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Welcome to The Staff
Jeremy Brown
We are pleased to bring you the first issue of Westchester Wellness, a new publication
Editor: [email protected]
designed with your well-being in mind. As the title of the magazine suggests, we’re all about Gabrielle Bilik
wellness here. Our approach to covering wellness is a holistic one. We’re interested in stories Managing Editor: 914-214-4285
[email protected]
that focus not just on the body, but on the mind and spirit, as well. Whatever you’re looking
for, you’ll find it on these pages. Nancy Sorbella/Associate Publisher
For our inaugural issue,we’re looking at how to stay fit in the summer,but more importantly, 914-205-4183
[email protected]
how to stay safe. Whether you’re on the hiking trail, the bike path or in the water, safety Bruce Heller/Associate Publisher
should always be first and foremost on your mind. Inside, you’ll find helpful information on 914-202-2941
[email protected]
bike safety, tips on how to be mindful when at the beach or in the pool and ways to make
Lisa Kain
sure you’re keeping your car in tip-top shape for those summer road trips. We’ve even got 914-351-2424
[email protected]
stories on how to avoid summertime creepy crawlers such as ticks and lice. Gross, we know, Paul Forhan
but you’ll thank us later! [email protected]
Corinne Stanton
It’s important to be safe 845-621-4049
[email protected]
when enjoying the warm Jennifer Connelly
weather, yes, but it’s also [email protected]
important to relax, right? PRODUCTION TEAM
Tabitha Pearson Marshall
essential skincare spa That’s why we’ve got a
feature story on Tranquility Production Manager
Spa, which shows you just [email protected]
Get your how you can enjoy all of EXECUTIVE TEAM
Brett Freeman/Publisher
the benefits of a relaxing
summer getaway without Deadlines
Beach Body Ready! even leaving the county.
There is more, much Westchester Wellness Deadline
more, to enjoy, but rather The deadline for advertisements
truSculpt®3D than just take my word
the latest technology in for it, it’s time to dive in and editorial submissions for
and see everything that Westchester Wellness is the Thursday
before the next publication date.
non-invasive body contouring Westchester Wellness has to For more information,
Starting at $600 offer. We hope you enjoy Email Jeremy Brown at
this new publication and [email protected].
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Facials, Full Body Laser Hair Removal Specials wellness and peace of mind. 824 Route 6, Suite 4
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Call for an appointment today! 914-241-3223 Jeremy Brown Bailey Court
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www.facelogickisco.com Editor-in-Chief Somers, NY 10589
©2018 Halston Media, LLC
In Sickness and In Health
Simple and Not So Simple Pain
CONTRIBUTING WRITER men, mid- or lower back, groin flank or pelvis.
Radiating pain, on the other hand, tends to follow
The human body is an amazing machine that often specific nerve pathways, often arising from inflamma-
speaks volumes to us even when we’re not listening. tion of a nerve root(s). One of the best known and fre-
Referred pain, or the perception of pain at a site that is quently experienced examples of radiating pain is that
not the original source of that pain, is one example of of sciatica. When any of the nerve roots that comprise
the ways our bodies communicate that something may the sciatic nerve are compressed (in most cases the re-
be awry. These “warning signals” are often overlooked sult of arthritic changes in the spine or intervertebral
or misinterpreted, but may be our first indication that disc disease), pain may be felt anywhere along that
further examination is necessary. nerve’s path, from the back to the foot. To complicate
This past December, I turned the age that my matters more, muscles, ligaments and bones can also
mother was when she passed away from lung cancer refer pain to neighboring and distant sites. A good di-
20 years ago. A relatively young woman, working full agnostician will need to carefully review the additional
time hunched over a desk and keyboard, it came as CAROLINE WINUK and accompanying signs and symptoms to help piece
no surprise that she had developed some upper back, together the initial source of the problem.
neck and shoulder pain. “Looking for horses, not zebras” (an adage Many types of pain are straightforward and easy to understand
coined by a physician in the 1940s to teach his medical interns to ini- and treat. But some pain patterns can be quite complicated, stump-
tially look for the obvious, not the unusual), my mother’s treatment ing even the most competent of health care providers at times. By
was initially directed toward the alleviation of her musculoskeletal presenting those treating your pain with a precise timeline and ac-
pain: postural and ergonomic education to reduce strain while work- curate collection of facts, you are giving them the clues needed to
ing; strengthening and flexibility exercises; heat; massage and pain most accurately determine the source of, and therefore, the treatment
medication. Sadly, this was one time that the zebra outran the horse. plan for, your pain.
In retrospect, my mother’s pain, a seemingly obvious collection of
symptoms well-correlated with the everyday, repetitive assault on her Caroline Winuk, PT, SSF, TCR is a practicing physical therapist, an
spine, was indeed referred pain from her cancerous lungs. ISSA Certified Specialist in Senior Fitness and a Tai Chi Instructor for
Rest assured, pain is not always indicative of a dire situation. More Rehabilitiaion.
often, it’s the symptom of a manageable and treatable issue. But the
presence of referred and radiating pain can be like deciphering a
medical puzzle, and although not an exact science, an astute clinician
will grow used to seeing somewhat consistent patterns from person
to person.
Terms often used interchangeably, “referred” and “radiating pain,”
are not the same phenomena. Referred pain can occur in many areas
close to, or somewhat distant from, the original source of inflamma-
tion or disease. When someone is experiencing a heart attack, for
example, they may report chest pain near the source of the problem
(the heart), or they may complain of less overt symptoms such as arm,
jaw, back or shoulder pain. In fact, most internal organs have some- 15% OFF
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Let’s Go Boating!
BY DONNA MASSARO New York City. is guarded by two with a little salt and pepper. Pop
CONTRIBUTING WRITER some popcorn and keep it in a
This island is now British lions at the brown paper bag. It doesn’t have
Boating on Lake Mahopac has to be loaded with butter and salt
been enjoyed for more than 200 privately owned entrance. The is- (although there is nothing wrong
years by families, friends, tour- with that occasionally). You can
ists and locals. It is definitely one by a handful of land’s first house sprinkle it with parmesan cheese,
of my favorite pastimes and my cinnamon or cracked black pep-
zen. This is where I go to collect residents who en- was built in the per. Put together your own trail
my thoughts, to brainstorm, to mix with cashews, walnuts, al-
relax and enjoy the company of joy camping and 1830s by Thaddeus mond slices, M&Ms and raisins.
my loved ones. I love this lake. It Hard-boiled eggs are always a
holds a very special place in my fishing off of their Ganung, a well- great snack and already come in
heart. I spend hours out here, their own packaging! And just
and I get hungry! So I’m going little paradise. respected con- think how long they sit out for
to give you a few really easy ideas Easter! You can also throw in
to pack a picnic on the lake with Next we have struction worker salsa with pita chips, cheese and
minimal refrigeration and prep fruit with crackers, a container
work.I’m also going to share with Petra Island, known for his cut of olives, a loaf of Italian bread
you some fun little facts about and some cold cuts. Add some
the lake of the great serpent. But which holds the rock work. I have fresh baked cookies and you have
before I do that, I am going to lunch, dinner and dessert!
ask something of you, and it is Massaro House never been there
really important. I’m going to ask I hope this boating season
that you respect our “big pond.” inspired by Frank but have paddle- keeps you full, tan and water-
What I mean by that is, please logged! Happy summer, Putnam!
do not throw your garbage or Lloyd Wright. DONNA MASSARO boarded around it Donna Massaro is the
your cigarette butts in the lake, This 11-acre is- (with my life jacket owner of The Freight House
and do not let anyone else do it, Cafe in Mahopac; www.
either. Don’t speed, don’t drive land is up for sale on) and it truly is a thefreighthousecafe.com.
drunk. Wear your life vest if pad-
dle boarding or canoeing alone. for a mere $15 million and comes fairy-tale land. PHOTO: TABITHA PEARSON MARSHALL
Be smart and use your common
sense. Respect the beautiful gift complete with a helipad and hik- All of the following pre-pack-
of nature around you. Not every-
one has the privilege to use this ing trails that take you to the fa- aged snacks and many others will
lake. Call Mahopac Marine or
MacDonald Marine if you need mous George Washington rock. be readily available to you at The
boating tips, gas or a new boat!
We need to protect our water so The Charoudi family owned it Freight House Cafe this boating
it is here for future generations to
enjoy just like we are able to. We in the 1970s and Mrs. Charoudi season. I truly want to make your
are just borrowing this land, you
know. used to canoe her kids to the bus lake time your zen time. So grab
There are so many cool things stop on land every morning! a cooler, get some ice and let’s get
on Lake Mahopac, both from the
past and present, so take notice! Finally, we come upon Fairy packing!
We have three islands. The first
one is Canopus Island, which is Island, originally Little Island, The night before, boil some
named after Chief Canopus of
the Algonquin Indians of the also known as Ganung Island water and cook your favorite pas-
Wappinger Tribe. They used to
have their pow wow meetings and Beauty Island. Fairy Island is ta. Let it cool, add some carrots,
out there in the 1700s. Years
later, iron ore was mined off of the only island on the lake with a tomatoes and peas and douse it
Canopus and shipped down to
bridge from the mainland, which in fresh lemon juice and olive oil
Why Buy Whole Life Insurance for your Dependent Children…?
By Andrew J. Cavaliere, CLTC A
Many of my clients often ask me if they should buy life insurance on their newborns and juvenile children. k
The answer is always a resounding … yes. If the client has the foresight, it is a great idea to establish
these policies early on in your child’s life, especially since most often there will be no medical underwriting
and the premiums on youngsters are so low based upon their age at issue. Once your children start to
visit doctors or if they have a serious chronic illness, medical records may have to be collected. People
easily forget that life insurance is all about the long haul. The sooner you buy these contracts and the
longer you fund them, the better they perform financially and the lower the overall cost of insurance.
The vast majority of carriers refuse to issue term insurance policies taken out on small children due to
the lack of insurable interest. Most will only issue permanent products such as whole life, universal life
or variable life. Since a term insurance policy is designed to cover a specific need or temporary financial
liability, carriers cannot underwrite the purchase of this type of policy for a child since determining that
liability is virtually impossible.
There are many advantages to your children by owning permanent life insurance: a
• You the parent or guardian control the policy until such time that you decide to transfer ownership.
• You are purchasing the life insurance at the most competitive rate due to the child’s current age. E
• You are establishing your child’s insurability immediately in case they become chronically ill. x
• You can pay these policies up in 20 years so your child does not have to pay the premiums forever. p
• You are buying a policy that your child can own and utilize for the rest of their natural life. e
• You are creating an asset that your child can pull tax-free income from in retirement. r
• You are creating a guaranteed financial legacy for your future grandchildren. t
Let’s look at an example of how a policy purchased for a young child compares to a policy purchased by an adult:
Annual Premium $100,000 Whole Life $100,000 Whole Life
Cumulative Premium in 20 years Policy Male Standard Policy Male Standard
Initial Death Benefit
Death Benefit in 20 years Issue Age 5 years Issue Age 35 years
Death Benefit at Age 65
$1,167 $ 2,078
$23,340 $41,560
$100,000 $100,000
$168,341 $122,858
$236,722 $138,877
Important benefits to your dependent child by owning permanent life insurance:
> A guaranteed death benefit to age 120.
> Premiums are guaranteed ensuring the child has coverage, even if they get sick.
> A Waiver of Premium Rider guarantees premiums are paid to age 60 if child becomes permanently disabled.
> The buildup of a cash value savings vehicle inside the insurance policy that grows tax-deferred.
> Discretionary access to tax-free income before age 59½ without a credit check or lender approval .
> Non-qualified policies are essentially private pension plans with no IRS reporting.
> The death benefit is paid to beneficiaries triple tax free, most likely your grandchildren.
> The policy can be collateralized at any time, like when your child is buying a car or even purchasing a home.
> In most states, the cash value of a juvenile life insurance policy is protected from creditors and lawsuits.
Please note that many insurers have requirements that parents and/or custodians own the same or several times the amount
of life insurance coverage on themselves before polices will be issued. The rationale is that the parent or breadwinner of the
family has an insurable interest that supersedes the child’s need for coverage.
For more information about Juvenile Life Insurance planning please call Andrew J. Cavaliere, CLTC at 914-682-2190 or toll free 877-676-9900. Andrew is
certified in Long-Term Care (CLTC) from the Corporation for Long-Term Care Certification, Inc. Andrew is a member in good standing of the Million Dollar
Round Table (MDRT), which is the premier Association of financial professionals nationally. Andrew’s offices are located at 50 Main Street, Suite 1000,
White Plains, NY 10606 and at 263 Tresser Blvd, 9th Floor, Stamford, CT 06901.
Google “lice treatment.” No, wait, don’t Google “lice treatment.” If you do, you will find
a plethora of outlandish home remedies, toxic over-the-counter treatments and a slew of
myths that will have you wanting to burn down your house and shave your child’s head.
None of this is necessary. Pull up a seat, relax and read this article, which will take you
through everything you need to know about lice.Every detail is substantiated through recent
research and current understanding of what lice is and what it is not. We know a lot more
than we used to. Unfortunately, the old information is still out in the world. However, with
more training and certification,the correct information will disseminate and become the new
common understanding so we are no longer scratching our heads about this crazy parasite.
Lice are parasites that have been here for thousands of years. Although scientists have
tried to develop products to safely treat lice, lice has become resistent to over-the-counter
remedies. However, there are safe ways to get rid of lice without jeopardizing your child’s
health and your sanity.
It is important to know that lice are predominately contracted from head-to-head contact.
They feed on human scalp blood and hold on to hair to transport themselves around the
head and stay close to the scalp. Lice do not jump or fly, nor do they live on pets. Lice live
The Facts of on the human scalp, feed every three hours, and the females lay up to 10 eggs a day about a
quarter-inch from the scalp.Once born,a baby louse feeds every one to two hours on human
blood to grow and survive.An adult louse feeds every three hours.Without a food source,a
louse will weaken with each passing two- or three-hour period and will die within 24 hours.
How do you know if your child has lice? The signs and symptoms of lice vary from an
LI CE itchy head to a light rash to nothing. Only 50 percent of people are allergic to lice and
experience itching or a rash. As such, “no itching” doesn’t mean “no lice.”This is a critical
point, as many parents will not check their kids if they are not scratching.
With or without scratching, the first obvious signs of lice are the appearance of lice eggs
(“nits”). The female louse mates on Day 10 of her life and lays five eggs two times per day
for the next 20 days, which is the remainder of her life. Since lice typically travel with three
to four females and a male, the number of eggs laid in a day results in a
considerable amount of eggs in a very short time. So the most reliable
way to detect lice is to thoroughly check the entire head for nits: small,
translucent yellow, sesame seed-shaped specs on the hair shaft that do not
come off by rubbing your finger over them. As the eggs mature, they will
become more blackish in color. Lice eggs are not white!
Now I know my kid has lice, what do I do?
Much like people have become resistant to antibiotics, lice have
become resistent to pesticides that were used in over-the-counter
products. So the safest, most effective way to eliminate lice is to comb
through the hair with the finest-toothed comb available and any product
that helps loosen the nit from the hair shaft. A methodical, strand-by-
strand combing is recommended in conjunction with checking the
entire scalp. Yes, it is a time-consuming process!
Combing should continue for two weeks, as a newly hatched louse
(a “nymph”) is extremely tiny and often not visible without a magnifier
and proper lighting. As the louse grows to adulthood, in nine days, it
will be big enough to catch in the comb and see on the scalp. If you miss
some, they will begin to mate. You will see nits on Day 10 and the life
cycle begins again. The ultimate objectives in treating lice are to break
the life cycle and maintain a lice-free head with precaution and constant
Education goes a long way when it comes to preventing lice. Keeping
girls’ hair in a braid or bun and spraying with a repellent scent will help.
Teach your child to be aware of lice and avoid head-to-head contact.
If your child has lice, he or she should be treated immediately. Once
treated, normal activity can resume immediately. Even if you or a
professional misses a nit or nymph during initial treatment, your child is
not contagious and those bugs are not reproductive…yet. It is, however,
critical to follow up initial treatment with combing and inspection to
ensure your child is completely lice-free. Once a week, take a peek.
When in doubt, comb it out! Once fine, have a glass of wine!
Prevent bites — prevent disease
Tips from the TickEncounter Resource Center
It is officially tick season in the state of from tick-trans- deer ticks to transmit Lyme disease bacteria,
New York and will continue to be through mitted diseases. and even longer to transmit Babesia para-
November, according to Gov. Andrew Cuo- The most popu- sites. Pathogen transmission delays after
mo’s office. Last month, the Senate desig- lar tick bite pre- tick attachment are a fairly common phe-
nated May 2018 Lyme Disease Awareness vention products nomenon with the exception of tick-trans-
Month after Cuomo announced a plan to are topical sprays mitted viruses.
prevent the spread of Lyme disease, improve and spot-ons, ac-
treatment options and raise public aware- cording to Tick- The best time to do a full body tick check
ness. While a big portion of those efforts will Encounter. is right after ending outdoor activity. A more
concentrate on stopping the spread of tick- convenient, and still OK time, would be as
borne illnesses carried by deer and rodent START WITH THE you prepare to shower or bathe before going
populations, the Department of Health will FEET to bed. Good lighting, a tick check buddy
post current and retrospective tick collec- (for those hard-to-see places), or strategic
tion and testing results to Health Data NY, “All ticks crawl up after use of a mirror are helpful. Reminders to do
opening up the data to the public, which was latching on, and your feet are a daily tick check should be posted in both
previously reserved for local health depart- most likely the first point of contact. shower and bunk areas.
ments and park managers. Be sure to check You should spray all your families’ shoes
out healthdata.ny.gov and with your local with tick repellent,”according to TickSmart. Get into the habit of checking yourself
health department for updates throughout Tiny nymph-stage deer ticks loaded with and family members at least once a day for
the summer. In the meantime, here are some pathogens most commonly latch on to ticks. Daily tick check cards and informa-
tips from the University of Rhode Island’s your shoes. From there, they often crawl up tion can be found at tickencounter.org/
TickEncounter Resource Center that you underneath clothing. This is why the cen- ticksmart/daily_check_card.
and your family can start practicing today. ter urges people to spray inside surfaces of
pants and shorts with repellent, as well as All information and facts were found at
Prevention outside. To be effective, the Permethrin in tickencounter.org, the University of Rhode
tick-repellent clothing must come in con- Island’s TickEncounter Resource Center, and
PERMETHRIN-TREATED CLOTHING tact with ticks. A non-chemical alternative its TickSmart Campaign. TickSmart™ focuses
REPELS AND KILLS TICKS is to simply tuck pants into socks. on providing people at risk for dangerous
(or even just yucky) tick encounters with
Wearing tick-repellent clothing is the DRY CLOTHES—THEN WASH simple, effective strategies-EVERYDAY
“best—and easiest—way” to prevent tick This is the No. 1 prevention tip, according PRACTICES-for TickSafe living. Its goal is
bites during outdoor adventures, accord- to make tick-bite protection easy so that you’ll
ing to the TickEncounter Resource Center. to TickSmart. actually “do it.”
The center says Permethrin is an invisible, “Most ticks are very sensitive to dryness.
odorless, EPA-registered tick repellent that Take 15% off Tea is good for your Heart & great for
remains effective through 70 washes, pro- The very first action to take after working in your first your Soul. We carry Organic & over
duced by the chrysanthemum flower. It is the yard is to strip clothing off and throw it order! 100 other varieties of Loose-Leaf Tea.
commonly used to treat lice (Nix 1% sham- in the dryer. Deer ticks are most susceptible,
poo) and scabies infections (5% cream). It while American Dog ticks, Lone Star ticks Promo-Code www.theteatimeshop.com
biodegrades quickly in contact with soil and and other Amblyomma species are more ro- MY-15
water and will not stain clothing. Find more bust. To be sure that each species achieves
information at tickencounter.org/preven- fatal crispiness, leave clothes in the dryer on
tion/permethrin. high for 10 minutes.
GET ’EM OFF YOUR PET In our study, gas dryers got hotter than
Grooming pets after a walk outside electric dryers, so you might want to add 5
minutes if you own an electric dryer. Believe
through the woods or along trails can help it or not, ticks were not killed by washing,
protect your pet and family. Dogs and cats even in hot water. Clothing just left in the
typically encounter many more ticks than hamper or on the floor may put the next
people do. Because they have thick fur, ticks person to touch it at risk. Dry first, then
may take a while before biting a dog or cat, wash.”
according to TickSmart. It’s just a quick hop
from your pet to your furniture, bedding or Once They Bite
family members, so keep yourself safe by
keeping your pets safe. In addition to brush- FAST REMOVAL IS KEY
ing your pet,there are many different products “The good news is that prompt removal of
on the market today that protect your pets
most species of ticks can prevent transmis-
sion of tick-borne pathogens. It takes more
than 24-36 hours of attachment for nymphal
Three Essential Items Is Your Car Making
to Keep Your Car Clean You Sick?
Steve O’Neill of DAS Auto Parts in The average person spends 293 hours a year behind the wheel.That’s a
Yorktown Heights breaks down some lot of time spent being exposed to a wide variety of germs and assorted
must-haves for keeping your ride tip-top. nasties. Here are a few of the trouble spots you should pay attention to.
CAots1cechifyao5araesybms,fstbo0iiyelenput0imecnarpa0hrsrcsai-atrA.2armwnMftr0iiig’loecrs,toe0erlneskiF.r0tntssTid0ta,mhlei”intnlemriased,igoanmtierlirhyetu.sna’sesfsWtjayl.oOyich“nc,r’tWieNaktuayneneerneeoitadlgrhplf.lseesioc“ntoryaAugeprntgics.emdde”o,outpmtmpshcaltmleoec,ostpgfeaityoglnltololeedltufedrh’ratn,sehhtfaerhiteliintgematedihytmreitcnoceialtgnho,hnaoaietthnknn’rsiegodnaeatglgcloelefoofanrovovgilerrlyeeilrnylnyegst out
EDITOR-IN-CHIEF Everyone eats in their car at one
time or another. And when you take
THE ‘NEW CAR SMELL’ road trips with the kids, your car
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We know, we know. We love starts to look like a Golden Cor-
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914.368.7897 it, too. But the truth is, that smell, ral buffet. But, when the noshing is
2875 Route 35 • Katonah, NY which we typically associate with done, food particles inevitably get
a clean and pristine vehicle, can left behind, and those particles be-
actually be a combination of toxic come breeding grounds for germs.
chemicals venting from the various After any long road trip where food
plastics, rubbers and solvents used in has been consumed, be sure to get
the construction of your car. Nasty- into the habit of vacuuming your car
sounding substances such as ben- right away.
zene, toluene and formaldehyde can
all be present in your car and breath- THE STEERING WHEEL
ing them in can cause headaches, People can sneeze anywhere
dizziness and nausea. However, the between five and 10 times a day.
good news is that a lot of car manu- Add that in to the two or so hours
facturers are working to reduce the the average person spends in their
number of so-called volatile organic car and chances are your steering
compounds in their vehicles. And wheel, gearshift and dashboard
for those of us who can’t live with- have gotten doused at one time or
out the new car smell,fear not.There another. Make sure that you regu-
are a number of air fresheners on the larly scrub down your car’s interior
market that replicate the smell in a surfaces with a disinfecting wipe.
safely breathable form! Just remember to use a bleach-free
wipe so that you can swab nonpo-
THE AIR CONDITIONER rous surfaces like the dashboard
With summer on its way in,we’re and mirrors with ease.
all going to be cranking the AC in
an effort to keep cool. But if you CABIN AIR FILTER
turn on your air conditioner and While you’re on the road, your
smell something rather funky, you cabin air filter is working hard by
could be in trouble.Mold,fungi and catching bugs, dust and pollen and
other contaminants can build up in keeping it from entering your car.
the AC system and create prob- Awesome! Unfortunately, if you go
lems for driver and passenger alike, without changing that filter regu-
especially those with mold sensi- larly, all of that crud can slowly end
tivity. There are clean-air kits you up inside your car, and ultimately,
can buy to try and kill mold once your lungs. That’s far less awesome.
it’s formed, but the best solution is Luckily, this is an easy fix. Air fil-
to keep it from growing in the first ters are very inexpensive and very
place. Turn off your AC 5 minutes easy to swap out. Most agree that
before your arrive at your destina- filters should be changed every
tion and run the fan to dry out the 30,000 to 45,000 miles.
system and never leave your AC on
“max”with the car turned off.
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Laser Technology Restores Youthful Appearance
BY RALPH M. NEWMAN process that activates the skin’s
CONTRIBUTING WRITER natural restorative properties
to produce a more youthful,
“People tell us that they healthful appearance. What
makes this treatment possible
consider a visit to Scarsdale-based at Tranquility is the facility’s
acquisition of advanced laser
Tranquility Spa a mini-vacation,” equipment by Cutera®, outfitted
with several hand pieces to
says Stephanie Hershkowitz, specifically treat various types
of skin conditions, operated
general manager of the multi- by a resident team of highly
skilled, New York State-licensed
level, 21-room facility. “For over estheticians extensively trained
by the manufacturer.
a quarter century, people have
Says Hershkowitz: “Cutera’s
been considering Tranquility a technology is widely considered
the gold standard, the ‘Rolls-
destination location, regularly In today’s environment, the by a medical doctor, while the
Royce’ of the field. Some people state does strictly require that
traveling considerable distances culture is becoming more and believe that medical supervision the provider be a state-licensed,
is required or advantageous for trained esthetician. Tranquility’s
to relax their bodies, focus their more youth-oriented, and, in such treatments—that they must entire team of estheticians
visit a dermatological practice to fully meets these requirements,
minds and drift away from the addition to relaxation and stress properly receive them—which is delivering the same results, with
somewhat of a misconception. treatments tending to be less
stresses of daily life.” reduction, mature adults are Not all dermatologists have costly than at medical practices.”
Cutera equipment. At a
But now, due to market seeking ways to appear and feel dermatologist’s office, the Typically, when a client first
treatments typically are not engages with Tranquility, one of
demand, Tranquility has younger than their age, as easily administered by a doctor, but the facility’s licensed estheticians
rather also by estheticians, subject will conduct a thorough skin
announced an added dimension and comfortably as possible. to the limited availabilities of analysis to evaluate the person’s
appointments during practice individual needs and objectives
to its offerings: the ability for its Laser treatment is a highly hours. At Tranquility, fitting to determine and recommend
laser treatment sessions into appropriate treatments. Says
clients to much more effectively advanced technological approach today’s typically hectic lifestyles esthetician Allison Courtenay:
is extremely accommodative “As we approach the summer,
treat and remove age signifiers, to skin care, many notches and convenient, since the and people dress more lightly
facility is open seven days, 9 to and show more of their skin,
the early signs of aging, to create above the topical glycolic acid 9 on weekdays and 9 to 6 on they come to us concerned
weekends, with parking directly about looking better and
a younger looking, more radiant treatments of years past, used outside the door. In even as losing their now-more-visible
highly regulated and consumer- signs of age. And additional
complexion–a vastly-improved for decades to treat skin from protective a state as New York, to treating specific superficial
there is no requirement for skin conditions, various laser
appearance of one’s skin–and the outside in. Instead, laser laser skin care treatments to treatments stimulate production
be administered or supervised
the accompanying feelings of applications treat skin from SEE LASER PAGE 13
joy and boosted confidence. the inside out, a transformative PHOTOS COURTESY OF TRANQULITY
ASSOCIATES Laser hair removal for women
and men, anywhere on the body,
ANNOUNCEMENT is a fast, comfortable procedure
that helps eliminate the need to
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LASER redness lasts for just a few hours
at most–you don’t have to hide
in your house and avoid social
of collagen inside the skin, to contact.”
help clients enhance its texture, Limelight® is ideal for any part
firmness and smoothness to of the hands, sides of the nose,
make them appear younger.” face, neck and décolletage area–
any area that exhibits skin redness,
brown spots,spider veins and other
vascular irregularities that were
difficult in the past to remove.The
treatment is customized to each
client’s individual skin type to
selectively treat the brown and/or PHOTOS COURTESY OF TRANQUILITY SPA
red pigmented areas on the skin, Tranquility Spa, located in Scarsdale, is open Weekdays 9-9,
with heating of the subcutaneous Weekends 9-6
brown and red cells causing the
therapeutic effect. The brown
spots at first briefly turn slightly of sessions is necessary because the summer season upon us, laser
Courtenay explains that darker–anywhere from an hour to hair follicles throughout the body treatments can help you create
the laser treatments offered a day–which can be safely covered grow in different cyclical phases. a new ‘you.’ Now, when you look
by Tranquility fall into several with makeup, and then simply Generally, the lighter the skin in the mirror and see something
categories. Laser Genesis® flake off naturally. Treatment and the darker the hair, the more about your skin’s appearance that’s
stimulates the skin’s natural time depends on the area of the effective is the process. It will bothering you, instead of letting
processes to reverse the signs of body being treated, but most not work with gray hair, where it stress you or create worry about
aging, sun damage and scarring treatments should last less than there is insufficient pigmentation what others may think, there’s
to promote a vibrant-looking an hour. One to three treatments to attract the laser and kill the something really effective you can
complexion. Micro-pulses are usually sufficient to see results, follicle. do about it!”
of energy activate collagen but additional treatments may Concludes Hershkowitz: “With
remodeling to improve the be recommended for excessively
appearance of fine lines, wrinkles sun-damaged skin.
and brown spots. A series of four “I just treated one woman for
to six treatments is recommended sun damage and brown spots,” Step By Step
to achieve an optimal outcome. says Courtenay. “ This woman Reading Instruction
“Laser Genesis is a ‘lunchtime’ is in her sixties and had been
procedure,” says Courtenay. coming to Tranquility for quite One-to-One Tutoring
“The service is quick, you get some time for topical treatments,
right back to work, you do six with very subtle results. When
treatments, one every two weeks, she opted to go the laser route, We use a multisensory
with no downtime. You’re not we did six sessions with her for reading approach, (Wilson
Fundations and Orton-Gillingham)
getting your skin burned off by a a vast improvement: Her skin
plastic surgeon, and any resulting became firmer, her pores became
smaller, her face glowed–what a
fabulous difference!” to focus on: Shari Suss, Founder
Laser hair removal for women • Decoding strategies MA in Teaching/
Special Ed Certified
and men is a fast, comfortable • Phonemic awareness
procedure that can be performed • Phonics
in as little as a half-hour and helps • Sight words
eliminate the need to shave or go
for regular waxing sessions. This • Fluency
technology delivers powerful, • Vocabulary Schedule your
gentle light to the hair follicle to • Comprehension FREE Consultation Now!
prevent regrowth.Treatment areas • Spelling
include the entire body, including
underarms, legs, bikini area, arms,
chest and back. Depending on Our office provides your child with a quiet, rich,
the body part, the process takes in nurturing environment, free from distractions.
XEO® laser technology by the range of nine to 12 sessions – 914-293-7688
Cutera®, outfitted with multiple one every four to six weeks – with
hand pieces to specifically treat occasional touch-up possibly Parkside Corner Shopping Center
various types of skin conditions required due to one’s particular 3565 Crompond Road, Suite 201 Cortlandt Manor, 10567
hormonal activity. This number
Swim Safel
Before you hit the waves, make sure you and
your family are protected! We talked to Patrick
Montgomery, aquatics director at Club Fit, about
how to stay safety-minded in and on the water.
Rachel Mackay, Patrick Montgomery and Mary Keane PHOTO: GABRIELLE BILIK
ly! BY JEREMY BROWN “Parents should
understand that water
When the temperature starts to spike
in the summer, the rst impulse every- is an element that is
one has is to head to the nearest body
of water. Whether it’s a pool, lake or a unforgiving. It doesn’t
sandy beach, summer and swimming go
hand in hand. But, if people aren’t keep- care if you can swim
ing safety in mind rst and foremost, a
day on the water can turn dangerous in or not. So, the best
a heartbeat.
“Parents should understand that water thing for parents is to
is an element that is unforgiving,” says
Patrick Montgomery, aquatics director really understand and
at Club Fit in Je erson Valley. “It doesn’t
care if you can swim or not. So, the best respect that.”
thing for parents is to really understand
and respect that.” ~ Patrick Montgomery
e statistics surrounding accidental
drowning are sobering, to say the least.
For children under the age of ve, it’s
the second leading cause of death after • Swimming in a lifeguarded area.
birth defects. For teens under 15, it’s also • Ensuring that children, inexperi-
the second leading cause of death behind enced swimmers and boaters wear U.S.
tra c accidents. With these numbers in Coast Guard-approved life jackets.
mind, it’s crucial that parents take an ac- is last item is crucial, says Mont-
tive role in keeping kids safe for the sum- gomery, as people can be lulled into a
mer. false sense of security by store-bought
For Montgomery, one of the most im- otation devices such as water wings,
portant words any parent should learn pool noodles and oaties.
when heading out for a swim day with “If your kid can’t swim, don’t rely on
the kids is “vigilance.” Very often, par- those,” he says. “ ey might keep a child
ents will assume that a child is ne just buoyant, but you have to be there at arm’s
splashing in the shallow end or even a length.”
kiddie pool, but, Montgomery says, when However, perhaps more than vigilance
it comes to the water, minutes can make and the proper safety devices, the best
a di erence. Parents must insist that their safety measure is learning how to swim.
child ask for permission to enter the wa- And that’s where Montgomery and his
ter and then stay alert while their child is team of instructors at Club Fit can help.
swimming. Last year, he says, Club Fit provided
“ ey can’t be on their phone or chat- more than 9,000 individual swim lessons
ting away,” he says. “ ey can’t say, ‘I’m and taught or certi ed more than 70 life-
going to go o and get a hot dog, I’ll be guards. Lessons are available at the club
right back!’ ey have to be present. Even for all age ranges and, as Montgomery
if there’s a lifeguard on duty. Because a points out, you’re never too old to learn.
lifeguard can’t be watching each and ev- “I’ve had seniors come in and say, ‘I’ve
ery child constantly. So parents have to never been able to swim, and I want to
know that it’s their responsibility to be go swimming with my grandkids.’ Or,
vigilant. If their kid can’t swim, they have ‘I’ve always been afraid of water,’” he says.
to be within arm’s reach.” “We have instructors that can help them
e American Red Cross advocates get over that fear.”
implementing layers of protection when e way Montgomery sees it, it makes
it comes to aquatic activities, a practice it sense for any swimmer, no matter what
refers to as its “Circle of Drowning Pro- their skill level, to approach the water
tection.” e elements that comprise that with a healthy sense of respect.
circle include: “It might take the fun out of it, but ev-
• Being close to children you are super- ery time you go in the water you could
vising in or near the water. think, ‘You know what, I could drown
• Fencing pools and spas with adequate today!’ ” he says. “ ‘So I’d better be care-
barriers. ful.’ And then take your precautions. You
• Learning swimming and water-safe- know what your limits are. And have
ty survival skills. fun!”
Safety in Members of the Westchester Cycle Club
Westchester Cycle Club: a safe place to ride since 1975
BY GABRIELLE BILIK was basketball, at 493,011. Foot- PHOTO: GABRIELLE BILIK
MANAGING EDITOR ball was third, at 399,873, ac- John Brown and Sarah Richards at a recent Westchester Cycle Club gathering.
cording to the NSC.The lifetime
A scenic bike ride along the risk of dying on your bicycle, Islands of Vermont. Addition- clists colliding with motor ve-
New York/Connecticut border according to the council, is 1 in
ended abruptly when a left-turn- 4,050. The NSC is a 501(c)(3) ally, the club is structured so that hicles in 2015. It warns, “With
ing vehicle struck veteran cyclist nonprofit dedicated to eliminat-
John Brown two years ago. It was ing preventable deaths at work, riders at every level can have a about 80 million bike riders
the second time he had been hit in homes and communities, and
that month. Unlike the first time on the road through leadership, group to ride with and ride safely, sharing the road with millions
a few weeks earlier, the driver just research, education and advocacy.
drove off. she explains. of motorized vehicles, the im-
Between the injuries he sus-
“I don’t know if the car was so tained, including a broken collar “I don’t think anybody has portance of safety precautions in
big that he didn’t know he hit me bone, and the damage to his bike,
or what,” says the United States Brown was kept off the road for what we have in this club,” she traffic cannot be overstated.”
Cycling Federation-licensed cy- nine months. However, even af-
clist, who estimates he has tens ter such a scary experience, he said. “We’re very supportive of “Statistically, it’s safer to ride
of thousands of miles under his happily hopped back on when
belt. the time came. each other.” a bike in a group,” says Sarah
The only identifying feature Brown, the NSC and other It is important, as with any- Richards, a fellow club member
he gathered after looking up was members of the Westchester Cy-
that it was a large, black SUV. cle Club tout the many benefits thing, she stresses, for people to and Brown’s wife.
of cycling despite the risks.
“Fortunately, people heard the educate themselves and be safe. She learned this from speak-
accident and saw me lying in the Westchester Cycle Club Vice
road,” he says. “That’s why you President Christine Schopen According to the NSC, about SEE CYCLE PAGE 17
ride with a group.” said the feeling of community 1,100 deaths resulted from cy-
among cyclers is unlike anything
According to Injury Facts else, and the low-impact cardio-
2017, a statistical report com- vascular workout offers riders
piled by the National Safety many health and wellness ben-
Council (NSC), 488,123 people efits. The club often takes “away
were treated in emergency rooms trips” as a group, riding to such
in 2015 for injuries sustained on places as Cape Cod, Martha’s
their bicycles. The only sport re- Vineyard and the Champlain
sulting in more injuries overall
ing to a personal injury attorney after her husband’s accidents. Ad-
ditionally, the couple recently attended the Philadelphia Bike Expo,
where safety was a topic of discussion.
“When you ride in a group, cars are more likely to slow down and
are more aware of the riders,” Brown said.
Additionally, people just aren’t informed about the rules of the
road—for everyone, they said. People learn to drive and how they are
supposed to interact on the road with pedestrians, but when it comes
to other vehicles, they find there is some confusion, says Richards.
“After his accidents, so many people were like ‘what was he doing
on the road?’ ” Richards said. “These were well-intentioned, educated
people that were somehow led to believe that bikes should be on the
sidewalks and not the road, which isn’t true.”
According to the New York State Department of Health, bicycles
are considered vehicles on the road–just like cars and trucks.
“Bicycles may be smaller and slower than motor vehicles,” the web-
site reads, “but they are not exempt from traffic laws. And motor vehi-
cles are not required to make special provisions for bicycles.Therefore,
it is critical that bicyclists know, understand and follow all traffic laws.”
And even in the most bike-friendly communities, Brown said, there
are simply more distractions pulling drivers’ attention away from the
roads and their surroundings.
“Twenty to 30 years ago people would be changing the radio sta-
tion,” Brown says. “Now it’s texting, navigation systems, phone calls…
you name it.”
The Westchester Cycle Club hosts weekly rides and the annual Golden PHOTO COURTESY OF THE WESTCHESTER CYCLE CLUB FACEBOOK PAGE
Apple Ride. To check out upcoming meetings and events, visit www.
westchestercycleclub.org. The May 28 ride to Two Bridges, Perkins and West Point
To learn more about bike safety, you can begin looking to your local to YouWe Bring Better Hearing
cycling groups, such as the Westchester Cycle Club, which occasionally
gives presentations at local libraries and has a safety section on its website We are doctors of audiology and
dedicated to cycling tips and safety and advocacy. There are also national our mission is to improve the quality of life
resources, like The League of American Bicyclists, a national nonprofit for adults with hearing loss.
organization that aims to lead the movement to create a “Bicycle Friendly
America” for everyone. Check them out at bikeleague.org, a website where We have taken our clinical expertise out of the clinic
you can connect locally, and learn more about your state’s bike laws and the and into YOUR HOME. We Provide:
ins and outs of gaining funding for bike lanes and engaging stakeholders
in your community. • The highest quality hearing healthcare at the lowest price because
we do not have the expense of an office
• State-of-the-art, leading edge hearing aid technology
from every manufacturer
• Same day evaluations and fittings
• Flexible appointment hours and services provided in the
safety and the comfort of the patient’s home
Dr. Rose DuLude
Five Hikes to Invigorate Your Summer!
DOVER STONE CHURCH Hudson River and the Bear Mountain Bridge by the Kent Conservation Advisory Commit-
An easy, non-taxing walk that reaps big at the top. This is a perfect hike for people in tee), the tower offers one of the best views of
rewards at the end, the Dover Stone Church search of a little bit of a workout that’s not too the Hudson Valley anywhere. On a clear day,
hike starts in a level, wide-open field before taxing. The hike’s relatively level incline means hikers atop the tower can see all the way to the
leading to a lush green forest straight out of that kids and dogs can come along, too. http:// Catskills to the west and a faint outline of the
a Tolkien novel. Follow the babbling brook hikethehudsonvalley.com/anthonys-nose/ New York City skyline to the south. http://
until you reach the “stone church” that gives hikethehudsonvalley.com/ninham-mountain-
the hike its name, a massive cave with a hid- CRANBERRY LAKE PRESERVE fire-tower/
den waterfall inside. http://townofdoverny.us/ This 190-acre West Harrison hiking spot
Stone_Church.cfm was once home to a quarry that was used in the PAWLING APPALACHIANTRAIL
construction of the Kensico Dam.The preserve You don’t have to strap on a backpack and
MUSCOOT FARM offers four trails, one of which leads to an old leave your life behind to hike the famed Ap-
A former working dairy farm dating to the farmhouse and mine, and there is also an edu- palachian Trail. The trail starts at a small train
1800s, Muscoot is open year-round and offers cation center with live animal programs and platform (the only train stop along the entire
7 miles of hiking trails. There are also family- interactive displays for the kids. http://parks. AT) before taking hikers on a boardwalk jour-
friendly walking paths that allow both old and westchestergov.com/cranberry-lake ney over the Great Swamp and ascending more
young visitors the chance to view the animals. than 700 feet up Cat Rocks. At the top, intrep-
There’s also a farmers market and displays by NINHAM MOUNTAIN id walkers will be rewarded with gorgeous pan-
local artists. http://muscootfarm.org/ This one’s a little unusual, as it’s not quite a oramic views and bragging rights that come
hike as much as it is a stroll up a long road. But with being able to tell friends and family that
ANTHONY’S NOSE when you reach the top of the 1.5-mile incline, they hiked the Appalachian Trail. http://hik-
A steep hike at the outset, the walk up this you arrive at a massive steel fire tower perched ethehudsonvalley.com/cats-rock/
Hudson Highlands peak levels off pretty quick- atop the mountain. Built by the Civilian Con-
ly and offers a view of the stunning vista of the servation Corps in 1940 (and recently restored
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Sometimes the biggest dreams can start create a space where all areas of health and to empower other women to dream of a bet-
with something small. For Sarah Mont- wellness are brought together, nurtured and ter life and to provide them with resources
gomery, it all began with a “For Sale” sign. celebrated under one roof. When she looked and support as they take action upon that
Driving home one day, she passed a house at the house, she knew that she had found dream!” says Sarah. “There is always a way to
on South Lake Boulevard in Mahopac and, that space. Now, more than a year since first make a change that will improve your life.”
when she saw the sign hanging out front, she opening its doors, Sarah’s House of Health is
was immediately inspired. After twenty-six a thriving place where women can go to find Sarah’s House of Health is located at 900
years as a physical therapist, she was look- the best parts of themselves, through Reiki, South Lake Blvd, and can be reached at
ing for a change, and that house became the Organic Skin Care, Weight Management, 845-661-7490 or by visiting www.
catalyst for that change. Her vision was to Yoga and much, much more. “My mission is sarahshouseofhealth.com.
Indulge in Cookies & Cream Donuts
Makes 6 donuts 1/2 cup granulated sugar
1/4 cup unsweetened applesauce
Ingredients 2 teaspoons coconut oil, melted
1 1/2 teaspoons distilled white 1 teaspoon vanilla extract
vinegar 12 vegan crunchy chocolate
1 cup gluten-free flour cookies, crushed
1/4 cup unsweetened dark cocoa 1 12-ounce jar Dollop Gourmet
powder Vanilla vegan frosting
1/2 teaspoon baking soda Milk
Pinch of salt
donuts Addiction recovery designed
specifically for LGBTQ+ Individuals
Directions mixture and continue mixing for
1 minute more. Add half of the Are you suffering with addiction?
1. Preheat the oven to 350 F. crushed cookies and mix until just
Spray a donut pan with nonstick combined. CALL NOW FOR HELP!
cooking spray. 4. Scoop the batter into the
2. Pour the vinegar into a 1/2 cup prepared donut pan, filling three- 800-940-3552
measure. Add enough milk to quarters of the way full. Bake
come to the brim. Let sit until until a toothpick inserted into the TRAUMA HEALING • LOVE AND RELATIONSHIPS
slightly thickened, 5 to 10 minutes. center comes out clean, 10 to 15 RECOVERY THROUGH JOURNALING
3. In a small bowl, whisk together minutes. Let cool before frosting.
the flour, cocoa powder, baking 5. Microwave the uncovered LETTING GO OF FEAR • MINDFULNESS • LIFE SKILLS PROGRAM
soda, and salt. In a large bowl, mix frosting jar for 5-second intervals, DRUG & ALCOHOL REHAB
together the sugar, applesauce, stirring in between, until soft.
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add the flour mixture and mix Sprinkle the remaining crushed
until smooth. Add the almond milk cookies over the donuts. RECOVERY
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Try your hand at Japanese cuisine
Stuffed cabbage can sometimes be a heavy dish that, Mayumi no Roru Cabegi Using your hands, mix the
while delicious, makes its fans feel very full. However, (Mayumi’s Cabbage ingredients together until
the following recipe for “Mayumi no Roru Cabegi Rolls) evenly distributed.
(Mayumi’s Cabbage Rolls)” from Amy Kaneko’s Let’s In a large saucepan, heat the
Cook Japanese Food! (Chronicle Books) calls for the Serves 4 as a main course or chicken broth over medium-
rolls to be made smaller than normal. That makes the 8 as an appetizer high heat. While the broth
meal feel less heavy while also cutting down on cook- is heating, prepare the rolls:
ing time, which is sure to please time-strapped home Ingredients Position a leaf with the stem
cooks. 1 head green cabbage, outer facing you. Place 2 to 3
This article is provided by Metro Creative Connection layer of leaves discarded tablespoons of the filling in
5 green onions, including the middle of the leaf, bring
NLIEGWHT tender green tops, thinly the edge nearest you over
sliced the filling to cover it, fold in
LASER & ELECTROLYSIS 2 slices white bread, torn into both sides, and then roll up
SKIN REJUVENATION small pieces the leaf. Secure the roll with a
TATTOO REMOVAL 1⁄4 pound shrimp, peeled, toothpick, being careful not to
deveined and chopped into tear the cabbage leaf. Repeat
914-241-3114 small pieces to make 7 more rolls.
120 Kisco Ave 1⁄4 pound ground pork At this point, the broth should
Suite S 11⁄2 teaspoons ginger juice be at a slow boil. Carefully
Mt. Kisco, NY (see note) add the cabbage rolls to the
1⁄2 teaspoon salt, plus more pan. They usually fit in a single
Patricia McMann for seasoning layer, with just 1 or 2 rolls
1⁄4 teaspoon ground pepper on top. Cover the pan with
www.newlightlaser.com 1 tablespoon sake a drop-lid (see note below),
5 cups reduced-fat, low- and cook until the cabbage
[email protected] sodium canned chicken broth leaves are very tender but
1⁄4 cup tomato ketchup not disintegrating, 30 to 35
minutes. To test, prod a roll or
5 tablespoons mayonnaise two with a fork or chopstick;
Directions the leaf should be very easily
Fill a large pot three-fourths pierced. Taste the broth and
full of water and bring to season with salt if needed.
a boil. Add the cabbage, In a small bowl, stir together
submerging it in the water. the ketchup, 3 tablespoons of
When the water returns to the reserved cabbage cooking
a boil, remove the cabbage water, and the mayonnaise
from the pot with tongs and until well combined. If you
place it in a colander to drain. have ended up with extra
Reserve 5 tablespoons of the filling and the leaves to wrap
boiling water for the sauce it, you will want the remaining
(you may not use all of it). 2 tablespoons water for mixing
When the cabbage is cool up extra sauce.
enough to handle, carefully To serve, place 2 cabbage rolls
peel away the leaves without in a shallow bowl, add broth
tearing them. As the leaves to each bowl to reach about
are removed, place them on halfway up the sides of the
paper towels to absorb the rolls, and drizzle with the
excess water. You will need sauce. (Or, if you want to the
8 large leaves without rips, serve the rolls as appetizers,
tears or heavy spines. If you divide the rolls, broth and
can salvage more leaves, do sauce among 8 bowls.) Serve
so, in case you have extra immediately.
In a bowl, combine the green
onions, bread, shrimp, pork,
ginger juice, 1⁄2 teaspoon
salt, pepper, and sake.
A chicken dish to please the whole family
Chicken is a versatile food case with the following recipe 111⁄4⁄4tetcaMeusayppsopGfroo1erno⁄a2sn1hndtrcedllMieoaaemImarsdanagarpkgnoesoo’erdpensroecselasylnjdGgou3lemiagvikre⁄e4creneonodeocsetgus,,uhskasncpertdrrlDriuacbsrsinlaehaelsectdsdkiopninfegpypoupuleprr
that can be prepared and for “Roasted Red Pepper, 1⁄2 cup olive oil
cooked in various ways and Sun-Dried Tomato and Feta Directions
is capable of being combined Topped Chicken” from Laurie
with a host of tasty ingredients. McNamara’s Simply Scratch: Pass the garlic through a garlic press into a
In fact, cooking and serving 120 Whole Homemade Recipes glass jar or resealable storage container.
chicken with certain foods can Made Easy (Avery). Add the oregano, salt and pepper. Pour in
pack a flavorful punch, turning the lemon juice and olive oil.
an otherwise bland chicken This recipe is provided by Metro Shake. Pour. Swoon.
breast into a dish families Creative Connection. Store the salad dressing in the refrigerator,
won’t soon forget. Such is the but pull it out 10 to 15 minutes prior to
using to warm up the solidified oil, or run
Roasted Red Pepper, olive oil over medium-high the jar under warm tap water. Store in the
Sun-Dried Tomato & Feta heat. Remove the chicken refrigerator for 3 to 4 months.
Topped Chicken from the marinade and let
Serves 4 any excess marinade drip Dr. Christian J. Russo, Chiropractor
Ingredients back into the bag. Place the 1010 East Main Street, Shrub Oak
4 boneless, skinless chicken chicken top-side down in
breasts (6 to 8 ounces each) the skillet and sear for 4 to 914-214-8949
1⁄2 cup My Grandma’s 6 minutes. Turn the chicken
Greek Dressing (see below) over and divide the pepper If you are suffering from neck pain, back pain or headaches we have treatments that
1⁄3 cup diced charred red and feta mixture over the can help. You will undergo a thorough exam. Your diagnosis will be explained to you
bell pepper (see below) top. Slide the skillet into in terminology that you can understand. We will tailor your treatment to your specific
1 tablespoon minced sun- the oven. Bake for 15 to 18 condition. Every effort will be made to be sure that you are 100 percent satisfied with
dried tomatoes minutes, or until the chicken the care that we provide. Call us today and begin your journey to pain free living.
1 tablespoon brined capers, is cooked through. Carefully
rinsed and drained transfer the chicken to a Spinal Decompression Therapy
1 tablespoon minced fresh platter and let it rest for 5 to mention this ad and receive 20% off a spinal decompression package
flat-leaf parsley 6 minutes before serving.
1⁄4 teaspoon kosher salt Charred peppers: Non-Surgical Spinal Decompression is
1⁄8 teaspoon freshly ground Grill: Heat a grill to medium- computerized mechanical
black pepper high. Place a pepper (or traction therapy. It is used to stretch the
3⁄4 cup crumbled feta peppers) on the grates, spine in a manner which repositions
cheese close the lid and let it char herniated or bulging disc material. This
1 tablespoon unsalted for 5 minutes. Rotate and can remove the pressure which is being
butter repeat this process until placed on your nerve and alleviate your
1 tablespoon olive oil all sides are charred. After radiating pain.
Directions 12 to 15 minutes, the
Preheat the oven to 350 F. skin should be black and Visit our website at
Place the chicken in a blistered.
medium bowl or large Gas stovetop: Using metal
resealable bag and pour tongs, hold the pepper
the Greek dressing over the over a medium-high flame,
top. Marinate the chicken rotating it to create an even
on the countertop for 20 char.
minutes. (Any longer and Oven: Preheat the broiler to
the lemon juice will start to high and crack the oven
break down, or “cook,” the door. Place a washed
chicken.) pepper on a foil-lined,
In a medium bowl, combine rimmed baking sheet and
the bell pepper, tomatoes, slide it under the broiler,
capers, parsley, salt, black rotating it every few minutes
pepper and feta. until it is charred.
In a 12-inch cast-iron or
other oven-safe skillet, Hours www.FamilyChiroandInjury.com
melt the butter with the Monday through Thursday 9:00 – 7:30
Fire up the grill for fresh veggies
Vegetables are more versatile than many with Lemon Verbena Pesto” from Karen
people may know. Steaming or sautéing veg- Adler and Judith Fertig’s The Gardener &
etables might be among the most popular The Grill (Running Press) can attest, grilled
ways to cook veggies, but grillmasters know vegetables make for simple yet satisfying side
that it’s not just main dishes that taste great dishes.
when cooked over an open flame. As the
following recipe for “Charred Green Beans Recipe provided by Metro Creative Connection
Charred Green Beans with Lemon For the Lemon Verbena Pesto, combine the
Verbena Pesto lemon verbena, garlic, cheese, and nuts in a
Serves 2 to 4 food processor and pulse to puree. Slowly add
Ingredients the olive oil with the processor running until
Green Beans the mixture thickens and emulsifies, about 1
11⁄2 pounds slender green beans minute. Season to taste with salt and pepper.
2 teaspoons olive oil The pesto will keep in the refrigerator for 7
Lemon Verbena Pesto to 10 days, or it may be frozen for up to 3
1 cup fresh lemon verbena leaves (substitute months.
fresh lemon balm leaves)
2 garlic cloves Place the grill wok or basket directly over the
1⁄4 cup grated Parmesan cheese fire and stir-grill, tossing the beans with
1⁄4 cup pine nuts or English walnuts wooden paddles or grill spatulas until crisp-
1⁄2 cup olive oil tender, about 5 to 8 minutes. Transfer the
Fine kosher or sea salt and freshly ground grilled beans to a large bowl and toss with
black pepper to taste about 1⁄4 cup of the Lemon Verbena Pesto or
to taste.
Prepare a hot fire in your grill.
Toss the beans with olive oil and place in a
perforated grill basket or wok set on a baking
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Lack of Sleep Impairs Brain, Promotes Disease
Psychiatrist and Sleep Expert Dr. Alex Dimitriu Offers Tips for Healthier ZZZZ’s
“To sleep, perchance to dream, ay, there’s · Obstructive sleep apnea (causing between sleep deprivation and dementia.
the rub.” Unfortunately, the lament of breathing to stop multiple times during sleep) “We have long been aware of the close
Shakespeare’s Hamlet remains all too true · Narcolepsy (falling asleep suddenly and association between sleep problems and
for as many as 70 million Americans who without warning and being unable to regulate mental diseases like anxiety, depression, even
experience some type of sleeping disorder, one’s sleep-wake cycle) eating disorders” Dr. Dimitriu says. “But, this
says noted psychiatrist and sleep medicine · Restless leg syndrome, and connection may be a case of ‘What came
specialist, Alex Dimitriu, MD. · Rapid Eye Movement (REM) sleep first, the chicken or the egg?’ As doctors,
“Getting a sufficient amount of sleep is behavior disorder. we have suspected that mental illness leads
closely associated with good physical and “Fortunately, we have effective care options to sleep problems, but the latest research is
mental health and overall quality of life. for sleep disorders,” Dr. Dimitriu says. offering increasing evidence that failure to
Most adults require between seven hours and Treatments can include any combination of get the right amount of sleep may give rise to
nine hours of sleep daily,” says Dr. Dimitriu, medications, cognitive behavioral therapy for psychiatric disorders.”
founder of Menlo Park Psychiatry and Sleep controlling negative thoughts and worries In fact, sleep is essential to helping the
Medicine center. Yet, the American Sleep that are keeping a person awake, relaxation brain recover from the stresses and work
Association (ASA) indicates that 35 percent techniques, light therapy, and lifestyle changes of the previous day. “The brain uses sleep
of adults in the United States report achieving to minimize daytime stresses and bad habits time to organize and process information,
fewer than seven hours of sleep a night. affecting sleep. store memories and check and maintain
Dr. Dimitriu notes that the key “red Dr. Dimitriu advises patients who are its wiring. Research has demonstrated that
flags” for a sleep problem, due to insufficient experiencing sleep problems for a month or communication between different parts of the
time spent in bed or some form of sleep more to seek out the assistance of a health brain is abnormal in sleep-deprived patients,”
disturbance, are: waking up feeling tired and care professional. That’s because chronic Dr. Dimitriu says.
unrestored, daytime drowsiness, complaints sleep deprivation puts individuals at higher For those who do not have a physical or
from a spouse or partner about one’s excessive risk of becoming obese, having a weakened psychiatric disorder, a good night’s rest may
snoring, gasping for breath when awakening, immunity system and developing chronic be simply a few lifestyle adjustments away. Dr.
inability to fall asleep even when tired, and and life-threatening disorders, such as high Dimitriu recommends taking these steps for
having an underlying medical condition like blood pressure, diabetes, heart disease, stroke better sleep:
chronic pain, anxiety or asthma that disrupts – even lung cancer, according to a 2017 study. · Maintain a regular sleep schedule.
sleep or makes sleeping difficult. Sleep also is essential to personal safety. · Before bedtime, limit consumption of
Additional, “softer red flags” indicating “Insufficient sleep can affect a person’s overall caffeine, chocolate, sugary foods and other
a sleep problem include: irritability, often functioning, performance and reaction time,” products that promote wakefulness.
either a state of exhaustion, alternating Dr. Dimitriu explains. The ASA, for example, · Avoid alcohol, which can impair sleep.
with adrenaline and anxiety, depression reports that drowsy driving is responsible · Turn off the laptop, the high-tech mobile
manifested as a lack of joy or loss of interest), for 1,550 motor vehicle-related deaths and phone and the television dramas to allow time
which sometimes does not improve with 40,000 nonfatal injuries annually. to relax before going to bed.
medications, low energy despite a desire to Most important is the strong link between · If overweight, lose the extra pounds.
do things, impaired concentration, and short sleep and brain health, Dr. Dimitriu states. · Exercise regularly. Exercise helps reduce
term memory problems which can look like In fact, a small, preliminary study stress and anxiety.
ADHD, or Alzheimer’s for some, heavy use conducted by the National Institutes of
or dependence on caffeine, “burnout”, and Health and published in The Proceedings Alex Dimitriu, MD, is double board-certified
weight gain. of the National Academy of Sciences in in psychiatry and sleep medicine and is the
Most common sleep disorders are: April 2018 identifies sleep disturbances founder of the Menlo Park Psychiatry and Sleep
· Insomnia (inability to fall asleep or remain as being potentially linked to a higher risk Medicine Center in Menlo Park, CA. http://
asleep), affecting an estimated 40 percent of for Alzheimer’s disease. Earlier research, www.doctoralex.com
Americans during any 12-month period published in 2017, shows a connection
Beware of Bear, Rich Food, and Gout
Ihave been in practice as a The natural breakdown of watch serving size. Not adher- him feel better. He said “I
clinical nutritionist for over your body cells and food pro- ing to these suggestions could haven’t felt this good in years.
20 years. duces uric acid. Most of the cause the return of excruciating I’m happy!”
During that time, I have seen time your kidneys filter out uric pain associated with gout. An overweight stressed out
some interesting acid and it passes He returned for a follow up bear hunter turned his life
cases. One such out of your body several weeks later. He felt bet- around with a tailored meal
case was a man in urine. Unfor- ter, he had more energy and had plan. He realized he had one
in his early 50s tunately, rich di- lost 18 pounds. His lab results body and it was up to him to
who came to see ets: food high in showed improvement. Surpris- make his health a priority. Once
me complaining sugar, saturated ingly, he said that it wasn’t as you feel great, it’s something you
of several health fat, refined carbo- difficult as he expected to stick will want to continue for the rest
problems. He hydrates and large to healthy food when in the wil- of your life, bear hunter or not.
was overworked, consumptions of derness. He had become so dili-
overtired and alcohol, create gent in following his diet that he Linda Lonergan is a senior
had little energy. havoc within the didn’t want to deviate from it on clinical nutritionist with
His doctor had body. Over time, the weekends. He was thrilled an M.S. in Food Nutrition/
referred him they can create that he hadn’t had a single bout Biology. She is accredited by the
to me because so much uric acid of gout for six weeks. American Dietetic Association. In
along with his LINDA LONERGAN that it overwhelms His new healthier lifestyle had private practice for 21 years, she
lack of en- the kidneys, and
become a way of life for him. He specializes in personalized meal
ergy, he was 40 they can’t keep up. shared his healthier diet with his plans for all nutritional needs.
pounds overweight, had high The elevated levels of uric acid family, and they started making Contact Linda at 914-522-
cholesterol, high triglycerides in the blood cause solid crystals healthier choices. The positive 0729 or Linda@NutritionKaye.
and high blood pressure. More to form in the joints. This causes changes in his health motivated com. for more information, visit
importantly, he was in constant the painful condition called him to continue losing weight. NutritionKaye.com.
pain in his joints, particularly in gout. He started a brisk walking and
his big toe. He had gout. To reduce uric acid, my client weight training program that
He had tried to eat a healthier needed to avoid specific foods increased his energy and made
diet, but had not been able to such as anchovies, most sea-
stick with it. He was very busy food, foods high in sugar and CARING HEARTS
and usually ate on the run. He junk carbs. He also needed to
would grab anything quick and cut back on serving size. His lab
convenient just to stop being results showed that in addition
hungry. Breakfast was a donut. to his hypertension and over-
Lunch a cheeseburger. Dinner weight, he also had an undesir-
came out of a microwave box. able lipid profile. This created Because We Understand
Home Is Where The Heart Is.
Vodka or gin was always on the added challenges in getting his
menu. Not the best choices for a gout under control.
healthy diet. When he was out in the wil-
My client’s deteriorating derness on the weekends, hunt-
health problems gave him a ing bear, he didn’t think he
strong motivation to do better. could keep to a healthy diet. He Caring Hearts And Hands LLC Is A Dependable
Non-Medical Provider Of Affordable Care,
To maintain his active lifestyle, asked me to tailor a diet to his Services And Helpful Support To Seniors.
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He was eager to improve his the freedom to eat whatever he Daily/Weekly Visits
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After carefully reviewing his challenge was to come up with Respite Care
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blood work lab report, I could in a bag, tie up, and raise 20 feet
We Can Provide Caregivers, HHAs, LPNs.
see the problem. But to create off the ground away from a bear! Free Consultations.
a diet that he could stick with, I designed a diet which my 914-962-3002
I needed to understand my cli- client could easily live with. It
ent’s unique lifestyle. This is encouraged him to select foods
something I normally do; I de- as close to their natural state as
sign customized diets to match possible, avoid processed food,
each individual’s needs. This limit alcohol, rich seafood and
client’s hobby was unusual. He meat. When hunting bear, he
flew up to the Canadian wilder- needed flexibility, but I suggest-
ness on weekends, to hunt bear. ed he choose foods wisely and
Give Ballroom Dancing a Whirl
BY JODI WEINBERGER center’s owner Yuri Tsarev,
CONTRIBUTING EDITOR his wife, Elena Tsarev, and
teachers Inna Savenko and
If you can navigate the Andrey Savenko. They all
aisles of a crowded movie came to the United States
theater, you can learn to from Belarus where they were
ballroom dance. champions of their craft and
now use their skill to break
“People will call and say, ‘I down dances into manageable
have two left feet’ and I’ll say, steps.
‘OK, well, that’s good. I have
two right,’”says Inna Savenko, “Forward two steps, you
one of four world champion do that every day. Backward
ballroom dancers teaching steps, you know what that
at the New York Ballroom means. You go to a movie
Dance Center at 172 Harris theater and you have to sit
Road in Bedford Hills. down? Side together, side
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It’s easy to be intimidated “Anyone can dance.”
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