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Published by John Padula, 2021-04-09 06:46:47

Luke C

Luke C's poetry

Dear ________, Sorry i just
really like
Luke Churchill Jurassic

Table of Contents Title
The Light
Poem Type Lightning Struck
Inauguration Poem Ode to Paint
Farmhouse Inspired Dear _______,
Ode Love that book
Inspired “Love that boy”


Inauguration Poem

The Light

When we are knocked down, we get up 1

We have fought war, and some we won, 2 Allusion (we have fought war)
But some we lost, 3
But we have been divided, 4 Repetition
But we will always eventually be united. 5 Metaphor

Then victory won’t lie in the blade, but in the bridges we’ve made. 6

Anger burns in the people who have lost their family 7

But they push ahead, thinking ‘we can do this’ 8

When day comes, we step out of the shade, 9


For there we always be light 10
And it brightens our day, 11
Pushing us to keep on going, 12

We are striving to forge our union with purpose 13
We offer hope and laughter, to ourselves 14
If only we’re brave enough, to be it 15


Lightning Struck internal rhyme

Jack was stuck, metaphor
Says the lightning as it struck,
The clowns started chasing, but John was already racing,
Jack got out, but the clowns were creeping about,
They ran through the maze, but they were in a daze,
For the mirrors say, as the fog got clearer,
That the clowns were close, and starting to boast,
That John and jack were stuck,
Says the lightning that struck



*Dear Paint,

Even though I get all the credit for using you do paint my pictures, I find importance in you.
And it might just be a little streak of blue or red, you are that blue or red. Without the paint, there
would be no color, and that means no reason to paint. I draw a little bit everyday, but maybe with
your friends, but they are no more important. From the first splat** handprint or strip of paint, to
my *greatest masterpieces*, you are the cause of it all. You are that color. You are those stains on
the canvas. Sometimes it is just a drip that we think ruins the picture, but that, is the start of
something new.*

*allusion* *personification metaphor* onomatopoeia**



Dear ______, But sometimes you are kind, and help him
But you could be that more
Dear Ms. Edna,
Sometimes you smoosh Lonnie's ideas Like how a mother helps her child,
Like a rocket rocketing right toward Or like how oil helps a car,
his ideas with a boosh,
Like a closed book You need to be like the nectar that helps
that isn’t read anymore, The hummingbird
Like a fly swatter
on a fly with a hook, But all you need to do is
Help him, and not force him to believe he can’t
And off he goes
All he needs is that little push
Luke 7

Love that Book I like to read it,
Like a scientist like science
Inspired by Walter Dean Myers I said I like to read it,
Like a scientist likes science
Love that book, Something like the book is hard
Like a chef likes to cook to find,
I said love that book, Like a cheap but good appliance
like a chef likes to cook
Love to read it in the morning, I still have a long way to go
love to read Lots of battles to read,
“Hey there, book!” I said I still have a long way to go,
Lots of battles to read,
It reads like the prequels, Can’t way to see who wins,
Like cliffhangers for a sequel And who rides in on a steed.
I said it reads like the prequels
Like cliffhangers for a sequel
It has the most ever humor,
It just makes everything equal,


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Dear Fall,

As your golden and red leaves fall to the ground, with the wind blowing by,
you make us ready for the coming winter. The bears munching on berries, the
squirrels digging holes for their nuts, and people going to stores to buy warm
clothes. Even though the trees lose their beautiful leaves, we know that after the
long winter, they will grow new ones. The acorns land on the ground with a
thump*, and they will be found by squirrels. And we know the same time next
year, you will be back.




Poem Guide: Each poem is listed followed by literary devices and figurative language found in

Inaugural Poem: repetition, metaphors, allusion
Farmhouse Inspired: Internal rhyme, metaphor
Ode: Metaphor, allusion, free verse, personification, Onomatopoeia
Letter: Onomatopoeia, Repetition, Metaphor, Hyperbole
Love that Book: Simile, Personification, Hyperbole
Free Poems: Repetition, Alliteration, Onomatopoeia


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