Amadeus visual and verbal October 2013
identity extended guidelines Page 20
Visual identity
_ basic elements
3.1 Logo
3.2 Co-branding system
3.3 Corporate font
3.4 Colour palette
3.5 Photographic style
3.6 Illustrative style
3.7 Icon system
3.8 Chart design
3.9 Secondary graphics
3.10 Communication by levels
Amadeus visual and verbal 3. Visual identity October 2013
identity extended guidelines 3.1. Logo Page 21
The concept Amadeus logo
The new Amadeus visual identity aims to
make our brand more solid, simple and
The Amadeus logo
This new design has been evolved for a
more modern look. It gives our logo greater
legibility and visual impact.
We have maintained the combination of
upper/lower case lettering that is part of our
heritage, and a key differentiating element of
our original logo.
Logo files are available for download at
Amadeus visual and verbal 3. Visual identity October 2013
identity extended guidelines 3.1. Logo Page 22
Negative version. Colour
The versions Silver option (merchandising special cases)
Negative version. Black & white
On this page you can see the different Positive version. Black & white
versions of the Amadeus logo, in the Vertical alignment
corporate colours, in positive and negative, Registered trademark
and respective versions in black and white.
The most appropriate colour and format ®
shall be chosen according to production
Below you can see the different references
for correct application.
Registered trademark
Some countries like US or Chile are legally
obliged to use the Registered Trademark.
Use only if legally required.
Vertical alignment
We can align the logo vertical when needed due to
space restrictions.
Black and white
We use the monochromatic, black and white version
when we are not working with colour (i.e. in the press).
We use a silver option in special cases in
According to the production specification, we can
choose between the direct ink version (Pantone) or the
four colour version (CMYK) for printing application.
For on-screen viewing, we use the RGB version.
Logo files are available for download at
Amadeus visual and verbal 3. Visual identity October 2013
identity extended guidelines 3.1. Logo Page 23
Incorrect use of the Signing with another colour other than the
Placing logo on busy backgrounds approved colours Aligning the logo on the diagonal
Here are some clear examples of what is not
permitted with the logo.
Amadeus Blue signing over a black Placing logo inside a frame Distorting the logo in any way
Not enough contrast Signing with the grey palette Repeating the logo
Amadeus visual and verbal 3. Visual identity October 2013
identity extended guidelines 3.1. Logo Page 24
Clear space and Clear space
minimum size
To make sure that the logo remains legible, its
reserve area must always be respected. This
space is defined using the height of the "u"
from our logo, which we refer to as "x" Each
side maintains a reserve area of "x". This space
should under no circumstances be reduced
nor infringed upon by adjacent elements (text,
photographs, other brands, etc.)
We recommend that you do not use the
Amadeus logo with dimensions less than
a minimum size of 15 mm for an offline
environment or 100 px for online.
15 mm 100 px
Amadeus visual and verbal 3. Visual identity October 2013
identity extended guidelines 3.1. Logo Page 25
Powered by Amadeus (endorsement)
Logo and 1/2 x Powered by
endorsements 1/2 x Powered by
There is one exceptional case where the
reserve area for the logo can be occupied by
text. In this special case, in the "x" module,
the space can be divided in two equal
halves to establish the size and base line
where the text is inserted.
According to the production specification, we can
choose between the direct ink version (Pantone) or
the four colour version for printing application.
For on-screen viewing, we use the RGB version.
Black and white
We use the monochromatic, black and white version
when we are not working with colour (i.e. in the press).
Power by Amadeus files are available in
Amadeus visual and verbal 3. Visual identity October 2013
identity extended guidelines 3.1. Logo Page 26
The new Amadeus The Amadeus symbol Sizes (px)
64x64 px. 32x32 px. 16x16 px.
Up until now, we have used the ‘a’
of Amadeus as a symbol in all our Visual examples Travel Results
communication materials. For business Brighter, Bolder, Better collaboration
In our new Visual Identity, this will no longer The "a" is applied correctly as a FAV travel agents
be the case. We will use a symbol only when icon on the Amadeus website. Imagine a brighter, bolder,
we cannot use the Amadeus logo due to better travel business
space limitations, such as mobile apps, FAV
icon and GUI. Therefore, please remove the Choose technology developed by
‘a’ symbol from all communication materials. the brightest minds. With Amadeus,
We are going through legal procedures to you’ll discover confidence, expertise
register a new Amadeus symbol. As soon as and a bold approach to opportunity.
we have the Amadeus symbol registered, we We innovate and welcome change.
will update this section. Together we can build a better
If you need to use a symbol before we have future for the travel industry.
the legal approval for mobile apps, FAV icon
and GUI only, please use the “a” symbol from
the previous Visual Identity.
The "a" cannot be applied in The "a" cannot be replaced
CMYK or PMS communications linked with the in communication with our
According to the production specification, we can title of the material. signature system.
choose between the direct ink version (Pantone) or
the four colour version for printing application.
For on-screen viewing, we use the RGB version.
Black and white
We use the monochromatic, black and white version
when we are not working with colour (i.e. in the press).
New Amadeus symbol file will be available in
Amadeus visual and verbal 3. Visual identity October 2013
identity extended guidelines 3.2. Co-branding system Page 27
Example 1 + Amadeus
A natural way
to co-brand Example 2 + Amadeus
with our partners
We define co-branding as the association
of two or more brands with the objective
of enhancing the value of both, building a
more attractive joint offering and obtaining
greater profitability from the relationship.
Our brand as well as our partner’s brand
should occupy the same total area (50-
50) and are separated by a vertical line,
maintaining an established clear space
below both.
Here you can see examples of block areas
with different shapes but same total area:
Amadeus visual and verbal 3. Visual identity October 2013
identity extended guidelines 3.2. Co-branding system Page 28
A proper application We should always build co-branding in horizontal. We will always employ the same style and dividing line.
will guarantee visibility
and consistency We should not include logos inside any other shape.
We’ve developed a system that aims
to be respectful with both identities.
Keep in mind that any time we do
something different we might be damaging
or minimising the impact of both brands.
These are a few examples of what we
should not do.
We should respect the normalised size of the logo.
Amadeus visual and verbal 3. Visual identity October 2013
identity extended guidelines 3.3. Corporate font Page 29
The Amadeus font Amadeus
Our corporate font is called Amadeus. Shape the
It is a sans-serif font that is modern, flexible, future of travel
and easy to read even in small size.
Our font is very versatile. Composed by 3 AaBbCcDdEe123@$€&?
weights and its italics version, we can adapt
it to any communication need. We should Amadeus Thin
use our font consistently, applying it to all
corporate materials and communications ABCDEFGHIJKLMNÑOPQRSTUVWXYZ
such as advertising, brochures, posters, abcdefghijklmnñopqrstuvwxyz
web, etc. 0123456789.!?&€®
Amadeus font file is available for download at Amadeus Regular
System font abcdefghijklmnñopqrstuvwxyz
For compatibility reasons we will need a
system font that can be visualised on any Amadeus Bold
We will use Verdana whenever we share ABCDEFGHIJKLMNÑOPQRSTUVWXYZ
documents such as Word, PowerPoint, e-mail abcdefghijklmnñopqrstuvwxyz
or our digital signature. 0123456789.!?&€®
Verdana Bold
Amadeus visual and verbal 3. Visual identity October 2013
identity extended guidelines 3.4. Colour palette Page 30
Our colour palette Main colour Amadeus Cherry Amadeus Grey
PANTONE Rubine Red C PANTONE Warm Grey 1 C
The Amadeus colour palette contains 4 Amadeus Blue CMYK: 8/100/35/3 CMYK: 3/3/6/7
colours: PANTONE 300 C RGB: 206/0/88 RGB: 215/210/203
_ Main colour: Amadeus Blue CMYK: 99/50/0/0 HTML: #CE0058 HTML: #D7D2CB
_ 3 secondary colours: Amadeus Light Blue, RGB: 0/94/184
HTML: #005Eb8
Amadeus Cherry and Amadeus Grey
Secondary colour
Amadeus Blue is the main colour and should
be used for all corporate applications. It must Amadeus Light Blue
also be present in all graphic applications. PANTONE 2995 C
CMYK: 75/0/0/0
In many cases, Amadeus Grey will serve as a RGB: 0/169/224
negative (background) to the Amadeus Blue to HTML: #00A9E0
create more sophisticated pieces.
Supporting colours (charts)
Additionally there is a palette of 9 supporting
colours. Please refer to the following pages
for specific instructions on when to use the
supporting colours.
Amadeus Light Blue Blue Green Amadeus Cherry Light Orange Orange
CMYK: 75/0/0/0 CMYK: 48/0/9/0 CMYK: 27/0/15/0 CMYK: 8/100/35/3 CMYK: 0/72/70/0 CMYK: 0/39/51/0
RGB: 0/169/224 RGB: 106/209/227 RGB: 167/230/215 RGB: 206/0/88 RGB: 229/106/84 RGB: 255/160/106
HTML: #00A9E0 HTML: #6AD1E3 HTML: #A7E6D7 HTML: #CE0058 HTML: #E56A54 HTML: #FFA06A
Purple Violet Mauve Dark Yellow Yellow Light Yellow
CMYK: 58/760/0 CMYK: 27/67/0/0 CMYK: 6/53/0/0 CMYK: 0/28/98/11 CMYK: 0/34/76/0 CMYK: 0/11/80/0
RGB: 130/70/175 RGB: 201/100/207 RGB: 236/134/208 RGB: 210/159/19 RGB: 255/181/73 RGB: 254/209/65
HTML: #8246AF HTML: #C964CF HTML: #EC86D0 HTML: #D29F13 HTML: #FFB549 HTML: #fed141
Amadeus visual and verbal 3. Visual identity October 2013
identity extended guidelines 3.4. Colour palette Page 31
Our colour palette Main colour Amadeus Cherry Amadeus Grey
PANTONE Rubine Red C PANTONE Warm Grey 1 C
Below you can see how to correctly apply Amadeus Blue CMYK: 8/100/35/3 CMYK: 3/3/6/7
the supporting colours, always starting with PANTONE 300 C RGB: 206/0/88 RGB: 215/210/203
Amadeus Blue and Amadeus Light Blue and CMYK: 99/50/0/0 HTML: #CE0058 HTML: #D7D2CB
Amadeus Cherry. RGB: 0/94/184
If the need arises to incorporate a fourth HTML: #005Eb8
colour, Purple is the first option from the
palette, followed by Dark Yellow. These 2 Secondary colour
colours shall only be used when it is not
possible to represent the content using only Amadeus Light Blue
the main colour and the secondary colours. PANTONE 2995 C
A fourth palette of supporting greys has been CMYK: 75/0/0/0
created as well for digital environments. RGB: 0/169/224
Do not forget that these last two palettes HTML: #00A9E0
are used on a smaller scale and their use is
strictly limited to charts, infographics and Supporting colours (charts)
digital environments.
Amadeus Light Blue Amadeus Cherry Purple Dark Yellow Blue Light Orange
Colour sequence PANTONE 2995 C PANTONE Rubine Red C PANTONE 2587C PANTONE 7555 C PANTONE 310 C PANTONE 7416 C
CMYK: 75/0/0/0 CMYK: 8/100/35/3 CMYK: 58/760/0 CMYK: 0/28/98/11 CMYK: 48/0/9/0 CMYK: 0/72/70/0
1 RGB: 0/169/224 RGB: 206/0/88 RGB: 130/70/175 RGB: 210/159/19 RGB: 106/209/227 RGB: 229/106/84
HTML: #00A9E0 HTML: #CE0058 HTML: #8246AF HTML: #D29F13 HTML: #6AD1E3 HTML: #E56A54
Violet Yellow Green Orange Mauve Light Yellow
CMYK: 27/67/0/0 CMYK: 0/34/76/0 CMYK: 27/0/15/0 CMYK: 0/39/51/0 CMYK: 6/53/0/0 CMYK: 0/11/80/0
8 9 10 RGB: 201/100/207 RGB: 255/181/73 RGB: 167/230/215 RGB: 255/160/106 RGB: 236/134/208 RGB: 254/209/65
HTML: #C964CF HTML: #FFB549 HTML: #A7E6D7 HTML: #FFA06A HTML: #EC86D0 HTML: #fed141
11 12 13
Grey colour scheme as supporting palette
Grey 1 Grey 2 Grey 3 Grey 4 Grey 5
CMYK: 48/40/42/4 CMYK: 30/24/23/0 CMYK: 17/12/14/0 CMYK: 7/5/5/0 CMYK: 2/1/1/0
RGB: 120/120/117 RGB: 166/166/168 RGB: 199/201/199 RGB: 229/229/229 RGB: 247/247/250
HTML: #787875 HTML: #A6A6A8 HTML: #C7C9C7 HTML: #E5E5E5 HTML: #F7F7FA
Amadeus visual and verbal 3. Visual identity October 2013
identity extended guidelines 3.5. Photographic style Page 32
People in relaxed situation
Photographic style Curved and flowing landscapes
Details of the travel experience
Photography is a powerful tool that helps us
communicate our personality and visual style.
The Amadeus photographic style is comprised
of 3 main concepts:
_ People in relaxed situations
_ Curved and flowing landscapes
_ Details of the travel experience
New stock photography is available in the Amadeus Image
Bank brand-tool.
Amadeus visual and verbal 3. Visual identity October 2013
identity extended guidelines 3.5. Photographic style Page 33
Photographic style
Black & white (Only for people photography)
People in relaxed situations
The Amadeus photographic style is natural
and spontaneous: it captures the moment
and avoids posed and artificial photographs.
It is very important to include people
from different parts of the world where
Amadeus has a presence, reflecting the
multiculturalism and professionalism
of Amadeus employees, customers and
Our photographic style displays people
who are filled with youthful enthusiasm.
Depending on the tone of the communication,
people may be dressed more casually or
more formally. The people photographed can
be company employees.
In colour photography, the Amadeus Blue
tone serves as a key visual identifier of
our visual identity. As an option, you may
personalise photography with cool blue tones
with little saturation. See more information
on page 35.
Black and white photographs adapt very
well to the Amadeus colour palette. Their use
is recommended for editorials and the front
covers of communication pieces where the
Amadeus Blue is very powerful. Their use is
restricted to people photos.
Amadeus visual and verbal 3. Visual identity October 2013
identity extended guidelines 3.5. Photographic style Page 34
Flowing landscapes
Photographic style
Details of the travel experience
Curved and flowing landscapes
Photographs of travel destinations always
seek a different but credible perspective that
lead our audiences to get to know our brand
and in that way, build an emotive relationship
with them.
This photographic concept is visually based
on shapes that are undulating, abstract forms
that help us to create and give a distinctive
personality to our corporate materials.
Details of the travel experience
Destinations are not only represented with
wide-angle landscapes. In some cases it is
the small details that are noteworthy. These
select items show the subject in a closer and
more tangible setting. It is advisable to play
with sharp focus and soft focus to create a
more expressive photograph.
Amadeus visual and verbal 3. Visual identity October 2013
identity extended guidelines 3.5. Photographic style Page 35
Retouching Original photograph Retouched photograph
photography (optional)
Tone / Saturation Colour balance Half tones Lighting
In order to personalise our photographic Adding colour Shade
style, guidelines have been set with regard
to how to do some basic retouching, which
will provide visual consistency.
Retouching can be used to apply colder tones
to the images and to feature the Amadeus
Blue without the need for the actual colour to
be present.
Remember that in order to retouch the
photographs, the images must be in RGB. If
the images are to be used for print, they will
have to subsequently be changed to CMYK.
In the event that it is not possible to
retouch all the Amadeus photographs,
we recommend they be used in the most
relevant applications, such as the front
covers of brochures, advertising, posters,
digital banners, home pages on the web, etc.
especially in photos where we place a blue
You can use the adjustment We use the "Colour balance" of tone: shade, half tones and
option "Tone/Saturation" to setting to finish retouching our lighting, applying the values
create a mono-coloured blue photographs. In this way, you shown.
layer that is applied with can modify the three sources
transparency set at 50%.
Amadeus visual and verbal 3. Visual identity October 2013
identity extended guidelines 3.5. Photographic style Page 36
Incorrect photographic 11 12
style examples
33 44
Here you can see some examples of
photographs that do not follow Amadeus' 55 67
photographic style.
Remember that Amadeus' photographic style
does not include:
1 Photographs that are posed, artificial and/
or posed looking directly at the camera.
2 Wide or narrow-angle photography, so as
to avoid distorting the image.
3 Photographs of landscapes with static
4 Illustrations or other motifs included within
the photograph itself.
5 3D photo-compositions, special effects
or photographic retouching that creates
artificial environments.
6 Photographs should reflect the 21st
century. Avoid objects that are obsolete or
7 Do not create mosaic or collage with
multiple images.
Amadeus visual and verbal 3. Visual identity October 2013
identity extended guidelines 3.6. Illustrative style Page 37
Illustrative style
Here you can see some examples of the
Amadeus illustrative style. These shapes are
created using icons and curved shapes that
serve as supporting material to frame the
In terms of colour, these illustrations are
created using Amadeus Blue as the main
colour, and the details contain touches of
Amadeus Light Blue and Amadeus Cherry. If
additional colours are required, we can use
the palette of supporting colours. The main
colour must always be Amadeus Blue.
Visual examples Results Results
Brighter, Bolder, Better collaboration Brighter, Bolder, Better collaboration
Lorem ipsum dolor Imagine a brighter, bolder, Imagine a brighter, bolder,
sit amet consectetur better travel business better travel business
adipiscing elit.
Choose technology developed by Choose technology developed by Choose technology developed by
the brightest minds. With Amadeus, the brightest minds. With Amadeus, the brightest minds. With Amadeus,
you’ll discover confidence, expertise you’ll discover confidence, expertise you’ll discover confidence, expertise
and a bold approach to opportunity. and a bold approach to opportunity. and a bold approach to opportunity.
We innovate and welcome change. We innovate and welcome change. We innovate and welcome change.
Together we can build a better Together we can build a better Together we can build a better
future for the travel industry. future for the travel industry. future for the travel industry.
The illustration is correctly The illustration is correctly The colour of the illustration
applied in positive. applied in negative. is incorrect, the main element
must be Amadeus Blue.
Amadeus visual and verbal 3. Visual identity October 2013
identity extended guidelines 3.7. Icon system Page 38
Illustrative style
Icon system 2
Positive versions
The Amadeus icon system is composed of 2
libraries of images: the illustrative style (see Negative versions
page 37) and the functional style.
Functional style
Illustrative style icons
We will use this style when our icons
are used in bigger sizes and they have a
decorative objective as well as functional.
Preferably, the colour version should be used.
An icon can be monochromatic. In that case it
must be in Amadeus Blue.
This style of icons is used when the size of
the icon is bigger or equal to 15 mm for an
offline environment, or 85 px for an online
Functional style icons
We will use this style when our icons are
used in smaller sizes and they have a
functional objective.
This style of icons is used when the size
of the icon is smaller than 15 mm for an
offline environment, or 85 px for an online
15 mm 85 px
Amadeus visual and verbal 3. Visual identity October 2013
identity extended guidelines 3.8. Chart design Page 39
Chart design Bar chart Concept 1
Concept 2
Infographics usually require a special colour 100 Concept 3
palette. Below we provide details to create 90 Concept 4
charts using simple and open shapes to make 80 Concept 5
graphics easier to read. 70 Concept 6
In terms of colour, the order to be followed 60
for the graphics is: 50
Colour sequence 30
1 20
234 0
567 Table Amadeus IT Group SA Change Date DD/MM/YYYY
Department Name Date DD/MM/YYYY
8 9 10 Security level Author Name Comment By
Reviewer Name
11 12 13 Company Approver Name
Department Date
We always start with Amadeus Blue, Author
Amadeus Light Blue and Amadeus Cherry, Reviewed by
followed by Purple and Dark Yellow and all Approved by
their declinations through to the brighter Version
You can find all the colour references on page
Grey colour scheme as supporting palette
Amadeus visual and verbal 3. Visual identity October 2013
identity extended guidelines 3.9. Secondary graphics Page 40
Signature system and grid
Basic elements Background
The shape
These elements compose Amadeus' Font
secondary graphics.
Amadeus font
The Amadeus logo signs all our
communications and must respect the Abc
guidelines as laid out in this manual. The grid
helps to set the graphic elements of each 123
communication piece in place.
All Amadeus materials feature a corporate
background in order to achieve visual
consistency and recognition.
This graphic element is very important for
the visual identity. It helps us to compile the
pieces and can act as a framework to lay out
images and texts.
The Amadeus font has been established as
the corporate font. This font must be used for
all our corporate materials.
Amadeus visual and verbal 3. Visual identity October 2013
identity extended guidelines 3.9. Secondary graphics Page 41
Our signature system Size of the logo Position of the logo
Size of the logo
To apply the Amadeus signature system, the
first step is to calculate the approximate size
of the logo with respect to the format used.
In vertical and square formats, the width of
the logo must equal 1/5 of Y, "Y" being the
bottom of the page.
For horizontal formats, the width of the logo
must equal 1/6 of Y, "Y" being the bottom of
the page.
Position of the logo
The Amadeus logo is always placed in the
upper right part of the layout.
The position of the Amadeus logo with regard
to the margins of the document is 3 times
the "u" for the top and right margins, and at
the bottom we leave a protective area of 6
times the "u".
Y 1/5 Y
Vertical and square formats
Horizontal formats
Amadeus visual and verbal 3. Visual identity October 2013
identity extended guidelines 3.9. Secondary graphics Page 42
The grid Grid with signature system Grid without signature system
Bearing in mind that we have already Vertical columns Horizontal columns
defined the size and position of the logo, the
document margins and guides (grid) have x 13 x 16 x 8 x 10
been calculated based on our signature
Remember that you cannot invade the
top section of the grid that contains our
The side and lower margins maintain the
proportion of 3 times the "u".
Once the document margins have been
established, 13 columns are applied without
gutters, to be able to create the movement
of shapes and the placement of texts and
Check that the signature system is always
equal to the 3 columns on the right.
On interior pages where the Amadeus
signature is not featured, the four document
margins will maintain the same proportions
of 3 times the "u".
Due to the editorial necessity of compiling
text boxes full of information, images and
graphics, the space is divided into 8 columns
with their respective gutters of 4 mm for a
Din A4 page.
For horizontal layouts, the number of
columns increases from 8 to 13 for layouts
with the signature system and from 10 to 16
for layouts without the signature system.
Amadeus visual and verbal 3. Visual identity October 2013
identity extended guidelines 3.9. Secondary graphics Page 43
Backgrounds Cover backgrounds
For the creation of front covers and adverts, Amadeus Blue background Amadeus Grey background Photograpic background
we have 3 different types of backgrounds.
Two of them are plain colours: Amadeus Blue
and Amadeus Grey. The third background is a
Any type of background can be used
interchangeably, depending on the content
being communicated.
Interior pages can feature the same
backgrounds as the front covers, but we
also have a white background for extensive
corporate reports, PowerPoint presentations,
Interior pages backgrounds
Amadeus Blue background Amadeus Grey background White background Photograpic background
Amadeus visual and verbal 3. Visual identity October 2013
identity extended guidelines 3.9. Secondary graphics Page 44
Constructing shapes Step 1 Step 2 Step 3
The shape is a graphic element that helps
us to highlight information within our
communication and to create a strong visual
identity. Here you can see the steps to create
different shapes.
Step 1
On a grid of 24x24 squares, with margins
of 3 squares on each side. Between 1 and 3
circles are placed according to the guides, to
determine where the cut line will be for the
desired resulting shape. You can combine
circular and square forms to obtain shapes
with straight edges that fit into the margins.
Step 2
Other support circles are added to these
initial circles that help us to trace meeting
points between them and the margins of the
grid to create a shape with perfect curves.
Step 3
Once the perfect form has been achieved, it
can be softened to create a more appropriate
and personal touch.
Circle on the grid
Support circle
Amadeus visual and verbal 3. Visual identity October 2013
identity extended guidelines 3.9. Secondary graphics Page 45
Constructing shapes Step 1 Step 2 Step 3
On this page you can see another three
examples of how to construct shapes.
Remember that the shapes are abstract
figures that help us to compile and give
personality to our communications. As such,
it is not permitted to form shapes that create
silhouettes or descriptive outlines (people,
symbols, objects, etc).
It is very important that all the shapes that
you create have at least one concave and
one convex side, with a maximum of two
concave and three convex sides for any one
given shape.
Circle on the grid
Support circle
Amadeus visual and verbal 3. Visual identity October 2013
identity extended guidelines 3.9. Secondary graphics Page 46
Versions with one or two straight edges
Versions of shapes
Versions without straight edges
Here you can see the Amadeus gallery
of pre-made shapes. Following the steps
outlined in the previous pages, we have
created 6 very different shapes to provide a
variety of options for creating communication
Depending on the photograph and the text,
you can choose among shapes that are cut
off to create a more dynamic composition,
and closed shapes that make the page look
more elegant.
Shapes files are available for download at
Amadeus visual and verbal 3. Visual identity October 2013
identity extended guidelines 3.9. Secondary graphics Page 47
Signature system Developing the shape Vertical position and size Horizontal position and size
composition using
shapes Special layouts (web banners, event roll ups, etc)
The size of the shape can be increased Curves cannot be stretched nor deformed
according to the needs of the content. The
surface of the shape must meet certain
requirements and can never enter the reserve
area of the logo.
The size of the shape is determined by
the message contained in or around it. A
protection area has been established that
must be respected in every application.
Within this area there are multiple
combinations that can be adapted to the
different columns on the page.
There are both vertical and horizontal shapes
(marked in red) that, given their composition
in relation to the layout, are not permitted.
There are some layouts that are excessively
vertical or horizontal where we can insert a
shape by rotating it and adjusting it to three
margins. Some examples are web banners
and event roll ups.
Amadeus visual and verbal 3. Visual identity October 2013
identity extended guidelines 3.9. Secondary graphics Page 48
Signature system Shapes with one or two straight edges
composition using
Regardless of the shape being used to The shape adjusts to the grid When reducing the size of The shape with two straight The shape always grows from The shape cannot have a
develop the piece, wherever the Amadeus without deformation. the shape, the guides of the edges must sit on the bottom the bottom upwards. straight edge on the top area.
logo appears as the signature of the grid must be kept in mind. of the far left side.
page, the shape must be built up from the
bottom left, respecting the usable area.
Shapes without straight edges that are not
cut by the margins can be placed in any
part of the permitted area.
Any other use of the shape will be
considered unsuitable.
Shapes without straight edges
The shape fits within the The shape is increased in size The shape is cut and rests The shape must be cut on When cutting the shape, one
permitted area. and fits in the centre of the on the lower left corner of the bottom far left side of concave and one convex curve
area. the page. the page. must remain visible.
Amadeus visual and verbal 3. Visual identity October 2013
identity extended guidelines 3.9. Secondary graphics Page 49
Compositions Shapes with one or two straight edges
including shapes,
without The shape adjusts to the grid The shape can rest on any When reducing the size of The shape cannot be cut by three page margins.
signature system without deformation. corner of the page. the shape, the guides of the
grid must be kept in mind.
The application of the shape is more
flexible and simple in interior pages or Shapes without straight edges
other layouts that do not feature the
signature system than on items that do.
Guidelines for the application of a shape:
_ The shape can be cut in any corner
of the page, whenever the cut has a
maximum of two margins.
_ The shape can be increased in size as
long as it does not cover more than
80% of the page.
_ The shape can be placed in any area of
the grid, maintaining the correct curve
and adjusting it to the guides in the grid.
Any other use of the shape will be
considered unsuitable.
The shape fits within the The shape is reduced in size The shape is cut and rests The shape cannot be cut by The shape cannot occupy
permitted area. and fits in the upper part of on the lower left corner of the two side margins of the 80% of the space on the
the permitted area. the page. page. page.
Amadeus visual and verbal 3. Visual identity Shape with line pattern October 2013
identity extended guidelines 3.9. Secondary graphics Page 50
Colours and uses Shape in solid colour Shape with photograph
of shapes
The shape is a versatile graphic element
that adjusts to the content of the piece and Shape in transparent colour
lends singularity to the visual. The transparent effect can only be used in
screen applications.
The shape can be configured in three ways:
_ Shape in solid corporate colour. Applied
to pieces where it becomes a text box
and can be placed on a coloured or
photographic background. Corporate
materials can use shapes in blue, light
blue and grey colour shapes.
_ Shape with line pattern. Applied to
pieces where the shape has a decorative
function. The line pattern can feature on
a coloured or photographed background.
It can be used in blue, light blue and grey
_ Shape with photograph. Applied to pieces
where the shape becomes a frame for a
On screen applications, the background
photograph and the titles can apply the
shape "multiplied" or transparency over a
photographed background.
As an exception in webpages and videos, the
cherry colour can be applied to the shape
in the interior pages/content., never in the
covers or as a call to action in closing pages.
Amadeus visual and verbal 3. Visual identity October 2013
identity extended guidelines 3.9. Secondary graphics Page 51
Colours and uses Shape in solid colour
of shapes for
corporate materials TEXT TEXT TEXT TEXT TEXT TEXT
On this page you can see all the possible Background: Amadeus Grey Amadeus Grey Amadeus Blue Amadeus Blue Photography Photography
correct versions that can be applied to any Shape: Amadeus Blue Amadeus Light Blue Amadeus Light Blue Amadeus Grey Amadeus Blue Amadeus Light Blue
Amadeus piece of corporate communication.
These colour versions are valid both for front Shape with line texture
covers and adverts, as well as for internal
pages. A white background with a photograph
in the shape only applies to internal pages.
Remember that when we use the shape as a
text frame, it is plain in colour. If the shape is
used for decoration, it has a line texture.
Background: Amadeus Grey Amadeus Grey Amadeus Blue Amadeus Blue Photography Photography
Lines texture for shape: Amadeus Blue Amadeus Light Blue Amadeus Light Blue Amadeus Grey Amadeus Blue Amadeus Light Blue
Shape with photograph
Background: Amadeus Grey Amadeus Blue
Shape: Photography Photography
Amadeus visual and verbal 3. Visual identity October 2013
identity extended guidelines 3.9. Secondary graphics Page 52
Line pattern for For materials smaller or equal to DIN A5
Line width: 1 pt
If we use the shape with lines, we rely on a Space between lines: 2.7 pt or 0.9 mm
variety of textures according to the format of
the material, with the aim of maintaining the For materials bigger than DIN A5 and smaller
proportion and visibility of the pattern in all or equal to DIN A4
formats. In this way, we have the following
configurations: Line width: 1.5 pt
_ For materials smaller or equal to DIN A5, Spacing between lines: 5 pt or 1.7 mm
such as a business card, leaflet, skirt, etc. For materials bigger than DIN A4 and smaller
_ For materials bigger than DIN A5 and or equal to DIN A3
smaller or equal to DIN A4, such as an Line width: 2.2 pt
advert, press release, etc. Space between lines: 8.5 pt or 3 mm
_ For materials bigger than DIN A4 and
smaller or equal to DIN A3, such as A3 For materials bigger than DIN A3
signs, double page spreads, posters, etc.
_ For materials bigger than DIN A3, such as Line width: 5 pt
large signs, event banners, etc. Spacing between lines: 20.5 pt or 7.2 mm
Each format has a pre-determined line
width and spacing, but in all cases, the line
inclination is -45º.
Remember the line pattern can only be used
in the Amadeus Blue, Amadeus Light Blue
and Amadeus Grey.
Shape Pattern files available for download at
Amadeus visual and verbal 3. Visual identity October 2013
identity extended guidelines 3.9. Secondary graphics Page 53
Incorrect colours and
uses of shapes for
corporate materials
Here you can see some examples of
incorrect uses of colours and shapes.
The background of the The background may not be The shape cannot be Amadeus The shape cannot be white.
material cannot be white. any colour other than the Cherry or any other supporting
Amadeus Amadeus Blue or colour, except Amadeus Light
Amadeus Grey. Blue and Amadeus grey.
The pattern of lines cannot The shape cannot be in The inclination of the Shape lines must maintain
be placed in the background. Amadeus Cherry or any other lines should be -45º. a scheduled ratio, referring
It must always be inside the supporting colour, except to the format of the
shape. Amadeus Light Blue and material.
Amadeus grey.
Amadeus visual and verbal 3. Visual identity October 2013
identity extended guidelines 3.9. Secondary graphics Page 54
Grid with base line Grid with base line and signature system Grid with base line and without signature system
The base line is used to facilitate the
horizontal alignment of the text across all
the pages in the document. The dimensions
of these guides are marked by the size of the
font and the type space.
It is important to apply this grid to all
corporate materials containing a high
quantity of content: brochures, reports, etc.
The incremental distance of each guide is 5.5 pt
InDesign Preference Palette, where the base
line of the document can be adjusted.
Amadeus visual and verbal 3. Visual identity October 2013
identity extended guidelines 3.9. Secondary graphics Page 55
Font sizes Size: 9 pt. / Type space: 11 pt. Size: 33 pt. / Type space: 33 pt.
Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipisicing elit, sed do
Bearing in mind our grid and base line, we eiusmod tempor incididunt ut labore et dolore magna aliqua. Lorem ipsum
must use a series of font sizes with their Excepteur sint occaecat cupidatat non proident, sunt in culpa qui dolor sit amet
respective type spaces, which duly adjust to officia deserunt mollit anim id est laborum. Genime pa cus ipienis
our grid. magniendicte perum ant, consecto delitat emquiassit que es ex
Therefore, this page shows the recommended est, cum quam, sitatur, ide comnitatur magni que iuntis con est ut
font sizes that adapt perfectly to our grid. magnis estent pro que solupta consed quos excesse
All font sizes can have various uses, which
will depend on the content or requirements Size: 15 pt. / Type space: 16.5 pt. Size: 38.5 pt. / Type space: 38.5 pt.
of each piece and its format. Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur
Recommended type spaces Lorem ipsumadipisicing elit, sed do eiusmod
Headlines or large texts tempor incididunt ut labore et dolore, dolor sit amet
Type space = font size x 1 moloreprat ilignite prepudicat
For example: Size: 33 pt. / Type space: 33 pt.
Intermediary texts Size: 20 pt. / Type space: 22 pt. Size: 44 pt. / Type space: 44 pt.
Type space = font size x 1.1
For example: Size: 15 pt. / Type space: 16.5 pt. Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, Lorem ipsum
Body of text or content consectetur adipisicing elit,
Type space = font size x 1.2 sed do eiusmod tempor
For example: Size: 9 pt. / Type space: 11 pt.
Size: 27.5 pt. / Type space: 27.5 pt. Size: 49.5 pt. / Type space: 49.5 pt.
Lorem ipsum dolor Lorem
sit amet, consectetur
adipisicing elit
Amadeus visual and verbal 3. Visual identity October 2013
identity extended guidelines 3.9. Secondary graphics Page 56
Character styles The headlines are the larger
text and are written using
Applying our font sizes, the configuration of Amadeus Regular or Bold.
our texts is developed in the following way: The colour Amadeus Light Blue
highlights key words
_ Headlines: are the larger text and are
written using Amadeus Regular or Bold. Subtitles or highlighted text are written in Amadeus Regular
The main Amadeus Blue colour will be or Amadeus Thin and can be in four colours: Amadeus Blue,
used, but Amadeus Light Blue can be Amadeus Light Blue, Amadeus Cherry and Black.
applied to highlight any special words.
Do not use a full-stop at the end of the The headlines of the body copy is written in The second type of bullets are dots. They are
headline. Amadeus Bold, in black written using Amadeus Bold, in Amadeus Cherry.
The body of the text is written in Amadeus
_ Subtitles or highlighted text: are Regular and in black. We use the weight of The third type of bullets are numbers, using
intermediate text and are written in Amadeus Bold to highlight any particular content. Amadeus Regular, in black.
Amadeus Regular or Amadeus Thin. They We can also highlight some content using the
can be in Amadeus Blue or any other Amadeus font in Amadeus Blue.
secondary colour. Use a full-stop at the
end of the subtitle. Bullets points
The first type of bullet points are hyphens, which
_ The body of the text: is the common are aligned with the baseline of the text. They are
text, it is written in Amadeus Regular and written using Amadeus Bold, in Amadeus Cherry.
in black. The headlines can be in Amadeus
Bold, in black or Amadeus Regular with
Amadeus Blue. There are three types
of bullet points. The first are subscript
hyphens, and the rest of the levels can
be dots. You can use a number list when
needed as well.
Amadeus visual and verbal 3. Visual identity October 2013
identity extended guidelines 3.9. Secondary graphics Page 57
Typographic rules 1. Use the Amadeus font in all our texts, except in
Microsoft materials which use the system font:
With the aim of achieving maximum use of Verdana.
the Amadeus font, some basic uses have
been developed that ensure the visibility and 2. Maintain left-side alignment in body copy.
legibility of the font each time it appears, 3. Avoid writing all text in capital letters.
both in print and on screen. 4. Amadeus cannot be written in capital letters.
5. Apply the recommended font sizes.
6. Use the recommended type space and remember
that it must be a multiple of 5.5 to adjust to the
base line of the grid.
7. We can apply the main colour and the secondary
colours, as well as black in the body copy.
8. The headlines can be written in Regular or Bold.
Amadeus visual and verbal 3. Visual identity October 2013
identity extended guidelines 3.9. Secondary graphics Page 58
Typographic layouts Title Title Title. Lo to
for covers and Title of the secondary tem alique
advertising Subtitle in two lines paragraph plicita velit,
lorem ipsum Body copy. Ciuntium fugit omnim rem evelique
Duly applying the grid and using the shape Title of the secondary paragraph ipsaped que num sitiumendi dolest, tores optis cus,
that marks the page's composition, there are Body copy. Ciuntium fugit omnim rem evelique vitae nos es ra explabo. Itatquate magnis sinto ipitae
several ways to configure the texts for our ipsaped que num sitiumendi dolest, tores as estrumque volorro invelignati accaectur
front pages or ads. vitae nos es ra explabo. Itatquate magnis as apelendem faccus adi atur Ga. Rum nos et pernam
estrumque volorro. mollendem dolor. voluptatium
Visually, the shape marks a main vertical
guide that, with the help of a horizontal line, Subtitle in two lines
separates the title from the body of text, or lorem ipsum
title from the subtitle, based on the needs
of each piece. Therefore, and based on this Title of the secondary paragraph
concept, there are many possible typographic Body copy. Ciuntium fugit omnim rem evelique ipsaped
versions, creating a flexible system with que num sitiumendi dolest, tores vitae nos es ra explabo.
multiple opportunities. Itatquate magnis as estrumque volorro.As magnihi tibus.
Ne dolupit aciet mos nimollaccum rempell oreheni ssitass
"" is written on the lower far inimporate sunt undi ullatempore nia ilignatam harunt
right side, in Amadeus Regular, font size 8 pt. occum aut qui sam reperibus dellenietur moloreprate
dolore vendae soloresti dictatetIs ea conse parumqui
nonemporenia sant ilitioria sequi cuptionse volorum
latatectemo exeratatiam expedit.
1/4 column
A space of 1/4 column is left as extra margin
to separate the title and subtitle from the
body of the text and the line, to visually Another element that helps to maintain a
balance both margins. Title good visual balance in our communications
is a line separating the two blocks of
information, which also provides a supporting
point to place the body of text.
Subtitle in two lines It is optional to use the line in your
lorem ipsum communications.
Title of the secondary paragraph
Body copy. Ciuntium fugit omnim rem evelique
ipsaped que num sitiumendi dolest, tores
vitae nos es ra explabo. Itatquate magnis as
estrumque volorro.
Amadeus visual and verbal 3. Visual identity October 2013
identity extended guidelines 3.9. Secondary graphics Page 59
Typographic layouts © 2012 Amadeus IT Group SA | 2DML11/03763
for back covers © 2012 Amadeus IT Group SA | 2DML11/03763
The interior covers of our brochures, stationery or corporate reports will
maintain the same style and basic elements.
The background colour will always be Amadeus Blue and will not feature
any shape.
In the case that the signature system is placed in the far left lower side,
we will maintain the space of 3 times the "u" in the margins and apply
the signature size of the front cover.
The lower part of the far right side will feature the text "",
written in Amadeus Regular, in font size 8 pt.
There are cases in which the inside cover may carry a message.
Placing photographs or other graphic elements on the inside cover is not
Call to action options Call to action layout reference
The call to action is placed in covers, ads, backcovers, etc. It has a fixed Title You can follow us on:
place in the bottom right side of the page. Title of the secondary
paragraph AmadeusITGroup
There are many options you can use in your call to action apart form the Body copy. Ciuntium fugit omnim rem evelique URL such as: ipsaped que num sitiumendi dolest, tores #yourHashtag
_ Social media icons: You can follow us on vitae nos es ra explabo. Itatquate magnis @AmadeusITGroup
_ Blog URL : as estrumque volorro invelignati accaectur
_ Hashtag: #AmadeusITGroup apelendem faccus adi atur Ga. Rum nos et
_ Handle: @AmadeusITGroup mollendem dolor.
_ Quick response code:
AmYoaudceaun sfoIlTloGwruosuopn:
Amadeus visual and verbal 3. Visual identity October 2013
identity extended guidelines 3.9. Secondary graphics Page 60
Typographic layouts Visual examples
for covers and
advertising examples Global Donec mattis, Results
Reach massa ut
On this page you can see visual examples of Donec pellentesque ultrices dui Brighter, Bolder, Better collaboration
covers. aliquam placerat,
Apart from the grid and signature system, Imagine a brighter, bolder, eros tellus Imagine a brighter, bolder,
which are unchangeable elements, the better travel business better travel business
remaining basic elements (background, condimentum
shape, font, etc.) can be applied in a Choose technology developed by metus, vel Choose technology developed by
flexible manner, without forgetting that the the brightest minds. With Amadeus, the brightest minds. With Amadeus,
guidelines described in this manual should you’ll discover confidence, expertise tincidunt ligula you’ll discover confidence, expertise
always be respected. and a bold approach to opportunity. risus leo and a bold approach to opportunity.
We innovate and welcome change. We innovate and welcome change.
Together we can build a better Donec pellentesque ultrices dui Together we can build a better
future for the travel industry. future for the travel industry. Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet,
consectetur adipiscing elit.
Corporate advertising A4 Corporate advertising A4
Choose technology developed by the brightest minds.
With Amadeus, you’ll discover confidence,
expertise and a bold approach to opportunity.
We innovate and welcome change. Together we can build
a better future for the travel industry.
Corporate advertising A4
Technology Whitepaper Travel
example For business
Sed eget enim justo, et dignissim dui travel agents
Lorem ipsum dplor here we place
sit ametconsectetur
adipiscing elit the title
Choose technology that enhances every
step of the travel booking process, allowing you
to achieve outstanding results in a competitive
marketplace. Amadeus is everywhere, handling
over 1 billion transactions every day. Together,
we can find better ways of adding value to every
step of the travel chain.
Corporate cover brochure A4
Whitepaper A4 Folder A4
Amadeus visual and verbal 3. Visual identity October 2013
identity extended guidelines 3.9. Secondary graphics Page 61
Typographic layouts Visual examples
for covers and
advertising examples Amadeus Event name and year Alhambra Alhambra
Alhambra Alhambra
This page shows visual examples of other Event nameFloor Plan Alhambra
formats. 20131 Suetonius Paulinus Alhambra
Alhambra Alhambra
2 Quem consulem vidimus Alhambra
3 Primus Romanorum Hotel Entrance
4 Ducum transgressus Lobby Alhambra Alhambra Alhambra Alhambra Welcome
Subheading5 Quoque Atlantem aliquot Alhambra GBTA
6 Milium spatio, prodidit Alhambra 2013
7 Excelsitate quidem Alhambra
Maecenas vitae
25 October Aliquam semper est vel sem mattis
26 October Aliquam semper lobortis non
27 October Aliquam semper
Lorem ipsum Lorem ipsum
Hotel name Ut sit amet arcu venenatis tortor sagittis euismod. Aenean nunc.
1234 Address information Cras pellentesque condimentum leo. Curabitur condimentum:
12345 Country
Tel: +1 234-567-8900
Fax: +1 234-567-8900 Lorem ipsum
Event invitation A5 Integer metus nunc, ultricies et, varius a, viverra a, felis. Aliquam
fringilla hendrerit odio. Mauris non dolor eu felis sagittis viverra.
Quisque fermentum justo sed ante.
Amadeus Event name and year
Event name Elendre tatue dipit nonsecte et
2013 niam, verat, conum quip et, vel
ero commy nos nim exeros ad
Pocket guide & agenda modignisi bla feu feugue
tin heniamconsed euguerilit alit
Pocket agenda velit volesectem vel utpat. Ut
nonullu ptatum.
© 2011 Amadeus IT Group SA
Web banner Welcome banner
Amadeus visual and verbal 3. Visual identity October 2013
identity extended guidelines 3.9. Secondary graphics Page 62
Incorrect typographic Incorrect uses
layouts for covers
and back cover Title Title. Lo to Title Title. Lo to
examples Subtitle in two lines tem alique Title of the secondary tem alique
lorem ipsum plicita velit, paragraph plicita velit,
Graphic compositions that have not been Title of the secondary paragraph optis cus, Body copy. Ciuntium fugit omnim rem evelique optis cus, sinto
outlined in this document should be avoided Body copy. Ciuntium fugit omnim rem evelique sinto ipitae ipsaped que num sitiumendi dolest, tores ipitae pernam
because they create a lack of graphic ipsaped que num sitiumendi dolest, tores pernam vitae nos es ra explabo. Itatquate magnis voluptatium
consistency. vitae nos es ra explabo. Itatquate magnis as voluptatium as estrumque volorro invelignati accaectur
Some examples of incorrect uses are estrumque volorro. apelendem faccus adi atur Ga. Rum nos et Subtitle in two lines lorem ipsum
displayed on this page. Subtitle in two lines lorem ipsum mollendem dolor. Title of the secondary paragraph Title of the secondary paragraph
Body copy. Ciuntium fugit omnim rem evelique ipsaped Body copy. Ciuntium fugit omnim rem evelique ipsaped All covers should feature the
que num sitiumendi dolest, tores vitae nos es ra explabo. que num sitiumendi dolest, tores vitae nos es ra explabo. shape and the headline cannot
Itatquate magnis as estrumque volorro.As magnihi tibus. Itatquate magnis as estrumque volorro.As magnihi tibus. be displayed in "Thin".
Ne dolupit aciet mos nimollaccum rempell oreheni ssitass Ne dolupit aciet mos nimollaccum rempell oreheni ssitass
inimporate sunt undi ullatempore nia ilignatam harunt inimporate sunt undi ullatempore nia ilignatam harunt
occum aut qui sam reperibus dellenietur moloreprate occum aut qui sam reperibus dellenietur moloreprate
dolore vendae soloresti dictatetIs ea conse parumqui dolore vendae soloresti dictatetIs ea conse parumqui
nonemporenia sant ilitioria sequi cuptionse volorum nonemporenia sant ilitioria sequi cuptionse volorum
latatectemo exeratatiam expedit. latatectemo exeratatiam expedit.
Shapes with a very strong Texts are to be aligned with The shape cannot be placed
visual edge in the right side, the margins of the shape, not on the far right side of the
will outline the vertical guide to the grid. page.
place the title and other texts.
Title Title. Lo to
tem alique
Subtitle in plicita velit,
two lines.
optis cus,
Body copy. Ciuntium fugit omnim rem evelique sinto ipitae
ipsaped que num sitiumendi dolest, tores
vitae nos es ra explabo. Itatquate magnis as pernam
estrumque volorro. voluptatium
Subtitle in two lines © 2012 Amadeus IT Group SA | 2DML11/03763
lorem ipsum © 2012 Amadeus IT Group SA | 2DML11/03763 Title of the secondary paragraph
Body copy. Ciuntium fugit omnim rem evelique ipsaped
The typography does not allow que num sitiumendi dolest, tores vitae nos es ra explabo.
all the text to be placed in the Itatquate magnis as estrumque volorro.As magnihi tibus.
right column. Ne dolupit aciet mos nimollaccum rempell oreheni ssitass
inimporate sunt undi ullatempore nia ilignatam harunt
occum aut qui sam reperibus dellenietur moloreprate
dolore vendae soloresti dictatetIs ea conse parumqui
nonemporenia sant ilitioria sequi cuptionse volorum
latatectemo exeratatiam expedit.
If the shape works as a frame The shape shall not be applied The background of the inside
and contains text, it cannot to the inside cover and the logo cover should always be Amadeus
feature patterns. shall be placed on the far left Blue.
lower side.
Amadeus visual and verbal 3. Visual identity October 2013
identity extended guidelines 3.9. Secondary graphics Page 63
Typographic layouts “In over 200 countries With Amadeus as your technology partner, Bolder approach Innovative, user-friendly technology and
for interior pages and territories where Amadeus you can look forward to working with to innovation operational excellence lie at the heart of our
provides services, we have long-term strategy.
Duly applying the interior grid with its seen that by partnering with Brighter people who are always switched-on. and technology
respective guttering, we have a wide variety customers, industry Our technology leadership is based on
of possibilities for creating our interior pages. organisations and government It is our people who really power Amadeus. our ongoing ability to deliver best-in-class
We can use colour, photography, illustration, bodies, we can make a real They bring our state-of-the-art technology to solutions that provide specialist, tailored support
graphics, shapes and different typography to difference to people’s lives.” for users at every stage of the travel chain.
create elegant and organised compositions life and encourage our customers to exploit
that maintain Amadeus' visual style. Luis Maroto, President and CEO the full potential of our advanced products But our pioneering creative approach is what
Amadeus and solutions to transform their businesses. really sets us apart. From the outset, over
20 years ago, we’ve demonstrated our
Our different teams are highly skilled, commitment to designing and developing next
intelligent and dynamic. They embrace the generation, future-proof technology that enables
synergies of collaborative working and are our customers to stay one step ahead of their
trusted by customers the world over to work competitors.
in true partnership with them to help them
_ Quisque magna mi, venenatis _ Amadeus invested around 3,500 man Chart 1 Asia Pacific
sed urna at, vestibulum lobortis achieve their business goals. yearsin product development in 2009 Channels for Latin America
sapien. Suspendisse eleifend and nearly 16,000 in total between Air tickets by region. Europe
vestibulum lacinia. Aenean Brighter people 2004 and 2009. Nort America
turpis ipsum, tristique vitae working 120% Lorem
diam id, adipiscing laoreet in partnership _ We operate two highly synergistic 100%
lorem. Integer in urna pretium, businesses, which share a common Lorem Ipsum
dictum enim eu, accumsan Our principles client base and technology platform. 80%
purus. Suspendisse sodales sit for success 60%
amet velit eget ornare. Morbi _ Customers first _ Much of our technology is based 40%
venenatis lacus odio. We listen carefully, keep on open systems. Indeed, Amadeus 20%
our promises and are remains the first and only GDS and PSS
_ Donec posuere blandit augue committed to your success solution provider to move largely to 0%
vel faucibus. Sed in ante eget _ Aiming for excellence open systems.
odio ullamcorper fermentum. We strive to achieve Lorem Ipsum Lorem Ipsum Lorem Ipsum
Suspendisse ultrices, libero a excellent results in a _ Within our IT solutions business, we
suscipit rhoncus, leo nisi feugiat competitive market focus on innovative, intuitive technology
augue, id mattis ipsum mauris _ Working together that enables travel providers to manage
sed augue. Proin vel metus sed We respect and embrace their operations more efficiently and
purus semper suscipit., eget diversity and collaborate effectively and to distribute their
viverra dolor condimentum ut. positively across teams content directly to travel buyers around
_ Taking responsibility the world.
We value accountability
and the continuous
development of skills
and knowledge
Here we place the title Here we place the title Here we place the title
Index Benefits of Integration 8 - Transaction process saving of at least 50 percent. Pellentesque bibendum. Etiam
arcu nisi, elementum at, euismod et, porttitor non, erat. Sed sit amet nisl quis est
Lorem ipusm 9 Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetuer adipiscing pretium viverra. Sed ornare orci non felis. Phasellus placerat tellus sit amet risus.
Aboribus etustorum eum qui 7 elit. Nunc et lacus sit amet eros egestas porta. Nulla Cras libero. Integer enim est, porttitor et, fermentum ut, fermentum quis, dolor. Cras
sed lectus et eros mattis ullamcorper. Aliquam dapibus mollis est. Proin iaculis urna a ligula. Phasellus tincidunt velit eu magna
Autentibus odic tem di 10 pulvinar, nibh id convallis feugiat, odio urna luctus interdum ornare. Pellentesque dictum enim sed5. Pellentesque bibendum. Etiam arcu
Quis eritis min plam et eiciam sed 12 dolor, accumsan laoreet nisl urna id leo. Ut sed quam nisi, elementum at, euismod et, porttitor non, erat. Sed sit amet nisl quis est pretium
Magnimo beaquibus eturerr umquis 14 congue mi ultrices sagittis. Etiam gravida bibendum viverra. Sed ornare orci non felis. Phasellus placerat tellus sit amet risus. Cras libero.
ipsum. Morbi tempor felis. Suspendisse eu tortor. Integer enim est, porttitor et, fermentum ut, fermentum quis, dolor. Cras dapibus mollis
Dolupta tatquatis eatur solendi 16 Quisque et ligula. Maecenas commodo tristique urna. est. Proin iaculis urna a ligula. Phasellus tincidunt velit eu magna interdum ornare.
Culluptione aut acepuditia quis cus 19 Nulla porta facilisis purus. Donec placerat. Pellentesque dictum enim sed
Omnihil molecum idebis vel mil mossent 23
Quisque et ligula. Maecenas commodo tristique urna. Nulla porta facilisis purus. Donec Fermentum quis, dolor. Cras dapibus mollis est. Proin iaculis urna a ligula. Phasellus
4 placerat. : tincidunt phasellus tincidunt velit eu magna interdum ornare. Pellentesque dictum
enim.Min es qui dus molo excero molupti dolestiatur, quatur si coratassin peliquuntur
1 - Seamless access through single sign-on. id convallis feugiat, odio urna luctus dolor, sit, officilla sit, to to vera volupta quas ut quamenderum quidus dolupta quaerum
accumsan laoreet nisl urna id leo. Ut sed quam congue mi ultrices sagittis. Etiam ulluptatur am, od quamusam ni nem que que prae oditae simus eribus.
gravida bibendum ipsum. Morbi tempor felis. Suspendisse eu tortor. Quisque et ligula. Pudiossit molestem volla cone mo etur? Te quiassima volorumqui dolore volecepudion
Maecenas commodo tristique urna. Nulla porta facilisis purus. Donec placerat. nusaecatemo cuptas se sed moluptium.
2 - Increased travel policy compliance. id convallis feugiat, odio urna luctus dolor, 1. Example, fusce luctus euismod urna. Mauris example
accumsan laoreet nisl urna id leo. Ut sed quam congue mi ultrices sagittis. Etiam
gravida bibendum ipsum. Morbi tempor felis. Suspendisse eu tortor. Quisque et ligula. 3
Maecenas commodo tristique urna. Nulla porta facilisis purus. Donec placerat.
3 - Improved accuracy of the traveller PNR Data. Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet,
consectetuer adipiscing elit. Nunc et lacus sit amet eros egestas porta. Nulla sed lectus
et eros mattis ullamcorper. Aliquam pulvinar, nibh id convallis feugiat, odio urna luctus
dolor, accumsan laoreet nisl urna id leo. Ut sed quam congue mi ultrices sagittis. Etiam
gravida bibendum ipsum. Morbi tempor felis. Suspendisse eu tortor. Quisque et ligula.
Maecenas commodo tristique urna. Nulla porta facilisis purus. Donec placerat.
4 - Enhanced safety and security related monitoring. id convallis feugiat, odio urna
luctus dolor, accumsan laoreet nisl urna id leo. Ut sed quam congue mi ultrices sagittis.
Etiam gravida bibendum ipsum. Morbi tempor felis. Suspendisse eu tortor. Quisque et
ligula. Maecenas commodo tristique urna. Nulla porta facilisis purus. Donec placerat.
5 - Expedited pre-trip authorization. id convallis feugiat, odio urna luctus dolor,
accumsan laoreet nisl urna id leo. Ut sed quam congue mi ultrices sagittis. Etiam
gravida bibendum ipsum. Morbi tempor felis. Suspendisse eu tortor. Quisque et ligula.
Maecenas commodo tristique urna. Nulla porta facilisis purus. Donec placerat.
6 - Increased accuracy and depth of travel data. id convallis feugiat, odio urna luctus
dolor, accumsan laoreet nisl urna id leo. Ut sed quam congue mi ultrices sagittis. Etiam
gravida bibendum ipsum. Morbi tempor felis. Suspendisse eu tortor.
7 - Better leverage with suppliers. Pellentesque bibendum. Etiam arcu nisi, elementum
at, euismod et, porttitor non, erat. Sed sit amet nisl quis est pretium viverra. Sed ornare
orci non felis. Phasellus placerat tellus sit amet risus. Cras libero. Integer enim est,
porttitor et, fermentum ut, fermentum quis, dolor. Cras dapibus mollis est. Proin iaculis
Amadeus visual and verbal 3. Visual identity October 2013
identity extended guidelines 3.9. Secondary graphics Page 64
Typographic layouts 3 Brochure running head Brochure running head 4
for interior pages
examples Contents 2 ‘Follow the sun’ global support Augiam adiat lorting Lorting eui tat. Minci ex ea faccum volortinisim
4 duisit alit ad tie ex exerostrud el et vel endit ad
This page features visual examples of inside Ametue veliquis acip erit 5 Although core customer management Orperat autpatis dolore consenit autem zzrit eum zzrit atum ing el ex euipsustrud dolor.
pages. Landreet ip et nullan ullaor 7 applications are operated by our data nonsecte euisism odignibh el ipit amcommo
Apart from the grid, the remaining basic Init nit digna faci tisl dolobore 9 centre in Germany, airlines all over the diamcon ullummodo dolobor sis am vulput nonsecte magnit, corem ilis esequis dionse
elements (background, shape, font, etc) Con vulla faciduis ex eum 11 world can benefit from complete peace of adignim ipis nonsecte magnit, corem ilis esequis consequatue magnim in ulluptatisi et, conse mod
can be applied in a flexible way, without Quat lutet incinissi blamcon 15 mind thanks to our ‘follow the sun’ global dionse consequatue magnim in ulluptatisi et, eum vulput am diamet incilit ad tie tio coreet,
forgetting that the guidelines described in Sendre do dolore dit non vullamet support. conse mod eum vulput am diamet incilit ad tie vel el iusciliquis nos alisim.
this manual should always be respected. Veliquis dolesequam quismolut tio coreet, vel el iusciliquis nos alisim quismolore
sis am vulput adignim ipis nonsecte do deliquat, quamet ad dolortie ver augiam.
magnit, corem ilis esequis dionse
consequatue magnim in ulluptatisi et,
conse mod eum vulput am diamet incilit
ad tie tio coreet, vel el iusciliquis nos
alisim quismolore do deliquat, quamet.
Augiam adiat lorting Minci ex ea faccum volortinisim duisit alit ad tie “Wonderlanding
ex exerostrud el et vel endit ad eum zzrit atum everywhere
Orperat autpatis dolore consenit autem zzrit ing el ex euipsustrud dolor. nonsecte magnit, you go”
nonsecte euisism odignibh el ipit amcommo corem ilis esequis dionse consequatue magnim
diamcon ullummodo dolobor sis am vulput in ulluptatisi et, conse mod eum vulput am
adignim ipis nonsecte magnit, corem ilis esequis diamet incilit ad tie
dionse consequatue magnim in ulluptatisi et,
conse mod eum vulput am diamet incilit ad tie Tio coreet, vel el iusciliquis nos alisim quismolore
tio coreet, vel el iusciliquis nos alisim quismolore do deliquat, quamet ad dolortie ver augiam.
do deliquat, quamet ad dolortie ver augiam
adiat lorting eui tat.
SYDNEY “Oloboreet ad tie eu feugiam,
-12 -9 -6 -3 0 +3 +6 +9 +12 veliqui sissim num alit la
feuer aut etue enisi. Orperat
autpatis dolore consenit
autem zzrit nonsecte euisism
odignibh el ipit amcommo
diamcon ullummodo.”
Name of person
Position, Company Name
Here we place the title Here we place the title Here we place the title
Foreword Benefits of Integration fermentum quis, dolor. Cras dapibus mollis est. Proin iaculis urna a ligula. Phasellus tincidunt velit
eu magna interdum ornare. Pellentesque dictum enim sed.
Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetuer adipiscing elit. Nunc et lacus sit amet eros egestas Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetuer adipiscing 8 - Transaction process saving of at least 50 percent. Pellentesque bibendum. Etiam arcu
porta. Nulla sed lectus et eros mattis ullamcorper. Aliquam pulvinar, nibh id convallis feugiat, odio elit. Nunc et lacus sit amet eros egestas porta. Nulla sed nisi, elementum at, euismod et, porttitor non, erat. Sed sit amet nisl quis est pretium viverra. Sed
urna luctus dolor, accumsan laoreet nisl urna id leo. Ut sed quam congue mi ultrices sagittis. Etiam lectus et eros mattis ullamcorper. Aliquam pulvinar, nibh ornare orci non felis. Phasellus placerat tellus sit amet risus. Cras libero. Integer enim est, porttitor
gravida bibendum ipsum. Morbi tempor felis. Suspendisse eu tortor. Quisque et ligula. Maecenas id convallis feugiat, odio urna luctus dolor, accumsan et, fermentum ut, fermentum quis, dolor. Cras dapibus mollis est. Proin iaculis urna a ligula.
commodo tristique urna. Nulla porta facilisis purus. Donec placerat. laoreet nisl urna id leo. Ut sed quam congue mi ultrices Phasellus tincidunt velit eu magna interdum ornare. Pellentesque dictum enim sed5. Pellentesque
sagittis. Etiam gravida bibendum ipsum. Morbi tempor bibendum. Etiam arcu nisi, elementum at, euismod et, porttitor non, erat. Sed sit amet nisl quis
Pellentesque bibendum. Etiam arcu nisi, elementum at, euismod et, porttitor non, erat. Sed sit amet felis. Suspendisse eu tortor. Quisque et ligula. est pretium viverra. Sed ornare orci non felis. Phasellus placerat tellus sit amet risus. Cras libero.
nisl quis est pretium viverra. Sed ornare orci non felis. Phasellus placerat tellus sit amet risus. Cras Maecenas commodo tristique urna. Nulla porta facilisis Integer enim est, porttitor et, fermentum ut, fermentum quis, dolor. Cras dapibus mollis est. Proin
libero. Integer enim est, porttitor et, fermentum ut, fermentum quis, dolor. Cras dapibus mollis est. purus. Donec placerat. iaculis urna a ligula. Phasellus tincidunt velit eu magna interdum ornare. Pellentesque dictum enim
Proin iaculis urna a ligula. Phasellus tincidunt velit eu magna interdum ornare. Pellentesque dictum sed
enim sed nunc. Quisque et ligula. Maecenas commodo tristique urna. Nulla porta facilisis purus. Donec placerat. : Fermentum quis, dolor. Cras dapibus mollis est. Proin iaculis urna a ligula. Phasellus tincidunt
phasellus tincidunt velit eu magna interdum ornare. Pellentesque dictum enim sed.
Cum sociis natoque penatibus et magnis dis parturient montes, nascetur ridiculus mus. Vestibulum 1 - Seamless access through single sign-on. id convallis feugiat, odio urna luctus dolor,
blandit, ligula eu sagittis rhoncus, est massa congue felis, nec rutrum lacus turpis ac velit. Fusce accumsan laoreet nisl urna id leo. Ut sed quam congue mi ultrices sagittis. Etiam gravida 1. Example, fusce luctus euismod urna. Mauris example
luctus euismod urna. Mauris ac lectus. Vestibulum pulvinar est. Maecenas justo diam, vestibulum bibendum ipsum. Morbi tempor felis. Suspendisse eu tortor. Quisque et ligula. Maecenas
vehicula, ornare a, gravida at, urna. Curabitur facilisis, est et porta tincidunt, eros urna lacinia enim, commodo tristique urna. Nulla porta facilisis purus. Donec placerat. 13
in mollis nisl orci ac tortor.
2 - Increased travel policy compliance. id convallis feugiat, odio urna luctus dolor, accumsan
Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetuer adipiscing elit. Nunc et lacus sit amet eros egestas porta. laoreet nisl urna id leo. Ut sed quam congue mi ultrices sagittis. Etiam gravida bibendum ipsum.
Nulla sed lectus et eros mattis ullamcorper. Aliquam pulvinar, nibh id convallis feugiat, odio urna Morbi tempor felis. Suspendisse eu tortor. Quisque et ligula. Maecenas commodo tristique urna.
luctus dolor, accumsan laoreet nisl urna id leo. Ut sed Nulla porta facilisis purus. Donec placerat.
Pellentesque bibendum. Etiam arcu nisi, elementum at, euismod et, porttitor non, erat. Sed sit amet 3 - Improved accuracy of the traveller PNR Data. Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetuer
nisl quis est pretium viverra. Sed ornare orci non felis. Phasellus placerat tellus sit amet risus. Cras adipiscing elit. Nunc et lacus sit amet eros egestas porta. Nulla sed lectus et eros mattis
libero. Integer enim est, porttitor et, fermentum ut, fermentum quis, dolor. Cras dapibus mollis est. ullamcorper. Aliquam pulvinar, nibh id convallis feugiat, odio urna luctus dolor, accumsan laoreet
Proin iaculis urna a ligula. Phasellus tincidunt velit eu magna interdum ornare. Pellentesque dictum nisl urna id leo. Ut sed quam congue mi ultrices sagittis. Etiam gravida bibendum ipsum. Morbi
enim sed nunc. tempor felis. Suspendisse eu tortor. Quisque et ligula. Maecenas commodo tristique urna. Nulla
porta facilisis purus. Donec placerat.
Cum sociis natoque penatibus et magnis dis parturient montes, nascetur ridiculus mus. Vestibulum
blandit, ligula eu sagittis rhoncus, est massa congue felis, nec rutrum lacus turpis ac velit. Fusce 4 - Enhanced safety and security related monitoring. id convallis feugiat, odio urna luctus
luctus euismod urna. Mauris ac lectus. Vestibulum pulvinar est. Maecenas justo diam, vestibulum dolor, accumsan laoreet nisl urna id leo. Ut sed quam congue mi ultrices sagittis. Etiam gravida
vehicula, ornare a, gravida at, urna. Curabitur facilisis, est et porta tincidunt, eros urna lacinia enim, bibendum ipsum. Morbi tempor felis. Suspendisse eu tortor. Quisque et ligula. Maecenas
in mollis nisl orci ac tortor. commodo tristique urna. Nulla porta facilisis purus. Donec placerat.
Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetuer adipiscing elit. Nunc et lacus sit amet eros egestas 5 - Expedited pre-trip authorization. id convallis feugiat, odio urna luctus dolor, accumsan
porta. Nulla sed lectus et eros mattis ullamcorper. Aliquam pulvinar, nibh id convallis feugiat, odio laoreet nisl urna id leo. Ut sed quam congue mi ultrices sagittis. Etiam gravida bibendum ipsum.
urna luctus dolor, accumsan laoreet nisl urna id leo. Ut sed quam congue mi ultrices sagittis. Etiam Morbi tempor felis. Suspendisse eu tortor. Quisque et ligula. Maecenas commodo tristique urna.
gravida bibendum ipsum. Morbi tempor feli. Nulla porta facilisis purus. Donec placerat.
Jose Gomez Jose Gomez 6 - Increased accuracy and depth of travel data. id convallis feugiat, odio urna luctus dolor,
accumsan laoreet nisl urna id leo. Ut sed quam congue mi ultrices sagittis. Etiam gravida
Director Executive Director bibendum ipsum. Morbi tempor felis. Suspendisse eu tortor.
Corporate & Distribution ACTE 7 - Better leverage with suppliers. Pellentesque bibendum. Etiam arcu nisi, elementum at,
Channels Amadeus euismod et, porttitor non, erat. Sed sit amet nisl quis est pretium viverra. Sed ornare orci non felis.
Phasellus placerat tellus sit amet risus. Cras libero. Integer enim est, porttitor et, fermentum ut,
Amadeus visual and verbal 3. Visual identity October 2013
identity extended guidelines 3.10. Communication by levels Page 65
Communication Corporate communication Customer segment communication Product communication
by levels
Brochure. Cover Brochure. Cover Brochure. Cover
Amadeus has three main levels or areas of
communication. Technology AIRPORT
The three levels of communication share the Sed eget enim justo, et dignissim dui Donec pellentesque ultrices dui
same visual style and apply the same graphic Lorem ipsum dplor
elements, but each have their own specific sit ametconsectetur Product name
features: adipiscing elit Next generation selling power
_ Corporate communication uses the Choose technology that enhances every Choose technology developed by the
Amadeus Blue in a predominant and visible step of the travel booking process, allowing you brightest minds. With Amadeus, you’ll
manner. to achieve outstanding results in a competitive discover confidence, expertise and a bold
marketplace. Amadeus is everywhere, handling approach to opportunity.
_ Customer segment communication over 1 billion transactions every day. Together, We innovate and welcome change.
maintains the corporate communication we can find better ways of adding value to every Together we can build a better future for
style and also incorporates a navigation step of the travel chain. the travel industry.
system to visually indicate the customer
segment to which the communication piece
belongs. The navigation system is always
placed in the upper left-hand corner of the Advertising Advertising Advertising Sub-heading
cover/front page. Iduipit ut accummo dolessit
Results RAIL pratis del iriusci blaortie dolore
_ At product level and in order to visually min et la alisl esed doloreet ip-
differentiate from corporate and customer Brighter, Bolder, Better collaboration Solutions isl do ex etum adignibh eugait
communication you can ONLY use the Brighter, Bolder, Better collaboration iurem iurerostrud eum vel iure
Amadeus Light Blue colour in both solid Imagine a brighter, bolder, mincidunt augait lamconsecte
shapes and line-texture shapes. better travel business enibh ex exero el in et acipit
laore mod dolor sum in exero
The navigation system used for customer Choose technology developed by delessi.
segment communication is also used for the brightest minds. With Amadeus, Esequipit lum deleseq uam-
product communication and is placed in you’ll discover confidence, expertise commod eugait in vendipisim
the upper left-hand corner of the cover/ and a bold approach to opportunity. venisis ad tisi tat. Ut wiscilis
front page. We innovate and welcome change. aut luptate feu facing elenim
Together we can build a better delit illum am il exer si blae
future for the travel industry. dolore min et la alisl esed dolo-
reet ipisl do ex etum accummo 24/7 dolessriustie dolore min et
la alisl esed doloreet ipisl
Better customer support do ex etum adignibh eugait
iurem iurerostrud eum vel iure
mincidunt augait lamconsecte
enibh ex exero el in et acipit
laore mod dolor sum in exero
delessi eugait iurem iurerostrud
eum vel iure mincidunt augait
lamconsecte enibh ex exero el
in et acipit laore mod dolor sum
in exero delessi.
Amadeus visual and verbal 3. Visual identity October 2013
identity extended guidelines 3.10. Communication by levels Page 66
Corporate and Shape in solid colour
customer segment
Colours and uses
of shapes for covers Background: Amadeus Grey Amadeus Grey Amadeus Blue Amadeus Blue Photography Photography
Shape: Amadeus Blue Amadeus Light Blue Amadeus Light Blue Amadeus Grey Amadeus Blue Amadeus Light Blue
Corporate and customer segment
communications can use all the graphic Shape with line texture
elements such as shape in solid colour, shape
with line texture and shape with photograph.
These colour versions are valid for the design
of brochure covers, interior pages as well as
Background: Amadeus Grey Amadeus Grey Amadeus Blue Amadeus Blue Photography Photography
Line texture for shape: Amadeus Blue Amadeus Light Blue Amadeus Light Blue Amadeus Grey Amadeus Blue Amadeus Light Blue
Shape with photograph
Background: Amadeus Grey Amadeus Blue
Shape: Photography Photography
Amadeus visual and verbal 3. Visual identity October 2013
identity extended guidelines 3.10. Communication by levels Page 67
Product Shape in solid colour
of shapes Photography Photography
Background: Amadeus Grey Amadeus Grey Amadeus Blue Amadeus Blue Amadeus Blue Amadeus Light Blue
This page displays a complete range of Shape: Amadeus Blue Amadeus Light Blue Amadeus Light Blue Amadeus Grey
correct and incorrect design interpretations Photography Photography
and versions to guide the correct graphic Shape with line texture Amadeus Blue Amadeus Light Blue
design of any communications piece for any
Amadeus product. Background: Amadeus Grey Amadeus Grey Amadeus Blue Amadeus Blue
Line texture for shape: Amadeus Blue Amadeus Light Blue Amadeus Light Blue Amadeus Grey
These colour versions are valid for the design
of brochure covers, interior pages as well as
The grey background is not recommended for
product communications: its use is reserved
for the design of corporate and segment
communications pieces.
On the other hand, the rendering of the
shape can only be executed in Amadeus Light
Blue, both in full colour and in line-textured
Shape with photograph
Background: Amadeus Grey Amadeus Blue
Shape: Photography Photography
Amadeus visual and verbal 3. Visual identity October 2013
identity extended guidelines 3.10. Communication by levels Page 68
Levels and contents Corporate communication Customer segment communication Product communication
for covers
Cover page design for all three levels of
communication should maintain a consistent G G
graphic layout structure in order to visually
express an ordered hierarchy of information. B Lorem ipsum Optat mini rem quunt laborem fugit B Lorem ipsum B Lorem ipsum Optat mini rem quunt laborem fugit
This page illustrates a standard example, abores elatiam eos eum di accatem est plaboressum. abores elatiam abores elatiam eos eum di accatem est plaboressum.
showing different levels and types of
information and content used in the C Ut et voluptamus mo volorumquod quatet C Optat mini rem quunt laborem fugit C Ut et voluptamus mo volorumquod quatet
development of Amadeus communication D offic te estoreptatur a voloremolor D eos eum di accatem est plaboressum. D offic te estoreptatur a voloremolor
materials. similitem quidi con cus moloriati ut parum similitem quidi con cus moloriati ut parum
nimende llupist, que reste se velis Ut et voluptamus mo volorumquod quatet nimende llupist, que reste se velis
molestrunt et exped eat animi, quia pores offic te estoreptatur a voloremolor molestrunt et exped eat animi, quia pores
volorro viduciendis aut aut aut dolentu similitem quidi con cus moloriati ut parum volorro viduciendis aut aut aut dolentu
sciatur. Ihit omnis moluptae sit ut nimende llupist, que reste se velis sciatur. Ihit omnis moluptae sit ut
invenimus molest. molestrunt et exped eat animi, quia pores invenimus molest.
volorro viduciendis aut aut aut dolentu
sciatur. Ihit omnis moluptae sit ut
invenimus molest.
A Masterbrand A Masterbrand A Masterbrand
B Title B Title B Product/service name as title
C Sub-headline C Sub-headline C Sub-headline
D Body copy D Body copy D Body copy
E Shape (texture, photo & text) E Shape (texture, photo & text) E Shape (texture, photo & text)
F Web F Web F Web
G Customer segment G Customer segment