Vol. 10 No. 46 Visit TapIntoSomers.net for the latest news. Thursday, March 4, 2021
Somers BOE looks to the future Local sports
icon faces child
Two seats to be decided in May election
BY CAROL REIF pandemic protocols, charges
STAFF WRITER such as limiting the
number of those in
Two seats on the the polling place
Somers Board of at one time, will be
Education will be followed.
on the ballot in May. “Marks on the
Trustee and board oor, so people are
Vice President Hei- socially distant; BY CAROL REIF immeasurable damage upon in-
di Cambareri an- we’ll have all that in STAFF WRITER nocent victims,and this o ce and
nounced Tuesday, place,” she said. our FBI partners will continue to
Feb. 23, that she will For more infor- A Somers man and local sports exhaustively detect, identify, and
be running again, Heidi Cambareri Michael D’Anna mation, call Cor- icon is facing federal child por- charge any individuals engaged
saying she “would rado at 914-277-2403.
nography charges, the U.S. De- in this sinister conduct,” she said.
love to continue serving.” She is completing her partment of Justice announced Leaf, 72, was hit with one
rst three-year term. HEIDI CAMBARERI last week. count of receiving child pornog-
Longtime trustee Michael D’Anna, however, A Somers resident for 20 years, Cambareri and Somers resident Richard raphy and one count of possess-
told fellow members Tuesday he would not be her husband, Mike, have two daughters, ages 17 Leaf, a Westchester Sports Hall ing child pornography. If con-
joining her in campaigning for another term. He and 19. She is the school board’s representative to of Fame inductee known as the victed, he could receive between
is wrapping up nine years on the board. D’Anna, the Westchester Putnam School Boards Associa- “Voice of Iona College Basket- ve and 20 years in prison on the
who works in the banking industry, said he had tion. Cambareri sits on the board’s Policy Com- ball,” was arrested Tuesday, Feb. rst charge and up to 10 years on
just taken a new position that’s “going to take up mittee and is a member of SEEAT (Somers Edu- 23, and charged with receiving the second, Strauss said.
a lot more time than in the past.” cational Equity Advisory Team). She was on the and possessing videos and im- Leaf, who prosecutors said was
ose interested in running for the two at- district’s Re-Entry Coalition Guiding Commit- ages containing lewd images of released on $100,000 bond, could
large posts can get petitions at the school district tee and participated on its Transportation Safety minors. not be reached for comment.
clerk’s o ce, located at Somers Middle School, Committee. He appeared before U.S. Mag- Law enforcement o cers re-
250 Route 202. ey must be completed and She said she is an “active advocate for public istrate Judge Andrew E. Krause ported nding “almost a dozen
led no later than 5 p.m. April 19. e number education” and is focused on securing enough in White Plains federal court. images and videos containing
of signatures that need to be collected has yet to state and federal funding “to sustain quality edu- According to the U.S. Attorney child pornography on Leaf ’s
be determined, but generally it is 20 percent of cational programs without overburdening local for the Southern District, Audrey home computer,” Strauss said.
the number of voters who participated in the last taxpayers.” A career educator, Cambareri has been Strauss, the retired teacher is al- e Federal Bureau of Investi-
election. a special education and preschool teacher, reading leged to have engaged in “deeply gation said that Leaf had given
e district expects the budget vote and trust- tutor and consultant. disturbing sexual communica- special agents permission to seize
ee elections to be held in-person this year, said SEE BOE PAGE 18 tions with minors.” SEE LEAF PAGE 20
district clerk Nancy Corrado, adding that all “Child pornography in icts
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CLASSIFIEDS BeyondBoomers &
SPORTS 22 A Special Supplement to Halston Media
Donna Bernstein, far le , has taken her unique
laughter yoga classes online to keep spirits up during
the pandemic. See the full story on page 8.
Page 2 – The Somers Record ELEPHANT’S TRUNK Thursday, March 4, 2021
SHS PTSA If making a donation on The Somers Library help with that writer’s block?
The Staff myschoolbucks.com, please go Looking for some feedback on
EDITORIAL TEAM e SHS PTSA is currently to the school store, then click on All events are virtual, please your memoir, short story, novel
EDITOR: 914-302-5830 accepting donations for the Categories and choose Somers register in advance by visiting or poem? Need some editing
[email protected]
Scholarship fund. If you prefer High School Donations. You can www.somerslibrary.org or polishing tips for your texts?
PAUL FORHAN to donate online you can do so at then choose a donation amount Virtual Westchester Writers’ Want to share the love of writing
(914) 806-3951 https://hsptsa.new.memberhub. and select Scholarship Fund Do- Workshop with fellow writers? en West-
[email protected]
store/store/items/349056.com, nations in the drop box for Do- Every ursday, from 6:30 - chester Writers Workshop is the
(914) 486-7608 myschoolbucks.com, or send a nation Type. 8:30 p.m. one for you! We are the original
[email protected]
check made payable to the SHS Any donation amount is ap- is ongoing program meets peer review writers group with no
(201) 317-1139 PTSA Scholarship Fund to the preciated. If you have any ques- every rst, third and sometimes fees, no dues, and many chances
[email protected]
CORINNE STANTON address above Attn: Scholarship tions, please email Vicki Durso at fth ursday of each month. to showcase your talents. Estab-
(914) 760-7009
[email protected] Committee, P.O. Box 108, Lin- shsptsascholarshipfund@gmail. Calling all writers and poets! lished in 2013, our group has
JAY GUSSAK colndale, NY 10540. com. Looking for a writers group to helped many authors and poets
(914) 299-4541
[email protected] prepare their work for reading,
(917) 446-7757 presentation, submission and
[email protected]
SHELLEY KILCOYNE publication. Come join us for our
(914) 924-9122
[email protected] ursday evening meeting - new
ACCOUNT EXECUTIVE/DESIGNER ank you for members are welcome!
[email protected] Virtual Poetry Workshop for
PRODUCTION TEAM a very success l Adults
TABITHA PEARSON MARSHALL second anniversary! Every ursday, from 11:00
CREATIVE DIRECTOR a.m. - 1:00 p.m.
We appreciate your patronage! Beginner and experienced po-
[email protected] ets “will hold these truths to be
ART DIRECTOR/ self-evident” that all poems can
DIGITAL PRODUCTION MANAGER be created using trial and er-
[email protected]
ror, and serendipity along with
BRETT FREEMAN Stop in for our St. Patrick’s Day learning the processes of craft in
CEO & PUBLISHER specialties including Irish soda
845-208-8151 bread, corn beef and cabbage, this poetry workshop. Discover
your muse as ea Schiller intro-
[email protected] duces an established poem, leads
discussions and creates in-class
boiled potatoes & carrots writing exercises, leaving time
THE SOMERS RECORD DEADLINE to write and share each week.
Participating members will be
Catering for all occasions! encouraged to expand their rep-
SOMERS RECORD IS THE THURSDAY Breakfast/Lunch/Take out Dinners! ertoire of poems.
Somers Library Book Group
CALL TOM WALOGORSKYR AT Don’t Forget Weekly Meal Deals! Friday, March 19 from 2:30-
914-302-5830 OR EMAIL 4:00 p.m.
[email protected].
One Lovell St • 914.248.8975 Sponsored by the Somers Li-
Subscribe brary, the Somers Library Book
TO REQUEST THE SOMERS RECORD Now accepting pool memberships for 2021 season Group is lead by Diana Cun-
WEEKLY DELIVERY, CALL 845-208-8503 ningham, in consultation with
OR EMAIL [email protected].
SUBSCRIPTIONS ARE COMPLIMENTARY FOR cycpoolmembership@gmail @covecafenextlevelcatering Tara Ferretti Adult Librarian.
OUT OF TOWN MAIL SUBSCRIPTIONS ARE Books are selected based on cur-
rency, varied in terms of type and
SOMERS, NY AND AT format, substantive, and/or suit-
ADDITIONAL MAILING OFFICES. able for discussions. e Group
meets online (Zoom) monthly to
THE SOMERS RECORD AT discuss selected titles. is month
118 N. BEDFORD ROAD will be “Deacon King Kong” by
James McBride.
Putnam Chorale
(ISSN 2330-1597) Spring Semester
This winter, take e Putnam Chorale, Doug-
SUITE 100 comfort in our care. las Anderson music director, is
MOUNT KISCO, NY 10549 pleased to announce its spring
©2021 HALSTON MEDIA, LLC The right respite care makes all the difference. 2021 season. Rehearsals will be-
gin using ZOOM and transi-
Introduce your loved one to a community that feels like home, knowing they’ll tion to in-person later as safe
be comfortable and engaged. Trust Benchmark to care for and connect with conditions allow in the spring.
your loved one, no matter how long they stay with us. Our short-term respite ZOOM Meeting ID: 992 8508
care* is perfect for seniors who need a little extra help this season. 8777 (same each week).
640 Danbury Road, Ridgefield, CT Schedule an Assisted Living or Details available at putnam-
Mind & Memory Care tour today! chorale.org.
Call 203.587.8469 or visit
RidgefieldCrossings.com e program contains two par-
allel performance tracks: an out-
*Please check with the community for door concert at Boscobel House
any residency requirements. and Gardens May 1, 2021, for the
mansion’s season opener; and a
re-scheduling of the Bannerman
Castle Trust musical production
Thursday, March 4, 2021 The Somers Record – Page 3
Your Neighbor
Somers High School Featured Seniors
What is something that most What three words would What is something that most What is something that most What three words would
people don’t know about you? your friends use to describe people don’t know about you? people don’t know about you? your friends use to describe
you and your personality? you and your personality?
One thing that many people I run a New York Giants I want to live in NYC when
don’t know about me is that I Funny, kindhearted and smart. Instagram with over 7,000 I’m older. Idiosyncratic, visionary and
love drawing and photography. I followers. I post news everyday enduring.
am constantly taking photos and Favorite book? and keep the fan base updated Favorite movie?
always drawing on my papers Slaughterhouse-Five by Kurt with everything going on with Star Wars: Revenge of the Favorite sports team?
when I am not supposed to. Vonnegut the team. Sith New York Yankees
Favorite TV show? What do you hope to be Favorite comfort food? What is something that Are you a morning person
Gossip Girl doing in five years? What are Pizza motivates you? or a night owl?
some of your main life goals?
Favorite vacation spot? What do you hope to be My parents. A night owl striving to be a
Newport, Rhode Island In ve years: graduating doing in five years? What are morning person.
college, majoring in Forensic some of your main life goals? What is Somers’ best
What is Somers’ best Science or Biochemistry. Career attraction? What do you hope to be
attraction? Field: Forensic Scientist or I hope to be interning with an doing in five years? What are
Cellular erapist. NFL team in college. Hopefully Turf 1, some of my best some of your main life goals?
De nitely Bobos or certain I will have a job in the NFL memories are at football games
bridges that have beautiful What is your idea of a once I graduate. and soccer games. Working for a technology
sunsets at night. perfect day? company to help actually ght
What three things would Were your years at Somers for the consumer’s privacy and
Were your years at Somers Driving around with no place you take to a deserted island? High School what you expected individuality.
High School what you expected to go with music loud and my them to be? How would you
them to be? friends. All of us enjoying the Phone, lacrosse stick/ball, and describe your high school Were your years at Somers
moment. a sub. experience in one word? High School what you expected
ey were de nitely fun. e them to be? How would you
whole experience became very Were your years at Somers Were your years at Somers My years at Somers High describe your high school
rewarding when I started to nd High School what you expected High School what you expected School were what I expected experience in one word?
out I got into colleges. It was like them to be? How would you them to be? them to be, apart from this year.
all my hard work had paid o . describe your high school If I could describe my high Yes, these years have been the
experience in one word? My rst two years were some school experience in one word it most transformative times of my
of the best years of my life. Once would be amazing. life so far, and I will never forget
Yes and No. I de nitely did we had to leave school to go that. Anticipation.
not expect my last two years to virtual, it was de nitely tough.
be like this because of Covid We are still trying to enjoy it as PHOTOS COURTESY OF
but still I enjoyed my time. One much as possible. SOMERS HIGH SCHOOL
word to describe my high school
experience: eventful.
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Page 4 – The Somers Record Thursday, March 4, 2021
Town to hold public ese events are all virtual. KNOW THE 10 WARNING a document that each per-
hearing on police
Please register on our online SIGNS OF ALZHEIMER’S son should complete in case
calendar at www.somersli- Friday, March 10, 10 - 11:30 of emergency, called “WINK
Public comment period open brary.org in order to have ac- a.m. Early diagnosis gives (What I Need Known) - Im-
until March 11
cess to this meeting. You will people with Alzheimer’s dis- portant Information About
receive an invitation prior ease the chance to make key Me”. At the meeting, you will
to the start of the webinar. decisions about treatment, care be instructed on this docu-
Programs are funded by e and planning and the power to ment’s general use. A WINK
e Town of Somers is seek- 1 301-718-8592 Friends of the Library. make choices about their own document is a signi cant gift
ing public comment about com- 1 312-626-6799 health and future. is program for your loved ones as well as a
munity policing and police re- 1 346-248-7799 SAVVY WOMEN, increases awareness of the ben- signi cant self-care document.
form for the Town of Somers 1 408-638-0968 SMART INVESTORS e ts of early Alzheimer’s detec- Categories include Personal
Police Department in response 1 646-876-9923 Monday, March 8th from tion, and provides information Information, Financial Infor-
and compliance to Governor 1 669-900-6833 12:30 - 1:30 pm. Join us in about memory loss and normal mation, Health Information,
Andrew Cuomo’s Executive e Meeting ID is 599 874 celebrating International aging, Alzheimer’s disease and Information about my Home,
Order requiring municipalities 6566, and guests are asked to Women’s Day as we dis- other forms of dementia. Also and Final Wishes. Each per-
to present a Police Reform Plan wait in the queue for their call cuss ways for women to take learn about the risk factors, 10 son completes and keeps their
for their municipality. Governor to be answered. Comments and charge of their nancial fu- warning signs, the diagnostic own document, to be left eas-
Cuomo enacted Executive Or- questions can also be texted to ture. Women today face process and resources to help. ily accessible to others, and
der #203 in June of 2020 as part 914-804-6613. unique nancial pressures, Presented by the Alzheimer’s includes the details they want
of the outcry surrounding the For those wishing to partake whether they are raising a Association Hudson Valley to share - from basics like the
police involved death of George in public comment but are un- family, caring for parents Chapter. garage door code, to informa-
Floyd in Minnesota. able to attend the Zoom meet- or saving toward their own tion about the care of your pet,
Somers residents wishing to ing, comments may be sub- long-term goals. During this VIRTUAL PRESENTATION to how you pay bills, or where
weigh in on this issue may do so mitted in writing by email to virtual event, we will review WINK WHAT I NEED your important legal papers
in several ways. ose wishing to [email protected] with these challenges and o er KNOWN are stored. You get the idea.
comment in person via Zoom the subject line “Police Reform tips speci cally geared toward Join us on ursday, March As a registrant, you should ob-
may do so at the Town Board Comments.” Comments can women to help them plan ac- 11, 1-2:30 p.m. What vital in- tain a copy of this document
Public Hearing on ursday, also be submitted via regular cordingly. Please register. formation about you do family by scheduling an appoint-
March 4 at 7:00 p.m. Guests can mail to Somers Town Supervi- Speakers: and friends need to know? e ment for curbside pickup at
join by calling any of the follow- sor, 335 Rte. #202, Somers, NY Judi McAnaw, Financial Friends of the Somers Library, the Somers Library. Please
ing Zoom phone numbers: 10589 Attn: Police Reform Advisor Edward Jones in collaboration with Tracy register as early as possible to
1 253-215-8782 e public comment period Abby Yosaitis, MFS Fund Christen Reimann, Esq., have ensure your blank document
1 253-215-8782 closes on ursday, March 11. Distributors, Inc. created a program featuring copy.
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Page 6 – The Somers Record Thursday, March 4, 2021
Scouting for the future
Somers Troop 228 to hold open house March 8
Due to members “aging out,” scout troops are always looking to add Today’s Scouts do much more Outdoor activities have always been an important part of the scouting
new recruits. than build camp res, tie knots experience.
and help the elderly across the
PHOTO COURTESY OF STEVEN LOBASSO street. dirty,” says Assistant Scoutmas- Ball pits at Reis Park and the
Scout Troops play an important role at local events. Since its inception in 1910, ter Steven Lobasso, referring to outdoor classroom and courtyard
the nation’s foremost youth pro-
gram has helped more than 130 the many community projects at SIS. ey also serve the com-
million young men and women
develop a backpack full of aca- Somers’s Troop 228 has under- munity by participating in town
demic, leadership and citizenship
skills they can carry into their taken this past year. parades and other events.
adult lives. But it’s not been with-
out its struggles. Scouts cleared trails at Lasdon e pandemic has presented
Scouts BSA has battled a de- Park, Angle Fly Preserve and the another challenge, but the
cline in membership in recent
years as the organization adapts Somers Intermediate School. troop hasn’t been deterred from
to cultural and political changes.
And parents, while supportive, ey also created a new trail and pursuing its goal of teaching the
simply don’t have as many hours
to devote for volunteering. built two bridges at Rhino Creek next generation to appreciate
en there’s the issue of rel- Preserve. e troop maintains a the outdoors and to preserve
evance. Should Scouts cut back
on the traditional model of basic drop-o site for old American the environment. Scouts have
outdoor survival and navigation
in favor of technology-based ac- ags at the town library and also continued to hike and camp out,
tivities such as computer pro-
gramming and design? performs ag retirement services SEE SCOUTS PAGE 19
all year long. Scouts built Gaga
Whatever the model, public
service remains the focus.
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Thursday, March 4, 2021 OPINION The Somers Record – Page 11
Marking Read Across America Day
STRONG book (in print or on a hand-held and more opened up the world decide where to go.” Whether they have a reading
LEARNING device), a street sign or a menu, a to these children. And his nal But the idea for Read Across disorder called dyslexia or have
newspaper, or a magazine—con- book, “Oh, e Places You’ll been forced to read when they
DR. LINDA nects humans with the outside Go,” took them on a voyage of America wasn’t meant just for didn’t want to, many children
SILBERT world. life, including all its challenges. one day. It was intended to “hate” reading (or what they have
“Congratulations! Today is your encourage children to read all been trained to think it is).
Dear Dr. Linda, Although reading is simply day. / You’re o to Great Places! year round. Motivating children
I’m back! I’m the reading putting sounds to a group of You’re o and away! / You have to read is an important factor in ese children’s needs must be
written symbols, letters, and brains in your head. You have student achievement in school addressed so that they don’t be-
teacher who contacts you every making sense of it, without it, feet in your shoes. / You can and beyond, but many teachers, come illiterate. But that requires
year to be sure that you once we would have to depend on steer yourself any direction you parents and librarians interact interacting with each child,
again remind your readers that others to tell us what’s happen- choose. / You’re on your own. with children every day who discovering his or her current
March 2 is Dr. Seuss’s birthday ing elsewhere, complete with And you know what you know. not only dislike reading because reading level, engaging them,
which is Read Across America their opinions and biases. By / And YOU are the guy who’ll it’s hard for them but become
Day. Teachers and librarians and knowing how to read and read anxious just looking at a book. SEE DR. LINDA PAGE 14
others who read with children well, people can make their own
are privy to this day, but most educated decisions.
others are not. I know it’s not a
national or religious holiday with How did “Read Across
deep roots but learning to read is America” begin? In May 1997, a
an essential part of a person’s life. small committee at the National
Education Association (NEA)
erefore, “Read Across Amer- decided to create a day when
ica Day” should be celebrated. children of all ages could cel-
ebrate reading. ey compared
ank you! reading to football and decided
Jen that if students can have pep ral-
lies for football, then they should
Dear Jen, also have pep rallies for reading.
anks so much for remind- And what better day than on Dr.
Seuss’s birthday?
ing us every year because this is
a special day. Reading, above all Dr. Seuss (whose real name
else, is an essential skill for our was eodore Geizel) introduced
children to learn. Yet, reading in millions of children to reading.
our country is often taken for
granted. Reading—whether a e rhymes and silly stories
of “Cat in the Hat,” “Go Dog
Go,” “Green Eggs and Ham”
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Page 12 – The Somers Record OPINION Thursday, March 4, 2021
Move on down the road
them in a box together.”
But I was thinking, “WHAT,
As anyone with two “X”
chromosomes would tell you,
As you may know, I re- the key is not to make it easy
to pack… the key is to make
cently moved. And in case it easy to unpack. You want all
you didn’t know, moving your boxes to be packed for their
is number three in the top ve own speci c rooms. is makes
most stressful things in your life. complete sense to me and all my
Number two is divorce and num- X chromosomes, but apparently
ber one is death of a loved one. something on the Y chromo-
Having just moved, I can tell you some in husbands makes it dif-
with certainty that number three cult to comprehend. is is why
can often be the cause of number I yell, “Y, Y, Y DID YOU PUT
two and number one. THE KITCHEN STUFF IN
Of course, this might sound WITH THE BATHROOM
silly, especially considering all STUFF??” with the olive oil, he wouldn’t be mass hysteria all over again (My the work. But I didn’t resent him
able to nd it, he would freak out, hysteria, I mean. Mine). a bit…
that’s going on in the world, but e issue is, if my husband dogs and cats would start sleep-
ing together, there would be mass Seeing that my plan of action And I only smiled a little when
the motive for murdering one’s does indeed put the kitchen stu hysteria, and we’d end up having could devolve into chaos, I took I put his deodorant in with the
to call a search and rescue team to him aside and womansplained olive oil.
spouse can never be taken lightly. in with the bathroom stu , it to him the strategies for packing
nd the missing deodorant. boxes. Tracy Beckerman is embarking
Which is why moving is number would mean I’d have to run back e other thing you have to do on a new adventure as an empty
He looked at me like I had two nester! Now, instead of being
three on that list. and forth from the kitchen to the when moving is use a Sharpie and heads and was on the train to Cra- “Lost in Suburbia,” she is “Lost in
write the name of the room that zytown. en, he said he wouldn’t Midlife.” Life is just as funny… but
It’s not that my husband wasn’t bathroom to unpack that box. the box is for in BIG LETTERS be able to remember all the rules with a lot less laundry. For more
so the movers would know where and I should just pack all the boxes midlife humor, you can follow
helpful with the move. It was Horrible, right? Who would do to put it. Otherwise, a box with myself. Which was ne with me, her on Facebook at facebook.com/
bedroom stu could end up in even though it took A LOT more LostinsuburbiaFanPage.
that he was TOO helpful. For such a thing? the living room and it would be time since it was just me doing all
instance, when we were packing A HUSBAND!
boxes, he put the living room Now, it’s not like I am an
pillows in with the bedroom expert in these things. I’m a
comforter. professional writer, not a profes-
I’m sure he was thinking, “Hey, sional packer. But I do know that
these are all soft things. Let’s put if “I” packed his deodorant in
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Thursday, March 4, 2021 The Somers Record – Page 13
Somers Smiles
continues to grow
despite pandemic
BY CAROL REIF investment needed to meet safety guidelines. Dr. Wesley said she
STAFF WRITER Despite the challenges,Somers Smiles was
knew minutes into Dr. Gianna Ferranti and
For dental practices—or any small busi- back in action on June 15. her interview that,not Dr. Michelle Wesley
ness—to ourish, good word of mouth is Pre-pandemic, the popular practice had only did she want the
a must.
already been booking dozens of new patients job, she wanted to be
When Dr. Gianna Ferranti took over a month.
Somers Smiles in 2017, she had a built-in Dr. Ferranti’s friend. able “taking o their masks
customer base. After the reopening,its phones really start-
ed ringing o the hook with patients who “She’s hilarious; and opening up their mouths,”
But after more and more folks got wind were in dire need of dental care.
of her advanced techniques—especially in it’s impossible not to she said.
the area of sedation—and grew to know In the midst of a raging pandemic, every
and love her dedicated team, Dr. Ferranti’s member of the Somers Smiles team eagerly like her,” Dr. Wesley Other changes?
appointment books were soon packed with returned to the practice con dent that Dr.
new patients. Ferranti went above and beyond to protect admits. Dr. Ferranti now o ers vir-
her employees and patients.
ings were going very well…until the Dr. Ferranti, who tual exams.
pandemic hit. ey all began the herculean task of clear-
ing up the backlogged appointments with lives in Somers with ere’s no waiting room.
For several months last year,general den- new protocols in place.
tists were only allowed to take emergency husband Eric Mor- Only one patient is allowed in
cases. “It was a crazy challenge we were willing to
accept,”she said. rissey and their four Dr. Michelle Wesley the treatment areas at a time.
Because of the COVID-19 restrictions, children, loves hiking, Kids under 14 can be accompa-
the American Dental Association (ADA) Dr. Ferranti added front-desk sta and as-
warned members they’d be ned or lose sistants for the hygienists, but still the “work- hanging out with her big Italian family, and nied by a parent.
their licenses if they opened for non-emer- horse” had to toil “sunup to sundown” to ac-
gency cases. commodate the demand. practicing dentistry in her new hometown. All surfaces are disinfected and chair cov-
at meant no cleanings, no llings, noth- With only so many hours in the day, she On a personal note, Dr. Wesley loves res- ers changed between patients.
ing that wasn’t serious enough to send some- realized it was time to call in the cavity- lling
one to the emergency room. cavalry. cue dogs, real New York bagels, and Taylor Patients are noti ed two hours before their
It didn’t make sense to Dr. Ferranti, whose In rode Dr. Michelle Wesley. Swift. appointments and must text “Here” from
philosophy of preventative care was honed e Millwood native, having recently
when, as a self-professed “cavity kid,” she Having been a member of Connecticut their cars when they arrive.
learned of its bene ts rsthand. returned home from practicing in Rhode
Island, answered Dr. Ferranti’s ad for a new College’s Division III track and eld and Once allowed in, their temperatures and
Science acknowledges the link between associate.
good oral health and the rest of the body’s cross-country teams, she’s still an avid runner. blood oxygen levels are taken, and they go
systems. According to both women, it was pure
karma. Dr. Wesley is excited to join the Somers through a screening protocol.
Reluctantly, Dr. Ferranti closed her o ce
in the Heritage Shopping Center o Route Dr. Wesley, a graduate of the UConn Smiles team,where it already feels like family. Face-coverings are required. Sta ers suit
202 and furloughed all 10 employees in mid- School of Dental Medicine, did her general
March. practice residency at Stony Brook University “We’ve really built an amazing culture up in gowns, masks, gloves, goggles, and
It was like pulling teeth,but on May 31 the here; the energy we give o is not a facade; shields.
state nally allowed dentists to o er compre- Dr. Ferranti, who grew up on Long Island,
hensive services as long as they followed new graduated from the SUNY Stony Brook it’s real,”Dr. Ferranti said. “You wouldn’t know us if you saw us on the
safety guidelines. School of Dental Medicine.
at—and attention to patient/sta safe- street,”Dr. Ferranti joked.
However, the pandemic had major im- After one Zoom interview, Dr. Ferran-
pacts on the dental industry. ti knew Dr. Wesley was the perfect t for ty—is what she thinks sets it apart. Lots of folks have shown up with cracked
Somers Smiles.
e ADA reported that two out of ve ANOTHER LEVEL teeth and cavities, likely caused by stress-in-
dentists in the United States retired during An extremely skilled dentist,having earned duced jaw clenching and dry mouth—not to
the pandemic due to the perceived risk and the honor of being selected as chief resident
in the nal year of her dental residency; Dr. Dentists have been practicing infection mention lockdown snacking.
Wesley shares Dr. Ferranti’s vision of com-
prehensive conservative dentistry. control for decades and are one of the safest No one emerged “unscathed,”she said.
places to work despite the inherent risks. Despite the challenges, Somers Smiles re-
In June, the CDC declared that no coro- mains a “very welcoming place.”
navirus clusters in the United States had been e sta is so gung-ho and friendly that
traced to dental practices. patients can’t help feeling at ease.
e mouth, heaven for bacteria, produces “ ere may be physical barriers, but there
lots of what’s politely called “aerosols,” aka aren’t emotional barriers,”she said.
tiny airborne droplets of saliva.
Besides investing in external vacuum de- GOOD TO KNOW
vices that suck up anything that escapes the Dr. Ferranti and Dr. Wesley handle all ar-
mouth, HEPA air scrubbers, and installing a eas of general dentistry, including cosmetics,
UV light in the practice’s HVAC system; Dr. pediatrics, endodontics, periodontics, prost-
Ferranti was determined to bring her safety hodontics, and oral surgery.
protocols to another level. For more information, call 914-277-4222
It’s important that patients feel comfort- or visit somerssmiles.com
4 Heritage Hills Plaza, 202 Center | Somers, NY 10589
914-277-4222 | SomersSmiles.com
A new generation of family dentistry
Page 14 – The Somers Record OPINION Thursday, March 4, 2021
Memories and milestones
READING, ting in my highchair with a distinctly remember request- lled the dining room. We cut lunch or dinner. One year, I
WRITING & chocolate cupcake in front ing fun clothes for spring), and the cake and went on with the celebrated my birthday on a
CHOCOLATE of me. Cheeks smeared with put together a “memory” glass party, no big deal. trip to Mexico, another year in
chocolate frosting, I appeared souvenir. Vermont.
KIM very pleased to be the center e only birthday celebra-
KOVACH of attention. But the unplanned highlight tion that I remember sharing is is the rst birthday in
of this Sweet Sixteen party a birthday cake with my dad my entire life that my dad is
March is my favorite My mom made big cel- was when my parents brought was the year that Dad turned not here for us to wish each
month. My birthday ebrations for our birthdays. out my birthday cake with other “Happy Birthday.” I miss
is in March, the I remember a few times over candles blazing. My friends fty and I turned twenty-one. that life-long connection.
winter is almost over and the those grade school years when and I all gathered around the We had a big party with lots
clocks spring forward. What’s my party or my brother’s party edge of the dining room table. of guests including my parents’ I don’t mind not having a
not to like? had to be cancelled due to I leaned over to make a wish friends, neighbors, and my birthday party at a restaurant
snowstorms. e ice-skating and blow out the candles. e group of friends. or a friend’s house this year.
I was born on my dad’s party or other special outing next thing I knew, my dad was We are all being careful and
birthday. Probably not his had to be postponed. We still swatting at my head with a Later that evening, I re- staying healthy. I am celebrat-
received lots of presents and kitchen towel. member sitting in my boy- ing a milestone birthday and
rst choice of a good birth- birthday cake. friend’s lap in a 1960s plas- I try not to think about the
day present but that’s the way Luckily, from where Dad tic desk chair. My brother actual number. On a TV com-
it worked out. Even though My Sweet Sixteen birthday had been standing o to the snapped a photograph of us mercial, a woman says, “Age
we shared a birthday, I al- stands out because that is the right side, he saw my long at the exact moment that the is just a number and mine is
ways remember having my year that my hair caught on curly brown hair catch on re chair broke. at photograph unlisted!” I like that attitude!
own birthday party with my from the candle ames. I was captured the surprise on our
name on the birthday cake. I re when I leaned in to blow startled but not burned. A lock faces as we fell to the oor. Kim Kovach will be celebrating
still have a photo of my rst out the candles. I had planned of frizzy hair and the tip of with chocolate, good books to
birthday celebration: Sit- a low-key birthday party at my right eyelashes got singed. As an adult living in Man- read and greetings from friends
my house with seven friends My mom was not happy when hattan and later residing by phone, email and on Zoom!
from high school. We played the acrid smell of burnt hair in Northern Westchester, I kimkovachwrites.com
records, opened presents (I usually celebrated my birthday
with friends by going out for
DR. LINDA dren. If not, do it over Zoom.
If such is not available in your
FROM PAGE 11 area, organize one yourself.
activating their brains, and If you’re interested in help-
devising a fun way to get them ing children who are struggling
to read often (practice) so they to learn to read, nd out more
connect to the stories (whether about dyslexia and the reason it
presents a problem for people
ction or non ction) and and reading. Visit the Inter-
become joyful readers too. Since national Dyslexia Association
we know that children love (IDA) and Everyone Reading
to play and have fun, we must websites. ere are plenty of
make learning to read fun. Dr. ways to boost reading across the
Seuss understood that like no country—and your own back
one else. yard.
You can help, even if you Happy birthday, Dr. Suess!
don’t have young children in Dr. Linda
your life. Get involved in this
year’s Read Across America. Contact Dr. Linda at
Your library or the NEA’s stronglearning.com if you have
website is a good place to start. any questions about a child who
If your library o ers a live ses- loves to read, is struggling with
sion, sign up to read one of Dr. reading or hates to read.
Seuss’s books to a group of chil-
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Page 22 – The Somers Record Sports Thursday, March 4, 2021
Boys andVARSITY ROUNDUP girls track teams capture league titles
Relay team claims regional title, wrestling opens with Senior Day win
League championships
Tuesday, Feb. 24-Thursday, Feb.
Both Somers’ boys and girls win-
ter track and eld teams secured
league championships last week.
across three days with the rst day
at Hendrick Hudson High School From left: Somers’ Nico DeMarinis, Hayden Klein, From left: Somers seniors Ryan Hoffman, Chris Aquilino, Connor Fucci, A.J. D’Orazio,
with the nal two days at Yorktown Joe Torre and Cole Willman won the 4x600-meter Michael Rivera and Robert Davidson at the Tuskers’ Senior Day match with Horace
relay at the regional track championships. Greeley.
High School. Somers competed
with Horace Greeley, Yorktown, all.I will do whatever it takes to help and Teagan Ryan on the 4x800. tastic 3K, along with Ella and Bella to have these four athletes repre-
Fox Lane, Brewster and Lakeland/ the team.’” Megan Spencer was a double running on winning relays. e se- sent Somers and “Tusker Nation.”
Panas. For the boys,the 4x400-meter re- winner in the weight throw (40-0) niors were everywhere. I’ve enjoyed He added that they will be greatly
“At Somers, our boys and girls lay team of Joe Torre,Cole Willman and shot put (30-11). Murphy won working with this group over the missed next year and wherever they
teams are extremely large,” Somers (53.9), Brian Halper and Hayden the pole vault (8-06) and was sec- years and I’m happy they got one end up, that place will be lucky to
coach Jesse Arnett said. “In some Klein placed rst in 3:46.41. Halper ond in the 1,000 meters (3:30.90). last meet together. It’s certainly a have them.
cases double the size of every other sprinted to rst in the 55-meter hur- Lexington Quigley took rst in the season we’ll never forget.” “Nico DeMarinis worked for the
team in our league. is meant that dles in 9.07 seconds. Patrick Eames long jump (14-04 1/4). Nadia Pen- Regional championships past three weeks returning from
with only 51 entries in the meet for won the high jump (5-06) and was nella took top honors in the high Saturday, Feb. 27 injury to help this team and never
the boys or girls teams, sacri ces second in the hurdles (9.25). jump (4-06). Somers competed in Session 2 at complained,” Arnett said. “He just
would need to be made. At Somers, Brian Luciano won the weight As usual, Somers dominated the the Palisades Center Underground kept being a role model for younger
we value each athlete’s ability to throw with a heave of 59-10. Sam race walk with Jordan Han taking Track Championship with the athletes every day at practice despite
compete and the slogan ‘team over Rivilis was rst in the shot put (38- rst (9:01.37) and Avni Madhwesh highlight being a rst-place nish his injury. Hayden Klein is a con-
individual’ is constantly preached. 07 1/2) and second in the weight second (9:25.76). in the 4x600-meter relay in 6:13.75. summate ‘trackie.’ He always wants
e team values of academic focus, throw (39-10). omas Vecciarelli Kaitlin Krug was second in the Comprising the relay team were to know what workout we are doing
responsibility, e ort, team spirit, took second in the shot put (37-07 triple jump (26-10 3/4) for the girls four seniors in leado leg Nico and how we are going to be training
self-discipline and sportsmanship 3/4). with Nicole Cassara taking third DeMarinis (1:36.987), second leg through the snowy days. Joe Torre
all form our vision for how we want Nico DeMarinis ran to second (24-03 1/4). Noelle DeMarinis Hayden Klein (1:31.549), third leg is an all-around athlete that does
to represent Tusker Nation. In this in the 1,000 meters (3:00.16) with nished third in the 3,000 meters Joe Torre (1:34.617) and anchor leg track because it is an area where his
speci c season, sacri ce through teammate Michael Falcone not far (11:44.41). Corryn Watt was third Cole Willman (1:30.595). leadership can thrive. If you need
dedication to the team were more behind in fourth (3:10.32). Colin in the 55-meter hurdles (11.07). “I cannot say enough positive something you go to Joe,from a ride
necessary than ever before.” Brooks nished third in the 1,600 “Overall I thought the girls per- things about these four individu- to suggestions on any running event
“Past league champions, county (4:51.01). Liam Palmieri leaped to formed well and we were able to end als,” Arnett said. “All are leaders he is a great mentor to our younger
champions and current National second in the long jump (18-06 1/4) the season on a high note,” Somers on our team and all have worked athletes. Cole Willman is talented
Quali ers gave up their chance to with teammate Nolan Kavanagh coach John Vegliante said.“ is was to train throughout all of the snow beyond belief and won the county
compete in an event they could win in third (17-02 1/2). Jaden Abreu a di cult season to navigate and all and parking lot practices. From the championship last year in the 600.
so that a less experienced, younger soared to second in the triple jump these girls handled it the right way. cancellations to the running on your is year he is managing a job and
teammate could get the same op- (33-07). Alexander Pedersen was I couldn’t have asked for more from own time, these four have com- training at night and still nds time
portunity they once had. I think it second in the pole vault (9-06). this group and I’m proud of each municated with coaches, dedicated to plan for college. His develop-
is important to make it clear that in e girls had two rst place re- and every one of them. e seniors their time and energy so if they were ment on this team has been enor-
a time of such stress and anguish, lay teams in the 4x400-meter relay stood out at this meet. is is one of given a chance they would excel mous and the positivity he brings
there is still hope in our future. e (4:33.71) and 4x800 (11:20.68). our strongest senior classes we have and that is exactly what happened. to this relay team speci cally is un-
high school track athletes at Somers Bella Viscovich (65.8), Lindsay ever had and It was a great meet for ey proved that when given the matched.” Colin Brooks placed sec-
are proof of such hope and it is es- Gill, Ella Kittredge (65.8) and Isa- all of them. ey cover everything opportunity to compete they could ond in the 1,600 meters (4:52.84) at
sential that I share the words I heard bella Milojevic comprised the 4x400 with Jordan and Avni 1-2 in race be better than anyone else they went the regional meet.
over and over this season from so team with Ciara Murphy (2:38.6), walk, Lexi, Nadia and Ciara win- against.” SEE ROUNDUP PAGE 24
many: ‘I will be there. I will give my Kittredge (2:42.7), Kaeleigh Picco ning the jumps, Noelle with a fan- Arnett said it has been an honor
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Thursday, March 4, 2021 SPORTS The Somers Record – Page 23
SKIING Boys, girls win section title
BY RICH MONETTI Matt Dong 18th, and Jonathan Walerys
e stage was then set for the champion-
e John Jay-North Salem-Somers ski ships.
team had a big closing week on the slopes “We went to under Ridge to compete
and made 2021 a season to remember. e against the best of the best in Section One
boys and girls both won the league cham- skiing and came home with a ridiculous
pionship on Tuesday, Feb. 23, at un- number of medals,” Reinke said.
der Ridge, and went on to win Section at said, the girls stood high on the
One championships at under Ridge on podium again. Samantha Spieler took the
ursday, Feb. 25. gold medal and Ashley Binette was 0.3 sec-
e Tuesday a air, a Section One quali- onds behind for the silver. Kristen Wolfe
er, had eight other schools competing. came in 0.01 seconds later for the bronze,
e girls took the top four spots: Saman- and Rosie Binette placed ninth
tha Spieler won gold, and Kristen Wolfe, Across the lift, Luke Spieler was again JJ/
Ashley Binette, and Rosie Binette lled the NS/Somers’ top nisher at fth. Next was
podium in order. Oskar Lombardi, and he picked up some PHOTOS COURTESY OF KERRI WOLFE
Down the line, Emma Klares nished bumps and bruises on the way to earning Back row: Coaches Chris Reinke (girls) and Dan Collea (boys); front row: Samantha
in 11th, Daniella Cziedzic was 13th, and his honors. Spieler, Ashley Binette, Kristen Wolfe, Rosie Binette, Luke Spieler, Zach Purdy, Easton
Paige Martin crossed over at 17th. Sayer-McGill, and Oskar Lombardi
“Oskar had a spectacular fall on his rst
“ e entire team nished in the top half run,” Reinke said. “He came back with de-
of all the girl skiers,” said Coach Chris Re- termination and grit to put down a fan- have remained positive and appreciative of ishing times right up there with having
inke. tastic second run that landed him in 10th the opportunity to have a bit of normalcy a good time, even if the joy has been ob-
On the boys side, the team score ended place.” in an otherwise chaotic year,” Reinke said. structed this year.
dramatically, with the team edging out In addition, Zach Purdy nished 18th e team-wide supportive attitude “Even though we don’t get to see their
Scarsdale (94.95 seconds to 95.44). In turn, and Easton Sayer-McGill closed the eve- doesn’t hurt, either. smiling faces behind their masks, the kids
four boys advanced to the big race. ning in 23rd. All told, the four girls, Luke “ e kids remain each other’s best are having fun,” Reinke said.
Luke Spieler took bronze, Oskar Lom- Spieler, Lombardi, and Purdy earned All- cheering section,” the coach added. “ ey But the life lessons are what seals the
bardi nished in fourth, Easton Sayer- Section honors, a recognition that normally are the rst to o er a word of encourage- deal for the coach.
McGill grabbed seventh, and Zach Purdy would have had them advancing to the ment when someone has a bad race and “ ese athletes will leave the team
sailed in at ninth. In addition, Lucas Eber- New York State championships. cheer on a winning performance. I attri- knowing that hard work and commitment
hardt’s 10th-place nish made him the rst But this year was anything but normal. bute their support and encouragement as can reward them with success going for-
alternate for the championship race, and all “Even with all the challenges COVID a key factor to that success.” ward and that is really our objective,” he
together, Josh Burkart (Somers) was 11th, has put on our ability to train and race, they At the same time, the kids put the n- said.
Page 24 – The Somers Record SPORTS Thursday, March 4, 2021
GYMNATSTuICsS kers take second in Section 1 tournament
Emma Lusthaus BY TOM WALOGORSKY coach Teodora Cepoi. “Taylor had Taylor Breeding
EDITOR a fall on beam and lost rst place
all around. She was a little bit dis- PHOTOS: TABITHA PEARSON MARSHALL
e Somers gymnastics team appointed because she was very
had a strong showing in the Section consistent all season with over 37
1 tournament on Feb. 26, but came points,but this time she only scored
up just short against newly crowned a 36. We had two rst places, bars
Section 1 champion Mahopac by a for Taylor and beam for Emma.
score of 165.300 to 163.650. Held
at Odyssey Gymnastic Center in ey also placed second and third
Mahopac, the tournament also fea- all around. Both of them are seniors
tured squads from Brewster, Clark- and will be a big loss for the team.”
stown, and Ossining.
Somers gymnasts Emma Lust-
e competition saw an impres- haus and Regan Mooney took the
sive showing by Somers’ Taylor tops spots on the balance beam
Breeding and Mahopac’s Jamison with scores of 9.40 and 9.20 respec-
Castrataro, who took top posi- tively. Lusthaus also posted impres-
tions in three of the four events. sive scores in her other events, n-
Castrataro took the top spot in ishing third in vault with 8.25 and
vault with a score of 9.25 to Breed- fourth on the uneven bars with a
ing’s 9.15, and both competi- score of 7.65.
tors scored in identical 9.00 to tie
for rst place on the uneven bars. e all around was ultimately
Castrataro would go on to best won by Jamison Castrataro, fol-
Breeding in the oor exercise by a lowed by Taylor Breeding who
score of 9.55 to 9.45. took second place. Emma Lusthaus
“Somers had a good perfor- nished the day in fourth place,and
mance on Friday afternoon,” said Regan Mooney tied for fth with
Mahopac’s Nicole Giannetta.
ROUNDUP received well-deserved recogni- a tough opponent. Robert David- GIRLS BASKETBALL 4 4 ing period, when D’Erasmo scored,
tion. ey have had great attitudes son, who is coming back from an Yorktown 47, Somers 37 o an assist from Eberhardt. Car-
FROM PAGE 22 despite the disappointment of a injury last season and is even a little Tuesday, Feb. 23 mel answered by scoring the game’s
shortened season. en, to earn the banged up right now, is persever- Somers fell to host Yorktown next four goals before D’Erasmo
WRESTLING 1 0 win on top of that was the icing on ing and looking really sharp. An- put home an unassisted goal in the
Somers 42, Horace Greeley 36 the cake.” thony Tucci, also returning from a 47-37 to split the season series. Ava
Friday, Feb. 26 bad injury last season, grinded his Giudice led the Tuskers with 15 nal period.
Somers’ wrestling team opened Recording wins by pin for way into a third period pin. He’s a points. “Michael had a strong game,”
Somers were Anthony Tucci (138 gamer who loves to compete. Justin BYSNS’ co-coach Joey Bonitati-
the season with a 42-36 dual-meet pounds), Justin Daniyan (145), se- Daniyan made his Somers wres- Somers 57, Carmel 34 bus said. “One of the best I’ve seen
win over visiting Horace Greeley on nior Robert Davidson (160) and tling debut. He is a new transfer Wednesday, Feb. 24 from him. He skated hard to every
Senior Day. senior A.J. D’Orazio (189). student from Manhattan.” Amy Lasher, a junior guard, puck and played smart. His rst
scored a career-high 22 points in goal was after a strong forecheck
“It was a special start to the sea- “A.J.D’Orazio was super focused Senior Mike Rivera (172),senior a 57-34 win over visiting Carmel. and the other a good positioned
son,” Somers coach Ron DiSanto leading up to his match,” DiSanto Chris Aquilino (285) and Dalton She also had four steals. Senior for- rebound.”
said. “A lot needed to happen just said.“His hard work and focus paid Baloy (102) won by forfeit. ward Natalia Rukaj knocked down BYSNS 4, Mahopac 4
to get us there, so we were grate- o as he rose to the occasion against three 3-pointers and nished with Friday, Feb. 26
ful for the opportunity. e seniors 11 points. Gergley registered 42 saves in the
Walter Panas 40, Somers 23 BYSNS’ 4-4 tie against Mahopac
COVID–19 Thursday, Feb. 25 at Brewster Ice Arena. Eberhardt
TESTING ALERT Somers trailed by just a point at got the BYSNS going with two
FROM AFC URGENT CARE halftime but was held to only three rst-period goals, the rst assisted
points in the second half in a 40-23 by Jonathan Graham and Jacob
* Rapid & PCR Covid Testing for all league loss to host Walter Panas. Gasparini, the second unassisted.
* Extended Hours: M-F 8am-10pm, S-S 8am-5pm Giudice had eight points to lead Eberhardt scored again, assisted by
* No appointment needed for testing: simply stop into Somers. Yorktown’s Francesca Mangione, to
the center, pick an open spot on our sign up sheet, Walter Panas 48, Somers 43 put the BYSNS up 3-0 in the sec-
Sunday, Feb. 28 ond period.
return at your designated time, get tested. In the third period, Mahopac
e Tuskers dropped their third scored, with the BYSNS answer-
game in their last four contests in a ing on a goal by Ryan Cindrich,
48-43 loss to visiting Panas. Giu- assisted by Graham, before the In-
dice netted a career-high 19 points dians tallied the nal three goals of
and grabbed nine rebounds in the the game.
setback. “We were ying for two and
a half periods,” Bonitatibus said.
ICE HOCKEY 1 2 1 “ omas had the hot hand put-
Carmel 5, BYSNS 2 ting away all three. Unfortunately
Tuesday, Feb. 23 breakdowns on the PK (penalty
Yorktown’s Michael D’Erasmo kill) hurt us.”
Mahopac 5, BYSNS 3
(2G), Tommy Eberhardt (1A) Sunday, Feb. 28
and Matt Gergley (28 saves), led Gasparini (2G), Graham (1G),
the BYSNS (Brewster/Yorktown/ Eberhardt (1A), Brien Suchanek
Somers/North Salem) in their 5-2 (1A), Yorktown’s Callahan Du
loss against Carmel at Brewster Ice (1A) and Gergley (33 saves) paced
Arena.“It felt great to help the team the BYSNS in their 5-3 loss against
with those two goals but I couldn’t Mahopac.
get them without my teammates,”
D’Erasmo said.
e BYSNS jumped out to a 1-0
lead at the 13:41 mark of the open-
Thursday, March 4, 2021 LEISURE The Somers Record – Page 25
CLUES ACROSS 30. Tai language 56. Rules over 26. Swiss river For puzzle solutions, please see
1. One of Noah’s sons theparamountrehab.com
5. Openings 32. Get free of 58. More fervid 27. About senator
11. Rising from the dead
14. Expressions for 33. Afflict 60. Sweet drink 29. __ Paulo, city
humorous effect
15. North American country 35. Transmits genetic 62. Cry loudly 31. Native American tribe
18. Flowed over
19. Tags information from DNA 63. A friendly nation 34. “Titanic” actor
21. Long-lasting light bulb
23. Off-Broadway theater 36. Commercials 36. Campaign for students’
24. Khoikhoi peoples 39. Digits CLUES DOWN rights (abbr.)
28. Beloved movie pig
29. South Dakota 41. Expression of sympathy 1. A title of respect in India 37. Capital of Senegal
38. Slang for military leader
42. Bleats 2. His and __
44. Swiss Nobel Peace Prize 3. Employee stock 40. Football’s big game
winner ownership plan 43. Women who threw
46. Vegetable 4. A type of bond (abbr.) themselves on funeral
47. Turf 5. Acting as if you are pyres
49. Disorganized in character 6. Affirmative 45. Equally
52. Takes 7. Not caps 48. Forest animal
8. Type of medication 50. Heavy stoves
9. Monetary unit 51. Releasing hormone
10. Private school in (abbr.)
New York 53. Song
12. Small stream 54. Type of pickle
13. A person of wealth 55. Offer in return for
16. Exclude money
17. Someone who 57. Soviet Socialist Republic
vouches for you 58. Burns wood (abbr.)
20. Vegetable part 59. Beloved singer Charles
22. Gov’t lawyer 61. Three-toed sloth
25. Term to address a
To solve a sudoku, the numbers 1 through 9 must fill each row, column and box. Each number can
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BLeLEllEaGGAALLNNOOTTIICCEESS Tia CacclYl oBoorceuuutortYYlFtulborddoeoludfienmsuudbbbianornreeueeatshtaah8seohh4ddwr5ce.ee-2a.0rrYr8dee-o81..u51 r adD00Adof/olneAeDoBO5e22NeepnNJmtlda38,SgarDiruYDotc/ioUnel9oaDlaJ1tese-ieccErnimuY.lnt8ArcceyesolIYiisRs.es-ityeteNfCodsntsOA,CorR-.RiFuUoeposeSUGfc1duodeo,ecbSeRsFeSrroacn,acccPNnmetoedH,doeb,nensircSt,u,vYa3:CrnmeOleooENcootnde3ttrrioasmaCcAonrdoeophe4hntasNsnrriedaatayiDtleothResiLaolrh85seoopnmlnsdoyLcl:lnw4fn72T1csCaamLoh,SouaRoSisbLcpoD2tSoCpoohttn0G0:R5oLNoocef/7rbhiaenommesfteuh9Bcarp5He22hWNmmtyepoaonalCct-FmloY1ina3iRs8eoaoh,Se.ayroFutrnld2eottlep4/oOiosUnumo,9rrooerultoenas1lnteFcorsesncide-2ecrunimr.raast3s8irdorccelRlyeOsv,S,nhrlmdYierSLumtSBHyYonsse.5sli0ty1tseeypBefCNogecsnecMOadnoelRCR2TroreR.naceR-auiahUo0Ooyesssr,s1ESefnu1ao-ia7YgniurMiaeo5nlAFepwdlc/sgSsdRsArFSene0rrlianrcAsDd87seaac1htshN@atoeyemyn,deo1FoteT/@,cMNn3JAb.teerrc7So1,ee(CghYorif310DrumYeaSo0lmwatoIhNcuordToTaodh7li3nOa5rraDeTlr1oaPSbPslmsanc-ioulsSedomtIEeC4hmhnsn6ntllanNctT,AeerhorOrsLNrrihteskeatdsIitoyetti0wooRtoRsiweoiaelem,ornheeototNnLm)lLhNndSosmu.eoms’c3opuolcwgnn,tNsm-,o,SkmoPsdutieopCoeeLw3oem:wtrnnagNiUcGcuamadsftbuanNoadeW4sunorOeialeehteCbYil.eeiRsetsfdFlneltcyotrn,wmcsds-sOteaeanTeci.orergpH.irASaRisslydonsultisea,srSootIt.ldTs.pv:CNAscee.,CburselopESsihym1Itr,eecseoYmr6CnrEebNsassAeur2o:1htsel.8os1FurtEstsmiArYo/e8dhtgtyf0v.D1ladtTCrlt1fofuhi5ra5eoioOpSSPRRNbtsSRayrctPnepwtos0mhoChhneiwoh6doidoo4vndeO:huuofneeor7Yyhdsdhutibaesyhr0nueemmooedmsbbccue,alGsa,LOhoeaort.s1a.’pulusoo.rntrmmtertodmcnedpwrPenleiaoeaLeeagS0Mtirnoouggiirr.leIeenrcigorgwoddsuordrsiiooildmmh5hartrCtlxsa.tsd2islesgeciyhsrks,nnTslt-aRiroosem8sslnpbdp.fep0n.rhe.S1enBewwRtrtsaadu’ophnauespyS9ohocons.2edSelacudAsafensebuneau0ytsstgo1-Selseo.qtaco,aiwbatioercesleaodmchissbl.i4rlSbedNeteaup0mreUtef0eon:tmuodtatplieleLdinusecutrnlsaiinmdis6yA:nnur.YsBrtn-cltie/[email protected],ooiY1,nestyetntdeohwhhoerioh,idoodspnotto0/edfhesoep0hyluuuodrseenCCeeethni1TutC(.afaelaesrbwonado1ueuoOoemm/stacTaog1molhSbbiccs.5brdTPtlearnemahotottgrtsdeepihso.isrrgs0sIaefSeoooSnttsgreawmmtSlodm4atiiedteeleeieeig,oehdaoehtTo,nhnvetTpoougrirrp0rStSe.prfa.nNrr.3lnma9rtaaoeaS1niddhsnaourelSrmdefiieohhroCutyvpexsm1st-Nssm)3tsstegmmlvroetwoi.0a,teltmebeglYitju-orosbma,sd0oeehb4ppemtemucrditSS.eL1ehleRhYr0ls.enwdsluoutocpiunee4eebyeeohnssedeooLeaeceafafu1ertret,dbunuhposweolirposorttlcloCnanibsac8reeMdrslomrhsblo/tbtea.,rlovedd.omrsosliieStlddfceutneeoN.iomitrsSct.r@au1adi,tultnTtv1.Ntaooietrni2t01ohnoihBscontnpeSopWGdAsNwPYds4eniTut/te8aebenoeereedeurohosT1eoh.tbrlKrtlpscderneditfolsv1hsosiccpid4Iaeiie-rifcofgdemtm.tt2adeleesoeeodteco,,Tedny/Ssptdacnnsmshrta1aaanhoa.SpMsoodeoousyde9rsttgSmourelo:fyaeet,lmbsro/CBlboeRfoS’A2Fem1dtiN.coldealreeO;cwsiN0eoonseie0sfldadrY2Cefa2rlryrlasYsdhoSs0imgg2Cis0rpBkseaadlretsaesa-.atoeaaQreds.,alondhwYOgeuttNl,guieio.teznoffYati1BuufanntnoiiyFlcl0tntc1rfdi.poreosyoe00NeSfumtnf5lCetYoErSiL2ttpamfcolNiL6(iilmoaaSluFeatCY.stsrdoSanriteoyueENwNnafipobeY:tiotnen)mh8n.d4a5sLbiacpoS-onnPS2ooerbhiuehrr0a1TYC5hmmtyooatoant8ooahhta08ydutnmote-ouuo,ehrl1o0t3n8usrne8eruor1s1aost,ict0Svnhort4tl5rmYnMa8awioeeeafgneo1n5ndoepmrYacoaNmrc.esr-t,souoeicauogteie.al2pwgesuronenrmBrirfidse0Uhdthrnsmyntne@cMrb8.iteatCeoKaRsdoidaeSoalti-hhue.liheficnocresT8laaoalnsstceuotechmsn1lrroc,osruetmodikedstemw5torhsi,anyotdtmR.Sm1uoetN’eoonasowosdierwYstemnasmad.nan9rl1deeiotenet1,[email protected] process to Mark Mazzotta,
1O0n5e04K. GenetnPerlEPaalrcdeePis,utsAorprrreoimlaseeolansSkeu,sbNamnYdipshsoiotonss
LLC FORMAshToIuOldNbNe OsuTbImCEitted to The
To advertise in The Somers
Record, call Brett Freeman
at 845-208-8151 or email
Thursday, March 4, 2021 TAX & FINANCIAL PLANNING The Somers Record – Page 27
How to prepare for tax season
April is synonymous with accurate and led on time. 2020 should make sure they have
many things. Many people get e Internal Revenue Ser- Notice 1444, which includes the
their rst glimpse of spring vice o ers the following advice amount of the payment and how
blooms in April, while families to taxpayers who want to get it was received, as they will need
of faith look forward to gath- a head start on their returns so that to le their returns. It’s also
ering for Passover and Easter. they make sure they le on time important that people who re-
Sports fans may welcome the in 2021. ceived unemployment income
return of professional baseball in • Gather and organize your recognize that such income is
April, while scholastic athletes records. Many people rely on taxable, so they will need a record
may associate April with the a professional to work on their of that income, especially if they
return of spring sports. ough returns, and April is such pro- did not pay taxes on it when it
each of those things tends to be fessionals’ busiest time of year. was received.
welcomed with open arms, one As a result, it’s imperative that • Where applicable, con rm
day in mid-April may not be taxpayers have all their neces- your Individual Taxpayer Identi-
greeted so warmly. sary documents ready prior to cation Number has not expired.
Each year in the United States, their appointments. Any delays e IRS issues ITINs to indi-
April 15 marks the o cial dead- could force appointments to be viduals who are required to have
line for taxpayers to le their tax rescheduled, and there’s no guar- a U.S. taxpayer identi cation
returns. Taxpayers in the United antee tax professionals will have number but who do not have,
States must le their returns by any open dates on their calen- and are not eligible to obtain, a
this day or face penalties. ough dar as the ling deadline draws Social Security number from the ITINs with middle digits 90, 91, 15. at’s true for all taxpayers,
the ling deadline may be in mid- closer. e IRS notes taxpayers Social Security Administration. 92, 94, 95, 96, 97, 98 or 99 that but especially so for anyone who
April, it’s wise for taxpayers to will need their W-2s from em- e IRS notes that all ITINs not were assigned before 2013 and led for unemployment, received
begin preparing to submit their ployers, forms 1099 from banks used on a federal tax return at have not already been renewed an Economic Impact Payment
returns much earlier than that. and other payers and other in- least once in the last three years also expired at the end of 2020. or dealt with any other abnormal
For those who have not done so come documents and records of expired on December 31, 2020. Visit www.irs.gov to learn more circumstances in 2020 that could
in the rst two months of the year, virtual currency transactions. In In addition, all ITINs issued about ITINs. a ect their tax returns.
March is a great time to begin addition, people who received an prior to 2013 with middle digits • Contact your tax profession- Taxpayers may face unique
preparations to ensure returns are Economic Impact Payment in of 88 expired at the end of 2020. al. 2020 was a complicated year, challenges as they begin to work
and that gures to create some on their 2020 tax returns. More
unique challenges as people le information is available at www.
their 2020 tax returns. So it pays irs.gov.
PUZZLE to contact your tax preparation
professional with any questions Content provided by Metro
you have well in advance of April Creative Connection.
Corresponding to
Last Week’s
February 25 Issue
APARPR We can help get
your 2020 taxes
Public Rela ons For...
Businesses | Individuals | Organiza ons | Events PERSONAL WEALTH MANAGEMENT
Financial Planning • Investment Management
Your Message Is Our Mission
Tax Planning & Preparation
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(914) 275-6887 | bruceaparpr @ gmail.com
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Point B Planning, LLC d/b/a/ AtwoB (“AtwoB”) is a registered investment adviser.
A copy of AtwoB’s current written disclosure statement discussing AtwoB’s business
operations, services, and fees is available at the SEC’s investment adviser public
information website or from AtwoB upon written request. This article is for information
only and should not be considered investment advice.
Page 28 – The Somers Record Thursday, March 4, 2021
Why do Homes SELL FAST?
Home Staging
Home staging is designed to market and
sell your home in a way that’s appealing
to the largest buyer audience possible.
Staging uses simple design principles,
and may radically alter the way that your
home is arranged and decorated.
From the day that your house goes on
the market, to the day it closes, your
property needs to be in “Selling Shape.”
Homes that are staged sell faster and
for far more money. Along with my
team, I will make the process fast and
Part of my expertise is in helping sellers
get their home ready for the market. I’d
be happy to stop by and share some
thoughts with you on how you can stage
your home to obtain top dollar.
Please feel free to call or email
if I can help you further.
Marcie Nolletti
Licensed Real Estate Salesperson
338 Route 202 | Somers, NY 10589
Cell: (914) 424-5545
[email protected]
2020 Coldwell Banker Residential Brokerage. All Rights Reserved. Coldwell Banker Residential Brokerage July supports the principles of the Fair Housing Act and the Equal Opportunity Act.
Operated by a subsidiary of NRT LLC. Coldwell Banker and the Coldwell Banker logo are the registered service marks owned by the Coldwell Banker Real Estate LLC.