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Published by Halston Media, 2021-01-13 15:15:49

The Somers Record 01.14.21

Vol. 10 No. 39 Visit for the latest news. Thursday, January 14, 2021

County answers vaccine
questions as rollout

BY JESSICA JAFET ent a way as possible. Latimer reported tant tool we have to get back to life is ting the infection, and that is directed
CONTRIBUTING WRITER that between anksgiving and New the vaccine.” against what we call the spike protein of
Year’s Day, 165 Westchester County res- the coronavirus.”
With the vaccine rollout underway, idents died, the same number reported Beyond the appeal to the public to get
Westchester County Executive George between late May and early October. inoculated, Amler stressed the impor- Some excerpts from the event follow:
Latimer and two county medical experts tance of continuing mitigation by wear-
participated in an “Open Conversation “We are now beginning the 11th ing masks and social distancing. How we do know the vaccine is safe?
on COVID-19,” broadcast Jan. 7 on month of dealing with the pandemic— Hewlett: ere has been a lot of
Facebook Live. there is a great degree of pandemic fa- Following a rigorous testing process concern about the speed with which
tigue—but we have reached a very im- that resulted in approval by the FDA the two vaccines have been developed. I
e question-and-answer session with portant milestone in the battle against and New York state’s Independent Clin- think people have to keep in mind that
Latimer and Dr. Sherlita Amler, the COVID with the presence and approval ical Advisory Task Force, the two vac- work on the coronaviruses and on the
county’s Department of Health com- of vaccines that can protect us” from the cines that are being widely distributed development of a vaccine actually began
missioner, and Dr. Dial Hewlett, medi- virus, Latimer said. are produced by pharmaceutical compa- in 2003 when the SARS virus was rst
cal director of the Division of Disease nies P zer and Moderna. described. So that preliminary work
Control for the county, was designed to Tasked with getting the vaccines to a had already been done. e FDA has
address concerns about the pandemic million Westchester residents, Latimer “In Westchester County, we are using essentially done a great job at reviewing
and the safety, e cacy and availability of discussed what lies ahead in terms of lo- the Moderna product, very similar to the the data that was created by both of the
the coronavirus vaccines. gistics, educating the public, determin- P zer product,” Hewlett said. “ ey are companies who were the developers of
ing who gets the vaccine rst and resi- both what we call messenger RNA vac- these vaccines—they had clinical stud-
Given the sobering number of in- dents’ concerns. cines; this is new technology—people ies involving 30,000-40,000 individuals
creasing fatalities due to COVID-19, are not being injected with virus, they from around the world and they looked
the disease caused by the virus, there is “I don’t think there is realistically any are being injected with a material that
an urgency to get information about the other way to go back to the world that will cause the cells in their body to pro- SEE VACCINE PAGE 24
vaccines out to the public in as transpar- we knew before last January without a duce antibodies and to induce a memory
vaccine,” Amler said. “ e most impor- so that they will be prevented from get-

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8 LEOs raise thousands.
27 pg 3

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Thursday, January 14, 2021 The Somers Record – Page 3

Somers Leos raise The captains of the
thousands for Somers Leos Polar Plunge.

Special Olympics PHOTO COURTESY

BY ILANA EPSTEIN e two main organizers of the event,

GUEST WRITER students Kelly Bowden and Sam Ri-

vilis re ected on the event after being

On Saturday, Dec. 12, more than 80 drenched in water. Kelly Bowden said, “I

masked Somers High School Leo mem- think it turned out really well!”

bers came to e Westchester Urban Sam agreed, and remembered the pro-

Campus (at the old Pepsi parking lot) to cess while saying, “Kelly and I delegated,

support Special Olympics. organized, and informed all of the Leos

e Leos have been nding e ec- throughout the fundraising process.”

tive new ways to get involved amidst the Senior Leo Club treasurer, Nicola

pandemic, and raised more than $60,000 DeMarinis added, “It was very cold, but

this year alone. Over the past four years, very fun!”

they raised $172,000. is year, Somers Student members of all grades attend-

was ranked No. 1 out of 540 schools par- ed the event. Senior Leo Club Co-Pres-

ticipating in the Special Olympics Polar ident, Melissa Amante said, “We were

Plunge Fundraiser for New York. With fortunate to put on an unconventional

the help of the Somers Leos organization, plunge!” Senior, Lions Club Internation-

150 Special Olympians can now partici- al Representative, Analaura Gregorio

pate in sports this year for free. live-streamed the plunge as well.

Originally, on November 14, 2020, the Kaitlyn Brennan, a representative

Leos were scheduled to jump into the from Special Olympics New York came

freezing cold water on the Long Island to support the Leos and said, “Today was

Sound along with many other clubs and great, we put together a Polar Spray to

organizations to celebrate the Special honor our No. 1 team for the Westches-

Olympics, like they do every year. Unfor- ter Polar Plunge.”

tunately, due to a rise in Covid-19 cases “Many people went in the water and

the week before, District Leo club Co- everyone watched until people realized

Coordinator Paul LaSpina and Somers that it wasn’t so bad, and all of a sudden

Leo Club advisor Denise D’Agostino everyone else started going,” said Paul

thought it would be best to not attend. LaSpina, re ecting on the similarities

After much thought and planning, the between this year’s and last year’s Polar

o cers agreed to create a Somers Leos Plunge.

only plunge. e local Somers Volunteer Ten students raised over $1,000. e

Fire Department provided a re truck top donors with over 2,000 dollars were

with a freezing-cold water spray as a Devon DiMichele, Natalia and Aleksi-

replacement for the sound. e partici- ana Rukaj, and Ryan and Gracie Ma-

pants followed social distancing rules as honey. e Leos are very thankful for

masks were required and groups were Sebastian Capital and the Somers Vol-

organized. unteer Fire Department for helping out,

After getting approval, the Leos as the Leos couldn’t have done it without

quickly advertised the event and received them. Overall, it was a great day, and all

much support from the community. of the Leos were grateful that they were

Members of the Somers Volunteer Fire able to support the Special Olympics by

Department, Bill Rothschild and Doug participating in the annual plunge.

Crocket both “knew that the Leos were

restricted with what they could do be- SEE MORE PHOTOS
ON PAGES 16-17
cause of COVID-19.” Bill Rothschild
said that “because both the Somers Vol-

unteer Fire Department and Somers

Leos were community-based organi- The Leos lined up and ready
zations, it would be a pleasure to work to take the plunge.


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Page 4 – The Somers Record Thursday, January 14, 2021

The Staff Harckham takes virtual oath of office

EDITORIAL TEAM A virtual swearing-in ceremony
for state Sen. Pete Harckham to
EDITOR: 914-302-5830
[email protected] mark his second term in o ce

BRIAN MARSCHHAUSER took place online on Sunday, Jan-
SPORTS EDITOR: 914-302-5628
[email protected] uary 3, and guest speakers includ-

ADVERTISING TEAM ed U. S. Senator Chuck Schumer,
New York Lieutenant Governor
(914) 806-3951
[email protected] Hochul, Senate Majority Leader

BRUCE HELLER Andrea Stewart-Cousins, West-
(914) 486-7608
[email protected] chester County Executive George

(201) 317-1139 Mayor Brian Pugh.
[email protected] Sen. Harckham and his partner Jin-Hee Stevens with Cortlandt Town Justice Maritza Fugaro-Norton
CORINNE STANTON e ceremony was livestreamed administering the oath of office.
(914) 760-7009 on Senator Harckham’s Facebook
[email protected]
page, pation from area students. Ken- ceremony, and then noted that he Harckham also addressed
(914) 299-4541 ham. dall Cousins, a member of the would be working with partners growing concerns that residents
[email protected]
JENNIFER CONNELLY e theme Harckham chose Peekskill-based Black Diamonds across the 40th Senate District are becoming more divided on
(917) 446-7757
[email protected] for his swearing-in ceremony Academic Success organization, and the state to deal with chal- issues regarding social and racial
(914) 924-9122 was “Diversity, Inclusion, Com- o ered remarks, and Hanifa and lenges relating to the Covid-19 justice.
[email protected]
GABRIELLE BILIK passion.” Cortlandt Town Justice Luqmaan ein from the Upper pandemic (vaccinations, economic “As citizens with many di erent
[email protected] Maritza Fugaro-Norton adminis- Westchester Muslin Society read recovery, food insecurity), state perspectives and ideas, we may not

PRODUCTION TEAM tered the oath of o ce to Harck- two separate passages, in Arabic budget issues, taxes, infrastructure always agree on a path forward,”
ham, and Sleepy Hollow Mayor and English, from the Quran. investments, climate change crisis, said Harckham in his remarks.
PHOTOGRAPHER Ken Wray introduced the pro- In his remarks after taking the a ordable housing and Substance “ at’s okay…(t)he point is to

[email protected] ceedings. oath of o ce, Harckham thanked Use Disorder and behavioral SEE HARCKHAM PAGE 24
ART DIRECTOR/ e event also featured partici- the participants and viewers of the health treatment.

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Thursday, January 14, 2021 The Somers Record – Page 5


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Page 6 – The Somers Record Thursday, January 14, 2021

Animal control officer takes final bow-wow

Helga Stanton retires from post


When it came to animal control o -
cers, Helga Stanton was truly a leader of
the pack.

e stylish Lake Lincolndale woman,
who stands 5 feet 4 inches without her
famous 4-inch heels on, had fearlessly
faced down more than one or two large
and cranky canines in her time.

But it was her reputation for discipline,
order and, more importantly, kindness
that folks say they will miss most now
that she’s retired.

Stanton was de nitely no Cruella de
Vil when it came to dealing with er-
rant pets and their humans, recalls eldest
daughter Corinne, who works at Halston
Media, the owner of e Somers Record.

“People always tell me, ‘Your mom’s so
nice; she always gave me a heads-up,’” she

Helga Stanton hung up her meta-
phorical net and leashes last month after
a quarter-century in the town post. In
keeping with the family motto “Togeth-
erness,” her son Robert, a New York state
trooper for 24 years, also retired in De-

SEE STANTON PAGE 7 Robert Stanton Jr., Helga Stanton and Rick Stanton with a photo of the late Robert Stanton.

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Thursday, January 14, 2021 The Somers Record – Page 7

STANTON was baring his teeth, growling and gener- Helga and Robert Stanton met in that big of a deal,” he said.
ally refusing to be a good boy. Mount Vernon in the early 1970s. She But once Helga Stanton took it on, she
FROM PAGE 6 was driving a little green sports car and he
One of the hairiest was when a pit bull was a 6-foot-3 tra c cop. He pulled her used her organizational skills to streamline
Both Robert and his brother, Rick, went chomped down on its owner’s guest. e over and, smitten, boldly asked her out on and simplify the piles of paperwork. Her
into law enforcement because of their late poor soul needed dozens of stitches in his a date. connection to, and understanding of, lo-
dad, a beloved Somers police o cer for face and the o ending pup had to sit in cal government and law enforcement also
30 years. Rick is employed by the MTA quarantine until the judge decided its fate. e couple married and lived for a while helped.
police. Stanton was called to testify. with his parents in the Bronx before mov-
ing to Somers in the late 1960s. After re- She took things “to the next level,” Am-
It was Robert Sr. who convinced his In the end, the owner agreed to muzzle tiring as a detective in 1984, he worked as ato said, adding that always smiling Stan-
wife to take the job, telling her she’d be re- it and keep it in a pen. a security guard before joining the Somers ton was “very kind”and willing to cut folks
ally good at it. police in 1989. a break when necessary.
en there was the time when a very
And he wasn’t wrong. unhappy 125-pound Rottweiller “de- Robert Stanton worked right up to the People will usually do the right thing if
Anyone who can handle a bustling clined”to get out of her van when she tried time he passed away, in 2019, shortly after you treat them with compassion and un-
houseful of kids (four of her own, two to drop it o at a kennel late at night. his 78th birthday and their 50th wedding derstanding, said Stanton, who tried to put
foster children) not to mention a German anniversary. herself “in their shoes.”
shepherd, two springer spaniels, a Yorkie, After “praying a lot,” the petite Stanton
and a rescue poodle—AND run a busi- was able to budge the beast without get- e pair were so close that they met Robert said his mom “always looks for
ness (the Stantons had a stationery store ting bitten. up almost every day—she in her animal the best in people,” adding, “She’ll give
in Lake Lincolndale for many years)— control van and he in his police car—at a them chance after chance until they prove
should have no problem corralling a pooch Dog control o cers are armed with picnic table at a friend’s business to share her wrong.”
on the loose or mu ing one whose inces- tranquilizer guns, but fortunately, Stanton lunch and chat.
sant barking is driving neighbors up the never had to deploy hers. Police Chief Mike Driscoll also praised
wall. ey seemed way too lovey-dovey for Stanton for going above and beyond.
Among her other duties were reuniting Stanton was never seriously injured on an old married couple (now with eight Stanton always responded promptly to
lost dogs with their owners and helping to the job, but she attributes that to pure ser- grandchildren), so some of the employees every complaint from the public, even on
nd new families for the homeless ones. endipity. there mistakenly assumed they were hav- her days o .
Social media had made doing that part ing an illicit romance, joked Robert Jr.
of the job a lot easier lately, Stanton said. Now that she’s a slightly less nimble “I can’t say enough for her work ethic,”
She also handed out appearance tickets adult,, maybe the lucky streak is nearing FOND FAREWELLS he said. “She’s unbelievable.”
to folks who didn’t renew their pet’s li- an end? Among the folks who regret that Helga
cense and monitored cases where another Having such an e cient animal control
animal or a person may have been bitten. “It’s time to move on,” Stanton con- Stanton’s moving on is one of her prede- o cer had helped the part-time police
In the latter case, she noti ed the health ceded. cessors, Michael Amato, owner of Amato force “do its job,” Driscoll said. “the town
authorities; in the former, just the owners. Farms in Somers and a volunteer re- will miss her greatly.”
Besides that, having rescued every wild
en there was, she admits, the occa- critter from swans and squirrels to deer ghter. Town Clerk Patty Kalba, from whose
sional scary situation where the “suspect” and raccoons, Mother Nature’s more than Speaking of the whole Stanton clan, he o ce Stanton worked, was also sad to see
ready to make some space for herself, may- said recently: “ ey’re nice people.” her go.
be even travel. When Amato held the post, “it wasn’t
“Her hard work and dedication to the
It’s something her now-grown children town was always amazing,” Kalba said. “I
and late hubby had always urged her to do: will miss her immensely.”
Relax and enjoy life.

To advertise in The Somers Record, call Brett Freeman at 845-208-8151 or email [email protected].


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Page 12 – The Somers Record OPINION Thursday, January 14, 2021

Seven tips to get your kids to study

STRONG without resenting us?” like to look good in your clothes. beginning 12th grade—and that Make little changes at rst to
LEARNING Parents Who Like Chocolate Making the best choice still takes all schoolwork starting in ninth work towards your goals. Be sure
Cake willpower. grade counts! that your twins still have time to
DR. LINDA play on their phones or tablets and
SILBERT Dear Parents Who Like It’s the same for kids who ex- 3. As parents, be sure the goals, watch TV. You may also nd out
Chocolate Cake, perience the approach/approach both long- and short-term, are that there is not enough time to
Dear Dr. Linda, con ict between playing games or realistic for each of your twins. do schoolwork because of sports
We are the parents of twin What great—and realistic— doing the studying that needs to Many parents have fantasies and other outside commitments.
questions! be done to get high grades. Here about what a child will become If that is the case, together decide
boys in eighth grade. At this are some suggestions: without regard for whether the how to cut back on some things.
point in their lives, they would If doing this was simple, more child wants it. Many parents
much rather play video games on kids would have higher grades 1. Sit down with your twins think their child is way above 6. Above all, be their allies.
their phones or watch TV than and more people would be thin. and write down some long-term average and push them to take Work with them when they get
study. How do we motivate them And…all the gyms and diet goals relating to school—start courses that may be too di cult stuck and contact their teach-
to study harder and smarter? centers would be out of busi- talking to them about colleges for them. As with adults who go ers if you need extra support.
ness. What’s required is learning they may be interested in or ca- on a diet with a goal of losing a Acknowledge their desires as
FYI, when we say, “Study something di erent and equally reers they think they might like lot of weight in a short period understandable and talk about
harder,” we feel it’s like someone important for success—how to to pursue. Remember, too, that of time, the goals may not be how hard it is for you to stay away
saying to us, “Diet harder.” We control impulses and delay im- they’re only in eighth grade and realistically achievable in the time from the chocolate cake. Let them
have good intentions to eat well, mediate grati cation in order to may not yet be mature enough frame desired. know you understand how it feels.
but when the rubber meets the get to a longer-term goal. emotionally or cognitively ready And when a short-term goal is
road at a party, let’s say, we would to set realistic long-term goals by 4. As parents, be sure your chil- achieved, bake the cake!
both choose chocolate cake Is that easy to do? NO. When themselves. dren know the best way to study
over fruit every time. Perhaps chocolate cake is staring you in based on their learning styles. 7. Be a good role model. Let
it would help if someone were the face, it’s hard to resist it. e 2. en, also together, make Many parents sit with their kids them see you make choices be-
there at that moment to encour- only way is to think about where a list of short-term goals that for hours drilling them, when in tween two things that you would
age us to have fruit, but frankly, you want to be in a month, a they’ll need to achieve in order fact their child would do bet- like to do, weighing options and
we would resent it. year, ve years. If you want to t to have success with their long- ter if they drew pictures or were choosing the one that will result in
into a particular dress or want to term goals. For example, if the asked to explain the material the greatest bene t over your more
So, we have two questions: look good the next time you don colleges they say they want to that they’re studying to someone immediate desire.
“How do we get our kids to your good suit when we can all attend require at least a GPA of else—you, their grandparents,
choose studying over mess- get together again, remember- 90 percent, then now is the time even a pet. Good luck and have fun!
ing around with their phones ing those goals makes it easier that they need to start getting Dr. Linda
or iPads or watching TV?” and to resist the cake. We can avoid grades around 90 percent. ey 5. e point is, like becoming
“How can we get them to do it chocolate cake by not buying it or need to understand that the GPA more healthy eaters, it’s important Is your child struggling with
baking it in the rst place or by they’ll report when they apply to that your children make doing distance learning? Send
replacing it with a healthier des- college will be an average of their their schoolwork and studying a your questions to Linda@
sert…like fruit. You’d like to eat grades in ninth, 10th, 11th, and sustainable part of their lifestyles.
the chocolate cake, but you’d also

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Thursday, January 14, 2021 The Somers Record – Page 13

AYuset Bto vdne

for Yorktown

do you know that deserves a free car? Yorktown Auto Body staff at work


Friend to Win • HeAilnpNabeFeordiedndy shop experience like no other
1 of 5 Cars

BY BOB DUMAS what helped us build the name back up. It Yorktown Auto Body invites its custom- for your return. e receptionists are eager
was great advertising to do that.” ers to inspect the repairs as they are being to help you rent a car if needed (rental cars

wn Yorktown Auto Body is not your father’s •QthNeuGeoaueygnsmoeisk.ouoBifnry1atb9hetewgeatoinmrkehinihsgecawatraaeseb2ro1id,nhye1s9ho8wo8pneiandt done and take photos as well. Gusiko on premises), ll out paperwork and an-
g body shop. said they pride themselves on being trans- swer all your questions.
wn Employing cutting-edge, state-of-the- tNhaet ibgushinbesos. rHe eventually moved out parent and how they simplify the process
so you will better understand the type of Yorktown Auto Body also provides an ar-
ray of towing services throughout the area.

art technology, along with unparalleled of Queens to Yorktown to nd a better repairs being performed on your behalf. “It’s quick response whenever and wher-

customer service, owner Perry Gusiko life and a place to raise his kids. He then “We work a lot with insurance com- ever you need it, 24 /7,”Gusiko said.“We

and his team at Yorktown Auto Body have bought Yorktown Auto Body. panies. We upload photos and you can have a modern, clean eet of trucks from

n created an unrivaled body shop experience “We felt like branching out and believed view the car being repaired on the insur- heavy rescue to atbed service. We have
for their clients. there was a niche that needed to be lled ance company website and see it being every piece available today.”

“I look at the big picture and guide the here,” he said. “ e Queens shop allotted prepared,” Gusiko said. “We do like to Yorktown Towing has had an exclu-

customers with the best advice about what me the capital to move to Yorktown and take photos and bring the customer into sive towing contract with the town and is

repairs are needed, instead of just looking change the reputation of the shop.” the shop.When we do that and walk them equipped for both rescue and emergency

for a pro t,” Gusiko said of his business Gusiko still owns the Queens business through the repairs, it gives them some towing services serving Northern West-

apnhdilotshoephnye.w“eWsteehqauvipemtheenthnigeMheUedsSetTdqbtuoearlrieetsEy-indtertaanhnntasdttsoumafsnYeaodsdrNekthtotoehmwesinna,meNreseYst approach in Yorktown closure as to what is happening.” chester and the surrounding counties.
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pair cars back to the way the factory had separated him from the competition. polite and will walk you through every professional choice in auto body repair is

enter youbuwilitlltnheeme.dWtoe tweallntustowfheyel ycoounrdYeonrtktowHne calls Yorktown Auto Body a “full process and deliver your vehicle promptly, the professional team of skilled craftsmen
friend/naebioguht bouorrreipsadirse.”serving of a free car.disclosure” repair shop. cleaned and ready to go,” he adds. who are speci cally trained in auto body
about their situatiYono,rfikntaoncwianl haArdusthoip,Binjoudryy, etgc.ofotr citosnsisdtearrattioinn(150 w“oWrdseorwleasns)t you to know what’s happen- repair,” Gusiko said.
1953. In 2009, Gusiko purchased the ing to your car, and we want you to see it,” e sta at Yorktown Auto Body is also
+ AFbdDueRcsDOilninIMeTes,sIaI,ONnwNdThAiEimcLNhmFDheOEedRDisaaMtiRedlSEyhCRraeIEdtPuQbrInEUeeeNIdnRTiEotnDtothites constantly training and keeping up with Gusiko said that what makes York-
he explained.“Every car at Yorktown Auto the latest technology and advancements. town Auto Body the best choice for col-
Body goes through a ve-phase process of lision repairs is the team of dedicated pro-
“We have continuous training for our

ter of GoodgClooryndduaycst.from the Yorktown Police Deparrtempeainrtand includes a lifetime guarantee.” sta technicians, our management, and fessionals who work there and hold their

an driving rec“Aortdthfraot mpotihnet,iirtidnisdunr’tahnacveectahrergiereraotersDt .M.V. e ve phases are: Acquisition (assess- the customer service personnel,” Gusiko positions in high regard.
ecnuemrgeynptaaytmioenornevtposeufor,trhawoatthirhodaentrs,hd”IGiodpciuud(miseiwek.“rrStcitonohrg,edwhsw,ahpraedarnsyrhraIoinptllto)edoeeksducqmtiuoeninssitt,ioapnp(rraeissaolu, rrecevieawll,osccahteiodnu,lej)o;bPatratsskAincg-, said.“We have eco-friendly paints, materi- “ ey personally feel vested in the busi-
als and processes, and unique mechanical
on the cars that the previous owner had location mapping); Job Completion Sched- services. We also have a newly renovated ness,” he said. “Doing the job right is their
completedoa•barxEoep•ndupvttWeeliitfrcciwanabtrohntseieeoiytrnwrneesasehrwceeash,ratneoswthts8esheeo/acn1msto/h9wne1o/tse9h1iprs-5iet9noe//rgnr1e1t-9m/lwdy1oar9ohsil.nardge. cfaFoetuoiivsrr eduCinlbeogyn((t9prre/oav1ilni/(eti1wnin9s,gp,perbcetaipkoinnf,ogcr,leatnnsiinrsehgv,idewewoli)rv;keQ)r;yu)T.aalipty- facility with new signage.” commitment every day.Having these values
in place makes it easier for us to be on top.”
e comfortable waiting area allows you
time to watch TV, read, or schedule a time To learn more, give them a call at

NERS will be chosen by Auto Body, Inc 1798 Front St. Yorktown Heights
ee of Yorktown residents.
phone: 914-962-3879 | fax: 914-962-3941
All decisions are final. | [email protected]
ent is responsible for any
gistration, and insurance.

See website for details.

ompleted forms to the shop: ADVERTORIAL

Street,Yorktown Heights, NY 10598

Thursday, January 14, 2021 The Somers Record – Page 23

All about pollinators

e following is from the Westchester you are looking for. Garden Director Mathew McDowell. In Seeding in jugs, trays or pots in win-
Pollinators: Search for Westchester Pollinators on this Virtual Workshop, Matthew will go ter can increase the success of your seeds.
over how to perform a site assessment Bring your seeds and some containers
Today, we are in a situation where our Facebook for more information about to help you gure out which plants are with (semi) transparent lids, trays or jugs
natural habitats are changing faster than these events. likely to do well in your local conditions. to the workshop and we’ll help you set
ever before; the climate crisis, light pol- He’ll be talking about where to buy and up your winter nursery. Soil will be pro-
lution, atmospheric nitrogen, etc. Our Pollinator Activities what to look for, and how to make sure vided. We will also have a sign-up form
landscape is also increasingly assaulted your plants are ethically sourced and eco- for wholesale orders for spring planting.
by deer, tra c, noise, invasives, pollutants MEADOWS: THE ORIGINAL logically responsible. Bring your mask and keep a safe distance.
and human construction. Native plants POLLINATOR GARDEN” CATHY Questions? Send us an email: info@
that were ‘at home’ for thousands of years, LUDDEN Registration required by emailing
now face di erent circumstances. We [email protected] or by call-
shouldn’t be surprised that in these new Living Classroom Series, January 12, ing 914-302-9713. A Zoom link will be ADAPTIVE GARDENING
habitats, new plant communities are be- at 7 p.m. emailed to participants. Wednesday, January 27, 10 - 11 a.m.
ing formed. Mary Ann Adel o will discuss chal-
is lecture is part of the Living Class- BACKYARD BIRDS TEATOWN
Instead of accusing each other of hav- room Series for the Rivertown’s Polli- January 20 , 7-8:30 p.m. lenges of gardening with physical limi-
ing the ‘wrong’plants, let’s help each other nator Pathway Project. Cathy Ludden, Interested in learning more about tations. She will cover adaptive methods
President at Greenburgh Nature Center, and helpful strategies for the gardener
nd plants that help us create healthy and will talk about the crucial role that native birds? Winter is the perfect time to nd to continue gardening as a lifelong plea-
resilient plant communities. Ask yourself plant meadows, both large and small, play out who’s ying around your neighbor- sure.Mary Ann Adel o is a CCE Mas-
the following questions: Does this plant in our environment. hood. Join Teatown to discuss bird char- ter Gardener Volunteer at the Vegetable
provide pollen and nectar? Is it a good acteristics and identi cation, share a few Demonstration Garden at Hart’s Brook
food source for bene cial insects? Will it VIRTUAL WORKSHOP: PLANNING of our favorite resources, and explore how Park in Hartsdale, NY. $5 per lecture or
grow happily and behave itself with other AND SOURCING A NATIVE GARDEN observations you make in your backyard $25 for the entire 2021 Home Gardening
plants? Does it o er structural elements can help scientists save migrating bird Webinar Lecture
for birds and other wildlife? Bedford Audubon, January 15, noon to populations. Series.
1 p.m.
In case of doubt, share your FREE WINTER SEEDING WORKSHOP
plant question with us in Spring into action with Bylane Farm’s Sunday, January 24, 1-3 p.m.
our Facebook group, Bedford Hills Train
where there are Station
many people
happy to
help you

nd the

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Page 24 – The Somers Record Thursday, January 14, 2021

HARCKHAM vides. Sometimes we will come to open for debate, human decency heard from members of our com- ugly head, and I challenge all of us
agreement, sometimes maybe not. is not,” Harckham continued. munity about the pain of experi- in this e ort.”

But we will always strive to reach “Over the last four years, we have ential prejudice. Vigils and rallies State Senator Harckham rep-

continue regular, civil, community consensus on a way forward.” seen a resurgence of intolerance on social justice in the District resents New York’s 40th District,

dialogues to try to bridge those di- “While public policy is always and hate speech that is appalling were organized by young people which includes the towns of

and should be unacceptable to all against a backlash of intolerance. Beekman, Pawling and the village

of us, regardless of our political As one young person said, ‘We of Pawling in Dutchess County;

leanings. should not have to ght with the towns of Carmel, Patterson

“One of the things that makes grown-ups to talk about hate.’ and Southeast, and the village of

the Hudson Valley great is our “By fostering tolerance, inclu- Brewster in Putnam County; and

rich diversity. Embracing diversity sivity and true equal opportunity the city of Peekskill, the towns

makes us stronger. By addressing in our society, we are not attacking of Cortlandt, Lewisboro, Mount

the systemic racism that has im- our institutions and the good peo- Pleasant, New Castle, North Sa-

pacted many of our neighbors, we ple who make them work—we are lem, Pound Ridge, Somers and

are strengthening our communi- challenging them to work for ev- Yorktown, the town/village of

ties, not taking anything away erybody the way our Constitution Mount Kisco, and the villages

CREATING CUSTOMERS FOR LIFE from anyone else. envisions it. of Briarcli Manor, Buchanan,

“In the aftermath of the tragic “Collectively, we all have a re- Croton-on-Hudson, Pleasantville

• In Home Electrical Upgrade • and senseless murders of George sponsibility to denounce hate and and Sleepy Hollow in Westches-
• Smart Home Setup • Floyd and Breonna Taylor, we intolerance whenever it rears its ter County.
• Electric Car Chargers •
• Generators • VACCINE speci cally health care profession- so we would encourage people to
als, nurses and doctors and those not only to get the rst dose, but
• All of Your Electric Needs! • FROM PAGE 1 who are in direct client contact. get the second dose, as well (with
the Moderna vaccine, it is 28
10%WheOnFYFouSPreersevnitcTehisCAadlls 914.455.2158 very closely at these individu- e vaccine is being distributed days later)—very, very important. • [email protected] als, monitoring very closely for through pharmacies to nursing When people come in for that
Licenses in Westchester, Putnam, NYC & CT! side e ects of the vaccines. e home residents and sta , along
rates of serious side e ects were with emergency service personnel. rst vaccine, they are going to
extremely low. give you an appointment for the
e next cycle of individuals

to be vaccinated will be essential second vaccine; we advise you to

Saving a Life EVERY 11 MINUTES How is the vaccine being workers, including the rest of go to the same location and get

administered to the residents of the rst responders ( re, police), the same type for the second.

aloneI’m never Westchester County? those in the education eld Can children get the vaccine?
Latimer: What the state has (teachers and school sta ) and Amler: e studies for Mod-
transportation workers, he said. erna were not done on children
established at this stage of the under the age of 18 and P zer
game is a series of categories After that, for the general
of individuals who should be population, it is envisioned that

administered the vaccine. ose older adults (above age 75) will be studied individuals over the age of

Life Alert® is always categories, broken into phases vaccinated, with adults between 16. Depending on the product—if
here for me. (1A, 1B, 2 and so forth) represent 65 and 75 to follow, people who it is Moderna, we cannot vaccinate
the priority categories at rst, have special medical situations and anyone under the age of 18.
One touch of a button then going to areas that are less then, nally, wide distribution to
sends help fast, 24/7. Even though children seem to

vulnerable and therefore get the everyone else in the most e cient fare relatively well with COV-

GwPiSth! vaccine a little bit later. What and rapid manner possible. ID-19, Amler said, it is important
hasn’t happened is any set of for the adults around them to get

deadlines, dates that are attached If a person does not get their vaccinated to prevent the possibility

Help at Home Help On-the-Go to moving from category to second dose within the sched- of children developing an autoim-

® category. I gather that is because uled time, what is the protection mune response to the virus known

Batteries Never Need Charging. the state is trying to get a guaran- percentage and/or the outcome as multi-in ammatory syndrome,
where they can get quite sick.
For a FREE brochure call:I’ve fallen and I can’t get up! tee of available product from the in terms of ill e ects?

national level. Amler: Well, they won’t be

1-800-404-9776 Latimer went on to explain fully immunized. We know that With the COVID numbers
in more detail who is at the top if you get both doses, the e ec- rising in Westchester and an
of the list for the vaccination, tive rate is about 94-95 percent, anticipated long wait for the

general population to receive

the vaccine, what are your

Prepare for recommendations for families
power outages
with a Generac with children to stay safe in the
home standby interim?
Amler: ey need to continue
to do what we have done in the
past year. Schools have done a
great job, children in schools are

safe, we haven’t had any outbreaks

SCHEDULE YOUR FREE IN HOME to speak of in our school districts
ASSESSMENT TODAY! here in Westchester. ere have
been cases, but those were largely
877 516 1160 individuals exposed outside of the

school system.

FREE Hewlett: Try to avoid travel
until this pandemic is under
7-Year Extended Warranty* control. It is di cult—the under-
A $695 Value! standing that we have to stay in
our pods.
O er valid March 16, 2020 June 30, 2020

Special Financing Available To keep apprised of vaccination
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