Forma Poem
Wri e B : Juliann Swee
Tabl of Content
Biograph Poe ………………………………………………………………………...3
I a poe ………………………………………………………………………………….2
Loo i th mirro poe ………………………………………………………………4
Opp sit Poe …………………………………………………………………………...5
Acr sti Poe ………………………………………………………………….………..6
Japanez Lanter Poe ……………………………………………………………...7
Cinquai …………………………………………………………………………………...8
Diamant Poe ………………………………………………….……………………..9
Pyrami Poe …………………………………………………………………………..10
Pa t of speec Poe …………………………………………………………………11
Tank Poe ………………………………………………………………………………12
Sensor Poe ……………………………………………………………………………13
Couplet ……………………………………………………………………………………14
Haik ……………………………………………………………………………………….15
Limeric Poe …………………………………………………………………………..16
M ster Poe ……………………………………………………………………..…..17
I hav drea Poe …………………………………………………………..……..18
Tw -side Poe ……………………………………………………………..………….19
Biograph Poe
I creativ , har worke , an quie ,
Love al animal , famil , an friend ,
I goo a a , makin u storie , an helpin othe ,
Feel sleep , existe , an prou ,
Need Jessic Clues t writ anothe boo , sleepove ,
an mor pain ,
Want canvases , leg , an pupp ,
Fea drownin , spide , an l sin friend an famil ,
Like t ea frui , cooke broccol , an noodle ,
Watche a tutorial , loone toon , an relaxin vide ,
I residen of Rockingha count , Virgin ,
I a poe
I a carin , an helpfu ,
I wonde if th perfec matc ap wor ,
I hea m favorit son ,
I se shado movin ,
I a carin , an helpfu ,
I preten tha everybod ha win ,
I fee energeti ,
I touc cloud ,
I worr tha I’ goin t l s m famil ,
I cr whe I remembe m ol do Baile ,
I a carin , an helpfu ,
I unde stan tha w wil no liv foreve an tha w hav t
mak th bes of ou live ,
I sa tha al creature deserv t liv ,
I drea tha I’ playin wit m ol do agai ,
I tr m bes whe I pain ,
I hop tha I won l s m friend ,
I a carin , an helpfu .
Loo i th mirro poe
Loo i th mirro wha d I se ?
A kin , sma , lovin pe so lookin bac a m ,
I’ reall goo a drawin ,
An lov t g t th ba ,
I spen lot of tim paintin ,
I ca ’ wai fo holida ,
I coul improv m drawin skill ,
An n ses ar har t dra ,
Bu I kno if I tr , i wil b th bes I ca b .
Opp sit Poe ,
I lov t pain ,
I dislik sharin m leg ,
I hav book ,
I wan mor book ,
M friend sa I’ weir ,
M famil sa I’ lou ,
On da I wil b photographe ,
I wil neve b scientis ,
M favorit food ar cooke broccol an spaghe
I neve ea brusse sprout o spinac ,
I fee sa whe I thin abou m ol do ,
I fee happ whe I pla wit m puppie ,
I fee saf whe I’ alon ,
I fee scare whe I se wil bea ,
Acr sti poe
M . sh i Motivationa
A . Sh ca b Annoyin
D. Sh i Dru majo a Spotswoo
I. Sh ca b Irritatin
S. Sh i Swee
O. Sh i Optimisti
N . Sh i Nea ( m siste )
Japanes Lanter Poe
Coa ,
Fuzz ,
Reall war ,
Bi an pu ,
Coa .
Drownin ,
Floo , Splas ,
Swimmin , Tirin , Consumin ,
Whe you reall scare ,
Drow .
Diamant Histor ,
Wa , Timeline ,
Fightin , councilin , delegatin ,
Accoun , annal , recor , relatio ,
Addin , Subtractin , dividin ,
Operation ,equal ,porfesse ,
Math .
Pyrami Poe
Egyp ,
H o an dr ,
Prayin , Rulin , Meltin ,
I i ver ol plac , Ar ther othe god tha the wo shipe .
Pa t of speec Poe
A flut ,
Beautifu , an swee ,
Hig pitche an sof ,
Genta ,
Quie .
Tank Poe
Paintin i th sk ,
Th colo ar amazin ,
The blen togethe ,
I wa fier orang ,
Ablaz wit yello or .
Sensor Poe
Rela i Aquamarin ,
I sound lik quie ,
I tast lik co o cand ,
I smell lik th ocea ,
Rela Feel lik sleepin o ai .
Couplet Poe
Bi an smal ocean ,
Grea an li l emotion ,
Poem ar grea ,
Becaus the ca relat ,
T wha w fee ,
An the ar rea ,
Haik Poe
Ladybu ,
Brigh colo an spot ,
Flyin fas t ge flowe ,
Brav an courageou .
Th do chase th ca ,
Th ca sa ra ,
Th do ra ,
Afte th ca ,
Th ca at th ra .
M ster Poe
I wen outsid an wha di I fin ?
A b t ope . I hop n on wil min .
I wa tie o to wit bo of blu ,
I wa surpris bu no i i no ,
I’ lookin insid an wha I foun I coul no tel ,
I hi i awa s n on wil fin wha i hidde insid .
I hav drea Poe
I a a a tis
Havin creativit
A blan canva
Ver colorfu
Expressin m self
Addin shadin an highlightin
Doin wha I lov
Reall vibran colo
Ever colo of pain
Alwa sketchin
M- Makin thin wit cla
Tw -side Poe
Nigh ,
Da , Dar ,
Su , Col ,
Brigh , Sleepin ,
War , Restin ,
Wakin ,
Movin ,