Vol. 9 No. 46 Visit TapIntoYorktown.net for the latest news. Thursday, February 4, 2021
Residential projects multiply in Yorktown Heights
Kmart redevelopment includes 150 units; Croton Overlook has 62
Yorktown could soon see an
in ux of residential units—377,
to be exact—if all proposals be-
fore the town ultimately come to
To encourage mixed-use de-
velopment, elected o cials are
reviewing a Yorktown Heights
Overlay District that has already
attracted the attention of two
developers. e proposals could
result in 165 units at Underhill
Farms on the former Soundview
Preparatory School property and
150 units in the Yorktown Green
Shopping Center.
On top of that, a long-dormant
project called Croton Overlook,
which would bring 62 units to
Dell Avenue, has resurfaced.
All of this is in addition to
the Weyant, a town-approved
23-townhouse development,
which is slated to be built on a A rendering of the mixed-use building with 150 residential units that is proposed to replace the Kmart building in the Yorktown Green
2.6-acre parcel near Hamblyn Shopping Center.
Street and Route 202. e proj-
ect is currently being reviewed by populations (75 units at Under- would be demolished and re- mixed-use [building]—retail on Currently, the applicant is “doing
New York City’s Department of hill Farms and 62 units at Croton placed with a mixed-use retail/ the bottom oor and residential marketing studies to nd the
Environmental Protection. Overlook). residential building under rede- on top,” said Darius Cha zadeh, appropriate price points” for the
All units would fall within the velopment plans presented to the attorney for the applicant. units.
Yorktown Central School Dis- YORKTOWN GREEN Town Board on Tuesday, Jan. 26. e retail component includes e Food Emporium building
trict. However, at least 137 of the SHOPPING CENTER “ e plan is to demolish the 150 units—84 one-bedroom SEE RESIDENTIAL PAGE 2
units would be set aside for older e vacant Kmart building Kmart and build a beautiful new units and 66 two-bedroom units.
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Source: OKMLS, 2013-2020, total number of single-family homes sold by agent, Town of Yorktown & Yorktown School District.
Page 8 – Yorktown News Thursday, February 4, 2021
e importance ‘Moses’ visits Peekskill
of humility
them as chattel. Also, locally noteworthy in
recognition of Black History
e nine-foot-tall, Month is a virtual exhibi-
tion, at studiotheaterinexile.
inhabitants of this planet have had to BRUCE 2,400-pound bronze com, titled “19th Century
face the realization that our earth is not THE BLOG artwork, entitled “Har- Stereotypes vs. 19th Century
the center of the universe. Similarly, riet Tubman— e Realty.”
how many times have you heard a child
MY scolded with the parental admonition, BRUCE Journey to Freedom,”by Curator Jonette O’Kelley
PERSPECTIVE “ e world doesn’t revolve around you.” APAR sculptor Wesley Wof- Miller says she created the
As the Buddhists assert, any person ford, is touring the na- enlightening historical
JAMES who appreciates the interconnectedness exhibit “to plant seeds and
MARTORANO of all beings, begins to understand one tion. Artfully fashioned serve as an example that
of life’s major truths. African Americans (and all
Irecently su ered a defeat in my to simulate kinetic people of color in the United
professional life that was as painful When I rst became enamored States) walk in intelligence,
as it was nal. When you are in your with the usefulness of philosophi- Set in the mid-19th motion, it depicts Tub- creativity and humanity.
70s, it’s unlikely that time will allow for cal thought, I believed na vely, that century, 2019 feature
a closed door to reopen. As it is with all most psychological disorders could be lm “Harriet”tells the man leading an enslaved “As re ected in the histori-
the twists and turns that we encounter remedied by simply learning to think young girl to freedom. cal images here,”she contin-
in our lives, the emotional response to more clearly. Although I do not hold ues,“African Americans
disappointments is totally an individual that belief any longer, I do assert that we timeless and heroic story of SUCCESSFUL BID continue to have to battle
choice. I had options here. I could an- are responsible for and in control of our with and resist hateful ideas
grily blame myself. Blame others. Feel emotional responses to life’s challenges. one Araminta “Minty”Ross, It’s a testament to the based on ignorance and/
resentment. Or accept the result with or bias regarding where our
humility and thankfulness. I chose the e foundation of today’s therapeutic a slave married to a freed- powers that be at the ‘place’ is supposed to be in
latter, and I’ll explain why. practice is based on the proposition this society.”
that by sharing your feelings with your man, John Tubman. Peekskill Business Improve-
We live in an era that glori es and therapist, you can together carve out ROOMS WITH A
values unrepentant individualism. In a personal path to self-awareness and, With an iron will forged ment District (BID), led by VIEW
Ayn Rand’s novel,“ e Fountainhead,” consequently, emotional wellbeing. But
the protagonist, Howard Roark, rails why chose humility? in the cauldron of systemic president Brian Fassett, that Her exhibit consists of
against the rising tide of collectivism. three “rooms,” which are
He is the author’s heroic template, one First, let us look at its antithesis: oppression, and adopting they were able to lay claim to narrated videos that last six
that remains today’s preferred arche- arrogance, over the top pride, self-cen- to 10 minutes each, showing
type. In all competitive endeavors, it is teredness. An arrogant person refuses a new name to remove the the statue for a 10-week stay images accompanied by her
“weakness”to accept anything less than to admit mistakes. A prideful person erudite narration.
total “victory.”In “Paradise Lost,”John will not reexamine decisions, choices, stain of enslavement, as Har- in the city, before it moves
Milton’s Satan, once a glorious angel, or actions, which makes self-correction, Especially revealing is the
mutters de antly,“Better to reign in self-improvement, and healing virtually riet Tubman,“Minty”went on to its next destination— contrast between Room 1’s
hell, than serve in heaven.”Our former impossible. Mistakes remain uncorrect- “Accepted Stereotypes”—
president, who exhibited unbridled ed, negative behavior is repeated, and on to single-handedly free Roanoke Rapids, North consisting of racist imag-
pride as well as an inability to admit hurt feelings never heal. I remember ery—and Room 2’s “DuBois’
fault, was lauded in many circles as a once when my dad made the mistake more than 70 slaves by carv- Carolina. Real People”(referring to
“strong leader.”In sports, one of my of telling my aunt something un atter- famed sociologist W.E.B.
favorite fellow Fordham alum, Vince ing about her dress. e result was that ing out a clandestine corridor e statue can be seen DuBois), which counters
Lombardi, promoted a philosophy of my aunt and dad, both prideful people, Room 1’s cartoonish ste-
winning at all costs, discarding, as self- did not speak for ve years. We were known as the Underground through Sunday, Feb. 28, in reotypes of inferiority and
defeating doubt, any notion of humility. forbidden from visiting my aunt and subjugation by highlighting
In our daily lives, we witness countless uncle during an entire half decade. How Railroad. With the support all its glory at the corner of African-Americans in every-
instances where empathy and sel ess- foolish was that?!!! day life, with photographs
ness take a back seat to self-interest and of 150 Black soldiers, the Central Avenue and Division of “real, middle-class people
self-centeredness. Second, let me describe to you what of color,”such as a nursing
humility is not. It is not self-defeatism. woman known as “Moses” Street, across from down- student and a prominent
In my own life, I have always tried to It is not an abrogation of any thoughts reverend educated at Yale
embrace the forgotten virtue of humil- of self-worth. It is not an invitation to also helped transport another town Peekskill’s landmark University.
ity. Would I be disproving my own depression or a surrender of all your
point to say that I have not always been dreams, aspirations, or goals. Instead, it 750 slaves to freedom. And gazebo. e virtual exhibit is a
successful? Perhaps, but I have always is a positive rea rmation of emotional collaboration between Studio
made the e ort. Contrary to the preva- intelligence and wisdom. It is an appre- she was a pioneer of the According to a statement
lent “macho”approach to life, practic- ciation of what is truly important. eater in Exile and Hudson
ing humility does not make you weak. women’s right movement, from BID,“Local African Valley MOCA (Museum of
It has been said that “humility is not ird, a person who practices humil- Contemporary Art).
thinking less of yourself; it is thinking of ity admits to mistakes and allows for including the right to vote. American leaders describe
yourself less.” their correction. Scientists, who let their Bruce Apar is a writer, actor,
pride and past practice prevent them All of that is settled fact, Peekskill as one of the stops consultant, and community
Since the time of Copernicus, the volunteer. He can be reached
SEE MARTORANO PAGE 14 which assumes renewed rel- on the Underground Rail- at [email protected]; 914-275-
evance during the celebrated road where slaves seeking
Black History Month of freedom followed the banks
February. of MacGregory Brook from
the Hudson River to secret
MAJESTIC STATUE hiding spots in Peekskill, like
But why, one might ask, in the Park Street A.M.E.
is there a majestic statue of Zion Church, Hawley and
Harriet Tubman currently Harriet Green’s home at
on outdoor display, for all to 1112 Main Street and on
admire, in the Hudson River the Henry Ward Beecher’s
city of Peekskill? estate.Tubman is believed
e answer is that—apart to have led some of those
from being a whistle stop for journeys to freedom herself.”
Abraham Lincoln’s inaugural
train ride, 160 years ago on GUIDED TOURS
Feb. 19—Peekskill’s place in Lafern Joseph, secretary of
American history includes Peekskill Business Improve-
being a safe haven along the ment District and owner of
route of the Underground African gift shop e Fern
Railroad. It was a strategic Tree, conducts guided tours
stopover that gave cover to of the Underground Railroad
human beings reclaiming in Peekskill.
their humanity and de antly ere are related virtual
refuting the right of any events listed at harriettub-
other human being to own manpeekskill.com.
BRETT FREEMAN, PUBLISHER 118 N. BEDFORD ROAD, SUITE 100 Letters to the editor and op-ed submissions may be edited. The views
BRIAN MARSCHHAUSER, EDITOR MOUNT KISCO, NY 10549 and opinions expressed in letters and op-eds are not necessarily those
Editorial Office: 914-302-5628 of Yorktown News or its affiliates. Submissions must include a phone
[email protected] number and address for verification. Not all letters and op-eds will
necessarily be published. Letters and op-eds which cannot be verified or
are anonymous will not be published. Please send your submissions to
the editor by e-mail at [email protected].
For more information, call the editor at 914-302-5628.
Page 15 – Yorktown News Thursday, February 4, 2021
Yorktown starts, competes
at Greeley
Rebels look to get ready for spring
BY MIKE SABINI “With everything going on, ter athletes who were able to
CONTRIBUTING WRITER I am hoping to get in as many participate in their rst meet
meets as possible,” said York- and some of them looked very
Leading Yorktown are its top town coach Keith Smith. “We strong, and very promising,”
returnees, senior captain and St. will focus on trying to do well Smith said. “We look forward to
Bonaventure University-bound in the league championships seeing how they will perform as
Colin McCarthy (1,600-meter, and hopefully regionals, if we are we get into the season.”
3,200), his sophomore brother able to have them.” Smith said it was great to be
William McCarthy (1,600, Yorktown will be competing able to compete in track and
3,200), junior Alexander Ole- in all outdoor meets this sea- eld again.
ner (hurdles), senior Kenneth son, because the Armory in New “It has been almost a year
Reinkraut (shot put) and se- York City isn’t available, because since our last meet,” Smith said.
nior captain Patrick Ryan (high it is a COVID-19 vaccination “I think that the athletes and
jump, 1,000, hurdles, shot put). site. coaches are very excited that we
Junior Eilish Buckley (1,500, “Yes, we will be having our have the opportunity to get out
walk), junior Ella Chee (sprints), meets outdoors this season but there and compete.”
twin sister, junior Iva Chee in order to keep everyone safe, Smith said that it wasn’t much The Rebels’ Grace Gallagher
(sprints), sophomore Charlotte we still would have had our of an adjustment to have an out-
Constantine (sprints), senior meets outside this season even door meet this time of year.
captain Keira Flaherty (mid- if the Armory was open,” Smith “We have had outdoor meets
distance), junior Kayla Howell said. before and, believe it or not, the sai (hurdles). from September to November
(sprints, long jump), junior Syd- Yorktown did compete in its beginning of spring track and Pacing the Rebel girls are top for our pre-season, before start-
ney Leitner (3,000) and senior rst meet at Horace Greeley on eld can have temperatures in returnees, juniors Grace Galla- ing the rst week of November.
Grace Tian (mid-distance) are Jan. 20, but no team score was the same range,” Smith said. gher (distance), Grace Adeyeye At this time, we would be prep-
the top returnees on the Husk- kept. “ e athletes are used to prac- (hurdles, jumps), Brook Sayre ping for a run at a county title in
ers’ girls squad. “We had a few rst time win- ticing outdoors, so they were (middle distance) and senior a normal year.”
prepared.” Erin Waters (throws). Obviously, this year is far from
Lakeland/Panas’ boys are led “ is season is six weeks long,” normal, Johnson said.
by top returnees, seniors Ethan said Lakeland/Panas coach “My goal for every athlete on
Scott (sprints), Emmanuel Og- Ryan Johnson. “Most of the this team is use these six weeks
bonna (jumps), Joseph Rendo non-distance runners have not as a healthy prep period for the
(sprints, hurdles) and Aarav De- really trained. We usually train spring season,” Johnson said.
“We don’t care about times or
Lakeland/Panas’ Brooke Sayre distances, only about the ‘pro-
cess.’ We will use any competi-
tion we get as a tune up for the
While the Armory is unavail-
able for meets, there is a chance
the Rebels may compete inside
at some point.
“ e Milton Sports Dome
will be open for ve to six school
meets on the weekends,” John-
son said. “Depending on how
things go with the infection
rates, we might take some of our
top athletes there for some more
quality races, jumps and throws.”
As for the Rebels’ adjustment
to competing outside in the win-
ter, it depends on the event.
“Competition will be hard,”
Johnson said. “It will be easier
for the distance runners as they
train outside every day regard-
less of the conditions. Sprint-
ing and jumping are dynamic/
explosive events and those will
be much harder in the winter. In
addition, it will only take one big
Yorktown’s Keira Flaherty storm to put the kibosh on all of
FILE PHOTOS/ROB DIANTONIO our outdoor meets for the rest of
the season.”
Page 16 – Yorktown News SPORTS Thursday, February 4, 2021
SKIING Aery and McGovern lead YHS girls
Husker boys led by Kouril and Schluter
BY MIKE SABINI peted in the sectional champion-
CONTRIBUTING WRITER ships that season. However, last
year, McGovern was out on medi-
Yorktown’s skiers are looking cal leave for most of her junior
forward to and are very apprecia- campaign, due to a long recovery
tive of the opportunity to hit the process after scoliosis back surgery
slopes this winter. in the autumn of 2019.
“Despite all of the challenges to “She is looking to put forth a
the varsity ski-racing season, our top-notch performance at region-
athletes are really grateful and ex- als, to cap o the nal chapter of
cited to be competing this year, as her ve-year career on the Yor-
skiing is considered by New York ktown High School ski team,”
State to be a low-risk sport in Nufer said.
terms of the risk of COVID trans- Returning skiers, junior Alexis
mission,” said Yorktown coach Ulbrich and sophomore Kaitlinn
Wendy Nufer. Campan, and freshmen newcom-
Leading the girls squad are ju- ers Madelon Gorman and So a
nior captain Christine Aery and Lam, have all been working hard
senior captain Hannah McGov- to improve their alpine racing
ern. technique in order to help the girls
Aery has earned All-League team put in a strong showing this
honors for two years and competed season, Nufer said.
in the sectional championships as Senior captain Kevin Kouril and
a freshman, but was unable to par- junior captain Eddie Schluter lead
ticipate at sectionals last year due to Yorktown’s boys squad.
a torn ACL injury during the rac- Kouril comes o an All-League PHOTO COURTESY OF WENDY NUFER
ing season. season as he enters his fth and -
nal year on the varsity ski team. Yorktown’s varsity ski team (from left): Front row: Sofia Lam, Reilly Doller, JohnPaul Sateriale, Alexis Ulbrich;
“Following her knee surgery and middle row: Cameron O’Brien, Connor Reardon, Madelon Gorman, Kaitlinn Campana; back row: Kevin Kouril,
many months of physical therapy, “After having placed 25th in the Matthew McGovern, Christine Aery, Hannah McGovern; Not pictured: Eddie Schluter and James Callaghan
Christine is returning stronger this slalom, 26th in the giant slalom
year,” said Nufer, whose team be- and 23rd combined at last year’s “Eddie has been working hard league, but he injured his back rst year on the team,” Nufer said.
gan practicing on Jan. 11. “She is sectionals, Kevin is hoping to earn on honing his racing technique mid-season, while skiing in Ver- “ is season, he’s hoping to pick
highly motivated to perform her one of the top 10 spots at regionals and shaving down his run times in mont, and wasn’t able to compete up where he left o , and qualify for
best during the regular season and this year,”Nufer said. order to score in the top 20 at re- at sectionals last year,” Nufer said. regionals.”
the regional championships at the Schluter earned All-League gionals this year,”Nufer said. “Matthew is hoping to make up Yorktown’s other four returnees
end of February, so that she’ll be in honors last year and competed at Sophomore Matthew McGov- for lost time and return to his goal should also provide plenty on the
a good position to qualify for states the sectional championships,where ern earned All-League honors as a of earning a top 20 spot at region- slopes this winter.
next year.” he placed 38th in the Ski Meister, freshman. als this season.” “Freshmen James Callaghan,
McGovern earned All-League which is two runs slalom plus two “Last year, he quali ed for sec- Freshman Reilly Doller earned Cameron O’Brien, Connor Rear-
honors as a sophomore and com- runs giant slalom combined. tionals as one of the top 20 in our All-League Honorable Mention don and JohnPaul Sateriale have all
as an eighth grader and was an improved considerably since they
“alternate” athlete for the sectional joined the team as eighth graders
championships last February. last year,” Nufer said. “ ey, along
“Reilly joined our team last sea- with their fellow freshman, Reilly
son as an eighth grader with enor- Doller, are all working hard as they
APARPR mous enthusiasm and motivation chase the upperclassmen in an ef-
and he managed to come close to fort to rise toward the top of the
qualifying for sectionals during his boys team.”
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Thursday, February 4, 2021 LEISURE Yorktown News – Page 17
CLUES ACROSS 26. One who provides food seventh 13. Frenetically
1. Nuclear near reach 30. St. __ Girl, brand of beer
weapon 31. Walking slowly 56. Maori war dance 17. Small integer
5. Of she 32. Wood
8. Hyperbolic function 33. Semitic gods 57. Precious or semiprecious 24. Unit of energy
12. Rice dish 34. Bugle
14. A team’s best pitcher 39. 60-minute periods (abbr.) stone 25. Studies of culture
15. Strong and healthy 42. Congressman
16. Induces 44. Plant of the heath family 58. Teeter totter 26. Taxi
18. Popular manga series 46. Subdivision of an army
19. From a distance 47. Having many different 59. Deity 27. Doctors’ group
20. Split forms
21. Consumed 49. Shellfish 60. A major division of 28. Don’t know when yet
22. Cushions 50. Latin for hail
23. All over 51. Between sixth and geological time 29. Former measure of
61. Fishing net length
62. Small Caribbean bird 35. Popular CBS series
63. Field force unit 36. Skin condition
64. Japanese beverage 37. Christian creator and
ruler of the universe
CLUES DOWN 38. They __
1. Prevents oil spills 40. Caused severe damage
2. Monetary unit 41. Work done under harsh
3. The color of the sky conditions for no pay
4. Dough used to make 42. One point east of due
tortillas south
5. Popular comic strip 43. Sea eagles
character 44. Drenched
6. Distinct form of a 45. State capital
plant 47. Italian city
7. Replenishment 48. Sweetheart (archaic) For puzzle solutions, please see
8. Has its own altar 49. Brief talk
9. Expedition to see 52. Popular disco group:
animals Bee __
10. Group of related 53. First Chinese dynasty
organisms 54. Military vehicle
11. His and __ 55. Chinese Moslem
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Thursday, February 4, 2021 BUSINESS & REAL ESTATE Yorktown News – Page 19
Video conferencing security tips
In the future, when the world re ects on 2020, the word If you are not hosting sessions, urge hosts to utilize features tive that users read privacy policies prior to using an app.
“Zoom”will no doubt come to mind. ough Zoom rst that make passwords unique for each session. Video conferencing apps helped people stay in touch
launched its video conferencing software in 2013, that
software did not become a fabric of many people’s daily • Install conferencing app updates the moment they be- during the pandemic. When utilizing such apps, users must
lives until 2020, when a global pandemic was declared and come available. Updates are typically designed in response prioritize security to avoid being victimized by cybercrimi-
the world suddenly shifted to remote working and virtual to vulnerabilities discovered since the most recent version nals.
learning en masse. of the software was made available. Installing updates when
they become available is a good way for video conference is article was provided by Metro Creative Connection.
Video conferencing apps like Zoom helped people of users to protect themselves against cybercriminals.
all ages maintain connections with their families, friends,
and professional colleagues throughout the pandemic. In • Don’t open invitations you don’t recognize. e FTC
the rush to maintain those connections, security might notes that hackers are sending emails that mimic video
have been placed on the back burner. But the Federal Trade conferencing invitations. When clicking on such invita-
Commission urges video conferencing users to imple- tions, users may unknowingly be downloading malware
ment some basic safety strategies so they can protect their that can make their computers and personal information
personal information when speaking with their friends, vulnerable to cybercriminals. If you receive an unexpected
families, and coworkers via apps like Zoom. video conferencing invitation, contact the host separately
before opening the invite. In addition, hosts can urge users
• Make each conferencing session unique. e FTC to contact them directly if they receive an invitation but are
notes that some conferencing services allow users to use hesitant to open it.
unique passwords and/or identi cation numbers for each
conferencing session. ese features are typically set up by • Protect your privacy at all times. Before using a video
session hosts and can reduce the likelihood of strangers en- conferencing app, familiarize yourself with its privacy poli-
tering meetings and accessing users’personal information. cies to determine how your information will be handled.
Some apps may record conferencing sessions, so it’s impera-
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