VOLUME 2 NO. 2 JULY 2019
Dr. Ayelet
your skin
from the sun
made in ny
anti-aging cream
with a bone marrow
fight the
summer slump
10 tips to overcoming
common motivation
Why you should own a Fixed Indexed Annuity A
By Andrew J. Cavaliere, CLTC k
People are always looking for the perfect investment. Clients want to earn the highest
interest possible without putting any of their money at risk. These sorts of investments
have never existed… until now. A Fixed Indexed Annuity (FIA) is a guaranteed insurance
product that offers above average returns with no market risk to principal and no
management fees ever1.
In this historically low interest rate environment, many clients are reconsidering where to
park their hard earned cash for the long haul. Certificates of deposit, savings accounts
and money markets are literally paying next to nothing and the stock market is at the
highest levels in recorded history. So where can clients position their money and earn
superior returns without worrying about losing a penny? FIAs offer real double digit
returns in up markets without any risk to principal in down markets. Folks everywhere are
not only taking notice, but investors are flocking to FIAs.
So how does a FIA actually work? The annuitant buys a traditional guaranteed fixed annuity that also allows him or her a
to participate in an external index via the carrier’s trading desk. The carrier purchases options against the index either n
monthly or annually. When the index is up, the options are exercised and the annuitant earns interest, usually subject
to a cap. When the index is down during the same time period, the options are allowed to expire and the annuitant is E
credited the contract’s minimum guarantee of 1%. x
So let’s review, when the market index goes up, the annuitant has the ability to earn superior interest and when the e
market index goes down, the annuitant earns 1%. Further, since the carrier is only tracking the index on a 12 month r
basis, annuitants do not need to worry about current market levels. Policies are only capturing gains in the next 12 t
month period. There is never any risk of principal or of losing any prior year credits which are all automatically reset
into the policy accumulation value on the policy anniversary.
Fixed Indexed Annuities offer clients the following 12 guarantees:
1. 100% Principal Guarantee
2. 100% Participation in S&P 500 Index
3. 100% Guaranteed Fixed Interest Rate Option
4. 2% Premium Bonus on first three (3) years of deposits
5. 1% Minimum Annual Guarantee
6. No Sales Charges or Asset Management Fees ever
7. No Taxes are due until distributions are taken
8. Annual Reset Feature credits all interest into principal annually
9. Access to 10% of your principal annually
10. Loans available up to $50,000 in non-qualified accounts
11. Death Benefits bypass probate
12. Income options you cannot outlive2
For almost two decades, we have seen scores of clients earn double digit returns in bull markets, while losing nothing
during down markets. Time and time again, clients are astounded by how they can earn so much interest with no
principal risk. Here are a few actual client examples: a 76 year old retired plumber earned 11.47% from May 2013
through May 2014, a 57 year old owner of a construction company earned 15.63% from September 2013 through
September 2014, a 59 year old municipal worker earned 17.67% from March 2014 through March 2015 inside her
inherited IRA, a 75 year old retired widow earned 14.39% from February 2016 through February 2017 and a 57 year
old business man earned 10.47% from February 2017 through February 2018 …!3
There are few products that offer returns like this with a 100% principal guarantee. Do you own a Fixed Indexed
For more information about Fixed Indexed Annuities, please call Andrew J. Cavaliere, CLTC at 914-682-2190 or toll free at 877-676-9900. Andrew is certified
in Long-Term Care (CLTC) from the Corporation for Long-Term Care Certification, Inc. Andrew is a member in good standing of the Million Dollar Round Table
(MDRT), which is the premier Association of financial professionals nationally. Andrew’s offices are located at 50 Main Street, White Plains, NY 10606 and at
263 Tresser Blvd, 9th Floor, Stanford, CT 06901.
1 Surrender charges may apply if withdrawals are taken in excess of the annual free withdrawal schedule. Advertisement
2 Fidelity & Guaranty Life, Index-Choice 10 Fixed Indexed Annuity 2018.
3 Fidelity & Guaranty Life actual client statements.
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Table of Contents 6 HELPING STUDENTS
Dermatologist Dr. Ayelet Mizrachi-Jonisch, from CareMount Medical.
Editor’s letter
A mazon Prime Day just passed and do you know what I spent all my money on? Skin care. Creams and oils
and pads soaked with potions meant to exfoliate, hydrate and turn back time. It’s a huge industry, and for
good reason. We all just want to look and feel our best. But all the topical treatments in the world won’t work
without some skin care basics, like using sunscreen, staying out the sun and drinking enough water throughout the day. You know,
the things your mother told you to do. ose are the real heavyweights when it comes to how our skin looks. And, they’re good
tips to follow for overall health. e things that nourish our bodies and keep us going, like good nutrition and exercise, contribute
just as much to glowing skin as the tub of cream on your nightstand. We’re here for it all, though. By all means, buy the charcoal
face mask, but don’t forget the simple, tried-and-true advice passed down from your grandparents either. Be well. Jodi
We love to hear your feedback! To share your thoughts or sign up for an online subscription of Westchester Wellness,
email ww@halstonmedia.com. Follow us on Facebook at facebook.com/HalstonWestchesterWellness.
Westchester Wellness Contributors The Staff
Lauren C. Enea, Esq. is an Associate at Enea, Scanlan & Sirgnano, LLP. She JODI WEINBERGER
concentrates her practice on Wills, Trusts and Estates, Medicaid Planning, Special
Needs Planning and Probate/Estate Administration. EDITOR-IN-CHIEF
Understanding the link between healthy environments and healthy people, Karen’s ADVERTISING TEAM
personal mission to help people become healthier in their environments led to her NANCY SORBELLA
co-founding Bright Formulations, a company that o ers the Bright Energy brand ASSOCIATE PUBLISHER
of organically grown, full spectrum hemp extract products. 914-205-4183
Dr. Deborah Hardy is an educational consultant focused on assisting students to BRUCE HELLER
achieve their post-secondary journey.
SOMESH N. KAUSHIK 914-202-2941
Dr. Somesh N. Kaushik, ND, BAMS, MPH, MPA, E-RYT500 is the owner and HELLER@HALSTONMEDIA.COM
chief medical practitioner of Dr. Kaushik’s Ayurvedic and Naturopathic Clinic in
Cross River. LISA KAIN
Jason Klatsky is the publisher of e Pet Gazette magazine, website and social PAUL FORHAN
media. Visit www.thepetgazette.com. 914-202-2392
Adam and his wife Lauri have owned Go No Sen Karate in Peekskill for the past 845-621-4049
25 years. Check them out at kidslovekarate.com STANTON@HALSTONMEDIA.COM
CARYN MCCURRY 914-334-6335
Caryn McCurry, CLC, ACC, has been helping people move through change since CONNELLY@HALSTONMEDIA.COM
2004. Reach her at Caryn@New-Insights.net or 917-885-9607.
Jaime Roche, MSW, RYT is a 200 hr OM Yoga and Yin Yoga certi ed teacher.
She is a seasoned practitioner who enjoys helping her clients develop a practice PRODUCTION MANAGER
that supports their physical, mental and emotional needs. DESIGNER/PHOTOGRAPHER
Linda Samuels, CPO-CD® is a compassionate, enthusiastic professional organizer CHRISTINA ROSE
and coach, founder of Oh, So Organized!, author of e Other Side of Organized, ASSISTANT PRODUCTION MANAGER
and blogger on organizing and life balance who facilitates change in others’ lives.
334 ROUTE 202, UNIT C1S
SOMERS, NY 10589
Westchester Wellness is not responsible for and does not endorse any advertisers, products or resources referenced in advertisements appearing in this publication.
Halston Media shall not be liable to any party as a result of any information, services or resources made available through this publication. The views of the advertisers and contributors are not necessarily those of the publisher’s.
Opinions and information presented in all articles reflect the experiences, expertise and/or views of those writing. Consult your own doctor for diagnosis and/or treatment.
Helping Students
Transition to College
Summer brings a time to rejuvenate. The sun warms the body and the mind. Being at home without rushing to a location slows down
the pace to enjoy the moment. The tension of getting work done or finishing a project is over for students. For those who have com-
pleted their school career and are off to college, it is a time of celebration and closure.
Summer is a time of mixed emotions as children become adults and independent. For some, it is a difficult transition as changes are
tough. The term “summer melt” has been adopted for high school graduates who begin having a doubt about their future, or not sure of
the pathway chosen.
Summer melt is the emotional experience an individual may have after graduating high school.The expectation of achievement beyond
the known academic environment is a concern. Making new friends, leaving the comfort of home, meeting new professors, and connect-
ing with a major for a future career can be overwhelming.
Here are some tips to help students as they transition to a new environment:
Remind students to connect with their new community. Many colleges the student does not feel lost when they do go off to college.
have created groups through social media for students to get to
know each other. Have the student make an introduction to one of Set up a strategy for transition. Once the student is at college, there
the other classmates. Have them share what they like to do, what may be some unexpected phone calls coming in for the first few
area are they coming from, what are their interests, what music they months. Always redirect the student to the right support at the
like and other topics. campus. This includes the Office of Student Affairs or the Coun-
seling Center, both of which will be very helpful to students. As
Communicate with the admissions counselor. Often students forget that a parent, don’t text or call every day. Give the student some space
the regional representative is there for more than just admissions. to grow independently but know that you are there for them as
Many provide ongoing support to get the student comfortable with needed.
attending college as well as answering any additional questions.
Summer melt is really a time to let the old go, with great memo-
Attend orientation. Going back on campus is a positive experience. ries, and bring in the new. It is about accepting change and wel-
Orientation is meant for new students to connect with staff and coming new experiences. Don’t forget to take time for yourself and
other peers. Take a walk through the dorms, the classrooms, and enjoy the beach, the waves and breathe in the fresh air before the
the student center. Look at a map and follow the campus layout so new beginnings!
Dr. Deborah Hardy is an educational consultant focused on assisting students to achieve their post-secondary journeys. Learn more at guidedconsult.com.
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The Ayurvedic Approach to Psoriasis
Soothe this skin issue
Western medicine categorizes psoriasis riasis, each identified by a very specific visual presentation on
as a chronic auto-immune condition the skin. Based on these visual presentations, the correspond-
for which there is no cure. And while ing dosha imbalance is determined. And, once that imbalance
several forms of psoriasis have been identified, is identified, a specific course of action can be undertaken.
their cause is not completely understood. Treatments,
therefore, aim to alleviate symptoms and, depending on Ayurveda’s approach is three-fold and includes a diet
the severity of the condition, may include topical prepara- plan, detox regimen, and stress reduction. Recognizing that
tions, phototherapy, or medications. All of these come with diet plays a critical role in any condition, effecting digestion
side-effects and must be carefully administered and monitored. and assimilation, an Ayurvedic practitioner will formulate
From an Ayurvedic perspective, psoriasis represents a dosha specific plan which may include a primarily plant-
an imbalance in the system due to a variety of physi- based diet. This will increase fiber and facilitate the flow of
cal reasons and lifestyle habits—diet, assimilation digestive energy. Avoiding meat, certain carbohydrates, and
of nutrients, dysfunctional digestion and/ sugar (which cause inflammation) is strongly recommend-
or elimination, accumulation of toxins, ed. Adopting a diet composed of fresh foods rather than
inflammation, lack of exercise, irregular canned, frozen, or those with preservatives is advised. And,
work or sleep, and stress. learning the principles of “food combining” will also be ad-
vised. The ingestion of foods that have “opposite” proper-
Ayurveda’s approach to any health ties—such as fish and milk—can cause digestive issues, fer-
condition is to uncover the root cause mentation, putrefaction, and gas. Over long term improper
and assist the body to heal itself. food combining can lead to toxic accumulation, allergies,
And,maintaining health through and disease. Some rules of thumb are: eat fruit alone, avoid
balance and equilibrium is the mixing raw and cooked foods together, and keep leftovers
ultimate goal. Ayurveda recog- and fresh foods separate. In addition, it is best to avoid “ex-
nizes that the body consists tremes” of salty, sour, or acidic tastes. Moderation is key.
of energies found in na-
ture—fire, water, earth, air, Simultaneous to a diet plan, a regimen might be suggested
space—and that these to cleanse the body of toxins that have accumulated in the
energies are present in tissues, blood, and muscles that caused psoriasis. Pancha-
our bodies in unique karma—the signature Ayurvedic detox program—combines
combinations, called a full-body herbal/oil treatment to loosen toxins, an herbal/oil
doshas: Pitta (fire/wa- drip on the pineal gland to soothe and stimulate the nervous
ter), Vata (air/space), system, and an ozone/steam treatment to remove toxins from
Kapha (earth/water). the body. In addition to being a detoxifier, this treatment has
Keeping these dosha the added benefit of removing stress and restoring equilibri-
energies in balance is um. Specific nourishing herbs are used both topically and in-
the key to health. ternally to strengthen and balance the system. One such herb
Psoriasis is thought used with great success is turmeric which can be used in food
to be a tri-dosha im- or topically as a soothing paste to counteract inflammation.
balance with Vata and Aloe vera and ghee (clarified butter) are also effective topi-
Kapha predominating. cally and when ingested to soothe and reduce inflammation.
Vata controls bodily
functions and may In addition, the stress—physical, mental, and emotion-
be responsible for the al—that accompanies psoriasis is addressed through thera-
drying and scaling peutic yoga and breathing exercises, mantra and meditation
present in psoriasis, practices, and lifestyle adjustment suggestions. Establishing
while Kapha controls a daily routine for work, eating, relaxation, and sleep is criti-
growth and could lead cal to maintaining balance and harmony in one’s life. Bal-
to the rapid skin cell ance and harmony is the Ayurvedic goal for health.
growth inherent in this
condition. Ayurveda cat- An Ayurvedic practitioner can formulate a workable plan
egorizes a number of to help relieve the physical, mental, and emotional issues
different types of pso- inherent in psoriasis and assist the patient to establish and
maintain the road to health.
Dr. Kaushik’s Ayurvedic and Naturopathic Clinic, 792 Route
35, Cross River; 914-875-9088 (M, T, W); drkaushik@
drkaushik.com; drkaushik.com.
Certification Courses in Ayurveda Begin in October
Dr. Somesh Kaushik will begin offering certification courses in Ayurveda starting
in October. Certification will be awarded by the National Ayurvedic Medical As-
sociation (NAMA) Certification Board and include certificates in Ayurvedic Health
Counselor (CAHC) and Ayurvedic Practitioner (CAP).
A CAHC is trained to focus on preventive health care as well as health promotion,
with a specific focus on diet and lifestyle through traditional Ayurvedic medical
science principles and practices. Completion of the intense, in-depth CAHC pro-
gram will constitute eligibility for the CAP program.
Curriculum will consist of lectures, clinical practicum, self-study, and case re-
ports. Travel to India to participate in health clinics will be part of the clinical
practicum for the CAP program and optional for the CAHC program.
NAMA certification includes four areas of concentration:
• Foundations of Ayurveda: History and Philosophy
• Concepts of Ayurveda
• Skills and competencies
• Recommendations, treatment, and other interventions
This program is for those who would like to deepen their knowledge of health
for their own, and their family’s well-being, and for those who wish to pursue
Ayurveda, the world’s oldest healing system, as a profession.
Dr. Kaushik has been practicing Ayurveda for more than 35 years. He received
his training as an Ayurvedic physician at Kurukshetra University, India, and as
a naturopathic doctor at the University of Bridgeport, Connecticut. He also holds
master’s degrees in public health and public administration from the University of
Alabama, Birmingham. He has taught Ayurvedic medicine at the Graduate Insti-
tute, University of Bridgeport, and National University of Natural Medicine, and
has lectured about Ayurveda throughout the United States. Dr. Kaushik recently
founded the Institute for the Advancement of Ayurvedic Sciences, a research and
teaching institution.
Application deadline: August 30, 2019
Information: 646-670-6725, drkaushik@drkaushik.com.
792 Route 35, Cross River, NY 10518
914-875-9088; 646-670-6725 • Studentservices@AyurInstitute.com
Strong at
the Roots Ameditationfor
‘authentic’ living
Ioften think about who I am and all the things proval or disapproval was a constant statement That was the beginning of my authentic living,
that led to me being the me of today.As I mean- of one’s value. This untruth was the soil for a along with an introduction to my best self.I real-
der down the wooded trail of long ago,my mind modeling of perfection equaling worthiness. ized I was referencing a belief that negated me,
often wanders in the forest of my past. What I Others’ opinions and perceptions held greater reinforcing a constant struggle to reach my goals.
saw. What I was told. How I felt. I wonder how power than a vibrant, internal sense of self. When I accepted my innate worth as a given, I
these things still impact me now.I’ve come to rec- Over the years I’ve grappled with believing in could be enough just as I was, in any given mo-
ognize that some things continue to be in align- myself or my abilities. Disconnected from my ment. As I believed in my self-worth and love
ment with my adult values, supporting my suc- worth and capacity, I struggled to embrace my of learning, I could open-heartedly engage with
cess, while others, not so much. My beliefs are the potential. I saw this lack of confidence manifest others, excited about what I might discover.
underpinnings of my self-image and how I view in my career and relationships and it produced These days I practice acceptance, allowing my-
my potential. They can govern my attitudes and a limited vision of who I was and what I might self to be gracefully imperfect, knowing I am not
behaviors. Over the years I’ve learned to strength- accomplish. I carried a general feeling of “why fixed in my being. Rather, I am forever moving
en my connections to supportive beliefs and re- bother?” For example, I believed I was not as forward, evolving, knowing there is more. I choose
lease attention given to those non-serving beliefs. smart as others because I didn’t have as many de- the belief that I am enough, right now, in this mo-
I consciously choose the place I come from as I grees as they did. I often felt self-conscious and ment. There are skills I have now and others I am
navigate the ins and outs of my day-to-day life. inadequate around my peers because I thought reaching toward. I feed myself acknowledgement
I am like a tree, continually growing and they were so much more knowledgeable. and celebration, seeing every accomplishment, big
grounded by the strength and sturdiness of my As I struggled to remove the obstacles I faced or little,as a reminder of all that I am.I embrace my
roots. The resources beneath flow up through in life, I began recognizing the permanence of sensitivity and see it as a strength, a gift, enabling
my trunk, allowing me to express myself in my value. This new perspective and message of me to authentically connect,deeply and conscious-
my branches and leaves. My beliefs, supported worthiness came in a slow trickle, expanding as ly. I choose opportunities to learn that embrace my
by past experiences and new learning, are my I continued to work to connect to this new way experiential learning style, encouraging myself to
nourishment. The greater the truth and align- of seeing things. Using meditation, yoga and safe be open to new and different experiences.
ment of my beliefs, the more positive the con- spaces in which to explore my sense of self,I slow- I remain the gardener in my life, grounding
ditions are for my development. ly integrated a new belief into my being: the idea myself in my principles, releasing judgment
Often our beliefs are formed early on and are that no matter what others thought or believed, I and celebrating the wins as my value stays with
passed down, generation to generation, mor- remained valuable. My value did not rise and fall me everywhere I go. I can be the truth of who
phing as they move through us as individuals. on opinion and judgment.I was a constant,as was I am, strong at the roots, from the ground up.
A belief that a person was good if they were my worth. It was the beginning of truly knowing
perfect and met the expectations of others trav- that the old belief I carried was a falsity. I was al- Caryn McCurry is a certified life coach. Reach her at
eled through my family. Another person’s ap- ways enough and that never wavered. Caryn@New-Insights.net or 917-885-9607.
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SIGNAL LOST: The Decline of Communication
in the Real World BY
Day after day, advances in communications technology is enabling but the drawback is that it encourages people to refrain from personal, face-
the world to connect more and more.Yet,ironically,more and more, to-face connection. Couples break up over text; instead of hashing things
the prospect of real communication is being left by the wayside. out,you “unfriend”someone over a disagreement,and families fail to bond at
mealtimes because everybody is too busy fiddling with their mobile phones.
Increasing Reach, Less Personal Touch
Getting Back That Loving Feeling
Webinars connect business people all over the world.Web calling and
video chat applications bridge the gap between far-flung relatives and For all intents and purposes, it seems we have lost our personal touch,
friends. Yes, these advances make for a more connected world, but in a which is a sad reality. We have become too interconnected to truly care.
way they have made communication less personal.There is no real face- We have become too secure in the digital world that we have lost our
to-face connection—just blurry images and synthesized voices over the touch with the real world.
internet. What’s missing from the equation? The personal touch, and it The challenge is to understand and show how im-
is disturbing. People have come to accept it as the norm. portant personal communication is. It’s not a mat-
Just think about it: Nowadays, you can claim to have a social life by ter of including emoticons or composing long text
regularly checking Facebook and your other social media accounts. You messages. It’s more about the feeling we attach to
“interact” with others by liking their posts, checking their profiles and our messages. Keep texting messages but try calling
keeping in touch with friends over chat apps. But what has happened once in a while. Voices soothe the heart and bring
to actual conversations and face-to-face interactions? You feel a sense you closer. Send postcards, write letters and rediscover
of validation whenever someone likes your travel pic on Instagram or the magic of old-fashioned communication.
retweets your thoughts on Twitter.Is that really enough? That feeling is a However, that’s not to say that we should shun mod-
fleeting one—after the initial exhilaration fades, you realize that you are ern technology altogether. Everybody knows that it helps
still lonely, sitting in a café on your own in a place where you know no make businesses thrive and,as mentioned,bring long-dis-
one and the rest of the world is rushing by. You are still alone at home tance loved ones closer to one another. But don’t neglect
with your thoughts, no one right beside you to share them with. the importance of real-time, real-life bonding. Take long
The Texting Generation walks, holding each other’s hands, instead of engaging in
a texting marathon. For families, make it a point to “ban”
cellphones during dinner so everyone can share their day
Cellphone users are varied in the sense that some still type longhand and focus on each other rather than their phones (be it
at times, while others—mostly millennials—have developed a lingo that reading the news, browsing or chatting with friends).
only the younger generation can understand.These youngsters commu- That’s communication at its finest. At times when it’s
nicate through abbreviations! And more and more people do not under- OK to ditch the gadgets (such as special occasions or
stand what these letters mean. Many think that they have lost the ability even something as “ordinary” as mealtime), do so and
to speak and communicate properly. re-learn how easy it is to simply “be”with others.Redis-
While using emoticons makes it look more personalized, what does it cover how real communication works—interacting and
do in truth? It does not convey the actual excitement or the agitation we bonding with real people, in real time, in the real world.
feel. It does not effectively send our love to the person on the receiving
end. It does add color, animation and graphics. But most would agree it Adam and his wife Lauri have owned Go No Sen
lacks the personal touch that everyone craves. Karate in Peekskill for the past 25 years.
Texting is indeed convenient as it helps you get your message across faster, Check them out at kidslovekarate.com.
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Is Your
It could be their food
Scratch, scratch, scratch. Scratch, scratch, scratch. Does this re- that most grains, soybeans and gluten (the protein of grain) can
peat over and over in your home? What about your pets exces- cause allergies, please check out your pet foods high fiber content.
sive hair loss, oily, smelly coats, cysts between toes, hot spots, Now this can get a bit complicated, but while the percentage of
scruffy coats? Oh my! If you have any of this then let’s discuss what fiber in most dry rations appears to be innocent enough, typically in
could be causing this. the 3% to 5% range, when analyzed correctly, is actually monstrous.
I call your attention to the fiber in your pet’s food. It is very likely The materials from which fiber is derived, such as beet pulp, to-
that allergies are the cause of many of these issues. Recognizing mato pomace or cellulose flour, are light and occupy a large volume.
It is somewhat like comparing the volume occupied by identical
SARAH'S HOUSE OF HEALTH quantities of lead versus feathers. While the 5 percent fiber con-
tent, for instance, represents 22.7 grams by weight out of a possible
Experience Wellness 454 grams (or 1 pound of food), the amount of beet pulp that is
required in order to deliver the 22.7 grams of fiber is 141.87 (by
weight) or more then one-third of the ration of food. Therefore the
volume occupied can be greater than the volume occupied by all
the food ingredients in the ration of food combined.This enormous
volume of indigestible cellulose not only has a devastating effect on
the nutrition of the ration but is also the direct cause of probably a
large, if not the largest, number of allergies.
Evidence has shown that certain dietary protein when incom-
WE OFFER pletely digested may cause reduction in the capacity of the immune
system to respond appropriately, leading to longterm allergic reac-
CBD tions. This produces a state of low zone tolerance resulting in skin
THERAPEUTIC MASSAGE problems and recurrent infections. Some pet food companies for-
mulas are carefully constructed so as to avoid all the ingredients that
ORGANIC FACIALS are known to cause allergies such as wheat, corn, gluten, etc. as well
REIKI as maintaining a low fiber profile so as to avoid the allergic reactions.
ANGEL CARD READINGS Bottom line, you want a pet food that has more quality animal
NUTRITIONAL COUNSELING protein, all the vitamins your pet needs, plus omega 3 and omega
6 oils. If you can find this type of food, your pet will be eating an
HYPNOTHERAPY anti-itch meal. Ask your pet store or veterinarian what foods can
BEMER THERAPY aid in reducing itching and be mindful of the fiber content of the
food you feed your pet.
900 SOUTH LAKE BLVD Jason Klatsky is the publisher of The Pet Gazette magazine, website
MAHOPAC, NY and social media. The magazine is the only free take-one publication
845.803.8028 distributed wherever you take your pet, including vet offices, kennels,
groomers, day care facilities, shelters and pet stores. Visit thepetgazette.
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and at facebook.com/thepetgazette.
Anti-Aging Skin Cream with a Bone Marrow Boost
A rtisanal Science Labs skin cream com- her mind and commitment to her profes-
bines the stories of ve generations in sion,” Gerard continued. “And my mom
one bottle. has created this really good broach between
Polina Gerard’s family has been making us because she's more technical than I am.
bone marrow-based skin cream as long as she She’s been able to bridge that gap between
can remember, and about a year ago decided the two of us.”
it was time to share their secret recipe with
the world. e family came to the United States
from Moscow 25 years ago. Gerard’s
e main ingredient—bone marrow— daughter was the rst generation to be
may be a little unusual for some, but it’s been born in this country.
tested, re ned and improved over generations.
It was a life changing event that made
e cream, as the family calls it, was devel- Gerard decided to pursue a business with
oped by Gerard’s great grandmother in Mos- her family. Her father died a few years ago
cow, Russia. and it sparked her to think about what she
wanted to accomplish with her life.
Now, Gerard, who’s based out of Croton-
on-Hudson, has developed a version of it with “It put urgency in doing what you want
the expertise of her grandmother and mother. to do and doing what you’re passionate
And since it’s a family business, her 9-year- about,” Gerard said. “In my life, this cream
old daughter helps with the packaging, bring- has been something that I’ve loved over the
ing together the ve generations under one years and I stand behind it 100 percent.”
Marketed as an anti-aging cream with
Gerard’s grandmother, Margarita Blyar- rejuvenating and nourishing properties, it
skaya, headed the research and development division of the largest can be used all over the face and body.
cosmetics company in the former Soviet Union. e cream was her
side project, a way to integrate her vast professional knowledge of To buy the cream and learn more, visit artisanalsciencelabs.com.
chemical engineering with innovative techniques. Margarita also
learned from her mother-in-law, Anna, who saw it as her mission to I N D E P E N D E N C E | D I G N I T Y | C H O I C E | Since 1998
slow down the aging process with this secret skin care routine.
An Intergenerational Adult Day Program
She told her knowledge of using bone marrow to Margarita and
now, decades later, that secret is available in a bottle through the providing dementia care
company Gerard named Artisanal Science Labs.
Mount Kisco • 914-241-0770
e naming was intentional; it brings together the handmade na- White Plains • 914-422-8100
ture of the product and its basis in science.
“It’s a perfect marriage of science and holistic methods, because
she took something that has been used by many cultures,” Gerard My Second Home receives funding from
said of her grandmother. Westchester County Department of Senior Programs & Services
Gerard’s mother, Maya Kimlat, an engineer, helps bridge the gap 2016 Innovator Adult Day Center Award
between the old world and new world. She explains the technical from National Adult Day Services Association (NADSA)
side to Gerard and explains the internet marketing to Margarita.
e women source the bone marrow from local butchers who are
able to supply a food-grade, high quality ingredient for ASL cream.
Bone marrow is an ingredient growing in popularity among those
with knowledge of its health bene ts, such as its high content of col-
lagen. Plus, it’s another way that those interested in sustainability can
take advantage of using “the whole cow,” Gerard said.
To go from bone marrow to a skin cream, the bone marrow is pro-
cessed, heated and sterilized which gets rid of any smell you might as-
sociate with meat.After that,natural ingredients like beeswax and buck-
thorn oil are added giving it a sweet smell along with herbal extracts.
“ is is a very complex cream that took a lot of scienti c engineer-
ing to come to be,” Gerard said.
In forming this business, Gerard has been able to see her mother
and grandmother in a whole new light.
“It’s amazing to see my grandmother in her element,” Gerard said.
“To see her be passionate about something and convey her knowl-
edge and not settle for anything less than perfect is really inspired.
“She’s 85 years old and it's been amazing to see the sharpness of
Recognizing Your Child’s
Holistic health strategies help h
Ancient Taoist philosophers reduced the universe to ve re-dominant people are lively,charismatic,optimistic,aware, a sense of calm and order e
basic elements that describe the character of everything empathetic, devoted, enthusiastic, creative and alert. ey chaotic season of summer. B
from the organs of the body to the seasons of the year. have the stereotypical personality of an artist or performer. strategies I nd helpful for m
ese elements are wood, re, earth, metal and water. We ey bring passion and air to all that they do.
each encompass all ve elements within our personalities, but When they are imbalanced, re people tend to become ner- 1. Swimming: Fire children
it is believed that one in most of us is dominant. vous and scatterbrained. ey can struggle with symptoms of but if you can warm them
Knowing our dominant element, as well as those elements overexcitability and oversensitivity. ey can also become anx- fun and connection, they
that challenge it, can assist us in returning to what Taoists ious, obsessive and erratic. Summer is the season of re and water. Saltwater swimmin
believe is our true nature: a life that is aligned with the natural it’s common for these imbalances to become more noticeable to the ocean are highly rec
order and in harmony. during one’s “season.” As a parent of a young re person, it is re children to lead the w
Similarly, by identifying our children’s dominant element, therefore helpful for me to spend some time during the sum- use water toys, props and g
we can assist them in recognizing their strengths as well as mer months strengthening the areas in which my child is most
help them learn how to e ectively manage their challenges. de cient or challenged to maintain a balanced state. For re- 2. Maintain proper hydration
e ve-element approach to understanding personality pro- dominant people,this is typically the elements water and metal. dren need to drink a lot of
vides parents with a “parenting roadmap” helping us guide So how do we strengthen the “challenger” elements of a re months and they also ne
our children through their challenges and toward their per- child? Well, those who practice Traditional Chinese Medicine mineral water is a good alt
sonal de nition of success. nd the answer in everything from the foods they o er to the soda at this time of year.
I am blessed with a re-dominant child. When balanced, activities they engage them in,enabling re children to maintain water with berries for a re
1. Supine Butterfly Pose 2. Supported Prone Pose 3. Supported
Have your child lay back on a cushion Have your child lie with their belly on the bolster.Torso Have your child lie on
or yoga bolster. eir torso should be is supported by the bolster, legs resting on the ground. resting on a bolster, ar
supported by the bolster, their seat Tell your child to turn their head to one side so that they side, palms spinning out
on a mat or grass. Have them place can breathe easily. With eyes open or closed have them open or close the eyes.Te
the soles of their feet together, knees bring their awareness to their back body,speci cally their their awareness on their
falling out to the sides. Have their ribs. You might to gently touch their ribs to help them them to release their toe
arms out in a T position, palms facing feel where they are. Tell them to breathe into the back relaxing all the tiny m
up. Allow them to close their eyes if ribs, envisioning them expanding up and o the back on toes. en move their a
they wish or leave them open, gazing the inhale, as if there was a balloon behind their ribcage. soles of the feet telling t
at the clouds. Have them focus their Tell them to make that balloon as they comfortably can the soles of the feet softe
attention on their belly button and tell and then pause and hold for one moment. en prompt to the top of the feet an
them to think about their belly button them to exhale, releasing the air out of the balloon as the leg,into the hips,the
reaching towards the sky to touch the neck and until they r
the clouds as they inhale and oating slowly. Repeat the exercise for 5 minutes. of their head, having the
back down as they exhale. Stay here soften and release each p
for 5 minutes or as long as they desire. Let them stay as long a
this relaxed s
‘True Nature’
harness their energy for success
even in the high-energy, sometimes- 3. Rest and reflection: Rest is essential for re children
Below is a short list of holistic health during the busy,hot summer months.Make sure you
my son during the summer months. make time each day for peaceful, re ective activi-
ties, such as the restorative yoga sequence below.
n aren’t always natural swimmers, Also ensure that your re child is getting ad-
up to the idea of swimming using equate sleep every night, as well. Allowing for
can nd a sense of security in the later bedtimes during the summer is ne as
long as wake times are later, as well.
ng is great for re children, so trips
commended. Remember to allow To learn more about your child’s
way when entering the water and dominant element as well as their
games to motivate and secure. de ciencies, take the Tournesol
Kids free online assessment at
n: Like most of us, re chil-
f water during the summer tournesolkids.org.
eed minerals. Sparkling
ternative to juice and
. Try infusing the
efreshing treat.
Leg Pose Jaime Roche, MSW, RYT is a 200 hr OM Yoga and Yin Yoga certi ed
teacher. She is a seasoned practitioner who enjoys helping her clients
their back, legs develop a practice that supports their physical, mental and emotional
rms out to the needs. Jaime is also a trained psychotherapist and certi ed parent
t. Allow them to coach for Tournesol Kids, a non-pro t organization that empowers
Tell them to focus children, families and communities by teaching holistic healthy
r feet and guide child development strategies. You can nd Jaime’s current yoga
es, softening and class schedule as well the other services she o ers to children,
muscles in their adults, families, schools and communities on her website:
awareness to the thespecialneedscoach.com. To contact her directly, email
them to imagine jaime@thespecialneedscoach.com.
ening. Continue
nd all the way up
e torso,the arms,
reach the crown
em intentionally
part of the body.
as they want in
Enjoy Summer
Without Wrecking
Your Skin
7 things you need to know
to stay safe in the sun
The temptation to lay out in the sun during a day at the beach can be
strong, but just a few hours can do damage if you don’t have protections
in place. CareMount Medical dermatologist Dr. Ayelet Mizrachi-
Jonisch answered all our questions about taking care of our skin while still
taking full advantage of these perfect-weather days.
1. How often should someone get a full-body check by a dermatologist? At what age should someone
start thinking about that?
I recommend patients get a full-body exam by a dermatologist annually.I generally tell
patients that 18 is a good age to start considering full-body exams. If a patient younger
than 18 has many moles or any suspicious moles, I would absolutely recommend that
they see a board-certified dermatologist. There are special patient populations who
should have more frequent exams, such as those with a history of melanoma and non-
melanoma skin cancers, and immunosuppressed patients, such as transplant patients.
2. Are there any ways to tan safely?
No, there are no ways to tan safely. First and foremost, I don’t want patients getting
burned. In addition, getting tan is not recommended, as the skin getting darker implies
damage is being done. If one must get a tan, self-tanning products are available and
can provide color without risking sun-related skin damage.
3. What’s the best way to care for your skin after a sunburn?
After a sunburn, the best way to care for your skin is to keep it away from any
further sun exposure. I recommend cool compresses and even topical hydrocortisone
for certain patients. If in pain, one can use over-the-counter anti-inflammatory
medicines such as Advil. Keeping the skin well moisturized and keeping oneself
hydrated with lots of water is always beneficial.
4. How important is wearing a daily lotion with SPF?
It is very important to wear a daily SPF because ultraviolet rays are always
present. This continuous exposure, even when driving, can contribute to skin
damage and skin cancers. I recommend using an SPF 30, at the minimum,
and it should contain zinc or titanium. Reapplying sunscreen every 1.5-2
hours on beach days and outdoor days with high UV exposure is essential.
5. Which plays a bigger role in the likelihood
that someone will get skin cancer, environment or
Environment plays a much larger role
in the development of skin cancer when
compared to genetics. ere is a small
percentage of people with a genetic tendency
toward melanoma and these patients need to
be monitored more frequently. However, the
vast majority of skin cancer cases are related
to environmental factors, most notably UV
exposure and the resulting damage.
6. If you can’t be in the shade, what’s the best way PHOTO: TABITHA PEARSON MARSHALL
to protect your skin for a day at the beach?
If you cannot be in the shade, the best way
to protect yourself at the beach is to wear
a broad-brimmed hat and UV-protective
clothing such as a swim shirt, jacket and
even pants. I also recommend wearing UV-
protective sunglasses. e best protection is
always to seek shade and use UV-protective
umbrellas. I also recommend applying a
broad spectrum sunblock, SPF 30 or higher,
which contains zinc or titanium.
7. Any other summer skin tips that you’d like to offer? perspiration results in the loss of a a protective sunblock. Patients often forget
signi cant amount of uid. Always take to protect their lips. It’s easy to pick up an
I recommend staying well hydrated, water wherever you go and remember to SPF lip protectant and add that into your
especially during the summer when wear a broad-brimmed hat, sunglasses and summer bag to go.
the temperatures rise and our ensuing
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Boost Your Skin Care
Routine With CBD
How, and why, this plant can work wonders
D id you know your skin is an organ? And CBD, the non-psychotropic extract of the
like your other vital organs, you try to hemp plant, has many qualities that make it an
keep this one as healthy as possible. excellent skincare option. CBD’s most trusted
Your skincare routine probably looks a and well-known benefits are its anti-inflam-
little like this: You wake up in the morning. matory properties. Taken orally, it can reduce
You splash your face with some cold water whole-body inflammation. Used topically on
and apply an exfoliating scrub. Then you hit problem areas of your skin, it adds an analgesic
the shower and massage in a soothing face effect. This makes CBD perfect for reducing
wash. You pat your face dry and apply a layer redness, puffiness and swelling as well as re-
of moisturizer. lieving the pain and itchiness associated with
certain ailments.
Now, I’m not some kind of epi-
dermal psychic. As cool as that CBD can also support the long-term health
would be, the truth is that a lot of your skin. Full-spectrum CBD contains vi-
of us have the same basic skin- tamins A, D and E and essential fatty acids.
care needs: acne and blackhead It checks all the boxes: inflammation reduc-
prevention and treatment, redness tion, pain relief and nutrients essential for skin
reduction, smoothing rough or health. For this reason, CBD may be the one-
bumpy skin, moisturizing, or even stop-shop for all your skincare needs.
soothing sunburn. This routine can
grow exponentially more compli- Ready for a little science? According to the
cated if you suffer from less common British Journal of Dermatology, CBD helps re-
(but still prevalent) ailments like pso- duce inflammation by attaching to the TRPV1
riasis and eczema. receptors in your skin.The natural oils from the
There is, however, a common en- hemp plant soothe itchiness and moisturize
emy behind every one of the afore- dry skin.
mentioned skincare needs: inflam-
mation. Inflammation can be caused According to Pediatric Dermatology, CBD
by any number of things and results can even help with more severe skin issues like
in everything from zits to rashes. Tradi- epidermolysis bullosa, a rare, difficult-to-treat,
tional cosmetic companies throw a host blistering skin disorder. Normally, severe pain
of unpronounceable chemicals at inflam- relievers are prescribed for this ailment. But
mation. Lots of those chemicals have nasty this study found that CBD’s natural pain re-
side effects ranging from dryness to burns. lieving property is a potent substitute and its
There are plenty of natural alternatives topical, anti-inflammatory benefits make the
available but the most revolutionary may just skin itself easier to treat.
be CBD. That’s right, that little green plant
that works wonders for pain and anxiety could Big-name skincare brands will throw dif-
also be your skincare routine’s saving grace. ferent combinations of benzoyl peroxide, reti-
noids or acids at your skin and call it a day. But
there are less abrasive, more holistic approach-
es. CBD may just be the best of the bunch.
Bright Energy Wellness is proud to offer
Formulations with Integrity™, the highest
quality, full spectrum Phyto-Cannabinoid Rich
Hemp Extract products on the market. Visit
Discovering Natural Beauty With Botanic Skincare
Natural Beauty is about treating your body sia. The dream of giving people facials with dirt, bacteria, and dead skin cells leading to
with natural, pure and clean ingredients, these amazing active botanicals became a increased breakouts, or even dull looking skin.
inside and out. Eating cleanly and exer- reality with the boutique’s grand opening on The easiest way to identify silicones on your
cising moderately coupled with a personalized Mother’s Day 2019. The friendly atmosphere product labels is to look for words ending in
skincare routine, ensures that as we age our ensures guests can enjoy a relaxing facial and -Cones, -Conols, -Silanes, or -Siloxanes.
skin becomes and remains radiant. My name feel comfortable to speak about skincare prod- Put a smile on your face with Sensatia Bo-
is Theresa Naman and I created Botanic Skin- ucts & trends. I am grateful to be rewarded by tanicals refined and enchanting scents, their
care facial boutique to share my passion with my guest’s glowing skin and smiles, I also have active phytonutrients work hard, visibly show-
local residents,to teach and introduce the con- great results treating those with acne once I ing results without added fillers.
cepts of clean beauty.All the products I use are explain how commercial acne treatments They are made in a Good Manufacturing
researched and curated to meet my standards could be provoking their condition. Practice (GMP) Certified production facility,
of ingredient integrity and goodness. Special- It’s important to understand what you put complete with a Quality Control (QC) depart-
izing in skin rejuvenation, I will customize a on your skin is absorbed directly into your ment, a certified calibrated microbiology and
routine for you that is plant-based and free of body. Some of the most expensive skincare chemical lab and a pharmacist that oversees the
synthetics & chemical preservatives. My man- lines contain harsh ingredients and fool con- production and safety assessment of every sin-
tra is “love your skin, love yourself ” using an sumers with slick advertisements suggesting gle batch before it leaves Sensatia’s production
easy skincare routine with non-toxic products the products are natural or organic. For ex- facility. Sensatia Botanicals are vegan-friendly,
that deliver results. ample, the synthetic ingredient Silicone is a do not test on animals, are free of parabens,
Botanic Skincare facial boutique was in- big trend right now, smoothing fine lines & phthalates, sulfates, and palm oils.They are also
spired over 10 years ago when I discovered a wrinkles and helping your make-up to glide safe for our oceans and great barrier reefs, hav-
sophisticated skincare product line by Sensa- on.Most consumers do not realize silicones are ing been awarded Best Eco Beauty Brand 2019
tia Botanicals, handcrafted in Bali, Indone- like a plastic wrap on your face, trapping sweat, of southeast Asia.
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10 Most Common Motivation
Challenges & Simple Solutions
Move past obstacles with ease
Motivation is a hot topic. We think a lot about what motivates us 2. Fear of Failure
to take action and work toward our goals. We also spend a lot of Perfectionism or being afraid of doing something incorrectly can
time struggling with the things that demotivate and prevent us stop us from moving forward.
from moving forward. What gets in the way of your motivation? By Tip: Being perfect isn’t possible; striving to be our best is. Failing is
taking a look from the “challenges” perspective, we can identify and an essential part of the journey. We learn by trial and error. As Thomas
remove those obstacles. As you read, make a note of the challenges Edison said, “I have not failed. I’ve just found 10,000 ways that won’t
that resonate with you. Are there additional motivation challenges work.” Experiment with this healthier perspective.
that you’ve experienced? What helps you get unstuck?
3. Fear of Success
1. Abundant Choices Low self-esteem can compromise your view of success.You might
When the options are too plentiful, they can overwhelm us to the doubt that success is possible and lack the motivation to attain it.
point of inaction.The thought of moving ahead becomes exhausting. Tip: Look to the past. Acknowledge your small and large successes.
Tip: Narrow your choices to just two or three options. Pretend you Look at the present. Be aware of your current accomplishments. Practice
have blinders on and ignore the external input. If you’re still stuck, ask a noticing and appreciating your wins. Build from the past and present to
friend to be a sounding board. reduce your fear and boost your confidence.
4. Lack of Clarity 7. Excuses Tip: Striving to achieve, become and do
When we don’t know which step is next We all make them. ey are the negative takes time. Extend yourself the gift of patience.
or why we’re doing what we’re doing, we can messages we repeatedly tell ourselves, which You are worth the wait.
quickly get demotivated. prevent us from doing. We say things like,
Tip: Take a step back. Set aside time to revisit “I’d like to do ‘x,’ but I’m too tired or busy or 10. Distractions
your projects, goals and values. Perhaps there has not smart enough or…” When your attention is pulled in too many
been a shift in the parameters and it’s time to Tip: Set the internal alert. Become aware directions, we can lose focus and motivation
make adjustments. of the excuses that are not useful, real or true. for working on what’s most important.
Begin challenging them when they appear. Re- Tip: Pay attention to the “distraction-
5. Exhaustion frame the dialogue to positive phrases such as, makers.” Are you being interrupted by people,
Sleep is essential for optimal mind and “I am working on this” or “I am continually sounds, emails and phone calls? How can you
body functioning. When we’re exhausted, it’s learning.” minimize the distractions during certain times
di cult to remain motivated. of your day? Recently, I turned o all the dings
Tip: Review your current sleep patterns and 8. Drudgery and alerts on my electronic devices. e positive
needs. If not getting enough sleep is contributing Routines can be useful, but they can also e ects on my focus, productivity and motiva-
to your lack of motivation, make the necessary ad- become so tedious that we lack the motiva- tion have been noticeable.
justments. Experiment with how much sleep you tion to maintain them. We’re human. We experience times when
need to feel rested, alert and ready for the day. Tip: If you are feeling bored, nd ways to add our motivation wanes. at’s normal. Un-
the fun factor back into the equation. Playing up- derstanding which is your motivation chal-
6. Comparison beat music, introducing pleasing colors or bring- lenge and implementing some of the sug-
Focusing on how we measure up to our ing enervating scents into your environment gested strategies will help get you back on
colleagues, family, friends or neighbors only could make a di erence to your patterns. How track.
promotes unproductive thinking. is is a about a change in the pace or sequence of your rou-
sure- re formula for demotivating ourselves. tine? Experiment with altering one element and Linda Samuels, CPO-CD®, is a compassionate,
As eodore Roosevelt said, “Comparison is see how that in uences your motivation. enthusiastic professional organizer and coach,
the thief of joy.” It also can be the thief of founder of Oh, So Organized!, author of “ e
motivation. 9. Patience Other Side of Organized”, and blogger on orga-
Tip: Forget about the “grass is greener” con- We expect so much of ourselves and want nizing and life balance who facilitates change in
cept. It never is. Instead, practice gratitude. Fo- instant results. When things aren’t happen- others’ lives. She is an empty-nester living with
cus on your gifts, successes, dreams and desires. ing as fast as we think they should be, it can her husband in the Hudson Valley in a small,
Build a life that is uniquely yours. demotivate us to continue. colorful home with a purple front door.
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What To Do After ‘I Do’ – Estate Planning Tips For Newlyweds
Congratulations! You did it! 1. Update your identification and 2. Sign your Last Will and Testament: act as each other’s health care
You married the love of bank accounts: Depending on You likely do not yet have a Last proxy agent and power of attor-
your life and you are so ex- your nancial relationship Will and Testament, and if you ney. I also recommend appoint-
cited to start this next chapter in with your new spouse, you may do, you likely do not currently ing a successor in the event your
your life. You are tan from that already have joint bank ac- name your spouse as the primary spouse cannot act for you.
honeymoon, basking in a sea of counts or you may have kept bene ciary.It is important to have 5. Update your real property owner-
wedding photos from a perfect everything separate. After you this document because it not only ship: Often times a newly married
day! I hope this excitement car- change your name, you may indicates who you would like to couple may have purchased real
ries you throughout your mar- want to also restructure your receive your assets when you pass property prior to their marriage.
riage, but as you settle into post- bank accounts and create joint away, but who will handle those If property was purchased prior to
wedding normalcy, you may nd bank accounts. Aside from a assets and administer your estate. marriage, you will want to ensure
yourself saying “so now what?” pure convenience perspective, An additional important reason that the property title is changed
One answer to that question having a joint bank account to have this document is because to re ect that you and your spouse
is to start your new life together with your signi cant other it allows you to name a guardian own the property as “joint tenants
from a nancial and legal per- could avoid an administration for any minor children you may with rights of survivorship” or as
spective. Yes, we all know you or probate proceeding in the have, in the event you and your “tenants by the entirety,” based on
need to change your name (if event of one spouse’s death and spouse both pass away. the laws of the state you reside.
you choose to do so), but have it also allows for open commu- 3. Update your beneficiary desig- Real property owned by married
you considered the other - nication and nancial transpar- nations: You likely already have couples has certain bene ts that
nancial and/or strategic aspects ency within your new marriage. bene ciaries listed on your re- should be reviewed with an attor-
that might need your attention? Of course, you may wish to tirement and/or life insurance ney, such as avoiding probate and/
Here are ve things to consider continue to keep inheritances accounts, but you may have a or certain creditor protection.
doing once the big day has come and property obtained prior to di erent individual, such as your Just like planning your wed-
and gone: the marriage separate. parent or sibling. It is impor- ding, planning your nancial and
tant to review these bene ciary legal life together takes time,team
designation forms and update work and some nancial invest-
them to list your spouse as your ment. My recommendation is to
primary bene ciary. While you start small and speak with a local
are at it, make sure you discuss legal professional to discuss the
these accounts with your spouse various estate planning options
so that you are both aware of the available and to help create legal
accounts each has and who the documents to give you the secu-
Do you understand the difference named bene ciaries are. rity to support a long marriage of
between an irrevocable and a 4. Execute your advanced directives: good health and happiness!
revocable trust?
Advanced directives are in my
opinion sometimes even more Lauren C. Enea, Esq. is an Associate
important than a Last Will and at Enea, Scanlan & Sirgnano, LLP.
• Asset Protection • Past Chair of Elder Law Testament. Advanced directives She concentrates her practice on
are documents where you give Wills,Trusts and Estates, Medicaid
• Elder Law Section of NYS Bar Association permission to another individual Planning, Special Needs Planning
(an agent) to make either health and Probate/Estate Administration.
• Medicaid Applications • “Super Lawyer” In Elder Law care or nancial decisions for She believes that it is never too early
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Health and Wellness Events Near You
Tinhesffcuroalvipiern“mapnsnMncarpa’bojdihuuos8nleriwliaanmuyltldsd2idltdghssoKahtpo5MeihefptwocnFii,ewnurUtmpote’uratingnhapvdseidlntudeifltfatdeCa,dofl”idcirozTiedrnyeneadocygeisndpdtsnryPaevu,eL,slipVceuitgnranbnoaeeunoadlcttioeumartfidhtllrfdultusiessyrerdelki,dneeespylrbiaCeiDcdssgnistucneeesRia-rigaMramfnpdaumaorhtnygrirscoeefioaaotcelwptkaCssndhjsuemesbsirw,dt.m,sa,cTeofjelCtuFtimoutyhdlohm.sledohomaeep,ep(sddaorritTtngrp,yofrmsSiLoagficzieinlsnCpora,negesmgpkpua)rsghl,nioadestdaFt(fsiftddrvauosta,oeaodlnunaecffoaltoldndlsehfsefwjrfdaruue)faobtaiocm.mrrtfhioeoshrtaeiicbeauolhycorotrn-tussui,evsnralis,titpesie,, s AUGUST 10-11
SATURDAY, Sunflower FestivalmsdufissiaufnepfyneflledflfroenE,Faeownadarxnwmjsbeptoaerlyltevassorhma:.snriemcBerPdaietyaeahur5drtrlkcaciikktieerhatnoieenstcnw.an..tgTrTeiEmemihlOhrivlas.se,eeeBmcrdofnhccorStofadeoahtuntstoehnkaniuuucr.cirflrswAnnktdees,oegflfses,atwtots,efepnoui6weiokrndid3crenaeectgnmFbrlxuAuewsdeoprd,,opeissullcceroltspteoowisrbvl!anoe5iainealbksnllTgifiadosieihernstrtpeseaicehtn,aeeotylxeuagnnntpLrdnasooileafdeduolroflnxce,nrrlmchpieaiflnvltlaes,aueoogoPrrsnwrwdiomasteechseierhunc.uoerflc,gcrlssyuooseh,fiaiennmcmg.qeslda,lGuoulcdmcetwuatrkhhasegoasteefsfs,nttys
Open House at Pegasus for VeteransAUGUST 17
Airshow at Stewart Airport
Hudson Valley RibfestFARUIDGAUBYa-aSSTbrTblUUhbiakmaeereNl1csbcuRtk6uetDeshi-ecbiwrce1Au,fCheb8eYlpiisna,lhoreNtcenouuoi-dsydsennuonsswtitpnu’oeyta,nsoPonejFtuvruadaaaswlriltttlremlizegdataahyreonrbornmrdi6oebuu0hoflnieitsonndsttwrsceestitlb.,aunortasdmro.tgtioSinsocig!tonooutkrenta. IlTnohtneegrcnNwivaieiSltti1wiahto1ennYs8wwaoop0mlarielkAlrFretbfiAirorepIoisrnratomfttSgrheSttehahertrorifnernseeewa.anettIonthaitwouf,ditfsiNrnieleoilnayrpnerielgnee’wAsagtnturhbtid!rHoreuVpenperinoBsgtltmiirolthcutHosi,eSlpwiettAeatlfiewnncrryoyga.rpecariodtltnsemedrss.
To be featured on this page, Family Garden DaysfvoewrtegaesecfDtsrhtafCqotFaaincsfamuobfmhicqirmclocemeuikaavlsseye,entrkeCserrtdh4i.iorgodAwe0lfalhooelSt3phfntrraurde1diotregHairh1ntnuaenrea:gatudr3straStsiloqhH0myoitrusfue.droicgaplatReAlrovha.lrgnmFeeoloretlaiegksag.oHrgrgoidwrnmrainoagei,gelrwlcaBsTd’tlrluFn!eoleeewariBtsndccahersgr.afomekgiaonlnneloarprg,dvrdawadeeySnenoiuHbtcdnuhgorsiiWeralnmplasrwgaLekHchTeoil.lle
email Bruce Heller at
Yes, You Can Lose Weight and Keep It Off
If you’re like most Americans, you’ve tried to seen people who’ve been struggling to lose with weight loss. You receive hormonal/meta-
lose weight. If you succeeded, you probably weight for years without knowing they have bolic testing that’s appropriate. We then set up
had a hard time keeping it o . Unfortu- an underlying thyroid condition). a healthy weight-loss goal. Depending on your
nately, there’s a good chance you ended up just Because there are multiple causes for weight emotional connection to eating, a psychologist
where you started or heavier. Now, Northern gain (and regain), any e ective solution needs or nurse practitioner helps you develop skills to
Westchester Hospital’s innovative new Cen- to address all of these. e solution needs to be deal with your emotional triggers for overeating.
ter for Weight Management invites you to get comprehensive, multidisciplinary and highly We can o er you medications that help with the
o the diet merry-go-round and start losing personalized. psychological aspect of eating, such as an FDA-
weight in a new and e ective way, one that Enter NWH’s Center for Weight Manage- approved medication for binge eating disorder.
can keep you at your desired weight for a life- ment. At the center, we’ve assembled all the You also learn how to use cognitive behavioral
time. Read on to see how the center can help pieces of the puzzle. Your team includes a therapy to successfully manage trigger situations.
you reach your goal. nurse practitioner, a nutritionist and, optional- You see a nutritionist for a personalized
e old answer was that weight loss was a ly, a psychologist. We can refer you to our bar- nutritional evaluation and dietary recommen-
matter of willpower. But that answer didn’t iatric surgeon, if appropriate and if that path dations. Depending on your health situation,
work. More Americans are heavier than ever. feels right to you. Working with your primary we can prescribe FDA-approved weight-loss
Today’s answer is much smarter. It’s informed care physician, we might manage medications medication to help with weight loss.And since
by decades of research into why we gain weight, you take for other conditions. We often nd activity is an important piece of the puzzle, we
which has led to a richness of new knowledge. weight-neutral alternatives to medications help you set realistic goals to increase activity.
is has yielded a far more accurate and nu- that have contributed to weight gain. And if, Maintenance coaching is personalized, like
anced picture of the issue. Our relationship for example, we discover a hormonal condi- everything else at the center. It can involve
with food is very complicated. ere are many tion, we refer you to an endocrinologist. regular meetings with our nutritionist, ongo-
possible factors at play: Emotional issues; Lack Another innovation is that after you reach ing psychological support,medical evaluations
of time to cook meals for ourselves; Lack of your goal, we continue to support you through and medication to sustain your loss.
time to exercise; Underlying medical condi- individualized maintenance coaching.
tions (typically hormonal or metabolic condi- So what happens when you walk in? Rachel Goldman, FNP-BC, CDE, nurse
tions that make weight loss hard and unsus- After a comprehensive physical exam and practitioner and coordinator of the Center for
tainable); and Side e ects of medications (I’ve medical history, we identify issues you’ve had Weight Management.
The Pap Test
What every woman must know about
this test and possible results…
Ask the Doctor Q: What does the Pap test show? we more often treat because abnormalities don’t
A: The Pap test (or Pap smear) screens for pre- always go away on their own. We usually surgically
Elisa Burns, MD cancerous cellular abnormalities in a woman’s cervix. remove the abnormal area.
Medical Director, If abnormalities are found, you can be monitored or
Director of Quality and Outcomes treated so you don’t develop cervical cancer. A Pap test Q: How effective is the Pap test?
Institute for Robotic and involves scraping cells from your cervix to examine for A: Very. Routine Pap tests have decreased the rate of
Minimally Invasive Surgery pre-cancerous changes in tissue. Depending on your cervical cancer in the U.S. by 80 percent. Women who
Northern Westchester Hospital age, history and previous Pap test results, the cells get screened for cervical cancer have an extremely
might also be tested for high-risk types of the human low rate of this cancer.
Learn more about papillomavirus (HPV), the most common cause of
Dr. Burns, visit cervical cancer. Ninety-nine percent of cases of cervical Q: At what age should I start and stop
nwhroboticsurgery.org/ cancer are caused by the human papillomavirus, having Pap tests?
DrBurns which is generally sexually transmitted. A: Start at 21. Women under 21 have a very low
incidence of the type of high-grade abnormalities that
400 East Main Street | Mount Kisco, NY 10549 Q: If my Pap results are abnormal, will progress to cervical cancer. Screening after age
(914) 666-1200 | www.nwhc.net what are the next steps? 65 isn’t needed if you have a recent history of normal
A: If your cervical cells appear abnormal and/or Pap results. If your Pap test and HPV test are negative,
you are positive for high-risk HPV, you may undergo you should repeat both tests in three years.
a colposcopy, an examination of the cervix under
magnification, to find areas most likely to have Did you know?
abnormal cells. If these are found, a biopsy is used
to make a de nitive diagnosis. Routine Pap tests have decreased
the rate of cervical cancer in the U.S.
Among women aged 20 to 30 years, cervical cell by 80 percent.
abnormalities often go away by themselves, so we
typically monitor rather than treat these women,
as cervical cancer develops slowly. However, when
an older woman receives a positive biopsy report,
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