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Published by Halston Media, 2022-07-12 14:33:11

The Mount Kisco Bedford Times 07.14.2022


BedfordVOL. NO. Central School District welcomes new superintendent

BY WHIT ANDERSON the recently approved budget, and particularly hard hit. e high Nonetheless, Glass tackled the PHOTO COURTESY OF THE BEDFORD
STAFF WRITER more.   schools needed a lot of attention; pandemic-related uncertainty CENTRAL SCHOOL DISTRICT
the bond issues had not passed. I head-on. 
Big changes are coming to the Glass, who has four grown chil- had the opportunity to work with Dr. Robert Glass, the 2017
Bedford Central School District dren, capped a lengthy career in the community and gure this “I learned it is important to Michigan Superintendent of the
in the 2022-2023 school year, education as a teacher and princi- out. We combined the two high stay student-focused when the Year, comes to the BCSD with an
ranging from new curriculum pal with a superintendency in sub- schools into one modern one. We times get tough,” he explained. “It accomplished background.
and facility improvements to new urban Detroit. While at the helm were able to do great things with caused us all to pivot education
teachers, trustees, and a new su- of the Bloom eld School District, the instructional model. We creat- to a di erent model. I learned in
perintendent.  he was named Michigan Superin- ed a forward-thinking experience times like that to make decisions
tendent of the Year in 2017.  for the students.”  that are best for the children and
And the latter, Dr. Robert J. the families you are serving, plain
Glass, a former superintendent for Of that achievement, he said Glass accompanied his wife to and simple. I also had to maintain
the Eastchester School District, in an interview, “It was really an New York when she received a a sense of balance and measured
plans to bring a community-cen- honor and tribute to the team I job o er from FIT in 2019. He composure. Sometimes I also had
tered approach to BCSD that will got to work with.”  began his Eastchester tenure soon to step back and ask questions.
address COVID-related learn- after, unaware of the challenges
ing loss, issues raised by a recent “When I came there in 2010, he would face once the pandemic ere would be regulations we did
student scandal, the handling of the district faced declining en- started. 
rollment in a tough economy,” SEE GLASS PAGE 9
he added. “ e Detroit area was


High School celebrat-
ed the commencement
of the Class of 2022.
See more pictures
from this unforgettable
day on page 16.


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HEALTH & WELLNESS Movie eater Update


Slow down

With Daisy in tow, I grabbed my establish themselves around the roots of the them in our front yard.  ey bloomed beau- large pink, white and maroon blooms and
pad and pen and went outside to plants. At the end of last season, we planted tifully last year and by the end of last sum- the dogwood tree that we planted last year in
sit and write on the patio. some azaleas. I must admit that they had a mer, there were many large, plump buds all remembrance of our sweet Coco has grown
over the bushes ensuring us that the blooms about a foot and a half.
Last year we changed out the furniture on hard winter and looked pretty sparse in May would be back this year. Unfortunately, but
perhaps not surprisingly, the deer ate all the Down at the beginning of our driveway,
our deck from white wrought iron seating and early June. Now they are lush and even buds, and we were left with two scrawny we planted an ornamental pear tree in honor
bushes this spring. of the birth of our grandson, Drew.  e tree
to a very comfortable brown wicker sofa had some owers on them last week. We is now two years old and is growing tall and
I fought the urge to pull them out, and beautiful, just like Drew.
with two side chairs never cover any of our plants now they are once again full and lush. We
will be looking into either a burlap wrap or I love this time of year. I love experiment-
and two stools. It’s for the winter months, but some kind of netting which will keep the ing with new plants, relaxing on my patio,
deer from eating this year’s buds. entertaining friends and family for barbecues
peaceful and quiet JUST now I think the winters are and just feeling the sun on my face.
back here, and I love JO ANN taking their toll on some of As I continue to write this column, I’m
to begin my rst draft the plants. I’m thinking Ken looking around and noticing that the grass is So summer, please slow down, don’t pass
of a column in this JO ANN and I may need to see what a lovely deep green and very healthy look- by so quickly and allow me to enjoy all the
perfect setting. FRANCELLA we can do to protect them in ing because of all the rain we’ve recently beauty you bring.
had.  e peony bushes are just losing their
Suddenly, as Daisy the future. [email protected]

and I made ourselves e other problem we

comfortable, I realized have is that because we have

that it is already the end of June. I wish I a pretty big piece of land which is set back

could just stand up, raise my arms to the sky from the road, the deer use our property as

and say,“slow down.” I don’t want summer to feeding grounds.

pass too quickly. Over the years I have noticed that several Fun Facts by Jo Ann

In early May, Ken began working in the neighbors have stunning rhododendrons It is believed that the smell of freshly cut grass elicits happy
memories in humans. July is National Ice Cream Month.
front and back yards. Occasionally I help surrounding their property. I love walking

him, but he loves working outdoors, and ac- the neighborhood and seeing the beautiful

tually he does a much better job than I could purple blooms in early spring.

ever do. He cleared out the winter debris Last year, Ken and I purchased two decent

and pulled the weeds that were beginning to sized rhododendron bushes and planted

What separates us KOVACH
from other accountants and tax preparers is
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but on financials, college planning, divorce,
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other toys and unusual items
We don’t just process tax forms, we advise on how to that astronauts have carried
handle your income and expenses in the future into space. Astronauts can
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We help you navigate the tax code, and in the end, help you container about the size of a
book for items weighing less
set sound financial goals. than two pounds maximum.
Astronauts traveling as part
845-628-5400 of the Gemini, Apollo, Space
Shuttle and International | [email protected] Space Station programs
need to have personal items
824 Route 6, Suite 4 | Mahopac, NY 10541 approved by NASA (National
Aeronautics and Space
Securities offered through Cantella & Co., Inc. Member FINRA/SIPC. Cantella and Co., Inc. does not provide tax, legal or accounting advice. Administration).
This material has been prepared for informational purposes only, and is not intended to provide, and should not be relied on for, tax, legal or
e rst toys carried into
accounting advice. You should consult your own tax, legal and accounting advisors before engaging in any transaction. space in April 1985 on the
Discovery space shuttle
included a Slinky, a yo-yo,
a paddle ball and a toy car.
Eleven toys in all were used as
part of a physics demonstration
to help show the e ects of
weightlessness in space.

In 2012, Japanese astronaut
Satoshi Furukawa brought
Lego bricks with him on his
trip to the International Space

Here is a fun and unusual
space travel fact: Astronaut
and avid Yankees fan, Garret
Reisman, brought a vial of
dirt from the pitcher’s mound
at Yankee Stadium with him
on board the space shuttle
Endeavor in 2008!

Kim Kovach wonders if
astronauts ever bring chocolate
bars? www.kimkovachwrites.


Markets to marble

BY MILES SLATER along the Tuscan Coast of Italy, then every street and along the avenues that seemingly di erent and disparate
GUEST COLUMNIST often be echoed back from the Apuana de ned the most exciting city in the worlds. I was to learn that there are
mountain range that rose to the east world. as many similarities as di erences. 
After tugging heavily on a pair throughout my Town and unwittingly Lessons and teachings about life and
of rusting and worn 6-inch covering all people, sculptors or not in Was the wind the only similarity values; sounds and calms - the secret
diameter brass door knockers, this soft white “snow.” between these two worlds- I thought?
I successfully passed through 12 by oor and the symphony of the marble;
6-foot centuries old double doors that Laying askew throughout the room I had taken the fast elevator up to the a Renaissance Dynasty and a Global
were hewn from ancient Cyprus trees were plaster models - moquettes - of 42nd oor of One New York Plaza. e
and into a cavernous anti-room. I was priest’s, prelates, cruci xes, a Madonna building stood virtually at the tip of the nancial powerhouse; the lessons of
immediately transmogri ed into holding her child, most created times island and overlooked the harbor and the artigiani, a sadly disappearing
a world that could only have ago! Some of the sculptures seemed Ms. Liberty. It took a second to push breed of master artisans that comprised
existed during the Renaissance and ready for a next step, some broken, the button to my destinated oor, the specialists and their counterparts
Michelangelo’s times. In fact, I had! It some half- nished plaster models stainless-steel doors closed quietly and of brilliant economists, traders,
was the equivalent of track number that seemed to just cry out to me seamlessly and whooshed me up to my arbitrageurs that “lived” Salomon,
9 3/4 at the King’s Cross Station “benvenuto straniero.” destination before I could straighten travels of places to see; and food, food
in London that Harry Potter had my tie, button my double-breasted suit and more food from the sea, produce
embarked from when entering the train I was in fact I was a ‘stranger’ in the and check to see if my brogue/wing- from the farms and meats from the
to Hogwarts!  Town of Pietrasanta - Holy or Sacred tipped shoes were scu ed. I carried mountains.  I could call the story “From
Stone - the place where my life was to an attaché case, full of what I cannot Polpo to Melanzana to Cinghiale”
It was early May 1995, in Tuscany, be inexorably altered! I was entering remember. Octopus’, eggplant to wild boar. Maybe
due west of Florence, Firenze, a stone’s the Studeo Palagi, circa, a long time a recipe or more. Most importantly
throw from the Mediterranean Sea. I ago. Only 12 hours earlier the view Unlike the Palla Studeo, I pretty I will tell you about the catastrophic
was dressed in old and torn Levi’s, a from my plane leaving Kennedy much knew what was to greet me event that was the catalyst for my
similarly appointed long sleeved T-shirt Airport was partially towards the tip as I entered the reception area, a journey. See you next time.
and an old pair of scu ed work boots. I of Manhattan. I had spent much of vestibule maybe!  e décor perfectly
was protecting a small wooden box that my life working amidst the many tall appointed with historic paintings of Miles Slater settled in Pound Ridge in
I carried carefully in my arms. buildings that de ned the nancial lower Manhattan adorning the walls 1976, and has lived in London, Zurich
capital of the world - Wall Street. and bronze sculptures by Remington and Tuscany. He now resides in Mt
e vestibule was a oat with a white sitting powerfully on antique.  e Kisco. His career on Wall Street included
dust-marble I presumed! No doubt I e World Trade Center was casting carpet probably of ancient Tibetan being President and CEO of Salomon
had allowed the breeze - the soft breeze a shadow across the tip of the island vintage. No dust in this room! And, Brothers International; he then became
that emanated from the Mediterranean then! alas, a man in a suit rose to greet me. an accomplished sculptor, donating most
airs a few kilometers west from I was entering the o ces of Salomon of his works including a memorial to the
those doors - to disturb the particle’s Oftentimes the winds that blew Brothers, the most powerful investment Oklahoma City bombing and many in
sleep. As I learned, those breezes would around the Statue of Liberty and o bank on the globe at the time. Mt. Kisco - thus the title of his column.
swirl around the Versilia, the Riviera New York Harbor whooshed around
these man-made mountains of steel In the months ahead I plan on
glass and concrete that grew out of sharing stories about these two


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Happily Ever After



Add Value Sundays in July, from 10 a.m. -
to Your Home 2:30 p.m. ere will be an “Open
Mic Stage” where anyone can sign
When we’re done, there is nothing left to do. up to play music, read a poem, tell
a story or do a dance! 
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to maximize your home’s value,comfort and beauty. 232-1252
e calendar is full at
Licensed & Insured • Local References • Brewster, NY • 845-216-1955 • 845-279-6977 • [email protected]
Caramoor. One show I’m
looking forward to is the Silkroad
Ensemble with Rhiannon
Giddens on Saturday, July 16, at
8 pm. Visit to plan
your visit and purchase tickets.

e Bedford Playhouse
633 Old Post Road, 914-234-
August 6 on the Playhouse
Lawn catch e Four26, an
eclectic blend of folk, and rock,
at 5 p.m. Tickets are on sale for
their Broadway In Bedford Series
too! Tickets and details available
on at

Food Truck Fridays continue

at Scotts Corners! Complete with
food trucks, 1 pop up treat, live
music, games and more. e July
event is Friday the 15th from 5 -
9 p.m.

Jacque Roche is a freelance writer,
editor and music blogger for
HearIt and contributor
to several local publications. Archived
broadcasts of 2016-2020 radio
shows can be heard streaming


Estate Planning for Digital Assets

As someone who grew up or sentimental) than some items such, you should leave speci c
during the introduction instructions in your estate plan-
of electronic banking, we have in our home. In fact, digital ning documents or in a separate
text messaging, and social media, assets may be letter for your Executor, Trustee
I live in the cross-roads of stor- For instance, you may have more valuable and/ or Agent under a Power
ing records “the old-fashioned (monetary or of Attorney as to where they
way” (in cabinets and closets in stopped printing photographs sentimental) can nd your passwords, what
my home) and storing records than some items you would like done with your
“on the cloud” (whatever that and instead digital asset accounts and social
means!). media accounts and, most im-
store them portant, who is to receive your
Regardless of the preferred digital assets upon your passing.
record-keeping mode, most on Google
people have some sort of digital Digital assets are now a part
footprint, making it important to Photo or GUEST of everyday life. Make sure to
know who would have access to Shutter y. CORNER plan for them the same way you
your digital assets if you become If you lost do for your brokerage accounts,
incapacitated and how those as- all of those LAUREN home and retirement assets!
sets would be distributed in the photos, how ENEA
event you pass away. Let’s rst Lauren C. Enea, Esq. is an
understand the basics: would you Associate at Enea, Scanlan &
Sirignano, LLP. She concentrates
1. WHAT IS A DIGITAL ASSET? feel? How her practice on Wills, Trusts and
Generally speaking, a digital Estates, Medicaid Planning,
would your Special Needs Planning and
asset is any type of electronic Probate/Estate Administration.
data you have the right to access. loved ones She believes that it is never too
For example, it can be an email early or too late to start planning
account, social media account, feel if they could not access them for your future and she enjoys
online bank account, online sub- working with individuals and
scription account, e-commerce after your passing? families to ensure that their estate
account (such as Amazon), and long- term care plan best
photo storage account, cellphone 3. WHAT CAN I DO TO we have in suits their needs. Ms. Enea is on
apps, loyalty program bene ts PROTECT AND ORGANIZE the executive committee of the
account, and electronic currency MY DIGITAL ASSETS? our home.’ New York State Bar Association
wallets (cryptocurrency). (NYSBA) Elder Law and Special
I recommend you start by -Lauren C. Enea, Esq. Needs Section and is also the Co-
2. WHY DO I NEED TO WORRY creating a list of all your digital Enea, Scanlan & Sirignano, LLP Editor of the NYSBA Elder Law
ABOUT MY DIGITAL ASSETS? accounts and associated user- and Special Needs Section Journal.
names and passwords. Once right to access and manage digi- viding your loved ones with the She is admitted to practice law in
Because they are just as im- you’ve created your list, you tal assets. Your Will, Power of information they need to gain New York and Florida. Ms. Enea
portant as the cash or credit card should then prioritize your list Attorney and Revocable Trusts access is crucial. Additionally, can be reached at 914-948-1500.
in your physical wallet! It is easy based on which accounts a loved (if transferring digital assets to a you should review the Terms Visit www.esslaw for
to lose sight of your digital assets one would need to access should Trust) speci cally should refer- of Service Agreements of your more information.
because they are… well, digital. you become incapacitated or ence the right to manage and digital providers to see if any
But that does not make them pass away. Accounts that play an access your digital assets and third-party authorization can be
valueless. In fact, digital assets important role in your current digital devices. at being said, noted in your account(s). Face-
may be more valuable (monetary personal and nancial life are having the authority to gain book, for example, allows you to
the accounts you will want to access and the ability to gain choose a “legacy contact” who
include in your estate plan. access are very di erent. Certain would be granted access to your
digital platforms have very strict Facebook page and the ability
4. WHAT SHOULD MY guidelines for granting access to to delete the page or memo-
ESTATE PLAN SAY ABOUT MY a third party. As such, organiz- rialize it after your passing, in
DIGITAL ASSETS? ing your digital assets and pro- accordance with your wishes. As

Most states, including New
York, have laws that grant a de-
cedent’s executor under a Last
Will and Testament, or agent
under a Power of Attorney the

P p & CircPAGE16
Fox Lane High School
June 21, 202

Salutatorian Corinne Wierzchowski Valedictorian Sebastien Schonfeld

Olivia Tino and Piper Treacy

cumstanceES THURSDAY,JULY14,2022 PAGE 17

l Graduation

Principal Dr. Brett Miller

Elaheh Bahari gives her
speech as the student
selected speaker.

Will O’Brien, Austin Putter, and Tom Morgan



Young athletes’ o season training options

Summer vacation and holidays the issue even further is that some form of an o season. Time away can strengthen other areas of the e t their bodies and give some
from school present opportuni- athletes play in multiple leagues. from competition can be used body and reduce risk for overuse muscles a break.
ties for young athletes to take at means they are committed to focus on improving move- injuries.
well-deserved breaks from their to play for school teams, all-star ment patterns, building general When it is time to return to
sports. However, staying in shape teams or even travel teams. is strength and conditioning and • FOCUS ON NEW INTERESTS competitive play, athletes won’t
during the o season can help can shorten, if not eliminate, tra- recovery. Time o also gives the TO AVOID MENTAL need as much time to return to
athletes maintain their perfor- ditional o seasons. body and mind a break from the BURNOUT. in-season status if they continue
mance when a new season begins. According to the tness ex- stress of competition. training during the o season.
Young athletes can get stuck in According to Sports Fitness Ad-
Many sports have clearly de- perts at the International Youth But athletes need not spend an a competitive groove, feeling that visor, when a training stimulus is
ned o seasons, while others are Conditioning Association, all entire o season resting on their they have to win to be successful. removed, physiological adapta-
a bit more vague. Complicating young athletes should have some laurels. Here are some o season tions begin to revert to pre-train-
training tips that can ensure ath- e o season can be used to pro- ing levels. By maintaining a t-
Saving a Life EVERY 11 MINUTES letes recover without compro- vide a mental rest during which ness level training schedule that’s
mising their ability to perform athletes can focus on interests between 50 and 60 percent of
aloneI’m never once a new season begins. other than sports. their in-season regimen, athletes
Life Alert® is always can return to their sports with
here for me. • EMPHASIZE NEW • EMPHASIZE AEROBIC much less e ort than if they were
One touch of a button ACTIVITIES TO AVOID TRAINING. to start from scratch.
sends help fast, 24/7. OVERUSE INJURIES.
e IYCA reports that most e o season gives athletes
GwPiSth! Josh Adams, a certi ed young athletes do not realize the a chance to back o of intense
strength and conditioning spe- vital role aerobics play in building competition and training, but
cialist with Children’s Health the stamina that powers high- continue a tness regimen that
Andrews Institute Sports Per- intensity work intervals sports helps them get back into game
formance, says focusing on one play often requires. Taxing the shape more quickly when play
sport all year can lead to overuse cardiovascular system helps de- resumes.
injuries. Opt for a new workout liver oxygen to working muscles
that’s di erent from your in-sea- and boosts performance. Athletes is article was provided by
son workout routine. Doing so can spend the o season cycling, Metro Creative Connection.
running and swimming to ben-

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Deep breathing exercises can help stress and promote relaxation, breath-
ing techniques are useful during labor
individuals maintain personal to focus and release tension. Individu-
als with COPD often nd it di cult to
Helen FamulaAvarilaebleSat:pa Rejuvenate Dkindoywo?u health and well-being. Accord- breathe, which can compound anxiety
40 Westchester Avenue • Pound Ridge ing to the American Institute of and make it even harder to breathe. But
347-462-5307 • Stress, 20 to 30 minutes per day the COPD Foundation notes that two
of “belly breathing,” also known di erent breathing techniques can help
as abdominal breathing or dia- an individual take in air without work-
phragmatic breathing,can reduce ing hard: abdominal breathing and
pursed-lips breathing.
stress and anxiety. e American
Metro Creative Connection.
Sleep Association reports that focus-

ing on breath might be able to help in-

duce sleep for people struggling to fall

asleep. In addition to helping reduce


Hyperbaric chamber hood saves doctor’s life during pandemic
Phelps Hospital’s doctor wins excellence award

During the rst wave of One year later, he has made a full 2021 in the journal Respiratory

the pandemic in 2020, Dr. recovery and is back to seeing Medicine, on the bene ts of the

Morton Altwerger fell ill with patients and practicing podiatry. hyperbaric oxygen hood. e

COVID-19. He struggled with In recognition of his continued study demonstrated that the

severe symptoms, his breathing diligence and excellence in the role of hyperbaric oxygen hoods

became di cult, and ended up practice of hyperbaric medicine, providedsigni cantimprovement

at Phelps Hospital emergency particularly in how his studies in oxygen saturation above that of

room. Knowing the mortality have improved patient care, conventional high- ow oxygen

risks of being ventilated, he opted the Undersea & Hyperbaric delivery systems and prevented

for a hyperbaric chamber oxygen Medical Society (UHMS), immediate/imminent intubation

hood like the one routinely used an international nonpro t and mechanical ventilation in

at the Department of Undersea & association serving physicians, the short-term. is allowed

Hyperbaric Medicine at Phelps scientists, associates and nurses additional time for other medical

Hospital Northwell Health. It in the elds of hyperbaric and treatments and medications to

may have saved his life. dive medicine, has presented Dr. work. e oxygen hood is a safe,

Working with the Feinstein O’Neill the 2022 Excellence in reliable, and an e ective form

Institutes for Medical Research, Hyperbaric Medicine Award. PHOTO COURTESY OF NORTHWELL HEALTH of oxygen delivery which may

his physician, Owen J. O’Neill “I am particularly honored by A look inside Phelps Hospital’s hyperbaric chamber, the largest reduce mechanical ventilation
MD, MPH, medical director this recognition as it highlights hyperbaric chamber in the northeastern United States. The
Division of Undersea and the continuum of work that my chamber can fit up to 12 patients seated or 4 stretchers per and mortality rates.
Hyperbaric Medicine at Phelps team and I accomplish at Phelps treatment without any seated patients. “Dr. O’Neill has been a mentor

of mine for years,”said Dr. Dayya.

Hospital, recommended that Hospital,” said Dr. O’Neill. “We helped improve patients’ oxygen Undersea & Hyperbaric Medicine “I’m so pleased that he’s receiving

Dr. Altwerger take part in his are always interested in pushing saturation levels and prevented at Phelps Hospital Northwell this award for his dedication to

teams clinical trial, which he the boundaries of hyperbaric them from the mortality risks of Health, the largest hyperbaric hyperbaric medicine. He is a true

believed would help patients medicine, research, education mechanical ventilation.” chamber in the Northeastern pioneer and more than deserving

whose oxygen levels had and how hyperbaric oxygen can e society noted that beyond United States, with one of the of the Excellence in Hyperbaric

dropped too low and would improve patient care. We’ve the recent research and clinical most experienced hyperbaric Medicine award.”

require mechanical ventilation. It had multiple research papers work on oxygen hoods to help medical teams in the nation. To book an appointment, call

worked. After spending 13 days published over the years for COVID-19 patients, Dr. O’Neill Dr. O’Neill and David Dayya, Hyperbaric Medicine at Phelps

in the hospital, with four of those hyperbaric, respiratory, and has been practicing the specialty of DO, PhD, MPH, the associate Hospital at 914-366-3690 or

days spent in the oxygen hood – wound care. Most recently undersea and hyperbaric medicine medical director of the Division visit

without the use of a ventilator, Dr. during the pandemic, our for over 28 years. In addition, he is of Undersea and Hyperbaric

Altwerger went home where his research demonstrated how the the founding and current Medical Medicine at Phelps Hospital, is article was provided by

oxygen levels gradually improved. use of hyperbaric oxygen hoods Director of the Department of published their study April 1, Northwell Health.

Treatment for Skin Cancer

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third option – High Dose Rate Brachytherapy (HDRBT) this type of treatment?
Learn more about – offers a unique cosmetic bene t that’s particularly A. The cosmetic bene t is especially valuable if
Dr. Naryana, visit valuable for skin cancers the face, head and neck. you have skin cancer near your lips, nose or eyes. Q. What’s so unique about this With this treatment, there is minimal to no scarring.
narayana new type of treatment? This new radiation therapy is also great for elderly
A. With a Moh’s procedure, the cancer is cut out, patients who might not tolerate surgery. In
leaving behind a hole which is lled with skin from Westchester County, we have a high population
somewhere else on your body. This forms a scar. of older community members with skin cancer –
With conventional radiation for skin cancer, not only this treatment has worked really well for them.
is the tumor radiated, but so are its “margins,” or Q. Is there anything else you’d like
edges. As a result, a wide area is radiated – sometimes to say about HDRBT?
causing the skin to thin or break, to get a bit darker or A. Currently, Northern Westchester Hospital is the
lighter, to develop red streaks, or to appear scarred only community hospital in Westchester offering
or wrinkled. If this happens on your face, it is often HDRBT for skin cancer. There’s this myth that
highly visible. community hospitals can’t provide the most advanced
By contrast, HDRBT involves radiating much smaller cancer care. But that’s simply not the case. Here,
margins around the tumor. If we’re treating a tumor patients experience the warmth of a community
near the eye with conventional radiation, its wider hospital, yet receive a level of cancer care that’s
field of radiation creates the risk of blindness, first-rate.
or of damaging the lens, or of the breakdown of
surrounding tissue. But with concentrated HDRBT,
these risks significantly diminish.


Physicanadlhhoweatolptrhevbenet nmeusfciletsstroaifnsgaanrddinejunriiens g

GUEST 5. Practice balancing on one leg with Glutes tight your body. If
CORNER your knee slightly bent, your back at you overdid
and reaching forward with your hands - Use your elbows/forearms on your fun
LIZE and body to mimic reaching forward to your thighs as you bend down to reduce gardening
LUBBE prune. the strain on your back day and feel
a body part
e gardening season has nally arrived. Warming up for your day in the garden - When getting up from the screaming for
Getting back in the garden may impose ground: spread your knees open, climb help, apply heat
a greater strain on our bodies than we When you perform your gardening your body up from the down position or ice over the
may realize. Whether you are a serious activities, you use all the major muscle by pushing your forearms on your thighs muscle or joint
vegetable gardener, attend to a few ow- groups in your body. is is a good then switch to your hands on your thighs for 15 minutes
er planters on your deck, or maintain a exercise. Additionally, you reap the until you to get to the upright position; and rest. If you do
large yard, gardening requires minimal to mental rewards of seeing owers bloom, and not feel better, please
strenuous exercise that includes hauling a manicured landscape and enjoying your contact your physician
bags of soil, mowing, raking, pruning, vegetable crops. - Use your stronger Glutes or physical therapist.
pushing a loaded wheelbarrow, or lifting (buttock muscles) to assist you getting
stones or wood. e following tips will help you avoid up and down, help you be more balanced Lize Lubbe is the owner
injuries: and o oad on strain from the lower back of Lize Lubbe Physical
Gardening can be good exercise and knees
• Use garden tools with longer erapy with its main
When you perform your gardening handles that allow you to stay upright • Pace yourself. Start you season by practice located at
activities, you use all the major muscle and use your body weight and gravity for gardening for 30-45 minutes twice a day, 892 Route 35 in
groups in your body. is is a good digging, planting, raking, and watering. instead of two hours continuously. Cross River and
exercise. Additionally, you reap the a PT Studio in
mental rewards of seeing owers bloom, • Use garden tools with thicker • Listen to your body to STOP, the premises of
a manicured landscape and enjoying your padding to avoid hand and wrist injuries change position, take a step back and Apex Fitness (where
vegetable crops. as opposed to squeezing and holding hydrate. her team focus on the
onto a thin handle. rehabilitation of sports-
Warming up for your day in the garden Post-gardening body maintenance related injuries). Learn more by calling 914-
• Use a wheelbarrow or tarp to suggestions 875-9430, emailing [email protected] or
Gardening is a physical workout. As move things, but do not overload the visiting
with any exercise, you should prepare wheelbarrow or tarp. After gardening repeat the gentle
your mind and your body for the physical stretches described above to cool down
activity. Prepare your mind by planning • Use a garden stool or a thick
out your day in advance envisioning the cushioned knee pad (or both) when
required physical activity and develop the tilling and planting.
postural awareness to break old habits of
bending, lifting, and carrying incorrectly. • Use a large-handled container to
Prepare your body by doing the follow- carry your supplies to the garden. Carry
ing: the container with both hands in front
of you, distributing the workload equally
1. Take a brisk 15 -20 min walk to to decrease the stress in the upper body
warm up your muscles and joints and joints.
get the circulation owing. Be mindful
to keep your ribcage up, elongate your • Avoid crouching over in the same
spine up to the sky and use your muscles position for extended periods. Instead,
to propel you forward by taking longer alternate your body position from
strides and swing your arms. kneeling activities to working in the
upright position.
2. Stand with your feet just wider
than hip-width. Put your hands behind • Avoid carrying too heavy loads;
your neck. Tighten your core with knees instead, make several trips with lighter
slightly bent, twist your torso and upper loads (walking more is healthy).
body gently from side-to-side x 10 times.
• If you have a strong dominant side,
frequently switch to the non-dominant
side for lifting, raking, carrying to avoid
repetitive overuse of the one side.

3. Reach sideways up with your one • Follow good body mechanics when

arm and bend from your waist sideways. bending and kneeling as well as getting

Slide with the other arm down your back up from the ground, such as:

thigh. Repeat to both sides 10 times. - When bending down, hinge

4. Stretch your hamstrings and calves from the hips and push your buttocks

by placing one leg in a straight forward backwards with a straight back

with foot exed back against a step up- - Keep your legs spread open
riser or a tree trunk. Keep your heel on slightly wider than hip width
the ground and lean forward with your
body, while you keep your back at until - Bend your knees as if sitting back
you feel a gentle stretch behind your knee in a chair and avoid bending your knees
and calf. Hold for 15 seconds. Repeat ve forward over your toes

times. - Keep your abdominals, core and



Fox Lane High School 2022

Class of

On Tuesday, June 21, Fox Lane High School bid farewell to the Class of 2022. Everyone at The Mt. Kisco-Bedford Times wishes the best of luck to all the graduates!

Katherine T. Abt Eva A. Dudzinska Maya H. Leinwand John A. Naranjo Carrion Megan G. Ruckel
Mason L. Abzun Aaron L. Easton Xavier C. Lemon Joshua G. Naranjo Naranjo Danielle L. Ruzza
Marin R. Ackermann Logan Jefferson Espino Beberlin Y. Lemus Monroy Olivia L. Nero Yakelin E. Sagastume
David S. Acosta Garcia Brayan E. Faican Guartatanga Bruce D. Lenes Kennedy G. New Hernandez
Lilly R. Acuna Ariella Hope Fass Madison J. Leo Andrew G. Nikitiadis Oseas Ronaldo Salguero
Justin M. Allen Zevin B. Faust Olivia M. Lippolis Lena Nikprelaj Julianna J. Sannino
Kai E. Amuso Luke J. Feingold Michael L. Lombardi Martin S. Nikprelaj Andrew Saravay
James R. Antash Francesco Joseph Feola Luke E. Long Hayden S. Norcia Mariyaslin Sarceno-Rivas
Matthew J. Antolino Josephenne J. Fernandez Vanessa R. Lopez Brenda T. Noriega Hudson Sautai
Alexis Arceo Fuentes Marjory J. Lopez Ardon Matias Nunez Harry A. Schechter
Carlos E. Argueta Rivera Alexa B. Fields Yeni Y. Lopez Martinez Erin R. O’Brien Sabrina R. Schechter
Elaheh Bahari Jacob M. Fields Katherin G. Lopez Monrroy Evan T. O’Brien Abigail M. Schenker
Aidan J. Baitsell Noah J. Fischer Gerardo D. Lopez Recinos William D. O’Brien Erik L. Schneidenbach
Chris S. Baquedano Lobo Gina M. Flora Lyla H. Loria Sophia I. Olivero Pier Filippo Schneider
Julia Barresi Nicholas J. Flores Julia M. Love Yohelin M.J. Oliveros Romero Dory Quoya T. Schnell
Melissa Barresi Trevor J. Fraioli Lauren M. Love Jason Orellana Ramos Sebastien L. Schonfeld
Nicole S. Bazos Mia I. Franco Thomas T. Love Jesse Ortiz James R. Schroeter
Eugenie J. Beninati Dakota M. Frye MaryKate Loveless Josh Ortiz Adam J. Schwalbe
Marc John Berisha Valerie Gamboa Samuel E. Lowenberg Anita Osmani Christian P. Serrano Chalco
Daniel I. Berliner Daniela M. Garces Zavala Isabella B. Luppino Mira Ozcelik Leila G. Shahidi
Noah F. Bernero Ryan L. Geiger Samuel J. MacDonald Justin J. Pagan Elisabeth R. Sharma
William P. Black Aidan J. Giannelli Reed Elizabeth Magee Robert F. Paletta William B. Shepherd
Joseph M. Bloom Benjamin D. Giner Nicholas T. Magiera Melanie A. Panjon Panayotis Sinis
Carson Robert Boey Melany L. Giron Orellana Sara Mahedy Sofia R. Pansini Aliya Jasmine Sizer
Connor Charles Boey Bianca M. Giuliano-Thomas Alexa Taylor Maldonado Israel A. Pardo Morales Alexandria K. Smith
Shaun T. Both Vivian E. Godoy Morales Sabrina L. Malec Jessica R. Parisi Emma C. Soderberg
Skye I. Bowie Harry C. Gould Maura L. Malichio David Guillermo Parra Ramirez Thomas G. Soleiman
Abiageal E. Brady Samuel M. Green Mia A. Marcos Clare M. Patterson Darwin U. Soto Cardona
Colette M. Brand Emma B. Greene Rose H. Margolies Alexandra Ania Paul Allan Javier Soto Chavez
Isabel Braun Harry N. Griff Bayoleth G. Marin Jefferson Josue Paz Coy David A. Stark
Daisy Joan Brookman Alexandra C. Griffin William D. Marlow Claudia Pepa Maya R. Stark
Morgan E. Brooks Amy Y. Guerra Silva Ronald S. Martinez Eric L. Perez-Gonzalez Luke A. Steger
Daniel R. Brown Nathaniel B. Gussack Isis W. Martinez Gonzalez Heber Dylan Perez Lopez Vincent Lino Stellio
Ramsey Elliot Brown Eric P. Hagen Marli D. Martinez Lazaro Kevin N. Perez Lopez Benjamin S. Sternschein
Sherrilee Tamara Browne Isaac Maximilian Ham Jennifer A. Martínez López Rudy D. Perez Lopez Matthew W. Sternschein
Jianna E. Bueti James W. McA. Hancock IV Angie V. Martinez Mateo Jesus A. Perez Polanco Kyle M. Stricof
Rocco N. Bueti Elizabeth R. Hanney Harold J. Martinez-Ramirez Angel Y. Perez Zuniga Tyler S. Stricof
Jack J. Byrne Melany D. Hernandez Mejia Logan P. Matson Nicole Marie Picinich Juliana N. Surace
Yoselin E. Cabrera Gomez Olivia C. Hodgson Ian J. Mayers Stefania C. Pierce Kyle J. Susi
Nicholas Cacovic Jake Samuels Hoffmann Rachel Mazariegos Recinos Sabrina J. Plachter Georgia Grace Swanson
Catherine Yi Caley Ruby Lynne Hood Harrison G. Mazlish Brendan William Polese Joshua Harrison Taplitz
Francesca A. Cambareri Michelle Horan Joseph A. McCarthy Caroline Elizabeth Pope Jake R.Tetenman
Gina M. Cambareri Amy Horowitz Olivia A. McCarthy Jasmine K. Powell Gregory J.Tino
Klaudia Camovic Andrew Michael Horvath Silvia L. Mejia Austin H. Putter Olivia A.Tino
Meghan R. Canavan William P. Hoyt Julissa Melendez Soto Daisy D. Quijada Cruz Finn S.Tjomstol
Maria T. Caporale Molly A. Isabella Katherine M. Mendez Perez Jonah B. Raboy Antony S.Toapante
Karen C. Carchipulla Pizarro Cristell J. Jacinto Alvarado Christopher R. Milito Abigail L. Ramage Lucas B.Torre
Bayron Carranza Muñoz Ericka D. Jacinto Alvarado Joshua Z. Miller Marc Ramirez Luke Butterfield Tozzo
Sara N. Casanova Pascoa Naimah A. Jackson Eric T. Miller Jr. Roberto Ramirez Perez Luke C.Tramontozzi
Nicole V. Castaldo Corey H. Jacobowitz Eric D. Mishkin Karla Vanessa Ramos Corado Jack C.Travis
Ana S. Cervantes Restrepo Jaime A. Jarquin Duarte Caitlyn R. Moccia Ana J. Ramos Martinez Piper N.Treacy
Sofia K. Cohen Alani A. Jordal Davis S. Moh Ramos Max H. Rapoport Sophia Trejo
Matthew C. Conway Eugenia Chrysoula Kaltsas Reegan M. Mohr Yeinson Y. Recinos Martinez Jeff L.Tripodi
Dylan L. Cousens Andrew Rothlin Kao Jason D. Monroy-Lorenzo Andrew A. Reder Remy Alexandra Van Cleave
Jack S. Covino Bennett E. Kass Jonathan O. Monroy Ramos Ronti’Aje H. Reed Heidi Ventura
Benjamin A. Creiner Alexander Joshua Kent Wesley Geobanna Monroy Eiko Reisz Genner R. Villeda Cruz
Alva Crisostomo Garcia Jason M. Kerwar Velasquez Jefferson A. Revolorio Miranda Anthony F.P. Violante
Katherine A. Cristiano Jason C. Kilmer Sofia R. Monteiro Kenia D. Reyes Medrano Kyle James Vogel
Augustus D. Crummy Susannah B. Kimsal Erick B. Morales Ana M. Rivera Sarmiento Benjamin H. Wadler
Helen E. Crummy Victoria P. Kladis Paula Mariana Morales Lazaro Mia F. Rodriguez Alexandra R. Waldman
Kelly Aileen Damore Sophie A. Kothari Mireyli Y. Morales Leiva Arianna N. Rodriguez-Brenna Brett M. Waldman
Daniel S. Davis Ference T. Kurfis Danny Morales Montesdeoca Lesli A. Rodriguez Buezo Rachel L. Ward
Michael L. DeBono Konstantine C. Lambrakis Brittany V. Morales Morales Sebastian Rodriguez Correa Sage Reese Warmund
Jessica M. Deleg Guartatanga Ashley B. Langholtz Thomas H. Morgan Skarleth I. Rodriguez Gallo Dylan A. Watson
Dario J. Delgado Tapia Katherine D. Lash Junior L. Morocho Lalvay Daniel A. Rojas Corinne E. Wierzchowski
Salvatore J. Dellorusso Lillian S. Lasner Peter V. Multari Harold S. Romero Hernandez Michael V. Wiltse
Justin E. Diaz Jackson Peter Lawrence Faton Muriqi Renzo J. Romero Ramos Ryan Witz
Luis F. Diaz Giron Nery A. Lazaro Flores Nataly A. Naranjo Alvarez Charlotte Y. Rowley Calder N. Worlock
Brian V. Donovan Willem H. LeBrun Cinthya Vanessa Naranjo Thomas J. Rozgonyi Carlos L. Yuquilima Quito
Joseph M. Duarte Jennifer B. Lee Berrezueta Samuele Rrotaj


Nicolas De La Pava Flag Class of 2022
Football Tournament Athletic Awards
& Scholarships
remembers Fox Lane graduate 
e Bedford Central School District Adminis-
BY RICH MONETTI PHOTO COURTESY OF GABBY CERUTTI And the event had to be speci c to tration with the O ce of Health, Physical Educa-
CONTRIBUTING WRITER what made Nicolas tick. “We wanted to tion and Athletics and Varsity Fox Lane Coaches
The community will once again honor have one event every single year that en- honored the Senior Athletes of Fox Lane High
In 2018, Fox Lane lost one of their 2013 FLHS grad Nicolas De La Pava’s compassed everything he loved, which School’s graduating Class of 2022 with a ceremo-
best when Nicolas De La Pava died in positive and energetic spirit. was football, music, food, fun and laugh- ny on campus. In addition to those special awards
a motorcycle accident, but the 2013 grad ter,”she said. listed below, the Fox Lane Varsity Coaches ac-
is far from forgotten. wasn’t just a barbershop. It had a pool knowledged each Senior Athlete for their contri-
table, music and was just a really fun en- In turn, Nicolas would have reveled in bution and participation in FLHS Varsity sports.
“All you had to do was say Nicolas, vironment,”said Cerutti. the resulting synergy. “ e tournament
you didn’t have to say his last name, and makes everybody feel close to him in ev- e special commendations were presented to
everyone knew who you were talking In the family way, Nicolas wasn’t far erything he loved to do, and that makes the following Senior Athletes:
about,”  said classmate Gabby Cerutti. from home. “His mother is the most in- us feel closer to one another,”she said.
“He was fun, he was loud, he was ener- credible woman I’ve ever met,” said the UNSUNG HERO
getic, he was positive and never had any- 2013 Fox Lane grad. “She is just like Still, Cerutti had doubts the rst year, Sophie Kothari, Michael Lombardi, Robert
thing bad to say about anyone.” him.” but her angst would ultimately be al- Paletta, Nicole Picinich
layed by all Nicolas left behind. “It was SCHOOL SPIRIT
So she was simply following suit in e death of his father in 8th grade crazy.People we hadn’t seen since middle Will Black, Ellie Crummy, Jaime Jarquin
2019 when doing her part to start the strengthened the bond,but unfortunate- and high school came from New Jersey, Duarte, Eva Dudzinska
Nicolas De La Pava Flag Football Tour- ly, tragedy struck again for her. “After al- Pennsylvania,from all over,”she boasted.  SPORTSMANSHIP
nament. most a year in business, Nicolas passed Katherine Cristiano, Andrew Kao, Quoya
away,”said Cerutti. e expectation for this year stands Schnell, Kyle Stricof
“All that was the reason we started the between 6 and 10 teams, and the entry COURAGE & HARD WORK
tournament, because he impacted and On the other hand, letting Nico- fee goes toward the Nicolas De La Pava Marc Berisha, Alexandra Gri n, Mary Kate
inspired so many people,” said Cerutti, las simply pass was not really possible, Scholarship Fund. $5,000  was raised Loveless, Martin Nikprelaj
and the August 6 community day at Fox and any commemoration would mean last year, and area businesses also donate SPECIAL RECOGNITION
Lane High School is still looking for a smile on everyone’s face. “We never ra e tickets prizes and local food will be Bruce Lenes, Harry Gri , Corinne
(adult) teams.  want the tournament to be a sad event, catered in.  Wierzchowski, Jack Travis, Emma Greene,
because the biggest thing about him is Eugenia Kaltsas, Sophie Kothari
Of course, Nicolas played football at he never looked at things in a negative Of course, the void can never be lled RED FOX AWARD
Fox Lane, and his positive kinetics lit up way,”said Cerutti. for his mother Myriam, but the remem- Varsity Girls Cross Country:Susannah Kimsal
the gridiron. “People looked to him for brance does help salve the wound. “Ev- Varsity Boys Cross Country: Erik Schneidenbach
what to do.He was always con dent.He ery year to see more and more people Girls Varsity Soccer: Maura Malichio
always took that role into his own hands, celebrating Nicolas, I think it’s the hap- Boys Varsity Soccer: Martin Nikprelaj
because that’s the aura he had,” said Ce- piest I’ve ever seen her,”said Cerutti. Varsity Field Hockey: Kelly Damore
rutti.“Nicolas was a natural leader.”  Girls Varsity Tennis: Ellie Crummy
All under the umbrella of the compe- Girls Varsity Winter Indoor Track: Katie Lash
Not necessarily recognized at the next tition and sportsmanship that Nicolas Boys Varsity Winter Indoor Track: David Stark
level, Nicolas still made due. “He went relished, he certainly knew there was a Girls Varsity Swim: Alexandra Smith
to Cortland and played football for four more important nal score, and the day Boys Varsity Swim: omas Morgan
years as a walk-on,” said Cerutti, who is perfectly symbolizes the sentiment, ac- Girls Varsity Basketball: Nicole Picinich
a teacher’s aide at Mt. Kisco Elementary. cording to Cerutti. “It’s such a wonder- Boys Varsity Basketball: Rocco Bueti
ful day,” she concluded. “Just celebrating Girls Varsity Ski Team: Alexandra Gri n
He didn’t waste his time in the class- the importance of life, the importance of Varsity Wrestling: Jaime Duarte
room either,and came away with a degree community and being there for one an- Varsity Ice Hockey: Andrew Kao
in nance. But applying his academic other - that’s always what he was.” Varsity Football: Jack Travis
knowledge in the real world would turn
out to be much more than a numbers Tournament info can be found SEE AWARDS PAGE 25
game. With three of his friends, De La on Facebook at  3rd Annual Nicolas
Pava opened a barbershop in Shrub Oak De La Pava Flag Football Tourna-
called Wise Guys, which put a premium ment at
on being very kid and family friendly.“It events/819285559034394


e 9U Bedford
Hills under
White picked
up a big win
over the Lew-
isboro Light-
ning by a
score of 6-3!



AWARDS Tennis Titans paddle together

Varsity Cheerleading: Stefania
Pierce Paddle sports are some of the PHOTO COURTESY OF CELESTE CROSBY
Dance: Nicole Bazos fastest-growing activities in the
Pioneer Team: Will Black country, and Bedford is one of The fifth annual KEEP Women’s Paddle Tennis Tournament raised $4,275 for a Kenyan eighth
Varsity Volleyball: Corinne the communities that has been grader’s tuition.
Wierzchowski taking part. A growing com-
Varsity Baseball: Gus Crummy munity of players, organized by them and I’d ask myself, ‘What this community grow.” Katonah Education Exchange
Varsity Softball: Quoya Schnell Carol Parker and Lynn Samaha,
Uni ed Basketball: Benjamin and have been playing weekly games are those people doing out there, Parker said they started with Program, a group whose mis-
Matthew Sternschein since the beginning of the Covid
Boys Varsity Tennis: James Schroeter pandemic. it’s winter, it’s 10 p.m.,’” Samaha paddle and platform since these sion is to “Keep girls in school.”
Boys Varsity Lacrosse: Bobby Paletta
Girls Varsity Lacrosse: Emma “We all had so much time said. versions of the game require less e group funds the tuition of
Greene on our hands that we wanted a
Boys Varsity Golf: Jake Ho mann connection with a group,”Parker e women said the lessons skill and allow players of dif- the girls at the Kakenya Center
Girls Varsity Track and Field: Marin said. “When you’re playing, you
Ackermann Logan don’t have to think about any bad with instructor Richard Finn ferent levels to play together. for Excellence in Kenya, and
Boys Varsity Track and Field: Sebi things, you focus on the game.
Schonfeld And so many people thought are what inspired them to play However, the group has started held their fth annual Women’s
ATHLETIC the same way.”
DIRECTOR AWARD more, and that Finn would try to schedule games of regular Paddle Tennis Tournament on
Sophie Kothari, Michael Lombardi, Samaha said that she and
Luke Torre Parker had been taking lessons at to connect people from di erent tennis as new members join April 26.
THREE SPORT the Saw Mill Club, and as they
SENIOR ATHLETES got better, they wanted to play groups and classes to grow the and current members get better. “It brought together paddle
Elaheh Bahari, Marc Berisha, more games with a larger group.
Daniel Brown, Ellie Crummy, Luke community. e group is mostly made up of enthusiasts for a good cause,”
Fiengol, Harry Gri , Alexandra e 40-person group jokingly
Gri n, Katherine Lash, Bruce calls themselves the Tennis Ti- “It started with Richard Finn, women, but there are a few men Rosenberg said. “Everyone
Lenes, Logan Matson, Erick tans, and Samaha says she thinks
Morales, Erik Schneidenbach, Sebi their growth is fantastic. a longtime tennis instructor at who play, and they’re always brought their personal passion
Schonfeld, David Stark, Luke Tozzo
SCHOLAR ATHLETE – MALE “I really think its popular- the Saw Mill Club who helped looking to expand. and paddle enthusiasm.”
Sebastien Schonfeld ity has increased because of the
SCHOLAR ATHLETE pandemic,” she said. “It’s a really foster an encouraging and fun “We’re always looking for According to Rosenberg, the
– FEMALE nice place to engage in.”
Corinne Wierzchowski atmosphere where really all are new members,” Samaha said. group raised $4,275 from the
ATHLETE OF THE YEAR e group started by playing
- MALE platform tennis, a smaller vari- welcome,” said group member “Everyone’s got busy lives. To event, and all of the proceeds
Harry Gri ant of the sport that takes place
ATHLETE OF THE YEAR in heated courts so players may Elizabeth Harris. “For years, he me, the more players at the table will go to fund an eighth grad-
- FEMALE play at night and in the winter.
Emma Greene has taught park and rec paddle means more options for substi- er’s education at the center.
“I used to drive by these small
e Senior Athletes listed below courts with wire fences around and tennis classes through the tutes and games.” “One-hundred percent of the
were awarded scholarships:
ELAINE BIZA town of Bedford.” e community around these donations go directly to sup-
Sebastien Schonfeld Finn said, “My goal for every- sports has also found ways to porting the tuition of a girl,”she
ATHLETIC SCHOLARSHIP one that plays with me is they give back. Ruthie Rosenberg said. “ e community was very
Jaime Jarquin Duarte
FOX LANE SPORTS come out, get some exercise and is both a member of the group generous with donations and
ATHLETIC SCHOLARSHIP have fun. It’s a lot of fun to see and a founding member of the sponsorships.”
Logan Matson Quoya Schnell
E. RICHARD ‘DAPPER’ Northern Westchester Thunder tame
McDONALD MEMORIAL Mahopac Wolves, edged by Indians
Logan Matson, Emma Greene, BY SKIP PEARLMAN couple of innings, our pitchers did a The Thunder’s
Abigail Ramage CONTRIBUTING WRITER nice job, they got out of some tough Tyler Wachs looks
JOHN McLAUGHLIN SR. situations, and we almost had a late for a pitch to hit.
MEMORIAL ICE HOCKEY e Northern Westchester un- comeback.”
SCHOLARSHIP der 11U baseball team - featuring PHOTOS: SKIP PEARLMAN
Andy Kao players from the Bedford-Mt. Kisco e under picked up a 16-2 vic-
COACH MAC ICE area - grabbed a 4-0 lead early, but tory over the Mahopac Wolves in a Angel Lopez went 2-for-4 with an RBI for the Thunder
HOCKEY SCHOLARSHIP ended up on the short end of an 8-7 prior game played at the Austin Road vs. Mahopac.
Aaron Easton decision last month against the Ma- Elementary School in Mahopac.
WESTCHESTER WOMEN’S hopac Indians Gold team in a game
SOCCER LEAGUE ATHLETIC played at the Crane Road elds in D’Eramo picked up the win on
LEADERSHIP AWARD Mahopac. the mound for the under, with re-
Maura Malichio lief coming from Hayden Justiniano.
POUND RIDGE BASEBALL Antoine Belanger started on the
ASSOCIATION SCHOLARSHIP mound for the under, and Vincent Zach Harwitz went 2-for-4 and
Michael Lombardi, Panayotis Sinis D’Eramo pitched in relief. drove and four runs with a double,
Brendan Bauscher went 2-for-3 with
Information provided by Bedford Gavin Perschino went 2-for-2 three RBI, Isaac Rosenthal went
Central School District. and drove in two runs for North- 2-for-3 with two RBI, and Wyatt
ern Westchester, Angel Lopez went Stackle went 2-for-3 with one RBI.
2-for-4 with one RBI, Mike Sullivan
was 3-for-3 and drove in a run, and “ at was a nice win for the guys,“
Belanger drove in a run and went Harwitz said. “Our defense played
2-for-3 at the plate. well, Zach made a nice picko at

“ at was a tough loss for the rst, and Brendan, Isaac and Wyatt
guys,“ coach Je Harwitz said. “ at all came up big for us at the plate
was our second close loss to them in driving in runs.
the last week (the team also lost 10-9
to the same Mahopac team a week “We’ve been seeing nice progress,”
earlier). We played well for the rst the coach added. “Our losses have
been close games, and the kids have
been working hard and getting better
each game.”


CLUES ACROSS importance 56. Slow 25.The First State (abbr.) For puzzle solutions, please see
1. Absence of difficulty 32.Thyrotrophic 58. Famous Falls 26. Get older
5. Preserve a dead body hormone 60. Reassertions 27. Associations
33. Can’t be found 62. Periods of time 29. Woman (French)
11. Gratitude 63. Hyphen 31. Sunscreen rating
14.The act of coming 35. Electronic data
together again processing 34. Brew
15. More cushy 36. Passports and CLUES DOWN 36. Leader
18. Visionaries licenses are two 1. Body part 37. Plants in the legume
19. Large, fish-eating 39. Snake-like fishes 2. Mimics family
bird 41. Air Force 3. Expel large quantities 38. Burn with a hot
21. Indicates near 42. Popular computers 4. Sea eagle liquid
23. NY Mets legend 44. Intermediate 5. Genetically distinct 40. Junior’s father
Tommie ecological stage varieties 43. Scads
24. Icelandic books 46. Wings 6. Dialect of Chinese 45. Morning
28. Pop 47. Used in combination 7. Famous Mr.T 48. Length of a line
29. Hammer is one 49. Laid back character (abbr.)
30. Sense of self- 52. Jewelled headdress 8. Consumed 50. Double curve
9. Chinese dynasty 51. Small, thin person
10. Menace to 53. Worn by exposure to
yards the weather
12. Ireland 54. Mars crater
13. Palm trees 55. Humanities
16. Fungal disease 57. Word element
17. Willis and meaning ear
Robert are two 58.To the __ degree
20. Affirmative! 59. Residue of
(slang) something burned
22. It shows who 61. It cools your home
you are

To solve a sudoku, the numbers 1 through 9 must fill each row, column and box. Each number can
appear only once in each row, column and box. You can figure out the order in which the numbers will appear by using
the numeric clues already provided in the boxes. The more numbers you name, the easier it gets to solve the puzzle!

A summer dessert that is just peachy

Peaches are a nutritious summertime favorite. Peaches fruit in a deep baking dish and then topping it with a drop ingredients, so they took what they had and “cobbled” them
are antioxidant-rich, include a wide range of vitamins and biscuit batter and sometimes a crumb topping. Any number together.
minerals, and are rich in ber. And there is no denying how of fruits work well in cobblers, including apples, pears and
sweet and tasty peaches can be, whether they’re plucked various berries. However, peach cobbler is the quintessential Today’s cobbler bakers enjoy the bene ts of having more
right from a tree or enjoyed in any number of recipes. summertime treat. direction when putting together their desserts. is recipe
for “Southern Peach Cobbler”comes courtesy of Paula Deen.
Cobbler is a type of dessert that gained popularity in the Cobbler gets its name from the fact that early American
United States during the 19th century. It is made by putting settlers didn’t have strict recipes with exact measurements for is article was provided by Metro Creative Connection.

Southern Peach Put the butter in a
Cobbler 3-quart baking dish
Serves 15 and place in oven to
11⁄2 cups self-rising flour
Mix remaining 1 cup
1 stick butter sugar, flour, and milk
slowly to prevent
1⁄2 cup water clumping. Pour mixture
over melted butter. Do
2 cups sugar, divided not stir.

4 cups peaches, peeled Spoon fruit on top,
and sliced gently pouring in syrup.
Sprinkle top with
1 cup milk ground cinnamon, if
using. Batter will rise to
Ground cinnamon top during baking. Bake
(optional) for 30 to 45 minutes.

Preheat oven to 350 F. To serve, scoop onto a
plate and serve with
Combine the peaches, 1 your choice of whipped
cup sugar, and water in a cream or vanilla ice
saucepan and mix well. cream.

Bring to a boil and
simmer for 10 minutes.
Remove from the heat.


Local officials weigh in on landmark Roe v. Wade reversal 

BY CAROL REIF incumbent  Rep. Jamaal Bow- The Dobbs decision, he said,
man  in the upcoming Demo- returns that decision to the

cratic primary. states.

Elected officials and “Roe v. Wade granted wom- In New York, a woman’s right to In New York, the procedure
candidates for various offices in en the right to make decisions determine her health choices remains “safe, legal, and rare,” a
our region reacted last week to about their own bodies and without governmental intrusion phrase coined by President Bill
the U.S. Supreme Court’s recent health,” Gashi said. “Today the is protected by a state law that Clinton.
move to overturn  Roe v. Wade, Supreme Court took away that
the decision that established right. Gun regulations, LGBTQ Agreeing with that sentiment,
federal abortion protections plus rights, and voting rights Lipson proposed that there
are things the state “can do to

nearly a half-century ago. are all also under attack. Our promote this commonsense
treatment of the issue.”
The 6-3 ruling in  Dobbs democratic and judicial systems

v. Jackson Women’s Health have been abused to achieve this I helped pass in 2019 and 2022. I Lipson added that he would
Organization  came down on unjust and undemocratic result. support “providing free contra-

Friday, June 24, weeks after a We can, and should, stand up to remain committed to fighting for ception, funding research for
leaked draft of the opinion set protest this grave injustice, but women and their reproductive male contraception, streamlin-
off a firestorm of protests and we must vote. Please vote for the health care, no matter what.’ ing the New York State  adop-
political fighting across the actual love of God.” tion and foster care process, and
country. placing female/male custody on
Bowman’s take: equal footing.”
Anti-abortion groups hailed “Today is a dark day in Amer-
the decision as historic  and ican history. We knew it was “Abortion is not just a wom-

vowed the fight wasn’t over, coming, but that doesn’t make State Senator Peter Harckham an’s issue, but an issue for all of
while pro-abortion rights it any less devastating. I want us. The one-party rule in New

organizations scrambled to to first take a moment to send York cuts off a balanced discus-

figure out what their next steps a message to everyone who to- sion on sensitive topics and lim-

would be. day lost this fundamental, sacred its progress,” he concluded, ask-

Fears were raised about the right: we are with you, and we bernatorial hopeful  Lee Zeldin, today does not change the cur- ing for voter support.

possible impact on other issues will not stop fighting with you. a four-term congressman from rent laws in New York State,” Last week, the Putnam,

such as same-sex marriage and If you are in need of an abortion, Long Island, in November. she said. “As a candidate for Rockland, and Westchester

access to birth control. and you are in a state where you Zeldin called the ruling “a vic- state Senate, I ask for civility in Democratic committees collec-

Citing potential shortages lost that right, New York will tory for life, for family, for the the wake of this decision as we tively called on all Republican

of so-called “morning after” welcome you. We will do every- constitution, and for federalism.” discuss this very personal issue. I candidates for Congress in the

pills, certain national pharmacy thing in our power to help you “When my daughters, Mikay- am sensitive to the strong views 17th  District to “publicly share

chains plan to limit purchases of exercise your rights.” la and Arianna, were born 14.5 of my neighbors on both sides of their stances on reproductive

medication that women can take At the heart of the Dobbs weeks early, I had the opportu- this issue. Let’s use this ruling to freedoms in light of the Su-

after having unprotected sex or case was a Mississippi law that nity to witness life in the second have a constructive dialogue as a preme Court striking down Roe

if their contraceptive failed. prohibited performing abortions trimester, and it was absolutely community.” v. Wade.”

On Monday, June 27, after 15 weeks of pregnancy. The beautiful,” Zeldin said. “In a Incumbent Democratic As- Facing off in the August

the  Westchester County ruling means the procedure is state that has legalized late-term semblyman and former Bed- primaries are Somers

Board of Legislators  passed no longer a constitutional right. partial-birth abortion and non- ford supervisor  Chris Burdick, Councilman  William Faulkner,

a law ensuring safe access Individual states will be allowed doctors performing abortion, in is running for re-election in the state Assemblyman  Mike

to reproductive health care to ban the medical procedure a state that refuses to advance 93rd  District against Republi- Lawler, Orange County

facilities. Signed by  County unless Congress passes a federal informed consent and parental can/Conservative nominee Gary business executive  Jack

Executive George Latimer,  it law. consent, and where not enough Lipson of White Plains. Schrepel, and Rockland County

takes effect immediately. Thirteen states have already is being done to promote adop- “What was unthinkable a Legislator Charles Falciglia.

Democrats  Erika passed a variety of anti-abortion tion  and support mothers,  to- short time ago has become a They are all aiming to unseat

Pierce (District 2: Somers,North “trigger laws” that could go into day is yet another reminder that harsh and cruel reality with to- Democratic  U.S. Rep.  Sean

Salem, Bedford, Lewisboro, immediate effect. New York clearly needs to do a day’s outrageous U.S. Supreme Patrick Maloney, who represents

Mount Kisco, and Pound Ridge) New York is not one of them. much better job to promote, re- Court 6-3 decision overturning the 18th  District. After the

and  Vedat Gashi  (District 4: Calling the ruling “a spect and defend life.”. Roe v. Wade,” Burdick said. “The district maps were redrawn,

Somers, Yorktown, and New grave injustice,”  Gov. Kathy Here’s what state Senate and six justices have consistently he decided to run in the

Castle) were among the 15 Hochul  charged the court Assembly candidates thought: stated their fealty to precedent 17th District.

legislators who voted “yes.” with rolling “back the rights State Sen. Peter Harckham and yet have today overturned Chair  Suzanne Berger  of

The two voting “no” were of millions of Americans, (D-South Salem):  “The right- decades of precedent and now Westchester, Kei Reing of Put-

Legislators  Margaret Cunzio, disregarding their interests and wing majority of the U.S. are subjecting millions of wom- nam, and  John Gromade  of

a Conservative from District 3, — more importantly — their Supreme Court’s unconscionable en to forced births. A woman’s Rockland asked  candidates if

and  James Nolan, a Republican lives.” decision to overturn Roe v. Wade right to control over her own they agreed with the decision to

from District 15. “Access to abortion is a now returns our country to the body has been cast asunder.” strike down Roe v. Wade, if they

The law protects health care fundamental human right, and it cruel, dark ages where women He called for enshrining would support GOP efforts to

workers and patients from remains safe, accessible, and legal were not legally in control of “reproductive health care rights” ban abortion nationally if elect-

being bullied or prevented in New York,” she said Friday. their own reproductive health. in the state constitution. ed, and if they believed “women

from entering such facilities. It “History shows us that when In New York, a woman’s right If the amendment moves have the right to decide what to

enacts a 25-foot no-harassment abortion is banned, abortion to determine her health choices forward, lawmakers will take do with their own bodies?”

buffer zone around clinics and becomes unsafe for women. without governmental intrusion it up when they reconvene in “Like the majority of Ameri-

designates an “8-foot personal Low-income individuals and is protected by a state law that I January. A public referendum cans, voters in the Hudson Val-

space bubble” around any person people of color will be harmed helped pass in 2019 and 2022. I could be set in 2023. ley overwhelmingly support

within 100 feet of them. the most.” remain committed to fighting for Calling abortion “an reproductive rights and believe

“We want to protect the Under New York’s 2019 women and their reproductive emotional topic” and an that no politician should be

women who need these services Reproductive Health Act, health care, no matter what.” “important issue” in light of making personal medical deci-

from aggressive advocacy that abortion is legal under three Harckham  is running for re- the ruling, Lipson offered some sions for women,” they claimed.

exceeds free speech and becomes scenarios: if it occurs before election in District 40, which legal perspective. Westchester Republican

intimidation and interference the end of the 24th  week of includes Somers, North Salem, According to the candidate, Committee chair  Douglas Co-

with their personal safety,” pregnancy; if it is  necessary to Yorktown, Lewisboro, Pound before 1973, all states “dealt lety couldn’t be reached for com-

Latimer said. protect the woman’s health or Ridge, and Mount Kisco. with abortion on a case-by-case ment last week.

Running for Congress in the life; and if the fetus won’t survive Republican challenger  Gina basis.” The Roe ruling meant Reacting specifically to the

16th  District, Yorktown resi- outside the womb. Arena of Somers weighed in. there was an “unenumerated,” or SEE ROE V.WADE PAGE 28

dent Gashi plans on challenging Hochul  faces Republican gu- “The Supreme Court ruling constitutional, right to abortion.


A homecoming at Harvey Commencement 2022 ROE V. WADE


It was a wonderful weather went someone who looked very Katonah told her fellow gradu- committees’ demand for
day as the morning sun peeked much like she belonged among ates, “Our paths will diverge
through the clouds just in time the graduates – the budding lm at this point, but we all are on clarity, Faulker said in an email,
to shine on the procession of the and TV star Annelise Cepero, this road of becoming. We will
Class of 2022 who made their Harvey Class of 2013, who just sometimes ow where we may “Respectfully, I don’t answer to
way from the Quad into Fenster- nine years earlier was commenc- not have planned as life is unpre-
macher Athletic Center for Har- ing upon her own life after Har- dictable.” She said, “I encourage the Democrat committees. I
vey’s Commencement ceremony vey. you to embrace challenges and
June 9. be patient. Remember, too, that answer to the voters.”
Sharing her story of hard it’s OK to start over and take an
Garbed in cap and gown, the work and dogged determina- entirely new path. It is this ex- When asked if he planned to
graduates sat in great anticipa- tion to nd her way rst through ibility that will keep us learning
tion of the moment when Head Montclair State University’s mu- and growing.” issue a statement on the ruling
of School Bill Knauer would sical theater program and later
have them shift their tassels from in the world of entertainment, When all the speeches were itself, he responded: “Since
right to left, signifying their lives Annelise told the graduates she concluded, prizes awarded, and
after Harvey had o cially com- committed herself to being open diplomas handed out, it was time nothing changes in New York,
menced. But there was pomp and to doing everything she could to for the tassels to go from right
circumstance to sit through rst. grow in knowledge and experi- to left. Moments after the head I wasn’t planning on it.”
ence.“Every day I’m learning and of school acknowledged them as
Senior Julia Nelson of Pound evolving,” she said. “Don’t close graduates, high into the air went In his
Ridge gave a beautiful rendition yourself o to learning,” she ad- the caps, then cascading down
of “ e Star-Spangled Banner” vised. “Who you are now is dif- upon a sea of hugging and high- statement, Lawler noted: “Last
and after Mr. Knauer’s welcom- ferent from who you’ll be in ve
ing remarks, e Harvey Chorus years, 10, 20, 50 years from now.” ving classmates whose fam- week’s decision simply returns
performed “Seasons of Love / Acknowledging that self-doubt ily, friends, and faculty stood ap-
Finale B” from the rock musical too often came her way along her plauding, everyone smiling, and a the abortion debate to state
“Rent” by Jonathan Larson. journey, she said she fought hard few wiping a tear or two away.
to overcome it. “Don’t be afraid legislatures. Here in New
When Head of Upper School to be wrong, and surround your- Article provided by e Harvey
Phil Lazzaro introduced the PHOTO COURTESY OF GABE PALACIO School. York, the Supreme Court’s
guest speaker, up to the podium
Actor Annelise Cepero gives the decision won’t impact the late-
Commencement Address.
term abortion law passed by
self with people who lift you up,
who will inspire and support you Democrats in Albany, even
during those moments of unclar-
ity,” she told the graduates. “ e though it’s opposed by most
path may not always be straight,
but if it’s something that you New Yorkers.  While this is
love, stay the course. Believe in
yourself, you got this!” an extraordinarily sensitive

In the valedictorian speech topic, I’m hopeful that people
that followed, Giselle Gro of
of goodwill can nd some

reasonable ground in our state

and in states across the country

moving forward.”

“In essence, the Supreme

Court’s ruling has taken the

Federal Government out of

TRACKS Bedford Free the equation,”  Schrepel  said
FROM PAGE 2 glitter to create a unique Sand bu et dinner with music and last week. is is an extremely
Art picture. Just bring along your cash bar. $115 per person. More
fabulous ideas. information can be found by complicated issue and the debate

is now back with the individual

Featuring food trucks from 6 - 9 Mt. Kisco Located at 32 Village visiting https://lakeland-high- states where views on the subject
p.m., and live music from 6:30 - Green, Bedford, NY 10506. school-class-of-1972-50th-
of abortion vary greatly.”

8:30 p.m. Held at Bedford Hills Public Library For more information or to Falciglia  could not be
Memorial Park, 60 Haines Rd, register for events, visit www. For any questions, contact
reached for comment before

Bedford Hills. Located at 100 Main St. For Laura Marino-Scott press time.

Pound Ridge more information, visit www. ([email protected]) or Sue “Today’s appalling decision to
Fowler-Finn (susiek STORIES, SONGS & strike down Roe v. Wade means

Library SURPRISES ON THE RideConnect women in America will
AFFORDABLE HEALTH have fewer rights than their

Located at 271 Westchester CARE NAVIGATOR ursday, July 25, mothers had,”  Maloney  said.

Avenue,Pound Ridge,NY 10576. Saturday, July 23, from 11:15 - 11:45 a.m. Rideconnect has volunteers “Republicans and their activist

For more information, email from 10 a.m. to 2 p.m. is week’s theme: At the ready to help drive seniors to judges want to take our nation

[email protected] or By appointment only, a beach. Join for weekly story time their medical appointments and backward and rip away not only

call 914-764-5085. To register trained Navigator provided with Mrs. Crummy. To be held assist with shopping. Services reproductive freedoms, but also

for these events, visit the calendar by the Westchester County outside on the Village Green. In are free to seniors residing gay marriage and other rights

at Department of Health will be the event of inclement weather in Westchester and southern we have fought so hard for as

available to help with choosing check the website for updated Putnam Counties. To request a nation. I have always, and will

TECHNOLOGY WORKSHOP and signing up for health details. assistance call (914) 242-7433. always be uncompromising in

Friday, July 15, at 4 p.m. insurance under the A ordable Anyone wishing to volunteer my view that the government

In this technology class, you Care Act and the NYS of Health KNITTING CIRCLE for Rideconnect may do so by has no right to tell a woman

can learn how to download Marketplace. Please call to make Wednesday, August 3, emailing [email protected] what she can do with her body.”

ebooks/audiobooks, stream an appointment at 914-336- from 1:30 - 3 p.m. Virtual Support Two-term Democratic
videos and music, use Excel, 6935. Appointments available in Bring your knitting project
state  Sen. Alessandra

Word and PowerPoint, design English and Spanish. and join this supportive knitting Groups Biaggi  will face o with
with Canva, use Zoom basics, circle every other Wednesday in
Maloney in the August

and access all of the free digital VIRTUAL MEDITATION & the Biography Room. ere is no Support groups have been primaries.  “ e United States

resources available to you through MINDFULNESS beginner instruction available at transitioned to virtual platforms. Supreme Court’s radical

the Westchester Library System. Wednesday, July 27, this time.You are not obligated to Virtual groups are accessible decision to eliminate the

No registration necessary, walk- from 6 - 6:30 p.m. attend every session. to women from the comfort constitutional right to abortion

ins welcome. Your enthusiastic Learn various techniques to of their homes, regardless of makes it clear: we need true
where they live. All groups
Lakeland High andand very patient instructor wants help focus and bring awareness to progressive leaders in Congress

to make sure you feel comfortable the present moment which o ers are open to new members who will take bold action to
as well as past participants.
Walter Panas Highand con dent with technology. us a profound amount of peace Advance registration is required protect us, not make empty
Class of 1972Also available for one-on-one with repeated practice.It also helps
promises,” she said. “Today’s

instruction by appointment. Just relieve anxiety, stress, and breaks by calling 914-962-6402 decision was no surprise.

call the library or email info@ up negative thought patterns, or 800-532-4290. Support Republicans have been and negative self talk, as well as 50TH REUNION DINNER Connection’s Peer Counselors openly and vocally working

cultivate self love and compassion Saturday, September 17 are also available for individual to dismantle  Roe  for decades.

PAINTING WITH for ourselves and others, and To be held at the old counseling and assistance via For too long, establishment

COLORED SAND promote connection, community, Tarrytown Hilton, now known phone and email. Call 800- Democrats have failed to take

Friday, July 22, at 4 p.m. and peace to all! Email mtkref@ as e Sleepy Hollow Hotel, 532-4290, or submit an online Republicans seriously and

Get creative and paint using to receive the Zoom where the class held Senior request at supportconnection. protect our right to an abortion.

a little glue, colored sand, and ID and Password. Prom. Featuring an elegant org Enough is enough.”


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EncEornec! orEen!Ecnocroer! eE!ncore!
is year, the Chamber Or- chestras Janine Bergamini, the Eckert, Hannah Laskaris, Ol-

chestra at Fox Lane High School ensemble also included dedicated ivia McCarthy, Erick Morales),

was awarded a Gold with Dis- performers on the Violin (Dan- Cello (Cami Bly, Jordan Brown,

tinction rating at the New York iel  Agnello, Elianna Castellucci, Samuel Gri , Jonah Kim, Adam

State School Music Association Harry Gri , Isaac Ham, Lauren Schwalbe) and Bass (Charlotte

(NYSSMA) Majors Festival. Horowitz, Anthony Ingraldi, Cape, Oliver Fishlin, Michael

is award is the highest rating Margaret Kuo-Reed, Rose Mar- Mazurek).

that an ensemble can earn at the golies, Elizabeth McCormack,

state competition level. James Nagel, Jake Tetenman), Content provided by Bedford

Under FLHS Director of Or- Viola (Rachel Akinla, Emma Central School District. PHOTO COURTESY OF BEDFORD CENTRAL SCHOOL DISTRICT

NEW METAL ROOFUpgrade Your Home with a PALACIO ‘I hope people ergy Movement Center and the
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terms and conditions may apply and the offer may not be available in your area. Taking in the immersion,he did Jazz and su ces as an allegory to
Offer expires March 31, 2022. If you call the number provided, you consent to being the disorder. “ e voices that one
contacted by telephone, SMS text message, email, pre-recorded messages by Erie his thing in school as an artist but there. So I followed,” recalled Pa- hears, it’s like Jazz - a cacophony
or its affiliates and service providers using automated technologies notwithstanding of sound,” he informed.
if you are on a DO NOT CALL list or register. Please review our Privacy Policy and feels he owes a debt of gratitude lacio, who is also a New School
Terms of Use on All rights reserved. A collection of poems previ-
ously appearing in publications
HumPauntenSaomciety to a babysitter who really nurtured graduate. such as Storm Cellar, Quail Bell
Magazine and Co n Bell, the
Check out our Facebook & Twitter pages! his creative juices.“She kind of cu- Of course, he found time to poet refers to the vast myriad as
the frenetic mind and the intent
rated the story of my artistic life,” scribble and sketch, but he also is to help manage the disarray.

he said of Sandra omas, who learned the importance of being e goal is to live life in a fre-
quency where you can experience
is now the Reverend at the Mt. in step. “Like if you make your things without being a ected by
all the extreme uctuations and
Kisco Baptist Church. bed in the morning, that’s the not dominated by them, Palacio
Even so, he took a detour that rst achievement of the day,” he
Still, he can kick back with his
put his educational instruction on said. “It adds up.” own sound, and you can nd his
original music on Oregon Kool-
the arts in the backseat. With a e cumulation eventually led Aid, Amazon and YouTube. In
addition, Palacio frequently plays
Kai is a 5-year-old greater purpose driving him, Pa- to a Liberal Arts degree at Pur- guitar gigs in NYC, and had the
Hound who came to us chance to play with La Gran
from the south. He is lacio left Fox Lane for the New chase in 2011 and his education Mawon, which is one of the most
good with other dogs, famous Dominican Republic
but can be a bit stubborn York Military Academy, where masters from Manhattanville in bands in the country. e mu-
with humans! A calm sic not stopping there, his guitar
the arts weren’t really prioritized. 2018. Along the way, his art has took ight to Nepal where he
home with a patient jammed with Deepak KC.
owner would be best. “My brother wasn’t doing well in been exhibited in Peekskill at the
So obviously out and about
school, and my mother sent him Roberson Gallery and the En- and hoping to make a di erence,
his art has a simple mission. “I
Kai Prepare for hope people are able to see things
power outages with lucid eyes and experience
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2022 2nd quarter real

estate sales report

While the perfect storm of by low inventory. dian sale price of $450,000 was
low inventory, rising interest In Westchester County sec- 11.1% higher than 2021, and
rates and persistent in ation the co-op median sale price of
have certainly had their impact, ond quarter single-family home $203,000 was 6.8% higher than
the lower Hudson River Valley sales of 1,583 declined 14.2% the previous year.
and greater New York City Sub- compared to the second quarter
urban real estate markets have of 2021. However, when com- In Putnam County single-
continued to show remarkable pared to the second quarter of family home sales of 243 were
resiliency in the second quarter 2019, single-family home sales down 19.8% compared to the
of 2022. in Westchester were up 5.5 second quarter of 2021, but
percent. Condo sales in West- when compared to 2019, the
And while the market has, in chester for the second quarter number of sales were identi-
some instances, slowed com- of 2022 were ahead of 2021 by cal. e median sales price of
pared to the over-heated market 4.7 percent and co-op sales were $480,000 was 8.6% higher than
conditions of 2021, comparisons even more robust, coming in the second quarter of 2021.
to the pre-pandemic market of 14.8% higher than the 2021 sec- Rockland County experienced
2019 show very stable condi- ond quarter numbers. e sin- a steeper dip, with single fam-
tions. Median sales numbers in gle-family median sale price of ily home sales down 22.8%
the entire area continued to rise $885,000 posted a 6% increase and condo sales down 31.3%,
in the second quarter, still fueled over last year, the condo me- however, when continuing the
comparison to the second quar-
ter of 2019, the 2022 quarter have not been any signi cant OneKey® MLS, one of the largest
numbers are slightly ahead. e price corrections given the cur- REALTOR® subscriber-based
single-family median sales price rent economic headwinds. De- MLS’s in the country, dedicated
of $645,000 for the second quar- pending upon the length and to servicing more than 46,000
ter of 2022 in Rockland County depth of a recession (if there is real estate professionals that serve
was 17.3% higher than 2021. one), the lower Hudson River Manhattan, Westchester, Putnam,
Valley and greater New York Rockland, Orange, Sullivan,
In Orange County the second City Suburban real estate mar- Nassau, Su olk, Queens, Brooklyn,
quarter single-family home sales kets should continue to dem- and the Bronx. OneKey® MLS
number of 846 was down 12.3% onstrate stability going forward was formed in 2018, following the
over the 2021 second quarter, into 2022. So far, the housing merger of the Hudson Gateway
and the condo sales number of market appears to be rising Multiple Listing Service and the
119 was o 4.9%. e single- above the perfect storm. Multiple Listing Service of Long
family home median sales price Island. For more information on
was up 15.3% at $415,000 and is press release was provided by OneKey® MLS visit onekeymlsny.
the median condo sales price of HGAR. Data was provided by com.
$275,000 for the second quar-
ter was a 25% increase over the
2021 second quarter. In Sullivan
County the single-family sales
number of 273 was o 19% over
the previous year but was up
more than 25% percent when
compared to the second quarter
of 2019.

Focusing closer to the city,
the Bronx market continued to
impress in the second quarter of
2022, with single-family home
sales ahead 19.7% over the sec-
ond quarter of 2021. e median
sales price of $617,500 was 9.3%
ahead of last year.

ere will continue to be
challenges in comparing sales
numbers to the pandemic year
of 2020, when the market came
to a grinding halt in the second
quarter, and the post pandemic
market of 2021, when pent up
demand drastically sped up typi-
cal buying cycles.

In conclusion, one has to be-
lieve that the signi cant head
winds of a declining stock mar-
ket, rising in ation, rising in-
terest rates, and the threat of a
recession will continue to take
their toll on the housing market.
However, continued strong buy-
er demand, low inventory, and
a strong labor market appear to
be mitigating factors. Also, there


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2020 NYS Association of Realtors Realtor of the Year l 2019 Lawrence B Caldwell RPAC Award Recipient
2017 HGAR President l 2012 HGAR Realtor of the Year l 2007 NYS WCR Member of the Year
Platinum RPAC, HOF Member l RPAC President’s Circle member

If your property is currently listed, this is not intended as a solicitation.

“Service With A Smile”

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