Vol. 10 No. 44 Visit TapIntoSomers.net for the latest news. Thursday, February 18, 2021
Fire department recruiting Public input sought on
to boost its ranks police force practices
BY CAROL REIF BY CAROL REIF and lack of trust between com-
STAFF WRITER STAFF WRITER munities and law enforcement
must be addressed, also launched
Residents are being asked for the state’s “Say eir Name” cam-
Hard labor. Odd hours. No input as Somers nalizes its road paign.
pay. But the trucks are cool. And map for improving local law en- Changes include civil rights law
you get to save lives. forcement policies and practices. reforms regarding access to o -
What more could a volunteer “ is is your community. is cers’ disciplinary records; banning
ask for? is your police force. We want chokeholds by police; prohibiting
Usually it’s Somers re ghters to hear from you on any and all and criminalizing false race-based
who go out on calls. Now their suggestions you have on making 9-1-1 reports; and designating the
organization is putting out a call them a better force,” Supervisor state attorney general as an inde-
of its own—for more members. Rick Morrissey said at the Town pendent prosecutor in situations
e Somers Volunteer Fire Board’s meeting on ursday, Feb. where unarmed civilians have died
Department recently launched 11. while in police custody.
a recruitment drive by appeal- e town reached out to its On Tuesday, Feb. 9, Westches-
ing to community-minded folks Community Council last year for ter County’s Police Reform and
who want to help their neigh- guidance after Gov. Andrew Cuo- Reimagining Task Force released
bors. No experience is needed; mo told all municipalities with its own report and recommenda-
the department will train and police forces to “develop a plan tions.
equip all eligible candidates. that reinvents and modernizes Formed by County Execu-
Due to the COVID-19 crisis, PHOTO COURTESY OF THE SVFD police strategies and programs.” tive George Latimer, that group
The Somers Volunteer Fire Department on a recent call for mutual
however, applicants must be 18 aid in Mahopac. e June 12 executive order was was made up of key community
and over.
one of the state’s responses to the stakeholders such as clergy, crimi-
According to Chief Jonathan growing demands for account- nal justice advocates and human
Mackey, the pandemic has “se- member training process.” great pride in being neighbors ability and change that followed rights professionals as well as law
verely hampered” the depart- Mackey, a 16-year veteran of helping neighbors and even dur- the death of George Floyd, a enforcement and legal experts.
ment’s recruitment e orts. the SVFD, said he could “hon- ing this global pandemic, we 46-year-old Black man who died e county Board of Legislators
It has not been able to take estly say that the best satisfac- were there to respond to emer- after a white Minneapolis police is in the process of reviewing the
on new members for “many tion is knowing that you made a gencies,” he said. o cer pressed a knee to his neck. plan, which must be certi ed and
months,” he said Monday, Feb. di erence, that you were there to Volunteers are “young, old, e order covers 500 jurisdic- sent to the state’s budget director.
15, but now the department has help someone else on their worst men, women, carpenters and tions in New York, including Somers’s draft plan, expected
“the unique opportunity to re- day.” SEE SVFD PAGE 6 Somers. SEE POLICE PAGE 6
Cuomo, saying that tensions
structure and improve its new e department has “taken
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Page 2 – The Somers Record Thursday, February 18, 2021
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Thursday, February 18, 2021 The Somers Record – Page 3
Brad Berman with
Your Neighbor his two sons.
David, Marsha and
Brad Berman
Somers resident pens memoir inspired by son’s recovery
BY CAROL REIF Multiple surgeries saved his awake,” he added. was hit by the “worst headache” ter nearly dying, Brad was well
STAFF WRITER life, and intensive therapy helped Also continuously at his side of his life. enough to return to work; rst as
him walk again, but without the a tax lawyer for General Electric
To Marsha Gabel Berman, loving support of his family and were his mom, brother David He phoned Jessica, who was and later for PricewaterhouseC-
writing a memoir is like com- friends—not to mention inner and dad Robert. at the gym, saying “something oopers, one of the world’s big-
peting in a marathon: ere’s a strength and determination— isn’t right; you need to come gest accounting rms.
start and a nish. In between, Brad probably wouldn’t have e Bermans, grateful for the home.”
you just have to keep moving made it, his proud mother said way everyone rallied round, de- His mind remained remark-
forward. recently. cided to pay the love and care She found him collapsed on ably sharp considering the dam-
forward by raising hundreds of their kitchen oor. age that was done, said his dad,
at one-foot-in-front-of- When her son got critically thousands of dollars through who remembers Brad still being
the-other philosophy helped sick, Berman entered a mental their “Run4Brad-Train the He was taken to Westchester able to recite the tax code from
sustain the Somers author in state not unlike the so-called Brain” campaign. e money County Medical Center and his hospital bed.
2013 after her son Brad—then runner’s high. She called it be- was used to buy technically ad- rushed into surgery where doc-
a seemingly healthy 37-year-old ing “in motion.” vanced equipment such as ro- tors took o half his skull to While Brad survived, his mar-
runner and dad of two—was botic exoskeletons (devices used relieve pressure on his hemor- riage didn’t. He and Jessica split
unexpectedly stricken by a con- A long-time medical assistant to help wearers walk) for Burke rhaging brain. He was in a coma in 2019 but remain close friends
genital disorder known as AVM. for an internist, Berman quit Rehabilitation Center in White for nearly a month. and co-parents.
her job and joined the dedicated Plains where Brad had been
A brain arteriovenous malfor- team that took care of him. treated. Feeling “lucky” to have sur- eir relationship, he said, is
mation is a tangle of abnormal vived something that kills most “forever bound by respect, admi-
blood vessels connecting the e “quarterback” of his re- His story drew a lot of atten- of its victims, Brad acknowl- ration and a commitment to put
arteries that carry oxygen-rich covery, as Brad said, was his tion at the time from the media. edged that recovering from a our sons rst.”
blood from the heart and the then-wife, Jessica. Also a run- Irv Gitovsky, an award-winning brain injury is “all-consuming.”
veins that cart the depleted ver- ner, she managed her husband’s TV weatherman and avid run- Feeling “blessed” to have
sion back to the lungs. e mor- rehab schedule, medical care, ner himself, made it his personal “I once told my incredible “healthy, smart, empathetic and
tality rate when AVMs burst is mental health, the equipment he mission to follow Brad’s treat- neurosurgeon that it feels like athletic” sons, Brad and his girl-
high, and close to half of survi- needed and “much, much more, ment and recovery. going through life with some- friend, Diana, are building a
vors are left with signi cant dis- all while ensuring that our two body playing defense against new life.
abilities. young sons (Noah and Andrew) ONE STEP AT A TIME you,” he said, admitting that it
were safe and well cared for,” On Aug. 4, 2013, Brad was took a lot of time to learn how Having faced serious health
But some people can go their Brad recalled. to navigate “the new normal.” challenges of her own, she has
whole lives and not even know living in Larchmont and train- “shifted” Brad “from recovering
they have it. Jessica also never let Brad be ing for his fourth New York “You just have to run over ob- to back to living.”
alone in the hospital. City Marathon. stacles,” he said.
In Brad’s case, the rupture put He’s harnessing this gratitude
him in a coma and left him par- “She literally had a sign-up Before going out for a run, Re-learning how to breathe, by counseling folks who have
tially paralyzed. sheet to ensure that I had com- the Yorktown-raised athlete was eat, talk and walk—things that su ered similar brain injuries.
pany for every minute that I was getting a drink of water when he most take for granted—was a
painful process. SEE BERMAN PAGE 5
By 2015, a mere two years af-
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Page 4 – The Somers Record Thursday, February 18, 2021
The Staff St. Joseph’s Church launches shoe drive fundraiser
EDITORIAL TEAM St. Joseph’s Church is conduct- the church located at 95 Plum ners. Funds2Orgs works with mi- to her son to law school.
JODI WEINBERGER ing a shoe drive fundraiser from Brook Rd., Somers, and donating cro entrepreneurs in helping them “We are excited about our shoe
through April 14 to raise funds for gently worn, used and new men’s, create, maintain and grow small
EDITOR: 914-302-5830 the ministries of the parish. women’s or kid s shoes and sneak- businesses in developing countries drive,” said Rev. Fr. John La-
[email protected] ers. e e ort lead by Adam Zim- where economic opportunity and giovane, Pastor. “We know that
St. Joseph’s Church will earn merman, 14, is to collect 2,500 jobs are limited. Proceeds from most people have extra shoes in
BRIAN MARSCHHAUSER funds based on the total weight pairs of shoes! the sales of the shoes collected in their closets they would like to
SPORTS EDITOR: 914-302-5628 of the pairs of gently worn, used shoe drive fundraisers are used to donate to us. By doing so, we raise
[email protected] and new shoes collected, as Fund- All donated shoes will then feed, clothe and house their fami- money for the continued work of
s2Orgs will issue a check for the be redistributed throughout the lies. One budding entrepreneur in our parish and its good people,
ADVERTISING TEAM collected shoes. Anyone can help Funds2Orgs network of micro Haiti even earned en ough to send and we have the chance to help
PAUL FORHAN by picking up a collection bag at enterprise (small business) part- families in developing nations
who need economic opportuni-
(914) 806-3951 ties. It’s a win win for everyone.”
[email protected]
By donating gently worn, used
BRUCE HELLER and new shoes to the St. Joseph’s
(914) 486-7608 Shoe Drive, the shoes will be
[email protected] given a second chance and make a
di erence in people’s lives around
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Spring Semester
[email protected]
e Putnam Chorale, Doug-
THE SOMERS RECORD DEADLINE las Anderson music director, is
THE DEADLINE FOR ADVERTISEMENTS pleased to announce its spring
2021 season, beginning online
AND EDITORIAL SUBMISSIONS FOR Monday, January 4, 7:30 p.m. Re-
hearsals will begin using ZOOM
SOMERS RECORD IS THE THURSDAY and transition to in-person later as
BEFORE THE NEXT PUBLICATION DATE. safe conditions allow in the spring.
ZOOM Meeting ID: 992 8508
FOR MORE INFORMATION, 8777 (same each week).
914-302-5830 OR EMAIL Details available at putnamcho-
[email protected]. rale.org.
Subscribe e program contains two par-
allel performance tracks: an out-
TO REQUEST THE SOMERS RECORD door concert at Boscobel House
WEEKLY DELIVERY, CALL 845-208-8503 and Gardens May 1, 2021, for the
OR EMAIL [email protected].
(ISSN 2330-1597)
Thursday, February 18, 2021 The Somers Record – Page 5
Lawmakers BERMAN the other side.” All that unconditional cheer-
introduce bill for “ e journey never stops, but ing from the sidelines was what
emergency small FROM PAGE 3 spurred Brad, step by di cult
as you age you want to use your step, to cross the nish line with
business “Doing that has become es- abilities to help others as much both his spirit and humanity in-
pecially important to me,” Brad as possible,” she said. tact.
According to Brad, the book “We don’t get to choose our
e experience taught him to is as much about his mom’s mothers, but I believe I got the
carry on, to go that extra mile, struggles as his. best one. As a parent, I can’t
while being sensitive to others’ imagine what my mom felt as
feelings. Berman—who herself suf-
fered a brain injury after a fall
grant program “You never know what some- in May—stood by him from she watched me su er. I admire
body is going through in their “Day One,” protecting him and her strength and determination
life. Just be nice.” spending countless hours at the to tell her story and I love her
His mom knows all about hospital and in rehab. with all of my heart,” he said.
it. Even after Brad was back
New York State Senator Pete certain taxes during the Covid-19 on his feet, Berman stayed in
Harckham and Assemblyman declared state of emergency and “continual motion.” WWhahtaist itshethmeomstocsotmcmomonmon
Steven Otis announced today that permit installment payments later “I just don’t let things hap- myoisummsaeinseam?gtahenadatcygooenuddistcieooenn?dthitaiot n
they are introducing legislation on.
that will earmark up to $100 mil- pen to me; I am proactive,” TThheeItIctchhy yDoDgo!g!
lion of federal disaster relief funds Harckham and Otis noted that she said, adding that she nev- IIssyyoouurrppetetscsractrcahticnhg,inligck, ilnicgk, ing,
sent to the state for an emergency this legislative package will help er knew she had that kind of cchheewwinigngfefeeteotrohravhianvginchgrocnhicronic skin
small business grant program. ensure employment for countless “ erceness” inside her until she sinkfinecintifoenctsio?ns?
New Yorkers. As the pandemic saw her baby boy hooked up to
“ e nancial situation for spread through New York last machines and tubes. Stop taresaicmtiaSnputgolsepethbtwreleoittasohhatydeiannmdgtfserpiestmsthtqotoe.pumplGesestynehbmtatelonptyfrodtroiodepumqfstriuenstpesdoatne.ntottGhdtufreeetfiitpentvyslhdeiontetuoog.ruutphtbneetedhttevetfreeelutyre.nliaindnngegdrclbyaseitnutotgseper
small businesses across the state spring, it was mandated that resi- She began training as a care- with
right now is dire, and we cannot dents stay at home unless their oc-
wait any longer to give them the cupations were deemed essential giver coach at a local hospital, PPrrooggrreesDssr.siAvinevdreAewnAiFnmriisamhml aHanlosHpoistaplital
help they need to survive,” said and businesses across the state but later realized that she had
Harckham. “Giving businesses ac- were temporarily closed. is has PTSD from her years of be-
cess to emergency grants so they had a devastating e ect on the ing in Mama Bear mode and
can pay bills and remain open is a state’s economy, impacting small wasn’t ready to be in a hospital
must. We asked them to ‘take one business owners and their employ- setting again.
In the beginning of her son’s
for the team,’ so to speak, and now ees, as well as their vendors and illness, Berman was lled with 149 Route9D210r.24A&-n2Ldov4reel8l wS-t.6FSor2mise2rhs0,mNYa1n0589
we need to reciprocate with a level other associated small businesses. anger and anxiety. Not daring
of assistance that ensures their vi- “I am not sure how much longer to let on and worry him, she 2N6o8wRwAowcuwct.eperpo2tg0irne2sgsSivCoea-mvreeteC.crorsme,dNitY! 10589
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Otis added,“As we decide where without substantial nancial as-
to target pandemic business relief, sistance,” said Nick Crecco, who and later as a way to record www.Progressive-Vet.com
we must prioritize small busi- is co-owner of Villa Barone Hill- Brad’s story in the hopes of
nesses that can survive but need a top Manor in Mahopac with his helping other parents.
boost to keep the doors open until brother John Crecco. “ e emer- Now the Heritage Hills
our economy recovers. At stake are gency small business grant pro- resident’s writings—with the
local jobs and the small businesses gram will let us continue to hang help of local author and for-
that are vital to every community.” on, which, in the long run, will mer New York Times journal-
e new bill (S.4688) would bene t our employees, our guests ist Linda Spear—have been
utilize a fraction of the next coro- and our community at large. transformed into a self-pub-
navirus pandemic disaster relief John Crecco added, “We lost lished book, “ e Possibilities
funds that Congress and the Biden more than a year of event book- Are Endless.”
/ Harris administration are expect- ings, and now we need more help First released on Kindle, its
ed to disburse soon to the states; so we can fully re-open in the paperback version is now avail- We can help get
Governor Andrew M. Cuomo has months ahead. is is a business able on Amazon.com.
requested that New York receive we built up, and I’m optimistic
Berman wrote it because she
$15 billion. that we can build it back up again. wants others to know that, de- your 2020 taxes
spite seemingly insurmount-
Once the federal government ankfully, it looks like the help able odds, they will “come out
sends the funding to New York, we need is on its way.” completed.
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Page 6 – The Somers Record Thursday, February 18, 2021
SVFD tionary period (Fire ghter 1 or EMT). POLICE some time now,” Morrissey said,
• Probationary period lasts until the mem- encouraging community stake-
ber turns 18 and has a high school diploma holders to review posts on proto-
stockbrokers; people from all walks of life,” or GED and can extend up to a year in length to be in place this week, should cols on the town’s website.
Mackey said, adding: “ ere is a place for any- after reaching 18 or the receiving diploma, be posted on the town’s website Documents include the gover-
one who wants to help in the SVFD.” whichever is latest. (somersny.com) in advance of nor’s executive order, the state’s
Somers re ghters and EMS crews respond • Complete mandatory annual training its public hearing on ursday, police reform workbook and the
to more than 2,500 calls a year. (OSHA safety, blood-borne pathogens, sexual March 4. e nal plan will be town police department’s “use of
Some of the bene ts of joining include harassment prevention). presented to the Town Board for force” policy.
Length of Service Awards Program compen- Regular members rati cation on ursday, March e intent of the exercise, the
sation; gym reimbursement and enrollment in • Attend at least 50 calls a year. 11, and sent to Albany by April 1. town says, “is to be collaborative
FASNY HELP (tuition reimbursement for • Attend at least six monthly meetings a year. e Somers Town Police De- and transparent” as it puts togeth-
college students who are volunteer re ghters). • Attend 20 drills a year. partment, located on Route 139, er a plan that aims to help police
en there’s the chance to become a part of a • Complete mandatory annual training is a part-time force with two o cers continue to “safely and ef-
90-year-old social organization regarded by its (OSHA safety, blood-borne pathogens, sexual lieutenants and 14 police o cers fectively perform their duties.”
100-plus members as their “second family,” the harassment prevention). led by Chief Michael Driscoll. Somers police respond to more
SVD said. All members must pay annual dues and live Among the many services it pro- than 4,000 calls each year.
in or within 3 miles of Somers. vides are tra c control, vacant Driscoll reports that he “re-
HERE ARE THE REQUIREMENTS: Membership meetings are held at 7 p.m. on house checks, neighborhood ceives little or no complaints re-
Probationary members the fourth Monday of the month at the Somers watches, car etching and child- garding his police force,” Mor-
• Attend 5 percent of the calls during proba- Fire House, 270 Route 202, across from the safe programs. Its o cers are dis- rissey said ursday. “On the
tionary period. Heritage Shopping Center. patched by the New York State contrary, he gets commendations
• Attend half of the department drills Applications and a $15 fee are collected at Police. from people who’ve had encoun-
(Wednesday evenings) during probationary pe- the meetings. Applications will be voted on by e town’s current task is to ters with our police force and had
riod (average of two per month). SVFD members at their regular monthly meet- evaluate whether local police are a very good experience.”
• Complete required training during proba- ings (normally the rst Tuesday of the month), meeting the needs of residents. Driscoll is “always open to sug-
tionary period (Fire ghter 1 or EMT). and, if approved, sent to the Somers Fire Dis- It is also looking at the depart- gestions,” the supervisor added.
• Complete a probationary period of between trict Board of Commissioners, which meets on ment’s policies and practices in “We can always do better. And,
six months to a year. the third Tuesday of the month. areas such as “use of force” and going through this process, hope-
• Attend half of the monthly meetings dur- Member candidates must attend orientation anti-bias training. fully we’ll be able to identify areas
ing probationary period. and pass a physical exam. ey will be sworn in “We’ve been at this for quite we can improve,” Morrissey said.
Members under the age of 18 (Junior at the next district meeting.
Corps) e process can take two months to com- Advertise With Us
When you advertise with The Somers Record, you are reaching
• Attend 5 percent of the calls during proba- plete. thousands of households and businesses throughout the Town of
Somers, including all of its hamlets and Heritage Hills. To advertise
tionary period. Applications are due by April 15 for the or to place a classified, call Brett Freeman at 845-208-8151 or email
[email protected].
• Attend half of the department drills (Mon- spring class.
day evenings) during probationary period (av- For more information, email svfd-recruit-
erage of two per month). [email protected]. To begin the applica-
• Complete required training during proba- tion process, visit https://www.somersvfd.com/.
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Thursday, February 18, 2021 The Somers Record – Page 7
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rebates. Leases are 10k per year with $3998 down, plus 1st payment, dmv and bank fee due at signing. Must qualify for tier 1 credit. Residuals: Terrain 7164/19862, Acadia 9828/23116, Canyon 10803/26762
and Sierra 15366/37441. Not responsible for typographical errors. Vehicle pictures for illustration purposes only. See dealer for details, Restrictions apply. Tax and reg extra. Ends 2/28/21.
Page 8 – The Somers Record Thursday, February 18, 2021
Brady’s brain Accepting change
BRUCE unnoticed that No.12 from New Eng- edented success of his exploits on the Ialways say the THE
THE BLOG land and Tampa Bay now has more eld. e clutch third-down conver- one thing we SEASONED
championships than No. 23 from Chi- can count on CITIZEN
BRUCE cago. sions, completion percentage, last- in life is change.
APAR minute winning drives, and decima-
Kornheiser’s broadcast partner, Mi- tion of world-class defenses are not For most Seasoned ADRIENNE
Tom Brady and I have some- chael Wilbon, waxed positively cosmic what make him great. ey are the
thing in common. If you in his genu ection of the gridiron god, result of his hidden greatness, which Citizens change is KAVELLE
guessed, “Enough Super Bowl declaring that “Brady is out there with resides in his exacting preparation, his
rings for all but three ngers?” I’m Saturn’s rings compared to anybody unwavering, science-based health and very hard…it seems
sorry,but that’s the wrong answer.(Not else.” wellness regimen, his laser focus, his
to sell myself short, I have been to four whole life that is never betrayed. to play a bigger part
Super Bowls, and I have the souvenir Even staid, conservative business
seat pads to prove it!) bible, the Wall Street Journal, got in Being TB12—like a space an- in our day to day
on the accolades act, with sports ana- droid—he doesn’t have a trainer; he
What the Golden Boy and yours lyst Jason Gay writing, “ ere’s never has a body engineer. He doesn’t sleep living than it used
truly have in common I’ll get to pres- been anyone in sports quite like him; in underwear; he sleeps in $200 bio-
ently. First, as if you haven’t heard we don’t really have the language for ceramic-infused jammies from Under to. Could it be because we’re trying so very much to un-
enough about His Otherworldliness what he’s doing. Let’s stick to ‘absurd.’” Armour—don’t we all?—which are
in the past few days, let’s take stock of designed to energize the body and derstand the changes in ourselves?
this rara avis, sui generis, and any other EXHAUSTIVE TALENT enhance performance. Apparently,
Latin phrase you can conjure that Now, you have to ask yourself, what they work. e Coronavirus didn’t help in that department be-
roughly translates to “Where the heck
did this freak of nature come from?” can the unathletic nerd who’s writing e least surprising part of Saint cause it immediately cut us o from going places and
what you’re reading possibly have in Super Bowl’s holistic health program
After Super Bowl LV, the drily common with somebody who exhausts is how he exes his most important doing things. I think of all the Seasoned Citizens in hos-
acerbic Tony Kornheiser of ESPN’s superlatives just as he exhausts defen- muscle, the brain, because he under-
“Pardon the Interruption”—who’s not sive lines of overgrown gladiators try- stands that you can’t just out-play pitals and nursing homes who cannot hold or touch their
given to overstatement—couldn’t con- ing to disarm him. the opponent, you need to out-think
tain his jaw-dropping awe, anointing them, too. loved ones and I ache for them and for myself.
the 43-year-old prince of pigskin as e answer is simple… we both like
not merely the greatest of all time in hummus! Amazing, huh? But that’s He puts his grey matter through its Now, we at e Somers Record, must accept that Jodi,
his chosen sport, but in all of sports. not all. You see,TB (that’s he) and BA paces with mind-game apps, as well
(that’s me) also share a sweet tooth for as performing a slightly older form of our wonderfully talented editor, is leaving to be near her
THREE SUPER DECADES fruit, and go nuts over nuts. I know; self-awareness—transcendental medi-
Gushed Kornheiser, after pointing quite a coincidence. tation—which his tness guru says family in another state. Under her in uence our paper
keeps Brady “emotionally stable and
out that Gisele Bundchen’s spouse has Our diets also converge when it spiritually nourished.” has grown not only thicker but to include more and more
won Super Bowls in three di erent comes to eggs, chicken, and hydration.
decades, “I don’t know that there’s an- I can’t compete with him on sheer wa- His religiously practicing the ancient interesting articles and photographs. It isn’t only its pages,
other athlete in the history of any team ter volume, though, since he is known discipline of consciousness-raising
sport who has been this good [for so to gulp up to 25 glasses a day of H20. helps explain why the celebrated eld its status grew as well. I’m sure Halston Media has found
long].” general, whose next campaign will be
at’s close to a glass every half-hour in search of victory medal number 8, someone very competent to take her place, but I do want
Sco if you will, but it hasn’t gone he’s awake, from 5:30 a.m.-8:30 p.m. commands a legacy that is not so much
He’s also huge on veggies, which are of this earth as it is extra-terrestrial. to thank them for Jodi. She caught the ball and ran with
80 percent of his diet,but not my go-to
food group, I’m afraid. Bruce Apar is a writer, actor, consultant, it all the way…good luck to you, Jodi, and stay safe. We
and community volunteer. He can be
HIDDEN GREATNESS reached at [email protected]; 914-275- will miss you.
It’s what we don’t see Brady doing 6887.
Change is what makes life interesting for the young
o the eld that explains the unprec-
but challenging for the Seasoned Citizen. As we age we
become more comfortable with familiar things. I don’t
know why but it does seem to hold true for most of us.
I’m writing this on the day commemorating the loss
of my husband. at is certainly a change I didn’t want
to deal with. His death changed my entire life. I was no
longer a wife, I was a widow; I was no longer part of a
whole, but half of a couple; I had to learn, after 62 years,
how to live a single life. Change itself can be for the bet-
ter or for the worse or just simply di erent. Whatever, we
must learn to accept it or get lost in the shu e.
My raison d’etre was to say ‘fare-thee-well’ to Jodi and
look where we wound up! One change triggered the oth-
er which gave me an opportunity to verbalize the pain in
my psyche to you, dear reader. What would I do without
Contact Adrienne at: [email protected]
BRETT FREEMAN, PUBLISHER 118 N, BEDFORD ROAD, SUITE 100 Letters to the editor and op-ed submissions may be edited.
JODI WEINBERGER, EDITOR The views and opinions expressed in letters and op-eds are
TABITHA PEARSON MARSHALL, CREATIVE DIRECTOR MOUNT KISCO, NY 10549 not necessarily those of The Somers Record or its affiliates.
Editorial Office: 914-302-5830 ©2021 HALSTON MEDIA, LLC Submissions must include a phone number and address for
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published. Letters and op-eds which cannot be verified or are
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to the editor by e-mail at [email protected].
For more information, call the editor at 914-302-5830
Thursday, February 18, 2021 OPINION The Somers Record – Page 9
"I tell ya, Dave, what with my stocks tanking, the unending snow, and Covid-19,
what else do I have to worry about?"
Welc me H me
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Page 10 – The Somers Record OPINION Thursday, February 18, 2021
is too shall pass
BY RABBI SARAH and depressed, he looked at that can improve our resilience person and this too will pass. to get through this challeng-
the ring, and his mood would and help us carry on and stay It is easy to focus on every- ing time is to go out of our
FREIDSON change, knowing that the situ- the course during hardship: way to connect with others—
GUEST WRITER ation was temporary. compassion, gratitude, and thing that we cannot do or do by phone, Zoom, email, letter,
connection. not have. at is a sure path to social media, and more. We
Once, King Solomon tasked We’re coming up on 11 unhappiness. I am reminded need each other. I encourage
an advisor with bringing him a months of altered living due to It is hard to be a person. of an ancient rabbi who asked, you to reach out to someone
magical ring that could make a the COVID-19 pandemic and Life throws all sorts of curve- “Who is rich? One who is you think may be struggling.
sad person happy and a happy it has certainly taken a toll. balls and challenges our way. content with what they have.” You will both feel better.
person sad. After searching Many of us are anxious, angry, It is truly hard to be a person Being grateful means recog-
throughout the kingdom with grieving, lonely, or depressed. living through a global pan- nizing all the good that is We know that in time, this
no luck, the advisor was about We are struggling. ings are demic. is time is di cult already yours. What would an pandemic too will pass. Instead
to give up. He nally went hard right now, but this too enough without harsh thoughts ancestor who lived 500 years of rushing out to get “back
to a small jeweler’s shop in shall pass. Not every day has or judgments. Compassion ago be amazed by in your life? to normal,” take a moment
a rundown part of town not to be a good day. e oppor- invites us to see each other Gratitude helps get us through to re ect on what you want
too far from the castle and tunity always awaits to get with empathy, to recognize that hardship by shifting our focus “normal” to look like. Wouldn’t
explained his dilemma. e back up again. We can see the we all struggle. Compassion towards everything that we it be wonderful to get back to
jeweler went into a back room light at the end of the tunnel isn’t weak—shifting your per- have, not what we lack. Our something even better than
and returned with a plain gold as the vaccines are rolled out. spective to recognize another lives are lled with blessings, before the pandemic? Ask
ring, inscribed with the words, person’s humanity, vulnerability large and small, if only we let yourself, “What lessons have
“ is too will pass.” King e end of the pandemic is in and pain is one of the hardest ourselves notice. I learned about myself and
Solomon was thrilled to receive sight, but it is still far away. things to do. Compassion can my loved ones? What have I
the ring and wore it every day. Now is the time for us to stay also be directed inwards. I en- Social isolation and loneli- missed the most? What have
Whenever he felt happy and strong and stay the course. We courage you to be gentle with ness have been one of the I gained? How might I take
joyful, he looked at the ring read in Proverbs, “ ough a yourself, to soften your heart, most challenging things about these insights forward to craft
and remembered to cherish the person falls seven times, they give the bene t of the doubt, this pandemic. We are social an even better future post-
moment. Whenever he felt sad rise again.” How do we do and remember it’s hard to be a beings and have a hard time pandemic?”
that? ere are three values being apart. One of the ways
Letters and Op-Ed Policy
Letters to the editor and op-ed submissions may be edited. The views and opinions expressed in letters and op-eds are not necessarily those of The Somers Record
or its affiliates. Submissions must include a phone number and address for verification. Not all letters and op-eds will necessarily be published. Letters and op-eds
which cannot be verified or are anonymous will not be published. Please send your submissions to the editor by e-mail at [email protected]. For more
information, call the editor at 914-302-5830.
When did you last
update your last will
and testament and
power of attorney?
• Asset Protection • Elder Law • Wills, Trusts & Estates
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Thursday, February 18, 2021 OPINION The Somers Record – Page 11
e Queen of the Great Panini
mozzarella or fontina cheese
TRACY on focaccia, with other things
BECKERMAN stu ed into it, such as chick-
en, pesto, roasted peppers, etc.
“Panini” is the Italian name
for sandwich, which, I think,
is a much nicer name than
Every once in a while, I “Grilled Cheese,” or even
discover some new dish
that I fall in love with, the French term, “Croque
Monsieur” (pronounced “croak
miss-yur”) which makes me
and then I order it whenever I think of female frogs.
go out to eat. Kind of an appetite killer, if
For example, there was a point you know what I mean.
in time when I was really into Anyway, ever since I sampled
duck. I had sampled a crispy my rst panini, I have been
duck at a new restaurant, and it on a quest to nd the perfect
was love at rst duck. For six panini, with just the right blend
months I ordered it every time I of melted cheesiness and crispy
saw it on a menu. en one day breadiness. After traveling far Once I determined that there between the slices, and then Fortunately, I am over my
put my soon-to-be panini in panini phase and have moved
a pair of mallards arrived in our and wide and sampling many a was no restaurant that served my brand new, super-duper, onto bruschetta...
magic panini maker and closed
backyard and the next thing we panini, I have determined that: the perfect panini, I felt it was the lid. It needs no cooking.
knew, the place was silly with a) ere are a lot of places my duty, as a panini lover, to A moment later a friend Tracy Beckerman is embarking
called, and we started talking on a new adventure as an empty
cute little duckies. at pretty that call a panini a panini, but make one myself. So, the rst about “ e Crown” and who nester! Now, instead of being
was the better queen, and then “Lost in Suburbia,” she is “Lost in
much ruined the whole duck in reality, they are just serving thing I did was run out and buy I suddenly smelled smoke. Midlife.” Life is just as funny…
but with a lot less laundry. For
dinner thing for me. glori ed Hot Pockets, a super-duper, magic panini I hung up, whirled around, more midlife humor, follow her
and found my perfect panini on Facebook at facebook.com/
Right now, my obsession is b) No one actually does make maker. en I went out and was now a blackened panini LostinsuburbiaFanPage.
hockey puck.
paninis. In case you are not the perfect panini, and since I I bought a beautiful focaccia,
familiar with it, a panini is think so, some fresh grilled chicken, fresh
basically a grilled cheese sand- c) I am a panini snob and mozzarella, tomato and pesto.
wich for grownups. Instead furthermore, I came home, lightly browned
of American cheese on white d) I still don’t like the name the inside slices of bread, added
bread, it is usually made with Croque Monsieur. all the rest of the ingredients
“A season is set for everything, a time for
every experience under heaven:
...A time for finding and a time for
losing.” (Ecclesiastes 3:1, 6)
Despite our losses, amid crisis, we find
strength and courage, compassion and
support. When we live according to our
values, we create a life of value.
With warm wishes for good health,
well-being, and resilience.
Rabbi Sarah Freidson
Temple Beth Shalom, Mahopac I tbsmahopac.org I 845.628.6133
Page 12 – The Somers Record OPINION Thursday, February 18, 2021
It’s a gift — don’t worry about punctuation
STRONG cards, but I have to admit that I’m con- received from hundreds of people and be exchanging valentine cards in school,
LEARNING cerned that they’re going to become one each one is telling you that they’re think- and most likely don’t care about commas!
of those educated adults that can’t write a ing about you. Giving and receiving gifts
DR. LINDA sentence correctly. I understand that they and cards are part of our lives. ey add ey’re probably most concerned about
SILBERT know how to use a computer and text a meaning and make us feel good whether telling someone that they’re their friend,
lot better than I ever will know, but they we’re giving or receiving. or that they love Grandma and Grandpa
Dear Dr. Linda, need to be able to write. Curious what and want them to know. Each generation
As a retired English teacher, I’m con- your opinion is. is brings up the second issue. How and person addresses Valentine’s Day from
important is it that the punctuation on their own perspective.
cerned when I receive Happy Valentine’s Mary the card and the grammar and spelling
Day cards from my grandchildren with be perfect? It seems there’s a generational So, going back to your question, what’s
one written mistake after another. And Dear Mary, di erence of opinion. Grandparents spent my opinion? As a grandmother, I too
I’m upset that my children let them send You brought up two interesting issues. years in school being taught how to write would see the missing commas and the
these cards to me with commas missing correctly according to the rules of that spelling mistakes because I’m also from
and misspellings. When I mentioned to One being valuing writing rules over re- era. You can be sure that when the chil- that generation. Would I mention it to my
my son and daughter that I was going to ceiving cards from your grandchildren, dren exchanged valentine cards in school, grandchildren? No.
explain the mistakes to my grandchildren, and the other being the importance of there was a comma after a salutation, like
they were actually angry at me and told me punctuation, grammar, and spelling. “Dear Susan,” and a comma after clos- If they send me a paper they were hand-
that I absolutely could not do that. ey ings like “Your friend,”! Your children’s ing into school and asked me to look over
accused me of caring more about the rules Let’s rst address your children’s an- generation likely also exchanged valen- it for punctuation and spelling errors, I
of writing than about receiving cards from ger that you were more concerned about tine cards in school, but probably weren’t would be delighted to help them. But a
my grandchildren. how your grandchildren wrote the cards as concerned about where they placed card, letter or gift, sent out of love to show
than the fact that they sent you the cards. their commas. You, being a retired English that they’re thinking of me, is just that.
Believe me, I’m happy that they are If I hear you right, you value both. Your teacher, probably checked your own chil-
thinking of me and do appreciate the children are teaching their children the dren’s valentine’s cards to be sure the com- Treasure the cards from your grandchil-
art of giving. Look around, you’ll see a mas were there, but it’s more than likely dren and say, “ ank You!”
book a student gave you as a holiday gift, other parents weren’t as concerned. Your
a bracelet your sister gave you for your grandchildren’s generation may or may not Dr. Linda
birthday, or a vase you received as a house
gift from a friend. You’ll nd cards you Send your questions to Linda@
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Thursday, February 18, 2021 The Somers Record – Page 13
A better insurance experience
Feehan Insurance is local, independent, and family-owned
BY BOB DUMAS rates for each individual need,”Feehan said.“As our client Before he joined his brothers at the Feehan Agency,
EDITOR base grew, we saw the need for di erent types of products Matthew was a teacher, and to this day you can see the
and that is why we decided to become independent. We e ects of this. He is knowledgeable in the technical
Shopping for insurance is not at the top of most folks’ deal with the big companies and the small ones to provide aspects of both personal and commercial lines insurance
favorite-things-to-do list. It can be a challenge dealing our clients with right coverage.” and helps his clients understand their insurance needs.
with faceless corporate giants who consider you just Instead of an anonymous corporation you knows Terry Feehan grew up in Carmel and later settled down
another policy number as you nd yourself trapped in nothing about you and your family, you will work with a in Mahopac with his wife, Frankie, to raise their family.
voicemail purgatory just hoping to nd a friendly voice local business, and get that personal touch. He has been active in the community, be it with the many
that will nd answers to your questions. “When you call here, a real person answers the phone,” activities of his four sons or his involvement with local
What policies do I need? What do these coverages Feehan said. “You can ask to deal with a particular charities and community groups. Many people know him
mean? Are all insurance companies the same? What person—whether you want to speak to me or Chris or from his days coaching youth sports, organizing the Relay
option o ers me the best value? What other questions Matthew or anyone else. It’s a big di erence from calling for Life, or as the public face of the business.
should I be asking? some hotline number.” At the end of the day, what separates one agent from
ere is no need to call an anonymous 800 number and And at Feehan, you won’t be treated like some another, is their ability to proactively service their policy
speak to a stranger, or worse, cope with a recording. You anonymous policy number. As a Feehan client, you can holders, and their knowledge of the insurance industry,
can talk to knowledgeable, friendly professionals who live explain extenuating circumstances; you can count on products, and di erent situations that may present
right here in your community and will go that extra mile sound advice and competitive rates to protect your home, themselves to their clients.
to utilize your insurance dollars wisely. family, property, possessions, and business. A client of the agency shared his experience:“A few years
e Feehan Insurance Agency, an independent family- “We listen. We care. We follow through. We are there ago I had an issue with frozen pipes that burst while I was
owned and run business has been serving the area for for our customers in good times and bad,” Feehan said. away for the weekend. I called Feehan, and they sprang
nearly 40 years. All three principals of the company live “Unlike a direct insurance company that only o ers its own right into action. I had never had a claim before so I was
locally and are involved in the schools, civic organizations, proprietary products,our agency is 100 percent independent freaking out, but the folks at the Feehan Agency clearly
and business community. of any one company. Many insurance consumers don’t fully had been down that road before. From the cleanup to
“We are in the business of helping people. We are understand just how important that really is. When it the rebuild, they made the process smoother than I could
deeply committed to our clients, their families, and comes to something as important as your nancial security, have imagined. ey were attentive and accommodating.
businesses, and work hard to provide them with the best it is imperative that you work with an agency that has I have friends who have had nightmare claim scenarios
possible advice and expertise,” said Terry Feehan, who an in-depth knowledge of multiple insurance products, dealing directly with their insurance company with
owns Feehan Insurance, along with his brothers, Chris companies, and guidelines—not just one.” nobody to help them. at is the time when you need an
and Matthew. insurance agent. It sucks to have an insurance claim, but
In 1981, Terry Feehan started in the insurance business All in the family it is a whole lot better to have a trusted insurance agent to
working for Metropolitan Insurance along with his brother, Chris Feehan joined the business in 1989 after working be your advocate and help you through the process.”
John, who has since retired. In 1986, the two struck out on in the banking industry for three years upon graduation e Feehan Agency not only o ers their expertise
their own, joining with their brother Matthew, who had from SUNY Oneonta. He and his family have been and personal service but can provide just about every
been working in the independent agent space for two years. longtime active parishioners at St. Lawrence O’Toole imaginable insurance product available: Auto, home,
Together, they started Feehan Insurance Agency. It has Catholic Church. He is presently a member of the condo, renters, rental property, term life, individual and
since grown to a sta of 21 employees. Brewster Education Foundation and a member of the St family health, employee group health, business owners’
Feehan Insurance was founded to provide insurance ser- Lawrence O’Toole Golf Outing Committee. package, workman’s comp, motorcycle, boat/jet ski, and
vices from many di erent carriers. e Agency now has ac- Matthew Feehan and his wife, Jill, have been involved umbrella.
cess to more than two dozen highly rated insurance carriers. in many volunteer e orts, including March of Dimes, To learn more and get that personal touch that comes
is has allowed Feehan to provide myriad services to its Relay for Life, Putnam County EDC, Putnam CAP, the from shopping locally, give Feehan Insurance a call at
current clientele, as well as broadening to commercial lines. Salvation Army, and the mentoring of students in a local 845-278-7070 or visit our website at www.feehan
“We can nd the right coverage at the most competitive elementary school. insurance.com.
845.278.7070 | 2350 Route 6, Brewster NY
feehaninsurance.com | [email protected]
Page 14 – The Somers Record OPINION Thursday, February 18, 2021
Shades of the Daytona 500
WHATWAS favorite “ride” was Shadow, a Danbury. e races were loud I confess: I was scared out progress: removal of interior
I THINKING? white 1978 Cadillac Coupe and exciting; we each had our of my wits as I sat in the 1955 xtures, all glass, trim, lights,
DeVille. favorite drivers and yelled and red and white Chevy.
RUTHANN rooted for them. e downside? plastic; then he soldered the
SCHEFFER is fascination has ex- It was a dirt track and we came “Drivers, start your engines.” doors shut. I noted that his
tended to racing. Car-loving home with a layer of dust over e car came to rumbling, girlfriend’s name was painted
Through many columns family members have at- us and grit in our teeth. But that on the roof.
I’ve written about my tended NASCAR and other was part of the experience and growling life. It was wickedly
family’s passion for races over the years. Matt excitement! vibrating and I tensely wait- “What gives? Your Mom
cars. Could it be that Dad, the and Matt, Jr. traveled to the ing for the “start” ag to wave. doesn’t rate her name on this
mechanic, so ultra fussy about Daytona 500 many times, Yours truly gave racing a Down it came, and o we monster?”
taking care of his car passed Dad and son enjoying quality very brief try. While living in went! ere were so many cars
this on to his kids, grandkids time together. Brother Jack Vermont during the 60s, we’d on the track, we never got up to Joe called me over to the
and great-grandkids? I believe made the pilgrimage to the go to Catamount Stadium for speed so we drove around the driver’s side:
so because that attraction and Indy 500. He said there was the stock car races. One Sunday, oval in orderly fashion. When
passion has been inherited by nothing like being there in they featured a Powder Pu I got out at the nish line, my “Ma, tell me what you see.”
three generations. person; he met folks from all Derby where the gals would legs were like rubber and I was On the door, printed as close
over the country and had the take a lap around the track. A shaking. Was I scared? You to the driver as possible, was
My sister Roe has lovingly opportunity to talk to some of friend asked me if I was game - betcha! Was it exhilarating and “Mom.”
restored several Cadillacs and the mechanics. An experience when I was younger, you didn’t electrifying? Hell, yes! His friends took me to
was a member of a Cadil- never to be forgotten! ask me that question. Middletown for the Derby. It
lac Club in New Jersey: her Fast forward about 20 years. was my rst and last time: I
When I was in high school, “Sure, I’m game. Are you go- Son Joe brings home an old, just couldn’t watch him being
a gang of us would pile into ing to let me drive your car?” beat-up white station wagon on battered and bounced around.
cars on the weekends and a trailer. When his car died, a forklift
drive to the stock car races in “Yep. We even have a helmet raced over, scooped up car
for you.” “What are you doing? You AND driver, and deposited
can’t keep that in the yard, it is them off to the side. I could
an eyesore.” breathe again!
When my guys come to
“I’m going to get it ready visit, their cars are shiny and
for the Demolition Derby in clean. That reminds me: after
Middletown in two weeks.” all this snow, my car desper-
ately needs to go through the
“Oh no, please don’t do that! car wash. I have brand new
It’s too dangerous!” American and Marine Corps
flags and they must go up on
He smiled: “Mom, this apple a clean car! Dad would insist!
didn’t fall far from the family
racing tree.”
Each day, I watched his
Sorting Out the Three D’s: Photo Submissions
Photos submitted to The Somers Record need to be high-
Delirium, Dementia and Depression resolution. Images that are submitted at a low resolution
cannot be published. Submit photos to The Somers
Presented by Teepa Snow, MS, OTR/L, FAOTA, Owner and CEO of Positive Approach to Care®, Record by the Thursday before the next publication
and nationally renowned Dementia Care Expert date. Submissons can be emailed to somersrecord@
halstonmedia.com or mail it to The Somers Record, 118 N.
As people age, their brains become more Join us for a FREE Bedford Road, Suite 100, Mount Kisco, NY 10549. Send a
vulnerable to chemical changes, damage Educational Webinar self-addressed stamped envelope if you’d like your photo
and disease. Recognizing the differences returned.
among these changes is vital in providing Thursday, February 25th
the best possible care and responding musical vocal group
effectively when changes are noted. 5:30 - 7:00 p.m.
Each of the three D’s: delirium, dementia and playing an eclec�c mix of favorites, old and new
depression/anxiety has a unique onset, duration, Virtually Hosted By:
impact on alertness and arousal, possible causes and Great Falls Assisted Living [email protected] 914-248-5135
treatment recommendations. This session will help Artis Senior Living of Briarcliff Manor
providers recognize and respond more accurately to Artis Senior Living of Chestnut Ridge join Lauren, Colleen and Rick and bring a li�le
reduce ‘non-helpful’ hospitalizations, prevent delays Artis Senior Living of Commack harmony to your next event!
in medical attention for acute illness, non-treatment
of treatable conditions and premature discharge of To Register
residents who might be able to stay in the community.
Sponsored by: TheArtisWay.com/Somers
Please Register By
Wednesday, February 24th
Artis Senior Living of Briarcliff Manor: 553 North State Road, Briarcliff Manor, NY 10510
Thursday, February 18, 2021 OPINION The Somers Record – Page 15
O ensive lines
and maybe a quick run-through food and drinks. e stadium some more words that rhyme of a.... What were we talking
of the periodic table of the ele- was only at 30 percent capacity with “Gronkowski.” about again?
MAN ments. I started to feel like the due to covid restrictions, and it e game nally did begin, I read that this year’s was the
OVERBOARD over/under on when the game was harder to get into Raymond but by the end of the rst half most bet-on Super Bowl ever.
would start was never. James Stadium than it was to get it was beginning to look like a Somebody laid $2.3 million on
MELÉN First the teams had to emerge into the Capitol Building. snore, and I started pining for Tampa Bay and won $2 mil-
from the catacombs beneath the A poem by America’s Youth some more poems and maybe lion. Most of the people betting
building, where they were safely Poet Laureate celebrated the the Pledge of Allegiance per- on the coin toss bet “heads” and
squirreled away in an airtight honorary co-captains for the formed by a troupe of Tik Tok won. I’m willing to bet that if I
vault where they had been accru- game, who were essentially es- in uencers. was the referee I’d be looking all
Iheard there was a big foot- ing interest, awaiting their grand sential workers. e verse was I usually root against Tom over for a quarter at the last min-
ball game last Sunday and entrance. at took another ve uplifting, but I feel that I could Brady because I’m tired of good- ute, because no one carries cash
I set out in search of it. I minutes, and it reminded me of have done just as good a job, looking, well-spoken, well-edu- anymore. “Does anyone at least
couldn’t wait for the game to the scene in This Is Spinal Tap, as America’s Poet Ignoreate. cated, charitably-minded win- have a Bitcoin?” If you lost a pile
start, but patience is a virtue where the band tries to make it I picture myself sharing some ners who say all the right things of cash I’m sorry, but don’t be too
during the Super Bowl pregame. from the dressing room out to life-a rming poems, like the trying to act as role models. But hard on the Chiefs. It turns out
ere was a Presidential Word, the arena stage, but keeps get- one that goes, “I once knew a the 43 year-old leading his team that quarterback Patrick Ma-
A Moment of Silence, An In- ting lost and passing the same lady from Dallas,...” Actually, to victory did feel like a win for homes played the entire game
spirational Video, An O cial mechanic in the boiler room maybe I’ll save that one for the the old guys. It proves us an- with a bad case of “turf toe.” Was
Hearing-Impaired Signer Intro- over and over again. post-game. Or the one that cient geezers are still at the top he just faking the injury to try
duction, A Patriotic Song, e ere seemed to be some- starts, “A damsel from North of our game. Just the other day and jump the coronavirus vaccine
Color Guard Presentation, e thing of a disconnect between Carolina...” Come to think of I was making breakfast and my queue? I’ll let you know if I see
National Anthem, A Military what was happening at the sta- it that one might be better for egg started rolling across the him on the line- I’m faking old
Flyover, A Heartening Poem, dium and what we were see- post-post-game. Turns out po- counter o the edge, and with age as a pre-condition and I can
An Essential Worker Recogni- ing at home. e President and etry is harder than it looks. Just an impressive athletic ourish I be pretty convincing.
tion, A Coin Toss Ceremony, First Lady thanked the essential as I’m nishing my poem I get grabbed it in mid-air. I dropped
and then we nally got to the workers and reminded everyone the “stretch it for time” signal the rest of the carton on the Watch Rick’s video “We Went
main event: the commercials. to wear a mask, and a few of the from the stage manager, appar- foot in order to catch it, which Dark (love in the age of
Perhaps it would have been ap- 22,000 fans in attendance got the ently the Air Force yover is made quite a mess. But I at- the coronavirus)” at: bit.ly/
propriate to add a reading of message, the ones that weren’t only now passing above Valdo- tacked the problem with all the wewentdark
the United States Constitution eating, drinking or ordering sta, and I have to come up with mental acuity and perspicacity Say hello at: [email protected]
To advertise in The Somers Record, call Brett Freeman at 845-208-8151 or email [email protected].
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Page 16 – The Somers Record ELEPHANT’S TRUNK Thursday, February 18, 2021
TRUNK Castle Trust musical produc- 19th century popular music to re- and Torah reading. e service Scoutmaster Andy Cheung at
tion of e Hunchback of Notre ect the time of the mansion’s oc- will be led by the musical team of [email protected].
FROM PAGE 4 Dame. Rabbi Shoshana Leis and Rabbi
cupants and Boscobel’s emphasis Ben Newman. e service will be Employment
mansion’s season opener; and a e Boscobel program will on period authenticity. Selec- held the fourth Saturday of every Openings
re-scheduling of the Bannerman feature a curated selection of tions include items by Stephen month, from 10-11am. Email
Foster and pieces re ecting the [email protected] for the Town of Somers department
Overwhelmed genres of the time: parlor music, Zoom link. of parks and recreation camp em-
industrialism, nature, etc. ployment openings:
Caring For Northern Westchester’s only
Your Loved One? e Hunchback of Notre Reconstructionist synagogue, Must be able to work entire 6
Dame features the chorale as the Hebrew Congregation of Somers weeks of camp, Monday-Friday,
Call us today! church choir with both featured draws members from Somers, 6/28-8/6
numbers and music supporting Yorktown, North Salem, Ma-
Owned and operated by two Registered Nurses both the cast and storyline. Plans hopac and Goldens Bridge. Re- Day Camp First Aid Supervisor
with over 80 years of combined experience! are again for two church perfor- constructionists approach Juda- Day Camp Division Head
mances as fundraisers and three ism with deep consideration of Apply online on our Program
Proudly Serving Putnam and Westchester Counties performances on Bannerman the past and a passion to relate it Registration Site and please sub-
Island with a smaller ensemble to the present, and have originat- mit resumes to PARKS@SOM-
Dementia Care Companion Care Nursing Care choir. ed many of the core innovations ERSNY.COM.
In-Home Evaluations Respite Care 24 Hour Care of today’s Judaism. For more in- If you have any questions,
Many singers and music direc- formation, visit www.hebrewcon- please contact the Recreation Of-
www.ecstaffingsolutions.com tors by this point in 2020 have gregationofsomers.org. ce (914) 232-8441
experienced a variety of tech-
CALL US TODAY for a free phone evaluation! niques online, none of which is ursday, Feb. 25th, 6-7pm: RideConnect
ideal. But we will have the usual Megillah reading led by Rabbi program
Route 202 Suite #3 Somers, NY 10589 914.265.4299 collection of rehearsal tracks for Shoshana Leis and Rabbi Seth
personal practice outside of re- Sternstein of Yorktown Jewish e RideConnect a program of
Excellence in Dentistry hearsals. Music Director Doug- Center. Costumes encouraged! Family Services of Westchester
las Anderson is excited to tackle Zoom link: ravshosh@gmail. has volunteers willing and able
In Somers Since 1990 this special repertoire, and notes com. to shop for seniors at this time.
Paul D. Harbottle, DDS that he “is looking forward to Ride Connect has volunteers
surmounting the obstacles these Sunday, Feb. 28th, 9am-noon: willing and able to drive seniors
VOTED times present us with.” Purim Carnival: We will have to their medical appointments.
Zoom rooms open for activities Ride Connect serves all of West-
TOP DENTIST 2009-2019 We will be learning new mu- including Grogger and mask chester and southern Putnam
sic online and practicing at home making, tumbling and commu- Counties. e number to call to
by his Peers until it is deemed safe to gather. nity-led reading of the Megillah. request a volunteer shopper or a
ride to a medical appointment is
as featured in e date of the May concert is e theme of our multi-genera- (914) 242-7433. All services are
tentative and will be pushed back tional program will be our super- free to seniors! Anyone wishing
Now Accepting New Patients until it is OK to sing together. powers and superheroes. Come to volunteer for RideConnect or
In the meantime, we will have in costume! Zoom link: hcs.pro-
We Are In-Network With MetLife, Delta Dental, learned a new repertoire and have [email protected]. nd out more can also contact
United HealthCare, Cigna PPO, and Ameritas PPO, kept busy and connected during us (914)242-7433 or via email at
the winter months that await us. Boy Scouts [email protected].
and We Accept Other Insurances
Hebrew Somers Troop 376 would like The Schoolhouse
914.277.3518 Congregation to invite all interested children Theater
ages 10 years and older ( fth
380 Route 202 at Junction of 116 of Somers grade and up) to attend one of Upcoming Zoom readings and
(across from Heritage Hills) our Troop Weekly Meetings to events:
e synagogue also invites learn about the BSA Scouting
PaulHarbottle.com members of the community to Program. We meet on Tuesdays Feb. 20: “An inspector calls” by
“Essence of Shabbat,” an inspir- at the Somers Community Cen- J.B. Priestley
ing monthly Shabbat event. Par- ter at 34 Hillandale Rd. York-
ticipants will enjoy a new, creative town Heights, NY. (Shenorock). Feb. 28: Peter Calo and Anne
and contemplative Jewish Re- No prior experience is required. Carpenter “ e Songs of Carly
newal Shabbat morning practice, For more information contact Simon”
highlighting the essential prayers
Support Connection
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All Loans Arranged through Third Party Providers. individual counseling and assis-
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line request at supportconnec-
Thursday, February 18, 2021 The Somers Record – Page 17
North Salem gas Residents have been eager
station open for the new market to open.
for business Isa “Izzy” Issa with his
wife, Delila.
BY CAROL REIF the former usually stopped to chat
STAFF WRITER about how thrilled they were that PHOTO: CORINNE STANTON
the project was nally done.
ere’s a new place in town for
fuel, grab-and-go grub, and sup- e market still needs to clear a
plies. few hurdles—such as the county’s
approval of its water ltration
North Salem Market, a Mobil system and the completion this
gas station and convenience store, spring of its landscaping—before
it gets the nal CO.
nally got the town’s go-ahead to
open this week. But Issa, relieved that “this was
able to happen,”is looking forward
“We’re all very excited,” said to seeing the folks he served when
Isa “Izzy” Issa, who will be run- he ran a gas station in Croton Falls.
ning the show along with his wife,
Delila. A vehicle-charging station is in
the works.
After being granted a tempo-
rary certi cate of occupancy, the Meanwhile,the market is taking
market welcomed its rst custom- all credit and debit cards, as well as
ers on a snowy Tuesday, Feb. 9, Apple Pay. When its water gets
at the corner of Fields Land and the all-clear, it will have hot Green
Hardscrabble Road. Mountain Co ee.
Issa said he expects that things Its hours of operation are 5 a.m.
will be a little slow until folks re- to 11 p.m. Mondays to Fridays; 6
alize the Exit 8 market’s up and a.m. to 11 p.m. on Saturdays and
running. Sundays.
He could tell which patrons Issa is looking for suggestions
were townies and which were just from customers.
hopping o Route 684 because
the latter were all business while To chime in,visit: https://north-
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Page 18 – The Somers Record Thursday, February 18, 2021
ese events are all virtual. Wednesday, March 3 from • e status quo with the Af- tection, and provides information Wednesday,March 17,10-11:30
a.m. is program, presented by
Please register on our online cal- 2-3:30 p.m. - e NY Metro fordable Care Act about memory loss and normal ag- the Alzheimer’s Association Hud-
son Valley Chapter, o ers helpful
endar at www.somerslibrary.org in Chapter of Physicians for a Na- • e Proposed Enhanced and ing, Alzheimer’s disease and other tips to assist families with di cult
conversations related to dementia,
order to have access to this meet- tional Health Program (PNHP) Expanded Medicare for All forms of dementia. Also learn including going to the doctor, de-
ciding when to stop driving and
ing. You will receive an invitation and e League of Women Vot- • e New York Health Act: about the risk factors, 10 warning making legal and nancial plans.
prior to the start of the webinar. ers of Westchester Health Care Legislation to enact a public single signs, the diagnostic process and is program is primarily for those
with a family member or close
Programs are funded by e Committee will be presenting and payer health care system for New resources to help. Presented by the friend starting to experience Al-
zheimer’s or another dementia.
Friends of the Library. discussing important issues sur- York State Alzheimer’s Association Hudson
rounding the American Health • How Covid 19 has shone a Valley Chapter. WITH AUTHOR MADELEINE
THE BEST PATH FORWARD FOR Care System. e following topics light on the shortcomings of our
ursday, March 18, 7:00 - 8:30
OUR HEALTH CARE SYSTEM will be explored: present system and how a single- VIRTUAL PRESENTATION p.m.
payer system may eliminate these WINK WHAT I NEED KNOWN Join us for this special author
appearance to discuss Madeleine
de ciencies. Join us on ursday, March Henry’s new book, “Love Proof: A
Novel.”Be part of the conversation
ere will be a short informa- 11, 1-2:30 p.m. What vital infor- with Madeleine Henry and fa-
cilitator Diana Cunningham about
tional PowerPoint presentation mation about you do family and this unusual love story of lasting
connection, time, and intuition.
and then time for questions. Please friends need to know? e Friends
A brilliant physicist studying
register. of the Somers Library,in collabora- the nature of time embarks on a
journey to prove that those we love
tion with Tracy Christen Reimann, are always connected to us, lead-
ing to surprising revelations in this
SAVVY WOMEN,SMART Esq., have created a program fea- fresh and unique love story. Span-
ning decades, it explores the course
E L &E P INVESTORS turing a document that each per- that perfect love can take between
imperfect people, and urges us to
W ,T &E Monday, March 8th from 12:30 son should complete in case of listen to our hearts rather than our
- 1:30 pm. Join us in celebrating emergency, called “WINK (What
SB •R E International Women’s Day as we I Need Known) - Important Infor- SOMERS LIBRARY BOOK GROUP
M •C discuss ways for women to take mation About Me”. At the meet- March Title.Friday,3/19,2:30-4
P I •C charge of their nancial future. ing, you will be instructed on this
Somers Library Book Group
Women today face unique nancial document’s general use. A WINK meets on the second Friday of
the month via Zoom to discuss
SOMERS • YONKERS pressures, whether they are raising document is a signi cant gift for selected titles. Our March title
is Deacon King King by James
Evening Appointments & Home Visits a family, caring for parents or sav- your loved ones as well as a signi - McBride. When, in 1969, a fum-
bling, cranky old church deacon
Tel: 914-964-6806 ing toward their own long-term cant self-care document. Catego- known as Sportcoat shu es into
the courtyard of a housing project
www.marralaw.com • [email protected] goals. During this virtual event, we ries include Personal Information, in south Brooklyn, and, in front of
everybody,shoots the project’s drug
will review these challenges and Financial Information, Health In- dealer at point-blank range. e
book brings to vivid life the people
o er tips speci cally geared toward formation, Information about my a ected by the shooting: the victim,
the African-American and Latinx
women to help them plan accord- Home, and Final Wishes. Each residents who witnessed it, the
white neighbors, the local cops as-
ingly. Please register. person completes and keeps their signed to investigate, the members
of the Five Ends Baptist Church
Speakers: own document, to be left easily ac- where Sportcoat was deacon, the
neighborhood’s Italian mobsters,
Judi McAnaw, Financial Advi- cessible to others, and includes the and Sportcoat himself.As the story
deepens, it becomes clear that the
sor Edward Jones details they want to share - from lives of the characters--caught in
the tumultuous swirl of 1960s New
Abby Yosaitis, MFS Fund Dis- basics like the garage door code, York--overlap in unexpected ways.
When the truth does emerge, Mc-
tributors, Inc. to information about the care of Bride shows us that not all secrets
are meant to be hidden, that the
your pet, to how you pay bills, or best way to grow is to face change
without fear, and that the seeds of
KNOWTHE 10 WARNING where your important legal papers love lie in hope and compassion.
New members are very welcome!
SIGNS OF ALZHEIMER’S are stored. You get the idea. As a
Friday,March 10,10 - 11:30 a.m. registrant,you should obtain a copy
Early diagnosis gives people with of this document by scheduling an
Alzheimer’s disease the chance to appointment for curbside pickup
make key decisions about treat- at the Somers Library. Please reg-
ment, care and planning and the ister as early as possible to ensure
power to make choices about their your blank document copy.
own health and future. is pro-
gram increases awareness of the VIRTUAL:DEMENTIA
bene ts of early Alzheimer’s de- CONVERSATIONS
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Thursday, February 18, 2021 SPORTS The Somers Record – Page 21
BY MIKE SABINI both top returnees, to take charge this sea-
“It is short, and we need to make the most
A year ago,their rst season as the BYSNS of our time and not mess around,” Bonita-
(pronounced Bisons), the combined Brews- tibus said.
ter/Yorktown/Somers/North Salem team e BYSNS’ top newcomer is Bryan
nished 6-15 and quali ed for the Section Kottmann of Somers.
1 Division 1 tournament as the No. 10 seed, “He was pulled up last year and I expect
where they lost a hard-fought contest at him to be a consistent threat on o ense,”
No. 7 Clarkstown, 4-3, in the tournament’s Bonitatibus said of Kottmann.
opening round. Bonitatibus said that it’s very important
“It shows them (the players) that they have for the kids to get out on the ice.
the skill and tenacity to compete with good “With all the rules, most kids have not
teams,” said Joey Bonitatibus, the BYSNS’ stepped on the ice since last season,” Boni-
second year co-coach. “Even though we lost, tatibus said. “To be able to give our seniors
I do think that game was a great morale something for a nal season, we are grateful
boost going into this season.” for that.”
Bonitatibus graduated from Yorktown in Noah Anderson, Michael D’Erasmo,
2010, where he was an All-League winger Callahan Du , Matthew Guarini, Hawken
and a four-year varsity player. Hellebo, Francesca Mangione, Hart Nullet,
e BYSNS’ two other co-coaches are Joe and Ty Win eld are the players from Yor-
Lopane (Brewster) and John Veteri (North ktown.
Salem). “We only have about six games and we are
“Brewster’s Connor Brooks will be a aiming to win/compete in them all,” Boni-
strong presence for us on defense,” Bonita- tatibus said.
tibus said. “We expect big things from our Somers will contribute seven players to
senior goalie, Matt Gergley, also from Brew- the team: Kottmann, Jayden Rodriguez,
ster.” Charles Heese, Max Messina, Jaden Roths-
Bonitatibus expects Brooks and Gergley, child, Carson Brunco, and Brien Suchanek. Somers’ Carson Brunco
completes her
dismount off
the balance
Hayleigh Kahn
PHOTOS: TABITHA PEARSON MARSHALL Regan Mooney performs her floor routine as Coach Teodora Cepoi stands by. Emily Robinson prepares for her vault.
Page 22 – The Somers Record SPORTS Thursday, February 18, 2021
The Tuskers The Somers
winter throwing team had
a strong showing
track team at the Arlington
performed well Weight Invitational
on February 10.
at a pair of
recent meets. PHOTOS: ROB
Tuskers post strong results at Arlington, Yorktown
Luciano earns rst in two events, prepares for Nationals
BY ROB DIANTONIO Luciano will compete at Indoor the girls, winning the shot put sta and athletic department for have battled through the snow
Nationals at Virginia Beach, Vir- (29-1) while taking second in the running the event and being gra- and COVID restrictions and for
ginia, at the end of the month. weight throw (40-10, personal re- cious hosts. “ eir ability to make them this was a way to return to
Somers’ winter track and eld “I’m glad to have the oppor- cord). “We’ve been working hard time for throwers and give them normalcy.With such a rough win-
team traveled north to compete in tunity to throw,” Luciano said of all season,” Spencer said, “and I’m this competition is greatly appreci- ter and very limited availability
the Arlington Weight Invitational getting the chance to compete at very grateful that Somers had a lot ated by more than just the athletes across the state it is contests like
on February 10 and the Tuskers Nationals. “I’m excited for what’s of success at this meet.” Julie Rios but also the coaches, parents and this meet, whose sole purpose is to
netted some notable results. to come next.” notched a third-place nish in the anyone who loves track and eld,” give athletes an opportunity, that
Brian Luciano, a junior, contin- Sam Rivilis came in third in the weight throw with a heave of 23- Arnett said. “ is was the rst in- should be recognized.”
ued to thrive, winning both the shot put for Somers’ boys team 10 1/2. door contest for the Somers Tusk- Somers also competed in a
shot put (42-1, personal record) with a 40-3 1/2, a personal re- Somers coach Jesse Arnett gave ers as our prior two meets were tri-meet with host Yorktown
and weight throw (55-1 1/2). cord. Megan Spencer shined for kudos to the Arlington coaching outdoors. Winter track athletes and Mahopac on February 13.
Leading the individual girls ef-
forts were Corryn Watt (55-me-
ter hurdles, 10.53) and Jordan
Han (racewalk, 8:35.4), who each
placed rst in their respective
2020 was a e 4x400-meter relay squad
CRAZY YEAR! of Lindsay Gill, Bella Viscovich,
Ella Kittredge and Nieve Ma-
hood (65.5) raced to rst place
in 4:35.8. Earning second place
for Somers were Gill (55-me-
ter dash, 8.08), Mahood (1,000
meters, 3:26.6), Avni Madhwesh
(racewalk, 9:20.2) and Victoria
Olsen (1,500 meters, 5:25.3).
e 4x200-meter relay team
nished second (2:11.3) and was
comprised of Nadia Pennella
(32.2), Noelle DeMarinis, Ciara
Murphy and Olsen (31.6). Tak-
We can help make your taxes less crazy. ing third for the Tuskers were
Isabella Milojevic (55-meter
hurdles, 10.89), Murphy (1,000
meters, 3:39.1) and Kittredge
(1,500 meters, 5:25.9).
Earning rst-place honors for
the boys team were Colin Brooks
(1,600 meters, 4:54.8), Lawrence
Weinberg (55-meter dash, 6.8)
and Brian Halper (55-meter hur-
dles, 8.9).
e 4x400-meter relay team
of Halper (58.6), Joe Torre, Cole
Willman and Hayden Klein
(56.0) raced to rst in 3:56.6.
Patrick Eames (55-meter hur-
dles, 9.1), Matt Tetro (55-meter
dash, 7.0) and Willman (1,000
meters, 2:58.4) placed second
in their respective events. Klein
845-628-5400 | [email protected] notched a third place in the 1,000
meters (2:59).
SFGtaxes.com e Tuskers also nished sec-
824 Route 6, Suite 4 | Mahopac, NY 10541 ond in the 4x200-meter relay
(Tetro, Weinberg (24.8), Kieran
Gill, Eames) and 4x400 ( omas
Securities offered through Cantella & Co., Inc. Member FINRA/SIPC. Cantella and Co., Inc. does not provide tax, legal or accounting advice. Spencer, Aiden Meza, Mason
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accounting advice. You should consult your own tax, legal and accounting advisors before engaging in any transaction.
Thursday, February 18, 2021 SPORTS The Somers Record – Page 23
Somers wrestling ready to roll Cole
Tuskers happy to be given chance to compete
BY ROB DIANTONIO pounds and is the team’s lone athletic and his technique is get-
CONTRIBUTING WRITER returning sectional quali er. He
went 1-2 last season in the sec- ting better and better,” DiSanto
It was unclear if wrestling tionals at 220 pounds. “Since the
would be given the go-ahead to end of last season, he has lost said. “He is a hard worker, has a
compete this season during the about 40 pounds and has been
COVID-19 pandemic, but it was wrestling this o season,” DiSanto positive attitude and is a leader al-
recently approved by the Depart- said. “He’s in great shape and his
ment of Health and Section 1. improved technique makes him a ready as a freshman.”
It will be a di erent season than contender this season.”
usual with teams solely compet- DiSanto expects the following
ing in dual meets. ere will be no D’Orazio will compete at 189
tournaments or sectionals. pounds while Davidson is an- team members to make the tran-
other 172-pounder. “A.J. has a
“ e announcement came un- solid work ethic and has shown sition to full-time varsity wrestlers
expectedly and it was an emo- steady improvement throughout
tional roller coaster ride through- his career,” DiSanto said. “He has after uctuating between JV and
out the approval process,” Somers a powerful style of wrestling and
coach Ron DiSanto said. “We with his improved instincts and varsity last season: Matt Cascio Michael
were not sure if the season would technique, everything is coming (sophomore, 110), Mike Aquilino Rivera
happen so we are grateful for this together for his senior season. (sophomore, 118), Michael Daly
opportunity. Most of the team Robert Davidson was wrestling
stayed active with our o season well before he got injured during (sophomore, 152), David Jocson
program, working hard to prepare last season. Robert is smart on the
in case a season happened. Now mat with his timing and decision (sophomore, 152), Anthony Tucci
that the season is here, we are em- making.”
bracing it. e season is shorter (sophomore, 160), Luca D’Orazio
and a lot di erent than usual but Another key returner is fresh-
we will take anything.” man Ryan Cole, who also com- (sophomore, 172), Nate Traver
petes at 172 pounds.He went 13-7
e Tuskers feature three senior as an eighth-grader and received (sophomore, 172) and Chris Aq-
captains in Michael Rivera, A.J. all-league honors after breaking
D’Orazio and Robert Davidson. into the varsity lineup halfway uilino (senior, 285).
through the season. “Ryan is very
Rivera will grapple at 172 Somers, which combined with
North Salem last season, doesn’t
have any North Salem wrestlers
on its roster this season. e Tusk-
ers’ schedule is not yet set as of
February 15 but they will compete
in a league with Yorktown, Hor-
ace Greeley and Lakeland/Panas..
DiSanto said their rst meet will
likely be in the nal week of Feb-
ruary. “Our goals are to have fun,
work hard and stay healthy,” DiS-
anto said
A.J. Dorazio
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Page 24 – The Somers Record LEISURE Thursday, February 18, 2021
CLUES ACROSS measurement 52. Named 21. Surprise Icelandic
1. Big tech firm
4. Picked 28. Welsh female name 53. Barbary sheep politician
10. Type of whale
11. A woman of refinement 30. Arab ruler title 54. Unwell 25. Conclusive acts
12. New England state
14. Common gibbon 31. One’s mother 55. Postscript 29. Inform on
15. Tall coniferous tree
16. State capital 34. Trap 56. Drivers 31. Grinding tooth
18. Making a liquid muddy
22. Vinegary 36. Soviet Socialist Republic 58. One point east 32. Keep up
23. Peninsula
24. Thee 37. Assn. of oil-producing (clockwise) of due north 33. Tablelands
26. Atomic #55 35. Raising
27. Used in units of countries 59. Prim
39. Holy fire 60. A facility equipped for 38. Mythical creature
40. Emit coherent radiation sports or physical training 41. Hums
43. Mountain in Antarctica
41. Atomic #81
44. Neighborhood in
42. Orthodox Jewish college CLUES DOWN
48. Herbs 1. Small islands Manhattan
50. Ran after 2. Skullcap 45. Distinctive practice
51. Begin again 3. Unexplained events 46. Vice president
4. One hundredth of a 47. Contributes to
meter 49. Small bones
5. Beloved baseball 56. Oil company
announcer 57. Empire State
6. Repulsive
7. Northern European
8. Match or surpass
9. Northeast For puzzle solutions, please see
12. Chew the fat
13. Innovative industry
17. Land to put down
to grass
19. Products
20. Nostril
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Ossining NY 10562. Purpose: Any Purpose: Any lawful purpose
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Adult female Grey & White
DSH who is feral and would PUBLIC HEARING NOTICE
be a good mouser. She came
to the shelter some time ago PLEASE TAKE NOTICE that the Town of Somers will conduct a public hearing on March 4, 2021 at 7:00 p.m.
via Remote Access with regard to the Town of Somers Police Reform and Reinvention Improvement Plan.
with a broken jaw which
has completely healed, and Meeting Access details are as follows:
now Bravo is ready for a
home where she can do some View on TV:
hunting. Make an appointment Residents can view the meeting live on the Town's local Cablevision Channel 20 or Comcast Channel 12
(Heritage Hills). To advertise in The Somers
to see this pretty girl. be streamed live on the Town of Record, call Brett Freeman
View on the Internet: Satom84e5rs-208N-Y8151YoourTeumbeail page:
The meeting will [email protected].
Call In during designated time during the meeting to provide comments and ask questions:
Dial any of the following Zoom phone numbers:
1 253-215-8782, 1 301-718-8592, 1 312-626-6799, 1 346-248-7799, 1 408-638-0968, 1 646-876-9923, 1 669-
This meatball is Dutch, and he’s ready
to move in ASAP. He was adopted Enter Meeting ID: 599 874 6566
from us about two years ago, but Please wait in the queue for your call to be answered. Advertise With Us
unfortunately due to a change in When you advertise with
Text comments/questions: The Somers Record, you
living, his family was not able to keep 914-804-6613
him. Dutch is happy, housebroken, are reaching thousands of
& knows his commands. He would Email comments/questions: households and businesses
Town Board -- [email protected] baettemnaddetheavpauilabtShblihclaoermmohbeulyeaegrrcthsisno,ognaiuntnaatcncdtldthuiHnedwgeiTnirltloightbweaaegnOlleaofofffHiffcoieriltdlssoe.fdthane
excel in a home where he will be your
one and only pet. Call us to make an All persons having an interest in participating are invited to
appointment to see this wonderful guy! opportunity to be heard. A copy of the proposed plan will
Town Clerk during regular business hours.
To advertise or to place a
Dutch By Order of the Town Board classified, call Brett Freeman
of the Town of Somers at 845-208-8151 or email
Putnam Humane Society, 68 Old Rt. 6, Carmel
845-225-7777 www.puthumane.org Patricia Kalba [email protected].
Town Clerk
Open 7 days a week from 10 a.m.-4:30 p.m.
Dated: February 12, 2021
Promote Your Charity
Page 26 – The Somers Record TAX & FINANCIAL PLANNING Thursday, February 18, 2021
Range, the ‘Kind’ and the ‘Wicked’ of personal nance
If you are looking for an and learners “improve outcomes. Returns Over Long Periods of
interesting winter read, the simply by engaging in Time
fascinating book “Range: the activity and try- GUEST e repeated pat-
Why Generalists Triumph in ing to do better.” If an CORNER terns and accurate re- • Maintaining a Diversi ed
A Specialized World” by David environment is Kind, sults of your nancial Portfolio Across Asset Classes
Epstein is worth a look. Coun- specialization, through TODD REBORI and tax planning will that Aligns with Your Comfort
terintuitively, Range makes the many hours of “de- & JEFF WUND likely reinforce your Zone
case that generalists, as opposed liberate practice” may
to specialists, may tend to excel logically lead to greater actions and may cre- • Having a Systematic Plan to
in complex and unpredictable success. ink chess and music, Buy Assets at Low Prices and
where practice makes perfect. ate a virtuous feed- Sell High Prices
elds. While the book touches
on topics as diverse as sports, But Epstein points out that back loop, leading to • Keeping More of What You
business, education, and parent- most real-world domains are Earn by Keeping Costs Low
ing, Epstein’s description of the not Kind but Wicked. In lessons.” Generalists who have further control of your nances. and Being Tax-E cient
di erence between Kind vs. Wicked learning environ-
Wicked learning environments ments, specialists are not always accrued a breadth of knowledge Quite Kind indeed. • Tuning Out the Daily
is a fascinating setup to his the- successful because “the rules Financial Noise, Which Has
sis and applicable to the world of the game are often unclear and experiences and can con- Little Long-Term Informa-
of personal nance. or incomplete, there may or tional Value
may not be repetitive patterns, nect the dots across multiple INVESTING IS WICKED
KIND VS. WICKED and they may not be obvious, KIND, WICKED, AND
ENVIRONMENTS and feedback is often delayed, disciplines can often be at an In contrast, if there were ever CONTROLLING THE
inaccurate, or both. In the CONTROLLABLE
In Kind learning environ- most devilishly Wicked learn- advantage in Wicked domains - a more Wicked domain than
ments, “patterns repeat over and ing environments, experience In our view, whether you are
over, and feedback is extremely will reinforce the exact wrong the book’s central theme. investing, we’re not sure what it dealing with a Kind or a Wick-
accurate and usually very rapid,” ed environment within personal
is. Investing has very few well-
nance, the key is to be deliber-
FINANCIAL AND TAX de ned rules which can change ate in your approach, or as we
like to say, “Control the Con-
PLANNING IS KIND often, feedback is delayed, inac- trollable.” By focusing on the
Kind areas of personal nance
In personal nance, we be- curate, or both, and the nature ( nancial and tax planning) and
making those that are Wicked
lieve the areas of nancial and of one’s investment experience a little less so (investing), it may
help you take charge of your
tax planning are Kind. ey can teach the exact wrong
nances in a range of productive
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rapid, and hopefully, positive narrower investment experience an independent registered
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expand by exploring some ing, performance chasing, and information only and should not
be considered nancial planning
Saving a Life EVERY 11 MINUTES nancial and tax planning sub- individual stock speculation can or investment advice. e views
expressed in this article are as of
aloneI’m never topics. lead to overcon dence - often the date of the article, and are
subject to change based on market
• Budgeting: Budgeting an expensive lesson. and other conditions. is article
contains certain statements that
requires only three variables – In contrast, a range of expe- may be deemed forward-looking
statements. Please note that any
income, spending, and saving riences throughout di erent such statements are not guarantees
of any future performance and
- all readily available informa- market cycles generally teaches actual results or developments
may di er materially from those
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Thursday, February 18, 2021 BUSINESS & REAL ESTATE The Somers Record – Page 27
Disinheriting a child PUZZLE SOLUTIONS
Iam often asked about this GUEST often state that in the event of Corresponding to
topic by my clients, espe- CORNER a Will contest, the individual Last Week’s February 11 Issue
cially when they are alienat- seeking to contest the Will
ed from and wish to disinherit LAUREN ENEA would forfeit any distribu- WHY DO WE
a child or family member. tion to him or her if he or she
tence or the terms thereunder. were not successful in the Will ADVERTISE
When these types of situ- is allows your wishes to stay contest.
ations arise, there are many IN HALSTON
steps you can take to avoid your private, especially where you are In addition to the above
Will from being contested by disinheriting certain individu- steps, it is important to meet
individuals who believe they are als. with an experienced estate
entitled to receive your assets: planning attorney and provide
A revocable trust is not him or her with detailed infor-
1. Avoid Probate totally immune from a contest, mation as to why an individual
A Last Will and Testament but it makes a contest signi - is being disinherited or being
only controls assets that are in cantly more di cult, as there is left a lesser amount of money
your name alone (with no ben- no requirement that the distrib- than others under your Will.
e ciary) on your date of death. utees be provided with notice
One of the best things you of the trust. is information will be helpful
can do to avoid a Will contest in assessing the potential for
is ensure that no assets pass 3. Joint Owners and Named a Will contest and protecting
through your Probate estate Beneficiaries against one being brought in
and are controlled by your Will. the future.
In order to be valid, a Will Having joint owners on
must be admitted to probate your bank accounts and named Lauren C. Enea, Esq. is an Associate
and the individuals who are bene ciaries on your retirement at Enea, Scanlan & Sirgnano, LLP.
entitled to receive assets if you assets are simple ways to avoid She concentrates her practice on
passed away without a Will probate and allows assets to Wills,Trusts and Estates, Medicaid
(called “distributees”), includ- pass directly to your intended Planning, Special Needs Planning
ing those that you decided to bene ciaries. However, issues and Probate/Estate Administration.
disinherit, need to be provided can arise where the joint owner She believes that it is never too early
with notice of the Will being or named bene ciary prede- or too late to start planning for your
admitted to probate. is often ceases you. A trust can provide future and she enjoys working with
opens the door for the Will contingencies for these situa- individuals and families to ensure
contest. tions and is therefore a better that their estate and long-term-
2. Use a Revocable Trust long-term solution. care plan best suits their needs. Ms.
A revocable trust is a vehicle Enea received a B.S. in Business
that allows you to have full 4. Include a “No Contest” Management from Quinnipiac
control over your assets during Clause in Your Will University graduating Magna Cum
your life, but avoids probate Laude and a J.D. from the Pace
when you pass away. e trust A No-Contest clause, also University School of Law graduating
does not have to go through the referred to as an “in terrorem” Summa Cum Laude. She is admitted
probate process, and therefore clause should be placed in your to practice law in New York and
no one needs to be provided Will in order to deter potential Florida. She can be reached at 914-
with notice of the trust’s exis- Will contests. ese clauses 948-1500.
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