PLYMOUTH HARBOR ON SARASOTA BAY Employee Newsletter–Issue 62
The Current
Staff Spotlight: Stephen Moros MARCH 2019
Stephen Moros followed a winding road to get to MARCH 1
his chosen career as a recruiter, and it all started National Employee
with tennis. Appreciation Day
Stephen began playing tennis when he was just MARCH 1
four years old. By the time he was 16, he was on Small Changes
the U.S. National team, traveling the world to play Challenge Begins
matches. In just one year, he travelled to 22 different
countries. “I would be mailing in my homework MARCH 7
from Japan,” he said. After graduating from high Burn n Earn
school, Stephen attended Georgia Tech on a tennis “Walking on Sunshine”
scholarship where he studied business finance.
Upon graduation, he moved to London to play professional tennis and spent Learn n Earn
the next year and a half playing tournaments across Europe before retiring. “Smoothie Secrets”
He was then hired to be a hitting partner for Serena and Venus Williams, and by Health Fit
once again travelled the world playing tennis.
Throughout his years of tennis, Stephen found dance was his stress reliever and Winter Walking
became involved in the salsa scene while in Europe. “Dancing brings people Challenge ends
together,” Stephen said. “No matter what your differences are, when you
dance, you forget about all of them. It’s a universal language.” LOOKING AHEAD
After a while, he began wanting to do something with his degree and got a APRIL 1
job in finance in Manhattan. Not long after, a friend suggested he think about Spring Walking
going into the recruitment field. Stephen spent the next six years once again Challenge Begins
travelling Europe, only this time as a recruiter. He eventually found his way to
Orlando working for Disney, where he met his wife who was living in Sarasota APRIL 1
at the time. Stephen is out of his professional tennis days now, but the lessons Stairwell Trivia
he learned along the way have stuck with him. Begins
“Tennis taught me that there is always more than one way to do something,”
he said. “There are always multiple solutions to any problem, you just have to
figure out which one is best.”
Monthly Motivation
“You will continue to suffer if you have an emotional reaction to everything that
is said to you. If words control you, that means everyone else can control you.
Breathe and allow things to pass.” - Warren Buffet
MARCH 2019 Page 2
2019 DOYLE SCHOLARSHIP Events by the Numbers
Applications for the 2019 Doyle Kindness Rocks
Scholarships will be available in
Human Resources on March 15th. 74 rocks painted
45by staff members
Who is eligible to apply?
Employees that have been em- to earn a total of
ployed at Plymouth Harbor for at
least one year, and/or their child 74 Wellness
who is a high school senior. Rewards Bucks
Two $10,000 scholarships will be Valentine’s Cards
79 cards made
The deadline to submit applications
to Human Resources is MAY 1ST. 27by staff members
We are grateful to former residents to earn a total of
Mimi & Larry Doyle for making this
79 Food & Fun bucks
scholarship possible.
Walking Challenge Reminder COMING SOON: Stairwell Trivia
The Winter Walking Challenge ends March 31. Ready to get some steps, learn a few fun
facts, and earn Wellness Rewards Bucks?
The SPRING Walking Challenge
begins MONDAY, APRIL 1! Try out Stairwell Trivia!
NEW PARTICIPANTS: contact Summer Pick up your trivia form and stairwell map
Rentsch (ext. 377) to sign up by March 31. from the Wellness Department anytime
between March 25th and April 1st and get
If you were a participant in the Winter ready to hit the stairs.
Walking Challenge, you will be
automatically enrolled. Answers to trivia questions will be posted on
each floor in the stairwells, and participants
You may participate as an individual or
as a member of a team. will have from MONDAY, APRIL 1ST until the
FRIDAY, APRIL 12TH deadline to complete
All participants earn $1 in OnBoard
Wellness Bucks per 100,000 steps walked. and turn in their trivia form. All forms will be
collected by Summer Rentsch. Completed
(max:$10) Questions? forms with correct answers will receive $5 in
Contact Summer Rentsch at ext. 377 Wellness Rewards Bucks!
NOTE: the use of elevators to complete this
challenge is prohibited.
MARCH 2019 Page 3
Burn/Learn n Earns Employee of the Month
With the New Year upon us, we are rolling out Justin Leathers, Accounting
a new format for Learn ‘N Earn opportunities!
Topics are split into two categories: “Learn ‘N Notes from Justin’s nomination form...
Earns” are be lecture-based and require no
physical activity to attend and earn $1 buck. He has been such a great addition
“Burn ‘N Earns” are activity-based and require to our team. He has helped with
some level of physical activity to participate so many additional tasks and has
and earn $2 bucks. These activities will only be made an outstanding impact in
available to attend twice per month, and will our department. He will take on
no longer take place every Thursday. Please these extra tasks with such a positive
plan for Burn ‘N Earns on the first Thursday of attitude and always makes them
each month and Learn ‘N Earns on the third improved and easier to use.
Thursday of each month. Both Thursdays will
hold a 12pm and a 2pm attendance option. Matthew Stout, Dining Services
March 7, 12-12:30 p.m. Matt Stout is a ray of sunshine. When
& 2-2:30 p.m. we walk into the dining room, he
greets us with his lovely smile and
Burn: “Walking on Sunshine” we are happy. When there are not
enough servers, he is right there to
earn $2 in Wellness Rewarsd Bucks help. We feel cared for when we are in
the dining room, and Matt plays a key
March 21, 12-12:30 p.m. role in that. He is able to oversee the
& 2-2:30 p.m. whole operation and also able to step in when there is a
problem. It is wonderful that he is here.
Learn: “Smoothie Secrets”
OnBoard Drop Box
earn $1 in Wellness Rewards Bucks
The OnBoard Drop Box stations are located next
Mobile Learn n Earns are also available. to both of the timeclocks. These drop boxes will
Call Summer (Ext. 377) or Elizabeth be checked weekly by the Director of Wellness
(Ext. 350) to check-out a laptop! only. Please submit items for Wellness Bucks such
as Annual Physical Exam forms, routine Dental
*Special Note: The Mobile Learn ‘N Earn Cleaning forms, and additional Annual Preventive
opportunity will only be available for Exam forms as well as any questions or suggestions.
Summer will record these submissions on a weekly
Learn ‘N Earns. We will not be recording basis and reach out to confirm with the employee
Burn ‘N Earn activities.* once the item has been logged to issue the
appropriate bucks.
MARCH 2019 Page 4
March Birthdays! Insights
Keke Martin Home Care 1 A monthly luncheon connecting residents
Vanda Kranicke ALF 3 and employees.
Nela Torres Housekeeping 4
Ronald Joseph Laundry 5 Featuring:
LaToya Jackson ALF 11
Kay Stotler Home Care 11 Barbara Kerr
Patricia Martinez Housekeeping 13
Kathleen Cameron SCC 14 Friday, March 15
Vinka Pajevic ALF 14 12 - 12 : 30 p.m.
Alex Ponce Dining Services 15 in the Club Room
Sharika Everett SCC 15 Contact Karen Smith
Kiauna Harden SCC 17 at Ext. 399 to sign up!
Harry Hobson Administration 17
Kim Law Front Desk 20 If you sign up to attend, please arrive on time. If for any reason
Rosa Jarez Housekeeping 21 you can no longer attend, please let Karen Smith know.
Mary Beth Trollinger Dining Services 21
Kelli Bellamy Housekeeping 21 Wellness Center Orientations
Marsha Johnson SCC 23
Joan Brown Home Care 24 Did you know all employees and
Julio Guerrero Melo Dining Services 25 spouses get FREE 24/7 access to the
Liliana Zhaka Memory Care 26 Wellness Center? Call Summer (Ext.
Ileana Ramirez SCC 30 377) or Elizabeth (Ext. 350) to set up
an orientation and get started!
Happy Grams The Current is Plymouth Harbor’s
monthly employee newsletter.
When you catch a colleague doing something great, fill out
a Happy Gram ticket (your manager has them), have your
manager sign it, and present it to your deserving colleague!
Happy Gram recipients will be recognized during All Staff
and Department meetings.