VOL. 5 NO. 5 Visit TapIntoKLT.net for the latest news. THURSDAY, APRIL 21, 2022
Community celebrates new trail
BY JESSICA EINTERZ of step back sometimes. It was
STAFF WRITER hard. So, this is kind of a thank
you to everyone.”
A grand opening celebration South Salem resident Elena
of the John Jay Community Trail Dunn said that she’s been a long-
was held Saturday, April 2, outside time supporter of the trail and
of the Green Way Market at Or- that it inspired her to complete
chard Square Shopping Center. her rst race.
About 100 people showed up to “I’ve been donating to the trail
enjoy food, music, and good times. over the years. I decided this year
Robert Cummings, the director of to actually walk my rst trail race.
the next day’s race, said that the I’ve never done one before. It’s
event was meant to show grati- only a 4K and I’ve been walking
tude towards everyone involved in with friends. I just wanted to sup-
creating the trail. port the community.”
“It’s to recognize all the peo- Lewisboro Town Supervisor
ple that have come out to help,” Tony Goncalves has been a mem- Lewisboro Lions Club member David Phillips, Ciorsdan Conran, race director Robert Cummings,
Cummings said. “We were build- ber of the Lewisboro Lions Club Lions Club member Susan Vales, Town Supervisor Tony Goncalves, and Lions Club member
ing, digging, sawing, and moving for almost 20 years. He, alongside Steve Vancol gather around the grill during the celebration.
wood. ousands of hours of work other members of the club, pre-
have gone into this. It’s fun and pared and cooked the food for the
everything, but you need to kind event. He said that he and the rest of the Lions enjoy cooking as a will be bene cial for everyone in Lewisboro Councilwoman
way of volunteering. town. Mary Shah said that while she
They’ve been working for a really long time on “I volunteered and I did some “ ey’ve been working for a thought the celebration was a lot
this new trail and it’s wonderful, because not of the work on the trail when really long time on this new trail of fun, it also showed the bond
they rst started,” Goncalves said. and it’s wonderful, because not within the Lewisboro community.
“When I knew they were doing only does it serve the community, “I’m having a blast. It’s a won-
only does it serve the community, but it helps this event, I asked if they’d like but it helps with the high school derful event,” Shah said. “Lew-
with the high school kids.’ the Lions to grill for them. at’s kids,”Rendo said.“In addition, it’s isboro is the kind of town where
our specialty. We grill out a lot of open to the community. On the we support each other. If there’s
di erent events, like Lewisboro weekends, during the week, you something in the town that needs
–Andrea Rendo Baseball opening day.” have people locally who can take to be done, we all come together
Lewisboro Town Councilwoman
Lewisboro Councilwoman An- advantage and do a run or do a and nd a way. It’s part of why I
drea Rendo said that the new trail walk.” feel so fortunate to live here.”
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LEISURE 24 Lewisboro families meet
OPINION 8 the Bunny PAID
SPORTS 18 pg 14
Lewisboro Library rehabilitated into a community COMMUNITY IN BLOOM caregivers as well as some tools
The Staff gathering space. e GBHO Saturday,April 23,11 a.m.-4 p.m. to help navigate the day to day
EDITORIAL TEAM e Lewisboro Library is lo- needs volunteers to kick-start Katonah Village Library will challenges and ways to manage
EDITOR: 914-302-5628 cated at 15 Main St., South Sa- this project. host Community in Bloom on self care. is in-person event
[email protected]
lem. Register for programs at Phase 1 (the cleanup) will the library plaza in celebration takes place in the library’s acces-
SPECIAL SECTIONS EDITOR lewisborolibrary.org. begin this spring on Earth Day of the growth and renewal of sible lower level Garden Room
[email protected]
weekend, Saturday, April 23, spring. e Hopp Ground Gar- and is free of charge.
PAUL FORHAN TEEN BRACELET WORKSHOP from 10 a.m. to 3 p.m. All are den Club will o er take-home Artisan
On Friday, April 29, at 7 p.m., welcome. Visit goldensbridge- gardening and oral projects.
(914) 806-3951
[email protected] the library is holding a “Bracelet hamlet.org to nd out more and Botanical-inspired handmade Marketplace
Workshop” for teens in middle email GBHOvolunteer@gmail. accessories for self and home
(914) 486-7608 and high school. Teens can get com to sign up to help make this will be on display and for sale Over the course of three days
[email protected]
creative with this fun project. e a truly wonderful community ef- from the artisans at the Com- in mid-May, an assembly of
(201) 317-1139 Library will supply all the materi- fort. munity Studio. Proceeds from more than 30 artisans from the
[email protected]
CORINNE STANTON als – seed beads, letter beads, col- Lewisboro Lions sales go directly to the makers. Hudson Valley region and be-
(914) 760-7009 orful beads, cord, elastic, embroi- Surrounding the library pla- yond will gather in an open-air
[email protected]
Roadside Cleanupdery oss, and tons of inspiration! za and into the entry you will marketplace at John Jay Home-
JAY GUSSAK want to explore and experience stead in Katonah. Guild &
(914) 299-4541 Drop in, bring a friend, and leave
[email protected]
SHELLEY KILCOYNE with a new spring accessory or e Lewisboro Lions Club is the installation of Jeila Guer- Grange introduces some of our
(914) 924-9122
[email protected] two. Register via the library web- nalizing plans for the annual amian. e artist has a concur- region’s nest artisans to those
PRODUCTION TEAM site. Lewisboro roadside cleanup rent installation at the Katonah looking to ll their homes and
project organized every year by Museum of Art. An opening spaces with locally made craft
PHOTOGRAPHER POEM IN YOUR POCKET the club. e cleanup is sched- reception for the Gueramian wares.
[email protected] DAY CRAFT uled for the weekend of April 23 installation will take place at Visitors are invited to shop a
DESIGNER National Poem in Your Pocket and 24. Trash bags are available the library during the evening’s range of products, purchase cu-
[email protected] Day is Friday, April 29, so Miss at the town clerk’s o ce. Anyone Katonah Art Stroll. linary treats from food trucks,
EXECUTIVE TEAM Marie has a special craft in honor wishing to participate may call enjoy musical performances by
CEO & PUBLISHER of that day. Children are invited Lion/Town Clerk Janet Dono- CARING FOR THE local bands, participate in work-
to drop by the Maker Station any hue at 914-763-3511 to let her CAREGIVER shops, and come together for
[email protected]
time that Friday to make a “Poem know what roads will be covered, Tuesday, April 26, 7 p.m. presentations and demonstra-
in Your Pocket Craft”. No time or to ask for an unassigned road. e Katonah Village Library tions for the whole family in-
DEADLINE to do it there? Miss Marie will Neighborhood coordinators are will launch its new Caregiver cluding natural dying, foraging,
THE DEADLINE FOR ADVERTISEMENTS also have take-home craft kits for always needed. Anyone wishing and Senior Resource program- gardening, wine making, bee-
AND EDITORIAL SUBMISSIONS IS THE children to on their own. to organize their neighborhood ming. e inaugural meeting keeping, and raising chickens.
THURSDAY BEFORE THE NEXT Goldens Bridge Park cleanup should let Donohue will focus on the bounty of re- e marketplace will include
know as well. sources available through the li- ceramics, textiles, jewelry, fur-
CALL BRIAN MARSCHHAUSER AT Project Cleanup Katonah Village brary system, the medical com- niture, wood, and glassware and
914-302-5628 OR EMAIL munity, the county, state, and more made by artisans span-
[email protected]
e Goldens Bridge Hamlet Library national organizations set up to ning from Brooklyn through
Location Organization has been plan- help seniors and especially their the Hudson Valley from the
118 N. BEDFORD ROAD ning the creation of a neighbor- e Katonah Village Library caregivers. Catskills to the Berkshires.
hood pocket park for community is located at 26 Bedford Road, e responsibility of being a Tickets are available for pur-
members to enjoy. e former Katonah. For more information caregiver is often stressful. It of- chase online at guildandgrange.
HALSTON MEDIA, LLC Stein property located at the or to RSVP for programs, visit ten involves making changes and com. A limited number of tickets
©2022 HALSTON MEDIA, LLC northeast corner of Route 138 katonahlibrary.org or call 914- managing a new reality. is pre- will also be available on site dur-
and Fairmount Road, which is 232-3508. sentation will o er an overview ing the event
now owned by the town, will be of local resources available to
• Friday, May 13, 6-8 p.m. (pre-
One Call Does it All... view event), $125
• Saturday, May 14, 9 a.m.-5
p.m., free admission
• Sunday, May 15, 9 a.m.-5
p.m., free admission
A DIVISION OF Sanctuary Series
Celebrate Mother’s Day at
We are a proud installer of Andersen Storm Doors & Windows the Sanctuary Series on Sunday
afternoon, May 8, when the cel-
New construction window & door installation ebrated pianist, Fei-Fei, travels
Tilt-Wash & Woodwright insert windows to the hamlet of South Salem to
give a recital featuring works by
Weather stripping replacements Beethoven, Debussy, Chopin,
Broken part replacements and Rachmanino . e concert
Storm doors will be held at 4 p.m. the Sanc-
tuary of South Salem Presbyte-
Hardware upgrades rian Church.
Patio door adjustments Tickets may be purchased
in advance through the Series’
Window tune-ups much more... website. All attendees are re-
and quired to show proof of vacci-
so nation prior to entry and wear
masks. South Salem Presbyte-
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info! S e r v i c e M a i n t e n e n c e R e p a i r s parking is available. For more
thesunrisehandyman.com 9 1 4 2 4 8 7 3 6 8 information, email info@the-
Fees examined for town-sponsored events
GINO DE ANGELIS Town Park. “An event in celebration of a “Juneteenth is a national holi- been marginalized by the domi-
STAFF WRITER national holiday would fall under day; we’re not disputing that,” nant white, WASP culture,” De-
Councilwoman Andrea Rendo, town-sponsored events,” Gon- Rendo said. “If the town decides Faber said. “Now that we are the
Looking to set guidelines for its calves said. to do a town-sponsored event largest ethnic minority, having
funding of community events, the the board’s lone Republican and that’s a di erent topic of discus- a Columbus Day is warranted.
Lewisboro Town Board will dis- Rendo, in the April 11 discus- sion.”
cuss next week how money should a scal watchdog since taking of- sion, renewed her objections, say- erefore, the Garibaldi Society
be allocated for holiday obser- ing the town should not deter- One speaker in the April 11 of Lewisboro asks for the same
vances and other celebrations. ce in January, objected to the fee mine what events merit funding. meeting’s public comment period
“I don’t think the town should be opposed the Juneteenth fee waiv- nancial consideration a orded to
e board is expected to take waiver. Saying it could set a prec- a bank,” she said. “I don’t think er. Simone O’Connor of Vista, all other town celebrations.”
up recommendations of the town’s we should be loaning money. I speaking via Zoom, said, “It’s my
Parks and Recreation Advisory edent, she called for guidelines to don’t think we should be granting belief that this board either opens In a discussion at their April 11
Council to formally classify these money.” the vault and gives our money meeting, board members agreed
public gatherings as either town- determine when and whether the to every group that asks or to no that this year’s Juneteenth fes-
sponsored or community events. It would be fair for the board to group.” tivities will be a town-sponsored
town should provide that kind of waive fees for events that are open event. Shah, the council member
e council suggested that to the community at-large, Rendo Saying she wants “transparency who is the board’s parks-and-rec
town-sponsored events would nancial support. said,since that and the use of pub- and fairness,” O’Connor noted, liaison, was expected to attend
automatically receive town money lic property would represent the “Last meeting [March 28], ling Monday’s Town Board meeting,
while community events would be While the board unanimously town’s contribution. fees were waived for one group. when logistics and funding for the
considered on a case-by-case ba- Now I believe all groups should event will be discussed.
sis. A decision for adopting these backed the fee waiver in a vote at Councilman Richard Sklarin have ling fees waived.” Other-
classi cations was expected at noted limits on the town’s largesse. wise, she maintained, the board REC POSITION APPROVED
the board’s meeting on Monday the March 28 meeting, Supervi- “Like every community with lim- should rescind its waiver of the At last week’s meeting, the
(April 25). ited nancial resources, we can’t Juneteenth fees.
sor Tony Goncalves asked the rec do for everybody that would be Town Board approved the cre-
Town nancial support became deserving. We can’t make these Another speaker, Cross River ation of a new recreation super-
an issue after the board last month advisory panel for input, which he value judgments that one is any resident Glenn DeFaber, said visor position. e position was
waived fees for Lewisboro’s June- better than the other,” he said. the town should also celebrate budgeted for this year but never
teenth observance, celebrating the discussed at the board’s April 11 “Even if it’s $1,000 or $2,000 or Italian-Americans on Columbus o cially created.
o cial end of slavery in this na- $5,000, that’s $5,000 [worth] of Day. DeFaber said he wanted to
tion on June 19, 1865. Now a state meeting. potholes that are not going to be thank the Juneteenth Committee e board tabled discussion of
and national holiday, Juneteenth for making him more aware of his a highway mechanic position till
was observed last year in Lewis- “ e town can provide funding lled.” heritage. later this year. “We can see where
boro and is scheduled to be com- Rendo emphasized that her we are after our nancials as far as
memorated again on June 18 in or grants,”Goncalves said. But, he stance on funding did not apply to “For too many years in Lew- the rst half of the year,” Sklarin
national holidays like Juneteenth. isboro, Italian-Americans have said.“We’ll have a good indication
noted, “ ey recommend that a of how we’re doing nancially.”
total amount be set and a deadline
announced for town support for
the events.”
e panel also called for
drawing a distinction between
so-called town-sponsored
events—the Juneteenth and July
4 celebrations, for example—and
those sponsored by community
groups like the Lions Club. Town
sponsorship would mean auto-
matic nancial aid while commu-
nity events would be decided on a
case-by-case basis.
New assistant principal appointed
David Bournas-Ney will start in July
David Bournas-Ney, a rst- to being a teacher, he’s worked as School Principal Ashlyn Field as assistant principal e ective July David Bournas-Ney will begin working
grade teacher at George M. Da- a math instructional coach and a said she is very happy that Bour- 1, 2022.” at Meadow Pond Elementary School in
vis Elementary School in New mentor teacher. nas-Ney is joining her sta and the upcoming school year.
Rochelle, was appointed assis- said that his love of teaching is Bournas-Ney said that he is
tant principal of Meadow Pond Bournas-Ney earned a master impactful. excited to begin his new position
Elementary School at Katonah- of science in educational leader- at Meadow Pond Elementary.
Lewisboro School District’s ship from Hunter College and a “Mr. Bournas-Ney impressed
Board of Education meeting on master of arts in teaching from us with his deep commitment “It was a pleasure getting to
Relay Graduate School of Edu- to supporting and nurturing all meet so many people in the
ursday, April 7. cation. Bournas-Ney also has a students and his thoughtful ap- Meadow Pond community and
Previously, Bournas-Ney bachelor of arts degree in phi- proach to building a positive ed- visit such a wonderful school,”
worked in two Brooklyn elemen- losophy, politics, and economics ucational experience and culture Bournas-Ney said. “I am eagerly
tary schools, the Excellence Boys from the University of Pennsyl- at Meadow Pond,” Field said. “I looking forward to joining the
Charter School and the Brook- vania. look forward to partnering with team this summer and connect-
lyn Friends School. In addition Mr. Bournas-Ney in his new role ing with all of the students, fami-
Meadow Pond Elementary lies and sta .”
Sup ort Attend
LIFE & HEALTH the Races
April 29,2022
More info at
Gas station property listed for sale
e Mobil gas station property and a single-family home. It is
at the corner of Bouton Road and zoned as a residential district with
Route 35 in South Salem has been a commercial overlay, according to The gas station
and liquor store
listed for sale. the listing, which promotes it as a on the corner of
Bouton Road and
e asking price is $3.9 million. “residential redevelopment” oppor- Route 35
e listing by Avison Young notes tunity. PHOTO: LOOPNET.COM
that the property has not been list- Neither Avison Young nor the
ed for sale for over 80 years. gas station owners could be reached
e 4.72-acre property has a gas for comment.
station, a free-standing liquor store, –Brian Marschhauser
Westchester launches H.E.R.R.O. program
Volunteer rst responders eligible for tuition assistance
Westchester County is launching a cies occur,” Latimer said. “I am hoping quirements have been met. • ere are no restrictions on the type
tuition reimbursement program to help that this incentive program will encour- e H.E.R.R.O. program will be ad- of academic coursework the volunteer
volunteer re departments and E.M.S. age more people to serve as local heroes in chooses.
agencies recruit and retain more local their hometown re department or am- ministered by the Department of Emer-
members. bulance corps.” gency Services, which oversees volunteer • For tuition reimbursement,Westches-
ter Volunteer H.E.R.R.O. funds can only
County Executive George Latimer Volunteers are eligible for up to $6,000 re and E.M.S. training programs in be utilized for on-campus (classroom) or
hopes to bolster volunteer ranks by cre- annually in tuition reimbursement or Westchester County. distance (internet) learning tuition costs.
ating the Higher Education Recruit- student loan repayment assistance. To be
ment and Retention Opportunity eligible, an applicant must be an active Other highlights of the program in- • Other costs, such as housing, books,
(H.E.R.R.O.) program. H.E.R.R.O. will member of a volunteer re department, clude: or school fees, are not eligible for reim-
provide active volunteer emergency ser- bursement.
vices personnel with tuition reimburse- re company, re district, or E.M.S. agen- • Earned credit hours must be obtained
ment or student loan repayment assis- cy for one year. Volunteers must maintain from an accredited college, university, Application forms and more detailed
tance. acceptable volunteer activity and training trade school, or highly focused training information about the program’s require-
levels as set forth by the county during program. ments and approval process can be found
“Many of our communities rely on their entire course of study and an appli- at westchestergov.com/herro.
dedicated volunteers to answer the call cant’s department or agency will have to • Transcripts must be provided.
when res break out or medical emergen- verify that these training and service re- • Students can be enrolled on a full- is article was prepared by Westchester
time or part-time basis and must main- County.
tain a grade point average of “C” or better,
or a 2.0 on a 4.0 scale.
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BEER Bedford spouses coming along dine’s has a very impressive citra and galaxy hops and has came in solid with their Cozy
a lovely citrus, stone fruit, and Cabin Porter 6.6%: Very smooth
FROM PAGE 9 for food shopping. beer list that hit all the right tropical nose. Crisp and bright with nice vanilla and caramel
with Pilsner and Munich malts notes and on the lighter side for
alpine folk music notes with and smooth from the aked a porter”
oats with a dry nish and
Orange Gummy Bears, Berry NADINE’S the centuries old (since 1872) lingering hop bitterness. Super #LoseAChin Update
Mantis packs a serious punch at ough my #LoseAChin
Fruit Rollups, Mango Sorbet – 715 Saw Mill River Rd, Yor- Spaten Oktoberfest (a celebra- 8.7% ABV and is dangerously
easy to drink. I love everything movement is still in its infancy, I
which was spot on and delish. ktown Heights, 914-962-4298, tion of malt-hop balance that about this beer. e two hop am reading labels more carefully
varieties used are two of my and keeping an eye on carbs
Be an educated consumer and nadinesrestaurant.com current world leaders should personal favorites and they are and sugars. Folks have recom-
in perfect balance with the malt mended a few beer alternatives
read before you qua ! Sampler We were invited to dinner at take note of ), the also-classic varieties used. e Pilsner malt and one in particular stood out:
really makes it bright and there Buenavida Hard Seltzer at 5%
ights, 14-ounce glasses, and this traditional German restau- wheat beer Weihenstephan isn’t anything else quite like it.” ABV, 100 calories, 2g carbs, and
M.H. <1g sugar was tasty (black cherry
32-ounce/64-ounce growlers rant for dinner a while back by Weissbier (hazy, citrusy, full in particular) and guilt-free!
First Time Caller Long
all available. our friends and fellow IT geeks. mouthfeel) and Stiegl Salzberg, Time Listener Craig from Send along any beer/brewery/
Kisco chimes in from a road restaurant recommendations
Noshy was the food vibe As is my nature, I start to plan and Hofbrau Lager. trip: other readers may enjoy as well
as beer related questions you
with guac and chips, as well as my eating and drinking hours And wait, if that wasn’t “After a long day of cheering may have.
the Nittany Lions on against
a populated and diverse cheese in advance by going online and enough, they have the largest the Stony Brook Seawolves on Cheers!
the gridiron (ending in a tie), e Katonah Beer Man
platter, plus some nice looking checking out the food/bev line- pepper shaker known to man we hit Federal Taphouse State
College for some sustenance EMAIL: eKatonahBeerMan@
sandwiches. Also, you can bring ups. So, not only did they have and a cool outdoor beer gar- and suds with the family. e gmail.com; INSTAGRAM: @
Juniata Brewing Company thekatonahbeerman; ARCHIVE
food up to the bar from the some of my fave German foods, den. See pics of both using the (with live links and pics!);
supermarket. but.. the… beer… comes… in… WordPress link at bottom of
Attention shoppers: ey 1-liter steins! Never have I been article. Also notable is that their
also o er a solid canned cock- so happy to embrace the metric bathroom has a pleasant faint
tail list as well as wine by the system. scent of cinnamon…
glass and bottle. A quaint dining room and
Apart from the bar, there was adjacent bar that was pretty BEER REVIEWS
a nice sitting area upstairs with full with families and groups Our friend, Matt from
tables and chairs and appar- of friends who all seemed quite Vista Beverage, enjoys Super
ently a free WiFi connection happy on that particular night. Mantis by Nod Hill Brewery
as folks seemed to be “at work” We all brought our “A” game in Ridge eld
there. and buried ourselves in the “Super Mantis is an un l-
On our way out, we ventured classics of German food culture tered, unpasteurized DIPA.
back downstairs to check out – all delectable and cooked and is brew is dry hopped with
the massive beer aisle that also seasoned to perfection: sausage
carries single cans for purchase sampler, pierogi with sausage in
– perfect for experimenting. sauerkraut, herring, sauerbraten,
Along the way, my beer com- and, for me, the classic wiener
panion remarked, “What is this schnitzel a la Holstein (with Carpet
grocery store doing in a bar?” two fried eggs and anchovies on
top!). H>uegdwearpdjoonretsi.oconms| aMnemdberaSItPtCen-
tive service.
On the libations side, Na-
Statistics are still being
When it comes to your to-dogathered, but a solid bet is that
list, put your future first.there will be a sharp increase in
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A tip from the Lewisboro Garden Club
Celebrating Earth Day DID YOU KNOW? in cooperation with the Lewis- top Hanover Farm in Yorktown brighten our community during
this week is an excellent boro Land Trust and Lewisboro on May 10. the winter months. is program
reason to start composting. BY POLLY TAFRATE Library. In addition, the Garden will continue every December.
Gardeners who already have an LEWISBORO GARDEN CLUB Club awards three scholarships to Each September, the Garden
established compost heap consider John Jay High School graduates in Club participates at the Lewisboro Native trees and shrubs are
them essential for the added nutri- You may be familiar with environmental studies. Library Fair. Look for us to help critical for our wildlife, air, and wa-
ents they add to their garden’s soil. Lewisboro Garden Club’s (LGC) your children make their own ter quality, so to this end, the club
many programs, such as the e Garden Club also hosts Fairy Garden with a hand-painted has made a concentrated e ort
“Practically any plant material Golden Roads da odils, the gar- demonstrations and hands-on birdhouse and purchase da odils to plant trees to meet this need.
can be composted,”says e Cor- den triangles, or the Rooting for workshops. A recent one was giv- from the Golden Roads table. Our partnership with One Tree
nell Cooperative Extension’s docu- Lewisboro Program, but here are a en by Jenn Cipriano, co-owner of Planted has made this possible.
ment,“ e Big Heap.”In this, few that may be new to you. Copia (Vista). ose who attend- Since its inception, the club has We have planted a mature white
they explain how “most kitchen ed watched her assemble a Spring been involved in Lewisboro’s First oak at Onatru Farm and will plant
and yard waste can be recycled Every spring, Garden Club Porch Planter before making one Day Program and has o ered a redbud tree at the Town Park
naturally through the process of members participate in two plant of their own. Similar workshops activities and crafts for children. this year.
composting. Leaves are ideal, but sales. One is at Copia Home and will be o ered seasonally. Look for us in 2023.
pieces of sod, manure, lawn clip- Garden Center in Vista (May 14), New members are welcome.
pings, ne wood chips or sawdust, and the other is a plant and bake Club members like to visit other In December 1984, the Gar- Join us as we help to keep Lewis-
straw, hay, and plant refuse from sale at Gossett Brother’s Nursery gardens and farms. In 2021 they den Club members gathered boro a beautiful place to live. e
the kitchen can also be used.” ey in South Salem (May 7). Both are visited Wave Hill Gardens in evergreens and assembled holiday dues are $15 a year. Please visit
add a note of caution when com- fundraisers for the club so we can Riverdale and Good Hope Farm swags to hang on the town border our website for more information.
posting food wastes: “Avoid grease, continue our e orts to beautify in South Salem. Visit our website signs. Over the years, they have www.LewisboroGardenClub.org.
fat, bones, sh and meat scraps as the town. Look for Garden Club to join us for our next trip to Hill- increased the number of swags to
fats are slow to break down and members wearing bright green include town locations and help
greatly increase the length of time aprons who will answer your ques-
before compost can be used.” tions and give you advice.
“ e use of compost improves As a non-pro t organization,
plant growth by helping to break we are involved in educational
up and loosen clay soil and by programs. Since 1972, the club
increasing water-holding capacity has o ered lectures and lms to
in sandy soils. It will add nutrients the community. An example is a
to all soils.”
lm shown in 2021,“Uninvited:
e Spread of Invasive Species,”
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Bozena Procak and her children, Frank, 6, Stephanie, 8,
and Gabriel, 12, posed with the characters.
Callie Raman, Emma Simione, 4, and Quinn Simione, 4 were hugged by the Lewisboro Bunny.
3, was
hugged by
the Lewisboro
e Lewisboro Lion and Lewisboro House’s driveway and onto the street to meet
Bunny made a special visit to Lewisboro’s the characters. Every family waited in their
Town House to celebrate Easter on Saturday, car until it was their turn to interact with the
April 16. Children aged 12 and younger were Lewisboro Lion and Bunny. While most of
treated to goody bags lled with candy inside the adults took pictures, the children laughed,
pastel colored Easter eggs. e bags were hugged, and high- ved the characters.
hand-delivered to each car by members of the
Lewisboro Lions Club. e event was sponsored by the Lewisboro
Lions Club and Lewisboro’s Parks and Rec-
A line of cars formed out of the Town reations Department.
Aidan Smith, 10, Gavan Smith, 6, and Ryan Smith, 10, stood in front of
the characters to get their pictures taken.
Bianca Payne, 5, and Billy Payne, 7, huddled around the Lewisboro Bunny. Micah Diaz, 4, eagerly held onto his goody bags while the Lewisboro Lion
and Bunny posed in the background.
My special angel
MUSINGS: munion that following spring. ing, “Alright, God, if you make Mom saying the baby was ever so the refrigerator. One rather dreary
PAST AND e nun who taught us would miracles then change this doll much better, and she was certain day as I turned from the fridge, I
PRESENT into a real, live, baby sister.” I was it was because of the prayers of was amazed to see a gold-colored
MARILYN A. often talk of miracles and told even brazen enough to ask for her son’s classmates.“God always ring just above Lynn’s head.
PELLINI us the story of the children a sister with certain attributes. listens to the prayers of children,” Believing that the sun was nally
at Fatima on the installment She had to be chubby, pretty, she concluded. at is why coming out, I walked past her
When I turned 7, I plan—a little bit each week to smart, and love to play with me. and how I came about naming to the nearby window, but there
began to attend reli- hold our interest and keep us No baby sister arrived, not even my child Michael. Michaels, I was no sun visible at all. I picked
gious classes so that coming to class. Being a child a baby brother. I had to grow up concluded, were clearly caring, her up and moved her over a
I could make my First Com- who took everything liter- being satis ed with the brother concerned, and had a pathway to bit further to a new area of the
ally, I went home, grabbed my I had, even though he was many heaven. I did not even give my countertop, but the golden circle
Sleepy Head Doll down from years older than I was. husband a chance to protest the moved with her. is time, with
the shelf where she was perched, name, as I had my mind made up. tears in my eyes, I picked her up
and shook her repeatedly say- After my growing up years, I He did agree enthusiastically with and hugged her ever so closely
attended college, married, and my choice, and our Michael was a thinking to myself—what that
One time use only. Cannot be used in conjunction with any other coupon or offer. had a family of my own. First, blessing and truly a darling child. nun never told us back then was
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teaching at the time. at little my husband a chance to go rst
NEW YORK HOMEOWNERS: Michael came into class one day in the naming process. Only fair Lynn was exactly what I had
and told us all at Show and Tell I thought. With my approval, he ordered that day so very long
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received a note from Michael’s got her some juice or milk from
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Should kids be allowed Let the kids jump!
to count on their ngers?
Puddles GUEST
STRONG panic just like she had in rst and sec- derstand math, but may actually learn have CORNER
LEARNING become a
ond grade when she was not allowed to to like it and not be afraid of it. reminder for me KIM STOLL
to slow down.
use her ngers. STEM (science, technology, engi-
I love letting
DR. LINDA ousands of children have been in neering, and mathematics) schools and my kids jump
SILBERT some cases traumatized by well-mean- programs are all over. Even though in puddles,
ing but uninformed teachers. ere many adults say they “don’t need alge- because it goes
are tutoring companies right now that bra”and other mathematical concepts against my very nature.
won’t allow their students to use their in their everyday lives, the success of I’m always on the go, thinking of the next
Dear Dr. Linda, ngers. It is both amazing and disturb- kids today in the workplace they will thing, wanting things to stay in order, neat, orga-
I’m a rst-grade teacher and nd that ing that so many teachers followed one day encounter may depend on it. nized, and on time. As moms, we hold all the lists,
many of my students need to count and still follow this practice without e more we do to encourage children all the to-dos, everyone’s feelings, desires, needs.
on their ngers to do addition and sub- questioning it. to be comfortable with math (and not If you are like me, it makes your mind always race
traction. I don’t allow it. ey need to As I said above, the objective is for anxious about it), the more prepared with what is next and rush from the here and
learn their addition facts, or they won’t students to eventually not need their they will be to succeed. now.
be able to do addition or subtraction. ngers but being required not to use Let your young students count on My rushed mind wasn’t good for me or my
ey know the rule, but I nd many them may disrupt the process by which their ngers as long as they need to. kids. I had to slow down.
of them hiding their hands under higher mathematical concepts and Dr. Linda Puddles are the reminder.
their desks so they can count on their skills are acquired. Hopefully, teachers, Life’s too short not to stop and jump.
ngers. I don’t want to embarrass them, tutors, and parents will not discourage Dr. Linda is co-author of “Why Bad
but if I don’t insist, they will never learn beginning learners from using their Grades Happen to Good Kids,” and Kim Stoll empowers women to nd joy in every day
their number facts. ngers not only to help them count but director of Strong Learning Tutoring. and build a life they love through positive habits
One of my colleagues totally dis- also to help their brain develop so that Send your questions to Linda@ in mindset, tness, and smart nutrition. Virtual
agrees with me and lets her students they will be able to not only better un- stronglearning.com. coaching available. [email protected]
count on their ngers. In fact, she What separates us
thinks I’m a terrible teacher for
doing this. Who’s right?
Dear Grace,
I’m sorry to tell you, but I
side with your colleague. Recent from other accountants and tax preparers is
research has shown that when
children use their ngers, it helps
them early on in learning numbers our ability to work with you not just on taxes,
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arithmetic concepts. A fourth-
grade boy I once worked with—
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arithmetic was by using his ngers.
e only way he could visualize the
quantity a number represented was handle your income and expenses in the future
by using his ngers.
Over the years, counting on
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discouraged in most classes. is
practice was probably not based
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what theories were in vogue when We help you navigate the tax code, and in the end, help you
the teacher was originally taught.
For whatever reasons, it was taboo set sound financial goals.
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e eventual goal, of course, is
for kids to learn the number con-
cepts so that they no longer have to
count on their ngers. But forc-
ing them not to use their ngers 845-628-5400
before that learning has fully taken
place does more harm than good.
A woman who struggled with SFGtaxes.com | [email protected]
math as a girl once told me that if
she found herself at a house party 824 Route 6, Suite 4 | Mahopac, NY 10541
where someone was selling things
and she had to ll out an order
form, she’d make up an excuse that Securities offered through Cantella & Co., Inc. Member FINRA/SIPC. Cantella and Co., Inc. does not provide tax, legal or accounting advice.
she suddenly had to go home and This material has been prepared for informational purposes only, and is not intended to provide, and should not be relied on for, tax, legal or
leave. She said she would go into a
accounting advice. You should consult your own tax, legal and accounting advisors before engaging in any transaction.
John Jay crushes Brewster, 14-2
John Jay opened league play by travel- Kayla Shapiro (8) and Jordan Kauftheil (3) keep Brewster contained.
ing to Brewster on Wednesday, April 13.
Pretty easy mileage, the Wolves won a Katrina Gallagher on the ride PHOTOS: RICH MONETTI
convincing 14-2 victory, but Coach Jess
McDonough was proud her girls didn’t Meghan Condon (4) on the rise
just cruise to the nish line.
“We saw a lot of great hustle play. ey
played together as a team,” she said. “Ev-
erybody contributed.”
e Wolves didn’t wait long to get
started, either. Kate Mercer took the face-
o , Mia Puccio came down with the ball
and hurried the play back to Mercer. e
mid elder let loose, and John Jay had a
1-0 lead only 14 seconds into the game.
e face-o going the other way next,
a Brewster turnover got John Jay on the
ball for the second goal. After Caroline
Panzirer dropped a pass out front, she
gathered herself and backtracked. e de-
fense following, the mid elder hit Shan-
non Nolan on the right, and the lead was
two at 22:54.
Far from done, defense led the way
again. Meghan Condon made the strip
in the John Jay zone, got the ball ahead,
and the chase led to Panzirer scoring on
the penalty.
Up 3-0 with 18:47 left in the half,
Mercer won another in the middle of the
eld, and there was nothing serendipitous
in the way the ball was landing.
“We try to make the face-o about the
team. So, we really work together. We
communicate the entire time,” Mercer
said. “We have motion. We have set plays
and just try to be smart.”
So, up the eld, Nolan took over the
learning curve, and on the receiving end
of goal number four, Panzirer was grate-
ful for her teammate’s knowledge base.
“Shannon is amazing. She has the best la-
crosse IQ,” Panzirer said. “She knows ex-
actly where everybody is going to be, and
it’s really special to see someone commu-
nicate with everyone on a level like that.”
Brewster, on the other hand, would
have needed ESP to sustain an o ense
against John Jay’s tough defensive play.
“We really work on our ride, and it’s a
whole team e ort,” McDonough said.
Katrina Gallagher agreed. “You can’t
play defense by yourself,” Gallagher said,
and takes pride in a team that plays ag-
gressive but not dirty.
So, on the defensive harry, the Wolves
forced another strip, and Panzirer was
again o to the races. She went the length
of the eld, and despite this solo e ort on
the third of her ve goals, Panzirer rev-
eled in the team e ort. Playing together
as a unit, she said, “ at’s one of our main
goals. So, it’s good to see us execute and
play together as a family.”
e rest came pretty easily, and the
Wolves now stand at 5-1 overall.
Youth basketball team goes undefeated John Jay
A youth basketball team made up of ey were coached by John Jay High e players: Sasha Zalkin, Kylie Bishop, softball
third-, fourth-, and fth-grade players in School varsity players: Riley Pastore Emilia Cheng, Cecelia Nicolosi, Kenzi
Katonah-Lewisboro recently nished an (coach) and Miranda and Jessica Martin Skinner, Danielle Weisfelner, Lael Wil-
8-0 season. (assistant coaches). liams, Cecily Cavanagh
splits two
Girls softball remained at .500
with a 3-3 record by splitting their
two games last week. On Tuesday,
April 12, the Wolves traveled to
Nanuet and lost big to Nanuet by
a score of 19-6. However, the girls
came home on Wednesday and
won a 5-4 nail-biter over Lourdes.
Olivia Blank
5 Questions Women Should Ask
About Breast Cancer Surgery
Ask the Doctor Q: What stage is my cancer? Q: How do I choose a surgeon?
A: Breast cancer stages are represented on a scale A: Seek a fellowship-trained breast surgeon. These
Ranjana Chaterji, DO of 0 to 4, with 4 being the most serious. Stage 0, are surgeons who, after their residency, do a fellowship
Breast Surgeon also called ductal carcinoma in situ, means that your speci c to oncologic breast surgery. At Northern
Northwell Health Breast Care Center cancer is contained in a milk duct and has a low risk Westchester Hospital, we work as a team to care for
Northern Westchester Hospital of spreading. Stage 4 breast cancer means the cancer you through surgery, medical oncology, radiation
has spread to other parts of your body. If your cancer is oncology, genetics and plastic surgery.
Learn more about Dr. Chaterji, visit stage 4, seeking treatment immediately may improve
nwh.northwell.edu/Chaterji your outcome and ultimate quality of life. Q: How can I nd support during
this difficult time?
The care and safety of our community during Q. How do I decide whether a lumpectomy or A: Northern Westchester Hospital’s Bruce and
the ongoing COVID-19 pandemic is our mastectomy is the best option? Andrea Yablon Cancer Health and Wellness Program
top priority. We have put maximum safety A: More often than not, you will choose the type of provides supportive care and holistic treatments that
measures in place to prevent exposure to surgery you feel most comfortable with. The survival complement medical treatment. You can choose
the coronavirus by anyone who comes to data of lumpectomy with radiation is equivalent to free integrative medicine services, including reiki,
the Hospital for emergency or scheduled that of a mastectomy, so we’ve learned that more acupuncture, massage, nutrition planning, tness
care. Don’t delay care. Please continue to surgery is not necessarily better. and exercise plans, mindful wellness and emotional
wash your hands, wear a mask, and support, and a survivorship program.
practice social distancing. Q. How soon does surgery need to be done?
A: Typically, we try to operate within a month of a We also partner with Support Connection, a group
diagnosis – you don’t have to decide immediately. that offers free emotional, social and educational
You can learn about breast cancer, understand your support services to women and their families
options, and then make a decision you’re comfortable and friends affected by breast and ovarian cancer.
with. A woman’s gut feeling is most important. My I encourage my patients to take part in these
patients often ask me, “What would you do?” But programs, which are currently virtual. The support
it’s not about me — it’s what the woman wants and enables women to help each other and empowers
what makes sense for her, her family, and her life. them to become their own health care advocates.
Jay wins
After a crushing double-over-
time loss to Arlington last week,
the Wolves bounced back with
wins against Brewster and Ma-
hopac. “ at really lifted our spir-
its,”said Sid Goldberg, and the ef-
fect carried over on Tuesday, April
12, at home versus Hen Hud.
e Wolves jumped out to a
3-0 lead and cruised to a 9-2 vic-
e game began when Dom
Savastano ran down his own face-
o and put John Jay in position to
run Coach Bocklet’s attack. “We
put in a zone o ense,” Bocklet Andrew
said. Kiefer on
the turn
Being patient and looking for
weakness was the idea, accord-
ing to the coach, and the Wolves
worked the ball for almost a full ticed the plan. “We really moved Wolves returned the favor, Tyler three great opportunities by the give and go with Duva. On the
three minutes before the moment the ball around, waited for the Robinson was able to corral an Wolves. In keeping, Minard return, Kiefer sent the ball on a
arose. Nick Savastano found Kyle right shot and capitalized when errant pass that bounced right in held his end up when omas bounce, and John Jay led 4-1 with
Petschek out front,and after he hit we got it,” said the mid elder. the front of the goal. He pounced Popolizio made a similar type of 5:22 left in the half.
the post, Andrew Kiefer brought A timeout by Hen Hud didn’t and easily beat Andrew Minard down eld rush as Robinson. Moments later, Hen Hud
home the rebound at 9:08. alter the game plan, either. But at 2:01 e same result, and then Mi- let their goalie’s good work go
On the other hand, there was this time, the four-corner play Minard wasn’t so obliging, nard got a break with a little help to waste. After Ca rey netted
no problem that the next two couldn’t get past the Hen Hud though, when the visitors looked from his defense. e Wolves got Chris DiChiara’s overhand, the
goals came quicker and looked goalie. Luke Bueti’s clear line like they could build some mo- up close and banged away until turn up eld got loose in front of
almost identical. At 7:54, Craig of sight got gobbled up on the mentum. Forcing a turnover in the ball came loose. “We were the goal, and Kiefer stepped in to
Galea unleashed from the left bounce by Rowan Ca rey, and their own end, Robinson raced pretty physical,” said Goldberg. easily make the score 5-1.
on Jonathan Altneu’s pass, and Hen Hud nally got the chance down eld and had his point- “ e game plan was to square up Four minutes left in the half,
a minute later, Luca Duva red to set up. blank shot turned away by Mi- and not let in any goals.” Hen Hud kept it close on a
from the same spot on Galea’s After possessing the ball for a nard. e tough play subsequently man advantage. Rocco Capicotti
pass. few minutes, the Sailors turned e other way, Ca rey was up paid o on the scoreboard. Kiefer wound up and closed the gap to
Up 3-0, Kiefer de nitely no- the ball over. But after the to his counter and turned away scooped up the ball and played three at 1:46
e second half then had the
Sailors giving the Wolves the
man-advantage. Nick Savastano
taken out in front of the goal with
5:23 left in the third, the attacker
had the last laugh. e defense
drawn to Petschek in the middle,
he spotted Kiefer on the right and
his pass found Savastano open in
front of the goal for the 6-2 lead
at 4:44.
e game was mostly put out of
reach when Duva and DiChiara
scored inside the rst two minutes
of the fourth.
“We feel good on a three-game
winning streak, and we have a
tough schedule coming up. But I
think we can keep it going,”Kiefer
On ursday, John Jay extended
that streak to four,defeating Lake-
land/Panas, 13-5, on the road. e
Charles Burt PHOTOS: RICH MONETTI Wolves are now 5-2 overall and
1-0 in league play.
Luca Duva goes for the goal.
Open HouseClaSsAcshvooafliala2rb0slhe2ip6s
All Grades Welcome!
Thursday April 28 | 6pm - 8pm
Foundational 6th-12th GRADE COLLEGE Traditional
PHOTOS: RICH MONETTI Mike Russo makes the catch on a
JohnBASEBALL Jay has 3-1 week
foul ball.
After starting the season 1-2,
John Jay bounced back last week
by winning three out of four. e
Wolves defeated Nanuet, 4-2,
on Monday, April 11, defeated
Lakeland, 5-3, at Contest Field
on Wednesday and following a
6-4 loss at Rye on ursday, the
boys came home on Saturday
and hung a doughnut on Panas.
Behind a little two-sided
shutdown pitching, John Jay
sent the Panthers packing with
a 4-0 loss.“Chris [Civetta] went
over a hundred pitches last
week. So, we had a plan going
in. He understood that, and he
did a great job to start us o ,”
said Coach Ken Santoianni.
“Will Matthews then came in
and did an outstanding job n-
e game began with Civet-
ta playing catch with his rst
baseman and his battery-mate.
Civetta snared two comeback-
ers and closed the inning by
getting Sam Stafura on strikes.
John Jay went just as quick in
the bottom, but Panas did not
oblige in the top of the second.
Jackson DiLorenzo reached on
an error by second baseman
Nick Fassert, and after Civetta
got the next two, Derek Haw-
ley drew a walk, and his brother
Cameron was hit by a pitch.
e bases loaded, Santoianni Chris Civetta
knew his starter wouldn’t shrink.
“He competes. He loves the at- Lucas Orlovitz drove in the rst
mosphere,” said the coach, and run by acknowledging how bad
moments later, Civetta sucked he looked in the rst inning
out Panas’ oxygen by striking on an outside slider. “I knew I
out Gavin Carlucci. wasn’t going to be able to hit
After Carlucci again breezed that pitch,”said Orlovitz.
on the mound in the second, So, hanging back and wait-
Civetta had a bit of a jam to ing for a mistake was in order.
deal with in the top of the third “He had been getting into some
too. A walk and another HBP deep counts,”said Orlovitz.“He
put two runners on, but Civetta came with an inside slider, and
hit the nail on the head for his it was there.”
afternoon by getting Dan Wit- Mike Aiello then went back
ters on a ground-out to second. to the fundamentals by scor-
Carlucci matched Civetta ing Russo with a ground out to
again in the third and nine bat- second, and base hits by Civetta
ters in a row retired, he might and Dan Pieratti completed the
have wished he called it a day four-run inning. e Wolves
there too. ree straight singles dugout howling reaching a
began the fourth, and Alec pitch, Matthews followed suit.
Skrilo ’s tunnel vision got e reliever got the side in
the ball rolling. “I go up hunt- order in the fth and struck out
ing fastballs,” said the John Jay the side in the sixth. e seventh
Shortstop. did see Panas put runners on the
Eyes peeled and on alert, he corners, but Matthews simply
and his teammates prefer to not stuck to his guns. “I just try to
let the pitcher o the hook after keep my composure and think
he deals.“Our approach is to go about the next batter,”he said.
up the middle and do damage,” e next was Travis Carlucci,
said Skrilo . and going down on strikes, he
Either way, Mike Russo was also the last.John Jay is now Dan Pieratti
made good with his single, and 4-3 on the season.
Local organization warns of computer virus threats
After being on the backburner computer, often with the aim of necessary mean it’s really gone. to check without using links or • Take the time to set up two-
for years, home computer virus hijacking online banking or credit e bad actors are active in
threats are on the upswing again, information to make purchases. phone numbers provided in the factor authentication (2FA)—se-
warns a Westchester community several areas, says George Hauss,
computer non-pro t organiza- “Once you let someone with a Yonkers resident who teaches alarming messages. curity questions—on any account
tion, which suggests protective bad intentions into your machine, computer classes at Westchester
measures. it’s usually downhill from there,” Community College. ey “are • Don’t use short, easy-to-guess that o ers, because that can de-
said Jonathan Hau , a computer basically trying to get informa-
e Westchester PC Users consultant based in Larchmont tion from you such as banking passwords for online accounts, feat hackers.
Group (WPCUG) alerts that who is a former WPCUG presi- and other nancial passwords so
scammers, hackers, and other bad dent and current WPCUG work- they can transfer money out of and especially don’t employ iden-
actors increasingly employ fake shop moderator. Regarding tele- your accounts. Some are trying to
emails, fake alerts that pop up phone calls from scammers,“these get your personal information for tical passwords across multiple is article was prepared by the
when viewing legitimate websites, are not nice people, though they marketing purposes and are more
telephone scams, and anti-virus try to sound nice on the phone. benign so you’ll just get more tar- accounts, because these are easy Westchester PC Users Group,
marketers peppering cyberspace It’s a con game to them. ey re- geted emails, although those can
with hard-sell sales messages. ally are heartless criminals out to drive you crazy. Others are hack- to hack. Multi-word phrases that which was established in 1981 as a
take advantage of people, espe- ers who are trying to get into your
All these literally touch all the cially older people” who are often computer without your consent are easy-to-remember (peppered non-pro t that conducts workshops
homes in the region—and partic- too trusting. to extract information or install
ularly try to trick untrained senior encryption programs to make the with a few obscure characters) and serves as a sounding board
citizens into downloading mali- On Jan. 27, the Federal Trade computer inaccessible, and then
cious software. Commission (FTC) issued an hold the access for ransom.” are one way can help keep track for practical knowledge regarding
alert that scams involving online
WPCUG president Pierre social media climbed a staggering A WPCUG member, Hauss of di erent passwords. computers, and mobile devices.
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In reality, the scammers have • Some computer security rms software and external hardware CSLB# 1035795 DOPL #10783658-5501 License# 7656 License# 50145 License# 41354 License# 99338 License# 128344 License# 218294 WA UBI# 603 233 977
only put the user’s browser in full say that they can remove ransom- storage devices, can be complicat- License# 2102212986 License# 2106212946 License# 2705132153A License# LEAFFNW822JZ License# WV056912 License# WC-29998-H17 Nassau HIC License#
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CB Gallery to present Matt Ulrich solo show, “Folk Yeah!”
Reception with the artist on Saturday April 30
CB Gallery, Katonah’s contem- about the perfect marriage of Purdy’s Farmer & the Fish and even with two kids and a full- return of the Katonah Art Walk
porary art gallery, is pleased to an- symmetry and geometry you nd Hay elds Market. Ulrich is happy time job, he spends every spare on April 23.
nounce its next exhibition entitled in folk art,” he added. to take on more commissions “I’m moment creating. I love this work
“Folk Yeah!” by North Salem art- always very honored when some- because it’s a contemporary spin Walk-in gallery hours are
ist, Matt Ulrich. e exhibit will Often painting on reclaimed one asks me to paint something,” on traditional folk art with each Wednesday through Saturday, 11
run from April 20 – June 11, 2022 wood pieces with sign paint and he says. piece feeling intensely rich. It’s a.m. - 5 p.m. or by appointment.
with an artist reception on Satur- house paint, Ulrich creates what an honor to show an artist like For more information, please
day April 30 from 5-8 p.m. is best described as barn quilts but “Matt is one of those amazing Matt whose need to create is as visit CB Gallery on Facebook and
with a modern twist in experi- creatives with boundless energy,” constant as the need to eat, sleep Instagram @cbartgallery or contact
Ulrich always knew he wanted mental color ways. His distinctive owner and director of CB Gal- and breathe.” Christopher Brescia at artgallerycb@
to be an artist with his earliest style has made him popular with lery, Christopher Brescia said. gmail.com or 917-520-3234.
memories being the re-drawing local business owners including “His passion to create is such that “Folk Yeah!” will be up for the
of comic books. After
majoring in graphic Wild Flowers Sands
design at Lycoming
College, he landed
his rst job working
on decorative paint-
ing projects at Ab-
ercrombie & Fitch’s
agship store in New
York City.
“I see art projects
everywhere,” Ulrich
says. “I see a blank
space and I want to
ll it – I’m always
thinking, Hey, I could
do something there.”
Ulrich is most in-
spired by traditional
folk art.
“I’m passionate Spring
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