PLYMOUTH HARBOR ON SARASOTA BAY Employee Newsletter–Issue 61
The Current
STAFF SPOTLIGHT: Elizabeth Goldsmith FEBRUARY 2019
Elizabeth has had health issues throughout her life FEBRUARY 1-8
that have made it difficult to be active—arthritis, Kindness Rocks
chronic bronchitis, and severe whiplash from a Event
serious car accident just to name a few. “My body
is a hot mess,” Elizabeth said. She found herself in a FEBRUARY 7
vicious cycle of not working out because she was Burn n Earn
in pain, but then feeling guilty for not working out. “Healthy Changes”
When she began working at Plymouth Harbor, she
committed to taking back control of her health. FEBRUARY 8
Valentine’s Day
As a health and fitness specialist, she found herself Card Making Event
in a position to be a role model for others. She
also found herself surrounded by others equally as FEBRUARY 13
motivated to living healthier lives, and this helped Suncoast Blood Drive
her stay focused on bettering her own health. Watching employees participate Earn $2!
in the Biggest Winner Challenges and seeing a 101-year-old resident come to
the gym every day kept her inspired. A year and a half later, Elizabeth has lost FEBRUARY 21
30 pounds of body fat and added muscle. Learn n Earn
“Deskercise” by
Resistance training played a key part in her body recomposition, but when she Health Fit
changed her diet is when she really began to feel better. When Elizabeth went
vegetarian, many of her health issues subsided. For her
body, meat was an inflammatory and cutting it out allowed MARCH 1
her to feel and function better. “The most important thing National Employee
that I have learned along my journey is that all bodies are Appreciation Day
different,” Elizabeth said. “My body’s needs are different
than someone else’s, so find what works best for you.” MARCH 1
Small Changes
(Nov. 2017) Through her own journey and professional experiences, Challenge Begins
Elizabeth has seen that no matter what your physical
challenges are, movement can help you feel better. Her
advice? Don’t be afraid to ask for help and use your
resources. “It is a slow journey and it doesn’t happen
overnight, but you’re not alone,” Elizabeth said. “I under-
stand what it feels like to be unhealthy and overcome it.”
Monthly Motivation
“Nurturing yourself is not selfish – it’s essential to your survival and
your well-being.” ~Renee Peterson Trudeau
FEBRUARY 2019 Page 2
Valentines Day Cards Kindness Rocks
February 8 Feb. 1-Feb. 8 in the Resident Art Studio
10 a.m.- 2 p.m. (ground floor next to Wellness Center)
Private Dining Room
Earn $1 in Food & Fun Bucks! Join the national movement to spread kindness
while nurturing your inner artist! Come paint a
Come show our residents some love and make rock and earn $1 Wellness Rewards Bucks. Rocks
them a card to enjoy on Valentine’s Day! Cards and paint supplies will be available to all staff
will be distributed to the SCC, the Starr Memory during all shifts. In order to earn your Buck, you
must sign in and out on the sign-in sheet provided.
Care Residence, and Seaside Assisted Living. Completed rocks will be displayed in the resident
Distrbution is contingent on the number garden area for all to enjoy! Contact Summer
of cards made. Rentsch (ext. 377) with any questions.
Winter Walking Challenge Reminder
The Winter Walking Challenge is going on
now until March 31! All participants earn $1 in OnBoard
Wellness Bucks per 100,000 steps walked (max:$10).
Introducing the Small Changes Challenge!
Are you ready to make a change in your life that supports your total well-being?
Join the Small Changes Challenge and do just that! This 3-month challenge will run from
March 1st – May 31st and help you take a small change and turn it into a new, healthy habit.
At the beginning of the challenge, educational literature will be sent out regarding what a S.M.A.R.T. goal
is and how to set one for yourself. Each participant will be asked to identify one small change they would
like to implement for themselves for that month (a total of 3 goals over the course of the challenge). The
selected change must be written in S.M.A.R.T. goal format and submitted to the Director of Wellness,
Summer Rentsch, via email. These S.M.A.R.T. goals will be shared anonymously with the participating group
in a “goal cloud” email so that similarities and ideas can be shared amongst all. Challenge participants
will be required to share in a group discusion byt responding to a “check-in” group email twice per month
(Director of Wellness will send out every other week). Topics will include what barriers people may be running
into when trying to implement their change, what successes have happened, lessons learned along the
way, etc. At the end of each month, participants must email the Director of Wellness sharing if they feel
they were successful in implementing the small change or not and set a new or modified S.M.A.R.T. goal for
the next month. At the conclusion of the 3-month challenge, participants will receive $10 Wellness Rewards
Bucks for participating if they successfully submitted a S.M.A.R.T. goal each month, and engaged in the
bi-weekly check-in emails.
Are you ready to make a change?
Call or email Summer Rentsch to sign up (Ext. 377 or [email protected]).
Deadline to sign up is Thursday, February 28th.
Remember, small changes add up to big results!
FEBRUARY 2019 Page 3
Burn/Learn n Earns Employee of the Month
With the New Year upon us, we are rolling out Yaima Comas, Home Care
a new format for Learn ‘N Earn opportunities!
Topics are split into two different categories: Notes from Yaima’s nomination form...
“Learn ‘N Earns” are be lecture-based and
require no physical activity to attend and Yaima is a huge asset to the Home
earn bucks. “Burn ‘N Earns” are activity-based Care department. She has proven
and require some level of physical activity to herself to be reliable, a team player
participate and earn bucks. These educational/ with great work ethic, and has
physical activities will only be available to come to work even on her days off
attend twice per month, and will no longer to help when needed. She is very
take place every Thursday. Please plan for knowledgeable and is the go-to
Burn ‘N Earns on the first Thursday of each person for the emergency system.
month and Learn ‘N Earns on the third Thurs-
day of each month. Both Thursdays will hold a Sam Bruneman, Transportation
12pm and a 2pm attendance option.
“Sam performs his duties with
February 7, 12-12:30 p.m. enthusiasm and professionalism.
& 2-2:30 p.m. When a guest locked his keys in his
car, Sam without hesitation accepted
Burn: “Healthy Changes” the assignment of transporting the
guests to their Lakewood Ranch
February 21, 12-12:30 p.m. home to get a second key and
& 2-2:30 p.m. return back to Plymouth Harbor.
This is the behind-the-scenes customer service that
Learn: “Deskercise” many do not see but is extremely appreciated.”
Mobile Learn n Earns are also available. OnBoard Drop Box
Call Summer (Ext. 377) or Elizabeth
(Ext. 350) to check-out a laptop! The OnBoard Drop Box stations are located next
to both of the timeclocks. These drop boxes will
*Special Note: The Mobile Learn ‘N Earn be checked weekly by the Director of Wellness
opportunity will only be available for only. Please submit items for Wellness Bucks such
as Annual Physical Exam forms, routine Dental
Learn ‘N Earns. We will not be recording Cleaning forms, and additional Annual Preventive
Burn ‘N Earn activities.* Exam forms as well as any questions or sugges-
tions. Summer will record these submissions on a
RACE/PASS Winners weekly basis and reach out to confirm with the
employee once the item has been logged to
Congratulations to the following: issue the appropriate bucks.
Dan Avila, Life Safety
Scott Gabrielsen, Transportation
Gabriela Sanchez, Dining Services
Billy Urena, Dining Services
Micayla Davies, SCC
Heather Boticelli, SCC
Pat Ringstaff, SCC
Augustine Henry, CNA
Janice Martin, Front Desk
Paul Pazkowski, Etech
FEBRUARY 2019 Page 4
FebruaryBirthdays! Insights
Toccarra Jefferson ALF 1 A monthly luncheon connecting residents
and employees.
Debbie Perren Home Care 1
Glen Reid-Thomas Dining Services 1
Gerry Mattson
Latoya Milner ALF 2
February 15
Juanita Ibarra Dining Services 3 12 - 12 : 30 p.m.
in the Club Room
Charlie Davis Security 5 Contact Karen Smith
at Ext. 399 to sign up!
Donn Smith Security 5
If you sign up to attend, please arrive on time. If for any reason
Lori Hoskins Dining Services 7 you can no longer attend, please let Karen Smith know.
Andrea Davis Home Care 8 Wellness Center Orientations
Jason Redmon SCC 9 Did you know all employees and
spouses get FREE 24/7 access to the
Liz Sparr Marketing 10 Wellness Center? Call Summer (Ext.
377) or Elizabeth (Ext. 350) to set up
Erica Underwood SCC 11
an orientation and get started!
Tamika Fairclough Home Care 12
Tiara Cheaves SCC 13
Heather Boticelli Health Services 13
Debbie Chitwood ALF 14
Carlos Morales Dining Services 14
Nataly Duran Housekeeping 15
Armando Cortez Dining Services 19
Monica Leahu Front Desk 20
Victoria Le Accounting 20
Phil Daugherty Security 21
Jennifer Bruneman Maintenace 21
Joi Ronan SCC 22
Carlos Anguiano-Moreno Dining Services 23
Yaima Comas Home Care 25
Jean MacArthur Housekeeping 27
Bert Adams ALF 27
Sandra Ganoo Memory Care 28
Lisa Siroky Facilities 28
@PlymouthHarborCareers The Current is Plymouth Harbor’s
monthly employee newsletter.