VOL. 9 NO. 44 Visit TapIntoMahopac.net for the latest news. THURSDAY, DECEMBER 20, 2018
Jingle all the way! The chairman of
the board retires
Santa makes a brief stop for some treats while visiting the families
on Hilltop Road during the Candy Cane Run. e Mahopac Falls and Harold Gary steps down after 30-plus
Mahopac re departments held their Candy Can Runs over the past two years as Planning Board chair
weekends, bringing candy canes to Mahopac kids while collecting lots of
toys for the Toys for Tots program. For more Candy Cane Run pictures
from both re companies, check out the center spread on pages 16 and 17.
PHOTO COURTESY OF RALPH HARKINS BY BOB DUMAS Japan with the occupational forces.
EDITOR When he got out of the service, he
attended Howard University, where
After more than three decades as he would meet his future wife who
the chairman of the town Planning was from Croton Falls. After they
Board, Harold Gary is retiring at last. got married, they moved to Putnam
County and Gary went to work as a
Gary will o cially step down from carpenter and general contractor for
his post at the end of the month. Cur- his father-in-law—a job he held for
rent vice-chair, Craig Paeprer, will 37 years.
take Gary’s place as chairman and the
But after retiring from the build-
Town Board will look to add a new ing trades, Gary went back to school
member to the Planning Board. and got a degree in education from
“No matter what goes on SUNY New Paltz and started teach-
throughout the [meeting], Har- ing at BOCES.
old is always the smartest per-
son in the room,” Paeprer said. e landscape of the town has
“I can’t think of a better person changed a lot since those days.
to have trained with.”
Gary still lives in the same “ e biggest changes are the [num-
house on Union Valley Road— ber of ] houses and the tra c,” said
Gary, who turned 90 this past fall.
on the Carmel/Mahopac border— “Back then, you could hunt anywhere.
that he and his late wife, Dora Lou- Union Valley Road was a dirt road,
full of ruts. ey didn’t plow it too
ise Giles, have lived in since he much. ere were no sand spreaders.
built it on an empty lot in 1963
across from his in-laws. ose were the good times, but we’ve
Gary grew up in Virginia and is a SEE GARY PAGE 4
World War II veteran, traveling to
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10 Seniors dance
22 the day away.
pg 3
The Staff Episcopal II: 1055 Route 6, Mahopac. All First Presbyterian ful voices of the First Presbyte-
Church of Holy Sunday services begin at 9:15 Church Services rian Choir
EDITORIAL TEAM Communion a.m. Regular Sunday service, 10 a.m.
Blood Drive e First Presbyterian Church Visitors welcomed regardless
EDITOR: 845-208-0774 of Mahopac holiday service of religious background. Any-
[email protected]
Holiday service schedule: at Library schedule: one looking for a church home
GABRIELLE BILIK Dec. 23: Advent 4, Holy Eu-
SPORTS EDITOR: 914-214-4285 Dec. 24, Christmas Eve services is invited to visit with us during
[email protected] charist, Rite II e New York Blood Center 5 p.m. Family Christmas Eve the holidays and anytime. First
ADVERTISING TEAM Dec. 24, 5 p.m.: Christ- will hold a blood drive at the Service, featuring the Handbell Presbyterian Church is located
845-621-4049 mas Eve Family Service with Mahopac Library Community Choir at 411 Route 6N (at Secor Road)
[email protected] Christmas Pageant and carols. Room ursday, Dec. 27, 2-6:30 7:30 p.m. Candlelight Christ- in Mahopac. For more informa-
Everyone invited! p.m. Contact Julie Fanelli at mas Eve Service, featuring the tion, call 845-628-2365 or email
[email protected] Dec. 30: Holy Eucharist, Rite 914-55-5043 for more info. Handbell Choir and the beauti- [email protected]. You can
PAUL FORHAN THESE PRICES ARE also visit mahopacchurch.org or
[email protected] VALID WITH AD ONLY Facebook at First Presbyterian
[email protected] Mahopac
914-205-4183 Merry Christmas &
[email protected] Foreign Film Screening
BRUCE HELLER Happy Holidays! ursday, Dec. 20, 6:30 p.m.
[email protected] 9am-3pm “ e Man Who Invented
Christmas,” a lm from Eng-
PRODUCTION TEAM land. “ e Man Who Invented
TABITHA PEARSON MARSHALL Christmas” tells of the magical
PRODUCTION MANAGER journey that led to the creation
[email protected] of Ebenezer Scrooge, Tiny Tim,
GABRIELLE BILIK and other classic characters from
“A Christmas Carol.” e lm
[email protected] shows how Charles Dickens
EXECUTIVE TEAM mixed real-life inspiration with
his vivid imagination to con-
PUBLISHER: 845-208-8151
[email protected] jure up unforgettable characters
SHELLEY KILCOYNE and a timeless tale. Rated PG;
screened in English. Registra-
[email protected] 194YC$$UOLEANRGG.OE9L.NR9I9N9AG Open 1134HNESEIINEVREARKDAEAN tion requested; register online at
12 Pa1c2kPack Christmas Eve www.mahopaclibrary.org, or call
Deadlines & New Years Eve $$ALL VAR.I9ET.9I9ES9 845-628-2009, ext. 100.
9am til 5 pm 12 Pa1c2kPack
MAHOPAC NEWS DEADLINE Closed Christmas e library will close at 1 p.m.
THE DEADLINE FOR ADVERTISEMENTS & New Years Day on Dec. 24 and remain closed all
day for Christmas. It will reopen
AND EDITORIAL SUBMISSIONS FOR FIZZ & $$ on Wednesday, Dec. 26 at 9;30
p.m. e library will close at 1 p.m.
MAHOPAC NEWS IS THE THURSDAY FOAM 22..0000 OOFFFFAny Case of Beer 24 Pack or Larger on New Year’s Eve, Dec. 31.
Bucks 55CCASEE LLIIMMITIT••EExpxipreirse1s29/3/1/01/817• N•oNt otot btoe bcoemcboimnebdinweitdh wanityhoathneyr otffheer.r Smoking
e Putnam County De-
845-208-0774 OR EMAIL partment of Health will o er
Freedom from Smoking, an
[email protected]. evidence-based smoking cessa-
EMAIL [email protected]. 1155 154SELTZER $$ ..9999$$ .9.99912 Pa1c2kPCaacnks ULTRA live or work in Putnam County.
SUBSCRIPTIONS ARE COMPLIMENTARY FOR EXEPXIPRIERSES129//23311000//11PP87aacckk Classes will be held at the De-
RESIDENTS AND BUSINESSES IN THE TOWN. 16.$ 99 partment of Health at 1 Geneva
OUT OF TOWN MAIL SUBSCRIPTIONS ARE 20 Pack Road, Brewster, on Tuesdays and
BUBDULDIG&HT ursdays from 12:30 to 1:30
PERIODICALS POSTAGE PAID AT p.m., beginning Jan. 8 to Feb. 28.
POSTMASTER: to the participants and will sup-
185.$$ ALLLVAAGREIE9R9TI9E9S 22.$$ 99993636PaPcakck ply free Nicotine Replacement
MAHOPAC NEWS AT erapy (NRT) as long as the
824 ROUTE 6, SUITE 4 22. 14.COORS LIGHT COORS LIGHT supply lasts. Pre-registration is
MAHOPAC, NY 10541 & BANQUET required. Class size will be lim-
$ 99 & BANQUET ited. For questions or to pre-
NMeawhsopac HUDSON register call the Putnam County
BEVAVLELREAYGE $ 99 Department of Health at 845-
(ISSN 2330-1627) 808-1390 ext. 43155.
HALSTON MEDIA, LLC AT Crafts at Koehler Center
824 ROUTE 6, SUITE 4
MAHOPAC, NY 10541 36 Pack Cans Route 6, 20 Bo2t0tleBsottles Come join us at the Mahopac
Mahopac Koehler Center, 180 Route 6,
MAIN OFFICE STELLA BECKS and have fun creating decora-
BAILEY COURT ARTOIS 845-628-3147 tions or gifts. Crafts class takes
334 ROUTE 202, UNIT C1S 1351.$ 959 10.$ 99 place every Tuesday at 12:30
SOMERS, NY 10589 2142PPaacckk SALE ENDS 12/31/18 12 Pack p.m. call Mary White at 845-
808-1734 with any questions.
Senior citizens cut a
rug at annual ‘prom’
Although December’s rst Athletic Council. “Betty Boot”
Sunday brought on the winter “Coach Dominik DeMatteo leads the
chill, things were hot in Mahopac and the students of the Athletic line dancing.
High School at the annual senior Council put in a lot of work to
citizen “prom.” Over 100 mem- put on this special event for our
bers of Mahopac’s “golden age” local seniors. Honoring them this
danced to lively music provided way is another excellent re ec-
by the Mahopac High School tion of the ‘Mahopac Way,’” said
Jazz Band and enjoyed nosh do- School Superintendent Anthony
nated and served by the Student DiCarlo.
Having a great time on the dance floor! Joan Carucci with her grandson Sean McDonough
Jazz Band 1 plays swing tunes for the crowd.
Lucille Watts and
Sal Muscente (who
will be a young 91
in February) never
stopped dancing.
GARY of the Red Mills Baptist Church the Republican Party and they later, he was made chairman and structed at the site of the old
since the late 1950s, said he rst asked me if I would like to join has held the post ever since. Guideposts property on Semi-
got involved in public service the ZBA,” he recalled. “ at’s “We’ve had some great mem- nary Hill Road.
come a long way. And for some around 1980 when he joined the where it all started.” bers over the years and still do,” “ at’s a game-changer,” he
reason, I’m still standing.” Zoning Board of Appeals. In 1984, Gary was appointed he said. “ e town should be said. “ at will be a big asset to
Gary, who has been a member “My wife was involved in to the Planning Board. One year thankful. ey are courageous the town and the county.”
and work hard.” He also noted the new Stop
Gary said the Planning Board & Shop store at the Lake Plaza
‘I hope I helped. at was the most important thing—being of service.’ has faced some controversial Shopping Center. Its site-plan
projects over the years. e one approval had been a three-year
- Harold Gary that stands out most in his mind process and the store nally held
Planning Board Chairman is the plan to build a housing its grand opening last month.
development on the golf course Gary notes that that piece of
on Hill Street. property used to be a drive-in
wrap up Your shoppinG with ease! “ at was a great controver- movie theater.
sy,” he said. “My wife and I used to go
5 Former New York City May- there all the time,” he chuckled.
THERE’S STILL TIME! or John Lindsay wanted to build “When I rst joined the Plan-
“a big development” on the land, ning Board, there was really
but the project stalled. nothing up and down Route 6.”
“In the late ‘80s, it went e Planning Board’s Dec.
through a huge process—that 13 meeting was Gary’s last. e
was one of the most controver- members of the Town Board,
GIVE AGIFT GETAGIFT sial things that came through,” who were meeting in the room
he said. “After 10 years, they had next door, stopped by to wish
to get reapproval and didn’t get him well. Members of the Plan-
it, so they put it up for sale.” ning Board also had the oppor-
After the property changed tunity to stand and extend their
– Now thru Christmas Eve – hands several times, with vari- thanks and warm wishes.
ous building projects pitched, “He is a guy who thinks about
For each WBT Gift Certificate for Two you purchase, the county stepped in and the community all the time,”
you will receive a voucher worth 50% OFF bought it and upgraded the golf said Planning Board member
two $89 tickets to any WBT show during 2019! * course to the attraction that it is Dave Furfaro. “I appreciate all
WBT Gift Certificates for Two today. the mentoring I got from him.
Gary said some of the best He’s a class act.”
projects the town has seen have Supervisor Ken Schmitt said
Someone You Know Would Love come before the board recently. that when he rst got elected 10
A Taste of Broadway and Fine Dining!
He cites the Alexandron dis- SEE GARY PAGE 5
tillery plan, which will be con-
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Harold Gary GARY Gary said retirement is bittersweet, but he
will look back fondly on his time on the Plan-
ning Board.
years ago, Gary was one of the rst to stop by “I am sad about being retired, but excited
his o ce, wish him luck and o er him some about the time I was on the Planning Board,”
sage advice. he said. “I hope I helped. at was the most
“He told me to be a good listener and speak important thing—being of service. I hope as I
as little as you possibly can,” Schmitt said with am leaving, I have left things better.”
a laugh. “Harold’s always been a humble guy e town is planning a retirement party for
and treated everyone with respect and dignity. Gary at Villa Barone Hilltop Manor in January.
He has always been the consummate profes- e chairman said he’s looking forward to it.
sional and we will miss him here in the town of “I really appreciate that. It shows that the
Carmel. He always did things from the heart.” town cares,” he said.
Councilwoman Suzi McDonough congratulates Harold Gary on his retirement as, from left, Craig
Paeprer, Councilman John Lupinacci and Supervisor Ken Schmitt look on.
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RNeesfBrweoormOpvoY3ekaePnatMsYieroo‘at’nitsulin1rNEg0PvoMew! YOeapre’ns New Mahopac Falls FD
Day! to purchase two new
pumper trucks
IS NOW SERVING BRUNCH! BY BOB DUMAS are the re department that pro-
11:30 am – 3:00 pm Every Sunday EDITOR vides protection to the district
Bottomless Mimosas, BloodyMarys & Screwdrivers for only $9 and we have a contract with the
e Mahopac Falls Fire De- town and have every intention
partment is looking to update its of continuing to provide those
Great new brunch menu including eet of re trucks. services.”
• Eggs Benedict • Stuffed French Toast e department seeks to pur- Mulvaney said that by provid-
• Steak&Eggs • Lobster Mac & Cheese chase two new pumper trucks at ing the letter, there is no nan-
a combined cost of $1.2 million. cial obligation to the town.
• Frittatas & Many More! e new trucks will replace two “ e re department is as-
30-year-old vehicles that have suming complete responsibility
Our full menu is also available during brunch run their course. for the nancial obligation,” he
“ ose trucks were purchased said.
Text “CHAR” to 22828 to sign up for special email promotions. in 1989. ey have lived a useful e other requirement the IRS
151 BRYANT POND ROAD, MAHOPAC NY • 845.526.1200 life and served the community calls for is for the re department
well,” department member John to hold a public meeting on the
Mulvaney said of the old trucks. matter. It was scheduled to do
“ ey were overhauled and re- that on ursday, Dec. 20.
furbished about 10 years ago. It Mulvaney said the depart-
is to the point now where they ment intends to nance the en-
cannot be refurbished again. tire cost of the two trucks.
With all the new OSHA re- “We are proposing a seven-
quirements and guidelines that year xed lease at below 4 per-
Merry have come along, they likely cent [interest],” he said. “We are
wouldn’t pass those require- trying to pay it o [quickly] in
ments today.” anticipation of other capital ex-
Under IRS guidelines, the re penses coming down the pike in
department has the opportunity another 10 or 15 years.”
to obtain a loan at cheaper mu- Supervisor Ken Schmitt, who
nicipal interest rates if they meet seemed amenable to providing
certain criteria and obtain the the letter the department needs,
necessary paperwork. Mulvaney had praise for the re depart-
went before the Town Board at ment and the services it pro-
its Dec. 12 meeting to ask for vides.
help. “Mahopac Falls Fire Depart-
“We are entitled to municipal ment, along with our other re
monies that allows to borrow departments, does an outstand-
money at a below-market rate,” ing job protecting our property
he told the board. “In order to and the residents of the town of
do that, there is an IRS require- Carmel,” he said. “We appreciate
ment that the [town] supervisor it; you are all volunteers and re-
signs a letter indicating that we ally step up to the plate.”
Town Board looking
for a town historian
e town of Carmel is seeking a new town historian.
e position is open to all town residents. ose interested should
submit a letter of interest and resume to the supervisor’s o ce.
Mail the letter and resume to: Ken Schmitt, Supervisor; Car-
mel Town Hall, 60 McAlpin Dr.; Mahopac NY 10541, or email to
[email protected].
fro a o u a Town looks to fill
Planning Board vacancy
Law Offices of Joseph J. Tock
e Carmel Town Board is looking for an interested and quali ed
963 Route 6, Mahopac, NY 10541 • TOCKLAW.COM person to ll a vacancy on the Planning Board.
845-628-8080 ose interested should send a letter of interest and resume to the
supervisor’s o ce no later than Dec., 28.
Mail to: Supervisor Kenneth Schmitt, Carmel Town Hall, 60
McAlpin Ave, Mahopac, NY 10541—or fax to 845 628-6836, or
email to [email protected].
O Christmas tree! Political tricks
The town of Carmel has been run- Of course, doing it this way would Last I wrote, I spoke about mak- was doomed to lose.
ning a notice on its website for also put an end to another longstanding ing the decision to take mini-va-
about two weeks now announcing family holiday tradition (at least in our cations from politics. I am happy Much luck, Gen. Kelly, in your next
to report that while away on a business
trip for 11 days, I did endeavor. ere was a great deal of
just that, traveling up the
when the town will pick household). It’s the one coastline of California. appreciation for the moderating role
With those spectacu-
up disposed-of Christ- where your dad tries to lar vistas in sight, I was you played among the
quite happy to let go of
mas trees from the curb. OUT OF untangle the rat’s nest of all thought of national LIFE, populace.
ose dates, by the MY HEAD lights (cursing merrily politics. It is wonderful HEALTH, 3) Have you looked
all the way!) and then how much more time I POLITICS
way, are Jan. 8 and 15. had to deal with people into details of the
and nature than I ordinarily do. ough Special Council’s
at’s a bit early if you BOB string them up only to I settled back into the mire on my return
pretty quickly.
ask me, because these DUMAS nd they won’t come MARA entrapment of Michael
e feeling, I must say, is a bit like SCHIFFREN Flynn? According to
days most people don’t on because one of the being on a detox diet with lots of greens the Wall Street Journal,
and other vegetables, where you feel
take their trees down till blubs (the size of a VW light and energetic and productive. But,
then, you start switching back to your
around May, by which headlight) is dead. en general fare. While you don’t feel bad James Comey and then
at rst, little by little, you don’t feel as
time they’ve turned to vertical sticks with the ritual begins to determine which bulb good, either. Next time, I hope to main- Deputy Director of the
tain a longer break.
some twisted, gnarly twigs jutting out that is. FBI, Andrew McCabe, plotted to get
But since I have switched back here
from their sides, coated with a layer of dull, But in the 21st century, that’s no longer is my write-up of three issues recently Flynn in a room, without bene t of
percolating to the surface.
battered tinsel. a problem thanks to these QVC trees. legal counsel, and set a trap for him. Mr.
1) President Trump has canceled
ese are the trees of the Christmas- Some of them come pre- ocked (sprayed the White House holiday party for Comey bragged on MSNBC two week-
the Press. Given the extreme dislike
o-philes—people so obsessed with the with arti cial snow), which makes them he is held in by most of the press; can ends back about how he took advantage
you blame him? Hard to imagine a less
holiday (not necessarily the Jesus part) look ocking amazing. joyous occasion for any of them. I can of the edgling Trump White House:
easily imagine members of the press
that they want to live within it and its My grandparents had an arti cial tree— using the occasion to ridicule Presi- “In the George W. Bush Administra-
dent Trump and Melania. is action
red-and-green trappings for as long as one that you would have never seen on simply drops the pretense that amicable tion or the Obama Administration, if
relations exist between the majority of
legally possible. ey put up their trees QVC, if QVC had existed back then. the Washington press and the White the FBI wanted to send agents into
(and ancillary decorations) as soon as the Grandma and Grandpa’s tree was about the White House itself to interview a
2) Roger Stone’s hot take on why
anksgiving leftovers are sealed up and 4-feet tall and it was… silver! I want to call John Kelly did not succeed long term as senior o cial, you would work through
Trump’s chief of sta : I must say that I
stashed in the fridge, and won’t take their it gaudy, but it was too ugly to be gaudy. It appreciated Kelly in the role of Trump’s the White House counsel, there would
chief of sta for the 17 months that he
not-so-evergreen down until it becomes a looked more like a hairy UFO than a tree. served. Kelly came in at a time when the be discussions and approvals and who
administration seemed to be perpetually
literal re hazard. However, when I was 8 years old, it was chaotic. And he cleaned up much of the would be there. And I thought, it’s early
day-to-day mess so that that no longer
And there is no way a Christmas-o- just fantastic—one of the most wonderful appeared to be its general drift, creating enough let’s just send a couple guys
more sense of stability.
phile would ever purchase an arti cial tree things I’d ever set my eyes on. But the best over.” Both Comey and McCabe have
Stone, however, suggests that this
to guard against such a potential disaster. thing yet is that out of all their 17 grand- is the very thing that doomed Kelly’s since been red.
longevity in the role. Trump’s brand is
Arti cial trees are just that: arti cial. ey kids, I was chosen to be the one to set it up chaos, says Stone in an article by Mya One of the guys that Comey sent over
Adams in the Washington Examiner.
don’t have that piney smell. ey can’t be and decorate it for them. I pulled it out of Kelly’s all-or-nothing battle against to interview Flynn was Peter Strzok,
chaos in the Oval O ce would even-
part of the family tradition where you take the box, stuck the silver branches into the tually place him at loggerheads with notorious for his hatred of anything
Trump himself. And that was a battle he
the kids to the tree lot and pick one out vertical silver pole and hung the orna- to do with the Trump administration.
together, or, better yet, o to the woods ments. (It didn’t need lights. It was silver Flynn was not properly warned he was
where you chop one down (see Chevy and therefore glittery enough.) the subject of an investigation. Instead,
Chase in “Christmas Vacation”). My grandfather conducted all this. He the FBI jollied him along because they
When I was growing up, we had a real would sit on the couch and direct me as I wanted him “relaxed” and “unguarded.”
tree. I’ve got some weathered old Polaroids hung each bulb. Now federal Judge Emmett Sullivan
to prove it. Most of them were pretty “Put the blue one down there.” He has called a halt in the sentencing of
scraggily—they’d never make it as a sub- points. Gen. Flynn while he reviews docu-
ject of a Currier and Ives print. But then at “Here?” ments. If there were unethical shenani-
some point my father decided to cross over “More to the left! No! at’s not left!” gans, he is the very man to call them
to the dark side and buy an arti cial tree. “Here?” out.
All hell broke out in our household. Us “Yeah. Whatever.” 4) And a nal note of celebration.
kids were aghast. It was utter blasphemy! When I moved to Los Angeles and Winter solstice falls tomorrow, on the
My father’s point was simple: “I’m NOT got a house of my own, I decided I would 21st of December. e shortest day of
spending 50 bucks on something that start my own Christmas tree traditions. the year will come and go, and the long
we’re throwing away in a couple of weeks.” I had already inherited some of the old climb from the shortest day to the lon-
(See, he wasn’t a Christmas-o-phile, so he ornaments that my parents used (some of gest will begin. It is such a psychologi-
didn’t keep the tree up for four months, which I had made as a kid) and was slowly cal relief to hit the winter solstice, even
which would have given him a much bet- adding to the collection by visiting craft though the di erence is not immedi-
ter return on his investment.) shows and ea markets. ately apparent. I have always found that
Arti cial trees have come a long way And it had to be a real tree, of course. round about the end of January, the gain
since those days. If you watch QVC (I I wasn’t about to go into the woods with in light becomes really noticeable.
don’t—someone told me), you will see them an ax to chop one down (I had no desire May you enjoy the holiday season!
hawking some pretty amazing fake rs. to add a trip to the ER as part of my new
And the cool thing is, they come with the Christmas traditions), so it was o to the Mara Schi ren, PhD, is a writer, certi ed
functional medicine health coach and
lights already strung. You just kind of pop tree lot outside Home Depot. Living in certi ed Clear Beliefs coach. You can reach
her at mara.schi [email protected]
the whole thing open like a giant umbrella SEE DUMAS PAGE 11
and—presto!—instant Christmas tree!
BRETT FREEMAN, PUBLISHER MNeawhsopac Letters to the editor and op-ed submissions may be edited. The views
BOB DUMAS, EDITOR and opinions expressed in letters and op-eds are not necessarily those
TABITHA PEARSON MARSHALL, PRODUCTION MANAGER 824 ROUTE 6, SUITE 4 of Mahopac News or its affiliates. Submissions must include a phone
Editorial Office: 845-208-0774 ©2018 HALSTON MEDIA, LLC number and address for verification. Not all letters and op-eds will
Fax: 914-617-8508 necessarily be published. Letters and op-eds which cannot be verified
[email protected] or are anonymous will not be published. Please send your submissions
to the editor by e-mail at [email protected].
For more information, call the editor at 845-208-0774
DUMAS enlisted the help of my friends. I When I returned home to oor, breaking dozens of orna- My personal Christmas tree
discovered that if free food and L.A., I discovered that my cats ments and dragging strings of tradition quickly changed.
FROM PAGE 10 booze are involved, you can get (did I mention I had two cats?) cranberries and popcorn all over
people to do just about anything. had mistaken the tree for a the house. For months after I e following year, I bought a
L.A., it was a little surreal shop- giant toy and used it to frolic was nding broken ornaments in pre-decorated, arti cial 14-inch
ping for a Christmas tree in us, my Tom Sawyer-inspired in—eventually knocking it to the places you would not believe! tabletop tree and called it a day.
shorts and a T-shirt. “cranberry-stringing parties”
were born. Merry Christmas, everyone!
In addition to all my curated
ornaments, I decided I wanted So, I went through all this You’re Invited to an
my tree to have a Victorian feel e ort (and I must admit, created
to it, so I would string popcorn quite a spectacular tree) only to
and cranberries. As it turns have to leave at Christmas and
out, stringing popcorn and head back East to spend the
cranberries is an arduous, time- holiday with my family and their
consuming, boring process, so I (not as nice as mine) tree.
Airport Park project In addition to summer activ- Its MORE
will ruin historic sites ity, sleigh riding is also promot-
ed. Sleigh riding on soccer elds thanJust a Pub
To the editor, is not realistic. Are there addi-
Last month’s article about Air- tional unannounced costly plans Sat, Dec 22ndDJ starts at 9:00pm • Prizes for Best SweatePrsr!Ciazsehs! Drink Specials!
on Putnam County property No Cover!
port Park is troubling for some adjacent to the leased property?
very good reasons, both historic Winners announced at midnight!
and nancial. e Mahopac air- e population of school-age
port dates back to 1946 and is children is way down, yet the Great Food • Great Drinks • Great Sports • Great PGeorpleeat Times!
about to be destroyed. It is the town continues to build more
only airport in Putnam County recreational facilities for chil- 845.803.8675
and has a 2,000-foot airstrip. dren. Multi-million-dollar proj-
ects such as this example, which 925 Route 6 Mahopac, NY • www.PatricksPubMahopac.com
e article also refers to a clearly impacts the environ-
driveway upgrade. at is the ment, should be investigated to
Hill/Agor historic farm site, one eliminate or lesson the impact,
of Putnam County’s most sig- if indeed it should be built at all.
ni cant historic sites. is “up-
grade” is just more destruction Allan Warnecke
of this valuable asset.
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Soul tremors on Christmas
Spiritual awakenings repair the church in his home- from someone’s grasp and rolls and the acknowledgement that OF HUMAN
come in all shapes and town, before realizing that Jesus across the aisle. You eld it, then we all need the help of others, INTEREST
sizes. On one end of the meant the universal Church. place it in the hand of its owner. has been tacitly understood. I
spectrum, there’s the volcanic. Strangers, you make eye con- call them “soul tremors.” ey LORENZO
St. Francis of Assisi heard the And then there are the kinds tact, smile and laugh together. happen all the time—especially GARO
voice of Christ say, “Rebuild of awakenings that one has Rejoice at the produce counter! around Christmas.
my Church.” Francis tore o every day without hardly notic- for the rst time. For company,
his nobleman’s clothes, ready to ing. For instance, you’re at the e unpredictability of life, its Gloria’s Christmas card I adopted a shaggy little black
supermarket, a grapefruit slips control never fully in our hands, always arrives before anyone dog and named her Toto. It was
else’s. Talk about soul tremors— Christmas Eve. My spirits were
TIME RUNNING I can feel hers from 100 miles high. As usual, I went shopping
OUT? away. She’s very religious, a stri- at the last hour, and since half
dent Catholic. My beliefs cause the stu I bought came from a
Gift Cerificate her concern. I favor the Hindu thrift shop, I had some money
Time! gods over the vengeful one in to burn. In those days, that
the Old Testament. With the meant stopping at a bar.
Sweeten The Gift Catholic religion you must wait
With A Box or Two of so long to see God. First a life Kean’s bar in Mahopac had
Our Sugarfina Adult Candies of good works, lots of penance, the best tap beer in town. In
Filled With Real Single-Malt Scotch, Purgatory, and then maybe terms of drunkenness, I was
Tequilla, Bourbon, Heaven. For Hindus, God is way behind my merry friends.
Champagne And More! everywhere. He’s a part of mat- But they made sure I caught up.
Open Sundays thru December 24th! ter, in the paper and ink you Everyone was buying each other
presently hold in your hands. drinks, making toasts. Some-
Sold Exclusively in Putnam at one even wished Jesus a happy
Speaking of Jesus, I once said birthday.
54 Miller Road, Mahopac, NY 10541 • 845-628-3447 • www.aljanjewelers.com to Gloria that if it were ever
proven that he wasn’t divine, it I must admit to being a little
wouldn’t make any di erence relieved when the season is over.
to me. I mean, all that rushing around
and worrying over who’s going
Gloria was shocked. “You to like what, getting sweaters
need the Savior, Jesus,” she
warned. And then I told Gloria SEE GARO PAGE 14
about the time I found an un-
expected savior on Christmas.
And it wasn’t Jesus.
I was 22, living on my own
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Try to remember these things about December
STRONG Idealistically, that is wonder- 8. What months did the 11. In the song “12 Days of through the house…?
LEARNING ful, but don’t be surprised if Romans add to the calendar to Christmas,” what did the true 13. Why do many African-
the children in your life enjoy make it a 12-month calendar? love give on the second day of
DR. LINDA getting presents even more than Christmas? American families celebrate a
SILBERT giving. at’s OK, too. But they 9. What are the owers as- special time—from Dec. 26 to
learn from those around them. sociated with December? 12. What is the next line in Jan. 1—called Kwanzaa?
Dear Dr. Linda, the poem, “A Visit from St.
You’ve had columns about e adults in their lives are their 10. What is the top called Nicholas?” ‘Twas the night SEE DR. LINDA PAGE 15
role models and if they see you that children play with during before Christmas, when all
di erent months of the year, giving, they in turn will learn Hanukkah?
and di erent holidays that we to give.
celebrate. I nd these informa- A Place to Dine All Year Round
tive and fun to share with my With that in mind, this is the
own kids and my fth-grade perfect time to give a short quiz 825 S. Lake Boulevard 845.621.5200
students. I thought it would about the month of December Mahopac, NY 10541
be interesting to have a col- and a few things associated with
umn that’s about the month it. HNoelieddayaGGiftreIadtea? Farm To Table
of December because it’s such Gift Card
a beautiful month. In case you e rst day of winter is in Exciting Locally Sourced Fresh Cuisine & Raw Bar
take my advice, thank you in the month of December. What BLU
advance. date is the rst day of winter? OPEN
at the Lakehouse
Greta 1. Is the rst day of winter Christmas Eve & New Years Eve
the shortest or the longest day Make Your Reservations Today
Dear Greta, of the year?
You’re right. December is bluatthelakehouse.com
2. What is Dec. 7 known for?
a beautiful month. Probably 3. True or false: Dec. 4 is
that’s because of the decora- National Cookie Day.
tions, foods, parties and spiritual 4. True or false: December
observances. is when we celebrate Universal
Human Rights Month.
It’s a time of giving and 5. e birthstones for people
that’s one of the most special born in December are _____
gifts you can pass on to your and ______.
children—the gift of giving. 6. December was originally
the ____ month of the year in
the Roman calendar.
7. December gets its name
from the Latin word ______.
GARO “I nally tracked you down, gypsy who convinced him that evicted.” closed, I dreamed of Hell. On
didn’t I?” he replied, his voice if he prayed to Satan he’d get She did. Henry was presently the way down, I heard Henry
FROM PAGE 11 results. Nothing happened for and a chorus of mocking voices.
lled with menace. two years. And then one night, living in his car, just traveling
that you wouldn’t be caught I’d never seen him before. He Henry prayed as hard as he around aimlessly. He asked me “Oh, God,” I cried, “I’m going
dead in—giving and receiving was small, not physically intimi- could. He heard a loud rumble, for money. I gave him all I had to be here forever!”
can get complicated. dating, but had a malice in his his bed levitated 10 feet o the in my pocket, which wasn’t very
eyes that frightened me. much, and went home. An unbearable weight on top
All night long, a guy with a “I want to tell you a story,” he oor and came crashing down. of my chest ended the night-
nest of bushy black hair, I’ll call said. “I pray to the devil.” Hearing the loud bang and then My apartment was cold mare. It was Toto, my savior.
him Henry, had been staring at Toto was waiting for me. I Henry’s explanation, his land- and damp. Toto, asleep by the She baptized me with fervent
me. He was beginning to give thought of her being hungry lady called the police. radiator, ignored me. I regretted kisses to shield the devil’s mal-
me the creeps. So, I walked over and cold. I should have gone all the beer, now a headache. I ice. I wept and held her close.
to him and said, “Maybe it’s my home. “I can’t arrest anyone for couldn’t shake Henry from my For it was Christmas, I had a
imagination, but why the hell Henry’s story began with a praying to the devil,” said the mind and decided to go straight savior and a soul tremor to last
do you keep looking at me?” o cer. “But you can have him to bed. As soon as my eyes the whole day through.
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DR. LINDA United States who were killed (8) January and February. (9) Africa, where many ancestors “Why Bad Grades Happen
when Japan made a surprise to Good Kids,” and director
FROM PAGE 13 attack on on Pearl Harbor, Ha- Holly, narcissus, poinsettia. (10). came from. of Strong Learning Tutoring
waii. (3) True. It seems National and SAT/ACT Test Prep.
Answers: (1) Dec.21 or 22 in Cookie Day was founded in Dreidel. (11) Two turtle doves. Happy Holidays, Send your questions to Linda@
the Northern hemisphere. It is 1987 by Matt Nader of the Blue stronglearning.com.
the shortest day and the longest Chip Cookie Co. (Something a (12) “Not a creature was stirring, Dr. Linda
night of the year, but that’s only little shy about that) (4) True.
in the Northern Hemisphere. In December was chosen to be the not even a mouse.” (13) It is a
the Southern Hemisphere, it is month that honors the Uni-
the longest day and the shortest versal Declaration of Human wDaeyc_o2f0h1o8n_qotrri_nagd_thHealcsutosnt.oqmxps_oLaf youDt 1r.1L2i/n3/d1a8is2c:0o3-aPuMthoPraogfe 1
night of the year. It is actually Rights (UDHR). It’s an interna-
the rst day of summer in the tional document adopted by the AAFapNlplelwiInatnMocaeCtoStrmaeflseossrFtPrTlohumiss!Holiday Season with GET
Southern Hemisphere. (2) In General Assembly of the United
the United States, Pearl Harbor Nations on Dec. 10, 1948. (5) 5% OFF
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PHOTO: TABITHA PEARSON MARSHALL Over the past two weekends, the Mahopac and
Mahopac Falls volunteer re departments held their
Ed Helgoth came out to say hello to Santa. annual Candy Cane Runs to visit the children and
families of the community.
Mahopac’s bravest traveled all around town on
their re trucks collecting toys for the Toys for Tots
program while delivering candy canes to the kids
along the way.
Santa and Mrs. Claus kept their appointed rounds
accompanied by the re ghters and EMS sta for a
Mahopac/Mahopac Falls tradition that is nearly 50
years old.
David Noonan picks up a few candy canes from Santa’s
The DiMeglio Family
James, 5, Kathryn, 10, and Alexis Olivero, 13, and
Donovan DeCicco, 8, brave the her dog, Bella, waited
cold to see Santa ride by. patiently to thank the
volunteer firefighters
There were even special biscuits for all the dogs PHOTOS: EMRIN LECLAIR
that were visited by Santa.
Eliza, 10, and Carly Pereira, 11
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The crew on
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The Derario family
Mason Timothy, 7, and Katie Kennedy, 9
Pierce, 10
months, and
Poppy Jo was excited to see Mr. and Mrs. Ella Biolchini, 9, and her brothers James, 12, and PHOTO COURTESY OF PAUL GONZALEZ
Claus. Hayden, 11
Madison Gonzalez’s first Candy
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Christmas lights seen from heaven
Louis Costa has been planning for a year and working hard to decorate his house and yard on Fairmont Road for Christmas in the most spectacular fashion possible.
His mom, Nicole, said it all started when his grandfather passed away when Louis was younger, and he wanted to decorate so brightly that grandpa could see it from heaven.
Since then, she says, it “became a sweet yearly tradition. Now my lawn is covered!”
Louis and his uncle, Todd Saccagno, built a Santa house and restored classic decorations and cre-
ated musical trees to complete the holiday landscape.
e family invites Mahopac residents to drive by and check out the festive display.
Louis Costa and his uncle, Todd Saccagno, show the Santa house they built amidst all the other PHOTOS COURTESY OF NICOLE COSTA
decorations on the Costa front lawn.
Homemade items, restored classic decorations, new decorations and
musical trees light up the Costa house and lawn on Fairmont Road
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Jameson Gymnasts sneak past
Castrataro Suffern, top Brewster,
performs her North to improve to 4-0
floor routine.
BY SKIP PEARLMAN and placed second in the vault, beam, and
The Friendly Mavis Team “Lia was terri c on oor exercise
e Mahopac gymnastic team tonight,” Collins said. Her routine was
continued to perform well last week, well-executed and clean. Her best routine
picking up a big win Monday, Dec. 17, of the season.”
over Clarkstown North, 170.8-163.5, to Junior captain Chloe Lee nished third
improve to 4-0 on the season. in the all-around, and was rst on bars,
“What a total team e ort tonight,” fourth on beam,and fth in oor and vault.
Indians coach Vin Collins said after the “Chloe was her usual, consistent self,”
meet.“We got a season high in total points, Collins said. “She had clean, solid routines
and team uneven bars, balance beam and on bars, beam and oor.”
oor exercise totals were also season highs.” Sophomore Nicole Giannetta was
Monday at Lakeview Elementary fourth in oor exercise, fth in vault, and
School, Jamison Castrataro continued her fth in the all-around.
strong sophomore campaign, picking up “Nicole had her best competition of this
wins in two events (vault and beam), and young season,” Collins said. “And she got a
took rst in the All-Around competition. season-high in the all-around competition
Chloe Lee on “Jamison had a great meet,” Collins as well.”
her uneven
said. “She had a season-high in the all- Seventh-grader Alessia Gristina took
bars dismount.
around, and her beam routine tonight was a seventh in vault and an eighth on bars,
outstanding.” and was eighth in all-around. Freshman
Eighth-grader Lia Graap took rst in Juliette LeBlanc took a second on bars, and
oor ex (she and Castrataro tied for rst SEE GYMNASTICS PAGE 23
in the event), was second in the all-around,
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freshman Kaylie Ann Hammond was 10th in the all-around. Juliette
“Our younger gymnasts made great contributions tonight,” Collins LeBlanc on
the uneven
said. “Alessia, Juliette, and Kaylie Ann all achieved season highs in the
all-around, and Rachel Romero (sophomore) is establishing herself as bars
one of our consistent oor exercise competitors. And Raquel
(Nelson, senior captain) is becoming a consistent balance Chloe Lee on
beam competitor.” the uneven
e Indians earned two more victories last week,defeating
Brewster on ursday,Dec.13,and Su ern the priorTuesday. Lia Graap performs Raquel
her floor routine. Nelson
ursday at Epic Gymnastics against Brewster,the Indians
earned a 159.2–112.8 victory over the Bears. PHOTOS: TABITHA
Mahopac’s Castrataro placed rst in the vault and was also
rst on the uneven bars and in oor exercise. Lee was second
in vault, and Giannetta took rst on beam, second in oor
exercise, fourths in the vault and bars, and placed rst in the
all-around competition.
Graap was third on vault, second on bars and fourth in
oor exercise,and Gristina took second in the all-around and
third in oor exercise.
“It was another nice team e ort from our girls,” Collins
said. “It was a season-high for Nicole in the all-around, she’s
really starting to come on. We also got a solid routine from Nelson
(a senior), and Alessia, Juliette (third on bars, third overall) and Kaylie
Ann (fourth in all-around) are getting better every competition as well.”
e prior Tuesday at Lakeview Elementary School, Mahopac edged
the Mounties, 166.5–165.0
Castrataro placed second on vault, fourth on bars, fth on the beam,
and took fourth in oor ex, and fourth in the all-around. Lee was fth
in oor ex, third on bars, second on beam, and third in oor ex and all-
around. Graap was fth in all-around, rst on beam, fth on bars, and
fourth on the vault.
“ at was a total team e ort,”Collins said.“Chloe, Jamison, Lia and
Nicole all had solid e orts for us,but what made the di erence were the
ne routines and vaults by Juliette, Rachel and Alessia.”
Mahopac was scheduled to host Lakeland on Jan. 4 at 5 p.m.
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Pac skates to win in Sunday night thriller
T.J. McKee (71) moves the puck in traffic. Brian O’Shea (9) had BY SKIP PEARLMAN
a hat trick in a ‘Pac CONTIRBUTING WRITER
win Sunday night
over Carmel. In a battle of crosstown rivals,
it was the Mahopac ice hockey
Business Home team that prevailed, hanging on
Umbrella Policies Auto for a 9-7 victory over Carmel in
a Sunday, Dec. 16 night thriller
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Indians all they could handle.
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RSpaLeunhLCcrdocewdhcivooaeemser,easoprn.frarSDoeneteeyesliAuenwxmlfleowienrSwmrNihc.waoaatswnaioslekSanirtun..aOtNnuCdYbS,easLWrr.BadvemaBCsl9ateidcdr8hioec2eant7snlt9ytose6witrlae;NhntSiYwdlue,aPitsrouhdutl-pkfnuupNaslllmiY.eicn:so5sNm5ltaYa4s,lflRt3ao.o1tLrHicoiom;kntNlhaiotYenfCrodar:nHeNLesIYCitbp.r#ieecrr2taih0otoin2ous2ns7aWe4nhad8ol-kfldo-D.IrnCMliAcBue.asSntthasbi,fneeLgtiby, rweTsrutaabtrtirismoaCnneoty., 5 invigorating massage minute later, assisted by McKee,
and McKee scored his nal goal
FREE IN-HOME with 7:00 left.
e win kept Mahopac’s
20% off Everything until Christmas! Your business card win streak intact—the Indians
BrPiJnaegwininetliyrnoygu,sCr, Aiotienmnsts,iSqoruteewrslei&ncagCn, oBclolrmeocentiztboelsey,sou! could be here. are now 7-0—but coach Tim
Donaghy said his team was out-
Get your 5HO7LOI1DpAeYRn HeOvOeUrURydSTa:EyWuend6tniel•sCdha8ryi-4stSm5ata-us6r1d0a2aym810--a50mpm3- 56p2m Call Brett Freeman at 845-208-8151 to find out how. worked.
—done— “Carmel came in looking to
give us everything they had,”
LSohcoapl! Donaghy said. “We survived.
Our guys expected to succeed,
Increase referrals and name recognition. Advertise in the Mahopac News Bulletin Board and reach and we didn’t work as hard as
over 7,000 USPS delivered mailing addresses every week. Call 845-208-8151 today! we should’ve. I’m not surprised,
it’s a big rivalry and we knew
Carmel would ght hard. But
they came in more prepared, and
out worked us.
“ e good news is we got the
win, but we can’t be satis ed
with where we are,” Donaghy
added. “Hopefully, it’s a wakeup
call that we’ve got to work hard.
We have a lot of talent, but if you
don’t work hard, you won’t get
the job done.”
Donaghy pointed to a few
players who stood out in the win.
“Mike Sottile, Danny Schum
and Ryan Caraher played well
for us,” the coach said. “Every
shift they were making things
happen, they made Carmel work
hard. ey made a di erence for
Mahopac was scheduled
to face Carmel again Friday
night Dec. 21 at 6:40 p.m. at
the Brewster Ice Arena in the
Hockey Fights Cancer night
game for both teams. e
Indians were scheduled to take
on Greeley the next day at 5 p.m.
To advertise in Mahopac
News, call Brett Freeman
at 845-208-8151 or email
MahopacWRESTLING shocks No. 1 Suffren, finish second
BY SKIP PEARLMAN a big win, a close one on Tues- ree Mahopac wrestlers ( Jake Ho man) and is one of Frank Scauzillo (120) and
CONTRIBUTING WRITER day, beating Mamaroneck. en went undefeated in the tourna- the better wrestlers in the sec- Andi Berisha (138) also earned
we had the semi nals at home, ment. Angelo Centrone (106), tion. And Harney and Rivera wins vs. Fox Lane.
e varsity wrestling team which was exciting. I thought Mike Harney (220) and Mike also wrestled very well. All three
performed well in the nal we had a shot to beat Su ern, Rivera (195) all went 5–0. gave us outstanding perfor- Mahopac was scheduled to
stages of last week’s Section 1 and we wrestled a great match. mances, I was impressed with host its own dual meet tourna-
Duals, tripping Mamaroneck in It came down to the last two “Centrone is really making all three, and I think all three of ment on Dec. 28. Participating
last Tuesday’s Dec. 11 quarter - matches, and Charlie (Nicosia) a name for himself,” DiSanto them have a chance to compete teams include Salesian, Monti-
nals, 43–39. clinched it for us at 160. said. “He beat a Fox Lane wres- for a section 1 title.” cello, Kipp Academy, Columbia
tler who had 44 wins last year and Mahopac.
e Indians (the No. 12 seed) “Against Fox Lane, we were
then went on to upset No. 1 Suf- just out-manned,” DiSanto Extraordinary Food.
fern in Friday’s Dec. 14 semi - added. “It was closer than the
nals at Mahopac, but could not Impeccable Service.
match up with Fox Lane, the nal score indicated. I think we
eventual champion. e Foxes are really competing well, in a Restaurant “Don’t Miss!”
defeated Mahopac, 50-21, in tournament with 36 schools, all —New York Times
the championship match. with modi ed programs, (Ma-
hopac does not have a modi ed Spend
“I was very happy with our program) for us to get that far,
performance,“ Indians coach to me that’s an amazing accom- New Year’s Eve
Dennis DiSanto said. “We got plishment.”
with us!
Liam Condon in the 182 weight. 3 COURSE MEAL
Charlie Nicosia attempts to flip his opponent. DANCE
954 Route 6, Mahopac (845) 621-3333
PHOTOS: DEENA BELL ramiros954.com @_ramiros954
Coaches and teammates cheer as they win the match.
Mahopac girls earn win, but fall to Kennedy, Somers
CONTRIBUTING WRITER goes up for two.
e Mahopac High School girls basketball team picked up Zina McInerney Julia Paolicelli goes up for third. PHOTOS: DEENA BELL
a victory last Wednesday on the road, defeating Clarkstown passes to teammate
North, 64–51. Caitlyn O’Boyle.
e Indians (2-6) then went on to drop both of their games
in the Somers tournament, falling to the Tuskers, 52–32, last
ursday Dec. 13, and then dropping a 52–48 decision to Ken-
nedy Catholic in Saturday’s Dec.15 consolation game.
At the Somers tournament, the Indians had some good mo-
ments, but could not come away with a win.
Against Somers, the ‘Pac was undone by a 13-0 Tuskers run
in the fourth.
“In the Somers game we didn’t play good defense,” Indians
coach Chuck Scozzafava said.“We came back in the second half
and got it to six, but in the fourth quarter we had shots, we just
couldn’t score.
“Against Kennedy, we just didn’t hit the key shots, but we did
play pretty good team defense,” he added. “ We had our oppor-
tunities to win that one—we missed key free throws down the
Caitlyn O’Boyle led the Indians with 19 points against Ken-
nedy Catholic, Zina McInerney and Natalie Scanlon each had 7.
Mia Klammer led the Indians against Somers, scoring 11 points.
“O’Boyle has played well in two of our last three games, she’s
done a good job,” Scozzafava said. “Shannon Becker has also
been doing a good job on the boards, she’s had some good games
for us.”
In Mahopac’s win over North, O’Boyle had a season-high 27
points, and Melanie DeMeo added 12.
“I was proud of the girls, they played all four quarters in that
game,” Scozzafava said.
e Indians were set to face Magnus Tuesday Dec. 18 on the
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Tim Cegielski
Mahopac boys top PV, fall rises up to launch
to Somers in tourney final a jumper in last
week’s win over
Putnam Valley at the
Somers Tournament.
Mahopac High School’s boys basketball Simon Shkoza looks to pass in the Reahl Allen had nine points
team came up with a strong performance last Somers Tournament. for Mahopac in Saturday’s
Friday, Dec. 14, in the opening round of the loss to Somers.
Somers Tournament, topping Putnam Valley,
e Indians didn’t fare as well against Somers Have your heating system checked now before the cold weather comes.
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McMahon and Reahl Allen each had 9 points
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Fecci had 13 to lead Somers.
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Poor shooting hurt the Indians throughout,
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“ ey were de nitely a feisty defense, and we
shot extremely poorly,” Mahopac $50 OFF Any Repair
coach Matt Simone said of Somers.
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and hit just two of 20 threes. We
also missed 13 free throws, so I *Custom filters extra $100 OFF New Heating System Replacement
think it’s a credit to our defense and
e ort that we only lost by four.
“Mike Argila played great for us,
he set the tone on defense with his
e ort and toughness,”Simone add-
ed. “And sophomore Vin Bastone
did a great job rebounding (10) and
he gave solid defense.”
Tim Cegielski led the Mahopac
e ort against Putnam Valley, scor-
ing 11 points. Drew Riolo added
“ at was probably our best full-
game e ort of the year,” Simone
said. “ ey are a Class B team, but
they are probably the frontrunner
to win B. ey have good players
and a tough team, and we did a
good job defending. We executed
down the stretch, made some key
baskets, and played good defense.”
Simone is looking for the team to
improve on its weaknesses. “Right
now the feeling is that we let the
Lakeland and Somers games slip
away,” the coach said. “I think we
learn something from those games,
and we’re focused on improving.
e guys are playing hard, and tak-
ing steps in the right direction.”
Sports Deadline
The sports deadline for
Mahopac News is the Sunday
before the next publication date.
Varsity coaches should submit
results and information by e-mail
to [email protected].
All youth sports and recreational
sports items should also be
submitted to the same e-mail
address by the Thursday before
the next publication date.
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PHOTO COURTESY OF PET VALU LEGAL NOTICE Carmel NY 10512 and is known yard – 25 ft.; Provided: 20.3 ft.;
by Tax Map 44.13-1-26. Variance Required: 4.7 ft.
Members of the Greater Mahopac-Carmel Chamber of Commerce By the Zoning Board of
along with Pet Valu Mahopac store manager Roger Wagner and Appeals of the Town of Carmel • Code Requires: 10’ sides • Code Requires: East side
district manager Carmine Proto celebrating their grand opening pursuant to Section 267 Town – shed; Provided: 1’; Variance yard – 25 ft.; Provided: 5.6 ft.;
on Saturday, Dec. 9. The new store opened up in the Lake Plaza Law, notice is hereby given that Required: 9’ Variance Required: 19.4 ft.
Shopping Center, near Stop & Shop. a hearing will be held on:
• Code Requires: 10’ rear – • Code Requires: Driveway
DECEMBER 27, 2018 7:30 P.M. shed; Provided: 3’ 2”; Variance width – 24 ft.; Provided: 20.3 ft.;
To hear the following Required: 6’ 10” Variance Required: 3.3 ft.
applications: • Code Requires: 1 acre for MISCELLANEOUS:
Chicken Coop; Provided: .348; MINUTES:
HOLD OVER APPLICATIONS: Variance Required: .652 • November 29, 2018
By Order of the Chairman,
1. Application of IMPERIAL 3. Application of RICK John Maxwell
ROMASH for a variation
VAPE & SMOKE SHOP, of Section 156-15 and a Use NOTICE OF APPLICATION
Variance seeking permission to FOR A WETLAND PERMIT
INC. seeking an Interpretation convert existing 1 residential
& 2 commercial building to a Date: 12-10-18
that applicant’s rights to open 2 residential & 1 commercial TAX MAP #75.8-2-17
building. e property is located Pursuant to the Town of
and conduct a vape/smoke shop at 19 Fair Street, Carmel NY Carmel Wetland Ordinance,
10512 and is known by Tax Map Chapter 89-5.
have vested due to substantial 44.14-1-47. Applicant: Dean Bender &
Jenny Stasikewich
expenditures made, or, in the • Code Requires: 1 apt. & 2 Address: 1454 Old Logging
commercial; Provided: 2 apts. & 1 Road, Yorktown, NY 10598
alternative, a Use Variance to commercial; Variance Required: Has led an application
Use Variance with the Clerk of the Town of
conduct a vape/smoke shop Carmel where the application
• Code Requires: Lot width – and associated documents and
notwithstanding the moratorium 200 ft.; Provided: 52 ft.; Variance maps along with published rules
Required: 148 ft. and regulations are available for
enacted which forbids the public inspection.
• Code Requires: Lot area –
opening of the same. e 40,000 sf.; Provided: 16,809 sf.; SEE LEGALS PAGE 31
Variance Required: 23,191 sf.
property is located at 441 Route
• Code Requires: Front yard –
6, Mahopac NY 10541 and is 40 ft.; Provided: 23.5 ft.; Variance
Required: 16.5 ft.
known by Tax Map 75.16-1-18.
• Code Requires: West side
2. Application of
Variation of Section 156.15 &
156.39.5, seeking permission to
retain existing shed & existing
chicken coop. e property is
located at 23 Collier Drive W,
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THE APPLICANT REQUESTS this application who wishes
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TO: in this proceeding must le a
statement of the precise grounds
Install new deck atop existing of support of, or opposition to,
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Situated within the periphery be heard if a public hearing is
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property with beautiful gardens. location with a nice level backyard.
WEB# MN1496691 | Carmel | $535,000 WEB# MN1510340 | Amawalk | $389,000
SSeeaSasesooanSGsn'eors'easnes'otsinn'gssFTionmancCiaalsAeTFdyvio,niAsmaonArcCMiaaSls®Ae,dyCv,RiAsPoACr M®, SC®R, PCSR®PC®, CRPS®
163 Route 6
GGrreGeeerettiienntggisnsgs8M4a5h-o6p2a1-c8, 6NM14Y67aFT31iohn0mRaon5opcC4iuaaa1lstcAee,dyvN,6iAsYoArM10S®5, 4CR1 PC®, CRPS®
Mahopac, NY 10541 Looking for the great house in the country with lots Lakeview at Kitchawan. welcome to this totally
TFFTioinonmamanncCicaCalisFTaaAeiolndsyAmave, indAsywcoCvA,irwaiaMAslws8oASA4e.re®5dy,M-dv6,Cwi2ASsR1ao-P®A8rr,6CdM4Cj®7o,SRnC®e,PRsCPC.cSR®o®,PmCC®R, PCSR®PS®
of privacy on almost three-acres of land. renovated Ranch with open floor plan.
WEB# MN1508692 | Poughquag | $329,900 WEB# MN1510351 | Carmel | $299,900
MKT-5894G-A-A1 MKT-5894G-A-A1 81M81M6644a3a35h5h-Ro6-Roop62uoap12t-cuae8M181,6t-6cN46ae834,5Yh67N-R6o1640oYp275ua141t-c01e8, 65N644Y71105w4ww1ww.edww.aerddjowneas.rcdomjones.com SOMERS BROKERAGE · . . · HOULIHANLAWRENCE.COM
Conveniently located across from the Post Office.
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G-A-A1 wwwM.eedmwabredrjoSnIePsC.com