Vol. 11 No. 40 Thursday, January 20, 2022
Developer eyes HomeGoods site Town Board
for apartment project works towards
rental property
Five-story, 160-unit building proposed
BY CAROL REIF Urstadt Biddle president and
dle told the town Planning eir recent vote to change Somers’ legal de nition
of family is a step forward, but not necessarily the
A major housing project Board Wednesday, Jan. 12.
nal solution to the problem of private home rentals
is being proposed for the Calling the departure of that neighbors might nd disruptive, town o cials
seemed to agree last week.
soon-to-be-former site of HomeGoods “unfortunate,”
“It’s a work in progress,” Supervisor Robert
HomeGoods in Somers. he admitted that the Green- Scorrano noted during a public hearing on the
proposed code amendment ursday, Jan. 13.
Urstadt Biddle Properties, wich, Conn.-based real estate
e action has been spurred by a town code whose
owners of Somers Com- investment trust has “a prob- de nition of the word family the town attorney has
deemed “outmoded”in light of numerous complaints
mons in Baldwin Place and lem”on its hands. raised by residents in the Summit Lake section of
town where there are two Airbnb-type operations
two other shopping centers “We have a 30,000-square- that rely on that de nition.
in town, unveiled plans last foot box and I don’t need to e town took the homeowners in question to
court. eir attorney, George Calcagnini, called the
week that call for a ve-story, tell you all there’s been a lot current code “defective.”
160-unit apartment building. of challenges in the retail He said his clients must sign a written stipulation
stating they will abide by whatever new de nition of
HomeGoods, a national world,”Biddle said. “family”the town establishes.Once the town attorney
signs o on it, “the charges will be dismissed.”
chain known for low-priced Even before the pandemic
e code as it stood prior to the board’s action
home décor and furnishings, hit, the rise in internet sales last week de ned a “family” as “one or more
persons occupying a dwelling unit, related by blood,
is moving to the Cortlandt was making it more di - marriage, or adoption, living privately together as
a single housekeeping unit and using a kitchen
Town Center in Mohegan cult to lure big-box stores
Lake where it will occupy to shopping centers such as
the space of a former Bed Somers Commons. Urstadt PHOTO: CAROL REIF
Bath & Beyond. is means Biddle reached out to about HomeGoods is relocating to the Cortlandt Town Center in
that the shopping center o 100 di erent retailers be- Mohegan Lake.
Route 6 in the town’s north- fore setting its sights on a
westernmost corner will lose residential project. Goodwill, Cold Stone shops in Somers Commons
one of its two biggest tenants. Biddle pointed out that Creamery and Penny Lane are empty.
e other “anchor” is Stop & the area has multifamily Dance Academy – busi- Urstadt Biddle owns
Shop. and age-restricted housing, nesses that are adjacent to about 83 properties, mostly
“Somers Commons has single-family residences, the proposed apartment in the tri-state area, and
always been a pretty success- commercial operations and complex – will remain, Bid-
dle said. Four of the smaller SEE APARTMENTS PAGE 5
ful shopping center for us,” retail businesses.
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Tusker win streak
pg 15
Page 2 – The Somers Record ELEPHANT’S TRUNK Thursday, January 20, 2022
Hebrew 21st century. He will discuss, among and Recreation is now accepting ap- The Somers Library
The Staff Congregation of other subjects, his most recent book: plications for camp positions,includ-
EDITORIAL TEAM “Dancing in God’s Earthquake: e ing Day Camp (Director, Assistant ese events are all virtual.
EDITOR: 914-302-5830 Coming Transformation of Reli- Director, First Aid Supervisor, Divi- Please register on our online cal-
[email protected]
gion.” sion Head, Arts & Crafts Specialist, endar at www.somerslibrary.org
SPECIAL SECTIONS EDITOR VIRTUAL DISCUSSION To register and receive a Zoom Counselor) and Tusker Trax Camp or on the link included in the de-
[email protected]
Tuesday, Feb. 8 from 7 - 8:30 link, visit https://bit.ly/WaskowE- (Assistant Director, Counselor). scription in order to have access
PAUL FORHAN p.m. ducation. Must be able to work entire 6 weeks to this meeting. You will receive
(914) 806-3951 Somers Department ofHebrew Congregation of Somers of camp, Monday - Friday, 6/27-8/5. an invitation prior to the start of
[email protected] To apply, visit www.somersny.com the webinar. Our programs are
and the Pleasantville Community
BRUCE HELLER Parks and RecreationSynagogue are virtually hosting If you have any questions, please funded by e Friends of the Li-
(914) 486-7608 call the Recreation Department at brary - thanks for your support!
[email protected] Rabbi Arthur Waskow, spiritual
LISA KAIN leader and social activist for the e Somers Department of Parks 914-232-8442.
(201) 317-1139
[email protected] VIRTUAL: ROBLOX
(914) 760-7009 WITH FRIENDS FOR
[email protected]
(914) 299-4541 Mondays, Jan. 24 & 31 and
[email protected] Feb. 7
(914) 924-9122 Roblox is an online game
[email protected]
PRODUCTION TEAM platform and game creation
CREATIVE DIRECTOR system that allows users to pro-
PHOTOGRAPHER gram games and play games
[email protected]
created by other users. Link up
DESIGNER Your Family Car Care Center! with library friends in this fun
program. Teen participants will
[email protected]
be interacting in a variety of vir-
BRETT FREEMAN For over 20 years, Joe Ferone of Proper Service has been tual worlds using safe, private
CEO & PUBLISHER servers on the Roblox platform
serving the community, creating relationships, and communicating via Zoom.
[email protected]
and building a remarkable company with Hosted by tech specialist Austin
Deadlines an amazing team of employees! Olney, sign up to let o some
AND EDITORIAL SUBMISSIONS FOR Find out why Joe Ferone of Proper Service needs to be the Roblox platform, available
on a variety of devices, and the
SOMERS RECORD IS THE THURSDAY YOUR Go-To Automotive Service Center! Zoom platform. Sign up for a
free Roblox account at https://
CALL TOM WALOGORSKY AT w w w. r o b l o x . c o m / a c c o u n t /
914-302-5830 OR EMAIL
[email protected]. signupredir
Baldwin Place • 44 Route 118 • (845) 628-7900 ON! SURREALISM
WEEKLY DELIVERY, CALL 845-208-8503 Croton Falls • 1 Center St • (914) 769-3206 Wednesday, Jan. 26, from
OR EMAIL [email protected]. White Plains • 105 Fulton Street • (914) 428-7185 4:30 - 5:30 p.m.
RESIDENTS AND BUSINESSES IN THE TOWN. FORMERLY Joe Ferone How can our dreams, uncon-
OUT OF TOWN MAIL SUBSCRIPTIONS ARE OWNER scious mind, and imagination be
$150 PER YEAR FOR FIRST CLASS MAIL. expressed in art? is live Zoom
Visit us at www.ProperService.com tour and workshop, explores
PERIODICALS POSTAGE PAID AT the tenets of Surrealist art and
SOMERS, NY AND AT A Qualified Auto Repair its impact on Pollock. Follow-
ing the tour and presentation,
ADDITIONAL MAILING OFFICES. participants will be guided in
POSTMASTER: Surrealist writing and art activi-
ties designed to access the un-
SEND ADDRESS CHANGES TO conscious mind. Join Education
THE SOMERS RECORD AT Coordinator, Joyce Raimondo
in creating your own art project.
118 N. BEDFORD ROAD Please have a pencil and paper
SUITE 100 on hand.
(ISSN 2330-1597) CORNELIUS
Thursday, Jan. 27, from 7 - 8
SUITE 100 p.m.
©2021 HALSTON MEDIA, LLC Cornelius Vanderbilt began
operating his own ferry in New
York Harbor at the age of 16.
e tiny business would grow
into a massive steamship com-
pany. Eventually he built a rail-
road empire from New York to
Chicago and the First Grand
Central Station at 42nd Street.
Presented by Rick Feingold,
professor of American Business
History at Bergen Community
HappilyPPaaggee180––TThheeSSoommeersrsRReeccoordrd ThTuhrusdrsadya, yN,oJavnemuabryer240,,22002212
ly is section is sponsored by Vilkelis Chiropractic
Ever OpinionThursday, Novloecmabteedr 4a,t2307281 Route 202, Somers.
Dr. John G. Vilkelis is a Somers Chiropractor certi ed in
pediatric & prenatal care and upper & lower extremity adjusting.
He treats patients of all ages, including seniors and children.
Opinion He can be reached at 914-618-4330.
HAapftpeirly Visit www.vilkelischiropractic.com for more information.
AAftlelrdolled up
Runaway wheel
doll“eFTduHOenurpiptapEoFgsxeepasHaGniclsolisoltfSnCsocluiebLtyEFTTuERnRSFuancatswaTy wheelmes!”
WHATWAS and sure enough, the right rear wheel was
JUST making its way up the road; eventually it
JO ANN I THINKING? hit the curb and stopped. We didn’t want
d was
ield, I
Feel the sunshine...I
even in the wintermy
o ask
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nest, eBTyTBTeROROAlEEMBaMTTIsTTWThWHFeFAARsARELPELlEOEOoEMMGAoGAAROkONNSReOR,S,SdSPNKPEKUYUlEYiMBBk,FL,LEeAIERISSRDHDHsASIEpITEHTRRONiOAdRLRCeLr,EClLeRgLEsAA,TmIVPEAyGDEIR1E9CTOR “I don’t know! Oh my God, I think we ing! Letters to the editor and op-ed submissions may be edited.
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Thursday, January 20, 2022 OPINION The Somers Record – Page 9
In with a whimper
MAN but I have a few ideas. I would heroes starting ghts in the says we’re out of peanuts, and my contact lenses in, so I could
OVERBOARD normally attend a party, and if cabin because they don’t want I’m guessing you have a secret optimistically see half the glass
no one invites me to a party, I to wear a mask to prevent them stash in there. I have three bags as full for the new year. Every-
RICK might go to one that no one from coughing their COVID all of pretzels, and I’ll trade the one would have said I looked
MELÉN speci cally told me to avoid. I over my tiny little pillow. Come three pretzels for one peanut. great, and I would have lied and
remember when I was about 13 think of it, I don’t think we told them they looked great too.
Well, 2021 went out or so and stayed all the way up should have to wear seat belts is is a limited-time o er. Tell I de nitely looked better than
with a bang when to watch the festivities on tele- either, and I can’t see anything the co-pilot also.” Columbo but not as good as
I kicked it through vision with my family, and the out the window with that big Jack Cassidy.
the back door with my foot. I ball dropped in Times Square, ugly wing sitting there in my We watched a Columbo mar-
was not sorry to see it go. But and they sang “Auld Lang Syne” way. Okay? athon all day on television until If we had gone out to one of
2022 tiptoed in quietly at 12:00 and I remembered thinking, this it was the cocktail hour, which those fancy prix xe dinners it
midnight as if its curfew was is a stupid song. Why should Also, I’m a bit of a backseat we moved up into the dinner would have cost me about 300
at 10:00, and it was trying not old acquaintances be forgotten? driver, and I think that the slot (we had moved dinner into bucks, and I would have made
to wake up its parents. Due to pilot’s intercom should be two- lunch). I knew right away who fun of things all night like foie
the resurgence of the pandemic, en my folks said I could have way, so I can let him know how committed the murder, because gras, that I would never eat in
the blur of activity usually sur- some champagne and I forgot I think he’s driving. He already I’m a bit of a crime-solving a million years, and my wife
rounding New Year’s Eve was most of my old acquaintances introduced himself, so I go genius. I told my wife, “Jack would have told me what I was
idling in the garage in “park.” anyway. At that age acquain- ahead and introduce myself too. Cassidy did it. I’ll bet you 20 missing out on and that I might
Gatherings of one person or tances weren’t old enough for “Pilot Bill, may I call you Wil- bucks.” “He’s not even in this as well order pizza at home. So
less were recommended by most me to miss them much. liam? It’s super hot where I am one. It’s Patrick McGoohan, this year we ordered pizza at
authorities. If you got together - I think we’re ying too close they already showed him killing home. e pizza was good, but
with three people, at least two Many people didn’t want to to the sun. I happen to know the guy,” she said. “I still think I had nothing to make fun of,
of them were required to be y anywhere to celebrate the another way to Europe if you’re it’s Jack Cassidy, and if Robert and I had to try and carry on a
boring. occasion, and I don’t blame interested.” Someone’s been in Culp turns up, I bet you 20 normal conversation. You know
them. Even birds aren’t ying the bathroom for 45 minutes bucks all three of them kill each what? I just realized, maybe
I still can’t believe I spent right now unless they abso- and I bet he has the Sunday other.” I was out about 80 bucks THAT should be my New
New Year’s Eve at home for the lutely have to. Air travel was crossword puzzle. I’d like to get before Columbo even scratched Year’s resolution. To order more
already an abject annoyance to up and walk around, but where his head once. pizza at home.
rst time in at least 45 years. I’m me even before the pandemic, would I go? “Hey Pilot Wil-
not sure who to blame for this, and it seems like only people liam, you got a second? It’s Pas- We got all dressed up for the Look for Rickster Melen on
that you’d never agree to spend senger Rickster again. I know occasion, just the two of us, and Facebook! Say hello at: rlife8@
four hours with are in airplanes you’re busy, but the stewardess even our dog had on a beautiful hotmail.com
right now. ere are brain-dead fur coat. I had on a turtleneck
and a blazer. I even put one of
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Page 10 The Somers Record – Thursday, January 20, 2022
Somers gymnasts shin
e Somers combined varsity gymnastics team took home a big win over Mahopac on Monday, Jan. 10., 171.200 - 161.450.
Mariam Abud (9.10) and McKenna Mullins (9.05) took the top spots in the vault. Mullins also took rst in uneven bars with a score of 9.00, followed closely by
teammates Maggie Johansen (8.85) and Kayla Kambari (8.30). Natalie Calman took rst in the balance beam, with a score of 9.50, and Maggie Johansen (9.40) and
Mariam Abud (9.35) taking second and third in the oor exercise. Mullins and Johansen also grabbed rst in the all around with scores of 36.05 and 35.50, respectively.
Miriam Abud
The Somers combined varsity gymnastics team: Front Row: Natalie Calman, Ossining; McKenna Mullins, Somers; Regan Mooney, Amelia Carozza and Gianna Mastro,
Yorktown. Back row: Miriam Abud, Briarcliff; Karlie Thea, Kylie Schall and Clair Jahaly, John Jay Cross River; Maggie Johansen, Hendrick Hudson; Kayla Cambareri, John
Jay Cross River; Rihanna Bemeo, Peekskill.
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Thursday, January 20, 2022 The Somers Record – Page 15
Fitzsimons, Leitner
power Tuskers’
win streak
BY WHIT ANDERSON and the Greeley lead was down to 22-19.
CONTRIBUTING WRITER “We saw that Greeley only plays man
to man on defense, so we knew that since
BOYS BASKETBALL they weren’t going to switch we would
Somers 58, Horace Greeley 40 get a lot of looks inside,”DiSalvatore said
Wednesday, Jan. 12 on the Tuskers’ in-game adjustments.
After starting o the season 0-6, the “We just needed to set some cross-screen
Somers Tuskers won their third straight action and get guys cutting to the basket.”
game against a talented Horace Greeley In the rst few minutes of the second
team on the road. half, it looked like Somers went away
“Honestly, the kids are just believing,” from the adjustments that got them
said Assistant Coach Silvio DiSalvatore. back into the game. Potack got multiple Brady Leitner sends a pass.
“We got o to such a slow start because open looks to go down, and the Quakers
of football and soccer. Every game we were scoring on the fast break. e 7-0
were right there, but it just wasn’t going Greeley run brought the lead up to 29-19
our way. We just told the guys to keep midway through the third quarter.
e Tuskers seemed to sense the Bennett Leitner puts up a runner in the paint.
believing in the process, we’re young,
we’re energetic, we’re excited, so it’s game slipping away, and turned up to
gonna turn around. And this last week the level of intensity that has been there
it’s starting to turn.” consistently during this win streak.
Somers did not get o to the best Somers’ defense locked in once again,
of starts in this game, largely due to preventing any open Greeley looks. But
the talents of Greeley on display. e more importantly, Matt Fitzsimons woke
Quakers, possessing both shooting and up.
size, utilized their advantages in the rst Fitzsimons went on his best scoring
quarter. tear of the season so far. e star player
Justin Potack got Greeley o to a hot hit four threes in a span of less than four
start by knocking down a pair of threes minutes. Whether it was o the dribble,
early. On the other end of the oor, from the catch and shoot, or completely
Somers was unable to penetrate the contested, Fitzsimons was too in the
defense for good looks, instead turning zone to miss. His e orts not only tied the
the ball over which gave the Quakers game up for Somers, but gave them a 40-
fast break baskets. Greeley’s size also 35 lead at the end of the third quarter.
got them multiple o ensive rebounds “It’s so unique,” said DiSalvatore on
in the quarter. Nonetheless, the Tuskers having a player like Fitzsimons. “ e
displayed a spark of energy in the nal thing that makes it unique is that he’s so
minutes to close the lead, ending the humble and always wants to get better.
quarter down 15-11. at is the di erence. All these kids love
e start of the second quarter was him. You can go right through him with
more of the same for the Tuskers. ey the o ense, and everyone is happy top to
continued giving up rebounds, and the bottom.”
big men of the Quakers were getting Like when all great scorers go on a tear, Andrew Violante grabs a
inside looks to push their lead to 19-11 the rest of their teammates get a boost
with 4:52 left in the half. However, after of con dence. e fourth quarter saw
a quick timeout, Somers adjusted their everyone else on the oor for the Tuskers
zone and turned defense into o ense. knock down threes and open jumpers, Matt Fitzsimons launches
a three over John Jay’s
Nate Cohen was a big factor in the including Bennett Leitner who nished Andy Kote.
turnaround, hitting key shots to cut the SEE ROUNDUP PAGE 17 PHOTOS: ROB DIANTONIO
lead. He ended the half with six points
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Page 16 – The Somers Record SPORTS Thursday, January 20, 2022
Somers soccer alum turns pro
BY WHIT ANDERSON My experience at Wake Forest was challenging in
CONTRIBUTING WRITER other ways. Adjusting to a new team and coaching
style was di cult after four years at one school. Also,
Jenna Menta is far from your average soccer player. my master’s program was very demanding, which was
hard to balance at times. Despite the challenges, the
e 2017 Somers High School graduate had an team was so welcoming, and playing in the ACC was
such a fantastic experience. Both universities were
accomplished career with the Tuskers, helping the team ultra-competitive environments with rigorous training
schedules, but it was so worth it. I am very grateful for
win the state title in 2014, being selected all-state in all of my amazing teammates and coaches who have
supported me along the way.
2016, and earning multiple all-section and all-league
Now that you have been drafted, what’s the game
honors. Menta went on to have a standout college plan to optimize this opportunity moving forward?
career at Georgetown and Wake Forest that included I still have to nish my degree, which is my priority.
However, I will be going to Louisville for the rst three
winning the 2020 Big East Player of the Year. And if weeks of preseason, during which I’ll take my classes
online so I can train with the team. My goal is to
that wasn’t enough, Menta is now moving on to play prove myself to the team and earn a contract to further
develop my soccer career in Louisville after I graduate.
professionally, as it was announced this past December Menta was selected as the 30th overall pick by Racing
that she was drafted by Racing Louisville F.C. of the Louisville F.C. of the National Women’s Soccer League. Do you have any advice for younger Somers
National Women’s Soccer League. The Somers Record athletes who are looking to play in college or go pro
in their sport?
was able to catch up with Jenna recently to discuss her Melissa is the most supportive older sister, and I’m
My number one piece of advice is to be resilient. No
journey to becoming a professional, along with what’s in so grateful for her. I am also thankful for my parents matter the sport or the level, there will be challenges
and disappointments. However, the most important
store for the future. who drove me to countless practices, games, and thing is how you react. Don’t get discouraged, but
learn from those experiences and grow through them.
What was your reaction to hearing your name tournaments. ey instilled key values in me at a young I love the phrase “grow through what you go through”
because every experience is an opportunity for growth.
called at the draft? age, such as discipline, hard work, and resilience, all of Other than that, just believe in yourself. You have to
be your number one fan and biggest supporter because
It felt surreal. I received an email right before they which have shaped me into the person I am. you are more capable than you think.
announced the 30th pick that said “Welcome to the PHOTOS COURTESY OF JENNA MENTA
NWSL,” so I knew I was being called next. Hearing What was your experience playing for Somers Jenna Menta was part of the Somers state championship
team in 2014.
my name and seeing myself on TV was the most High School like, and how did it help you?
exciting feeling. It felt like a dream, and I had no Playing for the Tuskers was such a ful lling,
words. competitive, and fun experience. I was lucky to have
played with such talented players during my four years,
Growing up, did you envision yourself making a many of whom went on to play at college. I always
career out of soccer? compared it to an elite club team because that’s what it
I didn’t necessarily envision myself making a career felt like. I am also so grateful for my coaches, Saia and
out of soccer, but I could never picture my life without Deegan, who pushed me to get better as a player every
it. ere was always another level to reach and another day. Winning a state championship is one of my most
challenge to take on, so I worked my hardest to get cherished memories. at experience was incredible
there. I knew from a young age that I wanted to play and one that I wish I could relive. But what I miss
in college. At rst, I was mainly pursuing Division 3 most is being able to practice and compete every day
schools because I was on a low-pro le club team and with my best friends.
didn’t realize I was capable of playing Division 1. is
changed once I found Georgetown and my coach What was it like playing at two high-level
took a chance on me. Once I got there, I realized that universities?
playing professionally could be an option, but I never Playing for Georgetown and Wake Forest has
imagined getting drafted to the NWSL. been challenging in many ways but so rewarding
and exciting. Entering Georgetown, I was the last
Who were your main motivators and role models recruit, didn’t come from a ranked club team, nor did
that helped you get to where you are today? I have a scholarship. It was an incredibly competitive
My older sister, Melissa, was my biggest role model. environment, so I had to work hard and prove myself.
It was never easy following in her footsteps because I earned playing time and a scholarship, and by my
she was a fantastic player and achieved so much. I was senior year, I was able to lead the team to a Big East
constantly compared to her, which motivated me to be Championship and NCAA Sweet 16. I grew so much
my own person and player to make a name for myself. during my time there, as a player and a person.
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