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Plymouth Harbor on Sarasota Bay's employee newsletter.

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Published by Plymouth Harbor on Sarasota Bay, 2018-10-01 11:19:10

The Current October 2018

Plymouth Harbor on Sarasota Bay's employee newsletter.

PLYMOUTH HARBOR ON SARASOTA BAY Employee Newsletter–Issue 57

The Current
Get your spooky on at the annual OCTOBER 2018
Wednesday, October 31st from 2-3:30 p.m. in the Wellness Center Learn n Earn
Exercise with
Contests and Prizes: Elizabeth
Pumpkin Decorating/Carving: Get your crafting skills ready and show
us how well you can decorate or carve your pumpkin! Please decorate/ OCTOBER 9
carve your pumpkin at home. The winner of the pumpkin carving contest Flu Clinic
will win a $100 giftcard.
Costume Contest: All employees are invited to dress up in their Halloween Learn n Earn
best! This year, there will be three winners: most original, best duo/group, “Eating for the
and funniest. Each winning category will receive a $100 giftcard. Holidays”
with Health Fit
Spooky Snack: Spook our taste buds off with your best boo-delicious
snack! This year, there will be two winners: best sweet snack and best OCTOBER 18
savory snack. The winner in each category will win a $75 giftcard. All who Learn n Earn
prepare a dish for the party will also receive a maximum of $2 in OnBoard Exercise with
Food & Fun Bucks. Elizabeth

New contests this year: Spooky Movie Trivia and Guess the Candy Jar OCTOBER 25
Count are new this year. You must be present to participate. Winner of Learn n Earn
each wins a $25 giftcard. “Eating for the
Where to bring your snack/pumpkin: with Health Fit
All snacks and pumpkins must be dropped off at your assigned location by
1 p.m. on Oct. 31 to be entered into the contest. If you are in the Northwest OCTOBER 31
Garden, bring snacks/pumpkins to Bert Adams. If you are in the Smith Care Halloween Party
Center, bring them to the break room. Everyone else, bring them to LOOKING AHEAD
Elizabeth or Summer in the Wellness Department. We will provide a card for
you to write your name and title. NOVEMBER 6-8
Benefits Fair
How does voting work this year?:
At the event, photos will be taken of all costumes, snacks and pumpkins. NOVEMBER 7
Costume contest participants must get their photo taken at the photo Turkey Giveaway
backdrop station. At 9 a.m. on Thursday morning (Nov. 1), the photos will
be posted on a voting board in the Wellness Center. All staff are invited to
judge the entries and cast your vote into the ballot box. You must put your
name on your ballot for it to be considered valid. One entry per person.
Voting will close the following Monday, November 5 at 4 p.m. Winners will
be announced November 6.

OCTOBER 2018 Page 2

Fight the Flu Save the Date

Annual Flu Clinic Employee Holiday Party

Thursday, October 9th Saturday, December 8, 2018
7-9 a.m. & 2-4 p.m.
Wellness Center Mote Marine

Earn $2 in Wellness Rewards Dinner, dancing, door prizes,
OnBoard Bucks!
& lots of fun!
2018 Benefits Fair
FYI: Waste Pro, our recycling
November 6th, 7th and 8th service, is no longer recycling
glass. From now on, please
The Benefits Fair is an opportunity to learn more about deposit glass into the
the benefits available to you from Plymouth Harbor. trash containers.

The fair will be held on Tuesday, November 6th in the October is Breast Cancer
Bistro for AL/MC, Chart Room, and Smith Care Center Awareness Month!
employees; Wednesday, November 7th, and Thursday,
November 8th on the Mezzanine Level for all other staff. A critical step in the fight against breast
cancer is early detection. Beyond
Benefit-eligible employees will be given a specific self-exams, a mammogram may be
appointment time from Human Resources, but all recommended. A mammogram is an
employees are welcome to stop by the Benefits Fair! X-ray image of your breasts used to screen
Requirements for the 2019 Wellness Premium Reduction for breast cancer. If you are currently
must be met by the Benefits Fair. This includes the $40 enrolled in the Plymouth Harbor Health
OnBoard Wellness Rewards Bucks, your annual physical, Plan, well-women exams and mammograms
and your 2018 Biometrics. Visit the OnBoard table at the are covered 100% with an in-network
Benefits Fair for information and questions. doctor/facility. You will also receive one
wellness reward buck for following through
The OnBoard Store on your wellness exams. What a win!

is open for business! A mammogram can be used either for
screening or for diagnostic purposes. How
The OnBoard Store opens on November 6 at often you should have a mammogram
the Benefits Fair! depends on your age and your risk of
breast cancer. Women with an average
Use your extra bucks to purchase a variety risk of breast cancer typically begin mam-
of OnBoard gear like coffee mugs, hats, mograms at age 40 and have them every
one to two years. Women with a high risk
apparel, and more. of breast cancer may benefit by beginning
screening mammograms before age 40. It
Bonus PTO days are available for purchase is important to talk with your doctor about
beginning November 6 until December 28. your risk factors, your preference and the
They will be valid January 1, 2019 until benefits and risks of screening.

November 1, 2019. One per person.

OCTOBER 2018 Page 3

Learn n Earns Employee of the Month

October 4, 12-12:30 p.m. & Sheila Strahorn, SCC
2-2:30 p.m.
Notes from Sheila’s nomination form...
Exercise with Elizabeth
“She is the pinnacle of helpfulness
October 11, 12-12:30 p.m. here in the SCC. Sheila knows her
“Eating for the Holidays” residents very well and I have
witnessed how well they respond
with Health Fit to her. She always comes to work
sporting a bright smile and ready
October 18, 12-12:30 p.m. & to lend a hand. She goes above and
2-2:30 p.m. beyond, and I cannot imagine the
SCC without her.”
Exercise with Elizabeth
Donn Smith, Safety Services
October 25, 2-2:30 p.m.
“Eating for the Holidays” “He is always helpful, offering
assistance even when I do not
with Health Fit request. He volunteered to attach
my new license plate! I have no
Mobile Learn n Earns are also avail- idea how to do that.”
able. Call Summer (Ext. 377) or Eliza-
beth (Ext. 350) to check-out a laptop! We want to hear your story!

Walk to End Alzheimer’s Our employees do some pretty incredible
things, and we want to hear about them! If
November 17 you or someone you know has a story to share,
Nathan Benderson Park whether it’s about a cool hobby, a trip,
an accomplishment, a unique upbringing or
Walk starts at 9 a.m. overcoming a life challenge, contact Kalynna
To register for the “Plymouth Harbor” Team: Thompson (Ext. 431, kalynnat@plymouthharbor.
1. Go to www. and click “Find org). You may be featured in a new segment in
The Current: Staff Spotlight!
Your Walk.”
2. Type zipcode “34236” into the search box

and select the Sarasota/Manatee Walk.
3. Click Register on the next page.
4. Click “Join A Team.”
5. Type “Plymouth Harbor” into the team

name search bar.
6. Plymouth Harbor with Brandi Burgess as the

team captain will appear. Click “Join.”
7. Fill out the required information, agree

to the terms and conditions, and click
“Review Your Details.”
8. Once you have reviewed your information
to ensure it is correct, click “Complete

OCTOBER 2018 Page 4

October Birthdays! Insights

Martha Chavez Housekeeping 1 A monthly luncheon connecting residents
Jose Perez Dining Services 1 and employees.
Jackie Stackhouse Home Care 2
Alyson Harris Accounting 2 Featuring:
Dennis Ortiz SCC 6
Kekette Louis Home Care 6 Ellen & Nat Steele
Carlene Harris Anderson SCC 8
Hernando Cortes SCC 11 October 26
Jim Myers Housekeeping 11 12 - 12 : 30 p.m.
Meghan Scholz Home Care 12 in the Club Ro om
Merline Pierre Home Care 14 Contact Karen Smith
Joan Weder Wellness 14 at Ext. 399 to sign up!
Rene Weder Dining Services 17
Trisha Roman Housekeeping 19 If you sign up to attend, please arrive on time. If for any reason
Dallas Conklin Dining Services 19 you can no longer attend, please let Karen Smith know.
Andy Davis Dining Services 20
Annette Valentine SCC 24 Wellness Center Orientations
Elizabeth Goldsmith Wellness 24
Manny Flores SCC 25 Did you know all employees and
Sandy Taylor Administration 25 spouses get FREE 24/7 access to the
Nancy Chan SCC 26 Wellness Center? Call Summer (Ext.
Sam Zehr Dining Services 26 377) or Elizabeth (Ext. 350) to set up
Nicole Bush Dining Services 28
Melissa Bailey SCC 30 an orientation and get started!

Monthly Motivation @PlymouthHarbor

“Self love is the greatest medicine, but The Current is Plymouth Harbor’s
you should get your flu shot just in case.” monthly employee newsletter.

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