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Published by Halston Media, 2019-02-21 12:08:26

The Katonah-Lewisboro Times 02.21.19

VOL. 1 NO. 50 Visit for the latest news. THURSDAY, FEBRUARY 21, 2019

Downward facing cat

Rock N Rescue and SoSa Yoga collaborated Sunday evening to host their rst-ever Kitten
Yoga event in South Salem.

Participants in the class performed their normal yoga routines as a dozen or so adoptable
cats wandered around the Spring Street studio, sometimes striking a pose of their own.

Turn to pages 12-13 for more photos.

A kitten finds a spot on a yoga mat.


Kat-Lew schools go green

Now completely powered by renewable energy

Tapping energy generated by wind turbines in Texas, the purchase of green power was approved by the of curriculum and instruction.
all of Katonah-Lewisboro schools have turned to re- Board of Education on Jan. 17. “ e new energy contract provides a unique oppor-
newable sources for their power.
An audit done in 2014-15 showed that the district’s tunity for KLSD educators to engage our students in
“ rough participation in an energy-purchasing top four sources of greenhouse gasses were fuel-related: conversations about sustainability and our own sus-
cooperative, we identi ed a cost-e cient way to pur- heating oil for the buildings, gasoline used by employ- tainable practices,” Ford said. “Whether it is a research
chase 100 percent certi ed-green electricity,” said Mi- ees for their commutes, diesel used by district school paper on the environmental bene ts of green power,
chael Jumper, the district’s assistant superintendent for buses and electricity generated by burning fossil fuels. a science lesson on climate change and the impact of
business. “ is change will reduce the district’s overall greenhouse gasses or a math problem that tasks stu-
greenhouse gas inventory by 13 percent.” “Since 2008, energy use has gone down in all tracked dents with analyzing the costs and bene ts of green
categories,” said Paul Christensen, the district’s direc- power vs. other sources of electricity, this initiative
e cost of purchasing certi ed green power is tor of facilities. “ e reduction is due to upgrading provides inspiration for students to investigate and
slightly more—less than 14 hundredths of one cent per lighting, increasing insulation, replacing ine cient contribute to local solutions for authentic global chal-
kilowatt hour—than electricity produced by conven- boilers, adding building system controls, installing oc- lenges.”
tional means. e district will pay just below 6 cents cupancy sensors and many other items districtwide.”
per kilowatt hour for the supply of wind-powered elec- Information and quotes in this article were provided by
tricity through May 2021. e new energy contract can also be used as a teach- the Katonah-Lewisboro School District.
ing moment, particularly for students in science and
Aimed at reducing the district’s “carbon footprint,” math classes, said Mary Ford, assistant superintendent

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21 Girls ski team wins
5 Section 1 title.

pg 16


The Staff Westchester clerk’s office
warns of ‘Grandson Scam’
BRIAN MARSCHHAUSER e following information is from the Division chief Joseph Castellano. Westchester County
EDITOR: 914-302-5628 Westchester County Clerk’s O ce. Sometimes, the scammer might say they Clerk Tim Idoni
[email protected]
e Grandson Scam, this time using the are calling from the Westchester County FILE PHOTO
GABRIELLE BILIK Westchester County Clerk’s O ce as the Clerk’s O ce. Please be aware that this is
SPORTS EDITOR: 914-214-4285 “collection agency,” has hit again in Min- false. e Westchester County Clerk’s Of- the Westchester County Consumer Protec-
nesota. tion page at
[email protected] ce would never call an individual asking qgrandsonq-scam.
is scam, in which potential victims are for bail money or any type of payment for
ADVERTISING TEAM called by a man pretending to be a grandson a relative. If you ever receive a call from the
LISA KAIN who has gotten into trouble with the law, clerk’s o ce regarding any business you are
claimed $9,000 was due in the clerk’s o ce not familiar with, you should report it to the
914-351-2424 for bail. e person posing as the grand- Clerk at 914-995-3080.
[email protected] son requested bail payment in the forms of
thousands of dollars in gift cards or to have “ e Grandson Scam has been around
PAUL FORHAN the money wired from the grandparent. for over a decade,” said County Clerk Tim
914-202-2392 Idoni. “ is is the rst we have heard of
[email protected] Once the gift cards are sent, or the mon- any county o ce being named in the call.
CORINNE STANTON ey is wired, it is nearly impossible to get it Residents should always seriously question
845-621-4049 back. e potential victim did not fall for anyone asking for money for any reason over
[email protected] it because his grandson had never been to the phone.”
JENNIFER CONNELLY Westchester but did report it to Clerk Legal
914-334-6335 For more information on the “Grandson
[email protected] Scam,” and ways to protect yourself, visit
914-205-4183 To advertise inThe Katonah-LewisboroTimes, call Brett Freeman at 845-208-8151 or email [email protected].
[email protected]
[email protected]


[email protected]


[email protected]



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Wizards player comes to Increase Miller

Big J of the Harlem Wizards
stopped by Increase Miller Elemen-
tary School on Jan. 4. e 6-foot-8
basketball player, who played at the
College of Staten Island, has been a
Wizard since 2011.

e Wizards, whose players are
as theatrical as they are skillful, will
return to Lewisboro on Saturday,
March 2, when they will match-up
against a team made up of district
educators and administrators.

e game, organized by the John
Jay Boosters Club, is being played at
John Jay High School at 2 p.m.

Tickets can be purchased online at

The Harlem Wizards player wows the students by showing off his size 18 shoe.

Big J spins a basketball. Big J and gym teacher Stephen Del Moro

The students lend a hand to Big J. Big J and Penelope Jones, who is holding a free student
ticket to the March 2 game between the Wizards and
PHOTOS COURTESY OF LENORE PERSON the Katonah-Lewisboro staff


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Lewisboro Police Blotter

e following information was about a fall at the train station, a UNWELCOME OPOSSUM Road resident told police that a e woman, described as
provided by the Lewisboro Police third party reported the incident AND ‘STRANGE’ RACCOON “strange” raccoon was walking in heavyset and wearing a red beret,
Department. to the Lewisboro Police Depart- front of her garage. While police was reportedly standing on the
ment around 10 a.m. Wednes- A woman who lives on Hunt were speaking with the home- rear deck of the Goldens Bridge
FALSE REPORT AT day, Jan. 23. Farm Road in Waccabuc told owner, the raccoon ed into the home when she was spotted by
TRAIN STATION police that an opossum routinely bushes and could not be found. the homeowner.
Police o cers met with MTA returns to her deck, taking shel-
A social media post about police, who said the claim origi- ter inside her grill. e homeowner was told to call Asked what she was doing
somebody falling at the Goldens nated on social media. e re- back if the raccoon returned. there, the woman reportedly told
Bridge train station turned out port was unfounded, Lewisboro Police advised the woman to the homeowner that she was
to be false. police concluded. call a wildlife-removal specialist. STOLEN AIRPODS looking for “John” and thought
Shortly before 3 p.m. urs- he lived at the property. e
After reading a post online e animal did not appear sick. homeowner quoted the woman
Days later, another Hunt Farm day, Jan. 24, a John Jay High as thinking she was on Cherry
School student reported to po- Street. Told she was in Goldens
THE COLELLA DESIGN TEAM lice that his Apple AirPods, val- Bridge, the woman surmised
ued at $159, were stolen from his that she had missed her stop on
® backpack while at school. the train.

Around 10 p.m. Friday, Jan. arrived, who searched the area
but could not locate her. No fur-
25, a Mandia Lane resident re- ther action was taken.
ported that a suspicious person
was on her property.

Adults accused of
hosting teen house party

Two Bedford adults are ac- ern Westchester Hospital for

cused of hosting a party attend- treatment.

ed by dozens of youths, during At least two adults were at

which a 16-year-old girl report- the home during the party, po-

With over fourteen years in the interior design industry, Tara likes to ensure successful edly lost consciousness due to lice said. A 59-year-old woman
results for all design projects. When meeting with clients she loves to ask questions
to uncover their true aesthetic, whether it be transitional, casual chic, modern organic or alcohol consumption. and a 54-year-old man surren-
classic traditional. Tara strives to meet the unique vision of each project and has a sharp eye
for detail. Tara holds a business degree from Northeastern University and a certificate from e Bedford Police Depart- dered at police headquarters on
the New York School of Interior Design in Manhattan. She has worked on local shows here in
New York, one being the Kips Bay Showhouse and the Scarsdale Women’s Club Showhouse. ment said that it received a call Monday, Feb. 4, and were both
She offers a level of taste and attention to detail that can be sophisticated, eclectic or
down to earth. By loving the opportunity to design that special space that her clients will around 9:40 p.m. Friday, Feb. 1, charged with endangering the
enjoy for years to come, Tara loves what she does and it shows.
only stating that a female was welfare of a child, a misdemean-
Tara Kelly | 914.761.6150 x703 |
unconscious at 63 Millbrook or. ey are also accused of vio-

Road in Bedford. lating Westchester County’s so-

Upon arrival, between 30 and cial host law, which established

40 youths were seen running nes “for knowingly allowing a

from the house. Inside, o cers party, gathering, or event where

discovered a “semi-conscious” minors are present and alcoholic

Discover the New Il Forno 16-year-old being tended to by beverages are consumed by one

Italian Kitchen & Bar an adult. According to police, or more minors.”

Where Good Vibes Meet Italian Inspired Cuisine! the teenage girl consumed a Both adults were processed

“large amount” of alcohol and and released. ey were due

smoked marijuana. back in Bedford Justice Court at

e girl was taken to North- 7 p.m. Feb. 20.

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Government at Work SHIRTWAIST FIRE M&M Performing Arts will pres- • “ e Late Gordon Kaplan”

At 1 p.m. Tuesday, March 5, ent “Four on the Floor,” a funny – a widow makes an unusual re- Doors open at 7 p.m. is

e following is a list of the library is showing the lm and touching collection of stories quest of the Rabbi at the funeral event is a bene t for the Lew-

Bedford and Lewisboro meet- “Triangle: Remembering the that take a comic look at life’s se- of her husband isboro Library operating fund.

ings that are scheduled to take Fire.” e documentary depicts rious twists and turns. Written by • “Split Session” – a patient e library is located at 15 Main

place from ursday, Feb. 21, to the story of the re that tore four award-winning New York turns the tables on his psychia- St., South Salem.

Wednesday, Feb. 27. through the Triangle Shirtwaist writers, the plays include: trist
‘West Side Story’ at• ursday, Feb. 21, 7:30 p.m.— Factory in New York City on • “Foothold” – a man with an
e plays will be followed by a

Kennedy Catholicof Education, John Jay High
Katonah-Lewisboro Board March 25, 1911. Register at lew- ingrown toenail gets treatment discussion with the playwrights

for his ingrown soul and the cast. Reserved seats are

School, Library, 60 North Salem • “Is Nothing Sacred?” – a $20 per person. Wine, cheese e Kennedy Catholic Players

Road, Cross River CELEBRATE POLAR BEARS Sunday school teacher o ers a and soft drinks are included. will present “West Side Story”

• Monday, Feb. 25, 7:30 p.m.— AND DR. SEUSS trhaSteehpTet_re2n0uC1n8ioq_mquterm_aiandnt_deHmraplersnetottanst.qioxnp_LoafyouSvtae1nact8se/2am9t/u1ts8hte1b1lie:b0r4raeArsyMerovPreadagteiln1ewaids-- SEE CROSSING PAGE 7
Lewisboro Town Board, Lewis- Celebrate National Polar Bear

boro Library, 15 Main St., South Day at the “Polar Bear Party” at

Salem 5 p.m. Wednesday, Feb. 27. Hear visit the LARGEST

• Tuesday, Feb. 26, 7:30 p.m.— polar bear stories and make

Lewisboro Planning Board, 79 “blubber gloves” that simulate

Bouton Road, South Salem the blubber that keeps the bears STORE online at
warm. At 11 a.m. Saturday,
Lewisboro March 2, Miss Anna will hold

Volunteer Fair a “Celebrate Dr. Seuss” party
to honor the author’s birthday.

e 10th annual Lewisboro ere will be stories, snacks and

Volunteer Fair will take place crafts. Register at lewisboroli-

from 11 a.m. to 2 p.m. Saturday,

March 2, at the Lewisboro Li-

brary, 15 Main St., South Salem. AUTHOR TALK: ‘THE GREAT

e event pairs would-be volun- STAIN: WITNESSING

teers with local agencies in need AMERICAN SLAVERY’

of help. Community members At 2 p.m. Sunday, Feb. 24, the

can stop by the library and visit library will hold a special “Au-

the tables of local groups to nd thor Talk” presentation. Author

out about their services and vol- Noel Rae will discuss his book, Name Brand

unteer needs. “ e Great Stain: Witnessing

ere will also be “Helping American Slavery.” e book Appliances At
Hands” stations for all ages to integrates rsthand accounts of Your Fingertips!
make much-needed items to repression and resistance into

donate to non-pro ts. is year, a narrative history that tells of

visitors can make pull toys for American slavery from its ori-

the puppies of Guiding Eyes for gins in Africa to its abolition. 3 LOVELL ST. SOMERS, NY 10589
(914) 248-5800 | (845) 628-5241
the Blind and “Courage Capes” Rae will be joined by local pro-
Store Hours: Mon | Tues | Wed | Fri: 9AM-6PM, Thurs: 9AM-8PM, Sat: 9AM-5PM, Sun: Closed
for hospitalized children. fessional actress Dawn Brown- TOP NAME BRAND APPLIANCES, HDTV’S AND MATTRESSES FOR LESS!

Participating agencies include: Berenson, who will bring these

Guiding Eyes for the Blind, historical gures to life.

League of Women Voters, Lew- We Make Your Next Purchase... Instantly Affordable!™
isboro Library and Fair, Lewis- ‘FOUR ON THE FLOOR’

boro Seniors, Open Space and Enjoy a night at the theater—

Preserves Committee, Meals in your own backyard. e Lew-

on Wheels, My Second Home, isboro Library will host a unique

RideConnect, Stepping Stones, fundraising evening featuring

and WestFair Rides. four short plays followed by a

Q&A with the talent.

DOCUMENTARY At 7:30 p.m. Friday, Feb. 22,

EXPLORES THE TRIANGLE professional theater company

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Video SEO Pro’s technology helps companies
close more business faster

BY BOB DUMAS consumers have read a fake review
CONTRIBUTING EDITOR in the past year and 84 percent don’t

even know how to spot them. Even David Vogel and Neco Turkienicz

Consumer behavior has changed signi cantly in recent if a written testimonial is legitimate,

years. Our buying decisions are based on the opinions of people remain suspicious. Second, people make buying “I always had an entrepreneurial side and wanted to use

strangers, which explains the success of such websites as decisions based more on emotion than logic. When it my talents to have an impact on local business and help

Yelp, Angie’s List and Glassdoor. comes to eliciting emotions, nothing beats video. at is nd their own success,”Vogel said.

Testimonials from satis ed customers, marketing ex- why client video testimonials have become an important “People don’t read as much today—they want instant

perts say,are one of the best ways to build trust.And while part of the marketing strategy of many businesses. information, which is why video is the perfect marketing

written testimonials are good, video testimonials are a at’s where Video SEO Pro comes in. Founded ve medium” added Turkienicz.

game-changer. years ago by Somers resident David Vogel, Video SEO e remote testimonials that Video SEO Pro created

Ninety-seven percent of people search the internet be- Pro has launched its next greatest innovation: Remote have e ectively helped their clients to close sales more

fore making buying decisions and online written reviews video. Combining cutting-edge technology and profes- quickly—and they solve two main challenges related to

are e ective in helping accelerate this decision-making sional production values, they are able to create video tes- creating video client testimonials. First, quality: If a busi-

process, but written reviews have problems. First, they timonials of your company’s happy customers remotely ness asks a client to create their own, it doesn’t cost any-

can be easily faked. Research shows that 79 percent of using a solution that is fast, easy and a ordable. thing—but most clients never get around to actually do-

Vogel has spent over 20 years in feature lms ing it, and if they do, the video is shot poorly, and sounds

and TV commercials working in both Hollywood horrible. More importantly, the content tends to be vague

and New York City and understands the impact and ine ective in communicating the value they received

that video wields. He launched Video SEO Pro from hiring your business. Second, cost and hassle: if you

with former colleague, Neco Turkienicz, a profes- hire a professional, it will be costly and require a signi -

sional with over 25 years of experience directing cant time commitment from your client.

documentaries, broadcast TV and commercials. at’s why business owners turn to Video SEO Pro

Over the past ve years the company has ex- for help. e company uses its interviewing expertise and

panded its services beyond video search engine over 50 years of combined video production experience

optimization and professional video production to to interview clients remotely in 15 minutes or less to pro-

YouTube advertising, video consulting, video train- duce a professional quality minute-and-a-half video testi-

ing and video assessments. Now a video marketing monial. ey use their own mobile app that allows them

agency, they help companies develop strategies to to record high-quality video content remotely without

best leverage video to grow their business. the need of a video crew. at has allowed them to drop

the cost of a testimonial down to a fraction of a typical

professional client video testimonial.

David Vogel, Vogel notes that just two weeks after a client received
President her video testimonials, she was able to close three pieces
of new business worth more than $200,000 directly be-
Video SEO Pro, Inc. cause of the videos.

901 North Broadway, “She said it was the best investment she ever made,”
Suite 3A Vogel said. “ at’s a 13,000 percent ROI in just two
weeks. She continues to use those videos on an ongoing
White Plains, NY basis to close additional business.
“If there is a business out there looking to close more

[email protected] Testimonial in 15 minutes or less from a person’s home or office. business and do it faster, this is the way to do it,” Vogel added. “ e great thing about our video testimonials is
they can be done anywhere at any time—at home or the

o ce in 15 minutes or less and they cost just a few hun-

dred dollars.”

Vogel notes that Video SEO Pro uses their remote vid-

eo technology with other companies to create educational

video, video blogs and “how-to” videos.

“Our technology gives businesses access to video profes-

PHOTOS COURTESY OF sionals without the expense of hiring a video crew,”he said.
VIDEO SEO PRO Remote video testimonials give businesses an e ective

tool to close more business and do it faster. It provides

much needed credibility to the sales conversation and

builds trust. And now, businesses can turn to a company

that is well-versed in video testimonials.

For more information on remote video testimonials,

contact David Vogel at Video SEO Pro at 914-920-2391

Testimonials are interview-based, conducted by expert interviewers. or visit the website at



CROSSING about HeatSmart Bedford/Lewisboro/ Rehearsals begin July 1 from 4 to 8 ist Gregory Warner, and their two chil-
Pound Ridge, contact Bedford 2020 p.m. Monday through Friday, with per- dren.
FROM PAGE 5 Program Director Ellen Calves at ellen. formance dates set for July 26, 27, 28 and
[email protected]. Aug. 2, 3, 4. Shows may be double cast, al- e evening will begin with refresh-
on the following dates and times: lowing for exible performance schedules. ments and mingling. e guest author
• Feb. 28, 7 p.m. Film Screening will speak after the KVIS and the library
• March 1, 7 p.m. Actors must prepare a short musical report on progress and goals. All are wel-
• March 2, 7 p.m. Rehabilitation rough the Arts, a theater song of their choice. ey will come. Enter on the lower level.
• March 3, 3 p.m. Purchase-based non-pro t organization, also be asked to read cold copy and im-
All seats are $15. Order tickets online will screen “Dramatic Escape” at 7 p.m. provise. Juggling, magic and gymnastic Lewisboro Seniors
Tuesday, March 5, at the Bedford Play- skills are welcome and encouraged. Also
at house, 633 Old Post Road, Bedford. bring a resume and headshot (if possible). e Lewisboro Seniors will meet
For more information, email players@ To sign up for an audition time, call 914- Wednesday, Feb. 27, at the South Salem
“Dramatic Escape” transports viewers 666-8448 and ask for Ann Paul or Megan Firehouse or call 914-232- into the lives of maximum-security pris- Bruno. Walk-ins are welcome.
5061, ext. 121. oners mounting a stage production of “A • 11 a.m.-noon: Learn origami with
Few Good Men” at Sing Sing Correc- is performance will be interactively Helen Zhy
Mapping Lewisboro’s tional Facility. e production is part of integrated into a natural environment.
History the program Rehabilitation rough the • 11 a.m.-12:30 p.m.: Sustainable
Arts, which teaches theater, dance, writ- is is an opportunity to gain skills in Westchester and Westchester Power:
At 2 p.m. Sunday, Feb. 24, at Onatru ing, visual arts and music in ve New York singing and acting from professional Jenna Amundsen and Virginia Steinberg
Farm, 99 Elmwood Road, South Salem, State prisons. instructors, make new friends sharing will be available to review electric bills
Lewisboro Town Historian Maureen common interests as well as experience with residents and answer any questions
Koehl will present “Mapping Lewis- e movie screening will be followed the outdoors with activities including a or concerns about electric supply.
boro’s History” through maps from the by a discussion with the Rehabilitation camp re cookout.
town’s collection. Follow the change from • 12:30-1:15 p.m.: Business meeting
farmland to lake communities to sub- rough the Arts Alumni Panel and a Westmoreland Sanctuary and Denise For more information, call 914-232-
urbs through the maps and aerial pho- wine and cheese reception.3 Simon Acting and Coaching remain ag- 6162
tos. Imagine how the town might have nostic in all political, social and religious
changed had the railroads visible on the ‘Out of My Comfort Zone’ beliefs. All ages, genders, races and creeds Bedford Chamber
maps had become reality. are welcome. Concerts
A special edition of the community-
Hot Cider and Heat outreach program, Harvey Presents, will The Black Sox and Other e Bedford Chamber Concert Se-
Pumps be held at 7 p.m. March 1, at the Har- Betting Scandals ries continues into its spring season, with
vey School. It will feature a discussion of concerts on March 20, April 10, and
e towns of Bedford, Lewisboro and the soon-to-be-released lm, “Out of My is year marks the 100th anniversary May 15. e March 20 concert features
Pound Ridge have joined together with Comfort Zone,” a rock musical based on of the White Sox World Series betting renowned Russian-American pianist
a goal of reducing energy consumption, the o -Broadway production of the same scandal. At 2 p.m. Sunday, March 24, at Vladimir Feltsman, who is appearing this
cutting greenhouse gas emissions, and name, which examines the e ects of bul- the Lewisboro Library, journalist Evan season because his concert last March was
helping homeowners not only reduce lying on children and the struggles of Weiner will take a look at that momen- cancelled due to inclement weather. His
their energy bills but also increase their young people in the LGBTQ community. tous event, as well as modern scandals in- pieces will include Bach’s Partita No. 1,
year-round comfort and the value of their volving football, college basketball, and, of and Chopin’s Four Nocturnes and Bal-
homes. In addition to a discussion of the lm, course, Pete Rose. lade No. 3.
there will be live musical performances by
e HeatSmart Westchester cam- several of the lm’s young actors as well Author at Katonah Library Future spring concerts include a vari-
paign kicks o with Hot Cider and Heat as a sneak peek of clips from the lm, a ety of pieces on April 10, including Mo-
Pumps, a tri-community event at the trailer, and a discussion with producer At 7:30 p.m. Monday, Feb. 25, the Ka- zart’s Symphony No. 38, often called “ e
Bedford Playhouse, from 7 to 8:30 p.m. Deb Robicheau and some of the creative tonah Village Library and the Katonah Prague Symphony” since it premiered in
Monday, March 4. team that worked on the lm. Village Improvement Society will hold Prague in 1787; Boccherini’s “Fandango”
their annual combined meeting. e eve- Quintet for guitar and strings, with Yale
All are welcome to come to meet con- Tickets for Harvey Presents: “Out of ning’s guest speaker will be the acclaimed guitar professor Benjamin Verdery as fea-
tractors, taste a variety of ciders, get a free My Comfort Zone”are $10 for adults and author Sana Krasikov. tured soloist; and a premiere performance
movie ticket to the Bedford Playhouse, $5 for students. e presentation will be of Mr. Newman’s “Easter Quintet”. e
and learn more about HeatSmart. To reg- held at the Walker Center for the Arts on Krasikov is the author of the novel
ister for Hot Cider and Heat Pumps go to the school campus. For more information “ e Patriots” and the collection “One nal concert on May 15 will feature or to purchase tickets for the event, visit More Year.” She was born in Ukraine and Pachelbel’s Canon; Saint-Saens’ trumpet grew up in former Soviet Georgia before septet; and Bach’s version of the biblical
Bedford 2020, the Lewisboro Sustain- moving to Katonah in 1987. In 2017, canticle “Magni cat”, with a ute solo
ability Committee, and the Pound Ridge Theater Auditions Krasikov was named one of Granta’s Best by Emi Ferguson who has performed for
Energy Action Committee have been Young American Novelists. Her work has four U.S. Presidents.
selected to run the campaign to promote Westmoreland Sanctuary has an- received a National Book Foundation 5
HeatSmart Westchester through Octo- nounced audition dates for its annual Under 35 Award and was a nalist for Tickets are $40 per person for the rst
ber. rough events, tabling and outreach summer theater production. “Godspell” Hemingway Foundation/PEN Award two concerts, and $45 for the nal one.
they will provide information to home- will be featured this year with the audi- and New York Public Library’s Young All concerts are held at St. Matthew’s
owners about opportunities for better tion dates set for 4:30-7 p.m. Feb. 26, 10 Lions Fiction Prize. Her stories have ap- Church Fellowship Hall, starting at 8
building e ciency and highly e cient air a.m.-12:15 p.m. March 2 at Westmore- peared in e New Yorker and e At- p.m.; refreshments are served during in-
and ground source heat pump systems. land Sanctuary, located at 260 Chestnut lantic, the O.Henry collection, and other termission. St Matthew’s is located at
Ridge Road in Mt. Kisco. All roles are publications. She lives in Hastings-on 382 Cantitoe St. (Route 22) in Bedford.
For more information about the Heat open. Hudson with her husband, radio journal- For information and reservations, visit
Smart kick-o meeting, call Energize NY, or call 914-
at 914-302-7300 ext. 1. For information 522-5150.


War of the words Go with the ow

No matter what you think of it now. Words are weaponized. We co-opt Over the weekend, I was reading same small town but did not even speak
politically, e Wall is an apt a business book and came across to each other as adults. High school
metaphor for America 2019. their meaning to suit our prejudices the name, Mihaly Csikszentmi- sweethearts after a bad break-up? No, too
No, I’m not talking
about that Wall. I’m and our politics. We infuse them with
talking about a gura-
tive Wall that we put venom. halyi, in reference to the cliché. Former student
up collectively, creating
a willful lack of em- Doesn’t everyone highly focused state of rivals? No, not exciting
pathy in how we view
each other and treat want to be progres- concentration known as READING, enough.
each other.
BRUCE sive, as in moving “ ow.” My rst thought WRITING & At that point in the
We’re perpetuating THE BLOG forward? at was CHOCOLATE writing process I knew
a winless game about before it was spelled was, “I have to include
taking sides, like kids
playing sandlot baseball. Whether it’s BRUCE with a capital P. Mihaly on my list of KIM my characters so well
a multi-billion-dollar physical Wall or APAR Doesn’t everyone Famous Hungarians!” KOVACH that I could hear their
anything else that insinuates itself into
the national conversation, there’s only My second thought was, voices and how they
two ways to feel about it: either you’re
for it or agin’ it. If you’re not taking want to be conserva- “ at’s how I feel when would speak. I decided
sides, why not?
tive in carefully man- I’m writing!” to let the female char-
On which side of e Wall that we’ve
cleverly built between ourselves do you aging nances and Over the years, I have compiled a list acter lead me to the answer that I was
deliberating before of Famous Hungarians. I am proud of searching for to give a reason for both
Remember, there is no right answer.
ere only are arguments and insults. acting? at was before it was spelled my Hungarian heritage and enjoy learn- characters’ animosity towards each other.
e middle ground is a nether land
nobody wants to inhabit or even visit. with a capital C. ing about interesting Hungarians. My I decided to have this female character
Extremism is in. Moderation is out.
Take a stand. Yield no ground. Find an Conservatives see Progressive as code list includes: 1) Bela Lugosi—the actor interviewed by a third character. I quickly
enemy. Demonize. Rinse. Repeat.
Dialogue has been replaced by war- for moving backward. Progressives don’t famous for playing Count Dracula in began typing the dialogue back and forth.
ring monologues. We talk past each
other, over each other, at each other, trust Conservatives to be prudent in the 1930s. 2) Harry Houdini—famous When the name of the male protagonist
against each other. Anything to avoid
talking with each other. protecting the electorate. illusionist/escape artist. 3) Erno Ru- was brought up, the female character re-
Why? Because we’re all too eager
not to understand the “other.”To some Pick a side. CNN or Fox? Red or bik—the inventor of the Rubik’s Cube. 4) plied, “I bet you didn’t know that he’s my
extremists, even Diversity is a dirty
word: If you are like me, I like you. If Blue? Investigation or Witch Hunt? Joe Namath—the former New York Jets cousin.” I gasped out loud! I didn’t know
you are not like me, I resent you. I mock
you. I don’t want to understand you. I Stand or Sit? Truth or Lie? Socialism’s quarterback. 5) Magda Szabo—author of any of this until I started typing those
demean you. I invalidate your right to
an opinion. immoral. Capitalism’s amoral. many novels including “ e Door.” 6 and words. It made perfect sense! A betrayal
Words used to matter. Not so much
e moral of the story is that e 7) Eva and Zsa Zsa Gabor—actresses/ between teenage cousins causing a family

Wall separates us. It de nes us in the Hollywood personalities. 8 and 9) Franz rift that continued into adulthood. I was

negative. It prevents open communica- Liszt and Bela Bartok—famous compos- in “ ow” and it was exhilarating!

tion. It blocks sunlight. It throws shade. ers. 10) Laszlo Biro—the inventor of the

Isn’t it time we got over e Wall, to ballpoint pen. Kim Kovach enjoys “being in the zone”

catch a glimpse of the other side? Mihaly Csikszentmihalyi is a Hungar- whenever she can in writing and teaching

Only then can we start tearing it ian-American psychologist credited for her classes. Learn more at kimkovachwrites.

down to make room for what needs to recognizing and naming the psychologi- com.

replace it: A bridge to mutual under- cal concept of ow, “a feeling of engage-

standing. If that sounds like a bridge ment and focus that time seems to pass

too far, then let’s start walking toward it unnoticed.” If you are lucky enough to

right now. One step at a time. have an area of interest that allows you

See you on the other side. to become completely absorbed in that

activity and lose track of time, then you

Bruce “ e Blog” Apar promotes local have experienced ow. Artists, writers,
businesses, organizations, events and people
through public relations agency APAR PR. He scientists, inventors, and musicians expe-
also is an actor, a community volunteer, and a
contributor to several periodicals. Follow him rience ow when they are in the middle
as Bruce e Blog on social media. Reach him
at [email protected] or 914-275-6887. of creating or discovering something.

Gardeners, photographers and weekend

car tinkerers can experience ow, too.

I love the feeling of becoming com-

pletely absorbed in my characters when I

Aparformance Note am writing a short story or longer manu-

Bruce Apar, who acts locally, is featured in the cast of the traveling one- script. On a particularly productive day, I
act anthology “Four on the Floor,” at Yorktown Jewish Center, at 8 p.m.
Saturday, Feb. 23. Admission is free. The one-hour show is comprised can write for hours on the computer and
of four funny and poignant playlets. The show is co-produced by M&M
Performing Arts Company and GoJo Clan Productions. not realize how much time has gone by.

A few years ago, when I was working

on the manuscript for my last middle

grade ction book, I needed to gure

out how to connect two very di erent

characters who had grown up in the


We cannot live on beer alone

I’ve received welcomed feedback THE Opposites attract: When you con- of beer and food pairing if that oats your boat. I rec-
from loyal readers asking for KATONAH trast beer and food you want to nd ommend experimenting on your own. Perhaps do your
information on pairing food and BEER MAN normal grocery shopping for the meals you’re planning
beer. avors that may be quite di erent but and purchase a few beers you think would comple-
JOHN BART can actually enhance each other. A ment, contrast, or cut in a delicious way to achieve
Years ago, as a rookie in the beer great example is pairing my favorite FBN (Food Beer Nirvana). Let me know how it goes!
drinking game I wouldn’t even bu alo chicken wings made with a
consider buying food to pair along pepper sauce like Frank’s Hot Sauce We took a short took a short train ride recently with

with the vast quantities of beer I’d with a citrusy hoppy IPA like Sloop a lively group of friends down to Mission Taqueria in
Pleasantville. Steps from the train, you’ll nd a funky,
purchased for a party we were throw- Juice Bomb. Everyone’s a winner here lively environment with delicious Mexican fare, a de-
cent beer tap list and a spectacular tequila and mezcal
ing, though I would buy boxed Chianti to impress the as both sides of the equation bene t. Or, if you’d rather, menu that will make you say olé!

ladies. 1+1=3. Try the lobster taco with a thirst quenching Laguni-
tas Little Sumpin, pale wheat ale at 7.5 percent with
Fast forward to my becoming a “live to eat” adult, Cutting equates to toning down the dominant citrus notes as a nice complement. Another terri c
choice is the pork belly taco with dark roasty Negra
which made me realize I didn’t know what I was miss- avor of the food with the beer, or vice versa. A good Modello lager at 5.4 percent and/or some mezcal on
the rocks from their extensive collection that has a ne
ing. example is that you can essentially refresh your palate complementary smokiness not at all reminiscent of
that Spring Break tequila we thought was a good idea
with well-carbonated Belgium beer when eating rich/ many years ago.

PAIRING BEER WITH FOOD fatty food. We covered some beer-food
paring info today but remember:
Generally, there are no hard and fast “rules” like there Here are some of the beers I’ve recommended in past
ere are practically no rules;
may be with wine and, actually, I dare say that leads to columns and some suggestions for food pairings: only a few guidelines. So, explore
on your own and let me know
more food-beer pairing options than wine. • IPAs and Double IPAs: Hops provide degrees of what you’ve found that works.

A few guidelines can be captured with the three Cs: bitterness that will go well with pork or sausage. Cheers!

Complement, Contrast, and Cut. You can complement, • Pilsners: Light and crisp characteristics will match rough the wonders of the
internet, I can be reached at
contrast, or cut the food’s taste with the beer or vice nicely with lighter shes like tuna, salmon, anchovies
versa. (just kidding on the anchovies).

With the three Cs, you’ll want to use the dominant • Stouts and Porters: Roasty avors will complement

avors of the beer and food in your pairing decisions grilled vegetables.

(Note: I got this catchy acronym from a • Winter Beers: Malty full avors sometimes with

beer and food course I took). spices are terri c with creamy desserts and especially

An example of a complement, not to be confused with chocolate (strong hint here for next Valentine’s

with a compliment (e.g. “You look lovely tonight, Day).

dear”), would be pairing a malty beer with a meat that’s • Belgium, Farmhouse and Saison: Lighter in color,

been grilled. Try a malty beer that provides bready, fruity, lightly spiced, low bitterness and e ervescence of

caramel, roasty avors like a brown ale (e.g. Newcastle Belgium ales go fantastic with fattier cheeses like bleu,

Brown Ale) with some chicken barbecued in a sauce provolone, or Swiss.

that has some sweetness to it and taste complements ere are plenty of resources only a few clicks away

will abound. that can give you the ner details at the molecular level

There’s nothing better than
Katonah in the Spring, and the
selling season has arrived!

It’s hard to believe, but the Spring market is upon us,
the most exciting time of the year! The flowers are
blooming, the birds are chirping and the market is as
awake as the season.

Ready to sell your home and discover what’s next? I
can walk you through the buying and selling process
as your real estate partner, making the process
seamless and enjoyable. Let’s connect.

Ellen Schwartz
The Ellen Cindy Team
914.420.4615 | [email protected]



Setting the or two basketball games a year. in: Our gym and the entire John one of your so-called “testoster- proclamations from State Leg-
record straight Over the past 10 years, the Jay Athletic Facility is among the one teams”where we won several islator Corcoran, Assemblymen
best and well-kept in the state of championships that used to hang Buchward, and Senator Murphy.
Editor’s Note: is is the John Boosters have raised and sup- New York. is is a direct tribute from the rafters. e truth of the
Jay Boosters Club response to a ported more than $550,000 in to the commitment of the Boost- matter is that the athletic depart- e John Jay Boosters club is
letter published in the Feb. 7 issue: John Jay facility projects and ers Club, the Board of Education, ment is working on replacing the an organization that is vital to
“Acknowledge sports accomplish- John Jay team projects, along the athletic department, and the banners; this is a large undertaking maximizing the experience of our
ments,” by Paul Whalen. with the countless hours that our school sta that continuously go that needs numerous volunteers to John Jay student athletes. We have
volunteers have given back to our above and beyond for our teams. help track down all of the correct no authority on school or facility
To the editor, great school and our great ath- and rich championship history decisions. We are all volunteers
Mr. Whalen, you recently letic teams. e Boosters Club is My children play multiple that John Jay has achieved going who try our best to support our
composed of dedicated volunteers sports for John Jay, including both back to the ’50s. athletic teams and our athletic
submitted an opinion letter that who are committed to the mission girls’and boys’basketball and we program through the generosity
was printed in e Katonah- of the athletic department and the It’s my understanding that the of our members and community
Lewisboro Times that was based students and families it serves. nd ourselves traveling across the old banners had been damaged for projects that would bene t all
solely on your assumption with state and section to cheer them on. beyond repair or became non-leg- student athletes for years to come.
absolutely no e ort on your part I nd it o ensive and disgrace- We have yet to nd any gym or ible years ago during renovations We welcome any and all volun-
or e Katonah-Lewisboro Times ful that you feel the need to total facility that compares to what and from age. My personal belief teers to help in our mission.
to verify the situation or what role describe or label some high school our school and district provides is that the athletic department
the John Jay Boosters Club has in sports and the student athletes for our athletes. Our entire athletic would not want to hang banners If you have a question regarding
the matter. that play them as “testosterone program is one of the best in the with veri ed accomplishments the John Jay Boosters Club, you
sports.”All of our student athletes state and does so with great care that would only date back to the can easily reach us from our web-
I am truly pleased to know work extremely hard to achieve to comply and exceed the require- early 2000s. at simply would site (, Face-
that you take the time at least the best they can be, both in the ment of Title IX. not be fair to the alumni and the book, email, or mail. We also host
once a year to attend a basketball classroom and in competition. I great accomplishments that our monthly meetings that are open to
game—the teams do appreciate don’t believe any athlete would ap- I agree with you that the banners teams of the past have achieved. all current John Jay Boosters Club
your support. However, I nd it preciate your term or would refer are missed and would put the gym members (information can also be
hard to believe that one can fully to a fellow teammate as such. over the top, but your assumption Banners in a school gym should found on our website).
understand the role of the John Jay that no one cares or is not working not be used as a tool of intimida-
Boosters Club from attending one To your core issue with the on it is completely false. tion as you suggest; they are a In my personal opinion, if you
school gymnasium and the “sterile symbol of the hard work, dedica- have a question regarding the
environment”that our teams play I graduated from John Jay back tion, camaraderie, school pride, school or the handling of school
in the late ’80s and I played on and accomplishments of our cur- matters, you might want to take
rent and past student athletes. the time to make an appointment
TdeoCuarmpForC2a0m19pPFraomspileicetsive to discuss it with the proper sta
Saturday, You also imply that the school or department, and not the men
March 30th and Boosters show favoritism and women that are working hard
Saturday, to “testosterone sports.” at is at a school event.
April 27th simply not true.
Saturday, As the current president of
May 11th It may be that those sports at- the John Jay Boosters Club, I am
tract the bigger crowds and head- extremely proud of our members
lines in the papers, but being a (past and present) and the great
parent to two student athletes who volunteer work that we all do
play multiple sports, I believe the for our school and teams. Our
school treats all of our teams with community is always behind our
fairness. Our female teams have coaches and teams, and your sup-
been incredibly successful and port is incredible and extremely
celebrated over the past years. We appreciated. It’s because of all of
are the only school in the Tri-State you that we have such a strong
area that has their women’s volley- athletic base in our great com-
ball court highlighted on the gym munity of the Katonah-Lewisboro
School District.
oor layout. Our women’s teams
have also won many titles both ank you, all!
state and sectional over the years Sincerely,
and have been well celebrated by
the school, they have even received Nick Giardina

President, John Jay Boosters Club

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The 1955 Mercedes Gullwing, Maoli’s favorite car in his collection fo Tom
poiseMercedes-Benz of Goldens Bridge

Owner Tom Maoli brings passion for cars to expanding dealership

BY BOB DUMAS bought my rst Mercedes Benz— “I do drive them, but not every yet. their cars in for service. Maoli
EDITOR a 1983 Mercedes SL,” Maoli re- day,” Maoli said. “I will take them “It will go up further,” he said. said he hopes to break ground
called. out on weekends. I have them in Maoli took over the Goldens this spring and hold a celebration
Tom Maoli grew up loving cars. my basement and get to show for his customers replete with an
As a 16-year-old in Nutley, N.J., Before long, Mercedes-Benz them during cocktail parties.” Bridge dealership in March 2017 outdoor barbecue.
he bought his rst classic car—a of Goldens Bridge customers will and one of his immediate goals
1959 Cadillac—and restored it on have the opportunity to see some Maoli used to be a proactive was to increase the level of hos- Maoli believes that when the
his own. of the cars from Maoli’s vaunted shopper when looking for cars, pitality he felt was missing under renovations are complete, Mer-
collection when they visit the but notes now that he’s known previous management. It’s already cedes-Benz of Goldens Bridge
Now, the award-winning en- dealership on Route 22. e store as a world-renowned collector, begun to pay o . will be in position to become “one
trepreneur, real-estate developer is about to go through a massive people call him and let him know of the most prestigious Mercedes-
and radio host is the CEO of makeover and Maoli wants to when something comes on the “It’s worked in my other dealer- Benz dealerships in the country.”
Celebrity Motor Car Company, create an area where some of his market that he might like. ships,” said Maoli, who also owns He notes that its location adjacent
which owns Mercedes-Benz of cars will be on display. Lexus, BMW and Maserati/Alfa to Interstate-684 is prime. More
Goldens Bridge, and he gets to Maoli notes that collecting cars Romeo dealerships in New Jersey. than 125,000 cars travel that
spend his time surrounded by cars “It will be like a museum,” he is like collecting art.He enjoys the “Sales and service are growing in highway each day. It’s a perfect
every day—both at work and at said. “And given my history with vehicles for their aesthetic appeal, Goldens Bridge.” match, he says, for the dealership
home. classic cars, we will be selling but he also considers them an in- because of the prevalent wealth in
some classic Mercedes as well.” vestment. And when the new facility ren- Northern Westchester—an area
Since that 1959 Caddy, Maoli’s ovations are complete, it’s bound he refers to as the “wealth belt.”
classic car collection has grown Maoli said the pride of his col- “ e value of them has gone in- to get even better.
to 25 vehicles—10 of them are lection is a 1955 Mercedes Gull- sane,” he said. “One that I bought “ is area is one of the wealthi-
Mercedes-Benz. wing. But his classic cars are not for $395,000 is now worth $1.6 “Everything is before the Plan- est areas in the country,” Maoli
just for show. He loves to drive million.” ning Board and Zoning Board said. “ e demographics are just
“Just out of high school, I them as well. right now,” he said. “It will be a unbelievable. It’s the home of the
But he’s not going to sell it… state-of-the-art facility that will star-studded, who’s who of soci-
attract many new customers and ety.”
add jobs to the community. It
will be an addition to the existing He said that Ralph Lauren vis-
structure, which will have a reface. ited the dealership last summer,
It will be all glass. It will be amaz- and that the region is home to
ing and launch the dealership to a such luminaries as Martha Stew-
whole new level.” ard, Bill Gates, Glenn Close, Su-
san Sarandon, Steven Tyler and
When it’s nished, besides the many more.
museum-like displays of classic
Mercedes-Benz cars, the expand- “It’s an amazing area,” he
ed store will also boast a co ee said. “In fact, it’s the wealthiest
bar, a candy bar (with classic old- county in New York, and what
fashion candy), a state-of-the-art better brand to be there than
carwash and a daycare center for Mercedes-Benz.”
when customers with kids bring


321 Route 22 • Goldens Bridge, NY 10526 • 914-232-8122 •



South Salem Studio Holds

BY BRIAN MARSCHHAUSER “It’s a way to strengthen the hu-

EDITOR man/animal bond,” Liegey said.

“And it’s really fun and cute. [ e

Rock N Rescue, a South Salem- cats] start stretching with the peo-

based animal-rescue organization, ple. e cats pick up on what the

teamed up with SoSa Yoga on humans are doing.”

Sunday evening to host the rst- e class was taught by Kather-

ever Kitten Yoga class at the lat- ine Bromage, a local resident who

ter’s Spring Street studio. brought along her two young chil-

Performing yoga with animals dren, Eleanor and Beatrice.

is a popular trend that many say “We have a cat but we also vol-

is therapeutic. Yoga classes around unteer at ROAR (Ridge eld Op-

the country feature participants eration Animal Rescue),” Bromage

performing their regular stretches said. “We’ve just fallen in love with

surrounded by goats, horses, dogs, cats and pets in general.”

rabbits and more. e studio was almost entirely

“It has to do with smiling and lled Sunday night. e cost of

feeling good,” said Juli Cialone, admission was $20 and some dry

founder of Rock N Rescue. or wet cat food.

About a dozen kittens and adult Alison Malecot traveled from

cats, most of them adoptable, were White Plains to participate in the

brought in for Sunday’s class. ey event.

had been rescued from high-kill “I’m mostly here for the cats,”

shelters, Cialone said. Malecot said. “I’ve done yoga like

SoSa Yoga was a very willing one time.”

partner in Sunday’s event. e stu- Learn more about Rock N Rescue at

dio is owned by Catherine Liegey,

who is also a veterinarian. Making new friends

Alison Malecot and Matthew Weitz of White Plains

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One of the many cats that were available for
adoption on Sunday

s Cassie Jones of Lewisboro
The humans bond with their animal yoga partners.

Juli Cialone, founder of Rock N Rescue

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Girls turn to shine and bring home a Section 1 ski title

Binette and Devey win ski meister titles at Section 1 Championships

BY VIC MCGEE get it,” Binette said. “It was a great

CONTRIBUTING WRITER moment coming down the hill after

the slalom. We had spots 1, 2 and

Winning a ski title has become 4 the rst run, so it looked pretty Samantha Spieler
the norm for the combined John promising. We kind of knew we won the slalom and
Jay/North Salem ski team,especially had it in the bag.” was second in the ski
for the boys’ team dynasty that won It was Spieler who set the tone meister scoring to help
four team titles in the past ve years early on her rst run of the day on lead the North Salem/
and was second in the state last year. the slalom course. She ew down John Jay girls to the
Section 1 team ski title.
Now, it’s the girls’turn to shine. the mountain with the fastest time
e girls made a statement for the rst run at 48.73. She then

ursday, Feb. 14 on the slopes at crossed the nish line at 51.58 on

Catamount for the Section 1 ski her second run and her combined

championships, winning the team time was rst overall in the slalom.

title and having Ashley Binette win She then nished seventh in the

the skimeister title with teammate giant slalom and her combined time

Samantha Spieler right behind in for all four runs earned her a second

second. After missing out the last place nish in the skimeister stand-

two years, the girls team returned to ings. Binette was rst with a com-

the top with its fourth team title in bined time of 167.37 with Spieler

six years. right behind at 167.44. Kristen

Luke Devey also had a big day Wolfe was sixth in the skimeister

as he won the boys skimeister title standings with a combined time

and led the boys team to a fourth of 169.53, and those three sopho-

place nish, but this day belonged mores will team up in the team

to the girls. competition at the New York State

“It was a phenomenal day for us,” championships at Gore Mountain.

said John Jay/North Salem coach “I almost missed a gate and

Chris Reinke. “We’ve talked about thought I had no shot, so I came

being a team dynasty, especially for down and felt really bad, but my

the boys, and this year we have our mom was freaking out saying you’re

strongest group of girls ever and in rst,” Spieler said of the slalom

they’re all young,either sophomores race. “We wanted to win the team

or freshmen. Not only our top three title so bad this year. Kristen and I

girls, but we’ve got a really deep have been on the team since eighth

team.I expect these girls to be going grade and after the last two years we

to states for the next three years.” really wanted it and I’m so happy.

Led by their “veterans,” the girls Going back to states, I didn’t do Emma Lombardi kicks up some PHOTOS: VIC MCGEE
team started strong and never much there last year, so I want to snow on the giant slalom course.
looked back. Sophomores Binette, improve on that and now we’re go- Kristen Wolfe earned All-Section honors and
Spieler and Kristen Wolfe have ing as a team.” qualified for the state team at the Section 1
all been on the team since eighth Devey will also be making a re- championships.

grade, and now they are Section 1 turn trip to the state championships the skimeister ings. Rosemarie Binette, an eighth

champions. as he turned in four great runs on “I just tried to stay focused,” De- standings after nishing sixth in grader, was 19th in the slalom, as

Binette won the skimeister title the day to earn the skimeister title vey said of the skimeister title.“Usu- the slalom and 25th in giant slalom. the girls team showed the depth

with the fastest combined time for as the top boy skier. He was second ally I do better in slalom than giant Lucas Eberhardt was 19th overall and talent coach Reinke was talk-

her four runs on the day. She was in the giant slalom in the morning slalom, so I felt pretty good going after nishing 24th in giant sla- ing about with ve girls nishing in

second in the giant slalom and sixth and second in the slalom in the af- into the slalom in the afternoon. I lom and 19th in slalom, and Zach the top 20.

in the slalom, but she was more ex- ternoon. knew I just had to stay composed. Purdy was 36th out of the 60 racers “We have a lot of ability that we

cited about the team title at the end His combined time of 141.84 I was 10th in states last year in sla- who earned a chance to compete in haven’t shown yet,” Ashley Binette

of the day. was enough to edge out Cole Love- lom, so I’m looking to improve on the championships. said.

“ e boys team has been re- joy of Mamaroneck in second at that and just want to have a good For the girls, in addition to Bi- ey have a chance to show it

ally strong and this year for the girls 144.88. Now, he looks forward to a performance.” nette, Spieler and Wolfe nishing competing in the state champion-

coming in we really wanted it and chance to improve on his standings In addition to Devey on the boys in the top six, Emma Lombardi ships at Gore Mountain in the Ad-

were really excited to go out and at the state nals. team, Oskar Lombardi was 11th in was 17th in the skimeister stand- irondacks Feb. 25-26.

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Emma Lombardi kicks up Gressin leads Indians at sectionals
some snow on the giant
slalom course. BY ROB DIANTONIO

SKI Binette, Spieler and Wolfe n- John Jay senior Libby Gressin Libby Gressin FILE PHOTO/ ROB DIANTONIO
ishing in the top six, Emma had a big day at the Section 1 Class
FROM PAGE 16 Lombardi was 17th in the ski- B championship meet at the Ar- at the state quali er meet on Feb. the triple jump (36-0 1/2). Team-
meister standings. Rosemarie mory Track and Field Center on 17 at the Armory, where Gressin mate Pippa Nuttall took fth in
just want to have a good perfor- Binette, an eighth grader, was Feb. 6. led the way again with a third in the 3,000 (10:49.15). McGroary
mance.” 19th in the slalom, as the girls the long jump (16-6) and fourth in was eighth in the 1,500.
team showed the depth and tal- Gressin won the long jump with
In addition to Devey on the ent coach Reinke was talking a leap of 16-6 and was second in
boys team, Oskar Lombardi about with ve girls nishing the triple jump (34-10 3/4) to pace
was 11th in the skimeister in the top 20. the girls team, which nished sev-
standings after nishing sixth enth overall.
in the slalom and 25th in gi- “We have a lot of ability that
ant slalom. Lucas Eberhardt we haven’t shown yet,” Ashley Cameron Crawford, another
was 19th overall after nishing Binette said. senior, was third in the 3,000 me-
24th in giant slalom and 19th ters in a clocking of 10:40.24. She
in slalom, and Zach Purdy was ey have a chance to show dropped 12 seconds o her per-
36th out of the 60 racers who it competing in the state cham- sonal best in the race and quali-
earned a chance to compete in pionships at Gore Mountain in
the championships. the Adirondacks Feb. 25-26. ed for the New Balance National
meet along with her sister Kelsey
For the girls, in addition to Crawford.

Junior Clodagh McGroary
was fourth in the 1,000 meters in
3:12.02. She dropped ve seconds
o her personal best.

Kitanya Brown was sixth in the
300 meters (44.15). Liliana Carey
took seventh in the 1,500 meters
(5:11.06). Lauren Pollak was sixth
in the 3,000 (3:14.82).

Freshman Andrew Lucassen led
the John Jay boys team. He was
sixth in the long jump with a per-
sonal best 19-8 and took 10th in
the 55-meter dash (6.95).

e Indians went on to compete

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Indians press Sailors into submission
John Jay cruises to Class A out-bracket win

BY ROB DIANTONIO Charlie Murphy scored the first 15 points of the game for John PHOTOS: ROB DIANTONIO ished with a team-high 19 points.
CONTRIBUTING WRITER Jay in a playoff win over Hen Hud. His teammates helped carry the
Bryce Ford aggressively attacks o ensive load in the second half.
Hendrick Hudson kept it close more. I think we could have got a points, nished through contact to the basket.
for a little while, but John Jay’s little bigger lead. But I give [Hen quickly make it 40-22 early in the “Charlie can score and he came
pressure was too much for the Sail- Hud] credit. ey were under- third quarter. Brett Paulsen sunk for John Jay (14-7). Murphy was out on re,” Heaton said. “He put
ors to handle in a Section 1 Class manned; they were missing a lot of a foul-line jumper and Ford (11 on re, scoring the Indians’ rst a lot of e ort in. We got a little out
A out-bracket game. starters. ey just played their guts points) nished an alley-oop layup 15 points to get them out to a of sync,but luckily we have enough
out.But in the end,I think we were to increase the lead to 50-30 late in 15-7 lead. He nailed back-to-back guys that can step up and do some
e seventh-seeded Indians just too much for them.” the third quarter. threes to cap o the run, prompt- things for us o ensively.”
pulled away for a 64-45 win over ing a Hen Hud timeout and an
the No.26 Sailors on Saturday,Feb. Shane Martinsen,who scored 15 It was all Charlie Murphy early eruption from the John Jay bench. Nick Hiltsley paced Hen Hud
16. with a game-high 30 points. He
Murphy only scored four points proved to be a tough player to stop,
e Sailors fell behind early after the rst quarter, but still n- but no other Sailor scored over ve
but crawled back into it, cutting points.
the de cit to 17-13. But John Jay
turned the pressure dial up all the “He was there best player and we
way to dismantle Hen Hud. Bryce knew he was going to score,” Hea-
Ford converted a three-point play ton said of Hiltsley.“But they didn’t
then scored after a steal just mo- have many other options outside of
ments later to stretch the lead to him.”
John Jay was scheduled to host
Tim Hogan muscled his way No. 10 Roosevelt in the Class A
up for another three-point play to opening round on Feb. 20.
make it 31-18 with 1:58 left in the
“ ey’re athletic and they have
rst half. John Jay went into half- two really good players,” Heaton
time with a commanding 35-20 said when asked for the scouting
lead. report on Roosevelt. “ ey’re go-
ing to be trapping. We’ve got to
“We stepped up the e orts in take care of the ball and be ag-
the trapping and the defense and gressive. It’s certainly a game that
got some easy baskets,” John Jay we can win. I think if we execute
coach Patrick Heaton said. “I wish and do the things we’re supposed
we would have nished a little to do, we’ll be all right.”

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John Jay captures league title Cook heads to states
as wild card
Indians enter sectionals as No. 4 seed
(Clarkstown North), 4-2, in the

BY ROB DIANTONIO defense was critical in limiting a sharpshooting CONTRIBUTING WRITER semis. He pulled out tight matches
with 7-5 and 8-6 wins to take third
Last season, John Jay-Cross River’s girls bas- “ ey have dangerous shooters so we really just
ketball team shared the league championship focused on shutting them down and then getting Coach Bill Swertfager and the in what Swertfager called the tour-
with Somers. easy layups o steals,” Dorta said.
John Jay wrestling program were nament’s most di cult weight class
e Indians weren’t looking to do that again On senior night, the Indians cruised past visit-
this season. ing Lakeland 56-40 two days earlier. Dorta (19 crossing their ngers that senior by far.
points), Sarah Pieratti (13 points), Degenhardt (9
John Jay won the league outright, clinching the points), Nolan (8) and Walsh (7) helped stu the Chris Cook would earn a wild-card As a junior, Cook placed third
title with a 49-42 win over host Walter Panas on stat sheet.
Feb. 13. e Indians nished 11-1 in their league bid to the state tournament. in the Section 1 tournament at 120
and concluded the regular season with a 14-6 re- John Jay, which reached the Section 1 semi-
cord. nals last season, received the No. 4 seed in the eir wish came true when Cook pounds.
Class A sectionals. ey were scheduled to host
“To win the league title senior year is de nitely Harrison on Feb. 20 in an opening round game. was one of 10 Section 1 wrestlers to “Chris has worked so hard for
very special,” senior point guard Ana Dorta said. “I de nitely think we are picking up momen-
“It’s been a pretty long time since a John Jay (girls tum at the right time,” said Dorta, whose squad receive a wild card last week. so many years that it is a huge deal
basketball) team has won the league, so it’s de - has won 13 out of 14 games. “We’re playing
nitely something we’re proud of and it just proves con dent and composed, and really focusing on Cook will compete in the for him to have made it to the state
to us that with hard work, we’re very much ca- playing together. For us seniors, this is our last
pable of accomplishing our goals.” chance to make a run for the gold ball. Ultimate- 126-pound bracket at the Times tournament,” Swertfager said. “His
ly, making it back to the (Westchester) County
Kendall Degenhardt scored a team-high 18 Center and winning the gold ball is our goal, but Union Center in Albany on Friday, weight class was stacked at the di-
points while Dorta added 14 points. Erin Walsh we’re really just trying to make the most of the
tallied 11 points. Kelly Nolan chipped in with six time we have left to play together.” Feb. 22, in Day 1 of the state tour- visionals and sectionals. I give him
points. An opening round win over Harrison will like-
ly pit the Indians against fth-seeded Pearl River nament. Day 2 is scheduled for the a lot of credit after a heartbreaking
“To nally outright win the league, it was a in the quarter nals on Feb. 22.
huge accomplishment for us, especially with “We have a tougher route than most,” Hack- following day at the same location. loss in the semi nals to come back,
the way we started the season,” John Jay coach ett said of the team’s playo draw. “But if we can
Margo Hackett said. “We’ve really picked it up make it to the nals I’m con dent we’ll win. We “It means everything to me to take third and put himself in a posi-
as of late going into sectionals. A close team win just have to play our game every game.”
against Panas was huge.” get this wild card and have the op- tion to get a wild card to compete up

It was a game where the Indians’ tenacious portunity to compete at states in at the states.I couldn’t be happier for

my senior season,” Cook said. “It’s him and his family.”

what I’ve dreamed of.When I didn’t In the time leading up to states,

make the section nals, I was dis- Cook said he will be strictly focused

mayed and thought I might not get on his mental game.

the opportunity to compete at states “ at’s de nitely what held me

ever. But when my dad came into back at sectionals and even earlier at

my room Tuesday night and told Eastern States,” Cook said. “I know

me that I got one, I was overjoyed. I have the technique to win but I

It was one of the happiest moments don’t truly believe it yet and that’s

in my life.” what I have to work on: getting my

Cook came into the Section 1 mindset to be that I know I can beat

tournament as the No. 2 seed but everyone and wrestling like that ev-

fell to third-seeded Alexis Diaz ery time.”

Advertising Deadline
The advertising deadline for The Katonah-Lewisboro Times is the Thursday before the next
publication date. Advertisements can be submitted by you as a camera-ready PDF via email
at [email protected]. We also offer our clients a free ad design service. For more
information, call Brett Freeman at 845-208-8151.

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Factors to consider when naming a health care agent

e Health Care Proxy (Proxy) is tion of great importance and authority. they have any training in medicine or Selecting someone who can make a
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municate the medical options and
Perhaps, the fact that the proxy form not they are a member of your fam- or health care is not required, it may be treatments with other family members
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available on the internet, is also provid- decisions about your when choosing one
ed to all patients admitted to a hospital Selecting a health care agent is a
and is often available from one’s doctor. health care that are GUEST trusted individual over decision that should not be given short
consistent with your CORNER another. shrift. It is one that requires a great
Article 29-C of the New York Public wishes is of great amount of consideration.
Health Law is the statutory authority importance. Some of ANTHONY J. (C) Is the agent
for the proxy. e proxy form allows the factors to consider ENEA selected someone that Anthony J. Enea is a member of Enea,
one to designate another person to is close to you and Scanlan and Sirignano, LLP of White
make all health care decisions if one is Plains and Somers. Mr. Enea is the
unable to do so. when selecting an with whom you have Past Chair of Elder Law and Special
Needs Section of the New York State Bar
e agent can decide whether or not agent and alternate previously discussed Association (NYSBA). He is the Chair
you should receive treatment as well as Elect of the Senior Lawyer Section of the
the treatment you should receive. Addi- agent are as follows: medical treatment? NYSBA. Mr. Enea is the Past President
tionally, the agent can determine what and Founding member of the New York
treatments you should not be provided (A) e age and health of the agent. Are their beliefs about end-of-life Chapter of the National Academy of Elder
and whether or not a treatment should Law Attorneys (NAELA). Mr. Enea
be terminated. All the above can be Is the person selected likely to be alive treatment consistent with your wishes? is the President of the Westchester Bar
done by the agent in accordance with Foundation and Past President of the
any speci cations stated in the proxy at the time he or she needs to act and Do you feel that they will respect your Westchester County Bar Association. He
form or in accordance with your wishes can be reached at 914-948-1500.
that are known by your agent. will he or she be mentally competent wishes when faced with di cult deci-

As is evident, the agent is in a posi- and in su cient good health to make sions?

your health care decision? For example, (D) If you are going to select a family

while selecting one’s spouse is often a member (spouse, child or grandchild) as

logical decision, if one’s spouse is 80 your agent, are they someone who will

plus years of age and has his or her discuss your care and treatment with

own health issues, it may not be a wise your other immediate family members?

decision. Will they try to reach a consensus as to

(B) Is the agent someone I can trust the treatment or cessation thereof with

to make di cult medical decisions your immediate family, or will they

relevant to my care and treatment? Are make decisions unilaterally and without

they astute in matters of medicine? Do any consultation?

Advertising Deadline
The advertising deadline for The Katonah-Lewisboro Times is the Thursday before the next publication date. Advertisements can be submitted by you as a camera-
ready PDF via email at [email protected]. We also offer our clients a free ad design service. For more information, call Brett Freeman at 845-208-8151.

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