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Published by Halston Media, 2021-03-04 01:57:57

Boomers and Beyond 03.04.21

BBeoyomoerns &d


A Special Supplement to Halston Media
Donna Bernstein, far le , has taken her unique
laughter yoga classes online to keep spirits up during

the pandemic. See the full story on page 8.




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volunteer for
a be er life
for themselves
A volunteer helps out at a local food pantry for veterans. and others


It’s called giving back, bringing it forward, o ering a gets grants from the federal agency AmeriCorps Seniors, of experience giving rides to people has been humbling.
helping hand. Volunteering has been championed all over the U.S. Department of Health and Human Services, the “It makes you appreciate that you are healthy and have
the world by those who sel essly help people in need with New York State O ce for the Aging and the Westches- the time and ability to help. I drive one person to get di-
acts of kindness that not only make a di erence, but is ter County Department of Senior Programs and Services. alysis and she is still able to have a smile on her face. It
uniquely rewarding. Since the founding of Volunteers of On the RSVP website,, a puts life into perspective.”
America in 1896, many federal, state and county orga- member can choose from a list of local agencies to work
nizations have since emerged to manage volunteers and with including family services, elementary schools, muse- When Flo Brodley rst moved to Heritage Hills in
connect them to groups or individuals most in need. ums, senior centers, hospitals and libraries. For those that Somers in 2001, she was grieving the loss of her husband.
drive, a popular agency to sign up with is RideConnect, She read about volunteering as a Medicare Counselor for
Here in Westchester, volunteering has long attracted part of Family Services of Westchester. the Seniors Out Speaking on Medicare (SOS Medicare)
many active retirees who have become members of orga- Program managed through the Westchester Library Sys-
nizations like the Retired & Senior Volunteer Program of “RideConnect shows you a list [online] of people need- tem that started in Westchester in 2001. Brodley’s long
Westchester (RSVP of Westchester), a program hosted ing rides, their locations and times,” said Gina Pitruzzel- profession as an educator in the Bronx made speaking to
by Volunteer New York! RSVP was formed 50 years ago lo, 70, of Yorktown. “You can select as few or as many as groups easy. Brodley, 83, actively visits seniors at Heri-
as a go-to for volunteers age 55 and older who wanted a you are able and what is convenient for you.” tage Hills and at senior centers in the Lewisboro area to
direct path to volunteering. Joining RSVP is free and cur- explain the complicated Medicare system and to answer
rently there are some 930 member volunteers. Pitruzello said her husband Vincent, 72, started work- questions.
ing for RideConnect via RSVP in 2013 and is still driving
“Recent studies show that people live longer and have people to where they want to go. “He’s much more active “When you feel at home in front of a group you can
healthier lives,”said Wendy Armstrong, director of RSVP than I’ve been. He’s one of those persons who can’t sit verbalize about medical rights and answer questions with
of Westchester.“Seniors have the energy and ability to get still.” con dence,” Brodley explained. “Many don’t understand
out and help others which ful lls their lives. We’ve seen the Medicare program and it’s a way of getting them
how volunteering is a quality of life issue because it re- Prior to the restrictions imposed by the COVID-19 interested in learning more. It’s a wonderful feeling and
duces depression, lowers blood pressure and is an answer pandemic, those volunteering with RideConnect drove that’s why I’ve continued to volunteer.”
to loneliness.” people to medical appointments, banks, libraries, houses
of worship, hairdressers and to do shopping. Currently e pandemic has changed the dynamic of RSVP vol-
Armstrong has been RSVP director for almost three RideConnect provides only rides for medical appoint- unteering and has prompted the organization to fortify the
years. She oversees funding, and has produced two infor- ments but they are also available to deliver food to those connection to their members.
mative newsletters a year since 2019. e organization who are house-bound. Pitruzello said her three-plus years


Prescribing laughter

Yoga teacher spreads joy through her practice


Laughter is a universal human expres- people to laugh, to encourage them to compelled Bernstein to pursue other

sion—and bringing it on intentionally, laugh,” adding that, “the body doesn’t ways of helping people alleviate stress,

combined with yogic breathing, can pro- know the di erence between real laugh- and laughter became her calling.

mote physiological and psychological ter and fake laughter.” “After reading an article about the

improvements in people of all ages. is Some sessions might begin with claps bene ts of Laughter Yoga, I googled it

theory comes from Dr. Madan Kataria, a and chants of “very good, very good… and saw that there was a training ses-

physician in India who started Laughter YAY!” as participants throw their hands sion in New York; I became a teacher

Yoga in 1995, a practice which has be- in the air, as if in celebration. is act and then in 2019, traveled to India and Laughter Yoga teacher
Donna Bernstein
come a community of 20,000 clubs for of a rmation and positivity is a mood studied with the founder, Dr. Madan

“social laughter” in 110 countries. booster, where the clapping of hands Kataria,” Bernstein said.

Here in Westchester, certi ed Laugh- stimulates acupressure points that en- According to Laughter Yoga, the “Laughter Yoga leaders teach various

ter Yoga teacher Donna Bernstein ex- ergize the body—and doing so tells the well-being workout can confer health exercises to get everybody motivated,

plained that such groups gather not for body and the brain that one is happy, bene ts that include decreases in levels but we encourage people to laugh daily

poses as in traditional yoga, but for a Bernstein explained. of cortisol (a stress hormone), oxygen- and to just laugh anywhere, like when

hearty session of guided techniques for e Briarcli -based instructor who ation of the body and brain, lowering of you are brushing your teeth, you’re

laughing, breathing and connecting to- has been a registered dietician and nutri- blood pressure and strengthening of the chopping your vegetables, just do it ev-

gether. tionist for over 35 years, as well as a yoga immune system, while elevating one’s erywhere,” she said.

“We laugh for no reason—we don’t teacher, said she was immediately drawn spirit and general feelings of optimism. Because it is much easier to laugh with

rely on jokes, comedy or humor—we to the idea of incorporating laughter as e practice is done either in studio, other people (and a great way to counter

laugh for health and happiness; not be- a tool for healing, especially after learn- in workshops, in a personal session and the winter and pandemic blues), Ber-

cause we are necessarily happy, but we ing that its bene ts are based in science. now, of course, via Zoom as well. Ber- nstein recommends attending a group

laugh to become happy and we trick the Over the years of her career, the under- nstein encourages individuals to make class where some speci c techniques are

brain to become happy,” Bernstein said. standing that overall good health goes laughter a regular practice and to con- SEE YOGA PAGE 9
“We do various exercises to stimulate beyond just following a bene cial diet, sciously incorporate it into one’s life.



taught and the laughter becomes con-

“It gives you a vehicle, the tools and
a rmation—and then you can do it
on your own.”

e sunny laugh guru, who is used
to bringing this happy-therapy tech-
nique to venues like senior centers,
libraries, community centers, new
moms’ groups, Rotary groups and even
a farm, says that laughter can bring joy
and stress-relief to so many who could
use it right now.

“We were born with laughter; it is
not something that we were taught—
there was a study that said every baby,
two to four months of age, whether
they came from depressed parents,
war-torn countries, blind or deaf—
they all started laughing. It is within
us; we sti e it as we grow older and I
think my job as a teacher is to help us
to release what we already have inside.”

For more information on how to
participate in Laughter Yoga, visit

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Blue light glasses, breaks and dry eyes

An eye doctor weighs in on
how to protect your pupils


Taking care of our ocular health has away. You use muscles in the eye to look in a home o ce or study area? right next to the computer. Any time you

always been important, but perhaps even close-up and there is some muscle fatigue, Especially in the wintertime, you have feel any irritation, it is like a sip of water

more so now, given the new normal of pro- so a break kind of allows them to recover more arti cial lighting so make sure the for your eyes. You cannot overdose on

longed hours in front of electronic screens. and refresh. e screen is a really bright lighting is comfortable for you. Make sure them and it is one of the best things for

With conditions like blurry vision, dry light and nobody would consciously sit you have “task” lighting; if you are reading, comfort as well as for vision.

eyes, eye fatigue and headaches that have down and look at a light bulb—it would you should have dedicated lighting that you

troubled people of late, there are various be uncomfortable after a while. A lot of can modulate and direct the intensity to Other concerns from patients?

things to keep in mind that will give our times, when people’s eyes feel fatigued and where you need it. And always have ambi- As we get older, there are various issues

resilient eye muscles a break and provide they are squinting, they will actually turn ent lighting on whenever you are looking at that people struggle with, like cataracts or

some much-needed relief. up their monitor’s brightness, which is ex- any kind of electronic screen, like a televi- the ability to focus up close. A lot of peo-

Dr. Erich Braun is a board-certi ed oph- actly opposite of what you want to do—it sion or computer.When it is dark, the mus- ple say that they don’t want to wear read-

thalmologist and corneal specialist with is better to take a two-minute break and cle of the eye relaxes and your pupil gets ing glasses because they are going to “get

Caremount Medical at Putnam Hospital allow the eyes to relax for a little bit. really large. However, when you are looking used to them” or “get dependent on them.”

Center where he has been in practice for at a very bright light source, your pupil will I tell them that neglecting to wear them

over 15 years. He o ered advice for general What about blue light-blocking glass- constrict–so there is the tension between will not help because at some point, you are

eye health and addressed some common es that are said to reduce eye strain? your pupil wanting to expand and constrict. going to need them more, so ghting it is

concerns that he hears from his patients: As far as we know, there is no bene t to A computer should typically be an arm’s not the answer. Reading glasses are a neces-

them and there is nothing harmful about length away, or longer. We should be at a sity, eventually, for everybody. Always start

What are the basic things to keep in them. ere is no evidence that the blue reasonable working distance. Too close o with the lowest (magni cation) power

mind when it comes to eye care? blocking actually helps with eye fatigue. for a long period of time and that’s a lot that is comfortable and use appropriate

In general, regular eye exams are al- You could turn the brightness down or use of light—it will saturate the retina and feel lighting—if your arms are not long enough

ways important, as is wearing appropriate the color shift on your computer if you are funny afterwards, almost like somebody is and the lights are not bright enough, you

glasses and using eye protection if you are sensitive to light—and more importantly, taking a photograph with a really bright need to increase the power of the glasses.

doing anything dangerous—those are uni- not use your electronic screen within 45 ash.

versal. minutes of going to sleep. We know that Lastly, what are some warning signs

the blue light speci cally—it’s kind of the How about dry eyes? that people should not ignore?

How about speci cally in the time of waking-up light—will decrease your mel- We also don’t blink as often [with ex- Obviously, sudden vision loss or bright

Covid-19 and working from home? atonin and is counterproductive to initiat- tended screen time], so a big issue is dry ashes of light or little black spots that

ere are several recommendations: ing sleep. eyes. A lot of people have that as a baseline oat in front of your eyes, pain or per-

Spend some time away from the screen— I tell my patients that as long as they’re and are challenging themselves to keep sistent sensitivity in the eye, progressive

if you are sitting at a computer doing any doing all these helpful things and they their eyes open to see the screen; many are blurred vision or loss of vision.

kind of “near” work for more than an hour, want to get the glasses, go ahead and try not getting up to get a drink of water and Our medical o ces are really, really

take a quick break (two to ve minutes) them. For some people, they feel it really these habits run counter to keeping the safe—if something is changing in your eye

every hour (some say a minute break ev- makes things easier. ocular surface in good shape. health, come in. It’s much better to go see

ery 20 minutes) and don’t do other “near” I can’t recommend enough to have a your doctor or at least call the o ce and

work. Either close your eyes or look far What is an ideal set-up for eye health bottle of over-the-counter, arti cial tears do telemedicine.


How to avoid foggy eyeglasses

Billions of people across the globe need eyeglasses to drive a car, read a book, watch television, and perform a host of other tasks of daily life.
Although glasses are highly e ective, people who wear them understand they may have to make a few concessions while doing so. Unlike contact lenses, which sit directly
on the eye, glasses rest on the bridge of the nose. ey may slightly impede peripheral vision or even slip down if not properly tted. ose accustomed to wearing glasses in
the cold weather understand fogging of the lenses is a nuisance they may be forced to confront. at nuisance became even more profound when masks became a must-have
accessory to help curb the spread of the COVID-19 virus.
Glasses may fog due to the formation of condensation on the lens surface, which happens when moving from a cold outdoor environment into a warm indoor one. is is
a problem that has a ected eyeglass wearers for some time, including health professionals who often wear masks. e issue has become even more widely known due to the
sheer number of people who have been wearing face masks as a public health safety measure.
So how does one counteract the condensation and fogging that occurs from both winter weather and increased mask usage? ere are a few di erent methods, but eyeglass
wearers should always consult with an optometrist to verify the safety and e cacy of any method before trying it.

Use soapy water Get a mask that fits tightly Adjust the fit of glasses

A 2011 study published in the Annals of e Royal Make sure the mask ts securely over the nose, advises Choosing glasses that sit further away from the face
College of Surgeons of England found that washing e Cleveland Clinic. Also, a mask with a nose bridge can improve air circulation and reduce the formation of
eyeglasses in soapy water and shaking o the excess can will help keep warm exhaled breath from exiting up to condensation.
help reduce fogginess. Afterward, let the spectacles air the glasses. Use your glasses to help seal the mask on
dry before putting them back on. e soapy water leaves your face by pulling the mask up higher on the nose. Consider other options
behind a thin surfactant lm that reduces surface ten-
sion and causes the water molecules to spread out evenly Block breath with a tissue If these tricks seem like a lot of work, you also can speak
into a transparent layer. is can help prevent fogging. to an eye doctor about contact lenses or eye surgery.
e AARP suggests placing a folded tissue between
Use a commercial product your mouth and the mask. e tissue will absorb the Fogging of glasses has been a problem for some time,
warm, moist air, preventing it from rising up to reach but has become more widespread thanks to the use of
Antifogging products are widely used to prevent fog- the glasses. masks during the pandemic.
ging of scuba masks or ski goggles.
is article is provided by Metro Creative Connection.

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Local doctor sees
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Chances are if you were sick anytime over the last year, For people that may get four yearly checkups to monitor have the same level of expertise available; with remote tele-

the rst stop to getting treatment was your computer or ongoing conditions, like diabetes, Beran thinks telehealth health, another nurse in another ICU team can be watch-

smartphone. could reduce the number of in-person evaluations by half. ing what’s going on. Instead of a doctor who can only see

Many local hospitals were already making use of tele- ere’s already technology in the marketplace that al- a handful of people, a doctor can manage multiple cases as

medicine for follow up appointments for things like men- lows for monitoring protein in the urine, or devices where they come in.

tal health issues when precautions to stop the spread of the a doctor can listen to your heart as if they were there with “For parts of the country that don’t have the same ac-

coronavirus moved most aspects of daily life online. a stethoscope. cess to the New York metro area and access to specialists,

Dr. Nancy Beran, chief medical o cer of Westchester However, there are limits to a virtual relationship. it’s going to be able to raise the level of care given at every

Health,a member of Northwell Health Physician Partners, Doctors like to establish a connection with the people hospital,” she said.

has already seen telemedicine advance leaps and bounds they see,especially when it’s a new patient.And,after a year Beran could see in the “not so distant future” insurance

over the last year and thinks patients will likely see more of being in their homes, she’s nding many patients want companies sending out a box to patients with a collection

use of technology in doctor visits going forward. to come into the o ce. of products that can be used to send information remotely

With COVID-19, Beran said telemedicine was used “ ere’s still something to be said for human contact,” to doctors.

in the beginning to direct patients where to go - basically, Beran said. A couple things you might want to have on hand now to

who needed to come see a doctor and who could ride out Technology can also be a hurdle for older people. make telehealth work for you, Beran said, are instruments

their symptoms at home. “I’ve looked at a lot of people’s ceilings,” Beran joked. like a blood pressure cu , a scale to measure your weight,

Beyond assessments, doctors have now adapted to treat- A virtual visit is also easier on caregivers and families and a pulse oximeter to determine oxygen levels.

ing many acute conditions over video chat. who may be responsible for getting their loved ones to and “We’ve gotten very creative about it,” Beran said, “I had

Beran can evaluate a rash or a bite from a video, she can from appointments, or want to be in the room as a show a patient with COVID … and I said,‘will you walk around

see range of motion for someone’s muscular issue, and she of support. the room for a few minutes, let’s see how your breathing

can even do a “decent neuro exam”to treat someone’s head- With video call, Beran can invite in family members goes.’ I couldn’t listen to her lungs, but I could visually

ache. from other states, which can be especially useful for a deli- watch how short of breath she gets.”

Telemedicine is especially useful for chronic conditions cate “goal of care conversation.” It’s important, however, that when a doctor recommends

like depression or anxiety, where it might even be over- It’s also expanded the options for patients who might you come into the o ce, or get treated further at a hospital

whelming for someone to leave the house, especially dur- need to see a specialist located far away. or urgent care, the patient complies, Beran stressed.

ing a pandemic, or say, for a new mother going through “A tremendous amount of telemedicine is being done in Also, telehealth won’t x one of the most common com-

post partum depression. the hospital – teleICU, or teleStroke, where everybody is plaints when going to the doctor: Long wait times.

“I believe we’re going to see more telehealth, not less,” able to get the highest level of care no matter which hos- “ e one thing I think people do need to realize, doc-

Beran said. “I don’t know that it will fully replace a visit pital they happen to be in,” Beran said. “Maybe you’re in a tors still run late,” Beran said. “People are still dealing with

however.” small hospital in a community where perhaps you wouldn’t medical problems before you.”

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