North Salem’s only weekly newspaper mailed to every home and business.
Vol. 7 No. 13 Visit for the latest news. Thursday, June 17, 2021
Town to purchase
Board authorizes appraisal
PHOTO: TOM WALOGORSKY ere may be a bit of drama building around the fate of e
Schoolhouse eater in North Salem.
TRIUMPHANT! e home to Westchester’s oldest nonpro t professional the-
ater was put on the market last year by the heirs of the late Lean-
ON JUNE 10, NORTH SALEM BASEBALL CAPTURED THE SECTION 1 CHAMPIONSHIP dra “Lee” Pope. Pope founded the theater in 1983, transforming
WITH A 7-1 WIN OVER TUCKAHOE. READ ALL ABOUT THE THRILLING VICTORY an old elementary school in the hamlet of Croton Falls into a
Its cafeteria/gym became a theater and its classrooms, galleries
and studio spaces were used by many acclaimed artists.
e rst curtain went up in 1986 with a performance of “Bed-
room Farce” starring Brooke Palance (daughter of Jack Palance,
known for playing tough guys and villains) and Michael Wilding
(an English actor and Elizabeth Taylor’s second husband).
Playwrights Jules Fei er and Tina Howe and co-founder of
the Royal Shakespeare Company John Barton have all had their
works produced at the theater.
According to Bram Lewis, its artistic director, seven shows that
premiered there moved to o -Broadway and Los Angeles. And
one made the reverse commute there from e Roundabout e-
ater on Broadway—Jim Dale’s award-wining “Just Jim Dale.”
But those haven’t been the only things going on at 3 Owens
Road. ere have been music program for toddlers and parents,
poetry slams, comedy shows and storytelling. It has also hosted
yoga and meditation groups and knitting circles.
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LEGAL NOTICES 22 Art of Jean Morley
LEISURE 20 pg 3
Page 2 – North Salem News BALANCED ROCK Thursday, June 17, 2021
Ruth Keeler is memoir is a poignant a.m. - 12:30 p.m.
The Staff Memorial Library coming-of-age story by the Accomplished and aspiring Muscoot Farm
daughter of artistic bohemian writers are invited to join Mary-
TOM WALOGORSKY e Keeler Library is open for parents set in 1950s New York, anne D’Amato, local resident
EDITOR: 914-302-5830
[email protected] limited browsing, computer use, Cape Cod, and Mexico. and published author for a sup- WATERCOLOR ART EXHIBIT
ADVERTISING TEAM and reading! For more informa- portive meeting. AND SALE
tion, visit www.ruthkeelerme- ROBERT THE GUITAR Recreation Every weekend in June, Satur-
(914) 806-3951 days 12-4 p.m., Sundays 10-4 p.m.
[email protected] GUY: MUSIC FOR YOUNG
BRUCE HELLER Most of our programs are on CHILDREN Programs As part of the county’s re-
(914) 486-7608 ZOOM. Send us an email if Tuesday, June 22, from 11 - opening, Muscoot Farm will be
[email protected]
you want to participate: keeler- 11:30 a.m. Registration for all programs hosting a Watercolor Art Ex-
(201) 317-1139 [email protected]. When you Robert creates an interactive is online at www.northsalemny. hibit and Sale every weekend
[email protected]
CORINNE STANTON email us, we will send you a link experience in which the kids are org/recreation. For any ques- in June. Local instructor, Lori
(914) 760-7009
[email protected] to click on, and a password to getting constant feedback. is tions, contact North Salem McQueeney and ve talented
JAY GUSSAK enter. program is appropriate for chil- Recreation Department at local artists have been painting
(914) 299-4541
[email protected] dren between ages 2-6. (914)669-5665 or recreation@ together by Zoom throughout
(917) 446-7757 TEEN BOOK GROUP the pandemic. Lori and Eliza-
[email protected]
SHELLEY KILCOYNE Meets weekly on Tuesdays, 7 CONVERSATION WITH beth Bell, Diane Camac, Amy
(914) 924-9122
[email protected] - 8 p.m. AUTHORS MARTHA NORTH SALEM DAY CAMP Galinko, Carol Rapport-Som-
ACCOUNT EXECUTIVE/DESIGNER Next Book: “Carry On” by MCPHEE AND JOSHUA Registration is now open for mer and Teri Siegel are thrilled
[email protected]
Rainbow Rowell. e library has HENKIN North Salem Day Camp at Mt. to come together to ‘unmask’
TABITHA PEARSON MARSHALL copies to check out. We talk about ursday, June 24, from 7 - 8 Lakes. Campers will learn new their artwork in the exhibit ‘Wa-
CREATIVE DIRECTOR the progression of the book, as p.m. skills, meet new friends, and tercolor UnMasked - Creativity
well as play a game of Kahoot. ese two exceptional authors make great memories with pro- during Covid’. Framed original
[email protected]
CHRISTINA ROSE will be discussing their latest grams such as archery, swimming, paintings, matted originals and
AUTHOR TALK: UPPER work in the unique program co- sports, art, games, dance, boating, prints, greeting cards and other
[email protected] BOHEMA BY HAYDEN sponsored with Rye Library. nature study, music, and hiking. gift items will be for sale. Ends
EXECUTIVE TEAM HERRERA Counselor-in-training and Ju- on Saturday, June 26.
CEO & PUBLISHER Tuesday, June 22, from 7:30- WRITERS WORKSHOP nior Counselor positions are also North Salem
8:30 p.m. Wednesday, July 7, from 11 available for teens. Learn more at
[email protected]
Deadlines Committee
NORTH SALEM NEWS DEADLINE Let Us Help You Volunteers needed. ere are a
THE DEADLINE FOR ADVERTISEMENTS few open seats on the town com-
CELEBRATE! mittee and the Democrats would
AND EDITORIAL SUBMISSIONS FOR love to have some new volun-
GREAT PARTIES HAVE NEVER BEEN teers come forward. It’s a great
BEFORE THE NEXT PUBLICATION DATE. involved in who and what shapes
Congratulations our community. If, on the other
FOR MORE INFORMATION, CALL hand, you may be interested in
TOM WALOGORSKY AT 914-302-5830 NORTH SALEM serving on a town committee or
CLASS OF 2021! board, we suggest you keep an
OR EMAIL NORTHSALEMNEWS@ eye on the town’s website, north-
• PARTY PLATTERS to the town clerk, mhlushko@
Online • DELIVERY AVAILABLE • On the Vacancies are
FOLLOW US • WAITSTAFF AVAILABLE listed on the town website. Con-
Aversano’s app tact us at P O Box 525, North
Location WE HAVE TWO PRIVATE DINING ROOMS FOR Salem, NY 10560 or northsalem-
ON-PREMISE PARTIES UP TO 100 GUESTS • Online @ [email protected].
SOMERS, NY AND AT See Catering Menus at North Salem
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Thursday, June 17, 2021 Your Neighbor North Salem News – Page 3
The spirited art
of Jean Morley
BY ABBY LUBY been living through this with me.”
CONTRIBUTING WRITER Morley studied ne arts in college and
has been an artist all her life; her par-
A clear sense of exhilaration leaps o ents were both artists and art educators
the surface of a painting by Jean Morley. (her mother is 95). She was Director of
It’s as if she has seized a moment lled Creative Services at John Wiley & Sons
with e ervescence entwined with a sense Publishing for 34 years, but retired when
of rapture, like oating along the under- she found out she had cancer.
side of a cloud. Morley’s work is now “I did a lot of praying that rst year —
on display at the Ruth Keeler Library I was so focused on dying,” she said.
through the end of June. e small but But Morley said it was her son, a radi-
diverse exhibit greets you at the well-lit ologist, who prolonged and saved her life.
entrance. Prepare to linger. While she was being treated initially, he
Morley’s story of illness and survival studied her case, and advocated for her to
has fueled her work. In 1984, she and receive better treatment including not just
her then husband moved to North Salem chemotherapy but also alternative treat- PHOTOS COURTESY OF JEAN MORLEY
where they raised their three children. ments. e two-month end-of-life mark Jean Morley beside her exhibit at Keeler Library.
Fast forward to 2018 when she was di- passed and Morely took one day at a time.
agnosed with late stage cancer and given “What control did I have?” she said. viscous is “Polar Expression,” a turbulent cer. It ignited something for me.”
two months to live. “ e world changes on a dime.” expression churning sprays of gold and Jean Morley’s artwork will be on dis-
“I started to get my a airs in order,” she When the COVID pandemic hap- orange lending to free-fall out of a black play through June 30 at Ruth Keeler
said. “I did a lot of praying and my three pened and everyone was locked inside, hole. Layers of primary colors in “Win- Memorial Library, located at 276 Titicus
children, who I’m very close with, have Morley said for her, a switch ipped, and ter Joy” converge and sway in a rhythm Road in North Salem.
she stopped waiting around to die. conducive to an out of body experience.
“My dining room became my studio, Morley’s ower series upholds the uid-
and I painted on my dining room table,” ity of her abstract work. Subtle and deli-
she recalled. “I started painting big and cate, her owers are borne of a discerning
small.” eye for gentle detail creating weightless
She had developed neuropathy in her petals that quietly hover on the paper.
hands, often the result from cancer treat- With the steady encouragement of her
ment, and was unable to use paint brush- children, Morley is putting her work out
es. Morley was drawn to colored inks and there to sell and has over ten thousand
their ability to dance on the paper. She followers on Instagram. Her new web-
preceded to ‘air paint’ using either a hair site,, features
dryer, an air brush, or her own breath by her work which will also be on Fine
blowing the ink around on the paper. “I Art America, the large on-line art mar-
stand when I work and listen to music. ketplace. Her show at the library o ers
Moving the ink around, especially the signed original paintings, matted prints
larger pieces, is a physical process for me. and greeting cards, most are for sale and
As I move with it, I become one with it.” 10 percent of the proceeds will go to St.
ese gestural movements subliminal- Jude’s Children’s Cancer Hospital.
ly resonate with the viewer in the ethereal “I’m engaged in this type of healing
“Blue Flush” which sweeps us up in layers process,” Morley said. “Cancer is a curse
of varied blues and blossoming gradients, but with every curse comes a blessing. I
“Winter Joy” converging in a quiet rustle; ecks of gold wouldn’t be painting the way I am paint-
give the piece a loftier dimension. More ing if I hadn’t been diagnosed with can- “Flower Series”
“Blue Flush” “Polar Expression”
Page 4 – North Salem News Thursday, June 17, 2021
SCHOOLHOUSE THEATER sibling, owns the building, called him in o ered to sell 3 Owens Road to the town his own adaptation of O. Henry’s famous
March to ask whether the town would be for $1. In 1977, the schoolhouse was used short story, “ e Gift of the Magi.”
interested in purchasing it. by the Westchester Exceptional Chil- e late New York Times theater critic
Last year, when COVID-19 shut down “At the time, I told him probably not,” dren’s School. Alvin Klein, who reviewed many of e
arts venues around the country, the the- he said, adding, “It was not something To this day, Lucas said, “Many people Schoolhouse’s productions, once took
ater carried on with its newly named that was in any plan we had put on paper in town still remember going to school in Lewis aside to tell him that it was one of
troupe, e Pandemic Players, putting on or discussed.” the building,” Lucas said. his favorite theaters.
close to 50 virtual performances. After several board members toured In 1982, when Lee Pope bought the “It’s a gem,” he said.
According to Lewis, e Schoolhouse the building in early April, they decided building, it was updated and space was Lewis praised Pope for her generosity
eater Foundation has so far raised the town needed a third-party appraisal carved out to accommodate a 98-seat per- and vision, which he said was “backed
$600,000 in the hopes of buying the cir- before it could “consider discussing pric- formance venue by quiet, unseen steely determination” to
ca-1927 building. e foundation’s board ing.” It has since become a regional show- turn an “abandoned elementary school”
of directors has been in communication What’s being discussed “would not place for equity performances, due both into a thriving, iconic space for the arts.
with Pope’s heirs about a potential sale. preclude e Schoolhouse eater or to its intimate setting and state-of-the-art Pope supported a number of progres-
At present, the building and its 1.2 others from using space, too,” Lucas said. staging, lightingand sound technology. sive causes and diversity as evidenced,
acres are listed on real estate sites for $1.5 According to real estate sources, there According to a prospectus issued in Lewis said, by the fact that the theater’s
million. have been other interested parties. But 2020, “with an estimated population of 15 calendar always led o with a perfor-
On Saturday, June 26, the foundation things haven’t panned out, apparently million living within a 50-mile radius, e mance by one of the world’s outstanding
is holding a bene t performance of “ e because the building is located in a resi- Schoolhouse eater and Gallery is well- African-American jazz saxophonists, re-
Sunshine Boys” with acclaimed entertain- dential area and is not zoned for com- situated to serve as a well-loved local arts cord producers, and band leaders, former
ers and supporters Alan Arkin and Rob- mercial use. Although the Zoning Board and entertainment center for generations Croton Falls resident Houston Person.
ert Klein to advance its bid. of Appeals had granted Lee Pope a use to come.” In 2018, Pope was given the coveted
Meanwhile, North Salem itself may be- variance, according to Lucas, the town at is certainly something Lewis and Community Arts Award by the West-
come a player, as one of the ideas being can use the building “for any municipal theater supporters are hoping will happen. chester Arts Council for her three decades
oated by o cials is turning the building purpose.” Lee Pope died at age 87 in Montana of achievements.
into a community center. Architecturally, the red brick structure last year. In a tribute to the founder, Lewis It was something, Lewis said, she “rich-
e topic rst came up publicly at a is “very attractive” and has more than wrote that her “life and legacy will always ly deserved.”
Town Board meeting in late May. Last 7,000 square feet of space—and lots of be intertwined in the physical reality of However, none of it would have been
week, the board gave Supervisor Warren storage in its attic. e Schoolhouse eater & Arts Center.” possible without all the talented theater
Lucas the go-ahead to hire McGrath & e schoolhouse was built as part of Pope loved every kind of art, said Lew- folk and the 4,000 faithful subscribers
Co., a Fishkill-based real estate appraiser, the national initiative associated with the is, who had headed e Phoenix eater who have backed them for nearly four
to value the property. WPA (Works Progress Administration), at e Masters School in Dobbs Ferry, decades.
According to Lucas, this is just a pre- an American New Deal agency employ- which became the theater in residence at at support and dedication has been
liminary rst step. ing millions on projects such as public SUNY Purchase—and was where he and especially important during the last, very
“We are very early in the process and buildings and roads. Northern Westches- Pope rst met. trying year, Lewis said, adding: “We’ve
currently unsure what the nal position ter was growing quickly at the time and Lewis, who became artistic director had Tony Award-winning actors of every
will be,” he said ursday, June 10. there was a need for modern rural school in 2015, was no stranger to e School- stripe who we are grateful to for loaning
Lucas said Pope’s son, Christopher, facilities. house, having directed ve plays there their singular talents to light up what’s
a state senator in Montana who, with a en, in the 1970s, the school district between 1997 and 2003, starting with been dark in our country.”
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Next are “monoclonal antibodies,” which are immune-
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Thursday, June 17, 2021 June 18 - June 24, 2021 North Salem News – Page 5
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Page 6 – North Salem News Thursday, June 17, 2021
Norman Blasdell Hathaway Advertising Manager. PHOTOS COURTESY OF LORRAINE HATHAWAY
In 1965, he moved the fam-
Norman Blasdell Hathaway (Norm) of Peach Lake, In 1990, he married his second wife, Lorraine L. Janus,
North Salem, New York, passed away at 96 on May 11, ily to Toronto to start Hathaway Chief of Water Quality Science and Research for New York
2021. Templeton, a corporate industrial City’s Bureau of Water Supply, and moved to the United
design company. He later joined States, where he became a naturalized citizen in 2008.
On August 18, 1924, Norm was born in New Hamburg, Sebert Productions as Vice Presi-
Ontario, Canada, to parents George Blasdell Hathaway dent and Sales Manager, produc- Music continued to be a powerful force throughout
and Rolena Violet Roos Hathaway. He was the younger ing TV commercials and award- Norm’s life. With Lorraine, they created the 20-piece
brother of the late Frederick (Ted) Hathaway of Vancouver. winning corporate lms. In the Norm Hathaway Big Band, performing in the New York
early 1970s, Norm and Lois Metro area, and annually at our Hammond Museum in
Norm’s entire life was lled with music, classic cars, formed Hathaway Associates, North Salem. At the age of 87, Norm and his big band
family, and friends. His father, George, an early Vaudeville one of Canada’s foremost design premiered on Broadway at the famous Iridium Jazz Club,
performer and saxophone player in uenced Norm to take and subsequently performed there. e band even made a
up the clarinet. Before long, he was playing in Jitney dance rms specializing in packaging brief appearance on Saturday Night Live!
bands touring small towns in southern Ontario. Other than and corporate identity. Norm was
music, one of his rst jobs was as a tool and die apprentice. responsible for iconic designs, Norm was awarded the Commonwealth War Medal
such as the Ontario
is skill served him well throughout his life as he was nev- Trillium and the Pro- SEE OBITUARY PAGE 15
er without a Model T Ford from age 14 until his passing. vincial Coat of Arms for
the Ontario Govern-
In 1942, Norm enlisted in the Royal Canadian Navy. ment, as well as package
Never without his sax and clarinet by his side, he joined the designs for Smarties,
HMCS York Navy Band in Toronto. Norm was drafted to Co ee Crisp, KitKat,
HMCS Chatham in Prince Rupert, B.C., in 1943, along Aero bars, and Robin
with 30 fellow navy musicians. He later achieved the rank Hood. Norm won First
of Leading Seaman on the mine-sweeper Miramichi, pa- Prize for an industrial
trolling the northwest coast of Canada.
lm at the International
After the war, he attended the Ontario College of Art Film Awards in Chi-
(now OCAD U,) to study drawing and graphic design, cago, and his annual re-
graduating with First Class Honours. ports for GM, Ford, and
Massey Ferguson were
He continued to play professionally,performing with the highly recognized. Most
renowned Leo Romanelli Orchestra at the Manoir Riche- notably, he nalized the design of the new Canadian ag.
lieu in Quebec, the Ban Springs Hotel in Alberta, at the
King Edward Hotel in Toronto. He also played with Moxie Norm was President of the Ontario College of Art be-
Whitney’s band in the Imperial Room at the Royal York tween 1985 and 1989. He lectured on Design Commu-
Hotel in Toronto. nications at the University of Waterloo and University of
He married Lois Isobel Draper, a fellow Ontario Col-
lege of Art student from Clinton, Ontario, before moving
to Newmarket to start a family and join O ce Specialty as
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Thursday, June 17, 2021 OPINION North Salem News – Page 9
Hot enough for ya?
power seemed to be intact, guy next door would do just the dungeon to do battle with the Let’s review: Plants happy. Spi-
ne. breaker panel. ders happy. Me? Not so much.
so I dropped my bags and But he wasn’t home either.
Summoning all of my cour- Let’s review: I have now spent At midnight, my husband
TRACY made my way down to the two hours at the airport, ve walked in the door.
age, I went back to my house, hours on the plane, one hour
BECKERMAN dungeon to nd, no sur- and discovered that I was traveling back home, 40 minutes “Hey. Why is it so hot in here
prise here, the A/C breakers locked out. digging through my garden by and why are you sleeping on the
the light of the moon, and ap- couch?”
ipped in the o position. Some dummy hadn’t checked proximately 15 minutes throwing
to see if the door was in the a major hissy t. I glared at him.
Assessing the situation, I did unlocked position before she “ e A/C got fried.”
went shrieking out of the Finally, the good news was, I “Cool,” he said sarcastically.
what any rational thinking house. got the power back on. I looked at him miserably.
“You wish.”
As thrilling as it is to go homeowner would do: I Now, you have to understand, e bad news was, the A/C
away for a few days, as hot as it was inside, it was was now completely and utterly Not only do I have a new book
I think most people ipped the breakers on. just as miserable outside. Ditto fried out. coming out soon, so does my
A giant spark ew out of the darkness. So, now here I was friend James Breakwell! He’s @
the breaker and the house was barefoot, tired, and locked out of Knowing there was no way XplodingUnicorn on Twitter and
my house. Of course, I have an I could even begin to get this if you haven’t read his hilarious
would agree, it’s always nice plunged into darkness. emergency key hidden outside resolved until morning, I opened tweets about parenting, you need
for just such an emergency. And all of the windows, got a pillow, to check him out. You can order
to come home. So, after 10 “Uh-oh,” I said to no one of course, I had hidden it so well a blanket and went to sleep on his new book, “How to Be a Man
that I couldn’t nd it. the couch in front of the screened (Whatever at Means): Lessons
days away visiting family, I except the spiders in the dark. in back door, at which point it in Modern Masculinity from a
Forty minutes later I was - started to rain so hard that I had Questionable Source” on Amazon
was really looking forward to I have to say, I’m usu- nally back in the house, ashlight to close the back door and all of at
in hand, and on my way back to the windows.
being back home when I nally ally pretty brave. I’ve taken on
pulled into my driveway. NYC pickpockets, uber-wood-
e thrill lasted approxi- chucks, and a guy at the bank
mately 30 seconds. machine who said he didn’t
at would be the amount like my hair cut. But this spark
of time it took me to get out thing kind of threw me. With
of the car, turn the key in the my husband still out of town, I
door and discover that my A/C did what any rational thinking
had died. homeowner would do: I went
e house was literally, shrieking out of the house and
hotter than hell. e tropical ran to my neighbor.
plants were happy. e spiders Clearly, I thought, this called
were happy. Me? Not so much. for a man’s touch and since
Fortunately, the rest of the mine wasn’t home, I gured the
MELEN to be a work in progress. But Summer Shred-it Day
in a ash I realized that I was
FROM PAGE 8 nitpicking, curmudgeoning and to Support the Alzheimer’s Association
complaining about anything and
somebody shows you their sur- everything just like before, and Spring cleaning is in the air, but what Join us for a FREE
gery scar, it doesn’t improve the it was a joyous revelation. at’s should you do with all that sensitive Community Event
experience to actually see it right when I’m seeing the world as it paperwork you no longer need? Artis
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Page 10 – North Salem News OPINION Thursday, June 17, 2021
A Father’s Day learning experience
STRONG not invited to the wedding. My husband, too, since he’s your do we always have to spend adults who can see multiple
LEARNING mother died when I was young, children’s father). Someone who the day with your father? I’m a sides of an issue can o er and
and my father raised my brother says this is a black and white father, too.” (Obviously, though, negotiate solutions that meet at
DR. LINDA and myself. He was and still issue and makes a “snap” decision since you’ve spent Father’s Day least some of the needs of all.
SILBERT is one of the most caring and may not be considering all the with your father every year, your
giving fathers one could have. I parts of the decision to be made. husband is comfortable with the Although nerve-wracking,
Dear Dr. Linda, wouldn’t hurt him for the world. An educated person thinks and arrangement.) this is one of those situations
Let me begin by saying that My brother and I have never is able to see multiple sides of an where everyone involved can
missed a Father’s Day with him. issue. Being schooled, no mat- So, what are your options? learn from it, especially your
I know your column is about My children, who are in their ter what degree someone holds, You can’t do both—your father children. Like you, they’ll expe-
education. If my question is not teens, have always spent Father’s does not mean that they are and the niece live 11 hours apart. rience con icts like these their
appropriate, I’ll understand if Day with their grandfather. How educated. ey have memorized Maybe your dad can come to whole lives, and it’s important
you don’t use it. However, I think do I do both things without and understand information in you and celebrate Father’s Day for you to model how to e ec-
many people have been in the hurting either one? By the way, their eld. However, someone the day before. Perhaps he could tively look at options, weigh the
same situation that I’m in and it’s a six-hour drive north to my who is educated is able to weigh still be invited to the wedding. pros and cons of who is likely to
would appreciate your opinion. father and a ve-hour south to the pros and cons of an issue. Your husband could go to the be most hurt, and make the best
Here’s my problem. my niece. wedding and you to your dad’s. decision you can while keep-
ey can think out of the box. Your children could split up, too, ing your emotions in check—all
It has to do with Father’s Danielle In most cases like this, if they so desired. Or you could while hoping that all the adults
Day. My niece’s wedding is on Dear Danielle, however, emotions come into choose to do neither and spend a in the picture can appreciate
Father’s Day. It’s my husband’s play. Emotions play a big role relaxing day with your husband your dilemma and respond with
sister’s daughter. at’s ne Although it doesn’t have to in most decisions. So, how do and your children’s father. understanding.
with me and my husband. We’ll do with “institutional” educa- you deal with this problem? You
celebrate Father’s Day at the tion as such, in my opinion, can say, “I’m not going to the Of course, all these options Good luck!
wedding. I adore my niece and your question de nitely belongs wedding…how dare they make require explaining the situation Happy Father’s Day!
I wouldn’t miss her wedding for in an education column—it’s a a wedding on Father’s Day! to both sides. And, unfortunate-
the world. But my father was learning experience. It requires I’m going to be with my father ly, members of some families Dr. Linda
the weighing of options. You and that’s it!” Or your husband dig their heels in, become in-
want to please your niece and might say, “It’s my niece! Why sulted, and never talk again over Write to Dr. Linda at linda@
your father (and I assume your something like this. But mature with school-
related question.
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Thursday, June 17, 2021 OPINION North Salem News – Page 11
Headless headlines
BRUCE Of course, we all know that one headline I just glimpsed, Or, to hark back to the memorable headline.
THE BLOG whomever crafted that state- “70% of Americans Only Read subject of a recent topic in this
ment was going for the collo- Headlines of Articles Before space, it is malapropisms that STROKE OF GENIUS
BRUCE quial use of “tra c,” as in “Boy, Sharing.” e statistic refers often trip up headline artisans, It has been hailed as “the
APAR I couldn’t believe the tra c on to online articles, with 30% of such as this one about a high-
684 tonight!” Fortunately, know- people bothering to click the pro le TV commentator, “Host greatest headline in New York
Every so often, I get stuck ing what the headline writer headline to read on. e biggest remains deviant after defending newspaper history” and when
on what to write about meant doesn’t make the way it issue I have with that alarm- sex criminal.” Amazing how a its author passed, six years
in this space that the was said any less amusing. ing statistic is that it is totally, single, little letter (in this case, ago this week, the New York
good folk at Halston Media so ridiculously believable. Just “v” instead of “f ”) can turn Post headline on his obituary
generously allot me on a weekly STUBBORN STUFF look at social media, a morass headlines on their head. included the word “genius.”
basis. It’s not too serious a men- “Facts are stubborn things” of misinformation and wildly
tal block, though. It only recurs inane memes. THE FINAL GIFT So let’s turn back the clock
about once every seven days. is a classic epigram, sometimes For some people, there may to April 15, 1983. e Post’s
attributed to Ben Franklin or THE LOWER CASE front page story that day
en some charitable soul Mark Twain, even though it Under certain conditions, be more truth in this advertising reported a gruesome murder in
comes along to save me from the came from the lips of John headline than they care to admit an after-hours joint in Queens
depths of despair brought on by Adams. ( e other two clearly headlines on their own can be … “One of the greatest gifts where the victim’s head was
the writer’s disease of wordless- had better publicists.) quite entertaining, and those you’ll ever give your family may later found by police in the
ness. at benevolent gure come in two varieties—inten- be your funeral.” killer’s car.
apperared to me a few hours ago Journalists, at least those tional and unintentional.
in the form of a headline writer charged with writing them, en there are headlines that e New York Times went
who came up with this head- would accuse headlines of being e “tra c” headline cited could be used as the elevator with “Owner of a Bar Shot to
scratcher … “Major Changes uncooperative as well. ey above is unintentionally enter- pitch for a particularly grisly Death; Suspect Is Held.”
to All Hudson Valley Bridges can be downright obstinate, taining. For years, one of the horror movie … “Students
Could Lead to Tra c.” Now, especially if the person laboring most popular departments in Cook & Serve Grandparents.” Not the Post, though, thanks
wouldn’t THAT be something over them takes them seriously. Columbia Journalism Review to its legendary Hemingway of
to see! Vehicles crossing a bridge was “the lower case,” subtitled, Bathroom humor also can headlines who had a uniquely
so as not to slowly sink into the ey need to succinctly convey “Headlines Editors Probably be gleaned from seemingly quirky way with words.
deep drink below. the premise of the story, within Wish ey Could Take Back.” innocent headlines like “Mayor
a xed space, and impel the forces out his No. 2 at City So, this one’s for you, Vincent
intended audience to read the at’s where journalists got Hall.” Musetto, and your never-to-
body of the article under the their jollies harumphing over be-topped headline, “Headless
head. breakdowns in grammar, like Of course, any article on the Body in Topless Bar.”
”Colorado Man Attacked by artlessness of some headlines
Even more daunting to must end by paying homage to Bruce Apar is a writer, actor,
consider, for any earnest jour- ree Coyotes Walking to the universally acknowledged consultant, and community
nalist, is that, according to Work.” paragon of an intentionally volunteer. He can be reached at
[email protected]; 914-275-6887.
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Page 12 North Salem News – Th
As spring sports wind to a close, N
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We would also like to extend a spe
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Thursday, June 17, 2021 SPORTS North Salem News – Page 17
VARSITY Players, coaches, and the “baseball dads” PHOTO: TOM WALOGORSKY that now has valuable varsity expe- contributing in the e ort.
rience. “Kiara Donovan had two dou-
FROM PAGE 16 said Robbie Gilchrist. “We have to squad.
do it for the seniors. ey missed “In the game against Pleasant- “For a majority of this young bles, Skylar Bender was causing
When asked about the key to their season last year. We wanted to team, it was their rst experience havoc on the base path, and Sara
North Salem’s back to back domi- do it for them.” ville, we were not ourselves, we at the varsity level,” added Coach Major,and Cat and Becky Senatore
nant performances against Tucka- weren’t able to get into our normal Aull. “ ey kept their composure, played well for us,” added Coach
hoe, Coach Gilchrist said the keys GIRLS LACROSSE groove,” said Coach Aull. “Howev- showed maturity and game sense Mittelstadt.
to victory began on the mound. Pleasantville 16, North Salem 2 er, that game does not re ect all the in both our double overtime win
Monday, June 7 success we had throughout the sea- against Pawling to kick o the sea- Re ecting on the season, Coach
“Our pitching made the di er- Following their opening round son.We faced many obstacles in this son, and our overtime win against Mittelstadt was impressed with the
ence,” said Gilchrist. “De nitely shortened season and got through Wappingers. It has been a pleasure progress his team showed over the
our pitching. Jake Torres went the win over Irvington the previous them together as a team. We cel- to work with this wonderful group course of the shortened schedule.
distance yesterday, and Robbie Gil- week,the #5 seededTigers hoped to ebrated milestones such as Isabelle of girls this season.”
christ went the distance for us to- take the momentum to their game Conley’s 200th and 300th career “We started slow, then caught
day.” against #4 seed Pleasantville in the saves within a little over a week of SOFTBALL re,” he said. “We ended in a quan-
quarter nal round. e matchup each other. Jane Fetterolf hit both Alexander Hamilton 9, North tum leap from where we started,
“It was a crazy season, but this proved to be an uneven one,and the 200 and 250 career points and 200 and we almost pulled it o .”
is a resilient group,” added Coach North Salem lacrosse season ended career draw controls. Captains Jane Salem 7
Gilchrist. “ ey worked through with a lopsided 16-2 loss. Jane Fet- Fetterolf and Camille Flayhan, best Wednesday, June 9 e Tigers will lose four seniors
everything. What they did today, terolf and Liliana Valletta each had friends on and o the eld, nished Tigers softball had a rollercoaster to graduation this year in Cat Sena-
they earned it. ey really worked a goal for the Tigers. with matching stats of 46 goals and tore, Kiara Donovan, Mia Castel-
their tails o this o season, and 13 assists this season.” season, with the young squad ini- lano, and Krista DeModna.
during the season. ey deserved Despite the exit from the play- tially struggling to get their foot-
everything that happened to them o s, there were many bright spots e squad will only lose two se- ing before eventually nding their “ ose players will be missed,”
today.” for girls lacrosse this season, and niors to graduation in Fetterolf and groove en route to several big wins. added Mittelstadt. “Especially for
Coach Hannah Aull had noth- Flayhan. Looking forward to next their leadership and the dedication
“We were practicing indoors, ing but praise for the e orts of her year, the Tigers have a youthful core e road would eventually lead to they showed by staying with the
we started late, and we had the a showdown with the Alexander program this season. ey did it for
whole mask issue, but we powered Hamilton Red Raiders in the Sec- the team.”
through,” said winning pitcher tion 1 championship game.
Robbie Gilchrist.“In a short season ough the loss of the seniors will
with no regionals and no states, we Unfortunately, it just wouldn’t be certainly impact next year’s squad,
wanted to take advantage and make the day for the Tiger squad, who the younger players will form a new
the best of it.” fell behind 9-2 before staging a late foundation for the team to build
game rally that fell just short. on. Siena Bertolino will anchor the
is year,the Tigers will lose four Tigers pitching, and shortstop Sara
seniors to graduation in Anthony “We scored ve runs in the sixth Major, catcher Becky Senatore,
Foglia, Shane Waldron, Jake Torres, inning, but it was too little, too late,” and in elder Emily Collura are all
and Eric D’Amato. ese players said Coach Bob Mittelstadt. “We expected to return to help North
also provided an added inspiration scored enough runs, but had too Salem defensively. Speedster Skylar
for the Tigers squad to bring home many errors.” Bender will also return, and coaches
the championship. also named Jules Aqeel as a player
Despite taking a tough loss, the to watch as the program goes for-
“We’ve been saying it all year,” Tigers displayed a balanced o ense ward.
that saw many di erent players
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Page 18 – North Salem News SPORTS Thursday, June 17, 2021
Noah Elias
Soccer standout heads for
University of Virginia
BY TOM WALOGORSKY What is your favorite mem- Noah Elias journalism in college. PHOTOS COURTESY OF NOAH ELIAS
EDITOR ory from your athletic career
at NSHS? ness, nance, and of course jour- Is there anyone you would me, and they have given me all
Noah Elias has been a mem- nalism. I plan to continue play- like to thank for your success, the resources necessary to suc-
ber of North Salem’s varsity I can think of two memories ing soccer at the club level. either on or off the field? ceed on and o the eld. Also,
soccer program since his sopho- that were equally enjoyable. One all of my coaches and teammates
more year. In his senior season, is my rst sectional win back in What made you become in- Above all, I would like to that I’ve had since I’ve started
he was captain of the squad, and 10th grade, when I scored one terested in journalism? What playing have all contributed to
was also awarded All-State and of my favorite goals and we all do you hope to accomplish thank both of my parents for my success. I’ve learned so much
league MVP honors. rough- played really well. I also remem- down the road? from all of them.
out his time at NSHS, Noah has ber the big crowd made it really all they do to support me. ey
also excelled academically as a fun. I have always been interested
perennial high honor roll stu- in pretty much everything re- have both sacri ced so much for
dent. When not busy academi- e second memory is our lated to sports, and I’ve been a
cally, he enjoys playing, watch- sectional win this season that pretty good writer since I started
ing, and writing about sports, turned out to be my last game. school. Sports journalism is a
as well as listening to music and We beat Haldane, and we scored perfect combination of both of
spending time with friends. tons of goals that made everyone those interests, and I really en-
really enjoy the game. joy doing it. I’m not exactly sure
Over the past several months, how much I want to pursue it in
Noah has also served as a sports How would you describe the future, but I de nitely want
intern for North Salem News. your overall experience at to be involved in some sort of
During that time, he was in- North Salem High School?
strumental in assisting the edi-
torial sta with athlete pro les, I have loved my experience
game recaps, and team pre- at North Salem High School.
views. As a student at NSHS, I’ve made so many friends and
Noah’s insights and knowledge memories that will stay with
of the school’s athletic programs me forever, and both school and
proved invaluable. sports have made every year very
As his high school career
draws to a close, North Salem What’s next after gradua-
News had a chance to speak tion? Do you plan to continue
with Noah about his thoughts your athletics?
on high school athletics, journal-
ism, and what the future holds. I will be attending the Univer-
sity of Virginia for the next four
years after graduation, and I am
still deciding on what I want to
major in. I’m interested in busi-
Kennedy lacrosse teams capture championships
On Wednesday, June 2, varsity girls lacrosse defeated Fionnoula “Noula” O’Reilly contributed to the o ensive Sullivan led the team with 6 goals and 2 assists, followed
Xaverian High School to earn their 5th consecutive e ort and is excited for her junior year! by classmate John “Jack Mack” McInerney with 5 goals
Catholic High School Athletic Association City Cham- and 3 assists. e Gaels are looking forward to continuing
pionship title. Graduating seniors Abby Mascia, Caro- On Saturday, June 6 varsity boys lacrosse defeated their forward motion next year!
line Girolamo, and Ava Steinmann demonstrated their Monsignor Farrell High School 14-2 to earn their 6th
leadership and athletic skills in the victory. Rising junior consecutive Catholic High School Athletic Association Article provided by Kennedy Catholic Preparatory School
City Championship title. Graduating senior Brendan
Girls lacrosse defeated Xaverian High School on June 2. PHOTOS COURTESY OF KENNEDY CATHOLIC
Varsity boys lacrosse defeated Monsignor Farrell High School on June 6.
Thursday, June 17, 2021 SPORTS North Salem News – Page 19
Competing with an épée allows fencers to score points by touching any body part. PHOTOS COURTESY OF CRAIG KRAVIT
Connor Kravit North Salem fencer headed to Sacred Heart
BY TOM WALOGORSKY ing under coach Alex Zurabishvili, the NCAA tournament in 2022. but he also credits the support of his fam-
EDITOR head épée instructor at Tim Morehouse “I’m really hopeful and ready to train ily for helping him along the way.
Fencing Club in Port Chester, NY.
North Salem High School senior Con- Zurabishvili is a three-time national épée hard and qualify for NCAA,” says Con- “My parents have been very supportive,
nor Kravit has found success in fencing champion for the Republic of Georgia, the nor. I wouldn’t be able to do any of this without
which will soon see him competing at the national coach of the US Fencing Team in them,” says Connor. “Since I was younger,
collegiate level. His career has taken him 2017-18, and coaches at Columbia Uni- When not busy with training and com- my dad would come to every tournament,
to numerous events throughout the coun- versity. petition, Connor enjoys fashion design no matter when it was or where it was. e
try, and his training and competitions for and skateboarding, and works part-time at support from him just never stops, he is
the sport have allowed him to travel the “When I rst got into fencing, I was at a local grocery store. always encouraging me to do better.”
world. a summer camp and Alex took a liking to
me,” says Connor. Connor’s success in his fencing career
However, to begin the story of Connor’s has come from hard work and dedication,
impressive fencing career, you must rst go e pair have worked together ever
back many years, to a galaxy far, far away. since, and Connor found that competing
with an épée appealed to him.
“As a kid, I watched a lot of Star Wars,”
explains Connor. “We went to a Star Wars “It just felt very comfortable,” he ex-
museum, and you were able to have light- plains. “It has less rules, and it’s less com-
saber ghts. I was a little kid, and the in- plicated. It’s a very technical weapon, and
you need to be physically stronger.”
uences were pretty basic.”
At that young age the seed had been As time went on, Connor’s career would
planted, and Connor quickly discovered see him train and compete internationally.
that fencing appealed to him. He would train in Bordeaux, France with
“I liked that it was a one on one sport, members of the Belgian national team,
so everything that I was doing was com- and in Budapest with the Hungarian na-
pletely up to me. It felt really comfortable, tional team. In 2020, he would also com-
and it was something that I really liked,” pete in El Salvatore as one of four fencers
he recalls. to represent the United States in the Ju-
Modern fencing o ers the choice of nior Pan American Games.
three weapons; the sabre, the foil, or the
épée. Connor Kravit chose épée, and has “It was a culture shock compared to
excelled in the style ever since. how we live in America,” he says of travel-
ing to compete internationally. “I feel like
e épée consists of a blade measuring everywhere I go, it puts a new perspective
35 inches from tip to guard, and typically into my head and changes the way that
weighs less than 16. oz. Unlike the sabre or I’m living. I have brought new things into
foil, épée competitors are allowed to score my life from those experiences.”
points by touching any part of their oppo-
nent’s body, including hands and feet. is As his skills developed, the achieve-
means that even the slightest opening can ments would continue to mount for Con-
o er the opponent a chance to score, and nor Kravit. In 2019, he placed 7th at the
competitors are more cautious with move- US Nationals in the U16 division, and in
ments and precise in their aim. 2020 he placed 36th for the U20 division
in the Junior Olympics at only 16 years
Connor began fencing at 9 years old, old. Recently, Connor had a strong show-
attending regional tournaments and ing at the June Challenge in Richmond,
competitions. By the time he was 12, he Virginia, defeating collegiate competitors
had moved on to national events. ese from Notre Dame and Harvard, ulti-
competitions would see Connor travel- mately taking 13th place. He is currently
ing throughout the country to California, ranked 24th in the country for the U20
Colorado, Ohio, Utah, Texas, Tennessee Division, and 59th in Division 1.
and countless locations along the east
coast. In the fall, Connor will be attending
Sacred Heart University in Fair eld, Con-
Kravit has spent his entire career train- necticut, where he plans to study psychol-
ogy. His ultimate goal is to qualify for the
Page 20 – North Salem News LEISURE Thursday, June 17, 2021
CLUES ACROSS 24. Describes one who 42. Moving your head 9. Rural delivery For puzzle solutions, please see
1. “Sleepless In Seattle” believes in supreme being 48. 1878 Kentucky Derby 12. Group of languages
actress Ryan 26. Equally winner 13. Large First Nations
4. One of Santa’s reindeer 27. Famed director Forman 50. Frankfurter group
10. Before the present 28. Popular apartment style 51. Small, seedless raisin 17. Circulating life force in
11. Type of butter 30. British School 52. Device in papermaking Chinese philosophy
12. Location of White House 31. Advanced degree machine 19. Excludes
14. Motion 34. Order of architecture 53. Go 20. Body cavity of a
15. Tree part 36. Investment account 54. Open payment initiative metazoan
16. Regions around the North (abbr.) (abbr.) 21. Swedish monetary unit
Pole 37. Snakelike fishes 55. “Westworld” actor Harris 25. Works with
18. Fits on a boat’s gunwale 39. Children’s tale bear 56. Saturated with salt 29. Partner to “to”
22. Discuss after it’s 40. Norse personification of 58. Marry 31. Rewards (archaic)
happened old age 59. Report on 32. One of Caroline Islands
23. Milk substitute for coffee 41. Atomic #58 60. Midway between north 33. Type of alcohol
and northeast 35. Eat a lot
38. Nuns
1. Rays
43. Become more serious
2. Self-centered
44. Choose
45. Newspapers use it
3. One you look after 46. World’s longest river
4. Prosecutor
47. Commanded to go faster
5. Portion
49. Cabs
6. Speaks ill of
56. Mr. T’s “A-Team”
7. Formal system for character
computer programs 57. Document signed (abbr.)
8. To make angry
To solve a sudoku, the numbers 1 through 9 must fill each row, column and box. Each number can
appear only once in each row, column and box. You can figure out the order in which the numbers will appear by using
the numeric clues already provided in the boxes. The more numbers you name, the easier it gets to solve the puzzle!
No-bake dessert is ideal for warm weather entertaining
Backyard barbecues beckon and poolside entertaining reigns supreme every summer. After guests have had their ll of re-licked grilled burgers, hot dogs and chicken,
a refreshing dessert that won’t have summertime hosts sweating preparation can make for the perfect culinary capper.
“Banana Pudding Cheesecake Bars” marry tangy cream cheese with sweet and velvety banana pudding atop a cookie crust. ey’re easy to prepare ahead of time and
easily sliced when the dessert bell beckons. Double up the recipe if you’re expecting a crowd or want to have a few leftovers—they’re that delicious. Enjoy this recipe,
courtesy of Lena Abraham, senior food editor and stylist at Delish.
Note: If banana isn’t your favorite avor, replace banana pudding with lemon pudding and use a thin lemon slice in the whipped topping dollop as a garnish when serving.
Banana Pudding Cheesecake Bars
For crust Yields: 9 servings
1 1/2 cup crushed vanilla wafer cookies 1. Line an 8-inch by 8-inch pan with PHOTO: PEXELS/VANESSA LORING
5 tablespoons butter, melted parchment paper.
2 tablespoons sugar 2. Make crust: In a medium bowl, an even layer. Freeze until bars are firm, at least 6
Pinch sea salt combine crushed wafer cookies with hours and up to overnight.
For filling butter, sugar and salt. Press in an 6. When firm, remove from freezer and slice into
even layer into the prepared pan. nine bars. Top each bar with a dollop of whipped
1 1/2 (8 ounces) blocks cream cheese, softened Place in freezer while making filling. topping, a slice of banana and a vanilla cookie
1/2 cup sugar 3. Make cheesecake filling: In a large before serving.
1 1/2 cup whipped topping bowl using a hand mixer (or in a stand
1 3.4-ounce package instant banana pudding mix mixer), beat cream cheese until fluffy and
1 3/4 cup whole milk no clumps remain. Add sugar and beat
For topping until combined. Fold in whipped topping and set aside.
4. In a medium bowl, whisk together pudding mix
Whipped topping and milk. Let pudding stand for 3 minutes in the
1/2 banana, sliced refrigerator, until thickened. Fold into cheesecake
mixture until well combined.
9 vanilla wafer cookies 5. Pour filling into prepared crust and smooth into
Thursday, June 17, 2021 North Salem News – Page 21
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Thursday, June 17, 2021 BUSINESS & REAL ESTATE North Salem News – Page 23
Sustainable Westchester celebrates 5th Anniversary of power program
Program has cut approximately 775,000 metric tons of carbon emissions
is month, Sustainable West- Sustainable Westchester is a chosen 100 percent New York re- percent New York renewable energy participation in the transition to
chester marks the 5th anniversary non-pro t membership organiza- newable energy to be the default CCA may earn credit for a high- clean energy. At Sustainable West-
of its Community Choice Aggre- tion comprised of 44 municipali- electricity supply for their com- impact action under NYSERDA’s chester, we look forward to contin-
gation (CCA) program, known as ties and the county itself in West- munities. As a result, Westchester Clean Energy Communities pro- ued engagement and to bringing
Westchester Power. e program chester County. It o ers a range of Power has created signi cant en- gram and support New York State’s considerable environmental ben-
allows municipalities to negoti- solutions and programs to create vironmental bene ts, eliminating climate and clean energy goals under e ts to the community at large.”
ate a xed-rate clean, renewable vibrant, healthy communities in- approximately 775,000 metric tons the Climate Leadership and Com-
electricity supply on behalf of local cluding Westchester Power,the rst of carbon emissions. munity Protection Act. Launched CCA was rst enabled in New
residents and small businesses. CCA program in New York State. by Governor Andrew M. Cuomo in York State in 2016 by an order of the
Doreen M. Harris, President and August 2016, Clean Energy Com- New York State Public Service Com-
“On this fth anniversary of the Since its inception, elected of- CEO, NYSERDA said, “Congrat- munities helps drive stronger com- mission. Signi cant and targeted
Westchester Power program, we cials from 28 local governments ulations to the Westchester Power munity leadership to reduce harmful education and outreach is conducted
should particularly appreciate the have chosen to enroll their com- Program on celebrating its fth carbon emissions, expand assistance in every CCA community. Under
clarity of vision displayed by West- munities into the Westchester anniversary of helping communi- for disadvantaged areas and foster CCA, eligible electricity accounts in
chester municipalities in the forma- Power program. Whether moti- ties advance their clean energy fu- further investments in the growing participating communities are auto-
tion of this cornerstone of the com- vated by a desire to meet local cli- ture to lower carbon emissions and clean energy economy. matically enrolled into the program.
munity energy movement,” said mate goals, provide more energy Customers can opt-out at any time
Nina Orville, Executive Director, options, or ensure strong consumer ght climate change. In addition “Our focus has been to expand without fee or penalty. Delivery of
Sustainable Westchester. “ e next protections, Westchester Power is to helping residents and businesses access to clean energy to the energy, billing, and response to any
steps take us deeper into the energy helping communities achieve their reduce their carbon footprint, par- residents and small businesses of service interruptions remains the re-
ecosystem and require even closer energy goals. Westchester Power ticipating in this program allows Westchester County,” said Dan sponsibility of the local utility. Fixed-
collaboration. Sustainable West- has grown to be the default elec- local communities in Westchester Welsh, Program Director, West- rate pricing for clean, renewable en-
chester is excited to be working on tricity supply for approximately to demonstrate clean energy leader- chester Power at Sustainable West- ergy is secured through a competitive
the tools and program structures to 115,000 homes and small busi- ship and take a tangible step toward chester. “ e elected o cials of auction or bidding process.
facilitate that, and importantly, to nesses in communities throughout being designated as a Clean Energy participating communities should
increase access to the bene ts of the Westchester County. All but two Community in New York State.” be commended for their leadership Article provided by Sustainable
clean energy transition.” participating municipalities have and commitment to broad-based Westchester.
Communities throughout New
York State that implement a 100
PUZZLE Notice of Formation of Christina Notice of Formation of Kellard
SOLUTIONS Kroog Nutrition. Articles of Accounting LLC. Articles of
Organization filed with Secretary Organization filed with Secretary
Corresponding of State of NY (SSNY) on of State of NY (SSNY) on
to Last Week’s 5/12/2021. Office location: 5/5/2021. Office location:
June 10 Issue Westchester County. SSNY Westchester County. SSNY
designated as agent of LLC upon designated as agent of LLC upon
APARPR whom process against it may be whom process against it may be
served. SSNY should mail served. SSNY should mail
PUBLICITY WITH PERSONALITY process to; 4 Spring Hill Lane process to; 15 SALEM ROAD
South Salem NY 10590. Purpose: POUND RIDGE NY 10576.
Public Rela ons For... Any lawful purpose Purpose: Any lawful purpose
Businesses | Individuals | Organiza ons | Events
Notice of Formation of Flying Fish Notice of Formation of
Your Message Is Our Mission Volleyball LLC. Articles of RevoSpinNY LLC. Articles of
Organization filed with Secretary Organization filed with Secretary
Leave Your Message Here... of State of NY (SSNY) on of State of NY (SSNY) on
(914) 275-6887 | bruceaparpr @ 4/8/2021. Office location: 5/24/2021. Office location:
Westchester County. SSNY Westchester County. SSNY
BRUCE APAR designated as agent of LLC upon designated as agent of LLC upon
whom process against it may be whom process against it may be
served. SSNY should mail served. SSNY should mail
process to; 9 Carlton Court process to; 9 West Prospect Ave,
Peekskill NY 10566. Purpose: Any Suite 208 Mount Vernon NY
lawful purpose 10550. Purpose: Any lawful
The Town of North Salem will be holding a Public Information meeting to
discuss Community Development Block Grant (CDBG) Program
Applications for replacement of the Senior Van and for Town building
energy improvements for the Town of North Salem, Westchester
County. The CDBG Program is a federal grant program that provides
funds for public service projects. The Town of North Salem is proposing
to apply for a grant for sixty-six thousand seven hundred dollars
($66,700.00) to replace the existing Senior Van and a grant for two
hundred fifty thousand dollars ($250,000.00) for Town building energy
improvements. The information meeting will be held at the Town Board
meeting via Zoom on June 22, 2021 at 7:30 pm.
ZOOM Dial In Number: 929-205-6099
Meeting ID Number: 914-261-2636
Meeting Link:
The purpose of the meeting is to obtain comments on the proposed
CDBG applications from individuals, groups, officials and local agencies.
If any special accommodations will be required to facilitate your
participation in the meeting, please contact the Town Clerk at (914) 669-
5577. For further information on the project, please contact Supervisor
Warren Lucas at (914) 669-5110.
Written comments on the project may also be forwarded via e-mail or
regular mail to:
Office of the Town Clerk
Town of North Salem
266 Titicus Road
North Salem, NY 10560
By Order of the Town Board
By Maria C. Hlushko, Town Clerk
To advertise in North Salem News, call Brett Freeman at
845-208-8151 or email [email protected].
Page 24 – North Salem News Thursday, June 17, 2021
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