 • Min. bid: $70 ing of all the master ink bottles.
Lot 106 Est.: $7,500 - $12,500 • Min. bid: $4,000
“STAR” (inside 5-pointed star) / Lot 110
EXTINGUISHER”, America, 1884 - Sided, Fluted Master Ink Bottle,
1895. Brilliant turquoise blue, ribbed America, 1845 - 1860. Bright, yellow
melon body with wide center ring, green with an olive tone, 12-sided,
sheared and ground mouth - “MAY fluted shoulders, applied sloping col-
27 84” (on smooth base), ht. 7 7/8”, lared mouth with tooled pour spout
perfect with original contents, neck - blowpipe pontil scar, ht. 5 ¾”; (pro-
wire, and small remnants of neck fessionally cleaned to original luster
label remaining. Scarce larger size, with some light exterior wear scratches
outstanding condition. remaining). A very rare master ink
bottle and little “cousin” to Lot #109,
Est.: $100 - $200 • Min. bid: $60 this one having the blowpipe pontil
scar. Beautiful color.
Lot 107
Est.: $800 - $1,200 • Min. bid: $500
“STAR” (inside 5-pointed star) /
EXTINGUISHER”, America, 1884
- 1895. Brilliant, deep grass green, “HOHENTHAL / BROTHERS & CO
ribbed melon body with wide center / INDELIBLE / WRITING INK / N.Y.”
ring, sheared and ground mouth - Master Ink, New England, 1845 -
“MAY 27 84” (on smooth base), ht. 7 1855. Medium olive amber, cylindrical,
7/8”, perfect with original contents, applied sloping collared mouth with
neck wire, and small remnants of neck tooled pour spout - sand type pontil
label remaining. Scarce larger size, scar, ht. 8 7/8”, near mint; (a touch of
very scarce, beautiful color. typical light exterior wear; slightly weak
impression, mainly towards the base
Est.: $250 - $450 • Min. bid: $150 as is common, otherwise mint). A rare,
early New England master ink with
Lot 108 beautiful, seedy, bubbly glass.
“STAR” (inside 5-pointed star) / Est.: $1,200 - $1,800 • Min. bid: $700
EXTINGUISHER”, America, 1884 - Lot 112
1895. Medium amber, ribbed melon
body with wide center ring, sheared “HOHENTHAL / BROTHERS & CO
and tooled mouth - “MAY 27 84” (on / INDELIBLE / WRITING INK / N.Y.”
smooth base), ht. 8”, virtually attic Master Ink, New England, 1845 -
mint and with original contents; (a few, 1855. Medium olive green, cylindrical,
tissue-paper-thin, small open surface applied sloping collared mouth with
bubbles and faint wear, otherwise, per- tooled pour spout - sand type pontil
fect!) Scarce larger size, rare color! scar, ht. 7”, near mint; (just a trace
of light exterior wear and a couple of
Est.: $400 - $600 • Min. bid: $250 faint, superficial light scratches on the
reverse, otherwise perfect). C #766.
A very nice example, good strength of
embossing, crude, whittled glass.
Est.: $1,200 - $1,800 • Min. bid: $700
PAGE 20 American Glass Gallery, Auction #12 • Closing May 28, 2014
Lot 113 Lot 117
Master Ink Bottle, America, 1845 - INK” Master Ink Bottle, America, 1845
1855. Cobalt blue, cylindrical, applied - 1855. Aquamarine, 10-sided, sheared
wide flanged mouth - heavy blowpipe and inward rolled mouth - blowpipe
pontil scar, ht. 7 1/8”, mint. C #765. pontil scar, ht. 3 1/8”, very near mint;
Rare size, good strong embossing, (the bottle may have been lightly
beautiful color, outstanding condition. cleaned, but certainly presents itself as
Not an easy one to find in this size and virtually attic mint). A very rare bottle
condition. with strong, crisp embossing, outstand-
ing condition.
Est.: $1,800 - $3,200 • Min. bid: $1,000
Est.: $500 - $800 • Min. bid: $250
Lot 114 Lot 118
“HARRISON / COLUMBIAN / INK” “B-U-T-L-E-R” Ink Bottle, America,
Master Ink Bottle, America, 1845 1840 - 1854. Light yellowish apple
- 1855. Deep, vivid cobalt blue, green, octagonal, sheared and inward
cylindrical, applied wide flanged mouth rolled mouth - blowpipe pontil scar, ht. 1
- heavy blowpipe pontil scar, ht. 5 ½”, ¾”; (lightly cleaned to original luster and
very near mint; (a little interior residue near mint condition). A crudely little ink
or light haze on the sides near the from Cincinnati, very early, in a rare mold
base, some of which may wash out, and rare color. In the book, Inks - 150
otherwise perfect). Another scarce Years of Bottles and Companies, by Ed
size, this one being nicely whittled, and Lucy Faulkner, an extremely rare yel-
and in about as deep of color as they low green example is noted on p.17.
Est.: $300 - $500 • Min. bid: $170
Est.: $1,400 - $2,800 • Min. bid: $800
Lot 119
Lot 115
“HARRISON / COLUMBIAN / INK” America, 1847 - 1860. Medium to deep
Master Ink Bottle, America, 1845 - aquamarine, octagonal, eight flat shoulder
1855. Cobalt blue, cylindrical, applied panels, sheared and inward rolled mouth
wide flanged mouth - blowpipe pontil - blowpipe pontil scar, ht. 1 7/8”; (lightly
scar, ht. 3 7/8”, perfect! C #195. An cleaned to original luster and virtually attic
outstanding example, strong emboss- mint condition). C#531, MW, plate 76,
ing, strong color, nicely whittled. #12. A very attractive example, brilliant
glass, good deep color.
Est.: $800 - $1,200 • Min. bid: $500
Est.: $120 - $240 • Min. bid: $70
Lot 116 Lot 120
Lot of (2), “STAFFORD’S / INK” Umbrella Ink, America, 1840 - 1860.
Master Ink Bottles (both with original Light to medium blue green, 8-sided
labels), America, 1880 - 1895. Bright, umbrella form, sheared and inward
yellowish lime green and deep blue rolled mouth - delicate blowpipe pontil
green, almost a teal blue, both are cy- scar, 2 ¼” ht. x 2 1/8” wide, mint. Simi-
lindrical with applied collared mouths lar to C #135. A nice clean example.
and pinched pour spouts - smooth
bases, ht. 7 ¾” and 9 ¾” respectively, Est.: $150 - $250 • Min. bid: $80
both attic mint. Pretty colors, both with
98% complete, original labels. An eye-
appealing pair of master inks, about as
original and nice as you can find.
Est.: $175 - $350 • Min. bid: $100
American Glass Gallery, Auction #12 • Closing May 28, 2014 PAGE 21
Lot 121 Lot 125
Teakettle Inkwell, England or Lot of (2), Early Labeled Blacking
America, 1860 - 1880. Bubbly lime Bottles, America, 1830 - 1840. Both
green, teakettle form with seven wide are shades of light seafoam or bluish
concave panels, each separated by a green, square with tooled thin flanged
deep vertical groove, rough sheared lips - blowpipe pontil scars, ht. 4 5/8”;
lip - smooth base, ht. 1 5/8”, near (one with 1/8” chip, 2nd example with
mint; (natural roughness and a small ¼” chip off edge of flanged mouth;
1/8” sliver flake on the sheared lip both with dried contents on interior,
that almost certainly occurred during minor spots and stains on both labels).
manufacture, tiny bit of light high point See MW, pl. 75, #4. Both labels read,
wear, otherwise perfect). C #1252. A “BLACK / LEATHER / VARNISH”. An
scarce little teakettle, nice and bubbly, exceptional pair, outstanding original
beautiful color. labels.
Est.: $300 - $500 • Min. bid: $150 Est.: $600 - $900 • Min. bid: $300
Lot 122 Lot 126
Freeblown Covered Inkwell, prob- “ADR / ALBANY” Blacking Bottle,
ably America, possibly Philadelphia or probably a New York State glasshouse,
Kensington Glassworks, 1810 - 1840. possibly Albany Glassworks, 1845 -
Deep, vivid cobalt blue, compressed 1855. Light blue green, oval, sheared,
cylindrical body with a short neck, tooled and inward rolled mouth - blow-
sheared and fire polished mouth - pipe pontil scar, ht. 4 ¾”, near mint; (a
matching domed cover with an ap- small area of very light dullness or faint
plied, delicate, solid knopf finial - both haze on the reverse, a minor trace of
cover and base of inkwell with glass exterior wear). A thin, delicate example,
tipped punty scar, ht. 1 7/8” (including strongly embossed. Blown for Abraham
cover), near mint; (a minor 1/8” flake D. Rosekrans, ink and blacking manufac-
on the shoulder of the cover, otherwise turers, Albany, New York.
perfect). C #1064.
Est.: $150 - $300 • Min. bid: $80
Est.: $200 - $400 • Min. bid: $120
Lot 127
Lot 123
Exceptional Freeblown Snuff Jar (with
“J - & - I - E - M” Turtle Ink, America, original label, cork and partial contents),
1865 - 1890. Golden amber, cylindrical possibly an early Connecticut glass-
with six square panels around body, house, 1820 - 1835. Beautiful olive
domed shoulders and offset neck, yellow, square with domed shoulders,
sheared and ground mouth - smooth drawn-up neck with sheared mouth -
base, ht. 1 5/8”, very near perfect; (a blowpipe pontil scar, ht. 4 ½”, per-
couple of tiny, shallow pinhead open fect. Original label (approx. 80 - 85%
surface bubbles, otherwise attic mint). complete), has standing Indian, “BEST
C #628. A very scarce color, beautiful / VIRGI / NIA” (on barrel) / “LORIL-
example! LARD’S / MACCOBOY SNUFF”, below.
Outstanding character, crudity, color
Est.: $400 - $600 • Min. bid: $250 and condition!
Lot 124 Est.: $800 - $1,200 • Min. bid: $400
“DAVID’S” Turtle Ink, America, 1865 Lot 128
- 1885. Light yellowish golden amber,
cylindrical with domed shoulders and Early Dip Mold Snuff Jar (with original
offset neck, sheared and fire polished label), probably New England, 1840 -
mouth - smooth base, ht. 1 ¾”, spar- 1850. Medium olive green, square with
kling attic mint. C #617. A very scarce beveled corners, sheared and tooled
turtle, especially in this color and mouth - blowpipe pontil scar, ht. 4
condition. Provenance: Ex. Howard 7/8”, virtually attic mint; (original label
Crowe collection. is approximately 90% complete, a little
darkened, and may have at some point,
Est.: $400 - $600 • Min. bid: $250 been coated with a material to help
preserve it). A slightly different Indian,
barrel, and street address on this label.
Est.: $200 - $400 • Min. bid: $120
PAGE 22 American Glass Gallery, Auction #12 • Closing May 28, 2014
Lot 129 Lot 133
Early Freeblown Snuff Jar (with origi- “WHARTON’S / WHISKEY / 1850 /
nal label), probably an early Connecti- CHESTNUT GROVE”, America, 1857
cut glasshouse, 1820 - 1835. Clear - 1870. Medium amber, flattened ewer
olive yellow, rectangular with wide form, applied solid handle, tooled and
beveled corners, rounded shoulders flared mouth with pour spout - “WHIT-
with slightly offset neck and sheared NEY GLASS WORKS / GLASSBORO
mouth - blowpipe pontil scar, ht. 4 ¼”, NJ” (on smooth base), ht. 10”, near
very near mint; (tiny pinhead flake on mint; (just a slight trace of typical light
sheared lip, otherwise perfect). Origi- exterior wear; a very minor patch of
nal label approx. 85% complete, very “bloom” or faint dullness near the base,
similar to lot #127, with Indian, barrel, otherwise perfect). MW, plate 48, #6.
and address. Glass is loaded with Ex. Charles B. Gardner collection.
impurities and tiny seed bubbles.
Est.: $600 - $900 • Min. bid: $400
Est.: $500 - $800 • Min. bid: $250
Lot 134
Lot 130
Early Dip Mold Snuff Jar (with original Handled Whiskey Jug, America, 1855 -
label), probably New England, 1840 - 1865. Beautiful coppery-apricot amber,
1850. Medium olive green, rectangular ovoid form, applied solid ear-shaped
with beveled corners, sheared and handle, applied blob collar - sand type
tooled mouth - blowpipe pontil scar, pontil scar, ht. 8 ½”, near mint; (some
ht. 4 1/8”, very near mint; (tiny pinhead typical very light exterior wear; a 1” area
flake on edge of sheared mouth). of minor roughness along the edge of
Although the label is somewhat dark- the handle that is not uncommon, most
ened, it remains very readable and with of which likely occurred during manu-
excellent graphics, this example of the facture). A beautiful example, heavily
Maccaboy Snuff having the 110 Water whittled, gorgeous scarce color!
Street, N.Y. address.
Est.: $400 - $700 • Min. bid: $250
Est.: $250 - $450 • Min. bid: $150
Lot 131 Lot 135
Early Dip Mold Snuff Jar, America, Large Applied Handle Spirits Jug,
probably New England, 1820 - 1835. America, 1850 - 1860. Medium to deep
Medium olive with a slight yellowish dusty rose coloration with some puce
tone, square with domed shoulders, an and apricot tones, 2-pc. mold, pear
extended neck, sheared, tooled, and form, applied solid ear-shaped handle
slightly flared mouth - light sand type curled at lower attachment, applied blob
pontil scar, ht. 6 1/8”, near mint; (a collar - iron pontil scar, ht. 7 3/8”, very
touch of light exterior wear, otherwise near mint; (a ¼” surface bubble near the
perfect). Similar to MW, plate 75, #11, side mold seam has a slight opening
but this example having a somewhat in the cove glass, and just the slightest
unusual “neck” for a snuff jar. It is trace of light exterior wear, otherwise
possible that it may be a bit earlier perfect). Fantastic color, excellent
than indicated. condition.
Est.: $500 - $800 • Min. bid: $250 Est.: $300 - $600 • Min. bid: $180
Lot 132 Lot 136
Small, Early Dip Mold Snuff Jar, Freeblown Applied Handle Spirits
America, probably New England, 1825 Jug, America, 1845 - 1855. Bright
- 1840. Bubbly, pure olive, almost a honey amber, bulbous ovoid body,
forest green, square with wide beveled applied solid ear-shaped handle curled
corners, sheared, tooled and slightly at lower attachment, applied sloping
flared mouth - blowpipe pontil scar, ht. collared mouth - blowpipe pontil scar,
4 1/8”, near mint; (a few minor open ht. 5 7/8”, virtually attic mint; (a small
surface bubbles, otherwise virtually spot of very minor roughness on the
attic mint). Similar to McK, plate 228, edge of curl attachment, which is typi-
#12. A scarce form, small size, beauti- cal, and almost certainly occurred at
ful color, and absolutely full of bubbles! manufacture). A clean, bright example,
Est.: $225 - $450 • Min. bid: $120 outstanding condition.
Pictured on this page: (from left to right) Lot 123, Lot 117, Lot 50, Lot 174Est,.: $L15o0t- $127503•, MLino. btid2: $38,0 Lot 78.
American Glass Gallery, Auction #12 • Closing May 28, 2014 PAGE 23
Lot 137 Lot 141
“IMPERIAL / LEVEE. / J. NOYES. “LONDON” (backwards N’s) /
Cluster of Grapes and Tree, America, - (Horse and Rider), America, 1858
1855 - 1865. Beautiful yellowish - 1865. Deep olive green, square with
amber, cylindrical, applied collared beveled corners, applied sloping col-
mouth with flat band - red iron pontil lared mouth - iron pontil scar, ht. 9 ¾”;
scar, ht. 9 5/8”, near mint; (a little light (some scattered light exterior wear
interior content residue, primarily near and a small shallow area on the top
the base). This is the same yellowish edge of the lip that may have been
example that sold in 2005, and be- lightly buffed, otherwise excellent and
lieved to one of the lightest examples displays as near attic mint). A scarce
known. A scarce bottle, rare color, bottle, primarily distributed in the West
great example! during the gold rush era.
Est.: $3,500 - $5,500 • Min. bid: $1,800 Est.: $1,800 - $2,800 • Min. bid: $1,000
Lot 138 Lot 142
Figural Cluster of Grapes and Tree, “LONDON / JOCKEY - CLUB HOUSE /
America, 1855 - 1865. Medium to GIN” - (Horse and Rider), America, 1858
deep amber, cylindrical, applied col- - 1865. Brilliant grass green, square with
lared mouth with flat band - red iron beveled corners, applied sloping collared
pontil scar, ht. 9 3/8”, near mint; (a mouth - iron pontil scar, ht. 9 1/8”, pris-
touch of very faint interior residue and tine perfect. A beautiful and very scarce
light exterior high point wear, other- color, outstanding condition, a great
wise perfect). An impressive bottle. example of this very popular Western gin!
This mold is believed to be every bit
as scarce as the embossed, “Imperial Est.: $2,000 - $4,000 • Min. bid: $1,200
Levee” bottle, and just as attractive.
Provenance: Ex. John April collection. Lot 143
Est.: $1,200 - $2,200 • Min. bid: $800 “W. S. C / CLUB HOUSE GIN” (with
original label), America, 1865 - 1875.
Lot 139 Pure olive, almost a forest green, ta-
pered gin form, applied ring type mouth
“DISTILLED IN 1848 / OLD KEN- - smooth base, ht. 9 1/8”; (a small “fish-
TUCKY / 1849 / RESERVE / BOUR- eye” type bruise on one of the corners
BON / A.M. BININGER & Co. / 19 and just a slight trace of wear, otherwise
BROAD ST. N.Y.”, America, 1850 perfect). Found in an attic in Savan-
- 1860. Medium amber, barrel form, nah, Georgia. Label reads in part: FINE
applied round double collared mouth OLD / CLUB HOUSE / GIN. / W.S.C.
- blowpipe pontil scar, ht. 8”; (some / ROTTERDAM, / HOLLAND. / WM.S.
very light interior residue or haze, a few CORWIN & CO...”. A great example,
shallow pinhead bits of roughness on nice color, extremely rare with label.
the top edge of the lip). A good look-
ing barrel, one of two address variants Est.: $200 - $400 • Min. bid: $120
that you can find in this mold.
Lot 144
Est.: $200 - $400 • Min. bid: $120
Lot 140 America, 1865 - 1875. Medium to deep
olive green, tapered gin form, applied
“DUFFY” / (Rooster Perched sloping collared mouth - smooth base,
on Crescent Moon) / “CRES- ht. 10”, very near mint; (a light 1” scratch
CENT” (inside moon) “SA- on a side panel and 1/8”, onionskin-thin
LOON / 214 / JEFFERSON / open surface bubble, otherwise pristine
STREET / LOUISVILLE / KY.” perfect). A rare, possibly unique Ameri-
Figural Pig, America, 1865 can gin (whiskey) bottle. Note, “WORM-
- 1875. Bright, light golden WOOD” is peened out and remains
yellow shading to a rich, deep barely legible on one of the side panels.
yellowish amber in the head, Found in the Denver, CO area.
rough sheared mouth, length
7 5/8”, near mint; (a ¼” flake off edge of rough sheared mouth; some minor Est.: $300 - $500 • Min. bid: $200
high point wear on reverse). Beautiful light color with plenty of yellow!
Est.: $800 - $1,600 • Min. bid: $500
ColorfWul PyonntikledoMopedsiciSneas .r.s.aparilla
Monk’s Old Bourbon Whiskey For Medicinal Purposes
Woodman’s Sarsaparilla Carters
Dr Robbins Tecumseh Rhuematic Drops
Dr Robertsons Family Medicine
Morse’s Celebrated Syrup SEA OTTER OIL
Lot 189 Lot 193
Lot 190
Lot 181
Lot 70 Lot 196 Lot 68
Lot 179 Lot 209
Lot 213
Ayers Rock RoseDalby’s Carminativ
Mexican Mustang Liniment
Spanish Mixture Swaims Panacea
Mackenzie’s’ Ague & Fever Mixture
Lot 183
Lot 191
Lot 182
Lot 180
Lot 197 Lot 217 Lot 198
PAGE 26 American Glass Gallery, Auction #12 • Closing May 28, 2014
Lot 145 Lot 149
renz & Wightman, Penn Glass Works, ISTERED” / (motif of crown, shield
Pittsburgh, PA, 1863-1872. Yellow- and flags) “TRADE MARK / A.M.F.
ish honey amber, square tapered gin GIANELLI / GENOVA” (with original
form, narrow beveled corners, applied neck and back labels), Canada, 1870 -
sloping collared mouth - “L & W” (on 1880. Gorgeous medium pink am-
smooth base), ht. 9 5/8”; (a very faint, ethyst, tapered cylinder form, applied
1” scratch on one of the panels that is square collar - smooth base, ht. 13
barely noticeable, otherwise sparkling 3/8”; (two, tiny, pinhead bits of rough-
mint). A scarce American gin bottle ness on edge of the mouth, otherwise
normally found in deeper shades of pristine perfect!) R/H #R111. Found in
amber, this being one of the lightest. a Vermont farmhouse attic. Exceptional
and rare with original labels.
Est.: $200 - $400 • Min. bid: $120
Est.: $1,500 - $2,500 • Min. bid: $800
Lot 146
Lot 150
Lot of (5) base embossed,
“S.S.P.” Flasks and (2) “S.S. “BIG / BILL / BEST / BITTERS - “BIG /
PIERCE CO.” Stoneware BILL / BEST / BITTERS”, America, 1890
Jugs, America, 1885 - 1900. - 1905. Medium orange amber near the
Flasks are bright yellowish base shading to a pretty light yellowish
olive, (2) 7-Up or “grass-green” honey in the shoulders, tall pyramid form,
examples, olive yellow, and tooled sloping collared mouth with ring -
lime green, all with strap sides, smooth base, ht. 12”, perfect. R/H #B95.
tooled mouths - “S.S.P.” (on Another attractive example, historical,
smooth bases), (1) ½ pt, (3) pts, believed to named for President (Big
(1) qt. flask; (a minor 1/8” flake on lip of one example, otherwise all are Bill) Taft. See Bob Strickhart’s article in
attic mint!) Three of the flasks have mostly intact, original labels. Sten- Antique Bottle & Glass Collector, August,
ciled jugs, ½ gal. and 2-gal, are both near mint. 2013 for related article.
Est.: $200 - $400 • Min. bid: $120 Est.: $175 - $350 • Min. bid: $100
Lot 147 Lot 151
HERB BITTERS - PATENTED / FEB 1867” (on base), America, 1867 - 1875.
11 / 1868”, America, 1868 - 1875. Beautiful light honey coloration shading
Gorgeous light lemon yellow with a to near yellow in the label panel, figural
strong greenish tone, sheared and ear of corn, applied short tapered collar
ground mouth - smooth base, ht. 12 with ring - smooth base, ht. 12 ½”, per-
1/8”; (a few chips, ½” to 1/8” on back fect. R/H #N8. A nice light, pretty corn,
edge of lip; partially open bubbles on one that will definitely stand out when
dress and back of arm). R/H #B222. compared to most.
A scarce mold (“CELEBRATED”
misspelled), in a rare color. One of Est.: $500 - $800 • Min. bid: $300
the most beautiful, eye-appealing ex-
amples offered in a very long time. Lot 152
Est.: $1,800 - $3,600 • Min. bid: $1,000 “W & Co / N.Y.” Figural Pineapple Bit-
ters, America, 1855 - 1865. Medium to
Lot 148 deep olive green, applied round double
collared mouth - blowpipe pontil scar,
“BROWN’S / CELEBRATED / INDIAN ht. 8 3/8”; (a few minor onion-skin-thin
HERB BITTERS – PATENTED / 1868”, open surface bubbles, some high point
America, 1868 – 1880. Brilliant light wear on the diamond points, a touch of
honey amber with plenty of yellow very faint dullness or exterior “bloom”).
through the arms and upper torso, R/H #P100. A rare, very desirable mold,
figural Indian maiden, sheared and beautiful rich color, nice crude glass! A
inward rolled lip – smooth base, ht. 12 recent lucky find at a Texas estate sale.
¼”, perfect. R/H #B225. A very at-
tractive example, light and bright with Est.: $3,000 - $5,000 • Min. bid: $1,800
plenty of yellow in this one.
Est.: $600 - $900 • Min. bid: $300
American Glass Gallery, Auction #12 • Closing May 28, 2014 PAGE 27
Lot 153 Lot 157
/ PATENTED 1866”, America, 1866 America, 1860 - 1875. Clear light olive
- 1875. Colorless, figural fish, tooled with a mossy tone, barrel form, applied
ring collar - “W.H. WARE / PATENT square collared mouth - smooth base,
1866” (on smooth base), ht. 11 ½”, ht. 9 1/8”, virtually attic mint; (tiny,
near mint; (a ¼” flake on edge of barely noticeable, pinprick speck of
base, an onion-skin-thin open surface roughness on the edge of the collar,
bubble). R/H #F46. Extremely rare. otherwise pristine). R/H #G101. Out-
This is the same example that sold standing and rare color, lighter in tone
thru GW, March, 2012, and the only that most of the other “green” Greeley’s.
clear example to be offered at auction In addition, nicely whittled, clean, and
since the famous Dr. Burton Spiller excellent condition.
sale, May, 2000.
Est.: $4,000 - $6,000 • Min. bid: $2,500
Est.: $6,000 - $8,000 • Min. bid: $3,000
Lot 158
Lot 154
“THE / FISH BITTERS - W.H. WARE America, 1860 - 1875. Pure light to
/ PATENTED 1866”, America, 1866 - medium copper coloration, barrel form,
1875. Stunning, gorgeous olive yellow applied square collared mouth - smooth
coloration, figural fish form, applied base, ht. 9 1/8”, near mint; (a touch of
ring type collar - “W.H. WARE / PAT- typical light exterior wear; a small area
ENT 1866” (on smooth base), ht. 11 of minor roughness on the edge of the
¾”, mint! R/H #F46. Exceptional and square collar that is common on these
rare color, plenty of olive, and very bottles, the type that you can feel, but
similar, if not virtually identical to the is not easy to see). R/H #G101. Good
Dr. Burton Spiller example that sold in color, nicely whittled, and more of a pure
May, 2000. copper than most.
Est.: $8,000 - $14,000 • Min. bid: $5,000 Est.: $500 - $800 • Min. bid: $300
Lot 155 Lot 159
/ PATENTED 1866”, America, 1866 - America, 1860 - 1875. Medium puce
1875. Light to medium citron green, with a strawberry tone, barrel form,
figural fish form, applied ring col- applied square collared mouth - smooth
lar - “W.H. WARE / PATENT 1866” base, ht. 9 1/8”, near attic mint; (a tiny,
(on smooth base), ht. 11 ¾”; (a 3/8” barely pinprick spot of roughness on the
hole drilled in base and a 3/16” flake edge of the square collared mouth; just
on edge of ring collar, a touch of light a minor trace of very light exterior wear,
interior residue that should easily otherwise perfect). R/H #G101. A good
wash out). R/H #F46. A rare, possibly clean example, outstanding condition,
unique color, the same example that nice color.
sold in May, 2011, ABA, Lot 182.
Est.: $500 - $800 • Min. bid: $300
Est.: $2,500 - $4,500 • Min. bid: $1,500
Lot 160
Lot 156
WARE / PATENTED 1866”, America, America, 1862 - 1880. Medium to deep
1866 - 1880. Brilliant yellowish golden, olive yellow, cabin form with 6 logs
figural fish form, applied ring type col- above the label panel, applied sloping
lar - smooth base, ht. 11 ½”; (a ¼” x collared mouth - smooth base, ht. 10”,
½” surface bubble is missing its cover very near mint; (a tiny pinhead spot
glass, otherwise near attic mint). R/H of roughness on the back edge of the
#F44. A pretty, bright example, lighter lip, otherwise virtually attic mint). R/H
and with more yellow and honey tone #D108. A very beautiful, scarce color,
than most (this mold typically being plenty of olive tone, nice density and
found in more of a medium amber excellent clarity to the glass.
Est.: $1,400 - $2,400 • Min. bid: $800
Est.: $300 - $500 • Min. bid: $180
PAGE 28 American Glass Gallery, Auction #12 • Closing May 28, 2014
Lot 161 Lot 165
“ST / DRAKE’S / 1860 / PLANTATION “ST / DRAKE’S / 1860 / PLANTA-
America, 1862 - 1880. Gorgeous light America, 1862 - 1880. Bright golden
honey yellow shading to a clear yellow with some lighter yellowish tones in
along the edges, cabin form with 6 the corners and reddish apricot tones
logs above the label panel, applied near the base, 6 logs above label panel,
sloping collared mouth - smooth base, applied sloping collar - smooth base,
ht. 9 ¾”, sparkling mint! R/H #D108. ht. 9 7/8”, near attic mint; (a bit of light
A brilliant, bright, beautiful color, nice residue that should easily wash out; a
and light all the way to the base. slightly weak impression in the shoul-
der). R/H #D103. Nice color. This is the
Est.: $1,000 - $1,500 • Min. bid: $800 scarcer variant that lacks the “X” over
Lot 162
Est.: $175 - $350 • Min. bid: $100
/ X / BITTERS - PATENTED / 1862”, Lot 166
America, 1862 - 1880. Beautiful honey
yellow, just a bit deeper honey tone “DRAKES / PLANTATION / BITTERS
that the previous lot, cabin form with - PATENTED / 1869”, America, 1869 -
4 logs above label panel, applied 1875. Golden amber, cabin form with 5
sloping collar - smooth base, ht. 10”, logs above the label panel, applied slop-
near mint; (a touch of interior residue, ing collar - smooth base, ht. 9 ¾”; (some
most of which would likely wash out). high point wear along the roof panels;
R/H #D110. Strong embossing, good a ¼” x 5/8” open bubble near the base
color! An attic find from a 4-generation on reverse that appears to have been
family home near Harvard, Mass. smoothed over with a resin). R/H #D109.
The noted bubble is on the reverse, and
Est.: $400 - $700 • Min. bid: $250 not terribly distracting, the bottle displays
very near mint.
Est.: $250 - $400 • Min. bid: $125
Lot 163 Lot 167
/ X / BITTERS - PATENTED / 1862” / (motif of eagle) - “1776” (inside
(with complete, front and back labels), sunburst) - (motif of shield) - “1876”,
America, 1862 - 1880. Yellowish America, 1876 - 1880. Bright honey
golden amber, cabin form with 4 logs amber, square with diamond patterned
above the label panel, applied sloping corners, figural bell shaped shoulders,
collar - smooth base, ht. 10”, perfect. applied sloping collar - smooth base,
R/H #D110. Original labels are dark- ht. 11”; (a tiny pinhead flake and a ½”,
ened a bit, but completely legible and barely visible, iridescent bruise on edge
read in part; “DRAKE’S / PLANTATION lip that is very difficult to see). R/H,
BITTERS / OR OLD / HOMESTEAD p.339. One of the most beautiful and
TONIC” / (image of plantation and ornately embossed bitters molds.
Est.: $500 - $1,000 • Min. bid: $300
Est.: $175 - $350 • Min. bid: $100
Lot 168
Lot 164
(with original front and back labels), BLOOD PURIFIER”, America, 1870 -
America, 1862 - 1880. Amber, cabin 1880. Medium to deep amber, square
form with 6 logs above the label panel, with beveled corners, applied sloping
applied sloping collar - smooth base, collar - smooth base, ht. 8 7/8”; (a little
ht. 9 7/8”, perfect. R/H #D105. Labels light spotty haze and residue in the
are darkened a bit, but completely leg- shoulders, a couple of light scratches
ible with excellent graphics of an old on one of the side panels, otherwise
plantation and workers. Labeled 6-Log very near mint). R/H #S122. A fairly
variants are scarce. Bottle looks like it rare bottle, very crude glass.
was just pulled from a dusty attic!
Est.: $250 - $450 • Min. bid: $150
Est.: $250 - $450 • Min. bid: $150
American Glass Gallery, Auction #12 • Closing May 28, 2014 PAGE 29
Lot 169 Lot 173
(star) “BITTERS” - (13 stars and EBRATED HEALTH / RESTORING
eagle) - “JOHN. W. STEELE’S / BITTERS - RINDGE. N.H.”, a Stod-
NIAGARA STAR BITTERS” - “1864” dard glasshouse, 1850 - 1860. Bright
- (star) - (star) - (star), America, 1864 yellowish olive amber, rectangular with
- 1875. Beautiful yellowish golden beveled corners, applied square col-
amber, semi-cabin form, applied slop- lar - iron pontil, ht. 7 1/8”, near mint; (a
ing collar - smooth base, ht. 10 1/8”, few faint scratches and some light high
near mint; (shallow, 3/16” bruise on the point wear on the back shoulder; a tiny
inside edge of the mouth, otherwise area of very minor lip roughness that
perfect). R/H #S182. A beautiful, you can feel, but is hard to see). R/H
sparking example. #J38. Outstanding character, beautiful
Est.: $500 - $700 • Min. bid: $300
Est.: $4,000 - $6,000 • Min. bid: $2,500
Lot 170
Lot 174
BITTERS” (with original labels), “JOHN / MOFFAT - NEW_YORK -
America, 1865 - 1875. Emerald green, PHOENIX / BITTERS - PRICE $2,00”,
rectangular semi-cabin, applied slop- a New England glasshouse, 1840 -
ing collar - smooth base, ht. 10 1/8”, 1855. Light to medium yellowish olive,
mint. R/H #A29. 95% complete front rectangular with beveled corners, applied
label, 85-90% complete rear label. sloping collared mouth - sand type pontil
“WILLIAM ALLEN / MANUFACTURER scar, ht. 7”, virtually attic mint; (just a
& PROPRIETOR, / FORT EDWARD, very minor touch of faint exterior wear
N.Y.” (on label). Beautiful color, near the base, otherwise perfect). R/H
extremely rare with original labels. #M108. A very rare and difficult mold to
Ex. William Osgood, Ex. Charles B. obtain, and in exceptional condition.
Gardner collections.
Est.: $3,000 - $5,000 • Min. bid: $1,800
Est.: $3,000 - $5,000 • Min. bid: $1,800
Lot 175
Lot 171
STOMACH BITTERS”, America, 1855 DOLLAR”, a New England glasshouse,
- 1865. Beautiful teal green, square 1840 - 1855. Light to medium yellowish
with beveled corners, applied sloping olive with a slight amber tone, shading
collar with bevel - iron pontil scar, ht. to almost black in one of the base cor-
10”, very near mint; (a ¼”, shallow ners, rectangular with beveled corners,
open bubble on a corner edge). R/H crudely applied ring type collared mouth
#L60. The bottle may have been lightly - light sand type pontil scar, ht. 5 ¼”,
cleaned, but if so, certainly presents virtually pristine perfect. R/H #M113.
itself as virtually attic mint. A beautiful A crude example, scarce mold, great
color, nice clarity, excellent example! A color! Ex. Carlyn Ring collection.
popular bottle that is generally found
on the west coast. Est.: $1,200 - $2,200 • Min. bid: $700
Est.: $1,500 - $2,500 • Min. bid: $1,000 Lot 176
MEDICINES / PAT. OCT. 25. 81” (with
“DR A. W. COLEMAN’S - ANTI DYS- complete original label and revenue
PEPTIC / AND / TONIC BITTERS”, stamps), Whitall-Tatum Co., Millville,
1850 - 1860. Yellowish emerald, tomb- NJ, 1882 - 1890. Aquamarine, oval,
stone form, applied sloping collar - iron tooled square collar - “W T.& Co” (on
pontil, ht. 9 ¼”; (a trace of light wear smooth base), ht. 6 5/8”; (bottle is
and faint spotty stain on the reverse, perfect, label has some stains). Label
otherwise perfect). R/H #C194. reads in part, “BITTERS, / FOR FEMALE
Previously sold thru. GW, in 2010, and WEAKNESS”...”DOROTHY L. MARTIN,
as noted then, one of the nicest exam- / OXFORD, / WARREN COUNTY, / NEW
ples of this rare bitters, not “Southern JERSEY”. A very rare bottle, believed to
dug” like most, with a fully intact iron be unique with label.
pontil, whittled, strong embossing, and
great color. Est.: $175 - $350 • Min. bid: $100
Est.: $4.000 - $6,000 • Min. bid: $2,500
PAGE 30 American Glass Gallery, Auction #12 • Closing May 28, 2014
Lot 177 Lot 181
(with original label, contents, cork and America, 1845 - 1855. Deep olive
stamp), America, c. 1870 (hand cancel amber in the shoulders shading to black
date on proprietary stamp). Aquama- near the base, cylindrical with four nar-
rine, rectangular with beveled corners, row indented panels, applied sloping
tooled square collar - smooth base, collar with bevel - sand type pontil, ht.
ht. 6 ¼”, perfect! R/H #P123. Original 8”, very near mint; (just a trace of faint
label reads in part, “JUDGE ME BY haze; a tiny, pinhead flake on the inside
MY WORKS: / POOR MAN’S / (Trade edge of the mouth, otherwise perfect!)
Mark) / FAMILY BITTERS, / ... / OSWE- Provenance: Ex. Sam Greer collection.
GO, N.Y.” Remarkable condition, rare Possibly from New Orleans and exceed-
with the original label and contents. ingly rare, one of only two known. A top
Sarsaparilla bottle!
Est.: $150 - $250 • Min. bid: $80
Est.: $5,000 - $10,000 • Min. bid: $3,000
Lot 178
Lot 182
Label only Bitters, “481 / BRAND /
holding bottle of bitters) / “AT / LAST America, 1845 - 1860. Medium sage
/ THE / BEST / PREPARED BY THE / green, cylindrical with 12 indented
ARROW DISTILLERIES CO. / PEO- panels, large applied sloping collared
RIA, ILL. / BUFFALO CO-OPERATIVE mouth - sand type pontil, ht. 8 ½”, spar-
LIQUOR CO., / 481 WASHINGTON St. kling attic mint! This is the scarce mold
BUFFALO, N. Y.”. 1916 - 1920. Amber, lacking the label panel, with an unusually
square, ABM sloping collar - “I” (within long neck, oversized tapered collar, great
diamond) on base, ht. 9 5/8”; (a ¼” color, and filled with tiny seed bubbles
wide flake down side of lip, beneath and impurities. Likely one of the most
the original neck foil). Original label, eye-appealing examples of a Swaim’s
contents, neck foil & seal. that you could hope to find.
Est.: $100 - $150 • Min. bid: $50 Est.: $1,200 - $2,200 • Min. bid: $700
Lot 179 Lot 183
CINE - PREPARED - ONLY BY / T.W. America, 1850 - 1860. Yellowish olive
DYOTT”, Kensington (Philadelphia) amber, almost a yellowish tobacco
Glassworks, 1809 - 1815. Light green, color, cylindrical, applied sloping collar
rectangular with beveled corners, with bevel - iron pontil, ht. 8 1/8”, per-
flanged mouth - blowpipe pontil, ht. 5 fect! Provenance: Ex. Roger Sweetland,
3/8”; (two ½” chips off mouth, also a Ex. Cary Adelman collections. We sold
¼” and 1/8” chip on lip; a tiny flake at this example back in Nov. 2009, as
base edge). See MW, p.80. Very rare part of the Cary Adelman collection. A
and historical, credited as being one of great example in a scarce color (most
the earliest embossed American medi- examples being predominately green
cines. Very strong color and emboss- in color), beautifully whittled, and in
ing, an exceptional piece. outstanding condition.
Est.: $2,000 - $3,500 • Min. bid: $1,200 Est.: $700 - $900 • Min. bid: $400
Lot 180 Lot 184
“RUSHTON & / ASPINWALL - No 86 “D.R. / CLARK / N. YORK” (three oval
WILLIAM ST / & 110 BROADWAY links), America, 1850 - 1860. Rich, deep
- NEW -YORK”, New England, 1835 - emerald, almost a forest green, square
1850. Medium to deep yellow green, with beveled corners, applied sloping
rectangular with beveled corners, ap- collared mouth - iron pontil scar, ht. 9 ¼”,
plied sloping collar - blowpipe pontil, attic mint! A very scarce and desirable
ht. 6 ½”; near mint; (just a touch of pontiled medicine, most examples having
faint wear, primarily near the base, a some form of damage, but not this one.
tiny open bubble on the shoulder, the Crude glass texture, great character, gor-
bottle may have been lightly cleaned, geous color, fully intact iron pontil scar, a
but presents itself as very near mint). great example!
Rare, outstanding color and character!
Est.: $2,500 - $4,500 • Min. bid: $1,500
Est.: $3,000 - $6,000 • Min. bid: $1,800
American Glass Gallery, Auction #12 • Closing May 28, 2014 PAGE 31
Lot 185 Lot 189
America, 1850 - 1860. Clear, medium PURPOSES. - WILSON, FAIRBANK &
blue green, square with beveled cor- Co, / SOLE AGENTS.”, America, 1850
ners, applied sloping collar - large iron - 1860. Bright yellowish olive amber,
pontil scar, ht. 9 ¼”, virtually attic mint; almost a deep olive yellow, square with
(small, tissue-paper-thin open surface beveled corners, applied sloping collar
bubble on side, a tiny, pinhead open - heavy iron pontil scar, ht. 8”, virtually
bubble on edge of lip, otherwise per- attic mint; (tiny, pinhead open bubble,
fect). Odell p.255. A rare sarsaparilla otherwise pristine perfect). Another
from Albany, NY, with nice crude glass gorgeous, eye-appealing color,
texture and beautiful color. exceptional condition.
Est.: $3,000 - $5,000 • Min. bid: $1,800 Est.: $1,000 - $1,500 • Min. bid: $600
Lot 186 Lot 190
EXTRACT / OF YELLOW DOCK - & / PROV. R. I.”, America, 1850 - 1860.
SARSAPARILLA” (with 75% original Clear medium green approaching a light
label), America, 1850 - 1860. Deep, emerald coloration, oval, applied slop-
bubbly aquamarine, square with bev- ing collar - iron pontil, ht. 9”, very near
eled corners, applied sloping collar mint; (a touch of typical light exterior
- sand type pontil scar, ht. 9 ¼”, attic wear, primarily on the reverse, otherwise
mint; (some glass extrusion from mold perfect). N #459. Most examples have
at the side of the neck). Blown for the been dug and cleaned. This example is
S.F. Bennett & Co., Herkimer County, an exception and appears to be an attic
NY. Seedy, frothy glass, with excep- find, and with its fully intact iron pontil. A
tional character and eye-appeal! big, impressive, scarce medicine.
Est.: $600 - $1,200 • Min. bid: $400 Est.: $1,500 - $2,500 • Min. bid: $800
Lot 187 Lot 191
EXTRACT / OF YELLOW DOCK - & EN”, America, 1850 - 1860. Light apple
SARSAPARILLA”, America, 1855 - green, rectangular with beveled corners,
1865. Emerald green, square with applied sloping collared mouth - heavy
beveled corners, applied round double iron pontil scar, ht. 8 7/8”, sparkling attic
collared mouth - early smooth base, mint! Odell p.175; N #466. A scarce
ht. 9 ¼”, perfect. Ex. Dr. Burton Spiller color, beautiful whittled, wavy glass,
collection, #440. A very rare and de- pristine condition, a top example of this
sirable medicine, heavily whittled, gor- bottle.
geous color, lots of eye-appeal. This
choice example was pictured in the Est.: $1,000 - $2,000 • Min. bid: $600
book, A Treasury of American Bottles,
by Ketchum, p.88. Lot 192
Est.: $3,000 - $5,000 • Min. bid: $1,800 “Wm S. DUNHAM - MANUFACTURER
- NEW YORK”, America, possibly a New
Lot 188 York glasshouse, 1845 - 1860. Deep
greenish aqua, almost a light blue green,
“DR GUYSOTT’S - COMPOUND rectangular with beveled corners, applied
EXTRACT / OF YELLOW DOCK - & sloping collar - blowpipe pontil scar, ht.
SARSAPARILLA”, New England, 1845 9 ¾”; (a 3/8” cooling or annealing crack
- 1855. Brilliant yellowish olive, square below collar, on the side of the neck,
with beveled corners, applied sloping otherwise perfect). Provenance: Ex. Sam
collared mouth - sand type pontil scar, Greer collection, #64. Extremely rare,
ht. 9 3/8”, attic mint! Extremely rare in believed to be a unique example.
this color, believed to be one of only
three known. Gorgeous color with Est.: $250 - $450 • Min. bid: $150
excellent clarity, crude glass texture,
outstanding condition, a top example!
Est.: $4,000 - $8,000 • Min. bid: $2,200
PAGE 32 American Glass Gallery, Auction #12 • Closing May 28, 2014
Lot 193 Lot 197
HONDURAS / SARSAPARILLA - or possibly England. 1815 - 1835.
NEW - YORK”, America, 1850 - 1860. Deep blue green with an emerald tone,
Cobalt blue, rectangular, applied slop- conical form, applied thin flanged lip -
ing collar - blowpipe pontil, ht. 10 ¼”; pontil scar, ht. 3 ½”, perfect! MW, plate
(found about 5 years ago in a crawl 79, #4; Odell, p.65. An extremely rare,
space under a porch, the label panel very early pontiled medicine, believed
had a little stain and ground wear and to be unique in this color. Crude glass
was subsequently cleaned to near with strong embossing, exceptional
mint condition with a little light wear condition. Provenance: Ex. Sam Greer
remaining and a couple of tiny, 1/8”, collection #51.
superficial stress lines along the panel
edge). Strong, deep color. Est.: $1,500 - $2,500 • Min. bid: $800
Est.: $4,000 - $8,000 • Min. bid: $2,500 Lot 198
“DR. H. ANDERS” - (motif of sun) / (embossing spiraling around the bottle),
“HAURIEXHAC / FONTEVITALE - W. probably America, 1820 - 1835. Olive
FOSDICK - DR. HENRY ANDERS yellow, cylindrical, thin flanged lip - blow-
/ IODINE WATER / NEW YORK / pipe pontil scar, ht. 3 3/8”, near mint; (the
1855”, America, 1855 - 1860. Beauti- bottle may have been lightly cleaned).
ful, bright citron or yellow green, rect- Likely an American bottle blown for
angular, tooled thin flanged lip, neck the German community. Translated
ground for stopper - blowpipe pontil, embossing: “THE KEISER USES AND
ht. 8 1/8; (a ½” chip off the edge and RECOMMENDS ESSENCE OF ALTONA”.
underside of the flared lip, otherwise Extremely rare, one of two known.
pristine perfect). An extremely rare
pontiled medicine, possibly unique in Est.: $500 - $1,000 • Min. bid: $250
this color.
Lot 199
Est.: $2,000 - $4,000 • Min. bid: $1,200
Lot 195 - ALBANY / N Y” (no periods after the
“N” or “Y”), America, 1850 - 1860.
“COSTER & COXE / CHEMIST’S / Dense tobacco amber in the shoulders,
MONTGOMERY. ALA” (backwards virtually black (amber), through the
“N” in MONTGOMERY), America, remainder of the body, rectangular with
1845 - 1860. Deep olive, rectangular beveled corners, applied sloping collar
with beveled corners, applied sloping - round iron pontil scar, ht. 9 1/8”; (just
collar - sand type pontil, ht. 6 ½”; (a a touch of typical light exterior wear and
dug bottle that has not been cleaned a minor, 1/8” bit of roughness or surface
and retains some light overall haze; bruise on the inside edge of the lip).
light scratches and wear on reverse, a Rare in color, and with the iron pontil.
½” chip on the top and inside edge of
the mouth on the reverse). One of only Est.: $700 - $1,200 • Min. bid: $400
three or four known, and the first to be
offered in more than 20 years. Lot 200
Est.: $1,800 - $3,600 • Min. bid: $1,000 “DR TOWNSEND’S - SARSAPARILLA
- ALBANY / N.Y.” (cross or “X” on plain
Lot 196 panel), America, 1845 - 1860. Rich,
yellowish tobacco amber, square with
“Dr ROBBINS’ - TECUMSEH / RHEU- beveled corners, applied sloping collar
MATIC / DROPS - BOSTON MASS”, - sand type pontil scar, ht. 9 ½”, virtually
America, 1850 - 1860. Sapphire blue, attic mint; (a trace of light exterior wear,
rectangular with beveled corners, otherwise perfect). A scarce mold,
tooled thin flanged lip - blowpipe pontil scarce color, very pretty yellowish tone in
scar, ht. 4 5/8”, near attic mint; (a the shoulders, and great character - the
touch of very light exterior wear). glass being absolutely filled with impuri-
N #522; Odell p.202. A great example ties and seed bubbles.
with strong embossing, beautiful color,
and a perfect thin flanged lip. Very rare, Est.: $700 - $1,200 • Min. bid: $400
especially in this nice condition.
Est.: $2,500 - $4,500 • Min. bid: $1,500
American Glass Gallery, Auction #12 • Closing May 28, 2014 PAGE 33
Lot 201 Lot 205
- ALBANY / N Y” (4 rivet marks on - ALBANY / N.Y.”, America, 1850
each of the 4 flat panels), probably an - 1860. Medium green, almost an emer-
early Stoddard, NH glasshouse, 1845 ald tone, square with beveled corners,
- 1855. Yellowish olive with a very applied sloping collar - “cloverleaf”
slight amber tone, square with beveled iron pontil, ht. 9 3/8”; (some scattered
corners, applied sloping collar - sand light exterior wear and fine scratches,
type pontil, ht. 9 3/8”, near mint; (an otherwise excellent). A heavy, crude ex-
1/8” cooling or stress line in the top of ample that appears to be almost identi-
the lip that almost certainly occurred cal in mold to the previous lot (204),
during manufacture). Nicknamed the but in a slightly different color (and also
“nailhead” mold, and identified as having the “cloverleaf” iron pontil.
“DT3” by Rick Ciralli.
Est.: $300 - $500 • Min. bid: $180
Est.: $300 - $500 • Min. bid: $180
Lot 206
Lot 202
- ALBANY / N Y”, a New England 1850 - 1860. Medium ice blue color-
glasshouse, 1850 - 1860. Yellowish ation, square with beveled corners,
emerald, square with beveled corners, applied sloping collar - heavy iron pontil
applied sloping collar - round iron pon- scar, ht. 9 5/8”; (some scattered light
til scar, ht. 9 5/8”, very near mint; (just haze, a small partially open interior
a small touch of very light wear, other- bubble, some typical light wear, but no
wise pristine perfect). Mold identified other form of damage). A scarce color,
by Rick Ciralli as DT2, this example heavily whittled, nice glass texture. With
has beautiful color and clarity, and also just a day or two in the tumbler, the bottle
excellent character loaded with tiny would almost certainly clean to near attic
bubbles and specks of impurities. mint.
Est.: $500 - $800 • Min. bid: $300 Est.: $250 - $450 • Min. bid: $150
Lot 203 Lot 207
RILLA - ALBANY / N Y”, possibly SAPARILLA - NEW. YORK.”, America,
Saratoga Mountain Glassworks, Mt. 1860 - 1870. Deep bluish aquamarine,
Pleasant, NY, 1846 - 1856. Medium to almost a light blue green, square with
deep blue green, almost a teal, square beveled corners, applied sloping collar
with beveled corners, applied sloping - early smooth base, ht. 9 ¾”, attic mint!
collar - round iron pontil, ht. 9 ½”; This is the mold variant with the cham-
(some scattered minor high point wear fered base edges and two rivet marks
and a few light scratches, otherwise on one of the beveled corners. A clean,
excellent). Similar to DT2, but size of sparkling example.
lettering and spacing slightly different,
a period under the “R” in “DR”. Rich Est.: $150 - $250 • Min. bid: $80
color and excellent character.
Lot 208
Est.: $500 - $800 • Min. bid: $300
PHILADA”, America, 1845 - 1855.
“DR TOWNSEND’S - SARSAPA- Greenish aquamarine, rectangular
RILLA - ALBANY / N.Y.”, America, with beveled corners, applied sloping
1850 - 1860. Yellowish green (a touch collar - blowpipe pontil scar, ht. 5 5/8”,
more yellow than Lot 202), square with attic mint! Odell, p.237. An exceptional
beveled corners, applied sloping col- example of this mold, almost “paper-
lar - “cloverleaf” iron pontil, ht. 9 ¼”; weight” heavy, clean and sparkling
(some scattered exterior wear and fine with a large bubble swirling around
scratches; a very minor 3/16” flake at the shoulder and a little ribbon of tiny
base edge, and a tiny, barely pinhead bubbles zig-zagging through the body.
flake at edge of mouth). A heavy,
crude example with a short stubby Est.: $175 - $275 • Min. bid: $100
neck, nice color and the distinct “clo-
verleaf” pontil.
Est.: $300 - $500 • Min. bid: $180
PAGE 34 American Glass Gallery, Auction #12 • Closing May 28, 2014
Lot 209 Lot 213
/ MIXTURE - CLEVELAND OHIO” BOSTON”, America, 1840 - 1850. Pale
(with original label), America, prob- aquamarine, rectangular, tooled thin
ably an early Ohio glasshouse, 1840 flanged mouth - blowpipe pontil scar,
- 1850. Aquamarine, rectangular with ht. 3 3/8”, perfect. One of the early
wide beveled corners, outward rolled products put up by Frederick Brown
mouth - blowpipe pontil scar, ht. 6 ½”, (who also produced the Sarsaparilla &
virtually pristine perfect; (tiny, pinpoint Tomato Bitters). Provenance: Ex. Sam
spot of roughness on the lower rim Greer collection #1521, and believed to
of the rolled collar). Odell, p.155. be a unique example.
Virtually 100% complete label. A very
rare pontiled medicine, believed to be Est.: $500- $1,000 • Min. bid: $300
unique with the label!
Lot 214
Est.: $800 - $1,200 • Min. bid: $400
Lot 210 / BROOKLYN N.Y.”, America, 1855 -
1860. Aquamarine, oval, sheared and
“J.H. CURRIE / NEW YORK” Sar- inward rolled mouth - blowpipe pontil
saparilla Bottle (with 95% original, scar, ht. 3 7/8”, sparkling attic mint.
complete label), America, 1845 - 1860. Odell, p.194. A very scarce little bottle,
Aquamarine, oval, applied ring col- this example being about as nice as you
lar - blowpipe pontil scar, ht. 5 7/8”, could hope to find with attractive, pebbly
perfect. An extremely rare, possibly glass, bubbles, sparkling clean, and with
unique example recently found in the strong embossing.
wall of an old house in Walton, New
York, during its demolition. Label Est.: $125 - $250 • Min. bid: $80
is darkened a bit, but clearly leg-
ible and reads in part, “CURRIE’S / Lot 215
Est.: $175 - $275 • Min. bid: $100 RECOMMENDS / ITSELF.”, America,
1850 - 1860. Aquamarine, oval, applied
Lot 211 narrow disk type collar - blowpipe pontil
scar, ht. 6 ¾”; (professionally cleaned
“BONPLAND’S - FEVER & AGUE / with just a little light wear remaining,
REMEDY - NEW. YORK.” (with 98% primarily on the reverse, and a very
original, complete label), America, faint interior haze). Very rare, only four
1850 - 1860. Aqua, rectangular with known examples, all but one have some
beveled corners, applied sloping form of damage. Slogans on pontiled
collar - blowpipe pontil, ht. 5 1/8”, medicines are very rare.
perfect. Label is darkened a bit, but
very legible. Interesting that the label Est.: $700 - $900 • Min. bid: $400
is in Spanish and the medicine was
likely marketed to the Spanish com- Lot 216
munity. “AGENTE, / EL SENOR D. T.
/ NUEVA YORK” (printed on label). POUND / EXTRACT OF / SARSAPA-
Est.: $100 - $200 • Min. bid: $60 1850 - 1860. Aquamarine, rectangular
with beveled corners, applied round col-
Lot 212 lared mouth with bevel - blowpipe pontil
scar, ht. 7 ¾”, near mint; (a couple of
“DR. W.S. LUNT’S - AGUE KILLER / small patches of very light interior haze,
FINDLAY. O”, America, 1850 - 1860. primarily in a base corner and in the
Brilliant, deep aquamarine, rectan- shoulder area on the reverse). Odell,
gular with beveled corners, applied p.11.
sloping collared mouth - blowpipe
pontil scar, ht. 6 7/8”, sparkling attic Est.: $100 - $200 • Min. bid: $60
mint. Odell, p.152. A rare pontiled
medicine with nice whittling and
character to the glass. Provenance:
Ex. Sam Greer collection #1081.
Est.: $400 - $800 • Min. bid: $200
American Glass Gallery, Auction #12 • Closing May 28, 2014 PAGE 35
Lot 217 Lot 221
“MEXICAN / MUSTANG / LINIMENT”, Lot of (2) Pontiled Medicines, “DR
America, 1845 - 1860. Light blue ARMSTRONG’S - PURE HERB - MED-
green or teal, cylindrical, sheared and ICINE”, and, “DR CLARKE’S - HERB
inward rolled mouth - blowpipe pontil SYRUP”, America, 1845 - 1860. Both
scar, ht. 4 1/8”; (professionally cleaned are aqua, rectangular, sheared rolled
to original luster with just a very faint, lip and applied round double collars
barely visible haze remaining on the - blowpipe pontil scarred bases, ht. 4
interior, a couple of minor ground lines ¾” and 5” respectively; (both appear
near side mold seam). N #444, Odell, to be dug with some overall stain; the
p.168. A scarce color, very strong Armstong’s has a 3/8” hairline crack on
embossing, displays near mint. reverse). Both are Ex. Sam Greer col-
lection. The Armstrong’s is very rare.
Est.: $200 - $300 • Min. bid: $120
Est.: $100 - $200 • Min. bid: $60
Lot 218
Lot 222
“GORDAK’S / DROPS”, America,
1830 - 1840. Pale aquamarine, cylin- “HAYWOOD’S BALM / OF SAVAN-
drical, tooled, thin flanged lip - blow- NAH OR THE / EXTERMINATOR OF
pipe pontil scar, ht. 4 ½”, very near / DANDRUFF”, America, 1850 - 1860.
mint; (a couple of extremely faint, light Aquamarine, oval, applied sloping collar
scratches, otherwise pristine). Odell, - blowpipe pontil scar, ht. 7 ¾”; (profes-
p.97. Considered an early, very rare sionally cleaned with a little light exterior
little medicine, almost eggshell thin, wear remaining, and a very faint, light
and with a perfect flanged lip. Ex. Sam interior haze). Odell, p.108; DF, p.75. An
Greer collection #671. extremely rare pontiled hair bottle. Two
examples of this bottle were in the Greer
Est.: $175 - $350 • Min. bid: $100 collection, both had haze, only one was
damage free.
Lot 219
Est.: $200 - $400 • Min. bid: $120
PULMONARY / BALSAM”, America, Lot 223
1840 - 1850. Aquamarine, cylindri-
cal, tooled thin flanged lip - blowpipe “JEROME’S - HAIR COLOR -
pontil scar, ht. 5 1/8”; (a partially open RESTORER”, America, 1855 - 1865.
narrow vertical bubble on the inside of Bright yellow olive, rectangular with
the neck, otherwise attic mint). Odell, beveled corners, tooled thin flanged lip
p.47. A clean, bright, scarce bottle - blowpipe pontil scar, ht. 6 3/8”, near
from Newbury, Vermont. mint; (lightly cleaned to original luster
and excellent, near mint condition).
Est.: $125 - $225 • Min. bid: $70 Odell, p.132; DF, p.84. Outstanding
color, plenty of green, heavily whittled,
Lot 220 and with a perfect thin flanged lip.
Not an easy one of find in this
“ROWAND’S - IMPROVED / TONIC condition and color.
FEBRIFUGE - PHILADA”, America, Est.: $2,500 - $4,000 • Min. bid: $1,500
1845 - 1860. Aqua, hexagonal ap-
plied sloping collar - blowpipe pontil, Lot 224
ht. 5 ¾”, very near mint; (just a slight
trace of spotty very faint interior haze “JEROME’S - HAIR COLOR -
near the shoulder on a couple of pan- RESTORER”, America, 1860 - 1870.
els, otherwise perfect). Odell, p.207. Cobalt blue, rectangular, tooled thin
A bright, clean, attractive example. flanged lip - smooth base, ht. 6 3/8”;
This is the variant with the word, (lightly cleaned on the exterior to
“IMPROVED”. Very scarce. original luster; a little light interior haze
that would likely clean with just a day or
Est.: $175 - $350 • Min. bid: $100 two in the tumbler, but no other form of
damage). Odell, p.132; DF, p.84. Beau-
tiful color, nice character with a thread
of glass on the interior that partially
loops around a side and back panel.
Est.: $800 - $1,200 • Min. bid: $500
PAGE 36 American Glass Gallery, Auction #12 • Closing May 28, 2014
Lot 225 Lot 229
a Stoddard, NH glasshouse, 1855 - ESTER, N.Y.”, America, 1887 - 1895.
1865. Beautiful, yellowish olive amber Amber, rectangular with indented pan-
shading to a deeper yellowish tobacco els, tooled round collar - “PATD SEPT
color in the neck and near the base, 6 / 1887” (on smooth base), ht. 8 1/8”,
oval, narrow disk type collared mouth - mint. Outstanding, virtually perfect
early smooth base, ht. 6”, near mint; (a condition with 100% original label,
little faint exterior wear, primarily on the contents, cork and neck seal, pam-
reverse, otherwise excellent). A classic phlet, box, and Log Cabin advertising
Stoddard medicine, nice character corkscrew (original to the package, one
with some impurities and frothiness to came in every box) - just as it would
the glass. have been found in an early drugstore.
O/S #28.
Est.: $1,000 - $1,600 • Min. bid: $600
Est.: $500 - $800 • Min. bid: $250
Lot 226
Lot 230
“U.S.A. / HOSP. DEPT”, America,
probably a Pittsburgh district glass- “WARNER’S / SAFE / NERVINE” / (mo-
house, 1862 - 1870. Bright yellowish tif of safe) / “ROCHESTER N.Y. / U.S.A.
green with an olive tone, cylindrical, / LONDON - ENGLAND / TORONTO -
4-piece mold, applied round double CANADA”, America, 1890 - 1900. Light
collared mouth - smooth base, ht. 9 honey amber with some orange tones
¼”; (lightly cleaned to original luster near the base, oval, tooled round double
and near mint condition). A scarce, collar - smooth base, ½ pint, ht. 7”; (pro-
desirable color, very difficult to find. In fessionally cleaned to original luster with
addition, this example is filled with tiny just a touch of ground wear remaining).
seed bubbles. O&S #78. A nice light example of the
scarce and desirable “3-City” Nervine.
Est.: $1,500 - $2,500 • Min. bid: $800
Est.: $300 - $500 • Min. bid: $180
Lot 227 Lot 231
ETABLE / DECOCTION / BALTo.”, KAN.”, Whitall-Tatum & Company,
America, 1880 - 1890. Aquamarine, Millville, NJ, 1885 - 1895. Cobalt blue,
cylindrical, applied sloping collared square with beveled corners, tooled
mouth - smooth base, ht. 8”, perfect. square collar - “W T. CO. / U.S.A.” (on
A scarce Indian medicine that is not smooth base), ht. 8”, near mint; (some
easy to find. See, Indian Bottles and very light interior haze or residue, some
Brands, Odell, p.18. A bright, clean of which may wash out, otherwise pre-
example, virtually attic mint condition. fect). An extremely rare druggist type
bottle from Lawrence, with good size,
Est.: $200 - $400 • Min. bid: $100 color and embossing, that looks like it
could have just come out of an attic.
Lot 228
Est.: $700 - $1,200 • Min. bid: $400
STORES / ALBANY, N.Y.”, America, Lot 232
1890 - 1910. Bright medium lime
green, cylindrical, tooled blob style “DR. S.O. HIMOE & CO. / LAWRENCE
closure with original wire bail and KANS. - MANUFACTURERS OF /
porcelain stopper - smooth base, ht. PATENT MEDICINES”, America, 1875 -
7 7/8” (including stopper), attic mint. 1885. Aquamarine, square with beveled
A beautiful “citrate” druggist bottle, corners, applied sloping collar - smooth
excellent with original closure. base, ht. 8 ¾”; (a little light interior resi-
due or haze, otherwise perfect). This
Est.: $200 - $400 • Min. bid: $100 bottle also appears to be an “attic” find,
with all of its original luster remaining.
Another very rare Lawrence bottle, virtu-
ally identical in size and form to the Dr.
Hostetter’s bitters mold of the period.
Est.: $250 - $500 • Min. bid: $150
American Glass Gallery, Auction #12 • Closing May 28, 2014 PAGE 37
Lot 233 Lot 237
possibly New England Glass Bottle / N II”, probably Saratoga Mountain
Company, Cambridge, MA, 1823 - Glassworks, Mt. Pleasant, NY, 1846 -
1833. Bright olive amber, cylindrical, 1856. Rich, dense olive green, cylindri-
applied sloping double collared mouth cal, applied sloping double collared
- sand type pontil scar, pint; (just a little mouth - smooth base, pint; (a couple of
light exterior wear and some fine, light light scratches, a ½” or less, and minor
scratches, primarily on the reverse, exterior wear). T #C-11:B, type 4 (and
otherwise very near mint). T# C-2:B, “TE” not doubled, as noted in book).
type 1. A very pretty example that Noted as “Rare”, and not an easy mold
passes plenty of light, and with excel- to find.
lent character having plenty of bubbles.
Est.: $400 - $600 • Min. bid: $250
Est.: $400 - $600 • Min. bid: $250
Lot 238
Lot 234
“Moriarity & Carroll / Registered
probably Mt. Vernon Glass Works, / CHOCTAW Co / ALA”, America, 1860
1835 - 1844. Dense olive amber, cy- - 1870. Dense olive amber, cylindri-
lindrical, 3-piece mold, applied sloping cal, applied sloping collar with bevel
double collar - smooth base, quart, - smooth base, pint; (a dug bottle with
near mint; (a couple of minor,1/8” open some typical light wear; a little natural
surface bubbles and a touch of very roughness and small flakes on the top
light wear). T# C-4:B. Note; there is edge of mouth, a hard-to-see iridescent
an extremely faint circular area of haze bruise on the inside edge of the mouth).
on base that some might suggest is T #M-72:B. Extremely rare, believed to
evidence of an “improved” pontil, but it be one of two known, the other example
is indiscernible as such. having noted repairs.
Est.: $175 - $275 • Min. bid: $100 Est.: $2,000 - $4,000 • Min. bid: $1,200
Lot 235 Lot 239
ably a New York glasshouse, possibly (Indian woman with papoose),
Mt. Pleasant, 1846 - 1856. Beautiful probably Lyndeborough Glass Works,
medium to deep blue green, cylindri- NH, 1867 - 1875. Brilliant yellowish,
cal, 3-piece mold, applied sloping almost a grass green, cylindrical, ap-
double collared mouth - iron pontil plied sloping double collar - smooth
scar, quart; (a slight trace of expected base, Qt; (just a wisp of light wear and
faint exterior wear, otherwise attic a very minor, ¼” iridescent bruise at the
mint). T #C-8:A (no periods after “CO” heel of the base on reverse, otherwise
or NY). A scarce mold, beautiful color, attic mint). T #V-17:B. A scarce mold,
outstanding condition, nicely whittled. beautiful color, sparkling, and absolutely
filled with small seed bubbles.
Est.: $250 - $450 • Min. bid: $150
Est.: $400 - $600 • Min. bid: $250
Lot 236
Lot 240
probably Saratoga Mountain Glass- “MIDDLETOWN MINERAL SPRING
works, Mt. Pleasant, NY, 1846 - 1856. CO / NATURES / REMEDY / MIDDLE-
Light green, cylindrical, applied slop- TOWN VT”, possibly Lyndeborough
ing collar with ring - large, heavy iron Glass Works, NH, 1867 - 1875. Emerald
pontil scar, pint; (a little light exterior green, cylindrical, applied sloping
wear and some faint minor scratches, double collared mouth - smooth base,
primarily on the reverse, otherwise quart, very near mint; (a couple of tiny,
excellent). T #C-9:A, type 1. Another pinhead open surface bubbles and a
scarce example, great pontil, heavily slight trace of very light exterior wear,
whittled. otherwise perfect). T #V-15. A great
example, heavily whittled appearance,
Est.: $300 - $500 • Min. bid: $180 nice color.
Est.: $300 - $450 • Min. bid: $180
PAGE 38 American Glass Gallery, Auction #12 • Closing May 28, 2014
Lot 241 Lot 245
/ GRAYS & CLARK / MIDDLE- America, 1866 - 1889. Olive yellow (just
TOWN VT”, probably a Stoddard, NH an ever-so-slight bit more of a greenish
glasshouse, 1860 - 1873. Bright, light tone than Lot 224), cylindrical, applied
honey amber, cylindrical, applied slop- sloping double collared mouth - smooth
ing double collared mouth - smooth base, pint, perfect. T #S-1:B. A scarce
base, quart, very near mint; (a small mold in a beautiful, outstanding color
bruise or disturbance in the cover and excellent condition.
glass of a bubble at the base edge on
reverse, otherwise perfect). T #V-13. Est.: $600 - $900 • Min. bid: $400
Gorgeous, very pretty color, outstand-
ing condition, and heavily whittled.
Est.: $500 - $800 • Min. bid: $300
Lot 242 Lot 246
/ 1767” / (motif of rock) / “C&W / CHALYBEATE / HIGHGATE, VT.”,
SARATOGA N.Y.”, a Stoddard, NH America, 1865 - 1875. Rich emerald
glasshouse, possibly Weeks & Gilson, green, cylindrical, applied sloping double
1860 - 1873. Beautiful, rich golden collar - smooth base, quart, near mint;
amber with some orange and reddish (a shallow, 3/16” area of roughness on
tones, cylindrical, applied sloping top of the lip that extends down inside
double collared mouth - smooth base, the mouth and may have been a series
quart, mint. T #S-36:A. Nice glass of small surface bubbles that never fully
character, beautiful rich, “Stoddard” formed, or opened during the annealing
color. process, otherwise perfect). T #V-5. A
beautiful example.
Est.: $250 - $450 • Min. bid: $150
Est.: $300 - $600 • Min. bid: $180
Lot 243 Lot 247
/ (motif of rock) / “C&W / SARA- - ADDRESS / G.W. MERCHANT /
TOGA. N.Y.”, America, 1860 - 1873. LOCKPORT. N.Y.”, America, possibly
Emerald green, cylindrical, applied Lockport Glassworks, 1865 - 1875.
sloping double collared mouth - “Lockport” blue-green, cylindrical,
smooth base, pint, near mint; (a small 3-piece mold, applied sloping double
pinhead size blemish to the left of the collared mouth - smooth base, quart,
rock where it appears another piece perfect. T #N-24. A nice example,
of glass touched the bottle during heavily whittled. Provenance: Ex. Dr.
the annealing process, as it is raised, Stanley Sarnacki collection.
or protrudes from the surface of the
bottle, otherwise perfect). T #S-37:B. Est.: $100 - $200 • Min. bid: $60
Est.: $175 - $350 • Min. bid: $100
Lot 244 Lot 248
CO / HOTCHKISS’ SONS / C / NEW N.Y.” Mineral Water Bottles, America,
YORK / SARATOGA. N.Y.”, America, 1870 - 1885. Bright honey amber,
1866 - 1870. Beautiful medium olive almost yellow in the shoulders, and
yellow, cylindrical, applied sloping aquamarine, applied sloping double col-
double collared mouth - smooth lar and blob collared mouths - smooth
base, pint, sparkling mint. T #C- bases, quarts; (both with a little minor
15:B, type1. A great example in a wear; amber example has a small faint
scarce, gorgeous color, with excellent patch of dullness near the base, aqua
clarity, and outstanding condition. example has two, partially open bubbles
near shoulder, otherwise both are excel-
Est.: $300 - $600 • Min. bid: $180 lent). T #M-58:A. Scarce bottles.
Est.: $200 - $400 • Min. bid: $120
American Glass Gallery, Auction #12 • Closing May 28, 2014 PAGE 39
Lot 249 Lot 253
Rare, “C. HEIMSTREET / TROY, NY “CLAPP” Ale or Porter Type Bottle,
- SODA WATER”, probably Albany probably a New England glasshouse,
Glassworks, 1847 - 1850. Light to possibly Westford Glass Works, West-
medium teal green, cylindrical, applied ford, CT, 1864 - 1867. Deep reddish
sloping collar - iron pontil, ht. 7”, near amber, squatty ale form, applied blob
mint; (two, tiny, pinhead flakes on the collar - smooth base, ht. 6 ¼”, attic
edge of the lip; a touch of light residue mint! Clapp was a brewer, in business
on the interior, otherwise attic mint). with Daniel Anderson in Albany, from
Extremely rare, believed to be one of 1862 - 1864. Charles Clapp subse-
only three or four examples known, quently went into business on his own
and the only one in this color. A great from 1864 -1867. Pieces of this bottle
soda, attractive form, good color, have been excavated at Westford. A
whittled, and in excellent condition. rare bottle, outstanding condition.
Est.: $2,000 - $4,000 • Min. bid: $1,200 Est.: $300 - $500 • Min. bid: $180
Lot 250 Lot 254
ERAL WATER / TROY. N.Y.”, America, / BEER”, probably a New England
1850 - 1860. Medium sapphire blue, glasshouse, 1860 - 1872. Dense olive,
cylindrical, applied blob collar - iron almost black, with a slight amber tone,
pontil scar, ht. 6 ¾”, virtually attic mint; cylindrical ginger-beer form, applied blob
(a 3/16” bit of very minor roughness collar - smooth base, ht. 7 1/8”; (a tiny,
on the inside edge of the mouth that pinhead flake on the edge of the lip; a
you can feel, but is not easy to see and little relatively minor usage or case wear,
just a touch of very light exterior wear, otherwise excellent and does not appear
otherwise like the day it came from to be dug). This is the same Hoxsie from
the factory). A sparkling clean, crisp, Albany, NY, as Lot 251, and in business
nicely whittled example. from 1860 - 1872. A very heavy bottle,
rich deep color.
Est.: $300 - $500 • Min. bid: $180
Est.: $175 - $275 • Min. bid: $100
Lot 251
Lot 255
ALBANY”, a New York State glass- “KINSELLA & HENNESSY / ALBANY
house, 1864 - 1867. Rich, medium N.Y.”, America, 1861 - 1869. Medium
to deep blue green, applied sloping green, almost a “Lockport” blue green,
collar with ring (“hat-top”) - smooth high shoulder soda form, applied slop-
base, ht. 7”; (just the slightest trace of ing collar - smooth base, ht. 6 5/8”; (ap-
light exterior wear, otherwise pristine!) pears to be a dug bottle that may have
According to the book on Albany been lightly cleaned with a little minor
bottles by Harold Schneidmuller, Jr., ground wear remaining; interior has a
George Hoxsie bought out the soda little light dirt or residue that would likely
water business of Jeffers and Co. in wash out, but no other form of damage).
1864, and used the Hoxsie Jeffers & Listed as bottlers of rootbeer, soda and
Co. name until around 1867. Scarce. mineral water, from 1861 - 1869.
Est.: $175 - $275 • Min. bid: $100 Est.: $125 - $225 • Min. bid: $60
Lot 252 Lot 256
probably a Stoddard, or Lyndebor- America, 1875 - 1885. Aquamarine,
ough, NH glassworks, 1860 - 1872. cylindrical, applied blob style collar -
Rich, brilliant golden coloration, smooth base, ht. 6 ½”; (a dug bottle
squatty ale form, applied sloping col- with some overall light exterior haze
lar with ring - smooth base, ht. 7 3/8”, and minor wear; a little scattered light
pristine perfect. Daniel Anderson interior haze, but no other form of dam-
was in business from 1857 to 1872, age). A scarce little bottle and one that
but his bottles are all considered very would respond well to light professional
scarce to rare. A gorgeous color and cleaning, if desired.
rare in this attic-found condition.
Est.: $100 - $150 • Min. bid: $60
Est.: $800 - $1,200 • Min. bid: $500
PAGE 40 American Glass Gallery, Auction #12 • Closing May 28, 2014
Lot 257 Lot 261
possibly Baltimore Glassworks, 1855 - - WATER”, America, 1845 - 1860.
1865. Medium emerald, torpedo form, Medium sapphire blue, 10-sided, ap-
applied blob collar - smooth base, 8 plied blob collared mouth - iron pontil
7/8”; (professionally cleaned to original scar, ht. 7 7/8”, near mint; (some typical
luster with some areas of scratches light exterior usage wear, otherwise
and ground wear remaining; a small perfect). Beautiful condition, nice color
potstone near the surface of the glass and clarity, and with a fully intact iron
with a little iridescence and a 3/16” pontil, not an easy one to find in this
line). An extremely rare “DC” torpedo nice condition.
soda. It has been eight years since the
last recorded example sold at auction. Est.: $400 - $700 • Min. bid: $250
Est.: $2,000 - $4,000 • Min. bid: $1,200
Lot 258 Lot 262
and Shield with Crossed Flags), WATER - 164.18th St. N.Y. 1848”,
America, 1850 - 1860. Deep cobalt America, 1848 - 1860. Deep cobalt
blue, cylindrical, applied sloping col- blue, 10-sided, applied blob collared
lar - iron pontil scar, ht. 8”; (two small mouth - iron pontil scar, ht. 7 1/8”, near
flakes on the edge of the lip, 1/8” and mint; (some scattered light exterior us-
a tiny, barely pinhead size; a ¼” flake age wear, otherwise perfect). Another
on the heel of the base). A bright, spar- outstanding, “attic found” condition
kling example with strong embossing example. This one being in a color that
and, beyond the few minor flakes, it is is deeper than most, and hard-to-find,
almost like it was put away in a cup- un-dug, “attic” condition.
board for the last 150 years.
Est.: $500 - $800 • Min. bid: $300
Est.: $1,000 - $2,000 • Min. bid: $500
Lot 259 Lot 263
“GEO EAGLE” Soda Water Bottle, “S.S. - KNICKER - BOCKER - SODA
America, 1850 - 1860. Medium WATER - 164.18th St. N.Y. 1848”,
green, similar to a “Lockport” blue America, 1848 - 1860. Sapphire blue,
green, cylindrical with diagonal rib- 10-sided, applied sloping collar - iron
bing, applied sloping collared mouth - pontil scar, ht. 7 ¼”; (there is some light
iron pontil, ht. 6 7/8”; (two tiny, barely to moderate exterior high point wear
pinhead size flakes on the edge of the and light scratches, but the bottle does
mouth; some scattered fine scratches not appear to have been cleaned; a
and light exterior wear, otherwise small, pinhead surface bruise on one of
excellent condition). A scarce and the panels, but no other form of dam-
desirable soda with a very distinctive, age). A scarce mold, a little harder to
eye-appealing look. find than the “W.P” variant.
Est.: $1,200 - $1,800 • Min. bid: $800 Est.: 400 - $700 • Min. bid: $250
Lot 260 Lot 264
/ GA”, America, 1880 - 1890. Clear NOT SOLD”, America, 1850 - 1860.
medium green, similar to the previ- Sapphire blue, large blob collared
ous lot, but with a slight teal tone, mouth - iron pontil scar, ht. 6 ¾”; (some
cylindrical “ginger ale” form, round light exterior high point and usage wear,
blob collar - smooth base, ht. 7 3/8”, otherwise near mint). A scarce bottle,
virtually attic mint; (a very minor bit nicely whittled, and with a fully intact
of wear below the blob collar where iron pontil.
the wire closure was fastened and a
faint wisp of residue in the shoulder). Est.: $250 - $450 • Min. bid: $150
A beautiful example. Most have been
dug and cleaned, but not this one!
Est.: $175 - $275 • Min. bid: $100
American Glass Gallery, Auction #12 • Closing May 28, 2014 PAGE 41
Lot 265 Lot 269
CONN: - PREMIUM / SODA WATER”, LAND / MD”, America, 1850 - 1860.
America, 1848 - 1860. Medium to Medium teal, or deep sea green,
deep blue green, cylindrical, applied cylindrical, squatty porter or ale form,
blob collar - iron pontil scar, ht. 7 ¼”, applied sloping collar - iron pontil scar,
pristine, virtually attic mint condition. ht. 6 7/8”; (lightly cleaned to original
This example was likely used very little, luster and near mint condition; an 1/8”
and then stowed away. Also, see Bill flake on the edge of the lip and a small
Beckett’s informative article on Con- iridescent bruise on the inside edge of
necticut’s Iron Pontiled Sodas: Wood- mouth). A scarce bottle that we sold
bridge and Canton, Antique Bottle & about four years ago, that displays very
Glass Collector, Oct. 2013. near mint with a fully intact, heavy iron
Est.: $200 - $400 • Min. bid: $120
Est.: $250 - $450 • Min. bid: $150
Lot 266
Lot 270
YORK”, America, 1845 - 1860. Sap- “S & C / ELKTON / M.D.”, America,
phire blue, 10-sided, applied sloping 1850 - 1860. Deep blue green with an
collar - iron pontil scar, ht. 7 3/8”; (a emerald tone, cylindrical, squatty porter
pinhead flake on the edge of the lip or ale form, applied sloping collar - heavy
and two tiny ones on the bottom edge iron pontil scar, ht. 6 ¾”, near mint; (the
of the tapered collar; a shallow ¼” bottle has just a touch of light usage
flake on the heel of the base, and just wear, but otherwise displays as near attic
a trace of light usage wear, otherwise mint). This appears to be the same ex-
near attic mint). The flakes are minor, ample that sold in 2011, and one of only
the bottle appears to be an attic find two that have been offered at auction in
with its original luster. A scarce mold, the last 20 years. A very rare and
especially in this condition. desirable Maryland soda.
Est.: $500 - $700 • Min. bid: $300 Est.: $700 - $900 • Min. bid: $400
Lot 267 Lot 271
1845 - 1860. Cobalt blue, 10-sided, SODA WATERS - No. 213 NOR’ 2d
applied sloping collared mouth - iron St - PHILAD.A - THIS BOTTLE - TO
pontil scar, ht. 7 ¼”; (professionally BE RETURND.”, America, 1845 -
cleaned with a little scattered light 1860. Sapphire blue, 8-sided, applied
ground wear remaining, but no other sloping collar - iron pontil scar, ht. 7
form of damage). Good color, heavy 3/8”; (professionally cleaned with some
iron pontil scar. typical light ground wear remaining, but
no other form of damage and with a
Est.: $400 - $600 • Min. bid: $250 fully intact iron pontil scar). A rare soda,
heavily embossed.
Lot 268
Est.: $700 - $900 • Min. bid: $400
NEW YORK”, America, 1845 - 1860. Lot 272
Sapphire blue, 10-sided, applied
sloping collared mouth - iron pontil “PHIL A / PORTER & ALE”, America,
scar, ht. 7 ½”; (lightly cleaned to 1850 - 1860. Rich, very deep blue
original luster and near mint condi- green, almost a teal, cylindrical, stubby
tion with just a touch of light ground porter or ale form, crudely applied
wear remaining). sloping collar with ring - iron pontil scar,
ht. 6 ¾”; (just a wisp of expected light
Est.: $400 - $600 • Min. bid: $250 exterior wear and faint residue, other-
wise sparkling attic mint). A beautiful
example, rich deep color, pleasing form.
Est.: $175 - $350 • Min. bid: $100
PAGE 42 American Glass Gallery, Auction #12 • Closing May 28, 2014
Lot 273 Lot 277
“H. NASH & Co / CINCINNATI - S. P. / Black Glass Wine Bottle, probably
THIS BOTTLE / TO BE RETURNED”, England, 1755. “Robt / Fulton / 1755”
America, 1845 - 1855. Cobalt blue, (on applied glass seal). Deep yellow
cylindrical, applied sloping collar - iron olive with a slight amber tone, mal-
pontil, ht. 7”; (a dug bottle with some let form, applied string rim - disc type
overall light stain and a little ground pontil scar, ht. 9 5/8”; (some expected
wear, but no other form of damage). light exterior usage wear, otherwise
Unlisted and extremely rare. Appar- with a perfect string rim, full original
ently a small handful of these were gloss, and “cellar found” condition). An
dug in Cincinnati years ago, most had unlisted and possibly unique early seal
damage. This is believed to be the bottle. Provenance: Ex. Gary Hatstat
best of the lot, and with a light clean- collection.
ing, would likely appear as near mint.
Est.: $3,000 - $5,000 • Min. bid: $2,000
Est.: $1,200 - $1,800 • Min. bid: $700
Lot 278
Lot 274
Black Glass Wine Bottle, England, 1850
“JOHN SHRINK’S / SUPERIOR / - 1870. “INNER / TEMPLE” (on applied
MINERAL WATER / CLEVELAND. - glass seal), deep olive amber, cylinder
THIS BOTTLE / TO BE RETURNED”, form, applied sloping collar with bevel -
America, 1850 - 1860. Cobalt blue, early smooth base, ht. 9 3/8”, near mint;
cylindrical, applied blob collar - iron (just a very slight touch of exterior wear,
pontil scar, ht. 7 ¼”, near mint; (a little otherwise perfect “cellar found” condi-
light exterior usage wear and a pot- tion).
stone at the base ring with a shallow,
¼” bruise, otherwise attic mint). A rare Est.: $100 - $200 • Min. bid: $60
soda, good color, strong embossing,
and one that has never been cleaned
or in the ground.
Est.: $600 - $900 • Min. bid: $300
Lot 275 Lot 279
“BRAND’S / MINERAL WATER / Black Glass Wine Bottle, probably
TOLEDO.O. - B”, America, 1850 Continental, possibly America, 1780
- 1860. Deep cornflower, or light - 1810. Medium to deep amber with
sapphire blue, cylindrical, applied some slight reddish tones, cylinder
blob collar - red iron pontil scar, ht. form, freeblown or possibly dip mold,
7 ½”; (cleaned with some light haze heavy applied ring collar - sand type
and ground wear remaining, but no pontil scar, ht. 10 ¼”, outstanding,
other form of damage). A very scarce perfect cellar found condition. A
bottle, believed to be a rare, earlier rare, attractive color for one of these
variant with crude stick-figure type early cylinders, the vast majority being
lettering. The cleaning could likely be shades of olive green.
improved upon, if desired.
Est.: $200 - $300 • Min. bid: $120
Est.: $300 - $600 • Min. bid: $180
Lot 276 Lot 280
Black Glass Wine Bottle, England, Black Glass Mallet Form Wine Bottle,
1752. “W.R / 1752” (on applied glass Continental, probably Germany, pos-
seal). Deep yellow olive, mallet form, sibly Belgium, 1740 - 1770. Clear medi-
applied string rim - disc type pontil um olive green, bell-shaped mallet form,
scar, ht. 7 ¾”, about perfect; (3/8” sheared mouth with an applied string
and tiny 1/8” flake on the underside rim - deep domed base with a blow-
of the string rim). Pictured in English pipe pontil scar, ht. 8 1/8”, near mint; (a
Bottles & Decanters, 1659 - 1900, touch of typical light exterior wear; just
Derek Davis, p.28, #7. Beautiful a very small area of light residue or haze
condition, full original gloss, strong on the interior). See VdB, plate 260, #3.
impression on the seal. Ex. Norman Outstanding condition, eye-appealing
C. Heckler, Cary Adelman collections. “bell” form, nice color.
st.: $2,500 - $4,500 • Min. bid: $1,500 Est.: $200 - $300 • Min. bid: $120
American Glass Gallery, Auction #12 • Closing May 28, 2014 PAGE 43
Lot 281 Lot 285
Exceptional Mammoth Size Case Early Half-Size Rectangular Case
Bottle, probably Australia, possibly Bottle, probably North Germany,
Continental, 1770 - 1800. Brilliant Denmark, or one of the other Scandina-
emerald coloration, square with vian countries, 1740 - 1770. (motif of
nearly straight sides, ring type string crown / “LONDFN / A C”), on applied
lip - blowpipe pontil scar, ht. 17”; (two seal, clear light yellowish green, rectan-
annealing fissures or cracks extend gular case form, applied thin string rim
from the pontil, to the edge of the - blowpipe pontil scar, ht. 6 3/8”; (faint
base; just a touch of typical light usage bit of interior residue or light haze in
wear, otherwise perfect). The pontil shoulder, otherwise perfect). See VdB,
cracks are almost certainly the result of plate 208, #4. A rare, early sealed case
manufacture, and are not easy to see. bottle, possibly containing London gin.
Exceptional, stunning and rare color.
Est.: $300 - $500 • Min. bid: $180
Est.: $1,500 - $3,000 • Min. bid: $1,000
Lot 286
Lot 282
Early Freeblown Case Bottle, prob-
Mammoth Size Case Bottle, probably ably North Germany, 1730 - 1760. Clear
Holland or Belgium, 1770 - 1800. Yel- light olive with a yellowish tone, square
lowish olive, square with nearly straight with straight sides, crudely formed neck
sides, large string lip - jagged blowpipe with a sheared lip and applied string rim
pontil scar, ht. 18”; (some high point - blowpipe pontil scar, ht. 11 ¼”; (just a
wear along the shoulders as well as little light exterior wear and a tiny pot-
a couple of rows of light scratches or stone on the inside surface of the glass,
wear on one of the sides; some small near the shoulder, with a barely visible,
in-manufacture crazing lines along 1/8” line, otherwise perfect). See VdB,
the corners that were a result of, and plate 84, #2. A very early utility, nice color
a natural condition of, manufacture). and clarity, excellent overall condition.
The largest example in the group at an
impressive 18”. Est.: $250 - $450 • Min. bid: $150
Est.: $1,000 - $1,500 • Min. bid: $600 Lot 287
Lot 283 Early Black Glass Case Bottle,
probably Holland, possibly Belgium or
Mammoth Size Case Bottle, prob- Germany, 1770 - 1800. Clear medium
ably Holland or Belgium, 1770 - 1800. olive green, blown in a dip mold with
Clear medium olive green, square sides tapering slightly from shoulder to
with nearly straight sides, large string the base, sheared mouth with a crudely
lip - blowpipe pontil scar, ht. 16 ¾”; applied string rim - blowpipe pontil scar,
(some scattered, age-appropriate ht. 10 1/8”, near mint; (some typical very
light exterior wear and scratches, minor exterior wear; a little light content
very typical for these heavy, mas- residue in the lower 1/3 of the bottle
sive early storage bottles, otherwise that would likely wash out). A good
perfect). See VdB, plate 83 and 84. early case bottle, excellent condition.
Beautiful color and clarity.
Est.: $100 - $200 • Min. bid: $60
Est.: $1,000 - $1,500 • Min. bid: $600
Lot 288
Lot 284
Early Black Glass Case Bottle,
Mammoth Size Case Bottle, Con- Continental, probably Holland, 1780 -
tinental, or possibly America, 1790 1820. Yellowish olive, dip mold, square
- 1820. Medium to deep olive amber, tapered gin form, sheared mouth with a
square with nearly straight sides, crudely applied string rim - heavy blow-
wide beveled mouth - blowpipe pontil pipe pontil scar, ht. 9 ½”; (a little light
scar, ht. 17 ¼”; (some typical usage interior residue that would likely wash
wear and an open surface bubble on out, otherwise virtually attic mint). See
one panel; a small, hard to see, 3/8” VdB, plate 84 and 85. A jagged heavy
iridescent bruise on inside edge of pontil that you could easily cut a finger
the mouth). A rare and unusual lip on. A clean example with full original
treatment for a mammoth gin, scarce surface gloss.
color, and also with an unusual, very
large ring type pontil. Est.: $100 - $150 • Min. bid: $60
Est.: $1,000 - $1,500 • Min. bid: $600
PAGE 44 American Glass Gallery, Auction #12 • Closing May 28, 2014
Lot 289 Lot 293
Early Black Glass Case Bottle, prob- Freeblown Demijohn, America, 1840
ably Continental, possibly Germany - 1860. Bubbly aquamarine, squatty
or Belgium, 1780 - 1820. Medium cylinder form, applied sloping collar
“tobacco” amber, dip mold, square - blowpipe pontil scar, ht. 9 7/8”; (an
tapered gin form, sheared mouth with elongated open bubble on the interior
a crudely applied string rim - blowpipe of the neck, otherwise virtually attic
pontil scar, ht. 9 3/8”; (just a minor mint). Exceptional character. If you like
trace of light usage wear, otherwise crude glass with lots of character, this
perfect “cellar found” condition). A might be the piece for you. The glass
scarce color for an early gin, much is absolutely filled with microscopic
more so than the olive toned ex- bubbles creating a very attractive frothy
amples. appearance and uneven, grainy texture
to the glass.
Est.: $125 - $225 • Min. bid: $70
Est.: $200 - $400 • Min. bid: $120
Lot ??? Lot 290 Lot ???
Lot 294
Black Glass “Bladder-Form” Utility
Bottle, probably England, 1770 - 1790. Early Freeblown Globular Bottle, prob-
Dense olive amber, flattened blad- ably England, possibly America, 1790
der form, sheared mouth with applied - 1820. Beautiful medium to deep olive
flattened string rim - sand type pontil, green, globular form, large applied string
ht. 13 1/8”, near mint; (a potstone near rim mouth - blowpipe pontil scar, ht. 11
the surface of the glass, on the side ½”, near mint; (some typical light usage
of the bottle has a faint iridescence; wear, otherwise, perfect “cellar found”
a touch of very minor wear, otherwise condition). A wonderful example with
perfect). See VdB, plates 276 and 277. full original surface gloss, near perfect
These large “Bladder” utility bottles globular form, and excellent character
often have heavy wear, this one is an as the bottle is loaded with strings of
exception! bubbles, slag and impurities.
Est.: $400 - $700 • Min. bid: $250 Est.: $500 - $800 • Min. bid: $300
Lot 291 Lot 295
Large, Black Glass “Bladder-Form” Demijohn, America, 1850 - 1880.
Utility Bottle, probably England, Beautiful, bright yellowish honey with a
1780 - 1790. Medium to deep olive slight olive tone through the neck and a
with an amber tone, bladder form, couple of subtle amber striations swirl-
sheared mouth with applied tapered ing through the body, flattened apple
collar - sand type pontil scar, ht. 15”; form blown in a 3-pc. mold (2-part body
(some scattered interior residue and mold and a dished base piece), applied
light stain, some of which may wash sloping collar - blowpipe pontil scar, ht.
out, otherwise excellent and with full 18”, near mint; (a ¼” flake at the side of
original surface gloss). See VdB, the mouth; a small patch of light bloom
plates 276 and 277. These early or dullness on the shoulder, otherwise
“Bladder” bottles are not easy to find. perfect). Heavily dimpled glass texture,
Great example, in a nice large size. beautiful color!
Est.: $500 - $800 • Min. bid: $300 Est.: $400 - $700 • Min. bid: $250
Lot 292 Lot 296
Jeroboam Black Glass Wine or Freeblown Demijohn, America, prob-
ably New England, 1840 - 1870. Rich,
S17to9r0a-g1e8B2o0t.tlMe,epdrioubmLabtoolytdFe?rea?pn?cyee,l- medium to deep olive amber, transition-
al flattened apple form, applied sloping
lowish olive amber, freeblown or collar - large blowpipe pontil scar,
possibly dip mold, sheared mouth ht. 19 ¼”, near mint; (just a touch of
with an applied string rim - blowpipe typical, minor light wear and some tiny,
pontil scar, ht. 21 3/8”, near mint; tissue-paper-thin open surface bubbles,
(some typical light wear and a couple otherwise excellent). The glass is rather
of small shallow flat 1/8” flakes off
the rough sheared mouth). See VdB, crude beingLabostol?u?te?ly filled with tiny
plate 153, #3. Nice color, almost
yellow in the shoulders, shading to a seed bubbles.
deep olive amber in base and neck.
Est.: $500 - $800 • Min. bid: $300
Est.: $175 - $350 • Min. bid: $100
American Glass Gallery, Auction #12 • Closing May 28, 2014 PAGE 45
Colorful Soda Bottles Lot 273 Lot 258
Lot 252 Lot 249
Lot 262
Lot 253 Lot 270
Fine Mineral Lot 257
Water Bottles
Lot 239 Lot 242
Lot 244 Lot 233 Lot 238
PAGE 46 American Glass Gallery, Auction #12 • Closing May 28, 2014
Case Gins— Lot 282
Big, Bigger, Biggest!
Lot 281
Lot 286 Lot 285
Lot 287