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Plymouth Harbor on Sarasota Bay's Harbor Light newsletter.

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Published by Plymouth Harbor on Sarasota Bay, 2016-03-30 16:58:56

Harbor Light April 2016

Plymouth Harbor on Sarasota Bay's Harbor Light newsletter.

APRIL 2016

VOLUNTEERS: THE HEART OF “Never doubt that a small group of thoughtful,
committed citizens can change the world. Indeed, it's
OUR COMMUNITY the only thing that ever has.” — Margaret Mead

April 10th-16th represents National Volunteer physicians, dentists, pharmacists, and nurses.
Week, a week when dedicated volunteers are
recognized for their efforts. With so many of our Dr. Griffith began working with the center after
own volunteers here at Plymouth Harbor, we he retired and moved to Florida. “I wanted to do
wanted to find a way to celebrate these individuals. something useful,” he says. In 2015 alone, he spent
It is no secret that our residents and staff are kind, 240 hours at the center, where he is involved in
caring, generous, and giving. Whether they are treating patients and other related activities. He also
donating their time within Plymouth Harbor or organizes the center’s medical library, completes
to the greater Sarasota community, they are required continuing education for his Florida
committed to helping organizations succeed. medical license, attends weekly meetings at
Sarasota Memorial Hospital, and gives medical
Each year, The Plymouth Harbor Foundation asks presentations — one of which will be given as a
residents and employees to share their community Health Matters presentation on April 18, entitled
involvement for use in the annual Impact Report. “Sleep Disorders.”
For 2015, we are proud to report that our residents
and staff collectively volunteered over 10,100 (CONTINUED ON PAGE 2)
hours to 73 area organizations, including, but
certainly not limited to, American Cancer Society,
Red Cross, Ringling Museum, Selby Public Library,
Mote Marine Laboratory, Sarasota Memorial
Healthcare Foundation, Suncoast Community
Blood Bank, Selah Freedom, and many more.


Jim Griffith, M.D. is a prime
example of the generosity of our
residents within the Sarasota
community. Dr. Griffith has been
a volunteer physician with the
Friendship Center’s Rubin
Medical Center for Healthy Aging for 18 years, where
he receives no payment for his services. The center
serves patients who are uninsured or have limited
income, and is largely staffed by retired or volunteer


(continued from page 1)

Jerry Kaplan spent over 385 Association until he passes the torch in early
hours volunteering with six April, dedicated himself to the position. He’s seen
different organizations in 2015 — his peers do the same.
including: Meals on Wheels, the
Sarasota Education Foundation, “There are roughly 170 residents
Westcoast Black Theater Troupe, who volunteer their time to serve
the Patterson Foundation, the Smith Care Center, Plymouth Harbor — so we’re
and serving as a principal mentor for the Sarasota talking a huge number of people
County school system. and hours,” he says. “It’s been a
great privilege of mine to see.”
“I get a lot of satisfaction out of the things I’m
involved in,” Jerry says. “I hope to make a As a retired psychotherapist, Terry also lends an ear
contribution and make a difference in the lives when needed, and along with Maureen and Mary
of others.” Allyn, he invites new residents to have dinner with
them each week. For the last 10 years, Maureen has
Jerry became involved in volunteering early on also devoted her time to tutoring English to priests
after he retired as a means of staying busy. Today, — including Father Sebastian from St. Martha’s,
he discusses news topics every Monday in the who serves at Plymouth Harbor regularly.
Smith Care Center, evaluates programs and grants
for the Sarasota Education Foundation, improves A resident since 2003, Mary
children’s reading skills through the Patterson Allyn is the epitome of resident
Foundation, and with the help of his wife, Nancy, involvement, serving in many
he works with Meals on Wheels every Tuesday. capacities. Not only is she a
past president of the Residents
WITHIN PLYMOUTH HARBOR. Association, but Mary also
There are also so many ways that residents give served as chair of the Grounds Committee, chair
generously of their time within Plymouth Harbor. of the Nominating Committee, colony director,
Some work in different capacities in the Smith member of the Long Range Planning Committee,
Care Center, while others work closely with and a member of the search committee to select
the Plymouth Harbor Foundation to better our Plymouth Harbor President/CEO Harry Hobson.
educational opportunities and philanthropic Additionally, Mary is involved in Plymouth
endeavors. And while they may not necessarily Harbor’s bird rookery, annually counting our
consider it volunteering, residents devote time native birds, and ensuring their proper habitat.
to enhancing the lives of their neighbors. Ted
Rehl spends countless hours preparing for his “I’ve done a lot of Plymouth Harbor service over
annual performances, while Don Wallace the years,” she says. “And I enjoy it because it’s a
brightened the lives of others with his plays. lot like what I did professionally.”

Also among our internal volunteers are the many It would take countless pages to portray the
residents who serve on the Residents Association efforts of all our residents and staff, but one thing’s
Board of Directors and 20 committees that ensure for sure — we’re lucky to call such generous
Plymouth Harbor operates at its greatest capacity. individuals part of the Plymouth Harbor family.

Terry and Maureen Aldrich exemplify this —Kathy Messick
volunteerism. Terry, president of the Residents



We Remember

Vera Kohn Frances Williams
March 27, 2016 March 28, 2016


As my wife and I stood in church to sing the first hymn two Sundays ago, I noticed that she was crying –
and I knew why! It was Palm Sunday, the beginning of Holy Week for Christians, and we were taking the
last part of the Lenten journey to Easter. As we stood there in a wonderful congregation singing a familiar
hymn, my wife was overcome with memories of our 51 years of Palm Sundays together, remembering the
people through the years who made that day so deeply meaningful for us. Many of them have died or
we have moved away, leaving churches, members, and even donkeys leading Palm Sunday processions
behind. That joyful day two weeks ago was a bitter-sweet moment for us.

Religious holidays are that way, I suspect. For the greeting card world, Holy Week, Passover, and Easter
are filled with celebration and gratitude — but in reality they are also tinged with memories of people
from whom we are separated by death or distance.

Passover and Easter are rich with meaning for Jews and Christians. Jesus, born and raised a Jew, went to
Jerusalem around the age of 30 to celebrate the Passover with his disciples – knowing that he was walking
into the hands of the Roman authorities who would seek to execute him. Easter, for Christians, is the
commemoration of God’s saving action in the resurrection of Jesus. Passover is the important celebration
for Jews and Christians, remembering God’s saving action in liberating the Hebrew people from slavery in
Egypt under the leadership of Moses.

For many Jews and Christians, the religious holidays are cultural and social occasions, not primarily
Religious. Although, who’s to say? Our memories have a way of becoming sacred for us – holy ground –
though few might use that term to describe them. For my sister-in-law and her family, church has never
been part of her Easter plan, but having her children and grandchildren with her for an Easter meal has
become holy for her.

Most years, Passover and Easter are closer together in time, though this year they are a nearly a month

apart: Easter on March 27th and Passover beginning on April 22nd. Both are times of memory as our minds

are flooded with images of the Passover Seder with family members old and young, some no longer with
us – and at the Easter table remembering parents and other family and friends whom death has claimed.

Let’s remember that greeting cards don’t define our religious holidays – our hearts define them,

remembering the saving acts of God and the blessing acts of those we know and love. Here at Plymouth

Harbor, we gathered for Easter on March 27th and will gather for the Passover Seder on April 25th. But, if

we don’t or can’t attend Seder or church, who’s to say these holidays will not be holy? In reality, if we gather

together in love with those present and past, the holidays are filled with the sacred and we’re truly on holy

ground! —Interim Chaplain Dick Sparrow



JOY MCINTYRE She recently left her house in Silver Oak where
she had lived for 12 years and has joined us at
APT. T-412 EXT. 422 Plymouth Harbor...but she is hardly retired. She
is currently President of the Sarasota Concert
What a pleasure (a joy!) it is to welcome Joy Association, is a past president of SILL and a
McIntyre to the Plymouth Harbor family! If current board member, is on the board of the
you are an opera buff, she probably needs no Music Archive at the Selby Library where music
Introduction ... but we’ll get to that later. related items are sorted, catalogued, and stored.
Formerly, she was board member of the Artists
Joy is an only child whose parents were both Series Concerts, produced shows at the Historic
school teachers in Kinsley, Kansas. However, Asolo, and ran competitions ... and she still
her father took a civil service test and, starting teaches at Tanglewood!
in a very simple job with the U.S. Postal Service,
ended his career as the Deputy Assistant Getting to know Joy is in fact ... a joy! She is very
Postmaster General. So you can see that Joy modest about all of these past accomplishments,
inherited genes that would take her far. but just ask a few questions and she has lots of
stories! We hope she will be as happy to be in
As a sophomore in high school she was given Plymouth Harbor as we are to welcome her.
the lead in an operetta; she was the soloist for
her church choir at age 15. She went on to at- —Addie Hurst
tend Oberlin where she spent her junior year in
Salzburg, Austria. Following graduate studies at
the New England Conservatory of Music, she
won the Emma Eames scholarship and returned
to Salzburg.

She spent the next nineteen years working
for various opera companies in Germany and
giving performances at all the famous opera
houses in Europe. She was married to a German
architectural engineer for 10 years. Joy then
became a professor at Boston University (now
emeritus) and Chair of the Voice Department.
She also has taught at Utah State University,
University of Miami Salzburg Program,
and is currently on the faculty of the Boston
University Tanglewood Institute. As if
this were not enough, she also has been a
Shakespeare scholar and created a one-woman
show integrating scenes and songs by
Shakespeare. Her accompanist for several of
these performances was John Goodman.



Celebrating Our Past. Envisioning Our Future.

On Monday, May 23, 2016, Plymouth Harbor invites all residents to
attend the second annual MacNeil Day event, which also be our 50th
Anniversary Celebration!

Plymouth Harbor first opened its doors on January 15, 1966. During
this year’s event we will pay tribute to those who led us to where we
are today, while embracing and envisioning our bright future ahead.

Mark your calendars for May 23, 2016, 4:00-6:30 p.m. and stay tuned
for more information in the coming weeks.


Securing Your Legacy

Facilitated by trustee Jay Price and his wife, Leslie Juron of Juron Price Wealth Management
Group of Wells Fargo Advisors, LLC, the purpose of this three-part Legacy Series is to help inform
attendees of the wide array of options available. It is complicated to plan for the future and take
care of all the people you want to in your estate. Jay and Leslie can help you simplify this process
and determine a plan, so that you can leave a legacy for future generations and the causes that you
believe in.

Part One: Where does your money Part Three: I Can’t Take Care of
really go when you die?
Previously held on March 29, 4:00 p.m. Everyone, or Can I? 

Part Two: For Women Only How to give to your family, charities, and
provide income for yourself
What to do NOW to be prepared for the
FUTURE Thursday, April 28, 4:00 p.m. in the Club
Monday, April 11, 4:00 p.m. in the Club Room



The years of 2012 to the present represent a time
of extreme growth and forward vision for Plymouth
Harbor. Not only did Plymouth Harbor implement
programs and practices that would best serve its
current residents, both now and into the future, but
the community also looked at the needs and services
desired by future residents. Thinking of both today
and tomorrow, Plymouth Harbor began drafting
plans for a new building that would feature additional
assisted and independent living units as well as a
memory care center (now known as the Northwest
Garden Building). In addition, in 2012, the Plymouth
Harbor Foundation was established to further ensure
the stewardship of funds contributed to Plymouth


Concrete plans begin for a The Plymouth Harbor Wellness
new building, featuring Center opens in September 2014,
with state-of-the-art equipment,
memory care and new assisted
and independent living residences. dedicated staff, and a Group
Fitness Room.
The Plymouth Harbor Foundation
is established to ensure the Bill Johnston, Chair of The
appropriate stewardship of Plymouth Harbor Foundation, is
contributed funds. named Trustee of the Year at the

LeadingAge FL Conference.

2013 2015 2016
2014 
Harry Hobson is
named Executive On May 29, 2015, Plymouth Harbor Plymouth Harbor celebrates 50
of the Year at the celebrated its first MacNeil Day — a years! While our true anniversary
LeadingAge FL tribute to our founder, The Reverend was on January 15, 2016, we plan to
Dr. John Whitney MacNeil, who was celebrate our 50-year milestone on
Conference. May 23, 2016 to coincide with our
born on May 29, 1911.
2nd annual MacNeil Day.
Plans begin, and funds are raised,
for the rejuvenation of Pilgrim Hall.




Restorative care is a term that is often misunderstood
or incorrectly defined as rehabilitation therapy. And while
therapy and restorative nursing complement each other,
they are not one and the same.

The purpose of restorative care is to maintain a person’s NORTHWEST GARDEN
highest level of physical, mental, and psychosocial BUILDING Q&A CORNER
function in order to prevent declines that impact quality
of life. In the Smith Care Center (SCC), restorative care is a This monthly series will address
part of every aspect of a resident’s daily life. Care includes, but is not questions regarding our new
limited to: range of motion (active or passive), ambulation, dining Northwest Garden Building.
assistance, locomotion or wheelchair use, fall prevention, our Sit-to- Please submit questions to Joe
Stand program, and more. In addition to therapies, the restorative Devore or Gordon Okawa, and
team also addresses residents’ many adaptive devices, such as skin you can find their response here.
protectors, night lights, chair pad alarms, and pendants. While not
every SCC resident receives this service, since January 2016, an average QUESTION
of 58 percent of our residents benefitted from restorative care. Where will the main entrance
to the new Northwest Garden
How exactly does the process work? Building be located?
There is no set path that leads to restorative care. However, most
residents receive it after therapy determines that they have reached ANSWER
their maximum potential. Following this determination, the therapist The main entrance will be
develops a resident’s restorative care plan and shares it with the located at the current location
Restorative Nurse, Lauren Krause, who ultimately implements the of the Smith Care Center’s west
program. From there, it is the restorative care team’s job to retain entrance. This area will have a
the resident’s ability level. Restorative aides help to provide the care, new lobby and elevator, and
follow through on programs, and track and report any changes. it is near what will be new
resident, staff, and guest parking.
How is SCC’s Restorative Care Team different? NOonrtthhewnesotrtGhawrdesetncBourniledrinogf,the
Most skilled nursing facilities teach their staff some form of there will be another entrance
restorative care, and all employees on the floor are tasked with and elevator. We anticipate that
providing this care. However, SCC is unique in that we have a this entrance will be used by
dedicated team that specializes in restorative care and works closely staff and visitors to the Memory
with the therapy department. “The communication between our Care Residence.
department and therapy is really amazing,” Lauren says.

Additionally, while Medicare specifies that restorative care programs
run at least six days per week, the Smith Care Center offers its
residents seven days per week. Lauren leads the program alongside
her team of restorative aides — Dennis Ortiz, Sheila Strahorn, and
Nancy Chan (not pictured). When you visit SCC, you’ll be sure
to see Lauren and her team in action. If you have questions regarding
restorative care, contact Lauren at Ext. 361.




Earth Day, celebrated each year on April 22,
marks the anniversary of the birth of the modern
environmental movement that began in 1970.
Earth Day is now a globally celebrated holiday,
and serves as a day of education about
environmental issues.

The brainchild of Senator Gaylord Nelson (D-WI), and inspired by the anti-Vietnam War protests of
the late 1960s, Earth Day was originally aimed at creating a mass environmental movement. It began
as a “national teach-in on the environment,” and was held on April 22 to maximize the number of
students that could be reached on university campuses. By raising public awareness of air and water
pollution, Senator Nelson hoped to bring environmental causes into the national spotlight. It is safe
to say that he largely accomplished that goal.

In 1990, Earth Day went global, with 200 million people in over 140 nations participating, according
to the Earth Day Network (EDN), a nonprofit organization that coordinates Earth Day activities.
Today, EDN collaborates with more than 17,000 partners and organizations in 174 countries. EDN
estimates that more than 1 billion people are involved in Earth Day activities, making it “the largest
secular civic event in the world.”

With the establishment of the Conservation Committee several years ago, Plymouth Harbor does
its part to contribute to the green movement. The committee promotes conservation of resources
within Plymouth Harbor, including recycling, water, and electricity usage, and other appropriate
conservation measures. The committee also researches and makes recommendations on ways in
which Plymouth Harbor may become more environmentally responsible. The committee has
begun tracking Plymouth Harbor’s recycling, water, and electricity usage over the last few years.


Friday, April 22, 2016 from 10:00 a.m. — 3:00 p.m. in the Club Room.

The Conservation Committee invites all Plymouth Harbor residents to its annual Earth Day
Celebration. At this year’s event, you can expect something different!

We will provide refreshments, and most importantly interactive, informative, and fun activities!
There will be giveaways, trivia, videos, and prizes. Mark your calendars, and stay tuned for more




Rosann Argenti has taught Tai Chi for more than
30 years, and has been a contracted instructor at
Plymouth Harbor for nearly 20 years. Today, she
teaches our Tai Chi and Tai Chi Meditation classes.

In part, what’s made Rosann so successful —

in addition to her passion, drive, and calming Health Chat: “The Older Athlete”
nature — is her non-Tai Chi beginnings. Originally, Rosann Wednesday, April 20 at 9:30 a.m.
earned her BSW and started out as a social worker in Montreal, The Commons (Wellness Center)
Canada, serving in educational and psychiatric settings. From

there, she opened her own dance company and studio. She then

started searching for an outlet that provided more personal growth and development and began meditating

— eventually discovering Tai Chi. She enjoyed it so much that she founded her own Tai Chi school, and her

social work and dance background helped her bring a unique approach and skill set to the profession.

Her school, Mountain Crane Tai Chi Tao Academy, serviced fitness and community centers in Montreal
and is still in existence today. In 1989, Rosann moved to Sarasota, Florida, and passed the school on to some
of her former students. Not only did she continue teaching Tai Chi in Sarasota, but she became a licensed
massage therapist, and even contracted with WEDU Tampa (PBS) to produce a Tai Chi TV series that aired
for nine years nationwide. All the while, Rosann taught at fitness and community centers, rehabilitation
centers, hospitals, private medical institutions, retirement centers, education centers, and cancer treatment
centers. She also created the continuing education course, “Tai Chi/Chi-Kung for Professionals,” approved
by the Florida Boards of Massage Therapy, Physical Therapy, and Occupational Therapy.

Rosann is a specialist in Tai Chi, Tai Chi Swordplay, Fighting Fan, and Double Daggers, and has worked
with all populations — from the “average person” to professional golfers, tennis players, skiers, and more.
“Tai Chi is based on martial art techniques,” Rosann says. “I teach it as a healthcare system, yet students feel
the dynamic instincts of martial arts. It is slow and methodical, with virtually no risk of physical injury.”

Tai Chi is an ancient Chinese tradition and a graceful form of exercise. Whether you’re looking to advance
in a specific sport or for a way to help center your life, Tai Chi is a wonderfully effective exercise. It helps
train you to move to the “zone” — what Rosann refers to as “a place of inner fortitude and outer strength,
where your mind is still and your body flows efficiently and effectively.”

“It’s truly a meditative relaxation process that heightens awareness and focus in everyday life,” Rosann
adds. “I’ve been doing Tai Chi for many years, and each time it feels like the very first time. I’m never bored.”
If you are interested in learning more, you can find Rosann’s contact information in the Wellness Center’s
Preferred Professionals brochure.





On the Guitar On the Keyboard
5:30—6:30 p.m. 5:15—6:15 p.m.
Thursdays — April 7, 21 Thursdays — April 14, 28

CAFÉ CHATS Chat with Chef René

Chat with Harry Tuesday — April 26
At 2:00 p.m.
Friday — April 8
At 10:00 a.m.



Plymouth Harbor’s Residents Association will hold its annual meeting, and
leadership for the 2016-2017 year will be announced.

Monday, April 4th at 3:00 p.m. in Pilgrim Hall.


Plymouth Harbor will have its quarterly, campus-wide fire drill.

Thursday, April 14th at 10:00 a.m.


Changes in sleeping patterns or habits can lead to negative effects on your

health. Plymouth Harbor resident Dr. Jim Griffith will discuss issues with

sleep, what causes them, and what you can do to help. 

Monday, April 18th at 4:00 p.m. in MacNeil Chapel.


A reminder that a Passover Dinner will begin with the Seder promptly at
5:30 p.m., followed by dinner at 6:00 p.m.

Monday, April 25th in the Club Room.



April is special, not just for April Fools’ Day
or April showers.

April 1st is the changeover day for FPL’s
“peak hours.” Electric rates will be twice as
high between 12:00-9:00 p.m., Monday-
Friday only. So do your washing in the
morning or on weekends.



Would you like to get together with others who have vision loss so that you
can share your thoughts, challenges, and how you may have coped with some
of the difficulties you’ve faced? If so, join us for the Low Vision Support
Group. Call Betty Hendry at Ext. 188 to sign up.

Wednesday, April 6th at 3:00 p.m. in the Club Room.


Michael Shelton, Embracing Our Differences (EOD) Executive Director will be
onsite to discuss this not-for-profit organization that uses art and education to
expand consciousness and celebrate diversity.

Thursday, April 7th at 7:45 p.m. in the Club Room.



The Weintraub Duo presents this special concert in honor of longtime friend,
resident Maizie Abuza. The concert will feature music that started out in the
world of classical music and was “borrowed” to become a popular tune.

Thursday, April 14th at 7:45 p.m. in the Club Room


Magician David Pitchford will rove table to table during cocktail hour, and you
won’t believe your eyes!

Wednesday, April 20th from 5:30-6:30 p.m. in the Café/Mayflower




“Michael Palin in Wyeth’s World”

A BBC Production

Wednesday, April 27th
MacNeil Chapel 3:00 p.m.



Sandwiched between Beethoven’s Moonlight Sonata and The Blue Danube will
be compositions by Debussy and Liszt plus a Scott Joplin Rag.

Friday, April 1st at 4:00 p.m. in Pilgrim Hall.


Instructor Maggie McClellan is back to expand on her boxes and ribbons class
from earlier this year, adding even more building blocks to lead to creative
independence. Class size is limited. Call Ext 252 to sign up.

Mondays, April 4, 11, 18, 25 from 9:30 a.m.—12:30 p.m. Cost: $40


Throughout April, the Mezzanine will display acrylics by Judy Just and
fantasy masks by Elizabeth Goodwill. The exhibit runs April 5th-May 2nd.

Reception: Tuesday, April 5th from 4:30—6:00 p.m.


Piano and vocals by Bob Constantino and Lyn Purmort will feature music

from around the world. 

Thursday, April 21st at 7:45 p.m. in the Club Room.


Contemporary art glass presented by Philip and Nancy Kotler. Come enjoy and learn
about this unique type of art.

Thursday, April 28th at 7:45 p.m. in the Club Room.



NEW BOOKS “The Lady In Gold”
By Anne-Marie O’Connor
The Lady in Gold is a spellbinding story of
A Doubter’s Almanac by Ethan Canin (2016) Gustav Klimt’s Portrait of Adele Bloch-Bauer,
A Few of the Girls by Maeve Binchy (2016) one of the most emblematic portraits of its time.
Jack Maggs* by Jack Carey
The Last Witness* by W.E.B. Griffin Discussion led by: Sue Johnson
Midnight Sun by Jo Nesbo (2016)
The Promise* by Robert Crais Friday, April 8th in Club Room 4:00 p.m.
Rogue Lawyer* by John Grisham Call Ext. 252 for a copy of the book ($14)
The Spy House* by Matthew Dunn
The Steel Kiss by Jeffrey Deaver (2016) NEW DVDS
The Travelers by Chris Pavone (2016)
Tracking Time by Leslie Glass Bewitched*
The Waters of Eternal Youth by Donna Leon (2016) Burns & Allen Show* (4 episodes)
Ways to Disappear by Idra Novey (2016)
By Way of the Stars
The Intern
Brothers in Death* by J. D. Robb (2016) Lawrence Welk’s TV Treasures*
Find Her* by Lisa Gardner (2016) Legend of Bagger Vance*
A Girl’s Guide to Moving On* by Debbie Macomber Mad Money*
Gone Again by James Grippando (2016)
Private Paris by James Patterson Meet the Patels
Blue* by Danielle Steel (2016) Miracle in the Pacific*
October Gale
The Orchid Thief (Adaptation)
A Few of the Girls* by Maeve Binchy (2016) The Passion of the Christ*


Dispatches From the Front* by David Halton Ruthless People*
Lincoln* by David Hernert Donald Seabiscuit*
Under This Beautiful Dome* by Terry Mutchler Susan Boyle: Making of a Dream*

Visions of Austria* 
A Walk in the Woods

The Water Diviner

Wild Horses
Wodehouse Playhouse* (7 episodes)
Wonder Boys*

*Indicates a gift.



SUNDAYS AT 2:00 & 7:00 PM

APRIL 3 The Danish Girl G. Duncan Finlay
APRIL 17 (2015) Color 119 minutes R Chair, Board of Trustees
The Woman in Gold \

(2015) Color 109 minutes PG-13 Harry Hobson

Bridge of Spies President/CEO

(2015) Color 142 minutes PG-13 Garry Jackson

Spotlight R Senior Vice President/CFO

(2015) Color 128 min Gordon Okawa

TUESDAYS AT 7:45 PM Vice President of
Marketing & Community
APRIL 5 My Foolish Heart NR
APRIL 12 Affairs
(1950) B/W 98 minutes
Harbor Light Staff
Mad Money Maryanne Shorin

(2008) Color 104 minutes PG-13 Director of Resident Services

APRIL 19 Mel Brooks’ History of the World (Part I) Kathy Messick
(1981) Color 92 minutes R Communications Coordinator

Bewitched Harbor Light
(2005) Color 102 minutes PG-13
Isabel Pedersen, Chair
Jim Ahstrom
Al Balaban
Celia Catlett
Lorna Hard
Addie Hurst
Helen Kelly

Sallie Van Arsdale
Lee Yousri

700 John Ringling Boulevard
Sarasota, FL 34236-1551



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