Vol. 10 No. 31 Visit TapIntoYorktown.net for the latest news. Thursday, October 21, 2021
Sergio Esposito Ilan Gilbert Luciana Haughwout Vishnu Patel
Four vie for two seats on the Town Board
Early voting begins Saturday, Oct. 23
In the only competitive race they stand on some of the impor- Sergio Esposito code does not prohibit or prevent that give priority to people who
for local government, four candi- tant issues facing the town. a ordable housing should a live elsewhere before those who
dates are seeking to ll two seats Westchester County could developer wish to propose one live in Yorktown. e best way
on the Yorktown Town Board. Republicans currently main- withhold $10 million (which for our community. We all know to tackle the a ordability issue
tain a 3-2 majority on the Town would be used to expand the Yorktown, like many communities within Yorktown is to increase
e two seats up for grabs this Board. Hallocks Mill Sewer District) in Westchester County, has seen our local commercial base which
election cycle belong to Demo- in grant money if Yorktown an incredible exodus of both would provide additional revenue
crats Alice Roker and Vishnu Election Day falls this year on does not adopt a law to further seniors and veterans who have that are not focused on local
Patel. Roker is not seeking re- Nov. 2 at customary local loca- the development of a ordable been forced to leave the place property owners. By holding the
election while Patel is running tions. But early voting gets un- housing. Regardless of the out- they have called home because line on taxes for property owners,
for his fourth term. Joining Patel derway at noon Saturday (Oct. come of that issue, should York- of the inability to a ord the we will be able to make it more
on the Democratic ticket is Ilan 23) at 23 locations around the town adopt a model ordinance ever-increasing property taxes a ordable for young families to be
Gilbert. Also running for Town county, including at: that would require residential in Westchester. However, due to able to both move here and play
Board are Republican candidates developers to build a ordable the requirements of the federal here.As president of the Chamber
Sergio Esposito and Luciana • Je erson Village Annex, 3500 housing? If not, please explain. government,an a ordable housing of Commerce, this is exactly one
Haughwout. Hill Blvd., Yorktown Heights If yes, how should it look? requirement is not guaranteed to of the goals our organization has
help our neighbors and I do not
Yorktown News reached out to • Albert A. Capellini Com- It is important for residents believe we should implement laws SEE TOWN BOARD PAGE 3
all four candidates to learn more munity & Cultural Center, to know that Yorktown’s current
about them and to nd out where 1974 Commerce St., Yorktown
24 Renovations planned for
32 windmill building.
pg 22
Page 2 – Yorktown News Thursday, October 21, 2021
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Thursday, October 21, 2021 Yorktown News – Page 3
TOWN BOARD land use and development. By in- We are living in challenging housing must stop. My neighbors with social and economic factors,
creasing our commercial base we times and CANNOT afford to moved here from the Bronx! during discretionary decision-
can generate more revenue and move backward. Our business Families and young adults are making. My opponents appear to
focused on. make Yorktown more appealing sector has suffered because of in need of fair and affordable be predisposed to moving certain
Overlay zones are being and affordable. Covid and the Amazon effect housing in order to live in our projects forward prior to full a
touted as a tool to spur eco- Next, Yorktown simply does while managing a severe labor community. As a Yorktown resi- SEQR analysis. It is the duty of
nomic development and hous- not have enough places to rent. shortage and supply chain dis- dent with college-aged children, councilmembers to gather ALL
ing diversity in Yorktown (if/ Many Gen X and Gen Y resi- ruptions. Our experiences from I wonder where they will live as of the facts, and not have their
when it is approved, conceptual dents start out by renting we the past on how to build a thriv- they establish their careers. As minds made up prior to the prop-
mixed-use developments like need to provide more solutions ing small-town economy no lon- we grow older and adjust to fixed er studies being completed. There
at Soundview and Kmart are and options to accommodate ger work. incomes, will we have to leave must be a complete and thorough
likely to move forward). What these goals and the redevelop- Throughout the pandemic, the town we love and raised our analysis of this project in order to
are your thoughts on the draft ment of the Yorktown Green I made the hard decisions that families? make the best decision for the
law? Can it be improved? If so, into market rate apartments is a allowed my businesses and the Housing needs are present town.This does not mean that we
how? prime example of what we need chamber to survive. And I took wherever people live and work. move slowly, just prudently.
The Amazon effect has trans- to be doing. action to help the entire commu- One thing the pandemic has Additionally, I want to be cer-
formed how leaders look at re- Our seniors are another great nity. Coming out the other side, taught us is that work at home, or tain that the infrastructure can
vitalizing town centers. The fact concern for me and are always the Yorktown Chamber is stron- close to home, is highly desirable support the proposed addition
remains that big box stores are on my mind. Many seniors are ger and has never been more of or in many cases necessary. of up to 400 homes in such a
not as successful as they once moving out of Yorktown seeking a community partner with the So, as you’ve written in York- small part of the town. The cur-
were and plans to bring in big to downsize and move into an people of Yorktown. town News, Yorktown shouldn’t rent sewer plant has a capacity
retailers is not realistic given apartment-type setting that pro- These challenging times re- give up to $15 million for lack to manage 2.5 million gallons a
our community’s current demo- vide amenities and not as much quire REAL VISION with of a fair and affordable hous- day. We only have a permit for
graphics. I have met with many daily upkeep and work that own- REAL ACTION and REAL ing model ordinance. We need 1.5 million gallons per day. Offi-
builders, developers, retailers, and ing a home requires. Since there ENERGY. It’s time for NEW housing at many price levels in cials are well aware that on a daily
hotel developers and Yorktown are little to no rental options in LEADERSHIP. It time to vote order to create a market for busi- basis, currently, we are at the very
almost always fails the market Yorktown, they are forced to for someone who does what he nesses to grow and for seniors, limit of that permit.The only way
studies these developers rely on. move out of the town where they says and says what he does career starters, and first respond- to expand the permit is to invest
Overlay zone legislation is being lived for decades and raised their I am here to: ers to live. And we need the grant in the infrastructure of the sewer
implemented across the county families here. Hearing of new • Revitalize the town’s business money to convert from polluting system in Yorktown.
by many other municipalities to proposals, such as Toll Brothers and commercial base in a smart septic systems to sewers! According to census data,
help overcome the “Amazon ef- adult-living community, will pro- and responsible way. Overlay zones are being Yorktown’s senior population
fect” by putting people where vide new options for our seniors • I will always support our local touted as a tool to spur eco- has risen 15 percent since 2000
you want them to shop. Overlay and elderly neighbors. police department, fire districts, nomic development and hous- while its 20-44 population has
zone legislation will allow lo- With the right approach, we and our first responders. ing diversity in Yorktown (if/ decreased by 18 percent. What
cal governments to transform a can provide solutions for the • I will strive to improve senior when it is approved, conceptual are your thoughts on this trend?
commercial area into a revital- younger members of our com- and veteran services. mixed-use developments like What would you do as a Town
ized, bustling downtown while munity who are just starting out • I am determined to continue at Soundview and Kmart are Board member to attract more
preserving our many wonderful as well as our older members to work with everyone and al- likely to move forward). What Gen Y/Gen Z residents to
family friendly neighborhoods. looking to downsize. ways seek the middle ground! are your thoughts on the draft Yorktown?
Currently, the draft law is being Yorktown’s motto is “Prog- • And I will always strive to law? Can it be improved? If so, Our senior citizen population
reviewed by an award-winning ress with Preservation.” What invest and improve in Yorktown’s how? is a tremendous asset to our com-
planning consultant as part of the does “Progress with Preserva- critical infrastructure. An overlay zoning district is a munity. That being said, it is im-
expanded environmental assess- tion” mean to you? In which Ilan Gilbert tool that can work well for certain portant to attract the younger age
ment process. That said, any law areas does Yorktown need to situations, but may be best avoid- group to our community. That
can be improved, and we can do progress? What does it need to ed for other situations. Thus, it’s is the demographic many busi-
so by listening to the public and preserve? Westchester County could usually well worth taking the ef- nesses find attractive and target
combining those suggestions and Progress with Preservation withhold $10 million (which fort to justify their use with facts because that population spends
concerns with the results yielded means that we must continue to would be used to expand the from studies. and partakes in activities that
from the expanded study. adapt to our ever-changing world Hallocks Mill Sewer District) I fully support the use of the companies see as having profit
According to census data, but still maintain our core values in grant money if Yorktown overlay zone to enable new uses potential. Therefore, an area with
Yorktown’s senior population which make Yorktown so great. does not adopt a law to further for stagnating areas. Being able to more Gen Y/Gen Z residents is
has risen 15 percent since 2000 Our main streets really need help the development of affordable take the old Kmart store and turn an area worth investment. This
while its 20-44 population has and need new vision. We need housing. Regardless of the out- it into a mixed apartment/com- question works hand-in-hand
decreased by 18 percent. What to reimagine them and create a come of that issue, should York- mercial building is a great idea. with the question about a wide
are your thoughts on this trend? small business sector that we can town adopt a model ordinance We already went through the variety of housing options need-
What would you do as a Town all be proud while still preserv- that would require residential justification for redeveloping the ed in this town.
Board member to attract more ing the family values and open developers to build affordable Roma Building, and during my When you look at population
Gen Y/Gen Z residents to spaces. It can be done! housing? If not, please explain. administration we were working demographics, it’s important to
Yorktown? These final 300 words are If yes, how should it look? with the owners of the Triangle review national trends as well as
The trend tells me that we need yours. Promote yourself and Yes, Yorktown should adopt a Shopping Center to realize new, local trends. Just prior to the hor-
to start thinking differently, and your qualifications or bring at- model ordinance that would re- more up-to-date, walkable areas. rible loss of life due to the Co-
that’s why I am running for of- tention to another issue we did quire residential developers to I do have concerns about the vid-19 pandemic, the population
fice. Truth be told, Yorktown is not ask you about. It is your op- build with a fair and affordable Soundview property being a part of the United States was around
uniquely poised and is almost portunity to say what’s on your housing set aside, or in the alter- of the proposed overlay zone. 320 million. Healthier living and
equidistant to two train lines, mind and why you’re running. native a density bonus. The interdependencies with the medical breakthroughs have in-
the Harlem River Line and the I moved to Yorktown in 1994 Nothing will kill a town’s fu- proposed senior center and the creased life expectancy over the
Hudson River Line. Both are and I am proud to call Yorktown ture more completely than a neighboring properties must be years. As a result, the number of
just about 20 minutes away and my home. I am currently serv- no-growth attitude. Growth in examined more, and we need to people who are younger than 15,
with the right amenities a new ing as the president of the Yor- business requires growth in the preserve the historic nature of the or older than 65 years old, has
development like the Yorktown ktown Chamber of Commerce, number of residents. Some elect- area. That is why it is necessary to also increased, both benefiting
Green can be uniquely posited secretary of the Yorktown Board ed officials and candidates for of- review this proposal pursuant to from these changes.
to attract the Gen Y and Gen Z of Ethics, as well as a volunteer fice believe that change is some- New York’s State Environment Turning to Yorktown, you
demographic. firefighter thing to fear. Without population Quality Review Act (SEQR), can understand that as a well-
Our business hamlets must be My tenure as Chamber presi- growth, commercial developers, and do a complete analysis be- established town, our residents
re-imagined, and we must create dent has spanned multiple ad- and business owners will only see fore going forward. For those are aging and, if they can afford
a walkable and vibrant town cen- ministrations and has given me a limited opportunity for success. unfamiliar with SEQR, New to, they stay here for many years.
ter. This can be accomplished by the experience that will allow me The fear-mongering that “People York State law requires local gov- Some people downsize in order
enacting the overlay legislation to hit the ground running on day from the Bronx” will move here ernmental agencies to consider SEE TOWN BOARD PAGE 4
and looking more closely at our one. if we have fair and affordable environmental impacts equally
Page 4 – Yorktown News Thursday, October 21, 2021
The Staff TOWN BOARD and is in part a desire to im- mind and why you’re running. withhold $10 million (which
EDITORIAL TEAM prove land use, while preserving I’m running for the Town would be used to expand the
EDITOR: 914-302-5628 the beauty and history of our Board because I love Yorktown, Hallocks Mill Sewer District)
[email protected]
to stay here, moving into town natural and architectural heri- I want to see the residents enjoy in grant money if Yorktown
PAUL FORHAN homes or apartments. When I tage. We need to create a vibrant the quality of life that they de- does not adopt a law to further
(914) 806-3951 was town supervisor, I was able downtown, while still preserving sire, and I want to see the town the development of a ordable
[email protected]
to increase our revenue and avoid the historic signi cance of Rail- prosper. I also want to nish or housing. Regardless of the out-
(914) 486-7608 tax increases, which would drive road Park and the Pines Bridge enact some of the initiatives that come of that issue, should York-
[email protected]
people on xed incomes away. monument area, along with other I had in mind while I was serv- town adopt a model ordinance
(201) 317-1139 Unfortunately, our younger signi cant properties. ing as town supervisor. I’ve been that would require residential
[email protected]
CORINNE STANTON adult population who are just Progress with preservation a public servant for my entire developers to build a ordable
(914) 760-7009
[email protected] starting out cannot a ord to live means investing in solar and life, as a lawyer, judge’s mediator, housing? If not, please explain.
JAY GUSSAK here, unless they remain with other sustainable energy proj- town judge, town supervisor, and If yes, how should it look?
(914) 299-4541
[email protected] family and establish their careers. ects, but not at the cost of clear- state bridge commissioner. It’s in We all are striving to make
(914) 924-9122 us, as stated above, we need cutting large portions of open my DNA to help people in every Yorktown more a ordable, how-
[email protected]
more a ordable and fair hous- space. We should own up to our way possible. e Town Board ever, we should implement poli-
TABITHA PEARSON MARSHALL ing to keep and attract the young environmental commitment to has an obligation to represent cies that directly help our resi-
CREATIVE DIRECTOR adult population. our children and their futures. all of its residents, and this can dents who call Yorktown home
We need to make Yorktown We have a duty to be stewards of only be accomplished through rather than provide incentives
[email protected]
GABRIELLE BILIK more attractive to this Gen Y/ this region’s precious open space balance, balance in experience, for residents who live elsewhere.
Gen Z population and to ap- and the watershed. We need to vision, knowledge, support, and One way of accomplishing this
[email protected]
propriate business development. make sure that our air, water, and accomplishments. is by ushering mixed-use com-
BRETT FREEMAN Some people come to Yorktown land is sustainably maintained for Clearly having been town su- mercial and residential proper-
845-208-8151 for the more a ordable housing posterity. pervisor provides me with the ties. I believe this will help fa-
[email protected] market, or more open space than How can we progress and necessary quali cations to truly cilitate business development,
Deadlines exists in cities. Yorktown does still preserve? A perfect example begin the job on Day One. As I potential for small businesses,
YORKTOWN NEWS DEADLINE not have the bene t of a railroad would be reutilization and in- just indicated, most of my initia- development of land within our
nor is it a river town, so we must vestment in one of the jewels tives have been carried forward community, as well as incentivize
be creative in our development. of the town and county, Hilltop by the current Town Board, so younger individuals and growing
BEFORE THE NEXT PUBLICATION DATE. When I set up the Economic Hanover Farm. A portion of the it’s almost like I never left. I’m families to stay in our community.
FOR MORE INFORMATION, Business and Revitalization farm could be utilized as an event the most prepared candidate to I recognize and have compassion
914-302-5628 OR EMAIL Committee, we recognized the venue or a farm-to-table restau- come along. When I took over for members of the community
[email protected].
need for an a ordable cost of liv- rant, which could generate in- as town supervisor, I became fa- that are hesitant to the develop-
ing, more arts and music venues, come and sustain the traditional miliar with the issues of the town, ment of mixed-use commercial
WEEKLY DELIVERY, CALL 845-208-8503 and other businesses and services. farming there. Potentially, new the nancial needs of the town, and residential properties, but I
OR EMAIL [email protected].
SUBSCRIPTIONS ARE COMPLIMENTARY FOR I look forward to being a part of structures could be built there, so and the potential of the town to believe this will be a huge poten-
OUT OF TOWN MAIL SUBSCRIPTIONS ARE the continuing revitalization of that the farm could be a satellite thrive and grow while still main- tial growth area for the town of
Yorktown. campus for Westchester Com- taining its history and beauty. At Yorktown.
SOMERS, NY AND AT Yorktown’s motto is “Prog- munity College who could o er the risk of sounding immodest, Overlay zones are being
ADDITIONAL MAILING OFFICES. ress with Preservation.” What courses in agriculture, hospitality, with the exception of my friend touted as a tool to spur eco-
does “Progress with Preserva- and veterinary medicine there. and colleague Vishnu Patel, no nomic development and hous-
YORKTOWN NEWS AT tion” mean to you? In which ese nal 300 words are one else is as quali ed as I am to ing diversity in Yorktown (if/
118 N. BEDFORD ROAD areas does Yorktown need to yours. Promote yourself and move Yorktown forward. when it is approved, conceptual
Luciana Haughwoutprogress? What does it need to your quali cations or bring at- mixed-use developments like
MOUNT KISCO, NY 10549 preserve? tention to another issue we did at Soundview and Kmart are
(ISSN 2329-8693) Progress with Preservation is not ask you about. It is your op- likely to move forward). What
HALSTON MEDIA, LLC AT embodied in the town‘s motto portunity to say what’s on your Westchester County could are your thoughts on the draft
law? Can it be improved? If so,
MOUNT KISCO, NY 10549 how?
©2021 HALSTON MEDIA, LLC As I mentioned in the above
response, I am in favor of mixed-
Replacing scores of use commercial and mixed use
Allstate | State Farm | Geico residential properties. A key
bene t of overlay zones is that
Policies Everyday! they o er developers exibility in
developing more housing while
providing a new vision for our
business hamlets. With the in-
put of the community, it can be
designed to improve our land use
ONE CALL… MULTIPLE QUOTES According to census data,
Yorktown’s senior population
So You Can Get The Best Buy! We Offer Many has risen 15 percent since 2000
A-Rated Companies while its 20-44 population has
Come See decreased by 18 percent. What
Hy Reichbach and Susan Rohrig Travelers • Foremost are your thoughts on this trend?
For Experience, Knowledge and Service Progressive • Safeco What would you do as a Town
Board member to attract more
Aardvark Insurance Kemper • Hartford Gen Y/Gen Z residents to
Mercury • 1st American Yorktown?
is is one of my concerns for
600 Rt. 6 | Mahopac NY Main Street America our town. We intend to discuss
845.208.3707 • 845.225.1007 Utica Mutual and explore many options to sup-
port our Gen Y/Gen Z residents
[email protected] while maintaining the principals
and fabric of this beautiful town.
The Carmel Aardvark Insurance office is merged with the Mahopac office e proposed overlay districts
effective November 25, 2015. SEE TOWN BOARD PAGE 6
Thursday, October 21, 2021 Yorktown News – Page 5
Look at what ILAN GILBERT accomplished
as Town Supervisor...
...and you’ll see how valuable
he will be on our Town Board!
n Ilan (Lanny) Gilbert left Yorktown in the strongest fiscal and physical shape in years
n Brought in more than $4 million of revenue from the Atlantic Bridge pipeline
after their project was delayed
n Renegotiated contracts on the Granite Knolls worksite saving the town $700,000
and reducing future costs
n Saved potentially millions of dollars by requiring Con Edison to repave the roads
they worked on at no expense to the town
n Passed stronger environmental laws
n Held utilities accountable to reduce duration of outages
n Addressed long neglected infrastructure: repaired roofs, paved roads,
installed generators,
n Saved future town costs by requiring Lowe’s to maintain their sewer Endorsed by
and water system Westcester/Putnam Central
Labor Body AFL-CIO
n Collected back taxes that had been neglected by the prior administration
Experience and Vision for Yorktown: The Democratic Team
YORKTOWNFORWARD.COM Paid for by Friends to Elect Ilan Gilbert
Page 6 – Yorktown News Thursday, October 21, 2021
TOWN BOARD munication skills, compassion for tion of oods against the equally mixed-use developments like Once in the overlay district, a
FROM PAGE 4 others, ability to understand vari- important need for housing that at Soundview and Kmart are developer will be able build 165
ous perspectives, and result-driv- Yorktown residents, their adult likely to move forward). What units of multi-family housing—
are an important step that have en personality, I know that when children, and parents can a ord. are your thoughts on the draft plus 20,000 square feet of retail
already produced proposals that elected councilwoman, I will be a I have con dence that these three law? Can it be improved? If so, and o ce space—even though
would provide the type of setting voice for the entire community. elected o cials can work with how? the property is presently zoned
that is desirable of Gen Y/Gen Z As a resident of this community Yorktown to nd a solution that In the abstract, overlay zones as for one-acre single family devel-
residents. and future councilwoman, I em- will satisfy both needs. a concept can have either a posi- opment.
Yorktown’s motto is “Prog- body and support core founding Inclusionary zoning is a tool tive e ect, a negative one, or no I anxiously await the opinion
ress with Preservation.” What American principles and values used by many cities and towns e ect at all on the quality of life in of our newly hired consultant.
does “Progress with Preserva- that are essential to the back- to involve developers in build- a community. e proposed over- According to census data,
tion” mean to you? In which bone of our community and the ing more a ordable housing, but lay zones for Yorktown Heights Yorktown’s senior population
areas does Yorktown need to future of our livelihood. it is a solution that must be used and Lake Osceola would encour- has risen 15 percent since 2000
progress? What does it need to Vishnu Patel with care. I believe that the best age mixed-use, multifamily, retail, while its 20-44 population has
preserve? outcomes are found by bringing and live/work uses while relaxing decreased by 18 percent. What
To me, “Progress and Pres- all parties to the table and giving height and density requirements. are your thoughts on this trend?
ervation” means to honor and Westchester County could them a voice in shaping govern- I am concerned that with the What would you do as a Town
respect the foundation of which withhold $10 million (which ment policy. ere is no one size proposed overlay zones, proper- Board member to attract more
this town was built upon and would be used to expand the ts all answer to how we might ties can be redeveloped at higher Gen Y/Gen Z residents to
allow for projects to move the Hallocks Mill Sewer District) make Yorktown more a ordable. densities without elected o cials Yorktown?
town forward while also know- in grant money if Yorktown I would convene a task force of having to vote on it. It seems to e trend is a natural, cyclical,
ing what we stand for. Our busi- does not adopt a law to further developers, housing advocates, me that this creates a situation in and expected one that takes place
ness district needs to progress the development of a ordable elected o cials, town residents, which the Town Board can allow in all communities. As the resi-
and we must continue to invest housing. Regardless of the out- and state and local housing of- overdevelopment without hav- dents of a town get older, the per-
in infrastructure that expand our come of that issue, should Yor- cials to hammer out a solution ing to take responsibility for the centage of seniors will naturally
tax base, making Yorktown more ktown adopt a model ordinance that, while it will not fully satisfy consequences. I see no bene t in increase unless high property
a ordable, while preserving the that would require residential all parties will provide a plan for removing controversial develop- taxes force older people to move
integrity of our great community. developers to build a ordable more a ordable housing. ere ments from decision-making by to less expensive areas. In the
ese nal 300 words are housing? If not, please explain. are a few good examples around elected o cials. present pandemic environment,
yours. Promote yourself and If yes, how should it look? the country of successful housing A prime example is the Yor- I think we are beginning to see
your quali cations or bring at- I enjoy a close relationship policy emerging from the col- ktown Heights Overlay Dis- more young families move into
tention to another issue we did with County Executive George laboration of interests that might trict law that would include the Yorktown. I don’t believe that US
not ask you about. It is your op- Latimer and our two county otherwise be at each other’s Soundview Prep School property. Census data using the year 2000
portunity to say what’s on your legislators. ey do not want to throats. e overlay would allow higher as a benchmark yet re ects this
mind and why you’re running. cause Yorktown to lose the funds Overlay zones are being density on a spectacularly beauti- trend.
As a wife, mother, God-fearing we need to expand the Hal- touted as a tool to spur eco- ful historic property without the e Covid-19 pandemic alert-
American, former New York City locks Mill Sewer District. It is nomic development and hous- Town Board having to take re- ed big city residents that there are
commercial real estate executive, wrong to pit the vital need for ing diversity in Yorktown (if/ sponsibility by voting to rezone SEE TOWN BOARD PAGE 8
and life coach, my strong com- safe drinking water and mitiga- when it is approved, conceptual the property.
Thursday, October 21, 2021 Yorktown News – Page 7
Thursday, October 21, 2021 Yorktown News – Page 13
Jefferson Valley Mall
10.29 5-9 PM
Food Trucks, Live Music, Beer Garden,
Kids Carnival, Art Station + Circus Games,
Trunk-or-Treat (5-7 PM), Dog Costume
Contest, Vendors + so much more!!
Page 14 – Yorktown News OPINION Thursday, October 21, 2021
Editor’s Note: Yorktown News Here are some facts that ground, has transformed the Sergio Esposito has paid remain on the board despite his
received an overwhelming amount Sergio Esposito should be proud Chamber into a true community to promote himself all over indictment and pending trial
of Letters to the Editor this week. of and that Jennie Sunshine partner, has invested thousands media and on lawn signs, and for alleged grand larceny.
Due to space considerations, not all should write down. e festival of hours of his time, has the I believe has opportunistically
of them could be printed here. All accurately re ected the true and knowledge and skill to e ectively used his role as the president Most of the new businesses
letters submitted will be published wonderful diversity our town lead and is truly deserving of of the Yorktown Chamber of that have moved to Yorktown
on TapIntoYorktown.net by the end represents. ere were churches your vote. Commerce (COC) for self- have built new facilities rather
of this week. of all denominations, businesses promotion. He is running the than utilize the existing va-
of all types, even civic and social William LaScala best campaign money can buy. cant storefronts, which created
Chamber Street organizations, a Republican Par- What does he really stand for? unattractive buildings. e
Fair accurately ty booth and a Democratic Party Yorktown Heights Chamber seems to welcome all
reflected our booth, as well as a wide diversity I believe he has not been new businesses, even those that
town’s diversity of food vendors, and he even All politics is local transparent about his owner- are putting community owned
included our furry four-legged ship of a local gun shop, which shops out of business and alter-
To the editor, friends by hosting a dog costume To the editor, sells assault weapons, linking ing the character of the town.
What seemingly started as an parade. ere was even a vaccine e majority of the Republi- his membership in the COC
clinic o ering Covid-19 shots only to his computer business. e Chamber and Mr.
article from a concerned citi- throughout the entire day. can Party is currently espousing He can run any business he Esposito revealed their politi-
zen quickly deteriorated into a ultra-nationalist, right-wing chooses, so why not be open cal leanings by approving of
shameless public and political at- e music and entertainment perspectives. Republican national about it? a vendor at last week’s Street
tack on a true community leader represented a wide variety of leadership has also focused on Fair whose sole products were
and contributor to our town, HYPERLOCAL talents. Sergio getting more candidates whose I have known Esposito T-shirts bearing words, which
Sergio Esposito. Esposito also invited local dance views conform with this ideol- since 2017, when he chose to stood for a vulgar invec-
schools to show o their young ogy on town and school boards. defend statements by alleged tive against President Biden.
In a recent letter to the editor, students perform in front of a felon Eric DiBartolo, which I So much for Mr. Esposito’s
Jennie Sunshine professes to packed audience. ere was even I believe that Yorktown is go- and others found anti-Semitic. rhetoric about the COC being
know Sergio Esposito’s inner a Native American Indian dance. ing through a period of transi- DiBartolo was also accused of non-partisan.
most thoughts. How does she tion with younger and more anti-Semitism when he was
know this? How does Jennie e event is extremely large and moderate-liberal families mov- highway superintendent. Mr. I hope that all of Yorktown’s
Sunshine know what Sergio the planning is massive, some- ing in. President Biden cap- Esposito wrote to me in 2017: voters will re ect on their values
Esposito absolutely knew? How times things slip through the tured 52 percent of the Presi- “I have known Eric for some and whether Mr. Esposito shares
can she? Frankly, her comments cracks, but according to Jennie dential vote in 2020. However, time and can assure you that them. Vote to show you reject
have no factual basis and merely Sunshine we should let no good the Yorktown Town Board is he is a proud American and the national strategy of the
attempt to cast shadows on deed go unpunished! 60 percent Republican, and respects all races, creeds and Republican Party.
Sergio Esposito’s good nature they portray themselves as colors. He is also extremely
and character. Jennie Sunshine’s attack on competent, community minded dedicated to this town and Melvyn R. Tanzman
Sergio Esposito is a shameless individuals. However, if you its well-being.” e COC Mohegan Lake
political swipe at a leader who scratch the surface, you will has allowed Mr. DiBartolo to
always tries to nd the middle SEE LETTERS PAGE 16
nd an ideology that does not
re ect the majority of residents.
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Page 16 – Yorktown News OPINION Thursday, October 21, 2021
LETTERS all residents. Sergio has been a is a truly sincere man who has with many businesses’ owners. and Sergio personally picked up
volunteer coach in the YAC for given his time and experience to He has also helped promote the the phone. I felt an instant con-
FROM PAGE 14 many years and I have never make Yorktown a great place to town and businesses in an un- nection and I genuinely believed
actually seen him when he was live. at is why I am voting for precedented way. He has excelled he understood my concerns and
The real Sergio not smiling. Sergio is right for Vishnu Patel to be re-elected to as the president of the Yorktown that he would help me address
Esposito Yorktown and all the residents of the Town Board. Chamber and I would say, with- them.
our town. I know that our youth out question, that he is the best
To the editor, and our seniors will have Sergio’s Joyce Gleason president I have ever seen. In speaking with Sergio, I was
Each election year, the town support while balancing what is able to get de nitive answers
good for all of our residents. I Yorktown Heights Sergio is the right man for the to my questions about the PPP
is packed with lawn signs, and believe that Sergio will be objec- job. He is a leader that does not loan process, questions that no
every time I open a newspaper tive and as most see very avail- Esposito is a shy from making decisions, his one else was able to answer. He
I see a candidate who is trying able to all the towns residents. friend of small bipartisan nature is commend- provided consistent, highly in-
to explain why that candidate able, his drive to see Yorktown formative, and frequent updates
should be selected on Election John Campobasso businesses succeed is unquestionable, and via the town’s TV channel and
Day, which is the natural course his knowledge of the town issues via social media. His updates
for this time of year. As the elec- Yorktown Heights To the editor, is astonishing. He is ready to were factually based, and they
tion gets closer, the articles typi- Yorktown needs Sergio serve and can get started on Day helped me tremendously.
cally go from positive to negative Patel is a One.
attacks on their opponent, which sincere man Esposito! As a small business Once we were able to open,
is why I stop reading the paper owner and resident, I have seen Vote for new ideas, new I felt I needed help getting the
around this time, but this year is To the editor, politicians come and go but I energy, and new leadership. Vote word out, so I called Sergio
di erent. I have known Sergio Vishnu Patel has been, and have never seen a candidate as for Sergio Esposito. Esposito once again. Sergio
Esposito for about 10 years and quali ed and as dedicated as scheduled an in-person inter-
to see his character attacked will continue to be, a town Sergio Esposito. Sergio genu- Brian Goc view, where we lmed a promo-
by other candidates or people councilman of vision and com- inely cares for Yorktown and tional video to promote my salon
who probably do not even know mitment. He serves on many genuinely cares and listens to Owner, Sunrise Carpentry through various social media
Sergio is just ridiculous, and the committees: community hous- your concerns. channels. My phone began to
only reason I am writing this ing, energy advisory, utilities Esposito’s actions ring almost immediately with
letter. oversight, senior citizens advi- I have had many dealings saved businesses new and existing clients. Not
sory, and tree conservation. Over with Sergio and all of them have only did his e orts help get me
When Sergio told me that he the years, Vishnu has provided been pleasant, informative, and To the editor, back in business but they helped
was running for town council, computers to the science lab at extremely productive. As the As a small business owner in grow my business as well.
I asked simply, “Why”? His the high school and to the senior owner of Sunrise Carpentry, I
response was genuine as always center in Yorktown. Look in the often share some of my ideas Mohegan Lake, I can tell you Sergio Esposito has helped
and he said that it was his inten- paper any month and you will for Yorktown and how we could that surviving the pandemic has me and my employees in an
tion to get involved and help see Vishnu supporting the Girl get REAL revitalization going. not been easy and as the owner enormous way and I see him
the town where Sergio and his Scouts and Boy Scouts, working Sergio always listens! of Michael Robert Salon, the all over town helping countless
family reside. Sergio really wants to protect the environment, im- pandemic has been even more businesses, which in turn helps
to improve his community and migrants, and voting rights, and rough his many hours of restrictive and taxing compared all citizens. I am often amazed at
create a safe environment for encouraging new businesses. He dedicated volunteer work at the to other businesses.
Yorktown Chamber of Com- SEE LETTERS PAGE 20
merce, Sergio has developed a I felt I needed information, so
close and personal relationship I decided to call Sergio Esposito,
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Thursday, October 21, 2021 SPORTS Yorktown News – Page 25
VARSITY ROUNDUP (10/12-10/18)
Parisi, Daly lead Hornets to senior-night win
Lakeland eld hockey wins 25th straight league title
CONTRIBUTING WRITER risi said. “So, when we are ever on
Lakeland seniors (top) Mikayla Gustavson, Tyler Hormazabal, Emlyn Senior captains Nadia Parisi (1G, there together, I know where she
Lakeland Girls Doell, Caitlin Carroll, Anahit Cumbal, (bottom) Nadia Parisi, Kate 2A) and Linda Daly (1G) after is. We play together, and I feel like
Soccer (12-3-1) MacDonald, Jordan Pepaj, Linda Daly, and HaiLian Rowan leading the host Hornets to a 3-1 I wouldn’t be able to do anything
senior-night win against sister without her here.”
LOURDES 6, LAKELAND 1 general, senior night though is a a comfortable lead, making sure school Walter Panas on Oct. 15.
Wednesday, Oct. 13 (Our Lady Doell (1 save), Mikayla Gus-
special bonus,” Daly said. “You we get through. It meant a lot on everything. We have common tavson, Tyler Hormazabal, Cait-
of Lourdes High School) goals, with our success in soccer. lin Carroll, Anahit Cumbal, Kate
Emlyn Doell (4 saves) and Na- only get one senior night. It was senior night, it was good for our It’s great that I can talk to her MacDonald, Jordan Pepaj, and
about everything related to soc- HaiLian Rowan are the other
dia Parisi (1G) produced for the nice to score, it was a great goal.” team, to put us by three.” cer. She’s been a huge part of my Hornet seniors.
Hornets in their 6-1 loss to Our Lakeland soccer career.”
Lady of Lourdes. Parisi (1G, 2A) scored 2:17 into Daly and Parisi have been play- Grace Hahn (1G) and Lily
Parisi said the two have had Merriam (3 saves) also contrib-
LAKELAND 3, PANAS 1 the second half, putting Lakeland ing together since second grade. chemistry with each other since uted to the win.
Friday, Oct. 15 (Lakeland High they were little.
up 3-0. “Nadia has been a big asset to Yorktown Girls
School) “She’s the one person that really Soccer (9-4-3)
Lakeland senior captains Pa- “It felt like really nice,” said Pa- this team in general,” Daly said.
risi, a ve-year varsity player and risi, whose 30 career assists are the “For me, she’s been one of my Wednesday, Oct. 13 (Mahopac
Linda Daly, a four-season varsity
performer, won their nal regular- fourth most in Lakeland history. best friends growing up so it’s like High School)
season game as Hornets on senior Julianna Vano scored on a penalty
night with a 3-1 triumph against “When you put the third goal great to have a best friend and a
sister school Walter Panas. kick with six minutes left in the rst
in, it’s like getting there, having teammate that supports you with half while Erisa Krasniqi (10 saves)
Daly started the scoring with recorded the shutout in Yorktown’s
a header, with an assist o a cor- 1-0 victory against Mahopac.
ner kick from Parisi, 4:43 into the
“It’s a great feeling to score in
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