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Published by Halston Media, 2022-05-03 15:03:05

Yorktown News 05.05.22

Vol. 11 No. 7 Visit for the latest news. Thursday, May 5, 2022

Kids of all ages
enjoy the night.


First Fam Jam is a party for all

BY KATHLEEN ering the myriad needs of so many p.m. on Commerce Street. Brother Vinny, Yorktown Food whole family.
MAFFETONE of the town’s community organi- “I thought,‘Why not have a day Pantry, Yorktown Wrestling, YAC e Fam Jam Committee
CONTRIBUTING WRITER zations, he decided to organize an Sports, United for the Troops, and
event that could both raise funds where we can all hang out,and not St. Patrick’s Church’s Good Sa- raised $20,000 in sponsorships
When Brian Du y, a 47-year and provide a space for neighbors just drive our kids to sports prac- maritan Fund. from businesses; its costs added
resident of Yorktown, learned and friends to relax and have fun. tices,” Du y said jokingly. “[We up to about $25,000, according
that the wrestling team was in can] get the kids out of their hous- e event included several to Du y. He hoped the event
need of new wrestling mats, and And after some help from fam- es and away from their devices.” bands, sports activities, food and would net between $10,000 and
his daughter’s softball team didn’t ily, friends, neighbors, businesses, beverage trucks, bouncy castles, $20,000.
have a shed to store its equipment, and town employees, Yorktown All of the proceeds are going and more. It was a BYOC (Bring
he started thinking. After consid- Fam Jam held its inaugural event “back to the community,” he said. Your Own Chair) event that Turn to pages 20/21 for more
Saturday, April 30 from 4 to 10 Some of the organizations ben- provided entertainment for the photos.
e ting from the event include My

22 Yorktown wins on
senior night.

pg 22

Page 2 – Yorktown News Thursday, May 5, 2022


A fixer-upper for the fire department

Vacant pool could become dive team training facility

BY SOPHIA CASELNOVA and not be limited to the school of the public safety issues it pos-

STAFF WRITER schedule or access to a building es,” said Town Supervisor Mat-

if we have our own,” Liberatore thew Slater.

e Yorktown Heights Fire said. e property has back taxes

District has put forth a proposal Fire Commissioner Martin dating back to at least a decade,

to convert a neighborhood pool McGannon told the board that according to Town Attorney

into a training facility. the pool would be unchlorinated, Adam Rodriguez.

e deserted pool, located on enclosed, and closed to the pub- e Town Board members

Van Cortlandt Circle, has been lic. No recreational use of the showed support for the plan.

an ongoing issue for over a de- pool would be permitted. ey plan to work with the re

cade, according to members of “It would be utilized strictly district to address potential con-

the Town Board, who discussed for the Dive Team,” McGannon cerns and resolve issues about the

the issue at their meeting last said. property’s ownership.

week. e re district wants to McGannon went on to explain

turn the Sultana Ridge Pool into that the rst two stages in the MENTAL HEALTH

a training site for its Dive Team, process of converting the pool are AWARENESS FILE PHOTO/YORKTOWN NEWS

a unit of 13 district members that to rst clean it and then to fence May 1 marked the beginning The Sultana Ridge Pool in Yorktown Heights, pictured in 2012
specializes in water rescue. it in. of Mental Health Awareness

Paul Liberatore, assistant chief e Sultana Pool was initially month. and two banners. Memorial Library. ey will act

of Yorktown Heights Fire De- a neighborhood pool, owned by Eugene McGrath of NAMI “We worry about the risks as- as visual reminders that every-

partment, said the Dive Team is Sultana Ridge Association Inc., Westchester came before the sociated with car and bike acci- one is a ected by mental health,

recognized by the State of New for homeowners on Van Cort- Town Board last week to propose dents, falls, diseases, and physical the Yorktown community has

York as statewide responders landt Circle and Sultana Drive. a mental health awareness cam- illnesses, and take precautions to help available, and that the Town

depending on the situation. He To access the pool, residents paign for Yorktown. reduce those risks. And rightly Board supports these e orts fully.

also explained that there are only needed to pay a seasonal fee. e In its third meeting with the so,” McGrath said. “We need to At 9 a.m. May 7, the NAMI

two or three diving teams in the lack of membership made it dif- Town Board, NAMI Westches- do the same for the risks posed Walks Yorktown event will take

Westchester/Putnam area. cult for the pool to remain run- ter explained the importance by untreated mental health prob- place at Jack DeVito Veterans

“We’re looking for this facility ning. of mental health awareness and lems.” Memorial Field. Cash or check

to get our feet on the ground and “ e pool is private property the ways in which Yorktown can e ribbons will be hung donations can be made at the

say, ‘this is our training site,’ and not owned by the town but is show its support. e proposal throughout Yorktown and the event.

create di erent scenarios in the falling to the town from a re- included the hanging of ribbons, banners will be hung on Town e proposal received approval

pool, di erent types of training, sponsibility standpoint because as they have done in past years, Hall as well as the John C. Hart from the Town Board.

2022 Candidates for the Lakeland School Board


Adam Kaufman Becky Burfeind Marianne DiSalvo Kolesar Michael Marchese
Ballot Line #11 Ballot Line #10 Ballot Line #01 Ballot Line #04

• Resident of Yorktown Heights for 16 years • Resident of Cortlandt Manor for 19 years • Resident of Yorktown Heights for 49 years • Resident of Yorktown Heights for 5 years
• Parent of two students currently attending Lakeland
• Parent of two Walter Panas High School • Mother or a fourth grader, a sixth grader and eight • Parent of a first grader and incoming kindergartener
High School graduates (2018, 2020). Both Children in college grader in the Lakeland Central School District at Thomas Jefferson ES
• Assistant Principal at a High School in Yonkers, with pursuing careers in education
• Elementary School Teacher for 27 years, currently • Physician specializing in Endocrinology and Obesity
25 years of experience • Office Manager at a Financial Planning/Retirement working in the Rye City School District Medicine. Medical Director Inpatient Diabetes Ser-
• Elected in 2019 to a three-year term on the Board of Planning firm for over 5 years vices at a community hospital in CT
• Leader of the Cub Scout Pack at Thomas Jefferson for
Education, serving on the Policy Committee, Facilities • Elected in 2019 to a three-year term on the Board of three years • Mentor and teacher to medical residents and
Committee, Safety Committee, and the District Youth Education. Currently serving on the Safety Committee, students, adjunct at a local University’s Physician
Council District Parents’ Council, Wellness Committee, Sick • Active member of the TJ PTA Assistance program
• Elected President of the Board of Education in 2021 Bank, District Equity for All Committee and Ad hoc
• Director of the Shrub Oak Athletic Club Football member of building level Equity for All Committees • Appointed to the Lakeland Board of Education in • Volunteering at the start of a young age including
program since 2017, 2nd Vice President of the Shrub December 2021 St. Vincent’s Catholic Medical Center and Salybia
Oak Athletic Club since 2019 • Previous volunteer work in the district includes Van Mission Project. More recently involved in community
Cortlandtville Elementary School Class Parent and PTA • Current member of the District Parents’ Council, outreach providing educational talks including
Paid for by Adam Kaufman, Becky Leadership, Lakeland Copper Beech Middle School Special Education Advisory Committee, Wellness Osteoporosis prevention and treatment, Complications
Burfeind, Marianne DiSalvo Kolesar and PTA member, Walter Panas High School PPC president, Committee and District Equity for All Committee of Diabetes and The Rise of Obesity Epidemic for the
Building Emergency Response Team member, Panas hospital community and nearby nursing facilities
Michael Marchese Players Boosters • Previous volunteer working building schools in in CT
Nicaragua and Sprout, a non-profit that provides
• Past fundraiser for Children’s Heart Foundation to aid recreational activities for people with disabilities.
in research and treatments for children born with
congenital heart disease

Vote Tuesday, May 17th, at Van Cortlandtville Elementary School.
3100 East Main Street, Mohegan Lake, between the hours of 7 am - 9 pm.

Thursday, May 5, 2022 Yorktown News – Page 3

Keep on growing

Arbor Day

Yorktown celebrated Ar- Students from Crompond Elementary School and Girl Scouts of Troop 2277 attend
bor Day on April 29 with a Yorktown’s Arbor Day Celebration.
ceremony near Town Hall. Larry Klein of the Yorktown Tree Advisory
Commission introduces the Arbor Day ceremony. Supervisor Matt Slater says a few words.
e afternoon was high-
lighted a tree planting, a
song sung by Crompond
Elementary School students,
and the announcement of
the winners of the annual
Arbor Day Student Poster

“Trees provide food, shel-
ter for animals, they give
oxygen, shade, and cool,”said
Tree Conservation Advisory
Commission member Larry
Klein during the ceremony.

According to Klein, this is
the 11th year Yorktown has
been recognized as a mem-
ber of the Tree City USA
program. e program’s mis-
sion is to help towns grow
their tree density, and a re-
quirement is for a town or
city to have a tree commis-

“Our town is known for
its open spaces and conser-
vation,” said Town Supervi-
sor Matt Slater. “It’s great
to have all the kids here,
because this is about your

e fourth and fth grad-
ers from Crompond sang
“SOS From the Kids,” an
environmentalist song about
climate change. e Girl
Scouts of Troop 2277 led at-
tendees in the Pledge of Al-
legiance and spread soil from
the four corners of the town
on the dogwood that was
planted in front of town hall.
After the ceremony, residents
could take home seedlings
provided by Con Edison to
be planted near their homes
and around town.

–Gino De Angelis

Yorktown planted a dogwood tree in front of the Town Hall. PHOTOS: GINO DE ANGELIS

Page 4 – Yorktown News Thursday, May 5, 2022


EDITORIAL TEAM Controversy arises over cousin’s candidacy
EDITOR: 914-302-5628 District nds no con ict; opposing candidates le appeal
[email protected]
BY BRIAN MARSCHHAUSER of interest. and regulations,which states,“Not All 12 school board candi-
SPECIAL SECTIONS EDITOR Maureen Schulman, a district more than one member of a fam- dates received an email the next
[email protected]
resident and onetime Congres- ily shall be a member of the same day from Cosenza. In the email,
PAUL FORHAN If elected to Lakeland’s school sional candidate, wrote the West- board of education in any school Cosenza, who said she drafted

(914) 806-3951 board later this month, candidate chester County Board of Elec- district.” Schulman copied school the email in consultation with the
[email protected]
Michael Marchese would share tions on April 19 to argue that board president Adam Kaufman, school attorney, said the district
(914) 486-7608 more than a title with incumbent Marchese should be removed Superintendent Karen Gagliardi, was aware of the family relation-
[email protected]
Trustee Anna Massaro. from the ballot. She cited the state and District Clerk Lynn Cosenza ship before Marchese announced
(201) 317-1139 Marchese and Massaro are also Education Department’s rules on her email to the county. his candidacy.
[email protected]
CORINNE STANTON rst cousins, the candidate con- As mentioned in the past, I took all the “We have reviewed the argu-
(914) 760-7009 rmed to Yorktown News last proper avenues to make sure I could run. ments in your email and nd them
[email protected] week. I would never do anything to jeopardize unpersuasive,” Consenza wrote.
“Michael Marchese will not be
JAY GUSSAK is news is not a revelation to disquali ed from being a candi-
(914) 299-4541 plugged-in residents of the Lake- date for member of the Board of
[email protected] land Central School District, who
(914) 924-9122 the integrity of the boards or the trust thebegan debating the topic on Face- Education.”
[email protected] Cosenza referred to similar
book almost immediately after
PRODUCTION TEAM Marchese declared his candidacy community has in them.’ situations elsewhere in New York
TABITHA PEARSON MARSHALL in mid-April. It was brought to State, including when two broth-

CREATIVE DIRECTOR light by United4Lakeland, a com- –Michael Marchese ers ran for the same school board.
PHOTOGRAPHER peting faction of school board In an informal opinion from the
Candidate for Lakeland BOE
[email protected] candidates, who called it a con ict state attorney general, both broth-
DESIGNER ers could run because they lived in

[email protected] separate households. “In the ab-

EXECUTIVE TEAM sence of judicial opinion, the word
CEO & PUBLISHER ‘family’…has been understood
Carpet to mean ‘a member of the same
[email protected] household.’”

Deadlines Marchese, the district clerk

YORKTOWN NEWS DEADLINE Hardwood said, “meets the quali cations for
THE DEADLINE FOR ADVERTISEMENTS member of the board of education

AND EDITORIAL SUBMISSIONS FOR Floor Refinishing and he resides in a separate house-

YORKTOWN NEWS IS THE THURSDAY hold from his cousin, each with
their own family, within the Lake-
CALL BRIAN MARSCHHAUSER AT Tile land Central School District.”
914-302-5628 OR EMAIL United4Lakeland’s slate of can-
[email protected].
didates — Maggie Perlman, Ge-
Custom Area Rugs nie Muller, Beth Dee, and Erin
TO REQUEST YORKTOWN NEWS O’Grady — appealed the matter
OR EMAIL [email protected]. Blinds to the New York State Educa-
OUT OF TOWN MAIL SUBSCRIPTIONS ARE requesting a stay of Lakeland’s
Luxury Vinyl Plank determination. e candidates
PERIODICALS POSTAGE PAID AT also requested the state reverse
Laminate Lakeland’s decision and render a
POSTMASTER: determination that Marchese and
Massaro are indeed “family mem-
YORKTOWN NEWS AT Carpet Cleaning NO INTEREST? bers.”
On May 2, the New York State
SUITE 100 commissioner of education de-

MOUNT KISCO, NY 10549 Residential & YES, PLEASE. nied the stay request, allowing
Commercial Marchese to remain a candidate
(ISSN 2329-8693) pending the appeal.
HALSTON MEDIA, LLC AT Installations Take Advantage Of Special Financing! Marchese, 38, is an endocrinol-
118 N. BEDFORD ROAD ogist who has lived in Yorktown
0% Interest If Paid In Full Within 18 Months.
SUITE 100 Heights since 2016. A father to
$100 OFF $250 OFF three young children, Marchese
©2022 HALSTON MEDIA, LLC is campaigning with three in-
cumbents: school board President

Any purchase of $999 or more. Any purchase of $2,000 or more. Adam Kaufman, Trustee Becky

Coupons must be present at the time of Coupons must be present at the time of Burfeind, and Trustee Marianne
purchase. Some restrictions may apply. purchase. Some restrictions may apply. DiSalvo Kolesar, who was ap-
Cannot be combined with any other offer. Cannot be combined with any other offer. pointed in December to ll a va-

Excludes labor. Excludes labor.


In an interview with Yorktown

News, Marchese said he’s been

disappointed by the tactics de-

246 Route 52 Carmel, NY • • 845-225-4330 ployed by his opposing candidates.
“It is unfortunate that some

MON-FRI: 9 AM-6 PM • LATE NIGHT ON THURS EVE BY APPT ONLY • SAT: 9 AM-4 PM members of the community have

Photos for illustrative purposes only. ©2017 Carpet One Floor & Home. All Rights Reserved SEE MARCHESE PAGE 5

Thursday, May 5, 2022 Yorktown News – Page 5

MARCHESE personal relationship with Mas- ther consolidate their one-voice rule U.S. NEWS RANKINGS
saro would not a ect his duties as and limit the representation of the
FROM PAGE 4 a school board member. He said entire community on the Lakeland Report cards are out
he would never discuss con dential Board of Education,” the organiza- on Yorktown, Lakeland
resorted to slandering to have me board matters with Massaro outside tion said.
disquali ed and even to go as far as of executive session. Yorktown’s two high science, still well above the
serving me papers at my residence United4Lakeland said Marchese,
without having all the facts,” Mar- “Interestingly, one Facebook because of his relation to Massaro, schools rank among the best statewide average of 70%.
chese said. member had said they talk to their was granted privileges that no other
friends more than their family,” the non-incumbent candidates received, in the nation, according to e school’s 96% gradu-
Nevertheless, Marchese, who said candidate said. “And I agree, where such as time and resources expend-
he is running on a platform of trans- do we draw the line? Who is to say ed by the district clerk and school the latest US News rankings. ation rate also boosted its
parency, said he wanted to “clear the that two friends on the board, that district’s attorney. Additionally, his
air”about the issue. are not family, would not have more nominating petition was signed by Out of nearly 18,000 pub- score. Sixty-three percent of
of a chance to discuss board matters all eight sitting school board trust-
“As mentioned in the past, I took than I with Ms. Massaro?” ees, including Massaro, who was the lic high schools in the coun- eligible students took an AP
all the proper avenues to make sure I
could run,” Marchese said. “I would United4Lakeland, in a statement rst to lend her signature. His peti- try, Yorktown High School exam, with an 85% pass rate.
never do anything to jeopardize the to Yorktown News, said New York tion was also signed by the principal
integrity of the boards or the trust State Education Law makes no of Lakeland Copper Beech Middle came in at 687. In New York Lakeland scored 97% in
the community has in them. Prior mention of households as a barom- School.
to running, I did inquire with the eter for de ning a family. Lakeland’s State, the school ranked 70th. reading, 93% in math, and
district clerk if I would be able to own candidate quali cations say, “ e Lakeland Central School
proceed as a candidate. It was told “Only one member of a family (in- District had 28,965 registered vot- Lakeland High School 88% in science to go along
to me that they did consult with the cluding individuals who reside with ers in 2021, yet nine people (that’s
legal counsel and, according to New you) can serve on the Board at the 0.0003% of the entire voting popu- ranked 1,538 in the country with a 94% graduation rate.
York State Education Law,‘family’is same time.” United4Lakeland re- lation) hold all of the power to deter-
considered anyone in a single house- ferred to the New York State School mine policy which a ects the future and 150 in the state. e school’s scorecard took a
hold.” Board Association’s de nition of of our children, school employees,
family as “pure ction, not a legal and community,” United4Lakeland US News grades the hit based on the just 57% of
e New York State School de nition.” wrote. “Now, with the hand selec-
Board Association also writes that tion of Mr. Marchese, the cousin of schools in six categories: students taking an AP exam.
“no more than one member of a “Michael Marchese, Adam current board member Ms.Massaro,
family sharing the same house- Kaufman, Marianne DiSalvo Kole- that percentage shrinks further be- • How many students took Other local schools rank-
hold may be a member of the same sar, Rebecca (Becky) Burfeind, the cause two family members will serve
school board in any school district.” three board member incumbents together, promoting autocracy and at least one AP exam ing well were: Horace Gree-
running for re-election, along with nepotism on the Lakeland board.”
“As Ms. Massaro and I live in two the rest of the Lakeland board • How many students ley (18 in New York/179
separate households, with two sepa- members and the Lakeland Central United4Lakeland’s full statement
rate families paying two separate School District, are conveniently re- can be read in the opinion section of passed at least one AP exam in the U.S.), Byram Hills
taxes, I was told that I had the right lying on NYSSBA’s concocted de - this paper.
as a community member to proceed nition of ‘family member’ as to fur- • Math pro ciency (20/186), North Salem
with running,”Marchese added. e school board election is on
May 17. • Reading pro ciency (27/242), Hastings (29/253),
If elected, Marchese said his
• Science pro ciency Briarcli (31/268), Croton-

• Graduate rate Harmon (46/385), Harrison

Yorktown boasts an im- (49/410), John Jay (55/479),

pressive math pro ciency of Scarsdale (61/578), Pleas-

99% and a reading pro cien- antville (62/583), Fox Lane

cy of 98%, which were based (85/798), Hendrick Hud-

on student performance on son (145/1,484), Walter

state-required tests and in- Panas (157/1,641), Somers

ternational available exams (230/2,412), and Mahopac

on college-level coursework. (421/4,672).

Yorktown scored an 89% in –Brian Marschhauser

Celebrat Mo !

Mother’s Day is Sunday, May 8th!

Tel: 914-245-3899 • 32 Triangle Center, Yorktown Heights, NY 10598 •

Page 6 – Yorktown News Thursday, May 5, 2022


Solar project is not a walk in the park
Granite Knolls plan not popular at public hearing

BY SOPHIA CASELNOVA done properly. there are other options through- said he’s had a change of heart. according to the contract. e
STAFF WRITER Residents who spoke said they out the park for the ground- He said he would like to see the town would also get $500,000
mounted panels to be placed, ground-mounted panels moved up-front to pave the parking lot.
A public hearing at last week’s were concerned how the solar such as along the western side of to the western side of the prop-
Planning Board meeting re- panels would a ect the park’s the playing elds. erty, which would involve cutting e Planning Board agreed to
vealed misunderstandings and aesthetic and functionality. down a forested area. He said the adjourn the public hearing and
regrets about a solar project pro- Confusion entered the conver- ground-mounted panels concern keep it open.
posed for Granite Knolls Park. “Ground-mounted solar ar- sation after board member Wil- him because of potential storm-
rays are an ugly visual impo- liam Lascala asked whose idea it water run-o problems and also In an interview,Town Supervi-
e project, started in 2020 by sition in a residential or park was to begin this “idiotic” project. because they would be occupying sor Matt Slater said that he did
the Town Board, would feature environment,” said Yorktown a potential parking area. not watch the meeting because of
a solar canopy system over the resident Jay Kopstein. “ e plan Because this project is hap- his faith in the Planning Board.
parking lot, a ground-mounted as described will subject people pening on designated parkland, “My main objection is the
solar system near the entrance driving into the park to view this the State Legislature needed to ground panels being mounted “I think it’s important that
of the park, and a battery storage ugly black desert. I urge you to give permission through a pro- down toward Stoney Street,” they feel comfortable enough to
system. disapprove the ground-mounted cess called alienation, which has Diana said. “But the 18-foot car- provide independent and truth-
solar array as currently planned.” already occurred. Members of the port things? I wish I would have ful assessments of projects,”
e ground-mounted solar Planning Board were unaware thought it better. I voted yes on it. Slater said. “We sent this project
array would be about 1.4 acres Former Town Supervisor that the alienation process had I’ll be the rst to admit it. I was to the Planning Board because
in size, measuring 2 feet o the Michael Grace, who helped taken place and how the project wrong. But I can’t take that back we wanted their input and their
ground at its lowest point and 7 spearhead the project during his made it through to their board. at this point. I can only ask you guidance.”
feet o the ground at its high- six-year tenure, explained the folks to take a good, hard look at
est. e panels would also be backstory behind the park and ere was also uncertainty as to it, see if we can rectify this situ- Asked if the Planning Board
enclosed within a 7-foot-high its importance to the town. Ad- whether there was already a con- ation.” has the ability to alter the plan,
fence. ditionally, he argued that the so- tract between the solar company Slater explained that the board
lar panels would make the park and the town. Diana said he thinks local can dig into the project and ex-
Planning Board Chair Rich- more industrial looking and lawmakers were “money-driven” press what they do and do not
ard Fon said he wanted to hold would take away from its ap- In 2020, the Town Board au- when they made the decision agree with.
the project to the same standard pearance. thorized the town supervisor to to move forward this project. If
as other developments, even enter into contract negotiations the project is built as proposed, “ e contract is contingent
though it is on town property. “You’re creating an industrial with HESP Solar. e contract it would result Yorktown getting upon their approval,” Slater said.
He said he wants to ensure that site out of what is a bucolic set was signed on April 29, 2021. $143,250 per year for 25 years, “ ey have the exibility and
screening and mitigation are of ball elds,” Grace said. the latitude to dig into the proj-
Councilman Tom Diana, who ect, which is why it’s contingent
Grace went on to explain that initially voted for the project, upon their approval.”

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Page 8 – Yorktown News Thursday, May 5, 2022

public input on
School resource officer proposed for Crompond stimulus spending

BY BRIAN MARSCHHAUSER of the classroom, serve on the building a service to our students to be able to e town of Yorktown e money came to
EDITOR emergency response team, perform have that community connection to
campus safety checks, and participate our o cers as young as possible.” is asking the public how it the town through the
Yorktown school o cials are so en- in emergency drills.
amored with the police o cers who COMMUTER LOT CONCERNS should spend its $3.7 mil- American Rescue Plan
roam the high school and middle “I have several candidates that I In the same report about campus
schools, that they’ve decided to ex- could put in that school tomorrow and lion federal windfall. Act (ARPA), which was
pand the program into one of their they’d do an excellent job,” said York- safety, Hattar suggested that the Yor-
elementary schools. town Police Chief Robert Noble. “At ktown Central School District explore Residents can log onto signed into law on March
that role at that level, they’re not really the possibility of leasing the commut-
At the April 25 Board of Educa- disciplinarians. ey are there to build er lot next to the high school, where the town’s website, take a 11, 2021. It provided aid
tion meeting, Superintendent Ron relationships.” many students park.
Hattar said he wanted to add a school survey, and list their top to state, county and local
resource o cer (SRO) to Crompond School board members were sup- “By having some kind of lease in
Elementary School. e o cer would portive of the plan. place with the commuter lot, that is an three spending priorities. governments a ected by
be employed by the town of York- avenue for us to enforce our Code of
town, with the district bearing most “To know we have one of the o - Conduct and put in some other safety e categories include the Covid-19 pandemic.
of the cost. e exact gures were not cers in the building, it gives a little bit measures,” Hattar told the board.
available by press time. Money for of more peace of mind,” said Trustee community programs, e federal law restricts
the Cromond SRO was included in Cheryl Reynolds. e lot, which is part of Downing
the 2022-23 budget, which has been Park, is owned by the town of York- economic development, spending to things such as
adopted by the school board but still Board President Jackie Carbone town.
needs voter approval. recalled a time several years ago when and public safety, among infrastructure, public safety,
the high school and middle school With the help of Noble, the school
“ ere is no greater deterrent than principals were told they needed to district was able to identify another others. e survey — and enhancements to town
seeing that [police] vehicle on our make budget cuts. area of weakness when it comes to se-
campus,” Hattar said, “and that alone curity. However, Hattar said he would which runs through May services.
has been a very helpful piece in pro- “ e one thing they absolutely re- not share those details for safety rea-
moting a very safe atmosphere for our fused to give up was the SRO,” Car- sons. 31 — also allows the pub- As part of the stimulus
students.” bone said.
“Someone who intends to in ict lic to submit speci c ideas spending plan,the town has
e o cer would also be expected “I think that of all the positions that harm on our schools has to get it right
to engage with the students in and out we have put into the district,this is one one time,” Hattar said. “We have to for projects. formed a task force made
of the most valuable ones and I am get it right every time when it comes
so supportive of adding this in.” the to school safety and school security.” “ is is an opportunity up of Slater; Town Comp-
president added. “I think it does such
for everyone to have a say in troller Patricia Caporale;

how we spend this money,” Town Councilman Tom

said Town Supervisor Matt Diana; Yorktown Highway

Slater in a press release. Superintendent Dave Pa-

“Our town has more needs ganelli; and Richard Fon,

than this money can pay Yorktown Planning Board

for,so with the public’s help chair, as a taxpayer repre-

we will identify our highest sentative.

priorities.” –Brian Marschhauser





Thursday, May 5, 2022 Yorktown News – Page 9


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Page 10 – Yorktown News Thursday, May 5, 2022

Remembering our moms
on Mother’s Day

This Sunday, Mother’s Day, her ancé died prematurely. She met my
I will take some quiet time dad soon after. He was an orphan and
to remember and honor was a person whom she admired for his

my departed mother, Rose, whose determination and hard work. To say he

intelligence, humor, was a self-made man

compassion, warmth, was an understatement.

and love were the MY Both mom and dad
greatest in uences PERSPECTIVE came from old Italian
on my life. She and stock and on their
my late father, James, MARTORANO dates (at least initially) PHOTO: JASON NIEDLE
were married for 57 her older sister had
Jerry Lee Lewis does his trademark high jinks as Elvis Presley, Johnny Cash, and Carl
years and their love to accompany them. Perkins look on, in “Million Dollar Quartet.”

and devotion to each As a graduate of New Present at the creation…
of Rock ‘n’ Roll
other was ended Haven Teacher’s

only by their deaths in 1998. My mom College, and possessing a degree in

endured three and a half di cult years teaching, Rose had a future in education.

in a nursing home. She eventually passed She loved literature and, until the end,

away on a bleak March day in 1998 after when strokes robbed her of her intellect,

su ering several devastating strokes she always loved reading.

which left her a shell of her former My parents married just as the United Michael Jackson. Tina Turner.
Temptations. Carole King.
vivacious self. States entered World War II. My dad Cher. Billy Joel. e list and musically rich show reunites four
forefathers of rock ‘n’ roll who were there
I will always recall that day’s enlisted on his wedding day and soon at the creation to help forge the ground-

numbing sadness and my simultaneous left for the war. After he returned,

recognition that our lives slide by with my mother had an opportunity to be could go on. And on. So-called jukebox breaking pop music genre that would

time’s unrelenting speed. Inevitably, we superintendent of a small Nursery musicals have been de ne a generation:

are left only with our memories, aided by School in Ansonia. e pay was around a long time, but Carl Perkins (Nathan

the neurotransmitters that retrieve what minuscule, but we got to live rent-free, their streak as a recent Burke, lead guitar),

we have experienced; producing in an and my dad liked that idea, so in 1950, Broadway money- BRUCE Johnny Cash (Mike
making machine was THE BLOG Potter, acoustic gui-
instant, a unique and personal memorial my family moved into this institutional- jump started by the tar), Jerry Lee Lewis
phenomenal box-o ce BRUCE (Trevor Dorner, piano),
tapestry that only we, individually, sized building that housed the school. success of “Mamma APAR and Elvis Presley

can tap into. Our deeply embedded My parents would remain there until my

experiences of past moments of elation, father’s death in September of 1998.

depression, disappointment, tragedy, joy, Years ago, I was asked what it was Mia!” (Abba) and “ e ( Jacob Burton, rhythm

success, celebrated milestones, good and that I most fondly recall about my mom. Jersey Boys” ( e Four guitar). Also in the cast

bad times, sickness, health, vacations, Mother had so many wonderful qualities Seasons). is Taylor Kraft as sultry

funerals, times of unbridled physicality, that it took me a moment to come up e basic formula vocalist Dyanne, Mike

or disability, all are wonderfully linked with my answer. Finally, I responded couldn’t be more simple. Take the hit Lucchetti (drums), and Ben Sheppard

by our mind’s “scrapbook,” occupying a that the one quality I cherished the songs of iconic pop artists, stitch to- (bass).

prominent place in both our hearts and most was her fun-loving spirit. She was gether an origin story that’s interesting e songs themselves never grow

our minds. I am happy to say that my entertaining, funny, and delightful to but not too intrusive, and cast uniquely old and there’s more than 25, including

collection of memories is still vibrant. be around in every sense of the word. talented triple- threat performers who Cash’s “I Walk the Line,” Jerry Lee’s

My mom was the only person in her When I was growing up, nothing made can sing, dance, and act to credibly “Great Balls of Fire,” and Elvis’s “Hound

family to go to college. Her dad died her happier than taking long walks with impersonate the entertainer whose brand Dog.”

when she was young, and she was raised my sister and me to get Dairy Queen name pre-sells seats. en there’s Carl Perkins’ “Blue

by her mom, Providencia. She had one ice cream all the while regaling us with All jukebox musicals exploit the Suede Shoes,” which of course everyone

very protective and wonderful sister, stories that made us laugh until we undeniable pedigrees of their subjects. associates with Elvis and his landmark

Ninette. She was a magni cent ballet cried. Her smile and joyful disposition en there’s “Million Dollar Quartet,” cover version. e true–to-life story we

dancer and was invited to audition enhanced the lives of everyone who met which boasts a peerless pedigree that’s learn that revolves around this song

for the New York City Ballet, but her. hard to match for historical resonance. is indicative of the peek-behind-the-

Providencia would not allow her to go We seldom acknowledge it, but as e Westchester eatre production is curtain anecdotal rhythm of the musical’s

to New York City. So, she stayed in each person passes, an entire history of on stage through May 22 at Chappaqua e cient, storytelling book, skillfully (and

Ansonia, Connecticut, which for her connecting links is forever lost. As each Performing Arts Center (the elegant for- amusingly) written by Colin Escott and

became a lifelong disappointment. generation leaves, they take with them mer auditorium of Readers Digest). For Floyd Mutrux.

In college, she was a fabulous athlete a host of memories and connections tickets > Apart from the infectious, non-stop

and was prominently featured in her that are uniquely theirs. I regret that music, which is rousingly played live

yearbook as a member of a super I never sat down with my parents to FOUR FOREFATHERS on stage by all the actors, what makes

athletic duo with another classmate, document and retain as much of what Based on a once-in-a-lifetime record- Million Dollar Quartet a crowd-pleaser

aptly nicknamed Frick and Frack. After they could remember about their ing session in December 1956 at the is the interpersonal dramas driven by the

graduating from teacher’s college, mom SEE MARTORANO PAGE 14 legendary Sun Records recording studio SEE APAR PAGE 16

had been engaged to be married, but in Memphis, Tenn., the tightly scripted

BRETT FREEMAN, PUBLISHER 118 N. BEDFORD ROAD, SUITE 100 Letters to the editor and op-ed submissions may be edited. The views
BRIAN MARSCHHAUSER, EDITOR MOUNT KISCO, NY 10549 and opinions expressed in letters and op-eds are not necessarily those
Editorial Office: 914-302-5628 of Yorktown News or its affiliates. Submissions must include a phone
[email protected] number and address for verification. Not all letters and op-eds will

necessarily be published. Letters and op-eds which cannot be verified or
are anonymous will not be published. Please send your submissions to
the editor by e-mail at [email protected].
For more information, call the editor at 914-302-5628.

Thursday, May 5, 2022 OPINION Yorktown News – Page 11

Let’s stop hiding from the BOE drama

BY ANDREA GOLDSTEIN But, due to our detachment, lar events were happening in our the Lakeland District. ere was were many like-minded residents
GUEST WRITER the sad reality is that Lakeland own backyard. It was no longer indeed diversity! I saw you all present. Sitting there in the mo-
doesn’t know what the majority amusing, it became personal. I at that meeting. I didn’t feel as ment, I vowed to attend future
Let’s be honest, folks, those of residents truly support simply didn’t want my girls to grow up in alone. meetings. I imagined myself sit-
who have participated in because we haven’t been engaged such a tumultuous environment. ting among people I would even-
Board of Education com- or voted in past elections. Appar- My husband and I speci cally Up until that point, I had few tually recognize and replicate
ings and goings have their mind ently, only 5% of eligible voters moved to this district, as opposed dealings within the district. Why, that true sense of camaraderie
set on who to vote for in the actually participated in last year’s to other nearby towns that tout you may ask? Simply stated, my felt at the infamous meeting. I
upcoming election. ey most election. more prestigious college accep- twin daughters entered kinder- felt obligated moving forward to
likely know if they are going to tances and “better” education, but garten in the fall of 2020, dur- show up and participate and was
vote “yes” or “no” for the 2022- Here’s something else to pon- far less diverse demographically. ing the height of the pandemic. hoping you would all be back in
23 school budget. Perhaps, some der. Did you perhaps attend the Perhaps other young families in upcoming meetings.
may be open to listening to op- very dramatic board meeting on Diversity was and still remains the district can relate. I never had
posing candidates. But let’s be Feb. 17? I did. What made you important to us. However, as we the opportunity to even step foot But then I pulled up the next
real – nothing is going to change want to attend that night? I’ll tell watched things unfold, mostly on into the school building since my meeting two weeks later, and
their mind. you why I ended up in the stand- social media, I felt like we made daughters started kindergarten my heart instantly sank. I was
ing room only meeting. I started a HUGE mistake. Suddenly, dis- last year. ey went to nursery pumped for another positive
Everyone has their own agenda to hear about bullying and ag- cussions of bigotry and so called school in a neighboring town. meeting, only to walk in and dis-
and aligns with like-minded can- gressive outbursts at the board “indoctrination” where present in We didn’t know many people in cover just a few attendees who I
didates. I completely understand. meetings across the country. It our community. It was time to get the district and, therefore, never could literally count on my two
But lingering on the sidelines are was like watching a car crash or engaged and witness the drama had any opportunity to engage hands. Where did you all go? I
thousands of Lakeland residents, bad reality TV. I saw Facebook myself and therefore I attended district matters. get it, the meetings are at 7 p.m.
eligible voters, me included, who posts and news segments about that infamous meeting. To prep You just came home from work,
have NEVER participated in a challenges in public schools, with myself, I started to Google all I felt disconnected from the laundry to fold, the kids need to
Board of Education election and, lots of seemingly hot topic terms these controversial topics, quickly community and frankly didn’t get to bed or it’s time to nally
up until recently, NEVER at- being thrown around like CRT, formed my own opinions, and feel obligated to participate in eat dinner. But please wake up
tended a school board meeting. DEI, mask policies, learning loss, vowed to participate in my chil- the board elections. Besides, how neighbors, the school board sees
Our vote hasn’t counted. Perhaps remote learning and more re- dren’s future moving forward. could I make an informed deci- the same few people at each
like me, you are anti-politics, cently book banning. sion on any of the candidates meeting, while the majority of
anti-controversy, or frankly just I’ll admit it was my rst time without really experiencing or us are not participating in these
trying to get through the day But what did it all mean? I since the Covid pandemic be- understanding the community? meetings. ey need to hear all of
while making sure your family is simply witnessed lots of aggres- gan, that I sat among such a I naively assumed, anyone who is our voices.
staying healthy and safe. Plus, we sive, opinionated adults unravel large group of people. It was my willing to commit to running for
have all those Net ix shows to on social media, much to my en- o ce, truly has everyone’s best If you don’t like the board’s ap-
binge watch in our limited spare tertainment, and turned a blind rst glance at fellow community interest at heart. proach to certain things, let them
time. eye for much of the last two years. members. I was happy to see such
But suddenly, rumblings of simi- a diverse and energetic group. It Back to the infamous board SEE GOLDSTEIN PAGE 12
rea rmed our decision to move meeting. It seemed like there

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Page 12 – Yorktown News Thursday, May 5, 2022


Negatives of According to omas, the average life. about a company that has earned our
electric buses daily bus route is 68 miles. is does Children are our precious cargo, so trust. We know Unicorn. In addition
not include extracurricular activities, to successful projects throughout the
To the editor, or our demographics and seasons. before the district thinks about elec- region, they added the Caremount
Yes, electric vehicles are becoming tric buses, do the homework and the buildings on Hill Boulevard and Kear
e electric bus is good for 138 research. ere are miles to go before Street to our community.
popular and, as an avid car enthusiast, miles. e electric charge has two it should be considered.
they are very unique and dangerous. choices” 8 hours for a “trickle charge” Underhill Farm o ers much needed
or 3.4 hours for a “fast charge.” Beth Dee and positive change for Yorktown.
However, there needs to be so much
more research and development done Now charging stations can cost up Shrub Oak is includes senior-friendly hous-
before our school district can step to $5,000 per station to be installed. ing, 118 units, part of a total of 148
through that door. Also remember these stations have a Critics stand townhouses, condominiums, and
limited use. in the way of apartments. Additionally, Unicorn will
For those who think diesel buses dedicate 30 new parking spaces for
have horrible emissions, please go Battery-powered vehicles have not progress our new Senior Center, which cannot
look what is involved the new diesel been safely developed. ere was an be built without the approval of Un-
emissions it has come so far along incident and a loss of life involving a To the editor, derhill Farm. e project also has new
that they are almost zero tailpipe battery-charged vehicle. It’s always easy to nd people op- plans to address longtime tra c issues
emissions readings. at Underhill Avenue and Route 118.
Accidents involving car res use up posed to change. ey’ll throw every-
According to the research I have to 750 gallons of water to get things thing at the wall and see what sticks. It’s time to drown out the negative
done though the website from the under control, an accident involving a and misleading noise, and pay atten-
Tesla can take up to 4,000 gallons of is irresponsible behavior is without tion to people that we have already
omas bus company, electric buses water. regard for people that have built solid come to respect. Let’s keep our ears
are not a good t for the area we reputations and track records. open as Underhill Farm progresses
serve. We have recently had an accident with its process in Yorktown.
with an electric car in this area it took In the case of Unicorn Contracting
Lakeland covers 44 square miles. 4 hours for the re ghters to get it Corp., and their plans for Underhill Brian Wolfson
We are full of hills and valleys and under control only to reignite in the Farm in Yorktown, a few outspoken
four seasons. storage facility, sadly with a loss of residents, opposed to any change, have Yorktown Heights
made false and misleading claims

GOLDSTEIN the choir. e best way for tempting to stay anonymous, you can stay anonymous! ing goes, “it takes a village,” so
your opinion to be counted and trying to avoid controversy, but If you attended that school come on neighbors, let’s get out
FROM PAGE 11 heard, is to vote for a candidate at what cost? Our children’s and vote!
that you support. education is at stake. So, if you board on Feb. 17 or read about
hear your thoughts. ere is no have been like me, hiding under the drama that unfolded and Andrea Goldstein resides in
point in complaining among Now is the time to familiar- your blankets on the couch and care about the future of our Cortlandt and is a resident of
your peer groups or on your ize yourselves with candidates, hoping all this mess will just go district, get involved. Please the Lakeland Central School
Facebook feeds. Let’s face it, vote and let the district lead- away, do me one favor and just take the time to vote on May District.
your friends are like-minded ers know what means most to vote on election day. I promise, 17 at Van Cortlandtville El-
to you. You are preaching to you. Many of us might be at- ementary School. As the say-

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Thursday, May 5, 2022 OPINION Yorktown News – Page 13

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Do you have a little artist in SUNRISE CARPENTRY

the house? Did you know that We are a proud installer of Andersen Storm Doors & Windows
we are starting a new “Little Art
at Hart”exhibit at our Children’s New construction window & door installation
room? Children up to fth
grade are welcome to join in this Circulation clerk Ellen W. with her Tilt-Wash & Woodwright insert windows
fun- lled exhibition and share book pick of the week
their art. Bring your little artist Weather stripping replacements
to Hart Library, and let them (C) Stories and Rhymes with
create an art exhibit in our library Miss Terry. Ages 3-5. 10-10:30 Broken part replacements
frames for all to enjoy! We are a.m.
looking for six masterpieces: four Storm doors
on normal-sized paper (8.5x11 (C) Baby Playtime for
portrait) and two on large frames Lapsitting Babies. 10:30 a.m.- Hardware upgrades
(12x18 landscape). Sign up today 12:30 p.m.
at Patio door adjustments
signup (A) Westchester Breathes Mid-
week Mid-day, half hour Zoom. Window tune-ups much more...
In the meanwhile, our popular 12:30-1 p.m. and
monthly adult “Art at Hart”in so
May will showcase Alison Gilham (A) Town’s Clerk’s Mobile
– “Black to Nature.”Reception O ce. 4-6 p.m. Scan Just give us a call because one call does it all...
will be on May 14 at 2-4 p.m. me for
(C) Teacher in the Library. more
And in our library showcases, 4:45-7:45 p.m. Parents must info! S e r v i c e M a i n t e n e n c e R e p a i r s
we will present David Gedney’s remain in the library.
– “A Walk Down Memory Lane 914 248 7368
– vinyl records, fuzzy dice, saddle (A) Small Houses: Bigger an
shoes and you.” Tiny, Smaller an Average, Get your perfect
Zoom. 7-8 p.m. summer space...
(A) Adults Program (Y) Young
Adults Program (C) Children’s THURSDAY,MAY 12 Call Us TODAY for: 10% OFF Service Calls
Program. Please visit the library (A) Quilting & Needlework • Outdoor Lighting When You Present This Ad.
website ( • Smart Home Setup New Customers Only.
calendar for details and to register (Drop-in Program), 10am- • Electric Car Chargers
online. 12noon. 914.455.2158
(A) Mah Jongg (Drop-in and up. 5-6 p.m. • [email protected]
Program). 10 a.m.-1 p.m. (C) Parent/Child Chess. Grades
(C) Rock and Roll for Little 2-5. 5:30-6:15 p.m. Specializing in residential & commercial services.
Licenses in Westchester, Putnam
Ones. For children of all ages. FRIDAY,MAY 13
10:30-11:30 a.m. (A) Westchester Breathes

(C) Variety Show with Mar-li. ZOOM. 9-10 a.m.
Grades 2-5. 6-7 p.m. (C) Music and Movement.

TUESDAY,MAY 10 Children of all ages. 11-11:45 a.m.
(C) Songs and Stories with (A/Y) One-on-One Teen

Miss Stacy. Children from birth to Tech Help. 2:30-4:30 p.m. No
age 5. 10:30-11:30 a.m. appointment needed.

(A) Scrabble, Backgammon, DID YOU READ?
and Adult Coloring (Drop-in “Kazuo Ishiguro’s ‘Klara
Program). 12:30-2:30 p.m.
and the Sun’(2021, ISBN
(A) Chair Yoga with Lisa. 1-2 9780593318171) is quick read
p.m. for a complex novel, narrated
by an “AF,”an Arti cial Friend,
(C) Music and Movement with whose perceptions of the world
Lori Cohen. Children of all ages. and human interaction raise
6-6:45 p.m. important questions for the reader.
Set in an unknown location in


Page 14 – Yorktown News OPINION Thursday, May 5, 2022

To advertise in Yorktown News call Brett Marchese’s candidacy
Freeman at 845-208-8151 or email freeman@ promotes nepotism

BACKED BY A YEAR-ROUND BY UNITED4LAKELAND member” as to further consolidate tions on two family members
CLOG-FREE GUARANTEE their one-voice rule and limit the serving concurrently on the school
We at United4Lakeland representation of the entire com- board is based on the common-
1E NATIO N’S EXCLUSIVE LIMITED TIME OFFER! believe that Michael munity on the Lakeland Board of sense notion that “such a restriction
GU Marchese was never Education. [e]nsures that the board of educa-
TTER GUATH 15% & 10% quali ed to serve on the Lakeland tion will represent a wide rather
RD OFF OFF Board of Education because he is Mr. Marchese had the exclusive than a narrow cross section of the
FINANCING THAT FITS YOUR BUDGET!1 SENIORS & the rst cousin of another currently privileges which other candidates community it serves and that each
YOUR ENTIRE MILITARY! serving, Lakeland board member have never received including: a) member of the board will be able
Promo Code: 285 PURCHASE* Anna Massaro,based on New York reaching out to the Board of Edu- to debate policy issues with fellow
1Subject to credit approval. Call for details. WE INSTALL State Education Law §§2102; cation regarding the election and members at arm’s length rather
+ 5% OFFTO THE FIRST 50 YEAR-ROUND! 2103, speci cally §2103(3), which the board actually responding to than under any possible inhibition
CALLERS ONLY!** states “[n]ot more than one mem- him; b) getting the opinion of the which might exist because of an
LIFETIME ber of a family shall be a member district clerk, Lynn Cosenza, with intimate relationship with another
WARRANTY of the same board of education in respect to his quali cations as a member of the board who lives in
any school district.” e statute candidate as Ms. Massaro’s rst the same household.” NY CLS
CALL US TODAY FOR 1-855-478-9473 does not say anything about the cousin; c) having the legal advice of Educ § 2103 (Note, 2).
A FREE ESTIMATE “family members” living in the the school’s attorney (paid by the
same household. e New York Lakeland taxpayers) on whether he e Lakeland Central School
Mon-Thurs: 8am-11pm, Fri-Sat: 8am-5pm, Sun: 2pm-8pm EST State School Boards Association’s could run even though he was Ms. District had 28,965 registered
de nition of “Not more than one Massaro’s cousin; and d) having all voters in 2021, yet nine people
*For those who qualify. One coupon per household. No obligation estimate valid for 1 year. **Offer valid at time of estimate only 2The leading consumer reporting member of a family sharing the of the board members and a num- (that’s 0.0003% of the entire voting
agency conducted a 16 month outdoor test of gutter guards in 2010 and recognized LeafFilter as the “#1 rated professionally installed gutter guard system in America.” same household may be a member ber of LCSD administrators sign population) hold all of the power
CSLB# 1035795 DOPL #10783658-5501 License# 7656 License# 50145 License# 41354 License# 99338 License# 128344 License# 218294 WA UBI# 603 233 977 of the same school board in any his petition. to determine policy which a ects
License# 2102212986 License# 2106212946 License# 2705132153A License# LEAFFNW822JZ License# WV056912 License# WC-29998-H17 Nassau HIC License# school district”is pure ction, not a the future of our children, school
H01067000 Registration# 176447 Registration# HIC.0649905 Registration# C127229 Registration# C127230 Registration# 366920918 Registration# PC6475 Registra- legal de nition. Further, it is a mis- Furthermore, if the school dis- employees, and community. Now,
tion# IR731804 Registration# 13VH09953900 Registration# PA069383 Suffolk HIC License# 52229-H License# 2705169445 License# 262000022 License# 262000403 representation of the relevant case trict’s position is that the rule “Not with the hand selection of Mr.
License# 0086990 Registration# H-19114 law and statutory interpretation. more than one member of a family Marchese, the cousin of current
sharing the same household may Board member Ms. Massaro, that
ELEVATORS • STAIR LIFTS • WHEELCHAIR LIFTS • RAMPS Michael Marchese, Adam be a member of the same school percentage shrinks further because
Kaufman, Marianne DiSalvo board in any school district” was two family members will serve to-
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Thursday, May 5, 2022 OPINION Yorktown News – Page 15

Where is this
in Yorktown?

James Graham, Michael Hoy, and Terita Bradoc are the
select few who knew that the April 21 photo was taken at the

rehouse on Locksley Road.
If you know where this week’s photo was taken, email
[email protected]

The April 21 photo This week’s photo


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Page 16 – Yorktown News OPINION Thursday, May 5, 2022

You are capable of pushing APAR calls himself a “wild boy.” He story of one Samuel Cornelius
gets on Perkins’ nerves, who Phillips, played very broadly,

past the hard stu retaliates by purposely confus- and e ectively, by Sean Casey

egos of four pioneering musi- ing him with the comedian Flanagan. He is the hero of
Jerry Lewis: “I wouldn’t pay 50 this story.

cents to see your movie.” Sam Phillips’s gut instinct

WHO’S SHOES ARE THEY? e book plays on the for talent put fellas on the road

tion goals helped me realize Perkins can’t come to grips performers’ humble back- to stardom and shepherded

GUEST how much self discipline I have with the irony of his land- grounds. Presley, the model for their early careers from a hum-
CORNER and that began to translate to mark song’s authorship being the musical “Bye Bye Birdie’s” ble auto parts shop-turned-
other parts of life. attributed in the public eye to Conrad Birdie, went from driv- recording studio – satisfyingly
KIM STOLL Elvis Presley, who sang it on ing a truck to driving ladies simulated here by scenic design
Showing up, even when you

don’t feel like it and even when the hugely popular “ e Ed wild. One of them comments, team Steve Royal and Adam

it’s hard, creates character, and Sullivan Show.” Perkins was “I never heard a rich man Koch, and lighting designer

resilience that you bring into scheduled to sing it himself on write a song worth a damn.” Kirk Bookman. e colorful

When life gets tough, the unexpected challenges of a di erent variety show of that Perkins says, “Drunks don’t buy costumes are by Je rey Meek.
show up stronger.
When you get life. era when cruel fate stepped records,” and Cash comes back It all is rigorously directed
You are so capable of pushing in. On the way to the show, with, “ ey just make them.” with lots of style by Tim Seib.
he had a car accident that he
past the hard stu and ghting e script is full of tongue-in- Kudos also to production stage

knocked down, get back up with for the joy lled life you want, survived but that killed his cheek, good ol’ boy humor like manager Kenal Stevens.

more intention. but it starts with your decision performance, and arguably had that. As Cash, Mike Potter’s Even as Elvis left Sun to

When you feel like you aren’t to prove to yourself you can. lasting impact on his career. bass baritone vocals have an sign with RCA Records, which

enough, prove to yourself just e jealousy of Presley’s fast uncanny similarity to the voice o ered to buy Phillips’s com-

how capable you are. Kim Stoll empowers women to rise is expressed in his being of the Man in Black, which is pany, the passionate, principled

I used to feel defeated, but nd joy in every day and build teased about making movies in how Potter is dressed, for full owner declined. “I’d rather sell

through tackling challenges a life they love through positive what they call “Hollyweird.” e ect. 100 records by some kid than

instead of hiding from them, I habits in mindset, tness, and e irascible Jerry Lee 1 million records working for

learned how strong I am. smart nutrition. Virtual coaching Lewis, exuberantly played SAM THE MAN somebody else,” he tells the

Pushing myself physically and available. Coachkimstoll@gmail. by Trevor Dorner with great After all is said and done, audience.

mentally with tness and nutri- com gusto, upstages everyone and this really is the remarkable Phillips sold Presley’s

What separates us contract to RCA Records for
$40,000, which he needed to
keep Sun Records solvent.
Even though Cash and Perkins
also rode o into the sunset,

seeking bigger paydays with

from other accountants and tax preparers is Columbia Records, Phillips
made out okay, he assures us.
He went on to discover the

our ability to work with you not just on taxes, likes of “this kid out of Texas

with a funny sounding name,
Roy Or-bi-son.”

but on financials, college planning, divorce, A HAPPY FOOL
retirement planning, changes in life planning... Phillips was considered fool-

We don’t just process tax forms, we advise on how to ish for selling Presley’s contract
handle your income and expenses in the future for the price he got, but he
with personalized recommendations. tells us that he used the RCA
money to buy “stock in a little
We help you navigate the tax code, and in the end, help you company down the road called
Holiday Inn, so if I’m a fool
set sound financial goals. I’m a happy fool.”

845-628-5400 Apart from being hailed as
“ e Father of Rock & Roll,” | [email protected] Phillips also is revered for his
advocating racial equality in
824 Route 6, Suite 4 | Mahopac, NY 10541 the early days of the business.

Securities offered through Cantella & Co., Inc. Member FINRA/SIPC. Cantella and Co., Inc. does not provide tax, legal or accounting advice. e audience gets more than
This material has been prepared for informational purposes only, and is not intended to provide, and should not be relied on for, tax, legal or its money’s worth in this show.
After the cast takes its bows,
accounting advice. You should consult your own tax, legal and accounting advisors before engaging in any transaction. there is a mini-concert featur-
ing all the performers that will
knock your socks o . If you’re
a rock ‘n’ roller of any age, this
show is a must-see.

Bruce Apar is a writer, actor,
consultant, and community
volunteer. He can be reached at
[email protected]; 914.275.6887.

Contact Us
Yorktown News is located
at 118 N Bedford Road,
Suite 100, Mount Kisco,
NY 10549. You can contact
us at 914-302-5628 or
email yorktownnews@

Thursday, May 5, 2022 Yorktown News – Page 17

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Page 18 Yorktown News – Th

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Catherine Duff-Poritzky and The CDP Team are real estate agents affiliated with Compass. Compass is a licensed real estate broker and abides by Equal Housing Opportunity Laws. 

Page 20 – Yorktown News Thursday, May 5, 2022
Kids of all ages enjoy
Fam Jam
e rst-ever Fam Jam event was held April 29 in the night.
downtown Yorktown Heights.

e celebration featured live music, food trucks and beer,
a bounce castle and in atable challenge course, and youth
sports events.

Money raised will be dispersed to various Yorktown

W.S. Jeung’s Tae Kwon Do School Fam Jam organizer Brian Duffy
provided opportunities for children thanks the crowd for supporting
to join in the fun.
local organizations.


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Thursday, May 5, 2022 Yorktown News – Page 21

The Brass Rascals keep the party going.

Volunteers at the Yorktown
Wrestling table enjoy the music.

PHOTOS: KATHLEEN MAFFETONE Chris Prela, 6, figures out his next move.

Bryce Patterson, 5, and his 1-year-old brother, Chase,
wait for their turn on the bouncy castle.

Rooney Orthodontics
Children & Adults

17 Miller Rd.


Page 22 – Yorktown News Thursday, May 5, 2022


Yorktown beats rival John Jay for great cause

Huskers play for 15 for Life Foundation

BY MIKE SABINI made 8 saves. “His battle with Yorktown’s James Solazzo runs the offense. “After the rst half, our defense
CONTRIBUTING WRITER depression brought us to think began to realize that each indi-
that no one deserves to su er in Jay was the third hat trick of my nal stanza. vidual was needed to win,” De-
Yorktown came up with a big silence. We want to carry out that Bellis said.“We trusted and rallied
10-4 victory against visiting John message and his dedication for the career, I had one last season against “During my goal to make it behind each other which I feel
Jay-Cross River on senior night, rest of the season.” brought us so much success.”
giving rst-year Husker coach Greeley and one this season against 9-4, I was able to get around the
Tim Schurr a victory against his Kavovit would have been proud James Solazzo (3G), Maka-
former team on April 26. of the e ort his Huskers put for- Darien, but it would not be pos- double team and as soon as I saw renko (1G, 1A), Ryan Vogel (1G,
ward on this night, as Yorktown 1A), and Jason Fastiggi (11-15
“Beating our rivals tonight re- sophomore mid elder Drew sible without the help of my team- the open net, I knew I was going face-o s) also contributed to the
ally meant a lot,” said Yorktown’s Weissman (3G) scored with just win.
Harry Gri . “Since our new 42 seconds remaining in the rst mates,”Weissman said.“ is game to sink the shot,” Gri said. “ at
coaches originally coached at John half to give the host a 5-4 halftime Gri (captain), DeBellis (cap-
Jay, we really wanted to win and lead. was very important for the coaches, goal wrapped up the remaining tain), Dino Bowen (captain), Gia-
together as a team we accom- como Micciari (captain), Solazzo,
plished it.” “It was a great team e ort,” but us sophomores and juniors minutes of the game and left us in Fastiggi, Makarenko, Anthony
Weissman said. “John Jay’s de- Guglielmo, Callahan Du , Alex
e game was also played for fense was in a zone, so we got into played this senior-night game for a really comfortable position.” Weissman, Jack Baker, Jack Car-
a great cause as donations were our o ensive scheme to defeat lin, Liam Marr, Mason Murphy,
accepted for the 15 For Life the zone. Sava Makarenko did the seniors.” Defensively, the Huskers were Ryan Banks, Vincent Cappelli,
Foundation, named after former a great job stepping into a seam and Chris Buckenberger were the
Husker and Syracuse University and drawing two defenders, leav- Gri (2G, 1A) then added to solid as well as they shut out John seniors honored before the game.
All-American Rob Kavovit, who ing me open for a step down shot.
died a little more than a year ago. Scoring this goal before the half the lead with 2:24 remaining in the Jay after halftime. Gri (3G, 4A), Jack Duncan
A moment of silence in his honor was a great feeling and it de nitely (4G, 2A), Baker (3G), Connor
was held before the game. gave us a spark going into the sec- Fastiggi (2G), Drew Weissman
ond half, outscoring John Jay 5-0.” (1G), Guglielmo (1A), Makaren-
“Although most of this team ko (1A), Vogel (1A), Marr (1A),
never got to meet Rob Kavovit, Weissman nished his hat trick, Du (5 save), DeBellis (4 saves),
the stories we heard really inspired putting Yorktown up 8-4 with 8:04 and Jason Fastiggi (15-18 face-
us to work harder than ever,” said remaining in the game. o s) propelled the Huskers to a
Yorktown’s Vito DeBellis, who 13-5 win at Carmel on April 29.
“Getting a hat trick against John

Husker goalie Vito DeBellis looks to clear. The Huskers’ Drew Weissman goes on the attack vs. John Jay. PHOTOS: ROB DIANTONIO

Thursday, May 5, 2022 SPORTS Yorktown News – Page 23


Yorktown’s Scialdone records 100th point

Lakeland ag football wins rst game

BY MIKE SABINI “ is win meant a lot,” Scial- with Deanna Lage (3 passing three seniors, along with Brianna
CONTRIBUTING WRITER done said. “All my uncles went TD), Lina Brown (1 receiving Garcia and Luci Kemp.

Yorktown Girls here (Lakeland), my cousins went TD, 1 interception), and HaiL- Lakeland coach PJ Nyberg
Lacrosse (4-8) here, so I am the only one in my ian Rowan (2 receiving TD) pro- feels the team could be at least
family who didn’t go to Lakeland, ducing for Lakeland. 3-1.
so it was a big game for me. We
“ e girls work so hard each

all had fun and worked as team LAKELAND 33, PEEKSKILL 0 and every day and have been

HEN HUD 13, YORKTOWN 7 today.” Friday, April 29 (Lakeland incredibly eager for a win,” Ny-

Thursday, April 28 (Hendrick Lakeland/Panas Girls High School) berg said. “Tonight was a perfect
Hudson High School) Lakeland won its rst ever storm of having that re to win,

Alex Scialdone (3G, 1A), Brie Lacrosse (6-7) game with a 33-0 triumph the excitement of senior night,
Gaccino (2G), Ava Cunneen against Peekskill on senior night, playing sound defense, and some

(1G), Kaitlin Regan (1G), and propelled by Brown (2 receiving exhilarating o ensive plays. It

Maggie Appelle (12 saves) led SOMERS 19, TD, 1 interception), Rowan (2 was truly enjoyable.”

the Huskers in their 13-7 loss to LAKELAND/PANAS 13 rushing TD, 1 punt return TD), Lage said the entire team was

Hendrick Hudson. Thursday, April 28 (Lakeland and Lage (2 passing TD). excited to nally have a win. PHOTO: MIKE SABINI
High School) “ e win against Peekskill was “Our record so far this season
YORKTOWN 14, Yorktown’s Alex Scialdone,
LAKELAND/PANAS 9 Ahlstedt (6G, 1A), Laukaitis very exhilarating because it was hasn’t re ected our true potential who recorded her 100th-career
senior night and we got to show and I think to nally have a win point in a 14-9 victory against
Saturday, April 30 (Lakeland (2G), Kocaj (3G), Costa (1G), people the team we really are,” Lakeland/Panas at Lakeland
High School) said Rowan, one of the Hornets’ SEE ROUNDUP PAGE 24 High School on April 30
Kaitlyn Wilkowski (1G), Brooke
Scialdone (5G, 1A) assisted
Pizzarello (1A), Mejia (5 saves),

Kaelen Sieja (4 saves), and Clare

Alison Passarella (2G) early in Warren (11 draw controls) led

the opening half, to tally her the Rebels in their 19-13 loss to College Planning 101 would like to
100th-career point, in the Husk- Somers. congratulate all seniors who
ers’ 14-9 victory versus the Reb-
els. JOHN JAY CR 16, recently made their college decisions.

“Alison and I really just have LAKELAND/PANAS 6
a good connection on the eld,” Tuesday, April 26 (John Jay
said Scialdone, a junior who is High School)

Clemson-bound. “We’ve been Costa (2G), Kocaj (2G), Lau-

playing together since I was a kaitis (1G), Pizzarello (1G), You colleg i luck t hav yo !
freshman, and she was in eighth Sieja (3 saves), and Mejia (1

grade. “We work hard in practice save) paced Lakeland/Panas in

all the time. It’s just developed.” its 16-6 loss to John Jay-Cross

Gaccino (3G, 1A), Holly Ra- River. Tak prid i ho fa you’v com
an hav fait i ho fa you’l g .
niolo (3A), Gianna Altimari Lakeland Girls Flag
(1G), Noelle Smith (1G), Regan

(1G), Charlotte Lauth (1G) and Football (1-3)
Appelle (9 saves) also produced

for Yorktown with Gwen Lau-

kaitis (6G), Emily Ahlstedt (1G), PANAS 19, LAKELAND 18

Isabel Kocaj (1G), Sara Costa Wednesday, April 27 (Walter

(1G), and Valentina Mejia (5 Panas High School)

saves) doing the honors for the Lakeland was nipped by sis- • We are dedicated to our families

Rebels. ter school Walter Panas, 19-18,

• 95% of clients receive more from
their college than their fee to use us.


Hiring Staff

Page 24 – Yorktown News SPORTS Thursday, May 5, 2022

ROUNDUP “ at is key when running an (1G, 1A), Justin Stabile (1G), Moore (2G, 1A), Ryan Galla- “ e game meant a lot since it
o ensive play,” Lage said. “With Jack Jimenez (1A), K.C. Bry- gher (1G, 2A), Joe Malaspina was senior day and also because

that being said, both HaiL- an (8 saves), and Myles Orf (6 (1G), Jimenez (1A), Chris Ma- it was against our rivals, but all

in the books for us is a huge ian and Lina are killer athletes. saves) paced Lakeland/Panas in caluso (1A), Bryan (5 saves), and we cared about was avenging

con dence booster and may HaiLian is one of the fastest its 12-5 loss to Mahopac. Orf (5 saves) led the Rebels. ourselves and getting the win

be just what we needed to win girls I’ve ever met in my entire “Possessing the ball most of because of the day before,” Mu-

more games from here on out,” life and Lina has such a high LAKELAND/PANAS 14, the game gave the o ense and noz said.

Lage said. “It was heartbreak- football IQ, she makes these OSSINING 8 I many opportunities,” Graap Munoz (captain), Jacoby (cap-

ing to lose two games back-to- amazing plays both o ensively Wednesday, April 27 (Walter said. “Personally, nine points for tain), Stephen Haglund (cap-

back, both by 1 point. I think as and defensively.” Panas High School) me is a re ection on the o ense tain), Matt Alduino (captain),

a team we are starting to build Lakeland/Panas Lakeland/Panas jumped out working together and nding Peragallo (2-3, run, double, sto-
a bond on and o the eld and
to 8-1 halftime lead on its way the open man.” len base), Sal Piccola, Anthony

we’re hoping this game serves as Boys Lacrosse (4-7) to a 14-8 triumph versus Ossin- NISKAYUNA 9, Mosca, Joe Lupinacci, Aidan
an ice breaker for the rest of the ing. Holmes, Ryan Campobasso,

season.” “ e defense held up well in LAKELAND/PANAS 6 Nick Cortino, and Robert Cor-

Lage said that having the MAHOPAC 12, LAKELAND/ the rst half and got the ball at Saturday, April 30 (Walter Pa- tino were the seniors honored

opportunity to play with both PANAS 5 the other end where it needed to nas High School) before the game.

Brown and Rowan on di erent Monday, April 25 (Walter Pa- be,” Graap said. Lakeland/Panas lost to Nis-
Lakeland Baseballsoccer teams has helped them nas High School)
Graap (7G, 2A), Stabile (2G, kayuna, 9-6, led by Graap (3G),

communicate better and quicker. Nick Graap (3G), Will Moore 2A), Nic Conetta (1G, 3A), Joe Aleva (1G), Macaluso (1G), (6-10)
Stabile (1G), omas Kuney

(1A), Bryan (5 saves), and Orf

(4 saves). LAKELAND 4,

Yorktown Baseball WHITE PLAINS 3
Monday, April 25 (White

(8-7) Plains High School)
Lakeland defeated White

Plains in eight innings 4-3, for

BREWSTER 4, YORKTOWN 2 their fourth win in a row, paced

Monday, April 25 (Yorktown by Joe Torres (2-4, 2-run hom-

High School) er), Logan Crilly (1-1, double,

Brewster defeated Yorktown run), Justin Ramos (1-4, game-

4-2. winning RBI) and Jason Portella

(1-3, single, game-tying RBI in

YORKTOWN 13, BREWSTER 3 seventh).

Wednesday, April 27 (Brews- “We are a very competitive

ter High School) team that can hang with the best

Ignited by Nick Jacoby (2-2, 3 of them,” Torres said. “We want

runs, 2 RBI), Derek Patrissi (2- it and are getting better every

3, 2 runs, walk, stolen base, win- day. White Plains was a hard,

ning pitcher), and Jason Peragal- fought extra-inning win that

lo (3-4, 2 runs), Yorktown beat was a full-team e ort.”

Brewster 13-3. AJ Passa ume (7 innings, 2

“It’s always a great feeling to earned runs) registered the win,

have a big bounce back win after with Ryan Done (1 inning)

a tough loss,” Jacoby said. “ e picking up the save.

whole team was locked in from “Honestly, AJ is a Dawg,”

the rst pitch and we played Torres said. “He is very underes-

with more intensity than the timated on the mound because

game before. everyone only talks about veloci-

Up 7-3, Yorktown added 6 ty these days. He has been show-

runs in the fth. ing you don’t need to throw hard

“During the fth inning, the to be e ective. He throws strikes

main thing was just working and doesn’t walk many which

counts to get guys on base,” Ja- allows us to make the plays be-

coby said. “Every guy in the line- hind him. He is con dent in us

up was working great at bats and to make them which makes us

we had a couple big hits with con dent for him to be on the

runners on. We all knew that if mound.”

we stayed within the zone and

looked for our pitches it would PANAS 3, LAKELAND 2

lead to success at the plate.” Wednesday, April 27 (Walter

Panas High School)

SOMERS 7, YORKTOWN 2 Devin Diaz (2-3, walk, run),

Friday, April 29 (Somers High Frankie Kowal (1-2, solo homer,

School) walk) and

Yorktown fell to Somers 7-2, Ramos (6 innings, 3 earned

with Jon Munoz (2-3, 2 runs, 2 runs, 9 strikeouts) led Lakeland

stolen bases) and Jacoby (2-3, 2 in their 3-2 loss to sister school

RBI, 2 stolen bases) leading the Walter Panas.



YORKTOWN 1, SOMERS 0 Friday, April 29 (Lakeland

Saturday, April 30 (Yorktown High School)

High School) Ryan McArdle (7 innings, 3

Yorktown topped Somers, earned runs), Dom Toscano (1-

1-0, behind the pitching of Pa- 3, RBI), and

trissi (5 innings, 4 hits, 6 strike- Portella (1-2, run) produced

Lakeland/Panas’ Joey Malaspina PHOTO: BRIAN MARSCHHAUSER outs, win) and Cole Haddock (2 for the Hornets in their 3-2 set-
innings, 4 strikeouts, 1 hit, save). back to Panas.

Thursday, May 5, 2022 Yorktown News – Page 25

American University Emerson College
Barnard College Johns Hopkins University

Binghampton University Lafayette College
Boston College New York University
Stanford University
Boston University Swarthmore College
Bucknell University University of Rochester
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54 Route 138 Somers, NY

Page 26 – Yorktown News SPORTS Thursday, May 5, 2022


Howell values friendships

on YHS golf squad

PHOTO COURTESY OF STEVE VETERI BY MIKE SABINI Who has been your biggest I usually listen to chill pop mu-
CONTRIBUTING WRITER role model over the years and sic on the bus ride to the matches,
Yorktown senior captain Kayla Howell at the 2021 US Girls’ Junior what have you learned from but it also varies depending on
Qualifier at the Bonnie Briar Country Club in Larchmont in June Yorktown senior Kayla Howell them? how I’m feeling that day.
is currently in her fth season on
the varsity girls golf team. Both my parents have been my If you could have one super-
biggest role models. My mom power, what would it be and
Howell is two-sport stand- has taught me how to work hard why?
out, as she has been named All- and be strong. She came to the
League in both golf and winter U.S. from Hong Kong all alone I would love to have super-
track and eld, All-Section in when she was 16. She had to do strength because I feel that it
golf, All-County in track, and a everything on her own, and there gives you so many other powers,
team captain in both. is no one I know as strong as her. too. You could obviously move
things very easily, but you could
How old were you when you My dad has taught me to al- also run fast because you are
started playing golf and what ways set goals for myself and vi- pushing o the ground harder.
got you started? sualize those goals. He has also
taught me so much about the If you could pick one place
I started playing golf when I mental side of sports, because he to visit on vacation that you’ve
was 8 years old. My cousin gave was an athlete himself, too. never been to, where would you
me his old golf clubs and I had no go and why?
idea what to do with them. en, Tell us one thing about
one day I was reading the news- yourself that not a lot of people I would love to visit Santorini,
paper and I saw an ad for Skip know. Greece, because I have heard and
Marini’s junior golf camp and I seen so many great things about
asked my parents if I could go to One thing about me that not a it and its natural beauty.
it. I went, something clicked, and lot of people know is that I am a
that’s how I’m here today. black belt in Tae Kwon Do. What is your favorite food to
eat before or after a match?
What is your favorite thing You plan on continuing to
about being on the girls golf golf at Wesleyan University in My favorite food to eat be-
team at Yorktown? college. Why did you choose fore a match is actually a drink,
Wesleyan? and it’s a Red Machine Naked
My favorite thing about be- Juice. ey taste so good, they’re
ing on the girls golf team is all Yes! I am continuing to play healthy, and it gives me a little
the friendships I have made. We golf in college at Wesleyan Uni- boost of energy. You can also ask
become so close as a team, that I versity and I am so excited. I anyone on the team, but I always
still stay close with the girls that choose Wesleyan because of its have M&Ms with me while I’m
have already graduated. academic prestige, connections, playing or at practice.
and how comfortable I felt on
Playing the top-notch golf campus when talking with the Best place to eat in Yorktown
courses is also a super cool thing, golf team and Coach Wilson. and why?
because I would not be able to Wesleyan provides so many op-
play on those courses if not for portunities for its students to e best place to eat in York-
the golf team. town is probably Little Cabin.
nd their interests and build
What is your favorite team upon that is what drew me to the eir sandwiches are so good
activity or pre-match or post- school. and their watermelon lemonade
match ritual that you share with is unreal.
your teammates? What about Do you know what you want
a personal pre-match or post- to study in college? If yes, what What’s the go-to app on your
match ritual? are you planning on studying? phone and why?

My favorite pre-match ritual I am not 100% certain about TikTok. It’s so addicting and
is our psych-up bags. For each what I want to major in, but I I get caught up in just scrolling
match, the girls who are going am leaning towards something through, but I also learn so much
take turns to make each other lit- medical, and possibly major in cool information about random
tle goodie bags lled with snacks biochemistry. things on it.
and drinks. It really shows how
much we care about each other What is your favorite pro- For a young athlete growing
on the team. fessional athlete and pro (or up in the Yorktown district,
college) sports team? what would you tell them
My favorite post-match ritual about the experience of being
personally is I send my family my My favorite professional ath- part of the girls golf team and
scorecard immediately after my lete is Collin Morikawa. He is why should they go out for the
round. I text them a quick recap always smiling on the golf course team?
on how the round went and I and is always so positive, and
love hearing their feedback. that’s how I try to be when I’m I would tell them that the girls
both on and o the course. golf team is really the best team
Do you have any goals for ever. Since we aren’t a huge team,
your nal season at Yorktown? I am sad to say that my favor- you are able to build such great
ite professional sports team is the friendships with the other girls
A goal for my nal season at New York Jets. My whole family that will last a lifetime.
Yorktown is to make it to states. is Jets fans, so I am tied into it.
I have been working hard and I Hopefully, they have a more suc- Golf is such a valuable sport to
want to make everyone proud by cessful season this year and not know too because you are able to
ending o my season on a high lead to more tears. meet all di erent kinds of people,
note, and making it to the nal and who knows where those con-
competition. What is your favorite music nections will take you one day.
to listen to warming up for a And it never hurts to try some-
match? thing new, so why not try a sport
that can take you so many places!

Thursday, May 5, 2022 SPORTS Yorktown News – Page 27

SOFTBALL Servedio shuts out Lakeland
Records 300th career strikeout vs. Greeley

BY MIKE SABINI the circle (the mound),” Servedio stantine (2-3, 2 runs, stolen Hailey Moran (walk, run), and Amanda Cohen and Ryleigh
base), Vittoria Milizia (1-3, RBI, Katie Piehler (run) also contrib- Melendez both singled for Lake-
CONTRIBUTING WRITER said. “My control wasn’t the best run), Emily Piehler (1-3, RBI), uted to the win. land.

so I knew I could walk a few peo- Yorktown’s Yorktown beat host Horace
Maya Servedio Greeley 31-1 on April 27, with
Yorktown, the No. 4 ranked ple and comeback and challenge Servedio recording her 300th ca-
PHOTO: BRIAN reer varsity strikeout.
Class A team in the state, con- batters. at was de nitely big.” MARSCHHAUSER
“It meant a lot,” Servedio said.
tinued its strong season with a Servedio (complete game, “It was a pretty exciting milestone
to reach.”
10-0 victory over visiting Lake- 15 strikeouts, 2 hits allowed, 2
Servedio was one of three pitch-
land on April 28. walks/single, run, RBI), in col- ers to combine on a 1-hitter, along
with Albano, making her varsity
e Huskers got their ace, laboration with catcher Eva pitching debut, and Salveggi, who
was the winning pitcher.
Maya Servedio, an early lead by Destito (1-2, run, RBI, 2 walks),
“It means a lot, not just to the
scoring four runs in their half of got two big outs in the top of the program, but it means a lot for a
coach like me that is still fairly
the rst inning. ree of those fourth inning. new,” Fernandez said. “I get to
see someone as good as Maya
runs came home on back-to- Lakeland’s Shannon Scotto accomplish something like that.
It’s awesome to see a kid that
back hits, which were a two-run led o the fourth with a walk, works so hard, is such a good
person, good student, get such
RBI single by Lauren Strauss was moved to second on per- an accomplishment like that.”

and an run-producing base hit fectly executed sacri ce bunt by Yorktown had 7 homers
(Salveggi 2, Bella Gomes 2, Al-
by Kelly Jennings (2-3). Nicole Mautone, before stealing bano, Servedio, Strauss) and 6

“ e bats have been hot late- third base. SEE SOFTBALL PAGE 28

ly,” said Yorktown fourth-year However, Servedio answered

coach Samantha Fernandez. with back-to-back strikeouts to

“Our top four, ve hitters in the end the threat and the Huskers

lineup have been on re so we were never threatened again.

just keep their approach of hav- “ at was a big sequence

ing good at bats, quality at bats, there,” Servedio said. “We uti-

swinging hard at good pitches lized my change-up and rise ball

and we make things happen.” especially, so that was big to get

Servedio said that it was de - out of that.”

nitely crucial to get o to a good Olivia Salveggi (2-4, 2 RBI,

start. 2 runs), Adrianna Albano (2-4,
Yo“IrkttomwandNeewmsQe ufaeretlercPoangedAedn_Ltaiynoutd1ou4/b2l8e/,20r2u2n)1,:58CPhMarlPoattgee 1Con-

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Page 28 – Yorktown News SPORTS Thursday, May 5, 2022

Lakeland’s Ryleigh Menendez slides into second as
Yoktown’s Adrianna Albano tries to make a play.


SOFTBALL Panas 28-0 at Lakeland on April run), Albano (single), Destito ent. Maya de nitely takes con- Leah Cohen (2-4, 2 RBI, 2 runs),
29. (run) and Jennings (run). trol on the mound and leads the Melendez (2-3, 3 runs, RBI, 2

In what could be a preview of “ ey work hard,” Fernan- team. It’s nice to have a pitcher walks), Mautone (2-4, 2 runs, 1

doubles (Servedio 3, Jennings 2, the Section 1 Class A title game, dez said of her team. “We work on the mound, her or Liv (Oliva walk, third win, 11 strikeouts),

Milizia). Servedio and Gomes Yorktown (12-1) earned a 4-3 them very hard at practice. We Salveggi) that we are comfortable and Jenna Yazzetti (2-4, 2 runs).

registered 5 hits each, Milizia 4 victory against visiting No. 10 don’t have too many practices with, that can shut down the op- e Hornets (3-9) lost to vis-

hits and Salveggi, Constantine, ranked Mahopac on April 25, led these days because every day feels posing team.” iting Hendrick Hudson 13-4

Jennings, and Emily Piehler 3 by Servedio (win, 2 hits, 2 earned like game day. We practice hard, Lakeland defeated visiting Our on April 27, paced by Scotto

hits apiece versus the Quakers. runs, 14 strikeouts, 3-3, double, we have a lot of good chemistry Lady of Lourdes 17-15 on April (1-3, run, walk), Melendez (run,

Yorktown won against Walter run), Milizia (double, 2 RBI, right now. We have a lot of tal- 26, ignited by Amanda Cohen 2 walks), Amanda Cohen (1-2,

(3-4, 3 runs, 3 RBI, 2 doubles), runs, 2 walks), and Leah Cohen

Scotto (2-3, 2 RBI, run, 2 walk), (1-3, RBI).

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