Vol. 11 No. 43 Visit TapIntoSomers.net for the latest news. Thursday, February 10, 2022
Paucar found guilty of vehicular homicide
Cleared of second-degree murder charge in 2020 crash
BY CAROL REIF tragedy struck. murder charge went too far.
STAFF WRITER Prior to the fatal crash, Paucar had been involved in In his verdict Monday, Fu dio said Paucar’s conduct
A Somers man has been convicted of aggravated another collision on the highway, the indictment said. had not risen to “the level of extreme wickedness or ob-
vehicular homicide in the wrong-way crash deaths of He left that scene and exited the road, but got back on, ject moral de ciency that the law would require” in or-
two people, but was cleared of the most serious charge, going west in the eastbound lanes where he caused three der for a murder conviction to be obtained.
second-degree murder. more crashes and a near miss before striking Wachtell’s
car and rolling over, prosecutors had said. According to the Westchester County District Attor-
Ruling in the nonjury trial Monday, Jan. 7, Westches- ney’s O ce, Paucar was also convicted of second-degree
ter County Judge George Fu dio found that prosecu- Paucar, who was alone in his car, was taken to the hos- manslaughter and second-degree assault, both felonies;
tors had not proved that 52-year-old Jaime Paucar acted pital as were the injured Preston and Jack. and third-degree assault, aggravated driving while in-
with “depraved indi erence to human life” when he toxicated, driving while intoxicated, reckless driving,
drove his jeep for two miles while drunk the wrong way Paucar’s blood alcohol content – measured two hours leaving the scene of an accident without reporting prop-
on I-287 on Jan. 30, 2020 and collided head-on with a after the crash -- was more than two times the legal erty damage, and leaving the scene of an accident with-
BMW driven by Jordan Wachtell, a 57-year-old Ardsley limit, according to the Westchester County District At- out reporting personal injury, all misdemeanors.
father. torney’s O ce.
He faces a minimum of one to three years and a maxi-
Wachtell and a 17-year-old passenger, Eric Goldberg, His driver’s license had been suspended earlier. mum of 8 1/3 to 25 years in state prison. If convicted
also of Ardsley, were killed. Injured were Wachtell’s son, Prosecutors Jonathan Strongin and Christine of second-degree murder, he could have been sent to
Preston, and another Ardsley High School student, Jack O’Connor had argued in court that the fact Paucar prison for at least 15 to 25 years to life.
Rosen. e four were on their way to a basketball game hadn’t stopped after the rst collisions was evidence of a
at the Jewish Community Center of Harrison when “depraved indi erence to human life.” Paucar, who remains in the Westchester County Jail,
Defense attorney Angelo MacDonald, however, had will be sentenced on Monday, March 28.
argued that while the crash was terrible and tragic, the
Developer proposes new townhouse project
BY CAROL REIF a ordable age-restricted housing com- property o Route 118 and located A community center would also be part of
STAFF WRITER plexes; Crossroads at Baldwin Place, a behind Somers Commons Shopping the proposed project.
combo of o ces, retail shops, and rental Center on Route 6.
Ken Kearney, the developer of a num- apartments; and Hidden Meadows, a IMAGE COURTESY OF INSITE ENGINEERING
ber of residential and commercial projects luxury townhouse development that ad- Kearney’s not the only one who ap-
in Somers, doesn’t appear to be slowing dresses the needs of the elderly but is not preciates the area’s commercial and .
down. age-restricted. residential potential.
His realty group has built e Mews at Now he’s proposing to construct 79 for- Tractor Supply, which bills itself
Baldwin Place I and II, two contiguous sale town houses on a 57-acre landlocked
with Somers’ Real Estate Specialist ELEPHANT’S TRUNK 2 SHS Senior Single
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Page 2 – The Somers Record ELEPHANT’S TRUNK Thursday, February 10, 2022
Somers Department ist, Counselor) and Tusker Parks and Recreation is looking org or on the link included in
The Staff of Parks and Trax Camp (Assistant Direc- to start an adult coed softball the description in order to have
Recreation tor, Counselor). Must be able league. For more information, access to this meeting. You will
EDITORIAL TEAM to work entire 6 weeks of camp, please contact the recreation of- receive an invitation prior to the
EDITOR: 914-302-5830 Monday - Friday, 6/27-8/5. To ce at 914-232-8442 or email start of the webinar. Our pro-
[email protected]
POSITIONS AVAILABLE apply, visit www.somersny.com [email protected] grams are funded by e Friends
SPECIAL SECTIONS EDITOR e Somers Department of If you have any questions, of the Library - thanks for your
[email protected]
Parks and Recreation is now ac- please call the Recreation De- The Somers Library support!
ADVERTISING TEAM cepting applications for camp partment at 914-232-8442.
positions, including Day Camp VIRTUAL VALENTINE’S
(914) 806-3951
[email protected] (Director, Assistant Director, ADULT COED SOFTBALL ese events are all virtual. GREETINGS
BRUCE HELLER First Aid Supervisor, Division LEAGUE Please register on our online Thursday, Feb. 10, from 6:30
(914) 486-7608
[email protected] Head, Arts & Crafts Special- e Somers Department of calendar at www.somerslibrary. - 7:30 p.m.
LISA KAIN Why do lovers send greeting
(201) 317-1139
[email protected] cards, candy, and roses on Feb-
(914) 760-7009 NOW OPEN ruary 14? In his newest holiday
[email protected]
program, author, photographer,
JAY GUSSAK and musician Kevin Woyce
(914) 299-4541 explores the romantic history
[email protected] of Valentine’s Day, from Saint
(914) 924-9122 Valentine, Cupid, and the rst
[email protected]
Valentine cards to some of the
TABITHA PEARSON MARSHALL season’s most popular songs.
CREATIVE DIRECTOR Your Family Car Care Center! e slideshow is illustrated with
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[email protected] vintage Valentine’s Day cards.
DESIGNER For over 20 years, Joe Ferone of Proper Service has been VIRTUAL: GETTING READY
serving the community, creating relationships, FOR YOUR SAT TEST MATH
[email protected] and building a remarkable company with
an amazing team of employees! Tuesday, Feb. 15, from 5:30 -
BRETT FREEMAN Find out why Joe Ferone of Proper Service needs to be
CEO & PUBLISHER We are o ering an online
845-208-8151 YOUR Go-To Automotive Service Center! SAT introduction program to
students in our community! is
[email protected] program is for SAT Math, fol-
lowed by reading and writing
Deadlines on Feb. 22. Somers Library is
partnering with C2 Education
THE SOMERS RECORD DEADLINE for this 2-class program (4-hrs
THE DEADLINE FOR ADVERTISEMENTS total) for the SAT. is is a great
way to get to learn the tests and
AND EDITORIAL SUBMISSIONS FOR practice the questions! Separate
registration for each class. Once
SOMERS RECORD IS THE THURSDAY registered, we will email you a
BEFORE THE NEXT PUBLICATION DATE. link to your class. Materials will
then be provided for the class,
FOR MORE INFORMATION, which can be picked up here at
CALL TOM WALOGORSKY AT the library before the classes be-
914-302-5830 OR EMAIL gin.
[email protected].
Subscribe Baldwin Place • 44 Route 118 • (845) 628-7900 TEEN JOB SEARCH TIPS
TO REQUEST THE SOMERS RECORD Croton Falls • 1 Center St • (914) 769-3206 Thursday, Feb. 17, from 7 - 8
WEEKLY DELIVERY, CALL 845-208-8503 White Plains • 105 Fulton Street • (914) 428-7185 p.m.
OR EMAIL [email protected].
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what types of jobs are available
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Page 12 – The Somers Record OPINION Thursday, February 10, 2022
JUST At the beginning of each night. Our top window had fallen One of my Fun Facts this past FFaucnts
JO ANN new year, I like to look down a bit, allowing the bat to year was about the ingredients by Jo Ann
back on the previous slide right in. Shortly after that in V-8 juice – carrots, celery,
JO ANN year’s columns and the feedback I we had animal control come, and beets, parsley, lettuce, watercress The majority of people who
FRANCELLA have received. they found about 500 bats living and spinach. I learned through receive feedback say that
behind the shutters on the second feedback that there is also a low being recognized either
I thank the readers who were sodium variety.
genuinely concerned about oor of my home. A long, cold positively or negatively
possible bat bites from when a stream of water from our hose My column about seeing motivates them. Older
rogue bat made its way into our was all it took to rid the outside Frank Sinatra in the lobby of the
bedroom in the middle of the of our home of bats. Copacabana when I was 19 and people appreciate
watching him have such a visceral feedback more than
faoenrnd2ro’O4sll’p,sm3e.e’nsn,t reaction to me being too close, re-
ally hit home with some readers. I younger ones.
•Traditional preschool classes and was picked up from under my
outdoor playspace. arms by one of his bodyguards pets. ank you for the opportu-
and carried across the lobby. I can nity to write about my wonderful
•Evolved play-based curriculum that tell you that I never felt the same pups.
builds a lifelong love of learning. about him after that. ank you
to the reader who shared that she Many readers agreed that
•Qualified, dedicated, and experienced could feel how morti ed I must Ken should absolutely enjoy his
teachers. have felt. Another reader shared sausage and peppers sandwich
her Frank Sinatra story as well. when we visit the Feast of San
CALL FOR A TOUR (914) 248-4020 After spending good money on Gennaro each year in Little Italy,
tickets to see him, Frank Sinatra New York. I agree too, but my
Amanda Casabona-Cohen, Director sang only one song, ranted about food of choice for that special day
an article written about him and is zeppoli!
25 Lincoln Ave, Lincolndale, NY 10540 walked o the stage. Fame is a re-
[email protected] littlepeoplesomers.com sponsibility that should be taken A friend of mine enjoyed
seriously. Celebrities should re- my column about applying my
Health and safety measures in place. member the people who elevated makeup after going face-naked
their status along the way. for a year and a half. ank you
Put your for your email Jacquie. I’m glad I
Believe it or not, my column could make you laugh.
ease...mind at on e Language of Flowers
prompted many readers to send I wrote what I intended to
• Elder Law pictures of the beautiful owers in be a funny column about try-
their gardens. I thank you for the ing to nd a Christmas tree this
bouquets of color and love. past year, but I was swiftly but
nicely reminded that I should
It was a di cult decision to get have looked for and supported
another pup after losing our be- my town’s local businesses and
loved Chocolate Labrador, Coco
in 2019. Ken and I missed the re department. I assure you, I
companionship, the uncondition- will do just that during this year’s
al love and the sweet kisses from holidays.
a pet. Daisy, an adorable Boston
Terrier, came into our lives in July ank you for your honest, in-
2020 and made herself right at sightful and informative feedback
home. Have we forgotten about emails. I look forward to hearing
Coco and the other dogs that from you once again this year.
came before her? No, we never
will, and we have learned that [email protected]
we have enough love for all our
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Thursday, February 10, 2022 OPINION The Somers Record – Page 13
Elective dysfunction
long-tenured supervisor who in sticking like Gorilla Glue to all that much having a deputy Excuse my impertinence
supervisor appointed who they (although that is part of my job
decided to retire—it unleashed a his political allies, while spit- didn’t vote into any public o ce. description), but what, pray tell,
In other words, on this issue (if constitutes the “quali cations
BRUCE social media torrent of taunting ting in the eye of “the other.” it even can be classi ed as such) of an elective town o cer”?
THE BLOG the populi punted. Wouldn’t a primary criterion
from taxpayers that summarily No fewer than two other new be that the person is, you know,
APAR dealt the deal a fatal blow, leav- supervisors also thought it a As wizened an ink-stained
is sort of folly has all the
The year got o to quite a ing bemused town wags to won- popular—if not populist—no- wretch as I may be, I admit to makings of a Monty Python
newsworthy start in the being caught unawares that, in skit... “To be deputy supervi-
Westchester world of der of the faux pas, “What were tion to appoint someone other the great State of New York, a sor, you must possess the same
politics. deputy supervisor can be ap- quali cations as an elective
they thinking in the rst place … than an elected member of their pointed without having earned town o cer, except for that
For instance, a couple of im- a single vote to occupy public silly part about you having to
mediate past supervisors were that nobody would notice?” town board to the understudy o ce. at extremely generous actually be elected. Democ-
o ered sinecures, the patron- allowance is codi ed in Section racy can be such a petty party
age rendition of anks for the Over in another town, a fresh- role of deputy supervisor (which 42 of New York State Senate pooper, eh?”
Memories. legislation, which in part reads
man supervisor, new to public position, per se, does not wield a … “Any person, including a town Bruce Apar is a writer and actor,
In one case, the largesse of a o cer, o cial or employee, may who is appearing this March
local town board in creating a o ce altogether, got the hang vote—thank goodness for small be appointed deputy supervisor, in the M&M Performing Arts
customized “consulting” position provided that the person ap- production of Arthur Miller’s
was so conspicuously large— of patronage by appointing his favors). pointed shall possess the same “ e Price” at Lyndhurst in
more than $70K a year for the quali cations as an elective town Tarrytown. He can be reached at
predecessor—the immediate Unlike the aforementioned o cer.” [email protected]; 914-275-6887.
past supervisor, who had elected pushback via vox populi that
not to seek re-election—as jettisoned the former supervi-
deputy supervisor, pointedly sor’s consultancy worth $70K,
elbowing aside the town board apparently townfolk elsewhere
member who held that title. are not all that exercised about
such partisan ploys as who gets
THREE’S A TREND deputized.
at rst-term supervisor In those three other instances,
who established his one-sided the inference that can be drawn
bona des by bringing in a new from reports in Halston Media
deputy supervisor who does not weeklies that cover those towns
hold elective o ce is not alone is that the voters didn’t mind
Editorial Submissions
Press releases and photos should be submitted to The Somers Record by the Thursday before the next publication date. Submissons can be emailed to
[email protected] or mail it to The Somers Record, 118 N. Bedford Road, Suite 100, Mount Kisco, NY 10549. Send a self-addressed stamped
envelope if you’d like your photo returned.
2020 With historically low inventory,
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Page 14 – The Somers Record OPINION Thursday, February 10, 2022
When backing out of a parking spot
An automobile safety practice
BY HARVEY SAVADSKY ing by, adjacent car doors open- What to do? e tactic you
GUEST COLUMNIST ing up, and you may be glancing should employ to help prevent
at the screen for your rearview impacts with people or cars is
Question: In a given camera. Additionally, you may be to place your emergency asher
day, how often are you distracted by other people in your lights on!
parked head-in, and you vehicle, or perhaps your pet dog
have to back out of your spot? (if you have one) needs attention. e continual bursts of bright
light are de nitely eye-catching
Answer: Probably more of- What is your car doing for and will draw further attention to
ten than you can count. safety? You place your auto in your car’s movement. It is a warn-
reverse, your backup lights go on, ing to people to slow down, pro-
e Concern: When you’re but that is not necessarily enough ceed with caution or stop! is
backing up your car, it is always a to alert vehicles and people is a simple suggestion that can
dangerous situation. Your vision is nearby that you are backing out of prevent injuries and/or reduce
limited, you are watching out for your parking space. accidents. Safety for everyone.
cars driving by, pedestrians walk-
Grand Opening Special! LETTERS If you are opposed to this
project – and even if you’ve
2 Large Piz as only $22! FROM PAGE 10 signed on-line – please send a
(valid through March 15th) letter, a postcard, or an email. It
Our Ful Menu Includes A Wide Variety Of working to acquire open space, can be just a sentence or two,
Pasta Dishes & Piz a Specials bushwhacking and maintaining stating that you are in opposition
18 Tighe Road • Shenorock trails through the 564 acre Angle to the proposed project and want
Fly and the 115 acre Rhinoceros Bailey Park preserved. Please
Keep the lights on. Creek Preserves, and the commu- include your name and address to
nity enhancing projects of Eagle con rm your Somers residency
• GENERATORS Scouts. People have donated and your right to make your voice
• Outdoor Lighting labor and materials to restore count. Send it to: Somers Town
• Smart Home Setup the historic Reynolds House as Hall, ATTN: Mr. R. Scorrano/
• Electric Car Chargers a caretaker’s home to keep watch Town Supervisor, 335 Route 202,
over the Angle Fly Preserve. It’s Somers, NY 10589. His email
AND ALL OF YOUR a long list. If Somers is a special address is: supervisor@somersny.
ELECTRIC NEEDS! jewel, it has been polished to a com. Do it today, and urge your
shine by the e orts of so many friends to do the same.
people who give much and work
hard on its behalf. Somers will continue to grow.
But let’s do it in a way that is
You can be part of that group. consistent with the vision of our
e community has rallied town encapsulated in the Town’s
against this project, starting an Master Plan and the Town’s
on-line petition which has been Business Historic Preservation
referred to in several ‘Letters to District zoning code – a legacy of
the Editor’ in The Somers Record. keeping our semi-rural character,
While it was a good start, not all preserving our historic past and
residents are computer-literate maintaining our environmental
or comfortable in signing public stewardship.
on-line petitions. is issue is too
important to let anyone’s voice Anita Krusko
fall through the cracks.
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Thursday, February 10, 2022 The Somers Record – Page 15
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Page 16 – The Somers Record OPINION Thursday, February 10, 2022
FREEMAN white kitten needed a home, so was displeased, and let us know For 48 hours, I handed out lost- He lost a lot of weight due to
Aish showed him the ropes. is it by urinating on items associ- cat yers to my neighbors and his condition, and his groom-
new cat’s personality is the op- ated with the baby. traversed the woods around my ing habits were less than stel-
Aish then moved to Montclair, posite of Aish. Whereas Aish As cat owners know, once a house, and I pretty much went lar. A couple of times, we had
NJ, to live with us at my parents’ was friendly, greeted all people cat urinates on the wrong spot, crazy if you ask Lauren. And then, to have him shaved at the vet
house after Lauren and I got and was fearless, our new kitten it’s impossible to get them to out of the blue, he came back. because his fur got all matted. I
married. Six months later, we was a fraidy-cat, so we named stop unless 100% of the odor is When he walked up to our back felt like one of those delinquent
rented our own place one town him Mayim, which means “wa- removed. at’s when we decided patio, Lauren ran and hugged pet owners because if you didn’t
over, and our fur baby traveled ter” in Hebrew. to tear up the carpeting and put him and began to cry. She later know his health condition and
with us to his new home. e two cats then moved with down a cherry-wood laminate. revealed that she was happier the fact that we were attempting
After New Jersey, Aish moved us to Carmel, where they had At one point when our daugh- that she had her husband back to brush out his fur, it was a bit
with us to an apartment in Tar- a whole townhouse in which ter was a baby, Aish, who was an (I literally went insane those 48 embarrassing. His latest shave
rytown, where we found Aish a to run around. But when our indoor cat, took a mini-vacation hours looking for him) than she was a few months ago.
brother. A feral stray black and daughter was born in 2009, Aish when he somehow got outside. was about the cat coming back. In the summer of 2020, we
He looked a little bit thinner moved to Connecticut, where we
and was very hungry. Onto Life live just a stone’s throw from the
No. 4. towns covered by our newspa-
Fast forward several of his pers. My cats had been relegated
nine lives, and we’re at Christ- to an even bigger basement –
mas in 2017, when we adopted a kind of like an apartment.
Loo your bes large dog from a local rescue or- All of a sudden, a few weeks
ganization in Patterson. e res- ago, Aish was unable to jump
for Valentin ’ Da ! cue organization assured us that onto the counter for his meal.
the dog was about 1 year old and He also started peeing on the
•Precision Cuts • Sets • High-End Color was good with other animals. carpet instead of his litter box, so
• Highlights • Perms • Blow-Dry Turns out that he was prob- we bought a new, easier to enter
• Facial Waxing litter box with softer litter, and
ably about 4 years old, and we placed it near where he slept.
feared for our cats’ lives after he
(914) 232-7070 lunged at them. At one point We also bought something to
when the dog attacked the cat, raise the height of his food dish
Hours: Tues • Wed • Fri 10:00 am - 5:00 pm they literally ran in circles with so that he could eat more com-
all sorts of scary noises remi- fortably, and we picked up some
Thurs 10:00 am - 7:00 pm We follow strict CDC guidelines. niscent of a scene in a Tom and pain medication from the vet.
Sat 9:00 am - 4:30 pm We pledge to keep everyone safe!
Jerry cartoon. Unfortunately, he deteriorated
Before our readers judge me, rapidly. When the vet weighed
in hindsight, I probably should him, he had lost two pounds, and
have returned the dog imme- a couple months before that, he
diately on that rst day. But was six pounds. When you pet
instead, we put the cats in the him, you could feel his skeleton.
basement (a nished basement He had trouble walking and one
with comfortable furniture). of his paws was bent weirdly, so
We hung out with the cats daily we think he had a stroke. e vet
while watching TV, and they gave him an antibiotic in the o
had plenty of sunlight from a chance that all of this was due to
sliding glass door. We thought an infection.
this arrangement was going to On Jan. 30, Aish had zero in-
be temporary – it wasn’t – but we terest in food, and we knew that
fell further in love with our dog. was goodbye. We had been told
Dog people will understand! that starvation is the most painful
We lived as if the basement way to die, so we euthanized him
door was the Berlin Wall for that day. As all pet owners who
several years. e dog was free have chosen euthanasia know, it
in the West, and the poor cats was an excruciating decision.
Nationwide Agent lived behind the Iron Curtain in Aish wasn’t just a cat. He was a
Brand Guidelines the east. It was a stressful situ- loving member of our family. He
ation. Now with two little kids was there for the very beginning
in the mix who behaved like of my relationship with Lauren.
President Reagan at the Bran- He was there for our wedding
Russell Girolamo Jr Stephanie Girolamo Burke Jennifer Thorp Gregory Bell denburg Gate, there were some and the birth of our two chil-
scary close calls. dren. He was a ectionate and
As Aish got older, he devel- gentle. He was by our side for
oped a thyroid condition, so half our lives and the entirety of
NATIONWIDE/AGENT CO-BRANDINGfoLrOyCeaKrsUwPeS’ve had to shove a our adult lives.
60th pill down his throat twice daily. Rest in Peace, our sweet Aish.
Nationwide/Agent co-branding lockups can be used to show agency support for sponsorships and/or local
cause1s9(6o2n T-shirts, in bulletins/newslett2e0rs2)2. The logo lockup should be used by itself without additional
design or creative. Select the vertical or horizontal NatiLonewtitdee rlosgoatnhdat Obepst-mEadtchPeos laivcayilable space or the
orientation of the partner brand. Letters to the editor and op-ed submissions may be
The views and opinions expressed in letters and op-eds
ANNIVERSARY are not necessarily those of The Somers Record or its
TheaWffiillilaiatmesJ. aScukbsmonisAsigoennscmy ust include a phone number
C(6o1l4uwa)mni5lbdl5un5ase-d,1cOd2e3rhse4isosasrifloyrbveerpifiucbalitsihoned. N. Loettatellrlsetatnedrsoapn-eddospw-ehdicsh
cannot be verified or are anonymous will not be published.
Please send your submissions to the editor by e-mail at
[email protected]. For more information,
(914) 962-9777 Auto | Home | Business | Life calAl GthEeNCeYdiLtOorGaOt 914-302-5830.
Thursday, February 10, 2022 The Somers Record – Page 17
Love at The Country House
Valentine’s day spurs us to take pause and celebrate from Brooklyn, but thanks to the NYC
the love that we receive and the love that we give
by embracing the red and pink and all things cupid. subway, frequent visitation was possible,
Beautiful roses and decadent chocolate provide a
hedonistic backdrop for this overly commercialized and they embraced the journey fre-
holiday. But beyond the rose petals and the choco-
late covered cherries, there are heartfelt stories of quently. On June 9th, 1962, Loretta, and
love. Whether you are a part of a love story or lucky
enough to hear about a special romance, stories of two Israel (Lori and Izzy as they a ection-
souls nding one another never grows old and for me,
stories of rst and everlasting love always seems to ately call one another), celebrated their
spark a melancholic trip down memory lane.
wedding at the Broadway Central Hotel
I happened upon a wonderful, married couple
that now resides at e Country House, an assisted in Manhattan. Many years have passed
living community in Yorktown Heights, NY. Israel
and Loretta Fleiss, who have been married for 59 since that day, and they both described
years, explained to me that they met at summer how lucky they feel. ey have raised
camp when they were about 14 years old.
Although they were quite young, four children and enjoy time with their
they both knew that this was
the beginning of their nine grandchildren.
never-ending love
story. She was Loretta loves that Izzy has always PHOTO COURTESY OF THE COUNTRY HOUSE
from the been an optimist and Israel,adores Lori’s
Bronx, and beautiful blue eyes. We were reminiscing The two lovebirds, Loretta and Israel Fleiss, enjoying life at The
he was about romantic adventures, and they Country House.
concurred that their most memorable
romantic escapade was attending the New Year’s Eve love” and 59 years later, still looked at one another
dropping of the ball in NYC. For them, it was a ro- with twinkles in their eyes.
mantic and fabulous experience, but they were young
and crazy, and said that they would never do it again. e Country House is a marketing partner of this
And when I asked them if they had any advice for newspaper. is article is written by e Country
young newlyweds, they both o ered some simple House, a 100 bed boutique assisted living community,
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Page 18 – The Somers Record OPINION Thursday, February 10, 2022
How important is grammar
on greeting cards?
Dear Mary, that I’m concerned that they’re
I’d be delighted to reprint it.
STRONG Dear Dr. Linda, going to become one of those edu-
LEARNING As a retired English teacher, I’m
cated adults that can’t write a sen-
DR. LINDA concerned when I receive Valen-
SILBERT tine’s Day cards from my grand- tence correctly. I understand that
children with one written mistake
Dear Dr. Linda, after another. And I’m upset that they know how to use a computer
I’m the retired English teacher my children let them send these
cards to me with commas missing and text a lot better than I ever will
that emailed you last year about and misspellings. When I men-
spelling and grammar mistakes tioned to my son and daughter that know, but they need to be able to
on Valentine’s Day cards from my I was going to explain the mistakes
grandchildren. Your answer was to my grandchildren, they were ac- write. Curious what your opinion
much appreciated by my chil- tually angry at me and told me that
dren, and I must say, by myself as I absolutely could not do that. ey is. ank you in advance for your
well. Please share my email this accused me of caring more about
year with your readers. It’s impor- the rules of writing than about re- time
tant for parents and grandparents ceiving cards from my grandchil-
to hear. dren. Mary
Mary Believe me, I’m happy that they that they sent you the cards. If I and receiving gifts and cards are
are thinking of me and do appreci- part of our lives. ey add mean-
ate the cards, but I have to admit Dear Mary, hear you right,you value both.Your ing and make us feel good whether
we’re giving or receiving.
You brought up two interesting children are teaching their children
is brings up the second is-
issues. One being valuing writing the art of giving. Look around, sue. How important is it that the
punctuation on the card and the
rules over receiving cards from your you’ll see a book a student gave grammar and spelling be perfect?
It seems there’s a generational dif-
grandchildren, and the other being you as a holiday gift,a bracelet your ference of opinion. Grandparents
spent years in school being taught
the importance of punctuation, sister gave you for your birthday, or how to write correctly according to
the rules of that era.You can be sure
grammar, and spelling. a vase you received as a house gift that when the children exchanged
valentine cards in school, there was
Let’s rst address your children’s from a friend. You’ll nd cards you a comma after a salutation, like
“Dear Susan,” and a comma after
anger that you were more con- received from hundreds of people closings like “Your friend!” Your
children’s generation likely also ex-
cerned about how your grandchil- and each one is telling you that changed valentine cards in school,
but probably weren’t as concerned
dren wrote the cards than the fact they’re thinking about you. Giving about where they placed their
commas. You, being a retired Eng-
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Happy Valentine’s Day,
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Thursday, February 10, 2022 SPORTS The Somers Record – Page 23
PRODIGY manager, Bobby Deodhari, she at a youth tournament in Mexico, sport, and life in general. Mexico, I started something,” said
has utilized the success of the rst and most recently earned a gold With all the turmoil taking Sierra. “I had an American ag
seminar to launch a clothing line medal at an AJKL Karate event in place in the world, Sierra looks to and got athletes there from all dif-
many of Sierra’s peers and their in e orts to nancially support New York. use her platform as an advocate ferent countries around the world
families struggled personally and future seminars. At this point, Sierra is hard at for good, showing that no mat- to sign it. With so much hatred
nancially, preventing them from By summer 2021, Sierra was work to revive her seminars, rais- ter age or position, one can work going on now, it acts as a sign of
continuing with karate. Seeing a karate champion, philanthro- ing money on her website to bring towards building peace and com- peace. I wanted to unite all of us
them in a time of need, Sierra pist, owned a brand, and gained back these free events that help to munity. In fact, she recently advo- through friendship and bonding.
used a considerable sum of her a signi cant following on her In- educate fellow athletes on their cated for unity at one of her recent Adults are going to war right now,
own money for charitable endeav- stagram. However, the house re tournaments. but the youth are showing we can
ors, such as starting a GoFundMe in September destroyed much of “At my recent tournament in get along.”
page for a fellow competitor that what she built, including the op-
lost her father, and buying karate portunity for future seminars.
equipment for other athletes. While most would have given
Sierra even managed to reach up in this situation, Sierra did the
out to Mr. Hirota, the manufac- opposite, persevering in the same
turer of a premier karate gi, to ask fashion that brought her success
if she could purchase a uniform in the rst place.
for a fellow athlete who she knew “I was so upset about this all,
was struggling. Mr. Hirota, recog- but I still went and competed at
nizing the goodness of this deed, USA Nationals the next day,”
decided to be charitable as well Sierra said. “I placed third. I was
and gave it to Sierra for free. not fully focused because of ev-
What started as something out erything going on, but I still made
of the goodness of Sierra’s heart the team and was proud of my
soon turned into a bigger endeav- results. For the next two months
or. From these purchases, she was after that, I did not have the best
able to get other World Champi- places to train since my house was
ons to donate uniforms, negotiate getting reconstructed. But I stuck
partnerships with brands like Pu- with a motto, ‘you can train any-
nok, and launch her own website where and everywhere.’”
called sierrakarate.com, designed Sierra trained in her bedroom,
by GoDaddy. bathroom, and any other acces-
ese partnerships, donations, sible spots. And despite the less-
and personal investments led to than-ideal training locations, she In addition to competing PHOTOS COURTESY OF BOBBY DEODHARI
a giveaway via a free seminar that continued her dominance in tour- internationally, Sierra also
garnered over 875,000 hits to her naments, placing in the top 10 in has her own clothing line with Sierra Deodhari refused to let injury and hardship keep her from
website. Doing this mostly on her a youth tournament in Istanbul, proceeds going to finance competing or her philanthropic work.
own, according to her father and online karate seminars.
fth at a tournament in Italy, third
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Page 24 – The Somers Record SPORTS Thursday, February 10, 2022
Tusker wrestlers punch ticket to Sectionals
Track teams capture league titles
BY WHIT ANDERSON riod pins. “ ey did that and more. Tonight
STAFF WRITER “Luca was focused and deter- was a total team e ort. I talked all
mined all day,” said DiSanto Jr. season long about this champion-
WRESTLING “He has been the leader and most ship meet and how much team
Divisional Meet consistently healthy captain, so he means for it. To see so many boys
Saturday, Feb. 5 deserved to have all his e ort and score was truly an amazing feeling
Somers wrestling put on a great leadership this season result in suc- for a coach. I will never forget this
showing at the 2022 Divisional cess. meet. I am so proud of these young
Meet hosted by John Jay Cross Somers had three other wres- men I get to coach every day. I am
River High School on Saturday, tlers that performed well, almost at a loss for words.” Luca D’Orazio earned fourth place.
with four Tusker wrestlers qualify- earning bids to Sectionals. Liam
ing for Sectionals. Dwyer, Mike Aquilino, and Matt GIRLS WINTERTRACK
Ryan Ball (102 lbs) continued to May eld all came within one win Section 1
show why he is a major piece for the from qualifying. League Championships
future of the program. He placed Wednesday, Feb. 2
rst in his weight class’ tourna- BOYS WINTERTRACK For the 23rd straight year, the
ment,becoming a divisional cham- Section 1 Somers girls won their league
pion and Sectionals bound as an League Championships meet at e Armory, dominating
eighth grader. Both of his victories Wednesday, Feb. 2 their rivals from start to nish. e
on the day were dominant, allow- e Somers boys winter track Tuskers nished the meet with
ing zero points scored upon him team won the League Champi- 150 points. Rye came in second
while pinning his opponents in the onship at e Armory in decisive with 69.
rst period. fashion, giving them one of their e winners of their events,
John Spatola (102 lbs) placed biggest wins in years. also earning All-League Honors,
second in the same weight class, e Tuskers dominated their include Neha Madhwesh (race-
going 2-1 in the tournament, and competition, scoring 149 points on walk), Jessica Masterson (3000m), PHOTOS COURTESY OF CHRIS BALL
earning a Sectionals bid. the day. e second-place nisher, Brook Fazio (1000m), Keira Justin Daniyan placed second in the divisional tournament.
“John has been working hard all Rye, nished with just 54 points. Cleary (600m), Chelsea Lewitt
season and his constantly improv- Out of the 45 boys who competed, (300m), Julia Aquilino (1500m), unable to take the lead in the nal BOYS SWIMMING/DIVING
ing,”said Coach Ron DiSanto Jr. 26 scored, demonstrating a full Corryn Watt (pole vault), and Me- minutes. 2022 Boys Section 1
e third quali er was Justin team e ort. gan Spencer (shot put and weight Panas got o to a blazing shoot- Championship
Daniyan (160 lbs). In the quarter- Many of the boys won their throw). ing start, leading 23-14 after the Monday, Feb. 7
nals of his tournament that took individual events, earning All- Somers won two team relays, rst quarter. e Tuskers slowly Boys Sectionals kicked o for
place on February 1,he made a mi- League honors. ese athletes in- the 4x800 (So a Milojevic, Brooke fought their way back into the the Yorktown-Somers Swim/Dive
raculous comeback against a New clude Andrew Fasone (55m dash, Fazio, Mia Sandolo, and Kaeleigh game, eventually cutting the de - Team with the diving portion of
Rochelle opponent. Down 4-0 300m, long jump), Evan Rich Picco) and the 4x400 (Chelsea cit to 54-53 with 2:21 to go thanks the meet on Monday. Jay Wilkin-
after the second period, he fought (55m hurdles, pole vault), Liam Lewitt, Isabella Milojevic, Kim to a crucial Bennett Leitner three. son, the team’s only representative
his way back to tie it up 4-4, then Kim (high jump), Brian Luciano Gates, and Keira Cleary). However, Panas star Alex Tavarez for diving,continued his stellar sea-
earned two “near-fall” points in the (shot put,weight throw),and Jaden “I’m proud of how well the girls hit a huge three pointer with 1:01 son by placing second overall.
last seconds to earn the win. Dani- Abreu (triple jump). have worked this season,” said left that would end up clinching Wilkinson scored 462.55 over-
yan went on to place second, going e 4x200 team (Brandon Arm- Coach John Vegliante. “To show the game. He nished his night all, earning a new personal best
2-1 overall in the tournament. strong, Matt Horowitz, Danny that o at the meet and keep our with a team-high of 18 points. while also improving his state
“He never quit, and his hard Haigh, and Matt Hirsh), and the win streak was special. I’m happy Multiple Tuskers had big nights, ranking. Haochen Liu of Scarsdale
work paid o ,”DiSanto Jr. said. 4x800 team (Ryan Allen, Connor for the whole team, but especially including Leitner who led Somers placed rst, scoring 506.35, and
Captain Luca D’Orazio (172 Phillips, Colin Brooks, and Aiden the seniors.” with 19 points. Matt Fitzsimons’ Luke Leale of Su ern got third
lbs) was the nal Sectionals quali- Meza) both won their relays, also 15 points and nine rebounds also with a 403.10.
er for Somers, placing fourth in earning All-League honors. BOYS BASKETBALL helped to fuel the Tuskers near
an extremely competitive weight “ e boys had two goals: win Somers 56, Horace Greeley 46 comeback. Nicky Iocovello ended BYSNS ICE HOCKEY
class. He won his rst matches in and score as many points as pos- Saturday, Feb. 5 his night with 10. BYSNS 4,
the tournament with two rst pe- sible,” said Coach Mike Lacko. e Tuskers defended their Rye Town/Harrison 3
home court on Saturday against GIRLS BASKETBALL Sunday, Feb. 6
Horace Greeley, making for a Somers 47, Horace Greeley 27 Jacob Gasparini (2G, 1A),
memorable honoring of the se- Thursday, Feb. 3 Dylan Filmer (1G), omas Eber-
niors. Somers handled Greeley with hardt (1G), Sava Makarenko (1A),
Bennett Leitner put up a team- ease last ursday on the road. Jonathan Graham (1A), Francesca
high 20 points for Somers. Matt e win was a total team ef- Mangione (1A) and Dylan Weber
Fitzsimons nished with an 11 fort. Standouts included Alicia (27 saves) led the BYSNS (10-6-2)
point, 10 rebound double double. Hawkins, who had a team-high to a 4-3 triumph versus Rye Town/
Andrew Violante ended the day 12 rebounds. Freshman Sydney Harrison.
with 12. Ingraham showed her potential, “Our team performed very well
“I was fortunate enough to start scoring a career-high eight points. tonight,” BYSNS’ co-coach Joey
coaching them in eighth grade,” Pearl River 52, Somers 39 Bonitatibus said. “It was a very
said Coach Silvio “Sil” DeSalva- Saturday, Feb. 5 physical game, outside in the cold
tore.“ ey deserve all of this.” e Tuskers put up a valiant ef- tonight. e team played strong
Walter Panas 57, Somers 53 fort against a powerhouse Pearl and didn’t give up their lead once
Monday, Feb. 7 River team at the Pauline Ricco they got it. It seems like we are -
In what may have been a sec- Memorial Classic in Ossining. nally back on our feet after a tough
tional playo s preview, Somers Ava Guidice led the team with middle of the season. We are com-
PHOTO: VIM WILKINSON battled against a red-hot Walter 12 points,and captain Amy Lasher ing into sectionals hot.”
Somers’ Jay Wilkinson (center, with Haochen Liu of Scarsdale and Panas team. e game went down nished with 11.
Luke Leale of Suffern) placed second at the Section 1 championship. to the wire, but the Tuskers were
BYSNS results courtesy of Mike Sabini.
Thursday, February 10, 2022 SPORTS The Somers Record – Page 25
EastGIRLS HOCKEY Green Wave sets sights on state title
BY RICH MONETTI and the Pelham skater got the found the net.
CONTRIBUTING WRITER East on the board at 12:19. e rest of the game then fol-
Still, Rockland goalie Marina lowing suit, Brady Wierl was
In the second season of Sec- Capone was no pushover with eagerly looking forward to the
tion One girls hockey, there are 25 saves. states.
still only two teams vying for the “We know her level of skill,” “I couldn’t be more psyched,”
top spot. e Rockland Rock- said Stacey Wierl, and the said the John Jay freshman.
ies consist of teams west of the coach’s daughter learned quickly However, a chance for the
Hudson, and players on the East when Capone gloved Peyton state crown isn’t the only reason
Green Wave all come from the Wierl’s point-blank shot at nine she’s revved up to lace up on the
other side. For the second con- minutes. big stage.
secutive year, the East domi- But Capone could only do so “I’m pretty competitive, and
nated the regular season, and the much, and the onslaught began when you get to play at a higher
two teams met at the Brewster two minutes later. Wallis Kelle- level, everything you do is el-
Ice Arena to decide the cham- her assisted Felenstein for a 2-0 evated,” Brady said.
pionship. lead, and Kathryn Lonergan’s No such chance last year, the PHOTO: RICH MONETTI
Not really a surprise, the East weave through the defense left East was actually treated to a The section champion East Green Wave
won by a score of 9-2 on Satur- Capone helpless in preventing high level of play by getting a
day, Feb. 5, and did so by getting goal number three at 4:39. shot at several teams in Con- non at 6 a.m. for practices. “You winning a sectional champion-
right down to business. e rst period passing, the necticut. ey also traveled north would think everyone would ship and hopes to take her im-
“In the rst period, we went East took up where they left o . to Bu alo and Lake Placid. “ e show up in a bad mood,” Peyton provements to the state level.
hard to the net,” said Coach Sta- Lelia Janiello recovered the puck trips were great, and competi- Wierl said. “But we always had “I’m less afraid of skating with
cey Wierl of John Jay. in the corner, and her unexpect- tion made it so much fun,” said so much fun.” the puck and have become more
e coach wasn’t kidding. On ed shot from the side snuck past Peyton Wierl. e numbers don’t lie either. “I aggressive,” Weinstein said.
the opening face-o , Victoria Capone with 11:07 left in the A 7-0 and 4-0 defeat doesn’t can’t believe how much the team e progression isn’t limited
Tesoro secured the puck in the second. necessarily make the point, but grew,” Brady said. to one player.
Rockland zone, rushed the net, e Rockies did respond this the coach welcomed the wakeup She doesn’t see the interest “We are playing our very best
and had the game’s rst shot. time, though. Maeve McNulty call. stopping, and Dahlia Weinstein hockey from the rst week-
Moments later, Harper Kaplan took an assist from Lila DeToia “We knew we had a lot of of Somers is doing her part. “I’ve end to now,” Coach Wierl said.
and Ayla Felenstein put shots on and Gianna Caldera and put work to do if we were going to been trying to get our athletic “Everything we’ve worked on is
goal, and the continued pressure the Rockies on the board. But play against top talent,” Coach director to help get the word clicking, and if we execute our
soon paved the way for goal one. breaking through seemed only Wierl said. out,” said the senior. game plan and our goaltending
Wallis Kelleher rushed the goal to anger the East, because less Preparation included being at For herself, she’s proud to be continues to stand tall, we will
line, passed cross ice to Tesoro, than a minute later, Brady Wierl the Ice Hutch in Mount Ver- part of the accomplishment of compete for the state title.”
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Page 26 – The Somers Record LEISURE Thursday, February 10, 2022
CLUES ACROSS 26. Not out 50. A type of salt 8. Obstruct For puzzle solutions, please see
1. One point east of due theparamountrehab.com
south 27. Salvador __, Spanish 51. Exposing human vice or 9. Atomic number 45
4. City in Maine 12. Ill-mannered
10. Inquire too closely artist folly to ridicule
11. Make dirty
12. Small Greek island 28. Cargo (abbr.) 52. One who watches birds 13. Opaque gem
14. Bitterly regret
15. Millisecond 30. This (Spanish) 53. Sailboat 17. Indicates before
16. __ the ante
18. Without value 31. Sino-Soviet block (abbr.) 54. A major division of 19. Remove
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48. Give off CLUES DOWN 38. Clergical vestment
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seasons purpose
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vision in one eye 46. Egyptian Sun god
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7. A way to address
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Flowers and their various meanings
Flowers can represent various elegance and daintiness. gifts for signi cant others. e
emotions. gladiolus symbolizes honor, in-
Flowers play a prominent role • CALLA LILY fatuation and strength.
in many and holidays, perhaps is bloom symbolizes mag-
none more than Valentine’s Day. ni cence and beauty, as well as • IRIS
Valentine’s Day is a busy day purity and innocence. at is why Irises represent faith, hope and
for orists. ProFlowers says it ac- Calla lilies are often the ower of wisdom and are cherished for
counts for most of the industry’s choice in wedding bouquets. their big, beautiful blooms.
fresh ower sales. Around 78
percent of the owers purchased • CARNATIONS • PEONY
for Valentine’s Day are cut ow- ese are one of the most pop- is ower, which resembles
ers, and men are the top consum- ular owers in the world and are a rose, symbolizes a happy life,
ers. generally symbolic of love and happy marriage, prosperity, and
Roses are the go-to ower on fascination. good health.
Valentine’s Day, but shoppers can
look to various blooms to send • DAFFODIL • ROSE
the right message to that special Da odils symbolize regard Roses symbolize love in its
someone in their lives. In fact, and chivalry. ey also can be various forms, and di erent col-
each type of ower conveys its indicative of rebirth, new begin- ors of roses symbolize di erent
own unique message. nings and eternal life. A single things. For example, yellow roses
ProFlowers and Pickup Flow- da odil can signal misfortune, represent care and friendship,
ers note that the following are while a bunch expresses joy and while pink roses are given as a
some popular blooms and the happiness. token of admiration.
messages those owers are tradi- Flowers are popular gifts
tionally associated with. • GERBERA DAISIES come Valentine’s Day. Choosing
With large, beautiful blooms a ower that best represents the
• AMARYLLIS in a wide assortment of vibrant feelings gift-givers want to con-
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Thursday, February 10, 2022 ELEPHANT’S TRUNK The Somers Record – Page 27
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Page 28 – The Somers Record Thursday, February 10, 2022
TOWNHOUSE room units and will be “age-oriented” but Quality Review Act (SEQRA) process.
not age-restricted. Kearney has already led an Environ-
Each two-story unit would have a ga- mental Assessment Form (EAF) with the
as the country’s “largest rural lifestyle retail- rage and driveway. Visitor parking would town.
er,” is proposing to build a 22,000-square- be available. e town houses would be Among the bene ts that Williams
foot store o Clayton Boulevard on the grouped in sets of twos, threes and fours. claimed Trailside o ers is “diversity” of
last undeveloped bit of the Somers Realty Kearney also plans to build a housing by adding “for-sale town houses”
Planned Hamlet. e 80-acre PH currently 3,500-square-foot community center that, to the PH, which would be adjacent to the
includes 152 residential units, 72 a ordable along with 7 surrounding acres, he would project.
senior apartments, Artis, a brand-new as- “give”to the town as a part of a Community He also believed that the project would
sisted living/skilled care facility; professional Bene ts Agreement (CBA). IMAGE COURTESY OF INSITE ENGINEERING “satisfy” one of the items in the town’s
o ce space, medical o ces, stores, restau- Trailside’s homeowners association would
rants, and a clubhouse. Trailside Estates would be located off Comprehensive Plan – the need to provide
maintain the development’s roads and other Route 118, behind the Somers Commons townhouse-style housing in Somers to serve
And Urstadt Biddle Properties, owners infrastructure. e town, however, would be Shopping Center. its “aging population.”
of Somers Commons, hoping to take ad- responsible for maintaining the community
Floating MFR zones “are one of the main
vantage of the trend in mixed-use projects, center’s parking lot and shared portion of parcels, is zoned R-40 and R-80, which al- ways you can accomplish that goal,” Wil-
last month unveiled plans to convert one of Reynolds Drive. e center would link up low one-family detached dwellings. In this liams said.
its anchor stores into a ve-story, 160-unit to the trail by walking paths. case, the town would need to change the Where that can be done in Somers is
apartment building. (HomeGoods is mov- while Somers currently provides services designation to a oating zone called MFR- “limited,” so the proposed site is “one of the
ing to the Cortlandt Town Center in Mo- for the elderly at the Van Tassell House BP (Multifamily Residential-Baldwin last remaining pieces”close enough to easily
hegan Lake. Stop & Shop is staying.) on Primrose Street, another place to hold Place). “integrate” with downtown hamlet areas, he
Kearney appeared before the Town Board programs might come in handy in light of In addition, because only 20 of the site’s explained.
on ursday, Feb. 3, to describe his latest ef- restrictions on the use of school space due 57 acres are on the Westchester County Once Reynolds Drive is paved and a
fort – Trailside Estates at Somers. e pro- to the pandemic, Councilman Tom Garrity Sewer District’s map, Kearney would have sidewalk installed, Trailside residents would
posed development would be on its own said ursday. It probably could also be used to ask that the county extend its boundaries. be able to stroll to Somers Commons where
“island,” and wouldn’t be visible from other as an emergency shelter if equipped with a Williams said in a Feb. 3 letter to the there are two banks, an urgent care facil-
residential neighborhoods or the nearby generator. Town Board that there is “su cient capac- ity and other businesses. ey could cross
North County Trailway, project engineer ere’s a social need the facility could ful- ity” in both the county and the Amawalk- Route 6 to patronize a co ee shop, salon
Rich Williams told the board. ll, said Kearney, noting that some elderly Shenorock Water District to serve the new and an organic food store.
e town’s 68-acre Koegel Park sits Somers residents have been using a center project. He also noted that there are existing Having more people being living near
roughly to its south. on Route 6, just over the Westchester/Put- sewer and water mains in adjacent munici- Somers Commons could help it “survive
Besides “conserving” about 20 acres as a nam line. pally owned roads in the Planned Hamlet. and thrive,”Williams said,noting that being
green bu er between the development and Saying he’s “excited” about the commu- Kearney, admitting that tting sewer and able to walk to shops, restaurants and rec-
the path, Kearney plans to build connect- nity center part of the project, Kearney said water pieces always is a substantial concern, reation is high on their older homebuyers’
ing walking trails with a few benches and his team feels “it’s going to be very well-re- said Trailside’s situation seems to be “less amenity wish list.
maybe an educational kiosk or two along ceived, and it’s going to focus on recreation.” complicated or convoluted”than some of his “We’re going to be direct users of the
the way. Before development, however, Kearney other projects. He added that, based on his shopping center and help bring that popu-
Like Hidden Meadows, Trailside Estates must seek approval for a zoning change. past experience with the county, he’s “highly lation mass they were seeking,” he added.
would have a mix of two- and three-bed- e site, pieced together from two tax con dent that this is going to occur.” Last, the project preserves about half of
Urging the town to let him move forward 57 acres of former farmland, he said.
What makes our home at his “own risk,”Kearney said it could adopt e Kearney team said it wants to be
so special has a lot to
the MFR-BP code and make it “contin- “sensitive” to surrounding residential neigh-
gent” upon such things connecting to wa- borhoods and to the environment. e site
ter and sewer. If that doesn’t come together, could have supported a much larger project,
“then there is no project,” he said. Kearney claimed.
Town Attorney Roland A. Baroni Jr. said Williams said they also put a “lot of
do with the service. there are many other steps to be taken. thought and e ort” into how the project
Williams agreed that step one was to get would complement and integrate with the
“feedback” from the Town Board, which Planned Hamlet and the shopping center.
would then refer the project to the Planning e “type” of housing also addresses one
Board and Open Space Committee for fur- of the goals of the town’s Comprehensive
ther review. Plan, housing for Somers’s aging popula-
e Town Board also has to decide tion, he added.
whether it or the Planning Board will act as “We think this would be a real win for
lead agency during the State Environmental Somers,”Williams said.
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Thursday, February 10, 2022 The Somers Record – Page 29
FARM struck. larval form of the Isabella tiger ing them to weather patterns, had and the public ate up the results.
Scientists do say that the ani- moth, are the stu of weather lore a friend at e New York Herald All that good press seems to
mals are better at sensing the and legend too. Tribune report his ndings. have made the woolly bear the
WHO KNEW? initial shock wave – but when it’s And they have an interesting e good doctor continued the most recognizable caterpillar in
e groundhog legend can be happening, and not necessarily far connection to the Hudson Valley. experiment for eight more years North America.
traced back to the centuries-old in advance. Folk wisdom holds that its dis-
Saving a Life EVERY 11 MINUTESDay. scary, wolves are said to howl and black can tell us just how
European tradition of Candlemas And speaking of tinctive bands of reddish-brown
Clergy folk would hand out more before a storm because the harsh the coming winter will be. aloneI’m never
blessed candles to their ocks. If change in air pressure hurts their When its rusty-colored band
the day was cloudy, that meant an hypersensitive ears. is narrow, that means it’s time to
early spring; if sunny, more winter. Sharks can also detect di er- stock up on rewood and long
Naturally,sunny meant shadows. ences in water and air pressure. johns. us, the wider the brown-
It was the Germans who ran- Maybe that’s why studies have ish band, the milder it will be.
domly picked hedgehogs as their shown them heading to deeper According to the Old Farmer’s Life Alert® is always
fabled meteorologists. (By the way, waters prior to hurricanes and Almanac, the woolly bear be- here for me.
hedgehogs and groundhogs are tropical storms. Again, that theory came famous after one Dr. C.H.
totally di erent species. e latter, hasn’t been proven. Curran – in an attempt to prove One touch of a button
sends help fast, 24/7.
which is beaver-like, is related to the old weather rule of thumb –
marmots and ground squirrels. e CREEPY CRAWLIES traveled with his wife to Orange GwPiSth!
former looks like a miniature por- Ladybugs, one of the cutest in- County’s Bear Mountain State
cupine, though the animals are also sects ever, swarm when it’s warm. Park in the fall of 1948 where they
not related.) If you notice them seeking shelter, snapped up as many of the creepy- Help at Home Help On-the-Go
While the groundhog-- aka follow their lead. crawlies as they could.
woodchuck, whistle-pig, or land- Red and black ants kick it up Dr. Curran, then curator of in-
beaver -- is the most famous, there a notch – nest-building wise – sects at the American Museum Batteries Never Need Charging.
are other critters thought to be when bad weather’s on the way. of Natural History in New York
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able to predict the weather. Squir- Bees and butter ies also head City, carefully noted the average
rels for instance. If their leafy nests for the hills in advance of a storm. number and width of reddish- 1-800-404-9776
are way, way up in trees, it’s a sign Woolly bear caterpillars, the brown bands and, after compar-
that the winter will be – some
folks believe – exceptionally nas-
ty. If built lower down, it might
be mild.
Cows are said to lie down in
pastures when bad weather is ap-
proaching – maybe to keep at least 2021 was a
one patch of grass dry before the CRAZY YEAR!
rain descends.
Most likely, they’re just loung-
ing while chewing their cud.
When it’s hot, they stand to dis-
sipate heat over a bigger body sur-
face. But they also seek the shade
when it’s sunny.
Farmers swear that their wooly
barnyard buddies, sheep, also have
a sixth sense. ey huddle together
to stay warm before storms arrive.
is too hasn’t been scienti cally
proven as a weather predictor.
Frogs, on the other hand, might
be worth paying attention to. e
We can help make your taxes less crazy.amphibians don’t drink water,
they absorb it through their skin.
Croaking to attract mates is par
for the course, but if the chorus
gets really intense it could mean
rain is on the way. After froggies
get frisky, they lay their eggs in
fresh water. Hence, a good down-
pour can create the right condi-
tions for romance and reproduc-
Birds may have a built-in bad
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Folks have already noticed that
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en there are (yuck) snakes.
Ancient lore has it that they – and
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serted Helice, Greece in 373 B.C. This material has been prepared for informational purposes only, and is not intended to provide, and should not be relied on for, tax, legal or
days before a massive earthquake
accounting advice. You should consult your own tax, legal and accounting advisors before engaging in any transaction.
Page 30 – The Somers Record CLASSIFIEDS Thursday, February 10, 2022
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Thursday, February 10, 2022 BUSINESS & REAL ESTATE The Somers Record – Page 31
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annual contribution limit. (If advantage of attractive investment
you’re 50 or older, you can contrib- opportunities when they arise. A tax refund is always nice
ute up to $7,000.) to receive – and it’s even better
• BOOST YOUR EMERGENCY when you put the money to good
• INVEST IN A 529 PLAN. FUND. use.
If you have children or grand-
You could use your tax re- is article was written by Edward
children, you might want to invest fund to start or supplement an Jones for use by your local nancial
your refund in a 529 education emergency fund. Ideally, this advisor, Michael O’Donovan, at
savings plan. A 529 plan’s earn- fund should contain three to six 247 Route 100, Suite 200, Somers,
ings can grow federal income-tax months’ worth of living expenses, NY 10589 (next to Somers Sports
with the money kept in a liquid, Arena). Reach him at 914-401-
low-risk account. (If you’re al- 9218 or michael.odonovan@
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Page 32 – The Somers Record Thursday, February 10, 2022
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