Vol. 11 No. 26 Visit TapIntoYorktown.net for the latest news. Thursday, September 15, 2022
Yorktown Police
Officers placing
flags in 9/11
Flag Garden
Yorktown will never forget
BY SOPHIA CASELNOVA their lives on 9/11, and in the on 9/11. come a yearly tradition and the rials scheduled for Sunday, Sept.
STAFF WRITER years that followed due to com- e children also heard from children seem to enjoy doing it,” 11, including the Elks Club, Re-
plications, on Wednesday, Sept. said Councilman Tom Diana. membrance Ceremony in Shrub
e tragedy of the September 7 outside of Town Hall. Jackie Sullivan, a local 9/11 sur- “ ey’re getting an understand- Oak, Mohegan Lake Fire De-
11, 2001 terrorist attacks will vivor, who helped dig to nd ing of something that they know partment, and the Illumination
never be forgotten in Yorktown. Children throughout town victims and return them to their really nothing about because Ceremony at Granite Knolls.
were invited to create a Flag families. Sullivan explained what most of them were not born
is year - the 21st anniver- Garden at the Town Hall where he did at the site not only on when 9/11 occurred.” Due to the rain, the
sary of the attacks - Yorktown one ag was placed in the garden 9/11, but in the weeks following.
began honoring those who lost for each person who passed away e town had multiple memo- SEE 911 PAGE 16
“ e Flag Garden has be-
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TOWN GREEN 4 Huskers Soccer Shines
pg 19
Page 2 – Yorktown News Thursday, September 15, 2022
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Thursday, September 15, 2022 Yorktown News – Page 3
sets the
pace in
the pool.
Shrub Oak swimmer continues to shine
Michael Bub earns gold at Special Olympics USA Games
BY JESSICA JAFET was founded in 1968, for children Games in Orlando, Florida, he ‘Swimming and continues to train for future
and adults with physical disabili- was delighted at the opportu- provides me meets by pushing himself and
With persistence, determina- ties and intellectual disabilities nity. en, because of his racing an outlet and setting new personal goals. What
tion and dedicated training, Mi- to participate and compete in times, he was placed in the “ex- a sense of drives Bub, he said, is the thrill of
chael Bub has maintained an im- sport—with a mission to “create ceptional athlete division,” and competition, which was at a high
pressive record as a competitive a better world by fostering the went on to beat swimmers who comfort.’ level at the USA games.
swimmer for quite a long time. acceptance and inclusion of all were much younger than him.
For well over a decade, the Shrub people.” Michael Bub “ e judges at the nationals
Oak resident and 2009 Walter e 31-year-old nished with a showed me my times on paper
Panas High School graduate Lori Bub, Mike’s mother and gold medal (as part of the male of our mountain—and the top and said it wouldn’t be fair for me
has excelled in the sport, and coach, said that her son remains section that dominated in the 4 of the mountain is the World to compete against the 30-year-
has achieved the highest honors an undefeated swimmer and a x 50 medley relay) and he earned Games in Berlin, Germany, in olds—my times were just way
in a variety of Special Olympics 12-time consecutive New York two silver medals for individual 2023. I’m hoping that they pick ahead of everybody else’s.”
swimming events. State Special Olympics cham- events—the 100-yard butter y him for one of the spots.”
pion. and another for the 200-indi- Bub is currently considered the
After having been a member vidual medley, where he swam As for training, Bub is often in best special olympian swimmer
of the Lakeland-Panas-Putnam “He competes every year at all four strokes by himself. Bub’s the pool at Club Fit in Yorktown, in the nation for his age, accord-
Valley and Yorktown swim teams, the state and local levels and has specialty stroke is the butter y, where he works as a lifeguard ing to his coach/mom.
Bub wanted to continue to com- amassed 220 gold medals at this where his talent can be seen in
pete after high school. As an ath- point,” she said. his remarkable endurance, focus “Swimming provides me an
lete on the autism spectrum, he and winning mentality. outlet and a sense of comfort,”
found the Special Olympics in When Mike nally got word the champ said. “If I have a long
2010 and has been participating last year that he had been se- “He is very fast,”Lori Bub said, day or if I’m stressed out, I usually
in competitions ever since. lected as one of 16 swimmers to “I am very, very proud of him— like to jump in the water—I nd
represent New York in June 2022 we have accomplished one part a sense of relief, even in competi-
e worldwide organization at the Special Olympics USA tion—it is a way of de-stressing.”
Bub (left) with his 4x50 medley relay team that won gold. Michael Bub with his mom/coach, Lori. PHOTOS COURTESY OF JESSIE JAFET
Page 4 – Yorktown News TOWN GREEN Thursday, September 15, 2022
The Staff Yorktown Senior Knights of Columbus to clear out your closet. Tennis Huskers Football
Advisory Committee Council 6205 shoes, loafers, lace-ups, boots,
EDITORIAL TEAM heels... if they are in good condi- 5K FUN RUN/WALK
EDITOR: 914-302-5830 tion, they will be accepted. e Sunday, September 18
[email protected]
WHIT ANDERSON SEPTEMBER MEETING SOLES4SOULS SHOE DRIVE shoes you no longer need can at 8:30 a.m.
SPORTS EDITOR Friday, Sept. 16, at 1 p.m. e Knights of Columbus make a big di erence for a needy Come out and support the
[email protected]
e Yorktown Senior Advisory Council 6205, Somers is run- family and prevent adding to the Yorktown Husker Varsity, JV,
SPECIAL SECTIONS EDITOR Committee will resume their ning a Soles4Souls Shoe Drive waste in our land lls. and Freshmen Football Team
[email protected]
meetings starting this month. e to help the needy. ey will be Please set aside your unwant- at FDR State Park, located
PAUL FORHAN meeting will be held on the third collecting gently used shoes dur- ed shoes in a plastic bag for col- at 2957 Crompound Rd in
(914) 806-3951 Friday, Sept. 16, at 1 p.m. at Town ing the next few weeks and ask lection. You can drop them o Yorktown Heights. Check-in
[email protected]
Hall. ese meetings are most in- you to help them make an im- at St Joseph’s Church in Somers begins at 8:30 a.m. and the race
(914) 486-7608 formative for seniors, with topics pact on poverty and the people the weekend of November 12 will start at 9. is event is a
[email protected]
of aging, health issues, elder care who need their help. eir ef- and 13, or simply contact the family-friendly run/walk 5K. All
(201) 317-1139 and much more. Guest speakers forts will help provide disaster Knights of Columbus to arrange proceeds will go to the Varsity
[email protected]
CORINNE STANTON will contribute valuable informa- relief and support for homeless a pickup. Contact: Frank 914- and JV Football teams to o set
(914) 760-7009
[email protected] tion. Of course, luncheon will be kids throughout the United 391-4801 or Rocco 914-556- the cost of participating in 7 on 7
JAY GUSSAK available. All seniors are cordially States and around the world. 6121. ank you so much for games at other schools, Big Man
(914) 299-4541
[email protected] invited to attend these meetings. With the weather starting to helping those in need. Challenges, and other events
(914) 924-9122 get cooler, now is a perfect time throughout the season. $30.00
[email protected]
Race Fee + $2.80 SignUp Fee.
TABITHA PEARSON MARSHALL FIRE SMOKE Registration ends September 11,
at 11:59 p.m.
PHOTOGRAPHER Funds raised from this event
WIND WATER DAMAGE bene t students and interscho-
[email protected] lastic athletic programs through
NOAH ELDER the club’s fundraising e orts.
DESIGNER e Club also helps to spon-
[email protected] 914-281-3721 sor the YHS senior Athletes
Awards Dinner where senior
EXECUTIVE TEAM student-athletes receive awards
CEO & PUBLISHER and are handed out thousands of
[email protected] dollars in scholarships.
[email protected] For more information or to
INTEGRITY, KNOWLEDGE & EXPERIENCE sign up, please visit https://
Deadlines runsignup.com/Race/Events/
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Page 6 – Yorktown News Thursday, September 15, 2022
Hey, batter batter
Little leaguers to take on YPD in charity game
STAFF WRITER Chief Robert Noble. “ ese cops
are all about making a positive The Yorktown Heat will play the Yorktown Police Department in a charity event to benefit Camp Sunshine.
Get your Cracker Jacks ready di erence for these families. I’m
because the game of the season proud of the Yorktown Police “ e Yorktown Police De- but even more so in recent years. and greet with Shane Spencer of
is around the corner. O cers who make the commit-
ment to play in this game each partment is privileged to partici- is game has become a great the New York Yankees.
On Saturday, Sept. 24, the year.”
Yorktown 12U Heat Little pate in the Kids vs. Cops game way to do that, as well as, inter- “ e members of the Yor-
League team will face o against “ ey enjoy playing a kids
the Yorktown Police Depart- game versus kids for a truly won- each year,” said Sergeant Tony act and connect with the youth ktown Police Department are
ment in a charity event with the derful cause. ey enjoy making
proceeds going to bene t Camp di cult days better for people DiPietroantontio of the York- of our town.” ready to give the talented 12U
Sunshine. every day,” added Noble.
town PBA. “Opportunities to Admission to the game will be Yorktown Heat some tough
Camp Sunshine is a camp in e funds raised are immedi-
Casco, Maine which provides a ately donated to Camp Sunshine, give back to the families of our free. ere will be music, food, competition, all for an amazing
year-round retreat for children and the money goes towards
who have life-threatening ill- families who are recommended community has always been a bouncy houses, a silent sports cause,” said DiPietroantonio.
nesses and their families. e to the camp. e referred fami-
camp runs in sessions, each of lies are kept con dential. focal point for the department, memorabilia auction, and a meet
which supports a speci c illness;
cancer, lupus, brain tumors, Fan- e facility has rides, a bow
coni’s anemia, and rare illnesses and arrow range, a lake, and a zip
like Shwachman Diamond syn- line.
“I visited there, and it is simply
e program runs o of dona- amazing what the folks do up
tions and is free of charge for at- there,” said Councilman Sergio
tendees. Esposito. “Of course, the fami-
lies we send there will be around
“Playing a charity game to other families who are experi-
raise funds for families living encing like-minded challenges.”
with the reality of a life-threat-
ening or life ending illness, al- Camp Sunshine has doc-
lows us to help these families in tors on sta to assist as well, he
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Thursday, September 15, 2022 Yorktown News – Page 7
Page 8 – Yorktown News Thursday, September 15, 2022
It’s all or nothing Self-made playwright
Town Board sets deadline for Par 3 comes to Yorktown
BY SOPHIA CASELNOVA with projected opening dates over
STAFF WRITER the past eight years since rst com-
ing on to redevelop the golf course
A new deadline has been set for in 2014. e most recent date pro- BY GINO DE ANGELIS community college classes she
the Par 3 Golf Course and if it’s not vided for the opening was July 4, STAFF WRITER would take when she could
met, the concession agreement will 2022. a ord them, she would work
be terminated. Since the failed anticipated Elise Milner has had a pas- with theater groups, write and
On Tuesday, the Town Board opening, RC Recreation Develop- sion for writing since she was direct for television, work with
voted to set November 15 as the ment launched a lawsuit against very young. e self-starting acting groups, and was even a
deadline for the opening of the the Town of Yorktown, Town Su- playwright and founder of production assistant for Uni-
nine-hole golf course for public use. pervisor Matt Slater, Councilman Hanging Cow Productions, versal Studios in Los Angeles.
In the meantime, the board also Sergio Esposito, and Town Build- whose newest play “Angels “I found a production as-
voted to advertise a request for pro- ing Inspector John Landi. e Among Us” will have a run at sistant job, I basically walked
posals (RFP) for the operation of mentioned town o cials are being the Yorktown Stage from Oc- PHOTO COURTESY OF ELISE MILNER on the lot, this totally clueless
tober 6 to 9, started journal- kid with a ton of ambition and
the golf course. sued both in their personal capaci- ing when she was in primary Milner and her stage manager said, ‘Hey, hire me, I don’t care
school. Suzanne Lynn. what production company, I
e deadline for proposals is ties and their o cial capacities as
ursday, September 29 at 3:30 town o cials.
p.m. “ e people of Yorktown are my “I would sit down and write “We did all original work and want to work in TV, give me
“Despite years of delays, the top priority and as a Councilman twice as much as the average tried to produce other people’s some experience, I will do
Town Board sought to work with my goal is to move Yorktown for- student in class and take my brand-new scripts,” Milner said. whatever, I don’t even need to
this developer to advance this golf ward and work with those develop- assignments extra far,”she said. “ en the whole thing folded, get paid,” she said.
course’s completion,” said Town ers that want to come to Yorktown “I became a little entrepreneur and I said, ‘You know what, I’m Milner has now produced
Supervisor Matt Slater. “Instead, and be true community partners,” when I was 12 and I did a little going to kind of do what these 15 original shows in the in-
we have received excuses and false said Councilman Sergio Esposito. magazine.” guys did,’ but just do it better tervening 20 years, but “An-
promises while the developer or its “However, if a developer does not Milner moved to Cortlandt and try to keep it going.” gels Among Us” is her own
employees violate our ordinances, share these same intentions and Manor last year, and has been While some writers choose personal comeback story. Her
including by having employees goals, I will be happy to point them writing, directing, and produc- to study for years before get- 15th play, “Ascension Under-
unlawfully live in this Town park in the right direction, the town line.” ing o -Broadway plays since ting into the industry, Mil- ground,” had been rehearsing
and by operating without a proper e rst court date for the suit 2002, with the satirical musical ner, who did not come from a for seven weeks before Covid
building permit since 2019.” was scheduled for Sept. 13. York- “ e Black Cracker,”which she wealthy background, decided was considered a public emer-
RC Recreation Development, town News will have a complete re- produced after the theater com- to supplement her educa- gency in March 2020.
LLC, the company running the golf port on what transpired at the court pany she was a part of closed tion with hands-on experi- SEE MILNER PAGE 9
down after only two shows. ence. During and between the
course, has provided Town o cials date in our Sept. 22 edition.
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Thursday, September 15, 2022 Yorktown News – Page 9
MILNER calming down and she GREEN Hanover Farm & Environmental ing, civic engagement, and helping
might be able to work in Center for their annual fundraising Yorktown become known as a vibrant
the industry she has dedi- event. Drop in or stay for an autumn arts community.
“When Covid shut cated so much of her life GOURMET ROSH HASHANA afternoon of delicious BBQ, craft To be considered for an interview,
down my 15th play in to. She even received a text COMMUNITY DINNER beer tasting and live music! MUST submit to artsandculture@
2020, I had no idea if I from an audience member Sunday, Sept 25, at 7 p.m. be 21 or older to attend - IDs will be yorktownny.org a) your resume (or
would ever get to do the- who had seen a show of Enjoy the holiday spirit, complete checked at the door. Purchase tickets list your relevant quali cations/
ater again. I am not an hers years earlier asking with ge lte sh, salad, brisket, kugel, at hilltophanoverfarm.org experience); and b) a brief statement
artist that does this part- her not to give up. delicious side dishes, and dessert! Yorktown’s Arts + of interest (i.e., cover note).
Rosh Hashana Eve. Culture Committee
time, and I don’t have “While I was talking Race Amity of
Art Around Town Northern Westchester
big investors to fund my about when to put on a
shows,” she said. “I have to show again, and if I should
raise every dime myself.” do it, and when to do it, this & Putnam
Afraid that live theater text comes in and says, ‘Hi, MAKERS MARKET ARTS + CULTURE GROUP SEEKS
would never come back in I saw one of your shows in Sunday, October 9, NEW MEMBERS
the way it existed before 2018. I’m really hoping that from 11 a.m. to 5 p.m. e town of seeks three new MONTHLY MEETING
the pandemic, Milner and the pandemic didn’t wipe Save the date for a day of art, members as it expands its ranks Please join us for our monthly
her husband went to stay out your production com- jewelry, pottery, antiques, crafts, decor, to better serve everyone in the discussion as we work to advance
with her mother on her pany, because the play I saw gifts, and wood work. To be held at community. e committee reports to cross-racial and cross-cultural am-
farm in Kentucky for three was really great, and I’m just the Je erson Valley Mall. For more the town supervisor and Town Board, ity to impact the public discourse on
months while the initial sending this in hopes that information on becoming a vendor, as well as to the Yorktown Chamber race. Our monthly meetings feature
quarantine period took you do other work, and if email [email protected] of Commerce. speakers, screenings, and presenta-
place. Upon her return you do, please put me on Farm Stand at Hilltop Positions are voluntary with no tions where discussions are aimed at
monetary compensation. Quali ca- educating one another on who we re-
to New York, she started your mailing list,’” she said.
doing whatever work she is year’s play, “Angels tions include any one (or more) of the ally are. Visit https://www.eventbrite.
could, including graphic Among Us,” is one of her For sustainably grown produce & following, but you need not be pro - com/e/138495877899 to register for
and web design and mak- favorites, due to the per- other locally sourced goods, the Farm cient in all of these: this online event.
ing custom dolls. sonal connections between Stand at Hilltop Hanover Farm • Project Management — lead ef- RideConnect
(www.hillltophanoverfarm.org) is forts to coordinate events and meet-
“I made custom Barbie the characters it showcases
dolls for people as gifts, and what it means to her at open to the public on Fridays from 1 - ings; keep track of contracts and other
very high end, beauti- this time. 5 p.m. and on Saturdays and Sundays paperwork Rideconnect has volunteers ready
ful replicas of dolls that I “It is truly a joyous from 10 a.m. until 4 p.m. e online • Marketing Communications — to help drive seniors to their medical
created. Anything creative comeback in so many store is open weekly for pre-orders draft releases; manage social media appointments and assist with shop-
that I could do to get the ways,” Milner said. from Tuesdays at 4 p.m. until 4 p.m. posts; advise on community outreach ping. Services are free to seniors re-
income owing again,” “ ere’s just something re- on ursdays. • Database management — pro - siding in Westchester and southern
Milner said. “And that ally beautiful about those cient in spreadsheet programs Putnam Counties. To request assis-
worked, which was great.” connections and how they VIEWS,BREWS,& BBQ Applicants must be a current resi- tance call (914) 242-7433. Anyone
Once 2021 came, Mil- all go together like puzzle Saturday, October 15, 1 - 5 p.m. dent of Yorktown who is interested in SEE GREEN PAGE 25
Join the Friends of Hilltop arts, relationship building, network-
ner saw that with things pieces.”
Ask a Gynecologic Oncologist
Gizelka David-West, MD
Northwell Health Cancer Institute
Northern Westchester Hospital, Phelps Hospital
What is important for women to know about gynecology and cancer? How does your use of robotics benefit patients undergoing gynecologic
cancer surgery?
When many people think of gynecology, they think of pap smears, but there is much
more to it than that. Gynecologic cancers can develop in a few different reproductive The da Vinci surgical system is a robotic, minimally invasive tool that allows for greater
organs: the uterus, cervix, ovaries, fallopian tubes, vagina, and vulva. It’s important precision and increased dexterity for me as the surgeon. Because of this, patients
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should continue their annual visits and be aware of screening guidelines: pelvic exams and infection. While it is preferred over open surgery, the benefit depends on the type
annually after age 18, cytology-based pap smears every 3 years after age 21, or of cancer being treated. We primarily use it for endometrial cancer.
co-testing with cytology and human papillomavirus (HPV) tests every 5 years
between the ages of 30 to 65. What about the future of gynecologic oncology excites you?
Early detection is key to preventing many types of cancer. How does this The incorporation of maintenance therapy for our patients with advanced stage
apply specifically to gynecologic cancers? disease has dramatically changed the treatment landscape. In ovarian cancer, we are
seeing an improvement in survival thanks to available maintenance therapies, such as
The best screening method we have is the combination HPV test and pap test for VEGF and PARP inhibitors. And, earlier this year, the SIENDO study showed promising
cervical cancer that is proven to prevent disease. Uterine cancer screening is a results which may address the increasing mortality rate we are seeing in uterine cancer
clinical evaluation and assessment of the clinical history of patients with abnormal and provide more options for patients to prevent recurrence of disease. Additionally, in
uterine bleeding patterns. There is also much research being done in early detection cervical cancer, there have been great advancements in immunotherapy which gives us
methods for ovarian cancer. an opportunity to improve survival.
Should women have different gynecologic concerns at different ages in What is special about the oncology team at Northwell Health?
their life?
Northwell puts so much effort and emphasis on the multi-disciplinary approach to
Age plays a role in gynecologic cancers, but the role varies with each cancer type. cancer treatment. Oncologists and radiologists get together to review every case to
Cervical cancer is prevalent in younger women in their 40s, uterine cancer in ages 50 ensure patients are receiving the most up-to-date, leading-edge treatment options
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Page 10 – Yorktown News Thursday, September 15, 2022
e brotherhood of truth Woodstock to the max
Since 2010, more and more countries howling man is secured in his cell by an I gured it was time. After 53 years choice) were aghast at the thought of
have abandoned their democratic easily removable holy sta . Putting that 19 days, I was hankering to see if I a massing of hippies enjoying, as the
principles. Concurrently, opportu- curiosity aside, David heeds the plea of had left anything at the Woodstock concert tagline proclaimed, “three days
nistic demagogues have embraced auto- the prisoner and removes the sta . Once festival when I was there Aug. 16-17, of peace and music.”
cratic rule, to varying released, the freed man 1969. So o Elyse and I went Labor Je clari ed that what for all time
degrees, to consolidate turns quickly into the Day weekend to e Museum at Bethel came to be known simply as “Wood-
their power. V-Dem, MY devil, who is now free to Woods (which, in its words, tells “the stock” in fact was given the birthname
a Swedish research PERSPECTIVE promote the dark side of
institute, has meticu- story of the ‘60s of “Woodstock Music
humanity once again.
JAMES and Woodstock.” & Art Fair presents an
lously documented e holy sta in “ e I am a char- Aquarian Exposition
democracy’s pre- Howling Man,” which
acter in that BRUCE in White Lake, N.Y.”
cipitous decline. e held the devil in check, is story. Visiting the THE BLOG (White Lake is a hamlet
museum was my in the town of Bethel.)
research institute’s analogous to the criti- BRUCE
ndings are alarm- cal gatekeeping function due diligence – my Even after the last-min-
obligation, even! – ute relocation to Bethel,
ing to all those who cherish democratic that mainstream news organizations
rule. V-Dem researchers have found, for and even the major political parties used to make sure they “Woodstock” just stuck as
the past 12 years, a signi cant weaken- to exert which kept fanatical, cult-like got the story right. a convenient shorthand.
ing of democracy in countries all over the ideologies at bay. Neo-Nazi groups, the And they sure did. e museum does an
globe, including Spain, Greece, Germany, KKK, the John Birch Society, and many As soon as we excellent job painting a
France, the United Kingdom and the other extremist groups failed to get a parked, a super-friendly docent who had vivid picture of the era and of the event,
United States. Indeed, even countries strong foothold in the consciousness of parked alongside us o ered to chaper- including lots of vintage memorabilia.
like Denmark and Sweden itself have not America because they had no e ective one us into the museum. On the outside ere is the guitar and the caftan worn
escaped the erosion of democratic prin- way of communicating their hate- lled it’s a rustic form of stately. On the inside, by Richie Havens, the impromptu
ciples. lies on a grand scale. On the rare occa- it’s as laid back as you’d expect a venue opening act who, when he ran out of
Much of the blame for this develop- sion that some did sneak through, as in vibing on the ‘60s to be. (I don’t even material and was asked to stretch, made
ment can be placed on the rise of extreme the presidential candidacy of Alabama recall the ‘60s-looking volunteer at the up a song called “Freedom.” ere is the
and dangerous conspiracy theories which Gov. George Wallace, or the paranoid museum entry checking my $15 ticket.) hat festooned with a chain of soda can
have laid the groundwork for autocratic anti-communist campaign of Sen. Joseph As our new friend ushered us in from pop-tabs linked together.
and oppressive governments. ese con- McCarthy, their time in the sun was the parking lot, he o ered a few tips on
spiracy theories promote lies that corrode short-lived. what to check out. “Remember Filippini POPULATION: NERVOUS
faith in democratic institutions while But in 2010, the internet annihilated Pond? at’s still there,” he told me. I ere also is lm footage of concert
simultaneously evoking fear, violence, rac- the institutional gatekeeping function, acted as if I knew what he was talking segments (with picture-in-picture com-
ism and hatred of “the other.” ese types much like Mr. Ellington did when he about, but the voice in my head was say- mentary from musicians) and behind-
of bogus theories have been around for removed the holy sta . Instead of usher- ing, “It’s been 53 years, dude. Can’t say I the-scenes mini-documentaries. One of
decades but have always been relegated ing in an increased wave of democratic do remember it.” my favorite pearls is a resident explain-
to the fringes of society, never having participation, the internet’s social media ere are two types of folks who ing the townspeople’s anxiety about the
achieved the widespread popularity they platforms have become unregulated make the trek to the music mecca: unprecedented size of the crowd: “You
have today. Why did they suddenly gain pathways, spreading misinformation (er- grizzled veterans (like me) who were got a half-million people in your back-
traction in 2010? Why do they continue roneous) and disinformation (intention- there at the creation, and the curious yard, you’re going to get nervous.” Can’t
to gain popularity at a frightening pace? ally misleading). Charlatans, demagogues, (like Mrs. Apar), who want to see what argue with that logic, especially voiced
To nd an answer, I dug deep into the conspiracy theorists, trolls and anti-dem- all the hubbub was, and continues to be, by someone who, on July 19, 1969, was
recesses of my mind and came up with a ocratic agents from within and without about. (I was pleased to see she enjoyed living in a town of 2,700 that four weeks
November 1960 “Twilight Zone” episode each country suddenly were handed a the trip down my memory lane.) later would mushroom to 170 times that
which I believe may shed some light on powerful global megaphone. size.
this question. In “ e Howling Man,” By 2015-2016, the situation became A VERY DECENT DOCENT e unanticipated crowd size not-
lost hiker, David Ellington, seeks refuge much worse. e amount of false and We lucked out by getting a tour withstanding, one of the extraordinary
in the middle of a erce storm. He nds dangerous information on social media docent who was personable, knowledge- legacies that has immortalized Wood-
himself knocking on the door of an old platforms had skyrocketed in just ve able – and voluble. A walk-through stock as miraculous is that, while there
monastery. He is eventually escorted into short years. Ethnic factions grew, anti- that usually consumes some 45 minutes were in that humongous pop-up city
the castle-like edi ce by its occupants, the immigrant hate groups expanded, social lasted for us almost twice as long, thanks two fatalities, neither was due to inter-
members of “the Brotherhood of Truth.” divisions widened, and bullying populists, to Je Allison’s encyclopedic trove of personal violence. Would that be the
After the stranded hiker questions the catering to the worst in all of us, got information and insights. case today at an event of comparable
origin of a loud howling cry emanating elected. Interestingly, the acceleration of Among other nuggets, I received a size and demography? Don’t make me
from a jail cell within the compound, the the social divisions can be traced, in large refresher in the concert’s nomencla- laugh – or cry. Only one week prior the
leader of the brothers of truth is forced part, to the nature of the business model ture genealogy. Why, asked a younger world was shocked by the epically grue-
to acknowledge that the Brothers have of technological companies like Facebook, woman on the tour, is it called Wood- some Manson murders in the Holly-
imprisoned the devil, which is the rea- YouTube, Google and Twitter. Let me stock when the museum and concert site wood Hills. And just search “Altamont”
son that the world was in the midst of a explain why. are in Bethel, more than 60 miles away? to appreciate how blessed an event
period of peace since. Later that evening, e business model of companies As he explained, Bethel was the third Woodstock was.
Ellington manages to sneak away and SEE MARTORANO PAGE 11 option after the towns of both Wood- SEE APAR PAGE 12
visit the prisoner. David notices that the stock ( rst choice) and Walkill (second
BRETT FREEMAN, PUBLISHER 118 N. BEDFORD ROAD, SUITE 100 Letters to the editor and op-ed submissions may be edited. The views
TOM WALOGORSKY, EDITOR MOUNT KISCO, NY 10549 and opinions expressed in letters and op-eds are not necessarily those
Editorial Office: (914) 302-5830 of Yorktown News or its affiliates. Submissions must include a phone
[email protected] number and address for verification. Not all letters and op-eds will
necessarily be published. Letters and op-eds which cannot be verified or
are anonymous will not be published. Please send your submissions to
the editor by e-mail at [email protected].
For more information, call the editor at (914) 302-5830
Thursday, September 15, 2022 OPINION Yorktown News – Page 11
MARTORANO willing to make sound decisions. the bene t of far-right, racist Brewster, NY and Bethel, CT Showrooms
A true democracy cannot long candidates at all levels of On your project everyday until completion...
FROM PAGE 10 survive under these debilitating government. Even when the
conditions. election doesn’t go their way, GUA R A NTEED!
like Facebook featured two they can now just chalk it up to 845-278-0070
groundbreaking developments: If you think I am being a a “rigged system.” Southeastkitchenandbath.com
1) a thumbs up, or “like,” bit melodramatic about the
button, and 2) an ability to trace decline of democracies, just It is no wonder that STORMVILLE AIRPORT’S
through algorithms what your look around the world. Rodrigo historians who have made a
preferences have been. Because Duterte of the Philippines was career of studying the death of ULTIMATE
of these advances, companies a “nobody,” until he learned how democracies are worried about FAMILY
can now focus on the one thing to harness the awesome power our future. In a strange sense, it
they really care about, which is of social media. After becoming is Darwinian in that the most YARD SALE
the time you spend “engaged” president of his country, this outrageous and hateful voices
on their platform. So, the more racist, murderous demagogue drown out everyone else. While
outrageous and angry content became a de facto dictator, who perhaps poetically appealing,
you post, true or not, the more received 97% approval ratings it is untrue that love trumps
“engaged” you were on the by carefully manipulating the hate. In the political arena,
platform. Angry, resentful and information received by his the winner is generally the
vicious posts have become citizens. And he is but one of leader with the more motivated
the norm and are rewarded many examples: Erdogan in following.
accordingly. In essence, these Turkey, Modi in India, Rajoy
“behavioral algorithms” started in Spain. Indeed, even political What is the solution? On
to create self-enforcing, leaders in the United States an individual level, I urge that
increasingly outrageous have learned how to make you don’t get your information
rabbit holes which have lead disinformation work for them. from social media. Conduct
people down dangerous paths your own research across a wide
toward conspiracy theories, is is not the rst time variety of sources. Reject the
half-truths, and extremist the world has witnessed the politics of hate, division and
anti-democratic theories. Your rise of autocratic states (pre- fear of “the other.” Today, you
political opponent is no longer World War II, for example). must be your own gatekeeper,
someone with whom you have What’s di erent with today’s carefully extracting the truth
a policy disagreement; she development is the mechanism from a cacophony of lies and
is now a baby-eating, child- by which so many bad actors half-truths.
molesting devil-worshiper. have gained power. It’s often
If your candidate loses an no longer the generals or a Of course, you should always
election, it must be because of political leader taking over in vote and participate at every
vast conspiracies and not any a military coup; rather, it’s the level of our government, from
failure on his part. is callous voters themselves who are now the school board on up. My
business model does not care welcoming the rise of autocratic dad was so happy when the
about whether the information rule. Millions have been percentage of people who voted
disseminated on the social poisoned with doubts about increased. We should be, too. In
media platforms is true; the democratic institutions, about the end, our enthusiasm to save
only focus is on whether the the free press, an independent our democracy must overwhelm
content is all-absorbing. is, judiciary, and the advantages that of those who would destroy
of course, is antithetical to the of a pluralistic all-inclusive it. As bad as things look right
lifeblood of a democracy, which society. All this internet-based now, the battle is not over. We
is based on an informed public misinformation has proved can still save our republic. We
successful in stoking fear to just can’t a ord to stand idly by.
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Page 12 – Yorktown News OPINION Thursday, September 15, 2022
Fend for yourself APAR reliving that once-in-a-lifetime
experience is that Woodstock
When I started high the headmaster found out that FROM PAGE 10 never would have become
school, my mom I had been visiting the school Woodstock were it not for a
worked full time at in my jeans and T-shirts, she Outside the museum, as Elyse 49-year-old dairy farmer named
took a photo of me pointing Max Yasgur.
a nursery school up the block told my mother that I had to to a random person in a huge
photo of the crowd, a young man When Woodstock and Walkill
from our wear dresses walking by earnestly asked, “Is wanted no part of this event, and
that you?” e odds I’d be point- when many of Yasgur’s neigh-
house. READING, or skirts like ing arbitrarily to someone who bors were angrily dismissive of
Mom WRITING & the sta . My turned out to be me were on the the idea, Max saw no reason not
walked CHOCOLATE wardrobe was order of the odds against win- to lease his farm to promoter
to the completely ning a billion-dollar lottery. Michael Lang and his three
partners so that young people
school each KIM devoid of Our next stop before leaving could have a positive experience Bruce and Elyse Apar at site of
morning KOVACH dresses the Bethel Museum grounds was amid the historic turmoil of 1969 Woodstock festival. The
located in and skirts. the monument overlooking the those times. stage stood behind them, and he
naturally bowl-shaped pasture sat approximately behind where
a large old But since where those hundreds of thou- When other Bethel inhabit- people are at the fence.
sands congregated peacefully ants posted signs like, “Don’t buy
house on I enjoyed to hear music and do whatever Yasgur’s milk. He loves the hip- Max Yasgur! An independent-
else pleasured them. at is its pies,” that provincial smackdown minded person of good will with
our residential street. spending time with my little own kind of secularly hallowed against him and his business a ramrod-straight backbone
ground for those who were there. only served to steel Max’s resolve like yours should be running for
On my occasional days o friends, Michael and omas, that the festival would have a public o ce.
e monument moment welcoming home on his 600
from high school I walked I acquiesced and borrowed a turned out to be the coolest acres of land. e Max Yasgurs of the world
part of the experience for me. I always will have my vote.
over to visit Mom. I always long skirt and a gray woolen pointed out to Elyse approxi- When he addressed the
mately where I sat (with two crowd, soft-spoken Max Yasgur Bruce Apar, who was excited to
liked young children and jumper from my mom’s cast- high school buds) and where (who happened to be a staunch “get back to the garden,” remembers
the stage had stood. Somehow, Republican) issued one of the Sly and the Family Stone – which
two adorable little boys, o clothes in the basement we wormed our way through everlasting quotes of the 20th ignited the crowd during its 4-5
wall-to-wall people to get pretty century: “ e important thing a.m. set – as the most amazing
Michael and omas, were closet. close to it. that you’ve proven to the world performance he saw at Woodstock,
is that a half a million kids can a consensus sentiment among
my favorites. Dressed in My mom was a very good THE MIRACLE WORKER get together and have three days many music historians. Other than
Besides that surreal moment of fun and music and have noth- reliving his youth, Bruce e Blog
child-sized jeans, denim shirts cook and always prepared ing but fun and music, and God likes to write, act, volunteer, and
of being back at the spot I oc- bless you for it!” hear from you, at [email protected];
and tiny work boots, these delicious meals for dinner in cupied 55 years 19 days prior, the 914-275-6887.
biggest takeaway for me from God bless you for Woodstock,
kids were as sweet, funny our narrow kitchen, including
and personable as they were roast beef with oven-roasted
stylish. e nursery school potatoes, lasagna, baked ziti,
teachers welcomed my visits pork chops and meatloaf.
and allowed me to read stories Since both of my parents now
or organize games out in the worked Monday through
backyard. Friday, Mom started a new
e nursery school was part concept in our house called
of a private school network “Fend for yourself night.”
gobbling up residential homes SEE KOVACH PAGE 13
in the neighborhood. When
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or call 914-962-1111
Thursday, September 15, 2022 OPINION Yorktown News – Page 13
When I awoke this morning KOVACH I would heat a Stou er’s salad and cold cuts and rice
French Bread Pizza for dinner. pudding and then we would
BY JOHN F. MCMULLEN FROM PAGE 12 Other times, I would make a put those items in the car and
YORKTOWN POET LAUREATE turkey sandwich on rye bread walk down to the Italian deli
After years of cooking dinner or maybe a sliced pepperoni to buy cheese and pepperoni
When I awoke this morning every night for my dad, sandwich on Wonder Bread. and Italian bread.
I put my age behind me brother and me, Mom decided
and to take one night o from While Mom usually Dad cooked dinner on
thanked the deity for my life and surroundings cooking the family dinner each prepared a salad and side Saturday nights. My parents
week. vegetable with our evening and brother and I gathered
my wonderful and saintly (as married to me) wife meals, I would have my entrée around the dinner table from
the indoor pets that enhance our life “Fend for yourself night” and go straight to dessert. We wherever we had been during
the property that is big enough for deer, groundhogs, and was exciting and certainly had chocolate chip cookies in the day and enjoyed eating
raccoons to roam not a punishment. Our the cabinet or chocolate éclairs steak, mashed potatoes and
the friends who use Zoom technology to keep the com- refrigerator, freezer and in the freezer in addition garlic bread (my favorite!)
munication going cupboards were always stocked to ice pops and ice cream before my brother and I
and for another day to live, love, and write with milk, juice, cold cuts, sandwiches. ( Just typing these headed back out the door to
cheeses, frozen food, soda, words I am amazed that I join our friends to hang out.
As Barbara and I rubbed the sleep from our eyes cookies, chips, and fruit. With managed to remain a thin teen
I reassured my teenaged Silky Terrier that all was well “Fend for yourself night,” I with all of those carbohydrates Now every evening is “Fend
and was greeted by the two cats who rule various parts of the could choose my own dinner and sweets at my ngertips!) for yourself night.” I still enjoy
house and eat at the table or in front the autonomy of choosing
and supercharged by cold brew another day was begun of the TV. Mom and Dad took turns to make whatever I feel like
with the weekly grocery eating!
A to-do list too long to fathom On a Tuesday or a shopping. I remember going
calls to be made Wednesday or a Friday, with my dad on Saturdays Kim Kovach must have a
pets to be fed Mom would arrive home and up to the German deli in high metabolism rate. www.
books and articles to be read declare that it was “Fend for Whitestone to buy potato kimkovachwrites.com
e-mail to be responded to yourself night.” Sometimes
meals to be eaten
mess to be moved To advertise in Yorktown News, call Brett Freeman at 845-208-8151 or email freeman@
shopping to be done halstonmedia.com.
poems to be written
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Page 14 – Yorktown News OPINION Thursday, September 15, 2022
Yortown Library Corner
di erent personalities, which (A/Y) One-on-One Teen 1. 6:30-7:30 p.m. Renewable and “North by Northwest”
she has tried to capture in these Tech Help. 2:30-4:30 p.m. No
paintings. e library showcases appointment needed. Energy: a Community Solution (1959). Jake H., adult reference
will display “Vintage Glass Banks
and eir History” and “Gnomes (A) Scrabble, Backgammon with Sustainable Westchester. librarian, says, “Both movies
for All Seasons,” courtesy of the & Adult Coloring (drop-in
Yorktown Museum. Little Art at program). 2:30-4:30 p.m. are lighthearted, with a good-
Hart features Greta, 10 years old,
from Yorktown Heights. Come (Y) Haunted Portrait Gallery FRIDAY, SEPT. 23 natured sense of fun, full of witty
by the library in September to Workshop. 5:30 p.m.
see these awesome artworks and (C) Music and Movement dialogues. ‘North by Northwest’
join an array of programs, from (C) Music and Movement
storytime for young children to with Lori Cohen. Children of with Lori Cohen. Children of is directed by Alfred Hitchcock,
drop-in activities for adults! Don’t all ages. 6 p.m.
forget a new library cardholder all ages. 11 a.m. who is the director of the iconic
will have a chance to win a Kindle WEDNESDAY. SEPT. 21
e-reader and the rst 100 will be (C) Stories and Rhymes with (A) Drop-in Mah Jongg. movie ‘Psycho.’ However, I think
gifted a tote bag!!!
Ms. Terry. Ages 3-5. 10 a.m. 12:30-3:30pm. ‘North by Northwest’ is his best
Key to programming: (A) (C) Bouncing Babies with
Adults; (Y) Young Adults; (C) work. I strongly recommend
Children’s. Please visit the Miss Jane. For lap-sitting babies
library website (yorktownlibrary. birth on up. 10:30 a.m. and DID YOU WATCH? both movies; they are highly
org) calendar for details and to 11:30 a.m.
PHOTO COURTESY OF JOHN C. HART register online. Classic movies “Mr. Blandings enjoyable entertainment.”
MONDAY, SEPT. 19 (C) Toddler Time with Miss Builds His Dream House”(1948)
Johanne Morin and her artwork (A) Mah Jongg (drop-in
- ‘Backyard Friends’ #291, Oil, Marca. Ages 22-1/2 to 4. 10:30 HART TOP 10 NONFICTION
24x24 program). 10 a.m.-1 p.m. a.m. and 11:30 a.m. The most circulated new nonfiction, combining
biography in the Hart Library this past month:
LIBRARY HOURS TUESDAY, SEPT. 20 (A) Baseball in American
(C) Mother Goose Time! Culture. 1 p.m. 1) “River of the Gods” by Candice Millard
• Monday- ursday, 9:30 2) “The Defense Lawyer” by James Patterson
Ages 1-1/2 to 2-1/2. 10:30 a.m. (A) Book Group for Men 3) “Making History” by Richard Cohen
a.m.-8 p.m. and 11:30 a.m. (women welcome). 2 p.m. 4) “Zabar’s”by Lori Zabar
“Capote’s Women: A True Story 5) “Killing the Killers”by Bill O’Reilly
• Friday 10 a.m.-5 p.m. (A) Chair Yoga with Lisa. 1-2 of Love, Betrayal, and a Swan 6) “Team America” by Robert L. O’Connell
p.m. Song for an Era” by Laurence 7) “Back to the Prairie” by Melissa Gilbert
• Saturday 9:30 a.m.-5 p.m. Leamer. 8) “The Bond King” by Mary Childs
9) “Nazi Billionaries” by David De Jong
914-245-5262, jchart@ (C) Lego Free Build. Ages 5 10) “Not Dead Yet” by Barbara Ballinger
and up. 5:30 p.m.
wlsmail.org, yorktownlibrary.
(A) Clean Energy Series No.
Art at Hart in September
presents Johanne Morin
“Backyard Friends.” Johanne
has spent hours observing and
photographing the wildlife
in her backyard. e birds
and other animals have such
Receiver of Taxes 914-962-5722 x212 Tracy CLhawrisFtiernmRofeimann
363 Underhill Avenue 8:00 a.m. – 4:00 p.m. JD, LLM, P.C.
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The First Half of the school taxes are due and must be paid no later than Medicaid Eligibility.
September 30, 2022. (Last day to pay without penalty).
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Please note that only one (1) School Tax Bill is mailed to each resident. The bill was
mailed on August 29, 2022. Each bill has two perforated payment stubs located at the I can help! Call me at 914-617-8447
bottom of the statement which are to be used for payments. Please call the Tax Office if
you have not received your bill. Estate Planning & Administration • Elder Law
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➢ Payment by mail
Please be sure that all envelopes are postmarked by an official United States 376 Route 202, Somers, NY 10589
Post Office no later than September 30, 2022. tcreimannlaw.com
➢ On-line check/credit card payments
Please refer to the “Tax Receiver” website at www.yorktownny.org to make
payments on-line.
Taxes must be postmarked no later than
September 30, 2022
Thursday, September 15, 2022 Yorktown News – Page 15
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Page 16 Yorktown News – Thursd
911 Ch
FROM PAGE 1 Boy Scouts placing flags in Flag Garden
Illumination Ceremony was
“It always amazes me how
something that was so evil and
despicable can actually unite a
people,” said Councilman Ed
Lachterman. “ e feelings of
strength and unity at our 21st
9/11 remembrance was just
as strong as it was after the
despicable attacks.”
While the rain stopped one of
the ceremonies, it did not stop
members of the community from
attending the vigil at the Shrub
Oak Memorial Pavilion. With
umbrellas in hand, attendees
joined in prayer and honored the
lives of the victims of the attacks.
“ is year, as we recommit
ourselves to preserving the
memory of those who we lost,
let us also come together and
create the bond that connects us
all,” said Town Supervisor Matt
Slater. “A gift that each of us is
entrusted to protect and preserve:
Mohegan Fire’s 9/11 memorial
Yorktown’s 9/11
Flag Garden
Somers Women’s Club
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day, September 15, 2022 Page 17
harlie Slater placing flags
Town Supervisor Matt Slater speaking at 9/11
Remembrance Ceremony at Shrub Oak Memorial
Jenna and Christopher Belcastro placing flags
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Page 18 – Yorktown News Thursday, September 15, 2022
Meyreles dominates Fox Lane
Huskers honor First Responders
BY MIKE SABINI quarter, giving the Huskers a 12-0
After Fox Lane registered a safe-
Before Yorktown’s home opener ty and a touchdown in the second
versus Fox Lane, with 9/11 two quarter, Yorktown got the momen-
days away, it was appropriate that tum back when Kaden Gonzalez
the Huskers honored the First (12/17, 234 yards) threw a 26-yard
Responders of Yorktown before touchdown pass to Chris Constan-
the game. tine (5 catches, 68 yards, 7 tackles)
e beautiful ceremony includ- with 25 seconds remaining before
ed Angel Garcia, who sang the halftime, putting the Huskers up
National Anthem, with support 18-9.
from the Yorktown Youth Color “We saw something in their
Guard, and Yorktown junior An- coverage that we felt we could ex-
nabelle Newberger, signing God ploit,” Ypsilantis said. “Every week
Bless America. it’s di erent, every team gives you a
“It means a lot to all of us play- di erent challenge. at was just a
ers because it shows how close the matchup that we saw.”
community of Yorktown is,” said After a 32-yard pass had got Fox
senior captain Justin Meyreles. Lane to the Yorktown 45 late in
“Before the game the Police Chief the third quarter, Husker Cristian
(Robert Noble) wished the coach- Di Canio (8 tackles) responded
es good luck. Knowing that we with ferocious tackle in the Foxes’
have the whole town behind our back eld on the next play to halt
back really boosts our con dence the visitors’ momentum.
as a team.” “ at was huge,” Ypsilantis said.
Meyreles certainly looked con- “ is team just continues to ght.
dent in running the ball against I’ve said it a million times, that my
Fox Lane in the September 9 con- philosophy as a coach is that we are
test. He rushed for 229 yards and going to grind. I don’t care how we
a touchdown on 29 carries, while win. Win ugly, win pretty, it doesn’t
registering 5 tackles and an inter- matter. I just want to win and play-
ception defensively, in the Husk- ers who are going to grind. ey
ers’ 24-9 win versus the Foxes. never got down, they never got too
“Like I said last week, it’s the high. ey just kept going at it.”
rst time he’s been healthy in a With 3:04 left in the game, a
few years,” said Yorktown coach 55-yard pick six by Ryan Vogel (7
Pantelis Ypsilantis of Meyreles. tackles) sealed the win.
“It’s been an up and down, rocky “It felt awesome to clinch the Jake Wilson lifts
time for his career, especially with game in that fashion,” Vogel said. Dylan DelVecchio
the injuries he sustained last year. “We have worked very hard all
But he’s healthy right now and week in practice and to end that in the air after
he’s just playing the way we always game with a play like that felt his touchdown.
envisioned he would.” amazing.”
Meyreles nished the Huskers’ omas Costello (4 catches, 56
rst drive, which went six plays yards), Ryan Cane (89-yard catch,
and 63 yards, with a 3-yard touch- 2 tackles, 1 sack), Jack Ferone (12
down run, putting Yorktown up tackles), Conor Duncan (8 tackles),
6-0 with 9:35 remaining in the Ronan Forde (7 tackles, 1 sack),
opening quarter. at drive in- and Andrew Weissman (7 tackles,
cluded runs of 33 and 22 yards by 1 interception) also contributed to
Meyreles. the Huskers’ win.
“We just came out on re,” Yorktown (2-0) will next host
Meyreles said. “We wanted to win last year’s Section 1 Class A nal-
this game. Coming o last week, ist Rye at 7 p.m. Friday, September.
we had a huge win (at John Jay- 16.
Cross River). We wanted to keep “Same thing as tonight, we have
that momentum up. So we re- to start o strong, hopefully keep
ally showed it on that rst drive. our momentum throughout the
I know we had a couple of er- game,” Meyreles said of the Rye
rors but we really showed that we contest. “I know we had a couple
wanted to win this game on the of dips through the second quarter,
rst two drives.” third quarter. We just have to keep
Yorktown’s second drive ended up our momentum. Hopefully
with a 4-yard touchdown run we will come out strong and stay PHOTOS: ROB DIANTONIO Jack Ferone and Thomas Costello combine on a tackle.
by Dylan DelVecchio (5 tack- strong to get the win, right here at Yorktown quarterback Kaden Gonzalez
les) with 4:30 left in the opening home.” fires a pass.
Thursday, September 15, 2022 SPORTS Yorktown News – Page 19
Husker boys and girls earn titles
Lakeland girls win twice
BY MIKE SABINI a key to the Huskers’ early success, All-Tournament honors. “Both to another has really helped clean 10, paced by All-Tournament
CONTRIBUTING WRITER be it timed miles around the track (second-half ) goals game o up Yorktown’s game and kept it Deanna Lage (2G, 1A), sopho-
and in FDR Park. crosses.” simple. more Victoria Marricco ( rst var-
YORKTOWN BOYS sity goal), Riley McConnell (1G),
Nick Varela’s overtime goal, as- “ is allows to keep pushing Vano (1G, 3A), Kaitlyn Meola “Along with that, my coaches Samantha Moscati (1A), and Lily
when the game reaches overtime,” (1G), Kendall Kardon (1G), Pey- have been working hard with me Merriam (5 saves).
sisted by tournament MVP Lucas Buono said. “Our coaches have ton Case (1G), and Amanda Lin- to make sure I’m always improving
Buono,gave the Huskers a 1-0 win done a great job preparing us for ahan (1A) produced o ensively and building con dence,” O’Brien “We had much better ball
versus Byram Hills in the cham- the physical drain that comes with for Yorktown. said. “I think that after this game movement today, we used the
pionship game of the Yorktown high-school soccer. We are a team it’s given me and the rest of the whole eld, and that really opened
Tournament on September 10. that is going to ght till the nal “Our formation de nitely helps team a sense of con dence, which scoring opportunities in the box,”
whistle.” when played correctly,” Vano said. can help progress our entire team said Lakeland coach Shawn Sul-
“Scoring the game winner felt “We are working to understand even more.” livan. “Also, the defense and goal-
amazing,it gave me the chills,”said Yorktown (4-0) led 2-0 at half- our strengths with it and today we keeping were outstanding.”
Varela, who earned the Best Player time, en route to a 3-0 victory were able to attack their strengths. Cori Rosenberg registered one
Award in the nals.“A memorable against Roy C. Ketcham in the Our hustle de nitely helped us as save in the second half for York- Ketcham nipped Lakeland 3-2
moment where we needed a goal, opening round of the tournament well.” town. in overtime in the opening round
the team came through till the on September 6, paced by Buono of the tournament on September
end, and I nished it o . A very (2A), Michael Du y (1G), Va- Yorktown’s Ciara O’Brien (13 Yorktown (4-0) jumped out to a 8.
important win to keep an unde- rela (1G), Michael Munson (1G), saves) earned the Tournament’s 2-0 halftime advantage, in its 5-0
feated season and hopefully many Adrian Pjetri (1A), Frucco (2 Outstanding Performer Award. victory against visiting Arlington Maddie DiMarco (1G), Grace
more goals to come.” saves), and Jason Douglas (1 save). B in the opening round of its tour- Hahn (1G), Kayleigh Mula (1A),
“Since the beginning of the sea- nament on Sept. 8, led by Vano and Merriam (8 saves) led Lake-
Yorktown’s J.P. Frucco recorded YORKTOWN GIRLS son our main focus, especially for (2G, 1A), Olivia DelGaudio (2G), land.
7 saves. Yorktown took a 2-1 lead into the defense, has been communi- freshman Sydney Soliz ( rst var-
cation,” O’Brien said. “We have sity goal), Kendall Kardon (1A), Outside of tournament play,
“Byram Hills is a great team halftime, scoring twice in the sec- some new, very talented girls on Caitlin Mulvihill (1A), Kaitlin Lakeland (3-1) defeated Croton-
that always comes to win,” Buono ond half, to secure a 4-1 victory in the team with a lot of potential, Judge (1A), Emily Ward (1A), and Harmon 2-0 in its home opener
said. “We knew from last year the championship game of its own but as a team we had a lack of ex- O’Brien (6 saves). on September 6, with Hahn and
that this game was going to be a tournament versus Ketcham on perience playing all together.With Reilly McConnell tallying the
battle. It always feels good to win September 10. the improvement of our commu- LAKELAND GIRLS goals. Deana Lage recorded a
the Yorktown Tournament, but we nication, we are also building up Lakeland beat Arlington B 4-1 great corner for an assist on Mc-
are taking this season one game at “We kept playing o ensively that momentum and chemistry.” Connell’s score.
a time.” and kept attacking the goal,” said in the consolation game of the Yor-
Yorktown’s Jules Vano, who earned O’Brien said that the simple ktown Tournament on September Merriam earned the shutout in
Summer conditioning has been communication from one player goal.
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