Memories Of My
Completed By:
Date started: __________________
Date Finished: __________________
Pics of Me and My Grandmother
As A Child
• What is your First and Middle Name? ______________________
• What is your Maiden Name? ______________________
• What is your Last/ Married Name? ______________________
• How did your parents choose your name? Does it have a special
meaning? Did you have any nicknames? _____________________
• Where were you Born? __________________________________
• When were you Born? ___________________________________
• What was your first house like? ____________________________
• Tell me about your mother. _______________________________
• Tell me about your father. ________________________________
• Tell me about the family who you grew up with (siblings, aunts,
cousins). ______________________________________________
• What kinds of things did your family do together when you were
young? _______________________________________________
• What was your favorite toy/ item as a child? _________________
• Did you have a pet? _____________________________________
• What holidays did you celebrate as a child and how did you spend
your summer? _________________________________________
• What was an average day like for you as a child? ______________
• What meals, food, and/ or snacks did you enjoy eating? ________
• What church did you attend as a child? What church do you
attend now? ___________________________________________
• Who were your best friends growing up? ____________________
My Education
• What elementary school did you attend? What were your favorite
subjects? Who were your favorite teachers? _________________
• What middle school did you attend? What were your favorite
subjects? Who were your favorite teachers? _________________
• What high school did you attend? What were your favorite
subjects? Who were your favorite teachers? _________________
• What did you wear to school? _____________________________
• Did you go to college or get additional training after high school?
Where did you go? What did you study? _____________________
Work Life
• What your first Job? How old were you? _____________________
• What type of jobs have you had throughout your lifetime? ______
• What was your favorite job? ______________________________
• What job did you retire on and how long were you on that job?
Adult Life
• Spouse’s name & date of birth? ____________________________
• How did you meet your spouse? ___________________________
• What are your children’s names and when and where were they
born? ________________________________________________
• What are some special memories you have about your children?
• What has been the hardest thing about parenting? ____________
• How did you balance home and work life? ___________________
• What is an average day like for you Now? ____________________
• If you could do your life over, what would you change? _________
• What is something that people don’t know about you? _________
• What legacy would you like to be known for? _________________
Other Information
• What are your special interests and talents, and how do you spend
your spare time? __________________________________________
• What do you really love? ___________________________________
• What do you not like at all? _________________________________
• What do you do to get through the difficult times in your life? _____
• How has your faith/ spirituality/ religion/ meditation, played a role in
your life? ________________________________________________
• Tell me about your Health. __________________________________
• What do you value in Life? __________________________________
• What are some of your most favorite/ popular sayings? __________
• What is the most important thing I should know about you? _______
• Who is your role model? ____________________________________
• Our family traditions and special occasions. ____________________
• What do you hope for your children and grandchildren? __________
• How would you describe your personality? _____________________
• Are you an introvert or extrovert? ____________________________
• What is your proudest achievement? _________________________