Supporting Positive Aging
The Plymouth Harbor Foundation is impactful
committed to supporting the most
positive aging experience possible.
That commitment extends from our
core constituents, to those who
deliver the loving care and services,
to those who enjoy the benefits of
having happy and healthy residents
and employees.
Among the top reasons that
people engage in philanthropy is
the desire to make an impact on
someone’s life. Understanding
that a gift has no impact until
it is used, we have taken some
time to compile the pages that
follow. They are filled with stories
of how your gifts have impacted
the people at Plymouth Harbor and
beyond. We hope you will find that
your gifts have filled many hearts and
we extend our deepest gratitude for
your contributions.
A YEAR IN REVIEW The Plymouth Harbor Foundation
Board of Trustees
The Plymouth Harbor Foundation was formed in 2012 to develop and implement advancement Cade Sibley, Chair
and fundraising strategies that support life at Plymouth Harbor, now and into the future.
Harry Hobson, Vice Chair
“Moving to Plymouth Harbor was a gift my parents gave to me. Garry Jackson, Secretary/Treasurer
Serving on the Foundation Board is my gift back to them.”
Cade Sibley, Chair Lee Byron, Trustee
Bruce Crawford, Trustee
“The spirit of philanthropy is alive and well at Plymouth Harbor. This has been a most Lee DeLieto, Sr., Trustee (not pictured)
exciting year as we not only concluded a successful theatre rejuvenation capital project, Tom Hopkins, Trustee (not pictured)
but also to witness the giving that is making such a remarkable difference in the lives of others. Rebecca Levy-Sachs, Trustee
I am very proud to be an active member of the Plymouth Harbor Foundation.” Bill Johnston, Trustee
Harry Hobson, Vice Chair Jay Price, Trustee
Phil Starr, Trustee
“Serving on the Foundation Board gives me great pleasure. Having been the CFO at
Plymouth Harbor now for over 18 years, I have seen gifts come into Plymouth Harbor, Tom Towler, Trustee
some very significant. Now with the Foundation in place, we are able to build and Staff
expand our support from philanthropy in new and greater ways.” Becky Pazkowski,
Garry Jackson, Secretary/Treasurer Vice President of Philanthropy
“The biggest joy for me in working with our constituents Sandy Taylor, Executive Assistant
is to help make dreams come true. It is truly an honor.”
Becky Pazkowski, Staff Kathy Messick,
Communications Coordinator
Special thanks to
Anne Grigsby (Graphic Design)
Brian Beecher, Herb Booth,
Jennifer Bruneman (Photography)
Plymouth Harbor Foundation
was Voted Best Non-Profit in
2015 by Herald Tribune’s
Sarasota Readers’ Choice
You won’t see it on their faces. You won’t hear it discussed in the dining room. You won’t read a report listing names. But
benevolence is here, quietly lending support to our dear residents who have lived longer than their financial resources
could stretch. Benevolent care is a major resource for any of our residents who require additional support for basic living
expenses and medical costs.
It is no secret that today’s older adults are living longer, which means their dollars will have to stretch further. Add to that
the fluctuation in the financial markets and the uncertainty of a catastrophic health event that requires skilled nursing
care, and any one of us could find ourselves in need of assistance for the remainder of our lives.
Every year, another resident reaches this pivotal point, and gifts to the Resident Assistance Fund make it possible for life
to continue at Plymouth Harbor. Until last year, the annual need averaged approximately $100,000. Last year, this year,
and projections for next year show us more than doubling that amount each year.
Plymouth Harbor’s commitment is to care for our residents throughout their life. That alone is paramount to why our
residents decide to live here. We are grateful for the gifts that our donors make to support our Resident Assistance fund,
and we stand committed to that support.
Visioning and
Planning* Group
Terry Aldrich
Bruce Crawford*
John de Jongh*
Jack Denison
Arnold Freedman
Charles Gehrie*
Harry Hobson*
Francie Jones
Vera Kohn
Susan Mauntel*
Nathalie McCulloch
Karl Newkirk*
Ricky Newkirk*
Becky Pazkowski*
Joan Peterson
Fran Rehl*
Ted Rehl*
Maryanne Shorin*
Phil Starr*
Tom Towler*
Don Wallace*
Peggy Wallace
Naomi Wittenberg
Beverly Wright
Laura Adcock, WBRC Architects*
The year 2015 introduced the second capital campaign effort for The Plymouth Harbor Foundation,
and the first to be resident-led. Co-chaired by Barry and Phil Starr, this campaign effort began
with an idea by the resident Trustees on the Foundation Board: to embark on a project that
would benefit all current Plymouth Harbor residents. Consideration was given to several projects,
eventually landing on the rejuvenation of Pilgrim Hall. Preparations began, and in April, a
Foundation Forum entitled The Performance Landscape, featured Harry Hobson as moderator
and included experts from the Van Wezel, Florida Studio Theater, and The Opera House.
One very valuable piece of advice given was to listen to the performers, fans, and producers to understand
the needs from all perspectives. We took this advice to heart, and formed a Visioning Group of roughly 40
individuals that helped brainstorm the first round of ideas for a new Pilgrim Hall. A smaller Planning Group
was subsequently formed to help prepare visuals and define the scope of the project.
Artist’s renderings in hand, and a preliminary price tag of $850,000, the quiet stage of a $1,000,000 campaign was
launched. On October 20, 2015, we introduced the conceptual plan to residents, and announced
that we had $477,000 toward our goal. A Campaign Committee worked tirelessly to reach this goal.
On January 15, 2016, the Campaign Committee announced that our goal for this important project
had been exceeded — with a grand total of $1,104,570 committed by 112 donors!
Renovations will commence in April of 2016, and we look forward to a Ribbon Cutting by the
end of the year. We wish to express our extreme gratitude and thanks to all of those who have
been involved in the project.
Residents, Donors &
This rejuvenation will greatly enhance both the Co-chairs
comfort and functionality of Pilgrim Hall. “We jumped at the
opportunity to help raise
IMAGINE ... enough money to bring the
audio and video capabilities
• Comfortable, theater-style fixed chairs with high stage visibility from any seat. of Pilgrim Hall into the modern
• Professional stage and theater lighting to enhance sight and stage ambiance. age and to make the place look,
• Acoustics and sound system that amplify and enhance sound, and accommodate and be, refreshed. Thanks to all
of our donors, we will have an
patrons with hearing challenges. updated gathering place where all
• Integrated video connection throughout Pilgrim Hall, with adaptations residents can enjoy movies, plays,
lectures, musical performances,
necessary for Club Room integration. and so much more.”
• Ability to view and participate in virtual podcasts from around the world.
• Expanded backstage accessibility, space, and storage. JEANNE MANSER:
Resident, Donor & Campaign
“It is an awesome feeling
Barry Starr, Co-Chair Charles Gehrie Ann Neff to become a supportive
Phil Starr, Co-Chair Betsy Johnston Ray Neff part of the exciting
(not pictured) Joan Sheil events taking place at
Joe Berkely Bill Johnston (not pictured) Tom Towler Plymouth Harbor. So
Bruce Crawford Harry Hobson, President/CEO many lives of residents for
Alida de Jongh Nancy Lyon Becky Pazkowski, Staff years to come will be able
John de Jongh Jeanne Manser to enjoy the benefits.”
It started with a vision, which then developed into a shared vision. Excitement mounted, and the result
is the culmination of many hearts and hands. This was the story of the new doors and stained glass
in the MacNeil Chapel. Our then-Chaplain Jerry O’Connor shared his vision of a more welcoming
and inviting entrance into the chapel. Along with it came a thought to cover the remaining clear
windows with stained glass. Graham (Barky) and Pat Barkhuff came forward with a gift to support
both the wood frame and the stained glass for the doors, in memory of their children Andy and
Pammy. Mr. Barkhuff also pulled together woodworkers in the Wood Shop to fabricate the doors
and ready them for their new glass inserts.
At the same time, Jeanne McNulty, having heard of the idea to complete the Chapel’s
clear windows, came forward with a gift to fully support the new glass, in memory of her late
husband Robert.
Indeed, many hands, many hearts, and full financial support made it possible to give a grand
new appeal to The MacNeil Chapel.
anniversary in 2016, we are drawn to
A goal of the Foundation is to offer information and education pertinent to the look back to honor our journey that
initiatives supported by gifts to the Foundation. We accomplish this through
Foundation Forums and the underwriting of educational offerings through began in 1966. In so doing, it is
our Resident Services department. This past year, the Foundation hosted fitting to recognize that none of us
three Forums: An Afternoon with Teepa Snow, an educator on dementia would be here today without the
and caregiving; The Performance Landscape, featuring experts from vision and dedication of our founder
Sarasota performance venues; and Supporting Education featuring our
scholarship recipients and donors. As always, we believe an informed The Reverend Dr. John Whitney
community is key to a healthy community. MacNeil.
A product of the Foundation Forums is an enhanced resident educational On May 29, 2015, we paid
series, led by area experts on various topics. This past year, the Foundation tribute to our founder and
was able to underwrite resident educational offerings on subjects including the First Congregational
art, history, literature, medicine, and music. United Church of Christ in
our inaugural MacNeil Day
SUE JOHNSON: Life-Long Learner, Resident Celebration. Dr. MacNeil
“Our new educational options are informative was born on May 29, 1911,
and exhilarating! I think we are all life-long and served as pastor of
learners, and it is quite an opportunity to have
it here in our own home!” the First Congregational
United Church of Christ. As
part of the celebration, heartfelt
testimonials were made by
individuals instrumental in the
yesterdays, todays, and tomorrows
of Plymouth Harbor, including
Trustee Dale Woodling, Board
Chair Duncan Finlay, MD, former
Executive Director Jack Smith,
and President and CEO Harry
Hobson. Honored guests included
Dr. MacNeil’s surviving family Judith
MacNeil Merrill and Paul MacNeil.
Our 2016 MacNeil Day celebration will
be combined with our 50th Anniversary
Celebration, on May 23, 2016.
lasting a period of 10 weeks,
are offered during lunch time. The addition of the Wellness Center in 2014 presented the opportunity for employees to use
Three groups have completed the the equipment and participate in group exercise classes. There was so much enthusiasm for
course, which culminates in a lunch the physical aspect that, in 2015, a full Employee Wellness Program, now called OnBoard,
for the entire class at a Mexican was established to enhance the well-being of employees through the seven dimensions
restaurant downtown. of wellness: Environmental/Community, Emotional, Intellectual, Physical, Professional/
Vocational, Social, Spiritual.
Maintenance Today, OnBoard has many components designed to touch every employee at Plymouth
Department Harbor, in one way or another. Some of those programs are funded by the Foundation. We
offer highlights of those components in the pages to follow.
“I think my
taking the LeadingAge Recognition
Spanish class The Employee Wellness Program OnBoard received LeadingAge Florida’s Best Practice
had more of Award in 2015. To qualify for the award, OnBoard met numerous requirements:
an emotional
impact, • P rovide proven benefits to the residents,
meaning it clients, or organization
created more
of a bond with • E mphasize quality of life by following the
me and Spanish- 10 elements in the Quality First Commitment
speaking folks. I didn’t become
fluent, by any means, but it gave • D emonstrate the potential for replication
me and those I work with a greater in other communities
appreciation of each other. “
Insights is a monthly lunch program that features residents who share information about their life stories. It is designed to help
connect employees and residents in a meaningful environment. In 2015, eight Insights luncheons were held, featuring different
residents. At least 20 employees attended each luncheon, which was supported by the Foundation.
(Resident Feature) (Resident, has viewed all Insights (Employee Attendee)
“In a word, these Insights luncheons
“I felt good and comfortable about videos on the website) have been inspirational. Each and
talking with the employee guests every resident has a unique story, a
at Insights, because I already knew “For the most part, employees know dream followed, a message to share.“
and liked them very much. I was residents here by who they are now.
able to relax and tell what I felt Insights has opened a whole new inspired
about continuing education in any opportunity to know us as individuals
form and any direction, because it in our earlier lives, to hear about the
is such a great tool in later life.” paths to successes and failures, to
know us by what brought us here.
This is our home and our community.
Anything that brings all of us closer
together can only be good.”
A goal for our OnBoard team this TRAINING
year was to increase the number
Plymouth Harbor has made a commitment to providing the best possible
of employees who received care to residents and families experiencing a decline in brain function.
influenza vaccines.
As part of our Teepa Snow training day on January 28, the Foundation supported
The Foundation offered “A Morning with Teepa Snow” in the form of two employee training sessions to introduce
complimentary lunch for all the Positive Approach to Care concepts to all employees. As a follow-up, Brandi
those who received a vaccine Burgess, Social Worker in the Smith Care Center and certified trainer in the Positive
on the day of the clinic, and all Approach to Care, led hands-on training for every Plymouth Harbor employee. By the
those vaccinated were entered in fall, all employees had received training commensurate with their level of interaction
with our residents and families.
a gift card drawing.
BRANDI BURGESS: “Perhaps one of the most profound
The number of vaccines given impacts this training has had on our residents is that it has
in 2015 increased by 61% taught us as caregivers to think beyond the traditional
(57 in 2014, 92 in 2015)! protocols for caring for our residents. If a blood pressure cuff
is painful to a resident with dementia and causes her to exhibit
challenging behaviors, we now go back to the physician and ask
if we really need to take her blood pressure daily.
The Positive Approach to Care is about delivering the best care for the individual,
and everyone is different. We now think person-centered.“
Building a strong sense of EMPLOYEE IMPACT
community and creating an
outstanding living environment SCHOLARSHIPS
depends, in no small part, upon the
success in recruiting, retaining, and CAROL BELLO: Daughter of Martha Chavez, Housekeeping
developing the highest quality Field of Study: Social Work and Political Science
work force possible. Donors to the
Foundation have graciously and Carol is a sophomore at Florida State University and is interested in eventually joining the Peace
generously provided educational Corps. She is very involved at FSU in community volunteer activities, such as Relay For Life,
opportunities for our employees Ronald McDonald House, and as an intern at the State Capitol.
to reach their potential and
realize their dreams. In 2015, we TRISHA ROMAN: Housekeeping
awarded 8 scholarships for a Field of Study: Medical Administrative Assistant
grand total of $14,000. Tricia worked in our Housekeeping department for two years when she applied for the
scholarship. A dedicated and motivated individual, she went on to graduate from
Ultimate Medical Academy in December with a 4.0 GPA, all the whil being a full-
time employee and mother of two. She is now working as a Medical Administrative
Assistant in the Rehab Department of the Smith Care Center.
“I felt very honored and blessed to be a recipient of the Jane Smiley Scholarship. When I found
out I was chosen, I was overwhelmed with joy knowing that this would help me achieve my goals.
So very grateful.”
NANCY CHAN: Certified Nurse Assistant, SCC
Field of Study: Licensed Practical Nurse
Nancy Chan is working toward her LPN certification at Manatee Technical College. She feels
that her years of experience as a C.N.A. will help her to become a wonderful nurse, because
of the understanding she has for others in need.
Field of Study: Guitar
Paul Pazkowski has been employed at Plymouth Harbor for nearly three years as an
eTech, and plays guitar in the Café twice a month.
“When I was notified I had been awarded the scholarship, I felt very supported by the community.
My goal is to learn songs from the 1920s through the 1940s, for the residents. I am especially
grateful to the Gehries who made this scholarship possible.”
LUIS SANTIAGO: Houseman, Dining Services
Field of Study: Radiology Technician
Luis is working on his Associate in Science degree at State College of Florida.
He was inspired to pursue this field when he himself had a sonogram and was
completely fascinated by the technology.
“It is an incredible feeling knowing that I have so much support from my workplace that it makes me proud to
be an employee of Plymouth Harbor. It helped me get past the burden of generating more loans and focus more
on my education. This semester I have applied to SCF Radiography department in hopes of being accepted into the
program. It took many small steps to get me this far, and this scholarship has helped me RUN to that finish line! ”
We are very grateful to the many donors whose gifts have made additional
scholarships possible for our employees and their families.
VERNICIA (NICI) CRENSHAW: Dining Services Team
Field of Study: Radiology Ultrasound Technician
Nici is studying at Keiser University, maintaining a 4.0 GPA. One of her instructors
commented that she is one of the most gifted of her contemporaries.
“When I found out that I was selected I was lost for words, because I didn’t really expect it considering
many people applied along with me. Most of my favorite residents said I deserved it and that joy
is something you cannot describe. To know that people believe in you and support you, that is a great feeling!”
SABRINA GALVAN CORTEZ: Certified Nurse Assistant, Home Care
Field of Study: Occupational Therapy Assistant
Sabrina Cortez has been a C.N.A. for 11 years, and is studying at State College of Florida. She has six children
and manages to work full time and attend college.
LEKEYA BUTLER: Certified Nursing Assistant, Home Care
Field of Study: Licensed Practical Nurse
Lekeya Butler is a student at State College of Florida in the LPN program. Lekeya has ambitious plans for herself, as she
would eventually like to go on to earn her Nurse Practitioner credential and apply her skills in the field of women’s health.
Unforeseen financial setbacks can be devastating for employees. While every employee works hard to provide for themselves and their families, unplanned expenses
just happen. When those financial challenges become more than they can handle, the Employee Hardship fund is a resource they can turn to. Each year, somewhere
between five and ten employees find themselves in need of additional resources. The Employee Hardship program is funded generously by our donors.
On September 26, 1997, Jose Manuel was born to Nadia Garcia-Socarras, The first question Jose asked his neurologist after his diagnosis was if
Plymouth Harbor housekeeper. When Nadia talks about Jose, she smiles he could continue to swim. His doctor told him that not only should he
and beams, like the proud mother she is. continue, but it was the BEST exercise, as it engages all of the muscles in
the body. Jose was relieved that he could continue doing what he loved.
A strong mother-son duo, perhaps partly because Nadia is a single
mother, the two have a beautiful relationship, one with open However, year-round swimming comes at a price.
communication. So when Jose was experiencing some
vision difficulties two years ago, he went first to his mother The Riverview swim team swims the August through October
to talk about it. Nadia took him immediately to a series season at the school at no cost. Come November,
of doctors who ran tests to find out what was going on. the YMCA fields a team called the Sharks that some
Riverview swimmers join. Parents must pay for this
In February, 2015, Jose was sent to All Children’s “club” membership. Unfortunately, Nadia had to tell
Hospital in St. Petersburg for extensive testing and her son he would not be able to swim at the Y, as she
evaluation. His vision had not improved, and the left could not afford to pay the monthly fee. Jose was
side of his face had become somewhat numb and his devastated, but probably not as devastated as Nadia,
lip started to twitch. As one can imagine, nerves were for she saw her son facing even more disappointment.
on end for both mother and son.
Someone suggested to Nadia that she inquire about the
On February 18, 2015, Nadia and Jose received the Employee Hardship fund, which she did, and was successful
unfortunate news. Jose had Multiple Sclerosis, more commonly in obtaining enough funding to last through most of Jose’s
known as MS. MS is most prevalent in women 20-40 years old, and Jose senior year at Riverview.
was only 17. Mother and son were now faced with decisions on what would
be the best course of treatment for Jose. Jose continues to swim today and recently won his heat in a competition!
When Jose was just a young boy, his mother and her Cuban family were “He was so happy when I told him of the gift!
always swimming. “In Cuba, everyone swims!” remembers Nadia. Jose He just kept saying, ‘Oh, Mama, thank you,
developed a deep love for swimming, and when they moved to Sarasota, he thank you!’, recalled Nadia. “It was a very
joined the Riverview High School swim team, excelling in the butterfly stroke. happy day for both of us.”
We are proud to present the following 73 area organizations that received collectively over
10,100 hours of loving volunteer services from residents and employees of Plymouth Harbor last year.
Aging in Paradise McIntosh Lake House Sarasota Audubon Society
Aldersgate Renewal Ministries Meals on Wheels Sarasota Bay Estuary Program
Mote Marine Sarasota Concert Association
All Faiths Food Bank Sarasota County Democratic Party
Amazing Love Healing Ministries Mote Marine Laboratory
National Letter Carriers’ Food Drive Sarasota County Schools
American Cancer Society Sarasota Education Foundation
Bay Haven School/All Faiths Food Bank Neuro Challenge for Parkinsons Sarasota Institute of Lifelong Learning (SILL)
Disease Foundation Sarasota Memorial Healthcare Foundation
Boys & Girls Club Sarasota Memorial Healthcare Services
Bradenton Women’s Resource Center New College of Florida
New Life Worship Center’s Food Pantry Sarasota Memorial Hospital
Center for Architecture/Sarasota Sarasota Music Archive
Christ Church Longboat Key Patterson Foundation
Church of Motion Plymouth Harbor Foundation Sarasota Sheriff Animal Services
Church of the Palms Sarasota Sky Pilots Disc Golf Club
Compassion 8 Choices Pines of Sarasota
Planned Parenthood Selah Freedom
Emma E. Booker Elementary School Plymouth Harbor - Smith Care Center Selby Public Library
Family Promise
Red Cross SRQ Consortium
First Church Methodist Refuge House Suncoast Blood Bank
First Presbyterian Church Ringling Museum
Friendship Center for Healthy Aging Rotary Club of Sarasota Temple Sinai
Rotary Club of Sarasota Bay Tidewell Hospice
Girl Scouts of America Rotary Club of Sarasota Keys Van Wezel Foundation Board
IABC (Int’l. Assoc. of Business Communicators) Saint Armands Key Lutheran Church Visible Men Academy
Salvation Army Women’s Exchange
Jewish Family and Children’s Services Sarasota Architecture Foundation Woodland Community Church
Keep Sarasota County Beautiful Sarasota Area Housing, Inc. (Orchard Place) YMCA Foundation of Sarasota
LeadingAge Florida Sarasota Area Playwright Society
LeadingAge National
Marie Selby Botanical Gardens
The eTEAM, for Teens and Elders Achieve More, is a group of high school students who donate their time and incredible brain power on Saturday
mornings to help residents with electronic devices. Over the last 2.5 years, the eTEAM has provided more than 160 residents over 575 hours of
volunteer time. The students, in turn, receive community service hours toward high school and college scholarship hours.
“Volunteering at Plymouth Harbor has been a great joy, as I have “Being part of the eTEAM was a real “Being an eTEAM member has impacted my
not only been able to expand my customer service and social pleasure. Although I have completed the life in showing me just how much I love what I
skills, but also my technical experience with practical problems hours needed for my program, I hope want to do going forward in life. I love being able
that I will undoubtedly encounter in the entry-level workforce. I to visit again. I will never forget to meet new people, and extend my knowledge
would like to personally thank everyone at Plymouth Harbor for Plymouth Harbor.” of computers to other people. Being an eTEAM
the experiences I’ve had.” member has definitely made me sure that I want
Paul is a student at Suncoast to continue doing this later in life.”
Jared has the longest tenure as an eTEAM member Polytechnical High School, and
with us. He was our first student member, having joined would like to go on to Gulf Coast Tyler is a sophomore at Suncoast
the eTEAM in June of 2013. He has recently completed University to study Biotechnology. Polytechnical High School. He hopes to
150 hours of service. Jared’s plans after graduation from He recently completed 100 hours go to Palm Beach Atlantic University to
Suncoast Polytechnical High School in 2016 are to of volunteer time. He has a passion study computer sciences and eventually
attend college to study computer science, eventually for computer gaming, and likes work in IT support. He likes sports, Xbox,
working as a database or network engineer. socializing with his friends. being with his friends, and helping others.
“We recently visited our dad, on the occasion of his 95th birthday. We installed a scanner reader for Dad, which will enable him to read small print
projected on a TV screen. He had a few problems with this after we left and a call to the eTEAM, which hosts the high school students on Saturday
mornings, made the needed correction. Thank you SO much! We really do appreciate all the efforts of the Plymouth Harbor staff in all they do!”
(Employee Wellness)
“I really enjoy being part of the eTEAM. “Being an eTEAM member has impacted
On October 10, 2015 more than This was a new challenge for me, and I was my life by giving me the opportunities to use
25 Plymouth Harbor OnBoard nervous about it when I started. I’ve really my technological knowledge to assist people
learned a lot from my experiences helping and to just help others, because that is what I
walkers came out to support the residents learn about new technology. I also love to do. I am very thankful for being given
Walk to End Alzheimer’s. The enjoy meeting and talking with so many new such a wonderful opportunity at this phase
and interesting people.” in my life.”
group raised $970 for the cause,
which added to the $119,000 In addition to being an eTEAM member Natasha is a student at Suncoast
raised in total that day. and a full time student at Venice Polytechnical High School, where
High School, Stephen has rowed on she studies Computer Systems and
RESURRECTION HOUSE the Sarasota Scullers racing team Information Technology. She plans
for five years. He is a NAUI certified to take Drafting next year (her senior
Efforts to support The scuba diver, and he plays the baritone year) in order to pursue a career as a
Resurrection House in Sarasota saxophone, piano, guitar, banjo, and Mechanical Engineer. In her free time,
mandolin. she loves to fish, be outdoors, exercise,
this past year came in several and spend time with her friends and
forms. Employees launched family.
“Holiday Helpers” in December
and collected a total of 10 boxes
of clothing/blankets/toiletries and
over $300 in cash and gift cards.
Residents volunteered their time
on a weekly basis to help with
food, laundry, haircuts, repairing
bicycles, counseling, and helping
enrichedto find jobs for their participants.
During 2015, Harry and Nancy Hobson established and funded a Leadership Development Grant Program,
designed to help employees develop their leadership skills and talents in specific areas within the field
of aging services. The program is intended to further develop the leaders of tomorrow by equipping
them with the training they need today to advance in the field.
The Hobsons are proven leaders in the field of aging services, and recognize that future leaders
are essential for the industry to continually grow and evolve to meet the needs of older adults.
The Hobson Leadership Development Grant was created to be consistent with the Hobson’s
philosophy of “passing it on” while actively contributing to the development of tomorrow’s leaders
in older adult services.
“Nancy and I are dedicated to the many aspects of older adult services,” says Harry Hobson. “Our extensive careers
include retirement community administration, serving as Trustees for subsidized senior care organizations, serving
on the faculty of The Ohio State University, and public policy development at both the state and national level.”
“Service is the rent you pay for space in this world,” adds Nancy Hobson. “Helping continue the legacy of creating professional
leaders in the field of aging services is one way we are helping others to pay their rent and live.”
“We were looking for something very meaningful to give our grandchildren this
year. They are grown and successful, and doing good things in their lives. So we
gave a gift to the Foundation to support Employee Scholarships, in their honor. The
Foundation sent a nice letter letting them know of the gift and what it meant to those
who received the scholarships. They were thrilled and very touched to be a part of
something so meaningful.”
Because of your gifts of more than $1,242,000 last year, we will be able to do what we have set out to do and more. It takes time, dedication,
and money to achieve great things. We are ever so grateful for your contributions that help us to support the most positive aging experience
possible! The following generous donors made gifts or pledges to The Plymouth Harbor Foundation during the calendar year 2015.
Martin & Catha Abrahams Bill & Ann Brackett Lee DeLieto
Maizie Abuza Carol Brock Jack Denison
Carl Denney & Winnie Downes
Peter & Thelma Adams Charles R. & Gloria J. Broderick Trust Jeanette DeVore
Jim Ahstrom Rob & Becky Broderick Joseph & Laura Devore
Dr. Robert Bryant Richard & Judith Diedrich
Carolyn Albrecht Molly Brzica Harold & Kathryn Dombrowski
Terry & Maureen Aldrich Buckno, Lisicky & Co. Elsie Dreffein Charitable Trust
Martha Buenneke Ellen F. Dubin
Mary Allyn Bob & Valerie Busby John & Valerie Duval
Anonymous Lee Byron Chuck & Susan Eckert
Betsy Bagby Erwin & Allis Edelman
Al & Barbara Balaban Ruth Carmichael Restricted Fund Charles Edwards
Charles & Joanne Ballschmieder Sheldon Casper Harriet Eisner
Graham & Patricia Barkhuff Alec & Irene Cass Tom & Susan Elliott
Tom & Marie Belcher Judith & Herb Ennis
David & Ruth Beliles Celia Catlett & Gene Heide Estate of Beatrice Doheny
Joe Berkely Pieter A. Catlow Estate of Matilda Fontaine
Aaron & Ruth Bernstein Estate of Serge Oliel
Marti & Fred Betz Norma Compton, Ph.D. Estate of Beverly Paskow
David & Donna Bewley Nancy & Marlow Cook Janet Fassler
Scott & Brenda Bicknell Aubert & Sandra Coran Michelle Fontaine
Laszlo & Dolores Biro Covenant Sunday School Class CCUM Richard Fontaine
James & Diane Bodkin Robert & Eileen Crane
Kay Bosse Bruce B. Crawford & Joan P. Sheil
Marjorie Boulware
Mary & John Davis
John H. & Alida J. de Jongh
Don Fosselman Susan Himelhoch Macy’s Foundation
Gregory Fosselman Harry & Nancy Hobson Donna Maddox
Marcia & Arnold Freedman Greg Huffman & Mary Terese Finnegan Cindy Malkin
William Manley
Suzanne Freund Julia Mae Hugan Jeanne Manser
Ann Friedman Adelaide Hurst Elaine Marieb
Angelo & Christine Furgiuele Joe & JoAnn Iaria
Leon & Pat Gainsboro Garry Jackson John W. Markham, III
Suzanne Galle Henry & Janet Jacobs Gerry & Walt Mattson
James & Jo Ann Gavacs Geri Johnson
Charles Gehrie Susan Johnson Susan Mauntel
Eugenia K. Glasser Elizabeth & William Johnston Mayer & Elizabeth Tapper
Scott & Gail Glover Francie Jones
John Goodman Harriet Josenhanss Virginia McIntire
Greenstein Family Foundation Marcy Kagan & Judy Gelfand Jeanne McNulty
James Griffith, M.D. Gerald & Nancy Kaplan
Nancy Gross Richard & Maxine Katz Judith Merrill
Shirley Gunn Priscilla W. Kenaston Molly & Fred Moffat, M.D.
Jerry & Joelle Hamovit Lempi Moisio & Kathryn Fassett
Nora Kerr
Eric Hand Marian S. Kessler Anne Moore
Lorna Hard Catherine & Merwin Kinkade Frederick M. Moorhouse, Jr.
Ellen Harrison
Richard & Edna Hausman Vera Kohn Shirley A. Moorhouse
Christine Heider Patricia Lenke Jim & Elizabeth Murphy
Dennis & Priscilla Heindel Advised Fund Elaine & Herb Lieb
George & Florence Heitler Chris & Margo Light Jim Myers
Betty Hendry Ray & Ann Neff
Stephen & Louise Hershkowitz Jean Lions Louis E. Newman, DVM, Ph.D.
Janet Hevey The Loyola Group Pauline Nichols
Tom & Sallie Luebbe Victoria Davis Nosler
Gerda & Vytas (Mac) Maceikonis
Karen Novak
Jerry & Barbara O’Connor
Gordon & Arlene Okawa
Mort & Sandra Olds
Robert & Mathilda Overall Ina Schnell Bob & Marie Thacker
Sarah H. Pappas, Ed.D. Harold & Helen Schwartz Michael & Dinah Tippery
Steven Paskow Thomas Towler & Nancy Lyon
Nora Patterson Marilyn W. Schwartz
Becky & Paul Pazkowski Jeanne Seiberling Clifford & Jana Tuttle
Ish Pedersen Sertoma Club of Greater Sarasota James & Wendy Underwood
Betty Jean Peters Charleen Sessions Sallie & Wilson VanArsdale
Plymouth Harbor Residents Association Kay Showker William & Beverly Vernon
Carol Pregont Cade Denison Sibley Peggy Wallace
Elsa Ann Price Carol & Morton Siegler
Frank & Lynn Simmons Ann & Jack Webb
Leonard Ralston Gary Weismer
Ted & Fran Rehl Jean B. Simon
Howard & Nancy Reinheimer Sidney Simon James W. Wiggin, M.D.
Joan D. Runge Ted & Mary Ann Simon Jill Wilson
Brian & Jean Rushton Jane T. Smiley
George Salley Phil & Barry Starr Tom & Tena Wilson
Bobi Sanderson Richard & Kathryn Stern Beatrice H. Winkler
Shirlee Schachtel Jeff & Ellen Stohn Pauline Wittenberg
Norma Schatz Sandy Taylor
Dorothy Scheurenbrand Akgun Temizer Beverly Wright
Betty Templeton Marilou Wynne
Edward Yasuna
Ligia Yousri
While it is our intent to accurately list all who made gifts during the year, we apologize for any omissions that may have occurred.
The MacNeil Society represents a group of individuals who have thoughtfully included a gift to The Plymouth Harbor Foundation
in their estate through a bequest, gift annuity agreement, trust arrangement, life insurance, or retirement plan.
We are very grateful for the thoughtfulness of these living and deceased members.
Tom & Marie Belcher Carl Denney & Winnie Downes John W. Markham III
Joe Berkely Beatrice Doheny* (2015) Walt & Gerry Mattson
Elsie Dreffein* (1996)
Charles R. & Gloria J. Broderick* (2015, 2014) Matilda Fontaine* (2015) Jeanne McNulty
Even T. Collinsworth Harry & Nancy Hobson Anne Moore
Ruth Carmichael* (1998) Allen & Stephanie Hochfelder Joan Runge* (2015)
Evelin Corsey* (2013) Henry & Janet Jacobs Bobi Sanderson
Bruce Crawford Susan Johnson Joan Sheil
Jack & Peg Smith
John & Alida de Jongh Elizabeth & William Johnston Phil & Barry Starr
Jeanette M. DeVore Gerda & Vytas (Mac) Maceikonis
*Denotes donor deceased and the year.
JEANETTE M. DEVORE, Charitable Gift Annuity
“I had read in the Harbor Light about the opportunity to make an income-producing gift
called a Charitable Gift Annuity, and I looked into it. My ultimate goal was to create an annual
gift for my son for the rest of his life. This gift allowed me to create that annual gift for him for
his lifetime, a tax deduction for me immediately, a tax deduction annually for my son, and leave
gifts to my two favorite charities. And I did this all with one gift! It was perfect for me.”
Tribute giving provides a way to honor or memorialize a friend or loved one. The following were named in tribute giving during 2015.
Maizie Abuza George Heitler Mary Lou Paul
Graham Barkhuff George & Florence Heitler Ted & Fran Rehl
Sarah - Physical Therapy Department
Laszlo Biro Kady Pierce Harold Schwartz
Groen’s & Maceikonis’ 50th Anniversary Massey Pierce Woodworking
Judith Merrill
Gene Heide Jerry O’Connor
Florence Birnbaum Fr. Eugene Kane Jack Pregont
Bobby Broderick Joseph Klein Donald Price
Elaine Burdette Carolyn Lamey Esther Rosen
Craig H. de Jongh Joan Runge
Bea Doheny Robert Lawrence Bill Seiberling
Lois Edwards George Manser Elizabeth Waldheim
Thomas Favell Robert Merrill Don Wallace
Betty & Perry Monroe Richard Weiss
Mathilda “Til” Fontaine Perry Monroe Nancy White
Janet Gehrie Albert Moore Beatrice “Bitsy” Winkler
Ruth Hess Naomi Wittenberg
Allen Holubar Serge Oliel Elton & Penny Yasuna
Beverly Paskow
J. Walker & Mary Lyon Wiggin Norm Pedersen
Richard Joseph
Scott Pike
MacNeil Society All Other Board of Trustees New Legacy Gifts Employee Resident Assistance
Members (New) 10% 12% (MacNeil Society) Assitance 0.1%
12% 1% 12% 6% Zest for Life: Program
Greatest Need 5%
(Estate Gifts) (Unrestricted)
9% 10%
Residents (Living) Zest for Life: Capital
56% 66%
TOTAL GIFTS: $1,242,000 TOTAL GIFTS: $1,242,000
Resident Capital Items Employee Assistance
55% 27%
Resident Programs
700 John Ringling Blvd. Sarasota, FL 34236
(941) 361-7398 •