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Plymouth Harbor on Sarasota Bay's employee newsletter.

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Published by Plymouth Harbor on Sarasota Bay, 2017-12-04 13:01:13

The Current December 2017

Plymouth Harbor on Sarasota Bay's employee newsletter.



Be A Santa to A Senior DECEMBER 2017
The “Be a Santa to a Senior”
program, adopted in years past DECEMBER 6
by our Health Services Department, Blood Drive
is open this year to all Plymouth
Harbor employees and residents. DECEMBER 7
Holiday Food Truck
Home Instead Senior Care is the the tree that is located near the Luncheon
sponsor of this annual program, Wellness Wall in the Ground Floor
which is designed to bring smiles corridor of the Tower. Any donated DECEMBER 9
and joy to seniors who may gifts can be dropped off in the Employee Holiday
have financial limitations or be Wellness Center. Please do so by Party
socially isolated. Donated gifts Friday, December 15th.
are delivered to needy seniors in DECEMBER 12
Sarasota County on December This important program is certain 401k Consultation
20th and 21st. to bring joy and holiday cheer to
those in need this season. If you DECEMBER 14 New!
If you would like to participate, have questions, please contact DECEMBER 28 Repeat
simply choose an ornament from Brandi Burgess at Ext. 379. Learn n Earn
“Increasing Energy
Best Places to Work! the Healthy Way”

In August, we asked you to participate in the DECEMBER 29
Sarasota Herald-Tribune’s “Best Places to Work” OnBoard Store
survey - a survey competition to determine which forms due!
participants are the best employers in the region.
We are excited to announce that Plymouth Harbor DECEMBER 31
was named in the Top 25 of Sarasota’s Best Places Fall Walking
to Work! Thank you for your participation - we, too, Challenge Ends!
believe that Plymouth Harbor is one of Sarasota’s
best places to work! As promised, we will hold a
“Food Truck Friday” to celebrate in early 2018.


If you have 2017 OnBoard Bucks left over
you may choose to spend them in the
OnBoard Store! And yes! You may use both
Food & Fun or Wellness Rewards Bucks, or
a combination of the two.
Simply obtain an OnBoard Store Order
Form from Jennifer Bruneman (Ext. 443).
You must fill out this form and turn in your
Bucks no later than Friday, December 29th.
You may also choose to spend your excess
Bucks at the Holiday Food Truck Luncheon.

Winter The Winter Challenge begins Monday, January 1st!
Challenge Challenge Rules
• The Challenge will end on Sunday, March 31st.
WHAT’S UP • Minimum step requirement will remain at 400,000 steps.
IN WELLNESS • Participants will earn $1 in OnBoard Wellness Rewards

EQUIPMENT Bucks per 100,000 steps you walk. (Challenge max: $10).
Interested in participating? Employees who participated in a
Contact Elizabeth previous Challenge will be automatically re-enrolled. You do not
Goldsmith to schedule at have to do anything - the new challenge will show up on Jan. 1st.
Ext. 350 or ElizabethG@
NEW participants will need to sign up. Please contact Jennifer Bruneman (Ext. 443) to do so.

HEALTH COACHING Upcoming Holiday Parties

Are you interested in Annual Holiday Annual Holiday
working with Plymouth Food Truck Luncheon Par ty !
Harbor’s Employee Health
Coach? Contact Employee Thursday, December 7th Saturday, December 9th
Health Coach Joan Weder
Full Belly Stu ed Burgers at Mote Marine Aquarium
at 941-374-0815 Traveling Kitchen Grill from 6:30-10:30 p.m.
or JoanW@ Croz’s Surf Shack
We will have access to the Employees will be given Mote Aquarium, such as the
$15 OnBoard Bucks at the
event to give to vendors in 35,000-gallon shark tank
exchange for your meal. and reef fish exhibits.

*Note: the last day to purchase
tickets was November 29th.


Employee of the month Give the gift of life!

Luis Arevalo And Earn $2 in 2018 Wellness
Rewards OnBoard Bucks!
Wednesday, Dec. 6th
Employee since July 1999 1:30-4:30 p.m.

Notes from Luis’ Front of Plymouth Harbor
nomination form:
Sign up by contacting
Luis expresses Elizabeth Goldsmith at Ext. 350
enthusiasm and eagerness or [email protected]
in promoting the mission of
Plymouth Harbor. His caring attitude for the residents is Suncoast Blood Bank is also
demonstrated on a daily basis. He is a valued employee seeking “Double Red Donations”
of the Transportation Department, and regularly receives Red cells are needed by more patients than
positive comments by residents and sta . any other blood component. This procedure
allows the blood bank to select only red
New Learn n cells. Two units of red cells are collected
Earns Coming during the procedure. All else is returned
in 2018! to you, along with additional fluids. This
procedure allows you to double your impact
In 2018, Plymouth Harbor will be holding a new series of with one visit. There are additional eligibility
Learn n Earns with a company known as the Food Pharmacy! requirements for this type of donation.

The Food Pharmacy’s mission is to educate on the benefits PLYM UTH
of whole-food, plant-based nutrition and lifestyle choices. HARB R
They believe that food is medicine, and that optimal health
can be achieved and disease can be prevented, and in many CAMI, THE GREAT DANE
cases, reversed with the power of your fork. The organization
was founded by Evelisse Capó, who is a Doctor of Pharmacy, Franco Valencia, Dining Services
and a health and nutrition educator and cooking instructor.
The Food Pharmacy will be onsite to conduct our January Have a pet picture? Send images to:
and February Learn n Earns, presenting on their approach to [email protected]
wellness, along with a cooking demonstration. Employees
will be able to ask questions and sample food; they will also
be provided a copy of the recipies.
Sign up will be on a first-come, first-served basis. The
maximum number of people who can be accommodated
during each session is 20. Call Jennifer Bruneman at Ext.
443 to sign up!
Learn n Earns will be held on the following dates:
January 11th at 12:00 p.m. February 8th at 12:00 p.m
January 25th at 2:00 p.m. February 22nd at 2:00 p.m.
Learn more about The Food Pharmacy at:


During a walk with our grandchildren
along the bayside walk west of the Tower,
we were alerted of a trapped and distressed
pelican in the mangroves just offshore...
We want to thank and recognize George for
his quick response and courageous rescue of
the pelican. We think he is definitely a Shining Star.

Alexander Koch Dining Services 1st DID YOU KNOW?
Jorge Samarzija Dining Services 2nd
Sandra Near Smith Care Center 3rd 69 % of parents and 78% of teens
Darwin Goldsmith Transportation 4th check their mobile devices at least
Myrtice Baldwin Smith Care Center 5th hourly. Additionally, 52% of teens feel
Waverly Tanner Dining Services 6th they are addicted to their phones.
Julio Villalobos Alcala Dining Services 9th Source: Common Sense Media: Dealing with
Felipe Morales Dining Services 9th Devices: The Parent-Teen Dynamic
Elizabeth Clark Home Care 11th
Sherrie Humes Smith Care Center 12th Between constant alerts from your
Holly Williams Marketing 13th smart phone and autoplay streaming on
Diana Burnside Smith Care Center 17th platforms such as Netflix, it can be hard to
Bridget Chapman Home Care 17th drown out technology and remain mindful
Ebony Glover Smith Care Center 17th these days. However, there are simple
Rhonda Davis Smith Care Center 19th changes that can help.
Brenda Vega Smith Care Center 20th
Kasheenia Chilson Smith Care Center 22nd Autoplay is most notable on Netflix and
Tyler Rowlands Dining Services 23rd Facebook. It is typically on by default, but
Ronnique Denrow Smith Care Center 24th this feature can easily be turned off in the
Elizabeth Astuto Smith Care Center 26th app’s account Settings. The same can be
Wanda Velasquez Housekeeping 28th done for push notifications -- those little
Thorr Garrett Smith Care Center 28th alerts you get to check your apps, enticing
John Harris Dining Services 29th you to use them more often.
Teah Stebbins Smith Care Center 29th This season, spend the holidays with
Rose Wojtaszek Facilities 30th friends and family, not your phone.
James Reising Dining Services 31st
The Current is the employee newsletter
of Plymouth Harbor on Sarasota Bay

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