VOL. 5 NO. 16 Visit TapIntoKLT.net for the latest news. THURSDAY, JULY 7, 2022
Readers overwhelmingly say ‘No’
Majority of surveyed readers oppose abortion and gun Supreme Court decisions
BY BRETT FREEMAN Second Amendment rights. dents either supported both of the care - not murder. If a woman is does with her own body is nobody’s
PUBLISHER e survey was conducted court’s decisions in the survey or raped, incest issue, baby poses harm business, especially the state or the
opposed both decisions. Very few to mother’s health, among other church, which are becoming more
Halston Media reached out to through Survey Monkey. ere of the respondents supported one issues, what’s the problem. It’s a and more increasingly intertwined.
the readers of our website, TAPin- were 166 respondents. decision and opposed the other. private issue and should remain as
to.net, asking them their thoughts one. Today is a sad day for women -Alan Cramer
about two bombshell U.S.Supreme irty- ve readers, or 21.08%, Comments were only published in the USA! If the Supreme Court Yorktown
Court cases that were decided a said they supported the Dobbs if people gave both their rst and can rule like this, what else can we
couple of weeks ago. decision; one hundred twenty nine last names. expect down the road. Not good!!!! No. While I understand the
readers, or 77.71%, opposed the “logic” applied is that each state
On June 24, in Dobbs v. Jackson court’s decision. Two readers said Halston Media will keep the -Rita Faulkner should determine the legality of
Women’s Health Organization, “none of the above.” survey open through July 14 and North Salem abortion, what I fail to understand
the Supreme Court overturned the will publish the nal results. To is how the government (judicial
1973 landmark abortion case, Roe In the NYS Ri e & Pistol Asso- register your opinion, you can nd No. States don’t have the right and legislative branches) can ignore
v. Wade, which held that the Con- ciation case, 45 readers, or 27.44%, the survey by visiting TAPintoMa- to regulate guns, but the have the the well-being of its citizens. e
stitution contained a right to abor- said they supported the court’s de- hopac.net; TAPintoSomers.net; power to regulate a woman’s uter- Constitution was created at a time
tion, which applied throughout the cision.One hundred twelve readers, TAPintoNorthSalem.net; TAPin- us? is is about power and control where feverish debate was under-
United States. In the 5-4 decision, or 68.29%, said they opposed the toYorktown.net; or TAPintoKLT. over a woman’s body!! Very sad pinned by a spirit of coopera-
the majority justices said that abor- court’s decision. Seven readers, or net (KLT stands for Katonah/ times for America. tion between political rivals with
tion regulations can be decided by 4.27%, said “none of the above.” Lewisboro Times). small groups of vocal extremists,
each state. Bairbre Ni Raghailligh but largely discounted. Today,
Of the 166 respondents, 16, or Do you support -Katonah/Lewisboro extreme views on both ends of
In New York State Ri e & Pis- 9.64%, are North Salem residents; the Supreme Court the political spectrum dominate
tol Association Inc. v. Bruen, the nine respondents, or 5.42%, were Yes. It’s long overdue. Courts the agenda, with the majority
Supreme Court overturned New from Katonah/Lewisboro; 19 re- decision, which should not impose their will on of more moderate Americans,
York’s requirement that residents spondents, or 11.45%, were from overturned Roe v. matters that ought properly be the both Democrats and Republi-
must show proper cause in order Carmel/Mahopac; 51 respondents, province of the people (expressed cans, largely ignored. is does
to obtain a licence to carry a con- or 30.72%, were from Somers; and Wade? through their elected representa- not bode well for the future of
cealed rearm. In its 6-3 decision, 59 respondents, or 35.54%, were tives). our republic as these attacks on
the court determined that New from Yorktown. Two respondents No. I feel that it’s wrong on so individual choice and decision-
York’s regulation violated the 14th were from the Mt. Kisco/Bedford/ many levels. It’s a woman’s body, -Davis Stowell
Amendment preventing law-abid- Pound Ridge area and 10 respon- therefore it should be her choice! Somers SEE RESULTS PAGE 3
ing citizens from exercising their dents were from outside our cover- I see as woman’s right to heath-
age area. No. A woman’s right to what she
e vast majority of the respon-
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The Staff Rock n’ Rescue saves 100+ animals
EDITORIAL TEAM South Salem-based Rock n’ According to industry statistics, to South Salem. Between Satur- breaking. ey are sweet and in-
BRIAN MARSCHHAUSER nocent little animals that no one
EDITOR: 914-302-5628 Rescue saved 101 animals from over 3.1 million dogs and 3.2 mil- day and Sunday, 34 of the rescued gave a chance for life. We are just
[email protected] doing our part to rescue as many
a shelter in Kentucky — 83 cats, lion cats are admitted to shelters animals were adopted. Of the re- as we can, so we can rescue more
VIM WILKINSON people,” said Executive Director
SPECIAL SECTIONS EDITOR four dogs,three rabbits,and 11 rats. each year, with about 1.5 million of maining, 61 of them went to fos- Juli Cialone. “We work tirelessly
[email protected] to care for pets while they’re await-
Many of these animals were saved these being euthanized. ter homes throughout the area for ing their forever home. We be-
ADVERTISING TEAM lieve these animals help save their
PAUL FORHAN from euthanasia as the shelter was In order to save the animals, socialization and care. e other six adopters as much as the adopters
are saving them. ere’s nothing
(914) 806-3951 being overwhelmed by the number Rock n’ Rescue, a non-pro t ani- have adoptions scheduled. e ani- more rewarding than helping fam-
[email protected] ilies nd their pets that will bring
of animals that were being turned mal rescue organization, sent a mals in foster care will be adopted them happiness, comfort and joy
BRUCE HELLER for years to come.”
(914) 486-7608 in, Rock n’ Rescue said. e ani- driver to Allentown, Pennsyl- out over the next four to six weeks.
[email protected] To learn more about Rock n’
mals ranged in age from less than 2 vania on Saturday, June 25, who “We see rsthand how quickly Rescue, visit rnrpets.org.
(201) 317-1139 months up to 13 years old. then transported all 101 animals a shelter can ll up and it’s heart- BRIEFS
[email protected]
CORINNE STANTON Please Join Us Gas-for-Electric
(914) 760-7009 Exchange Program
[email protected] MondPaleya, sJeuJloyin1U8,s 2022
Lewisboro residents who trade
JAY GUSSAK 14th Annual ColdMwoenldlPaBleyaa,nsJekuJeloyrinR1U8es,a2lt0y2G2olf Tournament in their gas-powered lawn equip-
(914) 299-4541 14th ASnanleumaGl oClfoClMdluwbo,en1ldl8aBByal,onoJkmueelyr RR1o8ea,ad2l,t0yN2oG2rtoh lSfaTleomu,rnNaYment ment will get a $100 voucher to
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SHELLEY KILCOYNE Salem Golf CMlubo,n1d8aByl,ooJmuelyr R1o8a,d2,0N2o2rth Salem, NY
(914) 924-9122 14th Annual Coldwell Banker RRoeaadl,tyNoGrtohlSfIEIannTrliMMeonmeeuOmm,r’CnooNorraYyynmnoooff rent e town of Lewisboro is direct-
[email protected] ing grant funds obtained through
Salem Golf Club, 18 Bloomer the New York State Energy Re-
PRODUCTION TEAM search and Development Authori-
TABITHA PEARSON MARSHALL Erin O’Connor ties Clean Energy Community
In Memory of program to a gas lawn equipment
CREATIVE DIRECTOR trade-in incentive campaign.
1) Bring gas-powered lawn
[email protected] To Register and/or Make a Contribution OInnMlineem:ory of equipment to the town recycling
NOAH ELDER To Regiwstwerwa.nCdB/oGroMlfaTkoeuarnCaomnetrnibt.uctoiomn OEnrinlinOe’C: onnor center (located behind the town
DESIGNER house, 11 Main St., South Salem)
HRIGGHGIRDHRIDGnnnaaacccoiooioooonnnnnllluullulllllggenegneffffdddeeeeePPPPeeeSSS,,,rssrsaaaaLLLpp::p:&&uuucccc111ooonnnkkkk888nnnNccNcaaaahhHHhHssseegggg,,,ooooootteeeeDDDlllwrrwreeeiiissnnsnSSSoonnnTToooririieeegggkkfffoorrrnnnGGGiinn&&&oooRRgglNlNlNfff,,,eeeeeGGGtttggwwwrrreeeioioowwwsseeerrrkkknnnttiiiwwewesssnnngggrr&&&wwwaaCCC...aannaCCCrrrddtttBBBFFF//eeeooGGGeeerrsssooo,,,MMPPPlllfffrrraaaaaTTTccckkoootttiiieecccuuueeeaarrrnnnCCaaaoommmnncIIccIeeefffttooorriiinnnnnnnnniibbttttttttteeaaea...uurrccrcccceeetttttoossosiiMMMoottteemmemiiinnkkkdddeeeiiiOOnnnOOOccnnc’’’CCCooolliioorrornnpppnnnoooeennnrrrooo::aaarrrttteeeaaatttsssp9p9p9o1o1o1n4n4n4s.s.s.555ooo555rrrs2s2s2hhh...555iiippp111,,,444333 between 9 a.m.and noon on Satur-
[email protected] DIRnacinnlugndeee,rsL:&u1n8NchHe,otDlweisnonorekfrGin&oglNf,eGtwreoerknisng& Cart Fees, Practice days ( June 25 to July 30).
Hole Sponsor Sign If interested in corporate sponsorship,
EXECUTIVE TEAM contact Mike O’Connor at 914.552.5143 2) Empty the equipment of u-
BRETT FREEMAN ids prior to drop o .
CEO & PUBLISHER Dinner & Networking
845-208-8151 3) Receive a $100 voucher to
bring to participating retailers, Co-
[email protected] pia Home and Garden (475 Smith
Ridge Road, South Salem) and
Deadlines Chubby’s Hardward (68 West-
chester Ave., Pound Ridge). e
THE KATONAH-LEWISBORO TIMES voucher can be used on any electric
DEADLINE leaf blower, trimmer, or mower.
THE DEADLINE FOR ADVERTISEMENTS 4) One trade-in item per house-
For more information, contact
THURSDAY BEFORE THE NEXT the town of Lewisboro Sustain-
PUBLICATION DATE. ability Committee at sustainabil-
[email protected]
914-302-5628 OR EMAIL Bedford
[email protected]
We Carry A Complete Line of Sunday, July 17, 4-7 p.m., Bedford
Location BioGuard Pool Treatments Village Memorial Park, 65 Green-
wich Road, Bedford
SUITE 100 Returning from its successful
launch year in 2019 is BBQ &
MOUNT KISCO, NY 10549 Blues for Bedford. Details about
and tickets for the evening of live
PUBLISHED WEEKLY BY music, food and fun can be found
HALSTON MEDIA, LLC at bbq22.eventbrite.com. is
collaboration of the Bedford Ar-
©2022 HALSTON MEDIA, LLC monk Rotary and the Lions Club
of Bedford Village raises funds for
the Community Center of North-
ern Westchester and Mount Kisco
Interfaith Food Pantry.
RESULTS ruling. stated that Roe was settled law. No.No one has the right to tell a Do you support the
-Melvyn Tanzman woman what to do with her body. Dobbs decision?
FROM PAGE 1 -Lou Sorell Yorktown
Katonah/Lewisboro -Dario Schiavetta 77.71% Say No
making are terrifying. Consider Yes. Abortion is a combination Yorktown 21.08% Say Yes
what’s next? And after that? No. Makes women second-class of murder, child abuse and denying
citizens. Discriminates against a persons right to life. No. is is tyranny. e Su- Do you support the
e U.S. was founded on several women who can’t a ord to travel preme Court has been reduced to NY Rifle & Pistol
fundamental concepts, including for an abortion. -Ed Byrnes political hacks in black robes. Decision?
individual rights and freedom of Somers
religion. is also implies a cer- -Diane Karsch -Dwight Arthur 68.29% Say No
tain amount of trust in our fellow No. Women have the right to Carmel/Mahopac 27.44% Say Yes
humans to understand their par- Somers choose what happens to and within
ticular situation and take actions their bodies, NOT conservative No. It is taking our country bodily autonomy.
to protect their health, where the Yes. e initial ruling was uncon- judges. backward as it is a woman’s right -Jonathan Harwood
rami cations of those actions are stitutional and denied the people to take care of her own body. Poli- Somers
personal and do not negatively im- the right to decide. State rights -Janice Bilik tics have no place in the freedom
pact others. is includes freedom were violated. Carmel/Mahopac of choice. No. is should be a medical
from persecution by others if they decision, not a legal one. Abortion
disagree based on their personal or -Ann Fanizzi No. Women have the right to -Carol Grottolo Roach restrictions are a Christian concept;
religious beliefs. control their own bodies. Yorktown not all Americans are Christian.
Regardless of my personal feel- -Michael Schwarzchild Yes. e original ruling was not -Elana Sofko
ings about abortion, everyone has No. If abortions are illegal, they Somers based on a Constitutional right Somers
the personal right to make this de- will still take place, only in unsafe and it should be written as a law by
cision for themselves free from the conditions. I am genuinely con- Yes.Liberal lunatics have hijacked Congress that will protect women No. Neither an underage mi-
meddling and judgment of others.I cerned for women in states that absolutely everything the last few and can’t be challenged. nor nor an adult woman should
recognize this opens the debate on will ban abortions. It is a very sad years. ey are in favor of intimidat- be forced to carry a baby to term if
more speci c points like how many day, the court decides that a fetus is ing judges. at’s why we got rid of -Steve De she wishes to have an abortion, for
weeks into the pregnancy and who more important than the woman the Ma a. It’s a lie that you can’t get Yorktown whatever reason. Abortion is essen-
needs to be consulted on the deci- who carries and brings [the fetus/ an abortion. You can. It’s just saying tial health care.
sion, etc. I also recognize this is of- child] up. It is all backwards. that it’s not a federal law. You can No. Because abortion is health-
ten a very personal, emotional, and get one in NY State. In NY, you care. Only the individual woman -Sarah Wilson
di cult decision for the individual -Rahel Abrams can probably get an abortion even gets to make the choice of wether Yorktown
and therefore, an individual deci- if you are a man. e Constitution or not they want to remain preg-
sion. North Salem is the law. It’s not uid to bend to nant. Any suggestion otherwise is No. It is an abhorrent viola-
whatever the avor of the day is. If forced birth. tion of human rights. Every per-
-Mark Reid Yes. e court did what they had Democrats don’t get their way, you son regardless of gender should
Carmel/Mahopac to do. ey are upholding the law. are sure that violence is never too far -Michael Perusse have full autonomy over their
Anyone that passed the required away. Also not too far away are the Yorktown own body.
No. e fact there are no excep- high school level government class midterms. e country belongs to
tions for rape and incest is uncon- should really understand this! It’s the people, not politicians. TERM No. e court is not making de- -Michelle Burns
scionable. In the Jewish faith, the also very sad that companies are of- LIMITS FOR ALL! cisions that represent the people, Somers
health, mental and physical, of the fering to pay for their employees to but in personal preferences and
mother is paramount. travel and have abortions. Where is -Robert Johnson beliefs. To refer to centuries-old None of the above. I believe
the support for workers with chil- Somers barbaric laws is disgusting. striking down Roe v. Wade
-Herb Oringel dren? without applying some type of
Somers I am just so outraged we are go- -Ann Visconti guidance or contingent guide-
-Stacie Gelhaus ing back 50 years! What I am feel- Yorktown lines opened a sleeping giant of
No. ree justices swore under ing can’t be published ha ha. antiquated views on the right to
oath that they would uphold Roe Carmel/Mahopac No. I am horri ed that the privacy regarding women and
v. Wade as established legal prec- -Beth Roche course of women’s lives can now their medical procedures. To
edent. Yes. It should have never fallen Carmel/Mahopac be determined by government of- unilaterally state that it is up to
under Federal jurisdiction to begin the states to implement laws to
-Brenda Tillerman with. e Supreme Court righted a No. It is an intrusion into wom- cials. regulate abortion was to abdi-
Katonah/Lewisboro wrong. en’s and family rights. Two of the -Cathleen Medwick cate their role as leaders of the
justices are liars. [Justice Clarence] Somers Constitution and the freedoms
No. Reproductive healthcare is a -Eric Rivera it guarantees. To allow states to
private decision between a woman omas has no respect for women No. Disgusting power play by make abortion a crime is equally
and her doctor. Yorktown as evidenced in his con rmation a few religious idealogues to in- abhorrent.
hearings. stantly turn women into second
- eresa Grimes Yes. I’m opposed to murder! class citizens by obliterating hard -Cathy JohansenCortlandt
Yorktown -Geri Schwalb -Gordon Sears won rights. Manor
No. Although many (including Yorktown -Carla Lichty SEE RESULTS PAGE 4
some pro-choice legal scholars) No. Government should not be Yorktown
concede that the Constitutional ba- No. It sets a new precedent to able to take away a woman’s repro-
sis for the original Roe decision has undermine what have long been ductive rights. No. It’s a complete repudiation
weaknesses, the Supreme Court considered individual rights. Rights of the right to privacy that has
seems to have thrown out the doc- to privacy, marriage equality (same -Josh Davies repeatedly been found to exist in
trine of stare decisis in making this sex and inter-racial) and religious Yorktown the Constitution. In doing so, it
freedom are all compromised, and deprives women of the right to
it will continue to be a slippery
slope. e recently appointed Su-
preme Court appointees are guilty
of perjury to Congress as they all
Blu Dolphi
in Katonah,
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RESULTS Do you support the too late to events involving weapons is problematic. ers and gun owners.
Supreme Court’s armed criminals. -Herb Oringel -Ann Fanizzi
FROM PAGE 3 decision that said Somers
Americans have a -Davis Stowell Carmel/Southeast
No. It is a woman’s right to right to carry guns Somers We need more gun control,
choose abortion if she pleases. in public for self not less. No. More guns, more gun vio-
It is her body, so her decision. None of the above. Con- lence. e end.
Many women are going to die defense? cealed carry is not a new con- -Brenda Tillerman
because of this decision. I am cept in the majority of the Katonah/Lewisboro -Rahel Abrams
very concerned. No. No one should be carrying country. I do understand the North Salem
guns unless it is for sport hunt- potential need for exemptions No. at isn’t exactly what
-Kendal Morello ing - for food or war. Not urban in major metropolitan areas like the ruling said. It just makes it Yes. I have watched way too
Somers street war ghting. Schools are NYC. harder for states to say where much ID Discovery Channel.
being shot up and kids are liter- people can or can’t carry, which
No. It is unconstitutional to ally dying. Not only schools, but -Alan Cramer means too many people will be e police can’t be everywhere!
regulate one’s health. people are being shot all over the Yorktown walking around with guns at the So many of the people on those
country. Regulating guns at this grocery store, at the mall, etc. It’s ID Discovery Channel [shows]
-Richard Dashnaw point will not work. It’s already Yes. I am a lifetime, card car- not good. should have been protecting
Somers become the Wild Wild West. rying member of the NRA. I themselves!
joined decades ago when the - eresa Grimes
No. Women have the right to -Rita Faulkner agenda was very di erent. I be- Yorktown -Stacie Gelhaus
make ANY decision they want North Salem lieve in strong, common sense Carmel/Mahopac
with their body!! End of story! gun laws - signi cant back- No. e New York law in
No. Gun violence in Ameri- ground checks with waiting question in the 2nd Amendment Yes. By law, the Second
-Sue Rogers ca… school shooting…. need I periods, proper training, men- case is 100 years old. e court Amendment allows Americans
Yorktown say more… tal health checks, restrictions only seems interested in defer- the right to protect themselves
on certain types of weapons ring to state legislatures when and bear arms. Not only in the
No. It denies a woman’s right -Bairbre Ni Raghailligh and magazines, etc. As long as the outcome is something the house to protect from invaders,
to control her own body. Katonah/Lewisboro we are a large, diverse, and free court agrees with. but also in public in the event
country, there will be those who they are in danger. Despite the
-Margaret English Yes. I believe in the Second abuse rights and privileges. is -Lou Sorell fear mongering propaganda you
Somers Amendment. Restrictive gun does not mean the vast majority Katonah/Lewisboro hear, no, America will not turn
control laws (such as New York’s should be restricted, or worse into the Wild West. Be mind-
No. It’s an abomination. that was the subject of the rul- yet, victimized by others. e 2nd amendment allowed ful the law applies to legal guns.
-Pete Meisel ing) keep guns out of the hands musket possession by citizen mi- Criminals with illegal guns al-
Somers of law-abiding people, leaving -Mark Reid litias, not for individuals to stroll ready break the law to begin with
guns in the hands of criminals Carmel/Mahopac the streets with lethal weapons. and should not be the scapegoat
No. It is a woman’s right to and law enforcement only, and to justify why legal gun owners
choose, not law! law enforcement often arrives No. ere are already too -Diane Karsch are unable to protect themselves
many guns in these United Somers or their family in public.
-Carol Roach States. inking about a crowd-
Yorktown ed subway car with concealed ere are too many gun carri -Eric Rivera
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Local officials weigh in on landmark Roe v. Wade reversal
BY CAROL REIF e 6-3 ruling in Dobbs v. scrambled to gure out what ‘As a candidate for
STAFF WRITER Jackson Women’s Health Orga- their next steps would be.
nization came down on Friday, Fears were raised about the
Elected o cials and candi- June 24, weeks after a leaked draft possible impact on other issues state Senate, I ask for
dates for various o ces in our of the opinion set o a restorm such as same-sex marriage and
region reacted last week to the of protests and political ghting access to birth control.
U.S. Supreme Court’s recent across the country. Citing potential shortages of civility in the wake of this
move to overturn Roe v. Wade, Anti-abortion groups hailed so-called “morning after” pills, decision as we discuss
the decision that established fed- certain national pharmacy chains
eral abortion protections nearly a the decision as historic and plan to limit purchases of medi-
half-century ago. vowed the ght wasn’t over, while cation that women can take after
pro-abortion rights organizations
Progressive Animal Hospital having unprotected sex or if their this very personal
contraceptive failed. issue. I am sensitive
Voted “Best of Somers” 2020-2022 to the strong views of
On Monday, June 27, my neighbors on both
What is the most common the Westchester County Board of sides of this issue. Let’s
mismanaged condition that you see? Legislators passed a law ensuring use this ruling to have a
safe access to reproductive health constructive dialogue as
THE ITCHY DOG! care facilities. Signed by County
Executive George Latimer, it a community.’
takes e ect immediately.
-Gina Arena
Democrats Erika Pierce (Dis-
trict 2: Somers, North Salem,
Is your pet... Bedford, Lewisboro, Mount Kis-
scratching • licking • chewing feet co, and Pound Ridge) and Vedat
or having chronic skin infections? Gashi (District 4: Somers, Yor-
ktown, and New Castle) were
Stop treating the symptoms among the 15 legislators who
and find out the underlying cause voted “yes.”
with a simple blood test. e two voting “no” were
Get your pet feeling better and Legislators Margaret Cunzio,
stop the frequent trips to the vet. a Conservative from District 3,
and James Nolan, a Republican
e law protects health care
268 route 202 l somers, ny 10589 workers and patients from being
914.248.6220 l progressive-vet.com bullied or prevented from enter-
ing such facilities. It enacts a 25-
foot no-harassment bu er zone we are with you, and we will not is legal under three scenarios: if
around clinics and designates an stop ghting with you. If you are it occurs before the end of the
“8-foot personal space bubble” in need of an abortion, and you 24th week of pregnancy; if it
around any person within 100 are in a state where you lost that is necessary to protect the wom-
feet of them. right, New York will welcome an’s health or life; and if the fetus
“We want to protect the wom- you. We will do everything in our won’t survive outside the womb.
en who need these services from power to help you exercise your Hochul faces Republican gu-
aggressive advocacy that exceeds rights.” bernatorial hopeful Lee Zeldin,
free speech and becomes intimi- At the heart of the Dobbs a four-term congressman from
dation and interference with their case was a Mississippi law that Long Island, in November.
personal safety,” Latimer said. prohibited performing abortions Zeldin called the ruling “a vic-
Running for Congress in the after 15 weeks of pregnancy. e tory for life, for family, for the
16th District, Yorktown resi- ruling means the procedure is no constitution, and for federalism.”
dent Gashi plans on challenging longer a constitutional right. In- “When my daughters, Mikayla
incumbent Rep. Jamaal Bow- dividual states will be allowed to and Arianna, were born 14.5
man in the upcoming Demo- ban the medical procedure unless weeks early, I had the opportu-
cratic primary. Congress passes a federal law. nity to witness life in the second
“Roe v. Wade granted women irteen states have already trimester, and it was absolutely
the right to make decisions about passed a variety of anti-abortion beautiful,” Zeldin said. “In a
ON YOONUYROUJORBJOEBVEGEGVREUURYAAYDRRDAAAAYYNNUUTTNNEETEETIDLDILCOCMOPMLEPTLIOETNI..O. N…tGCrheogaeuusirhlratitotisowoanoindks., bodies and health,” “trigger laws” that could go into state that has legalized late-term
“Today the Supreme immediate e ect. partial-birth abortion and non-
away that right. Gun doctors performing abortion, in
LGBTQ plus rights, New York is not one of them. a state that refuses to advance
Calling the ruling “a grave informed consent and parental
and voting rights are all also injustice,” Gov. Kathy Ho-
ON YOUR JOB EVERYDAY UNTIL COMPLETION… under attack. Our democratic chul charged the court with roll- consent, and where not enough
GUARANTEED and judicial systems have been ing “back the rights of millions of is being done to promote adop-
abused to achieve this unjust and Americans, disregarding their in- tion and support mothers, today
undemocratic result. We can, and terests and — more importantly is yet another reminder that New
should, stand up to protest this — their lives.” York clearly needs to do a much
grave injustice, but we must vote. “Access to abortion is a funda- better job to promote, respect and
Please vote for the actual love of mental human right, and it re- defend life.”.
God.” mains safe, accessible, and legal in Here’s what state Senate and
19 1O0L1DG1DR1991EOO10OE0L1AL1DNGDNGRDWDRSEOEOBEOEAANUNNNOWWRSSDBBOGUUOARRRDGGVDAARSRESVV.DHDHS.EEB.H..BBO.ORBBOREBERWWWEEETTEWWTHRWRHRHSOETOSSOLEEOTET,LOMLEROC,ER,,TSCMMNR,CT0NYS6,TS08Y1N60080115Y0069|1588012|09|0031285|04793584|8.487252479.8|8200.7093088000.40707000547802798000cil0en0asgn7B“s,T0ohbdowiusedtmtvaoaytrashynit.asa’sWtta itndadeogkak.eernsk:Ined’wtwamyaitniawntkaeAtsoimctoeamrrnsiy--t New York,” she said Friday. “His- Assembly candidates thought:
tory shows us that when abortion State Sen. Peter Harckham
is banned, abortion becomes un-
safe for women. Low-income in- (D-South Salem): “ e right-
dividuals and people of color will wing majority of the U.S. Su-
preme Court’s unconscionable
CT LIC. #HCICT 0LI6C4. 6#H1I0C2064|61W02E|SWTECSTHCEHSESTTEERRLLICI.C#2.9#128591H8165 |HPU1T6NA| MPLUICT. N#PAC7M152LIC. #PtsaaCkg7ee1ta5o2mevoemryeonntetowhsoentdodaaymleoss-t be harmed the most.” decision to overturn Roe v. Wade
wwwwww..ssoouutthheeaassttkkiittcchheennananddbabtaht.hco.cmom this fundamental, sacred right: Under New York’s 2019 Re- SEE ROE V.WADE PAGE 14
www.southeastkitchenandbath.com productive Health Act, abortion
Lewisboro to change ethics board makeup
BY GINO DE ANGELIS would be a good thing to have “I would ask if they can come stop sign at the intersection of single stop sign, as they said
STAFF WRITER someone who was employed and address the board for this Hall Avenue and Pond Street. stop signs only work to slow
at the town to sit as the third hearing, so we can understand down tra c in the immediate
e Lewisboro Town Board person,” said Town Board a little bit more as to what e resolution came after area before and after them.
will hold another hearing on member Andrea Rendo. “Since they’re charged with and how a public hearing in which
the makeup of the Board of the board has been basically it runs,” Petromelis said. “ ey residents of the neighborhood e board, however, noted that
Ethics after hearing feedback not functioning, or at least not have a separate page online, voiced their concerns about despite these recommendations,
from the public during the meeting, and they don’t have but no real contact info, only the speed of vehicles on the the chief of police and highway
last hearing. e board will a third person that’s what led a P.O. box, there’s no email or roads as well as visibility at the superintendent can only go
add language to the proposal me to address that perhaps phone number or anything, and intersection. o reports, and do not see
that includes options for an we should change it so there’s there’s also no instructions on tra c there everyday like the
alternate to sit on the Board of three residents.” how one would go about ling “I want to note that the residents do.
Ethics, expanding the board’s an ethics complaint.” community board voted on
numbers, as well as making it e Board of Ethics only this topic and voted in favor of “I think in this case of this
clear to the public how they can meets when it has an issue e board will take the pursuing a three-way stop sign particular situation here, the
submit concerns to the body. presented to it by either the concerns into consideration at this intersection. So clearly, stop sign is serving kind of as
town itself or a member of the as they rewrite the resolution this is something that the a signal to people,” said Town
e hearing that occurred at public, said Town Supervisor and present it for another residents of this neighborhood Board member Dan Welsh.
the past meeting was to alter Tony Goncalves. e board has hearing and vote. e changes feel there’s a need for as far
the town bylaws to replace had the same two members, will include language to have as their safety and quality of CUB SCOUTS TO
the requirement for the third William Schecter and an alternate for any town life,” said David McDonough, LAUNCH BOTTLE
member of the board to be a Lawrence Mandelker, for the employee sitting on the board, a member of the community ROCKETS AT ONATRU
town employee. e board has last 20 years, he added. so they can recuse themselves association on Pond Street. He
no cap on the number of sitting in case of a con ict of interest. also pointed out that he and e Vista Cub Scouts Pack
members it can have, but if e Town Board heard many other members of that 101 will launch bottle rockets
there are to be more than two, comments from Simone THREE STOP SIGNS community have seen many in Onatru Park on Aug. 6.
the third must be an employee Petromelis, who wants the TO BE ADDED AT close calls between motorists
of the municipality, said Town town to make it clearer what HALL AVENUE AND and have also seen an uptick e Scouts needed permission
Board member Mary Shah. the duties of the Board of POND STREET in delivery drivers over the last from the board to launch the
Ethics are, who is sitting on the INTERSECTION rockets, as the town bylaws say
“At the time that this law board, and allow it to be easier ve years. that model planes, rockets, and
was rst drafted, the drafters for regular people to contact e Town Board approved a e board was recommended drones cannot be launched in
apparently believed that that them. resolution to install a three-way the park unless it is a speci c
by the highway and police part of the year. e Town
departments to just put in a Board signed o on it.
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Summer songs e world is a dangerous place
Iremember happy times going picnic tables set out under a large As the population of the world he said very funny again - Trump and I have
out to Jones Beach for the day wooden pavilion. While taking expands and humans encroach upon that kind of relationship).
with my family and later on bites of my hamburger and fries, the natural habitats of all kinds
One relatively recent factor that has
as a teen with my friends. I recall I heard “Hanky Panky” blaring of animals and insects, we take on certain driven up the rate of dangerous encounters
walking out of the speakers. I inherent risks. On the is the advent of social
across the preferred the electric football eld the penalty media. Everyone wants that
hot sand READING, guitars on “Wild for encroachment is ve MAN signature Facebook photo
to nd a WRITING & ing.” yards, but in real life, OVERBOARD that no one else has. “Look
perfect spot CHOCOLATE In the summer of it could be death. Just how close I got to this lion
near the KIM
rolling waves KOVACH 1967, I was surprised imagine that you are a RICK on safari! You can’t hide
to place to hear American rock family of alligators, living MELÉN your lion eyes! And here is
music played over the
in the swamp for years one of me on life support at
our beach speakers by the pool and years, and a young Nairobi Hospital!” Don’t be
towels. e at a hotel in Montreal, human couple builds a surprised if the lion has his
brilliant sun Canada. Visiting house right next door. own account. You know how
overhead, the smell of salt in the family friends and attending Expo ey are constantly showing o , walking Facebook users are always taking pictures
air, the squawking of seagulls, the ’67, my family stayed at a hotel around on two legs and smiling with their of their food? You should slowly back away
crashing of the waves upon the for a few days. I always liked to itty-bitty pathetic teeth. Finally, the wife from the lion while maintaining eye contact.
shore are all wonderful reasons to make friends with girls my age on alligator says, “You know, they’ve been here During a bear encounter, you’re not
spend a day at the beach. vacation and became acquainted a week-maybe we should have them for supposed to play dead. You should make as
But at some point (during the with two sisters from New Jersey. dinner.” is is how misunderstandings start much movement as you can, while backing
1980s?), beachgoers set up their We hung out at the pool. Over in the neighborhood. away. I would suggest that you do whatever
towels, umbrellas, and coolers and the loudspeakers by the pool, one Just this last week a man was killed in you normally do in front of one of those
then turned on their radio boom- song seemed to play constantly, South Carolina when an alligator dragged motion-activated paper towel dispensers
boxes. On crowded weekend days, e Doors’ hit, “Light My Fire.” I him into a retention pond. Part of my job that never works in a public restroom. I
the noise from the various radio was amazed that the same songs I is a journalist is to try and make the world usually perform the “warehouse scene” from
stations became overwhelming. It listened to in Queens were popular a safer place. And before you go looking “Footloose,” and after I’ve nished drying
was distracting while perfecting in Canada, as well! Everywhere we up the de nition of the word “journalist,” my hands on my pants two paper towels
my tan and turning upon my went that week in Montreal, Jim I’m going to share some tips with you that come out along with a noise that sounds like
beach towel like a rotisserie Morrison could be heard shouting, may save your life, if your retention is better a laugh. If there is anyone in the restroom
chicken. “Come on baby, light my re!” than that of the average pond. One thing while I’m doing that they are usually playing
As a young child, I listened to My recollection was so vivid that you may not know is that alligator dead or backing away slowly.
the popular songs played on the from that summer of 1967, mating season runs from April through e brown recluse spider is poisonous,
AM stations on my transistor that I decided to Google the June, and that’s a good time not to be a third and if you are bitten by one you should
radio. e Top 40 countdown popular summer songs from wheel. Unprovoked attacks are very rare, seek immediate medical treatment, such as
and the most requested songs other subsequent years. I totally say authorities, but an alligator’s criteria for anti-venom. If the spider is armed it could
still sounded good even through remember 1972’s summer hit, provocation may be di erent from yours. be much worse, since spiders have eight
the tiny speakers. My musical “Lean on Me” by Bill Withers, To be on the safe side, avoid insensitive arms. If I’m bitten I ask the spider if he
awakening occurred during and 1973’s popular song, “Bad Bad comments about the length of their noses. wouldn’t mind sucking the poison out of the
the summer of 1965. I was in Leroy Brown” by Jim Croce. In Here in the Northeast it’s no less bite before he leaves - we have that kind of
elementary school, but my musical the 1980s, summer songs included dangerous. We were bicycling on a trail in relationship.
tastes were more like a high “Jessie’s Girl” by Rick Spring eld New Jersey, and somebody said that they My wife said that she has seen a di erent
school teenager’s. In that summer in 1981, “Every Breath You Take” saw a rattlesnake. If you are bitten by one, bug in her bathroom each day for the last
of 1965, I remember two of my by e Police in 1983, and one of try to position yourself so that your heart week, which is not surprising because I
favorite songs playing on heavy my favorites, “Shout” by Tears for is above the wound, and wash it with soap enrolled her in the “Bug of the Month
rotation on the radio – “(I Can’t Fears in 1985. and water. Do not apply a tourniquet, ice Club.” She said she saw a centipede, then a
Get No) Satisfaction” by the In 1996, everywhere you or drink alcohol. Remain calm and still so millipede, and I said, “Hold it right there,
Rolling Stones and “I Got You traveled you heard the catchy as not to spread the venom, and call 911. you counted?” Naturally we haven’t seen
Babe” by Sonny & Cher. dance tunes of the “Macarena” You should try to remember what the snake one carpenter ant, they won’t even return
I noticed three very di erent by Los Del Rio and then “Livin looked like, even if it was disguised with a my calls. Today it was a silver sh in the
songs vying for popularity around La Vida Loca” by Ricky Martin fake moustache and glasses. shower. Because I’m the man of the house
the pools and beach areas in the in 1999. e last time I paid Do not try to suck the poison out of the I’m expected to dispose of it, no matter
summer of 1966: “Summer in attention to a popular summer snakebite, and I’ve been telling most people how much of a champion I am for women’s
the City” by e Lovin’ Spoonful, song was in 2017 when even a trip that (I told Trump that I didn’t share the equality. e last time I saw that bug it was
“Wild ing” by e Troggs, and to the grocery store included the information with him on purpose, but I looking a little ushed...
“Hanky Panky” by Tommy James song “Despacito!” heard it from an unimpeachable source, ha
& the Shondells. I remember a ha, and he said very funny, and I said, don’t Join Rick and No Options at Fulgum’s in
day trip to an amusement park Kim Kovach keeps favorite songs get your hackles up, if you even have hackles, Montrose, Saturday, July 9, at 9 p.m.! Look
with my family. We took a break on rotation in her memories! www. it wasn’t a real snake anyway, and he said for Rickster Melen on Facebook! Say hello
for lunch and brought our food kimkovachwrites.com yeah, but what about the poison, and I said at: [email protected]
from the concession stand to I’ll let you know in about an hour, ha ha, and
BRETT FREEMAN, PUBLISHER 2 Letters to the editor and op-ed submissions may be edited. The views
BRIAN MARSCHHAUSER, EDITOR TRACKS and opinions expressed in letters and op-eds are not necessarily those
TABITHA PEARSON MARSHALL, CREATIVE DIRECTOR of Katonah-Lewisboro Times or its affiliates. Submissions must include a
118 N. BEDFORD ROAD, SUITE 100 phone number and address for verification. Not all letters and op-eds will
Editorial Office: (914) 302-5628 MOUNT KISCO, NY 10549 necessarily be published. Letters and op-eds which cannot be verified or
[email protected] ©2021 HALSTON MEDIA, LLC are anonymous will not be published. Please send your submissions to
the editor by e-mail at [email protected].
For more information, call the editor at (914) 302-5628
My muse takes a vacation
BRUCE generous health bene ts, but since vagrant Muse decides to take a Someone I’ve never met in my life
THE BLOG they work only about a day a week — vacation this week, leaving poor old is telling me at a T-Mobile counter
give or take a few hours — vacations me to twist sadly in the wind, waiting that he was stuck in Florida three days
BRUCE are super uous for their profession. for its pearls of wisdom to magically because he couldn’t get a ight out. I
APAR materialize before me, like fairy dust sympathized with him because it felt
eir entire ephemeral existence is kicked up out of the ether by that like I was at that T-Mobile counter for
Afriend of mine said it must be one big vacation, for crying out loud, moody little Tinkerbell. e least it three days waiting for my phone to be
hard to write a weekly column. so give me a break, will ya. Vacations could have done is meet me halfway upgraded to the latest technology that
Must be hard to come up with for Muses? Ha! (or LOL, depending and go on staycation so I still had unfortunately can’t be harnessed to
ideas every week. e friend of which I on your age). Next thing you know, some proximate access to whatever it’s improve air travel.
speak is no stranger to tapping into the Muses’ll be agitating to unionize.). musing.
mysterious Muse that guides creative CANCEL CULTURE
endeavors. He’s a pro cient songwriter. PASSWORD PASS ALONG WHITHER INSPIRATION? Several days before we were heading
Muses are hard to gure altogether. But no. Instead, here I slouch
His remark about the challenge of to Florida, I related to my wife Elyse
fresh ideation every seven days was Where do they live? Are they vegans? and heave, gasping desperately for that three-day-delay tale of woe, and
impeccably timed, voiced just as I set Which dating apps do they favor? Are inspiration. OK. Whatever. You’re not — Rock of Gibraltar that she is —
about to write this week’s meandering they Net ix subscribers? (Or do they indispensable, so don’t get too comfy Elyse assured me not to worry. So, I
minor piece of musing. Gee, thanks, use someone else’s password to avoid or cocky in your tenuous position of didn’t worry, but that didn’t stop the
friend – for jinxing me. paying, otherwise known as digital employment. I can be on vacation too, airline, the night before we were to
shoplifting? If it’s not known as that, you know, my unamusing Muse, and depart, from canceling our outgoing
I typically don’t know writer’s block, it should be, ‘cause that’s what it is, still manage something say of import.
but I nd myself at the moment that which is why Net ix aims to arrest the ight from HPN (that’s Westchester
you’re reading this to be in search of illicit practice.) For instance, let’s talk air travel. Airport in White Plains for all you
something meaningful to say. How am In an age when we can pay for fast homebodies). We were lucky, though
I doing? I know. So far, not so good. Google isn’t very helpful answering food or a toilet plunger or gas by — or I should say, “I am one lucky
any of the above questions. All it has merely holding a smartwatch next to guy, though” — because nobody
is week, the Muse, like me, its to o er on the subject is that “Muse a point-of-sale terminal, the quality messes with plans made by my Rock.
employer, must be on vacation. Funny, is a person or personi ed force who is of air travel continues to lose altitude. She got us on another ight pronto,
but I don’t recall writing that particular the source of inspiration for a creative I don’t know to where the customer and fortunately our sojourn to the
bene t into their employment contract. artist.” How illuminating. Not. experience has disappeared, but they Sunshine State was uneventful, sans
might check the Bermuda Triangle. drama.
Don’t get me wrong. My Muse has Some people are born to a Muse Reportedly, there’s a pilot shortage.
that out Muses all other Muses. I’m OK, I get that. But what about that So far, so good.
talking Shakespeare, Dylan, Sondheim. pilot named Otto? Can’t they use Not so good, however, for our
smartwatch technology to gure it out daughter Elissa. Her 10:10 p.m.
ere are a few more, sure, but the list so that planes y on Otto pilot?
of names at that sui generis level of SEE APAR PAGE 12
artistic alchemy is pretty darn short.
Meanwhile, my undistinguished
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Start your day right
GUEST how you start your day will signi cantly and lling your cup rst will impact your intention before distractions take
CORNER impact how you nish, and everything your approach to your whole day. It can over.
in-between. start with just ve minutes. Yes, you
KIM STOLL sacri ce a little sleep, but the bene ts How you start your day will yield a
I lived so much of life being blown will have you setting that alarm even return. You get to decide if it’s good or
How you start actually matters and tossed by the day’s events: waking bad. Let’s make it good.
more than how you nish. to children already up and ready to ve minutes earlier the following week.
It matters more because go, shu ing from request to request, Wake up with purpose and intention. Kim Stoll empowers women to nd joy
errand to errand, and appointment Start your day with quiet, meditation, in every day and build a life they love
to appointment only to fall into bed prayer, and personal development. through positive habits in mindset, tness,
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and even defeated. or stretching. Drink water and slowly available. [email protected]
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Taking ownership of your morning
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