Winning at L sing
Last month, Plymouth Harbor To help continue the momentum FEBRUARY 2017
kicked off The Biggest Loser – and keep each other motivated, DATES TO REMEMBER
a 12-week fitness contest between the Wellness Center conference
employees to help them meet their room is open for an optional MONDAYS
fitness goals. Weekly Group Lunch on Fridays Line Dance Group
at 12:00 p.m. In addition, for Fitness Class
The winners will be based on those who wish to monitor
percent body fat lost rather than their own progess, the body FEBRUARY 9
total weight lost, and there will be composition scale is available Resident Valentine
one female and one male winner. 24/7 in the Wellness Center, Card Event
The winners will each receive $100 accompanied by a detailed
cash and $10 OnBoard Wellness directions sheet. FEBRUARY 9
Rewards Bucks toward their 2018 and FEBRUARY 23
insurance premium reduction. The new Line Dance group Learn n Earn
Additionally, any participant who fitness class continues on “Grocery Store Tour”
completes the challenge and shows Mondays in the Wellness Center
progress at the end of the 12 weeks from 4:45 p.m. to 5:45 p.m. FEBRUARY 14
will also receive $10 OnBoard for all employees interested 401k Consultation
Wellness Rewards Bucks toward in learning to line dance. (See by appointment
their insurance premium reduction. page 2 for details). Employees
The contest began the second week can also look forward to a group FEBRUARY 24
of January (January 9th-13th) and walking challenge beginning in Insights
will end the first week in April (April March for even more motivation. Tom and Sue Elliott
3rd-7th). Each participant was given This will be similar to those done “The Song of the
a unique date and time for their in years past, where we will walk Beltway Bandit”
12-week mark, based on their initial together to far-off destinations
weigh-in and measurements. around the United States.
We are proud to announce that Stay tuned for more exciting
overall, 73 employees signed up updates regarding Wellness at
to participate in The Biggest Loser Plymouth Harbor!
WHAT’S What: Decorating Valentine
UP IN Cards for Residents
Date: Thursday, February 9th
BEGINNER LINE DANCE me: 11:00 a.m.-1:00 p.m.
Location: Club Room
Every Monday
from 4:45-5:45 p.m.! This Valentine’s Day, we want to show our residents we care by
designing and decorating personalized cards for our Smith Care
Come learn to line dance in our Center, Callahan Center, and independent residents. Join us
newest employee group fitness on Thursday, February 9th to craft a few cards and enjoy some
class! Instructor Terry Deshaies light refreshments. Cards and supplies will be provided, and are
leads this beginner line dance class supported by the Plymouth Harbor Foundation.
on Monday afternoons. EMPLOYEE OF THE MONTH
Cost: $5 payroll deducted per class ROBERTO VILLAR
Contact Wellness Director A few words from Roberto’s
Chris Valuck at Ext. 377 for nomination form:
more information. Roberto is a great team player. He is
always on time, and always has a great
EQUIPMENT attitude. He cares about the quality of food
ORIENTATION he makes for the residents and staff, and is
always teaching others about different
Contact Wellness Director types of cuisine. He is a great role model
Chris Valuck to schedule for the rest of the team. Roberto works very
an orientation: Ext 377 or hard every day.
[email protected]
Are you interested in working
with Plymouth Harbor’s Employee
Health Coach? Contact Joan Weder
at 941-374-0815 or JoanW@
The following employees passed the January RACE-PASS test and were rewarded with a $10 bill.
Congratulations! Our next Fire Drill will be held in April 2017.
Joy Meyer, Home Care Dallas Conklin, Dining Services Donna Fortson, Accounting
Sandy Etayo, Accounting Lizzy Astuto, SCC/Home Care Esther Keaupunilani, SCC
Scott Gabrielsen, Valet Holly Williams, Marketing
Lisa Siroky, Residential Services Fran Delaney, SCC
Important Wellness Blood Drive
Program Updates Results
For those employees participating in the 2017 At the January 5th Blood
OnBoard Wellness Program, we wanted to Drive, Plymouth Harbor
provide a few updates:
collectively donated
• We now have an OnBoard Dropbox located 15 units of blood!
in the Wellness Center (pictured right). Each unit of blood
Employees may drop off suggestion forms, saves 2-3 lives.
Health Provider Checklists, and other
OnBoard-related documents in this Our next blood drives
confidential lock box. will be held on:
April 5th
• Employees will only receive OnBoard August 16th
Bucks (Food & Fun and Wellness Rewards) December 6th
for Plymouth Harbor-sponsored events. Wednesdays
Meaning, for example, you must donate blood at Plymouth Harbor, from 1:30-4:30 p.m.
or volunteer on Plymouth Harbor’s All Faiths Food Bank sorting day
to receive OnBoard Bucks.
• If you try to donate at a Plymouth Harbor blood drive, but are told
by a SunCoast Blood Bank representative that you are unable to,
you will receive $1 OnBoard Buck.
• When you visit your doctor’s office, please be sure to give your
Health Provider Checklist to the tech or doctor during your visit,
not the front desk personnel.
High school sweethearts Tom and Sue Elliott are originally from
Toledo, Ohio. Tom graduated from Alma College with a degree in
biology, and Sue graduated from the University of Toledo with a
degree as a registered medical technologist. After Tom served in the
Army in West Germany, the two traveled Europe before returning
to the U.S. Upon their return, Sue focused on volunteer work and
Tom earned his master’s degree before starting work at Applied
Science Associates – where he helped build the company from three
employees to over 150 when he retired. How did he accomplish this
growth? And what is the meaning behind the name of their talk?
Join us to find out!
12:00-12:30 p.m. on Friday, February 24th. Lunch is Sign up by Friday, February 17th by contacting Karen
provided in the Private Dining Room. Smith at Ext. 399.
NOVEMBER 2016 Donations for
Karen does so much around Yes, we are still collecting donated
here and is always willing and items for The Learning Cottage!
helpful. She and Maryanne have
always been pleasant and willing The Learning Cottage (TLC) is a
to help me with my Residents local preschool that collects upcycling
Association tasks. With the art items. What exactly is upcycling? It is
exhibits, they both do the hanging and the taking down, the reuse of discarded objects in a way
which is a big job. Recently, for me they planned and that creates a new product. Specfically,
carried out an art reception and did such a wonderful
job. Thank you so very, very much. During the year, they TLC uses these materials to make
also plan so many types of programs for all of us, taking unique crafts with their students.
care of all the many details. We are very fortunate to Below is a list of items TLC collects:
have both of you here for us. small plastic containers (yogurts, etc.);
toilet paper/paper towel tubes; plastic
Debbie Perren Home Care 1st bottle caps; bubble wrap; scrap fabrics;
Donn Smith Security 5th tissue boxes; egg cartons; wine corks;
Lori Hoskins Dining Services 7th
Andrea Davis Home Care 8th newspaper; and magazines
Jason Redmon SCC Activities 9th Please bring your items to the
Liz Sparr Marketing 10th Transportation Office (located in
Erica Underwood Smith Care Center 11th
Tiara Cheaves Home Care 13th the East Garden garage).
Kervens Joanis Dining Services 13th
Debbie Chitwood Housekeeping 14th The Current is the employee newsletter of
Carlos Morales Dining Services 14th Plymouth Harbor on Sarasota Bay
Nataly Duran Housekeeping 15th
Armando Cortez Dining Services 19th
Cathy Laponius Dining Services 19th
Monica Leahu Front Desk 20th
Jennifer Bruneman Support Services 21st
Phil Daugherty Security 21st
Fran Vancil Maintenance 21st
Carlos Moreno Dining Services 23rd
Linda Jones Smith Care Center 23rd
Yaima Comas Home Care 25th
Caleb Genot Transportation 25th
Miller Donaldson Dining Services 26th
Bert Adams Smith Care Center 27th
Jean MacArthur Housekeeping 27th
Lisa Siroky Residential Services 28th