Vol. 10 No. 46 Visit TapIntoYorktown.net for the latest news. Thursday, February 3, 2022
A rendering of the proposed
Underhill Farm development
Town Board looks to move fast on Underhill Farm
Project would bring 148 units to former Soundview site
BY BRIAN MARSCHHAUSER space. e housing is divided into town Heights. If a property falls Blanchard, an attorney represent- discussing a public hearing. I love
EDITOR 50 townhouse units, 30 condo- within the boundaries of an over- ing Unicorn Contracting, said at the idea of us wanting people to
minium units and 68 apartment lay district, its owner can apply to the board’s meeting last week. have a say,” said Councilwoman
Most of Yorktown’s elected of- units. take advantage of the new zon- “We want to get in front of your Luciana Haughwout. “But I do
cials seem ready to throw their ing standards, which relax den- Planning Board.” believe the reason we voted [this
full support behind Underhill Of the 148 units, 118 are de- sity requirements and encourage property] into the overlay district
Farm, the rst project develop- scribed as “senior friendly” and mixed-use developments. NO PUBLIC HEARING? was so that we didn’t have to have
ers have proposed to build in the more than half would be reserved According to the legislation, the public hearing. And I know
new Yorktown Heights Overlay for those aged 60 and older, ac- e legislation gives the Town that this board really does want
District. cording to plans presented to the Board the authority to act as the Town Board has the option what’s best for the town. So, I’m
In development since 2020, the Town Board at its meeting on gatekeeper. If it deems a proj- of calling for a public hearing against the public hearing.”
plan involves the creation of 148 Tuesday, Jan. 25. ect worthy, it then heads to the before voting. But most board
housing units (reduced from 165) town’s Planning Board for site members said they did not think Councilman Ed Lachterman
and 18,000 square feet of retail In late December, the Town plan review. it was necessary to have one.
Board approved overlay districts SEE UNDERHILL PAGE 3
for Lakeland Osceola and York- “We’re ready to go,” Mark “I love the idea of the board
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15 Arrests made in weapons
pg 4
Page 2 – Yorktown News Thursday, February 3, 2022
The Staff Basketball court to be rehabbed
EDITORIAL TEAM e basketball court at Rail- be advertised this month, allow- The basketball court in Railroad Park PHOTO: GOOGLE MAPS
BRIAN MARSCHHAUSER road Park has seen better days. ing contractors to submit bids.
EDITOR: 914-302-5628
[email protected] “It hasn’t been updated in over Martorano said the Parks and
30 years and it’s crumbling apart,” Recreation Commission has al-
VIM WILKINSON said Jim Martorano Jr., parks and ready voted to dedicate money
SPECIAL SECTIONS EDITOR recreation superintendent, at the toward the projcet. He did not
[email protected] Town Board’s meeting on Tues- reveal how much money has been
day, Jan. 25. allocated, saying it could corrupt
ADVERTISING TEAM the bidding process.
PAUL FORHAN With that in mind, the York-
town Town Board needed little “We’ll see what the bids come
(914) 806-3951 convincing to move forward on in at and we’ll see if the amount
[email protected] a plan to rehab the basketball of money covers the bids that
courts with new pavement and come in,” the parks superinten-
BRUCE HELLER fencing. Town Engineer Dan dent said.
(914) 486-7608 Ciarcia said the project will likely
[email protected] –Brian Marschhauser
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Thursday, February 3, 2022 Yorktown News – Page 3
Kmart lease could hold up redevelopment plans
Company has nine years left on its agreement
BY BRIAN MARSCHHAUSER tial units and retail use on the just trying to do our best to get an The vacant
EDITOR bottom oor. answer out of them.” Kmart
A few weeks ago, the Yorktown e developer said it has at- Town Board members were building
community celebrated the news tempted to negotiate a buyout of concerned by the news.
that Uncle Giuseppe’s is moving the lease without success. PHOTO: BRIAN
into the Food Emporium space, “It seems to me they’re holding MARSCHHAUSER
which has been vacant for more “Unfortunately, we’re still try- Oster hostage on it,” said Coun-
than a decade. ing to get an answer out of them cilman Ed Lactherman. Unfortunately, we’re still
as far as what we can do to regain trying to get an answer out of
Now, Yorktown could be facing control of the space,” said Tim Town Supervisor Matt Slater them as far as what we can do
a similar nightmarish scenario at Huttleston, Oster Properties’ di- said he does not want to see that to regain control of the space.
the Kmart building in the same rector of commercial leasing. building sit vacant.
shopping center. –Tim Huttleston
According to Huttleston, the “It’s almost abusive for them to Oster Properties, director of commercial leasing
In 2019, after Sears Holdings lease agreement with Kmart/ say that they’re not going to ll
led for bankruptcy, Transform- Transformco is more than 40 it for the next nine years,” Slater
co acquired hundreds of vacant years old. Without sharing spe- said.
Sears and Kmart stores, including ci c gures, the Oster executive
the 97,000-square-foot Kmart in said the tenant is getting a favor- Councilman Sergio Esposito
the Yorktown Green Shopping able deal compared to modern- said he was ready to “go to war”
Center. day lease agreements. As a result, with Transformco, to which Slat-
At the Town Board meet- Transformco is looking to nd a er concurred.
ing on Tuesday, Jan. 25, it was tenant for the space.
revealed that Transformco has “We’ll work with our legal
about nine years left on its lease, Huttleston is not optimistic team to see if we can provide any
which presents a major hurdle for that a new tenant would sign up type of support,” the supervisor
the planned redevelopment of the for a nine-year agreement. told Huttleston.
shopping center.
Oster Properties, which owns “It’s very ba ing to us,” he In Huttleston’s most recent dis-
the Downing Drive shopping said. “Obviously, they’re a real es- cussions with Transformco, “I ba-
center, has proposed to tear down tate company now versus being sically said to them, ‘We can’t be
Kmart and replace it with a four- a retail company. ey’ve done playing this cat and mouse game.
story building with 150 residen- a lot of personal redevelopment Is there something you’re looking
projects on other properties, but for?’ ” e company said it would
those properties had 20, 30, 40 get back to him in a few weeks.
years’ worth of lease terms. We’re
Transformco did not respond
to a request for comment from
this newspaper.
UNDERHILL also be held before the Planning Underhill Farm’s neighbor to improvements would be made to to make sure we have their input
Board can vote on the site plan. the north is Beaveridge Apart- Underhill Avenue, such adding and that we are saving the house
Councilman Sergio Esposi- ments, which, in exchange handicap-accessible walkways and permissibly using it as an
said he was in favor of imme- to also appeared ready to vote for remaining tax exempt, has and painting boxes on the road adaptive reuse.”
diately advancing the project to against holding a public hearing, agreed to build a publicly acces- where idling tra c would be
the Planning Board, which is saying Unicorn Contracting, the sible senior community center prohibited. NO CONFLICT, ETHICS
better suited to discuss its tech- property’s owner, “has a long and new o ces for the town’s BOARD SAYS
nical aspects. e overlay district road ahead of them.” parks and recreation depart- HISTORICAL SIGNIFICANCE From 2015 to 2018, Slater
legislation asks the Town Board “I think the project is really ment. In addition to emergency Guillaro previously said he worked as chief of sta for for-
to consider eight factors before worthy of the town,” Esposito access to Beaveridge, Unicorn’s plans to spend $1 million rehab- mer state Sen. Terrence Murphy,
approving a project, including said. “ e revenue that it will project includes parking spaces bing the property’s main building, who is now an employee of Uni-
whether it would contribute bring in, the density that it will for the senior center. a mansion that was home to Yor- corn Contracting. Slater said he
to the vitality of the town and add will really work to revitalize If approved, construction ktown forefather Edward Bur- reached out to the town’s Ethics
whether it’s consistent with our business sector, especially in would be carried out in two roughs Underhill (1809-1888). Board, requesting it review any
the town’s long-range planning the Heights area.” phases. e rst phase would A portion of the main building potential con ict of interest.
goals. Unicorn Contracting esti- involve the 148 residential units; would be repurposed into a co ee Reading from the Ethics
“Our charge is to say does mated at least $1 million in ad- the second, its commercial uses. shop or restaurant. e remain- Board’s opinion, Slater said, “We
this t into the eight criteria,” ditional property taxes going to To accommodate the expect- ing space, Guillaro said last year, do not nd any con ict of inter-
Lachterman said. “If it ts in the the school and town on a yearly ed tra c increase, turning lanes would be an “ideal location for a est, which would inhibit, prevent,
eight criteria, let’s move it over basis. ose gures have not yet would be added to the intersec- museum and/or historical soci- or deter the supervisor from par-
and let’s get going.” been vetted by Yorktown’s tax tion of Route 118 and Underhill ety.” All other existing buildings ticipating in discussions or voting
Town Supervisor Matt Slater assessor, but Unicorn said they Avenue. ose tra c improve- would be demolished. on any Unicorn applications that
said he disagreed with his col- were on the conservative side. ments would be carried out in e inclusion of the Under- may come before him and the
leagues and intends to cast a dis- the second phase of the project. hill Farm property, most recently Town Board.
senting vote. THE PROJECT Route 118 is owned by New home to the former Soundview “In our opinion, we require
“It’s our rst application, and In addition to the residen- York State. Preparatory School, was not that Supervisor Slater fully dis-
we need to learn from the appli- tial and retail uses, the project “Any improvements that in- without controversy. Many crit- close this relationship to the pub-
cation and go through the cor- includes public amenities. e volve the state take years,” said ics of the mixed-use develop- lic prior to taking any application
rect process,” Slater said. “I don’t pond would be rehabbed and Unicorn Contracting Presi- ment have argued that it would concerning Unicorn’s interest
pretend to know everything. walking paths would be con- dent Paul Guillaro. “ is is not be too intense for the historically at the Soundview property,” the
And while I may agree with structed around the pond with something that can happen right signi cant property. Unicorn has board’s opinion continued.
their presentation, there may be sitting areas. e pathway would away. So, that’s why we’re phas- argued otherwise, even creating a Slater read the Ethics Board’s
a point out there that I hadn’t continue toward Route 118, ing the project, because we don’t website (underhillfarmyorktown. opinion at the meeting before the
thought of yet.” where a plaza area would be want to wait two to three years com) to counter the critics. Town Board started its review of
If the project reaches the Plan- constructed. for a state approval to get some- “Our team has already reached the Underhill Farm plan.
ning Board, it would be subject Unicorn Contracting intends thing done on that road.” out to the local preservation so- “I proactively sought the Eth-
to a public information hear- to maintain the existing main In the meantime, before the ciety as well as the state agency,” ics Board’s opinion to ensure this
ing at the outset of the board’s entrance, including the pillars, second phase begins, the traf- Blanchard said. “We have a nice process is as transparent as pos-
review. A public hearing would gate and stone wall. c lights would be retimed and rapport going with both groups sible,” Slater said.
Page 4 – Yorktown News Thursday, February 3, 2022
Yorktown residents arrested in countywide weapons probe
BY BRIAN MARSCHHAUSER Westchester and Putnam counties. handguns, high-capacity drum Department of Public Safety. of police o cers who have been
More than 100 weapons were magazines, and so-called “ghost e Yorktown Police Depart- shot at so far in 2022, including
seized on Tuesday, Jan. 25, when guns” (guns without serial num- ment arrested Rogers Singleton, two New York City Police Depart-
Two Yorktown residents were county, local and federal law en- bers). Silencers, ballistic vests, 40, who lives at 2191 Crompond ment o cers killed just last month.
among 11 people arrested this forcement agencies executed counterfeit police shields, and am- Road, where a pistol (ghost gun) A high-capacity drum magazine,
week as part of a six-month in- search warrants at eight locations. munition were also seized, accord- and cocaine were allegedly recov- which allows a gun to hold more
vestigation into illegal weapons in e seized weapons include ri es, ing to the Westchester County ered. He was charged with crimi- ammunition, was used in that
nal possession of a rearm and shooting.
fourth-degree criminal possession “We need to rid our com-
of a controlled substance, both of munities of illegally possessed
which are felonies. rearms and we need to lock up
Christopher Canzone, 49, was the criminals who own and sell
arrested by Westchester County these illegal rearms,” Noble said.
o cers at his home at 1700 Baptist “Lastly, once we arrest these crim-
Church Road. Canzone is accused inals, we need them to serve hard
of possessing eight pistols, one re- time.”
volver and six assault ri es. He was e investigation was launched
charged with rst-degree criminal in June 2021 when police depart-
possession of a weapon (10 or more ments in Westchester, along with
rearms), a Class B felony. the Westchester County District
“As a convicted felon, Canzone Attorney’s O ce and the Federal
is not permitted to be in possession Bureau of Investigation, created a
of these rearms,” said Yorktown task force. Assisting in the inves-
Police Chief Robert Noble, who tigation was the FBI Safe Streets
is also vice president of the West- Task Force, New York City Police
PHOTO COURTESY OF WESTCHESTER COUNTY chester County Police Chiefs As- Department, Putnam County
Some of the guns that were seized in the Jan. 25 raid of eight locations in Westchester and Putnam counties. sociation. Sheri ’s O ce, the Rockland
At a press conference at the County District Attorney’s Of-
Westchester County Police Acad- ce, the Westchester County
CARPET emy in Valhalla on ursday, Jan. Real Time Crime Center, and
27, Noble commended the work of the Westchester County Special
the Yorktown Police Department’s Response Team. Prosecutors from
HARDWOOD Detective Bureau and Patrol Bu- the Westchester County District
reau, led by Lt. James Graham and Attorney’s O ce and the South-
Lt. Justin Foley, respectively. ern District of New York provided
Noble noted the high number guidance and case support.
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Thursday, February 3, 2022 Yorktown News – Page 5
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Page 6 – Yorktown News Thursday, February 3, 2022
Budget expected to maintain progress of previous year
BY NICK TRUJILLO increase in Teacher Retirement as well as higher projections for as to whether their child needed “At this point in time, if we
STAFF WRITER System (TRS) rates, a 5 percent travel costs. to wear a mask in school fol- don’t have directions from the
blended rate (de ned as an aver- lowing the news that a Supreme health care professionals and
Last year was an eventful one age interest rate between an old While fuel and oil rates are Court judge in Nassau County from the state, there is not one
for the Lakeland Central School loan and a new loan) decrease in di cult to predict, the district ruled the state’s indoor mask member of this board who is
District, as it saw its superinten- the Employee Retirement Sys- anticipates its bus mileage to mandate unconstitutional and quali ed to make a health deci-
dent, assistant superintendent for tem (ERS), and a general increase return to pre-pandemic levels. unenforceable. sion,” said Michael Daly, vice
pupil personnel services, and a in labor costs and transportation In 2019, Lakeland’s bus eet president of the school board.
Board of Education trustee resign costs. made 1,516,115 miles worth of After a quick appeal from New “Without such a mandate, I’m
within a span of ve months all trips, which was nearly halved to York State, which resulted in a inclined to say masks optional
while operating under constantly Lakeland’s stated instructional 866,624 miles during the 2020 state Appellate Division judge and go with that.”
changing Covid-19 guidelines. goals are to expand upon its dis- school year under the pandemic. granting a stay in the state’s law-
trict-wide STEAM programs, suit over the mandate, the man- Board President Adam Kau -
Despite the circumstances, such as e orts to implement more e hourly rates of bus drivers date remains in place during the man added that the situation
2021 also brought capital im- problem-based learning, creating and monitors is expected to in- appeal and schools must continue is very uid, as Covid guide-
provement projects, the estab- virtual eld trip opportunities crease by 6.93 percent to nearly to enforce it. lines have at times had mul-
lishment of summer academic to enhance the educational ex- $350,000, and an additional tiple changes within a 24-hour
programs, and a second consecu- perience without the logistics of $100,000 in transportation costs Lakeland and Yorktown both period. If the state mandate is
tive year with no tax levy increase. transportation, travel time, and has been budgeted for gas, diesel will continue to adhere to New repealed, the district has the op-
Lakeland’s 2022-23 budget still safety concerns, remaining ex- fuel, parts, and supplies. York State’s requirements until a tion to implement its own man-
needs clari cation on important ible with sta ng assignments, further decision is made on mask- date as needed, as it did during
items such as state and federal and creating up-to-date learning A bond proposition to purchase ing. On Jan. 28, Governor Kathy August of 2021 during height of
aid, tax cap calculations, and the spaces for its students. seven new 66-passenger school Hochul extended the mandate the Delta variant, which coin-
buses ($118,665 apiece), three to Feb. 10 after it was set to ex- cided with the start of the school
nancial impact of its collective Joy Myke, Lakeland’s busi- 30-passeneger vans ($63,552 pire on Feb. 1 and said that the year.
bargaining agreements. ness administrator, followed up apiece), three 20-passeneger vans state would continue to assess the
Gagliardi’s budget presentation ($56,862 apiece), a suburban bus mandate on a two-week basis. “If we see that all of a sudden
On Jan. 27, during a presen- with an overview of the support ($66,200),a work van ($49,1000), there is a huge spike in cases
tation on next year’s budget, Dr. services budget for the 2022-23 and a plow truck ($51,750) for a A day earlier, Lakeland’s su- that are coming from the kids
Karen Gagliardi, interim schools school year. total of $1,358,947 was included perintendent and trustees said not wearing masks and the sta
superintendent, spoke of the im- to end Myke’s presentation. that if the decision were left to not wearing masks, we have the
portance having nancial stabil- Much of the projected increas- the school board’s discretion, they option to come back and revisit
ity in the district and being sen- es to the support services budget LCSD AND YCSD CONTINUE would opt to leave the choice this and if we need to impose
sitive to the district’s taxpayers. come from increases in salaries in TO ADHERE TO EXTENDED with individual parents as there something again, we can if it’s
Lakeland knows there will be a the administrative sta , business NYS MASK MANDATE is no standing mask mandate in in the interest of public health,”
6-percent increase in health-in- o ce sta , legal department, cus- place from the district’s leader- Kau man said.
surance rates, up to a 10.5 percent todial sta , and grounds workers, Parents were left confused on ship.
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Thursday, February 3, 2022 Yorktown News – Page 7
YHS looks to add varsity boys’ volleyball team
BY NICK TRUJILLO sport develop in the Section 1 region in hockey, and tness center equipment, and Club, the eSports Club, the Future Busi-
STAFF WRITER recent years, naming Briarcli , Lakeland, anticipates a four percent increase in the ness Leaders of America, the Gardening
Eastchester, Scarsdale, and a number of cost of each bus contract. e rest of the rise Club, the Mental Health Awareness Club,
e statewide organization of high schools in Rockland County as places ei- in costs are attributed to an expanded police and the Tri-M Music Honor Society.
school boys’ volleyball programs in New ther already have a varsity boys’ volleyball presence at games with more fans expected
York is a relatively new endeavor, with the program or are also considering adding to attend post-Covid, a new live-streaming “We do a couple of check-ins during the
one, and as teams that could be in the same service, coaching salaries, equipment costs, course of the year, mid-year and end-of-
rst recorded state championship for the league as the Huskers. uniforms, association dues, and recognition year, to see what the enrollment numbers
sport occurring in 2010, but it is a sport that awards. look like, to see the group of student leaders
is growing in popularity across Westchester “ ere’s about ve Section 1 teams that who initiated the club, what they’d like to
County and in Yorktown High School. are playing boys’ volleyball, so we would e district projects that in the 2022- do going forward, and then year two it be-
have those ve teams. ey usually play 23 school year, 1,097 students will play for comes a formal club and no longer a pilot,”
Adding a varsity-level boys’ volleyball each other somewhere between two and Yorktown’s 70 athletic teams. said YHS Principal Joseph DeGennaro.
team was a point of interest for many three times, and then we’ll do a tournament
school board trustees during the athletics in Long Island or in Section 9,” Barrett MORE THAN 1,700 STUDENTS DeGennaro added that the Engineering
and co-curriculars budget presentation at said. “It looks like there could be up to 10 PARTICIPATE IN CLUBS Club is a direct complement to the district’s
the Jan. 24 Board of Education meeting. [teams], which would be great because then plan to add an engineering course to the
it’s play each other twice and now you have e preliminary co-curricular activities high school curriculum. He highlighted the
e estimated cost of adding a boys’ vol- your schedule complete, 20 games.” budget is expected to increase by 5.39 per- importance of being able to o er a Mental
leyball team to Yorktown’s athletic roster is cent, or by $13,000 to a total of $253,905. Health Awareness Club.
about $17,500, including coaching salaries, e remainder of the budget presenta-
uniforms, transportation, and o ciating tion touched on the level of student par- e two items that have increased expenses “It’s just another great avenue for kids
costs. ticipation in middle school and high school are a $10,000 raise in the cost of secondary to have a place to go to be with an adult,
clubs and sports, the projected increases in performing arts programs, which Assistant to be with each other, and talk about issues
“What prompted the conversation for costs for athletics and club programs, and Superintendent for Business Tom Cole that they are going through in a less-formal,
me is that over the course of this year, and clubs that are being piloted during the said re ects an increase in participation and structured area,” DeGennaro said.
it’s the rst time it’s really happened, a lot 2021-22 school year with the potential to the in ation of costs necessary to support
of students have been coming to me to talk become a permanent part of the o ered middle and high school productions, and Cole said that over 1,200 high school
about the possibility of having a volleyball programming. a $3,000 increase for Syracuse University students participate in the 45 clubs YHS
team,” said Athletic Director Rob Barrett. Project Advance (SUPA) and Advanced o ers and over 500 middle school students
“It’s kind of nice to start on the ground level e athletics budget is expected to rise Placement teacher certi cation programs participate in Mildred E. Strang Middle
in some ways and see how it grows. I think $73,305, or 5.68 percent, in the 2022-23 that were suspended due to Covid-19 re- School’s 19 clubs. e new clubs o ered at
it is going to be a growing sport. I think school year, with a projected total cost of strictions in the previous two years. the middle school level are a Dungeons and
we’re getting in at the right time so that we $1,363,585. e district has budgeted a Dragons Club, a Fitness Club, a Girls (and
can establish ourselves.” $13,580 payment to pay for tennis, eld Six clubs are being piloted during the Boys) Who Code Club, and a National Ju-
2021-22 school year: the Engineering nior Honor Society.
Barrett added that he has watched the
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Page 8 – Yorktown News Thursday, February 3, 2022
e trains ran on time Elective dysfunction
This year marks the Mussolini’s maneuvers when men were in positions The year got o to quite a that exercised about such partisan
centennial anniversary have become a template for of unchallenged authority newsworthy start in the ploys as who gets deputized.
of the rise to power of dictators to this day. Steve (both politically and in the Westchester world of
home) and where people of In those three other instances,
color and workers “knew their
one of democracy’s greatest Bannon, a political operative place.” Franco (Spain) talked politics. the inference
about the Spanish and Roman
foes: Italian who helped Empires. Putin (Russia) refers For instance, that can be
to the old Soviet Union.
dictator, engineer Erdogan (Turkey) references a couple of drawn from re-
the Ottoman Empire.
Benito MY our former Today, the extreme right in immediate past BRUCE ports in Halston
Mussolini. PERSPECTIVE president’s Italy, Hungary, and Brazil supervisors THE BLOG Media weeklies
In her rise to power, nostalgically looks back at the were o ered that cover those
Middle Ages as they presently
recent book JAMES admiringly seek to “defend” White sinecures, the BRUCE towns is that
MARTORANO refers to European heritage, which they
“Strongmen,” feel is under attack by migrants patronage APAR the voters didn’t
and indigenous peoples.
Ruth Ben- the ruthless rendition of mind all that
3) Crisis. An imagined or
Ghiat dictator as real “crisis” gives the hellbent anks for the much having a
authoritarians political cover
identi es Il “one of the to take drastic action which Memories. deputy supervi-
will cement their power and
Duce as the rst leader in the most important gures of essentially end democracy. In one case, sor appointed
Imperialist operations are
20th century to not only kill the twentieth century.” e often disguised as restoring the largesse of a local town board who they didn’t vote into any
“nationals” to the fold. Hitler
a democracy but also create key to Mussolini’s (and any used this rationale when in creating a customized “con- public o ce. In other words, on
he incorporated the Czech
the playbook that is still used authoritarian’s) ascent is to Sudetenland into the Reich sulting” position was so conspic- this issue (if it even can be classi-
in 1938. Mussolini, Erdogan,
today. promote a familiar storyline Duterte (Philippines), and uously large—more than $70K a ed as such) the populi punted.
most recently Putin (in his
A robust gure with a that asserts that the dictator attempt to take over Ukraine) year for the long-tenured super-
all have used an invented
bald head and a jetting alone can save the homeland. crisis to expand their power. visor who decided to retire—it AN ODD STATE
Even in the United States,
jaw, Mussolini possessed is narrative is comprised of once considered the bastion of unleashed a social media torrent As wizened an ink-stained
democracy, recently released
an extraordinary charisma three main components that memos indicating that, in of taunting from taxpayers that wretch as I may be, I admit to
2020, a fabricated crisis of
and a seemingly mysterious Ruth Ben-Ghiat insightfully voter fraud was proposed as a summarily dealt the deal a fatal being caught unawares that, in
possible justi cation for the
energy source that held his identi es in her book: institution of martial law and blow, leaving bemused town the great State of New York, a
the seizure of voting machines.
audiences spellbound. Like 1) Utopia. e desire for Luckily for us, that proposal wags to wonder of the faux pas, deputy supervisor can be ap-
was never enacted.
most tyrants, his ideology a perfect community, which “What were they thinking in the pointed without having earned a
An important part of the
was ambiguous; but it was all usually includes a yearning authoritarian playbook is the rst place … that nobody would single vote to occupy public o ce.
manipulation, falsi cation, and
about gaining power. In 1922, to obtain what the followers concealment of information. notice?” at extremely generous allow-
Propaganda is a tool that,
instead of disarming him believe is rightfully theirs and over the last hundred years, Over in another town, a fresh- ance is codi ed in Section 42 of
has become a perfected art
and his Fascist followers, the somehow has been denied form. Discrediting the press man supervisor, new to public New York State Senate legisla-
is commonplace in the world
Italian democratic government them. With Mussolini and of dictators. If the press turns o ce altogether, got the hang tion, which in part reads … “Any
up corruption or violence,
attempted to co-opt him by Hitler, it involved grievances the public will already be of patronage by appointing his person, including a town o cer,
accustomed to seeing the
making him prime minister. about the apportionment predecessor—the immediate past o cial or employee, may be
e tyrant in waiting spent of lands and perceived supervisor, who had elected not appointed deputy supervisor, pro-
the next two years tearing humiliation following World to seek re-election—as deputy vided that the person appointed
down institutional democratic War I. For other authoritarians, supervisor, pointedly elbowing shall possess the same quali ca-
safeguards. At his direction, the grievance is that jobs, aside the town board member tions as an elective town o cer.”
the Italian Parliament dutifully property, political power, who held that title. Excuse my impertinence
passed Fascist Party sponsored or status have been taken (although that is part of my job
electoral “reform” which rigged away from them (usually by THREE’S A TREND description), but what, pray tell,
the next election in their favor. immigrants), accompanied by at rst-term supervisor constitutes the “quali cations
en, in 1924, aided by a the promise these grievances who established his one-sided of an elective town o cer”?
rigged system, utilizing voter will be remedied in the “new bona des by bringing in a new Wouldn’t a primary criterion
intimidation and fraud, Il world.” deputy supervisor who does not be that the person is, you know,
Duce rose to power, hellbent 2) Nostalgia. is selling hold elective o ce is not alone in elected?
on destroying what was left point is easy. All of us are sticking like Gorilla Glue to his is sort of folly has all the
of a reeling democratic state. nostalgic to some extent about political allies, while spitting in makings of a Monty Python skit...
Within months, he had his the past which, as every year the eye of “the other.” No fewer “To be deputy supervisor, you
main political opponent passes, seems more and more than two other new supervisors must possess the same quali ca-
(Giacomo Matteotti) killed, attractive (even if it wasn’t). also thought it a popular—if tions as an elective town o cer,
pardoned all his jailed cronies, Without exception, the not populist—notion to appoint except for that silly part about
disbanded the investigation dictator on the rise promises to someone other than an elected you having to actually be elected.
looking into Matteotti’s make the country great again. member of their town board to Democracy can be such a petty
assassination (which he Mussolini pledged to make the understudy role of deputy party pooper, eh?”
called a witch hunt), and that fantasy a reality. Using supervisor (which position, per
domesticated the press and those exact words (without se, does not wield a vote—thank Bruce Apar is a writer and actor,
labor unions. Watching and the hats), he guaranteed goodness for small favors). who is appearing this March in the
learning from this strongman’s that he would restore the Unlike the aforementioned M&M Performing Arts production
every move was one of his Italian people to the age of pushback via vox populi that jetti- of Arthur Miller’s “ e Price” at
greatest admirers, Adolf Hitler, lost grandeur. He, and every soned the former supervisor’s con- Lyndhurst in Tarrytown. He can be
who became known as the “strongman” who has come sultancy worth $70K, apparently reached at [email protected]; 914-
German Mussolini. after him, invokes a time townfolk elsewhere are not all 275-6887.
BRETT FREEMAN, PUBLISHER 118 N. BEDFORD ROAD, SUITE 100 Letters to the editor and op-ed submissions may be edited. The views
BRIAN MARSCHHAUSER, EDITOR MOUNT KISCO, NY 10549 and opinions expressed in letters and op-eds are not necessarily those
Editorial Office: 914-302-5628 of Yorktown News or its affiliates. Submissions must include a phone
[email protected] number and address for verification. Not all letters and op-eds will
necessarily be published. Letters and op-eds which cannot be verified or
are anonymous will not be published. Please send your submissions to
the editor by e-mail at [email protected].
For more information, call the editor at 914-302-5628.
Thursday, February 3, 2022 OPINION Yorktown News – Page 9
Forty-degree days
MARSH including director Aaron Sor- acting ability to that of two-time In mid-December, Westches- pens. But a man biting a dog…
MADNESS kin, rushed to Strong’s defense Oscar winner Dustin Ho man. ter County Executive George You may have also heard
and criticized the author, Latimer took to Facebook to
BRIAN Michael Schulman. “Only one and a half of these criticize the nefarious “ ey.” We another crass idiom that people
MARSCHHAUSER answers were used,” Sorkin all know who “they” are. in my industry love to use: “If it
In an open letter, Sorkin, wrote, “which is of course bleeds, it leads.”
In December, the New Yorker who was interviewed for the perfectly normal, but they were In this case, Latimer was upset
wrote a story about the story and directed Strong in the quotes about tear gas and that newspapers had not report- As a reporter, I’m torn by this
acting methods of Jeremy the aforementioned “Chicago playing the kazoo.” ed on the fact that he eschewed whole debate. My job sometimes
Strong, who you might know 7,” said he was disappointed a raise during his rst four years involves watching three-hour
from HBO’s “Succession” or with the way his comments Sorkin’s letter was roundly in o ce and will continue to meetings and boiling them
about Strong were being framed. criticized by media professionals keep his salary at throughout down to 600 words. I am not a
lms like “Big Short” or “ e “I helped Mr. Schulman cre- who argued that the pro le was his second term. Had he taken a transcriber. Out of the tens of
Trial of the Chicago 7.” ate what I believe is a distorted well-sourced and well-written. raise, he argued, he’d be painted thousands of words that are said,
picture of Jeremy that asks us All quotes and anecdotes used by the media as just another it’s my job to tell you the most
Written in sort of a mocking all to roll our eyes at his acting for the story came directly from greedy politician eager to line important ones. at doesn’t
tone, the rst-person pro le— process.” colleagues or Strong himself, his pockets with taxpayer dollars leave a lot of room for pleasant-
titled “On ‘Succession,’ Jeremy On the set of “Chicago 7,” the who spent days with the author. (I’m paraphrasing). But because ries.
Strong doesn’t get the joke”— New Yorker story describes how Above all, it was an interesting he declined a raise—crickets.
painted Strong as someone who Strong played the kazoo dur- story that didn’t—for once— If you give the same raw data
takes himself way too seriously ing another actor’s monologue sound like it was written by an To Latimer’s point, on Dec. to a hundred writers, you’d get
and uses words and phrases like and asked to be legitimately tear celebrity’s PR agency. 26, LoHud published an article a hundred di erent stories. In
“bon vivant” and “inner tensile gassed during a protest scene— titled, “Rockland’s Ed Day’s Strong’s case, we actually get to
strength.” Overall, it made him both of which Sorkin con rmed In response, a sta writer for 2022 raise makes him highest see the raw data that formed the
seem like a chore to be around, to the author. In his letter, the Daily Dot wrote, “Aaron paid county executive in Hudson story. We can look at Sorkin’s
especially on a TV or movie set. Sorkin shared the ve questions Sorkin is complaining that the Valley.” Latimer’s non-raise, a entire interview and compare it
and answers from his interview, reporter only included his quotes footnote in the same article, was with the published article. We
e response was predictable. during which he said things like: about Jeremy Strong demanding not the headline. can see which quotes the author
Readers were quick to screenshot • “Jeremy’s not a nut. He to be teargassed on set, and not ignored and which ones he used.
and share the most outrageous doesn’t make people call him by the generic comments about him On my rst day of journal-
parts of the piece on social me- his character’s name on set.” being lovely to work with. Come ism school, my professor went Even knowing how di cult
dia, where the ridicule continued. • “Jeremy was never dressed on!” around the room asking us to this job can be, in my opinion,
down by anyone—we were too de ne what constitutes a news the New Yorker failed to paint
e response to the response busy laughing.” It’s easy to dismiss this as a story. He told us about the ad- a complete picture of Strong
was just as predictable. Several • He also called him “astonish- bunch of out-of-touch Holly- age, “Man Bites Dog.” For the as someone who seems to be
colleagues and contemporaries, ingly skilled” and compared his wood folks bickering over some- uninitiated, it means that dogs a deeply dedicated actor who
thing that doesn’t really matter. bite people all the time, so it’s manages to inhabit these roles
But this happens all the time on not newsworthy when it hap-
the local level, too. SEE MARSCHHAUSER PAGE 12
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Page 10 – Yorktown News OPINION Thursday, February 3, 2022
Momentum is building for electric school buses
BY PATTY L. BUCHANAN bus leases for 2040 Yorkto wn100 Zero buses, are more a “battery skateboard on wheels”; they
GUEST WRITER longer than the energy e cient for are much less expensive to maintain
Net Carbon compared to combustion engines which
Momentum is building all current ve- STEP UP TO A several reasons. EVs have many more parts such as fans, belts,
around us for electric school year limita- SUSTAINABLE use 21st-century plugs, carburetors, oil, lters, fuel pumps,
buses, and for good reasons. tion, which LIFESTYLE technology such as exhaust systems with mu ers and tail-
e Croton Harmon School District has will expand regenerative brak- pipes, etc.
taken a leadership role by procuring a
$120,000 NYSERDA grant to purchase the ability of Emissions by ing systems, which While the strong environmental and
its rst 66-passenger electric bus. e lo- health advantages of electric EVs are
cal climate stability education advocacy school districts recycle the energy well known, including contributing to
group, Croton100, rallied the Croton the health and well-being of children,
community in the Spring of 2021 to to meet the released during brak- understanding the nancial bene ts to
deliver over 70 percent voter approval electric school buses is an important
for the purchase of electric school buses goals. ese New York State legislative ing back into the battery (unlike wasted part of building momentum for their
over fossil fuel buses, which spurred on adoption. Croton100 and its umbrella
the school administration. is local proposals are well-positioned to succeed. energy in the form of friction and heat organization CURE100 (Communities
momentum is on track with New York United to Reduce Emissions 100%) have
State and Federal trends to rapidly elec- Additionally, under the federal In- in traditional brakes). is means that created an easy-to-use tool to compare
trify school transportation eets. the TCO and carbon emissions between
frastructure Investment and Jobs Act, when an EV brakes or slows down, it electric school buses and fossil fuel bus-
Governor Hochul recently announced es: BEST (Bus Electri cation for School
a proposal to achieve 100 percent sales the Environmental Protection Agency recharges the battery. Additionally, elec- Transportation) that is available for free
of electric school buses by 2027 and on its website, CURE100.org. e tool is
100 percent electric school buses on the is making $5 billion available over ve tric motors are three times more e cient in the form of an Excel spreadsheet, with
road by 2035. To get there, we’ll need many of the elds pre-populated with
to begin electrifying the state-wide eet years for a competitive program for than combustion engines in achieving cost and carbon emission formulas –
of about 50,000 school buses that emit with exibility for users to customize for
particulate and greenhouse gas emis- electric and other low-emission school locomotion. Combustion engines waste their unique circumstances, such as miles
sions throughout New York State. is a bus may be driven, the size of the bus,
legislation would provide State school buses. energy through heat, smoke, noise, and purchase price, the amount of subsidies,
aid toward installing electric bus infra- if any, etc. With variable information
structure, including charging stations, Legislative action is needed to fa- incomplete combustion, leaving less and a click of a mouse, BEST can pro-
and purchasing or leasing electric buses. vide a graph detailing TCO by vehicle
Additionally, the proposed legislation cilitate the necessary rapid transition energy to achieve the essential purpose
would enable school districts to contract SEE YORKTOWN100 PAGE 13
to electric school buses. Currently, the of locomotion. Further, electricity is less
purchase price of an electric school expensive per mile driven than fossil fuel,
bus is about two to three times higher and the price of electricity is expected to
than a fossil fuel bus. While the higher drop as more electricity is produced by
purchase price has an inhibiting impact, renewable energy sources. Accordingly,
some of the higher purchase price is o - the energy costs for EVs are lower than
set by a lower Total Cost of Ownership fossil fuel vehicles. e more miles a
(TCO) due to lower fuel and mainte- vehicle drives, the faster and greater cost
nance costs. So, in addition to subsidies, savings will accumulate for its owner. In
which lower the purchase price, this addition, EV prices, in general, are ex-
transition also requires education about pected to drop as they are manufactured
the nancial savings that make electric in greater volumes and battery technol-
buses more attractive under a TCO ogy progresses.
analysis over the lifetime of the bus. EVs also have a lower Total Cost of
Electric vehicles, including school Ownership because they are as simple as
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Thursday, February 3, 2022 SPORTS Yorktown News – Page 17
Sunday, Jan. 30 (Port Chester Sunday, Jan. 30 (Mahopac
team is nally healthy, we have High School) High School)
been dealing with a lot of inju- e Rebels took third place Yorktown heads into the post-
ries. A win like this gives us con- in the Tony Carlucci Dual Meet season on a strong note after tak-
dence, like we belong, because I Tournament, winning the third- ing third place at the Peter Ca-
know we do. We are a force to be place match against Port Chester, ruso Mahopac Tournament, led
reckoned with. Teams should be 51-24. by Carter (160, rst place), Lar-
afraid, because the herd is com- Lakeland/Panas also won son (102, third), Muscolino (132,
ing. e BSYNS are coming for against Ossining (35-25), Hen- fourth), Madden (215, fth),
everyone, and we won’t let up.” drick Hudson (51-12), Harrison Jason Glicksman (118, sixth),
(46-19) while losing to Pleasant- Ronan Forde (160, sixth), and
BYSNS 6, CARMEL 5 ville (40-31). Luca Stanford (172, sixth).
Monday, Jan. 31 (Brewster Ice Russo (118, 5-0), Schmidt Lakeland Bowling
Arena) (152, 4-0), and Chris Ciraco
Gasparini (1G, 2A), Du (1G, (160, 4-0) went unbeaten.
2A), Makarenko (2G), Charles All matches at Cortlandt Lanes
Heese (1G), Graham (1G), Cun- LAKELAND/PANAS 51, PHOTO: RICH MONETTI
ningham (1A), Dylan Filmer HEN HUD 16 BOYS 9 3 The BYSNS skate in a 4-3 win over John Jay on Friday, Jan. 28.
(1A), Jaden Rothschild (1A), Monday, Jan. 31 (Hendrick
Nullet (1A), and Wing eld (25 Hudson High School) LAKELAND 7, JOHN JAY CR 0 272), and Jasmine Bashjawish ido (167, 453), Riley Zhou (168,
saves) ignited the BYSNS to a Russo (118, pin), Maja (126, Wednesday, Jan. 26 (93, 235). 311), and Finn Larsen (115,
6-5 win against Carmel. forfeit), Alex Macias (132, for- Austin Kara (239, 677), Mike Lakeland won the last game 115) helped the Huskers secure
Lakeland/Panas Ice feit), Carroll (145, forfeit), Alex Antonucci (195, 513), JT Mac- by three pins (521-518) and total a 7-0 win versus Horace Greeley.
Ryzy (152, pin), Yan Ryzy (160, carrone (203, 489), Lorenzo wood by 18 (1,586-1,568).
Hockey (8-4-1) forfeit), Ciraco (172, 2-1 over- Battista (180, 358), and Chris HEN HUD 7, YORKTOWN 0
time), Blue Torres (189, forfeit), Closi (169, 319) helped Lakeland LAKELAND 7, PEEKSKILL 0 Thursday, Jan. 27
and Kevin Hickey (285, pin) reg- blank John Jay-Cross River, 7-0. Thursday, Jan. 27 Yorktown fell to Hen Hud, 7-0.
NEW ROCHELLE 4, istered wins in the Rebels’ 51-16 Ho (135, 341), Gordon (128,
LAKELAND/PANAS 3 OT triumph versus Hen Hud. LAKELAND 7, PEEKSKILL 0 341), Bashjawish (112, 275), and GIRLS 8 5
Friday, Jan. 28 (Brewster Ice Yorktown Wrestling Thursday, Jan. 27 Rabadi (83, 246) propelled the
Lakeland defeated Peekskill, Hornets to a 7-0 triumph against NORTH SALEM 5,
Jack Jimenez (2G), Frankie (8-12) 7-0, led by Kara (235, 683), Closi Peekskill. YORKTOWN 2
Kowal (1G), Colin Cody (1A),
and Aaron Hathaway (34 saves) (238, 612), Antonucci (225, 569), Yorktown Bowling Wednesday, Jan. 26
Battista (225, 394), and Maccar- Yorktown was defeated by
produced for the Rebels in their YORKTOWN 60, CROTON rone (200, 200). North Salem, 5-2.
4-3 overtime loss to New Rochelle. HARMON 12 All matches at Cortlandt
Lakeland/Panas Wednesday, Jan. 26 (Croton- GIRLS 7 6 Lanes YORKTOWN 7, GREELEY 0
Harmon High School) Thursday, Jan. 27
Wrestling (15-8) Yorktown prevailed, 60-12, LAKELAND 5, PANAS 2 BOYS 8 5 Kailey O’Connell (170, 437),
against Croton-Harmon, with Wednesday, Jan. 26 Tiana Rogers (130, 367), Devin
Rowan Larson (102, forfeit), Lakeland defeated sister school YORKTOWN 7, GREELEY 0 Besselman (106, 283), Ak-
LAKELAND/PANAS 38, Frank Ofrias (110, forfeit), Nick Walter Panas, 5-2, led by Olivia Wednesday, Jan. 26 shyasree Ravi (108, 257), and
CARMEL 34 Bucello (118, pin), Giancarlo McTiernan (160, 392), Mikhaila Matthew Kirey (222, 619), Sheridan Gorman (83, 226) led
Tuesday, Jan. 25 (Lakeland Gentile (126, forfeit), Tyler Cari- Gordon (131, 339), Meghan Ho Kevin Kirey (205, 567), Kevin Yorktown in its 7-0 win against
High School) cati (132, 10-3 decision), Antho- (157, 348), Faith Rabadi (106, Hansen (200, 498), Joshua Plac- Greeley.
Alex Russo (118 pounds, pin), ny Muscolino (138, pin), Samson
Spencer Maja (126, pin), Josh Newberger (145, 7-1 decision),
Frogel (138, pin), Stephen Car- Dillon Carter (160, pin), Max
roll (145, pin), Cooper Schmidt Vanderbeek (189, pin), James
(152, 5-1 decision), Gavin Crilly Madden (215, forfeit), and Evan
(189, pin), and Dom Parente (215, Menocal (285, forfeit) recording
pin) propelled Lakeland/Panas to victories for the Huskers. Nationwide Agent
a 38-34 triumph versus Carmel.
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Page 18 – Yorktown News SPORTS Thursday, February 3, 2022
Dillon Carter
battles against
a John Jay
senior Dillon
Yorktown wrestler aiming for state tournament
BY MIKE SABINI What is your favorite team what have you learned from man Bravo Young, Penn state’s that I love taking advantage of.
CONTRIBUTING WRITER activity or pre-match or post- them? 133-pound wrestler. I try my What’s the go-to app on
match ritual that you shared My biggest role models over hardest to replicate his style of your phone and why?
Yorktown senior 152-pounder with your teammates? What the years have been my parents wrestling which is high energy, My go-to app is this game
Dillon Carter has enjoyed plen- about a personal pre-match or because they work very hard for very technical and overall fun to called Toon Blast, which is a
ty of success the last six years in post-match ritual? the life that we have and I want watch. He is also very calm in strategy game, and it’s satisfy-
the Husker wrestling program, My favorite thing to do pre- to replicate that. What I have his matches and I try to replicate ing when you beat the levels. It
which includes going 5-0 at the match with the team is the team learned from them is that noth- that as well. I’ve learned a lot of is similar to Candy Crush.
Warwick Dual Meet Tourna- speech I give. I always tell the ing comes for free, everything is moves and techniques from him For a young athlete growing
ment on Jan. 8. team to just breathe in slowly, earned, and that is the biggest and that is why he is my favorite. up in the Yorktown district,
Carter is one the Huskers’ remind them that the match is take-away and what inspires me What is your favorite music what would you tell them
captains along with sophomore not over if you go on your back, to keep going even when I don’t to listen to warming up for a about the experience of being
Joe Tornambe, another strong to always look for a better posi- feel like it. match? part of the wrestling team and
wrestler. tion, and I always end my speech Tell us one thing about My favorite pre-match music why should they go out for the
is past fall, Carter played on o with, “Lets have some fun yourself that not a lot of people to listen to is rap music, usually team?
Yorktown’s varsity football team today.” know. I put on Future or Meek Mill. For all the young athletes
as a running back and defensive is is something that I tell One thing about myself that a Honestly any rap song that is growing up in Yorktown, I would
lineman. He also played football myself before every match es- lot of people don’t know is that hype I will listen to. tell them that this is the best ex-
his freshman and sophomore pecially when I am feeling extra I don’t like soda and actually If you could have one super- perience in my life, being a part
campaigns for the Huskers’ ju- nervous or unsure about myself. stopped drinking it a while ago. power, what would it be and of this team and I wouldn’t trade
nior varsity squad. My dad told me this when I was Do you plan on continuing why? it for anything. Being a part of a
How old were you when you younger and it always stuck with to wrestle in college? Tell us If I could have any superpow- wrestling team is a thing that a
started wrestling and what got me because I nd this sport fun, about where you are going to er it would be to y, because who few people can say and it really
you started? and everything that you do you school and why you chose it? wouldn’t want to y? It could gets you prepared for everyday
I was 10 years old when I should nd at least some fun in I do plan on wrestling in col- also enable me to go anywhere I life in the lessons you learn from
started wrestling and what got it. lege and in my college search want without having to pay for a practice, wins, losses, etc.
me started is my mom looking at reminder of “let’s have it was a requirement that the plane ticket. I would tell all of them to go
in the YAC (Yorktown Athletic fun” takes away some nerves and school had a wrestling program. If you could pick one place out for the team and at least
Club) sports magazine and say- I nd that it helps me. Tthat is Nothing is o cial but I will do to visit on vacation that you’ve try it because it can be some-
ing that this is a sport I should why I say it to them. my best to get into Rhode Island never been to, where would you thing that you fall in love with
try. My pre-match ritual also con- College. I’ve met the coach there go and why? like me and this sport can take
She said it was the next best sists of me going to the other in person, he is a great guy, and If I could go anywhere on va- you places you didn’t even know
thing to football because what side of the mat and punching I like the campus feel that it has. cation it would be to Hawaii be- were imaginable and it can do a
I really wanted to do was be a it two times for good luck. I Do you know what you want cause the volcanoes seem cool to lot for you.
football star. She thought the honestly don’t know why I do to study in college? If yes, what look at and it is just somewhere In the beginning of the year
two were similar in the fact that this but I nd that it just helps are you planning on studying I’ve always wanted to visit. I before the season started, myself
they are both physical. me perform better and gets my and why? would also want to see the vol- and Coach Jimmy (Kaishian)
What is your favorite thing mind ready for the tough match I will go on to study psychol- canoes. went to the YAC football prac-
about being on the wrestling I have ahead of me. ogy in college because I hope to Best place to eat in Yorktown tices, talked to all the kids about
team for Yorktown? Do you have any goals for get into law enforcement and, and why? wrestling, what it means to us
My favorite part about being your nal season for Yorktown? with psychology, I feel that I can e best place to eat in York- and I told all of them that I nev-
on the Yorktown wrestling team My nal goal to end o my understand people better, and a town is really a hard choice. It is er expected for me to love this
is the team itself, our amazing season in Yorktown is to make major part of law enforcement really close between Heavy Bear sport the way that I do. I also
coaches who seem to have in - it to the state tournament. It is is talking and understanding and Salsa Fresca. I would pick told them that this could be one
nite knowledge about anything something I’ve dreamed of for people. Salsa Fresca over the two be- of the best decisions that they
wrestling related, and also the the longest and I work every day Who is your favorite pro- cause the burritos are perfect ev- make and to give it a shot, be-
community. It is always an honor to make that dream come true. fessional athlete and pro (or ery time and it is just good food cause you never know what can
to walk out on the mat knowing Who has been your biggest college) sports team? that you can’t go wrong with. come out of this journey that
what town I am representing. role model over the years and My favorite athlete is Ro- ey also have that student deal you will join.
Thursday, February 3, 2022 Yorktown News – Page 19
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Page 20 – Yorktown News LEISURE Thursday, February 3, 2022
CLUES ACROSS 30. Retail 50. Mathematical figure 22. Cabbage For puzzle solutions, please see
51. College football 25. Least frequent theparamountrehab.com
1. __ de Mornay, actress 31. Giants conference 27. Change slightly
55. Turkish officer title 28. A country in NE Africa
8. Surrenders 32. Most bald 57. Organized body of 29. Metric units of measure
knowledge 30. More coherent
13. Omission 33. Changes color 58. Smooth and glossy 32. Make uninteresting
59. Left 34. Nausea
14. The white poplar 34. Unit of loudness 35. Institution of
CLUES DOWN Oceanography
15. They become butterflies 35. Undresses 1. Get back 36. Of little value
2. Pass or go by 37. Hindu model of the ideal
19. Used to chop 38. Fathers 3. Having a sharp taste man
4. Midway between east 38. Biblical exclamation
20. Select 39. Learned skill and southeast 40. You throw it at a board
41. Be about to happen
21. Volcanic craters 40. Remove qualification 5. Cairo Regional 42. Brutal
Airport 43. Opened one’s mouth
22. Consumer price index 44. Covered with frost widely
6. Peace officer 45. 19th letter of Greek
23. Utilize 45. Speak up 7. Brings to life alphabet
8. Automotive 48. Saturate
24. “True Blood” actress 46. Nowhere to be found vehicles 51. The woman
9. One point south of 52. Someone who is highly
Paquin 47. Part of surgery (abbr.) due east skilled
10. Football position 53. A way to launch an
25. Got up 48. Type of wrap 11. Goes by attack on
12. Most attractive 54. Where golfers begin
26. Sank in 49. Church seating 16. Road divisions 56. Atomic number 58
17. Not the sea
18. Small, faint
To solve a sudoku, the numbers 1 through 9 must fill each row, column and box. Each number can
appear only once in each row, column and box. You can figure out the order in which the numbers will appear by using
the numeric clues already provided in the boxes. The more numbers you name, the easier it gets to solve the puzzle!
5 ways to make your diet more nutritious
Healthy eating should be a goal all year on their packaging and the inclusion of down. Research shows pulses can lower duced fat dairy options in recipes and
long. such labels indicates they’re healthy choic- blood cholesterol, reduce blood pressure when snacking.
es. For example, the American Heart As- and help with weight management.
Choosing nutrient-rich foods at the sociation’s Heart-Check mark indicates ese are just some of the ways individ-
grocery store is a great way to accomplish the product aligns with their recommen- 5. GO WITH SKIM OR LOW FAT DAIRY uals can make their diets more nutritious.
that goal. dations for an overall healthy eating plan. Dairy products are rich in calcium and
is article was provided by Metro Creative
e American Heart Association says 2. CHOOSE MORE WHOLE GRAINS vitamin D, but those nutrients may come Connection.
research suggests the standard American Whole grains are low in fat and high at the cost of saturated fat. Choose re-
diet is energy-rich (calorically heavy) but
nutrient poor. And according to Canada- in ber. ey’re also a smarter source of
based registered dietician Nicole Osinga, carbohydrates because they contain com-
though Canadians are making smarter plex carbs that keep a person feeling fuller
food choices, room for improvement re- longer. Try to avoid products labeled as
mains, especially in regard to limiting con- “enriched,” as they’ve had the germ and
sumption of red meat. bran removed from the grain to produce a
smoother texture, which means they need
Nutrient-rich foods are those that are to be reforti ed with nutrients.
high in minerals, vitamins and other nu-
trients that are vital for health without too 3. EAT DARK, LEAFY GREENS
much added sugars, sodium and saturated Green vegetables are rich in vitamins,
fat. Such foods include fruits, vegetables,
whole grains, low-fat dairy, and lean pro- minerals, phytonutrients, and plant-based
tein sources that can serve as the building omega-3 fatty acids. Kale, spinach and col-
blocks of a nutritious diet. ese tips can lard greens can be added to soups, stews,
make incorporating nutritious ingredients scrambled eggs, and salads for a powerful
even easier. punch of nutrition.
e Nutrition Facts label included on Pulses are essential to plant-based di-
items sold in North America is a signi - ets, but they also can be enjoyed by meat
cant source of information. Consumers eaters. e Global Pulse Federation says
may only read the rst few lines, but it’s pulses, which include foods like lentils
best to read the entire label before decid- and chickpeas, are rich in protein and ber
ing whether or not to purchase a given and low in fat. ey also contain complex
product. carbohydrates that take longer to break
Some foods may feature endorsements
Thursday, February 3, 2022 LEGAL NOTICES Yorktown News – Page 21
LLC FORMATION NOTICE PUBLIC NOTICE Bodhi Ventures, LLC. Art. of Org. Notice of Formation of The Ronin
filed with SSNY 11/29/21. Office Ludus. Articles of Organization
Makedonia Manhattan V.P., LLC, Arts of Org. led with Sec. of PLEASE TAKE NOTICE that a Location: Westchester Cty. SSNY filed with Secretary of State of NY
State of NY (SSNY) 4/26/2021. Cty: Westchester. SSNY desig. as Public Hearing will be held by the designated as agent for process & (SSNY) on 2021-11-02. Office
agent upon whom process against may be served & shall mail process to Planning Board of the Town of shall mail to: Udayan Mittal, 150 location: Westchester County.
2074 Crompond Rd., Yorktown Heights, NY 10598. General Purpose Yorktown in Town Hall, 363 W 58th St., #3D, New York, NY SSNY designated as agent of
Underhill Avenue, Yorktown 10019 Purpose: all lawful Limited Liability Company (LLC)
Prepare for Heights, New York 10598 or by Notice of Formation of Strongman upon whom process against it
power outages video conferencing on Monday, Pools & Home Improvement LLC. may be served. SSNY should mail
with a Generac February 14, 2022 at 7:00 pm or Articles of Organization filed with process to Bradley Desir: 201
home standby as soon thereafter as possible on Secretary of State of NY (SSNY) Veterans Road Yorktown Heights
generator the following matter: on 2021-12-31. Office location: NY 10598. Purpose: Any lawful
Westchester County. SSNY purpose
REQUEST A FREE QUOTE! Application by Hillside Solar, LLC designated as agent of Limited Notice of Formation of New York
for a site plan and special use Liability Company (LLC) upon Eye and Face Oculoplastic
877 516 1160 permit to install a 3.75MW whom process against it may be Surgery PLLC. Articles of
ground-mounted solar energy served. SSNY should mail Organization filed with Secretary
FREE system, with associated process to Dominic Paolo: 39 of State of NY (SSNY) on 2021-
equipment and access road, and Habitat Ln Cortlandt Manor NY 12-21. Office location:
7-Year Extended Warranty* disturbing approximately 15 10567. Purpose: Any lawful Westchester County. SSNY
A $695 Value! acres, as shown on submitted purpose designated as agent of
Limited Time O er - Call for Details plans titled, “Old Hill Farm Solar Chief Bricks LLC. Art. of Org. filed Professional Limited Liability
Farm,” prepared by Bergmann, with SSNY 12/01/21. Office Company (PLLC) upon whom
Special Financing Available P.C., and last revised January 20, Location: Westchester Cty. SSNY process against it may be served.
2022. This application will also designated as agent for process & SSNY should mail process to
Subject to Credit Approval require approval of a Stormwater shall mail to: Alkis Valentin, 166 W Brian Chon: 245 N Broadway
*To qualify, consumers must request a quote, purchase, install and activate the Pollution Prevention Plan and 121st St. #3A, New York, NY Suite 102 Sleepy Hollow NY
generator with a participating dealer. Call for a full list of terms and conditions. Tree Permit. 10701 Purpose: all lawful 10591. Purpose: Any lawful
The site is located at the address
571 East Main Street, Jefferson
Prepare for Valley, NY 10535, also known as PUBLIC NOTICE
Power Outages Section 16.08, Block 1, Lots 4 &
& Save Money 17 on the Town of Yorktown Tax NOTICE IS HERE GIVEN that a public hearing will be convened by the
Map. The parcels consist of Town Board, Town of Yorktown, Westchester County, New York on
PWRcell, Generac’s fully-integrated approximately 19.4 acres in the Tuesday, February 22, 2022 at the Town Hall, 363 Underhill Avenue,
solar + battery storage system, stores R1-20 zoning district. Yorktown Heights, New York at 7:30 o’clock PM, or as soon thereafter
solar energy that can power your whole as the same can be heard, to consider a proposed local law to amend
home during utility power outages and Due to public health and safety Chapter 300-81.4 entitled “Solar Power Generation Systems and
save you money on your electric bill. concerns related to COVID-19, Facilities.”
the Town of Yorktown Planning
Board may choose not to meet in- A copy of the proposed local law is on file in the Office of the Town
person. In accordance with the Clerk at the said Town Hall, where the same may be inspected during
Governor’s Executive Order 11.1, regular office hours. It can also be viewed at www.yorktownny.org
the Planning Board hold this under Town Clerk/Pending Legislation.
meeting via video conferencing.
The public will have an
opportunity to see and hear the
meeting live and provide DIANA L. QUAST, TOWN CLERK
comments. Please see the top of TOWN OF YORKTOWN
REQUEST A FREE QUOTE! Yorktown News FillersbIc wlpwstaYbpSpa Tvt9hfhofohoeiotd1tehelruyouerecaretoaniam4evbpcbrwbtanmgvnkttar-ealsmtsneimiiae9itynincdml:v1oiotoinlbd/t6ainocgeee9t/rewntiaog2tyegensnhdn7eivno-ewth.@otlet4dioh6eestnnrtnoofyPktcfe5trbPdfHoopeluoowtot6leilaroteshsesatolrPrm5hfdrhCktamwte:ionntigleee/tehtasmn/ortnodaudmhwyeeeenoiPmntweptnlonntTiniiesslytmkohngdramdntiho,eBi.nkehinttanoconsetwesDtegoe.Nitnoroym nqteragnepim.hnwcYgndutDorp’a/bmleoeosdp.agenmrpae etcg1nelsnrpparBea.wte0tsybmhnlamimpnniTtoo5.yceeSnriorteoona9nteaabssoitrmenfwgr8snrytgisvmdtteigtwotea iiintbndebh/aootntanei’pitogneeeeesilrrtt:,,llublic- SYNT OTYTT TCFT2 NooDT 2 hnhhehhfhhpooIrOOa Aob 8 eeeeeeedrrrk TTTkkiNm 1 ren,YYRYYYY huII,t pCCAgNop Cuaoooooowe aswEE orerrrrcrrrrL irsykkkkkkol wnoRnt.l IIdttttttmm SSd1,rbooooooQo adY 0lwwwwwweeap oyRFHUs ond, ocannnnnnUcoE ArDt.F nanklsa RRoSPMWRPS ietdd.dv esTwEleaTeb auia. deRFsHcrf,B rinstku ldiurtoeTl oEYaeniiss adoaraO ntufRie nroaanlGdD ms3yW ogrny&G. oI6e8 f1,VdRN Dlp3IR obt0FVEo ehaRe ceeeUCfNE caerfp eacbtiNon Ln,ccmac tyYrd rEedlt,eurrc odhoe tedeRtal smFsalhirnP aronrKek hatrayttMecUgitd i tidttoollna1holBa1aDtnfwtt1eAchone9Lyel,naeDvroda,7ITpC2tegcFR4eoPfeaa0noaeepwdeNortC2ultmbtalclenm1o2Oeaiorrocde9.wu,ttmTHe ermn7aYd1aiInamntC4rDe0osttylgIlnE8reen1ClMko1Ot0pr dv9otcc1aleaoef7oSmefa,nnrpw4iccptt2atSmameanoeCi0glrdttlsrete2rweeoHyme,rna2dmmcaeeTott:eey iteaomngl2n.o ntwRSh2teTcst1tt7onrhasrI7co9anetu,o6eerdevrNfdsetd,GS.ednS itarvwartahtioesynreri,uioyttbe.n s
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Thursday, February 3, 2022 BUSINESS & REAL ESTATE Yorktown News – Page 23
Ribbon Cutting
Game Day Grille
e new sports bar in town
BY VIM WILKINSON cated at the Catalo Building. e gredients for an exciting sports bar games and entertainment for ev- Grille has an impressive spread of
BUSINESS EDITOR Pub’s former manager Corrin experience. eryone. 25 di erent avors of bone-in and
Southwick, bought over the res- boneless wings to choose from.
Yorktown Heights’ Catalo taurant and is excited to introduce “We specialize in 25 di erent “It’s a great place for a lot of fam- Traditional avors like teriyaki
Building on Commerce Street Game Day Grille as the new hot wing avors, we stream all live ilies after the kids’ sporting events and Cajun BBQ are mixed in with
came alive Sunday afternoon as spot for sports fans. sports on our 85- and 70-inch if kids want to come, meet up with some interesting avors like garlic
friends, family, town o cials and TVs, we have di erent specials for a couple of friends and grab some parmesan and mango habanero,
community members celebrated So, what’s all the hype about each sporting event, and it’s a great dinner,” Southwick said. just to name a few. A couple of
the grand opening of Game Day Game Day Grille? Just in time for family place for kids,” said South- originals - Kickin’ Bourbon and
Grille, the newest sports bar in the big game, the sports bar has wick. “We would love to have e food at Game Day Grille the house favorite rub called the
town. opened its doors for a perfect game everyone to come in and check it needs a special mention as it has Louisiana Punisher’s Powder are
day experience fully equipped with out.” a unique mix of old favorites and already becoming crowd favorites
Game Day Grille used to be 17 TV screens streaming sports some new appetizing choices. at this new spot.
e Pub, an Irish restaurant lo- events, a great menu and all the in- e young owner added that From potato skins, loaded nachos
the sports bar has age-appropriate to wraps, wedges and burgers, the Game Day Grille is located at 1927,
menu is as exciting as the games. Commerce Street in Yorktown
A stand out is of course the wings. Heights.
e boneless wings are specially
made in-house and Game Day
Game Day Grille in Yorktown Heights PHOTOS: VIM WILKINSON
Game Day Grille ribbon cutting ceremony WHY DO WE
Public Rela ons For... TO ADVERTISE WITH US,
Businesses | Individuals | Organiza ons | Events CALL BRETT FREEMAN AT (845) 208-8151
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Page 24 – Yorktown News Thursday, February 3, 2022