North Salem’s only weekly newspaper mailed to every home and business.
Vol. 4 No. 38 Visit for the latest news. Thursday, December 20, 2018
e Croton Falls Fire De- (Crosby Road residents Grove Drive 2:20 – 2:40 p.m. Lakeside Christmas Eve at the
partment again will help Santa should wait on Daniel Road Drive, Blackberry Hill Road, North Salem Christmas Tree
Claus with one of his favorite in Front of the North Salem 12:05 – 12:10 p.m. Spur Rodeo Drive
holiday traditions: e an- Volunteer Ambulance Corps Street, Main Street, First Street Join the North Salem Im-
nual Candy Cane Run through building) 2:50 – 3 p.m. Bridleside provement Society for festivi-
town on Sunday, December 12:15 – 12:20 p.m. Bogtown Lane ties at 6 p.m. on Dec. 24. Santa
23. Beginning at 10:30 a.m. on 11:10 – 11:20 a.m. Valeria Road between Mills Road and will arrive shortly after on a
Daniel Road, Santa will criss- Circle, Morris Road 3:15 – 3:30 p.m. Delancey Croton Falls Fire Department
cross North Salem, greeting Wheeler Road Road, Lakeview Road, Eliza-
families and passing out candy (Residents who live in the beth Drive, Spring Hill Road retruck. ere will be hot co-
canes. Check the schedule be- middle of Valeria Circle and on 12:25 – 12:35 p.m. Fox Den coa and cider and homemade
low to see when Santa will be Jessitar Road should wait at the Lane, Deer Run Court, Yerkes 3:45 – 4p.m. Sun Valley cookies. Enjoy caroling around
in your neighborhood. intersection of Valeria Circle Drive, Sun Valley Heights the bon re and bring a camera
and Stephens Road) Road, Nash Road, David Drive Road for a photo with Santa. e tree
10:30 – 11 a.m. Daniel is located on Titicus Road just
Road, Sunset Drive, Ridgeway 11:30 – 11:45 a.m. Whip 1:10 – 1:30 p.m. Keeler 4:10 – 4:30 p.m. Owens east of Baxter Road and Kee-
Ave, Alice Road, Westview Mill Lane, Trotter Drive, Liv- Lane, Hilltop Drive, Raymond Road, Warner Drive, Avery ler Lane. Do not park in the
Ave, Westview Cross Road, ery Lane, Cider Mill Lane, Lane, Lee Road, Maple Ave Union Hall parking lot unless
Park Lane, Oakridge Road Horse Shoe Lane Road, Hunt Lane you are one of their customers.
Schedule subject to change based
11:50 – noon Sugar Hill 1:40 – 1:50 p.m. Vails Grove on weather conditions and
Road, Chestnut Drive, Pine Pavilion emergency calls.
1:55 – 2:05 p.m. Pietch
Gardens Pavilion
2:10 – 2:15 p.m. Bon-
nieview Street, Lake Street
World Language Honor Society
welcomes new students
The World Language Honor Society, currently in its fourth year,
inducted its largest group yet recently with 48 new members from
the sophomore and junior classes. The chapters inducted students to
the national organizations La Société Honoraire de Français (through
the American Association of Teachers of French) and La Sociedad
Honoraria Hispánica - Antoní Guadí Chapter (through the American
Association of Teachers of Spanish and Portuguese). Students and
parents celebrated the achievement with a brief ceremony and
enjoyed a breakfast of croissants, muffins, fruit, and coffee. The
club’s advisers are Heide DeMorris and Jessica Drumm.
CLASSIFIEDS 22 Local author shares
LEGAL NOTICES 22 recipes at WEC.
LEISURE 21 pg 12-13
Page 2 – North Salem News BALANCED ROCK Thursday, December 20, 2018
The Staff Place your event here e theater is located Friends of Karen asks for do- Hayfields
at 3 Owens Road, North Salem. nors to help make sure there
JODI WEINBERGER Calling all schools, town orga- Diversions and Delights, a are gifts for every child. To par- Hay elds is located at 1 Bloom-
EDITOR: 914-302-5830
[email protected] nizations, nonpro ts and houses Croton Falls Christmas is from ticipate in this annual tradition, er Road. For more information,
SPORTS EDITOR: 914-214-4285 of worship in North Salem. Tell Dec. 13-23 please contact Denise Tredwell visit hay
[email protected]
ADVERTISING TEAM us about your event! Balanced “The Color of Light” by Jesse at 914-617-4052 or denis- Monthly Trivia starts at 7 p.m.
LISA KAIN Rock is a place for free listings Kornbluth is from April 4-28, [email protected] to and goes until 9:30 p.m. Doors
[email protected] for qualifying organizations. Get 2019. get started. open at 6:30 p.m.Trivia is brought
914-202-2392 in touch at weinberger@halston Friends of Karen North Salem to you by the o cial Pub Quiz
[email protected] to place your event. organization with a wide variety
845-621-4049 North Salem Schools Friends of Karen, which sup- Foundation for of questions and categories. Hay-
[email protected] ports critically-ill children and Learning elds recommends teams for four
914-334-6335 people. It’s $5 a person to play.
[email protected]
NANCY SORBELLA PQ upcoming events: their families, has launched their Food, beer and wine is available
[email protected] Dec. 21: early dismissal at annual Holiday Adopt-A-Fam- Drawings have begun for the along with prizes for the winning
914-202-2941 11:30 a.m. ily program for 2018 to ensure NSFL calendar ra e! Win- team. Upcoming dates: Jan. 16,
[email protected]
PRODUCTION TEAM Dec. 24-Jan. 1: Holiday recess, each Friends of Karen child and ners will be drawn every day from Feb. 20 and March 20.
PRODUCTION MANAGER no school their siblings have something to anksgiving through New Year’s Winter Solstice
[email protected] Middle School/High School smile about this holiday season. Day for prizes ranging from $20 to
BRETT FREEMAN Dec. 21: Middle/high school As in years past, Friends of $100. Winners’ names will be re- Magic
PUBLISHER: 845-208-8151
[email protected] early dismissal, 10:30 a.m. Karen will turn to both individu- entered, so you could win multiple
Dec. 24-Jan. 1: Holiday recess, als, businesses and community times! Don’t miss this opportu- e annual Winter Solstice
845-621-1116 school closed groups to help spread the holiday nity to have some fun as you fol- celebration at the Chapel at
[email protected]
The Schoolhouse spirit and shop to ll nearly 900 low the daily winners and support Croton Falls is at 6 p.m. Dec. 26
Deadlines “Holiday Wish Lists” this season. the North Salem Foundation for at 609 Route 22, Croton Falls.
Theater Anyone wanting to help is asked Learning. Purchase a ra e online e suggested donation is $15.
THE DEADLINE FOR ADVERTISEMENTS to purchase one gift for one child for $20 and have your name entered e Chapel hosts monthly
AND EDITORIAL SUBMISSIONS FOR For more information on any of or several gifts. For those unable to win: Interfaith Sundays, usually on
NORTH SALEM NEWS IS THE THURSDAY these events, call 914-277-8477 to shop, Friends of Karen accepts mxcustomer/d/2a881227-7a15- the third Sunday morning of the
or email schoolhousetheater@ cash donations as well. 40d1-ac35-3a731561b750/v3 month. But the solstice service
JODI WEINBERGER AT 914-302-5830 is always held in the evening, so
OR EMAIL NORTHSALEMNEWS@ that the darkened church can
be lled with the light from our
candles and the glorious Christ-
mas tree donated each year by the
Outhouse family.
334 ROUTE 202, UNIT C1S is year’s special guests will
SOMERS, NY 10589 include: transcendent songstress
PUBLISHED WEEKLY BY Kristin Ho mann; multi-in-
strumentalist ute player Premik
Russell Tubbs; Bear Walker, ho-
listic healer and Native American
medicine man; and Westchester
Spirited Drumming, a local group
open to all. Members of the Cha-
pel’s interfaith team will add to
the magic. All ages are invited to
bring a drum or a rattle to help us
to call in the light! If lower lot is
full, please park up Owen Road
on the right at the back of School-
house. is event is sponsored by
the Garden of Light (501c3), a
platform for emerging spiritual-
ity that arose out of the interfaith
services at the Chapel. www.gar-
Christmas at the Chapel is
7:30 p.m. Monday, Dec. 24, for
a Christmas Eve Service.
North Salem
Fall Recreation
All registration forms avail-
able at:
Questions? Contact North Sa-
lem Rec 914-669-5665
Holiday Craft & Cookie
Making – December 19 at 4 p.m.
at Ruth Keeler Memorial Li-
brary. Join us for a fun craft! All
ages welcome! Younger children
please come with an adult helper.
Registration not necessary.
North Salem Day at Thunder
Thursday, December 20, 2018 Your Neighbor North Salem News – Page 3
Student spotlight
Meet Hana Szabo, young set designer with a bright future Hana Szabo
BY JESSICA JAFET she enjoys because it helps her classmates began thinking about the impact that ing all the work for the advanced courses
CONTRIBUTING WRITER succeed on the stage. She points out that good set design could have on a produc- she was enrolled in.”
this interest lines up with her plans to go tion and she became inspired to assemble
Building sets for school theater pro- to medical school and become a doctor— more dynamic-looking sets when she at- Hana, an only child, grew up in North
ductions has been a kind of metaphor a profession that appeals to her because it tended a middle school performance. Salem and attended elementary, middle
for Hana Szabo, a senior at North Salem allows her to “care for people so that they She then got to work, with her mother’s and high school in the district. Her par-
High School. can be successful in their lives.” help and guidance, on building original ents have been a major in uence on her
designs. She has o ered her help with own future plans.
Combining craftsmanship and creativ- After participating in community theater performances for several years
ity to build the sets is something she said theater during her younger years, Hana and has genuinely enjoyed working on “Both my parents are doctors and it is
both dramas and musicals. really inspiring to see them,” Hana said.
“My dad is a neurologist and my mom
“I like that it is artistic but then it is is a psychiatrist. e way they are able
also useful,” Hana said. “By creating this to help people is really inspiring to me.
stu , it really enhances the production— When I think about what my future is
a lot of the people in the theater are my going to look like in terms of a career,
friends; it also enhances what they are I couldn’t really see being anything else.”
able to do and it makes me feel like I am
helping them.” Her quiet demeanor and steady de-
termination helped her complete a sci-
In addition to set design, the ambi- ence research program that was a central
tious teen works behind-the-scenes as a part of her high school experience. She
member of the stage crew and has held admits however, that she had to make
the role of stage manager. She also works a conscious committment to academic
as a front-desk clerk at the Ruth Keeler achievement a few years back.
Memorial Library.
“When I was in middle school, I wasn’t
“I think a good set has to be true to the really a good student and then I kind of
themes, like the kind of vibe the script came to the realization that it is some-
is giving you,” she said. “For a lot of the thing that I really should be,” she said. “I
middle school plays, they are very play- had a lot of amazing teachers that helped
ful, so you have to bring out more of a me in the transition from being kind of
fun atmosphere; this year we did Alice mediocre at school to excelling at it.”
in Wonderland and it’s supposed to be a
little bit creepier, so I had to create very Although the middle school drama
surreal sets.” teacher, Hoagg, said that she will miss
Hana’s support, creativity and enthusi-
Lesley Hoagg, a seventh grade Eng- asm next year, she is very excited to for
lish teacher who is the director of the her as she takes the next steps as a pre-
Middle School Drama Club, is grateful med student at college in the fall.
for Hana’s e orts.
“One might think that she would want
“Hana’s drive and work ethic is so im- to go into set design as a career path, but
pressive,” Hoagg said. “She managed to her choice of profession is actually in medi-
work on these sets for our shows, while cine and she wants to be a surgeon,”Hoagg
at the same time successfully complet- said.“Hana is truly a Renaissance woman.”
Hana on the set of last year’s middle school drama.
Page 4 – North Salem News Thursday, December 20, 2018
Ruth Keeler Memorial Li- a.m.; Fates and Furies by Lau- by Adam Hochschild, and Feb- Family Bingo on Wednesday, brary supplies the blocks, kids
brary is located at 276 Titicus ren Gro on Feb. 7 at 10:30 ruary 24 at 3 p.m. for Walls: A
Road. For more information a.m.; e Children Act by Ian History of Civilization in Blood December 26, at 3 p.m. Bring supply the imagination.
on any of these events, call McEwan on March 7 at 10:30 and Brick by David Frye. Extra
914-669-5161 or visit keeler a.m. copies of these books are avail- the family to play Bingo and ursdays
[email protected]. able for checkout. No registra-
History and Biography tion is required and drop-ins are win books. Books and Puppets at 10:30
Bagels & Books: Judas by Book Club on Jan. 8 at 7:30 welcome.
Amos Oz on Jan. 8 at 10:30 p.m. for King Leopold’s Ghost Mary Poppins (1964) on a.m.; family story time for kids
certificates Friday, December 28 at 2 p.m. of all ages.
Watch the classic movie Marie Saturdays
Poppins. It is rated G and has a Story Time at 10:30 a.m.;
running time of 2 hours and 19 family story time for kids of all
minutes. ages.
Polar Express on ursday, (Bilingual stories and songs
December 27 at 3 p.m. Watch on some Saturdays.)
the movie Polar Express, which Writers workshop
is rated G and has a running is workshop is from 11
time of 1 hour and 40 minutes. a.m. to 12:30 p.m. and led by
Popsicle Ornaments on Sat- Maryanne D’Amato the rst
urday, December 22 at 1 p.m. Wednesday of the month. It is
Create ornaments out of pop- open to all writers and aspiring
sicle sticks including popsicle writers who are invited to share
snow akes and more. their work or desire to write in a
A Creative Moment every supportive atmosphere.
ursday from 6 - 8 p.m., ages 10 Free Museum Passes
to adult. Facilitated by Jen Arm- North Salem is surrounded
bruster and Debbie Rizo. Work by many world-class museums.
on a creative, artistic project with You can visit some of these free
family or friends. e project of charge by simply going to the
may be your own or an easy, self- library and checking out passes
directed project provided by one to the museums. Just ask for
of the library’s Art Boxes. Plenty the passes at the front desk. You
of supplies will be available from may call the library to reserve a
the Art Cart. Share your work pass for a particular week. Passes
with other creative individuals must be returned within seven
in a fun, supportive atmosphere. days. Passes may not be returned
School-age children must come to any other library, nor put in
with an adult. the book drop. It is possible to
Story time and crafts renew a pass for an additional
Mondays week, provided no one else is
Stories and Songs – 10:30 waiting for it, by calling the li-
a.m., for babies from birth to brary. Loss of a museum pass
2-1/2. will result in you being charged
Tuesdays the full replacement cost.
A Classe ! Mother Goose for Babies – ey are available for Keeler
Starting Monday January 7
Day or evening classes! 10:30 a.m., for babies from birth Library card holders only. Don’t
Drawing, painting, pottery, knitting &
crocheting, art therapy, and more! to 2-1/2. have a library card? Show the li-
Class descriptions, schedule and registration on our Wednesdays brary proof that you live, work,
Story Time at 10:30 a.m.; go to school, or own property in
Our arts education program exposes children, teens and
adults to an array of techniques and materials with the goal family story time for kids of all North Salem and we can issue
A tist !of exploring and cultivating artistic talents while having fun. ages. you a library card in about three
Block Party at 11 a.m. – Li- minutes.
Rooney Orthodontics
Children & Adults
Relax, talk, share ideas and inspire each other
in a casual lounge space designed to create
collaboration. Studio memberships come with
24hr access to studio(s), personal storage space for
supplies, lounge & self serve coffee bar. Members
also receive a discount on classes & workshops.
621 Route 22 17 Miller Rd.
Croton Falls, NY 10519 Mahopac
914-617-8541 845-621-1222
Thursday, December 20, 2018 North Salem News – Page 5
Stunning ballroom with panoramic views
Variety of food packages
Professional Staff
Minutes from I84, 684
Questions? Call Trish Today!
18 Bloomer Rd, North Salem NY 10560
Page 6 – North Salem News Thursday, December 20, 2018
Customized crafting
Students in Ronald Hendrie’s class made personalized gifts and items out of wood during a recent class.
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Thursday, December 20, 2018 North Salem News – Page 7
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Page 8 – North Salem News Opinion Thursday, December 20, 2018
Happily Ever After
6 places to visit over winter break Yuletide riptide
Ican’t seem to slow this DIVERSIONS & sonal activities and more through Last Friday we went MAN
holiday season down! ere is EXCURSIONS the end of December. to the taping of OVERBOARD
still so much to do and I try NPR’s “Wait Wait...
to savor every day, every experi- NANCY Cross County Center Pop-Up Don’t Tell Me!”radio quiz
ence and memory. Today, there SORBELLA Holiday Ice Skating
are ve days until Christmas program at Carnegie Hall. RICK
and I’m about to embark on an engagement for all ages. Happy 8000 Mall Walk, Yonkers We eventually made it MELÉN
epic mom and daughter holiday Holidays! to the show, which was
weekend in the city. Holiday ice skating but on
The Hudson River Museum synthetic ice (yes!) and you use very funny as always. But
I think we have every quintes- 511 Warburton Avenue, Yonkers real ice skates through Jan. 13.
sential New York experience on of course we rst had to
our agenda. I can’t wait to share Dec. 26-28: Special holiday The New York Botanical
that diversion. ere are many science and art workshops, holi- Garden Holiday Train Show go see the Christmas tree at Rockefeller Center. ere were so
moving parts and personalities day exhibits, gallery tours, face
to consider so its best left to full painting, snacks, and more. NYBG, 2900 Southern Boule- many people around, I just knew it was going to be a madhouse.
disclosure next week. vard., Bronx
Boscobel We stop for co ee, and I pour it from their cardboard cup
What I’m thinking about right 1601 Route 9D, Garrison
now is what to do during the Experience over 175 iconic into my plastic travel cup, which I brought with me from
holiday week; those post-Christ- Dec. 26-28: Holiday crafts, New York landmarks scaled
mas days o from school and tours, and seasonal snacks includ- down and constructed of all home. You’re probably thinking, well I couldn’t begin to
work. ere is actually a lot of ing pomander making and candle natural elements in the Enid
seasonal fun to be had to extend dipping. Haupt Conservatory while G- guess what you’re thinking, but I hate drinking co ee out
that holiday feeling but often at model trains travel throughout
a more relaxed pace. Depending LEGOLAND the foliage and holiday lights of a cardboard or styrofoam cup for some reason. A ceramic
upon your schedule, there are Discovery Center through Jan. 21.
probably three key days to ll: mug would be even better, and I like my co ee SO hot that I
Wednesday, Dec. 26 to Friday, Ridge Hill, 39 Fitzgerald The Polar Express at The
Dec. 28. I’m giving you six fun Street, Yonkers Catskill Mountain Railroad have to open my mouth during the tongue-burning process
choices to add to your calendar. I
totally loved them all, would go westchesterlegolanddiscovery- Westbrook Lane Station, 149 and fan cooler air into it before I swallow. Every other day
back and do in some cases, and Aaron Court, Kingston
they won’t disappoint. a study comes out that says co ee is the best thing for you,
Bricktacular and more: Master
Why do I love them? Be- Model Builder workshops, sea- Travel through time on e and on the other days a di erent study says you’ll drop dead
cause there’s a little local history, Polar Express in a vintage train
culture, art, science, exercise and car. Listen to the story, drink hot if you have more than two cups. So I risk third degree burns
the just the right amount of cocoa, wear your pajamas if you’d
like and receive a special sleigh and possible heart disease before I even get to the arti cial
bell as a souvenir through Dec. 28.
sweetener, which probably causes cancer. If it doesn’t, they’ll
have to re-think their packaging. Try tting “Sweet ‘N Low
‘N Non-Carcinogenic” onto a 2 3/8-inch packet.
I wait a few moments to make sure I’ve survived the co ee,
then we proceed towards the tree, enjoying the busy rhythms of
the City during this most festive of all seasons. We can’t get close
enough to Sak’s Fifth Avenue to check out the holiday window
scenes, so I told my wife to just enjoy some of the other decora-
tive windows on display. For instance, at the Verizon Store, they
had a colorful diorama depicting a reindeer with a very good
data plan. When we got to 50th Street it was SO crowded in
BRETT FREEMAN, PUBLISHER Letters to the editor and op-ed submissions may be edited.
JODI WEINBERGER, EDITOR The views and opinions expressed in letters and op-eds are not
TABITHA PEARSON MARSHALL, PRODUCTION MANAGER necessarily those of North Salem News or its affiliates. Submissions
must include a phone number and address for verification. Not
Editorial Office: 914-302-5830 BAILEY COURT, 334 ROUTE 202, UNIT C1S all letters and op-eds will necessarily be published. Letters and
Fax: 914-617-8508 SOMERS, NY 10589 op-eds which cannot be verified or are anonymous will not be
[email protected] published. Please send your submissions to the editor by e-mail
to [email protected].
For more information, call the editor at 914-302-5830.
Thursday, December 20, 2018 OPINION North Salem News – Page 9
An update from your
county legislator
BY KITLEY S. COVILL with my colleagues on the Board of Legislators and As your local Allstate Agent, I understand
GUEST WRITER am proud of the progress we have made this year. the unique coverage needed for the
Highlights from the 2018 session include passage homes and cars in our community, and
As I conclude my rst year at the Westchester of laws prohibiting gun shows on county-owned which coverage you may not need. You
County Legislature, I want to thank you for property; protecting immigrants; banning salary could say I’m an expert at getting you the
electing me. As your county legislator, I am history questions in hiring; banning conversion protection you want with the savings you
responsible for advocating on behalf of residents therapy for minors; expanding the Bedford Cem- deserve. Call, email or stop by my office
who need something from government—whether etery; encouraging hiring in county contracts of for a free quote today.
it involves state, county or local issues—helping our businesses owned by service-disabled veterans; and
least fortunate residents, and advocating for services raising the age for sale of tobacco products. I’ve Shari Zimmerman
to our communities. reconvened the Septic Subcommittee in order to 845-621-2557
protect our reservoirs and have delivered $750,000
Westchester County gets 15 cents of every tax to help pay for the operation and maintenance of 957 Route 6
dollar, and it uses that 15 cents to maintain parks, district watershed systems. Mahopac
pave roads, run a jail, supervise ex-o enders, investi-
gate abuse and neglect of children, fund many local I have also worked diligently to make certain that Proudly protecting our community
nonpro ts, arts and recreational activities, and many stalled infrastructure projects in North Salem and for over 25 years.
other things, some required by New York State. Pound Ridge move forward. Long Ridge Road (in Located next to The Chophouse Grille.
Pound Ridge) is now slated to receive $1.25 million
We have inherited years of neglect and budget in repaving work. New school bus stop signs have
gimmicks that included one-time revenue sources, been installed on county roads in Bedford, and I
county workforce reductions, no raises for county have worked to ensure that local municipalities are
employees, few capital projects, and borrowing for reimbursed for plowing and repair of local county
operating expenses resulting in a stressed scal roads. We have established an I-684 working group
situation and deterioration of county resources. e to nd a short-term solution while being cognizant
budget we just passed includes returning the county, that a new design will ultimately be the permanent
slowly, to scal stability and keeping pace with solution.
in ation. While there is a modest increase to this
year’s budget, going forward we will be looking for One of my top priorities has been to hold the
other revenue sources we can use to rebalance the utilities accountable for their abysmal service during
county budget.
As your legislator, I have worked cooperatively
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Page 10 – North Salem News OPINION Thursday, December 20, 2018
Elf help
Driving past the colorful light ing to the o cial website, this “fun- lled surveillance and to encourage their good Kim Kovach nds inspiration for writing
displays decorating homes and Christmas tradition helps the big guy behavior for the weeks leading up to in unusual places. Happy
front yards at this time of year (Santa) manage his naughty and nice unwrapping presents under the tree. Ac- Holidays to all! Visit kim
cording to the o cial website, if a child
always puts me in a lists.” e idea is that touches the Scout Elf, it may lose the
ability to y. e best remedy suggested
good mood. We are the Scout Elf perches is to sprinkle some cinnamon next to the
elf so that it can regain the power to y
bombarded with holi- READING, in a new spot each back to the North Pole!
day music and festive morning waiting for What does the Scout Elf do for the
sweets. For the most CHOCOLATE the children to dis- rest of the year? My suggestion is to
market this creature to adults as Best
part, people are friendly KIM cover. At night after Self Elf. ink about the possibilities
of perching the elf on top of your
wherever you go. Hold- KOVACH the family members computer at work so that you
will think twice before sending
ing doors open, smiling have gone to bed, the a scathing email in the heat
of the moment. Or perch the
benevolently at the Scout Elf ies back to wide-eyed elf in the cup hold-
er of your car as a reminder
long lines of customers the North Pole to tattle to drive safely and not text,
cut o other drivers or make
ahead. It would be great if adults be- to Santa on all of the behavior witnessed rude hand gestures.
haved like this all year long. during the day. Prop the elf next to
your home exercise equip-
Have you heard of Elf on a Shelf ? e Scout Elf is about 12 inches tall ment like the treadmill you
hang laundry on or the free
is phenomenon was invented in 2005 and dressed in a red jumpsuit with a weights gathering dust. e
Best Self Elf can even be sold
by three women in Georgia. One of the jaunty red pointed hat, impish painted in a mini version to keep in
your pocket or purse to hold
women came up with the idea of writ- on grin and wide staring eyes. e elf is onto as a calming talisman while waiting
on long lines at the airport or cooling
ing a holiday story about a Scout Elf secretly placed in a di erent room of the your heels at the auto repair shop. I feel
better already!
who comes down from the North Pole house each night. Parents post photos
to take note of the behavior of boys and and videos of the many clever places
girls. e Scout Elf returns to the North they have hidden their elves to amuse
Pole each night to report to his boss, and ba e small children. Some of the
Santa Claus, who keeps the Naughty many locations include peeking out of
and Nice list. the top of a cereal box, sitting on the
e book, written in rhyming verse, toilet tank, hiding behind a backpack,
was rejected by numerous publishers. etc. e month-long espionage mis-
Undaunted, the three women scraped sion starts right after anksgiving and
together the funding and self-published continues every day until Christmas. My
the storybook packaged with a foot-tall mother would have lost interest in the
elf gure dressed in red. e boxed sets entire endeavor after the third day.
sold out within weeks and the rest, as DON’T TOUCH THE ELF! e
they say, is history. Scout Elf is not a doll or toy to be played
Elf on a Shelf is big business. Accord- with by children. He is strictly there for
Hernia Repair Methods
and Recovery
Find out what’s right for you…
Ask the Doctor Q: What is a hernia? or hernias in the groin, require a synthetic mesh to
A: A hernia is an opening within muscles or connective repair and cover the defect, or hole. Other methods,
Dr. Amanda Messina, FACS tissue, called fascia, through which intestines or fat like Laparoscopy and robotic hernia repair, allow
Bariatric Surgery & General Surgery protrudes. Hernias tend to occur in the belly through the surgeon to make smaller incisions with smaller
Northern Westchester Hospital previous incisions, or most commonly in the groin, operating tools. In both types of surgery, the risk of
which is known as an inguinal hernia. They can develop complications is minimal – about the same as any
Learn more about at any age, from birth onward. Hernias may grow over surgical operation. Hernia repairs are ambulatory
Dr. Messina, visit time or they can come on suddenly; they may result procedures and you’ll be able to go home the same day.
nwhsurgicalweightloss. from strenuous activity, heavy lifting, during pregnancy, The risk of recurrence is slim: There’s about a 5 percent
org/DrMessina or even from a t of coughing. chance that a person will experience another hernia in
the same spot or elsewhere.
400 East Main Street | Mount Kisco, NY 10549 Q: What should I do if I think I have a hernia?
(914) 666-1200 | A: It’s important to seek medical attention right away Q: How long is the recovery period?
if you think you have a hernia. Aside from resting and A: I generally recommend patients take a week off from
taking ibuprofen for pain, unfortunately there isn’t work and that they do not lift anything heavier than 25
a lot that people can do on their own when it comes pounds for at least six weeks. I typically don’t restrict
to treating a hernia. The only de nitive treatment is cardiovascular exercise with my patients and most
surgery. Hernias, if left untreated, can continue to patients are able to return to regular activities without
enlarge, putting you at risk for potentially dangerous pain after a few weeks.
complications, like lack of blood supply or strangulation
to the intestines. Did you know?
Q: What are the surgical options for treating a hernia? There are about 200,000 hernias
A: Hernias are treated either by open repair, or diagnosed every year. About 2 percent
minimally invasive surgery, which includes laparoscopy occur in adults, 4 percent in infants.
or robot-assisted surgery. At Northern Westchester
Hospital all methods are available and selected based Source: Centers for Disease Control and Prevention
on the size and location of the hernia. Inguinal hernias,
Thursday, December 20, 2018 OPINION North Salem News – Page 11
OP-ED assistance to the ve county parks in
our district, among other matters.
It has been an honor to serve
this past winter, and I have been as your county legislator. Please
particularly vocal about the lack reach out if you think I can help.
of crews and service to NYSEG Email me at covill@westchester-
customers. I have met one-on- to get in touch
one with the CEO/president of or to receive email updates on
NYSEG to discuss these issues. everything from lists of events
I am happy to report that we are around our district, to pending
beginning to see improvements, county legislation, critical health-
including some accelerated tree related issues, and opportunities
trimming, smart meter invest- for community members, along
ments and improved NYSEG/ with other information.
community support during storms.
I wish you happy holidays and
In 2019, I will be working on leg- thank you again.
islation regarding single-use plastic
bags and Styrofoam in the county; Kitley S. Covill represents District
nding solutions for our airport; 2 on the Westchester County Board
creating a system to help veterans of Legislators (Bedford, Lewisboro,
receive the services and nancial sup- Mount Kisco, North Salem, Pound
port they’ve earned; and delivering Ridge and a portion of Somers).
MELEN Once we nd the guy, we have Merry
to reverse-pick his pocket. I’ll Christmas
FROM PAGE 8 create a diversion and you get the
wallet back. What could be the fro a o u a
Rockefeller Center you could diversion? I know how to play
hardly get near the tree. We “Flight of the Bumble Bee”by Law Offices of Joseph J. Tock
should have gone to see it wher- tapping my cheeks really fast. I
ever it was before they cut it down, don’t think it’s a diverse enough 963 Route 6, Mahopac, NY 10541 • TOCKLAW.COM
but for some reason it didn’t seem diversion, but I do it anyway just
important then. We’re herded to show you I can. I’ll keep things 800-869-8080
into the designated tree-viewing simple- I’m going to trip over 845-628-8080
area by a combination of tra c the curb right at the guy and he’s
barriers, crowd-control police and going to have to use both hands to
a border collie. catch me, and you snatch the wal-
let back. Just as I’m getting ready to
I saw an unattended knap- go, two people trip over the curb,
sack cable-locked to a signpost. and it throws o my timing. What
I gazed at it suspiciously. What if he’s got more than one wallet
were its intentions? Am I seeing in his pocket? Whatever wallet I
something? Should I be saying end up with is likely to have more
something? ere were three cops cash, a better credit limit and nicer
in riot gear ten feet away from wallet-sized photos, so I’m not too
it, so I assumed they had seen it, worried about it.
scanned it, sni ed it, Mirandized
it and released it. I thought about Finally we’re close enough to
pouring my cold co ee on it to get a sel e. I have long arms, so
disable it in case it was a bomb, I take the sel e phone and try to
but if it contained the cops’ spare get a picture of us in front of the
helmets or something, I’d have tree. Every position I hold the
some explaining to do downtown. phone in presses a di erent but-
By the way, it would be conve- ton on the side. First, I’ve turned
nient if they had another police the lens around so it’s facing the
station uptown so I could do my back of a busker in a Santa suit
explaining a little closer. who looks like he might be try-
ing to dodge a stack of warrants
I told my wife to be careful of with the disguise. en I launch
pickpockets. I don’t carry a whole an app that puts u y ears and
lot of cash around with me, for cat whiskers onto the back of
the good reason that I don’t have crackhead Santa’s head. Next, I
a lot of cash. So pickpockets, if hack into the Equifax database by
you’re out there, you could pick a mistake. Meanwhile people are
better pocket to pick. But I lost paused politely waiting for us to
my wallet once and it was a big take the damned sel e. Finally a
pain in the neck to replace all the young girl comes over and grabs
stu I keep in there- as every guy the phone. “Give me that, I’m
knows, your wallet is like having a a Millennial.” And she snaps
small ling cabinet in your pants. three perfect photos without any
It’s much more convenient than further ado. en a fat guy enters
having a large ling cabinet in the crowd three blocks away, and
your pants, so if somebody makes when the ripple e ect reaches
o with it, I’ve got to get it back. us we’re forced out onto Sixth
First, we identify the pickpocket. I Avenue. Just as we’re leaving two
yell,“OMIGOD SOMEBODY more people trip over that curb at
STOLE MY WALLET!”And the pickpocket area, and I wonder
then quickly look around- the if maybe crime really does pay.
person who seems unsurprised by
this is the thief. Well, it turns out Say hello at: [email protected]
EVERYONE in New York City
is unsurprised by this.
Page 12 North Salem News – Thur
Cooking their way through histo
Food writer Tanya Steel, a North Salem resident, visited the Westchester Exceptional Children’s School last week to make recipes from of her new book, “Food Fight.”
e book was published this summer and takes kids through the history of food in a fun, interactive way.
Sasha reading the recipe for Rosie the Riveter’s Chocolate Bread Custard
Rosie the Riveter’s Chocolate Bread Custard from Tanya Steel’s book. The students receive autographed copies
of Tanya Steel’s book, “Food Fight”
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rsday, December 20, 2018 Page 13
Tanya Steel
thuomn bthLseautSpepsfsooatr CJgoaivhkenesnsya.
Lakiera made a thank you
card for Tanya Steel.
Emily helps make the custard.
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Page 14 – North Salem News Thursday, December 20, 2018
Westchester County Impending
offers certificates to regulations force
reduce tuition costs closure of vape shop
Westchester residents can reduce their cost of tuition at community colleges outside of the New York State, FDA take
County. aim at avored e-cigarettes
Certi cates of Residence, which can be obtained from the Department of Finance, qualify stu-
dents for residential rates at two-year SUNY and CUNY colleges. So far, 1,742 certi cates have
been issued in 2018. at number is expected to be closer to 2,000 as students begin to submit
applications for the Spring 2019 semester. BY BRIAN MARSCHHAUSER without the legislation moving
Commissioner of Finance Ann Marie Berg said the department has seen an increase in the CONTRIBUTING EDITOR
forward, reports have surfaced in
number of applications over the last few years. recent weeks indicating that Gov.
“With online classes it’s even more popular because people can easily take classes outside of the e writing is on the wall for Andrew Cuomo, backed by two
County,” Berg said. vape shops across New York State, Democratic-controlled houses,
Students have a 90 day window, 60 days before and 30 days after the start of the semester, to leaving one in Yorktown to unload will begin his third term by taking
apply for a certi cate and send it to their schools. Each certi cate is valid for one year and one its products. swift action against avored e-liq-
school. If students take classes at more than one school they must apply for multiple certi cates. Near the end of the 2018 legis- uids, or juices, as they are known,
“ ere is no cost involved to get the certi cate,” said Berg. “If you meet the resident requirement lative session, a bill was introduced which have risen in popularity
for Westchester and New York State and are attending a community college outside of Westches- in New York State that would ban among teenagers. If instituted, it
ter County you’ll get the nancial bene t.” all avored vaping or e-cigarette would become the rst statewide
Students who have lived in Westchester for six months, and New York State for one year, qualify products, except for tobacco and ban of its kind.
for the program. menthol, e ectively striking a “It’s not smart for us to stay in
Applications can be found on the Department of Finance’s website and must be submitted by death blow to the vaping industry. that business and wait for it to
mail. ough the session ended crash on us,” said Lara Galper,
who co-owned Vape Escape with
her husband, Steve.
Earlier this month, the Galp-
ers announced to their 2,000-plus
customers the closure of Vape
Escape on Friday, Nov. 30, due to
these impending state and federal
Lara Galper suspects some
sort of regulations will take e ect
in January when the New York
State legislature reconvenes. Bill
S8610, if approved, would take ef-
fect immediately, making it illegal
for proprietors to sell avored e-
“ at bill is written, ready to
go,” she said.
Pete Harckham, state sena-
tor-elect (D-South Salem), said
he has not thoroughly read the
proposed legislation, but said he
generally supports the concept of
banning or limiting access to a-
Have your heating system checked now before the cold weather comes. vored e-liquids.
e e-liquids that ll the va-
porizers or e-cigarettes are usually
"Service was fast, courteous sold separately from the devices
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such as apple juice, bubble gum
and cotton candy, which legisla-
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popularity among teenagers.
LET BELL KEEP THE COLD OUT “ ey’re really just designed to
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Page 16 – North Salem News Thursday, December 20, 2018
America’s first living
Christmas tree came
from Yorktown
BY MONICA DOHERTY to supply a living Christmas tree for the
GUEST WRITER nation...”
Selected with care and removed with
e custom of using r trees and ev- its large root ball, its branches tied up,
ergreen boughs to decorate home and wrapped securely, it was shipped to the
hearth during the Christmas seasons White House. e rst national living
goes back through the centuries. e Christmas tree was planted by the White
tradition of having a living national House Parks Department; children carol-
Christmas tree goes back 94 years with ers were supplied by the Department of
one 20-year hiatus from 1954 to 1973. Education; and light bulbs donated by the
According to the American For- Electric Institute. Ovid Butler, executive
ests Magazine (December 1973), “ e secretary of the American Forests As-
custom of having national Christmas sociation, gave the greeting to President
tree started in 1923 when President Coolidge: “Mr. President, we extend to you
Coolidge accepted a giant r sent him our Christmas greetings, and with them
from Middlebury College in his native this Christmas tree... It is a living, growing
state of Vermont.” It was then suggested tree, symbolic of the spirit of him whose
“that it would be nicer if the following birth we celebrate tonight... Mr. President,
Christmas we could have a living tree by your gracious presence here tonight,
instead.” this tree becomes in fact, the nation’s living
Associate editor of American Forests, tree, typifying that spirit of kindness and PHOTO: UNITED STATES LIBRARY OF CONGRESS
Lillian Cromelin, “remembered that all-embracing love which makes for Peace President Coolidge lights the 1924 tree.
American Forests had as an advertiser on Earth, Good Will to Men.”
a nursery owner in New York—Evelyn Approximately 1,000 people were in
Smith, president of Amawalk Nurseries. the audience and millions listened on lights?” As the network lled the time ery editor in our country.
Miss Smith was very easily persuaded the radio as the president responded, “I gap with music, the tree was lighted. Mo- After his death in 1908, the property
that it would be an honor and a privilege accept the tree, how do you turn on the ments later, as the president and Mrs. was inherited by his son, Cortland, and
Coolidge were leaving the grandstand, daughters, Evelyn and Mabel. Evelyn
the cold air caused the tree’s bulbs to ex- became president of the Amawalk Nurs-
plode, sounding like recrackers on the eries in 1919 when management of the
Fourth of July. e tree caught re and nursery by the children was restructured.
was badly burned. However, in 1925, a Under her management, the nursery
replacement tree was sent. grew to over 1,000 acres as Evelyn pur-
Many years later on Dec. 18, 1930, two chased the neighboring farms and other
live specimen Norway spruce trees were historic properties.
sent by Evelyn Smith of Amawalk Nursery Other specimen trees from Amawalk
to decorate Grand Central Terminal on were sent as gifts by Evelyn Smith to
behalf of the Yorktown Post of the Ameri- various dignitaries and heads of state
can Legion. e huge twin trees, 35-feet and planted throughout Yorktown. Many
high and 16 feet in spread, adorned with trees were shipped and planted to pri-
500 hundred colored lights were placed on vate estates as well as the 1939 New York
the west balcony near the Vanderbilt Ave- World’s Fair, Central Park, and the Tomb
nue entrance. After the holiday season, the of the Unknown Soldier.
trees are destined to be planted at two of In 1932, the nursery came to an end
the New York Central’s suburban stations following two tragic res in the packing
in Westchester as permanent community sheds that damaged much of the equip-
trees to be lighted each year. ment, overexpansion, and the devastating
e Amawalk Nursery property, set in e ects of the Great Depression. It went
the rolling hills of Westchester County, into bankruptcy in 1943 and was pur-
was purchased from the Travis fam- chased by a syndicate called the Amawalk
ily in 1904 by Major Orlando Smith. a Holding Company. e general manager,
tree hobbyist. He spent years importing, Clarence Murphy, continued to manage
planting and cultivating rare specimen the nursery operation until the property
trees from England, Holland and France was sold. Brookside School on Broad
without ever selling a single tree. His Street was built on the Amawalk Nursery
rst trees ultimately formed the nucleus property in 1950. Today, many Yorktown
around which “the largest big tree nurs- streets within the Amawalk Nursery
ery” was developed. Major Smith, of Rev- area re ect the nursery’s impact, such as
olutionary and Colonial stock, was a sol- Broad Street, Willoway Street, Evergreen
dier; one of the youngest o cers, at the Street, Blue Spruce Drive, and Whip-
age of 22, to command a cavalry regiment poorwill Road.
in the Civil War. He was also the founder
and president of the American Press As- Monica Doherty is a member of the
sociation, a newspaperman known to ev- Yorktown Historical Society.
To advertise in North Salem News, call Brett Freeman at 845-208-8151
or email [email protected].
Thursday, December 20, 2018 North Salem News – Page 17
ROCK 3. Available Lessons: Monday- ages 5 - 7, Students will learn An eight-week ZUMBA class tension. Wednesdays 7-8 p.m.,
FROM PAGE 2 ursday at 10 a.m., 1 p.m., 3:30 martial arts techniques, elements on Wednesdays, 7-8 p.m., Jan. Jan. 2-30 at the Ruth Keeler
Ridge - Saturday, Jan 12, Bring p.m., 4:30 p.m. or Friday at 10 of self-defense as well as impor- 9-Feb. 27, at Pequenakonck El- Memorial Library. $95/ 5 weeks.
your family and friends for a fun
day of skiing and boarding. Lift a.m. Fee: Lessons only: $300. Lift tant values and life skills. 8 week ementary School. Fee: $110 / 8 Bring a yoga mat, wear yoga style
Ticket: $35, Rentals: $30, Les-
sons: $30. Must show coupon: & Lesson: $390 - Lift, Lesson, program. Tuesdays 4:15 p.m. to 5 weeks workout gear.
and Rentals: $540. p.m. Jan 8, 15, 22, 29, Feb 4, 11, Better Balance Plus with Martial Arts at Westchester
North Salem Day Camp at
Mt. Lakes Martial Arts at Westchester 25, March 5. Fee: $190 (Gear Cheryl Aiello MMA-FIT: 333 North Bedford
Sta applications, Counselor- MMA-FIT: 333 North Bedford package included - uniform, In a supportive environment Rd. Mt. Kisco
in-Training applications, and
camper registration open in late Rd. Mt. Kisco gloves & shins guards) we explore balance and energy Adult Fitness: Heavy Bag
Feb/early March. Watch our
website for updates: northsalem- Tiny Dragons, ages 3 - 4, an Youth Martial Arts, ages 8 - 13, enhancing techniques using a Kickboxing, ages 14+, Us-
excellent way to introduce your Our Youth martial arts program variety of props. Fridays 10:30- ing Muay ai striking tech-
Youth Programs
Learn-to-Skate at Brewster children to martial arts! Here they increases focus on technique and 11:15 a.m. at the North Salem niques, participants increase their
Ice Arena
are taught basic martial arts in a skill. 8 week program. Mondays - Firehouse, Route 116. Fee: $99 / strength, stamina and endur-
e Learn-to-Skate program is
for 4-12 year olds at varying lev- fun and friendly environment. 8 4:15 pm to 5 p.m. Jan 7, 14, 21, 8 weeks ance on Wavemaster heavy bags.
els of skating experience. $185 per
session, per skater. Fee includes week program. Wednesdays 1:30 28, Feb 4, 11, 25, March 4. Fee: Yamuna Body Rolling with 8 week program. Wednesdays,
public skate before lesson. *Skate
Rental not included. p.m. to 2 p.m. Jan 9, 16, 23, 30, $190 (Gear package included - Susan Moyer 6:30pm to 7:15pm., Jan 9, 16, 23,
Fridays 5:30-6 p.m. OR Tues- Feb. 6, 13, 27, and March 6. Fee: uniform, gloves & shins guards) e practice of body sustain- 30, Feb 6, 13, 20, 27. Fee: $190
days 5:10-5:40 p.m. Session 3
starts Fri Jan. 4 or Tue Jan. 8. Ses- $170 (uniform included) Adult Health & Fitness ability using balls of various sizes (gloves, jump rope & hand wraps
sion 4 starts Friday, March 1 or
Tuesday, March 5. Little Champs Martial Arts, Zumba with Amy Greene. and densities to knead out body included)
Skiing and Snowboarding 20%BrPoiJnafegfwiniEnetliyvrnoygeu,srrC, yAiottienhmnstis,inSqorutgeewrsule&inncagtCn,ioBlclolCrmeochentiztrboeilseys,sotum! as! A Wiser ChoiceProviding Comprehensive Medical Marijuana
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gram, Transportation Available. —done— Barbara Polowczyk
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p.m.. 3rd-12th graders (1st & 2nd
grade skiers with parental super- Service: 914-669-9679 CERTIFIED PUBLIC ACCOUNTANTS & FINANCIAL PLANNERS
vision). Wednesdays, starting Jan. Auto Sales: 914-485-1195
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cluding lesson, lift ticket, rental, Fax: 914-669-9685
transportation, and chaperone. 118 NORTH BEDFORD ROAD • MOUNT KISCO, NY 10549
From $150 - $415. 6 Dingle Ridge Road - North Salem, NY 10560
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graders. Programs begin Jan. Veterinary Assistant Experience Inserts, Exhaust Fans, Chimney Relining, Repair Leaks
3-9, Available lessons: ursday,
5:30 p.m., Friday 5 p.m. or 6:30 Servicing North Salem, 845-526-8200
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sons only: $138, Lift & Lesson:
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Page 18 – North Salem News Sports Thursday, December 20, 2018
ATHLETE SPOTLIGHT Senior captain re ects back on basketball career
Austin Waldron
North Salem senior Austin graduation, like Chris Alterio What is your favorite music
Waldron is a four-year varsity and Ryan Donovan, but we to listen to warming up for a
player on the boys basketball team have a lot of pieces this year game?
and a strong presence in the paint. along with some young guys
who show a lot of promise and I usually like some slow rap
BY DOMINICK DEPOLE we are just trying to work as like J.Cole or Kid Cudi to calm
CONTRIBUTING WRITER hard as we can to be the best me down so I can get focused.
team possible. Kinda depends on my mood.
How old were you when you
started basketball and how did Who has been your biggest If you could have one
you get started? role model over the years and superpower, what would it be
what have you learned from and why?
I was around 10 or 11 when them?
I rst started playing with the Teleportation for sure, I’m
town rec program. My dad My dad has always been my not great on being on time for
was really the one who tried to role model in life in general. things, occasionally so if I can
get me involved in basketball He continues to be one of the be wherever I want to be in a
along a bunch of other sports I smartest and most hardworking second then I wouldn’t have to
wanted to try. people I have in my life so I just worry about getting ready or
try to absorb as much as I can travel time.
What is your favorite part from him. I’d de nitely say the
about being part of the varsity the most important lesson I’ve If you could pick one place
team at North Salem? gotten from him is to not make to visit on vacation that you’ve
excuses for not working hard, never been to, where would you
Over the years I’ve been able and to accept that success takes go and why?
to play with di erent groups of time sometimes so you gotta
guys in successful seasons and embrace the grind of it all. Probably Australia or the
some not so successful seasons, Mediterranean for the beaches
but the thing I de nitely love Tell us one thing about and the ocean.
the most about my varsity expe- yourself that not a lot of people
rience has been the relationships know? What is your favorite food to
I’ve made with my teammates eat before or after a game?
past and present, along with go- I can probably name where
ing out and playing hard for my every current NBA player has My go-to is usually a tur-
school and my community. gone to to college. Maybe not key sandwich with avocado
all 301 players, but probably like and some kind of juice or a
How do you see your role on 90-95 percent of that I could do. smoothie.
the team, and how much do
you value being a senior leader Do you plan on continuing Best place to eat in North
at forward? to play basketball in college? Salem and why.
If yes, where are you going
I see myself as an experienced and why did you choose that Peach Lake Market is my
player who has been able to play school? personal favorite. e service is
in a lot of di erent games and always solid and the food never
as someone who has a lot of ver- I’ve had some interests from disappoints me.
satility to play in di erent spots di erent Division III schools
on the oor. Being a senior but at the moment I’m still try- Facebook,Twitter or Insta-
captain this year has allowed me ing to decide what I want in a gram? Why?
to take on a leadership role I’ve college and where I’m going to
never had to take before, but it’s be comfortable. I am absolutely Instagram, just because that’s
de nitely been a good experi- looking to play club basketball what I’m on the most and I like
ence so far adapting to it and wherever I go though. visual stu like pictures and
I’ve enjoyed it. videos.
Do you know what you want
What is your favorite team to study in college? For a young athlete grow-
activity, pre-game or post- ing up in North Salem, what
game ritual that you share with I’m looking to major in would you tell them about the
your teammates? Kinesiology in college at the experience of being part of the
moment. I’m choosing this boys basketball program and
I would de nitely say team mainly because I’ve gotten hurt why should they go out for the
dinners at Bu alo Wild Wings a bunch throughout the years, team?
or at Tim’s house have been and because of that I gained a
pretty memorable along with new appreciation for recovery I’d say that playing basketball
the all the bus rides we take, and things like that, so physical at North Salem has been easily
especially the Fordham game therapy is a eld I’d de nitely one of the most memorable
bus rides. want to go into if I can. experiences I’ve had during high
school, I was lucky enough to
Do you or the team have any Who is your favorite pro- play with some really good play-
goals for this season after an fessional athlete and pro or ers and got to win a sectional
impressive campaign last year? college sports team? title at the County Center, and
there’s no better feeling then
is year’s team is a lot dif- I like a lot of di erent guys that feeling right there. You get
ferent that your normal North but my favorite player is Dami- to play a game you love with
Salem team for sure, we obvi- an Lillard, and my favorite team your friends and the memories
ously lost a bunch of important is the Duke basketball team. you could make are endless, as
players for us over the years to long as you work hard and get
Thursday, December 20, 2018 SPORTS North Salem News – Page 19
Tigers grit out consolation victory over Rye Neck
North Salem falls to Ardsley in Bronxville Tourney
BY DOMINICK DEPOLE up 6 points with a minute left in and pulled down ve boards in It was of course Squire that Break, in what Buzzetto views as
CONTRIBUTING WRITER overtime. the loss. kept the Tigers a oat by pencil- a big matchup.
On ursday, Dec. 13, the Ti- “Liz is one of our top out- ing 13 points, 6 rebounds, and 5 “If we are 100 percent healthy,
Battling a few major inju- gers went down to the wire with side shooters and is a very uid blocks. we can play with anyone in Class
ries, the Tigers have held their Ardsley in the rst round of the player,” Buzzetto said. “She nev- Sophomore forward Meaghan B,” Buzzetto said. “We can be a
weight this season and out-de- tournament at Bronxville, but er sprints anywhere but always Sabino scored 6 points and very dangerous upset team and
fended Rye-Neck for a 36-29 let a third-quarter lead slip away seems to nd the right spot. Her grabbed 4 rebounds in the set- turn peoples’ heads. Our goal is
overtime triumph Dec. 15 in the into a 40-33 defeat. timing is impeccable when it back. to be 5-3 going into break. We
consolation round of the Bronx- e Tigers led by 3 points at comes to nding the right space North Salem (4-3) was sched- made the decision before the
ville tournament. halftime before opening the sec- and knowing when or not to uled to visit Saunders on urs- Rye Neck game that 5-3 looks a
Star point guard Grace Cur- ond half with a spark that was drive. Defensively, she is often day, Dec. 20, before the Holiday hell of a lot better than 4-4.”
ran has remained sidelined suddenly put out by the Pan- the reason that we win games.
with a sprained ankle since the thers before they went on a tear She is great at timing blocks, low
Valhalla game during the Keio to conclude the third quarter. or high. She has a native ability SPORTS WRITERS
tournament. Fellow starting “We were all waiting for of nding the ball and never hit- AND PHOTOGRAPHERS
guard in Amanda Marano sat someone else to make a play,” ting someone’s arm.”
out the Bronxville tournament head coach Eric Buzzetto said. Squire is near the 200 mark
as well due to illness. “We’re so used to having Grace
or Amanda make a play. ere for career blocks in her varsity
But the versatile junior Liz career.
Squire stayed hot from both were some girls that were step- e day before the Ardsley Halston Media is looking
for more sports
ends of the oor, notching 18 ping up but we’re trying to force game, North Salem travelled
points and blocking near 5 shots the issue too much instead of to Pleasantville and endured a reporters and
photographers to join
to be named to the All-Tourna- letting the game come to us. tough 60-35 defeat. our freelance team.
Students are welcome. If
ment team. at’s the game that we should “ ey are a very strong team,”
Junior guard in Julia DeSan- have won.” Buzzetto said of Pleasantville.
to stepped up with 11 points, Squire was an all-around con- “ ey have a lot of youth, but
with ve of them coming in the tributor as she tallied 11 points, 7 very good youth at that. I was
clutch after regulation. rebounds, 4 steals, and 4 blocks. very impressed with them. ey interested email sports@
She knocked down two criti- Jane Fetterolf pitched in with 7 shot 40 percent from the eld
cal foul shots and drained a points, 4 rebounds, and 2steals. and were 89 percent from the
3-point dagger to put the Tigers Gabby Marino scored 6 points foul line. ey did a great job.”
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Page 20 – North Salem News SPORTS Thursday, December 20, 2018
TigersBOYS BASKETBALL throw hammer down on Schecter
North Salem drops contest to rival Hamilton
Testing the waters with a new-look ros- Austin Waldron looks to pull up for a shot.
ter in 2018, North Salem’s boys team hasn’t
looked too shabby after doubling up host
Solomon Schecter, 61-32 on Wednesday,
Senior forward Austin Waldron scored 17
points and hauled in eight rebounds in the
win. Point guard Kevin Ryan came up big
with 14 points and distributed seven assists.
Two days prior, the Tigers lost at home to
Alexander Hamilton in a squeaker, 61-57. In
a rivalry match that was neck-and-neck from
start to nish, Waldron and Ryan once again
led the charge.
Waldron racked up 18 points to go along
with six rebounds and two assists. Ryan
scored 14 points with 7 assists, 5 boards, and
2 steals.
Senior forward Tim Outhouse played a
role with 8 points and 6 rebounds. Shooting
guard Steven Herlihy scored 7 points and
center Dan McCormack had 6 points and 4
rebounds. Guard Christian Norberto had 4
points as well in the loss.
North Salem (2-1) hosts e Children’s
Village of Dobbs Ferry on Tuesday at 6 p.m.
before a lengthy Holiday Break.
WHY DO WE Kevin Ryan drives
against Hamilton.
ADVERTISE Kevin Ryan soars
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Thursday, December 20, 2018 LEISURE North Salem News – Page 21
Crossword 49. Dancing a Brazilian dance Puzzle solutions on page 22 Fun By The Numbers
50. Unhealthy
CLUES 51. Manufacturers 6. Soviet Socialist Like puzzles? Then you’ll love sudoku. This
ACROSS CLUES DOWN Republic mind-bending puzzle will have you hooked from
1. Doctor’s 1. Prevents harm to young 7. They hang out the moment you square off, so sharpen your
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7. NYC 3. Fascinated by 8. German river Here’s How It Works:
ballplayer 4. Unnilhexium 9. Domain name Sudoku puzzles are formatted as a 9x9 grid,
10. Flying 5. Honey maker 10.Type of chair broken down into nine 3x3 boxes. To solve a
vessels 11. Fill someone sudoku, the numbers 1 through 9 must fill each
12. Created with an urge row, column and box. Each number can appear
13. Convert 12. Sorceress only once in each row, column and box. You
14. WWII 14. Unpleasant can figure out the order in which the numbers
battle smell will appear by using the numeric clues already
15. A cravat 17. Leg (slang) provided in the boxes. The more numbers you
with wide 18. Farewell name, the easier it gets to solve the puzzle!
square ends 20. A life
16. Month in summary
the Jewish 23. Merchants
calendar 24. Southeastern
17. Value Nigerians
18. Brews 25. Of I
19. Child’s 26. Electronic
eating countermeasures
accessory 29. Atomic #3
21. Arrived (abbr.)
extinct 30. A type of
22. Of the sea sister
27. Potato 31. Omission of a
state sound
28. Leading 32. Screaming
man 35. Ottoman title
33. Blood type 36. Sour
34. Oppressed 38. Take advantage of
36. “Much __ about nothing” 40. Nobleman
37. World’s longest river 41. Cathode ray was one
38. deGrom and Sale are two 42. Long, winding ridge
39. Crafty 43. Muckraking journalist
40. At all times 44. Defunct phone company
41.Twins great Hunter 45. Military telecommunications
44. Volcanic craters term (abbr.)
45. Outpouring 46. Supervises flying
48. Where a baby sleeps 47. Firearms manufacturer
Thursday, December 20, 2018 CLASSIFIEDS North Salem News – Page 22
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Thursday, December 20, 2018 BUSINESS & REAL ESTATE North Salem News – Page 23
How agents and sellers can work together
Selling a home can be stressful. aren’t serious, and can organize all of the a home for the market.
Despite this, 5.51 million existing U.S. people necessary for a closing. Real estate Everyone wants to get
homes were sold in 2017, according to agents provide many services that the av- the most money pos-
data from the National Association of erage person may not have the time nor sible, but listing the
REALTORS. In many cases, homeown- the experience to handle. home for more than
ers choose to work with real estate agents ere are many quali ed agents, but an it’s worth may cause
to facilitate the process of listing, showing agent cannot do his or her job well without it to sit unnecessar-
and selling their homes. some help on the part of the homeowner. ily for several weeks or
Real estate agents are valuable assets. ese tips can make the process of selling months, which could
Agents have neighborhood knowledge, a home go smoothly. raise red ags among
are educated in pricing trends, can lter • Price the home correctly. Homeown- potential buyers.
phone calls or emails from buyers who ers should trust the agent’s ability to price • Market the home.
A real estate agent
LEGAL NOTICES will list the home
via a multiple list-
ing service (MLS)
in newspapers, and
ZDM LLC, Arts of Org. led with Notice of Formation of Capital M wherever else he or
Sec. of State of NY (SSNY) 11/20/2018. Group II, LLC. Art. Of Org. led with she feels is pertinent.
Cty: Westchester. SSNY desig. as agent SSNY on 8/22/18. O ce Location: Homeowners can share the listing via paint colors, removing personal e ects and
upon whom process against may be Westchester County. SSNY designated social media and word of mouth to help clearing clutter.
served & shall mail process to Joseph as agent of the LLC upon whom process increase the chances of selling the home. • Give recommendations. Real estate is
A. Scutierie, Esq., 175 Main St., Ste. against it may be served. SSNY shall mail • Be available. Limiting the time an a commission-based industry. Agents of-
800, White Plains, NY 10601. General process to: 34 Bayberry Road, Armonk, agent can show the house to potential ten tirelessly put in hours and only reap
Purpose. NY 10504. Purpose: any lawful purpose. buyers is in no one’s best interest. Sellers rewards if the house is sold. A homeowner
LLC FORMATION NOTICE LLC FORMATION NOTICE should be ready and willing to open their who was satis ed with an agent can then
homes, which is the best way to make a recommend that person to friends or fam-
Karic Associates, LLC, Arts of Org. Soul To Go – New Rochelle, LLC, sale. An agent may suggest a lock box so ily.
led with Sec. of State of NY (SSNY) Arts of Org. led with Sec. of State the home can be shown when home- By working with real estate profes-
11/2/2018. Cty: Westchester. SSNY of NY (SSNY) 8/23/2018. Cty: owners are not on the property. sionals, homeowners can sell their homes
desig. as agent upon whom process Westchester. SSNY desig. as agent upon • Make suggested renovations. Agents quickly.
against may be served & shall mail whom process against may be served & know which features can make or break
process to 34 Schoen Ln., New Rochelle, shall mail process to Rahmell Dash, 192 a sale. Homeowners should be amenable is article is from Metro Creative
NY 10804. General Purpose. Covert St., Brooklyn, NY 11207. General to certain suggestions, such as neutral Connection.
116 Premium Point LLC, Arts of Org. LLC FORMATION NOTICE
led with Sec. of State of NY (SSNY) 656 Van Ranst Realty LLC, Arts
9/26/2018. Cty: Westchester. SSNY of Org. led with Sec. of State of NY
desig. as agent upon whom process (SSNY) 11/13/2018. Cty: Westchester. Est. 1938
against may be served & shall mail SSNY desig. as agent upon whom process
process to Michael Pryor, c/o Lambden against may be served & shall mail process
& Gardner, 14 Elm Pl., Rye, NY 10580. to 656 Van Ranst Pl., Mamaroneck, NY
General Purpose. 10543. General Purpose.
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Page 24 – North Salem News Thursday, December 20, 2018
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