Vol. 11 No. 39 Visit TapIntoSomers.net for the latest news. Thursday, January 13, 2022
Town Board organizes for 2022 Universal Pre-K
begins Jan. 24
Morrissey named Deputy Supervisor
BY CAROL REIF contract between the district
BY CAROL REIF STAFF WRITER and the White Plains-based
STAFF WRITER vendor, YMCA of Central and
Early-childhood education is Northern Westchester.
Somers’ newly-minted super- getting a big boost in Somers
visor has chosen his predecessor this month with the launch of e program o cially starts
as his right-hand man. Universal Pre-kindergarten. on Monday, Jan. 24, at Primrose
Elementary School.
Robert Scorrano, who was e publicly funded, tuition-
sworn in on Sunday, Jan. 2, an- free program will provide learn- Its 18 slots have already been
nounced at the town’s reorgani- ing opportunities for four-year- lled but anyone interested in
zation meeting last week that he olds and help them transition getting their child on the “list”
was appointing Rick Morrissey into K-12 education. for September’s 18 spots can
as his deputy supervisor. contact Stacey Elconin, the dis-
e school district, after re- trict’s director of special services,
Morrissey, elected in 2013 ceiving a state grant last spring, by emailing selconin@somerss-
as supervisor, decided early last had hoped to start o ering Pre- chools.org. Parents will need to
year not to seek a fth two-year K in the fall but was forced to supply their child’s name and
term. Councilman Tom Garrity, postpone the opening until the date of birth and their names,
a member of the Town Board second semester of the 2021- email addresses, and phone
since 2008, has been deputy su- 2022 school year. It will not lose numbers. Participants are cho-
pervisor for the past eight years. funding because of the delay. sen via lottery.
Deputy supervisors can assist at’s because Albany has ac- e district wants the pro-
the supervisor with the “plan- knowledged that the turnaround gram to run for a full year before
ning, supervision and direction time was extremely tight, and deciding if it wants to expand it.
of town operations and assumes some districts needed more time
the duties of the town supervi- to prepare. “To see how it goes,” Elconin
sor in his/her absence,” accord- explained.
ing to a job description provided Covering about 95 percent of
by westchestergov.com. Under the costs, the grant is not a one- e program is only for four-
Section 42 of New York State shot deal; it is the base for aid year-olds. Some parents like to
Town Law, supervisors can ap- going forward, education o - hold their kids back from kin-
point anyone they like -- includ- cials said. e per-pupil funding dergarten until they’re six, she
ing a town o cer, o cial, or em- limit is $5,400. explained, emphasizing that no
ployee -- as long as that person
e Board of Education voted ve-year-olds are allowed.
PHOTO: CAROL REIF on Tuesday, Jan. 4, to approve a
SEE MORRISSEY PAGE 4 Supervisor Scorrano and Rick Morrissey on Inauguration Day.
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Page 2 – The Somers Record ELEPHANT’S TRUNK Thursday, January 13, 2022
The Staff Somers BSA State,whether canoeing in the Ad- ects. To nd out more, email us be the place for you! We meet ev-
Troop 228 irondacks, hiking the Appalachian at [email protected] ery Tuesday evening at the Somers
EDITORIAL TEAM trail, or camping at one of our or visit our website at Troop- Middle School cafeteria. We are
TOM WALOGORSKY WEEKLY MEETING State Parks. We have excursions 228somers.com. a boy lead troop which means the
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(ISSN 2330-1597)
Thursday, January 13, 2022 The Somers Record – Page 3
Your Neighbor
Norman Fulton
Somers author examines educational gap in new book
BY TOM WALOGORSKY “I asked them to locate New York State
EDITOR on a map,” Fulton recalls. “Out of 15 kids,
not one of them could.”
“I think we can solve the problem in the As he became closer with his students,
inner city,” explains educator and author they would reveal their thoughts on a num-
Norman Fulton. ber of relevant topics, including pressing so-
e Somers resident has been an instruc- cial issues such as gun control, seen through
tor at a Westchester facility for incarcerated the lens of their inner-city upbringing and
teens, and has channeled his experiences education.
into his new book, “Gaps and Bridges.” Fulton would continue to examine the
“ ere was a tremendous gap between disparity between inner-city and suburban
kids who are growing up in the country ver- upbringing and education. In one instance,
sus kids who are growing up in the inner he interviewed an inner-city teacher who
city,” says Fulton. accepted a position as a summer school in-
Fulton previously published “Yo God, structor at an upper-class school in West-
What the Hell,”in 2015. e book explored chester.
the stories of incarcerated youths, giving “She said she walked into the
them a voice to attempt to help their com- school and saw the library and a
munities. classroom, and she stood there and
Fulton was raised in the small towns of cried,”he explains.“ e blackboard
Pine Plains and Bangall, NY, and it wasn’t she was using at her other school
until his extensive work with inner-city was cracked and there wasn’t any
youth that he realized the true scope of the chalk. A student would be given a
disparity between their upbringing and his text book one day, and they would
own. have to return it, so another stu-
With his work through the Brieant Youth dent would be able to use it.”
Alliance (BYA), he came to know numerous In speaking further with this in-
youths, their stories, and the circumstances structor, she described teaching in
of their upbringing and education. an inner-city school as akin to be-
Some of Fulton’s experiences were eye- ing in a foreign country.
opening, others heartbreaking. However, “She told me you have to speak
some of these interactions also inspired him the foreign language,” he con-
with the notion that there was hope for the tinues. “Sometimes that’s a lot of
incarcerated youths. swear words.”
Relating a story from when he was asked PHOTOS COURTESY OF NORM FULTON In “Gaps and Bridges,” Fulton
to speak at a Martin Luther King Day ob- examines the inner-city educational experi-
servance, Fulton describes his experiences ence in hopes of shedding light on the dis-
with those who attended. parities and moving to correct the problems
“I’m a Deacon in the church, and I asked in a awed system.
the kids if they would like me to pray for “Once you cross over into the Bronx, it
them,” he recalls. “I was surprised by how changes a lot,” he explains. “ ere are par-
many of them jumped at the opportunity. ents there who love their children just as
We stood up and held hands, and I asked much as anyone, but they don’t have the op-
who they would like me to pray for.” portunities to provide what their kids need.
e 24 youths who joined him all o ered And the biggest thing they can’t provide is
up prayers for parents, siblings, and friends, education. In this day in age, for a student
many of whom were dealing with situations concerning he discovered that his students displayed positivity, apti- not to be able to get a good education is disgusting. I’m
incarceration, domestic abuse, or substance abuse. tude, and even a sense of humor despite their situation. not casting dispersion on every school in the inner-city.
“Not one kid asked for a prayer for themselves. Not As part of one lesson, he taught them about the workings But we do have to face up to the facts that they’re not get-
one,” says Fulton. “I was really excited about that. Even of the stock market with simulated investments. To his ting a good education. And as such, they get into things
though they’re locked up, they still have the capacity for surprise, the group turned a pro t of $1,000. that they shouldn’t be doing.”
care and concern and love.” However, other lessons would reveal the disparity in his “Gaps and Bridges” is available for purchase on barne-
As Fulton settled into his role as a teacher at the facility, students’ educational experiences. sandnoble.com and Amazon.
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Page 4 – The Somers Record Thursday, January 13, 2022
MORRISSEY he thanked running mates and ward to “supporting Rob and
fellow Republicans Anthony working with him as he leads the As a rst-time elected
Cirieco and Bill Faulkner – and town forward.”
has the “same quali cations as town tax receiver Michele McK- Faulkner told e Somers Re- o cial, I can think of
an elective town o cer.” earney, who was also re-elected cord last week that he “enthusi- no better mentor to be
in November – for showing him astically” supported Scorrano’s
If the supervisor is absent or “the ropes.” decision to appoint Morrissey
unable to act, deputy supervi- because of his “wealth of expe-
sors can, when present, preside “As a rst-time elected o cial,
at Town Board meetings. ey I can think of no better mentor rience and perspective that will my deputy supervisor
can perform all the duties of su- to be my deputy supervisor than greatly serve the Town Board.”
pervisor – such as signing docu- the individual who just guided Councilman Richard Clinchy than the individual
ments – but cannot cast a vote, the town through more than a said prior to the reorg meeting
the law states. decade of low taxes, low crime that he had been a “bit surprised” who just guided the
If the o ce of supervisor be- rates, and economic growth,” only because he found out about
comes vacant, the deputy super- Scorrano said in his recent state- the appointment when he read it
visor continues to serve “until ment, adding that he was “grate- on the Jan. 6 agenda. town through more
the successor of such deputy ful” that Morrissey had accepted “I believe Tom enjoyed the
supervisor is appointed,” it said. his request “to be that resource.” job (as deputy supervisor) and I than a decade of low
If the supervisor doesn’t tap He also thanked Garrity for thought he did it very well,” he
a deputy supervisor within ve his service as deputy supervi- added.
days of taking o ce or ve days sor. Prior to being a council- Cirieco, remarking last week taxes, low crime rates,
after a vacancy occurs in the of- man, Garrity was on the Zoning that the new supervisor is “his
ce, the Town Board has the Board of Appeals for ve years own man and will make his own and economic growth.
power to appoint one. and the Planning Board for decisions,” explained that “it’s
In a statement released after three. not a command and control job;
the ursday, Jan. 6, reorgani- Morrissey spent close to 12 it’s a job of consensus with the -Supervisor Robert Scorrano
zation meeting, Scorrano noted years in elected o ce – four of councilmen as well as with the
that “during the campaign, I them as a town councilman and public.”
promised the voters – my friends eight as supervisor. He also spent It is up to Scorrano to “draw
and neighbors – that I would 18 years serving on the town’s advice from the professionals he however. Harding left, and Mary Beth
bring my A-game and do my Architectural Review Board and chooses,” he said, adding: “In my Entered into the o cial record Murphy replaced him. Bill was
best to help Somers succeed.” 17 years on its Ethics Board, and experience with him, he is eager by Town Clerk Patricia Kalba at not appointed deputy supervisor.
A nancial services consul- was once chairman of the Open to work with people and under- the ursday, Jan. 6, meeting, the When Rick became supervisor,
tant, Scorrano was a member of Space Committee and president stand their views and be decisive comment was submitted by Te- Mary Beth did not become deputy
the Zoning Board of Appeals of the Somers Lions Club. in making decisions.” resa “Terry” Cli ord, a resident supervisor. Tom Garrity became
from 2015 to 2018. e dad of Morrissey said he was “hon- Garrity declined to comment of Heritage Hills. deputy supervisor with Rick. He
two also coaches Somers youth ored to be appointed as deputy last week. It read, verbatim: “It is unprec- has a great deal of experience and
sports. supervisor for the Town of e town did receive input edented to have a former supervi- SEE MORRISSEY PAGE 5
In post-election comments, Somers” and was looking for- from a member of the public, sor act as deputy supervisor. Bill
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Thursday, January 13, 2022 The Somers Record – Page 5
MORRISSEY cept the appointments, “some are · Christine Rossiter, deputy tax PRE-K Pre-K is “sensitive to each
FROM PAGE 4 at the discretion – for example, receiver. (Announced by McKear- FROM PAGE 1
family’s lifestyle, values,
the deputy town clerk, the deputy ney.) and cultural preferences”
should remain deputy. We also tax receiver, the deputy supervi- e kids don’t have to be and “each child is viewed as
have two excellent council mem- sor – of the head of those depart- BOARD CHAIRMEN vaccinated, but they do have unique and is guided to reach
bers in Richard Clinchy and ments.” · John Alfonzetti, Architectural to wear masks. ( e CDC his/her potential.”
Anthony Cirieco. No need for “Not up to the Town Board. Review Board. is currently recommending Children are, the YMCA
Mr. Morrissey to be appointed Some of these others, like board · Kevin Westerman, Parks & that anyone age ve and up added, “encouraged to prob-
deputy.” chairmen, that is up to the Town Recreation Board. get a COVID vaccine. Clini- lem-solve, experiment with
Cli ord, president of her con- Board … just to di erentiate so it · John Currie, Planning Board. cal trials are being conducted developmentally appropri-
do association, a member of the doesn’t confuse somebody that’s · Victor Cannistra, Zoning on shots for children age six ate materials, and establish
Heritage Hills Society Board for watching us,” he added. Board of Appeals. months to under ve years social relations through self-
14 years, and a Democrat, ran un- “Right, some of them are just · Richard Auerbach, A ordable old.) directed activities and special
successfully in 1997 for supervi- announcements,” explained Kal- Housing Board. Margarita Pineiro of the projects.”
sor against Republican William ba. · omas J. Tooma Jr., Robert YMCA of Central and In other words, there’s a lot
C. Harding. Harding had been “Exactly, some of them are just Russell, and Al Vigliotti, Fire Northern Westchester will be more to Pre-K than nger-
elected in 1987 after defeating announcements,” Clinchy re- Prevention Bureau. directing the program’s state painting, naps, and graham
three-term incumbent D. Wayne sponded. Education Department- crackers with milk.
Van Tassell who ran on the inde- e deputy supervisor will re- COMMITTEE CHAIRS approved curriculum. It is e proposed daily sched-
pendent line after failing to gain ceive an annual stipend of $1,080. · Michael Barnhart, Open licensed by the state O ce of ule is:
the GOP endorsement. Board members are paid $14,612 Space Committee. Children & Family Services · 8:30-9:00: School arrival.
Murphy became supervisor in a year. · Don Bleasdale, Somers En- and sta ed by state-certi ed · 9:00-9:15: Morning Meet-
1998 and held the position until Other appointments made ergy Environment Committee. early childhood education ing.
2013. She has been the village ursday were: · Kathy Cucchiarella, Partners teachers. · 9:15-9:35: Snack/Bathroom.
manager for Hastings-on-Hud- in Prevention Committee. In Somers’ case, there · 9:35-9:55: Large Group:
son for the last 2? years. SUPERVISOR, TAX RECEIVER, As part of the reorganiza- will be one teacher and two Language/literacy
According to Town Board TOWN CLERK tion, the Town Board adopted teaching assistants. · 9:55-10:40: Small Groups/
meeting archives, Murphy had · Doris Jane Smith, town his- its meeting format and rules for According to the YMCA, Centers.
at least one deputy supervisor – torian. (Announced by Scorrano.) the submission of agenda items, the program “works in part- · 10:40-11:00: Large Group/
Richard W. Nicholson. Nichol- · Kim DeLucia, executive as- designated its o cial newspaper nership with parents and rec- Math.
son had served three terms on the sistant to the supervisor. (An- ( e Somers Record), o cial de- ognizes them as the primary · 11:00-11:45: Small Group/
Town Board. nounced by Scorrano.) pository ( JP Morgan Chase), of- teachers of their children.” Centers.
In 2013, Morrissey ran against · Patricia Kalba, election liai- cials auditors (PFK O’Connor Parents are encouraged, · 11:30-12:00: Recess.
Christine Robbins for the post son and registrar of vital statistics. Davies), and legal counsel (Ste- it added, to take a role in · 11:45-12:30: Lunch/Bath-
and won handily. (Announced by Scorrano.) phens, Baroni, Reilly & Lewis). their child’s educational ex- room.
Scorrano thanked Cli ord for · Linda Verderame, deputy It set salaries and longevity perience by participating in · 12:30-1:15: Nap time.
her comment ursday. town clerk, deputy election liai- payments for town employees and classrooms, group meetings, · 1:15-1:30: Dismissal.
Clinchy noted ursday that son and deputy registrar of vital rules for various governmental
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Page 6 – The Somers Record Thursday, January 13, 2022
Paucar trial begins
Amawalk resident faces felony charges from 2020 crash
BY CAROL REIF derway in Westchester County Plains-Harrison border on Jan. raignment in August 2020. car, was taken to the hospital
Court. 30, 2020. e most serious of If convicted of the rst, Paucar as were the injured Preston and
Jaime Paucar, 52, of Amawalk, those were second-degree mur- could be sentenced to 15 to life to Jack.
e nonjury trial of a Somers faces multiple charges in connec- der and vehicular homicide, both 25 years to life in prison. If found Paucar’s blood alcohol con-
man accused in the deaths of tion with the fatal DWI crash felonies. guilty of the second, he faces a tent – measured two hours after
two Ardsley residents is now un- on Interstate 287 on the White He pleaded not guilty at his ar- maximum of 8 1/3 to 25 years be- the crash -- was more than two
hind bars. He is currently being times the legal limit, according to
Keep the lights on. held in the Westchester County the Westchester County District
Jail on $250,000 bail. Attorney’s O ce.
Killed were Jordan Wachtell, His driver’s license had been
57, and 17-year-old Ardsley suspended earlier.
High School senior Eric Gold- Assistant District Attorney
berg, a friend of his son Preston, Christine O’Connor told Judge
• GENERATORS who was also in the car. Fu dio Friday that the fact Paucar
Opening statements were hadn’t stopped after the rst colli-
• Outdoor Lighting made and witness testimony sions was evidence of a “depraved
• Smart Home Setup taken before Westchester Judge indi erence to human life.”
• Electric Car Chargers George Fu dio Friday, Jan. 7. e Meanwhile, defense attorney
AND ALL OF YOUR trial was to resume Tuesday, Jan. Angelo MacDonald argued that
11. while the crash was terrible and
Preston survived as did passen- tragic, the murder charge went
ger Jack Rosen, who testi ed Fri- too far.
day, Jan. 7, that he never saw the Charges in the indictment were:
car that struck Wachtell’s BMW Felonies:
head-on coming, according to re- Two counts Murder in the Sec-
ports. ond Degree, a class A felony.
Wachtell had been taking the ree counts Aggravated Ve-
three teens to a basketball game hicular Homicide, a class B felony.
at the Jewish Community Center Two counts Manslaughter in
of Harrison. the Second Degree, a class C
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.anctSlosssooofielnnnrruiuliyeSS-trdIIetttgheueeesfphsacakdgweebbnWfeohbnsenaf3mttntirroermpdehhsvsnenyrrooteeEeefllcdooeaaohhodasyhhaonnhonaasltmnieairlritaii0sepeeuradauooP-dnttinnddwopolv,aattathrsrrossssrtrrrheon,cmmraejreefkhtrhdnneeujjooode2eAdefihhciddlterhVtttfiaeiieayttieiuomsoo--kkgrdarmarrihoawttdasessaeoveeh:dmmeiewd-h..eitfngotsgsdweeGldtnriii.gyyyvasnnosvoeefr5idtrihsnssslcIaiinniristduisssae-rryy-seiiuoieatteecheenesdsE..tth8snsooeeootneeaooe-ttdaaa-- cnhrefoylraefrrol3IIbewwoye-yemnolrry9.d-dte.0seeers...
nest, eBTTTTByeRRAOOAlEEBBMMaTTIITTsTTWWhHHFFAAeAARRsPPEELLlEEOOEEoMMAAGGoAARROOkNNSSOORRe,,SSSdNNPPKKEUUYYlEMMiBBk,,FLLAAEEeIIRSSRRDDHHsSSAIIEEpHHTTRROONAAidLLRRCLLe,,rECClLeRRgLEEAAsA,TTIImVVPEEAyDDGEIIRR1EECC9TTOORR “I don’t know! Oh my God, I think we ing! TTnnLLSoohheeueettttbttnnmeevveerriieeissccswweesttissoossossnaaaattnnhshrriiddeellmyyooeeuttddpphhsiiiitoottnnooissiinooeerrcnnaaoolssunnffddedeTTexxhhooppaeepprrp--eeSSeehssooddssommeenssddeeuuerrbbiinnssnmmuRRlleeiimsseettsscctbtiieeooooerrrrnnrssddssaaanomomnndrrddaayyiiattoodssbbppdeeaa--reeffefifieeddsllddiisssaaiittttaafeeeeorrddsseer....
face lost a wheel!” [email protected]
He carefully pulled over to the curb
Editorial Office: 914-302-5830 111188 NNMM©©,,OO22pBB00uUUEET22nLbSDDNN11oheluiFeFttsvTTbHHthOOenmeveAArKKeriRRiediLLsficsIISSwDD.SSescTTtLCCiOOsaosoesRRtNNOOnataitOOotnshr,,MMenideAANNlmry.EEsoeNDDDDYYutdaphIIs,,oAAnii11tSSotn,,tdo00UUisLLinao5e5rLLoIIlcTTn44lCCaplous99lEEn-efdedeTt11edtxh00eospaer00prwsp-eSehahsodnsiomcednshdeueorcbipnsnam-nuRleneimsdetoscsbtiteooewrbrnrsdeislalanvomnnedredaaracyiainntofippedsttoobepsuuoodnneasd-bbrSaeyyfttellfieurommhhiidsssvvldbieerislhhseeaooyimteetrraaeeFFfuuebeoiiddrriooddfifisssdseeer..siirrcc..ttwwLLiaaooommeettiirrnllttiilloooottsbbeennnnrryymrrooee..ssNNtteeuiinnaa--bbsoommnnffteeoottddaairrnppaaiimmoollllcuullppaalbbaaulltt--eettlldeeiiiittssssooeddttoohheennsseemmarr,,ddwwssccpee..aahhaahrrPPllnnsslliiollccrreeddttnhheehhaaeccoosseeccooeeppnaaeerr--nnussddddeeeennmii@@ddttnnoososobddtthherrwwbbyyaaraaeeiioollllssttalluuttnvv99nnoorreed11eennrrss44ccammiiuufifiee--dbb33eeeessdmm00ssddddraa22iieiiaarrooss--sii..ss55rrllccsyyii88ooooaaf33bbommnnrr00eeeerss..
DIRECTOR sEsoodmmitoeerrrissarrleeOccooffirrddce@@: 9hh1aa4llss-tt3oo0nn2mm-5ee8dd3iiaa0..ccoomm
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MOUNT KISCO, NY 10549 to the editor by e-mail at [email protected].
Thursday, January 13, 2022 OPINION The Somers Record – Page 9
LETTERS ful conversations with each other, Hills Council of Condominiums, Presidents and designated repre- e proposed expansion of
and was quickly disappointed. In- which serves as a forum for all sentatives meet monthly to share the Somers National Golf Club
FROM PAGE 8 stead, Mr. Freeman reiterated false individual condominium associa- information and concerns about is an issue of critical concern to
facts shared by racist and divisive tions, to exchange ideas about the issues facing our community of all our residents. e business’
Having watched the melee up groups in our nation. management of our respective condominiums and our 2600+
close and fearing for the safety condo communities. irty Condo unit owners. SEE LETTERS PAGE 17
of those on the road to the high e exposure of lawful but ugly
school and anyone who might facts in American history led to Grea Hair We follow strict CDC guidelines.
have needed emergency ser- signi cant legislation to improve We pledge to keep everyone safe!
vice vehicles to make their way our America - Workplace Safety i th Bes Accessor !
through the tra c jam, I am Regulations including Child
frustrated about what happened Labor Laws, Americans with Dis- •Precision Cuts • Sets • High-End Color
and concerned about what might abilities Act, the Civil Rights Act • Highlights • Perms • Blow-Dry
happen moving forward. Somers and the War on Poverty, to name • Facial Waxing
is a wonderful place to live, but our just a few. Continuing to right the
leadership must be more thought- wrongs will continue to make us a (914) 232-7070
ful in the decisions they make better nation. e CRT and DEI
while trying to provide access to are not to blame for our divisive- Hours: Tues • Wed • Fri 10:00 am - 5:00 pm
any services or supplies to be dis- ness - they were written to expose Thurs 10:00 am - 7:00 pm • Sat 9:00 am - 4:30 pm
tributed moving forward. Other our lawful but ugly facts of racism
than poor planning by Somers in America that are intentionally Servin th communit for over 30 year
o cials, there is absolutely no rea- omitted from our history books.
son why the communities around Until we right those wrongs,
us were able to get the job done progress for a better nation for all
safely while we were not. is stalled.
Stephanie Keegan Our American democracy is a
wonderful experiment, uniquely
PUBLISHER’S MEMO enriched by global immigrants.
RESPONSE A better future for our nation is
To the Editor, possible only when all of us are
included fairly, and past injustices
I commend Patrick DeSena for are corrected.
his well written letter to the edi-
tor in the Jan. 6 edition, and The Denise Elliott
Somers Record for printing it.
I, too, was appalled by Brett CONDOMINIUMS OPPOSES
Freeman’s letter On Dec SNGC EXPANSION
30. When I began reading it, I To the Editor,
was hopeful the article would o er
suggestions on how to start fruit- We represent the Heritage
The Most Common Sexually
Transmitted Disease: HPV
What you need to know about keeping yourself and your children safe
Ask the Doctor Q: What is the human papilloma virus (HPV)? drops in HPV-related cancers. Parents should discuss
A: HPV is a sexually transmitted virus. There are the optimal time for the vaccine with their pediatrician.
Dr. Adina Keller approximately 150 strains of the virus and nearly Some may decide to delay the vaccine until the middle
Associate Chief, 40 affect the genital area. Most HPV infections are teen years.
Obstetrics and Gynecology asymptomatic, which means that you may never know
Northern Westchester Hospital you were exposed. The majority of HPV strains do not Men and women, up to age 45, can get the HPV
cause any issues and will eventually go away on their vaccine. The CDC recommendation now includes men
Learn more about own. Some strains, however, can cause genital warts, and women up to age 45 – especially if they are dating,
Northern Westchester Hospital, cervical cancer, anal cancer and other cancers, widowed or have a new partner. If you’re interested in
visit nwh.northwell.edu including head and neck cancers. a vaccine, speak with your doctor.
The care and safety of our community during Q: Who is at risk? Q: Does my child really need this?
the ongoing COVID-19 pandemic is our A: Studies have shown that almost everyone gets A: The answer is yes. You’re providing your children
top priority. We have put maximum safety exposed to HPV at some point in their lives. Some with something that will prevent cancer down the road.
measures in place to prevent exposure to studies have shown that up to 90% of college-aged So, if anybody has any concerns that they’re not doing
the coronavirus by anyone who comes to men women have been exposed to HPV. If you’re right by their child, think again. We have to assume that
the Hospital for emergency or scheduled dating someone and they say they’ve been “tested,” our children will become sexually active as they get
care. Don’t delay care. Please continue to please know that men cannot be tested for HPV. The older, therefore they need to be vaccinated. The HPV
wash your hands, wear a mask, and virus hides from our immune systems, so it will not vaccine has already been shown to markedly reduce the
practice social distancing. show up on a blood test. Women can be tested for HPV incidence of HPV infections in young adults.
by getting a pap smear, but there’s no test for men.
Did you know?
Q: What’s the best defense against HPV?
A: Condoms are the best defense against HPV, but even The CDC recommendation for the HPV
with condom use, the virus can still be transmitted to vaccine now includes men and women up
others. There is no cure for HPV, only prevention. That’s to age 45 – especially if they are dating,
why it’s so important for both boys and girls to get widowed or have a new partner.
vaccinated. Vaccines against HPV have sharply reduced
infections in men and women and will likely cause major
Thursday, January 13, 2022 OPINION The Somers Record – Page 17
LETTERS Contact Us
The Somers Record is located at 118 N. Bedford Road, Suite
FROM PAGE 9 100, Mount Kisco, NY 10549. You can contact us at 914-
302-5830 or email [email protected].
planned addition of a cigar
bar, indoor driving simula- NOTICE TO
tor and a mini golf course has NEW YORK RESIDENTS
roused our unit owners in rm
opposition. Our unit own- Homeowner Funding enables families to make necessary
ers have cited safety concerns, energy efficient home repairs who:
impact on quality of life, • ARE UNABLE TO PAY CASH FOR NECESSARY HOME
added burdens on our aging
privately operated infrastruc- REPAIRS.
mains, more demands on our
private security enforcement, PAYMENTS.
environmental concerns and • HAVE BEEN TURNED DOWN FOR FREE STATE OR
property values. e concerns
are not just coming from GOVERNMENT PROGRAMS.
those in the immediate vicin- REPAIRS INCLUDE:
ity of the SNGC. Residents
in all areas of the complex are ROOFING • SIDING • WINDOWS • DOORS & MORE...
expressing concerns. Everyone
here will have to contend with up to$25,000
added tra c from outsiders
attempting to navigate our NO Money Down NO Equity Required
long curved hilly roads to get
to the center of the complex QUALIFY TODAY: (800) 736-9629
where the SNGC is located. or visit NYImprovementFund.com
Everyone will have to cope
with added expenses for in- Approved applications will have the work completed by a quality repair crew provided by: HOMEOWNER FUNDING
frastructure and security that
this project will add to our 2021 was a
maintenance. CRAZY YEAR!
Condo owners in the im- We can help make your taxes less crazy.
mediate area of the 18-hole
course and restaurant already 845-628-5400
are dealing with SNGC
noise, garbage and improper SFGtaxes.com | [email protected]
maintenance right on the
edges of their property at 824 Route 6, Suite 4 | Mahopac, NY 10541
all hours. ey often nd
themselves closing windows Securities o ered through Cantella & Co., Inc. Member FINRA/SIPC. Cantella and Co., Inc. does not provide tax, legal or accounting advice.
to avoid these issues. Many This material has been prepared for informational purposes only, and is not intended to provide, and should not be relied on for, tax, legal or
have expressed concerns about
the potential smell and noise accounting advice. You should consult your own tax, legal and accounting advisors before engaging in any transaction.
from the cigar bar patio.
While golf communities
with dining facilities are often
found inside condo complexes
around the country, a minia-
ture golf course in the middle
of a townhome community is
not common. Miniature golf
courses are best suited for
main roads in vacation areas,
away from residential homes.
ey often operate into the
late evening and are popular
with teens looking for an
outdoor activity.
ese serious concerns we
are hearing from our commu-
nity are not just about being
“inconvenienced.” Heritage
Hills residents oppose this
project because it threatens
their safety, environment,
security and property values.
e Council of Condomini-
ums is speaking in one uni ed
voice in full opposition to this
expansion and development
on the SNGC site.
Louise Squitieri, President,
Council of Condominiums,
President, Condo 17
George Rolita, Vice President,
Council of Condominiums,
President, Condo 20
Page 18 – The Somers Record Thursday, January 13, 2022
Basketball notches first win over Yorktown
BY WHIT ANDERSON the success of the Tuskers, nishing the eve- In the 200 medley relay, the Yorktown- rst. is team consists of three freshmen
CONTRIBUTING WRITER ning with 14 points. Somers team consisting of Luke Hopper, and one sophomore, indicating they have
Jason Muroski, Jay Wilkinson, and George ample opportunity to get even better.
BOYS BASKETBALL Somers 62, Tuckahoe 45 Whalen swam a 1:56, just getting edged
Mahopac 61, Somers 56 Monday, Jan. 10 out by Arlington’s relay team who swam a “ ese individual wins and high placings
Thursday, Jan. 6 Somers carried their momentum from the 1:55.81. set us up for the League Championship
Similar to their previous games, the Tusk- Yorktown win, beating Tuckahoe handily at meet this upcoming Sunday,” said Coach
their home court on Monday. GIRLS TRACK John Vegliante.
ers played from behind against Mahopac for Matt Fitzsimons once again led the Tusk- Pearl River Holiday Fest
most of the matchup last ursday, almost ers in scoring, putting up 23 points on the Monday, Dec. 27 BOYS TRACK
completing a late-game comeback that fell night and 17 in the rst half.Big man Chris- Somers had their rst post-Christmas Pearl River Holiday Fest
just short. tian McGrane had his breakout perfor- Monday, Dec. 27
mance of the season, putting up 14 points. meet at Rockland Community College, e boys also competed at Rockland
Bennett Leitner led the team with 17 nishing with several notable performanc-
points, and Andrew Violante nished with BOYS SWIMMING/DIVING Community College that day, producing
10. Arlington 57, Somers 36 es. multiple standout results.
Monday, Jan. 10 Kaitlyn Krug had herself quite a day, n-
Somers 57, Yorktown 51 e Yorktown-Somers Swimming and Sophomore Andrew Fasone nished
Saturday, Jan. 8 ishing second in the high jump and fth in fourth in the 55m dash nals. He was the
After so many close calls and heartbreak- Diving Team was unable to get out of their the triple jump. only underclassman in the race and ran a
ing losses, Somers nally got their rst win recent skid, losing to Arlington at home by 7.12. Fasone also placed seventh in the long
of the year. e victory was even more sig- a sizable margin. Megan Spencer once again dominated jump nals.
ni cant as it came against league-rival York- for the throwing team, edging out Ella
town in a hostile road environment. Individual winners on the day included Maerz of Clarkstown North for a rst place Ryan Allen placed third in his 1000m
Jay Wilkinson and Nicholas Fraser, who heat, and Colin Brooks fth in his. Both
e team put together a well-rounded nish in the shot put. came within a second of breaking three
scoring e ort. Matt Fitzsimons led the team nished with a 5:44.40 and 6:13.43 in the e Tuskers also won the 4x200 relay minutes.
with 20 points, while his co-star Bennett 500 freestyle respectively. Wilkinson also
Leitner had 13. Sophomore Andrew Vio- swam a 54.73 to win his race in the 100 with a team consisting of Makeda Wiggins, Brian Luciano continued his impressive
lante continued to prove he is a key piece for butter y. Keira Cleary, Haylie Donovan, and Isabella season by placing second in the shot put
Milojevic. Milojevic stole the show in the with a 44-07.25.
last leg by taking the team from third to
Andrew Violante had 14 points against Yorktown.
Somers pulled out a big win on the road. PHOTOS: BRIAN MARSCHHAUSER
Bennett Leitner makes his move. Caring for your Car
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Thursday, January 13, 2022 SPORTS The Somers Record – Page 19
Somers unable to knock off rust against Mahopac
BY WHIT ANDERSON more pressure for the Tuskers by will help, because we’re not a team
that gets into the paint and utilizes
CONTRIBUTING WRITER implementing a full court press, physicality. With that being said, I
need to watch the game video. It’s
causing Somers to turn the ball over on us, we don’t get the ball inside
In their rst game after a 19-day and give up fast break points to their
Mahopac was able to extend the
layo , the Somers Tuskers couldn’t opponent. is turned into a 7-0 run lead at the end of the third quarter,
and then blow it open in the fourth.
nd their rhythm at home against for Mahopac, putting them ahead
e combination of Somers turn-
Mahopac. e Tuskers made a few 17-8 with 3:20 left in the half. But overs, and Mahopac hitting contest-
ed threes was too much to handle.
runs throughout the game to keep despite clear fatigue and rhythm is- Somers’ lack of conditioning was an
even bigger factor than earlier in the
it within reach, but ultimately fell sues, Somers demonstrated the will- game,so their defense opened up for
easy Mahopac looks.
short in the fourth quarter, losing ingness to ght back, making their
Battling a layo and other adverse
40-27. own small run in the nal minutes factors determined the outcome of
this game, so Coach Hattem knows
e Tuskers got o to a rough to close the half down 19-12. it’s only upwards from this point for
the Tuskers.
start o ensively, missing wide open Coming out of the locker room,
“ ese kids will run through a
jumpers. e o ensive struggles Mahopac attempted to put the nail wall if you ask them to,” said Hat- Alexa Warycha facing up against a defender.
tem. “I can’t be too hard on them.
were compounded by the Tuskers in the co n against Somers. ey We just need to get in the gym, we
need to continue to get shots up,
consistently getting out on the fast initiated another 5-0 run to start we need to get into game shape. I
tell the girls, ‘we’re just as good as
break and not being able to convert the third quarter. But thankfully for any of these teams, we’re just not
playing well right now.’ I think the
great looks. However, Somers was the Tuskers, Ava Giudice provided a adjustment is to keep going at it,
stay healthy, so we can all practice
locked in early on the defensive end, spark to keep her team in it.Giudice’s together. ere have been so many
moving parts. If we keep at it, we’ll
limiting Mahopac’s o ense, allow- relentless pressure on defense turned be ne. We’ll win a game eventually
and turn it around.”
ing them to end the quarter only into instant o ense for Somers. is
down 10-6. was capped o by a Giudice three
“We haven’t played a game in that brought the Tuskers within two
almost four weeks, and we recently points of Mahopac with 2:37 left in
had ve kids test positive for Covid,” the quarter.
said Coach Marc Hattem. “I think e run was impressive, but could
there’s a thing to be said about game not be sustained for Somers. A ma-
shape, I don’t know if they were in jor key for this run, and the previous
that. ey’re great kids, so it hurts ones, dying out was the Tuskers’ in-
to watch them struggle like that. ability to get to the free throw line
I think it was just all these factors, all game.
being rusty, game shape, some kids “We’re more of a perimeter-ori-
having very few practices.” ented team,” Hattem said. “We just
Hattem’s reasoning for the team’s got Alexa Warycha back which is
struggles remained evident in the big, but she wasn’t feeling well and Lauren McCartin inbounding the ball. PHOTOS: WHIT ANDERSON
second quarter. Mahopac added is still getting back into shape. at
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