January 10, 2020)))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))
Newsstand Rate $2.00 Published byThe Bee Publishing Company, Newtown, Connecticut INDEXES ON
PAGES 36 & 37
‘Lost Vegas’
The Neon Museum Visitor Center is housed in the flaring Space Age lobby of the La Concha Motel, originally built in 1961.
By Karla Klein Albertson Nestled between old Boneyard signs, Penguin Boy of fiberglass, styrofoam and acrylic paint
has a neon legend: “I have a vague memory when I was a boy, that I worked in a circus for
LAS VEGAS — When people think of Las Vegas, they recall Siegfried and Roy.” Photo by Denise Truscello/WireImage.
glitzy casinos in enormous hotels along a dazzling strip in
the desert. And no one forgets how the city is illuminated at Illuminates
every turn by fantastic neon signs. There have been excel-
lent artists, such as Bruce Nauman, who have used neon as The Neon Museum
their medium of choice. But these commercial neon signs
spring from industrial designers displaying their own type
of artistry and a sly sense of humor. The result has been
bright statements that punch home a memorable message.
Fly into the city at night — an unforgettable experience.
Local hot spots may come and go but — like the frescoes
and stone carvings of earlier eras — the best of these signs
deserve a permanent home of their own. And that is the pur-
pose for which the Neon Museum was founded in 1996. The
collection began with decommissioned pieces donated by the
Young Electric Sign Company (YESCO) and has grown to
more than 250 examples through acquisition and donation.
Thanks to the enormous size of some pieces in the perma-
nent collection, the 2.27-acre facility is mostly open to the
sky. Touring the rows of salvaged signs, visitors and locals
have agreed that the creative use of neon is an art form that
should be chronicled and preserved. Signs have been restored
or illuminated in innovative ways, and there is an immer-
sive audiovisual spectacle appropriately titled “Brilliant.”
Currently, the museum is offering “Lost Vegas” which runs
through February 15. The special exhibition was the brain
child of artist and film director Tim Burton, whose dark and
quirky productions run like a twisted thread through Ameri-
can cinema. Everyone has a favorite film and maybe another
they might be too scared to watch, for his moods range from
true horror to the romantic pathos of Edward Scissorhands
(1990). A poster for Sleepy Hollow (1999) on this writer’s
wall sends its daily warning: “Heads Will Roll.”
The reasons behind Burton’s choice of the Neon Museum
for this elaborate project turns out to be a natural affinity
between this imaginative director and a most unusual set-
ting. There are over two dozen exhibits, including 20 created
especially for this show. Some sail and stalk around the
signs in the Boneyard, while smaller, more fragile pieces are
in view in a dome by the Visitor’s Center.
( continued on page 30 )
2C — Antiques and The Arts Weekly — January 10, 2020
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Tim Klingender
On December 13, Sotheby’s conducted its inaugural sale of Aborigi-
nal Art in New York City after more than 20 years of selling the cat-
egory in London and Melbourne. The tightly curated sale of 33 lots
was 88 percent sold by lot, grossed $2.8 million and saw eight new
auction records set. The department is led by senior consultant Tim
Klingender, who began working for Sotheby’s Australia in 1990 even-
tually becoming an international director, a role he held from 1998
to 2009. In 1996, he founded a department dedicated to Aboriginal
art, which held its inaugural sale in Melbourne in 1997. Antiques &
The Arts Weekly caught up with Klingender on the heels of his first
North American sale to read the pulse of a market that, in his words, has a very bright future.
How have your sales evolved? What is the current record for Some very high value works still need a permit,
Australian Aboriginal art? but now for the most part, all quality art works
Even before 1996, when we set up the department, can move freely out of Australia. Interestingly,
we included Aboriginal art with contemporary art The most expensive piece of Aboriginal art because most of the collectors of the greatest
sales in Australia but because we had such inter- is $2.1 million ($2.4m Australian dollars), artworks live outside of Australia, we have had
national interest, we decided to hold standalone which Sotheby’s achieved for Clifford Possum’s sales in recent years with little consigned from
sales, the first of which we had in 1997. We toured “Warlugulong,” a large masterwork from 1979, there.
highlights from the sales internationally, in New when they offered it in Melbourne in 2007.
York that year, and in following years to New York Will Sotheby’s New York only sell
and Cologne or Los Angeles, Paris and ultimately What are some of the most im- contemporary Aboriginal art or
London. portant aspects you consider of will it also sell older works?
Aboriginal art at this level?
Did you have an international tour That was the way this sale came together; it
of highlights with this most recent Provenance is the most important. Our sales doesn’t always happen that way. If we get a
sale? only feature the rarest and most exceptional collection of important early works, we will
works, and they must be by artists who are certainly include them. The works in our sales
We did not do an international tour with this most represented by an Aboriginal art center. At are arranged chronologically, with earlier works
recent sale, but two of the most important works these art centers, professionals assist the artists, selling first. We do not want sales too large;
were on view in November during our exhibitions record and document the works; it’s a hugely we want to offer the very finest selection of art
for our marquee auctions of Impressionist & Mod- successful endeavor and one that, ethically, created by Indigenous Australians. I imagine
ern and Contemporary Art in New York. prevents artists from being exploited. the sales will never exceed 100 lots, more likely
60-70 lots.
What motivated the move from sell- Do the Aboriginal artists benefit
ing in London to selling in New York financially from the sales of these Did you have any new buyers in
City? works? the New York sale? What is the
general demographic?
The sales in London were very successful. We set When paintings are sold via an Aboriginal Art
new records in every category in the field — sculp- Centre, artists are remunerated in line with We did have a good number of new buyers.
ture, bark paintings, artefacts, artwork by a living major represented contemporary artists. Many Most of the buyers are between 40 and 60 years
artist, etc, and numerous artists records. We had a of the artists in this auction are no longer alive. of age.
lot of bidding from America and the opportunity In the case of living artists, high secondary
came up to hold a sale in New York, so we pitched market prices lift primary market prices, and When is your next sale in New
the idea to our colleagues in the United States who in turn the amount received by living artists York and do you have anything
liked the idea. I’ve always had a feeling that New for their work. An artist’s resale royalty is not already lined up for that sale you
York City might work better for this sale. applicable to any New York art sales. The pri- can give us a scoop on?
mary Aboriginal art market in Australia is cur-
Is this a global market or are the ma- rently stronger than ever, with all exhibitions We are still working on it; it will most likely be
jor players — both buyers and sellers of ethically sourced, higher quality artworks in the fall.
— primarily based in Australia? constantly selling out.
What is your forecast for this
We have seen only a small percentage of buyers How has the market for Aborigi- market?
from Australia in the international sales. In our nal art changed in recent years?
New York sale, only one of the top ten lots went Despite a few bumps in the road, I’ve always
to an Australian collector, the rest went to either The market is constantly changing. It was said the market for Aboriginal art has been on
European or American collectors. In the London definitely affected by the financial crisis in a long trajectory upwards. It is a market that
sales, we would have just a few lots returning to 2009. The Australian government introduced has tremendous global interest and one that
Australia but those were larger sales. As far as sell- changes to the Movable of Cultural Heritage will appeal to younger generations as they come
ers, in this most recent sale, about half of the lots Act in 1998, which meant that an export into wealth. The more people become aware of
were from Australia, primarily from the Gabrielle permit was required for anything older than 30 it, the more museums acquire important works
Pizzi collection and the Fiona Brockhoff collection. years and worth more than $10,000. The per- and promote academic involvement, the more
We also had 12 works consigned by the renowned mit typically took more than a year to obtain, the market will develop. I see it having a very
Dutch collector, Thomas Vroom. Interestingly, and it virtually became impossible to trade bright future.
the buyer of the top lot was a collector of Western these items. However, three years ago, the law
contemporary art. changed, and the market opened back up. —Madelia Hickman Ring
2 — Antiques and The Arts Weekly — January 10, 2020 Auction/Show Calendars - Page 36 INDEX - Page 37
Paginated by don
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January 10, 2020 — Antiques and The Arts Weekly — 3
Main Auction Galleries Prepares
Exceptional Auction For Jan. 12
Noguchi Rudder table Model IN-20
CINCINNATI, OHIO — Main Jane and Gordon Martz, Gerald Noguchi rocking stool Model 86-T
Auction Gallery will present its Thurston, Yasha Heifetz, Claude
Exceptional Auction on Sunday, Conover “Alcalco” vessel, Albert Tucker painting.
January 12, starting at 10 am. wrought iron andirons, Asian
articles, Lisa Larsen, Scandina- waterbuck, warthog, bushbuck, oil by Albert Tucker, Dixie Sel- Lee, Chris DeRubeis, Maria Hel-
Some of the highlights include vian objects, Fredrick Weinberg, reedbuck, gazelle and a mule don, William McHenry Snyder, ena, V. Da Silva and Daniel
Midcentury Modern: rare Isamu 1902 Watling scale and Laura deer. T.C. Lindsay, C. Meurer, I. Tarkay Jaugey.
Noguchi Rudder table (model De Santillana. (paintings), E. Egbert Heem-
In-20), rocking stool (Model Oriental rugs include Cauca- skerck, L. Nevelson, G. Braque, Main Auction Galleries is at 137
86-T), dining table (Model 312), Animal mounts from the collec- sian, Kazak, Yastik, Bergamo, Chagall, Matise (lithographs), J. W 4th Street. For information
side table (Model 87), floor lamp tion of Dr John Zettle offer a Rya and other examples. Villon etching, B. Stimpson, Stan www.mainauctiongalleries.com or
(Model 10), Akari (Model 1-A), rare black rhino, antelope, cape 513-621-1280.
hand signed George Nelson and buffalo, hartebeest, impala, The art category includes an
Associates slat bench and a
George Nelson Bubble Cluster
lamp (Model 3-740).
Other noteworthy designers
include Franziska and James
Hosken, Paul Laszlo, Paul
Frankl, Milo Baughman, Tommi
Parzinger, T.H. Robsjohn Gib-
bings, Paul Evans, Warren Plat-
ner, Jens Risom, Jean Gillon,
Vladimir Kagan, Tony Paul,
Harvey Probber and Maison
Eighteen, Nineteenth and
Twentieth Century material
highlights include an early
Nineteenth Century carved con-
sole table, pair of iron garden
benches, Italian gilded sofa, pair
of country corner cabinets, coun-
try French buffet, French store
display cabinet, map cabinet, Art
Deco club chairs, Meyer Gunther
Matini seating, Mitchell Ramels-
berg Victorian furniture, grand-
father clock, Louis XV-style
chairs, inlaid mahogany side-
board, butler’s chest/desk, pine
French bookcases, pair of Vernis
Martin curios, Scotsman leg
table, country buffet, Celton fur-
niture and other pieces.
Also offered will be an after
Giacometti bronze floor lamp,
rare Loring Andrews Castle Pat-
tern tray, bread tray, vase, card
tray and footed tray. Repousse
flatware and other sterling sil-
ver, carved putti, Mitchell &
Rammelsberg carved furniture,
Oriental objects, pair bronze
candelabras with embossed alli-
gator, bronze tusks, Henri
Moreau, Victor Salamone, Aus-
tin Cox chess set, Richard Tuttle,
Jens Quistgaard, Bill Curry,
Mitchell Ramelsberg etagere.
4 — Antiques and The Arts Weekly — January 10, 2020
Gallé Glass, Maritime Art & Luxury Timepieces—
Michaan’s To Host First Auction Of 2020 On January 11
ALAMEDA, CALIF. — Galle Scenic Landscape Chinese Archaic Warring State-type tripod
Michaan’s monthly gallery auc- cameo glass vase ($3/5,000). lidded vessel ($2/3,000).
tion is an event for all — seri- watch ($1/1,500) are featured. A
ous collectors and casual men’s Piaget wristwatch Herb Greene (American, b 1942) “Jerry Gar-
browsers, investors and bar- ($1/1,500) is 18K gold with a cia” collotype ($800-$1,200).
gain-hunters alike. Each auc- leather band. Gentlemen’s jew-
tion features property from elry includes silver cufflinks by furniture maker. Hut” by Xiao Shunzhi are offered (each $800-$1,200).
estates and collections, Hermès, the lot of two pairs Among January’s uncommon ($3/5,000), the Many late Twentieth Century
appraised and cataloged by offered at $300/500.
Michaan’s specialists. On Janu- discoveries is a set of French prominent contemporary Chi- paintings and works on paper
ary 11, Michaan’s bidders will A Gallé scenic vase ($3/5,000) glass slides, ten boxes in all, nese painter. Also at $3/5,000 is will be sold. These include Rich-
vie for heirloom jewels, fine art and cameo vase ($2/2,500) that present a historical record “Gallery” by glass artist and ard Ryan’s 1996 “Still Life with
and furnishings and decora- await collectors, alongside a of daily life in China, 1910-20. sculptor Emily Brock (b 1945), Mask,” and works from the
tions. Art glass, designer bags, Steuben “Rosaline” etched vase This tumultuous period was the who creates small-scale envi- 1960s by Elmer Bischoff and
fine art photographs and luxury ($1,2/1,800) decorated with Chi- definitive moment in the cre- ronments in great detail, using Walter Kuhlman. The auction
timepieces are just a few of the nese motifs and patterns. An ation of modern China. Images many different materials and features Asian art treasures
treasures in store. The live auc- 1892 Winchester rifle and a range from scenic spots and techniques. presented by Michaan’s special-
tion event is augmented by Bébé Jumeau doll ($3/4,000) are landscapes to staggering scenes ist Annie Zeng. Chinese porce-
online bidding and phone bid- among the special finds for col- of war, including an execution Photographs by Herb Greene lains and textiles, images of
ding. lectors, who may contact Gabe ($3/4,000). (b 1942) are among January’s Buddha and other Asian
Herzog, Michaan’s department highlights. Greene’s personal antiques sold well throughout
“The old mine-cut diamond is manager, furniture and decora- The maritime artist Antonio friendships with many luminar- 2019 and will be abundant in
a prize sought by every fine jew- tive arts ([email protected]) Jacobsen (1850-1921), painter ies in American rock and roll Michaan’s 2020 auctions.
eler,” noted Michaan’s specialist for condition reports on these of schooners and steam vessels, gave him access to create their
and GIA gemologist Elise Coro- auction lots. is revered by aficionados of intimate photographic por- Previews are set for January
nado. Mine-cut faceting show- American maritime history. traits. He chronicled the Grate- 5, 10 and 11 and by private
cases the quality of a stone in January furniture includes a Jacobsen’s framed oil on board ful Dead for more than 50 years. appointment.
all its glory. In January, Midcentury Modern oak table of a clipper ship is offered Many of Greene’s photos hang
Michaan’s offers a Victorian ($3/4,000) by Espenet, studio ($3/5,000). Another fine art in Cleveland’s Rock and Roll Michaan’s is at 2751 Todd
locket brooch that centers an highlight is “Li River, Misty Hall of Fame. Greene’s portraits Street. For more information,
old mine-cut diamond of Mountain and Fisherman with of Jerry Garcia and Janis Joplin www.michaans.com or 510-740-
approximately 4.25 carats 0220.
($5/7,000). Another estate
brooch features an elegant flo-
ral and ribbon design composed
of diamonds in platinum
Diamonds surround a large
sapphire in a white and yellow
gold ring ($2/3,000). A pair of
18K gold ear clips by Bulgari ,
festooned with diamonds,
($700/900) will cross the block,.
And a sapphire and diamond
bracelet ($2/3,000) has Art Deco
Designer timepieces by luxury
jewelers are leading highlights.
A lady’s 18K yellow gold Rolex
with roller ($3/5,000) and from
Chopard, an open-faced pocket
Lelands 2019 Classic Auction Totals $3.6 Million In Sales
Charlie Sheen’s ‘Major League’ Cap & Final Pitch Ball Among Highlights
Auction Action Online
The Steelers Rocky Bleier’s The Cleveland Indians cap NEW YORK CITY — Lelands’ A card collection was headlined by a 1917 Collins-McCarthy
collection of memorabilia worn by Charlie Sheen’s fall 2019 Classic auction totaled complete set at $107,460.
included this helmet. The Ricky “Wild Thing” in Major $3.6 million in sales. Highlights
collection totaled $98,427. League sold for $14,298. of the auction, which closed ing News blank back #151 Babe home-run bat, $12,998; Heinie
The auction also featured This is the actual screen and December 6, included the person- Ruth rookie fetching $80,736; a Groh’s New York Giants sweater,
the 1911 Philadelphia Ath- game-used pitched ball from al collections of actor Charlie 1921 D350-3 Standard Biscuit $53,725; a Ted Williams 1949 sin-
letics World Champions gold the climactic scene in Major Sheen and Pittsburgh Steelers Co. Babe Ruth earning $60,659; a gle signed baseball, $6,064; and a
medallion at $45,574. League where Vaughn great and decorated Vietnam signed 1933 Goudey Lou Gehrig 1909 Joe Jackson PSA 1.5,
strikes out his nemesis with #92 bid to $59,098; a 1911-36 $24,427.
a 101-mph fastball. It went War veteran Rocky Bleier. Zeenut collection going out at
out at $10,742. The Cleveland Indians cap $44,876; an untouched 1971 Also sold in the auction was a
worn by Sheen’s Ricky “Wild Topps Super unopened box for helmet worn by Ernie Davis
Thing” in Major League and $8,878; and a 1978 Topps graded when he played in Elmira, N.Y.’s
the actual screen and game- partial set realizing $25,962. Small Fry Football League,
used pitched ball from the cli- $9,766; an Ernie Davis 1962
mactic scene where Vaughn Among the other auction high- signed football, $7,337; a 1959
lights were Johnny Bench’s 1975 Syracuse Football national cham-
strikes out his nemesis with a World Series Cincinnati Reds pionship ring, $4,141; and a 1960s
101-mph fastball sold for game-worn jersey, $20,011; Ricky Los Angeles Rams store display
$14,298 and $10,742, respective- Ledee’s 1999 Yankees World bobbin head, $17,264.
ly. Championship ring, $28,297; a
For the first time ever, the Steel- 1927 New York Yankees team Prices given include the buyer’s
ers Rocky Bleier made available signed baseball, $59,098; a Derek premium as stated by the auction
his collection of memorabilia, Jeter 2002 Yankees game-used, house. For information, 732-290-
which chronicles the story of his 8000 or www.lelands.com.
life, from the football field, battle-
field of Vietnam and back. The
total sales for the Rocky Bleier
collection was $98,427.
The auction also featured the
1911 Philadelphia Athletics
World Champions gold medal-
lion, $45,574, and 1913 Philadel-
phia Athletics World Champions
pocket watch, $27,570, presented
to star player Rube Oldring, as
well as the personal collection of
Babe Ruth’s former roommate
with the Boston Red Sox, Dick
Hoblitzell (total sales were
The auction also included a card
collection headlined by a 1917
Collins-McCarthy complete set at
$107,460; a 1916 M101-5 Sport-
January 10, 2020 — Antiques and The Arts Weekly — 5
At Andrew Jones Auctions On Jan. 11 —
Auction Offers Fine Art From Gerald Leon Cafesjian Collection
Jones Auctions will kick off
the new year and the new
decade on Saturday, January
11, with a special sale dedi-
cated to fine art from the col-
lection of Gerald Leon Cafes-
jian (1925-2013), the legal
publishing executive, art con-
noisseur and philanthropist
who collected with a discern-
ing eye and an adventurous
The auction will be conduct-
ed online and in the firm’s
gallery starting at 10:30 am.
In all, 140 lots will come up
for bid, to include contempo-
rary paintings, sculptures,
prints and mixed media Oil on canvas by Igor Gusev
works. (b 1970), titled “Elvis Oil on canvas by Slava Gro-
“In six decades of collecting, Returns,” unframed, 76¾ by shev (b 1968), titled “Chamo- Pastel on paper by Jyothi Basu (b 1960), titled “The Chosen
Gerard Cafesjian broadened 57 inches, artist signed in mile and Clover,” 2004, 39¾ One,” 2004, 20½ by 15¾ inches, artist signed lower right
his vision and honed his eye Ukrainian lower right by 27¾ inches, signed and ($3/5,000).
to bring together internation- ($6/8,000). dated twice, titled in Eng-
al avant-garde works that as irreverent works like Igor lish and Cyrillic ($3/5,000). executive vice president. He Center for the Arts, which
make statements, reveal Gusev’s (b 1970) large-scale New York City, Cafesjian developed the West Legal opened in Yervan in 2009. The
beauty, display whimsy and oil on canvas titled “Elvis immersed himself in the art Directory and the ground- museum holdings boast more
challenge the viewer,” said Returns,” 2010 ($6/8,000). culture that surrounded him, breaking exhibition program than 5,000 works derived pri-
company president and chief spending time at museums titled “Art and the Law” in marily from his own vast and
executive officer Andrew An admiration for the inti- and art galleries. After serv- 1975. varied collection. Cafesjian
Jones. We’re honored to offer macies that can be found in ing in the Pacific during World wanted the center to promote
this segment of his collection, world localities is revealed in War II, he returned to New Cafesjian retired in 1996 and support historic and con-
which features international Margaret Leahy’s acrylic York to pursue studies in eco- and focused his resources and temporary Armenian artists
artists in a variety of media.” “Brooklyn Backyard,” 1981, nomics and law at St John’s time on philanthropic pur- such as John Altoon, Sonia
Two works by Vesna Kittel- which depicts a window’s view University Law School, Cor- suits, mostly in his ancestral Balassanian, Armen Eloyan,
son (b 1947), from the artist’s of her childhood neighborhood nell University and earned a home of Armenia. He founded Archille Gorky and Martiros
“War Painting” series ($600/800). Further afield doctorate of jurisprudence the Scottsdale Museum of Sarian. He also strived to
($2/3,000) reveal Cafesjian’s locations are seen in the Vir- from Columbia Law School. Contemporary Art in 1999, bring the best of international
concern with crimes against gilio Raposo (b 1955) painting and in 2001, he created the contemporary art to Armenia.
humanity and social injustice. titled “Lisbon,” 2003 ($800- Cafesjian also made time to Cafesjian Family Foundation,
His eye for color and playful- $1,200) and Jyothi Basu’s (b study painting and sculpture which developed infrastruc- Gallery previews will be con-
ness are evident in pieces like 1960) pastel work titled “The at the Art Students League. ture for cultural enrichment, ducted Thursday and Friday,
Yvonne Canu’s (1921-2008) Chosen One,” 2004 ($3/5,000). After graduation, Cafesjian financial services, media and January 9 and 10, from 10 am
“Fleur sous les fleurs” became an editor with the renewable energy in Armenia. to 5 pm both days.
($2/3,000) and Roberto Sebas- Gerard Cafesjian was born Minnesota-based legal pub-
tian Matta’s (1911-2002) unti- in Bensonhurst, Brooklyn to lishing firm of West Publish- One of his proudest achieve- Andrew Jones Auctions is at
tled, 1970 ($2/3,000) as well Armenian refugees fleeing ing and ascended the ranks to ments was the establishment 2221 South Main Street. For
genocide in 1915. Raised in of the Cafesjian Museum information, 213-748-8008 or
Foundation and the Cafesjian www.andrewjonesauctions.com.
Temporary Closures During Construction—
George Eastman Museum Breaks Ground On New Visitor Center
ROCHESTER, N.Y. — The that the historic mansion will uary 30 for the exhibition pre- cil, has granted $1 million for the overall project to proceed.
George Eastman Museum will be closed through February view event for “Bea Nettles: the project. ESL Federal Cred- The Eastman Museum is at
break ground on January 6, 13. During this period, admis- Harvest of Memory.” it Union acquired the naming
for a new visitor center, which sion to the museum will be rights to the entrance pavilion 900 East Avenue. For more
includes construction of the reduced to $10 for adults, $8 The Dryden Theatre will be for $1 million, which enabled information, 585-327-4800 or
ESL Federal Credit Union for seniors (65+), $3 for ages closed from January 1 through www.eastman.org.
Pavilion. The visitor center 5-17 and students (with ID). June 3 and will reopen for the
project, which involves relo- (Admission will remain free 6th Nitrate Picture Show on
cating the museum’s main for museum members, chil- June 4.
entrance to the west side of dren 4 and under, SNAP/EBT
the building, is the most sig- cardholders and their fami- In recognition of the closures
nificant structural change to lies, and active-duty military resulting from the construc-
the museum since the gallery personnel and their families.) tion and restoration projects,
and collections building was The mansion will reopen on all new and renewed member-
constructed in 1989. The proj- February 14, with the start of ship terms will be for 13
ect is expected to be complete the annual Dutch Connection months rather than one year,
by July 2020. floral show, and regular muse- and the expiration dates of all
um admission rates will Dryden Theatre film passes
The new ESL Federal Credit recommence. will be extended through June
Union Pavilion will be a glass- 30.
and-steel structure in front of The galleries and mansion
the west facade of the one-sto- will be open for most of the The visitor center project
ry building — originally duration of the visitor center was initiated by a longtime
George Eastman’s garage — construction, but the entire museum patron, who is donat-
where the museum’s café and George Eastman Museum will ing more than $1.5 million for
shop are currently located. be closed to the public through the project. The New York
The structure is designed to January 30. The museum will State Council of the Arts
allow the historic facade of reopen on the evening of Jan- (NYSCA), in conjunction with
the garage to be visible from the Finger Lakes Regional
both within and outside the Economic Development Coun-
pavilion. Through the new
entrance, visitors will be Rendering of the new visitor center spaces by Flynn Batta-
served by a new admissions glia Architects.
desk, gathering places, a reno-
vated meeting hall and
screening room, a more mis-
sion-focused shop, and a relo-
cated café that includes seat-
ing in the historic Palm House
with views of the Schuyler C.
Townson Terrace Garden.
Several public spaces of the
museum will be affected by
construction, including clo-
sures throughout the duration
of the project. In addition to
the visitor center project, the
museum is completing resto-
ration of the historic Colon-
nade. The resumption of work
on this project will require
Newtown Bee_February_2018_2x6.indd 1 10/25/18 2:53 PM
6 — Antiques and The Arts Weekly — January 10, 2020
Painted wood and metal whaling scene ($3/5,000).
Yarn-sewn wool on cotton hooked pictorial rug, New Eng-
land, circa 1810 ($15/25,000).
Doyle Offers Private Estate Highlighting
American Folk Art, Toys
Wool-on-linen needlework sampler worked by Mary
Ann Boyer, Lehigh Valley, Penn., February 2, 1840
Ruth Whittier Shute and Samuel Addison Shute (Ameri-
Silk-on-silk needlework picture, probably Freder- can, 1803-1882 and 1803-1836), portrait of two children from
icksburg, Va., circa 1790 ($20/30,000). the Prescott family with a dog, circa 1831, watercolor and
pencil on paper ($100/150,000).
NEW YORK CITY — At 10 am teenth and Twentieth Cen-
on Thursday, January 23, Doyle turies. Together they weave a with a greyhound running Robson of New Hampshire are
will present, “Cherished: Ameri- tale of the delights and educa- alongside and a circus animal both watercolor on silk; one is a
can Folk Art & Toys from the tion of the child throughout toy with a bear trainer on one mourning picture, the other is
Estate of a Private Collector.” American history. end and a stallion on the other an Aurora scene.
This single-owner collection of The sale begins with about end that circle each other when The collection includes exam-
American folk art and toys, com- 150 lots of toys and mechanical pulled. Tin toys abound as well ples of portraiture from some of
prised of things from several and still banks. Highlights of as folk art toys, including an America’s most noted folk paint-
residences, consists of more the still banks include a Globe Ives suffragette mechanical toy. ers including works by William
than 400 lots, including tin and Savings Fund cast iron bank Estimates for the toys and Matthew Prior, a rare work on
other toys, mechanical banks, and the Old South Church in banks range from $100 to paper by Jane Anthony Davis,
samplers, decorative art, paint- Boston bank, alongside $10,000 and reflect the broad Jacob Maentel and Ruth and
ings and works on paper. The mechanical banks such as the range of objects developed dur- Samuel Shute. Joseph Davis’s
collector had a keen interest in J&E Stevens “Girl Skipping ing the Industrial Revolution representation of the Johnson
childhood, as seen by the myriad Rope” bank, a Darktown Bat- when toys began to be mass pro- family is offered, as well as two
objects that were made by or tery bank and an Uncle Sam Globe Savings Fund cast duced in metal instead of the landscapes by J.O.J. Frost.
treasured and cherished by chil- bank. Pull and bell toys feature iron bank, Kyser & Rex traditional homemade toys of These artists captured the vital-
dren in the Eighteenth, Nine- a squirrel on a white stallion Company ($2/3,000). cloth and wood. ity of their subjects and give us
The sale also includes a large a glimpse into the lives of the
group of important girlhood citizens of our young nation.
samplers and needlework pic- Rounding out this cohesive col-
tures, which would have been lection are a few weathervanes,
wrought in silk or wool from the including a sheet iron weather-
mid-Eighteenth Century vane, an Easter burlwood bowl,
through the mid-Nineteenth mochaware, some late Nine-
Century by young girls aged five teenth Century Martin Brothers
to 18. Examples include pottery and some furniture.
renowned schools such as Mary The collection will be available
Balch’s School in Rhode Island for preview Saturday through
and Mrs Buchanan’s School in Tuesday, January 18-21.
Pennsylvania, as well as a few Doyle is at 175 East 87th
English and Continental exam- Street. For information, 212-
ples. Two pieces by Eliza Ann 427-2730 or www.doyle.com.
Attributed to Jane Anthony Davis (American, 1821-1855), pair of portraits: John Doan Kenton cast iron, “Seeing New York 899” ($1/1,500).
Sherman (b 1841) and Ann Francis Sherman (b 1842), circa 1850, oil on heavy paper
January 10, 2020 — Antiques and The Arts Weekly — 7
Princely Interiors: Mario Buatta’s Collection At Sotheby’s
NEW YORK CITY — On Jan- in 1984, Buatta embraced the
uary 23-24, Sotheby’s presents collected interior. His interiors Pair of Chinese black ground
nearly 1,000 lots of furniture, layered fine antiques, confec- famille rose vases, Qing
fine art and decorative objects tionary curtains and sublime dynasty, late Nineteenth
from the New York and Con- colorations, creating an atmo- Century (($7/10,000).
necticut homes of interior sphere of lived-in opulence.
designer, Mario Buatta. During his tenure as chairman Regency gilt and ebon- Meissen peony dishes, circa
of The Winter Antiques Show ized wood starburst 1765 ($2/3,000).
Most influenced by the under- at the Park Avenue Armory convex mirror, early Nine-
stated elegance of Colefax and from 1977 to 1991, he champi- teenth Century ($4/6,000). Pavilion in the Nineteenth Gothic revival objects is a nod
Fowler and the doyenne of exu- oned the importance — and lacquered Chinese export Century, is enticingly estimat- to the 1845 William H. Mason
berant American décor, Sister glamour — of collecting bureau cabinet dates to circa ed at $8/12,000. A section of house in Thompson, Conn.,
Parish, Buatta reinvented the antiques. 1730 and was acquired at which Buatta lived in after
English Country House style in Sotheby’s in 1983 ($50/80,000). 1992.
the United States for clients Even a cursory glimpse Buatta’s own brown and gold
such as Henry Ford II, Barbara through the two sale catalogs lacquer four-poster canopy bed, Sotheby’s is at 1334 York Ave-
Walters, Malcolm Forbes, Mari- identifies numerous highlights. which was made for Brighton nue. For information, 212-606-
ah Carey, Patricia Altschul and The first session offers up such 7000 or www.sothebys.com.
for Blair House, the President’s delectable items as an Eigh-
guest quarters. The collection teenth Century Venetian Roco-
comprises: English and Chinese co polychrome and giltwood
Export porcelain, English pot- child’s chair ($3/5,000); an oil
tery and Dutch Delft; English on canvas titled “The Boxer
enamels, silver and glassware; Rebellion” by Frances C. Fair-
numerous examples of English man (1836-1923) ($10/15,000);
and Continental furniture, with a late Nineteenth or early
a particular focus on lacquered, Twentieth Century Continen-
japanned and penwork items; tal tin-glazed earthenware blue
an ensemble of fine art, accent- and white birdcage ($800-
ed by his collection of dog paint- 1,200); numerous lots of Eng-
ings and objects that illustrate lish enamels in every form and
his personality. With estimates color and a still life by Jan Van
ranging from $500 to $50,000, Os estimated at $60/80,000. In
the sale will present collectors the second session, a silver
and admirers at all levels with “seed pod” centerpiece designed
a unique opportunity to acquire by Van Day Truex for Tiffany &
a piece of Buatta’s influential Co ($7/10,000); a pair of Qing
aesthetic. dynasty Chinese export blue
and white tulip vases
Dubbed “the Prince of Chintz” ($15/20,000); a black and gold
by reporter Chauncey Howell
On Jan. 11-12, Papermania Plus Paper Show Will Return To Hartford’s XL Center
HARTFORD, CONN. — part: pins, tintypes, vintage This year, WorthPoint.com public is encouraged to bring The XL Center is at 1 Civic
Advertising, photography and bottles, metal and wooden chief executive officer Will in their own treasures for an Center Plaza. For information,
antique paper lovers will signs and advertising and Seippel and eBay Hall of appraisal Sunday, January www.papermaniaplus.com or
rejoice as Papermania Plus trade show display samples of Famer Danna Crawford will 12, from 10 am until noon. 860-280-8339.
returns to the XL Center Fri- all kinds. be onsite on Saturday from 9 Among the appraisers this
day and Saturday, January am to 2 pm to offer a free sem- year is Gary Sohmers, famous
11-12. Hillcrest Promotions “[Papermania Plus] show- inar on how to discover hid- for his appearances on the
has been running paper and cases the importance of print- den treasures at ephemera PBS-TV program Antiques
antiques shows continuously ed material before the inter- and memorabilia shows like Roadshow.
since 1975, and Papermania net,” said show promoter Gary Papermania Plus. Registrants
Plus is one of the top shows Gipstein. “The breadth and will then explore the items Show hours are 10 am to 5
for paper and memorabilia in depth of material on display onsite to search for rare and pm on Saturday, January 11,
the United States. January here is staggering. This is unique items of value. “We are and 9 am to 2 pm on Sunday,
will mark the 77th Paperma- where you have a chance to thrilled to be bringing the January 12. Tickets are $9.
nia Plus. pick up a rare Topps baseball WorthPoint Treasure Hunt to Seniors and students with a
card you’ve been looking for, Papermania Plus,” Seippel valid ID card can get half-
Papermania Plus offers both or a backstage pass and post- said. “This is our first trip to price admission.
serious collectors and the er from that rock concert you Hartford and we are looking
merely curious a treasure attended. You can also search forward to exploring the show A Fntiques on the armington
trove of vintage paper items, for a mint copy of the first and helping our friends learn A Multi-Dealer Shop
including postcards, movie Batman comic book, Stephen how to identify and value in the historic Collins Axe Factory
posters, photographs, rare King’s Castle Rock newslet- printed items and vintage 10 Depot Street (at Rte 179)
books, fine art prints, base- ters, comb through tens of advertising. This is a category Collinsville (Canton) CT 06022
ball cards, antique maps, thousands of vintage post- I really love, so I am person- 860-693-0615
sheet music, autographs, his- cards, rare Civil War pictures ally excited to be hunting
torical documents and more. or World War II insignias and along with the rest of our Voted Best Antique Shop Hartford Magazine
Even items such as old stock combat ribbons, and even rare group — can’t wait to see
certificates from long-bank- LPs. There are stereo view what we’ll discover.” Over 70 Dealers • 2 Floors
rupt companies — valuable cards, Nineteenth Century Furniture • Art • Pottery • China • Glass
for their design, not the com- catalogs of all sorts, and many Vendors from across the Jewelry • Vintage Clothing • Books Etc.....
pany they represent — can be kinds of eccentricities of United States will bring items
found. Then there’s the “Plus” interest to everyone.” to sell, share and display. The www.antiquesonthefarmington.com
Discover Treasures In Seymour, Conn. OPEN DAILY 10-5
SEYMOUR, CONN. — If an boutique, warm, cozy, shopper- leave and wish you owned,
antiques and gift shop could friendly, with its own self- leaving with the feeling that
giftwrap itself, Charlie’s Trea- styled “personality” in store Tessitore could become your
sures, nestled into Seymour’s owner Rita Tessitore. Brim- friend.
famed Antiques Row on Bank ming with gifts and antiques,
Street, has the bows and trim- it’s a place where one can “While we’re the fresh start-
mings ready for the shopping browse until one can browse up in town, I pride myself with
season. no more. It’s the kind of a wide assortment of unusual
antiques shop you hate to antiques and gifts, “Tessitore
Charlie’s is a small antiques said. “I also sell select furni-
ture I have refinished myself,
including full upholstering, a
task that’s becoming a lost
art.” She continued, “ I’ve
always had the love and touch
for old furniture and the need
to connect with anything
that’s wooden — chairs, tables,
bed stands, cabinets — any-
thing that begs to be brought
back in appeal and value.”
Originally from Brazil, Tes-
sitore said she is very much at
home with Valley life, living in
Seymour with her husband
and two children.
Charlie’s Treasures is at 5
Bank Street, one block from
Route 8 off the Bank Street
exit. For information, 475-313-
8 — Antiques and The Arts Weekly — January 10, 2020
Sotheby’s Americana Week 2020
Important canvas-work picture, Boston, circa 1748
Ammi Phillips, portrait of a seated child in a pink dress
with a spaniel and coral teething ring, circa 1835, oil on
canvas, 31 by 25 inches ($200/300,000).
Chippendale carved cherrywood NEW YORK CITY — Clocking Furniture highlights include pieces from Earnest ($60/80,000); a stoneware jar
bonnet-top high chest of drawers, in at less than 550 lots of Ameri- the Connecticut River Valley, such as a Col- cobalt decorated with a baseball player
Colchester, Conn., circa 1775 cana — a modest offering com- chester, Conn., bonnet top high chest of ($30/50,000); and a smoke paint-decorated
($150/300,000). pared to recent years — Sotheby’s drawers ($150/300,000); a candlestand by tall case clock with works by Silas Hoad-
will nonetheless present the larg- Nathan Lumbard ($15/30,000); a Wethers- ley ($150/250,000). Weathervanes com-
Chippendale mahogany chest on est selection of American furni- field, Conn., dressing table ($25/50,000); a prise arguably the strongest component to
chest, the case attributed to Thom- ture and folk art during Ameri- Chippendale serpentine chest of drawers the sale and features, among others, a
as Affleck, carving attributed to cana Week. Crossing the block by Calvin Willey ($20/30,000) and a pair of squirrel weathervane attributed to Cush-
Hercules Courtenay, Philadelphia, first on the morning of Saturday, Chippendale side chairs attributed to John ing & White or Cushing and Sons
circa 1770 ($100/150,000). January 25 is the collection of Barbara and Townsend ($30/50,000). ($150/250,000); a grasshopper weather-
James Bard, “The Steamer Thomas Arun Singh; it will be followed that after- New Dimension of Tradition: Folk Art vane attributed to L.W. Cushing & Sons
Collyer,” 1850, oil on canvas, 24 by noon by the sale of a folk art collection to ($100/150,000) and a Goddess of Liberty
44 inches ($60/120,000). benefit the MFA Boston. Various owner’s Sold To Benefit the MFA Boston
Americana will be sold on the next day, A collection of 135 lots of weathervane ($350/450,000).
Sunday, January 26, beginning at 10 am. folk art from an unidenti- Various Owners
Triumphant Grace: The Barbara & fied private collector will
Arun Singh Collection be sold to benefit the Organized chronologically, a
Comprising approximately 230 lots, the Museum of Fine Arts, Pilgrim Century cradle from
sale represents decades of collecting by one Boston. As described in the Rhode Island School of
of the leading cardiologists from the Unit- the introduction to the cat- Design ($15/25,000) and a
ed States, Arun, and his wife of 50 years, alog, the sale will enable circa 1748 canvas-work picture
Barbara Singh. With a focus on New Eng- the museum to not only from Boston ($100/150,000) are
land material culture from the Eighteenth reimagine its existing col- featured works early in the ros-
and Nineteenth Century, strengths of the lection and displays but ter of 170 lots of American fur-
collection include needlework, Chinese broaden the diversity and niture, decorative and folk art.
export smalls, seating furniture and breadth of its future An Ammi Phillips portrait of
weathervanes. acquisitions to include a child in pink with a spaniel
Fine art offerings feature works by such self-taught and contemporary ($200/300,000) and a painting
notable artists as Mary Way, Mrs Moses B. folk art. of Seneca Indians by John Lee
Russell, John Brewster Jr, William Mat- Described by Sotheby’s head Douglas Mathies ($80/120,000)
thew Prior, Ammi Phillips, Erastus Salis- of department, Erik Gronning, are among the most highly antici-
bury Field, Jacob Maentel, Joseph Whiting as a “diverse and whimsical” pated fine art lots. Worth men-
Stock, Zedekiah Belknap, Ruth Whittier compilation, the sale includes tioning as well are two chests on
Shute and Samuel Addison Shute, Ruth a portrait of Andrew Jackson chests from Pennsylvania; one
Henshaw Bascom, Cephas Thompson and by Edward Hicks attributed to George Claypoole Jr
James Bard. ($120/180,000); a whimsy by ($50/100,000), the other attribut-
John Scholl once with Adele ed to Affleck ($100/150,000).
A late entry to the sale is a Clas-
sical carved mahogany Recamier
attributed to Samuel Field McIn-
tire that was once in the collection
of William Randolph Hearst
American prints and silver, and
Chinese export porcelains con-
clude the day.
Sotheby’s is at 1334 York Ave-
nue. For information, 212-606-
7000 or www.sothebys.com.
Federal paint and smoke-
decorated pine tall case
clock, works by Silas Hoad-
ley, Plymouth, Conn., circa
1810-20 ($150/250,000).
Pilgrim Century maple, oak and pine cra- Copper squirrel weathervane, attributed to
Copper and cast zinc “Lady Suffolk” weathervane, J. How- dle, Southeastern Mass., or Rhode Island, Cushing & White or L.W. Cushing and Sons,
ard & Co., West Bridgewater, Mass., circa 1854-67 ($40/60,000). circa 1685 ($15/25,000). Waltham, Mass., circa 1870-85 ($150/250,000).
January 10, 2020 — Antiques and The Arts Weekly — 9
Inaugural Sale At 1600 West Girard—
Freeman’s To Auction Private Collections Of Art Nouveau
Majorelle dining table once owned by Barbara Streisand
Early set of engraved and enameled glass goblets by Emile
Galle ($5/8,000).
PHILADELPHIA — On Jan- Highlights will include a The auction will also present October 12, 1989–January 9, “La Coupe Fleurie” night
uary 22 at 10 am, Freeman’s Majorelle dining table once one of the largest groups of 1990, the Museum of Modern light, made in France circa
will conduct its inaugural sale owned by Barbara Streisand Kayserzinn pewter ever assem- Art staged the first American 1923 by Gabriel Argy-Rous-
at its new location at 1600 West ($6/9,000) and a Majorelle five- bled, hailing from the collection exhibition recognizing Kayser- seau ($3/5,000).
Girard, showcasing decorative piece salon suite, circa 1900, of Rudolf Ammann (1937-2019). zinn’s contributions to the Hugo Leven ($600/800).
arts and design. With more comprising a settee, pair of Ammann was a successful Wall canon of art and design. Several
than 150 lots, the sale will pri- armchairs and pair of side Street export broker who had a pieces lent to that exhibition, Viewing for the sale is set for
marily feature French furni- chairs ($8/12,000). In addition, passion for fin de siècle pewter. from the Ammann collection January 17, 10 am to 5 pm; Jan-
ture and glass from two promi- a “La Coupe Fleurie” night Emblematic of the German will be offered in this sale. uary 18 and 19, noon to 5 pm;
nent, private United States light, made in France circa Jugendstil or “Jugend style,” Among the many noteworthy January 21, 10 am to 5 pm, or
collections, including numer- 1923 by Gabriel Argy-Rousseau Kayserzinn worked with lead- lots by Kayserzinn to be auc- by appointment only the morn-
ous pieces by Louis Majorelle will be offered ($3/5,000). More- ing design talents, including tioned are a pewter lamp base, ing of the sale.
and Emile Galle. Featured as over, an early set of engraved Carl Geyer, Hugo Leven and circa 1903-04 ($400/600), as
well will be works by Tiffany, and enameled glass goblets by Hermann Fauser to offer artis- well as a pair of pewter “Bat” Freeman’s is at 1600 West
including pottery, glass and Emile Galle ($5/8,000) will be tically emboldened designs to a candelabra, 1901-02, crafted Girard Avenue. For informa-
lighting. showcased. burgeoning middle class. From with a design attributed to tion, www.freemansauction.com
or 267-414-1225.
Diamond Necklace Wins $175,000
To Top $4.6 Million Heritage Auction
Auction Action In New York City
NEW YORK CITY — Just in A diamond, white
time for the holidays, a dozen gold bracelet with
competitive bidders boosted a round brilliant-cut
diamond, white gold pendant/ diamonds weighing a
necklace to $175,000, claiming total of 28.59 carats, set in
top-lot honors in Heritage Auc- platinum, sold at $75,000.
tions’ Holiday Fine Jewelry
Auction December 8. The result The top lot was this dia- A diamond, platinum, gold
for the necklace and items from mond, white gold pendant/ ring with a brilliant-cut dia-
four important estates, one from necklace featuring a pear- mond weighing 6.09 carats,
Massachusetts and three from shaped diamond weighing enhanced by square brilliant-
California, helped the total for 9.62 carats, suspended on a cut diamonds weighing a
the sale reach $4,683,189. fine 18K white gold chain total of approximately 1.00
that realized $175,000. carat, accented by baguette-
The top lot was a dazzling 18K gold. cut diamonds weighing
piece, simultaneously simple approximately 0.55 carats, set
and stunning, featuring a pear- One of the truly unique pieces in platinum and 18K gold sold
shaped diamond weighing 9.62 in the auction was a diamond, at $47,500.
carats, suspended on a fine 18K ruby, enamel, platinum, gold cabochons, accented by black
white gold chain. bracelet by David Webb which and white enamel applied on
ended in a flurry of bids when it 18K gold.
“This was a solid auction with closed at $40,000. The hinged
a lot of exciting bidding wars for giraffe bangle features full-cut Featuring a round brilliant-
offerings that were mainly con- diamonds with a combined cut diamond weighing 5.01 car-
temporary designer brand weight of approximately 2.50 ats, a diamond, white gold ring
names and a lot of diamond set carats, set in platinum, ultimately drew a winning bid
jewels,” said Jill Burgum, senior enhanced by oval-shaped ruby of $40,000. The ring’s center
director of fine jewelry at Heri- stone is enhanced by full-cut
tage Auctions. “We saw an diamonds with a combined
increase in our average price weight of approximately 1.00
per lot sold, which reflected not carat, set in 18K white gold.
only the quality of the jewelry
offered, but also the strength of Other top lots included a dia-
the economy and the exuberant mond, white gold necklace at
nature generated by those feel- $38,750; a Ceylon yellow sap-
ing the holiday season.” phire, diamond, platinum ring,
$37,500; a Harry Winston dia-
Multiple bidders also pursued mond, platinum necklace also
a diamond, white gold bracelet brought $37,500; an unmount-
until it finished at $75,000. The ed, round, brilliant-cut diamond
bracelet features round bril- weighing in at 3.28 carats sold
liant-cut diamonds weighing a at $36,250; a Van Cleef & Arpels
total of 28.59 carats, set in plati- lady’s diamond, mother-of-
num. pearl, white gold Ludo Pampille
watch realized $35,000 as did a
Competitive bidding sur- multi-color sapphire, ruby, dia-
rounded a diamond, platinum, mond, white gold necklace and
gold ring before it ultimately a diamond, gold bracelet by
brought $47,500. The ring fea- Cartier.
tures an impressive brilliant-
cut diamond weighing 6.09 car- Prices, with buyer’s premium,
ats, enhanced by square as reported by the auction
brilliant-cut diamonds weigh- house. For more information,
ing a total of approximately www.ha.com or 877-437-4824.
1.00 carat, accented by
baguette-cut diamonds weigh-
ing a total of approximately
0.55 carat, set in platinum and
10 — Antiques and The Arts Weekly — January 10, 2020
Birmingham Museum Examines Ways Of Seeing
BIRMINGHAM, ALA. — The and cultures around the world. from the 1500s to the present our homes; pictures of famous Sharpe Lynn curator of Euro-
Birmingham Museum of Art The exhibition will be on view day. From a rare Renaissance- musicians and celebrities crop pean art at the Birmingham
presents a new iteration of the through March 8. era portrait drawing to contem- up on our Instagram feeds or Museum of Art. “Portraiture is
BMA’s Ways of Seeing series porary photography, this show shine from glossy magazine an art form that has been
that explores themes, perspec- Drawing primarily from the examines how artists have pic- covers. We encounter portraits around for centuries, and its
tives and ideas from across the BMA’s permanent collection, tured themselves and others everywhere: in places of wor- popularity continues today. This
Museum’s global art collections. “Ways of Seeing: Portraits,” across time. ship, on billboards, in books, exhibition celebrates this long-
The exhibition, “Ways of Seeing: brings together various works and in newspapers,” says Dr standing art tradition.”
Portraits” will focus on the art from the museum’s collections “We live in a world surround- Robert Schindler, The Fariss
of portraiture across centuries that consider the many ways ed by portraits. Loved ones and Gambrill Lynn and Henry Highlights of the exhibition
artists have represented people friends smile from frames in include a screen print of former
First Lady Jackie Kennedy by
“Unidentified man” by John F. Stanton, circa 1856, daguerreotype. Andy Warhol, a Civil Rights-era
Museum purchase with funds provided by the Decorative Arts Guild, photograph of Malcolm X by
1992.36. Eve Arnold, and Annie Leibo-
“Portrait of a Man,” attributed to Pierre Dumonstier, last quarter of vitz’s unusual portrait of the
the Sixteenth Century. Black chalk and colored chalk. Gift of the artist Christo. Featuring works
Charles Ulrick and Josephine Bay Foundation Inc, 1960.72. by Käthe Kollwitz, Shirin
Neshat, Wilmer Wilson IV, and
other artists from Africa, the
Americas, Asia and Europe, this
exhibition offers us a glimpse
into the lives of other people.
Artists also fashioned images of
themselves or others that may
or may not be truthful repre-
sentations of someone’s like-
ness or character. This exhibi-
tion prompts questions about
what portraits are, why they
were made, and the messages
they offer about the people they
show. The works speak about
love, grief, history, memory, and
The Birmingham Museum of
Art is at 2000 Reverend Abra-
ham Woods Jr Boulevard. For
information, 205-254-2565 or
Eye miniature patch box, unknown artist, English, about 1790, watercolor on ivory under “Jacqueline Kennedy II,” from “11 Pop Artists,” Volume II
rock crystal, with gold and velvet. Lent by Dr and Mrs David A Skier, T.2019.82. by Andy Warhol (1928-1987), 1965; published 1966, screen
print, 24 by 29-15/16 inches, collection of the Birmingham
Museum of Art; Gift of Mr Martin Hames through the Muse-
um Art Education Council, 1986.46. ©2019 The Andy Warhol
Foundation for the Visual Arts Inc / Licensed by Artists
Rights Society (ARS), New York City.
Käthe Kollwitz (1867-1945), “Selbstbildnis “Memorial Portrait” by Utagawa Kuniyoshi (1798- “Portrait of Jan van den Wouwer” by Anthony
(Self-Portrait),” 1919, lithograph; Collection of 1861), circa 1852-53, woodblock print. Gift of Dr Roy van Dyck and Lucas Vorsterman and engraving
the Birmingham Museum of Art; Gift of Rich’s T. Ward, 1995.110. by Paulus Pontius, published 1645. Collection of
Department Store, Atlanta, 1974.11. the Art Fund Inc, at the Birmingham Museum of
Art; Gift of Roy Curtis Green, AFI.112.2014.
January 10, 2020 — Antiques and The Arts Weekly — 11
$1.9 Million Fine & Decorative Arts Auction —
Tiffany Studios & Rolex Set Tone For Luxury At Morphy’s
Auction Action In Denver, Penn.
Men’s Rolex 116610 Hulk Men’s vintage Rolex GMT- Tiffany Studios Peony table lamp, signed Bid to $104,550, the top lot of the sale was this
Oyster Perpetual Date Sub- Master Pepsi Ref. 1675 shade and base fetched $70,110. Tiffany Studios Venetian leaded-glass table
mariner wristwatch with wristwatch took $18,750, lamp with gilt-bronze base, circa 1910, 21 inch-
original Rolex card gar- more than twice the high es tall with signed 14-inch-diameter shade.
nered an above estimate estimate.
Seund Ja Rhee (1918-2009), untitled decorative abstract oil
on canvas, 22 by 28 inches (sight), sold above high estimate
for $43,050.
Loetz Art Nouveau four-light table lamp Tiffany Studios October Night chandelier,
with patinated bronze base earned $19,200 26-inch-diameter shade signed “Tiffany Stu-
against an estimate of $2,4/3,000. dios New York” came from a Texas family
that purchased it from Lillian Nassau, New
York City, circa 1980. It brought $66,000.
Lady’s platinum 15.5-carat tennis bracelet with 45 emerald- bids before landing at $20,400, num tennis bracelet with 45
cut diamonds, gross weight 36.2 grams, went out at mid- more than 22 times the high emerald-cut diamonds weighed
point of estimate range for $25,830. estimate. in at an impressive 36.2 grams.
The total diamond weight was
DENVER, PENN. — The lux- botanical theme of red berries The Galle 13½-inch faience An untitled abstract oil on 15.50 carats, and its average
uriant colors and incomparable interspersed within an overall cat with blue-and-white pat- canvas by Seund Ja Rhee grading of the stones indicated
artistry of Tiffany Studios dom- network of branches and leaves, tern on yellow glazed body, (1918-2009) topped the fine art VS2/S11 clarity and G/H color.
inated Morphy’s $1.9 million had remained in the same applied glass eyes and section of the sale. Artist- Timelessly elegant, the brace-
fine and decorative arts auction Texas family’s possession for signed “E Galle Nancy” sold signed, dated ‘61 and measur- let sold at the midpoint of its
on December 12. Exquisite nearly 40 years. They pur- for $20,400, more than 22 ing 22 by 28 inches, the lively estimate range for $25,830.
examples of Tiffany table, floor chased it in 1980 from Lillian times high estimate. artwork was executed in a
and hanging lamps — many of Nassau (New York), the world’s sunny palette of orange, red Prices given include the buy-
them quite rare — were among foremost authority on Tiffany 13½-inch Galle yellow faience and yellow tones with sky-blue er’s premium, as stated by the
the stars of the 767-lot sale. lamps. The chandelier changed cat with a blue-and-white accents. It sold well above its auction house.
hands at Morphy’s for $66,000. hearts-and-dots pattern high estimate for $43,050.
An opulent masterpiece from charmed ceramics fanciers on For information, 877-968-8880
a long-held collection, a circa Intense bidder interest drove both sides of the Atlantic. The A blue-chip selection of wrist- or www.morphyauctions.com.
1910 Tiffany Venetian lamp the price of a Loetz Austrian confident feline attracted 59 watches and jewelry found
with an intricately patterned Art Nouveau table lamp to favor with bidders — both NASHVILLE, TENN. — The
leaded-glass shade and jewel- more than six times its high watch collectors and shoppers Frist Art Museum presents
studded gilt-bronze base soared estimate. A stunning design on the lookout for premium- “Eric Carle’s Picture Books:
to the top of prices realized, that featured four glass globes quality holiday gifts. Rolex was Celebrating 50 Years of The
earning $104,550 against an of organic form supported by an the brand that ruled the day. A Very Hungry Caterpillar,” an
estimate of $50/80,000. A floral unusual vertical-form base, the men’s Rolex 116610 Hulk Oys- exhibition of more than 100
beauty from the virtuoso exam- lamp had been entered in the ter Perpetual Date Submariner original artworks and spans
ples at Tiffany, a vibrant Peony sale with expectations of reach- wristwatch with its original five decades of Carle’s picture-
table lamp with signed shade ing $2,4/3,000, but its appeal- Rolex card sold above estimate book career — from Brown
and base swept past expecta- ing colors and novel artistry for $22,140, while a vintage Bear, Brown Bear, What Do You
tions to settle at $70,110. took it to greater heights and a Rolex GMT-Master Pepsi Ref. See?, his 1967 collaboration
final selling price of $19,200. 1675 wristwatch — so named with author Bill Martin Jr, to
A Tiffany bronze, leaded and because the red and blue The Nonsense Show, Carle’s
stained-glass chandelier in the With its captivating glass- shades on its bezel are similar playful ode to Surrealism. The
October Night pattern, with a eyed gaze and broad smile, a to those on Pepsi-Cola’s logo — exhibition is on display to Feb-
commanded $18,750, more ruary 23 at 919 Broadway. For
than twice the high estimate. information, 615-244-3340 or
A sparkling 15.5-carat plati-
12 — Antiques and The Arts Weekly — January 10, 2020
Bonhams White Glove Sale Of
Jerry Garcia’s Guitars, Art & More
Auction Action In Los Angeles
LOS ANGELES — Alligator! A Martin D-28 acoustic guitar played by Watercolor of an alligator by Jerry Garcia, Alligator, a Fender Strato-
A San Francisco Rock Star’s Jerry Garcia on the Festival Express Tour, 1992, signed and dated 92 lower right cor- caster owned and played by
Guitars, Art & More was 100 Canada, 1970, brought $175,075. ner, framed, realized $52,575. Jerry Garcia of the Grateful
percent sold on December 10 Dead, sold for $524,075.
at Bonhams. The sale com-
prised Jerry Garcia’s personal remains passionate and strong A Garcia watercolor titled
collection of guitars, paint- as ever. The collection gener- “Snake in Juggling Show,”
ings, his large collection of ated a huge amount of inter- circa 1990, earned $40,075
comics, as well as his Hawai- est during its exhibition in Garcia watercolor titled
ian shirts. The top lot was San Francisco and Los Ange- “Snake in Juggling Show,”
Alligator!, a Fender Strato- les, and we welcomed visitors circa 1990, which earned
caster owned and played by from all around the globe.” $40,075; and a Fender Vibra-
Garcia of the Grateful Dead, sonic 6g13-A amplifier owned
which sold for $524,075. It Other highlights in the col- and used by Garcia, circa
had been estimated at lection included a Martin D-28 early 1960s, fetching $35,075,
$250/400,000. acoustic guitar played by Gar- more than ten times high esti-
cia on The Festival Express mate.
With a build date of 1955, Tour, Canada, 1970, which
Alligator is believed to have sold for $175,075, more than Prices given include the buy-
been given to Garcia in 1970 three times its high estimate; er’s premium, as stated by the
by Graham Nash (ex-Hollies; a watercolor on paper of an auction house. For additional
Crosby, Stills, Nash & Young) alligator by Garcia (1942- information, 323-850-7500 or
in appreciation of Garcia’s 1995), which brought $52,575 www.bonhams.com.
guitar work on Nash’s solo against a $4/6,000 estimate; a
album Songs For Beginners.
Nash supposedly bought the
guitar in 1970 for $250 at a
pawn shop in Phoenix, Texas.
The guitar has numerous
external and internal modifi-
cations largely carried out by
Frank Fuller and Rick Turner
of Alembic, a company found-
ed in 1969 composed of a small
group of instrument and hi-fi
specialists who were closely
involved in achieving the
Dead’s signature sound of the
Giles Moon, Bonhams direc-
tor of music & entertainment
memorabilia, commented: “‘We
were thrilled by this result,
which shows that the enthusi-
asm for Grateful Dead fans
Thomas Cole’s Paintings Of Catskill Creek
At Hudson River Museum
YONKERS, N.Y. — “Thomas 1845. His fascination with
Cole’s Refrain: The Paintings of Catskill Creek, which enters the
Catskill Creek,” explores, for the Hudson River at Catskill, N.Y.,
first time as a series, Cole’s speaks volumes about his artist-
extraordinary Catskill Creek ry and his commitment to the
landscapes, which he created environment. These iconic imag-
again and again from 1827 to es are essential to understand-
ing this pioneering artist and
proto environmentalist who cap-
B &S tured nature’s beauty and
underscored the essential need
to protect the environment. The
exhibition was organized by the
Thomas Cole National Historic
Site in association with the
Hudson River Museum, where it
will be on view through Febru- Thomas Cole, “Catskill Creek, New York,” 1845, oil on can-
ary 23. vas, 26½ by 36 inches. New York Historical Society, the Rob-
Cole’s paintings of Catskill ert L. Stuart Collection, Gift of his widow Mrs Mary Stuart,
Creek constitute the most sus- S-157.
tained sequence of landscapes
he ever made. The views in the sive development of the land- University Art Gallery, the
paintings are all anchored along scape. During Cole’s lifetime, National Gallery of Art, Albany
a stretch of Catskill Creek near Catskill Creek was increasingly Institute of History and Art,
the Village of Catskill, where threatened by industry, which is Olana State Historic Site, the
Thomas Cole lived and worked. represented in the paintings by Frances Lehman Loeb Art Cen-
Part of this waterfront, located significant details. ter at Vassar College, and the
less than a mile and a half from The exhibition includes origi- Currier Museum of Art.
the Thomas Cole National His- nal oil paintings by the artist. The Hudson River Museum is
toric Site, has been preserved as Represented, as well, are paint- at 511 Warburton Avenue. For
a public park by the land conser- ings of the Catskill Creek scene information, 914-963-4550 or
vancy groups Scenic Hudson by leading Nineteenth Century www.hrm.org.
and Greene Land Trust. artists who were inspired by
Cole’s repeated attention to Cole: Asher B. Durand, Frederic SAN MARINO, Calif.— “Nine-
Catskill Creek signifies his love Edwin Church and Charles Her- teen Nineteen,” a Centennial
of the views near his home and bert Moore. The exhibition fea- Celebration at the Huntington
illustrates his development of a tures Thomas Cole paintings Library, Art Museum and
profound sense of place. The from private collections that Botanical Gardens, with all the
exhibition considers these paint- have rarely been seen in public: objects on view being made,
ings as a series unified by place “Crossing the Stream,” 1827 published, edited, exhibited or
as well as their stable composi- “View Near Catskill,” 1828–29; acquired in 1919. The exhibi-
tion and recurring motifs, even “Settler’s Home in the Catskills,” tion is on view through January
as they exhibit variations 1842; as well as major works 20 at 1151 Oxford Road. For
reflecting changes in the artist’s from the collections of the New- information, 626-405-2100 or
life and times, including intru- York Historical Society, Yale www.huntington.org.
January 10, 2020 — Antiques and The Arts Weekly — 13
Big Flea & Antiques Market Spaces
Sold Out For Jan. 4-5 Show
CHANTILLY, VA. — D’Amore from the Georgian and Ameri- will return with Eighteenth Easter Hill Antiques will be among the many dealers offer-
Promotions has again sold out can Colonial period and home Century furniture and Nine- ing antique furniture and home décor.
exhibit space for the 700-booth décor all the way up to Art teenth Century quilts.
DC Big Flea and Antiques Deco and Midcentury Modern. ing is free. ter. For more information,
Market at Dulles Expo Center. Shoppers can spend their holi- David Smirnoff of New The Dulles Expo Center is at www.thebigfleamarket.com or
The January 4-5 event claims day funds on jewelry and Haven, Conn., and Buenos 4320 Chantilly Shopping Cen- 757-430-4735.
to be the largest and most pop- much more. Aires, Argentina, will offer his
ular antiques, design and collection of mostly fine art
décor and collectibles show in The Village Antiques, Syra- but with a little folk art
the Mid-Atlantic, where typi- cuse, N.Y., will be there with included. Brad Myers, Purcell-
cally many thousands of shop- little things, including toys, ville, Va., will exhibit again
pers come. Joan Sides created seasonal decorations with an with vintage advertising
this show more than 20 years emphasis on Christmas and materials. Jewelry and silver
ago, basing it on similar shows dolls and associated parapher- are available from several
in other parts of Virginia, and nalia. exhibitors, including Milton,
now the success continues into Del., dealer Admiral Antiques.
this new decade under her Paper and ephemera from
management. the Eighteenth Century will Show hours are Saturday, 9
be offered by Neverbird am to 6 pm, and Sunday, 11
Exhibitors offer antiques Antiques, Surry, Va. Easter am to 5 pm. Admission is $10,
Hill Antiques Sharon, Conn. good for both days, and park-
$77 Million In Sales—
Rock Island Auction Company Sets New World Record In 2019
Auction Action In Rock Island, Ill.
Rare and newly discovered,
factory exhibition panel scene
engraved, black powder Colt
single action Army revolver sold at
Historic factory grade No. 10 engraved, gold-plated Annie Oakley presenta-
tion Marlin Deluxe Model 1897 lever-action rifle realized $575,000 (world
record for Marlin sold at auction).
ROCK ISLAND, ILL. — The and setting it yet again even American history. It was pre- Civil War 1864 dated Revere Copper Co. Napoleon 12-pound-
December 6-8 Premier fire- higher. The firm claims that it sented by Samuel Colt to er Model 1857 light field gun with field carriage was bid to
arms auction at Rock Island again remains the #1 firearms “America’s Greatest Orator” $126,500.
Auction Company (RIAC) was auction house in the world. Secretary of State Edward
a perfect storm of sorts. There Everett. The man is a grocery EXCITING NEW 2012
were world-class collector fire- Day 1 put its foot on the gas, list of accomplishments and PRE-BRIMFIELD EVENTS!
arms that had never before and wouldn’t let up until Sun- even spoke prior to Abraham
been offered to the collecting day evening. Within the first Lincoln at Gettysburg. The Milford
public. Collections were half hour of auction a seldom privilege for owning this three- Antiques Show
offered from names that ring seen panel scene engraved digit time capsule was had by Over 100 Dealers in
like royalty to gun collectors: Colt single action Army was one fortunate collector for Quality Antiques and Collectibles!
Robert M. Lee, Mac McCroskie, crossing the podium. After $149,500.
Dr Gerald Klaz, Larry Jones, much spirited bidding in the Hampshire Hills Sports and Fitness Club
Alvin White and others. auction hall and from the The third and final day
phones, this revolver found a seemed in no mood to live in 50 Emerson Rd. (Intersection of Rtes. 101 & 13)
Historic arms were offered new home for $299,000. Anoth- the shadow of the previous Milford, New Hampshire
with direct ties to well-known er notable offering came when two, and so began strong in
figures in American history, a Colt M1911, serial number the fifth lot of the day by offer- Four Great Buying Opportunities!
such as Annie Oakley, Presi- 81, crossed the podium. High ing a silver inlaid Winchester Sundays 10am to 2pm
dent Andrew Jackson and condition, dripping with histo- Model 1886 exhibition
Civil War General George ry and straight out of the orig- engraved by John Ulrich for May 6 Pre-Brimfield Week
McClellan. Several firearms inal owner’s family, this mili- display at the 1889 Exhibition July 8 Pre-Brimfield Week
offered were presented by tary marvel brought $195,500. Universelle in Paris. Resting August 5 Antiques Week in NH
Samuel Colt himself. All this in its stately French fitted September 2 Pre-Brimfield Week
on top of the selection of high- Saturday brought its own case, this Winchester made for
condition, rare, high art and share of outstanding items, the world to see achieved
desirable arms that shooters, perhaps most notably that of $126,500. The overachiever of
collectors, investors and hunt- Western show star Annie Oak- the day came when a martial
ers have come to expect from ley. The fully gold-plated Mar- Colt Cavalry Model with its
Rock Island Auction Company. lin Model 1897 rifle presented 1881 pattern holster came up
to “Little Sure Shot” created a for bid. Sub-inspected by
To what did this perfect huge buzz leading up to its David F. Clark, this time cap-
storm amount ? At the end of sale. In the end, this was yet sule of condition had also
the three days and after all another item never before never been offered at a public
2,700-plus lots had been sold, publicly offered that finally sale. Its first impression was a
the realized total had reached made its big splash. Annie’s good one and it rang the bell
more than $16 million. This is Marlin powdered its $350,000 for $80,500.
an admirable result, but when high estimate and sold for
added to the rest of the 2019 $575,000. Seven lots later was Prices given include the buy-
totals, it reveals an annual a nearly pristine Colt Root er’s premium as stated by the
total of $77 million, beating side-hammer revolver also auction house. For information,
RIAC’s world record last year never before publicly offered 309-797-1500, 800-238-8022 or
for a firearms auction house and with a significant place in www.rockislandauction.com.
Copley Society New Members Show
BOSTON — The Copley Soci- photography and oil. To cele- artists and the visual arts. The 10 AM to 11 AM – Admission: $5
ety of Art presents our New brate our New Members Show, organization, founded in 1879, 11 AM to 2 PM – Free Admission
Members Show, an exhibition an opening reception open to comprises juried artists who
in the Upper Gallery that fea- the public will take place are selected by a credentialed No Sales Tax • All Indoors • Free Parking • Café
tures the 15 new members Thursday, January 9, from 5:30 art committee. Co|So provides
accepted into the gallery in to 7:30 pm, at the Co|So Gal- artists with a gallery for exhib- Jack Donigian, Manager 781-329-1192
2019. Selected by the Member- lery. iting and selling their work
ship Committee of the Copley and a platform for engaging www.milfordantiqueshow.com
Society of Art, new members The exhibition will be on view and educating the community.
are accepted for membership through February 9. Our 36th Year of Quality Antiques Shows
only if their work is truly out- For a complete list of new
standing. This year, our new The Copley Society of Art members, www.copleysociety.
artist members represent a (Co|So), one of the oldest non- org.
great diversity of backgrounds profit arts organizations in the
and media, including pastel, United States, is committed to The Co|So Gallery is at 158
the advancement, enjoyment Newbury Street. For additional
and promotion of its member information, 617-536-5049.
14 — Antiques and The Arts Weekly — January 10, 2020
Outsider Art, Chinese Export, Silver & American Furniture
Christie’s Americana Week
Silver, gold and enamel vase Detail of one of a pair of “George Washington” by Gilbert Stuart “Man on White, Woman on Red / Man
designed by L.C. Tiffany for the famille rose soldier vases (1755-1828), painted 1796-1803 ($200/300,000). with Black Dog,” by Bill Traylor, double-
1915 Panama-Pacific Interna- and covers, Qianlong period sided, 1939-42, from the collection of
tional Exposition, mark of Tiffa- (1736-1795), Tibor Collection Alice Walker ($200/400,000).
ny & Co. ($100/150,000). ($100/150,000).
NEW YORK CITY — Chris- Woman on Red / Man with by a rich assortment from the San Rafael” ($50/80,000); and
tie’s Americana Week 2020 Black Dog,” ($200/400,000), Tibor Collection, which an iconic portrait of George
comprises Outsider Art on which was given to writer encompasses every category Washington by Gilbert Stuart
January 17, Chinese Export Alice Walker by filmmaker of Chinese export porcelain ($200/300,000). From the col-
art featuring the Tibor Collec- Steven Spielberg after filming gathered from Latin America, lection of Gary Dubnoff are a
tion, part II on January 23, The Color Purple. Sold to ben- Europe and the United States. group of 11 cigar store figures
and important American fur- efit the Harlem Children’s Leading the offerings from led by “Punch,” which is pos-
niture, folk art and silver sale Zone and the William Louis the Tibor Collection is a pair sibly from the workshop of
on January 24. On January Dreyfus Foundation is Tray- of famille rose covered soldier Samuel Anderson Robb
22, Christie’s will host the lor’s “Red Man on Blue Horse vases, Qianlong period ($70/90,000).
annual Eric M. Wunsch Award with Dog,” ($150/250,000). A ($100/150,000).
for Excellence in the Ameri- large-scale watercolor and Furniture highlights include
can Arts, which will honor carbon transfer narrative American Furniture & the Gould family Queen Anne
Laura Beach, Lita Solis- double-sided work by Henry Folk Art high chest of drawers from
Cohen and Mira Nakashima. Darger, untitled Newport, R.I., from the Wun-
($400/600,000), and a mini- Headlining the January 24 sch Americana Foundation
Outsider malist and modern sculpture Americana sale is Edward ($300/400,000); and a Queen
Timed to coincide with the by William Edmondson Hicks’ “Peaceable Kingdom,” Anne tall case clock with dial
Outsider Art Fair, Christie’s ($250/500,000) round out the ($1.5/3 million), which Hicks signed by William Claggett
will offer 130 lots of Outsider top lots. himself described as “one of ($30/50,000) from the collec-
Art featuring works from the the best I have ever done.” tion of Ralph Carpenter Jr
Gould family Queen Anne category’s blue-chip artists, Chinese Export Other lots of note include a and the Tillinghast Family
carved walnut high chest of including Bill Traylor, Wil- Taking place on January 23, pair of portraits of children pair of Queen Anne side
drawers, Newport, R.I., 1750- liam Edmonson, Henry Darg- the sale of approximately 150 with animals by Joshua John- chairs, possibly by John God-
70, ex Wunsch Americana er, Thornton Dial and Martin lots Chinese export art is led son ($100/150,000); James dard, Newport, 1760-70 (two
Foundation ($300/400,000). Ramirez, among others. Lead- Bard’s ship painting, “The pairs presented in two lots,
ing the sale are eight works each estimated at $15/25,000).
by Bill Traylor, led by the dou-
ble-sided “Man on White, Silver
Following Americana on
January 24 are 100 lots of
American silver with works
by Paul Revere and Tiffany &
Co., including a vase by L.C.
Tiffany that was exhibited at
the 1915 Panama-Pacific
Exposition in San Francisco
($100/150,000), and a musical
carousel designed by Gene
Moore for Tiffany
($50/80,000). Additional high-
lights include a pair of Mar-
tele vases by Gorham for the
1900 Paris Exposition Univer-
selle ($10/15,000), and a circa
1680 silver caudle cup, by
Jurian Blanck, Jr
Pair of portraits: boy with squirrel and girl with dog by The Christopher Champlin pair of Chippendale mahogany Christie’s is at 20 Rockefell-
Joshua Johnson ($100/150,000). side chairs, possibly by John Goddard or Daniel Goddard, er Plaza. For more informa-
Newport, R.I., 1770-85, ex collection of Ralph E. Carpenter tion, www.christies.com or
Jr ($20/30,000). 212-636-2000.
“Peaceable Kingdom” by Edward Hicks (1780-1849), circa Henry Darger, untitled (188 at Jennie Richie Everything is all right with abatement of
1844-46 ($1.5/3 million). storm / 189 at Jennie Richie Heading for manley camp), double sided ($400/600,000).
January 10, 2020 — Antiques and The Arts Weekly — 15
Notable Prices Recently Achieved At Various Auction Houses COMPILED BY
Across The Block
All prices
include buyer’s premium.
Doyle Posts World Auction Record For Early Navajo Squash Blossom Necklace
Photograph By Barkley L. Hendricks Blooms At Potomack Auction
NEW YORK CITY — Doyle’s December 11 ALEXANDRIA, VA. — A Native American tur-
auction of photographs offered a wide range of quoise and silver
examples squash blossom
spanning the necklace sold at
history of the $8,960, far exceed-
genre. Fea- ing its $1,6/2,000
tured were estimate, at the
works by Potomack Compa-
Henri Cartier- ny’s December 11
Bresson, Bark- auction. This exam-
ley L. Hen- ple of early Navajo
dricks, Horst, silverwork is
O. Winston believed to be the
Ansel Adams’s ‘Moonrise’ Ascends Links, Richard work of one of the
At Christie’s Prince and earliest recorded
Thomas Russ, Navajo silver-
NEW YORK CITY — The top lot of the Decem- among many others. Works by Barkley L. Hen- smiths, Peshlakai
ber 10 live auction of works by Ansel Adams dricks (1945-2017) have become highly sought- Atsidi/Slender
(1902-1984) at Christie’s was “Moonrise, Her- after recently, resulting in ever stronger prices. Maker of Silver. The
nandez, New Mexico,” 1941 (shown), which real- A photograph printed in 1979 titled “Up in necklace, acquired
ized $75,000. Another highlight of the sale to Grandma’s room, Meadsville, Virginia” soared in the late 1800s,
benefit the Center for Creative Photography at past its estimate of $1/1,500, achieving $9,375 was consigned by
the University of Arizona included “Clearing — a world auction record for a photograph by descendants of a US
Winter Storm, Yosemite Valley, California,” 1938, the artist. Known primarily as a painter, Hen- Infantry soldier stationed at Fort Union, N.M.,
which realized $60,000. Proceeds from the sale dricks created vivid, often life-sized portraits territory, in the late 1800s, who collected it along
will benefit a new acquisition endowment for the that are incredibly striking documents of Black with other Native American silverwork and pot-
center, which when Adams co-founded it, he envi- Americans — confrontational and bold slabs of tery. The necklace, made of ingot silver and tur-
sioned it as a place for the exhibition, research, photorealism in bright, punchy colors. Though quoise, is an early example. The squash blossom
dialogue and celebration of all photographers lesser-known, Hendricks’ photography and style was named for its beads shaped like a blos-
and photography throughout time. For informa- mixed media works on paper, while differing in soming flower. It comprises a single strand of
tion, 212-636-2000 or www.christies.com. tone and presentation, are equally powerful seamless globular beads, ten flared “blossoms”
statements on African American culture. For and a two-band cast “naja” set with three natu-
Civil War-Era Bugle Hits A Joyful Note information, 212-427-4141 or www.doyle.com. ral stones, strung on supple hide thong. For
At Cottone information, 703-684-4550 or www.potomack-
GENESEO, N.Y. — A Civil War-era nickel- Sex Sells! Reform School Girl Comic
plated bugle/cornet blew away its $500/800 Seduces Bruneau Bidders Bodhisattva Avalokitesh-
estimate during Cottone’s online art and CRANSTON, R.I. — Headlining Bruneau & Co vara Figure More Than Dou-
antiques auction on December 10 to land at Auctioneers’ bles Estimate At Material
$14,100. Manufactured by D.C. Hall, Boston, December 14 Culture Auction
the 20-inch-long instrument that came from sale and making PHILADELPHIA — A Chi-
the Rochester Historical Society sold to benefit $3,438 was Avon nese figure of Bodhisattva
the collections fund. The Hall brothers, Lyme, Realistic Comics Avalokiteshvara with 11 faces
N.H., natives, became major figures in Nine- Reform School and six arms, made of carved
teenth Century American band music. David C. Girl CGC 3.0, and lacquered wood sold for
Hall conducted the Boston Brass Band from which a collector $12,500 on December 9 at
1853 until the 1880s and was an instrument in Pennsylvania Material Culture’s
maker and dealer. His brother, Rhodolph, was a bidding on the estates, fine, folk, Asian
well-known clarinet and cornet soloist. For phone snapped and ethnographic art
information, www.cottoneauctions.com or 585- up for slightly auction. Ex-collec-
243-1000. more than its tion/estate of John
estimate of Frederick Harbeson and
New York Collector Pays Homage To $2/3,000. When Georgiana Brown Harbe-
Josef Albers Portfolio asked why the son, the figure is 16 by
lot outper- 8½ by 7 inches, and the
CLINTONDALE, N.Y. — Sold at Kensington formed expecta- final price more than
Estate Auctions’ December 9 sale was the Josef tions, Bruneau’s doubled its $5,000
Albers portfolio: “Homage To The Square,” 1962. director of pop high estimate. For
After very active floor, online and phone bidding, culture Travis information, www.
the number-embossed portfolio was purchased by Landry said, “It’s as easy as this: sex sells, and materialculture.
a collector in the New York region for more than this is why Reform School Girl is one of the most com or 215-438-
$14,000. The complete portfolio included ten color famous Seduction of The Innocent comics.” For 4700.
screen prints, each with its own original folder and information, 401-533-9980 or www.bruneauand-
original linen-covered portfolio and slipcase. The co.com.
edition of 250 was identified and numbered three Collectors Stretch To
in ink on the justification page. The publisher was 1964 Mercedes Cabriolet Drives Garth’s Win Disney’s ‘Haunted
Ives-Sillman Inc of New Haven, Conn., the printer Gentleman’s Auction Mansion’ At Heritage
being R.H. Norton and Yale University Press, New Animation Art Auction
Haven. For information, www.kensingtones- COLUMBUS, OHIO — At Garth’s December BEVERLY HILLS, CALIF.
tateauctions.com or [email protected]. 12-13 Gentleman’s Auction, a car fit for a gentle- — Drawing bids from more
man (or woman) was the top lot when a rare 1964 than a dozen eager collectors
Mercedes Benz two-door cabriolet sold at $51,600. and more than doubling its
Only 2,729 of these 220SEb cabriolets were made auction estimate was “Haunt-
between 1961 and 1965, when production ended. ed Mansion” Stretching
This one, odometer reading 92,494 miles, is a six- Room Disneyland Painting
cylinder, with a 2,195cc/134hp engine and a four- (Walt Disney, 1969), which
speed manual transmission. Finished in black reached $57,600 to become
with red interior, the body is solid with good the top lot in Heritage Auc-
chrome work and appears to be original. The car tions’ animation art auction
has its original Becker radio together with the December 13-15. This paint-
original handbook and a purchase receipt from ing is from a series of Stretch-
1965. For information, www.auctions.garths.com ing Room paintings created
or 740-362-4771. for the Haunted Mansion in
New Orleans, used in the ele-
vator/stretching rooms for a
period of six months and then
replaced. This example is one
of the rarest original hand-
painted stretching room
paintings ever to come to
market and is one of only two
with a signature known to
have been free-hand-painted
by artist Marc Davis. For
information, www.ha.com or
16 — Antiques and The Arts Weekly — January 10, 2020
Auction Action In New York City
Doyle+Design, A Sale For The Modern Home
Leading the Tiffany Studios offerings was NEW YORK CITY — Bidders appreciated
this bronze and leaded glass dragonfly table The December 18 this Tiffany Studios
lamp designed by Clara Driscoll, circa 1910, Doyle+Design sale was a Moorish style favrile
$31,250. cache of imagination and millefiori glass stalac-
luxury. Spread throughout tite fixture. It sold for
White stucco walls and terracotta roofs this 394 lot sale was a pleth- $31,250. A nearly identical
invoke a special calm in this seaside town ora of riches, a collection of example in the same condi-
scene by Twentieth Century French artist decorative arts, furniture, tion sold for $11,250 the lot
Roger Muhl. “Les Toits Roses,” 39½ by 43¼ lighting and plenty of fine art prior. It seems someone
inches, brought $11,250 works that spanned global had remorse.
makers throughout the Twen-
Review by tieth Century. isander del rio went out above
Antiques and The Arts Weekly estimate at $3,750; an
The sale would gross Edward Wormley uphol-
Greg Smith, Editor between estimate at stered walnut two-seat sofa,
Catalog Photos Courtesy Doyle $908,063 with a 75 percent $3,750; and a silver leaf
sell-through and 93 per- mirror by Phillip Lloyd
cent sold by value. Powell, $500.
Tiffany Studios lighting
The top lot came in the claimed six of the top ten
form of a glass “Dahlia” lots. At $31,250 was a
chandelier designed by bronze and leaded glass
Max Ingrand for Fontana dragonfly table lamp
Arte, which sold at designed by Clara
$37,500. The circa 1958 Driscoll, circa 1910. At
chandelier, in amber, the same price was a
yellow, green and Moorish style favrile
clear glass, spanned millefiori glass sta-
60 inches diameter. lactite fixture with a
silvered bronze
“The chandelier chain-link mount. A
— that was really nearly identical
an exceptional example sold the lot
thing,” said David prior for a more rea-
Gallagher, senior sonable $11,250. Both
vice president and were similar size and
executive director condition. A pair of bronze
of furniture and dec- and leaded geometric glass
orations at Doyle. “If and turtle back tile sconces,
you saw it in person, it 12¾ by 11¾ inches, brought
was so impressive and $18,750. A green damascene
beautiful. The quality of it favrile glass piano harp floor
and the size. It’s such a state- lamp would double estimate at
ment piece.” $15,000 while a ten-light pond
lily table lamp brought $11,250.
The chandelier was from the Other notable results in glass
estate of Susan Weber, the found- included a circa 1900 Daum acid-
er and director of New York’s etched triple cameo glass stick
Jean Royeré’s 12-light wrought iron bou- Bard Graduate Center. Weber’s neck bud vase. 9¼ inches high,
quet chandelier went out at $10,000. 15 lots in the sale spanned Euro- that brought $11,250 over a
pean and American design. Add- $5,000 estimate. A Cobweb and
ing to her pile was an R. Lalique Spider vase by Gallé, 19¼ inches
nickel-plated metal and molded high, took $8,750. Works from
glass “Feuilles de Charme” chan- Rene Lalique ranged from a
delier, $5,937; a set of four French $9,375 result for a molded opal-
Art Deco fruitwood fauteuils sold
for $3,125; an Art Mod-
erne 1940s chest of draw-
ers in bronze and pal-
Angelo Madrigale, senior vice president A George Nakashima double sliding door The top lot of the sale, at $37,500, was this “Dahlia” chande-
and director of paintings and contemporary cabinet and free-standing shelf sold at lier designed by Max Ingrand for Fontana Arte. It was pro-
art at Doyle, called American artist Llyn $28,125. It came with a copy of the original duced circa 1958 and spans 60 inches in diameter. It was
Foulkes “the Tom Waits of the art world.” 1960s studio design document. consigned from Susan Weber, the founder and director of
This mixed media and paper collage on New York’s Bard Graduate Center.
found photo, 8¾ by 9-5/8 inches, went out
above estimate at $5,625.
Selling for $4,687 over an $800 estimate was A 105-by-132-inch carpet designed by Sonia This design, the cognac leather Scarpa “Soriana” sofa, is
this Norman Mercer “Painting in 3 Dimen- Delaunay, produced by Artcurial Paris, did gaining in value: $5,625 here. We spoke with David Galla-
sions” cast acrylic sculpture. well against its $1,500 estimate when it sold gher, senior vice president and executive director of furni-
for $6,875. ture and decorations at Doyle, about it. He said, “When you
think about modern design compared to traditional design,
traditional design — for what’s selling today — is what will
always be chic, like faux bamboo. But in modern design, it’s
hard to say what that chic is. It’s stylish, it’s a statement
piece, it’s a brand name piece, it has beautiful leather. It’s a
good size, also.”
January 10, 2020 — Antiques and The Arts Weekly — 17
This Robert Rauschenberg work, untitled French furniture artist Philippe Hiquily’s “La Parade,” a
and made of metal leaf and ink on four 1957 wall sculpture, sold for $13,750. Hiquily’s work is some-
sheets of brown tissue paper joined into what rare in the United States and Angelo Madrigale,
two works, was gifted to American actress Doyle’s director of paintings and contemporary art, said,
Sylvia Miles. Rauschenberg inscribed it “The one that we had was early, and usually his works have
“With Love,” and it sold for $5,312. an incredible finish to them — they’re very sleek. They look
like a Miro figure but three-dimensional.”
René Lalique’s top lot was found in this
molded opalescent glass sculpture titled
“Suzanne,” $9,375.
escent glass sculpture titled of paintings and contemporary Rauschenberg piece that he
“Suzanne”; a molded “Tortues” art at Doyle. made for her. They all did well,
vase in alexandrite glass, $8,125; “This is a fun sale and there an exciting group of little things.”
and a frosted amber “Bacchantes” were lots of great surprises,”
vase, $6,250. Madrigale told us. “There were That untitled Rauschenberg
diminutive works by major work, inscribed “With Love,”
In furniture design, New Hope names, Conrad Marca- metal leaf and ink on four sheets
craftsman George Nakashima’s Relli, Lester Johnson
double sliding door cabinet and among other modern and of brown tissue paper joined
free-standing shelf came up postwar artists.” into to separate works,
strong and over-estimate with a The highest painting would sell for $5,312. Five
$28,125 result. It was commis- sold that day was a calm- works by Slonem were led
sioned from Nakashima in the ing seaside town scene by by a portrait of the actress,
1960s and came with a copy of its Twentieth Century executed in 2000, that
original studio design document. French artist Roger Muhl, brought $2,500. A group of
French design was supplied with “Les Toits Roses,” 39½ by five Slonem works with an Dunbar Beck’s “Boxer #1,” a 30-by-40-inch oil on canvas,
works by Jean Royeré: a $10,000 43¼ inches, that brought inscribed book sold for sold for $6,250.
result for 12-light wrought iron $11,250. Following $2,375. Works from Mark
bouquet chandelier and $9,375 behind was New York Kostabi and Howard Fin- Coast postwar art, they were have an incredible finish to them
for a set of three “Créneaux” abstract expressionist ster were found in that col- showing amazing things. Foul- — they’re very sleek. They look
nesting tables with marble tops Mary Abbott, who sup- lection, with a 34-inch kes is kind of like the Tom Waits like a Miro figure but three-
on gilt iron bases. A Jean Prouvé plied an untitled still life, Coca-Cola bottle by the lat- of the art world. A crazy charac- dimensional. This form is famil-
oak and painted steel gueridon 38-1/8 by 24¼ inches, that ter fetching $1,750. Kosta- ter with a one-man band. But a iar in its shape but the patina
table, which had provenance to brought $10,625. bi’s “Blue Line Café,” a phenomenal artist who is getting was pretty raw, and that might
collector Melva Bucksbaum — One of the consignors to 1990 acrylic over screen- his recognition, he had an exhibi- be part of its condition and part
noted for her $100,000 Bucks- this side was the late print on canvas, went out at tion a few years back at the New of that might be the artist’s
baum Award to an artist in the actress Sylvia Miles, twice $1,250. Museum.” intention. And its early so it may
Whitney Biennial — went out at nominated for the Acade- Madrigale was pleased to be before he perfected his style.
$8,750. my Award for Best Sup- see a work by American art- Foulkes’ mixed media and All that being said, it’s relatively
porting Actress for her per- ist Llyn Foulkes in the sale. paper collage on found photo, 8¾ rare to see his sculpture in the
“LaVerne is generally still formances in Midnight “Foulkes, he showed at by 9-5/8 inches, went out above United States, so we were excited
strong,” Gallagher said, referring Cowboy (1969) and Fare- Ferus Gallery on the West estimate at $5,625. to have it and it did well.”
to a 36-by-26-inch bronze and well, My Lovely (1975). Coast right around the
pewter mirror by the designers, “She had small pieces of time that Warhol debuted Also making a good impression Madrigale noted that Doyle
Philip and Kelvin, that took art from people who she his soup can show. Ferus was Twentieth Century French was pleased with the sale and its
$7,500 over a $3,500 estimate. was friends with: Philip Gallery would have shown sculptor/furniture artist Philippe universal appeal to collectors.
“But mirrors don’t come up that Rivers, Hunt Slonem,” that first, they were kind of Hiquily’s “La Parade,” a 1957 “That’s what this sale is about,
often — only eight in the last ten Madrigale said. the tastemakers for West wall sculpture measuring 34¼ having art that pairs well with
years that I can see online — and “They were inches wide. It sold for $13,750 great design,” he said.
I believe this was fought over by friends, she had a A Gallé “Cobweb above a $7,000 estimate.
the design trade.” lot of his works. and Spider” vase, Doyle’s next design sale is slat-
There was a 19¼ inches high, “He’s a French artist that made ed for June, 2020.
The fine art side of the sale was took $8,750. these modernist forms. The one
cataloged by Angelo Madrigale, a For additional information,
senior vice president and director that we had was early, www.doyle.com or 212-427-2730.
and usually his works
American artist Charles Green Shaw An untitled still life by New York abstract The top result in French Not many LaVerne mirrors show up on the
was represented by four works in the expressionist Mary Abbott went out glass was this 9¾-inch- market, and this one was fought over by
sale, this one sold the highest at $5,000. above estimate at $10,625. The oil on can- high Daum acid-etched the design trade. It sold for $7,500, over
“Force in Space,” 1950, oil on Masonite, vas measures 36-1/8 by 24¼ inches. triple cameo glass stick double the estimate.
48 by 32 inches. neck bud vase, circa
1900, at $11,250 over a
$5,000 estimate.
18 — Antiques and The Arts Weekly — January 10, 2020
Antiques and The Arts Weekly
Madelia Hickman Ring
Slavery Museum In Liverpool Aims To Confront Painful Legacy
By Russell Contreras, Escravos — the slavery muse- Hearts. The project links cur-
Associated Press um in Lagos, Portugal, where In this November 24, 2019, photo, a sculpture of former rent human trafficking to the
the European slave trade slave and later abolitionist writer Olaudah Equiano is dis- story out of the Middle Pas-
LIVERPOOL, ENGLAND began. But Liverpool’s muse- played at the International Slavery Museum in Liverpool, sage.
(AP) — Scarlet shackles sit um is much larger, more inter- England. The museum seeks to tell the story of the enslave-
peacefully on display in front active, and more ambitious ment of people from Africa and how the British city benefit- In the United States, jour-
of a sad, gray backdrop. The without being exploitative. ed from human bondage. (AP Photo/Russell Contreras). nalist Nikole Hannah-Jones
now rusted leg irons once has sparked conversations
locked human ankles during Inside, visitors immediately before their horrific journey. A ideology that launched racial- about the legacy of slavery in
Eighteenth Century voyages are taken on a meditative small replica of a slave boat ized slavery in the first place. that nation’s history with her
from Africa to some European experience focusing on Africa illustrates how captives were There’s also photos of the civil interactive 1619 Project in
port, then to the Americas. before European contact. You tossed into small compart- rights struggles in the United The New York Times. It exam-
are greeted by quotes of Amer- ments. Next to the ship are Kingdom from London’s Keep ines the 400th anniversary of
Who the shackles held ican abolitionists and civil Eighteenth Century whips Britain White Rally in 1960 to the arrival of the first enslaved
remain a mystery. But as a rights leaders etched into and branding irons. Yes, these the Toxteth Riot of 1981 in people from West Africa on the
citizen of the United States, stone walls before you see tra- were used. Liverpool over allegations of present-day America’s eastern
I’ve likely broken bread with a ditional masks from present- police harassment. shore. The project challenges
descendant of the woman day Sierra Leone and Mali. Then, there was resistance, readers to consider how their
forced to wear this instru- There are vibrant textiles liberation and the long fight The museum ends with a own lives have been shaped by
ment. Maybe my uncle fought from Ghana, intricate head- for civil rights. Surprisingly, I space for changing exhibits the legacy of slavery, and it is
alongside her kin in a war. Or dresses from Cameroon and walked into an area dedicated related to the themes around helping inspire activists in
it’s possible one of her distant samples of Igbo wall painting to the African American modern-day slavery. During places like Albuquerque, N.M.,
relatives is now be my rela- from Nigeria. You can listen to heroes from Harriet Tubman my visit in November, I to push for their own museum
tive. samples of drum signals from to the Reverend Martin encountered an exhibition of black history.
the Republic of Congo or a Luther King Jr and Malcolm called “Am I not a woman and
These are the thoughts I Mbuti hunting song. The mes- X. US news footage from the a sister’’ — a moving image Walking by an installation of
entertain recently while walk- sages are clear: before enslave- 1950s and 1960s illustrates installation by England-based former slave and abolitionist
ing through the reflective ment, Africa was a diverse and how the descendants of those artist Elizabeth Kwant. She Olaudah Equiano, I heard two
International Slavery Muse- complex continent with long who crossed the Middle Pas- co-created the project with young black women discussing
um in Liverpool, England. artistic and religious tradi- sage had to fight for human female survivors of modern- the 1619 Project and how they
Founded in 2007 on the bicen- tions. rights and against violence day slavery in partnership didn’t understand the criti-
tenary of the abolition of the amid white supremacy — the with Liverpool charity City cism it faced for trying to
British slave trade, the muse- Next, visitors are whisked reshape a narrative in the
um sits just a short walk from toward a room tackling United States. As we left the
the dry docks where slave enslavement and the brutal Equiano sculpture, we stopped
trading ships were repaired Middle Passage. Racial ideolo- at a display of a 1920-era Ku
and fitted out in the 1700s. gies and Europe’s unfamiliari- Klux Klan robe and hood from
(And it’s close by the The Bea- ty with the cultures of Africa Port Jervis, N.Y. The outfit
tles Story, the world’s largest sparked the slave trade which that was once used to terror-
permanent exhibition purely grew once European powers ize blacks and Catholics
devoted to the hometown expanded to the Americas, the stared back down at us. We
band.) Once a major slaving museum tells us. In this room, were silent. But I could feel we
port, Liverpool grew thanks to details of the voyage of the were relieved the glass case
merchants’ financial ties to ship Essex are reconstructed. surrounding it protected us.
the enslavement of people to That’s a slave ship that left We were safe for now. But
the Americas. Liverpool on June 13, 1783, were we?
just nine years after the Amer-
Today, the building tells the ican Declaration of Indepen- If you go, the museum is
story of the enslavement of dence. located in the Merseyside
people from Africa and how Maritime Museum, Liverpool
this British city benefited During the Middle Passage L3 4AQ, United Kingdom.
from human bondage. The Liv- portion, visitors encounter Hours are 10 am to 5 pm, and
erpool location reclaims a shackles and chains used in the cost is free. For more infor-
space once connected to world- forts and castles along the mation, www.liverpoolmuse-
wide human suffering and is African coast to hold humans ums.org.uk.
similar to O Mercado de
Victoria & Albert Museum Acquires Rare Early Chelsea Porcelain Head
KNIGHTSBRIDGE, LONDON — The Victoria & sive knowledge of Ancient Roman and Baroque Only one other porcelain example of Roubiliac’s
Albert (V&A) Museum has announced it has sculpture. Roubiliac would have sculpted the head “Head of a Laughing Child” is known to exist. Dis-
acquired a previously unknown porcelain sculpture, in clay approximately 20 percent bigger than the covered in 1938, it has been in the Ashmolean
“Head of a Laughing Child,” (about 1746-49) after resulting porcelain figure. From this model, multi- Museum’s collection since 1965. The Ashmolean
its chance discovery at a French flea market eight part plaster molds were taken at the Chelsea porce- sculpture is decorated with polychrome enamel,
years ago. Following extensive research, the V&A lain factory and then used to cast several versions unlike the V&A’s monochrome white example. In
can now reveal that the sculpture was almost cer- of the head in porcelain. These were then carefully 2012, the two Heads were brought together for com-
tainly cast from an original clay model made by the dried in a process that saw them shrink consider- parison, when experts from across the world con-
French-born sculptor Louis-François Roubiliac, who ably. The porcelain heads were then glazed and firmed that they were both cast from the same mold
was active in London in the 1740s. fired at a high temperature. at the Chelsea porcelain factory. The plain white
sculpture is more aesthetically pleasing, and its fir-
The sculpture, acquired with generous support ing seems to have been more successful than that of
from Art Fund, joins the V&A’s National Collection the polychrome version.
of Ceramics. It is now on display in the museum’s
British Galleries, alongside some of the earliest Reino Liefkes, head of ceramics at the V&A, said:
examples of English porcelain revealing the vibrant “Roubiliac’s ‘Head of a Laughing Child’ is one of the
artistic milieu of mid Eighteenth Century London. most exciting discoveries in ceramics for many
A rare survival, the sculpture was discovered in years. This vivacious sculpture is one of the most
south west Brittany in France in 2011 by retired fluently modelled examples of English sculptural
porcelain dealer Louis Woodford, who recognized it porcelain ever produced, and I’m thrilled it joins our
as a significant piece of English porcelain. Since world-renowned ceramics collection. The sculpture
then, detailed research has confirmed it was made is now on show in the V&A’s British Galleries as the
at London’s Chelsea porcelain factory, England’s centerpiece of a display tracing the earliest develop-
first major porcelain factory established in 1743. ments in English porcelain. It can be seen alongside
The sculpture’s glassy body and glaze, as well as the other highlights including Roubiliac’s porcelain fig-
surface pitting, are typical of the early experimen- ure of the painter William Hogarth’s infamous dog,
tal period at the Chelsea porcelain factory. Trump.”
Art historical and stylistic analysis strongly sug- Roubiliac’s “Head of a Laughing Child” is the lat-
gest that Roubiliac was the creator of the original est major acquisition to join the V&A’s ceramics col-
model for “Head of a Laughing Child.” Roubiliac was lection, and follows “Matching Pair” (2017), a set of
a friend of Nicholas Sprimont, the owner and found- two ceramic vases by British artist Grayson Perry
er of the Chelsea porcelain factory, and evidence capturing the huge social and political rift caused
suggests Roubiliac considered using Chelsea porce- by Brexit. Encyclopedic and global in scope, the
lain for a major sculptural commission in the first V&A’s ceramics collection encompasses the history
few months of the factory’s opening. Additionally, of fine ceramic production from 2500 BCE to the
the quality of modelling and the style of the Head, present day, with strengths in international con-
which combines Italianate, French and German temporary studio ceramics, European porcelain and
influences, all point to Roubiliac as the author of pottery from 1500 onwards, and ceramics from
the work. This is supported by documentary evi- China, Japan and the Middle East.
dence revealing Roublilac’s roots and training in
both France and Dresden, where he acquired exten- The Victoria & Albert Museum is on Cromwell Road,
Knightsbridge. For information, www.vam.ac.uk.
January 10, 2020 — Antiques and The Arts Weekly — 19
Blackwell Offers Floridiana
Collection Of Alfred Frankel, MD
CLEARWATER, FLA. — St Petersburg City Hall stained glass sign Sam Newton Highwayman painting
Blackwell Auctions will offer a Rare TB Odom 1850s Knox ($2/4,000). ($1/2,000).
sale of Florida art and Hill Pottery pitcher
antiques, including the Florid- ($10/20,000). Includes Fine Art, Scarce Photographs,
iana collection of Alfred Fran- — by Knox Hill potter Turnley Early Souvenirs, Books & Florida Kitsch
kel, MD, on January 11 at 2 & Odom, made in 1859, the
pm. only year the company was Ruth stereo view card (pictur- time, if ever.” available for the sale, includ-
operational. The other exam- ing him in Florida during Vintage hotel ware, Seminole ing absentee, phone and live
“The Sunshine State has ple is owned by the state of spring training), several rare via the internet
such a rich history,” said Florida. Other scarce items in original photographs, a selec- dolls and souvenirs round out
Edwin Bailey, Blackwell’s the 401-lot sale include a St tion of Florida art pottery and the sale. Gallery preview is Friday,
owner. “It boasts the oldest Petersburg City Hall stained more. January 10, 2 to 6 pm, and 10
city in the country, St Augus- glass window, a vintage Sea- “There’s something for every- am to 2 pm on Saturday.
tine, as well as some major board Railway neon sign, a let- “There are so many hidden one who appreciates Florida in
metro areas that were wide ter by Henry Flagler to one of treasures in this auction,” Bai- this sale, including just the Blackwell Auctions is at
spots in the road only a gen- his hotel managers, a Babe ley said, “pieces you’re not right amount of kitsch,” Bailey 10900 US Highway 19 N. For
eration ago. We’re honored going to find again for a long said. information, 727-546-0200 or
that Dr Frankel gave us the www.blackwellauctions.com.
opportunity to offer so much of All forms of bidding will be
his collection, which features
pieces from everywhere in
Florida, from Pensacola to
Jacksonville to Key West, and
every area in between.”
Frankel, a retired physician,
is a well-known scholar and
collector of Florida art and
antiques. He has authored
books — including Artists of
Old Florida and Old Florida
Pottery — and written articles
on those subjects for many
years. Many of the items in
this auction appear in his
Highlights of the sale include
a rare salt-glazed pitcher —
one of only two known to exist
Winter Show Inaugural Cornerstone Of Excellence Dinner, Award Honors Pamela & David Ford
NEW YORK CITY — East Side House and the Winter Mrs Ford serves on the board of the Barnes Foundation The Winter Show is at the
Side House and the Winter Show, serve respectively as the of trustees of the American National Ambassadors Board. Park Avenue Armory, at 67th
Show have announced that chief executive office and Ballet Theater and the board He was a former chair of the Street and Park Avenue. For
Pamela and David B. Ford, chairman of Princess Pictures, of directors for the Greenwich National Audubon Society and information or to purchase a
Honorary Chairs of this year’s a family entertainment motion International Film Festival was previously a director/ ticket, www.thewintershow.
show, are the recipients of the picture and television compa- and Boys and Girls Club of trustee of the New School, org/visit/.
2020 Cornerstone of Excel- ny, and Iconic Vault, an e-com- Newport County, Rhode Island. Florida State University;
lence Award. The award, which merce destination specializing She was a former chair of World Monuments Fund; PO Bo x 2 90 ; Wh i te P l a in s , N . Y. 1 0 6 0 5
will be presented annually at in fashion, jewelry and art. American Place Theater and is International Tennis Hall of
The Winter Show, was estab- a Friend of the Costume Insti- Fame; Redwood Library and
lished to recognize those who, Mr Ford retired in 2003 after tute at the Metropolitan Muse- Athenaeum; and the Philadel-
like the Fords, show a deep 33 years at the Goldman Sachs um of Art and is active with phia Orchestra. He served on
commitment to education and Group where he was a manag- the Animal Medical Center’s the board of overseers of the
the arts. The 2020 Cornerstone ing director and co-head of President’s Council. University of Pennsylvania’s
of Excellence Award will be Global Asset Management. The Wharton School, from which he
presented during a private diverse and extensive range of Mr Ford is a member of the received an MBA.
dinner at the Winter Show’s charitable and nonprofit orga- Board and Director/Trustee of
opening night party on Janu- nizations in which the Fords the Animal Medical Center; Seats for the dinner are
ary 23. are involved speaks not only to the Preservation Society of priced at $2,750, with tables
their wide-ranging interests Newport County; and the ranging from $25,000 to
Pamela and David B. Ford, but also to their remarkable National Sporting Library and $35,000; tickets include
longtime supporters of East history of philanthropy. Museum. He is also a member entrance to the Winter Show.
Study: No Evidence Museum’s Stovepipe Hat Was Lincoln’s
SPRINGFIELD, Ill. (AP) — A a claim by a southern Illinois sell the hat for $1 in the 1950s in recent years by the founda-
new study has found no evi- farmer, William Waller, who also raised red flags. tion’s struggle to pay off a debt
dence to corroborate that a said Lincoln gave him the hat of $9 million that had gone
beaver-skin stovepipe hat — in friendship. A 1958 affidavit “If the stovepipe hat was toward the purchase of the
for years a centerpiece of Illi- from a descendant of Waller’s indeed one of Elbert Waller’s Lincoln memorabilia, includ-
nois’ Abraham Lincoln muse- claimed the gift came when prized possessions and was a ing the stovepipe hat.
um — ever actually belonged the farmer visited Lincoln in tangible link connecting the
to the 16th US president, Washington after 1861. Waller family to Abraham Lin- The foundation announced
according to a published coln, why did Clara not give earlier this month that it had
report. The hat was later purchased the hat to Elbert’s surviving refinanced the 2007 loan it
in 2007 by the private Abra- son…or his grandson ...?” used to purchase 1,500 items
Among the findings spelled ham Lincoln Presidential Wheeler wrote. from Taper.
out in a 54-page report was Library Foundation from col-
that the hat, once appraised at lector Louise Taper for display The new chairman of the
$6.5 million, didn’t appear to at the Springfield museum. It presidential library board, for-
be Lincoln’s size and that was the headliner in a wider mer federal Transportation
descendants of the original Taper collection, for which the Secretary Ray LaHood,
collectors weren’t aware of the foundation paid around $25 praised the study.
claim Lincoln had owned it, million. The collection also
WBEZ reported Tuesday, cit- included the bloodied gloves “We look forward to working
ing a copy of the study. Lincoln wore to the theater with the foundation to explore
the night he was shot. continued research and ulti-
The 16-month study also mately decide how the hat can
criticized a lack of due dili- With secret doubts of their best be used to educate muse-
gence to verify any link own, the private foundation um visitors,” LaHood said in a
between the hat and Lincoln sought to authenticate the hat statement.
before it was purchased in over recent years, including a
2007 and went on display at failed attempt to match DNA Despite strong indications,
the Abraham Lincoln Presi- on the hat to Lincoln. the hat is not what the muse-
dential Library and Museum um has claimed it is, Wheeler
in Springfield. The museum in 2018 asked didn’t say definitively it had
Wheeler to conduct the latest no ties to Lincoln. He said the
Questions about the hat have study. issue merited more study.
been asked for the past sever-
al years. But the study by Illi- Wheeler also found that “No matter what the final
nois State Historian Samuel Waller’s son, former state leg- determination proves to be on
Wheeler cast greater doubts islator Elbert Waller, never the stovepipe hat, it is clear
than ever over its authenticity. appeared to mention the hat that no one at (the museum)
in hundreds of pages of writ- conducted any research on the
Evidence that the hat sat ing. Wheeler said the decision object before it was acquired
atop Lincoln’s head rested on by Elbert Waller’s widow to in 2007,” Wheeler said.
The museum has been beset
20 — Antiques and The Arts Weekly — January 10, 2020
Americana Week In New York
Shows, Auctions, Seminars And Special Events
ONGOING EXHIBITIONS Thursday, January 16 ums for Newport Restoration Foundation, Chris-
tie’s, 20 Rockefeller Plaza. To RSVP, rsvp2@
Master Drawings New York, exhibitions are on Seminars, Lectures and christies.com.
view January 25-February 1 in 25 galleries on the Special EventS
Upper East Side. A preview at each of the partici- 5:30 to 7:30 pm, Wunsch Americana Foundation
pating galleries will be Friday, January 24, 4 to 8 2 to 3 pm, “Panel Discussion: Mario Buatta and to present the eighth annual Eric M. Wunsch
pm; show hours are 11 am to 6 pm. A symposium the English Country House Style in America,” Award for Excellence in the American Arts to
hosted by Master Drawings Journal will be January with featured speakers Jane Churchill, Emily Laura Beach, Lita Solis-Cohen and Mira Nakashi-
28, www.masterdrawingsnewyork.com. Evans Eerdmans and Charlotte Moss, moderated ma; reception honoring recipients at Christie’s,
by Michael Diaz-Griffith. Sotheby’s, 1334 York 20 Rockefeller Plaza. To RSVP, rsvp6@christies.
“20/20 Collecting with Vision,” through March Avenue at 72nd Street. Free. To RSVP: 212-606- com.
31. Olde Hope Antiques, 115 East 72nd Street, #1B. 7130 or [email protected].
For information, 215-297-0200, [email protected] Thursday, January 23
or www.oldehope.com. The Outsider Art Fair, Metropolitan Pavilion,
125 West 18th Street, Early Access Preview, 2 to 6 Shows
“Inside Art,” Long-term exhibition from Janu- pm; Vernissage, 6 to 9 pm, $50; One-day passes The New York Antique Ceramics Fair, Bohe-
ary 18, Children’s Museum of Manhattan, 212 are $30, a three-day pass is $60. For information, mian National Hall, 321 East 73rd Street, 11 am
West 83rd Street. For information, 212-721-1223 212-337-3338 or www.outsiderartfair.com. to 7 pm, for information, www.nyceramicsfair.
or www.cmom.org. com.
Friday, January 17
“Illusions of the Photographer: Duane Auctions
Michals at the Morgan,” through February 2; Shows 10 am, “Cherished: American Folk Art & Toys
“Guercino: Virtuoso Draftsman,” through Feb- The Outsider Art Fair, Metropolitan Pavilion, from the Estate of a Private Collector,” Doyle, 175
ruary 2. The Morgan Library & Museum, 225 Madi- 125 West 18th Street, 11 am to 8 pm, $30. For East 87th Street. For information, 212-427-2730
son Avenue. For information, www.themorgan.org or information, 212-337-3338 or www.outsiderart- or www.doyle.com.
212-685-0008. fair.com. 10 am, Chinese Export Art Featuring the Tibor
Collection, Part II, Christie’s, 20 Rockefeller
“Making Marvels: Science & Splendour at the Auctions Plaza. For information, 212-636-2000 or www.
Courts of Europe,” through March 1; “The 10 am, Outsider Art, Christie’s, 20 Rockefeller christies.com.
Renaissance of Etching,” through January 20; Plaza. For information, 212-636-2000 or www. 10 am, “Mario Buatta: Prince of Interiors,”
“Jewelry for America,” through April 5; “Frank christies.com. Sotheby’s, 1334 York Avenue at 72nd Street. For
Lloyd Wright Textiles: The Taliesin Line, 1955- information, 212-606-7000 or www.sothebys.com.
60,” through April 5; “Aesthetic Splendors: High- Saturday, January 18
lights from the Gift of Barrie and Deedee Wig- Seminars, Lectures and Special Events
more,” through August 16. The Metropolitan Shows The Winter Show Opening Night Party, Park
Museum of Art, 1000 Fifth Avenue. For information, The Outsider Art Fair, Metropolitan Pavilion, Avenue Armory, 67th Street & Park Avenue, 5 to 9
www.metmuseum.org or 212-535-7710. 125 West 18th Street, 11 am to 8 pm, $30. For pm, staggered admission. Community Leader pre-
information, 212-337-3338 or www.outsiderart- view, 5 pm, $1,000-$5,000; Opportunity champion
“Memory Palaces: Inside the Collection of fair.com. preview, 6 pm, $500; Patron preview, 7 pm, $300.
Audrey B. Heckler,” through January 26. The Loan Exhibition is “Unrivaled: The Hispanic Soci-
American Folk Art Museum, 2 Lincoln Square. For Sunday, January 19 ety Museum and Library.”
information, www.folkartmuseum.org or 212-595- 5 to 9 pm, The Cornerstone of Excellence Dinner
9533. Shows & Award, honoring Pamela and David B. Ford,
The Outsider Art Fair, Metropolitan Pavilion, Honorary Chairs of The Winter Show, The Winter
“Land and Sea,” through January 23. The Salma- 125 West 18th Street, 11 am to 6 pm, $30. For Show, Park Avenue Armory, 67th Street & Park
gundi Club, 47 Fifth Avenue. For information, 212- information, 212-337-3338 or www.outsiderart- Avenue, individual seats $2,750, tables $25,000-
255-7740 or www.salmagundi.org. fair.com. 35,000. For tickets, www.thewintershow.org/visit.
“Urban Indian: Native New York Now,” Monday, January 20 Friday, January 24
through March 8; “Who We Are: Visualizing NYC
by the Numbers,” through September 20; “Culti- Seminars, Lectures and Shows
vating Culture: 34 Institutions That Changed Special Events The New York Antique Ceramics Fair, Bohe-
New York,” through February 9. The Museum of mian National Hall, 321 East 73rd Street, 11 am
the City of New York, 1220 Fifth Avenue. For infor- 6 to 8 pm, Opening Reception, “20/20 Collecting to 7 pm, for information, www.nyceramicsfair.
mation, 212-534-1672 or www.mcny.org. with Vision,” through March 31. Olde Hope com.
Antiques, 115 East 72nd Street, #1B. To RSVP, The Winter Show, Park Avenue Armory, 67th
“Artist in Exile: The Visual Diary of Baroness [email protected] or 215-297-0200. Street & Park Avenue, noon to 8 pm. For infor-
Hyde de Neuville,” through January 26; “Mark mation, 917-420-0669 or www.thewintershow.org.
Twain the Holy Land,” through February 2; Tuesday, January 21 The Art, Design & Antiques Show, Wallace
“Audubon’s Birds of America Focus Gallery,” Hall, Church of St Ignatius Loyola, 980 Park Ave-
ongoing; “Life Cut Short: Hamilton’s Hair and Seminars, Lectures and nue at 84th Street, 10 am to 7 pm. For informa-
the Art of Mourning Jewelry,” through May 10; Special Events tion, 203-920-1755 or www.rehshows.com.
“In Profile; A Look at Silhouettes,” January
17-April 5. The New-York Historical Society, 170 10 am to 6 pm, Americana Symposium, Lectures Auctions
Central Park West. For information, 212-873-3400 on the subjects of silver, ceramics, American furni- 10 am, Important American Furniture, Folk Art
or www.nyhistory.org. ture, folk art and needlework celebrating the Col- and Silver, Christie’s, 20 Rockefeller Plaza. For
lection of Barbara and Arun Singh, and Property information, 212-636-2000 or www.christies.com.
“Henry Arnhold’s Meissen Palace: Celebrat- Sold to Benefit the Museum of Fine Arts, Boston. 10 am, “Mario Buatta: Prince of Interiors,”
ing a Collector,” ongoing. The Frick Collection, 1 Featured speakers include Kee Il Choi Jr, Alice Sotheby’s, 1334 York Avenue at 72nd Street. For
East 70th Street. For information, 212-288-0700 or Dickinson, Richard Dietrich, Emelie Gevalt, information, 212-606-7000 or www.sothebys.com.
www.frick.org. Judith M. Guston, Stacy C. Hollander, Dean Thom-
as Lahikainen, Robert Lionetti, Robert Shaw, Seminars, Lectures and Special Events
“Edith Halpert and the Rise of American Folk Arun Singh MD, Gary R. Sullivan and Annabel 11 am, “Collector’s Choice: Shaping The Met’s
Art,” through February 9; “Rachel Feinstein: Westman. Sotheby’s, 1334 York Avenue at 72nd Collection,” The Art Study Room, The Metropoli-
Maiden, Mother, Crone,” through March 22. The Street. Free. To RSVP: 212-606-7130 or ameri- tan Museum of Art, 1000 Fifth Avenue. For
Jewish Museum, 1109 Fifth Avenue. For informa- [email protected]. information and registration, www.masterdraw-
tion, 212-423-3200 or www.thejewishmuseum.org. ingsnewyork.com/partnerships.
Wednesday, January 22 9:30 am to 3 pm, “Decorative Arts Trust New
“Heads and Masks,” January 7-February 7. York Antiques Weekend,” Day 1. Decorative Arts
American Primitive Gallery with John Molloy Gal- Seminars, Lectures and Trust, tour of Morris Jumel Mansion and Philipse
lery, 49 East 78th Street, Suite 7B. For information, Special Events Manor Hall. For Trust members; $400 for two-day
www.americanprimitive.com or 212-628-1530. event; membership, registration and additional
4 pm, Lecture on Paul Revere silver by David tour information at www.decorativeartstrust.org.
Wednesday, January 15 Wood, curator of the Concord Historical Society,
Christie’s, 20 Rockefeller Plaza. To RSVP, Chris-
Seminars, Lectures and tie’s silver department, 212-636-2250.
Special Events
4:30 pm, “Furniture Forward: A New Approach
6 to 8 pm, Christie’s Lates, preview of the auc- to Interpreting Doris Duke’s Newport Furniture
tions, music and specialist talks, Christie’s, 20 Collection at the Samuel Whitehorne House
Rockefeller Plaza. Free & open to the public; regis- Museum” by Erik Greenberg, director of muse-
ter online. For information, www.christies.com.
January 10, 2020 — Antiques and The Arts Weekly — 21
Americana Week In New York
Shows, Auctions, Seminars And Special Events
Saturday, January 25 2:30 pm, Asia Week New York panel discussion, Sotheby’s, 1334 York Avenue at 72nd Street. For
“Opportunities and Perspectives in Collecting Asian information, 212-606-7000 or www.sothebys.com.
Shows Art,” The Winter Show, Park Avenue Armory, 67th
The New York Antique Ceramics Fair, Bohemi- Street & Park Avenue. Free with show admission, seat- Seminars, Lectures and
an National Hall, 321 East 73rd Street, 11 am to 7 ing is on a first-come basis. For information, 917-420- Special Events
pm, for information, www.nyceramicsfair.com. 0669 or www.thewintershow.org.
The Winter Show, Park Avenue Armory, 67th 6 to 9 pm, Young Collectors Night Party, The Win-
Street & Park Avenue, noon to 7 pm. For informa- Monday, January 27 ter Show, Park Avenue Armory, 67th Street & Park
tion, 917-420-0669 or www.thewintershow.org. Avenue, staggered admission, $200-1,000, in
The Art, Design & Antiques Show, Wallace Hall, Shows advance.
Church of St Ignatius Loyola, 980 Park Avenue at The Winter Show, Park Avenue Armory, 67th
84th Street, 11 am to 6 pm. For information, 203- Street & Park Avenue, noon to 8 pm. For informa- Friday, January 31
920-1755 or www.rehshows.com. tion, 917-420-0669 or www.thewintershow.org.
Auctions Auctions The Winter Show, Park Avenue Armory, 67th
10 am, “Triumphant Grace: Important Americana 10 am & 2 pm “Fine Manuscript and Printed Street & Park Avenue, noon to 8 pm. For informa-
from the Collection of Barbara and Arun Singh,” Americana,” Sotheby’s, 1334 York Avenue at 72nd tion, 917-420-0669 or www.thewintershow.org.
Sotheby’s, 1334 York Avenue at 72nd Street. For Street. For information, 212-606-7000 or www.sothe-
information, 212-606-7000 or www.sothebys.com. bys.com. Auctions
1 pm, Audubon Prints, Natural History Engravings, 10 am, Nineteenth Century European Art, Sothe-
Travel Books, Maps and Atlases, Arader Galleries, Seminars, Lectures and by’s, 1334 York Avenue at 72nd Street. For informa-
1016 Madison Avenue. For information, 212-628-7625 Special Events tion, 212-606-7000 or www.sothebys.com.
or www.aradergalleries.com.
2:30 pm, “A New Dimension of Tradition: Important 5:30 pm, ArtTable panel discussion, “The Aesthet- Seminars, Lectures and
American Folk Art, Proceeds of the Sale to Benefit a ics of Femininity through the Ages,” The Winter Special Events
New Folk Art Initiative at the Museum of Fine Arts, Show, Park Avenue Armory, 67th Street & Park
Boston,” Sotheby’s, 1334 York Avenue at 72nd Street. Avenue. Free with show admission, seating is on a 5:30 to 8 pm, Connoisseurs Night, The Winter
For information, 212-606-7000 or www.sothebys.com. first-come basis. For information, 917-420-0669 or Show, Park Avenue Armory, 67th Street & Park
www.thewintershow.org. Avenue, 917-420-0669 or www.thewintershow.org.
Seminars, Lectures and
Special Events Tuesday, January 28 Saturday, February 1
11 am to 4 pm, “Decorative Arts Trust New York Shows Shows
Antiques Weekend,” Day 2. Decorative Arts The Winter Show, Park Avenue Armory, 67th The Winter Show, Park Avenue Armory, 67th
Trust, tour of Winter Show prior to it opening to Street & Park Avenue, noon to 4:30 pm. For infor- Street & Park Avenue, noon to 7 pm. For informa-
the public, followed by lunch and a tour of the mation, 917-420-0669 or www.thewintershow.org. tion, 917-420-0669 or www.thewintershow.org.
Upper East side apartment of Rhetta Felton. For
Trust members; $400 for two-day event; member- Auctions Seminars, Lectures and
ship, registration and additional information at 2 pm, Old Master & British Drawings Including Special Events
www.decorativeartstrust.org. Works from the Collection of Jean Bonna, Chris-
tie’s, 20 Rockefeller Plaza. For information, 212- 12:30 pm, Design in Dialogue, “The Past is Pres-
2:30 pm, “The Promotion of Hispanic Culture,” loan 636-2000 or www.christies.com. ent: Ancient Inspiration for Contemporary Effect,”
exhibition lecture series with Philippe de Montebello, by Achille Salvagni, The Winter Show, Park Ave-
chairman, and Mitchell Codding, executive director Seminars, Lectures and nue Armory, 67th Street & Park Avenue. Free with
and president, Hispanic Society Museum & Library, Special Events show admission, seating is on a first-come basis.
The Winter Show, Park Avenue Armory, 67th Street For information, 917-420-0669 or www.thewinter-
& Park Avenue. Free with show admission, seating is 11 am, VIP Tour & Lunch, The Winter Show, show.org.
on a first-come basis. For information, 917-420-0669 Park Avenue Armory, 67th Street & Park Avenue.
or www.thewintershow.org. Tour of the show and a catered lunch. For reserva- 2:30 pm, Contemporary Art in Dialogue, “Duveen
tions, Helen Kippax, [email protected]. Brothers: Tricks of the Trade from the Greatest
4:30 pm, American Federation of Arts Lecture, Art and Antique Dealers of the Twentieth Centu-
“Victorian Radicals: Dystopia and Utopia,” by Dr 5:30 pm, “Fourth Annual Master Drawings Week ry,” by Charlotte Vignon, curator of the Frick Col-
Tim Barringer, chair and Paul Mellon professor, Symposium: Master Drawings, Then and Now,” The lection and author of Duveen Brothers and the
department of art history, Yale University, The Win- Institute of Fine Arts, New York University, 1 Market for Decorative Arts, 1880-1940, The Win-
ter Show, Park Avenue Armory, 67th Street & Park East 78th Street. For information and registration, ter Show, Park Avenue Armory, 67th Street &
Avenue. Free with show admission, seating is on a www.masterdrawingsnewyork.com/partnerships. Park Avenue. Free with show admission, seating
first-come basis. For information, 917-420-0669 or is on a first-come basis. For information, 917-420-
www.thewintershow.org. Wednesday, January 29 0669 or www.thewintershow.org.
Sunday, January 26 Shows 4:30 pm, Design in Dialogue, “In Defense of Orna-
The Winter Show, Park Avenue Armory, 67th ment,” a conversation with Peter McGough, pre-
Shows Street & Park Avenue, noon to 8 pm. For informa- sented by The Magazine Antiques, The Winter
The New York Antique Ceramics Fair, Bohe- tion, 917-420-0669 or www.thewintershow.org. Show, Park Avenue Armory, 67th Street & Park
mian National Hall, 321 East 73rd Street, 11 am to Avenue. Free with show admission, seating is on a
4 pm. For information, www.nyceramicsfair.com. Auctions first-come basis. For information, 917-420-0669 or
The Winter Show, Park Avenue Armory, 67th 10 am, Old Master Drawings, Sotheby’s, 1334 www.thewintershow.org.
Street & Park Avenue, noon to 6 pm. For informa- York Avenue at 72nd Street. For information, 212-
tion, 917-420-0669 or www.thewintershow.org. 606-7000 or www.sothebys.com. Sunday, February 2
The Art, Design & Antiques Show, Wallace 6 pm, Old Master Paintings, Evening Sale, Sothe-
Hall, Church of St Ignatius Loyola, 980 Park Ave- by’s, 1334 York Avenue at 72nd Street. For informa- Shows
nue at 84th Street, 11 am to 5 pm. For information, tion, 212-606-7000 or www.sothebys.com. The Winter Show, Park Avenue Armory, 67th
203-920-1755 or www.rehshows.com. Street & Park Avenue, noon to 6 pm. For informa-
Seminars, Lectures and tion, 917-420-0669 or www.thewintershow.org.
Auctions Special Events
10 am, “Important Americana,” Sotheby’s, 1334 Seminars, Lectures and
York Avenue at 72nd Street. For information, 212- 5 pm, Design in Dialogue, “Curious Objects,” with Special Events
606-7000 or www.sothebys.com. Michael Diaz-Griffith, presented by The Magazine
Antiques, The Winter Show, Park Avenue Armory, 1 pm, “Earth & Fire: Four Millennia of Hispanic
Seminars, Lectures and 67th Street & Park Avenue. Free with show admis- Ceramics” loan exhibition lecture series with Mar-
Special Events sion, seating is on a first-come basis. For informa- garet Connors McQuade, assistant director and
tion, 917-420-0669 or www.thewintershow.org. curator of decorative arts, Hispanic Society Museum
8:30 am to noon, “Fourth Annual Emerging & Library, The Winter Show, Park Avenue Armory,
Scholars Colloquium,” presented by The Classical Thursday, January 30 67th Street & Park Avenue. Free with show admis-
American Homes Preservation Trust in conjunction sion, seating is on a first-come basis. For informa-
with The Decorative Arts Trust, George F. Baker Shows tion, 917-420-0669 or www.thewintershow.org.
Carriage House, 69 East 93rd Street. For Trust The Winter Show, Park Avenue Armory, 67th
members; graduated registration from $10; mem- Street & Park Avenue, noon to 4:30 pm. For infor- 3 pm, “The Values of Hispanic Art Traditions” loan
bership, registration and additional information at mation, 917-420-0669 or www.thewintershow.org. exhibition lecture series with Marcus Burke, senior
www.decorativeartstrust.org. curator of painting and sculpture, Hispanic Society
Auctions Museum & Library, The Winter Show, Park Avenue
10 am, Master Paintings & Sculpture Day Sale, Armory, 67th Street & Park Avenue. Free with show
admission, seating is on a first-come basis. For infor-
mation, 917-420-0669 or www.thewintershow.org.
Historic Homes & Properties
22 — Antiques and The Arts Weekly — January 10, 2020 Compiled by Madelia Hickman Ring
2020 World Monuments Watch List
NEW YORK CITY — The World Monuments cess can be long and complex. The 2020 Watch
Alexan Palace, Asyut, Egypt. The south façade of the build- Fund (WMF) has announced the 2020 World brings attention to four sites where rebuilding
ing, seen from the open space to its south. October 2018, Monuments Watch, a biennial selection of at- and conservation can help heal communities:
Ramdan Hussien photo. risk cultural heritage sites that combine great Mam Rashan Shrine (Iraq), destroyed in a geno-
historical significance with contemporary social cidal campaign, where reconstruction can estab-
Kindler Chapel, Pabianice, Poland. Interior view of the cha- impact. The list’s 25 sites are facing daunting lish mutual respect for a minority community
pel with stained glass windows. March 2019, Arkadiusz threats such as encroaching urbanization, politi- that has been denied equality and recognition;
Raszka photo. cal turmoil, natural disaster, and violent con- Central Aguirre Historic District in Puerto Rico
Bears Ears National Monument, Utah. Dwelling at sunrise. flicts, or present compelling conservation oppor- (United States), where a training program in
February 22, 2017, Friends of Cedar Mesa, Josh Ewing tunities. The program will culminate in the wood construction will pave the way for disaster
photo. spring of 2020, when founding sponsor Ameri- recovery while opening new employment opportu-
Choijin Lama Temple, Ulaanbaatar, Mongolia. The Dund can Express will select a group of 2020 Watch nities; the Gingerbread Neighborhood of Port-au-
Gate, seen from the first courtyard of the Choijin Lama sites to receive $1 million total in funding for Prince, (Haiti), where investment in its historic
Temple complex. June 5, 2019, Stephen Kelley photo. conservation initiatives. houses will allow them to continue to shelter vital
Bennerley Viaduct, Ilkeston, Nottinghamshire / Derbyshire, educational and cultural offerings in the Haitian
United Kingdom. View of the viaduct from the east. Septem- The 2020 Watch includes Bears Ears National capital; and Notre-Dame Cathedral (France),
ber 2017, Paul Atherley photo. Monument (United States), sacred land and where a careful and scientific process incorporat-
sites of North American indigenous people that ing international expertise will ensure the beloved
have been put at risk of desecration; Sacred Val- landmark can be returned to its community.
ley of the Incas (Peru), a rich cultural landscape
near Machu Picchu being threatened by a pro- Allowing Multiple Stories to be Told
posed airport construction; Notre-Dame de Paris Layers of time and culture make up our world’s
(France), a beloved cathedral and global icon most significant places, but those historical nar-
nearly lost during a fire that reminds us of the ratives are not always represented equally. The
depth of human connection to heritage places 2020 Watch seeks to elevate the prominence of
and the personal trauma that their destruction historic narratives that have been underrepre-
can bring; the San Antonio Woolworth Building sented or overlooked by including two sites: the
(United States), a landmark of the African- San Antonio Woolworth Building in Texas, United
American Civil Rights Movement in Texas, at States, a Civil Rights site that is fighting for pres-
risk of being lost in a redevelopment plan; Mam ervation against competing Alamo heritage inter-
Rashan Shrine (Iraq), a Yazidi shrine destroyed ests; and Traditional Houses in the Old Jewish
in a genocidal campaign whose reconstruction Mahalla of Bukhara (Uzbekistan), where docu-
can establish mutual respect and recognition for mentation and assistance will highlight the his-
a minority community; and Rapa Nui National tory of Jewish presence in Central Asia following
Park (Chile), the iconic site popularly known as the migration of the community.
Easter Island, whose indigenous community Reimagining Heritage as Community Assets
seeks control and new solutions to halt the loss Iconic monuments are far from the only places
of culturally significant rock carvings. In total, where cultural significance can be found. Through
the 25 sites span 21 countries and date from a new vision or simply a renewed commitment to
prehistory to the Twentieth Century. their upkeep, places of community attachment
can become assets that sustain well-being, offer
Every two years, communities, individuals and opportunities for recreation, and form the setting
other entities nominate heritage sites in need of for our daily lives. The 2020 Watch includes six
urgent action that demonstrate the potential to such sites: at Alexan Palace (Egypt), a local initia-
trigger social change through conservation. The tive can transform a grand historic residence, now
2020 Watch received more than 250 nomina- shuttered, into a museum for citizens and visitors
tions, and its 25 sites were determined through to Asyut; at the Gingerbread Neighborhood of
a series of extensive reviews, including an inde- Port-au-Prince (Haiti), where conservation will
pendent panel of heritage experts that was ensure its historic houses can continue to shelter
responsible for the final selection. World Monu- vital educational and cultural offerings; at Inari-
ments Fund will now partner with local stake- yu Bathhouse (Japan), the community behind one
holders of each heritage site to design and of Tokyo’s fast-disappearing neighborhood bath-
implement targeted activities — including advo- houses aims to address societal challenges
cacy, planning, education and conservation through conservation; at Canal Nacional (Mexi-
interventions — that will ultimately improve co), community stewards of the country’s oldest
the resilience of communities, enhance social man-made waterway demand a seat at the table
inclusion, and build new capacities in the heri- as government plans for a new park push for-
tage conservation field and beyond. Since the ward; at Kindler Chapel, Pabianice Evangelical
program’s inception, more than 836 sites in Cemetery (Poland), reopening of the chapel as a
more than 135 countries and territories — cultural facility will give access to cultural oppor-
including those on the 2020 Watch — have been tunities for a community that expressly seeks
included. The international attention given to them; and at Bennerley Viaduct (United King-
watch sites provides a vital tool with which local dom), local stewards of a rare survivor of the
entities may leverage funding from a variety of Industrial Age seek to revive it as a community
sources, including municipal, regional and asset promoting well-being and access to the nat-
national governments; foundations; corporate ural environment.
sponsors; international aid organizations; and Challenges of Urbanization and Development
private donors. Since 1996, WMF has contribut- Urbanization is a growing global phenomenon
ed more than $110 million to watch sites, while that manifests itself in different ways, including
almost $300 million has been allocated to watch construction projects that alter communities’
sites by other entities. In addition, Watch Day is relationships to the cities in which they live and
a component of the program that aims to con- over-tourism that does not always allow local
nect communities to their built heritage through stakeholders a share in its economic rewards. The
public events. 2020 Watch includes five sites that are tackling
the challenges of urbanization and development:
The sites of the 2020 World Monument Watch Tusheti National Park (Georgia), whose commu-
reflect a number of themes and opportunities, nity seeks to ensure that regional development
including: will promote sustainable tourism and will not dis-
rupt their livelihoods; the Chivas and Chaityas of
Elevating Indigenous Voices the Kathmandu Valley (Nepal), where urban
Throughout modern history, indigenous voices growth has taken a physical toll on a vast number
have often been excluded from decision-making as of votive shrines, prompting community members
it relates to their lands, resources, infrastructures to take action; Anarkali Bazaar (Pakistan), where
and heritage assets. The 2020 Watch brings atten- a community-led process can improve the quality
tion to three indigenous communities who are of life for this urban neighborhood and legendary
reclaiming a role in the management of their heri- market in Lahore; Sacred Valley of the Incas
tage and demanding a seat at the table as it (Peru), whose community demands inclusive and
relates to decisions that impact their treasured equitable solutions as construction of a new air-
places: the community of Rapa Nui National Park, port threatens the rich cultural landscape; and
Chile, which seeks control and new solutions to the Courtyard Houses of Axerquía (Spain), where
halt the loss of culturally significant rock carv- new solutions are being sought to the challenges
ings; the community of the Sacred Valley of the facing historic urban housing, including social
Incas, Peru, which demands inclusive and equita- change, gentrification and the modern tourism
ble solutions to a proposed airport construction; economy.
and the tribes of Bears Ears National Monument, For more information and the complete list of
United States, whose sacred land and sites have watch monuments, www.wmf.org/2020watch.
been put at risk by a government plan.
Disaster Recovery
When disaster strikes — whether by the forces
of nature or human conflict — the recovery pro-
January 10, 2020 — Antiques and The Arts Weekly — 23
Auction Action In Philadelphia
American Art & Pennsylvania Impressionists—
Freeman’s Concludes Successful
Final Sale At 1808 Chestnut Street
“New York Scenes” by Romare Bearden brought $156,250
(auction record for a purely watercolor work by the artist).
“By the River” by Daniel Garber was the sale’s top
lot, achieving $250,000.
“Hollyhocks and Delphinium Screen” by Mary Eliz-
abeth Price was bid to $112,500 (auction record for
a screen by the artist).
PHILADELPHIA — Freeman’s “Incense Breathing Morn. – Gray’s Elegy (On the Guayaquil
presented yet another successful River)” by Louis Rémy Mignot realized $150,000 (auction
American Art & Pennsylvania record for an “imaginary” work by the artist).
Impressionists auction on
December 8, with an overall nut Street location” said Free- Prices given include the buyer’s
result of more than $2.4 million. man’s chairman Alasdair Nichol. premium as stated by the auc-
Local bidders filled the room, “It was a packed-to-capacity tion house. For information,
while both domestic and interna- room, with many active bidders www.freemansauction.com or
tional clients engaged in spirited during the highly popular Penn- 215-563-9275.
bidding over the internet and by sylvania Impressionist section, a
telephone. The sale was the last “Winter Along the Delaware Valley” by Fern Isabelle field in which Freeman’s contin-
fine art auction to be conducted Coppedge sold for $81,250. ues to lead the market. I am par-
at the house’s historic 1808 ticularly pleased to have sold the
Chestnut Street location, where notable interest from private tured auction-goers’ attention, exceptional screen by Mary Eliz-
Freeman’s has been headquar- local collectors as well as major selling for a combined $381,875 abeth Price as my last lot on
tered since 1924. institutions, including the James and thus reaffirming the current Chestnut Street, much to the
A. Michener Museum of Art, strength of the African American delight of the consignor — then
Featuring more than 150 lots of which purchased Keast’s “Por- market. Specifically, “New York present in the room — who con-
fine art, the sale included note- trait of the Artist’s Two Daugh- Scenes,” a series of 23 watercol- fessed it was one of the most over
worthy paintings, drawings, ters” for $11,875 —the first work ors commissioned by John Cassa- the top experiences of her life. I
watercolors and prints. Particu- by the artist to enter the muse- vetes for the opening credits of can’t wait for our next auction of
larly strong results were seen in um’s collection. his 1979 film Gloria, achieved American Art & Pennsylvania
the Pennsylvania Impressionists $156,250 and set a record for a Impressionists in our new sale-
category, with Daniel Garber’s Excitement rippled throughout purely watercolor (non-collage) room at 2400 Market Street.”
“By the River” selling for the room as a minutes-long bat- work by the artist.
$250,000 — the top lot of the tle among several telephone bid-
sale. The painting depicted an ders sent “Incense Breathing Other highlights in the sale
idyllic view of the Delaware Morn. – Gray’s Elegy (On the included works by noteworthy
River in Bucks County in 1929 Guayaquil River)” by Louis Rémy artists Theodore Earl Butler,
and presented bidders with an Mignot far beyond its estimate. $40,625; Norman Rockwell,
exemplary work showcasing The work, newly rediscovered in $68,750; Edward Willis Redfield,
Garber’s most celebrated subject Rome after nearly 75 years in a $68,750; and George Noyes,
matter, and “tapestry-like” for- private collection, ultimately whose four landscapes, all fresh
mal qualities. Mary Elizabeth brought $150,000 against an at auction, sold for a combined
Price’s “Hollyhocks and Delphini- estimate of $40/60,000 and set a $65,625.
um Screen” soared to $112,500, new auction record for a late
significantly exceeding its esti- work by the artist, often so rare “I was delighted with the
mate of $50/80,000 and setting a at auction. A corpus of six works response to our very last auction
new auction record for a painted by Romare Bearden later cap- of American Art & Pennsylvania
screen by the artist. Impressionists held in our Chest-
Additionally, the sale offered
numerous works by Fern Isabel
Coppedge, including a quintes-
sential winter landscape titled
“Winter Along the Delaware”
that garnered $81,250 against an
estimate of $40/60,000. Success-
ful sale of works by several other
female artists, such as Susette
Keast and Paulette Van Roeck-
ens, confirmed a strengthening
market for this category, with
Little Rhody Bottle Club Show January 12
TAUNTON, MASS. — The Inexpensive bottles will be ning jars, whiskies or some
Little Rhody Bottle Club’s available for new collectors, other type of bottle, this is the
annual antique bottle show while the advanced collectors place to find them. Admission
and sale will take place from will find rare and unusual is $3.
9:30 am to 2 pm on Sunday, offerings.
January 12, at the Holiday The Holiday Inn is at 700
Inn. The show features more This is one of the largest of Myles Standish Boulevard
than 35 dealers from through- such events held in New Eng- (Route 495). For more infor-
out the New England states land. Whether you are inter- mation, www.littlerhodybot-
who will offer more than 60 ested in bottles from your tleclub.org or contact Bill
tables of antique bottles, insu- hometown, old Coke or other Rose, show chairman, 508-
lators and stoneware for sale. soda bottles, historical flasks, 880-4929 or sierramadre@
milk bottles, ink bottles, can- comcast.net.
24 — Antiques and The Arts Weekly — January 10, 2020
It Was A Good Day At Merrill’s…Nearly Everything Sold
Auction Action In Williston, Vt.
WILLISTON, VT. — The tem- have liked the ride. Apparently Serbian artist, combined to bring along with folk art, quality Victo- by 48-inch portrait of Mary Hin-
perature was up to seven degrees New Englanders liked the day, over $45,000. Not surprisingly, rian furniture, jewelry, stone- kley-Bergamini, dated 1926, by
by the time Duane Merrill’s sale as the salesroom was full when Merrill’s has developed a niche ware, and a variety of other mer- Serbian artist Paul Ivanovitch
got underway on December 20, the sale got underway. Several of selling paintings by Vermont chandise filled out the sale. The (Joanovits) (1859-1957). A 56-by-
the first of a two-day sale. It was the top lots of the day came from artists also and had a nice selec- second day of the sale included 40-inch 1929 portrait by the
a clear day, so if you like snow a “camp” near Lake Placid, N.Y., tion for this sale, with a gentle- vintage clothing, books, ephem- same artist, of Mrs L. Wood, real-
covered meadows and snow- in the Adirondacks. Three large man in the room buying several. era, collections of porcelain fig- ized $14,950. A slightly smaller
capped mountains, you would portraits from that home, by a Painted Vermont furniture, ures, early porcelain license portrait of Jack Hinkley by the
plates, box lots and much more. same artist sold for $9,775.
There were four early porcelain Maryland On both days, there were numer- Interestingly, there were three
license plates in the sale. This 1911 example ous absentee bids, and phone sons in the family and each had
was in good condition and realized $575. lines and the internet were also three wives, so there were plenty
active. of portraits.
Prices seemed to be soft for pieces of Ver-
mont furniture. This colorful grain-painted The wealthy owner of the Lake Several paintings by Vermont
blanket chest realized $360 from an inter- Placid camp, a doctor who lived artists found new homes. There
net buyer. to be 90 years old, was married were two oils by Thomas Curtin
three times and had large por- (1899-1977). One showed a win-
The selection of Vermont paintings includ- traits painted of each wife and ter scene of a Vermont village
ed two by Thomas Curtin, who died in 1977. other family members. As the with ice-covered boulders along
His winter scene of a Vermont village, with story goes, the third wife took a stream and several ice-encrust-
ice-encrusted buildings and rocks, reached some of the earlier portraits ed buildings, including a church.
$4,313. down when the house was being It earned $4,313, and the other,
remodeled but carefully put of a covered bridge in Waterville,
them in the attic, where they Vt., earned $1,955. Curtin was
remained for years until this one of the Rockport, Mass.,
sale. Bringing the top price of the school of painters, friendly with
two-day sale, $21,850, was a 78 Emile Gruppe and Aldro Hib-
One of the highest priced bard. Other Vermont paintings
pieces of jewelry was this included three by Bessie Dren-
circa 1940 emerald jadeite, nan (1882-1961), who painted in
diamond and platinum ring. a primitive style. Bringing the
With an oval emerald jade- highest price of the three was a
ite stone of approximately very colorful winter scene of
26 carats, the ring, which night skaters under a full moon.
had been purchased in It sold for $3,738. Another of
China, brought $6,900. Drennan’s works, also a winter
scene, brought $2,645. Works by
other Vermont artists included
pieces by Walton Blodgett and
Rett Sturman, which generally
sold for less than $1,000. Several
of the Vermont paintings were
bought by a gentleman in the
room. When asked, he said he
had been collecting paintings for
more than 50 years, and for the
last 15 years or so, had been con-
centrating on works by Vermont
artists. “I have quite a few. Don’t
ask how they’re displayed.”
There were several pieces of Victorian fur- Review and Onsite Photos by
niture, but apparently that was not what Rick Russack, Contributing Editor
buyers were looking for this time. This 1870
New York City Renaissance Revival creden- Catalog Photos Courtesy
za had finely detailed floral marquetry Duane Merrill & Co., Auctioneers & Appraisers
inlaid panels of contrasting exotic woods,
ebonized half columns, gilt incised carv-
ings, and figural brass ormolu mountings. It
retained traces of a label for the New York
City firm of Sumner Kingman and Robert
H.G. Murphy, who were operating on 93
Bleecker Street from 1867-73. The credenza
achieved only $1,035.
Although beds can be hard to sell, Eldred
Wheeler reproduction furniture of any form
seems to do well, and this shell-carved tiger
maple four-poster bed reached $1,840.
Ethan Merrill on the left, with his dad, Duane Merrill.
The second day of the sale included several This large pilot house eagle, with a 47-inch By Samuel Finley Morse Badger (1873-1919) this portrait of
box lots. A group of 28 nutcrackers, the largest wingspread, reached $7,245. It was excep- the three-masted schooner “Hattie A Marsh” sold for $4,488.
of which stood 36 inches tall, realized $374. tionally well-carved and had an old gilt sur- The ship was lost at sea on September 16, 1903, off the coast
face and only minor damage to its beak. of Delaware.
January 10, 2020 — Antiques and The Arts Weekly — 25
This primitive horse weathervane had originated in Ver- The best word to describe the pair of bullseye windows
mont’s Northeast Kingdom years ago, and the buyer was might have been “great.” The glass panes had been made by
taking it home. It had an old red surface and a very “folky” the Champlain Glass Works, circa 1830, and the pair of win-
feel. The buyer, in the room, had stiff competition and had dows came from the basement of a house in Burlington that
to pay $3,738. That was well over the estimate but still a had other similar windows still in place. They realized
good buy. $2,415, twice the estimate even though some of the panes
were cracked.
American furniture was led by Twentieth Century Black, Starr, A rare banjo clock made in This cigar store princess, The highest price of the two-
an Eighteenth Century bracket & Frost Gorham sapphire, dia- Montpelier, Vt., by Abbott with an old polychromed day sale was $21,850, paid
base tiger maple Rhode Island mond, and platinum bracelet. It and Freeman, circa 1831, surface, stood 67 inches tall, for this large portrait of
tall chest. It had an old finish, had 18 graduated round-cut was missing its finial and including the base. It earned Mary Hinkley-Bergamini,
stamped brass escutcheons and sapphires, and it was set with sold reasonably, going to an $4,888. dated 1926, by Serbian artist
the secondary woods were chest- 120 round-cut diamonds. Not far internet bidder for $920. Paul Ivanovitch (Joanovits).
nut and pine; it realized $7,475. behind was a circa 1940 emerald phone and internet bidders. It was one of three portraits
A scarce banjo clock by a Ver- jadeite, diamond and platinum Three bidders in the room com- by the artist and had come
mont maker, Abbot and Free- ring with a 26-carat cabochon peted for a wonderful home- from a home on Lake Placid,
man of Montpelier may have emerald jadeite. It was set with made, wooden horse weather- N.Y., along with several
been a bargain, bringing $920. diamonds and platinum and vane in weathered old red paint. other portraits of family
According to John Delaney’s had been purchased in China in It had a sheet iron tail and sold members. All had been
website (http://delaneyantique- the first half of the Twentieth well beyond its estimate, finish- stored in the attic for years
clocks.com), Samuel Abbott was Century and sold for $6,900. ing at $3,738. It had been found following a remodeling of
a Boston clockmaker who moved There were several other pieces years ago in Vermont’s North- the house by the owner’s
to Montpelier about 1830 and of jewelry from local estates. east Kingdom. The buyer, a deal- third wife.
formed a partnership with a Mr er in the room, will be taking it
Freeman. The clock was missing Folk art objects provided some back to the Northeast Kingdom.
its gilt finial. Prices for Vermont of the highlights of the sale. A Also finishing far above the esti-
furniture were surprisingly soft. cigar store figure of an Indian mate was a Nineteenth Century
A circa 1820 upholstered Regen- princess with an old surface carved and gilded pilot house
cy sofa, attributed to John War- reached $4,888. Bidding for the eagle with a 47-inch wing-
ner of Manchester, Vt., based on princess was active, with a bid- spread. The well-carved eagle
its carving, reached $460. A sim- der in the room competing with went to an internet bidder for
ilar example is in the Benning- The second day of the sale $7,245.
ton Museum. A colorful, ornate, included books, postcards
Nineteenth Century grain- and other ephemera. A A few days after the sale,
painted two-drawer blanket leather-bound limited edi- Ethan Merrill commented “I
chest reached only $360. Auc- tion of the 1928 “House at think we had a good sale. With
tioneers readily admit that beds Pooh Corner,” signed by very few exceptions, everything
are not easy to sell these days, author A.A. Milne and illus- sold. The Lake Placid estate
but Merrill had a shell carved trator E.H. Shepard, had very interesting things,
tiger maple four-post queen- brought $1,495. including all those portraits
sized bed made by Eldred that we found under the eaves
Wheeler, and it went out for in the attic. We’ve been develop-
$1,840, more than twice the esti- ing the market for Vermont
mate. Another piece by Wheeler, painters for some time now, and
which also sold over the esti- we had a good selection in this
mate, was a tiger maple linen sale. They’re affordable, and
press that ended up at $920. many of the scenes are easily
recognized. Eldred Wheeler fur-
Among the strong prices of the niture did well, but I thought
day was an unusually small prices of some of the better Vic-
circa 1900 Louis Vuitton steam- torian furniture we had was
er trunk or jewelry box, with a soft. I thought the Vermont
paper label reading “The No 1 banjo clock would do better
Rue Scribe in Paris.” It had than it did — we don’t see those
brass mounts, studded wooden very often. But all in all, Dad
straps, a removable tin liner, as and I are pleased.”
well as top and side leather car-
rying straps. It was in excellent Duane Merrill & Co Auction-
condition and was only 11 inch- eers & Appraisers is at 137
es wide; it sold for $8,050. Bring- James Brown Drive. For addi-
ing the same price was an early tional information, 802-878-2625,
or www.merrillsauction.net.
At only 11 inches wide, this unusually small Louis Vuitton
trunk or jewelry box was in fine condition and earned $8,050.
It was a bright winter day, and the salesroom was nearly filled. There were three paintings by Vermont artist Bessie Dren-
nan, who died in 1961. Bringing the highest price of the
three, a winter scene of skaters under a full moon, went to a
buyer in the room for $3,738. That buyer bought several of
the paintings in the sale by Vermont artists and said that he
has been concentrating on collecting that type of painting
for more than 15 years.
26 — Antiques and The Arts Weekly — January 10, 2020
Dirk Soulis Auctions Railroadiana
Collection Of Edward McHugh
Auction Action In Lone Jack, Mo.
LONE JACK, MO. — “The Rock Collectors did not need a ticket, the McHugh collection was led by With great Art Deco appeal,
Island Line is a mighty good road, however, to “ride the rails” at Sou- a two-color porcelain enamel sign this streamlined backlit alu-
Oh, the Rock Island Line is the lis Auctions’ December 14 sale of with bold graphics, full-length minum railroad passenger
road to ride,” sang American the late Edward P. McHugh III’s portrait of a railroad worker with car sign designed by Henry
bluesman and folk musician Lead railroadiana collection. On offer oiler and a company logo resem- Dreyfuss (1904-1972) had
Belly in 1940, paying homage to was a trove historically signifi- bling that of the B&O Railroad. been commissioned by New
the Chicago, Rock Island and cant relics from the golden era of Measuring 37½ by 16½ by 1 inch- York Central Railroad for
Pacific Railroad. It was the hey- rail travel (1865 to 1960) amassed es, the lot high-balled past its its luxury train the 20th
day of rail travel and transporta- over a lifetime of involvement in $3/5,000 estimate to pull in at Century Limited. The
tion in America, before the incep- the hobby. Consisting of rare and $23,500, won by a bidder in the 28-by-20-by-4½-inch sign
tion of interstate highways, and iconic railroadiana, historical room. sold above its $10/15,000
the refrain of the song implores locomotive hardware, mid-Twen- estimate at $19,000.
listeners to “Get your ticket at the tieth Century transportation arti- “It was a great sale, with twists missioned by New York Central
station for the Rock Island Line.” facts as well as 60 porcelain signs, and turns along the way,” said Railroad for its luxury train, the
Dirk Soulis. It was obviously 20th Century Limited. Although
Fetching $17,000 was an intact grouping that included the focused on railroadiana, but there the industrial designer was best The collection was led by
builder’s plate, number board, aluminum oval logo and was crossover on some lots, par- known for smaller functional this two-color porcelain
headlight from New York Central locomotive number 5449. ticularly the signs, and that was items, like fountain pens, cameras enamel sign with bold
interesting to see. There was a and appliances, his commissions graphics, full length por-
good in-house crowd with partici- included complete interiors and trait of a railroad worker
pants coming from as far away as exteriors of trains for the New with oiler and a company
Buffalo, N.Y., and Colorado.” It York Central Railroad and even logo resembling that of the
was a catered affair, and Soulis 20,000-ton ocean liners. This B&O Railroad. It pulled in
said that the firm ordered enough 28-by-20-by 4½-inch sign, which at $23,500, won by a bidder
food for 150 people. sold above its $10/15,000 estimate in the room.
at $19,000, was designed to light No C — 125 — CLH. New York
McHugh’s collection was as the tailend of the last observation Central number 5449 was for a
sprawling as the network of rails care. It featured a slightly convex time shrouded as a streamliner
across the nation it strove to docu- polished-aluminum frame with and saw service with New York
ment. There were locomotive bells horizontal bars enclosing the Central’s 20th Century Limited
and lights, lanterns, china and sil- message “20th Century Limited.” passenger service.
ver, railroad station clocks, gate It was one of Soulis’ favorite lots,
and station signs and more. especially he pointed out because In addition to the top enamel
it ironically presaged a “future” sign, a vibrant and eye-catching
Art Deco period items were enameled-porcelain sign advertis-
plentiful in the sale. A stylish that today seems charmingly ing Santa Fe Railroad’s Chicago
example was presented in a dated. to Los Angeles train “The Scout,”
streamlined backlit aluminum which operated from 1936 to
railroad passenger car sign Railroad “drumhead” or tail 1948, was bid to $17,000. It
designed by Henry Dreyfuss signs are “very rare and some- depicts a rider on a galloping
(1904-1972). The sign was com- what of a Holy Grail in collect- horse, with the distinctive Santa
ing,” according to Soulis, who Fe logo in the background and
A vibrant and eye-catching enameled-porcelain sign adver- Among the railroad “drum- noted that the McHugh col- measured 20¼ by 40½ inches.
tising Santa Fe Railroad’s Chicago to Los Angeles train head” stars in this sale was
“The Scout,” which operated from 1936 to 1948, was bid to this lighted, chrome-bezel lection included “more There was also an enameled
$17,000. Santa Fe Super Chief sign, 8 authentic drumhead signs stainless steel locomotive badge
by 28 inches, with a striking than have been offered in all other sign with great colors in the
Indian chief graphic that etched design of a Native Ameri-
jumped its $2,5/4,000 esti- railroadiana auctions on can chief, his streamlined-styled
mate to sell for $18,000. record with LiveAuction- bonnet streaming from the circu-
eers, combined.” Among the stars lar Atchison, Topeka and Santa
Another Art Deco gem was this enameled stainless Review by in this sale were a lighted, Fe Railway Santa Fe logo in Art
steel locomotive badge sign with a design of a Native Antiques and The Arts Weekly chrome-bezel Santa Fe Super Deco style. Measuring 26¼ by
American chief, his streamlined styled bonnet stream- W. A. Demers, Senior Editor Chief sign, 8 by 28 inches, with a 83½ inches, it fetched $10,000.
ing from the circular Atchison, Topeka and Santa Fe Photos Courtesy Dirk Soulis Auctions striking Indian chief graphic that
Railway Santa Fe logo. It was bid to $10,000. jumped its $2,5/4,000 estimate to And lest one think that
sell for $18,000 and a reverse- McHugh’s collection was pure
There was a wonderfully poignant backstory attached to A reverse-painted 10½-by-29- painted 10½-by-29-by-26½-inch railroadiana, he also sought out
this plate from the SS President Warfield, which before it by-26½-inch drumhead for example for the Wabash Limited rare shipbuilder’s plates of a his-
entered World War II as a transport for displaced Jewish the Wabash Limited Kansas Kansas City-Omaha-Des Moines torical nature. The builder’s
refugees was the favorite “honeymoon boat” for a Balti- City-Omaha-Des Moines train that doubled its high esti- plate on a ship or locomotive
more couple, Hans and Frieda Marx. Soulis offered the train doubled its high esti- mate to earn $11,000. The sign’s equates with a machine’s soul for
bronze plate, together with period photos of the ship and mate to earn $11,000. reverse painted glass lens in five those men who feel a bond with
the Marxes and the lot was bid to $6,000. colors featured the logo and the their steam-powered partners.
slogan “Follow The Flag,” original This was no less so for the build-
glass, soldered brass bezel frame, er’s plate from the SS President
tin housing can with cast iron Warfield. Christened in 1927 and
hangers, working internal light- flagship of the Baltimore Steam
ing. Packet Co., the SS President Warf-
Less designerly but no less ield plied the waters of the Chesa-
important and rare — fetching peake Bay without fanfare for 20
$17,000 — was an intact years, even serving as the “honey-
grouping that included the moon boat” of a Baltimore couple
Hans and Frieda Marx, who came
builder’s plate, number to love the boat as they took plea-
board, aluminum oval sure trips aboard it. History inter-
logo and headlight from vened in the 1940s when the
New York Central loco- Warfield was renamed the SS
motive number 5449. The Exodus 1947 and transported dis-
Builder’s Plate 68883 placed Jewish refugees during
dated March 1938, with World War II.
iron number board and
numerals on wood mount- After the war it was put on the
ed to aluminum bracket dismantle list and Hans Marx
with a cast aluminum New rushed to the shipwrecker’s scrap-
York Central System logo oval yard and got permission to take a
further embossed NYC on the few souvenirs, including the
back side. The headlight’s housing builder’s plate. Soulis offered the
was cast with various embossed bronze plate, together with period
lettering and the original glass photos of the ship and passengers
was acid-etched with Pyle Nation- Hans and Frieda Marx, and the
al conjoined PN company logo on lot was bid to $6,000. Soulis said
the reflector and the original zinc the lot was underbid by an Ameri-
tag was stamped with RR Record can holocaust museum, ultimate-
ly going to a local bidder in the
Prices given include the buyer’s
premium as stated by the auction
house. For information, 816-697-
3830 or www.soulisauctions.com.
THE WINTER SHOW Antiques & Design
January 10, 2020 — Antiques and The Arts Weekly — S-1
January 24– A Benefit for
February 2 East Side House
5,000 Years of Art,
Opening Night Party Antiques & Design
January 23
Park Avenue Armory
New York City
January 24–thewintershow.org
February 2
Opening Night Party
January 23
Park Avenue Armory
New York City
2020 Loan Exhibition
Unrivaled: The Hispanic
Society Museum & Library
Loan Exhibition
2020 Loan Exhibition
Mary TuUcknerirv,aBleody: wThitehHaisBpluaneiVc est Holding a Book, Courtesy of David A. Schorsch and Eileen M. Smiles
Society Museum & Library
Loan Exhibition
Mary Tucker, Boy with a Blue Vest Holding a Book, Courtesy of David A. Schorsch and Eileen M. Smiles
S-2 — Antiques and The Arts Weekly — January 10, 2020 SHOW Antiques & Design
BIsrael.Bee.Jan2019v3.qxp_BI.Bee.Winter2019 11/25/19 2:20 PM Page 1
January 24–
February 2
Opening Night Party
January 23
Park Avenue Armory
New York City
2020 Loan Exhibition
Unrivaled: The Hispanic
Society Museum & Library
Loan Exhibition
Mary Tucker, Boy with a Blue Vest Holding a Book, Courtesy of David A. Schorsch and Eileen M. Smiles
THE WINTER SHOW Antiques & Design
January 10, 2020 — Antiques and The Arts Weekly — S-3
January 24–
February 2
Opening Night Party
January 23
Park Avenue Armory
New York City
2020 Loan Exhibition
Unrivaled: The Hispanic
Society Museum & Library
Loan Exhibition
Mary Tucker, Boy with a Blue Vest Holding a Book, Courtesy of David A. Schorsch and Eileen M. Smiles
S-4 — Antiques and The Arts Weekly — January 10, 2020 Antiques & Design
FuJrnaitunreuaandryW2or4ks–of Art
February 2
Opening Night Party
January 23
Park Avenue Armory
New York City
— A pair of composition stone planters with swag and
tassel motif, each atop a square pedestal with portrait
medallions on the four sides, English, circa 1960, with a
33-inch overall height.
Sponsor ISRAEL
2020 Loan Exhibition GARDEN
Unrivaled: The Hispanic ANTIQUES,
Society Museum & Library Katonah, N.Y. —
A composition
Loan Exhibition stone swan is
Sponsor rendered in an
Art Deco style,
American, circa
1930, 54 inches
Mary Tucker, Boy with a Blue Vest Holding a Book, Courtesy of David A. Schorsch and Eileen M. Smiles
from 9th December 2019 our address will be BARBARA ISRAEL GARDEN
15, Queen Anne’s Gate, London, SW1H 9BU ANTIQUES, Katonah, N.Y. — A lead
wall ornament with a mask of a
+44 (0)20 7493 0444 bearded, crowned mythological fig-
[email protected] ure, English, circa 1940, 37½ inches
www.blairman.co.uk BARBARA ISRAEL GARDEN
ANTIQUES, Katonah, N.Y. — A lid-
ded terracotta urn, with white-
washed finish, the body with floral
and ribbon swags and lion masks,
French, circa 1880, on associated
composition stone fluted columnar
base, American, circa 1980. Overall
height 70 inches. Provenance: Ex-
collection historic 1805 Hudson Val-
ley estate.
THE WINTER SHOW Antiques & Design
January 10, 2020 — Antiques and The Arts Weekly — S-5
2020 Exhibitors A Benefit for
East Side House
A La Vieille Russie, Inc.
Adelson Galleries, Inc. January 24–
Alexander Gallery February 2, 2020
January 24–Apter-Fredericks Park Avenue Armory
New York City
Arader Galleries
Aronson of Amsterdam
February 2Michele Beiny, Inc.
2020Carswell Rush Berlin, Inc.
H. Blairman & Sons Ltd
Daniel Blau
Jonathan Boos
Bowman Sculpture
Browse &ODpaerbnying Night Party
Ralph M.JCahnauitaGraylle2r3ies, Inc.
Cohen & Cohen
Thomas CPoalrvkilleAFvienneuAertArmory
CDoavneieLl aCnrNoduiencwgh RYaorrekBCooitkys
DDiodniezer lLlatdthewintershow.org
Charles Ede
Peter Fetterman Gallery
Peter Finer
Gemini Antiques Ltd.
Michael Goedhuis
Bernard Goldberg Fine Arts, LLC
James Graham-Stewart
Martyn Gregory
Thomas Heneage Art Books
Hill-Stone, Inc.
Hirschl & Adler Galleries
Hirschl & Adler Modern
Hyde Park Antiques, Ltd.
James Infante
Barbara Israel Garden Antiques
Kelly Kinzle
Koopman Rare Art
Les EnlumLeiandures
Bernard &SpSon.sDorean Levy Inc.
Lowell Libson & Jonny Yarker Ltd
Nathan Liverant and Son, LLC
Lobel Modern
Lost City Arts
Maison GUenrraivradled: The Hispanic
Menconi S+ocSiectyhMoueslekuomp&fLibrary
Patrick & Ondine Mestdagh
Joan B Mirviss Ltd
Lillian NaLsosanaEuxLhibLitCion
The Old PSrpionntsoSr hop, Inc.
Gerald Peters Gallery
Ronald Phillips Ltd
Plektron Fine Arts
Red Fox Fine Art
James Robinson, Inc.
David A. Schorsch ~ Eileen M. Smiles
American Antiques
ScMhawryaTruzckGer,aBloleyrwyith a Blue Vest Holding a Book, Courtesy of David A. Schorsch and Eileen M. Smiles
S.J. Shrubsole
Elle Shushan
Robert Simon Fine Art
Spencer Marks
Carolle Thibaut-Pomerantz
Thistlethwaite Americana
Erik Thomsen
Throckmorton Fine Art, Inc.
Wick Antiques Ltd
Robert Young Antiques
Pavel Zoubok Fine Art
Diego Velasquez, Camilo Astalli, known as Cardinal Pamphili, Courtesy of Hispanic Society Museum & Library
Brad Reh Show
The Magazine Antiques
S-6 — Antiques and The Arts Weekly — January 10, 2020 Bleed: 8.75” x 11.125”
65 Deer Park Ave, Babylon, 11702
THE ART, DESIGN & ANTIQUES SHOW at Wallace HallPhone 631-595-9100 Fax 631-595-1975
Page Trim: 8.5” x 10.875”
Live Area: 7.5” x 9.875”
JJAANNUUARY 1284--2206,,22001290
Wallace Hall
Church of St. Ignatius Loyola
980 Park Avenue at 84th St
New York, N.Y. 10028
Friday 10am-7pm
Saturday 11am-6pm
Sunday 11am-5pm
Admission $20
(516) 971-7710
January 10, 2020 — Antiques and The Arts Weekly — S-7
— “Matadors Celebration,” by Vidal Arenal (1859-1925), oil on
board, measuring 14 by 20 inches, is signed and dated 1897.
emaiDl ApVroIDofBt. oS:MfEirReNhOoFuFs, [email protected], Hamden, Conn.
P:\a&—cairc“STahh1oe8w9W5,samelkcetaHisoounmrsee\sA”1rb9tyb&yAD2le8exisnFicgohnuersan.tieWr a(1ll8a6c5e-19H4a8)ll,\Foiirleohnoucasneva1s-,4v
oseup. .”
S-8 — Antiques and The Arts Weekly — January 10, 2020
JANUARY 18-20, 2019
Wallace Hall
Church of St. Ignatius Loyola
980 Park Avenue at 84th St
New York, N.Y. 10028
Friday 10am-7pm
Saturday 11am-6pm
Sunday 11am-5pm
Admission $20
(516) 971-7710
January 10, 2020 — Antiques and The Arts Weekly — S-9
DESIGN, Essex, Mass. — The strik- ANTIQUES, Hamden, Conn. — Still life with DESIGN, Essex, Mass. — A William
ing septarian stone top of a William flowers, urn and fruit by Cornelis Lens IV rosewood gueridon with septar-
IV rosewood gueridon, 16¾-inch (1713-1770), oil on canvas, signed and dated ian stone top, Scottish, circa 1840,
diameter, Scottish, circa 1840. “1740/ Antwerp,” measures 57 by 39 inches. 16¾-inch diameter, 30 inches high.
DESIGN, Essex, Mass. — A very tall red
tole parade lantern, measuring 34½ inches
tall, 9½ inches wide and 9½ inches deep.
Conn. — “Concertino Rinascentista,” 1972 by Vito Campanella thetic Movement-style fireplace fender in steel, with a sunburst in the center, flanked
(1932-2014), oil on canvas, measuring 28 by 47 inches. by scrolls and grid fencing. Measurements are 9 inches high, 69¼ inches wide by 13
inches deep.
S-10 — Antiques and The Arts Weekly — January 10, 2020
SPECIAL The New York Antique Ceramics Fair • January 23-26, 2020
SECTION The Bohemian National Hall, 321 East 73rd St., 3rd Floor, NYC 10021
— A pair of English Staffordshire Disraeli spaniels, circa Antique Ceramics
Fair Returns
MARIA & PETER WARREN ANTIQUES, Monroe, Conn. — CIRCA1775, Wallingford, Penn. — January 23-26
An English creamware pineapple and basket tea pot, A Wedgwood jasper circa 1790,
circa 1760-70. likely of the form presented to the NEW YORK CITY — The New York Antique
Qianlong emperor of China in Ceramics Fair, a New York exclusive boutique
1793. The reaction by the Chinese antiques exhibition and sales event of the
court: “All eyes were fixed on the year, will be conducted Thursday through
vases, which were among the fin- Sunday, January 23-26 at the Bohemian
est productions of Mr Wedgwood’s National Hall.
Previously known as the New York Ceramics
and Glass Fair, the show was rebranded in
January 2019 to focus on antique ceramics.
The Bohemian National Hall, at 321 East 73rd
Street on the Upper East Side, is a short walk
or cab ride from The Art, Design and Antiques
Show, The Winter Show, Sotheby’s and Chris-
tie’s, and the many events and exhibitions of
Winter Antiques Week. Admission to the fair is
The small, beautifully appointed set of
rooms at the Bohemia National Hall, provides
the opportunity for collectors, curators, dec-
orators and those who love fine objects a
shopping experience unique to the city, with
the finest material available in an intimate
and elegant, yet laid back, setting. Top col-
lectors and designers, as well as representa-
tives from the Metropolitan Museum, Winter-
thur Museum, The Chipstone Foundation,
and Colonial Williamsburg were sighted at
the 2019 fair, where sales were brisk.
For additional information, www.nyceram-
SPECIAL January 10, 2020 — Antiques and The Arts Weekly — S-11
SECTION The New York Antique Ceramics Fair • January 23-26, 2020
The Bohemian National Hall, 321 East 73rd St., 3rd Floor, NYC 10021
pair of English Bristol Polychrome enamel decorated delft Monroe, Conn. — A rare pair of English Monroe, Conn. — An English Staffordshire
chargers, circa 1750. Staffordshire gorillas, circa 1860. spatterware horse in Pratt colors, circa
— Whieldon-style coffee pot. Monroe, Conn. — A wonderful blue and ture Moorcroft “Moonlit Blue” vase, 1918-29.
white Fitzhugh vase, circa 1810.
In 1792, King George III sent Lord Macartney on an embassy to the Qianlong Emperor in an attempt to open up trade between
Great Britain and China. The embassy was an utter failure, the emperor refusing all the British requests.
The embassy took the finest gifts for the emperor that Britain could muster including a planetarium, scientific instruments,
lustres, Argand lamps, firearms, steel from Sheffield, clocks by Vulliamy, the finest textiles – and six Wedgwood jasper vases.
From the official account of the embassy, written in 1797: “A number of persons went to view the presents for the emperor.
Among the spectators, were three of the emperor’s grandsons … Some of the mandarines seemed to check any emotion … and
affected to consider every object as a work of ordinary merit.”
Visit circa1775 at the New York Antique Ceramics Fair and experience the Wedgwood jasper that transfixed the court of
the emperor of China.
S-12 — Antiques and The Arts Weekly — January 10, 2020
SPECIAL The New York Antique Ceramics Fair • January 23-26, 2020
SECTION The Bohemian National Hall, 321 East 73rd St., 3rd Floor, NYC 10021
January 10, 2020 — Antiques and The Arts Weekly — 27
Day Sales At Christie’s Add $36.3 Million—
Impressionist & Modern Art Evening Sale Totals $192 Million
Auction Action In New York City
Camille Pissarro’s “Jardin et poulailler chez Octave Mir- Umberto Boccioni’s “Unique Forms of Con- Pablo Picasso’s “Femme dans un fauteuil
beau, Les Damps” earned $10,263,000. tinuity in Space” sold for $16,165,000 (record (Françoise)” fetched $13,327,500.
for the artist at auction).
NEW YORK CITY — Totaling $13,327,500; and Camille Pis-
$191,911,500, Christie’s sarro’s “Jardin et poulailler
November 11 evening sale of chez Octave Mirbeau, Les
Impressionist and Modern art Damps” for $10,263,000.
drew participants from 31
countries across five conti- Also, a record for a work on
nents. It was 90 percent sold by paper by the artist was set for
lot and 96 percent sold by value. Erich Heckel’s “Zwei ruhende
Top lot of the night was René Frauen” at $543,000.
Magritte’s “Le Seize Septem-
bre,” which realized $19.6 mil- The top lot of the Impression-
lion. ist and Modern art works on
The Impressionist and mod- paper sale was Salvador Dalí’s
ern art, works on paper and day “Femmes aux papillons,”
sales on November 12 realized gouache, watercolor, printed
a combined total of $36,354,750. paper collage and pen and ink
Works from top collections on board,1953, which fetched
yield strong results. The collec- $939,000. And the top lot of the
tion of Terry Allen Kramer Impressionist and Modern art
achieved a running total of day sale was Dalí’s “Décor pour
$27,619,250, including proper- Roméo et Juliette,”1942, oil on
ty sold as part of Collector canvas, which achieved:
Week sales of decorative arts $1,119,000 Adrien Meyer, co-chairman of Impressionist and Modern art and auctioneer, hammers the
and the day sales. The collec- top lot of the sale, René Magritte’s “Le Seize Septembre,” painted in 1957, which sold for
tion of James and Marilynn In the works on paper day $19,570,000.
Alsdorf posted a total of sale, exceptional prices were $831,000, and Henry Moore,
$46,860,250, including results achieved for Edgar Degas, “Working Model for Mirror
from the day sales. “Femme s’essuyant les Knife Edge,” bronze with brown
In addition to the Magritte, cheveux,” charcoal and pastel and gold patina, conceived and
exceptional prices were real- on tracing paper laid down on cast in 1976, going out at
ized for Umberto Boccioni’s card, $795,000; and Dalí’s $915,000.
“Unique Forms of Continuity in “L’oeil du peintre,” watercolor,
Space” at $16,165,000 (record pen and brush and colored inks Prices given include the buy-
for the artist at auction); Pablo over pencil on card, 1941, er’s premium. For information,
Picasso’s “Femme dans un fau- $711,000. www.christies.com or 212-636-
teuil (Françoise)” at 2000.
Impressionist and Modern art
day sale included Georges
Braque, “Tête de femme III,”
1930, oil on canvas, bringing
Eastman Examines History Of
Photography Through Immigrant Lens
ROCHESTER, N.Y. — The the chaotic aftermath of the
George Eastman Museum 1906 San Francisco earth-
has opened a new rotation in quake, and Andreas
its History of Photography Feininger (American, b
Gallery that celebrates con- France, 1906-1999) photo-
tributions by a selection of graphed the bright lights
photographers who immi- and hectic environment of
grated or moved to the Unit- Times Square in the 1940s.
ed States. Many became nat- In the Twenty-First Cen-
uralized citizens as they tury, photographers such as
recorded their perspectives Vietnam-born Binh Danh (b
on an unfamiliar country, 1977) turned their lenses
and most have become key on the regions of the world
figures in the history of pho- from which they emigrated,
tography. while others, like Marco
This installation highlights Breuer (German, b 1966),
the fresh vision and pictorial have maintained their
insight brought to America native citizenship while liv-
by newcomers. Photogra- ing and working in the
phers such as Napoleon Sar- United States.
ony (American, b Canada, This installation of photo-
1821-1896) and José Maria graphs was curated by
Mora (American, b Cuba, Marion Palfi (American, b Germany, Meghan L. Jordan, curato-
1849-1926) dedicated their 1907-1978), wife of the Lynch Victim, rial assistant, with Jamie
careers to creating portraits 1949, gelatin silver print. George M. Allen, the Stephen B.
of notable Americans, includ- Eastman Museum, purchase. ©Cen- and Janice G. Ashley associ-
ing Presidents Abraham Lin- ter for Creative Photography, Ari- ate curator. The exhibition
coln and Grover Cleveland. zona Board of Regents. will remain on view through
Others documented the April 19.
American landscape at key moments. Arnold Gen- The George Eastman is at 900 East Avenue. For
the (American, b Germany, 1869-1942) recorded information, www.eastman.org or 585-327-4800.
28 — Antiques and The Arts Weekly — January 10, 2020
Hawaiian Geography & Nuremberg Chronicle
Lead Swann’s Strong Maps & Atlases Auction
Auction Action In New York City
NEW YORK CITY — An early with engravings by George not by how much. “There was
Hawaiian language school Luther Kapeau, Lahainaluna considerable interest before the
16-page geography book with Seminary, 1840, sold for $68,750, sale and two heavy-weight col-
maps of the two hemispheres, well beyond its $2,5/3,500 esti- lectors of Hawaiiana were intent
Hawaii, North America, South mate. The engraver, George on winning the lot.” Kiffer could
America, Europe, Asia and Afri- Luther Kapeau, was a prolific find no other copy in auction
ca followed by brief text and geo- student at Lahainaluna Semi- records and was able to locate
graphical questions for the stu- nary who would later become a fewer than ten institutional cop-
dents was the top lot at Swann statesman and governor of ies — making this a rare book
Galleries’ December 17 auction Hawaii. Caleb Kiffer, Swann indeed.
of maps and atlases. He Mau Galleries’ specialist of maps and
Palapala Aina A Me Na Niele No atlases, said he was sure it would Coming to the block with an
Ka Hoikehonua, No Na Kamalii, sell well above its estimate, just estimate of $40/60,000 was a
1493 Nuremberg chronicle filled
This 1493 Nuremberg chronicle was filled with a profusion The sale was led by a rare 1840 Hawaiian-language school with a profusion of woodcut dia-
of woodcut diagrams, illustrations and city views (several geography atlas printed by the Lahainaluna Seminary. grams, illustrations and city
over double-page, including maps of the world and Europe, Engraved by George Luther Kapeau, who would go on to views (several over double-pag-
hand colored). Liber Cronicarum cum Figuris et Ymagini- become a statesman and governor of Hawaii, He Mau Pala- es, including maps of the world
bus ab Inicio Mundi sold for $62,500. pala Aina A Me Na Niele No Ka Hoikehonua, No Na Kamalii, and Europe, some hand colored).
A rarely seen 1865 Currier & Ives’s large-folio hand-colored made its auction debut at $68,750. This handsome copy of Hart-
lithograph, “Mississippi in Time of Peace,” made an impres- mann Schedel’s world history
sion, bringing $21,250 over a $9,000 high estimate. from Biblical creation to the time
of its publication formed the cor-
Joseph Nicolas Delisle’s Atlas Rossiiskoi, St nerstone in an offering of biblical
Petersburg, a 1745 Russian-language edi- material. Liber Cronicarum cum
tion of the first comprehensive atlas devot- Figuris et Ymaginibus ab Inicio
ed to the Russian Empire sold above its Mundi, of which “no other illus-
$5/7,500 estimate going to $15,000. trated book printed in the Fif-
teenth Century rivals its scope
and ambition,” sold for $62,500.
A 1665 cartographically illus-
trated Bible printed in Basel,
which featured six engraved
hand colored folding maps, was
won for $7,500.
Published some ten years after
a copy in the Princeton library,
Claudius Ptolemaeus, Geograph-
icae Enarrationis Libri Octo,
Lyons, 1535, has a woodcut title-
page device, 50 woodcut maps
(all but one double-page), and is
15 by 11 inches, in Twentieth
Century vellum with gilt moroc-
co spine labels; it sold at $27,500.
The book contains Ptolemaic
geography supplemented with
Sixteenth Century geographical
knowledge translated into Latin
by Wilibald Pirckheimer and
edited by Michael Villanovanus
(Servetus). The ornamental bor-
ders surrounding descriptive
text on the verso of each map are
attributed to Hans Holbein and
Urs Graf.
An interesting aside is that in
1553, along with copies of this
book, Servetus (the editor) was
burned at the stake under charg-
Claudius Ptolemaeus’s Geographicae Enarrationis Libri
Octo, Lyons, 1535, sold at $27,500.
Willem and Joan Blaeu’s 1658 second volume of Novus Atlas Johan Christoph Volkamer, Nürnbergische Thomas Jefferys’ The American Atlas: Or, a
comprising of France, Spain, Asia, Africa and America Hesperides, Nuremberg, 1708-14, realized Geographical Description of the Whole Con-
brought $16,250. $11,250. tinent of America, London, 1776-77, sold at
January 10, 2020 — Antiques and The Arts Weekly — 29
A strong offering of maps featured Tabula Terre Nove,
Strasbourg, Martin Waldseemüller’s Admiral’s Map from
the 1513 edition of Ptolemy’s Geograpiae that realized
On the podium is Swann Galleries’ president and principal auctioneer, Nicholas D. Lowry,
and Lisa Crescenzo, prints and drawings department manager (and a trainee auctioneer!).
Working the phones are Caleb Kiffer, maps and atlases specialist, and Diana Gibaldi, oper-
ations manager.
es of heresy for printing a pas- Thomas Bakewell, America A New And Most Exact Map, “Buffalo Hunt, Chase,” after George Catlin, oil on canvas,
sage (ultimately not written by London, 1748, sold to a dealer at $11,875. Nineteenth Century. “A faithful rendering of one of Catlin’s
him) relating to the fertility of most famous paintings. This scene appears in the litho-
the soil in Palestine on the verso graphed ‘North American Indian Portfolio’ as plate no. 5,
of the 41st map. So, buyer Buffalo Hunt, Chase,” Kiffer said. With an estimate of
beware! $2,5/3,500, the 18-by-23-inch work sold at $9,375.
A Sixteenth Century publica- America by noted American bot- A rarely seen 1865 Currier & American Indian Portfolio” as aquatint and engraved plate
tion, an Admiral’s Map mapping anist Charles Sprague Sargent Ives’s large-folio hand-colored plate no. 5, Buffalo Hunt, Chase. from Audubon’s Birds of Ameri-
the Atlantic Ocean, published in was published circa 1880 by the lithograph, “Mississippi in Time “A faithful rendering of one of ca on [Whatman] wove paper,
Strasbourg in 1513, sold at Department of the Interior, Cen- of Peace,” made a strong impres- Catlin’s most famous paintings,” 21¾-by-14¾-inch sheet size;
$25,000. Martin Waldseemüller, sus Office. Estimated at sion, bringing $21,250 over a Kiffer said. bright original colors, margins
Tabula Terre Nove, is a double- $300/500, a collector won the $9,000 high estimate. Kiffer trimmed to 1¼ inches from the
page woodcut map of the Atlan- 28-by-19½-inch portfolio after noted of the print, “‘Mississippi On a collection of Audubon platemark, slight crease at
tic Ocean with almost 20 place battling against an institutional in Time of Peace’ has everything prints, Kiffer commented, “Audu- upper left, London: Robert
names along the North Ameri- buyer. going for it. Unbelievably beauti- bons are ever green, they have Havell, 1833, sold above its
can coast which must have been ful to look at, extremely rare, lots of appeal and collectors are $3,000 high estimate at $4,000.
primarily derived from unre- Additional atlases of note fea- fantastic condition — and it’s very picky about them. They
corded Spanish and Portuguese tured Thomas Jefferys’ The historically significant — an aes- always do well for us, and this Swann Galleries closed out the
manuscript sources. The map is American Atlas: Or, a Geographi- thetically beautiful image of flat- auction was no exception.” The decade with this marathon sale
17¾ by 22¾ inches, sheet size, cal Description of the Whole Con- boats and paddle steamers top lot was John James Audu- of maps and atlases, natural his-
with a nice patina according to tinent of America, London, 1776- relaxed under a glowing post- bon’s Iceland or Jer Falcon, Plate tory and color plate books in an
Kiffer. 77 ($20,000); Willem and Joan Civil War sunset.” Further his- 19. A chromolithographed plate auction that brought $910,087
Blaeu’s 1658 second volume of toric illustrations included “Buf- from the Bien edition of Audu- and saw a 93 percent sell-
Other map highlights included Novus Atlas comprising of falo Hunt, Chase,” a Nineteenth bon’s Birds of America, through rate. The next auction of
America A New And Most Exact France, Spain, Asia, Africa and Century oil on canvas painting 39-by-25½-inch sheet size, had maps and atlases is planned for
Map, London, a scarce 1748 map America ($16,250); and Joseph after George Catlin, which sold wide margins, light marginal May, and Kiffer said it is already
by Thomas Bakewell that sold at Nicolas Delisle’s Atlas Rossiis- for $9,375. This oil on Nine- foxing, tide mark and small shaping up to be another strong
$11,875; and Africae Vera Forma, koi, St Petersburg, a 1745 Rus- teenth Century canvas scene, holes at left margin (i.e. from sale.
et Situs, Antwerp, 1593, with sian-language edition of the first relined to newer linen, appears binding); published in New York:
hand-coloring, by Cornelis de comprehensive atlas devoted to in the lithographed “North Julius Bien, 1860, it sold at Prices, with buyer’s premium, as
Jode, which realized $9,375. the Russian Empire ($15,000). $5,000. Cardinal Grosbeak, reported by the auction house. For
Plate CLIX, a hand-colored more information, 212-254-4710
“A recent change I’ve been see- or www.swanngalleries.com.
ing,” Kiffer said, “is a strong mid-
range for maps and atlases. Last
year we saw a resurgence of the
midrange buyer and that trend
is continuing. Statistical atlases
are also strong.”
For example, an elephant folio
with 16 maps by Charles
Sprague Sargent chromolitho-
graphed by Julius Bien to accom-
pany a “Report on Forest Trees
of North America” sold at $1,875.
This monumental effort to map
the entire tree canopy of North
John James Audubon, “Ice- Spanning the years 1938 to 1954, an archive of illustrated Cornelis de Jode, Africae Vera Forma, et Situs, a double-
land or Jer Falcon,” Plate diaries written during the war and occupation years by a page map with original hand color in full, 18-by-23½-inch
19, chromolithographed young Japanese Christian man, is moving, beautifully kept, sheet size, with very wide margins and Latin text on verso,
plate from the Bien edition and signifies a wealth of research value. Bidders agreed, Antwerp, 1593, sold for $9,375, well above its $6,000 high
of Birds of America, New sending the 15 neatly kept personal diaries to double its estimate.
York, 1860, sold above esti- high estimate, selling at $7,020.
mate for $5,000.
30 — Antiques and The Arts Weekly — January 10, 2020
‘Lost Vegas’
“Lost Vegas” kicked off at the museum’s Boneyard Ball featuring favorite As intriguing as his films, director Tim Burton was onstage for a press
band The Killers on stage. Many attendees cosplayed characters from Burton conference at the October opening of “Lost Vegas.” Photo by Denise
films — here the Red Queen from Alice in Wonderland (2010). Truscello/WireImage.
—Rob Loud photo
Just as they did in the 1996 film Mars Attacks!, alien war-
riors weave among the Las Vegas signs — Burton fabricat-
ed the figures for the exhibition.
The Neon Museum preserves classic Las Vegas signs, including these monumental exam-
ples from the Sahara and Stardust out in the Boneyard.
( continued from page 1C ) casino and restaurant were closed down, but
Rob McCoy, president and chief executive offi- they still rented out a few rooms. I must have
cer of the Neon Museum, explained in a video been the only one in the whole place. I remem-
interview: “First of all, Tim Burton called us — ber staring down the empty hallways, the lights
he chose us, which makes us feel kind of special. were dim. I felt like I was in The Shining. These
But if you think about it, we’re probably one of strange, dreamlike memories I have of Las
the most unconventional museums in the world, Vegas have inspired me artistically throughout
and Tim Burton is one of the most unconven- my career.”
tional artists and directors in the world — it’s a
perfect match. And this was a collaborative Jenny He was Burton’s exhibition curator, and
effort.” Joanne Russ, the art programs manager, she wrote the introduction to the companion
agreed: “Tim Burton has a special relationship volume, Lost Vegas: Tim Burton @ The Neon
with Las Vegas, and he is very supportive of the Museum, which will be essential for fans of his
work that the Neon Museum does.” work. Here she stated in part: “By imprinting
Burton himself explained his feelings for the Hollywood blockbusters with his personal aes-
town in a special artist’s statement: “Growing thetic, Tim Burton (American, b 1958) has cre-
up in Los Angeles, my family took part in many ated some of the most iconic films of the last
a ‘weekend in Vegas.’ While Dad bet on sports three decades. Whether dark and macabre or
and Mom took on the slots with Grandma, I colorful and whimsical, the characters and
wandered around an amazing and otherworldly worlds in his movies are unified by the empathy
place. Everything felt larger than life in Las and sincerity that Burton imbues into all facets
Vegas. One of my clearest memories as a child of his work. His indelible visuals combine with
was gazing up at the brightly colored seahorses emotional resonance to form a signature style
in the Dunes’ pool, towering above me and spew- that invites subjective connection from his audi-
ing elegant streams of water from their mouths. ences...”
“Vegas was where I witnessed a woman turn
into a gorilla before my very eyes. It was where, She continued, “The presentation of Burton’s
as a teenager, I would often drive out on my own art in Las Vegas is a rare endeavor where the
for a cheap weekend (Vegas used to be cheap!). I host institution and city also serve as creative
was always a loner, and it was a good place to be inspirations. The museum’s distinctive campus
alone. I once stayed at the Aladdin when the is transformed through the artist’s singular
Steel supports allow three Flying Saucers vision for this original exhibition. The dream-
to hover over the Boulevard Gallery. like concept of “Lost Vegas” is depicted both on
small drawings and on a massive skeletal tower.
It is a confluence of grand spectacle and inti-
mate memory...”
“A highlight of the exhibition is the outdoor