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Plymouth Harbor on Sarasota Bay's employee newsletter.

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Published by Plymouth Harbor on Sarasota Bay, 2017-11-02 09:39:13

The Current November 2017

Plymouth Harbor on Sarasota Bay's employee newsletter.



Annual Turkey Giveaway NOVEMBER 2017
If you are unable to attend the event: DATES TO REMEMBER
Plymouth Harbor’s Annual Employee
Turkey Giveaway began in 2009 as -See or call Lori Hoskins (Ext. 535) NOVEMBER 2 New!
a heartfelt gesture to staff, thanking in Dining Services to pick up your NOVEMBER 16 Repeat
them not only for what they do for turkey. Pick up is only between Learn n Earn
residents, but also for Plymouth Nov. 14th-17th (no exceptions will “Mindful Eating for
Harbor as a whole. That tradition be made past the 17th). the Holidays”
continues today.
-You may only pick up on the above NOVEMBER 7 & 8
This year, the giveaway will be held dates between 9-11 a.m. or 2-4 p.m. Annual Benefits Fair
Tuesday, November 14th, from
2:30-4:30 p.m. on the Northwest -You must have your employee NOVEMBER 11
corner of the front lawn of Plymouth “turkey certificate” with you. You Veterans Day
Harbor (near the loading dock). may pick up a fellow employee’s
turkey for them, BUT you must NOVEMBER 11
have their certificate as well. The Walk to End
We hope you’ll come out, get your
turkey, and join in on the fun this NOVEMBER 14
holiday season! Annual Turkey
Bene ts Fair OnBoard Bucks for the
2017 calendar year must be NOVEMBER 16
The Benefits Fair is an earned by the Benefits Fair. Self-defense class in
opportunity to learn more the Wellness Center
about what benefits are available to you This includes the $40 (see back page for
from our Human Resources Department. OnBoard Wellness Rewards details)
The fair will be held on Tuesday, November Bucks required for the 2018
7th, and Wednesday, November 8th on insurance premium reduction. NOVEMBER 23
the Mezzanine Level. Thanksgiving Day
Visit the OnBoard table at the
Benefit-eligible employees will be given a Benefits Fair for information, NOVEMBER 30 New!
specific appointment time from Human questions, and more! Learn n Earn
Resources, but all employees are welcome “Mindful Meditation”
to stop by the Benefits Fair!


Sandy Etayo, Wendy Popovic, Brian Bly, Facilities Kasheenia Chilson, SCC
and Alyson Harris, Accounting
“Crime Scene Cupcakes” “Carriage Pumpkin”
“The Weather Girls”

hoeRmuoernspioldodreyeidnenietgcssated Upcoming Holiday Parties

Following Hurricane Annual Holiday Annual Holiday
Irma, a number of Food Truck Luncheon Par ty !
residents made gifts to
the Plymouth Harbor Thursday, December 7th Saturday, December 9th
Foundation in honor
of employees who Similar to last year, at Mote Marine Aquarium
went above and we will have several food from 6:30-10:30 p.m.
trucks on campus, parked near
beyond during the valet spaces at the front $5 per ticket (employees are
the event. invited to bring one adult guest)
of Plymouth Harbor. We will have access to the Mote
We wanted to Aquarium, such as the 35,000-gallon
recognize those Employees will be given shark tank and reef fish exhibits.
generous donors here: special OnBoard bucks at the Contact Resident Programming
Aubert & Sandra Coran (Ext. 252/located in E-201)
Margaret D’Albert event to give to the food for tickets and more information.
Joanne Hogan vendors in exchange
Fred and Molly Mo at for your meal.
Bobi Sanderson

The following employees correctly answered the RACE/PASS test during the
Quarterly Fire Drill in October, earning $10 each. Congratulations!

Alena Scandura, Housekeeping; Doug Glaser, Transportation; Sande Esparza,
Housekeeping; Kathleen Collins, Front Desk; Lois Neuenschwander, Smith Care
Center (SCC); Sheila Strahorn, SCC; Kasheenia Chilson, SCC; Rebecca Hutchins,
SCC; Dallas Conklin, Dining Services; and Bridget Chapman, Home Care.


Employee of the month with us!

Home Care All Faiths Food Bank
Sorting Day
Employee since August 2004
Saturday, November 4th
Notes from Cindy’s 8:30 – 11:00 a.m.
nomination form: Contact Bert Adams
(Ext. 480) for
Cindy has excellent questions/sign up.
independent judgment The Walk to End
and decision-making skills. I am always confident that she Alzheimer’s
will handle things appropriately when on duty. She gets
along well with coworkers and is positive and cooperative. Saturday, November 11th
She will always do whatever is asked with a positive attitude. 9:00 a.m. at Nathan
We are lucky to have Cindy in the Callahan Center. Benderson Park

Ever wonder how the EOM is chosen? Contact Joe Devore (Ext. 246)
for questions/sign up.
Have you ever wondered how someone becomes the Employee of
the Month? Here’s how the process works: PLYM UTH
First, a fellow employee must complete and submit a form to
Human Resources (HR) nominating the person. (Forms are COTTON
located near the East Garden Garage timeclock). HR then
reviews the nominee’s personnel file to be sure it doesn’t Sheila Strahorn,
contain anything that would prevent him/her from being Smith Care Center
considered, such as a Plan for Success, history of tardiness,
record of excessive absenteeism, etc. Next, HR reaches out to Have a funny/cute/creative picture
the nominee’s supervisor, seeking their support. There may of your pet(s)? Send images to:
be a recent performance issue that HR isn’t yet aware of. If [email protected]
issues are discovered, the employee’s name is not added to
the employee of the month ballot. However, if the employee
meets the criteria, then his/her name is added to the ballot.
So, what is the criteria for becoming an employee of the month?

-Be a full- or part-time employee (flex employees arenot eligible)
-Be an employee for at least 12 months
-Be cooperative and willing to go the extra mile
-Have a “great attitude”
-Have a good attendance record
-Comply with company policies and procedures

Who chooses the employee of the month? A committee
comprised of the 12 previous employees of the month is
given information on all nominees and casts their vote.
And that sums up the process! If you have questions or
wish to nominate a fellow employee, please contact the HR
department (Kyle Rogers, HR Manager, Ext. 207).


Cindy is always professional and kind to
both residents and staff alike, and is always All employees are
willing to go the extra mile to help others. In invited to attend this
September, she outdid herself by working one-hour workshop,
on two nursing assigments and helping with where you will learn
the evacuation of residents! skilled self-defense
techniques, right here
Brenda Markus Smith Care Center 2nd at Plymouth Harbor!
Kylie Willis Dining Services 3rd
Joan Wasowicz Smith Care Center 5th Who: Krav Maga Manatee will be
Danielle Hinds Smith Care Center 5th onsite to teach this workshop.
Carlos Irimia Security 6th
Vernicia Crenshaw Dining Services 6th What: This workshop will cover many
Karen Smith Resident Services 10th areas related to personal self-defense,
Stephen Kwarcinski Front Desk 10th including: situational awareness and
William McRae Security 11th specific self-defense techniques.
Frances Delaney Smith Care Center 13th When: Thursday, November 16th
Sonia Williams Smith Care Center 13th from 4:45-5:45 p.m.
Iman Dowe-Brewton Home Care 13th Where: The Wellness Center
Theresa Gargano Dining Services 14th Cost: $5 cash or payroll deducted.
Michael Tomovich Maintenance 15th You may also use $5 in Wellness
Linda Parnell Smith Care Center 16th Rewards OR Food & Fun OnBoard
Stephen Matosky Security 17th Bucks to pay for this one-time class.
Jadling Guillen Home Care 18th Sign up: Contact Elizabeth Goldsmith
Mia Bazari Home Care 19th in the Wellness Center at Ext. 350 or
Sarahi Rosas Smith Care Center 19th [email protected].
Alexis Lee Smith Care Center 19th
Terica Taylor Dining Services 21st The Current is the employee newsletter
John Loprete Security 22nd of Plymouth Harbor on Sarasota Bay
Tormika Bonner Smith Care Center 22nd
Shawnta Pittman Smith Care Center 25th
Sherly Cavalier Home Care 27th
Kimberly Dente Dining Services 29th
Gabriela Sanchez Dining Services 30th

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