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Published by Halston Media, 2021-07-14 14:55:42

North Salem News 07.15.21

North Salem’s only weekly newspaper mailed to every home and business.

Vol. 7 No. 17 Visit for the latest news. Thursday, July 15, 2021

Sacred Drama
Local musicians bring back Baroque

STAFF WRITER e graduate program specializes in early music played
Jeremy Rhizor, founder of the Academy of Sacred Drama.
Bow where you’re planted. on period instruments.
at seems to be one of violinist Jeremy Rhizor’s mis- Rhizor, distressed by how neglected the world of “sacred

sions in life. drama” was, resolved to champion the genre’s revival.
e new North Salem resident was raised in Las Vegas, at meant focusing on baroque oratorios, mostly from

a desert resort more known for showgirls than Chopin. the late-1600s to the early 1700s.
Kind of ironic then, that one of the folks who helped Oratorios are large-scale musical works for orchestra

cultivate Rhizor’s classical career had played in the orches- and voices, usually narratives with a religious theme, such
tra of Mr. Las Vegas himself, Wayne Newton. as biblical tales and the lives of saints.

Rhizor was barely kindergarten age when he begged his Unlike operas, they are performed without the use of
parents for piano lessons. costumes, scenery, or action. ey do, however, have distin-
guishable characters and arias, aka long vocal solos.
But when a teacher suggested that he might be too
young to handle such a big instrument, they got him a ink Handel’s Messiah, Bach’s Christmas Oratorio, or
child-sized violin instead. Haydn’s The Creation.

Lucky for music lovers,that one stuck …and then some. Gathering up fellow students and colleagues, Rhizor
Rhizor went on to graduate from the Eastman School formed the Academy of Sacred Drama.
of Music in Rochester and then e Juilliard School in
New York City, where he studied Historical Performance Its knowledgeable and inspired team of instrumentalists


Idoni wins County Clerk nod

BY CAROL REIF had received 17,494, or 51 percent, of the support from my fellow Democrats,” said
STAFF WRITER 34,099 votes cast. Idoni after the results were announced Fri-
day, July 2. “My entire career has been based
Incumbent Westchester County Clerk Tim He edged out Yonkers Councilwoman around government, from being a city manag-
Idoni has o cially won the Democratic Pri- Shanae V. Williams, who came in with 16,605 er to my serving as mayor and now as county
mary. votes, or 49 percent. clerk, I have always done my best to help the
people I am tasked to represent. ank you for
After absentee ballots were counted, Idoni He will be facing Republican candidate your con dence.”
Scooter Scott this fall for the four-year post.
Tim Idoni
“I am humbled, grateful, and proud of the

CLASSIFIEDS 14 Artists at work


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Page 2 – North Salem News BALANCED ROCK Thursday, July 15, 2021

The Staff Knights of Chorale performs outdoor AUTHOR TALK free United States Pocket Con-

EDITORIAL TEAM Columbus lawn concerts in Putnam and ursday, July 15 from 7:30 - stitutions to all donors starting
EDITOR: 914-302-5830 Dutchess counties. e concerts, 8:15 p.m. this July to celebrate our Na-
[email protected]
titled “America rough Song”, “ e Daughters of Kobani: A tion’s founding. Calling all Re-
PAUL FORHAN GOLF OUTING features songs that represent sig- Story of Rebellion, Courage, and publicans, Conservatives, and

(914) 806-3951 Monday, July 19 at 11:30 a.m. ni cant eras in our cultural and Justice” by Gale Tzemach Lem- Independents alike! If you want
[email protected]
Rescheduled from June 14 social history. Two concerts will mon is the story of what ISIS to support our outreach and like
(914) 486-7608 due to inclement weather. e be held: has left in its wake. It tells the our commitment to the conser-
[email protected]
Knights of Columbus will hold Friday, July 23 at 6:30 p.m. at tale of the women served with vative cause, please mail a check/
(201) 317-1139 their rst annual golf outing the Bowdoin Park bandshell, 85 America’s ground forces in the money order to:
[email protected]
CORINNE STANTON on July 19 at Salem Country Sheafe Road, Wappingers Falls. struggle to defeat the Islamic North Salem Republican
(914) 760-7009
[email protected] Club. Proceeds from the event Saturday, July 24 at 3 p.m. at State. Town Committee (NSRTC),

JAY GUSSAK will bene t the Veteran’s Honor Southeast Veteran’s Park (for- PO Box 289 North Salem, NY
(914) 299-4541
[email protected] Flights and St. Joseph’s Church merly Electrazone Field) in ROMAN A CHEF 10560.
(917) 446-7757 & Council 6205. e Hudson Brewster. Saturday, July 17, from 3 - 5 All donors will be mailed
[email protected]
SHELLEY KILCOYNE Valley Honor Flight honors Ruth Keeler p.m. back a pocket constitution. Also,
(914) 924-9122 American Veterans by providing “King Soloman’s Table: A please follow us daily on Face-
[email protected]
GABRIELLE BILIK Memorial Librarythem transportation to Wash- culinary Exploration of Jew- book to keep up with Repub-
ACCOUNT EXECUTIVE/DESIGNER ish Cooking from Around licans issues at @North Salem
[email protected] ington D.C. to visit war memo-

PRODUCTION TEAM rials and historic sites at no cost. e Keeler Library is open the World” by Joan Nathan. Republicans. If you want to con-
Anyone interested may contact for browsing, computer use, and Weather permitting, the meet- tact us, please email us at north-
PHOTOGRAPHER Bob Mazza at rjmazza@opton- reading! For more information, ing will be outside and everyone [email protected]

[email protected] or 914-282-2513. visit www.ruthkeelermemorial- can share dishes. If it rains, the
ART DIRECTOR/ Putnam Chorale group may move inside and be CONSTITUTION OLYMPICS

DIGITAL PRODUCTION MANAGER Most of our programs are on distanced and comfortable. You A good knowledge of civics is
[email protected]
ZOOM. Send us an email if you do not have to bring a dish to the foundation to keeping our
BRETT FREEMAN LAWN CONCERT SERIES want to participate: keelerlibrary@ come, as we understand it may republic. How well do you know
845-208-8151 Friday, July 23 and Saturday When you email us, be stressful to cook for others. your Constitution? We will post

[email protected] July 24 we will send you a link to click on, Bring a beverage or just yourself. a daily question on our website

Deadlines Join us when the Putnam and a password to enter. at

Monday, July 19 from 1 - 5 Constitution. e answer should
DISCOVER THE PLEASURE AND p.m. be emailed daily to northsalem-
BEFORE THE NEXT PUBLICATION DATE. Join us to make paper air- [email protected]. e

FOR MORE INFORMATION, CALL planes outside! persons with the most right an-
TOM WALOGORSKY AT 914-302-5830
WARMTH OF A FIREPLACE OR WRITERSWORKSHOP swers will win nice prizes from
OR EMAIL NORTHSALEMNEWS@ 1st to 4th places on August 1.
STOVE IN YOUR HOME Wednesday, July 21, from 11 North Salem
Online a.m. - 12:30 p.m. Democratic
FOLLOW US Committee
Accomplished and aspiring
Location writers are invited to join Mary-
anne D’Amato, local resident
SOMERS, NY AND AT and published author, for a sup-

ADDITIONAL MAILING OFFICES. portive meeting. Volunteers needed. ere are

POSTMASTER: North Salem a few open seats on the town
SEND ADDRESS CHANGES TO committee and the Democrats

NORTH SALEM NEWS AT Republican Town would love to have some new
118 N. BEDFORD ROAD Committee volunteers come forward. It’s a
great way to meet new people
MOUNT KISCO, NY 10549 and be involved in who and

North Salem News what shapes our community. If,
USPS #22110
FREE POCKET on the other hand, you may be
HALSTON MEDIA, LLC AT CONSTITUTIONS interested in serving on a town
e North Salem Republican SEE ROCK PAGE 15
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Thursday, July 15, 2021 North Salem News – Page 3


Chair of Pediatrics urges parents to vaccinate their kids

Dr. Buetti-Sgouros is this week’s guest on Hudson Valley Uncensored podcast

Dr. Maryann Buetti-Sgouros, of this dangerous potential out- hood of your child having severe

chair of the Department of Pe- come, Dr. Buetti-Sgouros feels COVID infection, if it comes to

diatrics at Northern Westchester strongly that children should get the point where schools mandate ‘Even if you’re not worried so much
about the physical likelihood of your
Hospital in Mount Kisco, joins vaccinated to avoid this risk. that you cannot participate with- child having severe COVID infection,
if it comes to the point where schools
the Hudson Valley Uncensored “As a pediatrician, anybody out getting that vaccination, my mandate that you cannot participate
without getting that vaccination, my
podcast this week to discuss the who knows me knows it is pretty God, I would hate for your child God, I would hate for your child to
be that kid that’s not participating.
topic of whether to vaccinate our hard to get me to give something to be that kid that’s not par- Kids need to be with other kids. It goes
beyond just the
children for COVID-19. to a child,” Dr. Buetti-Sgouros ticipating. Kids need to be with physical health.

You can listen to the pod- said. “I hate giving out antibiot- other kids. It goes beyond just e mental
health needs it.’
cast by visiting hudson-valley- ics. I like to give out better life- the physical health. e mental
-Dr. Maryann or you style advice about nutrition and health needs it.” Buetti-Sgouros

can search for Hudson Valley good habits. So for me to be Dr. Buetti-Sgouros shares Chair of the
Department of
Uncensored on Apple Podcasts, recommending something like a her experience contracting CO- Pediatrics at Northern
Westchester Hospital
Google Podcasts, Audible or vaccination, it has to be because VID-19 in the early days of the
Dr. Maryann Buetti-Sgouros
Spotify. I truly feel that the research has pandemic, and reminds listeners

She explains how messenger been done to bene t not only the of the powerful role that vaccines

RNA vaccines work to help our child, but the child’s family and have played in eradicating tragic

bodies produce antibodies, why the community at large.” diseases and deadly infections of

she feels these vaccinations are e doctor shares her concerns the past.

bene cial and safe not only for about the long haul e ects for

children, but for their families young people who develop CO- Dr. Buetti-Sgouros is a pediatrics

and the community as a whole, VID-19, answers concerns raised specialist and has over 28 years of

and says that children can still by parents about the vaccine im- experience in the medical eld. She

transmit the virus to older adults. pacting fertility, and urges par- graduated from the Icahn School of

“I understand so many parents ents to consider vaccinating their Medicine at Mount Sinai Medical

are concerned because they think children so that they can travel School in 1993, and currently

that their children might not get and return to school, camp and practices with Westchester Health,

particularly sick with this virus, other social activities with their also a liated with Northwell

but it goes beyond just the indi- peers, as this is a crucial aspect of Health, at 36 Smith Avenue in

vidual. It also goes to the com- their mental health, particularly Mount Kisco. Her patient o ce

munity,” Dr. Buetti-Sgouros said for children with special needs. can be reached at (914) 666-6655

to podcast host Brett Freeman. “I think having the vaccination for anyone looking for a new

Dr. Buetti-Sgouros cautions so that all kids will be able to par- pediatrician for their children.

that some children develop ticipate fully in school and activi- In the interest of full disclosure,

multi-in ammatory systemic ties is very important,” she said. Northern Westchester Hospital is a

disease, similar to Kawasaki dis- “Even if you’re not worried so valued advertiser with ve of our

ease, due to COVID-19. Because much about the physical likeli- Halston Media publications.

Where can you find the podcast?

• Visit
• Search for Hudson Valley Uncensored on Apple Podcasts, Google Podcasts, Audible or Spotify

We asked readers about vaccinating their kids

Here’s how 70 local parents responded to our survey

A few weeks ago, we published a story on our TAPinto • Undecided • Child is not old enough yet. I will wait to hear

website with a link to Survey Monkey asking our • Haven’t yet but will be forced to guidance from pediatrician when available for younger

readers to answer some questions about whether they • Not sure children.

planned to vaccinate their children. We had 70 local • Maybe

parents respond to the survey. Responses and suggested • Undecided IF YOU DON’T PLAN TO VACCINATE YOUR

questions were used to facilitate a conversation with Dr. • ey are 19 and 22 and yes, they’re both vaccinated. CHILDREN, WHY?

Maryann Buetti-Sgouros in this week’s Hudson Valley • I will NEVER give my child this “vaccine.” • Not enough research has been done: 8

Uncensored podcast interview, as well as in next week’s • My grown kids are already vaccinated. • I’m worried about the long term health impact on

interview with Dr. Eli Morales, a licensed naturopathic • Undecided my child: 16

physician. • I’m not worried about COVID-19 harming my

IF YOU HAVE VACCINATED OR PLAN TO child, so they don’t need to be vaccinated.


CHILDREN FOR COVID 19? • To protect my child against COVID-19: 12 • None of the above: 4

• Yes: 32 • So that my child can participate in activities or • N/A: 29

• No: 27 travel: 3 • Other: 3

• Other: 11 • All of the above: 25 Here’s how the “Other” responded:

Here’s how the “Other” responded: • None of the above: 8 • My child recently had COVID.

• I have no children living home. • N/A: 18 • e bene ts of vaccination outweigh the possible

• When it has been thoroughly tested & features • Other: 1 SEE SURVEY PAGE 4

approved. e “Other” responded:

Page 4 – North Salem News Thursday, July 15, 2021

SURVEY people with COVID developing long COVID problems negatively impact development or fertility.
(Norway study) and (2) the ACIP presentation that the • Timeline for when approval may happen for 2-year-
FROM PAGE 3 myocarditis that does rarely occur is less severe than
among those who get it unrelated to a vaccine. People olds?
negative e ects. need better tools to understand risks and trade o s. • When will the vaccine be available under 12? And
• Child already had COVID.
• I’m worried that there are no long term studies; the • How accurate is the statement, made by Dr. Robert do you think the concern about myocarditis will delay
Malone, who invented the mRNA technology that’s approval?
recovery rate doesn’t warrant intervention for children; now being used in the COVID-19 vaccine, that there
and zero liability for the pharmaceutical companies are isn’t enough data about the risks for teens and he doesn’t • I am asking on behalf of likeminded parents
major contributing concerns. believe they should be forced to get vaccinated? Also, everywhere for this doctor to please be a mouthpiece
how true is his other statement that lipid nanoparticles for us. For this “vaccine” to NOT be mandated. To not
WE ARE INTERVIEWING THE CHIEF OF leave the injection site and accumulate in organs and cause thousands of children to be homeschooled and for
PEDIATRICS OF NORTHERN WESTCHESTER tissues? families to not leave the state of NY over a questionable
ANY SUGGESTED QUESTIONS YOU MAY HAVE • Why is this vaccine being pushed so hard when it is
SOME OF THE FOLLOWING QUESTIONS AND/ not a threat to children? • I have heard some parents, particularly parents
OR STATEMENTS BELOW WERE DISCUSSED IN of preteen girls, say that they will not vaccinate their
THE HUDSON VALLEY UNCENSORED PODCAST • What data (please be speci c) exist to show that the daughters due to possible hormone disruption and
INTERVIEW WITH THE DOCTOR . risk to children from the vaccine is not greater than the e ects on future fertility. Could you speak about that?
risk of children catching COVID?
• Even if some people are willing to vaccinate their • What is the minimum age now to be eligible to
children and have their reasons, please do not shame • How would you justify kids still wearing masks at receive the vaccine? Do you think some time in the near
those who don’t want their children to receive this school when data showed that they are not at risk group future this vaccine will be available and used for infants
speci c vaccine. My children are vaccinated with other and don’t spread the virus? and toddlers? Are there currently any known side e ects
vaccines, but will not receive the COVID-19 vaccine. It for children?
doesn’t make us careless “anti-vaxxers.” We also have the • Both of my kids have had COVID. Why should I
right to protect our children from being the guinea pigs be forced to vaccinate them when the vaccine carries • Concerns about long- and short-term side e ects.
for a new vaccine. unknown risks and they already have immunity from • Why is the vaccine being pushed for this age group
the disease naturally? Why can’t a proof of antibodies with an in nitesimal percentage of complications/
• What is your recommendation based on scienti c be su cient for activities? deaths associated with the virus? e vaccine poses
history of the need of vaccinating children who have higher risks in and of itself.
already had COVID? Mind you I’m asking about • How accurate is the rate of heart in ammation • How worried should parents be about the delta
children, not adults...children, which is the age group among vaccinated youth? Is there any study? Is it true variant?
that is LEAST a ected by this virus! what the news says? • Will you assume liability for the damage that will be
caused to the children by this unapproved, experimental
• What is the best argument to persuade those who • Do the potential risks of the vaccine outweigh the process? If not you, who?
are against COVID-19 vaccination? bene ts? e main risk that comes to mind is heart • Do you feel kids under 12 need to be vaccinated in
in ammation. Does COVID in children under 12 order to safely return to school in September?
• Why can’t a child take an antibody test in lieu produce long haul issues like seen in some adults that a • What is the likelihood that the vaccine will be FDA
of vaccine, especially since the rise in cases of heart vaccine is that important to receive? approved before the upcoming 2021-2022 school year?
problems? • I have a 6-month-old. When do you think vaccines
• Have any other mRNA vaccines ever been approved will be available for him? How do I handle interactions
• Please explain relative risk of side e ects, as well for children 12 and under? If this is the rst, how long with him and those that are unvaccinated?
as explaining recent studies showing (1) more young should we study the potential long term e ects on pre-
pubesant children before we are comfortable?

• Please dispute the myth that the vaccine can



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Thursday, July 15, 2021 North Salem News – Page 5

MUSICIANS While some in the audience OPENING NOTES ticket sales. Its output — despite morte di Cristo.

FROM PAGE 1 may have been scratching their Rhizor started out taking little- a small budget — was reportedly Its singers and instrumentalists

heads over the theorbo, a plucked known oratorios that had editions “heroic.” had a residency at Avaloch Farm

collaborates with a pool of gifted string instrument with an extra- and English translations by Scar- e rst season featured oratorios Music Institute, a New Hamp-

singers. Many also teach in the long neck, or the viola da gamba, latti, Charpentier, and Pasquini, and cantatas about the Book of Ju- shire sanctuary for musicians.

academy’s education program. which looks like a cello but has and performing readings for small dith’s protagonist. It also performed ere they rehearsed and

Putting on its rst concert in frets like a guitar, they were clearly groups of friends. the modern premiere of Freschi’s Gi- learned movement techniques

2014, Sacred Drama became a non- enthralled. e musicians played for free uditta  and presented the American from a classically-trained mime.

pro t organization three years later. Past rehearsals of these rarely and the audience bought food for premier of Antonio Draghi’s  Orto- It is planning to make its rst

Chloe Fedor (violin), Arnie heard works have usually been the after-concert potluck suppers. rio di Guiditta at the Yale Institute of commercial recording and to re-

Tanimoto (viola da gamba and held at venues such as the cha- en the academy began to ex- Sacred Music in New Haven, Conn., cruit artist management compa-

cello), and Elliot Figg (harpsi- pel at e Riverside Church and periment. and in New York City. nies, so it can perform in cities

chord) were the original members, Calvary-St. George’s Episcopal It paired a performance of According to  The New York across the world.

and later Marc Bellassai (harp- Church, both in Manhattan. Charpentier’s Mors Saulis et Jona- Times, it was one of the top perfor- Meanwhile, the academy is fo-

sichord) and Adam Cockerham But now that Rhizor has the thae with a lecture on genetic eth- mances that week. cusing its e orts on recruiting vol-

(theorbo) joined the group. Arash space to play around with, he plans ics. Early listeners also played games e academy closed with two unteers and uncovering forgotten

Noori (theorbo) and Parker Ram- to bring some rehearsals — as well based on the libretto and wrote per- French cantatas by Jacquet de La oratorios.

say (harpsichord, organ, and harp) as music lessons and classes -- to his sonal re ections on the text. Guerre and de Brossard based on ese goals would seem “too

have also been core collaborators. private home studio. ( e academy In 2017, it produced a promo- a translation by Antoine Houdar steep,” its mission statement says,

Rhizor and his  ancée, nding may eventually o er online classes tional video, assembled a board, de La Motte. “if the need for an emotional, in-

themselves cramped in their one- in music history and theory.) and became a nonpro t. Moving ahead to its last sea- tellectual, and spiritual encounter

bedroom White Plains apartment He’s been scouting local per- Besides Rhizor, Fedor, Tani- son (2019-2020), the academy with the sacred stories of antiquity

during the pandemic, began hunt- formance locations, such as e moto, the original players included switched from Bible themes to was not so great.”

ing around for a more spacious Schoolhouse eater. Rhizor’s Elliot Figg and, later, Bellassai. works by Antonio Gianettini, cel-

place that was both a ordable and goal is to let folks know that ey started to be presented by or- ebrated composer of baroque ora- For more information about its 2021-

within easy traveling distance of it’s possible to have something ganizations all around the U.S. It also torio and opera. 2022 season, or becoming a member,

New York City. “world-class” outside the city. put out a print and digital journal. at was followed by the supporter, or o cial sponsor, visit www.

ey landed on Croton Falls, Like writing a composition, it Keeping the edgling organi- American premiere of  L’huomo Its mailing address is:

known for its horse farms and ap- takes a special talent to make sure all zation a oat are memberships, in bivio and the modern premiere Academy of Sacred Drama, P.O. Box 95,

ple orchards. It’s also a commuter the bits and pieces are in accord. Ac- donations, outside presenters, and of La vittima d’amore, osia La Croton Falls, N.Y., 10519.

rail stop on Metro-North’s Har- cording to Rhizor, the talent is there;

lem line. ey moved into their the community is receptive, and the

new abode last anksgiving. “idea is to put the two together.” DEMENTIA SHOULD

Being a newbie, Rhizor jumped at’s why the academy is so

at the chance last month to have thrilled to have found a home in

the players perform at the hamlet’s North Salem where it hopes to NOT DEFINE HER.
rst ne arts show. He thought it o er “something that bene ts ev-

was the perfect place to introduce eryone’s lives, not just the ‘one per-

the community to the academy’s cent’ that might go to see a classi- Artis helps her be who
patrons, musicians, and scholars. cal concert,” he said.

PALLADINO BUILDING she’s always been.



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553 North State Road, Briarcliff Manor, NY 10510

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Thursday, July 15, 2021 OPINION North Salem News – Page 7

Old friends, best friends

JUST baptism as she now lives in Fun Facts by Jo Ann
JO ANN Kentucky. e other friend
visiting was Jaime, who also On average, Americans have three best friends at one time. People can have about seven
JO ANN began her career in the same regular friends and about 20 acquaintances. The average age for finding a best friend
FRANCELLA company as Kim and Nic over is 21. The most important quality people look for in a best friend is honesty and
twenty years ago.  Because the authenticity. 33% of Americans say their best friend is of the opposite gender.
July 4th has come and gone, girls hadn’t seen each other in
and although I didn’t get to several years, Ken and I visited cue. Kim and Seth had some television with our little pup, We’ll head to Kim’s house
spend the actual day with for just a day so the girls could store bought reworks and
my daughter and her family, enjoy each other and catch Drew even slept through all Daisy, when the reworks be- tomorrow and talk about the
Ken and I had a great time. up on life and happenings in the crackles and booms.
each other’s lives. Nic brought gan around our neighborhood.  great time we had seeing old
Like many people, Kim a board game and sitting and Ken and I spent time with
hadn’t entertained at all since playing with the girls brought our own close friends, who Daisy was doing just ne with friends and making vows never
the baby was born and the back such good memories. It we hadn’t seen in a very long
pandemic. She invited two was just like it used to be time.  e pandemic was long, all the loud noises and con- to let it go so long again.
special friends to stay the when Kim’s friends from col- so long that at times I thought
weekend. Nic was a girl who lege and work would gather at we’d never get over it. But, tinued to snooze and sigh at Although I wasn’t with Kim
began her career with Kim in our home for barbecues and little by little things are open-
NYC. She is also my grand- sleepovers.  Yes, old friends are ing up and people are get- my feet.  Suddenly there was and her family for July 4th,
son’s Godmother.  is was the truly the best friends. ting more comfortable being
together and with not always an exceptionally loud boom she and I are grateful that
rst time that Drew and “Aunt After spending a few fun having to wear a mask.  
Nic” would meet. She didn’t hours, Ken and I left and and Daisy let out a yelp and we had the opportunity to be
even get to attend Drew’s several days later I viewed About 9 p.m. on July 4th,
all the fun pictures taken at Ken and I were watching must have jumped about a with old friends and agree that
their two-day July 4th barbe-
foot high.  I held her for a old friends really are the best

while and made her know that friends.

everything was okay.  By 11 I hope everyone had a fun

p.m. all was quiet, but Daisy and safe holiday weekend with

continued to snooze on my special people.

chest until Ken and I called it

a night. [email protected]

MELEN to yourself and hope for the middle?” She asked. I’d put a trying not to be.” artisan festival! Join No Options
best. I said to my wife that the couple funny stories in there for some rock & roll at 9:00PM
FROM PAGE 6 one thing I could do was write and a gag, I said. “What kind Join Rick and Trillium on on July 17th at Back Nine
a speech. I’d open with a joke of politician would you be with Saturday, July 17th, 2:00PM in Cortlandt~Look for Rickster
I’m un t for o ce. and close with a joke, not the that speech?” She asked. “I don’t at Hops on the Hudson at St. Melen on Facebook! Say hello
So good luck to you, Margaret. same joke. “What goes in the know,” I said, “but I’d feel funny Mary’s Cold Spring for a summer at: [email protected]

I guess you just have to be true

His two tiny babies spent twelve days in
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Page 8 North Salem News – T

Memory’s palette

BY ABBY LUBY oils and ink on paper, threads and fab- at you in paintings by Tanya Kukucka is

CONTRIBUTING WRITER ric, the constant of each image is the redolent of traditional icon painting, but

girl’s straightforward gaze. Everything here she explicitly channels emotional

Images, voices, and places are at the else about her in each painting is physi- and spiritual energy. In “ e Soul Gath-

heart of unfurled memories, rolling out cally and emotionally di erent; a briskly erers,” contrasting her coquettish white

like a dream feeding our sense of self. painted yellow girl holds a red bird dress is a striking deep red cavity in her

It’s our memories that grab hold and against a roaring blue ocean; in another a chest, the heavy symbolism carries to the

a x to our psyche. Art prompted by gray lined gure stoically stares, the bird bird she holds in one hand and a but-

memory by eight women artists are at crooked in her arm. Modulating moods ter y hovers over one nger in the other.

the deeply satisfying exhibit “Voices: I unfold on each canvas feeding a psycho- Dreamy and surreal, we are taken on a

Remember,” currently at the Hammond logical spectrum of Smolen’s vision of quixotic departure from reality while

Museum. Curated by Bibiana Huang her formative years.  grounded by her gaze that dares us to

Matheis, the show draws on personal Memory is the springboard in the sto- engage. 

memory and inner re ection in a wide ry paintings of Tilly Strauss, each push- George-Ann Gowan’s adept graph-

range of expressions.  ing reality’s edge to embrace the ethe- ite drawing of ve calla lilies has each

e artists are Eleni Smolen, George- real. “Vanishing Woman,” has a shadowy evaporating into thin air to stunningly

Ann Gowan, Jill Parry, Kiyoko Sakai, woman cradling a dripping heart as she evoke the ebbs and ows of memory, and

Mimi Czajka Graminski , Tanya Kuku- disappears amidst a urry of bright, torn people coming and going in the span of

cka, Tilly Strauss and Wennie Huang.   map pieces revealing sorrow for places a lifetime. Another Gowan work “ ings

“My Mother” by Jill Parry, featuring lost while light falls on a frayed chair in Unknown,”is a three-dimensional mixed

nine square paintings of her mother, the background. In “Nest Hair” a swirl media piece of a young girl gurine with

Joyce Parry, are poignant, heartfelt mo- of hair on the back of a woman’s head is a leg broken o , sharing the space with a

ments of her mother six months before spun into a bird’s nest replete with three large white egg in a bird cage; the word

her passing in 2011. Parry recalls her blue eggs as she looks towards a distant fragile lies beside a pair of white gloves,

mother visiting from Wales and going verdant landscape.  evoking a myriad of meanings. 

to the Hammond Museum years ago. Lyrical and fun are works by Mimi “Paper Daughter” by mixed media art-

e presentation of these paintings for Czajka Graminski who culls from child- ist Wennie Huang are 81 wood panels

the rst time is seen as returning her hood memories of her family sewing gar- showing feet, muted, subdued, labeled

mother’s essence to the museum. With ments as she learned to stitch dresses for ‘friend,’ ‘teacher’ or ‘daughter,’ relation-

a deft hand, Parry gives us a woman her dolls. Graminski taps into unbridled ships that stir Huang’s Chinese Ameri-

with eyes that hold a lifetime. Striking play using materials such as plastic mylar, can heritage. e work imbues the col-

is Parry’s emotional strength in detailing mono lament, wire, foam, beeswax vinyl. lective memory of diasporic movements,

her mother’s nal fade-out, opening that In “Drawing on Memory” a dress cut contemplating feet as the key element of

unwelcome window on loss with a car- from sti black screening is buoyed by transport by people seeking new desti-

ing, loving hand.  fanciful cruising balls and colorful swirls.   nies and di erent realities. 

In her “Girl by the Sea” series, Eleni e work of abstract expressionist Ki- “Voices: I Remember” captures a mul-

Smolen o ers several variations on a yoko Sakai conjures a youngster thrilled titude of expressions, each intoning the

theme in nine large paintings of a young with nature, the cosmos and the femi- seed of memory from the past that comes

girl holding a bird. e young girl is nine gure in 18 square foot panels. e to fruition in the present and freely casts

Smolen, and an old family photograph tension in “Conversation,” is a springy creative imagination of what might be.  

was the impetus for this series. Using dance of thickly painted gures and thin,

buzzy lines. Sakai’s ability to lock us into Voices: I Remember will be displayed

her personal microcosms allows a free through November 2021 at Hammond

fall immersion to view all the panels as Museum & Japanese Stroll Garden, 28

one multifaceted story. Deveau Road, North Salem. 

e blond, blue-eyed woman gazing “Drawing on Memories” by Mimi Czajka Graminski

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Thursday, July 15, 2021 Page 9

“Home” by Tilly Strauss

“My Mother” is a series of nine paintings by Jill Parry PHOTOS COURTESY OF HAMMON MUSEUM

“Conversation” by Kiyoko Sakai

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Page 10 – North Salem News OPINION Thursday, July 15, 2021

Fun ways to learn during summer vacation

STRONG to set up school during vaca- children’s nd-a-pen-pal web- a meal or even baking cookies money. And don’t forget Clue
LEARNING tion, but you do want to nd sites. Be sure you check this includes measuring, reading and even Twenty Questions
activities that can be turned out before having your child and following directions. Cut a for developing reasoning skills.
DR. LINDA into learning and reviewing op- sign up. Most are safe and reli- recipe in half or double it. Now Many of the most popular
SILBERT portunities. able, but you will want to make you have kids doing math. games like Scrabble and Mo-
sure. A pen pal gives your kids nopoly have junior versions for
Dear Dr. Linda, Try these fun, educational a chance to practice writing Create your own museum. younger children. Board games
Do you have any tips on how ideas: and spelling. And it’s great to Be sure to visit one rst so your can be both educational and
get mail. children can see how various fun for the whole family.
to occupy my kids’ time for the Enroll your kids in a book items are exhibited. Let them
summer vacation? I don’t want club. If your local library isn’t Set up a math scavenger decide what theme they’d like Look for books at the library
to push schoolwork, but I feel o ering one, or you’re too late hunt. Give your kids rulers and for their museum, how they’ll or information online about
their reading and math skills to join, start a kids’ book club have them nd things inside or display their objects, and what stars, planets, and constella-
are slipping away slowly. I ap- with your children’s friends. outside of your house that are room the museum will go in. tions. Find out what you might
preciate any tips. di erent sizes. For example, ask see at night now from your
Start a vegetable garden that who can nd something that Find someone you know house. en go outside after
Lucy can be grown inside. Many is nine inches long? Who can who can teach your children dark to gaze at the sky. Look
don’t require soil. You and your a foreign language. You’ll also for constellations and planets.
Dear Lucy, children can research this to- nd something that is 15 cen- Begin with the big dipper.
Although summer vacation gether. It not only teaches kids timeters wide? Make it a game nd lots of language resources
how to grow plants indoors, with prizes. for children and adults online. Enjoy your summer,
is a great time for kids to play but they can also eat them too. Many are free, interactive, and Dr. Linda
and have fun, many kids can fall Teach your children to cook. suitable for both older children
back in basic reading and math Pen pals are always fun. You’ll nd lots of children’s and adults. Contact Dr. Linda with your
skills. Of course, you don’t want ink of people you know who cookbooks and kids’ cooking questions at drlindasilbert@gmail.
have children around your chil- websites. Cooking is one of the Boggle and Scrabble are com
dren’s ages who live in another best educational experiences great games for spelling and
place. Help your children con- that kids can have. Preparing increasing vocabulary. Monop-
tact them. You can also look for oly helps kids with math and

Letters and Op-Ed Policy
Letters to the editor and op-ed submissions may be edited. The views and opinions expressed in letters and op-eds are not necessarily those of North Salem
News or its affiliates. Submissions must include a phone number and address for verification. Not all letters and op-eds will necessarily be published. Letters
and op-eds which cannot be verified or are anonymous will not be published. Please send your submissions to the editor by e-mail at northsalemnews@ For more information, call the editor at 914-302-5830.


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Thursday, July 15, 2021 OPINION North Salem News – Page 11

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Page 12 – North Salem News Thursday, July 15, 2021

A look at pollinator pathways

BY CAROL REIF Working with a town’s recreation de- Next, Merrill rounded up groups in

STAFF WRITER partment or conservation advisory council town like the Land Trust, Wilton Garden

can also help identify invasive plants on Club, and the Woodcock Nature Center.

e next time you take a big bite out of public lands and set up removal — and Together, they found ways to encour-

a juicy peach or enjoy a eld of beautiful planting of native species — events, such age residents to plant native, pollinator-

wild owers, thank a bee. Or a butter y, or as the one North Salem did at the town friendly, plants and to avoid pesticides and

a bird, or even a bat. library this past spring. chemical fertilizers.

ose are the four b’s organizations that Even schools can get in on the act by It evolved into a bigger thing where

promote so-called pollinator pathways planting pollinator gardens and teaching towns can identify a pathway and focus on

hope folks will remember this summer about the importance of bees and butter- reaching out to home and business own-

before they decide to do things like exces- ies. ers.

sively mow their lawns or use fertilizers, Residents can be asked to avoid using at doesn’t mean individuals can’t con-

pesticides, and even mosquito repellents. pesticides and other poisons, add native tribute by simply providing small and safe

National Pollinator Week began on plants while landscaping, and think di er- way stations for pollinators.

Monday, June 21, the rst day of summer. ently about their lawns. After all, it’s a small price to pay for the

And what’s summer without the hum- is time of year is heaven for clover – a privilege of eating.

ming of bees and the itting of butter ies? nice green ground cover and nitrogen xer

But watching out for insects is more that bees and butter ies adore. For more information, visit: www.

than just an exercise in environmental al- Constant mowing will do clover in. or www. pollinator-

truism, it’s ultimately essential for human Adding shrubs, trees, and a mini meadow

existence, says Pam Pooley, of the North will reduce lawn size.

Salem Open Land Foundation. At least 75% of flowering plants need Leaving some bare ground and dead
At least 75 percent of owering plants help from pollinators such as bees and
need help from pollinators such as bees, butterflies. wood will help nesting native bees and
sparing autumn leaves will provide a nurs-

butter ies, moths, bats, birds, wasps, and — like the red leaf barberry, prized for its ery for the overwintering eggs and pupae

beetles. showy fall foliage — are crowding out the of pollinating insects.

Without that, they can’t produce fruit plants pollinators eat. You can leave clippings on the grass as

and seeds. (Native caterpillars and bees can’t nosh a natural fertilizer or use slow-release or-

e hard work pollinators do results in on plants from China or Japan.) ganize fertilizers, or nothing at all. It’s also

one out of every three bites of food people Everyone loves the monarch butter y good to provide a source of clean water.

eat. with its black-laced orange wings.

You might have noticed butter y- But do you know it can’t survive with- HOW IT STARTED HERE

adorned placards in places around North out milkweed, which most folks think of In 2016, Connecticut conservation-

Salem like the green space in Croton Falls as “weeds.” ist Donna Merrill was working with the

or by the town o ces on Titicus Road, or Farmers also have evicted milkweed Hudson-to-Housatonic Regional Con-

a more permanent sign at Somers’s Angle from their elds. And now the beloved servation Partnership.

Fly Preserve. butter y is in danger of extinction. She was trying to launch a community

ese mark special gardens that host Pollinators pathways don’t have to be land stewardship project when she got the

native plants that pollinators nd espe- formal gardens, they can just be pots of the bright idea to o er folks from South Sa-

cially yummy. appropriate plants or owers on your patio lem, N.Y., to Ridge eld, Conn., free native

Plants that attract butter ies include: or porch, Pooley said. dogwood trees to create a connected pol-

nasturtiums, cosmos, lavender, daylily, zin- According to Jan Antonucci, of the linator habitat. PHOTOS: CAROL REIF

nias, and Queen Ann’s Lace. Somers Land Trust, it’s not that hard to By all reports, it was a smash.

To lure bees, plant bee balm, rosemary, start a pathway.

sage, roses, Echinacea, geraniums, poppies, First interested conservation organiza-

and asters. tions such as garden clubs, land trusts, or

Bees and butter ies both like Black- conservation commissions create a steer-

eyed Susans. ing committee of volunteers.

If you want to get really fancy, and have Folks are encouraged to add their

a hummingbird visit your garden, put in properties to the pathway and towns can

penstemon, hardy fuchsia, and hyssop. identify open spaces that are protected

e decline of bees and butter ies can and other lands of high value. (North Sa-

be blamed on the con uence of several lem has 30 easements or preserves spread

things. around town and in nearby communities,

Open and wooded lands alike are fall- Pooley said.)

ing prey to development. Chemicals are en these places are literally mapped,

wiping out both the ora insects rely on giving neighbors the incentive to join the

for food. Likewise, critters that eat bugs — pollinator party.

birds, amphibian, reptiles, and mam- Education is a big part of it.

mals — are Speakers can be booked to explain

star ving. threats to pollinators, the importance of

Invasive native plants, and alternatives to pesti-

Did you know?species cides, for instance. John and Marie Davis-Williams of Carmel at the North Salem Pollinator Garden.

Without pollinators, more than 100 crops grown in the United States would not be able to thrive. Plants, including various fruits,

vegetables, nuts and more, rely on pollinators to ensure to transport pollen. ough many plants are self-pollinating and others are

pollinated by the wind or water, many others rely on insects and animals to become pollinated. e U.S. Department of Agriculture

says birds, bees, bats, butter ies, moths, ies, beetles, and small mammals all can work as pollinators. Examples of crops pollinated

by pollinators include apples, squash and almonds. Animals and insects help pollinate more than 75 percent of the world’s owering

plants, and nearly 75 percent of all crops, according to the U.S. Fish & Wildlife Service. Unfortunately, pesticide use can diminish

the number of natural pollinators. Natural gardening and pest-control can help protect the habitats of pollinators.

Thursday, July 15, 2021 LEISURE North Salem News – Page 13

CLUES ACROSS 31. Beloved hot beverage 55. Surgical technique (abbr.) 21. Counsels
1. Fashion accessory 32. Female sibling 56. Fencing sword 23. Body of water
5. Subatomic particle 35. Tackled the QB 60. French industrial city 25. Awesome!
10. Ethnic group of the 37. Set a dog on someone 61. Intellectual property 26. Calendar month
Philippines 38. Long live! (Spanish) organization (abbr.) 27. Native of region in
14. Popular cookie 39. Porticos 63. Helps to carry food Caucasus
15. Fabric 40. Pouch 64. “Rule, Britannia” 28. Indian city
16. Alcoholic liquor 41. Smooth fabric composer 29. Exclusive
17. Peter __, Dutch portrait 42. Enough (archaic) 65. One-time Empress of the 32. Alaskan town
painter 43. Institute legal Roman Empire 33. Covered with ivy
18. Longtime Chicago mayor proceedings against 66. Intestinal pouches 34. Loose granular
19. A famous “Lady” 44. Scarred 67. None better substances
20. Islamic calendar month 45. Draw from 68. “WandaVision” actress 36. Native American tribe
22. Rocky peak 46. Brother or sister 69. Comedic actress Kathryn 37. Written American
23. Polio vaccine developer 47. Body part English
24. Songs sung in open air 48. Commercials CLUES DOWN 38. Holiday (informal)
27. Military movements 49. London soccer team 1. Fifth notes of major scales 40. Add up
30. Male parent 52. Satisfied 2. Region 41. Small brown and gray
3. Your consciousness rails
of your own identity 43. Get off your feet
4. Georgetown 44. Express disgust
athletes 46. Surface of the ground
5. They follow A 47. Put into a silo
6. Spoke 49. Belief
7. Hairdressers’ 50. British noblemen
domain 51. Tennis game
8. Extravagantly 52. Dry, protective crust
theatric 53. Swiss river For puzzle solutions, please see
9. End-blown flute 54. Large integers
10. Heroic tales 57. La __ Tar Pits, Hollywood
11. Member of a 58. Every one of two or more
Semitic people 59. “Deadpool” actor
12. Members of a Reynolds
priestly caste 61. Earlier
13. Southern Ghana 62. Peter’s last name

To solve a sudoku, the numbers 1 through 9 must fill each row, column and box. Each number can
appear only once in each row, column and box. You can figure out the order in which the numbers will appear by using
the numeric clues already provided in the boxes. The more numbers you name, the easier it gets to solve the puzzle!

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Thursday, July 15, 2021 BUSINESS & REAL ESTATE North Salem News – Page 15

Do I really need a nancial advisor? ROCK Chabad of

In today’s digital world, many GUEST you without the stress of doing committee or board, we suggest
people wonder if they re- CORNER all the legwork.   you keep an eye on the town’s ANNUAL RAFFLE
ally need a living, breathing website,, and Chabad of Yorktown has
nancial advisor.  HELP SAVE FOR send an inquiry to the town launched their annual fundrais-

We believe the short answer MICHAEL RETIREMENT clerk, mhlushko@northsalemny. ing ra e. Chabad continues to

is YES! CARMINUCCI Putting pennies aside for org. Vacancies are listed on the touch the lives of so many each

While managing a nancial when you retire can seem like town website. Contact us at P day, and especially during this

portfolio or retirement plan can a daunting task. Utilizing a O Box 525, North Salem, NY di cult time, with our social,

be handled independently, using seasoned professional who is 10560 or northsalemdemocrat- humanitarian, and religious

a nancial advisor is well worth the nominal cost knowledgeable about the various options available [email protected]. programs. ese services take

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when it comes time to retire. money! As a local organiza-

FAMILY local contributions. It is only

No matter what stage of life you are in, a trusted While nancial advisement is a job, some Registration for all programs through your help that we have

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Building assets helps secure your future.  ese the test of time from starting a nest egg, sending purchase your ticket visit www.

assets can be used toward unexpected situations, your kids to college and then nally enjoying NORTH SALEM DAY CAMP e

or to enjoy luxuries that you may think are out retirement is worth its weight in gold. Registration is now open RideConnect
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Mt. Lakes. CamUpPerDs AwTillEleDarHn alston Media llers 12/31/20 (new
start. An advisor will guide you on how to ef- Michael Carminucci is the founder of Carminucci

fectively spend and save, so you can build wealth WwnoeaarnkltichniagMlwparinothfaegsaesimdoynennaatls.m,Ipifcly,eoapuseerwscoaonlulalCbdlaelritkmeeaitmnousoctcfailroWtcaela*ltNh OTEanw: newitdwhhepsmknroialgplksru,eamtmtisgenresegtuacttnhheewamsseeafmrricineohntreodiresysp,, lwarmeceaeeRbdd,iyidacptaenollcedohaanep/slnoppeeordcittnreaitmvkmeheeasaenhsinltysiaopvadronhsldduteornnaettsheasseetsirsiiesrtosn. o as
e ciently, be it for the short term or the long haul.  

KEEPING A WATCHFUL EYE ON YOUR Management today at (914) 617-8780 or visit swimming, sports, art, games, with shopping. Services are free

INVESTMENTS for a dance, boating, nature study, taondsensoiourtshreersntidhPianungtnkinasmW! eCstocuhnetsiteesr.
Many people will agree that there are simply FREE nancial analysis of all your current holdings. music, and hiking. Counselor-

not enough hours in the day. Working with a Securities and advisory services o ered through LPL in-training and Junior Coun- To request assistance call (914)
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selor positions are also avail- 242-7433N. oArntyhonSealewmishing to
helping to identify opportunities that are right for FINRA/SIPC. able for teens. Learn more at volunteer for Rideconnect may do so by emailing [email protected]

LEGAL NOTICES Notice of Formation of Non Notice of Formation of TBL
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Page 16 – North Salem News Thursday, July 15, 2021

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Photographs and illustrations do not necessarily depict sale items. We reserve the right to limit quantities. Not responsible for typographical errors.

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