VOL. 4 NO. 49 Visit TapIntoKLT.net for the latest news. THURSDAY, FEBRUARY 24, 2022
A pond on the property,
which will be rehabbed
Will be transformed into community gathering space
BY BRIAN MARSCHHAUSER a 1.5-acre portion of the 7-acre pleted, would be a bitter pill for the do is get people to volunteer and ganization], I am proud of the
EDITOR property, which includes an algae- organization to swallow, admitted show up,”DeNicola said. inititiatives this organization has
covered pond and an overgrown Trustee Mickey DeNicola. But so pursued and accomplished in the
Local volunteers are bringing meadow. long as the property is sitting va- e organization is spread- past few years,” Goncalves said.
their green thumbs to Goldens cant, she said, “It would be a nice ing the rehab work out over three “ e creation of this park is one
Bridge in the hopes of creating a “ is project will provide a place spot to be a community gathering phases. e rst phase involves cre- of those initiatives. I am glad to
community gathering space. for neighbors to walk to and relax space.” ating a family-friendly sitting area have taken the lead on the Town
in a beautiful natural space right with benches, native plants, and Board to push this through and
e Goldens Bridge Hamlet in their own neighborhood,” the e organization was happy to birdhouses. e second phase will I am looking forward to helping
Organization recently received the Goldens Bridge Hamlet Organi- agree to the other two points. focus on remediating the pond to with the creation of this park as
blessing of the Lewisboro Town zation said in a statement. make it a healthy environment for a volunteer. is is property that
Board to move ahead with creat- “We’re not encouraging parking wildlife. e third and nal phase has been vacant for sometime and
ing a public park at the corner of Before allowing the property either,” DeNicola said. “It’s not for is to create a pathway through the is nally going to become a local
Route 138 and Fairmount Road. to be rehabbed, the Town Board people to drive to; it’s for people to property from Route 138 along the destination for community enjoy-
wanted the organization to agree walk to.” pond, ending at the seating area. ment.”
e rehabilitation will be carried to a few stipulations (insurance for
out entirely by volunteers. volunteers, no on-site parking) and e Goldens Bridge Hamlet Town Supervisor Tony Gon- e rst phase will begin on
acknowledge that the property can Organization will foot the bill for calves, a Goldens Bridge resident, Earth Day (Saturday, April 23).
e long-dormant property, for- be sold at any time. insurance and for the work. A cost was excited about the plan. Anyone looking to volunteer can
merly owned by the Stein family, is estimate has not yet been com- visit goldensbridgehamlet.org.
now owned by the town of Lewis- A sale of property, especially pleted. “As a former trustee of the
boro. e volunteers plan to rehab if done after rehab work is com- [Goldens Bridge Hamlet Or-
“ e main thing we’re trying to
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pg 12
The Staff BEDFORD 2030
EDITORIAL TEAM Greenlight Awards participants advance to round two
EDITOR: 914-302-5628 Bedford 2030’s Greenlight tivists and innovators. reduction in schools, and many conception to completion at the
[email protected]
Award competition for high “ is year marks Bedford more. Judges listened to each nals on April 30, highlight-
REPORTER school students is underway for 2030’s seventh annual Green- presentation, challenged the stu- ing the problem they addressed,
[email protected] the 2021-22 school year. e light Award competition,” said dents with follow up questions, the behavior they changed, the
round-one Proposal Showcase Executive Director Midge Iorio. and scored each project’s feasi- strategies and tactics they used,
[email protected] recently brought 40 teams of lo- “We were incredibly inspired by bility. and the results they tracked.
ADVERTISING TEAM cal high school students togeth- the students’ creativity and pas- Twenty-one student teams “Being able to participate in
er with community experts in a sion to make a di erence in our have elected to greenlight their an event lled with creative high
(914) 806-3951
[email protected] virtual conference for climate community, and for our planet, projects and will move on to school students actively trying
BRUCE HELLER action. Participating students at this year’s Proposal Show- round two. Bedford 2030 award- to create a better climate future
(914) 486-7608
[email protected] represent ve local high schools, case.” ed seed funding to help advance was a gift in itself,” stated Pro-
LISA KAIN with the Boys and Girls Club of Each student team proposed several of the proposals into ac- posal Showcase judge Michele
(201) 317-1139
[email protected] Northern Westchester joining their own impactful projects to tion. Bedford 2030 will host Rudolph.
(914) 760-7009 for the rst time this year. address climate and environ- workshops with experts and For more information about
[email protected]
e Greenlight Award is Bed- mental issues, including advo- provide mentorship to propel the Greenlight Award, visit bed-
(914) 299-4541 ford 2030’s program to engage cating for bike lanes to reduce their projects toward real-world ford2030.org or email green-
[email protected]
SHELLEY KILCOYNE and empower local high school transportation emissions, envi- implementation. Each team [email protected].
(914) 924-9122
[email protected] students to become climate ac- ronmental education and plastic will present their progress from
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Let your neighbors know about the special moments in your life, whether it’s a birth, engagement, wedding or anniversary. Send
us a photo and announcement at [email protected] or mail it to North Salem News, 118 N. Bedford Road,
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Local leaders applaud removal of ADU law
Supervisors still alarmed over ‘Transit-Oriented Development’ law that remains
BY CAROL REIF resolution expressing its fervent he said, adding that the town
STAFF WRITER opposition to both the ADU and supports accessory dwelling units
TOD measures. and “has produced 177 to date.”
Local o cials last week hailed Reacting to Hochul’s deci- “We clearly don’t need Albany
Gov. Kathy Hochul’s decision to sion to withdraw the controver- telling us how to produce acces-
remove accessory dwelling units sial proposal, Somers Supervisor sory dwelling units,” Slater de-
(ADU) legislation from her Ex- Robert Scorrano said Saturday, clared.
ecutive Budget for 2023. Feb. 19, that “from the outset, He urged municipal o cials
Critics had passionately argued this was an overreach by Albany to focus their “collective ener-
it would remove home rule from politicians.” gies” on defeating the governor’s
zoning decisions. Scorrano added that he was Transit Oriented Housing pro-
Hochul explained the reversal proud that Somers “stood up for posal, calling it “an equally alarm-
ursday, Feb. 17, saying that home rule with colleagues from ing and precedent-setting policy
she’s always “believed strongly Westchester on both sides of the that will undoubtedly alter the
in the importance of consensus- PHOTO: FACEBOOK aisle and the message sent was character of municipalities across
building and listening to com- loud and clear.” New York state.”
munities and my fellow policy- Rob Astorino, a former Westchester County executive and a
makers.” Republican hopeful for governor, protests the ADU and TOD Noting that Somers already Bedford Supervisor Ellen
legislation with many local supervisors on Monday, Feb. 14. has legislation in place for ac- Calves, while applauding the leg-
ere were two sections of the cessory dwelling units, Scorrano islation’s goal of increasing the
Education, Labor, and Family on accessory dwelling units and Suozzi called taking any kind stated that the town “has done a ordable housing stock, still had
Assistance bill (S.8006/A.9006) transit-oriented development, of home rule away from local of- more to address a ordable hous- called for changes to safeguard
that were ensconced in the 2023 and I understand that my col- cials “undemocratic” and “inap- ing than asked to do.” “certain things that we control
spending plan. leagues in the state Senate believe propriate.” e main argument that local and want to continue to control.”
e rst, the Accessory Dwell- a di erent set of tools is needed, Harckham, saying Friday, Feb. legislators have been making is Scorrano, Lucas, Slater, and a
ing Act of 2022 (ADU), was even if they agree with the goal 18, that he understood Hochul’s that “it is not one size ts all piece bipartisan group of pols joined
sponsored by State Senator Peter of supporting the growth of this decision to remove the ADU of legislation.” Republican gubernatorial can-
Harckham (D-South Salem) and kind of housing,” the governor initiative from the Executive ere would be signi cant didate and former Westchester
Assemblyman Harvey Epstein of said last week. Budget, noted that the action consequences, foes of the legisla- County Executive Rob Astorino
Manhattan. Hochul had said the idea be- “highlights our primary concern, tion claimed, including impacts in Armonk on Monday, Feb. 14,
It mandated that local gov- hind the ADU provision was which is to get all of the details of on local police, re departments, to publicly denounce the legis-
ernments authorize the con- partly to bring up to code illegal the bill right, rather than enact a schools, parks, tra c, water, and lation as an attempt to override
struction of accessory dwelling and unsafe apartments in single- bill right away.” so on. home rule.
units—including in attics, ga- family homes. Promising that he will “con- North Salem Town Supervisor Also reacting to Hochul’s de-
rages, basements, and backyard Referring to the deaths of 11 tinue to engage with stakehold- Warren Lucas said Friday, Feb. cision Friday, Assemblyman
cottages—by local law and im- people who were trapped in ille- ers and work to settle all concerns 18, that he remains adamantly Chris Burdick (D-Bedford) said
pose state reporting, regulatory, gal basement apartments ooded with this legislation,” the law- opposed to “any zoning legisla- he believed “accessory dwelling
and enforcement requirements. by Hurricane Ida last year, Ho- maker added that it was “impor- tion that comes from the state units can be a very good tool for
e budget set aside $85 million chul had said that she and New tant that we keep driving a con- that ies in the face of the Con- increasing the supply of housing
to support the creation and reha- York City leaders “agree that we versation, however, on a ordable stitution.” units.”
bilitation of said units. must begin to bring these homes housing for our workforce and North Salem currently has Burdick, who has represented
Local o cials are also worried into the sunlight and provide equitable treatment for our resi- 265 ADUs, as well as Bridleside, the 93rd District since Janu-
about another part of Hochul’s a pathway to compliance with dents.” a 64-unit a ordable apartment ary 2021, previously served as
plan that is apparently still in- building code requirements.” Pushback from both Demo- complex. Bedford town supervisor. He
cluded—the Transit-Orient- e ADU proposal had been cratic and Republican local of- Calling the ADU legislation is a member of the Assembly’s
ed Development Act of 2022 roundly denounced by both cials across the state ramped “dangerous and ill-thought,”Yor- Housing Committee.
(TOD). Democrats and Republicans. up in recent weeks as Albany’s ktown Town Supervisor Matt While expressing “great re-
at would amend general e most notable critic was budget clock ticked down to the Slater on Sunday, Feb. 20 called spect” for Harckham, he still
town law, requiring local gov- Congressman Tom Suozzi, a April 1 passage deadline. In a Hochul’s decision to remove it didn’t think “this was the way to
ernments to authorize the con- former Nassau County execu- strongly worded memo, the New from her budget “a great vic- do it.”
struction of up to 25 residential tive who is planning to challenge York State Conference of May- tory for communities across New “I think that some people are
units per acre within a half-mile Hochul’s gubernatorial bid in the ors and Municipal O cials, had York state.” going to declare victory and say
of transportation centers, such as Democratic primaries. On Sat- argued that eroding home rule “A bipartisan coalition of mu- the Big Bad Wolf is dead, but I
a train or bus station. ere was urday, Feb. 12, he and a group of would likely result in “disjointed nicipal o cials including the don’t really look at it that way. I
no funding component to that in Westchester municipal leaders— development that is out of char- Yorktown Town Board worked look at it as a process that can
Hochul’s budget. including from Yorktown and acter with a community’s desires.” tirelessly to stop this proposal return to a less-pressured discus-
“I have heard real concerns North Salem—rallied in Chap- e Somers Town Board on and stand up to an egregious sion of how can we move things
about the proposed approach paqua. ursday, Feb. 10, had passed a overreach by Albany politicians,” forward.”
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Lewisboro ponders forming a diversity committee
BY TOM BARTLEY to parents and lessons for stu- to discuss a potential human In a video broadcast to middle- We
CONTRIBUTING WRITER dents; and complaints from rights commission. Now Coun- school classrooms in the wake wouldn’t
some that the district’s reaction cilwoman Shah, she brushed of the swastika’s discovery, he be the rst
With this month’s middle- to what they called a hate crime aside the past delay in creating said, “If you have knowledge but we can
school swastika clearly on their had been slow and inadequate. such a panel. Looking ahead to about this or other hateful inci- certainly
minds, Lewisboro lawmakers a Lewisboro committee, Shah dents and you are silent, you are be the best.
last week renewed e orts to e Town Board, at its Feb. last week said, “We wouldn’t be part of the problem.”
create a formal body to recog- 14 meeting, agreed on the the rst but we can certainly be –Councilwoman Mary Shah
nize and encourage diversity, concept for a committee. Of- the best.” In the days following the Town of Lewisboro
equity, and inclusion. swastika discovery, Swiatowicz
cials said it will reach out for Before the board had even contacted local law enforce-
e panel, similar to one residents’ input on its scope, taken up the issue last week, ment and reached out to fami-
created two years ago in Bed- perhaps at a community co ee, Jennifer Castelhano of South lies, the school district said. He
ford, “could address in a more- before the board’s March 14 Salem, herself a former board worked with school sta and
holistic way a variety of is- meeting. Similar panels, board member, said she “just wanted social studies teachers to create
sues—in town and now, most members noted, already exist in to voice my strong support” for an opportunity for students to
recently, some of the incidents Pound Ridge and North Castle such a panel. learn from the incident, KLSD
in school…the swastikas,” said as well as Bedford. said, and met with local rabbis
Councilman Richard Sklarin. Andrea Rendo, the board’s to discuss response to acts of
In 2020, town o cials had lone Republican, backed the di- hate against marginalized com-
A swastika, widely seen “initial community conversa- versity panel’s creation and said munities or individuals.
as a symbol of anti-Semitic tions [about a diversity panel] its membership should include
hate, was scrawled in a boys in the wake of George Floyd’s students. “I think it’s important In a letter, School Superin-
bathroom at John Jay Middle murder,” Sklarin said. “At the to get young people involved tendent Andrew Selesnick as-
School. Its discovery on Feb. time, we were not prepared to and bring their voice in,” she sured the KLSD community
3 ignited a police investiga- move forward with the com- said. that “we stand against all forms
tion; a urry of activity by the mittee.” of hate. We call them out when
Katonah-Lewisboro School John Jay Middle School Prin- they occur to shine a light where
District, including messages Sklarin and Mary Shah, then cipal Je rey Swiatowicz also there is room for growth.”
a private citizen, had “reached wants to hear from students.
out to the Town Board last year
2021 was a LEWISBORO
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marizations represent only one
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This material has been prepared for informational purposes only, and is not intended to provide, and should not be relied on for, tax, legal or will not be made to contact the ac-
cused nor will pursuits be made to
accounting advice. You should consult your own tax, legal and accounting advisors before engaging in any transaction. publish additional information
or updates. For those reasons, the
names of those involved are usually
CAR CRASH. Feb. 8, 3:15
p.m. – A driver was traveling
at a “high rate of speed” when
he slammed his Chevy Cobalt
into a NYSEG utility pole at
the intersection of Main Street
and Bouton Road in South Sa-
lem. e pole was broken in half
and the transformer fell to the
ground. NYSEG responded and
installed a new pole. e unli-
censed driver was issued a ticket.
Feb. 11, 5:05 p.m. – A Gold-
ens Bridge woman said an un-
known man entered her house
while her daughter was home.
e tall, white man, driving a
white van, was described as hav-
ing a beard, hat, and long hair.
e man reportedly let himself
into unlocked house. When the
daughter asked who he was, the
man said he was there to check
the plywood in the bathroom.
e daughter caller her mother,
who said she was not expecting
anyone at the house. e man
left without incident.
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To see your event here, email KLT@ com, or klschools.org for agenda infor- Women Chieftains take place live on Zoom at 7 p.m. guest speaker is Westchester res-
halstonmedia.com. mation or to watch/participate. at Katonah Village Friday, March 4. ident David Michaelis, author
of the New York Times best-
Government at Work American Legion Library Before Sojourner Truth, Har- seller “Eleanor,” a biography of
Seeks New Members riet Tubman, Susan B.Anthony, Eleanor Roosevelt. His book is
• ursday, Feb. 24, Katonah- e Katonah Village Library Matilda Cage, Lucretia Scott, a riveting account of her inspir-
and Gloria Steinham, there ing journey from orphaned niece
Lewisboro Board of Education, American Legion is recruiting will host a virtual presentation were Nipapoa, Hidden Moon, of President eodore Roosevelt
Awashonks, Weetamoo, Sara to a partner in New York’s most
7:30 p.m. honorably discharged veterans to on Women Chieftains by Ole- OnePenny, Quashawam, and important power couple. As the
MollyOckett. All of these Na- nation’s longest-serving First
• Monday, Feb. 28, Lewisboro join Post 1575 in Katonah. If in- ana Whispering Dove, Native tive American Lady Chieftains Lady, she was known as a voice
held the highest-ranking o ces for the voiceless and a proponent
Town Board, 7:30 p.m. terested in learning more, contact American descendant, keeper of in their communities, known as of international human rights.
Sunk Squa, and referred to by
• Monday, Feb. 28, Bedford Tom Colella at 404-229-3500. e cultural lifeways, and curator of European settlers as Her Royal His presentation will be pre-
Majesty, the King’s Queen, and ceded by the library’s Annual
Planning Board, 8 p.m. organization’s motto: “For God Native American exhibitions and Indian Princess. Meeting. Visit the library web-
site to register for the Zoom
Visit bedfordny.gov, lewisborogov. and Country.” programs. e presentation will Celebrate Women’s History link.
Month with a walk in the mocca-
Halsto Medi present sin prints of these radical women MEET AUTHOR FIONA DAVIS
whose histories have rarely been ON MARCH 6
Monthl Editoria Calenda explored. is Zoom presenta-
tion is free and available to ev- At 3 p.m. Sunday, March 6,
Supplement to January 20, 2022 WinCeter r eryone. Please visit the Katonah the library is hosting author
Village Library website to regis- Fiona Davis for an “Author Talk
NUEXPT! MARCH 10 Winter ter, and the link will be emailed to and Book Signing.” Davis is the
CAMPS, Boomers & Beyond, gweetaewkeanydHaLoehpiCedhwdaeemlnlbJguoenrmdctiaiontnCur. ry. you. is event is made possible New York Times bestselling
iRne2a0l 2e2statefEoxrtsraaolerdin. ar.y Estate - by a grant from blueprint.org. author of six historical ction
Holidays, Spring . p. 3 novels set in iconic New York
Lewisboro Library City buildings, including “ e
COSOMOINNG! MOATPHRERIL'S1D4AY, home . . p. 7 Magnolia Palace,” “ e Ad-
Home & Garden, Real Estate ... e Lewisboro Library is dress,” and “ e Lions of Fifth
s hRoemceenstly soldBasebosoltdvefaaltmisatsilkpyir-nicfgeriper.nicde. lya.nd. p.15 located at 15 Main St., South Avenue.” She has spent the bet-
ki areasnearby. . . . . . . p. 8-9 THEGBAIGME Salem. Register for programs at ter part of a decade mining hid-
Valentine’s Daygift ideas . . . . . . lewisborolibrary.org. den histories of iconic New York
p.13 City buildings, skillfully using
APiTLnHeCOHUTCRoOhRpCaYeOmEwUSRebTTAloElTrSJEdYunOaFct tLCiEouCnrHryAMEBsOtaRtDe LEARN ABOUT VOLUNTEER each setting to illuminate the
OPPORTUNITIES IN experiences of women. Her new
Supplement to February 10, 2022 LEWISBORO release, “ e Magnolia Palace,”
is a tantalizing historical novel
MAY 12 TThIhILnLneAetAteMeRRrravavAmimieeTwsws--CweweqHiqitutuhhUiipBpmPmReenEntt.N.dd.i.irDre.e.cAc.t.toNo.r.r...B. ....U....Rpp...p.Gp33..6E6R e annual “Lewisboro Com- about the secrets, betrayal, and
HOME & GARDEN, BBiiggGGaammeePREDICTIONS .. .. .. pp..1122 munity Volunteer Fair” returns murder within the Frick, one of
Memorial Day Outings S-uFapveorrBitoewFloCotIbNalEl FMilmAs . . . . . . p. 14 via Zoom at 11 a.m. Saturday, New York City’s most impres-
VALENTINE’S Gift Ideas . . . p. 21 Feb. 26. is annual event match- sive Gilded Age mansions.
JUNE 9 es local organizations with adult
SUMMER DINING & EVENTS, and teen community members Fiona’s presentation will be
who want to volunteer. Log on followed by a book signing and
Real Estate, Father's Day to learn about the di erent orga- reception. Space is limited. Visit
nizations in our community and the library website to register.
JULY 14 Hudso Valle Livin the volunteer opportunities avail-
BOOMERS & BEYOND, i fille wit ... able for each. VIRTUAL AUTHOR TALK
Home & Garden • things to do with the family Please visit the library website
to register for the Zoom link. A At 7:30 p.m. ursday, March
AUGUST 11 • great food ideas contact sheet with all organiza- 10, the library is co-hosting a
BACK TO SCHOOL tions and their volunteer needs virtual “Author Talk” with Dr.
• home improvement will be emailed to all registrants a Je Sebo. e doctor will dis-
SEPTEMBER 15 few days ahead, so volunteers can cuss his book, “Saving Animals,
FALL, • interesting people make notes during the program. Saving Ourselves: Why Animals
in your community Matter for Pandemics, Climate
Health/Nutrition/Fitness, Dining Participating Groups include: Change, and other Catastro-
Golden Roads, Goldens Bridge phes.” e book makes the case
OCTOBER 13 • great getaways Hamlet Organization, Guiding that the way we treat animals
REAL ESTATE, Home & Garden • gift ideas Eyes for the Blind, Katonah- today is not only a grave moral
Lewisboro Girl Scouts, Lewis- wrong, but also a serious threat
NOVEMBER 10 and MUCH MORE! boro Garden Club, Lewisboro to our health, our wellbeing, and
Land Trust, Lewisboro Library possibly our very existence.
HOLIDAYS/VENUES & Fair, Lewisboro Lions Club,
Lewisboro Open Space & Pre- Visit the library website to
& CATERING hoPamMLktrheUeeaeysSdilcrlea2ooodnc,pm0datp0omtbei0o2duun6csnosio,in0tpiyen0ia!se0tsses serves, Lewisboro Trail Vol- register for the Zoom link.
unteers, Lewisboro Volunteer
DECEMBER 8 Ambulance Corps, Lewisboro MIDDLE READS BOOK
WINTER, Last minute gift ideas, Sustainability Committee, Lew- CHOICE
isboro Seniors, Meals on Wheels,
dining, financial planning RideConnect and, Westfair e Lewisboro Library’s
Rides. “Middle Reads” book group, for
TO ADVERTISE, teens in grades six through eight,
AUTHOR DAVID MICHAELIS meets on the second Tuesday of
call Brett Freeman at 845-208-8151 or email [email protected]. TO SPEAK AT ANNUAL the month at 7 p.m. for ice cream
MEETING and book chats. e book selec-
TO BE FEATURED, tion for March 8 is “ e Hero’s
e library will hold its “An- Guide to Saving Your Kingdom”
email Vim Wilkinson at [email protected]. nual Meeting” at 2 p.m. Sunday, by Christopher Healy. Register
Feb. 27, via Zoom. is year’s on the library website.
Bedford seeks resident input on wireless
BY TOM BARTLEY coverage. Katonah, for example, which one they like best, Rabold Calves proposed asking the librar- federal largesse.
CONTRIBUTING WRITER has “spotty coverage,” she said, the said. “ ey also have the choice to ies “what their needs are, up to McCaine, in backing the li-
result of too much distance be- pick, ‘I don’t like any of them’, or $50,000.”
Bedford residents are being tween cellular transmission sites ‘We don’t want any of these’,” she brary proposal, also urged the
asked their opinion of wireless “to have an adequate hando [of said.“And then we give a comment She noted that $1.8 million is board to maintain a clear-eyed
service today as well as what they the signal].” section.” “about $100 per resident in our grasp of just how far the federal
would like to see, and not see, in town. So, when you divide it up, funds can stretch.“I think we have
the future. “What I’d like to do now is in- Anonymity is not a feature of it’s not really that much money. to be mindful that we only have
troduce to you a community poll, the survey. “We do ask that people And when you’re talking about $1.8 million—it’s not that much
It’s all part of a study, launched looking at those gaps and how put in their email address,” Rabold infrastructure, it’s de nitely not money,” she said. “It feels like a lot
in 2020, to measure wireless tele- you’re going to ll them,” Rabold said. “ at’s what makes it a valid that much money.” but…when we break it down, we
com infrastructure needs across told the board. She said CityScape response. We’re not using those may get $100 per person. It’s really
a broad swath of northern West- will use responses by the residents email addresses to solicit any other Library grants were among a a very limited amount of money.
chester. e $190,000 study, to “gauge what they would support information.We’re not sending out variety of potential uses for the So, how can we maximize those
funded by the county, is mapping in terms of what infrastructure any other information. It’s simply federal dollars, part of Washing- dollars?”
current and projected wireless fa- would look like,where it would go.” to keep comments and responses ton’s $1.9 trillion economic-stim-
cilities—cell towers, base stations, legit.” ulus response to the coronavirus Bittker had made her prefer-
and the like—in Bedford, Lew- Residents will have to act pandemic. Local governments ences clear from the start of the
isboro, Yorktown, Somers, North quickly. e survey, accessed She asked residents to “follow must identify their spending plans discussion. “For me it’s always the
Salem, Pound Ridge, and Mount through the town website, is a the honor system” and ll out the before 2025, then push those dol- libraries,” she said and expressed
Kisco. Facebook link (visit TapIntoKLT. survey just once instead of re- lars out the door before 2027 rolls support for “ways that we can help
net). CityScape’s questionnaire sponding multiple times with dif- around. them by getting the HVAC sys-
CityScape Consultants Inc., an was available online by late last ferent email addresses. tem, or hooking them up to the
Orlando-based telecom contrac- week but is scheduled to run only Calves called on the town’s sewers, or whatever it is we’re go-
tor, is now more than a year into through March 1. LIBRARY FUNDING? three libraries to propose one- ing to do.”
assessing and mapping each of e Katonah Village Library time spending plans for a town
those municipalities’wireless needs. Among other things, the survey grant of as much as $50,000. Bittker declared herself “hugely
When that work is completed, asks respondents to use antenna and Bedford’s two other librar- concerned about compliance”
CityScape will blend the individual signal bars to rate the service where ies could each collect $50,000 in Michael Dwyer, president of with federal requirements on
they live as excellent ( ve bars), fair money for capital improvements the Katonah library’s board of how a local government can al-
ndings to create a comprehensive, (three) or poor (one). Also, “is it under a proposal discussed last trustees, said that money would locate Rescue Plan funds. “If we
regional approach to cell service. one, three or ve” bars where that week by the Town Board. help to nance library building don’t take that into account,” she
person works or when traveling plans. Dwyer said he expects to warned, “then the Department of
Susan Rabold, project manager around town? As the board searched for submit a request to the town. the Treasury is going to knock on
with CityScape, addressed the worthwhile one-time outlays our door when they do the audit
Bedford Town Board’s Feb. 15 Survey-takers will also see ex- the town could make from its Councilwomen Bobbi Bitt- and we are going to owe them
meeting, discussing its survey of amples of di erent types of poles $1.8 million American Rescue ker and Stephanie McCaine sup- money.”
existing installations and holes in and towers and be asked to pick Plan windfall, Supervisor Ellen ported spending for the libraries
but cautioned care in handling the
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e great unmasking A tip from the Lewisboro
Garden Club
New York is the caboose of aside the obvious question, why
the return to normalcy are we masking the least vulner- Take an inventory of your garden equipment and organize it.
train when it comes to able segment of our population, Clean it o . en look to see if anything needs to be replaced,
or it there are any materials you’ll need to purchase this spring.
lifting COVID restrictions. one wonders who is in charge? Make a list to have on hand when the nurseries and stores begin
their garden promotions. is is also a good time to sharpen any
Recent trips It sure looks like tools with blades and oil your pruners. is way you’ll be ready
to Florida, IN CASE everyone is in when garden season begins.
Virginia, and YOU charge and no one www.LewisboroGardenClub.org
the Carolinas MISSED IT is in charge at the
con rm that same time. Why
those states are local businesses
DON SCOTT given the latitude
are di erent
worlds com- to decide what
pared to here. is right for them
Even cruise but not our local Job togs
lines are starting to lift restrictions. school boards?
When Gov. Hochul lifted restric- Sadly, with many things these
tions on Feb. 9, it sounded like a days, where you stand depends on
big step even though she excluded where you sit politically, which is Driving down Route 117 on a sunny, cold
Wednesday morning, I noticed a man
public schools. But so far results a recipe for failure. But masking wearing yellow wings wiping down the leather shoes, and a small white peaked nurse’s
cap on her head. Nurses do not dress like that
seem uneven. Public venues are policy feels di erent. It doesn’t feel anymore. Scrubs in pink, blue, maroon, and a
loosening up. Now, when we go like a partisan issue. Recent school
shopping, we wear our masks on coverage of local school board hood of a car in front of the car wash. I could host of prints are a lot more practical and com-
our wrists ready to “read the room” meetings shows tempers are ar- not stop in tra c to stare nor fortable, I’m sure.
to gure out based on the mask ing. When the screaming starts the could I turn my head like the READING, My brother and I attended
Exorcist to get a better view of WRITING & a Lutheran elementary school.
count of the crowd whether to don listening stops. Hopefully, we can this strange attire. CHOCOLATE We did not have to wear
uniforms, thank goodness.
them or not. But things are not turn down the temperature and As I continued driving to
loosening up at school. listen to one another and come to KIM
We have friends with an ador- a solution. my destination, I wondered But several of my friends at-
if this man with the yellow tended Catholic School and
able son who just turned 2. ey As a recovering school board
posted a picture of him wearing president and a former town board wings was just a humorous had to wear plaid skirts, white
his mask on his rst day back at member, I am a fan of local deci- fellow, a whimsical soul trying blouses, and knee socks every
nursery school—a requirement sion making, ideally non-partisan to put a smile on customers’ day.
earned with his recent birthday. local decision making, which is faces or if wearing yellow wings attached to your My mom enjoyed shopping and brought
Two-year-olds must wear masks. why this series of events has been shirt was part of the uniform at that particular car home new dresses and cute out ts for me. As
High school athletes are still so hard to watch. e decision wash? someone who could wear whatever stylish out t
competing with masks—I guess of what is best for our students When is wearing an un attering uniform or my mom bought for me, I often thought that
the swim team gets a waiver. Kids would seem to be vested in our kooky accessories too much to ask of employees? wearing a school uniform might level the play-
of all ages are still required to wear local school boards. ere is no We hear con icting news reports about the labor ing eld and eliminate some of the nastiness
them throughout the school day. shortage of information to draw market. Millions of people are out of work and that some girls resort to in establishing popular-
High school hockey teams wear on when making the call. Presi- millions of jobs are going un lled. Maybe com- ity. I’m sure those mean girls (Robin!) would just
masks for their school league, but dent Harry Truman was famous pany owners should take a look at the uniforms nd something else to tease me about like my
the travel teams do not. Public for having a sign on his desk that employees must wear in order to keep their jobs. wild curly hair or my trouble saying words with
schools wear them. Many private said,“ e buck stops here.”In this Imagine this car wash worker getting ready in the the letter “r.
schools do not. Speech therapy case, the buck should lie with our morning. “Don’t forget your wings!” his wife says But getting back to work uniforms, who de-
with masks. How does that work? school boards. It is time to aggres- as they head out of the door. signs the striped smocks or primary color vests
New York is an outlier in the sively apply common sense. Our Growing up in my Queens neighborhood, I or odd color combinations that employees must
United States when it comes to local boards need to take the shot. recall that our mailman, Herman, wore his post- wear in department stores, restaurants, and fast-
mask requirements for kids. e Move toward the light…and see al uniform and jaunty blue cap as he wheeled his food franchises? It presents a dilemma if a person
US is an outlier compared to the some smiles. It is time for the man- heavy leather mailbags while walking down the needs to nd a job and one of the job require-
western world as one of only seven date to go and mask choice to come street and gossiping with all of the neighbors. ments is to wear a hideous out t. Of course, the
countries with the requirement. into play. Let parents and students e Good Humor Man also wore a distinc- person who interviews for the job of a fast-food
e UK, the Netherlands, Norway, make their own decisions. Our kids tive work uniform. Dressed in white shirt, white chicken or sports team mascot already has an idea
Sweden, Denmark, and Australia, will thank you. pants, and a crisp white cap, he always looked of what that costume looks like.
don’t require kids to wear face neat and clean. If the color scheme of a restaurant includes
coverings to mention just a few Don Scott is a former Bedford Of course, we looked up to many professionals wearing polo shirts in speci c colors, imagine if
although presumably, like here, town councilman and president who wore uniforms as part of their jobs. Police a prospective employee tells the interviewer, “I
they require vaccines. of the Katonah-Lewisboro Board o cers, re ghters, sailors, and soldiers looked can’t wear that lavender polo shirt. I’m more of an
When deferring to the New of Education. He’s also served as authoritative in their work uniforms. autumn tone.”
York State Education Department a member of the Katonah Fire My grandmother was a registered nurse.
when lifting the mandate every- Commission, Bedford Wetlands When I was a child, Gran wore the white Kim Kovach wore a white chef ’s jacket to work
where except schools, the governor Commission, and Bedford nurse’s uniform which consisted of a starched for several years and looked quite adorable! www.
is causing more confusion. Putting Communications Committee. white dress, white opaque stockings, white kimkovachwrites.com
BRETT FREEMAN, PUBLISHER 2 Letters to the editor and op-ed submissions may be edited. The views
BRIAN MARSCHHAUSER, EDITOR TRACKS and opinions expressed in letters and op-eds are not necessarily those
TABITHA PEARSON MARSHALL, CREATIVE DIRECTOR of Katonah-Lewisboro Times or its affiliates. Submissions must include a
118 N. BEDFORD ROAD, SUITE 100 phone number and address for verification. Not all letters and op-eds will
Editorial Office: (914) 302-5628 MOUNT KISCO, NY 10549 necessarily be published. Letters and op-eds which cannot be verified or
[email protected] ©2021 HALSTON MEDIA, LLC are anonymous will not be published. Please send your submissions to
the editor by e-mail at [email protected].
For more information, call the editor at (914) 302-5628
Livin’ La Vida Divas
out-loud-worthy but rings endearment; indeed, it’s a lot
more decorous than that more
true. Nearly clearly knows his
When it comes to your to-dobrusque word that starts with a
BRUCE way around theater people and
THE BLOG politics. “b” and rhymes with itches.
Subsequent vignettes place list, put your future first.At times, the showbizzy shtick
BRUCE Bethel and Clarice at auditions, can become a tad redundant, but
APAR the rapid- re repartee keeps it all
a funeral, a publicist’s o ce, and,
nally, the afterlife.
SEJgE oAoPnaAelRssPoAfiGnEn1aJgt4ronoacnA(acfprielokapsmse,laolcarfieinnfodtng)nDvaitnertin“bsaaDococicrvaiarkaths,”lCtyaoocaotnoddRnueindavlrlgytyie,sEaTfi.oiecmdldrtwHTtuyhaobeoeardrtu,deaarrnBydaE.NrndatnwhcryoauSgirnhdaFceobri.. 26 are
While there may be some
When it comes to
over-earnest mugging at times your to-do list, put
your future first.
One-act compilations – – where the dialogue itself
where several unrelated To find out how to get your
short plays are strung e ortlessly does the mugging financial goals on track,
– the two leads play o each contact us for a
other impressively, to well-timed complimentary review.
together to form a full-length comic e ect. In their contrast- Judi R McAnaw3FS9SJ3uoo1in42mmda-63FS.SJ9inReeui13ooc6Rrronssdimm429uaa,iM--Fntlee6RN5eRciArr6ocn3YssS.9FS3i19udaAaM,20Fit13-oo1lnvN5n9eni00ncAmmi24c3Yasa51aAid-2Soannee680w1Rvn9urlccrr900639.FJSSioaCisissuat5ii31oo9unSoawe,eld8mm42Fta-urCnlN59e3i-iinee6RtnteA0R3Yecerr6on1assd0ri29tu3anM,01eFvt-9l0cN5er00iincA0si3Ya15Ad2Sonl018vn9curC00i9asiia5teSowle8nurC9ti3teeen0Mwrt30ewe0mrw0b.eedrwSMeIadPermCwdjbaoerMnwMrwdeSejwwsoImmP.wcwnCbo.ebe.emesder.dwcrSwoIaSPmrIaCdPrjCdonjoesn.ceosm.com
production – are staples of local ing personas and their stub- THIS WEEK’S EPISODE:
A fun discussion of the
theater. born camaraderie, which peeks
Connecticut’s Ridge eld e- through sheepishly at random
in Mahopac, Somers, Yorktown,
ater Barn production of Divas moments, they win us over as North Salem & Katonah-Lewisboro
is a distinct departure from that long-su ering frenemies. In Search for Hudson Valley Uncensored on Apple Podcasts,
Spotify, Google Podcasts or on Amazon Music.
formula. holding the stage for the entirety
Currently on its stage, through of the show, Sinacori and Con-
Feb. 26, are seven pieces by one nelly staunchly manage their
writer, Jack Neary, all of which formidable workload with solid
showcase a pair of colorful, professionalism.
actorly creations – acid-tongued
Bethel (Nancy Sinacori) and her CAMPY THEATER
faithful foil, Clarice (Deborah ere are no weighty mes-
Connelly). ey play veteran sages here. No high drama. Just
theater thespians who’ve seen it fun stu , listening to a couple of
all and have something pierc- 60ish actors, virtually joined at
ing to say about it all, and about the hip, tease and tolerate each
each other. It’s not that they stab other with all manner of jokey
each other in the back. eir repartee and glib throw-away
verbal knife ghts are full frontal. lines. It’s all about the theater
Fortunately, for them and for and acting. One of my table-
the audience, it’s all in harmless, mates aptly categorized the style
good fun. employed by Neary as “campy,”
Neary places the two competi- or humorously exaggerated.
tive and catty comrades-in-arts at’s as good a description as FAP-1966F-A
in something akin to mini-situ- any of what we’re witnessing
ation comedies or sketches that here, and the tongue-in-cheek-
each last not much more than 10 iness of it all is what makes the
minutes. frolicsome behavior go down
CONGRATULATIONS NOT Summing up their relation-
In the opening scene, they are ship, Clarice asks, “Why do we
not so much enjoying as endur- constantly insult each other?” to
ing a performance of Arthur which Bethel replies, “Maybe
Miller’s “Death of a Salesman,” because there’s nobody else
with their archrival playing the left worth insulting.” Still, as
highly coveted role of Linda we learn in one of the better
(Mrs. Willy) Loman. Among vignettes, where there is some
the funny bits here is a cutting suspense in nding out which
commentary on the sincerity one of the self-regarding drama
of saying “Congratulations” to queens will get top billing on a
a fellow actor you’ve just seen theatrical poster, the appellation
on stage. It’s not only laugh- “divas” is intended as a term of
The Price Is Right
Bruce Apar is featured in the upcoming M&M Performing
Arts Company production of Arthur Miller’s classic drama
“The Price” in the Grand Picture Gallery at Tarrytown’s
Lyndhurst Mansion March 4-20. He plays furniture
appraiser Gregory Solomon (seated) in the powerful play
that examines with compassion and humor the relationship
of two estranged brothers who meet after many years to
dispose of their family’s belongings. The cast includes
Michael Muldoon as Victor Franz and Melinda O’Brien (who
also directs) as Esther Franz, and Richard Troiano as Walter
Franz. Tickets are on sale at Lyndhurst.org. To purchase
tickets by phone: Call 1-888-718-4253 opt. 1.
Considering our conscience
Philosophy, law, and science, A turning point in the evolution to somehow devalue ethics by
my three favorite subjects, of our species was the emergence reducing it to a bunch of neu-
all consider the process of mammals 200 million years rochemicals zipping around
through which we make deci- ago. Mammals, unlike any other our brains. And as expected, a
number of philosophers com-
sions. My inter- species plain that she’s not doing “proper
philosophy.” Other critics accuse
Financial Planning est dates back before it, her of scientism, which is the
Investment Management to my graduate MY displayed overvaluing of science as the
Tax Preparation & Planning school days PERSPECTIVE empathy only real source of knowledge.
Business Retirement Plan Services But I heartily disagree on all
when I gave a JAMES and a counts.
Why AtwoB? lecture on the MARTORANO general
interplay of inclination I nd in fascination that in
• Boutique, Independent Registered Investment Advisor (RIA) her research, she inadvertently
• Owner-Operated, Your Money Matters to Us mental illness for at- came across an extremely
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an extremely disgusting photo.
Michael Tom CFP® CFA® • Jeff Wund • Todd Rebori, CFA® ity. From the law’s perspective, Commenting on this fact in her She recently remarked on this
startling research result: “ ere
www.AtwoB.com • (914) 302-3233 the default position is that we book, Conscience, Churchland was this experiment that totally
surprised me. Researchers
23 Parkway, Second Floor • Katonah, NY 10536 each possess an unencumbered argues that mammals— humans rounded up a lot of subjects,
put them in the brain scanner,
Point B Planning, LLC d/b/a/ AtwoB (“AtwoB”) is a registered investment adviser. ability to choose to do A or B; as well as monkeys and rodents and showed them various
A copy of AtwoB’s current written disclosure statement discussing AtwoB’s business non-ideological pictures. If you
operations, services, and fees is available at the SEC’s investment adviser public that “freedom to choose” is the and so on — feel moral intu- showed subjects a picture of
information website or from AtwoB upon written request. This article is for information a human with a lot of worms
only and should not be considered investment advice. societal justi cation for hand- itions precisely because of how squirming in his mouth, you
could see di erences in the
WHY DO WE ing out punishment. But from our brains developed over the activity levels of whole series of
brain areas. ere were much
ADVERTISE a philosophical or scienti c course of evolution. She as- higher levels of activity if you
identi ed as very conservative
IN HALSTON perspective, the issue is consider- serts that mothers came to feel than if you identi ed as very
MEDIA’S liberal. Just that one picture of
LOCAL ably more complicated. deeply attached to their children worms squirming in the mouth
separated out the conservatives
NEWSPAPERS? Socrates had a lifelong con- because that helped the children from the liberals with an
accuracy of about 83 percent.”
TO ADVERTISE WITH US, cern with how we come upon (and through them, the mother’s Hmm. I wonder how that
CALL BRETT FREEMAN AT (845) 208-8151 translates into the next round of
moral convictions. Even today, genes) survive. is ability to feel campaign ads?
we hear people proclaiming attachment was gradually gener- But should we be bothered
by the idea that our decisions
with absolute certainty what is alized to mates, kin, and friends. are partly the byproduct of
chemicals and how our brains
right and wrong. Socrates felt “Attachment begets caring,” are wired? Churchland has a
strong response to this concern;
that these issues are not so cut Churchland writes, “and caring “If you thought having free will
meant your decisions were born
and dry. He referred to his “in- begets conscience.” in a causal vacuum, that they
just sprang from your soul, then
ner voice,” which he called his But what is that thing we I guess it’d bother you. But of
course, your decisions aren’t like
“conscience,” but admitted that call “conscience.” For Dr. that. I think of self-control as
the real thing that should replace
often it led him astray. We have Churchland, it is not a set of that fanciful idea of free will.
And we know there are ways of
all experienced what he is talking absolute moral truths, but a improving our self-control, like
about; that nagging sense that set of community norms that
As to the accusation that her
something needed to be done, or evolved because they were useful. approach is too scienti c, again
she has a rather curt response: “I
maybe avoided. But what exactly Truth-telling and keeping your think it’s ridiculous. Science is
not the whole of the world, and
is “conscience?” promises, for example, form there are many ways to wisdom
that don’t necessarily involve
To answer that question, I the bedrock principles of any science. Aristotle knew that.
Confucius knew that. And I
suggest we turn our attention to well-functioning society. From know that.” I concur completely.
Examining decision-making
science. Can science tell us what a biological perspective, our
is morally right or wrong? Of brains reinforce these norms by
course, it can’t. But it can give us releasing pleasurable chemicals
an understanding of how a per- when our actions generate social
son is motivated to take a certain approval and unpleasurable ones
path. We are, after all, social when they generate disapproval.
by nature, as Aristotle, Darwin Churchland sees decision-
and many others have taught making as a byproduct of our
us, and as recent developments neural wiring. It is very much
in mammalian neuroscience reminiscent of our slow yet
continue to suggest. To aid us constant appreciation of the
in our inquiry, I recommend we complexity and importance
examine the works of Dr. Patri- of our brain. Early societies
cia Churchland. She is a brilliant considered various conditions
author, professor, philosopher, such as epilepsy, depression, and
researcher, and neurophilosopher psychosis in general, to be forms
(her own label), who tackles this of demonic possessions. Ever so
exact issue from both a scienti c gradually, we began to realize
and philosophical perspective. that the problem was not the
Her background is in classi- devil but rather the workings of
cal philosophy and new brain the brain. Following this new
science. Perfectly suited for our enlightened position, Church-
conversation, she is an expert in land correctly avoids words like
the interplay between these two “rationality” and “duty,” which
elds. are the heart and soul of tradi-
For years, she has focused on tional moral philosophy. Instead,
one essential question that she she refers to regions of the brain
believes is critical to our discus- like the cortex.
sion: How did humans come to Rooting morality in biology
feel empathy and other moral in- has made Churchland a pro-
tuitions in the rst place? What’s vocative gure among phi-
the origin of that nagging little losophers. Some even assert that
voice that Socrates talked about, her approach is itself “morally
and that we call our conscience? repugnant” because it threatens
Don’t waste my time
MAN Anyway, my spectator sport tion that eventually ends in me so I hope I spelled it right. e “Easy-open” packaging, makes
OVERBOARD of choice is baseball, and people asking to borrow some money, very things that are supposed to life easier, unless you kill yourself
from other countries who love and even though you might rattle make my life easier are the worst trying to open it. I end up “open-
RICK soccer never tire of telling me on about your Mom’s lumbago, o enders. “Automatic” devices ing” it even MORE “easy” with
MELÉN how long and boring the game is. I stuck it out because it took me automatically raise my blood this knife I have that’s really a
so long to get there, and I needed pressure. Every time I drive my borderline machete. It’s known in
Iadmit it, I can’t stand soccer. ey say, I know this is a stu- the money. A few decades later, wife’s car I have to adjust the “au- my house as “the sharpest knife in
You can sue me if you like, pid question, but why does the I could just make three or four tomatic” seat. I press the button the drawer.” It’s not like the ones
maybe it’ll take your mind pitcher shake his head four or calls from my house, and eventu- while the seat moves back a frac- gourmet chefs use, which they
o all the other things you’re al- ally, I could nd somebody fairly tion of an inch every 15 minutes. have to sharpen before they cut
ready suing me for. For a one-nil ve times at the catcher before liquid whose Mom didn’t have anything with. Mine comes right
slugfest I could invest, well, no he throws the pitch he wants to lumbago, which sped the process en I press recline button for out of the drawer and cuts me on
one knows HOW long because throw anyway? And why does up considerably. en the car was another 20 minutes while pre- the way out. And that actually
the referee can add as much time the hitter grab his collar, then invented, and if I didn’t like where cious life seeps from my body. e does save me the time of doing it
as he likes to the end of the game his glove, then his bat, then his I was I could just leave. With a automatic lumbar support can go myself.
to make up for players wast- cap, then his hair, then his crotch remote control in my hand, I had to hell in a handbasket.
ing time during the game. I’ve before each swing? en why command of the airwaves, and In the interest of fairness, I
been to meetings at work where does he step out of the batter’s with the internet, I had the world Texting is quite the time-saver. think this column has wasted
the exact same thing happens; box three or four times, then grab at my ngertips. Instead of picking up the phone enough of both our time. But
there’s one guy who asks a stupid all that stu all over again when to call someone when you have before we go, does anyone have
question every single time and he stands back in it? And why are And because everything has something important to say, you any questions?
the person running the meeting you allowed to foul o as many been made so easy for me, I now can use the text function instead.
spends 20 minutes answering it pitches as you want, shouldn’t have no patience for anything. You save a TON of time because Look for Rickster Melen on
under the misplaced notion that there be some kind of limit? And Modern living has turned me you don’t need to wait until you Facebook! Say hello at: rlife8@
“there are no stupid questions.” why does the pitcher keep throw- into an irascible museum piece. have something important to say hotmail.com; see “Gidget
To make matters worse, the guy ing over to rst base so often? I don’t even have the patience (I asked my sister to change her gets Hypnotized” at: bit.ly/
who asked it even told us before- I quickly concur that these are to look up the word “irascible,” name, so you won’t know who I’m gidgethypnotized
hand that, “I know this is a stupid stupid questions, which is what I talking about).
question but...” and not one of always say when I don’t know the
us had the courtesy to agree with answer. CLARK ASSOCIATES
him. As a tting punishment FUNERAL HOME
for that, the person running the e fact is that baseball hasn’t
meeting asks at the end if anyone gotten more boring over the
has any more questions, and years, it’s just that our toler-
believe it or not, somebody does. ance for boredom has drasti-
cally decreased. When did this
start? With the invention of the
telephone? Just after the inven-
tion of the horse but before the
telephone, I had to ride over to
your house to have a conversa-
Letters and Op-Ed Policy Serving all Faiths since 1858
Letters to the editor and op-ed submissions may be edited.
The views and opinions expressed in letters and op-eds are Cremations and Burials
not necessarily those of the Katonah-Lewisboro Times or its
affiliates. Submissions must include a phone number and
address for verification. Not all letters and op-eds will necessarily
be published. Letters and op-eds which cannot be verified or are
anonymous will not be published. Please send your submissions
to the editor by e-mail at [email protected]. For more
information, call the editor at 914-302-5628.
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Square dancing returns to Katonah ee Friendly Squares Dance Club hosted the rst of two free square-
dancing nights on Monday, Feb. 7, at Katonah Methodist Church
arParish Hall.
Not only is modern western square-dancing a great exercise
for the body and mind, but it is an opportunity to meet new
people and make new friends. e attire is casual, and no
uexperience was necessary. is
event was open to singles,
HIP TObe sqcouples,andfamilies.
PHOTOS: ROBERT DISTASIO Friendly Squares Dance Club
Co-President Tee Cotter
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MARTORANO much more extraordinary and acknowledging the aws in GUEST feel proud when I looked in the
marvelous than we thought. It’s those very standards; between CORNER mirror. I had to recognize that
FROM PAGE 10 not that I think these are not trusting the deliverances of our if I didn’t take action, nothing
real values — this is as real as own conscience; and recognizing KIM STOLL would ever change.
from a scienti c perspective values get!” that despite our best of motives,
gives us an understanding as we will sometime err, and our Ifelt so stuck. If I don’t like where I am, it’s
to why people act in otherwise Dr. Churchland’s point that conscience will churn.” In the midst of building a up to me to move!
seemingly incomprehensible often our choices are societally life I loved, I also felt I had
ways. Considering science yet in uenced should not be a While the issue of conscience lost myself. I lost my passions, I needed to make a plan, ask
another tool in our examination surprise to anyone. In her book, is certainly complex, the act my hobbies, my interests, my en- for help, change my routine,
of behavior does not, in any Conscience, she recognizes what of considering how each of us ergy and I found myself feeling my schedule, and the actions I
way, negate the work of we all intuitively know: “we may be individually biologically like I just wasn’t me anymore. invested my time in every day if
philosophers. In fact, according aim to nd a balance between wired is an act of empathy in I wanted my life to change.
to Churchland, it’s a rather trusting judgments of others itself, and, I hope you’d agree, e worst part was feeling so
positive development: “I don’t and withholding complete we could all use a little more incredibly stuck, unable to make Do you feel it too? Are you
think it devalues it. I think it’s trust; between respecting empathy toward one another the changes my heart so desper- stuck?
rather wonderful. e brain is so community standards while these days. ately wanted and needed.
My encouragement to you
In my typical rule-following, then is to get up and move. Ask
don’t ru e feathers personality, I for help if needed, make one
just kept trudging along, wish- new change a week, but what-
ing it would change. I somehow ever you do, don’t stay where
expected one day I would just you are, wishing for your life to
wake with excitement, pursue change. Make it happen.
my days with vigor, feel some
sense of accomplishment and Kim Stoll empowers women to
nd joy in every day and build
a life they love through positive
habits in mindset, tness, and
smart nutrition. Virtual coaching
available. Coachkimstoll@gmail.
APARPR APAR to sound designer Ben Warner
for the atmospheric musical
Public Rela ons For... and subtext to appreciating the is delightful production
Businesses | Individuals | Organiza ons | Events shenanigans these two revel in, can be seen through Feb. 26 at
such as the scenes sending up the Ridge eld eater Barn (ridge-
Your Message Is Our Mission trauma of auditioning and other
vicissitudes of life in the theater. eldtheaterborn.org), which is
Leave Your Message Here... one of my top three places to
(914) 275-6887 | bruceaparpr @ gmail.com Yet, even those whose typecast enjoy local theater in the lower
theater role is audience mem- Hudson Valley. e reasons are
BRUCE APAR ber doubtless will roll with the several: Cabaret seating. Bring
theater-knowing humor and your own food and beverage to
backstage dishing that animates enjoy, starting one hour before
all seven one-acts. showtime. And the friendliest
people who run the place. Led
Co-director Paulette Layton by executive director Pamme
has done a ne job taking the Jones, their infectious energy
reins of this production after and their appreciation of every
original director Michael Fer- patron make for an always con-
rara moved out of town since vivial atmosphere that warms
the originally scheduled perfor- the theater-going experience.
mance dates of August 2021.
Bruce Apar is a writer and actor,
Recognition also is due to who is appearing this March
versatile Timothy Huber, who in the M&M Performing Arts
plays multiple roles with equal production of Arthur Miller’s “ e
parts panache and smarm, Price at Lyndhurst” in Tarrytown.
bringing to his strong turns a He can be reached at bruce@
con dent and magnetic stage aparpr.co; 914-275-6887. For
presence. Also making brief tickets > Lyndhurst.org/events/
and e ective appearances are winter-theater.
Catherine Cavender and Tarah
Margaret Vega. Shout-out too
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Hamstring maintenanceand preventing injuries
straighten our knees all the way and
GUEST causing knee-instability which results in Muscles bene t from a regular
CORNER knee pain and swelling; and 4) by pulling exercise routine that includes a
on the sitting bone and preventing the good balance between strength
LIZE LUBBE pelvis from having the normal curvature
which a ects our natural pelvic and training and stretches.
We need our muscles to move our lower back mobility and makes it more
joints, walk, do our daily tasks, exercise, di cult to take longer strides when we –Lize Lubbe
maintain our balance and function with- walk, sti ens our hip joints, and makes Physical erapist at Lize Lubbe Physical erapy
out the risk of injury. it more di cult to bend over to pick up
objects from the oor or to play sports. you feel a stretch in the back of your Stop and contact your healthcare pro-
FOR OUR MUSCLE MAINTENANCE: PREVENTING TIGHT HAMSTRINGS: thigh. is can also be done by tying vider or physical therapist if you experi-
We can prevent our hamstrings from
Muscles bene t from a regular exercise a non- exible strap/dog leach around ence any pain performing the exercises.
routine that includes a good balance tightening up through the following:
between strength training and stretches. 1) breaking up our long sit sessions by your foot and hold onto the other end
Weight and resistance strengthening frequently getting up, moving around,
exercises build stability and endurance and stretching; and 2) when working with your hands. Hold the stretch for 30 Lize Lubbe is the owner of Lize Lubbe
in our muscles. Stretching increases the out, maintaining a good balance between
strengthening and stretching exercises. sec slightly bend and go back into the Physical erapy with its main practice
exibility and mobility of our muscles.
Flexibility lengthens muscle tissue, com- HAMSTRING STRENGTHENING stretch. Repeat 15 times for both legs. located at 892 Route 35 in Cross River and
pared to strengthening that contracts AND STRETCHING EXERCISES:
muscles. 2. Stand upright with your one leg a PT Studio in the premises of Apex Fitness
Before strengthening and stretching a
In general, the bene ts of a longer, muscle, prepare and warm up the muscle straight onto a step. Hold on for support (where her team focus on the rehabilitation
exible muscles include: by doing light aerobic activities for about
1) preventing muscle strains and tears, 10-15 min. Never “bounce” a stretch. and slowly lean forward with your torso of sports-related injuries). Learn more
tendonitis-in ammation of the tendons, Always gently lean into a stretch with-
and joint sti ness; and 2) increasing the out any pain and hold and release into to your thigh until you feel a stretch by calling 914-875-9430, emailing
range of motion of our joints. the stretch slowly for about 30 sec. For
Further, stronger muscles help to strengthening, never overload the muscle behind your thigh and ease o for 30 sec. [email protected] or visiting www.
1) stabilize and support our joints; 2) and joint with too much weight. Listen
reduce pain and sti ness in joints and to your body by not causing any pain. Repeat 15 times for both legs. lizelubbept.com
muscles; and 3) improve our basic func-
tions, such as getting up from a chair STRENGTHENING EXERCISES:
or negotiating steps and improve our 1. Lay on your back, knees bent. Pull
aerobic tness and endurance.
your belly button to your spine, stabilize
THE FUNCTIONS OF OUR with your core, squeeze your Gluts (but-
HAMSTRINGS: tock muscles) and slowly roll up into a
bridging position starting from your but-
So, let’s examine our hamstrings in the tocks, roll up to your lower back, up to
above context. your thoracic area (for women, your bra
strap line) and slowly lower down from
Our hamstrings consist of a group of the top to the bottom. Do 15 repetitions.
three muscles in the back of our thigh
that originate from our sitting bone 2. Get on your hands and knees.
(Ischium) in our hip/pelvis and insert Tighten your core by pulling your belly
behind our knees. e three major button to your spine. Lift your one leg
functions of our hamstrings are to: 1) straight up behind you without arching
bend our knees; 2) move our hips/thighs your back. Bend your knee up to your
backwards; and 3) rotate our knees/hips buttocks and straighten the knee out
from side to side with our knees in a again. Do 15 repetitions. Repeat with
bent position. other leg.
THE CAUSES AND CONSEQUENCES 3. Stand up and lean with your elbow
OF TIGHT HAMSTRINGS: onto a countertop or table to stabilize
your back. If you have a light weight
e causes of tight hamstrings include (3-5lbs), tie them around your ankle and
sitting for long periods of time and bend your knee pulling your ankle to
overuse (for example, using too heavy your buttocks. Do 15 repetitions. Repeat
weights with leg curls). with other leg.
Tight hamstrings adversely a ect our HAMSTRING STRETCHES:
bodies in several ways: 1) causing muscle 1. Lay on your back. One knee bent up
spasms and cramps that lead to chronic
low back pain; 2) providing insu cient to your chest holding behind your knee
support for our knee joints that cause with your hands, other knee bent and
balance problems; 3) by pulling on the foot at on bed/ground. Straighten the
back of our knees making it harder to lifted knee up to the ceiling holding with
your hands to assist the leg, hold until
Northern Westchester Hospital
dietitian offers healthy heart tips
To highlight the importance of the rainbow rst. with animal products as a side new foods when they are in- COOK EXTRAS AT DINNERS
of a healthy heart for February’s dish, or not included at all. Aim volved in gardening. FOR HEALTHY LUNCHES
American Heart Month dietitian TRY ONE NEW VEGGIE PER for at least one plant-based meal
Amy Rosenfeld, MS, RD, CDN, WEEK per week to start, building to START WITH A FRESH After dinner,pack up leftovers in
Community Outreach Program more. PANTRY containers for healthy lunches the
Manager at Northern Westches- Take the challenge to try a new next day.Or,take the extra step and
ter Hospital, has some simple vegetable every week. Pick it out PUT DOWN THE DEVICES AT Look through the pantry, and make meals just for lunch, such as
eating suggestions to get the together at the grocery store or THE DINNER TABLE clean out the unhealthiest choices. a large pot of chili or a stir fry dish
whole family on a heart healthy let the kids choose. with the kids’ favorite veggies and
track. Enjoy a mindful meal together e best food choices are items protein. is will save money and
GIVE FISH A TRY – one where you can relax and that contain whole foods as in- get everyone eating fresher all day
“Getting healthy can be a fam- If your family (or your kids) chat like the good old days. e gredients and as few additives as long.
ily a air,” Rosenfeld said. “And connections you make at the din- possible.
by getting your entire family in- aren’t super into seafood, try in- ner table, as well as the nutrition- LIGHTEN UP YOUR
volved and making small, man- troductory sh options.Try using al bene ts of a distraction-free PACK UP HEALTHY SNACKS RESTAURANT ORDER
ageable changes, everyone in the meal, are endless. AHEAD OF TIME
family can enjoy better health.” rmer less shy tasting options Eat family style to lighten the
like tilapia or sea bass. Try pre- EXERCISE TOGETHER AS A Healthy choices can be de- portions. Choose options that are
Here are 10 small changes that paring grilled sh tacos, or baked FAMILY railed by poor planning. On Sun- grilled, baked and roasted, rather
can make a big di erence: homemade breaded sh llets for day nights, pack individual bags than fried and creamy. Ask for
everyone to enjoy. Exercising together doesn’t of healthy snack choices and set modi cations, such as extra veg-
EAT THE RAINBOW EVERY have to mean a family trip to them up in the fridge so they gies with Asian dishes and pizza, or
WEEK COOK MEALS TOGETHER the gym. Go for a family hike are ready to go for the busy week whole-grain options when possible.
Resolve to cook at least one or snow-shoe adventure. Go ice ahead. Some good choices are
Eating fresh fruits and veg- skating or do yoga together. Even hummus cups with baby carrots, For more information visit www.
etables in a variety of colors is the meal a week instead of eating out a simple family walk is a great pre-portioned bags of trail mix, or nwhc.net
best way to get all the vitamins or ordering in. Cooking together start. whole-grain crackers and cheese.
and minerals we need. Make it a in the kitchen is a great way to
game to get all the colors of the eat healthier, learn new things START AN HERB GARDEN
rainbow every week. Create a and bond. Grow herbs indoors this win-
sticker chart for all family mem-
bers, and take note when every- TRY TO BE MORE PLANT ter to freshen up your meals and
one reaches their goal. Try doing FORWARD show your kids the wonder of
this every day, and make it a con- healthy foods. Research shows
test to see who can get to the end Plant-forward is a style of eat- that kids are more likely to try
ing that emphasizes plant-based
foods as the focus of the meal,
Restaurant owner thanks Gianni Piccolino (foreground)
hospital staff for saving his life and his business partner
Tommy Calandrucci prepare
Hosts portable pizza party food for healthcare workers
and first responders early in
the pandemic.
Local restauranteur Gianni beginning of the COVID-19 days before anksgiving, 2020,
Piccolino, who generously pandemic, was admitted to with a life-threatening case of
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with over 80 years of combined experience! his wife Diana prepare
Piccolino returned to the pizza and salad for
Proudly Serving Putnam and Westchester Counties hospital exactly one-year-to- the staff of Northern
the day from his discharge Westchester Hospital.
with a portable wood burning
pizza oven truck to host a pre- PHOTOS COURTESY OF
Valentine’s Day thank you pizza
party for the hospital sta who NORTHERN WESTCHESTER
brought him back to health.
Piccolino, his sta , business HOSPITAL
partner Tommy Calandrucci,
Dementia Care Companion Care Nursing Care and family parked in front of
In-Home Evaluations Respite Care 24 Hour Care Northern Westchester Hospital
and prepared individual salads
www.ecstaffingsolutions.com and pizzas. Piccolino owns two
restaurants, Stone Fire and
CALL US TODAY for a free phone evaluation! Basilico, located in Mount Kisco.
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His two tiny babies spent twelve days in
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“We learned everything there. The NICU nurses
took great care of our babies – and us.”
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John Jay beats Greeley in playoffs
BY RICH MONETTI Will Sanz goes up for a shot. PHOTOS: RICH MONETTI from Peter Giner’s vantage point at guard.
CONTRIBUTING WRITER “ ey played up on us, so we just beat
Logan Baumgartner drives. Lynch’s loft inside gave the junior the go- them inside,” he said, and Lynch notched
At home, on Friday, Feb. 18, 10th- way to the rim for two o the glass. Sanz ahead layup. a 23-21 lead at the line on another at-
seeded John Jay (13-7) faced 23rd-seeded then played the eld position game by tempted layup.
Horace Greeley in the out-bracket game getting behind the Quaker defense, and e formula was easy enough to see
of the section playo s. e two previous But two could play at that game, and
games going narrowly in John Jay’s favor, Melis’reverse layup gave Horace Greeley a
a still close 30-25 halftime advantage for 25-24 lead. Unfortunately for Greeley, the
John Jay had the game on a hard-fought lead was their last, and John Jay got over
script. But the story changed this time, by again going under. Baumgartner got
and the Wolves cruised the second half to inside to regain the lead, Lynch’s two-step
a 55-40 victory. found a lane to the hoop, and Kote went
hard through the paint to close the half at
Ryan Corelli got the game going when 30-25.
he spotted Liam Lynch swinging through
the paint. e junior dropped in two of A 35-28 lead with 5:31 left in the third,
his nine, and staying on point, John Jay the Wolves changed it up again. Dugan
stayed inside with an act that has been Ellin nailed a three to the delight of the
playing all year. Logan Baumgartner got student section right behind him, and fol-
the ball into Andy Kote, and the forward lowing a Greeley timeout, Kote’s three got
sank one at the foul line. the kids up again for a 41-28 lead.
Of course, Horace Greeley came to But Horace Greeley answered with
play, too. Justin Potack’s penetration ve straight points, and the game back in
meant an easy layup for Nick Tasso, and sight, John Jay followed with four posses-
then Potack hit from above the arc. sions worth of near misses. So, in need of
a basket, Kote and Baumgartner rose for
A 5-5 tie came next on another inside an encore. Guarded tightly above the arc,
incursion by Kote, and it’s mostly where Baumgartner shoveled a pass into the post
the adept three-point shooter had his day. for Kote, and the senior went glass to regain
“ ey focused on me with a box and one. a 10-point lead with 1:09 left in the third.
So, it was hard to get outside shots,” said Not to be outdone, Peter Giner wasn’t
Kote, who led with 17. bad as a solo act. He came down with
the defensive rebound and ran the oor.
Still, Horace Greeley did get some He couldn’t nish but refused to settle.
separation. Potack rst went baseline for
two, and after Ben Cohen’s drive freed e guard took the defensive rebound
Ethan Golub for two, Potack did the from Dom Larizza and hit a turnaround
same for Tasso. jumper in the paint for a 45-33 score. “We
start with defense, and it leads to o ense,”
Down 13-9, Sayre didn’t panic. Giner said.
“When our spacing is good, we got ve
guys who can go o the dribble,” he said. e nal nail came where the game
Corelli got the ball into Kote, and when began. Sanz posted up, he kicked out to
his move to the hoop drew the double, his Kote, and the senior burst through the
pass out gave Will Sanz plenty of real es- paint for a 50-37 lead.
tate. He drained the open three and John
Jay trailed 13-12 after one. Less than four minutes left, the Quak-
Down 21-18, John Jay changed their ers were done, and Sayre was looking for-
tune. Corelli got the ball ahead to Sanz, ward to seventh-seeded Poughkeepsie on
and the John Jay big shook and spun his Tuesday, Feb. 22. “I think we can make a
run,” he said.
Varsity Roundup
(33.89). en in the giant slalom, lom, and overall.
On Wednesday, Feb. 16, John Marchini got the gold (32.16), Hockey
Jay/North Salem/Somers took to and he was trailed by Lombardi
Hunter Mountain for the Sec- in third (35.75) and Spieler in
tion Ski Finals and advanced sixth (36.79). Overall, the boys John Jay closed the regular
three boys to the State Tourna- were really strung together. season with a trip to Su ern on
ment. Oskar Lombardi, Luke Marchini was second (66.05), Tuesday, Feb. 15, and a 5-2 loss
Spieler, and Chris Marchini will Lombardi nished third (67.59) gave the Wolves an 11-7 record.
all be on the lift at Gore Moun- and Spieler took third (69.59). Second-period goals by Colman
tain this week. In the slalom, But unfortunately, the girls will Rice and PJ DeNoia had it a 2-2
Lombardi placed second with a have no representation at Gore. game into the second. But the
time of 31.84 and was followed Daniella Dziedzic was the girls’ home team closed out the game PHOTO: DEBBIE SPIELER
by Spieler in fourth (32.80) best nisher. She was in the Top with three straight to secure the Coach Crivelli, James Bysshe, Matthew Wolfe, Oskar Lombardi, Luke
and Chris Marchini in eighth 25 for the slalom, the giant sla- victory. Spieler, Chris Marchini, and Coach Collea
John Jay’s season ends in sectionals
BY RICH MONETTI get past Coach Matt Gallagher ei- Mia
CONTRIBUTING WRITER ther. “ ey out rebounded us,” he Puccio
said. “ at’s what killed us.” makes a
On ursday, Feb. 17, John Jay race for
traveled to Pelham for the out- Dunhill accentuated the point the ball.
bracket game of the Section One with 3:10 left in the half. Refus-
tournament. At 7-12, the Wolves ing to give up on the play, the for- Annabel Brennan
seemed an even match for the ward pulled down two o ensive is doubled as she
8-12 Pelicans, and Shannon No- rebounds and converted two free goes to the hoop.
lan’s opening three got the road throws after being fouled on the
trip o to a good start. But the put back. PHOTOS: RICH
3-0 lead was the last one John Jay MONETTI
would have, and a 47-34 defeat e Wolves were then forced to
ended their season. double take on the boards moments
later. is time Allie Prisco got the
Pelham got on the board when o ensive rebound, and Dunhill was
Grace Dunhill took a pass inside the bene ciary at the rim for a 20-7
for the layup and got the lead next advantage.
time back. Kane Prisco waded her
way through heavy tra c in the e lead would grow to 25-7
paint and reached the rim for a at the half, and while ve straight
4-3 score. third-quarter points by Ava Kelley
looked hopeful, the mini spurt was
With 4:10 left in the rst, John met with Dunhill’s dirty work. e
Jay looked like they were about to forward got a layup underneath
keep pace on the back door. Un- and muscled the put back for a 29-
fortunately, Pelham’s height got in 12 lead that said it all.
the way when Annabel Brennan
spotted Mia Puccio on the cut. In- Afterward, the John Jay coach
stead, Mia Orlando got the block, could only lament the what-ifs.
and after Ella Miller sunk a three, “When we are playing our game,
Orlando added her own three to which is what I’m always trying to
close the quarter at 10-3. get across to the girls, we’re a very
good team.”
e playbook did go John Jay’s
way to open the second, though. e season over, the message will
From above the key, Brennan’s not fall on deaf ears. Gallagher has
penetration converged the defense, 10 players returning, and he’s cer-
and the guard made a beautiful tain the girls will be on the same
dish to Nolan for an easy layup. page. “We’ve got to come back and
be ready to go,” he said.
Unfazed, Allie Prisco calmly
made a short baseline jumper, and at said, the grind is not a
height again gave the edge to Pel- hard sell for Gallagher. “I come to
ham. Orlando ripped down a de- practice every day, and they have a
fensive rebound and went coast- smile on their faces. ey are the
to-coast for a 14-5 lead. best group of girls ever. ey are so
much fun to work and so happy to
e vertical di erential didn’t be there,” he concluded. “It makes
it so easy for me.”
Harvey’s Ortega joins 1,000-point club
Harvey’s girls’ varsity basket- Harvey dominated in the sec- recognize the basketball talent PHOTOS: GABE PALACIO
ball team celebrated Valentine’s ond as the o ense clicked for and heart of our junior captain
Day in grand style, not only 18 points, and the defense held Kira Ortega whose 1000-point Her teammates pose at midcourt to celebrate Kira Ortega’s 1,000th
with a 43-26 homecourt victory Oakwood Friends to just ve milestone is a testament to her career point.
over Oakwood Friends School points. e Cavaliers led 29-14 great skill and tenacity,” he said.
on Seniors Day, but with a at intermission, but they were
midcourt celebration right after outscored 10-6 in the third to Ortega nished with a game-
junior point guard Kira Ortega make it a 35-24 Harvey lead high 27 points, 15 of them on
sank a free throw to become entering the nal quarter. e
only the sixth member of the Cavs secured the victory with a ve three-pointers. She scored
basketball program’s 1,000-ca- shutdown fourth quarter, hold- 22 of her 27 in the rst half to
reer point club. ing Oakwood to just two points. help Harvey improve their re-
cord to 3-6.
e history-making moment “It was maybe our best de-
came just over six minutes into fensive e ort of the season,” A NEPSAC All-Star and
the rst quarter of the girls’ - said Harvey head coach Mike HVAL All-League player in
nal home game of the season. Duignan. “Our passing is much her rst two years, Ortega joins
With Harvey up 2-0 at the improved, we’re trusting one the 1,000-career point club
six-minute mark, Ortega was another, and we’re beginning to whose membership includes
fouled, went to the line, and convert with more consistency. Steve Masiello, Class of 1996,
swished her way into the Har- It’s fun to see.” now in his 11th year as the head
vey record books. coach of the Manhattan Col-
Duignan was pleased that the lege men’s basketball team.
After the two teams traded team got a win on the history-
buckets in the rst quarter, making day. “It was a day to is article was prepared by the
Harvey School.
CLUES ACROSS 32. Midway between south 56. Musical composition 22. “The Centennial State” For puzzle solutions, please see
1. Constrictors (abbr.) theparamountrehab.com
5. Abounding in rocks and southwest 58. __ Falls 25. Of I
11. Speed 26. Get older
14. German city 33. When you hope to get 60. Repeating remarks 27. Brotherhoods
15. Lacking sympathy 29. Buzzing insect
18. Visionaries there 62. Periods in one’s life 31. Sunscreen rating
19. Wastes away 34. Brew
21. One precursor to the EU 35. Electronic data 63. Hyphen 36. Leader
23. Nursemaid 37. Indigo bush
24. Unconsciousnesses processing 38. Burn with a hot liquid
28. Baby’s word for father 40. Junior’s dad
29. Equal to 64 US pints 36. Passports and drivers’ CLUES DOWN 43. Horse mackerels genus
(abbr.) licences are two 1. __ Humbug! 45. Morning
30. Senses of self- 48. Unit of linear
importance 39. Fishes 2. Devices that alert pilots measurement (abbr.)
50. Double curve
41. Air Force (abbr.) 51. Small, twisted bunch
53. Developed
42. Personal computers 3. Grocer 54. Mars crater
55. Humanistic discipline
44. Ecological community 4. One point east of 57. Word element meaning
46. Wings southeast 58. Last or greatest in an
indefinitely large series
47. Halfway 5. Subjects to hostility 59. Wood residue
61. It cools your home
49. Cool, calm and collected 6. Work unit
52. Jewelled headdress 7. Atomic #56
8. British thermal unit
9. “Elusive Butterfly”
10. Fastened over
animal’s neck
12. Device
13. Rechargeable
power source
16. Ancient sage
17. Consist of two
20. “Pygmalion”
To solve a sudoku, the numbers 1 through 9 must fill each row, column and box. Each number can
appear only once in each row, column and box. You can figure out the order in which the numbers will appear by using
the numeric clues already provided in the boxes. The more numbers you name, the easier it gets to solve the puzzle!
Oak & Oil Gallery to host
Katonah Classic Stage
For a bene t reading of “Art,” by Yasmina Reza
Katonah Classic Stage (KCS), Oil owner, Maxine Ganer. “We are this play will likely generate a robust
Westchester County’s new, profes- passionate about art and we believe discussion about art and the valuable
sional theatre company dedicated that art and culture bring communi- role it plays in all our lives.”
to classic plays, will present Yasmina ties together, so we are thrilled and In early December 2021, KCS
Reza’s comedy, “Art” on Feb. 25 and look forward to welcoming guests kicked o their series of readings
26 at Oak & Oil Gallery in Kato- and performers to our gallery.” at the Bedford Historical House
nah. e reading will feature Broad- e New York Times called “Art” with a rousing rendition of Who’s
way, television, and lm veterans a, “lacerating comedy [that] dissects Afraid of Virginia Woolf, with the
Raymond Anthony omas, Jordan the bonds among three friends when cast, including Carolyn McCormick
Lage, and KCS Artistic Director one mocks another for buying an and Mark Linn-Baker, receiving
Trent Dawson. expensive all-white contemporary a standing ovation. KCS plans to
Katonah’s Oak & Oil Gallery is painting, and the third is stuck in present one more reading at the end
dedicated to the exhibition of ne the uncomfortable middle. “Art” — of March.
art with appreciation for works by the word itself is self-consciously in Tickets are available at www.ka-
local artisans. KCS was founded as quotation marks in the title, though tonahclassicstage.com/art. e read-
a nonpro t in late 2019, just before it is rarely rendered that way — won ing is expected to run approximately
the breakout of Covid-19, and aims prestigious prizes in Paris and Lon- 90 minutes, and for added safety, PHOTO COURTESY OF KATONAH CLASSIC STAGE
provide seasonal, professional pro- don, as well as the best play Tony seating capacity is limited and at- Where: Oak & Oil Gallery, 89 Katonah Ave.,
Katonah, NY
ductions of classic plays in North- Award on Broadway, and has enjoyed tendees will have to show proof of When: Feb. 25 & 26, 7 p.m. (doors open at 6:45
ern Westchester. is is the rst the kind of global success rare for a Covid-19 vaccination. ere will be Run time: Approximately 90 minutes
Tickets: On sale now at www.katonahclassicstage.
time Oak & Oil Gallery and KCS modern script. Let alone a French complimentary wine and light re- com/art
are partnering up for an event that one. Let alone one by a woman.” freshments o ered and a discussion
will ultimately merge visual and per- In choosing “Art”, KCS Execu- with the performers will take place
forming arts for all to enjoy. tive Director Sharron Kearney said, after the reading.
“We would like to thank Katonah “ is seemed like the perfect play for
Classic Stage for the opportunity to this venue. Oak & Oil has been tre- Visit www.katonahclassicstage.com for
host this great event,” said Oak & mendously supportive of KCS and more information.
Avoiding New York’s estate tax cli
GUEST not jointly with a spouse or illustrated below, the estate tax pass outright to their surviving is just one of many techniques
CORNER “in trust for” (“ITF”), payable can be onerous. spouse, thus, avoiding leaving that one can utilize to help
on death (“POD”), transfer on the estate of the surviving avoid and/or reduce the New
ANTHONY J. death (“TOD”) to a spouse, nor For example, assume spouse vulnerable to a seven York Estate Tax.
ENEA names their surviving spouse as that husband and wife have
the primary bene ciary of any $7,000,000 of jointly owned gure estate tax bill. Sadly, New York’s estate tax
As can be imagined, account. assets (inclusive of life insurance A common strategy is for has played a signi cant role in
estate taxation can be and retirement assets with the a husband and wife to divide many New Yorkers moving to
confusing. If the rst spouse to die has spouse as named bene ciary), their total estate so that each other states that do not have
Unfortunately, the New York’s assets titled jointly with their and no assets in their name has approximately one half in a state estate tax or income
Estate Tax is no exception. spouse, then upon death those alone. On the death of the rst each of their name alone or in tax (another large burden for
assets will pass by operation of to die, said $7,000,000 goes a Revocable Living Trust for New Yorkers). As with many
us, the focus of this article law to their surviving spouse, automatically to the surviving their individual bene t. e matters, advance planning and
will be solely on the New York and not be considered to be spouse. Even if you assume Last Will and Testament or being proactive allows one to
Estate Tax Exemption and not titled to the deceased spouse’s no growth in the estate of the Trust can name their spouse take advantage of what the
the Federal Estate Tax and Gift name alone for purposes of surviving spouse, on the death as bene ciary of the assets and law permits, which can result
Tax Exemption (the subject of a utilizing the exemption in New of the surviving spouse because also give the spouse an option in sheltering millions from
future article). York. us, the exemption he/she has an estate which is of “disclaiming” all or part taxation.
of the rst spouse to die will 5% greater than the exemption of what they are to receive.
For the year 2022, the e ectively disappear, leaving ($6,110,000), the estate will is “disclaimer” allows the Anthony J. Enea is a member of
New York State Estate Tax only one exemption available be taxed at the highest New assets the spouse decides not Enea, Scanlan and Sirignano,
Exemption is $6,110,000 per to the surviving spouse of York Estate Tax rate, currently to receive “outright” on their LLP of White Plains and
person. ere is no gift tax $6,110,000. e loss of the 16% of the entire $7,000,000; spouse’s death to be held in a Somers. He is a certi ed Elder
in New York, meaning that exemption of the rst spouse and not just the amount that trust created for their bene t, Law Attorney accredited by the
New Yorkers are not taxed to die will have signi cant tax is greater than $6,110,000, allowing the surviving spouse National Elder Law Foundation
(by New York) on the value consequences in New York. subject to any available to decide whether they should and focuses his practice on Elder
of the gifts they make during deductions or credits. us, the inherit the assets or disclaim Law, Wills, Trusts and Estates.
their life. In 2021, the New Additionally, in New York New York Estate Tax would them at the time of their Mr. Enea is the Past Chair of
York Estate Tax Exemption we have something referred to be approximately $1,120,000, spouse’s death. is is bene cial Elder Law and Special Needs
was $5,930,000 per person. as “ e Estate Tax Cli .” If the because the estate of the because the decision can be Section of the New York State Bar
At rst glance the exemption value of one’s New York taxable surviving spouse has gone over made with the knowledge of Association (NYSBA) and the 50+
appears to be a relatively large estate exceeds the New York the proverbial “estate tax cli .” what their assets are and what Section of the NYSBA. He is also
amount. It appears to permit Estate Tax Exemption amount the New York exemption is at the Past President and Founding
a married couple to exempt of $6,110,000 by over 5%, then is estate tax could have the time of their death. e Member of the National
from New York estate taxes a the entire estate will be subject been entirely avoided if portion (or all) of the assets Academy of Elder Law Attorneys
total of $12,220,000. While to a New York Estate Tax. If husband and wife had divided disclaimed allow the couple to (NAELA)-NY chapter, President
accomplishing this is possible, the estate exceeds $6,110,000 their assets so that each had utilize all or part of the New of the Westchester County Bar
it requires advance planning by less than 5%, then only the a signi cant portion of the York Estate Tax Exemption Foundation and a Past President
so that each spouse, on their excess value is taxed. As such, in $7,000,000 in their name alone of the rst spouse to die and of its Bar Association. He is uent
date of death, has $6,110,000 2022 if your estate is $305,500 on their date of death, and signi cantly reduces and/or in Italian. Mr. Enea can be
or less in their name alone and more than $6,110,000, you have had also utilized a Last Will eliminates the possibility of reached at 914-948-1500. Visit
triggered the estate tax cli & Testament or Revocable New York estate tax upon the www.esslaw rm.com for more
and your entire estate, back to Living Trust that provided for surviving spouse’s demise. is information.
the rst dollar, is taxable. As all or part of their estate to not
How to account for a rising cost of living
Cost of living is a signi cant component of nancial learned how to get by on less income. Cost-saving mea- try found that 74% will move at least 5% of their previ-
planning. sures adopted during the pandemic can be continued or re- ously on-site workforce to permanently remote positions
implemented, helping individuals to combat higher energy after the pandemic ends. e survey, conducted by Gartner,
e cost of living may dictate where people live and costs and other rising expenses. Inc., also found that nearly one-quarter of respondents will
work, and a high cost of living can in uence how individu- move at least 20% of their on-site workers to permanently
als spend their free time. • LOOK FOR A NEW JOB OR FRESH INCOME remote positions. at could make it possible for millions
STREAMS. of working professionals to relocate to regions with a lower
Data from Statistics Canada indicates that consumer cost of living than their current towns or cities.
prices rose 4.1% and 5.3% in August 2021 in Canada and A rising cost of living is a concern for people from all
the United States, respectively. As Canadians headed to the walks of life, but it may be especially concerning for retirees e cost of living might be on the rise. But individuals
polls in late September, a survey from Abacus Data found or individuals with costs like childcare that can be hard to can combat that increase in various ways.
that 38% felt reducing their cost of living was a key fac- pare back. In such instances, individuals can look for a new
tor a ecting their vote. Similarly, a 2020 survey from TD job or fresh income streams. According to the Q3 2021 is article was provided by Metro Creative Connection.
Ameritrade found that 47% of Americans feel that cost of CNBC Momentive Small Business Survey, 50% of small
living is the biggest threat to their nancial security and business owners say it’s gotten harder to nd quali ed peo-
long-term investments. It’s worth noting that the survey ple to hire compared to a year ago. And nearly one-third of
was conducted prior to the pandemic. Since the onset of survey respondents indicate they have open roles they have
the pandemic, cost of living has increased considerably. not been able to ll for at least three months. Individuals
can explore local employment opportunities in an e ort to
ough the ght against a rising cost of living can feel
like an uphill battle, individuals can take steps to prepare nd a new, more lucrative job that can help them combat
for such increases. a rising cost of living. Others who want to remain in their
jobs can look for part-time work to supplement their exist-
A recent Pew Research Center analysis of U.S. govern- e pandemic forced many companies to transition
ment and Eurostat data found that roughly 9.6 million
workers in the United States lost their jobs in the rst from in o ce working to remote working overnight. at
three quarters of 2020. at period coincides with the on- trial by re could have lasting results. A 2020 survey of 317
set of the COVID-19 pandemic. When forced to confront Chief Financial O cers and leaders in the nance indus-
sudden and unexpected job losses, millions of individuals