Vol. 9 No. 2 Visit TapIntoSomers.net for the latest news. Thursday, April 18, 2019
Dominic Narcisco
Community grapples with death coaching for the
of phys ed teacher, coach Harvey School
in 2013.
BY JODI WEINBERGER Narcisco had worked for the Somers As a physical education teacher, Nar- PHOTO COURTESY OF THE HARVEY SCHOOL
EDITOR Central School District since 2006. cisco was trained in CPR, but he told e
Somers Record that it was the rst time he “Coach Dom was an invaluable member
Dominic Narcisco, a physical education “We know that Primrose and SCSD ever put his training to use. of our community, having impacted count-
teacher at Primrose Elementary School will never be the same without our beloved less Somers students as a teacher, coach and
and assistant football coach, died in his Dom,” Blanch said. On Twitter, the Somers football commu- friend,” Morrissey said. “His positivity and
sleep on Monday, according to the Somers nity remembered Narcisco as someone who joy for life had a profound in uence on
Central School District. A GoFundMe for Narcisco has been set always showed up for his family and team. those around him. He will be missed by
up by Somers Football and is available here: many in our community.”
“Dominic was the beloved father to gofundme.com/f/coach-dom-frankie-g “He taught us lessons we will never for-
Frankie and a devoted son, brother, broth- get,” @SomersFootball posted on Twitter.
er-in-law, uncle, cousin, friend, colleague In 2013, e Somers Record interviewed “Our hearts are aching. As most of you now
and coach,” Superintendent Dr. Raymond Narcisco when he saved the life of one of know, we lost an incredible man, part of our
Blanch said in an email to the school com- his basketball players at e Harvey School, family, Dom Narcisco. Dom was genuinely
munity. “We can only imagine your shock a private school in Katonah, who collapsed a special, loving person. He touched the
and grief at this news and that of the Nar- from sudden cardiac arrest. lives of so many people with his caring soul,
cisco family and we share your pain in this inspiring all to do their best.”
unimaginable tragedy.” Narcisco was the varsity head coach at
Harvey at the time and performed CPR Supervisor Rick Morrissey send condon-
on the student until paramedics arrived and lices to the Narcisco family.
eventually stabilized the teen.
Litter is no
match for these
Girl Scouts
Second graders from Primrose Elementary School in
Brownie Troop 2013 participated in the Keep Somers
Clean program. The girls got orange bags and gloves
from the library and met after school to pick up litter
from around the playground and ball fields where
they play and have plans to pick up litter in their own
neighborhoods after this experience. The troop is led by
Stephanie DiLeonardo and Kristen Quinn. Read more
about the town-wide cleanup on page 18.
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Thursday, April 18, 2019 The Somers Record – Page 3
Your Neighbor
Just call her ‘the warrior’
Against all odds, Debbie Kilmer defeats ‘unsurvivable’ form of cancer
BY BOB DUMAS the tumor,”Kilmer said. reached the ve-year mark—a point doctors Debbie Kilmer in a dress donated by
CONTRIBUTING EDITOR On May 31, 2014, Kilmer had almost half were doubtful she’d ever see. She had indeed Laura’s Boutique for her “celebration
moved the decimal point. of life” fundraiser at Villa Barone
Debbie Kilmer calls herself a warrior. It’s her liver removed, as well as her entire gall
hard to argue. e Mahopac native and bladder. “My next scan will be in about three weeks PHOTOS: TABITHA PEARSON MARSHALL
longtime Somers teacher has overcome in- and I will have made it to ve-year point.
surmountable odds to beat back a rare and “ e pathology report showed that I had Most people don’t make it that far,”she said. that was a long time in coming. e idea was
insidious form of cancer. intrahepatic cholangiocarcinoma—a rare not only to celebrate Kilmer’s victory over
cancer of the bile duct,” she said. “ ey have Kilmer grew up in Mahopac and gradu- the cholangiocarcinoma, but to raise money
Five years ago, Kilmer, the mother of two, no idea what causes it.” ated from Kennedy Catholic High School. for research and raise awareness of a disease
was taking classes in Krav Maga, (Israeli Her dad was a New York City re ghter that a ects only about 1,000 people a year.
street ghting self-defense). During a work- Late-stage cholangiocarcinoma, her doc- and her mother was a stay-at-home mom.
out, she felt something wasn’t right. tors told her, is not survivable. However, for She has one sister, Chrissy. “It was a celebration of life, instead of just
Kilmer, there was a slight glimmer of light at raising money for cancer,”she said.
“I was just 36 and I was very tired. I was the end of the tunnel. “I had a wonderful childhood, amazing
in training and Krav Maga was pretty hard- friends and all that good stu ,” she laughs. Still, they collected about $10,000.
core,” she said. “We had to jog, and it was “ e only way to live with it is if you have “I played softball and was kind of a tomboy. “It was the best night of my entire life,”she
almost impossible for me because I felt so a liver resection, which I did, but most of the said. “ e entire evening was magic. It was
weak, and my arms were going numb.” time it’s found too late,” she said. “When ey called me Roughhouse Rosie. I was such a vibe! Even the maître d’said he’d never
I had my symptoms, I ran to a doctor. But spunky and erce.” felt such light and life at an event that he ran.”
Kilmer decided to go for a physical, gur- most [people] don’t go until their eyes turn Kilmer said that throughout her entire or-
ing her GP would discover something rou- yellow and then it’s too late—not a single at spunk and erceness would serve her deal, she’s been open and honest about what
tine, like an iron de ciency. person survives it.” well in her battle against the cancer and she she was going through, even with her chil-
credits her father for passing those traits on dren. at, she said, made all the di erence
Her physician, Dr. Rajneesh Uppal in Jef- ey did catch Kilmer’s cancer relatively to her. in the world.
ferson Valley, told her that her liver enzymes early—stage 2B—and she had the liver re- “It was way beyond them,but I was always
were elevated, and she would need an ultra- section. Still, she faced an uphill battle with “My dad has always been my hero,” she honest with them,” she said. “ ere was no
sound. e ultrasound revealed a 9-centime- odds even the boldest gambler would shy said. “He used to come home with his face ‘Mommy has a boo-boo.’ ey didn’t know
ter tumor on her liver, which prompted an away from. covered in soot [from ghting a re].He was the odds were against me and they didn’t
immediate MRI. a hero and I hope that I can be one too.” need to know the saddest parts, but being
“At that point, statistically, I had just an an open book is the most important part be-
“ e next morning, I went to work and at 8.4 percent chance of being alive in ve Kilmer didn’t set out to be a teacher. In cause people can connect with you that way.
9:05 my phone rang,”Kilmer recalled.“ ey years,”she said.“But I said I would move the high school, she went to BOCES and got at’s my biggest takeaway from all this.”
told me to come in as soon as possible and to decimal point over one space to the right and her hairdresser’s license. As it turns out, Kilmer got her wish. She
bring a family member with me. ey said make it 84 percent. I said I have to start liv- got to be a hero after all.
the MRI showed a highly suspicious malig- ing life to the fullest. It was devastating be- “But I realized that was not what I wanted
nancy—cancer.” cause of my children, but I always remained to do; teaching was where I wanted to be,”
positive, which is what people say they ad- she said.“I wanted to work with kids.”
With the help of her friend and fellow mire about me.”
teacher, Kim Gordon, Kilmer discovered Dr. She got her degree from Mercy College
William Jarnagin at Sloan Kettering in New Kilmer went through six months of che- and landed her rst teaching job in New
York City.She called him one of the best on- motherapy. York City in 2001. She came to Somers in
cologists in the country. 2005 and has been there ever since.
“It was stage 2B and it did invade the vas-
“He told me I needed a liver resection; cular system, but I had clear lymph nodes,” She said her colleagues at school could not
part of the liver needed to be removed to get she said, “and the doctors thought [the che- have been more supportive.
mo] could kill that cancer.”
“ ey were amazing to me,” she said.
Since the chemotherapy “ ey collected money and came to visit
in 2014, Kilmer has re- and told me to take as many sick days as I
turned to the hospital ev- needed,” she said. “ ey started a meal train,
ery six months for a chest- taking turns bringing us food every day for
to-pelvis scan. ey’ve all about ve months.”
been 100 percent clear. In
a few months, she’ll have On March 16, Kilmer, her husband, Bri-
an, and her two children, Gage and Taylor,
held a celebration with friends and family
at Villa Barone Hilltop Manor in Mahopac
‘At that point, statistically, I had just an 8.4 percent chance of being alive in ve years.’
- Debbie Kilmer, Cancer Survivor
Kilmer (green dress) poses at the Villa Barone event with friends and family, from left, Wilson and Lisa Vataj;
Elizabeth Gard; her husband, Brian; her parents, Ray and Barbara Callanan; and Lisa Ripley
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Page 4 – The Somers Record ELEPHANT’S TRUNK Thursday, April 18, 2019
The Staff Somers Education Foundation SYSO sports symposium ers and scrap metal,such as shelving,fencing or
old barbecue grills.
EDITORIAL TEAM SEF ‘A Touch of Red’ SYSO volunteers (coaches, assistant coaches, A $5 donation per car for the Somers PTA
JODI WEINBERGER Save the Date for the Somers Education sport-speci c boards, team managers, etc) are Council is suggested. e 2019 Recycling Day
EDITOR: 914-302-5830
[email protected] Foundation event “A Touch of Red” honoring welcome and encouraged to attend Sunday, is sponsored by City Carting and Recycling.
GABRIELLE BILIK Anna Maggio,director of special services in the April 28,at 6 p.m.in the Somers Library Com- For more information, contact Michael Fio-
SPORTS EDITOR: 914-214-4285
Somers Central School District, County Leg- munity room. RSVP and share your questions/ rillo, 914-906-0120, m [email protected].
[email protected]
islator Mike Kaplowitz and Shirley Acevedo ideas in advance using bit.ly/2U0z17r. Somers Lions Club Carnival
LISA KAIN Buontempo, founder of Latino U College Ac- Putnam County SPCA Give
cess. e event is from 7-10 p.m. Friday, June 7,
[email protected] at the Anglebrook Golf Club. For more infor- Back Event at Chili’s e annual Somers Lions Club Carnival will
mation, visit sefny.org/red. be held from April 24-28 at Fireman’s Field,
914-202-2392 Harlem Wizards e Putnam County SPCA Give Back Route 202. Rides are open at 6 p.m. Wednes-
[email protected]
CORINNE STANTON M&T Bank and Somers Education Foun- Event at Chili’s from 4-11 p.m., April 24. Only day through Friday and 1 p.m. on Saturday and
[email protected] dation present the Harlem Wizards at 7 p.m. Somers Chili’s, 80 Rt. 6, Baldwin Place. e Sunday. Free parking and free admission.
914-334-6335 Friday, May 10, in the Somers High School Putnam County SPCA will receive 10 percent Tusker Trot
[email protected] gym.Come see your favorite teachers,adminis- of the event day sales. Mention you saw this
trators and sta play as the Somers WizBusters event in the Somers Record.
and challenge the Harlem Wizards.Tickets are Somers Recycling Day e inaugural Somers Tusker Trot 5K (run/
$15 and available in all of the district school walk) and 1M Kids’ Fun Run will be held on
NANCY SORBELLA o ces. ere are also courtside packages avail- April 27 at 294 Route 100 Somers (old IBM
[email protected] able for $50 and include front row seating, On April 20, from 9 a.m. to 2 p.m., the fth campus). All proceeds from this event will be
914-202-2941 event laynard, 10 minute meet and greet with annual Somers Recycling Day will be held donated to Somers SEPTA and the Primrose
[email protected]
2-3 players, a Wizards team photo, pizza, and at Somers Intermediate School, 240 Route PTA. Start time is 8:30 a.m. for the 1M Kids’
$10 o a souvenir Wizards jersey. 202. Residents of Somers can dispose of un- Fun Run and 9 a.m. for the 5K. Registration
Golf outing wanted electronic waste including key boards, fees are $35 for the 5K and $20 for the 1M
e Somers Education Foundation Golf monitors, cords, data cabling, TV’s and other Kids’ Fun Run. Online registration is strongly
TABITHA PEARSON MARSHALL Outing is 12:30 p.m. ursday, June 13, at the electronic devices. Small appliances like co ee encouraged and will be open through April 26.
DESIGNER/PHOTOGRAPHER Anglebrook Golf Club in Somers. For more makers, microwaves and blenders will be ac- SEE TRUNK PAGE 27
[email protected] information, visit sefny.org. cepted. Recyclables also include washers, dry-
H elp
914-214-4285 Every Some Let’s
[email protected] Day is Clean Clean
BRETT FREEMAN Day! Keep So mers Somers!
PUBLISHER: 845-208-8151
[email protected] OPERATION CLEAN-UP 2019 Upper School Day & Boarding Programs (5 and 7-day)
Middle School Day Program
SHELLEY KILCOYNE DATE: Easily reachable via railroad
Saturday, April 27, 2019
[email protected]
FOR MORE INFORMATION, •Pick up your orange garbage bags,
CALL JODI WEINBERGER AT gloves, safety vests, and pickers.
914-302-5830 OR EMAIL •Create a team of neighbors, friends,
[email protected]. or co-workers or go solo.
rs Litter a road or location in Somers
Subscribe Tas•Ck hoose
TO REQUEST THE SOMERS RECORD and start cleaning up the litter!
OR EMAIL [email protected]. •Take pictures of your cleaning efforts and post them On a picturesque coed campus, infused with nature,
on the Somers Litter Task Force Facebook page. Oakwood Friends School, guided by Quaker principles,
RESIDENTS AND BUSINESSES IN THE TOWN. prepares students for lives of achievement,
OUT OF TOWN MAIL SUBSCRIPTIONS ARE SAFETY: accomplishment, compassion and conscience.
PLEASE USE CAUTION WHEN Middle & Upper Schools Open Houses
PERIODICALS POSTAGE PAID AT •Always walk facing traffic when picking up litter. Student-led campus tours and meetings
SOMERS, NY AND AT •Wear brightly colored clothing (preferably neon) with faculty and Head of School
POSTMASTER: and use tick pre-cautions. Sat & Sun April 27 and 28 at Noon
•Leave the full orange garbage bags securely closed Sat & Sun May 4 and 5 at Noon
SEND ADDRESS CHANGES TO and on the side of the road for highway department
THE SOMERS RECORD AT Spackenkill Road, Poughkeepsie, NY
334 ROUTE 202, UNIT C1S
SOMERS, NY 10589
(ISSN 2330-1597) PRIZES: For more info or to join us, write or call:
PUBLISHED WEEKLY BY [email protected]
HALSTON MEDIA, LLC AT Free raffle chances for local business gift cards! (845) 462-4200
BAILEY COURT The following supporters have been instrumental in helping the Somers Litter Task Force continue Discover!
334 ROUTE 202, UNIT C1S to Keep Somers Clean and Beautiful: OakwoodFriends.org
SOMERS, NY 10589 Contact Somers Litter Task Force at:
©2018 HALSTON MEDIA, LLC [email protected] or call 914.486.0355.
Thursday, April 18, 2019 The Somers Record – Page 5
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Page 6 – The Somers Record Thursday, April 18, 2019
Town won’t rule on Reproductive Health Act
BY CAROL REIF abortions are very rare. Only 1.3 percent the governor declare that unborn babies standable that “many people have strong
CONTRIBUTING WRITER happen after the 21st week of pregnancy. can be aborted up to the day of birth.” feelings on the subject.”
Laws pertaining to abortion are not e law was signed on the 46th anni- Paraphrasing a famous quote from e “celebrations” referenced by speak-
things over which local municipalities versary of Roe v. Wade, the 1973 Supreme Edmund Burke, the 18th-century Irish ers on April 4 included the lighting in
such as Somers have direct in uence or Court decision supporting abortion rights. statesman and philosopher, Borreggine pink of the spire of One World Trade
power, the town’s supervisor said last week. urged the board to take a public stand, say- Center and other landmarks.
Roe v. Wade says states are allowed to ing: “All that is necessary for evil to suc-
Rick Morrissey expressed that opinion prohibit or regulate the procedure after ceed is for good men to do nothing.” Morrissey said he appreciated the “will-
in reaction to a request made by a group of 24-28 weeks, the accepted point of fetal ingness of the residents who took the time
Westchester and Putnam residents seek- viability. But they must make exceptions At the April 4 work session, Tom Gar- to come in and express views and opin-
ing the town’s support for the repeal of when the mother’s life or health are in rity noted, and fellow councilmen ap- ions” to the board.
the state’s new Reproductive Rights Act jeopardy. peared to agree, that more information
(RHA). was needed before the town could even However, the supervisor explained, he
Even if Roe v. Wade is ever struck down, consider constructing a resolution taking a felt it was “in the best interest of our com-
e law took e ect in January and al- it still will have been codi ed by the RHA, stand for, or against, the state law. munity to have a town government that is
lows the procedure before the end of, or up legal experts say. committed to focusing on public policies
to, 24 weeks of pregnancy if the woman’s After the board nished acting on regu- and legislative matters that impact our lo-
life or health is in jeopardy or if the fetus e Putnam County Legislature and lar agenda items on April 11, Morrissey, cal government operations.”
could not survive outside the womb. It also the Town of Carmel both recently passed reading from a statement, thanked “con-
eliminates criminal charges for harming a resolutions opposing the RHA. cerned citizens” for bringing the RHA is- “So I did want to make that comment in
fetus and expands the type of health care sue to the board’s attention. public,” he said.
providers who can perform abortion. Earlier this month, the group used the
public comment section of the board’s However, he said, “it’s apparent that this e meeting was concluded without
ird-trimester abortions, after 24 work session to make impassioned pleas is really a legislative matter” and does “not comment from other board members.
weeks, would be allowed under very nar- for the rights of the unborn and to ques- fall under the purview of local government
row circumstances. tion the de nition of a woman’s “health.” in New York.” It should be noted that the group made
its request during a public comment ses-
Statistics from the U.S. Center for Dis- Somers resident Gerald A. Borreggine Morrissey, who himself had been per- sion, and not as part of a public hearing.
ease Control (CDC) say that late-term told the board that he was not a politician plexed by what he called “celebrations”
or activist, “just a person who refuses to after the act’s passage, said it was under- ere were no pro-RHA folks at either
stand by while the state Legislature and the board’s April 4 work session or its
April 11 regular meeting.
e Somers Library is located at 82 Primrose St. Reg- Somers Library through donations. and up. Space is limited. Register online on the online
ister for programs at somerslibrary.org or by calling 914- Foodie Club for Teens ursdays, April 25 and May calendar on the library’s website or call.
232-5717. Programs are funded by the Friends of the
9 from 3:15-4:30 p.m. Join us at the Somers Library to Get Your Swag On- Join TAG! Tuesdays, May 14 and
make snacks and small meals that the group can enjoy June 11 from 3:15-4:30 p.m. Are you a teen or tween and
using the library sta kitchen. We will also be discussing a Somers resident? Would you like to make an impact on
and planning for the next meeting’s meal while we are
cooking! is program is for teens/tweens in grades 6th SEE LIBRARY PAGE 8
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Page 8 – The Somers Record Thursday, April 18, 2019
LIBRARY pastels and watercolor pencils! counselors in a private setting to Somers Library Non-Fiction mony and the evolution of mu-
Students will learn about the get information about: Book Club. Mondays, May 6, sic. is is a exible curriculum,
versatile ways each medium can • Medicare, Medicare Advan- June 10, July 8, Aug. 12, Sept. 9, and class interests and experi-
your library & your commu- create great e ects. No experi- tage, and Medigap supplement Oct. 7, Nov. 4 and Dec. 9 from ence will play a part in dictat-
nity? Join our Somers Library ence required - join us and have plans 6:30-8:30 p.m. No mysteries, no ing our direction. is program
TAG! TAG members will have fun! Inspirational music will • Part D prescription drug love stories, no elves, no schools is designed for teens and adults.
an opportunity to work with the accompany your creative jour- coverage for magic (not that there’s any- You do not need a knowledge of
library to gain volunteer hours ney. Suggested Supplies List: • Medicare savings plans for thing wrong with them!). We music to attend this class - only a
while developing leadership Multi-media paper - 98 lb or low-income seniors will be concentrating on history, desire to learn!
skills. Food will be provided. is higher, Water cup, Soft brush, • Financial bene t programs biography, technology, astron- Genealogy Workshop for
program is for teens / tweens in Pencil, Eraser, Water-soluble oil such as Home Energy Assis- omy, computers and science. In Beginners. Have you ever won-
grades 6th and up. Space is lim- Pastels - Portfolio, AND/OR, tance Program (HEAP), food the future, members will choose dered who your ancestors were?
ited. Water-soluble pencils (Fantasia, stamps (SNAP) the books to be read. For the Do you wonder if you have fam-
Winter/Spring Anime/Man- Staedtler, Intense (Derwent). You will be able to meet with May meeting, we will discuss ily members you weren’t aware
ga Club. Wednesdays, from ere is a $30 fee to be paid trained counselors in a private e Wordy Shipmates by Sarah you had? Come to this workshop
3:15-4:30 p.m. on the following on the rst day of class. Make setting. No appointment is nec- Vowell. Cookies will be served. to discover your past and build
dates: April 17, 24, May 1, 8, 15, checks out to Judika Lieberman. essary. Space is limited to 15; please your own family tree! Topics cov-
22, and 29. Join us to watch an- Registration is required. If you can’t visit the library in register on our online calendar ered will be: How to get started,
ime from Crunchyroll on our big Senior Benefits Informa- person, you can leave a message at somerslibrary.org or call 914- keep track and organize; Family
screen TV and to hang out with tion Center. Every Wednesday, on the SBIC helpline at 914- 232-5717. stories and traditions; Charts and
friends. is program is for teens 10 a.m. - 1 p.m. Senior Bene ts 231-3260 or email us at SBIC@ Mondays Writers Work- software programs; Collecting
entering 7th grade and up. is Information Centers (SBICs) wlsmail.org with your name, shop. Mondays, April 22, 29; vital records; Online resources
program is for teens entering 7th help older adults 60 and over number, a time to call between 9 May 6, 13, 20; June 3, 10, 17, (including library resources, An-
grade and up! Register on our and those caring for the elderly a.m.—5 p.m. and whether your 1-2:30 p.m. If there is a book cestry.com, etc.), census, probate
online calendar at www.somer- achieve a better understand- interest is in Medicare services or in you, a memoir, a ctional re- records and newspapers. Up-
slibrary.org. ing of Medicare health plans other bene ts. A counselor will counting of a time in your life coming Presentations: Geneal-
Spring Into Art. Mondays, and prescription drug coverage. return your call within two busi- or an historical tome, there is ogy Workshop Beyond Beginner
April 29 and May 6 10:30 a.m. Information is provided about ness days. SBIC will not meet no greater time to preserve your May 4 from 11-12:30 p.m. and
- 12:30 p.m. Experiment mak- di erent types of government on days the Somers schools are written words in a class with Beyond Beginner Genealogy
ing art using water-soluble oil programs. Meet with trained closed due to snow. other students who are explor- June 15 from 11-12:30 p.m.
ing an idea, a work in progress, Fact or Fake: Exploring
Welcome To The or a chapter in their life. Bring the Role of Media in Politics.
your ideas, pen and paper (or ursday, April 25, 7-8:30 p.m.
AMERICAN Olympic Family Restaurant GREEK laptop) so that within a few Facebook, Twitter, CNN, Fox,
short weeks you will have devel- newspapers, podcasts, blogs...
oped the strategies to become a are you mesmerized or over-
BREAKFAST • LUNCH • DINNER lifelong writer. People of all skill whelmed by the variety and the
DINRONEOFAEARLSSATSTMPELEEBRCGIAL levels are welcome. Space is lim- volume? Come to this interactive
NEWDAILY SPECIALS MADE TO ORDER ited, so register early! workshop to discuss the state of
ALL LUNCH & DINNER SPECIALS INCLUDE DESSERT & COFFEE TED TALK: Upcoming Top- media in the current political
ics are: May 2, Business, Global- environment. roughout the
BREAKFAST NEW ization and Leadership. June 6, 90 minute workshop, presenta-
COMBINATION Human Relations, Enhancing tion and group discussion topics
Personal and Professional Rela- will include media biases, spot-
SPECIALS DELICTIRBOYRUEOSAUDERASTER tionships. ting fake news, di erent ways
How Music Works. Satur- to access news and the bene ts
day April 13, 1-2:30 p.m. How of a comprehensive media diet.
LITE Music Works is a two-part dis- Moreover, we will discuss how
NEW cussion for music fans and be- technology has in uenced the
ginning musicians who wish to changing political environment
SERVED 11A-3P DAILY understand the components of like never before! Developed
SERVED EVERYDAY 7-11AM 2 EGGS (ANY STYLE), SENIOR music and how these compo- and sponsored by the League of
nents t together. Discussed will Women Voters, this non-parti-
LUNCH NEW CITIZENS be: basics of chords and chord san workshop encourages all ages
NEW progressions, melody and har- and backgrounds to participate.
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Thursday, April 18, 2019 The Somers Record – Page 9
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the highest
in SAT scores
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as of March 2019.
View scores at
Page 10 – The Somers Record Thursday, April 18, 2019
Happily Opinion
e case for vaccines Curtain call
Once again we are ght- THE Am I the only person left JUST drink numerous cups of tea, as
ing enlightenment with SEASONED on the face of the earth JO ANN there is no time to sit and eat.
ignorance. Great strides CITIZEN who changes curtains I’m a woman on a mission.
have been made in eradicating with the seasons? I don’t think
ADRIENNE Now this may all sound like
many childhood diseases. Our KAVELLE so, but that’s what my husband JO ANN I’m complaining, but I assure
country was virtually free of would have me believe. you that I love the process
whooping cough, chickenpox, It’s always around this time and enjoy seeing the house
polio, tuberculosis, measles, of year that the “lighter-in- transform with the change of
mumps, and many other diseases weight” and “lighter-in-color” the seasons. It means that the
that devastated children and adults alike…and then we lowered curtains come out of storage; and on more than weather is changing and this time of year I look
our standards. one occasion, my husband has asked me why I forward to looking out at my lovely landscape
We began allowing children to enter public schools without be- want to change the curtains. “Don’t you like the through clean windows.
ing inoculated. We also invited people to enter the United States ones that are there now?” he’ll ask. When I was rst married, I worked next to
without checking to see if they carried communicable diseases. “Yes, I love them, but they’re too heavy for another newlywed who told me that she had
I welcome all immigrants who abide by our laws; I also respect spring and summer; and don’t worry, I’m not summer and winter sheets and changed them out
everyone’s right to express his/her beliefs, but if they do not wish going to ask you to help me. I can handle it with the seasons. at seemed a bit much to me,
to inoculate their children they should home school them or create myself.” I’m sure that if he knew what the whole but curtains are a di erent story.
private education with other anti-vaxxers. day entailed, he wouldn’t even want me to do it! I also vacuum each room and give it a quick
When we bend over backwards to try and please everyone we So now that you know that I don’t pull my dusting before I store the iron and ironing board.
are bound to fall on our keisters… and so we have, vis a vis, the husband away from golf to climb a ladder to take en, having nished my work, I give my hus-
measles outbreak in Rockland and other counties. down the winter curtains and then install the band a call and ask him to pick up a pizza and
ere have always been “naysayers” but the emergence of so spring curtains, let me tell you what I do. I wait two salads. After all, how can I be expected to
called “social media” has made it easier for people to air their half- till I hear the garage door close before I take out make dinner after a day like that?
truths and frighten the public. e misinformation disseminated the ironing board to press each of the panels for About an hour later, I hear the garage door rise
by the internet has increased anti-vaccine believers not only for every room. I then climb on a stepstool, take and in walks hubby with a steaming hot pizza and
religious reasons but because they take for gospel everything they down the existing curtains, take them outside to crisp salads; a guilty pleasure well earned, I think.
read on the net. shake out the dust of the last six months, fold After we eat, clean up the paper plates and napkins
I remember the panic parents went through every summer them and hang them back in the closet. I then and throw out the pizza box, it’s time to watch the
trying to protect their children from ‘infantile paralysis’ (polio). I get out the cleaning supplies and a bolt of paper news in the den. As my husband takes his seat in
can still see us, my mother, father, grandparents, sister, and I lin- towels and wash each window top to bottom and his favorite chair and I stretch out on the sofa, he
ing up in our living room while our physician inoculated us with in and out; then I hang the new curtains. usually takes a deep breath in and looks around.
Dr. Salk’s miraculous vaccine. Science had freed the world from I continue this process through each room “Wow, this room looks great! Why does it
another devastating scourge. until I’m ready to drop. I usually make sure my look di erent?”
I like to think of the 20th century as a dress rehearsal for the “oldies tapes” are playing in the background for “I changed the curtains,” I say.
21st. Albert Einstein expounding his theories; atomic energy used motivation; and every few hours I open the back “Oh, that’s all?” he asks.
for good instead of destruction; men walking on the moon; reach- door so that my pups, Coco, can get some fresh “Yep, that’s all.”
ing farther than ever before into realms of the universe. Robotics air – otherwise she knows to stay clear of me.
and computers both took their rst baby steps and brought us into is is also the day I pick at the fruit bowl and [email protected]
the electronic age. We are on the threshold of understanding more
than Copernicus, Voltaire, and Leonardo ever dreamt of. Fun Facts In Shakespeare’s time, mattresses were secured on
by Jo Ann bed frames by ropes. When you pulled on the ropes,
With science leading the way to a really brave new world the the mattress tightened, making the bed firmer to sleep
question is not should vaccines be used, but rather how many on. Hence the phrase, “Good night, sleep tight.”
diseases can be eradicated and lives saved by using them.
For those opposed I have an assignment: look up the de nition
of “iron lung.”
BRETT FREEMAN, PUBLISHER BAILEY COURT, 334 ROUTE 202, UNIT C1S Letters to the editor and op-ed submissions may be edited.
JODI WEINBERGER, EDITOR SOMERS, NY 10589 The views and opinions expressed in letters and op-eds are
TABITHA PEARSON MARSHALL, PRODUCTION MANAGER not necessarily those of The Somers Record or its affiliates.
Editorial Office: 914-302-5830 ©2018 HALSTON MEDIA, LLC Submissions must include a phone number and address for
Fax: 914-617-8508
[email protected] verification. Not all letters and op-eds will necessarily be
published. Letters and op-eds which cannot be verified or are
anonymous will not be published. Please send your submissions
to the editor by e-mail at [email protected].
For more information, call the editor at 914-302-5628
Thursday, April 18, 2019 The Somers Record – Page 11
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Page 12 – The Somers Record OPINION Thursday, April 18, 2019
rown away in the USA Takin’ a
It’s not even Earth Day day yet, and we MAN Great Britain generates enough plastic waste
already have a problem. You may not believe OVERBOARD each year to ll 10,000 Olympic-sized swim- WHATWAS
this, but China is refusing our refuse. ey’re RICK ming pools. Which gives me a great idea to get I THINKING?
not going to put up with our garbage anymore, MELÉN rid of it, as long as they don’t need to send any
and it’s causing a lot of problems. ey used to swimmers to the Olympics. RUTHANN
love our garbage. We would buy a crappy plastic SCHEFFER
I’m guessing that much of this plastic is only
Sometimes life gets a stran-
thing that said “Made in China” on it, and we’d used to wrap something else, so it starts out as glehold on you and you
need to physically get away.
use it for a while, and eventually it would break, waste and doesn’t really have any lofty ambitions Oh, yes, those problems/issues
will still be there when you return,
or we’d get sick of it. Should we give it to some- to be anything else. And I’m further guessing but somehow the batteries are
recharged, your mind feels lighter
body else? Nah, giving a crappy plastic thing to somebody else just that some of the material in that category is plastic that still con- and you’re in a better place. So, it
was with me this past week.
makes us look cheap. Even the needy didn’t need it. So, we’d just tains something that I ordered from Amazon but couldn’t open. I
I wrote this column while visit-
throw it into the recycling bin, and a few months later it would looked all over for a little tab on it somewhere that says, “OPEN ing Matt and Helen in Florida.
Matt took the week o so he and
arrive in China in a bag that said “Made in USA” on it, and they HERE,” or a perforation or even a picture of a little pair of scissors I had great quality time. When
Helen came home from work,
would melt it down and make that same crappy plastic thing out that says “YOU deal with it.” Even with a pair of scissors I end we’d have a nice dinner and con-
tinue our catching up, watch the
of it again, in a di erent color, and stamp “Made in China” back on up cutting myself three times, once with each scissor in the pair Miami Heat or Yankees.
it. I call it a “vicious recycle.” and once with the plastic itself, which turns out to be sharper than I was especially thankful to be
here because Matt had his rst
I’m not just trash talking. China’s manufacturing boom of I thought when cut with a pair of scissors. ere is nothing that stress test after having a stent
inserted a few months ago. He
the last few decades was built upon the availability of cheap raw would allow me to gain entry to this product. So, who could blame “aced” the test and will get the
results early next week. He looks
materials, otherwise known as America’s biggest export: garbage. me if I just lob the whole thing into the recycling bin in despair? healthy and feels good. I pray all
will be well.
Because we run a trade de cit relative to China, shipping compa- We’re now trying to nd other countries to take our garbage,
e other morning, it was
nies that imported millions of tons of their products to American because one country’s treasure is another country’s trash. So far sunny, breezy and on the cool
side. I took my mug of co ee
shores had plenty of room on the way back. And they lled every nobody wants our treasure. Should we put an ad on Craigslist? and went out on the front deck;
Matt was replacing headlamp
empty space with plastic, much like the Kardashians did. And now “Free to a good home: 400,000 tons of plastic containers, about and brake lights in Helen’s truck
and I sat down in a comfy chair,
China has too much plastic and they don’t want ours, so recycling 250,000 tons of which is uneaten Chinese food.” Should we send put my feet up and enjoyed the
sun and the little back-and-forth
managers are down in the dumps these days. Crap is piling up SEE MELEN PAGE 16 chats with my son. Resident
everywhere, and it’s beginning to look like my o ce. I read that doggies Doak and Bruce Wayne
were asleep at my feet—some
Have Your A/C System security detail! At one point,
Inspected Early Matt went indoors and suddenly
I was listening to the Eagles’
It’s Time To Check Your A/C System Before Warm Weather Arrives! playlist from the speakers on the
deck. ey are my favorite group
Call Early To Schedule For The Appointment Of Your Choice! and for those 2 hours, all was
right with the world and I really
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A/C Preventative Maintenance One evening we had dinner
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Call Early and Schedule Your Maintenance on their lanai. Eats were deli-
Before the Warm Weather Arrives! cious and there were tons of jokes
845-628-2580 www.bellhvac.com and laughter. is couple are very
close to Matt and Helen; I’ve
known them for years and they
are part of my family.
So, my friends, I return to
Somers feeling more positive
and with a lighter heart. With
help, blessings and good wishes
from my loved ones at home and
Florida, I go full speed ahead and
grab my life by the tail and make
decisions and choices to move
forward. is should be one
heckuva ride! All good thoughts
are welcome!
Thursday, April 18, 2019 The Somers Record – Page 13
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Page 14 – The Somers Record OPINION Thursday, April 18, 2019
How important is the name of the college?
Dear Dr. Linda, have an advantage over her peers Dear Mom and Dad, her education, she’ll do well in
any school. Will she get a better
My daughter has very high ex- when it’s time to apply for a job. e fact is that for most stu- job and earn more money if she STRONG
attends a prestigious school? LEARNING
pectations. She’s entering senior She’s quite smart, but we’re not dents, what you do at college and It all depends on the situation.
year and when you ask her what sure she’ll necessarily get into a after college matters much more e research does not say that a SILBERT
high-level college will necessarily
she wants to be she doesn’t say top school. e competition is than the name of the college you help you get a better job and earn they apply for a job, their creden-
more. It’s all up to the individual. tials will outweigh other appli-
doctor, teacher, lawyer, accoun- pretty sti . How do we help her attend. is is backed by much cants because of the work experi-
Years ago, one of my students ence. Also, students who work on
tant. She talks about saving the accept the fact that she might research. If your daughter, or any went to American University in special projects or research during
Washington D.C. During his college, also have an advantage
world. She’s believes if she goes not get into one of the best col- other student, has high goals, has years at American, he worked at a over the student who simply
prestigious law rm, also in D.C. attends classes, no matter what
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Store Hours: Mon | Tues | Wed | Fri: 9AM-6PM, Thurs: 9AM-8PM, Sat: 9AM-5PM, Sun: Closed moral of the story is what you do Dr. Linda
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The Schoolhouse Theater & Arts Center LETTERS
The Color of Light Slow down around town
April 4th-28th To the editor: relate, my grandpa has an issue
My name is Dennis Persico on the cars on my road, Ma-
An Extraordinary New Play hopac Avenue. Cars were going
by Jesse Kornbluth and I am in BSA Troop 228 too fast, some cars were going
Starring Tim Jerome Somers. I have recently read over 60 miles per hour! What
an article published by Carol makes it worse is that there is a
TIX: SchoolhouseTheater.org Reif about a resident demand- lot of kids on my road, just like
ing safer driving on Brick Hill Brick Hill Road. My Grandpa
(914) 277-8477 | 3 Owens RD. Croton Falls, NY | [email protected] Road. I wanted to give my in- complained about this issue to
sight on this important issue. the town sheri and they put a
speedometer on my road for a
I have had some experi- while. is speedometer really
ences with Brick Hill Road. In helped slow the speed down
my opinion, I think that a lot and two people got tickets from
of cars in Somers are driving it. I understand that the town
too fast. I think that the worst put that same speedometer on
roads are Mahopac Avenue Brick Hill Road, which I think
and, as mentioned, Brick Hill is a great move by the town!
Road. is road has a lot of
twists and turns that are very I found this issue very inter-
dangerous to speed on, espe- esting to learn about and hope-
cially with a lot of children who fully the community can work
live on that road. I wouldn’t together to decrease the amount
blame the woman in the article, of accidents in our town.
named Gio Biziack, who com-
plained for her 4-year-old son Dennis Persico
who likes to play outside. To
Thursday, April 18, 2019 The Somers Record – Page 15
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Page 16 – The Somers Record OPINION Thursday, April 18, 2019
When in Rome, do like MELEN
the Ro-moms do
Iwouldn’t say I’m a slave to LOST IN “down there” signi cantly larger
fashion, but I do like to fol- SUBURBIA and saggier than it had been it into space? If we wait around long enough we’ll eventually
low some of the trends each before, not that there’s anything be running a trade de cit with Uranus, and we can send it
season. I usually get just a few wrong with that and we should all there for cheap. What we don’t want it to do is end up in the
ocean. Microplastics have been found in seagulls and whales,
pieces that ultimately look more TRACY be proud of the fact that every- which means that it is nding its way back into our food sup-
BECKERMAN thing “down there” played a big ply, and that’s why I don’t eat whales and seagulls anymore.
age appropriate on my daughter
China will take some of our plastic, but it has to be exactly
than me, but I get them anyway role in helping our bodies create the kind they need, so we are inventing robots to sort our
recycling. A robot can do it faster and more e ciently. Plus, a
and I’m happy I did, even if I do life. But that doesn’t mean I want robot doesn’t say, “Wow, I can’t believe someone would throw
THIS out!” And then stu it in their pocket.
look like an idiot. to parade it around in a pair of
Another thing we need to do is simply generate less plastic.
So, imagine my dismay when I found out that tight skinny jeans. Sadly, the mom jeans concept My wife tells me that they’re not using plastic bags at the
supermarket anymore, so if I buy a dozen watermelons I have
two of the big looks this spring are… back red and between the high waist, roomy seat, to take them each out to the car separately. But, I’ll do it to
save the planet, you can thank me later.
…wait for it… and tight ankles, they created the impression that
If YOU want to help do something for Earth Day, you can
Mom Jeans with Dad Sneakers. the thing that had gotten larger was even larger help by recycling your metal items, even your old recycling-
sorting robots. On Saturday, April 20, my friends Margaret and
Apparently, I was already cool without even trying. than it actually was. ink bowling pin with boobs. Judy, along with Mike from City Carting will be hosting their
annual metal and electronic waste recycling drive at the Somers
But while mom jeans and dad sneakers do Since my gure has not changed dramatically Intermediate School. I’ll be there to help, along with Gidget,
the World’s Most Prettiest Dog. Bring us your scrap metal,
somehow look cute on tiny, 19-year-old Instagram since I had kids, I didn’t think it was likely that the your ancient electronics, your old appliances, yearning to be free,
and a ve-dollar bill that will also be recycled to help bene t
models, on a 53-year-old mom they look like… mom jeans would be any more attering on me important programs supported by the PTA Council.
mom jeans with dad sneakers. than they had been 20 years ago. In the meantime, let’s gure out what to do with all that
waste, because the Earth is su ering. I was in a greenhouse re-
For the past 10 years, I’ve had to shoehorn my Sadly, there is nothing in between skinny jeans cently and I feared for my life. ere were plants everywhere,
giving o those greenhouse gases. I had a teacher in Middle
mom body into skinny jeans with low waists that and mom jeans, which they have thinly disguised School once who told me point blank that he wasn’t going
to take any more of my garbage. I could certainly under-
only someone who was never a mother could love. until recently by calling them High-Waisted Jeans. stand that, but that did not prevent me from producing more
at being the case, you’d think I’d be overjoyed So, when the fashion industry doubled-down on
Say hello at: [email protected]
that mom jeans were making a comeback. But the the mom jeans, I gured I had nothing to lose by
problem with mom jeans, on a mom, is they make giving the new version a try.
your butt look so big you can nd it on Google I took myself o to the department store and
Maps. Pairing these with the same sneakers that grabbed a bunch of mom jeans and headed to the
dads wear with white tube socks and khaki shorts dressing room.
while they grill burgers and say things like, “Do you “ ese will de nitely give you a leaner, longer
do that Facegram thing?” really does nothing to look,” exclaimed the salesgirl who happened to
help the overall look. already be long and lean.
Mom jeans were originally invented to help SEE BECKERMAN PAGE 17
conceal the fact that childbirth had left everything
Reserve Today for April Dinner Event
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Thursday, April 18, 2019 OPINION The Somers Record – Page 17
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BECKERMAN that nothing had changed since the ‘90s, except 100 Buckshollow Road
the cost, and they were just as un attering as I Mahopac, NY 10541 • 845-628-8110
FROM PAGE 16 remembered.
“Why, do they come with liposuction?” I won- ey were, in fact, so ugly, that the only thing Monday-Friday 7:30 AM - 4:00 PM
dered. I could think of that were more unattractive on a
mom body than mom jeans were Harem Pants. Saturday 7:30 AM - 1:00 PM
“I don’t get it,” she said.
“Wait a few years,” I assured her. Which are also a fashion trend this spring.
Back in the dressing room, I tried on one pair
after another, each costing more than a plane For more Lost in Suburbia, follow Tracy on Facebook at
ticket to Tahiti. With each one, I was con dent https://www.facebook.com/LostinSuburbiaFanPage
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Page 18 – The Somers Record Thursday, April 18, 2019
Keep Somers Zaberto replaces Corning
clean on Planning Board
e following is from Supervisor Rick Morrissey and Suzy Moravick, BY CAROL REIF “It is a lot of work,” Mor-
president of the Somers Litter Task Force CONTRIBUTING WRITER
rissey agreed, “but I think he’s
On behalf of the Town of Somers and the Somers Litter Task Chris Zaberto, a member of
Force, we are requesting that all residents and businesses in Somers the Somers Energy Environ- up for it.”
participate in the Annual Somers Spring Town-Wide Litter Clean ment Committee (SEEC), is
Up days. As you know, litter on our roadsides in Somers continues stepping in to ll the remain- “We’ve watched him on the
to plague us and without the help of our local residents and busi- der of a seven-year term on the
nesses and volunteers, the litter would be insurmountable. Planning Board left vacant by Somers Energy Environment
Jan Corning.
We are reaching out to you now, as the Annual Spring Town- Committee and he’s been an
Wide Litter Clean Up has begun and runs through June 1. We un- e all-volunteer SEEC, a
derstand that your time is valuable, so we are asking for everyone to tireless advocate for sustain- active member of the task
just start by cleaning up your property’s road frontage and if safe, ability, was credited with help-
help clean up the area across the road from your property, as well. ing Somers snag a Westchester force.”
If you are physically able and would like to venture beyond your County Eco Award last year.
property road frontage, please feel free to choose your favorite road Councilman Richard
or the road on your commute or just any road that is in dire need Zaberto, a retired NYPD
of cleaning. detective and aviation industry Clinchy added to that: “He’s
security specialist, was unani-
Be very careful when cleaning roadside litter. Be sure to always mously selected by the board at been involved in stu , which
face tra c and never turn your back to oncoming cars. If you do its work session, ursday, April 4.
not have a safety vest, wear brightly colored clothing, so you can be is important. He knows things.
seen by drivers. “Congratulations, Chris,” said Supervisor Rick
Morrissey. He can step right in.”
If you have any questions or concerns, email supervisor@somers
ny.com or call the town at 914-277-3637. “I think, it’s a lot of work, Chris” chimed in “It’s a very important posi-
Councilman Anthony Cirieco, joking.
tion, we all know,” Clinchy said.
“Too true,” Morrissey re-
Before she left, Corning
had some words of advice for
her successor: listen to what people are saying,
whether they be the folks who run and advise the
town, developers, or ordinary Joes.
All are great sources of knowledge and experi-
ence, she had said.
APRIL achSietuvdeemnetnts
IS e Harvey School in Katonah has announced the names
of the students who have earned academic honors for the -
MONTH nal marking period of the winter term. Several area residents
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higher (Cavalier Scholar), a GPA of 3.7 or higher (Head’s List),
or a GPA of 3.3 (Honor Roll):
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Ryan Piken, grade 11, Baldwin Place, Honor Roll
e Harvey School is an independent coeducational college-
preparatory school for students in grades six through 12.
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Thursday, April 18, 2019 The Somers Record – Page 19
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Page 22 – The Somers Record Thursday, April 18, 2019
Eight unvaccinated children contract measles in Westchester
BY BRIAN MARSCHHAUSER released, said Dr. Sherlita Am- “I really can’t stress enough about 10 to 12 days after expo- contain the spread of the virus.
ler, Westchester County health that vaccination is the key to sure, Amler said. It comes with “It is not the authority of the
commissioner. stopping any measles outbreak,” a fever between 103 and 105 general government, county ex-
Eight children in Westchester Other than encouraging resi- Amler said. “When people degrees, cough, runny nose, red- ecutive or legislators to make
County have contracted measles, dents to vaccinate themselves choose not to be vaccinated, dening of eyes or conjunctivitis, those declarations, and I think
County Executive George Lat- or their children, Westchester measles returns, and outbreaks and a rash in the form of small that is as it should be,” Latimer
imer announced Wednesday, County is not taking any action occur.” raised red dots. e rash, which said. “ is is a matter where sci-
April 10. at this time, Latimer said. If people are unsure of their can last ve to six days, usu- ence triumphs over political sci-
e children, who are between “I’m concerned but I’m not at vaccination history, Amler said, ally begins on the hairline and ence. is is a matter of science
the ages of six months and 14 a point of crisis mobilization,” they should contact their health moves down. and medicine and what is the
years old, hail from Bedford and Latimer said. “When [eight] department or the last school Because measles is an airborne right thing to do to protect the
Mount Kisco. None of them cases become signi cantly more they attended. Amler said two virus, Amler said, residents who public health. We all have our
attend public schools, Latimer than that, then we will use the MMR vaccine doses, given at think they have contracted it individual rights guaranteed to
said. authority of government. We least 28 days apart, are most ef- should not make unannounced us under the Constitution. ose
Latimer said the children may will use it prudently, we will use fective. appearances at their health care personal rights, however, at some
have been exposed to the virus it with restraint, but we will use According to the Centers for provider. She said people should point in time cross over and im-
while attending family events in it to protect the public health of Disease Control and Prevention, call ahead and make arrange- pact the rights of others. When
Rockland County and Brooklyn. Westchester people. We are not two MMR doses are 97 percent ments. that happens, then the public
Six of the children are siblings. at that point today.” e ective while one dose is 93 “It lasts in the air for hours af- health always has to be put at
“ e Westchester County De- e Westchester County percent e ective. ter that person leaves the room,” the highest premium.”
partment of Health is working Health Department provides “When in doubt, my advice Amler said. “So, we don’t want Despite people’s religious or
with the families and health care the MMR (measles, mumps and to the public is: Get a vaccine,” people going into medical fa- philosophical objections to vac-
providers to identify the locations rubella) vaccine to residents free Amler said. “Get the MMR. It’s cilities and potentially exposing cinations, Latimer said, the sci-
where the children may have ex- of charge at its clinics in Yon- not harmful to receive additional others.” ence is clear.
posed others,” Latimer said. kers and White Plains (more doses of this vaccine. And it’s Latimer said it would be un- “Science tells us today that the
Two of the children were hos- information is available on the better to be safe than sorry.” der Amler’s authority to declare vaccine does not cause autism,
pitalized but have since been county’s website). Symptoms of measles appear any county-wide measures to it does not cause learning dis-
ability. It protects your child,”
Latimer said. “ ere are people
who believe otherwise, but we’re
working o of what the scien-
ti c community and the medical
community tells us. And we be-
lieve that that is an accurate and
true statement.”
Latimer said people who have
been vaccinated need not worry
about contracting the virus.
“I don’t think there should be
any basis for mass panic if you
know that your child is immu-
nized,” Latimer said.
However, Amler said, there are
“vulnerable populations,” such as
children under 1, who may be
unvaccinated. Children older
than 6 months but younger than
1 year old may be able to receive
a vaccination, but Amler recom-
mends families in that situation
speak with their physicians.
In neighboring Rockland
Add Value County, there are 184 con rmed
cases of measles as of April 12.
e majority of patients (81
to Your Home percent) are con rmed to have
had zero MMR vaccine doses.
e vaccination status of 11.4
percent of patients is unknown.
When we’re done, there is nothing left to do. e remainder of the patients
have either received one MMR
dose (4.3 percent) or two MMR
doses (3.3 percent).
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Thursday, April 18, 2019 The Somers Record – Page 23
Trout season kicks
off with stocking
of local lakes
On Tuesday, March 26, some dozen volunteers gathered outside the Brewster rehouse, PHOTO: TABITHA PEARSON MARSHALL
their mission, on behalf of the Department of Environmental Conservation, was to disperse
4,300 sh into reservoirs located throughout the area. Led by George Knoechel, of Lake Somers High School PTSA - Class of 2020
Carmel, the crew began their three-hour trip starting after noon, driving alongside a DEC Proudly Serves Up
The SHS 1st Annual
sh transport truck.
Stop one was East Branch Reservoir, where volunteers quickly set to work loading buckets ACARSHOWE,XFTOROADVATGRAUNCZKA&SHOPPING
from the DEC truck and hauling them to the water. Croton River received the rst intake, April28,2019
followed by more two stops a short time later when river temperature was also measured. A
stop in Somers pumped sh from the truck into the river. Volunteers then went up to Route
22’s bridge over Croton, where the DEC truck ejected trout into the water below. Each stop
on East Branch received 320 8- to 9-inch rainbow trout and 60 15- to 17-inch brown trout.
Knoechel next led the team to a great pond in Southeast, on the edge of a neighborhood
cul-de-sac. Under its oak trees, volunteers took turns bringing trout to the pond. Finally, the
crew went to the outlet of Boyd Corners reservoir near the Clearpool summer camp, and after
more bucket dumping had concluded the day’s work.
Sanitation was practiced by the team—dropped buckets were sprayed and washed, the sh
hatchery’s trout loader wore gloves to prevent contamination, and dumpers took buckets by
the handle in order to keep sh free from human germs.
Another stocking was performed on ursday, March 28, when Croton River received four
in uxes of 150 rainbow trout and 310 brown trout, followed by 400 rainbow and 300 brown
below the diverting reservoir. West Branch received 580 brown trout at the outlet to Croton
Falls Reservoir; arriving at the reservoir site, a nal 2,220 brown trout were added to the water
system, for a day’s total of 5,340 sh.
Knoechel expected more than 9,600 sh to be added to the waterbodies during the two
March trips, and roughly 30,000 by the DEC throughout the entire season.
Fishing season began April 1 for recreationalists with a city DEP permit. Citizens 18 or
older who need one can email https://tinyurl.com/y2zh9hlt to instantly apply for a watershed
access permit. Residents without an email may request a water access permit application at the
town clerk’s o ce and mail it to Access Permits, 71 Smith Ave., Kingston, NY, 12401. Expect
around two weeks for processing.
Article courtesy of James Carmody, resource engineer student
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Page 24 – The Somers Record SCHOOLS & CAMPS Thursday, April 18, 2019
Fur or fleece, the patients benefit
Inspired by a therapy dog, teens make blankets for the Dialysis Clinic in Yorktown
Mike Jones and his therapy dog Sunny Boy make frequent trips to the Dialysis Clinic in Yorktown Heights to provide comfort for patients going through treatment. Taking
the lead from the pup, teens at the Somers Library recently made eece blankets for the patients and adorned them with encouraging phrases. Sunny Boy was at the library to
oversee the work and helped the teens present the blankets to representatives from the Yorktown Dialysis Center.
Justin Hidalgo, 12, and teen librarian Marie Pierre Blankets donated
measure the fabric. to the Dialysis
Clinic, Inc. in
Hyugo Todo, Justin Hidalgo,
and Anabelle Kimmel, 12,
made a Tusker pride no-sew
blanket for Dialysis patients
Anabelle Kimmel, 12,
writes notes for patients.
The teens write encouraging words. MORE PHOTOS ON PAGE 26
Thursday, April 18, 2019 SCHOOLS & CAMPS The Somers Record – Page 25
SIS welcomes new principal, director of special services
BY CAROL REIF She helped “set the stage for through fourth grade for a decade school building and district lead- ty as they focus, not only on learn-
CONTRIBUTING WRITER how we all act—teachers, sta , and reading for at-risk students ership from Bank Street College. ing, but the “social, emotional and
administrators, and parents—as a at the Putnam Valley Elementary physical well-being” of students.
e Somers Intermediate school community.” School, said Friday that she was Other members of her family
School’s administrative team will “so excited for this leadership op- have been teachers as well. eir She echoed Elconin’s mission
undergo a little shu ing this fall, Elconin said she sees that car- portunity.” abilities to instill high morals and of making learning “accessible” for
but at least one face will still be rying over into her new gig in an values in their students inspired all levels.
familiar. expanded way. Turner earned her undergradu- her to go into education, she said.
ate degree from SUNY Oneonta e district’s mission is to pro-
Assistant Principal Elizabeth Now, she will be tasked with and a master’s in literacy and an Turner was “looking forward tect and guide “the whole child”
Turner will be taking over the top overseeing special education pro- advanced degree at Long Island to continuing to building the re- and a principal’s duty is to support
spot after SIS Principal Stacey El- grams and individual education University. She also has degrees in lationships” she has with other those e orts in their individual
conin moves on to a new chapter plans (IEPs) for all kids in the members of the school communi- schools.
in her long career in education. district.
e two have worked together It’s so important, she said, that
for four years, so the transition, everyone is on the same page with
Elconin says, is expected to be regards to the needs of students.
To do that, teachers, sta and
Elconin will become the dis- administrators all need support
trict’s new director of special ser- and training, Elconin said.
vices. e current director, Anna-
marie Maggio, is retiring. Special education services and
programs need to be consistent
Turner’s replacement is still in across all four of the district’s
the works. An announcement is schools. And, she added, they have
expected in July. to be both “legally”and “ scally”re-
sponsible,meaning they must meet
Elconin has been SIS’s principal state and federal mandates, and be
for six years, but she has been with kind to taxpayers’pocketbooks.
the district for 22, and more than
half of which were spent teaching e most important key to this
kindergarten through fth grade. is the participation of parents,
who, after all, know their kids the
When asked which age group best, Elconin said.
she preferred teaching, Elconin
said she couldn’t choose. Elconin said she was thrilled
that Turner was taking over the
e little ones are so thrilled to reins at SIS.
be in school. Everything is new to
them. To be able to set them on “It’s been a privilege working
the right path, learning-wise, is with her,” she said, adding that
very ful lling, Elconin said. she was con dent that “the posi-
tive culture and climate at SIS will
Fifth-graders, while having a continue under Liz’s leadership.”
di erent “level of maturity,” are
also exploring their “sense of self.” ey will still be working to-
gether for the greater good of
ey are, she said, “just nding students and “that’s a great thing,”
their own voices.” Elconin said.
Elconin saw her role as princi- Turner, who prior to coming
pal as a “supporting” one. to Somers had taught second
Elizabeth Turner and The Bocklet Family presents
Stacey Elconin
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Page 26 – The Somers Record SCHOOLS & CAMPS Thursday, April 18, 2019
Nurse manager Judy Beckmann and social worker Camille Liam, 4, and
Coiro of the Dialysis Clinic pose for a photo with the teens who Mikayla Bussinger,
made the blankets and teen librarian Marie Pierre.
2, loved spending
Justin Hidalgo, 12, and Hyugo Todo, the afternoon with
12, decorating the blanket.
Sunny Boy
YCMJboualiardkmknyetkioBlJleweoetncnCmekoDsmaiirdaaoaenl,nydSsnbiuynswnuEsinrtloashyceiBniaameolkywJan’osniotnaotreekgwsdeen.rrer Jack Quinn, 8,
and Sunny Boy,
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Thursday, April 18, 2019 ELEPHANT’S TRUNK The Somers Record – Page 27
TRUNK there will be light refreshments. 258 Route 202. Vendors wanted! now accepting applications for its environs? If so, we are interest-
FROM PAGE 4 For information, contact the Bring your own table. For more summer camp positions: ed in YOU! Are you newly retired?
Somers Historical Society at 277- information or to reserve a space, Day camp counselor- must be at Are you shifting priorities? Are
After online registration closes, 49767 or email at somershistori- email [email protected] least 16 years old you looking to make new friends,
same day registration is available, [email protected] or call 914-232-9257. SFVD volun- Tusker trax camp counselor- continue to expand your ideas,
but please arrive early. T-shirt e Historical Society is putting teers will have food for sale all day. must be at least 18 years old express those ideas with someone
giveaways are guaranteed with reg- out a call for artists for a Fine Art Day camp division head- must interested in you? Do you want to
Somers Recreationistration through April 5. All race Show and Sale during the World be at least 20 years old continue to utilize your skills and
participants will receive a medal at Circus Day celebrations. Crite- Day camp rst aid supervisor- talents, help to plan a fun event,
the nish. Volunteers are welcome ria: Original paintings, drawings, 2019 Camp Registration Re- must be at least 20 years old make a di erence in your own
and may register through the race sculpture and photography. $25 minder To apply go to somersny.com, life or someone else’s? Is this the
website.Students may volunteer to entry fee for 10’ x 10’ space. Must Tusker Trax Travel Camp On- then click on parks & recreation , motivation you want to get you up
be “Race Buddies” in order to help provide your own set-ups. line Registration, Tuesday, April 2, then scroll down and click on em- in the morning? is and more is
our rst time racers and students Annual District at 8 a.m. ployment. waiting for you.
requiring a little extra encourage-
Day Camp Online Registration, If you have any questions, call 91 Join us and help build a com-
ment along the course for the 1M Art Show For detailed camp information 234--8441 or [email protected] munity of like minded folks who
Fun Run. Jogging strollers are ursday, April 4 at 8 a.m.
permitted. Come and join us for a
At Home In SomersCome out and support young go to www.somersny.com, then want to live in this area, age in this
area and do it the very best way
new annual tradition in Somers to artists as they exhibit a sample of click on parks and rec, then scroll possible for ourselves and others.
celebrate our school community! the works they have created at the down and click on camps/clinics Are you currently interested Call Jane Pepino at 914-277-8508
Want to be a sponsor? ere are Festival of the Arts. e exhibit is Somers parks & recreation is in Aging In Place In Somers and or Dan Sudlik at 914-276-3125.
still sponsorship spots available for from 7-9 p.m. April 25 at the high Hudson Valley
this event. Email: sferretti17@ school. It will showcase art from Chris1an Academy
gmail.com and mcsabanosh@op- students in grades K-12. e work A Firm Founda1on in a Changing Worl d
tonline.net highlights each stage of the art
Now Accepting Applications: Pre-K through Grade Five
is race is directed by Fit- program at Somers.
4Run ( t4my4.com). Email Somers Litter Task
t4my4 [email protected] with Force Scholarship
any questions regarding online
registration for racers or volunteers
or race day details. e Somers Litter Task Force
Race Registration Page: will award one $1,000 scholarship
r u n s i g n u p. c o m / R a c e / N Y / this year to a high school senior
Somers/TuskerTrot2019 who resides in the town of Somers, WHY HUDSON VALLEY CHRISTIAN ACADEMY?
regardless of where he or she at-
Somers Historical tends high school, including home Safe, Loving, Christ-Centered Environment
Society school. e scholarship details are Challenging Academic Program
available via your school’s Na-
10th Annual World Circus viance Program and the Somers Small Class Sizes
Day Celebration, Saturday, April Litter Task Force Facebook page.
27, Elephant Hotel 2-4 p.m., Bai- If you do not have access to the Affordable Tuition
ley Park noon-4 p.m. Naviance Program or the Somers Call (845) 628-2775 for more information
Come celebrate Somers circus Litter Task Force Facebook page,
art and history, which was tradi- request scholarship information hudsonvalleychristian.org
tionally held the third Saturday by calling the Somers Litter Task
in April but this year will be cel- Force at 914-486-0355 or email, Mahopac Falls, NY
ebrated on April 27 due to major [email protected]. Encouraging Children to Pursue a Lifetime of Excellence for Over 30 Years
religious celebrations. Hear the Somers Vendor Fair
Elephant Hotel debut of the mu-
sical duo of Sons of Hachaliah, and Tag Sale
playwright, Frank Billingsley and
poet Jo Pitkin,all Somers residents. e Somers Volunteer Fire De-
Children are encouraged to come partment is holding a vendor fair
dressed as their favorite circus ani- and tag sale from 10 a.m. to 4 p.m.
mal. Prizes will be awarded and Saturday, May 4, at Fireman’s Field,
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Page 28 – The Somers Record Thursday, April 18, 2019
Boy Scouts get visit from police dog
Boy Scout Troop 376 with State Trooper e following is from Dominic Veltri:
Meredith Govoni and police dog Lexi.
On Tuesday, April 9, State Trooper Meredith Govoni and
PHOTO COURTESY OF JULIET CAVALLARO Trooper Lexi from the State Police barracks in Somers at-
tended the meeting for Boy Scout Troop 376.
Trooper Govoni is Lexi’s handler and both are assigned to
401 LSLCHCOORRSPA? the State Police K-9 unit. Govoni gave an engaging presen-
tation about her training as a K-9 handler, the selection and
IRA breeds of K-9’s used for Police work and the various types
of work the K-9 unit does. Additionally, Govoni discussed
YOU HAVE THE CONCERNS... the various safety protocols used by the K-9 unit to ensure
GET THE TEAM TO HELP YOUR the safety of the handler and the K-9; such as how all State
Police K-9 vehicles are equipped as a mobile kennel with
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features to allow the K-9 to be deployed when necessary by
845.628.5400 their handler.
Securities offered through Cantella & Co., Inc. Member FINRA/SIPC. Govoni discussed the types of dogs used for di erent
Cantella and Co., Inc. does not provide tax, legal or accounting advice. This material has been prepared for informational types of police work and investigations, such as bomb detec-
tion, drug detection and human search and rescue. Lexi is a
purposes only, and is not intended to provide, and should not be relied on for, tax, legal or accounting advice. 5-year-old German shepherd and has been Govoni’s partner
You should consult your own tax, legal and accounting advisors before engaging in any transaction. since she was trained and deployed into the K-9 unit.
Lexi demonstrated her Police K-9 skills by nding a suspi-
cious package planted by her handler and retrieving a suspect
and bring him to her handler on command. She then took
the time to allow the Scouts to pet her and pose for a few
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Thursday, April 18, 2019 The Somers Record – Page 29
Somers ‘Destination Imagination’ team goes to finals
Tough Tuskers are fundraising for the event
BY CAROL REIF help them learn the skills they need these challenges require “innova-
CONTRIBUTING WRITER in order to accomplish their goals. tion,patience, perseverance,creativ-
e Tough Tuskers have learned ity, teamwork, and collaboration.”
A team of fth-graders has how to sew, code, solder, operate e “Tough Tuskers” chose en-
quali ed for the Global Finals of various power tools, apply math- gineering as their challenge.
the Destination Imagination team, ematical concepts like “pi” and the is year, it’s called “Monster
says the proud dad of one of its Pythagorean theorem to build- E ects,”Lyons said.
members. ing, create character arcs and story e team has to design and build
According to Jonathan Lyons, structures, and be “engaging per- a structure that is between 7.5 and
seven students worked hard all formers.” 9 inches tall. It has to weigh less
year to score high enough in the All “ideas and work must come than 150 grams, or 5.2 ounces,
Eastern Regional to advance to the from the kids,”Lyons said. and hold hundreds of pounds of
state tournament. e Lyons’ 10-year-old son, weight.
ey went on to the Global Fi- Roan, said he’s super excited about e team must also engineer a
nals. the competition, which is being special e ect that is automatically
“It’s pretty amazing,”said Lyons, held in Kansas City. triggered when weight is added to
because only two teams from New His mom, Cameron, one of two their structure and, most impor- PHOTO COURTESY OF TOUGH TUSKERS
York state in each division actually DI team managers, said getting tantly, “enhances the sudden ap- The team includes Roan Lyons, Athena Orzechowski, Fiona Sledzik,
get to go. chosen for the tourney is “a really pearance of a monster.” Jenna Jagr, Elbert Yu, Claire Higgins, and Jimmy Gallivan.
Destination Imagination is an big honor.” ey have only eight minutes to
educational, non-pro t organi- e kids have been working do all of this and the performance ey will also be able to “make “For some families, this is going
zation that, Lyons said, “fosters since last fall, but really got “ red “must be engaging to watch,” Ly- connections”with students from all to be an impossible amount to cov-
students empowerment through up” motivation-wise after learning ons said. over the world, Lyons said. er without some nancial support,”
hands-on, collaborative, project- they were going to the Globals. More than 8,000 students from is wonderful opportunity to Lyons said.
based challenges.” ey started their own email 15 countries are expected to par- showcase Somers students’ talents e tournament takes place be-
ere are six “challengers” and group and have been generating ticipate in the global challenge, does not come for free. tween May 22-26.
each DI team picks one category ideas about how they can improve Lyons said. “Going to the Globals is ridicu- e team has launched a Go-
from the list. their project, she said. But it’s not all work and no play. lously expensive,”Lyons said. FundMe page and is working on
According to Lyons,all elements e other manager is parent Participants will be able to take part e team’s registration fee is a ra e, and other fundraisers, to
of the challenge are researched,cre- Xiaofei Fan. in other activities such as a costume $5,500. cover the costs, Lyons said.
ated, engineered, and performed Teams compete in an “instant and dance party, STEAM (sci- And that doesn’t, he said, cover To help out, visit https://www.
entirely by the students. challenge”on the day of competition. ence, technology, engineering, arts, the cost of travel, food, and lodging gofundme.com/somers-destina-
Team managers and parents can According to Lyons, both of math) workshops, and live music. for the team and its managers. tion-imagination-global- nals
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poorly-fitting shoes that force the toes into certain Six to eight weeks following surgery, most patients will
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Q: How do you treat bunions? six months to one year.
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lower heel and a wider toe. Sometimes the right shoe You probably don’t need surgery. It’s not about
is all it takes to relieve the pain.
the X-ray, the size, or the look of the bunion. It’s
If you have a smaller bunion and aching near the base
of the big toe try a foam or silicone rubber toe spacer. about how the bunion impacts your life.
Page 30 – The Somers Record Thursday, April 18, 2019
SportSs ports
Vicky McEvoy Amanda Polito makes the
throws to first. catch for the out at first.
Tuskers mount comeback wins over Greeley, Brewster
Pagliaro, Mazzotta charge the o ense
BY DOMINICK DEPOLE Pagliaro rocked a two-run homer
over left- eld fence later during
ey were far from pretty, but
Somers managed to gut out two the same inning.
victories last week on the softball
diamond. Pagliaro went 4-5 at the dish
Clutch hitting was the key in with 6 RBIs. Hannah Recine
both games, as the Tuskers went
o on visiting Horace Greeley, also did major damage, going 3-5
17-6 on ursday, April 11.
with three doubles for 4 RBIs.
But it wasn’t at all a cakewalk,
since Somers trailed 6-4 heading In the same magical bottom of
into the sixth inning against a
pitcher without much speed. the sixth, Mazzotta hit a key two-
A 13-run avalanche did the run single to provide insurance.
trick that inning, as the Tuskers
coasted to a victory after the team “Against slow pitching, we
decided to take pitches rather
than swing until a strike was have hit very well,” Scagnelli said.
Sarah Murphy started the
e strategy worked after Karly
Moscarello, Gabby Mazzotta, game on the hill, but only got
and Jazmyn Colon all walked to
start the frame. through one inning before
Senior Tori Pagliaro took struggling.
advantage, bopping a bases-
clearing double to seize the lead Emily Stavola took over in
for the Tuskers.
relief and shined over six innings Karly Moscarello
Opening the oodgates, makes the tag for
by striking out three hitters and the out at second.
allowing only ve hits for one PHOTOS: DEENA BELL
earned run. very concerning,” Scagnelli said.
“ is week at practice, the focus
On Monday, April 8, Somers is going to be on correcting base-
running mistakes and on getting
triumphed over host Brewster, the hitters to be con dent at the
plate by carrying out a plan that
15-12, after falling behind 6-0
after two innings of play. they can be successful with against e Tuskers responded with
the better pitchers.” three runs to close the de cit to
Plentiful base-running 10-9,but Brewster came right back
Nevertheless, Somers scored and jumped ahead to a 12-9 lead.
mistakes by the Tuskers kept eight unanswered runs and led 8-6
before Brewster went back up 10-6 SEE SOFTBALL PAGE 34
the Bears close after another during the middle of the game.
onslaught of o ense.
“Our base-running has been
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Thursday, April 18, 2019 SPORTS The Somers Record – Page 31
Gaining some confidence: Tuskers win twice
Somers holds o Greeley, routs Harrison
CONTRIBUTING WRITER gan are left-handed, so we would set them
up for success in their left hands.”
It was a rough start to the season, but the Greeley fought back and cut the de -
Somers girls lacrosse team is heading in the cit to 11-10 with 2:10 to go. e Quakers
right direction after picking up two wins won the ensuing draw, but Somers’ defense
last week with victories over Harrison and stood tall to hold on for the victory.
Horace Greeley. “Our defense played the best they ever
“After the slow start, I think it was really have and they played cleanly,” Campbell
important for us to come together as not said. “We didn’t give Greeley a free shot in
only a team but a family,” senior defender those last two minutes and the clean de-
Alex Pittman said. “We are all good play- fense we played allowed Alex Pittman to
ers who work super hard, and the losses get a check and ground ball. at led to us
were really frustrating. After the two wins, getting possession and keeping it until time
it nally feels like the pieces are all coming ran out.”
together and will overall give us con dence Pittman said they came together in a
in practice and in future games.” huddle after the Quakers cut their lead to
In a 21-6 win over host Harrison on a goal.
April 9, Somers was paced by Jen Camp- “ e whole defense grouped together
bell, who registered six goals and two as- and talked about what we can do to hold
sists. the o ense and how we should mark the Noelle
DeMarinis looks
Noelle DeMarinis notched three goals other team,” Pittman said. “We really had to clear the
ball out of the
and three assists. Megan Dineen tallied to come together and all be talking, sliding defensive end.
four goals. Emma Kittredge (3G), Ella and be tight on our cutters. at’s how de- PHOTOS: ROB
Kittredge (2G), Hannah Lustig (1G, 2A), fense works. It’s not just one player doing
Chronic Heel Spur
Sammy Fabry (1G), Gabby Parisi (2G) really well; it was the whole group shutting Plantar Fasciitis
and Haley Dineen (1A) were contributors down Greeley.” State of the Art
ESWT/Shockwave Treatment
in the win. Campbell (3G, 2A), Haley Dineen (2G),
Now Available
Two days later at home, Somers defeated Emma Kittredge (1G, 1A), Megan Dineen
Servicing the Community for over 20 years
a strong Horace Greeley team, 11-10, in (2G), Ella Kittredge (1G, 1A), Lustig (1G)
the Tuskers’ rst league game. and DeMarinis (1G) sparked Somers.
“It was de nitely really important to get Somers (2-4) was scheduled to host Rye
that st win against Harrison and then on Wednesday, April 17.
another against Greeley,” Campbell said. “ e key to build o these wins is de -
“It was especially important to get a win nitely going to start in practice,” Pittman
against Greeley, because they are in our said. “We know what it feels like to lose
league so to be 1-0 so far in our league is and that’s the last feeling we want. It’s im-
crucial.It was also a great con dence boost- portant that at practice we focus and give
er,because to be 0-4 with the talent we have 100 percent as if we’re playing in a game.
on our team was confusing.” Our coaches have been saying practice how
e Quakers jumped out to a 5-2 rst- you play, so my teammates and I are try-
half lead but Somers clawed back and went ing really hard to do our best and work our
into halftime up 6-5 after a goal from Hal- hardest so we have a win after every game.”
ey Dineen. Campbell said that working together,
After Greeley tied it up early in the sec- looking for each other in transition and on
ond half, Somers went on a 4-0 run with 8-meter cuts, and playing clean defense will
goals from Lustig, DeMarinis, Ella Kit- be important in building o their two wins
tredge and Megan Dineen. last week. But the most important thing is
Campbell said that “working together” to still keep their heads up if things go awry.
was a key to the big run which opened up “We can’t let the team get down on itself
the lead. if a play or two doesn’t go how we wanted,”
“We started to look for each other more Campbell said, “and we can’t let the little
in the 8-meter o of cuts and we started mistakes in the beginning set the tone for
to really think about each other’s strengths the rest of the game. e team and I will
and using those to our advantage,” she said. continue to control the controllables in or-
“To give an example, Noelle, Ella and Me- der to keep the wins coming.”
left, crosses
Page 32 – The Somers Record SPORTS Thursday, April 18, 2019
Somers’ Conor
Jaykus battles for a
ball at midfield.
Tuskers drop two of three in boys lax
Somers baseball splits with Panas; track team shines at Fulton Invite
BY ROB DIANTONIO stat sheet.
e Somers boys lacrosse team fell to
host Pleasantville 14-7 on April 8 to begin SOMERS 10
a week where the Tuskers went 1-2. PANAS 0
Brandon LaSpina paced Somers with e Tuskers cruised past visiting Wal-
four goals and two assists. ter Panas 10-0 in ve innings on April
10 in the rst game of a home-and-
SOMERS 11 home league series.
Logan Carriero got the win, tossing
e Tuskers edged visiting Arlington ve innings of two-hit ball while strik-
11-8 on April 11. LaSpina (4G), Lorenzo ing out four batters.
Sessa (3G, 1A), Nick Rossi (3G),T.J. Dea- Mike Barbagallo (home run, 3 RBIs),
gan (1G, 3A), Conor Jaykus (2A, 14/20 Jack Kaiser (2-2, RBI, 2 runs) and
face-o s), T.J. Oli ers (1A) and omas
Gall (8 saves) paced Somers. omas Parisi (2 -2, 2 runs) led the way
at the plate.
FOX LANE 11 PANAS 5 Charlie Balancia
races up the field.
In a triple overtime thriller, Somers (3- e next day, Somers traveled to Pa- DIANTONIO
4) fell to host Fox Lane 11-10 on April 13. nas and dropped the rematch, 5-4, to see
Rossi (3G, 1A), Deagan (2G, 1A), Sessa their record fall to 4-3.
(2G, 1A), Jaykus (1G, 16/22 face-o s), SEE ROUNDUP PAGE 33
LaSpina (1G) and Oli ers (1G) lled the
Thursday, April 18, 2019 SPORTS The Somers Record – Page 33
ROUNDUP “It was a great start for her Moon, Sabrina Somoza, Christina “We love this meet every year Yorktown on April 11 at the new
and a sign of big things to come,” Abrenica and Heather Coy run- because our kids always seem to Somers National Golf Course.
FROM PAGE 32 Somers girls coach John Vegliante ning a combined time of 52.36. step up and come together as a
said. team,” Somers boys coach Mike Nathan Han, who won the state
Track For the boys, James McHugh Sokolofsky said. “We had so many championship as a sophomore,
Megan Spencer won the discus won the shot put with a personal personal bests set during this placed rst overall with a 36. Han
FULTON INVITE (83-9). best of 41-6 1/2. meet.” returns to Somers for his senior
e Tuskers’ track and eld season after a year at Ridge eld
“Incredible day for her,” Veg- Mike Altieri continued his suc- Golf Performance Academy. He has
teams competed in the Fulton In- liante said. “To win the discus in a cess in the pole vault with an 11-0 committed to Columbia.
vite, a six-team meet, on April 10 meet with such good competition to place rst. YORKTOWN 227
at Harrison High School. Both as just a freshman is special.” SOMERS 242 Doug Shirakura, a junior, shot
the boys and girls team nished e 4x400-meter relay team a 39 which was good for second
third overall. Christina Luciano was second was second in 3:38.13. Altieri, Somers’ golf team opened the overall. Ava Minisolo shot the
in the shot put (29-11) while Cole Willman, Drew Lasher and season with a 227-242 loss to third best score of the day for
Ashley Moon won the 100-me- Mercedesz Stumpf took second Michael Herbert comprised the Somers with a 51.
ter dash in a personal best time of in the pole vault (8-6). e 4x100- foursome.
12.53 seconds. meter relay team was second with
Brandon LaSpina runs the offense. Join us
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Nick Rossi sends a pass from behind the cage during a game at
Page 34 – The Somers Record SPORTS Thursday, April 18, 2019
Contact Us
The Somers Record is located at Bailey Court, 334 Route 202, SYSO BOYS BASKETBALL
Unit C1S, Somers, NY 10589. You can contact us at 914-302-
5830 or email [email protected].
Rooney Orthodontics
Children & Adults
Front row, from left, Coach Doug Traver, Connor Phillips, Eddie Baranowski, Christopher Navatta, Devin
845-621-1222 Coolican, Christian Wissa, Mason Phillips. Back row, from left, Nate Traver, Sal Pollaro Jr., Andrew Acosta,
Jimmy Rae, Coach Sal Pollaro Not Pictured: Aidan Brinn, Andrew Wallace
SYSO boys finish
• RESIDENTIAL & COMMERCIAL season undefeated
e 2018-19 SYSO boys bas- ing 15-minute period was within Lakers adding to the lead in the
• RESIDENTIAL & COMMERCIAL ketball season came to a close on 2 points. closing minutes. e Knicks gave
ASPHALT SEALING Saturday, March 23. a valiant ght in their third game
e Lakers broke open the sec- of the day, but were no match for
• MILLING • RECYCLING e seventh-and-eighth grade ond half with intense half court the fresher Laker team. Lakers
division Lakers nished the sea- pressure defense led by Devin coach Doug Traver praised the
• EXCAVATION & DRAINAGE son undefeated after winning a Collican, Andrew Acosta and team e ort.
hard-fought championship game Eddie Baranowski, who turned
• SEPTIC REPAIR against the Knicks. e game numerous steals into easy points. Article courtesy of Doug Traver.
was dominated by tough defense
CALL US TODAY gthiveWin2egs0ae1era9sestoicbmnulararctekentsotflpyor in the rst half as the low scor- Nate Traver and Sal Pollaro
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Quality you can DRIVE ON! SOFTBALL Mazzotta was 3-5 with a double, the match as pitcher. Stavola
triple, and three RBI’s. struck out four batters and
Pagliaro also went 3-5 with surrendered ve runs in the
a home-run, double, and three defeat.
Coming through when it RBIs. Colon was 2-4 while “Our pitching has been
counted, Somers put up ve runs knocking home a run as well. a question mark,” Scagnelli
in the sixth inning again to pull A day after the victory, the said. “ ey’ve (Murphy and
ahead for good. It added one Tuskers were sti ed against Stavola) had good games and
more run in the seventh as well. Panas, 8-1. Somers only had one bad games. We’re lucky to have
In the sixth, Mazzotta led o hit the entire game versus Olivia two pitchers because the starter
with a single and Amanda Polito Bordenaro, who was hitting hasn’t nished any game this
followed by singling too. every spot the catcher gave. year.”
Pagliaro came up huge again, Bordenaro fanned eight Somers (4-3) is o for spring
Happy Spring! whacking a two-run double Tuskers and only walked three. break this week and resumes
to start the rally. Colon kept Moscarello singled before on Monday, April 22 against
the chain moving with a single Mazzotta walked to help earn powerhouse Lakeland.
before Nikki Fiorino walked. the lone run. ey host Byram Hills on
Think Sclafani for highly efficient heating systems, Stavola then laid down a solid A wild pitch allowed the two Tuesday, April 23 at 4:30 p.m.
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Bockhaus notched her rst and third before Colon drove on ursday, April 25.
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Licensed, insured and bonded! up the Tuskers’ energy further. choice. most consistent thing out of all
Quality guaranteed!
Lauren Canavan walked Stavola started the game on the aspects of the seven games,”
thereafter and Moscarello the mound and pitched 3.1 Scagnelli said. “Our defense is
today! 845-628-1330 singled to drive home yet while the Panthers only led 1-0 going to have to make plays just
Call m another run. before the fourth inning. to keep us in games. at’s what
As a squad, Somers compiled ey unloaded ve runs in the we did last year with Sarah, and
fteen hits. e senior captain fourth, and Murphy nished up it won us 13 games.”
Thursday, April 18, 2019 LEISURE The Somers Record – Page 35
Crossword Puzzle solutions on page 36 Fun By The Numbers
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the world 60. No (Scottish) 4. Very short period of 19. Cheap prices sudoku, the numbers 1 through 9 must fill each
11. Decided 61. Jewish spiritual leader time (abbr.) 23. North Atlantic fish row, column and box. Each number can appear
13. Indigenous 62. Tool used to harvest 5. Fires have them 24. Oil company only once in each row, column and box. You
person of NE agave 6. Sacred place 25. A federally chartered can figure out the order in which the numbers
Thailand 63. Explosive 7. Island capital savings bank will appear by using the numeric clues already
14. Dough made 64. A reward (archaic) 8. Volcanic craters 26. Paddle provided in the boxes. The more numbers you
from corn flour 27. Where UK soldiers name, the easier it gets to solve the puzzle!
15. Honors train
16. Political 28. One point north of
commentator due east
Coulter 29. Attention-getting
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pleasure 35. Sun up in NewYork
18. Heavy clubs 36. Where golfers begin
20. Defunct 37. Soviet Socialist
phone company Republic
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Buying diamonds, gold, silver, all environment and contribute Earthlink High Speed Internet. As
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paintings, better furs, complete business. Full time or part time 3 months) Reliable High Speed
estates. We simply pay more! work available ; inquiries ; call Fiber OpticTechnology. Stream LLC FORMATION NOTICE against may be served & shall mail
Call Barry 914-260-8783 or e-mail 914-962-4298 Videos, Music and More! Call
[email protected] EarthlinkToday 1-855-970-1623 A & F General Construction process to Sequel VII LLC, 440
ESTATE SALE NYC * $15 P/H LI * $14.50 P/H SEEKING EMPLOYMENT LLC, Arts of Org. led with Sec. RT. 22, Purdys, NY 10578.General
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RT.121 in Brewster follow signs may be eligible to start working seeking a live in or live out Cty: Westchester. SSNY desig. as LLC FORMATION NOTICE
845-669-5458 Rain Date 5/4 & for them as a personal assistant. position. Manage operations agent upon whom process against
5/5.Tools, Electronics, Camera No Certificates needed. (347)462- of property, home & property
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a big LIFE SETTLEMENT CASH be served & shall mail process to
Advance. 1-844-348-5810 One Sheldrake Lane, LLC, Arts 464 Riverdale Ave., Yonkers, NY
AttentionViagra users: Generic
100 mg blue pills or Generic 20 of Org. led with Sec. of State 10705. General Purpose.
mg yellow pills. Get 45 plus 5
Westchester. SSNY desig. as agent
upon whom process against may be 753 Elton Avenue LLC, Arts
served & shall mail process to 56 of Org. led with Sec. of State
Harrison St.,Ste.203,New Rochelle, of NY (SSNY) 6/20/2017. Cty:
NY 10801. General Purpose. Westchester. SSNY desig. as agent
Support Local Recreation LLC FORMATION NOTICE upon whom process against may
and Education be served & shall mail process to
through 440RT.22LLC,ArtsofOrg. led 1518 Nepperhan Ave., Yonkers,
with Sec. of State of NY (SSNY) NY 10703. General Purpose.
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Thursday, April 18, 2019 LEGAL NOTICES The Somers Record – Page 37
LEGALS District buildings and facilities, at least twenty- ve quali ed used in the budgetary process in accordance with the provisions
voters, whichever is greater),
FROM PAGE 36 including, in particular, safety must state the residence of each is exempt from taxation. e of Education Law, Section 2019-
signer and must state the name
NOTICE OF BUDGET and security elements, as well and residence of the candidate. detailed statement of estimated a, may be applied for at the O ce
HEARING, ANNUAL Petition forms may be obtained
MEETING AND ELECTION as site improvements, original from the District Clerk weekdays expenditures will also be available of the Clerk of the District at
when school is in session between
NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN furnishings, equipment, 8:30 am and 4:00 pm. No person at the budget hearing to be held Somers Middle School, 250
THAT: shall be nominated by petition
machinery, apparatus, for more than one separate o ce. on May 14, 2019; and on May Route 202, Somers, New York.
1. e Board of Education,
Somers Central School District, appurtenances, and other 2. e Board of Education, 21, 2019, the date set for the A list of all persons to whom
will hold a budget hearing on having provided for personal
Tuesday, May 14, 2019, at 7:00 incidental improvements registration of voters, having annual meeting and election, at absentee ballots shall have been
pm, in the Somers Middle designated quali ed voters to
School, located at 250 Route 202, and expenses in connection constitute a board of registration the Business O ce at 240 Route issued will be available in the said
Somers, New York. e purpose for the district, such board of
of said hearing will be for the therewith, at a maximum registration will meet to prepare 202, Somers, New York, or at O ce of the Clerk of the District
discussion on the expenditure of the register of voters for such
funds and the budgeting thereof estimated cost of $10,745,000, annual meeting and election, the Principal’s O ce of each of on each of the ve days prior
for the 2019-2020 school year. in the district o ce conference
A detailed statement in writing and that $3,178,705 capital room of the Somers Central the following school buildings to the date set for the annual
of the estimated amount of School District at 250 Route 202,
money which will be required reserve fund monies shall be used Somers, New York, between the of the Somers Central School meeting and election, except
for the ensuing year for school hours of 4:00 pm and 8:00 pm
purposes, specifying the several to pay a portion thereof, and that on Wednesday, May 15, 2019, District: Primrose Elementary Saturday and Sunday, between
purposes and the amount of and any person shall be entitled
each as provided by Section the remaining $7,566,295, or so to have his/her name placed School, Route 139, Lincolndale, the hours of 8:30 am and 3:30 pm,
1716 of the Education Law will upon such register, provided, that
be available beginning Tuesday, much thereof as may be necessary, at such meeting of the board of New York; Somers Intermediate and on the date set for the annual
May 7, 2019, except weekends, at registration, he/she is known
the Business O ce at 240 Route shall be raised by the levy of a tax or proven to the satisfaction of School, 240 Route 202, Somers, meeting and election. Pursuant
202, Somers, New York, or at such board of registration, to
the Principal’s O ce of each of upon the taxable property of said be then or thereafter entitled to New York; Somers Middle to provisions of Section 2019-a
the following school buildings vote at the annual meeting and
of the Somers Central School School District and collected in election for which such register is School, 250 Route 202, Somers, of the Education Law, quali ed
District: Primrose Elementary prepared.
School, Route 139, Lincolndale, annual installments as provided New York; Somers High School, voters who meet the criteria
New York; Somers Intermediate 3. e board of registration will
School, 240 Route 202, Somers, by Section 416 of the Education also meet during the foregoing Route 139, Lincolndale, New for “permanently disabled” and
New York; Somers Middle annual meeting and election in
School, 250 Route 202, Somers, Law; and, in anticipation of such the gymnasium of the Somers York. are so certi ed by the Board of
New York; Somers High School, Middle School, Route 202,
Route 139, Lincolndale, New tax, obligations of said School Somers, New York, on Tuesday, 6. Applications for absentee Elections of Westchester County
York. Annexed to the proposed May 21, 2019, between the hours
budget will be an Exemption District shall be issued. of 7:00 am and 9:00 pm for the ballots for the election of three will receive paper ballots by mail.
Report showing how much of purpose of preparing a register
the total assessed value on the If necessary, due to space for meetings and elections held members of the Board of Applications for absentee ballots
subsequent to such annual
nal assessment roll(s) used in constraints on the voting meeting and election. Education, for voting on the may be applied for at the o ce
the budgetary process is exempt
from taxation. A meeting of the machines, said proposition may 4. e registers prepared annual school district budget, and of the Clerk of the District. If
Board of Education will also pursuant to Section 2014 of the
take place on Tuesday, May 14, be presented in substantially the Education Law will be led in for voting on the construction SEE LEGALS PAGE 38
2019, beginning at 7:00 pm to the O ce of the Clerk of this bond and any propositions, if any,
transact such other business as following abbreviated form: District and will there be open
may lawfully come before such for inspection by any quali ed
meeting. Shall the following resolution voter of the District on each of DENTAL Insurance
the ve days prior to the date
NOTICE IS ALSO HEREBY be adopted, to wit: set for the annual meeting and
GIVEN THAT: election, except Saturday and
RESOLVED, that the Somers Sunday, between the hours of
An annual meeting will be 8:30 am and 3:30 pm, and on the
held on Tuesday, May 21, 2019, Central School District is hereby date set for the annual meeting Physicians Mutual Insurance Company FREE
between 7:00 am and 9:00 pm, and election. Information Kit
in the gymnasium of the Somers authorized to construct additions A less expensive way to help
Middle School, located at 250 5. A copy of the detailed get the dental care you deserve! 1-855-225-1434
Route 202, Somers, New York, at to and reconstruct various School statement in writing of the
which time a vote will take place estimated amount of money 1-855-225-1434 Visit us online at
on: District buildings and facilities, which will be required for the CALL www.dental50plus.com/nypress
school year 2019-20 budget NOW!
1. e appropriation of the including, in particular, safety as provided by Section 1716 MB17-NM003Ec
necessary funds to meet the of the Education Law, may be Get help paying dental bills and keep more money in
estimated expenditures for the and security elements, as well as obtained by any resident in the your pocket
school year 2019-20 for school District, at any of the schools This is real dental insurance — NOT just a discount plan
purposes; site and incidental improvements referenced below, between the You can get coverage before your next checkup
hours of 8:30 am and 3:30 pm
2. e following proposition: and expenses, at a maximum beginning Tuesday, May 7, 2019, Don’t wait! Call now and we’ll rush you a FREE
RESOLVED, that the except weekends. Annexed to Information Kit with all the details.
Somers Central School District, estimated cost of $10,745,000, to the proposed budget will be an
Westchester County, New Exemption Report showing how Insurance Policy P150NY
York, is hereby authorized to use $3,178,705 of capital reserve much of the total assessed value 6129
construct additions to and on the nal assessment roll(s)
reconstruct various School fund monies therefor, and that
$7,566,295, or so much thereof Discover the world’s best
walk-in bathtub from
as may be necessary shall be
raised by the levy of a tax upon 5 Reasons American Standard
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and company information. CSLB B982796; Su olk NY:55431H; NYC:HIC#2022748-DCA. Safety Tubs Co.
term, expiring June 30, 2022, to LLC does not sell in Nassau NY, Westchester NY, Putnam NY, Rockland NY. FREE IN-HOME
ll the o ces last occupied by
Donna Rosenblum, Ifay Chang
and Joseph Marra.
1. Petitions nominating
candidates for the o ces shall be
in accordance with Section 2019
of the Education Law and must
be led with the Clerk of the
District, at her o ce at Somers
Middle School, located at 250
Route 202, Somers, New York,
between the hours of 8:30 am
and 5:00 pm, not later than April
22, 2019.
Each petition must be directed
to the District Clerk, must be
signed by at least twenty- ve
(25) quali ed voters of the
District (two percent of the
voters who voted in the previous
annual election of the Trustees
of the Board of Education or
Page 38 – The Somers Record BUSINESS & REAL ESTATE Thursday, April 18, 2019
Celebrating new businesses in Somers
e Somers Pointe and the New Somers National Golf Club
e local business community and Quintin Lew and Scott Rogener.
town o cials attended the grand After the ribbon was cut, guests
opening ribbon cutting celebration enjoyed a sampling of tasty items
of the Somers Pointe and Somers from the new menu and the team
National Golf Club on April 9. then ra ed o tickets to win a four-
ey celebrated with new owner some with dinner to Somers Nation-
and president of e Somers Pointe, al Golf Club. e proceeds of $750
Perry DiNapoli,along with his part- were donated to Kennedy Catholic
ners of Somers National Golf Club, High School for a scholarship fund.
More with
a Reverse Ribbon cutting ceremony for The Somers Pointe and Somers National Golf Club. Call 914-276-1000.
Lincolndale Wine & Liquor
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Jose Thomas and Mariam Chacko celebrate the opening of their new store, Lincolndale Wine & Liquor,
with leaders of the Somers Chamber of Commerce. The store is located at 155 Route 202. The phone
number is 914-248-6000.
MichaelMichael O'Donovan O'Donovan LEGALS the District no later than 4:00 election) is led with the Clerk of
pm, one day before the annual the District not later than April
Financial Advisor FROM PAGE 37 meeting and election. 22, 2019.
Financial Advisor247 Route 100 Suite 200
Somers, NY 10589 www.edwardjones.com Mwewmtvwhobet.eeebrd,ratwlSlhoIeatPrcCidsojmtoopnbleeetsemd.caoailpmepdlitcoatitohne 7. Any proposition which is not is notice is also available in
Member SIPC must be received by the Clerk required by law to be published Spanish on district website and
of the District no later than in the o cial notice in the call of upon request.
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MKD-8652B-A914-401-9218 the May 21st annual meeting upon at said election, subject to BY ORDER OF THE
and election. If the ballot is to the provision of Section 2035 of BOARD OF EDUCATION
e 200 www.edwardjones.com be delivered personally to the the Education Law, provided a
Member SIPC voter, the completed application petition signed by at least forty- SOMERS CENTRAL
must be received by the Clerk of nine (49) of quali ed voters of
the District, (5% of the voters SCHOOL DISTRICT
who voted in the previous annual
Nancy Corrado, District Clerk
March 25, 2019
Thursday, April 18, 2019 The Somers Record – Page 39
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Real estate agents affiliated with Coldwell Banker Residential Brokerage are independent contractor agents and are not employees of the Company. All associates featured are licensed with NY Department of State as a Broker or Salesperson ©2019 Coldwell Banker Residential Brokerage. All Rights Reserved. Coldwell Banker Residential Brokerage fully
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Page 40 – The Somers Record Thursday, April 18, 2019
Discover the Houlihan Lawrence
Consult with the Somers Office experts to discuss your options.
230 Hardscrabble Road
North Salem
Magnificent five-bedroom custom Colonial on
fifteen private acres with stream. The spacious
chefs dine-in kitchen has a fireplace, granite
counters, and sub-zero refrigerator. Cherry
Hardwood floors throughout.
WEB# NN1535685 | $1,500,000
5 5.1 5,394 15.97
21 Sunderland Lane, Katonah 3 Lakewood Drive, Katonah 16 Adams Farm Road, Katonah
WEB# NN1511779 | $1,399,000 WEB# NN1530965 | $1,200,000 WEB# NN1539986 | $995,000
5 Pearce Place, Mahopac ACRE 707C Heritage Hills, Somers 111 Warren Street, Somers ACRE
WEB# NN21542440 | $899,000 WEB# NN1542987 | $725,000 WEB# NN1543767 | $575,000