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Published by GMLS | Global Maritime Legal Solutions (Pty) Ltd, 2021-07-06 03:28:16

Accommodate audience context in oral and written 119472

59365: 119472

Welcome to the

Accommodate audience & context
needs in oral/signed communication

US 119472


A. Interact successfully in oral/signed communication
B. Use strategies that capture and retain the interest of an

C. Identify & respond to manipulative use of language

Interact successfully in oral/signed communication
Communicate to promote teamwork

§ Get to know each other
§ Respect all contributions
§ Get clarification
§ Deal with conflict
§ 4 stages of team development
§ 7 characteristics of effective teams
§ Team leaders should…

Interact successfully in oral/signed communication
Interviews – it is all about preparation…

§ Control your nerves by remembering 2 facts
§ All interviewers want to know 3 things
§ 16 must do’s

Interact successfully in oral/signed communication
Participation in formal meetings

§ Meeting do’s and don'ts
§ Behaving professionally
§ Balancing involvement and efficiency
§ Importance of well chaired meetings
§ Why have an agenda
§ Formal meeting procedures

Interact successfully in oral/signed communication - X
cultural communication

§ 8 factors
§ How to communicate:

ü exhibit cultural sensitivity,
ü appreciate the local perspective,
ü be aware that your ways of behaviour are also culture

üaccept that not all well-intended approaches are

transferable and
ü avoid patronising the individual, community, organisation

or nation when communicating

Use strategies to capture & retain audience interest - Ways
to reinforce a message

1. 2. 3. 70% of 4. 5.

mistakes is a

result of poor


6. Black Hole 7. Difference 8. Stomach in, 9. Been there, 10. I am only
between CFR & chest out done that human

11. Life is like a 12. 3 x 3 x 3 13. 14. P A U S E 15. Company
box of Brand

16. I have your 17 18. . Once upon 19.repeat after 20. comforting cup
results… a time… me of coffee

21. 22. YAWN 23. 24. 25. Perfect

practice makes


Use strategies to capture & retain audience interest - Use
body language to your advantage

Use strategies to capture & retain audience interest -
Problems in internal communication

i. If I know it, then everyone must know it.
ii. We hate bureaucracy and therefore we are "lean and mean.“
iii. I told everyone, or some people, or...?
iv. Did you hear what I meant for you to hear?
v. Our problems are too big to have to listen to each other!
vi. So what's to talk about?
vii. There is data and then there is information.
viii. If I need your opinion, I'll give it to you.

Use strategies to capture & retain audience interest -
Select and use visual aids

Use strategies to capture & retain audience interest -
Prepare a formal speech


By Dr. Roger Pfeiffer, Integrated Expert CIM (Centre for
International Migration)

Freight forwarding and multimodal transport play a vital role
in promoting the international trade. Freight forwarders are
intermediaries who provide shippers with a variety of services,
including the development of logistics services, the nature of
which has evolved over a period of time.

Identify & respond to manipulative use of language

§ Propaganda techniques
§ Omission
§ Bias
§ Audience interpretation is affected

Questions & Answers

For further information on this and
other Training Courses offered by
GMLS, please contact us on:-


Office Mobile: +27 82 852 3626

Tel: +27 44 813 0052
or +27 11 425 1840

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