Vol. 8 No. 37 Visit TapIntoSomers.net for the latest news. Thursday, December 20, 2018
Jingle all the way! Town Board
targets bamboo
Aided by the Somers Volunteer Fire Department, Santa greeted children
with candy canes to spread cheer. Look out for more photos from the annual growth in
Candy Cane Run in the Dec. 27 issue of the Somers Record. proposed law
Kids met Santa at the Lincolndale Clubhouse.
Controversies over invasive species can
sometimes die out only to pop up some-
where else—ready and raring to grow.
Just like bamboo.
ere are nearly 1,300 species of the
woody plant. It can grow nearly anywhere
but prefers tropical climates.
In the grass family, bamboo took o as
a way of providing shade and privacy in
suburban backyards.
But as its popularity grew, so did feuds
between neighbors.
Certain kinds of the plant send out roots
horizontally which can puncture folks’wa-
ter and sewer lines, not to mention destroy
their driveways.
e state recently added two types of
running bamboo to its prohibited invasive
species list: yellow groove bamboo and
golden bamboo.
is means that the plants can’t be sold,
imported, purchased, transported, intro-
duced or propagated in New York.
But as far as the stu that’s already grow-
ing here, it’s up to individual municipalities
to lay down the law, which is what Somers
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27 Sweet sculptures on display.
pg 18-19
Page 2 – The Somers Record Thursday, December 20, 2018
The Staff OBITUARIES Loretta Brandon
EDITORIAL TEAM Ann F. Angelovich
JODI WEINBERGER Loretta Brandon Bleakley, a
Ann F. Angelovich (nee Sklar) of Somers, passed children: Kimberly Currier, Stephen J. Angelovich Somers resident since 1980, passed
EDITOR: 914-302-5830 away on Wednesday,December 12,at Northern West- III, Natasha Angelovich and Grace Chalmers; one away peacefully at her home on
[email protected] chester Hospital after a long illness; she was 77. Ann great-granddaughter: Ella J. Currier and her sister December 10 at the age of 101.
was born in Yonkers on September 18,1941,to Joseph in law: Sr. Margaret Angelovich. Ann was prede-
GABRIELLE BILIK and Julia Sklar and lived in Yonkers and Boston, MA ceased by her husband in 1990, and their son, Ste- Loretta was one of 10 children
SPORTS EDITOR: 914-214-4285 before moving to Somers in 1998. Ann married the phen J. Angelovich, Jr. of Yonkers, in 2007. of omas Leo and Mary Gil-
late Stephen J. Angelovich of Yonkers in 1961. gan Brandon, and was born and
[email protected] Donations may be made to the Pulmonary Fi- brought up in Yonkers.She married
Ann is survived by one daughter: Joann Chalm- brosis Foundation, pulmonary brosis.org, in Ann’s Robert Bleakley in 1942 and they
ADVERTISING TEAM ers and one son: Michael Angelovich; 4 grand- memory. lived together in Yonkers, bring-
LISA KAIN ing up their children, for 30 years.
and Deli She volunteered with the Queen’s
914-351-2424 Daughters Day Nursery, St. John’s
[email protected] 291 Route 100, Somers • 914.277.8539 • route100market.com Hospital and e Lighthouse.
PAUL FORHAN Happ e couple moved to Bedford
914-202-2392 Holidays in the early ‘70s, where she was
[email protected] a member of the Bedford Hills
CORINNE STANTON MOTaurrkYReoFouFruroatsm1i0l 0 Woman’s Club. On her husband’s
845-621-4049 passing in 1980, Loretta moved
[email protected] to Heritage Hills, where she has
JENNIFER CONNELLY resided since. She traveled fre-
914-334-6335 quently with the many friends she
[email protected] made at Heritage, played golf and
NANCY SORBELLA bridge and joined in many of the
914-205-4183 activities available to her. She was
[email protected] a communicant at St. Joseph’s Ro-
BRUCE HELLER man Catholic Church in Somers.
[email protected] She is survived by her four
children, Mary Ann and Patricia
PRODUCTION TEAM of New York and James and Wil-
liam of Massachusetts, as well
TABITHA PEARSON MARSHALL as by six grandchildren and very
PRODUCTION MANAGER many loving nieces and nephews.
[email protected] wins fire
GABRIELLE BILIK commissioner
John Markiewicz will retain his
[email protected] spot as a Fire District Commis-
BRETT FREEMAN Markiewicz beat out former
re chief Jody Leverich with 112
PUBLISHER: 845-208-8151 to 62 votes, respectively.
[email protected] Markiewicz has lived in Somers
since 1980 and has over 30 years
SHELLEY KILCOYNE of experience in re ghting, serv-
VP OF SALES: ing in many leadership rolls and
earning a myriad of re service
845-621-1116 certi cations.
[email protected] He thanked those who voted
for him in a Facebook post last
Deadlines week.
“I would like to thank all those
THE SOMERS RECORD DEADLINE that came out this evening to cast
THE DEADLINE FOR ADVERTISEMENTS a vote for me as re commissioner
of the Somers Fire District,”Mar-
AND EDITORIAL SUBMISSIONS FOR kiewicz wrote. “ anks for having
the faith in me to do the right thing
SOMERS RECORD IS THE THURSDAY when it comes to the protection
BEFORE THE NEXT PUBLICATION DATE. of the taxpayers of the Town of
914-302-5830 OR EMAIL Markiewicz
[email protected].
OR EMAIL [email protected].
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SOMERS, NY 10589
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Thursday, December 20, 2018 The Somers Record – Page 3
Somers library praises high school volunteers
e following is from the Somers Library: chairs and some of the props for each of
the concerts, plays, and readings that the
Nate and Daniel Schwartz, juniors at Friends of the Somers Library sponsors.
Somers High School, have volunteered at ey also clean up again after each per-
the Somers Library for the past three years. formance.
e boys saw a request for volunteers to “ e best part of the work is the grati-
help the Friends of the Somers Library set tude of the performers and the public who
up and clean up for all of their programs. come to see the performances,” Nate and
Over the course of the three years that Daniel said.
Daniel and Nate have been volunteering In addition to Daniel and Nate’s volun-
in this capacity, they have worked on over teer work at the library, they are high hon-
30 di erent events for the Friends. or roll students at Somers High School.
Daniel and Nate, twins, were born ey also umpire for Somers Youth Sports
prematurely in 2002. ey each weighed Organization, participate in the SHS
1 1/2 pounds at birth. e boys had many Academic Challenge, volunteer with Let’s
challenges associated with their premature Play it Forward and they are both brown
birth including 16 surgeries for Daniel. As belts in Kempo Karate. Daniel also volun-
soon as the boys learned to walk, they be- teers with Habitat for Humanity and Nate
gan to spend many hours at the Somers volunteers for community service as a tu- PHOTO COURTESY OF SUSAN TAYLOR
Library reading and taking advantage of tor for the National Honor Society pro- Susan Cody, Nate Schwartz, Sandy DeSena and Daniel Schwartz. The brothers pictured
here at a recent Friends of the Somers Library event.
the children’s programs. e boys’ dad, gram at SHS.
Ron Schwartz, says that, “When the boys “ e boys have learned valuable lessons
saw the request for volunteers at the li- doing this volunteer work,” Ron Schwartz on time at the library no matter what else of the Somers Library, says that “amongst
brary, they wanted to give back for all of said. “ ey have seen rsthand how their is going on in their lives. ey learn and the many friends of the library, these boys
the good times that they had spent at the work enriches the lives of the people who maintain a work ethic that will help them stand out. Especially in this season of giv-
library.” depend upon them for these productions. later in life.” ing, it’s important to recognize and thank
Daniel, Nate and Ron set up all of the ey learn responsibility and how to be Susan Berkow, president of the Friends our loyal supporters.”
e Somers Library is located at 82 a business sponsor. Check us out on our Exhibit: Susan Oliverio Photo- of the PBS series “Race: the Power of
Primrose St. Register for programs at website, www.SomersLibraryFounda- graphs. November 1 - December 31. an Illusion: e House We Live In.” All
somerslibrary.org or by calling 914- tion.org, or on Facebook, www.face- Most of Susan Oliverio’s work comes are welcome to attend; registration is not
232-5717. Programs are funded by the book.com/SomersLibraryFoundation/. from travels with her husband and her required.
Friends of the Somers Library through Call 914-361-9979 to learn more. most loved location, New York City. Foodie Club for Teens ursdays,
donations. Are you a Friend of the Somers Li- With the photographic image, she tries 1/3, 1/17, 2/14, 2/28, 3/14,3/28, 4/11,
Magic The Gathering. Saturdays, brary? to capture an essence of an emotion, a 4/25 & 5/9 from 3:15-4:30 p.m. Join
through December 29. 12:30 - 2:30. Each year the Friends are tasked unique perspective or tell a story. She us at the Somers Library to make snacks
Come join us to play Magic the Gather- with raising su cient funds to provide can be reached for questions or com- and small meals that the group can enjoy
ing. Bring your own cards or borrow a a wide range of programs for children, ments at [email protected]. using the library sta kitchen. We will
deck to use from the library. New mem- teens and adults at the library. e an- Winter Art Drop-In. Mondays, also be discussing and planning for the
bers and beginners are welcome! For nual fundraising appeal is still underway. 12/17; 1/7, 14 & 28, 10:30 a.m. to 12:30 next meeting’s meal while we are cook-
teens and tweens. Donations of any amount can be sent p.m. Usher in the winter months with a ing! is program is for teens / tweens
Join the Somers Library Founda- to Friends of the Library, P.O. Box 443, relaxing drop-in art class. Take a break in grades 6th and up. Space is limited.
tion Somers, NY 10589. Additional informa- on Monday mornings and pack your Register online on the online calendar
If you would like to help make the tion, and its brochure, is available at the bag with your favorite art supplies: on the library’s website or call.
Somers Library extraordinary, please Friends section on the library website: watercolors,acrylic paints, colored pen- Winter Holiday Art for Teens.
consider making a tax-deductible dona- www.somerslibrary.org. cils, pens, paints and brushes. Quiet mu- Friday, December 14, 3:15-4:30 p.m.
tion to the Somers Library Foundation. It accepts donations via PayPal to sic will accompany you while you relax Spread a little holiday cheer decorat-
Your gift will fund new projects that [email protected]. All dona- and create art with other enthusiastic ing a glass votive candle holder and take
modernize, improve and enrich the of- tions are tax-deductible to the extent al- art lovers! ere is a $30.00 fee; checks home with you in time for the holidays.
ferings and capabilities of our library. lowed by law. should be made out to Judika Lieber- A perfect gift for yourself, or a loved
Other ways you can be an integral part e Friends of the Somers Library is man. Space is limited, one! Space is limited to 15; registration
of the library’s future include volunteer- a nonpro t organization chartered in Race Amity Day Discussion Group, is required.
ing to help with a Library Foundation 1979 by the Regents of the University of Part 3. Sunday, December 16, 2-4 p.m. SEE LIBRARY PAGE 26
project or special event, or by becoming the State of New York. Join us to view and discuss the third part
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Page 4 – The Somers Record Thursday, December 20, 2018
NYSEG trims trees Westchester County
anticipating winter weather offers certificates to
reduce tuition costs
BY CAROL REIF we are working together”to nd a solu- has become a signi cant public safety
CONTRIBUTING WRITER tion, said Councilman Rich Clinchy. issue. We are on a dangerous course Westchester residents can reduce their cost
that, if not remediated, may have seri- of tuition at community colleges outside of the
It’s beginning to look a lot like winter. On ursday, Jan. 10, NYSE&G’s ous implications for our citizens.” County.
Somers folks can heave a small sigh top guy in the tree-trimming/removal
of relief to know that their local utility end of things and its person in charge NYSEG has about 7,000 customers Certi cates of Residence, which can be obtained
is trying to get ahead of power prob- of infrastructure will update the public in Somers and 2,500 in North Salem. from the Department of Finance, qualify students
lems the season brings. on what it has been doing since the big for residential rates at two-year SUNY and CUNY
While it became, one town o cial storms of 2018. On two occasions, the blackouts colleges. So far, 1,742 certi cates have been issued
said recently, almost fashionable to lasted more than 10 hours, the super- in 2018. at number is expected to be closer to
bash New York State Electric & Gas According to Morrissey, the utility visors wrote. 2,000 as students begin to submit applications for
after Somers su ered multiple outages has been a “presence” in Somers in the the Spring 2019 semester.
last year, the Binghamton-based com- last six months more than it has in the In May, Councilman Anthony J.
pany has become more “responsive.” “last decade.” Cirieco declared that NYSE&G was Commissioner of Finance Ann Marie Berg said
not “delivering what they’re being paid the department has seen an increase in the number
is is due, the town claims, to its Meaning that it, or its contractors, to do, which is providing power that of applications over the last few years.
ramping up pressure on NYSE&G af- are hacking back tree limbs that look doesn’t go out every few minutes.”
ter power pooped out for close to 15 like they could fall on power lines “With online classes it’s even more popular be-
days (total) between last March and and installing devices that will auto- is alleged shortcoming was es- cause people can easily take classes outside of the
April. matically re-route power if that should pecially evident during emergencies County,” Berg said.
happen. during last winter’s back-to-back
No one has ever had a problem with Nor-easters when tens of thousands of Students have a 90 day window, 60 days before
the “boots-on-the-ground” guys, those With NYSE&G’s promises to be NYSE&G—as well as Con Ed—cus- and 30 days after the start of the semester, to apply
hardy souls who brave the nasty ele- more proactive instead of waiting to tomers were left shivering in the dark. for a certi cate and send it to their schools. Each
ments to get your lights back on, said deploy the troops after disaster has certi cate is valid for one year and one school. If
Supervisor Rick Morrissey. struck, things appear to be changing Earlier this year, NYSE&G un- students take classes at more than one school they
for the good, say town o cials. veiled its ve-year plan for shoring up must apply for multiple certi cates.
It was more of a thing with upper electrical systems in Westchester, Put-
management types—a general feeling A LITTLE BACKGROUND nam and Dutchess counties. Included “ ere is no cost involved to get the certi cate,”
that more transparency was needed In January, Somers and North Sa- in its $1.3 billion 2018 capital im- said Berg.“If you meet the resident requirement for
and customer pleas for updates during provement budget were: tree pruning, Westchester and New York State and are attend-
storms weren’t always being heard. lem both led a formal complaint replacing substandard poles, adding ing a community college outside of Westchester
against the utility with the state Public heavier gauge wires, replacing breakers County you’ll get the nancial bene t.”
But that is changing, local o cials Service Commission. and transformers, and installing seven
were happy to report at the Town re-closure units in Somers. Students who have lived in Westchester for six
Board’s Dec. 6 meeting. In a letter to PSC chairman John B. months, and New York State for one year, qualify
Rhodes, Morrissey and his compatriot If winds, or a tree, takes down a wire, for the program.
“ eir customers are our residents, so Warren Lucas wrote: “ e alarming the units kill the bad circuit and recon-
number and length of power outages nect everyone else. Applications can be found on the Department of
Finance’s website and must be submitted by mail.
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Thursday, December 20, 2018 The Somers Record – Page 5
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Page 6 – The Somers Record Thursday, December 20, 2018
BAMBOO necessary. of Overlook Way.
e town’s proposed ordinance She ended up having—reluc-
was based on that of the tiny Fire tantly—to sue former neighbors
is trying to do with its proposed Island village of Saltaire, the ge- who, she claimed, didn’t control
“property maintenance” ordi- ography of which is nothing like their bamboo. e new owner of
nance. Somers’ hilly and rocky environs, the property has also been less
Susan Drive resident Maureen Devine said. than cooperative, insisting that
Devine, appearing at the Town Saltaire also has about 400 any bamboo that crosses into her
We Are Now Taking Board’s Dec. 13 public hearing property owners, the vast major- yard is no longer his problem, she
Holiday Orders on the subject, emphasized that ity of which are not year-round claimed.
while she was a “bamboo property inhabitants, whereas Somers has Gross said she worried that the
owner,” she has no objections to 22,000 inhabitants and 10,000 aggressive and destructive plant
the Somers regulating the plant. property owners, she said. would get into her “propane line,
Some of Your Christmas Favorites However, she said, she was A more appropriate, clearly or drain.”
• Prime Rib Roast • Filet Mignon • Spiral Cut Ham troubled by three main things: worded, and understandable ver- Gross, who raised the bam-
• Pork Loin Roast • Crown Roast of Pork
the model on which the proposed sion would be the one in place boo issue earlier this year, said
• Crown Roast of Lamb • Legs of Lamb • Fresh Ham
• Fresh Turkeys • Fresh Geese • Fresh Ducks rules are based, the public noti - in Patterson, in nearby Putnam she didn’t mind being the one to
• Game Birds • Fresh Seafood and Live Lobsters cation process, and hefty nes for County, Devine claimed. wave the anti-bamboo banner as
bamboo violations. Once the new ordinance is long as something was done.
If the amendment is adopted “as enacted, the town would have e town has declared itself
is, you will burden yourselves with 30 days to notify property own- the lead agency in the SEQR
Let Sgaglio’s Cater Your a monster,” she told the board. ers. Anyone with bamboo would (State Environmental Quality
New Year Festivities
Under the new code, bamboo have 60 days to fess up and sup- Review Act) process.
cannot be replanted or replaced if ply any information required by e board adjourned the
it is “dead, destroyed, uprooted, or the town. public hearing on bamboo and
otherwise removed.” Devine wasn’t convinced that promised to give Patterson’s code
Top Off Dinner with Our Fresh Baked Goods at’s problematic because the town could reach out to all a good read before going forward.
Beautiful cakes (including Yule Logs), Pies and Cookie Platters
bamboo can look dead, and still be 10,000 property owners through e matter will be referred to
very much alive under the soil. its tax department or website. the Planning Board and taken
Gift Baskets and Fruit Baskets Made to Order Devine said her bamboo was Devine also called proposed up again in 2019, hopefully, to be
the running kind (as opposed nes of $250 a day “no joke.” resolved by this spring, Morrissey
to clumping) but was “well con- “ at’s a lot of money for me,” said.
1 Check out our Catering Menu for a tained.” she added. “Good, because the new owner
_Beautiful Selection of Prepared Foods
· Town attorney Roland A. Bar- seems to think he has no liability
BORROWING CODE oni Jr. said the town had been un- either,” Gross replied.
- .Ii Rather than re-invent the aware of Patterson’s code while it “Guess we know where the
wheel every time a new ordi- was weighing bamboo regulations. rst bamboo complaint will come
PH: 914.232.9444 FX: 914.301.5474 nance is adopted, municipalities O ering a perspective from from,” the supervisor joked.
127 Katonah Avenue, Katonah, NY 10536 tend to borrow from one another the other side of the fence urs- “Right. e squeaky wheel of
and then make adjustments as day was Carey Gross, a resident Somers,” Gross responded.
with a chef selected six course
tasting menu with wine pairings
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Thursday, December 20, 2018 OPINION The Somers Record – Page 11
ink! 600 Bank Road Jeferson Valley • (914) 250-2750 • www.clubft.com
BY JAY SPEAR Aquatics Tennis
2 indoor 6 tennis
Recently, I heard the old bromide, “ ink Globally and Act Locally.” pools courts
When I rst began hearing this statement many years ago, it sounded like
a rational, sound suggestion. Nowadays, this old saw no longer makes sense to PTerarsinoinnagl Group
me. It’s not the locally or globally that no longer stand up to scrutiny. It’s the word, Fitness
“think” that has become antiquated and no longer make use of it’s original intent. fMreaecchliansesse&s
Shouldn’t this work denote e ort and time put into making a thoughtful, rational
and meaningful decision? Our Congress, by its actions, obviously disagrees with the & receive $25 in club cash!
literal meaning of the word.
*New memberships only. Not to be combined with any other offers. Offer expires 1/31/19.
When the leaders of either major party decide that a bill should be passed or de-
feated, word goes out to the members as to which way to vote. With very few excep-
tions, party members vote as they are told.
Unless said bill directly a ects their own voting constituents within their own state,
the possibility that they actually read the bill hovers between none and very few.
e review of each bill is most likely done by congressional aides.
Using your own common sense, what are the odds that at least 50 or more people in
the U.S. Senate or 218 or more people in the House of Representatives could agree to
vote the same way on an individual bill.
If you think this is possible, I defy you to read any standard bill sent to the Senate.
It is so convoluted with all the useless add-ons, you would be shocked to see what
your representatives vote for.
It seems to me that the 535 women and men who comprise the two houses of
Congress are relieved of the arduous task of thinking.
Now allow me to address a larger group of folks who also seem to enjoy being led
like sheep, rather than think. To locate these individuals, simply look closely into the
nearest mirror.
SURPRISE! It’s us, the voting public. ese representatives who serve us do not
vote themselves into o ce. e people staring back in the mirror are responsible for
this a ront.
“Oh,” I’ve heard them say, “I carefully examine each candidate’s qualities and past
performances before I cast my vote.”
What percentage of us who even bother to vote actually do this? Go back to the
aforementioned mirror; look that person in the eyes and THINK!
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Page 12 – The Somers Record OPINION Thursday, December 20, 2018
Friends of the Somers Library give thanks An update from
your county
To the Editor: legislator
e Friends of the Somers Library would like to thank the generous donors who have sponsored
the oral bouquets throughout 2018. e owers are a beautiful, friendly welcome to all library
patrons. e bouquet sponsors for 2018 are: Advanced Computer Repair, Mancini Realty, Mexican
Shack, PCSB Bank, Appliance Sales Plus, Dr. Je rey Schachne, Dr. Robert Grimshaw, Mary Ward
of Houlihan Lawrence and Il Forno. ank you, too, to Stop and Shop, Somers, for creating and
delivering the bouquets.
We are very appreciative of their support!
Susan Taylor BY KITLEY S. COVILL district watershed systems.
GUEST WRITER I have also worked diligently
A Classe ! For e Friends of the Somers Library
Starting Monday January 7 As I conclude my rst to make certain that stalled
Day or evening classes! Gift year at the Westchester infrastructure projects in North
Drawing, painting, pottery, knitting & certificates County Legislature, I Salem and Pound Ridge move
crocheting, art therapy, and more! available! want to thank you for electing forward. Long Ridge Road (in
me. As your county legislator, I Pound Ridge) is now slated to
Class descriptions, schedule and registration on our am responsible for advocating receive $1.25 million in repav-
on behalf of residents who need ing work. New school bus stop
website www.railyardartsstudio.com something from government— signs have been installed on
Our arts education program exposes children, teens and whether it involves state, county county roads in Bedford, and I
or local issues—helping our have worked to ensure that local
adults to an array of techniques and materials with the goal least fortunate residents, and municipalities are reimbursed
A tist !of exploring and cultivating artistic talents while having fun. advocating for services to our for plowing and repair of local
Relax, talk, share ideas and inspire each other communities. county roads. We have estab-
in a casual lounge space designed to create lished an I-684 working group
Westchester County gets 15 to nd a short-term solution
collaboration. Studio memberships come with cents of every tax dollar, and it while being cognizant that a
24hr access to studio(s), personal storage space for uses that 15 cents to maintain new design will ultimately be
supplies, lounge & self serve coffee bar. Members parks, pave roads, run a jail, su- the permanent solution.
pervise ex-o enders, investigate
also receive a discount on classes & workshops. abuse and neglect of children, One of my top priorities
fund many local nonpro ts, has been to hold the utilities
621 Route 22 arts and recreational activities, accountable for their abysmal
Croton Falls, NY 10519 and many other things, some service during this past winter,
required by New York State. and I have been particularly vo-
914-617-8541 cal about the lack of crews and
We have inherited years of service to NYSEG customers. I
www.railyardartsstudio.com neglect and budget gimmicks have met one-on-one with the
that included one-time rev- CEO/president of NYSEG to
Holiday Catering Italian Style! enue sources, county workforce discuss these issues. I am happy
reductions, no raises for county to report that we are beginning
featuring employees, few capital projects, to see improvements, including
and borrowing for operating some accelerated tree trimming,
Classic Holiday Specialties & Favorites expenses resulting in a stressed smart meter investments and
improved NYSEG/community
• Seafood Salad • Fried Calamari • Rice Balls • Polenta • Baccala scal situation and deteriora- support during storms.
• Clams Casino • Seven Fishes • Stuffed Calamari • Lobster Tails tion of county resources. e
• Stuffed Artichokes • Tripe • Chicken Rollatini • Veal Valdostana • Bracciole budget we just passed includes In 2019, I will be working on
returning the county, slowly, to legislation regarding single-use
Plus over 120 Individual Orders plastic bags and Styrofoam in
more items on our or Catering Trays scal stability and keeping pace the county; nding solutions for
catering menu! with in ation. While there is our airport; creating a system
Available a modest increase to this year’s to help veterans receive the
budget, going forward we will services and nancial support
“Ready to Cook” be looking for other revenue they’ve earned; and delivering
sources we can use to rebalance assistance to the ve county
LUNCH & DINNER or “Heat & Serve” the county budget. parks in our district, among
other matters.
Tuesday – Sunday • 343 Rt. 202, Somers, NY 10589 • 914-277-7575 www.IlFornoSomers.com As your legislator, I have
worked cooperatively with my It has been an honor to
colleagues on the Board of serve as your county legislator.
Legislators and am proud of Please reach out if you think I
the progress we have made this can help. Email me at covill@
year. Highlights from the 2018 westchesterlegislators.com to
session include passage of laws get in touch or to receive email
prohibiting gun shows on coun- updates on everything from lists
ty-owned property; protecting of events around our district,
immigrants; banning salary to pending county legislation,
history questions in hiring; critical health-related issues,
banning conversion therapy for and opportunities for commu-
minors; expanding the Bedford nity members, along with other
Cemetery; encouraging hiring information.
in county contracts of business-
es owned by service-disabled I wish you happy holidays
veterans; and raising the age for and thank you again.
sale of tobacco products. I’ve
reconvened the Septic Subcom- Kitley S. Covill represents District
mittee in order to protect our 2 on the Westchester County Board
reservoirs and have delivered of Legislators (Bedford, Lewisboro,
$750,000 to help pay for the Mount Kisco, North Salem, Pound
operation and maintenance of Ridge and a portion of Somers).
Thursday, December 20, 2018 OPINION The Somers Record – Page 13
Times gone by
THE able. Sometimes there was soft social contact with others. You’d anything we had the pleasure We’d see the tree at Rockefeller
SEASONED music playing in the background meet a friend for lunch and of seeing ourselves in di erent Center, the tree at the Metro-
CITIZEN and conducive muted lighting to then wander through the stores, out ts and hearing people tell politan Museum of Art, and the
stopping at di erent counters us how well we looked. We, fabulous animated Christmas
ADRIENNE atter any shopper. Every store and talking to the sales people. in turn, commented to other windows along Fifth Avenue.
KAVELLE even had its own department of On our days o my sister and I shoppers on their choices and
seamstresses and tailors to t you would meet at Lord and Taylor made momentary friendships to Internet shopping in your robe
Lord and Taylor is clos- every need. or Bonwit Teller and have a everyone’s delight. is was real and slippers will never take the
ing its agship store in ball. Our motto was: “When social interaction as opposed to place of bundling ourselves in
Manhattan…how sad! In e closing of Lord and Tay- the going gets tough, the tough so called “social media.” warm clothes and joining the
the last few decades we have lost lor’s in New York is the closing go shopping,” and we were able hordes of other like-minded
other wonderful retailers: Bonwit of an era; an era of personal ser- to forget our problems and heal Lord and Taylor was the people experiencing the magic
Teller, Best and Co., B. Altman, vice where the shopper trusted wounded egos because shopping rst to give us wonderful holi- of the holidays together as only
Milgrim’s,Tailored Woman, the expertise of the salesperson was not only tactilely pleas- day windows and soon other human beings can.
De Pinna. Each had sta s of and the salesperson did all in ing but emotionally pleasing stores followed suit. We looked
knowledgeable sales personnel, his/her power to make certain as well. Even if we didn’t buy forward to the yearly New York Contact Adrienne at ergosum1@
always ready to help you nd the the customer was happy. It was City family trip each December. comcast.net
right look for any occasion. ey a time when people cared and
were skilled in fashion and quality took pride in doing a job well. TIMEORUUTN?NING
and over the years became your
friends, always choosing what was Retail has recently entered the Gift Cerificate
right for you. electronic age with avatars to try Time!
on clothes so the convenience
Each store had general sales of today’s internet shopping is Sweeten The Gift
people and personal shoppers to great…unless you wear a triple- With A Box or Two of
help and advise you. It was an A or triple-E shoe or need a Our Sugarfina Adult Candies
honorable, digni ed profession small top or a larger bottom. Filled With Real Single-Malt Scotch,
from the new baby department Physically trying things on was Tequilla, Bourbon,
to the wedding gown emporium. not only fun, it was imperative Champagne And More!
in some cases, and having caring Open Sundays thru December 24th!
ere were designer areas and persons to help in your quest
sales areas all laid out to make was not only convenient but very Sold Exclusively in Putnam at
you feel at ease and comfort- welcome. ey knew the stock
and you trusted them to nd
what you needed.
Shopping was part of one’s
54 Miller Road, Mahopac, NY 10541 • 845-628-3447 • www.aljanjewelers.com
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Page 14 – The Somers Record OPINION Thursday, December 20, 2018
You Won’t Find Me MELEN guy and he’s going to have to use both
At The Mall. I’m Not hands to catch me, and you snatch the
That Type of Ring. FROM PAGE 10 wallet back. Just as I’m getting ready to
go, two people trip over the curb, and it
VISIT OUR helmets or something, I’d have some throws o my timing. What if he’s got
NEWWEBSITE! explaining to do downtown. By the more than one wallet in his pocket?
way, it would be convenient if they Whatever wallet I end up with is likely
themexicanshack.com had another police station uptown so I to have more cash, a better credit limit
could do my explaining a little closer. and nicer wallet-sized photos, so I’m
7OPEN DAYS not too worried about it.
I told my wife to be careful of
UNTIL 8PM pickpockets. I don’t carry a whole lot Finally we’re close enough to get a
of cash around with me, for the good sel e. I have long arms, so I take the
Kingman Turquoise Ring – reason that I don’t have a lot of cash. sel e phone and try to get a picture of
Sterling Silver and 14 Karat Gold. So pickpockets, if you’re out there, you us in front of the tree. Every position
could pick a better pocket to pick. But I hold the phone in presses a di erent
Est. 1975 I lost my wallet once and it was a big button on the side. First, I’ve turned
pain in the neck to replace all the stu the lens around so it’s facing the back
Fine Jewelry, Fashionable Sterling I keep in there- as every guy knows, of a busker in a Santa suit who looks
Silver, Native American Jewelry. your wallet is like having a small ling like he might be trying to dodge a
Beautiful jewelry by casual people. cabinet in your pants. It’s much more stack of warrants with the disguise.
convenient than having a large ling
256 Route 100 Somers, NY cabinet in your pants, so if somebody en I launch an app that puts u y
(914) 232–8739 makes o with it, I’ve got to get it ears and cat whiskers onto the back of
back. First, we identify the pickpocket. crackhead Santa’s head. Next, I hack
I yell, “OMIGOD SOMEBODY into the Equifax database by mistake.
STOLE MY WALLET!” And then Meanwhile people are paused politely
quickly look around- the person who waiting for us to take the damned
seems unsurprised by this is the thief. sel e. Finally a young girl comes over
Well, it turns out EVERYONE in and grabs the phone. “Give me that,
New York City is unsurprised by this. I’m a Millennial.” And she snaps three
perfect photos without any further
Once we nd the guy, we have to ado. en a fat guy enters the crowd
reverse-pick his pocket. I’ll create a three blocks away, and when the ripple
diversion and you get the wallet back. e ect reaches us we’re forced out onto
What could be the diversion? I know Sixth Avenue. Just as we’re leaving two
how to play “Flight of the Bumble more people trip over that curb at the
Bee” by tapping my cheeks really fast. I pickpocket area, and I wonder if maybe
don’t think it’s a diverse enough diver- crime really does pay.
sion, but I do it anyway just to show
you I can. I’ll keep things simple- I’m Say hello at: [email protected]
going to trip over the curb right at the
Thursday, December 20, 2018 OPINION The Somers Record – Page 15
Try to remember these things about December
STRONG of the year? 1987 by Matt Nader of the Blue Turquoise and zircon. (6) Tenth. Happy Holidays,
LEARNING 2. What is Dec. 7 known for? Chip Cookie Co. (Something a (7) “Decem,” which means 10th. Dr. Linda
3. True or false: Dec. 4 is little shy about that) (4) True. (8) January and February. (9)
DR. LINDA December was chosen to be the Holly, narcissus, poinsettia. (10). Dr. Linda is co-author of
SILBERT National Cookie Day. month that honors the Uni- Dreidel. (11) Two turtle doves. “Why Bad Grades Happen
4. True or false: December versal Declaration of Human (12) “Not a creature was stirring, to Good Kids,” and director
Dear Dr. Linda, Rights (UDHR). It’s an interna- not even a mouse.” (13) It is a of Strong Learning Tutoring
You’ve had columns about is when we celebrate Universal tional document adopted by the way of honoring the customs of and SAT/ACT Test Prep.
Human Rights Month. General Assembly of the United Africa, where many ancestors Send your questions to Linda@
di erent months of the year, Nations on Dec. 10, 1948. (5) came from. stronglearning.com.
and di erent holidays that we 5. e birthstones for people
celebrate. I nd these informa- born in December are _____ Rejuvenate your inner self Something Special For You...
tive and fun to share with my and ______. Gift CGerretiafitcGaitfetss!
own kids and my fth-grade with our Make
students. I thought it would 6. December was originally
be interesting to have a col- the ____ month of the year in Grand Opening Specials
umn that’s about the month the Roman calendar.
of December because it’s such $10 o Rejuvenator
a beautiful month. In case you 7. December gets its name
take my advice, thank you in from the Latin word ______. a 1 hour Escape Massage $65 Senior Special (Reg. $80)
8. What months did the Swedish inspired with a relaxing and 65 and over on Tuesday after 1pm
Greta Romans add to the calendar to therapeutic style of bodywork. Improve blood circulation,
make it a 12-month calendar? Includes a free enhancement
Dear Greta, relieve pain, reduce Inflammation &
You’re right. December is 9. What are the owers as- (Aromatherapy or Foot Exfoliation) increase range of motion.
sociated with December?
a beautiful month. Probably eternita spa O ers exclude gift certificates
that’s because of the decora- 10. What is the top called
tions, foods, parties and spiritual that children play with during Aromatherapy • Deep Tissue • Scalp Renewal O ers good until 12/31/18
observances. Hanukkah?
253 Route 202 • Somers, NY 10589 • 914-617-8660 • www.eternitaspa.com
It’s a time of giving and 11. In the song “12 Days of
that’s one of the most special Christmas,” what did the true SNoot msuertehriwss GhhDaoivtleiedtonathytgNeaisvmoeleawPaasorlnoaO?vcepdteiocnnee
gifts you can pass on to your love give on the second day of Big, Beautiful, White Smile!
children—the gift of giving. Christmas? GiWanhnitTIaennhtFrienoedgPrurrEcaeimxnnpgtiiee,rrDeieDncSe. :
Idealistically, that is wonder- The Stocking Stuffer: Complete at Home
ful, but don’t be surprised if 12. What is the next line in $30.00 for our Whitening Gift:
the children in your life enjoy the poem, “A Visit from St.
getting presents even more than Nicholas?” ‘Twas the night
giving. at’s OK, too. But they before Christmas, when all
learn from those around them. through the house…?
e adults in their lives are their 13. Why do many African-
role models and if they see you American families celebrate a
giving, they in turn will learn special time—from Dec. 26 to
to give. Jan. 1—called Kwanzaa?
With that in mind, this is the Answers: (1) Dec.21 or 22 in
perfect time to give a short quiz the Northern hemisphere. It is
about the month of December the shortest day and the longest
and a few things associated with night of the year, but that’s only
it. in the Northern Hemisphere. In
the Southern Hemisphere, it is
e rst day of winter is in the longest day and the shortest
the month of December. What night of the year. It is actually
date is the rst day of winter? the rst day of summer in the
Southern Hemisphere. (2) In
1. Is the rst day of winter the United States, Pearl Harbor
the shortest or the longest day Day is observed annually on
Dec. 7. It is on this day, that we
honor the 2,403 citizens of the
United States who were killed
when Japan made a surprise
attack on on Pearl Harbor, Ha-
waii. (3) True. It seems National
Cookie Day was founded in
mini take-home Ou$r99ta. kOephaolemsceePnwhocthoebityGeLanuorian. Ogliverio $550 In Office Whitening
Opalescence whitening kit Opalescence Boost procedure.
New Patient Special(includes 5 trays).
system, quick and easy Brighter, Whiter Teeth
(includes 10 trays). in just 2 hours!
$99 First Exam, X-Ray, & Cleaning*Regular value: $350. Not to be combined with insurance or any other offer. Exclusions may apply. Exp. Nov 30th
4 Heritage Hills Plaza, 202 Ctr, Somers NY, 10589
914-277-4222 • www.somerssmiles.com
Page 16 – The Somers Record OPINION Thursday, December 20, 2018
Bribing Secret Santa
Traditionally, our fam- name they’d drawn and the rest with all of our names on them head as he dines. Usually we WHATWAS
ily draws names for a of us had blank looks on our and topped each one with a become “scratch & hiss” bait if I THINKING?
Christmas Secret Santa faces. kitty treat. Cookie went into we try to pet our kitties while
gift. Usually this is done dur- action and ate all of the treats they are eating. Not so with RUTHANN
ing our anksgiving celebra- Back to square one. Paul (of course) while I noted the Cookie: he loves the attention! SCHEFFER
tion. However, we kind of took the responsibility of order in which he made them
dropped the ball this year. organizing the drawing. Word disappear. I will let each of you Now that we know who our that it is the season for all of us
for word, here are his results (by know your recipient in a text Christmas target is, it’s o to to wrap our world in peace and
Being proactive last year, we the way, Cookie is a handsome, message.” the internet or one of the stores love!
drew names for 2018. at’s a charming and a ectionate to put our imaginations to work
good thing, right? We’re ahead Maine Coon cat): A little “cat note” about the and get that special gift for that
of the game! Nope, we weren’t. amazing Cookie: When he is special someone.
Only two remembered whose “ e venerable Cookie has eating, he expects you to pet his
spoken. I laid out Post-It notes Friends, please keep in mind
6 places to visit
over winter break
NO INSURANCE? NO PROBLEM. Ican’t seem to slow this DIVERSIONS &
holiday season down! EXCURSIONS
Dr. Harbottle now offers affordable concierge ere is still so much to
programs direct to patients at $499 per year. do and I try to savor every NANCY
day, every experience and SORBELLA
• Concierge Program Includes • memory. Today, there are ve
days until Christmas and I’m candle dipping.
• Two cleanings per year $499 about to embark on an epic
• Initial X-Rays mom and daughter holiday LEGOLAND
• Unlimited Exams per year. weekend in the city. Discovery Center
• Unlimited Additional X-Rays
• ALL in-house procedures discounted I think we have every quint- Ridge Hill, 39 Fitzgerald
essential New York experience Street, Yonkers
Voted Top Dentist • GENERAL DENTISTRY • on our agenda. I can’t wait to
By His Peers Oral Hygiene • Periodontal Screening & Treatment • Restorative Dentistry share that diversion. ere are westchesterlegolanddiscov-
2009-2018 • Tooth Fillings • Onlays, Crowns & Bridges • Dental Implants • Root Canals many moving parts and person- erycenter.com
alities to consider so its best left
Westchester and • X-Rays • Treatment For Bruxism & Tooth Grinding to full disclosure next week. Bricktacular and more: Mas-
Fairfield counties • DENTAL COSMETICS • ter Model Builder workshops,
What I’m thinking about seasonal activities and more
Teeth Whitening • Bondings, Porcelain Crowns & Bridges right now is what to do during through the end of December.
• Porcelain Veneers • Lava All-Ceramic System the holiday week; those post-
• Invisalign & Dental Implants Christmas days o from school Cross County Center Pop-Up
and work. ere is actually a Holiday Ice Skating
PAUL D. HARBOTTLE, D.D.S. lot of seasonal fun to be had to
extend that holiday feeling but 8000 Mall Walk, Yonkers
380 Route 202 at Junction of 116 (across from Heritage Hills) often at a more relaxed pace. www.crosscountycenter.com
Depending upon your schedule, Holiday ice skating but on
914.277.3518 there are probably three key synthetic ice (yes!) and you use
days to ll: Wednesday, Dec. 26 real ice skates through Jan. 13.
SomersDentalCare.com to Friday, Dec. 28. I’m giving
you six fun choices to add to The New York Botanical
your calendar. I totally loved Garden Holiday Train Show
them all, would go back and do
in some cases, and they won’t NYBG, 2900 Southern Boule-
disappoint. vard., Bronx
Why do I love them? Because nybg.org
there’s a little local history, Experience over 175 iconic
culture, art, science, exercise and New York landmarks scaled
the just the right amount of down and constructed of all
engagement for all ages. Happy natural elements in the Enid
Holidays! Haupt Conservatory while G-
model trains travel throughout
The Hudson River Museum the foliage and holiday lights
511 Warburton Avenue, through Jan. 21.
hrm.org The Polar Express at The
Dec. 26-28: Special holiday Catskill Mountain Railroad
science and art workshops, holi-
day exhibits, gallery tours, face Westbrook Lane Station, 149
painting, snacks, and more. Aaron Court, Kingston
Boscobel catskillmountainrailroad.com
1601 Route 9D, Garrison Travel through time on e
boscobel.org Polar Express in a vintage train
Dec. 26-28: Holiday crafts, car. Listen to the story, drink
tours, and seasonal snacks in- hot cocoa, wear your pajamas if
cluding pomander making and you’d like and receive a special
sleigh bell as a souvenir through
Dec. 28.
Thursday, December 20, 2018 The Somers Record – Page 17
Meadowland Bill Volz
of Carmel
AND Westchester
1952 Route 6 Carmel, NY
2293 Crompond Rd Cortlandt Manor, NY
Holiday Season! SAYVEENIANDRGS!!
2019 RAM 1500 1500 Express Classic 2019 JEEP CHEROKEE Latitude Plus 4x4
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V o l z A u t o . c o mSK#18849,MSRP $39,080 SK#181049,MSRP $40,480
See dealer for details. All rebates included.All vehicles except Wrangler include Conquest. Must qualify for rebates. Lease is 10k per year with $2998 down, plus 1st
payment and bank fee. Must qualify for tier 1 credit.Residuals are Compass 6591/15150, Ram 3096/23355, Cherokee 5396/16439, Wrangler 10491/28336, Gr
Cherokee 7605/19631 and Durango 8541/19930.Residency restrictions may apply. Not responsible for typographical errors. Tax and reg extra. Ends 12/31/18.
Page 18 The Somers Record – Thur
Gingerbread Fes
Gingerbread houses decorated the Here are the winners! Lexie Horafios, 7, with her favorite
Wright Reis Homestead and brought gingerbread house
cheer to visitors during the Ginger- People’s choice award:
bread Festival on Dec. 8. e event, or- Adult - Katie O’Keefe
ganized by Girl Scout Troop 1457 and Children - Tie between Daisy Troop
the Somers Historical Society, helped 1441 and Emme Quinn from Troop
collect nearly 70 pounds of food and 1457
canned goods that will go to the Somers
Food Pantry at St. Luke’s Church for the e following were judged by Execu-
holiday season. e Gingerbread Festi- tive Pastry Chef Patrice Lovell
val was held at the Wright Reis Home-
stead and Charles Wright was a found- Pastry chef award:
ing vestryman of St. Luke’s Church. e Daisy Troop 1441
members of Troop 1457 also cultivated Honorable Mentions were given
a garden at the Wright Reis Homestead to Brownie Troop 1459 and Meadow
last season with produce grown donated Dondl from Troop 1457.
to the Food Pantry.
e gingerbread houses will be dis-
played around town at Sweet Delites,
PCSB/Somers, e Mexican Shack, the
Senior Nutrition Center in Van Tassell
Memorial House and at Somers His-
torical Society in the Elephant Hotel.
Elephant Hote
Gingerbread Hous
Sisters Kayleen Contreras, 4, and
Kayla, 9, looking to vote for their
favorite gingerbread house
Over 30 gingerbread houses submitted Tusker House Gingerbread House
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rsday, December 20, 2018 Page 19
Eleanor O’Grady, 6, with her
stival “Elephant Candy Cane House”
made by the help of Rosie, Taylor
Richie Russo,
Dana, Justin, 3, and Ava from Troop 2053
and Abrielle, 20
months, looking
at all the creative
AH BUSSINGER Julia, Olivia, Gianna, and Maggie’s “Tusker Holiday House,”
Troop 2053
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Page 20 – The Somers Record Thursday, December 20, 2018
Town Board adopts 2019 budget
An article in the Dec. 13 Somers Record contained tax rate of $14.62 per $1,000 of assessed valuation will cess—which starts as early as August for some town
incorrect information. We apologize for the error. A rise to $14.91, or by 1.97 percent, town nance director departments—“interesting.”
corrected version of the story is available online at Robert Kehoe said.
tapinto.net/towns/somers. “You’re trying to gure out what budget you’ll want
e tax levy in the 2018 adopted budget was 15 months later ... and you’re trying to project what the
BY CAROL REIF $7,288,403; it’s $7,433,952 in 2019. revenues will be from real estate, the real estate market,
CONTRIBUTING WRITER and the mortgage tax that comes from that as well as
Under the 2019 plan, a home worth $500,000 would sales tax from the county that collects it and distributes
e Somers Town Board has unanimously adopted pay $910 in town taxes, or about $17 more a year. it to the towns. Of course, you want to have a fund bal-
a 2019 town budget of slightly more than $14 million. ance,” he explained.
e average home in Somers has an assessed value
e $14,076,466 spending plan voted on ursday, of about $400,000 to $450,000 so the average town “ ank goodness we do have a good nance director
Dec. 13, represents an increase of $146,226 over the tax increase could be anywhere from $14 to $16 per who keeps his eye on those numbers,” Clinchy said of
current $13,930,240 budget. household. Kehoe.
e tax levy, or the amount required to run a mu- Supervisor Rick Morrissey thanked board members, e 2019 adopted budget is posted on the town’s
nicipality, is going up by 2 percent while the current department heads, and Kehoe, for “all the hard work” website, http://www.somersny.com, under news and
that went into putting the spending plan together. announcements.
Councilman Richard Clinchy called the budget pro-
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Esta1b9l7i9shed Somers Each Office Licensed Real Estate Broker event, there are trains, a decorated
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PTSA, P.O. Box 108, Lincoln-
dale, NY 10540, Attn: Scholarship
Committee. Please include a note
on the memo line that the dona-
tion is for the Scholarship Fund.
If donating online, please en-
roll in myschoolbucks.com and
go to the School Store, then
click on Categories and choose
Thursday, December 20, 2018 ELEPHANT’S TRUNK The Somers Record – Page 21
TRUNK tion go to www.somersny.com,then We are looking for community rently available on Naviance and Class of 2021 is selling car win-
click on parks and rec, then click members to let us know about many more will be added in the dow decals. For more information,
on program registration site. If you homes in their area. Signup to rep- coming weeks. Seniors can search visit www.somersschools.org/
Somers High School Donations. have any questions, please call 914- resent your neighborhood at www. for scholarships in Naviance in the - Families tab - PTA and then
You can then choose a donation 232-8441 or [email protected] IlluminateSomers.com. More in- colleges section. e Scholarship SHS PTSA. All proceeds bene t
St. Luke’s Food Pantryamount and select Scholarship formation at www.SomersLions List can be found at the bottom of the SHS Class of 2021.
Fund Donations in the drop box Club.org. the page under Scholarships and Somers Apparel for sale
for Donation Type. Money. A weekly email will go (hoodies, shorts and billboard
out to all Seniors and their parents shirt). For more information
Somers School DistrictAny donation amount is greatly Help our Somers Community
appreciated! If you have any ques- by helping the Somers Volunteer with scholarship information start- go to https://somerclassof2021.
tions,please email Susette Acocella Fire Dept ll the St. Luke’s Food Senior scholarship informa- ing in late November and Scholar- itemorder.com/sale. If you have
at [email protected]. Pantry. Donations can be brought tion ship Workshops will be scheduled. SEE TRUNK PAGE 26
Nature Walk: Winter to the Fire House (Rte 202) on Several scholarships are cur- The Somers High School
the rst Wednesday of every
Tree Identification month from 5-7 p.m., or you can wrap up Your shoppinG with ease!
drop o donations at St. Luke’s
Sunday, Jan. 27, 10 a.m.-noon, o ce on Tues/Wed/ ur from 9 5
Muscoot Farm a.m. to 1 p.m. THERE’S STILL TIME!
In this event co-sponsored by Tamar Hadassah
the Friends of Muscoot Farm,
join Bedford Audubon naturalist
Tait Johansson to learn how to use Tamar Hadassah will hold
a tree’s structure, bark, and other its luncheon and card party on
clues to ID it even after the leaves Wednesday, January 16, at noon at GIVE AGIFT GETAGIFT
have fallen. e event is family the Pinnacle Restaurant, Heritage
friendly, but all children must be Hills, Somers, New York.
accompanied by an adult.
Check is to be payable to Tamar
• Cost: Free. Chapter of Hadassah for $38 and
• Level of Physical Di culty: sent to Arlene Gordon, 774C – Now thru Christmas Eve –
Easy Heritage Hills, Somers, no later For each WBT Gift Certificate for Two you purchase,
you will receive a voucher worth 50% OFF
• Dress warm. then January 7 and this will be your two $89 tickets to any WBT show during 2019! *
Register with Susan at info@ RSVP. Please indicate number of
bedfordaudubon.org or 914-302- players in your group. Any ques-
9713. tions please call Judy Weber 277- WBT Gift Certificates for Two
5087 or elma Gruber 277-2154. Someone You Know Would Love
The Mitten
Tree Project Illuminate Somers
Girl Scout Junior Troop 2778 e Somers Lions Club is o er- A Taste of Broadway and Fine Dining!
and Girl Scout Brownie Troop ing residents the chance to enter our
2001 will be collecting new mit- 4th Annual Holiday Light Deco- • You purchase the Gift certificates
tens, gloves, hats, scarves and rating Competition. e competi- and the recipients choose the show!
socks for local shelters to distrib- tion is free to enter and there are •a complete served meal is included.
ute to those in need. Please send many categories to win, including •Gift certificates are Good for one
Year and a Great lineup of shows.
your donation to school with your indoor light displays! To enter visit: PURCHASE & PRINT ONLINE – QUICK & EASY!
child. All donations will be hung www.SomersLionsClub.org.
on the Mitten Tree. Donations www.BroadwayTheatre.com
accepted until Dec. 20. Parade of Lights
Somers Recreation e Somers Lions have an- WBT BOX OFFICE (914) 592-2222
nounced the o cial date for the Gift Certificates purchased during 2018 holiday season will be
good thru Jan. 31, 2020. *Complete details online.
Winter programs 2019: Parade of Lights - Friday, Dec. 21, YOU GIVE THE GIFT...
Registration for all programs be- at 6 p.m. We will meet in the SHS fTrhoWmeyBrCraohapodowusaepytmhseuhsSiochapolswpi! ng for everyone on your list quickly and easily:
gin ursday, January 3, at 8 a.m. parking lot and caravan around to to a full lineup of concerts,
comedy nights & more.
For detailed program informa- the best lit up homes in Somers.
includes swervewd mewal! .BroadwayTheatre.com
IMtaalimanbooVISIT OR CALL OUR BOX OFFICE (914) 592-2222
pre-Broadway new musical
ProgrHesosliivdeaAynSimavailnHgos! pital New Year’s Eve Gala Celebration
now until Dec 31, 2018
$35 Microchip www.BroadwayTheatre.comview upcominG schedules & purchase tickets online DOWNLOAD
with Technician and Box Office THE WBT APP
includes Registration (914) 592-2222
1 BroadwaY plaza, …TO RECEIVE
For New and Existing Clients elmsford, nY 10523 “APP ONLY”
Progressive Animal Hospital Group Sales (914) 592-2225 Luxury Boxes (914) 592-8730
Limit 1 per person.
Dr. Andrew Frishman Cannot be
149 Route 202 & Lovell St. Somers, NY 10589 combined with
any other offer.
A Proud Sponsor of WBT Official Bank of WBT
The management reserves the right to make schedule or program changes if required. All sales final. No cash or credit card refunds.
Page 22 – The Somers Record Thursday, December 20, 2018
Marshmallow madness
Holiday Handicrafts is an annual Grade 4 tradition at Somers
Intermediate School. Parent volunteers come in to help host 35
groups of students to make a holiday craft. e event puts everyone in
the holiday spirit!
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Thursday, December 20, 2018 The Somers Record – Page 23
Louie Shelter pet of the week:
Help an orphaned
cat’s holiday wish Each week, Somers Middle School students Jay and Julia Wilkinson present a pet
looking for a home and poem they were inspired to write about that pet. is week, we
come true read about Louie.
e SPCA is excited Brownie Louie
to announce a special
I just hope that I can be with a family that will love me. I just look like a pirate with two
Holiday adoption pro- eye patches but I’m just the opposite. A pirate wants to rob people and take their stu . I
will give you the one thing I have…love. I may be a bit shy but please give me a chance
motion. All adoption and I will snuggle up right next to you.
fees will be waived for
About my breed: I am a young hound and shepherd mix. I am known to
cats 7 years of age or be intelligent and obedient. I am generally very even-tempered and non-
aggressive. Just a nice guy! I am also very versatile, which means I can adapt to
older and those who have di erent situations easily. I am very loyal and social. I love my humans! He is
everybody’s buddy. He loves other dogs and just wants to be friends.
speci c medical condi-
To adopt Louie, call 914-941-2896 or visit SPCA914.org for more info on
tions that may require Louie or any other adoptable pets.
some extra TLC. You can also visit SPCA of Westchester at 590 North State Road, Bri-
arcli Manor, to get to know these animals. Hours are 10 a.m. to 4 p.m.
“Our hope is to give Monday through Friday and 1-4 p.m. Sunday.
adopters an incentive to Merry
consider opening their Christmas
hearts up to a cat who fro a o u a
is having a harder time Leo Law Offices of Joseph J. Tock
nding a home through
963 Route 6, Mahopac, NY 10541 • TOCKLAW.COM
no fault of their own,” said
Shannon Laukhuf, Execu- 845-628-8080
tive Director. “We under-
stand taking on the nancial
responsibility of an older
animal or one with medi-
cal needs may deter some
people from adopting one
of these wonderful cats. By
waiving our fees that mon-
ey can then be put towards
their care in a loving new
To view and learn more
about the cats who are a
part of this special promo-
tion, please visit SPCA914.ORG tested and microchipped. Poten-
or email [email protected]. tial adopters can visit anytime
All animals adopted through the Monday through Saturday from
SPCA are examined by a Vet- 10 a.m. - 4 p.m. or Sunday’s 1
erinarian, spayed/neutered, up p.m. - 4 p.m. No appointment is
to date on all vaccines, disease necessary.
Page 24 – The Somers Record Thursday, December 20, 2018
America’s first living
Christmas tree came
from Amawalk Nursery
BY MONICA DOHERTY state of Vermont.” It was then White House. e rst national
GUEST WRITER suggested “that it would be nicer living Christmas tree was plant-
if the following Christmas we ed by the White House Parks
e custom of using r trees could have a living tree instead.” Department; children carolers
and evergreen boughs to deco- Associate editor of American were supplied by the Depart-
rate home and hearth during Forests, Lillian Cromelin, “re- ment of Education; and light
the Christmas seasons goes back membered that American For- bulbs donated by the Electric
through the centuries. e tradi- ests had as an advertiser a nurs- Institute. Ovid Butler, executive
tion of having a living national ery owner in New York—Evelyn secretary of the American For-
Christmas tree goes back 94 years Smith, president of Amawalk ests Association, gave the greet-
with one 20-year hiatus from Nurseries. Miss Smith was very ing to President Coolidge: “Mr.
1954 to 1973. easily persuaded that it would be President, we extend to you our President Coolidge lights the 1924 tree.
According to the American an honor and a privilege to sup- Christmas greetings, and with PHOTO: UNITED STATES LIBRARY OF CONGRESS
Forests Magazine (December ply a living Christmas tree for the them this Christmas tree... It is
1973), “ e custom of having na- nation...” a living, growing tree, symbolic
tional Christmas tree started in Selected with care and re- of the spirit of him whose birth fact, the nation’s living tree, typi- of the youngest o cers, at the age
1923 when President Coolidge moved with its large root ball, we celebrate tonight... Mr. Presi- fying that spirit of kindness and of 22, to command a cavalry regi-
accepted a giant r sent him from its branches tied up, wrapped dent, by your gracious presence all-embracing love which makes ment in the Civil War. He was
Middlebury College in his native securely, it was shipped to the here tonight, this tree becomes in for Peace on Earth, Good Will to also the founder and president of
Men.” the American Press Association,
BUSINESS OWNERS: Approximately 1,000 people a newspaperman known to every
were in the audience and mil- editor in our country.
lions listened on the radio as the
president responded, “I accept After his death in 1908, the
property was inherited by his son,
the tree, how do you turn on the Cortland, and daughters, Evelyn
lights?” As the network lled the and Mabel. Evelyn became presi-
401 HSASLLCCOORPR? time gap with music, the tree dent of the Amawalk Nurseries
was lighted. Moments later, as in 1919 when management of
the president and Mrs. Coolidge the nursery by the children was
were leaving the grandstand, the restructured. Under her manage-
cold air caused the tree’s bulbs to ment, the nursery grew to over
explode, sounding like recrack- 1,000 acres as Evelyn purchased
ers on the Fourth of July. e tree the neighboring farms and other
caught re and was badly burned. historic properties.
However, in 1925, a replacement Other specimen trees from
tree was sent. Amawalk were sent as gifts by
Many years later on Dec. 18, Evelyn Smith to various dig-
1930, two live specimen Norway nitaries and heads of state and
spruce trees were sent by Evelyn planted throughout Yorktown.
Smith of Amawalk Nursery to Many trees were shipped and
decorate Grand Central Termi- planted to private estates as well
nal on behalf of the Yorktown as the 1939 New York World’s
Post of the American Legion. e Fair, Central Park, and the Tomb
huge twin trees, 35-feet high and of the Unknown Soldier.
16 feet in spread, adorned with In 1932, the nursery came to
500 hundred colored lights were an end following two tragic res
placed on the west balcony near in the packing sheds that dam-
the Vanderbilt Avenue entrance. aged much of the equipment,
After the holiday season, the overexpansion, and the devastat-
trees are destined to be planted ing e ects of the Great Depres-
at two of the New York Central’s sion. It went into bankruptcy in
YOU HAVE THE CONCERNS... suburban stations in Westchester 1943 and was purchased by a
GET THE TEAM TO HELP YOUR as permanent community trees to syndicate called the Amawalk
be lighted each year. Holding Company. e general
manager, Clarence Murphy, con-
e Amawalk Nursery proper- tinued to manage the nursery
ty, set in the rolling hills of West-
BUSINESS RUN SMOOTHLY chester County, was purchased operation until the property was
from the Travis family in 1904 sold. Brookside School on Broad
by Major Orlando Smith. a tree Street was built on the Amawalk
hobbyist. He spent years import- Nursery property in 1950. Today,
ing, planting and cultivating rare many Yorktown streets within
specimen trees from England, the Amawalk Nursery area re-
Holland and France without ever ect the nursery’s impact, such
selling a single tree. His rst trees as Broad Street, Willoway Street,
ultimately formed the nucleus Evergreen Street, Blue Spruce
845.628.5400 around which “the largest big Drive, and Whippoorwill Road.
tree nursery” was developed. Ma-
jor Smith, of Revolutionary and Monica Doherty is a member of the
Colonial stock, was a soldier; one Yorktown Historical Society.
Thursday, December 20, 2018 The Somers Record – Page 25
Stunning ballroom with panoramic views
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Page 26 – The Somers Record Thursday, December 20, 2018
LIBRARY Senior Bene ts Information Centers Happiness Workshop. ursday, Jan- 1/23, 1/30, 2/6, 2/13, 2/20, 2/20, 2/27,
(SBICs) help older adults 60 and over uary 24, 11:30 a.m. - 1 p.m. Everyone 3/6, 3/13, 3/20, 3/27, 4/3, 4/10, 4/17,
FROM PAGE 3 and those caring for the elderly achieve a wants to be happy, but many cannot nd 4/24, 5/1, /8, 5/15, 5/22, and 5/29. Join
better understanding of Medicare health their way to be truly so. In this work- us to watch anime from Crunchyroll
JANUARY plans and prescription drug coverage. shop, Rabbi Laurie Gold and attendees on our big screen TV and to hang out
Art Exhibit: Collages and Photo- Information is provided about di erent will explore paths to happiness, includ- with friends. is program is for teens
types of government programs. Meet ing practicing forgiveness, gratitude, and entering 7th grade and up. is program
graphs by Jane Hogan at the Somers with trained counselors in a private set- meditation. ey will also discuss some is for teens entering 7th grade and up!
Library. January 5 - February 1, dur- ting to get information about: of the scienti c, sociological and spiri- Register on our online calendar at www.
ing library hours Opening reception on tual underpinnings of joy. is workshop somerslibrary.org.
Saturday, January 5 from 2-4 p.m. in • Medicare, Medicare Advantage, and is open to everyone and is non-denomi-
the Program Room. No registration re- Medigap supplement plans national. Registration is required; regis- Teen Tech: What is Hacking?
quired. Jane has been a Somers resident ter our online calendar at www.somersli- Wednesday, January 16, 6:15-7:30 p.m.
for fourteen years. While not an artist • Part D prescription drug coverage brary.org or call 914-232-5717. Snow Date: 1/23/19. What is Hack-
by profession or degree, she has always • Medicare savings plans for low-in- ing? It looks simple in the movies, but in
enjoyed the arts and has taken courses in come seniors Get Your Swag On- Join TAG! Tues- reality hacking is for more complex. As
many art disciplines. Her photographs • Financial bene t programs such days, 1/8, 2/12, 3/12, 4/9, 5/14, and 6/11 a society, we rely on both experimental
re ect her keen eye for detail, while her as Home Energy Assistance Program from 3:15-4:30 p.m. Are you a teen or “white hat hacking” for protection and
collage work is usually created with a (HEAP), food stamps (SNAP) tween and a Somers resident? Would also need to be protected against mali-
friend or family member in mind. Jane’s You will be able to meet with trained you like to make an impact on your li- cious “black hat hacking” at the same
work has previously been displayed at counselors in a private setting. No ap- brary & your community? Join our time. In this class, participants will learn
the Putnam Arts Council in Mahopac, pointment is necessary. If you can’t visit Somers Library TAG! TAG members these concepts and see how hacking is
and she has had her work accepted into the library in person, you can leave a will have an opportunity to work with an essential element of security-focused
a juried art show there. She would like to message on the SBIC helpline at 914- the library to gain volunteer hours while institutions, as well as test their skills
thank the Somers Library for the oppor- 231-3260 or email us at SBIC@wlsmail. developing leadership skills. Food will with “out-of-the-box” thinking. is
tunity to show some of her work in the org with your name, number, a time to be provided. is program is for teens program is for teens/tweens in grades
hope that it will inspire others to get out call between 9 a.m.—5 p.m. and wheth- / tweens in grades 6th and up. Space is 6 and up. We will be using the public
there and create their own. Jane’s work er your interest is in Medicare services limited. computers for this class, but please let us
can also be viewed on her Instagram ac- or other bene ts. A counselor will re- know if you can bring your own laptop
count @janecollagecards. turn your call within two business days. Winter/Spring Anime/Manga Club. to use in class. Registration is required,
SBIC will not meet on days the Somers Wednesdays, from 3:15-4:30 p.m. on space is limited to 15.
Senior Benefits Information Cen- schools are closed due to snow. the following dates: 1/9, 1/16, 1/23
ter. Every Wednesday, 10 a.m. - 1 p.m.
Have your heating system checked now before the cold weather comes. TRUNK
"Service was fast, courteous FROM PAGE 21
and professional." Mark C
any questions, contact Tammy
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LET BELL KEEP THE COLD OUT 19 with items arriving before the
holidays. All proceeds bene t the
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(845) 628-2580 • www.bellhvac.com
Adult Open
$45 OFF Preseason Checkup Open basketball Wednes-
days from 8-9:30 p.m. Oct. 17
Ask us about our maintenance programs to April 24 at the Somers High
School old gym. Fee is $70. Pick-
$50 OFF Any Repair up games will be held. All ability
levels are welcome.
Cannot be combined with any other offers
Registration is ongoing. To
*Custom filters extra $100 OFF New Heating System Replacement register, go to somersny.com,
then click on Parks & Rec in the
middle top of the page. On the
Parks & Rec. page, scroll down
under Additional Links and click
on Program Registration Site. In
the registration site, you will need
to create an account and/or log in
to your current account then click
on the orange tab titled Fall Pro-
grams and click on Adult Open
Basketball to register. If you have
any questions, contact the Recre-
ation O ce at 914-232-8441 or
[email protected]
Participants must be Somers
residents and over 18 years old.
Participants must be registered
before attending a program.
ere must have a minimum of
15 participants registered before
it can run. Programs with less
than 15 registrants will be can-
celed. Please do not wait to reg-
ister. Program will not be held
when school is closed. Any up-
dates or school closings will be
noti ed via email.
Thursday, December 20, 2018 The Somers Record – Page 27
Somers conquers nemesis Ursuline
Tuskers get over hurdle to win DePaoli tourney
BY ROB DIANTONIO DiCintio knocked down a three.
CONTRIBUTING WRITER Ursuline coach Beth Wooters was
then called for a technical foul.
For three straight seasons, DiCintio hit both free throws to
the Somers girls basketball put Somers up 49-42.
team has faced Ursuline in the “ is means so much to us,”
championship game of the Tuskers’ DiCintio said. “[Ursuline] is a
own tournament. fantastic team. We have great
And for three straight seasons captains and we just wanted this so
they lost in nail biters. bad. We worked hard in practice,
All three games were down to we talked on the court and did
the wire with two losses by two everything we can to beat them.”
points and one loss by a point. e junior point guard scored
is year, the Tuskers nally got seven of her 10 points in the
over the Ursuline hurdle. nal 1:06 and was The Tuskers
celebrate the
In the championship game of named tournament tournament
the 23rd annual Michael DePaoli MVP. victory.
Memorial Tournament, Somers
defeated Class AA powerhouse “I just kept
my composure,
Ursuline, 52-45, on Dec. 14. honestly,” DiCintio
“ is win almost felt like a said. “I’ve had
section win for us,” Somers senior trouble in the
guard Hannah Angelini said. past keeping my
“ is is the fourth year in a row composure but I
we’ve played them (in the nals). knew this was a
Coming in, coach (Marc Hattem) huge game for us
said, ‘We’ve got to win this for and we wanted
everyone in the past years that’s to win this so bad
graduated.’He wanted it for myself after losing to
and Isabella (Rukaj) for our senior them three years
year.” in a row. I kept my
Angelini and Rukaj are the only composure and
two seniors on Somers’roster. good things came
“It’s a team game but for Hannah out of it.”
and Isabella (Rukaj), I wanted Hattem said that
them to be able to say, ‘ at’s my DiCintio was in
trophy in the trophy case and we a “little fog” early
beat a really good team to get it,’” in the game but
Hattem said. snapped out of it in Pooja Rao shoots a corner three.
Clinging to a 2-point lead with crunch time.
the shot clock winding down, “In the past, our talent level but there’s also PHOTOS: ROB DIANTONIO
Taylor Penzo nailed a big 3-pointer Dani couldn’t get a comfort e ect on the court,”
to give Somers a 41-36 edge with out of those fogs,” he said. “But Senior captains Hannah Angelini, left, and Isabella Rukaj with the
4:12 left in the game. She just got she got herself out of it tonight. trophy.
the shot o before the shot clock She was awesome. She held ( Jane) Angelini said.
expired. McCauley, a kid who is going to e Tuskers hit big shot after big three quarters. DiCintio found throughout the game.
“ at was the biggest shot of the Vermont, to four points.” shot down the stretch. Rukaj under the hoop for a layup Angelini, who scored a game-
game,” Hattem said. “She’s been Pooja Rao, who returned from a “Coach gives us the green light and then drained a three with four high 20 points and was named all-
playing really well. She must have knee injury in the opening round whenever we want it,” Angelini seconds left. tournament,covered Citron for the
had four or ve steals tonight.” of the tournament, hit a three with said. “Most of that is just the trust Ursuline star Sonia Citron majority of the game.
It was a 2-point game again with 3:04 left to give Somers a 44-38 we have in all of our teammates.” scored 15 points but the Tuskers SEE GIRLS HOOPS PAGE 30
just over a minute left, but Dani lead. “Getting her back brings up Somers held a 34-26 lead after forced her into di cult shots
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Page 28 – The Somers Record SPORTS Thursday, December 20, 2018
Come and Train Like a Pro
train with professional coaches
who have all competed at the
division 1 and pro ranks
Kelvin Espinosa TRYOUTS FOR 2019 SEASON Ashley Moon
President/Founder, For Ages 13-16 years old FILE PHOTO/ VIC MCGEE
East Coast Elite Baseball WHEN: Moon, McHugh shine
for Somers track
During Kelvins' 4 years at powerhouse George Washington Saturday Jan. 12th & 19th
High School, he played in 2 city championship games at BY ROB DIANTONIO more meet with a leap of 28-7 1/2.
Shea Stadium. After making 1st Team All Conference while Ages 13&14: 9am-10:30am / Ages 15&16: 10:30am-12pm
attending Alfred State College, Kelvin won 3rd in the nation CONTRIBUTING WRITER Jordan Han placed third in the
in runners caught stealing percentage and 2nd Team All WHERE:
Conference. Kelvin has participated at the NAIA National
Championship, his illustrious baseball career during college Gains Sports Performance
included .340 batting average, 12hrs, and 125 rbi's. He's
been able to translate all this knowledge and since 2012, (600 Bradley Hill Road, Blauvelt, NY)
Espinosa has coached multiple nationally ranked programs
and looks to continue his great success with East Coast For more information, visit
Elite. In 2019, he will begin his 3rd year as Catching
Coordinator/Assistant Coach at White Plains High School. racewalk (8:49). Megan Spencer
Somers sophomore Ashley launched the shot put 26-3 to take
Moon placed third in the 55 me- fourth.
ters with a time of 7.49 seconds at James McHugh paced Somers’
the Armory Coaches Hall of Fame boys team by setting a school record
Invitational track and eld meet on in the weight throw (47-3 3/4) at
Dec.15 at the Armory in New York the Hall of Fame meet. He took
City. third.
Moon was also a part of the “James McHugh has worked
4x200-meter relay team which hard in the weight room to improve
placed fth.She had the fastest split his tness and has been consistently
of 26 seconds. focusing on his form,” boys coach
On Dec. 13, Moon broke a Jesse Arnett said.“ is has resulted
school record in the 300 meters in big gains.”
(41.5 seconds) at the freshman/ At the same meet, the 4x200-
sophomore meet. She placed rst. meter freshman/sophomore relay
“She’s an amazing athlete, so I team placed fth in a season-best
knew she’d run well this year, but time of 1:42.66. e squad featured
I didn’t think she’d run this fast Matt Tetro, Justin Wright, Ryan
this early,” Somers girls coach John Mahoney and Cole Willman, who
Vegliante said. “It’s been a pleasant had the fastest split of 24.87.
surprise and a great sign for things Samuel Rivilis was second in the
to come.” shot put (32-1 1/4) at the fresh-
Senior Emma Kittredge set a man/sophomore meet. Joe Fazio
school record in the 500 meters was right behind him in third.
(1:19.5) and placed sixth. Willman was second in the
Joining Moon on the 4x200 relay 600 meters (1:30.9). Jan Hoekstra
team was Kittredge, Sabrina So- placed fourth in the pole vault (8-6).
moza and Heather Coy. e girls Wright took fourth in the 55-meter
clocked an overall time of 1:49.79. dash.
e 4x800-meter relay team “I am happy with the boys team
took fourth with a clocking of this season,” Arnett said. “So far
10:32.9. Ella Kittredge (2:31.5), they have been dedicated to practice
Nieve Mahood (2:31.2), Lucy Cli and the fundamentals. With such
and Katherine Olsen comprised the a young team their ability to focus
foursome. on the fundamentals in all areas will
Anna Keane was second in the help us down the line.“
triple jump at the freshman/sopho-
Kennedy Catholic defeats
Mahopac in tournament play
On Saturday, Dec. 15, the while senior Julia Ennis was a major
Kennedy Catholic girls varsity force on the boards. Sophomore
basketball team defeated Mahopac Abby Mascia tallied 11 points and
High School in an exciting game by the go-ahead 3-pointer late in the
a score of 52-48. e victory came game. It was a big bounce-back
in the consolation game of the Mike victory that improved Kennedy’s
DePaoli Basketball Tournament record to 3-1.
held at Somers High School.
Senior Lexi Suarez led Kennedy Article courtesy of Brendan Sullivan
with 18 points,8 steals,and 6 assists,
Thursday, December 20, 2018 SPORTS The Somers Record – Page 29
Tuskers dig deep to win DePaoli tourney
Somers holds o Mahopac with strong defensive e ort
It sure wasn’t an o ensive PHOTOS: ROB DIANTONIO
showcase, but Somers’ defense
locked down and grinded out a From left senior captains Lucas Fecci, Max Germaine, Nick Maestri
43-39 win over rival Mahopac and Charlie Weissman with the trophy.
in the championship game of the
23rd annual Michael DePaoli Drew Lasher defends against Mahopac. “Everyone out there stepped Fecci fouling out.
Memorial Basketball Tourna- up,” Fecci said. “We were all in “ e last couple of years we’ve
ment at Somers on Dec. 15. ing some defensive maneuvers than that. foul trouble. Everyone had to just
that we might not have felt as Fecci, who scored a game-high step up in a big-time game and been snake bitten with injuries,”
It was the second straight sea- comfortable doing had we still deliver when they needed to.” DiCintio said. “I think [the inju-
son that Somers won its tourna- only been up one possession.” 13 points and was named tour- ries] shocked our team last year
ment. nament MVP, fouled out early DiCintio has been preaching and down the stretch we couldn’t
A physical Mahopac squad in the fourth quarter. His team- to his team to “expect the unex- get it done. I told this team that
“Coach (Chris DiCintio) was was able to cut the de cit to four mates were ready to rise to the pected” after injuries have hurt there’s going to be bumps in the
saying that it hasn’t been done in points but couldn’t get closer occasion. them the past few seasons. ey road. But when the bumps hit, we
a long time,” Somers senior point were ready when the unexpected
guard Lucas Fecci said of win- happened against Mahopac with SEE BOYS HOOPS PAGE 30
ning the tournament two years in
a row. “We just wanted to leave
it all out there and get that win.”
Clinging to a three-point lead
late in the fourth quarter, senior
captain Nick Maestri nailed a
3-pointer with 1:16 to go to put
the Tuskers up six.
“We knew it was a big part of
the game, only being a one pos-
session game,” Somers coach
Chris DiCintio said. “ at
3-pointer was huge. It allowed
the coaches to strategize on mak-
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Page 30 – The Somers Record SPORTS Thursday, December 20, 2018
The Tuskers gather with the DePaoli family after winning the tourney. PHOTOS: ROB DIANTONIO PHOTOS: ROB DIANTONIO
Dani DiCintio was named tournament MVP.
BOYS HOOPS and we’re running the fast break we just had to keep them o the GIRLS HOOPS contributors in the scoring column
FROM PAGE 29 for Somers.
well and scoring, we’re tough boards and I think we did a better FROM PAGE 27
to contend with. But I thought job in the second half.” A night earlier, Somers cruised
have enough guys here where it’s Mahopac did a great job going Maestri, who made the All- “I don’t know if there’s a player in past Mahopac 52-32 in the
the next man up. When [Fecci] to their zone, sti ed us with their Tournament team, netted 8 the section, outside of (Ossining’s opening round of the tournament.
went down, it wasn’t like, ‘Uh physicality and hurt us on the points. Max Germaine tallied 9 Aubrey) Gri n, that could do that Angelini and DiCintio each
oh.’ ey knew that something boards. We just had to dig in and points while Drew Lasher added to Citron,”Hattem said. netted 17 points to lead the way.
like this could happen down the realize this was going to be a de- 7 . Angelini said her mentality was Amy Lasher and Rao added 5
stretch and they got it done.” fensive battle. Shots weren’t going A night earlier, Somers defeat- to have a “defensive game” and points each.Emily Arena had seven
Somers’su ocating defense has to be easy. We knew it was going ed rival Yorktown 50-39 in front focus her e orts on slowing down rebounds, ve assists and four steals.
only allowed an average of 39.5 to come down to the stretch.” of a raucous crowd in the opening Citron. e Tuskers crushed visiting
points per game. Somers, which improved to round of the tournament. “She’s one of the best players I’ve Beacon 55-11 on Dec. 11.
“Right now, I think our de- 4-0, led 21-18 at halftime and Fecci paced the Tuskers again ever played against,” Angelini said. Angelini (7 rebounds, 3 assists) and
fense leads the section in points was up 33-29 after three quarters. with a game-high 19 points. “Coach did a great job of having DiCintio tallied 18 and 16 points,
allowed,” DiCintio said. “ is “We knew coming into the Charlie Weissman added 10 everyone else in help because I can’t respectively.
team can beat you in a few ways. game that it was going to be hard points. shut her down myself.” Somers (4-1) was scheduled to
ey’re very good defensively to score against them,” Fecci said. Somers was scheduled to host Penzo (8 points), Rao (7 points) travel to Harrison on Wednesday,
and when things are clicking “ ey’re a much bigger team. But Harrison on Wednesday, Dec. 19. and Rukaj (6 points) were strong Dec. 19.
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Thursday, December 20, 2018 SPORTS The Somers Record – Page 31
Seniors sign letters of intent
Several Somers seniors have signed intent letters to University; Katrina Kurtz, soccer at Siena College; Alex- Pittman, lacrosse at College of the Holy Cross; Hannah
play sports at Division 1 schools next fall. andra Kalayjian,soccer at Florida State University; Emma Lustig, lacrosse at University of Massachusetts, Amherst;
Pictured left to right, Nathan Han, golf at Columbia Kittredge, lacrosse at Sacred Heart University; Alexandra Gabriella Mazzotta, softball at Manhattan College.
How Much Music Practice Should A High School Student Have?
by Rich Kirby
The great Hungarian violinist he keep music practice from pet is a good way to get away practicing thirty minutes a day
and violin teacher Leopold Auer playing second fiddle to college for an hour or an hour-and-a- for five days will produce much
once said, “Practice with your prep? half, and then come back with a better and faster results than
fingers and you need all day. fresh mindset.” practicing two-and-a-half hours
Practice with your mind and you "In a perfect world, the one day a week.
will do as much in one-and-a- students would be practicing In the eyes of many music
half hours.” at least a half-hour a day. That educators and student musicians, None of this is taking into
doesn't happen because every- the best practice isn’t practice at account time spent playing in
Maestro Auer never had to body is busy.” all. They don’t call it “playing” the classroom. For aggressive
compete with a Netflix-watch- an instrument for nothing. arts programs like Kennedy’s,
ing binge or a group of friends Melito points out that learn- that can be another 40 minutes a
impatient to group up in “Call of ing how to practice efficiently “The schoolwork really day, five days a week.
Duty.” is an important part of learning comes first,” said the other
to play, period. Part of a young Kennedy co-captain, senior “I am with the band every
For students in Northern musician’s practice time is ac- Liam Flynn, from Pawling. “The day, so I can teach that same les-
Westchester who are attending tually learning the best ways to saxophone is something I enjoy son all week,” Melito said. “We
some of the country’s top col- practice. playing, so it’s not a chore.” Fly- also use a platform called Smart-
lege preparatory schools, there is nn told us he tries to play sixty Music which lets me write an
the added competition for time For senior Michael Ab- to ninety minutes a night. exercise on my computer, and I
and attention from a challenging bamont, from Goldens Bridge, can load it into SmartMusic, and
curriculum. who is co-captain of the Ken- Gauging the length of one the kids play it into SmartMusic
nedy concert band and has been night’s music session may be and get graded. That would be
Christopher Melito is director playing trumpet since fourth missing the mark when it comes their homework.”
of the concert band at Kennedy grade, hitting the horn goes hand to what makes for genuinely ef-
Catholic High School in Somers, in glove with hitting the books. fective practice. Experts concur Maestro Auer may not have
which teaches a full slate of AP that focus and frequent practice had the latest music education
courses as well as college-cred- “I try to do my schoolwork are more beneficial than a long software, but it turns out he
ited classes from Iona, St John’s first, but if I am on a rough practice session. Taking the cue wasn’t too far off the mark.
and SUNY Albany. How does patch, sometimes I just have to from Melito’s recommendation,
step away from it, so my trum-
Page 32 – The Somers Record LEISURE Thursday, December 20, 2018
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Thursday, December 20, 2018 CLASSIFIEDS The Somers Record – Page 33
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Page 36 – The Somers Record Thursday, December 20, 2018
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