North Salem’s only weekly newspaper mailed to every home and business.
Vol. 5 No. 7 Visit for the latest news. Thursday, May 16, 2019
How will the state’s plastic
bag ban affect you?
BY CAROL REIF who mistake them for jelly sh. Of that, two cents would be set aside busi-
CONTRIBUTING WRITER ey nally bagged a win when the to purchase reusable bags to distribute
to the public. Priority would be given to nesses in certain counties at a disadvan-
Ordinary shoppers will have plenty state baked the plastic bag ban into its low- and xed-income communities. e tage to their neighbors.
of time to wrap their heads around the 2019-20 budget. paper bag fee cannot be charged to cus-
new statewide single-use plastic bag ban tomers using food assistance programs Legislators recently confabbed with
before the hammer comes down next According to the New York State As- such as SNAP or WIC. legal counsel about the new law, but feel
March. sociation of Counties, members have they need more information before tak-
been supportive of trashing single-use e remaining three cents goes into ing action, Covill said.
Meanwhile, elected o cials in New plastic bags, but many are still unpacking the state’s $300 million Environmental
York—only the third state in the nation their stance on paper. Protection Fund. To get everyone on the same page,
to pass such a measure—are shifting their NYSAC plans to conduct a webinar on
attention to paper bags, hoping to get a Under the new law, counties and cit- Westchester County legislators Kitley
better handle on the fee situation. ies can choose, but are not required, to Covill, a Katonah resident, and Nancy SEE BAG BAN PAGE 6
charge a ve-cent fee for single-use paper Barr, the Legislature’s environmental
Environmental advocates have been bags, said NYSAC research analyst Alex committee chair, proposed a countywide
ghting for years to deep-six the ubiq- LaMonte. paper bag fee last year.
uitous, and non-biodegradable, totes that
clog stormwater systems, utter from tree e fee is intended to encourage folks Paper bag fee proponents had wanted
branches, and choke hungry sea creatures to use reusable totes instead of simply a statewide law as well, fearing a hodge-
switching over to paper, which has its podge of laws across the state that could put
own environmental baggage.
Meet the school board candidates
Five candidates, including two incumbents, are in the
running for three seats on the school board this year.
Voters on May 21 will have a choice between
incumbent trustees Jennifer Binette and Deborah
D’Agostino and newcomers Brandy Keenan, Jaime
Roche and Je rey Smith.
We’ve asked them each to weigh in on their why they
want to serve and their vision for the district:
SEE BOE PAGE 15 Jennifer Binette Deborah D’Agostino Brandy Keenan Jaime Roche Jeffrey Smith
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Page 2 – North Salem News Thursday, May 16, 2019
The Staff North Salem residents invited to community garden
EDITORIAL TEAM e North Salem Community Garden is welcoming an- cant role in the founding of the garden and contin-
EDITOR: 914-302-5830 other wonderful gardening season. e North Salem Com- ues its partnership by actively partnering with the
[email protected]
GABRIELLE BILIK munity Garden consists of 42 raised garden beds that are school community and providing annual funds to
SPORTS EDITOR: 914-214-4285
[email protected] assigned to local gardeners on a yearly basis. e garden is support the garden.
located in a protected area surrounded by the school buildings ere are still some garden beds available for the 2019
914-351-2424 and gymnasium. ese garden plots receive full sun and are season and residents of the North Salem school district
[email protected]
PAUL FORHAN fenced against deer intrusion. In addition, a beautiful grape ar- are invited to sign up for them. An application packet
[email protected] bor overhanging a large trestle table and benches along with a for bed use can be picked up at North Salem Middle/
845-621-4049 swing, artistic book “cupboard,” tools, compost pile, two water High School during operation hours (7 a.m. to 4 p.m.) or
[email protected]
JENNIFER CONNELLY sMouarrcceehs2N0aon19rdt_hpGaSrrialklslie_nmqgtrcO_oampde_pnHleaLtlesatntohdne.qFgxoapur_dnLedanaytosiucoetnn1pe.l3a/y1e3d/1a9 s1ig1n:1i9-AMtGhParaobgueegl ha1tajgnaebmela@ilnroerqtuhessatletmo sgcahrdoeonls.coormg.mittee chair, Joan
[email protected] BALANCED
[email protected] Westchester
BRUCE HELLER Bluegrass Club
[email protected] Spring Is Here and So Is e Westchester Club pres-
PRODUCTION TEAM Outdoor Cooking! ents e Ruta Beggars Saturday,
TABITHA PEARSON MARSHALL May 18, at 33 Lake Way, Purdys.
PRODUCTION MANAGER We Have All Styles and Sizes! Doors open: 7 p.m., Acoustic jam
DESIGNER/PHOTOGRAPHER 8 p.m., Open mic, 9 p.m. - 10:15
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PRODUCTION/DESIGNER * With purchase of Weber Grills, $599 and up. BYOB and please bring a
EXECUTIVE TEAM Not applicable on built-in style grills. See store for details. SUMMIT® SERIES SMOKERS snack to share. For more info
BRETT FREEMAN WEBER® Q® SERIES & MORE contact mike burns 914-213-
PUBLISHER: 845-208-8151 9212 westchesterbluegrassclub@
[email protected] 3 LOVELL ST. SOMERS, NY 10589 for reserved seating.
SHELLEY KILCOYNE (914) 248-5800 | (845) 628-5241
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NORTH SALEM NEWS DEADLINE Workshops will teach you the basic
THE DEADLINE FOR ADVERTISEMENTS ❖New Driveways OUR principles of Japanese Tea Ceremo-
ny and the practice of being a per-
AND EDITORIAL SUBMISSIONS FOR ❖Asphalt Overlays 30TH fect guest inside the Japanese Tea
❖Parking Lots Room at the Hammond Muse-
NORTH SALEM NEWS IS THE THURSDAY YEAR um’s Tea Room.Limit of attendees:
BEFORE THE NEXT PUBLICATION DATE. ❖Unilock Driveways 10 per class. RSVP Only. Members
❖Stone Walls, Patios $35. Non members $45. Bring
FOR MORE INFORMATION, CALL an 11” sq. cloth and white socks.
JODI WEINBERGER AT 914-302-5830 ❖Landscape Design RSVP only. Upcoming dates: June
22, July 20, Aug. 24 and Sept. 21.
OR EMAIL NORTHSALEMNEWS@ 914-962-8727 845-632-0732 914-232-4248
HALSTONMEDIA.COM Sushi Workshops. e art of making sushi with Yoshimi Arai,
Online 11 a.m. to 12:30 p.m. June 15.
FOLLOW US Learn the ne art of Japanese cu-
linary culture. Special instructions
Location and demonstrations will be given
on the art of Japanese food pre-
North Salem News sentation. Learn the techniques for
(USPS #PENDING), IS PUBLISHED making sushi rolls along with cook-
WEEKLY BY HALSTON MEDIA, LLC, ing tips and etiquette. Enjoy the
experience of preparing your own
334 ROUTE 202, UNIT C1S, Japanese lunch with fresh sushi
SOMERS, NY 10589-3207. rolls. Complimentary miso soup
will be served. RESERVATIONS
PERIODICALS PRICES PENDING AT 11. Members $35. ; non members
SOMERS, NY AND ADDITIONAL $40. Children 11 and under $15.
914-669-5033 or email: garden-
MAILING OFFICES. [email protected].
334 ROUTE 202, UNIT C1S,
SOMERS, NY 10589-3207. North Salem Middle School/
High School is hosting a Mental
Thursday, May 16, 2019 Your Neighbor North Salem News – Page 3
North Salem Style:
Bobbie Ball
Few venues epitomize North Salem Style more than BB Abode, the home decor, lifestyle, accessories and
interior design business at Union Hall on Keeler Lane.Owned by designer Bobbie Ball and her partner,former
art director Manny DeMagistris, BB Abode is an eclectic, cozy, airy design-inspo space with something for
every taste and budget.Whether you need a house gift,an accessory to complete an out t or full-service design
consultation or home staging, Bobbie and Manny are your team. If you want a creative, comfortable respite
from your busy work day, just drop in to chat with Bobbie. You’ll feel like you were invited into her
own casual-chic living room, only here, if you like something, you may purchase it and with it
Bobbie’s signature style suggestion to truly make it your own.
Describe your
personal style:
Casual elegance.
Tell me about the
outfit you have on:
Today I’m wearing a linen tunic,
my own personally designed jew-
elry and BB Abode signature and
embellished cowboy boots.
Do you shop locally?
Yes, whenever I can. I naturally fre- BB Abode in North Salem What are your favorite Manny and Bobbie PHOTOS COURTESY OF BOBBIE BALL
quent e Market at Union Hall accessory brands?
(downstairs), several Connecticut cessorized up or down. For home con dent; con dence enables you mix of oor covering, lighting,
boutiques and of course, for acces- design it is waterfront-inspired liv- Mine, all found at our shop. to embrace your own unique style. tabletop, linens and original art
sories, I always “shop” BB Abode ing and farmhouse-casual living. that make a house a unique home
for accessories for me, and gifts. What about make-up? What is your true is my true calling and passion.
Where do you find What do you wear? passion?
Is there a person or your home/interior Where can we find
period that is your Very little. I always wear moistur- I am most passionate about seeing you locally?
style inspiration? design style? izer and that and anything else I my ideas come to life and about
wear comes from Ulta Beauty. inspiring people through creative When I’m not at my shop I am
Yes, bohemian with a Ralph Lau- I get a lot of interior design inspi- collaboration. I’m passionate home-staging and consulting
ren in uence. We always enjoy ration and style from our travels. What is your best about BB Abode home decor and around the area or at any of North
chatting with him when he visits Every item in our home or in the style tip? Salem’s great restaurants and bars.
our shop. shop has a “story” to tell about a nding the right, carefully curated
time, place, or mood. Sometimes Without question, you need to
Is there a fashion trend we pick things up on our travels be yourself. Don’t be a Kardashi-
or design trend that you or we nd things that recapture an. Being yourself means being
cannot say goodbye to? a memory of a place that we en-
joyed. Experiences always inform
For fashion it would be that Ralph my design style.
Lauren country casual-chic style.
It is timeless and can always be ac-
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Page 4 – North Salem News Thursday, May 16, 2019
Students across disciplines e following is from the North Salem Award presented by Dr. William
receive scholarships
Central School District: Brightman; Jonah D’Alessandro,
World Language Award presented by
e North Salem Foundation for Mr. Colm O’Callaghan; Christopher
Learning held its annual awards night Dolce, Social Studies Award present-
recently where it gave out 11 annual ed by Mr. Robert Mittelstadt; Edward
scholarships to graduating seniors, se- Fiscella, Instrumental Music Award
lected by faculty in the areas of Eng- presented by Dr. Melissa Abramo;
lish, Social Studies, Math, Science, Trevor Scheuing,Mathematics Award
World Language, Visual Arts, Tech- presented by Ms. Ellen Falk; Benja-
nology, Instrumental Music, Vocal min Leicht, President’s Award pre-
Music, BOCES, and the President’s sented by Dr. Nick Kowgios; Kevin
Scholarship Award. e following Connolly, Technology Award pre-
students received awards: sented by Mr. Ron Hendrie.
Alex Garcia, Visual Arts Award e Mission of the North Salem
presented by Ms. Diana Marinovic; Foundation for Learning is to foster
Julianna Austin, Vocal Music Award scholastic excellence in the North
presented by Mr. Doug Coates; Julia Salem Central School District by
Balch, Science Award presented by awarding scholarships and fund-
Mr. Paul Rubeo; Stella Ard, Eng- ing unique student/faculty projects,
lish Award presented by Ms. Kylie which are outside the scope of the
McCarron; Jessica Reiner, BOCES traditional budget.
Schoolhouse Theater presents ‘Gladstone Hollow the Farm Play’
Two-time Emmy Award-winner Dorothy Lyman, re- “ e Nanny.” She has appeared on e Blacklist, Divorce, decide the fate of their family farm. e six-character play
nowned for her acting and directing on “All My Chil- Battlestar Galactica, Elementary, and Reba, among many is comprised of an ensemble cast that includes Eric Bry-
dren,” “Mama’s Family,” and “ e Nanny,” and in lms other credits. ant, Meredith Handerhan, Dorothy Lyman, ea McCar-
like “Blow” and “ e Departed,” will bring her powerful Recently, on stage, Lyman produced and directed “En- tan, Frank Shiner and Jeanne Lauren Smith; it is a funny,
play, “Gladstone Hollow the Farm Play” to Westchester emy,” an adaptation of Ibsen’s “An Enemy of the People” heartwarming, and at times gut wrenching story. Lyman’s
County’s Schoolhouse eater from June 13-30. (2016), and her full-length plays “A Rage in Tenure” play will be directed by well-known director Bram Lewis,
Lyman has had a proli c career as an actress, direc- (2017) and “Soft Landing” (2018) at Teatro Santa Ana Artistic Director of the Schoolhouse eater.
tor and producer. As an actress, she has appeared on in San Miguel de Allende, Mexico. She adapted John Evening and matinee performances of “Gladstone
Broadway and o -Broadway, in lms and in numerous Scherber’s “Mysteries in Mexico,” a series of detective Hollow the Farm Play” will take place on e School-
daytime television shows. She is best known for her roles novels, for television. Recent lm appearances include house eater’s main stage, 3 Owens Road, North Salem.
as Opal Sue Gardner on “All My Children,” which she “Bad Hurt,” “Bullitt County,” “Back Fork” and “Vault.” Individual tickets are $38, Seniors $35 (general admis-
THANKSreceived two EmmyTAHwaArdNs, aKndSNFaoRmOi OMateYs OHaUrpRer In “Gladstone Hollow the Farm Play,”three generations sion). Tickets are available via the Box O ce: 914-277-
on “Mama’s Family.N” SEhIeGalHsoBdiOrecRtedH7O5 OepDisodPesAoIfNoTf wSoTmOenRgaEtheFr inRthOe CMatskiYllsOoveUr aRlongNweEekIeGnd Hto B84O77;RorHonlOineOat wDww.PschAooIlhNouTsethSeatTer.OorgR. E
Now until May 31, 2019
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Thursday, May 16, 2019 North Salem News – Page 5
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Page 6 – North Salem News Thursday, May 16, 2019
BAG BAN the public. As far as what happens if Westches- County health department
FROM PAGE 1 offers residents free minnows
ter opts into the ve-cent fee that would go
back to the state, Burdick said he was unsure
the new law for its members. at this point.
ere appears to be some confusion on e ordinance resembles a law passed in
whether towns and villages can “opt-in” on the Long Beach which impose ve-cent fees on
paper bag fee if their counties do not. plastic or paper bags. Mike Hassin, owner of To help residents keep their least eight inches of water.
e way the law stands now, local laws that Key Food stores in Long Beach and Bedford, backyards free of mosquito breed- “With their hearty appetites,
are already in place will be “grandfathered,” but said single-use bag usage is down 73.1 percent ing sites, the Westchester County this bait sh can keep mosquitos
only for a year after the state law takes full e ect. since the ordinance was implemented. Department of Health will give from breeding in your pond and
Exemptions include plastic bags used to wrap away free minnows for residential biting you in your own backyard,”
uncooked meat/ sh; to package bulk items like LEWISBORO ponds and water features, along Sherlita Amler, MD, Commis-
produce, and those that contain food sliced or Lewisboro adopted a law banning the use of with mosquito dunks, advice and sioner of Health, said.
prepared to order. Also kosher are newspapers plastic bags for retail checkout. strategies to prevent the spread of Any resident can help reduce the
delivery bags, plastic bags sold in bulk at point Supervisor Peter Parsons called the move a mosquito-borne diseases like West mosquito population, even with-
of sale; trash bags; food storage bags; garment “signi cant step forward” for sustainability. Nile Virus. out minnows, just by removing
bags; bags used to carry out or deliver restau- Under the new law, retailers are allowed to A total of 450 pounds of min- standing water around their yard,
rant/tavern food; and bags provided by pharma- provide customers with reusable bags and/or nows will be available at the West- covering trash containers kept out-
cies to carry prescription drugs. 15-cent paper bags. chester County Airport, 2 Loop side and draining birdbaths twice
Here’s how it will impact area towns: e ultimate goal is to discourage use of pa- Road, West Harrison, as follows: a week.
per bags as well. • Friday, May 17, 9 a.m. to 4 p.m. Amler added, “Mosquitoes can
SOMERS/NORTH SALEM • Saturday, May 18, 9 a.m. to 2 lay their eggs in a puddle, a ower-
Neither Somers nor North Salem have en- YORKTOWN p.m. pot saucer or an old tire, so after it
acted plastic/paper bags ordinances of their Yorktown also does not have a local bag or- Residents with ornamental rains, pour out standing water and
own. dinance. ponds can add fathead minnows to clear your yard and the pavement
However, boutique grocery chain DeCicco & Recently, rst-graders and teachers from the the water. e minnows eat mos- around your home of buckets,
Sons Markets, which is opening a new store in Brookside Elementary School appeared before quito larvae, preventing them from wheelbarrows and toys that hold
Somers, vowed last fall to eliminate single-use the Town Board to hand out reusable totes em- maturing into biters. Dunks serve standing water.”
plastic bags in all of its stores. blazoned with the words: “Please Don’t Feed the same purpose in birdbaths, rain Any large areas of standing wa-
the Bag Monster.” As a visual, they brought barrels and unused pools. Resi- ter on public property that cannot
BEDFORD along a six-foot-tall critter made from plastic dents who plan to pick up min- easily be removed should be re-
Bedford has an ordinance requiring a 10-cent bags. nows should bring a bucket or pail. ported to the Health Department
fee for every plastic or paper bag used at large e students had been inspired by the book e Health Department will dis- at 914-813-5000.
retailers such as Key Foods, DeCicco’s, Shop- “One Plastic Bag: Isatou Ceesay and the Recy- tribute the minnows in watertight For more information, down-
rite, Pier 1, and CVS. cling Women of the Gambia.” e author had plastic bags. To keep the minnows load the “Westchester County
Bedford Supervisor Chris Burdick said that sent a note to the children calling them “cham- viable, residents should bring them Cares Bug O ” brochure on the
the 10 cents goes back to the retailers, who, col- pions of our Earth.” straight home and release them West Nile Virus page at http://
lectively, have handed out thousands of reusable e town may produce the bags for sale, said immediately into ponds with at
bags and have worked with the town to educate Supervisor Ilan Gilbert.
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Thursday, May 16, 2019 North Salem News – Page 7
Page 8 – North Salem News Opinion Thursday, May 16, 2019
Where in Big Brother is watching
North Salem?
Afew days ago I read a story MAN can test out some new material, tell
Can you gure out what spot this poem is talking about? about a dystopian society OVERBOARD a joke and check out the reaction:
where everyone was being “Why do mice have small balls?
BY BONNIE FRUTCHEY watched by thousands of cameras, Because so few of them dance well!
and the government had all these RICK Hahahahaha! THIS is your fearless
I was framed Bunker Hill Day after the revolt began, people in a big room where they MELÉN leader speaking.” I like to tell that
Additions over the centuries made me what I now watched all the video and, using one to kids right in front of their
Neat in my symmetry but with six fancy columns high-speed computers, interpreted parents, and watch Mom & Dad
And curvy corbels that are anything but solemn.
all the data so they could identify get angry with me when it turns out
A Tory was hanged from the old oak tree.
He’d been stealing from patriots the British Army to certain behaviors. e story was in the New York that it’s not a dirty joke like they thought it was.
Joseph*and his gang did not mean to kill him; Times, and the name of the place was Ecuador. ey I’m going to have a lot of fun with my new camera
Just give him a scare so he would never again rob ‘em.
bought the system from China, and they justi ed system, but I’m going to need to hire people to sit in
My porch is bordered with iron ligree and now hosts
tables.* it to the populace by saying that the it would be a the media room and analyze the footage. But what
e border bed in front climbs to hide all behind it deterrent to crime. Instead, it has been alleged that if they’re not doing it right? I’ll need to set up some
by Fall
Planted with perennials heritage and hybrid and vines the system has been used by the government to keep cameras in the media room to keep an eye on them.
like cables.
In front of it all is a lengthy stone wall. track of political rivals. But what if I’m not keeping an eye on them correctly?
Inside my replace blazes warm when it’s cold It’s just like Big Brother from the novel “1984.” I’ll need a camera trained on myself at all times to
and the wide oor boards’* creaking harks back to
days of old But I have to admit, a matrix of cameras sounds like make sure I’ve got everything covered. I’ll be right
When Joseph and his family would sit down to a
meal fun. I’m thinking of getting it myself. e deal is, the back, I’ve got to get into hair and makeup on the
Without a reservation* which they would need now,
for real! Chinese buy it for you! ey loaned Ecuador the double. I heard the camera adds ten pounds.
*clues money, and Ecuador is paying it back by giving them I thought when I read this story that it sounded fa-
e answer to last week’s column was “Purdys Post oil. If I had known that you could pay back a loan miliar. Where have I heard of something so diabolical
O ce.” Send answers and feedback to weinberger@ with oil, I would have bought a much bigger house. as recording a person’s every move on camera? en
BRETT FREEMAN, PUBLISHER Old man Jed in the “Beverly Hillbillies” found oil I remembered: It was my sister. When her rst kid
TABITHA PEARSON MARSHALL, PRODUCTION MANAGER right on his property by shooting at some food. I still was born she had the camcorder out for every single
Editorial Office: 914-302-5830 have my Dad’s Winchester 94 (“ e Gun at Won move the kid made. “Was that her rst yawn? Let me
Fax: 914-617-8508
[email protected] the West,” he always used to say), and I might just get the camera! Damn I missed it!” No that wasn’t her
take it out to the back yard and give it a try. First I’m rst one, I was just telling that story again of how I
going to pick o all the mushrooms in the refrigerator got kicked out of my high school math class for not
as long as I’m shooting at food. I hate mushrooms. baking enough cookies. I bet I could coax another
If you are food, and you’re hiding from people with one out of her, because I got kicked out of a lot of
guns, don’t hide behind the Swiss cheese or the classes. My sister still reaches for that camera every
doughnuts, a word to the wise. time something happens- it’s a re ex action. “Look!
If I get my own video system, I want built-in speak- her rst divorce! It’s adorable! Let me get the cam-
ers on mine so that I can talk directly to the citizens. era!” By the way, if you videotape every single waking
“HEY! Why are you standing there blocking the moment of your kids rst ve years, won’t you need
doorway of my train when it’s not your stop? Two every waking moment of another ve years to play it
feet away from you on the other side is the door that back? at may be the rst binge-watch followed by a
DOESN’T open. Why don’t you go stand over there? purge-watch.
THIS is your fearless leader speaking.” It will be much I just realized- I can also use the system to spy on
easier to express my opinions. “HEY, yeah YOU! my wife. Do you know what she does when I’m not
What’s with that nose ring that goes from one nostril there? She “tidies up” by throwing away things that
to the other? You look like a bull I saw in a cartoon I’m “not using.”“Honey, where are you going with
once. What happens when you forget you already SEE MELEN PAGE 10
took it o and then you blow your nose?” Maybe I
BAILEY COURT, 334 ROUTE 202, UNIT C1S Letters to the editor and op-ed submissions may be edited.
SOMERS, NY 10589 The views and opinions expressed in letters and op-eds are not
necessarily those of North Salem News or its affiliates. Submissions
©2018 HALSTON MEDIA, LLC must include a phone number and address for verification. Not
all letters and op-eds will necessarily be published. Letters and
op-eds which cannot be verified or are anonymous will not be
published. Please send your submissions to the editor by e-mail
to [email protected].
For more information, call the editor at 914-302-5830.
Thursday, May 16, 2019 OPINION North Salem News – Page 9
Getting extra help isn’t a bad thing
Dear Dr. Linda, that later. self-esteem depends on questions on tests. ink about it. School
We had a parent-teacher conference is the only time in your life where
Jared’s teachers agree STRONG how it is presented and everyone must take the same subjects
last week with our son’s sixth-grade that he is bright but LEARNING viewed by his teach- and is expected to work at the same
teachers because his test grades are poor. needs more time to ers and his parents, speed on everything. When we get out
To our surprise, his teachers told us that of school, we hopefully end up working
they felt Jared was quite bright but was demonstrate it satisfac- DR. LINDA you especially. Talk in positions that match who we are in
failing because he works slowly. ey torily for his instruc- SILBERT to biological family interest and ability. Today, schools try to
want to give him something called a 504, cater more to individual needs, but it’s
which will allow him extra time on tests. tors. If only one of his members. Did someone hard because of overloaded classrooms,
especially in public schools. However,
I am concerned that if they start treat- teachers had said that, else need extra time because of such things as a 504, those
ing him like something is wrong, he’ll individual student needs are being met
always feel that something is wrong with then you’d know that to do certain things much more often than they were years
him. I just don’t want him to have low ago.
self-esteem. I feel so badly right now and he’s struggling with that subject alone. academically? If so, explain that he’s like
am not sure what to do. My husband Find out rst what is going on with
says to give him the 504 and to stop Either way, the next question is why is Uncle Joe who also needed extra time Jared by talking to him and perhaps
making such a big deal over it. further to his teachers. Determine if he
he struggling? to do things. Laugh about the fact that feels pressure to achieve and becomes
Mary Ellen anxious before tests. Does he know the
Chances are that if he works slowly he inherited that gene and it’s OK. It’s answers to test questions he doesn’t get
Dear Mary Ellen, to? If the obstacle to scoring well on
I understand why you’re feeling so across the board, it takes Jared’s brain not a re ection on whether he’s smart or tests can be solved by the school’s allow-
ing him more time, be thankful!
upset. No one wants to hear that there a little longer to process and learn new dumb, it’s just that it takes him a little
may be something wrong with their Happy Mother’s Day,
child or that he or she is facing some information and having extra time to longer to nish the tests and luckily the Dr. Linda
obstacle that has a ected his ability to
do his best in school. But the truth is no complete assignments would be ben- school will give him the extra time to Dr. Linda is co-author of “Why Bad Grades
human being is perfect—we all face ob- Happen to Good Kids,” and director of
stacles of one sort of another in life. My e cial to him and his grades. If his nish them. Strong Learning Tutoring and SAT/ACT
question for you is, “Do you think there’s Test Prep. Send your questions to Linda@
something wrong with your child?” e teachers are recommending that he is sort of thing isn’t new, but the Find more articles at
answer to that question will be the most
important factor in whether his self-es- “receive a 504,” (actually called Accom- accommodations made are fairly recent
teem is negatively a ected. More about
modation 504), grab it and say, “ ank in education. As I’ve mentioned before,
you!” On the other hand, if what’s really years ago, many students dropped out of
happening is that he’s panicking on school by eighth grade. Were they less
tests because he’s afraid to fail and it is intelligent than their classmates? Was
paralyzing him to the point that he can’t there something “wrong” with them?
think clearly enough to complete tests in Probably not, but then, everyone was
a timely manner, a 504 will probably not treated the same. If you couldn’t keep up
help. An accurate diagnosis of the reason with the standards they created, then you
for his slowness is paramount. left the system.
Assuming for now that the reason Will the fact that it takes Jared extra
for his working slowly is simply that time a ect his ability to function in life?
he needs extra time, the question of e goal is that he learns the material
whether he receives a 504 will lower his taught—not how fast he can answer
To advertise in North Salem News, call Brett Freeman at 845-208-8151 or email [email protected].
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Page 10 – North Salem News OPINION Thursday, May 16, 2019
Lessons learned
“Hon, you left the light switches. Besides, I grew up with could you try not to fold my “ at sounds reasonable. You
on in the closet… know how much I hate nit-pick-
again!” “Benito Mussolini,” who made underwear inside out. Can you ing, Hon, and I would have never JUST
“I haven’t been in the closet.” mentioned the underwear if you JO ANN
“You just got home from work, sure his wife and four daughters try to remember to turn them hadn’t mentioned the closet.”
went upstairs and I heard your JO ANN
footsteps in the bedroom and knew that all lights and faucets right side out and not bury them “I get it. I always felt that one FRANCELLA
then the closet.” of the best parts of our marriage
had to be turned o before leav- between the sheets and towels.” is that we have the ability to talk “You got it, Sweetheart. Oh,
“ e light was already on when things out and come to a mutual and by the way, after you use
I opened the closet door.” ing a room. It’s become a part of “Okay, here we go. After resolution. the bathroom, could you please
remember to put down the toilet
“No it wasn’t. I remember my DNA!” forty-two years of marriage, you Now tell me, is there anything seat?”
turning it o when I came down- special you’d like for dinner
stairs this morning.” “I didn’t realize your father was suddenly realize that I bury your tonight?” [email protected]
“Are you sure?” so interested in saving the planet.” inside out underwear between the “Hmmm, I’ve been thinking chip cookie. So stick that in your
“I’m positive.” about London broil and roasted algorithm and smoke it.
“How can you be so sure it was “He wasn’t. He was inter- sheets? Seems a bit serendipitous potatoes all day.”
me?” So far, the most notable
“We’re the only people who ested in saving money! Let’s not to me.” MELEN conclusion that has been reached
have lived in this house for the since the system has been in
past twenty years, unless you change the subject. Seriously, I “Actually, it’s always bothered FROM PAGE 8 use is that Ecuadorians are
think Coco somehow learned BOR-ING with a capital B.
how to manipulate the light nd the light on in the closet and me that I’ve had to dig through those empty Amazon boxes? Dull Ecuadorians make for dull
Don’t you understand that I’m television, and nobody is going
Fun Facts the door ung wide open after the laundry to nd my underwear saving those in case I need to to put up with that for too long.
by Jo Ann send something back? Yes, I So I expect to see a change soon.
you leave for work and then again and then re-fold them correctly.” know that they keep sending I expect to see muggers breaking
things in a new box, but you into song, maybe something by
when you return. You know I’m “Okay, let’s make a deal. I’ll know how it works, they send a the Police, if they have any sense
toenail clipper in a refrigerator of irony. Ecuadorians are going
compulsive about turning o the fold your underwear right side box.” “And where are you going to be wearing a lot more bikinis
with all my paperback books? I and performing a lot more well-
lights. Old habits die hard.” out and place them on the very was just about to re-read those.” choreographed dance numbers.
She wants to bring everything I might travel to Ecuador myself
“Sorry, Hon. I’ll try to remem- top of the folded laundry, and I own to the Goodwill box, and and try to go viral. I can either
then we have a ght about it. go viral down there, or stay here
ber to turn o the light and shut you’ll remember to turn o the I ask the people at Goodwill, and wait until I catch the mea-
what’s so good about THAT? sles. So if you see a person on the
the door. By the way, when you light in the closet and shut the streets of Ecuador tap dancing
If you go to Ecuador you and reciting Shakespeare, and
fold the clothes from the dryer, door.” should be aware that the soft- it looks like they sucked on a
ware is going to have facial lemon and stubbed their toe at
Queens, N.Y. is the most ethnically diverse place in the world. recognition capability, which I the same time, that was me. But
Residents come from nearly 200 countries. It also has the consider a personal challenge. I won’t know how all this comes
most spoken languages than anywhere else in the world. Because I am the Man of a out because my wife gave my
copy of “1984” to Goodwill.
ousand Faces. I can make a
face that looks like I sucked on a Say hello at: [email protected]
lemon and stubbed my toe at the
same time. Or I can make a face
that looks like a catcher’s mitt
from the 1940s, and I can also
make a face that looks like an
opossum if it just ate a chocolate
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Thursday, May 16, 2019 North Salem News – Page 11
e Ruth Keeler Library would plies will be available from the Art ily story time for kids of all ages. RGERADOAWND
like to thank Butler Excavating/ Cart. Share your work with other (Bilingual stories and songs on
Hardscrabble Supply for donating creative individuals in a fun, sup- some Saturdays.)
their services and expertise in portive atmosphere. School-age Writers workshop
repairing our drainage system. children must come with an adult. is workshop is from 11 a.m.
Alan Sklar Reads “The Lady to 12:30 p.m. and led by Mary-
Ruth Keeler Memorial Library with the Lapdog” by Anton anne D’Amato the rst Wednes-
is located at 276 Titicus Road. Chekov. Alan Sklar is a freelance day of the month. It is open to all
For more information on any of voice actor who has narrated over writers and aspiring writers who
these events, call 914-669-5161 200 audiobooks as well as nu- are invited to share their work or
or visit merous documentaries, commer- desire to write in a supportive at-
Bagels & Books cials, VNRs, and corporate and mosphere.
Keeler Library’s Bagels & medical video projects. On Sun- The Gallery Wall current
Books book club will be meet- day, June 9, at 3 p.m., Sklar will and future exhibits:
ing on the rst ursday of each be reading the short story “ e In May, middle school student
month at 10:30 a.m. through Lady with the Lapdog” by Anton work will be on display.
June. Extra copies of the books Chekov at Keeler Library. Free Museum Passes
are available at the library for Yoga for Toddlers on North Salem is surrounded
checkout. e books that will be Wednesdays May 22, and June by many world-class museums.
discussed are e Remains of the 5 from 10 - 11 a.m. Taught by You can visit some of these free
Day by Kazuo Ishiguro on June 6. certi ed toddler yoga instructor of charge by simply going to the
Casino Night has been re- Karen Savir. For ages 2-5 and library and checking out passes SEE MORE
scheduled to 7 p.m. June 22. caregiver supervision is required. to the museums. Just ask for the
e event will be at the Salem Wear comfortable clothes and passes at the front desk. You may Mike Whalen and Adeline, 3,
buying books at the Library Fair
Golf Club, 18 Bloomer Road, bring a towel or yoga mat. Reg- call the library to reserve a pass
and bene ts the Ruth Keeler istration is required. for a particular week. Passes must
Memorial Library. ere will be Story time and crafts be returned within seven days.
prizes, ra es, cocktails and hors Mondays Passes may not be returned to any
d’oeuvres. Tickets are $175 per Stories and Songs – 10:30 a.m., other library, nor put in the book
person and includes $50 in play- for babies from birth to 2-1/2. drop. It is possible to renew a pass
ing chips. Sequins encourages, Tuesdays for an additional week, provided
smoking jackets welcome. Visit Mother Goose for Babies – no one else is waiting for it, by 10:30 a.m., for babies from birth calling the library. Loss of a mu-
to buy tickets. to 2-1/2. seum pass will result in you being
A Creative Moment every Wednesdays charged the full replacement cost.
ursday from 6 - 8 p.m., ages 10 Story Time at 10:30 a.m.; fam- ey are available for Keeler
to adult. Facilitated by Jen Arm- ily story time for kids of all ages. Library card holders only. Don’t
bruster and Debbie Rizo. Work ursdays have a library card? Show the
on a creative, artistic project with Books and Puppets at 10:30 library proof that you live, work,
family or friends. e project may a.m.; family story time for kids of go to school, or own property in
be your own or an easy, self-direct- all ages. North Salem and we can issue
ed project provided by one of the Saturdays you a library card in about three
library’s Art Boxes. Plenty of sup- Story Time at 10:30 a.m.; fam- minutes.
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Page 12 North Salem News – Th
5a,npSdichMkeilenleggyG,oKruaetslblienorgo,ek8rs,, Henry, 6, and Oliver Startin, 3, learning about chicken eggs
Charlotte, 6, and Barbara
Mitchell try out the fire hose
Brothers Luke, 4, Brothers Luca, 4, and Santino Gileno, 5,
and Matthew Warycha, get their face painted
Linda Farina and Cynthia Curtis at the plant sale
5, enjoy meeting
the firefighters
The Ruth Keeler Memorial Library held its annual
Library Fair on May 4 and 5 with a large book sale
and entertainment for the community.
Be Prepared BEFORE the Storm Hits! Do you have a family
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hursday, May 16, 2019 Page 13
Murielle and Savannah Smith, 4
Isla Logan, 4,
having fun at the
Library Fair
Tyler, 2, and Phil Weed FBinrannKdeyeKneaenn,a1n5,,MaanrdyEMaomlionna,HAavyearsyhKi,im12, ,1w3i,twh iMthuasccohoict k4eHn,
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Page 14 – North Salem News BALANCED ROCK Thursday, May 16, 2019
ROCK North Salem portive environment we explore East Coast Panthers Basket- North Salem
Fall Recreation balance and energy enhancing ball Camp: August 19-22. 9 a.m. Democratic Committee
techniques using a variety of props. - 3 p.m. at PQ Elementary School.
Health and Wellness Fair from All registration forms available ursdays 10:45-11:30 a.m. Girls and boys entering grades 3 Volunteers needed. ere are a
9:30 a.m. to 1:30 p.m. Monday, at: starting April 18 at the NS Fire- through 9. Fee: $250 few open seats on the town com-
May 20, in the high school gym. tions? Contact North Salem Rec at house, Route 116, $72/8 weeks. North Salem Day Camp at mittee and the Democrats would
Contact Melissa Smith, School 914-669-5665 Learn-to-Skate at Brewster Mt. Lakes love to have some new volunteers
Counselor, to RSVP and con rm Kayak Trip and BBQ on the Ice Arena Camper registration (Pre-k – come forward. It’s a great way to
your booth: melissa.smith@north- Hudson Memorial Day Week- e Learn-to-Skate program is rising 7th graders) is now open. meet new people and be involved end, – May 25, 11 a.m. to 2 p.m. in for 4-12 year olds at varying levels ere are still some spots avail- in who and what shapes our com-
Town News Cornwall. is 3 hour adventure is of skating experience.$185 per ses- able for campers. Busing avail- munity. If, on the other hand, you
perfect for families with kids ages 9 sion, per skater. Fee includes public able from: PQ, Purdy’s Field, may be interested in serving on a
and older, but all ages are welcome! skate before lesson. *Skate Rental JB Park, Somers MS, Increase town committee we suggest you
e Town Board will have regu- Great views, good food, groovy not included. Miller Elementary, John Jay HS, keep an eye on the Town’s web-
lar meetings on the second and tunes and games for the entire Fridays 5:30-6 p.m. OR Tues- & Katonah for a fee of $177 per site,, and send
fourth Tuesdays of each month family will make this a highlight of days 5:10-5:40 p.m. Session 5 camper/CIT. Go to our website an inquiry to the Town Board.
at 7:30 p.m. at the Town Meet- your summer. Cost: $50. starts May 1 or May 7. for more info: northsalemday Several vacancies are listed. Con-
ing Hall, 66 June Road, North Discounted Lewisboro Pool Summer Camps tact us at P O Box 525, North Sa-
Salem. All meetings are subject to Memberships available for residents Hendrie’s Soccer Academy: The Schoolhouse lem, NY or northsalemdemocratic
rescheduling upon adequate notice, of the Town of North Salem. Rates August 5-9 at North Salem High [email protected]
as circumstances require. All agen- increase June 1st. Family: $675; School Theater North Salem
das and live meetings are posted on North Salem Family/Caregiver: Entering Grades K-9 - 8:30
Republican 15 yrs old): $400; Senior Adult (age $190 ($220 after June 1st)
the Town website at: http://north- $775; Adult (16+): $475; Child (2- a.m. - 12:30 p.m. Registration Fee: For more information on any of
these events, call 914-277-8477 or
Town Clerk Maria Hlushko 62+): $160. For more information, Ages 3 & 4 (Beginning Soccer) email schoolhousetheater@gmail. November 2019 brings a series
has a notary license. Residents are please email parks@lewisborogov. – 9:00 am - 10:30 am. Registration com. e theater is located at 3 of local elections with opportuni-
welcome to come to Town Hall com or call 914-232-6162. Fee: $140 ($170 after June 1st) Owens Road, North Salem. ties to serve as a volunteer. If you
if they need documents notarized. Better Balance Plus with For more info: hendriesoccera- Gladstone Hollow The Farm are interested in serving on the
To make an appointment,call 914- Cheryl Aiello Play by Dorothy Lyman, June 13- Committee or volunteering please
669-5577 Fall Prevention Class: In a sup- cademy 30 contact the Committee at: North
Salem Republican Committee,
PO Box 289, North Salem, NY
10560 914-662-6620 info@north-
Railyard Arts
Studio classes
Add Value Railyard Arts Studio is located
to Your Home at 621 Route 22, Croton Falls. For
more information, visit railyard-
When we’re done, there is nothing left to do.
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company of other creative people!
We specialize in targeted home improvements — both big and small — Enjoy six week classes in stained
glass, water color and oil / acrylic
to maximize your home’s value,comfort and beauty. painting, mixed media, printmak-
ing, drawing, wheel throwing and
Licensed & Insured • Local References • Brewster, NY • 845-216-1955 • 845-279-6977 • [email protected] hand building with clay, knitting/
crocheting, and art therapy. For
youth, there are classes for pre-
school, middle school, and high
school ages. Look for art with
ne-motor skills, after school
art, knit/crochet, clay and wheel
throwing, and art therapy. For
new moms and moms with pre-
schoolers, learn to knit / crochet
with other new moms or while
pre-schoolers enjoy a story and a
ne-motor skills project.
To sign up email Info@rail- and mention Oil
and Dry Workshop in the subject
line or call 914-617-8541.
“Bloom”a spring inspired
show opening Saturday night
May 11 from 5–8 p.m. on Moth-
er’s Day weekend at e Art the
Yard Gallery at Railyard Arts Stu-
dio. e exhibition showcases the
works of 21 local artists includ-
ing paintings, photography, wood
working, pottery, clay sculpture,
and fused glass jewelry and will be
on display May 11 - 22 with gal-
lery hours M-F 9 a.m. to 5 p.m.
Thursday, May 16, 2019 North Salem News – Page 15
BOE What is a top priority for the North Salem WHY DO WE
School District going forward?
Going forward I will strive to support the dis-
Jennifer Binette trict’s mental health priority and the development IN HALSTON
of the whole student with a scally responsible
Who are you? Provide a brief overview of and thoughtful budget within the tax cap. MEDIA’S
your background, education and experience.
I remain dedicated to the students and residents LOCAL
I sit as the vice president of the NSCSD Board of NSCSD. I am approachable and can be found
of Education and I am seeking re-election for at almost any school event or sport sideline. I am NEWSPAPERS?
my third term. My husband Jim and I have been looking forward to making NSCSD even better.
married for 21 years and lived in the district for Advertising in Halston
16. We have three children, all of whom attend Deborah D’Agostino Media is being part of a
North Salem Schools. Our son, Camden, is a se- community. While walking through
nior graduating in June; Ashley is a sophomore Who are you? Provide a brief overview of different towns, people recognized
and Rosie is in eighth grade. your background, education and experience. our picture and connected it to the
services promoted. It was a great way
I started my international business career with My husband Angelo and I have lived in North to get new customers while validating
a Japanese trading company and later worked Salem for more than 30 years. I have served on our work with current clients.
with a Canadian paper manufacturer. I have since the Board of Education since the 2010. During
turned my attention to our local community. Be- that time I have been vice president (2011-2012) Dr. Deborah Hardy
fore joining the BOE six years ago, I held numer- and President (2012-2015) and I have partici- Student Support and Educational Consultant
ous volunteer positions to enhance the education- pated in almost all the various board committees.
al experience of our children, including PQ PTO GuidED Consulting, LLC
President, PQ Principal Selection Committee I am President of P4H Inc.: a rm which
and Tri-State Consortium. I have been a North specializes in planning and delivering facilities TO ADVERTISE WITH US,
Salem Girl Scout leader for two troops for the for health, science and government. One of the CALL BRETT FREEMAN AT (845) 208-8151
last 11 years and volunteered as a soccer coach. projects that I am most proud of is the new Fire
Station 1 on Sun Valley Road. We were able to
Why do you want to be a member of the complete this project on-time and slightly below
North Salem Central School District Board of budget. More importantly, we were able to con-
Education? vert an eyesore into a very functional municipal
building that our community can be proud of.
I continue to bring an interesting perspective to I received a Bachelor of Science from Fordham
the BOE. After 13 years in North Salem, our son is University and a Master’s in Public Health from
well prepared for the next chapter in his life. I wish to Columbia University.
continue on the board to ensure our schools inspire
children with strong district leadership. I currently Why do you want to be a member of the
sit on the following board committees: communi- North Salem Central School District Board of
cation, policy, and audit. Other board committees I Education?
have participated in include mission and facilities. I
also engage in the Booster Club, PTO meetings and Both my son Paul (class of ‘08) and my daughter
other district events/ presentations.
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Page 16 – North Salem News SCHOOLS & CAMPS Thursday, May 16, 2019
BOE I am concerned about the used my professional skills to ture kindergartener. the answer is simply that I think
tax (levy) cap. e low CPI has prepare a Facilities Master Plan I was born in Honolulu, Ha- I could do good. My experi-
delivered caps that are below 2 and then to monitor the ongo- waii as my Father, a graduate of ence with leading the Friends
Sabrina (class of ‘11) are North percent and which are insuf- ing work to repair and improve the Naval Academy, was sta- of Muscoot has given me an in-
Salem graduates. Both have n- cient to fund the New York our physical plant. tioned there. I studied at Vassar sight into construction projects,
ished college and are pursuing State mandates and mandatory But, I am not sure that this College. After college I worked grant seeking, educational pro-
careers that suit their interests. increases in items such as health is sustainable. How do we pre- for the Journal of Cell Biology gramming, advocacy, working
I believe my children were well insurance and retirement con- serve excellence in education, and later a set design company with county government, and
served by our school district and tributions. meet the social and emotional before settling in as director of maintaining a connection with
I wish to ensure that excellence To date, we have been able needs of students, maintain our an art gallery in SoHo. Years the public by building a mem-
in education continues to be to stay within the cap without buildings, elds and grounds, later I made the decision to be a bership program from scratch.
available for the young people negatively a ecting students. operate a safe eet of buses and stay at home parent to my chil- is last part is important as I
in our community. In fact, I am proud to have stay within the levy cap? is dren. would seek to improve the com-
Our size and small-town helped bring some exciting new complex problem is our great- Since my eldest started school munication between the board,
character are important assets. programs to our schools. As a est challenge and requires the at North Salem I have been very parents, and the district com-
Yet, in spite of our size, our board member, I voted to fund experience which I can bring to active in the school district as a munity should I be elected. I
mission-based approach to edu- the FLES (foreign language) the task. class mom, a library volunteer, have learned that as a leader one
cation has been recognized by program at PQ. As a member Brandy Keenan chairing the Book Fair Com- of the most important things
both the NYS Department of of the technology committee, I mittee, and coordinating the you can do is to not only com-
Education (Schools to Watch) authored the Technology Plan library volunteers. My husband municate your agenda but to
and national educational leaders which lead to the implementa- Who are you? Provide a has coached baseball and soccer also listen to your community
(Tri-state, Ed Leaders 21). tion of our CSA (computer sci- brief overview of your back- at PQ. Our children play soccer, about their ideas and concerns.
As a board member, I have ence) program. As a member of ground, education and experi- baseball, and eld hockey, are I also believe that having chil-
worked to foster a culture of the Mental Health Committee, ence. part of the HS Robotics team, dren in the high school, middle
quality. I believe there is more I have assisted in bringing the I have lived in North Salem girl scouts, and 4H. My past school, and PQ at the present
work to be done and I would Yale Ruler (social and emo- for 11 years. I have four chil- academic and athletic career gives me an active perspective
like to continue to participate. tional learning) and Mental dren: a freshman in North Sa- and my children’s present expe- and interest in what is going on
What is a top priority for Health First Aid programs to lem High School, a 7th Grader rience give me an understanding in the District as a whole. My
the North Salem School Dis- our schools. As a member of in North Salem Middle School, of the importance and bene t of children are invested in athlet-
trict going forward? the Facilities Committee, I have a 2nd Grader in PQ, and a fu- balancing sports, science, and ics, science, and the arts which
the humanities within a public means I would seek to support
school education. initiatives that bene t all these
2019/20 TRAVEL TRYOUTS Presently I am the president kinds of activities and not weigh
of a non-pro t that supports one more than the other.
May 20 – May 31 the educational and agricultural What is a top priority for
programming at Muscoot Farm. the North Salem School Dis-
Fox Valley Upper Field Goldens Bridge, NY Over the years we have put over trict going forward?
$1.4 million dollars into the I believe improved commu-
farm and it’s programming. is nication with parents and the
REGISTER TODAY @ year I established, with Jaime community should be a top pri-
Roche, a Farm to School PTO ority for the School District. I
committee at PQ that will be also would concentrate on nd-
connecting farmer workshops ing the right balance between
Our vision with the Travel program at John Jay Futbol Club is to create a positive environment in line with our Club and new eld trips with the supporting athletics and sup-
Values, that promotes players being able to learn soccer and experiment with different skills and decisions without present K-5 Science Curricu- porting academics through bet-
fear of failure. We want to develop foundational skills and game understanding around being able to love and lum. I look forward to growing ter facilities. I think Wellness
master the ball as well as develop creative thinking. that committee and its mission and Nutrition are also things
going forward. school districts nationwide are
Our Club Curriculum is designed to support the development of “Self-Learners” and “Independent-thinking Soccer beginning to focus on, which I
players” through a challenge and game-based approach to teaching soccer. This is consistently aligned with how we Why do you want to be a
describe each age-group within the Club how we compete on a Match-day in the WYSL (Westchester Youth Soccer member of the North Salem believe is a good thing. My expe-
League) or in the NYSC (New York State Cup) and WC (Westchester Cup) and support players across all pathways. Central School District Board rience and interest in agriculture
of Education? and our food system ts in nicely
PLAYER BENEFITS JJFC CLUB ADVANTAGES To be honest, I have asked with this kind of initiative.
• Individual Player Development • Age-Appropriate Curriculum
• Year-Round Training Opportunities (inc. • High Licensed Coaching Staff inc. UEFA myself why I wanted to take on SEE BOE PAGE 17
this kind of responsibility and
Winter Training, League Play, Summer A & B and USSF Nationally Certified
Tournament Teams) Trainers
• Free Goalie & Striker Clinics • USSF Licensed Instructor & UEFA A
• Individual Learning Plans & Feedback Director of Coaching
• No FEE to attend tryouts. • Appropriate levels of Competition
Div. Yr Tryout 1 Tryout 2 Div. Yr Tryout 1 Tryout 2
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J O H N J AY F C . C O M Join us on Facebook and keep up to date with all the news
Thursday, May 16, 2019 SCHOOLS & CAMPS North Salem News – Page 17
BOE facilitating social skills groups and pinpointing ways to meet Jeffrey Smith family tree that were or are cur-
and seeing individual clients. In those needs, ensuring every child rently teachers. From a volunteer-
Jaime Roche addition, I teach two yoga class- has the opportunity for success Who are you? Provide a brief ing perspective I am an assistant
es a week for the Town of North in the most holistic sense. overview of your background, coach for the 10U softball team
Salem for adults and seniors. What is a top priority for education and experience. (Go Outhouse Orchards!) and
Who are you? Provide a brief Why do you want to be a the North Salem School Dis- I was born and raised in Maine am hoping to help coach the
overview of your background, member of the North Salem trict going forward? attending high school at orn- Brewster Bruins 9U football team
education and experience. Central School District Board I see the top priority for our ton Academy, following in my where my daughter will play. As a
I began my career in the eld of Education? district, and for every school dis- grandfather and father’s footsteps. teenager I remember doing Meals
of mental health soon after I believe that in order to best trict nationwide, as being mental I received my Associate’s degree on Wheels with my father on Sat-
graduating from the University meet the diverse needs of our health education and awareness. in Culinary Arts and Bachelor’s urday mornings. I’ve also enjoyed
of Delaware with a BA in psy- student body it is essential that Our country is in the midst of a degree in Foodservice Education spending some time volunteering
chology. I worked for a year at our board of education be com- youth mental health crisis. e from Johnson & Wales University at Camp Hole in the Wall which
a non-pro t organization serv- prised of individuals with various most recent reports indicate in Providence, Rhode Island. My was founded by Paul Newman.
ing mentally ill adults in NYC backgrounds. I believe my pro- that as many as one in six U.S. wife and I moved to Brewster in What is a top priority for
before resuming my education fessional experience as a social children between the ages of 6 2009 and quickly learned although the North Salem School Dis-
at Hunter College School of worker and my personal experi- and 17 has a treatable mental we live in Brewster we were go- trict going forward?
Social Work. After graduating ence as a mother of a child with health disorder such as depres- ing to be part of the North Salem at is a tough question as I
with my MSW I went on to special needs allow me to o er a sion, anxiety problems or atten- School district and community. feel that a board member should
work in schools as a school social unique set of skills and perspec- tion de cit/hyperactivity disor- Why do you want to be a represent ALL members of the
worker and eventually in thera- tive to the current board of edu- der. And sadly the newest study member of the North Salem North Salem Central School
peutic schools as a therapist for cation. e recent mental health on youth suicide found that the Central School District Board District and not be biased by
children and teens with major mandates in New York state number of children and teens of Education? a certain agenda or a single is-
mental health disorders. After require schools to shift their fo- being hospitalized for suicide First and foremost I have a sue. at is why I would like to
obtaining my clinical license, I cus toward the social/emotional attempts doubled between 2007 daughter that attends PQ and she hear from more folks on what is
began my own private psycho- wellbeing of their students. For and 2015. ese statistics a ect is very active in their sports and the hot topic for them and why I
therapy practice specializing in our district this means imple- all of us and with this in mind, other extracurricular activities. created the email jcsnorthsalem-
the treatment of children, teens menting new programming and I feel that is crucial that we as a Another big reason I have cho- [email protected]. Issues
and young adults. initiatives aimed at the social, district continue to devote our sen to do this is because educa- I have heard from more than one
In pursuit of more integrative emotional and behavioral health energy towards the social/emo- tion and volunteering have always person are 1) Lapse in commu-
and holistic treatments for my of our students. I believe that tional health and wellbeing of been a big part of my family. My nication 2) Safety and security
clients, in 2009 while pregnant someone with my educational our students. I strongly believe grandfather was a member of the 3) Aging Schools and Buses 4)
with my rst child, I became a background and experience can that our schools are in the unique school board and grandmother Athletic eld conditions and turf
registered yoga and meditation be of great assistance in sup- position to act as early identi ers was on the PTO both being elect- 5) How our schools are handling
teacher through OM Yoga. Re- porting these e orts. And as an as well as to deliver evidence- ed as president. My father was an bullying cases 6) Administrator
cently I became a certi ed par- individual trained in the eld of based, multi-layer programming educator for 43 years; 35+ years payroll 7) Declining number of
ent and educator coach through community service, I feel I can that will decrease stigma and as an elementary school teacher students 8) Reputation “If your
Tournesol Kids and currently I be helpful to the district in iden- help create a supportive environ- and the rest in special education. kid want to be athletes don’t go
work privately as a family coach, tifying the needs of our students ment for those struggling. I have multiple members in the to North Salem Schools.”
Page 18 – North Salem News Thursday, May 16, 2019
Hope Sandor
Senior motivates Tigers on diamond
BY DOMINICK DEPOLE one another through both is a key to
Hope Sandor is a senior out elder on the How do you see your role on the
North Salem softball team. She also plays team, and how much do you value
being a senior leader in the out eld?
eld hockey.
I see myself as a leader in many ways
How old were you when you started and I’m happy to have the opportunity
playing softball and how did you get to share my experiences. I’m almost
started? always the loudest one in the dugout
cheering on all of my teammates.
I started playing when I was about 6 After losing so many seniors, I knew
or 7 years old with the North Salem rec I had to step up this season and use
league. I really had no idea what sport not just my voice, but also my actions,
I wanted to play, so I tried softball, and to be an asset to the team. I also get
have stuck with it since. to ll in a leadership role when I’m a
goalie for the eld hockey team.
What is your favorite part about
being on the North Salem softball How have your strengths as a
team? player evolved the last few years?
I’ve developed great friendships with Coach has placed me in the lead
all of the girls and I’m happy that we all o position this year and when he
have good team chemistry. e game has told me that, I knew I had a big
a lot of ups and downs and supporting responsibility. When I’m up at bat,
I want to be a tough out and Hope Sandor
try and get on base in any
way possible. In the out eld, FILE PHOTOS: DEENA BELL
I’ve focused a lot on improving
my range so I’m able to cover as
much ground as I can. I’ve also
worked hard to develop a strong
What is your favorite team years ago. She’s taught me that softball loved working with kids as I volunteer
activity, pre-game or post-game is more than just winning or losing, with the local softball and baseball
ritual that you shared with your but it’s about balancing all aspects of leagues and I work as a camp counselor
teammates? life from school to practices to games during the summer.
to nding time to be with family and
Usually, we just listen to music friends. Who is your favorite professional
during our warm-up so that we athlete and pro or college sports team?
can get red up to play. Tell us one thing about yourself that
not a lot of people know? Favorite player is a tough question!
Do you have any goals for the My favorite athlete is a tie between
season as it winds down? I love dogs! I have three of my own. Aaron Judge and C.C. Sabathia and my
eir names are Molly, Mickey and favorite pro sports team is of course the
We want to put a ght in every Joey. New York Yankees.
single game we play. Our goal is
to win as many games as possible Do you plan on continuing to play What is your favorite music to listen
before the sectionals brackets softball in college? to warming up for a game?
come out. is has been a major
rebuilding year. Everything is now I would like to continue playing I love country! Speci cally, Carrie
starting to come together and I’m softball at the DIII level or look for club Underwood and Florida Georgia Line.
excited to see how it all turns out. ball opportunities.
If you could have one superpower,
Who has been your biggest role Do you know what you want to study what would it be and why?
model over the years and what in college?
have you learned from them? I would to be able to teleport from
I want to study elementary education, place to place, so I could go anywhere
Coach Heather Stone who’s because I love being a role model for whenever I want to.
the coach at Western Connecticut young kids to look up to. I’ve always
State University. She’s one of my SEE SPOTLIGHT PAGE 19
coaches for my travel ball team,
the Brewster Rockets, and I started
working with her about three
Thursday, May 16, 2019 SPORTS North Salem News – Page 19
North Salem’s track and eld PHOTO COURTESY OF CHRIS GOULD
team participated in the 51st
annual Glenn D. Louck’s Games The North Salem girls 4 x 800-meter relay team on the podium (center) at the 51st annual Glenn D. Louck’s Games Invitational.
Invitational meet in White
Plains, May 11. Service: 914-669-9679
Stella Ard, Violet Coyle,
Juliette Intrieri and Ava Jolley
won the Section 1 4 x 800-meter
relay with a school record time of
“Jolley won the Section 1 mile
race in a time of 5:09,also a school
record,” coach Chris Gould said
in an email. “ at is currently
a No.2 time in New York State
in Division 2. She also has the
New York State No.1 time in the
3,200-meter individual race and
the No. 3 time in the 3,000-meter
race. “
e next meet is Saturday, May
18 at the Westchester County
Championship at Harrison High
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I usually eat whatever is
available whether it’s pretzels or 914-232-6600 ****1FWW0r0eeee%AAVcTlescahoexipAcDtlceMecPdeoiupcscttktBVuibopelaheAtiscN,leMYsWoRtuoHnrcEnyRicnElgeso&r NRoVts
granola bars. For some reason, I’ve
been eating lots of clementines. Call:(914) 468-4999* Car DofinnaatniocniaFl oinufonrdmataiotinond,/bca/all W(2h1e3e) l9s4F8o-2r 0W0i0shoersv.isTiot wlewawrn.wmhoereelsafboorwuitsohuers.porrogg.rams or
Best place to eat in North
Salem and why?
Swan Deli, because it’s right by
my house and they make a really
good bacon, egg and cheese.
Whatt would you tell a MAY 25TH & 26TH Your business card
younger athlete growing up in SSSpapmeeccpiiaalillntwygesCe&rkaefSntsde,m‘eFvianemanritslsy,iGFnrcoileuunrdmdele:yt’CFErovaeofntdtBss,everagewAwCWwoAlTI.nuRAhHfmDoNuIr-SDbmdWisaIaCSItoiNICoDnANnoEbI&.RRNeFAIGtriEackIiSkWNrsegFthIOsrNRoiRarEuOveRanSMwiIdlHEasibNISn,NlYe,eCEoDfAhneEINa-SVsltDTihntEIaieLMNvmaLaTtAE:,lR.NcIYEoSm could be here.
North Salem about the experi-
ence of being part of the softball Call Brett Freeman at 845-208-8151 to find out how.
program.Why should they go
out for the team? Increase referrals and name recognition. Advertise in the North Salem News Bulletin Board and reach
over 3,500 USPS delivered mailing addresses every week. Call 845-208-8151 today!
e game of softball is very de-
manding, but it also teaches you a
lot. It teaches you how to balance
the many aspects of life and how
to face challenges that come in
your way. You also make so many
friends and it’s just a fun game. I
wouldn’t keep playing it if I wasn’t
having fun. You’ll never regret
being a part of any team in a small
community like North Salem.
Page 20 – North Salem News SPORTS Thursday, May 16, 2019
North Salem clinches sectional berth
BY RICH MONETTI Jane Fetterolf puts the Albertus Camille Flayhan
CONTRIBUTING WRITER Magnus defense on alert. Makes her move.
With 16-11 victory Over Gabrielle Marino defends Albertus Magnus PHOTOS: RICH MONETTI
Albertus Magnus High high scorer Sam Bischoff.
School, the North Salem Grace Curran draws the double team.
girls lacrosse team secured
a berth to the sectional
Grace Curran and Jane
Fetterolf had a combined 10
goals and six assists.
“We just know how to nd
each other,” said Fetterolf.
e scoring began quickly
on Curran’s draw. Fetterolf
got to the bounce and found
the net in the opening
seconds. Curran didn’t wait
long to one up Fetterolf and
made furious charges up eld
to give the Tigers a 3-1 lead.
Magnus’ Sam Bischo
answered with three of her
eight goals to take Magnus’
rst lead in the back-and-
forth game.
“She’s extremely dynamic
with a high lacrosse IQ
that plays end to end,” said
Albertus Magnus coach
Missi Holland.
A 5-4 Tiger lead was soon
a 7-5 disadvantage on the
heels of two more Bischo
goals. But Curran stepped up.
O a foul above the crease,
the captain scored at the
buzzer to get one goal closer.
“We want her to have the
ball when we need a goal,”
said Heyde.
Curran set up Jenna
Shaughnessy with a high pass
out front with eight minutes
remaining and then the duo
made it a trilogy with Colleen
McCarthy on the break.
“Grace came down with
the draw, she made the quick
pass to Jane and that drew the
defense away from me,” said
McCarthy who dumped the
goal in for a 13-10 advantage
at 7:30.
Still, after Curran and
Bischo exchanged goals,
Magnus wasn’t done yet
at 15-11. at was left to
Izzy Conley. Josie Cavallo
poised at point blank. North
Salem was on their way to a
sectional berth.
is win came after a
16-12 loss to Fox Lane the
previous week.
“I’ve talked to the girls
about peaking at the right
time, and it’s happening
now,” concluded Hyde.
North Salem will go up
against Dobbs Ferry May
14 during the rst round
of the Section 1 Class D
Thursday, May 16, 2019 LEISURE North Salem News – Page 21
CLUES ACROSS 48. Used to restrain imagination
1. Maintains possession of 50. Fictional kids character 19. A way to improve
4. Other side 51. South American country 20. River along India and Nepal
10. Comedienne Gasteyer 52. Devote resources to border
11. Lawn buildup 53. Beginner 21. Hairnet
12. Southeast 54. Everyone has one 25. DePaul University athletes
14. Negative 55. University worker (abbr.) 29. Bachelor of Laws
15. Greek temple pillar 56. Resist an attack 31. Game of skill
16. Blue 58. Unifying Chinese dynasty 32. Holy man
18. Pointless 59. Blood-sucking African fly 33. Cylinder of tobacco
22. Complete 60. CNN’s founder 35. Most ingratiating
23. Supervisor CLUES DOWN 38. Repeats aloud
24. Where kids bathe 1. __and her sisters 41. Red wine
26. Radio frequency 2. Smear or rub with oil 43. Debilitating tropical disease
27. Cruel Roman emperor 3. Holy places 44. Entirely lacking
28.Young woman (French) 4. Indicates position 45. Female sheep
30. Within 5. Drives around 46. Where a bird lives
31. Civil Service Commission 6. Price 47. Stalk that supports the
34. Sarongs 7. Semiaquatic mammal capsule
36. Father 8. With three uneven sides 49. Cutlery
37. It grows on heads 9. Sacrifice hit 56. Symptom of withdrawal
39. A Spanish river 12. Covers a wound (abbr.)
40. Boundary 13. Jaguarundi 57. Delaware
41. Contains music 17. Works produced by skill and
42. Causes to feel sorrow
To solve a sudoku, the numbers 1 through 9 must fill each row, column and box. Each number can appear only
once in each row, column and box. You can figure out the order in which the numbers will appear by using the numeric clues
already provided in the boxes. The more numbers you name, the easier it gets to solve the puzzle!
Page 22 – North Salem News CLASSIFIEDS Thursday, May 16, 2019
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Thursday, May 16, 2019 LEGAL NOTICES North Salem News – Page 23
NORTH SALEM CENTRAL Road - 8:00 a.m. to 4:00 p.m. the lobby of the Pequenakonck be obtained at the o ce of as agent upon whom process
SCHOOL DISTRICT Such statement will also be Elementary School, 173 June the Clerk of the District, 230 against may be served & shall
Road, North Salem, NY, on June Road, North Salem, NY. mail process to Sydney Amster
NORTH SALEM, NEW YORK available at any public or free Tuesday, May 21, 2019 during Completed applications must be Green & Horowitz PLLC, 122
10560 association library in the District, the hours of 7:00 a.m. and 9:00 submitted to the District Clerk at E. 42nd St., RM 720, New York,
on the District’s website and at p.m., for the purpose of preparing least seven (7) days prior to the NY 10168. General Purpose.
NOTICE OF ANNUAL the Annual Meeting and School a register for elections/votes held Annual Meeting if the ballot is
MEETING, ELECTION, District Budget/Election Vote subsequent to such election/vote. to be mailed to the voter or the LLC FORMATION NOTICE
BUDGET VOTE AND to be held as aforesaid, Tuesday, day before the Annual Meeting
REGISTRATION OF VOTERS May 21, 2019. NOTICE IS ALSO GIVEN, if the ballot will be picked up Notice of Formation of
that any person otherwise personally by the voter at the Kesicke Realty LLC. Arts.
e Board of Education of NOTICE IS ALSO GIVEN, quali ed to vote, who is currently District Clerk’s o ce. A list of of Org. led with NY Dept.
the North Salem Central School that a Real Property Tax registered for any general all persons to whom absentee of State on 4/10/19. O ce
District, HEREBY GIVES Exemption Report prepared in election, pursuant to Article 5 ballots shall have been issued, will location: Westchester County.
NOTICE that the Annual accordance with Section 495 of of the Election Law, or who is be available for public inspection NY Sec. of State designated
Meeting, Annual School District the Real Property Tax Law will currently registered with the to quali ed voters of the District agent of the LLC upon whom
Election and Budget Vote of the be annexed to the nal adopted School District and has voted in said o ce of the Clerk, during process against it may be served,
residents of the School District, budget, and will be posted in 2015, 2016, 2017 or 2018 in regular o ce hours, 8:00 a.m. and shall mail process to 215 Vail
quali ed to vote at school on District bulletin board(s) a school district election, shall be to 4:00 p.m. prevailing time, Ln, North Salem, NY 10560,
meetings in the District, will be maintained for public notices, as entitled to vote without further until the day of the Election and the principal business location.
held in the multipurpose room of well as on the District’s website. registration. Vote. Any quali ed voter may Purpose: any lawful activity.
the Pequenakonck Elementary
School, 173 June Road, North NOTICE IS ALSO GIVEN NOTICE IS ALSO GIVEN, le a written challenge of the LLC FORMATION NOTICE
Salem, NY on Tuesday, May that petitions nominating that the register prepared quali cations of a voter, whose
21, 2019, for the purpose of candidates for the o ce of pursuant to Section 2014 of the name appears on such list, stating Hudson Valley Aeroseal, LLC,
voting by voting machine on the Member of the Board of Education Law will be led in the reasons for the challenge. Arts of Org. led with Sec. of
statement of estimated expenses Education must be led with the O ce of the Clerk in the State of NY (SSNY) 4/1/2019.
for the ensuing school year the Clerk of the District at District O ce of the North BY ORDER OF THE Cty: Westchester. SSNY desig.
(School District Budget), and 230 June Road, North Salem, Salem Central School District, BOARD OF EDUCATION as agent upon whom process
for the purpose of electing three NY, not later than 5:00 p.m. 230 June Road,North Salem,NY, OF THE NORTH SALEM against may be served & shall
(3) members of the Board of on April 22, 2019. Vacancies and that the same will be open mail process to 122 N Broad St.,
Education. Polls, for the purpose on the Board of Education are for inspection by any quali ed CENTRAL SCHOOL Peekskill, NY 10566. General
of voting, will be kept open not considered separate, speci c voter of the District between the DISTRICT Purpose.
between the hours of 7:00 a.m. o ces; candidates run at large. hours of 8:00 a.m. and 4:00 p.m.
and 9:00 p.m. Nominating petitions shall not on each of the ve (5) days prior Westchester and Putnam LLC FORMATION NOTICE
describe any speci c vacancy to and including the day set for
NOTICE IS ALSO GIVEN, upon the Board for which a the election, OTHER THAN Counties, New York Ultimate Dream Homecare
that a public hearing on the candidate is nominated; must A SATURDAY, SUNDAY OR Agency LLC, Arts of Org. led
proposed 2019-2020 budget be directed to the Clerk of the HOLIDAY. Dated: May 16, 2019, with Sec. of State of NY (SSNY)
of the North Salem Central District; must be signed by at 3/27/2019. Cty: Westchester.
School District, will be held least twenty- ve (25) quali ed NOTICE IS ALSO GIVEN, North Salem, New York SSNY desig. as agent upon
on Wednesday, May 8, 2019 at voters of the District; must state that any proposition to amend whom process against may be
7:30 p.m. in the Library of the the name and residence address the budget, referenda or question Mary Rhuda, District Clerk served & shall mail process to
North Salem Middle School/ of each signer, and must state permitted to be proposed by 3644 Harper Ave., Bronx, NY
High School, 230 June Road, the name and residence address anyone other than the Board of LLC FORMATION NOTICE 10466. General Purpose.
North Salem, NY. e purpose of the candidate. e following Education in accordance with the
of such hearing will be for the vacancies are to be lled on the provisions of Sections 2035 and 27 Murray Hill Rd LLC,
Board to receive comments from Board of Education: 2038 of the Education Law, may Arts of Org. led with Sec. of
the public on the proposed 2019- be submitted for voting at such State of NY (SSNY) 12/4/2018.
2020 expenditure of funds and TERM/NAME OF LAST election, providing a Petition is Cty: Westchester. SSNY desig.
the budgeting thereof. INCUMBENT signed by at least twenty- ve
(25) quali ed voters, together DENTAL Insurance
AND FURTHER NOTICE ree (3) years, expiring June with the legal residence address Physicians Mutual Insurance Company
IS GIVEN, that a copy of the 30, 2022/Jennifer Binette of each; must be printed in the FREE
statement of the amount of English language; and is led A less expensive way to help Information Kit
money which will be required ree (3) years, expiring June with the Clerk of the District not get the dental care you deserve!
to fund the School District’s 30, 2022/Deborah D’Agostino later than thirty (30) days before
budget for 2019-2020, exclusive the Annual Election. However, CALL 1-855-225-1434
of public monies, and specifying ree (3) years, expiring June the Board of Education will NOW!
the several purposes and amount 30, 2022/Katherine Daniels not entertain any petition to
for each, may be obtained by any place a proposition before voters Get help paying dental bills and keep more money in 1-855-225-1434
resident in the District during the **** that is not within the power of your pocket
fourteen (14) days immediately AND FURTHER NOTICE the voters to determine, or any Visit us online at
preceding the Annual IS GIVEN, that voter proposition which fails to include This is real dental insurance — NOT just a discount plan
Meeting, OTHER THAN registration is ongoing in the a speci c appropriation where
A SATURDAY, SUNDAY o ce of the District Clerk, 230 the expenditures of monies is You can get coverage before your next checkup MB17-NM003Ec
OR HOLIDAY, at each of the June Road, North Salem, NY required by the proposition, or
following schoolhouses in which during regular business hours any proposition prohibited by Don’t wait! Call now and we’ll rush you a FREE
school is maintained, during the (8:00 a.m. - 4:00 p.m.). e last law. Information Kit with all the details.
hours designated: day to register to vote is ursday,
May 16, 2019. Any person AND NOTICE IS ALSO Insurance Policy P150NY
Pequenakonck Elementary shall be entitled to have his/her GIVEN, that applications for 6129
School, 173 June Road - 8:00 name placed upon such register absentee ballots for the election
a.m. to 4:00 p.m. provided that s/he personally of members of the Board of ABUSED by CLERGY
appears and is known or proved Education and for voting on the in NEW YORK?
North Salem Middle School/ to the satisfaction of the District annual school district budget
High School, 230 June Road - Clerk to be then and thereafter and proposition, in accordance NEW LAW! ACT NOW.
8:00 a.m. to 4:00 p.m. entitled to vote at the school with the provisions of Education
meeting/election for which this Law, Section 2018-a, may If you are a survivor of child sexual abuse, New York
North Salem District register is prepared. e Board law allows you to take action against the perpetrator
Administrative O ces, 230 June of Registration will also meet
during the foregoing election, in and institution that protected him or her.
Begin your journey of healing today. Contact us
Contact Us 646-493-1850 57 West 57th Street, 3rd Floor
North Salem News is located at Bailey Court, 334 Route 202, Unit C1S, Somers, NY 10589. New York, NY 10019
You can contact us at 914-302-5830 or email [email protected].
Page 24 – North Salem News Thursday, May 16, 2019
Kennedy Catholic
Somers, NY 10589
High School W W W W W W Somers, NY (914) 232-5061
continues to
rank among
the highest
in SAT scores
of all the
districts in
Data comes from
Kennedy Catholic’s
Class of 2018 compared to
the latest data from NYS
as of March 2019.
View scores at