Vol. 9 No. 48 Visit TapIntoYorktown.net for the latest news. Thursday, February 18, 2021
Town Board gets first look at Underhill Farms
BY BRIAN MARSCHHAUSER planning department is propos-
ing, would encourage mixed-use
developments and ease density
After months of listening to requirements for certain proper-
community members scrutinize ties in Yorktown Heights. e
his 165-unit Underhill Farms Planning Board would have ex-
project, developer Paul Giullaro ibility in reviewing the plan while
took his turn at last week’s Town the underlying zone remains in-
Board meeting. tact. e district has not yet been
Guillaro, whose Unicorn Con- created by the Town Board.
tracting is a proli c developer of From a density standpoint,
o ce buildings and residential the project would be in line with
communities in Northern West- other nearby developments, said
chester, purchased the property Joe Riina, the project’s engineer.
for $2.85 million in October, but Underhill Harms would have
had yet to meet with town o - 12 units per acre, while develop-
cials in a public setting to discuss ments to the south on Rocham-
the plan and gauge their interest. beau Drive range between 7.2
At the meeting on Tuesday, Feb. and 12.3 units per acre. To the
9, he mostly relied on outside north, the Beaveridge Apart- RENDERING: LESSARD DESIGN
contractors to explain why the ments have 19.3 units per acre. A rendering of the proposed Underhill Farms development
mixed-use development is an ap- Underhill Farms would be
propriate t for the single-family developed in two phases. First complex, would be built in the constructed. emergency access to Beaveridge,
zoned, 13.8-acre property at 370 up, on the west side of the prop- second phase of development. “It’s going to be an amenity,” Unicorn’s project includes parking
Underhill Ave., most recently the erty, would be 50 townhouse e rst oor of the building’s Riina said. “It’s going to be a des- spaces for the senior center.
home of the Soundview Prepara- units with a separate entry and a four oors would have 59 un- tination open to the public to use Additionally, 85 of the 165
tory School. cul-de-sac. e 50 town houses derground parking spaces and for walking, relaxation, ice skating, units would be speci cally des-
e Town Board, though it would occupy 10 buildings: half 10,400 square feet of space for anything that would attract some- ignated for elderly residents.
does not have authority when it with six units and half with four commercial and retail tenants, one to the site to want to enjoy Another 50 would be “senior
comes to reviewing site plans, is units. Also in the rst phase of with a patio area for potential this beautiful park-like setting.” friendly.”
responsible for rezoning. e only development would be a club- outdoor dining. Underhill Farms’ neighbor to “ is has become our main
way this development becomes a house with a swimming pool e project also includes public the north is Beaveridge Apart- goal for the project,” Guillaro
reality is if Yorktown’s elected of- and a three-story condominium amenities. e pond would be re- ments, which, in exchange for re- said. “To provide senior housing
cials rezone the property or in- building with 30 units. Parking habbed and walking paths would maining tax exempt, has agreed to in many di erent types of living
clude it in the proposed Yorktown would be underneath and across be constructed around the pond build a publicly accessible senior units, such as apartments, condo
Heights Overlay District. from the condos. with sitting areas. e pathway community center and new of- ats, and town houses.”
e latter option, which Guil- e nal 85 units, a would continue down near Route ces for the town’s parks and rec- SEE UNICORN PAGE 16
laro is seeking and the town’s 110,000-square-foot apartment 118, where a plaza area would be reation department. In addition to
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Page 2 – Yorktown News Thursday, February 18, 2021
The Staff DiBartolo arraigned in Cortlandt
EDITORIAL TEAM BY BRIAN MARSCHHAUSER As rst reported by Yorktown out on 23 visits to the home- chester County district attorney’s
BRIAN MARSCHHAUSER EDITOR News, DiBartolo is accused of improvement retailer’s Route 6 o ce withdrew all 24 of those
EDITOR: 914-302-5628 swiping some $15,000 in con- outlet. charges and led a charge of
[email protected] Eric DiBartolo, the former Yor- struction materials, tools, and oth- third-degree grand larceny, a Class
BRIAN MARSCHHAUSER ktown highway superintendent er merchandise from the Home Police charged DiBartolo with D felony.
SPORTS EDITOR: 914-302-5628 and former Chamber of Com- Depot in Cortlandt. four felony counts of fourth-de-
[email protected] merce president, was arraigned on gree grand larceny, 19 counts of “ at encompasses all the con-
a grand larceny charge in Cort- Aided by a cashier, Westches- petit larceny, and a misdemeanor duct that was alleged on all the
ADVERTISING TEAM landt Town Court on ursday, ter County Police said, DiBartolo charge of second-degree scheme separate [charges],”said Livia Ro-
PAUL FORHAN Feb. 11. paid only a fraction of the cost of to defraud. driguez, assistant district attorney.
the goods he ran through check-
(914) 806-3951 At the arraignment, the West- Neither DiBartolo,59,nor his al-
[email protected] leged accomplice, Tyrone Bass, 58,
of Cortlandt, entered pleas at the
BRUCE HELLER arraignment. ey were both re-
(914) 486-7608 leased without bail and are due back
[email protected] in court on ursday, March 11.
LISA KAIN This winter, take Water-main
(201) 317-1139 comfort in our care. breaks up
[email protected] from last
CORINNE STANTON The right respite care makes all the difference.
(914) 760-7009 year
[email protected] Introduce your loved one to a community that feels like home, knowing they’ll
be comfortable and engaged. Trust Benchmark to care for and connect with BY BRIAN MARSCHHAUSER
JAY GUSSAK your loved one, no matter how long they stay with us. Our short-term respite EDITOR
(914) 299-4541 care* is perfect for seniors who need a little extra help this season.
[email protected] If it seems to residents that
JENNIFER CONNELLY 640 Danbury Road, Ridgefield, CT Schedule an Assisted Living or water-main breaks are on the rise
(917) 446-7757 Mind & Memory Care tour today! this year, that’s because they are.
[email protected] Call 203.894.6174 or visit
SHELLEY KILCOYNE RidgefieldCrossings.com According to statistics shared
(914) 924-9122 by Ken Rundle, the town’s water
[email protected] *Please check with the community for superintendent, there were 19
GABRIELLE BILIK any residency requirements. water-main breaks between Dec.
ACCOUNT EXECUTIVE/DESIGNER 1 and Jan. 31, an increase of 12
[email protected] COVID–19 from the same timeframe a year
TABITHA PEARSON MARSHALL Most of these breaks happen
* Rapid & PCR Covid Testing for all in the wintertime on cast-iron
CREATIVE DIRECTOR * Extended Hours: M-F 8am-10pm, S-S 8am-5pm pipes, Rundle said.
PHOTOGRAPHER * No appointment needed for testing: simply stop into
the center, pick an open spot on our sign up sheet, “What happens is it gets very
[email protected] cold, the cast iron becomes brit-
CHRISTINA ROSE return at your designated time, get tested. tle, and they crack,” he said.
However, Rundle said he does
DIGITAL PRODUCTION MANAGER not believe these breaks are in-
[email protected] dicative of a larger problem. Go-
ing back further, Yorktown saw
EXECUTIVE TEAM 50 breaks in 2018, 30 in 2019,
BRETT FREEMAN and 28 in 2020.
845-208-8151 “It’s not that the infrastructure
is crumbling and it’s old,” Rundle
[email protected] said. “I mean, it’s not getting any
younger, but if that were the case,
Deadlines the numbers would just consis-
tently go up if our infrastructure
Ultimately, though, the cold
AND EDITORIAL SUBMISSIONS FOR weather is the culprit.
YORKTOWN NEWS IS THE THURSDAY “It’s the ground shifting,”Run-
BEFORE THE NEXT PUBLICATION DATE. dle said. “If you took a pencil and
put it in the soil and the earth is
FOR MORE INFORMATION, moving up and down, the pencil
CALL BRIAN MARSCHHAUSER AT is not going to ex; it’s just going
914-302-5628 OR EMAIL to snap. at’s basically what’s
[email protected]. happening with the pipes.”
Subscribe With the lines of communica-
tion between town hall and the
TO REQUEST YORKTOWN NEWS residents becoming clearer in
WEEKLY DELIVERY, CALL 845-208-8503 the digital age, each break gets
OR EMAIL [email protected]. more attention than in the past,
SUBSCRIPTIONS ARE COMPLIMENTARY FOR Rundle said, possibly creating the
RESIDENTS AND BUSINESSES IN THE TOWN. impression that Yorktown is at
(ISSN 2329-8693)
Thursday, February 18, 2021 Yorktown News – Page 3
Some young volunteers
at the Garden of Hope
Garden of Hope set to move to Willow Park
BY NICK TRUJILLO man, the so-called “cheerleader” of make sure that we put them in a whatever programs they would like said the garden has done “since day
STAFF WRITER the Garden of Hope, said “it’s an position to succeed and thrive and to teach. one.”
under-utilized park. Even as tax- also make sure that the community
e Garden of Hope has been payers, we’re paying for something has as much of an opportunity to “ ere’s nothing set in stone, Slater said he has worked with
a beacon of community service and that’s not being used very much. participate and bene t from it as there’s a lot of brainstorming and the Tree Conservation Advisory
support since it began in 2014. It To the taxpayers, on one level, we’re they can,”he said. creativity,” Silverman said. “I see a Commission to establish a tree
has provided produce for local food really leveraging property that we wide range, everything from teach- bank in the park that will preserve
pantries and an opportunity for own to have much greater value for One of the garden’s core values ing beekeeping to picking tech- di erent kinds of trees for decades
many to give back to their commu- our community.” is that it gives away 100 percent of niques to teaching composting, to come.
nity.Now,that beacon has begun to its yield.It is a very open-ended op- teaching sustainable farming.”
move to its own space in Willow e aspect of the new location eration; anyone can grow whatever “It all plays together, it all works
Park. that most excited Town Supervisor they would like (as long as it’s or- Jim Martorano, superintendent well together, and it all bene ts our
Matt Slater is how visible the gar- ganic) and can donate their yield to of parks and recreation, sees value community in one way or another,”
During the Yorktown Town den is to the public. whatever organization or individual in the garden’s education programs. Slater said. “Whether it’s the pro-
Board’s meeting on Tuesday, Feb. 2, they want. duce going to the food pantry,
a resolution was approved that will “ e fact that we’re going to put “Teaching a new generation whether it’s creating an environ-
allow the Garden of Hope to use it in a place that does get tra c “It’s unique,” Silverman said. about agriculture that wouldn’t ment where monarch butter y
Willow Park as its new home. e on a daily basis, that’s going to be “ ere are community gardens normally be exposed to this in the migration can thrive, or it’s the tree
term of the agreement expires on more out in the open for people to around, but nothing with this kind suburbs of New York City,”he said. bank.”
Dec. 31, 2026; however, the town see and watch it grow and watch it of mission.” “I think the education component
may terminate the license with or develop is going to be equally as ex- is huge for our community.” e goal for the project this year
without cause with 90 days written citing,” he said. “I think it puts the One of the main bene ciaries of is to get more people involved.
notice. Garden of Hope in a position to the garden is the First Presbyterian Silverman highlighted how the After reaching out to local Scout
become an even bigger part of our Church of Yorktown Food Pantry, project was a bright spot over the groups in his rst year with the
e Garden of Hope was origi- community.” which services approximately 150 past year for many people. garden, Silverman said, now “they
nally founded by the Peekskill families and 500 people per week. do maybe a third of the gardening,
Area Pastor Association and had Silverman is excited about what “ e name ‘Garden of Hope’ and I’ve had more reach out to me.”
an agreement with the Church of the new space can o er for the gar- “Going forward, we’ll be a little was initially intended to bring hope Getting community involvement
Nazarene on Whitehill Road that den and the community. more organized, in terms of as we to those that were receiving the is an easier task than Silverman
allowed the organization to use the move into Willow Park, kind of produce,” he said. Due to COVID expected it to be in his time run-
church’s land for their community “It’s at, it has really good ex- related quarantines, the garden be- ning the garden. He described that
produce growth. eir agreement posure to light. It’s a bit bigger. In guring out what the needs are in came a social release for the com- the attitude around the garden is
expired prior to the COVID pan- year one, we’re going to use the the pantry a bit more and tailor munity. “All of a sudden they had “contagious,” with people who par-
demic, when the church decided same footprint that we’re currently making it to those needs,” Silver- a place to go outside that was safe. ticipate inviting more people each
they needed to sell the property. in, which is just under an acre,” he man said. Where they could be active again time they return.
said. “We’ll be able to, over succes- and get some sunshine and fresh
e land was rst o ered to the sive years with permission from the Another aspect of the move that air, where they could meet neigh- No experience is needed to claim
Yorktown Interfaith Council, the town and the neighbors, to grow it excites Silverman is the opportuni- bors, where there was a multi-gen- your own row and start planting.
group that now runs the garden, maybe twice as big. Which means ty to expand educational program- erational exchange.”
but was too expensive to retain. our yields will be two to three times ming at the Garden of Hope. In e addition of space that will
what they are now.” their old space, the garden shared Becoming a place for people to come from moving to Willow
is led the council to look for new the parking lot with the Church of socialize in a pandemic is only a Park will allow more members of
spots in town. Slater, who has been a supporter Nazarene, which houses four other temporary bene t of the garden. the community to grow their own
of the Garden of Hope, wanted to congregations. Holding education- yields.Silverman encourages every-
Willow Park o ers the commu- make sure it was put in a location al programs for the community was ere are many long-term bene ts one to get involved.
nity garden its own space and the where it would be able to blossom. not an option because there was no as well. e garden will continue
freedom to use the land to ben- physical space to put everyone. Yorktown’s initiative to become a “Make your mistakes here, just
e t the community. Paul Silver- “When they came to us about sanctuary town for monarch but- have fun,” he said. “You are the
having to relocate, we wanted to At Willow Park, the organiza- ter ies by continuing to plant seeds we’re planting.”
tion will have the freedom to host milkweed, something Silverman
Page 4 – Yorktown News Thursday, February 18, 2021
Yorktown to ATV riders: Get off my lawn
BY BRIAN MARSCHHAUSER Far from trying to be a wet said the town needs to be realistic
blanket, Martorano said he is about enforcement.
mostly concerned about health “I don’t have anybody that I can
ATV riders: You don’t have to and safety of the people who use send back there into the woods,”
go home, but you can’t stay here. the trails. Noble said. “ ese guys, if we
An uptick in o -road activ- “When you have high speeds come across them, they’re eeing.
ity during the pandemic has on these trails in the middle of the ey’re going and we’re not really
frustrated trail users and put the woods, bad things can happen,” chasing them.”
town’s parks and recreation de- Martorano said, noting the dif- e chief recommended in-
partment on edge. A imsy town culty emergency services would stalling physical barriers at trail
code and physical attempts to have in reaching an injured hiker entrances. If the riders destroy or
block access to town trails and or rider. move them, they could be charged
parks have not served as a de- When it comes to protecting with criminal mischief, which is
terrent, forcing parks chief Jim the parks, Matt Talbert, a Rec- prosecuted as a misdemeanor or
Martorano Jr. to seek refuge from reation Commission member, is felony. Noble also suggested us-
the Town Board. worried about the potential costly ing trail cameras to catch o -road
“We’re just being inundated damage. trespassers. Similar to red-light
with illegal ATV and dirt bike “If one of these ATVs, motor- cameras, the person who owns the
use since the pandemic hit,” cycles, dirt bikes, whatever get on vehicle could face penalties if a li-
Martorano told Yorktown’s elect- Legacy Field or Granite Knolls cense plate is photographed.
ed o cials on Tuesday, Feb. 9. “It Field, you’re looking at $1 mil- ATVs and dirt bikes must be
seems to be a lot of people’s new lion worth of damage right o the registered in New York state. ey
favorite pastime. It’s certainly bat,”Talbert said. can be legally operated on private
having a negative impact on our “Not only are they going into property, the chief said.
parks and our hiking trails.” Granite Knolls and doing dough- “If you’re located in our town
All-terrain vehicles and dirt nuts in the parking lot, but they parks, on town-owned property,
bikes are not accounted for in are driving on Stoney Street at we’re gonna throw the book at
Yorktown’s decades-old code. a high rate of speed,” he added. you,” Noble said. “We’re gonna
Even if they were, the toothless “ is is becoming extremely dan- look to impound your ATV, sig- PHOTO COURTESY OF JIM MARTORANO JR.
law prohibiting vehicles on town gerous. ere are becoming more ni cant nes and possible crimi-
A Yorktown trail is damaged by an off-road vehicle.
property o ers nothing in the and more. I’ve never seen this nal charges.”
way of penalties or nes. e rid- many.” e town attorney will work
ers could be charged with crimi- A strengthened law with sti er on drafting legislation, but Walt is larger than the town’s legisla- Golf Course, French Hill School,
nal trespassing, but that would penalties could help, but York- and Jane Daniels, trail volunteers tive reach. ese o -road vehicles FDR State Park and along power
only be a violation. town Police Chief Robert Noble and avid hikers, said the problem have been spotted at Mohansic line and gas line clearings.
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Thursday, February 18, 2021 Yorktown News – Page 5
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Page 6 – Yorktown News Thursday, February 18, 2021
Slater leads
Republican ticket
GOP endorses rst-time council
candidates; Paganelli for highway
BY BRIAN MARSCHHAUSER put Yorktown in a position to comeback
EDITOR stronger than ever.”
Paganelli, a former town councilman,
Town Supervisor Matt Slater, as he is seeking another four-year term as the
likely runs uncontested for a second town’s highway chief.
term, will be joined on the Yorktown “I am very proud of my record of suc-
Republican Party ticket by town council cess and look forward to serving the
candidates, Sergio Esposito and Luciana residents of Yorktown for another four PHOTO COURTESY OF THE YORKTOWN GOP
years,” Paganelli said in a press release. Sergio Esposito, town council candidate; Town Supervisor Matt Slater; Highway
Highway Superintendent Dave Pa- “As highway superintendent, my focus Superintendent Dave Paganelli; Luciana Haughwout, town council candidate
ganelli is running uncontested for a third is always ensuring the safety of our resi-
term. Republicans did not endorse a dents while protecting taxpayers. I be- Haughwout is a small business owner the Yorktown Chamber of Commerce.
town justice candidate to replace outgo- lieve my record re ects these priorities, and president-elect of the Brookside He also owns two small businesses, vol-
ing Judge Sal Lagonia, who is not seek- which I will always put rst.” PTA. She and her husband, Rick, are unteers with the local sports clubs, serves
ing re-election, but they have not ruled Esposito and Haughwout, both rst- raising their three young children near on the town’s Ethics Committee, and is
out the possibility should one come for- time candidates for town o ce, will Sparkle Lake. a member of the Yorktown Heights Vol-
ward, said Kevin Byrnes, GOP chairman. run for the two open positions on the “Yorktown is an amazing community unteer Fire Department.
Last month, the Yorktown Democratic Town Board, currently held by Demo- to live, to work and to raise a family,” “I love this town and I want to do even
Committee announced it will not put up crats Alice Roker and Vishnu Patel. A Haughwout said in a press release.“ ese more,” Esposito said in a press release.
a candidate against either Slater or Pa- clean sweep in this year’s elections would were the exact reasons my husband and “I raised my family here, grew my busi-
ganelli. make it an all-Republican board. Roker, I decided to raise our family here. I am ness here and want nothing more than to
“It is an honor to walk into town hall the top vote-getter four years ago, is sit- excited and honored to be given this help foster an environment for families
every day and serve the community I was ting this election cycle out, but Patel is opportunity to serve my neighbors and and businesses to experience the same
raised in,” Slater said in a press release. running for a fourth term. His running- can’t wait to meet people along the cam- successes I have. Yorktown is nally on
“ e past 14 months have brought un- mates will be town council candidate, paign trail.” the verge of greatness and I look forward
precedented challenges to this town but I Ilan Gilbert, and town justice candidate, Esposito wears multiple hats, but is to having a leadership role in this next
am proud of how we managed them and Aviah Cohen Pierson. most widely known as the president of chapter.”
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Thursday, February 18, 2021 Yorktown News – Page 7
Kindergarten students may return full-time
BY NICK TRUJILLO our district.” the board, as he attempted to dispel “As the Department of Health learns tains the 6-foot distance is necessary
STAFF WRITER Hattar spoke highly of the kinder- the notion that bringing back stu- more, they modify their guidelines, within schools. ey have not backed
dents was about nding a creative we adapt to follow the guidelines.” down on that recommendation. at
All kindergarten and special garten sta at Yorktown. “I have the solution. Hattar called it a “misrepre- is in writing and factual.”
education students in the Yorktown highest respect for our kindergarten sentation of the reality of what we’re When talking about con icting
Central School District would be team, and I think they recognize the dealing with.” When administration reports about the required distance Corsaro warned about the con-
brought back to school under a fully enormity of the ask that we’re put- conducted a capacity study for the between desks, Hattar said that he sequences that reducing the 6-foot
in-person learning model presented ting in here,” he said. Hattar added Yorktown district buildings, he said, is following the guidelines set by the distance requirement could have on
by Dr. Ron Hattar, schools superin- that there are still many details to it was determined that the building New York State DOH, the State the district. “If we were to decrease
tendent, at the Board of Education be worked out and that the admin- utilization rate was at 90 percent. Education Department, the gov- the 6-foot distance, it will de nitely
meeting on Monday, Feb 8. istration will be leaning on the kin- ernor’s o ce and the Westchester result in more quarantining,”he said.
dergarten sta because they are best “It takes time to add space, space County Department of Health. He “As soon as we start to have large
Hattar gave a presentation to the positioned to answer many of the that is student ready space and usable said, “I have reached out to each of scale quarantining, this is when we
board outlining a time frame and logistical questions that will arise. space for instruction,” Hattar said. these agencies, and the response that have to close classes or more.”
some of the complications the dis- “We’re going to be using spaces that I have received is that 6 feet is a non-
trict would have to work through to e district has already started have not been used in this format in negotiable.” roughout the meeting, Hat-
bring students back. He expects to to bring back special education stu- the past. is is us honestly using ev- tar remained rm in his a rmation
have all the kindergarteners back in dents and students with IEPs at the ery square inch of what we have. It’s Hattar said he has also reached that the district would comply with
the second half of March. Students high-school level. Per the district, 55 not perfect, but I don’t want good to out to the school district’s attorneys, the agencies that regulate the school
with individual education programs percent of high-school students have be the enemy of perfect here. We’re the school district’s insurance com- system in New York. “ e Depart-
(IEPs) would have an option to re- opted for the fully remote model, going to work out the details to make pany, and the deputy director of the ment of Health are the experts here,
turn to the fully in-person model. which has allowed the district some it as perfect as it can be. It’s going to New York State School Board Asso- and we’re deferring to them,”he said.
More information will be released exibility in bringing back students take a little more time.” ciation, received a consistent answer: “ at might not be the most popular
when the February break is over. in that age group. Some members Six feet is non-negotiable. “I will be stance, but that’s the only stance that
of the freshman class have been Hattar said the biggest hindrance speaking with county o cials, I’ll be I think you’d want me to take leading
“Our kindergartners need the welcomed back to school, and Hat- in bringing students back has been speaking with state o cials,” Hat- our schools.”
support of the teacher a little more tar plans on phasing in more ninth the 6-foot social distance guidelines tar said. “I fully anticipate that as the
directly than students in the upper graders as time passes. In compari- set by the New York State Depart- vaccine becomes more widespread, When asked about what parents
grades,” Hattar said. All Yorktown son, 83 percent of elementary school ment of Health because this puts a there will be a relaxing of the dis- could do to help the district return
students need the support of their students are currently in the hybrid limit on the amount of space that tancing requirements. But as of right students to in-person learning, Hat-
teachers and administration, but, model, which, Hattar said, ham- can be used e ciently. He also said now, it is 6 feet.” tar said to “advocate to the agencies
Hattar said,“our kindergarteners lost strings the district’s ability to nd that the district will follow the DOH that regulate the school districts. We
a good portion, about 12 weeks, of space for full-time in-person learn- guidance under all circumstances. Dr. Louis Corsaro, chief medi- want to provide our students with
their preschool year. Now they have ing for all students. cal o cer for the Yorktown School every single opportunity that we
limited instruction during their kin- “Our district could not be more District,spoke at the meeting in sup- can.”
dergarten year, their rst year into e usage of available space was consistent. We follow Department port of Hattar’s presentation. “ e
central to Hattar’s presentation to of Health guidelines,” said Hattar. [Centers for Disease Control] main- SEE KINDERGARTEN PAGE 16
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Page 8 – Yorktown News Thursday, February 18, 2021
It is time to stand Vaccine nation
on your desk
BRUCE eight American adults who feel that
MY that we hold reliable. What is the standard THE BLOG way.
PERSPECTIVE by which we judge the reliability of the facts
we are considering adopting? (For a more BRUCE SURVEY SAYS
JAMES detailed consideration, I call your attention to APAR As of the rst week of 2021, a
MARTORANO prior columns, where I referenced the major
standards). ere are three main criteria: Now that Year 2 of COVID-19 COVID-19 survey of American adults
The book,“ e Dead Poet’s Society,” correspondence, coherence, and pragmatic. has turned us into vaccination says almost six in 10 (59 percent) want
begins with Professor John Keating Correspondence is a straightforward personal nation, have you gotten yours the vaccine ASAP. at’s a dramatic
standing on his desk and asking his sensory observation; coherence refers to your yet? P zer? Moderna? First? Both? increase from last November, when 45
astounded students,“Why do I stand up claim harmonizing with previous accepted percent felt that way.
here?”Not hearing a response, he continues, beliefs; and pragmatic means the proposed Remember, the vaccination won’t
“I stand on my desk to remind myself that we fact works for you. work until you take a sel e and Here’s a shocker nobody saw com-
must constantly look at things in a di erent transmit it (oh! bad word) on social ing: “ ere’s a link between party lines
way.”He nishes his lesson by passionately Concept clari cation is the ability to media, to make sure you let everybody and vaccine lines,” according to Survey
imploring his students to appreciate the fact separate our unadulterated view of reality you know—and don’t know—know Monkey, which sponsored the vaccina-
that,“No matter what anybody tells you, from the hidden assumptions and agendas you got it. It’s the new status symbol. tion poll of 30,000 adults across the
words and ideas can change the world.” we develop during our lifetime. Over time, You’ve seen the Facebook posts, right? U.S.
the society, religion, and culture in which we Here’s one you might have missed…
roughout the book, Professor Keating Among Democrats, 72 percent
appeals to his students’wonderful sense of nd ourselves douses our burning childlike “Hey, everyone. I got mine today! indicated they want to be vaccinated as
curiosity that they possessed as children, but curiosity. Like Mr. Keating’s students, we are Aren’t you impressed? Or at least a soon as possible, while that eagerness
which was lost during enculturation. His stu- chained to our perspective. Critical concept little envious? Otherwise, what’s the to be inoculated is shared by 54 percent
dents are not unique; that process happens to clari cation seeks to free us from those point of my telling you I got mine. I of Republicans, and even fewer (46
almost all of us. What I love the most about emotional and mental chains and invites mean it’s not like I’m in the habit of percent) independents..
the study of philosophy is that it seeks to us “to stand on our desks”to appreciate our posting my doctor visits. But this is dif-
reawaken in us that childlike wonder. Broadly preconceptions and the role they play in our ferent. is is COVID-19! is is his- Among Hispanics, the number is 54
speaking, philosophical inquiry attempts to worldview. tory, people. Haven’t you heard? ere’s percent, and among Blacks 41 percent.
answer two questions: 1) how does the world a pandemic going on. And on. And
work? And 2) what is our place in it? Inference validation refers to the actual on. It’s all the rage (literally), sweeping EAGER SENIORS
process of reasoning, during which we draw the nation. Happens once every 100 Most eager to get a coronavirus
All major religions as well as most politi- logical inferences from the facts. During years. Listen, my friend, whenever you
cal movements have attempted to answer this process, all of our hard work bears get around to getting stuck (that’s the vaccine, of course, are seniors. For those
these questions, giving their followers a fruit. Rather than having accepted as true a medical term for vaccination), do me older than 65, more than eight in 10
sense of peace and direction. If you accept proposed fact, we have utilized our senses, a favor and don’t remember to bother are eager to be vaccinated right away,
wholeheartedly their take on the world, then examined our preconceptions, and reasoned telling me, because, as you can see here, compared to 69 percent who felt that
your curiosity is satiated as a whole host of to a conclusion that we can con dently adopt from this sel e I took all by myself, way last November.
other annoying questions are answered in the as the product of our strenuous philosophical I already got mine, and that’s all that
process. Mission accomplished. endeavor. matters—to me. But enough about In other age ranges, 43 percent of
you…” adults 18-34 and 58 percent of adults
On the other hand, the philosophical We live in very challenging times. Reason 34-64 say they would get vaccinated
approach is more di cult and in nitely has taken a beating, as we witness numerous APPOINTMENT, ANYONE? immediately if it were available to
more diverse. It requires that we nd answers examples of rampant irrationality. If often OK. Now that I got that out of my them.
using critical thought. Critical thinking is a appears that people are more inclined to
discriminating process, the outcome of which identify with a particular group, ideology, or unvaccinated system, let us proceed. Let’s talk masks (or what politicians
is to determine, as best we can, which ideas mystical belief than to seek a reasoned path Yes, I’m getting my shot in the arm. who censure other politicians of their
are valid, and which are not. Utilizing this tool to the truth.To my horror, there are groups Heck, that’s the easy part. Getting an own party for speaking their mind
ensures that each of us takes responsibility for of people who believe that their political appointment, on the other hand (or ironically call “mind control devices.”)
the truthfulness and validity of the ideas we enemies eat babies (among many other bad arm), is like panning for gold in 1849
live by. things). And we recently saw on the nightly San Francisco. Good luck nding TRANSMISSION CONTROL
news, the man who shot dead his neighbors, that needle in the haystack, old-timer! In surveying more than 300,000
ere are three overarching families of and then himself, over snow being placed on Don’t worry, though. Whenever I do
critical skills: 1) Fact claim veri cation, his property. get properly appointed, I’ll gladly keep Americans, medical journal the Lancet
2) Concept clari cation and 3) inference the news to myself, because I’m hip to Digital Health found that “a 10 percent
validation. What are we to do in this irrational HIPAA. increase in self-reported mask wearing
world? When it comes to accepting as true was associated with three times better
Fact claim veri cation is probably the something you see on social media, consider How about some COVID survey odds of transmission control.”
easiest. If I perceive that it is snowing outside, the source and its record for veracity (or morsels for your reading pleasure? Like
then I can reasonably conclude that, in fact, lack thereof). When you see a headline the one that tells us if you are com- Consistent with that nding is that
it is snowing. When it comes to historical proclaiming that a former presidential mitted to never being vaccinated, you “communities with high reported mask
facts, we must verify the truth of the claims candidate has given birth to an alien baby, are in fairly select company—as one in wearing and physical distancing had
we wish to accept by cross-referencing sources I recommend you not spend your hard- the highest predicted probability of
earned money on that paper. Obviously, you transmission control.”
SEE MARTORANO PAGE 9 Now if they only can come up with
a vaccine to prevent the toxic spread of
Bruce Apar is a writer, actor, consultant,
and community volunteer. He can be
reached at [email protected]; 914-275-
BRETT FREEMAN, PUBLISHER 118 N. BEDFORD ROAD, SUITE 100 Letters to the editor and op-ed submissions may be edited. The views
BRIAN MARSCHHAUSER, EDITOR MOUNT KISCO, NY 10549 and opinions expressed in letters and op-eds are not necessarily those
Editorial Office: 914-302-5628 of Yorktown News or its affiliates. Submissions must include a phone
[email protected] number and address for verification. Not all letters and op-eds will
necessarily be published. Letters and op-eds which cannot be verified or
are anonymous will not be published. Please send your submissions to
the editor by e-mail at [email protected].
For more information, call the editor at 914-302-5628.
Thursday, February 18, 2021 OPINION Yorktown News – Page 9
Underhill Farms are uninformed about both the nothing could be further from good deal when you get one. FROM PAGE 8
is a good fit e plan that has been pro-
law and the developer’s plan for the truth. In fact, it seems that must factor into your acceptance of
To the editor, posed to redevelop the Sound- alleged facts, the slant or objectivity of
I’m not sure how many people the property. And that if they get moving forward with this project view Preparatory School proper- its source as well as the documentation
ty includes $1.5 million to restore that is supplied. When someone hits
tuned in to the Yorktown Town their way, they are going to block is actually the key to preserving the Underhill house, the pond, you with a bold statement, listen for
Board meeting on Tuesday, Feb. the grounds,and its historic gate- the conclusion. Assuming you do not
9, but a very important point a project that would save the Un- the Underhill legacy and making way at the corner of Underhill fear for your safety, ask them: how did
was raised when discussing the and Route 118 and more than you arrive at this conclusion, belief,
project to develop the former derhill house and open up the it truly accessible for all York- $250,000 each year to maintain evaluation? What standard did you
Soundview Preparatory School this new park-like area for the employ? What was your thought
property. property to the public—instead town residents. town. With nothing required process?
from town taxpayers.
Planning Director John of getting rows of the soulless e developer seems to have More importantly, we need to ask
Tegeder said that if Town Board In addition, the plan would the very same questions of ourselves.
excludes it from the new overlay new McMansions and a loss for taken great care to preserve the provide a new parking lot and Of course, the best things in life are not
zone plan for Yorktown Heights, access road for Yorktown’s new necessarily wrapped up with reason-
the town will have no ability to our community. historic aspects of the property senior center and parks and rec- ing. Professor Keating put it this way,
force the property owner to save reation department building free “poetry, beauty, romance, love…these
the Underhill house or protect If the Town Board wants to by hiring a preservation expert of charge and funding to relieve are what we stay alive for.”But when
other historic aspects of the existing tra c congestion on it comes to our understanding of the
property. do the right thing for Yorktown, and planning to invest $1 million Underhill Avenue. world and our place in it, critical inquiry
is the best way to arrive at what we can
Advocating for the Town they will follow Tegeder’s ad- to restore the Underhill house While some have advocated comfortably consider the truth.
Board to include the property for the town to purchase this
within the overlay zone, Tegeder vice and include the Soundview (and $250,000 or more each year property (which would cost al- At the end of “ e Dead Poet’s
said it would be the only way to most $3 million) and preserve Society,”all the students Keating taught,
require the owner of the property property in the new overlay zone. to maintain it). Equally impor- the Underhill house and proper- one by one, stand on their desks. at
to make concessions like saving ty,we have the opportunity to get act demonstrates beyond any doubt that
the house, opening the property Brian Wolfson tant, the plans include relocating all that and much, much more their professor was successful in passing
to public use,and giving the town completely for free. As a York- his spirit and wisdom to them. We too
space on the property for the Yorktown Heights the Yorktown Museum and the town taxpayer, and senior citizen, must look beyond our prejudices, pre-
town museum, Heritage Preser- count me in. We need the hous- dispositions, and limited perspective on
vation Commission, and parking Heritage Preservation Commis- ing in Yorktown and can have life, and become critical thinkers. If we
for the new senior center. that with the bene t of keeping can accomplish this, we will be on our
Underhill Farms sion to the Underhill house and a historic home that needs to be way to nally quenching our childlike
Despite what I’m sure are the will preserve opening the house to the public cared for! sense of wonder about the world and
good intentions behind those to make it the center of the town’s our place in it. It’s time to get up and
who have expressed opposition Daryl and Len Lindholm stand on our desks!
to this project, I fear that they Yorktown’s history historic preservation e orts mov-
ing forward. Yorktown Heights
As a lifelong Yorktown resi-
To the editor, dent, I for one am extremely
Last week, I watched the pleased by what I heard, and I
presentation to the Yorktown think it’s great for our town’s his-
Town Board about the Underhill tory and our future.
Farms project planned for the Andy Walsh
former Soundview Preparatory Yorktown Heights
School property.
For weeks, I’ve read letters Underhill Farms is
about this project that suggested too good to pass up
it would somehow jeopardize
the historical signi cance of the
property. Based on the presenta- To the editor,
tion to the Town Board, I believe Sometimes, it’s easy to see a
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Page 10 – Yorktown News OPINION Thursday, February 18, 2021
I beg to di er
huge shoulder pads in suit we extol cultural di erences For instance, I ask my wife if I read an article by a man who
sometimes and castigate them she wants me to clean the cat was the top hostage negotia-
MAN jackets. at others. Speaking Span- box since I’m going downstairs, tor for the FBI. He talks about
OVERBOARD I was listening to Kevin ish seems like fun in Spain and she says no, I’ll do it later. the person you’re negotiating
but is given the eye-roll on And I ask her if that means with as your partner, just like
RICK Hart on Howard Stern, and the American check-out line she’ll do it but resent me for not when you’re dancing. Not like
MELÉN he said, “We’ve lost the true sometimes. Did you ever go to cleaning it as a surprise. And when you’re dancing with ME,
value and understanding the famous museum in another she says no, it’s ne, she’ll do because then you’re an escapee.
country? e tour guide taught it when she does the laundry. But whom most people would
of my opinion versus your you all about the things people And I ask does that mean she refer to as an adversary, he
do in that country, and you said, wants me to do the laundry, views as the person who will
opinion. For example, you like “Hmm, that’s interesting. So too, because I can do it while help you get some of what you
much di erent than the way we I’m cleaning the cat box. Also, want. Not all of it, because a
I’m literally begging for us co ee, I like tea. I don’t hate do it in America.” You didn’t can she please tell me exactly successful negotiation means
to disagree, because we’ve say, “Hmm, that’s stupid, thank where the washing machine is you BOTH get something.
forgotten how to do it and you for liking co ee, and you God we don’t do that in Amer- and also the cat box. And this And you both give something.
shouldn’t hate me for liking ica,” or the tour guide would way we each get something out
tea.” Not only is a di erence of have asked you politely to leave. of the exchange; she feels good e person you have this
about herself for keeping the exchange with is someone you
we could use the practice. And opinion OK, it’s necessary for e country. Why did you visit place nice, and I earn bonus need, not someone you scorn. If
there in the rst place? Because points for asking if she would you learn about the other side,
after we’re done disagreeing, the world to function. What it was so much like America, or like me to do something that I you’re more likely to under-
because it wasn’t? am clearly not quali ed to do stand their motivations. If you
I’d like to go on with my life if we all liked to eat the same anyway. e cat gets something make it clear that you’re not out
We negotiate all the time, out of it, too. to deceive or exploit them, it’s
without you a) calling me an thing? Soon, there wouldn’t be every day, without even know- easier to get what you want. If
ing it. you make it seem like their idea,
idiot; b) taking whatever it is any more of it, and the only so much the better. I remember
how comedian Adam Carolla
we disagree about by force; thing left would be Brussels once described the negotiation
ritual of an average couple’s
or, c) killing me. By the way, I sprouts. Would a world without love life: I do something I don’t
like for 15 minutes, you do
understand if you think I’m an Take Five candy bars be worth something you don’t like for 15
minutes, then we go watch “ e
idiot, because we can probably living in? Bachelor.”
agree on that, but just don’t call We always assume that our Remember when you were
younger, and the girl next door
me one during our disagree- way is the best way, but that’s said, “I know you are, but what
am I?” And you said, “I’m the
ment. Right now, di erences often because we never tried ball and you’re the glue. What-
ever you say, goes right back to
of opinion are out of style, like the other way. I wonder why you.” And she said, “Takes one
to know one,” and you said, “I
2020 was a see England, I see France, I can
CRAZY YEAR! see your underpants,” and she
said, “Your mother wears army
We can help make your taxes less crazy. boots,” and you said, “She was
in the army. By the way, can you
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SFGtaxes.com about?” If you’re like me, chances
are you outgrew these childish
824 Route 6, Suite 4 | Mahopac, NY 10541 taunts soon after graduating
college. e fact is that some-
times the objective of the argu-
ment is obscured by the percep-
tion of winning or losing.
I’d like to believe that a new
day will come soon, and we
can go back to having a dis-
pute without calling each other
names, although I’m not sure
what else we would call each
other. Everything eventually
comes full circle and, someday,
having a civil debate where we
learn something about each
other will be back in style. And
when that day comes, please
don’t make fun of the size of the
shoulder pads in my suit jacket.
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This material has been prepared for informational purposes only, and is not intended to provide, and should not be relied on for, tax, legal or watch Rick’s video “We Went Dark
(love in the age of the coronavirus)”
accounting advice. You should consult your own tax, legal and accounting advisors before engaging in any transaction. at: bit.ly/wewentdark
Thursday, February 18, 2021 OPINION Yorktown News – Page 11
is, too, shall pass
GUEST ever he felt happy and joyful, again.” How do we do that? remember: it’s hard to be a to connect with others—by
CORNER he looked at the ring and ere are three values that person and this too will pass. phone, Zoom, email, letter,
remembered to cherish the social media, and more. We
RABBI SARAH moment. Whenever he felt can improve our resilience It’s easy to focus on every- need each other. I encourage
FREIDSON sad and depressed, he looked and help us carry on and stay thing that we can’t do or don’t you to reach out to someone
at the ring, and his mood the course during hardship: have. at’s a sure path to un- you think may be struggling.
Once, King Solomon would change, knowing that compassion, gratitude, and happiness. I am reminded of You’ll both feel better.
tasked an advisor with the situation was temporary. connection. an ancient rabbi who asked,
bringing him a magi- “Who is rich? One who is We know that in time,
cal ring that could make a We’re coming up on 11 It’s hard to be a person. content with what they have.” this pandemic too will pass.
sad person happy and a happy months of altered living due Life throws all sorts of Being grateful means rec- Instead of rushing out to
person sad. After searching to the COVID-19 pandemic curveballs and challenges our ognizing all the good that is get “back to normal,” take a
throughout the kingdom and it has certainly taken a way. It’s really, really hard to already yours. What would an moment to re ect on what
with no luck, the advisor was toll. Many of us are anxious, be a person living through a ancestor who lived 500 years you want “normal” to look
about to give up. He nally angry, grieving, lonely, or global pandemic. is time ago be amazed by in your like. Wouldn’t it be wonder-
went to a small jeweler’s shop depressed. We are struggling. is di cult enough without life? Gratitude helps get us ful to get back to something
in a rundown part of town harsh thoughts or judgments. through hardship by shifting even better than before the
not too far from the castle, ings are hard right now, Compassion invites us to see our focus towards everything pandemic? Ask yourself:
and explained his dilemma. but this too shall pass. Not each other with empathy, to that we have, not what we What lessons have I learned
every day has to be a good recognize that we all struggle. lack. Our lives are lled with about myself and my loved
e jeweler went into a back day. e opportunity always Compassion isn’t weak— blessings, large and small, if ones? What have I missed the
room and returned with a awaits to get back up again. shifting your perspective to only we let ourselves notice. most? What have I gained?
plain gold ring, inscribed We can see the light at the recognize another person’s How might I take these
with the words: “ is too will end of the tunnel as the vac- humanity, vulnerability, and Social isolation and loneli- insights forward to craft
pass.” King Solomon was cines are rolled out. e end pain is one of the hardest ness has been one of the most an even better future post-
thrilled to receive the ring of the pandemic is in sight, things to do. Compassion challenging things about this pandemic?
and wore it every day. When- but it’s still far away. Now is can also be directed inwards. pandemic. We’re social beings
the time for us to stay strong I encourage you to be gentle and have a hard time being Rabbi Sarah Freidson is rabbi
and stay the course. We read with yourself and with oth- apart. One of the ways to for Temple Beth Shalom in
in Proverbs, “ ough a person ers, to soften your heart, give get through this challenging Mahopac.
falls seven times, they rise the bene t of the doubt, and time is to go out of our way
Letters and Op-Ed Policy
Letters to the editor and op-ed submissions may be edited. The views and opinions expressed in letters and op-eds are not necessarily those of Yorktown News or its
affiliates. Submissions must include a phone number and address for verification. Not all letters and op-eds will necessarily be published. Letters and op-eds which
cannot be verified or are anonymous will not be published. Please send your submissions to the editor by e-mail at [email protected]. For more
information, call the editor at 914-302-5628.
“A season is set for everything, a time for
every experience under heaven:
...A time for finding and a time for
losing.” (Ecclesiastes 3:1, 6)
Despite our losses, amid crisis, we find
strength and courage, compassion and
support. When we live according to our
values, we create a life of value.
With warm wishes for good health,
well-being, and resilience.
Rabbi Sarah Freidson
Temple Beth Shalom, Mahopac I tbsmahopac.org I 845.628.6133
Page 12 Yorktown News – Thurs
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Page 14 – Yorktown News OPINION Thursday, February 18, 2021
OPED What is an overlay zone?
CHAMBER in many municipalities across process would follow these steps. will be solicited by any and all is is just a basic rundown of
CORNER Westchester. • ere would be a sta relevant agencies. Comments the requisite steps necessary for
would be welcome from inside a project to get approved. e
SERGIO Before an overlay district level meeting. Possibly between the planning department as overlay district portion is only
ESPOSITO can be implemented it must planning and engineering. is well as outside and a discussion one step in the “grand scheme of
go through the rezoning pro- is where the project is dissemi- would ensue. things and is in no way a rubber
So, what exactly is an overlay cess like the rezoning process nated, and its viability discussed stamp.
zone, how will it work and a developer would have to go with the applicant It is also the • It’s not over yet, as the thor-
where does it t in to the through. One main di erence point where the applicant, in ough review of the application Lastly, overlay districting
existing approval process. ere here is that there would be no writing, would request that the would continue. in Yorktown is necessary and
has been plenty of misinforma- developer on hand and to rezone project be considered under the vital to our economic health. It
tion as well as speculation as to an area to usher in (well needed) overall zone. is request would • At this point there would will provide the exibility and
how such a tool is leveraged. economic revitalization. It is, be rigorously reviewed to deter- be an indeterminate number of enthusiasm we need in a post
My hope is to explain what an in no way, a “rubber stamp” as mine if the property is appropri- steps. Depending on what the pandemic environment. e
overlay zone is, how it ts into some would characterize it and it ate to be considered under that application calls for there would business community will greatly
an already established approval does not guarantee that a certain overlay. If there is no request or be tra c studies, an environ- bene t from all revitalization
process and why it is necessary. parcel would be utilized under if the request is denied, then the mental study could ensue, the attempts. Times have changed,
the overlay zoning. e overlay project is considered according application would be considered everything has changed, and we
What exactly is an overlay district rezoning process would to the base or original zone. against the tree ordinance, there must evolve with the times. We
zone? An overlay zone is a undergo public hearings much would be an architectural review must rethink and reinvigorate
regulatory tool that creates a like a typical request for a re- • e applicant would submit and the list goes on. our “Main Streets.” Economic
special zoning district, placed zone. Citizens would have their an application. revitalization will also help to ll
over an existing base zone(s), opportunity at a televised public • After all the necessary empty o ces and store fronts.
which identi es special provi- hearing to voice their concerns • e application would then studies are done and it is all
sions in addition to those in the or support for the rezone. be introduced to the planning further, thoroughly, discussed is will protect the business
underlying base zone. It is a tool board. and reviewed. e application tax base from landlords seeking
that is being and has been heav- So where does it t into the is referred for a public hearing. tax reductions through the tax
ily utilized as a “gamechanger” approval process. e overlay • Next the Planning Board Once again to allow for public certiorari process.
district is only one part of a would review the application, comment from citizens voicing
multifaceted process. Typically, make suggestions, and indicate their concerns or support. Sergio Esposito is the president
but not always, a general guide- possible changes. of the Yorktown Chamber of
line for an application approval • Finally, the Planning Board Commerce.
• An agency would declare makes its nal determination as
itself lead agent. is usually the case.
• Next requests for comments
e Queen of Great Panini
had sampled a crispy duck at a stead of American cheese on white rst panini, I have been on a quest d) I still don’t like the name
bread, it is usually made with moz- to nd the perfect panini, with just Croque Monsieur.
new restaurant, and it was love zarella or fontina cheese on focac- the right blend of melted cheesi-
cia, with other things stu ed into ness and crispy breadiness. After Once I determined that there
TRACY at rst duck. For six months I it, such as chicken, pesto, roasted traveling far and wide and sampling was no restaurant that served the
peppers, etc.“Panini”is the Italian many a panini, I have determined perfect panini, I felt it was my duty,
BECKERMAN ordered it every time I saw it on name for sandwich, which, I think, that: as a panini lover, to make one my-
is a much nicer name than “Grilled self. So, the rst thing I did was run
a menu. en one day a pair of Cheese,”or even the French term, a) ere are a lot of places that out and buy a super-duper, magic
“Croque Monsieur”(pronounced call a panini a panini, but in reality, panini maker. en I went out and
mallards arrived in our backyard “croak miss-yur”) which makes me they are just serving glori ed Hot I bought a beautiful focaccia, some
think of female frogs. Pockets, fresh grilled chicken, fresh moz-
and the next thing we knew, zarella, tomato and pesto. I came
Kind of an appetite killer, if you b) No one actually does make the home, lightly browned the inside
the place was silly with cute know what I mean. perfect panini, and since I think so, slices of bread, added all the rest of
the ingredients between the slices,
Every once in a while, I little duckies. at pretty much Anyway, ever since I sampled my c) I am a panini snob and fur- and then put my soon-to-be panini
thermore, in my brand new, super-duper,
ruined the whole duck dinner thing magic panini maker and closed the
discover some new dish that for me.
A moment later a friend called,
I fall in love with, and then I Right now, my obsession is and we started talking about “ e
Crown”and who was the better
order it whenever I go out to eat. paninis. In case you are not familiar queen, and then I suddenly smelled
For example, there was a point in with it, a panini is basically a grilled
I hung up, whirled around, and
time when I was really into duck. I cheese sandwich for grownups. In- found my perfect panini was now a
blackened panini hockey puck.
WWhahtaist itshethmeomstocsotmcmomonmon
myoisummsaeinseam?gtahenadatcygooenuddistcieooenn?dthitaiot n Fortunately, I am over my panini
phase and have moved onto brus-
musical vocal group TThheeItIctchhy yDoDgo!g! chetta...
IIssyyoouurrppetetscsractrcahticnhg,inligck, ilnicgk, ing,
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Tracy Beckerman is embarking on a
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Page 17 – Yorktown News Thursday, February 18, 2021
Lakeland/Panas/Putnam Valley bests Mahopac
e combined Lakeland/Panas/Putnam Valley gymnastics team defeated
Mahopac, 176.6 to 161.6, on Saturday, Feb. 13.
Lakeland was led by Oliva Marricco (36.45), Caitlin Pellegrino (36.25),
Samantha Flores (35.60) and Emily Quinn (35.45), who were the Top 4 n-
ishers in the All-Around competition. Pellegrino nished rst in the balance
beam and oor exercise, while Marricco nished rst in the uneven bars.
Sam Flores Caitlin Pellegrino
Front: Jade Gorman, Hayley Madden,
Kiera Gallagher, Alexis Kelly; back: Olivia
Marricco, Caitlin Pellegrino, Sam Flores,
Emily Quinn, and Izabella Albano
Emily Quinn
Page 18 – Yorktown News Thursday, February 18, 2021
HOCKEYRebels have high expectations
BYSNS grateful for season
BY MIKE SABINI als.” e Rebels’ rst two games are scheduled
CONTRIBUTING WRITER e Rebels will rely on their top returning to both be against Horace Greeley at Brewster
players to lead that run. Ice Arena, at 8:20 p.m. Saturday, Feb. 20, and
Lakeland/Panas enjoyed a solid campaign “I have my two senior captains, forwards 6:30 p.m. Sunday, Feb. 21.
in 2019-20, going 11-8-2 overall, which in- Jack Tuite (Lakeland) and Joseph Jimenez
cluded winning the League 3 title with a 4-0- (Lakeland), both All-League players last year BYSNS
1 league record. and junior forward Andrew Dzubak (Putnam A year ago, their rst season as the BYSNS
at earned the Rebels the No.6 seed in the Valley), who each had 40 plus points,” Mucci (pronounced Bisons), the combined Brewster/
Section 1 Division 1 tournament, where they said. “Also both goaltenders will be very im- Yorktown/Somers/North Salem team nished
lost to visiting No. 11 ETBE (Eastchester/ portant—Aaron Hathaway (junior, Haldane) 6-15 and quali ed for the Section 1 Division FILE PHOTOS/BRIAN MARSCHHAUSER
Tuckahoe/Bronxville/Edgemont), 7-3, in the and Nick Mele (sophomore, Lakeland).” 1 tournament as the No. 10 seed, where they Lakeland’s Joseph Jimenez
opening round of the tourney. Mucci feels the above group will set the tone lost a hard-fought contest at No.7 Clarkstown,
Lakeland/Panas coach Bart Mucci, who is on both ends of the rink. 4-3, in the tournament’s opening round.
entering his 21st season as coach of the Rebels, “ ey learned last year what it takes to win “It shows them (the players) that they have “Brewster’s Connor Brooks will be a strong
feels what the team accomplished last season and will be the ones who lead us to wins this the skill and tenacity to compete with good presence for us on defense,” Bonitatibus said.
will help out this year’s squad. season,”Mucci said. teams,”said Joey Bonitatibus,the BYSNS’sec- “We expect big things from our senior goalie,
“Last year’s experience will be important to With the unique season this will be, the role ond year co-coach. “Even though we lost, I do Matt Gergley, also from Brewster.”
this year’s success,”Mucci said.“We graduated of the upperclassmen will be even more im- think that game was a great morale boost go- Bonitatibus expects Brooks and Gergley,
two key guys we will miss, but the core of our portant. ing into this season.” both top returnees, to take charge this season.
team were underclassmen that are a year older “Weird season is an understatement but I Bonitatibus graduated from Yorktown in “It is short, and we need to make the most
and hopefully ready to take it to the next level.” think it’s huge for the team to have a season, 2010,where he was an All-League winger and of our time and not mess around,”Bonitatibus
P.J. Kowal (Lakeland), an o ensive mind- especially for the seniors,” Mucci said. “It will a four-year varsity player. said.
ed, all-purpose defenseman, and Nick Perez be a fast one, packing 10 games in a month. e BYSNS’ two other co-coaches are Joe e BYSNS’ top newcomer is Bryan Kott-
(Hendrick Hudson), an alternate captain last We can’t wait to get going.” Lopane (Brewster) and John Veteri (North mann of Somers.
year who was a lockdown defender, were the e balance of the Rebels’squad is made up Salem). “He was pulled up last year and I expect him
two guys the Rebels coach was referring to. of kids from the Lakeland district, with two to be a consistent threat on o ense,” Bonitati-
Expectations are high this season, according players from Putnam Valley, one who goes to bus said of Kottmann.
to Mucci. Hendrick Hudson, and one which attends Bonitatibus said that it’s very important for
“We had a lot of success last year and we Haldane. the kids to get out on the ice.
should again this year,” Mucci said. “ e Jack Jimenez (Joseph’s brother), Bill Goss, “With all the rules, most kids have not
leagues got changed around but our team goal and Anthony Colasanti also are from Lake- stepped on the ice since last season,” Boni-
is to win our league and make a run in section- land. tatibus said. “To be able to give our seniors
something for a nal season, we are grateful
for that.”
Noah Anderson, Michael D’Erasmo, Cal-
lahan Du , Matthew Guarini, Hawken Hel-
lebo, Francesca Mangione, Hart Nullet, and
Ty Win eld are the players from Yorktown.
“We only have about six games and we are
Yorktown’s Cal Duff aiming to win/compete in them all,” Bonita-
tibus said.
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Thursday, February 18, 2021 SPORTS Yorktown News – Page 19
WYRoESrTLkINtGown looks to build for next year Lakeland/Panas’
Austin Bergen
Rebels’ goal is to have some fun
BY MIKE SABINI spectively. Lakeland/Panas is equally excited turning wrestlers. (138, All League honorable men-
CONTRIBUTING WRITER Falcone and Tornambe will wres- as well to get back on the mat. “I would like to recognize my se- tion), Cooper Schmidt (132), and
Dominick Parente (174).
Last year Yorktown had three tle and 170 and 102 pounds this “My goal this year is to have some niors who have put in years of work
wrestlers place in the Section 1 Di- winter. fun,” said Lakeland/Panas coach and dedication to the program and Austin Bergen, McGannon,
vision 1 tournament, including An- Dave Bergen, who is in his fourth could all have spots in the start- Maja, and Dubrawski also wrestled
drew Finateri (120 pounds), who “As far as expectations from year coaching the Rebels’ varsity ing lineup,” Bergen said. “ ey are in last year’s sectionals, along with
was a wild card at states and is cur- those two, they will be leaders in squad after doing their modi ed for Gio Russo (118, All-League, All- Russo.
rently wrestling for Stevens Institute the room,” Fama said of Falcone two seasons. “A few weeks ago, we Section in 2019-20), Austin Bergen
of Technology. and Tornambe. “Falcone is our lone were unsure if we would get back (145, All-League), Shane Coster Russo, Austin Bergen, Coster,
captain this year. He has worked ex- on the mat at all this year. Every day (152, All-League honorable men- and Duggan are the Rebels’captains
Christian Sinagra (182),who now tremely hard this o -season in both we get to train together is amazing. tion), Charlie Dubrawski (215), this season.
wrestles for Western New England the weight room and on the mat We certainly want to train hard and Dom Duggan (152), Jon Goldstein
University,and Dean Patierno (145) to get as good as he can be for this wrestle well but just being together (215) and Niko Rezaj (160).” “From my top guys,I expect lead-
also placed in the sectionals. shortened season.” as a team is fantastic.” ership,”Dave Bergen said.“Your top
e Rebels have a number of wrestlers set the tone in the wres-
“Unfortunately, with the pan- Fama feels this season is critical Last year,Lakeland/Panas had six other wrestlers who are ready to tling room. ey set an example for
demic, the season is going to look a for his wrestlers’ physical and men- wrestlers participate in the Section have breakout seasons in juniors our younger guys with their daily
lot di erent this year with just a few tal health. 1 Division 1 Tournament, includ- Connor McGannon (189, All- work ethic and how they approach
dual meets and no postseason,” said ing Gio Russo,who placed fourth at League honorable mention Spencer every part of practice from warm-
Eric Fama, Yorktown’s seventh-year “It is extremely important for not 113 pounds. Maja (120, All-League), Hunter ups to drilling to live wrestling.
coach. “We are looking at this year only their physical wellbeing, to get Dagnino (160), Chris Ciraco (160), Because they are so focused on im-
as a springboard for next season. back into wrestling shape, but more “Qualifying for the sectional and sophomores Stephen Carroll proving, they bring the entire level
for their mental health,” Fama said. tournament is so di cult,” Bergen of the team up.”
“We do not have any returning “It’s important to give them some- said. “Every year, really good wres-
All-League/All-Section wrestlers,” thing close to normal that they en- tlers get don’t make it. To have six
Fama added.“We have a very young joy doing day in and day out and to guys qualify and return ve of them
team looking to grow individually be around some of their teammates, this season is fantastic. ese guys
this year, to get on the podium next they may have not seen in a while.” have all been working hard in the o
season since there will be no sec- season to stay in shape and be ready.
tionals this year.” e Huskers are just grateful that It was hard to not know what was
they got clearance to have a season, going to happen. But having that
Yorktown did have ve other Fama said. success at the end of last year gave
grapplers, including senior John them con dence and a drive to n-
Falcone and freshman Joe Tornam- “We are excited to just have some ish even higher this year.”
be, who wrestled in the sectionals a fun as a group and get better for
year ago, at 132 and 99 pounds, re- next year,”Fama said. Bergen has a great group of re-
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Thursday, February 18, 2021 SPORTS Yorktown News – Page 20
MEN’S LACROSSE Makar named preseason
YHS grad a standout defender for Maryland
Yorktown alum Brett Makar FILR PHOTO/BOB CASTNER/CASTNERPHOTO.NET BY MIKE SABINI that was 5-1 and ended a virus- Makar, who was a rst-team
CONTRIBUTING WRITER shortened season as the No.7 All-State linebacker and a star
team in the country. running back for the Husk-
When it comes to honors, 2018 ers’ Class A state nalist football
Yorktown graduate Brett Makar e success Makar is enjoying squad in 2017, is one of six Ter-
just continues to rake them in. at Maryland is a continuation of rapins that earned preseason All-
Yorktown’s proud tradition at the American honors.
e 6-foot-1, 205-pound Uni- next level.
versity of Maryland junior de- “I’m very fortunate to be in a
fender, who was a two-time All- “Brett has always worked so position at Maryland where the
American at Yorktown, has been hard on and o the eld to perfect level of talent around me is so
named Inside Lacrosse Honor- his craft,” said Yorktown coach immense,” Makar said. “It really
able Mention Preseason All- Sean Carney. “He is one in a long makes you want to do whatever
American. line of amazing collegiate players you can to get better when the guy
to play at Yorktown. We are all next to you is pushing himself the
“In a year where there are so proud to see him play and excel extra mile as well.”
many great teams and players in at an amazing school like Mary-
college lacrosse, receiving the rec- land.” Makar plays with a tenacity that
ognition is de nitely appreciated,” is relentless, according to Carney.
Makar said. Makar, who started all six
games at close defense a year “He is an amazing athlete and
Makar was also an honorable- ago, routinely played the role of that allows him to play defense at
mention selection to the 2020 In- Maryland’s top close defenseman, such a pace that he outworks his
side Lacrosse Media All-Amer- drawing the opposition’s No. 1 at- opponent,” Carney said.
ican team, for a Maryland squad tackman in each game.
Maryland, which won the 2017
My Community Bulletin Board NCAA championship, its third
NCAA title in its illustrious his-
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found and we’re ready to make
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gether. I think if we continue with
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Personally, Makar said he is just
trying to be the best version of
himself, as much as possible.
“We’ve got a great group of
guys returning defensively that is
continuing to build on our chem-
istry from last year,” Makar said.
“ e biggest goal for myself and
our group is getting one percent
better each time were out there
at is something that Carney
is very con dent that Makar will
“Brett is an amazing kid for
sure,” Carney said. “He’s such a
gentleman o the eld. A better
person than lacrosse player and
that says a lot for he is one of the
best lax players we have had here
in Yorktown.”
Thursday, February 18, 2021 LEISURE Yorktown News – Page 21
CLUES ACROSS measurement 52. Named 21. Surprise Icelandic
1. Big tech firm
4. Picked 28. Welsh female name 53. Barbary sheep politician
10. Type of whale
11. A woman of refinement 30. Arab ruler title 54. Unwell 25. Conclusive acts
12. New England state
14. Common gibbon 31. One’s mother 55. Postscript 29. Inform on
15. Tall coniferous tree
16. State capital 34. Trap 56. Drivers 31. Grinding tooth
18. Making a liquid muddy
22. Vinegary 36. Soviet Socialist Republic 58. One point east 32. Keep up
23. Peninsula
24. Thee 37. Assn. of oil-producing (clockwise) of due north 33. Tablelands
26. Atomic #55 35. Raising
27. Used in units of countries 59. Prim
39. Holy fire 60. A facility equipped for 38. Mythical creature
40. Emit coherent radiation sports or physical training 41. Hums
43. Mountain in Antarctica
41. Atomic #81
44. Neighborhood in
42. Orthodox Jewish college CLUES DOWN
48. Herbs 1. Small islands Manhattan
50. Ran after 2. Skullcap 45. Distinctive practice
51. Begin again 3. Unexplained events 46. Vice president
4. One hundredth of a 47. Contributes to
meter 49. Small bones
5. Beloved baseball 56. Oil company
announcer 57. Empire State
6. Repulsive
7. Northern European
8. Match or surpass
9. Northeast For puzzle solutions, please see
12. Chew the fat
13. Innovative industry
17. Land to put down
to grass
19. Products
20. Nostril
To solve a sudoku, the numbers 1 through 9 must fill each row, column and box. Each number can
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the numeric clues already provided in the boxes. The more numbers you name, the easier it gets to solve the puzzle!
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