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Published by Halston Media, 2019-04-24 15:54:31

Mahopac News 04.25.19

VOL. 10 NO. 10 Visit for the latest news. THURSDAY, APRIL 25, 2019

Mahopac Cub Scouts watch in fascination as their SAPNEEEDEFDO!R
Pinewood Derby model cars race down the track
earlier this month during the annual competition held
this year at the Mahopac rehouse on Route 6. For
more pictures of the event, turn to page 3.


High school tour shows desperate need for renovations

$54 million remodel plan would bring Mahopac into 21st century

BY BOB DUMAS school and turned on the lights. He immediately pointed If district voters go to polls on May 21 and greenlight a
EDITOR to the stained countertops. $54 million tax-neutral capital improvement project bond,
the science lab will be one of the rst items on the long “to-
Mahopac’s assistant superintendent for business a airs, “As you can see, it’s completely dated. ese counters are do list”to get checked o .
Harvey Sotland, walked into the science lab at the high not dirty, it’s just the way they are,”he said.“You can’t clean


10 Multiple Sclerosis
29 fundraiser reaises $50K.

pg 18-19






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Off to the races! Mahopac Boy Scout Troop 71
held its annual Pinewood Derby
competition earlier this month
at the Mahopac rehouse on
Route 6. For the traditional
event, the Scouts built small
wooden cars from kits and then
raced them, thanks to gravity,
down a track to see who could
get the fastest times.

Many of the Scouts had high hopes for their Pinewood Derby

The Pinewood Derby cars take their
place at the starting line.

Cub Scouts cheer on their cars.

Scouts Cole
Orofino and
Noah Guedes
- both 9
years old

Dominic Termine
“Firehouse Favorite” Ben Rucker; first place, Jack Blauer; second place, Cars lined up for the Pinewood Derby
Rylan McIntyre; and third place, Ben Nichols


The Staff Festa Italiana at Short Story Writing now for drawing, painting, pot- Fire Department Ladies Auxil-
Italian American Club for Seniors tery, photography, printmaking iary will hold a cake sale at Red
EDITORIAL TEAM and more for people of all ages Mills Market, 575 Route 6N,
BOB DUMAS Experience an Italian Village Introduction to Short-Story and interests. Our spring session Mahopac,Sunday, May 5, 9 a.m.
Party! Enjoy a delicious Ital- Writing for Seniors - Join author, begins mid-April into early May. to 1 p.m., rain or shine.
EDITOR: 845-208-0774 ian dinner catered by Frank and columnist, and teacher, Dorothy Classes are taught by quali ed art
[email protected] Augie’Z restaurant and dance all Killackey, for a free six-session instructors in art studio spaces at NYS Boating Classes
evening to great Italian music by short story writing workshop the Belle Levine Art Center in
GABRIELLE BILIK DJnick. Saturday, April 27, 6-10 to help guide aspiring writers. Mahopac. Learn new skills in a NYS boating classes will be held
SPORTS EDITOR: 914-214-4285 p.m. Italian American Club of Classes will be held every Tues- friendly environment and discover at the Society Hill Clubhouse, 38
Mahopac day, 11 a.m.-noon, at the Wil- the artist in you. Visit www.put- Jonathan Drive,Mahopac.Classes
[email protected] liam Koehler Senior Center, 180 or call 845- are from 9 a.m. to 5 p.m. (ending
141 Buckshollow Road, Ma- Route 6, Mahopac. Registration 803-8622 for details and to enroll. with an exam) on April 27, May
ADVERTISING TEAM hopac. Tickets are $40 and can required. Call Irene at 845-808- PAC is located at 521 Kennicut 18 and June 22. ere will be a fee
CORINNE STANTON be purchased at www.italiana- 1734, ext. 2. Hill Road, Mahopac. of $10, plus the NYS $10 fee. For
845-621-4049 For more information, contact Lynn
more information call/text Nick PAC Art Classes Cake Sale Glassman at 914-522-2140.
[email protected] at 914-843-2153.Fundraising for
LISA KAIN the Italian American Club of Ma- Art classes for ages at the Put- Get your Mother’s Day cake Mahopac Library
hopac’s Accessibility Project for nam Art Council (PAC). Register early! Mahopac Falls Voluntary Events
914-351-2424 People with Disabilities.
[email protected]
May 5, 2019 • 1pm - 3pm Defensive Driving Class
PAUL FORHAN Saturday, April 27, 9:45 a.m. –
914-202-2392 @ South Putnam Animal Hospital 2:45 p.m. e Defensive Driving
[email protected] 230b Baldwin Place Rd, Mahopac, NY 10541 Insurance Reduction Program is
JENNIFER CONNELLY a course consisting of a series of
914-334-6335 Pony Rides • Dog & Cat Trainers • Local Doggy Daycare • Service Dogs lms and discussions about driv-
[email protected] Boarding Kennel • Information About Cat Boarding ing attitudes and behaviors. It is
NANCY SORBELLA designed for licensed drivers, but
914-205-4183 Information About Puppy Parties Plus Meet Our New Doctors those with permits may attend.
[email protected] Completion of the course may re-
BRUCE HELLER (845) 628-1834 • sult in a ten percent liability insur-
914-202-2941 ance discount to the principal op-
[email protected] Your One-Stop Shop for erator (check with your insurance
company) as well as a maximum
PRODUCTION TEAM Deck Building Materials of four points o the driver’s vio-
TABITHA PEARSON MARSHALL lation record. is program is ap-
Mahopac Railroad Tie proved by the DMV. Registration
PRODUCTION MANAGER procedures: $45 per person, $35
DESIGNER/PHOTOGRAPHER Experts in Deck Lumber for seniors 65-plus. Register on-
[email protected] 911 Route 6, Mahopac, NY line @,
845-628-8111 | | x or call 845-628-2009, ext. 100.
GABRIELLE BILIK Payment will be taken on the day
ASST PRODUCTION MANAGER of the class. Cash or checks pay-
able to Jack Coxen only; charge
914-214-4285 cards not accepted.
[email protected] Armchair Actors
Sunday, April 28, 2 p.m. e
CHRISTINA ROSE Armchair Actors present: “Mono-
PRODUCTION/DESIGNER logues and More!” Get ready to
be entertained by a performance
EXECUTIVE TEAM of scenes from “Steel Magnolias.”
BRETT FREEMAN Plus, script readings of one-act
plays: “A Hysterical History of the
PUBLISHER: 845-208-8151 American Revolution,” “Who’s on
[email protected] First?” and “Weight of Laughter.”
Registration is requested; register
VP OF SALES: or call 845-628-2009, ext. 100.
Early Literacy Program Reg-
845-621-1116 istration
[email protected] Monday, April 29, 10 a.m. In-
person and online registration
Deadlines for spring early literacy pro-
grams at the Mahopac Public
MAHOPAC NEWS DEADLINE Library - all programs designed
THE DEADLINE FOR ADVERTISEMENTS to develop listening, thinking,
language, imagination and so-
AND EDITORIAL SUBMISSIONS FOR cial skills, plus, it’s a great way to
meet other parents! Support your
MAHOPAC NEWS IS THE THURSDAY child’s love of reading and foster
BEFORE THE NEXT PUBLICATION DATE. a life-long desire to learn. You
are encouraged to make use of a
FOR MORE INFORMATION, variety of books, kits and parent-
CALL BOB DUMAS AT ing materials available for loan at
the library. To register, visit www.
845-208-0774 OR EMAIL, or stop-in at
[email protected]. the library’s youth services desk.


EMAIL [email protected].


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District apologizes to New Rochelle Sheriff’s Office launches
for racist behavior at lax game new mobile app

BY BOB DUMAS tive) Mexicans” and some Mahopac players Putnam County Sheri ’s O ce • Sheri ’s O ce social media feeds
EDITOR avoided shaking hands with African-American
players after the game. e station also reported has created an iPhone and Android (web,Facebook,Twitter and Instagram)
School Superintendent Anthony DiCarlo that the player accused of using the foul language
said he’s reached out and apologized to the New was taken out of the game but reported that mobile app as a service to the commu- “ e new mobile app will help enable
Rochelle School District after some members New Rochelle parents said that’s not enough.
of the Mahopac JV boys lacrosse team were ac- nity. e app is available for download the public to be our community partners
cused of using racial epithets directed at their DiCarlo noted that the investigation was
opponents during a game on April 11. slowed a bit because right after the incident free of charge from the app stores for in public safety with critical news and
occurred Mahopac schools closed for spring
“Literally, that night I reached out and spoke break. He said the investigation resumed in your phone or tablet. Search: “Putnam alerts,” said Sheri Robert L. Langley
to the high school principal, athletic director earnest when sta and students returned on
and superintendent,” DiCarlo told Mahopac Tuesday. County Sheri NY.” Jr. “ e community will be able to sub-
News.“ ey were happy to hear from me; they
know me down there. I apologized for it; it’s “No one will know the magnitude of it all e new app is an innovative ap- mit con dential tips and photographs
hard to control what kids say in the heat of pas- because I am not allowed to talk about the dis-
sion. But we are not going to let it fester.We are cipline of students,” he said. “When the time proach to help Putnam County citi- to us right through the app. e mis-
going to let the kids and the community know comes, I will say what I can say under the law.
that this is not acceptable. We remember what Less than three hours after the incident, we zens, businesses, and visitors stay tuned sion of Putnam County Sheri ’s O ce
happened in 2014.” were in close concert with [New Rochelle]. We
are working together as part of the investiga- to important news and resources from is to protect and serve our community.
DiCarlo was referring to an incident that tion. ere is no place for something like this
took place in February 2014 when several in Mahopac.” the Sheri ’s O ce. After downloading erefore, our new app will help us to
members of the Mahopac varsity basketball
team were suspended for allegedly making ra- DiCarlo said the incident “regrettably re- the app onto your smartphone or tablet, be even more e ective in that mission.”
cial remarks during a Sectional game against minds us that, as school o cials we must be
Mount Vernon and making racial slurs on ever vigilant when confronting behavior that you can receive important and timely To engage the community in pub-
Twitter after the game. runs counter to expected norms.”
alerts and noti cations from the Sher- lic safety, anyone with the app can use
DiCarlo said an investigation into the April “ e Mahopac Central School District is
11 incident is being conducted and that “any- committed to promoting and nurturing a dis- i ’s O ce. the “Share our App” feature to forward
one found responsible will be held accountable crimination-free environment for its students,
in accordance with district policies and proce- as well as visiting students from other schools,” One of the app’s key features is Sub- alerts and download links to friends,
dures.” DiCarlo said in a prepared statement released
last week.“Mahopac public schools will contin- mit a Tip, which enables users to sub- family, and neighbors.
Channel 12 News reported that the parents of ue to implement and re ne strategies designed
boys on the New Rochelle team said a Mahopac to cultivate a school climate of acceptance, mit anonymous tips about narcotics, e Putnam County Sheri ’s O ce
player called the New Rochelle players “(exple- compassion and respect.”
underage drinking, human tra cking mobile app was created by eSher-

and other incidents via email and texts i, a division of OCV, LLC,

or with their contact information. e which specializes in mobile app devel-

tip lines also allow users to submit a opment for Sheri ’s o ces and public

photo with the tip. safety. With more 200 apps in the app

Additional important features in- stores, OCV designs and develops cus-

clude: tom apps for state, county, and local

• Inmate information government agencies.

• Warrants, sex o enders, victim no- Seized asset funds were used to fund

ti cation the development of the app.No tax dol-

• Programs (child safety seat, drug lars were used.

hotline, Project Lifesaver, plus many

more) Article provided by Putnam County

• Pistol permits and handgun safety Sheri ’s O ce

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“From the oors to the ceiling, it will be redone,”

Sotland said of the science lab. “It’s a complete gut,

MATERIALS so to speak. It’s not conducive to what we need. It’s

MASONRY & LANDSCAPE SUPPLIES quite aged and obsolete.”

Sotland, School Board President Leslie Mancuso,

and Christopher Glaubitz, an architect with Tetra

Tech, the rm designing the capital projects, took a

We Offer: tour of the high school last week to illustrate rst-

hand what the bond will cover and why the remodels

Screened Top Soil Cement Products are necessary. PHOTO: BOB DUMAS
Clean Fill Belgium Blocks Glaubitz said he would be consulting with the sci-
Cowbay Sand Flagstone For Walks Architect Christopher Glaubitz and assistant
ence teachers to learn what they want the new lab to superintendent Harvey Sotland look over the
look like. outdated science lab at the high school.

Mason Sand & Patios “ ey have to have a certain number of amenities,”

Item 4 Flagstone Treads Glaubitz said. “ ey need gas [valves] and sinks and the design of the classrooms should facilitate current

a demonstration table. ere are lots of ways to de- teaching styles, and encourages students to think on

3/8”, 1 1/4” Washed For Steps sign a classroom, so we will be going through it with their feet. According to the video, the school library

Gravel Field Stone the sta to gure [out what they need]. We’ll have of the 21st century has become a multi-media center,

Mulch All Types PVC For new ceilings and lighting. e oor tile will be abat- allowing for multi-faceted investigation and student

ed because it has asbestos in it, so we’ll get that out.” collaboration. Under the proposed plan, Mahopac

Various Colored Mulch Drainage It’s been almost two decades since the district school libraries would be able to o er these resources

Sweet Peet Excavation Work underwent any major capital improvements and as to the students.

Cement Blocks Rock Hammer Work educational methods have transformed, so, too, have e project also calls for improvements to energy

issues surrounding safety. District leaders say the systems throughout the district. Field lighting, roof-

100 Buckshollow Road time has come to address some of those changes. ing, heating and ventilation will all be addressed.
Mahopac, NY 10541 • 845-628-8110
School o cials say this capital investment project e capital project was developed with much de-
Monday-Friday 7:30 AM - 4:00 PM will bring 21st century improvements to the district’s liberation, o cials said. Last year, the school board

Saturday 7:30 AM - 1:00 PM six school buildings and the bus garage without in- directed a group of school leaders, parents, com-

creasing taxes. munity members and a team of nancial, legal, con-

e project will address the need for STEAM fa- struction, architectural and engineering professionals

cilities, the conversion of libraries into multi-media to create a plan that addresses the most pressing fa-

centers, music and performance area improvements, cilities needs in the district. ey created the capital

athletic elds and facilities upgrades, infrastructure project based on a community survey, building con-

and energy e ciency, as well as security improve- dition survey, a ve-year facilities review, and many

ments such as secured entryways at all the schools. SEE RENOVATIONS PAGE 9
A video the district prepared about the project said

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RENOVATIONS suite,” Sotland said. “It would then be bro- Falls School. PHOTO: BOB DUMAS
ken up into di erent functional areas, like “Right now, we have three separate facili-
FROM PAGE 8 carpentry, robotics, electrical, with a com- School Board President Leslie Mancuso
mon area where the kids can come together ties,” he said. “We could drill new wells or and architect Christopher Glaubitz tour the
discussions with parents, teachers, sta , stu- and talk and collaborate.” rehabilitate existing wells…with a central wornout boys locker room.
dents and community members. tank. We have quality-of-water issues, as
Sotland noted that the courses that will well as pressure issues and this should rem- of original construction and a lot of parents
e complete cost will be just under $54 be o ered in that suite are what colleges are edy that.” [went to school] in those rooms, so they
million. Most of the proposed work will be looking for. know [the upgrades] are needed. For things
eligible for state aid at 58.1 percent. What’s e plan also calls for the upgrading of like STEAM, it is really critical for us to get
more, the project will be tax-neutral because e boys locker room at the high school security at the district’s schools by creating up to par with the other districts.”
the borrowing for the bond will begin as ex- was in particular disarray, badly in need of a secure entryway vestibules, similar to what’s
isting debt expires and comes o the books. makeover. already been done at the middle school Voting on the referendum takes place
Construction is planned to begin the spring Tuesday, May 21, from 6 a.m. to 9 p.m. at
of 2021. “It’s borderline in a state of disrepair. e “No one will be able to get into the build- Mahopac High School at the same time as
lockers are rusty, and some have jagged ings anymore by just walking in,” Sotland the annual school budget vote.
A look at the high school’s music room edges,” Sotland pointed out. “ is will be a said. “And in a lot of the buildings we will
showed the space was in desperate need of complete gut top to bottom.” be putting in extra [ re alarm] pull stations PUBLIC INFORMATION SESSIONS
a remodel. as well as more re strobe [lights]. April 29, 7 p.m.: Middle school PTO
e girls locker room was recently re-
“Look at the [instrument] storage, the modeled, so it doesn’t appear in the capital “Fulmar Road will get an elevator,” he meeting at Mahopac Middle School
shelving itself is virtually worn away,” Sot- project plan. added. “It’s the only school in the district May 6, 7 p.m.: MSA meeting at Ma-
land said. “ e acoustics in the room are that doesn’t have one. If you are in a wheel-
non-existent. It’s not conducive [to playing Outside, Sotland showed why upgrades chair or on crutches, you have to master the hopac Falls School
music].” to the high school’s practice eld are needed. stairs.”
On a rainy day, the sod eld was soaked and
More space is needed, too, as Sotland dotted with puddles throughout. e plan is School o cials have been meeting with
pointed out that it is di cult to t more to resurface it with synthetic turf—like the residents and community service groups to
than one group or band into the space. adjacent football eld. explain the bond referendum, how it works
and what it means to the school district and
e capital project also calls for dedicated “ e practice eld, which gets tremen- its students. Sotland said the reaction has
space for STEAM activities. ree multi- dous community use, badly needs to be re- been positive so far.
purpose rooms will be combined for that done. It gets ooded,” Sotland said.
purpose. “We are touching on a lot of di erent
Sotland said the district is also looking things that impacts almost every child in
“ ree rooms will be opened up and to create a centralized water facility for the the district,” he said. “We are replacing a lot
connected for what I refer to as a STEAM high school, middle school and neighboring

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‘Our country is full’ Mueller and Russian
“I believe our biggest threat is our declining Of particular concern, forewarned by the EIG
labor force,” said Gov. Phil Scott of Ver- report, is that population stagnation contributes Now that Trump has proven
mont, a Republican, in his annual budget to workforce decay and precipitates economic entirely innocent of collu-
sion with Russia, it is time
address this year. “It’s the root of every problem we decline. It negatively a ects housing markets, to begin a national discussion on LIFE,
why the collusion narrative arose HEALTH,
face.” town and county nances, and seized hold of the Democrat POLITICS
zeitgeist so strongly that many still
e Economic Innovation HERE workforce productivity, and cannot let it go. MARA
Group (EIG), a think tank AND the vitality of the commu- SCHIFFREN
for the high-tech industry, NOW! nity. Home prices in Putnam In days of yore, you can bet your
released a study last month County have yet to recover life that this situation would have but the Mueller report makes it
produced a lengthy and detailed, clear that the Russian interference
that warns that this country’s BERNIE from the correction trig- Pulitzer prize-worthy journalistic failure was Obama’s alone. He was
biggest economic challenge KOSBERG gered by the nancial crisis of look into why and how the collu- the commander-in-chief when all
is demographic decline, not 2008-09 and are well below sion narrative arose. It’s a riveting of this happened.”
topic. Unfortunately, in our current
overpopulation. e EIG the height of the last sellers’ age, many journalists are still hav- is is very odd behavior. Un-
ing a hard time coming to terms precedented, one might say. Why,
study found that 80 percent market. Fallen home prices and with the reality embedded in the indeed, did Obama do nothing?
report because they bought the If only the press would wake up
of American counties, with a combined popula- weak public nances create a vicious cycle that narrative hook, line and sinker. It out of its stupor and begin to
comes down to the fact that they investigate this issue seriously. To
tion of 150 million, saw a decline in the number communities experiencing a loss in population wanted to believe the narrative be- demand answers! To hold former
cause the narrative made it easier President Obama accountable
of prime working-age adults from 2007 to nd hard to escape. for them to deal with the shock of for this lapse! But that approach
Trump’s surprise win. ere had seems unlikely to y. And that’s
2017. is includes Putnam County. “Middle e parts of the country that have grown to be a nefarious reason for this, because the majority of the press
because otherwise it was purely loved President Obama, agreed
America” isn’t burdened with too many people; in population and become more economically irrational. And next to impos- with him politically for the most
sible. So, their own pollsters had part and don’t want to do anything
it needs a lot more. dynamic in recent history, thereby avoiding the assured them. It followed therefore to embarrass him now. So, it seems
that Trump had cheated in some unlikely that anyone he would give
Overpopulation is just another Trump lie. downward spiral of population loss, are those manner or another. And plus, he’s access to would hold his feet to the
so cagey that he must be guilty of
Due to a record-low fertility rate (the number of that have bene tted from the arrival of immi- something. ey had only to nd re or even that Congress would
it and then pin it on him. ask him to testify before them on
children born per woman) and a drastic reduc- grants. is includes large coastal metropolitan this matter.
e Mueller report substanti-
tion in immigration, population growth in the areas, inland cities, and smaller communities ates that Russian interference into As Scott Jennings states later in
our elections began in 2014. And the same article: “In 2010, he and
U.S. is at its lowest level since the mid-1930s. that have openly welcomed new arrivals, such as that Obama never did anything to Eric Holder, his Attorney Gen-
stop it. He even went so far as to eral, declined to prosecute Julian
In relation to its size, the continental United Pittsburgh, Las Vegas and Dayton. call o National Security Advi- Assage, who then went on to help
sor Susan Rice from pursuing the Russia hack the Democratic Na-
States is one of the most thinly populated coun- Fewer working-age people—and employers matter full force. tional Committee’s emails in 2016.
He arguably chose to prioritize his
tries in the world, with less than 3 percent of its who must look elsewhere to grow—will make it Scott Jennings, writing for relationship with Putin vis-à-vis
CNN, reports as follows: “ e Iran over pushing back against
land urbanized. Our major metropolitan areas harder to raise enough taxes to pay for infra- Mueller report atly states that Russian election interference that
Russia began interfering in had been going on for at least two
are among the least dense, as well. America has structure, education and social services and will American democracy in 2014. years.”
Over the next couple of years, the
less than one-third of the population density force youth in the community to look elsewhere e ort blossomed into a robust Imagine that. President Obama
attempt to interfere in our 2016 may have sacri ced the integrity of
of the European Union and one-quarter of the for greater opportunity. presidential election. e Obama American elections for his ex-
administration knew this was ecrable Iran deal. e deal he paid
population density of China. “We’re not unwelcoming, it’s just that we’re going on and yet did nothing... for with pallets of cash which the

is country should be welcoming foreign full,” has, through time, been used as a trope SEE SCHIFFREN PAGE 14

arrivals with open arms, not turning them away for keeping certain types of people out, such as

with anger and antipathy. New Americans, racial, ethnic and religious minorities, the poor

hungering to succeed, lay a rm foundation for and renters. It has also been used to ght the ex-

growth, wealth, power and innovation. No mat- pansion of a ordable housing. It is the rallying

ter what the “Great Fabricator” utters, America cry of many who overtly rage about increasing

has plenty of room and a yearning to grow big- the size and density of the community and who

ger and stronger. covertly complain that including people who are

According to the most recent Congressional di erent “waters down the culture.”

Budget O ce forecast, the American labor I spoke to an Uber driver from Guatemala

force will rise by only 0.5 percent a year over the the other day, waiting for his fare at Putnam

next decade, less than one-third as fast as from Hospital. “So many immigrants showing up at

1950 to 2007 (the start of the Bush-era eco- your borders,” he said, “is proof of the freedoms

nomic downturn).Trump immigration policies and opportunities here. Isn’t that what we all

will have an even greater deleterious e ect. want?”

ere are now 2.8 workers for every recipient e population of Putnam County is stag-

of Social Security bene ts. By 2035, this rate is nant and graying, impacting the availability

predicted to fall to 2.2, while the number of re- of working age adults. When it comes to our

tirees qualifying for bene ts soars. In addition to present and future economy, Putnam County

a grossly underfunded federal retirement system, looks more like a county that is too empty than

many state pensions and budgets—especially one that is too full. If immigration discrimina-

those in low or no growth states—will be under tion and Republican intransigence on the issue

enormous strain. continue, economic distress will surely lie ahead.


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Between Fair St. & Wink Dr.

1 to 5pm

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Catching a falling star

OF HUMAN house and he was like Pavlov’s And if he couldn’t nd a suitable his hand and led him away to He kept it well-hidden. In
INTEREST dog. e same thing always hap- story, Gary would just dream one an exotic valley with perfumed the garden she wore overalls,
pened: his heart raced, and he’d up. One day she walked into his
LORENZO run to catch a glimpse of her. classroom at school, silently took owers. In short, he’d become SEE GARO PAGE 13
GARO She liked driving her tiny orange infatuated.
sports car with the top down.
It’s not often that Mahopac Mrs. Alcott would untie the Replacing scores of
produces a celebrity. Mrs. Al- blue polka dot scarf she always Allstate | State Farm | Geico
cott never reached the starry wore and then shake her long
heights, but she did get to have strawberry/blonde hair, which` Policies Everyday!
a few minutes of fame when she fell to the small of her back like
appeared on the television game a golden river. ONE CALL… MULTIPLE QUOTES We Offer Many
show, “ e Price is Right.” So You Can Get The Best Buy! A-Rated Companies
For one summer, Gary worked
Gary played hooky that day. at the Alcott’s large home in Come See Travelers • Foremost
He had the TV blasting, his eyes Mahopac. ey had 2 acres, Hy Reichbach, Susan Rohrig & Carmen A. Ritter Progressive • Safeco
a foot away from the screen. Kemper • Hartford
“Louise Alcott, come on down!” ower and vegetable gardens. He For Experience, Knowledge and Service Mercury • 1st American
mowed the lawn, weeded, and Main Street America
Mrs. Alcott’s husband, who helped Mrs. Alcott, a dedicated Aardvark Insurance
directed television commercials, gardener, whenever she needed Utica Mutual
got her the gig. She looked just help. e proudest, most sublime 600 Rt. 6 | Mahopac NY
as beautiful on TV as she did in moments of Gary’s teenage years 845.208.3707 • 845.225.1007
real life. She didn’t win anything. were the drives they took, the
All she had to show for her top down, to Whispering Pines. [email protected]
venture across the country was
a quickly fading tan. However, “Yeah, that’s right,” Gary The Carmel Aardvark Insurance office is merged with the Mahopac office
Mrs. Alcott’s appearance on would say to himself as they effective November 25, 2015.
television altered both hers and passed his friends and acquain-
Gary’s lives. tances. “ e beautiful Mrs.
Alcott and I have a thing going
Mrs. Alcott had a reputation on.”
around the neighborhood for
driving too fast. Gary, he loved e truth was, Gary had
her driving. He’d hear her com- nothing going on, no life to
ing up the road, down-shifting speak of, but he had one hell of
to make the turn that led to her an imagination. His secret life
began when he shut his bedroom
door, breathed a sigh of relief,
and opened a book. His Louise
became the heroine of every plot.

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Really listen to what your child has to say

Dear Dr. Linda, was not doing that ne. So, the psychologist. said, and our son said, “Yes, but STRONG
I feel I need to share this we decided to have him tested “I know what’s wrong,” said Mommy and Daddy don’t.” At LEARNING
outside of the school. that point my husband and I
with your readers. Last week my Tyler. We all looked over at him. looked at each other in shock DR. LINDA
husband and I took our 7-year- e results were interesting. “Everybody keeps talking and and Tyler went back to playing SILBERT
old son to a psychologist to be e psychologist agreed with they don’t let me say what I want with the toys.
tested. e school felt he was the school. He did not nd any to say.” they’d talk about their day. She
doing just ne, but my husband learning issues. To make a long story short, was a working mom and wasn’t
and I were concerned that he “ en what is wrong?” I asked e psychologist asked Tyler we never took Tyler back to the home when they got home from
if his teacher listens to what he psychologist, but we made an school. She would share her day
appointment to meet with him. with them, and they’d share their
IS NOW SERVING BRUNCH! days with her. She listened to
Tyler’s Mom and Dad them and they, in turn, learned
11:30 am – 3:00 pm Every Sunday to listen to her—and by default,
Dear Tyler’s Mom and Dad, others.
Bottomless Mimosas, BloodyMarys & Screwdrivers for only $9 ank you so much for shar-
Many children seem never to
Great new brunch menu including ing this with us! It’s a wonderful be heard when their parents are
• Eggs Benedict • Stuffed French Toast story, and I am thrilled that Tyler both talkers or they have siblings
• Steak&Eggs • Lobster Mac & Cheese was able to communicate what who are chatty. I once met with
• Frittatas & Many More! was really happening to him. a little boy who had three older
sisters. As with Tyler, this little
Our full menu is also available during brunch Unfortunately, many more boy had no learning issues. Yet,
children su er without anyone he was struggling in school.
Text “CHAR” to 22828 to sign up for special email promotions. noticing. In some cases, mem-
bers of families are too busy Even if his mom or dad asked
151 BRYANT POND ROAD, MAHOPAC NY • 845.526.1200 doing their own thing that they him if he had homework, by the
WWW.CHARSTEAKHOUSEANDBAR.COM • EMAIL: [email protected] never have time to just sit with time he responded, someone
a child and listen to what he or else in the family started talking
she has to say. so he never answered. He was
overlooked continuously.
ere are ways, however, that
parents can ensure that they are In addition, since he was the
aware of what’s happening to
their children, especially when SEE DR. LINDA PAGE 14
they’re young. I remember a
mom telling me that every day
since her children could talk,
she’d sit on their bed with them
before they fell asleep, and


2019/20 SEASON


Saturday, May 4th and Saturday, May 11th
at Jimmy McDonough Park (Crane Road)

33 Angela Drive • Carmel, NY

U9 2011 8:00 to 9:15
U10 2010 8:00 to 9:15
U11 2009 9:30 to 10:45
U12 2008 9:30 to 10:45
U13 2007
U14 2006 11:00 to 12:15
11:00 to 12:15
HS (U15-U19) To be announced

Players MUST register online in advance for tryouts

Both boys and girls will tryout separately, but at the same time.
Players MUST arrive 30 minutes before scheduled time of tryout.

For any additional info email:
Rich DeCola - [email protected]
Tony Mastrangelo - [email protected]
Scott Cronin - [email protected]



GARO the book when it comes to win- He saw her in November. e Once Lady Godiva-like, she a fantasy. ough barely average
ning a woman’s heart: Jealousy. leaves were just beginning to now looked like a maiden aunt. in looks, he dreamed of being
FROM PAGE 11 wither and die. Her greetings Short, prim bangs ran across her handsome and virile, of possess-
e poor boy had gone mad. changed from being happy to see forehead. Her ears were pointy! ing the love and attention of a
her lustrous hair piled, tantaliz- Toward the end of summer, him to a slight wariness. She’d Gary never knew. beautiful woman. And when her
ingly, underneath a straw hat. she told him about going to probably guessed his feelings. looks changed, what need had
California and taping the game How could she not? Women “I hated the way I looked on he of a homely woman’s admira-
ey worked together planting show. It would be on some time are so much more intuitive than television,” she said, explaining tion? But as luck would have it,
owers, she with a trowel, Gary in the middle of October, if he men. But something happened her new look. “Like a silly girl! Gary found another love that
handing her orange marigolds, wanted to watch. She couldn’t that undid Gary’s love (so- I’m changing my whole life.” very day. On the windshield of
impatiens, mint and herbs. e wait to see how she looked on called). Mrs. Alcott’s shiny sports car
only interest she took in Gary television and con ded that it So, there you have it: e was a sign. It read: For Sale.
was as a species of male teenager. was her sole reason for doing the Mrs. Alcott cut o all her hair. sordid story of a 15-year-old
She asked what he did with the show. She smiled when Gary boy who attered himself with
money he earned. He was saving told her that he couldn’t wait to
to buy a car. She asked if he had see how she looked, either. 845
a girlfriend. Right o the top of When at last Gary kissed Mrs. 628-3924
his head, he told her that he had Alcott, his lips left a moist spot
at least three. Of course, Gary on the television screen.
was employing the oldest trick in

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URSDAY, APRIL 25, 2019 PAGE 19

or multiple sclerosis

is year, some To kickoff
n 250 individu- the Walk,
n and Rochelle
her for the past Emma

out the

Walkers from Team Don’t MS With Us start the walk.

Mikey’s Team 6T8 is ready to raise some money.

Members of Team California Dreamin’ pay respect as “The Star Spangled
Banner” is performed.

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Putnam Heart Walk to focus on heart-healthy lifestyles



e Putnam Heart Walk is ‘What you don’t know can hurt you. Waiting till
coming on Sunday, April 28 you have your rst symptom [to see a doctor] is a
at Brewster High School and
bad idea because it can be your last symptom.’
registration for the event is
open online at www.Putnam- Dr. Patrick omas e Walk will Cardiologist

raise awareness and funds to

help ght heart disease and

is part of the American Heart he recognizes their impact in having a screening test can be

Association’s (AMA) Healthy the community, and for patients an important part of preventing

For Good movement designed in his cardiology practice. Over that rst heart attack or stroke.”

to help Americans create lasting the years, he has seen improve- omas said high blood pres-

change in their health and life ments in medical procedures, sure is a big risk factor, but noted

one small step at a time. treatments and protocols and, as that the guidelines for blood PHOTO COURTESY OF AMERICAN HEART ASSOCIATION
Dr. Patrick omas, Division a result, survivability from heart pressure have changed.
disease. Dr. Patrick Thomas, second from right, with his family at the 2018
of Cardiology chief at NYP “We have new guidelines that Putnam Heart Walk, with Jennifer Miller, American Heart Association
Hudson Valley Hospital, has “What you don’t know can came out about a year and a half senior director
been involved with the Ameri- hurt you,” omas said. “Wait- ago that suggest that the ideal

can Heart Association as Put- ing till you have your rst symp- blood pressure is lower than we Jennifer Garcia of Peekskill a party. at night and the next

nam Board president, Heart tom [to see a doctor] is a bad used to think,” he said. “When was selected as one of three In- day, she had a severe headache

Walk chair, and he currently idea because it can be your last you see your doctor, you might spirational honorees to be hon- and her blood pressure was very

sits on the eight-state AMA symptom. For prevention pur- be surprised when he or she says ored at the Heart Walk. Garcia high. She took her mother’s

Founders A liate Board. He poses, especially if you have risk your blood pressure needs some was only 40 years old when she advice to go to the emergency

said he supports them because factors, getting checked out and work.” had chest pain while dancing at room. It was a lifesaving deci-

sion. e doctor there said the

diagnosis wasn’t exhaustion or

heartburn, as she had thought—

it was a heart attack.

Doctors said that her uncon-

trolled high blood pressure and

possibly her birth control medi-

cine were to blame. e American

Heart Association cites research

shows that birth control pills can

increase blood pressure in some

women. She is on blood pressure

medicine, blood thinners, and is

incorporating healthier lifestyle

changes like walking and eating

a healthier diet.

“Over 80 percent of all car-

diovascular disease can be pre-

vented by eating a heart-healthy

diet and getting regular aerobic

exercise,” omas said. “Diet and

exercise are so incredibly power-

ful. If people would just follow

the recommendations, the vast

majority of heart attacks and

Add Value strokes could be eliminated.”
Events like the Heart Walk

fund the AHA’s critical research

to Your Home and awareness programs that
help save lives from cardiovascu-
lar diseases like heart disease and

stroke – the number one and ve

When we’re done, there is nothing left to do. killers in the U.S.
Participants can join the Heart
Walk as individuals or on a team
of friends, co-workers or family.

• Bathroom Remodeling • Kitchen Remodeling • Durable Vinyl Siding • Room Additions • Add-a-Levels • Organizations and companies
• Replacement Windows • General Carpentry • Basement Finishing • Painting • Interior Trim • Handy Man • are invited to join the Heart
Walk by registering teams on-

line at www.putnamheartwalk.

Sero’s Contracting org or by contacting Megan Lu-
cas at 203-984-9128 or by email
at [email protected].

We specialize in targeted home improvements — both big and small — e Heart Walk is sponsored

to maximize your home’s value,comfort and beauty. by Dr. omas and Mrs. Johan-
na D. omas, PCSB Bank, Put-
nam Hospital Center, and media

sponsors Mahopac News, Hud-

Licensed & Insured • Local References • Brewster, NY • 845-216-1955 • 845-279-6977 • [email protected] son Valley Magazine, Examiner
Media and WHUD radio.


MUSINGS unteer application at the library 400-6751 or Tom at 845-628-5909. able to choose from when you nual Music Fest at the Mahopac
Softball Booster Clubor download one from the library register.Tickets are $45 and can be Chamber Park on Saturday May
purchased at:www.theartistwith- 18, from 4-8 p.m. is free event
website. For more information,
Second Grade Book Club visit, or Fundraiser Once you register, send a will include ve local bands of
text to 914-424-3064 with your re- various ages and genres, popcorn,
Monday, April 29, 4:30 p.m. call 845-628-2009, ext. 136.

Come share your love of books! Retired Teachers ere will be a “Sip & Dip Par- ceipt and design choice. All paint- cotton candy, and more. Come
Meet new friends! Have fun with ty” to support the Mahopac HS ing supplies will be provided. Gar- out, bring a blanket or chair, sup-

Meeting/Fundraiserbook-related games and activities. Softball Booster Club at Frankie lic knots will be served. A cash bar port fellow neighbors and musi-
and Augie’z (3673 Hill Blvd, Jef- and food is available for purchase. cians, and enjoy an afternoon of
All reading and activities will be

done during meetings; no home e Putnam County Retired ferson Valley), on May 7 at 6:30 Music Fest free music and entertainment for
all ages. For more information,visit
work required. Register online at Teachers Association will hold its p.m. A professional artist will, or call spring meeting and fundraiser for teach you how to make a custom

845-628-2009, ext. 139. BOCES awards at Four Brothers designed 12-by-12-inch piece of e town Recreation and Parks or follow them on Facebook

e Saga of the USS India- Restaurant, Route 6, Mahopac wood. Multiple designs are avail- Department will host its an- @CarmelRecreation.

napolis 10541 on May 2 from 11:30 a.m.

Monday, April 29, 6:30 p.m. Jon to 2:30 p.m. The Schoolhouse Theater & Arts Center
Fiorella will tell the tale that was All retired teachers from any of

over 70 years in the making and the Putnam schools plus any re- The Color of Light
what most historians consider the tired teacher that would like are
worst disaster at sea in the history invited. e guest speaker will be
of the U.S. Navy. After delivering Assemblyman Kieran Michael

the components of the atomic Lalor of Hudson Valley District April 4th-28th
bomb “Little Boy,” that was later 105. Lalor was a Poughkeep-
dropped on Hiroshima, the ship sie High School teacher, Ma-

was sunk by a Japanese subma- rine Corps vet from Operation

rine in the waning days of WWII. Iraqi Freedom and a frequent

About 900 men went into the Fox News guest. Contact Nancy

water and ve days later only 316 Keller at 845-661-3750 for info An Extraordinary New Play
were still alive. Most of the men and reservations. Pass the word to by Jesse Kornbluth
died of exposure, drowning and all former teachers and enjoy the

shark attacks. Due to confusion time to get the latest school news. Starring Tim Jerome

and deception on the part of the Charity Poker
Navy 880 men died—approxi-

mately 300 men were killed in Tournament
action and about 579 were killed

by inaction. Registration for this e Italian American Club of

program is requested; register on- Mahopac will hold a charity poker

line at, tournament on Sunday, May 5, at

or call 845-628-2009, ext 100. its clubhouse at141 Buckshollow

Paper Bead Making Workshop Road in Mahopac. A great home-

Wednesday, May 1, 4:30 p.m. For made Italian dinner begins at 2

grades 1-5. Use common house- p.m. and the game begins at 2:30

hold items to make cool looking p.m. included. Admission is $100 TIX:
beads. Registration is required. and includes 8,000 chips. Pre-pay
Register online at www.mahopa- on our website italianamerican-, or call 845-628-2009, (Web store/ (914) 277-8477 | 3 Owens RD. Croton Falls, NY | [email protected]
ext. 139. Poker) and receive 1,000 free

Teen Balloon Club chips. Bring a friend or new player
5” x 2Le.a5rnu”rshdoa|wy,MtoMamayaxke2i,mba3ll:o3uo0nmpa.nmi-.FoanRdner-etBceuiSyvsei5zd0u0ericn:hgip3sth.0e prst t ve

mals, then go out into the com- rounds. You must beat least 21 years

munity to make these animals old to play. Fundraising is for Put-

at special local events. is is an nam Recreation Programs for the

Call for our upcoming33soep..r55pvoi””cretxxucnr22ietd.y.5i5t;”t”op|i|ceMkaMrunaapxcxaiomimtmemeunuumvnmoitlFy-FooHtniotnanntSdoiricSzatpieozp:eped3la:.y0,3Fco0aprlltmpFortarenkinaftor9m14a--


Cssoeemmmpiinanraaerrossuccrhhreaedtdeusul.ele. .

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Exploring dental crowns

Many people visit their den- tal decay has been removed. to metal, and resin. A dentist is is typically a painless pro- FULL AND PARTIAL

tists and learn they have a tooth Crowns also may be used to re- will determine which material cedure, and one in which the CROWNS

that requires a crown. pair cracked or broken teeth so will work best depending on the dentist will anesthetize the A partial crown may be used

In many instances, dental that extraction is not necessary. application and tooth location. tooth and gum tissue and then if only a portion of the tooth

crowns are necessary for proper Sometimes crowns are used for le down the tooth along the needs to be covered. Dentists

tooth care. cosmetic modi cations or to UNDERSTANDING YOUR chewing surface and sides to will often rely on full crowns

Crowns were once widely re- hold a dental bridge in place. APPOINTMENT S make room for the crown cov- to get maximum coverage and

ferred to as “caps.” A crown is e crown itself can be made Crowns are typically installed ering. If the tooth was decayed strength.

a permanent cover for a tooth from di erent materials, like in two appointments. e rst or insubstantial, the dentist may

that would otherwise require stainless steel, gold or metallic appointment requires prep work have to “build up” the tooth in- COST FACTOR

a very large lling after den- alloy, porcelain, porcelain fused so the tooth can hold the crown. stead of ling it down. Again, Crowns can be expensive.

these determinations are made According to the resource

by the dentist who has the ex- CostHelper, crowns can range

pertise to gauge how much from $500 to $3,000, depend-

workable tooth is left. ing on the material used and

Once the tooth has been pre- the patient’s insurance cover-

pared, an impression will be age. Dental insurance may cov-

made of the bite area. at’s er a predetermined percentage

because the permanent crown of the cost when the crown is

will be fabricated in a labora- medically necessary, but insur-

tory and the t/color will need ance may not cover anything if

to be exact for comfort — and the procedure is only cosmetic.

also to ensure that bacteria and It’s always a good idea for pa-

food debris do not get caught tients to express their concerns

between the crown and tooth. and ask questions about crowns

e nal component is a prior to starting the procedure.

temporary cap that will keep Understanding the potential

the prepared tooth clean. is out-of-pocket costs is essential

is molded in the o ce and will as well.

be worn only until the custom- Dental crowns can last sev-

made crown is ready. eral years and represent the best

When the permanent crown way to salvage a tooth that is

• Wisdom Teeth • Dental Implants is delivered, the patient will cracked or damaged.
return to the o ce to have it

checked for t and then ce- is article is from Metro

• Sedation Available mented into place. Creative Connection.

We only use premium implant products for our patients. Rooney Orthodontics
Call us for a consultation. Second opinions are welcome. Children & Adults

Most major insurances accepted.

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Cortlandt Manor, NY 10567 Yorktown Heights, NY 10598
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Measles – 6 things you need to know

Recent measles outbreaks in surrounding hands and feet. Fever is place to treat measles, when it is safe to go back to work, school

communities,including eight con rmed cas- also common during GUEST but there are protocols or other public places. My advice? If you’re
es in Westchester County, are raising many this stage. Accompany-
questions and concerns for our community. ing the rash and fever, COLUMNIST in place to ensure oth- not vaccinated, get vaccinated immediately.
ers don’t get sick. Please And, avoid high-risk areas if possible, espe-

What do these outbreaks mean for you people often notice DR. DEBRA call ahead before enter- cially if you have an unvaccinated baby.

and your family? Here are the top 6 things bluish-white spots in SPICEHANDLER ing one of these facili- 5. Revaccination is “a thing,” but you

you need to know, including ways you can the mouth.You are con- ties. probably don’t need it. If you received two

protect yourselves and those you love. tagious four days before 4. If you were ex- doses of the MMR vaccine or if you were

1. Measles is one of the most contagious the rash starts and up to posed, you have three born before 1957, you should be fully pro-

of all infectious diseases. In fact, according four days after the rash appears. days to get vaccinated. After this time pe- tected against the measles. However, it’s not

to the National Center for Health Re- 3. If you believe you or a loved one was riod, a vaccine is not e ective.Typically, you harmful to receive additional doses if you’re

search, one person with measles can infect exposed, or if you have symptoms, call your should avoid all contact with others for 21 unsure of your status. If you’re concerned,

12 to 18 others, in an unvaccinated popu- doctor, but do NOT go into a healthcare days, as it’s still possible for symptoms to ask your doctor for a blood test to check

lation, before they even know they’re sick. facility unannounced. Your doctor’s o ce, develop during this time. Speak to your your immunity levels.

Why? It’s airborne. Also, the virus can live or community hospital, likely has plans in doctor or local health department to discuss 6. If you’re not vaccinated, you’re putting

for up to two hours in an airspace where others at risk for serious complications. For

an infected person has coughed or sneezed. those who are pregnant, immunocompro-

So, if you’re not vaccinated and breathe mised, or babies under six months old, the

contaminated air or touch an infected door, measles can be devastating. e MMR vac-

you’re at risk. is is why it’s so important cine is a live (weakened) virus vaccine, so

to get vaccinated – wearing a mask will not these individuals cannot receive it. Howev-

prevent you from getting sick. er, you have other options. Protect yourself

2. You may not even know you’re sick. (and baby) by making sure everyone who

Here are symptoms to watch out for: e enters your home is vaccinated, get your ti-

measles virus incubates for the rst two ters checked, practice good hand hygiene,

weeks after infection, which means you and avoid high-risk areas. If you fall into

won’t have any signs or symptoms. Even one of these categories and have been ex-

when you begin to have symptoms, you posed to the measles, you may bene t from

may mistake them for a common cold. A a temporary vaccine called immunoglobu-

cough, runny nose, sore throat, or conjunc- lin. It’s best to speak to your healthcare pro-

tivitis is common during the rst stage. vider to explore your options.

When the virus progresses, usually three

days after symptoms begin, you may no- Dr. Debra Spicehandler is Co-Chief of

tice a di used itchy rash that starts on the Infectious Diseases at Northern Westchester

face and progresses downward toward the Hospital. For more information, visit

With colon cancer so close to her unborn child,
other hospitals couldn’t help them both. But thanks
to the precision of robotic surgery and the expertise
of her obstetricians, Gina’s care team saved two
lives at once.
When you Look North, innovation not only
cures, it cares.

Gina’s miracle wasn’t beating
colon cancer. It was having
a baby at the same time.

File name: N_Westchester_Gina Baby_10x6.5_4C_Halston Media
Size: 10x6.5, CMYK

Publication: Halston Media


Everyday ways to help your elderly neighbors

oughtful men, women and to help your elderly neighbors seem simple, helping your elder- but it can have a much bigger limitations. Pitching in to help

children can give back to their who may not be as independent ly neighbors with their everyday impact on elderly people who with such chores once or twice

communities in various ways. as they once were. Such men tasks can have a profound im- have mobility issues. Before a week won’t require much time

Coaching youth sports, vol- and women may have physical pact on their lives. taking trips to the grocery store, on your part and can have a sig-

unteering with local charities limitations that compromise • Ask if a neighbor needs any- make it a habit to call an elderly ni cant impact on the lives of

and donating to local food or their ability to perform every- thing from the grocery store. neighbor and ask if he or she your aging neighbors.

clothing drives are just a few day tasks. People in the prime Everyone forgets to buy some- needs anything. • Drive seniors to religious

of the ways you can help make of their life take their ability to thing at the grocery store from • Invite seniors over for din- services. Attending religious

your community a better place. perform such tasks for granted. time to time. at’s a minor ner or other gatherings. Many services is important to many

Another way to give back is And while these gestures might inconvenience to most people, seniors deal with social isolation, seniors, but those who can

which occurs when they lack op- no longer drive themselves to

portunities to interact with oth- weekly services may not be at-

Put your mind at ease... er people. Recent data from the tending them as much as they
Administration on Aging indi- would like. Whether you at-
cates that 35 percent of women tend such services or not, o er

Call us today! over the age of 65 were widows to drive an elderly neighbor on
and almost half of women 75 Sunday mornings (or whenever
and older live alone. Inviting el- weekly services are held). Reli-

derly neighbors who live alone gious services can help seniors

Elder Law over for dinners, movie nights or stay connected to their faith and
game watches once per week is their communities, and driv-
Wills & Trusts a great way to help them avoid ing an elderly neighbor to and
social isolation and give them from houses of worship once per
Put your mind at ease... Estate Planning something to look forward to. week won’t require a signi cant
Call us today! Medicaid Planning commitment of your time.
• Help with some weekly
Elder Law Guardianships chores. Seniors living on xed Helping your elderly neigh-
Wills & Trusts Probates incomes may nd it di cult bors is a great and often simple
Estate Planning to maintain their homes. Rela- way to give back to your com-
Medicaid Planning tively simple tasks like mowing munity.
Guardianships the lawn, taking out the garbage
and even vacuuming can be dif- is article is from Metro
Creative Connection.
cult for seniors with physical


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Symptoms of heart valve disease

Heart disease is a blanket term such instances, people may be born with valves that are sult, it’s imperative that people priori-
that includes a variety of condi- the wrong size. Some valve diseases are acquired dur- tize annual health checkups. Annual
tions and illnesses. ing one’s lifetime. Acquired valve diseases may be linked physicals can be a person’s best defense
to conditions such as rheumatic fever or endocarditis, against various conditions, including
Heart valve disease is one such which occurs when germs enter the bloodstream and at- HVD.
condition that poses a signi cant tack the heart valves.
threat, a threat that many people People who experience any of the
are unaware of. WHAT ARE THE SYMPTOMS OF HVD? following symptoms, which should be
e online medical resource notes that reported to a physician immediately,
A 2016 public opinion survey of may be su ering from HVD.
more than 2,000 adults sponsored even people with no symptoms at all may have severe
by the nonpro t Alliance for Ag- valve disease that requires prompt treatment. As a re- • Shortness of breath and/or dif-
ing Research found that public culty catching your breath: is can
awareness of heart valve disease, or occur during daily activities or when
HVD, is very low. Fewer than one lying down at in bed. Some people
in four survey respondents knew experiencing this symptom during
much about HVD at all. at’s de- sleep may need to prop themselves up
spite the fact that the AAR reports on pillows to facilitate breathing.
that as many as 11 million people • Weakness or dizziness: Some peo-
in the United States have HVD. ple with HVD pass out as a result of
their dizziness. Some may be too weak
Raising awareness of HVD, to perform daily activities.
including its symptoms, can help • Chest discomfort: A pressure of
people protect themselves from weight in the chest when being active
this potentially deadly disease. or going out in cold air may be indica-
tive of HVD.
WHAT IS HVD? • Palpitations: is symptom can feel like a rapid heart
HVD occurs when the heart’s valves, which maintain rhythm, irregular heartbeat, skipped beats, or a ip- op
feeling in the chest.
one-way blood ow through the heart, are not function- • Edema: is swelling of the ankles, feet or abdomen
ing properly. e heart has four valves that, when work- can, when a ecting the belly, make people feel bloated.
ing properly, ensure the free ow of blood in a forward • Rapid weight gain: Some people with HVD gain
direction, preventing backward leakage. is process is two to three pounds in a single day.
essential to the successful and continuous ow of blood Heart valve disease poses a serious threat. More infor-
to the heart, lungs and body. mation about HVD is available at

WHAT CAUSES HVD? is article is from Metro Creative Connection.
HVD sometimes develops before birth, meaning

some instances are congenital birth defects. In some


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Updates to elder law and related topics in 2019

In 2019, some important changes foster uniformity of the million per person with ad- pooled income trust.
became e ective, which are of particular bene ts available so as to If one is applying for Medicaid home
importance to seniors and their health care, help ensure all participants GUEST justments for in ation after
elder law and estate planning needs. Some would be treated the same CORNER 2018. It should be noted care, there is the ability to protect and utilize
of the most notable are as follows: by providing the same that the federal exemption the income one has above $879 per month
supplemental bene ts at (the dollar amount one is allowed to keep
1) e Trump administration issued new the same cost level. us, ANTHONY J. is portable between spouses. and be eligible for home care Medicaid),
rules a ecting more than 21 million seniors when o ering a special ENEA us, on the death of the by enrolling in a pooled community trust.
that are enrolled in the Medicare Advantage bene t, the plan had to However, if one is utilizing a power of
(MA) Health Plan. (Medicare program: o er it to all individuals enrolled at the same rst spouse, the surviving attorney to enroll the applicant into the
contract year 2019 Policy and Technical level of cost sharing. is unfortunately pooled community trust, Medicaid is now
change to Medicare Advantage). e chang- undermined innovation in care delivery and spouse can elect portability requiring that the power of attorney speci -
es result in plan participants (approximately discouraged patient centered care. cally authorize the agent to create and fund
36 percent of the total Medicare population) and preserve the exemption the pooled trust.
receiving new and more exible supplemen- For example, if a patient needed a grab bar
tal bene ts, which are especially bene cial to in the shower because of a physical in rmity available to the deceased spouse, irrespective us, reviewing one’s power of attorney
seniors su ering from chronic illnesses. or because of a chronic illness, such as diabe- to ensure said language is contained therein
tes, and/or needed more frequent foot exams of whether or not he or she had assets in their is of signi cant importance so as to avoid
Medicare Advantage (MA) is an available or a tailored supplemental bene t, under the the need to have a guardian appointed to
option for seniors eligible for Medicare that old rules he would not be able to receive the name alone or with another at the time of enroll in and fund the trust, which is an
allows them to choose private health coverage bene t because of the restrictive interpreta- expensive and time-consuming proposition.
that purportedly helps promote innovative tion of the “uniformity”requirement and their death.
treatment options. e new rules issued by the “primarily health related”standard. Anthony J. Enea, Esq. is a member of the rm
Trump Administration permits the expan- e New York estate tax exemption in- of Enea, Scanlan & Sirignano, LLP with
sion of the MA plans and the tailoring of the Under the new rules, a class of persons who an o ce in White Plains and a home o ce in
available coverage to the speci c needs of the all experience a certain disease may be o ered creased to $5.74 million per person for 2019. Somers. He can be reached at 914-948-1500.
patient, especially those with chronic illnesses. a bene t speci c to that disease, so long as Mr. Enea is the Past Chair of the Elder Law
all other persons in the same class receive the ere is no portability available in New York, and Special Needs Section of the New York State
e new MA rules addressed two bene t at the same level of cost sharing. Ben- Bar Association (NYSBA). He is currently the
signi cant problems with the plans. Prior to e ts can now be targeted to a patient’s health thus, it is important for married couples Chair of the Senior Lawyer Section of (NYSBA).
the new rules being implemented, an overly status or disease state and applied to services Mr. Enea is the Past President and a founding
restricted “uniformity”requirement limited that are medically related to each disease; with a taxable or potentially taxable estate to member of the New York Chapter of the National
a plan’s ability to target bene ts and cost Academy of Elder Law Attorneys (NAELA).
sharing for bene ciaries with speci c medi- 2) E ective Jan. 1, the Federal Tax Act in- have assets in one spouse or the other’s name He is also a member of the Council of Advanced
cal conditions. Additionally, a restricted creased the federal estate and gift tax exemp- Practitioners of the National Academy of Elder
de nition and application of the “primarily tion from $11.18 million per person to $11.4 alone on the date of death so that part or all Law Attorneys. Mr. Enea is the President of the
health related standard”limited the scope of million per person ($22.8 million per couple). Westchester Bar Foundation and a Past President
bene ts the MA plan could o er. of their state exemptions can be utilized on of the Westchester County Bar Association.
is federal exemption sunsets on Dec. 31,
e old rules were originally intended to 2025, thus, returning the exemption to $5.6 the death of the rst spouse or it will unfor-

tunately be otherwise forever lost;

3) New York has also enacted N.Y.Tax

Law § 945 (a) (3), which for decedents dying

on or after Jan. 1, 2019, removes from inclu-

sion in the decedent’s gross taxable estate, gifts

made by the decedent within three years of his

or her death, even if the gift was made before

Jan. 1, 2019. With the size of the current

federal tax exemption, utilizing one’s credit to

make gifts should be strongly considered;

4) It is now even more important that

one have a general durable power of at-

torney that gives the agent greater powers,

including the power to create and fund a

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Big loss, great strides

Mahopac scores poorly as a team, but individuals stand out

e Mahopac track and eld team
su ered a steep 125 to 23 loss against John
Jay East Fishkill in a dual meet April 8;
however, all was not lost.

“While we didn’t win the whole meet,
we did have some standout performances,”
coach Kelley Posch said in an email. “Some
info that you can’t see in the results— we
had [athletes] meet the Class A qualifying
standards in their respective events.”

Class A qualifiers

Chris Evangelista, junior (100m)
Matt McMahon, junior
(1600m and 800m)

Mia Klammer, sophomore (100m)
Piper Klammer, 8th grade (1500m)

Mahopac’s Chris Evangelista and Nick Ahern (yellow jerseys)



Piper Klammer runs the 1500 meter dash. IRA




Securities offered through Cantella & Co., Inc. Member FINRA/SIPC.
Cantella and Co., Inc. does not provide tax, legal or accounting advice. This material has been prepared for informational

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You should consult your own tax, legal and accounting advisors before engaging in any transaction.


Indians rebound from tough loss to Westlake

Shock Quakers in OT

BY SKIP PEARLMAN The Indians swarm
CONTRIBUTING WRITER Anthony Corrado (left,
No. 15) seconds after his
e Mahopac boys lacrosse team rebounded game-winning OT goal at
from one of its toughest losses of the season last Greeley.

week with a sparkling performance in Chappaqua

on ursday, April 18, edging the Quakers of

Horace Greeley, 10-9, in overtime.

With the Quakers holding a 9-8 lead late in a

back-and-forth fourth quarter, Mahopac’s Tom-

my Elliott took a great feed from Andrew Dazi

and tied the game at 9-9 with 2:01 remaining,

sending the game into OT.

at set up what turned out to be the game-

winner from Anthony Corrado, who scored on a

point-blank shot 1:47 into the rst sudden-death

overtime session.

Greeley (5-4) had a 6-4 advantage at halftime,

before the Indians evened matters with a strong

third, scoring three times to tie the game at 7-7

going into the fourth.

“ at was a really great win, there’s no better

way to nish a game o than with an overtime

victory,” Indians coach Joe Bucello said. “It’s the

rst one we’ve got since I’ve been here (second


“We had just had a nice defensive stand, and we

got a big save from Mike (Argila),” Bucello said

of the game-winning sequence. “And then our

o ense took its time. eir patience is what won

that game.”

Elliott led the Indians (6-3) with four goals,

Corrado nished with two, Drew Riolo had a goal

and dished out four assists, Tim Cegielski had

a goal and one assist, and Matt Riley and Mike

Harney each had one goal. Mike Argila stopped

16 shots on net for Mahopac.

“Corrado came up big when we needed him,” MTbhvlooausiavsms.rheitGfeomroTtsrpuiehymaoreuEcngler’elseoslyiwdoaoaiitlnfnsty.’s Indians
Bucello said. “And Tommy (Elliott) has been un- defenseman Zach
real this week. Timmy (Cegielski) played a phe- Puckhaber (13)
nomenal game on defense, and had a goal and an clears a ball in
assist, and he won a faceo . He did a little of ev- last week’s OT
erything for us. Overall we started out a little slow. win at Greeley.
But we got better and better, and nished playing
our best lacrosse.” Anthony Corrado (15) rips a shot vs.
e coach said Elliott—despite dealing with
a personal loss—has been playing at a high level.

e All-League junior mid elder has scored 11

goals in the team’s last two games.

“He’s been consistent every game for us,” Bu-

cello said. “But this past week he’s been dominant,

playing like a man possessed. He lost his grand-

mother last week, we were not sure how he would Tim Cegielski
(respond). But he took it… and put it into his of Mahopac
game, and had his best week yet.” fires a shot
vs. Greeley.
Two days earlier at home, the Indians dropped Cegielski had
an 11-10 decision to Westlake, giving up the a goal and an
game-winner with 1:35 on the clock. assist in the
Elliott had a monster performance, erupting for
a career-high seven goals. Riolo had a goal and

three assists, Zach Estevez scored and dished out

two assists, Corrado had a goal and one assist, and

Harney had one assist. Argila had ve saves in net

for the Indians. “Zach Puckhaber really was solid for us,” Bu-

Mahopac held leads of 4-2 after one, 6-5 at cello added. “But o ensively we only had one guy

halftime, and 9-8 after three quarters. But the on, and we need others to be involved.”

Wildcats snatched the win with a three-goal e Indians were scheduled to host Lakeland/

fourth, while holding the Indians to one. Panas ursday, April 25, at 4:30 p.m. Mahopac

“ at was a tough loss, Westlake is a talented travels Saturday to Northport, LI, for a 2:30 p.m

team,” Bucello said. “ ey know how to win close faceo .

games, and they kept coming at us.


Crossword Puzzle solutions on page 34

CLUES ACROSS 57. “__ your i’s, cross your CLUES DOWN beliefs Fun By The Numbers
1. Tenor t’s” 1. Mathematical 8. Typeface
5. Panthers’ 58. Removed optimization search 9. Shrill cry Like puzzles? Then you’ll love sudoku. This
signal caller 59. “Death in the Family” method 10. Sends via the mind-bending puzzle will have you hooked from
8. Systems, author 2. Country along the Postal Service the moment you square off, so sharpen your
doctrines, theories 60. When you hope to Arabian peninsula 11. Holds grain pencil and put your sudoku savvy to the test!
12. Rulers arrive 3. Pointed parts of pens 13. Occurring at a Here’s How It Works:
14. Indonesian 61. German district 4. Lake __, one of the fitting time Sudoku puzzles are formatted as a 9x9 grid,
coastal town 62. Turner and Kennedy Great 17. Vogue broken down into nine 3x3 boxes. To solve a
15. Type of cuisine 63. Midway between 5. Peruvian region 24. Born of sudoku, the numbers 1 through 9 must fill each
16. Kids south and southeast 6. State capital of 25. Get the job done row, column and box. Each number can appear
18. Single Lens 64. Emerald Isle Georgia 26. Teletype only once in each row, column and box. You
Reflex 7. Those killed for their (Computers) can figure out the order in which the numbers
19. Extra seed- 27. Small southern will appear by using the numeric clues already
covering constellation provided in the boxes. The more numbers you
20. Force out 28. Decaliters name, the easier it gets to solve the puzzle!
21. Feline 29. Area near the
22. __ & Stitch concert stage
23. Semantic 35. Social insect living
relations in organized colonies
26. A larval frog or 36. Winter activity
toad 37. Snakelike fish
30. Sport for 38. Not wet
speedsters 40. In addition to
31. One who is 41. In league
learning 42. Barrels per day
32. Request (abbr.)
33. Famed WWII 43. Monetary unit
conference 44. Marked
34. Relieved 45. Emerges
39. English broadcaster 47. Shape by heating
42. Car signal 48. Early Slavic society
44. Grass part 49. Italian automaker
46. Trivially 52. Racing legend
47. Serve as a warning Earnhardt
49. Centers of activity 53. A type of name
50. An electrically 54. __ Strauss, jeans
charged atom maker
51. Small swelling of cells 55. Famed garden
56. Irritates

2019 Flyer.pdf 1 2/25/19 9:08 AM

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COMPLEX FORMER and ready for use in accordance without discrimination because
TOWN OF CARMEL AIRPORT PROPERTY with the Contract Documents It is the policy of the Town of race, creed, color or national
CARMEL WATER DISTRICT PHASE 2 FIELD WORK prepared by Insite Engineering, that their Contractors shall origin.
CONTRACT Surveying & Landscape comply with all Federal, State,
NO. 2 Architecture, P.C. and local law, policy orders, rules Provisions concerning this
REVISED All bidders must comply with and regulations which prohibit requirement are detailed in the
Section 103(a) and 103(d) of e project consists of eld unlawful discrimination against Supplementary Conditions.
NOTICE IS HEREBY the General Municipal Law work associated with a new any employee or applicant for
GIVEN that the Town Board relating to non-collusive bidding Park and Athletic Complex employment because of race, By Order of the Town Board of
of the Town of Carmel, Putnam and waiver of immunity against (Former Airport Property) as creed, color, or national origin, the Town of Carmel
County, New York, will meet criminal prosecution. shown, speci ed and required to and will take a rmative action
at the Carmel High School complete the Project. Ann Spo ord, Town Clerk
Library, 30 Fair Street, in Contract Documents may be
Carmel, New York, on April examined at the OFFICE OF e foregoing is a general HumPauntenSaomciety
24, 2019, at 7:00 o’clock P.M., THE TOWN CLERK between description only and shall not Check out our Facebook page!
Prevailing Time, for the purpose the hours of 8:30am and 4:30pm be construed as a complete Lucy is a pretty 7 year old Pit
of conducting a public hearing beginning April 23, 2019. description of the Work to be Mix who loves belly rubs. You
upon a certain map, plan and performed for this Project. will become her best pal if your
report, including an estimate of Copies of Bid Documents play ball with her. She is a
cost, in relation to the proposed may be obtained at the O ce Bid security and proof of loving, sweet girl who just wants
increase and improvement of of the Town Clerk upon receipt quali cations to perform the a family to love. You can meet
the facilities of Carmel Water of $50.00 per set; cash, certi ed Work shall be as described in the Lucy and friends any day 10-3.
District No. 2, in said Town, check or money order, payable Instructions to Bidders.
consisting of the reconstruction to the Town of Carmel, non- Lucy
of and construction of new water refundable. Bidders shall comply with
mains at various locations within all special and statutory This pretty, Petals
said Carmel Water District No. One Bid per prospective bidder requirements in accordance with affectionate girl loves
2, including original furnishings, will be received. Bids shall be on the Instructions to Bidders.
equipment, machinery, apparatus, a lump sum basis. Bids must be belly rubs. Petals
appurtenances, and incidental submitted in a sealed envelope, Contract time of enjoys attention and
improvements and expenses with all required bidding commencement and completion really likes to play
in connection therewith, at a documents, at the above address will be as speci ed in the with cat nip toys. Meet
maximum estimated cost of and must bear on the face thereof Agreement. Petals and friends
$13,301,400. the name and address of the
bidder and the inscription: Bid e Bid Bond Form is daily 10-4:15.
Said capital project has been for Park and Athletic Complex contained in the Proposal.
determined to be a Type II Action (Former Airport Property) Phase BOWLING FOR PAWS
pursuant to the regulations of the 2 - Field Work Contract, C-255. Each bid shall be accompanied
New York State Department of by a Bid Bond,or Certi ed Check SUN., APR. 28 1-3p. at SPINS BOWL, CARMEL
Environmental Conservation e bidder is solely responsible accompanied by a Certi cate of
promulgated pursuant to the for ensuring delivery to the Town Surety, the coverage of which is Check out our Facebook page!
State Environmental Quality Clerk. speci ed in the Instructions to
Review Act (“SEQRA”), the Bidders. Putnam Humane Society, 68 Old Rt. 6, Carmel
implementation of which as Prospective bidder’s requests 845-225-7777
proposed, said regulations for mailing of Contract is project is subject to the
provide will not result in any Documents will be lled by provisions of Article 5-A of the Open 7 days a week from 10 a.m.-4:30 p.m.
signi cant adverse environmental Federal Express or United Parcel General Municipal Law of the
impacts. Service. Prospective bidders shall State of New York and certi cates
furnish a prepaid Air Bill and required thereunder shall be
At said public hearing said packaging. Neither OWNER available for public inspection
Town Board will hear all persons nor ENGINEER shall be at the o ce of the Town Clerk,
interested in the subject matter responsible for any delay in such Town of Carmel, New York.
thereof. e Town Board will shipment. Prospective bidders
make every e ort to assure that shall make such request and For any reason whatsoever,
the Public Hearing is accessible to provide such airbill a minimum or for no reason, the Town
persons with disabilities. Anyone of one (1) week prior to pre-bid reserves the right to waive any
requiring special assistance and/ conference. informalities in the bids or to
or reasonable accommodations reject any and all bids. No bidder
should contact the Town Clerk. Neither the OWNER nor the may withdraw their bid except
ENGINEER will be responsible by written request submitted at
Dated: Mahopac, New York, for full or partial sets of Contract least twenty-four hours before
April 18, 2019 Documents, including any the time of opening or until the
BY ORDER OF THE TOWN Addenda, obtained from other lapse of 45 days after the actual
sources. opening thereof.
OF CARMEL, PUTNAM A pre-bid conference will e Town is exempt
be held on May 2, 2019 at 10 from payment of sales and
COUNTY, NEW YORK AM, at the site located at 161- compensating use taxes of the
165 Hill Street, Mahopac, New State of New York and of Cities
Ann Spo ord York 10541. e purpose of and Counties on all materials to
the pre-bid conference is to be incorporated into the Work.
Town Clerk a ord the prospective Bidders
and interested parties an ese taxes shall not be included
LEGAL NOTICE opportunity to raise questions in the Bid.
ADVERTISEMENT FOR BID pertaining to the Bidding and
Contract Documents and for the e Town will furnish
NOTICE IS HEREBY OWNER or its representatives the required certi cates
GIVEN that sealed bids will to clarify any points. of tax exemption to the
be received at the O ce of the CONTRACTOR for use in
Town Clerk, Town of Carmel, e work under this Contract the purchase of supplies and
60 McAlpin Avenue, Mahopac, comprises the furnishing of all materials to be incorporated into
New York 10541, until 11:00 am tools, equipment, materials and the Work.
on May 23, 2019 immediately labor for the construction of
after which the bids will be the Park and Athletic Complex e Town’s exemption does
opened publicly and read for the (Former Airport Property) Phase not apply to construction tools,
following: 2 - Field Work Contract, located machinery, equipment or other
property purchased by or leased
by the CONTRACTOR, or
to supplies or materials not
incorporated into the Work.


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Lori J. Sheehy · M 914.438.2927 Geraldine (Gigi) Finan · M 845.590.6864 Laura Fasciglione · M 914.772.2263 Geraldine (Gigi) Finan · M 845.590.6864 Elizabeth Finnegan · M 917.545.4530

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Associate Real Estate Broker Real Estate Salesperson Associate Real Estate Broker Real Estate Salesperson Associate Real Estate Broker

M 845.490.4944 M 914.980.2927 M 914.671.7730 M 914.772.2263 M 845.590.6864


Real Estate Salesperson Real Estate Salesperson Associate Real Estate Broker Real Estate Salesperson Associate Real Estate Broker

M 917.545.4530 M 914.844.6450 M 914.384.3385 M 845.661.9288 M 914.438.2927

Source: HGMLS 1/1/19-4/15/19, total dollar volume and number of transactions, Single Family home sold by office, Putnam County


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