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Published by Halston Media, 2018-12-13 14:22:10

Westchester Wellness July 2018

FORE!mind.VOL.1.NO..2 JULY 2018

Gboolfdisyth&e new game for

• Hudson Milk Company Delivers Freshness
• The Secrets of Avacados
• Pick Your Own Berries and more!

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Jeremy Brown
In Sickness and In Health Inside Farmer’s Markets
Editor-in-Chief: [email protected]
Gabrielle Bilik 5 20

Managing Editor: 914-214-4285 Stay Safe in the Summer! The Milkman Cometh
[email protected] The Hudson Milk Company
6 is bringing freshness right to
Nancy Sorbella/Associate Publisher The Amazing Avocado your doorstep.
You’ll be shocked at what this
914-205-4183 22
[email protected] little fruit can do!
Bruce Heller/Associate Publisher Form And Function
7 A Look At Brower And Russo’s In-
[email protected] One-Day Road Trips novative Home Designs.

Lisa Kain 8 23
[email protected] Heart Disease Healthy Barbecue
Paul Forhan And The Gender Gap Grill Up Some Goodness
[email protected] 10 This Summer
Corinne Stanton
845-621-4049 Exercise in Pregnancy 26
[email protected]
Jennifer Connelly 11 Eat More Nuts!
[email protected] Summer Reading 101 27
Shelley Kilcoyne
914-924-9122 12 Pressed Watermelon
[email protected] & Basil Water Recipe
Recovering From
PRODUCTION TEAM Shoulder Surgery 28
Tabitha Pearson Marshall
13 Z’paghetti Recipe
Production Manager
Designer/Photographer Improper Posture 30
[email protected] And Neck Pain
Fresh From The
EXECUTIVE TEAM The way you sit could be doing Freight House
Brett Freeman/Publisher The beauty of picking
serious damage your own berries!
Westchester Wellness Deadline
The deadline for advertisements Get In The Swing!
Golf is a better way to get healthy
and editorial submissions for
than you ever realized!
Westchester Wellness is the Thursday
before the next publication date.
For more information,
Email Jeremy Brown at
[email protected].

(ISSN 2330-1627)
Published Monthly by
Halston Media, LLC at

824 Route 6, Suite 4
Mahopac, NY 10541

Main Office
Bailey Court
334 Route 202, Unit C1S
Somers, NY 10589

©2018 Halston Media, LLC


In Sickness
& in Health

Arthritic Joint Treatments


The pain and joint restriction associat-
ed with arthritis can greatly interfere
with the ability to perform everyday
tasks. In fact, the drive to find relief, improve
quality of life and normalize function can be-

come an all-consuming mission.

But controlling arthritis pain is

not a “one size fits all” approach.

Health care providers must con-

sider many details in order to in-

dividualize treatment. The type of

arthritis and the joint(s) involved,

lifestyle, overall health and fitness

levels, weight, age, profession, lei-

sure activities and a host of other

factors influence an arthritis suf-

ferer’s plan of action. A pain man-

agement team may comprise mul-

tiple health, wellness and fitness

professionals that could include

primary care physicians, orthope- CAROLYN WINUK
dists, rheumatologists, physiatrists,

osteopaths, physical and occupa-

tional therapists, nutritionists and dietitians,

acupuncturists, massage therapists, nurses,

mental health specialists, trainers, yoga and

tai chi instructors, podiatrists, homeopaths of mild to moderate arthritis symptoms may tion. In some types of inflammatory joint

and/or naturopaths. include use of thermal relief (ice or heat) conditions, such as rheumatoid arthritis, a

In order to classify a type of arthritis, a and/or topical counterirritants, which inter- synovectomy can help to reduce overgrowth

health care provider may find it necessary to fere with the perception of pain at the site of of the synovium, or joint lining. This may be

perform specialized diagnostic tests such as application; regular exercise to keep support- done via a minimally invasive arthroscopy,

X-rays, blood work, MRI, CT scans or ul- ing musculature strong and flexible; weight which can also be used to remove damaged

trasound. He or she may initiate pain man- loss to reduce pressure on affected joints; cartilage or to “clean up” bone fragments and

agement by discussing medication options to adaptive splinting and assistive devices to aid joint surfaces. Joint replacement, if needed,

help ease symptoms. Analgesics (pain killers) walking and/or activities of daily living; and can be partial or total. In a partial joint re-

modify pain without reducing associated massage, acupuncture, and physical and oc- placement, a singular, eroded compartment

inflammation, and NSAIDS (nonsteroidal cupational therapy to reduce inflammation, of the joint is replaced, while retaining intact

anti-inflammatory agents) reduce pain while restore joint range of motion and promote portions. Total joint arthroplasty involves

also reducing inflammation. Many of these optimal functioning. completely replacing damaged joint surfaces

medications are available over the counter, Unfortunately, not all arthritic joint pain with artificial components.

such as acetaminophen and ibuprofen, but is responsive to conservative therapies, and Choosing the right path to successfully

others may be classified as narcotics and a more aggressive treatment approach may manage arthritis symptoms requires a patient

require a physician prescription. Corticoste- be necessary. Those not yet in need of sur- to be a proactive member of his or her own

roids, DMARDS (disease-modifying anti- gery may opt for joint injection, either with team. Fortunately, there are many effective

rheumatic drugs) and biologics (genetically substances used to lubricate and cushion the treatment options available, and numerous

engineered drugs that have a more specific joint or to reduce pain and inflammation. health care specialists who can provide sup-

target in immune system modification) are Arthrocentesis, which is the removal of sy- port and care along the way.

classes of drugs most often used in the treat- novial fluid from a joint, may be necessary

ment of systemic, inflammatory arthritis. All to test for the presence of bacteria and/or to Carolyn Winuk, PT, SSF, TCR is a practicing

medications will require instruction for safe assist in diagnosis. physical therapist, an ISSA-certified specialist

usage, potential adverse reactions and contra- When all other viable options have been in senior fitness and a tai chi for rehabilitation

indications. exhausted, surgical intervention may be nec- instructor.

In addition to medication, management essary for pain relief and restoration of func-


Stay Safe in the Summer!


Lightning is a golfer’s worst enemy! As soon as you hear a clap When a storm strikes and you are in your home:

of thunder, leave the course, as lightning is sure to follow. If you are • Stay clear of doorways and windows

stuck out on the course and there is a storm with a lightning strike, • Avoid the phone or any device plugged into a power outlet.

take off your spikes, leave the cart and clubs and find the lowest point Cordless, smartphones and devices that are not plugged in

on the course and stay low. Do not seek shelter under a tree, metal are OK.

umbrella or near water. Always be aware of the closest fully-enclosed • Stay away from sinks, tubs and all indoor plumbing

building or vehicle, which is your best option. • Do not use a hot tub or indoor pool

• Do not use small appliances like toasters & hairdryers

Did you know that if your golf clubs get stolen from your car your • Use your generator with care, always following the directions

auto insurance won’t cover them? Inquire about homeowner’s, rent- and always professionally installed

er’s or personal property coverage to ensure that you can get them

replaced. If you are in a high-storm area consider a lightning protection sys-

tem for your whole house.


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The Amazing Avocado


Avocados have MVP (Most Valuable
Produce) status on my weekly grocery
list. This tasty super fruit is rich in vi-
tamins C, B-6, E,
A, iron, potassi-
um, and magne-
sium. Avocados
are a good source
of protein and a
great source of
dietary fiber.




known as the “al-

ligator pear” be-

cause of its green KIM KOVACH
bumpy skin,

avocados were

grown in Mexico and Central America.

Avocado tree farms for commercial produc-

tion started in California in the early 1900s.

Since the Spanish name, ahuacate, did not

roll smoothly off the tip of the American

tongue, a group of California farmers de-

cided that a snazzier name would help with

consumer marketing. In 1915, avocado be-

came the fruit’s official name in the U.S.


Haas avocado is the most common vari-

ety grown in California. The avocado trees cubes as an omelet filling. cado with Greek yogurt. Or moisturize your

are loaded with dark green- to purple-col- Dinner ideas to incorporate the nutri- hair by applying a paste of mashed avocado

ored fruit with a bumpy textured skin. The tional goodness of avocados include adding and 2 tablespoons of olive oil to damp hair

creamy inside flesh of the Haas avocado is avocado to pasta and rice dishes as well as to and leave on for 15 minutes before rinsing.

preferred for guacamole, spreads and pesto pesto sauce for a creamy consistency. For an

sauce. Avocados grown in Florida are larger appetizer, avocados take center stage in gua- PLAY WITH YOUR FOOD

with a bright green shiny skin. The firm camole, of course, but not the boring pasty Don’t throw away the avocado pits! Use

interior flesh has less fat content, which is green stuff. Use chunks of avocado, tomato, the round smooth pits for a tiny travel-size

better for slicing or chunks, but is not as onion, lime juice, lime zest and salt to serve bocce ball set or table-top game of croquet

rich-tasting as the Haas variety. a colorful fiesta in a bowl. You can also add (try iced tea spoons as mallets). Or dry the

avocado to pre-made salsa to go with torti- pits for two weeks before painting or var-

NOT JUST FOR GUACAMOLE lla chips. nishing the spheres to make jewelry, wind

Start your morning off with avocado toast. Dessert recipes abound for adding chimes or objects to juggle!

Spread one half of a mashed ripe avocado mashed avocado instead of oil or butter No matter how you slice it (or cube or

onto whole wheat or raisin toast and top when baking brownies and banana bread. mash it), the delicious, nutritious avocado is

with sliced peaches or crumbled feta cheese Why not try a parfait with layers of sliced amazing!

and sliced tomato. For a power breakfast on avocado, vanilla yogurt, strawberries and

the go, make a smoothie with one half of a blueberries drizzled with honey for a cool Kim Kovach teaches fiction writing for

ripe avocado, almond milk or vanilla yogurt, summertime treat? adults and creative writing for children and

sliced banana and blueberries. teens. The author of six fiction books, she is

The versatile avocado is a terrific addition HEALTH & BEAUTY also a writing coach providing guidance for

to lunchtime favorites. Use as a spread in- Did you ever buy too many avocados only adults starting a novel/memoir or moving

stead of mayonnaise in tuna or egg salad, cut to discover that they were all ripe at the the manuscript forward. She enjoys avocados

into slices for a BLT and for turkey or pro- same time? Whip up a nourishing, refresh- daily. Please visit her website at www.

volone sandwiches or wraps, and cut into ing facial mask by combining mashed avo-


One-Day Road Trips

Looking to get away, but not too far? These day-
trip destinations will take you away from it all

and bring you back before you’re missed.

BY JEREMY BROWN chance to stop and paint along

EDITOR-IN-CHIEF the way. When your ride is done,

reward yourself with a wine tast-

HISTORIC HUGUENOT ing at a local vineyard. https://


New Paltz, NY Bronx, NY Tarrytown, NY

The Huguenots were French CRITZ FARMS A New England fishing vil- David Rockefeller dedicated

Protestants who fled religious Cazenovia, NY lage dropped into the heart of the these 80 acres of pastures and

persecution during the 16th and Whatever you’re looking for, Bronx, City Island lets you leave woods to serve as a place to pro-

17th centuries, with many set- chances are that Critz Farms has the city behind without ever hav- mote local, healthy food produc-

tling in the Hudson Valley. In you covered. Family-owned and ing to leave the city at all. Sample tion. In addition to the bevy of

New Paltz, seven original stone -operated for the past 33 years, some local, fresh-caught seafood fresh, healthy foods grown there,

Huguenot houses still stand, and the farm harvests everything at places such as The Lobster Box, the Stone Barns offers a wealth

visitors there are taken on an from maple syrup in the spring Sammy’s Shrimp Box and Seafood of educational programs and ac-

immersive tour through life in a to blueberries in the summer to City, or do a little fishing of your tivities, including Pick Your Own

Huguenot colony circa 1678. The apples and pumpkins in the fall. own, courtesy of Jack’s Bait and Eggs, which allows kids to gather

tour also offers a reconstructed When the holidays roll around, Tackle. Cap off your day on the eggs and learn how they’re sorted

Huguenot church and a burial you can ride out to the fields and island with a stroll along the idyllic and packaged. https://www.stone-

ground, where some of the origi- cut down your own Christmas streets while enjoying a cone from

nal settlers have been laid to rest. tree. The farm also offers its own Lickety Split. beers, wines and ciders made from

homegrown ingredients, with

CATSKILL ANIMAL tastings held regularly. http://
Step By
Saugerties, NY Reading Instruction
Located on 110 rolling acres HOOVER-MASONTRESTLE One-to-One Tutoring
just 90 minutes north of West- Bethlehem, PA
chester, the Animal Sanctuary For nearly a century, Bethle-

is a haven for farming animals hem Steel was at the forefront

that have been rescued from cru- of American construction. Such We use a multisensory
elty and neglect. Over the last 17 iconic landmarks as the Golden reading approach, (Wilson
years, more than 3,500 animals Gate Bridge, the Hoover Dam Fundations and Orton-Gillingham)
have been rescued and re-homed. and the Chrysler Building were to focus on: Shari Suss, Founder
Visitors to the Sanctuary can built with steel from its mighty
spend time getting to know the foundries. The factory shut down • Decoding strategies MA in Teaching/
300 or so animals on site and operations in 2003, but the Special Ed Certified

receive education on humane narrow-gauge railroad, used to • Phonemic awareness
and ethical treatment, while also shuttle raw materials back and • Phonics
learning what they can do to get forth during the plant’s opera-

involved. tion, has been reclaimed. Today, • Sight words

EAST END BIKETOURS visitors can take a walking tour of • Fluency Schedule your
Mattituck, NY Bethlehem’s industrial past along • Vocabulary FREE Consultation Now!
Pedal your way through more the trestle, which leads from the • Comprehension
SteelStacks cultural and enter- • Spelling
than 13 miles of North Fork tainment campus to the Sands
countryside on this leisurely Casino. If you visit Bethlehem

guided bike tour that takes you during the holidays, be sure to Our office provides your child with a quiet, rich,
through historic landmarks, past check out the town’s Christ- nurturing environment, free from distractions.
local farms and merchants and kindlmarkt, recognized as one of

alongside stunning vistas of inlets, the best holiday markets in the 914-293-7688
marshes and the beautiful Pecon- United States. http://hooverma-
ic Bay. Some tours even offer the Parkside Corner Shopping Center
3565 Crompond Road, Suite 201 Cortlandt Manor, 10567


Heart Disease and the Gender Gap

Cardiologist Dr. Suresh Sharma Offers Tips on Women and Heart Health

Heart disease is the leading common in women than men.
One is microvascular disease,
cause of death in both women which affects the small arteries
of the heart. Another condition
and men; it is responsible for one that occurs exclusively in women
is stress-induced cardiomyopa-
in three deaths in both sexes. But thy, also known as “broken heart
syndrome,” which is character-
beyond that fact lie key differences ized by sudden, intense chest pain
and shortness of breath and may
in how heart disease manifests in be misdiagnosed as a heart attack
but is actually caused by a surge
men and women. of hormones brought on by an
emotionally stressful event. Both
For decades, heart disease in conditions can be treated with
men was the standard by which
symptoms were evaluated, diag- “Much heart disease is prevent-

noses made, and treatment recom- able,” says Dr. Sharma. “You can’t
control your age, gender, genetic
mended. makeup or family history, but you
can make lifestyle changes and
“A heart attack was more likely take preventive steps that will re-
duce your risk.” His recommenda-
to be recognized in men,”says car- tions include:

diologist Dr. Suresh Sharma, “and • Quit smoking!
• Eat a balanced diet and
women, particularly if they didn’t
maintain a healthy weight.
present with classical symptoms more typical pressure; some wom- lems at the time of a first heart • Exercise moderately at
attack may be a factor in explain-
like crushing chest pain, were less en experience pain in the neck,jaw, ing why fewer women than men least 30 minutes a day.
survive a first heart attack. But • Find healthy ways to re-
likely to be given immediate, po- or upper abdomen but not in the another factor may be revealed in
a study of 50,000 people over the duce stress.
tentially life-saving treatment. chest; and some women have a “si- age of 65 who were hospitalized • Have regular checkups
for heart disease: Women were less
Thankfully, considerable gains lent heart attack” with no pain at likely to be treated with aspirin or that test your blood pres-
cholesterol-lowering drugs or giv- sure, blood sugar and cho-
have been made in understand- all. Almost two-thirds of women en advice on lifestyle changes, like lesterol. Make sure you
quitting smoking. In another 2016 know what these numbers
ing heart disease in women, but who die suddenly of heart disease study, it was found that within five mean and follow instruc-
years of a first heart attack, 47 per- tions conscientiously to
there is still work to do in making have no previous symptoms. cent of women will die, develop keep them within a healthy
heart failure or have a stroke, com- range.
women themselves aware of the pared to 36 percent of men. “Despite the gains made in the
last decade, heart disease in wom-
signs and symptoms of a heart at- THE GENDER GAP:AGE AND THE GENDER GAP:RISK en may still be under-diagnosed
FACTORS and,as a result,under-treated,”says
tack and the importance of seek- SURVIVABILITY Dr. Sharma. “Women must know
The most critical risk factors and manage their risk, be alert to
ing prompt treatment.” While women and men suffer for heart disease in both men and the signs and symptoms, and act
women are high blood pressure, on them promptly.”
from heart disease in equal num- high LDL cholesterol, diabetes
mellitus and smoking. Additional Suresh Sharma, MD, is an
THE GENDER GAP:SIGNS bers, heart attacks strike men at risk factors include obesity, inac- interventional cardiologist with
tivity and poor diet. But there are KentuckyOne Health Cardiology
AND SYMPTOMS younger ages. differences in the degree of risk Associates.
in men and women. For example,
The most common symptom of “We don’t know exactly why diabetes is more strongly associ-
ated with heart disease in women
a heart attack is pain or pressure in men tend to be struck earlier than than in men, women over age of
60 have a higher prevalence of hy-
the center of the chest that may ra- women,” says Dr. Sharma, “but we pertension than men and obesity
has more impact on the develop-
diate to the neck, jaw or left arm. do know that women are more at ment of coronary artery disease on
women than men.
But some people–and more wom- risk for atherosclerotic cardiovas-
en than men–experience atypical cular disease after menopause. A HEART DISEASE

symptoms, including shortness of likely explanation for this could be Some heart conditions are more

breath, weakness, sweating, nausea the beneficial physiological effect

or vomiting, dizziness, back pain of estrogen on vascular function in

and extreme fatigue. Chest pain in premenopausal women.”

women is sometimes described as The fact that women tend to be

sharp or burning rather than the older and have more health prob-

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Why Buy Whole Life Insurance for your Dependent Children…?

By Andrew J. Cavaliere, CLTC A
Many of my clients often ask me if they should buy life insurance on their newborns and juvenile children. k
The answer is always a resounding … yes. If the client has the foresight, it is a great idea to establish
these policies early on in your child’s life, especially since most often there will be no medical underwriting
and the premiums on youngsters are so low based upon their age at issue. Once your children start to
visit doctors or if they have a serious chronic illness, medical records may have to be collected. People
easily forget that life insurance is all about the long haul. The sooner you buy these contracts and the
longer you fund them, the better they perform financially and the lower the overall cost of insurance.

The vast majority of carriers refuse to issue term insurance policies taken out on small children due to
the lack of insurable interest. Most will only issue permanent products such as whole life, universal life
or variable life. Since a term insurance policy is designed to cover a specific need or temporary financial
liability, carriers cannot underwrite the purchase of this type of policy for a child since determining that
liability is virtually impossible.

There are many advantages to your children by owning permanent life insurance: a
• You the parent or guardian control the policy until such time that you decide to transfer ownership.
• You are purchasing the life insurance at the most competitive rate due to the child’s current age. E
• You are establishing your child’s insurability immediately in case they become chronically ill. x
• You can pay these policies up in 20 years so your child does not have to pay the premiums forever. p
• You are buying a policy that your child can own and utilize for the rest of their natural life. e
• You are creating an asset that your child can pull tax-free income from in retirement. r
• You are creating a guaranteed financial legacy for your future grandchildren. t

Let’s look at an example of how a policy purchased for a young child compares to a policy purchased by an adult:

Annual Premium $100,000 Whole Life $100,000 Whole Life
Cumulative Premium in 20 years Policy Male Standard Policy Male Standard
Initial Death Benefit
Death Benefit in 20 years Issue Age 5 years Issue Age 35 years
Death Benefit at Age 65
$1,167 $ 2,078
$23,340 $41,560
$100,000 $100,000
$168,341 $122,858
$236,722 $138,877

Important benefits to your dependent child by owning permanent life insurance:

> A guaranteed death benefit to age 120.
> Premiums are guaranteed ensuring the child has coverage, even if they get sick.
> A Waiver of Premium Rider guarantees premiums are paid to age 60 if child becomes permanently disabled.
> The buildup of a cash value savings vehicle inside the insurance policy that grows tax-deferred.
> Discretionary access to tax-free income before age 59½ without a credit check or lender approval .
> Non-qualified policies are essentially private pension plans with no IRS reporting.
> The death benefit is paid to beneficiaries triple tax free, most likely your grandchildren.
> The policy can be collateralized at any time, like when your child is buying a car or even purchasing a home.
> In most states, the cash value of a juvenile life insurance policy is protected from creditors and lawsuits.
Please note that many insurers have requirements that parents and/or custodians own the same or several times the amount
of life insurance coverage on themselves before polices will be issued. The rationale is that the parent or breadwinner of the
family has an insurable interest that supersedes the child’s need for coverage.

For more information about Juvenile Life Insurance planning please call Andrew J. Cavaliere, CLTC at 914-682-2190 or toll free 877-676-9900. Andrew is
certified in Long-Term Care (CLTC) from the Corporation for Long-Term Care Certification, Inc. Andrew is a member in good standing of the Million Dollar
Round Table (MDRT), which is the premier Association of financial professionals nationally. Andrew’s offices are located at 50 Main Street, Suite 1000,
White Plains, NY 10606 and at 263 Tresser Blvd, 9th Floor, Stamford, CT 06901.


Exercise in Pregnancy: How Much? What Kind?

Obstetrician-Gynecologist Dr. John Thoppil with River Place OB/GYN

In most cases, exercising during
pregnancy is safe and even rec-
ommended. Women who were
physically active before becoming
pregnant can generally continue to
be active – though perhaps not at the
same level – as long as it is comfort-
able and there are no complicating
factors. Those who did not exercise
regularly before pregnancy are gener-
ally advised by their healthcare pro-
vider to begin a program of moderate
exercise. “Regular exercise is beneficial
for expectant mothers,” says obstetri-
cian-gynecologist Dr. John Thoppil.
“It can reduce the effects of some of
the common discomforts of preg-
nancy, such as backache and fatigue, it
can improve energy and mood, and it
can help build the stamina needed for
labor and delivery.”

WHICH EXERCISES ARE BEST DURING PREGNANCY? ditions, such as heart disease or asthma, or for those with high-
The safest exercises for pregnant women are those that have the least risk risk pregnancies due to a history of miscarriage, pre-term labor,
or cervical insufficiency. Exercise should be stopped and a doctor
of injury,involve the entire body,and are easy on the joints and muscles.Good consulted in the presence of warning signs such as dizziness or
choices include brisk walking, swimming and water workouts, stationary feeling faint, rapid or irregular heartbeat, chest or abdominal pain,
cycling, low-impact aerobics, and yoga and Pilates that have been modified vaginal bleeding or fluid leakage, muscle weakness, or any unusual
for pregnant women. Women who are experienced joggers or racquet-sports or sudden physical irregularity.
players may be able to continue those activities with medical approval.


Activities that increase the risk of injury include those most likely to cause Dr.Thoppil recommends these precautions and guidelines:

a fall, such as snow or water skiing, surfing, horseback riding, and gymnas- · Don’t exercise in hot, humid weather or to the point of

tics; contact sports, such as softball, basketball, and volleyball; and any exercise exhaustion.

that includes jarring motions,rapid changes in direction,or extensive jumping, · Drink lots of water before, during, and after exercising.

hopping, or bouncing. · Wear loose-fitting, comfortable clothes, a supportive bra, and

“Changes to the body during pregnancy must be taken into account in shoes that provide good ankle support.

choosing exercises,” says Dr. Thoppil. “For example, your center of gravity · Eat a healthy diet that includes a lot of fruits, vegetables, and

changes, particularly late in pregnancy, affecting balance and making falling complex carbohydrates; don’t start exercising until at least one

more likely; that’s why stationary cycling is safer than a standard bicycle. Also, hour after eating.

pregnancy hormones make the joints more flexible and subject to injury,which “Staying active during pregnancy is important and beneficial,” says

explains why sudden movements and high-impact motion are best avoided.” Dr. Thoppil. “Exercise strengthens the muscles, conditions the entire

body, helps to maintain health, and keeps the pregnant woman feeling

HOW MUCH EXERCISE IS RECOMMENDED FOR PREGNANT her best. Staying fit will help the expectant mother give her child the

WOMEN? best opportunity for a healthy start in life.”

The Centers for Disease Control and Prevention recommend 150

minutes of moderate-intensity aerobic activity every week, which John Thoppil, MD, leads River Place Obstetrics and Gynecology in Austin,

could be 30 minutes all at once five days a week or broken up into Texas. A board-certified obstetrician-gynecologist and a Fellow of the

smaller increments during the day. Those who are new to exercise American College of Obstetricians and Gynecologists, Dr.Thoppil also is an

should start with as little as five minutes a day and add five minutes assistant professor at Texas A&M University College of Medicine and the

each week, working up to 30 minutes of sustained activity. president elect of the Texas Association of Obstetricians and Gynecologists.


Exercise may be inadvisable for women with certain medical con-


Summer Reading 101

Whether on the beach or by the pool,
keep your brain active with these page-turners

“GIRL WITH A GUN: AN ANNIE as they travel to the Big Oakland Powwow. alibi. As the investigation progresses, dis-
OAKLEY MYSTERY” -Kari Bovée Along the way, secrets, revelations and hid- turbing revelations come to light and noth-
den history all come to light. ing is what it appears to be on the surface.
Kari Bovée’s debut novel mixes histori-
cal fact with fiction, chronicling the early “OLD IN ART SCHOOL” -Nell Painter “NUMBER ONE CHINESE
days of Annie Oakley. A 15-year-old After retiring from a prestigious career at RESTAURANT”
sharpshooter, Oakley becomes a sensa- -Lillian Li
tion as a part of Buffalo Bill’s Wild West Princeton, Dr. Nell Irvin Painter decided to
Show. When her Sioux assistant turns up return to school, earning a BFA and MFA Debut novelist Lillian Li’s book chroni-
dead and her horse is stolen, young Annie in painting. This memoir traces her journey cles the history of a beloved Rockville, Md.,
is plunged into a mystery that only grows as an art student in her sixties and examines Chinese restaurant and the family that has
deeper with each clue she uncovers. what it’s like to find oneself all over again. worked there for generations. The restau-
rant’s owner, Jimmy, wants to sell the busi-
“THERE THERE”-Tommy Orange “THE OUTSIDER” -Stephen King ness and move to a more upscale restaurant
First-time novelist Tommy Orange Stephen King returns with a new thriller on the waterfront, but his brother, Johnny,
wants to adhere to tradition. Secrets, lies
weaves the lives of 12 characters together that follows the events that unfold in the and bad blood are stirred up as the restau-
in this multigenerational story that traces a wake of a child’s murder in a small town. rant’s fate hangs in the balance.
group of people from different backgrounds An arrest is made, but the suspect has an


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‘Patch’ May Help
Recovery After Shoulder
Surgery for Rotator Cuffs

Shoulder injury? Get “patched up”–lit- animals, including cows and
erally, says renowned orthopedic sur- sheep.Applied to the injured
geon and sports medicine and arthro- tendon arthroscopically with
plasty specialist Dr. Kevin D. Plancher, who is special instruments, the

using advanced technology–an all-natural, bio- patch appears to foster new

logic “patch”about the size of a postage stamp– tissue growth that thickens

to repair and heal a certain type of tendon tear and strengthens the tendon. Dr. Kevin Plancher Offers Tips to Help
in the rotator cuff. Eventually, the implant “dis-
“We find that patients with the patch re- solves” and is absorbed by Patients With Common Rotator Cuff Injuries
cover successfully from surgery and require less the body. The federal Food

time to rehabilitate the injured shoulder, even and Drug Administration

those patients with diabetes and whom are cleared the way for the implant’s use in 2014. sists of a stabilizing system of four major ten-

overweight,” said Dr. Plancher, who founded Researchers are hoping this implant will be dons and muscles that keep the head of the

New York and Connecticut-based Plancher the “breakthrough” in rotator cuff repair, Dr. upper arm bone in the shoulder socket, allow-

Orthopaedics & Sports Medicine. Plancher says.Initial clinical data involving 200 ing the arm to be raised and rotated. Partial or

The patch helps resolve partial tears of ro- patients and presented at the May 2017 meet- complete tears of these tendons can occur from

tator cuff tendons seen in many pro athletes ing of the Arthroscopy Association of North normal wear over time; repetitive use as occurs

and “weekend warriors.” It can also help large America indicated that use of the patch re- in certain sports, such as baseball or tennis, or

tears caused by injury or by the degeneration sulted in statistically significant improvement in occupations like painting or carpentry, and

of shoulder tissue due to age, Dr. Plancher says. in overall shoulder function and pain following even injury from falls or heavy lifting.

Developed by Rotation Medical Inc. and surgery. Patch patients generally reported feel- Symptoms of rotator cuff problems include a

distributed by Smith & Nephew, the patch is ing better in the first six months following their dull ache in the shoulder, arm weakness, diffi-

a “bio-inductive implant” composed of colla- procedure than did patients who had under- culty in lifting or rotating an arm and disturbed

gen fibers from the Achilles tendons of bovine gone more traditional rotator cuff treatments sleep. Partial tendon tears, seen in many ath-

after two years. letes, can affect careers and can degenerate and

NLIEGWHT “As orthopedic sur- often become full-thickness tears.
geons, we have been Of course, the best medicine is prevention.
searching for a new ‘gold To minimize risk of rotator cuff injury, Dr.
standard’ that would Plancher advises:
transform our approach Exercise regularly to keep muscles strong
to rotator cuff repair,” and flexible in and around the shoulder
Dr.Plancher says.“Most blades and on the backs of shoulders.
perplexing has been the Warm up muscles before engaging in

risk of an injured shoul- sports and other vigorous activities.

LASER & ELECTROLYSIS der tendon re-tearing, Avoid lifting–or trying to catch–large,
actually pulling away heavy objects.

SKIN REJUVENATION from its sutures, in cases Don’t keep arms raised or out from the side
TATTOO REMOVAL of large tears when the for long periods of time. If you must do so,
tendon has to be affixed take breaks and put a cold compress on the

to the bone.” stressed shoulder several times daily.

Dr. Plancher’s enthu- Most importantly, if you have any of the

914-241-3114 siasm is well-founded. above-mentioned symptoms for a prolonged
Rotator cuff injuries are period of time, make sure you seek medical
120 Kisco Ave
Suite S common, with approxi- attention from a fellowship-trained shoulder
mately 4 million Ameri- surgeon.
cans suffering from a ro-

Mt. Kisco, NY tator cuff disorder, either Kevin D. Plancher, MD, MPH, is a board-
due to injury or age, and certified orthopaedic shoulder surgeon, pioneer

more than 50 percent of of shoulder procedures and the founder of

Patricia McMann those older than age 60 Plancher Orthopaedics & Sports Medicine.
reportedly have some Plancher Orthopaedics & Sports Medicine is a degree of rotator cuff comprehensive orthopaedics and sports medicine

[email protected] tear. practice with offices in New York City and
The rotator cuff con- Greenwich, Conn.;


May Be to Blame

for Neck Pain

Interventional Pain Management Specialist
Dr. Kaliq Chang With Atlantic Spine Center
Offers Tips to Prevent Life From Becoming

a Pain in the Neck

Stand up straight! Sit over computer keyboards at work
straight, shoulders back! and excessive mobile phone use,
When life becomes a which keeps a person’s head
pain in the neck, it proves Mom down, putting more force on the
was right after all. “Poor posture neck, as common reasons why
is a leading culprit for musculo- neck pain is affecting millions of
skeletal pain because it can cause Americans.
strained neck muscles, tendons
and ligaments,” says Dr. Kaliq A study published in 2017 in
Chang, an interventional pain the Brazilian Journal of Physical
management specialist at the Therapy indicates the prevalence
New Jersey-based Atlantic Spine of neck pain in adults ranges
Center. from nearly 17 percent to 75
He blames long hours hunched


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SGewt ininthge

Golf is good for both body and mind, so hit the links!

BY JEREMY BROWN Mark Twain once spoiled.” But, given the various is on different levels,” she said,
EDITOR-IN-CHIEF famously referred to health benefits that come from “and that works on our balance
golf as “a good walk chasing that little white ball and proprioception, as well.”
around, perhaps golf should
One Trusted Office now be considered a good walk, Golf is also offers great car-
For All enhanced. dio, another fact that people
tend to overlook. The Ameri-
Your Dental Needs “There are many, many more can Heart Association recom-
health benefits to golf than people mends that every American
8SAaam&ptup–ro7tdspn.amys! actually recognize,” said Dr. Ni- take at least 10,000 steps every
cole D. Belkin, assistant profes- day. Dr. Belkin says that an 18-
888 Route 6, Mahopac, NY 10541 sor of orthopedic surgery, sports hole round of golf requires at
medicine and a shoulder surgery least 13,000 steps.
845-628-3700 specialist with Columbia Univer-
sity and New York-Presbyterian “Amateur golfers probably get Hudson Valley Medical Group. more because they do a bit more
ball hunting and have to walk
The physical benefits of the farther away from their carts to
game are often overlooked, Dr. make their shots,” she said.
Belkin says, but they are most
definitely there. Even if you take a cart with
you, says Dr. Belkin, you’re still
“People think that golf is not going to be able to get plenty of
a difficult sport, but some of steps in.
the most important strength
we have in our body is our “If you’re driving a golf cart,
core strength and many people you’re restricted as to how far
neglect that in taking care of into the fairway you’re allowed
their physical self,” she said. to go,” she said. “People think
“Although we hold the club in that you drive right up to your
our hands, the control and the ball, hit the ball and then get
motion in a golf swing actually back into the cart, but that’s not
comes from the core.” actually how it works. So even
with the cart, it represents an in-
Additionally, Dr. Belkin not- crease in activity for the average
ed, golf is a game that requires American. Plus, it’s probably
you to take your shot where it
lies. “So many times, our footing SEE SWING PAGE 16



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psychologically more fun than going to
a high school track and walking eight The average steps
laps.” per minute for an
hour of golf are
On top of the physical benefits of a comparable to 45
round of golf, the game is also good for minutes of hiking
you mentally. For starters, Dr. Belkin
says, the social component of golf is an The average steps per
automatic mood-booster. minute per hour of golf
are 8160, according to
“In our society, with the internet and, that’s
television, we’re losing a little bit of our almost as much as the
social interactions,” Dr. Belkin said. 8190 steps the average
“And I don’t know anyone who goes hiker takes after 45
and plays 18 holes alone. So you’re def- minutes on the trail.
initely going to be interacting with the
people that you’re playing with, and it’s For comparison:
usually a jovial, friendly and competi-
tive environment.” • 1 hour of jogging on a
mini-trampoline = 8160
In addition, the game offers men-
tal challenges that can keep the mind • 1 hour of
sharp and alert. “I think one of the badminton=8160
more challenging mental aspects of
golf is strategizing the cost/benefit ra- • 1 hour of gardening
tio of trying to get on the green versus = 7260
ending up in the sand,” said Dr. Bel-
kin. “Or ending up in a water hazard • 45 minutes of aerobic
because you’re not quite sure if you dance = 8865
have the club lengths to get past it, or
whether it would be more valuable to • 30 minutes of
shoot a short, conservative shot.” bicycling=7260

The overall benefits of just being The site says the
outdoors during a round of golf cannot average person takes
be discounted, Dr. Belkin says. between 2,000 and
2,400 steps per mile, and
“I think we live in a very vitamin D- according to livestrong.
deficient society, and exposure to natu- com, a 155-pound
ral light is a source of vitamin D syn- person walking about a
thesis in the body,” she said. “So golf is 17-minute mile would
a great activity to get a little bit of sun burn 76 calories. All of the
exposure and vitamin D.” sites agree that precise
calculations depend on
For players young and old, golf weight, height, stride and
is also a low-impact sport that of- pace, but based off these
fers comparatively little risk of injury, estimates, the average
something that makes it attractive for golfer burns roughly 304
parents looking for a sport for their calories per hour.
kids as well as retirees who are looking
to stay active but not put their bodies
at risk.

“If we encourage young people to
pursue golf as a sport, the injury rate
per participation hours is much, much
lower than football, hockey or soccer.
Plus, it’s a sport that you can enjoy for
much, much longer than you could
those other sports. And, in addition,
many people see their sport as a part of
their social identity, so it can be a very
difficult thing to lose that because the
physical ability to participate declines.
But golf is a game that people can en-
joy for their whole lives.”



Fresh produce from Do Re Me Farms can be found at the Putnam Hospital Center’s farmers market Thursdays from 10 a.m. to 3 p.m.

fHaowrmer’s markets


(And some nutrition facts too)

BY GABRIELLE BILIK ers a positive social experience connections. Additionally, he says billion increase from 2015. Ac-
MANAGING EDITOR and foster a healthy relationship the experience is great for family cording to the OTA, organic food
to their food, which according to bonding—families come to the sales reached 5.3 percent of total
While the privacy and speed experts, aligns with the historical- market and get their shopping U.S food sales in 2017, which
of the self-checkout line seem ly less isolated grocery shopping done as a team and share new ex- they deemed “another significant
preferable to driving around the experiences of our ancestors. periences. It’s functional in terms first for organic.”
back of a hospital to grab your of getting the groceries, he says,
fruits and veggies, organizers and “Ancient food markets played but families make a day of it,turn- But is it worth the hype? To
vendors of the Putnam Hospital a significant role in the develop- ing the experience into an activity. Rubeo, yes.
Center Farmer’s Market might ment of local economies and also
convince you otherwise. contributed to the social fabric of “There is actual family com- Rubeo, formerly the owner
communities,” writes Avi Fried- munication,” he adds. “No one of Stoneleigh Creek Restaurant
The market, now in its sopho- man, Professor of architecture at has their cell phones out. Mom in Croton Falls, is a private chef
more year, is meant to encour- McGill University in a 2017 ar- and Dad come to the market with and caterer. In addition to selling
age healthy eating habits and the ticle for Quartz Media. “In ad- the kids and it becomes a family his own meatballs at the farmers
prevention of chronic diseases, dition to being places of trade, ritual.” market, he frequents local mar-
says Community Affairs Man- markets were also meeting points. kets and vendors for the major-
ager Marcela Rojas. The farm- Vendors knew their regular cli- The increase in farmer’s mar- ity of his ingredients, including
ers market will offer nutritional ents’ names and buying habits, kets and consumers could have the free-range, grass fed beef he
tips, recipes and demonstrations and shoppers encountered their something to do with the steady sources from JD Farms in Eaton,
throughout the season and boasts friends, neighbors, and acquain- growth of the Organic sector of NY. After more than 30 years
five vendors that offer everything tances on a daily basis. There was the U.S. food industry. According in the industry, Rubeo said the
from organic produce and eggs, a familiarity and loyalty between to the Organic Trade Association freshness and taste of organic or
to handmade soaps and baked vendors and shoppers, which pro- (OTA), it’s the fastest growing locally raised foods can’t be beat.
goods containing a list of ingredi- moted an ethic of quality prod- sector of the industry.
ents consumers can actually pro- ucts and honest exchange.” “When you look at a fresh apple
nounce. According to the OTA’s 2017 versus a waxy polished version in
The farmer’s market experience Organic Industry Survey, con- the store, you can see and taste the
Beyond that, Chef Anthony is similar, Rubeo says and, in his sumers across the United States difference,” he says. “Why can’t
Rubeo, one of the market’s ven- experience, more people are ac- ate and used more organic prod- we go back to eating naturally?
dors, says markets offer consum- tively seeking these community ucts than ever before, reaching
$47 billion in 2016, a nearly $3.7 SEE MARKETS PAGE 18




Because it looks prettier in the stands.There’s an old wives tale—

you are what you eat.”

That philosophy is enough to turn Market Manager Jenny

Hinsman away from food treated with pesticides and genetically

modified ingredients. Hinsman says the fruits and vegetables

from the market’s main farmer, Do Re Me farms, is organic.

“If food is genetically modified, your body doesn’t recognize

it.” she says. “Your body can’t process vitamins out of it.”

Janet Zarowitz, a certified dietitian-nutritionist, based in Os-

sining, shed some more light on the biological effects of diet.

Zarowitz holds a Master of Science degree and did her training

at Cornell and Columbia Universities. She is a practicing CDN

of 25 years and for the past 10 she has been involved with inte-

grative and functional nutrition.

Functional nutrition is when nutrition is used to address the

underlying issues in the body that might cause sickness or other

symptoms, she explains.

“For example, people get headaches so they may take pain re-

lievers for the headache,” she says, “but that addresses the symp-

toms. It may make them feel better short term but it doesn’t Chef Anthony
address why they may be getting the migraine. Is it a food sen- Rubeo’s
sitivity? A hormone imbalance? A digestive problem? Address meatballs
the problem, so ideally you don’t get the migraines anymore, or

you get them less.”

Many symptoms she sees in her clients she attributes to the

food supply. Chef Anthony Rubeo


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MARKETS her older clients, she said that she sees more PHOTO: GABRIELLE BILIK
and more people in their 20s and 30s for di-
FROM PAGE 18 gestive issues. While she can’t positively say Sharamel’s inside out cupcakes
it’s the sole cause, she believes pesticides are a
“Anecdotally, that’s been my experience. I contributing factor.
believe that our food supply has diminished
our soils,” says Zarowitz. “They are not as rich “If you think about it we’re a living organ-
in nutrients anymore. Some of the pesticides ism and we interface with the outside world.
that are used actually bind minerals in the soil Other animals, air and bacteria in the soil—
so if they’re binding [those nutrients] we don’t everything. What’s our exposure to the out-
get them.” side world? Our skin and our gut.Think about
it—if you open your mouth you’re totally ex-
Genetically modified foods have had their posed to the outside world.”
DNA manipulated in order to demonstrate
certain traits such as delayed ripening or The seasonal market is open to the public from
thicker skin to withstand long journeys. Ac- 10 a.m. to 3 p.m. every Thursday through Oct. 4
cording to the Oxford Research Encyclope- on the hospital campus. The market is located on
dia of Environmental Science these types of the patio outside the hospital cafeteria on the north
modifications can increase productivity and side of the building. Vendors include Do Re Me
yield for farmers. Farms, EB’s Golden Harvest, Lind-Brand Natu-
ral Soaps, Sharamel and Chef Anthony Rubeo.
“There are two main categories of geneti-
cally modified crops,”Zarowitz says.“Some of Janet Zarowitz, MS, RD, CDN is an
them are made to resist pesticides and some Integrative and Functional Registered Dietitian
of them are genetically modified to actually Nutritionist. She addresses root causes of symptoms
produce insecticides.”While she said she can’t and diseases through nutritional support of the
speak to the economic benefits of the practice, body’s underlying imbalances. Janet’s personalized
she personally believes gentically modified nutrition plans integrate diet therapies, targeted
foods affect human health. supplements and lifestyle options that coordinate
with standard medical care. Contact Janet at
“When you eat those foods it also affects 914-222-3919 or [email protected] or
the bacteria in your gut,” she says. “It’s very visit
antibacterial and changes the balance of the
bacteria in your gut.”

While digestive issues are common among

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big companies and corporations like

Walmart,” he said. “The big dairy bot-

tlers are closing generational farms that

did nothing wrong except stay in the

dairy business. Being true to who they

are shouldn’t be a punishment.”

Working with smaller, local farms

means that the milk is somewhat pricier

than what you might ordinarily buy at

your local convenience store, but Ru-

bino feels that the cost is more than

worth it.

“Yes, we might be a little more expen-

sive than the milk you buy in Walmart,”

he said.“That’s because the farmer’s get-

ting paid what they deserve. And it’s a

better quality product that’s more natu-

ral. Everything that we have is as natu-

ral as can be. It’s really important what

Thomas Rubino of the Hudson Milk Company. GABRIELLE BILIK you put into your body.”
This idea of being conscious of what
The Milkman Cometh
people are putting into their bodies is

The Hudson Milk Company something that drives Rubino and his
company. The Hudson Milk Company

delivers freshness right to your door. is not only passionate about food, it’s
also passionate about educating con-
sumers about what’s on their table,

BY JEREMY BROWN sourced food directly to the homes of where it came from and what’s in it.

EDITOR-IN-CHIEF their customers. In an era where the “When you go into a store, it’s easy to

term “farm-to-table”is creating a bridge pick out the nicest-looking package or

Thanks to Thomas Rubino, gen- back to where the community’s food the one that says ‘organic,’“ Rubino says.
eral manager of the Hudson comes from, the fact that the Rubinos “But, meanwhile, that product’s been
Milk Company, the romantic were doing it 25 years ago makes them ultra-pasteurized to give it a longer shelf
idea of glass-bottled milk being deliv- almost seem like visionaries. life. It’s been potentially shipped across

ered fresh to your door is alive and well. “They really rode out a bunch of hard the country, so think about the carbon

Every night, between midnight and 1 years,” Rubino says of his parents in the footprint for that, and it’s not in a reus-

in the morning, a fleet of white vans company’s early days. “Now there’s a able container, like our glass bottles. It’s

heads out from the company’s Shrub whole movement where people are very just not a good deal any way you look

Oak headquarters, delivering fresh much into it. I’m not saying that they at it.”

milk, eggs, bread and other products started that, but they were definitely In less than 25 years, the company

to homes in Westchester, Putnam and ahead of the curve.” has grown from a small, and literal,

Fairfield counties. In the 24 years since its founding, mom-and-pop organization to deliver-

“We deliver very much like the old- Hudson Milk has grown to include ing to three counties, as far away as the

fashioned milkman,” Rubino said. “Ev- other products, from eggs and bacon Connecticut shoreline. And, Rubino

erybody gets their milk fresh in the to assorted dry goods, but milk still re- says, the feedback from customers is

morning ready for them before they go mains the cornerstone of the business. nothing less than enthusiastic.

to work.” “We source the milk from a farm up- “Some of our customers are really

The Hudson Milk Company began state that delivers twice a week, so it’s into it,” he says. “They say it’s like Santa

back in 1994, when Tom Sr. and his always a fresh product,” said Rubino. Claus coming every week!”

wife, Therese Rubino, created Hudson “It’s all natural, hormone-free and anti-

Milk as a means of delivering fresh, lo- biotic-free products.”

cally-sourced food directly to the com- In addition, the company makes it

munity. a point of working with smaller farms

“They really wanted to get back to that might have trouble getting the dis-

more of a community-based vibe,” Ru- tribution they need for their products,

bino said, “where you’d go and get your and that level of support has led many

meat from the butcher, your milk from dairy farmers to seek Hudson Milk out.

the milkman and your bread from the For Rubino, it’s important to keep

baker–that sort of thing.” these small farms in business, as many

The company sprang from an idea of of them are in danger of disappearing For more information, visit

the community being able to create a forever.

bridge back to where their food came “Dairy farmers are going out of busi-

from and delivering only fresh, locally ness at a record rate because of the


POSTURE “What’s important is identifying and rem-
edying the risk factors in one’s life that are

potential sources of the neck pain to prevent

percent throughout the world and is “re- it from becoming chronic. Chronic pain is a

markably associated” with specific types of disabler, negatively impacting quality of life.”

individuals, including those who work in Risk factors can include sleeping hab-

sitting or leaning positions. Other research its, lifting heavy objects improperly, obesity,

has shown a higher frequency of neck pain smoking, weak neck muscles due to lack of

in women. exercise, even an outdated eyeglass prescrip-

In a December 2016 issue of the Journal of tion if a person must move the head far for-

the American Medical Association, authors ward or to the side to see clearly.

report that health care spending in the Unit- Dr. Chang recommends that patients con-

ed States to treat neck and lower-back pain tact a physician immediately if neck pain:

now exceeds $88 billion–the third-highest · Persists for more than a couple weeks and

amount for any health condition. fails to respond to home remedies, such as ice

“The neck is a marvelous piece of architec- to reduce swelling, moist heat to aid healing

ture,” Dr. Chang explains. “Its complex net- and over-the-counter pain medications.

work of cervical bones, joints, musculature · Occurs suddenly, following injury.

and connective tissue work in balance with · Causes tingling or numbness in arms or

the shoulders to support and stabilize the legs.

head, which weighs as much as a medium- · Is accompanied by fever, chills, nausea,

sized bowling ball–about 11 pounds–and or dizziness–symptoms that could signal an

to provide movement and range of motion, infection, a disease like meningitis or other

enabling us to turn our head in almost any serious disorder.

direction. “Non-surgical approaches are always a first

“Pushing the head forward and out of option for relieving neck pain,” Dr. Chang

alignment for long periods of time or engag- says. “Physicians might recommend light

ing in activities involving repetitive or force- physical therapy and neck exercises, medi-

ful movement or awkward positions puts un- cation, and epidural steroid injections if the

due strain on this system and can lead to pain problem is related to the cervical spine.”

in the neck and shoulders,” he says. Some studies even suggest yoga, medita-

Of course, improper posture is not the only tion and tai chi help relieve neck pain.

source of neck pain. Injuries to neck muscles If all else fails, surgery, such as artificial

and soft tissue; degeneration of the cervical disk replacement for a herniated cervical

disks due to aging; herniation of a cervical disk, or cervical decompression for treatment

disk, causing nerve compression; occipital of cervical spinal stenosis, may prove neces-

bone spurs; infections and disease; and psy- sary, Dr. Chang states. · Stop constantly checking your mobile

chosocial factors such as stress, depression Meanwhile, best defense for neck pain is phone.

and emotional issues can promote the onset prevention. Dr. Chang advises:

of neck pain, Dr. Chang says. · Make lifestyle changes: stop smoking, Atlantic Spine Center is a nationally

The pain can take many forms, such as a lose weight, exercise regularly. recognized leader for endoscopic spine

sharp, stabbing sensation; a dull ache or sore- · Don’t sit for extended periods. Take surgery with several locations in NJ and

ness; burning feeling; stiffness, or pain that breaks. NYC., www.

radiates to the head or shoulders. · Move the computer screen to eye level. Kaliq Chang, MD, is

Most neck pain is not caused by emergent · Sleep on one pillow–not two or three– an interventional pain management specialist

or serious medical conditions, but usually re- and sleep on your back, if possible. board-certified in anesthesiology at Atlantic

solves on its own, with minimal or no treat- · Bend knees and keep back straight when Spine Center.

ment, Dr. Chang adds. lifting.

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Elissa Russo, A first floor
left, and powder
Marianne room that
Brower Brower and
Russo were
Formand Function asked to
convert into
a handicap-


Brower and Russo Interior Design gives new meaning to healthy living

BY JEREMY BROWN Brower and Russo Interior Design can help. e Hartsdale-based

EDITOR-IN-CHIEF company specializes in renovating living spaces for people with

physical limitations. But, far from installing industrial-looking hand-

While all of us age, the fact is that our homes do not age with us, rails or adding plastic seats in the shower, Brower and Russo have

and the older we get, the harder it becomes for our places of living mastered the art of weaving these safety elements organically into

to accommodate the physical challenges we all face. is is where the existing architecture of the home.

“A lot of what we focus on is making the home environment safer,”

CARING HEARTS said Elissa Russo, “as well as making it look not institutional, but
AND HANDS LLC rather aesthetically pleasing.”

Elissa Russo and Marianne Brower both have extensive health
care backgrounds: Elissa worked for years designing health care and
dental o ces and Marianne worked as a nurse practitioner. Brower

was actually working in a medical o ce and was so impressed with

the design, she asked who had done it and was given Russo’s name.

Because We Understand Both had attended design schools and had an interest in creating en-
vironments that supported patients’ needs, particularly seniors who

Home Is Where The Heart Is. might need extra care in their homes.
“We decided we both had a very keen interest in this segment of

the population,” said Marianne. “Why not take our skillset and all

our years of experience and tailor a business just for seniors?”

Caring Hearts And Hands LLC Is A Dependable Brower and Russo’s approach to home design is a holistic one,
Non-Medical Provider Of Affordable Care, incorporating the ow and aesthetic of the living space into their
Services And Helpful Support To Seniors. overall design plan.

Companion Care “We go in and we go room by room to create what we call a design
Personal Care prescription,” Marianne said. “And we’ll say, ‘You need to do this in
Daily/Weekly Visits the bedroom, and you need to do this in the bathroom, you need to
24 Hours/7Days rearrange storage in the kitchen,’ and so on.”
Nursing Home Care
Assisted Living Care As they go through the space, they take note of every minute de-
Respite Care tail, down to changing the knobs on cabinets to getting rid of throw
Lite Meal Prep rugs to avoid potential falls.
Errands • Bill Prep
Transportation & More “We are very exible,” said Marianne, “not only where our clients’
needs are concerned, but also in the work that we’re able to do for
We Can Provide Caregivers, HHAs, LPNs. them. We meet their needs on all levels.”
Free Consultations.
Additionally, the two women don’t simply go through the home
914-962-3002 and toss out old furniture to make room for newer, more utilitar-
ian pieces; they nd a way to work within the space, taking what’s
available and nding a way to meet the needs of the client without SEE DESIGN PAGE 23


DESIGN The finished,
barrier free
FROM PAGE 22 shower with

sacri cing the aesthetics of the space. a linear drain
For example, they recalled a woman who allowing for
had multiple sclerosis and was essential- unimpeded
ly con ned to her living room. Using the entry.
woman’s existing furniture, Brower and
Russo rearranged the space so that she PLAN TODAY FOR TOMORROW
was not only able to use the living room,
but an adjacent dining room that looked SALVATORE M. DI COSTANZO, ESQ.
out onto the patio.
a partner with the firm Maker, Fragale & Di Costanzo, LLP.
“ at’s the kind of thing that we do,”
Elissa said. “We don’t just go in and do SALVATORE M. DI COSTANZO
bathrooms. We look at the whole house.
We look at how it’s organized and what ELDER LAW, ESTATE PLANNING
the needs of each individual person are.” & SPECIAL NEEDS ATTORNEY

Brower and Russo also make it a point Practice areas primarily focused on
to stay current on emerging trends and Medicaid Planning ● Special Needs Planning
are constantly developing new strategies Planning for Home Care ● Planning for Nursing Care
to make their clients’ homes as comfort-
able and modern as possible. Wills ● Trusts ● Medicaid Applications
Guardianships and Estates ● Asset-Protection Planning
“We’ve done courses in vision changes,” Marianne cited as an ex-
ample. “We’re very good at knowing how to adjust the lighting in a Selected since 2013 as a New York Metro Area Super Lawyer
home to reduce the risk of a fall and we even deal with people who Past Chair of the Westchester County Bar Elder Law Committee
can do all of the electronic things to make a home less cumbersome. Member, New York State Bar Assoc. Elder Law Section Executive Committee
You can get up at night and your path will be lit as you walk to the Member, National Academy of Elder Law Attorneys
bathroom to avoid falls and injury.”
[email protected]
Both women have also studied biophilic design, which incorporates
natural elements and features into a home’s design to make a more
pleasing and healthy environment for clients. 2074 Crompond Road 350 Theodore Fremd Avenue
Yorktown Heights, NY 10598 Rye, NY 10580
“We’re very much aware of how important natural light is and how
important it is to bring it in to a home,” Elissa said. “And, if some- Tel: 914-245-2440 Tel: 914-925-1010
one’s vision is diminished, or if there are cataracts, changes between Fax: 914-245-7403 Fax: 914-925-1011
daylight and dusk are very challenging. So if you have lights that are
programmed to go on according to those transition times, it won’t
be as challenging for them and the light levels in the house are more

ese kinds of things, the women say, are what a contractor might
not take into account when renovating a home for an older resident.

ings like not having to bend down to plug something in or putting
a light switch in an easy-to-reach place are factors that are always on
Brower and Russo’s minds when working on a house.

“Look at a kitchen, for example,” Marianne said. “We know there
are a number of injuries, even with healthier people, because the med-
ications that people are put on now could cause dizziness, et cetera.
So we don’t want them on a stool or a ladder. So in the kitchen, we
design everything to be reachable, for them to not have to be climbing
on anything to get what they need.”

Ultimately, Brower and Russo say that the key to every home they
work on is to create a living space that, no matter what challenges the
resident is facing, they feel comfortable in.

“We do timeless design and we strive to have an environment that
creates a sense of peace and sanctuary,” said Elissa. “ at is a place
that somebody would be happy to come home to. We want to make
sure that, when they open the door to come in, there is that uncon-
scious sigh of relief that says, ‘I’m home and I’m happy to be here.’ “

For more information, visit or
call 914.946.5818


Foods on the barbie need not

be unhealthy

Barbecue season is in full swing, and that loaded with calories. Plus, potato salad is BAD: Though nothing may be more

means many evenings spent dining outdoors often made by mixing boiled potatoes with American than apple pie, pie is not as healthy

with a feast of grilled foods at your beck and calorie-rich mayonnaise, adding even more as one might think. Rich, buttery crusts and

call. Such foods may be delicious, but some calories and fat to this beloved side dish. sugar-laden fillings can make one slice of

barbecue standards may not be ideal for BETTER: A vegetable slaw, made from pie quite fattening. Double-crust pies with

those trying to maintain a beach-ready body. thin strips of carrots, broccoli, cabbage and a bottom and top crust will have even more

But even if a trim waistline is your ultimate other firm vegetables is a healthier option. calories.

goal, you can still enjoy your favorite grilled Mix the slaw with a light vinaigrette instead BETTER: Fresh fruit is always a better

foods by making a few smart food choices of mayonnaise. The slaw will be refreshing option than pie. A bowl of berries served

and substituting high-fat foods for healthier and provide a bounty of healthy vitamins and with fresh whipped cream on the side will of-

fare at your next backyard barbecue. minerals. Plus, the slaw will be less likely to fer far fewer calories and just as much flavor

BAD: BBQ ribs may be savory, but they spoil prematurely under the hot sun. as a slice of pie.

have a high fat-to-meat ratio. Whether your BAD: Frankfurters have been a staple of BAD: Sugary beverages and mixed alco-

ribs are pork or beef, each bite delivers much backyard barbecues for decades. But the av- holic drinks may be commonplace at barbe-

more fat than meat. These cuts of meat are erage beef hot dog contains 140 calories and cues. People often do not realize how quickly

among the fattiest parts of the animal to eat 15 grams of fat. And that’s before it’s even the calories can add up when consuming a

and contain a high amount of saturated fat, placed on a bun and embellished with your tall glass of lemonade or a few poolside mar-

according to the American Dietetic Associa- favorite toppings. Hot dogs also are high in garitas. There can be as many as 100 calories

tion. Saturated fat can contribute to cardio- sodium and some have a bevy of preserva- in a single shot of liquor, while soft drinks

vascular disease and increase risk of type 2 tives. have increasingly drawn the ire of medi-

diabetes. Ribs can pack on the pounds, too. BETTER: Turkey and chicken hot dogs cal professionals because of their high sugar

BETTER: Rather than fatty ribs, opt are leaner than pork and beef varieties, con- content.

for a lean pork loin that can be slathered taining half the amount of calories as their BETTER: Water remains the best and

in barbecue sauce and spices. The loin also more traditional counterparts. Concerns healthiest thirst-quencher. Float some lem-

can be smoked and shredded to make tasty about “mystery meat” in hot dogs has long on slices in a pitcher of water for a refresh-

pulled pork. plagued the food industry. If you are worried ing flavor without the calories. Those who

BAD: What would a barbecue be without about what is in your hot dogs, try making want to indulge in an alcoholic beverage can

a helping of rich and creamy potato salad? your own. Grind meat yourself and stuff choose a light beer and not go overboard.

Potato salad is typically the go-to side dish into sausage casings. Fresh hot dogs thrown Smart choices at barbecues make it is eas-

accompanying burgers, hot dogs and chicken. on the grill afford the ultimate control over ier to stay healthy and continue to look great

While potatoes can be healthy, they also are what’s going into your body. in a swimsuit all season long.



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BY LEE S. MARCUS, MD Now, a study out of Sweden’s Karo- which 61,364 people had completed
GUEST WRITER linska Institute published in April a food-frequency questionnaire and
seems to further validate previous data were followed up for 17 years through
You may be aware that and observations. The study found linkage with the Swedish National
nuts are rich sources that eating nuts several times a week Patient and Death Registers. Results
of unsaturated fatty may play a role in reducing the risk for were consistent, showing that nut con-
acids, protein, fiber, minerals, atrial fibrillation (AF), a potentially sumption was inversely associated with
vitamin E, folate and other dangerous heart rhythm abnormality. risk for heart attack, heart failure, AF
potentially beneficial bioactive In this well-done study, the research- and abdominal aortic aneurysm. The
compounds. You may not be ers found an inverse association authors also noted that people who ate
aware, however, that multiple between nut consumption and AF, nuts tended to be better educated and
studies have suggested that which remained after adjustment for to have healthier lifestyles than those
multiple risk factors. Eating nuts three who didn’t include nuts in their diet.
eating nuts may have or more times a week was associated They also were less likely to smoke
antioxidant and with an 18 percent reduced risk for or to have a history of high blood
anti-inflam- AF. Each additional portion of nuts pressure. And they were leaner, more
matory effects, consumed per week was associated physically active, drank more alcohol
as well, while with another 4 percent reduction in and ate more fruit and vegetables.
improving AF risk. They also observed favorable
blood choles- inverse associations of nut consump- A healthy daily intake of nuts is 30-
terol and blood tion with risk for total and nonfatal 45g (a small handful) or approximately
vessel function and heart attack, heart failure and abdomi- 20-30 almonds, 15- 20 cashews, 20-30
nal aortic aneurysm after adjustment hazelnuts or 25-30 walnuts–all raw
preventing weight gain. In for age and sex. Nut consumption and unsalted.
fact, studies have shown was not associated with risk for aortic
that nut consumption is valve stenosis, stroke or brain hemor- So, when reaching for that mid-
inversely associated with rhage in this study. To further evaluate day or evening snack, it appears that
cardiovascular disease- the potential role of nuts on specific it would be wise to keep nuts handy
related death, total cardiovascular outcomes, the research- and at the top of your list of safe and
heart disease and healthy dietary choices.
stroke. ers analyzed data from two popu-
lation-based cohort studies—the Lee S. Marcus, MD, FACC, FASPC
Cohort of Swedish Men and the president and founder–Preventive
Swedish Mammog- Cardiology of New York; www.
raphy Cohort—in


Quench guests’ thirst with this
refreshing concoction

Few foods are as synonymous with a particular season as watermelon is
with summer. For many people, a backyard barbecue or picnic in the park
is not complete without a refreshing slice of fresh watermelon.

But while watermelon is most often associated with dessert at warm
weather soirees, this beloved fruit is much more versatile than that. For
example, watermelon can be used to make a refreshing beverage for guests
of your next outdoor get-together. Easy to prepare and ideal on warm
afternoons and evenings, the following recipe for “Pressed Watermelon
With Basil Water” from Brian Peterson-Campbell’s “Cool Waters: 50
Refreshing, Healthy, Homemade Thirst Quenchers” (Harvard Common
Press) is sure to cool down your guests.

Pressed Watermelon With Basil Water

Makes 6 servings
4 cups watermelon
6 to 8 large basil leaves
1/4 teaspoon white wine vinegar
4 cups chilled still water
Pinch of sea salt
1. Combine the watermelon chunks and basil in a colander
placed over a large bowl. Using a metal ladle or spoon, press the
watermelon to extract as much juice as possible (the remaining
pulp should be fairly dry).
2. Season the juice with the sea salt and vinegar and strain
through a fine-mesh sieve into a large pitcher. Add the water, stir
and serve.
Food pairings: Grill chicken or fish, feta and tomato salad,
shortbread cookies
Chef’s tip: Use yellow watermelon for an unexpected twist.

This article is provided by Metro Creative Connection


Pressed Watermelon With Basil Water

Sarah G Montgomery

Empowerment Coach

I help unhappy women who have 50+ lbs to lose
transform into healthy women who realize
they have everything to gain.




A new take on spaghetti

PHOTO: METRO CREATIVE CONNECTION Spaghetti is a staple of many family dinner tables.
But home cooks who want to veer away from tradi-
tional pasta without giving up their love of marinara
can try the following, zucchini-inspired alternative
to traditional spaghetti, “Z’paghetti Marinara with
Shrimp,” courtesy of Lisa Lillien’s “Hungry Girl Clean
& Hungry” (St. Martin’s Press).

Z’paghetti Marinara with Shrimp
Makes 2 servings

28 ounces (about 4 medium) zucchini
8 ounces (about 16) raw large shrimp, peeled, tails removed
and deveined
1⁄4 teaspoon Italian seasoning
1⁄4 teaspoon garlic powder
1⁄8 teaspoon black pepper
1 cup Clean & Hungry
Marinara Sauce (see below)
2 tablespoons grated Parmesan cheese

1. Preheat the oven to 375 F. Lay a large piece of heavy-duty foil
on a baking sheet and spray with nonstick spray.
2. Using a spiral vegetable slicer, cut zucchini into spaghetti-like
noodles. (If you don’t have a spiral veggie slicer, peel zucchini
into super-thin strips, rotating the zucchini after each strip.)
Roughly chop for shorter noodles.
3. Place zucchini noodles in the center of the foil and top with
shrimp. Sprinkle with seasonings. Top with marinara sauce and
4. Cover with another large piece of foil. Fold together and seal
all four edges of the foil pieces, forming a well-sealed packet.
5. Bake for 25 minutes, or until zucchini noodles have softened
and shrimp are fully cooked.
6. Cut packet to release hot steam before opening entirely.
7. Transfer packet contents to a large bowl, and toss to mix.

Clean & Hungry Marinara Sauce
Makes 6 servings

3 cups canned crushed tomatoes
1⁄4 cup tomato paste
1 tablespoon white wine vinegar
2 teaspoons Italian seasoning
1⁄2 teaspoon garlic powder
1⁄2 teaspoon onion powder
1⁄4 teaspoon salt
1⁄8 teaspoon black pepper

1. Combine ingredients in a large sealable container.
Mix until uniform.
2. Seal, and refrigerate until ready to use.


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Fresh From the Freight House

Pick Your Own Berries!

DONNA MASSARO BY DONNA MASSARO blueberries tough and the raspberries fall apart. Cut
GUEST WRITER the stems and caps off of the strawberries if you
freeze them, but make sure to keep them on if you are
Have you taken a walk or a bike ride on the just storing them in the refrigerator.
North County Trailway lately? It is almost
time for the raspberries and blackberries to Putnam County has many berries and many farms
pop up. These little berries are such a treat. Not only where you can pick your own, including Outhouse
are they refreshing, they’re packed with vitamins Orchards in North Salem and Stuart’s Farm in Gran-
C, K and B, folic acid and fiber. You can pick the ite Springs. It’s a fun day out with the kids or a bunch
raspberry leaves and steep them in hot water for a of friends. You can also check out some of the local
medicinal tea. Raspberries are quite delicate and farmers markets if you want to skip the whole do-it-
don’t have a long shelf life, so when choosing them, yourself. Stop by the market in Brewster, Mahopac
make sure they are plump and firm. Store them in or Cold Spring. Or grow your own strawberries in a
the refrigerator in a single layer with a paper towel sunny spot in your garden. Not only will you save so
separating each layer. At the Café, we buy local much money, but homegrown strawberries taste so
berries in bulk all summer and freeze them to get much better than store bought and what a sweet treat!
us through the winter. Be sure not rinse any berries To find out more, check out these websites:
before freezing them as it makes the skin of the,


*Makes 6 large Popsicles

3 cups fresh strawberries, In a food processor or blender, combine
hulled and halved the strawberries, honey and lemon
1/2 cup honey or agave syrup juice. Process until smooth. Pour puree
3 tablespoons fresh lemon juice into molds and put in freezer. Freeze
until solid, at least 4 hours.
You can do this same recipe with any


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