VOL. NO. Holidays!
It was a magical Kids lined up to have their
evening in Mount picture taken with the
Kisco when the guests of honor.
community gath-
ered for the holi- The choir from Mount
day tree lighting Kisco Elementary
ceremony on Dec. performed.
2 at Fountain Park.
The festivities were
sponsored by the
Mount Kisco Cham-
ber of Commerce,
and guests were
treated to musical
performances be-
fore the arrival of
Santa Claus and
the lighting of the
tree. In addition,
the generosity of
attendants filled
a truck with food
to be delivered to
the Interfaith Food
Everyone at The
Mt. Kisco-Bedford
Times hopes that all
of our readers have
a safe and happy
holiday season!
Your House Could Be the #1 Item on a HOPEMAZZOLA
Homebuyer’s Wish List During the Holidays YOU’VE GOTTA HAVE HOPE
Each year, homeowners planning to make a move are faced Sales Vice President
with a decision: sell their house during the holidays or wait. Licensed Associate Real Estate Broker
And others who have already listed their homes may think
about removing their listings and waiting until the new year to cell: 914.714.0090
go back on the market.
The truth is many buyers want to purchase a home for the holi- [email protected]
days, and your house might be just what they’re looking for. hopemazzola.com
Call me for a no-obligation consultation about selling
your home and the 5 great reasons you shouldn't 95 Katonah Ave | Katonah, NY 10536
wait until Spring. #UGottaHaveHope
HEALTH & WELLNESS Students in the News
The Staff Temple Shaaray FOX TRACKS
EDITORIAL TEAM Tefilla gives back Mount Kisco provided. Children under 5 must
TOM WALOGORSKY for the holidays Chamber of be accompanied on the retruck
Commerce by an adult, and families must
EDITOR: 914-302-5830 meet the trucks at the American
[email protected] Legion and participate with
VIM WILKINSON www.mtkiscochamber.com their child. Event begins in the
[email protected] BY RANDY FREEMAN Memorial Pool parking lot in
ADVERTISING TEAM SHOP WITH FROSTY & Leonard Park, and ends at the
FRIENDS American Legion, 1 Legion
(914) 806-3951
[email protected] In the community spirit of Saturday, Dec. 17, from 1 to 4 Way.
BRUCE HELLER giving, Temple Shaaray Te lla p.m. Bedford-Armonk
(914) 486-7608 of Bedford uses their kitchen Featuring a holiday cookie
[email protected]
and social hall with volunteers crawl, donuts and hot chocolate Rotary Club
LISA KAIN from churches, other synagogues, freshly made by Glazed and
(201) 317-1139
[email protected] and the Muslim Society of Confused Donut Truck on
CORINNE STANTON Westchester to prepare meals Moger Ave., strolling carolers TREE SALE
(914) 760-7009
[email protected] for anksgiving, Christmas and meandering on Main Street Weekends, thru Dec. 23
JAY GUSSAK other occasions for families in & South Moger Ave., and free e Rotary Club of Bedford-
(914) 299-4541
[email protected] need. Each year, thousands of pretzel bites at Exit 4 Food Armonk Tree & Wreath Sale
PAM ZACOTINSKY meals are prepared for families Hall. And don’t forget to stop for charity and community - a
[email protected] who need the food for their by the Chamber tents on Main longtime tradition in northern
PRODUCTION TEAM holiday celebrations. Recipients Street and South Moger Ave. Westchester - will return, along
zontal VersionTABITHA PEARSON MARSHALL come from all over Westchester, promenade. with a coat drive on Saturdays
as well as Fair eld County and Mount Kisco and Sundays until Dec. 23.
ible uses: PHOTOGRAPHER at least three of the boroughs in e sale will be held from 10
site, [email protected]
New York City. PHOTO COURTESY OF RANDY FREEMAN Recreation a.m. - 6 p.m. at Bedford Hills
NOAH ELDER Gary Cohen, one of the many Department Memorial Park, located at 60
DESIGNER Temple Shaaray Tefilla Haines Rd. In Bedford Hills,
organizers of this endeavor, partners with other community 914-666-3059, NY.
[email protected] stressed the notion that this is organizations to prepare www.mountkiscony.gov
a community e ort and that thousands of meals each year. Organizers suggest coming
EXECUTIVE TEAM they welcome volunteers as well early in the sale to get the best
as suggestions for families who Ukrainian families received their selection while supplies last. A
845-208-8151 need these meals. e e ort does rst anksgiving meal in this ANNUAL COMBINED selection of beautiful trees from
[email protected] not stop at anksgiving, and country thisCNoovnemnbeer.cticut HOLIDAY PARTY Nova Scotia will be available.
continues in various capacities Saturday, Dec. 10, from 9:30 to is year’s sale bene ts the
throughout the year. face & bodyis group of volunteers welcomes
Community Center of Northern
Shaaray Te lla also partners other adults to help cook and Westchester, scholarships, and
11:15 a.m.
All children are invited to
with other organizations who deliver, children to help decorate be greeted by Santa at the other community, national, and
help distribute the meals. Places the packages that go out, and Memorial Pool Parking Lot in international projects.
like men’s shelters, battered teens to help serve meals. Funding Leonard Park and transported Town of Bedford
women’s shelters, Veterans comes from volunteers and local by re truck to the Mount Kisco
groups, and Neighbor’s Link businesses. Anyone interested American Legion. Candy and Recreation
which supports refugee families, in volunteering can email gifts will be distributed, and hot Department
also join in the e ort. Many [email protected]. chocolate end cookies will be
HOLIDAY SPECIAL OFFER For more information,
visit www.bedfordny.gov/
DEADLINE Friday, Dec. 9, from 6 to 8 p.m.
It’s the holiday time and it is
ible uses:THE DEADLINE FOR ADVERTISEMENTS Connecticut time to decorate. Gingerbread
AND EDITORIAL SUBMISSIONS House decorating will be lled
hics face & body with creativity and fun. Get
IS THE WEDNESDAY BEFORE THE your friends together and come
175 East Main Street • Mount Kisco, NY 10549 for a fun time. We will be
NEXT PUBLICATION DATE. doing seasonal crafts, playing
$100 for games, and having loads of fun.
FOR MORE INFORMATION, Dinner will be served. $25 for
residents, $30 for non-residents.
CALL TOM WALOGORSKY AT To be held at the Bedford Hills
Community House.
914-302-5830 OR EMAIL
[email protected] FROSTY & FRIENDS
Location or a 60-minute facial Saturday, Dec. 10, at 9 a.m.
umpity, thump, thump,
118 N. BEDFORD ROAD a 60-minute massage
SUITE 100 thumpity, thump thump come
NOWConnecticut through 12/31/22 meet Frosty the Snowman.
MOUNT KISCO, NY 10549 Callftaocdea&y tboosdchyedule your treCoantnmecteicnutt Frosty is stopping by the
at over 20% o regulafarcper&icbeosd. y Bedford Hills Community
ative Versions House for a visit. Don’t miss this
opportunity for photos. Join in
Appointments required • www.ctfaceandbody.com
Famed Christmas shop closes at
Pound Ridge Nursery
Santa Claus, cider, sleigh rides and memories
BY BILL BONGIORNO wonderful memories of Pound
According to their website, the
On a recent drive into Pound Pound Ridge Nursery mission
Ridge, I passed the Pound Ridge and vision has been to provide
Nursery and did a double take. I customers with premiere owers,
expected to see them in full plants, trees, shrubs, as well
swing for the Christmas season. as landscape services to bring
I was already thinking about homes and o ces to life.
the Christmas shop with e owner over the past six
all its beautiful and unique years did not want to talk about
o erings. e cider was always the closing or the plans. ere
piping hot. I needed two cups was simply a Facebook post
to hold it. en of course there of appreciation thanking the The Pound Ridge
Nursery sign, devoid
were the visits with Santa, where patrons. of the usual Christmas
Shop announcement.
my kids would sit on his lap and It went on to say, “As of this
tell him what they wanted for Saturday, October 29, we will be
Christmas. en a sleigh ride, closing down our Nursery Retail
reindeer, a re and most recently, Operations for the season. is
a food truck to top it o . strategic move will allow us the
However, there was a sign it opportunity to restructure our
was closed and not to enter. My current business operations and
curiosity (and panic) got the our aging facilities.”
better of me and I drove in. I was It continued saying that
greeted warmly by a worker who during the temporary “closing”
was watering shrubs. We chatted it would still provide landscape
for a while and I got the sad news design and installation, seasonal
about the shop closing and being containers, property maintenance
turned into a design studio. e and delivery of bulk and bagged
trees that were all around for materials. No mention of the big
sale, which stood at the ready guy in the red suit with the white
like sentries in “March of the beard, no magical Christmas
Wooden Soldiers,” turned out to shop and the hot cider, well…
be from another company. is fairy tale place won’t have
According to the person, the a happy ending, at least not for
nursery had been there for some now, as far as this holiday season
80 years under several di erent is concerned.
owners. I was intrigued and It went on to say that if
sensed a story here. is rst anyone possessed a Pound Ridge
sign of the Christmas season Nursery Gift Card with an open The Louis
always brought excitement for balance, you were encouraged plaque under a
Japanese Maple.
the holidays to my family. ere to visit them before the end
was everything a person could October, but they were holding
want to decorate for the holidays, “pop up” one day ash sales on all Even the stone gateway is for sale.
and many things one would inventory during the months of Trees stand guard at the gate
like wooden soldiers.
just dream of putting under or November and December.
around the tree. e sad missive was signed by
One of the longest standing John R. Gualtiere, President &
sights in Pound Ridge has been Owner Pound Ridge Nursery &
this nursery spanning three Garden Center, Inc. According
generations and the latest new to his LinkedIn pro le, he
owner. also owns Hudson Landscape
New Rochelle resident Contractors and Tree Care
Vincent Pasciuti purchased Specialists. He earned a degree in
the land in 1924 when it was nance from Fordham, an MBA
the original 40-acre Lockwood from Long Island University and
Estate. a Construction Management
Lou Weinstock was part of the Certi cate from NYU. is
second generation of this business makes me very hopeful.
and was the patriarch of the He promised more updates
family. Lou started the tradition to come, but no hot cider was
of giving each child a Christmas mentioned. Well, whatever comes
tree seedling to be planted at of this Pound Ridge staple, I want
home. We have planted many to thank them for the many great
in our yard and some are getting memories of Christmas times
bigger and perhaps may become past with my family and all best
our decorated tree in the window wishes for a Merry Christmas and
one year. Another reminder of Happy New Year.
Sunnyfield Farm up for sale
BY CAROL REIF competed in the Kentucky Der- starring Julia Roberts and Pound
by. American Pharoah, winner Ridge’s Susan Sarandon. Oth-
of the American Triple Crown er notables who dig Bedford’s
When the longtime owners and the Breeders’ Cup Classic in horsey vibe are Martha Stewart,
of Sunny eld Farm in Bedford 2016, sired two foals that have Bruce Willis, and Glenn Close.
put their 214-acre estate on the lived there.
market recently they weren’t Also according to the maga- FAMILY TIES
horsing around. zine, one of his o spring brought According to Equestrian Liv-
e asking price for the $1.3 million at an auction. ing, Gerald and Joanne Nielsen
Nielsen family’s meticulously Among the tenants at and us- got into the biz after their chil-
kept equestrian paradise? ers of Sunny eld have been Rob- dren learned to ride at the Ox
$65 million. ert McNeel of Astor Place Show Ridge Hunt Club in Darien,
If you’re doing the math, that’s Stables, Olympic silver-medalist Conn.
about $304,000 an acre, which Peter Leone, Grand Prix dressage When Sunny eld landed in a
makes it the priciest property rider Lendon Gray, and back in bank auction in 1976, the fam-
in town, according to the Wall the 1950s and ‘60s, top eventers ily patriarch saddled up with the
Street Journal. Michael Page and Denis Glac- Salant, Sigler, and Bayne clans of PHOTO COURTESY OF DANIEL MILSTEIN PHOTOGRAPHY FOR SOTHEBY’S
Darien to claim it, EL reported. INTERNATIONAL REALTY
Known as the celeb-studded cum, EL reported. (Gerald passed away in 2004 at The 214-acre estate is located at 787 South Bedford Road.
town’s gateway, Sunny eld is
located at 787 South Bedford A PRETTY PICTURE the age of 69.)
Road. Sunny eld’s original owner, Eventually, the Nielsens spending nearly every weekend docks.
e sale is being handled by supermarket heiress Joan Mc- bought their partners out. there, the WSJ report said. Right next door is the 75-acre
Sotheby’s International Realty of Intosh, reportedly chose yellow Now Sandy Nielsen Baumann Guard Hill Preserve. e farm
Greenwich. e listing agent is for the barn based on a brand of – along with her mom and three OPPORTUNITY KNOCKS also has access to Bedford Riding
Krissy Blake. A&P butter. sibs – owns it. Besides a storied past, what do Lanes, a local trail system.
Sunny eld’s bragging rights Its pastoral elds, woodlands, Baumann told the Wall Street you get for your $65 million? Sunny eld also boasts many
are many. It’s hosted a herd of and stream-fed ponds have been Journal that the family is giving According to Sotheby’s, the amenities for two-footed inhab-
heralded horses and world- a fav of photogs such as Slim up its stewardship of Sunny eld “outstanding” facility includes an itants. ere is a 3,864-square-
renown riders over disciplines Aarons, who’s known for his im- because it doesn’t get to use the outdoor riding ring with Lawton foot house with four bedrooms
ranging from dressage and event- ages of socialites, jet-setters, and farm as much as it used to. (She Adams footing, an indoor rid- and ve bathrooms, a guest cot-
ing to show jumping and racing, celebrities. spends most of her time in Colo- ing ring with engineered foot- tage, and three small sta resi-
according to Equestrian Living. e farm is apparently also rado and her siblings are spread ing, seven barns with 82 stalls, dences.
oroughbreds have gotten catnip to Hollywood types. Sun- around the country.) a Grand Prix eld, two turnout It’s a “once-in-a-lifetime op-
their start at Sunny eld. Several ny eld provided the backdrop for e kids grew up training and sheds, two maintenance sheds, portunity,” Blake’s promo crows.
of the Nielsen’s own horses have the 1998 dramedy “Stepmom” showing at the circa-1942 farm, and more than 100 acres of pad-
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Bedford o icials look ahead to Phase II of sewer construction
BY TOM BARTLEY II’s October 2020 referendum, “Residential Katonah, speci cally Ashby Place and parts BEDFORD NO. 1 IN CLEAN
CONTRIBUTING WRITER property owners were concerned about the of e Terrace, Valley Road, Bedford Road ENERGY
potential high cost of connecting to the and Edgemont Road.
Bedford’s second-phase sewer construc- public sewer lateral, and project budget al- Long noted for its zeal in protecting the
tion, mired in regulatory red tape, has seen lowed for this change.” e Phase II district also includes 14 environment, Bedford has been named the
its completion date pushed back a year, properties along Railroad Avenue in Bed- state’s top clean-energy community, the
spurring concern that the economy’s cur- It was incorporated into the Phase II ford Hills, he said, and the apartments and Town Board heard last week.
rent in ation spike could upset anticipated, speci cations before district residents vot- condominiums at Bedford Lake, also in
but years-old, construction costs. ed, overwhelming, in favor of the project. Bedford Hills. Midge Iorio,executive director of Bedford
2030, the climate advocacy organization,
Public Works Commissioner Kevin “ e goal [of the town’s taking on the It follows the town’s rst-phase sewer delivered the news at the board’s Nov. 15
Winn called in ation “the wild card” in lateral-installation task] was to reduce the installation, completed last year at a cost of meeting. Among 464 municipalities state-
bidding for the Phase II work, a process cost to each individual property owner,” some $20 million. Phase I replaced failure- wide, she said, Bedford was rated No. 1 by
“we’re hoping” will take place this winter. Winn said. While a home’s speci c costs prone septic systems in downtown Katonah the New York State Energy Research and
“If we receive bids that are higher than the will vary, the action was seen as likely saving and along Bedford Hills’ Route 117 busi- Development Authority (NYSERDA).
budget,” he said, “we will need to consider each property owner several thousand dol- ness corridor.
ways to address that [with grants and other lars, he added. Iorio made her remarks in updating the
funding sources].” Phase II, approved in a 2020 referendum, board on B2030’s Clean Energy Communi-
Homeowners are being asked to sign an was originally expected to be nished some- ties Program.
Winn raised that possibility in an up- easement, allowing that work to be per- time next year. Instead, sewer construction
date on the project delivered at the Town formed on their property. In addition, they is only scheduled to begin in the spring, All told,NYSERDA said,Bedford scored
Board’s Nov. 15 meeting. still must contract with a licensed septic with completion by mid-2024, Winn said. 7,300 points for undertaking 18 high-
contractor or plumber for work that’s more impact actions—among them LED light-
He also reminded homeowners in the than 30 inches from a building’s foundation e project was budgeted at about $13 mil- ing and Community Choice Aggregation,
Phase II district that the town will install and with a licensed plumber for work that’s lion, but those numbers were crunched long which encourages clean-energy sourcing—
much of the pipe needed to carry household closer to the foundation or inside the build- before today’s record spike in in ation. to help in the goal of a cleaner environment.
wastewater away from their property to the ing.
town-owned wastewater treatment plant at Some regulatory approvals from agencies Two other Westchester communities, the
the Bedford Hills Correctional Center, the Most of the price tag for both sewer proj- at city, county or state levels have thrown villages of Hastings-on-Hudson, with 7,100
state’s prison for women o Harris Road. ects is being borne by New York City,which the Phase II work a year behind schedule. points, and Croton-on-Hudson, 6,900
wants to maintain the quality of its water points, captured the second- and third-place
e pipe, known as a lateral, will be laid supply, fed in part by the Muscoot Reser- e state Department of Environmental positions, to give the county a sweep of the
from either the existing septic tank or 5 feet voir. e county and other sources will pick Conservation, for example, had been ex- top statewide rankings.
from the house’s foundation, depending up most of the remaining costs, but district pected to take six months to sign o on a
on which is closer, to the roadway’s sewer property owners must still pay an initial permit to increase wastewater ow at the TAX RELIEF FOR SENIORS,
main. In Bedford’s initial sewer installa- hookup charge and retire a $175,000 bond. treatment plant. Instead, the NYSDEC re- DISABLED
tions, in the commercial areas of Katonah view “has been ongoing for one year and is
and Bedford Hills, owners paid for any lat- Winn said Phase II of Bedford’s ambi- not yet complete,”Winn said. Two public hearings on Dec. 20 will con-
eral installations on their private property, tious sewer-development program will sider a proposal by Assessor Harold Girdle-
Winn said in an email. replace septic systems serving 94 proper- “ ere was additional water-quality stone to increase the income limits under
ties in “the really dense residential area just modeling and stream-quality analysis done which residents 65 or older and the disabled
He said that in discussions before Phase behind the commercial area” in downtown by NYSDEC that added to the review can qualify for exemptions on their property
time,” he said. taxes.
[email protected]
Fox Lane’s science research program inspires
e relationship between pro- “I didn’t think that you could “For the amount of time that
biotics and bacteria that cause do a project this hands-on in we spend on our projects, if
disease in corals. e e ectiveness high school,” Danielle said. “I you’re not interested or excited
of using serious gaming to train didn’t know that you could con- to do what you’re doing, it’s go-
medical professionals to conduct nect with a mentor. ere’s a lot ing to be miserable,” Riled said.
emergency procedures. e re- of using the outside world of sci- “Over the summer we have to
lationship between vegetation ence in this course — and that do 90 hours of work. If you’re
on the Javits Center green roof kind of surprised me, but in a spending that time doing some-
and the insect populations found good way.” thing that you don’t want to do,
there. ese are just three of the Kemari McClary, a senior, said it will be awful.”
studies currently being conduct- she has been surprised by her ex- e girls also said that the
ed by Fox Lane High School Sci- periences with her two mentors. course has in uenced the path
ence Research students. “ e biggest surprise they want to take in the future.
Fox Lane’s Science Research would probably be how will- “ is is going to sound dra-
program is a three-year journey ing they both were to take on a matic, but this course has de -
that empowers students to con- high school student,” she said. nitely changed the course of
duct their own research projects, “I believe it is because they love what I want to study in college
which are presented at local, state seeing people interested in their and what I’m passionate about
and national competitions and elds at such a young age.” because it’s given me such a
symposia. The science research students at Fox Lane present their work at e girls all noted that the good opportunity to just read,”
course has really pushed them Rachel said. “You have to do so
e course begins with stu- local, state and national competitions and symposia. out of their comfort zone, forc- much reading. And I read about
dents researching basic informa-
tion on their topic through schol- for their participation each year. dent nature of the class. ing them to make phone calls, so many di erent topics. For ex-
arly literature before they connect “I’ve known about the Science “I thought it was really inter- send emails and make time to ample, I did recycling my rst
with a professional mentor in Research program since middle esting that we get to create our pore over scholarly research. year and I realized it was not
their eld of study. By the fourth school and always knew I wanted own projects, and we are not fol- “It really pushes you to do what I wanted to do. So, I did
year of the program, students are to do it,”said senior Rachel Akin- lowing this set curriculum,” Ri- things that you wouldn’t nor- more reading. And now I’m in
fully prepared to communicate la. “I think what really tipped the ley said. “It’s very di erent than mally do. But we are all capable the eld of urban design, green
their scienti c ndings, partici- scale for me was a virtual science any other class. You really get to of it,” Rachel said. “It’s extremely design, sustainability. I abso-
pating in at least four required presentation that was available to customize what you want to do, student driven. And your success lutely love it. My college major
events that involve posters, oral everyone during Covid. I saw a create your own project and study is 100% based on the work that is 100% based on that. It’s really
presentations and a formal re- project by Kenny Poor and it was what you want to study, which is you put in.” given me a lot of opportunities
search report of their original so interesting. I knew I de nitely very unique.” ey also noted that students to just explore my passions.”
research. In addition, students wanted to try it.” Danielle Mazlish, a junior, was taking the course are gener-
are able to earn college credit Rachel’s classmate Riley Hes- surprised by how hands-on the ally very motivated and are very Article courtesy of Bedford Central
through the University of Albany ter was attracted to the indepen- course is. much interested in science. School District.
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History comes home
BY CAROL REIF tleman in military garb on display. She and her husband moved Historical Society President Ralph
STAFF WRITER Suzanne Phillips, a new empty frequently due to his job. e piano Vigliotti with the antique piano.
came with them from the West
Talk about serendipity. nester from Chappaqua, was casu- Coast to the East Coast, including “I was like ‘Oh, my goodness, it ily heirlooms such as a 19th-centu-
If Leonard family descendant ally contemplating a move to the Connecticut, then back to Plano,
Polly Holyoke hadn’t been sell- Dallas area. Holyoke, a children’s Texas. (Holyoke’s daughters, Jes- doesn’t get much better,” recalled ry wedding dress.
ing her Texas abode last year and book author, was planning to re- sica and Sarah, grew up playing on
if a Westchester expat hadn’t hap- turn to her native Colorado. it.) society president Ralph Vigliotti e society agreed to pay for
pened to wander in during an open
house, then several important piec- e home’s charming decor and ere was more than sheer recently. shipping the piano and portrait
es of local history might not have spaciousness apparently struck just dumb luck going on.
made it back home. the right chord. Phillips pounced e prettily carved antique in- east.
on the phone right then and there Holyoke had the foresight to jot
e visitor couldn’t help but note to let her husband know she want- down a little history of the heavy, strument boasts ivory keys. It was at came to about $2,400 for
the circa-1890s Malcolm Love pi- ed to make an o er. and well-traveled, instrument. She
ano and the formal oil portrait of tucked it in an envelope and gave it likely made by the Wegman Piano the piano and $350 for the paint-
an impressively mustachioed gen- After the real estate deal was to Phillips.
sealed, Holyoke gifted the piano to Company at its factory in New ing, a cost that the bene ciary of
PHOTOS: CAROL REIF Phillips, knowing that she would One day, Phillips’s college-age
treasure it. son was visiting and the subject of York City. those treasures is now trying to de-
The painting of Col. Robert the piano came up. Neither he nor
Woodward Leonard. at’s just part of the story be- his sister were interested in taking It’s in great shape, but could use fray by fundraising. It also plans to
hind its eventual acquisition by the it, as it turns out.
Mount Kisco Historical Society, a little tune up, he admitted. pay for shipping of any subsequent
which is now also the steward of However, they were pleased
the painting of Col.Robert Wood- to learn about its connection to Holyoke then got into the act, artifacts.
ward Leonard, a veteran of both Leonard Park, where they used to
the Civil War and the Spanish- play as children. graciously o ering to donate the SEE HISTORY PAGE 20
American War,and -- potentially – portrait and, eventually, other fam-
a cache of photos,papers,and other e piano had once resided at
interesting objects belonging to the Meadowside, the 56-acre Leonard
Leonards, a prominent family that family estate located on the cor-
had donated 96 acres to the village ner of South Bedford Road and
back in 1941. at land became the McLean Street.
Leonard Park of today.
Phillips got Holyoke’s blessing
Holyoke,the great-granddaugh- before reaching out to the MKHS
ter of William Henry Leonard II, to see if it would be interested in
known as “Harry,” inherited the taking it.
family piano from a cousin.
It was more than interested, it
was over the moon.
681 Main St. Mount Kisco
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Sharing resources for well-being
Bedford hosts Health & Wellness Fest
BY JESSICA JAFET that were organized to enlighten about smoking and vaping ces- one of the event’s organizers and PHOTO: JESSICA JAFET
CONTRIBUTING WRITER people about the many ways they sation and a training on how to the vendor coordinator for the
can nd support for their overall stop a bleed. Mental health was town’s Health & Wellness Fest nity that cares about them. “ e
In an e ort to promote good health, and to let them know how also a key focus with mindfulness Committee. idea is to lift people up and re-
health in the community, the accessible they are. strategies o ered during pre- mind them that we have so many
Town of Bedford, along with sentations of Tai Chi as well as “ ere has been a lot of loss community organizations and
the Bedford-Lewisboro-Pound “ is really brings the com- Qigong—a traditional Chinese and isolation and disconnection; resources to draw upon and we
Ridge Drug Abuse Prevention munity together around such im- practice that can help in recov- seniors felt lonelier and more want to help people feel support-
Council and the Bedford Central portant issues as wellness, mental ery and wellness by coordinating isolated, young people were hav- ed and connected to each other,”
School District, hosted a Health health, drug abuse prevention mind/body awareness through ing increasingly high levels of she added. “ ere are really so
& Wellness Fest last month at and just getting your body mov- posture, gentle movement and depression and anxiety with lives many terri c programs happen-
Fox Lane High School. ing and being healthy, Supervisor meditation. being disrupted at these very crit- ing all the time.”
Calves said. “We have a tremen- ical developments stages,” Braun
On a picture-perfect fall day dous number of resources here, Somers resident Giovanna said. In addition, Braun said that a
with live music playing and food and we hope people will take ad- Tartarone, a life and wellness complete resource book featur-
trucks lined up near the school’s vantage of them.” coach, was thrilled to be part of a A former pediatrician, she be- ing a list of health and wellness
athletic eld, local residents day that gathered so many people lieves this kind of gathering is an agencies, businesses and services,
stopped by to learn about the 40 With demonstrations, crafts, committed to improve health important way to let people know is currently being assembled and
or so non-pro ts, businesses and and activities like obstacle cours- and well-being. “I love the fact that they are part of a commu- will be available on e Town of
wellness-focused providers who es, speed and agility runs and that we are letting people know Bedford’s website.
had set up stations to introduce soccer skills & drills—along with that our energies are being ac-
their services—from blood pres- yoga and Zumba on the athletic knowledged as part of our heal-
sure screenings and u vaccines ing—people are becoming more
o ered by Northern Westches- eld—learning about staying ac- aware how the mind controls the
ter Hospital/Northwell Health, tive and healthy was a lot of fun body, and that’s the healing part,”
to information on food pan- for kids and grownups alike. she said.
tries, local gyms and recreation
departments, as well as mental e event featured a variety of Providing information about
health support, area libraries and free, educational workshops held these local resources directly to
more. inside the school building, where residents can be extremely useful
attendees learned new skills to families as they navigate the
Bedford Town Supervisor El- around important issues like physical and mental health ef-
len Calves was on hand to see the opioid overdose prevention (in- fects resulting from the pandem-
various workshops and activities cluding Narcan training, a treat- ic, according to Cynthia Braun,
ment that could save a life in the
case of an overdose), a discussion
What steps have you taken
to protect your
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Have some empathy for your ‘enemies’
People who are easily o ended often of the results are something like 55-45 or wife, who forbade me from putting out any compliment a colleague for a job well done
times lack empathy.
It’s about being unaware that we 60-40 or maybe 65-35. Even in New York, political signs on our lawn. Why alienate (this is not a speci c criticism of my own
don’t always know what is going on in
another person’s life. So, when we criticize among the bluest of blue states, Senate potential friendships among our neighbors, workplace, but rather a general theme in
another human being,
we often do so without Majority Leader Chuck Schumer won just she insisted. every workplace).
the context of knowing
whether that person is 56.4% of the vote against his Republican It’s about bringing a degree of empathy It’s about taking politics out of gender,
in pain, whether they are
grieving and whether opponent, Joe Pinion. to our posts on social media and refraining race, ethnicity and religion. It’s about not
they are depressed or
feeling hopeless. e While the di erence is from being a keyboard warrior. assuming that everyone at your church or
criticism may also miss
the mark and lack PUBLISHER’S often regional within It’s also about bringing a degree of synagogue agrees with you on everything.
MEMO each state, the di erence empathy to our workplaces. We can’t all And it’s about not assuming that a person
I raise these points because of a general
sense that people seem to be on edge. e BRETT is also evident when we be the hardest workers at our places of thinks a certain way because of the color of
result of the nationwide election on Nov. FREEMAN take a stroll down our
8 is a case in point on the general state own streets. And the employment. We can’t all be that one their skin or whether that person is male
of American society. e red wave failed
to materialize, but while Republicans employee that is so important that every- or female. ere is nothing more racist or
lost the battle of expectations, the House
of Representatives moved from a slim di erence is evident thing comes crashing down without us. SEE FREEMAN PAGE 11
Democrat majority to a slim Republican Before we pat ourselves on the back, let’s
majority. Let’s face it; in reality, we are in a when we get together
with our own families
Looking at the Senate results, I don’t
think there was a single candidate that re- for the holidays.
ceived 70% of their state-wide vote. Most
I’ve heard the term “civil war” men- Thank You For A Wonderful Inaugural Year
tioned too many times over the past We’d Love Your Support
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ght? Uncle Bob and Aunt Sue at our newspaper. In addition to your request, donations are
truly appreciated. We greatly thank our readers who have
holiday gathering? Little Johnny who is already given!
home from college?
What are we going to do in a civil war?
Take our own family members as prison-
I think the solution starts with empathy.
It’s the acknowledgment that we can’t fully
understand why the other person thinks
the way they do without stepping into
their shoes. It was about listening to my
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In the 1980s and 1990s, many of us Twisted Sister? What about the graphic and hits by Elton John, Billy Joel, John sexist than assuming all mem-
watched our favorite music groups animation of the video from A-ha for Mellencamp and Lionel Richie. bers of a race, ethnicity or gender
on MTV. Songs became visual “Take on Me” or the colorful, campy should think a certain way.
People talked about the latest music
entertainment with stage performances Cindy Lauper video with the wrestler videos on college campuses and in o ce e most deeply persecuted
settings. I thought the video for Guns N’ minority in America is the “indi-
and mini-movies adding to the enjoyment Lou Albano for “Girls Just Wanna Have Roses “November Rain” was a masterpiece vidual.”
with a love story, a funeral and Slash
of the actual song Fun”? playing his wailing electric guitar outside What do I mean by that?
in a eld by a country church in the rain. I mean that the most misunder-
lyrics and music. To I remember Madonna stood people in the world and the
MTV was synonymous with youth and people who su er from the great-
this day, Michael READING, in her video for “Papa pop culture. e group Dire Straits gave a est persecution are victims because
Jackson’s “ riller” WRITING & Don’t Preach” and Michael nod to the in uential music video format they are a party of one. It’s because
video stands the test CHOCOLATE Jackson in “Beat It” and in their hit song “Money for Nothing” in nobody was capable of jumping
of time for visual KIM Gerardo in “Rico Suave.” 1985 with the refrain, “I want my MTV.” into that person’s shoes to try and
creativity, combining KOVACH truly understand them.It’s because
dancing zombies with e music industry was We enjoyed the humorous “parody” we all lacked a degree of empathy.
suddenly competing to videos from Weird Al Yankovic, as Don’t get me wrong. I’m guilty
he presented his over-the-top silly of this as well at times. But I do
a catchy song. see which artist could interpretations of rock and pop songs. think the holidays are a time to
Some of the videos from Devo and the take stock of our lives and ac-
MTV premiered release the most unusual B-52’s were goofy and fun, too. knowledge our blessings. It’s also
a time to acknowledge that others
on cable on Aug. 1, or cinematic short video Many of us twentysomethings took are in a di erent situation.
our fashion cues from those 1980s
1981. e music video programming was to accompany each new hit song. Two MTV videos. Dressing like Madonna e nicest house on your road?
or sporting extreme hairstyles like the at family might be struggling
hosted by a roster of hip, young VJs (video popular music videos were Van Halen’s musicians in the Flock of Seagulls videos. nancially or perhaps they are
At one point, I wore one long thin braid grieving. Aunt Betty, who you
jockeys). e rst music video played on “Hot for Teacher” and Robert Palmer’s amid my shoulder-length curly locks like disagree with on politics, might
singer Aimee Mann from the group Til be hiding a cancer diagnosis. And
MTV was “Video Killed the Radio Star” “Addicted to Love.” Tuesday. I really liked her video for the Johnny might be really homesick
song “Voices Carry.” while away at college after break-
by e Buggles. MTV music videos featuring Billy Idol, ing up with his girlfriend.
Kim Kovach still has video cassettes of Life is more than politics. Dur-
On regular TV networks, popular Journey, Bon Jovi, David Bowie, Duran performances by INXS but sadly no working ing this holiday season, let’s all at-
VCR. www.kimkovachwrites.com. tempt to have a little empathy for
weekly shows included “Dallas” and Duran, Def Leppard, George Michael, one another.
“Knots Landing.” But with the new music Janet Jackson, Bruce Springsteen, Pearl
video channel, MTV, you could tune in at Jam, Nirvana and Metallica de ned MTV
any time, seven days a week, to watch an in the 1980s and 1990s. We were pulled
ever-changing selection of music videos into the songs and may have even tried a
for entertainment. e excitement of a few of the choreographed dance moves
“world premier” of a new video was sure in the privacy of our own living rooms.
to guarantee that young people across MTV was like the “must see TV” viewing
the country would be glued to their for the cool kids. We could tune in to
TV screens (and setting their VCR’s to see and hear the latest hit songs and new
record). videos from rapper Eminem, rocker Pat
Do you remember the videos from e Benatar, the British duo known as e
Police, Madonna, INXS, Prince, U2 and Eurythmics, e Cars, Talking Heads,
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INKWELL Surviving the holidays
Feet rst For all of the parents who just Despite the magic of the holidays, let’s
breathed a sigh of relief because the be real for a second. No holiday, especially
GUEST Halloween candy is nally gone, the December holidays, would get pulled
don’t get too comfortable because anks- o without the magic of a mother. Now,
Kim Stoll
giving just passed and you know what that I’m not saying that the dads don’t help.
“If only I was more con dent, then I
would...” means…the Decem- We all know that they
I always thought con dence
built around accomplishment and interac- ber holidays are right MAMA are downstairs cleaning
tion with others, but it has so much more around the corner. EXPLAINS out the basement while
to do with you and how you treat yourself. Once again this year good old mom is upstairs
When you don’t take action and hide, you will say hello to cleaning the house for
fear and doubt grow.
Hannukah, Christ- NICOLE company. e basement
If you take steps toward your goals, mas, and Kwanzaa, in DOOLEY is always top priority.
dreams, passions and wants, your courage
will grow and con dence will build. It’s that order. Since you All jokes aside, the dads,
keeping those promises to yourself to do
the hard work and take scary action that already nished your aunts, uncles, and grand-
will give you the con dence boost to keep
going. last bite of turkey and parents all play a special
Start today.Take the shakey, unsure step laid down to “close your eyes for a minute,” part and do their best to assist. But in my
and watch how your footing grows strong
and sure. I hope you enjoyed that small moment humble opinion, the real magic comes
Kim Stoll empowers women to nd joy in of reprieve because the planning needs to from mommy. Mom is the one who starts
every day and build a life they love through
positive habits in mindset, tness, and commence. Well, let’s hope you already shopping for Christmas and Hanukkah in PHOTO: NICOLE DOOLEY
smart nutrition. Virtual coaching available.
[email protected] started! October. She has all of the gift lists ready signs her kids up for hot chocolate tastings,
complete with a reindeer craft. She has her
I love the holidays. I love driving around for each child, each family member, all the calendar lled with all of the important
dates, especially Santa’s arrival on the re
and seeing the Christmas lights in town teachers, bus drivers, mail-carriers, garbage truck, gingerbread house-building contests,
and even that last-minute holiday haircut
and the menorahs in the windows. I men, you name it. e list is never-ending! so her kids look presentable when they see
family. She is making sure that everything
appreciate the glistening snow, the end- She knows when to take her family photo is wrapped and ready before the big day
and she is not the only one making her list
less candy canes and the anticipation of so that she can have just enough time to and checking it twice. Santa has nothing
on a mom who has a mission to create
Santa Claus. Oh, and I also most certainly order Christmas cards and mail them out.
welcome the small window of time I have She meal plans every holiday she is hosting
each year to say to my children,“Santa is and also knows exactly what scrumptious
watching!” anks, Santa, for the backup! treat or appetizer she will bring to any get-
I love spending time with my family and together her family is attending. She has
seeing relatives that I don’t get to be with all of the Christmas out ts planned and
often enough. Count me in for secret gift makes sure she has an inventory of who
exchanges, Friendsgiving/Festivus par- needs new hats, mittens and boots. She
ties, and holiday light shows. I love and remembers to buy tickets for her family
embrace it all! to attend the town’s Christmas event and
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DOOLEY in the moment with you. give back during the holidays. are amazing and your fam- cousins, siblings, in-laws
e same goes for gift-giving. ey need to know that there ily is lucky to have you. Try to •Neighbors
FROM PAGE 12 step back and remember that •Co-workers
I know parents feel like they are always people less fortunate whatever you are doing is good •Charities
a magical Christmas for her have to ll up a room with than them and that they should enough and that your family will •Teachers/professional ser-
children! presents, but I nd that in my be thinking about how they can appreciate it. Even when your vices: school, day care, therapists,
experience, my kids always en- help, whether it’s volunteering relatives come in from out of dance/coaches
e holidays don’t have to be joyed the holidays whether they at a soup kitchen, donating old town and are driving you nuts, •Bus drivers
stressful. But of course, when got three gifts under the tree or toys, or putting together a care try your best to laugh it o and if •Garbage men
striving for a perfect day, stress 12. I often feel that people feel package for someone in need. that doesn’t work, send them out •Mail carriers
comes along with it. I wish I pressure to buy not only numer- to the store to grab a few more •Cleaning people/maintenance
could go back to previous years ous gifts, but focus more on toys e holidays don’t have to be pies…and some wine. workers
and tell myself just to breathe, and games. Sometimes the best all about receiving and children
relax, and take in the moment. gift is something that will cre- should know that giving is Oh, and I know I said to go Nicole Dooley is a Somers mom
Stop rushing around and check- ate an experience or a memory. equally important. Once chil- easy on the lists, but this one who enjoys writing for her
ing o (and trying to perfectly I’ve given my kids “mommy dren learn this lesson, they gure may be helpful! parenting blog. If you enjoyed her
wrap) gifts. Stand back as you coupons” that entitle them to out that it’s not what is under column, you can read more of her
watch your kids experience each one-on-one time with mom or the tree that’s important. HOLIDAY SHOPPING LIST entries at www.mamaexplains.
part of the holidays, not just the dad and can be tickets to a show FOR MOMS! com or follow her on Instagram
opening of their gifts. ey really or museum, a lunch date, a nail So this year when you’re •Spouse/signi cant other at @mamaexplains for relatable
truly love every minute and it appointment, or even a sporting sweating in your kitchen with •Kids parenting tips and stories.
doesn’t matter if you schedule 10 event. I also think it’s extremely •Pets
holiday-themed activities or one, important that kids learn to our on your face and a pie that •Grandparents, aunts, uncles,
your kids will just be happy to be wasn’t exactly easy to make and
that you may or may not have
just burned, remember that you
We’ve got something for every home and budget.
Offer not valid on purchase of gift cards, previously purchased merchandise, clearance items, balances or special discounts.
One-legged turkey
How was your anksgiving? competition lters down to me and Prairie Home Companion,” which is and it jumped right in, but I wish it
People ask that all the time, my sister Kath, because we understand one of my favorite things to do this would have waited until I cut it into a
and what they want to know best that games are just a metaphor for time of year. If you are a writer or a smaller piece. My mouth is open quite
musician or both, and you can’t nd a lot, so it wasn’t a particularly unusual
is, how bad did you ght with your survival in today’s world. something to love in that show, there’s occurrence.
something wrong with you. At my age
relatives? I had a nice My strategy is to there’s usually something wrong with Now that I’m working with only
me anyway, so loving things rarely one usable leg, I’ve bene ted from the
holiday, although throw everything into makes it worse. Stevie Wonder E ect. ere used to be
a theory that because Stevie Wonder
due to circumstances MAN the pot and see what Garrison Keillor was back onstage does not have the use of his eyes, all
after a forced sabbatical during which his other senses were heightened,
beyond our control I OVERBOARD simmers. at’s also how he was dropped by his sponsoring radio and that’s how he was able to excel in
network for “misconduct.” I don’t know music. e theory doesn’t account for
was forced into the RICK I got kicked out of the much about a lot of things, but I do the fact that Stevie Wonder has more
know that what goes on between two talent in his pinky nger than most of
kitchen on one foot, MELÉN kitchen earlier in the people is something NOBODY knows us have in our whole body. ank god
much about, which makes it hard to he still has the use of his pinky nger.
where my basting day. Kath’s approach is come to black-and-white conclusions. I Anyway, it seems that since I can’t use
also know that “misconduct” sounds like my right foot, all the other parts of my
was lambasted, my to know all the rules, something a maestro should be red for. body are proving to be more useful and
talented than they ever were before.
stu ng didn’t have and tell me only the Anyway, the show hearkens back For instance, I went up and down the
to the nostalgic days of radio comedy, stairs at the restaurant on my butt. en
the right stu , my ones she thinks I need complete with an old-fashioned sound- I proceeded to drive home through
e ects man. I would give anything to midtown Manhattan using only my left
mashed potatoes were bashed and even to know. is rivalry goes all the way be in charge of sound-e ects, but my foot, which as far as I know is neither
wife thinks that I would be better suited illegal nor smart. I can’t wait to see what
the turkey complained about where back to our childhood, when we spent to noise-e ects. Either way, I would else my left foot can do, not to mention
welcome any excuse to do a little more my butt, and now I’m sorry that I did
I took its temperature. Finally I was the hours that we should have been hearkening. mention it.
told to just prepare the cranberry sauce studying hidden in attic playing Life Afterwards at the restaurant I ordered Look for Rickster Melen on Facebook! Say
veal saltimbocca, a tasty dish which hello at: [email protected]
and stay out of the way. I served it in and Careers. I had the vague suspicion means in Italian “jumps into your
mouth.” It was true; I opened my mouth
the perfect shape of a tin can, you’re that not doing my homework might
welcome. a ect my actual life and career, but I
We had a few of my sisters over thought I might roll the dice and nd
for the big dinner, and we get along out. I consider myself a pretty good
great for 90% of the day. ere’s never sport because I don’t care if I lose, as
any talk of serving yams, green bean long as the other players don’t win.
casserole or giblets, so we all agree on I choose to remember that I used to
that. If the conversation ends up in win most of those games, and I choose
the swamp of politics, we all agree on to forget that Kath maintained a
who brought it there. But eventually straight-A average while I graduated
the board games come out, and that’s high school with a 1.7 grade point
when the gloves come o . Some people average.
erroneously think that games are all We capped the holiday weekend o
about having fun, so eventually the with a trip into Manhattan to see “A
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School bus sco aws & children’s rights
Aquarter-century ago, when Elyse’s GET THE RIGHTS RIGHT
and my son Harrison was starting During our months-long e orts to
fth grade, she already was
rectify what we deemed an untenable
anticipating his entrance to sixth grade situation for our child, there were two
at Mildred E. Strang Middle School in words, very in vogue today, which
Yorktown Heights. never passed our lips: parents’ rights. It
My wife is wasn’t our rights that were
far-sighted in any being compromised. e
case. In this case, operative issue was our
her early planning BRUCE son’s right to have access
was strictly with THE BLOG to a school experience that
Harrison’s welfare would be comparable to
rmly in mind. BRUCE that of his classmates. If
Born with a rare APAR any expression were proper
form of dwar sm, – now as well as then – it
A student (background) in his driveway waits for a car to illegally pass the stopped
Harrison’s would be children’s rights. school bus before he can safely cross to embark the bus.
exuberance made Judging by new data
his 15 years on from Hendrick Hudson
earth ful lling School District in the ‘DEPRAVED INDIFFERENCE’ school bus safety program. Imagine if
You would think the implied canon of just some of the energy being expended
in many ways, but his quality of life was Town of Cortlandt, it seems there are an nowadays to advocate parents’ rights was
children’s rights includes a child’s right reclaimed to rigorously school the legion
compromised by restricted mobility and alarming number of folks out there who, to get on and o a school bus without of school bus sco aws on the primacy of
their safety being seriously imperiled by children’s rights.
chronic heart-and-lung disease. when it comes to children’s rights, do motorists exhibiting proverbial “depraved
indi erence to human life.” You would Broadway bu Bruce says one of his
A year in advance of Harrison entering the wrong thing … egregiously. think it is a re ex of conscience to not favorite show tunes is “Everybody Has
pass a school bus that has stopped to a Right to Be Wrong,” sung by Peter
middle school, Elyse set herself on a clear- In conjunction with a child safety pick up or discharge students; it’s hard Marshall in the 1965 James Van Heusen-
to miss the bus’s bright red STOP arms Sammy Cahn musical “Skyscraper,” starring
eyed mission to make sure the building company called BusPatrol (buspatrol. stretched outward and its lights ashing. the great Julie Harris and Charles Nelson
Which part of STOP don’t these people Reilly. (Pop Quiz: On which legendary TV
infrastructure Harrison would need to com), Hen Hud administrators understand? quiz show was Peter Marshall the original
host?) [email protected]; 914-275-6887.
navigate complied with the Americans conducted a pilot surveillance program According to Bus Patrol, Westchester
is the only county in the New York City
with Disabilities Act (ADA). As a result that recorded, over the course of two region that has not yet authorized a
of her dogged perseverance, the school months, nearly 400 motorists illegally
district installed an elevator at Strang and passing a stopped school bus. If that’s
made other size-appropriate adjustments not unthinkable enough, odds are
(locker, boys’ room, water fountain) that among those breaking the law (yes,
bene ted not only Harrison but other it’s a state law) were parents of young
physically challenged students who’ve children.
attended the school since then.
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e latest round in an age-old battle
One notable excuse for stunning machine has, since of aws in the
MY adopting a nonscienti c this past July, relayed jaw- analysis of the
PERSPECTIVE view of reality is that dropping photographs which telescope’s initial
science, being the inductive scientists hope will unlock observations?
JAMES process that it is, gradually the secrets of the universe. At Alternatively, if
MARTORANO changes its paradigm over stake is nothing less than our valid, could these
very understanding of how the new observations
time when the evidence orderly universe emerged from conform to
primordial chaos. is massive the standard
requires it. Copernicus, telescope could very well cosmological
rewrite the opening chapters model? Or do we
History has long been Newton, Niels Bohr and of our cosmic history. Do have to go back
witness to the struggle cosmologists feel threatened? to the drawing
between rationality many others have all, during I think not. “You build these board?
their own eras, ushered machines not to con rm the
in revolutionary shifts in paradigm but to break it,” You may
said JWST scientist Mark be asking
and superstition, science and scienti c thought which McCaughrean. yourself, what
is the standard
mysticism. If you thought managed to survive the As soon as scientists began cosmological
releasing the telescope’s model? e
by the year 2022, most of us rigors of peer review. When very rst images of a distant scienti c
universe, astronomers began community had
would nally side with science, science changes its theories, observing numerous previously generally accepted
unknown galaxies which the following explanation
you would be mistaken. A many mistakenly see this as surpassed all predictions. With of the beginning of our
each new photographic release, universe: in the very rst
recent poll found that only a an acknowledgement of the claims of another record- second of the big bang, our
breaking “earliest known universe was inconceivably
third of Americans surveyed fruitlessness of the entire galaxy” emerged. e scienti c hot and consisted primarily
community was a utter. In the of a concentrated soup of
believed in evolution and a endeavor, but it is illogical months since, theorists have primordial particles. During
been scrambling to explain the the rst three minutes, the
similar percentage supported and foolhardy to reject images received. Could the cosmos expanded and cooled
bevy of big and bright “early” with helium and other
the big bang theory. e fact science because it progresses. galaxies be illusory because very light elements
that scientists overwhelmingly It would be like rejecting beginning to form. Four
hundred thousand years later,
support both concepts and simple mathematics because of the rst atoms appeared and
then when it was 100 million
have for a long time is of little advances in trigonometry. years old, stars emerged.
consequence. Although these is age-old dance between ese rst stars coalesced into
protogalaxies held together
same nonbelievers purchase science and skepticism is by clusters of gas and dark
matter. Gravity guided their
iPhones by the truckload and once again being played out interactions, which inevitably
led to the formation of
have no problem streaming the because of the astonishing
latest movies, when it comes photos sent back from space
to many issues, including our from the recently launched
existence and the origins of (Christmas 2021) James
the universe, they nd greater Webb Space Telescope
comfort in embracing a ( JWST). Stationed 1.5 million
storybook explanation of reality. kilometers from earth, this
The Boys & Girls Club of Northern Westchester
A place to learn, play, grow and be great
EDITOR record of kindergarten readiness, e club’s learn-to-swim
enhancing its learning program
e Boys and Girls Club of with developmentally appropri- water safety program is a proven
Northern Westchester in Mount ate curriculum. It also includes success, where over 65,000
Kisco has been providing su- the learn-to-swim program. children have learned to be safe
pervised recreation, physical in- in the water. In addition, the
struction, educational programs AFTER SCHOOL club is home to a competitive
and civic opportunities for kids ENRICHMENT swim team, the BGCNW
since 1939. Marlins, who have recently been
Kids in grades K–7 can enjoy recognized by USA Swimming
e club runs high-quality, an enriched educational after- as a Bronze candidate. e swim
developmentally appropriate school program with activities club also has a robust Masters
programs in core areas. ese supported by guidance and men- program.
programs are designed to create toring by highly trained sta in a
a rich environment that will lead safe and fun environment. For generations, the club has
to success in various areas. been creating success stories,
TEEN PROGRAMMING AND and the legacy keeps growing
“At BGCNW we are dedi- LEADERSHIP as e Boys and Girls Club of
cated to working in partnership Northern Westchester continues
with families and the commu- Academic success, character to make a di erence.
nity to provide all children with and leadership building, as
a safe, creative and nurturing well as healthy lifestyles, The Boys &
environment whereby academ- are the cornerstones of Girls Club
ic, tness, character building BGCNW’s youth development of Northern
and leadership activities occur programming. Youth can Westchester
while honing community service bene t from a variety of teen
skills,” said CEO Alyzza Ozer. programs including college 351 E Main St
readiness, career development, Mount Kisco,
THE PROGRAMS and leadership. ese programs
are focused on developing 914-666-8069
EARLY CHILDHOOD independence, skills and
EDUCATION community awareness. www.bgcnw.com
e licensed program for 3 to
MARTORANO a million miles from Earth
are shaping our knowledge
of the universe, opening new
galaxies. e journey from windows into space and time.
primordial chaos to orderly Wow.
galaxies is said to have taken 1 Returning to my initial
billion years. observation, it is fair to ask:
Now JWST’s photos of Will a majority of the public
abnormally bright, previously ever change its collective
undiscovered galaxies mind about science? I doubt
challenges the above-stated it. e irrational conspiracy
model. Keep in mind, contrary theories surrounding the recent
to what some have suggested, pandemic, the reluctance to
the theory about the beginning wear masks and even more
of the universe is not being surprising, the popular belief
questioned in its entirety. that they serve no purpose,
What is being reexamined the refusal to take the vaccine,
is, after the big bang, what the denial of global warming,
came next? One of the major the popularity of QAnon, all
perplexing developments is these trends are indicative of
the sheer brightness of the a populous willing to discard
photos from space. How science at every turn. But
can that be explained? One for those of us who reject
controversial idea is what is mysticism, hate, fear and
called the Modi ed Newtonian irrationality, we can only hope
Dynamics (MOND). is that in the end, science and
theory subtracts black matter truth themselves will prevail.
from the original model and Our survival as a species
explains the makings of the depends on it.
universe through the lens of
large-scale uctuations in
gravity. Jeyhan Kartaltepe, an
astrophysicist of the Rochester
Institute of Technology,
remains unconvinced: “So far,
everything that we’ve tried to
test, MOND hasn’t been able
to really provide a satisfactory
A far simpler solution to
the extraordinary brightness
of the photos is that the Enjoy our wildly popular sangria
older galaxies have little or
no dust, making them appear
brighter. Andrea Ferrara, an for the Holiday Season!
astronomer at the Scuola
Normale Superiore in Italy, put
it this way: “It could be that Save the Date: Tuesday, Dec.20th, National Sangria Day
supernovae didn’t have enough
time to produce the dust, or Buy 1 Get 1 Free (while supplies last!)
maybe in the initial phases, the
dust is expelled by galaxies.”
As to why we are now seeing
the brightest galaxies ever
observed, she had this to say:
“Maybe there’s something
happening in the early universe
that means it’s easier for some
galaxies to form stars.”
One thing we can all marvel
at is the sheer exuberance
of scientists. eir thirst for
the truth is unbounded. For “Casual Greek Eatery”
example, since this past July,
when images rst began being Cater your next event Greek Style!
received from JWST, over
200 scienti c research papers 1983 Commerce St., Yorktown Heights
have been written by leading
cosmologists giving their take 914-455-2111
on the signi cance of these
mind-blowing photos.
Stepping back, it’s only been www.PappousGreekKitchen.com PAPPOUS_GREEK_KITCHEN
200 years since the advent of
photography, when humanity
rst managed to directly
capture and record photons to
make images. Yet in the blink
of an eye, in cosmic terms,
today, highly complex cameras
onboard a space telescope
Students were treated to complete A look inside Dr. Boo-Boo’s
sensory experience, tasting, touching and General Hospital.
smelling their harvest.
Getting in the spirit at the 42nd Students from Mount Kisco Bedford Village Elementary
annual Halloween Fair. Elementary School at the first-ever School fifth graders got to w
Hispanic Heritage Walkathon. in the school’s garden durin
PHOTO COURTESY OF KES PTO workshop with Abby Einste
Kaleidoscope Garden Desig
Students showing support for our
Does your dog or cat get frightened the n
or stressedWatethcaenvehteelrpi!nary visit?
The softer, gentler, better approach
Everyone got in on the spooky fun!
Fox Lane’s Cameron Bly (orchestra), Jordan Brown (orchestra), Elliana
Castellucci (chorus), Jonah Kim (orchestra), Margaret Kuo-Reed
(orchestra), Michael Mazurek (orchestra) and Jon Torre (band) were chosen
to perform at the NYSSMA Area All-State Festival.
y The annual KES
work Halloween Fair
ng a drew visitors
ein from from Katonah,
gns. Bedford, and
nts in
news! OF KES PTO
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Order online at:
Neighbors Link supports HISTORY ability to accept donations, all the
immigrant integration FROM PAGE 8
stars aligned this summer.
e new temperature-con-
“You have to take advantage of trolled and more easily accessible
a wonderful cause to raise money space is inspiring more and more
when you can. Something like people to donate documents,
this may not come again for 100 maps, photographs, and larger
BY RANDY FREEMAN southern border of the United years,”Vigliotti explained. objects.
CONTRIBUTING WRITER States and how once here, our
immigration policies fail them. Both precious objects now oc- “ ey feel comfortable that
ere is a very special neigh-
bor in nearby Mount Kis- ABOUT NEIGHBORS LINK cupy a prominent space at the so- they’re going to be well taken care
co. Neighbors Link is a service e Neighbors Link mission
organization that helps new ciety’s archives, which are located of,”Vigliotti said.
immigrants integrate into the is to strengthen the whole com-
community. Even if your own munity through the healthy in- in downtown Mount Kisco. e society hopes to someday
family has been in this country tegration of immigrants. eir
for a few generations, you are mission is achieved by lling a at’s where another piece of host a piano recital and an exhibit
likely to have had grandparents service gap for new immigrant
or great-grandparents who were families, o ering education and good luck came in. of the Leonard family goodies for
immigrants. ey often relied empowerment programs, in-
on the generosity of others to volving longer-term residents in Holyoke recalled that there members and guests.
help them feel at home in their volunteer opportunities and cre-
communities and in this coun- ating substantive partnerships had been talk 15 years ago about “I am beyond thrilled that the
try. Recently, Neighbors Link with other local organizations.
held an important event at the donating Leonard artifacts to the piano has made the circuit around
Sleepy Hollow Hotel and Con- eir strategies to educate, em-
ference Center on Oct 19. power and employ families in- society, but at the time it simply the U.S.and is now back in Mount
clude a Worker Center, English
e session was called “Seek- as a Second Language (ESL) didn’t have the room. Kisco,”Holyoke said recently.
ing Safety: Unaccompanied education, legal services and ad-
Minors and U.S. Immigration vocacy, workforce development, e society had been somewhat Calling the piano “a treasure,”
Policy,” hosted by Friends of parent education, early child-
Neighbors Link. Author, activ- hood programs and academic nomadic,having been camped out Phillips was extremely thank-
ist and Pulitzer Prize-winning support for school-age children
journalist, Sonia Nazario, was of immigrants. in its president’s basement for a ful that her and Holyoke’s paths
the guest speaker. She wrote
the book “Enrique’s Journey,” For more information about number of years, it later squeezed crossed.
which follows the journey of how to help, and the work of
a boy who makes the danger- PHOTO: RANDY FREEMAN Neighbors Link, visit www. into village hall, and then moved “ e rest is history. Serendipity.
Pulitzer Prize-winning journalist to one room at a former recreation It was meant to be. Nobody else
Sonia Nazario speaking at a
Neighbors Link event. center on Maple Avenue. would have understood the value
ous trek from Honduras to the It landed in its new home on of the piano,”she said.
border with the United States
to nd his mother who went to Green Street when the Mount
the US to make money to send
to her family living in pover- Kisco police department was HOWTO PITCH IN
ty. In the book, the author seeks
to personally experience what disbanded and the county police, ose wishing to help take
the children experience, some-
times putting herself in danger. having taken over, decided they a bite out of the shipping costs
Ms. Nazario recounted why and
how young people arrive at the didn’t need all the extra space. can send checks to Mount Kisco
Now it has a large room and Historical Society, 40 Green St.,
storage area. It shares a conference Mount Kisco, N.Y. 10549. To
room with Sustainable Westches- donate by major credit card or
ter and is allowed to display stu PayPal, visit the MKHS’s web-
in the vestibule. site, www.mountkiscohistorical-
With Holyoke and Phillips’s society.org and go to the mem-
life changes, and the society’s new bership page.
Help nourish your neighbors in need at FeedingWestchester.org
O icials o er tips for coyote safety
North Salem residents attacked by rabid animal
BY CAROL REIF servation Center in South Salem. Cats are on the menu too, so Goin ad- Everyone’s just yelling ‘Hey, it’s great to see
STAFF WRITER e Ruth Keeler Memorial Library last vises keeping them indoors “where there are you!,’ things like that,” she said.
no coyotes.”
Are coyotes getting too close for comfort? week hosted Goin’s “Coexisting With Coy- A YEAR IN THE LIFE
e question is a timely one in light of otes,” a live webinar jam-packed with scien- COYOTE CONVERSATION e time of year factors into coyote sight-
ti c information and myth-busting revela- ey mark their territory, or advertise
the fact that two residents of nearby North tions. ings.
Salem recently had a scary encounter with their mating status, by leaving a scent.
one of the North American canines. It aimed to demystify coyotes and clear ey communicate through body lan- SEE COYOTE PAGE 23
up common misconceptions.
One of the women was bitten -- and her guage much like other canines. is in-
walking companion nearly was -- by what “We don’t want people to be fearful about cludes holding their ears and tail in certain
was probably a rabid coyote. It ed after the being outdoors,” Goin explained. ways, making eye contact, and baring their
attack and was never found. Infected mam- teeth.
mals usually die within a week to 10 days of SOME BASICS
becoming sick. e adult eastern coyote is four to ve feet Vocalizing is their most famous form of
Coyotes are not strictly nocturnal, so if from snout to tail and weighs between 20
one is spotted during the day, it doesn’t nec- to 45 pounds. Its coat can be tawny brown, ose eerie howls, yips, and barks are
essarily mean that there’s something wrong. with some black or grey fur. Its ears are large just their way to touch base with far-
and pointy, its tail u y and carried straight away pack members.
ey are most active at dawn or dusk. down, and its legs are long.
However, it is a wild creature and nor- When coyotes hunt, it’s usually
mally gives folks a wide berth. Beware if Comparatively, house cats generally tip individually or “maybe as a pair”
it seems to have no fear of humans. Other the scales at between eight to 10 pounds; because their prey is so small.
signs of rabies include appearing disorient- the average Labrador Retriever weighs be-
ed or excessively wobbly. tween 55 to 80 pounds, and the gray wolf “If they hunted as a group,
Because they are explorers, opportunists, between 70 to 145 if male and between 60 there’s not going to be a whole
and can cope, if not thrive, in almost any en- to 100 if female. lot to share. ey’re also likely
vironment – including cities -- coyotes can to scare their prey away be-
be found in every state in America, except COYOTE CUISINE cause they’re going to be
Hawaii. While classi ed as carnivores, coyotes making more noise,”
Coyotes may look doglike, sometimes Goin explained.
display doglike behaviors, and even have a have a more omnivorous diet. eir favor-
bit of dog DNA in them, but they are de - ite chow consists of mice, rats, squirrels, and One common miscon-
nitely not the domesticated type and should rabbits, but they’ll munch on fruits and veg- ception is that coyotes
be respected for the wild creatures they are, gies and won’t turn up their noses at human howl when making a kill.
according to Dana Goin of the Wolf Con- garbage. ey do scavenge for venison but
don’t take deer down unless they’re wound- “Usually, when they’re
ed or weak. ey eat fawns. howling it’s them reunit-
ing with family. So what
you’re hearing is a party.
Bella Cucina Bella Cucina
Flavors of Little Italy in Mahopac 730 US 6 • Mahopac
BUSINESS EDITOR ‘It is our mission to share with you our passion for
food and family by bringing these magnificent products
Lorraine Vespertino and Josephine Matra grew up in Little Italy,
Manhattan. ey would shop with their moms, going to specialty to you. We look forward to serving our wonderful
stores for their unique products. eir families had access to the nest community and meeting you all.”
foods brought to them by Italian immigrants, immersed in culinary
traditions passed down from generation to generation. e love for au- -Lorraine Vespertino and Josephine Matra
thentic Italian foods ignited a passion for the two women and inspired Co-owners of Bella Cucina
them to bring the nest products of Italy to Mahopac and its surround-
ing communities. And that’s how the Italian specialty food boutique,
Bella Cucina, was born. e store will o cially open soon, o ering the
freshest breads, Italian cheeses, cured meats, quality ol-
ive oils and vinegars, as well as fresh pasta and an
array of sweet treats.
e store, located across from the rehouse
in Mahopac on Route 6, is full of Italian
avor, and has some great products to im-
press. A unique o ering at Bella Cucina
is the Olive Oil and Balsamic Vinegar
Tasting Bar, which is stacked with ev-
erything from Tuscan herb infused ex-
tra virgin olive oil and aged traditional
balsamic vinegar to dark chocolate bal-
samic vinegar that you can drizzle over
gelato, your favorite fruits, or even a steak.
So stop by for a taste or nd something at
Bella Cucina as a gift this holiday season!
FOX Pound and her co-star, Bamberg the POPSICLE STICK register for events, visit www.
Ridge Library Bear, present an innovative and SNOWFLAKE ORNAMENT bedfordfreelibrary.org
FROM PAGE 2 imaginative show that will have CRAFT
for breakfast and enjoy a special Located at 271 Westchester kids and adults amazed and ursday, Dec. 15, from 4:30 to WESTCHESTER BREATHES
show with our winter friends. Avenue,Pound Ridge,NY 10576. laughing. Between her love of 5:30 p.m. Friday, Dec. 16,
Donuts, McDonald’s pancakes, For more information, email the art and his fearlessness and Create a beautiful snow ake from 9:30 to 10:30 a.m.
yogurt and juice/milk will be [email protected] or drive, they push the boundaries to add some sparkle to your An ongoing program o ered
served. Co ee will be available call 914-764-5085. To register of the art of magic. Kids of all decorating. All ages. Located by the Westchester Library
for the adults. for these events, visit the calendar ages will participate in the show, downstairs in the kid’s program System o ering an experience of
Note: Pre-registration is at www.poundridgelibrary.org. learn a little magic, and share room. gentle movement, breathing and
required for all attendees as space their joy in art, science, poetry, relaxation exercises that reduce
is limited and registrations are FAMILY HOLIDAY and the world around them. VIRTUAL COOKING SMALL stress and anxiety and increase
accepted on a rst-come, rst- HAPPENING Mt. Kisco PLATES WITH RINKU a sense of calm and well-being.
serve basis. Saturday, Dec. 10, at 11:30 a.m. Monday, Dec. 19, from 6 to 7 ese exercises are simple and
ICE SKATING AT THE Back by popular demand, Public Library p.m. evidence-based – which is to say
Matthew Leonard from e Rinku rst started making …they work!
HARVEY SCHOOL Lionheart Puppet Company is Located at 100 Main St. For these inspired potato pancakes,
Wednesday, Dec. 28, here to entertain you and your more information, visit www. three years ago. ey bring STORIES, SONGS, &
from 12:45 to 2:45 p.m. family for the holiday season! mountkiscolibrary.org together all things winter, and SURPRISES ON THE VILLAGE
In cooperation with the Matt will perform a holiday- are a great way to use up the GREEN
Harvey School the department themed version of “ e Little FOOD FOR FINES DRIVE o erings of a late fall or winter ursday, Dec. 22, from 11:15 to
is o ering public recreational Red Hen!” Holiday refreshments For every unexpired non- farmer’s market. Rinku adds an 11:45 a.m.
skating for all ages. $5 per person, will follow the show! perishable food item you bring Indian accent to her latkes! is week’s theme: Holiday Fun!
pay at the door. A DJ will be in during library hours through Bedford Join in for a weekly storytime with
on hand spinning favorites and SARA CRASSON AND Friday, Dec. 30, $1 of overdue Mrs. Crummy. Plan to be outside
requests! You must provide your BAMBERG,THE BEAR nes will be removed from your Free Library on the Village Green, and in the
own skates. No hockey playing MAGICIAN! library card account. Does not event of inclement weather check
permitted. Tuesday, Dec. 27, at 2 p.m. include nes for lost or damaged Located at 32 Village the website for updated details.
Sara Crasson is not your items.All food goes to the Mount Green, Bedford, NY 10506. SEE FOX PAGE 34
run-of-the-mill magician. She Kisco Interfaith Food Pantry. For more information or to
BUYING ONLY Items for sale?
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CLUES ACROSS 30. Supervises flying 52. German river 23. “Star Wars” character Solo
1. Chop up 31. 007’s creator 55. Go bad 25. The bill in a restaurant
5. Ones who utilize 32. Shaft horsepower (abbr.) 56. Sword 26. Old, ugly witch
10. Sings with closed lips 35. A spider makes one 60. Very eager 27. Burn with a hot liquid
14. South American 37. Liquefied natural gas 61. Leaf bug 28. To claim or demand
hummingbird 38. Opaque gem 63. Italian seaport 29. “A Doll’s House” playwright
15. Serves as a coxswain 39. Brazilian palm 64. Napoleon Dynamite’s uncle 32. Involuntary muscular
16. Liquor distilled from 40. Periodical (slang) 65. Member of Jamaican contraction
coconut or rice 41. You might step on one religion 33. Pea stems (British)
17. Spur 42. Marvin and Horsley are two 66. Large wading bird 34. Double or multiple fold
18. Senile 43. Partner to cheese 67. Carries out 36. No longer is
19. Tanzanian people 44. Unpleasant smell 68. Eternal rest 37. Lakers’ crosstown rivals
20. Cruel 45. Field force unit (abbr.) 69. It holds up your headwords (abbr.)
22. Boxing’s “GOAT” 46. Fashion accessory 38. S. American plant
23. Yokels 47. Cool! cultivated in Peru
24. London soccer team 48. Time zone CLUES DOWN
27. Chinese chess piece 1. Not low 40. Cloth or fabric
49. Songs to one’s lover 2. Small water bu alo 41. Flanks
3. A mark left behind 43. Disfigure
4. Archaic form of have 44. Angry
5. Fiddler crabs 46. Baltic coast peninsula
6. Popular Hyundai 47. Large, flightless birds
sedan 49. Plants of the lily family
7. Deport 50. Medieval Norwegian
8. Making over language
9. Midway between 51. Polio vaccine developer
south and southeast 52. Not soft For puzzle solutions, please see
10. Arabic masculine 53. Exchange rate theparamountrehab.com
name 54. Voice (Italian)
11. Type of acid 57. Baseball’s Ruth
12. Popular 1980s Cher 58. Famed guitarist Clapton
film 59. Take a chance
13. Outdoor enthusiasts’ 61. Wife
tools 62. Elaborate handshake
21. Chinese city
To solve a sudoku, the numbers 1 through 9 must fill each row, column and box. Each number can
appear only once in each row, column and box. You can figure out the order in which the numbers will appear by using
the numeric clues already provided in the boxes. The more numbers you name, the easier it gets to solve the puzzle!
Jacque’s Spin on Music for December
Hello readers! is month grams. On December 10 two MT. KISCO 8-10 p.m. Visit HammondMu- Darlene Love on Saturday,
will be ying by. Hopefully, you performances at 1 and 3 p.m. in Jazz on Main, 37 S Moger seum.org for full details. December 17 at 8 pm. Visit
can catch some live mu- Lyndhurst Mansion Car- Avenue (914) 730-2399 tarrytownmusichall.org for a full
sic to celebrate the riage House, Tarry- e club o ers happy hours PURCHASE schedule of events.
town and a third from 5-7 p.m. during the week,
QUseason. I’ve dis- at 7 p.m. in St. o ering 50% o drink prices. Performing Arts Center, I have only skimmed the
C Ecovered a va- John the Evan-
A ’riety of op- On Wednesday December 14 Purchase College, 735 Anderson surface of what’s available for
S Hill Road (914) 251-6200 your enjoyment this month.
USICtions and gelist Church, combine Happy Hour with a No Two nights of holiday classics For a full list of events, visit
can’t wait M a h o p a c . Cover Open Jam. All genres of with a Blues, Jazz and Rock ‘n HearIt ere.com and search by
to tell e nal per- music are encouraged. Could be Roll twist with Rob Mathes and your preferred genre, location or
you about formance is a fun after-work party! his All-Star Band. Tickets are a speci c date.
them! at 3 p.m. on available at artswestchester.org
If you N December 18 NORTH SALEM for 8 p.m. Friday, December 16 Jacque Roche is a freelance
are look-
at the Tomp- Hammond Museum & Japa- and Saturday, December 17. writer and content contributor to
M O N Ming to enjoy kins Corner nese Stroll Garden, 28 Deveau several local publications, as well
some his-
torical holiday Cultural Center, Rd. (914) 669-5033 TARRYTOWN as an editor and music blogger
Putnam Valley. Visit Holiday at the Hammond Tarrytown Music Hall, 13 for HearIt ere.com. Archived
music, the Putnam p u t n a m c h o r a l e . o r g / with the Hathaway Big Band Main Street (914) 631-3390 broadcasts of her 2016-2020 radio
Chorale Ensemble will be next-event for full details and to playing music from the 30s and Cherish the Ladies on shows can be heard streaming on
performing three holiday pro- purchase tickets. 40s. Listening and dancing from Saturday, December 17 and Mixcloud.com.
Reopened theatre gets two thumbs up
Chamber and local dignitaries celebrate launch with ribbon cutting
BY BRETT FREEMAN In addition to the sandwiches,
wraps, sweets, popcorn and wine
that was on hand for the celebra-
Mout Kisco Mayor Gina Pi- tion, the theatre owners also had
cinich, Assemblyman Chris complimentary movie showings
Burdick and leaders of the Mount following the festivities.
Kisco Chamber of Commerce eatres improve the local
were e usive in their praise of the economy by providing employ-
new lessee and property owner at ment and boosting foot tra c
the Nov. 30 grand reopening of the for nearby stores and restaurants,
Mt. Kisco eatre. experts say.
e iconic entertainment venue AB International Group
at 144 Main St. was shut two years Corp., an intellectual-property
ago because of the pandemic. PHOTO: BRETT FREEMAN investment and licensing rm, is
Chamber President Matt Gras- Jimmy Chue, the chief investment o icer of AB International headquartered in New York City
so got the festivities started at the Group Corp, which owns AB Cinemas, is holding up the symbolic and has o ces in Hong Kong
first dollar, which was handed to him by Mount Kisco Chamber
ribbon cutting. PHOTO: CAROL REIF of Commerce President Matt Grasso. Chue, who is about to cut and Singapore.
“I’ve been coming here my whole the ribbon, is standing with Grasso and other Chamber leaders, e theatre was previously
Mt. Kisco Theatre General Assemblyman Chris Burdick, Mayor Gina Picinich, Patricia and
life,and I am really,really excited to Manager Stephen Foisy last Christina Martabano and his Operations Manager Ike Rivera and leased by Bow Tie Cinemas,
be here tonight,” said Grasso, who month. General Manager Stephen Foisy. a chain with locations in New
also owns Northern Westchester York, New Jersey, Connecticut,
Auto Body in Bedford Hills. Maryland, Virginia, and Colo-
On behalf of the business orga- “Since then, this has been a Cinemas and Jimmy Chue. next AMC; the next Bow-Tie; the rado.
nization, Grasso handed the sym- gathering place for people, not just “And so we appreciate your next Regal. So, one step at a time. e present 466-seat venue re-
bolic rst dollar to Jimmy Chue, from Mt. Kisco, but from all the investment in our community. I Let’s see what happens.” placed one that burned down in
chief investment o cer of AB surrounding communities,” Pi- hope this is the rst of many more Assemblyman Burdick was also the 1950s. It opened on Dec. 21,
International Group Corp., which cinich said. “When the pandemic throughout Westchester and New e usive in his praise of the reopen- 1962, with a Walt Disney lm,
owns AB Cinemas. Chue’s com- hit, losing our theatre was very, York. But always remember that ing, calling the theatre a landmark “In Search of the Castaways,”
pany leased the property from the very hard and folks were terribly this is where so much starts--right and an iconic location for the entire which starred Hayley Mills and
Martabano Realty Corp., which concerned. And so I really have to here in Mt. Kisco. And so on be- area. Maurice Chevalier.
had representatives from the fam- take a moment to give credit to the half of our community, I want to General Manager Stephen Operated for years by Lesser
ily-owned company in attendance. Martabano family, who continues say thank you. I want to say wel- Foisy, who later shared his passion eaters, it was taken over by
Meanwhile, Mayor Picinich cit- to own this property through mul- come. And I want to say that we for cinema during a one-on-one Clearview Cinemas and later by
ed the front page of a local news- tiple generations and has kept this appreciate your helping to drive conversation,shared his excitement Bow Tie.
paper in 1962 that spoke about iconic marquis, which I personally and strengthen our local economy.” about the reopening.
how the Martabano family secured am very very fond, and they held At the grand opening, Chue re- “I hope that years from now, de- Carol Reif contributed to this
a $150,000 loan from Manhattan on tight, and they found the right iterated the theatre’s ambitions. cades from now, that this theatre report. For more information, visit
Bank on Main Street in order to investor and the right tenant to “We’re shooting for the stars,” will still be here showing cinema,” abcinemasny.com or call 914-864-
build the theatre. bring back our theatre to life - AB Chue said.“We’re looking to be the he said. 0313.
‘The Menu’ was a tasty movie treat
I would like to thank the owners of Mt. Kisco t into any one genre. Some have described ed doctors in culinary creations formed with COURTESY OF SEARCHLIGHT PICTURES
eatre for inviting guests who attended their the movie as satire, some as comedy and a scalpel.
some as horror. Others have emphasized its What’s Showing at
ribbon cutting on Nov. 30 to a free showing social commentary, as described at the be- e movie takes place at Hawthorn, a res- Mt. Kisco Theatre?
of one of four available movies that night. I ginning of this review. I think the movie has taurant located on a deserted island where
gladly took them up on their o er. Not only do a bit of all of that, but most importantly I the only inhabitants are Slowik and his ded- Visit abcinemasny.com,
I highly recommend “ e Menu,” but I also would describe it as fun entertainment. e icated group of line chefs, maître d, servers call 914-864-0313 or visit
highly recommend the new and improved movie’s depth was in its characters, each of and sommelier. You don’t “eat”at Hawthorn. 144 Main St., in Mt. Kisco
theatre. e new owners are passionate about whom has a back story that is slowly re- You taste and you savor. Hawthorn takes the
their business. And if you are looking for movie vealed. concept of farm to table to a whole new level,
recommendations, de nitely speak to General with all ingredients raised, grown, harvested,
Manager Stephen Foisy. “We wanted to be really careful in skewer- slaughtered and aged on the island or the
ing the industry and walked this tightrope, surrounding sea. Slowik’s employees’dedica-
BY BRETT FREEMAN poking at it while remaining deeply respect- tion to their art creates a bond beyond esprit
PUBLISHER ful of the artform and the humans who are de corps – it’s a family with Chef as King.
involved,” Mylod said in a Searchlight Pic-
You could call “ e Menu,” directed by tures press release. “When I got involved, I e plot unfolded rapidly, almost too rap-
Mark Mylod, a poignant “ lm” highlighting did my own personal dive into that world idly. While the movie length came in at 1
the absurdities of the a uent elite in their to educate myself on how it worked and the hour and 47 minutes,I would have gladly sat
pursuit of organic cuisine as narrative story- level of commitment and the stress of main- through an additional hour to see the plot
telling. taining that extraordinary level of art night reveal itself a little slower. By the middle of
after night. It destroys people. It’s incredibly the movie, I pretty much knew how it was
at’s certainly a mouthful. high pressure.” going to end. Even the characters predicted
You don’t “watch”such a “ lm.”You take it the end before barely touching their meal.
in and appreciate it. e movie, anchored by Ralph Fiennes as Sometimes you don’t want to see the dessert
Or perhaps we were intended to simply Chef Julian Slowik and Anya Taylor-Joy as menu until you’ve nished the entree.
watch the “movie” the way we eat a really Margot, portrayed the world of a three-star
good juicy cheeseburger on an ordinary ses- Michelin-rated restaurant as less a sweaty, Regardless, if my only criticism of the
ame-seed bun. chaotic scene reminiscent of Hell’s Kitchen movie is that I wish it was longer, then they
I think screen writers Seth Reiss and Will with Gordon Ramsay, and more like a re- did something right.
Tracy intended the latter. e movie doesn’t nowned surgeon leading a group of respect-
“ e Menu”was deliciously prepared even
if I wish it was created in a slow cooker.